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Health Tips

You cannot be productive if you are unhealthy and unfit. A lack of focus on any
aspect of health, be it physical, mental or spiritual will have an impact on your
productivity and affect your work. With this is mind, it is necessary to take care of
ourselves if we wish to remain productive.

As Muslims, we believe that our bodies have been entrusted to us by Allah and we
are obligated to take care of ourselves. These tips will help you stay mentally,
spiritually and physically fit enough to stay productive:

1. Recite Qur’an daily

The Qur’an is our connection with Allah and the best source of motivation and
inspiration. Make time daily for reciting Qur’an with reflection and understanding
and you will experience a steady level of spiritual health and inner peace, which
fuels productivity.

2. Start the day with Fajr on time

Fajr time is beautiful and blessed. The world is silent and still, and you can feel
Barakah around you. Praying Fajr on time starts your day on the right note, plus the
time after Fajr is blessed. You will find that you will get more done in a day when
your Salah is performed on time with concentration and understanding. This is one
of the best ways to get the Barakah in your time.

3. Get enough sleep

Each human is unique is this area. The average person needs between six to eight
hours sleep to stay productive. Less than that makes them groggy while more than
that makes them lazy. However, there are some people who don’t need that much
time to sleep. Each person is different and knows their own needs and limits. (And if
you don’t know, you should figure it out)

Work out how much sleep you need daily and make sure you get it by going to bed
early each day. You will feel better, more alert and productive and will definitely get
more done each day.

4. Eat moderately

The Hadiths on this topic are very clear. Overeating is one of the major causes of
laziness, so to stay productive we must eat moderately. Have a healthy breakfast
and moderate lunch and dinner, and avoid too many sugary snacks between meals.
It is also important to drink plenty of water. This may sound simple but it goes a
long way to maintaining alertness and productivity on a daily basis.

Copyright 2015 © Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar

5. Take a break whenever you need one

Your mind and body know when they can’t go on. Don’t overexert yourself. You
will produce poor quality work and take more time to do it if you are groggy or
tired. Take a five minute break every hour to stretch your legs, drink some water, or
do some breathing exercises. Have a power nap for ten or twenty minutes once a
day if you feel the need for it, and avoid working after hours if you can. Your body
and mind need a break to function at their best.

6. Relax and don’t stress

A lot of our health is based on how we feel about ourselves. Stress and anxiety are
major causes of illness and laziness. I am writing a separate book on Stress
Management, inshaa Allah. However, to summarize the main message, stressing
about anything doesn’t solve the problem, it just creates additional problems.
Instead of stressing about it, be solution focused and learn to accept that this world
isn’t perfect and everybody has bad days. Don’t allow a hiccup in your plans to
derail your productivity, as the time and energy wasted stressing and worrying
cannot be regained.

8. Recognize your mood and work accordingly

Everybody has bad days and good days, times of the day when we are energetic and
times of the day when we are tired. On your good days, maximize that energy and
get more done than usual so you can afford to do less work on bad days. Likewise,
during the day get your most creative work done during energetic times and leave
the easy and boring work for times when your energy is low. This way you maintain
a balance and keep yourself from burning out.

9. Maintain healthy relationships with loved ones

A problem in your family life can make it very difficult to concentrate at work and
be productive. We all need happy fulfilling relationships to function at our best. If
you have a spouse or children, make sure that you spend quality time with them,
and use the positive emotions you experience during these times to fuel you to do
your best at other times. A happy family life leads to productivity in the workplace,
so do your best to maintain a happy home.

Barakah Tips

Finally, a book entitled Getting the Barakah should end with a summarized list of
ways to earn Barakah in our time, so here are some primary methods for getting the

1. Establish the Five Daily Prayers

Copyright 2015 © Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar

If you are not praying five time a day, you cannot expect Barakah in your time.
Praying five times a day is the primary act of worship required from us as servants
of Allah, and if we neglect this duty, we should not expect Barakah in other aspects
of our lives.

2. Pray for Barakah

If you want Barakah is our time, then just like any other gift from Allah, you need to
ask Allah for it. Ask Allah daily in your private duas for Barakah in your time, effort,
wealth, health and efforts. A sincere dua does not go unheard.

3. Utilize the early morning hours

The last one third of the night and the early hours of the morning are times which
are full of Barakah. Try it out one day, wake up for Tahajjud and then work on some
of your most important tasks after Tahajjud and Fajr. You will notice that you will be
able to get more done in less time due to the blessings that Allah has placed in this

4. Keep your earnings, spending, food and goals Halal

For any prayer to be answered, it must be made by someone who has not tainted his
wealth or food with that which Allah has prohibited. Strive your best to earn Halal
wealth, spend it properly, purchase only Halal food, and set noble goals. If you do
so, you will earn Barakah from Allah.

5. Give a lot of Charity (Sadaqah)

Many of us know that the way to increase the Barakah in our wealth is to spend it on
others. The same applies to our time. Volunteer your time for noble causes and you
will find yourself with extra time to chase your goals. As the more wealth you give
others, the more Allah gives you. Likewise, the more time you spend on others, the
more Allah blesses your time.

6. Be grateful for what you have

Allah tells us in the Qur’an:

َ َ‫عذَابِيْل‬
ْ‫شدِيد‬ َ ْ‫ن‬ َ ْْ‫َوإِذْْت َأَذَّنَْْ َربُّ ُكمْْلَئِن‬
َّْ ِ‫ش َكرْتُمْْ ََل َ ِزيدَنَّ ُكمْْْۖ َولَئِنْْ َكفَرتُمْْإ‬

“And remember when your Lord proclaimed, if you are grateful, I shall give you
more, and if you are ungrateful then my punishment is severe,”1

This means that increase in anything is linked to how grateful we are to Allah for
granting us that thing. So if we want Barakah in our time, we must be grateful to

Surah Ibrahim 14:07

Copyright 2015 © Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar

Allah for the time He has already blessed us with, instead of complaining about
what we don’t have. The formula is simple and applies to any area of life: gratitude
leads to increase, and complaints lead to decrease.

Copyright 2015 © Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar

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