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Improvised Paper As Organic Face Mask

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Improvised Paper as Organic Face Mask

A Study Presented in

Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Capstone Project

San Jose National High School

Senior High School

School Year 2020 – 2021

Submitted by:

Dagamac, Jossah Faye

Evangelista, Dianne

Batan, Joanna Marie

Bongator, Jose Walter

Mendoza, Earl Ryan

Avenido, Exzier

May 2021

This senior high school Capstone Project entitled The Effectivity of Improvised

Paper as Organic Face Mask is prepared and submitted by:

Dagamac, Jossah Faye

Evangelista, Dianne

Batan, Joanna Marie

Bongator, Jose Walter

Mendoza, Earl Ryan

Avenido, Exzier

This is hereby accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Capstone Project.


Faculty, Senior High School Department

San Jose National High School


Faculty, Senior High School Department

San Jose National High School

May 2021


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to these individuals for their

contributions and encouragement since the beginning of the research, and without them,

this would not have been possible.

Mr. Giselo B. Cajes, PhD, our research adviser, who has mentored the

researchers and shared his knowledge and expertise in the field of research;

Mrs. Jane Megan Auza, our capstone adviser, who have provided important cues

in gaining a better understanding of the study;

Ms. Caryll Bianca S. Dano, our physics adviser, who assisted the researchers in

the preparation of the laboratory equipment needed in the study;

Mr. Lowel Andrew Batomalaque, our biology adviser, who have played a great

role in helping the researchers obtain knowledge about the instruments needed for the

testing of the product;

Our beloved parents, who have shown support and enthusiasm that the study

will be accomplished;

Our fellow researchers, who have shown a great deal of dedication and patience

in the process of completing the capstone project;

Above all, our Almighty Father, for without Him any of these would not be made


The Researchers


Title : Improvised Paper as Organic Face Mase

Researchers : Dagamac, Evangelista, Batan, Bongator, Mendoza, Avenido
School : San Jose National High School
Research Adviser : Giselo B. Cajes, PhD
Capstone Adviser : Jane Megan Auza
Date : June 2021
Pages : 45


This study aimed to test the effectivity of improvised paper as an organic face
mask. In the present investigation, the organic face mask is synthesized using used
papers, pineapple fibers, and coconut coir fibers. The breathability of the organic face
mask was examined using the pulse oximetry finger approach following walking that is in
synchronization with various Bpm: 77Bpm, 100 Bpm, and 130 Bpm. The breathability of
the organic face mask was then compared to the breathability of the surgical face mask
and cloth face mask. The results showed that walking in 77Bpm has the lowest F-value
in comparison with the two other Bpm. This means that in 77Bpm, the group means are
close together relative to the variability within each group. Furthermore, the humidity level
of the face masks was also examined using the SpO2 means of the different groups and
the breath temperature of the respondents following the walking activity. The results
showed that the F-value in 130Bpm is zero (0) which means that the means are exactly
equal to each other. The present study envisions the plausibility of organic face mask to
be the solution to environmental crisis and to introduce an eco-friendly mask as an
alternative for plastic induced face masks.

Keywords: Face mask, Pineapple fiber, Coconut coir fibers, Oxygen saturation level,
Breath Temperature, Humidity.

Title Page i

Acceptance Sheet ii

Acknowledgements iii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Description of the Study 4

Statement of the Null Hypothesis 6

Review of Related Literature 7

Methods 15

Results 21

Discussion 27

The Product 29

References 34

Appendices 39


1. One-Way ANOVA table of formulas 20

2. SpO2 of respondents wearing OFM 21

3. SpO2 of respondents wearing SFM 22

4. SpO2 of respondents wearing CFM 22

5. Difference in breathability of the masks 23

in different Bpm

6. Humidity level classification on SpO2 of 24

different group means

7. Breath temperature of respondents wearing 25


8. Breath temperature of respondents wearing 25


9. Breath temperature of respondents wearing 25


10. Difference in the humidity of the masks in 26

different Bpm

11. Cost of Materials 33


1. Product: Front view 32

2. Product: Back view 32

3. Product: Side view 32


Face masks have been a necessity in this generation due to the outbreak of the

deadly virus called COVID-19. It has been crucial to the extent that when a person refrains

or forgets to wear a mask, he will be subjected to a penalty or worse, imprisonment. Face

masks have come in various types and designs, from cloth face masks to surgical face

masks, to fit styles from person to person.

Face masks help prevent COVID-19 transmission from one person to another, as

it hinders the secretions, such as cough droplets, from an infected person, be transmitted

to another. This is mainly the reason why the use of face masks as protective gear from

secretions is essential. According to the article published by Lipp and Edwards (2005)

entitled “Disposable Surgical Face Masks: A Systematic Review,” surgical face masks

were generally created to absorb and filter microorganism-laden droplets ejected from the

mouth and nasopharynx during surgery. This type of mask is disposable and is made up

of three or four layers. It is usually designed with two filters that serve as a barrier which

traps bacteria. This form of mask is said to provide security for at least four hours

(Universal Hospital Supplies, 2000).

However, with the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines being

the “second worst outbreak in Southeast Asia” (Calonzo & Jiao, 2020), one major source

of concern is the scarcity of medical-grade face masks for frontline healthcare staff, for

which there is more proof of efficacy. The general public's focus has turned to the use of

homemade cloth masks (Javid et al., 2020). Despite the lack of high-quality evidence,

some data indicate that cloth masks are only slightly (15%) less effective than surgical

masks in blocking particle emission and are fivefold more effective than not wearing

masks. Hence, wearing cloth face mask is way better than not wearing one (Davies et al.,


Despite the efficacy of surgical face masks having 38.5% filtration efficacy, and

60.3% efficacy when ear loops were tightly tied to the fit (Clapp et al., 2020), surgical face

masks are made up of non-woven fabric which is made from polypropylene, a plastic

polymer (Henneberry, 2021; McGuigan, 2021), making it nonbiodegradable and not eco-

friendly, which can undoubtedly contribute to cause Earth’s climate change. The same

goes for the cloth face masks whose middle filter layer, as advised by the World Health

Organization (2020), must be made from polypropylene.

As published by Ramos (2020) in the Manila Bulletin, every year Filipinos toss

away about 17.5 billion pounds of plastic, the majority of which ends up in the ocean,

which causes water pollution. This is one of the reasons why people should avoid using

plastics as much as possible and start using biodegradable materials such as paper.

In today’s time with the COVID-19 pandemic, modular classes have been going all

over the country, making use of tons of paper in a daily manner by millions of students,

resulting in the increase of paper waste and paper production. Paper is a biodegradable

substance that is significantly used worldwide. Main et al. (2014) states that paper is

defined as a felted sheet formed from cellulose fibers. Paper, as commonly known, is not

just used for writing, printing, and packaging but is also used as a filter, such as in filtering

coffee, air conditioners, and even used as a common tool in laboratories (Martin, 2015;

Hawach Scientific, 2020). For the sake of the study, the improvised paper to be used as

face masks will be made from the Cocos nucifera husk and the Ananas comosus leaf.

Cocos nucifera contain fibers with 28.72% cellulose (Rojas-Valencia et al., 2018) and an

Ananas comosus leaf contains 70% and 82% cellulose fibers, generally known as piña

fibers (Tanpichai et al., 2019). These plants are tropical plants that are abundant in the

Philippines, which allows both raw materials to be used in paper production.

The above circumstance regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and

paper waste pushed the researchers to create a paper mask with the use of recycled

paper coupled with Cocos nucifera and piña fibers.

This study is designed to determine the efficiency of the improvised paper as an

organic face mask by testing its potency in viral protection through the humidity level of

the mask and its breathability, making it the solution to both viral problems and climate

change. This innovative solution may create a sustainable and safe product that ensures

the safeguard of the person towards unwanted environmental and health-related effects.


Plastics have always been the number one problem on our planet, causing soil,

water, and air pollution. The proper disposal of face masks has long been neglected by

most people who are lazy or those who show little to no concern for the environment.

Furthermore, with modular classes implemented in schools, paper being only used once

is a major disadvantage given the cost of paper production. These three predicaments

have been the foundations which support the need for the conduct of the present study.

Aiming to help aid environmental crisis and at the same time, to introduce a

possible alternative for plastic induced face masks, this study seeks to find an eco-friendly

face masks with the use of used papers, Cocos nucifera husk, and piña fiber, making it

biodegradable and eco-friendly.

The insights, implications, and outcomes gathered in this study is beneficial to the

society because (1) this will make them be knowledgeable about organic face masks, and

(2) this can help them have less plastic waste. It also provides more information about

Cocos nucifera fruit and piña fiber. This study is as well beneficial to the frontliners during

the COVID-19 pandemic such as health practitioners, teachers, etc. and the Department

of Health (DOH) because it can heighten their knowledge about the effectiveness of the

improvised organic face mask synthesized with fruit fibers in terms of its breathability and

viral protection through its humidity level. For this matter, the study can give them an idea

that having to wear biodegradable face masks will not just protect them from viruses but

will also make them contribute to the environmental crisis being faced today.

This study focused only on implementing a biodegradable face mask that is

synthesized from recycled papers, pineapple leaves, and Cocos nucifera fruit generally

known as coconut fruit. The study ran on a two months’ time frame and the researchers

used recycled papers, the fiber from the pineapple leaves known as piña fiber, and the

Cocos nucifera fiber. These biodegradable materials are tested as to their efficiency as a

good alternative to polypropylene-induced face masks. This study is only limited to

examine the humidity of the face mask as an indicator of its viral protection ability due to

the limited access of laboratory apparatuses. To test its breathability, a pulse oximeter is

be used. The results of the mask’s breathability and breath temperature are used in

examining the humidity level of the mask. Lastly, the experiment is limited to a minimum

of at least 6 trials for both tests on each of the three types of masks: organic, surgical and

cloth along a synchronized walk with three various Bpm: 77Bpm, 100Bpm, and 130Bpm.

The said study is conducted in Talibon, Bohol.

The prevalence of mask waste due to the nonstop usage of it pushed the

researchers to implement a biodegradable alternative that is efficient and can fill the gap

that is lacking. The researchers made use of the internet data and the current facts

relevant to the problem presently faced, making them profound with their circumstance.


1. There is no significant difference in the breathability of the organic face mask,

surgical face mask, and cloth face mask.

2. There is no significant difference in the humidity level of the organic face mask,

surgical face mask, and cloth face mask.


According to an article published by Christensen and Senthilingam (2020) of CNN,

coronaviruses are a wide group of viruses found in many species. They are zoonotic in

extreme circumstances, meaning they can be transferred from animals to humans,

according to scientists. People may become ill from the viruses, which normally cause a

mild to moderate upper respiratory tract infection, similar to a common cold. A runny nose,

cough, sore throat, headache, and probably a fever, are all signs of the coronavirus which

can last for a few days. There is a risk that the virus could cause a lower, and much more

severe, respiratory tract illness like pneumonia or bronchitis in those with a weakened

immune system, the elderly, and the very young.

Face masks help prevent coronavirus transmission from one person to another, as

it hinders the secretions, such as cough droplets, from an infected person to be

transmitted to another. This is mainly the reason why the use of face masks as protective

gear from secretions is essential. In fact, under the office of the President of the

Philippines (Malacañang), Memorandum Order No. 49 was signed “directing all

concerned coordinate and government agencies to pool their resources and efforts into

the production and distribution of face masks.”

Masks have been shown to reduce virus emissions from infected people.

According to Leung et al. (2020) in their article, “Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled

breath and efficacy of face masks,” zero (0) out of 11 patients who wore surgical face

masks was detected to have spread coronavirus. This suggests that surgical face masks

can help infected persons release less coronavirus.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2021) defined surgical masks as

disposable, loose-fitting products that provide a physical barrier between the mouth and

nose of the wearer and potentially harmful pollutants in the immediate environment.

Henneberry (2021) said that nonwoven fabrics made of plastics such as polypropylene

are used in manufacturing surgical face masks, to filter and cover. She then added that it

is important to remember that surgical masks are designed to protect the face from

splashes or aerosols (such as moisture from a sneeze), and are designed to fit loosely

on the face, unlike surgical respirators which are designed to filter airborne particles

including viruses and bacteria while also providing a seal around the mouth and nose.

Surgical masks are commonly made up of three layers that function differently.

The three-ply layers of surgical masks work as follows: the outer layer
repels water, blood, and other body fluids; the middle layer filters certain
pathogens; and the inner layer absorbs moisture and sweat from exhaled
air (Sampson,2020).

Laboratory studies validated the ability of surgical masks on providing both inward

and outward protection against viruses and bacteria. An article published by Ueki et al.

(2020) entitled “Effectiveness of Face Masks in Preventing Airborne Transmission of

SARS-CoV2” states that the ability of masks to block the influenza virus was linked to its

ability to block droplets/aerosols. This was then seconded by Milton et al. (2013), stating

that the amount of virus released into the air was decreased when influenza patients wore

surgical masks for source control during breathing and coughing.

Given the growing number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines, which has been

labeled the "second worst outbreak in Southeast Asia" (Jiao & Calonzo, 2020), one major

source of concern is the scarcity of medical-grade face masks for frontline healthcare

workers, for which more evidence of efficacy exists. As a result, the public at large has

now access to a wide range of face masks that give varying amounts of protection, one

of which is a homemade cloth face mask. Maclntyre et al. (2015) indicated in their “A

cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare

workers” that the filtration, effectiveness, fit, and performance of cloth masks are

substandard when compared to those medical masks and respirators. It is as well

included that the protection offered by cloth masks can be enhanced by increasing the

number of cloth layers with appropriate materials, ensuring that the structure of the mask

provides filtration and fit.

Regardless of the functional approach of cloth mask, cotton cloth, its raw material,

will take 1 to 5 months of decomposition as stated by the Peace Corps Office of Overseas

Programming and Training (2017). Not only that, but World Health Organization (2020)

strongly suggests that the middle filter layer of cloth masks should be made from

polypropylene, just as surgical face masks are made from polypropylene which is a plastic

polymer. This polymer adds plastic or microplastic which can potentially contaminate the

environment due to its chemical properties, resulting in an increase of generational waste

from plastic-induced disposable face masks (Fadare et al., 2020).

The prevalence of the COVID-19 virus significantly affects not only human beings

but also the surroundings. Due to the number of abandoned face masks, the

environmental crisis has come to an alarming rate. Countries begin to increase their mask

production, USA with 89 million (Xiang et al., 2020), UK in around 24.37 billion per year

(Liebsch, 2020), Japan with 600 million per month (Fadare and Okoffo, 2020), and

Philippines with 25 million masks per month (Crismundo, 2020). The increase in mask

usage happens to be directly proportional to the increase in mask production. These

statistics indicate that plastic waste is drastically increasing which can further cause

negative impacts to both human and animal health. In view of foregoing, a biodegradable

alternative that can meet the mask demand can help ease this circumstance.

Paper can be the alternative. Paper is commonly known for its biodegradability,

compostability, and sustainability. It is not just used for writing, printing, and packaging

but is also used as a filter, such as in filtering coffee, air conditioners, and even used as

a common tool in laboratories (Martin, 2015; Hawach Scientific, 2020). Paper is produced

from a fibrous raw material. As we know today, woods are the most valuable suppliers of

fiber. Wood contributes to more than 90% of all fiber processing worldwide (Muhammad

et al., 2016) which are derived from wood species, mostly hardwoods and softwoods

(Fahmy & Ibrahim,1970; Brännvall, 2008).

The fibers needed to produce paper come from various sources, one of which is

the cellulose fibers from plants (Ulin, 2010). According to the book section written by Islam

and Rahman (2019) entitled “Production and modification of nanofibrillated cellulose

composites and potential applications” from the book “Green Composites for Automotive

Applications,” cellulose is the world's most abundant renewable natural biopolymer which

is found in a wide range of living species such as animals, microbes, and plants. In plants,

it is the most important structural element. Due to their availability, high strength,

biodegradability, renewability, low price, and other good features, nanofibrillated

cellulosic materials have gotten a lot of interest.

An example of a plant containing cellulose is the Cocos nucifera, generally known

as the coconut tree, with 28.72% cellulose fiber (Rojas-Valencia et al., 2018). Cocos

nucifera is a tropical plant belonging to the Arecaceae (Palmae) family that grows

abundantly in coastal areas of tropical countries (Main et al., 2014). As stated by Sec.

William Dar (2019) of the Department of Agriculture, in the Philippines, the average

production of coconut trees is 45 nuts per tree per year and the only silver lining is that

the country contains around 3.5 million hectares of coconut plantations hence marking it

as “the third most dominant crop after rice and corn.” However, the massive coconut

production also resulted in a rise in agricultural waste. In fact, coconut coir fiber is one of

the most common agricultural wastes in the Philippines (Dela Cruz et al., 2020).

Espiritu (2020) indicated in his “Coconut Coir: What It Is, How To Use It, And The

Best Brands To Buy Coconut” that coconut coir or coco coir is the material that lies

between the shell and the outer coating of the coconut seed and is made up of two

different types of fibers: brown and white. Brown coir is made from mature, ripe coconuts

and is stronger than white coir, although it is less flexible. Whereas white fibers come

from unripe coconuts and are significantly more flexible than brown coir, but they are also

significantly less strong. Coconut coir fiber is a good material to be used as a filter.

According to Wardoyo et al. (2016), coconut fiber has the potential to be utilized in the

development of a filter for ultrafine particles released by automobiles. In fact, a single filter

layer was determined to have an efficacy greater than 30%. Also, in an article published

by Islam et al., (2017) entitled “Suitability of Recycled Coconut Fiber as Filter Media for

the Treatment of Wastewater” states that coconut fiber can be utilized as an alternative

filter media for the removal of contaminants and fungus since it contains a large number

of micro-pores with a standard surface area. These studies enable the idea of Coconut

fiber to be used as a material for face masks.

Piña fibers can also be used as a material for face masks. This is because its

chemical composition and physical properties are similar to flax fibers. As a result, Piña

fiber, like flax fiber, could be converted into a nonwoven that acts as an air filter (Asim et

al., 2015). Moreover, a study conducted by Mopoung and Amornsakchai (2016) proves

that piña fiber is a suitable material for the manufacture of adsorption filters. Piña fibers

are fibers from a plant containing cellulose, the Ananas comosus, whose leaf contains

70% and 82% cellulose fibers, also known as piña fibers (Tanpichai et al., 2019). Ananas

comosus, generally known as pineapple, is a tropical fruit-bearing plant belonging to the

Bromeliaceae family. In the Philippines, pineapple is one of the most important

agricultural export. The country is home to some of the largest pineapple plantations in

the world, making it the world's top pineapple grower now, excluding the pineapple sector

of Thailand (Gaille, 2018). According to Laftah and Rahaman (2015) as an addition to

what they have said, pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) is a non-wood fiber that can be utilized

in paper manufacture.

Papers, in nature, are always vulnerable to water, making it impossible to wear as

a face mask under stormy weather. To make paper waterproof, a reliable eco-friendly

material, the papaya latex, can be used. In an article written by Yogiraj et al. (2014)

entitled “Carica papaya Linn: An Overview” states that papaya (Carica papaya Linn) is a

member of the Caricaceae family. Papaya has a lot of latex in its stem, leaf, and fruit in

which chymopapain and papain enzymes are found. As natural rubber latex, papain has

“intrinsic hydrophobic properties” which provides molecular structures with extremely high

molecular weight (Samyn et al., 2020). The study of Cusola and the CELBIOTECH (n.d.),

from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC), supports this for

they have successfully produced a hydrophobic paper that allows the paper to become

waterproofed without using a chemical reagent. Adding all raw materials up opens the

door for organic face masks to be produced.

Since this study is limited to testing the humidity level of the mask, the viral

protection efficacy is concluded after having to test the mask’s breathability and the breath

temperature. Dr. David Price (2020), chair of the Department of Family Medicine at

McMaster University in Hamilton said, "When you're breathing through a mask you're

having to work a little bit harder to breathe in the first place, especially depending on how

thick your mask is. And then the other thing is you're rebreathing some of your air, so it's

heating it up a little bit. So you've got not only the heat on the outside, but now you've got

the heat inside the mask too." According to Castro (2021), air temperature is closely

related to humidity. This is because when the temperature changes, the humidity levels

in the air alter as well. This will be noticed when the air is warm because warm air can

store more moisture or water vapor than cold air. According to Courtney and Bax (2021),

the humidity formed inside face masks may provide extra protection against COVID-19.

In the Biophysical Journal, they then wrote that face masks significantly raise the effective

humidity of inhaled air, encouraging hydration of the respiratory epithelium, which has

been shown to benefit the immune system. They then added that increased humidity in

the inspired air could be another explanation for the now well-established relationship

between mask use and illness severity reduction.

With the COVID-19 outbreak, face mask production is now escalating around the

globe whether be it surgical or cloth face mask. Surgical face masks are made from

nonwoven fabrics made of plastics such as polypropylene (Henneberry, 2021). Whereas

cloth face masks are made of cotton, however, the middle filter layer of the cloth face

mask must also be made from polypropylene, as suggested by World Health Organization

(2020). This makes both surgical and cloth face mask a hazard in the environment. To

help ease this circumstance, a biodegradable alternative that can meet the mask demand

can be used. Paper can be the alternative for it is commonly known for its biodegradability.

Paper is made from cellulose fibers (Main et al., 2014). These fibers can be found on

various plants or plant parts, some of which are the Cocos nucifera husk, generally known

as coconut husk, and the Ananas comosus leaf, also known as pineapple leaf. Thus,

these raw materials are plausible to be used for paper production.

Paper in nature is vulnerable to water. Papaya latex can be used to aid this

problem. This is because the papaya latex contains papain enzymes which, as natural

rubber latex, has “intrinsic hydrophobic properties” (Samyn et al., 2020).



An experimental design is used in this research. This design investigates the

relationship between cause and effect. This design observes the impact caused by the

organic face mask on humidity and breathability. The researchers manipulated and

regulated the organic face mask, the independent variable of the study, thereby interfering

with natural processes. The breathability of the organic face mask was tested using the

pulse oximetry finger approach and the humidity level of the mask was examined

depending on the results of the pulse oximetry finger approach and the mask’s

temperature when worn.


The study was conducted in the home of one researcher located in San Jose,

Talibon, Bohol. The location contains the materials, instruments, and equipment needed

for the creation of the Organic Face Mask (OFM). The researchers have requested

permission from the owners of the home. In testing the said product, the study was

conducted in the respective homes of the respondents. The researchers have as well

asked for permission from each of the respondents.


The research subject of this experimental research was the organic face mask as

compared against cloth face mask and surgical face mask. The organic face mask is

composed of two (2) layers: inner filter layer and outer fluid-repellant layer. The inner filter

layer is synthesized from used papers, piña fibers, and coconut coir fibers. Whereas the

fluid-repellant layer is synthesized from used papers and is capped with papaya latex.

The surgical face mask is made from nonwoven fabrics made of plastics such as

polypropylene (Henneberry, 2021) and is proven to have 38.5% filtration efficacy, and

60.3% efficacy when ear loops are tightly tied to the fit (Clapp et al., 2020). Cloth face

mask on the other hand, is made from cotton, however, World Health Organization (2020)

strongly suggests that its middle filter layer must be made from polypropylene. Moreover,

some data indicate that cloth masks are only slightly (15%) less effective than surgical

masks in blocking particle emission (Davies et al., 2013).


To ensure the validity and reliability of the data, the researchers used the pulse

oximeter available in the DRRR office. The organic face mask’s breathability was tested

using the pulse oximetry finger approach. Pulse oximetry is a simple, painless test that

determines both the oxygen saturation level (SpO2) and pulse rate of a person. This test

can be done through various approaches, one of which is the pulse oximetry finger

approach. The pulse oximetry finger approach is the most common approach to obtaining

the pulse oximetry of a person. The probe should be well-positioned on the finger using

this approach, with the gadget not being clipped on too tightly (which would restrict

circulation) or too loosely (which may fall off or let other light in). The final reading of the

probe and the temperature of the mask when worn was the basis for the humidity level of

the mask.

Data Gathering

Research Procedure

I. Preparation of the organic face mask

Pineapple leaves are collected, washed, and scrapped with a blunt instrument, in

our case a broken Chinese plate, for the fibers to be extracted. The extracted fibers are

then cleaned with water, are dried for 9 hours under the heat of the sun for the bacteria

to be killed and are cut into smaller pieces for about 2 inches.

A mature coconut fruit is gathered. The coconut husk is peeled and is then crushed

using a mortar and pestle until the coconut coir and peat are separated and the coconut

coir/fiber is combed to separate the finer coir from the latter one. The coconut coir fibers

are boiled for 30 mins bacterial dispatch.

Used papers are collected and blended with 2 glasses of clean water to turn them

into a pulp. A container is half filled with clean water. The paper pulp is poured into the

container until the consistency is even and stirred until the consistency is even. A

screened frame is immersed in the container at a 45-degree angle and is then submerged

into a basin with the screen facing downward. When the frame is fully submerged, the

frame is tilted back for it to level under the slurry, is shook from side to side until the pulp

on the top of the screen lies uniformly flat and is lifted out from the water without tilting.

The frame is held for 3 minutes for the excess water to drop out of the pulp.

The pineapple fiber is added into the paper pulp in the frame and is then immersed

in the contained using the same process. The coconut coir fiber is then added on top of

the pineapple fiber and the same process is done. The wet sheet of paper is then patted

with a soft, absorptive cloth. The screen is lifted away from the paper and the fabric is

gently lifted out from the frame and under the heat of the sun, the paper is then dried for

48 hours.

In making the outer fluid-repellant layer, the same process is repeated using only

the pulp of used papers. Papaya latex is added by brushing it in the paper and is then

dried under the heat of the sun for 5 hours.

When the filter and the outer layer are dry, it is cut into a mask pattern. The layers

are piled with the fluid-repellant layer facing outside and are stuck together using bonding

agents (glue) at the sides of the mask. Also, a used cardboard is placed on top and the

bottom of the mask for a snuggle fit. Lastly, a cotton strap made is used for the ear loop.

II. Testing Procedure: Pulse oximetry finger approach

Before testing, the respondent was made sure to have neither polished nails nor

henna in the finger. The respondent was asked to relax its body before putting on the

pulse oximeter. The pulse oximeter was placed in the index finger, not being clipped on

too tightly (which would restrict circulation) or too loosely (which may fall off or let other

light in), of the respondent wearing first the organic face mask. The respondent placed

its hand with the pulse oximeter in the chest or near the heart to reduce hand movement.

The pulse oximeter is kept in the index finger for a minute, until the reading stabilizes.

The highest reading that flashes on the oximeter after it has established after 5 secs is

recorded. The same process is done with a synchronized walk of three various Bpm:

77Bpm, 100Bpm, and 130Bpm. The same process is also done for the cloth face mask

and the surgical face mask.

III. Testing Procedure: Humidity Level Classification

Our normal blood oxygen level falls between 95% -100%. The humidity level of the

mask was classified into two: low and high. When the reading of the pulse oximeter falls

from 95%-100%, the humidity level of the mask was classified as low and when the

reading of the pulse oximeter falls from 91%-94%, the humidity level of the face mask

was classified as high. The classification of humidity was also done along with a walking

activity in synchronization of different Bpm. The respondents aged 14-19 residing in

Talibon, Bohol, were asked to walk normally under 77Bpm. The respondents were then

asked to walk under 100Bpm. Lastly, the respondents were asked to walk under 130Bpm

(Williams, n.d.). All activities are done in a 3-minute duration.

Statistical Treatment

The study used the One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for independent

sample result for the comparison of the three means. The researchers used the mean to

extensively analyze the F statistic, P-value, and the F critical value of the data. The P-

value is determined with the P-value table and the F critical is determined using the table

of critical values for F distribution. Both tables have an alpha of 0.05 (α = 0.05).

Formula for One-Way ANOVA

Source of Degree of
Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Variation Freedom

Between 𝑆𝑆𝐴 𝑀𝑆𝐴

𝑆𝑆𝐴 = 𝑛 ∑(𝑌̅.𝑗 − 𝑌̅.. )2 𝑑𝑓𝐴 = 𝑎 − 1 𝑀𝑆𝐴 = 𝐹=
𝑑𝑓𝐴 𝑀𝑆𝑠/𝐴

Within 𝑆𝑆𝑠/𝐴 =
𝑑𝑓𝑠/𝐴 = 𝑁 − 𝑎 𝑀𝑆𝑠/𝐴 =
groups 𝑑𝑓𝑠/𝐴
∑ ∑(𝑌̅𝑖𝑗 − 𝑌̅.𝑗 )2

Total 𝑆𝑆𝑇 = ∑(𝑌̅𝑖𝑗 − 𝑌̅.. )2

Table 1. One-Way ANOVA table of formulas


𝑛 = number of observations in each group

𝑌̅.𝑗 = mean of a particular group

𝑌̅.. = grand mean

𝑌̅𝑖𝑗 = the score of an individual, 𝑖 , within a particular group, 𝑗

𝑎 = number of groups
𝑁 = total number of observations


This chapter is all about data presentation, analysis, and interpretation based on

the data collected. This chapter contains the results of the comparison of three different

types of face masks: organic, surgical, and cloth.

The researchers conducted six trials for each of the three masks along with three

walking activities with different Bpm. The respondents wore three different masks and

executed the activities. The pulse oximetry finger approach was used in gathering the

data. The respondents first wore the organic face mask (OFM) and walked for three

minutes. After the activity, their oxygen saturation level (SpO2) was determined. They then

relaxed with a two-minute interval between the activities until the heart rate goes down

and recovers. The same process is done for the surgical face mask (SFM) and cloth face

mask (CFM).

Tables 2-4 shows the oxygen saturation levels of the respondents following a

walking activity under three different Bpm while wearing three different face masks. The

result shows that the intensity level of an activity, given its Bpm, affects the mask’s

breathability. The higher the Bpm, the lower the ability of the masks to be breathable. The

tables showed that the means of all masks in all Bpm are virtually identical.

Beats per Organic Face Mask (OFM)

minute Oxygen Saturation Level (SpO2) Percentage

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6

77Bpm 95% 98% 97% 98% 98% 98% 97.33%

100Bpm 94% 96% 96% 95% 98% 97% 96%

130Bpm 91% 95% 95% 94% 97% 96% 94.66%

Table 2. SpO2 of respondents wearing OFM.

Surgical Face Mask (SFM)

Beats per

Oxygen Saturation Level (SpO2) Percentage


Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6

77Bpm 98% 99% 97% 97% 98% 98% 97.83%

100Bpm 97% 97% 96% 97% 98% 98% 97.16%

130Bpm 96% 96% 95% 96% 97% 97% 96.16%

Table 3. SpO2 of respondents wearing SFM.

Cloth Face Mask (CFM)

Beats per

Oxygen Saturation Level (SpO2) Percentage



Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6

77Bpm 97% 98% 99% 97% 98% 98% 97.83%

100Bpm 96% 96% 98% 97% 97% 97% 96.83%

130Bpm 96% 95% 96% 96% 95% 96% 95.66%

Table 4. SpO2 of respondents wearing CFM.

Table 5 shows the significance of the masks in terms of its ability to be breathable

and the difference between the means of the three groups. The result depicts that the

three masks: OFM, SFM, and CFM show no significant difference in the breathability in

all walking activities with various Bpm. This means that all three masks have the same

efficacy in terms of its breathability; not one mask is better than the other.
Beats per

F Interpretation

Significance Difference

77Bpm 0.576923 0.573608 3.68232 F < F critical P > 0.05 ACCEPT

100Bpm 2.074468 0.160177 3.68232 F < F critical P > 0.05 NULL

130Bpm 2.058824 0.162153 3.68232 F < F critical P > 0.05 HYPOTHESIS

Table 5. Difference in the breathability of the masks in different Bpm

Legend: Interpretation of the Breathability of the Masks

F > F critical = the test is significant

F < F critical = the test is not significant

P-value ≤ 0.05 = there is a difference of the means of the groups

P-value ≥ 0.05 = there is no difference of the means of the groups

The relationship between humidity and oxygen is indirectly proportional (Stec,

2020) where one increases and the other decreases. Table 6 shows the humidity level of

the face masks in relation to the means of the oxygen saturation levels in different groups

which are shown in tables 2-4.

Beats per

Mean Humidity Mean Humidity Mean Humidity

77Bpm 97.33% Low 97.83% Low 97.83% Low

100Bpm 96% Low 97.16% Low 96.83% Low

130Bpm 94.66% Low 96.16% Low 95.66% Low

Table 6. Humidity level classification on SpO2 of different group means

Legend: Interpretation on Humidity Level

≥95 = Low

≤94 = High

On the other hand, the relationship between temperature and humidity is closely

related. When a person breathes, he or she releases heat, which alters the mask’s

humidity. According to Cowan et al. (2010) the mean breath temperature of men and

women are virtually identical; men having 34.50C and women having 34.60C. Tables 7-9

shows the breath temperature of the respondents under three different face masks

following the walking activity in various Bpm.

Beats per Organic Face Mask (OFM)

minute Breath Temperature (in Celsius)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6

77Bpm 32 34 34 33 32 33 33

100Bpm 33 34 34 33 32 33 33.16

130Bpm 33 34 34 33 33 34 33.5

Table 7. Breath temperature of respondents wearing OFM

Surgical Face Mask (SFM)

Beats per

Breath Temperature (in Celsius)


Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6

77Bpm 33 32 33 32 32 33 32.5

100Bpm 33 33 33 33 32 33 32.83

130Bpm 34 33 34 34 32 34 33.5

Table 8. Breath temperature of respondents wearing SFM

Cloth Face Mask (CFM)

Beats per

Breath Temperature (in Celsius)



Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6

77Bpm 33 33 32 33 33 32 32.66

100Bpm 33 33 32 33 33 32 32.66

130Bpm 34 33 33 34 33 34 33.5

Table 9. Breath temperature of respondents wearing CFM

As said by Chandler (2021), high humidity is caused by high temperatures. Since

the average breath temperatures among men and women is virtually identical with a 0.1

difference as indicated by Cowan et al. (2010), any means of breath temperature beyond

34.60C is classified as high. Table 10 shows the significance of the masks in terms of its

humidity level and the difference between the means of the three groups.
Beats per


F P-value F critical DECISION

Significance Difference

77Bpm 0.853659 0.445537 3.68232 F<F P > 0.05

100Bpm 1.395349 0.278123 3.68232 F<F P > 0.05
130Bpm 0 1 3.68232 F<F P > 0.05


Table 10. Difference in the humidity of the masks in different Bpm

Legend: Interpretation of the Breathability of the Masks

F > F critical = the test is significant

F < F critical = the test is not significant

P-value ≤ 0.05 = there is a difference of the means of the groups

P-value ≥ 0.05 = there is no difference of the means of the groups


The study aimed to test the effectivity of improvised paper as an organic face mask.

The product was made from the extraction of pineapple fibers, coconut coir fibers, and

paper pulp. The experimental data was gathered by testing the potency of the mask in

protecting against viruses through the humidity level of the mask and its breathability. In

testing the masks, a pulse oximeter is used in determining its breathability. On the other

hand, a thermometer and the same pulse oximeter are used in determining the humidity

level of the mask. The test is done along with a walking activity where respondents walked

for three minutes in synchronization with three various Bpm: 77Bpm, 100Bpm, and

130Bpm with a resting time of 2 minutes interval after every activity.

Specifically, it showed the differences of the three types of face mask: organic,

surgical, and cloth in relation to their SpO2 and breath temperature. In addition, this study

also showed the relationship between both temperature and SpO2 to the humidity level of

the masks. With the information taken from the study, the researchers got a result which

depicts that the three masks: OFM, SFM, and CFM show no significant difference in the

breathability and humidity of every mask following the walking activity with various Bpm.

Thus, the researchers failed to reject the null hypothesis.

From the results, the researchers found out that walking in 77Bpm wearing either

of the three masks, has the lowest F-value in comparison with the two other Bpm. This

means that in 77Bpm, the group means are close together relative to the variability within

each group. Furthermore, the humidity level of the face masks was also examined using

the SpO2 means of the different groups and the breath temperature of the respondents

following the walking activity. The results showed that the F-value in 130Bpm is zero (0)

which means that the means are exactly equal to each other. The present study envisions

the plausibility of organic face mask to be the solution to environmental crisis and to open

the idea of the possibility of the organic face mask to be an alternative for plastic induced

face masks.

The result of the study shows that the two null hypotheses are accepted, which

means that there is no significant difference in the breathability and humidity level of the

organic face mask, surgical face mask, and cloth face mask. Thus, the organic face mask

is neither better nor worse than the surgical and cloth face mask in terms of its

breathability and humidity level.

The researchers would like to recommend future researchers to further investigate

the efficacy of OFM in contrast to both SFM and CFM. The researchers would also like

to suggest on testing the bacterial and viral efficacy of OFM. As well as utilizing a more

accurate equipment such as a digital hygrometer thermometer to evaluate the humidity

and temperature of the mask is recommended. Lastly, the researchers would like to

recommend in using a decorticator in extracting the pineapple fibers for a more thorough


Organic Face Mask

Dagamac, Jossah Faye

Evangelista, Dianne

Batan, Joanna Marie

Bongator, Jose Walter

Mendoza, Earl Ryan

Avenido, Exzier

June 2021


With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, people have been gradually using

face masks to protect themselves from the virus. In line with this, countries increased their

production of face masks, both surgical and cloth, resulting in an increase of plastic waste.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic pushed education leaders to implement modular

classes in schools, making use of tons of single-used-papers in a daily manner. This

increase of paper waste is a major disadvantage given the cost of paper production.

To aid these predicaments, the researchers have found a profound way with the

goal of assisting in the mitigation of environmental crises while also assisting in the

flattening of the COVID-19 case curve by weakening its transmission.

The focus of this study is to determine the efficacy of the organic face mask by

evaluating its ability to prevent viral transmission by measuring the mask's humidity level

and breathability.


The main objective of this study is:

• This study aims to determine the efficacy of the organic face mask

• To lessen the use of plastic-induced face masks

• To promote the use of used papers

• To introduce an eco-friendly face mask

• To aid environmental crisis caused by plastic pollution

• To utilize the availability of plant fibers


• Pineapple Fibers

• Coconut Coir Fibers

• Used Papers

• Blender

• Water

• Frame

• Container


1. Pineapple leaves are thoroughly washed and are then scrapped for the extraction

of pineapple fibers.

2. The coconut husk of a matured coconut fruit is peeled and is then crushed using a mortar

and pestle for the extraction of coconut coir fibers.

3. Used papers are blended with 2 cups of clean water for the extraction of paper


4. In a container half filled with water, the paper pulp is poured and stirred, and a

wooden frame is immerged into the slurry.

5. The frame is then submerged out of the container and the pineapple fiber is added.

Procedure no. 4 and 5 is repeated adding the coconut coir fiber.

6. For the outer fluid-repellant layer, procedures 3-5 are repeated using only the

paper pulp.

7. The outer fluid-repellant layer is brushed with papaya latex.

8. The layers are piled with the outer fluid-repellant layer facing outside and are

bonded with a glue.

9. A used cardboard is placed at the top and at the bottom of the mask for a snuggle



Figure 1. Product: Front view Figure 2. Product: Back view

Figure 3. Product: Side view


Material Amount (in Pesos) Quantity

Wood Frame 68 1

Silk Cloth 60 1

Cotton Thread 30 1

Glue 49 1

Table 11. Cost of Materials

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Zamora St., San Jose, Talibon, Bohol, Philippines 6325


Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Coordinator
San Jose National High School

Dear Mr. Macalinao

Greetings of peace!

We, the students of GRADE 12 STEM JACINTO of San Jose National High School will
be conducting an experimental study entitled, “Improvised Paper as Organic Face
Mask” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the Capstone Project.
In part of this, we will be needing a pulse oximeter.

In this regard, we would like to request your permission to borrow the aforementioned
pulse oximeter, which will only be utilized for research purposes. We respectfully request
your consideration.

Truly yours,

Jossah Faye Dagamac (SGD)

Dianne Evangelista (SGD)

Joanna Marie Batan (SGD)

Jose Walter Bongator (SGD)

Earl Ryan Mendoza (SGD)

Exzier Avenido (SGD)



I. Organic Face Mask

• Used Papers

• Pineapple Fibers

• Coconut Coir Fibers

• Water

• Blender

• Mortar and Pestle

• Wooden Frame

• Plywood

• Basin

• Plastic Storage Box

• Dry Towel

• Scissor

• Knife

• Cardboard

II. Breathability test

• Pulse Oximeter

• Metronome

• Timer

III. Humidity Test

• Pulse Oximeter

• Thermometer



Extraction of Cutting of
Pineapple Fiber Pineapple Fibers
into 2 inches

Extraction of Blending of Used

Coconut Coir Papers

Sun Drying of Pouring of Paper

Pineapple Fiber Pulp into the
for Bacterial Water

Boiling of Coconut Placing of Cloth

Coir Fiber for Frame into the
Bacterial Dispatch Water

Blending of Used Pap

Pat Drying of the
Putting of Coconut
Improvised Paper
Coir Fibers into
the Frame

Pineapple Fiber Sun Drying of the

and Paper Pulp Improvised Paper

Putting of Coconut Cutting of Paper in

Coir Fibers into a Mask Pattern
the Frame

Coconut Coir
Fiber, Pineapple Placing the Fluid-
Fiber, and Paper repellant Layer
Pulp Mixture

Brushing of
Papaya Latex


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