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AA#27 Bitterroot Briar (L2-4) - Expeditious Retreat Press

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Bitterroot Briar
by Lang Waters

Author: Lang Waters Map of The Bitterroot Briar.................................................................. 5

Cover Artist: John & Daisy Bingham Outside the Briar .................................................................................. 6
Interior Artist: John Bingham, Kimagu The Grove............................................................................................. 6
Editor: Joseph Browning Quadrant A.......................................................................................... 7
Layout: Joseph Browning Quadrant B .......................................................................................... 7
Quadrant C ......................................................................................... 8
Notes for the Game Master ..............................................................2 Quadrant D.......................................................................................... 8
Ipwich ....................................................................................................2 The Pools .............................................................................................. 9
Map of Ipwich and Surrounds ........................................................... 3 The Fallen Oak ..................................................................................... 9
Beginning the Adventure ................................................................... 3 The Island ........................................................................................... 10
The Ironwoods ..................................................................................... 4 Map of The Island.............................................................................. 10
The Bitterrroot Briar .............................................................................. 5 Appendix A: Lore .............................................................................. 11
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THE BITTERROOT BRIAR Adventure hooks: Below are a few ways to integrate the module
into an ongoing game.
The small village of Ipwich has been plagued by mystery for years. 1. Cissela (see below) is luring adventurers to the grove by slowly
Why do some people, last seen years ago, come stumbling out of poisoning a revered matron of Ipwich. The only known cure
the woods looking as young as the day they disappeared, raving for her illness is the leaves from a plant which can only be
mad? Why does the forest itself whisper in the blowing of the trees found on the other side of the Bitterroot Briar.
or the babbling of a brook, beckoning to its center? Local folklore 2. Characters hear of a place where treasure and magic items
holds that the answers to these questions lie on the other side of an hang from the boughs of trees in a cursed forest grove. They
immense wall of thorns in the heart of the forest, the Bitterroot Briar, come to investigate.
as do the remains of a good number of would be riddle solvers. 3. Retrieving a boon from beyond the Bitterroot Briar is a rite
What folklore does not reveal directly is that the briar is the site of
an ancient battle. A battle, in fact, that continues after centuries. whatever order they belong to (or want to belong to). The
briar is considered a test, and the character must provide
Stop! The information that follows is for the eyes of the gamemaster indisputable proof of their adventure—knowledge of a
only. Knowledge of the contents will only ruin your enjoyment of sword known to be lost there ages ago.
the game. 4. A druid player character has been charged by their master
to learn more about an old mystery—the disappearance
Background: 200 years ago the Ironwood was contested ground of a large number of druids and rangers in the area many
between the warring kingdoms of Uqbar and Tolq. Uqbar enlisted
years ago.
the druidical order of the Black Oak to establish a presence in
5. Travelling through the Ironwood forest one of the characters
the Ironwood and Duke Vuscin offered to guide the druids to a
hears the voice of Isiliar (a magic sword) beckoning.
forgotten grove and pools in the heart of the forest. In an act of
betrayal by the Duke, the druids were led to the lair of a foul black
willow, and over the next several months the druids were reduced
in number. Finally they sent a message to a group of rangers sworn IPWICH
to Uqbar, asking for help in investigating the cause. The company’s
nominal leader, the renowned Brehg, agreed to gather a host and Ipwich is a small sleepy village of loggers and farmers tucked away
visit the grove. Spies of Tolq alerted the Duke and an ambush of in the Garvian Mountains. It has a population of 225. Travel to this
Brehg’s men was planned. It is this confrontation between Uqbar’s village is usually uneventful as it lies on a well-traveled trade route.
hero and her traitor that echoes in Ironwood to this day. Near the road are an inn, a dry goods store supplying merchant
caravans along the trade route, and mill. Other houses are visible
Soon after Brehg and his company arrived at the grove, the Duke’s through the trees and on nearby hills. Of particular interest is what
men, along with men of Tolq, overwhelmed them. Outnumbered, looks like a single outstandingly tall ash tree on a nearby knoll. This
Uqbar’s partisans fought heroically. Too late did Taras Greenleaf is a shrine to the spirit of the forest, who is much revered by all of
call up a wall of thorns to prevent the Duke’s reinforcements from the locals.
reaching the fray. In the last moments of slaughter Brehg drove his
sword into the trunk of the black willow with mighty force, snapping The player characters may learn a few rumors about the Bitterroot
Briar by questioning local townsfolk, especially the barkeep at the
fell upon him. inn and any hunters they can locate. Chance encounters on the
main road through the village include children playing, townsfolk
Though Brehg couldn’t know, his prayer was heard and answered. bringing food to Mother Marit, or one of the notable NPCs.
The spirit of the forest was drawn by the carnage and the threat
the war posed to its domain. It took swift and severe action and Borrace the Innkeep: Borrace owns and runs the village inn, The
laid strong enchantments around the vicinity of the ancient grove, Grunter. He is very round and has graying hair with a full beard.
slowing time and altering the shapes of the combatants. These He enjoys his position in the local community as gossip very much
enchantments maintained balance in the forest, and provided a
test for would be followers. Devout and skilled adventurers may the briar he will launch into a speech about how many travelers
discover the deepest secret of the grove, that the sword wielded “come through looking for treasure hangin’ from the trees, though
by Brehg, the sword Isiliar, was sentient and forged to serve the none of them seem to come back.” Other rumors from the rumor
spirit of the forest. It is still conscious and embedded in the roots of table might be heard from Borrace as well.
the tree, and will transform, under the right conditions and for the
right character, into an oracle of the spirit of the forest. Urrayne the Druid: A young and earnest man devoted to nature
and his community. Urrayne (male human, Neutral, 1st- level druid,
While the war between Tolq and Uqbar ceased in the outside AC 10; HP 7; S 10, I 11, W 15, D 12, C 10, CH 13; Spells entangle, pass
world long ago, battles continue within the pools and grove of without trace) is also the keeper of the healing leaves from the
the Bitterroot Briar. The survivors of the confrontation now literally briar. These leaves were collected by a successful adventurer from
claw at each other to escape, while Duke Vuscin believes he has the Briar and given to the townspeople many years ago. What is
discovered the real means to do so with a bloody ritual. In such an left is being used to help Mother Marit. When brewed into a tea,
environment all new interlopers within the grove are seized upon the leaves heal 1-4 hit points and remove poison as a neutralize
quickly. While many seek the briar for rumored treasure, many poison spell.
more seek to escape it.
If well-disposed to a party, Urrayne will advise the characters to
Notes for the Game Master: The Bitterroot Briar is an adventure for “listen to the forest.” He will also lament that one of the blessings of
6-10 characters of levels 2-4. A nature-based character (druid or the community is the healing leaves, and they desperately need
ranger) will be of help in the module. The adventure involves the more. Urrayne may be encountered at the ash tree shrine or in the
PCs travelling to a very magical grove in the middle of a forest; woods. He won’t accompany a party unless well-rewarded. If he
a grove that shrinks the characters down to 1 inch tall and traps adventures, he dons leather armor armor and arms with a spear
and sling.
could have severe consequences on a GM’s campaign world
and a GM should carefully consider this aspect of the module. Mother Marit: Old Mother Marit is the honored matriarch of Ipwich,
adopted by the village as everyone’s grandmother after all her

a hypochondriac. It is this latter trait that Cissela has exploited to

lure adventurers here as Old Mattie is very superstitious and abhors

magic. She has been bedridden for weeks, but refuses anything Cissela currently resides with Mother Marit, across the way from the
but a tea made from leaves provided by Urrayne, water, and hanging boar sign of The Grunter inn. Mother Marit intends to leave
dark bread with butter. What she doesn’t know is that her self- her house to Cissella after she dies, and has informed every one
appointed nurse, Cissela, has been poisoning the tea she brews. of her intent. Cissella has hidden the treasures she receives from
Old Mattie has been languishing for long enough that the villagers Vuscin in a chest in corner of the basement, behind several very
old chairs covered with a thick, dusty tarp. In the locked, trapped
(75% chance), tended by Cissela or some well-wishing neighbor, (poison needle) chest is: 56 gp, 156 sp, 12 gold necklaces (5x50 gp,
mumbling verses of a childhood rhyme (see Appendix A: Lore). 7x100 gp), 23 silver bracelets (3x10 gp, 4x25 gp, 12x50 gp, 4x75 gp),
Otherwise, she will be coherent, in which case she will offer and 52 gems (34x10 gp, 10x 50 gp, 5x100 gp). When coin becomes
tidbits from the rumor table but is more given to long digressions too plentiful, Cissela purchases small gems and inexpensive jewelry
about the amusing character of local townsfolk. She will end any from the passing merchants to keep her stash small and portable.
conversation with a sincere plea for more of the medicinal leaves
from the other side of the briar, and genuinely fears for her life. She Duke Vuscin the Black: Duke Vuscin, also known as Vuscin the
has nothing to offer but 20 sp and her gratitude. Black, was a traitor to Uqbar and the bane of the hero Brehg. He
lairs in Isiliar’s hollow inside the Bitterroot Briar. The Duke is interested
Cissela the Wererat: Cissela is a short, dark haired woman with
large, bulging eyes, short hair, and a long scar on the left side of death (see Appendix A: Lore) in order to escape the Briar. The
her neck. She dresses in dark, functional leather, and looks out of Duke and Cissela would betray each other if the circumstances
place in a rural village like Ipwich. She will walk straight up to the called for it, but there has been no need and their current bond
is solid. Vuscin is smart enough to attack only one character at a
“My name is Cissela, but you can call me Sissy,” she says as she time if he can. Otherwise, if encountered, he will monitor the party
smiles broadly and winks. and pretend to just be a snake. Cissela will work with him to lead
characters astray.
Cissela has lived in Ipwich all her life. A couple years ago an
adventuring party on its way to the briar passed through the Duke Vuscin as a spell-casting giant snake (SZ L; AC 6; MV 90 ft.;
village. She followed them out of curiosity, attracted to their sinister HD 5; HP 24; #AT 2 (bite, constrict); Dmg 1-4, 2-8; SA: constriction,
aura. She was caught watching a dark ritual and given the choice spells (read magic, charm person, darkness, burning hands); AL LE)
of being an initiate or an offering. Since then, she has been a when compared to diminutive characters.
devout follower of the god of death, and a wererat (SZ M; AC 6;
MV 120 ft.; HD 3+1; HP 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 (sword); SA: surprise 1-4,
lycanthropic bite, 1st-level thief abilities, summon and control giant BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE
rats; SD hit only by silver or magic; AL LE).
When the characters enter Ipwich they draw the curious looks of
After her “conversion” she accompanied her newfound friends several adults walking about and a small gaggle of children that
into the Briar and watched each of them die. She would have come running and skipping from between two cottages and an
died too, in the coils of Duke Vuscin, if not for some fast and inn with the sign of a boar (The Grunter). The children circle the
shrewd talking. The Duke and Cissela have formed a mutually group as together they sing a child’s rhyme:

and Cissela gets to keep the possessions. She will not hesitate to Old Man Troll
use all of the guile and charm that she possesses to earn the trust Whither will I go?
of the characters so that she can lead them directly to Vuscin or Over the briar
his cronies. If all goes as planned Cissela will pave the way for the And cross the water
Duke on the outside as well by saving money and establishing a To win treasure for my beau!
house in anticipation of his escape. Cissela is careful never to be in
the briar for very long. (Then one child sings out)
There I met the faeries
ONE INCH EQUALS 5 MILES I sang to them of olden days
To better to stay their charm.
Huckleberry fairy can’t catch me!
I’ve turned into a bumblebee!

With that the small singer charges, buzzing, at the other children
that run laughing from him, and they disappear between the
cottages on the far side of the way.

This simple rhyme is a scrap of oral history in the village. The rhyme
was put together by a bard generations ago to regale local
children with the story of a successful return from the Bitterroot Briar.
Attentive players may inquire about a briar or other details of the

of the briar, and some revealing other rumors. A particularly merry

character might join the children at play. If this happens, more
verses will be heard that reveal clues about the environment on
the other side of the briar (see Appendix A: Lore).

What the characters choose to do next is up to them. The GM

should role-play the natives and provide information about the
bitterroot briar to the characters when appropriate. The rumors
below should provide some guidance.

1. “Aye, the wee folk, they’re malicious here. Don’t trust a fey
creature in these parts, it’ll only lead to harm!” T
2. Looking around to make sure no one else hears, “I’ve heard
the trees talk, I have!” T
3. “The Briar’s been there as long as anybody remembers. 1. Scarlet the Faerie Dragon: This fey creature makes her home in
My granddaddy used to say that it was a druid created it, the grove and travels freely between it and the outside world.
years ago to protect something. Not sure what that might This creature is the companion of Leafmuntos and takes a
be though.” T great deal of delight in bewildering travelers. It will use all of its
4. “The other side o’ the briar?! Nobody wants to go there; a spells to this end. It will not lead characters to the briar. See The
witch makes her home there.” F Grove AREA 8 for statistics on Scarlet the Faerie Dragon.
5. “Aye, ye can see it from a certain bluff I know, but no amount 2. Leafmuntos the Pixie: Leafmuntos also calls the grove home and
travels freely between it and the outside world. He delights
6. “ possible, by confusing and taunting them. If the characters
into a newt!” F
7. “Strangest of all, once or twice every few years or so themselves facing the briar in 3 turns. If they choose to ignore
somebody will come stumblin’ out o’ the woods claiming to the pixie his pranks will become more mischievous—throwing
have lived as a little creature. Nobody talks about it much small stones, dropping pine cones on their heads, anything to
‘cause if it comes from one man, it’s just crazy talk, but if get their attention without hurting them, but eventually he’ll
it comes from several men, then it’s something you don’t desist if he gets no response. See The Grove AREA 2 for statistics
”T on Leafmuntos.
8. “Two ancient kingdoms fought in these woods a long ago.” T 3. The Hilt of Isiliar*: The hilt of a sword is discovered by a keen eyed
9. “Well if you’ve talked to Urrayne you must know about the character. The blade has been snapped off clean at the hilt,
healing leaves. He saved my son with those, and they only but it is clear that it was a treasured possession as the pommel
come from the briar.” T and hand guard show expert workmanship. The hand guard is
10. “There’s a beast loose in the woods, half bear, half bird. It carved in the shape of a great oak leaf. The hilt is worth 200 gp.
has a great beak and feathers along its arms. Two children 4. Boar: This irritated boar (SZ M; AC 7; MV 150 ft.; HD 3+3; HP 15;
have been lost to the animal in the last three years.” T #AT 1; Dmg 3-12; AL N) will hold its ground if it is threatened and
charge if it is attacked. If the characters remain still it will move
away quickly after a few moments.
THE IRONWOODS 5. Owl Bear*: This owlbear (SZ L; AC 5; MV 120 ft.; HD 5+2; HP 17;
#AT 3; Dmg 1-6, 1-6, 2-12; SA hug; AL N) is old and has taken to
The Ironwoods surround the small village of Ipwich: only a mile- scavenging and preying upon much smaller creatures than it
wide swath along the larger river banks has been logged clear of
trees, cutting the Ironwoods into several smaller sections. During 6. Akin*: Akin (male human 1st
exploration of the forest random encounters should be checked shield); MV 90 ft.; HD 1; HP 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 (sword); AL NG)
for twice a day. Even though the grove can be seen at a distance is a hapless adventurer that escaped from Cissela and the
from several different vantage points, and in fact, it seems as if Duke, and he is still reeling from his time spent in the grove as

without one of three things happening: party may get him to speak, though he is very confused. He
1. One of the characters is guided there by the voice of Isiliar answers only in non-sequiters about living in a stream. If Cissela
(see below). is with the party he will charge her in a rage, shouting “Witch!”
2. One of the characters commits an act of wanton violence Akin will not go back to the briar under any circumstances.
against the forest e.g. killing a game animal for sport not 7-8. An unfortunate hunter, now a yellow musk zombie (SZ M; AC 8;
food. If this happens the party will encounter the grove in MV 120 ft.; HD 2; HP 9; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (spear); AL NE).
whatever direction they are headed within 10 minutes. 9. Local Hunters: These 3 hunters (SZ M; AC 8; MV 120 ft.; HD 1;
3. An encounter with Leafmuntos the pixie leads them to the HP 4, 5, 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (bow), 1-6 spear; AL LN), are
grove and briar. ostensibly looking for the owlbear, but are somewhat afraid

Barring one of these events it is impossible to locate the grove. table if questioned. There are three groups of hunters, each
encountered separately.
The Voice of Isiliar: Isiliar is the sentient sword once wielded by the 10. Reynard the Bard: Reynard is a wanderer and a drunk. If
hero Brehg. The sword was forged by a follower of the spirit of the
forest. Isiliar can communicate telepathically but since its injury in that mentions Brehg’s sword Isiliar as well as his disappearance
the grove it is unsure of its identity and confused. It does realize that in the Ironwoods trying help the order of the Black Oak. He
it is trapped, and attempts to communicate with beings that might loves to talk and sing about adventure but won’t actually
help it. The voice of Isiliar can be heard by ears actively focused on participate in one, saying his adventuring days are over. He will
the natural sounds of the forest, particularly the wind in the trees or viscously defend himself if attacked, offering no quarter.
the water in the streams. Any character in the Ironwood that states
that he is listeningto either the wind or water and is undisturbed for Reynard, male human 2nd-level bard (5th th
more than ten minutes may hear Isiliar’s imprecations. Listening for thief): (SZ M; AC 2; MV 120 ft.; HD 5/7/1; HP 36; #AT 1; Dmg
Isiliar is calculated at base 50% chance +10% per level for druids
1-8+1; SA charm, spells (animal friendship, speak with animals),
or rangers.
7th-level thief abilities; AL NG). Possessions: Lute, bracers of
defense AC 2, longsword +2, potion of healing, and 25 gp.
Isiliar’s communication is vague and consists of one or two word
11. Elves
statements. There is a strong urging to “come” followed by directions
like “this way” and encouragement “yes, yes.” Questioning Isiliar is themselves surrounded by a group of 6 elves (SZ M; AC 5; MV
not very helpful as it is unsure of its own nature since it was broken. 120 ft.; HD 1+2; HP 4, 5 (x2), 6, 7, 8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 (bow), 1-8
Replies range from “help!” to repeating “what am I?” over and (sword); SA +1 to hit; SD elven resistances; AL CG) with bows
over or “dark” and “the tree!” Characters following the voice of drawn. Their leader addresses the party, “What is your business
in these woods?” If their reaction to the PCs is hostile they will
that runs through the Briar. disappear into the woods and harry the party with arrows until
the player characters leave the forest, make it to the Briar, or
Random Encounter Table A - The Ironwoods are killed.
A roll of 1-2 on d6 indicates an encounter, check twice daily and 12. Urrayne the Druid. See Notable NPCs.
if an encounter is indicated roll d12 and consult the table below.
Encounters with an asterisk (*) cannot be used more than once.

14 K
I 1
D 13 2 3
12 2
H A 4
1 D
11 G 2
4 4

F 10 B 5
9 6


The briar is ten feet high and encircles the grove. An open, grassy shapeshifting magic. Creatures that shapeshift can walk to the
area with a few scattered trees separates the forest from the briar. edge of the briar, shapeshift, and beat a hasty retreat. Creatures
It always appears to be early morning in the grassy area with dew native to the forest (pixies, faerie dragons, owls, etc.) are affected
on the grass and a very light mist hanging low to the ground. by the shrinking, but are not trapped—able to come and go as
desired. Non-living creatures (such as the mudmen) are immune
This briar is an artifact created by the spirit of the forest based to both the shrinking and trapping effects. For more information on
upon of the wall of thorns spell cast by Taras Greenleaf during being small, see The Grove.

The thorn bushes have thrived tremendously in this enchanted Because of this second enchantment, there is no way out of the
environment and have collected several uglier forms of plant life grove for most visitors, but there is random 1% chance per year that
from the surrounding forest. It is at this point in its existence old, a trapped creature is freed from the enchantment. Such creatures
dense, and formidable.
confused and bewildered. This confusion lasts for 12 months unless
From the ground, no matter how often the characters spot the a save vs. magic is made. In such case, the confusion lasts for 1-4
briar from tree or hill tops they will not discover the briar until one of weeks. After the confusion is over, the person does not remember
what happened.
will either lose sight of the briar or appear to have strayed.
Around the briar, there is a cumulative 10% chance per turn of
The briar itself is roughly 15 feet high and 10 feet thick, generally encountering Jakys the Troll (SZ L; AC 4; MV 120 ft.; HD 6+6; HP
circular, and is made up of the most densely tangled, thick-vined, 32; #AT 3; Dmg 5-8, 5-8, 2-12; SD regeneration; AL CE). Jakys has
large-thorned bramble any character has seen. a make-shift den in AREA 4. He is an ancient troll, and looks it. He
would just as soon not take on a group of PCs if possible. When
encountered he threatens the PCs with the most vile possibilities he
an enchantment upon the grassy area between the briar and the can think of, but ends it all by inquiring about any food they might
woods as well as in the grove. This enchantment slows time; for have. If no one tries to negotiate, he will shriek and charge the
every day spent here, 6 months pass on the outside. party, hoping to get a few of his opponents to back into the stream
if near the south exit—he is well aware of its effects. He will then
The second enchantment is placed upon those who enter grove: engage remaining characters and hope to catch any that have
a trapping and shrinking enchantment. The round after a living
creature enters the grove it shrinks down to 1 inch in size and not the south stream. Jakys is aware of all the enchantments in the
bitterroot briar.
There are three main ways to penetrate the briar. 4. THE LAIR OF JAKYS THE TROLL: More than likely, Jakys will
not be encountered in his lair. This is a hovel constructed of
The Streams: Characters may try to submerge themselves hides stitched and stretched between fallen trees. There is
in the stream and so pass under the briar and into the grove a nauseating reek as characters approach. Inside on a tree
and pools. At the south exit of the stream from the briar stump table are the bones of a tiny human, separated but in
characters are subject to the shrinking enchantment of the anatomically correct order. Suspended from the hide roof in
grove immediately. The stream is not enchanted at the north the far corner is a wooden cage about six inches high and
entrance of the stream into the briar. twelve inches long.

Muscle Through: Attempting to move through the briar incurs Jakys has buried the collected treasure from his victims in a
1-2 hp damage per foot. Slow work with edged weapons can chest outside of his hovel, under one of the fallen trees. It is
create a safe passage 1 foot deep per turn of work without not well-concealed and consists of 523 gp, 311 sp, a potion of
healing, and a potion of speed.
bramble magically grows back quickly, and will completely
have reclosed any gap opened within 24 hours. 5. SKELETON: Woven into the outside of the briar is an old human
skeleton in rotted clothes, suspended in the branches of the
Fight Through The Thin Spot: The briar is naturally less dense in briar. Long ago Jakys hung the sinewy remains of one of his
AREA 2, allowing characters to create a safe passage 5 foot victims here and the vines have grown over it, supporting it
deep per turn. after everything but the bones have rotted away.

An old spider web covers both eye sockets, but there is no

associated spider. The web is a magic item which, if placed
OUTSIDE THE BRIAR over the eyes, acts as a True Seeing spell. It is fragile, and
any rough handling will destroy it, and even with the gentlest
Yellow Musk Creepers: There are two places on the briar proper
handling, it can only be put on and taken off 5 times before it
(indicated by a white skull and crossbones sign) where 2 yellow
musk creepers (SZ L; AC 7; MV 0 ft.; HD 3; HP 8, 19; #AT 6 (western), crumbles away.
10 (eastern); Dmg see description; AL N) have taken root. At the
musk zombie entwined in the briars. The zombie is too entangled THE GROVE
in the briars to escape, but it makes a terrible thrashing if anything
that looks remotely like prey comes within its view. The grove is a strange and beautiful site. Eleven small oak trees,
each about 25 feet high, encircle an area roughly 80 feet
1. THE SOUTH STREAM EXIT: Flowing out of the briar is a stream ten across. Dividing the grove in half is a stream. In the very center
of the grove the stream runs to either side around a small island.
Dominating the island is an ancient looking willow tree. The willow
either side. The briar extends across the water and hangs low. looks strangely cloven in its trunk with a thick, large branch that
is completely blackened and misshapen protruding to one side.
Any PC touching the water of the stream here must make a save The grove inclines slightly to the north such that several small pools
against spells or shrink immediately to 1 inch tall as if they had
entered the grove. Characters that shrink will be disoriented of these pools lies just north of a fallen oak tree that forms a natural
bridge between the shore and the island. Sunlight penetrates
submerged in water and sinking. Unarmored characters will
open spaces.

There are several dead and horribly twisted trees interspersed

into the huge, beautiful, and quite liquid face of Elatha, the amongst the live oaks. It appears that objects are suspended from
water spirit of the Bitterroot Briar stream. She will offer to save at least some of these branches, both among the dead and live
the character and bestow water breathing (lasting 20 days) in trees. With the exception of the dead trees, the grove is idyllic
exchange for a favor (a few day’s service in her underwater
garden). If characters agree to this they automatically receive
scene as the ancient war between Uqbar and Tolq continues in
a different form. Partisans of each side struggle with each other in
cordially as long as they are non-aggressive.
animal or insect form, all seeking desperately for a way out.
If the characters attack Elatha, she is treated as a special kind The grove is divided into four quadrants A, B, C and D, on the
of water weird (SZ L; AC 4; MV 120 ft.; HD 3+3; HP 13; #AT 0; Dmg map. When characters enter any of these the primary residents
drowning; SD see description; AL CG). have a 20% base chance +10% /cumulative per turn of being
2. THE THIN SPOT: The briar here is less dense than elsewhere, but
a young bloodthorn (SZ M; AC 4/3; MV 0 ft.; HD 5; HP 17; #AT A.Leafmuntos the pixie
5; Dmg 25% of total hp; AL N) has recently taken root in the B.Ban the Korred
middle of the briar here, feeding on small mammals passing C.Scarlet the Faerie Dragon
through. It’s always interested in larger prey, of course. A D.General Hesper and the Bees
nature-oriented character has a 2 in 6 chance of seeing the
young bloodthorn before entering the range of its tendrils; all On Being Small: Being 1 inch tall (1/72 normal-sized) makes moving
others have a 1 in 6. about slow business: a character normally moving 120 ft. takes 6
rounds to move 10 feet when small, a character normally moving
3. THE NORTH ENTRY OF THE STREAM: Disappearing into the briar is 90 ft. takes 8 rounds, and a character normally moving 60 ft. takes
a stream about seven feet across and two to three feet deep. 12 rounds. A GM should adjust weapon ranges accordingly.
The briar hangs low over the water here. This is probably the
easiest entry point. The enchantment of the stream is absent Normal Per Round Small Per Round
here and will not affect characters until they are within the 120 ft. 1.67 ft.
90 ft. 1.25 ft.
60 ft. 0.83 ft.
they become small-sized if a diminutive player-character grabs
them. If a diminutive character drops or releases an object (ie. no
1. ORDINARY TREE: A broken and very rusted sword shard, with
longer in the character’s possession) the object slowly grows to full-
hilt, can be seen in the grass at the foot of this tree. Looking
sized over a period of 12-24 hours.
up PCs can barely discern a large metal shape in the topmost
branches which is a shield embossed with a golden bee.
The Dead Trees. The dead trees with objects suspended from their
branches or embedded in their trunks are former residents of the Remember, the sword shard and the shield are full-sized items,
grove that committed suicide. The objects contain the souls of the but they shrink if a diminutive PC grabs ahold of them.

outside the grove. This releases the soul trapped within, freeing it to 2. LEAFMUNTOS THE PIXIE: Looking closely a character may make
proceed on it normal journey. out what looks like a small tree house, high up in the branches.
Getting to the house is no easy task as Leafmuntos (SZ S; AC 5;
Ordinary oak trees are indicated in each quadrant with numbers
while dead trees are indicated by letters. SA see description, SD see description; AL N) will defend his
home vigorously. First he will throw nuts and then resort to his
Random Encounter Table B – The Grove magic arrows if the characters keep trying to ascend the tree.
A roll of 1-2 on d6 indicates an encounter. Encounters with an
asterisk (*) cannot be used more than once. Check every 3 turns. 3. ORDINARY TREE: This tree has a thick, leafy vine encircling the
trunk about four feet off the ground. There is a knot tied in the
1. Giant Centipede: (SZ S: AC 9; MV 150 ft.; HD 1/4; HP 1; #AT 1;
Dmg Special; SA Poison save at +4; AL N) detects as magic, but it is of the most prosaic sort—it attracts
2. Giant Ants from the Fallen Oak (4): (SZ S: AC 3; MV 180 ft.; HD the attention of birds when played (the owl from AREA 6 may
3; HP 8, 11, 13, 20; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA poison sting 2-12 or 1-4
if save vs. poison successful; AL LE). This gang of 4 soldier giant player, nor do they come in large numbers, it just seems that
ants is out looking for food and captives. They are obedient birds enjoy the music.
to their queen, who is trying to locate a victim so that she can
A. DEAD TREE: Six dark green gems are embedded in the trunk 10
pressed. Captives are taken to AREA 7 in the Fallen Oak. feet up. The gems are worth 200 gp each and must be dug out.
3. Snake in the Grass*: Duke Vuscin the Black (see Notable NPCs),
B. DEAD TREE: This tree has already been looted.
4. Bombardier Beetle: (SZ M: AC 4; MV 90 ft.; HD 2+2; HP 14; #AT 1;
Dmg 2-12; SA acid cloud; AL N).
5. Giant Mantis in one of the crooks in this tree. It cannot be seen from the
1; Dmg 2-12 or 3-12; SA surprise 75%; AL N). This mantis will attack ground. The eye, if implanted, allows the user to charm person
once per day.
a burning hands spell accounting for such behavior.
6. Net Throwing Spider: This long-legged giant spider (SZ L; AC 4; MV D. DEAD TREE: Small chest with 300 sp and 4 gems worth 200 gp
90 ft. 120 ft. in web; HD 4+4; HP 21; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA paralysis each in the roots, barely visible.
poison, surprise 1-5 in 6; AL CE )lies hidden, suspended from the
tall grass, waiting for food to pass by underneath. It is limited to
one attack where it will drop precipitously upon its victim and QUADRANT B
cast the net that it has spun and holds with its legs. If successful
it immediately pulls its entangled and helpless victim into the Ban the Korred (SZ S; AC 5; MV 90 ft.; HD 6+1; HP 3; #AT 1; Dmg
1-6 +4; SA hurl boulders (2-8), SD laugh, spells; AL CN) lives in the
as possible. Ironwood, but spends most of his time in the grove. Upon sighting
7. Scarlet the Faerie Dragon*: See AREA 8 The Grove for statistics. the PCs Ban will break out in a broad smile, lean back and laugh,
8. Giant Frogs. These three former soldiers are now living life as 3 then approach them with a combination of graceful leaps, kicks,
giant frogs (SZ M; AC 7; MV 30 ft., swimming 90 ft.; HD 3; HP 10,
14, 17; ATK: 1; Dmg 2-8; SA swallow whole on a natural 20; AL the hips and exclaiming loudly that everyone must join him for a
LE). They are loyal to Vuscin. dance on the island, said dance to take place at dusk.
9. Bee Patrol (4): See The Grove AREA12 for statistics.
10. Giant Owl: See The Grove AREA 7 for statistics. The dance is a spectacular event within the grove, so popular
that a ring has been trod into the ground in front of the willow
tree. The dance takes place once a week, and is attended by
most of the denizens of the grove, even those that despise one
another. Anyone interrupting the dance is immediately subject to
the Korred’s dance power.

Ban is not very helpful, and given mostly to laughing and dancing. If

inhabitant of the grove will draw his attention and likely a boulder.
Once he is angered he isn’t rational and can’t be negotiated with.

5. ORDINARY TREE: There is nothing of interest about this tree.

6. OWL NEST: This nest has three baby giant owls that will be
mother giant owl (SZ M; AC 6; MV 30

1 in 5; AL N) if the nest is approached.

7. GORTHOL THE SPIDER: This oak tree has a large spider web
between two of the branches that overhang the stream.

Several mouse size victims appear to be suspended along the 9-11. ORDINARY TREES: These trees have nothing unusual about
bottom of the web, but apart from this the tree is ordinary. them.

The web is the construct of Gorthol, a giant spider (SZ L; AC A. DEAD TREE: Six dark green gems are embedded in the trunk 10
4; MV 30 ft. 120 ft. in web; HD 4+4; HP 21; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA feet up. The gems are worth 200 gp each and must be dug out.
poison; AL CE ). Gorthol loved being a soldier in Tolq’s army
E. DEAD TREE: High up in the branches of this dead oak is a silver
grove to not only embrace his fate, but to enjoy it. He has the headband that increases the wearer’s Intelligence by 1 point
body of a spider, but his head is a mix of human and spider. It (max 18).
gives him great delight to talk to his victims as he sucks out their
innards. There are a number of items in his large web: several F. DEAD TREE: An empty lies in the tangled roots of this
dead tree, about a foot below the surface.
cylindrical, white scroll case containing a scroll of dispel magic;
sword +2; wand of lightning (2 charges) G. DEAD TREE: A sword +1 dangles from some vines in the mid-
branchs of this suicide.
The scroll and wand are in the possession of a human
desiccated corpse while the sword is on another small corpse, H. DEAD TREE: This tree has already been looted.
this one an elf.

The Tree Bridge: An oak tree has fallen across the stream in this 12. CAPTAIN HESPER AND HIS COMPANY: Unless Scarlet has cast
quadrant, creating a natural bridge to the island. The roots of the her illusion to look as if the tree trunk has grown around a small
tree are exposed and reveal two holes large enough for small chest, an active giant beehive is easily visible growing around
characters to enter. The tree is 3 feet in diameter. There is a pool the base of this tree.

The small hive is the abode of a company of Uqbar soldiers

Walking across the top of the tree may attract the attention of the now all living as bees. Lead by Captain Hesper (SZ M; AC 5;
owl or Scarlet. If the characters enter either of the holes, see The
Fallen Oak for more information. can sting multiple times; AL LG), the company is comprised of 5
other men/giant bees
8. SCARLET THE FAERIE DRAGON: Scarlet may be seen cavorting 4+2; HP 14, 15, 21, 22, 26; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA poison, can sting
in the pools as she loves to dive and swim, her insect-like wings multiple times; AL LG). This group is unwilling to perform the rite
necessary to escape the grove. Consequently they have done
She is friendly with Leafmuntos and often co-operates to prank their best to accept their fate and see themselves as protectors
interlopers. She is fond of casting an illusion on the bee hive of other creatures in the grove. They are goal oriented, well
in AREA 12, making it appear as a small chest that the tree organized and will absolutely not tolerate intrusion in their
has somehow grown around. If the party molests the trunk in
any way the bees will defend the hive. While characters are empire), spiders (traitors), frogs (opportunists) etc.
distracted by the bees Scarlet will help herself to the honey.
Like Leafmuntos, Scarlet will make contact if this pranking is Harm done to most other plant or animal life will draw their
attention. Friendship with any fey creature is perceived as highly
members for sweet treats. If the party has any sweets it can suspicious behavior. Hesper’s strengths include loyalty and
offer Scarlet will be grateful and provide a helpful hint for a fearlessness, and faults include intolerance and stubbornness.
current problem. Otherwise she will eventually leave the party Hesper’s company patrols the grove and lives with 10 normal
alone when she becomes bored. giant bees
9 (x3), 11 (x2), 12, 16, 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; SA poison, can sting
Scarlet, female young adult faerie dragon: (SZ S; AC 5; MV 60 only once; AL N). If the hive is approached PCs will be buzzed
by the giant bees and their buzzy voices can be heard saying,
weapon, spells; SD invisibility; MR 48%; AL CG) “Advance no further or suffer the consequences!”

Scarlet casts as an 8th-level magic user. She has the following Normal giant bees that die during combat are magically
spells ready: refreshed in the hive after 1-4 days unless the entire hive is
destroyed. Destroying the hive produces enough food for 100
First: dancing lights, sleep, unseen servant, ventriloquism days for one man and 3 doses of royal jelly (acts like a potion of
Second: audible glamer, forget, magic mouth extra healing and cures disease).
Third: phantasmal force, suggestion, water breathing
Fourth: fumble, polymorph self 13. ORDINARY TREE: There is nothing of interest about this tree.

14. THE HEALING SHRUB: At 11 o’clock, near the Briar, is a small

have seen the healing leaves in Urayne’s care or 3rd-level (or

higher) druids will recognize the plant. It takes 10 leaves to brew
a healing tea, and up to 150 leaves can be harvested without
harming the plant. Druids will know instinctively when they have
reached the limit. The tea will heal 1-4 hit points as well as act
as a neutralize poison spell. The plant can be harvested once
every 4 years.

I. DEAD TREE: Dangling between two small branches of this tree is a

metal tube containing a cure serious wounds scroll.

J. DEAD TREE. In the center split of this tree is a small teak box. Because of this “earthquake” there is a 40% chance (-1% per
Within is a beautiful ebony and ivory chess set worth 1,250 gp.
away by the current, skipping and rolling across the bottom.
K. DEAD TREE. This tree has already been looted. If characters declare they are swimming to the surface they
suffer only 1-2 points of damage when they hit the fallen oak
downstream. They may then try to climb to the top, where the
THE POOLS owl may take notice. If characters make no comment on what
they are doing they (75% of the time) plunge under the fallen
oak, suffer 1-6 hit points of damage, and emerge in AREA 4,
obstructed. The largest of these pools lies just north of a fallen oak Elatha’s Grotto, or (25% of the time) the characters suffer no
tree that forms a natural bridge between the shore and the island. damage and instead emerge in AREA 11 of The Fallen Oak.
If the characters enter the water (more than likely via a gift of water
breathing from Elatha) there is a chance for random enounters in 2. SNAPPING TURTLE: A large pile of rocks appears to have a small
the pools as well as in the parts of the stream connecting the pools. open cave with a very long earthworm emerging from the
darkness, writhing slowly. The earthworm is the tongue of a
Random Encounter Table C - The Pools giant alligator snapping turtle (SZ L; AC 0/5; MV 30 ft., swimming
A roll of 1-2 on d6 indicates an encounter, check 4 times per day. 20 ft.; HD 10; HP 66; ATK: 1; Dmg 6-24; SA surprise 1-4 in 6; AL N).
The turtle may pursue wounded prey, but moves slowly.
1. Giant Frogs (4): Roger Longshanks leads a group of three other
giant frogs (SZ M; AC 7; MV 30 ft., swimming 90 ft.; HD 3; HP 12, 3. WATER SPIDERS: Looking up from underwater where the stems of
15, 18, 20; ATK: 1; Dmg 2-8; SA swallow whole on a natural 20; AL lilies look woven together it appears that there are four white,
LN), all of whom are cursed adventurers or soldiers. They know cottony cocoons of some kind. These are the lairs of 4 giant
the words of the rite and they have paid lip service to Vuscin, water spiders (SZ M; AC 5; MV 90 ft. 120 ft. in web; HD 3+3; HP
though they have made a pact to co-operate in the capture 12, 15, 18, 26; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA paralysis poison; AL N). These
spiders pull air from the surface into underwater “bells” from
them may escape. They hope to trade out senior members
and collect junior members for help—“It’s the only way, and it’s air for one character for one hour. The bones of more than one
even fair. Surely you see that”. Good negotiation determines tiny adventurer are woven into a couple of the bells. One of
whether the frogs become friend or foe.
2. (4): Richard the Red leads this group of 3 giant short sword
(SZ L; AC 4; MV 60 ft., swimming 120 ft.; HD 4+4; HP 16, +2, giant slayer. The spiders will be encountered in their lair 60%
17, 22, 31; ATK: 2; Dmg 2-12, 2-12; SA swallow whole on a natural of the time, +5% per round thereafter.
20; AL LN), is similar in many respects to the frogs in terms of
history of members and plans to cooperate to escape. Richard 4. ELATHA’S GROTTO: This is a marvelous underwater site—the
the Red attempts to lead the characters to a “way out” at
Isilair’s Hollow. Richard and Roger despise each other, and It is obvious that small hands have done a lot of work here.
each may raid the other if they see that they have captives. The stones encircle various aquatic plants, and mark out paths,
shape themselves into benches, and lead into alcoves. A forest
friend or foe. of water lily stems undulate slowly in the current and extend far
3. : A great old (SZ L; AC 7; MV 180 ft.
swimming; HD 10; HP 71; ATK: 1; Dmg 3-12; SA swallow whole, dances about and there is a general feeling of warm serenity
poison; AL N)swims with impunity through the pools. All the
other water creatures, except the snapping turtle and Elatha, There is a 50% chance that Elatha is in her lair when PCs arrive.
As a non-living creature, she is not affected by the shrinking
4-5. Poisonous Bubbles effect of The Grove. She enjoys her little garden and willingly
from the creek or pool bed. Characters may avoid the bubbles aids any who promise to work on it for her.
with a successful save vs. breath weapon. Those who fail must
save vs poison or become nauseated for 1-4 turns -1 turn per If the characters attack Elatha, she is treated as a special kind
Constitution bonus. of water weird (SZ L; AC 4; MV 120 ft.; HD 3+3; HP 13; #AT 0; Dmg
6. Scarlet the Faerie Dragon: Scarlet is cavorting underwater. See drowning; SD see description; AL CG).
The Grove AREA 8 for more details.

1. POOL OF THE MUDMEN: The broken and eroding magical staff of THE FALLEN OAK
Taras Greenleaf under the fallen oak has created 3 mud men
that inhabit this pool. As non-living creatures, the mud men This oak was cast down by the Black Willow, crushing Taras the
are unaffected by the shrinking effect of the grove and are
full-sized. The mud men ignore the diminutive characters and between the Grove and the Island. Characters crossing on the
everything else in the grove because nothing is large enough top of the tree have a 30% chance to attract the attention of the
to attract their wrath, but there is a 10% cumulative chance mother giant owl. Characters may choose to enter one of the two
per round that the mud men will try to shake the characters holes in the roots and cross through the tunnels in the tree. The
off of them with violent shivers if the characters walk along the tunnels are unlit, round, and 8 feet in diameter (in relation to the
muddy bottom of their pool. diminutive characters).

This will seem to be an earthquake, with the ground roiling The Fallen Oak is now inhabited by a giant ant colony. The colony
beneath the character’s feet and heaving them up into the consists of one queen, 25 workers, and 8 soldiers (four are on patrol
current. If the “earthquake” happens, debris of all sorts is thrown in the grove). The ants are all former soldiers of Tolq though they
up into the current along with the characters—including several no longer recognize Vuscin as their leader and compete with him
diminutive corpses. If characters mention they are looking for captives for The Rite. Abantha the queen commands total
closely at what’s thrown up by the shaking mud men, they will loyalty from the rest of the colony. The ants have orders to capture
see three objects that have just broke loose from a diminutive victims alive and will attack to subdue for as long as possible. Any
corpse of a magic user: a dagger of venom, a potion of extra PCs captured will be brought before the queen for inspection
and then held in area #7. They will be held here for as long as it
healing, and a necklace of missiles (containing 2 5HD, and 2
3HD missiles). 9
THE FALLEN OAK This is the bottom of the Fallen Oak, where Taras’ staff of the
woodlands has lain broken for nearly a year (grove time). The
staff cannot be salvaged and it will disintegrate if moved. As it
5 disintegrates, it releases the last of its magic into the surrounding
waters. Characters must save vs. spells—those who fail gain a
randomly determined druid spell usable once per week from
2 the below table:
4 9
1d6 Spell
10 1 pass without trace
2 barkskin
3 tree
4 animal friendship
5 speak with animals
7 6 wall of thorns

6. PRIMARY LAVAE AND EGG CHAMBER: 4 worker giant ants

are always in this chamber, tending to the lavae and eggs.
1 6
11 If combat occurs in this chamber, a soldier or another work
may arrive in 4 combat rounds instead of ten as is common
throughout the rest of the nest.
7. PRISONER CHAMBER: Any PCs captured will be guarded here
by at least 2 soldier giant ants and 3 worker giant ants while all
takes for Abantha to send a scout to the hollow and make sure of the soldiers gather to conduct themselves to Isiliar’s Hollow.
that Vuscin isn’t there before they set out as a group, the workers
carrying Abantha. 8. PUPAE CHAMBER: There are 8 ant pupae in this room. Each are
one quarter the size of the adults and entirely helpless. Each
For every turn spent in the tunnels there is a 50% chance of has one hit point.
encountering one of the 10 roaming worker ants or 4
roaming soldiers. 9. THE QUEEN’S CHAMBER: Abantha (SZ L: AC 3; MV 0 ft.; HD 10; HP
After ten rounds of combat one worker or soldier will arrive per 52; #AT 0; Dmg 0; AL LE) will always be attended by 1 soldier
round until all 14 roaming ants are accounted for. giant ant and 4 worker giant ants. She will hiss and command
Ants will not follow PCs into AREAS 5, 10 or 11. her workers to “Sieze them!” If things go badly for her, she will
attempt to negotiate a truce.
Below are the statistics for the soldiers and workers found in the
colony. The GM should assign individual ants to the various 10. FOOD STORAGE CHAMBER. This room contains a large pile of
locations as indicated. seeds and organic matter mounded in the center.

Soldier Ants (4): (SZ S: AC 3; MV 180 ft.; HD 3; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA 11. GIANT’S SKULL CHAMBER. The tunnel is cut in half horizontally
poison sting 2-12 or 1-4 if save vs. poison successful; AL LE)
by something dull white, such that to enter the chamber
Worker Ants (25): (SZ S: AC 3; MV 180 ft.; HD 2; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; AL N) a character must squeeze through the opening above it.
Characters that ask about the white obstruction will notice,
1. FEEDING CHAMBER: In this chamber, 4 worker giant ants are after brushing some dirt off the top, several huge teeth. It is
feeding on the remains of a giant beetle. In the corner, under
some wooden debris, are the scattered remains of a human came down upon their heads. Peering through the opening
picked clean. 10gp are spread about the corpse. reveals a wide, placid pool in a dome shaped room (the inside
of the giant’s skull). The ceiling is obscured without poking a
2. GUARD CHAMBER: A soldier giant ant is always in this room. head through the opening, but something glitters in the shallow
pool beyond.
3. EXPANSION CHAMBER: 4 worker giant ants dig in this room,
expanding it for future use. In the pool are an ivory cylinder containing a scroll of remove
curse and a potion of extra healing. The glittering at the bottom
4. SECONDARY LAVAE AND EGG CHAMBER: 4 worker giant ants
of the pool is a huge (i.e. normal sized) ring. This is a ring of
are always in this chamber, tending to the lavae and eggs.
feather falling.
If combat occurs in this chamber, a soldier or another work
may arrive in 4 combat rounds instead of ten as is common
throughout the rest of the nest.
5. STAFF OF THE WOODLANDS: This is a very long chamber where
The Island has a single, huge tree that dominates it, its branches
and water pours into the room in a great, long curtain along spreading out and forming a canopy. This tree is a black willow
the length of the northern wall. that has been slowly dying since being wounded by Brehg. The
willow has made allies of some of the darker inhabitants, promising
Prodding with a pole will reveal a ledge along the right hand
side that is covered only by about a foot of water. There is a 10 observed Isiliar’s reaction whenever the tree is feeding. It has been
foot width of relatively calm water that covers the ledge and
most of the pool, and then troubled water where the stream grove is off the beaten path. Consequently the willow has reverted
to a more treeish state. The willow cannot move from its spot due
pours over the staff and into the pool. If PCs dive into the pool
they have a chance (25% -1% per point of Strength) to be
swept into Elatha’s Grotto.

At the bottom of the willow by the dancing ring, is an opening six At this point all PCs under any enchantment are released from
inches high and about three inches wide. It is through this opening that enchantment. This applies to all neutral and good aligned
that entrance is gained to Isiliar’s hollow. inhabitants of the grove as well. Evil others, like Vuscin, are
permanently trapped in their current form, quickly losing any
Isiliar’s hollow/Vuscin’s lair. At the base of the tree, on the south memories of their prior lives.
side, is a hollow in the tree. The hollow is about 30 inches high and
45 inches in circumference inside. Most of the wall looks slick red Finally, if there are any nature-based characters in the party, they
with blue veins. Crossing the room at a 25 degree angle from the are addressed telepathically: “You have restored me to myself,
darkness above and piercing the low part of the interior northern and more. My spirit has been released from the blade and I am
side of the tree is a thin, gleaming metal column—Isiliar. The area once again a living, growing being. I owe you a debt of gratitude.
around Isiliar is black. It does not take a druid to see that the Once every three moons you may ask me a question which I may
presence of the sword is harmful to the tree. answer truthfully “yea” or “nay”. Praying before me you will receive
instruction, as you have proven yourself a worthy disciple destined
This hollow is also the lair of Vuscin, who knows the Rite of the for great deeds in His service. Takes these remains from the many
before you and use them wisely.”

chance that Vuscin is here, and if he is, he lays coiled about Isiliar. The ancient oak’s roots push up the below buried items: 2,154 gp,
If he and Cissela have been in communication this is where they 751 sp, 3,238 cp, several sets of clothes in various states of decay
will plan an ambush. With advance warning that the characters (one of two robes present is a robe of blending), a number of
are approaching he will cast darkness about himself, attempt to weapons (including a dagger +2 and a mace +1), 10 pearls with
capture someone and draw blood (not kill), and conduct the rite. a total value 3,000 gp, one pearl of the sirines, and 10 gems worth
If following the PCs, once they are inside the hollow, Vuscin will 1,400 gp.
enter, cast his darkness spell, attack, and then begin the rite.

Reaper invoked at least once) the willow will close the entrance

1 foot per round (relative to diminutive character size). This acid APPENDIX A: LORE
does 1hp damage per round of contact. Vuscin will coil about
Isiliar as high up as possible, hoping for the best and chanting The The verses of Over the Briar:
Reaper’s name.
Refrain before each new verse:
If the hollow has 6 feet (relative to diminutive character size) of
acid in it, and the invocation of The Reaper has been repeated at (Huckle Berry Fairy/King Crawdadday/Spinning Wider Spider/Foul
Old Owl/Queen Anny Ant)
enemy (the tree) and the invocation of the diety against whom it Whither will I go?
was forged to do battle. The reaction is threefold— it casts a dispel Over the briar
magic and teleport spell on anything touching it, and a polymorph And cross the water
other spell on all individuals not in direct contact with it. Anything To win treasure for my beau

have resumed their prior size and form. Anything not touching Isiliar Followed by a verse:
is teleported somewhere in the briar and polymorphed according
to their alignment: There I met the faeries
Bent to do me harm
I sang to them of olden days
lawful evil/giant ant
To better stay their charm
lawful good/giant bee
Huckle Berry Faeries
can’t catch me!
chaotic evil/giant spider
I’ve turned into (King Crawdaddy/ Queen Anny Ant etc.)
chaotic good/giant mantis
There I met a wise old owl
If anyone in the group has been in contact with Isiliar the voice High up in her tree
is stronger and more urgent here than ever before, asking “Who I gave her something for her nest
am I?” If the PCs have not harmed any neutral or good aligned And she answered questions three
beings (except in self-defense) since entering the Iron Woods, and Foul Old Owl
if any two of the following additional conditions are met inside the can’t catch me!
Hollow, a wondrous transformation takes place. I’ve turned into I’ve turned into (King Crawdaddy/ Queen Anny
Ant etc.)
PCs can clearly and correctly answer Isiliar’s question, “Who
am I?” There I met Sir Crawdad
PCs gained at least two separate allies within the grove. With sharp and bony jaw
PCs invoke a good diety within the hollow at least three times in We wrestled in the sucking mud
succession whether in repudiation of the invocation of The I was sorely pressed with claw
Reaper or by themselves. King Crawdaddy
PCs possess the hilt of Isiliar. can’t catch me!
I’ve turned into I’ve turned into (Spinning Wider Spider/ Queen
If these conditions are met, the entire tree starts shaking violently Anny Ant etc.)
and the hollow begins to slowly close while an irresistible gust of
wind picks up the characters and drops them outside the tree. There I met the soldiers
A leafy, thorny vine bursts from the dead wood of the tree and They pulled and bit my pants
encircles it, while what look like dark red roses begin to bloom all
And slew the Queen of Ants
black and cruelly twisted tree that seems to struggle as if alive, only Queen Anny Ant
to be replaced again with an ancient and healthy oak. can’t catch me!
I’ve turned into I’ve turned into (King Crawdaddy/ Foul Old Owl
After each verse the child chases after the other kids with The Rite of The Reaper: The Rite of The Reaper consists of drawing
appropriate antics and sound effects. As soon as someone has
been tagged they all start the rhyme according to whatever hollow, touching Isiliar, and chanting the name “The Reaper”
creature the tagger was, and after the refrain whoever was repeatedly. This energizes the black willow and agitates Isiliar. Isiliar
tagged chooses a new verse. casts several spells indiscriminately in defense.

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OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and and interest in and to that Product Identity.
is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
Reserved. indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open
Game Content.
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version
and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
originally distributed under any version of this License.
compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the
transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You
game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
and routines to the extent such content does not embody the 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of
Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game
Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30
and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic termination of this License.
elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
photographic and other visual or audio representations; names necessary to make it enforceable.
and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities,
teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its
products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game OSRICTM copyright 2006, Stuart Marshall, adapting material prepared
License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, by Matthew J. Finch, based upon the System Reference Document,
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create and inspired by the works of E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and many
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means others.
the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.

to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord
to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License Games; Authors Robert Doyel and Stephen Chenault.
itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game
Content distributed using this License. Yellow Musk Creeper from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
material by Albie Fiore.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-
Yellow Musk Zombie from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002,
free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use,
the Open Game Content. Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing material by Albie Fiore.
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Advanced Adventures #27: Bitterroot Briar, Copyright 2013, Expeditious
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Retreat Press, Author Lang Waters
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT Designation of Product Identity and Open Game Content:
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or
distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the All text in this work is Open Game Content, excepting the terms,
copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Advanced Aventures, OSRIC, “Old School Reference and Index
Open Game Content you Distribute. Compilation”, company names, logos, artwork, and the author and
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, artist names.

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