Lathe Machine Report
Lathe Machine Report
Lathe Machine Report
is the most prevalent lathe operation. In its most common form, a single-point cutting tool is moved on
a precise path with respect to a rotating work piece.
Form turning
occurs when a single point cutting tool moves longitudinally in a path other than a straight line, or when
a cutting tool ground to a particular curved or otherwise irregular edge is fed radially into the rotating
Form turning – The tool is ground to The shape desired and is fed into the workpiece As it rotates,
cutting a surface whose shape is the Inverse of that of the form tool
Tracer turning
The inward and outward motions of the cutter as it moves longitudinally along the length of the Part are
controlled by the motion of a stylus as it Bears against a template or master part. Several Passes may be
used, after which the part duplicates The shape of the template.
(The movement may also be controlled electronically without tracing, by using numerical or computer
numerical control, CNC). Some tracer lathes have
An additional tracer-controlled cross slide at the rear Of the work to facilitate the machining of grooves,
undercuts, and chamfers
Facing -In facing, the tool moves perpendicularly to the axis of rotation of the spindle And a flat surface
is produced.
Straight Turning - In straight turning, the tool moves parallel to the axis of rotation and a cylindrical
surface is generated.
Taper Training - In tapered turning, the tool moves at an angle to the axis of rotation and a tapered
surface is produced.
Grooving - The cutting tool, usually ground to the width and bottom shape required, is fed into the work,
cutting a groove of the desired dimensions. Groves can be cut into any external or internal surface that
such a cutting tool can reach.(Internal grooves are usually called recesses.)
Knurling – is not really a machining (cutting) operation because the knurl is formed, not Cut, in the
workpiece. Knurling is a common lathe Or screw machine operation. The hardened knurling Tool rolls
against the cylindrical surface of the rotating Workpiece with high pressure, causing the surface Material
of the workpiece to flow into peaks and Valleys according to the pattern of the knurling Tool. The result
is a surface in the finished part that Is roughened to a particular pattern, useful to Improve the grip if the
part must be held or rotated By hand when it is used. Several different patterns Are possible. Other uses
for the operation are for decoration and to increase the diameter of the part Slightly to facilitate a press
Tracer Turning - In tracer turning, The single point cutting tool moves inward and Outward as it moves
longitudinally, creating a Contoured or other shaped surface on the rotating Workpiece. The tool’s path
can be controlled by a Template or by computer numerical control (CNC) template or by computer
numerical control (CNC)
Cutting off (parting) – When parts are Made in lathes and screw machines from bar stock, The final
operation is to sever the part from the Remaining bar material. This is accomplished by Advancing the
cutoff tool, a narrow grooving tool, Radially into the work. When the cutting edge Advances to the axis
of rotation of the part, the part Is severed and falls to the bed of the machine. Some Machines, which
make blanks for further machining Or other operations, are designed to perform only Cut off operations
and other simple ones on bar and Tubular stock.
Drilling -
Reaming -
Boring –
Engine Lathes - are general purpose machines that provide the most basic means of performing
turning, facing, grooving, knurling, and threading operations. These machines can also drill,
ream, and bore holes at the center of rotation
The major function of the engine lathe is to change the size, shape or finish of a revolving work
piece with various cutting tools. The lathes in most shop consist of a headstock, tailstock,
carriage and bed. Pulleys used to change the spindle speed and feed rate.
Turret Lathes - A turret lathe is one that is equipped to change cutting tools quickly. A standard
lathe has a single tool post mounted on the cross slide. Turret lathes generally have a four-sided
Turret on the cross slide of the machine.
When the turret lathe’s tooling arrangement Permits more rapid production than is feasible with
Screw machines - are automated lathes which can machine turned parts. The machine
components spin very quickly on a rotating lathe, which shaves down metal to the size desired.
Developed for the mass production of Screws from bar stock but long since used for a Wide
variety of parts from bar stock over a broad size Range Engine lathes.
1. Single-spindle screw machine
Two common Varieties
Sharpe(Swiss type)
Brown( Turret type)
2. Multi spindle screw machine
Have 4, 6, or 8 spindles instead of the single spindle Of the Brown and Sharpe and Swiss-
type machines. Turning machines that use a number of tools mounted on a central
spindle to simultaneously operate on material pieces.
3. Swiss type screw machine - Swiss screw machine is a type of automatic lathe with
multiple tool holders arranged radially about the spindle, and a tailstock coaxial to it. It
is designed for rapid production of small, high precision parts.
Tools are mounted on two Cross slides and three upper slides arranged radially Around
the spindle.
Chucking machine – are automatic Lathes designed for operations on castings, forgings, and
other parts, rather than on bar-stock. Mechanisms and other features are similar toThose of
screw machines except for the bar feeding.
Multiple Spindle Drilling - are generally used for drilling number of holes simultaneous together.
They are used in mechanical industry in order to increase the productivity of machining system
and to reduce the operation time.