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IJERT Application of Queuing Theory of A

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

Application of Queuing Theory of a

Toll Plaza-A-Case Study
Sangavi G V[1], Megha G C[2], Prajendra H R[3], Pinte Lumdike[4]
Instution: BGSIT, BG Nagar, Mandya, Karnataka

Abstract— Due to ever increasing traffic, the road capacity has California, require all payment to be made by means of
to be increased to accommodate different configuration electronic transponder, so that vehicles do not have to slow
vehicular dimensions. Toll roads need huge financing to down in order to pay the toll [7]. But on many older toll ways
construct a safe, effective, durable road network. Toll financing moving to all-electronic payment is not an option, while
is one of the technique in which revenue collected from the road
mounting congestion means that planners are faced with the
users for the service provided by them. This in turn results in
development in queues at particular junction where in the toll problem of configuring their existence infrastructure to
booths are erected. Long queue could lead to increase in travel provide the best possible service.
time which is drawback of road user. Hence toll should be
designed and planned in such a way that minimum time would 1.2 Background
be wasted in the queuing area. The toll booths are planned on Highway toll plazas constitute a unique type of transportation
the basis of queuing area. Queuing theory involves parameters system that requires special analysis when trying to
such as arrival, number of lanes, service time, waiting time, understand their operation and their interaction with other
merging area. In present study road inventory, traffic volume,
roadway components. On the one hand, these facilities are
space mean speed, arrival rate, time headway and service rate
are analyzed. one of the most effective means of collecting user fees for
roadways. The object of a toll highway should be to minimize
Keywords—Arrival rate, Service rate, Space mean speed, Time average travel time of all drivers on that road. On the other
headway hand, toll plazas adversely affect the throughput or capacity
CHAPTER 1 of the facilities they serve. The adverse effect of toll plazas is
INTRODUCTION particularly evident during hours when traffic is usually
1.1 General heavy. Thus highway toll experience lengthy vehicular
A queue is simply a waiting line. Therefore systems that queues and long delays when demand is near or exceeds
involve waiting lines are called queuing systems and processing capacity. Efficient sizing of toll plazas becomes
mathematical descriptions of queuing systems are known as critical in minimizing the space requirements and capital
queuing models. Transportation systems often involve expense of collecting user fees. Hence keeping all these in
queues. Queuing or waiting-line, phenomena are everyday view an effort has been made to study the performance of an
occurrences Queuing systems are characterized by an arrival existing toll on National highway-75 near Kadaballi between
pattern, a service facility and a queue discipline. Toll Bangalore to Mangalore stretch by applying the queuing
financing has been used throughout the history of civilization theory.
to make the building of long-distance roads possible.
Beginning in the 1940’s, America’s first modern freeways 1.3 Scope of Study
were financed with tolls. Today developing nations such as Toll plazas have become means for collecting revenue in
China are building their own networks of superhighways, and order to build network of roadways which in turn improve
they too turning to the tollbooth for expenditure. Tolls are safety, comfort, reduce average travel time and improve the
being used successfully in places such as Singapore and capacity of roads. The study of queuing is important to find
London not just to finance road construction, but to limit the out new design methods in arranging the toll plazas and
flow of vehicles into the urban core, increasing transit usage means of operating the toll plazas which in turn improve the
and unclogging the crowded streets [7]. service rate at the toll booth and the capacity of the tollbooth
otherwise would have created long queues. In the present
Despite its many advantages, there is also disadvantage study an attempt has been made in understanding how the toll
associated with tolling. When traffic is thick, vehicles backup booth works which is being designed on queuing theory. The
in line to get to tollbooths, and after paying their tolls, drivers study involves collecting the geometric attributes of the toll
lose time scrambling for position as the many lanes exiting plaza, the arrival pattern of vehicles to the queuing area, the
the toll plaza merge together, returning the road to its original service provided by the system.
width. A study conducted at the New Jersey Institute of
Technology estimates that a travel time savings of 2 minutes, 1.4 Study Area
or over 10 percent, could be affected by the removal of two The site selected for the project lies near Kadaballi between
toll plazas along 14- mile section of the Garden State Bangalore to Mangalore highway. The stretch of road length
Parkway [10]. Modern toll facilities, such as Highway 407 is considered to be 500m away from the toll plaza. This
near Toronto and the SR-91 Express lanes in Orange County, provides clear view of the place selected for case study of

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

queuing theory. Ten service booths fixed by the company 1. The input function (Arrival rate)
called L&T Devihalli-Hassan There are some 2. The input source (Finite/Infinite)
irrigated land farms agricultural lands around the toll gates. 3. The queue discipline (FIFO/LIFO)
The selected road is a divided four lane National Highway 4. The channel configuration (Number and Arrangement)
(NH-75). This site has been selected for the study purpose of 5. The delay time (Service rate)
queuing theory because there are no intersections near toll The basic component or main parameters of a queuing system
plaza. The length of each toll booth is 4.2m and width 1.9m. is shown by the figure 2.1
The length of each lane is 3.6m.

Figure 2.1: Components of a basic queuing system.

 Mean Arrival Rate: It is rate at which customers arrive at

a service facility. It is expressed in flow (Vehicles/hour)
or time headway (Seconds/vehicles). If inter arrival time
that is time headway (h) is known the arrival rate can be
found out from the equation.

Figure 1.1: Toll plaza of the Study Area.
 Queue Discipline: queue discipline is a parameter that
1.5 Methodology explains how the customers arrive at a service facility.
The major steps involved in the present study are The various types of queue disciplines are
 Road inventory of the selected road section
 Traffic volume count as per IRC:9-1972 “Traffic Census 1. First in first out [FIFO]
on Non-Urban Roads” 2. First in last out [FILO]
 To find out the velocity of approaching vehicles by 3. Serviced in Random order [SIRO]
Space mean speed. 4. Priority Scheduling
 To find out the inter-arrival rate of vehicles by taking First in first out: If the customers are served in the order of
time headway. their arrival, then this is known as the first-come, first served
 To find out the Service rate provided by the serving (FCFS) service discipline.
system at the toll booth. First in last out: Sometimes, the customers are serviced in the
 To analyze the performance of toll booth from the reverse order of their entry so that the ones who join the last
collected data. are served first.
Served in Random order: Under this rule customers are
selected for service at random irrespective of their arrivals in
the service system. In this every customer in the queue is
2.1 General
equally likely to be selected. The time of arrival of the
A primary objective in operational problems involving flow
customers is, therefore of no relevance in such a case.
is to ensure that the average capacity can handle the average Priority service: Under this rule customers are grouped in
flow, so that persistent traffic jams do not occur. Queuing
priority classes on the basis of some attributes such as service
theory was developed in order to describe the behaviour of a
time or urgency or according to some identifiable
system providing services for randomly arising demands. The
characteristics and FIFO rule is used within each class to
fundamental idea of the theory is that delay in a system is
provide service.
caused by an interruption in the flow pattern. Queuing theory
 Numbers of servers: The number of servers that are being
is almost exclusively used to describe the traffic behaviour at utilized should be specified and in the manner they work
signalized and un-signalized intersections [10].
that is they work as “Parallel” servers or “Series” servers
has to be specified.
2.2 Characteristics Of Queuing System
 Mean service rate: It is the rate at which customers depart
The analysis of queuing systems and its variables has been
from a transportation facility. It is expressed in flow
the focus of many studies and researchers for many decades. (vehicles/hour) or time headway (seconds/vehicle). If
The solution to a queuing problem entails the assessment of a inter-service time that is time headway (h) is known, the
system’s performance, which in turn is described by a set of
service rate can be found out from the equation.
measures of performance (MOP) [2]. The inputs include

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

2.3 Structuring Of Queuing Model
Traditionally, traffic flows are modelled empirically, using
origin-destination matrices [9]. One of the most important
equations in traffic flow theory is that relating between traffic
flow (q), traffic density (k) and traffic speed (s) which is
given as
These fundamental parameters of a traffic flow can be used as
inputs in developing appropriate queuing models. Queuing
models are often referred to using the Kendall notation,
consisting of several symbols e.g. M/G/1 [9]. The first
symbol describes the arrival rate of traffic into a system, the
second for the service rate provided by the system to the
vehicles while the third indicates the number of servers in the

Figure 2.3: Showing the Open Toll System.

Closed toll system: In a closed toll system, patrons pay the

toll based on miles of travel on the facility and category of
vehicle. In a closed toll system, plazas are located at all the
entry and exit points, with the patron receiving a ticket upon
Figure 2.2: A simple model of a multi-server queuing system. the entering the system. Upon exiting, patron surrenders the
ticket to the collector and is charged a prescribed fee based
2.4 Theory Applied In Queuing Model on category of vehicle and distance travelled [3].
Poisson distribution
 The experiment results in outcomes that can be
classified as successes or failures.
 The average number of successes that occurs in a
specified reason is known.
 The probability that a success will occur is
propositional to the size of the region.
 The probability that a success will occur in an
extremely small region is virtually zero.

2.5 The Toll plaza

Tolls are systems (or sometimes called as barriers)
constructed on roads which are meant to provide facilities to
road users by reducing their average travel time, increased
speed, safety and improve the capacity of the road sections.
Tolls have become a means of generating revenue in building
expressways and National highways there by reducing the
Figure 2.4: Showing the Closed Toll System.
problem of congestion on many of the existing road
There are two types of toll collection systems available. 2.5.1 Approaching the Toll Plaza
These are The highway is generally assumed to be free flowing on
1. Open toll system either side of toll plaza. This assumption allows congestion
2. Closed toll system resulting from the toll plaza design to be isolated from
general congestion on the highway. Generally the toll plaza is
Open toll system: In an open toll system, not all patrons are designed in such a way that traffic flow levels through them
charged a toll. In such a system, the toll plaza is generally will be less than the capacity of the highway. Since most of
located at the edge of the urban area. the toll plazas particularly in India are cash –collecting, at

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

some point most vehicles must stop either because the vehicle within this range. The traffic simulation provides a more
in front of them has stopped or they have reached a toll comprehensive understanding of the toll plaza operation
booth. This in turn leads to building up of queue lengths allowing for a more in-depth analysis of its performance.
particularly when the instantaneous demand exceeds the According to them simulation should be used for advance
service. So it is necessary to find out the queuing area which planning, design, operation and management of toll and exit
is essential in fixing the number of servers in a toll plaza. plazas facilities.
Merging: After the toll booths, the roadway must narrow Abdul aziz, A.R.,, in “Application of queuing theory to
back from a number of lanes equal to the number of vehicular traffic at signalized intersection in Kumasi-Ashanti
tollbooths, to its normal width, a section will called as region, Ghana” has shown that queuing theory can be applied
“merging area”. Sometimes the extra lanes end almost in modelling the vehicular traffic flow and minimize
immediately, forcing a sharp merge at a relatively low speed. vehicular traffic in order to reduce delays on roads of
There are three different merging patterns are used when Kumasi-Ashanti region. The analysis of the data collected at
lanes begin and end are, Oforikrom intersections revealed that a smooth flow of traffic
 With several lanes merging into one, all of the is seen when the server at each channel is able to serve more
merging could occur at a single point, but this means than cars in waiting queue. But in evening there is restriction
that as many vehicles as there are lanes could to flow due to the restraints caused by the commercial vehicle
interfere with each other at that point. drivers. They have suggested that use of public transport by
 One common choice is to always merge out the the government of Ghana would help in reducing congestion
rightmost (or leftmost) lane until the desired number on the roads, which in turn boost the productivity.
of lanes is reached. NicoVandaele.,, in “A Queuing Based Traffic Flow
 Another possibility is a “balanced” pattern where Model” have shown that queuing models can be applied in
pairs of adjacent lanes all across the roadway merge assessing the traffic flow parameters compared to traditional
repeatedly until the desired roadway width has been empirical methods, which lack in terms of predictive power
attained. and the possibility of sensitivity analysis. Based on queuing
theory they analytically constructed the well-known speed-
flow-density diagrams. They have shown that the exact shape
of the different speed-flow-density diagrams is largely
determined by the model parameters so that a good choice of
parameters can help to adequately describe reality. They also
believe that speeds have a significant influence on vehicle
emissions and models can be effectively used to assess the
environmental impact of road traffic.
Figure 2.5: Showing Four lanes Merging to 1 Single Point.

3.1 General
In order to understand the theory behind queuing a toll plaza
has been selected in the present study which is located on
Figure 2.6: Showing Four lanes Merging with Rightmost Lane Ending. NH-75 near Kadaballi. Field studies like road inventory,
traffic volume, space mean speed, time headway, arrival rate
and service pattern have been carried out.

3.2 Road Inventory

Road inventory reflects the pavement characteristic.
Inventory data basically consists of data necessary to identify
the project under evaluation. This consists of the geometric
details of the project which are collect visually walking along
the entire stretch. All of these data will remain constant until
Figure 2.7: Showing Four lanes merging in a Balanced Pattern. the pavement undergoes maintenance or repair. The inventory
data of the selected road stretches are listed in table-3.1
Gustavo ceballos, in “Queue Analysis at Toll and
Parking Exit plazas: A Comparison between Multi-server Roadway attributes covering the roadway classification,
Queuing Models and Traffic simulation.” have shown that the ownership, physical condition, traffic volume, pavement
simple analytical models can be used for initial understanding conditions, highway performance monitoring information and
of the queuing system but warn that good judgement must be more.
employed while using the analytical models, as their results
may differ significantly from real-life plaza operation. They
insist the analytical models to be avoided when trying to
analyse toll plaza operation under high levels of demand
(0.90< v/c ratios< 1.0) given their asymptotic behaviour

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

Table 3.3: Showing traffic flow on both the directions of the

National Highway 75.

Figure 3.1: Showing the Flexible Pavement and rigid pavement near the Toll Figure 3.2: Shows the Toll Area having Concrete Road.
3.3 Traffic Volume:
Table 3.1: Shows the details of Pavement Structure before Traffic volume or traffic flow is defined as “the product of
Toll Plaza. the average traffic intensity and the time period of the study”.
SI no Parameters Collected data
It is measured by the units “vehicle per hour”. In the present
1 Type of pavement Flexible pavement study the traffic count census is done as per IRC: 9-1972
2 Divided/undivided Divided “Traffic census on Non-Urban Roads”. To take into account
3 Number of lanes Four the randomness, the traffic volume study was carried out in
short intervals (1 hour) at different hours of a day and at
4 Width of pavement (m) 9
different days. Traffic flow is usually considered to be
5 Median width (m) 2.5
roughly constant at any given instant, as changes in flow
6 Shoulder width (m) 1.5 occurs smoothly and slowly, while measurements employed
7 Type of shoulder Earthen are over very short time periods.

Table 3.2: Shows the details of Queuing Area.

Sl Parameters Collected data
1 Type of pavement Rigid
2 Width of pavement(one side) 30m
3 Length of pavement on arrival side 250m
4 Length of pavement on merging 250m
5 Number of toll booth on one side 5
6 Length of each toll booth 2.4m
7 Width of each toll booth 1.9m
8 Width between toll booths 3.6m
9 Type of merging Left most merging Figure 3.3: Shows Vehicle Platoon at Toll Plaza.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

Table 3.3: Showing traffic flow on both the directions of the Table 3.4: Showing the Space-mean Speed of Vehicles
National Highway 75. approaching the Toll Booth Near to Toll.

Table 3.5: Showing the Space-mean Speed of Vehicles

approaching the Toll Booth Away from Toll.

3.4 Space Mean Speed:

The space-mean speed is “the average speed of vehicles
travelling a given segment of roadway during a specified
period of time”. It is calculated using the average travel time
and length for the roadway Segment. In this study the space
mean speed is found out as per IRC: 108-1996“Guidelines for
Traffic Prediction on Rural Highways”. The space-mean
speed is then calculated by dividing the distance between
Instrumented locations by the average travel time. This is
speed that is involved in flow-density relationships. The data
of the space mean speed collected in the field is shown from
table 3.5
Space mean speed=

Where VS=Space mean speed km/s
Ti=t1+t2+t3+t4+…………. + tn=Average
time taken seconds.

Figure 3.5: Collection of Space-mean Speed data by marking the distance.

Figure 3.4: Collection of Space-mean Speed at the Study Area.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

Table 3.6: Showing the Details of the Space Mean Speed Table 3.8: Showing the Details of the Space Mean Speed
(Hassan to Bangalore). (Hassan to Bangalore).

Table 3.9: Showing the Details of the Space Mean Speed

Table 3.7: Showing the Details of the Space Mean Speed (Bangalore to Hassan).
(Hassan to Bangalore).

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

Table 3.10: Showing the Details of the Space Mean Speed Table 3.12: Showing the Details of the Space Mean Speed
(Bangalore to Hassan). (Bangalore to Hassan).

Table 3.11: Showing the Details of the Space Mean Speed

(Bangalore to Hassan). Table 3.13: Showing the Details of the Space Mean Speed
(Hassan to Bangalore).

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

3.5 Time Headway: Table 3.15: Showing details of Time Headway.

Time headway (H) is the difference between the time the
front of a vehicle arrives at a point on the highway and the
time the front of the next vehicle arrives at the same point.
The time headway is usually expressed in seconds. Time
headway is necessary to known the inter arrival rate among
the vehicles which is needed to find out the capacity of a
highway system.
Time headway=


Table 3.16: Showing a details of Time Headway.

Figure 3.6: Showing the Time Headway Count.

Table 3.14: showing the Average Time Headway.

Dura From To Total Number Total time Average
tion( of vehicle in seconds time in
hour (s) seconds
s) (s)

14 Hassan Bangal 2068 21170 10.23

14 Bangalo Hassan 2370 21179 10.42

Figure 3.7: Observing the Time Headway Count.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

Table 3.17: Showing a details of Time Headway. Table 3.19: Showing a details of Time Headway

Table 3.18: Showing a details of Time Headway.

Table 3.20: Showing a details of Time Headway

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

Table 3.21: Showing a details of Time Headway. Table 3.23: showing the observed frequency from Hassan to

Table 3.24: showing the observed frequency from Bangalore

to Hassan.
3.6 Arrival Rate:
Arrival is generally defined as “The simple model assumes
that the number of arrivals occurring within a given interval
of time follows a Poisson distribution”. This parameter is the
average number of arrivals in time which is also the variance
of the distribution.

Table 3.22: Showing the Average Arrival Rate.

Duration From To Timings in Observed
(hours) seconds(s) vehicles
5 Hassan Bangalore 18000 1973

5 Bangalore Hassan 18000 1946

Figure 3.8: Showing Counting of Vehicles for every 30 seconds Time


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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

3.7 Service Rate: Table 3.26: Showing the Details of Service Rating Time.
The service rate depends upon the type of operation involved
in providing service to the customers. Generally cash
collecting service takes more time than the automatic way of
collection. Service rate denotes the rate at which vehicles are
been served in a system. It is the reciprocal of the service
Service rate=
When the vehicle enters the toll plazas, a rational driver
selects the counter service by seeing the queue length existing
relative to other counters. Once the vehicle is in the queue
length it has to follow the queue discipline. The waiting time
is the time spend by the vehicle in the queue length and the
time spends in providing the amount. The driver must pay the
with exact change in order to minimize service time.

Table 3.25: Showing the Average Service Rate.

Duration From To Number Total Service time in
(hours) of time in seconds(s)
vehicles seconds(
4 Hassan Bangalo 315 5660 18.02
4 Bangalor Hassan 277 4709 17.06

Table 3.27: Showing the Details of Service Rating Time.

Figure 3.9: Showing the Service Section of Toll Plaza.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

CHAPTER 4 4.6 Arrival Rate

ANALYSIS OF FIELD DATA The data obtained from the arrival rate was analysed using
4.1 General Poisson distribution. The observed frequency (598)
The delay and waiting time of drivers in toll plaza depends on approximately equal to the theoretical frequency (597) as per
service time and arrival rate. The quick service time and the Poisson distribution. Hence vehicles arriving at a section
number of toll booths can reduce the time wasted in the of a highway simply follow Poisson distribution. Hence for
queue. The wasted time can be calculated and minimised by any future studies for finding out arrival rate, Poisson
analysis of the observed data. By calculating the wasted time distribution can be made use off.
the performance of the servers can be analysed and also the
delay in overall travel time can be found out. 4.7 Service Rate
In the present study, the average service time from Hassan to
4.2 Road Inventory Bangalore is 18.02 seconds and from Bangalore to Hassan is
The road inventory reveals that the number of incoming lanes 17.06 seconds. The observed data reveals the service rate to
is two and it diverges into five lanes within the queuing area be almost equal and hence service rate can be considered as
of the toll plaza. The pavement structure before the toll plaza general (G).
is divided flexible pavement. The number of lanes is four of
width 9m and median width is 2.5m. The type of a shoulder is 4.8 Traffic Flow Theroy
earthen and shoulder width is 1.5m. One of the most important equation in traffic flow theory is
The queuing area is of rigid pavement. The width of the given between traffic flow (q), traffic density (k) and speed
pavement is 30m, and the length of pavement on arrival and (s).
merging side is 250m. the number toll booth on each side is q=k*s
5, length of toll booth is 2.4m and width is 3.6m. In the present study, graphs are plotted to show the behaviour
of vehicles on the road section. In the present study the
4.3 Traffic Volume queuing theory was modelled on M/G/1. M represents the
In the present study the traffic count census is done as per arrival pattern follows Poisson distribution, G represents
IRC: 9-1972 “Traffic census on Non-Urban Roads”. To take service pattern considered general and 1represents a single
into account the randomness, the traffic volume study was booth selected for the analysis.
carried out in short intervals (4 hour) at different hours of a
day and at different days. The average traffic flow rate from Table 4.1: Shows Speed Density data for M/G/1 Model for One Lane
Hassan to Bangalore is 375veh/hr and the average traffic flow Density(veh/km) Effective speed(km/hr)
rate from Bangalore to Hassan is 345 veh/hr. 59 4
72 3
4.4 Space Mean Speed 84 2.5
In the present study the space mean speed is found out as per 85 2
IRC: 108-1996 “Guidelines for Traffic Prediction on Rural
Highways”. The drivers slow down their vehicle before the
toll plaza to judge the lanes and to select the lanes so that
they spend less time in the queue. If the traffic flow rate
increases the space mean speed decreases. The space mean
speed of vehicles approaching the near the toll booth from
Hassan to Bangalore is 21 km/hr and from Bangalore to
Hassan is 14 km/hr.
The space mean speed of vehicles at a certain distance away
from the queuing area on both the directions was found out to
be 34km/hr and 26 km/hr respectively.

4.5 Time Headway

Time headway is the difference between the time the front
wheel of a vehicle arrives at a point on the highway and the
time of the front wheel of the next vehicle arrives at the same Figure 4.0: The speed density diagram for the M/G/1 model for one lane
point. Time headway can be used to predict the flow rate of
vehicles on a section of roadway the field data observed
shows that the inter-arrival time between vehicles was found
out to be 10.5s (Bangalore to Hassan) and 10.2s (Hassan to Table 4.2: Shows Speed Density data for M/G/1 Model for
Bangalore). Both the directions have equal headway Both Lanes
indicating nearly equal flow of vehicles in both the directions. Density(veh/km) Effective speed(veh/km)
Hence this might be one of reason for having equal number
of booths in both the directions (i.e, 5 on each side). 18 11.1

26 8.14

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 06, June - 2017

Figure 4.1: The speed density diagram for the M/G/1 model for both lanes

The above figure clearly indicates that as the traffic density

increases the effective speed decreases. Hence speed and
traffic density varies inversely. The travel time will also Figure 4.1: The speed flow diagram for the M/G/1
increase as density increases. The above bar graph shows that
density on (Bangalore- Hassan) is more and the effective The speed flow figure is envelope of all possible combination
speed on that road section is less compared to (Hassan- of the effective speed and traffic flow. The effective speed
bangalore) where in the density is less and the effective speed decreases with increases traffic flow.
is more.
Table 4.3: Shows the Effective Speed and Traffic Flow data A detailed study was carried out to analyse the performance
of a tool booth. The following conclusion was drawn from
Traffic flow(veh/hr) Effective speed(km/hr) the observed data.
 It was found that flow rate remained constant on
345 8.14 both directions 375 and 345 (veh/hr)
 The inter arrival time between two vehicle was
345 11.1 found out be 10 seconds on both the directions.
 The waiting time in the queuing area was found out
to be 10 seconds as general.
 The flow theory diagram reveals that as the density
increases the effective speed decreases on that road

[1] Drew, D.R. “Traffic flow theory and control”.MC Graw-HILL.
[2] Papacostas, C.S, and Prevedouros,P.O, “Transportation
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