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Oracle Food and Beverage Harmonized Interface For POS

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Oracle MICROS Fiscal

Solution for Mexico

Harmonized Interface for POS – Installation and Configuration


September, 2023 | Version

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Disclaimer 2
Preface 5
Audience 5
Customer Support 5
Documentation 5
Revision History 5

1 Introduction 8
Overview 8
Features 8
Harmonized Interface for POS Enablement Program 9
Oracle Integration Validation 9
Advantages for Partners 9
Oracle General Responsibility Assignments 11
Oracle and Oracle Partners Features Responsibility Matrix 12

2 Harmonized Interface for POS Specifications 14

Harmonized Versioning 14
Harmonized Business Model Concept 14
Oracle Fiscal Partner and Harmonized Interface for POS 14
Business Model (Using an Oracle Partner) 15
Oracle Fiscal Adapter and Harmonized Interface for POS 15
Harmonized Interface Parser Template and Payload Concepts 16
Harmonized Server and Interface Concepts for Simphony 16
Single Server, Multi-Server and Routing 17
Data Extensions 17
Additional Features 17
Reset Harmonized Internal Numbering 17
Force Next Fiscal Numbering 17
Harmonized Install Structure for Simphony 18
Pre-requisites for Simphony 19
Limitations for Simphony 19
Additional information’s 19
Distribute Extension Application Know Issue 19
PAC Fiscal Service – Install 19
PAC Fiscal Service – Multiple Socket Connections 19
PAC Fiscal Service – Simphony Essentials 19
Cancel Invoices – Simphony Essentials 20
Simphony Know Issue 20

3 Harmonized Interface for POS - Upgrading from Legacy – Simphony 21

Upgrading from Legacy 21
Upgrading from Previous Harmonized Versions 21

4 Planning Installation and Configuration 21

General Planning Steps 21
Configurations Steps 22
Install and Configuration Order for Simphony 22
Reading Guide Icons 22

5 Harmonized Interface for POS Installation 23

Before you start 23
5.1 Simphony EMC – Enterprise Management Console 23
Step 1 – Load DLL files in Extension Application 23
Step 2 – Load the Parser Template 25
Step 3 – Load Database Consolidation Extension Application 25
Step 4 – Create/Configure CAL Packages 26

6 Oracle Product Configuration 28

Before you start 28
6.1 Oracle Hospitality Simphony – Configuration 28
Simphony EMC – Enterprise Management Console 28

3 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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7 Harmonized Interface for POS Configuration 46
Harmonized Smart Studio - HSS 46
Step 1 – General Settings 46
Step 2 – Workstation 47
Step 3 – Additional Settings 49
Step 4 – Oracle Integration Settings 50
Step 5 – Oracle Adapter Settings 51
Step 6 – Saving and Export Configuration 52

8 Installation Checklist 53
Verify the Creation of Documents Folder Structure 53
Verify the Extension Application Harmonized at Workstations (Simphony) 53

9 Operation 54
Generate a Fiscal Document 54
Payload 54
Check Fiscal Document Status 54
View Config 54
Export Config 54

10 Support 55
Support Best Practices and Issues Handling 55
Issues Diagnostic/Troubleshoot steps 55
Issues Escalation 55
Feature Requests 56

4 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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This document provides instructions to configure Simphony with the Harmonized Interface for POS. It describes the
Harmonized Interface characteristics, features, and best practices to internal Oracle teams, Oracle Customers or Oracle
Partners when developing this integration using Payload Application Programming Interface (API) and when the
Electronic Invoice (EI) is used for a country using Simphony.

This document is intended for Oracle Consulting Team, Oracle Partners and System Administrators that develop, install,
and maintain the Oracle Hospitality Simphony as the POS solution and the Harmonized Interface for POS as the
integration Interface.

Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
• Product version and program/module name
• Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
• Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
• Exact error message received
• Screen shots of each step you take

Oracle Hospitality product documentation is available on the Oracle Help Center at

Revision History

July 2020 Initial Publication

August 2020 Document Review

Added Information regarding Oracle Linux Support
Changed Data Extension MX_FE_DflCsh to type to Multiline Text

December 2020 Changed Version

Document Review
Added Information about Persistent Socket for OLfM
Removed Restriction about es-MX Language Support for OLfM
Harmonized Management Console – HMC was renamed as Harmonized Smart
Studio – HSS

March 2021 Changed Version

Document Review
Added Simphony 19.2 Version Support

May 2021 Changed Version

5 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Troubleshooting Review

July 2021 Changed Version

Added Info Regarding STS GEN1 Configuration for Tender Media.
Added Info Regarding STS GEN1 General Configuration.

October 2021 Changed Version.

Document Review.
Added Remarks regarding Harmonized Server and Interface Configurations
when the PAC does not support multiple Socket Connections.
Added to HSS, at Oracle Adapter Settings, the optional parameter to activate
Invoice Cancel Procedure from POS.
Added at HarmonyLocalConfig the optional parameter to activate Invoice Cancel
Procedure from POS.

November 2021 Changed Version

Document Review
Removed Duplicated entries at Data Extension Table for Simphony
Added Simphony Essentials Specific configuration

January 2022 Document Review

Added STS GEN 2 Support

May 2022 Document Review

Changed Version
Added [MX FE] Subject to Tax (SAT Code) Data Extension to comply with CFDI
Added [MX FE] Subject to Tax (SAT Code) Configuration detail at Property level
Changed [MX FE] Default Tender Cash Data Extension from Text List to Text
Added [MX FE] Layout Version CFDI (SAT) information regarding new values for
CFDI 4.0
Added upgrading information for CFDI 4.0
Removed Troubleshooting since Harmonized Core is now providing more
detailed messages for the POS user

July 2022 Changed Version

Added Touchscreen button information to Reprint Previous Closed Check and
Reprint Closed Check (Check Selection)

January 2023 Changed Version

Document Review
Removed RES 3700 Support

March 2023 Changed Version

Document Review

6 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
May 2023 Changed Version
Document Review
Added Support to Menu Item Quantity Voiding for Simphony 19.4 when option
24 - Treat Error Corrects as Voids at Control Parameters is enabled (Negative
Items). New mandatory configuration is present at HarmonyConfig that must be
used for ALL Simphony Versions no matter if the option bit is enabled or

September 2023 Changed Version

Document Review
Removed Oracle.Harmony.Messaging from Install Package since is no longer a
valid resource for Harmonized Core
Added Format Parameters Option bit 51 - Print Full Check Detail During Void
Closed Check
Added Information about Invoice Cancel for Simphony Essentials
Added Know Issue for Simphony
Changed Configuration requirements for Simphony Transaction Services

7 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
Harmonized Interface for POS is a powerful interface that leverages Electronic Invoice processing and integrates with
Oracle Food and Beverage Simphony. Harmonized Interface for POS and Payload API permits third-party companies,
like Electronic Invoice Providers, to integrate with Oracle F&B Products and receive custom POS check information to
perform invoice processing.
Any third-party company that needs fiscal and non-fiscal data from the POS to generate the Electronic Invoice or any
other Application can use the Harmonized Interface for POS and Payload API.

Harmonized Interface for POS adds transparency for installation and configuration tasks as only one Installation Package
can be used for all Simphony Versions. This fiscal solution is closely aligned with property administrator goals, providing
centralized control and maintenance.
New Harmonized comes Ready to Go! Core Settings are embedded into product code and minimal or even none
configuration is necessary.
New Harmonized Smart Studio – HSS – delivers to Oracle Customers, Fiscal Partners and Consulting Services the
necessary agility to configure and customize Interface settings.


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Harmonized Interface for POS Enablement Program
The Harmonized Enablement Program is a structured process to help Oracle Partners or Oracle Customers to build an
integration with Harmonized Interface for POS

Oracle Integration Validation

The following basic tests are performed by Oracle to initially validate your integration. Please not that depending on
Country specifics, scenarios may vary, and more complex cases can occur.
1. Regular Check with a few Items
2. Large Checks with 50 Items or more
3. Split Checks
4. Check with Priced Condiments
5. Check with Non-Priced Condiments
6. Check with Service Charges
7. Check with Subtotal Discounts
8. Check with Item Discounts
9. Check with Automatic Discounts
10. Checks with Charged Tips
11. Checks with Auto Service Charge
12. Checks with Manual Service Charges
13. Checks with Auto Service Charge Exempt
14. Checks with Tax Exempt
15. Complex Check with Discounts, Service Charges and Item Discounts
16. Regular Check with 2 Payment Types
17. Print Layout Minimal Requirements
18. Oracle Partner Error Messages

Advantages for Partners

Full Access to Parser Template and POS Data
• Changes can be made by Partner w/Upcoming Legal Requirements
• Parser Template configuration is now optional, receive all POS Data and transform as your need
Select only Required Information Data
• Customize data to your needs
• Use and aggregate Custom Services/Solutions to Oracle Customers
• Use POS Data to offer more to your Customers
Attend Legal Requirements to any Country

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• Expand your Business
• Save Time
• Learn and Install Harmonized to your Customer
• Harmonized Interface guarantees standard integration
• Easy to Integrate
• Use XML or JSON
• REST Web Service, Socket or API Support
• Naturally integrated to Simphony
• Full Access to Interface Documentation and Toolkit
• Oracle Customer Transparent Operation
Installation, Maintenance and Support
• Installation procedures are made directly from EMC, without workstation local intervention or configuration
• Easy to Configure, Upgrade and Maintain
• Guaranty Equal Workstation Configuration
• Use Harmonized Smart Studio to configure your Integration Parameters

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Oracle General Responsibility Assignments
The following table describes the general task responsibilities:


R Responsible The person who performs an activity or does the work within the phase or task.

A Accountable The person who is ultimately accountable or impacted.

The person that needs to feedback and contribute to the activity. Contributes to the phase or task
and provides guidance and support.

The person that needs to know of the decision or action. Informed and aware of requirements and
what has been delivered to support or provide assistance.


Project Deliverable Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle
(or Activity) Fiscal R&D Partner Consulting Customer Sales

Support Partners at Development Issues

and Questions R A C I I I
Create Harmonized Interface
Documentation R A I I I I
Develop Harmonized Interface
Enhancements, Error Correction and
Bugs Fixes
Create and Maintain Integration
Documentation C R I I A I
Support 3° Party Software
Enhancements, Error Correction and
Bugs Fixes
Configure Harmonized Interface for
Configure Oracle Food and Beverage
Products C I I R A I
Configure Any 3° Party Software,
Partner Product or Interface I R I I A I

11 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Test Integration with Oracle Fiscal R&D
Test Integration with Oracle Customer

Oracle and Oracle Partners Features Responsibility Matrix

The following table describes the feature responsibilities:


Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle
Integration Feature, Task or Procedure Fiscal
Fiscal R&D Partner Consulting Customer Sales

Format Electronic Invoice document

according to Government Layout,
Technical specifications and formats
Format Electronic Invoice or Receipt
Print Layout I R C
Provide Digital Signature and/or a
secured way to transport Electronic
Invoice documents
Send Electronic Invoice document to
Government Tax Authority I R I A
Confirm Payload data receive and
return status to Harmonized Interface
for POS
Return Printable data for Electronic
Invoice or Receipt A R C
Map Fiscal data for DB persistence
(Optional) A R C
Print Electronic Invoice or Receipt
Provide Payload data
Save fiscal information on DB
(Optional) R C I A
Understand, Build and Configure the
Parser Template I R C A

12 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Provide a Parser Template to Oracle
Customers I R C I A
Manage Changes in Parser Template
Understand, Build and Configure the
Fiscal Table Mapping (optional) C R C I A
Provide a Fiscal Table Mapping to
Oracle Customers C R C I A
Manage Changes Fiscal Table Mapping

13 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Harmonized Versioning

Harmonized Business Model Concept

Oracle Fiscal Partner and Harmonized Interface for POS

The Oracle Partner represents an important role when integrating with Harmonized. It is important to know that he is
responsible for the Electronic Invoicing processes and must provide all required information for the Oracle Customer
regarding the following parameters:
• Solution Description
• Integration Connection characteristics (API, REST or Socket)
• Configuration files (Parser Template)
• POS Extended Data (Data Extensions)
The Oracle Partner is responsible to build the communication method between Harmonized and his solution.

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Business Model (Using an Oracle Partner)

1. The process starts when operator make a final tender (payment) on check;
2. Harmonized Interface read check data and generate Payload according to Parser Template;
3. Harmonized Interface communicates with Partner;
4. Partner process Electronic Invoice;
5. Partner returns a status message, print message or the Electronic Invoice;
6. Finally, Harmonized Interface can print a receipt (if necessary) and closes the check.

Oracle Fiscal Adapter and Harmonized Interface for POS

The Oracle Fiscal Adapter is the component that interacts with Harmonized when Oracle provides the complete solution
for a Country using a specific Oracle Partner. You can find the list of available Fiscal Connectors and/or Adapters at
Fiscal R&D Confluence Page. In this documentation, you can find specific configuration settings identified by the Oracle
Fiscal Adapter Icon. The Oracle Fiscal Adapter is available for Mexico for the following PAC’s:
• Prosumeg/Indicium
• Next Technologies
• EDX Solutions
• Data Express

15 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Harmonized Interface Parser Template and Payload Concepts

Harmonized Server and Interface Concepts for Simphony

Map Property workstations and set Servers and Interface clients. Data Extensions need to be configured for each
workstation and configuration may vary regarding Server and Interface.
The Harmony Server is configured for the Workstation that will communicate with Oracle Partner and the Harmonized
Interface is the Harmonized client Workstation – this workstation has the ability to process transactions using the
Harmonized Server. You can have multiple Harmonized Servers within a Property, just one or even all Workstations
acting as Server. Please be aware of configuration differences.
For Mexico, please configure all Workstations as Harmonized Servers if you are using the Oracle Fiscal Adapter and the
PAC Fiscal Service Accepts multiple socket connections.
For Single Socket Connections, please configure one Harmonized Server and all the other workstations as Harmonized


Communicates with Oracle Partner or Oracle Adapter Communicates with Harmonized Server

Process Transactions Process Transactions at Harmonized Servers

16 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Single Server, Multi-Server and Routing
For Simphony, when Multi-Server is configured and for any reason one of the Servers is down, Harmonized Interface will
automatically (Routing) ask operator to choose the next available server to process operation.
Observe the Oracle Hospitality Customer needs to define multiple Servers usage.

Data Extensions
Data Extensions is a Symphony configurable structure feature that permits add custom data to the database and it is
available for almost every Simphony main table. These extensions are useful when adding custom or specific data/value
to Check Detail, uploading configuration for an interface, and setting custom parameters for specific development.
For Harmonized FI, we use Simphony Data Extensions to add specific configuration to the interface and to Partners (as
they need).
The same concept is applied to RES 3700 but, since this product does not have this feature built-in, we emulate Data
Extensions using a separated application.

Additional Features

Reset Harmonized Internal Numbering

From Version 22.1.X, a Feature to Reset Harmonized Internal Numbering can be used restart Payload Id to
HPL000000001 and HarmonyId to 01. This can be useful when running Harmonized at Test Environment with Oracle
Fiscal Connector, Adapter or even when the Oracle Fiscal Partner uses that internal counter for Invoice Numbering.

Force Next Fiscal Numbering

This Feature is used to set Harmonized Internal Numbering for a higher value than the current one. This can be useful
when DataStore Database is deleted for any reason.

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Harmonized Install Structure for Simphony

18 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Pre-requisites for Simphony
• Simphony: V18.2.x or above
• Simphony Essentials: 19.5 or above
• Simphony Transaction Services: GEN1 and GEN2 for 19.2.x or above
• Workstations: WS5A, WS6, Oracle Tablets
• Operational Systems: Microsoft Windows and Oracle Linux for Micros
• OS Regional Settings: English, US
• Printer: Simphony Supported Printers that can print PDF417 or QR Codes if required
• Harmonized Interface: Installation Package
• Oracle Fiscal Partner (when required): Configured Parser Template and Communication Settings
• Oracle Adapter for Mexico Fiscal Partners: Consult PAC Availability at this Documentation

Limitations for Simphony

• Android OS Not Supported
• Headless or CAPS on IIS is not Supported

Additional information’s
Additional information regarding specific situation and/or feature for this Release.

Distribute Extension Application Know Issue

Oracle R&D has found an issue on Simphony when you use the distribute feature to copy Extension Application
parameters from one Property to another.
When you do it, Harmonized dll’s will populate the Handlers folder under EGateway instead Extension Application Folder
on workstations. Harmonized will not function as desired when dll’s are under Handlers Folder. When configuring a new
property, Oracle R&D recommends that you manually add a new Extension Application.

PAC Fiscal Service – Install

Please be aware that PAC Fiscal Service may not be available to run on Oracle Linux Workstations. When this is the
scenario, make sure to configure Harmonized to connect to the PC that is running the PAC Service.

PAC Fiscal Service – Multiple Socket Connections

Please be aware to consult the PAC regarding supporting multiple socket connections from the Fiscal Service. For PAC’s
that support it, Harmonized can be configured for All Workstations, as Harmonized Server. If PAC Fiscal Service only
Support Single Socket Connection, you must configure one Harmonized Server and all the other Workstations as
Harmonized Interface Clients.

PAC Fiscal Service – Simphony Essentials

Please be aware that Simphony Essentials runs under Oracle Linux for MICROS. Most of PAC Fiscal Technology is based
on Windows applications and at least one machine running this OS may be required to host PAC Fiscal service.

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Cancel Invoices – Simphony Essentials
Invoice cancel at Simphony Essentials can be made either by creating a negative transaction using the Transaction
Return function or using the Harmonized Void Closed Check Function.
Harmonized Void Closed Check function can be found at Manager Procedures screen under Fiscal Main Functions >

Simphony Know Issue

Please note that Simphony will not download parserTemplate.xml uploaded from Harmonized Extension
Application. This issue was solved at
If POS client is currently running this version ( you may need to manually copy the parserTemplate.xml file to the
local Workstation Harmonized folder to have your fiscal solution working.

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Upgrading from Legacy
When upgrading from Legacy Mexico FIP please be aware to, stop PAC Fiscal Service, remove previous Extension
Application from the Simphony Server and follow Harmonized installation steps with special attention to Data
Extensions values.

Upgrading from Previous Harmonized Versions

Please observe the following directions to have a smooth transition.

1. Follow steps to upload the New Harmonized Dlls from Install Package (Details)
2. Follow steps to update the CAL Package (Details)
3. Copy, review, and Paste the HarmonyConfig XML from this guide into HarmonyConfig Data Extension (Details)
4. Copy, review, and Paste the HarmonyLocalConfig XML from this guide into HarmonyLocalConfig Data
Extension (Details)
5. For CFDI 4.0, configure the following:
a. Create NEW Data Extension [MX FE] Subject to Tax (SAT Code)
b. Configure NEW Data Extension [MX FE] Subject to Tax (SAT Code)
c. Change the [MX FE] Layout Version CFDI (SAT) to 4.0
d. Review or test with PAC if the new layout version is being sent
6. Perform an Update Database on all Workstations
7. Restart Simphony POS


Before you start, please ready carefully the suggested Oracle R&D steps to plan your Harmonized FI for POS Installation
and Configuration.

General Planning Steps

When planning the Harmonized FI configuration, it is important to observe all the particular operations nuances of a
property. It is recommended that you configure, at least, Two Harmonized Servers for a property.
Definition of quantity of Harmonized Servers:
• The property operates as Quick Service or Table Service?
• How busy is the Property at Service time (Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner)?
• It is make sense to have one Harmonized Server per RVC?
• Do Harmonized Servers have internet connection?
• Does the Oracle Partner solution need to be installed at Harmonized Server?

21 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Configurations Steps
This guide provides a suggested order of install and configuration. It is recommended to install the Harmonized
Interface first and then start to configure the fiscal interface.
Install steps and product configuration listed at this guide is divided by Oracle Product, be sure to follow the right paths.
The Harmonized FI configuration should be done, either using the Harmonized Configurator (HSS) or editing the XML
file using a text editor (Notepad++, Sublime or Ultra Edit).

Install and Configuration Order for Simphony

Pre-requisites for Simphony
5 Harmonized Interface for POS Installation
5.1 Simphony EMC – Enterprise Management Console
6 Oracle Product Configuration
6.1 Oracle Hospitality Simphony – Configuration
7 Harmonized Interface for POS Configuration

Reading Guide Icons

Installation steps will be presented at this manual for both types, Oracle Partner and Oracle Fiscal Adapter. You will find
differentiation between steps thought icon indicator


Indicates that the configuration step or feature only applies to Oracle Partner

Indicates that the configuration step or feature only applies when using Oracle Fiscal Adapter

Indicates that the configuration step or feature applies to an Oracle Partner or Oracle Fiscal

22 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Before you start
Installation steps will be presented at this manual for both types, Oracle Partner and Oracle Fiscal Adapter. You will find
differentiation between steps thought icon indicator.


Indicates that the configuration step or feature only applies to Oracle Fiscal Partner

Indicates that the configuration step or feature only applies when using Oracle Fiscal Adapter

Indicates that the configuration step or feature applies to an Oracle Fiscal Partner or Oracle Fiscal

5.1 Simphony EMC – Enterprise Management Console

Step 1 – Load DLL files in Extension Application
1. Define or identify installation level (Enterprise, Property or RVC)
2. Extract installation package contents and open the Harmonized Extension Application folder
3. …\Simphony\Extension Application\Harmonized
4. Login EMC and navigates to Setup > Custom Content > Extension Application
5. Add a registry, and on Record Name(s) enter Harmonized

6. Double click at newly created registry to enter form view

7. Add the first ddl from installation package, clicking on Insert Application Content button and enter
ZoneableKey and Description with same dll name without file extension. I.E.:

23 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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8. From that point you will able to see the Designer tab and for each dll, insert application content and repeat the
following steps
9. At Designer tab change Content Type to 3 – DLL
10. Hit Import From a File and select the correspondent file

11. Repeat configuration of all the dll’s left from installation package
12. Fill disk file name with the same dll name w/extension


Oracle.Common.DataHandler Oracle.Common.DataHandler.dll 3 - DLL

Oracle.Common.Helper Oracle.Common.Helper.dll 3 - DLL

Oracle.Common.Language Oracle.Common.Language.dll 3 - DLL

Oracle.Fiscal.Harmony.Localization Oracle.Fiscal.Harmony.Localization.dll 3 - DLL

Oracle.Fiscal.Mexico.Adapter Oracle.Fiscal.Mexico.Adapter.dll 3 - DLL

Oracle.Harmony.Manager Oracle.Harmony.Manager.dll 3 - DLL

Oracle.Harmony.ProductHandler Oracle.Harmony.ProductHandler.dll 3 - DLL

Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyInterface Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyInterface.dll 3 - DLL

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Step 2 – Load the Parser Template
1. At Extension Application click on Insert Application Content button
2. Type PARSER_TEMPLATE on both fields.

3. Click twice in this record. In field Content Type, select 23 – Text.

4. Click Import from a file and select the Parser Template provided by the Oracle Partner or, when using the
Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter, import from Install Package.
5. Select the appropriate template file and upload it to EMC.
6. Please Fill the Disk File Name as parserTemplate.xml

Step 3 – Load Database Consolidation Extension Application

1. Define or identify installation level (Enterprise, Property or RVC)
2. Extract installation package contents and open the Database Consolidation folder
…\Simphony\Extension Application\Oracle.Fiscal.Harmony.SimphonyHandler
3. Login EMC and navigates to Setup > Custom Content > Extension Application
4. Add a registry, and on Record Name(s) enter Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyHandler
5. Double click at newly created registry to enter form view
6. Add the dll from installation package, clicking on Insert Application Content button and enter ZoneableKey and
Description with same dll name without file extension. I.E.:

25 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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7. From that point you will able to see the Designer tab and for each dll, insert application content and repeat the
following steps
8. At Designer tab change Content Type to 3 – DLL
9. Hit Import From a File and select the correspondent file
10. Fill disk file name with the same dll name w/ file extension


Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyHandler Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyHandler.dll 3 - DLL

Step 4 – Create/Configure CAL Packages

1. At Enterprise level, go to Setup > Hardware/Interfaces > General > CAL Packages
2. At inferior left corner hit Add Custom CAL Package

3. At dialog box enter CAL Package Location path or search it using search box. The Cal Package files are available
on installation package. Click OK
4. …\Simphony\CAL_Simphony\Win32
5. Confirm data and hit Upload
6. When finished, Harmonized package will be available for configuration
7. Select Harmonized package to display options on main screen
8. Select Check and Posting, Check and Posting Backup and Workstation to limit CAL Package contents to deploy
9. Click on Deployment Schedules tab and Add Deployment
10. Set Deployment Type, selecting 1 – Property/Enterprise or 2 – Specific Service Host.
11. In case you select Property/Enterprise at Deployment Type, fill it w/ Property name to deploy CAL Package to
all workstations of this property
12. If you wish, you can select a Specific Service Host at Deployment Type and fill w/ workstation name
13. At Action to take, select 0 – Install.
14. (Optional) Effective From and Effective to can be configured to specify install period. If it remains blank, install
will be always performed when a new workstation is added.
15. After CAL installation ends at workstations, a folder named Harmonized will be created at:
16. Do the same if you are using Linux or Simphony Essentials

26 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
17. At inferior left corner hit Add Custom CAL Package

18. At dialog box enter CAL Package Location path or search it using search box. The Cal Package files are available
on installation package. Click OK
19. …\Simphony\CAL_Simphony\LINUXCLIENT
20. Confirm data and hit Upload
21. Click on Deployment Schedules tab and Add Deployment

27 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
Before you start
Installation steps will be presented at this manual for both types, Oracle Partner and Oracle Fiscal Adapter. You will find
differentiation between steps thought icon indicator.


Indicates that the configuration step or feature only applies to Oracle Fiscal Partner

Indicates that the configuration step or feature only applies when using Oracle Fiscal Adapter

Indicates that the configuration step or feature applies to an Oracle Fiscal Partner or Oracle Fiscal

6.1 Oracle Hospitality Simphony – Configuration

Simphony EMC – Enterprise Management Console

Step 1 – Create/Configure Data Extensions

1. At Enterprise level, go to Configuration > Reporting and Data > Data Extensions.
2. It is important to create Data Extensions names without space character.
3. Please note that Data Extension List below contains Table options, select the best hierarchy fit for the Oracle
Customer. Also note that, for Simphony Essentials RVC Data Extensions are not available.
4. Create new Data Extensions following the table below:



71 - Tender/Media MX_FE_BnkChk 4 - Boolean - [MX FE] Account Num (Bank


71 - Tender/Media MX_FE_BnkCrd 4 - Boolean - [MX FE] Last 4 Digits (Bank Card)

71 - Tender/Media MX_FE_PymTdr 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Payment Tender (SAT

71 - Tender/Media MX_FE_RomChg 4 - Boolean - [MX FE] Room Charge

1001 – Property or MX_FE_CdeFct 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Code Factors (SAT Code)
20 - Revenue Center

1001 – Property or MX_FE_CdeTxs 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Code Taxes (SAT Code)

28 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
20 - Revenue Center

1001 – Property or MX_FE_Crrncy 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Currency (SAT Code)
20 - Revenue Center

1001 – Property or MX_FE_DflASC 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Default Automatic
20 - Revenue Center

1001 – Property or MX_FE_DflCsh 0 - Text Max Chars: 40 [MX FE] Default Tender Cash
Lines: 20
20 - Revenue Center

1001 – Property or MX_FE_DstnHT 8 - Text List (List) HEADER | [MX FE] Header Trailer
TRAILER Destination
20 - Revenue Center

1001 – Property or MX_FE_HdrTlr 1 - Multiline Max Chars: 40 [MX FE] Header Trailer
Text Lines: 20
20 - Revenue Center

20 - Revenue Center or MX_FE_PdcCde 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Product Code (SAT
131 - Menu Item Master or
134 - Menu Item
Definition or
1001 – Property

1001 – Property or MX_FE_PymMtd 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Payment Method (SAT
20 - Revenue Center

20 - Revenue Center or MX_FE_UntMsr 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Unit Measure (SAT
131 - Menu Item Master or
134 - Menu Item
Definition or
1001 – Property

1001 – Property MX_FE_LytVsn 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Layout Version CFDI

29 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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20 - Revenue Center or MX_FE_SubTax 0 - Text Max Chars: 128 [MX FE] Subject to Tax (SAT
131 - Menu Item Master or
134 - Menu Item
Definition or
1001 – Property

41 – Workstation HarmonyConfig 11 - XML - -


41 – Workstation HarmonyLocalConfig 11 - XML - -


To let the Data Extensions better organized; define the Sort Priority for Harmonized Interface Data
TIP Extensions stay grouped.

Step 2 – Create/Configure Data Extensions – Property Exclusively

The Oracle Partner or the Oracle Customer may have the necessity to create other Data Extension to complete fiscal
requirements or electronic invoice needs. Consult the Oracle Customer or Partner to create additional Data Extension.

Step 3 – Create/Configure Tax Rates

Payload – Consult Oracle Hospitality Customer regarding Tax Rates configuration

Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter – Configure the “Tax Rates” as “Included, Percentage” (or modify the existing ones,
at the Enterprise, Zone or Property level).
1. At EMC, at desired level, go to Setup > Tax Rates. Screen below will be showed


2. Only TASA and EXENTO Factor Taxes will be supported, therefore, CUOTA Factor Taxes are not included within
the MX FE functionality.
3. Menu Items, Discounts, Manual Service Charges that are required to be classified as “No-Grabables”, should
NOT have a Tax Classes linked, as there are also Taxes called “IVA Tasa Cero Y Exento” and these concepts are
not the same fiscally.
4. Simphony does not calculate taxes for Automatic Service Charge, Charge Tips and Manual Service Charge that
have the parameter 3-Post to Charged Tips Total on Tips Reports activated, these must classify as “No
Grabables”, they should NOT have any Tax Classes configured. MX FE functionality will omit the tax calculation
for Service Charges of this type.

30 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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5. If Discounts configured require reporting Taxes (this is how they are normally configured); these must have
activated (enabled) and without exception, all the Taxes defined and used in the Property. Failure to activate all
of them will cause inconsistencies in the amounts reported for the different Taxes.
6. All Order Types defined at the Property, must have All Tax Rates in use enabled. Failure to activate them all will
cause inconsistencies in the amounts reported for the different Taxes.
7. Items and Service Charges that are exempt from taxes, should not have Tax Rate / Tax Classes Configured. The
MX FE functionality will validate the status of this parameter, based on the “Configure SAT Taxes (Codes)”

Step 4 – Configure Tax Related Data Extensions

1. Configure the SAT Codes identified as the [MX FE] Code Taxes (SAT Code) Data Extension.
2. Be aware that it is feasible to set these parameters at two levels, make sure to select the one that best fit to the
Oracle Customer:
a. Property or
b. Revenue Center
3. It is mandatory that all Tax Rates configured in Micros, be related to the value corresponding to the SAT Tax
Code Catalog. If in the future, the Property requires configuring a new Tax, is mandatory to configure it (add it)
also in this section. Leaving empty (null), incorrectly configuring, or omitting this parameter will cause the
incorrect delivery of the information to the PAC, generating tax implications.



[ 10 ] is the Tax Rate # for the IVA[X%] Tax

[ = ] is the Separator Character
[ 002 ] is the SAT IVA Code
[ ; ] is the block Separator Character
[ 11 ] is the Tax Rate # for the IVA[X%] Tax
[ = ] is the Separator Character
[ 002 ] is the SAT IVA Code
[ ; ] is the block Separator Character
[ 12 ] is the Tax Rate # for the Exento[X%] Tax
[ = ] is the Separator Character
[ 002 ] is the SAT Exento Code
[ ; ] is the block Separator Character
[ 13 ] is the Tax Rate # for the IEPS[X%] Tax [ 14 ] is the Tax Rate # for the IEPS[X%] Tax
[ = ] is the Separator Character [ = ] is the Separator Character
[ 003 ] is the SAT IEPS Code [ 003 ] is the SAT IEPS Code


ISR 001

IVA 002

IEPS 003

4. Configure the [MX FE] Code Factors (SAT Code) Data Extension. Be aware that it is feasible to set these
parameters at two levels: “Property” or “Revenue Center”

31 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
5. It is mandatory that all Tax Rates configured in Micros, be related to the value corresponding to the SAT Tax
Factor Catalog. If in the future, the Property requires configuring a new Tax, is mandatory to configure it (add it)
also in this section. Leaving empty (null), incorrectly configuring, or omitting this parameter will cause the
incorrect delivery of the information to the PAC, generating tax implications



[ 10 ] is the Tax Rate # for the IVA[X%] Tax

[ = ] is the Separator Character
[ T ] is the SAT IVA Code
[ ; ] is the block Separator Character
[ 11 ] is the Tax Rate # for the IVA[X%] Tax
[ = ] is the Separator Character
[ T ] is the SAT IVA Code
[ ; ] is the block Separator Character
[ 12 ] is the Tax Rate # for the Exento[X%] Tax
[ = ] is the Separator Character
[ E ] is the SAT Exento Code
[ ; ] is the block Separator Character
[ 13 ] is the Tax Rate # for the IEPS[X%] Tax [ 14 ] is the Tax Rate # for the IEPS[X%] Tax
[ = ] is the Separator Character [ = ] is the Separator Character
[ T ] is the SAT IEPS Code [ T ] is the SAT IEPS Code


Tasa T

Cuota C

Exento E

Step 5 – Create/Configure Tax Classes

Payload – Consult Oracle Customer or Partner regarding Tax Rates configuration

Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter – Follow steps below to configure Data Extensions
These configurations are (obligatorily) linked with the following parameters, which must also be configured based on
the needs of the Property. It is important to indicate that if multiple taxes are used, then a Tax Class must be created that
has all the configured Tax Rates for Mexico activated and link those especially for Discounts and Order Types.
Menu Items
(Zone) Property | Configuration | Menu Items | Menu Items Classes and Menu Item Maintenance
(If required, activate the necessary Tax Rates for each Tax Classes to be linked)
Service Charges
(Zone) Property | Configuration | Sales | Service Charges

32 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
(If required, activate the necessary Tax Rates for each Tax Classes to be linked, if the Service Charge is not used as
Automatic Service Charge, Charge tip or is used manually and the parameter 3-Post to Charged Tips Total is activated
on Tips Reports)
(Zone) Property | Configuration | Sales | Discounts
(Activate all the Tax Rates used in the Property for each Tax Classes to be linked)
Order Types
(Zone) Property | Setup | Sales | Taxes and Order Types | Order Type Parameters
(Activate all the necessary Tax Rates for each Tax Classes to be linked)
1. At EMC, at desired level, go to Setup > Tax Classes. Screen below will be showed

2. Select the desired taxes and link then to their correspondent Tax Rate

Step 6 – Configure Tax Parameters

Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter – Follow steps below to configure Tax Parameters
1. In EMC go to Setup > Tax Parameters > International Options
2. Make sure that option 1 - On= Apply Tax as Add-On; OFF= Apply Tax as VAT is Not Selected
3. Make sure that option 13 - Truncate Inclusive Taxes is Not Selected

Step 7 – Configure Tender/Media

Payload – Consult Oracle Customer or Partner regarding Discounts configuration

Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter – Follow steps below to configure Tender Media
1. In EMC go to Configuration > Sales > Tender/Media.
2. Set for all Tenders defined as Payment, the option 22 - Print Check Trailer at Options/Printing Options tab
3. Set for the Reprint Check Service Total record, the option 22 - Print Check Trailer at Options/Printing Options tab

33 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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4. Configure the Data Extension [MX FE] Room Charge value for all/any the Room Charge Payment if applicable
5. Configure the Data Extension Value [MX FE] Last 4 Digits (Bank Card) to activate the last 4 CC number prompt
(required) when using Credit/Debit Cards
6. If the Property uses STS, create new Credit/Debit Cards Tender Media records without the Data Extension [MX
FE] Last 4 Digits (Bank Card) selected to be used by the STS Application.

7. Select the Option 68 - Mask Account Number for all Credit/Debit Cards and make sure that Option 5 - Reference
Entry Required at Options/Ops Behavior Tab is unchecked

8. Make sure also, that Option 5 - Reference Entry Required at Options/Ops Behavior Tab is unchecked for Cheque
Bancario Tender
34 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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9. Reference entry for Cheque Bancario will be required activating the [MX FE] Account Num (Bank Check) Data

10. If the Property uses STS, create new Cheque Bancario Tender Media records without the Data Extension [MX FE]
Account Num (Bank Check) selected to be used by the STS Application.
11. Configure [MX FE] Payment Tender (SAT Code) for each Tender following the table below


01 Efectivo

02 Cheque nominative

03 Transferencia electrónica de fondos

04 Tarjeta de crédito

05 Monedero electrónico

06 Dinero electrónico

08 Vales de despensa

12 Dación en pago

13 Pago por subrogación

14 Pago por consignación

15 Condonación

17 Compensación

23 Novación

24 Confusión

25 Remisión de deuda

26 Prescripción o caducidad

35 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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27 A satisfacción del acreedor

28 Tarjeta de débito

29 Tarjeta de servicios

30 Aplicación de anticipos

99 Por definir

Step 8 – Configure Currency

Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter – Follow steps below to configure Currency.

1. In EMC, at Property Level, go to Setup > Currency Parameters > Configuration Tab
2. Make sure that Base Currency is configured and the option 4 – Round Currency is Not Selected

Step 9 – Configure Property (Enterprise Level)

Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter – Follow steps below to configure Adapter custom settings for Units of Measure,
Currency, SAT Payment Method SAT Product Code, Header | Trailer Destination and Header | Trailer Contents.
Be aware that it is feasible to set these parameters at two or more levels, make sure to select the one that best fit to the
Oracle Customer:
• Property
• Revenue Center
• Menu Item Master
• Menu Item Definition

SAT Currency Code

1. Configure the [MX FE] Currency (SAT Code) Data Extension to reflect the Base Currency. Data Extension can be
configured at Property or Revenue Center Levels.

36 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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MXN Peso Mexicano

USD Dolar Americano

SAT Payment Method

1. Configure the [MX FE] Payment Method (SAT Code) Data Extension to reflect the SAT required data. Data
Extension can be configured at Property or Revenue Center Levels.


PUE Pago en una sola exhibición

PPD Pago en parcialidades o diferido

SAT Units of Measure

1. Configure the [MX FE] Unit Measure (SAT Code) Data Extension to reflect SAT required Data. Data Extension can
be configured at Property, Revenue Center, Menu Item Master or Menu Item Definition Levels.

37 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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H87 Pieza

KGM Kilogramo

GK Gramo por kilogramo

SAT Product Codes

1. Configure the [MX FE] Product Code (SAT Code) Data Extension to reflect SAT required Data. Data Extension can
be configured at Property, Revenue Center, Menu Item Master or Menu Item Definition Levels.


90101500 Establecimientos para comer y beber

90101501 Restaurantes

90101502 Bares

90101503 Establecimientos de comida rápida

90101600 Servicios de banquetes y catering

38 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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90101601 Instalaciones para banquetes

90101602 Servicios de carpas para fiestas

90101603 Servicios de cáterin

90101700 Servicios de cafetería

90101800 Servicios de comida para llevar y a domicilio

90101801 Comidas para llevar preparadas profesionalmente

90101802 Servicios de comidas a domicilio

90111601 Centros de conferencias

90111602 Instalaciones para videoconferencias

90111603 Salas de reuniones o banquetes

Header or Trailer Destination

1. Configure the [MX FE] Header Trailer Destination Data Extension to select if custom content will be printed at the
Header or Trailer section of the invoice. Data Extension can be configured at Property or Revenue Center Levels.

Header or Trailer Contents

1. Configure the [MX FE] Header Trailer to configure Invoice related information to the chosen section. Data
Extension can be configured at Property or Revenue Center Levels.

39 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public

@ Centralize the Line Contents

@@ Line Feed

@REFE@ Invoice Reference Number

Print Example:

Thank you for visiting us
REFERENCIA: 13080006002744

Default Automatic Service Charge

1. Configure the # of the Automatic Service Charge at [MX FE] Default Automatic Service Charge for the property.
Data Extension can be configured at Property or Revenue Center Levels. Fill 0 if the property is not using
Automatic Service Charge.

Default Tender Cash

1. Configure the [MX FE] Default Tender Cash for the property. Data Extension can be configured at Property or
Revenue Center Levels. Enter the Default Tender Object Number. This is a mandatory configuration to allow the
correct handling of the change due.

CFDI Version
1. Configure the [MX FE] Layout Version CFDI (SAT) for the property. Please check with the Oracle Customer what
is the value required from his PAC. Default value is to indicate the Electronic Invoice SAT Version 3.3.

3.3 to comply with CFDI 3.3

[MX FE] Layout Version CFDI (SAT)
4.0 to comply with CFDI 4.0

SAT Subject Tax

1. Configure the [MX FE] Subject to Tax (SAT Code) for the property. Data Extension can be configured at Property,
Revenue Center, Menu Item Master, or Menu Item Definition Levels. Please check with the Oracle Customer what
is the value required from his PAC.

01 Ítem(s) No son Objeto de impuesto

02 Ítem(s) Sí Objeto de impuesto

03 Ítem(s) Sí Objeto de impuesto y no obligado a desglose

40 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Step 10 – Configure Property Parameters (Property Level) for Simphony Essentials

Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter – For Simphony Essentials only, configure the following parameter:
1. Access at EMC, select the Property and go to Setup > Parameters Property Parameters > Simphony Essentials
2. Enable the Fiscal Location as Mexico.
3. This setting will enable Fiscal Main and Mexico Functions buttons at POS Manager Procedures screen

Step 11 – Configure Format Parameters

Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter – Configure the following parameter:

1. Access at EMC, select Enterprise or Property and go to Setup > Format Parameters > Options
2. Enable the 51 - Print Full Check Detail During Void Closed Check option bit
3. Any other options can also be set as per Oracle customer requirement

Step 12 – Touchscreen Buttons Configuration

Harmonized Interface implements a set of touchscreen buttons to enable additional features to the users. Please see at
table below buttons names and purpose.


View Harmonized Core Opens a Screen that enables the POS User to View Harmonized Core Configuration
Configuration for this workstation

View Harmonized Local Opens a Screen that enables the POS User to View Harmonized Local Configuration
Configurations for this workstation

Export Harmonized Core Export to an XML file the Harmonized Core Configuration for this workstation.
Configuration Export file can be found at X:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer folder as

Export Harmonized Local Export to an XML file the Harmonized Local Configuration for this workstation.
Configuration Export file can be found at X:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer folder as

Consult FIP Version and PAC Execute a list of commands for this Country.

Export Sales Report (CSV) Exports from Local Datasore or CheckPosting Databases Fiscal information when

Force Next Fiscal Numbering Before dropping a database or deleting data from a specific table, be sure to know
the previous/last Invoice Number. You will need the sequential number from the
system reestablish Fiscal Functionality at the Workstation.

Use Force Next Numbering Touchscreen Button to set the new <Sequential
Number> after restoring a Database.

Payload Invoice Status Opens a Screen that enables the POS User to View Invoice Statuses for this

Reprint Last Invoice Reprints the Last Approved Invoice

41 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Reprint Invoice by Selection Reprints an Invoice by Selecting a check from a list

Get Version Number from Opens a Screen that enables the POS User to View the Harmonized Resources
Harmonized Components Versions

Reset Harmonized Internal Reset the Fiscal Numbering

Numbering Sequence

Audit Harmonized Internal Opens a Screen that enables the POS User to audit the Reset the IRN <Sequential
Numbering Sequence Number> procedure

1. Access at EMC Configuration > Page Design

2. Please note that Simphony Essentials does not allow you to create buttons. Harmonized available commands
will be available at POS under Manager Functions > Manager Procedures > Fiscal Main Functions and Fiscal
Mexico Functions
3. Create a Fiscal screen or Tab under functions or place the following buttons at the desired page.
4. Create new buttons in Simphony, select type Function / Run Extensibility App with arguments according to
table below.


Consult FIP Version and PAC type=dll;appname=Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyInterface;fil


Void Closed Check (Fiscal Invoice Cancel) type=dll;appname=Oracle.HarmonySimphonyInterface;fil


Consult Invoice Status Type=dll;appname=Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyInterface;fi


View Configurations Type=dll;appname=Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyInterface;fi


Export Configurations Type=dll;appname=Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyInterface;fi


Reprint Last Invoice type=dll;appname=Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyInterface;fil


Reprint Select Invoice type=dll;appname=Oracle.Harmony.SimphonyInterface;fil


42 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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To perform the Void Closed Check by Check Number, POS users must have the Void Check Key privilege. At
TIP EMC go to Personnel> Roles> Operations> Void/ Returns: Option 36 - Authorize/Use the [Void Check] Key

Step 13 – Configure Workstations

Configurations showed in this topic must be done for each Workstation. Harmonized Core for Oracle Fiscal Mexico
Adapter is already configured, and you will only need to Copy and Paste specific XML Configuration into Simphony EMC

1. You can find these settings at Installation Package, searching at the following path:
a. …Harmonized FI POS 23.X\Custom Additional Files\HarmonyConfig.xml
b. …Harmonized FI POS 23.X\Custom Additional Files\HarmonyLocalConfig.xml
2. At EMC, if you already created the two Workstations Data Extensions – HarmonyConfig and
HarmonyLocalConfig – select Property level and go to Setup > Hardware/Interfaces > Workstations.
3. Go to Data Extensions tab and locate both Data Extensions.
4. Open the HarmonyConfig.xml file, copy and paste settings for each Workstation available at the Property
5. Do the same procedure for the HarmonyLocalConfig.xml




<HarmonyServerIP>Enter the Harmonized Server IP Number Here</HarmonyServerIP>

43 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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<!--IP address of the server from Socket PAC Service is running.-->
<!--Listen port of the server from Socket PAC Service is running.-->
<!--Time to wait for PAC Service Response.-->
<!--Write port of the server from Socket PAC Service is running.-->
<!--Activate or deactivate the request for the generation of PAC FIP. Enter "true" to
deactivate PAC FIP, "false" to leave it active-->
<!--If activated, all error messages will be shown on the screen for any failure in case of PAC
FIP Service Fails. Enter "true" to activate, "false" to deactivate.-->
<!--Activate or deactivate the request for the generation Cancel of PAC FIP Checks. Enter
"true" to activate PAC FIP, "false" to leave it deactivate.
Only activate when the PAC supports Check Cancel messages.-->

Step 14 – Configuring Simphony Transaction Services Workstation

Please follow the steps below to create and configure STS GEN1 or GEN2 and Harmonized.

1. In the EMC, select Property level and go to Setup > Hardware/Interfaces > Workstations.
2. Create a new STS Workstation
3. In General Settings, Select Workstation Type as 3-POSAPI Client
4. Select the “Enable Simphony Transaction Services (Gen1) Location API” Option bit
5. Select the Service Host ID where the workstation runs. In the Address / Host Name field, enter the machine
where Transaction Services is installed.
6. Change HarmonyConfig and set the <TransactionServicesEnabled> to TRUE at the POSAPI Client and
Workstation Client
7. Change HarmonyConfig and set the <ExtensibilityReflectionEnabled> to TRUE at the POSAPI Client and
Workstation Client

Functionalities Not Permitted for Transaction Services

• Currency conversion
• Auto Service Charge
• Automatic Cover Charge
• Any payments towards a negative check total.
• Administrative procedures such as Manual transaction, Paid In/Out and similar functions are not permitted
through transaction services.
44 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Harmonized – Workstation Data Extensions
The following Data Extensions are also required for the STS Workstation POSAPI Client


HarmonyConfig Harmonized Main Configuration XML

HarmonyLocalConfig Local Harmonized Configuration XML

45 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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At this session, Harmonized Core and Adapter Configuration will be presented.

Harmonized Smart Studio - HSS

You can find the Harmonized Smart Studio at Installation Package. Additional configuration may be necessary if you
want to manually configure Harmonized or if you are not using Oracle Fiscal Mexico adapter. Below you can find the
detailed information about each parameter available for Harmonized Interface.

Step 1 – General Settings


Oracle POS Defines Oracle Product

• Simphony

Harmonized Workstation Defines If the Workstation is Harmonized Server or Interface

• Server
• Interface
For Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter choose Server

Use default value for By default, Harmonized POS User Language is set to es-MX. Turn it off to select user
Harmonized POS User language that best fit to the Oracle Customer

Harmonized POS User Select Harmonized POS User Language


Use default value for Log By default, Log Path and Name is set to Product Log File Path and uses Workstation
Path and Name name as definition. Turn it off to select Custom Path and Name that best fit to the
Oracle Customer

Log Path and Name Configure Harmonized Log Path and Name

46 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Use default value for Log By default, Log Level is set to INFO. Turn it off to select Custom Log Level that best fit
Level to the Oracle Customer or momentum.

Log Level By default, you can define level INFO when Customer is in Production. In case of error
or during installation, you can define TRACE or DEBUG level for a more detailed log.

Use default value for Days to By default, Log History maintains 15 days of Log Data
Keep Log History

Days to Keep Log History Set the number of Days that Harmonized will Keep at defined log folder

Use default value for Log file Select this if you want to enable the default value for log file size 1MB
size (MB)

Log file size (MB) Enter the default log file size

Step 2 – Workstation

Use default value for

Harmonized Server IP Turn it on to use default values for Harmonized Server IP.
IP number means local host

Harmonized Server IP IP of Harmonized Interface Server. In case if this WS is a Harmonized Interface Server,
fill this field with WS own IP.
IP can be used if you are using DHCP for the Workstation; Harmonized will
understand this address as localhost.

Use default value for Turn it on to use default values for Harmonized Server Port
Harmonized Server Port

Harmonized Server Port Communication Port for Harmonized Server. By default, it uses port 5002, but any port
can be used if this port is not used by other application and/or is not blocked by any
Firewall rule

Use default value for Use Mixed value to comply with Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter
Harmonized Print Job Type

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Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
Harmonized Print Job Type Choose one of the 4 options available. Please consult the Oracle Partner to define
these options.
• None
• Partner
• Product
• Harmony
• Mixed
For Brazil, use Mixed value to comply with Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter

Transaction Services Enabled True means that Harmonized Interface will process transactions from Simphony STS
GEN1 or GEN2. Configure it only for the Service Host (Harmony Server) that will
process the transactions for the POS API Client (STS).

RVCId to Disable STS Fiscal Enter RVCId to Disable STS Check Fiscal Processing. One or more RVCId can be
Processing for one or more entered. RVCId’s must be entered separated by “,”
Ex.: 1234,5678

Suppress Void Reason Suppress Void Reason Prompt when using Void Closed Check with Harmonized
Prompt Enabled

Days to Keep data of Void Set the number of Days that Harmonized will Keep Internal Transaction Historic Data
Closed Check that can be used with Void Closed Check.
Default value is 30 days

Enable Negative Quantity Support to Menu Item Quantity Voiding for Simphony 19.4 when option 24 - Treat
override for items, discounts, Error Corrects as Voids at Control Parameters is enabled (Negative Items). New
service charges or payments mandatory configuration is present at HarmonyConfig that must be used for ALL
Simphony Versions no matter if the option bit is enabled or disabled.

Remove all Void operations Offers Support for Behaviors filters when something (MI, SVC, Disc, TMED) is used as a
for Behaviors at Parser filter on Parser Behaviors.

Use default value for Local Define WS IP of the Harmonized Interface Server. If this WS is Server, this
Workstation IP configuration will be ignored.

Local Workstation IP Define WS IP of the Harmonized Interface Server. If this WS is Server, this
configuration will be ignored.
IP can be used if you are using DHCP for the Workstation; Harmonized will
understand this address as localhost

Use default value for Local Turn it on to use default values for Harmonized Interface Port
Workstation Port

48 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
Local Workstation Port Communication Port for Harmonized Interface. By default, it uses port 5004, but any
port can be used as long as this port is not used by other application and/or is not
blocked by any Firewall rule

Step 3 – Additional Settings


Full Payload Creation Turn this option on to make Harmonize generate Full Payload. This may only be
Enabled required for support purposes

Use default value for Full By default, Full Payload and Path Name is already configured to Harmonized
Payload Path and Name Standards

Full Payload Path and Name Configure Custom Full Payload creation Path and Name

Use default value for Payload By default, Payload file is saved at HarmonizedPath/Documents/Requests
Save Path

Payload Save Path Configure Custom Payload creation Path

Use default value for By default, Payload file is saved at HarmonizedPath/Documents/Responses

Response Save Path

Response Save Path Configure Custom Response creation Path

Automatic Server Redirection Enable or disable routing between Harmonized Servers


Use default value for Days to By default, Harmonized keep Partner Data on DB for 30 Days
Keep Partner Data on DB

Days to Keep Partner Data on Set the Quantity of Days that Harmonized will keep Partner Data

Reuse Rejected Fiscal You can configure Harmonized to re-use rejected fiscal invoice number when the
Number Enabled previous invoice was rejected

49 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
Use default value for By default, Harmonized Internal Transaction History is maintained for 30 days.
Harmonized Transaction
History Days to Keep on DB

Harmonized Transaction Set the number of Days that Harmonized will Keep Internal Transaction Historic Data
History Days to Keep on DB

Copy Data from Extensibility Enable or disable the function to copy the Extensibility Data to payload Header
Data to Header Enabled

Information above reprint Text to be printed above Receipt Header when Harmonized Reprint feature is used

Information below reprint Text to be printed after Receipt Trailer when Harmonized Reprint feature is used

Step 4 – Oracle Integration Settings


Oracle Partner Fill this field with value of communication adopted by the Oracle Partner. Default value
Communication Mode for Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter is API_NET.

REST Communication Type Enter the Partner REST Server Content Type
• WebClient is for X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED
• WebRequest is for FORM_DATA

REST URL Address Enter the Partner REST Address starting with http://
Use <![CDATA[RESTAddress]]> when REST address contains special characters

REST Username Enter the Oracle Partner REST User name, if applicable.

REST Password Enter the Oracle Partner REST User password, if applicable.

Socket IP Enter Oracle Partner Socket IP if applicable.

50 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
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Socket Port Enter Oracle Partner Socket Port if applicable.

API (Dll) Resource Name Enter the Oracle Partner dll name if API CommMode is configured. Oracle Partner
Resource need to be loaded at:
\Harmonized\Partner.dll – Simphony
Enter Oracle.Fiscal.Mexico.Adapter.dll for Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter

API NET (Dll) Resource Name Enter the Oracle Partner dll name if API_NET CommMode is configured. Oracle Partner
Resource need to be loaded at:
\Harmonized\Partner.dll – Simphony
Enter Oracle.Fiscal.Mexico.Adapter.dll for Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter

Exchange Data Format Default Value is XML, choose JSON if Oracle Partner wants to receive the Payload into
this format

Html Decode Enabled Converts a string that has been HTML-encoded for HTTP transmission into a decoded

Remove Accents Enabled True if Special characters need to be treated

Base64 Enabled True if Base 64 encoding is required by the Oracle Partner

Url Encoded Enabled Converts a string that has been encoded for transmission in a URL into a decoded

Param Name Parameter name for REST Apache Server Tomcat Integration

Step 5 – Oracle Adapter Settings


IP Address where PAC Service Enter PAC Fiscal Service IP Address

is Running

Socket Port where PAC Enter PAC Service Socket Port. Please keep the Default Value 6000
Service is Running

51 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
Persistent Socket Port for Enter Persistent Socket Port value for Linux. Please keep the Default Value 5110

Time to Wait (seconds) for Enter the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that Oracle Fiscal Mexico Adapter can
PAC Service Response wait to receive a response for PAC Fiscal Service

Turn PAC FIP Service Off Turn PAC Fiscal Service Off

Display All Error Messages Display all error messages to operator

from PAC FIP Service

Enable PAC FIP Invoice True activates the Invoice Cancel Procedure either by using the Harmonized Void
Cancel Procedure from POS Closed Check or ringing negative menu items using Transaction Void.
Confirm with the PAC if they support this feature.

Step 6 – Saving and Export Configuration

1. After completing all configurations for one workstation, click at Save Button;
2. Save button allows you to close HSS and return to complete any missing configuration later;
3. Hit Export button to create the two configuration XML required;
4. Configurator will check the entries and will give to you personalized messages if something is not right or missing;

5. For Simphony you will need to transfer these configurations to EMC for each Workstation related Data
Extension. Once you export, the files are located to HSS\Export Folder

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Verify the Creation of Documents Folder Structure

Before executing this step, try to close a check; if any error message appears, analyze and do the fix. Updated Database
and Restart OPS Client.
The Documents folder must contain 3 others called:

For Payload, Harmonized Interface uses the folders:

• Approved: XML of fiscal documents approved
• Created: XML of fiscal documents created
• Rejected: XML of fiscal documents rejected

Verify the Extension Application Harmonized at Workstations (Simphony)

At Workstation, navigate to C:\Micros\Simphony\WebServer\wwwroot\EGateway\Handlers\ExtensionApplications
and Check If Harmonized Folder is created and if all Harmonized Extension Applications (dlls, Parser Template) as well
Cal Package content were loaded.

53 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
Generate a Fiscal Document

The generation of fiscal document is automatic after last payment in the check. In case of success, will occur:
A. XML Payload will be stored in folder APPROVED;
B. Oracle Partner would receive and process EI;
C. The POS check will be closed;
D. A Receipt will be printed (optional in some cases).

If occur any problem during the print of Receipt (step D), the check will be closed because XML is already generated and
If occur an error during the generating of fiscal document, a message will be showed in Simphony with error description.
In this case, the check in Simphony will remain open, waiting a new attempt (new payment), considering that last
payment was aborted. If the check has more than one payment and occur an error during the fiscal document
generation, it is needed make only the last payment again.
The Payload file name pattern is Pay + WorkstationID + "_" + CheckNum + "_" + "FiscalNumber" + "_" + Timestamp.

Check Fiscal Document Status

This functionality shows a list of fiscal documents that status changed in the last 24 hours. The fiscal documents more
recent appears first. Screen below will be showed:

View Config
This function shows a screen with Full Harmonized Interface configuration.

Export Config
This function save on ServiceHost.exe’s folder (usually is Micros/Simphony/WebServer) an xml with Harmonized
Interface Configuration.

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Support Best Practices and Issues Handling

An issue submitted by the customer requires a proper investigation from the support entity; this issue needs to be
initially categorized identifying the issue as the correct issue type.
1. Configuration error
2. Change request
3. Software defect (bug)
To complete the categorization it is necessary to do an initial investigation to identify characteristics, origin and the
behavior of the escalated issue.
For fiscal modules in particular, it is needed to collect proper information and details to avoid possible configuration
issues or user not allowed interactions.
In some cases the user can identify an error message as an issue, which in reality may be an expected behavior as some
fiscal regulations require a predefined transaction to avoid possible issue, which may affect the local regulations.
For example, normally a fiscal transaction cannot mix two different types of payment if one of those is sent to a third
party system (e.g. PMS), in this case the fiscal module will raise an error not allowing the user to close the check.
Fiscal modules are, in general, add-on applications which are running on top of the core product, among others such
modules have an own installation procedure and an own configuration requirement.

Issues Diagnostic/Troubleshoot steps

1. Is this a software defect?
2. Verify the correct configuration for the core product.
3. Verify the correct configuration for the fiscal module.
4. Verify product version to be the current one.
5. Verify fiscal module version to be current one, if not current site must upgrade to current version.
6. Evaluate the log information stored by the core product application.
7. Evaluate the log information stored by the core product application.
8. Can the issue be reproduced?
In order to escalate to development certain criteria have to be met including:
• Validate the issue using the steps listed above also classifying the nature of the issue accordingly.
• Verify the issue reported is correctly analyzed and all the necessary steps has been processed in trying to solve
the issue.
• Collect all the required information outlined in the BUG DB escalation template.
• Collect all the information to reproduce the issue, outlining in details how the issue can be reproduced on a
sample non-customer database.
When all of the above points have been validated and the level 2 representative identified the issue as BUG, then the
issue should be escalated to development.
It is mandatory to enter the customer name affected by the BUG, it not accepted to enter as customer INTERNAL. A BUG
without the customer name or customer name INTERNAL will be rejected.
Please note that fiscal modules in several cases store fiscal information in the local databases, such as checkpostingdb,
datastore database, but also on external databases residing on the workstation, CAPS or on the application server.
Before dropping a database or deleting data from a specific table, be sure to know what you are doing, as in some cases
such purge operations may cause fiscal issues to the customer.

Issues Escalation
The escalation to development happens only and solely through the BUGDB platform. The product group ID to be used
is 13224 (HGBU Fiscal Layer), components and subcomponents must be selected.
The severity shall be selected based on the incident severity.
1. Complete Loss of Service
2. Severe Loss of Service
3. Minimal Loss of Service
4. Minor Error, No Loss of Service
55 Harmonized Interface for POS | Oracle MICROS Fiscal Solution for Mexico | Version
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Public
Only in case of complete loss of service, no transactions possible at all, severity 1 shall be selected.
The escalated issue must contain all of the required information to allow development to provide proper assistance
doing an appropriate research. The information required shall include but not limited to the information listed in the
escalation template.

BUG DB Escalation template

The information listed in this template must be provided to the development department when an issue is escalated
through BUGDB. Only after all the required information are provided, the development team can continue investigating
the escalated issue.
If the escalated issue does not contain the expected and herewith listed information, not fulfilling the guidelines outlined
in this document, the issue will be rejected.
• Select Product ID 13224
• Select the right component
• Select the right sub component
• Select the right priority
• All the communication in English language.
• Detailed description of the error(s).
• Origin of the issue = Country, Region, Customer.
• Product affected by the issue.
• Fiscal Module affected by the issue.
• Core Product Version e.g. Simphony 2.9 MR 1 Patch 1.
• Fiscal module version e.g. Fiscal layer version 3.3.2 / eFactu 10.2.7.
• Core product log files e.g. POS . eGateway.log files for Simphony (No fragmented files accepted).
• Fiscal module log files e.g. for fiscal layer to be found under \Micros\Simphony\FiscalLayer\LOGS , at PMS in
each terminal for efactu under system32/efactulog or syswow64/efactulogs folders.
• Steps to reproduce sample, 1. Start a check, 2. ring a menu item 3. Pay the check, 4. Observe the error.
For Harmonized Interface issues please also add:
• Message and Print Screen
• Action taken to correct the issue
• Steps to reproduce
• Workstation name and number
• Harmonized Interface last log files
• Harmonized Interface Parser Template
• Harmonized Interface Configuration

Feature Requests
In case of feature requests, it is necessary to provide a copy of the legislation stating the requirement, including a
detailed description of the expected feature for the operational point of view.

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