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Grade 9

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e) none of the above


Write the letter of the correct answer on a ½ length
twice sheet of paper.

1. Which pumps out blood from the heart?

a) atriums 10. The human heart is:
b) ventricles a) made of muscle.
c) capillaries b) a pump
d) veins c) has four chambers.
2. The right atrium receives what? d) beats faster when you exercise.
a) oxygen-rich blood e) All of the above.
b) capillaries
c) oxygen-poor blood 11. The is a muscular organ that pumps blood
d) platelets to the body through blood
3. The heart is separated by a wall of tissue arteries.
called ... A) vein
a) veins b) artery
b) capillaries c) heart
c) atriums d) lungs
d) septum
4. What is true about the heart? 12. The body system that transports oxygen,
a) it is a hollow, muscular organ nutrients, and waste through the body.
b) blood is pumped into and out of it a. respiratory system
c) the heart's left side is bigger than the right b. muscular system
d) all of the above c. circulatory system
5. A _____ prevents blood from flowing d. skeletal system
a) valve 13. What are the main organs of gas (oxygen
b) heart and carbon dioxide) exchange in the
c) septum respiratory system?
d) ventricle a. diaphragm
6. ______ carry blood away from the heart. b. lungs
a) ventricles c. trachea
b) arteries d. bronchi
c) capillaries
d) plasma 14. The System that contains blood vessels
7. _______ carries nutrients such as glucose, and
fats, vitamins, and minerals. the heart is the.
a) red blood cells a. cardiovascular system
b) white blood cells b. respiratory system
c) plasma c. digestive system
d) hemoglobin d. Integumentary System
8. Which of the following is a function of the
blood? 15. The ______are the receiving chambers of
a) transport of nutrients and wastes the heart.
b) transport of body heat a. atria
c) transport of gases b. Ventricle
d) defense against toxins and pathogens c. Muscular
e) all of the above d. septum

9. The function of hemoglobin is to 16. The __________are the pumping

a) carry oxygen. chambers of the heart.
b) defend against infection. a. atria
c) aid in the process of blood clotting. b. Ventricle
d) all of the above c. Muscular
d. septum

17. Starting from the aorta, the artery

branches into smaller arteries until it becomes 25. Which part of the heart has the thickest
the smallest arteries, called __________ walls?
a. arterioles a. Left atrium
b. arteries b. Left ventricle
c. venules c. ventricle
d. capillaries d. Right atrium

18. Starting from the capillaries, the smallest

veins, called __________ LABEL ME!
a. arterioles
b. arteries Write the correct label of the heart. 5 points.
c. venules
d. capillaries

19. Where are red blood cells made?

a. Bone marrow
b. Heart
c. Lungs
d. Kidneys

20. Which one of the following statements is

a. White blood cells contain hemoglobin.
b. Blood cells are transported in the plasma.
c. All blood cells are produced in the kidneys.
d. There are only two types of a blood cells.

21. Which one of the following is NOT a blood

a. Vein
b. Colon
c. Artery
d. Capillary
22. What substance gives red blood cells their
a. Glucose
b. Platelets
c. Hemoglobin
d. Plasma
23. Which of the following is a function of
a. NO To support the body
b. To transport food to the stomach
c. To maintain body temperature
d. To produce bile

24. How many chambers are there in the

human heart?
a. Three
b. Two
c. Four
d. six

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