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English5 q3 Weeks 34

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Quarter 3 ENGLISH 5 Weeks 3&4

Name: ____________________________________________ Section: ______________

What I Know

Let us check if you know how to summarize information effectively. Below is

an activity which will ask you to apply your skill in summarizing.
Direction: Answer the guide questions below. After answering the questions, write
a summary using the answers in 3-5 sentences. Do this on a separate sheet of

The Islands of Paradise

By: Richard Gula

The Philippines is a sovereign state in archipelagic Southeast Asia and is

home to an amazing collection of over 7,640 islands spanning more than 300,000
square kilometers of territory. These islands are divided into three regions namely
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao
Luzon is the largest and the most populous island in the Philippines which
is considered the 15th largest island in the world. It is the nation’s center for
economy and politics, being home to the country's big factories and government’s
national offices including the Malacañang Palace. It is also the home of
mountainous terrains, picturesque volcanoes, numerous lakes, rivers, and
Visayas is the smallest region in terms of land area in the central part of
the archipelago. It is the home to major Philippine religious and cultural festivals
such as Ati-atihan, Dinagyang, Sinulog, Pintados, and MassKara. It is also
known for its famous landmarks such as the Chocolate Hills of Bohol, San
Juanico Bridge of Leyte, and the island of Boracay.
Mindanao is the second largest among the three islands in the
southernmost part of the Philippines. It is the main contributor to the country’s
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in terms of agriculture, fishing, forestry, etc.
Mindanao is known to be the home of the Philippine eagle and the “king of the
fruits” which is the durian.
All three islands are defined by their unique location, culture, and custom.
The Philippines is indeed a paradise in its true sense.

Guide Questions:

1. How many islands are found in the Philippines?

2. What are the three island groups in the Philippines?
_______________________________________________________________ 3.
What makes Luzon the economic and political center of the country?
4. What makes the Visayas unique from Luzon and Mindanao?
_______________________________________________________________ Summary:

Summarizing Information
1 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
1 from Various Text Types

What’s In

How did you find the previous task? Was it difficult? Which part of the tasks
was challenging for you? Summarizing information from various text types requires
a reader to be critical about the information included in the short version. Also, the
writer must gauge whether the summary covered the whole text and whether the
summary satisfies the style demanded from the text type. In the next activity, let us
explore the different text types.
Directions: Match the definition in Column A with their corresponding text type in
Column B. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This text type presents ideas by listing or a. Time-order text.
enumerating the kinds, characteristics, classes.

2. These are texts developed through logical or b. Explanation text.

chronological order following a

3. It is a factual text that explains how or c. Factual Recount

why something happens.

4. It is a historical report that tells events which d. Cause and effect text
have already happened in time order.

5. This text explains reasons and results of e. Enumeration text

the phenomena or happenings, situations,
and trends.

What’s New

It is important for writers to learn about text types as they influence how
summaries are written. Since these text types serve different purpose and satisfy

2 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
various audience, these need to be retained when summaries are written. In the
next activity, you will learn more about the skills needed in summarizing.

Directions: Read and understand the two selections below. After reading, compare
them by answering the guide questions.

One Saturday morning, Tipoy woke up late and was told by his mother to go to
the grocery to buy some goodies. On his way to the grocery store, he met his
friend Emman who is playing a mobile game.

“Hey Tipoy, where are you going?” asked Emman.

“I’m going to Kikin’s Store to buy bread and drinks,” Tipoy answered.
“Look! My mother bought me a new cell phone”, Emman proudly shows his new
cell phone to him.

Tipoy was so amazed at the new gadget of his friend. He tried the mobile game
and enjoyed playing it. After a couple of minutes, he realized that his mother was
waiting for him. He hurriedly went to the grocery store and got the goodies he
needs to buy. When he was about to pay the bills, he checked his pocket and
found it empty. He realized that he had lost the money and felt scared at that
moment. He thought of losing the money while playing the mobile game with his
friend Emman. He ran as fast as he could to the area where they played mobile
games. He asked his friend if he saw the money he was looking for.
Emman told him that he never saw it. He advised him instead to go home and tell
his mother the truth.

Tipoy went home empty-handed. He went to his mother with tears and

told her what had happened. His mother smiled at him calmly and said, “Next
time you need to have the presence of mind. You went to the grocery store without
asking for money from me.”. Tipoy sighed and felt relieved. He hugged his mother
with a smile on his face.

Tipoy was instructed by his mother to buy some goodies in the grocery.
His attention was caught by his friend Emman who was playing a mobile game
and later played with him. In the grocery, he was not able to buy goodies for he
thought he had lost the money. It was then he realized that he forgot to ask for
money from his mother when he arrived home.

Guide Questions:

1. How is Text A different from Text B?

2. How are the two texts the same?
3. Do they contain the same main idea and details?

3 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
What Is It

In the previous activity, it is obvious that Text B is the summary of Text A

which is the original text. When summarizing text, you noticed how important it
was for you to filter important from less important information. So, why do we need
to filter when we can put everything? Loading your brain and your reader’s brain
with too much information is not effective. The more is not the merrier in terms of
information overload. While some treat is as a gift, mismanaging information can
also be a curse. With this abundance of information, we need to know what we only
need given the tasks required from us, so we do not waste both time and effort.
What is summarizing? Summarizing is a powerful reading and writing
strategy. It increases comprehension and retention of information. When you
summarize, you retain the most important information of a text, using your own
Why is summarizing important? Summarizing helps you understand and
learn important information by reducing it down to its key ideas.
Let us look at some strategies/tricks that will help you summarize

Summarizing Tricks
In summarizing text, we can look at text features, vocabulary, and topic
sentence to identify the most important details of the text.
1. Observe text features.

Text features such as titles, subtitles, texture/size, color, margin notes, etc.
are clues to a text’s most important information --- information you may
want to include in your summary.

3. Take note of highlighted vocabulary words.

If a text gives you a list of important vocabulary in its preview, take note of
these vocabulary words as they may be important information that should
be included in your summary.

3.Identify the topic sentence.

When reading a long text, identify the topic sentence in each paragraph. A
topic sentence holds the most important information in a paragraph.
Therefore, a summary can be written simply by synthesizing the topic
sentences into your own words.

4.Use reporter’s notes (Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?)

Identify the answer to each of the above items. Take note of your answers,
arrange them in a paragraph and you have a good summary.

5.Use Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers are a visual and graphic display that depicts
relationships between facts, terms, and/or ideas within a learning task. It is
often referred to as knowledge maps, concept maps, story maps, or concept

4 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
diagrams. Use them to make more sense of the most important concepts you
found in the long text.

5 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
What’s More
Now that you have learned some tricks in summarizing, why don’t you apply
them in the next activity?
Activity 1
Below is a selection that shows cause-and-effect, a text that explains
reasons and results of events, situations, or trends. Read and understand the
paragraph then fill in in the given graphic organizer. After identifying the important
points, summarize the text in two sentences. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.
Air pollution may be due to a lot of factors. First, air can be polluted by harmful
gases from vehicles, factory gas emissions, and outflow from natural disasters such
as volcanic eruption or forest fires. These factors are largely influenced by
industrialization and consumerism evident in urbanized towns and cities with zero
to minimal government supervision and regulation. Also, people’s lack of concern to
the environment has paved way for capitalists to overuse our natural resources
such as trees that could have cleaned the air. Lastly, the government’s seemingly
lack of accountability in terms of reinforcing law that should have protected the air
can also be major factor. While these may suggest hopelessness for a clean air in
the future, we still hope awareness of the need for cleaner air turn into action.

A. Guide Questions:
1. What is the paragraph about?
_____________________________________________________________________ 2.
What does the key sentence introduce?
_____________________________________________________________________ 3.
How many causes of air pollution are stated?

Key sentence : ___________________________

Cause Cause Cause

_____________________ ______________ _____________ ________________________


B. Complete the summary below by supplying the missing word/words.

Air pollution is caused _________________________________________. These are

and ________________________________________________________.

6 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
Activity 2
The selection below is an enumeration text which presents ideas by listing or
enumerating types, kinds, and other information. Read the text below and organize
ideas by answering the guide questions below and filling in the graphic organizer.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Sohoton Caves and Natural Bridge Park is a beautiful tourist attraction in

Basey, Samar. It is where you can find the most spectacular stalactites and
stalagmites that come in varied sizes and shapes. It features a variety of caves,
subterranean rivers, waterfalls, rock formations, and a natural stone bridge. Aside

from the breathtaking view, tourists can also enjoy different activities in the area
such as swimming with thousands of jellyfish, kayaking at the Sohoton River,
spelunking at Magkukuob Cave, cliff diving at Hagukan Cave, and simply enjoying
the beauty of Panhulugan Cave. All these natural adventures you can enjoy at the
Sohoton and Natural Bridge Park of Basey, Samar.

A. Guide Questions:
1. What is the paragraph about? ______________________________________________
2.What things are enumerated to show the different activities to be done in Sohoton
caves? _______________________________________________________________________
3. What word/phrase signal the enumeration or listing?

General Subject

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

type type type

B. On the space below, write your summary.

Activity 3
Below is a time-order text type. Read and understand the selection and write a
2sentence summary. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.

The Happiest day of Manilo

By: Richard Gula

One afternoon, Manilo’s class adviser gave him an envelope for his parents. He
immediately went home and handed the envelope to his mother. Mother Susan

7 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
opened and read the letter. The letter informed her of Manilo’s chance to enjoy a
scholarship next school year in one of the prestigious universities in the country.
“At last the fruits of a long and arduous labor since you were young are now being
harvested. Now you are recognized and awarded with this scholarship,” his mother
announced with joy.

Guide Questions:
1. What did Manilo’s class adviser give him? _______________________________
2. What did Manilo do after receiving the envelope? ________________________
3. Why did Mother Susan feel happy that day? _____________________________

What I Have Learned

Information may come from different sources and are presented in various
text types. For us to understand better the core message of such information, we
need to summarize the text we have read.
Summarizing is a powerful reading and writing strategy. It increases
comprehension and retention of information. When you summarize, you restate the
most important information of a text, using your own words.
There are strategies/tricks that will help us summarize information such as
observing text features, taking note of the highlighted vocabulary list, knowing the
topic sentence, using reporter’s notes (Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?),
and utilizing graphic organizers.

What I Can Do
Read and understand the text below. After reading, share the useful
information to the members of your family.

8 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
Every year the Philippines experiences tropical cyclones or typhoons that
resulted in damage to properties and lives. It is of utmost importance that the
people should have enough knowledge on what to do before, during, and after
the typhoon.
Before the typhoon hits your place, watch for weather updates on your
television, radio, or internet. Familiarize yourself with the Barangay’s evacuation
plan. Keep your emergency kit accessible and follow the evacuation order by the
During the typhoon, stay in your home or evacuation center and keep
watch for updates. Turn off the main switch for utilities like water and
electricity. Have a flashlight in hand and keep away from possible dangers like
glass windows.
After the typhoon, wait for the announcements about your area’s safety.
Stay away from danger such as damaged power lines, fallen trees, and damaged
structures. Make sure that there are no wet or submerged appliances or outlets
before turning on the electricity. Lastly, check the possible breeding places for
mosquitos such as tires, cans, or pots, and get rid of rainwater.



Assessment 1
Complete the paragraph to come up with a clear picture of what summarizing is.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Summarizing is a powerful reading strategy. It increases _______________ and
____________________ of information. When you _______________________, you restate
the most ___________________ information of a text, using your ___________________

Assessment 2

9 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
Read and understand the text below. Write 4 to 5 sentences that will summarize
the whole selection. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


Salud in the Enchanted Forest

By: Richard Gula

One dark night, a voice as cold as the pouring rain woke Salud up from a
deep slumber. The voice that reverberated through the thick woods was calling
her. Though she was nervous, she calmed herself and followed the voice that was
strange to her. Her feet carried her into a dense forest. Salud was astonished at
the sight of fairies partying in the shade of a large tree. She could not believe it.
She saw various tools made of gold. The surroundings were also adorned with
beautiful pearls and diamonds. The place was surrounded by a variety of flowers.
Salud was surprised when someone had suddenly grabbed her shoulder.
She was amazed to see a very handsome creature with a charming smile. He gave
her a glass of drink and brought her in front of the crowd. Salud could not believe
what was happening. All of a sudden, the fairies danced to the accompaniment of
entertaining music. She was surprised when a trumpet had sounded as if a
coronation was about to take place. Unexpectedly, a fairy appeared from nowhere
carrying a crown. The fairy happily placed the crown on Salud's head. After the
crowning, the crowd shouted, "Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!"
Salud's happiness was overflowing when suddenly she felt pain on her side.
She recognized that someone was pinching her. She opened her eyes widely and
saw her mother’s face. She then realized that she was just dreaming.



Additional Activities

Read the selections below. Fill out the graphic organizer to organize the
Write 2 to 3 sentences to summarize the story. Do this on a separate sheet of

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Aesop’s Fable

In a field one summer day, a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping,

and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by carrying an ear of corn. It
was a very heavy load, but he did not stop. He was taking the corn to his nest.
"Why not come and chat with me?" said the grasshopper, "The day is too
nice to be working so hard."

10 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "I think you
should be doing the same."
"Why worry about the winter?" the grasshopper said, "We have plenty of
food now."
The ant was tired from his work, and he thought it would be fun to join
the grasshopper. But he went on his way and continue working until he had
filled his nest with corn.
Winter came as it always does, and the grasshopper had no more food to
eat. He was dying of hunger while the ants were eating every day from the corn
they had stored away. Then the grasshopper knew that it is best to prepare for
the days ahead.

Story Elements
Characters Setting Problem/Conflict

Solution Theme Plot


11 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2 12
Quezon City.
Castillo K. and Angeles E. 2016. Joy in Learning English 5, Vibal Group Inc.
Guide, October, 2020,
Baguiocityguide, 2019, What to do before, during, and after a Typhoon, Baguio City
What I Know
1 . over 7,640 islands What’s In What's More
2 . Luzon, Visayas, and
Mindanao 1 . e. Enumeration Text Activity 1
3 . Luzon is the home to the
2 . a. Time
-order Text A. 1. Air Pollution
country's big factories and
3 national . b. Explanation
2 text . Factors that causes
offices including the
Malacañang 4 Palace. . c. Factual Recount air pollution
4 . It is the home to major
Philippine religious
5 and . d. Cause -and-effect text 3 . Three
cultural festivals.
B. Air pollution is
causedby different factors.
These include the
influence of
industrialization, lack of
accountability, and the
natural disasters.
What I Can Do
What's More What's More
Activity 3
Activity 2 Answers may vary .
A. A.
1 . Sohoton Caves and 1 . an envelope
. He immediately went Assessment 1
Natural2Bridge Park
home and gave the envelope
2 . swimming, kayaking , to her mother. Summarizing is a
3 , cliff diving . Mother Susan was happy powerful reading strategy. It
3 . such as because Manilo can enroll increases
in comprehension
the prestigious school andretentionof information.
B.Answers may vary because of scholarship. When yousummarize , you
restate the most important
B. Summary: information of a text, using
Answers may vary yourownwords.
Assessment 2
Summary: Answers may
s Key
Constantino R., History/Culture, Philippine Consulate General, Vancouver,
Canada, February 19, 2021, -and-culture, 2020,
Jones, J, 2015, identifying text-structure,, February 24,
2021 -structure.html
Nurg,, 2018, Visayas, Wikitravel, October 2020,
Sebastian, M.L., 2020, The Day After… 10 things To Do After A Typhoon,
PageOnePH, November 2020,
Valencia N., 2018, Grade 5 English Learners’ Material, Scribd, February 24,2021,

13 CO_Q3_English 5_Module 2
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

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Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

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