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Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension in Cebuano and English Language Texts

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences

Vol-7, Issue-4; Jul-Aug, 2022

Journal Home Page Available:

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels

Factors affecting reading Comprehension in Cebuano and

English Language Texts
Menchie Alo Labrigas

College of Teacher Education, Bohol Island State University Clarin Campus, Philippines

Received: 30 Jun 2022; Received in revised form: 19 Jul 2022; Accepted: 26 Jul 2022; Available online: 31 Jul 2022
©2022 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— The main objective of the study was to determine the factors affecting reading comprehension
in Cebuano and English language texts of Grade Six pupils in School X, School Year 2019 – 2020 with the
end view of proposing an action plan to improve students’ reading comprehension in English language.
The researcher utilized descriptive – survey research design. There were two sets of instruments, one was a
reading comprehension test and the other was a survey questionnaire. As used in the study, intrinsic
factors include motivation, reading style, attitude, and physical condition. In addition, extrinsic factors
include teachers, family members, peers/classmates, and environmental condition. Based on the result, the
respondents fall in the inferential level of reading comprehension in both languages. Among the intrinsic
and extrinsic factors, motivation has greatly influenced respondents’ reading comprehension in both
languages. Moreover, there was no significant difference between respondents’ reading comprehension in
both languages. In Cebuano and English texts, there was no significant difference between factors affecting
their reading comprehension. Moreover, results showed that respondents’ level of reading comprehension
in Cebuano was higher than their reading comprehension in English texts. Hence, an action program was
proposed to improve respondents’ reading comprehension in English language.
Keywords— reading comprehension, language, intrinsic, extrinsic

I. INTRODUCTION Additionally, reading comprehension is defined

Reading is one of the most important skills in as the intentional thinking during which meaning is
English that an individual must need to master. It serves as constructed through interactions between text and reader
a gateway to every learner to learn different subjects or (Harris & Hodges, 1995). The meaning of the text resides
lessons (Umali, 2013). Reading will not be a complete in the intentional thought processes of the reader with such
experience without comprehension and only when students that meaning is influenced by that reader’s prior
comprehend that they benefit cognitively from the printed knowledge and experience, and that the message that the
materials. It is a complex, purposeful, interactive, writer intends to convey may or may not be the same as to
comprehending, and flexible activity that takes the reader. Then, there is a relationship between the text
considerable time and resources to develop. Reading is and the reader. Fundamental reading skills such as
rapid, which implies that readers should keep a good flow identifying, understanding, and drawing inferences and
of information at a sufficient rate to build connections and evaluation are some reading skills that are needed for good
create inferences vital to comprehension (Bojovic, 2010). reading comprehension. To establish the reader’s capacity
Also, comprehension is the goal of reading, but it can be to comprehend, he must be able to manifest all these skills
the most difficult skill to master, especially for non- native when presented with texts.
English language learners.

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Labrigas Factors affecting reading Comprehension in Cebuano and English Language Texts

Significantly, Ronda (2012) cited that it is vital to Moreover, an associate professor at De La Salle
assess the reading capability of students because reading is University said that youth’s reading proficiency in their
the foundation of all academic learning. If a pupil fails to own language is rapidly declining and the sad part is they
master basic reading skills at the outset, it will be a did not notice it (Reyes, 2018). If the students taught in
constant struggle for a pupil to get through other Cebuano continue to be losing such reading proficiency,
disciplines successfully; thus, depriving the pupil of the then the generation may not be able to enjoy reading texts
chance to become literate and productive individual. This in their own language. Also, the researcher is motivated to
would mean that students’ reading with comprehension know if learners nowadays are building good reading
should be well monitored by teachers or administrators comprehension in both languages since there is already an
because a strong foundation of good reading implementation of Cebuano language on primary levels
comprehension is a gateway to learn other aspects in and English language on intermediate levels in education.
academic fields. Based on the foregoing statements, the researcher is
On the other hand, when reading second language motivated to determine the factors affecting reading
texts, readers cannot completely separate themselves from comprehension in Cebuano and English language texts.
their cultural context where they rely on the knowledge This study is intended to determine factors
source constructed from their home society to interpret the affecting reading comprehension in Cebuano and English
meaning of linguistic information of the target language language texts. In order to help the researcher in the
(Hinke et al., 1999 cited in Lin, 2009). This may signify explanation of the variables and later in the analysis and
that reading comprehension is greatly affected by the interpretation of data, theories on Schema, Threshold, and
foundation that learners have in their mother tongue. The Proposition relative to reading comprehension are utilized.
interpretation of texts may differ when learners are given Each of these will be discussed in detail in the succeeding
local and second language texts, depending on the paragraphs.
intellectual and conversational use of those languages. Schema theory states that all knowledge is
More so, Upton and Thompson (2001) suggested organized into units. Within these units of knowledge, or
that many second language readers use the local language schemata, is stored information (Anderson, 1970).
for more than just mental translation. It appears the local Schema theory is an explanation of how readers use prior
language is often used to think about and process what is knowledge to comprehend and learn from text (Rumelhart,
being read in the second language texts; that is, these 1980 cited in Seymour, 2017). This would imply that
readers are doing more than just translating. While mental comprehension requires what students previously know so
translation - the reprocessing of second language words, as to achieve learning comprehension. Students’ schema
phrases, or sentences into local language forms - occurs can be applied while reading texts, hence, it is a great help
frequently, many second language readers also appear to to improve reading comprehension.
tap their local language to help them wrestle with and Needless to say that one’s schema brings
reflect on meaning as they read a second language text. opportunities of development in knowledge. Huxley
Then, there is an interrelated function of reading (2010) infers that every man who knows how to read has it
comprehension in local and second language texts. in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways, in
In the Philippines, the curriculum includes the which he exists, to make his life full, significant and
Mother-Tongue Based Multilingual Education. This aims interesting. Learning to read with comprehension makes
to develop among the young learners’ awareness and life more meaningful, more purposeful, and more well-
appreciation of their own culture (Pado, 2012). When the informed.
learners reach fourth grade, a pressure to be fluent readers Further, Carrel and Eiserhold (1983) cited in the
and instant exposure to English language texts become a study of Babashamsi (2013) elaborated that reading
challenge. In addition, the latest Programme for comprehension operates in two directions, from bottom up
International Student Assessment (PISA) results revealed to the top and from the top down to the bottom of the
that the Philippines scored below the average of hierarchy. Bottom-up processing is activated by specific
participating Organization for Economic Co-operation and data from the text, while top-down processing starts with
Development (OECD) countries. Education Secretary general to confirm these predictions. These two kinds of
Briones emphasized that it is on the failure of the processing are occurring simultaneously and interactively,
government to spend portions of its domestic product for which adds to the concept of interaction or comprehension
education which resulted the current quality of education between bottom-up and top-down processes.
in the country (Ciriaco, 2019).

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A fundamental tenet of schema theory assumes to the second language and motivated to acquire it
that written text does not carry meaning by itself. Rather, a Cummins (1976) cited in Pado (2012).
text only provides directions for readers as to how they Further, the Proposition Theory (Gunning, 1996)
should retrieve or construct meaning from their own suggests that readers construct and reconstruct structures
previously acquired knowledge. This previously acquired of information in their heads as they read. This represents
knowledge is called the readers' prior knowledge and the the reader constructing a main idea or macro structure as
previously acquired knowledge structures are called he/she processes the text. As students read, they transform
schemata (Shuying An, 2013). The reading comprehension texts into ideas or details which can be combined, deleted
affects how students construct meaning from the texts and and integrated to form a macro-structure. The macro-
how proficient they are in the use of language. The structure is a running summary of the text. The
background knowledge is then essential in putting propositions are organized according to their relative
meaning to language texts which is necessary in achieving importance in a hierarchy. Hence, there is a continuous
good reading comprehension. process of transforming texts into ideas as readers continue
Another theory is the Threshold Theory by decoding the printed texts. Readers construct main ideas
Cummins (1981), in which the relationship between and these ideas are organized into hierarchical pattern with
cognition and bilingualism can be best explained by the the most important ideas as the highest ideas to remember.
idea of two thresholds. Each threshold is a level of Aside from the theories cited, this present
language competence that has consequences for a child. research is based on two legal provisions. Article XIV,
The first threshold is a level for a child to reach to avoid Section 2, paragraph 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
the negative consequences of bilingualism. The second stated that the State shall establish, maintain, and support a
threshold is a level required to experience the possible complete, adequate, and integrated system of education
positive benefits of bilingualism. relevant to the needs of the people and society. In addition,
Cummins elaborated that children taught through Republic Act No. 10533, otherwise known as the
a second language most of the time fail to develop Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, Section 5 which
sufficient competency in their second language. This is states that the curriculum shall adhere to the principles and
because children are not allowed to develop competency in framework of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual
their first language. Therefore, it suggests that a child’s Education (MTB-MLE) and the curriculum shall be
literacy competency in second language is partly flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize,
dependent on the level of competence already achieved in indigenize and enhance the same based on their respective
the first language. The more developed the first language, educational and social contexts. This kind of improvement
the easier it will be to develop the second language. In in the educational system opens a gateway for students to
reading comprehension, it would imply that a child’s level appreciate the native language and to use it as a foundation
of reading competency in the mother tongue should come to learn other useful languages.
first before proceeding to the next level of competency in The learning area/nomenclature of Integrated
reading second or third languages. Language Arts Mother- Tongue Based, Filipino, and
These views explain that one’s schemata will English from Grades 1-6 is the development of literacy
enable the reader to read and comprehend texts in both and numeracy skills and learning of concepts first in the
Cebuano and English texts. LearningRX, an online brain Mother Tongue from Grades 1-3 and later transfer to
training program, emphasizes that reading comprehension second language (Filipino and English). This is with the
is the ability to understand what is read, where words have inclusion of reading comprehension in which a national
context and texts have meaning. Reading comprehension program entitled Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
then allows students to read and understand texts in a supports the thrust of the department to make every
deeper sense of understanding which may lead to a fuller student a reader and writer at his/her year level. It also
development of learning because whenever presented with supports the attainment of Education For All (EFA)
texts in two languages, the students may still be able to targets.
comprehend because of the “thresholds.” In the article entitled Binisaya Instruction: Facing
Once students have established a literate base in the MTB-MLE Challenges Head-on, Eslit (2017) cited that
their first language, they should be able to transfer minority language students gained literacy in their first
knowledge and skills gained in that language to reading in language experienced with higher academic achievement
a second language as long as they are adequately exposed compared to students who learned in a second or third
language. The article further supports the learning of first

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language as the key to the acquisition of second and third both sides: from teachers and students in developing the
languages. A need for a good foundation in the first skill. Given these factors, students should be taught varied
language is essential to establish a good step in learning reading strategies and skills so as students can write, utter,
second or even third language. This can be interrelated and understand well-structured and meaningful sentences.
with reading comprehension, since reading requires a It requires an amount of vocabulary, written model, and
strong foundation of the language that is necessary for prior knowledge to attain good reading comprehension.
comprehension. Moreover, Cook (1999) opines that the second language
DepEd orders that under the K to 12 Curriculum, knowledge that is being created in the reader is connected
the teaching of reading in Grades 1 to 3 must be in this in all sorts of ways with his or her local language
order: reading in mother tongue, Filipino and English. knowledge. This would mean that part of reading
Albano (2019), in a study, showed the importance of comprehension on second language text is the connection
letting children learn to read in the Mother Tongue before of the building blocks of learning in the local language
they could learn to read in other languages. The text. The level of students’ reading comprehension may
educational curriculum is highlighting the necessity for vary on the language used in the texts. Hence, factors must
students to be proficient in the native language so as to be be identified first to create more relevant and improved
equipped in the next step of learning other languages. learning activities for the students’ reading comprehension
Furthermore, Thonis (1970) cited in the study of in Cebuano and English language texts.
Barnitz (1985) supporting the position that literacy is best Meanwhile, Houghton’s Impacts of Intrinsic and
acquired in the mother tongue and that Spanish children, Extrinsic Motivation on Reading Achievement of First-
taught to read in their native language, were able to Grade Students (2015) discussed that learners are not
transfer literacy skills to the second language, English. either motivated or unmotivated in the realm of reading,
Literacy, referring to reading comprehension, would entail but rather, display types of motivation. This would mean
that the Spanish children were able to achieve reading that to become better readers, learners need to be
proficiency since there was a successful transfer of skills motivated to read. Houghton also added two types of
from first language to second language. Similarly, motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. She elaborated intrinsic
Spanish-speaking Cuban-American children in Miami motivation as a promotion to lifelong, voluntary reading,
schools had higher English reading test scores if they were while extrinsic motivation as a reward or recognition in
exposed to literacy instruction in Spanish, the first reading instead of learning forms texts. This would imply
language (Friedenberg, 1983 cited in Barnitz, 1985). that learners who are intrinsically motivated become
More importantly, Cummins (1981), who engaged readers and extrinsically motivated learners
supports a common underlying proficiency model of become ungeared readers.
bilingual proficiency, asserted that experience with either On the other hand, Yang’s study on Factors
language can promote the development of reading Affecting Learning Strategies in Reading Comprehension
proficiency underlying both languages, given adequate (2016) elaborated that individual factor such as motivation,
motivation and exposure to both, either in school or in the reading style, attitude, and other factors affect the
wider environment. This would mean that students should improvement of learners’ reading competence. From the
be motivated to exercise their reading skills not only in views presented above, the researcher came up with two
school but also at home or in their immediate community. main factors: intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Also, more of comprehension activities must relate to In this study, intrinsic factors would include
political or economic realities so as students would be motivation, reading style, attitude, and physical condition.
more engaged in the environment. Motivation in reading requires an intensive drive that
To emphasize, Iqbal et al. (2015) on his study learners have to consider whenever they decide to read.
Factors Responsible for Poor English Reading For instance, students who read for pleasure and
Comprehension, concluded that there are many key factors employing strategies to support their comprehension are
which affect reading comprehension. These key factors highly motivated readers (Ahmadi, 2013). Students of such
include: poor mastery over vocabulary, habit of cramming kind usually consider reading to be an important factor in
instead of learning and understanding, mission is to pass their daily activities, accept challenges in the reading
the examination not to develop skill, weak sentence process and are likely to be successful readers.
structure and tenses, not using the tricks to infer the One’s reading style is necessary because it helps
meaning from context, no habit of reading the newspapers, the readers make decision on the most comfortable and
articles, novels and other books, and a lack of interest from useful pattern in reading and understanding texts, as well

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as doing such with maximum efficiency (Chen, 2018). al., 1999 cited in Chiu & Ko, 2006). In this study, parents’
Reading styles vary from one individual to another. These involvement in home literacy activities is focused. The
are those who start from the title then read only the first home reading activities may include but are not limited to
sentence. Some would read only when they are familiar taking child to the library, sharing reading and providing
with authors. Still others read in close details. These are reading materials. Parents may also make decisions about
just some of the reading styles that are considered in this schools but the activities in this context are reliant to the
study. teachers and perhaps peers.
Another intrinsic factor is the attitude in reading. Student learning may also be affected by extensive peer
This refers to the positive or negative perception in reading interactions and relationships associated with a range of
which causes a learner to approach or avoid a reading adolescent behaviors and long term academic outcomes
situation (Alexander & Fuller, 1976 cited in Avallone, (Fujimoto et al., 2012 cited in Cooc & Kim, 2016). The
2005). Indeed, one’s attitude in reading matters. If extent to which peers matter relative to other family and
positive, these students delight in reading activities school inputs is important for educators in addressing
provided by their teachers and parents in school and at disparities in reading achievement and designing
home respectively. Some manifestations of positive appropriate reading practices.
attitude towards reading include engaging a book more Students live and grow in several different
than playing computer games and talking about other environments, and each environment has a strong
books to read. Negative attitude towards reading is shown influence on student desires and abilities to learn.
when reading is considered as a boring and unproductive Environments include the student’s home environment,
activity. school environment, and social environment. Each of these
The last intrinsic factor used in the study is the environments can affect a student’s reading (Caldwell et
physical condition. It covers learner’s physical ability and al., 2009). Then, environmental condition as used in the
condition that may or may not affect reading study refers and limits to the sound, reading materials and
comprehension. According to Hermosa (2002), factors that school or room set-up that can influence the learners’
affect reading are both physical and physiological. continuity in achieving comprehension in reading
Functions such as vision, hearing and thought are possible selections. When the ambiance is suitable to the reading
only through the organs of the body. Hermosa also activity, the learners will be able to process information
emphasized that a child who is ill is not able to do well in successfully. In contrast, when the milieu for reading is
school. Physical inadequacies may result in lowered messy, noisy, and dark, then no learner will be able to
vitality, depletion of energy, slower physical development develop reading comprehension in such setting.
and therefore, mental retardation. Hence, physical Indeed, reading comprehension is a complex
condition as used in this study also specifies to the current process that requires different building-block skills.
mood, emotional stability, and physical temperature of the Understanding what a person read is the result of three
learner. Provided that varied physical concerns while levels of skills: literal comprehension, inferential
reading may happen, these may or may not affect the comprehension and evaluative comprehension (Basaraba,
learners’ comprehension in reading. 2013 cited in Maghanoy et al., 2017). The study utilized
Aside from the intrinsic factors mentioned, there Westwood’s (2008) classification according to the level of
are also extrinsic ones. These include teachers, family thinking involved: literal, this is reading the lines;
members, peer or classmates, and the environmental inferential refers to reading between the lines; and,
condition. Teaching reading in a class of diverse learners evaluative, that is reading beyond the lines.
requires considerable knowledge and skill. The teacher In the study of Anggot et al. (2014) on Reading
must be able to tap a considerable personal knowledge Comprehension Abilities of Selected Grade Six Pupils in
base to effectively motivate and guide each learner English and Filipino, the three levels of reading
(Darnell, 2002). This means that teachers should endeavor comprehension are intensively stated. For the literal level,
to motivate the learners to read more, especially one on this focuses on reading the passages, hearing the words or
reading with comprehension. viewing the images. It involves identifying the important
Not only do teachers have a crucial role in and essential information. With guidance, students can
developing students’ reading comprehension, parents do distinguish between the important and less important ideas.
too. Parents’ involvement refers to the number of contacts Literal comprehension focuses on ideas and information
with children, quality of interactions, participation in which are explicitly stated in the selection. A simple task
children’s school activities, and home activities (Izzo et to literal comprehension may be the recognition or recall

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Labrigas Factors affecting reading Comprehension in Cebuano and English Language Texts

of a single fact or incident. A more complex task might be To achieve the purpose of the study, descriptive-
the recognition or recall of a series of facts or the survey research design was used. The study was conducted
sequencing of incidents in a reading selection. at School X in Bohol, Philippines. On the other hand, the
The second level of reading comprehension is the Grade Six pupils of School Y in the same town were the
inferential level that focuses on shifts to reading between researcher’s respondents for the pilot testing. The
the lines, and looking at what is implied by the material abovementioned elementary schools are public non-
under study. It requires thinking and imagination beyond sectarian schools. These students were officially enrolled
the printed page; illustrated by inferring supporting details in the School Year 2019-2020. The first section (Section -
and main idea, sequencing, comparing, examining cause- Jade) had 21 male and 16 female pupils. The second
effect relationships and character traits, predicting section (Section – Amethyst) had 18 male and 19 female
outcomes, and interpreting figurative language (Barrett, pupils. Hence, there were 74 respondents of this study, 39
1972). The third level of reading comprehension is the males and 35 females. In addition, the 6th grade pupils in
evaluative level. This level is reached when understanding School Y were the researcher’s pilot test respondents. The
at the literal and interpretive levels are combined. Also, the said grade level had one section, having 17 male and ten
readers reorganize and restructure ideas to express female pupils. There were 27 respondents for the pilot test
opinions. In essence, evaluation deals with judgment and of the study.
focuses on qualities of accuracy, acceptability, desirability, Additionally, a researcher-made reading
or probability of occurrence based on the literary texts, comprehension test was used to determine the level of
whether these materials are in Cebuano and English. respondents’ reading comprehension. The researcher-made
The study utilized flash fiction as one of the tools reading comprehension test was pilot tested to evaluate
in identifying learners’ reading comprehension level. and improve the quality of the research tool. The level was
Sustana (2019) emphasized that flash fiction is a fictional measured in terms of: literal, inferential, and evaluative.
work of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot The students were given three flash fictions for Cebuano
development. It is also known as sudden fiction or micro language and three flash fictions for English language. The
fiction, which sets under 1,000 words long. Sullivan Cebuano language flash fictions have these titles: (1)
(2019) emphasizes that flash fiction allows readers to use Nganong ang mga Karpa Nagpuyo sa Lim-aw byHuni-
their imagination and fill in some gaps in their mind. This huni; (2) Naay Bagyo, Mangadam Ta! by Huni-huni; and
can even be more effective than putting everything out, as (3) Ang Bili sa Piso by Huni-huni. The English language
the reader will make the story more personal and flash fictions have these titles: (1) Wailing Well by Kelly
meaningful through imagination of the details. Hence, the Hashway; (2) Leaving Her Mark by Liana Mahoney; and
researcher decided to utilize three flash fictions in both (3) Heroes in the Sky by Kelly Hashway. These flash
Cebuano and English language as one of the instruments to fictions were taken from online reading websites that
measure respondents’ level of reading comprehension. specify reading comprehension test for 6th Grade level
learners ( and
In relation to related studies, theories, and views
from difference sources, the researcher aims on
determining the factors that affect the reading
comprehension on Cebuano and English language texts of A 10-item test was attached in each Cebuano and
Grade Six pupils in School X. This study can be a English language flash fiction. A Table of Specifications
reference to teachers or school administrators as a way to was prepared and a set of questions were constructed
enhance pupils’ reading comprehension on both languages. based on the three levels of reading comprehension. The
questions were checked by the adviser and were also pilot
tested. Another researcher-made questionnaire was given
This study aimed to determine the factors affecting to determine the factors that affect pupils’ reading
reading comprehension on Cebuano and English language comprehension. The researcher-made survey
texts in Grade Six pupils of School X for the School Year questionnaires were also pilot tested.
2019-2020. Further, this would answer the current reading
In developing the questionnaire, the researcher
comprehension level of the respondents, intrinsic and
looked for inspiration in Houghton’s Impacts of Intrinsic
extrinsic factors that affect their reading comprehension,
and Extrinsic Motivation on Reading Achievement of
and significant difference between the intrinsic and
First-Grade Students and Yang’s study on Factors
extrinsic factors on respondents’ reading comprehension in
Affecting Learning Strategies in Reading Comprehension.
Cebuano and English language.
The researcher combined those ideas and constructed two
III. METHODOLOGY main factors in reading comprehension: intrinsic and
IJELS-2022, 7(4), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 115
Labrigas Factors affecting reading Comprehension in Cebuano and English Language Texts

extrinsic factors. Motivation, reading style, attitude, and condition. It has 10-item survey statements in each factor
physical condition were considered as intrinsic factors. in reading comprehension in Cebuano and English
On the other hand, extrinsic includes teachers, language texts. The responses were determined based on a
family members, peers/classmates, and environmental
scale of 1 to 3, indicating 1 as disagree; 2 as neutral; and 3 participants would not affect their previous, current, or
as agree. future grades/scores in all subjects. The researcher also
For the procedure of the study, the respondents noted that there was no compensation or payment upon
for the pilot test were given an option to participate or participation in the research study. The researcher assured
withdraw. For those respondents who agreed to participate, that the respondents’ responses would be treated with an
an Informed Consent Form was given. The form would ask adequate level of confidentiality. The responses would be
for their signatures and would require them to inform their kept with full respect and privacy. The researcher made
parents and affix their parents’ signature for approval. sure that the respondents fully understood the Informed
Moreover, the pilot test was conducted at School Y. It was Consent Form before the conduct of the study. The whole
to point out any problem with the test instructions, in some process of the study was done with full transparency.
instances may be the format or typographical errors or Moreover, to determine the levels of the pupils’
issues. reading comprehension using Cebuano and English
For the actual respondents of the study, the same language texts, the frequency and percentage distribution
informed consent form was given. After that, a two-day was utilized. To determine the difference between the
actual distribution of the reading comprehension test and respondents’ reading comprehension level on Cebuano and
survey questionnaire was done to the Grade Six pupils of English language, the t-test for independent samples was
the said school. On the first day, the pupils answered utilized. Additionally, to determine the difference among
Cebuano language reading comprehension tests and the factors that affect the respondents’ reading
Cebuano survey questionnaires. On the following day, the comprehension, the One Way Analysis of Variance
pupils answered English language reading comprehension (ANOVA) was used.
tests and English survey questionnaires. After all the tools On the other hand, with regard to the scope and
have been answered by the respondents, the researcher limitations, the study focused on factors that affect reading
gave some refreshments as a way of appreciation for their comprehension in Cebuano and English languages. Two
cooperation and participation in the study. The researcher general factors were considered in this study: intrinsic and
also explained the content in a most comprehensible extrinsic factors. On the intrinsic factors, the study limits
manner to avoid questions or confusions from the to motivation, reading style, attitude, and physical
respondents. The researcher neither imposed nor obliged condition. On the external factors, the study limits to
all the respondents to participate in the study. If there were teachers, family members, peers/classmates, and
statements that differ from the participants’ point of view environmental condition as factors that could affect
or principles, the participants were told that they may not respondents’ reading comprehension. The factors indicated
answer if they wish to do so. in the study were purely based only on respondents’
The participants of the study were informed that perception in relation to the reading comprehension in
the invitation for participation was purely voluntary, which Cebuano and English languages. The researcher did not go
would imply that they may withdraw or decline the through more factors due to constraints of time and
invitation. The participants may withdraw the participation resources. Research-made tools were utilized in the study
if it may be because of health issue, comfortability of the and there were no personal interviews on the respondents
topics or for personal reasons. The answers of the before, during, and after the conduct of the study.


Table 1. Respondents’ Level of Reading Comprehension in Both Languages
Range Score Description Cebuano Flash Fiction English Flash Fiction
f % f %
8-10 High 23 37.7 5 8.2
4-7 Average 38 62.3 40 65.57

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Labrigas Factors affecting reading Comprehension in Cebuano and English Language Texts

0-3 Low 0 0 16 26.23

Average Score 7.04 5.12
Description Inferential Inferential
Table 1 presents the respondents’ level of reading comprehension, average (5.12) when they were presented
comprehension on Cebuano and English languages. There with English language texts. In fact, 16 of the respondents
are 38 respondents who scored 4-7 points when tested on did not make it to the 50% of the total number of points.
their reading comprehension of Cebuano printed texts. Their reading comprehension in Cebuano was at 7.04.
Twenty-three or 37.7% scored within 8-10 points The result supports Threshold Theory in which
indicative of a high reading comprehension level in the literacy competency in second language is partly
Cebuano language. None of the respondents scored 0-3 dependent on the level of competence already achieved in
points. the first language (Cummins, 1981). It would mean that
On the other hand, there are 16 respondents who respondents’ level of reading competency in Cebuano has
scored 0-3 points when tested on their reading an influence in their reading competency in English
comprehension of English printed texts. They are language. Also, the influence of respondents’ previously
considered readers in the literal level. Forty or 65.57% of acquired knowledge structures or the schemata has an
the respondents scored within 4-7 points indicative that influence in respondents’ reading comprehension in both
they are in the inferential level when presented with texts languages (Shuying An, 2013). This would signify the
in English language. Five or 8.2% scored within 8-10 result that all of the respondents fall either in interpretative
points indicative of evaluative level of reading and evaluative level and none on the literal level which
comprehension in English language. It can be gleaned means that they have already progressed and achieved
from the table that the respondents have lower reading higher comprehension in the first language.

Table 2. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension in Both Languages

Factors Cebuano English

Weighted Mean Description Weighted Mean Description

Intrinsic Motivation 2.56 High 2.58 High

Reading styles 2.36 Agree 2.48 Agree
Attitude 2.39 Positive 2.47 Positive
Physical Condition 2.35 Agree 2.49 Agree
Extrinsic Teachers 2.49 Agree 2.55 Agree
Family 2.50 Agree 2.53 Agree
Peers/classmates 2.50 Agree 2.56 Agree
Environmental Condition 2.45 Agree 2.36 Agree
Grand Mean 2.50 – Agree
Legend: 2.34 – 3.00 Agree 1.67 – 2.33 Neutral 1.00 – 1.66 Disagree
Table 2 shows the intrinsic and extrinsic factors 2.58 in English. It implies that the respondents consider
that affect respondents’ reading comprehension in both reading as an important part in their daily activities; hence,
languages. Based on the result, all of the factors included they possess high motivation in reading texts. The result
in the study got a mean of 2.34-3.00 which implies that the supports the study of Houghton (2015) which discussed
respondents agree that such factors contribute or in any that learners display types of motivation in the realm of
way affect their comprehension in both languages. Among reading. This would mean that respondents possess
the intrinsic factors in both languages, the dominant factor personal motivation in reading; hence, they aimed reading
is motivation which has a mean of 2.56 in Cebuano and

IJELS-2022, 7(4), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 117
Labrigas Factors affecting reading Comprehension in Cebuano and English Language Texts

texts in both languages to get morals or values in life and Cebuano when in groups and when their friends suggest
to sharpen their reading ability. good Cebuano stories to read. The family members entail
In addition, Yang’s study on Factors Affecting the respondents’ family members who serve as their guide
Learning Strategies in Reading Comprehension (2016) in reading Cebuano selections and who encourage them to
elaborated that individual factor including motivation read more fictional Cebuano selections to enhance reading
affect the improvement of learners’ reading competence. comprehension. Moreover, in the extrinsic factor in
This would imply that the respondents’ motivation, English, the dominant factor is peers/classmates which got
willingness to read and achieve comprehension has the a mean of 2.56. It implies that similar to Cebuano, the
highest influence in their readings in Cebuano and English respondents reading comprehension in English is
language texts. influenced by the preference and suggestion from friends;
hence, the sharing encourages them to read more texts
In addition, among the intrinsic factors in both
using English language.
languages, the least in value in Cebuano is physical
condition which got a mean of 2.35. Physical condition Among the extrinsic factors in reading both
refers to the physical and emotional well – being of the languages, the least in value is environmental condition in
respondents in reading texts in Cebuano language. Also, it Cebuano which got a mean of 2.45 and a mean of 2.36 in
covers reading Cebuano texts when they are feeling well English. It implies that the respondents’ environmental
and when they cannot sleep at night. On the aspect of condition, which also refers but is not limited to sounds,
reading English language, attitude ranked the least which readability of reading materials, and school or room set –
got a mean of 2.47. It depicts that respondents read when up can influence the continuity in achieving reading
someone gave them interesting English reading selections. comprehension in both languages.
Most of the respondents also agree that reading English Hence, combining the intrinsic and extrinsic
texts is for academic improvement. factors in both languages, the grand mean is 2.50 which
On the other hand, in the extrinsic factor in shows that the respondents assent on the two sets of factors
Cebuano, the dominant factors are peers/classmates and and that these factors contribute and influence the reading
family members which got a mean of 2.50. It means that comprehension of respondents in both languages.
the influence of friends and family members greatly
contribute on their comprehension in Cebuano language.
Peers or classmates entail the respondents reading

Table 3. Difference between the Respondents’ Reading Comprehension Level on Cebuano and English Language Texts
Languages Mean Variance t Stat t Critical two-tail Decision
Cebuano 7.03 1.13 7.03 1.98 Reject the
English 5.10 3.49 null hypothesis

Table 3 illustrates that there is a significant 1970). Schema theory is an explanation of how readers
difference in the level of reading comprehension on use prior knowledge to comprehend and learn from text
Cebuano and English language texts; hence, the decision is (Rumelhart, 1980). This would imply that the respondents’
to reject the null hypothesis. The data above show that the level of reading comprehension has been greatly
variance in English language is higher than the variance in influenced by their previously acquired knowledge so as to
Cebuano language which implies that the data are more achieve comprehension in the given texts. Since the mean
spread out from the mean. The scores in English reading score in Cebuano language is higher than the mean score
comprehension test are more spread out than the scores in in English language, it would serve as the researcher’s
Cebuano reading comprehension test. This means that the basis for providing an enhancement program for the
respondents need to focus and concentrate on their reading improvement of reading comprehension in English.
of texts in English language.
Moreover, schema theory states that all
knowledge is organized into units. Within these units of
knowledge, or schemata, is stored information (Anderson,

IJELS-2022, 7(4), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 118
Labrigas Factors affecting reading Comprehension in Cebuano and English Language Texts

Table 4. Difference in Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors on Respondents’ Comprehension in Both Languages
Sources of Variation SS df MS Computed F Remarks Critical Value at 0.05
Column Mean 0.696422 3 0.232141 2.392187 < 2.642213
Error 23.28988 240 0.097041 Insignificant
Total 23.9863 243 Accept H0

Table 4 depicts that there is no difference Poor English Reading Comprehension concluded that
between the intrinsic and extrinsic factors on respondents’ students’ habit and attitude towards reading, mastery of the
reading comprehension in Cebuano and English languages. language, and teachers’ effort and guidance when reading
The result is similar on the study of Houghton (2015) in texts are some of the key factors which affect reading
which intrinsic and extrinsic motivations were elaborated. comprehension. Hence, both intrinsic and extrinsic factors
It was found out that either of the two motivations had an have contributed and influenced respondents’ reading
impact on the pupils’ reading achievement. In addition, comprehension in both languages, in one way or another.
Iqbal et al. (2015) on his study on Factors Responsible for

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