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English7 Q1W1 Final

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Republic of the Philippines

7 Department of Education
Division of Pagadian City

Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Analogy To Show Relationships
of Words

Learning Activity Sheets

(Extracted/Modified from CO/RO10 SLMs)

Year Level:
Grade & Section:

DO_Q1_English 7_ Module 1
What I Know

Before starting with this module, let us see what you already
know about analogy. Answer the questions below.
Directions: Read the statements carefully then write the letter of your
choice in your English notebook.
I. Analogy in sentence form: Choose the word that best completes
each analogy.
1. Bark is to Dog as Meow is to .
A. Bird B. Cat C. Pig
2. Banana is to Yellow as Makopa is to .
A. Blue B. Orange C. Red
3. Ear is to Hear as Tongue is to .
A. Sight B. Smell C. Taste
4. Mango is a Fruit as Rose is a _________________.
A. Flower B. Spicy C. Vegetable
5. School is to Students as Hospital is to______________.
A. Patients B. Priest C. Vendors

II. Analogous Pair: Choose the correct word to complete the idea.
6. hammer : nail :: comb :
A. feet. B. hair C. hands
7. hot : oven :: cold :
A. karaoke B. refrigerator C. TV
8. scrub : wash :: sob :
A. cry B. sad C. tease
9. screen : :: lens : camera
A. computer B. cord C. keyboard
10. : wrist :: belt : waist
A. arm B. bracelet C. hand

III. Figurative Analogy: Identify the two things compared in the


11. A good book is a friend.

A. good : book B. good : friend C. book : friend
12. Life is like a race.
A. life : race B. life : like C. like : race
13. She is as innocent as a baby.
A. she : innocent B. she : baby C. innocent : baby
14. Love is a game. There is a winner and a loser.
A. love : loser B. love : game C. love : winner
15. My children are my guiding stars.
A. children : guide
B. children : guiding stars
C. guide : star

1 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

What’s In
Activity: Match Me!

Directions: Show relationship by matching column A with the picture in

column B.

2 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

By now, you should have noticed that analogy is all about relationship
of words or concepts and how they connect to each other.

What’s New

Activity: Let’s Converse!

Directions: Read the short dialogue between a saleslady and a
Then, take note of the relationship of the following pairs of
words lifted from the dialogue.

Good morning. How may I help you?

Good morning. I’m looking for an

elegant dress for a party.

What color do you like?

I don’t know. What colors do you have?

We have variety of colors.

How about blue?
I think it matches your eyes and your brown hair!

Okay. Please hand me a medium size.

Sure, here it is.

Can I try it on?

3 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

Now, I have here some pairs of words lifted from the dialogue.
Note the relationship of each pair.
eyes : face Part to Whole
she wanted to buy a dress : she went to the Cause and Effect
saleslady : mall Person to Situation
little : small Synonym
elegant : unattractive Antonym
shopping mall : city Geography
morning : evening Time
These pairs show the different types of relationship in analogy.

4 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

What is It
This is good to know . . .

Analogy is a pair of terms that has common relationship. In most cases,

you will not only determine the common relationship between each pair but you
will also have to identify which term makes up each pair. Usually, you are
given two terms in the format A : B, which could be read as A related to B
(Barbacena, et. al., 2010).
(A) : (B)
kitchen : house - Kitchen and House are related since kitchen
is part of the house.

Writers use analogy to connect unfamiliar words or new ideas with

common and familiar objects. It functions as description or explanation of one
thing by examining its similarities and differences and forces the reader to
understand the connection between them. Using this technique, vocabulary
skills as well as speed in reading comprehension are enhanced.

5 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

Now that you know the types of relationships in analogy, try to answer these.

Activity: Connected To The Target!


I. Determine the type of relationship expressed in the pair of words

given. Choose your answer from the box. Then, write your answer in
your English notebook.

Part to Whole Person to Situation Antonym

Synonym Geography Time Cause and Effect

6 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

7 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1
What’s More

Activity: Comic Strips

Directions: This comic strips is taken from the story of Creation (Panayan

When analogies are used in myths, legends and short stories to express
comparison of two unlike things but share common property, it is called Figurative
Analogy. It comes in statement form.
The rain is Tungkung Langit’s tears and thunders are his
The writer compares Tungkung Langit’s tears to rain as he burst into tears
because of his heavy heart, in the same way when clouds are heavy, they fall as rain;
while the loudness of his cry is compared to the intensity of thunder.

8 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

Activity: Let’s Compare!
Directions: Complete the statements that follow and reveal the traits of the
characters from the comic strip read. Choose the answer in the
box after each statement. Write your answer in your English
1. Alunsina is a jealous wife. She doesn’t ________________

A. care B. hope C. trust

2. Tungkung Langit is an erupting volcano when angry. He

A. irritable B. moody C. violent

3. Tungkung Langit wants order and peace in his place. He is a

________ leader.

A. concerned B. kind C. wise

4. The love of Tungkung Langit and Alunsina is weak. It is not


A. romantic B. strong C. sweet

5. Both are impatient because .

A. they are hot-tempered.

B. they easily give up their love.
C. they did not find ways to fix their problem.

Activity: You Can Do It!

Directions: Identify the things compared in the statement below.

1. Problems are just like spices in life.

A. spices and life B. problem and life C. problems and spices
2. He is as big as an elephant.
A. he and big B. he and elephant C. big and elephant
3. Her skin is like a snow.
A. her and skin B. her and snow C. skin and snow
4. The sun is a golden ball.
A. sun and ball B. golden and ball C. sun and golden ball
5. Her hair is as dark as the night.
A. hair and dark B. dark and night C. hair and night

9 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

What I Have Learned

Activity: Let’s Sum Up!

Directions: Check (√) the appropriate column that is
true about analogy.

Statement Yes No
1. Analogy is a relationship of words or concepts and
how they connect to each other.
2. Analogies are used in stories to express comparison
of two unlike things that share common property.
3. Analogy makes understanding the relationship of
words difficult.
4. Analogy improves my vocabulary, thus, sharpens my
reading and writing skills.
5. Analogy solely focuses on similarities of words.

What I Can Do
Activity: Mirror! Mirror!
Directions: Draw an object that you can compare yourself with. Using
figurative analogy, write a 5-sentence paragraph to explain the comparison.
Follow the model given. Use your English notebook

I am as lovable as a flower because ______________________.
____________________________________. ______________________________.
_______________________________. ___________________________________.

10 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1


You are almost there! Let us check what you have learned about this
topic. Answer the questions given below.

I. Complete the analogy of the given pair of words.

1. Maria Christina Falls : Lanao del Norte :: : Misamis

A. Mt. Hibok-Hibok B. Mt. Kanlaon C. Mt. Malindang

2. Road : :: Net : Court

A. Bar B. highway C. radar

3. Quick : slow :: youthful :

A. Adult. B. aged C. child

4. Chef : restaurant :: banker :

A. Bakery B. bank C. mall

5. Shy : timid :: glossy :

A. Rough. B. sandy C. shiny

6. Second : minute :: :: day

A. Hour B. month C. week

7. Thirsty : drink :: : eat

A. Excited B. hungry C. sleepy

II. Look for the pair which expresses the same relationship as the given
pair. Choose your answer from the pairs given. Write your answer in
your English Notebook.

8. big : huge :: :
A. fat : slim B. pleasant : attractive C. tidy : dirty

9. nurse : hospital :: ::
A. Cebu : Sinulog B. farmer : plow C. judge : courtroom

10. day : night :: :

A. kitchen : knife B. month : year C. thirsty : drink

11 DO_Q1_ English 7_ Module 1

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