Career Report Sample Report
Career Report Sample Report
Career Report Sample Report
Sample Report
Thank you for completing your career report. Our vision is to simplify career decision making and enable you to make great
career choices that match your skills, values and interests.
There are many ways individuals’ careers develop, and different ways in which individuals make career choices. Here is our
suggested career development path if you are feeling a bit stuck or unsure about how to proceed.
Knowing yourself
In this first step you are encouraged to first know yourself. What are you good at? What do you like doing? What is important
to you in a career and what type of work environment would you like to work in? What are your interests and do you have any
current options in mind? What restrictions do you face in terms of location, work structure, pay or further education?
Knowing the world
Once you know yourself, it’s time to start understanding the world of work. What types of occupations are a good match for
your skills, values and work type preferences? What are the requirements of entry for the occupations you are interested in – for
example what education and experience is typically required? Do a risk assessment of your options – how competitive is it to
get into the occupations you are considering? If you can’t find this information yourself – try reaching out to someone already
working in the field.
Testing it out
Once you have narrowed down your options to a small number, it is time to test them out. Sometimes doing a few days work
experience, volunteering, job shadowing, or even having a 30 minute conversation with someone working in that occupation can
be invaluable in helping you figure out if an option is the right fit for you.
Decision making
After completing the above stages and refining your options it is time to make a decision. Some tools that can help people
with decision making include having a conversation with a careers advisor or someone you know who is good at listening in an
unbiased and non-judgemental way. Making a list of pros and cons on paper can help you sort through your thoughts. Sometimes
people need more time to make a decision, and might benefit from spending more time on the above career development stages
of knowing themselves, knowing the world and testing it out (possibly through work experience).
This is the intermediate stage between deciding what you would like to do and making it happen – when you complete any
education required for your occupation of choice and gain the required work experience.
This is the final stage where you start job searching, prepare your application materials (CV, Cover letter and Application forms),
update your LinkedIn profile and prepare for assessment and interviews.
Transferrable skills are can be transferred from one job to another. When completing your questionnaire you
indicated how good you were at these skills, and whether you would like to be using these skills. From your
answers we categorise your unique skills profile of strengths, growth areas, chores and weaknesses.
Strengths are skills that you both enjoy and are good at. Your
highest strengths appear first.
Growth skills are those that you enjoy but are not yet good at.
With effort and practice they might convert into strengths for you
in the future.
Chores are skills that you do not enjoy but you are good at. You
do these things well but they feel like work - and you need some
extrinsic motivation to apply them.
Weaknesses are skills that you neither enjoy nor are good at.
Active Listening - No.1 Management of Personnel Resources
Service Orientation - No.1 Programming
Critical Thinking
Reading Comprehension
Social Perceptiveness
Active Learning
Complex Problem Solving
Judgement and Decision Making
Learning Strategies
Equipment Selection Equipment Maintenance
Installation Operation and Control
Quality Control Analysis Operation Monitoring
Systems Analysis Repairing
Systems Evaluation
Management of Material Resources
Operations Analysis
Technology Design
Management of Financial Resources
Time Management
Definition: Giving full attention to what other people are Definition: Talking to others to convey information
saying, taking time to understand the points being made, effectively.
asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at
inappropriate times. Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill
include: Clinical Psychologists; Atmospheric, Earth,
Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill Marine, and Space Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary;
include: Neuropsychologists and Clinical Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers,
Neuropsychologists; Child, Family, and School Social Postsecondary; Lawyers; Political Science Teachers,
Workers; Clinical Psychologists; Judges and Magistrates; Postsecondary
Definition: Understanding written sentences and
Definition: Actively looking for ways to help people. paragraphs in work related documents.
Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill
include: Emergency Management Directors; Counselling include: Historians; English Language and Literature
Psychologists; Educational, Guidance, School, and Teachers, Postsecondary; Neuropsychologists and Clinical
Vocational Counsellors; Adapted Physical Education Neuropsychologists; Molecular and Cellular Biologists;
Specialists; Travel Agents Lawyers
Definition: Using logic and reasoning to identify the Definition: Being aware of others’ reactions and
strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, understanding why they react as they do.
conclusions or approaches to problems.
Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill
Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill include: Clinical Psychologists; Counselling Psychologists;
include: Judges and Magistrates; Neuropsychologists and Chief Executives; Education Adminstrators, Primary and
Clinical Neuropsychologists; Chief Executives; Secondary School; Neuropsychologists and Clinical
Adjudicators; Education Adminstrators, Primary and Neuropsychologists
Secondary School
Definition: Understanding the implications of new Definition: Selecting and using training / instructional
information for both current and future problem-solving methods and procedures appropriate for the situation
and decision-making. when learning or teaching new things.
Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill
include: Epidemiologists; Astronomers; include: Training and Development Managers; Education
Neuropsychologists and Clinical Neuropsychologists; Chief Adminstrators, Primary and Secondary School; Training
Executives; Soil and Plant Scientists and Development Specialists; Anthropology and
Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary; Psychology
Teachers, Postsecondary
Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill
include: Chief Executives; Emergency Management include: Mathematicians; Statisticians; Operations
Directors; Operations Research Analysts; Biomedical Research Analysts; Biostatisticians; Physicists
Engineers; Automotive Engineers
Definition: Using scientific rules and methods to solve
Definition: Teaching others how to do something. problems.
Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill
include: Coaches and Scouts; Social Work Teachers, include: Molecular and Cellular Biologists; Biochemists
Postsecondary; English Language and Literature and Biophysicists; Microbiologists; Physicists; Animal
Teachers, Postsecondary; Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Scientists
Postsecondary; Art, Drama, and Music Teachers,
Are these skills you would like to use in your future career?
Can you think of ways you could develop these skills?
Definition: Motivating, developing, and directing people Definition: Writing computer programs for various
as they work, identifying the best people for the job. purposes.
Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill Jobs in your industry and education zone using this skill
include: Chief Executives; Human Resources Managers; include: Computer Programmers; Web Developers;
Nursery and Greenhouse Managers; Education Software Developers, Applications; Video Game
Adminstrators, Primary and Secondary School; Gaming Designers; Software Quality Assurance Engineers and
Managers Testers
Definition: Determining the kind of tools and equipment Definition: Obtaining and seeing to the appropriate use of
needed to do a job. equipment, facilities, and materials needed to do certain
Definition: Installing equipment, machines, wiring, or
programs to meet specifications. Definition: Bringing others together and trying to
reconcile differences.
Definition: Determining how a system should work and
how changes in conditions, operations, and the Definition: Persuading others to change their minds or
environment will affect outcomes. behaviour.
Definition: Identifying measures or indicators of system Definition: Generating or adapting equipment and
performance and the actions needed to improve or correct technology to serve user needs.
performance, relative to the goals of the system.
Definition: Monitoring / Assessing performance of Definition: Managing one’s own time and the time of
yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make others.
improvements or take corrective action.
Definition: Performing routine maintenance on equipment Definition: Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to
and determining when and what kind of maintenance is make sure a machine is working properly.
Definition: Repairing machines or systems using the
Definition: Controlling operations of equipment or needed tools.
RIASEC work types are based on organisational psychologist Holland’s six work types.
Investigative Love it
Social Love it
Enterprising Like it
Definition: Working with ideas, and requiring an Definition: Working with, communicating with, and
extensive amount of thinking. For example, searching for teaching people. For example helping or providing service
facts and figuring out problems mentally. to others.
Jobs in your industry and education zone high on this Jobs in your industry and education zone high on this
work type include: Logistics Engineers; Computer and work type include: Park Education Officers; Educational,
Information Research Scientists; Computer Programmers; Guidance, School, and Vocational Counsellors; Child,
Software Developers, Systems Software; Geospatial Family, and School Social Workers; Business Teachers,
Information Scientists and Technologists Postsecondary; Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary
Definition: Starting up and carrying out projects, leading Definition: Working with forms, designs and patterns.
people and making many decisions - requiring risk taking For example work requiring self-expression and work that
and dealing with business. can be done without following a clear set of rules.
Work Values are aspects of work that are important to a person’s satisfaction.
Recognition Important
Definition: Allow you to provide service to others and Definition: Be results oriented and allow you to use your
work with co-workers in a friendly non-competitive strongest abilities, giving you a feeling of accomplishment
Jobs in your industry and education zone that score high
Jobs in your industry and education zone that score high on this value include: Veterinarians; Chief Sustainability
on this value include: School Psychologists; Counselling Officers; Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product
Psychologists; Educational, Guidance, School, and Development Managers; Nanosystems Engineers; Chief
Vocational Counsellors; Secondary School Teachers, Executives
Except Special and Career/Technical Education; Special
Education Teachers, Preschool
Definition: Allow you to work on your own and make Definition: Offer supportive management that stands
decisions behind employees
Jobs in your industry and education zone that score high Jobs in your industry and education zone that score high
on this value include: Chief Executives; Judges and on this value include: Hazardous Materials Removal
Magistrates; Chief Sustainability Officers; Education Workers; Environmental Engineering Technicians;
Adminstrators, Primary and Secondary School; Education Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment
Administrators, Postsecondary Specialists; First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers;
Forest Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisors
Yes No
Administrative and Support Services Accommodation and Food Services
Educational Services Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting
Government Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
Management of Companies and Enterprises Construction
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Finance and Insurance
Health Care Requiring Medical Degree
Health Care Requiring Nursing or Midwifery Degree
Other Health Care and Social Assistance
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
Retail Trade
Transportation and Warehousing
Wholesale Trade
These factors are not taken into account in the job matching, but may form an important part in helping you
decide your future career path.
Extremely important
Extremely important
Part Time
LOCATION: The location of your job (e.g. due to commuting INCOME GROWTH: To have the opportunity for income
times/location preference) growth over time
PART TIME: To have the opportunity to work part time WORK FROM HOME: To be able to work from home some
or all of the time
REGULAR HOURS: Having regular working hours (avoiding
shift work) OPTIONAL OVERTIME: Opportunity for overpaid overtime
MANDATORY OVERTIME: Not being expected to work STARTING INCOME: To have a starting income above a
overtime at busy periods certain level
FLEXIBILITY: To have flexibility in start / finish times BONUS: To have a bonus related to your performance
Jewellery Making
Career Guidance
Higher Degree (MA, MSc, PhD, MD, MBA)
10 Atmospheric, Earth, Yes Teach courses in the physical sciences, except chemistry and physics.
Marine, and Space Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching, and those who
Sciences Teachers, do a combination of teaching and research.
11 Biological Science Yes Teach courses in biological sciences. Includes both teachers primarily
Teachers, Postsecondary engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
12 Psychology Teachers, Yes Teach courses in psychology, such as child, clinical, and
Postsecondary developmental psychology, and psychological counselling. Includes
both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a
combination of teaching and research.
13 Health Specialties Yes Teach courses in health specialties, in fields such as dentistry,
Teachers, Postsecondary laboratory technology, medicine, pharmacy, public health, therapy,
and veterinary medicine.
14 Social Work Teachers, Yes Teach courses in social work. Includes both teachers primarily
Postsecondary engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
15 Engineering Teachers, Yes Teach courses pertaining to the application of physical laws and
Postsecondary principles of engineering for the development of machines, materials,
instruments, processes, and services. Includes teachers of subjects
such as chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical, mineral, and
petroleum engineering. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in
teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
16 Agricultural Sciences Yes Teach courses in the agricultural sciences. Includes teachers of
Teachers, Postsecondary agronomy, dairy sciences, fisheries management, horticultural
sciences, poultry sciences, range management, and agricultural soil
conservation. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching
and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
17 Special Education Yes Teach secondary school subjects to educationally and physically
Teachers, Secondary handicapped students. Includes teachers who specialize and work
School with audibly and visually handicapped students and those who teach
basic academic and life processes skills to the mentally impaired.
18 Law Teachers, Yes Teach courses in law. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in
Postsecondary teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
19 Technical Education Yes Teach occupational, technical, or vocational subjects at the
Teachers, Secondary secondary school level in public or private schools.
20 Epidemiologists Yes Investigate and describe the determinants and distribution of disease,
disability, or health outcomes. May develop the means for prevention
and control.
21 Environmental Science Yes Teach courses in environmental science. Includes both teachers
Teachers, Postsecondary primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of
teaching and research.
22 Naturopathic Physicians Yes Diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases using a system of practice
that is based on the natural healing capacity of individuals. May use
physiological, psychological or mechanical methods. May also use
natural medicines, prescription or legend drugs, foods, herbs, or other
natural remedies.
23 Counselling Psychologists Yes Assess and evaluate individuals’ problems through the use of case
history, interview, and observation and provide individual or group
counselling services to assist individuals in achieving more effective
personal, social, educational, and vocational development and
24 Anthropology and Yes Teach courses in anthropology or archeology. Includes both teachers
Archeology Teachers, primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of
Postsecondary teaching and research.
25 Forestry and Conservation Yes Teach courses in forestry and conservation science. Includes both
Science Teachers, teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a
Postsecondary combination of teaching and research.
26 Computer Science Yes Teach courses in computer science. May specialize in a field of
Teachers, Postsecondary computer science, such as the design and function of computers or
operations and research analysis. Includes both teachers primarily
engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
27 Instructional Designers Yes Develop instructional materials and products and assist in the
and Technologists technology-based redesign of courses. Assist faculty in learning
about, becoming proficient in, and applying instructional technology.
28 Orthoptists Yes Diagnose and treat visual system disorders such as binocular vision
and eye movement impairments.
29 Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Yes Teach courses pertaining to the culture and development of an area,
Studies Teachers, an ethnic group, or any other group, such as Latin American studies,
Postsecondary women’s studies, or urban affairs. Includes both teachers primarily
engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
30 Geography Teachers, Yes Teach courses in geography. Includes both teachers primarily
Postsecondary engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
31 Business Teachers, Yes Teach courses in business administration and management, such as
Postsecondary accounting, finance, human resources, labour and industrial relations,
marketing, and operations research. Includes both teachers primarily
engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
32 Clinical Psychologists Yes Diagnose or evaluate mental and emotional disorders of individuals
through observation, interview, and psychological tests, and
formulate and administer programs of treatment.
33 Economics Teachers, Yes Teach courses in economics. Includes both teachers primarily
Postsecondary engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
34 Atmospheric and Space Yes Investigate atmospheric phenomena and interpret meteorological
Scientists data, gathered by surface and air stations, satellites, and radar to
prepare reports and forecasts for public and other uses. Includes
weather analysts and forecasters whose functions require the detailed
knowledge of meteorology.
35 Home Economics Yes Teach courses in childcare, family relations, finance, nutrition, and
Teachers, Postsecondary related subjects pertaining to home management. Includes both
teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a
combination of teaching and research.
36 Fitness and Wellness Yes Manage or coordinate fitness and wellness programs and services.
Coordinators Manage and train staff of wellness specialists, health educators, or
fitness instructors.
37 Education Adminstrators, Yes Plan, direct, or coordinate the academic, administrative, or auxiliary
Primary and Secondary activities of public or private primary or secondary level schools.
38 Child, Family, and School Yes Provide social services and assistance to improve the social and
Social Workers psychological functioning of children and their families and to
maximize the family well-being and the academic functioning of
children. May assist parents, arrange adoptions, and find foster
homes for abandoned or abused children. In schools, they address
such problems as teenage pregnancy, misbehavior, and truancy. May
also advise teachers.
39 Municipal Fire Fighting No Supervise fire fighters who control and extinguish municipal fires,
and Prevention protect life and property, and conduct rescue efforts.
40 Criminal Justice and Law Yes Teach courses in criminal justice, corrections, and law enforcement
Enforcement Teachers, administration. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching
Postsecondary and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
41 Judges and Magistrates Yes Arbitrate, advise, adjudicate, or administer justice in a court of law.
May sentence defendant in criminal cases according to government
statutes or sentencing guidelines. May determine liability of
defendant in civil cases.
42 Adjudicators Yes Determine liability, sanctions, or penalties, or recommend the
acceptance or rejection of claims or settlements.
43 Communications Yes Teach courses in communications, such as organisational
Teachers, Postsecondary communications, public relations, radio/television broadcasting, and
journalism. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and
those who do a combination of teaching and research.
44 Urban and Regional Yes Develop comprehensive plans and programs for use of land and
Planners physical facilities of jurisdictions, such as towns, cities, counties, and
metropolitan areas.
45 Medical Scientists, Yes Conduct research dealing with the understanding of human diseases
Except Epidemiologists and the improvement of human health. Engage in clinical
investigation, research and development, or other related activities.
Includes physicians, dentists, public health specialists,
pharmacologists, and medical pathologists who primarily conduct
46 Sociology Teachers, Yes Teach courses in sociology. Includes both teachers primarily engaged
Postsecondary in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
47 Neuropsychologists and Yes Apply theories and principles of neuropsychology to diagnose and
Clinical treat disorders of higher cerebral functioning.
48 Recreation and Fitness Yes Teach courses pertaining to recreation, leisure, and fitness studies,
Studies Teachers, including exercise physiology and facilities management. Includes
Postsecondary both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a
combination of teaching and research.
49 Police Detectives No Conduct investigations to prevent crimes or solve criminal cases.
50 Education Teachers, Yes Teach courses pertaining to education, such as counselling,
Postsecondary curriculum, guidance, instruction, teacher education, and teaching
English as a second language. Includes both teachers primarily
engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
12 Audiologists Yes Assess and treat persons with hearing and related disorders. May fit
hearing aids and provide auditory training. May perform research
related to hearing problems.
13 Farm and Home Yes Advise, instruct, and assist individuals and families engaged in
Management Advisors agriculture, agricultural-related processes, or home economics
activities. Demonstrate procedures and apply research findings to
solve problems; and instruct and train in product development, sales,
and the use of machinery and equipment to promote general welfare.
Includes county agricultural agents, feed and farm management
advisors, home economists, and extension service advisors.
14 Family and General Yes Physicians who diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases and injuries
Practitioners that commonly occur in the general population. May refer patients
to specialists when needed for further diagnosis or treatment.
15 Nurse Practitioners Yes Diagnose and treat acute, episodic, or chronic illness, independently
or as part of a healthcare team. May focus on health promotion and
disease prevention. May order, perform, or interpret diagnostic tests
such as lab work and x rays. May prescribe medication. Must be
registered nurses who have specialized graduate education.
16 Nursing Instructors and Yes Demonstrate and teach patient care in classroom and clinical units to
Teachers, Postsecondary nursing students. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in
teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
17 Hospitalists Yes Provide inpatient care predominantly in settings such as medical
wards, acute care units, intensive care units, rehabilitation centers, or
emergency rooms. Manage and coordinate patient care throughout
18 Ophthalmologists Yes Diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases and injuries of the eyes
and related structures.
19 Nuclear Medicine Yes Diagnose and treat diseases using radioactive materials and
Physicians techniques. May monitor radionuclide preparation, administration,
and disposition.
20 Chemistry Teachers, Yes Teach courses pertaining to the chemical and physical properties and
Postsecondary compositional changes of substances. Work may include instruction
in the methods of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis.
Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching, and those who
do a combination of teaching and research.
21 Critical Care Nurses Yes Provide advanced nursing care for patients in critical or coronary care
22 Physical Therapists Yes Assess, plan, organize, and participate in rehabilitative programs that
improve mobility, relieve pain, increase strength, and improve or
correct disabling conditions resulting from disease or injury.
23 Health Informatics Yes Apply knowledge of nursing and informatics to assist in the design,
Specialists development, and ongoing modification of computerized health care
systems. May educate staff and assist in problem solving to promote
the implementation of the health care system.
24 Emergency Management Yes Plan and direct disaster response or crisis management activities,
Directors provide disaster preparedness training, and prepare emergency plans
and procedures for natural (e.g., hurricanes, floods, earthquakes),
wartime, or technological (e.g., nuclear power plant emergencies or
hazardous materials spills) disasters or hostage situations.
25 Atmospheric, Earth, Yes Teach courses in the physical sciences, except chemistry and physics.
Marine, and Space Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching, and those who
Sciences Teachers, do a combination of teaching and research.
26 Biological Science Yes Teach courses in biological sciences. Includes both teachers primarily
Teachers, Postsecondary engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
27 Physical Medicine and Yes Diagnose and treat disorders requiring physiotherapy to provide
Rehabilitation Physicians physical, mental, and occupational rehabilitation.
28 Psychology Teachers, Yes Teach courses in psychology, such as child, clinical, and
Postsecondary developmental psychology, and psychological counselling. Includes
both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a
combination of teaching and research.
29 Pediatricians, General Yes Physicians who diagnose, treat, and help prevent children’s diseases
and injuries.
30 Health Specialties Yes Teach courses in health specialties, in fields such as dentistry,
Teachers, Postsecondary laboratory technology, medicine, pharmacy, public health, therapy,
and veterinary medicine.
31 Social Work Teachers, Yes Teach courses in social work. Includes both teachers primarily
Postsecondary engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and
32 Engineering Teachers, Yes Teach courses pertaining to the application of physical laws and
Postsecondary principles of engineering for the development of machines, materials,
instruments, processes, and services. Includes teachers of subjects
such as chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical, mineral, and
petroleum engineering. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in
teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
33 Optometrists Yes Diagnose, manage, and treat conditions and diseases of the human
eye and visual system. Examine eyes and visual system, diagnose
problems or impairments, prescribe corrective lenses, and provide
treatment. May prescribe therapeutic drugs to treat specific eye
34 Emergency Medical No Assess injuries, administer emergency medical care, and extricate
Technicians and trapped individuals. Transport injured or sick persons to medical
Paramedics facilities.
35 Clinical Nurse Specialists Yes Plan, direct, or coordinate the daily patient care activities in a clinical
practice. Ensure adherence to established clinical policies, protocols,
regulations, and standards.
36 Occupational Therapists Yes Assess, plan, organize, and participate in rehabilitative programs that
help build or restore vocational, homemaking, and daily living skills,
as well as general independence, to persons with disabilities or
developmental delays.
37 Acute Care Nurses Yes Provide advanced nursing care for patients with acute conditions
such as heart attacks, respiratory distress syndrome, or shock. May
care for pre- and post-operative patients or perform advanced,
invasive diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
38 Agricultural Sciences Yes Teach courses in the agricultural sciences. Includes teachers of
Teachers, Postsecondary agronomy, dairy sciences, fisheries management, horticultural
sciences, poultry sciences, range management, and agricultural soil
conservation. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching
and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
39 Urologists Yes Diagnose, treat, and help prevent benign and malignant medical and
surgical disorders of the genitourinary system and the renal glands.
40 Special Education Yes Teach secondary school subjects to educationally and physically
Teachers, Secondary handicapped students. Includes teachers who specialize and work
School with audibly and visually handicapped students and those who teach
basic academic and life processes skills to the mentally impaired.
41 Anesthesiologists Yes Physicians who administer anesthetics prior to, during, or after
surgery or other medical procedures.
42 Orthodontists Yes Examine, diagnose, and treat dental malocclusions and oral cavity
anomalies. Design and fabricate appliances to realign teeth and jaws
to produce and maintain normal function and to improve appearance.
43 Dermatologists Yes Diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases or other conditions of the
44 Dentists, General Yes Examine, diagnose, and treat diseases, injuries, and malformations of
teeth and gums. May treat diseases of nerve, pulp, and other dental
tissues affecting oral hygiene and retention of teeth. May fit dental
appliances or provide preventive care.
45 Law Teachers, Yes Teach courses in law. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in
Postsecondary teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
46 Psychiatrists Yes Physicians who diagnose, treat, and help prevent disorders of the
47 Technical Education Yes Teach occupational, technical, or vocational subjects at the
Teachers, Secondary secondary school level in public or private schools.
48 Epidemiologists Yes Investigate and describe the determinants and distribution of disease,
disability, or health outcomes. May develop the means for prevention
and control.
49 Registered Nurses Yes Assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement
nursing care plans, and maintain medical records. Administer nursing
care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. May advise
patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide
case management. Licensing or registration required.
50 Oral and Maxillofacial Yes Perform surgery and related procedures on the hard and soft tissues
Surgeons of the oral and maxillofacial regions to treat diseases, injuries, or
defects. May diagnose problems of the oral and maxillofacial regions.
May perform surgery to improve function or appearance.
This report uses information from the O*NET 25.0 Database by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training
Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. O∗ N ET r is a trademark of USDOL/ETA. Career Coach
Me has modified all or some of this information. USDOL/ETA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.