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Magic Katanas, Demon Slayers, and Oni!

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Anime Into D&D | by Blaine Simple

Fighter Archetype

Demon Slayer

ighters who choose this martial archetype at Evade and Counter
3rd level have trained tirelessly to attain great
strength, speed, and senses through hellish Starting at 7th level, as a reaction to being targeted by an
training. attack, you can cause the roll to suffer disadvantage. If it
Demon slayers are masters at fighting on the misses, than you can immediately make a weapon attack
edge of death, bolstering their resolve in any against the target, granted you can hit them.
battle regardless of challenge. This show of This feature costs 1 stamina to use.
bravery often intimidates foes far stronger than themselves.
Supersonic Agility
Slayer's Stamina Starting at 10th level, you can move faster than the blink of
Demon Slayers are high endurance fighters that carefully an eye. Once per round, before making an attack, you can
regulate their stamina usage during battle. choose to move up to 30 feet in any set of directions. This
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks and is
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you possess 3 considered to be instantaneous.
stamina points and gain another at 7th and 15th level. This feature costs 1 stamina to use.
These points can be used to activate class features described
below. Stamina is regained after a short or long rest. Endless Breath
Starting at 15th level, you can harness the power of your
Opening Thread chosen element even when you've run out of energy.
You're able to resonate with a particular type of element.
Choose fire, cold, acid, lightning, or thunder. After you've expended your last stamina point, every weapon
attack you hit deals an extra 1 damage of your chosen
Once per round you can bathe your weapon or a piece of element.
ammunition in this element, adding an extra 2d8 damage of This effect lasts until you regain any stamina points.
the chosen element to your next successful weapon attack.
You can change your chosen element whenever you reach a Slayer's Strength
level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement Starting at 18th level, you've mastered your elemental
feature. technique. After taking an instance of damage, you can suffer
This feature costs 1 stamina to use. 1 level of exhaustion to gain immunity to the damage. If the
damage is the same element as your Opening Thread feature,
Quick Sense you also regain 1 stamina.
You've learned to perceive your surroundings at an alarmingly
fast and accurate rate. If you were surprised at the start of All exhaustion levels gained in this way can be removed after
combat, you instead aren't. a long rest.
This feature costs 2 stamina to use.
Ancestral Katana (Requires Attunement)

Nichirin Blade

ichirin Blades are specialty weapons forged
for Demon Slayers. A unique ore is used to
form the blade which possesses
fragmented pieces of the sun. Nichirin
Blades are only as strong as their wielder,
and will change color once an owner has
gained adequate skill.

Ancestral Improvement
Ancestral weapons gain additional abilities as the wielder
attuned to them levels up.
Until level 3, the Nichirin Blade functions like a normal
katana. Use the longsword stat block to determine its weapon
Innately Magical
At level 3, the blade gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage
rolls. Additionally, damage from this weapon is considered to
be magical.
Solar Strikes
At level 7, the blade learns to harness its solar energy.
Attacks made with this weapon deal an additional 1d6
radiant damage.
Demonic Bane
At level 10, a single slice from this weapon's blade can easily
slay a demon. Demons that are hurt by this weapon are
considered to be vulnerable to the damage.
Nichirin's Purity
At level 15, the blade has evolved to its sharpest form. When
you attack a demon that has at least one head with this
weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the
demon's heads. The demon dies if it can't survive without the
lost head.
A demon is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing
damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions,
or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to
be cut off with this weapon. Such a demon instead takes an
extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.


ni are a race of immortal creatures that all Blood Demon Art
drastically vary in appearance between each You possess a magical spell which identifies you as an Oni.
other. One trait is shared between all Oni Choose a 1st level spell from the Sorcerer's spell list. You can
however, which is their unnatural strength and cast the spell once per day. You must finish a long rest in
insatiable appetite for humanoid flesh. order to cast the spell again using this trait. Strength is your
Many Oni appear humanoid at first, spellcasting ability for this spell.
possessing minor differences such as hair color, eye shape,
and pale skin. More monstrous Oni still exist however, and
can even possess multiple limbs and heads.
Your creature type is demon, rather than humanoid.
Oni are created when a humanoid creature is killed by a
powerful Oni and aren't eaten. An Oni created in this way
usually resembles their old humanoid form, no longer ages,
and knows 1 language that their living self knew before
Many Oni have had their old memories corrupted and twisted
into dark fantasies. This process tends to turn Oni towards
evil alignments. However, some Oni are able to keep their
memories from twisting, retaining the alignment and
personality traits they possessed before death.
Size and speed
Your size and speed are represented by the humanoid race
you were before death.
You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern most
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
While in complete darkness, humanoid creatures within 60ft
of you, also in complete darkness, glow a bright red. Only you
can see this red glow.
Sunlight Sensitivity
You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the
target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to
perceive is in direct sunlight.
Ability Score Increase
Your Strength score increases by 2.

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