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090 Anabu II-A, City of Imus




A Research Study Presented to the Faculty of Gen. Juan Castañeda

Senior High School in Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements in Practical Research 2

Submitted by:

Joanna Marie Mojica

Jewel Mijares
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Vincent Lunar



This research entitled “ The Effects of Mobile Legends to the Family Interaction among Young

Adult Residents at Green Gate Homes Phase 2”,prepared and submitted by Joanna Marie M.

Mojica , Vincent Lunar and Jewel Ann Mijares in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion has been examined and is recommended for

acceptance and approval for final defense.

Mary Ann R. Aquino Ed.D.

Subject Adviser

Research Review Panel

Approved by the committee on oral examination with a grade of _________.

MABEL BERCES Mary Ann Aquino

________________ ___________________
Panelist Panelist

Accepted and approved in partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Inquiries,
Investigation and Immersion.

Aida C. Bellon
Principal II

Date of Oral Defense: February 12, 2020

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The researchers would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to the following people:

To their research adviser. Dr. Mary Ann Aquino, who spent her precious time in guiding and

consulting them in their research.

To the school principal, Mrs. Aida C. Bellon, for approving the researcher’s study.

To the school librarians, authors and the trusted online articles who allowed the researchers

to use the library, articles, literatures, and studies as a tool to expand their knowledge about the


To the respondents, for lending their time to the researchers for the survey.

To the parents, who gave their support to the researchers

Lastly, to the almighty father of heaven God for giving them strength to continue this

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This research was dedicated to the students and the school administrators, may they find

this study helpful.

To our families and friends for always giving us words of encouragement or advice.

And, to the almighty father of heaven who always guide us to made this research


- The Researchers
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Table of Contents

Preliminaries Page

Title Page 1

Approval Sheet 2

Acknowledgement 3

Dedication 4

Table of contents 5

Abstract 7


I. The Problem and Its Background

Introduction 8

Conceptual Framework 9

Statement of the Problem 11

Hypothesis 11

Scope and Limitation of the Study 12

Significance of the Study 12

Definitions of terms 13

II Review Of Related Literature

Video Games 14
Page 6 of 63

Family Interaction 17

. Social Development 17

Synthesis 18

III Methodology

Research Method 19

Research Instrument 19

Validation of Instrument 20

Population and Sampling 20

Respondent of the Study 20

Data Gathering Procedure 21

Statistical Treatment and Analysis Of Data 22

IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 23

IV. Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings 37

Conclusion 40

Recommendations 41

Bibliography 42

Appendices 44

Curriculum Vitae 52
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This study examined the effect of mobile legends to the family interaction between the

participants and their family members. These variables derived from one one survey

questionnaire with the combination of self-made and adopted to the research study of Kyeoghta

(2018). A total of 133 respondents that ranges to 18- 20 years old was recruited to complete this

survey. The descriptive research method was used by the researchers however the difference

between playing mobile legends when group according to age is no significant and in the sex is

there is significant. An Anova Single Factor analysis revealed a significant difference in the

frequency and length of playing mobile legend when group according to age and sez and Z test

to compare the two variables ( male and female ) in terms of playing mobile legends and

indicates that males play more frequently than females.

Page 8 of 63

Chapter 1

Problem and Its Background


Recently, young adults are responsible to be a productive person to any activities such

as school performance, interaction and even on household chores. However, these digital natives

are being addicted to mobile games. Mobile games can be play on feature phone via online and

offline mode. One of these mobile games that young adult play is Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

(MLBB), to play this game the player needs a compatible and strong internet connection to run

out the game. This game can be downloaded from the play store, Appstore or other mobile

portals. This game can also transfer to one phone to another with the help of sharing tool such as

"share it " or other loaded cable that is connected to computer.

In the first place, a person who hear about the possible effects of mobile legends thinking

that how could a simple game like that lead to an addiction or a positive one. Nowadays, some of

the people prefer to spend too much time alone rather than to interact to own family. Mobile

Legends are a game that’s is very consumable to time so a player will choose to play than

starting conversation to the family, but think of it there are a lot of effects when you play the

mobile legends either positive or negative. In the study of Nard et al.,(2008), the researcher

concluded that there is a social interaction when you play ml. Possibly it can strengthen the

relationship to the family by playing it and consider as family time In behalf of the research , the

mobile legends also lessen the ignorant, selfishness, of the gamer to the own family or others

.According to Koo et al., (2014) there are several family influences that a parent can use to
Page 9 of 63

prevent lesser time for family. These family influences are parent- child restriction, limitation

and monitoring time. Further to the study of Jong and Kim (2011), there are less engagement of a

family interaction that can associated to the problematic mind of the gamer. Through the article

of Leona (2012), despite of this uncertainty there are a lot of awareness that can extend the

family communication through playing together and consider as a family bonding.

In the article of Dai and fry (2014) entitled "Games throughout of gamers" there are

casual and serious family games that even start to console a game. with the flourishing market of

mobile phones. Partly to the research of Gray (2018) mobile games increase the population of the

gamer that is playing ml without the consent of the parent and guardian. Konitz (2014) stated

that the socialization of the gamers is commonly used in same study, it also stated that the family

bonding is continuously decrease. Those game businesses can have a rapid growing market that

can lead to the diversion of the gamers. According to SoHo (2015), the evolution of mobile

games is the successful improvement that the technology persists because of young adults’

willingness to download it anywhere and anytime. Although these advantages can lead to

disadvantages if it is use improperly. There are a lot of perceive effect to family interaction when

you play mobile legends.

Conceptual Framework

A paradigm is prepare to shown the variables and the process that use in this study. The

input , process and the output shown in figure number 1. The input is the question that used by
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the researchers to answer statement of the problem , however the procedure shown how the

researchers conducted the study and lastly the output that shown how the result of the study can

help to the other individuals.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

1.Profile of the respondents in
1. the researchers ask for the
terms of;
1.1 Age approval of the adviser.

1.2 Gender
2. Survey forms was distributed to
1.3 Gamer type
the respondent with allotted time
1.4 rank of the player
2. Frequency and length of time and a retrieval time.
that spent in playing mobile
legends. 3. As the researcher gather the
3. The effects of playing mobile
forms to analyze and tally the
legends to the family interaction of
young adults answer by the respondents to

interpret the data


Awareness campaign to prevent the

addiction to the mobile legends.

Page 11 of 63

Statement of the Problem:

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in following terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

1.3. Gamer Type

1.4. Rank on Mobile Legends

2. What is the frequency and length of time that spent in playing mobile legends.

3. What are the effects of playing mobile legends to the family interaction of young adults?

4. What is the significant difference exist in the effects of mobile legends in family

interaction of the respondents when group according to:

3.1 Sex

3.2 Age

Null Hypothesis

From the facts and questionnaire gather, the hypothesis concludes:

Problem 1,2,4, are hypothesis free and the problem 3 have 0.05 level of significance

Ho= There is no significant difference exist to the effects of mobile legends to the family

interaction when group according to Sex; Ho= There is no significant difference exist to the

effect of mobile legends to the family interaction when group according to age.
Page 12 of 63

Significance of the Study:

In this part of this study, the researchers show the importance or the key given of the

research, and this is where expressed the contribution of the result that is enumerated. This

research will be important to the following individual or group:

 Mobile legend players – The result that researchers provide will help the ML players to

be inform what are the possible effects of playing games (ML) to the family interaction.

 Students –Even not ML players, this will be used by the students to give ideas and

information for educational purposes.

 Family – This research can help the parents or family members to determine the positive

and negative effect of playing Mobile Legends so the misuse can be prevent.

 Future Researchers –This research server as a guide and information for stepping stone

on Research subject.

Scope and Limitations

The aim of this research is to determine the effect of Mobile Legend on the family

interaction among young adults residents of Greengate Homes phase 2. This study uses a
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quantitative method and the researcher use survey forms to derive the result. Researcher

conducted the study at the year of 2019-2020. The sincerity of the young adults in answering

questions can affect the result of the study. However, the researcher could consider the time of

survey so it can’t affect the players and family members.

Definition of Terms:

 Mobile games – A hand held electronic application that young adults use to play. It is

very small, and downloadable at feature phone, smartphones, tablet, Xbox and smart


 Mobile Legends: Bang Bang – A multiplayer online battle Arena that mostly adult play.

 Communication – Act of conveying meaning from one entity or group.

 Play Store – Officially preinstalled Appstore in Android.

 Torrents- the tower of your team or opponents’ team

 Classic Mode- Where you can play with another player.

 Vs. AI mode- Your opponent is computer.

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Chapter 2

Review of The Related Literature

The mobile games such as Mobile Legends: Bang Bang have been commonly play

nowadays by the young adults. As the mobile games evolve, the addiction on playing games

have continuously increase. Due to the addiction, the socialization of the young adult is affected

especially the interaction to the family. In this chapter as a discussion of related literature and

studies that had been taken on books, journals, articles and also dissertation.

I. Video Games

In this study of Castillo (2016), the young adults on the Philippines and worldwide are

addicted to play video game play. Even the parents believe that playing video games such as

mobile legends help the young adult to interact and gain knowledge. Despite to the study of

Benigno (2014), when you enter to a computer shop around manila, you are able to encounter a

dozen of young adult that is shouting. Those young adults are not fighting, instead doing bad

things, teenager choose to play video games. Benigno also stated that being too much in anything

is never been a good thing.

In the article of Dipasupil-Barros (2014), a question is mention “How parent can know all

about video games?”. The article shows the mixed effect of video games.
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The continuous innovation of mobile phone symbolizes that almost young adults now had a

device which is possible to play billion online games that can be downloaded on Appstore. The

popularity of mobile games had caught the attention of young adults’ players especially the men

player. The quality of the game, the excitement and happiness of the player when playing mobile

games serve as the temptation to play rather than doing productive thing (Keogh (2016)). Baker

(2014) argued that video games can lead to violence games (video or online) can lead to

addiction? On the present year, many researcher’s point of view stated that at the year of 2025

the presence of interaction is very differently from now. Throughout of innovation, of the mobile

phone, the online games also widely multiple and tide.

In the study of Vida et al., (2014). Console games can help the mutual conversation to

round between the individual assessment and family assessment, by the help of this games the

respond to the family differently can be determined.

On this generation, there is a lot of invention occurred that can help the parent to easily

manipulate the playing of the children. According to Rohmer (2012) one of this invention is

“digital family portrait” which can be used to determine where young adult’s player is active or

not. Similarly, to the study of Ronan et al., (2007), suggested that every parent and gamer should

use the family window which their feelings, thoughts, point of view can be expressed while


In this study of Kim (2011) the less interaction to the family by the gamer is effecting due

to the improper playing of mobile games. Out of Geo respondents the probability of relationship

between 2 is very current.

Page 16 of 63

Wang (2013) the other possibilities of less family interaction is a developmental disorder

which conclude of losing interest to socialize and choose to be alone can be one of factors.

However to the studies of Choo’s (2015) the parenting style of the parents can reduce the

negative effect of playing mobile games. These include the parental restriction and mentoring

this researcher conclude that a parent should be responsible also for playing of there should be

responsible also for playing their children. One of this case is the study of Wu, Wong et al.,

(2016) among 2,021 adolescents, 1.9 times higher in the adolescents was differently confused to

other in the aspect of restriction. However, some parents are not been successful to restricting

own daughters and son so parents end up on monitoring.

With the evidence in the research team of Shimmenti et at., (2014) the adolescents /

young adult which often played the mobile legends have been experience family trauma. This

leads to express each feelings of the player and its purpose.

According to King et al., (2017) The possible solutions to problematic gaming of young

adults is different adoption/application of the studies by the different researchers. Although to the

contradiction of the study of (Yeung et al., (2016)) the changes of this problematic should come

up first to the self-awareness to derived the personal solution that the player can easily to adopt.

Behind of this is the proper orientation / restriction of the parents.

Local Related Literature:

In the study of Catayoc (2011), pursuing young adult to play online games attentively.

The online games make the young adult being aggressive due to the peer pressure of playing. In
Page 17 of 63

this study, Catoc relate the relationship of the current player to own family. However, on the

study of Decastro (2012) in “computer games nakakatulong ba o nakakasira sa interaction” leads

to being greedy that is often result when playing instead of family bonding.

According to Rina (2012), there is different effect that mobile games, can be positive or

negative. It depends on how people can hand or managed the time of playing. This study

contradicts to Ioan Ganz (2005), In this study there are a lot of evidence which can be proof in

negative effect on playing online games such as mobile legends.

Social Development

The video games have been increasingly performed in the lives of young adults, but there

are questions that have been raised how mobile games or other medium impacted the

socialization of the teenagers. In the study of Yee (2006), researcher stated that there is no

significant connection between playing mobile games in mentally aspect of the player. In fact,

there are some mobile online games that enhance the mental aspect of a player such as intend on

goal seeking and high achievement. In further expression, Cole and Griffiths (2007) proof that

playing games require high level of social interaction to attain similar goals with other team

mates which is attainable. Additionally the eighty percent of 912 respondent choose to play

mobile games with help of family, friends, classmates, co-workers, neighbors and etc.

furthermore, the research of Cole and Griffiths shows that online video games can use to enhance

and strengthen the ties of the relationship to one another or maybe a group. In fact, Krotaski

(2004) agreed to Cole and Griffiths and encourage group interaction that result of forming social


Family Interaction
Page 18 of 63

The video games interaction includes more relationship with stranger people, (Durkin and

Barber (2007)) stated that gamers are more closely to the family rather than young adults who

doesn’t play online games. However the fact that video games can be play alone, many gamers

choose to play with friends or family as indicate with LAN gamers which James and Marten

(2005) stated. Additional to research, Durkin and Barber proof that with the help of video games

relationship to family will have a strong foundation than other relationships.

According to Rosses Jr. et al., (2007) the video games cannot only be played by young

people, at this time the average of today’s gamer such as parent can have a family time bonding

with the use of being acceptable nor other times because of the potential of bring happiness and

satisfactory with the interaction to the family.


The studies show how can the mobile legends affect the family interaction of the gamers.

According to the study of Castillo (2016); Durkin and Barber (2007) playing online games can

causes positive and negative effect or in other terms "domino effect" which says that games can

cause anxiety or depression to the gamer or maybe an entertainment. Those researchers also says

that as you play the game the mind of the person or the gamer could also affected because of

different variance does the game have. However, to the study of Dipasupil - Barros (2014), the

article concluded that a gamer would able to strengthen the ties of a family if the players would

able to manage the time properly with the help pf family members. The Filipino researchers also

name as Benigno (2014) stated that Filipino gamers are being reciprocal for business aspect such

as computer shops. However, in contradiction of Yee (2006) the video games can also improve

the mental health of the person.

Page 19 of 63

According to Keogh (2016) and Vioda et al., (2014) there is greater chance that a gamer

could possibly adapt the family assessment by relating it on how the mobile legends apply.

Chapter 3


In this chapter it shows the research procedure, which are able to used by the researcher

on this study. The research procedure presented as follows: (a) research methods; (b) population

and sampling; (c) respondent of the study; (d) research instrument; (e) validation of instrument;

(f) data gathering; (g) statistical treatment and analysis of data.

Research Method

In this study, the researcher integrated a descriptive quantitative research approach in

conducting a study of effects mobile legends to the family interaction to the young adults.

Possinasetti (2014), a descriptive study is not manipulated. This is use you describe what exist of

variables in situation. The information derive from the study will provide a better knowledge

about the effect of mobile legends that are very successful for the parents, gamers of the

Greengate homes phase 2.

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Respondent of the Study

The research works involves 133 residents of Ggh phase 2 (Average age: 18 years old 56

19 years old 44,20 years old 50)

Research Instrument

The researchers will use self-made and adopted instrument to gather the data from the

respondents, the descriptive quantitative survey is applicable to this study on effects of mobile

legends to the family interaction among young adults’ resident of Greengate Homes Phase 2. The

researchers made instrument is all about the demographic profiles, and numerous questions for

the games however the adopted questionnaire from the research of Kyeoghta (2018) uses Likert

scale to distinguish the level of perception on the study. This include the agree, disagree, neutral,

strongly agree and strongly disagree.

Validation of the instrument

The structure survey form was guided and reviewed by Dr. Mary Ann Aquino, other

teachers and researchers for revision and feedback. After Dr. Aquino validate the instrument,

retest method where conduct to the respondents.

Population and Sampling

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The respondents of the study were 133 young adults of Green gate Homes Phase 2.

Table 1

Age N n Percentage
18 56 49 37%
19 44 40 29%
20 50 44 33%
Total 150 133 100%
It shows the age population (N) and sample size with its percentage by using solving formula.

The researchers use cluster sampling because the population is too much large.

Data Gathering Procedure

In conducting the data of the study with the help of survey forms, the following step


Phase 1: To make the study legal, researchers ask for the approval of the adviser.
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Phase 2: Survey request was distributed to the respondent with its allotted time before the survey

start. After this researcher gave the self-made and adopted forms and orient the respondents

about answering question forms.

Phase 3: After gathering the forms, researchers would able to analyze and tally of the answer by

the respondents then interpret the data about the perceived effect of mobile legends to family

interaction among young adult residents at Green gate Homes Phase 2.

Statistic Treatment and Analysis of Data

To analyze the data, the researcher should use the statistical treatment. Frequency count

had been use to determine the count of responses. This frequency count is very vigorous in

ranking method is use to categorize the response of the respondent accordingly. The category of

the mean present the degree level of the frequency so the researchers can measure the response’s

average of respondents. The researcher use statistical measure such as; Anova Single Factor for

statement problem #4 that can distinguish in the differences of variables and a Likert scale to

measure the opinions of the respondents and range to able to distinguish the largest and smallest

of the data. Researchers also use z test to derive the result of problem #3.

Table 2

4.5 – 5 Strongly Agree

3.5 – 4.49 Agree
Page 23 of 63

2.5 – 3.49 Slightly Agree

1.5 – 2.49 Slightly Disagree
0 – 1.49 Disagree
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Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter shows the different responses to the specific problems that a researchers

needed. It contains the interpretation and analysis of a gathered data.

Problem 1: What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

I.1 Sex

I.2 Age

I.3 Gamer type

I.4 Rank
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Graph 1.

Distribution of Respondents According to sex

Distribution of Respondents According to Sex


Male Female

Graph 1 shows the demographic profiles of the subject of the study in terms of the sex

which may have result to 98(74%) of the respondents that play mobile legend while female is

35(26%). There are male respondents are greater than female respondents.

Correlation to the study of Khanam (2017) state that male young adults are the one

who mostly play the mobile legends rather than the female young adults. However, on the

study of Lhakam (2015) the female young adults are the one who mostly play mobile

Page 26 of 63

Graph 2:

Distribution of the Respondents According to Age

Respondents Distribution According to Age



18 years old 19 years old 20 years old

The graph 2 represent the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of the distribution

according to age level. There are 49 or 37% respondent that range to 18 years old. There are

40 or 29% that is 19 years old while 20 years old are 44 or 33% of the respondents. As a

result, most of the respondents that playing mobile legends are 18 years old.

From the study of Kurbawa (2015), the respondents are ranges on 18 to 20 years old that

is same on the researchers study. As a result the ages that are playing mobile legends are

mostly 18 to 19 years old.

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Graph 3:

Respondent Distribution According to Gamer Type

Respondent Distribution According to Gamers Type



Chill Aggressive

As you can see, most of the gamers that play mobile legends are chill 120 (90%) than being

aggressive 13 (10%).

According to Pontrie (2016)’ players who played mobile legend became aggressive due to

their emotion that can trigger them to say some trash talk on their co-player. Differently to

the study of Hantrie (2017) players are chill when playing online or either mobile games.
Page 28 of 63

Graph 4:

Respondents Distribution According to Rank

Respondents Distribution According to Rank

10 10 35


25 30

Epic Grandmaster Master Elite Warrior Mythic Legend

The graph 4 represent the demographic profile according to the rank on Mobile Legends: A-

35(26%) which is Epic; B- 30(23%) which is Grandmaster; C- 25(19%) which serve as Master;

D- 18(14%) which is Elite; E and F- 10(8%) which is Warrior and Mythic and lastly Legend-

5(4%) which is as the total of 100%.

Page 29 of 63

Problem 2: What are the frequency of playing online games (ML) and Length of time that spent

in playing mobile legends?

Graph 5:

What is the Length of Time Spent in Playing Mobile Legends?

Length of Time Spent in Playing Mobile legends

17 39



1-5 hours 6-10 hours 11-15 hours 16 hours onwards

Most of the respondents that play mobile legends consume in 1-5 hours is 17(13%) while in

6-10 hours is 52(39%),in 11-is 15 hours 25(19%) and last respondents consume 16 hours

onwards is 39(29%) .As a results that most of the respondents consume 6-10 hours to play

mobile legends.
Page 30 of 63

Correlated to the study of Klane (2011), young adults are consuming 6 to 10 hours on

playing mobile legends. Consequently, on addition to the Loyand (2014) most of the

respondents spent almost 21 hours on playing mobile games.

Page 31 of 63

Graph 6:

Frequency of time that spent on playing mobile legends?

Frequency of Time that Spent on Playing Mobile Legends



everyday once-twice a week 3 to 4 times a week 5 to 6 times a week

The graph shows the frequency of playing mobile legends. Respondents play mobile legend

A- 105(78%) that means every day; B- 2(2%) means once or twice a week; C- 3 to 4 times a

week that is 6(5%) and D- 20(15%). Most of the respondents play the mobile legends every


In the statement of George (2013), young adults are commonly play mobile legends

every day. It results to inappropriate task that the respondents do. Somehow to the study of

Reyne (2017) not all young adults became addicted to the mobile legends to the point that

young adults play every day.

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Page 33 of 63

Table 4: Z-Test result of the significant difference on the length of time spent on mobile legends

played by the young adult when group according to gender.

Gender Mean z computed value z critical value Decision

Male 23

0.37109337 1.959963985 Accept the

Null hypothesis
Female. 19

Table 4 shows that the z computed value of 0.37109337 is less than z critical value of

1.95996398 at 0.05 level of significant. This shows that there is a significant difference exist on

length of time spent on playing mobile legends that can affect the family interaction of the young

adults. Z test was used on this question because the population is more than 100 and there are

two variables that should be compared.

Then, to the statement of the Honkorg (2016); the popularity of so attracted gamers by the

demographic profiles is from beyond teenage boys, as had the adolescent and desires. Therefore,

the current study in terms of gender could be factual by its relationship to this study.
Page 34 of 63

Table 5: Z-Test result of the significant difference on the frequency of time spent on mobile
legends played by the young adult when group according to sex.

Sex Mean Z-computed Z-critical Decision

value value
Male 16.66 Accept the null
Female 14.66
1.644853627 1.959963985 hypothesis

Table 5 shows that the z computed value of 1.644853627 is less than z critical value of

1.959963985 at 0.05 level of significant. This shows that there is a significant difference exist on

frequency of time spent on mobile legends that can affect the family interaction of the young

adults. Researches use Z test to compare the two variables and there is more than 100

respondents or the population

Then, to the statement of the Drientie (2016); the popularity of so attracted gamers by the

demographic profiles is from beyond teenage boys, as had the adolescent and desires. Therefore,

the current study in terms of gender could be factual by its relationship to this study.
Page 35 of 63

Table 6:

Anova Single factor test result of the significant difference on length of time spent on mobile

legends played by young adults in terms of age.

Age Mean f computed value zfcritical value Decision

18 11.75

19 10.25
0.37109337 1.9599963985 Accept the
20 11
null hypothesis

Table 5 represent that the f computed value of 0.048043 is less than the f critical value of

4.256495 at 0.05 level of significance. This shows that there is no significant difference exist on

length of time spent on playing mobile legends played by young adults when group according to

its age. As a result of the current study in terms of age could be a factual by its relationship to

this study.
Page 36 of 63

Problem 4: What are the effects of playing mobile legends on family interaction to the young


Table 6: The Negative Effects Of playing mobile legends to the family interaction among young


Item No. Statement Mean Descriptive Rank

1 I became disrespectful 3.24 Slightly Agree 3
to my parent as I play
mobile legends

2 I want to play alone to 2.87 Slightly Agree 4

play with my family

3 I got irritated when 3.40 Slightly Agree 2

talking to my parents
while I am playing
mobile legends.
4 I usually talk to 2.49 Strongly Disagree 5
myself when I am
5 My parents always 3.65 Strongly Agree 1
scold me because of
playing Ml

6 I cant do household 1.46 Disagree 6

Chores because of Ml

Average Weighted Mean Slightly Agree
Page 37 of 63

The Table 6 Shows the result of the effects of playing Mobile Legends to the family interaction.

The most common effect (negative) is the games always scolded by the parents while they play

Mobile Legends (Survey No.3). It gathered 3.65 (strongly agree) that been determined the main

negative effect of family interaction in GPL 2 Greengate Homes Imus, Cavite.

As a result the table no.6 is related to the effects of Mobile Legends shows that it brings

a big impact on the family interaction of the young adult because it results to an average

weighted mean of 2.85 which is slightly agree.

Page 38 of 63

Table7: Positive Effect of Playing Mobile Legends to the Family Interactions among Young


Item Statement Mean Descriptive Rank

No. Result

1 Playing mobile legends us our 3.08 Slightly Agree 4

family bonding

2 Playing Mobile Legends Strengthen 3.22 Slightly Agree 3

the Family ties

3 If my family is not busy, it serves as 2.56 Strongly Agree 5

my leisure time

4 My parents support us/ me when I 1.04 Disagree 6


5 My parents give me money to buy 3.29 Slightly Agree 2

hero skins

6 My brother/ sister, or my parents 3.87 Strongly Agree 1

play ml with me and it makes me

2.83 Slightly Agree


The Table 7 represents the positive Effect of

Mobile Legends on the Family Interaction among young adults. The common or most effect of

playing ML is when they play with their family, they feel Happy and Contented, it gathered 3.87

(strongly agree) that determine to be main positive effect of playing ML by the young adults at

GPL 2 Green gate Homes Imus, Cavite.

Page 39 of 63

As a result, the other survey question that are relate to positive and negative effects of ML had a

big impact to the changes of the data because it comes up to the average mean of 2.83 which is a

Slightly Agree.
Page 40 of 63

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

On this chapter, It present the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations of

the present study about the effects of the mobile legends to the family interaction among young


Summary of findings:

The findings of this study are through this following problem and questions:

1. What is the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender

There are 133 young adults that been conducted on this study about the effects of mobile

legends on the family interaction of the young adults. There are 98(74%) male young

adults while 35(26%) are the female young adults that play mobile legends.

1.2. Age

Among 133 young adults that became respondents, there are 49(33%) are 20 years old.

1.3. Gamer Type

Page 41 of 63

In this study, there are 120(90%) gamers that play peacefully and chill while 13(10%) are

being aggressive or became trash talker.

1.4. Rank

Researchers state that most the gamers have on the stage of Epic (26%) followed by the

Grandmaster (23%), Master (19%), Elite(14%), Warrior and Mythic and for last is the

Legend (4%).
Page 42 of 63

2. What is the frequency and length of playing mobile legends that spent in playing ML?

2.1 Length

To this study, most of the respondents (39%) are playing 6 to 10 hours followed by

(29%) play 11 to 15 hours, 19% play 1 to 5 hours and last at 16 hours onwards.

2.2 Frequency

Out of 133 respondents, 78% says that they play mobile legends everyday while 15%

play 5 times to 6 a week, 5% play 3 to 4 times a week and 2% play one or twice a


3. What is the significant difference exist in the effect of mobile legends on family

interaction of the respondents when group according to the age and gender of the young

adults at GPL 2 Greengate Homes Imus, Cavite?

The overall computed values in gender and age are less than in their critical

values. It was interpreted as no any significant difference exist on the playing

mobile legends by the respondents. Therefore, accept the null hypothesis.

Page 43 of 63

4. What are the effects when young adults play mobile legends on family interaction?

In this study, Researchers conclude that there are positive and negative effects.

The most common positive effect of mobile legends is players or the gamers feel

happy when they play with the family. It gathered (3.87) that is strongly agree.

While the negative effect is when the gamers play, they always scolded by own

parent. It gathered (3.65) which is strongly agree.

Therefore, the others survey questionnaire is related to effects of mobile legends

to the family interaction among young adults


Based on the data presented by the researcher, it led and drawn this following conclusion

of this researcher study;

(a) Base on the result of this study conducted, mostly the male young adults more likely

to play mobile legends rather than female. 18 years old mostly played the mobile

legends than 19 and 20 years old. The gamers are very chill when they play rather

than aggressive, as the play gamers are most likely with rank of Epic.

(b) Researcher stated that most of the gamers are spending 6 to 10 hours every day just to

play mobile legends.

(c) In terms of age and gender, young adult is engaging the games such as mobile legend

with their family.

Page 44 of 63

(d) Mobile legend could affect positively and negatively the family interaction. It

possibly serves as family bonding of family but on the other hands it can disrespect

our parents if it can’t handle properly.


 The researchers recommend to the young adults that play mobile legends should be

balance the time and spend wisely including the family interaction.

 There are a lot of benefits if playing mobile legends just look forward on the both sides.

 Young adults must play Mobile legends with family can strengthen family ties.

 The study recommends to the family or parents that you should support your family

members on playing mobile legends and don’t forget to have a restriction.

 Researcher recommend to the young adults that use mobile legends or play it but doo not

forget the family values.

Page 45 of 63

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Table 4

f-Test Two-Sample for Variances z-Test: Two Sample for Means

  20 9   20 9
Mean 16.66667 14.66667 Mean 16.66667 14.66667
Variance 58.33333 116.3333 Known Variance 58.33 116.33
Observations 3 3 Observations 3 3
Hypothesized Mean
df 2 2
Difference 10
F 0.501433
z -1.04846
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.333969
P(Z<=z) one-tail 0.147212
F Critical one-tail 0.052632  
z Critical one-tail 1.644854
P(Z<=z) two-tail 0.294424
z Critical two-tail 1.959964  

m fe

a m

l al

e e
A 2 9

B 2 2

5 7
C 1 1
Page 48 of 63

5 0
D 1 7

Page 49 of 63

Table 5:

e f g
a 12 19 9
b 20 10 22
c 10 5 10
d 5 7 3

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Cou Su Averag Varian

nt m e ce
e 4 47 11.75 38.9166

f 4 41 10.25 38.25
g 4 44 11 63.3333

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 4.5 2 2.25 0.04804 0.95333 4.25649

3 6 5
Within Groups 421. 9 46.8333

5 3

Total 426 11        
Page 50 of 63

Mr. Tonie Cruz

Barangay Chairman
GPL2 Greengate Homes
Imus City, Cavite

Dear Mr. Tonie:

Good Day!

We, Grade 12 Locke Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) students of Gen. Juan Castañeda
Senior High School would like to ask a permission to be allow for a short interview to some
young adults/individuals in your community. We need this survey for our subject which 3I’s
(Innovation, Investigatory and Immersion).

Rest assured that the information that been gathered will be used confidentially and for
education purposes only. We hope that this request will merit your approval. Thank you and God

Respectfully yours,
Joanna Marie Mojica
Vincent Lunar
Jewel Mijares
Grade 12-Locke/Researchers
Page 51 of 63

Developed Survey Questionare:.The perceive effect of mobile legends to the family interaction

among young adult residents at GPL 2 Greengate Homes.

I. Profile: Please fill in the necessary information regarding your demographic profile:



Gender: Female Male

Player type: Chill Aggressive

Rank: Warrior Elite Master Grandmaster Epic

Legend. Mythic

II. This survey contains numerous statements about the perceived effect of mobile

legends to the family interaction to the young adults. Please answer honestly.
Page 52 of 63

1. Do you play mobile legends?

Yes No

2. How long do you play mobile legends?

A. 1-5 hours C. 11-15 hours

B. 6-10 hours D. 16 hours onwards

3. How often do you play mobile legends?

Everyday 3x-4x a week

Once a week 5x-6x a week

Page 53 of 63

Strongly Agree (4) Slightly Agree Strongly Disagree (1)

Agree (5) (3) Disagree (2)

Legends is our

strengthen our
family ties.

If my family is
not busy, it
serves as our
leisure time.

My parent
support us/me
when I play.

My parent
gives me
money to buy
Hero skins.

or my parents
play with me
and it makes
Page 54 of 63

me happy.
The Positive Effects of playing mobile legends to the Family Interaction
Page 55 of 63

III. Negative Effects

Strongly Agree Slightly Strongly Disagree

Agree Agree Disagree

I became
to my parent
as I play.

I want to play
alone than
playing with
my family.

I got irritated
when talking
to my parents
while I am
playing ML

I usually talk
to myself
when I

My parents
always scold
me because
of playing

I can’t do
because of
Page 56 of 63

No. of Strongly Agree Slightly Strongly Disagree Mean Descriptive

item Agree (5) (4) Agree Disagree (1) (x) Result

(3) (2)

1 21 (105) 32 (128) 39 (117) 18 (36) 23 (23) 3.24 Slightly


2 36 (180) 23 (92) 29 (84) 26 (52) 20 (20) 2.87 Slightly


3 29 (45) 55 (220) 15 (45) 13 (26) 21 (21) 3.40 Slightly


4 24 (120) 19 (76) 45 (135) 28 (56) 17 (17) 2.49 Strongly


5 19 (95) 13 (52) 62 (186) 25 (50) 14 (14) 3.65 Strongly


6 45 (180) 5 (20) 39 (117) 15 (30) 29 (29) 1.46 Disagree

Average Weighted Mean 2.85 Slightly

Page 57 of 63

Page 58 of 63

Mojica, Joanna Marie

Greengate Homes Imus Cavite Blk 30 Lot 72


Personal Objectives

Gender: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Age: 17

Nationality: Filipino

Date of Birth: July 26,2002

Place of Birth: Bailen Cavite

Father’s Name : Jonafer Mojica

Mothers Name: Myra Maasin

Language Spoken :Filipino ( Tagalog)/ English

Educational Background

Secondary: General Juan Castaneda Senior High School

Page 59 of 63

(2018- present)

Imus National High School Green Gate Annex

( 2014-2018 )

Primary: Bailen Elementary School


I hereby certify that the information and data above are true and correct to the best

of knowledge.

Page 60 of 63

Lunar, Vincent

030 Reyes Subd. Anabu II A Imus Cavite


Personal Objectives

Gender: Male

Religion: Roman Catholic

Age: 18

Nationality: Filipino

Date of Birth: February 04 2011

Place of Birth: Angat Bulacan

Father’s Name : Roberto Lunar

Mothers Name: Eva Estrella

Language Spoken :Filipino ( Tagalog)/ English

Educational Background

Secondary: General Juan Castaneda Senior High School

Page 61 of 63

(2018- present)

General Emilio National High School

( 2014-2018 )

Primary: Anabu II A Elementary School


I hereby certify that the information and data above are true and correct to the best

of knowledge.

Page 62 of 63

Mijares Jewel ann

Green Mark 2 Blk 7 Lot 44

Personal Objectives

Gender: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Age: 17

Nationality: Filipino

Date of Birth: July 06 2002

Place of Birth: Bacoor Cavite

Father’s Name : Francis Noel Mijares

Mothers Name: Jona F. Mijares

Language Spoken :Filipino ( Tagalog)/ English

Educational Background

Secondary: General Juan Castaneda Senior High School

Page 63 of 63

(2018- present)

St. Thomas More Academy INC

( 2014-2018 )

Primary: St. Thomas More Academy INC


I hereby certify that the information and data above are true and correct to the best

of knowledge.

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