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Pumps for Wastewater Treatment Plants

Intelligent solutions for a clean environment

Pumps & Systems

Process sequence

The process

We provide you NEMO® The robust NEMO® progressing The compact TORNADO® rotary
progressing cavity pumps and cavity pump: lobe pump:
TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps
in diverse designs and materials, NEMO® progressing cavity pumps Due to their compact construction,
designed according to the are used in all sectors of the TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps are
location of use in the waste environment to convey almost all predestined for confined instal-
water plant. Low viscosity and types of media continuously, lation situations. In robustness,
also abrasive sludge is reliably smoothly, with low pulsation and they are no inferior to the
conveyed using our pumps with dosing in proportion to speed. progressing cavity pumps and are
flanged connections. Designs of (refer to p. 8/9) also very suitable for media with
the NEMO® hopper pumps are larger solid substances. As
available with screw conveyors Further features: TORNADO® Mobile or on a hand

or also with our aBP Module® to trolley, they are used locally
prevent bridging for media with High suction capacity - up to flexible and have proven their

a high dry material content, such 9 mWC reliability in the event of a catas-
as de-watered sludge. Direction of rotation and flow trophe. (refer to p. 10)

can be reversed
Can be installed in any position

Quiet, low-noise running Grinder for process reliability
Temperatures from - 20°C
to + 200 °C The cutting plate macerator
M-Ovas® and N.Mac® double shaft
grinder protect lines and pumps
and, alongside the wide range of
accessories, also contribute to the
process reliability of the overall
plant. (refer to p. 11)

NETZSCH Accessories

Further information
Protection devices
NEMO® Flushing/pressurised

progressing cavity pump flushing devices
Brochure NPS · 305 Control units

Transport devices
TORNADO® rotary lobe pump Tools
Brochure NPS · 081

Grinding Systems
Brochure NPS · 040

Screening Sand trap/ Primary Biological Secondary purification Final Outlet to
plant Grease trap sedimentation sedimentation sedimentation stage sedimentation water course


Primary Secondary excess

thickening sludge thickening
Filter press

Preparation of lime milk

Heat ex- Centrifuge Transport

Digestion tank

Belt filter press

Preparation of polymer solution Drying plant

Other systems
Sedimentation Incineration
thickening plant
Preparation of metallic salts

NEMO® progressing cavity TORNADO® rotary M-Ovas® N.Mac®

pump lobe pumps cutting plate macerator double shaft grinder

External view: NEMO® progressing cavity Internal view of the progressing cavity TORNADO® rotary lobe pump conveys
pump in a sewage plant with hopper and pump: Attachment with aBP-Module® to digested sludge in the sewage plant
aBP-Module® prevent bridging

Typical applications

Flotation sludge distances. High counter-pressures chamber filter presses, an

are overcome by using multiple additional reduction in the volume
Flotation sludge and sludge foam stage NEMO® progressing cavity of between 65 % and 80 % can be
represent floatation fractions of pumps. The space-saving attained. A crumbly, compacted
sludge that collect on the surface TORNADO® roatary lobe pump is product ensues that cannot flow.
in the secondary settlement tanks. also frequently used on this sludge. Due to the characteristics of the
This effect is not desired and medium, forced feeding into the
results in the floatation sludge, pump is required. Furthermore,
appearing as an air-medium Flocculating agent bridging in the inlet area of the
mixture, needing to be pumped pump must be prevented. Funda-
away. Ideal for this is the NEMO® Flocculating agent is fed to the mentally, NEMO® progressing
progressing cavity pump, which sludge before draining. It cavity pumps with rectangular
reliably and continuously conveys, promotes formation of larger solid inlet hopper and feed and
even with a high ratio of gas in the flakes in the sludge and, in this conveying screw are used for these
medium. For restricted spaces, the manner, contributes to improved applications. A feature of this
TORNADO® rotary lobe pump can de-watering. Normally, floccu- pump is the horizontally positioned,
also be used here. lating agent is dosed as a polymer patented conveying screw that
solution or dispersion. Its viscosity ensures an optimum degree of
and the requirement to be able to filling of the delivery chamber.
Concentrated sludge accurately dose the quantity, place For sludge that tends towards
requirements on pumps that the bridging, the feed hopper of the
In an initial step, the water ratio NEMO® progressing cavity pump NEMO® progressing cavity pump
and, thus, the overall volume of can conform to. has an additional aBP-Module®
the sludge is reduced by means of or integrated bridge breaker.
gravity or mechanical thickening.
Thereby, the objective is to attain a De-watered sludge
dry matter content of 4 % to 11 %
in the medium. Thickened sludge During de-watering of the sludge,
is a flowable to viscous media that by adding flocculating agents in
can also be pumped over long centrifuges, decanters, belt or

NEMO® progressing cavity pumps convey digested sludge

Typical applications

Liquid sludge directly produced by quenching waste water pump: The core is the
caustic lime with a surplus of oil-free synchronised gear with
During the initial steps of cleaning water. Lime milk is used as an belt drive. It reduces the weight
waste water, liquid sludge occurs aid to filtration during the of the pump by a minimum of
in large quantities as “waste”. de-watering of sludge using filter 30 percent compared to a normal
This is sludge with a dry matter presses. The structure and consti- gear drive and the robust
content of approx. 1 % to 4 %. tution of the calcium carbonate is sub-assembly uses significantly
Depending on the origin, the ratio dependent on the origin of the less individual parts. The overall
of the content of organic and production process. It is a very mechanism is extremely reliable,
inorganic substances can differ abrasive medium. In order to the number of spare parts is
greatly. Pumps that can convey attain high service life, NEMO® conceivably low. Because the
large quantities at low pressures, progressing cavity pumps are used system is not lubricated, extra-
as well as feature a long service equipped with rotors and stators vagant lubricant changes are not
life, are normally required to of high-quality material. Here, necessary and leakage detrimental
convey low viscosity sludge. Both the non-wear NEMO CERATEC® to the environment is excluded.
the NEMO® progressing cavity ceramic rotor, in combination with After removing the drive cover, the
pumps as well as the TORNADO® an extremely abrasion-resistant entire synchronised gear including
rotary lobe pumps are used here. elastomer stator is ideal. the belt can be accessed. Workload
Particularly when using the L and is kept to a minimum and
P-geometry, NEMO® progressing downtimes are shorter. If mainte-
cavity pumps feature a high power Marine waste water nance or repair tasks are required
density. Another advantage is in the pump room, these can be
presented by long service live, to Compact, light, robust and simple carried out quickly and easily by
the long seal line and reduced to use – these requirements are direct access from flange to flange.
sliding velocity of the rotor. particularly applicable for pumps
in ships. The pumps must also be Also the NEMO® progressive
versatile for universal use to keep cavity pump works reliably below
Lime milk down the cost of servicing and deck: as a bilge pump it is used
spare parts. The TORNADO® rotary successfully.
Lime milk is an inorganic suspension lobe pump takes into account all
of lime hydrate and water. Alter- of these demands. Therefore, it is
natively, lime milk can also be used as a bilge pump as well as a

Further information

Brochure NPS · 347

TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps in digested sludge recirculation

NEMO® Progressing Cavity Pumps

Large capacity and pressure range
Capacities up to 400 m³/h
Pressures up to 48 bar

in block design with directly flanged drive

Compact design with directly flanged drive. It

is distinguished by its low investment, opera-
ting and maintenance costs. Four rotor/stator
geometries for optimum performance with
every kind of application.

The FSIP® design

The FSIP® design enables a particularly service-friendly maintenance

without disassembling of the pump from the pipeline. By easier access to
all rotating parts through cartridge joint and mechanical seals the mainte-
nance is reduced. The downtimes and the associated costs are reduced.
In addition, it reduces the required installation space, since the stator is
removed laterally. The FSIP® design is offered in modification sets. So you
can upgrade also existing pumps with lower costs.

The xLC® stator adjustment unit

The xLC® stator adjustment unit makes it possible to reset the iFD stator®
2.0 several times before it eventually has to be replaced due to wear,
thereby prolonging stator life significantly. The function of the xLC® unit
is based on the iFD stator® 2.0. The xLC unit is attached to the flange of
the elastomer part of the stator and can compress or stretch it. In the case
of wear the elastomer part of the stator can be compressed to restore the
pretension between the rotor and stator ensuring an efficient sealing
line. Depending on the application lifetime can be tripled or extended
even further.

with bearing housing and drive shaft

The design with bearing housing and drive shaft

means it can be used with all types of drive. Four
rotor/stator geometries for optimum performance
for the respective application.
Also available in FSIP® Design

NEMO® C.Pro®
Mini dosing pump in plastic design

High dosing accuracy (deviation of < 1 %).

Compact design with directly flanged drive.

Further information

NEMO® C.Pro®
Brochure NPS · 313

in block design with directly flanged
drive or NEMO® SO/SS with bearing
housing and drive shaft

Housing with rectangular/square feed hopper

Technical notes: the hopper dimensions can be adjusted to suit the specific application.
and coupling rod with conveying screw with
compression chamber for improved product
feeding into the conveying elements.

NEMO® BF option with aBP-Module®

in block design with directly flanged drive or with
bearing housing and free shaft end

Housing with enlarged, rectangular feed hopper and

with removable, cone-shaped compression chamber,
coupling rod with patented, horizontally positioned
conveying screw for optimum product feeding into
the conveying elements. Further information
Optional with aBP-Module® to prevent bridging.
Brochure NPS · 070

for every application

TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps – powerful, robust, compact

TORNADO® self-priming, Broad range of applications outside buildings and plants or away
valveless positive displacement from any infrastructure. This unit
pumps for high-performance The pumps are primarily used with comprises a mobile TORNADO®
and optimally tailored to media that have the following rotary lobe pump with diesel drive
individual requirements. They features: and conveys large quantities of

are used for continuous and sewage and sludge, independent
smooth conveyance of almost With and without solids of the local circumstances. Smaller

all media, as well as for dosing Low to high viscosity mobile units are available, too.
in proportion to speed. Thixotropic and dilatant

Shear sensitive
Abrasive Further information
Large capacity and Non-lubricating and lubricating
pressure range TORNADO®

Brochure NPS · 081
Capacities up to 1,000 m³/h TORNADO® Mobile
Pressures up to 8 bar TORNADO® Mobile
Ideal for applications where pumps Brochure NPS · 045
have to be used quickly and flexibly

Full Service in Place holds also true for our grinders

Grinding systems, so that each media is pumpable

Powerful grinding systems are M-Ovas® N.Mac®

used to protect your plant and cutting plate macerator double shaft grinder
pump units contained therein.
They ensure that impurities are During the treatment of waste Capable of fragmenting large and
separated or ground suitable water, the impurities in the solid particles, the N.Mac® Double
for pumping. Thus, the risk of medium are directed through the Shaft Grinder is the ideal equipment
blocking and/or clogging in specially shaped housing and to suit different applications such as
the pump systems is reliably gathered and cut by the rotating wastewater treatment, biomass
prevented. blades. This unit can be used for substrate handling, food and fruit
sludge with a throughput rate of scraps. Its various housing designs
up to max. 70 m³/h and a dry in channel and inline version allow
matter content of up to 12 % and installation into effluent channels
is characterised by its ease of or flange assembly to prevent pipe
maintenance. clogging and to protect downstream
equipment, such as pumps.

Further information

Grinding Systems
Brochure NPS · 040
M-Ovas® cutting plate macerator N.Mac® double shaft grinder

The NETZSCH Group is a mid-sized, family-owned German company engaging
in the manufacture of machinery and instrumentation with worldwide
production, sales, and service branches.

The three Business Units – Analyzing & Testing, Grinding & Dispersing and
Pumps & Systems – provide tailored solutions for highest-level needs. Over
3,500 employees at 210 sales and production centers in 35 countries across
the globe guarantee that expert service is never far from our customers.

The NETZSCH Business Unit Pumps & Systems offers with NEMO® progressing
cavity pumps, TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS® multi screw pumps,
macerators/grinders, dosing technology and equipment custom built and
challenging solutions for different applications on a global basis.

NPS · 071 · 02 · 04/19 · 04 · Technical specifications are subject to change.

NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH

Business Field Environmental & Energy
Geretsrieder Straße 1
84478 Waldkraiburg
Tel.: +49 8638 63-1010
Fax: +49 8638 63-2333

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