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Group 8 Final Manuscript 1

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The depletion of traditional energy resources has prompted numerous

academics from all across the globe to investigate renewable energy alternatives
today. Solar energy, as one of the most promising energy resources paved its way as
it is pollution free and causes no greenhouse gases to be emitted after installation.
According to the US Department of Energy (2017), solar resources are vast and it is
the fastest and most affordable source of new electricity in America. With the
installations built from all over across the country, more customers and businesses
have taken advantage of clean energy as the cost of solar energy systems dropped
significantly (, n.d.).

In the Philippines, a country with a roughly estimated population of 102

million people and a relatively fast-growing Asian economy, is expected to add
7000MW of electricity generating during the next five years (ASEAN Business
News, 2021). Over the last decade, the Philippines' solar energy capacity has grown
at an exponential rate. This value increased from two megawatts in 2012 to 1.37
thousand megawatts in 2021. The Renewable Energy Act of 2008 increased the
country's renewable energy potential, allowing it to move further away from
traditional energy sources (Statista, 2022). Solar power as a common utility makes
economic sense for our country, given the current electricity market, because solar
technology, as a newly developed power source, is ideally positioned to capitalize
on rising fuel prices while simultaneously demonstrating a high level of resilience to
declining oil prices.

Due to growing concerns about the environmental effects of conventional

energy sources, the development of an alternative energy source that is both
efficient and pollution-free has become necessary. Solar energy is one of the few
sources of energy that generates no pollutants or hazardous waste. The amount of
solar energy that reaches the earth's surface in an hour and a half is sufficient to
power the entire world's energy consumption for a year (Harrington, 2015).
Cognizant of the fact that there is a growth in using devices, the researchers also
recognize that power demand has continued to climb, with consumption increasing
by 4% over the last several years (Flores, 2018). In addition, the dominance of fossil
fuel-based power generation (coal, oil, and gas) and an exponential increase in
population have resulted in growing energy demand, resulting in worldwide issues
linked with a rapid increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (Sarkodie & Owusu,
2016). The increase in carbon dioxide will cause greenhouse gas emissions that lead
to climate change. Significant climate change has emerged as one of the most
pressing issues of the twenty-first century. In line with this, solar energy is one of
the most efficient renewable energy has the greatest potential for displacement of
greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-based power generation that will reduce
climate change (Edenhofer et al., 2011).

Solar energy can be converted into electricity using a variety of

technologies, including concentrating solar power (CSP) and solar photovoltaic
(PV) devices. The sun was the first source of energy used by humans for lighting
and heating. Every day, the sun gives the earth a massive amount of free energy that
can be used to generate electricity. Solar cells made of semiconductor materials
directly convert the sun's radiation into electricity in solar photovoltaic systems.
When sunlight strikes these materials, free electrons are generated in the
semiconductor crystalline's conduction bands, resulting in the generation of
electricity. The discovery of the photoelectric mechanism, followed by the
development of the solar cell, a semi conductive material that converts visible light
into direct current, enabled us to extract usable electricity from the sun. Photovoltaic
(PV) panels in a photovoltaic (PV) system can convert solar energy into electricity.
A solar tracker is a device that positions an object at an angle relative to the Sun. It
would allow the PV panel to align with the sun while compensating for changes in
the sun's altitude and azimuth angles. Photovoltaic (PV) panels are the most
common applications for solar trackers, which keep them vertical to the Sun's
emissions and position space telescopes to determine the Sun's path. Solar tracking
systems are designed to keep the surface of the PV panel perpendicular to the
direction of the solar radiation beam. According to Wald (2014), in his New York
Times “Why More Solar Panels Should Be Facing West, Not South,” solar panels
facing west are more beneficial in many areas for capturing sunlight during peak
energy consumption in the afternoon and early evening hours. Our country being
located in the tropical region where the sun’s rays touch the earth perpendicularly
for half of the year making exposure of the sun is as its best in terms of its
geographical placement since solar installation is dependent on the location of the
establishment (BAI Group, n.d.). In the conventional method of installing solar
panels in the Philippines, it must be 29.6 degrees horizontally facing south from
January to June and 5.49 degrees horizontally facing north from July to December
to produce more electricity. Off-grid solar power systems are typically fixed-
mounted on a frame, usually on the roof of a residential house or commercial
establishment, and only harvest sufficient solar energy at specific times when the
panel is directly angled at the sun rays (Khamisani, n.d.). As a result, the daytime
duration is not fully utilized and efficiency has decreased.

In this paper, researchers will further study in order to design and develop
Solar PV system to improve its efficiency by following the sun’s movement. To
generate more electricity, this project will employ a Chronological Dual-Axis Solar
Tracker which will be installed to rotate at the desired angular position with respect
to the sun. Noting the above studies in mind, the researchers intend to investigate
designing a Chronological Dual-Axis Solar Tracker using Arduino Uno and
compare it to a conventional or fixed solar panel in terms of cost and efficiency. It
intends to explore which of the two ways is more economical over a long period.
Instead of using light sensors, this project employs a chronological or time-based
solar tracker to adapt to weather changes. Once completed, the results of this study
will aid the Chronological Dual-Axis Solar Tracker's effectiveness and reliability.

Solar energy is one of the best sources of renewable power today. With the
free energy that it provides, consumers must maximize the utilization of its
sustainable and inexhaustible power – that is, solar panels should always be
positioned perpendicular to the sunlight to absorb maximum sunlight and generate
optimum power at any time of the day and any season of the year.

However, fixed panels, the most commonly used way of harnessing solar
power, cannot absorb maximum sunlight most of the time because it cannot keep up
with the sun’s movement. This in turn results in lesser power output and a less
efficient system of utilizing solar power.

To address the aforementioned gaps, the researchers would design and

develop a chronological dual-axis solar tracking system using two motors for a solar
panel to position the solar panel perpendicularly to the sunlight at all times.
Following the development of the design, the researchers ought to compare the
chronological dual-axis tracking system to the conventional fixed solar panel to
determine if the former is more advantageous in terms of efficiency and payback
period since the two motors that will be utilized will consume power from the
system and would require additional cost to the consumer.


The study aims to design and develop a solar tracking system in a chronological
approach that can move horizontally and laterally using Arduino.

Specifically, this study intends to:

• Evaluate, verify and test the performance of the design using its prototype.
• Compare the reliability and efficiency of the Chronological Dual-Axis Solar Tracker
and Conventional Fixed-type Solar Panel.

• Determine which system is economical in terms of its payback period.


Renewable energy like solar energy is at its peak nowadays because it both
generate electricity as well as helps protect the environment and ensures long-term
sustainability. Solar energy as we all know is one of the most efficient source of
power. It is an important source in the transition to clean energy because the sun
provides more energy than humans will ever require. Thus, designing and
developing a chronological dual – axis solar tracker using arduino will in return can
benefit both the environment and the society. With the proposed system, it is
possible to maximize the electrical energy produced by the PV panel by achieving
the best angle of incidence. Given the vast potential of solar energy, PV is poised to
become a major source of clean electricity in the future. This will prove that the
performance of the solar panel using a Chronological Dual-Axis Solar Tracker will
be at its Full Panel Performance, which maximizes the amount of electricity that can
be captured per unit area during the day. Furthermore, the study will pose a positive
impact in the society because it will primarily focus on meeting energy demands
through improved solar panel efficiency.

Lastly, this study will be most beneficial in carrying out while at the same
time creating an intuitive outcome or product so to address the challenges faced not
just with our country, whilst the world.

1.5.1 Sun’s Path with Respect to Solar Altitude (θz) and Azimuth (θa)

Mathematician and astronomer Theodosius of Bithynia (160 BC-100 BC) is

known as the universal sundial that can tell time anywhere on earth. A sundial is a
time telling device that uses a light spot or shadow cast by the Sun's location on a
reference scale to determine time. This model is used in the Chronological Tracking
system which works in a reverse direction. Instead of telling the time of the day
using the sun's location, the researchers use the time of the day to determine the
sun’s location to point the solar panel directly to the sun. It is simply turning the
solar panel opposite to the earth’s rotation at the same speed. According to the
concept of the tilted axis of the earth, the planet experiences seasonal changes and
different sections of the Earth receive the Sun's most direct rays at different times of
the year, hence at a certain location, the sun’s path from sunrise to sunset changes.
This is where DualAxis takes place where the first axis turns in terms of the time of
the day (using altitude angle per hour ( )) and the second axis turns by the seasonal
changes (using azimuthal angle ( )). This is how a Chronological Dual-Axis Solar
Tracker is founded.

Considering tracking of the sun for 12 hours (number of hours the sun is present in a
day) from East to West, the total angle is 180˚ (i.e. -90˚ to +90˚)

Therefore, altitude angle per hour ( ),

𝛼 =15 per hour
The angles will be utilized as a reference for the desired angle and direction
that will manipulate the solar tracker, based on the recorded data of Table 1.0 and
Table 1.1 from the Time and Date website.

Table 1.0. Altitude angle of the sun.

Time Altitude Angle
5:30 AM 0°
6:30 AM 15°
7:30 AM 30°
8:30 AM 45°
9:30 AM 60°
10:30 AM 75°
11:30 AM 90°
12:30 PM 105°
1:30 PM 120°
2:30 PM 135°
3:30 PM 150°
4:30 PM 165°
5:30 PM 180°

The first axis of the chronological solar tracker is the altitude angle of the
sun. The motor/actuator is set to revolve at a slow rate of one revolution per day (15
degrees per hour) as shown in Equation 1.0. The average time of sunrise and sunset
in the locality is set to 5:30 AM and 5:30 PM respectively. In table 1.0 above, it
shows that from 5:30 AM the angle of the solar tracker changes to 15° per hour until
it reaches the maximum angle of 180° at exactly 5:30 PM 12 hours from the start.
This process is repeated every day with respect to the Azimuth angle of the sun
shown in table 1.1.

The azimuth angle ( ) is the compass direction from which the sunlight is
coming. At noon, the sun is always directly south in the northern hemisphere and
directly north in the southern hemisphere. The azimuth angle varies throughout the
day as shown in the figure below. At the equinoxes, the sun rises directly east and
sets directly west regardless of the latitude, thus making the azimuth angles 90° at
sunrise and 270° at sunset.
The azimuth angle is like a compass direction with North=0° and
South=180°. Other authors use a variety of slightly different definitions (i.e., angles of
± 180° and South = 0°).

Figure 1.1 Sun’s path with respect to azimuth and altitude (Kelly and Gibson, 2014)

Table 1.1. Seasonal changes of the sun’s direction and its azimuth angle
Month Direction Angle of
Sunrise Sunset
JAN-FEB East Southeast West Southwest 112.5° (AM)
67.5° (PM)
MAR-APR East West 90°
MAY-JUN East Northeast West- 67.5°(AM)
Northwest 112.5°(PM)
JUL-AUG East Northeast West- 67.5°(AM)
Northwest 112.5°(PM)
SEP-OCT East West 90°
NOV-DEC East Southeast West Southwest 112.5° (AM)
67.5° (PM)
The second axis of the chronological tracker will be based on the azimuth
angle of the sun. This angle is based on the sun’s horizontal position in every
season. In table 1.1, there are 3 sets of the sun’s position in Dipolog City which will
act as the seasonal changes. The East-West direction will be set to 90 degrees as
reference from a compass with regards to the motor’s direction of rotation. Since in
one rotation there are 16 directions, the angles in between them will be 22.5. Having
the axis move in motion, the angle of azimuth for east northeast-west northwest will
have 67.5 degrees (AM) to 112.5 degrees (PM) while east southeast-west southwest
has 112.5 degrees (AM) to 67.5 degrees (PM). There will be a change in angle from
morning to afternoon when sunrise to sunset does not come from east to west. For
March, April, September, and October, its azimuth angle will return to 90 degrees
which is the east to west direction.

1.5.2. Solar cells

The study is also supported by the theory of solar cells that states that when
photons strike a suitable semiconductor device, light energy in photons is turned
into electric current. American inventor Charles Fritts (1883) made the first solar
cells from selenium. It was less than one percent efficient at converting sunlight to
electricity making it less practical not until now, according to Empire Renewable
Energy, LLC (2021) states that most solar cells or solar panels today provide an
energy efficiency rating between 11 and 15 percent of solar energy that is being
converted into usable electricity. In line with this concept, this study will be using
current solar panels that are available to the market in order to harness solar energy
from the sun.
Figure 1.2 Photovoltaic Cells (Energy Education, 2015)
I-V Curve
An equivalent circuit for a solar cell usually consists of a current source, an
anti-parallel diode, a series resistance, and a shunt resistance. As hs own in the shown

Figure 1.3 Circuit Diagram of a Solar Cell (Osigwe, 2019)

The main parameters that are used to characterize the performance of solar
cells are the peak power (Pm), the short-circuit current (Isc), the open circuit voltage
(Voc), and the fill factor (FF). The characteristics of the solar cell above can be
summarized by the following equation for an ideal cell.

I = Iph − Id – Ish (1.1)

Equation (1.1) can further be expressed by expanding the diode saturation current, Id
and shunt resistance current, Ish to detail the intrinsic behavior of the solar cell
operation. Hence, the circuit can be rewritten as,
I = Iph − Is[exp ( q · (V + I · Rs) kTCA ) − 1] − V + I · Rs Rsh (1.2)

where, I is output current; Iph is photocurrent; Id is diode saturation current; V is

voltage; Rs is series resistance; Rsh is shunt resistance; q is electron charge; k is
Boltzman constant; Tc is cell temperature; A is Ideality factor.

1.5.3 Servo Motor

There are three wires that come out of every servo motor. Two of them will
be utilized for supply (positive and negative) and one for the signal that will be sent
from the microcontroller unit. The control wires offer PWM (Pulse Width

Modulation), which is used to drive the servo motor. There are three types of pulses:
minimum, maximal, and repetition rate. From its neutral position, the servo motor may
turn 90 degrees in either direction. All servo motors connect directly to your +5V
supply rails and be cautious of the amount of current it consumes. An appropriate servo
shield should be created (Apoorve, 2015). The energy consumption of the motor will be
measured using Equation 1.3.

E=P*T (1.3)

where E is the energy consumption by the servo motor; P is the Motor Power which
is calculated by using Watt’s Law; T is the time the motor takes to rotate in one

1.5.4. Energy Efficiency

Despite the fact that there has been a significant development in solar cell
technology, although there has been progressed, the fact that maximum solar cell
efficiency is still in the low 20s percent range indicates that there is still a lot of
space for development. The purpose of this project design is to identify these rooms
and offer suggestions for how to improve them. One of these rooms is the array
mounting and tracking mechanism, which moves or positions the solar array using a
time-based concept to absorb more solar irradiance and produce more power
(Aribisala, 2013). To compute the efficiency of the Chronological Dual-Axis Solar
Tracker Using Arduino, Equation 1.4 will be utilized.
where η stands for energy efficiency; Po is the energy output of the system; Pi is the
energy input.

1.5.4 Cost Analysis

Payback Period = Investment cost/ Cash Flow (1.5)

The Payback Period Formula (Equation 1.5) will be used to determine how long
it will take to recover the investment cost. This includes dividing the investment cost by
the cash flow. Cash flow is the product of power generated by the system and the cost
per unit. Because the system involves moving components that wear out and need to be
replaced, the maintenance cost will be incorporated into the payback period of the
chronological dual-axis solar tracker. The annual maintenance cost will be deducted
from the revenue of the systems.

1.5.6 Arduino Uno Microcontroller

A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific
operation in an embedded system. This study uses Arduino Uno, a microcontroller
board based on the ATmega328. It has a reset button and 14 digital input/output
pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header. It contains everything needed to support
the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it
with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Arduino Uno is the
microcontroller used in the Smart Home Energy Management System. Moreover, it
supplies the different sensors through a 5V and a ground pin. The analog pins of the
Arduino are connected to the different sensors and the relay to allow the monitor
and control of the appliances. This microcontroller also serves as a support for radio
communication (Indra, et al., 2018).
Figure 1.4 Arduino Uno Pinout (Arduino Uno, 2021)
Since a multimeter can only measure voltage and current, the study also uses Watt’s
law which states that the power (P) of an electric circuit is the product of its voltage

(V) and current (I),

P = V*I (1.6)

where P represents power measured in watts; V is the voltage measured in volts; I is

the current measured in amperes. In this manner, the researcher can now obtain
Power in watts (W) which is an important data in supporting this study.
1.5.7 Real-Time Clock (RTC) Module

Figure 1.5 Circuit Diagram of RTC Module (Arduino Learning Kit)

A real-time clock is a clock that keeps track of the current time and that can
be used in order to program actions at a certain time. With a built-in real-time
clock/calendar and a 31-byte static RAM, it can communicate with the
microcontroller unit through simple serial ports, Reset (RST) cable, I/O data (SDA)
cable, and serial clock (SCL) cable. It can automatically adjust the number of days
per month and days in a leap year. You can determine to use a 24-hour or 12- hour
system by AM/PM selection.
1.5.8 12V DC to 220V AC Inverter
An inverter is a device that transforms DC electricity from batteries or fuel
cells to AC electricity. The electricity can be of any voltage; it can, for example,
power AC equipment meant for mains operation, or it can be rectified to create DC
at any desired voltage. The basic principle of its operation is a simple conversion of
12V DC from a battery using integrated circuits and semiconductors at a frequency
of 50Hz, to a 220V AC across the windings of a transformer.
Figure 1.6 Circuit Diagram of a Power Inverter (12 DC to 220 AC Inverter Circuit and
PCB, 2021)


The inputs of the study from the theories, concepts, and models gathered are
namely: Chronological tracking system using reversed sundial concept, theory of
solar cells, the concept of electromagnetic induction, Arduino Uno, dual-axis
rotating mechanism. The inputs of the study will be used in processing the design.
The Chronological tracking system will be applied to the solar panel. The design
will be using two motors to imitate X and Y axis movements since the sun traverses
in different paths which is why the study will be measuring the sun’s path in terms
of azimuth and altitude angle. These two motors will be programmed using an
Arduino Uno microcontroller. The proposed design will be expecting an output
Chronological Dual-Axis Solar Tracker using Arduino that is more efficient
compared to a conventional solar panel mounted on a fixed position.
Figure 1.7 Conceptual Framework of the proposed design


This study covers the power output and cost analysis of the chronological
dual-axis tracking system and fixed solar panel. The efficiency of the solar tracking
system and fixed solar will be measured using the average total power output
generated. It will focus on harnessing solar energy to generate electricity in public
places. The payback period will be taken into consideration for cost analysis.

The subject of the study is limited to charging mobile phones only such as IOS
and Android devices.

The study needs at least 5 people involved in order to complete the work needed
and the division of expenses.


The words used in the study were defined according to standard definitions and
operations for easy understanding.

Altitude Angle. It is used to determine the sun’s position at a given time of day.
Arduino Uno. It is a microcontroller used in the study to control the movement of
the axes which will track the sun’s position

Azimuth Angle. It is the direction from which the sunlight is coming which will be
used to determine the location of the sun in every season of the year.
Chronological Tracker. It is a time-based tracking system where the structure is
moved at a fixed rate throughout the day as well for different months.
Photovoltaic (PV). It produces electricity from sunlight which will be used to power
the wireless mobile charging station.

Seasonal Changes. It refers to the division of the sun’s horizontal position in a year.


The chapter presents the literature and studies related to Chronological Dual-
Axis Solar Tracker, Solar PV systems, Arduino Uno, and types of Solar Trackers
and Solar Tracking Techniques.

2.1 Chronological Dual-Axis Solar Tracker

Ferdaus et. al. (2014) stated that solar tracking is best achieved when the tilt
angle of the solar tracking systems is synchronized with the seasonal changes of the
sun’s altitude. An ideal tracker would allow the solar modules to point towards the
sun, compensating for both changes in the altitude angle of the sun (throughout the
day) and latitudinal offset of the sun (during seasonal changes). So the maximum
efficiency of the solar panel is not being used by a single-axis tracking system
whereas double axis tracking would ensure cosine effectiveness of one.

According to Omar (2009), inactive tracking or continuous tracking, sensors

constantly determine the location of the sun in the sky throughout the day. The
sensors will cause the motor or actuator to move the mounting system, ensuring that
the solar panels face the sun at all times of the day. There will be a difference in
light intensity on one light sensor compared to another if the sunlight is not
perpendicular to the tracker. This difference can be used to figure out which way the
tracker should be oriented to be perpendicular to the sun. Except on very cloudy
days, when the sensors struggle to discern the position of the sun in the sky, this
type of sun-tracking is fairly accurate. Unlike an active tracker, which determines
the location of the sun in the sky, a passive tracker moves in reaction to a pressure
imbalance between two points at opposite ends of the tracker. Solar heat creates gas
pressure on a "low boiling point compressed gas fluid, which is, driven to one side
or the other," which causes the structure to move. This method of tracking the sun,
however, is not precise (Clifford & Eastwood, 2004). Furthermore, Barsoum (2011)
said that a chronological tracker is a time-based tracking system in which the
structure is shifted at a defined rate throughout the day and for different months. As
a result, the motor or actuator is set to revolve at a slow rate of one revolution per
day (15 degrees per hour). This way of tracking the sun uses less energy. A dual-
axis tracking device is required to precisely follow the sun's movement. The
active/continuous tracking technology precisely tracks the sun for variations in light
intensity. As a result, the system's power gain is quite high. However, the device
achieves this power gain by continuously using two distinct motors for two different
axes. As a result, compared to a time-based tracking system, it always consumes a
certain amount of extra power. Consequently, a combination of active and time-
based tracking could be a viable alternative to this method for reducing power loss
(Rahman et al., 2013).

Given that the system is a dual-axis with unrestricted rotation on the X and Y axes,
the rotation is controlled by an Arduino Uno pre-programmed microcontroller. The
automatic movement of the solar panel is basically based on predefined data about
the sun’s position. In the study of Byregowda et al. (2020) entitled, “Study and
analysis of Arduino based solar tracking panel”, the Arduino environment's built-in
serial monitor may be used to connect with the Arduino board. To gather the
findings, a method was built that allowed data to be collected from the LDRs every
hour. The readings from the two LDRs must be read and recorded at specified
intervals. It means that in the recording of data for solar trackers, Arduino plays a
significant role, resulting in more accurate and exact data collection.

2.2 Solar PV System

Humans exploited the sun as their first source of energy for lighting and
heating. Every day, the sun provides an enormous amount of free energy to the
earth, which can be used to generate electricity. According to Afework (2020), a
photovoltaic (PV) system is made up of one or more solar panels, an inverter, and
other electrical and mechanical components that utilize the sun's energy to generate
electricity. PV systems come in a wide range of sizes, from small rooftop or
portable systems to large utility-scale power plants. Although PV systems can run
off-grid, this article concentrates on PV systems that are connected to the utility
grid, also known as grid-tied PV systems. The sun's light, which is made up of
packets of energy called photons, falls onto a solar panel and generates an electric
current through a process known as the photovoltaic effect, according to Jenden et.
al. (2020). Each panel produces a little quantity of electricity on its own, but when
linked together as a solar array, they may create larger amounts of energy. Direct
current (DC) is the type of power generated by a solar panel (or array) . Although
many electronic gadgets, such as your phone or laptop, use DC electricity, they are
designed to work with the electrical utility system, which uses alternating current
(AC). As a result, solar electricity must first be converted from DC to AC using an
inverter before it can be used. The inverter's AC electricity can either be used to
power local gadgets or transferred to the electrical grid for use elsewhere.
Furthermore, the efficiency of a PV cell is simply the quantity of electrical power
produced by the cell in comparison to the energy emitted by the light shining on it,
indicating how efficient the cell is at converting energy from one form to another.
The amount of energy generated by PV cells is determined by the properties (such
as intensity and wavelengths) of the available light as well as the cell's many
performance factors (Department of Energy, 2021).

2.3 Arduino Uno

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It

has a reset button and 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP
header. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect
it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery
to get started. The Arduino Uno is the microcontroller used in the Smart Home
Energy Management System. Moreover, it supplies the different sensors through a
5V and a ground pin. The analog pins of the Arduino are connected to the different
sensors and the relay to allow the monitor and control of the appliances. This
microcontroller also serves as a support for radio communication (Indra et al.,

Mithya et al. (2019) also added that the Arduino UNO comes under the type
of microcontroller. The version of the board used is ATmega328P. It consists of 14
digital input pins and the number of output pins out of which 6 pins are configured
as PWM outputs. And also it contains 6 input pins which are analog, 16 MHz quartz
crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It
consists of everything that is needed to support the microcontroller, to start the
microcontroller, it should be connected to a computer by means of a USB cable or it
is powered by an AC-to-DC adapter or an external battery. "Uno" means one in
Italian. The reference versions of the Arduino are the Arduino UNO board and the
Arduino software version 1.0 and it is now evolved to newer versions. The UNO
board which is the reference for the Arduino platform is the first in a series of USB
ARDUINO boards.

2.4 Types of Solar Trackers and Solar Tracking Techniques

In the study by Byregowda et al.(2020) entitled “ Study and analysis of

Arduino based solar tracking panel”, different solar trackers and its corresponding solar
tracking techniques were presented:

Single Axis Solar Tracking System. This technology is typically utilized for solar
trackers intended for use in the tropics, where the goal is to follow the sun's angle of
altitude (angle of tilt) along a single axis. To drive the panel in response to sun
motions, a single linear actuator, such as a motor, is employed. A pair of LDRs on
opposing sides of a solar panel may be used to quantify the intensity of solar
irradiation by measuring the voltage drop between them, which is then compared by
a drive circuit until the two LDR voltages are equal and the panel stops moving. As
a result, the solar panel is always oriented, generally toward the sun's irradiation.
Dual Axis Solar Tracking System. This approach is mostly intended for locations
outside of the tropics or beyond 10°N and 10°S of the equator. The solar tracker's
azimuth and tilt angles are both employed in this approach to follow the sun's
motions throughout the year. As a result, a set of two actuators, usually motors, is
used to move the solar panel accordingly by receiving voltage control signals from a
set of four LDRs (two on opposite sides of the solar panel), and when the voltage
drop on all four LDRs is equal, the panel is receiving maximum solar irradiation
and thus the motion stops. This keeps the solar panel always at correct angles to the
Active Solar Tracking. This approach entails continuously monitoring the sun's
position during the day, and when the tracker is exposed to darkness, it pauses or
sleeps according to its design. This can be accomplished by employing light-
sensitive sensors such as photoresistors (LDRs), the voltage output of which is sent
into a microcontroller, which then drives actuators (motors) to modify the position
of the solar panels.

Passive Solar Tracking. Passive trackers employ a low boiling point compressed
gas fluid that is pushed to one side or the other of the tracker to cause it to move in
reaction to an imbalance. This approach employs trackers that identify the Sun's
location by using a pressure imbalance established at the tracker's two ends. This
imbalance is generated by solar heat-producing gas pressure on a low boiling point
compressed gas fluid, which is subsequently forced to one side or the other, causing
the structure to shift.

Chronological solar tracking. Chronological trackers can counteract the earth's

rotation by turning or rotating at the same speed as the earth relative to the sun at an
axis parallel to the earth's. To accomplish this, a basic rotation mechanism is
implemented, allowing the device to revolve in a specified manner throughout the
day regardless of whether or not the sun is present. The system rotates at the rate of
one revolution every day, or 15 degrees per hour. These trackers are simple, but
they have the potential to be incredibly precise.

In different conditions, all of the sun-tracking methods described infer the

appropriate solar tracking strategies that would greatly benefit the end-user. In this
study, the researchers make use of a chronological dual-axis solar tracker technique.

It is a system that proposes a solar tracker which follows the sun’s motion in a
twoway axis chronologically, which that means in following the sun’s motion for
the collection of the incident light the movement of the PV panel is also based on

predefined data based on the sun’s location throughout the day.

As previously stated, Arduino Uno was used as the suggested system's
microcontroller in this study. The researchers used a variety of programs to gather
data and enter data into the system throughout the simulation. Nowrot and Solecka
(2018) state that Arduino is simple to use and understand. It is not necessary to have
a working system. It's a free and open-source platform for creating electronic
creations. It is written in the C programming language and operates on a PC or
laptop with appropriate IDE software (Integrated Development Environment). The
board may be programmed simply using a USB standard connector and the
integrated Arduino bootloader and there is no need for programmer equipment. It
implies that Arduino Uno would be a convenient programmable component for the
proposed system by the researchers. The researchers utilized the applications
Proteus, MATLAB Simulink, and Arduino IDE to show the different data that the
system would acquire and the various data that the researchers input into the system
to make the system run accordingly. Based to Asparuhova et al.(2018) that using
Proteus to create embedded system simulation models allows you to investigate
multiple parts of the system, including the hardware, software, CPU, and
peripherals, all with a single model. The signals in the schematics may also be
measured and analyzed using Virtual Instruments. Students follow and internalize
the regular process of engineering work with this application package: creating,
simulating, testing, and troubleshooting. Moreover, Proteus may also prototype,
which is the process of converting visual software into real hardware on a MCU

Based on the related literature and studies presented it suggests that the
proposed system which is the chronological dual-axis solar tracking system that
uses predefined algorithms about the sun’s trajectory to determine the sun’s position
at a particular time has a great advantage, for the system will surely have a high
amount of power gain. According to (Advantages and Disadvantages of a Sun
Tracker System, 2016) because of their enhanced direct exposure to sun rays,
trackers generate more power than stationary equivalents. This increase can range
from 10% to 25%, depending on the tracking system's geographic location. As a
result, the system's power gain is extremely considerable. In regard to the world's
current situation, this system is the breakthrough in the emerging energy crisis that
the world is currently facing. Solar energy is one of the most promising renewable
energy sources, with a large potential for conversion into electrical power. Using a
Photovoltaic (PV) panel is an innovative solution to addressing concerns about
power outages. According to (Kreindler et al., 2012) that PV panels' output power
is highly influenced by the amount of incident light. The sun-earth relative position
is always changing, resulting in a constant change in incoming radiation on a
stationary PV panel. When the direction of solar radiation is perpendicular to the
panel surface, the maximum received energy is obtained. By placing a PV panel
atop a solar tracking device that tracks the sun's trajectory, the output energy of the
panel may be increased. It implies that a dual-axis solar tracker is an optimum
choice for maximizing the amount of sunlight absorbed by the PV panel. Since
Solar PV systems are capable of generating electrical energy, it would be of great
help, especially to those communities that are currently experiencing frequent power
outages. The researchers presented a mobile charging system that is solar-powered
that is controlled by microcontrollers, allowing end-users to charge their phones
even when there's a power outage.

Aside from the benefits that the system might provide, it also produced
significant drawbacks. Given current commodity prices, the components and
equipment required for the installation and construction of the chronological
dualaxis solar tracker are rather expensive. It implies that the implementation of this
system does not provide a wide range of opportunities to all consumers. Moreover,
the solar panels do not primarily modify and harm the environment during their
operation, but rather during the production of its components. In research from Tali
(2019), it was stated that toxic chemicals used in the photovoltaic manufacturing
process include hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride,
1,1,1trichloroethane, and acetone. If manufacturers do not carefully adhere to the
rules and regulations, these substances can pose serious health concerns, particularly
to factory employees. Moreover, the continuous production of these hazardous
components and materials could also be a great threat to the environment and to
different living organisms.

According to (Philippines Energy Market, 2020) that the Philippines is

facing an impending energy crisis as the Malampaya gas fields, which supply 30%
of Luzon's energy demand, are predicted to run dry by 2024. An ever-increasing
population, an infrastructural boom ordered by the administration, and some of the
highest power rates in South East Asia as a whole present enormous obstacle. It
suggests that the development of renewable energy sources is required. Knowing the
current scenario that the country is in, the researchers were able to develop the study
proposal termed An Efficient Chronological Dual-Axis Solar Tracker System Using

3.1 Research Design

This research will focus on numerical or mathematical data analysis. Thus,

the study will use a quantitative approach. Furthermore, a two-group experimental
study design will be employed since there will be two groups of subjects which are
the controlled group and manipulated group to determine the significant effects on
dependent variables. The design is chosen to meet the objectives of the study,
specifically to compare the effectiveness of the Chronological Dual-Axis Solar
Tracker to a conventional solar panel and determine which system is economical.

3.1.1 System Design

The design that is proposed in this system will consist of 4 parts namely:
solar panel, solar tracker, power inverter, wireless mobile charging system. The
solar panel will be mounted to the dual-axis solar tracker that tracks the sun’s path.
The dualaxis rotating mechanism allows the panel to move horizontally and
laterally. The solar tracker is equipped with two motors that are programmed by a
microcontroller unit (Arduino). The RTC module is used in this design to provide
the current date and time that are needed for the direction of the motors. Table 1.0
and Table 1.1 shows the azimuth and altitude angle of the current date and time with
respect to the sun’s movement. In this manner, the solar tracker is tracking the sun
chronologically where the solar panel is moving at a fixed rate using the information
from the sun’s path (angles) at a certain location. This information will be used in
the development of the codes of the Arduino which then will be programming the
two motors to rotate at certain angles at a certain time and date. The power inverter
is used in this design to convert the 12V DC to 220V AC from the battery to the

Figure 3.0. Block Diagram of the System Design

Figure 3.0 shows the proposed system block diagram. The sunlight will be
absorbed by the solar panel and the energy generated will be stored in the battery
through the solar charger. The power inverter is connected to the solar charger that
will convert the 12V DC to 220V AC to power the wireless mobile charging system,
Arduino Uno, and the two servo motors. The Real-Time Clock Module will be the
one providing the date and time which will be used by the Arduino as an input. The
Arduino will be the one programming the two servo motors and these servo motors
are responsible for moving the solar panel to a certain angle with respect to time.

3.1.2 Data, Measurement, and Analysis

In this study, independent and dependent variables are involved in order to collect
the necessary data to be used. These variables are divided in parts, namely: azimuth
and altitude angle computation, solar tracking, and power conversion. In the angle
computation, the azimuth and altitude angle are the independent variables whereas
the solar tracker is the dependent variable. In solar tracking, the movement of the
two motors with respect to the sun’s movement is the independent variable while
the solar energy harness is the dependent variable. In power conversion, the solar
energy harnessed is the independent variable while the mobile charging system is
the dependent variable that serves as the load of the design. Intervening variables
are also involved in collecting the data. These variables are the weather condition,
size and brand of the solar panel and the measuring device.

The data are measured accordingly after collecting them. In the relationship
between the angle computation and solar tracker, the data are measured by
observing the direction of the rotation of the two motors. The rotation of the motors
serves as the response of the input. In the relationship between the solar tracking
and solar energy harnessed, the data are measured through a voltmeter and ammeter.
Using the data measured, it will be used to calculate the power output. To compare
its power output to the fixed solar panel, a fixed panel with the same size, brand and
rating will also be exposed to the sun at the same time with the system design. Its
output voltage, current, power, and ambient temperature will also be measured

To determine the relationship mentioned in this study, a casual/regression

analysis will be performed. This will help us understand how a certain variable
affects the other variable and could help predict possible outcomes mathematically.

Lastly, in determining if the system has an advantage economically, both the

solar tracker and the fix-mounted panel’s payback period will be computed and

3.2 Research Methods

For the comparison of the fixed panel to the solar tracking panel in this
study, the fixed panel will serve as the control group while the solar tracking panel
will be the experimental group that receives the treatment from the chronological
dual-axis solar tracking system.

3.2.1 Data Collection, Measurement, Process, and Analysis

The proposed system design in this study will be studied both in simulation
and actual experiment. The data collected will be quantified as per required by the
research design.
In the simulation experiment, the circuit will be constructed in the Proteus software.
This will test the developed code using the information from the azimuth and
altitude angle. After the tracking system works at the desired functionality, the solar
panel’s output will be tested using MatLab Simulink where the panel is assumed to
be perpendicular to sunlight. These two simulation experiments allow the
researchers to evaluate the performance of the design.

In the actual experiment, the researchers will be using a prototype to verify the
design. The reason for this action is to lessen the size of the solar panel used, which
will lead to more torque used in the motor if it were to use a bigger solar panel. A
bigger panel will also lead to an additional total cost of the design. To do the
comparison between the fixed panel and solar tracking panel, both will be tested at
the same time and date. The data to be collected for the experimental and control
group are ambient temperature, voltage, current, and power. These data are
scheduled to be collected hourly from 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM in the span of 7 days.
Note that the weather condition, size and brand of the panel, and measuring device
are held constant and uncontrollable for both the control and experimental group.

The data that will be gathered from this study will be recorded in a table and
graph for better comprehension, understanding, and analysis.

The payback Period Formula will be employed to calculate the length of

time it will take to recover the cost of investment. This involves the investment cost
which will be divided by the product of power generated per annum and cost per
unit. Investment cost refers to the expenses upon installing the solar panel with a
chronological dual-axis solar tracker and existing fixed solar panel. The power
generated per annum will be assumed to its proportionality with the recorded data
within the 7 days of the actual experiment. The cost per unit of electricity will be
based on the rate of the Electric Cooperative of the locality. For the chronological
dual-axis solar tracker’s payback period, the maintenance cost will also be
considered since the system has moving parts that wear out and need replacing.
Maintenance cost per annum will be subtracted from the product of power generated
per annum and the cost per unit.
3.2.2 Experimental Procedures
Simulation Experiment
The simulation is conducted using Proteus and Arduino Software to check the design’s

1. Using the Proteus software, create the circuit diagram as shown in Figure 3.5.
2. In the Arduino software, create and develop the codes needed for the design
using the information from Tables 1.0 and 1.1.

3. Upload the code from the Arduino software to the Proteus software.
4. Simulate the Project.
5. Observe the rotation of the two motors with respect to the time and date. Record
the direction of the rotations.

Assuming the solar panel is already perpendicular to the sunlight at a given date
and time, the next simulation will examine the efficiency of the system to evaluate
the performance of the design.

1. Create the circuit shown in Figure 3.6 in MatLab Simulink

2. Record the output voltage, current, and power of the panel.
3. Generate a graph of the output voltage, current, and power of the panel.

Actual Experiment
1. Set both the solar panels in a fixed/static position and test the two panels by
measuring their output voltage, current, and power to check their ratings. Record
the values in Table 4.1. If both panels have different ratings, the solar panel will
be interchanged every day.

2. Set up and implement the system design.

3. Face the fixed panel North 7 degrees from the horizontal as its optimal tilt.
Both will be tested in the chosen research locale in a span of 7 days.
4. Observe the movement of the solar tracker.
5. Using a multimeter, measure the output voltage and output current of the solar
tracker panel and the fixed panel. Compute the output power using the recorded
output current and voltage. Record the values in Table 4.2.

Table 4.1. Solar Panel A and B ratings

Solar Panel Voltage Current Power

Table 4.2. The output voltage, current, power, and ambient temperature of the solar
tracker panel and for the fix-mounted panel.

Time Voltage Current Power Ambient Temperature

3.2.3 Design Flow Chart

The design flow chart of the study will show a visual representation of the flow of
the functionality of the proposed design. The input of the design will be coming
from the RTC Module that will be providing the current date and time in which will
be analyzed by the system if the current azimuth and altitude angles of the motors
match the current date and time. If yes, then the motor will not rotate. If no, then the
motor drives to a certain angle to match the time and date it is programmed. The
figure below provides the flow of the design.
Figure 3.1 Design Flow Chart
3.2.4 Research Flow Chart
Every research must have a guide to help it navigate its way heading in the right
direction. In Figure 3.2, it shows the research flow chart that provides the workflow
involved to make this study possible.

Figure 3.2 Research Flowchart

3.3 Working Components and Simulation
The key components that are used in making the Chronological Dual-Axis Solar
Tracker prototype are mentioned along with their specifications. The interaction of
the components of the proposed system and the system as a whole will be explored
in this section in order to quantify their relationship with one another. This will be
accomplished by the use of physical, mathematical, or other methods simulations
are based on a logical representation of the system.

3.3.1 DS1302 Real Time Clock Module Supply

Voltage: 3.3 V

Voltage range on any pin (with respect to ground): -0.5V to 7.0V

Operating Temperature: 0°C to +70°C
Storage Temperature range: -55°C to +125°C

Figure 3.3 Real Time Clock Module (DS1302)

3.3.3 Arduino Uno

Microcontroller : Atmega328P
Operating Voltage : 5V
Input Voltage (limits) : 6 -20V
Digital I/O Pins : 14
Analog Input Pins : 6
Clock Speed : 16 MHz
Figure 3.4 Arduino Uno

3.3.4 Servo Motor MG996R

Operating Voltage: 5V
Current: 2.5A (6V)
Maximum stall torque: 11kg/cm (6V)
Operating speed: 0.17 s/60 °
Gear type: Metal
Rotation: 0° to 180°
Weight: 66 g Figure 3.5 MG996R Servo Motor

3.3.5 Solar Panel

Maximum Power: 18W
Material: Aluminum substrate + efficient chip + PET
DC output: 12V/1.5A
Weight: 0.45KG
Cell Technology: Monocrystalline

Figure 3.6 Solar Panel

Input Voltage: 10.5V-15V DC
Output Voltage: 220V AC
Output Frequency: 60 Hz
Rated Power: 300W
Figure 3.7 300W Power Inverter
Proteus Simulation
The circuit diagram of the design for the Chronological Dual-Axis Solar
Tracker is shown in Figure 3.8. The diagram consists of two Servo motors, DS1302
RTC Module, 12C LCD1602, and Arduino Uno. The two servo motors are
connected to pins 9 and 10. The RTC Module has 5 pins, VCC1 is connected to a
3V battery,

VCC2 is connected to the VCC of the Arduino, RST to pin 8, I/O to pin 7, and
SCLK to pin 6. The LCD’s SCL is connected to A5 and SDA to A4. The RTC
module serves as the input for this design since it will be the one providing the
current date and time for the Arduino. The current time and date will be displayed
on the LCD for ease of access in recording data. In this simulation, its main point is
to check the functionality of the design and code by observing the direction of the
rotation of the two servo motors.

Figure 3.8 Proteus Simulation of the System Design

MatLab Simulation
To verify the system’s improved efficiency, a panel or PV array in its energy
conversion circuit will be simulated in MatLab. The output voltage, current, and
power will be measured before attempting to solve the device’s efficiency. To
measure the current and voltage, an ampere meter will be connected in series and a
voltmeter will be connected in parallel to the PV array’s load. This measurement
will be visible on the screen. The product of the two results will determine the
power output. As for the input side, assuming that the tracker works, the panel’s
irradiance will be the measurement of irradiance and temperature for each time of
the day.
Figure 3.9 shows the energy conversion circuit for MatLab simulation. The
photovoltaic array is connected to a load using irradiance and temperature as inputs.
To obtain the current output, a current measurement is connected in series to the
load, and voltage measurement is connected in parallel to the load. A powerful is
also used to store the equivalent Simulink circuit that represents the model’s state-
space equations.

Figure 3.9 Circuit diagram for PV module simulation in Simulink

3.4 Research Locale

In the actual experiment, the study will take place on Dipolog Sunset
Boulevard, one of the city's tourist spots. It is a 2.6-kilometer esplanade along the
seashore in Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte. The researchers chose this location
because it is an open field where solar panels can absorb sunlight efficiently.
Figure 3.10 Research Locale screenshot courtesy of Google Earth
3.5 Statistical Tool
In efficiency, the researchers will be using a t-test to compare the experimental
results between the fixed solar panel and the solar tracking panel. A pvalue greater
than the Alpha ( ) which is equal to 0.05 indicates that there is a significant
difference between the experimental group and control group. Meaning that the
solar tracking panel harnessed more solar energy in terms of its power output
compared to the fixed panel.

3.6 Cost Estimation

3.6.1 Chronological Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System
Table 3.3. Cost Estimation for Solar Tracking System
Item Quantity Unit Price Total
Solar Panel 1 ₱1200 ₱1200
Arduino Uno Kit 1 ₱1200 ₱1200
Solar Charger 1 ₱600 ₱600
Deep Cycle Battery 1 ₱ 2000 ₱ 2000
Power Inverter 1 ₱1500 ₱1500
Servo Motor 2 ₱200 ₱400
Plywood 1 ₱500 ₱500
Miscellanous 1 ₱1000 ₱1000
3.6.2 Fixed Solar Panel
Table 3.4 Cost Estimation for Fixed Solar Panel
Item Quantity Unit Price Total
Solar Panel 1 ₱1200 ₱1200
Solar Charger 1 ₱600 ₱600
Deep Cycle Battery 1 ₱2000 ₱2000
Power Inverter 1 ₱1500 ₱1500
Miscellaneous 1 ₱1000 ₱1000
3.7. Gantt Chart

Figure 3.9. Gantt chart to represent task duration

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