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In this chapter, the researcher describes about background of the research,

problem of the research, objective of the research, limitation of the research,

significant of the research, and clarify the key term.

1.1. Background of the Research

Reading is one of language skill that known as a mental process. Reading is

related to a written text and the information from it. It is similar with definition of

reading found in Cambridge dictionary which stated that reading is process or skill of

obtaining information from written documents.

Other definition by Collins English Learner’s Dictionary is that reading is an

interpretation. This is appropriate with definition from other dictionary where is

stated that reading is a process getting information from written text or documents,

after obtaining the information, the reader will process it and gain an interpretation.

This definition is similar with Thorndike cited in Nurhadi (2000) who states that

brain work together to think and process the words into a reasoning.

Furthermore, William (1984) stated reading as a process understanding witten

text that is captured by sight sense. Moreover, Rohani Ariffin (1992:1) defines

reading as personal activity done silently and independently. Smith (1973) had
opinion that reading is a way of communication between the reader and writer who is

represented by written works.

According to these definitions and opinions, can be concluded that reading is

a skill of language that important to learn because it helps learners obtain information

from written documents and a way to communicate to others. Moreover, it implies

that reading is not only read but also a process to understand and gain information

from the object or known as comprehend. However, to read and comprehend text and

gain information from it is difficult for some people.

At 3rd December 2019, Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development (OECD) released the PISA (Program for International Students

Assessments) 2018 results. That results were shocked because Indonesia was 72 nd

rank of 78 countries that joined the test. Based on that test, government recognized

that reading ability of students in Indonesia is too low than countries around

Indonesia. In order to overcome it, Indonesian government launched a program to

build reading-culture to Indonesian students named Gerakan Literasi Sekolah.

During the program, basically, students are forced to read, not only to read

text book at school, but also fiction or non-fiction at home. When students achieve

the goal of the program that is mastering reading ability, they are able to overcome

their academic problems. As said of the purpose of reading that is gain information,

students have possibility understand many information and master many sides of

knowledge same like Mariam statements (1991) that stated that reading
comprehension is a key of learning. When student is learning new things, he should

gain information to understand it, and sources of information are written documents.

It is similar with learning English. Students need to read a lot of written

documents as source information when practicing other skills. Reading helps students

gain information when they are practicing debate or speak. Before practice writing,

students also have to have background knowledge and research about the topic, and

by reading they can get all of those. Even when they are learning the grammatical of

English, they need to read the explanation. So, they can understand the function and

when to apply it.

Moreover, by having good reading skill, students are able to read English

sources for their homeworks or projects at school. They are able overcome and find

solutions of a problem, although the problem has not ever been researched in

Indonesia. Without any research, researcher cannot publish any articles or reports,

whereas in the time there is probability of something, incident, and event happened.

Lack of information and limited sources can be an obstacle for education in

Indonesia. However, when students have good reading level in English, they can find

others sources around the world. They can visit international websites and read a lot

of articles that are able to help them learning and studying.

Students also are able to read report or news written in English and get

unlimited information around the world. Children in this era are so open-minded and

realized that they have bigger world than their environment, school, and family. They

have high curiousity and with internet helps, they can find it. By reading news written
in English, they can more understand about world situation, increase their awareness,

and gain their social interest. Besides, by reading internatinoal news they can learn

new things, knowledge, and even culture. It shows them that this world is large and

full with pluralism.

These benefits are too important to pass. In order to that, it will be better if

students taught how to read since in young age. In Indonesia, English was removed in

curriculum of young learners level and will taught in Secondary school, unless in

some private Primary school. The government decisions received pro and contra

where many sides that stated it will make students young learners passed chance to

learn foreign language in their golden era. Students in young age have ablity to

receive language better than adult because on that age they are in their critical time

because their brains encounter plasticity and flexibility (Lenneberg, 1967).

In addition, learning foreign language, especially English, also has role in

children’s characters and social developing. By learning foreign language, children

taught to be independent, critical, and creative. They are pushed to overcome the

problem that is understanding and using the language they are learning now. They

also encourage to express their feeling, imagination, and opinion, so they will do an

‘experiment’ where they are trying to build their utterance or sentence that consist of

words that are able to symbolize their mind.

According to that background, the researcher decided to develop a bilingual

story book as an additional material for students to practice and improve their reading

skill. This book also hopefully is able to help increasing the students’ reading habit.
The Research and Development is entitled: Developing a Bilingual Story Book for

Improving Reading Skill of English for Young Learners.

1.2 Problem of the Research

Based on the research background, this research is formulated the problems as


1) How is the development of bilingual story book for improving reading skill for

young learners?

2) Is the bilingual book story valid and applicable to improve English reading skill

of young learners?

1.3 Objective of the Research

This research is aimed to develop a bilingual story book as additional media

for improving reading skill of English for young learners. The research also aims to

find out the media is valid and applicable used for young learners.

1.4 Limitation of the Research

This research is conducted to develop a bilingual English – Indonesia story

book for improving reading skill of English for students grade three in Primary of

Golden Christian School or young learners. It is related to talk about moral lessons

and various illustrations.

1.5 Delimitation of the Research

This research is focused on the development of a bilingual story book for

improving reading skill of English for young learners. The folks in the media are

spoken tales of Central Kalimantan people and rewritten by the researcher. The media

is also focused as additional material of reading activity of grade three students in

Primary of Golden Christian School.

1.6. Significance of the Research

This research hopefully provides valuable contributions to the following


a. Theoretical significance

The result of this research will give authentic information about developing a

bilingual story book for young learners.

b. Practical significance

1) The result of this research is expected to be useful as additional media for

reading activity in lower grades in Primary of Golden Christian School.

2) The result of the research can be reference and encourage other teachers to

develop another media as supporting material for reading activities.

3) The result of this research can be applicable for students of lower grades to

improve their reading skill.

4) The result of this research can be one of references to other researchers in the

same research field.

1.7. Clarification of Key Terms

a. Bilingual story book : a supporting media contains folks in Central

Kalimantan which are rewritten by the researcher to help students practice

reading activity. The languages are used in this book are English and


b. Reading skill : a skill of students to gain information and

understand a written document.

c. Young learners : the learners of English who are in young age,

and students of lower grades in Primary School.



In order to have deeper understanding about bilingual story book, this

research is supported by theories by some experts and researches of previous


2.1 Bilingual Story Book

Bilingual book is a document that contains a story in two languages. The story

is same, but is written in two different languages. This kind of book was found in

1980’s and majority used for helping children gain and understand two different

languages. This book called as bridge that introduce new language to children and

make them feel familiar with it. By writing in native language and another language

in same page, children can compare the language such as, recognize the unfamiliar

words, comprehend the meaning, and explore the differences between those two


Bilingual books usually have “side-by-side” layout, where a language is written

in the top side of the paper and another language is written in the bottom side of the

paper, or in the other sides of the page. One of those language has role as translation

of the another. So, children or readers can understand the story, although it is written

in a foreign language. In the reality, bilingual books have other various layouts. It

depends on the purpose and the objects of the books. These are layouts that usually
used in bilingual books based on Ernst-Slavit and Slavit in their book entitled P is for

Peru: The ABC of Peru:

a. Books with texts are completely written in two languages. In these books, the texts

are written in the second language and first language in each page.

b. Two same books published in different languages. These books written in each

language and published separately.

c. Books written in the second language but code switch to the first language.

d. Books are written in the second language, but some phrases or words are

interpreted in the first language.

e. Books available only in a language other than English. These books are still called

bilingual, although seems different.

This kind of books help children to accept and understand the culture both in

Source Language as Second Language (Alamilo & Arenas in Tobin, 2019). When the

children are familiar with those languages, the bilingual environment will be built

gradually. Children that grow in bilingual environment will have higher level of

reading skill rather than other children that grows in monolingual environment

(Herzig and Malzkuhn, 2015). So, it can be concluded that besides helps children in

understanding and accepting between to language, bilingual books, indirectly, helps

children to increase their level of reading skill.

2.2 Pictured Story Book

Story book is stated the most effective way or media of learning moral value

for children in young age when in that age children cannot accept and understand

abstract concepts and comprehension. However, those concepts such as moral value

and spoken attitude can be explained well through story book.

Moreover, children will experience it in natural ways without pressures.

Besides, reading story books can grow deeper connection between parents and

children, where parents can give their attention and show their care after working all

day in a less energy-consuming way. Then, this connection will decide children

behavior towards their parents that hoped they could be obey children and have high

respect to others.

In order to achieve the goals, pictured story book can be a choice. Pictured

story book is a book contains pictures. It is a storng media of transferring message to

children in young age, especially 4 – 6 years old children. The advantage of this kind

of book is in the pictures that support the story. Pictures can explain more than word,

especially in particular abstract cases that could not explained by words, such as

situation, athmospher, and concepts.

Istanto (2000) stated that pictures as supported details in a story limited

different intrepretations of each person. Since written story without pictures will

develop imaginations based on different interpretation depends on intelegency and

background of people. The pictures that support the story will reduce the differences

with the result that the message will be delivered clearly and comprehend well by the

There are some criteria of children story book based on some researcher that

can applied when writing or looking for proper book story for children. First, the

story book should fulfil children and students needs. Therefore, it is important to

study the needs of children or target readers of the book. An appropriate story book

for children is a book has positives values, written in simple and humble language

which readers will feel they are reading experiences of the writer itself

(Christantowant in Laksitama, 2017).

Second, Effendi, Bangsa, and Yunadi (2013) stated that a proper story book

has full color display and supports by decorative and attractive pictures, questions

that increase curiousity, additional participant interactive sheet or hidden objects that

increase motoric ineractions of readers, and in the end of the story book given

questions to review and concluded the story they have read.

Based on the statements above, it can be conclude that a pictured story book

must be appropriate for the readers and fulfill the readers needs. A pictured story

book must be written simple, easy to understand, colorfull, and displays or supports

with pictures, in order to attract the readers in reading. So the readers may catch the

contains of the story itself.

2.3 Reading Skill

Reading is one of four basic skills in learning language, the other skills are

speaking, writing, and listening. Reading is an active process of communication from

written to readers that occurs only if the reader could understand the meaning of the
written. It is also a process to understand the content of the text which done by

readers to catch the information of it.

According to Caroline Linse reading is a set of skill that involves making

sense and deriving meaning from the printed word. In order to read, the readers must

comprehend what they read. For second language learners there are three different

elements which impact reading : the reader’s background knowledge, the reader’s

linguistic knowledge of the target language and the strategies or techniques the reader

uses to tackle the text.

Reading texts also provide good models for English writing. At different

times it encourages the readers to focus on vocabulary, grammar or punctuation.

According to Harmer reading is useful for language acquisition. Provided that

readers less understand what the more they need, the better they get it.

Reading also has a positive effect on young learners’ vocabulary knowledge,

on their spelling and writing. Based on the statement above, it could be stated that

reading is one of the receptive skill that can give affect for the readers like

pronunciation in reading aloud, writing when do summarize, vocabulary knowledge

and language acquistion. The researcher concludes that reading actually is one of

activity of getting information from reading materials to comprehending the text. In

other word, if the reader wants to understand something they must read it.

According to Brown ( 2004 : 187-188 ) says that explicit reading skills consist

of two big elements, namely micro skills and macroskills. The microskills are listed

1. Discriminating among the distinctive graphemes and orthographic pattern of


2. Retaining chunks of language of different length in short-term memory

3. Processing writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose

4. Recognizing a core of words and interpreting word order patterns and their


5. Recognizing grammatical word classes (noun, verb, etc.), system (e.g. , tense,

agreement, pluralization) patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

6. Recognizing that a particular meaning may be expressed in different grammatical


7. Recognizing cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in signaling the

relationship between and among clauses.

Meanwhile, macroskills include: recognizing the rhetorical forms of written

discourse and their significance for interpretation, recognizing the communicative

functions of a written text according to form and purpose, inferring context that is not

explicit by using background knowledge, distinguishing between literal and implied

meanings, detecting cultural specific references and interpreting them in a context of

the appropriate cultural schemata, developing and using patterns of reading strategies

such as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning

of words from context, activating schemata for the interpretation of texts, inferring

links and connections between supporting idea, new information, given information,

generalization and exemplification from described events, ideas, etc.

2.3.1 Types of Reading

There are five types of reading:

1. Scanning

Scanning is a part of reading strategy is presumed to help students in

overcoming difficulties in reading and improving their reading comprehension. For

English teacher, developing strategy in the teaching reading will help students to

increase their reading skills and also to prevent the students to get bored easily.

Therefore, the teacher should give the trick to acquire the scanning technique in

reading a text to students, especially in identifying the specific information. The

students have to know that it is not necessary to read to whole text

2. Skimming

Faster canonical reading, traversal is still linear, but comprehension is

sacrificed for speed. The aim is to get the gist of the text.

3. Glancing

Pages are turned very quickly, the reader spends almost as much time turning

pages as looking at them. The aim is to detect important

4. Seeking

Reader scans quickly for particular page element (e.g. proper nouns) with an

aim orthogonal to full comprehension.

5. Rereading
Rereading is a meta-type that is include in the table as a reminderthat any type

of reading may be occur multiple times. From definition above, the writer conclude

that type of reading are five type they are: scaning, skimming, glancing, seeking, and


2.3.2 Advantages of Using A Story book as media to improve reading skill.

Kelebihan Media Buku Cerita Wreight (dalam Tadkiroatun, 2008: 123)

menyatakan bahwa media buku cerita mempunyai beberapa kelebihan, yaitu:

1. Membaca cerita dengan buku cerita meruapakan demonstrasi terbaik agar

mencintai buku;

2. Buku merupakan sumber ide terbaik; 24

3. Menyimak tulisan anak akan memiliki kesempatan memprediksi kata dari

kelanjutan cerita;

4. Gambar dalam buku membantu pemahaman anak;

5. Buku mendorong anak untuk belajar membacanya sendiri begitu kegiatan bercerita


Sejalan dengan Wreight, Hurlock (dalam Umi Faizah, 2009:254)

mengemukakan bahwa anak-anak usia sekolah menyukai cerita bergambar karena

beberapa hal di antaranya:

1. Anak memperoleh kesempatan yang baik untuk mendapat wawasan mengenal

masalah pribadi dan sosialnya. Hal ini akan membantu memecahkan masalahnya;

2. Menarik imajinasi anak dan rasa ingin tahu tentang masalah supranatural;

3. Memberi anak pelarian sementara hiruk pikuk hidup sehari-hari;

4. Mudah dibaca, bahkan anak yang kurang mampu membaca dapat memahami arti

dari gambarnya;

5. Tidak mahal dan juga ditayangkan di televisi sehingga semua anak mengenalnya;

6. Mendorong anak untuk membaca yang tidak banyak diberikan buku lain;

7. Memberi sesuatu yang diharapkan (bila berbentuk serial);

8. Tokoh sering melakukan atau mengatakan hal-hal yang tidak berani dilakukan

sendiri oleh anak-anak, walaupun mereka ingin melakukannya, ini memberikan

kegembiraan; 25

9. Tokohnya dalam cerita sering kuat, berani, dan berwajah tampan, jadi memberikan

tokoh pahlawan bagi anak untuk mengidentifikasikannya;

10. Gambar dalam cerita bergambar berwarna-warni dan cukup sederhana untuk

dimengerti anak-anak.

Pemilihan media buku bergambar yang menekankan media bergambar

diharapkan menjadi pemicu bagi siswa untuk memahami dan menumbuhkan ide

(Slamet, 2019:98). Dari uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan secara garis besar buku

cerita bergambar interaktif adalah membuat anak menjadi tertarik membaca,

memberikan suasana baru bagi anak dalam membaca, memudahkan anak memahami

cerita, dan mengembangkan imajinasi anak selama membaca cerita.

2.3.3 Problem in Reading

2.4 Young Learners

2.5 framework

Learning is an activity that aims to systematically and focused on the learning

process. Lecture method was used frequently seen even tends to make students feel

bored in following the learning process. It impacts on students, especially in terms of

active students become passive.

Framework of Research and Development (R & D) adaptation of Borg and

Gall (1983:775)


Need Analysis Content Analysis

Planning 1. Determining of KD and

Indikator pencapaian
2. Determining the bilingual
3. Determining materials
4. Determining intruments
5. Determining participants
6. Packaging of the product
Designing Product 7. Developing of the product

Validating Design Revision Expert Validation

Trying out The Teacher and

Product Students

Expert validation
Revision Practician validation Product
Field validation Improvement


The researchers will developed a bilingual story book as additional material to

practice and improve reading skill for students in school using the Research and

Development (R & D) approach. The ADDIE model will be used by the researcher in

this analysis.

A. Development Model

In this research, there are five steps in developing a reading book that adopted

from the ADDIE model, and ADDIE stands for Analyze, Design, Develop,

Implement and Evaluate.

B. Procedure of Development

The development model that will be used to develop a bilingual books for

students (………what class………….) at (………what school………….) is the

ADDIE design model.

1. Analysis

In this analysis phase, the researcher should know the student's wants, lacks,

and necessities by using a questionnaire. Also, the questionnaire aimed to see the

student's capability of reading skills.

2. Design

In the design phase, as part of the learning study preparation, the researcher

will build a course grid. The learners' needs and goals will be outlined in the course


3. Development

In this phase will be focuses on material growth. In the development phase,

the researcher will make the learning materials based on the design's data.

4. Implementation

In this step, the student's books which experts had validated, will be

implemented to students this way aimed to know the appropriate learning reading

material for the students at (…………name the school……. )

5. Evaluation

In this step, the researcher will do the evaluation, such as validated the

questionnaire and the reading material by expert judgment. The researcher will also

evaluate reading materials by giving out to the students at (… of the

school….) to know their perception of the bilingual books.

C. Research Subject

The subject of this research are the students at (…….name of the school

please adding more information about the subject such as, how many students and

teachers are used as samples and what class and so on………..).

D. Try-out Design Product

1. Try-out Design

Before making a book for use in teaching reading at the ( ….name of the

school…), the investigator Students that chosen as a sample will be interviewed and

given a questionnaire. As a result, the researcher would be able to assess their reading

requirements. Following the discovery of the student's needs, the researcher will

create a suitable book for use in their reading instruction. The book, which the

researcher has already begun to write, will then be given to the teacher for use in class

to teach the subject. This is done to collect knowledge (feedback) about the book

from both the teacher and students. Following the lesson's conclusion, the researcher

would distribute a second questionnaire to the students and a teacher to qualify the

books that they used and enact the books which acceptable or not.

E. The instrument of the research

In this research, the researcher is used both qualitative and quantitative data.

Quantitative and qualitative reports are mixed to meet the needs of development

research. Assessments, reviews, responses, critiques, and recommendations are all

examples of qualitative data, Quantitative data is obtained through questionnaires that

ask for multiple choice responses about product evaluation and evaluations based on

field results. The following is a list of the research instruments that were used to

collect data for this research:

1. Questionnaire

The survey will be split into two sections. The first questionnaire will be used

to gather knowledge about the students' needs, desires, and deficits. A second

questionnaire has been created for evaluation and answers in the areas of reading

quality, book design, and media attractiveness. The questionnaire is intended for 1)

expert of content, 2) reading expert, and 3) student's attractiveness test.

2. Expert judgment

The researcher will perform an expert review after the product is finished.

This phase is important. By filling out a questionnaire, some experts will make

decisions about early growth. Expert data is often provided in the form of

recommendations, in addition to the questionnaire. Experts ensure that the product is

ready for use.

3. Interview

The researcher interview ( number of the samples) students and an English

teacher. This research aims to determine the perceptions of students about the product


F. Technique Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of arranging data sequences, organizing them into

patterns, categories, and fundamental units of description (Patton, 2002). In contrast,

Suprayogo (2001) defines data analysis as the activities of analyzing, grouping

systematization, interpretation, and verification of data so that a phenomenon has a

phenomenon, has a social value, academic and scientific.

Researchers' data analysis technique in this research and development is

collecting data through sub-sequent instruments carried out the following research

and development procedures. In the data analysis technique, researchers use two

kinds of data techniques as follows:

Qualitative data was obtained from criticism and suggestions raised by experts

to improve the bilingual books' development. Also, comments were received on the

questionnaire that distributed. The comments will be obtained from some experts

comments who will provide input on the feasibility of bilingual books that

researchers have compiled.

The number of items on the questionnaire is 12 items. Data will be analyzed

as a basis for knowing the feasibility of the products produced. At the same time,

quantitative data analysis techniques data in the form of scores from assessments by

experts and teachers of primary fifth-grade students and students of fifth-grade data

analyzed as the basis of the results of the questionnaire assessment are converted into

interval data. The scale of the evaluation of the bilingual books that will be developed

is magnificent (5), good (4), quite good (3), not good (2), and very poor (1).

1. Analyze the result of the questionnaires

The questionnaire data analysis used in this study is descriptive of the

students' responses from each class that can be formulated:

X= 𝑋100 %

X= Value

∑x= Total answer

N= Total students

The student's preferred choice is the one with the highest percentage. The

evaluated outcome is shown in the table below:

Table: 3.1

No Question Respond Frequency Percentage

(N) (%)

2. Data Analysis of Expert Judgment and Students Perception.

The calculation that will be used in this study is the Likert-scale. The

outcomes of the questionnaires are going to use a pattern proposed by Suharto


R =Xh - Xl
R = Range
Xh= The highest score

Xl = The lowest Score

5 = The Range of Likert-scale

Following that, the data will be transformed into a descriptive analysis. The

Mean is the metric used to assess the job (X). Using conversion pattern data, the

Mean will be used:


Data Conversion Table (Suharto, 2006: 52-53)

Table 3.2

Scales Interval Descriptive Categories

1. 1.0 < X ≤ 1.7 Very Poor

2. 1.8 < X ≤ 2.5 Poor

3. 2.6 < X ≤ 3.3 Fair

4. 3.4 < X ≤ 4.1 Good

5. 4.2 < X ≤ 5.0 Very Good

References, bab 3

1 Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. 3rd Edition.

Sage Publications, Inc.

2 suprayogo, Imam dan Tabroni. 2001, metodologi penelitian social agama, ( PT

Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung). Hal 167

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