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Knowledge Audit KA IQ Forms and Template

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Describe the Information technology Applications, Tools, Information and Infrastructures (Database, Network, Server and Hardware…)
accessibility and ease of use, and current level of usage?
Form1: Information Technology Tools and Platforms
IT Tools and Platforms How often do you use them? Ease of use/ learn *
Always Everyday/ Less than Less than once Never
on Several times a once a week a month

*Rating on the ease to use/learn the technology: 5-Easy; 4-Relatively easy; 3-About right; 2-Somewhat difficult; 1- Very difficult
7. What are the major knowledge inputs you utilize to make decision/do your daily activity in your Unit/ Department/Division?
Please list the document (s) (including online reports) and associated information you need to receive/retrieve in order to perform the tasks/projects
Form 2. Document Received/Retrieved

Rating on the ease of obtaining the document *

the process **
Rating on the importance of the document to
Document Received/Retrieved (Please Task(s) No. Document Format Immediate Source of Document
include the document reference number if it

Other Dept (Please Specify):

Others (Please Specify):

External to CBE

IT Tools/Platforms No. (Refer to Form 1)

Within your Dept

Subscribed Content***
is available) Hardcopy Softcopy People

Format (PDF, EXCEL, PPT, etc)

Multi-media file (eg. Movie, Voice file)

Printed Fax Others, (Write down the name
please of the person /dept.
specify whom you obtain the
document from/ who
passes the document to


*Rating on the ease of obtaining the document: 5-Easy; 4-Relatively easy; 3-About right; 2-Somewhat difficult; 1-Very difficult
**Rating on the importance of the document to the process: 5-Very important; 4-Important; 3-Somewhat important; 2-Least important; 1-Not important
*** Subscribed Content: Subscription is required in order to get the content.
See Appendix 2. Examples of configuration Items
Please list the document (s) (including online reports) and associated information you send/submit/forward/upload/produce when your carry out the tasks/projects.
Form 3: Document Sent/Submitted/Forwarded/Uploaded/Produced

Rating on the ease of uploading the document *

process **
Rating on the importance of the document to the
Document Sent/ Task (s) Document Format Immediate Source of Document
Submitted/ No.

Within your Dept

IT Tools/Platforms No. (Refer to Form 1)

Other Dept (Please Specify):

External to CBE

Others (Please Specify):

Forwarded/ Uploaded/ Hardcopy Softcopy People

Application Code
Format (PDF, EXCEL, PPT, etc)

Multi-media file (eg. Movie, Voice file)

Printed Fax Others, (Write down the Self- use
please name of the only
specify person /dept. who
passes the document
to you)

*Rating on the ease of obtaining the document: 5-Easy; 4-Relatively easy; 3-About right; 2-Somewhat difficult; 1-Very difficult
**Rating on the importance of the document to the process: 5-Very important; 4-Important; 3-Somewhat important; 2-Least important; 1-Not important
Remark: Please state in which of the tasks of the process you need to sent/submit/forward/upload/produce /refer the document and give rating on the ease of obtaining its as well as its
importance to the process. Please then state the format of the document, either in hardcopy or softcopy. Following is to state whether the immediate source of the document is internal or
external and name of the person/department who passes the document directly to you. You may also write down the IT tools/platforms or other places where you retrieve the document form.
Please briefly state the major knowledge you shared/consulted?
Form 4a & 4b : People you usually consul for advice on Technical and Non-Technical Knowledge

Rating on the importance of

the Knowledge **
No. People you Describe the Technical knowledge Where do the people locate? Communication Channel(s)
usually consul requested (e.g experience, skills,
for advice on know-how) in a key phrase *

Face to Face


Chat Room


Others (Please
Task(s) No. Internal/ Outside your Dept.
your Dept
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Other External to
Dept. CBE


b. Non-Technical

*See Appendix 1: (Hints for describing Implicit/Tacit knowledge)

**Rating on the importance of the document to the process: 5-Very important; 4-Important; 3-Somewhat important; 2-Least important; 1-Not important
Remark: Please list the people who you usually consult for advice on Technical and Non- technical knowledge and describe the knowledge requested in a key phrase. Please then state the
task of the process in which you will contact the people and give rating on the importance of the knowledge. Please also state where the people locate as well as the communication
- Non-technical knowledge may refer to various things like the negotiation problems with various sub-contractors, the skills for reaching agreement on difficult issues etc.
11. Please, list who are they? Sate the knowledge task associated with internal or external stakeholders.
Form 5a & 5b: People who contact you for advice on Technical and Non-Technical Implicit/Tacit Knowledge

Knowledge **
Rating on the
importance of the
No. People who contact you Describe the technical knowledge Where do the people locate? Communication Channel(s)
for advice on Technical requested (e.g experience, skills,
Knowledge know-how) in a key phrase *


Chat Room
Face to Face



Others (Please
Task (s) Internal/ Outside your Dept.
No. Within
your Dept
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Other External to
Dept. CBE


5b. Non-Technical

*See Appendix 1: (Hints for describing Implicit/Tacit knowledge)

**Rating on the importance of the document to the process: 5-Very important; 4-Important; 3-Somewhat important; 2-Least important; 1-Not important
Remark: Please list the people who contact you for advice on Technical / Non-Technical / both knowledge and describe the knowledge requested in a key phrase. Please then state the task
of the process in which you will contact the people and give rating on the importance of the knowledge. Please also state where the people locate as well as the communication channel(s).
Form 6: Document and Implicit/Tacit Knowledge Owned and Used by You Only
Describe and list the document and Implicit/Tacit knowledge (technical and non-technical)
owned and used by you only
Document Task (s) No. Implicit/Tacit knowledge Task(s) No.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
No. No.
1 1
2 2
Form 7: Extra knowledge Possessed by You Related to the Banking Industry but Not Used in
Your Present Post

Describe the list of extra technical and no-technical Implicit/Tacit Knowledge (i.e
experience, skills, know-how)

No. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Form 8: List Information Technology, Applications, Interfaces, Information, Infrastructures (Database, Network,
Server, Hardware, Device...), and Tools/Platforms.

Existing Information Technology that is currently available

No. Existing IT Ratting (To be filled in b Knowledge inventory workshop

Application/System/Interface/Tools (To participants)
be provided by your unit)
Ease to Time to Importance ***
learn* learn **

*Rating on the ease to learn the technology: 5-Easy; 4-Relatively easy; 3-About right; 2-Somewhat difficult; 1-
Very difficult
**Rating on the time to learn the technology: 5-Very long time; 4-Long time; 3-About right; 2-Relatively short
time; 1- short time
***Rating on the importance of the technology: 5-Very important; 4-Important; 3-Soewhat important; 2-Least
important; 1-Not important
Knowledge Flow (Focus group Discussion)
1. Describe knowledge flow on how people seek, sharing, use and dissemination knowledge to perform their daily activities?

Template1: Template of Knowledge flow Schema

Division: ____________________

Department: ____________________

Unit: _____________________

Process/Work Name

Process or Work Flow


Technology (T)

Documents (D)

Knowledge (K)

Note: Please see Appendix 2. Sample of Knowledge flow schema with carted Post-it

Appendix 3. Sample of Knowledge flow schema with carted Post-it

Appendix 1: Description of Implicit/Tacit Knowledge and Explicit Knowledge
Implicit/Tacit Knowledge refers to the experience, skill or know-how that has not been written down and documented.
You are asked to give an appropriate “label” (comprising keywords o a shot phase o us to “index” it so that it can traced and following up in a latter study.
You can start with a broad title, name or terminology first (1 st level) and then try to drill down to a deeper level (2 nd & 3rd levels) by asking what is the actionable piece of knowledge that you can teach/pass to other people.
In non-technical knowledge, these may refer to various things like the negotiation problems with various sub-contractors, the skills for reaching agreement on difficult issues etc.

The purposes of capturing the implicit/Tacit knowledge to build a powerful organizationa

§  to enable knowledge sharing among employees,
§  to encourage a positive learning culture (not afraid to share unsuccessful experience), and
§  to make the workplace a harmonious, safe and challenging place to promote mutual learning and understanding
Differences between Explicit and Implicit Knowledge Inventories

Appendix 2: Configuration Items… Examples of

Configuration Items… Examples of
Services Email, printing, collaboration, presentation, data processing,
user registration
Software Applications, databases, virtual machines, containers, licenses

Hardware Servers, routers, computers, switches, printers

Devices Laptops, tablets, smartphones, monitors, keyboards, mice,
Documents Content types: Policies, governance, procedures, processes,
structures, concepts, rules, facts, memo, Standard Operation
Procedure (SOP), classifications, system manual, release notes,
user guides, troubleshooting manuals, Learning Reviews, After
Action Review (AAR).
Artifacts: documents, records, video, voice, and

Structured and unstructured information: experts, social

media, email, voice mail, RSS feeds ….
Locations Offices, data centers, server rooms

Staff Service desk agents, support specialists, developers

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