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Oracle® Hospitality Simphony Client Deployment Guide

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Oracle® Hospitality Simphony

Client Deployment Guide

Release 18.2
May 2021
Oracle Hospitality Simphony Client Deployment Guide, Release 18.2


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1 Client Application Loader (CAL)

Planning and Considerations 1-1
CAL / DCAL Infrastructure and Terminology 1-3
Configuring Employee Privileges for Using CAL 1-3
Configuring CAL Package Permissions 1-4
Security Considerations 1-4
Resizing the Initial Workstation Database 1-6
Changing the DCAL Server Location 1-8

2 CAL Packages
Configuring CAL Packages 2-4
CAL Directories and Package Contents 2-4
Viewing, Reloading, and Saving CAL Package Contents 2-4
Changing a CAL Package Version 2-5
Changing a Custom CAL Package 2-5

3 CAL Package Deployment

Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment 3-1
CAL Deployment Order 3-1
Manually Deploying CAL Packages 3-2
Adding a Deployment Schedule for One CAL Package 3-3
Adding a Deployment Schedule for a Group of CAL Packages 3-4
Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install the Simphony Client on
Workstations 3-5
Viewing CAL Package Deployment Schedules 3-5
Viewing the CAL Package Download Status 3-6
Scheduling and Viewing Device Information 3-7
Device Information Needs Attention State 3-8

Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment 3-10
CAL Deployment Order 3-10
Manually Deploying CAL Packages 3-11
Adding a Deployment Schedule for One CAL Package 3-12
Adding a Deployment Schedule for a Group of CAL Packages 3-13
Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install the Simphony Client on
Workstations 3-15
Viewing CAL Package Deployment Schedules 3-15
Viewing the CAL Package Download Status 3-16
Scheduling and Viewing Device Information 3-20
Device Information Needs Attention State 3-21

4 CAL Authentication
Automatic Authentication 4-1

5 Enterprise Certificate Verification

Testing the Enterprise Certificate 5-1

6 Distributed CAL (DCAL)

Configuring the Distributed CAL (DCAL) Server 6-2
Moving the DCAL Server to Another Service Host 6-2
Configuring a DCAL Download Schedule 6-2
Viewing the DCAL File Download Status 6-3
Setting Up a New Workstation With a DCAL Server 6-3

7 CAL on Workstations
Allowing Employees to Install and Authenticate POS Clients and Service Hosts 7-1
CAL Installation Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows Devices 7-1
Adding a Workstation 7-2
Assigning Default Touchscreen Pages 7-4
Installing the CAL Client on a Microsoft Windows Device 7-4
Updating CAL Client Workstations 7-4
POS Clients Running Android Mobile Operating System 7-4
Allowing Employees to Access the CAL Admin Page on Android Devices 7-5
Installing CAL on the Android Device 7-5
Installing the Simphony Service Host on an Android Device 7-15
Configuring the Service Host for CAPS Running as a Service on a Client 7-17

CAL Installation Prerequisites for a Workstation Without the POS Interface (CAPS-
Only Workstation) 7-18
Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install the Simphony Client on
Workstations 7-18
Installing the Simphony Client on a Workstation without the POS Interface 7-19

8 Pre-Upgrade Checklist

9 Post-Upgrade Checklist

10 Windows Advanced Configuration Settings for CAL

11 Troubleshooting CAL and DCAL

Deploying ServiceHost Hotfixes with DCAL 11-1
DCAL Workstation Computer Name 11-1
Upgrading CAL on Simphony 2.8 Clients or Later 11-2
Re-configuring CAL with an Existing Simphony Client Install 11-2
ServiceHost Deployment Using DCAL Prior to Simphony Release 2.8 11-2
ServiceHost Upgrades Prior to Simphony Release 2.8 11-3
ServiceHost Package Install Loop 11-3
Upgrading DCAL Workstation from Releases Prior to Simphony 2.9.3 11-3
CAL Authentication with DCAL Workstations 11-3
Changing the CAL URL 11-4


Oracle Hospitality Simphony is a cloud-based Point-of-Sale (POS) solution that
provides business management capabilities using a single tool with vast integration
capabilities to property management systems, paperless kitchen display systems,
credit card interfaces, and reporting applications.

This Simphony Client Deployment Guide provides instructions to deploy clients for
Simphony release 18.2.

This document is intended for system administrators of Oracle Hospitality Simphony
release 18.2.

Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
• Product version and program/module name
• Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
• Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
• Exact error message received and any associated log files
• Screen shots of each step you take

Oracle Hospitality product documentation is available on the Oracle Help Center at

Simphony eLearning
The Simphony Learning Subscription provides additional product knowledge through
interactive training, guided video tours, and helpful knowledge checks. After exploring
the documentation library, use your Oracle Single Sign On to check out the Simphony
learning opportunities at Hospitality Learning Subscriptions.

Revision History

Date Description of Change

December 2018 Initial publication.


Date Description of Change

December 2018 Updated the Title page to remove a
repeated word.
May 2019 Updated Step 1-c of Installing CAL on the
Android Device by adding a workaround
for Android device display issue with
Chrome browser.
September 2019 • Updated Installing CAL on the Android
Device by changing Android Nougat
to 7.0 and Oreo to 8.0 to align with
content in Compatibility Matrix.
• Updated Installing the Simphony
Service Host on an Android Device by
removing the sentence about support
for Android Nougat and Oreo as this is
included in the Compatibility Matrix.
• Updated Configuring the Deployment
Schedule to Install CAL on a
Workstation Without the POS Interface
by removing the reference to
Simphony release 2.9.2 or later from
Step 2.
• Updated document to denote CAL
enhancements for the Simphony 18.2.2
October 2019 Updated Scheduling and Viewing Device
Information by including reference to
Device Information Needs Attention State.
Added Device Information Needs Attention
May 2021 Moved Resizing the Initial Workstation
Database to Chapter 1.
Updated the following topics to clarify the
Effective From and Effective To time zone
• Adding a Deployment Schedule for One
CAL Package
• Adding a Deployment Schedule for a
Group of CAL Packages

Client Application Loader (CAL)
The Client Application Loader (CAL) allows seamless distribution, installation, and
maintenance of Simphony software from a CAL server to all Simphony client
workstations and service hosts. The CAL stores software packages in the transaction
database, providing a central storage location. The CAL enables clients to:
• Obtain a list of configured workstations from the CAL servers.
• Establish unique workstation IDs and network configuration (either Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or static Internet Protocol (IP) based on the
information received from the CAL server).
See the following topics for more information about CAL and Distributed CAL (DCAL).

Planning and Considerations

Installing or upgrading to the most recent software version is the optimal path. Care
must be taken in choosing when to perform the upgrade and which devices should
be upgraded first. This choice depends on the business requirements of each location
being upgraded. The best way to mitigate issues is to read all release notes for the
version to which you are upgrading. These release notes are available on the Oracle
Help Center at:

Common Considerations for New Installations and Upgrades

• Verify Supported Technology and Devices: Simphony supports a variety of
environments and devices. Review the Compatibility Matrix, located on the Oracle
Help Center, to ensure that your environments and devices are supported.
• Review Known Issues: Ensure that workarounds for known issues have been
implemented before deploying the client. See the Known Issues section of the
release notes for details.
• Verify security policy compatibility: Confirm that your local security policies are
compatible with the update process. See Security Considerations for details.
• Launch to UAT or lab environment: If you have a lab environment available,
Oracle recommends that you test new versions in that environment first. If you do
not have a lab environment available, always use a pilot store before upgrading all
locations (if you have more than one location).
• Check network constraints on the day of the installation: Ensure that your
network has sufficient bandwidth to dedicate to deployment of the CAL packages
to the workstations.
• Verify that the latest Microsoft Windows updates are installed: Ensure that all
Microsoft Windows updates are current and the latest service pack of the Microsoft
SQL Express is installed.
• Verify the CAL Package deployment schedule’s expiration date: Ensure that
the CAL Package deployment schedule has not expired before deploying the CAL
packages to the workstations.

Chapter 1
Planning and Considerations

• Verify access to the Enterprise Management Console (EMC): Use the EMC to
complete the initial steps required to start the installation process. Verify that you
can access EMC as well as the CAL Packages modules within EMC.
• Verify employee privilege to download and install updates: A property user
(employee) needs to have the authority to download, install, and authenticate
clients and service hosts using the CAL. Identify this employee and verify that the
role assigned to them in the EMC has Miscellaneous option 10065 enabled. See
Allowing Employees to Install and Authenticate POS Clients and Service Hosts for
• Verify Simphony Enterprise certificate from the workstations: A secure (TLS
1.2) connection to the Enterprise is required when installing or upgrading the
Simphony client to release 2.9.1 or later. Verify that the workstations can establish
a secure connection with the Enterprise before the installation. Enterprise
Certificate Verification contains more information.
• Document your Simphony server name and your Check and Posting Service
(CAPS) client: When you log in to EMC, write down the server name used with
your login credentials. If you do not know which client is your CAPS client, log in
to EMC, click the Setup tab, select the Property Parameters module, and then
click the Workstations tab. Write down the name of the CAPS client service host.
Using the CAPS service host name, locate the physical CAPS client machine at
your property and make note of its location.
• Verify software versions on the workstations: After the installation completes,
ensure that all workstations are on the same release of the Simphony client
software before performing any transactions.
• Test normal operations: Set aside time to test normal operations after the
installation completes. Make a checklist of all critical business functions to test
so that you can verify that they are working post installation.

Additional Considerations for New Installations

When should the property use Distributed CAL (DCAL)? The property should have at
least three workstations to benefit from downloading the CAL package once to the
property level and to reduce bandwidth demands during upgrades.

Additional Considerations for Upgrades

• Verify potential installation issues: Use the Device Information module to
identify issues that may prevent the software from installing successfully.
Scheduling and Viewing Device Information contains more information.
• Prepare for and schedule downtime: Depending on your business hours,
find ample time for the upgrade process. During the process, workstations are
inoperable until the upgrade finishes. The best time is usually after closing. The
total amount of downtime depends on the number of POS clients/workstations that
need to be upgraded, as well as network access speed. In addition, there is the
chance you need extra time due to unforeseen factors.
• Close all open checks: Close all open checks and ensure that all sales have
posted to Reporting and Analytics before starting the upgrade. To ensure that all
open checks are closed, run an Open Check Report at the workstation and verify
that there are no open checks in each revenue center at the property.

Chapter 1
CAL / DCAL Infrastructure and Terminology

CAL / DCAL Infrastructure and Terminology

Figure 1-1 CAL Components and Data Flow

Deployment Schedules are the configuration settings defined at the Enterprise and
used to deploy packages to CAL or DCAL clients. You can create deployments for the
entire Enterprise, specific properties, and individual service host clients. Deployments
can also be scheduled for immediate or future delivery.
DCAL Download Schedules are the configuration settings defined at the Enterprise
that specify which CAL packages are delivered and stored on the DCAL workstation.
DCAL Workstation is the workstation at the property designated as the local CAL
server. DCAL Download Schedules are used by this workstation to determine which
packages should be downloaded from the Enterprise. Deployment Schedules are used
by this workstation to determine which downloaded CAL packages should be made
available to DCAL clients.
DCAL Client is the workstation at the property that receives CAL packages from the
DCAL workstation. DCAL clients still use the CAL client application, but the CAL client
is configured to communicate with the DCAL workstation rather than the Enterprise.
CAL Client is the application component responsible for installing CAL packages.
Typically, the CAL client communicates with the Enterprise application server unless a
DCAL workstation exists on the property.

Configuring Employee Privileges for Using CAL

To configure CAL with a Simphony release 2.9.1 or higher enterprise, an employee
must have role privilege 10065 enabled in the EMC Roles module. Without this

Chapter 1
Configuring CAL Package Permissions

privilege and a valid EMC username and password, a user cannot authenticate a client
and load Simphony applications through CAL. To configure the privilege in the EMC:
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
2. Identify existing roles or add new roles for employees that need to have this
3. Double-click the roles record assigned to the soon-to-be privileged user.
4. Click the Operations tab, and then click the Miscellaneous subtab.
5. In the Miscellaneous Options section, select 10065 - Download Software, Install
and Authenticate Clients and Service Hosts Using CAL, and then click Save.
6. Repeat these steps for each role as needed.

Figure 1-2 Roles Miscellaneous Options

Configuring CAL Package Permissions

1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
2. Double-click the role record assigned to the privileged user (for example,
administrator, manager, or server).
3. Click the EMC Modules tab.
4. Scroll to the Hardware section and search for CAL Packages. Based on your
preferences, select the desired checkbox to assign View, Edit, Add, and Delete
privileges to the role.
5. Click Save.
6. Repeat these steps for each role as needed.

Security Considerations
Each organization has a unique security policy in place, which could affect the
software upgrade process. Security policies that restrict or block access to resources
required by Oracle software can cause the upgrade to fail completely or prevent the
upgrade from completing without manual user intervention.
Account Privileges
• Local machine administrative privileges are required. In domain environments,
ensure that the domain user has local administrative privileges until the upgrade is
complete. This is minimally required for the initial setup of the workstation.

Chapter 1
Security Considerations

• User Account Control (UAC) needs to be disabled during the installation

processes to avoid operating system prompts, which require manual intervention.
This is not required when upgrading to Simphony client release 18.1 or later.
Network Access
• Sites using HTTPS certificates containing a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) URL
should verify that this URL is reachable from the workstations.
• Sites using HTTPS certificates containing an Online Certificate Status Protocol
(OCSP) URL should verify that this URL is reachable from the workstations.
Database Access
• Simphony client upgrades require access to the local database instance and
database files during the upgrade.
• Simphony clients must allow for a minimum of 8 login attempts per instance.
Workstations running headless shared services, and POS operations, require a
minimum of 16 login attempts.
• Database credentials should not be rotated immediately before or during the
upgrade process. Defer credential rotation until after the upgrade is finished and
has been validated.
• Sites using Microsoft Windows user account lockout policies can also impact
the SQL Express connection attempts from your workstations. Adjust this policy
accordingly before the upgrade to prevent Simphony database users from being
locked out.
• The Device Information module in the EMC identifies issues that may prevent the
client from upgrading. Scheduling and Viewing Device Information contains more
File System Access (Beginning with Simphony release 18.2)
• Several operating system directories and utilities are used during the upgrade
• The upgrade process runs under the permissions of the user account logged in
to the workstation. This user account might require access to the executable files,
directories, and subdirectories listed in this table:

Table 1-1 File System Access

Package Access Type File System Object

CalVersionFixer Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%
Read %SYSTEMROOT%\System32
Execute cscript.exe
CAPSOnIIS Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%\CAPSOnIIS
Read/Write/Execute %SYSTEMDRIVE%
Service Host Download Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%
(Simphony release 18.2.2 Read/Write/Execute \Micros\Simphony\Downloa
only) d

Chapter 1
Resizing the Initial Workstation Database

Table 1-1 (Cont.) File System Access

Package Access Type File System Object

Biometrics Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%\Prerequisites
(Simphony releases 18.2 and Execute msiexec.exe
18.2.1 only)
LanguageTranslation Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%\WebServer
(Simphony releases 18.2 and
18.2.1 only)
McrsCAL Read/Write/Execute %ProgramFiles%\micros
Execute regedit.exe
MediaViewer Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%
Execute iisreset.exe
KDS Handler Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%
Read/Write/Execute %KDSRoot%
Read/Write/Execute %SYSTEMDRIVE%
Execute netsh
ServiceHost Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%
Read/Write/Execute %SYSTEMDRIVE%
Execute Regsvr32.exe
Execute sc.exe
Execute \Microsoft\Windows\Start
msiexec.exe (Simphony
release 18.2.2 only)
Service Host Prereqs Read/Write/Execute %AppRoot%
(Simphony releases 18.2 and Read/Write/Execute %SYSTEMDRIVE%
18.2.1 only) Execute sqlcmd.exe
Execute cscript.exe
Execute Powercfg.exe
WS KDS Display Read/Write/Execute %KDSRoot%
Read/Write/Execute %SYSTEMDRIVE%
Execute netsh

Resizing the Initial Workstation Database

You can change the initial database size of a workstation. Configure the starting
database size and growth pattern (Pre-sized or AutoGrow) for the Simphony client
databases, and the Generate XML feature creates the CAL package to be added to
the application. The Generate XML function only sets the initial size of the database;
it cannot shrink a database that is too large. Use caution with Generate XML to avoid
harming operations.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.

Chapter 1
Resizing the Initial Workstation Database

2. Click the Generate XML tab.

3. From the Sizing Mode drop-down list, select the method for sizing the database:
• Select AutoGrow for high volume locations where the size of the database on
disc grows through a nightly job. AutoGrow mode allows the application to size
the database during a nightly job at a specified time. This avoids the lengthy
delays of sizing until the application is not in use. Do not select this option for
workstations equipped with the 8GB Universal Disk On Chip (UDOC).
• Select PreSized for workstations with limited disc space where the Simphony
default database sizes are not proportionate to the available space. You can
set a maximum size for each database and log file, and reserve a percentage
of the available disc space for non-database files. In Pre-sized mode, the
database is potentially sized every time the workstation Service Host starts,
and the database does not grow.
4. In the Non DB Percentage field, enter a percentage (between 0 and 100) of the
free space of the disc to reserve for non-database content.
5. In the Resize Time field, enter the amount of time in hours and minutes for the
nightly resize job.
The value in this field determines the time on a 24-hour clock to run the database
resize job, which attempts to resize the database outside of business hours.
Although this field is required, PreSized mode ignores the value entered as there
is no nightly resize job.
6. Select the database to configure from the Alias drop-down list. You can resize the
following database configurations:
• LocalDB (local datastore database)
• CPServiceDb (CAPS database)
• KDSServiceDb (KDS database)
• CMLocal (cash management database)
7. In the Data File and the Log File sections, enter the appropriate values as
described in the following table. To set the default database configuration, select
Use Default Values.

Table 1-2 Data File and Log File Database Configuration

Field Description
Initial Size Enter the initial size of the database
file. Define the size with a number
followed by M, G, or T suffixes to indicate
megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes.
Maximum Size (AutoGrow mode only) Enter the maximum size to which the
database can grow. If there is not enough
unreserved space to fit the maximum
size, the configuration does not validate.
The NonDB Percentage value you
entered determines how much of the
free space is not available for the

Chapter 1
Changing the DCAL Server Location

Table 1-2 (Cont.) Data File and Log File Database Configuration

Field Description
Auto Grow Floor (AutoGrow mode only) Enter the size of the free space within
the database that triggers a nightly grow
event. If you set this value to 10M
and the free space inside the data file
goes below 10M, the nightly resize job
attempts to resize the database.
Auto Grow Increment (AutoGrow mode Enter the auto growth increment for
only) the database. This value is used by the
nightly resize job when the database
must grow.

8. Click the Add button.

9. Click the ellipsis point (...) button, select the destination folder, and then click OK.
10. Click the Generate button.

Changing the DCAL Server Location

If the property has a DCAL server configured, after the property receives CAL package
updates from the DCAL server, workstations at the property that were pointed to the
Enterprise application server automatically change the CAL URL to point to the DCAL
server. You must restart the Service Host for the changes in the CAL server to take

CAL Packages
CAL packages are a method of distributing software to the clients through an
installation script. Rather than having to manually install software on a workstation,
a CAL package automates this process over the network. This increases the efficiency
of deploying and upgrading client software on the workstation. You can configure the
packages to be distributed to:
• All devices in the Enterprise
• Devices in selected properties
• Specific devices
Each customer has specific needs to deploy to the Enterprise, property, or specific
devices. If you are unsure, the safer route is to deploy the CAL packages to the
specific devices or property you plan to upgrade.
A typical Simphony installation has a set of pre-defined CAL packages available
for deployment. This document provides the basic steps required to complete a
successful upgrade. Additional package deployments could be required for custom
applications or other features not explicitly reviewed.
A Simphony POS client requires the following basic packages at a minimum. This
document focuses on these packages.
• CAL Client
• Service Host Prerequisites (Only with Simphony releases 18.2 and 18.2.1) OR
Service Host Download (Only with Simphony release 18.2.2)
• Service Host

CAL Directory and Package Contents

The CAL Package files and folders are located on the Simphony application server
in the [Drive Letter]:\\MICROS\Simphony2\EGatewayService\CAL directory. This is
the most important directory. Handlers in this directory process messages that are
sent to the Simphony application server. The EGatewayService directory includes the
encrypted database information, as well as the web.config file that includes important
Simphony settings. The following table lists the subdirectories that reside in the
EGatewayService\CAL folder and the CAL package contents for various types of client

Table 2-1 CAL Packages

Platform Type Type of Device CAL Folder Contents

Android Devices running the Android ServiceHost2.0
mobile operating system
DC (Display Controller) Kitchen Display System (KDS) • CALVersionFixer2.0
Controllers • DCKDS2.0
• McrsCAL2.0

Chapter 2

Table 2-1 (Cont.) CAL Packages

Platform Type Type of Device CAL Folder Contents

ServiceHosts Not Applicable Subdirectory named for the
Service Host ID that contains
automatically generated setup
information for each Service
Win32 (Microsoft Any Microsoft Windows • CALVersionFixer2.0
Windows) machine, such as the Oracle • CAPSOnIIS2.0
MICROS Tablet 720, Oracle • DeviceInformationHandle
MICROS Workstation 6 Series, r35
Oracle MICROS Tablet E-Series,
• DeviceInformationHandle
and Oracle MICROS PC
Workstation 2015
• DigitalPersona2.0
• McrsCAL
• McrsCAL2.0
• MediaViewer2.0
• PosToKdsHandler2.0
• ServiceHostDownload
(Simphony release 18.2.2
• ServiceHost2.0
• ServiceHostPrereq2.0
(Simphony releases 18.2
and 18.2.1 only)
• WSKDS2.0

More About Platform Types

Beginning with Simphony 18.2 release, from the EMC CAL Package Configuration
screen, the following Platform Types are available for general use:
• 0 - All Clients
• 1 - Win32 Server
• 50 - Win32 Client
• 69 - Android (can be used for MC 40s running Android)
• 101 - DTR Controller (KDS Display Controller)

Chapter 2

Figure 2-1 CAL Package Configuration Tab

Installation and Upgrade

The CAL Packages module configuration determines the clients to receive specific
packages and the timing of package deployment. The Setup.dat file is a text file that
contains installation instructions. New packages include the following information in
the Setup.dat file:
• Name: Identifies the CAL package
• Version: Identifies the release version number using a four-number dotted notation
format (for example, 2.800.4.25)
• Commands: Indicates what, how, and where files are placed
The Simphony installer derives an internal name and version for Simphony packages
from the Setup.dat file. The internal name and version typically differs from the
package name and version. For example, ServiceHost 2.9 and ServiceHost 2.8 are
two separate packages, but they share the same internal name, ServiceHost. The
installer identifies the matching internal names and prevents installing and running two
versions of ServiceHost.exe on the same client.
The CAL client uses the internal name and version from the Setup.dat file to determine
whether to download the CAL package. EMC does not let you configure duplicate
schedules for packages with the same internal name. For example, if you have
a deployment schedule for ServiceHost.2.8 to deploy to the Enterprise, adding an
Enterprise deployment for ServiceHost.2.8 and ServiceHost.2.7 results in the following
error message: Cannot save duplicate deployments.
Beginning with Simphony release 2.10, prerequisite software is pre-loaded in a
local directory on new Oracle MICROS workstations, rather than downloading the
prerequisite software from the Enterprise through CAL. This reduces the time between
opening a new Oracle MICROS workstation and signing in to the Simphony POS client
for the first time.
When you upgrade Simphony to a new release, the installer does not add new
deployments and does not change existing packages or schedules. As a result, you

Chapter 2
Configuring CAL Packages

do not need to change deployment schedules from Install to Skip. The installer
preserves CAL packages and adds new release versions.

Configuring CAL Packages

CAL packages belong to the following two subgroups:
• The Simphony subgroup contains the standard packages installed by Simphony.
• The Custom subgroup contains the packages added by an administrator.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Highlight a CAL package.
3. Click the appropriate command from the CAL packages tree:

Table 2-2 CAL Packages Tree Commands

Command Description
Switch View Change the grouping of CAL packages from name to
version and vice versa. For example, you can view
packages belonging only to Simphony release 18.1.
Add Custom CAL Package Upload a CAL package from a local file system to the
EMC and database. Uploaded packages appear in the
Custom subgroup.
Refresh Refresh the entire page.
Delete Delete the highlighted CAL package.

CAL Directories and Package Contents

Recent releases of the Simphony installer can import CAL packages directly into the
transaction database during installation. When this installation option is selected, all
CAL packages included within a release are copied into the file system before being
imported. Each Simphony release could include changes to internal CAL packages
and their contents. Refer to the specific release of the Simphony Configuration Guide
for more information.
• Simphony Release 2.9
Client Application Loader (CAL)
• Simphony Release 2.10
Client Application Loader (CAL)
• Simphony Release 18.1
Client Application Loader (CAL)

Viewing, Reloading, and Saving CAL Package Contents

1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Highlight the CAL package, and then click the Package Contents tab. The
Platforms section lists all available platform types, the Setup.dat version, and CAL
package name.

Chapter 2
Changing a CAL Package Version

3. From the Files list, select a platform to see all files included in the package.
• To open the file in Notepad, click View Selected File.
• To reload the entire CAL package for all platforms and files from the specified
file location, click Reload Package From Disk. You must be signed on with
the same hierarchy level as the CAL package to see this command.
After you modify an existing default or custom package, reload the package.
Ensure that the Setup.dat version matches the file before it loads to avoid
reloading the package on all POS clients.
After installation and when the load balanced address changes, replace the
local machine with the load balanced address in SimphonyInstall.xml, and
then reload the entire package.
• To save the entire CAL package for all platforms and files to the specified file
location, click Save Package To Disk, select an empty output folder, and then
click OK.

Changing a CAL Package Version

You can change a CAL package that has one or multiple versions.
Changing the deployment package version causes the new version to immediately
start deploying to the workstations. Depending on the Action To Take (Install or Skip)
that you select in Adding a Deployment Schedule for the Current CAL Package or
Adding a Deployment Schedule for a Group of CAL Packages, the system may begin
immediate deployment.
1. To change a CAL package with one version:
a. From the CAL Packages module, delete the existing deployment.
b. Add a new deployment for the new version.
2. To change a CAL package with multiple versions:
a. From the CAL Packages module, highlight the package deployment.
b. Click Change Package Version.
c. From the Choose CAL Package For Deployment drop-down list, select the
appropriate package version for deployment, and then click OK.

Changing a Custom CAL Package

You can change the name of a custom package, its deployment order, and its platform
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Expand the Custom subgroup, and highlight the appropriate custom CAL package.
3. Change the following information on the CAL Package Configuration tab:
• Name
• Deployment Order: Enter the order in which to deploy the CAL package.
CAL packages with a value of 0 (zero) are loaded first. Custom CAL packages
(not hotfixes) need to start with 1000. CAL Deployment Order contains more

Chapter 2
Changing a Custom CAL Package

• Platform Type: Select the type of platform to receive the CAL package.
4. In the Limit To Services section, select specific Service Host types to deploy to
• If you do not select a service, the package deploys to every Service Host
based on the deployment schedule.
• If you select one or more services, the package deploys only to Service Hosts
that run selected services. That is, when you configure a new service for
the existing Service Host, there is no additional deployment for the Service
Host. If a CAL package exists that is specific to the service, the Service Host
downloads it immediately.
For example, if you select Cash Management, you must also select the Check
And Posting service (CAPS) because the Enterprise Cash Management
(ECM) module only runs on CAPS Service Hosts. This causes all Service
Hosts that run CAPS to automatically download the ECM CAL package if a
deployment schedule exists for the Enterprise or property.

CAL Package Deployment
See the appropriate Simphony release for more information about deploying CAL
• Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment
• Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

To deploy CAL packages in Simphony release 18.2 or 18.2.1:

CAL Deployment Order

By default, all internal CAL packages have a deployment order of 0 (zero) and custom
CAL packages have a deployment order of 1000. Using a deployment order that differs
from the best practices recommended order can result in packages going to POS
client workstations in an undesirable order. Packages need to deploy to POS client
workstations in a specific order. Assigning an order enables Simphony to create and
place certain files or folders for one package, which are used later by another package
in order to succeed.
Oracle Hospitality recommends deploying CAL packages in the following order:

Table 3-1 CAL Deployment Order in Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1

CAL Package Name Deployment Order Number

CAL Version Fixer 0
CAL Client 0
ServiceHost Prerequisites 10
Service Host 30
Service Host Hotfix (Custom Package) 31
Device Information 35
Language Translation 40
KDS Handler 50
WS KDS Display (Win32) 60
Simphony KDS Client 70
Media Viewer 80
Biometrics 90
CM Lite 100
Custom CAL Packages (not hotfixes) start at 1000

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

Simphony Standard Cloud Service (Hosted) and Premium Cloud Service

(Hosted) Environments
In Simphony Standard Cloud Service environments, the CAL Package Deployment
Order field is grayed out and is not configurable at the organization level. The CAL
Package Deployment Order is configurable for Simphony Premium Cloud Service
To change the CAL Package Deployment Order, log in to the EMC as a SuperOrg
user. Changing the CAL Package Deployment Order as a SuperOrg user performs this
change on all organizations associated with the SuperOrg.

Figure 3-1 CAL Package Configuration

Simphony (Self-Hosted) Environments

Privileged Simphony (self-hosted) users always have the CAL Package Configuration
Deployment Order field available for configuration or editing.

Manually Deploying CAL Packages

You can manually deploy CAL packages immediately rather than scheduling the
deployment to run automatically.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.
3. Click Add Deployment, select the following options, and then click OK:
• CAL Package For Deployment

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

• Deployment Type
4. Select the Property or Service Host (depending on the Deployment Type).
5. In the Action to Take field, select 0 - Install.
6. Click Save. The CAL package downloads to the appropriate POS client

Adding a Deployment Schedule for One CAL Package

1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Expand the Simphony or Custom subgroups, and then highlight the CAL
package to deploy.
3. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.
4. Click Add Deployment to create a new row in the deployments grid.
5. In the CAL Package field, select the version number.
6. From the Deployment Type drop-down list, select the type of deployment:
• 1 - Property/Enterprise: Click the ellipsis point (...) button and select one or
more properties where the package downloads.
If you select this deployment type, the CAL package deploys to all service
hosts at the same time.
• 2 - Specific Service Host: Click the ellipsis point (...) button and select one or
more service hosts or workstations where the package downloads.
7. Click OK to close the Choose CAL Package to Upload dialog.
8. In the Action To Take field, select 0 - Install.
You can configure multiple deployment schedules for the same CAL package.
Simphony uses the most granular deployment when given multiple deployment
schedules. For example, if you configure a deployment schedule for a workstation
and for the property, Simphony uses the workstation deployment. If you configure
a CAL package deployment for a property with 0 - Install and a deployment for a
workstation with 1 - Skip, the CAL package is not installed on the workstation.
9. (Optional) In the Effective From field, select the start date when the CAL
packages automatically stop installing, and select the stop time (in 24-hour
You can use this field to schedule Simphony upgrades.

The date and time selected in Effective From and Effective To fields
are determined by the application server’s time zone, not by the property
or workstation time zone.

10. (Optional) In the Effective To field, select the date when the CAL packages
automatically stop installing, and select the stop time (in 24-hour format).
To keep the installations perpetual, do not set an Effective To time.
11. Click Save.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

Adding a Deployment Schedule for a Group of CAL Packages

1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Expand the Simphony or Custom subgroups, and then highlight a node without a
corresponding CAL package.
3. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.
4. Click Add Deployment.
5. From the Choose CAL Package For Deployment drop-down list, select the
package to deploy.
The list of available CAL packages in the dialog changes depending on the node
highlighted within the tree. For example, if you highlight the Simphony node, the
list of packages contains all Simphony CAL packages. If you select the Service
Host node, the list contains only the Service Host packages.
6. From the Deployment Type drop-down list, select the type of deployment:
• 1 - Property/Enterprise
• 2 - Specific Service Host
7. Click the ellipsis point (...) button.
8. From the Select Properties or Select Service Host dialog (depending on your
selection in Step 6), select one or more workstations or service hosts where the
package downloads, and then click OK.
• Filter lengthy lists by property number or name, or by workstation number or
• If you selected 1 - Property/Enterprise in Step 6, select Show already
configured properties to prevent yourself from configuring duplicate
deployment schedule records.
• If you selected 2 - Specific Service Host in Step 6, press and hold the Ctrl
key while performing a left mouse click to select multiple service hosts. You
can click the Select All or Clear All links to affect all service hosts in the list.
• You can select multiple service hosts or specific workstations.
9. In the Action To Take field, select one of the following options:
• To allow the deployment to proceed, select 0 - Install.
• To prevent a package from being downloaded, select 1 - Skip.
10. (Optional) In the Effective From field, select the start date when the CAL
packages automatically begin installing, and select the start time (in 24-hour
You can use this field to schedule Simphony upgrades.

The date and time selected in Effective From and Effective To fields
are determined by the application server’s time zone, not by the property
or workstation time zone.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

11. (Optional) In the Effective To field, select the date when the CAL packages
automatically stop installing, and select the stop time (in 24-hour format).
To keep the installations perpetual, do not set an Effective To time.
12. Click Save.

Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install the Simphony Client

on Workstations
When a hotfix is added to the CAL deployment schedule, the system automatically
deploys the major Simphony version (for example, first, followed by the
When using Distributed CAL (DCAL), you must add both the major version and the
hotfix to the DCAL download schedule. After the download occurs, it is made available
in the DCAL server. Then you can schedule the POS client update.
1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. If you are using Simphony 18.2 or 18.2.1, select Service Host Prereqs from the
left pane.
If you are using Simphony 18.2.2, skip this step. You need to deploy the CAL
Client and then the Service Host Download. Oracle recommends that you
schedule the CAL Client and the Service Host Download separately at different
dates or times. When scheduled independently of the CAL client package, the
Service Host Download occurs silently in the background to avoid end user
interruption. If you schedule the CAL client package and the Service Host
Download package to run at the same time, the Service Host Download does
not run in the background.
3. Click the Deployment Schedule tab, and then click Add Deployment.
4. In the Choose CAL package to upload dialog, select 2 - Specific Service Host as
the Deployment Type, click the ellipsis (...) point button adjacent to the drop-down
list, select the appropriate workstation, and then click OK.
5. Click OK to close the Choose CAL package to upload dialog.
6. In the Action To Take column, select 0 - Install, and then click Save.
7. Select CAL Client from the left pane, and then repeat Steps 4 through 7.
8. (Simphony 18.2.2 only) Select Service Host Download from the left pane, and
then repeat Steps 4 through 7.
9. Select Service Host from the left pane, and then repeat Steps 4 through 7.

Viewing CAL Package Deployment Schedules

A deployment schedule indicates the time at which a specific POS client or clients
downloads a CAL package for deployment. You must configure deployment schedules
to deploy CAL packages.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Expand the Simphony or Custom subgroups within the navigation tree, and then
highlight the appropriate CAL package.
To view all deployment schedules for all CAL packages, highlight the All node.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

3. Click the Deployment Schedules tab. Previously scheduled CAL packages

appear in the list.

Viewing the CAL Package Download Status

After you configure and implement CAL package deployment schedules, you can
review the download status of CAL packages that are scheduled to download from the
database at the Enterprise to the workstations. You can also view the status of the
individual CAL client workstations connecting to the Enterprise.
You must have the View privilege for the CAL Packages module. Configuring CAL
Package Permissions contains more information.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Click the Install Status tab.
The Install Status tab shows the download and installation status of the individual
CAL client devices connecting to the Enterprise.
3. If there are many workstations, you can filter the information by selecting the
appropriate search options:
For a multi-tenant environment, only the information related to a specific
Enterprise is filtered.
• #: Select the installation status record number to search.
• ServiceHost Name: Enter the name of the Service Host to search.
• CAL Package: Select the CAL package name to search.
• Available Version: Select the latest version that is available for deployment.
• Installed Version: Select the version that is currently installed on the client.
• Property: Select the property name to search.
• Status: When enabled, a drop-down list appears to search the installation
status. Select All, Started, Failed, or Success to limit the CAL package
deployment by status.
• ServiceHost ID: Enter the Service Host ID to search.
• Workstation ID: Enter the workstation ID to search.
• Platform: When enabled, a drop-down list appears. Select the device
operating system (for example, Win32 or Android).
• DCAL in use: This field is enabled when the Service Host receives packages
from a DCAL server.
4. Click the Search button.
The CAL packages section shows the CAL packages available in the database at
the Enterprise for download, and the corresponding number of files that have been
downloaded to the CAL client workstation.
The Install Status shows the installation status of the individual CAL client devices
connecting to the Enterprise.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

Scheduling and Viewing Device Information

To communicate workstation information, a core CAL package called Device
Information runs at each workstation and on CAPS running on a POS client
workstation without the POS client. The Device Information CAL package is not
needed for Simphony release 18.2.2 as it is deployed automatically with the Service
Host. However, the Device Information CAL package must be deployed for clients that
still run on an earlier Simphony release (prior to 18.2.2), so the device information
and metrics can be sent to the enterprise for the older clients. The resulting device
information status is propagated to the Service Host and to the property.
The Device Information module lets you schedule and view workstation metrics in
the EMC at the Enterprise level. The device information allows administrators to
detect possible issues that could prevent a client from upgrading successfully. Device
Information Needs Attention State contains a list and description of the needs attention
workstation state.
The detailed status of workstations and other CAL-enabled devices appears in the
Device Information module. After the CAL client is installed, the Device Information
module shows data if the following conditions are met:
• The CAL client is updated to Simphony release 18.2.2.
• The Device Information CAL package is deployed to the workstation, which shows
the status upon deployment.
1. To schedule the device information task:
a. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Task
b. Double-click the task schedule to open it in table view.
c. Select 8 - Device Information from the Task Type drop-down list.
By default, the Device Information task is scheduled to run daily at 5:00 a.m.
local time. You can change this by clicking the Recurrence tab and changing
the Daily Frequency occurrence options.
d. Ensure that the Task Data field shows DEVICE_INFORMATION_STATUS.
e. Click Save.
2. To view the workstation information after the device information task runs:
a. Select the Enterprise level, click Tasks, and then click Device Information.
The left pane shows a list of properties under Locations. If a property does not
have the Service Host, the middle and right panes are blank.
The middle pane shows a list of Service Hosts.
The right pane shows all device information, including CAL, Workstation
Hardware, Security, and Simphony Software Information.
There are two statuses icons to indicate the device information status:

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

Table 3-2 Device Information Status Icons

Icon Icon Name Icon Status Description

No Issues The device information

meets the requirements
and there are no issues

Needs Attention The device information

does not meet the
requirements. For
example, the workstation
device might need to be
restarted for operating
system updates.

b. To limit the Service Hosts shown in the middle pane, select the filters for
Status (All, No Issues, Need Attention), Name, Software Version, and CAL
c. Click a Service Host to change the view in the right pane.
d. To expand and collapse the views in the right pane, click the individual green
triangle icons, or click the Expand/Collapse All link in the upper right corner.

Device Information Needs Attention State

The Device Information module checks the following settings for each workstation. The
status is available at the Enterprise level, and listed by property. The following table
describes what causes the Needs Attention state.

Table 3-3 Device Information Workstations That Need Attention

Device Information Values Needs Attention Description

CAL Enabled? Yes/No No If CAL is
not enabled, the
workstation does
not query the
Simphony enterprise
and does not
receive scheduled
CAL packages.
TLS Connection OK? Yes No Verifies whether the
connection string to
the enterprise uses
Auth Key Present/ Yes/No No Verifies whether the
Connect? authentication key
is present and can
connect through TLS
to the Simphony

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2 and 18.2.1 Deployment

Table 3-3 (Cont.) Device Information Workstations That Need Attention

Device Information Values Needs Attention Description

Password Policy Ok? Yes/No No Verifies that the
password policy
does not prevent
successful updating
of the database
DBA Login Ok? Yes/No No Verifies that
the database
administrator can
log in to the local
client database.
Database Max. Login Yes/No No Verifies whether the
Ok? maximum log in
failure meets the
requirements, which
is minimum 8 for
normal clients.
contains more
If Database Max.
Login Ok? needs
attention, check the
security account
lockout threshold
policy through the
Local Security Policy
in Windows.
DB Pending Yes/No Yes Verifies whether
credentials changes database credential
changes are pending,
which require a
Sufficient Disk Yes/No No Verifies whether the
Space? disk space falls
below the minimum
of 1.5 GB free space.
OS pending reboot Yes/No Yes Test whether a
restart is pending
because of a
Windows update
(Win32 devices

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Table 3-3 (Cont.) Device Information Workstations That Need Attention

Device Information Values Needs Attention Description

Directory Security Ok/No/NA No Test whether one
of the following
directories are not
• %AppRoot%: Ok
contains more

Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

To deploy CAL packages in Simphony release 18.2.2:

CAL Deployment Order

By default, all internal CAL packages have a deployment order of 0 (zero) and custom
CAL packages have a deployment order of 1000. Using a deployment order that differs
from the best practices recommended order can result in packages going to POS
client workstations in an undesirable order. Packages need to deploy to POS client
workstations in a specific order. Assigning an order enables Simphony to create and
place certain files or folders for one package, which are used later by another package
in order to succeed.
Oracle Hospitality recommends deploying CAL packages in the following order:

Table 3-4 CAL Deployment Order in Simphony 18.2.2

CAL Package Name Deployment Order Number

CAL Version Fixer 0
CAL Client 0
Service Host Download 10
Service Host 30
Service Host Hotfix (Custom Package) 31
KDS Handler 50
WS KDS Display (Win32) 60
Simphony KDS Client 70
Media Viewer 80
CM Lite 100
Custom CAL Packages (not hotfixes) start at 1000

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Simphony Standard Cloud Service (Hosted) and Premium Cloud Service

(Hosted) Environments
In Simphony Standard Cloud Service environments, the CAL Package Deployment
Order field is grayed out and is not configurable at the organization level. The CAL
Package Deployment Order is configurable for Simphony Premium Cloud Service
To change the CAL Package Deployment Order, log in to the EMC as a SuperOrg
user. Changing the CAL Package Deployment Order as a SuperOrg user performs this
change on all organizations associated with the SuperOrg.

Figure 3-2 CAL Package Configuration

Simphony (Self-Hosted) Environments

Privileged Simphony (self-hosted) users always have the CAL Package Configuration
Deployment Order field available for configuration or editing.

Manually Deploying CAL Packages

You can manually deploy CAL packages immediately rather than scheduling the
deployment to run automatically.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.
3. Click Add Deployment, select the following options, and then click OK:
• CAL Package For Deployment

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

• Deployment Type
4. Select the Property or Service Host (depending on the Deployment Type).
5. In the Action to Take field, select 0 - Install.
6. Click Save. The CAL package downloads to the appropriate POS client

Adding a Deployment Schedule for One CAL Package

Oracle recommends that you schedule the CAL Client, the Service Host Download,
and the Service Host separately on different dates or times. Scheduling these
packages individually lets the site benefit from transferring the files silently in the
background. Service Host only installs the required software components, minimizing
the installation time needed.
1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Expand the Simphony or Custom subgroups, and then highlight the CAL
package to deploy.
For Simphony release 18.2.2, you need to deploy the following packages in the
order listed:
a. CAL Client
b. Service Host Download
c. Service Host
3. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.
4. Click Add Deployment to create a new row in the deployments grid.
5. In the CAL Package field, select the version number.
6. From the Deployment Type drop-down list, select the type of deployment:
• 1 - Property/Enterprise: Click the ellipsis point (...) button and select one or
more properties where the package downloads.
If you select this deployment type, the CAL package deploys to all service
hosts at the same time.
• 2 - Specific Service Host: Click the ellipsis point (...) button, and then select
one or more service hosts or workstations where the package downloads.
Simphony release 18.2.2 does not require Service Host Prerequisites. If a
Service Host Prerequisites deployment is shown for an earlier release, remove
the Service Host Prerequisites from the deployment schedule. Set the Service
Host Download for 18.2.2 instead.
The Service Host Download is required in Simphony 18.2.2. When scheduled
independently of the CAL client package, the Service Host Download occurs
silently in the background to avoid end user interruption. The background
transfer requires that CAL 146 is installed on the client. If you schedule the
CAL client package and the Service Host Download package to run at the
same time, the Service Host Download does not run in the background.
7. Click OK to close the Choose CAL Package to Upload dialog.
8. In the Action To Take field, select 0 - Install.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

You can configure multiple deployment schedules for the same CAL package.
Simphony uses the most granular deployment when given multiple deployment
schedules. For example, if you configure a deployment schedule for a workstation
and for the property, Simphony uses the workstation deployment. If you configure
a CAL package deployment for a property with 0 - Install and a deployment for a
workstation with 1 - Skip, the CAL package is not installed on the workstation.
9. (Optional) In the Effective From field, select the start date when the CAL
packages automatically stop installing, and select the stop time (in 24-hour
You can use this field to schedule Simphony upgrades.

The date and time selected in Effective From and Effective To fields
are determined by the application server’s time zone, not by the property
or workstation time zone.

10. (Optional) In the Effective To field, select the date when the CAL packages
automatically stop installing, and select the stop time (in 24-hour format).
To keep the installations perpetual, do not set an Effective To time.
11. Click Save.

Adding a Deployment Schedule for a Group of CAL Packages

You can schedule a CAL package deployment using effective dates, building the
packages and schedules so that file transfer occurs in the background, and clients can
install simultaneously.
Oracle recommends that you schedule the CAL Client, the Service Host Download,
and the Service Host separately on different dates or times. Scheduling these
packages individually lets the site benefit from transferring the files silently in the
background. Service Host only installs the required software components, minimizing
the installation time needed.
1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Expand the Simphony or Custom subgroups, and then highlight a node without a
corresponding CAL package.
For Simphony release 18.2.2, you need to deploy the following packages in the
order listed:
a. CAL Client
b. Service Host Download
c. Service Host
3. Click the Deployment Schedules tab.
4. Click Add Deployment.
5. From the Choose CAL Package For Deployment drop-down list, select the
package to deploy.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

The list of available CAL packages in the dialog changes depending on the node
highlighted within the tree. For example, if you highlight the Simphony node, the
list of packages contains all Simphony CAL packages. If you select the Service
Host node, the list contains only the Service Host packages.
6. From the Deployment Type drop-down list, select the type of deployment:
• 1 - Property/Enterprise
• 2 - Specific Service Host
Simphony release 18.2.2 does not require Service Host Prerequisites. If a
Service Host Prerequisites deployment is shown for an earlier release, remove
the Service Host Prerequisites from the deployment schedule. Set the Service
Host Download for 18.2.2 instead.
The Service Host Download is required in Simphony 18.2.2. When scheduled
independently of the CAL client package, the Service Host Download occurs
silently in the background to avoid end user interruption. If you schedule the
CAL client package and the Service Host Download package to run at the
same time, the Service Host Download does not run in the background. You
can schedule the Service Host Download file transfer to begin in the early
morning hours during non-peak business times (for example, 2:00 a.m.).
7. Click the ellipsis point (...) button.
8. From the Select Properties or Select Service Host dialog (depending on your
selection in Step 6), select one or more workstations or service hosts where the
package downloads, and then click OK.
• Filter lengthy lists by property number or name, or by workstation number or
• If you selected 1 - Property/Enterprise in Step 6, select Show already
configured properties to prevent yourself from configuring duplicate
deployment schedule records.
• If you selected 2 - Specific Service Host in Step 6, press and hold the Ctrl
key while performing a left mouse click to select multiple service hosts. You
can click the Select All or Clear All links to affect all service hosts in the list.
• You can select multiple service hosts or specific workstations.
9. In the Action To Take field, select one of the following options:
• To allow the deployment to proceed, select 0 - Install.
• To prevent a package from being downloaded, select 1 - Skip.
10. (Optional) In the Effective From field, select the start date when the CAL
packages automatically begin installing, and select the start time (in 24-hour
You can use this field to schedule Simphony upgrades.

The date and time selected in Effective From and Effective To fields
are determined by the application server’s time zone, not by the property
or workstation time zone.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

11. (Optional) In the Effective To field, select the date when the CAL packages
automatically stop installing, and select the stop time (in 24-hour format).
To keep the installations perpetual, do not set an Effective To time.
12. Click Save.

Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install the Simphony Client

on Workstations
When a hotfix is added to the CAL deployment schedule, the system automatically
deploys the major Simphony version (for example, first, followed by the
When using Distributed CAL (DCAL), you must add both the major version and the
hotfix to the DCAL download schedule. After the download occurs, it is made available
in the DCAL server. Then you can schedule the POS client update.
1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. If you are using Simphony 18.2 or 18.2.1, select Service Host Prereqs from the
left pane.
If you are using Simphony 18.2.2, skip this step. You need to deploy the CAL
Client and then the Service Host Download. Oracle recommends that you
schedule the CAL Client and the Service Host Download separately at different
dates or times. When scheduled independently of the CAL client package, the
Service Host Download occurs silently in the background to avoid end user
interruption. If you schedule the CAL client package and the Service Host
Download package to run at the same time, the Service Host Download does
not run in the background.
3. Click the Deployment Schedule tab, and then click Add Deployment.
4. In the Choose CAL package to upload dialog, select 2 - Specific Service Host as
the Deployment Type, click the ellipsis (...) point button adjacent to the drop-down
list, select the appropriate workstation, and then click OK.
5. Click OK to close the Choose CAL package to upload dialog.
6. In the Action To Take column, select 0 - Install, and then click Save.
7. Select CAL Client from the left pane, and then repeat Steps 4 through 7.
8. (Simphony 18.2.2 only) Select Service Host Download from the left pane, and
then repeat Steps 4 through 7.
9. Select Service Host from the left pane, and then repeat Steps 4 through 7.

Viewing CAL Package Deployment Schedules

A deployment schedule indicates the time at which a specific POS client or clients
downloads a CAL package for deployment. You must configure deployment schedules
to deploy CAL packages.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Expand the Simphony or Custom subgroups within the navigation tree, and then
highlight the appropriate CAL package.
To view all deployment schedules for all CAL packages, highlight the All node.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

3. Click the Deployment Schedules tab. Previously scheduled CAL packages

appear in the list.

Viewing the CAL Package Download Status

After you configure and implement CAL package deployment schedules, you can
review the download status of CAL packages that are scheduled to download from the
database at the Enterprise to the workstations. You can also view the status of the
individual CAL client workstations connecting to the Enterprise.
You must have the View privilege for the CAL Packages module. Configuring CAL
Package Permissions contains more information.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Click the Install Status tab.
The Install Status tab shows the download and installation status of the individual
CAL client devices connecting to the Enterprise.
3. In the left pane, select the type of view by clicking the link for either CAL Package
View or Enterprise View.
CAL Package View
• Shows all available Simphony CAL packages (including older CAL packages if
they have not been removed), followed by Custom CAL packages (if used)
Enterprise View
• Shows a hierarchy view of Enterprise, properties, Enterprise Service Hosts,
workstations, and KDS displays
• When the Object Number shows 0 (zero), this indicates an enterprise Service
Host for a property
The Enterprise View shows the following installation status icons for each
property (including status for workstations, KDS displays, and Enterprise Service

Table 3-5 Enterprise View Status Icons

Icon Icon Name Client Status Property Enterprise

Description Service Host Service Host
Status Status
Description Description

On Latest All packages All Service All packages

Version are in the Hosts in the for the Service
Success status. property are in Host are in the
The package the Success Success status.
installed on the status.
client is the
same as the
enterprise (has
the most recent

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Table 3-5 (Cont.) Enterprise View Status Icons

Icon Icon Name Client Status Property Enterprise

Description Service Host Service Host
Status Status
Description Description

Needs One or more One or more of One or more

Attention packages have the Service packages for
the Failed Hosts in the the Service
status. property has Host has the
The CAL client the Failed Failed status.
update has an status. Other packages
issue and Other Service for the Service
requires Hosts can have Host can have
attention. the On Latest the On Latest
Version or Version, Needs
Needs Update Update, or Not
icons. Installed icons.

Needs Update One of the All or some of One or more

following status the Service packages for
is met: Hosts in the the Service
• Needs property are in Host have the
update the On Latest On Latest
• Started Version, Needs Version, Needs
• Scheduled Update, or Not Update, or Not
Installed status. Installed status.
A package
installed on a
Service Host
has a lower
version than
the most recent
installed on the

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Table 3-5 (Cont.) Enterprise View Status Icons

Icon Icon Name Client Status Property Enterprise

Description Service Host Service Host
Status Status
Description Description

Not Installed The Service All Service No packages

Host has been Hosts in the have been
configured in property are in installed, so no
EMC, but the the Not records appear
CAL client Installed status. in the Install
software has Status.
not been As part of the
installed. upgrade to
release 18.2.2,
the installation
status of all
installation is
Therefore, the
install status
shows as Not
Installed. This
reset is
required to

4. To limit the Enterprise View to specific installation statuses, enter text in the Filter
field in the lower area of the screen.
5. To expand and collapse the Enterprise View, select the Expand and Collapse
links in the lower area of the screen. The Enterprise View is collapsed by default.
6. To view detailed status information in Enterprise View, highlight a property or
device in the left pane. The Install Status tab shows the latest status for each
device’s corresponding CAL packages. The following information is available:

Table 3-6 CAL Package Install Status Columns

Column Name Description

# Install status record number.
CAL Package Name of the CAL package
Available Version Latest version available for deployment.
Installed Version Current version installed on the client.
Started at Last date and time the CAL package was
Finished at L last date and time the CAL package was
finished. This column is blank when a
CAL package installation is in progress.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Table 3-6 (Cont.) CAL Package Install Status Columns

Column Name Description

Install time (Minutes) Amount of time in minutes that the CAL
package took to complete the installation.
Shows the current time taken for status
started compared to the actual time.
% Complete Shows the actual percentage status
Status Shows the detailed install status:
• Started
• Success
• Failed
• Need Update
Select All, Started, Failed, or Success
to limit the CAL package deployment by
Logs Click the ellipses to show all details,
including the date and time the log file
was created for the CAL package.
Service Host ID Shows the Service Host ID number.
Workstation ID Shows the Workstation ID number.
Platform Shows the device operating system (for
example, Win32 or Android).
DCAL in Use? Shows True if the Service Host receives
packages from a DCAL server, or False if
DCAL is not in use.

For a multi-tenant environment, only the information related to a specific

Enterprise is filtered.
7. To sort a column, click the triangle symbols adjacent to the column header. By
default, columns are sorted by latest status change, with the newest listed first.
8. To filter a column, enter information in the text box corresponding to the column
9. To filter pages in the CAL package list:
• Use the scroll bar to scroll through the list
• Change the number in the Lines per page field. The default view is 500 lines
per page.
• Click the previous (|<) (<) and next (>|) (>) arrows adjacent to the Lines per
• Enter a specific page number in the Page field.
10. To limit the CAL Package View and to refresh the information shown on all forms:

a. In the Install Date, From, and To fields (upper right area), select the check
box, and then select the date range of the CAL deployment to search.
Use the From and To fields if you are searching for an older package or need
a specific date range.
To view the latest status, ensure that Latest is checked.

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

b. Click the Search button.

Scheduling and Viewing Device Information

To communicate workstation information, a core CAL package called Device
Information runs at each workstation and on CAPS running on a POS client
workstation without the POS client. The Device Information CAL package is not
needed for Simphony release 18.2.2 as it is deployed automatically with the Service
Host. However, the Device Information CAL package must be deployed for clients that
still run on an earlier Simphony release (prior to 18.2.2), so the device information
and metrics can be sent to the enterprise for the older clients. The resulting device
information status is propagated to the Service Host and to the property.
The Device Information module lets you schedule and view workstation metrics in
the EMC at the Enterprise level. The device information allows administrators to
detect possible issues that could prevent a client from upgrading successfully. Device
Information Needs Attention State contains a list and description of the needs attention
workstation state.
The detailed status of workstations and other CAL-enabled devices appears in the
Device Information module. After the CAL client is installed, the Device Information
module shows data if the following conditions are met:
• The CAL client is updated to Simphony release 18.2.2.
• The Device Information CAL package is deployed to the workstation, which shows
the status upon deployment.
1. To schedule the device information task:
a. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Task
b. Double-click the task schedule to open it in table view.
c. Select 8 - Device Information from the Task Type drop-down list.
By default, the Device Information task is scheduled to run daily at 5:00 a.m.
local time. You can change this by clicking the Recurrence tab and changing
the Daily Frequency occurrence options.
d. Ensure that the Task Data field shows DEVICE_INFORMATION_STATUS.
e. Click Save.
2. To view the workstation information after the device information task runs:
a. Select the Enterprise level, click Tasks, and then click Device Information.
The left pane shows a list of properties under Locations. If a property does not
have the Service Host, the middle and right panes are blank.
The middle pane shows a list of Service Hosts.
The right pane shows all device information, including CAL, Workstation
Hardware, Security, and Simphony Software Information.
There are two statuses icons to indicate the device information status:

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Table 3-7 Device Information Status Icons

Icon Icon Name Icon Status Description

No Issues The device information

meets the requirements
and there are no issues

Needs Attention The device information

does not meet the
requirements. For
example, the workstation
device might need to be
restarted for operating
system updates.

b. To limit the Service Hosts shown in the middle pane, select the filters for
Status (All, No Issues, Need Attention), Name, Software Version, and CAL
c. Click a Service Host to change the view in the right pane.
d. To expand and collapse the views in the right pane, click the individual green
triangle icons, or click the Expand/Collapse All link in the upper right corner.

Device Information Needs Attention State

The Device Information module checks the following settings for each workstation. The
status is available at the Enterprise level, and listed by property. The following table
describes what causes the Needs Attention state.

Table 3-8 Device Information Workstations That Need Attention

Device Information Values Needs Attention Description

CAL Enabled? Yes/No No If CAL is
not enabled, the
workstation does
not query the
Simphony enterprise
and does not
receive scheduled
CAL packages.
TLS Connection OK? Yes No Verifies whether the
connection string to
the enterprise uses
Auth Key Present/ Yes/No No Verifies whether the
Connect? authentication key
is present and can
connect through TLS
to the Simphony

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Table 3-8 (Cont.) Device Information Workstations That Need Attention

Device Information Values Needs Attention Description

Password Policy Ok? Yes/No No Verifies that the
password policy
does not prevent
successful updating
of the database
DBA Login Ok? Yes/No No Verifies that
the database
administrator can
log in to the local
client database.
Database Max. Login Yes/No No Verifies whether the
Ok? maximum log in
failure meets the
requirements, which
is minimum 8 for
normal clients.
contains more
If Database Max.
Login Ok? needs
attention, check the
security account
lockout threshold
policy through the
Local Security Policy
in Windows.
DB Pending Yes/No Yes Verifies whether
credentials changes database credential
changes are pending,
which require a
Sufficient Disk Yes/No No Verifies whether the
Space? disk space falls
below the minimum
of 1.5 GB free space.
OS pending reboot Yes/No Yes Test whether a
restart is pending
because of a
Windows update
(Win32 devices

Chapter 3
Simphony 18.2.2 Deployment

Table 3-8 (Cont.) Device Information Workstations That Need Attention

Device Information Values Needs Attention Description

Directory Security Ok/No/NA No Test whether one
of the following
directories are not
• %AppRoot%: Ok
contains more

CAL Authentication
CAL authentication over TLS 1.2 is required for clients upgrading from any release
prior to Simphony release 2.9.1. CAL authentication was introduced in Simphony
release 2.9.1 to prevent unauthorized users from downloading or reinstalling CAL
packages onto the workstations.

Automatic Authentication
CAL clients must be authenticated to communicate with a Simphony release 2.9.1
or later enterprise. To facilitate automated upgrades from releases prior to Simphony
release 2.9.1, the CAL client automatically authenticates itself on upgrades using the
existing authenticated Simphony client. This capability relies on several factors:
• The Simphony Enterprise must have a properly configured secure HTTPS
endpoint and CAL clients must be able to negotiate an HTTPS connection with
the Enterprise. Enterprise Certificate Verification contains more information on
verifying the Enterprise URL. The Device Information module in the EMC identifies
issues that may prevent the client from upgrading. Scheduling and Viewing Device
Information contains more information.
• CAL client upgrades must be deployed from the Simphony application server
before other CAL packages.
• The existing Simphony client installation must have the workstation (POS client)
and/or CAPS Services configured and authenticated prior to deploying a new CAL
Devices that do not have the workstation (POS client) or CAPS Services configured,
such as KDS Displays or KDS Controllers, cannot use the Automatic Authentication
feature. Additionally, devices without touchscreens need a keyboard or mouse
connected to the device to enter EMC credentials.

Enterprise Certificate Verification
Review the following information about enterprise certificate verification.

Testing the Enterprise Certificate

CAL authentication relies on establishing a secure (TLS 1.2) connection to the
Simphony Enterprise. Each Simphony client being upgraded to release 2.9.1 or later
needs to validate the enterprise server certificate and support the TLS 1.2 protocol
to establish a secure connection to the Enterprise. The certificate is validated when
a connection is established, and in some cases this may require external network
access to a certificate authority.
Prior to client upgrade, Oracle recommends that you confirm that the server certificate
can be validated on at least one workstation at the property. Skipping this step may
cause the upgrade process to fail and requires additional manual steps. To test the
enterprise certificate using a web browser:
1. Log in to a Simphony workstation.
2. Open the web browser, and then go to the secure EGateway URL that is used
for CAL. If you do not know the URL, contact your system administrator or Oracle
support representative.
3. If a Lock symbol is displayed in the address bar, the client has been successfully
validated. The Lock symbol and parts of the URL address bar may be
green or grey. If an X, red symbol, or error appears, the client has not
been validated. Immediately take steps to remedy the issue by contacting the
appropriate representative within your organization, or contact your Oracle support
representative to begin the remediation process.
The location and appearance of the symbol vary based on the web browser.
Failure to perform this validation stops the upgrade process for the property. As
the ability to validate a certificate is controlled by the client side network, there is
very little that Oracle can do to remedy the issue other than provide information
on what is required. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that these
requirements are met.

Chapter 5
Testing the Enterprise Certificate

Figure 5-1 Valid Certificate Examples by Browser

Figure 5-2 Invalid Certificate Example

Distributed CAL (DCAL)
When new client applications or support files are available, the CAL sends the new
set of files from the Enterprise application server to the clients. A standard Simphony
Service Host CAL package is usually about 50 megabytes (MB) in size. Based on
that, a property with 100 workstation clients needs to download 5000 MB of data
through the Wide Area Network (WAN). When the network bandwidth of a property
cannot support simultaneous requests made by numerous clients, properties might
experience bandwidth bottlenecks.
To alleviate bandwidth problems, the Distributed CAL feature lets you configure one
or more Service Hosts above or within a property as a DCAL server. To distribute
CAL packages, the DCAL server uses the Local Area Network (LAN), which has a
higher bandwidth and a higher data transfer rate than a WAN. Updated files and new
packages are downloaded to the DCAL server, and then workstations retrieve the
updated files from the DCAL server over the LAN.
You can also use DCAL to distribute packages to workstations when a property loses
connectivity to the Enterprise application server. After deploying CAL packages to the
DCAL server, clients can use the DCAL server to get the new CAL packages without
relying on connectivity to the Enterprise application server.

Figure 6-1 Without DCAL

Figure 6-2 With DCAL

See the related topics listed here for more information about DCAL.

Chapter 6
Configuring the Distributed CAL (DCAL) Server

Configuring the Distributed CAL (DCAL) Server

You need to configure a DCAL Service Host in the Workstations module and in the
DCAL Download Schedules module.
Designate a Service Host to act as a DCAL server within or above a property,
depending on the number of workstations and the geographical distribution of
1. Select the property, click Setup, and then click Property Parameters.
2. Click the Workstations tab.
3. Click the ellipsis point (...) button for the Distributed CAL Service Host.
4. From the Select Service Host dialog, select the Service Host to act as the DCAL
server, and then click OK.
5. Click Save.
6. Configuring a DCAL Download Schedule contains further instructions.

Moving the DCAL Server to Another Service Host

1. Sign on to a workstation.
2. Click the PMC button, click PMC Home Page, and then click the General tab.
3. Review the CAL Url field and verify the changes.

Configuring a DCAL Download Schedule

DCAL Download Schedules prevent unexpected network usage by controlling when
the software packages are delivered to the DCAL server from the Enterprise
application server.
When a hotfix is added to the CAL deployment schedule, the system automatically
deploys the major version (for example, GR) first, followed by the hotfix. When using
Distributed CAL (DCAL), both the major version and the hotfix must be added to the
DCAL download schedule, downloaded, and available in the DCAL server before the
POS client update can be scheduled.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Click the DCAL Download Schedules tab.
3. Click the Add Download link.
4. From the Add Download Schedules for Distributed CAL Services dialog, select the
CAL package from the Select CAL Package drop-down list.
5. Select the properties to receive the scheduled CAL packages, and then click OK.
6. Click the ellipsis (...) button in the Download From field, and then set a time to
download the CAL package. Leave the Download From field blank to download
CAL packages immediately.
You need to configure Deployment Schedules to deploy CAL packages to the Service
Hosts. Without Deployment Schedules, CAL packages are stored on the DCAL server
and are not deployed to the Service Hosts. Adding a Deployment Schedule for One

Chapter 6
Viewing the DCAL File Download Status

CAL Package contains more information about scheduling CAL packages to deploy at
preset times.

Viewing the DCAL File Download Status

After you configure and implement CAL package download schedules, you can review
the status of CAL packages that are scheduled to download from the Enterprise to the
DCAL server for a selected workstation.
You must have the View privilege for the CAL Packages module. Configuring CAL
Package Permissions contains more information.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. Click the DCAL Status tab.
3. If there are many workstations, filter by property and obtain information specific to
one DCAL server by selecting the appropriate search options:
For a multi-tenant environment, only the information related to a specific
Enterprise is filtered.
• Install Date From To: Select the date range of the CAL deployment to search.
• ServiceHost #: Enter the object number of the Service Host to search.
• ServiceHost Name: Enter the name of the Service Host to search.
• Property: Select the property to search. The Search button becomes active
after you select a property.
• Status: When enabled, a drop-down list appears. Select All, Started, Failed,
or Success to limit the CAL package deployment by status.
• Platform: When enabled, a drop-down list appears. Select the workstation
operating system platforms.
4. Click the Search button.
The CAL packages section shows the CAL packages that are available in the
database for download, and the corresponding number of files that have been
downloaded to the DCAL server.
In Simphony release 18.2.2, the Install Status shows the general installation status
of the individual CAL client workstations connecting to the DCAL server.

Setting Up a New Workstation With a DCAL Server

When setting up new workstations, for a non-DCAL site, enter the Enterprise server
URL. If you configured a DCAL server, enter the DCAL workstation URL.

CAL on Workstations
Review the topics listed below for information about using CAL on workstations.

Allowing Employees to Install and Authenticate POS Clients

and Service Hosts
In Simphony release 2.9.1 and later, you must allow administrator employees to
download software, install, and authenticate clients and service hosts using CAL. After
granting this privilege, employees can use their credentials to configure POS clients.
In addition, the User Security Credentials configured in the Property Parameters
module become inactive.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
2. Double-click an employee role.
3. Click the Operations tab, click the Miscellaneous subtab , and then select 10065
- Download Software, Install and Authenticate Clients and Service Hosts
Using CAL.
4. Click Save.

CAL Installation Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows

Before installing CAL on Microsoft Windows devices, verify or perform the following
• Ensure that the EMC server and the Microsoft Windows device are on the same
time zone.
• Ensure that you can access https://[EMC Server IP]:443/egateway/
egateway.asmx from the EMC server machine and from the Microsoft Windows
device. You cannot use an IP address when CAL obtains the files from the
Enterprise only. The domain name works as it requires a valid certificate.
• Add the Microsoft Windows device to the EMC. Adding a Workstation contains
more information.
• Assign the employee privilege to download software, install and authenticate
clients and Service Hosts using CAL.
In Simphony release 2.9.1 or later, users must have the employee privilege
assigned to the appropriate role to successfully authenticate Microsoft Windows
devices, Android devices, and Kitchen Display Systems (KDS). EMC users do not
automatically acquire this privilege during an upgrade to release 2.9.1 or later.
After installing or upgrading to Simphony release 2.9.1 or later, you must assign
the privilege to a user’s role. When the Role option is set, employees can use
their EMC logon credentials when CAL’ing devices. Allowing Employees to Install

Chapter 7
CAL Installation Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows Devices

and Authenticate POS Clients and Service Hosts contains more information on
assigning the privilege.
• Set the CAL deployment schedule. Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install
CAL on Workstations contains information on deploying CAL packages.
• Set the default sign in and transaction pages. Assigning Default Touchscreen
Pages contains more information.

Adding a Workstation
1. Select the property, click Setup, and then click Workstations.
2. Insert a record for the workstation, enter the name, and then click OK.
3. Double-click the new workstation record.
4. On the General tab, enter information in the following fields:

Table 7-1 General Workstation Settings

Field Description
Type Select the type of workstation from the drop-down list:
• 1 - Mobile MICROS: Mobile devices
• 2 - Workstation Client: Workstations, virtual
machines, and Android tablets
Select this option for the Oracle MICROS
Workstation 6 Series and the Oracle MICROS
Tablet 700 Series.
• 3 - POSAPI Client: Simphony Transaction Services
• 6 - MICROS Tablet Client: Oracle MICROS Tablet
Select this option for the Oracle MICROS Tablet
E-Series 11-inch.
Language Select the default language of the workstation. This is
the language that appears on the workstation’s Sign
On screen. If an employee has a different default
language set, the employee sees their default language
after signing in to the workstation.
Resolution Cols Enter the number of Resolution Columns for the
workstation’s display. The default value is 0 (zero).
Resolution Rows Enter the number of Resolution Rows for the
workstation’s display. The default value is 0 (zero).
Log Verbosity Select the logging verbosity for the workstation. Select
0 (zero) for minimal logging. Higher log verbosity
provides more information in the log file, which might
be helpful to you in troubleshooting issues.
(Optional) Workstation Select a Workstation Class to allow similar
Class workstations to be grouped together and to share
certain page configuration settings.
Database Update Frequency Enter the number of seconds for the workstation to
receive changes. The default value is 1800 seconds (30
The value in this field overrides the Property
Parameter’s Database Update Frequency setting.

Chapter 7
CAL Installation Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows Devices

Table 7-1 (Cont.) General Workstation Settings

Field Description
Check Inactivity Timeout Enter the number of seconds before the workstation
shows the message (Do you need more time?),
prompting the workstation operator to cancel the
transaction. When you enter 0 (zero), the message
does not appear.
When you select Enable Follow Me from the
RVC Parameters module, the check is automatically
suspended rather than canceled.
Check Inactivity Dialog Enter the number of seconds that the workstation
Timeout shows the Inactivity dialog before automatically
canceling the transaction. This field is unavailable
when you set the Check Inactivity Timeout value to 0
Report Timeout Enter the number of seconds the workstation waits for
a response before showing a communication failure
Address / Host Name Enter the IP address or host name of the Oracle
Hospitality Simphony Service Host where the
workstation application runs.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the Service Host where the
workstation application runs.
Default Gateway Enter the default gateway of the Service Host where
the workstation application runs.
Is Connectionless Select this option to have the Service Host open and
close a new connection for each web service call. This
prevents the workstation from reaching the maximum
number of web connections allowed, although the
connection becomes slightly slower.
Is Windows Service Select this option to allow the Service Host to start
as a Windows service. The Service Host service starts
on Microsoft Windows startup with other Microsoft
Windows services. The POS client starts only when the
workstation operator signs on to the operating system.
If you select this option, you need to change the
ports of the services being run (for example, Check
and Posting Service (CAPS) and Oracle Hospitality
Simphony Kitchen Display System (KDS) Controller) in
addition to the POS client. Use the EMC modules to
change the ports.
If a non-POS client is required to run on the Service
Host, it must run on a different port than the
workstation port.
You can also set the Service Host to run as a Microsoft
Windows service from the Service Host module
(rather than from the Workstations module). If you
set this option in the Service Host module, you do not
need to change the ports of the services being run as
the device is not intended to run the POS client.

5. Click the Revenue Centers tab.

6. Select the revenue centers for the workstation. You must select at least one
revenue center.

Chapter 7
Installing the CAL Client on a Microsoft Windows Device

7. Click Save.

Assigning Default Touchscreen Pages

1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and
then click Page Assignment.
2. Click the Configuration tab, and then configure the following settings:
• Default Sign In Page: Select the page to show when workstation operators
are not signed on to a workstation.
• Default Transaction Page: Select the page to show for workstation operators
who sign on to this location when a transaction page is not defined (through
operator, Employee Class, and so on).
• Default Training Page: Select the page to show for workstation operators in
training mode. If you select 0 - None, employees in training mode see the
default touchscreen based on the touchscreen hierarchy.
3. Click Save.

Installing the CAL Client on a Microsoft Windows Device

1. Open an Internet browser on the Microsoft Windows device.
2. Browse to the application server and download the Windows CAL installation
package: https://[Fully Qualified Domain Name]:[PORT]/SimphonyApp/.
3. Log in with your EMC credentials.
4. Select Downloads, and then select Client Application Loader (CAL) - Windows
from the Download Type drop-down list, and then click the Download button.
5. Double-click the Win32CALSetup.exe file to start the CAL installation. If prompted
with the User Account Control dialog, confirm that the publisher is Oracle America,
Inc. and then press the Yes button.

Updating CAL Client Workstations

1. The workstation periodically checks for application updates.
In Simphony release 2.10 and later, prerequisite software is pre-loaded in a
local directory on new Oracle MICROS workstations, rather than downloading
the prerequisite software from the Enterprise through CAL. This reduces the
time between opening a new Oracle MICROS workstation and signing in to
the Simphony POS client for the first time. In addition, a CAL package is only
transferred if the client workstation is not on the most current version.
2. The CAL installs the packages according to the deployment order specified in the
EMC. The workstation might restart several times.

POS Clients Running Android Mobile Operating System

You can run Simphony release 2.7 and later on devices running the Android mobile
operating system. The Simphony POS client operates in a similar way on an Android
mobile device and on a Microsoft Windows device. You can configure the POS client
using the EMC.

Chapter 7
Allowing Employees to Access the CAL Admin Page on Android Devices

The UI is the same on all devices and workstations. Android devices have special
requirements to consider, including deployment method, configuration requirements,
and the procurement process.

Allowing Employees to Access the CAL Admin Page on

Android Devices
The MICROS CAL Admin page allows operators to perform administrative operations
such as whitelist device applications, exit the CAL launcher, and access all
applications installed on the device. After installing Simphony, only privileged operators
are allowed to access this page.
1. Select the Enterprise level, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
2. Double-click the role type record (for example, administrator or manager).
3. Click the Operations tab, and then click the Miscellaneous subtab.
4. Select 10064 - Can Access CAL Admin Application in the Miscellaneous
options section, and then click Save.

Installing CAL on the Android Device

Beginning with the Simphony 18.2 release, you must first install or upgrade to Android
CAL version 144 to successfully use Android ServiceHost. The Simphony 18.2 release
also includes support of the Android 7.0 and 8.0 operating systems.
You must ensure that you have the privileges assigned to you to access, download,
and install the Android ServiceHost CAL on clients. See Allowing Employees to Install
and Authenticate POS Clients and Service Hosts for information about configuring the
You must also schedule and execute a CAL Package deployment for your Android
devices. Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install CAL on Workstations
contains more information on deploying CAL packages.
When working with Android devices (Android version 5.0 and later), Simphony
requires you to ensure that data encryption and a lock mechanism is enabled on the
device that prevents unauthorized people from accessing it. To protect your Android
device, configure a Personal Identification Number (PIN) by accessing the device’s
Settings, select Security, and then select Encrypt Device. This requires users to
provide a PIN before they can start the Android ServiceHost (POS Client).
1. To initiate a CAL installation on an Android device with Simphony 18.2 or later:
a. Open a web browser on the Android device, and then enter the
following address: https://[Fully Qualified Domain Name]:
[Port]/SimphonyApp to access the Simphony Web Portal (SWP).
b. Enter your Simphony EMC User Name and Password, and then press the
Login button.
If you are running a Simphony Standard or Premium Cloud Service
environment, enter the Organization name or Organization Short Name in
the Org (or sometimes the Company field), and then press OK.

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

Figure 7-1 SWP Sign In Window

After performing an upgrade to, or a fresh installation of Simphony release

18.2 or later, when using Android devices, you must first configure your EMC
logon Security Questions from a Win32 device prior to attempting to recover
your lost password using the Can’t Sign In link from an Android device. The
Oracle Hospitality Simphony Security Guide contains more information about
configuring security questions.
c. Select Downloads.

Figure 7-2 SWP Downloads Link

If you are using an Android device with the pre-installed Chrome browser, the
SWP home page may not show the menu options in portrait view. To work
around this issue:
i. Go to the SWP at: https://<ServerName>:<Port>/SimphonyApp/
ii. Log in if prompted, and then download the CAL setup.apk file on the
Android device.
d. Select Client Application Loader (CAL) - Android from the Download Type
drop-down list, and then click the Download button.

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

Figure 7-3 SWP Downloads Page

e. If prompted on the Android device, select the device’s Package Installer or

local application for Android file installation, and then tap Always.
f. If you receive a prompt for clearing instructions, tap OK.
g. Tap Install. CAL installs and notifies you upon completion.

Figure 7-4 CAL Installation Window

h. When the application installation is complete, tap Done.

i. Tap Allow.

Figure 7-5 CAL Access Options for the Device

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

j. CAL starts automatically and then the device shows the CAL home page.
k. Tap the CAL desktop icon.

Figure 7-6 MICROS CAL Home Screen

See Installing the Simphony Service Host on an Android Device for more
information on installing or upgrading the Service Host on an Android device.
2. To initiate CAL configuration on an Android device:
a. Tap the CAL shortcut from the Home screen, and then tap Configure CAL.

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

Figure 7-7 CAL Configuration Options Screen

b. Enter the correct code based on the six-digit number shown at the top, and
then tap Next.
Step 3 in Changing the CAL URL contains information about the code.

Figure 7-8 CAL Configuration Access Code

c. Enter the Enterprise server URL, and then configure the server settings as

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

Figure 7-9 Simphony Server Identification Configuration for CAL

• Server Name: Enter the server’s Host Name

• Server IP: Enter the server’s URL (Fully Qualified Domain Name).
• Server Port: Enter 443.
• EGateway: Enter the EGateway URL.
• POS Type: Select MICROS Simphony.
• CAL Enabled: Enable this option
• Secure Connection (https): Enable this option.
d. Tap Next.
e. Enter your Simphony EMC User Name and Password in the CAL Initial
Authentication window, and then press Login. CAL performs its initial
f. If you are running a Simphony Standard or Premium Cloud Service
environment, enter the Organization name or Organization Short Name in
the Org field, and then press Login.
g. Select the correct property for the device, and then tap Next to continue. CAL
returns a list of defined workstations for the selected property.

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

Figure 7-10 Select a Property Screen

h. Tap the correct workstation for the device to populate the workstation
information and tap Save.

Figure 7-11 Select a Workstation Screen

i. If you have already scheduled an Android ServiceHost CAL package

deployment, this screen shows:

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

Figure 7-12 Android ServiceHost CAL Package Download Screen

If you have not scheduled and deployed the Android ServiceHost CAL
package, you see this screen:

Figure 7-13 Android ServiceHost CAL No Packages Download Screen

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

If you subsequently schedule and deploy the Android ServiceHost CAL

package, you might see the following screen. If so, tap the Update Now

Figure 7-14 CAL Configuration Options Screen

j. Once the CAL package download completes, you are prompted to install the
Simphony application. Tap Install.

Chapter 7
Installing CAL on the Android Device

Figure 7-15 Simphony Application Installation Screen

k. When the installation of the Simphony application is complete, tap Done. The
installation generates a Simphony desktop icon on the device’s CAL home

Figure 7-16 MICROS CAL Home Screen - Simphony Desktop Icon

Chapter 7
Installing the Simphony Service Host on an Android Device

If you tap Open, you are required to manually configure your Android
ServiceHost again.

Figure 7-17 Android ServiceHost Manual Configuration Screen

l. As previously stated, Android devices (Android version 5.0 and later) and
Simphony requires you to ensure that data encryption and a lock mechanism
is enabled on the device. If no such locking mechanism (PIN) has been
configured, you receive this prompt message:
Tap OK to continue.

Figure 7-18 Android Lock Mechanism Requirement Reminder

m. Enter your Simphony EMC User Name, and then press OK.

n. Enter your Simphony EMC Password, and then press OK.

Deploying an Android client to a device requires you to enter your
EMC authentication credentials twice. The second time authenticates the
ServiceHost and then Operations starts on the device.

Installing the Simphony Service Host on an Android Device

Beginning with the Simphony 18.2 release, you must first install or upgrade to Android
CAL version 144 to successfully use Android ServiceHost.
You must ensure that you have the privileges assigned to you to access, download,
and install the Android ServiceHost CAL on clients. See Allowing Employees to Install

Chapter 7
Installing the Simphony Service Host on an Android Device

and Authenticate POS Clients and Service Hosts for information about configuring the
When working with Android devices (Android version 5.0 and later), Simphony
requires you to ensure that data encryption and a lock mechanism is enabled on the
device that prevents unauthorized people from accessing it. To protect your Android
device, configure a Personal Identification Number (PIN) by accessing the device’s
Settings, select Security, and then select Encrypt Device. This requires users to
provide a PIN before they can start the Android ServiceHost (POS Client).
If you are using an earlier Simphony release (prior to 18.2), follow steps 1 through 4.
1. Tap Install.
2. Tap Open.
3. Enter your Simphony EMC User Name, and then tap OK.
4. Enter your Simphony EMC Password, and then tap OK.
The following page appears:

Figure 7-19 Android ServiceHost Install Confirmation

Chapter 7
Installing the Simphony Service Host on an Android Device

If you are performing a fresh installation of the Android ServiceHost,
select the Done button. Do not select the Open button. Wait for Android
CAL to open the ServiceHost (approximately five seconds). If you
accidentally press the wrong button in error, ServiceHost prompts you
to manually configure the device with the page shown in the Android
CAL ServiceHost Manual Setup figure.

Figure 7-20 Android CAL ServiceHost Manual Setup

Configuring the Service Host for CAPS Running as a Service on a

1. To configure the Service Host for a hosted Enterprise with Simphony Standard
Cloud Service users:
a. Select the property level, click Setup, and then click Workstations.
b. Insert a new workstation record, and then double-click it to open in form view.
c. On the General tab, enter the host name of the remote server where CAPS
will be configured in the Address/Host Name field.
d. Enter the Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway of the remote server where
CAPS will be configured.
e. If you are configuring CAPS as a Windows Service, select Is Windows
Service. Otherwise, skip this step.
f. Click Save.
g. Click the Remove OPS From Service Host link, and then click Yes to

Chapter 7
CAL Installation Prerequisites for a Workstation Without the POS Interface (CAPS-Only Workstation)

2. To configure the Service Host for a hosted Enterprise with Simphony Premium
Cloud Service users:
a. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click Service Hosts.
b. Insert a new Service Host record, and then double-click it to open in form view.
c. In the Host Name field, enter the host name of the remote server where CAPS
will be configured.
d. Enter the Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway of the remote server.
e. If you are configuring CAPS as a Windows Service, select Is Windows
Service. Otherwise, skip this step.
f. Click Save.
3. Select the property, click Setup, and then click Property Parameters.
4. Click the Workstations tab.
5. From the Service Hosts section, select the CAPS Service Host created in Step 1
or 2, and then enter the Port number for CAPS configuration.
This Port is the unused port number and is different from the EGateway service
6. Click Save.

CAL Installation Prerequisites for a Workstation Without the

POS Interface (CAPS-Only Workstation)
Before installing CAL on a CAPS-only workstation, perform the following functions:
• Configure a service host for CAPS. Configuring the Service Host for CAPS
Running as a Service on a Client contains more information.
• Assign the employee privilege to download software, install, and authenticate
clients and Service Hosts using CAL.
Beginning with Simphony release 2.9.1 and later, users must have the
employee privilege assigned to the appropriate role to successfully authenticate
workstations, Android devices, and Kitchen Display Systems (KDS). After installing
or upgrading to Simphony release 2.9.1 or later, you must assign the privilege to
a user’s role. When the Role option is set, employees can use their EMC logon
credentials when CAL’ing devices. Allowing Employees to Install and Authenticate
POS Clients and Service Hosts contains more information on assigning the
• Set the CAL deployment schedule. Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install
CAL on a Workstation Without the POS Interfacecontains more information.

Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install the Simphony Client

on Workstations
When a hotfix is added to the CAL deployment schedule, the system automatically
deploys the major Simphony version (for example, first, followed by the

Chapter 7
CAL Installation Prerequisites for a Workstation Without the POS Interface (CAPS-Only Workstation)

When using Distributed CAL (DCAL), you must add both the major version and the
hotfix to the DCAL download schedule. After the download occurs, it is made available
in the DCAL server. Then you can schedule the POS client update.
1. Select the Enterprise, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
2. If you are using Simphony 18.2 or 18.2.1, select Service Host Prereqs from the
left pane.
If you are using Simphony 18.2.2, skip this step. You need to deploy the CAL
Client and then the Service Host Download. Oracle recommends that you
schedule the CAL Client and the Service Host Download separately at different
dates or times. When scheduled independently of the CAL client package, the
Service Host Download occurs silently in the background to avoid end user
interruption. If you schedule the CAL client package and the Service Host
Download package to run at the same time, the Service Host Download does
not run in the background.
3. Click the Deployment Schedule tab, and then click Add Deployment.
4. In the Choose CAL package to upload dialog, select 2 - Specific Service Host as
the Deployment Type, click the ellipsis (...) point button adjacent to the drop-down
list, select the appropriate workstation, and then click OK.
5. Click OK to close the Choose CAL package to upload dialog.
6. In the Action To Take column, select 0 - Install, and then click Save.
7. Select CAL Client from the left pane, and then repeat Steps 4 through 7.
8. (Simphony 18.2.2 only) Select Service Host Download from the left pane, and
then repeat Steps 4 through 7.
9. Select Service Host from the left pane, and then repeat Steps 4 through 7.

Installing the Simphony Client on a Workstation without the POS

1. On the workstation, press Start, select All Programs, select Micros Client
Application Loader, and then select McrsCAL Config.
2. Decipher and enter the correct access code, and then press the Configure CAL
3. Enter the correct code based on the six-digit number shown at the top, and then
press Next.
4. In the Enter CAL Server dialog, select MICROS Simphony as the POS Type.
MICROS Simphony is used for both Simphony Standard and Premium Cloud
Service environments.
5. Set the following values, and then press Next:
• Server Name: Leave this field blank.
• Server IP/URL: Leave this field blank.
• CAL Enabled: Select this option if it is not automatically set by default.
• Secure Connection: Select this option to use the Translation Layer Security
(TLS) 1.2 Encryption protocol. (If you are installing CAL version 139 or later,
this option is set by default.)

Chapter 7
CAL Installation Prerequisites for a Workstation Without the POS Interface (CAPS-Only Workstation)

• Server: Enter the CAPS server name.

• Port: Enter 443.
• Update: Click the Update button to automatically fill the Server Name and
Server IP/URL fields after the application server name is resolved and
recognized. You are now required to use an HTTPS secure connection in your
Server URL.
6. If you are using Simphony release 2.9 (CAL version 138), skip to Step 8.
7. Beginning with Simphony release 2.9.1 and later, if you are installed on a
Simphony Standard or Premium Cloud Service environment, CAL prompts you
to enter your Simphony EMC logon credentials. Enter your User name and
Password in the CAL Authentication dialog, and then press the Login button.
8. If the Enterprise has multiple properties, select the property from the Property
Search and Select dialog, and then press Next.
If the property does not appear in the list, enter the property name in the Property
Name field, and then press Search.
You do not see a property list if only one property is configured or if there are
multiple properties, but only one property is using workstations.
9. In the Select WS Identity dialog, select the Show Service Hosts option, select the
appropriate service host from the available workstation list, and then press Save.
Make sure the Service Host ID and Workstation ID populate. The workstation
automatically restarts several times when installing the CAL package.

Chapter 7
CAL Installation Prerequisites for a Workstation Without the POS Interface (CAPS-Only Workstation)

Figure 7-21 Select Workstation Dialog

10. If you are using Simphony release 2.9 or Simphony release 2.9.2, after the CAL
process completes:
a. Browse to [Drive letter]:\\MICROS\Simphony\webserver, and then click
b. For Simphony release 2.9, enter the following details in the Authentication
Server application:
• Client Service ID: Enter the Service ID for Check and Posting. You can
find the Service ID in the Workstations tab of the Property Parameters
• Installer Username: Enter the Install User Security Username
configured in the Security tab of the Property Parameters module. Contact
your system administrator for assistance.
• Installer Password: Enter the Install User Security Password
configured in the Security tab of the Property Parameters module. Contact
your system administrator for assistance.

Chapter 7
CAL Installation Prerequisites for a Workstation Without the POS Interface (CAPS-Only Workstation)

Figure 7-22 Authentication Server Application for Simphony 2.9

c. For Simphony release 2.9.2 and later, enter the following details in the
Authentication Server application:
• Service Host ID: The service host ID. This value is automatically
• EMC Username: Enter your EMC user name.
• EMC Password: Enter your EMC password.

Chapter 7
CAL Installation Prerequisites for a Workstation Without the POS Interface (CAPS-Only Workstation)

Figure 7-23 Authentication Server Application for Simphony 2.9.2

d. Click Authenticate.
e. Restart the workstation.

Pre-Upgrade Checklist
(Optional) Print this page to help plan and prepare for upgrading.
For complete details, see Planning and Considerations.
Pre-Upgrade Checklist:
• Verify Supported Technology and Devices
• Verify Security Policy Compatibility
• Verify adequate disk space exists on the workstations
• Verify all checks have been closed and replayed
• Launch to test environment
• Prepare for and schedule downtime
• Check the network constraints on the day of the install
• Verify latest Microsoft Windows and SQL Express updates are installed
• Verify the CAL Package deployment schedule expiration date
• Verify access to your Enterprise Management Console (EMC)
• Verify Employee Privilege to download and install updates
• Write down your Simphony server name
• Write down your Check and Posting Service (CAPS) client name
• Test normal operations

Post-Upgrade Checklist
(Optional) Print this page to help plan and prepare for upgrading.
For complete details, see Planning and Considerations.
• Verify that all workstations are running the expected software release versions
• Verify that all workstations are running the same Simphony client version
• Test normal operations

Windows Advanced Configuration Settings
for CAL
File transfer settings normally do not need to be changed, except in the case of very
low available bandwidth.
By default, the CAL client takes a best effort approach to transferring files from the
Simphony application server as quickly as possible. Files are transferred from the
application server in blocks and these blocks are assembled into a complete file at the

Default Bandwidth Requirements

• Minimum: 8.5KB/sec per client. The CAL client expects the application server
to respond to each file block request within 60 seconds (512KB / 60sec = 8.5KB/
sec). Prior to CAL client 146, the package installation fails when this minimum
cannot be met.
• Maximum: None imposed by the CAL client. External factors, such as network
latency and bandwidth between the application server and workstation, influence
the maximum rate of transfer.

Configuration settings are available for tuning file transfers to specific customer
network environments. These registry configuration settings are available in Windows
CAL 146 under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Micros\CAL\Config.
This is a client setting, so an administrator must add the following registry values:
• FileTransferBlockSize: DWORD: Controls the block size for each request to the
application server. If not present, the default 512kb is assumed. The minimum
value is 1024 (1kb).
• FileTransferTimeout: DWORD: Controls the maximum time (seconds) that CAL
waits for a response from the application server before considering the transfer a
failure. If not present, a default of 60 seconds is assumed.
• FileTransferMaxBlocksPerSec: DWORD: Controls the maximum number of file
block requests that the CAL client sends to the application within a second.

Example Throttling File Transfers to 8KB Per Second

This can be done in a custom CAL package by adjusting the following in the setup.dat
1. Set ‘FileTransferBlockSize’ to 8192
2. Set ‘FileTransferMaxBlocksPerSec’ to 1

Chapter 10

Figure 10-1 Setup.dat Example

Troubleshooting CAL and DCAL
The Simphony Installer provides the ability to switch an Enterprise URL
during the application server upgrade. When the Enterprise URL changes, the
SimphonyInstall.xml file included within existing CAL packages becomes out-of-date.
Existing CAL packages (from a previous upgrade) that are still being deployed must be
manually reloaded. The McrsCAL and ServiceHost are the only Oracle CAL packages
that include this file.
Make a backup copy of the current SimphonyInstall.xml on the application server
before reloading any CAL packages in case the file is accidentally overwritten.
Viewing, Reloading, and Saving CAL Package Contents contains more information.
Simphony Release 2.9
Viewing, Reloading, and Saving CAL Package Contents
Simphony Release 2.10
Viewing, Reloading, and Saving CAL Package Contents
Simphony Release 18.1
Viewing, Reloading, and Saving CAL Package Contents

Deploying ServiceHost Hotfixes with DCAL

Deploying ServiceHost hotfixes through DCAL could result in the hotfix being deployed
before the full ServiceHost package. Hotfixes are cumulative CAL packages, and need
to be deployed after ServiceHost has been successfully installed on the workstation.
Recommended Workaround:
1. Run the hotfix installer on the application server.
2. Add the ServiceHost hotfix and the parent ServiceHost version to the DCAL
Download Schedule.
3. Verify the deployment order of the hotfix. CAL Deployment Order contains more
4. Verify that both packages have been downloaded to the DCAL workstation in the
EMC DCAL Install Status tab (introduced with Simphony release 18.2).
5. Add the hotfix package to the Deployment Schedule.
Applies to: All Simphony versions supporting DCAL

DCAL Workstation Computer Name

When configuring a DCAL workstation for a property, EMC does not enforce the
maximum character limit restrictions for workstation computer names. The CAL client
automatically truncates computer names greater than 15 characters, but ServiceHost

Chapter 11
Upgrading CAL on Simphony 2.8 Clients or Later

may overwrite the truncated name during startup. When this occurs, DCAL clients may
not be able to communicate with the DCAL workstation.
Use EMC to change the DCAL workstation computer name to 15 characters or less.
Applies to: All Simphony releases

Upgrading CAL on Simphony 2.8 Clients or Later

When upgrading to CAL client versions 141 through 144 from versions prior to 139,
an existing Simphony 2.8 client authentication is not used and users are prompted for
their EMC logon credentials.
Workaround #1:
The user must enter a username and password of an employee with Role privilege
10065 enabled as described in Configuring Employee Privileges for Using CAL.
Workaround #2:
Deploy CAL 139 or 140 before deploying versions 141 through 144.
Workaround #3:
Reconfigure CAL without changing the Workstation Identity. Changing the CAL URL
contains more information.
Applies to: CAL client versions 141 through 144.

Re-configuring CAL with an Existing Simphony Client Install

When re-configuring CAL on a workstation with Simphony client already installed,
ServiceHost may not be able to authenticate to the application server.
Recommended workaround:
Workstations should be re-imaged using the manufacturer supplied factory recovery
Applies to: All Simphony Client versions

ServiceHost Deployment Using DCAL Prior to Simphony

Release 2.8
Deploying ServiceHost 2.9.2 or later from a DCAL workstation running releases earlier
than Simphony release 2.8 could cause all previously installed CAL packages to
re-install on the client.
Recommended workaround:
Upgrade the DCAL workstation before upgrading any other workstations.
Applies to: All Simphony releases supporting DCAL.

Chapter 11
ServiceHost Upgrades Prior to Simphony Release 2.8

ServiceHost Upgrades Prior to Simphony Release 2.8

When upgrading from Simphony clients prior to release 2.8, the ServiceHost 2.7
CAL deployment must not be removed until the new version of the ServiceHost
package has finished installing. Otherwise, all previously installed CAL packages are
Recommended workaround:
1. Keep the existing ServiceHost 2.7 deployment record and change the deployment
type Property to Enterprise, for each record that exists.
2. Configure a new ServiceHost deployment at the Property or Service Host level to
the deployment schedule.
3. Remove the ServiceHost 2.7 deployment only when the new ServiceHost version
has been completed.
Applies to: All releases later than 2.7

ServiceHost Package Install Loop

When re-configuring CAL on a workstation with Simphony client hotfixes installed, the
ServiceHost CAL package could fail while executing the Sim29VerSync utility.
Recommended Workaround:
Workstations should be re-imaged using the manufacturer supplied factory recovery
Applies to: Simphony releases 2.10 and 18.1

Upgrading DCAL Workstation from Releases Prior to

Simphony 2.9.3
When upgrading a DCAL Workstation running Simphony client releases prior to
2.9.3, the download status of previously downloaded packages is lost and cannot be
automatically recovered.
Recommended Workaround:
1. Remove the DCAL Workstation service from the property prior to the upgrade.
2. Re-image the workstation using the manufacturer supplied factory recovery
Applies to: All Simphony releases prior to 2.9.3

CAL Authentication with DCAL Workstations

Fresh Simphony Client 2.9.1 or later installations that are deployed through DCAL
display a ‘Not Authenticated’ error on initial startup. Because the DCAL workstation
does not provide authentication capabilities to DCAL clients, the CAL client does not
prompt for EMC user login credentials.

Chapter 11
Changing the CAL URL

Workaround #1:
Use the secure enterprise URL when configuring the CAL client rather than the
DCAL workstation URL. The workstation automatically switches back to the DCAL
workstation after the Simphony client has finished installing.
Workaround #2:
1. Close the Simphony POS client on the workstation.
2. Run the %AppRoot%\WebServer\AuthenticationServer.exe utility
3. Confirm that the application server EGateway URL and Service Host ID are
4. Enter the EMC username and EMC password.
5. Click the Authenticate button.
6. Confirm that the ‘Authentication is successful’ message appears.

Figure 11-1 Authentication for the DCAL Server

Changing the CAL URL

In some cases, it may be necessary to reconfigure the CAL client to use the new
secure URL of the application server. To reconfigure the CAL URL without changing
the workstation identity:
1. Close the ServiceHost application to access the Microsoft Windows desktop on
the workstation.
2. Use the Start Menu to launch the McrsCAL Config application found in the
MICROS Client Application Loader folder.
3. Enter the validation code to access the CAL application, and then click Next.

Chapter 11
Changing the CAL URL

• The six-digit challenge number changes with every attempt and is solved with
the formula: Digit 1 x Digit 2 + Digit 4 + Digit 6.
• Using the challenge number 391229 as an example, the solution is 3 x 9 + 2 +
9 = 38.
4. Make the following updates for the Enter CAL Server configuration:
a. Select the Secure Connection option.
b. Enter 443 as the Port.
c. Click Update, and then click Next.
The POS Type varies and is unique based on your installation and the
Simphony release.
Prior to Simphony release 2.9.1:
• MICROS Simphony is used as the POS Type with Simphony Premium.
• Simphony Multi-Te is used as the POS Type for Simphony Standard.
For Simphony release 2.9.1 or later, use MICROS Simphony for both
Simphony Standard and Simphony Premium.

Figure 11-2 Enter CAL Server Configuration

5. For CAL Authentication, enter the EMC credentials that have the required role
privileges enabled, and then click Login.

Chapter 11
Changing the CAL URL

Figure 11-3 CAL Authentication

6. If the Enterprise has multiple properties, select the property from the Property
Search and Select window, and then click Next.
If the property does not appear in the list, enter the property name in the Property
Name field, and then press Search.
If only one property is configured, or if there are multiple properties but only one
property is using Microsoft Windows devices, you do not see a property list and
you can skip this step.

Chapter 11
Changing the CAL URL

Figure 11-4 Property Search and Select

7. Do not make changes on the Select WS Identity window, and then click Save.


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