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Coordinator: Dr K Sri Rama Krishna, Professor & Head of ECE

ETC Pilot Project Implementation Baseline Document

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction. Closed, Open And All Open-ETC Road Tolling. Evolution and Future of Tolling. Electronic Toll Collection Benefits of ETC. Components Of ETC 6.1 Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI). 6.2 Automatic Vehicle Classification (AVC). 6.3 Transaction Processing. 6.4 Violation Enforcement. 7. Types Of ETC System Technologies 7.1 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) technology 7.2 Vehicle Positioning Systems (VPS) based on a combination of satellite technology (GNSS) and mobile communication networks (GSM/GPRS) 7.3 Odometer 8. Scope Of Electronic Toll Collection In India 9. Existing ETC In India 10. Standardization of ETC in India And Abroad 11. Recommendations for implementation of ETC in Nandan Nilekani Report. 12. Objectives of TIFAC CORE in ETC. 13. Completed Projects in Electronic Toll Collection. 14. ETC Pilot Project.
14.1.1 Steps Involved in Automatic Vehicle Identification Implementation (AVI) 14.1.2 Steps Involved in Automatic Vehicle Classification Implementation (AVC) 14.1.3 Steps Involved in Violation Enforcement System Implementation (VES) 15. Considerations for ETC. 15.1 Considerations for ETC Automatic Vehicle Identification. 15.2 Considerations for ETC-Automatic Vehicle Classification. 15.3 Considerations for ETC - Violation Enforcement Systems. 16. Project Execution Plan.

17. Project Timeline for 2011-2012 Academic Year.

ETC Pilot Project Implementation Baseline Document

1. INTRODUCTION Any structure, building or system needs maintenance and rehabilitation which are of course costly. Highways and roads are also not an exception. From the very past, the construction, extension, maintenance and operating costs of highways, roads, bridges and tunnels were collected directly or indirectly. In the older indirect method, the expenses are compensated either by tax payment on fuel or by budget allocation from the national income. The shortcoming of this method is that a number of tax payers, who do not use some of the roads and carriageways, have to pay extra money. However, in the other system, called direct method, the tolls are taken directly from the drivers passing that road or street. The other three main reasons why tolling, or road pricing, is implemented are listed below. [1] 1. Finance/Revenue Generation: To recoup the costs of building, operating and maintaining the facility. Road pricing is becoming a more appealing means of funding transportation. Moreover, toll financing allows projects to be built sooner instead of waiting for tax revenues to accumulate.[1] 2. Demand Management: To moderate the growth in demand on the transportation system, and to encourage more use of public transportation and carpooling. For example, vehicles are charged to enter inner London, England, as a way of regulating the demand in the region.[1] 3. Congestion Management: To place a price on limited roadway space in proportion to demand. In this application the toll increases with the level of congestion. In the absence of such pricing, drivers do not appreciate the costs they impose on others as a result of the congestion they cause. [1]

2. CLOSED, OPEN AND ALL OPEN-ETC ROAD TOLLING: Three systems of toll roads exist: open (with mainline barrier toll plazas); closed (with entry/exit tolls) and all-electronic toll collection (no toll booths, only electronic toll collection gantries at entrances and exits or at strategic locations on the mainline of the road). On an open toll system, all vehicles stop at various locations along the highway to pay a toll. While this may save money from the lack of need to construct tolls at every exit, it can cause traffic congestion, and drivers may be able to avoid tolls by exiting and re-entering the highway. [2] With a closed system, vehicles collect a ticket when entering the highway. In some cases, the ticket displays the toll to be paid on exit. Upon exit, the driver must pay the amount listed for the given exit. Should the ticket be lost, a driver must typically pay the maximum amount possible for travel on that highway. Short toll roads with no intermediate entries or exits may have only one toll plaza at one end, with motorists traveling in either direction paying a flat fee either when they enter or when they exit the toll road. In a variant of the closed toll system, mainline barriers are present at the two endpoints of the toll road, and each interchange has a ramp toll that is paid upon exit or entry. In this case, a motorist pays a flat fee at the ramp toll and another flat fee at the end of the toll road; no ticket is necessary. In an all-electronic system no cash toll collection takes place, tolls are usually collected with the use of a transponder mounted on the windshield of each vehicle, which is linked to a
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customer account which is debited for each use of the toll road. On some roads automobiles and light trucks without transponders are permitted to use the road (though trucks with a gross vehicle weight over 5,000 kilograms must have a transponder)- a bill for the toll due is then sent to the registered owner of the vehicle by mail; by contrast, some tollways require all vehicles to be equipped with a transponder. [2] Modern toll roads often use a combination of the three, with various entry and exit tolls supplemented by occasional mainline tolls. Open Road Tolling (ORT), with all-electronic toll collection, is now the preferred practice, being more efficient, environmentally friendly, and safer than manual toll collection. [2] 3. EVOLUTION AND FUTURE OF TOLLING: Roadway tolling is expected to become more pervasive over time. Four stages are envisioned beginning with corridor tolling and cordon tolling, then area-wide or vehiclemiles-travelled (VMT) tolling, and ultimately an integrated system management strategy (Deloitte Research Public Sector Study, 2003). Each stage improves system efficiency over the previous one, but also has higher complexity. Each stage also requires certain conditions before implementation. Only the first two strategies, corridor tolling and cordon tolling, have been widely implemented, with ETC being a necessity to move to the next two stages. The third stage is now being pilot tested in a few areas, while the final stage, an integrated system, lies in the future. [1] Corridor Tolling: This is the most common form of tolling, in which a driver pays a fee to use a specific stretch of roadway or bridge. High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes are designated for multi-passengers, but single-occupant vehicles can use if they pay a toll. The primary objective of the toll is to repay the cost of building and operating the facility. Complexity can be as low as having the driver stop and pay cash on entry, although most systems are implementing Open Road Tolling. However, the corridor is likely to be underused compared to alternative non-tolled routes and may not relieve congestion in a region. The road must be exclusive to those who pay, otherwise users do not feel compelled to pay and the program may not earn adequate revenue. [1] Cordon Tolling: This is a charge for entering a specific area. The primary objective is to reduce the number of vehicles entering. Every entry point must be equipped with means of identifying vehicles and ensuring that they pay, have paid, or will pay. To be an effective strategy, the public must be convinced that benefits (improved mobility, lower pollution, etc.) will be realized fairly quickly. An efficient public transportation system is essential for this strategy to be effective. This is implemented in London City to avoid traffic and pollution problems during daytime. [1] Area-wide Mileage Tolling: This is a mechanism whereby vehicles are charged based on VMTa road user fee. An example of this system is the German truck toll, in which all trucks are required to pay tolls based on the distance travelled inside Germany. In some respects this strategy is analogous to the U.S. gas tax, in that, theoretically, each vehicle pays based on miles driven. The primary objective is to generate revenue for the transportation system and, to a lesser degree, to regulate the amount of driving. The complexity of distancebased tolling is relatively high and requires uniform application area-wide, as well as interoperability across borders. [1]
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Integrated System Management: In this visionary concept, demand for transportation would be managed through information: users would have a choice of modes and routes and an array of ways to pay for a trip. The charge would incentivize the most efficient transport choice and the market would drive the provision of capacity. Highly complex systems, such as roadside-vehicle-traveller communications would be required, but system usage is expected to be highly efficient. Required conditions include market flexibility and access to information. [1] 4. Electronic Toll Collection Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) is a technology that allows for electronic payment of tolls. An ETC system is able to determine if a vehicle is registered in a toll payment program, alerts enforcers of toll payment violations, and debits the participating account. Toll charges are generally based on mileage, maintenance requirements, or congestion levels. In recent years most ETC systems in general were based on using radio devices in vehicles that would use proprietary protocols to identify a vehicle as it passed under a gantry over the roadway. [3] However, not all toll way users are equipped with the necessary on-board devices to enable the electronic toll collection. And unless 100 percent take up of ETC by the motoring public is achieved, manual collection will always be required for those toll way users who do not have the on-board equipment. Deciding on the best way to allocate ETC and Manual collection service types among available toll plaza lanes requires an appropriate framework. Using a cost-benefit analysis approach, the main basis for selecting the service type allocation regime would be the one that which minimizes the cost to operator or users separately or that which minimizes the combined costs to the operator and the users (which could be treated as social combination). [3] The total cost of toll collection facility operations includes initial expenditures to establish the structures and support facilities hire and train personnel, among others. ETC transactions can be performed while vehicles travel at near highway cruising speed. Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) is used in cordoned urban areas, over bridges, in tunnels, in High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes, on toll roads, or through turnpikes. ETC is fast becoming a globally accepted method of toll collection, a trend greatly aided by the growth of interoperable ETC technologies. [3] 5. BENEFITS OF ETC The benefits because of ETC for the driver, toll operator and vehicle owners are listed below. Some of the benefits for drivers include [4]:

fewer and shorter queues at toll plazas by increasing toll booth service rates; faster and more efficient servicethe customer does not need to stop or have toll fees on hand; the ability to pay by keeping a balance on the customers account or charging a registered credit card;

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Mailed toll statementsthe customer no longer has to request a receipt. Reduced accident rates/ improved safety because of less slow-and-go driving. lowered toll collection costs; better audit control by centralized user accounts; Expanded capacity without being required to build more infrastructure. fuel savings; reduced mobile emissions by reducing or eliminating deceleration, waiting times, and acceleration; Possible reduced drain on public monies, if the system is more self-sustaining or if the system was built/run via a public-private partnership arrangement.

Some of the benefits for toll operators include[4]:

For everyone, some of the benefits of ETC include [4]:

6. COMPONENTS OF ETC An ETC system typically includes four components [5]: Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) Automatic Vehicle Classification (AVC) Transaction Processing Violation Enforcement 6.1 Automated Vehicle Identification

Figure: Ontario's Highway 407- use of automatic number plate recognition Automated vehicle identification (AVI) is the process of determining the identity of a vehicle subject to tolls. The majority of toll facilities record the passage of vehicles through a limited number of toll gates. At such facilities, the task is then to identify the vehicle in the gate area. [5] Some early AVI systems used barcodes affixed to each vehicle, to be read optically at the toll booth. Optical systems proved to have poor reading reliability, especially when faced with inclement weather and dirty vehicles. [5] Most current AVI systems rely on radio-frequency identification, where an antenna at the toll gate communicates with a transponder on the vehicle via Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC). RFID tags have proved to have excellent accuracy, and can be
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read at highway speeds. The major disadvantage is the cost of equipping each vehicle with a transponder, which can be a major start-up expense, if paid by the toll agency, or a strong customer deterrent, if paid by the customer. [5] To avoid the need for transponders, some systems, notably the 407 ETR (Electronic Toll Route) near Toronto, use automatic number plate recognition. Here, a system of cameras captures images of vehicles passing through tolled areas, and the image of the number plate is extracted and used to identify the vehicle. This allows customers to use the facility without any advance interaction with the toll agency. The disadvantage is that fully automatic recognition has a significant error rate, leading to billing errors and the cost of transaction processing (which requires locating and corresponding with the customer) can be significant. Systems that incorporate a manual review stage have much lower error rates, but require a continuing staffing expense. [5] A few toll facilities cover a very wide area, making fixed toll gates impractical. The most notable of these is a truck tolling system in Germany. This system instead uses Global Positioning System location information to identify when a vehicle is located on a tolled Autobahn. Implementation of this system turned out to be far lengthier and more costly than expected. [5] 6.2. Automated Vehicle Classification Automated vehicle classification is closely related to automated vehicle identification (AVI). Most toll facilities charge different rates for different types of vehicles, making it necessary to distinguish the vehicles passing through the toll facility.[5] The simplest method is to store the vehicle class in the customer record, and use the AVI data to look up the vehicle class. This is low-cost, but limits user flexibility, in such cases as the automobile owner who occasionally tows a trailer. [5] More complex systems use a variety of sensors. Inductive sensors embedded in the road surface can determine the gaps between vehicles, to provide basic information on the presence of a vehicle. Treadles permit counting the number of axles as a vehicle passes over them and, with offset-treadle installations, also detect dual-tire vehicles. Light-curtain laser profilers record the shape of the vehicle, which can help distinguish trucks and trailers. [5] 6.3 Transaction Processing Transaction processing deals with maintaining customer accounts, posting toll transactions and customer payments to the accounts, and handling customer inquiries. The transaction processing component of some systems is referred to as a "customer service centre". In many respects, the transaction processing function resembles banking, and several toll agencies have contracted out transaction processing to a bank. [5] Customer accounts may be postpaid, where toll transactions are periodically billed to the customer, or prepaid, where the customer funds a balance in the account which is then depleted as toll transactions occur. The prepaid system is more common, as the small amounts of most tolls makes pursuit of uncollected debts uneconomic. Most postpaid accounts deal with this issue by requiring a security deposit, effectively rendering the account a prepaid one. [5]

ETC Pilot Project Implementation Baseline Document

6.4 Violation Enforcement A violation enforcement system (VES) is useful in reducing unpaid tolls, as an unmanned toll gate otherwise represents a tempting target for toll evasion. Several methods can be used to deter toll violators. [5] Police patrols at toll gates can be highly effective, as being stopped by the police is quite memorable for the violator. In addition, in most jurisdictions, the legal framework is already in place for punishing toll evasion as a traffic infraction. However, the expense of police patrols makes their use on a continuous basis impractical, such that the probability of being stopped is likely to be low enough as to be an insufficient deterrent. [5] A physical barrier, such as a gate arm, ensures that all vehicles passing through the toll booth have paid a toll. Violators are identified immediately, as the barrier will not permit the violator to proceed. However, barriers also force authorized customers, which are the vast majority of vehicles passing through, to slow to a near-stop at the toll gate, negating much of the speed and capacity benefits of electronic tolling. [5] Automatic number plate recognition, while rarely used as the primary vehicle identification method, is more commonly used in violation enforcement. In the VES context, the number of images collected is much smaller than in the AVI context. This makes manual review, with its greater accuracy over fully automated methods, practical. However, many jurisdictions require legislative action to permit this type of enforcement, as the number plate identifies only the vehicle, not its operator, and many traffic enforcement regulations require identifying the operator in order to issue an infraction. [5] An example of this is the vToll system on the Illinois Toll way, which requires transponder users to enter their license plate information before using the system. If the transponder fails to read, the license plate number is matched to the transponder account, and the regular toll amount is deducted from the account rather than a violation being generated. If the license plate can't be found in the database, then it is processed as a violation. An interesting aspect of Illinois' toll violation system is a 7 day grace period, allowing toll way users to pay missed tolls online with no penalty the 7 days following the missed toll. [5] 7. TYPES OF ETC SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES Technologies: There are three types of technologies used for electronic toll collection (ETC):

Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) technology Vehicle Positioning Systems (VPS) based on a combination of satellite technology (GNSS) and mobile communication networks (GSM/GPRS) Odometer 7.1 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) technology:

A DSRC tolling system mainly focuses on strong infrastructure, providing lowest possible operational costs. Using DSRC communication between the antennae and the On Board Unit, the vehicle is charged for the whole segment based on its length, the weight of the vehicle, the number of axels in use and potentially many other factors. A DSRC tolling system provides high efficiency in toll charging being fixed on the road and using enforcement equipment and procedures automatically detecting violators. The cost efficiency
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of DSRC lies within many other aspects such as road user claims, potential violations and other aspects of electronic tolling. [6] 7.2 Vehicle Positioning System (VPS): Vehicle Positioning System is a means for automatically determining the geographic location of a vehicle and transmitting the information to a requester. Vehicle Positioning System based on combination of two technologies. Satellite (GNSS) and Mobile Communication (GSM/GPRS). [7] I. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS):

A satellite navigation system with global coverage termed a global navigation satellite system. It depends on GPS & GLONASS based on onboard unit. [8] II. GPS- Global Positioning System, that provides location and time information in all weather and at all times and anywhere on or near the Earth.

How a GPS works?

Fig: GPS working system Drivers goes to the payment service centre registers and installs OBU and applies for pre-paid card or post-paid card. When vehicle moves into the charging zone, OBU compares current vehicle position coordinate from GPS with the virtual toll node coordinate kept in the storage of OBU. After logistic determining, the OBU sets up wireless communication channel through GSM module. OBU sends transaction message to management centre system by the GSM module through mobile network. After auditing the management centre saves toll data and sends back transaction information to the OBU. The OBU receives and displays the transaction result. If error transaction result is replied the OBU is abnormal payment state, the OBU is still working. When the vehicle moves out the charging zone, if the OBU has abnormal state or the vehicle doesnt install an OBU the violation will be processed. The clearing centre clears all toll data from management centre, and divides in road service providers. The Payment Service Centre collects toll records and clearing data for account query. [9]
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GLONASS- Global Navigation Satellite System is a radio-based satellite navigation system. GLONASS is a global satellite navigation system, providing real time position and velocity determination for military and civilian users. GLONASS satellites transmit two types of signal: a standard precision (SP) signal and an obfuscated high precision (HP) signal. The signals use similar DSSS encoding and binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulation as in GPS signals. All GLONASS satellites transmit the same code as their SP signal, however each transmits on a different frequency using a 15-channel frequency division multiple access (FDMA) technique spanning either side from 1602.0 MHz, known as the L1 band. The center frequency is 1602 MHz + n 0.5625 MHz, where n is a satellite's frequency channel number (n=7,6,5,...0,...,6, previously n==7,...0,...,13). Signals are transmitted in a 38 cone. [10] Global System Mobile Communications (GSM):


The GSM standard has been an advantage to both consumers, who may benefit from the ability to roam and switch carriers without replacing phones, and also to network operators, who can choose equipment from many GSM equipment vendors. GSM is a cellular network, which means that mobile phones connect to it by searching for cells in the immediate vicinity. There are five different cell sizes in a GSM networkmacro, micro, pico, femto and umbrella cells. Macro cells can be regarded as cells where the base station antenna is installed on a mast or a building above average roof top level. Micro cells are cells whose antenna height is under average roof top level; they are typically used in urban areas. Pico cells are small cells whose coverage diameter is a few dozen meters they are mainly used indoors. Femtocells are cells designed for use in residential or small business environments and connect to the service providers network via a broadband internet connection. Umbrella cells are used to cover shadowed regions of smaller cells and fill in gaps in coverage between those cells.[11]

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Fig: Structure of GSM Network. The network is structured into a number of discrete sections[11]:

The Base Station. The Network and Switching Sub System. This is sometimes also just called the core network. The GPRS core network The Operation Support System (OSS) for maintenance of the network. 7.3 Odometer:

An odometer or odograph is an instrument that indicates distance traveled by a vehicle, such as a bicycle or automobile. The device may be electronic, mechanical, or a combination of the two. The word derives from the Greek words hods ("path") or gateway and mtron ("measure"). In countries where Imperial units or US customary units are used, it is sometimes called a mileometer or milometer. [1]

Figure: Odometer Odometer Tolling: There will be two service stations in the Portland area equipped with mileage reader devices and pilot participants will be asked to fill their vehicles at these participating service stations when convenient. When refueling, the on-board mileage counter will communicate with the mileage readers placed at the pumps. When the purchase is totaled, the gas tax will be deducted automatically and the road user fee will be added automatically. A federal requirement of the Pilot Program is to test the ability to count separately the miles traveled during rush hour within a congested area. Some of the pilot volunteers will be in a rush hour pricing group to test this concept. Because the pilot is a test, many policy options remain for decision-makers, such as charging a lower rate-per-mile for vehicles that achieve a certain fuel efficiency, for motorists that avoid rush hour zones, or for those participating in other environmentally-friendly activities. The road user fee program does not track, store or collect private information. There is a switching device that counts the number of miles the vehicle has travelled. The device cannot record the location of the vehicle except when the vehicle passes through certain designated rush-hour zones. The device counts only the number of miles travelled within the zone, not the time of day, location in the zone, or even the day. [1]

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There is also a GPS receiver in the cars that simply tells the electronic odometer whether to count the miles as in state or out of state. This is to prevent Oregonians from being charged for miles driven outside the state. No location data is transmitted anywhere or stored in the device or elsewhere; since vehicle location data is not collected, it cannot be accessed. The only data collected and transmitted is the mileage, which is sent to the gas pump reader through a radio frequency that can only travel about 8 to 10 feet. [1] 8. SCOPE OF ELECTRONIC TOLL COLLECTION IN INDIA India has about 42.36 Lakh kilometres of road network, which is the second largest in the world. The length of various categories of roads is as under[12]: National Highways State Highways Major district roads Rural roads - 70,934 km - 1,54,522 km - 25,77,396 km - 14,33,577 km

And the state-wide description can be given as,

According to the report given by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) National Highways carry 40% of road traffic. Due to this traffic congestion is very high and to reduce it, Electronic Toll Collection must be implemented. And its major concern is to reduce the traffic density, provides road safety and also increases the Central Governments Economy. And National Highways Lane wise distribution can be classified as[12], 4-Lane 2-Lane Single Lane - 22.3% - 52.3% - 25.4%

There is a possibility of maintaining ETCs on state highways as well as in busiest hours in cities. This may leads to the reduction of congestion, pollution, traffic violation at peak hours. [12] By viewing all the above data, the Ministry has decided to implement a uniform interoperable Electronic Toll Collection(ETC) System with RFID(passive chip) based technology which offers interoperability and compatibility for seamless movement of
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vehicles on tolled national highways, state highways etc. And the factors to be considered are. [12] The system must be interoperable nationwide, and affordable. Technologies should be tried and tested. Systems should be easy to use. ETC should be scalable to other applications. Payments should be possible through credit cards and mobile phones etc.

9. EXISTING ETC IN INDIA In most advanced countries, ETC systems have evolved from older systems where many of the existing technologies did not exist. Due to backward compatibility constraints, implementing ETC models across the country has proved to be a challenge, and sometimes complicated solutions have evolved to ensure interoperability between systems of different toll vendors. India has an advantage as there are no legacy systems in place, and highway expansion has begun to take off mainly over the last decade .Consequently, there is an opportunity to built a simple and robust ETC system that leverages modern information and communication technologies. Presently, Electronic toll collection is used at few toll plazas on national highways like: I. II. Delhi- Gurgaon Highway Bangalore-Electronic City Elevated Highway I. DELHI-GURGAON HIGHWAY: The solution introduced on Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway is a multi- tiered processing ability so as to accommodate the motorists and the processing speeds ensuring little to no queuing at the Toll Plazas. The acceptance of cash and the introduction of the following cashless (Electronic Media to pay Toll) transaction will enable this to be achieved. [13] Technology: Smart Tag The Smart Tag allows a motorist to travel non-stop through the toll plaza. It is an electronic device the size of a computer mouse which is installed in the windscreen behind the rear view mirror of your vehicle. It is charged with the denomination of your choice and has the capability of interacting with sensors placed at the toll gates. Which means that all you have to do is to slow down to 20 Km/hr (you don't have to stop) near the toll gates, the sensor at the gates interact with your Smart Tag, the transaction is recorded and the toll deducted, you hear a confirmation beep inside your car and you're off. [13] All of this takes less than a second and is extremely convenient to commuters and the best way to do away with waiting periods at the toll gates. Smart tag works like a debit card, it has no expiry and you can use it till you keep re-charging the amount in your account. Designated lanes for Smart Tag holders have been created to ensure a seamless drive through. Any person may apply for a smart tag device who travels on the NH-8. This could include Motorists , Local residents and local commercial traffic. All you need is a copy of the registration Certificate of your vehicle and you can register for the Smart Tag at the following locations as per your convenience: [13]
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1. Point of Sale Office at the KM 24 Toll Plaza at the Delhi-Gurgaon Border 2. Point of Sale Office at the KM 42 Toll Plaza near Haldiram on NH 8 3. Point of Sale Office at IGI Airport Toll Plaza

Rules for vehicle with Smart Tag: The smart tag based ETC implemented at Delhi-Gurgaon Highway is basic model and works under certain constraints which are mentioned below.[13] Tag users are required to proceed only after observing green traffic signal. Tag users are required to maintain approx. 2 car length distance while crossing toll gate. Speed of the vehicle should not be more than 15 km while crossing the toll gate. Tag is not an authority to move freely without following traffic rules. Being electronic item there can be instances when the system doesnt work. Dont move on hearing the beep sound coming out of tag. Look out for a green Traffic light only. Each vehicle will be required to have its own Smart-Tag. If anyone tries to tamper the device, a tamper switch which is monitored by the system and will result in hot-listing of the account. If there is any problem in the Smart-tag, the consumer should visit the POS and get the Smart-tag checked. It will be replaced if it has not been tampered with. Speed limits in a nonstop Smart Tag lane must be not more than 15 Km/h for the safety of commuters. The same Smart-tag can be used at all the three toll plazas on the Delhi - Gurgaon Expressway, this Smart-tag cant be used on any other toll road across the country as DG Expressway is the only toll road in India which offers Smart-tag technology. In case the customer changes his/her vehicle or changes the existing fleet, change in particulars need to be filled in, which would then be available at all the three toll plazas to avoid any inconvenience. If the Smart-tag is lost or stolen, the customer should report it to the Point of Sale in writing. The customer will be held responsible for any loss from the use that Smart-tag for 48 hours after the loss has been reported in writing. [13]

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Smart-tag antenna requires the device to be in a certain position and angle on the windshield. Invalid card: If the card to which the Smart-Tag is linked is no longer valid the Smart-tag will not function as system automatically checks the validity of the linked card, before opening the boom.


A centralized back office operation or Central Toll Clearing House is mandatory for the operation of nation-wide ETC systems. The Central Clearing House concept is a transaction management which will enable multiple toll collection agencies to share toll transaction data and revenue reconciliation. It is convenient and easy for a road user to use a common payment mechanism which can be accepted at all toll plazas. Irrespective of the toll plazas being operated by NHAI or BOT concessionaries, the reader system at each toll plaza debits the applicable amount from the smart card of users. Every Toll plaza shall have the facility to account for ETC based payments, and all such transactions for the day are sent to the central toll clearing house (CTCH) as claims. The CTCH runs an end of the day settlement and sends files to every toll plaza and point of sales outlet for their receivables for that particular day. Such files are then sent to the bank for conducting finanancial settlements to the particular bank accounts of all the collecting agencies.[13] II. BANGALORE ELEVATED TOLLWAY LTD: A Consortium of Soma Enterprise Ltd (Soma), Nagarjuna Construction Company Limited (NCCL), and Maytas Infra Limited (Maytas) has built a 9 Km long 4 lane Elevated Divided Carriageway Road between Silk Board Junction and Electronic City Junction on a Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) Basis for the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). The Consortium will operate and maintain the roads in the stretch between Silk Board
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Junction and Inter State Border for the next 18 years. Bangalore Elevated Tollway Ltd (BETL), which has been awarded the expressway project on the Bangalore-Hosur section of the National Highway connecting the Electronic City, has proposed a toll of Rs 10 to Rs 70 per trip for different modes of vehicles, including heavy commercial vehicles. [15] Technology: Passive RFID Toll booths on National Highways will adopt the passive RFID technology standard ISO 18000 6C for electronic toll collection (ETC) system, based on the recommendation of a committee set up for this purpose, headed by Mr Nandan Nilekani, Chairman, Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). The recommendations have been adopted by the Highways Ministry. In the ETC system, vehicles will have tags on their windscreens where amounts can be pre-loaded (just like prepaid SIM cards for phones) and when the vehicles pass through NH toll lanes with tag readers, the toll amount would automatically get debited. This will pave the way for setting up of ETC system across the NH network. There are about 147 toll booths on the NH network, out of which about 100-odd are operated by NHAI and remaining by private developers. Each reader will cost about Rs 2 lakh. Each NH toll booth will have at least two lanes (one on each side) with tag readers. NHAI or the operating concessionaire is likely to bear the cost of setting up tag readers at its toll plazas though the Union Highway Minister, Mr Kamal Nath, said he expects the system to be selffinancing. It is also not clear as to who will fund the clearing house operator. At present, two NH stretches have ETC options Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway and Bangalore-Electronic City elevated highway. [14] 10. STANDARDIZATION OF ETC IN INDIA AND ABROAD More recently there has been a move to standardize ETC protocols around the Dedicated Short Range Communications protocol that has been promoted for vehicle safety by the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, ERTICO and ITS Japan. Whilst communication frequencies and standards do differ around the world there has been a trend toward vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) around the 5.9GHz frequency (802.11.x WAVE). [16] The Association of Toll and Traffic Systems Integrators of India (ATTSII) has recommended guidelines for a suitable Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) to the working group formed by the Committee of Road Safety and Traffic Management, Ministry of Surface Transport and Highways to determine the technology for Advance Traffic Management Systems, Advance Travel or Information Systems and Electronic Toll collection Systems. The association proposes CEN 278 standard based on DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication) microwave technology for the Indian subcontinent keeping in mind the Indian environment and driving conditions. [16] CEN 278 is the most acceptable technology worldwide with interoperability standards. It is already successfully implemented at the Delhi Gurgaon Expressway, the largest 32 lane toll plaza in India. Introduction of smart tags based on microwave technology has received overwhelming response from drivers who earlier had to wait in long queues for several hours at the Toll. Now, it only takes few seconds for each vehicle to pass through, significantly reducing waiting time. [16]

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CEN 278 is a cost effective technology as multiple vendors are present in the market to ensure that customers get the best competitive deal. IRD have successfully implemented CEN 278 standard microwave based Electronic Toll Collection(ETC) technology in April 2006 at Hoogly River Bridge Commissioners (HRBC) site at Vidyasagar Setu Kolkata. HRBC is a West Bengal Government organization for operation, implementation and maintenance of Hoogly Bridge. Currently, it has 24 lanes at 1 Plaza with 4 ETC Lanes and is efficiently meeting requirements of the department to cater to heavy traffic volumes in a matter of seconds at the entry to Kolkata city. [16] Most of the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) operators are opting for technology for ETC which is more cost effective and operationally efficient for Indian conditions. The major advantage of the microwave technology is the presence of numerous vendors in the market that generates fair competition. We must understand the emerging traffic volume in our country and we must opt and guide for technology which best meets diverse user needs and national interest, rather than being guided by commercial interest of vendors. CEN 278 standard is based on microwave technology, making it more reliable, robust and viable. [16] At a time when India is starting to put in place the ETC technology, it should adopt the most advanced technology that is pre tested, allows wider applications and faster data transfer speed. We cannot afford to lose time in deciding on a technology as there is an urgent need to meet the ever increasing traffic management requirements in India that suits the masses and is most viable to implement. [16] 11. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF ETC IN NANDAN NILEKANI REPORT. The Government of India has decided to implement Electronic Toll Collection across the National Highway Network, which would enable to collect toll when vehicle is in motion. Hence the government of India constituted a committee under Shri Nandan Nilekani, Chairman Unique Identification Authority of India and other expert members to propose ETC system and technologies to be implemented for Indian Environment. 11.1 Automatic Vehicle Identification: The committee has suggested the use of RFID (Passive) Tag and Reader based on EPC, Gen-2, and ISO 18000-6C standard for the Indian Environment. This is suggested based on the availability of multiple manufacturers/vendors, cost being very less when compared to other techniques and simplicity. The ETC in India is expected to require not more than 2.5Mbps date rates. In many places in USA and Europe it is observed that ETC where other technologies were adopted have shifted to RFID based passive technology because of its advantages. 11.2 Toll Charging: A central Toll Clearing House (CTCH) will maintain all the financial transactions. All the toll plazas are to be connected to the Clearing House through WAN. Every toll plaza has the facility to account for ETC based payments, and all such transactions for the day are sent to CTCH as claims. The CTCH runs an end of the day settlement and sends files to every toll plaza.. The CTCH also interacts with the bank for financial settlements to the particular bank accounts of all the toll collecting agencies. 11.3 Automatic Vehicle Classification: With the proposed architecture and the RFID tag recommended, vehicle classification is done based on the classification of the data in the RFID Tag which is read by the reader.
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Each lane in the toll plaza can be equipped with independent AVC systems for crossing checking the class of vehicles by the ETC reader. Vehicle classification is done by use of code in the tag. However, to detect misuse of tags, it is recommended that a alternative means of AVC should be available. This is left to the toll plaza operator. 11.4 Violation Enforcement System (ANPR): Violation can occur when vehicle tag does not have enough money or tag when passing through the ETC lane. Stopping the violated vehicle will mitigate the benefits of ETC, as vehicle blocks the traffic. Hence it is important to identify the violator without stopping the vehicle. LPR system helps in this aspect. But the committee is of the opinion that it is difficult to handle to violator without stopping. So violator needs to stopped and penalised at the toll plaza by the enforcement authorities. A proper legal framework should exist for penalizing the violators for effective Implementation of ETC. The committee has suggested the importing of Technology so that OBU and Tags become cheaper and are not burden to common man.

11. OBJECTIVES OF TIFAC CORE IN ETC: The committee formed by the Government of India has studied the major ETC implemented worldwide and the Indian Scenario and proposed the best architecture with technologies for ETC in India. The objective of the TIFAC CORE in Telematics is to implement a Pilot Project with the above recommendations and test in real time. This is done to identify the real time constraints in implementation of ETC in India. The CORE will also explore various technologies and architectures for implementation of Automatic Vehicle Identification, Automatic Vehicle Classification, Toll Charging and Violation Enforcement Systems in Indian Scenario. Goals: The work plan of the pilot project will be divided in terms of short term goals and long term goals. The short term goals are aimed at work plan for one year i.e.2011-2012 academic year and the long term work plan will be for 2 years and beyond. 12.1 Short term goals: The short term goals w.r.t ETC pilot project will be: 1. To survey information about various toll plazas implemented with different technologies across the world. 2. To study in detail various recommendations for ETC given by the Nandan Nilekani Report. 3. To identify specifications and design a base model with major three sub-blocks (AVI, AVC, and VES) of RFID based ETC system for Indian Scenario. 4. To design and implement the proposed system with real time considerations. 5. To test and analyse the results of the RFID based ETC system implemented in real time scenarios under various conditions.

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12.2 Long term Goals: The long term goals w.r.t ETC pilot project will be: 1. Based on the observations from the implementation of RFID based system, improvements or better alternatives at sub block level will be explored and implemented. 2. ETC system can be implemented with various other technologies like GPS, GSM etc. These systems will be explored and the pilot projects in the same for Indian Scenario can be implemented. 3. A report detailing issues in implementation of various ETC systems in Indian Scenario will be generated. 13. COMPLETED PROJECTS IN ELECTRONIC TOLL COLLECTION:

Automatic Vehicle Identification/Detection


Roll Number Y9MTSP016

Title of Project A Novel Approach For Efficient Traffic Flow Density Estimation

Year 2010-11

B.Tech /M.Tech M.Tech


SHF Passive RFID Tag Antenna Section Y9MTSP003 Design For Electronic Toll Collection Application Y07EC058 Night time vehicle detection and range estimation for driver assistant Moving Vehicle Identification Using Background Registration Technique For Traffic Surveillance










Automatic Vehicle Classification

S.No 1. Y07EC005 2. 3. 4. Y07EC051 Y07EC006 Y070EC072 Roll Number Title of Project Vehicle Classification Using Background Subtraction and FFT Algorithm Vehicle Classification Using Acoustic Signals Vehicle Classification Using SVM Algorithm Night Time Vehicle Classification Year
2007-2011 2007-2011 2007-2011 2007-2011

B.Tech /M.Tech B.Tech B.Tech B.Tech B.Tech

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5. 6.

Y07EC074 Y07EC090

Night Time Vehicle Classification Using Eigen spaces and SVM Electronic Toll Collection Using RFID


B.Tech B.Tech


Violation Enforcement Systems

S.No 1 Roll Number Y9MTSP005 Title of Project Video Surveillance System For Speed Violated Vehicle Detection Vehicle License Plate Recognition System Year 2009-2011 B.Tech /M.Tech M.Tech





An efficient method for license plate location Automatic license plate recognition using vision assistant







The ETC pilot project will involve design and implementation of a base model system. The primary objective of the design will be to achieve the correct functionality at system level and sub-block level.

14.1 Design:
The base model of the RFID based ETC system will have three sub-blocks:1. Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) 2. Automatic Vehicle Classification (AVC) 3. Violation Enforcement System (VES) (Unlike the original RFID based ETC system, a simple model of Toll Processing Unit will be implemented. The Toll Processing Unit will be integrated in to the AVI unit for this pilot project implementation.) The functionality of the above three components are discussed in 6.1, 6.2, 6.3. in detail. The algorithm for implementation of each sub-block at higher abstraction level is given as follows. 14.1.1 Steps Involved in Automatic Vehicle Identification Implementation (AVI) 1. RFID Tag and Reader Configuration, Tag in vehicle is read by the RFID reader. 2. Road Side Unit for processing by comparison of vehicle class and deduction of amount information. 3. Database for storage of records of the customers. The information in database in read by the RSU when needed 4. Road Side Unit needs to communicate with the AVC to get the actual vehicle class for comparison and VES system when there is violation.

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14.1.2 Steps Involved in Automatic Vehicle Classification Implementation (AVC) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Acquire real time Vehicle information (RTI) of vehicle using sensors and images. Hardware for conversion of the RTI in to the format for processing. Algorithm development for Processing the RTI. FPGA based Hardware Implementation of the Algorithms. Verification of the system developed (Hardware and Software) in real time.

14.1.3 Steps Involved in Violation Enforcement System Implementation (VES) 1. Acquiring the Licence Plate of the Vehicle in Image/Video format. 2. Extraction of Frames (This is True Colour Image). 3. Pre-processing Steps This involves RGB to Greyscale conversions or RGB to binary, noise removal techniques, contrast and brightness enhancements, gamma corrections. This can achieved using predefined function in LabVIEW and Matlab. User defined functions can be used for some of the above steps. 4. Edge Detection Techniques Here also predefined operators like SOBEL, CANNY, ROBERT, PREWITT, LAPLACIAN OF GAUSSIAN (LoG) etc can be used. 5. Detection and Extraction: This is one of the areas where you can contribute. You can apply techniques like wavelets to detect and extract number plates. Explore for the efficient techniques for different kinds of LP formats taken in during different illumination conditions. Choose combination of algorithms for maximum efficiency. 6. Segmentation of Characters Various algorithms for efficiently segmenting the characters of the Licence Plate. Types of Segmentation Region based Segmentation or Edge based Segmentation or Pixel Based Segmentation can be explored with various algorithms. 7. Character Recognition: Template Matching, Pattern Matching, Neural Networks based methods, fuzzy logic etc can be used for efficient character recognition. 8. Using the extracted number plate to retrieve the customer details from the database. 9. Implementation of the above system developed in steps 3 to 8 in Hardware (FPGA based Hardware.) 10. Verification of the system developed (Hardware and Software) in real time. 14.1.4 General Block Diagram of the RFID based ETC system for the Pilot Project Implementation:

15. CONSIDERATIONS FOR ETC 15.1 Considerations for ETC Automatic Vehicle Identification RFID Reader of 865 MHz to 867 MHz that cover range of 3 to 5 meters will be chosen. The vehicles speed is restricted to maximum of 40 Km/Hr RFID reader reads the Unique Identification Number from the RFID tag in the vehicle. The placement of tag for reader to identify and the speed of the vehicle is important. RSU receives the Unique Identification Number (UIN) from reader, codes it in particular format and retrieve the details from the database using the coded UIN. Security is a major concern as any other device with same frequency should not be able to read UIN and access database. RSU sends the coded UIN to database based on which it retrieves the details like UIN, Vehicle Registration Number, Owner name, Owner Address, Type of Vehicle, and recharged

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amount associated with the vehicle from the database. The details can all be retrieved at once or the individual data can be retrieved. RSU then performs the operation of matching the stored vehicle class information in the database details from the identified vehicle class from the real time system at the toll plazas information. If both vehicle classes do not match, VES is enabled to retrieve the License plate number and the address of the owner. Vehicle can also be stopped for fine collection. Here timing is a major concern as the real time AVC measured and the AVC from database should be of the same vehicle. Hence there is a need for synchronization between two systems. If both match then deduction of the required amount is done from the amount in the details retrieved from the database. If there is no sufficient amount then violation enforcement system is enabled. The database is updated with changed amount after the above operation. Here since financial transaction is involved the security, correct amount deduction and in time updation of database with updated amount is a necessity. Database should also be updated when the tag is recharged by the user. This is why database is designed with two modes of operation-one updation when toll charge is deducted and second when it is recharged by customer. Database will be developed for 100-150 customer databases covering various types of vehicles. Although a central database and local database needs to be created and there are different types of accesses and modifications that each level can have, here we choose to develop just one database with above details. Its important to achieve faster access time between reader, RSU and database. 15.2 Considerations for ETC-Automatic Vehicle Classification: Vehicle Classification System is the done using various algorithms for classifying different types of vehicles in various conditions. Algorithms developed will be verified for real time inputs from Indian scenario under various weather and road conditions in India. Vehicle Classification algorithms can depend on various factors. One key factor is day time vehicle classification or night time vehicle classification. Vehicle classification is broadly classified using the following systems: o Video Imaging Systems o Fibre-optic treadles. o Laser Classifiers. o Optical Height Sensors. o Optical Axle Counters. o Infrared Light Curtains. o Magnetic Sensors o Weigh in Motion concept. o Acoustics o Mix of Technologies For the pilot project a standard classified list used in Indian Toll Plaza is chosen. All vehicles under each class are listed and the developed algorithm should use any of the above types and classify correctly in to the pre-defined classes. Generally different vehicles like trucks, Lorries etc are grouped in to one single class; hence algorithm should also do the same. The real time input will streamed LIVE and then analysed using the algorithm implemented on hardware and class should be displayed. 22

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It is mandatory that the algorithm designed considers various weather considerations. Mention any constraints/Limitations your algorithm have w.r.t vehicle type or weather/Road conditions. The output will be generated in the format required for display and also in the compatible format so that it can be give as input to RSU in AVI. The time interval between vehicles required detecting and classifying all the vehicles and also the maximum speed with which it should travel for AVC system to classify the vehicle will be considered. 15.3 Considerations for ETC - Violation Enforcement Systems: Vehicle Enforcement System will use License Plate Recognition. The algorithms developed for License Plate Recognition should consider processing of images under various conditions like day time, night time. Various algorithms will be explored for training the characters, numbers, symbols of various languages and fonts. Other challenges such as strategies for non-standard number plates, detection of number plate location correctly as they might be placed at different locations for different kinds of vehicles in India should be addressed. The violation enforcement will also include speed detection, as the ETC system strictly requires the vehicle to travel with not more than 40 Km/hour. The VES system and AVC system can be two interworking systems.

16. PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN: The pilot project will be executed by the faculty and students of ECE department in the duration of one year. Faculty will choose their area of interest from AVI, AVC and VES. Based on the topic chosen the faculty groups will be formed and a faculty coordinator for each group will be nominated. The guides of similar group along with the group coordinator will formulate a plan for division of work and implementation of the entire system. The student batches interest of working in particular area of interest from the above three areas (AVI, AVC, VES) is considered and the respective batches are allotted to the corresponding guides. Project specifications will be defined for individual projects after discussions between faculty and their respective batches. The Miniprojects and Final year projects will be part of this pilot project implementation. The overall progress will be monitored on regular basis by the Project Review Committees, HOD- ECE Department, Ms.M.Padmaja-Coordinator, B Tech Final Year projects and Mr.M.Kantikiran, Coordinator, Mini-projects and PG projects.

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Area in ETC

Faculty Group Mr. Fayaz Ahamed Mr.S.Chitti Babu Mr.B.Chaitanya Mr.D.Bhaskar Reddy Dr.A.Jhansi Rani

Projects on RFID Tag and Reader of configuring both and the working on various communication protocols.


Automatic Vehicle Identification

AVC system using sensor based information (ULTRSONIC SENSORS).


Automatic Vehicle Classification

Mr.G.Hema Kumar

AVC system using image analysis techniques.

Mr. N.S.Murthy Mr.G.Chakravarthy

AVC system using Acoustic Sensor based information

Mr.A.Vijaya Sankar 3. Violation Enforcement System Ms.B.L.Sirisha Ms.Y.Prathima Ms.B.J.Rani Deepika

License Plate Recognition System involving various image processing algorithms. This involves looking for optimized algorithms for Indian Scenarios. Speed Estimation techniques from the Images with multiple vehicles.

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17. PROJECT TIMELINE FOR 2011-2012 ACADEMIC YEAR: Literature Survey, July-August 2011 (7 weeks excluding internal exams) Problems and Challenges Identification in each area of ETC, July-August 2011 (7 weeks excluding internal exams) Division of work between Miniprojects and Final Year Projects based on the problems identified, July-August 2011 (7 weeks excluding internal exams) Hardware and Software requirement identification and procurement, Configuring of I/O Hardware, August October 2011 (5 weeks excluding internal exams) Algorithm development in software and functionality testing August October 2011 (6 weeks excluding internal exams) Interim Report Submission for the Final Year Project/ Main for report for Miniproject and final reviews October 2011-(One week) Implementation in Hardware i.e. FPGAs, Interfacing of Algorithm implemented hardware with the I/O Configured Hardware, Result Analysis. (November-December 2011). Integration of Sub-blocks of various projects/Pilot project real time testing JanuaryFebruary 2012

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REFERENCES: [1] Dr. Khali Persad, Dr. C. Michael Walton, Dr. Zhong Wang, Shahriyar Hussain, Chris Robertson Electronic Vehicle Identification: Applications And Implementation Considerations, Texas Department of Transportation.2007 Weblink: [2] [3] Crispin Emmanuel D. Diaz, Jim Joel Madrigal, Aileen U. Mappala, Hilario Sean Palmiano, Ricardo G. Sigua, Allocation Of Electronic Toll Collection Lanes At Toll Plazas onsidering Social Optimization Of Service Times And Delay Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2005. [4] Khadijah Kamarulazizi, Dr.Widad Ismail, Electronic Toll Collection System Using Passive Rfid Technology Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2005-2010. Weblink: [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Saijie Lu, Tiejun He, Zhaohui Gao Design of Electronic Toll Collection System based on Global Positioning System Technique ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management, 2009. Weblink: [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

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