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Year 3 Cefr Week 28

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TOPIC 9: On Holiday. Week 36


Week  36 Class  3 IS Time  

Day Monday Attendance      
Date  07-Oct-19 Lesson Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Module 9: ON HOLIDAY
Language/ Grammar focus Past simple (irregular verbs): Questions & statements
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Main Content Standard
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Com. Content Standard
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
Main Learning Standard
provided by visuals and the topic
3.2.4 Recognise and use with support key features of a
Com. Learning Standard
simple monolingual dictionary
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
revise and review previous vocabulary learnt with guidance.
Success Criteria : Pupils can
recognise and find the meaning of at least 5 words
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Bubble Map   Language Practice 
Flashcards/  Environmental
  Communication . Worksheet 
wordcards  Sustainability
Learning Outline
1. Teacher pretends picking flowers/ make a fire/catch fish and encourage pupils to
Pre-lesson guess. Put up flashcards and say out aloud.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher refers Student’s Book p.86 and directs pupils attention to the 1. Distributes word maze.
vocabulary. 2. Reviews the answer and the irregular
2.Play CD track 36 and pupils point and repeat/ read the dialogues. Pupils verbs list/word maze.
read and act the dialogues in pair. Have pair to perform for whole class. 3. class discussion.
3. Directs pupils’ attentions to the picture and ask questions related.
4. Give pairs of pupils the A or B worksheets. Ask them to look at the
words on their worksheet.
5. Hand out dictionaries and ask pupils to check the meaning of the
words in the dictionary. They draw a picture to show what each one
means. Pupils work in pairs for this activity.
6. Have them compare their pictures to see if they drew the same things
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >
Bbm worksheets..please refer & give some contribution >>>

Catch fish

Make a fire

Pick flowers
****use in lesson 132

Week  36 Class  3 Time  

Day Tuesday Attendance      
Date  15-Oct-19 Lesson Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Module 9: ON HOLIDAY
Past simple (regular and irregular verbs): Questions and
Language/ Grammar focus
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style
Main Content Standard
for a range of purposes in print and digital media
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
Com. Content Standard
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple
Main Learning Standard
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of short
Com. Learning Standard
simple texts
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
revise and consolidate vocabulary and structures learnt in previous lesson with guidance.
Success Criteria : Pupils can
write 4 out of 7 sentences in neat legible print with correct spelling:
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets   Bubble Map Language  Questions 
  Communication  . .  . Observation 
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher elicits previous lesson. Review the sentences.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Teacher reviews the story on Student’s Book p.86 by asking 1. Teacher asks pupils to use the
pupils what they remember and play the CD if necessary. holiday pictures they drew in
2. Teacher reviews the words in the grammar box pg 87. Lesson 130.
3. Teacher reads the questions and the answer, pupils repeat 2. Using the pictures as a
loudly. prompt, ask pupils to draft
4. Check pupils’ understanding that this is talking about the past sentences in their notebooks
by eliciting the date of the weekend. Refer activity 1 and complete to describe what they did on
the sentences in the exercise book. holiday.
5. Read the list of irregular verbs and pupils repeat. 3. Class discussion.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Week  36 Class  3 IS Time  

Day Wednesday Attendance      
Date  16-Oct-19 Lesson Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of stories Module 9: ON HOLIDAY
Language/ Grammar focus Past simple: went, was …
Main Content Standard 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs
Com. Content Standard 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group
Main Learning Standard 5.1.2 In addition to Year 2 text types: simple poems
Com. Learning Standard 2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories and events
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
enjoy sing songs and recite jazz chants and poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
with guidance
Success Criteria : Pupils can
narrate their poem correctly.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Role Play worksheets   Bubble Map  Language Worksheet 
  Communication  . .  . Observation 
Learning Outline
Teacher shows a flashcard of Sasha and Jason (use different names for the characters if
Pre-lesson preferred) and tell pupils that they went on holiday in a big forest. Put the flashcard/drawing of
the forest on the board.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1.Teacher asks pupils to guess things which Sasha and Jason saw in the 1. Teacher puts pupils into groups of
forest. Elicit their suggestions, and then tell them that they saw a castle. 6 or 8 and ask them to perform
2. Teacher shows pupils the picture of the castle. Ask them to guess their poems to each other. Pupils
what was in the castle, and again, elicit their suggestions. can mime and use body language
3. Tell pupils that now they’ll find out what Sasha and Jason really saw as they perform their poems, if
in the castle. Start by saying the first two lines of the poem, pointing to they want to.
the pictures on the board. 2. Ask the class to tell you their ideas
4. Pupils sit into pairs. Distributes a copy of the poem or write a copy on about what Sasha and Jason saw.
the board. Pupils practise saying their poem together.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Sasha and Jason went on holiday

Sasha and Jason went on holiday in a big, big forest

In the big, big forest, they went into a big, big castle
In the big, big castle, they went into a big, big room
In the big, big room, there was a big, big box
In the big, big box, there was a big, big, key.
The big, big, key opened a big, big door.
And behind the big, big door, there was a ….

Sasha and Jason went on holiday

Sasha and Jason went on holiday in a big, big forest

In the big, big forest, they went into a big, big castle
In the big, big castle, they went into a big, big room
In the big, big room, there was a big, big box
In the big, big box, there was a big, big, key.
The big, big, key opened a big, big door.
And behind the big, big door, there was a ….


Week  36 Class  3 IS Time  

Day Thursday Attendance      
Date  17-Oct-19 Lesson Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Module 9: ON HOLIDAY
Past simple (regular and irregular verbs): Questions and
Language/ Grammar focus
Main Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details
Main Learning Standard
of short simple texts
2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable words and
Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Talk about their activity with guidance.
Success Criteria : Pupils can
revise and consolidate vocabulary and structures learnt in previous lessons.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication  . .  . Observation 
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher reviews the pictures and vocabulary from Student’s Book, p.85 with a game.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher asks pupils past tense words verbs/irregular verbs 1. Teacher explain that they will to Lucy
2. Teacher divides pupils into group. Distributes A ‘Simple Past Tense telling her friend, Bob about her weekend.
Board Game’ Pupils listen to Track CD C 38 and say out the
3. Pupils take turns to say and the friend listen and spell the answers in correct answers.
past tense form. 2.Teacher asks pupils to share their answers.
4. Pupils refer to textbook page 87. Teacher guides pupils to guess
what the children are doing in the picture and the pupils share what
the children in the pictures of Activity 3 are doing.

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

Credit missash
Reading cards



Week  36 Class  3 IS Time  

Day Friday Attendance      
Date  18-Oct-19 Lesson Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends Module 9: ON HOLIDAY
Past simple (regular and irregular verbs): Questions and
Language/ Grammar focus
Main Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate Communication strategies
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for
Com. Content Standard
a range of purposes in print and digital media
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by repeating
Main Learning Standard
key words from the other speaker
4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple
Com. Learning Standard
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Talk about their activity with guidance.
Success Criteria : Pupils can
revise and consolidate vocabulary and structures learnt in previous lessons.
21st Century Activities & Skills Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook   Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication  . .  . Observation 
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Teacher reviews the pictures and vocabulary with a game.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher using the verb flashcards, model the question and answer: 1.Teacher asks pupils to write one or
Question: What did you do at the weekend?/Answer: At the weekend? I xxx more sentences about what they and/or
2.Use the verb flashcards to have pupils practise the question and answers. their classmate(s) did at the weekend in
3. Directs ppls attention to activity 4 in SB pg 87 and guess what the children their notebooks.
doing. 2. choose a few pupils to present their
4.Teacher plays the CD track 39 and have ppls to repeat chorally and dialogue to the class. class discussion.
individually the dialogue.
5.Pupils sit in pairs and takes turn to asking each other about their weekend.
6. Pupils write down their answers and present the dialogue to the group.

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

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