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Heat Recovery Outdoor Unit R410A



• Please read this installation manual completely before
installing the product.
• Installation work must be performed in accordance with
the national wiring standards by authorized personnel
• Please retain this installation manual for future reference
after reading it thoroughly.
ARUB Series Outdoor Unit Installation Manual


Safety Precautions................................3

Installation Process ............................11

Outdoor Unit Information ...................13

Select the Best Location ....................14

Installation Space ...............................16

Lifting method .....................................20

Installation ...........................................21

Refrigerant piping installation ...........26

Electrical Wiring..................................43

HR unit PCB.........................................53

Main unit and Sub unit PCB...............63

Test Run...............................................70

Caution For Refrigerant Leak ............79

2 Outdoor Unit
Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions
To prevent injury to the user or other people and property damage, the following instructions must

be followed.
■ Incorrect operation due to ignoring instruction will cause harm or damage. The seriousness is
classified by the following indications.

This symbol indicates the possibility of death or serious injury.

This symbol indicates the possibility of injury or damage to properties only.

■ Meanings of symbols used in this manual are as shown below.

Be sure not to do.

Be sure to follow the instruction.

■ Installation
Have all electric work done by a licensed Ask the dealer or an authorized technician to
electrician according to "Electric Facility install the air conditioner.
Engineering Standard" and "Interior Wire
Regulations" and the instructions given in
this manual and always use a special circuit.
• If the power source capacity is inadequate or • Improper installation by the user may result in
electric work is performed improperly, electric water leakage, electric shock, or fire.
shock or fire may result.

Always ground the product. Always intstall a dedicated circuit and breaker.
• There is risk of fire or electric shock. • Improper wiring or installation may cause fire or
electric shock.

Installation Manual 3
Safety Precautions

For re-installation of the installed product, Do not install, remove, or re-install the unit
always contact a dealer or an Authorized by yourself (customer).
Service Center.
• There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, or • There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, or
injury. injury.

Do not store or use flammable gas or Use the correctly rated breaker or fuse.
combustibles near the air conditioner.
• There is risk of fire or failure of product. • There is risk of fire or electric shock.


Prepare for strong wind or earthquake and Do not install the product on a defective
install the unit at the specified place. installation stand.
• Improper installation may cause the unit to top- • It may cause injury, accident, or damage to the
ple and result in injury. product.

When installing and moving the air condition- Do not reconstruct to change the settings of
er to another site, do not charge it with a the protection devices.
different refrigerant from the refrigerant
specified on the unit.
• If a different refrigerant or air is mixed with the • If the pressure switch, thermal switch, or other
original refrigerant, the refrigerant cycle may protection device is shorted and operated
malfunction and the unit may be damaged. forcibly, or parts other than those specified by
LGE are used, fire or explosion may result.

R410A R22

4 Outdoor Unit
Safety Precautions

Ventilate before operating air conditioner Securely install the cover of control box and
when gas leaked out. the panel.
• It may cause explosion, fire, and burn. • If the cover and panel are not installed securely,

dust or water may enter the outdoor unit and fire
or electric shock may result.

If the air conditioner is installed in a small room, measures must be taken to prevent the
refrigerant concentration from exceeding the safety limit when the refrigerant leaks.
• Consult the dealer regarding the appropriate measures to prevent the safety limit from being exceed-
ed. Should the refrigerant leak and cause the safety limit to be exceeded, harzards due to lack of oxy-
gen in the room could result.

Don't use the existing manifold gage for R22 Don't mix and use the R22 pipe and the
refrigerant. installation appliances that were used until
• Use the manifold gage for high pressure (R410A) • Mixing the oil of R22 and R410A may cause
as possible as for stable refrigerant filling. failure of the unit due to hydrolysis.

Installation Manual 5
Safety Precautions
■ Operation
Do not damage or use an unspecified power Use a dedicated outlet for this appliance.
• There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, or • There is risk of fire or electrical shock.

Be cautious that water could not enter the Do not touch the power switch with wet
product. hands.
• There is risk of fire, electric shock, or product • There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, or
damage. injury.

Take care so that children should not ran- When the product is soaked (flooded or
domly operate the wire remote control for submerged), contact an Authorized Service
play. Center.
• Frequent conversion to cold or heat mode may • There is risk of fire or electric shock.
cause failure of the unit.

Be cautious not to touch the sharp edges Take care to ensure that nobody could step
when installing. on or fall onto the outdoor unit.

• It may cause injury. • This could result in personal injury and product

6 Outdoor Unit
Safety Precautions

Do not open the inlet grill of the product during operation. (Do not touch the electrostatic filter,
if the unit is so equipped.)
• There is risk of physical injury, electric shock, or product failure.

■ Installation
Always check for gas (refrigerant) leakage Do not install the product where the noise or
after installation or repair of product. hot air from the outdoor unit could damage
the neighborhoods.
• Low refrigerant levels may cause failure of • It may cause a problem for your neighbors.

Keep level even when installing the product. Do not install the unit where combustible gas
may leak.
• To avoid vibration or water leakage. • If the gas leaks and accumulates around the
unit, an explosion may result.

90˚ Gasolin

Use power cables of sufficient current Do not use the product for special purposes,
carrying capacity and rating. such as preserving foods, works of art, etc. It
is a consumer air conditioner, not a precision
refrigeration system.
• Cables that are too small may leak, generate • There is risk of damage or loss of property.
heat, and cause a fire.

Installation Manual 7
Safety Precautions

Keep the unit away from children. The heat When installting the unit in a hospital, com-
exchanger is very sharp. munication station, or similar place, provide
sufficient protection against noise.
• It can cause the injury, such as cutting the finger. • The inverter equipment, private power generator,
Also the damaged fin may result in degradation high-frequency medical equipment, or radio com-
of capacity. munication equipment may cause the air condition-
er to operate erroneously, or fail to operate. On the
other hand, the air conditioner may affect such
equipment by creating noise that disturbs medical
treatment or image broadcasting.

Do not install the product where it is exposed to sea wind (salt spray) directly.
• It may cause corrosion on the product. Corrosion, particularly on the condenser and evaporator fins,
could cause product malfunction or inefficient operation.

■ Operation
Do not use the air conditioner in special Do not block the inlet or outlet.
• Oil, steam, sulfuric smoke, etc. can significantly • It may cause failure of appliance or accident.
reduce the performance of the air conditioner or
damage its parts.

8 Outdoor Unit
Safety Precautions

Make the connections securely so that the Be sure the installation area does not deteri-
outside force of the cable may not be applied orate with age.
to the terminals.

• Inadequate connection and fastening may gen- • If the base collapses, the air conditioner could
erate heat and cause a fire. fall with it, causing property damage, product
failure, and personal injury.

Install and insulate the drain hose to ensure that water is drained away properly based on the
installation manual.
• A bad connection may cause water leakage.

Be very careful about product transportation.

• Only one person should not carry the product if it weighs more than 20
• Some products use PP bands for packaging. Do not use any PP bands
for a means of transportation. It is dangerous.
• Do not touch the heat exchanger fins. Doing so may cut your fingers.
• When transporting the outdoor unit, suspending it at the specified posi-
tions on the unit base. Also support the outdoor unit at four points so
that it cannot slip sideways.

Safely dispose of the packing materials. Turn on the power at least 6 hours before
starting operation.(In case of outdoor
temperature below 10°C)
• Packing materials, such as nails and other metal or • Starting operation immediately after turning on
wooden parts, may cause stabs or other injuries. the main power switch can result in severe
• Tear apart and throw away plastic packaging bags damage to internal parts. Keep the power switch
so that children may not play with them. If children turned on during the operational season.
play with a plastic bag which was not torn apart,
they face the risk of suffocation.

Installation Manual 9
Safety Precautions

Do not touch any of the refrigerant piping Do not operate the air conditioner with the
during and after operation. panels or guards removed.
• It can cause a burn or frostbite. • Rotating, hot, or high-voltage parts can cause

Do not directly turn off the main power Auto-addressing should be done in condition of
switch after stopping operation. connecting the power of all indoor and outdoor
units. Auto-addressing should also be done in
case of changing the Indoor unit PCB.
• Wait at least 5 minutes before turning off the
main power switch. Otherwise it may result in
water leakage or other problems.

Use a firm stool or ladder when cleaning or Do not insert hands or other objects through
maintaining the air conditioner. the air inlet or outlet while the air conditioner
is plugged in.
• Be careful and avoid personal injury. • There are sharp and moving parts that could
cause personal injury.

Avoid a place where rain may enter since the Install the HR unit at a place in which it
HR unit is for indoor Is not affected by operation mode changing noise.
• There is risk of property damage, failure of product, • Installation within cell such as meeting room
or electric shock. etc, may disturb business due to noise.

10 Outdoor Unit
Installation Process

Installation Process
Determination of division work Indicate clearly who is to be responsible for switch settings

Make relationship between outdoor, indoor, remote controller, and option connections clear.
Preparation of contract drawings (Prepare control circuit diagram)

Take account of gradient

Sleeve and insert work Outdoor unit foundation work The foundation must be level
of drain piping

Check model name to make Avoid short circuits and ensure

Installation of indoor unit and HR unit Installation of outdoor unit
sure the fitting is made correctly sufficient space is allowed
for service
Special attention to dryness,
Refrigerant piping work
cleanness and tightness

Drain pipe work Adjust to downward gradient

Duct work Make sure airflow is sufficient

Make sure no gaps are left where

Heat insulation work
the insulating materials are joined

Electrical work Multiple core cable must not be used.

(connection circuits and drive circuits) (suitable cable shouldbe selected)

All tight test In the final check for 24hours at 3.80 MPa(38.7 kgf/cm2) there must be no drop in pressure.

Vacuum drying The vacuum pump used must have a capacity of reaching at least 5 Torr, more than 1 hour.

Additional charge of refrigerant Recharge correctly as calculated in this manual and record the amount of added refrigerant

Automatic addressing of indoor unit and valves Refer to automatic addressing flowchart
Preheat the crank case with the electrical heater for more than 6 hours.
(In case of the outdoor temperature below 10°C)
Fit facing panels Make sure there are no gaps left between the facing materials used on the ceiling

Test run adjustment Run each indoor unit in turn to make sure the pipe work has been fitted correctly

Transfer to customer with explanation Explain the proper use of the system as clearly as possible to your customer and make
sure all relevant documentations are in order.

• The above list indicates the order in which the individual work operations are normally carried out but this order may be
varied where local conditions warrants such change.
• The wall thickness of the piping should comply with the relevant local and national regulations for the designed pres-
sure 3.8MPa.
• Since R410A is a mixed refrigerant, the required additional refrigerant must be charged in its liquid state.(If the refriger-
ant is charged in its gaseous state, its composition changes and the system will not work properly.)

Installation Manual 11
Installation Process

Installation guide at the seaside

1. Air conditioners should not be installed in areas where corrosive gases, such as acid or alkaline gas, are produced.
2. Do not install the product where it could be exposed to sea wind (salty wind) directly. It can result corrosion
on the product. Corrosion, particularly on the condenser and evaporator fins, could cause product malfunc-
tion or inefficient performance.
3. If outdoor unit is installed close to the seaside, it should avoid direct exposure to the sea wind. Otherwise it
needs additional anticorrosion treatment on the heat exchanger.

Selecting the location(Outdoor Unit)

1) If the outdoor unit is to be installed close to the seaside, direct exposure to the sea wind should be avoided.
Install the outdoor unit on the opposite side of the sea wind direction.

Sea wind Sea wind

2) In case, to install the outdoor unit on the seaside, set up a windbreak not to be exposed to the sea wind.

Windbreak • It should be strong enough like concrete to prevent

the sea wind from the sea.
• The height and width should be more than 150% of
the outdoor unit.
Sea wind • It should be keep more than 70 cm of space
between outdoor unit and the windbreak for easy
air flow.

3) Select a well-drained place.

1. If you can’t meet above guide line in the seaside installation, please contact LG Electronics for the additional anticorrosion treatment.
2. Periodic ( more than once/year ) cleaning of the dust or salt particles stuck on the heat exchanger by using water

12 Outdoor Unit
Outdoor Units Information

Outdoor Units Information

CAUTION: A ratio of the connectable Indoor Units with the Outdoor: Within 50 ~ 130%
A ratio of the running Indoor Units with the Outdoor: Within 10 ~ 100%
(A combinated operation over 100% causes to reduce the total capacity.)

Power Supply: Outdoor Unit (3Ø, 380 ~ 415V, 50Hz)

■ Heat Recovery System
Unit 1 outdoor unit
System(HP) 8 10 12 14
Model ARUB808T1 ARUB1008T1 ARUB1208T1 ARUB1408T1
Refrigerant Charge(kg/Oz) 8/282.2 8/282.2 8/282.2 8/282.2
Type R410a R410a R410a R410a
CF(Correction Factor) -1 0 1 2
Max. Connectable No. of Indoor Units 13 16 20 20
Net Weight kg 300 300 300 300
lbs 661.4 661.4 661.4 661.4
Dimensions (W*H*D) mm 1280 * 1607 * 730 1280 * 1607 * 730 1280 * 1607 * 730 1280 * 1607 * 730
inch 50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7 50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7 50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7 50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7
Connecting Pipes Liquid Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø9.52(3/8) Ø9.52(3/8) Ø12.7(1/2) Ø12.7(1/2)
Low Pressure Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø19.05(3/4) Ø22.2(7/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8)
High Pressure Gas Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø15.88(5/8) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø22.2(7/8)

Unit 2 outdoor units 3 outdoor units

System(HP) 16 18 20 22 24 26
Model ARUB1608T1 ARUB1808T1 ARUB2008T1 ARUB2208T1 ARUB2408T1 ARUB2608T1
ARUB808T1 ARUB1008T1 ARUB1008T1 ARUB1208T1 ARUB1208T1 ARUB1008T1
ARUS808T1 ARUS808T1 ARUS1008T1 ARUS1008T1 ARUS1208T1 ARUS808T1
Refrigerant Charge(kg/Oz) 16/564.4 16/564.4 16/564.4 16/564.4 16/564.4 24/846.6
Type R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a
CF(Correction Factor) -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Max. Connectable No. of Indoor Units 20 20 20 22 24 32
Net Weight kg 300x2 300x2 300x2 300x2 300x2 300x3
lbs 661.4x2 661.4x2 661.4x2 661.4x2 661.4x2 661.4x3
Dimensions (W*H*D) mm 1280 * 1607 * 730)x2 1280 * 1607 * 730)x2 1280 * 1607 * 730)x2 1280 * 1607 * 730)x2 1280 * 1607 * 730)x2 1280 * 1607 * 730)x3
inch (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x2 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x2 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x2 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x2 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x2 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x3
Connecting Pipes Liquid Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø12.7(1/2) Ø15.88(5/8) Ø15.88(5/8) Ø15.88(5/8) Ø15.88(5/8) Ø19.05(3/4)
Low Pressure Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø34.9(13/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8)
High Pressure Gas Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø22.2(7/8) Ø22.2(7/8) Ø22.2(7/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8)

Unit 3 outdoor units

System(HP) 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Model ARUB2808T1 ARUB3008T1 ARUB3208T1 ARUB3408T1 ARUB3608T1 ARUB3808T1 ARUB4008T1
ARUB1008T1 ARUB1008T1 ARUB1208T1 ARUB1208T1 ARUB1208T1 ARUB1408T1 ARUB1408T1
ARUS1008T1 ARUS1008T1 ARUS1008T1 ARUS1208T1 ARUS1208T1 ARUS1208T1 ARUS1408T1
ARUS808T1 ARUS1008T1 ARUS1008T1 ARUS1008T1 ARUS1208T1 ARUS1208T1 ARUS1208T1
Refrigerant Charge(kg/Oz) 24/846.6 24/846.6 24/846.6 24/846.6 24/846.6 24/846.6 24/846.6
Type R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a
CF(Correction Factor) -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Max. Connectable No. of Indoor Units 32 32 32 34 36 38 40
Net Weight kg 300x3 300x3 300x3 300x3 300x3 300x3 300x3
lbs 661.4x3 661.4x3 661.4x3 661.4x3 661.4x3 661.4x3 661.4x3
Dimensions (W*H*D) mm (1280 * 1607 * 730)x3 (1280 * 1607 * 730)x3 (1280 * 1607 * 730)x3 (1280 * 1607 * 730)x3 (1280 * 1607 * 730)x3 (1280 * 1607 * 730)x3 (1280 * 1607 * 730)x3
inch (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x3 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x3 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x3 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x3 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x3 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x3 (50.4 * 63.3 * 28.7)x3
Connecting Pipes Liquid Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø19.05(3/4) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø19.05(3/4)
Low Pressure Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø41.3(1 5/8) Ø41.3(1 5/8) Ø41.3(1 5/8)
High Pressure Gas Pipes[mm(inch)] Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø28.58(11/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8)

Installation Manual 13
Select the Best Location

Select the Best Location

■ Select installation location of the outdoor unit suitable for following conditions
Select space for installing outdoor unit, which will meet the following conditions:
• No direct thermal radiation from other heat sources
• No possibility of annoying the neighbors by noise from unit
• No exposition to strong wind
• With strength which bears weight of unit
• Note that drain flows out of unit when heating
• With space for air passage and service work shown next.
• Because of the possibility of fire, do not install the system to the space where generation, inflow, stagnation,
and leakage of combustible gas is expected.
• Avoid unit installation in a place where acidic solution and spray (sulfur) are often used.
• Do not use unit under any special environment where oil, steam and sulfuric gas exist.
• Don't operate heating mode when the outdoor air temperature Is -20°C or lower.
• It is recommended to fence round the outdoor unit in order to prevent any person or animal from accessing
the outdoor unit.
• If installation site is area of heavy snowfall, then the following directions should be observed.
- Make the foundation as high as possible.
- Fit a snow protection hood.
• Select installation location considering following conditions to avoid bad condition when additionally perform-
ing defrost operation.
1. Install the outdoor unit at a place well ventilated and having a lot of sunshine in case of installing the
product at a place with a high humidity in winter (neare beach, coast, lake, etc).
(Ex) Rooftop where sunshine always shines.
2. Performance of heating will be reduced and preheat time of the indoor unit may be lengthened in case of
installing the outdoor unit in winter at following location:
(1) Shade position with a narrow space
(2) Location with much moisture in neighboring floor.
(3) Location with much humidity around.
(4) Location where ventilation is good.
It is recommended to install the outdoor unit at a place with a lot of sunshine as possible as.
(5) Location where water gathers since the floor is not even.

■ Select installation location of the HR unit suitable for following conditions

• Avoid a place where rain may enter since the HR unit is for indoor.
• Sufficient service space must be obtained.
• Refrigerant pipe must not exceed limited length.
• Avoid a place subject to a strong radiation heat from other heat source.
• Avoid a place where oil spattering, vapor spray or high frequency electric noise is expected.
• Install the unit at a place in which it is not affected by mode change noise. (Installation within cell such as meeting
room etc. may disturb business due to noise.)
• Place where refrigerant piping, drain piping and electrical wiring works are easy.
• The place shall be able to inspect the unit as the figure.

14 Outdoor Unit
Installation Space

100 more
(Serviceing space)

300more 300more

1 (Servicing space) (Servicing space)


100 more
(Serviceing space)

Inspection door(NOTICE 1)
(servicing space) 300more 450more
450 (Servicing space) (Servicing space)

128 4 5


61 419 (137)

(174) 453 (174)

No. Part Name
PRHR040/030 PRHR020
1 Low pressure Gas pipe connection port Ø28.58 Brazing connection Ø22.2 Brazing connection
2 High pressure Gas pipe connection port Ø22.2 Brazing connection Ø19.05 Brazing connection
3 Liquid pipe connection port Ø12.7 Brazing connection Ø9.52 Brazing connection
4 Indoor unit Gas pipe connection port Ø15.88 Brazing connection Ø15.88 Brazing connection
5 Indoor unit Liquid pipe connection port Ø9.52 Brazing connection Ø9.52 Brazing connection
6 Control box
7 Hanger metal M10 of M8 M10 of M8

1. Be sure to install the inspection door at the control box side.
2. If reducers are used, servicing space must be increased equal to reducer's dimension.

Installation Manual 15
Installation Space

Installation Space
Individual Installation
■ Basic space required
A space of at least 250 mm is necessary at the back for inlet air. Taking servicing, etc. from the rear into
account, a space of about 900 mm should be provided, the same as at the front.

A 250 mm or more Rear Side A

B 900 mm or more (Control box is of a open/close type)

C Top discharge (open in principle)
D Front inlet (open in principle)

Control Box
Front Side
E Rear inlet (open in principle) B

< Side view > < Top view >

Rear Side A Rear Side A

Control Box

Control Box
Front Side Front Side

■ When inlet air enters from right and left sides of unit
A 900 mm or more
(Control box is of a open/close type)
B 250 mm or more
Rear Side
C 150 mm from the wall A B
h B

Front Side
Wall height(H) must not exceed height of A

the product. If the wall height is higher

than the whole height of product by (h), < Side view > < Top view >

Add (h) to , .
Rear Side Rear Side


Front Side Front Side


A 250 mm or more
(350mm or more at the coastal area)
B 150 mm from the wall
Rear Side
Wall height(H) must not exceed height of
the product. If the wall height is higher Front Side

than the whole height of product by (h), < Side view > < Top view >
Add (h) to , .

Rear Side Rear Side



Front Side Front Side

16 Outdoor Unit
Installation Space
■ When unit is surrounded by walls
A 900 mm or more (Control box is of a open/close type)
B 250 mm or more

Rear Side B Rear Side B


Front Side A Front Side A

Rear Side B


Front Side A

■ When there is an obstruction above the unit

A 45° or more
B 200 mm or more
C 250 mm or more




< Front view >

D 1000 mm or more
E Air outlet guide (Procured at the site)
F 250 mm or more 587.6



< Side view > < Air guide >

Installation Manual 17
Installation Space

Collective / Continuous installation

Space required for collective installation and continuous installation:When installing several units, leave
the space between each block as shown below considering passage for air and people.
A (Be opened)
B 900mm or more (control box is of a open/close type)
C 250 mm or more
Front Side

Front Side
Rear Side

Rear Side
Rear Side Rear Side Rear Side Rear Side
Front Side

Front Side

Front Side
Rear Side

Rear Side

Rear Side
Front Side Front Side Front Side Front Side

B = 1250mm or more at the

coastal area
Rear Side
Front Side
Rear Side
Front Side
Rear Side

Rear Side
Front Side

Front Side

Rear Side
Front Side
Front Side

Front Side
Front Side
Rear Side

Rear Side
Rear Side

Rear Side Rear Side Rear Side Rear Side

Front Side

Front Side
Rear Side

Rear Side

Front Side Front Side Front Side Front Side

Front Side

Front Side

Front Side
Rear Side

Rear Side

Rear Side

Rear Side Rear Side Rear Side Rear Side

Front Side

Front Side
Rear Side

Rear Side

Front Side Front Side Front Side Front Side

18 Outdoor Unit
Installation Space
Cautions in winter especially for seasonal wind
• Sufficient measures are required at a snow area or severe cold area in winter so that product can be operated
• Get ready for seasonal wind or snow in winter even in other area.

• Install a suction and discharge duct not to let in snow or rain.
• Install the outdoor unit not to come in contact with snow directly. If snow piles up and freezes on the air suction
hole, the system may malfunction. If it is installed at snowy area, attach the hood to the system.
• Install the outdoor unit at the higher installation console by 50cm than the average snowfall (annual average
snowfall) if it is installed at the area with much snowfall.
• Where snow accumulated on the upper part of the outdoor unit by more than 10cm, always remove snow for

1. The height of H frame must be more than 2 times the snowfall and its width shall not exceed the width of the
product. (If width of the frame is wider than that of the product, snow may accumulate)
2. Don't install the suction hole and discharge hole of the outdoor unit facing to the seasonal wind.

• Always apply main power of the outdoor unit during use of product
(cooling season/heating season).
• Always apply power before 6 hours to heat the crank case heater where performing test run after instal-
lation of product or where operating the product after cutting the main power of the outdoor unit (for
example, power failure). It may result in burning out of the compressor if not preheating the crank case
with the electrical heater for more than 6 hours.(In case of the outdoor temperature below 10°C)

Do not install the product where it is exposed to sea wind (salt spray) directly.
• It may cause corrosion on the product. Corrosion, particularly on the condenser and evaporator fins,
could cause product malfunction or inefficient operation.

Installation Manual 19
Lifting Method

Lifting method
• When carrying the unit suspended, pass the ropes under the unit and use the two suspension points each at
the front and rear.
• Always lift the unit with ropes attached at four points so that impact is not applied to the unit.
• Attach the ropes to the unit at an angle of 40° or less.

Sub line

A 40° or less


Be very careful while carrying the product.
• Do not have only one person carry product if it is more than 20 kg.
• PP bands are used to pack some products. Do not use them as a mean for transportation because they
are dangerous.
• Do not touch heat exchanger fins with your bare hands. Otherwise you may get a cut in your hands.
• Tear plastic packaging bag and scrap it so that children cannot play with it. Otherwise plastic packaging
bag may suffocate children to death.
• When carrying in outdoor unit, be sure to support it at four points. Carrying in and lifting with 3-point
support may make outdoor unit unstable, resulting in a fall of it.

20 Outdoor Unit

Location of anchor bolt

■ Individual installation

10 10 10


900 900 383 900 900 383 900 383 900

■ Example of collective installation

10 10 10 10 10
900 383 900 383 900 383 900 383 900 383 900

■ Installation foot (Location of anchor bolt)

Installation Manual 21

Foundation for Installation

• Fix the unit tightly with bolts as shown below so that unit will not fall down due to earthquake or gust.
• Use the H-beam support as a base support
• Noise and vibration may occur from the floor or wall since vibration is transferred through the installation
part depending on installation status. Thus, use anti-vibration materials (cushion pad) fully (The base pad
shall be more than 200mm).

A Ensure that the corner part can be securely mounted. Otherwise, the support for
installation may be bent.
B Obtain and use the M10 anchor bolt.
C The corner was not properly mounted.
D Outdoor unit (Insert the cushion pad between outdoor unit and base support to ensure that
anti-vibration may be done in a wide area)
G E Pipe and wiring space (in case of piping and wiring on the floor surface)
F H-Beam support
G Concrete base support

• Be sure to install unit in a place strong enough to withstand its weight.
Any lack of strength may cause unit to fall down, resulting in a personal injury.
• Have installation work in order to protect against a strong wind and earthquake. Any installation
deficiency may cause unit to fall down, resulting in a personal injury.
• Especially take care for support strength of the floor surface, water drain processing (processing of
water flown out from the outdoor unit during operation) and paths of the pipe and wiring when mak-
ing a base support.
• Don't use a tube or pipe for water drain in the base pan and perform water drain processing by
using the drain path. Water drain may be done due to freezing of a tube or pipe.
Rear view Side view


Water Drain Path

22 Outdoor Unit

Preparation of Piping
Main cause of gas leakage is defect in flaring work. Carry out correct flaring work in the following procedure.

1) Cut the pipes and the cable.
■ Use the accessory piping kit or the pipes purchased Copper
locally. tube 90° Slanted Uneven Rough
■ Measure the distance between the indoor and the
outdoor unit.
■ Cut the pipes a little longer than measured distance.
■ Cut the cable 1.5m longer than the pipe length.

2) Burrs removal Reamer
■ Completely remove all burrs from the cut cross section
of pipe/tube.
■ Put the end of the copper tube/pipe to downward direc- Point down
tion as you remove burrs in order to avoid to let burrs
drop in the tubing.

3) Flaring work
■ Carry out flaring work using flaring tool as shown below.
Indoor unit Pipe "A" Bar Bar
[kW(Btu/h] Gas Liquid Gas Liquid "A" Yoke
<5.6(19,100) 1/2" 1/4" 1.6~1.8 1.1~1.3 Cone
<16.0(54,600) 5/8" 3/8" 1.6~1.8 1.5~1.7
<22.4(76,400) 3/4" 3/8" 1.9~2.1 1.5~1.7
Copper pipe
Firmly hold copper tube in a bar(or die) as indicated
dimension in the table above. Clamp handle
Red arrow mark

4) Check
■ Compare the flared work with figure below.
■ If flare is noted to be defective, cut off the flared section
and do flaring work again. Smooth all round
Inside is shining without scratches.

= Improper flaring =

Inclined Surface Cracked Uneven

damaged thickness
Even length
all round

Installation Manual 23


Precautions when connecting pipes
• See the following table for flare part machining dimensions.
• When connecting the flare nuts, apply refrigerant oil to the inside and outside of the flares and turn them three
or four times at first. (Use ester oil or ether oil.)
• See the following table for tightening torque.(Applying too much torque may cause the flares to crack.)
• After all the piping has been connected, use nitrogen to perform a gas leak check.

pipe size Flare nut fastening torque(N.m) flare shape

Ø6.35mm 18~25 90° ±2

Ø9.52mm 34~42 45
° ±2
Ø12.7mm 55~66
Ø15.88mm 63~82 R=0.4~0.8

Ø19.05mm 99~121

• Always use a charge hose for service port connection.
• After tightening the cap, check that no refrigerant leaks are
present. Union
• When loosening a flare nut, always use two wrenches in
combination, When connecting the piping, always use a spanner
and torque wrench in combination to tighten the flare nut.
• When connecting a flare nut, coat the flare(inner and outer faces)
with oil for R410A(PVE) and hand tighten the nut 3 to 4 turns as
the initial tightening.

Opening shutoff valve

1. Remove the cap and turn the valve counter clockwise with the hexagon wrench.
2. Turn it until the shaft stops.
Do not apply excessive force to the shutoff valve. Doing so may break the valve body, as the valve is not a
backseat type. Always use the special tool.
3. Make sure to tighten the cap securely.

Closing shutoff valve

1. Remove the cap and turn the valve clockwise with the hexagon wrench.
2. Securely tighten the valve until the shaft contacts the main body seal.
3. Make sure to tighten the cap securely.
* For the tightening torque, refer to the table on the below.

Tightening torque
Shutoff Tightening torque N-m(Turn clockwise to close)
valve size Shaft(valve body) Cap(Valve lid) Service port Flare nut Gas line piping attached to unit
Ø6.4 14-17
5.4-6.6 Hexagonal 13.5-16.5
Ø9.5 33-39
wrench 4mm
Ø12.7 8.1-9.9 18-22 50-60 -
Hexagonal 11.5-13.9
Ø15.9 13.5-16.5 23-27 62-75
wrench 6mm
Ø22.2 Hexagonal
27-33 36-44 - 22-28
Ø25.4 wrench 10mm

24 Outdoor Unit


1. Use the heat insulation material for the refrigerant piping which has an excellent heat-resistance (over

Fastening band
2. Precautions in high humidity circumstance:
This air conditioner has been tested according to the
"ISO Conditions with Mist" and confirmed that there is
not any default. However, if it is operated for a long
time in high humid atmosphere (dew point tempera- Refrigerant piping
ture: more than 23°C), water drops are liable to fall. In
Indoor unit
this case, add heat insulation material according to
Thermal insulator
the following procedure: (accessory)
• Heat insulation material to be prepared... EPDM
(Ethylene Propylene Diene Methylene)-over 120°C
the heat-resistance temperature.
• Add the insulation over 10mm thickness at high humidity environment.

Installation Manual 25
Refrigerant piping installation

Refrigerant piping installation

Always use extreme care to prevent the refrigerant gas (R-410A) from the leakage while using fire or
flame. If the refrigerant gas comes in contact with the flame from any source, such as a gas stove, it
breaks down and generates a poisonous gas which can cause gas poisoning. Never perform brazing
in an unventilated room. Always conduct an inspection for gas leakage after installation of the refrig-
erant piping has been completed.

Cautions in pipe connection/valve operation

Cut both the pipe and the valve with a
cutter to suit the length
(Don't cut the length of less than 70mm)

Open status when both the pipe and

the valve are in a straight line.

After completing work, securely tighten both service ports and caps so that gas does not leak.

Pipe joint (auxiliary parts): Securely perform brazing with a nitrogen blow into the service valve port.
(Releasing pressure : 0.02 MPa or less)
Flare nut: Loose or tighten flare nut by using the wrench with both ends. Coat the flare connection part with
oil for the compressor.
Service port: Make the refrigerant pipe vacuum and charge it using the service port. Always reattach caps
after completing work (tightening torque of service cap: 14Nm (140kg-cm) or more).
Liquid pipe
Low Pressure Gas pipe
High Pressure Gas pipe
Elbow joint

Ball Valve
Flare Valve (Liquid pipe)
(High Pressure Gas pipe)
Ball Valve
(Low Pressure Gas pipe)

26 Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping installation

When connecting the pipes from the front of
Knock out
the outdoor unit, Remove part (or part
and part ). Transmission Line Hole

Power Cable Hole
When connecting the pipes from the side of the
Pipe Hole
outdoor unit, remove part (the whole "Knock
out" part).

(Front) (Side)

After installing the pipe, clog the pipe excavation inlet of the front panel and the side panel
(Wire may be damaged due to entering of rats, animals, etc).

Installation Manual 27
Refrigerant piping installation

Connection of Outdoor Units

2 outdoor units

Model Low Pressure Gas Pipe Liquid Pipe High Pressure Gas Pipe

Ø 9.52
Ø34.9 Ø22.2
Ø28.58 Ø19.05
Ø31.8 Ø12.7 Ø28.58
Ø12.7 Ø19.05

Ø19.05 Ø15.88
Ø28.58 Ø22.2 Ø12.7 Ø22.2 Ø22.2
Ø28.58 Ø15.88
OD34.9 Ø19.05 Ø15.88
OD28.58 Ø22.2 OD12.7 OD22.2

Ø38.1 Ø22.2 OD19.05 Ø19.05

OD19.05 Ø9.52

3 outdoor units

Model Low Pressure Gas Pipe Liquid Pipe High Pressure Gas Pipe

Ø34.9 Ø9.52 Ø22.2

Ø28.58 Ø19.05
Ø31.8 Ø12.7 Ø28.58
Ø12.7 Ø19.05
Ø19.05 Ø15.88
Ø28.58 Ø22.2 Ø22.2 Ø22.2
ARCNB20 Ø12.7

OD34.9 Ø19.05 Ø15.88
OD28.58 Ø22.2 OD12.7 OD22.2

Ø38.1 Ø22.2 OD19.05 Ø19.05

OD19.05 Ø9.52

Ø38.1 Ø19.05 Ø28.58
Ø19.05 Ø31.8

Ø28.58 Ø12.7
Ø28.58 Ø12.7 Ø22.2
ARCNB30 Ø22.2 Ø28.58

OD28.58 OD12.7 Ø15.88
Ø9.52 Ø19.05

28 Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping installation

Installation Procedure
1. Using an insert-hole-in- anchor, hang the hanging bolt.

2. Install a hexagon nut and a flat washer (locally-procured)to the hanging bolt as shown
in the figure in the bottom, and fit the main unit to hang on the hanger metal. Six-sided Nut
(M10 or M8)
3. After checking with a level that the unit is level, tighten the hexagon nut.
* The tilt of the unit should be within ±5° in front/back and left/right. Hanger metal

4. This unit should be installed suspended from ceiling and side A should always be Flat washer
facing up. (M10)
5. Insulate not used pipes completely as shown in the figure.
Hanging bolt
(M10 or M8)


Installation of Outdoor Unit, HR Unit, Indoor Unit Refrigerant Pipe

3 pipes are connected to the HR unit from the outdoor unit, classified into liquid pipe, low pressure gas pipe and
high pressure gas pipe depending on status of refrigerant passing through the pipe.
You must connect 3 pipes from outdoor unit to HR unit.
For connection between indoor unit and HR unit, you must connect both liquid pipe and gas pipe from the HR
unit to the indoor unit. In this case, connect them to the indoor unit starting from No.1 connection port of the HR
unit (the port number is displayed on ports of the HR unit). Use auxiliary flare as annexed parts in connection to
the indoor unit.

Gas pipe

Low pressure HR Unit

Liquid pipe
Gas pipe
3 4
1 2
Gas pipe

Liquid pipe High pressure

Gas pipe Liquid pipe

Whenever connecting the indoor units with the HR unit, install the indoor units in numerical order from No.1.
Ex) In case of installing 3 indoor units : No. 1, 2, 3 (O), No. 1, 2, 4 (X), No.1, 3, 4 (X), No.2, 3, 4 (X).

Installation Manual 29
Refrigerant piping installation

Type of HR Unit
Select an HR unit according to the number of the indoor units to be installed. HR units are classified into 3 types
by the number of connectable indoor units.
Ex) Installation of 6 indoor units
Consists of HR unit for 4 rooms and HR unit for 2 rooms.

2 3 3 4
1 1
2 1 2

PRHR020(2 rooms) PRHR030(3 rooms) PRHR040(4 rooms)

• 1 port of HR unit allows up to 14.1kW based on cooling capacity of the indoor unit (up to 14.1kW
(48kBtu/hr) for max installation).
• The maximum total capacity of the indoor units connected to one PRHR040 HR unit is 47kW
(160kBtu/hr). In case of installation of four indoor units of 14.1kW (48kBtu/hr), use two PRHR020's
rather than one PRHR040.

Low pressure gas pipe

High pressure gas pipe 3 4

1 2
Liquid pipe

Remove caps on
the brazing part. Gas pipe Ø15.88
Liquid pipe Ø9.52
Brazing Type

HR unit PRHR020 PRHR030 PRHR040

Low pressure gas pipe Ø22.2 Ø28.58 Ø28.58
High pressure gas pipe Ø19.05 Ø22.2 Ø22.2
Liquid pipe Ø9.52 Ø12.7 Ø12.7

30 Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping installation
[ Reducers for indoor unit and HR unit ]

Gas pipe

Liquid pipe
High pressure Low pressure

Indoor unit
reducer OD9.52 Ø6.35
OD15.88 Ø12.7

OD19.05 Ø15.88 Ø12.7 OD22.2 Ø19.05 Ø15.88

OD9.52 Ø6.35

OD12.7 Ø9.52 OD15.88 Ø12.7

HR unit

OD22.2 Ø19.05 Ø15.88 OD28.58 Ø22.2 Ø19.05

OD12.7 Ø9.52

OD15.88 Ø12.7
OD19.05 Ø15.88

Installation Manual 31
Refrigerant piping installation

1. Use the following materials for refrigerant piping.
• Material: Seamless phosphorous deoxidized copper pipe
• Wall thickness : Comply with the relevant local and national regulations for the designed pressure
3.8MPa. We recommend the following table as the minimum wall thickness.

Outer diameter
6.35 9.52 12.7 15.88 19.05 22.2 25.4 28.58 31.8 34.9 38.1 41.3
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.1 1.21 1.35 1.43
thickness [mm]

2. Commercially available piping often contains dust and other materials. Always blow it clean with a
dry inert gas.
3. Use care to prevent dust, water or other contaminants from entering the piping during installation.
4. Reduce the number of bending portions as much as possible, and make bending radius as big as
5. Always use the branch piping set shown below, which are sold separately.

Y branch

ARBLB01620 ARBLB03320
ARBLB07120 ARBLB14520
6. If the diameters of the branch piping of the designated refrigerant piping differs, use a pipe cutter to cut
the connecting section and then use an adapter for connecting different diameters to connect the piping.
7. Always observe the restrictions on the refrigerant piping (such as rated length, difference in height, and
piping diameter).
Failure to do so can result in equipment failure or a decline in heating/cooling performance.
8. The system will stop due to an abnormality like excessive or insufficient refrigerant. At such a time, always
properly charge the unit. When servicing, always check the notes concerning both the pipe length and the
amount of additional refrigerant.
9. Never perform a pump down. This will not only damage the compressor but also deteriorate the
10. Never use refrigerant to perform an air purge. Always evacuate using a vacuum pump.
11. Always insulate the piping properly. Insufficient insulation will result in a decline in heating/cooling perfor-
mance, drip of condensate and other such problems.
12. When connecting the refrigerant piping, make sure the service valves of the outdoor unit is completely
closed (the factory setting) and do not operate it until the refrigerant piping for the outdoor and indoor
units has been connected, a refrigerant leakage test has been performed and the evacuation process
has been completed.
13. Always use a non-oxidizing brazing material for brazing the parts and do not use flux. If not, oxidized film
can cause clogging or damage to the compressors and flux can harm the copper piping or refrigerant oil.
14. Diameter of the refrigerant pipe from the HR unit to the indoor unit is determined by capacity of the
indoor unit. The pipe port is installed to suit a large capacity of the indoor unit for the connection flare of
the HR unit. It is sufficient to cut, connect and install the subsidiary flare to suit the pipe of the indoor unit
15. Take care so that there is no thermal damage on the service valves of the outdoor unit.
(Especially packing part of service port.) Wrap the service valve with a wet towel when brazing it.

32 Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping installation

When installing and moving the air conditioner to another site, be sure to make recharge refrigerant
after perfect evacuation.

- If a different refrigerant or air is mixed with the original refrigerant, the refrigerant cycle may malfunction and
the unit may be damaged.

- After selecting diameter of the refrigerant pipe to suit total capacity of the indoor unit connected after
branching, use an appropriate branch pipe set according to the pipe diameter of the indoor unit and the
installation pipe drawing.

Pipe Length between Outdoor Units

(Low pressure gas pipe, High pressure gas pipe, Liquid pipe)
= Product length (1,280) +  (distance between outdoor units)

Unit: mm


Distance between outdoor units


Distance between outdoor units

Installation Manual 33
Refrigerant piping installation

Refrigerant piping system

Example : 3 outdoor units, 4 HR units and 11 indoor units
Outdoor unit
Y branch
HR unit
Sub 2
Indoor unit A3
Sub 1
Y branch A2


E F1

b B
C1 C1

H D3
"a" C3 D
d C3 C4
h C2 g i j k
C2 D7 D9
D4 D10

e D8



■ Case1 ("a")
: Maximum height is 15 m if you install with Y branch.

■ Case2 ("b")
: Height is zero(0) m in HR unit serial connector.

* : Serial connection of HR units : Capacity sum of indoor units ≤ 160kBtu/hr
• Refer to the HR unit PCB part for the valve group control setting.
• It is recommended that difference in pipe lengths between an HR unit and indoor units, for example
difference in length of a, b, c, and d, be minimized. The larger difference in pipe lengths, the more different
performance between indoor units.
• Piping length from outdoor branch to outdoor unit ≤ 10m, equivalent length : max 13m (for 16HP or more)

34 Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping installation
➲ Refrigerant pipe diameter between branches and HR units (B,C,D)
Downward indoor unit total capacity Liquid pipe Gas pipe [mm(inch)]
[kW(Btu/h)] [mm(inch)] Low pressure High pressure
< 5.6 (19,100) Ø6.35(1/4) Ø12.7(1/2) Ø9.52(3/8)

< 16.0 (54,600) Ø9.52(3/8) Ø15.88(5/8) Ø12.7(1/2)
< 22.4 (76,400) Ø9.52(3/8) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø15.88(5/8)
< 33 (112,600) Ø9.52(3/8) Ø22.2(7/8) Ø19.05(3/4)
< 47 (160,400) Ø12.7(1/2) Ø28.58(1 1/8) Ø22.2(7/8)
< 71 (242,300) Ø15.88(5/8) Ø28.58(1 1/8) Ø28.58(1 1/8)
< 104 (354,900) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø28.58(1 1/8)
104 (354,900) ≤ Ø19.05(3/4) Ø41.3(1 5/8) Ø28.58(1 1/8)

➲ Total pipe length ≤ 300m

Outdoor unit ~ the farthest indoor unit
A+B+C3+D+k ≤ 150m (equivalent pipe length ≤ 175m)
HR unit ~ neighboring HR unit • * : Assume equivalent pipe
C3 ~ C4
D ≤ 10 m length of Y branch to be 0.5m,
The 1st indoor branch ~ the farthest indoor unit calculation purpose.
B1 ~ D10
B+C3+D+k ≤ 40m
The 1st outdoor branch ~ the farthest outdoor unit
E+F3 ≤ 10m
Difference in height (outdoor unit ↔ indoor unit) • Should not be exceed 10m
H between neighboring HR unit.
H ≤ 50m (40m:if outdoor unit is lower than indoor units)
Difference in height (indoor unit ↔ indoor unit) • Serial connection of HR units :
h Capacity sum of indoor units ≤
h ≤ 15m 160kBtu/hr.

Prohibited pattern Prohibited pattern


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

48k 48k 48k 48k 12k 24k 24k 12k 48k 48k 48k 12k
• Capacity sum of indoor units is over 160kBtu/hr. • Distance between neighboring HR unit is over 10m,
and Capacity sum of indoor units is over 160kBtu/hr.
Pattern Pattern



1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
36k 36k 36k 36k
12k 24k 24k 12k 48k 48k 48k 12k

1 Indoor unit A Y Branch pipe

Low pressure Gas pipe Gas pipe

Outdoor High pressure Gas pipe
HR Indoor
Unit Liquid pipe Unit Liquid pipe Unit

Installation Manual 35
Refrigerant piping installation
◆ Outdoor Unit Connection
➲ Refrigerant pipe diameter before 1st branch (A,E,F)
Upward outdoor unit total capacity Liquid pipe Gas pipe [mm(inch)]
[HP] [mm(inch)] Low pressure High pressure
8 Ø9.52(3/8) Ø19.05(3/4) Ø15.88(5/8)
10 Ø9.52(3/8) Ø22.2(7/8) Ø19.05(3/4)
12 Ø12.7(1/2) Ø28.58(1 1/8) Ø19.05(3/4)
14, 16 Ø12.7(1/2) Ø28.58(1 1/8) Ø22.2(7/8)
18, 20 Ø15.88(5/8) Ø28.58(1 1/8) Ø22.2(7/8)
22, 24 Ø15.88(5/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø28.58(1 1/8)
26~34 Ø19.05(3/4) Ø34.9(1 3/8) Ø28.58(1 1/8)
36 Ø19.05(3/4) Ø41.3(1 5/8) Ø28.58(1 1/8)
38, 40 Ø19.05(3/4) Ø41.3(1 5/8) Ø34.9(1 3/8)

Do not choose the main pipe diameter, namely A, by downward indoor unit total capacity but its outdoor unit model name.
Do not let the connection pipe from branch to branch exceed the main pipe diameter chosen by outdoor unit model name.
EX) Where connecting the indoor units to the 22 HP (61.5 kW) outdoor unit to 130% of its system capacity (79.9 kW) and
branching one HR unit of four 7k indoor units (8.4kW) at the 1st branch.
Main pipe diameter(22 HP outdoor unit): Ø15.88(Liquid pipe), Ø34.9(Low pressure gas pipe), Ø28.58(High pressure gas pipe)
Pipe diameter between 1st and 2nd branch (71.5kW indoor units): Ø19.05(Liquid pipe), Ø34.9(Low pressure gas pipe) and
Ø28.58(High pressure gas pipe) in conformity with downward
indoor units.
Since the main pipe diameter of 22HP outdoor unit is Ø15.88(Liquid pipe), Ø34.9(Low pressure gas pipe) , Ø28.58(High pressure gas
pipe), it should be used as the diameter of the main pipe and the connection pipe between 1st and 2nd indoor branches.

When the equivalent length between the outdoor unit and a indoor unit is 90 m or more, the size of main
pipes (only liquid pipe) must be increased one grade.
Liquid pipe
8, 10HP..........................................Ø9.52 → Ø12.7 18, 20, 22, 24HP............................Ø15.88 → Ø19.05
12, 14, 16HP..................................Ø12.7 → Ø15.88 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40HP....Ø19.05 → Ø22.2

◆ Indoor Unit Connection

➲ Indoor unit connecting pipe from branch (a~k)

Liquid pipe Gas pipe

Indoor unit capacity [kW(Btu/h)]
[mm(inch)] [mm(inch)]
< 5.6(19,100) Ø6.35(1/4 inch) Ø12.7(1/2 inch)
< 16.0(54,600) Ø9.52(3/8 inch) Ø15.88(5/8 inch)
< 22.4(76,400) Ø9.52(3/8 inch) Ø19.05(3/4 inch)

36 Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping installation
◆ The Amount of Refrigerant
The calculation of the additional charge should take account of the length of pipe.

A Product charge(1unit)=8kg

Ex) ARUB1208T1
B Additional charge (kg) Outdoor unit
HR unit (1EA)
Indoor unit
= Total liquid pipe (m): Ø22.2mm x 0.354(kg/m)

+ Total liquid pipe (m): Ø19.05mm x 0.266(kg/m)

A: Ø12.7, 50m
+ Total liquid pipe (m): Ø15.88mm x 0.173(kg/m) B: Ø9.52, 10m
C: Ø9.52, 10m
+ x 0.118(kg/m) D: Ø9.52, 10m
Total liquid pipe (m): Ø12.7mm
E: Ø6.35, 10m
+ Total liquid pipe (m): Ø9.52mm x 0.061(kg/m)

+ Total liquid pipe (m): Ø6.35mm x 0.022(kg/m)

+ Number of installed HR units x 0.5 kg(4 Rooms)

Additional Charge = A X 0.118 + B X 0.061 + C X 0.061
+ CF(kg) (Correction factor) + D X 0.061 + E X 0.022 + HR + CF
= 50 X 0.118 + 10 X 0.061 + 10 X 0.061
Total amount(kg) = A + B + 10 X 0.061 + 10 X 0.022 + 0.5(HR) + 1(CF)
= 7.45(kg)

CAUTION If a negative result is obtained from

the calculation, no refrigerant needs
to be added.

Regulation for refrigerant leakage
: the amount of refrigerant leakage should satisfy the following equation for human safety.

Total amount of refrigerant in the system

0.3 ( kg / m3 )
Volume of the room at which indoor unit of the least capacity is installed

❐ If the above equation can not be satisfied, then follow the following steps.
- Selection of air conditioning system: select one of the next
1. Installation of effective opening part
2. Reconfirmation of outdoor unit capacity and piping length
3. Reduction of the amount of refrigerant
4. Installation of 2 or more security device (alarm for gas leakage)
- Change indoor unit type
: installation position should be over 2m from the floor (wall mounted type → cassette type)
- Adoption of ventilation system
: choose ordinary ventilation system or building ventilation system
- Limitation in piping work
: Prepare for earthquake and thermal stress

WARNING Refer to model information since the CF value of correction factor differs depending
on model.

Installation Manual 37
Refrigerant piping installation

Branch pipe Fitting

Y branch
A To outdoor unit
A B B To branch piping or indoor unit

• Ensure that the branch pipes are attached horizontally or vertically (see the diagram below.)
Horizontal Facing Facing
plane downwards upwards

Within +/- 10°

Viewed from point A
in direction of arrow

Within ± 3° Within ± 3°

• There is no limitation on the joint mounting configuration.

• If the diameter of the refrigerant piping selected by the procedures described is different from the size
of the joint, the connecting section should be cut with a pipe cutter.
• Branch pipe should be insulated with the insulator in each kit.

(field supply)

Liquid and gas Insulator for

pipe joints field piping
(included with kit)

38 Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping installation

◆ Y branch pipe [unit:mm]

Models Low Pressure Gas Pipe Liquid pipe High Pressure Gas Pipe

Ø19.05 Ø15.88
Ø12.7 Ø9.52
Ø15.88 Ø12.7 Ø9.52 Ø6.35 Ø12.7
ARBLB01620 Ø9.52

~ under 22.4kW
(76kBtu/h) Ø12.7 Ø9.52 Ø6.35 Ø12.7 Ø9.52

Ø22.2 Ø19.05
Ø15.88 Ø12.7
Ø19.05 Ø22.2 Ø9.52 Ø6.35 Ø15.88 Ø19.05
Ø9.52 Ø12.7
~ under 33.0kW
(112kBtu/h) Ø15.88 Ø12.7 Ø6.35
Ø12.7 Ø9.52

Ø28.58 Ø25.4 OD22.2 Ø22.2 OD19.05

Ø28.58 Ø28.58
Ø22.2 Ø19.05
Ø12.7 Ø19.05
Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø28.58 Ø28.58
Ø12.7 Ø19.05
ARBLB07120 Ø22.2

~ under 71.0kW Ø15.88 Ø22.2
Ø12.7 Ø9.52 Ø19.05
Ø34.9 Ø31.8 OD28.58 OD22.2 Ø15.88

Ø9.52 OD12.7 OD19.05 Ø12.7 Ø9.52

OD19.05 Ø12.7
OD19.05 Ø15.88 Ø12.7

Ø34.9 Ø41.3 Ø41.3 Ø15.88 Ø34.9 Ø19.05

Ø19.05 Ø12.7 Ø28.58 Ø28.58
Ø15.88 Ø22.2
ARBLB14520 Ø34.9
71.0kW or more ~ Ø28.58
Ø15.88 Ø12.7 Ø28.58 Ø19.05
(242kBtu/h) X2
Ø28.58 Ø31.8 OD34.9 OD28.58 Ø22.2 Ø19.05

OD 9.52 Ø6.35 OD28.58 Ø22.2

OD19.05 Ø15.88 Ø12.7 OD19.05 Ø12.7 Ø9.52

Installation Manual 39
Refrigerant piping installation

Leak Test and Vacuum

(1) Leak test
Leak test should be made by pressurizing nitrogen gas to
3.80MPa(38.7 kgf/cm2). For the test method, refer to the following fig-
ure. (Make a test with the service valves closed. Be also sure to pres-
surize low pressure gas pipe and liquid pipe simultaneously)
The test result can be judged good if the pressure has not be reduced
after leaving for about one day after completion of nitrogen gas pres-
* When charging of refrigerant is needed due to a defect of outdoor
unit, pressurize after opening the service valves.

High pressure gas pipe Liquid pipe

Low pressure gas pipe

If the ambient temperature differs between the time when pressure is applied and when the pressure drop is checked, apply
the following correction factor
There is a pressure change of approximately 0.1 kg/cm2 (0.01 MPa) for each 1°C of temperature difference.
Correction= (Temp. at the time of pressurization – Temp. at the time of check) X 0.1
For example: Temperature at the time of pressurization (3.8 MPa) is 27 °C
24 hour later: 3.73 MPa, 20°C
In this case the pressure drop of 0.07 is because of temperature drop
And hence there is no leakage in pipe occurred.

To prevent the nitrogen from entering the refrigeration system in the liquid state, the top of the cylinder must be at higher
position than the bottom when you pressurize the system.
Usually the cylinder is used in a vertical standing position.

(2) Vacuum
Vacuum of the pipe and the indoor units should be made from the port of the outdoor unit's service valve
with the service valve closed. Vacuum should be made from the high pressure gas pipe and the liquid pipe
simultaneously with a vacuum pump including a vacuum gage. (The low pressure gas pipe becomes vacu-
um via the HR unit.) After the degree of vacuum gets to 5 Torr, keep vacuum for more than an hour.
* Never perform air purging by using refrigerant.
• Vacuum drying : Use a vacuum pump that can evacuate to -
100.7kPa (5 Torr, -755mmHg).
1. Evacuate the system from the liquid pipes and the high pres-
sure gas pipes with a vacuum pump for over 2 hours and
bring the system to -100.7kPa. After maintaining system
under that condition for over 1 hour, confirm the vacuum
gauge rises. If it rises, the system may contain moisture or
2. Following should be executed if there is a possibility of mois-
ture remaining inside the pipe.
(Rainwater may enter the pipe during work in the rainy sea-
son or over a long period of time)
After evacuating the system for 2 hours, give pressure to the
system to 0.05MPa(vacuum break) with nitrogen gas and
then evacuate it again with the vacuum pump for 1 hour to
-100.7kPa(vacuum drying). If the system cannot be evacuat- High pressure gas pipe Liquid pipe
ed to -100.7kPa within 2 hours, repeat the steps of vacuum
break and its drying. Finally, check if the vacuum gauge rise Low pressure gas pipe
or not, after maintaining the system in vacuum for 1 hour.

40 Outdoor Unit
Refrigerant piping installation
(3) Refrigerant Charged Method
After vacuum completion, primarily charge the calculated amount of additional refrigerant through the high
pressure gas pipe and the liquid pipe. If the refrigerant is not charged any more, secondarily charge the
remaining refrigerant through the low pressure gas pipe and the liquid pipe.

Vacuum and Primary charging Secondary charging

High pressure gas pipe Liquid pipe High pressure gas pipe Liquid pipe

Low pressure gas pipe Low pressure gas pipe

Note : Always add an appropriate amount of refrigerant. (For the refrigerant additional charge)
Too much or too little refrigerant will cause trouble.

• If the primary charging through the high pressure gas pipe and the liquid pipe is not performed after vacuum, wet
air may go into the outdoor unit. If air is mixed with the refrigerant, the refrigerant cycle may malfunction and the
unit may be damaged.
• Charging of refrigerant while the compressor is working is prohibited. Otherwise, liquid may go into the compres-
sor. It may cause faults of the compressor.
• Use a gravimeter accurate to 0.1kg.
• Pipe to be vacuum: liquid pipe, high pressure gas pipe (low pressure gas pipe is vacuumed via the HR unit).
• If other refrigerants are mixed in the original refrigerant, a refrigerant cycle may cause malfunction or damage.
• Add accurate refrigerant quantity via calculation.
Too much or too little refrigerant may cause problems
• Repeated on and off of the indoor units without charging refrigerant may cause faults of LEV.
• Since R410A is a mixed refrigerant, the required additional refrigerant must be charged in its liquid state. If the
refrigerant is charged in its gaseous state, its composition changes and the system will not work properly.
• When installing and moving the air conditioner to another site, recharge after perfect evacuation.
- If a different refrigerant or air is mixed with the original refrigerant, the refrigerant cycle may malfunction
and the unit may be damaged.

Installation Manual 41
Refrigerant piping installation

Thermal insulation of refrigerant piping

Be sure to give insulation work to refrigerant piping by covering liquid pipe and gas pipe separately with
enough thickness heat-resistant polyethylene, so that no gap is observed in the joint between indoor unit
and insulating material, and insulating materials themselves. When insulation work is insufficient, there is a
possibility of condensation drip, etc. Pay special attention to insulation work to ceiling plenum.

Adhesive + Heat - resistant polyethylene foam +
material Adhesive tape
Indoor Vinyl tape
Floor exposed Water-proof hemp cloth + Bronze asphalt
A Heat insulation material Outdoor Water-proof hemp cloth + Zinc plate + Oily paint
B Pipe Note:
C Outer covering When using polyethylene cover as covering material, asphalt roof-
(Wind the connection part and cutting part of ing shall not be required.
heat insulation material with a finishing tape.)

• Do not insulate gas or low pressure pipe and liquid or high • Be sure to fully insulate connecting portion.
pressure pipe together.
A Liquid pipe
A F B Gas pipe
Bad example
C Power lines
C D Finishing tape
E Insulating material
D F Transmission lines
E A These parts are not insulated.

E Power lines Transmission lines

Good example G
A Liquid pipe
B Low pressure gas pipe Separation
C Power lines
D Finishing tape
E Insulating material
F High pressure gas pipe
G Transmission lines

Inner wall (concealed) Outer wall Outer wall (exposed) Sleeve
D Heat insulating material
A A B B Lagging
Caulking material
I Waterproofing layer
Sleeve with edge
Penetrating portion on fire
Lagging material
Floor (fireproofing) Roof pipe shaft limit and boundary wall
Mortar or other incombustible caulking
D I Incombustible heat insulation material
D When filling a gap with mortar, cover the
penetration part with steel plate so that
H the insulation material will not be caved in.
G A For this part, use incombustible materials
B for both insulation and covering.(Vinyl
1m 1m
covering should not be used.)

42 Outdoor Unit
Electrical Wiring

Electrical Wiring
Areas of Caution

1. Follow ordinance of your governmental organization for technical standard related to electrical equipment,
wiring regulations and guidance of each electric power company.

Be sure to have authorized electric engineers do electric work using special circuits in accordance
with regulations and this installation manual. If power supply circuit has a lack of capacity or electric
work deficiency, it may cause an electric shock or fire.

2. Install the outdoor unit transmission line away from the power source wiring so that it may not affected by
electric noise from the power source. (Do not run it through the same conduit.)
3. Be sure to provide designated grounding work to outdoor unit.

Be sure to put outdoor unit to earth. Do not connect earth line to any gas pipe, water pipe, lightening
rod or telephone earth line. If earth is incomplete, it may cause an electric shock.

4. Give some allowance to wiring for electrical part box of Indoor, HR unit and outdoor units, because the box is
sometimes removed at the time of service work.
5. Never connect the main power source to terminal block of transmission line. If connected, electrical parts will
be burnt out.
6. Use 2-core shield cable for transmission line.(O mark in the figure below) If transmission lines of different sys-
tems are wired with the same multiplecore cable, the resultant poor transmitting and receiving will cause erro-
neous operations. ( mark in the figure below)
7. Only the transmission line specified should be connected to the terminal block for outdoor unit transmission.

Outdoor unit Outdoor unit

Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor

unit unit unit unit
unit unit
Remote Remote Remote Remote
control control control control
Outdoor unit Outdoor unit

Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor

unit unit unit unit
unit unit
Remote Remote Remote Remote
control control control control

2-core shield cable Multi-core cable

Installation Manual 43
Electrical Wiring

Outdoor units Outdoor units

Main Sub1 Sub2 Main Sub1 Sub2

Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor

unit unit unit unit
unit unit
Remote Remote Remote Remote
control control control control

Outdoor units Outdoor units

Main Sub1 Sub2 Main Sub1 Sub2

Indoor Indoor
Indoor Indoor unit unit
unit unit HR
unit Remote Remote
Remote Remote control control
control control

2-core shield cable Multi-core cable

• Use the 2-core shield cables for transmission lines. Never use them together with power cables.
• Never use multi-core cable
• As this unit is equipped with an inverter, to install a phase leading capacitor not only will deteriorate
power factor improvement effect, but also may cause capacitor abnormal heating. Therefore, never
install a phase leading capacitor.
• Keep power imbalance within 2% of the supply rating. Large imbalance will shorten the life of the
smoothing capacitor.

44 Outdoor Unit
Electrical Wiring

Control box and connecting position of wiring

- Remove all of the screws on front panel, and remove the front panel by pulling it forward.

- Connect transmission line between main and sub
outdoor unit through the terminal block.
- Connect transmission lines between outdoor unit
and indoor/HR units through the terminal block.
- When the central control system is connected to the
outdoor unit, a dedicated PCB must be connected
between them.
- When connecting transmission line between out-
door unit and indoor/HR units with shielded wire,
connect the shield ground to the earth screw.

Front Panel

The temperature sensor for outdoor air should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
- Provide an appropriate cover to intercept direct sunlight.

Main unit Sub unit

Reactor Magnetic contactor

(Inverter Comp.)
Cover Fuse Sub PCB
Magnetic contactor
Capacitor Noise Filter Main PCB


(Inverter Comp

Transformer Transformer

Control board for inverter fan Connect the ground line of Ground Terminal
distribution panel here. for Transmission
Line Shield

Take care of the phase sequence of

3-phase 4-wire power system.

Installation Manual 45
Electrical Wiring

Transmission and Power Lines

1) Transmission cable
• Types : shielding wire CVVS or CPEVS
• Diameter : over 1.25mm2
• Insulation material : PVC
• Maximum allowable temperature: 60°C
• Maximum allowable line length: under 220m
2) Remote control cable
• Types : 3-core cable
3) Simple central control cable
• Types : 4-core cable (Shielding wire)
• Diameter : over 0.75mm2
• Insulation material : PVC
4) Separation of transmission and power lines
• If transmission and power lines are run alongside each other then here is a strong likelihood of operational
faults developing due to interference in the signal wiring caused by electrostatic and electromagnetic cou-
The tables below indicates our recommendation as to appropriate spacing of transmission and power lines
where these are to be run side by side

Current capacity of power line Spacing

10A 300mm
50A 500mm
100V or more
100A 1000mm
100A or more 1500mm

1. The figures are based on assumed length of parallel cabling up to 100m. For length in excess of 100m
the figures will have to be recalculated in direct proportion to the additional length of line involved.
2. If the power supply waveform continues to exhibit some distortion the recommended spacing in the
table should be increased.
• If the lines are laid inside conduits then the following point must also be taken into account when grouping
various lines together for introduction into the conduits
• Power lines(including power supply to air conditioner) and signal lines must not be laid inside the same
• In the same way, when grouping the power lines and signal lines should not be bunched together.

■ If apparatus is not properly earthed then there is always a risk of electric shocks, the earthing of the
apparatus must be carried out by a qualified person.
■ Use a power wire pipe for the power wiring.

46 Outdoor Unit
Electrical Wiring
◆ Wiring of Main Power Supply and Equipment Capacity
Outdoor unit (3Ø, 380 ~415V, 50Hz ) Indoor unit (1Ø, 220V, 50Hz)

1. Use a separate power supply for the outdoor unit and indoor unit.
2. Bear in mind ambient conditions (ambient temperature,direct sunlight, rain water,etc.) when proceeding with the wiring and connections.

3. The wire size is the minimum value for metal conduit wiring. The power cord size should be 1 rank thicker taking into account the line volt-
age drops. Make sure the power-supply voltage does not drop more than 10%.
4. Specific wiring requirements should adhere to the wiring regulations of the region.
5. Power supply cords of parts of appliances for outdoor use should not be lighter than polychloroprene sheathed flexible cord.
6. Don't install an individual switch or electrical outlet to disconnect each of indoor unit separately from the power supply.

• Follow ordinance of your governmental organization for technical standard related to electrical equipment, wiring reg-
ulations and guidance of each electric power company.
• Be sure to use specified wires for connections so that no external force is imparted to terminal connections. If connec-
tions are not fixed firmly, it may cause heating or fire.
• Be sure to use the appropriate type of overcurrent protection switch. Note that generated overcurrent may include
some amount of direct current.

• Some installation site may require attachment of an earth leakage breaker. If no earth leakage breaker is installed, it may
cause an electric shock.
• Do not use anything other than breaker and fuse with correct capacity. Using fuse and wire or copper wire with too large
capacity may cause a malfunction of unit or fire.

Unit Power Supply COMP OFM

Hz Volts Voltage-range MCA MOP MSC RLA kW FLA
8HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 20.7 34.1 16.5/75 14.5/12 0.56 3.97
10HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 26.5 44.5 16.5/75 14.5/12 0.56 3.97
12HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 27.2 45.8 16.5/75 14.5/12 0.56 3.97
14HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 30.5 51.7 16.5/75 14.5/12 0.56 3.97
16HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 41.2 68.0 16.5/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12 1.1 7.71
18HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 47.0 78.4 16.5/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12 1.1 7.71
20HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 52.7 88.7 16.5/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12 1.1 7.71
22HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 53.5 90.1 16.5/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12 1.1 7.71
24HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 54.2 91.4 16.5/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12 1.1 7.71
26HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 67.5 112.3 16.5/75/75/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12/12/12 1.64 11.45
28HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 73.2 122.6 16.5/75/75/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12/12/12 1.64 11.45
30HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 79.0 133.0 16.5/75/75/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12/12/12 1.64 11.45
32HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 79.7 134.3 16.5/75/75/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12/12/12 1.64 11.45
34HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 80.5 135.7 16.5/75/75/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12/12/12 1.64 11.45
36HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 81.2 137.0 16.5/75/75/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12/12/12 1.64 11.45
38HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 84.5 142.9 16.5/75/75/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12/12/12 1.64 11.45
40HP 50 380-415 Min.:342 87.7 148.7 16.5/75/75/75/75/75 14.5/12/12/12/12/12 1.64 11.45

Installation Manual 47
Electrical Wiring

Notes: 9. RLA is measured during each individual compressor test con-

1. Voltage range dition.
Voltage supplied to the unit terminals should be within the min- 14.5/12.0 : RLA of (INV. Comp) / (Const. Comp.1)
imum and maximum range 10. OFM is measured as the outdoor unit test condition
2. Maximum allowable voltage unbalance between phase is 2 %
3. MCA / MOP Selection of proper circuit breaker
MCA = (1.25 x Load1) + Load2 ➀ 10HP- Rated running current : 18.0 A
MOP = (2.25 x Load1) + Load2 ➁ MCA = (1.25 x Load1) + Load2
- Load1 : Rated running current of largest motor = (1.25 x 18.0) + 3.97 = 26.5 A
(Compressor or other motor) ➂ MOP = (2.25 x Load1) + Load2
- Load2 : any other load rated 1.0A or more
= (2.25 x 18.0) + 3.97 = 44.5 A
4. Select wire spec. based on the MCA ➔ Finally select circuit breaker 40A
5. Select proper circuit breaker as given below
MCA < Selected circuit breaker ≤ MOP MCA : Minimum Circuit Amperes (A)
6. Recommended circuit breaker is ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit MOP : Maximum rating Over current Protective device
Breaker) MSC : Maximum Starting Current
7. MSC & RLA are measured as the compressor only test RLA : Rated Load Amperes (A)
OFM : Outdoor Fan Motor
8. MSC values
16.5/75 : MSC of (INV. Comp) / (Const. Comp.1) kW : Fan Motor rated output (kW)
FLA : Full Load Amperes (A)

48 Outdoor Unit
Electrical Wiring
◆ Precautions when laying power wiring
Use round pressure terminals for connections to the power terminal block.
Power wire

Round pressure terminal

When none are available, follow the instructions below.

• Do not connect wiring of different thicknesses to the power terminal block. (Slack in the power wiring
may cause abnormal heat.)
• When connecting wiring which is the same thickness, do as shown in the figure below.

• For wiring, use the designated power wire and connect firmly, then secure to prevent outside pressure
being exerted on the terminal block.
• Use an appropriate screwdriver for tightening the terinal screws. A screwdriver with a small head will
strip the head and make proper tighterning impossible.
• Over-tightening the terminal screws may break them.

When the 400 volt power supply is applied to “N” phase by mistake, replace inverter PCB and transformer in
control box.

Installation Manual 49
Electrical Wiring
◆ Example Connection of Transmission Cable
1 Outdoor Unit

3 phase 4 wires power line

Transmission line (3 line): wired remote control
Single phase of power supply line
Power supply switch
(Switch fuse) Transmission line (2 shield line): between indoor unit and outdoor unit
3 phase 4 wires ❈ Separate wiring drawing
power supply

Single phase
power supply

HR unit

• Indoor unit ground lines are required for preventing electrical shock accident in current leakage,
transmission disorder by noise effect and motor current leakage (without connection to pipe).
• Don't install an individual switch or electrical outlet to disconnect each of indoor unit separately from the
power supply.

• You can install as below figure.
• The transmission cable of HR unit can be installed between indoor unit and indoor unit.

Outdoor unit control box

Central controller Indoor unit


HR unit 3 4 3 4 3 4

The GND terminal is a '–' terminal for the central controller, not ground line

50 Outdoor Unit
Electrical Wiring
◆ Example Connection of Transmission Cable
2 Outdoor Units

■ When the power source is connected

3 phase 4 wires power line(R, S, T)
In series between the units. Main
Transmission line (3 line): wired remote control
Single phase of power supply line
Transmission line (2 shield line):
Power supply switch
(switch fuse) between outdoor unit and outdoor unit
Transmission line (2 shield line):
3 phase 4 wires between indoor unit and outdoor unit
power supply

Single phase
power supply

HR unit
HR unit

■ When the power source is supplied to Main

Each outdoor unit individually.

Power supply switch

(switch fuse)
3 phase 4 wires
power supply

Single phase
power supply

HR unit
HR unit

• Indoor unit ground lines are required for preventing electrical shock accident in current leakage,
transmission disorder by noise effect and motor current leakage (without connection to pipe).
• Don't install an individual switch or electrical outlet to disconnect each of indoor unit separately from the
power supply.
• All wiring, components and materials to be procured on the site must comply with the applicable local and
national codes.

Between indoor and main outdoor unit Between main outdoor and sub outdoor unit
Indoor Outdoor Central Indoor Outdoor Central
unit unit controller Main unit unit controller Main
outdoor unit outdoor

HR unit
outdoor unit

The GND terminal is a '–' terminal for the central controller, not ground line

Installation Manual 51
Electrical Wiring
◆ Example Connection of Transmission Cable
3 Outdoor Units

■ When the power source is connected
In series between the units. 3 phase 4 wires power line(R, S, T)
Transmission line (3 line): wired remote control
Sub2 Single phase of power supply line
Transmission line (2 shield line):
Power supply switch between outdoor unit and outdoor unit
(switch fuse)
Transmission line (2 shield line):
3 phase 4 wires between indoor unit and outdoor unit
power supply

Single phase
power supply

HR unit HR unit

■ When the power source is supplied to
Each outdoor unit individually.

Power supply switch

(switch fuse)
3 phase 4 wires
power supply

Single phase
power supply

HR unit HR unit

• Indoor unit ground lines are required for preventing electrical shock accident in current leakage,
transmission disorder by noise effect and motor current leakage (without connection to pipe).
• Don't install an individual switch or electrical outlet to disconnect each of indoor unit separately from the
power supply.
• All wiring, components and materials to be procured on the site must comply with the applicable local
and national codes.

Between indoor and main outdoor unit Between main outdoor and sub outdoor unit
Indoor Outdoor Central Indoor Outdoor Central
unit unit controller Main unit unit controller Main
outdoor unit outdoor

Outdoor Outdoor
HR unit
unit Sub 1 unit Sub 2
outdoor outdoor
unit unit

The GND terminal is a '–' terminal for the central controller, not ground line

52 Outdoor Unit

#4 valve housing

#1 valve housing

#1 cooling valve LED(green)

#1 heating valve LED(red)


(Switch for
HR unit)

(Dip switch for setup of (Switch for manual valve
the function of HR unit) SW03M SW04M

Switch for setup of HR Unit

1. Main function of SW02M
ON S/W Selection
No.1 Method for addressing valves of an HR unit (Auto/Manual)
No.2 Model of HR unit
No.3 Model of HR unit
No.4 Not used
No.5 Not used
No.6 Not used
No.7 Use only in factory production (preset to “OFF”)
No.8 Use only in factory production (preset to “OFF”)

1) Selection of the method for addressing valves of an HR unit (Auto/Manual)

Switch No.1 Off Switch No.1 On



Installation Manual 53
2) Selection of the model of the HR unit

2 3 3 4
1 1
2 1 2

(For 2 rooms) (For 3 rooms) (For 4 rooms)



1 room

2 rooms

3 rooms

4 rooms

❈ Each model is shipped with the switches No.2 and No.3 pre-adjusted as above in the factory.

• If you want to use a PRHR030 for 2 rooms HR unit after closing the 3rd pipes, set the dip switch for 2 rooms HR unit.
• If you want to use a PRHR040 for 3 rooms HR unit after closing the 4th pipes, set the dip switch for 3 rooms HR unit.
• If you want to use a PRHR040 for 2 rooms HR unit after closing the 3rd and 4th pipes, set the dip switch for 2 rooms HR unit.
• The unused port must be closed with a copper cap, not with a plastic cap.

54 Outdoor Unit
2. SW05M (Rotary S/W for addressing HR unit)
Must be set to '0' when installing only one HR unit.
When installing multiple HR units, address the HR units with sequentially increasing numbers starting from '0'.

Ex) Installation of 3 HR units

3 4 3 4 3 4

3 4 3 4 3 4
1 2 1 2 1 2

3. SW01M/SW03M/SW04M (Dip S/W and tact S/W for manual valve addressing)
- Used in manual addressing of the valve in the HR unit
- Set the address of the valve of the HR unit to the central control address of the connected indoor unit.
- SW01M: selection of the valve to address
SW03M: increase in the digit of 10 of valve address
SW04M: increase in the last digit of valve address
- Prerequisite for manual valve addressing : central control address of each indoor unit must be preset differ-
ently at its wired remote control.

S/W No. Setup

No.1 Manual addressing of valve #1

No.2 Manual addressing of valve #2

SW01M No.3 Manual addressing of valve #3

No.4 Manual addressing of valve #4

SW03M SW03M Increase in the digit of 10 of valve address

SW04M SW04M Increase in the last digit of valve address

Installation Manual 55

Method for auto-addressing of valves.

1) Auto addressing for indoor unit
2) Auto pipe detection
3) Manual pipe detection(Execute in case of Auto pipe detection failure)
• Turn off all the indoor units before auto addressing.
If indoor unit is operated, auto addressing would not be completed.

Main Unit PCB

1) Auto addressing for indoor unit
• Wait 3 minutes after turning on the outdoor unit, HR unit,
indoor unit.
• Press SW02M of the outdoor unit main PCB for 5 sec-
• 2~7 minutes are required depending on the number of
indoor units connected. 7-SEG
• The number of the indoor units and HR units connected
is displayed at 7-SEG of the outdoor unit main PCB after
completion of indoor unit addressing and the address of
each indoor unit appears in the window of its own wired
remote control. (Example: CH01, CH02, CH03....CH06)
• Indoor Unit auto addressing is completed

2) Auto pipe detection
• Turn No.1 of SW02M of HR unit PCB off.
• Confirm that the setting of No.2, 3 of SW02M corresponds with the number of indoor units.
• Reset the power of HR unit PCB
• Turn off the No.5 DIP S/W of main unit PCB when outdoor temperature is below 15°C
• Turn on the No.5 DIP S/W of main unit PCB when outdoor temperature is over 15°C
• Reset the power of outdoor unit.
• Wait 3 minuts.
• Press SW01M of the outdoor unit main PCB for 5 Seconds.
• The number of connected HR unit is displayed.
Ex) In case of installing four HR units : 04
• Operated after 88 is displayed on 7-SEG of the outdoor unit main PCB.
• Pipe detection proceed.
• 5~30 minutes are required depending on the number of the indoor units and outdoor temperature.
• The number of the indoor units installed is displayed on 7-SEG of the outdoor unit main PCB for about 1
(For a HR unit, the number of the indoor units connected to each HR unit is displayed.
• '200' is displayed in case of auto pipe detection error, and auto detection is completed after '88' is disap-
❈ Auto pipe detection function : the function that sets connection relationship automatically between the indoor
unit and HR unit.

56 Outdoor Unit

1. Execute auto addressing and auto pipe detection again whenever the indoor PCB and HR unit PCB

is replaced.
• Operation error occurs unless power is applied to the indoor and HR units.
2. Error No.200 occurs if the number of connected indoor units and that of scanned indoor units are
3. When auto pipe detection fails, complete it with manual pipe detection (see Manual pipe detection).
4. When auto pipe detection addressing is completed normally, manual pipe detection is not
5. If you want to do auto pipe detection again after auto pipe detection fails, do after reset of outdoor
unit by all means.

3) Manual pipe detection

• Enter the central control address into each indoor unit using its wired remote control.
• Turn No.1 of SW02M of HR unit PCB on.
• Reset the power of HR unit PCB.
• On the HR unit PCB, manually set address of each valve of the HR unit to the central control address of the
indoor unit connected to the valve.
• Turn No.6 of SW03M of outdoor unit PCB on.
• Reset the power of outdoor unit PCB.
• The number of the indoor unit installed is displayed after about 5 minutes.
ex) Ex) HR ➠ The number of the indoor
• Turn No.6 of SW03M of outdoor unit PCB off.
• Reset the power of outdoor unit PCB, HR unit.
• Manual pipe detection is completed

• In case that central controller is not installed, remain the address data after installer sets central
control address as he wants
• In case that central controller is installed, there would be central control address in wired remote
control of indoor unit.
• In this case, set the HR unit manual pipe address according to central control address of indoor unit.
• Pipe which is not connected with indoor unit should be set different address with pipe Connected
with indoor unit.
(If addresses are piled up, corresponding valve is not working.
• If you want to change the setting of manual pipe, you should do it on HR unit PCB.
• If an error occurred, it means that manual pipe setting is not completed.

Installation Manual 57

Flow chart for addressing of indoor and HR Unit

1) Flow chart for Auto addressing

Turn HR unit , indoor unit and outdoor unit on in

the order named.

Wait for 3 minutes

Press SW02M of the outdoor unit main PCB for 5


'88' is displayed on outdoor unit main PCB and

HRunit PCB

The number of the indoor units connected is

displayed at 7-SEG of the outdoor unit main PCB
after 2~7 minutes

The number of HR units connected is displayed

at 7-SEG of the outdoor unit main PCB

Are the number

of indoor units connected to the outdoor unit No
wiring and displayed one equal?

Check power and communication wiring between

outdoor, HR and indoor units

Retry indoor unit auto-addressing after checking


Completion of auto addressing Incompletion of auto addressing

58 Outdoor Unit

2) Flow chart for Auto pipe detection

Confirmation of indoor unit address setting
Outdoor unit is operated for 5~30 minues.

Turn No.1 of SW02M of HR unit PCB off.

Is the pipe
setting condition NO
Confirm that the setting of No.2, 3 of satisfied during the operation of
SW02M corresponds with the number of indoor unit?
indoor units. Display error on outdoor unit PCB
Display error on HR unit PCB
Reset the power of HR unit PCB
Outdoor unit PCB : HR ➠ HR unit
number ➠ Valve number
HR unit : '200'
Confirm the No.5 DIP S/W of SW03M of
outdoor PCB The number of indoor units detected is
Outdoor temperature is over 15°C : ON displayed for 30 seconds on the outdoor
Check the HR unit and indoor unit
Outdoor temperature is below 15°C : OFF unit PCB after outdoor unit stopped

In case of changing SW03M S/W of Are the number

outdoor unit, reset the power of outdoor of indoor units connected to the NO
unit main PCB outdoor unit wiring and displayed
one equal?
Pipe detection error occur after 30
Wait for 3 minutes YES seconds.

Press SW01M of the outdoor unit main Check the installation of pipe of
Completion of auto pipe detection outdoor, indoor, HR unit
PCB for 5 seconds

Retry auto pipe detection after

88' is displayed on 7-SEG of the outdoor
checking trouble
unit main PCB

Incompletion of auto pipe detection

❇ It is possible to be generated mode changing noise of
heating and cooling which is normal.
There is no mode changing noise at normal operation.

Installation Manual 59

3) Flow chart for Manual pipe detection

Execute in case of Auto pipe detection Wait for about 5 minutes.


Turn No.1 of SW02M of HR unit PCB on. The number of the indoor units installed is
Ex)HR ➠ The number of the indoor

Reset the power of HR unit PCB.

Are the number

Enter the central control address into of indoor units connected to the NO
each indoor unit using its wired remote outdoor unit and displayed one
control. equal?
Check the central control address of
indoor and HR unit.
On the HR unit PCB, manually set address
of each valve of the HR unit to the central
control address of the indoor unit Turn No.6 of SW03M of outdoor unit PCB Make sure that reset the outdoor unit
connected to the valve. off. power when changing the central
control unit

Turn No.6 of SW03M of outdoor unit PCB Completion of manual pipe detection

Reset the power of outdoor unit PCB.

60 Outdoor Unit

Example of manual valve addressing

(In case that an indoor unit of central control address "11" is connected to a valve #1 of an
HR unit)

• Prerequisite for manual valve addressing: central control address of each indoor unit must be preset differ-
ently at its wired remote control

No. Display and setup Setup and Contents

1 • Operation: None
• Display: None

• Operation: Turn dip S/W01M No.1 on to address valve #1

2 • Display: Existing value saved in EEPROM is displayed in
7-SEG SW01M SW03M SW04M 7-SEG.

• Operation: Set the digit of 10 to the number in Group High data

of the wired remote control connected to the corresponding
3 indoor unit to the valve #1 by pressing left tack S/W03M.
• Display: Digit increasing with the times of pressing tack
S/W03M is displayed in left 7-SEG

• Operation: Set the digit of 1 to the number in Group Low data

of the wired remote control connected to the corresponding
4 indoor unit to the valve #1 by pressing right tack S/W04M.
7-SEG SW01M SW03M • Display: Digit increasing with the times of pressing tack
SW04M S/W04M is displayed in right 7-SEG

• Operation: Turn dip S/W No.1 off to save the address of

5 valve #1
• Display: "11" displayed in 7-SEG disappears

- Above setup must be done for all HR unit valves.

- The valve that is not connected with any indoor unit should be addressed with any other number than used
address numbers of the valves connected with indoor units.
(The valves does not work if the address numbers are same.)

Installation Manual 61

Example of checking valve address

(In case that an indoor unit of central control address '11' is connected to a valve #1 of an
HR unit)

No. Display and Setup Setup and Contents

1 • Operation: Turn dip S/W01M No.1 on.

• Display: "11" is displayed in 7-SEG

• Operation: Turn dip S/W01M No.1 off.

2 • 7-SEG disappeared

Identification of Manual Valve ID (Address)

No. Display and Setup Setup and Contents

1 • Operation: more than 2 dip switches turned on.

• Display: "Er" is displayed in 7-SEG

62 Outdoor Unit
Main unit and Sub unit PCB

Main unit and Sub unit PCB

Main Unit PCB

7 Segments
(Shows setting status)

SW03M (DIP switch)

Sub Unit PCB

(Shows setting status)

(DIP switch)

Installation Manual 63
Main unit and Sub unit PCB

DIP switch setting

■ Checking according to dip switch setting
1. You can check the setting values of the main outdoor unit from the 7 segment LED and those of the
sub outdoor unit from the LED. The dip switch setting should be changed when the power is OFF.
2. It checks whether the input is properly performed without the bad contact of the dip switch or not

■ Checking the setting of the main unit

The number is sequentially appeared at the 7 segment in 10 seconds after applying the power.
This number represents the setting condition.
For example, R410a 30HP(Combined 10+10+10HP), Normal mode ;
Main model code ➨ Sub1 model code ➨ Sub2 model code ➨ total capacity ➨ 3 ➨ 25 ➨ 41
(93) (97) (97) (30)
1~255: Main model code Code Table
1~255: Sub1 model code
Main Unit Sub Unit
1~255: Sub2 model code
5~40: HP number(sum of main capacity and sub capacity) HP Code HP Code
8 92 10 97
1: Save mode 3: Normal mode 4: Capacity up mode
10 93 12 98
25: Normal
12 94
22: R22 model 41: R410a model
14 95

■ Checking the setting of the sub unit

It is displayed by 8 LED of the sub unit. A set of two LED's represents 0, 1, 2 and 3 in binary.
LED1, LED3, LED5, and LED7 are least significant bit of each digit.
LED2, LED4, LED6, and LED8 are most significant bit of each digit.

1) LED2, LED1
00 : 8HP unit 01 : 10HP unit 10 : 12HP unit 11 : 14HP unit
2) LED6, LED5
00 : - 01 : sub1 10 : sub2 11 : sub3
3) LED8, LED7
00 : normal 11 : data display

Product may not properly operate if the relevant DIP switch is not properly setup.

LED location of the sub part





64 Outdoor Unit
Main unit and Sub unit PCB
■ Setting the DIP switch (SW03M)
• Set the dip switch with the power turned off. If you change the setting when the power is on, the
changed setting is not applied immediately. The changed setting is applied at the moment that the

power is on.
• Instant indoor unit checking, data display mode, and forced oil collecting operation are used when the
units are running. If you don't have to use those functions after using them, restore the dip switch set-
1. Settings of main outdoor unit

1) Loss compensation: Standard mode(default)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting before applying the power
OFF When the installation condition is normal
(almost all cases), use standard mode.

2) Loss compensation: Save mode

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting before applying the power
OFF When the total pipe length is extremely
short, use save mode.

3) Loss compensation: Capacity up

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting before applying the power
OFF When the total pipe length is extremely
long, use capacity up mode.

4) Instant indoor unit checking: Cooling mode With dip switch setting as left
side, push address(red) button
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 data 3 times in 3 sec.
ON With data button, select the
indoor unit that you want to turn
OFF address
on/off. Push address button for
3 sec, and the indoor unit will
be turned on/off.
5) Instant indoor unit checking: Heating mode After using, restore the dip
switch setting.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 data
OFF address

6) Instant indoor unit checking: Restoring

If you set the dip switch #1 and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 data #2 off during the instant indoor
ON checking mode, the mode is
address ended. After that, restore the
OFF dip switch setting.

Installation Manual 65
Main unit and Sub unit PCB

7) Forced oil collecting operation With dip switch setting as left

data address side, push data button for 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 sec.
ON Oil collecting operation is
OFF 5sec enabled after 10 minutes
running of comp.

8) Backup operation 1 : In case of Inverter compressor damaged.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting before applying the power
ON Set at the unit of the inverter(constant speed
comp.1) failure
OFF In case of inverter failure, backup operation is
possible when 110k or more indoor units are ON.

9) Backup operation 2 : In case of constant speed compressor damaged.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Set at the unit of the constant speed comp. failure.

10) Backup operation 3 : In case of both compressors damaged.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting before applying the power
ON Set at the disabled unit.

66 Outdoor Unit
Main unit and Sub unit PCB

2. Settings of sub outdoor unit

1) The sequence of sub unit : 1st sub unit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 At the 1st sub unit, set dip switch
ON as the left side.

OFF Setting before applying the power.

2) The sequence of sub unit : 2nd sub unit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 At the 2nd sub unit, set dip switch
ON as the left side.
OFF Setting before applying the power.

3) The sequence of sub unit : 3rd sub unit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 At the 3rd sub unit, set dip switch
ON as the left side.

OFF Setting before applying the power.

4) Backup operation 1 : In case of constant speed compressor 1 damaged.

Setting before applying the power
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Set at the unit of the inverter(constant
speed comp.1) failure
OFF In case of inverter failure, backup
operation is possible when 110k or more
indoor units are ON.

5) Backup operation 2 : In case of constant speed compressor 2 damaged.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting before applying the power
ON Set at the unit of the constant speed
comp.2 failure.

6) Backup operation 3 : In case of both compressors damaged.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Setting before applying the power
ON Set at the disabled unit.


Installation Manual 67
Main unit and Sub unit PCB

Installation of Simple Central Controller

Confirm the power of whole system(outdoor unit and indoor/HR units) is OFF, otherwise turn off.
The transmission lines connected to C, D of simple central controller should be connected to C,D terminal
port for central control of outdoor unit with care for their polarity (C ➔ C, D ➔ D)
Both the DC power (Vcc) and the GND connect the simple central controller according to the polarity of Vcc
terminal and GND.
Turn the whole system on.
Set the group and indoor unit number with a wired remote control.
To control several sets of indoor units into a group, set the group ID from 0 to F for this purpose.

Terminal block of outdoor unit

Indoor unit Outdoor unit Central controller


Vcc C

Simple central controller

Group recognition of the simple central controller

No. 0 group (00~0F)
No. 1 group (10~1F)
No. 2 group (20~2F)
No. 3 group (30~3F)
No. 4 group (40~4F)
No. 5 group (50~5F)
No. 6 group (60~6F)
No. 7 group (70~7F)
No. 8 group (80~8F)
No. 9 group (90~9F)
No. A group (A0~AF)
No. B group (B0~BF)
No. C group (C0~CF)
No. D group (D0~DF)
No. E group (E0~EF)
No. F group (F0~FF)

68 Outdoor Unit
Main unit and Sub unit PCB

Group Number Setting of Indoor Units

1. Press Program button and Set/Clr button at the same time for 3 seconds.

2. The current group and the indoor unit numbers are indicated on the "88" of the wired remote control.

3. Set numbers by using the temperature adjust

Room Temp
HI AUTO Heater Preheat EX) 3 A
MED JET Defrost Humidify
LO SLo Filter Out door
2ndF Time ZONE 1 2 3 4
Timer Operation unit No Func Program set
On Off
Set no. Time 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Group Room(indoor unit)
No. No.

4. Press Program button and Set/Clr button at the

same time for 3 seconds.
Timer Cancel 2ndF
5. If transmit recognition data are received from the
indoor unit, it returns to the general operation
Program Week Holiday mode.

Hour Min

• Valve address and central control address of its corresponding indoor unit should be set identical in manual

Valve (04) Indoor unit (04)
Valve (03) Indoor unit (03)
HR unit
Valve (02) Indoor unit (02)
Valve (01) Indoor unit (01)

Central control address

Installation Manual 69
Test Run

Test Run
Checks Before Test Run
1 Check to see whether there is any refrigerant leakage, and slack of power or transmission cable.

2 Confirm that 500 V megger shows 2.0 MΩ or more between power supply terminal block and ground.
Do not operate in the case of 2.0 MΩ or less.
NOTE: Never carry out megaohm check over terminal control board. Otherwise the control board
would be broken.
Immediately after mounting the unit or after leaving it turned off for an extended length of time,
the resistance of the insulation between the power supply terminal board and the ground may
decrease to approx. 2 MΩ as a result of refrigerant accumulating in the internal compressor.
If the insulation resistance is less than 2 MΩ, turning on the main power supply and energizing
the crankcase heater for more than 6 hours will cause the refrigerant to evaporate, increasing
the insulation resistance.

3 Check if Liquid pipe, High Pressure Gas, Low Pressure Gas are fully opened
NOTE: Be sure to tighten caps.

4 Check if there are any problems in automatic addressing or not:

Check and confirm that there are no error messages in the display of indoor units or remote controls
and LED in outdoor units.

when cutting main power of the Multi V
• Always apply main power of the outdoor unit during use of product
• Always apply power before 6 hours to heat the crank case heater where performing test run after
installation of product. It may result in burning out of the compressor if not preheating the crank
case with the electrical heater for more than 6 hours.(In case of the outdoor temperature below 10°C)

70 Outdoor Unit
Test Run

How to Cope with Test Run Abnormality

The phenomena from main component failure

Component Phenomenon Cause Check method and Trouble shooting

Not operating Motor insulation broken Check resistance between terminals and
Compressor chassis
Stop during running Motor insulation failure Check resistance between terminals and

Outdoor High pressure error Motor failure, Check the outdoor fan operation after being
fan at cooling Bad ventilation around turned the outdoor units off for some time.
outdoor heat exchanger Remove obstacles around the outdoor units
Heating failure, fre- Bad connector contact Check connector
quent defrosting
No operating sound Coil failure Check resistance between terminals
at applying power
EEV Heating failure, EEV clogged Service necessary
Frozen outdoor heat
exchanger part
Low pressure error EEV clogged Service necessary
or discharge temper-
ature error

When system fault occurs, the error code is displayed at indoor unit display or remote control display, the trou-
ble shooting guide is in the service manual

Test Run
The test operation starts automatically by operating the DIP switch and buttons in the main unit as follows.
(1) Before turning on the system, turn on the Dip switch No7,8, turn on the No.1 Dip switch for cooling test and No.1,2 on for the
heating test operation . After that, turn on the system. And you must wait for 1 minute.
(2) If you turn on the No.7 and 8 DIP switch and press the black button for 2.5 seconds, you will see a character that looks like ‘St’ in
the 7segment. When you turn both No. 7 and 8 off at this time, the test operation will start.
(3) Indoor units are automatically setting as strong wind mode, set temperature to 30°C for heating and 18°C for air conditioning
(4) When the compressor is normally operated with the operating logic, the target frequency will be 30Hz and when operated for
more than 7 minutes after step (3), the unit will proceed to the next step.
(5) Turn on one constant speed compressor, maintain the target frequency of the compressor to 40Hz and maintain this condition
for 10.
(6) Turn off the constant speed compressor that is on and at the same time turn on the other compressor.
(7) Maintain the compressor that has been turned on newly in step (6) minutes (for series).
(8) Maintain all compressors on for 10 minutes until the rotational switching operation of turning on each compressor at a time is
(9) Proceed to the next stage when step (8) is completed.
(10) Turn off the constant speed compressor, wait 3 minutes and raise the target frequency of the compressor to 95Hz. This opera-
tion keeps about 7min.
(11) Start the oil return operations.
(12) When the oil return operation is completed, set the compressor frequency to 0 and maintain all indoor devices off.
(13) When step (12) is completed, it means that the test operation is completed. Turn off the No. 1, 2 of DIP switch in the main unit
and must reset the system.
(14) If there is any error during the operation, the error code will be shown in 7segment and the test operation will automatically end.
(The error does not include poor operation of the constant speed compressor and communication error from the indoor

Installation Manual 71
Test Run

Self-Diagnosis Function
Error Indicator
• This function indicates types of failure in self-diagnosis and occurrence of failure for air condition.
• Error mark is displayed on display window of indoor units and wired remote controller, and 7-segment LED of
outdoor unit control board as shown in the table.
• If more than two troubles occur simultaneously, lower number of error code is first displayed.
• After error occurrence, if error is released, error LED is also released simultaneously.

Display Title Cause of Error

0 1 Air temperature sensor of indoor unit Air temperature sensor of indoor unit is open or short
Inlet pipe temperature sensor of Inlet pipe temperature sensor of indoor unit is open or short
0 2
indoor unit
Transmission error : wired remote Failing to receive wired remote controller signal at indoor unit
0 3
controller ↔ indoor unit PCB
Indoor unit related error

0 4 Drain pump Malfunction of drain pump

Transmission error : outdoor unit ↔ Failing to receive outdoor unit signal at indoor unit PCB
0 5
indoor unit
Outlet pipe temperature sensor of Outlet pipe temperature sensor of indoor unit is open or short
0 6
indoor unit
Serial No. In the case that the serial number marked on
0 9
EEPROM of Indoor unit is 0 or FFFFFF
Poor fan motor operation Disconnecting the fan motor connector/Failure or indoor fan
1 0
motor lock.
Transmission error: indoor unit ’ main When the signal doesn't come out for 3mins. suddenly, while
1 1 PCB of outdoor. the indoor unit gets the calling signal coming from the out-
door unit
2 1 DC peak IPM fault or overcurrent to compressor
Power related error

2 2 Overcurrent of inverter comp. Overcurrent flows to inverter compressor

Poor voltage charge for driving INV DC charging is not performed after starting relay turn on
2 3
High pressure switch of main outdoor System is off by high pressure switch
2 4
2 5 Low/Over voltage Input voltage is out of tolerable range.
Discharge temperature of main out- System is off due to rising of INV compressor discharge tem-
3 2
door unit (INV compressor) perature
Discharge temperature of main out- System is off due to rising of constant speed compressor dis-
related error

3 3 door unit (constant speed compres- charge temperature

High pressure of main outdoor unit System is off by excessive increase of high pressure of main
3 4
outdoor unit
Low pressure of main outdoor unit System is off by excessive decrease of low pressure of main
3 5
outdoor unit

72 Outdoor Unit
Test Run

Display Title Cause of Error

4 0 Current sensor of inverter compressor Current sensor of inverter compressor is open or short
4 1 Discharge temperature sensor of Discharge temperature sensor of inverter compressor is
inverter compressor open or short

4 2 Low pressure sensor of main outdoor Low pressure sensor of main outdoor unit is open or short
Outdoor unit related error

4 3 High pressure sensor of main outdoor High pressure sensor of main outdoor unit is open or short
4 4 Air temperature sensor of main out- Air temperature sensor of main outdoor unit is open or short
door unit
4 5 Temperature sensor of front-side heat Temperature sensor of front-side heat exchanger is open or
exchanger short
4 6 Suction temperature sensor of main Suction temperature sensor of main outdoor unit is open or
outdoor unit short
Discharge temperature sensor of the Discharge temperature sensor of the constant speed com-
4 7
constant speed compressor of main pressor of main outdoor unit is open or short
outdoor unit
4 8 Temperature sensor of rear-side heat Temperature sensor of rear-side heat exchanger is open or
exchanger short

Excessive capacity of indoor units Excessive connection of indoor units compared to capacity of
Transmission related error

5 1
outdoor unit
Transmission error : inverter PCB ➡ Failing to receive inverter signal at main PCB
5 2
main PCB
Transmission error : indoor unit ➡ Failing to receive indoor unit signal at main PCB of outdoor
5 3
main PCB of outdoor unit unit
Reverse connection of R, S, T power Reverse connection or omitting connection of R, S, T power
5 4
of main outdoor unit of main outdoor unit
Transmission error : main PCB ➡ Failing to receive main PCB signal at inverter PCB
5 7
inverter PCB
Outdoor unit
related error

6 2 Overheat of inverter heatsink Overheat of inverter heatsink

6 5 Temperature sensor of fan Temperature sensor of fan is open or short

Installation Manual 73
Test Run

Display Title Cause of Error

Discharge temperature of constant System is off by excessive increase of discharge tempera-
Compressor related error

1 0 0 speed compressor 1 of sub1 outdoor ture of constant speed compressor 1 of sub1 outdoor unit
Discharge temperature of constant System is off by excessive increase of discharge tempera-
1 0 1 speed compressor 2 of sub1 outdoor ture of constant speed compressor 2 of sub1 outdoor unit
Discharge temperature of constant System is off by excessive increase of discharge tempera-
1 0 2 speed compressor 1 of sub2 outdoor ture of constant speed compressor 1 of sub2 outdoor unit
Discharge temperature of constant System is off by excessive increase of discharge tempera-
1 0 3 speed compressor 2 of sub2 outdoor ture of constant speed compressor 2 of sub2 outdoor unit
Transmission error : sub1 outdoor unit Failing to receive sub1 signal at main PCB of main outdoor
1 0 4
➡ main outdoor unit unit
Transmission error : fan PCB ➡ main Failing to receive fan signal at main PCB
Transmission related error

1 0 5
1 0 6 Over-current of fan motor (IPM fault) Over-current of fan motor (IPM fault)
1 0 7 Low voltage of fan motor driver Low voltage of fan motor driver
1 0 8 Transmission error : main PCB ➡ fan Failing to receive main signal at fan PCB
1 0 9 High pressure switch of sub1 outdoor High pressure switch of sub1 outdoor unit is operated by high
unit pressure rising
1 1 0 Reverse connection of R, S, T power Reverse connection or omitting connection of R, S, T power
of sub1 outdoor unit of sub1 outdoor unit
1 1 1 Transmission error : main outdoor unit Failing to receive main signal at main PCB of sub1 outdoor
➡ sub1 outdoor unit unit
Liquid pipe temperature sensor of Liquid pipe temperature sensor of main outdoor unit is open
1 1 3
main outdoor unit or short
Subcooling inlet temperature sensor of Subcooling inlet temperature sensor of main outdoor unit is
1 1 4
main outdoor unit open or short
Subcooling outlet temperature sensor Subcooling outlet temperature sensor of main outdoor unit is
1 1 5
of main outdoor unit open or short
High pressure sensor of sub1 outdoor High pressure sensor of sub1 outdoor unit is open or short
Outdoor unit related error

1 1 6
Low pressure sensor of sub1 outdoor Low pressure sensor of sub1 outdoor unit is open or short
1 1 7
Air temperature sensor of sub1 out- Air temperature sensor of sub1 outdoor unit is open or short
1 1 8
door unit
Suction temperature sensor of sub1 Suction temperature sensor of sub1 outdoor unit is open or
1 2 0
outdoor unit short
Discharge temperature sensor of the Discharge temperature sensor of the constant speed com-
1 2 1 constant speed compressor 1 of sub1 pressor 1 of sub1 outdoor unit is open or short
outdoor unit
Discharge temperature sensor of the Discharge temperature sensor of the constant speed com-
1 2 2 constant speed compressor 2 of sub1 pressor 2 of sub1 outdoor unit is open or short
outdoor unit
Temperature sensor of front-side heat Temperature sensor of front-side heat exchanger of sub1
1 2 3
exchanger of sub1 outdoor unit unit is open or short

74 Outdoor Unit
Test Run

Display Title Cause of Error

Temperature sensor of rear-side heat Temperature sensor of rear-side heat exchanger of sub1 unit
1 2 4 exchanger of sub1 outdoor unit is open or short
Liquid pipe temperature sensor of Liquid pipe temperature sensor of sub1 outdoor unit is open

1 2 5 sub1 outdoor unit or short
Subcooling inlet temperature sensor of Subcooling inlet temperature sensor of sub1 outdoor unit is
1 2 6 sub1 outdoor unit open or short
Subcooling outlet temperature sensor Subcooling outlet temperature sensor of sub1 outdoor unit is
1 2 7 of sub1 outdoor unit open or short
High pressure sensor of sub2 outdoor High pressure sensor of sub2 outdoor unit is open or short
1 2 8 unit
Low pressure sensor of sub2 outdoor Low pressure sensor of sub2 outdoor unit is open or short
1 2 9 unit
Air temperature sensor of sub2 Air temperature sensor of sub2 outdoor unit is open or short
1 3 0 outdoor unit
Suction temperature sensor of sub2 Suction temperature sensor of sub2 outdoor unit is open or
1 3 2 outdoor unit short
Discharge temperature sensor of the Discharge temperature sensor of the constant speed com-
1 3 3 constant speed compressor 1 of sub2 pressor 1 of sub2 outdoor unit is open or short
outdoor unit
Discharge temperature sensor of the Discharge temperature sensor of the constant speed com-
Outdoor unit related error

1 3 4 constant speed compressor 2 of sub2 pressor 2 of sub2 outdoor unit is open or short
outdoor unit
Temperature sensor of front-side heat Temperature sensor of front-side heat exchanger of sub2 unit
1 3 5 exchanger of sub2 outdoor unit is open or short
Temperature sensor of rear-side heat Temperature sensor of rear-side heat exchanger of sub2 unit
1 3 6 exchanger of sub2 outdoor unit is open or short
Liquid pipe temperature sensor of Liquid pipe temperature sensor of sub2 outdoor unit is open
1 3 7
sub2 outdoor unit or short
Subcooling inlet temperature sensor of Subcooling inlet temperature sensor of sub2 outdoor unit is
1 3 8
sub2 outdoor unit open or short
Subcooling outlet temperature sensor Subcooling outlet temperature sensor of sub2 outdoor unit is
1 3 9
of sub2 outdoor unit open or short
High pressure sensor of sub2 outdoor High pressure sensor of sub2 outdoor unit is open or short
1 4 0
Reverse connection of R, S, T power Reverse connection or omitting connection of R, S, T power
1 4 1
of sub2 outdoor unit of sub2 outdoor unit
Transmission error : main outdoor unit Failing to receive main signal at main PCB of sub2 outdoor
1 4 2
➡ sub1 outdoor unit unit
High pressure of sub1 outdoor unit System is off by excessive increase of high pressure of sub1
1 4 3 outdoor unit
Low pressure of sub1 outdoor unit System is off by excessive decrease of low pressure of
1 4 4 sub1 outdoor unit
High pressure of sub2 outdoor unit System is off by excessive increase of high pressure of
1 4 5 sub2 outdoor unit
Low pressure of sub2 outdoor unit System is off by excessive decrease of low pressure of
1 4 6 sub2 outdoor unit
Low/high voltage of sub1 outdoor Input voltage of sub1 outdoor unit is more than 487V or
1 4 7 unit less than 270V

Installation Manual 75
Test Run

Display Title Cause of Error

Voltage detection circuit of sub1 out- Voltage detection circuit of sub1 outdoor unit is out of order
1 4 8
door unit
Low/high voltage of sub2 outdoor unit Input voltage of sub2 outdoor unit is more than 487V or less
1 4 9
than 270V
Voltage detection circuit of sub2 out- Voltage detection circuit of sub2 outdoor unit is out of order
1 5 0
door unit
1 5 1 Failure of operation mode conversion Pressure unbalance between outdoor units
Outdoor unit related error

Failure of Main constant speed com- Comp locking, Check Valve leakage, comp dielectric break-
1 7 3
pressor operation down
Failure of Sub1 constant speed com- Comp locking, Check Valve leakage, comp dielectric break-
1 7 4
pressor1 operation down
Failure of Sub1 constant speed com- Comp locking, Check Valve leakage, comp dielectric break-
1 7 5
pressor2 operation down
Failure of Sub2 constant speed com- Comp locking, Check Valve leakage, comp dielectric break-
1 7 6
pressor1 operation down
Failure of Sub2 constant speed com- Comp locking, Check Valve leakage, comp dielectric break-
1 7 7
pressor2 operation down
Failure of Sub3 constant speed com- Comp locking, Check Valve leakage, comp dielectric break-
1 7 8
pressor1 operation down
Failure of Sub3 constant speed com- Comp locking, Check Valve leakage, comp dielectric break-
1 7 9
pressor2 operation down
2 0 0 Automatic addressing of valves Failure of automatic addressing of valves
2 0 1 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 1 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 1 is open or short
2 0 2 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 1 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 1 is open or short
2 0 3 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 1 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 1 is open or short
Transmission error : HR unit 1 → Failing to receive HR unit 1 signal at outdoor unit
2 0 4
outdoor unit
2 0 5 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 2 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 2 is open or short
2 0 6 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 2 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 2 is open or short
2 0 7 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 2 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 2 is open or short
Transmission error : HR unit 2 → Failing to receive HR unit 2 signal at outdoor unit
2 0 8
outdoor unit
2 0 9 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 3 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 3 is open or short
2 1 0 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 3 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 3 is open or short
HR unit related error

2 1 1 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 3 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 3 is open or short
Transmission error : HR unit 3 → Failing to receive HR unit 3 signal at outdoor unit
2 1 2
outdoor unit
2 1 3 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 4 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 4 is open or short
2 1 4 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 4 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 4 is open or short
2 1 5 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 4 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 4 is open or short
Transmission error : HR unit 4 → out- Failing to receive HR unit 4 signal at outdoor unit
2 1 6
door unit
2 1 7 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 5 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 5 is open or short
2 1 8 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 5 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 5 is open or short
2 1 9 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 5 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 5 is open or short
Transmission error: HR unit 5 → out- Failling to receive HR unit 5 signal at outdoor unit
2 2 0
door unit
2 2 1 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 6 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 6 is open or short
2 2 2 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 6 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 6 is open or short
2 2 3 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 6 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 6 is open or short
Transmission error: HR unit 6 → out- Failling to receive HR unit 6 signal at outdoor unit
2 2 4
door unit
2 2 5 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 7 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 7 is open or short

76 Outdoor Unit
Test Run

Display Title Cause of Error

2 2 6 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 7 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 7 is open or short
HR unit related

2 2 7 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 7 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 7 is open or short
Transmission error: HR unit 7 → out- Failling to receive HR unit 7 signal at outdoor unit

2 2 8

door unit
2 2 9 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 8 Liquid pipe sensor of HR unit 8 is open or short
2 3 0 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 8 Inlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 8 is open or short
2 3 1 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 8 Outlet sensor of subcooler of HR unit 8 is open or short

■ Please refer to trouble shooting guide in service manual for each error title

In case that the control box is opened and before checking electrical parts, it should be checked that
the LED 01Y turned off (wait 3 minutes after main power OFF), otherwise, it may cause electrical

Installation Manual 77
Test Run
Position of the LED01Y in inverter board

78 Outdoor Unit
Caution For Refrigerant Leak

Caution For Refrigerant Leak

The installer and system specialist shall secure safety against leakage according to local regulations or standards.

The following standards may be applicable if local regulations are not available.
Though the R410A refrigerant is harmless and incombustible itself , the room to equip the air conditioner should be large to
such an extent that the refrigerant gas will not exceed the limiting concentration even if the refrigerant gas leaks in the room.

■ Limiting concentration
Limiting concentration is the limit of Freon gas concentration where immediate measures can be taken with-
out hurting human body when refrigerant leaks in the air. The limiting concentration shall be described in the
unit of kg/m3 (Freon gas weight per unit air volume) for facilitating calculation.
Limiting concentration: 0.30kg/m3(R410A) (ISO5149, EN378-1)

Outdoor unit

Flow of
(No.1 system) refrigerant

Indoor unit Room where refrigerant leaks

(Refrigerant of the whole No.1
system flows out.)

Checking procedure of limiting concentration

Check limiting concentration along following steps and take appropriate measure depending on the situation.
■ Calculate amount of all the replenished refrigerant (kg) per each refrigerant
system. Amount of replenished Amount of additional Total amount of replenished
refrigerant per one outdoor + replenished refrigerant refrigerant in refrigerant
unit system facility (kg)

Amount of replenished Amount of additionally Note : In case one refrigerant facility is

refrigerant at factory shipment replenished refrigerant divided into 2 or more refrigerant
depending on piping systems and each system is
length or piping independent, amount of replenished
diameter at customer refrigerant of each system shall be

■ Calculate minimum room capacity

Calculate room capacity by regarding a portion as one room or the smaller room.
(1) Without partition (2) With partition and with opening which serve as
passage of air to adjoining room
Outdoor unit Outdoor unit

In the case of opening

Indoor unit Indoor unit
without door , or 0.15
% or more openings
(to floor space) both
Partition above and below door)

Installation Manual 79
Caution For Refrigerant Leak
(3) With partition and without opening which serve as passage of air to adjoining room

Outdoor unit

Indoor unit


■ Calculate refrigerant concentration

Total amount of replenished
refrigerant in refrigerant facility (kg) In case the result of calculation exceeds
= Refrigerant concentration the limiting concentration, perform the
Capacity of smallest room where (kg/m3)
indoor unit is installed (m3) same calculations by shifting to the
(R410A) second smallest, and the third smallest
rooms until at last the result is below the
limiting concentration.
■ In case the concentration exceeds the limit
When the concentration exceeds the limit, change original plan or take one of the countermeasures
shown below:
• Countermeasure 1
Provide opening for ventilation.
Provide 0.15% or more opening to floor space both above and below door, or provide opening without
• Countermeasure 2
Provide gas leak alarm linked with mechanical ventilator.

Gas leak alarm

Countermeasure 2
Mechanical ventilator

Indoor unit

Countermeasure 1 Opening effective to ventilation

Pay a special attention to the place, such as a basement, etc. where refrigerant can stay, since refrigerant is
heavier than air.

80 Outdoor Unit
P/No.: 3828A24002F Printed in Korea
After reading this manual, keep it in a place easily accessible to the user for future reference.

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