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Structural Organisation New

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Chapter – 2

Structural Organization in Animals

Animal Tissues

1. Epithelial tissues lie on the basement membrane which is made of

a. Basal lamina composed of muco-polysaccharides and glycoproteins secreted by
epithelial cells
b. Fibrous lamina composed of collagen or reticular fibres of underlying connective
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. Cells and hence, is a cellular layer

2. Simple epithelium is not effective in

a. Nutrition
b. Excretion
c. Secretion
d. Protecting the underlying tissues

3. Brush bordered cuboidal epithelium is present in

a. Intestine
b. Proximal convoluted tubule
c. Stomach
d. Gall bladder

4. Which of the following epithelia forms the inner lining of lung alveoli, blood
vessels and peritoneum of body cavity?
a. Cuboidal
b. Squamous
c. Columnar
d. Ciliated columnar

5. All the statements about stereocilia are correct, except

a. They are non-motile
b. These are found in epididymis and vas deferens
c. They have 9+2 ultrastructure
d. The basal granule is absent

6. Ciliated columnar epithelium called ependymal is present in the lining of

a. Fallopian tubes
b. Ventricles of brain
c. Nasal passages
d. Branchioles

7. Which of the following epithelium covers the linner linings of trachea, large
bronchi and helps to synthesize mucus?
a. Ciliated columnar
b. Pseudo-stratified epithelium
c. Compound epithelium
d. Cuboidal epithelium

8. Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium is present in the lining of

a. Buccal cavity, oesophagus, comea of eye
b. Skin, hair, horn, nail
c. Small pancreatic ducts, thyroid follicles and ovary
d. Intestine, stomach and gall bladder

9. Which of the following epithelium is much thinner and more stretchable than the
stratified epithelium and covers the inner surface of urinary bladder and ureter/
a. Transitional
b. Compound
c. Simple
d. Stratified

10. Which of the following cells are specialized for sensory functions, e.g., cells of
taste bud?
a. Myoepithelial
b. Neuroepithelial
c. Cuboidal
d. Cornified

11. Which of the following match is incorrect?

a. Exocrine – Sebaceous
b. Endocrine – Thyroid
c. Exocrine – Mammary gland
d. Endocrine – Sweat gland

12. Which of the following tissues is present in maximum amount, joins different
tissues together, forms the packing between them and helps to keep the organs
in place and normal shape?
a. Areolar
b. Adipose
c. Tendon
d. Ligament

13. Which of the following are principal cells of areolar connective tissue and
secrete maximum amount of matrix?
a. Macrophages
b. Mast cells
c. Fibroblasts
d. Histiocytes

14. Which of the following tissues is present at the joints between skull bones and
makes them immovable?
a. Cartilage
b. White fibrous connective tissue
c. Ligament
d. Areolar tissue

15. Which of the following tissues connects bones at joints and enables us to move
and rotate our neck, limbs and fingers comfortably?
a. Tendon
b. Hyaline cartilage
c. Ligament
d. White fibrous cartilage

16. All the following statements are correct, except

a. Hyaline cartilage lacks fibres and is present in sternum, hyoid and ribs
b. White fibrous cartilage is the strongest cartilage and is present in the intervertebral
c. Elastic cartilage is present in the tip of nose and ear pinna
d. Calcified cartilage is not present in the pubis of pelvic girdle of frog

17. Bone forming cells which secrete ossein protein are called
a. Chondroblasts
b. Chondrocytes
c. Osteoblasts
d. Osteocytes

18. Which of the following character will not be applicable to a decalcified bone?
a. Bone becomes soft and flexible
b. Only organic matter present
c. Inorganic matter present
d. Bone has been treated with dilute HCl

19. Which of the following is incorrect w.r.t. cartilage?

a. Matrix is solid and pliable
b. Chondrocytes are present in lacuna
c. Growth of cartilage is bidirectional
d. Cartilage is Avascular

20. The bone of a mammal contains Haversian canals which are interconnected by
transverse canals known as
a. Canaliculi
b. Volksman canal
c. Trabeculae
d. Bidder’s canal

21. Spongy or cancellous bone is present in vertebrae, ribs, skull and epiphysis of
long bones. They have
a. Haversian canals
b. Trabeculae
c. Red bone marrow
d. Both (b) & (c)

22. Cardiac muscles are

a. Striated, voluntary with syncytial condition
b. Unstriated, involuntary, uninucleated
c. Striated, involuntary with intercalated discs
d. Involuntary and unstriated

23. Erector pili muscles are

a. Voluntary, multiunit
b. Involuntary, multiunit
c. Involuntary, single unit
d. Voluntary, single unit

24. Nissl’s granules are made of

a. Ribosomes and RNA
b. DNA and protein
c. Ribosomes and DNA
d. RNA, DNA and protein
25. In central nervous system, the myelin sheath around the nerve fibre is formed by
wrapping of
a. Neurilemma
b. Schwann cells
c. Oligodendrocytes
d. Neurolemmocytes

26. The body of cockroach is segmented and is divisible into

a. Head and trunk
b. Head, thorax and abdomen
c. Cephalothorax and abdomen
d. More than one option is correct

27. Given below is the diagram of cockroach exhibiting its external features with
certain labelled parts A, B, D, & D. Each labeled part is provided with certain
description in the statements given. Which of the following statement is correct?

i. Part A is head which is triangular in shape and is formed by the fusion of six
ii. Part B is mesothoracic wings called tegmina and are effectively used in flight
iii. Part C is anal styles which are only found in male cockroaches
iv. Part D is compound eye situated at the ventral surface of the head and
consists of about 2000 hexagonal ommatidia
a. only
b. (i), (iii) & (iv) only
c. (i), (ii) & (iv) only
d. (i) & (iv) only

28. Following figure shows mouth parts of cockroach which are labeled as A, B, C,
D & E. In which one of the following options all the parts are correctly labeled?
a. A- Labium B - Mandible C- Hypopharynx D - Maxilla E - Labrum
b. A- Labrum B - Maxilla C- Hypopharynx D - Mandible E - Labium

c. A- Labrum B- Mandible C- Hypopharynx D-Maxilla E- Labium

d. A- Hypopharynx B - Mandible C- Maxilla D - Labrum E- Labium

29. Male cockroach can be distinguished from female externally by

a. Anal styles in male, shorter antennae, and wings shorter than abdomen
b. Anal cerci in female
c. Anal style and long antennae in male and wings are longer than the length of
d. Anal cerci in male

30. In cockroach, fore wings are called as

a. Mesothoracic wings
b. Tegmina
c. Metathoracic wings
d. Both (1) & (2)

31. The correct order of podomeres in the walking leg of cockroach is

a. Coxa → trochanter → femur → tibia → tarsus
b. Coxa → femur → trochanter → tibia → tarsus
c. Coxa → tibia → trochanter → femur → tarsus
d. Coxa → tarsus → tibia → trochanter → femur

32. Which portion of alimentary canal of cockroach is not internally lined by cuticle?
a. Crop
b. Gizzard
c. Mesenteron
d. Hind gut

33. Which of the following is absent in blood of cockroach?

a. Plasma
b. Blood cells/Haemocytes
c. Nutrient
d. Respiratory pigment

34. Which of the following is not found in haemolymph of cockroach?

a. Haemocytes
b. Plasma
c. Water
d. Haemoglobin

35. Which of the following statement w.r.t. cockroach is incorrect?

a. It has 13 chambered tubular heart
b. Blood from sinuses enters heart through ostia
c. Sac like structure crop present in alimentary canal helps in grinding food
d. Network of trachea present for respiration opening outside through 10 pairs of

36. Alary muscles are involved in

a. Circulation in Periplaneta Americana
b. Reproduction in Periplaneta Americana
c. Mouth parts of Periplaneta Americana
d. Respiration in Periplaneta Americana

37. Which of the following is incorrect w.r.t. cockroach?

a. Malpighian tubule is present between midgut and hindgut
b. 6th sternum is boat shaped in female forms brood pouch along with 7 th and 8th
c. Hind wings are membranous and used to fly
d. Hepatic caecae is present at the junction of foregut and midgut

38. Label the following diagram of digestive system of cockroach

a. A- Crop B- Malpighian tubules C- Hepatic caecae

b. A- Hepatic caecae B- Crop C- Malpighian
c. A- Crop B- Hepatic caecae C- Malpighian
d. A- Malpighian tubules B- Crop C- Hepatic caecae

39. Cockroach is
a. Uricotelic
b. Ureotelic
c. Ammonotelic
d. Both (b) & (c)

40. In cockroach, malpighian tubules help in removal of excretory product from

a. Foregut
b. Haemolymph
c. Midgut
d. Hindgut

41. Each compound eye of cockroach consists of about ……….. hexagonal

a. 500
b. 1000
c. 1500
d. 2000

42. Cockroach is
a. Diumal and herbivorous
b. Nocturnal and herbivorous
c. Diurnal and carnivorous
d. Nocturnal and omnivorous
43. Which of the following is an incorrect match w.r.t respective segments in the
body of cockroach and the associated structures contained in these segments?
a. 4th – 6th abdominal - A pair of testes in male segments
nd th
b. 2 – 6 abdominal - A pair of ovaries in female
c. 6th abdominal - A pair of spermatheca in male
d. 6th – 7th abdominal - Mushroom gland in male

44. In cockroach which of the following gland form oothecal covering?

a. Phallic gland
b. Conglobate gland
c. Collaterial gland
d. Utricular gland

45. Find the incorrect statement w.r.t. reproductive system in cockroach

(Periplaneta Americana)
a. On an average, female Periplaneta produce 9-10 ootheca, each containing 14-16
b. The development of P.americana is paurometabolous, meaning there is
development through nymphal stage
c. The nymph grows by moulting about 9 times to reach the adult form
d. The next to last nymphal stage has wing pads but only adult cockroaches have

46. Given below is the diagrammatic sketch of a certain type of connective tissue.
Identify the parts labeled A, B, C and D and select the right option about them.

Options :

Part-A Part-B Part-C Part-D

(1 Macrophage Fibroblast Collagen fibres Mast cells


(2 Mast cell Macrophage Fibroblast Collagen fibres


(3 Macrophage Collagen fibres Fibroblast Mast cells


(4 Mast cell Collagen fibres Fibroblast Macrophage


47. The supportive skeletal structure in the human external ears and in the nose tip
are examples of
a. Ligament
b. Areolar tissue
c. Bone
d. Cartilage

48. The four sketches (A, B, C and D) are given below, represent four different types
of animal tissues. Which one of these is correctly identified in the options given,
along with its correct location and function?

Tissue Location Function

(1) (B) Glandular epithelium Intestine Secretion

(2) (C) Collagen fibres Cartilage Attach skeletal

muscles to bones

(3) (D) Smooth muscle tissue Heart Heart contraction

(4) (A) Columnar epithelium Nephron Secretion and


49. Select the correct statement from the ones given below with respect to
Periplaneta Americana
a. There are 16 very long Malpighian tubules present at the junctions of midgut and
b. Grinding of food is carried out only by the mouth parts
c. Nervous system located dorsally, consists of segmentally arranged ganglia joined
by a pair of longitudinal connectives
d. Males bear a pair of short thread like anal styles

50. What external changes are visible after the last moult of a cockroach nymph?
a. Anal cerci develop
b. Both fore wings and hind wings develop
c. Labium develops
d. Mandibles become harder

51. The terga, sterna and pleura of cockroach body are joined by
a. Cartilage
b. Cementing glue
c. Muscular tissue
d. Arthrodial membrane

52. The function of the gap junction is to:

a. Stop substance from leaking across a tissue
b. Performing cementing to keep neighbouring cells together
c. Facilitate communication between adjoining cells by connecting the cytoplasm for
rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and some large molecules
d. Separate two cells from each other

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