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AEG8328 - The Temple of Eternal Flame (L6-8) - Alderac Entertainment Group

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pe oe) 44 8328 a vo ow es ed THe TEMPLE & one ew aS by Scott Fitzsimmons and jim pinto ry and adventure fou find neither and lights it noke to the ba in this ne ui hear sounds ore just outsid Th a | 1 and | bccarm rent Crees ere et Mee eee) ey $2.99 A a THE TEMPLE oF ETERNAL Wes Requires the use of the Ores eeu ae cua pea eu lsoca Scere oy Ni eke ea | weet a| | Bete —HOW TO USE THIS PRODUCT _ This adventure is designed to be easily dropped into your existing Third-Edition D&D campaign. It can be run in a just a single session and makes for an excellent evening's gaming, ‘To prepare yourself to run the adventure, you should read it completely at least once to familiarize yourself with the material. You may wish to photocopy the map in the center of the book for ease of use as well. The text on the back of the book can be read to your players to introduce them to the adventure. After that, you're ready to begin. Good luck! __DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS ”* This module requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons* Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast.” You won't be able to run this adventure without it. UNBALANCE THe SCALES! Pray EviIL AND MAKE THE GaME MASTER FEAR YOU For A CHANGE! JULY 2001 $19.95 Product #8501 on Engle Mustraion © Ja ‘Who said you had to play the good guys? Being evil just got easier. This d20 system sourcebook has ‘everything you need to run evil characters, develop evil campaigns, and make your nasty NPCs just a litle bit nastier, Evil has rules for new prestige classes, new spells, new clerical domains, and demon summoning, Iipete plein god ae hie book is out, you're on the wrong Sie of the pre 28 Pos Le es Oe GAME MASTER BACKGROUND The ‘Temple of Eternal Flame is an adventure designed for a group of four to six characters of levels six to eight At least one cleric is recommended for this adventure This is a difficult dungeoneering adventure with a few tricks and twists. There are three obstacles. First, the PCs must locate the decanter of endless water. Next, find the sapphire lamp. Lastly, they must extinguish the flame of the lamp and return the wick to Lord Bayne as requested. In all, this is very difficult and the encounters in this adventure are very hard. Only if the PCs reserve their strength can they hope to win. THE LORD'S WISH Lord Bayne and Kylira hand selected specific adventurers to retrieve the wick of the sapphire lamp. They worked together, kidnapping individuals in order to create this group. Each member was taken to Bayne’s dungeon and held there. With enough prisoners, a proper team could be assembled. His intentions for the wick are simply revenge. Lord Bayne and the Mummy Naga battled before and Bayne lost his only daughter in the fight. Secretly, he wants the PCs to kill the Naga. The wick is a secondary task given to the PCs to accomplish. A special gravestone was made to hold the wick, to be re-lit for the lost child. Redemption is near, The PCs are assembled in Bayne's hall and told to retrieve the wick of the sapphire lamp. They have no choice in the matter and face further incarceration if they protest. Kylira opens a portal to the pyramid where the lamp is held. On the ground before the great pyramid, is the PC's gear. Bayne has shrewdly made entering the portal very personal for the PCs. In order to retrieve their equipment they must enter the portal Stats for Kylira and Bayne are not provided, but both are powerful sorcerers. Bayne's men are well trained as wel, and up to 20 guards can be summoned in a few rounds, Their stats have been omitted to conserve space. If the PCs insists on fighting Bayne, have the guards subdue them and have Kylira incapacitate them with powerful spells. THE GREAT PYRAMID ‘The pyramid has three levels and can be entered by opening the hidden door that is a part of the ancient time dais. Once within the PCs need to overcome the many tricks, traps and monsters to find the objects they seek. THE CLAWED NECKLACE ‘A necklace with a small withered hand can be found on several creatures within the pyramid. When worn this necklace prevents the mirror of opposition (found in area #10) from activating. To increase the difficulty of the adventure, remove necklaces from fallen foes. ——NO CHOICE BUT ONE _ Surrounded by twenty or so guards, you are marched to a large courtroom. A large man in black and green sits upon an elegant throne; a woman cloaked in ted and black stands at his side, She looks you over, coldly. The large man stands and speaks, “I am lord Bayne and this is Kylira. [care not how you came to be in my cells. But, rather than have you rot in my dungeons, I have a need fo your sil 1 require 1 wick from the Ever-Burning Sapphire Myul Toblan. You need only to eotngh its Pe el en 13 nm othe, T shall grant you freedom. I might even reward your efforts if you are quick about it.” The lady removes two rings from her left hand. With incomprehensible words, the rings grow to eight feet in diameter. The circles begin to spin and wobble on the same axis. A bright flash comes from the center and reveals a large temple. You see a large pile of familiar ‘equipment, on the other side. If the PCs walk into the center of the spinning rings they are teleported to the base of the temple. Lord Bayne and his followers force those who refuse to enter the rings. 1. THE DOOR OF TIME You now stand before a large pyramid covered in thriving vines and underbrush. At best guess the pyramid rises 300 feet high. The whirling of the magical rings still spin behind you. Closer observation reveals a large number "6" near the top of the pyramid. Many steps lead to the top from all sides. With little effort the party should be able to uncover a large round dais that is a part of the east wall of the temple. This dais has numbers around it like that of a clock, but is missing the numbers 1, 11, and 12. Where these numbers are missing is a cutout shape like a “U° Ifthe dais is turned so the number 12 is in the 6 o'clock position, the "U" creates an archway and reveals an opening into the Bpranid_ A succesal Strength check (D025) ie required to move the dais, 2. REFLECTIONS In the center of this large octagonal room is a 5 ft. wide square pillar from floor to ceiling, Two large iron wheels are mounted 3 f. from the floor on both the western and eastern sides of central block. All of the angled walls are rade of mirrors from floor to ceiling, The floor is covered ‘in dust and riddled with various tracks. An inscription at the bottom of each mirror reads ‘vay loos,’ meaning “unlock” in Draconian. When this word is spoken aloud in front of the mirror, it lights up and shows the outside of the pyramid. After three minutes the mirror fades back to normal. An iron valve wheel marked ‘A’ tums the timepiece on the outside of the pyramid. This will close the outer door, The valve marked “B" opens a concealed, sliding door in the floor in the west end of the room, A successful Wilderness Lore check (DC 12) identifies the tracks as human and lizard. The lizard type is of unknown origin. 3. HALL ‘The descent reveals a room (45 ft. by 45ft) that shares the ‘same center pillar as the octagonal room above. Four torch sconces with burning torches rest on each of the four sides. Three sandstone pedestals, spaced evenly along the southern wall, hold creatures that resemble small-winged devils. Their hair blazes, adding light to the room. ‘Additional torches behind each pedestal increase visibility and cast shadows everywhere. The creatures glare and quickly atack. On the north wall are three more pedestals, with a devil on each. ‘Tactics: These creatures are fire mephits (hp 16 each), ‘They attack the PCs as soon as they enter the room, taking one partial action while the PCs adjust to the light. Once the first three mephits begin combat, the remaining three in the northem end of the room join the fray. They flank the PCs if possible, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls. On the first round of combat, the fire mephits on the northern wall attempt to summon more mephits per their special ability. This is just like summon monster and requires a full round to activate. On the second round, roll percentile for each, with @ 25% chance of success. On a successful roll, a 3 HD fire mephit appears within 25 feet. In either case, the mephits may act normally in the second. round, This is a spell-like ability and can be interrupted by the PCs like any normal spell casting, (On the third round of combat, any remaining mephits from the southern edge, use their summon mephit ability as above. Wounded mephits fly to the torch sconces where they heal 2 points per round as long as they are touching a aflame. Mephit, Fire: CR 3; S (outsider, fre); HD 3d8; hp 16; AC 14 (41 Dex, -1 size, +4 natural; Atks 2 claws +4 melee (143 and 2 fire); SA Breath Weapon (cone of fire, 15 ft, damage 1d8 ~ Reflex half DC 12), magic missile (3rd level), heat metal (6th level), summon mephit; SQ Fire subtype, fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1; AL NE: SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15. Skil: Bluf +5, Hide +11, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6. Feats: Improved Initiative. es 4, MEETING CHAMBER ‘This meeting chamber lacks chairs now; dominated only by a single stone table. Seven molten-colored creatures resembling large eels surround the table, in various stages of rest. They look at your group with crimson eyes ablaze; each wears chainmail, carries an oddly shaped mirror shield and is armed with a wicked longsword. Tacties: These firenewts (hp 14 each) are ready for combat and fight bravely, but not to the death. If too many , newts fall, they flee down the hallway calling in assistance from areas #6 and #7. Note that two of the Firenewts wear the clawed necklace mentioned earlier. Firenewt: CR 1; M (humanoid, fire, reptilian); HD 24842: bhp 14; Int +1 (Des): Spd 20 ft; AC 17 (+1 Dex +5 Chainmail, +1 Shield); Atks Longsword +2 melee (148); ‘SA Breath weapon (5 ft. range, damage 146 Reflex save C12 for haf; SQ Fire subtype; AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8. Skills: Intimidate +3, Listen +4, Ride (giant strider) +5, Spot +4. Feats: Mounted Combat. 5. THE LABORATORY ‘The door to this room is locked at all times. PCs can pick. the lock with a successful Open Lock check (DC 25). The door has claw marks in its face. Ironbound Door: 1 in. thick; hardness 6; hp 20; AC 5) break DC 25, A chair has been wedged behind the door on the other side. If the lock is picked a Strength check (DC 20) is required to force it open. Otherwise, a Strength check (DC. 38) is needed to force open the door with the lock still in place. ‘Within are two narrow tables, various glass bottles of all the bottles for smell lingers Pee eat torch obviously magical. Peak as bak sconces, A ‘coat a short staff rest in the comer, a dust and charcoal staining the material. Encounter: Beneath each mirror is the word ‘hoshur (in Draconian, this means “show me"). This activates the mirrors and allows onlookers to view the outside of the temple, from the top down. The PCs can see the vegetation, stones, and floating rings. ‘The dust is the remains of a gnome alchemist sent by here by Lord Bayne several months ago. The staff is a staff of frost. Treasure: A thorough search of the lab (Search check DC 25) reveals 2 potions of cure light wounds, a potion of stinking cloud, a wand of lightning bolt (3rd level, & charges), a journal, and a spellbook. The journal and spellbook look nearly identical. They are leather-bound, with brass comers and a crescent moon-shaped sigil is burned into the cover of each. However, inside they are remarkably different. Casting detect magic reveals the wand, spellbook and potions, but not the journal. The journal details the life of one Fleechen Moondot, and is written in both common and gnome. If the PCs can read gnome, they may spend one hour reading the book They learn that Fleechen was abducted by Lord Bayne, forced through some ‘rings’ and ordered to find a lamp inside the temple. He was attacked almost immediately and fled to this room where he locked himself inside. Over the next few weeks he slowly starved to death, being unable to leave or explore the temple with so many creatures about. He used the lab to create healing potions to keep himself alive, but nothing he did stopped his hunger and impending death. It is unclear how he died, or why his skeleton is now ash. (In reality he used the staff of fost on himself) If the PCs read on, the journal is a ravenous and maddening tale that lacks coherency, eventually ending, in serawled symbols that hardly look like letters in any language. Hint to clever PCs that it could be a code or riddle. It is in effect, nothing more than his tortured mind tricking him, but the PCs need not know this and the code should keep them occupied for some time. The spellbook contains the following spells: arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, disrupt undead, ghost sound, ray of frost, read magic, identify, obscuring mist, silent image, sleep, unseen servant, blur, continual flame, invisibility, locate object, and tongues. The book is 18 pages long and the last page is blank 6. THE BARRACKS This room is empty if the firenewts responded to help in room #4 ‘A single fire at the center of the room provides light to see by. Several bedrolls and two cots rest near the southwestern walls. Four molten-colored creatures resembling those from the room before are sharpening their blades and talking among themselves. ‘Tactics: The firenewts (hp 14 each) fight immediately and call for help from those within area #7. Note that two wear the clawed necklace. Treasure: The room is rather cluttered. If examined, Search check (DC 10), two small leather bags are found within the bedrolls. The leather bags contain 10 gp, 6 sp, and a single green gem. The gem is like nothing seen before. Appraise check (DC 20) reveals it is not a known gemstone. 7. TRAINING BARRACKS ‘Three battered and burnt wooden dummies stand near the east wall. They seem to be training manikins. Three firenewss stand with weapons drawn. ‘Tactics: The firenewts (hp 14 each) fight to the death, calling for those within area #6 for help. Treasure: There is a small bag partially hidden underneath a pile of torn and bloodied garments on the western wall. Allow the PCs a Spot check (DC 20) or, Search check (DC 15) to find the bag. The bag contains a simple-looking masterwork dagger, 10 cp, 20 sp, and 5 gp. ‘There are two plain silver rings (30 gp value) and a song written on a piece of paper as well. The song is simple, but, those that can read sheet music notice a unique and beautiful melody behind the words. The song tells of a peasant boy wooing a noblewoman. The song is signed by ‘Tor Valon Nightsinger, a bard who was forced into the temple to find the lamp. 8. THE FOUNTAIN ‘An old decorative stone well with a mounted head of a lizard sprays water into a shell-like basin. The stone lizard’s arms stretch forward, a finely crafted longsword in its right hand and a roughly cut mirror shield on its left arm. The water rolls down the tongue, cascading over shells before filling the basin. Standing in-between the well and your party isa large, muscular, red and black scaled creature, wielding a large spear. The creature radiates heat and the spear is reddish and blackened. ‘Tactics: This salamander (hp 42) was drinking from the fountain, but readies his weapon and attacks when the PCs enter. It can attack multiple times per round (twice with its spear, once with its tail) and engages the largest, fighter, constricting him if possible. If the PCs are small- sized it can constrict two people at once, otherwise it holds the largest fighter as long as possible, dealing damage each round. This salamander fights to the death. The fire salamander fights fiercely, calling his partner from area #9. There is a 75% chance that his partner is already in the hallway between areas #8 and #9 and flanks the PCs. Treasure: The clean water of this fountain heals 248 points of damage (only once) when imbibed. Water taken from the well evaporates if bottled, and therefore must be consumed at its source. The sword the statue is holding is called mist blade (refer to New Magic Item entry at the end of this adventure for further details). Removing the sword requires a tall character (at least 6 feet tall) and a successful Strength check (DC 18). ‘The shield radiates powerful abjuration magic. However, it is cursed. Should a PC touch the shield’s mirror face, he suffers 2d8 points of acid damage and 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage. A Reflex save (DC 20) | saves for half. Ifa PC touches the edge, in an attempt to lift the mirror from its holding place, he must make a Fort save (DC 20) or lose 1d$ fingers from each hand touching the shield, Blood that drips from the shield into the water boils, away into steam almost instantly. There is no safe way to remove the shield from the statue. Salamander: CR 5: M (fre); HD 74847; hp 42: Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft; AC 18 (+1 Dex, +7 natural) Atks Longspear +9/44 melee (1d8+2 and 146 fre), tail slap +7 melee (2d6+1 and 146 fie); SA Heat, constrict 246+1 and 16 fre; SQ Fite subtype, damage reduction 10/+1; AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will 47; Ste 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13, Skils: Craft (metalworking) +16, Escape Artist +11 Hide +11, Listen +14, Move Silently +11, Search +12, Spot +14. Feats: Alertness, Multiattack. 9. GUARD POST Footprints of humanoid creatures track throughout the 100m, Two large hammocks hang from hooks in the stone ‘The room is otherwise empty. Light from the western corridor shines into the room. | ‘Tactics: This salamander (hp 64) is larger that the one in room #8. If both fire salamanders fought the PCs in area #8, this room is empty. Otherwise the salamander stands ‘at attention, as if guarding something, It wears the clawed necklace. The salamander engages the largest fighter first and fights to the death. Treasure: A Search check (DC 25) or Spot check (BC 30) reveals a loose stone in the floor. Underneath the stone is a small copper decanter with a cracked cork lid. This is a decanter of endless water. The guards here have been unable to destroy the decanter (having damaged it several times in the attempt), so they hid it way under a stone and placed a guard here so no one could ever take it The lid to the decanter is damaged and can only be opened twice. After the cork is removed a second time, it crumbles. The decanter has one word etched on the inside bottom. The command word is written in Common overflow" This command word operates the decanter as a geyser, which produces a 20 ft. long stream at 10 gallons per round, Unfortunately the command word to make it stop has long since worn off (it is meant to be discovered during another adventure). The decanter eventually fills the temple with water, flooding the inhabitants out. Salamander: CR 6; M (fire) HD 9d8+9: hp 64; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft; AC 18 (+1 Dex, +7 natural) ‘tks Longspear +11/+6 melee (1d842 and 106 fir), tal slap +9 melee (2d6+1 and 146 fire); SA Heat, constrict 246+1 and 16 fre: SQ Fire subtype, damage reduction 10/+1; AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Ste 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15. Skils: Craft (metalworking) +18, Escape Artist +13, Hide +13, Listen +16, Move Silently +13, Search +14, Spot +16. Feats: Alertness, Multiatack ee ed snBeydorses 100g 72195, 6 s pea alge, s00g = Ge SN Twisted Nest Jou yeysoped ses ted for personal use only. + Permission to photocopy pages 8-9 —————_Q-—____—_0——_ 10. HALL OF MIRRORS Bright reflections light this hallway as you look down its 50 ft, length. A total of 8 mirrors line the walls in 5 fe inerements. Each mirror is unique in its own nature. Some are seqentike with a head and tail wrapped «ly around with claws holding the mirror. Others vary fica esses teas cee a aoe ea different. A heavy sandy-red marble door ends the hallway, An ornate lamp is etched into the door. Beneath the lamp there appears to be writing, Trap: Each of the eight mirrors is ornate but has no special abilities. However, the single mirror that hides in the shadows on the ceiling is a mirror of opposition. In every respect this item appears to be a normal mirror. If @ creature is reflected in its surface, an exact opposite falls from the ceiling on top of its opponent. The mirror does not work on anyone wearing a clawed necklace. Note that the duplicate has all items and powers of the original (including magic). Upon destruction of the duplicate, both the duplicate and its items disappear completely. The twist here is after each round of combat, the two randomly teleport somewhere within the 50 ft. hallway. Use a 1d8 to determine the placement of the PC. The opposition appears next to the PC. ‘The mirror works on only one PC at a time. In addition, the reflection cannot be harmed by anyone but the reflected PC. The red marble door has the inscription in common “let there be light.” If said aloud the trap within room #11 activates and the door opens automatically. If not, the PCs need only to pull the door open with a Strength check (DC 20). Marble Door: 6 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 80; AC 5; break OC 45: 11. FAKE TOMB. Note: The stai found until the lever is locat candle glows dimly giving little light in the room. oiler aie + horizontal sarcophagus. Six other sarcophagi stand vert slong te western tern walls, lepty carved ids can be vaguely seen on each of the sarcophagi lids. Their arms are crossed on their chests, palms ‘wide. Long fingernail rade from their hands and the facial Encounter: Everything that occurs within this room is an illusion. This trap is only activated if one of the PCs uttered the command word in room #10. Only one PC needs to survive the encounter to end the illusion. Once the PCs enter the room, the marble door closes behind them, Tactics: The main sarcophagus lid bursts open after one round, sending the candle flying, The violent opening of the sarcophagus snuffs out the small light. This should be a clue to the PCs that something is amiss. The creature now facing the PCs is an elven vampire. Unless some light is provided or unless the PCs have darkvision, they must fight with a significant disadvantage (there is a 25% miss chance on every attack in the room). ‘The vampire fights fiercely and without pause. If the PCs give it the room to do so, it summons forth 10410 bats (also an illusion), which rip out from the sarcophagus and hallway (jf the door is open). One round after the vampire is out of his tomb, the frst three of the six sarcophagi open and skeletons (hp 10 each) emerge, wearing full suits of plate armor and carrying longswords. One round later, the remaining sarcophagi open and three more skeletons join the combat. ‘When near death, the vampire activates a delayed blast fireball (as a 9th level sorcerer) from a small marble hidden in his cloak; Reflex save (DC 20) for half. The blast detonates within one round, burning everything in the room including the vampire. On a successful Spot check (DC 20) or a Search check (DC 15), those who remain see that their fallen comrades are only sleeping, Be sure to add appropriate lighting modifiers. A gentle nudge wakes them and they realize it was an illusion. Should everyone ‘die’ from the encounter, they merely sleep for 8 hours before waking fully refreshed, with the room exactly as they found it, the lamp still lit, resting on the coffin. Descending ‘stairs lie under a sliding floor plate. The plate is activated by a concealed lever in the sarcophagus closest to the stairs on the western most wall A Search check (DC 30) locates the lever. The lever is wood, reinforced with iron, It is old and brittle. It breaks after the PCs pull it down, leaving the stair way open indefinitely. Should the PCs presume that this is the right lamp, they are surprised when Lord Bayne sends them back into the temple. Note: This vampire does not have the life drain ability, cannot be turned, and does not suffer from typical vampire weaknesses. Because it isan illusion, it does not radiate evil or life, and is not affected by spells or abilities that normally affect undead. Vampire: CR 6; M (undead): HD 6d12: hp 58; Init +7 (Dex, improved Initiative): Spd 30 ft: AC 19 (+3 Dex +6 natural): Atks Slam +12 melee (1d6++6); SA Children of the night (10d10 bats); SQ Damage reduction 15/+1, cold and electricity resistance 20, spider climb, fast healing 5: AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4: Str 22, Dex 17, Con ~ Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 12. ‘Skeletons: CR 1; M (undead); HD 112 hp 10; Init +5: Spd 40 ft; AC 13 (#1 Dex, -1 size, +3 natural) ‘Atks 2 claws +2 melee (14642); SQ Undead Immunities: [AL NE; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3: Str 14, Dex 12, Con -. Int =, Wis 10, Cha 1! Feats: Improved Initiative 19. FINAL DESCENT ‘The stairs descend, ending in a short hallway that leads to «a huge brass door. The door has an ornate lamp engraved fon it with a large flame that feathers itself up ward. + Writen in common beneath the lamp are the words, “let there be light.” There are white powdered marks on the stone floor. A small pebble lies on the ground. ‘The door is locked, but a successful Open Lock check (DC 15) opens the large door without difficulty. The small, pebble is actually a fragment of bone that has been crushed from the door opening over it. The markings on the floor are the remnants of what is left of the broken bone. Tactics: Coiled throughout the room, a noble salamander (hp 120) hides. It wears an activated ring of invisibility. waits for one of the PCs to step into the center of the room and attacks, constricting with its enormous tail. The creature gains a +4 circumstance bonus during the surprise round and first round of combat. It is not afraid to set off a fireball or two as it is immune to fire damage. It only summons a fire elemental when the PCs reduce it to 25 hit points or less and can get to a safe place to cast it. It attempts to retreat up the stairs into the room above if necessary. This is a very tough encounter and the GM should expect one or two deaths. If it successfully kills a PC, it takes a defensive position for one round and taunts the PCs. Leave now and I shall forget this ta Your lives mean nothing to me. Tell Bayne that his war will end soon and my lord and I shall consume his soul as we did his daughters. If the PCs retreat, the salamander allows them to leave, without incident. If they fight on, he doesn't offer them a second chance. Noble Salamander: CR 9: L (fire) HD 1548445: hp 120; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft; AC 18 (-1 size, +1 Dex, “+8 natural); AUks +3 spear +23/418/4+13 melee (2d8+9 and 148 fire), tal slap +15 melee (2d8+3 and 18 fire); Face/Reach § ft. by 5 ft/10 ft: SA Heat, constrict 24845 and 148 fire: spel-like abilities; SQ Fire subtype, damage reduction 20/2; AL LE; SV Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +11; Ste 22, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 15. Skil: Buff +11, Craft (metalworking) +24, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +19, Hide +15, Listen +20, Move Silently +17, Search +20, Sense Motive +12, Spot +20. Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack. CP nC ‘The noble salamander may cast (3/day) burning hands, fireball, flaming sphere, and. wall of fire; (1/day) dispel magic and monster summon VII (huge fire elemental). These abilities are used as if he were a 15th-level sorcerer and the save DC is 12 + the spell level. The noble salamander is immune to the heat damage of the mist blade 13. TOMB “This chamber is nearly 50 feet across and a large pillar dominates its center. A strong scent of animal waste fills the air and the floor is covered with a thin layer of dust. Unfamiliar markings can be made out in the dust. ‘Throughout the room animal and human remains are scattered. There appears w be no other exits from the room except.a (3 ft by 4ft.) hole found in the eastern wall, The PCs do not have much time for searching the room, The Mummy Naga is already aware it has occupants and lurks within its hole, waiting to attack. The Naga attacks the PCs when they have made their way past the (Sit. by 5 ft) pillar. The Naga is the guardian of the ever- burning sapphire lamp found in area #15; and it fights to the death. (refer to New Monster entry at the end of this adventure for further details) 14. THE LAIR ‘The small entrance looks tight. Skeletal remains litter the room. The room carries the stench of death; a large pile of tom clothing is laid in a twisted nest. Various broken ‘weapons are scattered about. The nest seems to be empty. 100 gp, 10 sp, and 2 red gems (value 20 gp each) are buried in the nest of clothing 15. LIGHTS OUT The two secret doors leading to this room are not easy to find. The stone work is seamless and a successful Search check (DC 30) for the first one and a Search check (DC 25) for the second reveals the exact location of the door. Once found, they are opened simply by pushing against the wall, with a successful Strength check (DC 23). The doors swing inward and must be held open or slide shut behind the PCs Pulling open a secret door is much more difficult, requiring a crowbar or slim metal rod and a Strength check (DC 26) to pull it back open. ‘This is the real ever-burning sapphire lamp. Nothing the PCs do beyond using the decanter of endless water extinguishes the flame. The jars in front of the sarcophagus are the remains of the body that is trapped within. GMs are encouraged to elaborate on the story of the War between the Naga and Lord Bayne. What trapped its soul in the jar? ‘Once the decanter of endless water is opened and the activation word ‘overflow’ is said aloud, water pours forth. ‘Once the lamp is doused in the waters, a magical blast emits from the lamp and sends the decanter of endless water ‘out of the holder's hands. The decanter shoots across the room and lodges in a small fissure in the north wall: ‘The high-pressure water blasts anyone back that gets near it. The water fills the room quickly, inereasing its depth one inch per round. The wick from the sapphire lamp can be removed after the water level rises high enough to extinguish the flame. The PCs must flee back to the top of the pyramid and exit 15. DRY GROUND. If the PCs ‘died’ in room #11, then Kylira and Bayne assumed the PCs did not make it and turned off the rings. When they exit the pyramid, they can see hard blasted earth in every direction. They have no idea where they are, and they have no idea how long it will be before, Kylira opens the ‘gate’ again, In actuality, the PCs are on a shattered portion of the plane of fire. The war between Bayne and the Mummy Naga has gone on for many years, and the realities were torn apart by their magical powers. The Mummy Naga is a fraction of what it once was and Lord Bayne is a broken man, desperate for revenge. Neither is good or evil in this melodrama and the PCs should see themselves as pawns their little game. Feel free to elaborate on the details of their history to meet the needs of your campaign, going as far as to use them as near godlike powers in a world of lost heroes. If the PCs didn't ‘die’ read the following: You travel back to the upper level and exit the flooding pyramid. The magical rings that brought you here still spin. Lord Bayne and his watch you. There is a ‘of hope in the Lord's eyes. Once on the other side asks for the wick. As promised he holds your pardons in hand and a chest sits off to his side. He looks at you and then to the mage Kylira at his side. Then laughs. “Thank you for you services you may leave. Ths chest is yours." The chest has a total value of 3,000 gp in various gems and jewelry. Lord Bayne allows the PCs to leave freely without incident. However, he notes their worth and calls, upon them again. If the PCs are foolish enough to attack Lord Bayne, refer to the the GMbackground on page #1. Kylira and the guard are powerful, but like the Naga, Bayne too was ‘weakened by the war. ——___NEW MAGIC ITEM MIST BLADE A dark, tinted, blue blade with a mean edge, mist blade is a +3 longsword. The blade has the ability spray scalding steam twice a day from the tip of the blade on command dealing an additional 24842 points of heat (fire) damage, when the weapon strikes. The steam is considered holy water and deals additional damage to undead. Caster Level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bless, bless water, heat metal, permanency; Market Price: Priceless. Weight: 4 Ibs. ——___NEW MONSTER MUMMY NAGA Large Beast (Undead) Snake like in appearance with a human face. They are finely wrapped in funereal clothes that keep what little of their bodies remain intact. The wrappings are not hard and rigid like that of a mummy, which allows for quicker movement. These creatures have died before completing their god given task and have been punished with etemal life. COMBA‘ A Mummy Naga favors spell combat over physical combat. However, even within their wrappings they are quick, unlike a mummy. In close combat they have a wicked tail slap that makes a snapping sound Poison (Ex): Bite, Fort save (DC 17); initial damage and secondary damage paralysis, 148 rounds Spells: Mummy Nagas cast spells as 7th level sorcerers. (6-0 level, 6-Ist, 6-2nd, 4-3rd per day), The Mummy Naga in this adventure has the following spells: 0 — arcane mark, daze, flare, ghost sound, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic; Ist ~ cause fear, magic missile, ray of enfecblement, sleep, spider climb; 2nd ~ darkness, ghoul touch, sare; 3rd ~ hold person, lightning bolt Hit Dice: 848+18 (hp 58) Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will-+11 Iritative-+1 (Dex) Abilities: St 16, Dex 15, Con Speed: 20 ft 14 Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 1 AC: 16 (+1 size, +1 Dox Shi: Concentration +12, Listen +6 natural) +10, Spllraft+8, Spot +12 Attacks: Bite +8 mele, Feats: Nertness, Combat, tal slop +5 melee Costing, Mltatack Damage: Bite 246-4 and ‘Climate: Temperate, warm land, poison, tal slap 148 and underground Face/Reach: 5 fe by 5 fe Organization: Solitary (coled)/10 f. Challenge Rating: 7 Special tack: Poison, spells Treasure: Standard Special Qualities: Charm Algnment: Chaotic ei resistance, darkvsion, damage Advancement Range: 9-12 HD reduction 5/41, undead (large) Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. (AEG) is an award- winning industry leader in the collectible card game, roleplaying game, and miniatures game categories. AEG develops and publishes popular game-based entertainment products, including: Warlord: Saga of the Storm, Legend of the Five Rings, 7th Sea, Doomtown, Farscape, Series Archer, and the Clan War miniatures game. For more information on AEG, visit the company’s website at ___OPEN GAME CONTENT __ ‘All material in the module that is indented and printed in the sans serif typeface is Open Game Content, except for the proper names of NPC's, and may be used pursuant, to the Open Game License. Material contained in the New Monster, New Magic Item, and New Spell sections is also Open Game Content. Illustrations on those pages are not Open Game Content and are owned solely by Alderac Entertainment Group, Ine. In addition, to the extent any material is derived wholly from the d20 SRD and/or the Dungeons and Dragons* Player's Handbook, Third Edition, such as spell names and magic items, that material is also designated as Open Game Content. All other content is designated as closed content, including, but not limited to: NPC and Pre-generated character names, character background text, monster descriptions and all other module text not otherwise required to be Open Games Content. ‘Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) reserves the right to publish addenda and/or modification to the designation of Open Game Content within this adventure on our web site if either by the unilateral action of AEG, by agreement of parties (including AEG) or by operation of law there is a change to the designation of Open Game Content. —_____ LEGAL STUFF ___ Dungeons and Dragons” and Wizards of the Coast” are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used in accordance with the Open Game and d20 Licenses. Links to the full text of both the Open Game and 20 licenses, when available, can be found on the Alderac Entertainment Group web site, and are hereby incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein, Future versions of this adventure will contain the entire text of those licenses, once finalized. ——THE- TEMPLE OF ETERNAL FLAME __ Author: Scott Fitzsimmons and jim pinto Project Manager: jim pinto Editor: Dave Lepore Creative Director: Mark Jelfo Graphic Design: Steve Hough Art Director: jim pinto Illustrations and Cartography: Cris Dornaus ——THE OPEN GAME LICENSE _ Taser eretaeertattreter com me ce a ‘of the Coast Inc (Wiaards’) All ights Reserved. roe eres Seema Sey nee at Seog atieeten eeicteeratam seen aa SoS ica eae er nea bees ae Seat Peoria Seaccnsmntenerentetn amass Se ove cece actin oes cote mae Secrisme ase aortens crest oe eearas gees tence serene one Easy na cme notes sae Hiei ered erecta eae aoe anepet, Sara er cele ta ay sa Se ie gn ec aay are ee ae mee Soe pee saa Same ee aeet emyee tee aces ta mo ae area ee cee eh ee ot maa Sein toy pe ceees Sve are ee Bie Sateen nae eee Een ene ioe Ree omy amaumenrranicarne Sich er Sou! fa ne tpe te a Seance timaa santas Fer oor a conn Sra omens canes ees ae Bekins Sch ec Ss sw ee ae Seva 2 Tyee Le ler ea rt tet rs ae Ser ere rae! {cra "ou rust sts sot ae to any Open Game Covert nyu Use. 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