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Tips of Food Handling

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Handling Food Safety In The Restaurant

Most people rarely get sick from contaminated foods because their immune systems are
strong enough to protect them. But when harmful bacteria multiply beyond safe limits
due to unsafe food handling or lack of refrigeration, that's when food poisoning strikes.
When the immune system is impaired by sickness, age, or other factors, food poisoning is
also more likely.
Handle food as little as possible.
Throw away plastic gloves after one use.
eep fingers away from mouth, hair, face, skin and other parts of
the body.
!se the rest room sink or the hand"washing sink in the food
preparation area for washing hands, not the food preparation sink.
Wash fresh produce under running water before it is served either
raw or cooked.
Thaw fro#en foods in the refrigerator, under cold running water, or
as part of the cooking process.
$repare precooked fro#en foods e%actly as the directions state.
Have foods ready at serving time but not any longer than necessary
before serving time.
&o not leave cooked foods at room temperature.
'lean and saniti#e food preparation surfaces between different
types of raw food products (beef, pork, poultry, etc.) and between
the preparations of raw products and ready to eat products.
*void placing cartons or bo%es on surfaces used for food
Wipe food contact surfaces with clean cloths, which are used only
for that purpose.
eep kitchens free of clutter.
eep worktables clear and clean while in use.
Wash and put away e+uipment that is not being used.
Wash and saniti#e flatware or other utensils, which fall to the floor.
&o not taste foods with any utensil used either to mi% or stir foods.
&o not use fingers to sample food. *lways use a clean spoon.
!se clean tongs, scoops, forks, spoons, spatulas, or other suitable
utensils to handle food.
$ick up and hold all tableware by the handles.
,tore tableware away from dust.
$rovide straws either individually wrapped or from an approved
-ce machines should be covered. -ce should be transferred to
serving containers using approved scoops. .ever use hands, cups,
or glasses to scoop ice. eep scoops protected when not in use. &o
not store food items on ice used for drinks.
!se a spoon or other suitable utensil to remove any serving or
mi%ing spoon that falls into the food.
When handling plates and trays do not touch eating surfaces with
'ommon /uestions0
Are restaurant workers required to wear hairnets?
*nswer0 Hairnets are not re+uired, but food handlers are re+uired to wear some sort of
hair restraint. -t can be a cap, visor or a hair restraint of some sort.
Is it ok to use dented cans in the restaurant?
*nswer0 Because dented cans can have holes or compromised areas, they are not safe and
should not be used. *ll it takes is a microscopic hole in these cans to set up dangerous
bacteria like botulism and make your customers sick.
Why aren't food workers allowed to have drinks in the food re area?
*nswer0 -n a hot kitchen drink containers may sweat on the outside because of the heat.
When you put the drink up to your mouth and then set the drink down on a table where
you are preparing raw food, the bacteria from your mouth, can contaminate the prep
table. *lso, most food handlers usually forget to wash their hands after they've taken a
drink, contaminating their hands, which, in turn contaminates the food.
How to reare for a Health Insection
seeing your health inspection as help rather than a hindrance could be good for
Section !" What to #o $efore an Insector %isits
Without a health inspection, your restaurant could fall victim to a food borne"illness
outbreak that could ruin your establishment's reputation and even force you to close your
The proper strategy for a successful health inspection is to be ready for an e%amination at
any time. This means that you and your managers should become inspectors and conduct
weekly, in"house e%aminations before health inspectors arrive.
1 When conducting a self"assessment, you should use the same form"or a similar form"
that your health department uses and put yourself in the health inspector's place.
1 2our self"inspection should include walking into your establishment from the outside to
get an outsider's impression. !sing the outlet checklist.
1 *fter you inspect your operation, hold a 34"minute briefing with kitchen5outlet staff to
review any problems. This step will help convey the importance of food safety to staff
1 -f your staff includes employees for whom 6nglish is a second language, ask a bilingual
employee to translate the findings to them so they also understand how important
cleanliness is to the success of your restaurant.
1 2our self"inspection priorities for kitchen5outlet employees should include0 food
temperature, awareness of food types and hand washing.
1 Temperature guidelines include checking the temperature of products when they arrive,
when they are stored and when they are served. &oing this will reduce food borne"illness
outbreaks by 74 percent.
1 8ood"type guidelines are divided into three categories0 beef and beef blood9 chicken9
and all other types of food. These three categories can never touch each other during
1 The importance of hand washing should be re"enforced by posting signs at all kitchen
sinks and in employee restrooms.
1 Train your managers to ensure that they are up"to"date on the latest food"safety
techni+ues. :estaurant employees are re+uired to attend the food"safety training program.
1 :eview your local health code for any special, local re+uirements.
Now that you know what to do when a health inspector arrives. Be warned that
examiners usually arrive unannounced, so you'll want to be ready on any occasion, even
during a rush.
Section &" What to #o When a Health Insector %isits
&on't panic when an inspector arrives. Think of this as a learning opportunity that will
benefit your operation by making it as safe as possible.
To make an inspection as pain"free as possible, you should0
1 *sk to see the inspector's credentials first. -n some cases, people have tried to pass
themselves off as health officials. -f you're unsure of the person's credentials, call the
local health department or the inspector's supervisor for verification.
1 &o not refuse an inspection. The e%aminer will likely get an inspection warrant that you
can't refuse and the e%amination will be even more thorough.
1 Tag along with the inspector and take notes of any violations he or she finds. This gives
you the chance to correct simple problems on the spot and the e%aminer will note your
willingness to fi% problems.
1 :efrain from offering any food or any other item that can be misconstrued as an attempt
to influence the inspector's findings.
1 *fter the e%am, be sure to sign the inspector's report. ,igning it doesn't mean that you
agree to the findings9 it only means that you received a copy of the report.
1 *sk the inspector to e%plain his findings to you and your staff and offer suggestions on
areas that need improvement. 6ven the cleanest restaurants sometimes contain health"
code violations.
Section '" What (ou )an #o if (ou Are )ited
Here's what you can do to limit the damage of an adverse health inspection0
1 8i% small problems during the inspection to let the e%aminer know you are willing to
work with him or her.
1 -f you don't understand the violation, ask the health official to e%plain. &on't be
1 -f you disagree with the inspector's findings, keep +uiet for the time being and appeal
the decision later. 2our health inspector should be your ally. He or she can improve the
+uality of your cuisine and save you from the devastation of a food borne"illness incident.
*dditional resources0 The .ational :estaurant *ssociation and its 6ducation 8oundation
offer a variety of courses to improve food safety in your restaurant, including0
How to $uild a $etter Relationshi with (our Health Insector* +The need for good
co,,unication with health insectors-

-n the foodservice industry, effective food safety and sanitation programs are an essential
element of every successful operation. The relationship you build with your local health
inspector can be of great benefit to your food safety and sanitation programs and thus
help you please your customers. ,pending a little +uality time and effort to improve
communication with your health inspector can be very beneficial to your business and
can help eliminate costly misunderstandings.
The ultimate goal ;of a health inspection< is to protect the public and prevent people from
becoming ill. .either the health department nor the restaurant ever wants a customer to
become sick. -t's not good for the restaurant or the Health &epartment. Therefore, the
goal of health inspections is .=T to catch something or get somebody into trouble, but to
prevent illness.
,ince this is clearly a common goal shared by both entities, the ne%t step is to assure
effective communications and build a strong relationship in order to make that goal a
reality together. Health inspections involve much more than a simple look around your
restaurant, says ,teven >rover, the .ational :estaurant *ssociation's ?ice $resident of
Health and ,afety :egulatory *ffairs. :estaurateurs who have successful interaction with
their local health "" inspection agencies and run clean, safe operations agree that the
process does not begin when an inspector arrives at the restaurant, armed with a list of
things to scrutini#e. The process begins before the inspection with preventative measures
such as safe, clean practices in the operation day in and day out. -t also involves
developing avenues of clear communication and a mutually respectful relationship with
the people who work for the health department.
Be polite
There is a reason why @first impressions are lasting impressions@ is a popular e%pression.
-t is very important that you treat your health inspector with respect from the very
beginning. Those first few minutes help to set the tone for the ne%t hour and for many
inspections to come. 8or this reason, it is important to greet your inspector professionally
and give him5her respect, even if you are busy. 2ou should treat the inspector as you
would any other guest in your establishment9 after all we are the hospitality industry. 8or
one thing, don't get angry if an inspector shows up during a mealtime, says >rover, who
is also a former ?irginia health inspector. @>enerally inspectors are there to see you
prepare food,@ he says, @so sometimes you should e%pect an inspection at mealtimes.@
When the inspector arrives, greet him or her pleasantly and ask to see his or her
credentials. -t is important that you establish the basis for the inspection and the
authenticity of the inspector from the very beginning. Be professional, cooperative,
friendly and open, says >rover. &on't offer any favors or food, and don't be
argumentative or defensive. .ever argue with a health inspector during the inspection. -f
there's a problem, try to work it out with the inspector in a professional manner and don't
take the inspector's observations or violations personally. -f you can't work it out during
the inspection or during the post inspection discussion, remember you can always call the
inspector's supervisor and ask for clarification later.
*s :adke advises, @&on't take the inspection personally. -t is not a personal attack. -t is
the Aob of the inspector to find errors and he or she may find
some things that need to be corrected. The nature of the inspection is to verify that your
operation is taking the necessary precautions to help avoid a serious food"related illness
?ictoria &ecker, 8oodservice &irector of /uality *ssurance for 'lyde's :estaurant
>roup says that @=perators should take the health inspectors seriously. They are
forecasting and preventing future problems for the restaurant.@ 8or this reason, &ecker
says that her company takes a proactive role with the inspectors and welcomes the health
inspectors into its restaurants. 8urthermore, &ecker adds, @we correct most errors or
inspector observations on the spot.@
*ccompany your health inspector
*fter you greet your health inspector9 show him5her that you take a great interest in
providing your customers with safe and high +uality food by accompanying him5her
during the inspection.
@-t is nice when the person in charge is able to go around with the inspector during an
inspection. -f not the manager or the assistant manager, then at least one of the staff.
Because inspectors usually show up unannounced, it is perfectly understandable if
restaurant operators are too busy to accompany us,@ says :adke. *ccompanying the
inspector during the inspection shows the inspector that you're interested in the process
and in correcting any problems immediately.
=bserving the inspection allows you to better understand the basis for the
recommendations that are being made. @* picture is worth a thousand words,@ :adke
notes. @Having violations physically pointed out gives you a better understanding of the
problem because the inspector is able to show why something is a violation.@
*s you walk around your facility with your environmental health specialist, there are
several things that you can do to demonstrate that you take public health seriously. To
begin with, bring a note pad and write down any observations that your health inspector
makes. This allows you to have your own record of the recommendations for later
reference. -t also shows your inspector that you are serious about implementing the
necessary changes over the long term and not Aust while the inspector is there.
-f you don't understand something that your inspector says, or why something is a
violation, +uestion the inspector immediately. =pen communication is the best way for
you to understand the regulations and what you can do to fully comply with them. -t also
is a good way to become educated and show him5her that you want to improve your
knowledge of food safety and regulations.
eeping foods at safe temperatures is critical to food safety, so be prepared to take
temperatures of foods along with the inspector. This demonstrates to the inspector that it
is common practice for you, and that you know how to do common practices. :adke
notes that when an operator is not aware of critical issues or if he or she can't give general
information about critical temperatures, it gives the health inspector the impression that
he5she is not dealing with a responsible operator. 3f however, you show your inspector
that these practices are commonplace, you are immediately eliminating any doubt
regarding your professional food safety knowledge.
now the rules
6ven though at times the rules seem to change ever so +uickly, and the interpretation of
the individual health inspector may be a little different than the previous one, there are
some effective means to ensure a clean restaurant, which will lead to a satisfactory
inspection. 8irst, it is very important to know what the health inspector is looking for
when conducting an inspection. -f your restaurant has a /uality *ssurance Manager9 that
person must understand key food safety issues in order to ensure safe food preparation
and handling to, in turn, prepare for a health inspection. To gain a better understanding of
what is e%pected, get a copy of the regulations from your local health agency and make
an effort to learn the re+uirements. *lso, utili#e the knowledge of your health inspector
and ask +uestions where you may be uncertain on how they may interpret the regulation.
'onsider inviting your health inspector to your restaurant to give an educational
presentation on a specific food safety or regulatory is sue. =pen communication and
training will better prepare you for inspection day and help you to better understand how
the inspector is evaluating your restaurant.
'orrect mistakes
:adke says that one thing that gives him the impression that he is dealing with an
irresponsible operator is when he sees that no efforts have been made to correct code
violations, even after repeated violations are observed. &o not leave this impression with
an inspector. *s soon as he or she states a violation, do what you can to correct it or start
corrective actions immediately.
8or e%ample, if a health inspector cites that the three compartment sink's saniti#ing
solution does not meet the minimum concentration re+uirement, don't Aust nod your head
in agreement and write it down. -nstead, have someone immediately drain the sink and
prepare the saniti#ing solution at a proper concentration in order to saniti#e e+uipment
properly and correct the observation. This shows your inspector that you are
conscientious about the recommendations he5she gives and that you want to correct them
as soon as possible. 8rom the perspective of the health inspector, if you are not even able
to make the small, simple changes right away, he5she is likely to think that you will not
make larger9 more critical changes later.
-n addition to making simple corrections on the spot, it is also important to relay
information from inspections to employees immediately. 8or e%ample, if the health
inspector notices an employee has returned from the dumpster area without washing her
hands and begins to prepare salad, immediately take the employee aside to correct the
situation. *lso follow up with general employee training on proper hand washing
techni+ues at a later time to assure long term compliance.
=pen up communication
*fter your health inspector has completed his written report, take the time to sit down
with him or her to go over what was observed during the visit. @=pen communication is
e%tremely important, so do not be afraid to ask +uestions. 2our professional demeanor
will facilitate that communication,@ says >rover. This is a perfect time to impress on your
health inspector that food safety is a top priority for your operation. >rover adds, @if you
get written up for any violations, make sure you fully understand what the violations are
and how to fully correct them.@ Barry ,caglione agrees. @This is the opportunity to learn
from each other to meet our shared obAective of protecting the public.@
C Be polite and professional
C *sk +uestions
C $rovide employee training
C 'orrect violations promptly
C *ccompany your health inspector
C !nderstand key food safety issues
C Make effort to learn re+uirements
C !tili#e knowledge of your health inspector
C &emonstrate knowledge
C =ffer favors or food
C Be argumentative
C Be defensive
C Take the inspection personally
What is foodborne illness?
A foodborne illness is a disease that is transmitted to humans by food.
Recent developments in diagnosing and tracking reported illnesses
have helped the public become more aware that certain types of illness
may be related to the food they ate prior to becoming sick.
These high-protein foods
are classified as
potentially hazardous
by the
U.S. Public Health Service
The U.S. Public Health Service classifies moist high!protein and"or
low acid foods as potentially ha#ardous. High protein foods consist in
whole or in part of milk or milk products shell eggs meats poultry
fish shellfish edible crustacea $shrimp lobster crab%. &aked or boiled
potatoes tofu and other soy protein foods plant foods that have been
heat!treated and raw seed sprouts $such as alfalfa or bean sprouts%
also pose a ha#ard. These foods can support rapid growth of infectious
or disease!causing microorganisms.
Lesson One: What's bugging you?
Who is at risk?
'nfants young children pregnant women the elderly and people who
are chronically ill have a greater risk of developing a foodborne illness
because their immune systems may not be able to fight off the
bacteria and viruses that cause the illness. Those at greater risk
should avoid consuming potentially ha#ardous foods that are raw or
not fully cooked. 'nfants and children are more
vulnerable because their stomachs produce less acid making it easier
for bacteria and viruses to multiply. Pregnant women are at risk
because a fetus does not have a fully developed immune system.
The elderly are more susceptible to foodborne illness
because of inade(uate nutrition lack of protein in their diets or poor
blood circulation. People who are chronically ill or who take
medication that affects their immune system are also at greater risk of
becoming sick from a foodborne illness. This could include people with
cancer diabetes A')S patients or people who take antibiotics.
Lesson One: What's bugging you?
How does food become hazardous?
*ood becomes ha#ardous by contamination. +ontamination is the
unintended presence of harmful substances or microorganisms in food.
*ood can become contaminated from chemical physical or biological
Chemical hazards, +hemical ha#ards include substances such as
cleaning solutions and saniti#ers.
Physical hazards: Physical ha#ards are foreign particles like glass or
iological hazards: &iological ha#ards come mainly from
microorganisms including bacteria viruses and parasites.
What is Cross!contamination?
Keep it straight...
on!t cross-conta"inate#
+ross!contamination is the transportation of harmful substances to
food by,
Hands that touch raw foods such as chicken then touch food
that will not be cooked like salad ingredients.
Surfaces like cutting boards or cleaning cloths that touch raw
foods are not cleaned and saniti#ed then touch ready!to!eat
Raw or contaminated foods that touch or drip fluids on cooked or
ready!to!eat foods.
Lesson One: What's bugging you?
Why are microorganisms im"ortant?
-icroorganisms are everywhere. .ou may not see taste or smell
them but they hide on your body in the air on kitchen counters and
utensils and in food. The main microorganisms are viruses parasites
fungi and bacteria.
/iruses are the tiniest and probably the simplest form of life. They
are not able to reproduce outside a living cell yet can survive for a
period of time even on inanimate ob0ects such as door handles. 1nce
they enter a cell they force it to make more viruses.
Some viruses are e2tremely resistant to heat and cold. They don3t
need potentially ha#ardous food to survive. 1nce in the food they
don3t multiply. The food is mainly a transportation device to get from
one host to another. Hepatitis A and norovirus have been identified as
the cause of many foodborne illness outbreaks.
Once in the human# $iruses re"roduce %uickly and may cause diseas
Lesson One: What's bugging you?
Parasites Parasites need to live on or in a
host to survive. 42amples of parasites that may contaminate food or
water are Trichinella spiralis $trichinosis% that affects pork and Anisakis
roundworm that affects fish. &ungi
*ungi can be microscopic or as big as a giant mushroom. *ungi are
found in the air soil plants animals water and some food. -olds and
yeast are fungi. -olds may produce dangerous to2ins in food. .east
development in foods will affect (uality.
Lesson One: What's bugging you?
What is the greatest threat to food safety?
1f all the microorganisms bacteria are the greatest threat to food
safety. &acteria are single!celled living organisms that can grow
(uickly at favorable temperatures. Some bacteria are useful. 5e use
them to make foods like cheese buttermilk sauerkraut pickles and
yogurt. 1ther bacteria are infectious disease!causing agents called
pathogens that use the nutrients found in potentially ha#ardous foods
to multiply.
Some bacteria are not infectious on their own but when they multiply
in potentially ha#ardous food they e0ect to2ins that poison humans
when the food is eaten.
*ood handling practices are risky when they allow harmful bacteria to
contaminate and grow in food. 'f you touch a food during preparation
you may transfer several thousand bacteria to its surface.
Under the right conditions bacteria can
double every 67 to 87 minutes. A single bacterium will double with
each division9two become four four become eight and so on. A
single cell can become billions in 67 to 6: hours.
What conditions encourage bacteria to grow?
&acteria can live in hotter and colder temperatures than humans but
they do best in a warm moist protein!rich environment that is pH
neutral or low acid. There are e2ceptions9some bacteria thrive in
e2treme heat or cold. Some can survive under highly acidic or
e2tremely salty conditions. &acteria grow fastest in the temperature
range between ;6<* $=<+% and 68=<* $=><+% which is known as the
Temperature )anger ?one or @T)?@.
Lesson One: What's bugging you?
What are the most common foodborne "athogens?
This alphabetical listing of so"e pathogens describes their
Bacillus cereus
I llness:
Illness caused by bacterial
1/2 hour
Watery diarrhea abdominal
cramps and pain
Cooked rice, corn and potatoes
Steps for
!oid temperature abuse, cook
and hold food at proper
temperatures" cool properly

I llness:
#oxin produced by Clostridium
botulinum bacteria
12 to $% hours
&ausea, !omitin',
diarrhea,fati'ue, headache,
dry mouth, double !ision,
muscle paralysis, respiratory
(o)*acid, improperly canned
foods, temperature abused
!e'etables, meats, sausa'e,
Steps for
+roperly preser!e foods
follo)in' recommended
procedures" cook foods

#oxin mediated bacterial
, to 2- hours
.iarrhea, abdominal cramps,
headache, chills
/eat, poultry, and other foods
held for ser!in' at )arm, but
not hot, temperatures
Steps for
Cool foods rapidly after
cookin'" hold hot foods abo!e
1-0 de'rees F
1acterial infection, e!en )ith
lo) numbers of cells
2ne to se!en days
&ausea, abdominal cramps,
diarrhea, headache * !aryin' in
+oultry and contaminated
Steps for
Cook foods properly" pre!ent

+arasitic infection
#)o to ten days
Watery diarrhea accompanied
by mild stomach crampin',
nausea, loss of appetite3
Symptoms may last 10 to 14
Contaminated )ater and
Steps for
Wash hands after usin' the
toilet" a!oid )ater that may be

Escherichia coli
Strain of enteropathic 53 coli
bacteria that produces toxins
in human intestine
#)o to four days
6emorrha'ic colitis" hemolytic
uremic syndrome
7a) and undercooked 'round
beef, ra) milk, alfalfa sprouts,
unpasteuri8ed fruit 9uices,
dry*cured salami, lettuce,
'ame meat, and cheese curds3
Steps for
#horou'hly cook meat" a!oid
cross*contamination" only use

pasteuri8ed fruit 9uices3
5xclude infected food
I llness:
:iral infection

/ild fe!er, 'eneral )eakness,
nausea, abdominal pain" can
de!elop into 9aundice
7eady*to*eat foods, shellfish,
fresh 'reen onions,
contaminated )ater
Steps for
Wash hands properly at
appropriate time3 !oid bare
hand contact )ith food"
purchase shellfish from
reputable supplier" exclude
employees dia'nosed )ith
6epatitis from )ork

I llness:
1acterial infection from strain
of (isteria monocyto'enes
#)o days to three )eeks
/enin'itis, sepsticemia,
:e'etables, unpasteri8ed milk
and dairy foods, ra) meat, and
ready*to*eat foods includin'
deli meats
Steps for
+urchase pasteuri8ed milk and
other dairy foods, cook foods
properly, a!oid cross*
contamination" use sanitary

"or#al$ virus
I llness:
Infection )ith &or)alk !irus
12 to -, hours
&ausea, !omitin', diarrhea,
abdominal cramps
7a) oysters/shellfish,
contaminated )ater and ice,
ready*to*eat foods3
Steps for
de;uate treatment and
disposal of se)a'e" restriction
of infected food handlers
from )orkin' )ith food until
they no lon'er shed !irus

I llness:
Infection )ith Salmonella
12 to 2- hours
&ausea, diarrhea, abdominal
pain, fe!er, headache, chills,
/eat, poultry, e'' or dairy
Steps for
Cook thorou'hly, a!oid cross*
contamination, exclude
infected food handlers3

I llness:
#oxin produced by bacteria
strain of Staphylococcus
2ne to six hours
Se!ere !omitin', diarrhea,
abdominal crampin'
Custard or cream*filled baked
'oods, ham, poultry, e''s,
potato salad, cream sauces,
sand)ich fillin's
Steps for
7efri'erate foods, use safe
food handlin' practices"
restrict food handlers )ith

open cuts and sores3
I llness:
1acterial infection caused by
strains of parahaemolyticus
and !ulniticus

.iarrhea, abdominal cramps"
nausea and !omitin'" fe!er and
7a) or partially cooked oysters
Steps for
+urchase oysters from
appro!ed, reputable supplier"
cook to 1-4 de'rees F internal

I llness:
Infection )ith <ersinia
1 to $ days
5nterocolitis, may mimic acute
7a) milk, chocolate milk,
)ater, pork, other ra) meats
Steps for
+urchase pasteuri8ed milk"
cook foods throrou'hly" no
Lesson One: What's bugging you?
How can ' handle food safely?
&acteria like Staphylococci are found on the hair skin mouth nose
and in the throat of healthy people. According to one estimate nearly
=7 percent of healthy food handlers carry disease agents that can be
transmitted by food.
The most important tool you have to prevent foodborne illness is good
personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is the way a person maintains their
health appearance and cleanliness. Aot only can you become the
victim of illness but you can also be the carrierB A cough or snee#e
can transmit thousands of microorganisms that may cause disease.
$ cough or sneeze can trans"it thousands of "icroorganis"s
that "ay cause disease

Lesson One: What's bugging you?
Wash your hands often(
.our hands can be the most potentially dangerous serving e(uipment you
use. Scratching your scalp running your fingers through your hair or
touching a pimple can cause the transmission of pathogenic
microorganisms into food.
&ollow these ste"s to wash your hands:

)te" *
Wet hands thoroughly
with warm water+
)te" ,
-""ly soa" generously+

)te" .
)crub under nails
with a clean nail brush+
)te" /
0ub hands and wrists
$igorously for
at least *1 seconds+

)te" 1
0inse hands thoroughly
with warm water+
)te" 2
3ry hands using blow dryer or
single!use towel
Lesson 4wo: What are Consumer Control Points?
Cisten to the Dingle
4o"ics in this lesson include:
Handling leftovers
Food Safety information for consumers, educators, and those working in
the food service industry. The information is based on recommendations
found in Food Code 2005. Food Code 2005 represents the most recent
sciencebased information about good food safety.
This lesson focuses on the application of Ha#ard Analysis +ritical +ontrol
Point $HA++P% principles to prevent foodborne illness. .ou will be
introduced to @+onsumer +ontrol Points@ from purchase through use of
leftovers and work your way through the %onsu"er %ontrol Point
+onsumer +ontrol Points are critical points when foods are
susceptible to contamination from foodborne pathogens.
&hen it co"es to food safety
control these
The *ood Safety Pro0ect Team has created a bookmark with clever
slogans as a handy reminder of the si2 +onsumer +ritical Points covered
in Cesson Two.
Lesson 4wo: What are Consumer Control Points?
uy cold food last+++
5et it home fast(

When buying food at the grocery store remember to:
Purchase meat poultry and dairy products last.
Eeep packages of raw meat and poultry separate from other foods
especially produce items.
Use plastic bags to enclose individual packages of raw meat and
poultry. Frab a few e2tra while in the produce section and put
these on the bottom of the cart.
-ake sure meat poultry and dairy products are refrigerated as
soon as possible after purchase. The grocery store should be your
last errand when shopping.
Place refrigerated foods in a cooler especially in hot weather for
the trip home.
Purchase canned goods that are free of dents cracks or bulging
+heck that all food packages are intact ! no broken seams or tears.
Select produce that is freshB 5atch for signs of aging and decay
such as mold or brown leaves and stems. Cook for glossy skin and
green leaves.
Select food packages with longest period of time until e2piration.
Lesson Two: What are Consumer Control Points?
3on't wait+++
Cisten to the DingleB
Pro"er storage maintains %uality and "re$ents
contamination from unintentional and
intentional sources+
5ash hands as soon as you return home.
Refrigerate or free#e meat fish and poultry
immediately. *ree#ers should be 7< *.
Refrigerate dairy products immediately.
Refrigerator temperature should be below ;6<
Store meat fish and poultry in plastic bags or
on a plate and place on lowest shelf of
refrigerator to prevent raw 0uices from dripping
onto other foods.
5ash hands with soap and water for 6=
seconds before and after handling raw meat
poultry or seafood products.
Store canned goods in a cool clean dry place.
Put recent purchases in back of older items.
Store fresh produce appropriately. -ost should
be refrigerated and not washed until time to
use. 5ashing with running water is sufficient.
Lesson Two: What are
Consumer Control Points?
6ee" it straight+++
3on't cross!contaminate(
&ood can cause illness when
conditions in the en$ironment
encourage bacterial growth+
Proper handwashing is the
most important prevention
)on3t let 0uices from raw
meat poultry or seafood
come in contact with cooked
foods or foods that will be
eaten raw such as fruits or
salad ingredients.
5ash hands counters
e(uipment utensils and
cutting boards with soap and
hot water immediately after
Thaw foods in the
refrigerator ne$er at room
tem"erature+ Plan aheadB.
A microwave oven can be
used to thaw food but food
should be cooked
5ash and rinse cutting
boards and knives between
uses especially after cutting
raw meat. 5ash with hot
soapy water and rinse
thoroughly with hot water. A
spray disinfectant can be
used to saniti#e. Air dry
items because dish towels
can cross!contaminate other
)o not use cutting boards
with cracks and crevices as
these provide a place for
bacteria to grow.
Eeep pets off counters and
tables and away from food
preparation areas. 5ash
hands after touching your
Use disposable dish clothes
and towels or wash after
each meal. Sponges and
clothes are vehicles for
contamination of surfaces.
Sponges can be placed on
top shelf of dishwasher for
Lesson 4wo: What are Consumer Control Points?
Cook it well+++
or time will tell(
Cisten to the DingleB
4horough cooking destroys harmful bacteria+
+ook food to the recommended temperature. 1nly
thorough cooking destroys harmful bacteria.
7se a thermometer to determine if meat poultry
fish and casseroles have reached a safe internal
Avoid interrupted cooking. 't is risky to "artially
cook "roducts# cool them and then later finish
cooking by grilling# as this in$ol$es multi"le
tri"s through the tem"erature danger zone
8439:+ 4ach trip provides an opportunity for
bacteria to grow.
Use microwave!safe containers when microwaving
foods. Plastic used to cover containers should be
microwave safe. 5a2 paper is a safe product to use.
&e sure to rotate or stir foods cooked or reheated in
the microwave as this method does not evenly
distribute heat. Use a thermometer to be sure
correct end!point temperatures are reached.
+heck the thickest part or center of food items with
a thermometer to be sure temperatures are
reached. Thermometers should be calibrated weekly.
Place in container of ice water to check for a reading
of 8:<*.
+ooking until the center is no longer pink or 0uices
run clear is A1T an accurate measurement
particularly for killing !. co"i 0#5$%&$ bacteria. &e
sure with a thermometerB Some products are fully
cooked and only need reheating. -ost of these are
safe to serve at 68=<*.
Lesson 4wo: What are Consumer Control Points?
6ee" hot foods hot+++
Cold foods cold(
Choose a ser$ing style that will allow food to be ser$ed as %uickly as "ossible#
while maintaining tem"eratures below /*;& 8/;C: or abo$e *.1;& 82<;C:+
5ash hands with soap and water before serving or eating food.
)onGt leave potentially ha#ardous foods raw or cooked at room temperature
longer than necessary and =>?>0 longer than : hours.
Eeep hot foods abo$e *.1;* 82<;C: and cold foods below /*;& 8/;C:.
Use designated utensils for each item.
Eeep batches of food items separate.
*or gatherings of large groups with self!service place small amounts of product on
the buffet at a time. The rest can be kept cold or hot and the buffet replenished as
Products that have been served to guests should not be reused
Lesson 4wo: What are Consumer Control Points?

'f in doubt+++
throw it out(
Cisten to the Ceftovers
&ollow these ste"s to ensure safe handling of lefto$ers:
5ash hands before and after handling leftovers.
)ivide hot leftovers into small units and store in shallow
containers for (uick cooling. &acteria can grow rapidly during the
cooling process.
Refrigerate leftover items immediately after service.
Reheat leftovers thoroughly to a temperature of 6H=<*. &ring
soups sauces and gravies to a rolling boil.
)onGt keep leftovers more than > days.
Lesson 4wo: What are
Consumer Control Points?
5hen buying food and taking it home
remember to
Eeep raw meat and poultry away
from other foods especially
fresh foods like fruits and
Place raw meat and poultry at
the lowest level of the cart so it
canGt drip on other foods
-ake sure foods are kept cold
between the store and your
Take into account the outside
temperature and ad0ust your trip
home so that that food you
purchase at the grocery store
will not reach the (")E* +,"E
+heck package sell!by or pull!by
dates to make sure they are
-ake sure you have enough
storage space in the refrigerator
or on your shelves
Lesson 4wo: What are Consumer Control Points?
Can you find the si@ consumer control "oints in this
Place the pointer over one of the
points in the kitchen for more
information. Return to the kitchen
after each e2planation to go to the
ne2t point.
Lesson 4hree: Where is 4he 4em"erature 3anger 9one?
The )ood Safety infor"ation is intended for consu"ers*
educators* and those +or,ing in the food service industry. The
infor"ation is based on reco""endations found in )ood %ode
-../. )ood %ode -../ represents the "ost recent science-
based infor"ation about good food safety practices.
.HE .E01E*./*E (")E* +,"E
This lesson presents a hypothetical situation using cartoon characters
Lesson &our: Who is &-4 4OA?
Cisten to the
*AT T1- rapB
Food Safety information for consumers,
educators, and those working in the food
service industry. The information is based on
recommendations found in Food Code 2005.
Food Code 2005 represents the most recent
sciencebased information about good food
safety practices.
&-4 4OA
*.A.T.T.1.-. e2plains what allows foodborne
pathogens to grow. .ouGll also learn some
important food safety terms.
*AT T1- will help you to remember these valuable terms,
Lesson &our: Who is &-4 4OA?
is for &ood
The nutrients available in food often determines whether
microorganisms will grow. 5hile some microorganisms have
simple nutrient re(uirements some pathogens re(uire a comple2
diet including proteins.
-oist protein!rich foods such as meat milk eggs and fish are
potentially ha#ardous. That is they are most likely to cause
foodborne illness because htey are a food source for pathogenic
bacteria and can support growth of these bacteria.
Lesson Four: Who is FAT TOM?
is for -cidity
The degree of acidity or alkalinity $base% of a substance is measured
by its pH. pH is measured on a scale from 7 to 6;.7. An environment
with a pH of >.7 is e2actly neutral. *oods with a pH below >.7 are
acidicI a pH above >.7 is alkaline. The lower the pH the higher the
acidityI the higher the pH the lower the acidity.
&acteria grow best in an environment that is neutral or slightly acidic.
-ost bacterial growth is inhibited in very acidic conditions. That is why
acidic foods like vinegar and fresh fruits $especially citrus% seldom
provide a favorable climate for pathogenic bacteria. -ost bacteria will
not grow at pH levels below ;.H because the environment is too
acidic. -icroorganisms thri$e in a pH range between H.H and >.=.
Lesson Four: Who is FAT TOM?
Place the pointer along the pH line
to find the pH level of some common foods.

Lesson &our: Who is &-4 4OA?
is for 4ime
8-lso known as
the two!hour
Pathogenic microorganisms reproduce by cell division. 1ne becomes two.
Two become four. Small numbers of pathogens may be present in foods
but they pose a very low risk to consumers especially if the food is
cooked. However when low acid and high protein available foods $neutral
or alkaline pH% are abused by placing them in the 4>AP>0-470>
3-=5>0 9O=> 8439: $;6< to 68=<*% for more than two hours
pathogens will have multiplied to such high levels in the food eating this
food will make people ill rapidly. Restricting the time low acid and high
protein foods stay in the 439 to two hours or less prevents growth of
large numbers of pathogens.
Lesson &our: Who is &-4 4OA?
is for
-icroorganisms grow and reproduce (uickly between the temperatures
of /*; and *.1;& $=; to =>; c% . )uring the two!hour period in the
4>AP>0-470> 3-=5>0 9O=> 8439: minimal growth and
reproduction will occur especially if there is a neutral environment and
protein source.
1ne important rule of food safety is to limit time that foods are in the
T)?. Eeep foods refrigerated $below ;6;*) until it is time to cook. +ool
left over foods (uickly.
Lesson &our: Who is &-4 4OA?
is for O@ygen
-icroorganisms that need o@ygen $air% to grow are called aerobic.
5hen foods such as meat spaghetti sauce or vegetables are
canned o2ygen is e2cluded from the environment. Therefore
growth of aerobic organisms is controlled and the food is
preserved. Such foods are shelf stable and do not re(uire
refrigeration until they are opened.
Some microorganisms will grow only in anaerobic conditions $in
the absence of o2ygen%. &otulism a rare type of foodborne illness
is caused by a specific type of bacteria called clostridium botulism
that grows only in anaerobic conditions. 'mproperly preserved
home canned foods are a typical source of botulism. Home canned
items can not be used in foodservices.
Lesson &our: Who is &-4 4OA?
is for Aoisture
All microorganisms must have an abundant supply of water to grow.
Perishability of a food is related to the moisture content and the
water activity level.
Aoisture content is the amount of water in food e2pressed as a
percentage. 5ater activity $ aw % is the amount of water available for
use and is measured on a scale of 7 to 6.7. &acteria yeast and
molds multiply rapidly with a high water activity level above 7.JH.
-eat produce and soft cheeses are e2amples of foods with aw in this
range $between 7.JH and 6.7%.
*oods preserved with salt or sugar such as beef 0erky or 0ams and
0ellies have a lower aw because salt and sugar deprive
microorganisms of water and inhibit their reproduction. These
products are shelf!stable $i.e. they do not need refrigeration unless
opened%. Pathogenic bacteria have difficulty growing in foods such as
dry noodles flours candies and crackers where aw is below 7.J=.

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