College & Career Portfolio
College & Career Portfolio
College & Career Portfolio
Content Rubric
Draft Points Score
Career Clusters /15 missing
Item is not present. Sentences do not
Student Intro make sense. Writing is very confusing.
/30 Most ideas are plagiarized.
Career Choice/Personality
Life Skills/Money Management 10
far below grade level
Item is inaccurate, and/or it does not
Future Plans /52 meet the description of the essay part.
Ideas do not relate to the opinion
Choose Your Own Adventure statement. Writing is confusing. Some
ideas are plagiarized.
College Tour/Life
Adventure Reflection below grade level
/36 Item is partially developed. Writing is
College Application simplistic and vague (unclear). Ideas
stray from the opinion statement.
Job Application
Resume 26
at grade level
Item is accurate, completely developed,
Mock Interview Results /30 and support the opinion statement.
Writing is interesting and detailed.
Mock Interview Thank You Letter Writing is free of “dummy phrases,”
/30 clichés, and slang.
Mock Interview Reflections 32
above grade level
Enter the World Activity Items is accurate, completely developed,
/20 and support the entire controlling
Final Portfolio impression. Writing is very interesting
and heavily detailed. Writing is free of
“dummy phrases,” clichés, and slang.
Total Score Sentence structure and vocabulary are
(___/760) advanced.
Describe your personality and how your personality matches or doesn’t match with your
results for the “Career Clusters” survey.
Directions: Describe the steps you are taking to reach success next to each picture.
Directions: Insert your Future Plans worksheet behind this cover sheet.
Authority: Being
able to get along
with those who are
in charge.
Punctuality: Being
able to arrive on
Being able to
communicate with
Coping Skills:
Handling negative
Directions: Write or type one paragraph in reflection on the Choose Your Own Adventure
Activity. Describe what you learned about how your choices can affect your future.
Write or type your response on a separate piece of paper and insert behind this cover sheet.
College 2
College 3
After listing the pros and cons, which school do you think you’d like to attend? Discuss how
you came to your decision.
Directions: Insert your completed college application behind this cover sheet.
Directions: Insert your completed job application behind this cover sheet.
Directions: Insert your Mock Interview Results behind this cover sheet.
Directions: Insert your typed Mock Interview Thank You Letter behind this cover sheet.
Directions: The positive choices you make and your goal-oriented approach toward life can
help you to reach your goals. Complete the chart, reflecting on how you can play an active
role in reaching your goals.
Goal What you are doing now What you can do to How your actions affect
improve your future
Going to college or
vocational school
Obtaining my own
Pursuing my ideal
Being financially
Having good
relationships with
family and/or friends