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M5 Rec Act

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity


Hello, learner! Congratulations! You have arrived at the last unit and this only means
that you are getting closer in finishing this course, PATHFIT 4. How are you so far? Do you
find this learning journey exciting! If your answer is yes, I feel so glad and I can truly say that
I appreciate your effort in this course! For the previous 4 units/modules, you have learned
and gained ample knowledge and skills. In Unit 1, you were provided with activities that
allowed you to recall the PSU Vision, Mission, Quality Policies and Core Values. You also
did physical assessments that helped you see if your physical fitness has improved and I
hope it did. You were also provided with a short background about basic first aid. In Unit 2,
you learned the concept of recreation, the difference between indoor and outdoor recreation
and the benefits you can get if you engage in recreational activities. In Unit 3 and 4, the
interesting world of Yoga and Zumba was introduced to you. I hope you enjoyed executing
the basic moves and incorporating them on your daily exercise routines. And now, FINALLY,
you are on the last unit and worry no more, this will be a piece of cake for you.

Engaging into different recreational activities is a must especially now that we are in
the middle of the pandemic. However, choices for recreation vary from person to person.
What makes one happy may not be so for others. Therefore, recreational activities depend
on one’s interests, pursuits, and needs. It is crucial that the recreational activity you engaged
in is something that you are comfortable with.

That is why, in this unit, you may unleash your creativity! You will learn about the
steps in creating your own Recreational Activity with your own mechanics and rules that
works for you and caters your interests and be familiar with the factors that you must
consider when choosing your own recreational activity.


At the end of this module, you are able to;

1. Identify the factors to consider when choosing a recreational activity,

2. Be familiar with the steps in creating a recreational activity,
3. Develop an original game or recreational activity applying the factors and the steps in
creating one.

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity


Activity 5.1

Given a chance, what “Recreational Activity” would you like to try? Why? Where? Who do
you like to be with? Research, surf the internet, and read blogs. Print a picture, cut out a
picture then post it below and write something about it.

What? Why? Where? With Whom?

What benefits can I get from it? Write
your description here.


How was the first activity? What recreational activity did you choose? Did you have a hard
time choosing one? If yes, the first lesson will help you choose by considering the factors

I hope you enjoyed the first task. Moving on, you may proceed to lesson one (1).

Lesson 1: Factors to Consider When Choosing a Recreational Activity

How do you know which recreational activity is right for you? There are several
options of recreational activities available for all age categories ranging from indoor to
outdoor. You can choose to play “Luksong Tinik, Patintero'' or you can simply engage
yourself into Zumba and Yoga that will help you attain overall fitness.

However, you may be wondering what specific recreational activity which caters your
needs and interests that you should engage in during this time of the pandemic. In order to
make the right choice, it is important to consider the following general guidelines that
explains the factors you should consider when choosing a recreational activity.

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity

1. Choose a recreational activity that you understand and you’re passionate about.

Recreational activities in a way become part of your lifestyle and therefore need to
be entertaining and enjoyable. Choosing something that you don’t have interest and
knowledge in can be frustrating even if your friends adore it. It only makes sense to pursue
something that you know the rules and regulations of the sport or a game.

2. Consider your goals and objectives.

Choosing a sport that is in line with your goals, for example losing weight will enrich
the overall recreational experience. Some who are looking for a recreational sport to lose
extra body weight may benefit from running, jogging, walking, hiking, swimming, yoga and
Zumba among other high calorie burning activities as opposed to playing cards or video

3. Facilities, tools and equipment required.

Different recreational activities may require different tools, facilities, or equipment

or in some cases may require none at all. These essential tools, facilities or equipment may
also vary depending on the needs of every person.

4. Availability of time.

Since recreational activity is something that you do during your free time, choosing
the right one may be dictated by how much free time is at one’s disposal. Some are more
time consuming than others and some of these activities must only be played outside. The
more time one has, the more the options of recreational activities to choose from and vice

5. Seasonality.

This may not be a big deal for our country since we are living along the equatorial
climatic regions, it definitely affects people living in areas with winter and summer seasons.
Some recreational activities such as those requiring snow may only be available during
winter and only in some parts of the world. When deciding on the right activity for recreation,
it is advisable to have more than one option especially in a situation where one is affected by
seasonal changes.

6. Number of participants required.

There are recreational activities that require participation of more than one person
at one time while some can be pursued individually. Given the fact that we are in the middle
of the pandemic, recreational activities that can be done individually are encouraged to
practice isolation and social distancing. Choosing a sport that will enable you to participate
alone is a good idea. Zumba, yoga, walking and jogging are great examples.

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity


The information mentioned above is not an exhaustive list of guidelines, but it is only
meant to guide you and give you an idea on how to pick the best recreational activity that
works for you and will make your recreational life a success. After all, the bottom line
is all about fun, entertainment and fitness!

Activity 5.2

Hello again, learners! Did the factors mentioned above seem familiar to you? I’m certain that
you already applied some of the factors when you chose your recreational activity. To see
that you are familiar with the factors, analyze the following items and from the box below,
choose what factor was considered in each situation.
A. Choose a recreational activity that you understand and you’re passionate about

B. Consider your goals and objectives

C. Facilities, tools and equipment required

D. Availability of time

E. Seasonality

F. Number of participants required

_____1. Before deciding on the recreational sport, Sammy assesses first her community if it
has available facilities and necessary tools.

_____2. Mark chose to engage in yoga as part of his exercise routine to avoid interacting
with other people as he wants to do it alone.

_____3. Sydney is interested in vigorous activities as it became her hobby to engage in

hiking, mountain climbing and trekking.

_____4. Unique, wanting to lose weight, as one of his main goals for 2021, decided to join a
Zumba class.

_____5. Ever since the pandemic started, Mikey had a lot of free time that is why she
pushed herself to engage in Zumba, yoga and other exercises.

_____6. John, a resident in El-nido, loves to engage in surfing every summer then switches
to indoor exercises during the rainy season.

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity
_____7. Phoebe encouraged her squad to join in a Zumba class since it is mostly done with
a group of people.

_____8. Salve has been fond of playing badminton ever since she’s a child. Up until now,
she continues to engage in playing the same sport.

_____9. MJ wants to improve his cardiovascular endurance that’s why he does regular

_____10. The only available sports facility in Kenneth’s barangay was the basketball court.
That's why he decided to learn the sports which he soon loved to do.

Lesson 2: Steps in Creating a Recreational Activity

Now that you are familiar with the different factors to consider in choosing a recreational
activity, the time has come for you to identify the steps in creating one. This part of the
lesson will provide you a step-by-step procedure in creating your own recreational activity
that caters your needs and interests, simply, something that works for you!

1. Identify your interests

It is important for you to know your interests and needs. You have to choose
something that appeals to you and something that you would enjoy doing. For example, if
you are interested in dancing, then you may choose to engage yourself in Zumba.

2. Be honest with what your body requires/ body needs.

Knowing your capabilities and your physical body’s ability to learn new skills is
important to consider when creating a recreational activity. It is crucial that you create a
recreational activity that will help your body to achieve a specific goal.

Example: If you want to improve your cardio-vascular endurance, you may choose to
engage yourself in regular exercises that involve running, jogging, walking and brisk-walking
which helps to attain cardio-respiratory fitness.

3. Be familiar with your environment.

This step is crucial for your development of a recreational activity. Some activities
will require tools and equipment that is why it is only necessary to assess your environment.
Ask yourself, are these tools and equipment readily available? Are there available facilities in
my community?

4. Identify the recreational activity.

To avoid misleading, limit your options to two, or preferably one. For example, if
you have decided to choose to adapt and modify from the readily-made recreational activity
like modified Luksong Baka, it is crucial that you put your focus on that.

5. State the objective/purpose of the recreational activity.

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity
Everywhere you go, it is always important that you have set a goal for your output.
As Franklin Covey stated, begin with an end in mind. Before proceeding to other steps, it is
crucial that the expected outcome is clear and understood. You may ask yourself. What’s the
purpose of this activity? Will it be able to help me achieve a specific goal in my body? Or
simply, what will I gain from this recreational activity?

6. Discuss the nature of the game/recreational activity.

This is the part where you, the creator, discusses the origin of the game. If you
have decided to adapt from available recreational activities or palarong pinoy, discuss the
reason behind your decision. Provide a brief explanation of the background of the game.
This will provide your future readers or developers the idea on how you came up with that
kind of recreational activity.

7. Specify the mechanics or the rules and regulation of the game/ recreational activity.

The rules and regulations play a crucial role in developing a recreational activity or
simply a game. This will explain how the game works and will provide guidance for the
players to be able to execute the game successfully.

8. Play the game/perform the recreational activity.

Just like defending a research study, creating an original recreational activity will
also need concrete evidence. Yes, stating the purpose of the game/recreational activity and
other steps mentioned above will not be enough to prove the existence and the effectiveness
of your creation. Push yourself to play the game you created or perform the recreational
activity while also following the mechanics that you provided. This experience will give you
knowledge on the things you have to improve, thus helping you realize the strength and
weaknesses of the game and make a change out of it.

9. Provide pictures/documentation.

While doing the eight steps with your friends and family, you may document
yourself as well as the tools and the facilities you used. This will provide your paper proper
documentation that goes along with your description of the game.

10. Finalize your recreational activity.

Upon considering the factors mentioned in the first lesson and following the steps
mentioned above, finalize your paper. Write down your recreational activity with its own
mechanics, rules and regulations, equipment, facilities and tools. It is pivotal for you to state
the purpose of the game and its nature and finally, reflect on your experience as you do the
recreational activity.

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity

Activity 5.3
Hello again! It’s time for another activity! Analyze the following items and from the box below,
choose what step is being described by the statements.

Test I.
A. Identify your interests

B. State the objective and the purpose of the game/recreational activity

C. Be familiar with the environment

D. Identify the recreational activity.

E. Specify the mechanics or the rules and regulation of the game/ recreational

F. Finalize your recreational activity.

_____1. One should choose a recreational activity that appeals to his or her interest.

_____2. Before proceeding to other steps, Jane primarily stated the goal of her original
recreational activity.

_____3. Cecilia wants to focus on adaptation of the game “Patintero” and decided to have it
modified and improved.

_____4. Alex ensured that the rules and regulations were specifically stated before
proceeding to other steps.
_____5. After considering all the factors, Yuri finalized his chosen recreational activity as he
already wrote down the mechanics, rules and regulations etc.

Test II.

Direction: Arrange the following steps in creating a recreational activity by writing letters A-J
on the space provided.

____1. Play the game/perform the recreational activity.

____2. Specify the mechanics or the rules and regulation of the game/ recreational activity.

____3. Identify your interests

____4. Discuss the nature of the game/recreational activity.

____5. Be honest with what your body requires/ body needs.

____6. Identify the recreational activity.

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity
____7. Be familiar with your environment.

____8. Finalize your recreational activity.

____9. Provide pictures/documentation.

____10. State the objective/purpose of the recreational activity.

Activity 5.4

Whoa! That was a lot! To wrap this unit up, please answer the question provided below.

After the thorough discussion and discovery for this Unit, please take your time to process
these questions;

1. How important is it for you to consider the factors discussed above when choosing your
recreational activity? Will it provide a difference if you decided to not consider those factors?


2. Why is it essential to always consider your interests and what your body needs when
choosing a recreational activity?


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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity



Directions: Using the knowledge you gained from this unit with the factors to consider when
choosing a recreational activity and applying the steps in creating your own recreational
activity, craft or create your original “Larong Pinoy/Recreational Activity”. The steps
should be followed thoroughly as is this final output.


Program and Block:
Class Schedule:
Rules of the Recreational Activity Materials Needed:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.






Please be guided by the scoring rubrics below.

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity

Category 30 points 25 points 20 points 15 points 10 points

It is evident that It is evident It is evident It is evident It is evident

Creativity you used that you used that you used that you used that you did
creativity to creativity to some creativity little creativity not use
create the game. create the to create the to create the creativity to
Evidence game. game. game. create the
includes an Evidence Evidence Evidence game.
interesting includes an includes a includes a neat Presentatio
presentation and interesting somewhat presentation. n is boring
new rules added presentation interesting No new rules and no new
to traditional and some new presentation are created rules were
games. rules added to and no new created.
traditional rules are
games. created
Effort It is evident that It is evident It is evident It is evident It is evident
excellent effort that good effort that some that little effort that no
was put into was put into effort was put was put into effort was
creating the creating the into creating creating the put into
game. Evidence game. the game. game. creating
includes a neat Evidence Evidence Evidence the game.
presentation, includes a neat includes a neat includes a neat No
complete detailed presentation, presentation, presentation, evidence is
information, and complete most and fulfillment included.
fulfillment of all information, information, of some
requirements. and fulfillment and fulfillment requirements.
of most of some
requirements requirements.
Accuracy The presented The presented The material The material The
material is material is presented is presented is material
accurate and accurate and mostly somewhat presented
complete. All complete. All accurate and accurate. is
rules are outlined rules are complete. Some rules are inaccurate
clearly and all outlined clearly Most rules are outlined clearly and
necessary game and most outlined clearly and few game incomplete.
pieces are necessary and most pieces are No rules
included. game pieces necessary included. are
are included. game pieces outlined
are included. and no
pieces are

Adapted from: iRubric:Recreation and Leisure Rubric GX73BA9:R Campus

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity

Activity 5.1 Pre-Assessment
✧ Learners’ answers may vary

Activity 5.2

Activiyy 5.3
Test I.

Test II.

Activity 5.4
✧ Learners’ answers may vary
✧ Sample Answer/Output

1. How important is it for you to consider the factors discussed above when choosing your
recreational activity? Will it provide a difference if you decided to not consider those factors?

Considering the factors mentioned in the first lesson is crucial because it will dictate how I’m
going to achieve my desired goals and will help me to enjoy engaging in recreational
activities. It will make a big difference if I don’t consider the factors because that means not
being able to realize and experience the benefits of recreation.

2. Why is it essential to always consider your interests and what your body needs when
choosing a recreational activity?

Because recreational activities are something that I should enjoy. That’s why it’s important
that I always consider my needs and interests.

Let us Assess!

Final Activity

✧ Learners’ answers may vary

✧ Sample Output

Program and Block: BPED 2-1
Class Schedule: Wednesday 3:00-5:00
Rules of the Recreational Activity Materials Needed:
1. Find people to play with A. What are the equipment needed in

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity
you. You only need two people playing Taguan.

to play this game, but it can be

more fun and challenging if 1. An “it” or the “seeker”.

there are multiple people 2. 5 or more players. (the many, the

hiding. better)

3. It can be played anywhere as long

2. Choose somewhere safe to
as it is safe.
play. Because the seeker is
4. A handkerchief or anything that
blindfolded, it's important to
can be used as a blindfold.
choose a place where they

won't easily get hurt.

3. Choose a signal for when

the game is over or

everyone should come out

of hiding. It can be "Olly, Olly,

Oxen Free!" but you can

choose any phrase you'd like.

Just make sure everyone knows

the signal.

4. Choose the seeker.

5. Blindfold the seeker and

have he or she spin in a

circle while counting to ten.


One person will be the seeker.

All other players will hide.

Consider the ages of the other players. Unless there is an adult keeping an eye

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity
on things, you might not want a blindfolded toddler running around as the


Set the boundaries. If you don't want anyone to go in certain areas.

The seeker can count anywhere from 10 to 100. If people need more time to

hide, try counting to 25 or 50.

You may change your hiding place at any time, but if you're noisy you may get


Don't waste your claps! You only have three chances, so try not to use them all

right away or one right after the other. Pay attention to other cues--breathing,

giggling, creaking floorboards--to help you find the other players.

The players who are hiding can change hiding places. Just be aware of how

much noise you are making!

You may want to use a timer so the game doesn't go on too long and become


If the seeker doesn't find anyone, she must take another turn as the seeker.

But if someone else wants a turn, it's okay to switch. It may be frustrating to

the seeker if she never finds anyone!


1. Mobility

2. Communication

3. Cooperation

4. Alertness


1. Camaraderie

2. Sportsmanship

3. Values

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MODULE 5 Crafting a Recreational Activity


Aparato, C. Brebante, ZRT.,Dajime, PF., Physical Education and Health Volume II. Health
Optimizing PE 4- “Introduction to Outdoor Recreation”. Accessed April 22, 2021

Rotich-Philip. Recreation & Sports: Choosing the Right Recreational Sport for Yourself.

ht_recreational_sport_for_yourself.htm Accessed April 22, 2021

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