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21c Fleet Patching and Provisioning Administrators Guide

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Oracle® Fleet Patching and

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Administrator's Guide

June 2021
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Administrator's Guide, 21c


Copyright © 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Subhash Chandra

Contributors: Eric Belden

Contributors: Ludovico Caldara, Jonathan Creighton, Kamalesh Ramasamy, Kannan S. Viswanathan, Rahul
Desale, Ricardo A. Gonzalez, Ricardo Tamez Durandeau, Sampath Ravindhran, Siddharth Shankaran, Soo
Huey Wong

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1 Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning

About Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning 1-1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Architecture 1-3
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 1-4
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Targets 1-4
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients 1-5
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Images 1-6
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Working Copies 1-6
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features 1-7

2 Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configuration

Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 2-1
Server Configuration Checklist for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning 2-1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Communication Ports 2-2
Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 2-5
Upgrading Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 2-6
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Self-upgrade 2-7
Starting Oracle FPP Server After Manually Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure 2-7
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients 2-8
Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client 2-8
Enabling and Disabling Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients 2-10
Deleting a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client 2-10
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode 2-11
About Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode 2-12
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Local-Mode Configuration 2-12
Patching Oracle Database with the Independent Automaton 2-13

3 Managing Gold Images and Working Copies

Adding Gold Images to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 3-1
Image State 3-2
Image Series 3-3

Image Type 3-3
Provisioning Copies of Gold Images 3-4
Storage Options for Provisioned Software 3-5
Provisioning for a Different User 3-6
User Group Management in Fleet Patching and Provisioning 3-6
Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Homes 3-8
About Deploying Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning 3-9
Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Software 3-10
Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c With GIMR Configured 3-11
Provisioning Oracle Database Homes 3-12

4 Patching and Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure

Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure 4-1
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using the Rolling Method 4-2
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using the Non-Rolling Method 4-3
Combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database Patching 4-3
Zero-Downtime Oracle Grid Infrastructure Patching 4-5
Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure 4-6
Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c With GIMR Configured 4-7
Oracle Restart Patching and Upgrading 4-8

5 Patching and Upgrading Oracle Database

Creating an Oracle Database 5-1
Patching Oracle Database 5-2
Upgrading Oracle Database Software 5-4
Zero-Downtime Upgrade 5-4
Running a Zero-Downtime Upgrade Using Oracle GoldenGate for Replication 5-6
Running a Zero-Downtime Upgrade Using Oracle Data Guard for Replication 5-8
Customizing Zero-Downtime Upgrades 5-9

6 Updating Oracle Exadata Infrastructure

Updating Oracle Exadata Cell Server 6-1
Updating Oracle Exadata Database Node 6-2
Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update 6-3
Updating Oracle Exadata InfiniBand Switches 6-6

7 Fleet Patching and Provisioning Postinstallation Tasks
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Security Postinstallation Tasks 7-1
Authentication Options for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Operations 7-1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Roles 7-3
Creating Users and Assigning Roles for Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
Cluster Users 7-5
Managing the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client Password 7-5
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server Auditing 7-6
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations 7-6
User-Defined Actions 7-7
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Notifications 7-13
Job Scheduler for Operations 7-14
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database Using Batches 7-15
Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update 7-19
Gold Image Distribution Among Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers 7-21
Error Prevention and Automated Recovery Options 7-24
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Logs and Trace Files 7-25

8 Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Use Cases

Creating an Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c Deployment 8-2
Provisioning an Oracle Database Home and Creating a Database 8-3
Provisioning a Pluggable Database 8-3
Upgrading to Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c 8-4
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Databases Simultaneously 8-5
Patching Oracle Database 21c Without Downtime 8-6
Upgrading to Oracle Database 21c 8-7
Adding a Node to a Cluster and Scaling an Oracle RAC Database to the Node 8-8
Adding Gold Images for Fleet Patching and Provisioning 8-9
User Actions for Common Fleet Patching and Provisioning Tasks 8-10

A RHPCTL Command Reference

RHPCTL Overview A-1
Using RHPCTL Help A-2
RHPCTL Command Reference A-2
audit Commands A-3
rhpctl delete audit A-3
rhpctl modify audit A-4
rhpctl query audit A-4
client Commands A-5

rhpctl add client A-6
rhpctl allow client A-7
rhpctl delete client A-8
rhpctl disallow client A-9
rhpctl discover client A-10
rhpctl export client A-11
rhpctl modify client A-11
rhpctl query client A-12
rhpctl update client A-14
rhpctl verify client A-14
credentials Commands A-15
rhpctl add credentials A-16
rhpctl delete credentials A-16
database Commands A-16
rhpctl add database A-17
rhpctl addnode database A-19
rhpctl addpdb database A-21
rhpctl deletepdb database A-22
rhpctl delete database A-23
rhpctl deletenode database A-24
rhpctl move database A-26
rhpctl movepdb database A-30
rhpctl upgrade database A-31
rhpctl zdtupgrade database A-33
exadata Commands A-36
rhpctl update exadata A-36
gihome Commands A-38
rhpctl addnode gihome A-38
rhpctl deletenode gihome A-39
rhpctl move gihome A-40
rhpctl upgrade gihome A-44
image Commands A-46
rhpctl add image A-46
rhpctl allow image A-47
rhpctl delete image A-48
rhpctl deploy image A-48
rhpctl disallow image A-49
rhpctl import image A-50
rhpctl instantiate image A-52
rhpctl modify image A-53
rhpctl query image A-53

rhpctl promote image A-55
rhpctl uninstantiate image A-55
imagetype Commands A-56
rhpctl add imagetype A-56
rhpctl allow imagetype A-57
rhpctl delete imagetype A-58
rhpctl disallow imagetype A-58
rhpctl modify imagetype A-58
rhpctl query imagetype A-59
job Commands A-60
rhpctl delete job A-60
rhpctl query job A-61
osconfig Commands A-62
rhpctl collect osconfig A-63
rhpctl compare osconfig A-63
rhpctl disable osconfig A-64
rhpctl enable osconfig A-64
rhpctl query osconfig A-65
peerserver Commands A-65
rhpctl query peerserver A-66
role Commands A-66
rhpctl add role A-66
rhpctl delete role A-68
rhpctl grant role A-68
rhpctl query role A-69
rhpctl revoke role A-70
series Commands A-71
rhpctl add series A-71
rhpctl delete series A-72
rhpctl deleteimage series A-72
rhpctl insertimage series A-73
rhpctl query series A-74
rhpctl subscribe series A-75
rhpctl unsubscribe series A-76
server Commands A-76
rhpctl export server A-76
rhpctl query server A-77
rhpctl register server A-77
rhpctl unregister server A-78
user Commands A-78
rhpctl delete user A-78

rhpctl modify user A-79
rhpctl register user A-79
rhpctl unregister user A-80
useraction Commands A-80
rhpctl add useraction A-80
rhpctl delete useraction A-82
rhpctl modify useraction A-82
rhpctl query useraction A-83
workingcopy Commands A-84
rhpctl add workingcopy A-85
rhpctl addnode workingcopy A-91
rhpctl delete workingcopy A-92
rhpctl query workingcopy A-93


Information in Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Administrator's Guide applies to Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning as it runs on all platforms unless otherwise noted. Where
necessary, this manual refers to platform-specific documentation.
This Preface contains these topics:
• Audience
• Documentation Accessibility
• Related Documents
• Conventions
• Audience
• Documentation Accessibility
• Related Documents
• Conventions

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Administrator's Guide is intended for database
administrators and system administrators who provision and maintain Oracle homes.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My
Oracle Support. For information, visit
or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Related Documents
For more information, see the Oracle resources listed in this section.
• Platform-specific Oracle Clusterware and Oracle RAC installation guides
Each platform-specific Oracle Database gold image contains a copy of an Oracle
Clusterware and Oracle RAC platform-specific installation and configuration guide in
HTML and PDF formats. These installation books contain the preinstallation, installation,
and postinstallation information for the various UNIX, Linux, and Windows platforms on
which Oracle Clusterware and Oracle RAC operate.
• Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide


• Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide

• Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide
• Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide
• Oracle Database Error Messages Reference

See Also:

• Oracle Database Licensing Information User Manual to determine

whether a feature is available on your edition of Oracle Database
• Learning Database New Features for a complete description of the new
features in this release
• Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for a complete description of the
deprecated and desupported features in this release

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning is a software lifecycle management method for
provisioning and maintaining Oracle homes.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) enables mass deployment and
maintenance of standard operating environments for databases, clusters, and user-defined
software types. With Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning, you can also install clusters and
provision, patch, scale, and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database 11g
release 2 (11.2), and later. Additionally, you can provision applications and middleware.

Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c, the feature formerly known as Rapid
Home Provisioning (RHP) is now Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle

• About Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (FPP) is a service in Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Architecture
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning architecture consists of an Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server and any number of Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Clients and targets.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (FPP) provides various features to ease
configuration and management tasks.
Related Topics
• Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX

About Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (FPP) is a service in Oracle Grid Infrastructure.


• Oracle does not support Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning on HP-UX or
Windows operating systems.
• The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server does not manage operating
system images.

You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning in either of the following modes:

Chapter 1
About Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning

• As a central server (Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server), that stores
and manages standardized images, called gold images. You can deploy gold
images to any number of nodes across a data center. You can use the deployed
homes to create new clusters and databases, and patch, upgrade, and scale
existing installations.
The server manages software homes on the cluster hosting the Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server, itself, Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Clients, and can also manage installations running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 11g
release 2 ( and, 12c release 1 (, and later releases. The
server can also manage installations running no grid infrastructure.
An Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can provision new installations
and can manage existing installations without any changes to the existing
installations (such as no agent, daemon, or configuration prerequisites). Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers also include capabilities for automatically
sharing gold images among peer Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers
to support enterprises with geographically distributed data centers.
• As a client (Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client), that can be managed
from the central Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server or directly by
running commands on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, itself. As
with the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, the Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Client is a service built in to Oracle Grid Infrastructure and is
available with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 2 (, and later. The
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client service can retrieve gold images
from the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, upload new images based
on policy, and apply maintenance operations to itself.
For patching operations, a third option is available with Oracle Database and Oracle
Grid Infrastructure 18c, and later. The procedures for updating database and grid
infrastructure homes have been modularized into independent automatons that are
included with Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure, and can be run locally
without any central Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server in the architecture.
This provides an immediate entry point to the capabilities of Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning as soon as you bring up an Oracle Database or cluster.

Combined Oracle FPP patching for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle
Database is not supported for standalone configurations.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Advantages

Deploying Oracle software using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning has the
following advantages:
• Ensures standardization and enables high degrees of automation with gold images
and managed lineage of deployed software.
• Minimizes downtime by deploying new homes as images (working copies of gold
images) out-of-place, without disrupting active databases or clusters.
• Simplifies local maintenance operations by providing automatons which are
invoked with a simple, consistent API across database versions and deployment

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Architecture

• Reduces maintenance risk with built-in validations and a dry run mode to test the
• Enables you to resume or restart the commands in the event of an unforeseen issue,
reducing the impact of maintenance operations.
• Minimizes and often eliminates the impact of patching and upgrades, with features that
– Zero-downtime database upgrade with fully automated upgrade, executed entirely
within the deployment without requiring any extra nodes or external storage.
– Adaptive management of database sessions and OJVM during rolling patching.
– Options for management of consolidated deployments.
• The deployment and maintenance operations enable customizations to include
environment-specific actions into the automated workflow.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Architecture

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning architecture consists of an Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server and any number of Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients and
Oracle recommends deploying the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server in a multi-
node cluster so that it is highly available.
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster is a repository for all data, of
which there are primarily two types:
• Gold images
• Working copies and clients
• Metadata related to users, roles, permissions, and identities
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (FPPS) acts as a central server for
provisioning Oracle Database homes, Oracle Grid Infrastructure homes, and other application
software homes, making them available to the cluster hosting the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server and to the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client (FPPC)
clusters, their targets, and non-client targets.
Users operate on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server or Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Client to request deployment of Oracle homes or to query gold images.
When a user makes a request for an Oracle home, specifying a gold image, the Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client communicates with the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server to pass on the request. The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server processes the request by taking appropriate action to instantiate a copy of the gold
image, and to make it available to the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client cluster
using available technologies such as Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File
System (Oracle ACFS) and local file systems.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (FPPS) is a highly available software
provisioning system that uses Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM),
Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS), Grid Naming
Service (GNS), and other components.

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Architecture

• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Targets

Computers of which Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning is aware are known
as targets.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is part of the Oracle Grid
Infrastructure. Users operate on an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
to perform tasks such as requesting deployment of Oracle homes and listing
available gold images.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Images
You can easily copy an image of an Oracle home to a new host on a new file
system to serve as an active usable Oracle home.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Working Copies
Working copy is a copy of the gold image that you use to provision the software on
an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client or target.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (FPPS) is a highly available
software provisioning system that uses Oracle Automatic Storage Management
(Oracle ASM), Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle
ACFS), Grid Naming Service (GNS), and other components.
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server primarily acts as a central server
for provisioning Oracle homes, making them available to Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client and targets.
Features of the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:
• Efficiently stores gold images and image series for the managed homes, including
separate binaries, and metadata related to users, roles, and permissions.
• Stores working copies and Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
• Provides a list of available homes to clients upon request.
• Patch a software home once and then deploy the home to any Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client or any other target, instead of patching every
• Provides the ability to report on existing deployments.
• Deploys homes on physical servers and virtual machines.
• Notifies subscribers of changes to image series.
• Maintains an audit log of all RHPCTL commands run.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Targets

Computers of which Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning is aware are known as
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers can create new targets, and can also
install and configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure on targets with only an operating
system installed. Subsequently, Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can
provision database and other software on those targets, perform maintenance, scale

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Architecture

the target cluster, in addition to many other operations. All Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning commands are run on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
Targets running the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client in Oracle Clusterware 12c
release 2 (12.2), and later, may also run many of the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
commands to request new software from the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
and initiate maintenance themselves, among other tasks.

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server communicates with Oracle Grid
Infrastructure Clusters at version and later through an Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client that can be configured and started up on the target
cluster. The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is not supported for
targets at Oracle Grid Infrastructure version 12.1 and earlier, on all versions of
Oracle Restart and database standalone targets, such as database homes without
an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home or Oracle Restart home.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is part of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
Users operate on an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client to perform tasks such as
requesting deployment of Oracle homes and listing available gold images.
When a user requests an Oracle home specifying a gold image, the Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Client communicates with the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server to pass on the request. The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server processes
the request by instantiating a working copy of the gold image and making it available to the
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client using Oracle ACFS or a different local file
The difference between an Oracle FPP Target and an Oracle FPP Client is that the Oracle
FPP Client has Oracle Grid Infrastructure installed and the additional rhpclient component
enabled. This additional rhpclient component allows the Oracle FPP Client to initiate the
tasks, while on Oracle FPP Targets only the Oracle FPP Server can initiate the operations. All
the remote targets managed by the Oracle FPP Servers are known as Oracle FPP Targets.
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client:
• Can use Oracle ACFS to store working copies of gold images which can be rapidly
provisioned as local homes; new homes can be quickly created or undone using Oracle
ACFS snapshots.

Oracle supports using other local file systems besides Oracle ACFS.

• Provides a list of available homes from the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
• Has full functionality in Oracle Clusterware 12c release 2 (12.2) and can communicate
with Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers from Oracle Clusterware 12c
release 2 (12.2), or later.

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Architecture

Related Topics
• Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
Users operate on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client to perform tasks such
as requesting deployment of Oracle homes and querying gold images.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Images

You can easily copy an image of an Oracle home to a new host on a new file system to
serve as an active usable Oracle home.
By default, when you create a gold image using either rhpctl import image or
rhpctl add image, the image is ready to provision new homes, called working copies.
However, under certain conditions, you may want to restrict access to images and
require someone to test or validate the image before making it available for general
You can also create a set of gold images on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server that can be collectively categorized as a gold image series which
relate to each other, such as identical release versions, gold images published by a
particular user, or images for a particular department within an organization.
Related Topics
• Image State
Am image state is a way to restrict provisioning of an image for users with
specified roles.
• Image Series
An image series is a convenient way to group different gold images into a logical
• Image Type
When you add or import a gold image, you must specify an image type.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Working Copies

Working copy is a copy of the gold image that you use to provision the software on an
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client or target.
By default, when you create a gold image using either rhpctl import image or
rhpctl add image, the image is ready to provision working copies. You can use the
rhpctl add workingcopy command to add a working copy to a client cluster.

After you create and import a gold image, you can provision software by adding a copy
of the gold image (called a working copy) on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server, on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, or a target.
Related Topics
• Image State
Am image state is a way to restrict provisioning of an image for users with
specified roles.
• Image Series
An image series is a convenient way to group different gold images into a logical

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features

• Image Type
When you add or import a gold image, you must specify an image type.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (FPP) provides various features to ease configuration
and management tasks.
When you manage Oracle software using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning, Oracle
• Ensures standardization and enables high degrees of automation with gold images and
managed lineage of deployed software.
• Minimizes the maintenance window by deploying new homes (working copies of gold
images) out-of-place, without disrupting active databases or clusters.
• Simplifies local maintenance operations by providing automatons which are invoked with
a simple, consistent API across database versions and deployment models.
• Reduces maintenance risk with built-in validations and a dry-run mode to ensure
operations will succeed end-to-end.
• In the event of an issue, commands are resumable and restartable, further reducing the
impact of maintenance operations.
• Minimizes and, in many cases, eliminates the impact of patching and upgrades, with
features that include:
– Zero-downtime database upgrade: A fully-automated upgrade executed entirely
within the deployment with no extra nodes or external storage required.
– Adaptive management of database sessions and OJVM during rolling patching.
– Options for fine-grained management of consolidated deployments.
The deployment and maintenance operations are extensible, allowing customizations to
include environment-specific actions into the automated workflow.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Automatons

• Zero-downtime database upgrade automates all of the steps involved in a database
upgrade to minimize or even eliminate application downtime while upgrading an Oracle
database. It also minimizes resource requirements and provides a fallback path in case
the upgrade must be rolled back.
• Adaptive Oracle RAC Rolling Patching for OJVM Deployments: In a clustered
environment, the default approach for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning for
patching a database is Oracle RAC rolling patching. However non-rolling may be required
if the patched database home contains OJVM patches. In this case, Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning determines whether rolling patching is possible and does so, if
• Dry-run command evaluation: Before running any command, Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning checks various preconditions to ensure the command will succeed.
However, some conditions cannot be detected prior to a command running. And, while
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning allows a failed command to be reverted or
resumed after an error condition is corrected, it is preferable to address as many potential
issues as possible before the command is run. The command evaluation mode will test
the preconditions for a given command, without making any changes, and report potential
problems and correct them before the command is actually run.

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features

• Independent automatons: Prior to Oracle Database 18c, performing any Oracle

Fleet Patching and Provisioning operation (for example, switching a database
home to a later version) required the presence of a central Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server. Beginning with Oracle Database 18c, key functionality
can be performed independently, with no central Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server in the architecture.

Global Fleet Standardization and Management

• Sharing gold images between peer Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Servers: Large enterprises typically host multiple data centers and, within each
data center, there may be separate network segments. In the Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning architecture, one Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server operates on a set of targets within a given data center (or
network segment of a data center). Therefore each data center requires at least
one Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
While each data center may have some unique requirements in terms of the gold
images that target servers will use, the goal of standardization is using the same
gold image across all data centers whenever possible. To that end, Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning supports peer-to-peer sharing of gold images to easily
propagate gold images among multiple Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
• Gold image drift detection and aggregation: After you provision a software home
from a gold image, you may have to apply a patch directly to the deployed home.
At this point the deployed home has drifted from the gold image. Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning provides two capabilities for monitoring and reporting
– Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning compares a specific home to its parent
gold image and lists any patches that are applied to the home but that are not
in the gold image.
– Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning compares a specific gold image to all
of its descendant homes and lists the aggregation of all patches applied to
those homes that are not in the gold image. This provides a build specification
for a new gold image that could be applied to all of the descendants of the
original gold image, such that no patches will be lost from any of those

See Also:

– rhpctl query image for information about the -drift option for this
– rhpctl query workingcopy for information about the -drift option for
this command

• Configuration collection and reporting: The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server can collect and retain operating system configuration and the root file
system contents of specified Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients. If an
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client node is rendered unusable (for
example, a user accidentally deletes or changes operating system configuration or
the root file system), then it can be difficult to determine the problem and correct it.

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features

This feature automates the collection of relevant information, enabling simple restoration
in the event of node failure.

Flexibility and Extensibility

• RESTful API: Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning provides a RESTful API for many
common operations, including provisioning, patching, upgrading, and query operations.

See Also:
Oracle Database REST API Reference

• Customizable authentication: Host-to-host authentication in certain environments,

particularly in compliance-conscious industries, such as financials and e-commerce, often
uses technologies and products that are not supported, natively, by Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning. This feature allows integrating Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
authentication with the mechanisms in use at your data center.
• Command scheduler: The ability to schedule and bundle automated tasks is essential for
maintenance of a large database estate. Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning supports
scheduling tasks such as provisioning software homes, switching to a new home, and
scaling a cluster. Also, you can add a list of clients to a command, facilitating large-scale
• Configurable connectivity: As security concerns and compliance requirements increase,
so do the restrictions on connectivity across the intranets of many enterprises. You can
configure the small set ports used for communication between the Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server and its Clients, allowing low-impact integration into firewalled or
audit-conscious environments.

Other Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features

• Zero-downtime upgrade: Automation of all of upgrade steps involved minimizes or even
eliminates application downtime while upgrading an Oracle Database. It also minimizes
resource requirements and provides a fallback path in case you must roll back the
upgrade. You can run a zero-downtime upgrade on certain versions of Oracle RAC and
Oracle RAC One Node databases.
• Provision new server pools: The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can
install and configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure on nodes that have no Oracle software
inventory and can then manage those deployments with the full complement of Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning functionality.
• Provision and manage any software home: Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
enables you to create a gold image from any software home. You can then provision that
software to any Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client or target as a working copy
of a gold image. The software may be any binary that you will run on an Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client or target.
• Provision, scale, patch, and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure: The Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server can provision Oracle Grid Infrastructure 11g release 2
( homes, and later, add or delete nodes from an Oracle Grid Infrastructure
configuration, and can also be used to patch and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure
homes. In addition, there is a rollback capability that facilitates undoing a failed patch
procedure. While patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure, you can use Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning to optionally patch any database homes hosted on the cluster.

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features

• Provision, scale, patch, and upgrade Oracle Database: You can use Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning, you can provision, scale, and patch Oracle Database
11g release 2 (, and later releases. You can also upgrade Oracle
Databases from 11g release 2 ( to 11g release 2 (; from 11g
release 2 ( to 12c release 1 (; and from 11g release 2 (
or 12c release 1 ( to 12c release 2 (12.2).
When you provision such software, Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning offers
additional features for creating various types of databases (such as Oracle RAC,
single instance, and Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node (Oracle RAC One
Node) databases) on different types of storage, and other options, such as using
templates and creating container databases (CDBs). The Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server can add nodes to an Oracle RAC configuration, and
remove nodes from an Oracle RAC configuration. Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning also improves and makes more efficient patching of database
software, allowing for rapid and remote patching of the software, in most cases,
without any downtime for the database.
• Support for single-instance databases: You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning to provision, patch, and upgrade single-instance databases running
on clusters or Oracle Restart, or on single, standalone nodes.
• Advanced patching capabilities: When patching an Oracle Grid Infrastructure or
Oracle Database home, Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning offers a batch
mode that speeds the patching process by patching some or all nodes of a cluster
in parallel and/or a specific node order, rather than sequentially.
For Oracle Database homes, you can define disjoint sets of nodes. Each set of
nodes is updated sequentially. By defining sets with reference to the database
instances running on them, you can minimize the impact of rolling updates by
ensuring that services are never taken completely offline. A “smartmove” option is
available to help define the sets of batches to meet this goal.
Integration with Application Continuity is another enhancement to help eliminate
the impact of maintenance. This provides the ability to gracefully drain and
relocate services within a cluster, completely masking the maintenance from
• Notifications:The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is the central
repository for the software homes available to the data center. Therefore, it is
essential that administrators throughout the data center be aware of changes to
the inventory which might impact their areas of responsibility.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning enables you and other users to subscribe
to image series events. Anyone subscribed will be notified by email of any
changes to the images available in a particular image series. Also, users can be
notified by email when a working copy of a gold image is added to or deleted from
a client.
• Custom workflow support: You can create actions for various Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning operations, such as importing images, adding or
deleting working copies of the gold images, and managing a software home. You
can define different actions for each operation, and further differentiate by the type
of image to which the operation applies. Actions that you define can be executed
before or after the given operation, and are executed on the deployment the
operation applies to, whether it is the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server, a target that is not running an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Client, or a target that is running an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

Chapter 1
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Features

• Resume failed operations: If an operation, such as adding an image, provisioning a

working copy of a gold image, or performing a scale, patch or upgrade fails, then Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning reports the error and stops. After the problem is
corrected (for example, a directory permissions or ownership misconfiguration on a target
node), you can rerun the RHPCTL command that failed, and it will resume from the point
of failure. This avoids redoing any work that may have been completed prior to the
• Audit command: The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server records the
execution of all Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations and also records their
outcome (whether success or failure). An audit mechanism enables you to query the
audit log in a variety of dimensions, and also to manage its contents and size.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning involves creating an Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server, adding gold images to the server, and creating working
copies of gold images to provision software.
After you install and configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure, you can configure and start using
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning. You must create an Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server where you create and store gold images of database and other software
• Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Server configuration includes
configuring storage, network, GIMR, and creating an Oracle FPP resource.
• Upgrading Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
Upgrade Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to the latest release to use the
new features.
• Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) client configuration includes
configuring network, creating client data file, and creating an Oracle FPP client.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode
When you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure, the Oracle FPP Server is configured, by
default, in the local mode to support the local switch home capability.

Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Server configuration includes
configuring storage, network, GIMR, and creating an Oracle FPP resource.
• Server Configuration Checklist for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Use this checklist to check minimum server configuration requirements for Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP).
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Communication Ports
Configure communication ports for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP)
Server, clients, and targets.
• Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server uses a repository that you create in an
Oracle ACFS file system in which you store all the software homes that you want to make
available to clients and targets.

Server Configuration Checklist for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning

Use this checklist to check minimum server configuration requirements for Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP).

Chapter 2
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Table 2-1 Server Configuration Checklist for Oracle Fleet Patching and

Check Task
Oracle Grid Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure on a new cluster on which you want to
Infrastructure configure Oracle FPP.
Operating System Install or upgrade the operating system kernel to a version for which an
Kernel version Oracle ACFS kernel module is already built.
Grid Infrastructure Make sure that the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR)
Management is configured and running on your cluster. If GIMR was not configured
Repository as part of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation, then add a new
configuration GIMR to your cluster as described in Oracle Grid Infrastructure
Installation and Upgrade Guide.
Oracle FPP server Allocate a minimum of 100 GB additional disk space to the Oracle
storage Automation Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk group that is
used by the Oracle FPP Server.
Oracle FPP server Create one Grid Naming Service Virtual IP Address (GNS VIP) without
network zone delegation.
Firewall Make sure that the ports used by Oracle FPP Server and Client are not
filtered by firewalls. Please refer to Table 2-2 Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Communication Ports

Related Topics
• Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation and Upgrade Guide for Linux

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Communication Ports

Configure communication ports for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle
FPP) Server, clients, and targets.
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server communicates with Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Clients and targets using the following ports, several of
which you can configure, as described in the below tables. Additionally, differences in
ports used when communicating with Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients
versus targets are noted.

Table 2-2 Ports Open on Oracle FPP Server to Communicate with Oracle FPP Client

Protocol Port Modifiable Purpose Description

UDP 53 No GNS The Oracle FPP clients use GNS to
locate the Oracle FPP Server.
TCP 8896 Yes. Use the srvctl modify JMX Server The Oracle FPP Server uses this port
rhpserver -port to communicate with the Oracle FPP
port_number command to clients.
modify this port.
It requires a restart.

Chapter 2
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Table 2-2 (Cont.) Ports Open on Oracle FPP Server to Communicate with Oracle FPP Client

Protocol Port Modifiable Purpose Description

TCP Ephemera Yes. Use the srvctl modify Command The Oracle FPP Server opens a
l range or rhpserver -pl_port Progress random port from an ephemeral range
a custom port_number command to Listener to monitor progress on the client or
port modify this port. target. The Oracle FPP Server can
also use a fixed port you specify using
srvctl modify rhpserver -
pl_port port_number and multiplex
the fixed port across clients or targets.

Table 2-3 Ports Open on Oracle FPP Client to Communicate with Oracle FPP Server

Protocol Port Modifiable Purpose Description

TCP 22 Yes SSH The Oracle FPP Client requires an
SSH port open during initial
TCP 8896 Yes. Use the srvctl modify JMX Server The Oracle FPP Client uses this port
rhpclient -port to communicate with the Oracle FPP
port_number command to Server.
modify this port.
It requires a restart.
TCP Ephemera Yes. Use the srvctl modify Image Transfer The Oracle FPP Server uses six ports
l range or rhpserver -port_range chosen from an ephemeral range, or
a custom port_number_range six ports from the range you define to
range command to modify this port. transfer gold images to the Oracle
FPP clients.

Table 2-4 Ports Open on Oracle FPP Server to Communicate with Targets Without Client

Protocol Port Modifiable Purpose Description

TCP Ephemera Yes. Use the srvctl modify Command The Oracle FPP Server opens a
l range or rhpserver -pl_port Progress random port from an ephemeral range
a custom port_number command to Listener to monitor progress on the client or
range modify this port. target. The Oracle FPP Server can
also use a fixed port you specify using
srvctl modify rhpserver -
pl_port port_number and multiplex
the fixed port across clients or targets.

Table 2-5 Ports Open on Targets Without Client to Communicate with Oracle FPP Server

Protocol Port Modifiable Purpose Description

TCP 22 Yes SSH Oracle FPP connects using SSH either
as root or as a user with sudo

Chapter 2
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Table 2-5 (Cont.) Ports Open on Targets Without Client to Communicate with Oracle FPP Server

Protocol Port Modifiable Purpose Description

TCP Ephemera Yes. Use the srvctl modify Image Transfer The Oracle FPP Server uses a range
l range or rhpserver -port_range of six ports, from an ephemeral range
a custom port_number_range or six ports from the range you define,
range command to modify this port. to transfer gold images to the Oracle
FPP clients.

Table 2-6 Ports Open on Main Oracle FPP Server to Communicate with Peer Servers

Protocol Port Modifiable Purpose Description

UDP 53 No GNS The Oracle FPP clients and peer
servers use GNS to locate the main
Oracle FPP Server.
TCP 8896 Yes. Use the srvctl modify JMX Server The Oracle FPP Server uses this port
rhpserver -port to communicate with the Oracle FPP
port_number command to clients and peer servers.
modify this port.
It requires a restart.
TCP Ephemera Yes. Use the srvctl modify Image Transfer The Oracle FPP Server uses a range
l range or rhpserver -port_range of six ports, from an ephemeral range
a custom port_number_range or six ports from the range you define,
range command to modify this port. to transfer gold images to the Oracle
FPP clients.

Table 2-7 Ports Open on Peer Servers to Communicate With Main Oracle FPP Server

Protocol Port Modifiable Purpose Description

UDP 53 No GNS The Oracle FPP clients and peer
servers use GNS to locate the main
Oracle FPP Server.
TCP 8896 Yes. Use the srvctl modify JMX Server The Oracle FPP Server uses this port
rhpserver -port to communicate with the Oracle FPP
port_number command to clients and peer servers.
modify this port.
It requires a restart.
TCP Ephemera Yes. Use the srvctl modify Image Transfer The Oracle FPP Server uses a range
l range or rhpserver -port_range of six ports, from an ephemeral range
a custom port_number_range or six ports from the range you define,
range command to modify this port. to transfer gold images to the Oracle
FPP clients.

Chapter 2
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server uses a repository that you create in an Oracle
ACFS file system in which you store all the software homes that you want to make available
to clients and targets.

When you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure, the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server is configured, by default, in the local mode to support the local
switch home capability. If you must configure the general Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server product, then you must remove the current local-mode Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

1. Use the Oracle ASM configuration assistant (ASMCA) to create an Oracle ASM disk
group on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to store software.

$ Grid_home/bin/asmca

Because this disk group is used to store software, Oracle recommends a minimum of 100
GB for this disk group.

You must set Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM)
compatibility settings for this disk group to 19.0.

2. Provide a mount path that exists on all nodes of the cluster. The Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server uses this path to mount gold images.

$ mkdir -p storage_path/images

3. Check if Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) is configured on your


$ srvctl status mgmtdb

Database is enabled
Instance -MGMTDB is running on node myhost01

4. If GIMR is not configured on your cluster, then as the grid user, add a GIMR to your
a. For Oracle Database 19c Release Update (19.6) or earlier releases:

$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/mgmtca createGIMRContainer [-storageDiskGroup


Chapter 2
Upgrading Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

b. For Oracle Database 19c Release Update (19.7) or later releases:

$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/mgmtca createGIMRContainer [-
storageDiskLocation disk_location]

5. As the root user, add the Grid Naming Service Virtual IP Address (GNS VIP)
without zone delegation.

# srvctl add gns -vip myhost-gnsvip3

# srvctl start gns
# srvctl status gns
GNS is running on node myhost01.
GNS is enabled on node myhost01.

6. Remove any existing local automaton from your cluster.

# srvctl stop rhpserver

# srvctl remove rhpserver

7. Create the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server resource.

# Grid_home/bin/srvctl add rhpserver -storage storage_path

-diskgroup disk_group_name

8. Start the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

$ Grid_home/bin/srvctl start rhpserver

After you start the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, use the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Control (RHPCTL) utility to further manage Fleet Patching and
Related Topics
• Oracle Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide
• RHPCTL Command Reference
Use the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Control (RHPCTL) utility to
manage Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning in your cluster.

Upgrading Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Upgrade Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to the latest release to use the
new features.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Self-upgrade
Perform these steps when upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure from 19c to 21c
using the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) self-upgrade
• Starting Oracle FPP Server After Manually Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure
If you upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure manually, without using Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) self upgrade feature, then Oracle FPP
Server does not start after the upgrade.

Chapter 2
Upgrading Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Self-upgrade

Perform these steps when upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure from 19c to 21c using the
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) self-upgrade feature.
1. Add a GIMR working copy of Oracle Database 21c on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server 19c with the -readonly and -ignoreprereq options.

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GIMR_working_copy_name -path

-oraclebase Oracle_base_path -storagetype LOCAL -image image_name -
readonly -ignoreprereq

2. Add software only Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c working copy on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server 19c.

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI_working_copy_name -path

[-oraclebase Oracle_base_path] -softwareonly -image 21c_GI_image_name

3. Unset the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.


4. Run the upgrade gihome command from the software only Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c
working copy using the script.

$ ./ ugrade gihome -sourcehome 19c_GI_home -destwc

-gimrwc GIMR_working_copy_name -batches "(batch1),(batch2)"

Related Topics
• Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure
If you are using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, then you can use a single command to
upgrade an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

Starting Oracle FPP Server After Manually Upgrading Oracle Grid

If you upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure manually, without using Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning (Oracle FPP) self upgrade feature, then Oracle FPP Server does not start after
the upgrade.
When you manually upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure, the file system resources are
disabled and that does not allow the Oracle FPP Server to start. When file system resources
are disable, you may get an error while starting the Oracle FPP Server. To resolve this error,
you must first enable the file system and then start the Oracle FPP server.
1. Enable file system on all the volumes and the storage disk groups.

./srvctl enable filesystem -volume volume_name -diskgroup diskgroup_name

Chapter 2
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients

2. Enable the volume and the disk group on which you enabled the file system.

./srvctl enable volume -volume volume_name -diskgroup diskgroup_name

3. Start the Oracle FPP Server.

./srvctl start rhpserver

Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) client configuration includes
configuring network, creating client data file, and creating an Oracle FPP client.
• Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
Users operate on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client to perform tasks such
as requesting deployment of Oracle homes and querying gold images.
• Enabling and Disabling Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients
On the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, you can enable or disable a Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client.
• Deleting a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
Use the following procedure to delete a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client

Users operate on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client to perform tasks such as
requesting deployment of Oracle homes and querying gold images.
To create a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client:
1. If there is no highly available VIP (HAVIP) on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server, then, as the root user, create an HAVIP, as follows:

# srvctl add havip -id id -address {host_name | ip_address}

You can specify either a host name or IPv4 or IPv6 IP address. The IP address
that you specify for HAVIP or the address that is resolved from the specified host
name must not be in use when you run this command.

The highly available VIP must be in the same subnet as the default
network configured in the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster.
You can obtain the subnet by running the following command:

$ srvctl config network -netnum 1

Chapter 2
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients

2. On the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server as the Grid home owner, create the client
data file, as follows:

$ rhpctl add client -client client_cluster_name -toclientdata path

RHPCTL creates the client data file in the directory path you specify after the -
toclientdata flag. The name of the client data file is client_cluster_name.xml.

The client_cluster_name must be unique and it must match the cluster name
of the client cluster where you run step 4.

3. Copy the client data file that you created in the previous step to a directory on the client
cluster that has read/write permissions to the Grid home owner on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client.
4. Create the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client by running the following command as
root on the client cluster:

# srvctl add rhpclient -clientdata path_to_client_data

[-diskgroup disk_group_name -storage base_path]

If you want to provision working copies to Oracle ACFS storage on this cluster, and you
have already created a disk group for this purpose, then specify this disk group in the
preceding command. In this case, also specify a storage path which will be used as a
base path for all mount points when creating Oracle ACFS file systems for storing
working copies.

Once you configure a disk group on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client,
you cannot remove it from or change it in the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Client configuration. The only way you can do either (change or remove) is to
completely remove the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client using the srvctl
remove client command, and then add it back with a different disk group, if
necessary. Before you remove a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, ensure
that you remove all registered users from this cluster and all working copies
provisioned on this cluster.

5. Start the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, as follows:

$ srvctl start rhpclient

6. Check the status of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, as follows:

$ srvctl status rhpclient

Chapter 2
Configuring Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients

Related Topics
• Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide
• RHPCTL Command Reference
Use the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Control (RHPCTL) utility to
manage Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning in your cluster.

Enabling and Disabling Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients

On the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, you can enable or disable a Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client.
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients communicate with the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server for all actions. You cannot run any RHPCTL commands without a
connection to a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
To enable or disable a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, run the following
command from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster:

$ rhpctl modify client -client client_name -enabled TRUE | FALSE

To enable a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, specify -enabled TRUE.

Conversely, specify -enabled FALSE to disable the client. When you disable a Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client cluster, all RHPCTL commands from that client
cluster will be rejected by the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, unless and until
you re-enable the client.

Disabling a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client cluster does not disable
any existing working copies on the client cluster. The working copies will
continue to function and any databases in those working copies will continue
to run.

Deleting a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client

Use the following procedure to delete a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
1. Before deleting the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, you must first delete
the working copies and users on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, as
a. Query the list of working copies that have been provisioned on the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client cluster.
Run the following command:

$ rhpctl query workingcopy -client client_name

b. Delete each of the working copies listed in the output of the preceding

Chapter 2
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode

Run the following command for each working copy and specify the name of the
working copy you want to delete:

$ rhpctl delete workingcopy -workingcopy working_copy_name

c. Query the list of users from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client cluster.
Run the following command:

$ rhpctl query user -client client_name

d. Delete the users listed in the output of the preceding command, as follows:
Run the following command and specify the name of the user you want to delete and
the name of the client:

$ rhpctl delete user -user user_name —client client_name

2. On the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client cluster, delete the client, as follows:
a. Stop the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client daemon.
Run the following command:

$ srvctl stop rhpclient

b. Delete the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client configuration.

Run the following command:

$ srvctl remove rhpclient

3. Delete the client site configuration on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster.
Run the following command and specify the name of the client:

$ rhpctl delete client -client client_name

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode

When you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure, the Oracle FPP Server is configured, by default,
in the local mode to support the local switch home capability.
• About Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is configured in the local mode by default
when you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
• Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Local-Mode Configuration
When you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure or when you upgrade an older version to this
current version, the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is configured automatically in
local mode.
• Patching Oracle Database with the Independent Automaton
The independent local-mode automaton updates Oracle Database homes, including
Oracle Database single-instance databases in a cluster or standalone (with no Oracle
Grid Infrastructure), an Oracle RAC database, or an Oracle RAC One Node database.

Chapter 2
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode

About Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is configured in the local mode by
default when you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
The local-mode operation enables you to perform grid infrastructure and database
patching operations on the local cluster in a simplified environment without having to
register or deploy gold images. Deploy either the grid infrastructure or the database
patched home and run the patch operation using either the rhpctl move gihome or
rhpctl move database command, specifying the source and destination paths instead
of working copy names.
The local mode supports Oracle Database 11g (, 12c (, 12c
(, or later in a clustered environment. In a standalone (non-clustered)
environment, the database home must be Oracle Database 18c or later.
The automaton runs locally on the deployment and does not require an Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server in the architecture. (If there is an Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server in the architecture, then the automaton does not
communicate with it, and the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cannot interact
with the independent automaton.)

Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Local-Mode Configuration

When you install Oracle Grid Infrastructure or when you upgrade an older version to
this current version, the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is configured
automatically in local mode.

Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 21c is started automatically when
patching command is invoked and the dependent resources are set up
during the automatic startup process.

To switch the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server from local mode to the regular,
central mode (to manage remote targets), you must delete the current Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server in local mode, as follows:

$ srvctl stop rhpserver

$ srvctl remove rhpserver

Proceed with the steps described in "Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server" to create the central-mode Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
• The independent automaton for patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure performs all of
the steps necessary to switch from one home to another. Because the automaton
is not aware of gold images, moving the database requires two home paths, as

$ rhpctl move gihome -desthome destination_oracle_home_path –

sourcehome Oracle_home_path

Chapter 2
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode

Use the following rhpctl move gihome command parameters for the patching operation:
• -node: If the home you are moving is an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home installed on
more than one node, then the default operation is a rolling update on all nodes. To apply
a patch to just one node, specify the name of that node with this parameter.
• -nonrolling: If the home you are moving is an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home installed
on more than one node, then the default operation is a rolling update on all nodes. To
patch all nodes in a nonrolling manner, use this parameter instead of the -node
• -ignorewcpatches: By default, Fleet Patching and Provisioning will not perform the move
operation if the destination home is missing any patches present in the source home. You
can override this functionality by using this parameter, for example, to move back to a
previous source home if you must undo an update.
Related Topics
• Creating a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server uses a repository that you create in an
Oracle ACFS file system in which you store all the software homes that you want to make
available to clients and targets.

Patching Oracle Database with the Independent Automaton

The independent local-mode automaton updates Oracle Database homes, including Oracle
Database single-instance databases in a cluster or standalone (with no Oracle Grid
Infrastructure), an Oracle RAC database, or an Oracle RAC One Node database.
• The independent automaton for Oracle Database patching performs all of the steps
necessary to switch from one home to another. Because the automaton is not aware of
gold images, moving the database requires two home paths, as follows:

$ rhpctl move database -sourcehome Oracle_home_path -desthome


Use the following rhpctl move database command parameters for any of the patching
• -dbname: If the database home is hosting more than one database, you can move specific
databases by specifying a comma-delimited list with this parameter. Databases not
specified are not moved. If you do not use this parameter, then RHPCTL moves all

If you are moving a non-clustered (single-instance) database, then, for the
value of the -dbname parameter, you must specify the SID of the database
instead of the database name.

• -ignorewcpatches: By default, Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning will not perform
the move operation if the destination home is missing any patches present in the source
home. You can override this functionality by using this parameter, for example, to move
back to a previous source home if you must undo an update.
The following parameters apply only to clustered environments:

Chapter 2
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Local Mode

• -node: If the home you are moving is a database home installed on more than one
node, then the default operation is a rolling update on all nodes. To apply a patch
to just one node, specify the name of that node with this parameter.
• -nonrolling: If the home you are moving is a database home installed on more
than one node, then the default operation is a rolling update on all nodes. To patch
all nodes in a nonrolling manner, use this parameter instead of the -node

-disconnect and -noreplay: Applies to single-instance Oracle Databases, and Oracle
RAC, and Oracle RAC One Node database. Use the -disconnect parameter to
disconnect all sessions before stopping or relocating services. If you choose to use -
disconnect, then you can choose to use the -noreplay parameter to disable session
replay during disconnection.
-drain_timeout: Applies to single-instance Oracle Databases, Oracle RAC, and
Oracle RAC One Node database. Use this parameter to specify the time, in seconds,
allowed for session draining to be completed from each node. Accepted values are an
empty string (""), 0, or any positive integer. The default value is an empty string, which
means that this parameter is not set. This is applicable to older versions to maintain
traditional behavior. If it is set to 0, then the stop option is applied immediately.
The draining period is intended for planned maintenance operations. During the
draining period, on each node in succession, all current client requests are processed,
but new requests are not accepted.
-stopoption: Applies to single-instance Oracle Databases, Oracle RAC, and Oracle
RAC One Node database. Specify a stop option for the database. Stop options

The rhpctl move database command is Oracle Data Guard-aware, and will
not run Datapatch if the database is an Oracle Data Guard standby.

Related Topics
• rhpctl move database
Moves one or more databases from a source working copy or any Oracle
Database home to a patched working copy.

Managing Gold Images and Working Copies
You can add new gold images to your Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, create
working copies from the gold images, and provision Oracle homes.
• Adding Gold Images to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
Use RHPCTL to add gold images for later provisioning of software.
• Provisioning Copies of Gold Images
Use RHPCTL to provision copies of gold images to Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Servers, Clients, and targets.
• Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Homes
When you create a working copy of a gold image as part of a move or upgrade operation,
Fleet Patching and Provisioning configures the operating system groups in the new
working copy to match those of the source software home.
• Provisioning Oracle Database Homes
Use the rhpctl add workingcopy command to provision a working copy of a database
home on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, Client, or target.

Adding Gold Images to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning

Use RHPCTL to add gold images for later provisioning of software.
The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server stores and serves gold images of software
homes. These images must be instantiated on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

Images are read-only, and you cannot run programs from them. To create a usable
software home from an image, you must create a working copy of a gold image.
You cannot directly use images as software homes. You can, however, use images
to create working copies (software homes).

You can import software to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server using any one of the
following methods:
• You can import an image from an installed home on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server using the following command:

rhpctl import image -image image_name -path path_to_installed_home


ORACLEDBSOFTWARE is the default if -imagetype is not specified.

Chapter 3
Adding Gold Images to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

• You can import an image from an installed home on a Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client, using the following command run from the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client:

rhpctl import image -image image_name -path path_to_installed_home

• You can create an image from an existing working copy using the following

rhpctl add image -image image_name -workingcopy working_copy_name

Use the first two commands in the preceding list to seed the image repository, and to
add additional images over time. Use the third command on the Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server as part of the workflow for creating a gold image that includes
patches applied to a pre-existing gold image.
The preceding three commands also create an Oracle ACFS file system in the Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning root directory, similar to the following:


• Image State
Am image state is a way to restrict provisioning of an image for users with
specified roles.
• Image Series
An image series is a convenient way to group different gold images into a logical
• Image Type
When you add or import a gold image, you must specify an image type.
Related Topics
• Patching Oracle Database
To patch an Oracle database, you move the database home to a new home, which
includes the patches you want to implement.
• RHPCTL Command Reference
This section describes RHPCTL command usage information, and lists and
describes RHPCTL commands.

Image State
Am image state is a way to restrict provisioning of an image for users with specified
You can set the state of an image to TESTABLE or RESTRICTED so that only users with
the GH_IMG_TESTABLE or GH_IMG_RESTRICT roles can provision working copies
from this image. Once the image has been tested or validated, you can change the
state and make the image available for general use by running the rhpctl promote
image -image image_name -state PUBLISHED command. The default image state is
PUBLISHED when you add a new gold image, but you can optionally specify a different
state with the rhpctl add image and rhpctl import image commands.

Chapter 3
Adding Gold Images to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Image Series
An image series is a convenient way to group different gold images into a logical sequence.
Fleet Patching and Provisioning treats each image as an independent entity with respect to
other images. No relationship is assumed between images, even if they follow some specific
nomenclature. The image administrator may choose to name images in a logical manner that
makes sense to the user community, but this does not create any management grouping
within the Fleet Patching and Provisioning framework.
Use the rhpctl add series command to create an image series and associate one or more
images to this series. The list of images in an image series is an ordered list. Use the rhpctl
insertimage series and rhpctl deleteimage series to add and delete images in an image
series. You can also change the order of images in a series using these commands.
The insertimage and deleteimage commands do not instantiate or delete actual gold
images but only change the list. Also, an image can belong to more than one series (or no
series at all).

Image Type
When you add or import a gold image, you must specify an image type.
Oracle Clusterware provides the following built-in base image types:
Every gold image must have an image type, and you can create your own image types. A
new image type must be based on one of the built-in types. The image type directs Fleet
Patching and Provisioning to apply its capabilities for managing Oracle Grid Infrastructure
and Oracle Database homes. Fleet Patching and Provisioning also uses image type to
organize the custom workflow support framework.

Creating a Custom Image Type

Use the rhpctl add imagetype command to create custom image types.

For example, to create an image type called DBTEST, which is based on the

$ rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype DBTEST -basetype ORACLEDBSOFTWARE

When you create an image type that is based on an existing image type, the new
image type does not inherit any user actions (for custom workflow support) from the
base type.

Chapter 3
Provisioning Copies of Gold Images

Provisioning Copies of Gold Images

Use RHPCTL to provision copies of gold images to Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Servers, Clients, and targets.
After you create and import a gold image, you can provision software by adding a copy
of the gold image (called a working copy) on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server, on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, or a target. You can run the
software provisioning command on either the Server or a Client.
• To create a working copy on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy working_copy_name -image


• To create a working copy in a local file system on a Fleet Patching and

Provisioning Client:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy working_copy_name -image

-storagetype LOCAL -path path_to_software_home

• To create a working copy on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client from the
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy working_copy_name -image

-client client_cluster_name


• The directory you specify in the -path parameter must be empty.

• You can re-run the provisioning command in case of an interruption or
failure due to system or user errors. After you fix the reported errors, re-
run the command and it will resume from the point of failure.

• Storage Options for Provisioned Software

Choose one of two storage options where Fleet Patching and Provisioning stores
working copies of gold images.
• Provisioning for a Different User
If you want a different user to provision software other than the user running the
command, then use the -user parameter of the rhpctl add workingcopy
• User Group Management in Fleet Patching and Provisioning
When you create a working copy of a gold image as part of a move or upgrade
operation, Fleet Patching and Provisioning configures the operating system groups
in the new working copy to match those of the source software home.

Chapter 3
Provisioning Copies of Gold Images

Related Topics
• Storage Options for Provisioned Software
Choose one of two storage options where Fleet Patching and Provisioning stores working
copies of gold images.

Storage Options for Provisioned Software

Choose one of two storage options where Fleet Patching and Provisioning stores working
copies of gold images.
When you provision software using the rhpctl add workingcopy command, you can choose
from two storage options where Fleet Patching and Provisioning places that software:
• In an Oracle ACFS shared file system managed by Fleet Patching and Provisioning (for
database homes only)
• In a local file system not managed by Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Using the rhpctl add workingcopy command with the -storagetype and -path parameters,
you can choose where you store provisioned working copies. The applicability of the
parameters depends on whether the node (or nodes) to which you are provisioning the
working copy is a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Client, or a non-Fleet Patching and Provisioning client. You can choose from the following
values for the -stroragetype parameter:

• RHP_MANAGED: Choosing this value, which is available for Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Servers and Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients, stores working copies in an Oracle
ACFS shared file system. The -path parameter is not used with this option because Fleet
Patching and Provisioning manages the storage option.


– You cannot store Oracle Grid Infrastructure homes in RHP_MANAGED storage.

– Oracle recommends using the RHP_MANAGED storage type, which is available
on Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers, and on Clients configured with
an Oracle ASM disk group.
– If you provision working copies on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server, then you do not need to specify the -storagetype option because it
will default to RHP_MANAGED.
– If you choose to provision working copies on a Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client, and you do not specify the -path parameter, then the
storage type defaults to RHP_MANAGED only if there is an Oracle ASM disk
group on the client. Otherwise the command will fail. If you specify a
location on the client for the -path parameter, then the storage type
defaults to LOCAL with or without an Oracle ASM disk group.

• LOCAL: Choosing this value stores working copies in a local file system that is not
managed by Fleet Patching and Provisioning.
When adding a database working copy, specifying a path is optional. If a path is not
specified, then a path under ORACLE_BASE is automatically chosen. This path is displayed
on the terminal.

Chapter 3
Provisioning Copies of Gold Images

In cases where you specify the -path parameter, if the file system is shared among all
of the nodes in the cluster, then the working copy gets created on this shared storage.
If the file system is not shared, then the working copy gets created in the location of
the given path on every node in the cluster.

The directory you specify in the -path parameter must be empty.

Related Topics
• rhpctl add workingcopy
Creates a working copy on a client cluster.

Provisioning for a Different User

If you want a different user to provision software other than the user running the
command, then use the -user parameter of the rhpctl add workingcopy command.

The default user is the user as which the RHPCTL command is being run.

When the provisioning is completed, all files and directories of the provisioned
software are owned by the user you specified. Permissions on files on the remotely
provisioned software are the same as the permissions that existed on the gold image
from where you provisioned the application software.

User Group Management in Fleet Patching and Provisioning

When you create a working copy of a gold image as part of a move or upgrade
operation, Fleet Patching and Provisioning configures the operating system groups in
the new working copy to match those of the source software home.
These operating system groups are used for operating system authentication, such as
OSDBA and OSOPER. Oracle FPP configures operating system groups for both
unmanaged and managed software homes from which you move or upgrade.
When you create a gold image of SOFTWARE image type, any user groups in the
source are not inherited and images of this type never contain user group information.
When you provision a working copy from a SOFTWARE gold image using the rhpctl
add workingcopy command, you can, optionally, configure user groups in the working
copy using the -groups parameter.

The rhpctl move database, rhpctl move gihome, rhpctl upgrade database, and
rhpctl upgrade gihome commands all require you to specify a source home (either
an unmanaged home or a managed home (working copy) that you provisioned using
Fleet Patching and Provisioning), and a destination home (which must be a working
When you have provisioned the destination home using the rhpctl add workingcopy
command, prior to performing a move or upgrade operation, you must ensure that the

Chapter 3
Provisioning Copies of Gold Images

groups configured in the source home match those in the destination home. Fleet Patching
and Provisioning configures the groups as part of the add operation.
When you create a gold image of either the ORACLEGISOFTWARE or the
ORACLEDBSOFTWARE image type from a source software home (using the rhpctl import
image command) or from a working copy (using the rhpctl add image command), the gold
image inherits the Oracle user groups that were configured in the source. You cannot
override this feature.
You can define user groups for ORACLEGISOFTWARE and ORACLEDBSOFTWARE
working copies using the rhpctl add workingcopy command, depending on the image type
and user group, as discussed in the subsequent sections.
This section describes how Fleet Patching and Provisioning manages user group
configuration, and how the -groups command-line option of rhpctl add workingcopy

ORACLEGISOFTWARE (Oracle Grid Infrastructure)

When you provision an Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy of a gold image, the groups
are set in the working copy according to the type of provisioning (whether regular provisioning
or software only, and with or without the -local parameter), and whether you specify the -
groups parameter with rhpctl add workingcopy. You can define OSDBA and OSASM user
groups in Oracle Grid Infrastructure software with either the -softwareonly command
parameter or by using a response file with the rhpctl add workingcopy command.

If you are provisioning only the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software using the -softwareonly
command parameter, then you cannot use the -groups parameter, and Fleet Patching and
Provisioning obtains OSDBA and OSASM user group information from the active Grid home.
If you use the -local command parameter (which is only valid when you use the -
softwareonly command parameter) with rhpctl add workingcopy, then Fleet Patching and
Provisioning takes the values of the groups from the command line (using the -groups
parameter) or uses the default values, which Fleet Patching and Provisioning obtains from
the osdbagrp binary of the gold image.

If none of the preceding applies, then Fleet Patching and Provisioning uses the installer
default user group.
If you are provisioning and configuring a working copy using information from a response file,
then Fleet Patching and Provisioning:
1. Uses the value of the user group from the command line, if provided, for OSDBA or
OSASM, or both.
2. If you provide no value on the command line, then Fleet Patching and Provisioning
retrieves the user group information defined in the response file.
If you are defining the OSOPER Oracle group, then, again, you can either use the -
softwareonly command parameter or use a response file with the rhpctl add workingcopy
If you use the -softwareonly command parameter, then you can provide the value on the
command line (using the -groups parameter) or leave the user group undefined.

If you are provisioning and configuring a working copy of a gold image using information from
a response file, then you can provide the value on the command line, use the information
contained in the response file, or leave the OSOPER Oracle group undefined.

Chapter 3
Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Homes


If you are provisioning a working copy of Oracle Database software and you want to
define Oracle groups, then use the -groups command parameter with the rhpctl add
workingcopy command. Oracle groups available in the various Oracle Database
releases are as follows:
• Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2)
• Oracle Database 12c release 1 (12.1)
• Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2) and later
Regardless of which of the preceding groups you are defining (except for OSOPER),
Fleet Patching and Provisioning takes the values of the groups from the command line
(using the -groups parameter) or uses the default values, which Fleet Patching and
Provisioning obtains from the osdbagrp binary of the gold image.

If any group picked up from the osdbagrp binary is not in the list of groups to which the
database user belongs (given by the id command), then Fleet Patching and
Provisioning uses the installer default user group. Otherwise, the database user is the
user running the rhpctl add workingcopy command.

Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Homes

When you create a working copy of a gold image as part of a move or upgrade
operation, Fleet Patching and Provisioning configures the operating system groups in
the new working copy to match those of the source software home.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients have the ability to fetch Oracle Grid
Infrastructure homes from the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
Oracle Grid Infrastructure homes are distributed in the form of working copies of gold
images. After a working copy has been provisioned, Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning can optionally configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure. This gives Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning the ability to create an Oracle Grid Infrastructure
installation on a group of one or more nodes that initially do not have Oracle Grid
Infrastructure installed.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning also has commands for managing Oracle Grid
Infrastructure homes, such as switching to a patched home or upgrading to a new

Chapter 3
Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Homes

Oracle Grid Infrastructure version. These are both single commands that orchestrate the
numerous steps involved. Reverting to the original home is just as simple. Also, Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning can add or delete nodes from an Oracle Grid Infrastructure
• About Deploying Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to provision and maintain your
Oracle Grid Infrastructure homes.
• Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Software
Fleet Patching and Provisioning has several methods to provision and, optionally,
configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Restart grid infrastructure homes.
• Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c With GIMR Configured
You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to provision Oracle Grid
infrastructure that has Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) configured.

About Deploying Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Oracle Fleet Patching

and Provisioning
You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to provision and maintain your Oracle
Grid Infrastructure homes.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning enables mass deployment and maintenance of
standard operating environments for databases, clusters, and user-defined software types.
Oracle FPP enables you to install clusters, and provision, patch, scale, and upgrade Oracle
Grid Infrastructure, Oracle Restart, and Oracle Database homes. The supported releases are, 12.1, 12.2, 18c, and later releases. You can also provision applications and
middleware using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning is a service in Oracle Grid Infrastructure that you can
use in either of the following modes:
• Central Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server stores and manages standardized
images, called gold images. Gold images can be deployed to any number of nodes
across the data center. You can create new clusters and databases on the deployed
homes and can use them to patch, upgrade, and scale existing installations.
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can manage the following types of
– Software homes on the cluster hosting the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server itself.
– Installations running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 11g Release 2 ( and later
– Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c
Release 2 (12.2) and later releases.
– Installations running without Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can provision new installations, and
manage existing installations, without requiring any changes to the existing installations.
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can automatically share gold images
among peer servers to support enterprises with geographically distributed data centers.

Chapter 3
Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Homes

• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client can be managed from the
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, or directly by executing commands
on the client itself. The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is a service
built into the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and is available in Oracle Grid
Infrastructure 12c Release 2 (12.2) and later releases. The Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Client can retrieve gold images from the Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server, upload new images based on the policy, and apply
maintenance operations to itself.

Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Software

Fleet Patching and Provisioning has several methods to provision and, optionally,
configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Restart grid infrastructure homes.
Fleet Patching and Provisioning can provision and configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure
on one or more nodes that do not currently have a Grid home, and then configure
Oracle Grid Infrastructure to form a single-node or multi-node Oracle Grid
Infrastructure installation.
Use the rhpctl add workingcopy command to install and configure Oracle Grid
Infrastructure, and to enable simple and repeatable creation of standardized
The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can also provision an Oracle Grid
Infrastructure home to a node or cluster that is currently running Oracle Grid
Infrastructure. The currently running Grid home can be a home that Fleet Patching and
Provisioning did not provision (an unmanaged home) or a home that Fleet Patching
and Provisioning did provision (a managed home).
You can also provision an Oracle Restart grid infrastructure to a node in the cluster.
In either case, use the -softwareonly parameter of the rhpctl add workingcopy
command. This provisions but does not activate the new Grid home, so that when you
are ready to switch to that new home, you can do so with a single command.
• To inform Fleet Patching and Provisioning the nodes on which to install Oracle
Grid Infrastructure, and to configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure, you provide
directions in a response file, as in the following example:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI_HOME_11204_WCPY -image

GI_HOME_11204 –responsefile /u01/app/rhpinfo/GI_11204_install.txt

The preceding command provisions the GI_HOME_11204_WCPY working copy based

on the GI_HOME_11204 gold image to a target specified in the
GI_11204_install.txt response file. In addition to identifying the target nodes,
the response file specifies information about the Oracle Grid Infrastructure
configuration, such as Oracle ASM and GNS parameters.

Chapter 3
Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure Homes

The response file
parameter is overridden and always set to false for Fleet Patching and
Provisioning, regardless of what you specify in the response file.

• To provision an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home to a node or cluster that is currently

running Oracle Grid Infrastructure:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI_HOME_12201_PATCHED_WCPY -image

GI_HOME_12201_PSU1 –client CLUST_002 -softwareonly

The preceding command provisions a new working copy based on the

GI_HOME_12201_PSU1 gold image to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client (that is
running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 2 (12.2)) named CLUST_002. When you
provision to a target that is not running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 2 (12.2)
(such as, a target running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 1 (12.1) or Oracle Grid
Infrastructure 11g release 2 (11.2)), use the -targetnode parameter instead of -client.
• Specify a target node on which you want to provision an Oracle Restart grid
infrastructure, as follows:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy SIHA_GI -image goldimage -

targetnode remote_node_name -responsefile Oracle_Restart_response_file

Related Topics
• Authentication Options for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Operations
Some RHPCTL commands show authentication choices as an optional parameter.

Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c With GIMR Configured

You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to provision Oracle Grid infrastructure
that has Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) configured.
1. Import the Oracle Grid Infrastructure image with the rhpctl import image command.
2. Import the Oracle Database image with the rhpctl import image command.
3. Add the Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy with the rhpctl add workingcopy
Specify the use of a local GIMR in the response file using the following settings.
4. Add the Oracle Database working copy with the rhpctl add workingcopy command. The
owner of the database working copy must be the same as the owner of the Oracle Grid
Infrastructure working copy.
This use of the rhpctl add workingcopy command is only used by GIMR, and cannot be
used to provision customer databases.

Chapter 3
Provisioning Oracle Database Homes

5. Add the GIMR database to the database working copy with the rhpctl add
database command using the -gimr flag.

Provisioning Oracle Database Homes

Use the rhpctl add workingcopy command to provision a working copy of a
database home on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, Client, or target.
• Run the rhpctl add workingcopy command on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server, similar to the following example:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -image db12c -path /u01/app/dbusr/product/

-client client_007 -oraclebase /u01/app/dbusr/ -workingcopy

The preceding command example creates a working copy named wc_db122_1 on

all nodes of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client cluster named client_007.
The gold image db12c is the source of the workingcopy. The directory path
locations that you specify in the command must be empty.
Related Topics
• rhpctl add workingcopy

Patching and Upgrading Oracle Grid
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server provides an efficient and secure platform
for patching and upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
• Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure
Fleet Patching and Provisioning provides three methods to patch Oracle Grid
Infrastructure software homes: rolling, non-rolling, and in batches.
• Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure
If you are using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, then you can use a single command to
upgrade an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
• Oracle Restart Patching and Upgrading
You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to patch and upgrade Oracle Restart
using gold images.

Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure

Fleet Patching and Provisioning provides three methods to patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure
software homes: rolling, non-rolling, and in batches.
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure software involves moving the Grid home to a patched
version of the current Grid home. When the patching operation is initiated by a Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server or Client, the patched version must be a working copy of a gold
image. The working copy to which you are moving the Grid home can be at a lower patch
level than the current home. This facilitates rollback if any problems occur after moving to the
higher-level patched home.
You can also perform this operation using the independent automaton in an environment
where no Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is present. In this case, the source and
destination homes are not working copies of gold images, but are two installed homes that
you deployed with some method other than using Fleet Patching and Provisioning.
For information about patching using batches, refer to Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure
and Oracle Database Using Batches.
• Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using the Rolling Method
The rolling method for patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure is the default method.
• Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using the Non-Rolling Method
You can use the -nonrolling parameter with the rhpctl move gihome command, which
restarts the Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack on all nodes in parallel.
• Combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database Patching
When you patch an Oracle Grid Infrastructure deployment, Fleet Patching and
Provisioning enables you to simultaneously patch the Oracle Database homes on the
cluster, so you can patch both types of software homes in a single maintenance

Chapter 4
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure

• Zero-Downtime Oracle Grid Infrastructure Patching

Use Fleet Patching and Provisioning to patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure without
bringing down Oracle RAC database instances.
Related Topics
• rhpctl add workingcopy
• rhpctl move gihome

Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using the Rolling Method

The rolling method for patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure is the default method.
You use the rhpctl move gihome command (an atomic operation), which returns after
the Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack on each node has been restarted on the new
home. Nodes are restarted sequentially, so that only one node at a time will be offline,
while all other nodes in the cluster remain online.
• Move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home to a working copy of the same release
level, as follows:

$ rhpctl move gihome –sourcewc Grid_home_1 –destwc Grid_home_2

The preceding command moves the running Oracle Grid Infrastructure home from
the current managed home (the sourcewc) to the patched home (destwc) on the
specific client cluster. The patched home must be provisioned on the client.
• If the move operation fails at some point before completing, then you can rerun the
operation by running the command again and the operation will resume where it
left off. This enables you to fix whatever problem caused the failure and resume
processing from the point of failure. Or you can undo the partially completed
operation and return the configuration to its initial state, as follows:

$ rhpctl move gihome -destwc destination_workingcopy_name -revert


You cannot use the -revert parameter with an un-managed home.

Chapter 4
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure


• You cannot move the Grid home to a home that Fleet Patching and Provisioning
does not manage. Therefore, rollback (to the original home) applies only to
moves between two working copies. This restriction does not apply when using
the independent automaton since it operates on unmanaged homes only.
• You can delete the source working copy at any time after moving a Grid home.
Once you delete the working copy, however, you cannot perform a rollback.
Also, use the rhpctl delete workingcopy command (as opposed to rm, for
example) to remove the source working copy to keep the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning inventory correct.
• If you use the -abort parameter to terminate the patching operation, then Fleet
Patching and Provisioning does not clean up or undo any of the patching steps.
The cluster, databases, or both may be in an inconsistent state because all
nodes are not patched.

Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using the Non-Rolling Method

You can use the -nonrolling parameter with the rhpctl move gihome command, which
restarts the Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack on all nodes in parallel.
As with the rolling method, this is an atomic command which returns after all nodes are
• Use the following command to patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure in an non-rolling fashion:

$ rhpctl move gihome –sourcewc Grid_home_1 –destwc Grid_home_2 -nonrolling

Combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database Patching

When you patch an Oracle Grid Infrastructure deployment, Fleet Patching and Provisioning
enables you to simultaneously patch the Oracle Database homes on the cluster, so you can
patch both types of software homes in a single maintenance operation.

You cannot patch both Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database in
combination, with the independent automaton.

The following optional parameters of the rhpctl move gihome command are relevant to the
combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database patching use case:
• -auto: Automatically patch databases along with patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure
• -dbhomes mapping_of_Oracle_homes: Mapping of source and destination working copies
in the following format:


Chapter 4
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure

• -dblist db_name_list: Patch only the specified databases

• -excludedblist db_name_list: Patch all databases except the specified
• -nodatapatch: Indicates that datapatch is not be run for databases being moved
As an example, assume that a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server with Oracle
Grid Infrastructure 12c release 2 (12.2) has provisioned the following working copies
on an Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 1 ( target cluster which includes
the node test_749:

• GI121WC1: The active Grid home on the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 1
( cluster
• GI121WC2: A software-only Grid home on the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release
1 ( cluster
• DB121WC1: An Oracle RAC 12c release 1 ( database home running
database instances
• DB121025WC1: An Oracle RAC 12c release 1 ( database home with no
database instances (this is the patched home)
• DB112WC1: An Oracle RAC 11g release 2 ( database home running
database instances
• DB112045WC1: An Oracle RAC 11g release 2 ( database home with no
database instances (this is the patched home)
Further assume that you want to simultaneously move
• Oracle Grid Infrastructure from working copy GI121WC1 to working copy GI121WC2
• Oracle RAC Database db1 from working copy DB121WC1 to working copy
• Oracle RAC Database db2 in working copy DB112WC1 to working copy DB112045WC1
The following single command accomplishes the moves:

$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc GI121WC1 -destwc GI121WC2 -auto

-dbhomes DB121WC1=DB121025WC1,DB112WC1=DB112045WC1 -targetnode
test_749 {authentication_option}

Chapter 4
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure


• If you have an existing Oracle home that is not currently a working copy, then
specify the Oracle home path instead of the working copy name for the source
home. In the preceding example, if the Oracle home path for an existing home is /u01/app/prod/, then replace
DB121WC1=DB121025WC1 with /u01/app/prod/
• If the move operation fails at some point before completing, then you can either
resolve the cause of the failure and resume the operation by rerunning the
command, or you can undo the partially completed operation by issuing the
following command, which restores the configuration to its initial state:

$ rhpctl move gihome -destwc GI121WC2 -revert


In the preceding command example, the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 1 (
Grid home moves from working copy GI121WC1 to working copy GI121WC2, databases running
on working copy DB121WC1 move to working copy DB121025WC1, and databases running on
working copy DB112WC1 move to working copy DB112045WC1.

For each node in the client cluster, RHPCTL:

1. Runs any configured pre-operation user actions for moving the Oracle Grid Infrastructure
(move gihome).
2. Runs any configured pre-operation user actions for moving the database working copies
(move database).
3. Stops services running on the node, and applies drain and disconnect options.
4. Performs the relevant patching operations for Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Database.
5. Runs any configured post-operation user actions for moving the database working copies
(move database).
6. Runs any configured post-operation user actions for moving the Oracle Grid
Infrastructure working copy (move gihome).

Related Topics
• rhpctl move gihome
Moves the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software stack from one home to another.

Zero-Downtime Oracle Grid Infrastructure Patching

Use Fleet Patching and Provisioning to patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure without bringing
down Oracle RAC database instances.
Current methods of patching the Oracle Grid Infrastructure require that you bring down all
Oracle RAC database instances on the node where you are patching the Oracle Grid
Infrastructure home. This issue is addressed in the Grid Infrastructure layer where by the
database instances can continue to run during the grid infrastructure patching.

Chapter 4
Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure

You can use zero-downtime patching only for out-of-place patching of Oracle
Grid Infrastructure 19c Release Update (RU) 19.8 or later releases with
Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One Node databases of 19c or later releases. If
your Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One Node database release is older than
19c, then the database instances stop during zero-downtime patching.

To enable zero-downtime Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching, use the rhpctl move
gihome command in a manner similar to the following:

rhpctl move gihome -tgip -sourcewc source_workingcopy_name -destwc


Patching System Software Binaries

When using Zero Downtime Patching, only the binaries in the Oracle Grid
Infrastructure user space are patched. Additional Oracle Grid Infrastructure OS system
software, kernel modules and system commands including ACFS, AFD, OLFS, and OKA,
are not updated. These commands continue to run the version previous to the patch
version. After patching, the OPatch inventory displays the new patch number in the
inventory; however, the running OS system software does not contain these changes.
Only the OS system software that is available in the Grid Infrastructure home has been
To determine the OS system software that is available in the Grid Infrastructure home,
you can run the crsctl query driver activeversion -all command. To determine
what OS system software is running on the system, use crsctl query driver
softwareversion -all.

To update the Grid Infrastructure OS system software on a single node, you must
completely stop the Grid Infrastructure software. To stop the Grid Infrastructure
software, you must stop the Oracle RAC databases on the single node. After stopping
the Oracle RAC databases, run -updateosfiles to update all the Grid
Infrastructure OS system software on the single node.

See Also:

• Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System

Administrator's Guide for information about Oracle Patching and Oracle

Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure

If you are using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, then you can use a single command
to upgrade an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
Fleet Patching and Provisioning supports upgrades to Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c
from 19c, 18c, 12.2, 12.1, and 11.2. The destination for the upgrade can be a working

Chapter 4
Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure

copy of a gold image already provisioned or you can choose to create the working copy as
part of this operation.
As an example, assume that a target cluster is running Oracle Grid Infrastructure on an
Oracle Grid Infrastructure home that was provisioned by Fleet Patching and Provisioning.
This Oracle Grid Infrastructure home is 19c and the working copy is named accordingly, for
example GIOH19C.

After provisioning a working copy version of Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c (named GIOH21C in
this example) and GIMR (named GIMROH21c in this example), you can upgrade to that
working copy with this single command:

$ rhpctl upgrade gihome -sourcewc GIOH19C -destwc GIOH21C -gimrwc GIMROH21c

If the cluster that you are upgrading has a local GIMR, then follow the steps in the
Provisioning an Oracle Grid infrastructure 21c with GIMR configured section.
Fleet Patching and Provisioning is able to identify the cluster to upgrade based on the name
of the source working copy. If the target cluster was running on an unmanaged Oracle Grid
Infrastructure home, then you would specify the path of the source home rather than
providing a source working copy name, and you must also specify the target cluster.

You can delete the source working copy at any time after completing an upgrade.
Once you delete the working copy, however, you cannot perform a rollback. Also,
use the rhpctl delete workingcopy command (as opposed to rm, for example) to
remove the source working copy to keep the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
inventory correct.

• Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c With GIMR Configured

You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to upgrade Oracle Grid infrastructure
that has Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) configured.
Related Topics
• Provisioning Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c With GIMR Configured
You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to provision Oracle Grid
infrastructure that has Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) configured.

Upgrading Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c With GIMR Configured

You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to upgrade Oracle Grid infrastructure
that has Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) configured.
1. Import the Oracle Grid Infrastructure image of the version that you want to upgrade to
21c with the rhpctl import image command.
2. Import the Oracle Database image of the version that you want to upgrade to 21c with the
rhpctl import image command.
3. Add a software only Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy with the rhpctl add
workingcopy command using the -softwareonly flag.

Chapter 4
Oracle Restart Patching and Upgrading

4. Add the database working copy for the GIMR upgrade with the rhpctl add
workingcopy command using the -gimr flag. The owner of the database working
copy must be the same as the owner of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure working
This use of the rhpctl add workingcopy command is only used by GIMR, and
cannot be used to provision customer databases.
5. Upgrade both the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and GIMR homes with a single rhpctl
upgrade gihome command using the -gimrwc gimr_wc option, where gimr_wc
specifies the working copy created in the previous step (step 4).

Oracle Restart Patching and Upgrading

You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to patch and upgrade Oracle
Restart using gold images.
You can move the target of single-node Oracle Restart to an Oracle home that you
provision from a gold image that includes any patches. Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning ensures the copying of the configuration files, such as listener.ora, to the
new Oracle home.
You can also use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to upgrade Oracle Restart
using gold images. Upgrade the Oracle Restart environment by upgrading the Oracle
home on the target Oracle home that you provision from a higher-level gold image.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning updates the configuration and inventory
Use the RHPCTL utility similar to the following to patch Oracle Restart:

rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc Oracle_Restart_home_1 -destwc

-targetnode Oracle_Restart_node {superuser credentials}

Use the RHPCTL utility similar to the following to upgrade Oracle Restart:

rhpctl upgrade gihome -sourcewc source_Oracle_Restart_home -destwc

-targetnode Oracle_Restart_node {superuser credentials}

Patching and Upgrading Oracle Database
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server provides an efficient and secure platform
for patching and upgrading Oracle Database.
• Creating an Oracle Database
Create an Oracle Database on a working copy.
• Patching Oracle Database
To patch an Oracle database, you move the database home to a new home, which
includes the patches you want to implement.
• Upgrading Oracle Database Software
Fleet Patching and Provisioning provides two options for upgrading Oracle Database.
Both options are performed with a single command.
• Zero-Downtime Upgrade
Using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning, which automates and orchestrates
database upgrades, you can upgrade an Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One Node database
with no disruption in service.

Creating an Oracle Database

Create an Oracle Database on a working copy.
The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can add a database on a working copy that is on
the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, itself, a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, or
a non-Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client target. A Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
can create a database on a working copy that is running on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client, itself.
• After you create a working copy of a gold image and provision that working copy to a
target, you can create an Oracle Database on the working copy using the rhpctl add
database command, similar to the following command example, which creates an Oracle
Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database called db12201 on a working copy
called wc_db122_1:

$ rhpctl add database –workingcopy wc_db122_1 –dbname db12201 -node

client_007_node1,client_007_node2 -dbtype RAC -datafileDestination

The preceding example creates an administrator-managed Oracle RAC database on two

nodes in a client cluster. The data file destination is an Oracle ASM disk group that was
created prior to running the command. Additionally, you can create Oracle RAC One Node
and non-cluster databases.

Chapter 5
Patching Oracle Database

When you create a database using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, the
feature uses random passwords for both the SYS and SYSTEM schemas in
the database and you cannot retrieve these passwords. A user with the DBA
or operator role must connect to the database, locally, on the node where it is
running and reset the passwords to these two accounts.

Patching Oracle Database

To patch an Oracle database, you move the database home to a new home, which
includes the patches you want to implement.
Use the rhpctl move database command to move one or more database homes to a
working copy of the same database release level. The databases may be running on a
working copy, or on an Oracle Database home that is not managed by Fleet Patching
and Provisioning.
When the move operation is initiated by a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server or
Client, the version moved to must be a working copy of a gold image. You can also
perform this operation using the independent automaton in an environment where no
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is present. In this case, the source and
destination homes are not working copies of gold images, but are two installed homes
that you deployed with some method other than using Fleet Patching and Provisioning.
The working copy to which you are moving the database can be at a lower patch level
than the current database home. This facilitates rollback in the event that you
encounter any problems after moving to the higher level patched home.
The working copy to which you are moving the database home can be at the same
patch level as the original working copy. This is useful if you are moving a database
home from one storage location to another, or if you wish to convert an unmanaged
home to a managed home while staying at the same patch level.
Fleet Patching and Provisioning applies all patches out-of-place, minimizing the
downtime necessary for maintenance. Fleet Patching and Provisioning also preserves
the current configuration, enabling the rollback capability previously described. By
default, Fleet Patching and Provisioning applies patches in a rolling manner, which
reduces, and in many cases eliminates, service downtime. Use the -nonrolling
option to perform patching in non-rolling mode. The database is then completely
stopped on the old ORACLE_HOME, and then restarted to make it run from the newly
patched ORACLE_HOME.

For information about patching using batches, refer to Patching Oracle Grid
Infrastructure and Oracle Database Using Batches.

Chapter 5
Patching Oracle Database

Part of the patching process includes applying Datapatch. When you move an
Oracle Database 12c release 1 (12.1) or higher, Fleet Patching and Provisioning
completes this step for you. When you move to a version previous to Oracle
Database 12c release 1 (12.1), however, you must run Datapatch manually. Fleet
Patching and Provisioning is Oracle Data Guard-aware, and will not apply
Datapatch to Oracle Data Guard standbys.

Workflow for Database Patching

Assume that a database named myorcldb is running on a working copy that was created from
an Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2) gold image named DB122. The typical workflow for
patching an Oracle Database home is as follows:
1. Create a working copy of the Oracle Database that you want to patch, in this case DB122.
2. Apply the patch to the working copy you created.
3. Test and validate the patched working copy.
4. Use the rhpctl add image command to create a gold image (for example, DB122_PATCH)
from the patched working copy.

The working copy you specify in the preceding command must be hosted on
the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server in Fleet Patching and Provisioning-
managed storage.

5. Delete the patched working copy with the patched Oracle Database using the rhpctl
delete workingcopy command.

Do not remove directly using the rm command or some other method, because
this does not update the Fleet Patching and Provisioning inventory information.

6. Create a working copy from the patched gold image, (DB122_PATCH).

7. Move myorcldb to the working copy you just created.
8. When you are confident that you will not need to roll back to the working copy on which
the database was running at the beginning of the procedure, delete that working copy
using the rhpctl delete workingcopy command.

Related Topics
• Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure
• Provisioning Copies of Gold Images
• Adding Gold Images to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
• RHPCTL Command Reference

Chapter 5
Upgrading Oracle Database Software

Upgrading Oracle Database Software

Fleet Patching and Provisioning provides two options for upgrading Oracle Database.
Both options are performed with a single command.
The rhpctl upgrade database command performs a traditional upgrade incurring
downtime. The rhpctl zdtupgrade database command performs an Oracle RAC or
Oracle RAC One Node upgrade with minimal or no downtime.
You can use Fleet Patching and Provisioning to provision, scale, and patch Oracle
Database 11g release 2 ( and later releases. You can also upgrade Oracle
Databases from 12c release 2 (12.2), 18c, and 19c to Oracle Database 21c. Refer to
Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for information about Oracle Database direct
upgrade paths.

The version of Oracle Grid Infrastructure on which the pre-upgrade database
is running must be the same version or higher than the version of the
database to which you are upgrading.

The destination for the upgrade can be a working copy already provisioned, or you can
choose to create the working copy of gold image as part of this operation.
The pre-upgrade database can be running on a working copy (a managed home that
was provisioned by Fleet Patching and Provisioning) or on an unmanaged home. In
the first case, you can roll back the upgrade process with a single RHPCTL command.

You can delete the source working copy at any time after completing an
upgrade. Once you delete the working copy, however, you cannot perform a
rollback. Also, use the rhpctl delete workingcopy command (as opposed
to rm, for example) to remove the source working copy to keep the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning inventory correct.

Related Topics
• rhpctl upgrade database
• rhpctl zdtupgrade database

Zero-Downtime Upgrade
Using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning, which automates and orchestrates
database upgrades, you can upgrade an Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One Node
database with no disruption in service.

Chapter 5
Zero-Downtime Upgrade

A multitenant container database is the only supported architecture in Oracle
Database 21c. While the documentation is being revised, legacy terminology may
persist. In most cases, "database" and "non-CDB" refer to a CDB or PDB,
depending on context. In some contexts, such as upgrades, "non-CDB" refers to a
non-CDB from a previous release.

The zero-downtime upgrade process is resumable, restartable, and recoverable should any
errors interrupt the process. You can fix the issue then re-run the command, and Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning continues from the error point. Oracle also provides hooks at the
beginning and end of the zero-downtime upgrade process, allowing call outs to user-defined
scripts, so you can customize the process.
You can use the zero-downtime upgrade process to upgrade databases that meet the
following criteria:
• Database upgrade targets: Oracle RAC and Oracle RAC One Node, with the following
upgrade paths: to:, 12.2, 18c to: 12.2, 18c - 21c
12.2 to: 18c - 21c
18c to: 19c - 21c
19c to: 21c
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning management: The source database home
can either be unmanaged (not provisioned by Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
service) or managed (provisioned by Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning service)
• Database state: The source database must be in archive log mode

Upgrading Container Databases

You can use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to upgrade CDBs but Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning does not support converting a non-CDB to a CDB during upgrade.
To prepare for a zero-downtime upgrade, you complete configuration steps and validation
checks. When you run a zero-downtime upgrade using Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning, you can stop the upgrade and resume it, if necessary. You can recover from any
upgrade errors, and you can restart the upgrade. You also have the ability to insert calls to
your own scripts during the upgrade, so you can customize your upgrade procedure.

Zero-Downtime Upgrade Environment Prerequisites

• Server environment: Oracle Grid Infrastructure 18c - 21c with Oracle Fleet Patching and
• Database hosts: Databases hosted on one of the following platforms:
– Oracle Grid Infrastructure 18c - 21c Fleet Patching and Provisioning, Client or Server
– Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c ( Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
– Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c ( target cluster
• Database-specific prerequisites for the environment: During an upgrade, Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning manages replication to a local data file to preserve

Chapter 5
Zero-Downtime Upgrade

transactions applied to the new database when it is ready. There are two
possibilities for the local data file:
Snap clone, which is available if the database data files and redo and archive
redo logs are on Oracle ACFS file systems
Full copy, for all other cases
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning requires either Oracle GoldenGate or
Oracle Data Guard during a zero-downtime database upgrade. As part of the
upgrade procedure, Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning configures and
manages the Oracle GoldenGate deployment.
• Running a Zero-Downtime Upgrade Using Oracle GoldenGate for Replication
Run a zero-downtime upgrade using Oracle GoldenGate for replication.
• Running a Zero-Downtime Upgrade Using Oracle Data Guard for Replication
Run a zero-downtime upgrade using Oracle Data Guard for replication.
• Customizing Zero-Downtime Upgrades
You can customize zero-downtime upgrades using the user-action framework of
Fleet Patching and Provisioning.

Running a Zero-Downtime Upgrade Using Oracle GoldenGate for

Run a zero-downtime upgrade using Oracle GoldenGate for replication.
1. Prepare the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
Create gold images of the Oracle GoldenGate software in the image library of the
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

You can download the Oracle GoldenGate software for your platform
from Oracle eDelivery. The Oracle GoldenGate 12.3 installable kit
contains the required software for both Oracle Database 11g and Oracle
Database 12c databases.

If you download the Oracle GoldenGate software, then extract the software home
and perform a software only installation on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Create gold images of the Oracle GoldenGate software for both databases, as

$ rhpctl import image -image 112ggimage -path path -imagetype

$ rhpctl import image -image 12ggimage -path path -imagetype

In both of the preceding commands, path refers to the location of the Oracle
GoldenGate software home on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server for
each release of the database.

Chapter 5
Zero-Downtime Upgrade

2. Prepare the target database.

Provision working copies of the Oracle GoldenGate software to the cluster hosting the
database, as follows:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GG_Wcopy_11g -image 112ggimage -user

user_name -node 12102_cluster_node -path path {-root | -sudouser
-sudopath sudo_bin_path}
$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GG_Wcopy_12c -image 12ggimage -user
user_name -node 12102_cluster_node -path path {-root | -sudouser
-sudopath sudo_bin_path}

If the database is hosted on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, itself, then
neither the -targetnode nor -client parameters are required.

Working copy names must be unique, therefore you must use a different
working copy name on subsequent targets. You can create unique working
copy names by including the name of the target/client cluster name in the
working copy name.

3. Provision a working copy of the Oracle Database 12c software home to the target cluster.

You can do this preparation ahead of the maintenance window without disrupting
any operations taking place on the target.

• You can run the upgrade command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to
upgrade a database hosted on the server, an Oracle Database 12c release 1 (
target cluster, or a database hosted on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client 12c
release 2 ( or 18c. You can also run the command a Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client 18c to upgrade a database hosted on the client, itself.
Use the upgrade command similar to the following:

$ rhpctl zdtupgrade database -dbname sierra -destwc DB_Wcopy_121 -ggsrcwc

GG_Wcopy_11g -ggdstwc GG_Wcopy_12c -targetnode 12102_cluster_node -root

In the preceding command, 12102_cluster_node refers to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure

12c release 1 ( cluster hosting the database you want to upgrade.
Related Topics
• rhpctl import image
Creates an image on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
• rhpctl add workingcopy
Creates a working copy on a client cluster.

Chapter 5
Zero-Downtime Upgrade

• rhpctl zdtupgrade database

The Zero Downtime Upgrade command rhpctl zdtupgrade database enables
zero downtime database upgrades for Oracle RAC and Oracle RAC One Node
Oracle Database instances.

Running a Zero-Downtime Upgrade Using Oracle Data Guard for

Run a zero-downtime upgrade using Oracle Data Guard for replication.
You can run the zero-downtime upgrade command using Oracle Data Guard’s
transient logical standby (TLS) feature. All of the steps involved are orchestrated by
the zero-downtime upgrade command.
After you provision the destination database Home, the following prerequisites must be
• Data Guard Broker is not enabled
• Flash recovery area (FRA) is configured
• The following example of a zero-downtime upgrade using Oracle Data Guard
upgrades an Oracle Database 11g release 2 (, sierra, running on the
target cluster, which includes a node, targetclust003, to an Oracle Database 12c
release 1 ( (the destination working copy, which was provisioned from a
Gold Image stored on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server named

$ rhpctl zdtupgrade database -dbname sierra -destwc WC121DB4344 -

clonedatadg DBDATA -targetnode node90743 -root

Enter user "root" password: starting zero downtime upgrade operation ... verifying patches applied to Oracle homes ... verifying if database "sierra" can be
upgraded with zero downtime ...
node90743: 15:09:10.459: Verifying whether database "sierra" can be
cloned ...
node90743: 15:09:10.462: Verifying that database "sierra" is a
primary database ...
node90743: 15:09:14.672: Verifying that connections can be created
to database "sierra" ...
< ... >
node90743: 15:14:58.015: Starting redo apply ...
node90743: 15:15:07.133: Configuring primary database "sierra" ...
#################################################################### retrieving information about database
"xmvotkvd" ... creating services for snapshot database
"xmvotkvd" ...
node90743: 15:15:33.640: Macro step 1: Getting information and
validating setup ...
< ... >
node90743: 15:16:02.844: Macro step 2: Backing up user environment
in case upgrade is aborted ...

Chapter 5
Zero-Downtime Upgrade

node90743: 15:16:02.848: Stopping media recovery for database

"xmvotkvd" ...
node90743: 15:16:05.858: Creating initial restore point
"NZDRU_0000_0001" ...
< ... >
node90743: 15:16:17.611: Macro step 3: Creating transient logical standby
from existing physical standby ...
node90743: 15:16:18.719: Stopping instance "xmvotkvd2" of database
"xmvotkvd" ...
node90743: 15:16:43.187: Verifying that database "sierra" is a primary
database ...
< ... >
node90743: 15:19:27.158: Macro step 4: Upgrading transient logical
standby database ...
node90743: 15:20:27.272: Disabling service "sierrasvc" of database
"xmvotkvd" ...
node90743: 16:36:54.684: Macro step 5: Validating upgraded transient
logical standby database ...
node90743: 16:37:09.576: Creating checkpoint "NZDRU_0301" for database
"xmvotkvd" during stage "3" and task "1" ...
node90743: 16:37:09.579: Stopping media recovery for database
"xmvotkvd" ...
node90743: 16:37:10.792: Creating restore point "NZDRU_0301" for database
"xmvotkvd" ...
node90743: 16:37:11.998: Macro step 6: Switching role of transient
logical standby database ...
node90743: 16:37:12.002: Verifying that database "sierra" is a primary
database ...
< ... >
node90743: 16:39:07.425: Macro step 7: Flashback former primary database
to pre-upgrade restore point and convert to physical standby ...
node90743: 16:39:08.833: Stopping instance "sierra2" of database
"sierra" ...
< ... >
node90743: 16:41:17.138: Macro step 8: Recovering former primary
database ...
node90743: 16:41:19.045: Verifying that database "sierra" is mounted ...
< ... >
node90743: 17:20:21.378: Macro step 9: Switching back ...
< ... >
#################################################################### deleting snapshot database "xmvotkvd" ...

Customizing Zero-Downtime Upgrades

You can customize zero-downtime upgrades using the user-action framework of Fleet
Patching and Provisioning.
To use the user-action framework, you can provide a separate script for any or all of the
points listed in the overall process.

Chapter 5
Zero-Downtime Upgrade

Table 5-1 Zero-Downtime Upgrade Plugins

Plugin Type Pre or Post Plugin runs...

ZDTUPGRADE_DATABASE Pre Before Fleet Patching and Provisioning starts zero-
downtime upgrade.
Post After Fleet Patching and Provisioning completes zero-
downtime upgrade.
ZDTUPGRADE_DATABASE_ Pre Before creating the snapshot or full-clone database.
SNAPDB Post After starting the snapshot or full-clone database (but
before switching over).
ZDTUPGRADE_DATABASE_ Pre Before running DBUA (after switching over).
DBUA Post After DBUA completes.
ZDTUPGRADE_DATABASE_ Pre Before switching back users to the upgraded source
SWITCHBACK database.
Post After switching back users to the upgraded source
database (before deleting snapshot or full-clone

• To register a plugin to be run during a zero-downtime upgrade, run the following


$ rhpctl add useraction -useraction user_action_name -actionscript

{-pre | -post} -optype {ZDTUPGRADE_DATABASE |

You can specify run-time input to the plugins using the -useractiondata option of
the rhpctl zdtupgrade database command.

Updating Oracle Exadata Infrastructure
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server provides an efficient and secure platform
for updating Oracle Exadata Infrastructure.
• Updating Oracle Exadata Cell Server
Update Oracle Exadata Cell server or storage sever by importing and deploying a new
Cell server gold image.
• Updating Oracle Exadata Database Node
Update Oracle Exadata Database nodes by importing and deploying a new database
gold image.
• Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update
With combined Oracle Exadata database node and Oracle Grid Infrastructure update you
can utilize the functionality of multiple independent capabilities.
• Updating Oracle Exadata InfiniBand Switches
Update Oracle Exadata InfiniBand switches by importing and deploying a new InfiniBand
switch gold image.

Updating Oracle Exadata Cell Server

Update Oracle Exadata Cell server or storage sever by importing and deploying a new Cell
server gold image.

1. Create an Oracle Exadata Cell server image.

The following command creates an Oracle Exadata Cell server image. In the example,
image specifies the name of the Cell server image that you want to add, imagetype
specifies EXAPATCHSOFTWARE for Oracle Exadata software, version specifies the version
of the Oracle Exadata software, and path specifies the absolute path location of the Cell
server image that you want to import.

rhpctl import image -image image_name -imagetype EXAPATCHSOFTWARE

-version software_version -path absolute_path

When you import a Cell server image with this command, the version parameter must be
the version of the Cell server software required by the patchmgr on the node. The path
parameter should contain Cell server update zip files.
2. Deploy the Oracle Exadata Cell server image to the client cluster.
The following command deploys an Oracle Exadata Cell server image to a client cluster.
In the example, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata Cell server image that
you want to deploy, client specifies the name of the cluster to which you want to deploy

Chapter 6
Updating Oracle Exadata Database Node

the image, and path specifies the absolute path location for deploying the Oracle
Exadata Cell server image on the target or client side.

rhpctl deploy image -image image_name

-client client_cluster_name -path image_file_path

3. Evaluate the current configuration and perform pre-upgrade checks.

The following command evaluates the current configuration and performs pre-
upgrade checks. In the example, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata
Cell server image that you want to use for updating, client specifies the name of
the cluster in which you want to update the Cell server, and batches specifies a
comma-delimited list of batches of nodes where each batch is a comma-delimited
list of node names enclosed in parentheses and node names are enclosed in
double quotation marks ("") in the format: "(nA,nB,...),(...,nY,nZ)".

rhpctl update exadata -cells -image image_name -client

-patchmgrargs "-ignore_alerts" -batches "(batch1),(batch2)" -eval

4. Update Oracle Exadata Cell server with the new image.

rhpctl update exadata -cells -image image_name -client

-patchmgrargs "-ignore_alerts" -batches "(batch1),(batch2)"

Updating Oracle Exadata Database Node

Update Oracle Exadata Database nodes by importing and deploying a new database
gold image.

1. Create an Oracle Exadata Database node image.

The following command creates an Oracle Exadata image. In the example, image
specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata image that you want to add, imagetype
specifies EXAPATCHSOFTWARE for Oracle Exadata software, version specifies the
version of the Oracle Exadata software, and path specifies the absolute path
location of the Oracle Exadata software home that you want to import.

rhpctl import image -image image_name -imagetype EXAPATCHSOFTWARE

-version software_version -path absolute_path

When you import an Oracle Exadata software home with this command, the
version parameter must be the version of the Oracle Exadata software required
by the patchmgr on the database node. The path parameter should contain Oracle
Exadata update zip files.
2. Deploy the Oracle Exadata Database node image to the client cluster.
The following command deploys an Oracle Exadata image to a client cluster. In
the example, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata image that you want
to deploy, client specifies the name of the cluster to which you want to deploy the

Chapter 6
Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update

image, and path specifies the absolute path location for deploying the Oracle Exadata
software home on the target or client side.

rhpctl deploy image -image image_name

-client client_cluster_name -path image_file_path

The targetnode parameter is required if the node hosting the home is not a Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client. If the target node or client option is not specified, then
the Oracle Exadata image is deployed to the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
3. Evaluate the current configuration and perform pre-upgrade checks.
The following command evaluates the current configuration and performs pre-upgrade
checks. In the example, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata image that you
want to use for update, iso_repo specifies the image in the ISO repository, pathmgrloc
specifies the patch manager location, client specifies the name of the cluster in which
you want to update database nodes, and batches specifies a comma-delimited list of
batches of nodes where each batch is a comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in
parentheses and node names are enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in the format:

rhpctl update exadata -dbnodes -image image_name -iso_repo iso_image_name

-batches "(batch1),(batch2) -client client_cluster_name
-patchmgrloc patch_mgr_loc -patchmgrargs "-rolling -ignore_alerts" -eval

If the client option is not specified when issuing the command, then database node
update is performed on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
4. Create a backup of the current configuration.

rhpctl update exadata -dbnodes -image image_name -iso_repo iso_image_name

-batches "(batch1),(batch2) -client client_cluster_name
-patchmgrloc patch_mgr_loc -patchmgrargs "-rolling -ignore_alerts" -backup

5. Update Oracle Exadata Database node with the new image.

rhpctl update exadata -dbnodes -image image_name -iso_repo iso_image_name

-batches "(batch1),(batch2) -client client_cluster_name
-patchmgrloc patch_mgr_loc -patchmgrargs "-rolling -nobackup -

Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid

Infrastructure Update
With combined Oracle Exadata database node and Oracle Grid Infrastructure update you can
utilize the functionality of multiple independent capabilities.
Patching Grid Infrastructure and updating the Exadata database nodes both require a
shutdown and startup of every database instance on that node. This can take considerable
time, depending on the number of applications running and the time it takes to shutdown
instances and start them up. Performing both of these patching actions independently
doubles the downtime on production databases. Using the combined patching feature of

Chapter 6
Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update

Oracle FPP automates both of these patching actions into a single integrated patching
process that requires only one sequence of shutdown and startup of database
instances on each node. The combined patching on multiple nodes in batches further
brings down the overall patching window.
Oracle FPP internally uses the patchmgr tool to patch Exadata database nodes. The
combined patching method uses an integrated flow of the inherent Oracle FPP
implementation for Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching and then invokes the patchmgr
tool to patch each Exadata database node.
To complete combined Oracle Exadata database node and Oracle Grid Infrastructure
patching, you must perform the operations discussed in the following:
• Creating the Oracle Exadata Image
• Deploying the Oracle Exadata Update Image
• Combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure Move and Database Node Update

Creating and deploying an Oracle Exadata image does not require any
downtime and you can perform both these operations before patching Oracle
Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Exadata database. You need to create an
Oracle Exadata image on the Oracle FPP server only once in a patching
cycle, however, you need to deploy Oracle Exadata image, and patch Oracle
Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Exadata database node on each target

Creating the Oracle Exadata Image

Use the rhpctl import image command to create the Oracle Exadata update image by
copying the entire software contents from the specified path to the Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server (FPPS).
Example 6-1 Creating an Oracle Exadata Update Image
The following command creates an Oracle Exadata image. In the example, image
specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata image that you want to add, path specifies
the absolute path location of the Oracle Exadata software home that you want to
import, imagetype specifies EXAPATCHSOFTWARE for Oracle Exadata software, and
version specifies the version of the Oracle Exadata software.

$ rhpctl import image -image EXADATAIMAGEV1

-path /tmp/ExadataPatchBundle -imagetype EXAPATCHSOFTWARE -version

When you import an Oracle Exadata software home with this command, the version
parameter must be the version of the Oracle Exadata software required by the
patchmgr on the database node. The path parameter should contain Oracle Exadata
update zip files.

Chapter 6
Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update

See Also:
rhpctl import image for the complete syntax of the rhpctl import image command

Deploying the Oracle Exadata Update Image

Use the rhpctl deploy image command to propagate the Oracle Exadata update image to
Example 6-2 Deploying an Oracle Exadata image
The following command deploys an Oracle Exadata image to a client cluster. In the example,
image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata image that you want to deploy, client
specifies the name of the cluster to which you want to deploy the image, and path specifies
the absolute path location for deploying the Oracle Exadata software home on the target or
client side.

$ rhpctl deploy image -image EXADATAIMAGEV1 -client CLUSTER1 -path /


The targetnode parameter is required if the node hosting the home is not a Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client. If the target node or client option is not specified, then the
Oracle Exadata image is deployed to the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

See Also:
rhpctl deploy image for the complete syntax of the rhpctl deploy image command

Combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure Move and Database Node Update

Use the rhpctl move gihome command to move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software stack
from one home to another while updating the Oracle Exadata database node.
Example 6-3 Moving an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home and updating a database
The following example performs a combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure move and database
node update on client cluster. In the example, sourcewc specifies the name of the source
working copy, destwc specifies the name of the destination working copy to which you want to
move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata
image, batches specifies a comma-delimited list of batches of nodes where each batch is a
comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in parentheses and node names are enclosed
in double quotation marks ("") in the format: "(nA,nB,...),(...,nY,nZ)", iso_repo
specifies the image in the ISO repository, and pathmgrloc specifies the patch manager

$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc prodHomeV1 -destwc prodHomeV2 -image

-batches “(rac07box1,rac07box2,rac07box3),(rac07box4)"
-patchmgrargs “-rolling -ignore_alerts" -iso_repo p28802055_192000_Linux-

Chapter 6
Updating Oracle Exadata InfiniBand Switches -client prodcluster

-patchmgrloc /patchMgr/dbserver_patch_19.190306

With each invocation of the rhpctl move gihome command, FPP patches the database
node first and then patches Oracle Grid Infrastructure. This is the processing order for
each node in the specified batch.
If the first batch includes more than one database node, then FPP invokes patchmgr in
parallel for all the nodes. As soon as a node completes the patchmgr operation,
including the post patchmgr operations, FPP starts the Oracle Grid Infrastructure
patching on that node. When the Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching completes on this
node, FPP then begins patching with Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching on the other
nodes when the database node patching completes on those nodes.
If rebooting a node is delayed because of a patchmgr failure or a patchmgr operation
timeout, the rhpctl move gihome command can be resumed after the node is back up.

See Also:
rhpctl move gihome for the complete syntax of the rhpctl move gihome

Updating Oracle Exadata InfiniBand Switches

Update Oracle Exadata InfiniBand switches by importing and deploying a new
InfiniBand switch gold image.

1. Evaluate the current configuration and perform pre-upgrade checks for InfiniBand
The following command evaluates the current configuration and performs pre-
upgrade checks. In the example, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata
InfiniBand switch image that you want to use for update, client specifies the
name of the cluster in which you want to update database nodes, and batches
specifies a comma-delimited list of batches of nodes where each batch is a
comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in parentheses and node names are
enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in the format: "(nA,nB,...),

rhpctl update exadata -ibswitches -image image_name -client

-batches "(batch1),(batch2)" -eval

2. Update Oracle Exadata InfiniBand switches with the new image.

rhpctl update exadata -ibswitches -image image_name -client

-batches "(batch1),(batch2)"

Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Postinstallation Tasks
Complete these postinstallation tasks after you configure Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Security Postinstallation Tasks
Perform these postinstallation tasks to make your Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server secure.
• Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations
Use these advanced configurations of Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to
perform specialized tasks.
• Error Prevention and Automated Recovery Options
Fleet Patching and Provisioning has error prevention and automated recovery options to
assist you during maintenance operations.
• Fleet Patching and Provisioning Logs and Trace Files
Use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning logs and traces to obtain more information
for identifying and debugging Oracle FPP Server and client errors.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Security Postinstallation

Perform these postinstallation tasks to make your Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server secure.
• Authentication Options for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Operations
Some RHPCTL commands show authentication choices as an optional parameter.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Roles
An administrator assigns roles to Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning users with
access-level permissions defined for each role.
• Managing the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client Password
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Client uses a password stored
internally to authenticate itself with the RHP server.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server Auditing
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server records the execution of all Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations, and also records whether those operations
succeeded or failed.

Authentication Options for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning

Some RHPCTL commands show authentication choices as an optional parameter.

Chapter 7
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Security Postinstallation Tasks

Specifying an authentication option is not required when running an RHPCTL

command on an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, nor when running an
RHPCTL command on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server and
operating on an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, because the server and
client establish a trusted relationship when the client is created, and authentication is
handled internally each time a transaction takes place. (The only condition for server/
client communication under which an authentication option must be specified is when
the server is provisioning a new Oracle Grid Infrastructure deployment—in this case,
the client does not yet exist.)
To operate on a target that is not an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, you
must provide the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server with information
allowing it to authenticate with the target. The options are as follows:
• Provide the root password (on stdin) for the target
• Provide the sudo user name, sudo binary path, and the password (stdin) for target
• Provide a password (either root or sudouser) non-interactively from local
encrypted store (using the -cred authentication parameter)
• Provide a path to the identity file stored on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server for SSL-encrypted passwordless authentication (using the -
auth sshkey option)

Passwordless Authentication Details

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can authenticate to targets over
SSH using a key pair. To enable this option, you must establish user equivalence
between the crsusr on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server and root or
a sudouser on the target.

The steps to create that equivalence are platform-dependent and so not
shown in detail here. For Linux, see commands ssh-keygen to be run on the
target and ssh-copy-id to be run on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server.

For example, assuming that you have established user equivalency between crsusr
on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server and root on the target node,, and saved the key information on the Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server at /home/oracle/rhp/ssh-key/key -path,
then the following command will provision a copy of the specified gold image to the
target node with passwordless authentication:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy db12102_160607wc1 -image

-targetnode -path /u01/app/oracle/
-oraclebase /u01/app/oracle -auth sshkey -arg1 user:root -arg2

Chapter 7
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Security Postinstallation Tasks

For equivalency between crsusr on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server and a
privileged user (other than root) on the target, the -auth portion of the command would be
similar to the following:

-auth sshkey -arg1 user:ssh_user -arg2

-arg3 sudo_location:path_to_sudo_binary_on_target

Related Topics
• rhpctl add credentials
• rhpctl delete credentials
• rhpctl add workingcopy
Creates a working copy on a client cluster.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Roles

An administrator assigns roles to Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning users with access-
level permissions defined for each role.
Users on Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients are also assigned specific roles.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning includes basic built-in and composite built-in roles.

Basic Built-In Roles

The basic built-in roles and their functions are:
• GH_ROLE_ADMIN: An administrative role for everything related to roles. Users assigned
this role are able to run rhpctl verb role commands.
• GH_SITE_ADMIN: An administrative role for everything related to Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Clients. Users assigned this role are able to run rhpctl verb client
• GH_SERIES_ADMIN: An administrative role for everything related to image series. Users
assigned this role are able to run rhpctl verb series commands.
• GH_SERIES_CONTRIB: Users assigned this role can add images to a series using the
rhpctl insertimage series command, or delete images from a series using the rhpctl
deleteimage series command.
• GH_WC_ADMIN: An administrative role for everything related to working copies of gold
images. Users assigned this role are able to run rhpctl verb workingcopy commands.
• GH_WC_OPER: A role that enables users to create a working copy of a gold image for
themselves or others using the rhpctl add workingcopy command with the -user option
(when creating for others). Users assigned this role do not have administrative privileges
and can only administer the working copies of gold images that they create.
• GH_WC_USER: A role that enables users to create a working copy of a gold image using
the rhpctl add workingcopy command. Users assigned this role do not have
administrative privileges and can only delete working copies that they create.
• GH_IMG_ADMIN: An administrative role for everything related to images. Users
assigned this role are able to run rhpctl verb image commands.

Chapter 7
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Security Postinstallation Tasks

• GH_IMG_USER: A role that enables users to create an image using the rhpctl
add | import image commands. Users assigned this role do not have
administrative privileges and can only delete images that they create.
• GH_IMG_TESTABLE: A role that enables users to add a working copy of an
image that is in the TESTABLE state. Users assigned this role must also be
assigned either the GH_WC_ADMIN role or the GH_WC_USER role to add a
working copy.
• GH_IMG_RESTRICT: A role that enables users to add a working copy from an
image that is in the RESTRICTED state. Users assigned this role must also be
assigned either the GH_WC_ADMIN role or the GH_WC_USER role to add a
working copy.
• GH_IMG_PUBLISH: Users assigned this role can promote an image to another
state or retract an image from the PUBLISHED state to either the TESTABLE or
• GH_IMG_VISIBILITY: Users assigned this role can modify access to promoted or
published images using the rhpctl allow | disallow image commands.
• GH_AUTHENTICATED_USER: Users assigned to this role can execute any
operation in an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
• GH_CLIENT_ACCESS: Any user created automatically inherits this role. The
GH_CLIENT_ACCESS role includes the GH_AUTHENTICATED_USER built-in role.
• GH_ROOT_UA_CREATE: A role that enables users to create a root user action.
Users assigned this role can run the rhpctl add useraction command with the -
runasroot option.
• GH_ROOT_UA_ASSOCIATE: A role that enables users to associate a root user
action with the -imagetype option. Users assigned this role can associate an
existing root user action to an image type.
• GH_ROOT_UA_USE: A role that enables users to execute a root user action
within the operation selected at user action creation.

Composite Built-In Roles

The composite built-in roles and their functions are:
• GH_SA: The Oracle Grid Infrastructure user on an Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server automatically inherits this role.
The GH_SA role includes the following basic built-in roles: GH_ROLE_ADMIN,
• GH_CA: The Oracle Grid Infrastructure user on an Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client automatically inherits this role.
The GH_CA role includes the following basic built-in roles: GH_SERIES_ADMIN,
• GH_OPER: This role includes the following built-in roles: GH_WC_OPER,
GH_IMG_USER. Users assigned this role can delete only images that they have

Chapter 7
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Security Postinstallation Tasks

Consider a gold image called G1 that is available on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server.
Further consider that a user, U1, on an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, Cl1,
has the GH_WC_USER role. If U1 requests to provision an Oracle home based on the gold
image G1, then U1 can do so, because of the permissions granted by the GH_WC_USER
role. If U1 requests to delete G1, however, then that request would be denied because the
GH_WC_USER role does not have the necessary permissions.
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can associate user-role mappings to the
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client. After the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server delegates user-role mappings, the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client can then modify user-role mappings on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server for all users that belong to the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Client. This is implied by the fact that only the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
qualifies user IDs from an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client site with the client
cluster name of that site. Thus, the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client CL1 will not
be able to update user mappings of a user on CL2, where CL2 is the cluster name of a
different Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
• Creating Users and Assigning Roles for Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client Cluster
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) enables you to create users and
assign roles to them when you create an Oracle FPP client.

Creating Users and Assigning Roles for Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
Cluster Users
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) enables you to create users and assign
roles to them when you create an Oracle FPP client.
When you create a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client with the rhpctl add client
command, you can use the -maproles parameter to create users and assign roles to them.
You can associate multiple users with roles, or you can assign a single user multiple roles
with this command.

Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c, the -maproles parameter is
deprecated. This parameter can be desupported in a future release.

After the client has been created, you can add and remove roles for users using the rhpctl
grant role command and the rhpctl revoke role, respectively.

Managing the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client Password

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Client uses a password stored
internally to authenticate itself with the RHP server.
You cannot query the Oracle FPP Client password, however, if for some reason, you are
required to reset this password, then you can do so, as follows, on the RHP server cluster:

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

1. Run the following command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster
to generate a new password and store it in the client credential:
$ rhpctl modify client -client client_name -password
2. Run the following command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster
to generate a credential file:
$ rhpctl export client -client client_name -clientdata file_path

For example, to generate a credential file for a Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Client named mjk9394:
$ rhpctl export client -client mjk9394 -clientdata /tmp/mjk9394.xml
3. Continuing with the preceding example, transport the generated credential file
securely to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client cluster and then run the
following command on any node in the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
$ srvctl modify rhpclient -clientdata path_to_mjk9394.xml
4. Restart the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client daemon by running the
following commands on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client cluster:
$ srvctl stop rhpclient
$ srvctl start rhpclient

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server Auditing

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server records the execution of all Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations, and also records whether those
operations succeeded or failed.
An audit mechanism enables administrators to query the audit log in a variety of
dimensions, and also to manage its contents and size.

Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and

Provisioning Configurations
Use these advanced configurations of Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server
to perform specialized tasks.
• User-Defined Actions
You can create actions for various Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
operations, such as import image, add and delete working copy, and add, delete,
move, and upgrade a software home.
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Notifications
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is the central repository for the
software homes available to the data center. Therefore, it is essential for
administrators throughout the data center to be aware of changes to the inventory
that may impact their areas of responsibility.
• Job Scheduler for Operations
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning job scheduler provides you with a
mechanism to submit operations at a scheduled time instead of running the
command immediately, querying the metadata of the job, and then deleting the job
from the repository.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

• Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database Using Batches

You can sequentially process batches of nodes, with a number of nodes in each batch
being restarted in parallel.
• Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update
With combined Oracle Exadata database node and Oracle Grid Infrastructure update you
can utilize the functionality of multiple independent capabilities.
• Gold Image Distribution Among Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning can automatically share and synchronize gold
images between Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers.

User-Defined Actions
You can create actions for various Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations, such
as import image, add and delete working copy, and add, delete, move, and upgrade a
software home.
You can create actions for various Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations, such
as import image, add and delete working copy of a gold image, and add, delete, move, and
upgrade a software home. You can define different actions for each operation, which can be
further differentiated by the type of image to which the operation applies. User-defined
actions can be run before or after a given operation, and are run on the deployment on which
the operation is run, whether it be an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, an
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client (12c release 2 (12.2), or later), or a target that
is not running an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
User-defined actions are shell scripts which are stored on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server. When a script runs, it is given relevant information about the operation
on the command line. Also, you can associate a file with the script. The Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server will copy that file to the same location on the Client or target where
the script is run.
For example, perhaps you want to create user-defined actions that are run after a database
upgrade, and you want to define different actions for Oracle Database 11g and 12c. This
requires you to define new image types, as in the following example procedure.
1. Create a new image type, (DB11IMAGE, for example), based on the
ORACLEDBSOFTWARE image type, as follows:

$ rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype DB11IMAGE -basetype ORACLEDBSOFTWARE

When you add or import an Oracle Database 11g gold image, you specify the image type
2. Define a user action and associate it with the DB11IMAGE image type and the upgrade
operation. You can have different actions that are run before or after upgrade.
3. To define an action for Oracle Database 12c, create a new image type (DB12IMAGE, for
example) that is based on the ORACLEDBSOFTWARE image type, as in the preceding
step, but with the DB12IMAGE image type.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

If you define user actions for the base type of a user-defined image type
(in this case the base type is ORACLEDBSOFTWARE), then Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning performs those actions before the
actions for the user-defined image type.

You can modify the image type of an image using the rhpctl modify image
command. Additionally, you can modify, add, and delete other actions. The following
two tables, Table 7-1 and Table 7-2, list the operations you can customize and the
parameters you can use to define those operations, respectively.

Table 7-1 Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning User-Defined Operations

Operation Parameter List


Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning User-Defined


Operation Parameter List

If the run scope is set to RHP_DATAPATCH, RHP_USERACTIONDATA
ALLNODES, then the script
is run for each database
on every cluster node.
If the run scope is set to
ONENODE, then the script
is run for each database
on the node on which the
patch was applied to the

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

Table 7-1 (Cont.) Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning User-Defined


Operation Parameter List


Table 7-2 User-Defined Operations Parameters

Parameter Description
RHP_OPTYPE The operation type for which the user action is being
executed, as listed in the previous table.
RHP_PHASE This parameter indicates whether the user action is
executed before or after the operation (is either PRE or
RHP_SOURCEWC The source working copy name for a patch of upgrade
RHP_SOURCEPATH The path of the source working copy home.
RHP_DESTINATIONWC The destination working copy name for a patch or upgrade
RHP_DESTINATIONPATH The path of the destination working copy home.
RHP_SRCGGWC The name of the version of the Oracle GoldenGate working
copy from which you want to upgrade.
RHP_SRCGGPATH The absolute path of the version of the Oracle GoldenGate
software home from which you want to upgrade.
RHP_DESTGGWC The name of the version of the Oracle GoldenGate working
copy to which you want to upgrade.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

Table 7-2 (Cont.) User-Defined Operations Parameters

Parameter Description
RHP_DESTGGPATH The absolute path of the version of the Oracle GoldenGate
software home to which you want to upgrade.
RHP_PATH This is the path to the location of the software home. This
parameter represents the path on the local node from where
the RHPCTL command is being run for an IMPORT_IMAGE
operation. For all other operations, this path is present on
the site where the operation is taking place.
RHP_PATHOWNER The owner of the path for the gold image that is being
RHP_PROGRESSLISTENERHOST The host on which the progress listener is listening. You can
use this parameter, together with a progress listener port, to
create a TCP connection to print output to the console on
which the RHPCTL command is being run.
RHP_PROGRESSLISTENERPORT The port on which the progress listener host is listening. You
can use this parameter, together with a progress listener
host name, to create a TCP connection to print output to the
console on which the RHPCTL command is being run.
RHP_IMAGE The image associated with the operation. In the case of a
move operation, it will reflect the name of the destination
RHP_IMAGETYPE The image type of the image associated with the operation.
In the case of a move operation, it will reflect the name of
the destination image.
RHP_VERSION The version of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software
running on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
RHP_CLI The exact command that was run to invoke the operation.
RHP_STORAGETYPE The type of storage for the home (either LOCAL or
RHP_USER The user for whom the operation is being performed.
RHP_NODES The nodes on which a database will be created.
RHP_ORACLEBASE The Oracle base location for the provisioned home.
RHP_DBNAME The name of the database to be created.
RHP_CLIENT The name of the client cluster.
RHP_DATAPATCH This parameter is set to TRUE at the conclusion of the user
action on the node where the SQL patch will be run after the
move database operation is complete.
RHP_USERACTIONDATA This parameter is present in all of the operations and is used
to pass user-defined items to the user action as an
argument during runtime.

Example of User-Defined Action

Suppose there is an image type, APACHESW, to use for provisioning and managing Apache
deployments. Suppose, too, that there is a Gold Image of Apache named apacheinstall.
The following example shows how to create a user action that will run prior to provisioning
any copy of our Apache Gold Image.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

The following is a sample user action script named

$ cat /scratch/apacheadmin/

#refer to arguments using argument names

touch /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;
for i in "$@"
export $i

echo "OPTYPE = $RHP_OPTYPE" >> /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;

echo "PHASE = $RHP_PHASE" >> /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;
echo "PATH = $RHP_PATH" >> /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;
echo "USER = $RHP_USER" >> /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;
echo "NODES = $RHP_NODES" >> /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;
echo "DBNAME = $RHP_DBNAME" >> /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;
echo "IMAGE = $RHP_IMAGE" >> /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;
echo "CLI = $RHP_CLI" >> /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt;

The script is registered to run at the start of rhpctl add workingcopy commands. The
add working copy operation aborts if the script fails.
The following command creates a user action called addapachepre:

$ rhpctl add useraction -optype ADD_WORKINGCOPY -pre -onerror ABORT -

addapachepre -actionscript /scratch/apacheadmin/
-runscope ONENODE

The following command registers the user action for the APACHESW image type:

$ rhpctl modify imagetype -imagetype APACHESW -useractions addapachepre

The registered user action is invoked automatically at the start of commands that
deploy a working copy of any image of the APACHESW type, such as the following:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy apachecopy001 -image

-path /scratch/apacheadmin/apacheinstallloc -sudouser apacheadmin -

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

/usr/local/bin/sudo -node targetnode003 -user apacheadmin -useractiondata

The sample script creates the /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt output file. Based on the example
command, the output file contains:

$ cat /tmp/SAMPLEOUT.txt
WORKINGCOPY = apachecopy001
PATH = /scratch/apacheadmin/apacheinstallloc
USER = apacheadmin
NODES = targetnode003
IMAGE = apacheinstall
CLI = rhpctl__add__workingcopy__-image__apacheinstall__-path__/scratch/
-sudouser__apacheadmin__USERACTIONDATA = sample


• In the preceding output example empty values terminate with an equals sign
• The spaces in the command-line value of the RHP_CLI parameter are replaced
by two underscore characters (__) to differentiate this from other parameters.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Notifications

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is the central repository for the software
homes available to the data center. Therefore, it is essential for administrators throughout the
data center to be aware of changes to the inventory that may impact their areas of
You can create subscriptions to image series events. Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
notifies a subscribed role or number of users by email of any changes to the images available
in the series, including addition or removal of an image. Each series may have a unique
group of subscribers.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

Also, when a working copy of a gold image is added to or deleted from a target, the
owner of the working copy and any additional users can be notified by email. If you
want to enable notifications for additional Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
events, you can create a user-defined action as described in the next section.

Job Scheduler for Operations

The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning job scheduler provides you with a
mechanism to submit operations at a scheduled time instead of running the command
immediately, querying the metadata of the job, and then deleting the job from the
The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning job scheduler includes the following
• Enables you to schedule a command to run at a specific point in time by providing
the time value
• Performs the job and stores the metadata for the job, along with the current status
of the job
• Stores the logs for each of the jobs that have run or are running
• Enables you to query job details ( for all jobs or for specific jobs, based on the user
• Deletes jobs
• Authorizes the running, querying, and deleting of jobs, based on role-based
access for users
Use the -schedule timer_value command parameter with any of the following
RHPCTL commands to schedule certain Rapid Hope Provisioning operations:
• rhpctl add workingcopy
• rhpctl import image
• rhpctl delete image
• rhpctl add database
• rhpctl move gihome
• rhpctl move database
• rhpctl upgrade database
• rhpctl addnode database
• rhpctl deletenode database
• rhpctl delete workingcopy

For example:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy 18_3 -image 18_3_Base -

oraclebase /u01/app/oracle -schedule 2016-12-21T19:13:17+05

All commands are run in reference with the time zone of the server, according to the
ISO-8601 value, and RHPCTL displays the command result by specifying the same
time zone.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

Command Results
RHPCTL stores any command that is run from the command queue on the Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server. When you query a command result by specifying the
command identifier, then RHPCTL returns the path to the job output file, along with the
Job Operation
When you run an RHPCTL command with the -schedule parameter, the operation creates a
job with a unique job ID that you can query to obtain the status of the job.
Job Status
At any point in time, a job can be in any of the following states:


• EXECUTED: The job is complete.

• TIMER_RUNNING: The timer for the job is still running.
• EXECUTING: The timer for the job has expired and the job is running.
• UNKNOWN: There is an unexpected failure due to issues such as a target going down,
nodes going down, or any resource failures.
• TERMINATED: There is an abrupt failure or the operation has stopped.

Related Topics
• rhpctl delete job
• rhpctl query job

Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database Using Batches

You can sequentially process batches of nodes, with a number of nodes in each batch being
restarted in parallel.
Using batches maximizes service availability during the patching process. When you patch
Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 2 (12.2.x) or later software homes, you can define the
batches on the command line or choose to have Fleet Patching and Provisioning generate
the list of batches based on its analysis of the database services running in the cluster.
There are several methods for defining batches:
• User-Defined Batches
• Fleet Patching and Provisioning-Defined Batches
• Patching Oracle Database Using Batches
• Adaptive Oracle RAC-Rolling Patching for OJVM Deployments

User-Defined Batches
When you use this method of patching, the first time you run the rhpctl move gihome
command, you must specify the source home, the destination home, the batches, and other
options, as needed. The command terminates after the first node restarts.
To patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure using batches that you define:

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

1. Define a list of batches on the command line and begin the patching process, as in
the following example:

$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc wc1 -destwc wc2 -batches "(n1),


The preceding command example initiates the move operation, and terminates
and reports successful when the Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack restarts in the
first batch. Oracle Grid Infrastructure restarts the batches in the order you
specified in the -batches parameter.
If your batches do not include all the nodes in the cluster, then Oracle FPP
automatically adds the excluded nodes as a new batch group at the end of the list
of batches. For example, if your cluster has four nodes n1, n2, n3, n4, and you
create two batches as "(n1),(n2)", then Oracle FPP automatically adds a third
batch group at the end as "(n1),(n2),(n3,n4)".
In the command example, node n1 forms the first batch, nodes n2 and n3 form the
second batch, and node n4 forms the last batch. The command defines the source
working copy as wc1 and the patched (destination) working copy as wc2.

You can specify batches such that singleton services (policy-managed
singleton services or administrator-managed services running on one
instance) are relocated between batches and non-singleton services
remain partially available during the patching process.

2. You must process the next batch by running the rhpctl move gihome command,
again, as follows:

$ rhpctl move gihome -destwc wc2 -continue

The preceding command example restarts the Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack on
the second batch (nodes n2 and n3). The command terminates by reporting that
the second batch was successfully patched.
3. Repeat the previous step until you have processed the last batch of nodes. If you
attempt to run the command with the -continue parameter after the last batch has
been processed, then the command returns an error.
If the rhpctl move gihome command fails at any time during the above sequence,
then, after determining and fixing the cause of the failure, rerun the command with
the -continue option to attempt to patch the failed batch. If you want to skip the
failed batch and continue with the next batch, use the -continue and -skip
parameters. If you attempt to skip over the last batch, then the move operation is
Alternatively, you can reissue the command using the -revert parameter to undo
the changes that have been made and return the configuration to its initial state.
You can use the -abort parameter instead of the -continue parameter at any
point in the preceding procedure to terminate the patching process and leave the
cluster in its current state.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations


• Policy-managed services hosted on a server pool with one active server,

and administrator-managed services with one preferred instance and no
available instances cannot be relocated and will go OFFLINE while
instances are being restarted.
• If a move operation is in progress, then you cannot initiate another move
operation from the same source home or to the same destination home.
• After the move operation has ended, services may be running on nodes
different from the ones they were running on before the move and you will
have to manually relocate them back to the original instances, if necessary.
• If you use the -abort parameter to terminate the patching operation, then
Fleet Patching and Provisioning does not clean up or undo any of the
patching steps. The cluster, databases, or both may be in an inconsistent
state because all nodes are not patched.
• Depending on the start dependencies, services that were offline before the
move began could come online during the move.

Fleet Patching and Provisioning-Defined Batches

Using Fleet Patching and Provisioning to define and patch batches of nodes means that you
need only run one command, as shown in the following command example, where the source
working is wc1 and the destination working copy is wc2:

$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc wc1 -destwc wc2 -smartmove -saf 50 [-eval]

There is no need for you to do anything else unless you used the -separate parameter with
the command. In that case, the move operation waits for user intervention to proceed to the
next batch, and then you will have to run the command with the -continue parameter after
each batch completes.
If the move operation fails at some point before completing, then you can either rerun the
operation by running the command again, or you can undo the partially completed operation,
as follows:

$ rhpctl move gihome -destwc destination_workingcopy_name -revert


You can use the -revert parameter with an un-managed home.

The parameters used in the preceding example are as follows:

• -smartmove: This parameter restarts the Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack on disjoint sets
of nodes so that singleton resources are relocated before Oracle Grid Infrastructure

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

If the server pool to which a resource belongs contains only one active
server, then that resource will go offline as relocation cannot take place.

The -smartmove parameter:

– Creates a map of services and nodes on which they are running.
– Creates batches of nodes. The first batch will contain only the Hub node, if the
configuration is an Oracle Flex Cluster. For additional batches, a node can be
merged into a batch if:
* The availability of any non-singleton service, running on this node, does
not go below the specified service availability factor (or the default of
* There is a singleton service running on this node and the batch does not
contain any of the relocation target nodes for the service.
– Restarts the Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack batch by batch.
• Service availability factor (-saf Z+): You can specify a positive number, as a
percentage, that will indicate the minimum number of database instances on which
a database service must be running. For example:
– If you specify -saf 50 for a service running on two instances, then only one
instance can go offline at a time.
– If you specify -saf 50 for a service running on three instances, then only one
instance can go offline at a time.
– If you specify -saf 75 for a service running on two instances, then an error
occurs because the target can never be met.
– The service availability factor is applicable for services running on at least two
instances. As such, the service availability factor can be 0% to indicate a non-
rolling move, but not 100%. The default is 50%.
– If you specify a service availability factor for singleton services, then the
parameter will be ignored because the availability of such services is 100%
and the services will be relocated.
• -eval: You can optionally use this parameter to view the auto-generated batches.
This parameter also shows the sequence of the move operation without actually
patching the software.

Patching Oracle Database Using Batches

During database patching, Fleet Patching and Provisioning can sequentially process
batches of nodes, with a number of nodes in each batch being restarted in parallel.
This method maximizes service availability during the patching process. You can
define the batches on the command line or choose to have Fleet Patching and
Provisioning generate the list of batches based on its analysis of the database
services running in the cluster.

Adaptive Oracle RAC-Rolling Patching for OJVM Deployments

In a clustered environment, the default approach for applying database maintenance
with Fleet Patching and Provisioning is Oracle RAC rolling. However, non-rolling may

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

be required if the new (patched) database home contains OJVM patches. In this case, Fleet
Patching and Provisioning determines whether the rolling approach is possible, and rolls
when applicable. (See MOS Note 2217053.1 for details.)
Related Topics
• rhpctl move gihome
Moves the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software stack from one home to another.

Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update

With combined Oracle Exadata database node and Oracle Grid Infrastructure update you can
utilize the functionality of multiple independent capabilities.
Patching Grid Infrastructure and updating the Exadata database nodes both require a
shutdown and startup of every database instance on that node. This can take considerable
time, depending on the number of applications running and the time it takes to shutdown
instances and start them up. Performing both of these patching actions independently
doubles the downtime on production databases. Using the combined patching feature of
Oracle FPP automates both of these patching actions into a single integrated patching
process that requires only one sequence of shutdown and startup of database instances on
each node. The combined patching on multiple nodes in batches further brings down the
overall patching window.
Oracle FPP internally uses the patchmgr tool to patch Exadata database nodes. The
combined patching method uses an integrated flow of the inherent Oracle FPP
implementation for Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching and then invokes the patchmgr tool to
patch each Exadata database node.
To complete combined Oracle Exadata database node and Oracle Grid Infrastructure
patching, you must perform the operations discussed in the following:
• Creating the Oracle Exadata Image
• Deploying the Oracle Exadata Update Image
• Combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure Move and Database Node Update

Creating and deploying an Oracle Exadata image does not require any downtime
and you can perform both these operations before patching Oracle Grid
Infrastructure and Oracle Exadata database. You need to create an Oracle Exadata
image on the Oracle FPP server only once in a patching cycle, however, you need
to deploy Oracle Exadata image, and patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle
Exadata database node on each target system.

Creating the Oracle Exadata Image

Use the rhpctl import image command to create the Oracle Exadata update image by
copying the entire software contents from the specified path to the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server (FPPS).
Example 7-1 Creating an Oracle Exadata Update Image
The following command creates an Oracle Exadata image. In the example, image specifies
the name of the Oracle Exadata image that you want to add, path specifies the absolute path

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

location of the Oracle Exadata software home that you want to import, imagetype
specifies EXAPATCHSOFTWARE for Oracle Exadata software, and version specifies the
version of the Oracle Exadata software.

$ rhpctl import image -image EXADATAIMAGEV1

-path /tmp/ExadataPatchBundle -imagetype EXAPATCHSOFTWARE -version

When you import an Oracle Exadata software home with this command, the version
parameter must be the version of the Oracle Exadata software required by the
patchmgr on the database node. The path parameter should contain Oracle Exadata
update zip files.

See Also:
rhpctl import image for the complete syntax of the rhpctl import image

Deploying the Oracle Exadata Update Image

Use the rhpctl deploy image command to propagate the Oracle Exadata update
image to targets.
Example 7-2 Deploying an Oracle Exadata image
The following command deploys an Oracle Exadata image to a client cluster. In the
example, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata image that you want to
deploy, client specifies the name of the cluster to which you want to deploy the
image, and path specifies the absolute path location for deploying the Oracle Exadata
software home on the target or client side.

$ rhpctl deploy image -image EXADATAIMAGEV1 -client CLUSTER1 -path /


The targetnode parameter is required if the node hosting the home is not a Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client. If the target node or client option is not
specified, then the Oracle Exadata image is deployed to the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server.

See Also:
rhpctl deploy image for the complete syntax of the rhpctl deploy image

Combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure Move and Database Node Update

Use the rhpctl move gihome command to move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software
stack from one home to another while updating the Oracle Exadata database node.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

Example 7-3 Moving an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home and updating a database
The following example performs a combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure move and database
node update on client cluster. In the example, sourcewc specifies the name of the source
working copy, destwc specifies the name of the destination working copy to which you want to
move the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, image specifies the name of the Oracle Exadata
image, batches specifies a comma-delimited list of batches of nodes where each batch is a
comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in parentheses and node names are enclosed
in double quotation marks ("") in the format: "(nA,nB,...),(...,nY,nZ)", iso_repo
specifies the image in the ISO repository, and pathmgrloc specifies the patch manager

$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc prodHomeV1 -destwc prodHomeV2 -image

-batches “(rac07box1,rac07box2,rac07box3),(rac07box4)"
-patchmgrargs “-rolling -ignore_alerts" -iso_repo p28802055_192000_Linux- -client prodcluster
-patchmgrloc /patchMgr/dbserver_patch_19.190306

With each invocation of the rhpctl move gihome command, FPP patches the database node
first and then patches Oracle Grid Infrastructure. This is the processing order for each node
in the specified batch.
If the first batch includes more than one database node, then FPP invokes patchmgr in
parallel for all the nodes. As soon as a node completes the patchmgr operation, including the
post patchmgr operations, FPP starts the Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching on that node.
When the Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching completes on this node, FPP then begins
patching with Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching on the other nodes when the database node
patching completes on those nodes.
If rebooting a node is delayed because of a patchmgr failure or a patchmgr operation timeout,
the rhpctl move gihome command can be resumed after the node is back up.

See Also:
rhpctl move gihome for the complete syntax of the rhpctl move gihome command

Gold Image Distribution Among Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning can automatically share and synchronize gold images
between Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers.
In the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning architecture, one Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server manages a set of Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients and
targets within a given data center or network segment of a data center. If you have more than
one data center or a segmented data center, you must have more than one Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server.

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

In the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning architecture, one Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Server manages a set of Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Clients and targets within a given data center or network segment of a data center. If
you have more than one data center or a segmented data center, then you must have
more than one Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to facilitate large-scale
standardization across multiple estates.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers retain the ability to create and manage
gold images private to their scope, so local customizations are seamlessly supported.
You must first establish a peer relationship between two Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Servers. Registration uses the names of the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server clusters. The names of the two clusters can be the same but there
is one naming restriction: an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, such as
FPPS_1, cannot register a peer Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server if that
peer has the same name as an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client or target
within the management domain of FPPS_1.

The following steps show how you can establish a peer relationship between two
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers. Note that super user or root
credentials are not required in this process.
1. On the first Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (FPPS_1), create a file
containing the server configuration information.

$ rhpctl export server -serverdata file_path

2. Copy the server configuration file created on FPPS_1 to a second Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server (FPPS_2).
3. On the second Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (FPPS_2), complete
the registration of FPPS_2.

$ rhpctl register server -server FPPS_1_cluster_name

-serverdata server_cfg_file_copied_from_FPPS_1

4. On FPPS_2, create a file containing the server configuration information.

$ rhpctl export server -serverdata file_path

5. Copy the server configuration file created on FPPS_2 to FPPS_1.

6. On the first Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (FPPS_1), complete the
registration ofFPPS_1.

$ rhpctl register server -server FPPS_2_cluster_name

-serverdata server_cfg_file_copied_from_FPPS_2

After you register an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server as a peer, the
following command displays the peer (or peers) of the server:

$ rhpctl query peerserver

Chapter 7
Advanced Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Configurations

You can inspect the images on a peer Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, as

$ rhpctl query image -server server_cluster_name

The preceding command displays all images on a specific peer Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server. Additionally, you can specify a peer server along with the -image
image_name parameter to display details of a specific image on a specific peer server.

An Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can have multiple peers. Oracle does not
support chained relationships between peers, however, such as, if FPPS_1 is a peer of
FPPS_2, and FPPS_2 is also a peer of FPPS_3, then no relationship is established or implied
between FPPS_1 and FPPS_3, although you can make them peers if you want.

Retrieve a copy or copies of gold images from a peer Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server, as follows:

$ rhpctl instantiate image -server server_cluster_name

Running the rhpctl instantiate image command activates an auto-update mechanism.

From that point on, when you create gold images on a peer Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server, such as FPPS_2, they are candidates for being automatically copied to
the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server that performed the instantiate operation,
such as FPPS_1. Whether a new gold image is automatically copied depends on that
relevance of the image to any instantiate parameters that you may include in the command:
• -all: Creates an automatic push for all gold images created on FPPS_2 to FPPS_1
• -image image_name: Creates an automatic push for all new descendant gold images of
the named image created on FPPS_2 to FPPS_1. A descendant of the named image is an
image that is created on FPPS_2 using the rhpctl add image command.
• -series series_name: Creates an automatic push for all gold images added to the
named series on FPPS_2 to FPPS_1
• -imagetype image_type: Creates an automatic push for all gold images created of the
named image type on FPPS_2 to FPPS_1

To stop receiving updates that were established by the rhpctl instantiate image
command, run rhpctl uninstantiate image and specify the peer Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server and one of the following: all, image name, image series name, or image
End the peer relationship, as follows, on any one of the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Servers:

$ rhpctl unregister server -server server_cluster_name

Related Topics
• rhpctl export server
• rhpctl register server
• rhpctl query peerserver
• rhpctl query image

Chapter 7
Error Prevention and Automated Recovery Options

• rhpctl instantiate image

• rhpctl uninstantiate image
• rhpctl unregister server

Error Prevention and Automated Recovery Options

Fleet Patching and Provisioning has error prevention and automated recovery options
to assist you during maintenance operations.
During maintenance operations, errors must be avoided whenever possible and, when
they occur, you must have automated recovery paths to avoid service disruption.

Error Prevention
Many RHPCTL commands include the -eval parameter, which you can use to run the
command and evaluate the current configuration without making any changes to
determine if the command can be successfully run and how running the command will
impact the configuration. Commands that you run using the -eval parameter run as
many prerequisite checks as possible without changing the configuration. If errors are
encountered, then RHPCTL reports them in the command output. After you correct
any errors, you can run the command again using -eval to validate the corrections.
Running the command successfully using –eval provides a high degree of confidence
that running the actual command will succeed.
You can test commands with the -eval parameter outside of any maintenance window,
so the full window is available for the maintenance procedure, itself.

Automated Recovery Options

During maintenance operations, errors can occur either in-flight (for example, partway
through either an rhpctl move database or rhpctl move gihome command) or after a
successful operation (for example, after an rhpctl move database command, you
encounter performance or behavior issues).
In-Flight Errors
Should in-flight errors occur during move operations:
• Correct any errors that RHPCTL reports and rerun the command, which will
resume running at the point of failure.
If rerunning the command succeeds and the move operation has a post-operation
user action associated with it, then the user action is run. If there is a pre-operation
user action, however, then RHPCTL does not rerun the command.
• Run a new move command, specifying only the destination from the failed move
(working copy or unmanaged home), an authentication option, if required, and use
the -revert parameter. This will restore the configuration to its initial state.
No user actions associated with the operation are run.
• Run a new move command, specifying only the destination from the failed move
(working copy or unmanaged home), an authentication option if required, and the -
abort parameter. This leaves the configuration in its current state. Manual
intervention is required at this point to place the configuration in a final state.
No user actions associated with the operation are run.

Chapter 7
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Logs and Trace Files

Post-Update Issues
Even after a successful move operation to a new database or Oracle Grid Infrastructure
home, you still may need to undo the change and roll back to the prior home. You can do this
by rerunning the command with the source and destination homes reversed. This is,
effectively, a fresh move operation performed without reference to the previous move

For the independent automatons, the source and destination homes are always
unmanaged homes (those homes not provisioned by Fleet Patching and
Provisioning). When the move operation is run on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server or Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, the destination home must be a
managed home that was provisioned by Fleet Patching and Provisioning.

Fleet Patching and Provisioning Logs and Trace Files

Use Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning logs and traces to obtain more information for
identifying and debugging Oracle FPP Server and client errors.
The following log and trace files are generated during Oracle FPP Server and client
operations. These are the key log and trace files of interest for diagnostic purposes:
• $ORACLE_BASE/crsdata/$HOSTNAME/rhp/rhpserver.log.{n}
Contains a detailed log of the actions that occur for the Oracle FPP Server operations.
The log file numbers are updated automatically, and .0 is always the most recent log file.
• $ORACLE_BASE/crsdata/$HOSTNAME/rhp/srvmhelper_clsn_{unixtimestamp}.log.0
Contains a detailed log of the actions that occur during the Oracle FPP helper operations.
• $ORACLE_BASE/crsdata/$HOSTNAME/rhp/logs/catalina.out
Contains a detailed log of the actions that occur during the Java Application Server
• /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/fpps/crs/trace
Contains a detailed log of the actions that occur during the Oracle Grid Infrastructure
operations. Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning is part of the Oracle Grid
Infrastructure stack and thus Cluster Ready Services daemon (CRSD) log and trace files
can be useful to debug stop and start errors of the Oracle FPP Server or client.
• $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/dbca
Contains a detailed log of the actions that occur during the Oracle Database deployment.
• $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/dbua
Contains a detailed log of the actions that occur during the Oracle Database upgrade.
You can also use the Trace File Analyzer (TFA) to collect Oracle FPP logs and traces by
using the –rhp flag. For example:

$ tfactl diagcollect –rhp

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Use
Review these topics for step-by-step procedures to provision, patch, and upgrade your
software using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning.
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning is a software lifecycle management solution and
helps standardize patching, provisioning, and upgrade of your standard operating
• Creating an Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c Deployment
Provision Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on two nodes that do not currently have a
Grid home, and then configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure to form a multi-node Oracle
Grid Infrastructure installation.
• Provisioning an Oracle Database Home and Creating a Database
This procedure provisions Oracle Database 21c software and creates Oracle Database
• Provisioning a Pluggable Database
You can provision a pluggable database (PDB) on an existing container database (CDB)
running in a provisioned database working copy.
• Upgrading to Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c
This procedure uses Fleet Patching and Provisioning to upgrade your Oracle Grid
Infrastructure cluster from 19c to 21c.
• Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Databases Simultaneously
This procedure patches Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Databases on the cluster
to the latest patch level without cluster downtime.
• Patching Oracle Database 21c Without Downtime
This procedure explains how to patch Oracle Database 21c with the latest patching
without bringing down the database.
• Upgrading to Oracle Database 21c
This procedure describes how to upgrade an Oracle database from Oracle Database 19c
to 21c with a single command, using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, both for managed
and unmanaged Oracle homes.
• Adding a Node to a Cluster and Scaling an Oracle RAC Database to the Node
You can add a node to your two-node cluster by using Fleet Patching and Provisioning to
add the node, and then extend an Oracle RAC database to the new node.
• Adding Gold Images for Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Create gold images of software home and store them on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server, to use later to provision Oracle homes.
• User Actions for Common Fleet Patching and Provisioning Tasks
You can use Fleet Patching and Provisioning user actions to perform many tasks, such
as installing and configuring any type of software and running scripts.

Chapter 8
Creating an Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c Deployment

Creating an Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c Deployment

Provision Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on two nodes that do not currently have a
Grid home, and then configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure to form a multi-node Oracle
Grid Infrastructure installation.

Before You Begin

Member Clusters, which are part of the Oracle Cluster Domain architecture,
are desupported in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c.

Domain Services Cluster (DSC), which is part of the Oracle Cluster Domain
architecture, is deprecated in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c and can be
desupported in a future release.

Provide configuration details for storage, network, users and groups, and node
information for installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure in a response file. You can store the
response file in any location on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
You can provision an Oracle Standalone Cluster, Oracle Application Clusters, Oracle
Domain Services Cluster, or Oracle Member Clusters. Ensure that the response file
has the required cluster configuration details.
Ensure that you have storage, network, and operating system requirements configured
as stated in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide.

• From the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, run the command:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI21c -image GI_HOME_21c –

responsefile /u01/app/rhpinfo/GI_21c_install.rsp

GI21c is the working copy based on the image GI_HOME_21c

/u01/app/rhpinfo/GI_21c_install.rsp is the response file location.
Cluster Verification Utility checks for preinstallation configuration as per
requirements. Fleet Patching and Provisioning configures Oracle Grid
Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c is provisioned as per the settings in the same response

Chapter 8
Provisioning an Oracle Database Home and Creating a Database

During provisioning, if an error occurs, the procedure stops and allows you to fix the error.
After fixing the error, you can resume the provisioning operation from where it last stopped.

Watch a video Video

Provisioning an Oracle Database Home and Creating a

This procedure provisions Oracle Database 21c software and creates Oracle Database

1. From the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, provision the Oracle Database home

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -image db21c -path /u01/app/dbusr/product/21.0.0/

-client client_001 -oraclebase /u01/app/dbusr/ -workingcopy db21wc

The command provisions the working copy db21wc to the specified path on the cluster
client_001, from the image db21c.
2. Create the database instance:

$ rhpctl add database -workingcopy db21wc -dbname db -dbtype RAC

The command creates an Oracle RAC database instance db . You can use the add
database command repeatedly to create more instances on the working copy.

Watch a video Video

Provisioning a Pluggable Database

You can provision a pluggable database (PDB) on an existing container database (CDB)
running in a provisioned database working copy.
After you create a working copy of a gold image, provision that working copy to a target, and
create a database as a multitenant CDB, you can add a PDB to the CDB using the rhpctl
addpdb database command.
• The following command example creates a PDB called pdb21c on a CDB called
raccdb21c, which is on a working copy called wc_db21c:

$ rhpctl addpdb database -workingcopy wc_db21c -cdbname raccdb21c -

pdbname pdb21c

• Use the rhpctl deletepdb database command to delete a PDB from an existing CDB
on a working copy.

Chapter 8
Upgrading to Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c

The following command example deletes a PDB called pdb21c on a CDB called
raccdb21c, which is on a working copy called wc_db21c:

$ rhpctl deletepdb database -workingcopy wc_db21c -cdbname

raccdb21c -pdbname pdb21c

Upgrading to Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c

This procedure uses Fleet Patching and Provisioning to upgrade your Oracle Grid
Infrastructure cluster from 19c to 21c.

Before You Begin

To upgrade to Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c, your source must be Oracle Grid
Infrastructure 11g release 2 ( or, Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c
release 2 ( or, Oracle Grid Infrastructure 18c, or Oracle Grid
Infrastructure 19c.
Ensure that groups configured in the source home match those in the destination
Ensure that you have an image GI_HOME_21c of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c
software to provision your working copy.
GI_19c is the active Grid Infrastructure home on the cluster being upgraded. It is a
working copy because in this example, Fleet Patching and Provisioning provisioned
the cluster. Fleet Patching and Provisioning can also upgrade clusters whose Grid
Infrastructure homes are unmanaged that is, homes that Fleet Patching and
Provisioning did not provision.

1. Provision a working copy of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c software:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI21c -image GI_HOME_21c


GI21c is the working copy based on the image GI_HOME_21c.

2. Upgrade your target cluster to the GI21c working copy:

rhpctl upgrade gihome -sourcewc GI19c -destwc GI21c

Rapid Home Provisioning identifies the cluster to upgrade based on the name of
the source working copy, and upgrades to the working copy GI21c.

Chapter 8
Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Databases Simultaneously

Patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Databases

This procedure patches Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Databases on the cluster to the
latest patch level without cluster downtime.

Before You Begin

In this procedure, Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c is running on the target cluster. Working
copy GI_HOME_21c_WCPY is the active Grid home on this cluster. Working copy
DB_HOME_21c_WCPY runs an Oracle RAC 21c Database with running database instance db1.
Working copy DB_HOME_21c_WCPY runs an Oracle RAC 19c Database with running database
instance db2

Ensure that you have images GI_HOME_21c_PSU1, DB_HOME_21c_PSU1, DB_HOME_19c_PSU5 with

the required patches for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC Database on the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server.
The groups configured in the source home must match with those in the destination home.

1. Prepare target Oracle homes as follows:
a. Provision software-only Grid home on the cluster to be patched:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy GI_HOME_21c_PATCHED_WCPY

-image GI_HOME_21c_PSU1 –client CLUSTER_005 -softwareonly

b. Provision each release Database home, without database instances, to be patched:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy DB_HOME_21c_PATCHED_WCPY

-image DB_HOME_21c_PSU1
$ rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy DB_HOME_19c_PATCHED_WCPY
-image DB_HOME_19c_PSU5

2. Patch Oracle Grid Infrastructure and all Oracle RAC Databases on node1 as follows:

$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc GI_HOME_21c_WCPY -destwc

CHED_WCPY -targetnode node1 {authentication_option}

When you run the command, you move your active Oracle Grid Infrastructure from
working copy GI_HOME_21c_WCPY to GI_HOME_21c_PATCHED_WCPY, Oracle RAC Database
db1 from DB_HOME_21c_WCPY to DB_HOME_21c_PATCHED_WCPY, and Oracle RAC Database
db2 from DB_HOME_19c_WCPY to DB_HOME_19c_PATCHED_WCPY.

Chapter 8
Patching Oracle Database 21c Without Downtime

Patching Oracle Database 21c Without Downtime

This procedure explains how to patch Oracle Database 21c with the latest patching
without bringing down the database.

Before You Begin

You have an Oracle Database db21c that you want to patch to the latest patch level.

Ensure that the working copy db21c_psu based on the image DB21c_PSU contains the
latest patches and is available.

From the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, run one of the following commands
as per your source and destination database:
1. To patch an Oracle Database home managed by Fleet Patching and Provisioning,
and there exist working copies of the source and destination databases, run:

rhpctl move database -sourcewc db21c -patchedwc db21c_psu

db21c is the source working copy of the database being patched

db21c_psu is the working copy of the Oracle Database software with patches
applied, based on the image DB21c_PSU.
2. To patch an unmanaged Oracle Database home (source working copy does not
exist because the Oracle home is not managed by Fleet Patching and
Provisioning), run:

rhpctl move database -sourcehome /u01/app/orabase/product/21.0.0/

-patchedwc db21c_psu -targetnode node1

targetnode specifies the node on which the database to be upgraded is running,

because the source Oracle Database is on a 21c cluster.
/u01/app/orabase/product/21.0.0/dbhome_1 is the path of the database being
db21c_psu is the working copy of the Oracle Database software with patches
applied, based on the image DB21c_PSU.
Use the saved gold image for standardized patching of all your databases of
release 21c to the same patch level.
3. If for some reason, you want to rollback the patches applied to a managed Oracle
Database home, run:

rhpctl move database -sourcewc db21c_psu

-patchedwc db21c -ignorewcpatches

db21c is the working copy of the unpatched database to which you want to roll

Chapter 8
Upgrading to Oracle Database 21c

db21c_psu is the working copy of the Oracle Database software with patches applied,
based on the image DB21c_PSU.
For all Oracle Databases, you can also specify these additional options with the move
database command:

• -keepplacement: For admin-managed Oracle RAC Databases (not Oracle RAC One
Node Database), Fleet Patching and Provisioning retains the services on the same nodes
after the move.
• -disconnect: Disconnects all sessions before stopping or relocating services.
• -drain_timeout: Specify the time, in seconds, allowed for resource draining to be
completed for planned maintenance operations. During the draining period, all current
client requests are processed, but new requests are not accepted. This option is
available only with Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2) or later.
• -stopoption: Stops the database.
• -nodatapatch: Ensures datapatch is not run for databases you are moving.

Watch a video Video

Upgrading to Oracle Database 21c

This procedure describes how to upgrade an Oracle database from Oracle Database 19c to
21c with a single command, using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, both for managed and
unmanaged Oracle homes.

Before you Begin

• To upgrade to Oracle Database 21c, your source database must be either Oracle
Database 11g release 2 ( or, Oracle Database 12c release 1 (
or, Oracle Database 18c, or Oracle Database 19c.
• Oracle Grid Infrastructure on which the pre-upgrade database is running must be of the
same release or later than the database release to which you are upgrading.
• The source Oracle home to be upgraded can be a managed working copy, that is an
Oracle home provisioned using Fleet Patching and Provisioning, or an unmanaged home,
that is, an Oracle home not provisioned using Fleet Patching and Provisioning. If you are
upgrading an unmanaged Oracle home, provide the complete path of the database for

Procedure to Upgrade Oracle Database using Fleet Patching and Provisioning

• From the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, run one of the following commands as
per your source and destination database:
1. To upgrade an Oracle home managed by Fleet Patching and Provisioning, and there
exist working copies of the source and destination databases, run:

$ rhpctl upgrade database -dbname test_database -sourcewc db19c -

destwc db21c

test_database is the name of the database being upgraded.

db19c is the source working copy of the pre-upgrade database.

Chapter 8
Adding a Node to a Cluster and Scaling an Oracle RAC Database to the Node

db21c is the working copy of the upgraded Oracle Database software.

2. To upgrade an unmanaged Oracle home (source working copy does not exist
because the Oracle home is not managed by Fleet Patching and
Provisioning), run:

$ rhpctl move database -sourcehome /u01/app/orabase/product/

-destwc db21c -targetnode node1 {authentication_option}

/u01/app/orabase/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1 is the path of the database

being upgraded.
db21c is the working copy of the upgraded Oracle Database software.
targetnode specifies the node on which the database to be upgraded is
running, because the source Oracle Database is on a 19c cluster.

The upgraded database is now managed by Fleet Patching and Provisioning. You can
ensure that your database is patched to the latest level, using Fleet Patching and

During upgrade, if an error occurs, the procedure stops and allows you to fix
the error. After fixing the error, you can resume the upgrade operation from
where it last stopped.

Watch a video Video

Related Topics
• rhpctl upgrade database
Upgrades a database to the version of the destination working copy.
• rhpctl move database
Moves one or more databases from a source working copy or any Oracle
Database home to a patched working copy.

Adding a Node to a Cluster and Scaling an Oracle RAC

Database to the Node
You can add a node to your two-node cluster by using Fleet Patching and Provisioning
to add the node, and then extend an Oracle RAC database to the new node.

Before You Begin

In this procedure, Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c is running on the cluster. Working
copy GI_HOME_21c_WCPY is the active Grid home on this cluster.

The Oracle RAC database home runs on the working copy DB_HOME_21c_WCPY.

Ensure that you have storage, network, and operating system requirements configured
for the new node as stated in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide.

Chapter 8
Adding Gold Images for Fleet Patching and Provisioning

1. From the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, run the following command to add a
node to the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure working copy:

rhpctl addnode gihome -workingcopy GI_HOME_21c_WCPY -newnodes n3:n3-vip


The command extends the cluster by adding node3.

2. Add instances to the administrator-managed Oracle RAC database on the new node:

rhpctl addnode database -workingcopy DB_HOME_21c_WCPY -dbname db321 -node

n3 {authentication_option}

The command extends the database home on the node3 and creates database db321 on
this node.
Related Topics
• rhpctl addnode gihome
• rhpctl addnode database

Adding Gold Images for Fleet Patching and Provisioning

Create gold images of software home and store them on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server, to use later to provision Oracle homes.

Before You Begin

The Oracle home to be used for creating the gold image can be on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server, or Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, or any target machine that the
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can communicate with.

Create gold images of Oracle homes in any of the following ways and store them on the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning server:
1. Import an image from an installed Oracle home on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning

rhpctl import image -image db21c -path /share/software/21c/dbhome -


The gold image of imagetype Oracle Database 21c software is created and stored on the
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
You can also create gold images of Oracle Grid Infrastructure or any other software by

Chapter 8
User Actions for Common Fleet Patching and Provisioning Tasks

2. Import an image from an installed Oracle home on a Fleet Patching and

Provisioning Client by running the following command from the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client:

rhpctl import image -image db21c -path /u01/app/dbusr/product/


The command creates and adds the image db21c based on the local Oracle home
installed in the specified path.

You cannot directly use images as software homes. Use images to create
working copies of software homes.

User Actions for Common Fleet Patching and Provisioning

You can use Fleet Patching and Provisioning user actions to perform many tasks, such
as installing and configuring any type of software and running scripts.

Deploying a Web Server

The following procedure demonstrates automated deployment of Apache Web Server
using Fleet Patching and Provisioning:
1. Create a script to install Apache Web server, as follows:
a. On the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, download and extract the
Apache Web server installation kit.
b. Create the script to install, configure, and start the Apache Web server.
2. Register the script as a user action with Fleet Patching and Provisioning by
running the following command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:

rhpctl useraction -useraction apachestart

-actionscript /user1/useractions/
-post -optype ADD_WORKINGCOPY -onerror ABORT

The preceding command adds the apachestart user action for the action script
stored in the specified directory. As per the specified properties, the user action
runs after the ADD_WORKINGCOPY operation and aborts if there is any error.
3. Create an image type and associate the user action with the image type, as

rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype apachetype -basetype SOFTWARE

-useraction "apachestart"

Chapter 8
User Actions for Common Fleet Patching and Provisioning Tasks

The preceding command creates a new image type called apachetype, a derivative of the
basic image type, SOFTWARE, with an associated user action apachestart.
4. Create a gold image of the image type, as follows:

rhpctl import image -image apacheinstall -path /user1/apache2219_kit/

-imagetype apachetype

The preceding command creates a gold image, apacheinstall, with the script for
Apache Web server installation, in the specified path, based on the imagetype you
created earlier.
To view the properties of this image, run the rhpctl query image -image
apacheinstall command.
5. Deploy a working copy of the gold image on the target, as follows:

rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy apachecopy -image apacheinstall

-path /user1/apacheinstallloc -sudouser user1
-sudopath /usr/local/bin/sudo -node node1 -user user1
-useractiondata "/user1/apachehome:1080:2.2.19"

Fleet Patching and Provisioning provisions the software to the target and runs the
apachestart script specified in the user action. You can provide the Apache Web server
configuration details such as port number with the useractiondata option. If the target is
a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, then you need not specify sudo credentials.

Registering Multiple Scripts Using a Single User Action

Run multiple scripts as part of a user action plug-in by registering a wrapper script and
bundled custom scripts. The wrapper script extracts the bundled scripts, which are copied
under the directory of the wrapper script, and then runs those extracted scripts as necessary,
similar to the following procedure:
1. The following command creates a user action called ohadd_ua, and associates a wrapper
script,, with a zip file containing other scripts:

rhpctl add useraction -useraction ohadd_ua -actionscript

/scratch/crsusr/ -actionfile /scratch/crsusr/ -pre -

The wrapper script,, extracts the file into the script path, a temporary
path to which the user action scripts are copied. The wrapper script can invoke any
scripts contained in the file.
2. The following command creates an image type, sw_ua, for the ohadd_ua user action:

rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype sw_ua -useractions ohadd_ua -basetype


Chapter 8
User Actions for Common Fleet Patching and Provisioning Tasks

3. The following command creates an image called swimgua from the software
specified in the path:

rhpctl import image -image swimgua -path /tmp/custom_sw -imagetype


4. The following command adds a working copy called wcua and runs the

rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy wcua -image swimgua -client


RHPCTL Command Reference
Use the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Control (RHPCTL) utility to manage Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning in your cluster.
This appendix contains reference information for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
commands, including utility usage information and a comprehensive listing of the RHPCTL

• RHPCTL Overview
RHPCTL is a command-line utility with which you perform Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning operations and manage Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers and
• Using RHPCTL Help
You can use the content sensitive help with RHPCTL to get uses and syntax information
of various commands.
• RHPCTL Command Reference
This section describes RHPCTL command usage information, and lists and describes
RHPCTL commands.

See Also:
Oracle Database REST API Reference for information about REST APIs for many
common RHPCTL operations, including provisioning, patching, upgrading, and
query operations.

RHPCTL Overview
RHPCTL is a command-line utility with which you perform Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning operations and manage Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers and
RHPCTL uses the following syntax:
rhpctl command object [parameters]

In RHPCTL syntax:
• command is a verb such as add, delete, or query
• object (also known as a noun) is the target or object on which RHPCTL performs the
command, such as client or image.
• parameters extend the use of a preceding command combination to include additional
parameters for the command. Specify parameters as -keyword value. If the value field
contains a comma-delimited list, then do not use spaces between the items in the list.

Appendix A
Using RHPCTL Help

You can use RHPCTL commands to perform several Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning operations, including:
• Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client operations, such as creating an
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client configuration.
• Role operations, such as adding and deleting roles, and granting and revoking
roles for users.
• Site operations, such as obtaining configuration information for Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Servers.
• Image operations, such as adding, deleting, and importing images.
• Image series operations, such as adding and deleting image series.
• Working copy operations, such as adding and deleting working copies.

Using RHPCTL Help

You can use the content sensitive help with RHPCTL to get uses and syntax
information of various commands.
To see help for all RHPCTL commands, from the command line enter:
rhpctl -help

To see the command syntax and a list of parameters for each RHPCTL command,
from the command line enter:
rhpctl command (or verb) object (or noun) -help

RHPCTL Command Reference

This section describes RHPCTL command usage information, and lists and describes
RHPCTL commands.

A multitenant container database is the only supported architecture in Oracle
Database 21c. While the documentation is being revised, legacy terminology
may persist. In most cases, "database" and "non-CDB" refer to a CDB or
PDB, depending on context. In some contexts, such as upgrades, "non-CDB"
refers to a non-CDB from a previous release.

• audit Commands
Use commands with the audit keyword to delete, modify, and query audit records.
• client Commands
Use commands with the client keyword to add, delete, and manage Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning clients.
• credentials Commands
Use commands with the credentials keyword to add credentials to and delete
credentials from the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR).

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• database Commands
Use commands with the database keyword to add, delete, move, and upgrade
• exadata Commands
Use commands with the exadata keyword to patch an Oracle Exadata system.
• gihome Commands
Use commands with the gihome keyword to add or delete nodes to Oracle Grid
Infrastructure home and, move and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
• image Commands
Use commands with the image keyword to add, delete, import, and manage gold images.
• imagetype Commands
Use commands with the imagetype keyword to add, delete, modify, and manage an
image type.
• job Commands
Use commands with the job keyword to delete or query schedule jobs.
• osconfig Commands
Use commands with the osconfig keyword to backup, compare, and manage operating
system configuration information.
• peerserver Commands
Use commands with the peerserver keyword to display information for a peer server.
• role Commands
Use commands with the role keyword to add, delete, and manage roles.
• series Commands
Use commands with the series keyword to add, delete, subscribe, and manage a series.
• server Commands
Use commands with the server keyword to export, register, unregister, and query Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
• user Commands
Use commands with the user keyword to delete, modify, register, and unregister users.
• useraction Commands
Use commands with the useraction keyword to add, delete, and modify user actions.
• workingcopy Commands
Use commands with the workingcopy keyword to create, update, extend, and delete
working copies.

audit Commands
Use commands with the audit keyword to delete, modify, and query audit records.

• rhpctl delete audit

• rhpctl modify audit
• rhpctl query audit

rhpctl delete audit

Deletes the Fleet Patching and Provisioning audit records.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl delete audit [-to timestamp]

Usage Notes
Optionally, you can specify a date up to which audit records will be deleted, in the
format YYYY-MM-DD. Otherwise, this command deletes all audit records.

rhpctl modify audit

Modifies the maximum number of audit records to store.


rhpctl modify audit -maxrecord number

Usage Notes
Specify the maximum number of audit records to store.

rhpctl query audit

Displays the Fleet Patching and Provisioning audit records.


rhpctl query audit [[[-operation {add | delete | modify | grant |

revoke | move | verify | discover
| upgrade | allow | disallow | deleteimage | insertimage | promote |
addnode | deletenode | register | unregister | export | import | query
| subscribe | unsubscribe}]
[-entity {client | role | audit | image | imagetype | useraction |
series | workingcopy | database | server | user | audit | imagetype |
| [-user user_name] [-client cluster_name] | [-from timestamp -to
| -before timestamp | -since timestamp | -first number | -last number]
| -record record_id | -config]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-1 rhpctl query audit Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-operation {add | Specify the type of operation for which you want an audit query.
delete | modify |
grant | revoke | move
| verify | discover |
upgrade | allow |
disallow |
deleteimage |
insertimage | promote
| addnode |
deletenode | register
| unregister | export
| import | query |
subscribe |
-entity {client | Specify the entity for which you want an audit query.
role | image | series
| workingcopy |
database | server |
user | audit |
imagetype |
-user user_name Optionally, you can choose to run a query audit on a particular user who
performed Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations.
-client cluster_name Optionally, you can choose to run a query audit on a particular client
cluster where Fleet Patching and Provisioning operations were
-from timestamp -to Optionally, you can specify a time interval for which to run an audit query.
timestamp Timestamps must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
-before timestamp Optionally, you can specify a time before which to run an audit query.
Timestamp must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
-since timestamp Optionally, you can specify a time after which to run an audit query.
Timestamp must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
-first number Optionally, you can specify a number of the first audit records for a given
-last number Optionally, you can specify a number of the last audit records for a given
-record record_id Optionally, you can specify a particular audit record ID.
–config You can choose this parameter to show the maximum record

client Commands
Use commands with the client keyword to add, delete, and manage Oracle Fleet Patching
and Provisioning clients.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• rhpctl add client

Adds a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client to the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server configuration.
• rhpctl allow client
• rhpctl delete client
• rhpctl disallow client
• rhpctl discover client
• rhpctl export client
• rhpctl modify client
Modifies an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
• rhpctl query client
• rhpctl update client
• rhpctl verify client

rhpctl add client

Adds a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server configuration.


rhpctl add client -client cluster_name [-toclientdata path] [-

targetnode node_name
{-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_location | -root |
-cred cred_name} | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]]
[-maproles role=user_name[,role=user_name[,...]]]
[-version version]


Table A-2 rhpctl add client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client client_name Specify the name of the cluster in which you want to create the
-toclientdata path Optionally, you can specify the path to the XML file that is created
by the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (specific to the client
cluster), which contains the information the client needs to
configure its connection to the server.
-targetnode Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in a remote cluster
node_name that has no Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-2 (Cont.) rhpctl add client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-sudouser If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must
sudo_user_name - choose either sudo or root to access the remote node.
sudopath If you choose sudo, then you must use the –sudouser parameter
sudo_binary_location and specify a user name to run super-user operations, and a path
| -root | -cred to the location of the sudo binary.
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to
associate the user and password credentials to access a remote
-auth plugin_name [- Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
arg1 specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-maproles You can specify either built-in roles or roles that you have defined,
role=user_name[,...] and you can assign multiple uses to each role. Use commas to
separate multiple roles and users.

Starting with Oracle Grid
Infrastructure 21c, the -maproles
parameter is deprecated. This
parameter can be desupported in a
future release.

-version version Optionally, you can specify the version of the credentials file format,
such as

Usage Notes
• Only clusters running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 2 (12.2) or later can be
configured and added as Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients. Clusters running earlier
versions of Oracle Grid Infrastructure, and servers running no Oracle Grid Infrastructure,
can be managed directly by the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
• You can only run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

To add a client to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl add client -client ClientCluster3 -toclientdata Grid_home/RHPserver/


rhpctl allow client

Enables a user or a role to perform an operation on an Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning client or remote cluster.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl allow client -client client_name

{-user username [-cluster cluster_name] | -role role_name}


Table A-3 rhpctl allow client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client client_name Specify the name of the FPP client or remote cluster.
-user username Specify the name of the operating system (OS) user
-cluster Optionally, you can specify the name of a cluster.
-role role_name Specify the name of the role.

Usage Notes
• Specify the name of an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning client or a remote
• Specify the OS user and optionally a name of a cluster, or the name of a role.
For a list of roles, refer to rhpctl add role
• This command can only be run on an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning


Example A-1 Using rhpctl allow client

$ rhpctl add role -role SECURE_CLIENT_USER -hasRoles GH_CLIENT_ACCESS

$ rhpctl disallow client -client secure_rhpc1 -role GH_CLIENT_ACCESS

$ rhpctl allow client -client secure_rhpc1 -role SECURE_CLIENT_USER

$ rhpctl grant role -role SECURE_CLIENT_USER -user secure_user1

rhpctl delete client

Deletes a specific Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client from the configuration.


rhpctl delete client –client cluster_name [-force]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Usage Notes
• Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to delete from the configuration.
• You must stop the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client before you run this command or
use the -force option.

To delete the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client ClientCluster3:

$ rhpctl delete client -client ClientCluster3

rhpctl disallow client

Disables a user or a role to perform an operation on an Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning client or remote cluster.


rhpctl disallow client -client client_name

{-user username [-cluster cluster_name] | -role role_name}


Table A-4 rhpctl disallow client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client client_name Specify the name of the FPP client or remote cluster.
-user username Specify the name of the operating system (OS) user
-cluster cluster_name Optionally, you can specify the name of a cluster.
-role role_name Specify the name of the role.

Usage Notes
• Specify the name of an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning client or a remote cluster.
• Specify the OS user and optionally a name of a cluster, or the name of a role.
For a list of roles, refer to rhpctl add role
• This command can only be run on an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning server


Example A-2 Using rhpctl disallow client

$ rhpctl add role -role SECURE_CLIENT_USER -hasRoles GH_CLIENT_ACCESS

$ rhpctl disallow client -client secure_rhpc1 -role GH_CLIENT_ACCESS

$ rhpctl allow client -client secure_rhpc1 -role SECURE_CLIENT_USER

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

$ rhpctl grant role -role SECURE_CLIENT_USER -user secure_user1

rhpctl discover client

Validates the input provided and discovers parameters on the given nodes, and
generates a response file that you can use for configuring Oracle Clusterware.
After completing this command, use page A-14 to validate the response file and
prepare the target nodes for Oracle Clusterware deployment.


rhpctl discover client -image image_name -generatepath

{-responsefile response_file_name | -clusternodes node_list -client
-oraclehome oracle_home_path} {-root | -sudouser sudo_username
-sudopath sudo_binary_path | -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name
[-arg1 name1:value1...]} [-user gi_user_name]
[-scan scan_name]


Table A-5 rhpctl discover client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Gold Image
which the resulting response file will support.
-generatepath Specify a file path where the response file that RHPCTL generates
response_file_path will be copied. The RHPCTL command generates name of the
response file and displays it while the command is running.
-responsefile If you have a partially complete response file and you want it to be
response_file_name completed with reference to the target nodes, then specify the
response file name using this parameter.
Note: The response file must include the node list, client name,
and Oracle home path.
-clusternodes Specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which you plan to
node_list provision Oracle Clusterware (using the resulting response file) in
the following format: node_name:node_vip[:node_role]
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the target cluster to be probed.
-oraclehome Specify the location of the Oracle home.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-5 (Cont.) rhpctl discover client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-root | -sudouser You must choose either sudo or root to access the remote nodes.
sudo_username - If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run
sudopath super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo
sudo_binary_path | - binary.
cred cred_name | -
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to
auth plugin_name [- associate the user and password credentials to access a remote
arg1 node.
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-user gi_user_name Specify the name of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation user.
-scan scan_name Specify the SCAN name.

rhpctl export client

Exports data from the repository on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to a client
data file.


rhpctl export client -client cluster_name -clientdata file_path


Table A-6 rhpctl export client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to export.
-clientdata file_path Specify the path to the location of the client data file.

Usage Notes
You can only run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

To export repository data from a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client named mjk9394 to a
client data file, /tmp/mjk9394.xml:

$ rhpctl export client -client mjk9394 -clientdata /tmp/mjk9394.xml

rhpctl modify client

Modifies an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl modify client –client cluster_name [-enabled {TRUE | FALSE}]

[-maproles role=user_name[+user_name...]
[,role=user_name[+user_name...],...]]] [-password]]


Table A-7 rhpctl modify client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
Specify the name of the client cluster that you want to modify.

Specify whether the client is enabled.

-enabled {TRUE |

-maproles You can modify either built-in roles or roles that you have defined,
role=user_name[+user and you can assign multiple uses to each role.
_name...][,...] When you use the -maproles parameter, use a plus sign (+) to
map more than one user to a specific role. Separate additional role/
user pairs with commas.

Starting with Oracle Grid
Infrastructure 21c, the -maproles
parameter is deprecated. This
parameter can be desupported in a
future release.

Optionally, you can recreate the Oracle Fleet Patching and

-password Provisioning Client credentials.

To disable an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client named RHPClient001:

$ rhpctl modify client -client RHPClient001 -enabled FALSE

rhpctl query client

Displays the configuration information of a specific Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Client cluster.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl query client [–client cluster_name[-detail [-node node_name] [-

[-rhpserver rhps_regex]


Table A-8 rhpctl query client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the client cluster in which the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client resides.
-detail Generate cluster information (HTML) for the cluster.
-node node_name Specify the name of a node in a remote cluster.
-displayhtml Display the HTML cluster information for the cluster.
-rhpserver rhps_regex Specify a regular expression to match the cluster name of the servers
where the operation must be executed.

Usage Notes
Specify the name of the client cluster in which the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client
resides for which you want to display the configuration information.
When issuing a command for a peer server using the -rhpserver option, the user running the
command must be an existing user of the peer server and the user must have a required role.
To enable a user from a peer server to run commands on the local server, run the rhpctl
grant role command to grant a required role to the peer server user and to specify the
cluster name of the peer server to which the user belongs. For example:

$ rhpctl grant role -role role_name -user user_name -client cluster_name

To add multiple users, run the following command:

$ rhpctl grant role -client cluster_name -maproles


For information about granting roles with RHPCTL, refer to rhpctl grant role

This command displays output similar to the following:

/rhpctl query client -client mbcluster-13

Site: mbcluster-13
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client Version:
Enabled: true
Host from which RHPC last registered:
Port number last registered by RHPC: 8896
RHP Enabled: true

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Standalone: false
Managed: true

rhpctl update client

Updates an image on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.


rhpctl update client -image image_name {-targetnode node_name

| -batches '(node_name)'} -root


Table A-9 rhpctl update client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the image that you want to update.
-targetnode Specify the name of the node on which you want to update the
node_name Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
-batches Alternative to specifying a target node, you can specify batches of
'(node_name)' nodes.
Note: If you use this parameter for Oracle Database Appliance
nodes, then run the command twice, in succession, specifying any
one Oracle Database Appliance node for the first run, and another
Oracle Database Appliance node for the second run.
–root You must specify this parameter if you use either the –targetnode
or –batches parameters.

Usage Notes
You can only run this command from a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

The following example uses the –targetnode parameter:

$ rhpctl update client -image ODA1 -targetnode rac07box1 -root

The two following examples use the –batches parameter:

$ rhpctl update client -image ODA1 -batches '(rac07box1)' -root

$ rhpctl update client -image ODA1 -batches '(rac07box2)' -root

rhpctl verify client

Validates the input provided and creates or completes and verifies the values in a
response file that you can use to configure Oracle Clusterware.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl verify client -image image_name -responsefile response_file_name

[-clusternodes node_list] {-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath
sudo_binary_path | -cred cred_name} | -auth plugin_name [-arg1
[-user gi_user_name] [-client cluster_name] [-scan scan_name]
[-oraclehome oracle_home_path] [-ignorewarn] [-fixup [-setupSSH]]


Table A-10 rhpctl verify client Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the image.
-responsefile Specify a response file to be used to provision Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
-clusternodes Specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which Oracle Clusterware
node_list will be provisioned in the following format:
-root | -sudouser You must choose either sudo or root to access the remote nodes.
sudo_username - If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-
sudopath user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.
sudo_binary_path | -
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the
cred cred_name | -
user and password credentials to access a remote node.
auth plugin_name [-
arg1 name1:value1...] Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-user gi_user_name Specify the name of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation user.
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the cluster you want to verify.
-scan scan_name Specify the SCAN name.
-oraclehome Specify the location of the Oracle home.
-ignorewarn Use this parameter to ignore warnings during validation.
–fixup [-setupSSH] Use this parameter to run a fixup script, which automatically applies
changes to the nodes to satisfy changes that CVU recommends.
Optionally, you can use the -setupSSH parameter to set up
passwordless SSH user equivalence on the remote nodes for the
provisioning user.

credentials Commands
Use commands with the credentials keyword to add credentials to and delete credentials
from the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR).
• rhpctl add credentials
• rhpctl delete credentials

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl add credentials

Adds credentials to the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR).


rhpctl add credentials -cred cred_name {-root | -sudouser sudo_user_name

-sudopath sudo_binary_location}


Table A-11 rhpctl add credentials Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-cred cred_name Specify a credential name to associate the user and password
credentials to access a remote node.
-root | -sudouser You must choose either to provide root access to access a remote
sudo_user_name - node or a sudo user name and path to the sudo binary to perform
sudopath super user operations.

Usage Notes
After you add credentials they can be used in the -cred cred_name parameter of other
commands to avoid those commands prompting for a password.

rhpctl delete credentials

Deletes credentials from the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR).


rhpctl delete credentials -cred cred_name

Usage Notes
Specify only the name of the credentials you want to delete.

database Commands
Use commands with the database keyword to add, delete, move, and upgrade
• rhpctl add database
Creates a database using a specific working copy.
• rhpctl addnode database
• rhpctl addpdb database
• rhpctl deletepdb database

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• rhpctl delete database

Deletes a database that was created on a working copy.
• rhpctl deletenode database
• rhpctl move database
Moves one or more databases from a source working copy or any Oracle Database
home to a patched working copy.
• rhpctl movepdb database
• rhpctl upgrade database
Upgrades a database to the version of the destination working copy.
• rhpctl zdtupgrade database
The Zero Downtime Upgrade command rhpctl zdtupgrade database enables zero
downtime database upgrades for Oracle RAC and Oracle RAC One Node Oracle
Database instances.

rhpctl add database

Creates a database using a specific working copy.


rhpctl add database -workingcopy workingcopy_name

{ -gimr | -dbname unique_db_name {-node node_list |
-serverpool pool_name [-pqpool pool_name |
-newpqpool pool_name -pqcardinality cardinality] |
-newpool pool_name -cardinality cardinality [-pqpool pool_name |
-newpqpool pool_name -pqcardinality cardinality]}
[-dbtemplate file_path | image_name:relative_file_path]
[-cdb] [-pdbname pdb_prefix [-numberOfPDBs pdb_count]]
[{-sudouser user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path |
-root | -cred cred_name |
-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]}]
[-targetnode node_name]
[-datafileDestination datafileDestination_path]
[-useractiondata user_action_data]
[-eval] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-12 rhpctl add database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of an existing working copy for the database that you want to
workingcopy_name add.
-gimr Perform the operations required for a Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
(GIMR) database
-dbname unique_db_name Specify the unique name of the database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME without DB_DOMAIN)
that you are adding.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-12 (Cont.) rhpctl add database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-datafileDestination Specify the data file destination location or the name of the Oracle Automatic
datafileDestination_path Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk group.
Note: You cannot specify a disk group for Oracle Database versions before
Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2).
-node node_list Specify a node or comma-delimited list of several nodes on which to create the
-serverpool Specify the name of an existing server pool.
-pqpool server_pool_name Specify the name of an existing server pool.
Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment
and refers to server pools (either already defined, as in this case, or to be created
when you use the -newpqpool parameter) running on non-Hub Nodes.
-newpqpool Optionally, you can create a new server pool to be used for parallel queries.
server_pool_name Specify a name for the new server pool.
Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment
because it refers to server pools running on non-Hub Nodes.
-pqcardinality If you create a new server pool, then you must specify a cardinality value for the
cardinality server pool.
Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment.
-newpool Optionally, you can create a new server pool. Specify a name for the new server
server_pool_name pool.
-cardinality cardinality If you create a new server pool, then you must specify a cardinality value for the
server pool.
-dbtype {RACONENODE | Specify whether the database is Oracle RAC One Node, Oracle RAC, or a
RAC | SINGLE} nonclustered database.
-dbtemplate file_path | Specify the absolute file path to a database template or the relative path to the
image_name:relative_file image home directory on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
-cdb Optionally, use this parameter to create a database as a container database.
-pdbname pdb_prefix If you are creating one or more pluggable databases, then specify a pluggable
database name prefix.
-numberOfPDBs pdb_count Specify the number of pluggable databases you want to create.
-sudouser user_name - If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose either
sudopath sudo or root to access the remote node.
sudo_binary_path | -root If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-user
| -cred cred_name | - operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.
auth plugin_name [-arg1
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the user and
password credentials to access a remote node.
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to specify an
authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-targetnode node_name Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in a remote cluster that has no
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
–ignoreprereq Ignore prerequisites.
–fixup Execute a fixup script. This option is valid for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and
database provisioning.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-12 (Cont.) rhpctl add database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of the user
user_action_data action script.
-schedule {timer_value | Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in
NOW} ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified or the option is omitted, then the job is scheduled immediately.
–eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this command on
the system without actually running the command.

Usage Notes
If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command on the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server.
Authentication plugins enable the easy addition of authentication methods without changes in
command line interfaces (CLIs). For information about authentication options, refer to
Authentication Options for Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Operations.

To create a database on a working copy named prodhome:

$ rhpctl add database -workingcopy prodhome -dbname proddb -

datafileDestination /acfs/proddata -serverpool prodpool1 -dbtype RAC

You can create multiple databases on a working copy.

rhpctl addnode database

Adds instances to an administrator-managed Oracle RAC database.


rhpctl addnode database -workingcopy workingcopy_name

-dbname unique_db_name -node node_list
[-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name
-sudopath sudo_binary_location |
-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]]
[-useractiondata user_action_data] [-eval] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-13 rhpctl addnode database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of a working copy.
-dbname Specify the unique name of the database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME
unique_db_name without DB_DOMAIN) that you are adding.
-node node_list Specify a node or comma-delimited list of several nodes on which
to create the database.
-root | -cred If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must
cred_name | - choose either root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication
sudouser plugin to access the remote node.
sudo_user_name - Choose -root to perform super user operations as root.
sudopath Alternatively, you can choose either to specify a credential name to
sudo_binary_location associate the user name and password credentials to access a
| -auth plugin_name remote node, to perform super user operations as a sudo user by
plugin_args specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary, or to
use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata
user_action_data parameter of the user action script.
–eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this
command on the system without actually running the command.
-schedule Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run
timer_value | NOW} this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified or the option is omitted, then the job is scheduled

-revert On rerun, roll back the failed actions performed on the first run.

Usage Notes
• If the specified working copy is not installed on the nodes in the node list, then you
must first run rhpctl addnode workingcopy.
• If the working copy is on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client or on the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server, then credentials are not required. This is true
whether you run the command on the Server or the Client. Credentials are
required when you run the command on the Server and the working copy is on a
target that is not a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
• If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command
on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl addpdb database

Adds a pluggable database to an existing container database on a working copy.
After you create a working copy of a gold image and provision that working copy to a target,
and create a database as a multitenant container database, you can add a pluggable
database to the container database on the working copy.


rhpctl addpdb database -workingcopy workingcopy_name -cdbname cdb_name

-pdbname new_pdb_name
[-pdbDatafileDestination pdb_datafile_destination_path]
[-pdbadminusername pdb_admin_user_name]
[-dbcaresponsefile responsefilename]
[-root | -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]
| -sudouser user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path]
[-targetnode node_name]
[-useractiondata user_action_data]
[-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-14 rhpctl addpdb database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of an existing working copy for the pluggable database
workingcopy_name that you want to add.
-cdbname cdb_name Specify the name of the multitenant container database to which you
want to add the pluggable database.
-pdbname new_pdb_name Specify a name for the pluggable database you are adding.
- Optionally, you can specify the path to the data file destination location
pdbDatafileDestinatio for the pluggable database.
-pdbadminusername Optionally, you can specify the name of the PDB's local administrator.
-dbcaresponsefile Optionally, you can specify the name of the response file.
-root | -cred If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose
cred_name | -auth either sudo or root to access the remote node.
plugin_name [-arg1 If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-
name1:value1...] | - user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.
sudouser user_name -
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the
user and password credentials to access a remote node.
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-targetnode node_name Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in the cluster on which
you want to run this operation.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-14 (Cont.) rhpctl addpdb database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of
user_action_data the user action script.
-schedule Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this
{timer_value | NOW} operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

Usage Notes
The working copy can be on Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, a Fleet Patching
and Provisioning Client, or a non-Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client target.

The following example creates a pluggable database called pdb183 on a container
database called raccdb183 on a working copy called wc_db183:

$ rhpctl addpdb database -workingcopy wc_db183 -cdbname raccdb183 -

pdbname pdb183

rhpctl deletepdb database

Deletes a pluggable database to an existing container database on a working copy.


rhpctl deletepdb database -workingcopy workingcopy_name -cdbname

-pdbname pdb_name
[-root | -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]
| -sudouser user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path] [-targetnode
[-useractiondata user_action_data] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-15 rhpctl deletepdb database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of an existing working copy for the pluggable
workingcopy_name database that you want to delete.
-cdbname cdb_name Specify the name of the multitenant container database from which
you want to delete the pluggable database.
-pdbname pdb_name Specify the name of the pluggable database you want to delete.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-15 (Cont.) rhpctl deletepdb database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-root | -cred If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must
cred_name | -auth choose either sudo or root to access the remote node.
plugin_name [-arg1 If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run
name1:value1...] | - super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo
sudouser user_name - binary.
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to
sudo_binary_path associate the user and password credentials to access a remote
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-targetnode Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in the cluster on
node_name which you want to run this operation.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata
user_action_data parameter of the user action script.
-schedule Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run
{timer_value | NOW} this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

Usage Notes
The working copy can be on Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, a Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client, or a non-Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client target.

The following example deletes a pluggable database called pdb183 from a container
database called raccdb183 on a working copy called wc_db183:

$ rhpctl deletepdb database -workingcopy wc_db183 -cdbname raccdb183 -

pdbname pdb183

rhpctl delete database

Deletes a database that was created on a working copy.

If the database is hosted on a working copy that is on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server or on an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, then
credentials are not required. This is true whether you run the command on the
Server or the Client. Credentials are required when you run the command on the
Server and the working copy is on a target that is not an Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl delete database –workingcopy workingcopy_name -dbname

{-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path |
-root | -cred cred_name |
-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]}
[-targetnode node_name]
[-useractiondata user_action_data]
[-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-16 rhpctl delete database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify a name for the working copy for the database that you want
workingcopy_name to delete.
-dbname Specify the unique name of the database
unique_db_name (DB_UNIQUE_NAMEwithout DB_DOMAIN) that you are deleting.
-sudouser user_name If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must
-sudopath choose either sudo or root to access the remote node.
sudo_binary_path | - If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run
root | -cred super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo
cred_name | -auth binary.
plugin_name [-arg1
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to
name1:value1...] associate the user and password credentials to access a remote
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-targetnode Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in a remote cluster
node_name that has no Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata
user_action_data parameter of the user action script.
-schedule Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run
{timer_value | NOW} this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

rhpctl deletenode database

Deletes an instance, which contracts an administrator-managed Oracle RAC


rhpctl deletenode database -workingcopy working_copy_name -dbname


Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

-node node_list {-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath sudo_binary_path

| -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]} [-force]
[-failover] [-drain_timeout timeout] [-stopoption stop_option]
[-useractiondata user_action_data] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}] [-eval]


Table A-17 rhpctl deletenode database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of a working copy.
-dbname Specify the unique name of the database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME without
unique_db_name DB_DOMAIN) that you are deleting.
-node node_list Specify a node or comma-delimited list of several nodes from which to
delete the database instance.
-root | -sudouser Choose either sudo or root to access the remote nodes.
sudo_username - If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-
sudopath user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.
sudo_binary_path | -
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the
cred cred_name | -
user and password credentials to access a remote node.
auth plugin_name [-
arg1 name1:value1...] Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-force Use -force to remove the instance after forcibly stopping the instance.
-failover Optionally, you can use this parameter to attempt to have services
running on the instance that want to delete fail over to another instance.
-drain_timeout Optionally, you can use -drain_timeout to specify the time, in
timeout seconds, allowed for resource draining to be completed. Accepted values
are an empty string (""), 0, or any positive integer. The default value is an
empty string, which means that this parameter is not set. If it is set to 0,
then draining occurs, immediately.
The draining period is intended for planned maintenance operations.
During the draining period, all current client requests are processed, but
new requests are not accepted.
-stopoption Optionally, you can specify a stop option for the database. Options
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of
user_action_data the user action script.
-schedule Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this
(timer_value | NOW} operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

–eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this
command on the system without actually running the command.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Usage Notes
• If the working copy is on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client or on the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server, then credentials are not required. This is true
whether you run the command on the Server or the Client. Credentials are
required when you run the command on the Server and the working copy is on a
target that is not a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
• If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command
on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

rhpctl move database

Moves one or more databases from a source working copy or any Oracle Database
home to a patched working copy.


rhpctl move database -patchedwc workingcopy_name

{{-sourcewc workingcopy_name |
-sourcehome Oracle_home_path [-oraclebase Oracle_base_path]
[-client cluster_name]}
[-dbname db_name_list | -excludedblist db_name_list]
[-nonrolling [-skipprereq] | -forcerolling | -batches list_of_batches | -smartmove
[-saf availability] [-separate]]
[-ignoremissingpatches patch_name1 [,patch_name2...]]
[-ignorewcpatches] [-keepplacement]
[-disconnect [-noreplay]] [-drain_timeout time] [-stopoption stop_option]
[-nodatapatch] [-targetnode node_name] [-notify [-cc user_list]] |
-continue [-skip] | -revert | -abort}
[-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name
-sudopath sudo_binary_location |
-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]]
[schedule {timer_value| NOW}]
[-useractiondata user_action_data]
[-dbsinparallel <number_of_instances>] [-raconetimeout <timeout>]


Table A-18 rhpctl move database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-patchedwc Specify the name of the working copy to where you want to move the database.
-sourcewc Specify the name of the working copy from which the database is to be moved.
-sourcehome Alternatively, you can specify the source Oracle home path.
-oraclebase Specify the ORACLE_BASE path for provisioning the Oracle database home
Oracle_base_path (required only for ORACLEDBSOFTWARE image type).

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-18 (Cont.) rhpctl move database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the client cluster.
-dbname db_name_list Specify the unique names of the databases (DB_UNIQUE_NAME without
DB_DOMAIN) that you want to move to the patched working copy.
Note: If you are moving a non-clustered (single-instance) database, then, for the
value of the -dbname parameter, you must specify the SID of the database
instead of the database name.
-excludedblist Alternative to using the -dbname parameter, you can use the -excludedblist
db_name_list parameter to patch all databases except specific databases.
-nonrolling [- Optionally, you can choose one of the three following methods to move a
skipprereq] | - database:
forcerolling | -batches • Use the -nonrolling parameter to move the database in a non-rolling
list_of_batches | - mode. By default, databases move in a rolling mode. Use the –skipprereq
smartmove [-saf option to skip the prerequisite checks and start the database in upgrade
availability] [– mode for patching.
separate] • Use the –forcerolling parameter to force the Oracle home to move in
rolling mode.
• Use the -batches parameter to specify a comma-delimited list of batches of
nodes (where each batch is a comma-delimited list of node names enclosed
in parentheses) enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in the format:
• Alternatively, use the -smartmove parameter. Use the -saf availability
parameter to specify a service availability factor, which is the minimum
percentage of instances on which a service must remain running during the
Use the -separate parameter to process batches separately. When you use this
parameter, the move command returns after each batch. The move operation for
the first batch must specify the source home and other parameters that apply to
all batches (such as -nonrolling and -keepplacement). Control subsequent
batches using the -continue, -skip, and -abort parameters.
–eval Use the –eval parameter to print auto-generated batches of nodes and
sequence of moves without actually performing the move operation.
-ignoremissingpatches Perform the move and/or upgrade even though the specified patches, which are
patch_name1 present in the source path or working copy, may be missing from the destination
[,patch_name2...] path or working copy.
-ignorewcpatches Optionally, you can use this parameter to ignore if a patched working copy is
missing some patches which are present in the source path or working copy.
-keepplacement Use this parameter to ensure that services of administrator-managed Oracle RAC
or Oracle RAC One Node databases are running on the same instances before
and after the move operation.
-disconnect [-noreplay] Optionally, use the -disconnect parameter to disconnect all sessions before
stopping or relocating services. If you choose to use -disconnect, then you can
choose to use the -noreplay parameter to disable session replay during

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-18 (Cont.) rhpctl move database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-drain_timeout timeout Specify the time, in seconds, allowed for resource draining to be completed.
Accepted values are an empty string (""), 0, or any positive integer. The default
value is an empty string, which means that this parameter is not set. If it is set to
0, then draining occurs, immediately.
The draining period is intended for planned maintenance operations. During the
draining period, all current client requests are processed, but new requests are
not accepted.
-stopoption stop_option Optionally, you can specify a stop option for the database. Options include:
–nodatapatch Use this parameter to indicate not to run datapatch for databases you are
-targetnode node_name Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in a remote cluster that has no
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
-notify [-cc user_list] Optionally, you can supply a list of users to whom email notifications of the move
will be sent, in addition to the owner of the working copy.
-continue [-skip] If a batch-mode rhpctl move database command fails at any point, then, after
correcting the cause of the error, you can rerun the command with the -
continue parameter to attempt to patch the failed batch. If you want to skip the
failed batch and continue with the next batch, use the -continue and -skip
parameters together. If you attempt to skip over the last batch, then the move
operation is terminated.
—revert If a batch-mode or non-batch-mode rhpctl move database command fails,
then you can rerun the command with the -revert parameter to undo the
changes that have been made, and return the configuration to its initial state.
—abort If a batch-mode or non-batch-mode rhpctl move database command fails,
then you can rerun the command with the -abort parameter to terminate the
patching process and leave the cluster in its current state.
-root | -cred cred_name | - If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose either
sudouser sudo_user_name root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication plugin to access the remote
-sudopath node.
sudo_binary_location | - Choose -root to perform super user operations as root. Alternatively, you can
auth plugin_name choose either to specify a credential name to associate the user name and
plugin_args password credentials to access a remote node, to perform super user operations
as a sudo user by specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary,
or to use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of the user
user_action_data action script.
-schedule {timer_value | Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in
NOW} ISO-8601 format. For example: 2018-07-25T19:13:17+05
If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.
-dbsinparallel Number of database instances that can be started in parallel on a given node.
-raconetimeout timeout RAC One Node database relocation timeout in minutes.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Usage Notes
• You can obtain context sensitive help for specific use cases for the rhpctl move
database command, as follows:

$ rhpctl move database -help [EXISTING_PATCHEDWC | NEW_PATCHEDWC | SRCHOME


• If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command on the
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

To move all the databases running from one working copy to another in a rolling fashion:

$ rhpctl move database -sourcewc prodHomeV1 -patchedwc prodHomeV2 -client


In the preceding example, the patched working copy, prodHomeV2, must exist.

To move all databases running on a non-managed Oracle home at /u01/app/product/

12.1.0/dbhome to a working copy named myDB12Home1:

$ rhpctl move database -sourcehome /u01/app/product/12.1.0/dbhome -

oraclebase /u01/app/product/12.1.0/obase -patchedwc myDB12Home1

To move a database named SampleDB from a working copy named myDB12Home1 to a working
copy named myDB12Home1patched (any other databases running on myDB12Home1 are not
affected by this move):

$ rhpctl move database –sourcewc myDB12Home1 –patchedwc myDB12Home1patched –

dbname SampleDB

To move all databases running on a working copy named myDB12Home1 to a working copy
named myDB12Home1patched:

$ rhpctl move database –sourcewc myDB12Home1 –patchedwc myDB12Home1patched

To move a non-clustered (single-instance) database with a SID of SID101 running on a

patched working copy named myDB12Home1patched:

$ rhpctl move database -patchedwc myDB12Home1patched -sourcehome

/u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/db_1 -targetnode vm02 -dbname SIDl01
-sudouser oracle -sudopath /usr/bin/sudo

The preceding examples are the basic form of the command. You can also move groups of
databases in batches. The batch operations also support management of session
connections and recovery options.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl movepdb database

Moves specified pluggable databases from the source multitenant container database
to the destination multitenant container database.


rhpctl movepdb database -sourcecdb source_cdb_name -destcdb

{-pdbname pdb_name_list | -excludepdblist pdb_name_list}
[-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name
-sudopath sudo_binary_location |
-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1
[-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]] [-client client_name | -targetnode
[-useractiondata user_action_data] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-19 rhpctl movepdb database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-sourcecdb source_cdb_name Specify the name of the Oracle Multitenant
container database from which you want to
move the pluggable database.
-destcdb destination_cdb_name Specify the name of the multitenant container
database to which you want to move the
pluggable database.
-pdbname pdb_name_list Specify a comma-separated list of names of
pluggable databases that you want to move.
-excludepdblist pdb_name_list Specify a list of pluggable databases that you
want to excluded from the move operation.
-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser If you choose to use the -targetnode
sudo_user_name -sudopath parameter, then you must choose either root,
sudo_binary_location | -auth a credential name, sudo, or an authentication
plugin_name plugin_args plugin to access the remote node.
Choose -root to perform super user
operations as root. Alternatively, you can
choose either to specify a credential name to
associate the user name and password
credentials to access a remote node, to
perform super user operations as a sudo user
by specifying a sudo user name and the path
to the sudo binary, or to use an authentication
plugin to access the remote node.
-client client_name | -targetnode Optionally, you can specify either the name of
node_name the client cluster or the node on which the
operation is to be run.
-useractiondata user_action_data Optionally, you can pass a value to the
useractiondata parameter of the user
action script.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-19 (Cont.) rhpctl movepdb database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-schedule {timer_value | NOW} Optionally, you can use this parameter to
schedule a time to run this operation, in
ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


You can specify NOW to schedule the operation


Usage Notes
• The source and destination container databases can be running in a provisioned
database working copy. The working copy can be on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server, an Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, or a non-Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client target, which is a target without an Oracle Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client configured and running. The destination container
database can be at a higher patch level, which facilitates patching of a pluggable
database to a higher patch level.
• You can only use this command if both the source and destination container databases
are on the same node.
• This command does not currently support for Oracle RAC databases.

To move a pluggable database from a source container database to a destination container

rhpctl movepdb database -sourcecdb srccdb -pdbname pdb1,pdb2,pdb3 -destcdb


rhpctl upgrade database

Upgrades a database to the version of the destination working copy.


rhpctl upgrade database [-sourcewc source_workingcopy_name | -sourcehome

[-oraclebase Oracle_base_path] [{-client cluster_name | -targetnode
[-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath
| -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]]
-destwc destination_workingcopy_name [-image image_name [-path
-dbname unique_db_name [-useractiondata user_action_data] [-eval [-preupg]
[-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]
[-ignoremissingpatches patch_name1[,patch_name2...]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

[-dbuaargs dbua_arguments]
[-autoupg [-upgtimezone { YES | NO }] [-runutlrp { YES | NO }]
[-fra db_recovery_file_dest] -ignoregroupcheck] ]
[-drain_timeout session_drain_time] [-abort] [-revert]


Table A-20 rhpctl upgrade database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-sourcewc Specify the name of the source working copy from which you want to upgrade the
source_workingcopy_name database.
-sourcehome Alternative to specifying the name of the source working copy, you can specify
oracle_home_path the path to the source Oracle home.
-oraclebase If you use the -sourcehome parameter, then you can, optionally, specify a
oraclebase_path different ORACLE_BASE from the source Home.
-client cluster_name | - Specify either the name of the client cluster or the name of a node in a remote
targetnode node_name cluster with no Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client on which to provision a
working copy.
-root | -cred cred_name If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose either
| -sudouser root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication plugin to access the remote
sudo_user_name -sudopath node.
sudo_binary_location | - Choose -root to perform super user operations as root. Alternatively, you can
auth plugin_name choose either to specify a credential name to associate the user name and
plugin_args password credentials to access a remote node, to perform super user operations
as a sudo user by specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary,
or to use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
-destwc Specify the name of the destination working copy to which the database is to be
destination_workingcopy_ upgraded. If the destination working copy does not exist, then specify the gold
name [-image image_name image from which to create it, and optionally, the path to where to provision the
[-path where_path]] working copy.
-dbname unique_db_name Specify the name of the database you are upgrading.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of the user
user_action_data action script.
–eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this command on
the system without actually running the command.
-schedule {timer_value | Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in
NOW} ISO-8601 format, as in the following example: 2018-07-25T19:13:17+05
If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.
-ignoremissingpatches Executes the move and/or upgrade although the specified patches, which are
present in the source path or working copy, could be missing from the destination
path or working copy.
-dbuaargs dbua_arguments Species a double-quoted string containing optional arguments for DBUA.
-autoupg Executes the upgrade database operation using the AutoUpgrade toolkit.
-upgtimezone { YES | Enables or disables time zone upgrade as part of the AutoUpgrade process.
NO } Default is YES.
-runutlrp { YES | NO } Enables or disables the recompilation of invalid objects as part of the
AutoUpgrade process. Default is YES.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-20 (Cont.) rhpctl upgrade database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-fra Specifies the location of the flash recovery area.
-ignoregroupcheck Skips the group check except for OSDBA and OSASM during the upgrade
database process.
-drain_timeout Specifies the service drain timeout in seconds.
-abort Terminate the ongoing upgrade operation.
-revert Use this parameter to revert the failed upgrade of Oracle Database.

Usage Notes
If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command on the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server.

The following example upgrades a database, testy, from Oracle Database 11g, which is on
working copy db112mbc143 to Oracle Database 12c, which is on working copy
db12102mbc143, both of which reside on the remote node bposvr141:

$ rhpctl upgrade database -dbname testy -sourcewc db112mbcl43 -destwc

db12102mbcl43 -root -targetnode bposvr141

rhpctl zdtupgrade database

The Zero Downtime Upgrade command rhpctl zdtupgrade database enables zero downtime
database upgrades for Oracle RAC and Oracle RAC One Node Oracle Database instances.


rhpctl zdtupgrade database -dbname unique_db_name -destwc

[converttopdb -cdbname cdb_name
[-pdbname pdb_name]]
[-sourcewc source_workingcopy_name | -sourcehome oracle_home_path]
-ggsrcwc golden_gate_source_workingcopy_name
-ggdstwc golden_gate_dest_workingcopy_name
[-clonedatadg diskgroup_name
[-cloneredodg diskgroup_name]
[-clonerecodg diskgroup_name]|
[clonedatafs acfs_mountpoint
[-cloneredofs acfs_mountpont]
[-clonerecofs acfs_mountpoint]]
[-targetnode node_name
{-root |
-cred credential name|
-sudouser sudouser name -sudopath sudo_binary_location|
-auth plugin_name

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

[arg1 name1:value1
[arg2 name2:value2. . . ]]}]
[-useractiondata user_action_data]
[-dbuaargs dbua_arguments


Table A-21 rhpctl zdtupgrade database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-dbname Specify the unique name of the database that you want to upgrade.
-converttopdb - (Optional) Specifies that you want to convert a non-container (non-
cdbname cdbname - CDB) Oracle Database to a pluggable database (PDB) during the
pdbname pdb_name upgrade.
If you select this option, then provide the following arguments:
-cdbname cdb_name, which defines the name of the existing
container database (CDB) on which you want to place the PDB
-pdbname pdb_name, which defines the name of the PDB that you
want to plug in to the CDB.
After the non-CDB source database is upgraded on the target
node, if you specify -converttopdb, and provide the existing
CDB's name, then Zero Downtime Upgrade performs the
-destwc Specifies the name of the destination working copy to which the
destination_workingc database is to be upgraded.
-sourcewc (Optional) You can specify the name of the source working copy
source_workingcopy_n from which you want to upgrade the database.
-sourcehome Alternative to specifying the name of the source working copy, you
oracle_home_path can specify the path to the source Oracle home.
-ggsrcwc Specify the name of the Oracle GoldenGate source working copy.
-ggdstwc Specify the name of the Oracle GoldenGate destination working
golden_gate_dest_wor copy.
-clonedatadg (Optional) You can specify the name of an Oracle ASM disk group
diskgroup_name to use as a data file location for the cloned database.
-cloneredodg (Optional) You can specify the name of an Oracle ASM disk group
diskgroup_name to use as a redo log location for the cloned database.
-clonerecodg (Optional) You can specify the name of an Oracle ASM disk group
diskgroup_name to use as a recovery area for the cloned database.
clonedatafs (Optional) You can specify the mount point of an Oracle Automatic
acfs_mountpoint Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) to use as
a data file location for the cloned database.
-cloneredofs (Optional) You can specify the name of an Oracle ACFS file system
acfs_mountpoint to use as a redo log location for the clone database.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-21 (Cont.) rhpctl zdtupgrade database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-clonerecofs (Optional) You can specify the name of an Oracle ACFS file system
acfs_mountpoint to use as a recovery area for the clone database.
-rmanlocation (Optional) You can specify the source RMAN backup location.
-sourcenode (Optional) You can specify the name of a source node in a remote
node_name cluster with no Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client on which to
provision a working copy, where the source database is running.
If you choose to use the -sourcenode parameter, then you must
choose either root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication
plugin to access the remote node.
Choose -root to perform super user operations as root.
Alternatively, you can choose either to specify a credential name to
associate the user name and password credentials to access a
remote node, to perform super user operations as a sudo user by
specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary, or to
use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
-targetnode (Optional) You can specify the name of a target node in a remote
node_name cluster with no Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client on which to
-root | -cred provision a working copy, where you want to run the upgraded
cred_name | -
sudouser If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must
sudo_user_name - choose either root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication
sudopath plugin to access the remote node.
sudo_binary_location Choose -root to perform super user operations as root.
| -auth plugin_name Alternatively, you can choose either to specify a credential name to
plugin_args associate the user name and password credentials to access a
remote node, to perform super user operations as a sudo user by
specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary, or to
use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
eval (Optional) You can specify eval to evaluate the Zero Downtime
Upgrade operation to see if it can succeed, but does not perform
the operation.
-ignoreprereq (Optional) You can use this parameter to instruct the zdtupgrade
database command to ignore system prerequisites during the
-useractiondata (Optional) You can use this parameter to specify a value to be
user_action_data passed to the useractiondata parameter of a user action script

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-21 (Cont.) rhpctl zdtupgrade database Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-dbuaargs (Optional) If you do not specify the AutoUpgrade Utility for the
upgrade with the -autoupg parameter, so that Database Upgrade
Assistant (DBUA) is used for the upgrade, then you can specify
arguments to pass to DBUA. If you specify -autoupg, then this
argument is not available.
For example, if the user account with which you are running Zero
Downtime Upgrade If your account does not have SYSDBA
privileges, or you do not have operating system authentication set
up, then you can use the following syntax to connect, where mydb
is your Oracle Database SID, username is a user name with
SYSDBA privileges, and password is that user name’s password:
-sysDBAUserName - username -sysDBAPassword -
[ -autoupg [ - (Optional) Specifies that you want to use the AutoUpgrade utility for
upgtimezone [yes|no] the upgrade. If you select this option, then provide the following
[-runutlrp [yes| arguments:
no] ] upgtimezone [yes|no] Specify yes to upgrade the timezone
during the upgrade, or no to skip the timezone upgrade.
If the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool instructs you to upgrade the
time zone files after completing the database upgrade, then you
can select this argument to enable the Zero Downtime Upgrade to
upgrade the time zone file after the upgrade completes.
runutlrp [yes|no] Specify yes to run the utlrp.sql script
after the upgrade to revalidate the packages again., or select no to
skip the timezone upgrade.
Oracle recommends that you run the utlrp.sql script after you
install, patch, or upgrade a database, to identify and recompile
invalid objects.

exadata Commands
Use commands with the exadata keyword to patch an Oracle Exadata system.

• rhpctl update exadata

rhpctl update exadata

Patches an Oracle Exadata system.


rhpctl update exadata {-dbnodes [-patchmgrloc patch_mgr_loc] [-iso_repo

iso_repo_name] [-backup]
[-batches list_of_batches | -continue | -abort] | -cells [-
cellnodes list_of_cell_nodes] | -ibswitches [-ibnodes
[-downgrade]} [-image exadata_image_name] [-fromnode
node_name] [-patchmgargs "-patch_mgr_args"]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

[-client client_name] [-rollback] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW }]



Table A-22 rhpctl update exadata Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-dbnodes Specifies to patch Exadata database nodes.
-patchmgrloc Specifies the patch manager location.
-iso_repo iso_image_name Specifies the ISO image name.
-backup Performs backup of the Exadata database server.
-batches list_of_batches Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of batches of nodes where
each batch is a comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in parentheses and
node names are enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in the format:
-continue Update Oracle Exadata on the next batch of nodes.
-abort Abort the ongoing update operation.
-cells Specifies to patch storage servers.
-cellnodes List of cell nodes in the format Ba,...,Bz
-ibswitches Specifies to patch the InfiniBand Network Fabric switches.
-ibnodes List of IB switch nodes in the format Ba,...,Bz
-downgrade Specify this option to downgrade the InfiniBand Network Fabric switches.
-image Specify the name of an Oracle Exadata image.
This image should have already been deployed to all the database nodes of the
target machine.
-fromnode Specify the name of the source node.
-patchmgargs Optionally specify the patch manager arguments in double quoted string.
-client client_name Specify the name of the cluster in which you want to update database nodes.
-rollback Specify this option to roll back the patch.
-schedule {timer_value | Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in
NOW } ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:
If NOW is specified or the option is omitted, then the job is scheduled immediately
-eval Evaluate the command without actually running the command.

Usage Notes
Use the rhpctl update exadata command to perform only database node patching.

See Also:
Combined Oracle Exadata Database Node and Grid Infrastructure Update for
information about Oracle Exadata database node patching

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

The following example performs database node patching on a client cluster.

$ rhpctl update exadata image -image EXADATAIMAGEV1

-iso_repo -patchmgrloc /patchMgr/
-patchmgrargs "-ignore_alerts" -client CLIENT1 -batches

gihome Commands
Use commands with the gihome keyword to add or delete nodes to Oracle Grid
Infrastructure home and, move and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
• rhpctl addnode gihome
• rhpctl deletenode gihome
• rhpctl move gihome
Moves the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software stack from one home to another.
• rhpctl upgrade gihome

rhpctl addnode gihome

Adds one or more nodes to an Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation.


rhpctl addnode gihome {-workingcopy workingcopy_name | -client

-newnodes node_name:node_vip[:node_role]
{-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name
-sudopath sudo_binary_location |
-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]}
[-targetnode node_name] [-force] [-setupssh] [-useractiondata
[-eval] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-23 rhpctl addnode gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of the working copy of the active Oracle Grid
workingcopy_name Infrastructure home that you want to install and configure on the
specified node.
-client cluster_name Alternatively, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which
to add cluster nodes.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-23 (Cont.) rhpctl addnode gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
–node node_list Specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which Oracle
Clusterware will be provisioned in the following format:
-root | -cred You must choose either root, a credential name, sudo, or an
cred_name | - authentication plugin to access the remote node.
sudouser Choose -root to perform super user operations as root.
sudo_user_name - Alternatively, you can choose either to specify a credential name to
sudopath associate the user name and password credentials to access a
sudo_binary_location remote node, to perform super user operations as a sudo user by
| -auth plugin_name specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary, or to
plugin_args use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
-targetnode Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in a remote cluster
node_name that has no Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
–force Optionally, you can use this parameter to forcibly add nodes
ignoring any previously failed add-node operation.
-setupssh Sets up passwordless SSH user equivalence on the remote nodes
for the provisioning user.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata
user_action_data parameter of the user action script.
–eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this
command on the system without actually running the command.
-schedule Optionally, you can schedule a time to run this command in
{timer_value | NOW} ISO-8601 format. For example: 2018-01-21T19:13:17+05.
If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

Usage Notes
• You can specify the target for the operation using the working copy name or, if the target
is a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, then using the client cluster name.
• You must provide either root credentials, a credential name, a sudo user, or an
authentication plugin.
• A target node is required if the target cluster is an Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2
(11.2) or 12c release 1 (12.1) cluster and must be the node name of an existing cluster

rhpctl deletenode gihome

Removes one or more nodes from an Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation.


rhpctl deletenode gihome {-workingcopy workingcopy_name | -client

-node node_list {-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath sudo_binary_path
-cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]}

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

[-targetnode node_name] [-useractiondata user_action_data]

[-eval] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-24 rhpctl deletenode gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of a working copy of the Oracle Grid
workingcopy_name Infrastructure home that you want to remove from the specified
-client cluster_name Alternatively, you can specify the name of the client cluster from
which to remove cluster nodes.
–node node_list Specify a comma-delimited list of node names from which to delete
Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
-root | -sudouser You must choose either sudo or root to access the remote nodes.
sudo_username - If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run
sudopath super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo
sudo_binary_path | - binary.
cred cred_name | -
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to
auth plugin_name [- associate the user and password credentials to access a remote
arg1 node.
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-targetnode Name of a node in a remote cluster with no Fleet Patching and
node_name Provisioning Client.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata
user_action_data parameter of the user action script.
–eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this
command on the system without actually running the command.
-schedule Optionally, you can schedule a time to run this command in
{timer_value | NOW} ISO-8601 format. For example: 2018-01-21T19:13:17+05.
If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

Usage Notes
• You can specify the target for the operation using the working copy name or, if the
target is a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, then using the client cluster
• You must provide either root credentials or a sudo user.
• A target node is required if the target cluster is an Oracle Clusterware 11g release
2 (11.2) or 12c release 1 (12.1) cluster and must be the node name of an existing
cluster node.

rhpctl move gihome

Moves the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software stack from one home to another.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl move gihome {-destwc destination_workingcopy_name |

-desthome destination_oracle_home_path}
{{-sourcewc source_workingcopy_name | -sourcehome oracle_home_path} [-
[-targetnode target_node_name] [-ignorewcpatches] [-nonrolling] [-
[-auto -dbhomes mapping_of_Oracle_homes] [-dblist db_name_list
| -excludedblist db_name_list] [-nodatapatch] [-disconnect]
[-stopoption stop_option] [-drain_timeout timeout]
[-dbsinparallel number_of_instances] [-raconetimeout timeout]]
[-batches list_of_batches | -smartmove [-saf availability] [separate]]
[-eval] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]
[[-aupath gold_image_path [-agpath read_write_path]] | [-tgip [-
[-ignoremissingpatches patch_name1[,patch_name2...]] | -continue | -
revert |-abort | -forcecomplete}
[-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath
| -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]]
[-cleanpids] [-useractiondata user_action_data]
[-image image_name] [-smtpfrom "address"] [-smtpto "addresse1
addresse2 ..."]
[-iso_repo iso_image] [-patchmgrloc patch_mgr_loc] [-ignoredbstarterror]


Table A-25 rhpctl move gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-destwc Specify the name of the destination working copy to which you want to
destination_workingco move Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
-desthome Alternative to specifying the name of the destination working copy, you
destination_oracle_ho can specify the path to the destination for the move of an Oracle home
me_path when you are moving the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

This option is valid only for local mode
execution of FPP automaton and not
available with regular FPP.

-sourcewc If you want to move Oracle Grid Infrastructure from a working copy, then
working_copy_name specify the name of the source working copy from which you want to
move the Grid home.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-25 (Cont.) rhpctl move gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-sourcehome If you are moving Oracle Grid Infrastructure from an unmanaged (not
oracle_home_path provisioned by Fleet Patching and Provisioning) Oracle home, then
specify the path to the Oracle home from which you want to move Oracle
Grid Infrastructure.
-usepatchedhome Specify this parameter to use patched home to run Oracle Fleet Patching
Provisioning Server and Client for Oracle Grid Infrastructure patching.
-targetnode Name of a node in a remote cluster with no Fleet Patching and
target_node_name Provisioning Client.
-ignorewcpatches Use this parameter to ignore if the patched working copy is missing
some patches which are present in the source path or working copy.
-nonrolling Use this parameter to move the Oracle home in a non-rolling fashion.
-keepplacement Specify this parameter to ensure that services of administrator-managed
Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One Node databases are running on the
same instances before and after the move operation.
-auto -dbhomes Specify this parameter to automatically patch databases when you patch
mapping_of_Oracle_hom Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
-dblist db_name_list Specify the unique names of the databases (DB_UNIQUE_NAME without
DB_DOMAIN) that you want to move to the patched working copy.
Note: If you are moving a non-clustered (single-instance) database,
then, for the value of the -dbname parameter, you must specify the SID
of the database instead of the database name.
-excludedblist Alternative to using the -dbname parameter, you can use the -
db_name_list excludedblist parameter to patch all databases except specific
-nodatapatch Optionally, you can use this parameter to indicate not to run datapatch
for databases being moved.
-disconnect Optionally, you can use this parameter to disconnect all sessions before
stopping or relocating services.
-stopoption Optionally, you can choose one of the following stop options for the
-drain_timeout Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify a service drain timeout,
session_drain_time in seconds.
-batches Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of batches of nodes
list_of_batches (where each batch is a comma-delimited list of node names enclosed in
parentheses) enclosed in double quotation marks ("") in the format:
-smartmove [-saf Alternatively, you can use the -smartmove parameter to auto-generate a
availability] list of batches of nodes and move databases by restarting instances
after each batch.
Optionally, you can use the -saf parameter to specify the service
availability factor, which is the minimum percentage of instances on
which a service must remain running during the move.
-continue Use this parameter to continue restarting the Oracle Clusterware stack
on the next batch of nodes.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-25 (Cont.) rhpctl move gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-revert Use this parameter to revert back to before the move operation.
-abort Use this parameter to abort an ongoing move operation.
-forcecomplete Use this parameter to mark the move operation as complete after
completing it manually.
-root | -cred If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose
cred_name | -sudouser either root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication plugin to
sudo_user_name - access the remote node.
sudopath Choose -root to perform super user operations as root. Alternatively,
sudo_binary_location you can choose either to specify a credential name to associate the user
name and password credentials to access a remote node, to perform
super user operations as a sudo user by specifying a sudo user name
and the path to the sudo binary, or you can use –auth to use an
authentication plugin to access the remote node.
-auth plugin-name [- Use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
arg1 name1:value1 [- Optionally provide a list of arguments to the plugin.
name2:value2 ...]]
-cleanpids When using a persistent home path for both the source and destination
working copies, specify -cleanpids to ensure processes are stopped
completely on the source home.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of
user_action_data the user action script.
-schedule Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this
{timer_value | NOW} operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

-eval Use this parameter to evaluate the rhpctl move gihome command
and print automatically generated batches of nodes and the sequence of
moves without actually running the command.
-dbsinparallel Specifies the number of database instances that can be started in
number_of_instances parallel on a given node.
-raconetimeout the Oracle RAC One Node database relocation timeout in minutes.
-tgip [- Performs a transparent move of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
nodriverupdate] The optional -nodriverupdate option skips the patching of the drivers
if the patch contains a driver patch.
-ignoremissingpatches Proceed with the move and/or upgrade although the specified patches,
patch_name1[,patch_na which are present in the source path or working copy, may be missing
me2...] from the destination path or working copy.
-image image_name Specifies the name of the image. For Oracle Exadata, this is the Exadata
image name.
-smtpfrom "address" Optionally, you can specify an email address enclosed in double
quotation marks ("") from which Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
sends patch manager notifications.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-25 (Cont.) rhpctl move gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-smtpto "addresse1 Optionally, you can specify several email address enclosed in double
addresse2 ..." quotation marks ("") to which Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
sends patch manager notifications.
-iso_repo iso_image Specifies the image in the ISO repository.
-patchmgrloc Specifies the patch manager location.
-ignoredbstarterror Use this parameter to ignore the database startup errors during Oracle
Grid Infrastructure patching.

Usage Notes
If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command on
the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

Assume there is a target cluster running Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c release 1
( from a working copy named grid12102wcpy, and one of the nodes in the
cluster is named bposvr141. After provisioning the patched working copy, called
grid12102PSU (using the -softwareonly parameter with the rhpctl add workingcopy
command), move the Grid home to the patched working copy, as follows:

$ rhpctl move gihome -sourcewc grid12102wcpy -destwc grid12102PSU -root

-targetnode bposvr141

rhpctl upgrade gihome

Upgrades the Oracle Grid Infrastructure from a source working copy or source home
path to a destination working copy.


rhpctl upgrade gihome {-sourcewc source_workingcopy_name |

-sourcehome oracle_home_path -targetnode target_node_name}
-destwc destination_workingcopy_name
[-revert {-root | -sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath
-cred cred_name |
-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...] [-arg2 name2:value2
[-ignoreprereq] [-useractiondata user_action_data]
[-eval] [-batches list_of_batches] [-abort | -continue]
[-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]
[-ignoremissingpatches patch_name1[,patch_name2...]]
[-gimrwc gimr_wc_name]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-26 rhpctl upgrade gihome Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-sourcewc Specify the name of the source working copy from which the Oracle Grid
source_workingcopy_na Infrastructure home needs to be upgraded.
-sourcehome Alternative to specifying the name of the source working copy, you can
oracle_home_path specify the path to the unmanaged Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.
-targetnode In addition to specifying the source Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, you
target_node_name must also specify a node that is in a remote cluster that has no Oracle
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
-destwc Specify the name of the destination working copy to which the Oracle
destination_workingco Grid Infrastructure home is to be upgraded.
-revert Specify this option to downgrade after a failed upgrade of Oracle Grid
-root | -sudouser If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose
sudo_username - either sudo or root to access the remote node.
sudopath If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-
sudo_binary_path | - user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.
cred cred_name
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the
user and password credentials to access a remote node.
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-auth plugin-name [- Use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
arg1 name1:value1 [- Optionally provide a list of arguments to the plugin.
name2:value2 ...]]
-ignoreprereq Use this parameter to ignore the CVU prerequisite checks.
-schedule Optionally, you can schedule a time to run this command in ISO-8601
{timer_value | NOW} format. For example: 2018-01-21T19:13:17+05.
If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.
-useractiondata Value to be passed to useractiondata parameter of the useraction
user_action_data script.
-eval Evaluate without executing the command.
-batches List of batches of nodes in the format: "(Ba),...,(Bz)".
-abort | -continue Abort the ongoing move operation or continue restarting the CRS stack
on the next batch of nodes.
-ignoremissingpatches Proceed with the move and/or upgrade although the specified patches,
patch_name1[,patch_na which are present in the source path or working copy, may be missing
me2...] from the destination path or working copy.
-gimrwc gimr_wc_name Name of the destination working copy to which the Grid Infrastructure
Management Repository database needs to be upgraded.
-ignorecvucheck Ignore errors during post Oracle Grid Infrastructure upgrade CVU check .

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

For self upgrade of FPPS to 21c, you must use the script from the
Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c home. You should also specify the -gimrwc

image Commands
Use commands with the image keyword to add, delete, import, and manage gold
• rhpctl add image
Use the rhpctl add image command to create an image from an existing working
copy and add it to the list of existing images on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server configuration.
• rhpctl allow image
• rhpctl delete image
Deletes a specific image.
• rhpctl deploy image
• rhpctl disallow image
• rhpctl import image
Creates an image on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
• rhpctl instantiate image
• rhpctl modify image
• rhpctl query image
• rhpctl promote image
• rhpctl uninstantiate image

rhpctl add image

Use the rhpctl add image command to create an image from an existing working
copy and add it to the list of existing images on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server configuration.


rhpctl add image -image image_name -workingcopy working_copy_name

[-imagetype image_type] [-series series_name] [-state {TESTABLE |


Table A-27 rhpctl add image Command Parameters

Command Option Description

-image image_name Specify the name of the image that you want to add.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-27 (Cont.) rhpctl add image Command Parameters

Command Option Description

-workingcopy Specify the name of the working copy from which to create the
working_copy_name image.
-imagetype Specify the software type. ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle
image_type Database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid
Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle
GoldenGate software, LINUXOS for Linux operating system ISO, or
SOFTWARE for all other software. If you use custom image types,
then specify the name of your image type.
-series series_name If you want to add an image to an image series, then specify the
name of an image series.
-state {TESTABLE | Specify the state of the image.

Usage Notes

See Also:
Patching Oracle Database for details about how to use this command in the
workflow for creating patched Oracle Database software homes

An example of this command is:

$ rhpctl add image -image DB12201_PATCH -workingcopy temp_wcpy_db12201_patch

rhpctl allow image

Allows access to an image by a user or a role.


rhpctl allow image -image image_name {-user user_name [-client cluster_name]

| -role role_name}


Table A-28 rhpctl allow image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the image to which you want to allow access.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-28 (Cont.) rhpctl allow image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-user user_name [- Specify the either of the following:
client cluster_name | • A user for which you want to allow access to the image and,
-role role_name optionally, the cluster name of the client cluster with the user.
• The role for which you want to allow access to the image.

To allow access to an image named PRODIMAGE:

$ rhpctl allow image -image PRODIMAGE -user mjk -client GHC1

rhpctl delete image

Deletes a specific image.


rhpctl delete image -image image_name [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]

Usage Notes
• Specify the name of the image you want to delete
• Optionally, you can use the -schedule parameter to schedule a time to run this
operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If you choose to use this parameter, then you must run this command on the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server. If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled
• This command will fail if the image belongs to one or more series
• This command will fail if there are any provisioned working copies based on this

The following example deletes an image named PRODIMAGEV0:

$ rhpctl delete image -image PRODIMAGEV0

rhpctl deploy image

Deploys an image to a specific node in a client cluster.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl deploy image -image image_name [-targetnode node_name

{-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path | -root}]


Table A-29 rhpctl deploy image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the image you want to deploy.
-targetnode node_name Optionally, you can specify the name of a node to which you want to
deploy the image. This parameter is required if the node hosting the
home is not a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
-sudouser If you use the -targetnode parameter, then you must specify either
sudo_user_name - sudo or root to perform super user operations.
sudo_binary_path | -

Usage Notes
You can only run this command from a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

The following example deploys an Oracle Database Appliance image to a node:

$ rhpctl deploy image -image ODA1 -targetnode racgbox1 -root

rhpctl disallow image

Disallows access to an image by a user or a role.


rhpctl disallow image -image image_name {-user user_name [-client

| -role role_name}


Table A-30 rhpctl disallow image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the image to which you want to disallow access.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-30 (Cont.) rhpctl disallow image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-user user_name [- Specify either of the following:
client client_name | • A user for which you want to disallow access to the image and,
-role role_name optionally, the cluster name of the client cluster with the user.
• The role for which you want to disallow access to the image.

To disallow access to an image:

$ rhpctl disallow image -image PRODIMAGE -user mjk -client GHC1

rhpctl import image

Creates an image on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
Use the rhpctl import image command to create an image by copying the entire
software contents from the specified path to the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server.


rhpctl import image -image image_name

{-path path | -zip zipped_home_path | -notify [-cc user_list]}
[-imagetype image_type] [-pathowner user_name] [-version
[-state {TESTABLE | RESTRICTED | PUBLISHED}] [-location
[-client cluster_name]
[-targetnode node_name [-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath
sudo_binary_path |
-root | cred cred_name |
-auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ... ]]]]
[-useractiondata user_action_data] []
[-series series_name]


Table A-31 rhpctl import image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the image that you want to add.
-path path Specify the absolute path location of the software home that you
want to import. For Oracle Database images, this is the

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-31 (Cont.) rhpctl import image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-zip Specify the absolute path of the compressed software home to be
zipped_home_path imported (a ZIP or TAR file).

Do not use this option when importing
an image from another platform. This
option works only on the same
platform, for example, if you are on a
Linux platform, then you can use the
-zip option to import an image only
from another Linux system.

-notify [-cc Send an email notification.

users_list] Specify a list of users to whom email notifications is sent (in
addition to the owner of working copy).
-imagetype Specify the software type. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for
image_type Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid
Infrastructure software, ODAPATCHSOFTWARE for engineered
systems (Oracle Data Appliance), EXAPATCHSOFTWARE for Oracle
Exadata software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom
image type, use the image type name.
-version Optionally, you can specify the version of the software you are
software_version importing.
-pathowner user_name Specify the user with read access to the files and directories under
the specified path.
Note: This parameter is applicable only for non-Oracle database
software homes.
-state {TESTABLE | Specify whether the state of the image is testable, restricted, or
RESTRICTED | published.
-location Location of the compressed image file on the target.
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the client cluster.
-targetnode Specify the name of the node from which you want to import the
node_name image. This parameter is required if the node hosting the home is
not an Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
-sudouser If you use the -targetnode parameter, then you must specify
sudo_user_name - either sudo or root to perform super user operations.
sudo_binary_path | -
-auth plugin-name [- Use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
arg1 name1:value1 [- Optionally provide a list of arguments to the plugin.
name2:value2 ...]]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-31 (Cont.) rhpctl import image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata
user_action_data parameter of the user action script.
-series series_name The name of the series.

Usage Notes
• You can only run this command on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
• When you import an Oracle Database or Oracle Grid Infrastructure software home,
the version of the home must be one of the versions that Fleet Patching and
Provisioning supports for provisioning and patching.

The following example imports an image:

$ rhpctl import image -image PRODIMAGEV1 -path /u01/app/product/12.1.0/

dbhome -pathowner orcl

The following example imports an engineered system image:

$ rhpctl import image -image ODA1 -imagetype ODAPATCHSOFTWARE -

path /tmp/ODAPatchBundle -version

rhpctl instantiate image

Requests copies of gold images from a peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


rhpctl instantiate image -server server_cluster_name {-image image_name

| -series series_name | -imagetype image_type | -all}


Table A-32 rhpctl instantiate image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-server Specify a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster from
server_cluster_name which you want to request images.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-32 (Cont.) rhpctl instantiate image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name | You can request copies of gold images from a peer Fleet Patching
-series series_name and Provisioning Server, specifically, by image name, series name,
| -imagetype or image type. Alternatively, you can use the -all parameter to
image_type | -all request copies of all gold images from the peer Fleet Patching and
Provisioning server.
If you choose to request images by image type, then specify
ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle Database software,
ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software,
ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, and
SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the
image type name.

Usage Notes
• User actions associated with an image being copied are not themselves copied.
• Groups configuration of a gold image is replicated in copies sent to peers.
• Copies of gold images are in the PUBLISHED state.

rhpctl modify image

Modifies the configuration details of an image.


rhpctl modify image -image image_name -imagetype image_type


Table A-33 rhpctl modify image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the image that you want to modify.
-imagetype image_type You can modify the software type. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default)
for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid
Infrastructure software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a
custom image type, use the image type name.

rhpctl query image

Displays the configuration of an existing image.


rhpctl query image {[[-image image_name [-dbtemplate]] | [[-imagetype

[-version version] [-platform platform]]]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

[-server server_cluster_name | -client client_name | -local] | -drift}

[-rhpserver rhps_regex]


Table A-34 rhpctl query image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name [- Specify the name of the image you want to query.
dbtemplate] Optionally, you can use the -dbtemplate parameter to display template file
names in the default template directory.
-imagetype image_type Specify the software type. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle
database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure
software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the
image type name.
–version version Specify the version of the image software you are querying.
-platform platform Specify the operating system platform to which the image corresponds.
-server Specify the name of the server cluster to which the image corresponds.
-client client_name If this paramenter is used with the -image option, the command checks if the
specified client has the given image instantiated on it. Otherwise, the use of the
parameter lists the images instantiated on the given client.
-local List the images stored on the current client.
-drift List the the bug fixes not included in the golden image.
-rhpserver rhps_regex Specify a regular expression to match the cluster name of the servers where the
operation must be executed.

Usage Notes
If you use the -version parameter, then the version must have five fields, such as
If you use the -platform parameter, then you can use Linux_AMD64, Linux_S390,
Linux_PPC, IBM_AIX_PPC64, HP_IA64, Linux_Itanium, Solaris_SPARC64, Linux_LOP,
and Intel_Solaris_AMD64

The -rhpserver parameter indicates where the operation should be executed and the
-server parameter indicates what the operation should be about. When -rhpserver is
used, the command is executed on the servers whose name matches the regular
expression provided. When -server is used, the command is about the server
provided. For example:
• The following command executes locally and lists the images that have been
replicated to peerA

rhpctl query image -server peerA

• The following command executes on peerA and lists the images have been
configured on peerA

rhpctl query image -rhpserver peerA

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• The following command executes on all servers and lists the images that each server has
replicated on peerA

rhpctl query image -server peerA -rhpserver .+'

When issuing a command for a peer server using the -rhpserver option, the user running the
command must be an existing user of the peer server and the user must have a required role.
To enable a user from a peer server to run commands on the local server, run the rhpctl
grant role command to grant a required role to the peer server user and to specify the
cluster name of the peer server to which the user belongs. For example:

$ rhpctl grant role -role role_name -user user_name -client cluster_name

To add multiple users, run the following command:

$ rhpctl grant role -client cluster_name -maproles


For information about granting roles with RHPCTL, refer to rhpctl grant role

rhpctl promote image

Promotes an image.


rhpctl promote image -image image_name -state {TESTABLE | RESTRICTED |



Table A-35 rhpctl promote image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Specify the name of the image that you want to promote.
-state {TESTABLE | Specify one of the following as the name of the state of the image:

To promote an image named PRODIMAGE:

$ rhpctl promote image -image PRODIMAGE -state RESTRICTED

rhpctl uninstantiate image

Stops updates for previously requested images from a peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl uninstantiate image -server server_cluster_name {-image

| -series series_name | -imagetype image_type | -all}


Table A-36 rhpctl uninstantiate image Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-server Specify a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster from
server_cluster_name which you want to stop updates.
-image image_name | You can updates from a peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning
-series series_name Server, specifically, by image name, series name, or image type.
| -imagetype Alternatively, you can use the -all parameter to stop updates from
image_type | -all the peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning server.
If you choose to stop updates by image type, then specify
ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle Database software,
ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software,
ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, and
SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the
image type name.

imagetype Commands
Use commands with the imagetype keyword to add, delete, modify, and manage an
image type.
• rhpctl add imagetype
Configures a new image type and its associated user actions.
• rhpctl allow imagetype
• rhpctl delete imagetype
• rhpctl disallow imagetype
• rhpctl modify imagetype
• rhpctl query imagetype

rhpctl add imagetype

Configures a new image type and its associated user actions.


rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype image_type -basetype {SOFTWARE |

[-useractions user_action_list]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-37 rhpctl add imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type Specify the name of the image type you are creating.
-basetype {SOFTWARE | Specify a base image type on which the image type you are creating is
ORACLEGISOFTWARE | based. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle Database software,
ORACLEDBSOFTWARE | ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software,
all other software.
-useractions Specify a comma-delimited list of names of user actions

To add a new image type:
rhpctl add imagetype -imagetype DB122_PATCH_TYPE -basetype ORACLEDBSOFTWARE

rhpctl allow imagetype

Grants access to an image type to a user or a role.


rhpctl allow imagetype -imagetype image_type {-user user_name [-client

cluster_name] | -role role_name}


Table A-38 rhpctl allow imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type Specify the name of the image type to which you are granting access.
Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software,
ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software, or
SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the
image type name.
-user user_name Specify an operating system user to whom you are granting access to
the image type. Either this parameter or the -role parameter is
-client cluster_name Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which the
operating system user belongs, if you choose to use the -user
-role role_name Alternative to the -user parameter, you can specify a particular role to
which to grant access to the image.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl delete imagetype

Deletes an existing image type.


rhpctl delete imagetype -imagetype image_type

Usage Notes
Specify an image type to delete. You cannot delete any of the built-in image types.

rhpctl disallow imagetype

Revokes access to an image type from a user or a role.


rhpctl disallow imagetype -imagetype image_type {-user user_name [-

client cluster_name] | -role role_name}


Table A-39 rhpctl disallow imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype Specify the name of the image type from which you are revoking
image_type access. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database
software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure
software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image
type, use the image type name.
-user user_name Specify an operating system user from whom you are revoking
access to the image type. Either this parameter or the -role
parameter is required.
-client cluster_name Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which
the operating system user belongs, if you choose to use the -user
-role role_name Alternative to the -user parameter, you can specify a particular
role from which to revoke access to the image.

rhpctl modify imagetype

Modifies the configuration of an image type.


rhpctl modify imagetype -imagetype image_type -useractions


Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-40 rhpctl modify imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type Specify the name of the image type you want to modify. Use
ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software,
ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software,
ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, or SOFTWARE for
all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type name.
-useractions Specify a comma-delimited list of names of user actions

rhpctl query imagetype

Displays the configuration of an image type.


rhpctl query imagetype -imagetype image_type [-rhpserver rhps_regex]


Table A-41 rhpctl query imagetype Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-imagetype image_type Specify the name of the image type you want to query. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE
(default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid
Infrastructure software, ORACLEGGSOFTWARE for Oracle GoldenGate software, or
SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type
-rhpserver rhps_regex Specify a regular expression to match the cluster name of the servers where the
operation must be executed.

Usage Notes
Specify the name of the image type you want to query. Use ORACLEDBSOFTWARE
(default) for Oracle database software, ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure
software, or SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type, use the image type
The -rhpserver parameter indicates where the operation should be executed and the -
server parameter indicates what the operation should be about. When -rhpserver is used,
the command is executed on the servers whose name matches the regular expression
provided. When -server is used, the command is about the server provided. For example:

• The following command executes locally and lists the image types that have been
replicated to peerA

rhpctl query imagetype -server peerA

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• The following command executes on peerA and lists the image types have been
configured on peerA

rhpctl query imagetype -rhpserver peerA

• The following command executes on all servers and lists the image types that
each server has replicated on peerA

rhpctl query imagetype -server peerA -rhpserver .+'

When issuing a command for a peer server using the -rhpserver option, the user
running the command must be an existing user of the peer server and the user must
have a required role. To enable a user from a peer server to run commands on the
local server, run the rhpctl grant role command to grant a required role to the peer
server user and to specify the cluster name of the peer server to which the user
belongs. For example:

$ rhpctl grant role -role role_name -user user_name -client cluster_name

To add multiple users, run the following command:

$ rhpctl grant role -client cluster_name -maproles


For information about granting roles with RHPCTL, refer to rhpctl grant role

job Commands
Use commands with the job keyword to delete or query schedule jobs.

• rhpctl delete job

• rhpctl query job

rhpctl delete job

Deletes a specific scheduled job from the repository.


rhpctl delete job [-jobid job_id] [-force]


Table A-42 rhpctl delete job Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-jobid job_id Optionally, you can specify the job ID value for the job you want to
delete that you obtained while scheduling the job. If you choose not
to use this parameter, then RHPCTL deletes all jobs.
–force Use this parameter to forcibly delete a job.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Usage Notes
You must run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

To delete a job with a job ID of 1:

$ rhpctl delete job –jobid 1

rhpctl query job

Queries the current status of a scheduled job with a specific job ID.


rhpctl query job [-jobid job_id] [-status {EXECUTED | TIMER_RUNNING

| EXECUTING | UNKNOWN | TERMINATED }] [-client client_name] [-user
[-since timer_value] [-summary] [-eval] [-migrate]


Table A-43 rhpctl query job Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-jobid job_id Optionally, you can specify the job ID value for the job you want to query.
The job Id is obtained while scheduling the job.
If you choose this parameter, then the only other option you can specify
is -summary. If you do not choose this parameter, then all jobs are
-status {EXECUTED | Optionally, you can specify any of the following states of a job that you
TIMER_RUNNING | want to query:
EXECUTING | UNKNOWN | • EXECUTED: The job is complete.
TERMINATED } • TIMER_RUNNING: The timer for the job is still running.
• EXECUTING: The timer for the job has expired and is running.
• UNKNOWN: There is an unexpected failure due to issues such as a
target going down, nodes going down, or any resource failures.
• TERMINATED: There is an abrupt failure or the operation has
-client client_namek Optionally, you can specify the name of a client cluster for which you
want to query jobs.
-user user_name Optionally, you can specify the user name of the user for whom a
software home is being provisioned.
-since timer_value Optionally, you can specify a date from which to query the jobs, in
ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


-summary Optionally, you can use this parameter to return only job details.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-43 (Cont.) rhpctl query job Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to query only evaluation jobs.
-migrate Optionally, you can use this parameter to query only migration jobs.

Usage Notes
You must run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

To query a specified scheduled job:

$ rhpctl query job –jobid 1

This command returns output similar to the following:

Job ID: 1
User: fred
Client: fredlinux4
Scheduled job command: "rhpctl import image -image DB-Image1 -imagetype
ORACLEDBSOFTWARE -path /ade/fred_linux4/esw1 -schedule
Scheduled job execution start time: 2018-07-27T05:38:57-08. Equivalent
local time: 2018-07-27 05:38:57
Current status: EXECUTED
Result file path: "/scratch/rhp_storage/chkbase/scheduled/
Job execution start time: 2018-07-27 05:39:14
Job execution end time: 2018-07-27 05:43:09
Job execution elapsed time: 3 minutes 55 seconds

Result file "/scratch/rhp_storage/chkbase/scheduled/

job-1-2018-07-27-05:39:14.log" contents: Audit ID: 4 Creating a new ACFS file system for image "DB-
Image1" ... Copying files... Copying home contents... Changing the home ownership to user fred... Changing the home ownership to user fred...

osconfig Commands
Use commands with the osconfig keyword to backup, compare, and manage
operating system configuration information.
• rhpctl collect osconfig
• rhpctl compare osconfig
• rhpctl disable osconfig

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• rhpctl enable osconfig

• rhpctl query osconfig

rhpctl collect osconfig

Collects a backup of the operating system configuration for a cluster.


rhpctl collect osconfig -client cluster_name [-targetnode node_name

{-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_location | -root}]


Table A-44 rhpctl collect osconfig Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the client cluster.
-targetnode node_name Optionally, you can specify the name of a particular node in a cluster
from which to collect configuration information.
-sudouser If you use the -targetnode parameter, then you must specify either
sudo_user_name - sudo or root to perform super user operations.
sudo_binary_path | -

rhpctl compare osconfig

Compares operating system configurations for a specific cluster.


rhpctl compare osconfig -client cluster_name -node node_name -id1 identifier

-id2 identifier


Table A-45 rhpctl compare osconfig Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the client cluster in which you want to compare
operating system configurations.
-node node_name Specify the name of a node in a remote cluster.
-id1 identifier Specify an identifier of an operating system configuration to be
considered as a reference.
-id2 identifier Specify an identifier of an operating system configuration to be

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl disable osconfig

Disables a scheduled backup of the operating system configuration and gives the
option to delete all collected configuration backups.


rhpctl disable osconfig [-client cluster_name] [-clean]

Usage Notes
• Optionally, you can specify a client cluster name on which you want to disable
collection of operating system configuration information.
• Optionally, you can use the –clean parameter to delete all operating system
configuration backups.

rhpctl enable osconfig

Enable operating system configuration information collection for the client cluster.


rhpctl enable osconfig -client cluster_name [-retaincopies count]

[-start timer_value] [-frequency collect_frequency] [-collectnow
[-targetnode node_name {-sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath
| -root}]] [-force]


Table A-46 rhpctl enable osconfig Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the client cluster.
-retaincopies count Optionally, you can specify the number of scheduled backups you
want to be maintained. The default value is 37.
-start timer_value Optionally, you can specify a start date and time to run
configuration collection according to the following example:
-frequency Optionally, you can specify the configuration collection interval in
collect_frequency number of days.
-collectnow Optionally, you can use this parameter to collect configuration
information, immediately.
-targetnode Optionally, you can specify the name of a particular node in a
node_name cluster from which to collect configuration information.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-46 (Cont.) rhpctl enable osconfig Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-sudouser If you use the -targetnode parameter, then you must specify
sudo_user_name - either sudo or root to perform super user operations.
sudo_binary_path | -
-force Optionally, you can use this parameter to forcibly modify the count
for the -retaincopies parameter previously set.

rhpctl query osconfig

Provides historic operating system configuration collection information, such as the collection
schedule, retention count, scheduled job for periodic collection, and collection data.


rhpctl query osconfig -client client_name

Usage Notes
Provide the name of the client cluster that you want to query operating system configuration
collection information.

This command returns output similar to the following:

$ rhpctl query osconfig -client rhpdemocluster

OSConfig Enabled: true

Collection start time: “00:00:00"
Collection frequency: "1"
retaincopies count: "35"
OSConfig periodic Job ID: "38"
Collection storage path: "/scratch/rhp_storage/chkbase/osconfig/
Latest list of nodes for collections : "mjk00fwc"
OSConfig ID: "22" Collected on: "Jul 27, 2018 22:00:58 PM"
OSConfig ID: "21" Collected on: "Jul 26, 2018 22:00:47 PM"
OSConfig ID: "20" Collected on: "Jul 25, 2018 22:00:29 PM"

peerserver Commands
Use commands with the peerserver keyword to display information for a peer server.

• rhpctl query peerserver

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl query peerserver

Displays information for a registered peer Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


rhpctl query peerserver [-server server_cluster_name [-serverPolicy]]


Table A-47 rhpctl query peerserver Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-server Optionally, you can specify the name of the Fleet Patching and
server_cluster_name Provisioning Server cluster for which you want to view the
-serverPolicy Optionally, you can specify the image policy for the peer Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Server for which you want to view the

role Commands
Use commands with the role keyword to add, delete, and manage roles.

• rhpctl add role

• rhpctl delete role
Deletes a role from the list of existing roles on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server configuration.
• rhpctl grant role
• rhpctl query role
• rhpctl revoke role

rhpctl add role

Creates roles and adds them to the list of existing roles on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server configuration.

See Also:
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Roles


rhpctl add role –role role_name -hasRoles roles

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-48 rhpctl add role Command Parameters

Parameter Description
–role role_name Specify a name for the role that you want to create.
-hasRoles roles Specify a comma-delimited list of roles to include with the new role.

Usage Notes
• You can only run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
• You must be assigned the GH_ROLE_ADMIN role to run this command.

To add a role on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl add role -role hr_admin -hasRoles GH_WC_USER,GH_IMG_USER

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl delete role

Deletes a role from the list of existing roles on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server configuration.


rhpctl delete role –role role_name

Usage Notes
• Specify the name of the role that you want to delete
• You cannot delete any built-in roles
• You can only run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

To delete a role from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server:

$ rhpctl delete role -role hr_admin

rhpctl grant role

Grants a role to a client cluster.


rhpctl grant role {–role role_name {-user user_name [-client

| -grantee role_name}} | {[-client cluster_name]
[-maproles role=user_name[+user_name...]

The -client option works only on the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server.


Table A-49 rhpctl grant role Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-role role_name Specify the name of the role that you want to grant clients or users.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-49 (Cont.) rhpctl grant role Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-user user_name [- Specify the name of a user. The user name that you specify must
client cluster_name] be in the form of user@rhpclient, where rhpclient is the name
of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which
the user belongs.

The -client option works only on
the Oracle Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server.

-grantee role_name Use this parameter to specify a role to which you want to grant
another role.
[-client You can map either built-in roles or roles that you have defined to
cluster_name] - either users on a specific client cluster or to specific users.
maproles When you use the -maproles parameter, use a plus sign (+) to
role=user_name[+user map more than one user to a specific role. Separate additional role/
_name...] user pairs with commas.
Starting with Oracle Grid
Infrastructure 21c, the -maproles
parameter is deprecated. This
parameter can be desupported in a
future release.

The following example grants a role, ABC, to four specific users.

$ rhpctl grant role -role ABC -maproles


rhpctl query role

Displays the configuration information of a specific role.


rhpctl query role [–role role_name]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Usage Notes
• Specify the name of the role for which you want to display the configuration
• You can only run this command on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

This command returns output similar to the following:

$ rhpctl query role -role GH_CA

Role name: GH_CA

Users with this role: rhpusr@rwsdcVM13

rhpctl revoke role

Revokes a role from a client user.


rhpctl revoke role {–role role_name {-user user_name

[-client cluster_name] | -grantee role_name}}
| {[-client cluster_name] -maproles role=user_name[+user_name...]


Table A-50 rhpctl revoke role Command Parameters

Parameter Description
–role role_name Specify the name of the role from which you want to revoke clients
or users.
-user user_name [- Specify the name of a user and, optionally, a client cluster from
client cluster_name] which you want to revoke a role. The user name that you specify
must be in the form of user@rhpclient, where rhpclient is the
name of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.
-grantee role_name Specify the grantee role name.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-50 (Cont.) rhpctl revoke role Command Parameters

Parameter Description
[-client You can map either built-in roles or roles that you have defined to
client_name] - specific users. Use a plus sign (+) to map more than one user to a
maproles specific role. Separate additional role/user pairs with commas.
role=user_name[+user Optionally, you can also specify a client cluster.

Starting with Oracle Grid
Infrastructure 21c, the -maproles
parameter is deprecated. This
parameter can be desupported in a
future release.

series Commands
Use commands with the series keyword to add, delete, subscribe, and manage a series.

• rhpctl add series

• rhpctl delete series
Deletes a series from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server configuration.
• rhpctl deleteimage series
• rhpctl insertimage series
Inserts an existing image into a series.
• rhpctl query series
• rhpctl subscribe series
• rhpctl unsubscribe series

rhpctl add series

Adds a series to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl add series -series series_name [-image image_name]


Table A-51 rhpctl add series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name Specify a name for the series that you want to add.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-51 (Cont.) rhpctl add series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-image image_name Optionally, you can specify the name of a configured image. This image
becomes the first in the series.

To add a series:

$ rhpctl add series –series DB12_series

rhpctl delete series

Deletes a series from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server configuration.


rhpctl delete series -series series_name [-force]

Usage Notes
• Specify the name of the series that you want to delete.
• Use -force to delete an image series even if the series includes images.
• Before deleting an image series, you must first remove all images from the series
by using the rhpctl deleteimage series command.
• This command does not delete images, only series.

The following example deletes a series called PRODDBSERIES:

$ rhpctl delete series -series PRODDBSERIES

rhpctl deleteimage series

Deletes an image from a series.


rhpctl deleteimage series -series series_name -image image_name

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-52 rhpctl deleteimage series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name Specify the name of the series from which you want to delete an image.
-image image_name Specify the name of the image that you want to delete from a series.

The following command deletes an image called PRODIMAGEV0 from a series called

$ rhpctl deleteimage series -series PRODDBSERIES -image PRODIMAGEV0

rhpctl insertimage series

Inserts an existing image into a series.

A single image can belong to one or more series.


rhpctl insertimage series -series series_name -image image_name

[-before image_name]


Table A-53 rhpctl insertimage series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
Specify the name of the series into which you want to insert an image.
-series series_name

Specify the name of the image that you want to insert into a series.
-image image_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of an image before which you want
-before image_name to insert the new image.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

To insert an image into a series:

rhpctl insertimage series -series DB12_series -image DB12102_PSU

rhpctl query series

Displays the configuration of a series.


rhpctl query series [-series series_name | -image image_name]

[-server server_cluster_name] [-rhpserver rhps_regex]


Table A-54 rhpctl query series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name Specify the name of the series for which you want to display the configuration.
-image image_name Alternatively, you can specify the name of a configured image.
-server Specify the name of the server cluster to which the image corresponds.
-rhpserver rhps_regex Specify a regular expression to match the cluster name of the servers where the
operation must be executed.

Usage Notes
If you do not specify a series or an image by name, then CRSCTL returns information
for all series.
The -rhpserver parameter indicates where the operation should be executed and -
server indicates who the operation should be about. When -rhpserver is used, the
command is executed on the servers whose name matches the regular expression
provided. When -server is used, the command will be about the server provided. For
• The following command executes locally and lists the series that have been
replicated to peerA

rhpctl query series -server peerA

• The following command executes on peerA and lists the series have been
configured on peerA

rhpctl query series -rhpserver peerA

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• The following command executes on all servers and lists the series that each server has
replicated on peerA

rhpctl query series -server peerA -rhpserver .+'

When issuing a command for a peer server using the -rhpserver option, the user running the
command must be an existing user of the peer server and the user must have a required role.
To enable a user from a peer server to run commands on the local server, run the rhpctl
grant role command to grant a required role to the peer server user and to specify the
cluster name of the peer server to which the user belongs. For example:

$ rhpctl grant role -role role_name -user user_name -client cluster_name

To add multiple users, run the following command:

$ rhpctl grant role -client cluster_name -maproles


For information about granting roles with RHPCTL, refer to rhpctl grant role

This command returns output similar to the following:

$ rhpctl query series

Image series: DB12_series

Image series: GRID_series
Image series: DB112_series

rhpctl subscribe series

Subscribes a specific user to an image series.


rhpctl subscribe series -series series_name [-user user_name [-client



Table A-55 rhpctl subscribe series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name Specify the image series to which you want to subscribe a user.
-user user_name Specify an operating system user to whom you are subscribing the
image series.
-client cluster_name Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which the
operating system user belongs.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl unsubscribe series

Unsubscribes a user from an image series.


rhpctl unsubscribe series -series series_name [-user user_name [-client



Table A-56 rhpctl unsubscribe series Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-series series_name Specify the image series from which you want to unsubscribe a
-user user_name Specify an operating system user from whom you are
unsubscribing the image series.
-client cluster_name Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which
the operating system user belongs.

server Commands
Use commands with the server keyword to export, register, unregister, and query
Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
• rhpctl export server
• rhpctl query server
Displays the configuration of a server.
• rhpctl register server
• rhpctl unregister server

rhpctl export server

Exports data from the repository to a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server data file.


rhpctl export server -server peer_server_name -serverdata file_path

Usage Notes
• Specify the name of a peer server cluster.
• Specify the path to the file containing the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl query server

Displays the configuration of a server.


rhpctl query server

Usage Notes
This command has no parameters.

This command displays output similar to the following:

$ ./rhpctl query server

Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (RHPS): rhps-myserver

Storage base path: /u01/app/RHPImages
Disk Groups: RHPDATA
Port number: 8896

rhpctl register server

Registers the specific Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server as a peer server.


rhpctl register server -server server_cluster_name -serverdata file

{-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath
| -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1 [-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]}


Table A-57 rhpctl register server Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-server Specify the name of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server cluster
server_cluster_name that you want to register.
-serverdata file Specify the path to the file containing the Fleet Patching and Provisioning
Server data.
-root | -cred Choose -root to perform super user operations as root. Alternatively,
cred_name | -sudouser you can choose either to specify a credential name to associate the user
sudo_user_name - name and password credentials to access a remote node, to perform
sudopath super user operations as a sudo user by specifying a sudo user name
sudo_binary_location and the path to the sudo binary, or to use an authentication plugin to
| -auth plugin_name access the remote node.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

rhpctl unregister server

Unregisters a specific Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server as a peer server.


rhpctl unregister server -server server_cluster_name

Usage Notes
Specify the name of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server you want to unregister
as a peer.

user Commands
Use commands with the user keyword to delete, modify, register, and unregister users.

• rhpctl delete user

• rhpctl modify user
• rhpctl register user
• rhpctl unregister user

rhpctl delete user

Deletes a user from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning repository.


rhpctl delete user -user user_name [-client cluster_name]


Table A-58 rhpctl delete user Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-user user_name Specify the name of the user you want to delete from a Fleet
Patching and Provisioning Client.
-client cluster_name Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster from
which you want to delete from a specific user.

Usage Notes
• You can delete non built-in users only if that user does not own any working
• If the user created an image or image series, then you can still delete the user, but
the creator of the image or image series is changed to internal-user@GHS.
• If the user was the owner of an image series, then you can delete the user, but the
owner of the image series will be changed to internal-user@GHS. You can still use
the affected image series as normal, such that you can still provision a working

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

copy from the affected image series, and you can still insert or delete images from the
affected image series.

The following example deletes the user named scott on the server cluster from the Fleet
Patching and Provisioning repository:

$ rhpctl delete user -user scott

rhpctl modify user

Modifies the email address of a specific user.


rhpctl modify user -user user_name -email email_address [-client client_name]


Table A-59 rhpctl modify user Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-user user_name Specify an operating system user whose email address you want to
-email email_address Specify the email address of the operating system user in the RFC 822
-client client_name Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which the
operating system user belongs.

rhpctl register user

Registers an email address for a specific user.


rhpctl register user -user user_name -email email_address [-client



Table A-60 rhpctl register user Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-user user_name Specify an operating system user whose email address you want to
-email email_address Specify the email address of the operating system user in the RFC 822

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-60 (Cont.) rhpctl register user Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-client client_name Optionally, if you run the command on the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server, then you can specify the name of the client cluster
to which the operating system user belongs. Otherwise, the command
applies to a user on the cluster (either the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Server or Client) where the command is run.

An example of this command is:

$ rhpctl register user -user scott -email

rhpctl unregister user

Unregisters an email address for a specific user.


rhpctl unregister user -user user_name [-client client_name]


Table A-61 rhpctl unregister user Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-user user_name Specify an operating system user whose email address you want to
-client client_name Optionally, you can specify the name of the client cluster to which
the operating system user belongs.

useraction Commands
Use commands with the useraction keyword to add, delete, and modify user actions.

• rhpctl add useraction

• rhpctl delete useraction
• rhpctl modify useraction
• rhpctl query useraction

rhpctl add useraction

Configures a user action and its associated script and action file.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl add useraction -useraction user_action_name -actionscript script_name

[-actionfile file_name]
[-pre | -post] [-optype option] [-phase operation_phase]
[-onerror {ABORT | CONTINUE}]
[-runasroot] [-runninginstance]


Table A-62 rhpctl add useraction Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-useraction Specify the name of the user action you want to add.
-actionscript Associate a specific action script to run with the user action.
-actionfile file_name Optionally, you can specify an action file that is required by the user
-pre | -post Use the -pre parameter to run the user action before the add operation
or the -post parameter to run the user action after.
-optype option Optionally, you can specify the operation for which the user action is
configured. Options include:

-phase Specify the phase of the operation for which the user action is

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-62 (Cont.) rhpctl add useraction Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-onerror {ABORT | Optionally, you can choose whether to abort or continue the operation if
CONTINUE} the user action encounters an error while it is running.
-runscope {ONENODE | Optionally, you can specify the nodes where the user action is run.
ALLNODES | AUTO | Choose ONENODE to run the user action for each database on the node
FIRSTNODEONRHPS | on which a patch was applied to the database. Choose ALLNODES to run
LASTNODEONRHPS | the user action for each database on every cluster node. Choose AUTO
ALLNODESONRHPS} for a run scope based on the other command options.
run the user action script on FPPS when the operation is performed on
first node or last node or all nodes.
-runasroot Run the rhpctl add useraction command as root user.
-runninginstance Specify this parameter to run the user action only on the nodes that have
a running database instance. You can use this parameter only with the

rhpctl delete useraction

Deletes an existing user action configuration.


rhpctl delete useraction -useraction user_action_name

Usage Notes
Specify the name of a user action you want to delete.

rhpctl modify useraction

Modifies the configuration of the specified user action name.


rhpctl modify useraction -useraction user_action_name [-actionscript

[-actionfile file_name] [-pre | -post] [-optype option]
[-onerror {ABORT | CONTINUE}] [-runscope {ONENODE | ALLNODES | AUTO |


Table A-63 rhpctl modify useraction Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-useraction Specify the name of the user action you want to modify.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-63 (Cont.) rhpctl modify useraction Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-actionscript Optionally, you can specify an action script to run.
-pre | -post Use the -pre parameter to run the user action before the modify
operation or the -post parameter to run the user action after.
-optype option Optionally, you can specify the operation for which the user action
is configured. Options include:

-onerror {ABORT | Optionally, you can choose whether to abort or continue the
CONTINUE} operation if the user action encounters an error while it is running.
-runscope {ONENODE | Optionally, you can specify the nodes where the user action is run.
ALLNODES | AUTO | Optionally, you can specify the nodes where the user action is run.
FIRSTNODEONRHPS | Choose ONENODE to run the user action for each database on the
LASTNODEONRHPS | node on which a patch was applied to the database. Choose
ALLNODESONRHPS} ALLNODES to run the user action for each database on every cluster
node. Choose AUTO for a run scope based on the other command
ALLNODESONRHPS to run the user action script on FPPS when the
operation is performed on first node or last node or all nodes.
-runninginstance Specify this parameter to run the user action only on the nodes that
have a running database instance. You can use this parameter only
operation types.

rhpctl query useraction

Displays the configuration of a user action.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


rhpctl query useraction [-useraction user_action_name | -imagetype

[-optype option]


Table A-64 rhpctl query useraction Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-useraction Specify the name of the user action you want to query.
-imagetype Alternatively, you can specify the software type. Use
image_type ORACLEDBSOFTWARE (default) for Oracle database software,
ORACLEGISOFTWARE for Oracle Grid Infrastructure software,
and SOFTWARE for all other software. For a custom image type,
use the image type name.
-optype option Optionally, you can specify the operation for which to run the query.
Options include:

workingcopy Commands
Use commands with the workingcopy keyword to create, update, extend, and delete
working copies.
• rhpctl add workingcopy
Creates a working copy on a client cluster.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• rhpctl addnode workingcopy

• rhpctl delete workingcopy
Deletes an existing working copy.
• rhpctl query workingcopy
Displays the configuration information of an existing working copy.

rhpctl add workingcopy

Creates a working copy on a client cluster.

To add a working copy to a client cluster:

rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name

{-image image_name | -series series_name}
[-oraclebase oraclebase_path]
[-path where_path]
[-localmount [-location <zipped_home_path>]]
[-storagetype {LOCAL | RHP_MANAGED}]
[-user user_name]
[-gimr | -dbname unique_db_name
[-dbtype {RACONENODE | RAC | SINGLE}] [-datafileDestination
[-dbtemplate { file_path | image_name:relative_file_path}]
{-node node_list |
-serverpool pool_name [-pqpool pool_name |
-newpqpool pool_name -pqcardinality cardinality] |
-newpool pool_name -cardinality cardinality [-pqpool pool_name
-newpqpool pool_name -pqcardinality cardinality]}
[-cdb] [-pdbName pdb_prefix [-numberOfPDBs pdb_count]]]
[-client cluster_name] [-ignoreprereq | -fixup]
[-responsefile response_file_path] [-clusternodes node_list]
[-groups group_list]
[-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_username
-sudopath path_to_sudo_binary | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1
[-arg2 name2:value2 ...]]]
[-notify [-cc users_list]]
[-asmclientdata data_path]
[-gnsclientdata data_path] [-clustermanifest data_path] [-softwareonly]
[-local] [-inventory inventory_path] [-targetnode target_node_name]
[-agpath read_write_path -aupath gold_image_path] [-setupssh]
[-useractiondata user_action_data] [-eval] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]
[-checkwcpatches -sourcehome source_home_path] [-scan scan_name]
[-diskDiscoveryString disk_discovery_string] [-readonly]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-65 rhpctl add workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify a name for the working copy that you want to create.
{-image image_name | - Specify the name of a configured image from which to create a working copy or
series series_name} the name of an image series from which RHPCTL takes the latest image when
adding a working copy.
-oraclebase Specify an ORACLE_BASE path for provisioning an Oracle Database or Oracle
oracle_base_path Grid Infrastructure home. You can specify either an existing directory or a new
Note: This parameter is required only for the ORACLEDBSOFTWARE and
-inventory Specify the location of the Oracle Inventory directory.
-path absolute_path Specify the absolute path for provisioning the software home on the client side
(this location must be empty). For Oracle Database images, this becomes the
Note: This parameter is required for LOCAL storage types, and is invalid for
-storagetype {LOCAL | Specify the type of storage for the software home.
-user user_name Specify the name of the user that will own the working copy being provisioned.
If you do not specify this parameter, then the working copy is owned by the user
running the command. If you are provisioning to a remote cluster, then the user
name must be a valid user on the remote cluster. The user ID need not be the
same between the two clusters, but the user name must exist on both.
Note: You cannot use -user simultaneously with the -softwareonly
-gimr Perform the operations required for a Grid Infrastructure Management Repository
(GIMR) database
-dbname unique_db_name Specify the unique name of the database (DB_UNIQUE_NAME without DB_DOMAIN)
that you are adding.
-dbtype {RACONENODE | Specify whether the database is Oracle RAC One Node, Oracle RAC, or a
RAC | SINGLE} nonclustered database.
-datafileDestination Specify the data file destination location or the name of the Oracle Automatic
datafileDestination_path Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk group.
Note: You cannot specify a disk group for Oracle Database versions before
Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2).
-dbtemplate file_path | Specify the absolute file path to a database template or the relative path to the
image_name:relative_file image home directory on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
-node node_list Specify a node or comma-delimited list of several nodes.
Enter a node name for a single-instance Oracle home.
-serverpool Specify the name of an existing server pool.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-65 (Cont.) rhpctl add workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-newpqpool Optionally, you can create a new server pool to be used for parallel queries.
server_pool_name Specify a name for the new server pool.
Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment
because it refers to server pools running on non-Hub Nodes.
-newpool Optionally, you can create a new server pool. Specify a name for the new server
server_pool_name pool.
-pqcardinality If you create a new server pool, then you must specify a cardinality value for the
cardinality server pool.
Note: This parameter is only applicable in an Oracle Flex Cluster environment.
-cardinality cardinality If you create a new server pool, then you must specify a cardinality value for the
server pool.
-cdb Optionally, use this parameter to create a database as a container database.
-pdbName pdb_prefix If you are creating one or more pluggable databases, then specify a pluggable
database name prefix.
-numberOfPDBs pdb_count Specify the number of pluggable databases you want to create.
-client cluster_name Specify the name of the client cluster.
-ignoreprereq | -fixup You can choose to ignore the Clusterware Verification Utility (CVU) checks or you
can choose to run the recommended fixup script.
Note: These parameters are valid only when you are provisioning Oracle Grid
-responsefile Specify a response file to use when you provision Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
-clusternodes Specify a comma-delimited list of cluster node information on which to provision
node_name:node_vip[:node Oracle Clusterware.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-65 (Cont.) rhpctl add workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-groups "OSDBA|OSOPER| Specify a comma-delimited list of Oracle groups, enclosed in double quotation
OSASM|OSBACKUP|OSDG| marks (""), that you want to configure in the working copy.
OSKM| For example:
-groups "OSDBA=dba,OSOPER=oper"

When you create a gold image from a source home or working copy, the gold
image inherits the groups configured in the source. When you create a working
copy from that gold image using rhpctl add workingcopy, by default, the new
working copy inherits the same groups as the gold image.
If you use the -groups parameter on the command line, then:
• Groups configured in the gold image that you do not specify on the command
line are inherited by the working copy.
• Groups configured in the gold image that you also specify on the command
line are set to the value that you specify on the command line (command line
parameters override the gold image).
• Groups that you specify on the command line that are not in the gold image
are added to the configured groups in the gold image (the command line
adds new groups).
• When you move or upgrade a source home (unmanaged or working copy),
the groups in the destination working copy must match those of the source
• You cannot use -groups simultaneously with the -softwareonly
-root | -cred cred_name If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose either
| -sudouser root, a credential name, sudo, or an authentication plugin to access the remote
sudo_user_name -sudopath node.
sudo_binary_location | - Choose -root to perform super user operations as root. Alternatively, you can
auth plugin_name choose either to specify a credential name to associate the user name and
plugin_args password credentials to access a remote node, to perform super user operations
as a sudo user by specifying a sudo user name and the path to the sudo binary,
or to use an authentication plugin to access the remote node.
-notify [-cc user_list] Specify this parameter to have email notifications sent to the owner of the
working copy. Optionally, you can include a list of additional users who will receive
-asmclientdata data_path Specify the path to a file that contains Oracle ASM client data.
-gnsclientdata data_path Specify the path to a file that contains the Grid Naming Service (GNS) data.
-clustermanifest Optionally, you can specify the location of cluster manifest file. You can use this
data_path parameter when the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is on a domain
services cluster and you are creating a member cluster.
-local Use this parameter to provision only Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on the
local node.
Note: You can only use this parameter in conjunction with the -softwareonly
parameter, and only when running the rhpctl add workingcopy command on
a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.
-softwareonly Use this parameter to provision only Oracle Grid Infrastructure software.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-65 (Cont.) rhpctl add workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-targetnode Specify the name of a node in a remote cluster with no Fleet Patching and
target_node_name Provisioning Client on which you want to provision a working copy.
-agpath read_write_path Use –agpath to specify the path to the read-write, site-specific configuration
-aupath gold_image_path changes to set the persistent home path, and use –aupath to specify the path for
the read-only gold image to set the persistent home path.
-setupssh Use this parameter to set up passwordless SSH user equivalence on the remote
nodes for the provisioning user.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of the user
user_action_data action script.
–eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this command on
the system without actually running the command.
-schedule {timer_value | Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run this operation, in
NOW} ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

-checkwcpatches - Optionally, you can use the -checkwcpatches and -sourcehome parameters to
sourcehome compare patches in a specific source home path with the patches in the working
source_home_path copy you want to add.
-scan scan_name Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify a SCAN name.
-diskDiscoveryString Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify a disk discovery string.
-readonly Optionally, you can use this parameter to add the database working copy as a
read-only home.

Usage Notes

Member Clusters, which are part of the Oracle Cluster Domain architecture, are
desupported in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c.

Domain Services Cluster (DSC), which is part of the Oracle Cluster Domain
architecture, is deprecated in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 21c and can be
desupported in a future release.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

• You can obtain context sensitive help for specific use cases for the rhpctl add
workingcopy command, as follows:

$ rhpctl add workingcopy -help [REMOTEPROVISIONING | STORAGETYPE |


• If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command
on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

• To create a working copy on a client cluster for yourself or another user:

rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name {-image image_name |

-series series_name} -oraclebase oracle_base_path -client cluster_name
[-user user_name]

• To create a working copy on storage that you specify:

rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name {-image image_name |

-series series_name} -oraclebase oracle_base_path -storagetype
{LOCAL | RHP_MANAGED} [-path absolute_path]

• To create and configure a working copy of Oracle Grid Infrastructure:

rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name {-image image_name |

-series series_name} {-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name
-sudopath sudo_binary_path} -responsefile response_file_path
[-clusternodes node_information] [-user user_name] [-oraclebase
[-path absolute_path] [-asmclientdata data_path] [-gnsclientdata data_path]
[-ignoreprereq | -fixup]

• To provision a software-only working copy of Oracle Grid Infrastructure:

rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name {-image image_name |

-series series_name} -softwareonly -path Grid_home_path -oraclebase
oracle_base_path [-local | -client cluster_name
[-groups "Oracle_group=user_group[,...]"] [-node client_node_name] |
{-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path}
-targetnode node_name]

• To provision a working copy on a node or a cluster where Oracle Fleet Patching

and Provisioning does not exist:

rhpctl add workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name {-image image_name |

-series series_name} -oraclebase oracle_base_path -user user_name
-node node_name [-path absolute_path]
{-root | -cred cred_name | -sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath sudo_binary_path}

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

If you are provisioning Oracle database software to a Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client that has been configured with an Oracle ASM disk group, then
do not specify the -path parameter, so as to enable the Fleet Patching and
Provisioning Client to use storage provided by Fleet Patching and Provisioning.
If the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is not configured with an Oracle ASM
disk group, then specify the -storagetype parameter with LOCAL, in addition to
specifying the -path parameter.

rhpctl addnode workingcopy

Extends an Oracle RAC database to another node or nodes in a cluster.


rhpctl addnode workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name -node node_list

[-targetnode node_name {-root | -sudouser sudo_username -sudopath
| -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1 name1:value1...]} -setupssh]
[-ignoreprereq] [-useractiondata user_action_data] [-eval] [-schedule
{timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-66 rhpctl addnode workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of a working copy that contains the Oracle database
workingcopy_name you want to extend.
-node node_list Specify a node or a comma-delimited list of nodes to which you want to
extend the database.
-targetnode node_name Optionally, you can specify a node on which to run this command.
-root | -sudouser If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must choose
sudo_username - either sudo or root to access the remote nodes.
sudopath If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run super-
sudo_binary_path | - user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo binary.
cred cred_name | -
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to associate the
auth plugin_name [-
user and password credentials to access a remote node.
arg1 name1:value1...]
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-ignoreprereq Use this parameter to ignore the CVU prerequisite checks.
-setupssh Sets up passwordless SSH user equivalence on the remote nodes for
the provisioning user.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata parameter of
user_action_data the user action script.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-66 (Cont.) rhpctl addnode workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
–eval Optionally, you can use this parameter to evaluate the impact of this
command on the system without actually running the command.
-schedule Optionally, you can schedule a time to run this command in ISO-8601
{timer_value | NOW} format. For example: 2018-01-21T19:13:17+05.
If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

Usage Notes
• If you are extending a policy-managed database, then the database automatically
starts on the new nodes.
• If you are extending an administrator-managed database, then you must also run
the rhpctl addnode database command to start the instance.
• If the target cluster is an Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2) or 12c release 1
(12.1) cluster, then you must provide either root credentials or provide a sudo user.
You must also specify a target node that must be the node name of one of the
cluster nodes.

rhpctl delete workingcopy

Deletes an existing working copy.


rhpctl delete workingcopy -workingcopy workingcopy_name [-notify [-cc

user_list]] [-force]
[[-targetnode node_name] {-root | -sudouser sudo_user_name -sudopath
sudo_binary_path -cred cred_name | -auth plugin_name [-arg1
[-useractiondata user_action_data] [-schedule {timer_value | NOW}]


Table A-67 rhpctl delete workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of a working copy that you want to delete.
-notify [-cc Name of a node in a remote cluster with no Fleet Patching and
user_list] Provisioning Client.
-targetnode Optionally, you can specify a particular node from which you want
node_name to delete a working copy.
-force Use this parameter to forcibly delete the database working copy.

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference

Table A-67 (Cont.) rhpctl delete workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-root | -sudouser If you choose to use the -targetnode parameter, then you must
sudo_username - choose either sudo or root to access the remote node.
sudopath If you choose sudo, then you must specify a user name to run
sudo_binary_path | - super-user operations, and a path to the location of the sudo
cred cred_name binary.
Optionally, you can choose to specify a credential name to
associate the user and password credentials to access a remote
Alternative to –sudouser, –root, or –cred, you can use –auth to
specify an authentication plugin to access a remote node.
-useractiondata Optionally, you can pass a value to the useractiondata
user_action_data parameter of the user action script.
-schedule Optionally, you can use this parameter to schedule a time to run
{timer_value | NOW} this operation, in ISO-8601 format, as in the following example:


If NOW is specified, then the job is scheduled immediately.

Usage Notes
• This command will not delete the working copy if there are any databases configured on
it. Use the -force option to override this.
• This command will not not delete the working copy if there are any running databases on
it. The -force option will not override this.
• This command does not delete the Oracle base that was created when you ran rhpctl
add workingcopy.
• If you choose to use the -schedule parameter, then you must run this command on the
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

To delete a working copy:

$ rhpctl delete workingcopy -workingcopy wc1

rhpctl query workingcopy

Displays the configuration information of an existing working copy.


rhpctl query workingcopy [-workingcopy workingcopy_name [-metadataonly] | [-

image image_name [-drift]] [-client cluster_name]]
[-rhpserver rhps_regex]

Appendix A
RHPCTL Command Reference


Table A-68 rhpctl query workingcopy Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-workingcopy Specify the name of a working copy for which you want to display the
workingcopy_name configuration information.
-metadataonly Use this paramter only when you use the -workingcopyy parameter to query
only the metadata of the working copy, which is located in the repository and not
run OPatch or connect to the target to query for extra information.
-image image_name [- Use this paramter to specify the name of a configured image that you want to
drift] query. If you specify an image name, then RHPCTL lists all the working copies
based on that image.
The -drift optipn lists the bug fixes not included in the golden image.
-client cluster_name Optionally, you can specify a client cluster on which to query working copies.
-rhpserver rhps_regex Specify a regular expression to match the cluster name of the servers where the
operation must be executed.

Usage Notes
When issuing a command for a peer server using the -rhpserver option, the user
running the command must be an existing user of the peer server and the user must
have a required role. To enable a user from a peer server to run commands on the
local server, run the rhpctl grant role command to grant a required role to the peer
server user and to specify the cluster name of the peer server to which the user
belongs. For example:

$ rhpctl grant role -role role_name -user user_name -client cluster_name

To add multiple users, run the following command:

$ rhpctl grant role -client cluster_name -maproles


For information about granting roles with RHPCTL, refer to rhpctl grant role


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