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Nand Foundation Academy, Shegaon. 9834274427: Xii - A Div

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Nand Foundation Academy, Shegaon.

Total Questions : 50 Total Marks : 50
Roll No.
XII - A Div 10:00 AM To 12:00 PM
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Candidate’s Signature MH-CET Biology Invigilator’s Signature

Note :
i) All Questions are compulsory
ii) Darken ( ) the appropriate circle(#) of the most correct option/response with black ball point pen.


1) The pigment haemocyanin is found in

A) Epicardium B) Myocardium
A) Annelida B) Mollusca
C) Endocardium D) All of the above
C) Porifera D) Echinodermata 6) Which of the following has no muscular wall
2) The important function of lymph is to
A) Artery B) Vein
A) transport oxygen to the brain
C) Arteriole D) Capillary
B) transport carbon dioxide to the lungs 7) Vasa vasorum supplies blood to:

C) return RBCs to the lymph nodes A) Pericardium

D) return interstitial fluid to the blood B) Wall of heart

3) The ion that always keeps the cardiac muscle

C) Tunica adventia and external part of tunica
unit in contracting state is
media in artery
A) Sodium B) Potassium
D) Wall of ureter
C) Calcium D) Magnesium 8) Which of the following are located in tunica
media of human blood vessels?
4) The study of blood vessels is termed as

A) angiology B) cardiology

C) haematology D) histology

5) The wall of heart is made up of

A) Collagen fibres and smooth muscle A) Electric current of the body

B) Squamous epithelium and striated muscle B) Potential differences

C) Yellow fibres and smooth muscle C) Pulse rate

D) Yellow fibres and striated muscle D) Quantity of blood pumped per minute

9) The rate of heart beat per minute is highest in 14) Average cardiac output is
case of:
A) 4 litres per minute
A) Elephant B) Whale
B) 6.3 litres per minute
C) Man D) Mouse
C) 5.3 litres per minute
10) You are required to draw blood from patient and
to keep it in a test-tube for analysis of blood
D) 7.3 litres per minute
corpuscles and plasma. You are also provided
with the following four types of test-tubes. 15) In diastole, heart is filled by
Which of them will you not use for the purpose?
A) mixed blood
A) Test-tube containing calcium bicarbonate
B) venous blood
B) Chilled test tube
C) oxygenated blood
C) Test-tube containing heparin
D) deoxygenated blood
D) Test-tube containing sodium oxalate
16) The blood pressure is high in
11) The valve present on opening of coronary sinus
is A) Arteries

A) tricuspid valve B) bicuspid valve B) Veins

C) mitral valve D) the besian valve C) Capillaries

12) During the process of blood coagulation,
vitamin-K helps in D) Veins of portal system

17) We feel sleepy just after taking meals because

A) the formation of prothrombin
A) Blood pressure increases
B) the formation of thromboplastin
B) Blood pressure decreases
C) the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin
C) Body weight increases
D) the conversion of prothrombin into thrombin

13) ECG records D) We feel lethargic

18) Serotonin in the blood:

A) Helps in clotting of blood A) Left subclavian vein

B) Prevents clotting of blood B) Right subclavian vein

C) Relaxes blood vessels C) Right lymphatic duct

D) Constricts blood vessels D) Thoracic lymphatic duct

19) Oxygenated blood is carried by 24) Heaviness with severe chest pain which may
disappear with rest indicates
A) Pulmonary vein B) Pulmonary artery
A) angina pectoris B) atherosclerosis
C) Renal vein D) Hepatic por
C) arteriosclerosis D) hyperthyroidism
20) The chamber of human heart, which has
thickest wall 25) Heart beat originates from

A) Right atrium B) Left atrium A) Pacemaker B) Cardiac muscles

C) Right ventricle D) Left ventricle C) Left atrium D) Right ventricle

21) The pace-setter in the heart is called 26) A vein differs from the artery in having

A) Purkinje fibres A) Narrow lumen

B) Sino-aterial node (SAN) B) Strong cuticular and muscular wall

C) Papillary muscle C) Valves to control direction of flow

D) Atrio-ventricular node (AVN) D) Dark pigmented wall

22) The pericardium and the pericardial fluid help in 27) Heparin is a

A) Protecting the heart from friction, shocks A) protein

and keeps i moist
B) lipid
B) Pumping the blood
C) enzyme
C) Receiving the blood from various parts of
the body D) mucopolysaccharide

D) None of the above 28) Since it is the sinu-auricular node which

initiates the impulses in the heart of mammal is
23) Which of the following is first to receive called
lymphatic duct from | legs
A) Cholinergic B) Adrenergic

C) Neurogenic D) Myogenic
29) If the level of carboxy haemoglobin in blood
A) increase in size
reaches up to ........the functioning of central
nervous system is severely affected which
B) decrease in size
results in death.

A) 1 to 2% B) 0.20 to 0.30% C) increase in number

C) 0.30 to 0.40% D) 0.1 to 0.5% D) decrease in number

30) The artery can be distinguished from the vein in 36) Which of the following is different from others
having in absence of muscular coat

A) Thicker walls B) More blood cells A) Veins B) Arteries

C) More plasma D) Larger cavity C) Capillaries D) Arterioles

31) Blood circulation that starts in capillaries and 37) In the heart of mammals the bicuspid valve is
ends in capillaries is called situated between

A) Portal circulation B) Hepatic circulation A) Left auricle and left ventricle

C) Cardiac circulation D) None B) Post caval and right caval

32) Valves are present in C) Right auricle and left auricle

A) atria, veins and ventricles D) Right ventricle and pulmonary aorta

B) SA-node, AV-node and arteries 38) Pace maker (SA.Node) of the heart is situated of
the heart is situated
C) pacemaker, veins and arteries
A) In wall of right atrium close to eustachian
D) All of the above

33) Coagulation of blood in the blood vessel is B) On intra-auricular septum

prevented by :
C) On inter-venticular septum
A) Calcium B) Prothrombin
D) In wall of left atrium close to the opening of
C) Heparin D) Fibrinogen pulmonan veins

34) Haemoglobin of the human blood forms a 39) Function of human spleen is to
stable complex compound with which of the
following gas leading to death? A) Control the pulse rate

A) Oxygen B) Carbon dioxide B) Secrete hormone

C) Carbon monoxide D) Nitrogen C) Stimulate heart

35) At high altitudes, RBCs in human blood

D) Control blood volume

40) The pace setter in the heart is called:

46) Purkinje"s fibres are special types of
A) S.A-node B) Purkinje fibres
A) Muscle fibres located in heart
C) A.V. node D) Papillary muscles

41) The nerve like modified muscle in the right B) Nerve fibres located in cerebrum
auricle is known as
C) Connective tissue fibres joining one bone to
A) Lymph node another bone

B) Atrio-ventricular node D) Sensory fibres extending from retina into

optic nerve
C) Pacemaker
47) The heart muscles are

D) Bulbus arteriosus
A) striated and involuntary
42) In man, blood passes from the post caval into
the diastolic right atrium of the heart because of B) striated and voluntary

A) Pushing of venous valves C) smooth and involuntary

B) Suction pull D) non-striated and involuntary

48) Maximum pressure of blood is experienced

C) Beating of S.A. node
A) when blood enters from right ventricle to
D) Pressure between post caval and atrium
43) The artery which supplies blood to the
diaphragm is known as Or The diaphragm is B) when blood enters from right auricle to aorta
supplied with blood by
C) when blood enters from left ventricle to
A) Cardiac artery B) Phrenic artery aorta

C) Lingual artery D) Lumbar artery D) when blood enters from left auricle to aorta

44) The pulse beat is measured by the 49) The typical Lubb-Dup sounds heard in the heart
beat of < healthy person are due to
A) Artery B) Capillary
A) Closing of the tricuspid and bicuspid valve
C) Vein D) None
B) Blood flow through the aorta
45) The increase in blood flow to heart stimulates
secretion of C) Closing of the tricuspid and semilunar
A) renin
D) Closing of the semilunar valves
B) oxytocin
50) During systole of ventricle
C) antidiuretic hormone

D) atrial natriuretic factor

A) Blood enters the heart

B) Blood leaves the heart

C) Blood leaves the ventricle

D) Blood enters lungs

Answer Sheet

Biology : Circulation
Total Questions : 50 Total Marks : 50

1 B 2 A 3 D 4 A 5 D 6 D 7 C 8 C 9 D 10 C 11 D 12 A
13 B 14 C 15 B 16 A 17 B 18 D 19 A 20 D 21 D 22 A 23 D 24 A
25 A 26 C 27 D 28 D 29 A 30 A 31 A 32 A 33 C 34 C 35 C 36 C
37 A 38 A 39 D 40 C 41 C 42 D 43 B 44 A 45 D 46 A 47 A 48 C
49 C 50 C
Solution Sheet

Biology : Circulation
Total Questions : 50 Total Marks : 50

1) The pigment haemocyanin is found in Mollusca. 11) In mammalian heart, a small pore located
Haemocyanin is the copper containing blue close to the opening of left precaval is the
blood opening of coronary sinus which drains
pigment. impure blood from the wall of the heart itself.
A thebesian valve extends between these two
2) The lymph acts as a middle man between
the blood and the tissue cells as it passes
on food and oxygen from blood to tissue 12) Vitamin-K also called anti-haemorrhagic factor,
cells (e.g. brain cells) and hands over is a fat soluble vitamin, which is essential for
excretory wastes, hormones and CO2 from the formation of prothrombin from the liver.
the body cells to blood.
13) ECG is the record of changes in electrical
3) This is also called calcium rigor and is due to potential of heart during one beat.
association of more contractile units.
14) Cardiac output=stroke volume xventicular
4) Angiology (angion=vessel, logos=study) is the systole/minute
study of blood vessels The heart, blood vessels = 70 ml x 72 (min) = 5040 ml/min
and blood together constitute coardiovascular = about 5.5 litres
system of the body.
15) During joint diastole, blood continues to flow
5) The wall of heart has three layer : epicardium, into auricle through the great veins (superior
myocardium and endocardium. and inferior vena cava), which bring venous
blood from all parts of the body. During atrial
6) The wall of capillary consists of norma!
diastole, venous blood again passes from
the great veins to the auricle.
and basement membrane.
16) Artery is thick-walled in which blood flows
7) Vasa vasorum is called blood vessel of blood
under high
vessel which supply blood to the
tunica externa (adventia) and external part of
the tunica media 17) Because blood is diverted towards alimentary
canal therefore the pressuer of
8) Tunica media is the middle, thickest layer
blood falls in brain
of blood vessels and is made up of yellow
(elastin) fibres and involuntary or unstriped 18) Because serotonin is a vaso constrictor
or smooth muscle fibres.
19) The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from
9) Because under the normal conditions heart rate the lungs through four of pulmonary veins.
has inverse relation with the
20) The wall of ventricles are thicker then those of
size of the animal
10) Clotting of collected blood can be prevented Thickest wall is found in the left ventricle
by coating the test-tubes with silicon or adding
21) AV-node delays the impulse of contraction
chelating agents. Heparin is not suitable for
transmitting it to the ventricles. Thus sets the
counts as it alters the shape of RBC and WBC,
time interval
which affects blood testing.
between the contraction of auricles and
22) Pericardium (Protective covering) and 32) The valve is a piece of tissue that enables
pericardial fluid the movement of a liquid in one direction
protects the heart from shocks, mechanical only. It is present in atria, veins and
injuries and ventricles.
keeps it moist and also allows free movements
33) Heparin is anticoagulant which prevent the
of the heart.
clotting of blood
23) Essentially all the lymph from the lower part of
34) 98.5% of O2 is transported by blood with
the body
the help of haemoglobin. The molecule of
even most of that from the legs flows up the
haemoglobin has 250 times more affinity
with CO as compare to O2 and thus, prevent
duct and empties into the venous system at the
O2 transport which leads to death.
of left internal jugular vein and subclavian vein 35) At high altitudes, due to low pressure and low
amount of oxygen, the RBC count increases in
24) Angina pectoris is chest discomfort or pain.
human blood. This is called compensating
In this, there is heaviness with severe chest
pain which may disappear with rest. It is
most common cause of corona artery disease. 36) Capillary has no muscular wall. Its wall is made
of a
25) Cardiac impulse (Heart beat) normally originate
single layer of endothelial cell
the pace maker (S.A. node). 37) The bicuspid valve is a valve consisting of two
membranous flap or cups situated between the
26) Vein contain valves to prevent back flow of
and ventricle of the left side of the heart in
27) Heparin is produced by basophils and mast mammals.
cells and is a mucopolysaccharide. It prevents
38) Pace maker (SA node) which lies in the wall of
intravascular clotting.
the right
28) Myogenic heart has contraction initiated by a atrium near the opening of the superior vena
special node cava.
of modified heart muscles called sinu-artial
39) So spleen is also called the blood reservior of
node (S.A
node) e.g., the heart of vertebrates, tunicates
and mollusca.
40) A.V. node delays the impulse of contraction
29) Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas. It
before transmitting it to the
ventricles thus sets the time interval between
with haemoglobin more rapidly than oxygen to
the contraction of auricles and
carboxyhaemoglobin. A carbon monoxide
pressure 41) c)Also called sino-atrial (S.A.) node.
of about 0.7 mm Hg (conc. of about 1%) in
alveolar 42) This pressure gradient is generated by the
air can be lethal. diastole of heart.

30) The wall of arteries are thick and muscular 43) A pair of phrenic arteries arise from the aorta
31) Blood circulation that starts in capillaries and supply the diaphragm
ends in
capillaries is called portal circulation 44) Pulse can be detected in superficial artery like
artery of wrist and temporal artery
45) Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a powerful
vasodilator and a protein hormone secreted by
heart muscle cells. It is released in response
to atrial distention, stretching of the vessel wall,
etc. It plays an important role in decreasing
blood pressure by reducing H2 O , sodium and
adipose loads on circulatory system.
46) Within the lateral walls of ventricles.
47) Cardiac muscles are found in heart. These
are striated and involuntary and are functionally
independent of the conscious control of brain.
48) The pressure exerted by the flow of blood on
elastic walls of the arteries is called blood
Blood pressure is greater during the systole
during the diastole. Maximum pressure of
experienced during entry of blood from left
to aorta.
49) First sound is lubb a long and booming sound
by the closure of tricuspid valve and second
sound is
dupp a short and due to closure of semi lunar
50) Systole is the muscular contraction of the heart
or of
any chamber of it. Commonly, it is used to refer
to the
ventricles of human heart. During this stage the
openings for CSA and PT are open, so the
leaves the ventricles

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