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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Senior High School

Name: Score: _______

Yr. & Section:
Read each item carefully and select the keyword that best fits the statement in each item.
Write the letter of the appropriate answer.
1. The Correspondence Theory of truth asserts that truth must
a. Be agreed by upon two people
b. Corresponds with experience and fact
c. Be based on myth and reality
d. Be agreed by upon three people only
2. Reason is the chief source and test of truth.
a. rational
b. concrete
c. reasonable
d. empirical
3. It is the idea that something is true if it accurately describes the world.
a. pragmatic theory of truth
b. correspondence theory of truth
c. coherence theory of truth
d. dialectical theory of truth
4. Beliefs and statements are true if they are consistent with actual state of affairs.
a. correspondence
b. coherence
c. pragmatic
d. deflationary
5. Check the headline information fair, objective, and moderate
a. Its time to consider other means of cash aid distribution
b. other countries around the world have much better means in cash aid distribution
c. government vows to faster distribution of corona virus aid
d. we can also learn lesson from the Vietnam how they distribute their cash aid
6. Why do we need epistemology?
a. to overcome poverty
b. to acquire and validate knowledge
c. to become genius
d. to succeed in life
7. Knowledge is ultimately grounded on _______.
a. emotions
b. convictions
c. beliefs
d. sense perception
8. Philosophers who believed that knowledge is based on sense perception
a. idealists
b. rationalists
c. empiricists
d. nominalists
9. Identify which of the following statements is factual?
1. My brother arrived at 1 pm
2. My brother always come home late because he is a good for nothing individual
3. Man is a living organism
4. Free trade simply promotes the selfish greed of businessmen
a. 1 and 4
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 4
10. Identify which statements above are mere options
a. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 4
c. 2 and 3
d. 1 and 4
11. Among the statements below, what is best describes intersubjectivity?
a. Intersubjectivity is about how humans treat plants
b. It is state of sharing of subjective states by two or more individuals
c. It is about how we judge other persons
d. We treat others as objects in intersubjective relationships
12. Which statement is incorrect about intersubjectivity?
a. Love is an important aspect in intersubjective relationships
b. We can put ourselves in the shoes of others
c. I can disregard others as much as I want
d. We cannot help but be sensitive with the existence of other
13. Who among the discussed philosophers focus on the concept of human-heartedness in his
philosophy of intersubjectivity?
a. Karol Wojtyla
b. Martin Buber
c. Confucius
d. Martin Heidegger
14. Who is the Jewish philosopher who introduced the “I-Thou and I” it” relationships?
a. Karol Wojtyla
b. Martin Buber
c. Confucius
d. Martin Heidegger
15. What is the main focus of Karol Wojtyla’s philosophy of intersubjectivity?
a. intellect
b. feelings
c. participation
d. contribution
16. Rene Descartes known as the father of modern philosophy, popularize the line “Cogito
ergo sum”
a. I think, therefore I exist c. I doubt, therefore, I exist
b. I doubt, therefore I think d. I think, therefore I doubt
17. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the question:
a. What determines an act to be good?
b. What is beauty?
c. What is the origin of knowledge
d. What is the essence of man?
18. Logic is a branch of philosophy that deals with the question.
a. What determines an act to be good? c. What is beauty?
b. What determines a valid argument? d. What is the essence of man?
19. Philosophy can be described as:
a. a study of all beings in their ultimate reasons, causes, and principles
b. a critical examination of concepts and beliefs
c. seeking understanding of the nature of things
d. all of the above
20. The goal of religion is salvation while philosophy is to _______
a. mastery c. truth
b. fulfillment d. wisdom
21. Which of the following is NOT a description of Plato’s philosophy?
a. ideas make up fundamental reality
b. reality is dependent upon the mind
c. ideas are eternal and unchanging
d. known as the philosophy of realism
22. Aristotle said “Nothing is in the intellect that was not first in the senses “an axiom which
implies that:
a. all knowledge come from sense-experience
b. all knowledge originates from the mind
c. all knowledge come from both mind and sense-experience
d. all of the above
23. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Socrates claimed that the only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing
b. Philosophy is a critical examination of a fundamental concepts and beliefs
c. Philosophy is the science of all beings in their ultimates causes and principles
d. all of the above
24. Descartes believed that senses are not reliable source of knowledge due to:
a. mans limited knowledge c. perceptual illusions
b. delusions d. ignorance
25. John Locke is known for his dictum “Tabula Rasa” which means that human mind is a
blank slate at birth. Which philosophy of knowledge did John Locke’s advocate?
a. empiricism c. rationalism
b. idealism d. realism
26. Which of the following statements in NOT true?
a. Democritus believed that man is made up of tiny particles called atoms
b. Empedocles postulated that man is made up of four elements; water, earth, air and metal.
c. Thales believed that the foundation of all physical reality is water, and so with man
d. Anaximenes declared that air is the primary substance from which man came from
27. Philosophy arises out of _____
a. doubt c. curiosity
b. wonder d. all of the above
28. Which of the following is referred to when the philosophical reasoning avoids
inconsistencies and incoherence?
a. rigorous c. critical
b. objective d. systematic
29. Which of the following examines the connections between women and nature?
a. ecofeminism c. naturalism
b. anthrofeminism d. environmentalism
30. How do you describe man when it comes to what he is toward his environment?
a. steward c. creator
b. master d. procreator
31. His philosophy is considered to be a representative of existentialism.
a. St. Thomas Aquinas c. Aristotle
b. Jean Paul Sartre d. Plato
32. One of the most famous and influential philosophers of the French Enlightenment in the
18th century. In his book, The Social Contract, he elaborated his theory of human nature.
a. St. Thomas Aquinas c. Aristotle
b. Jean Paul Sartre d. Jean Jacques Rosseau
33. According to this philosopher, the feeling of freedom becomes an unreliable guide as
soon as would be controllers turn to non-aversive measures.
a. St. Thomas Aquinas c. B. F. Skinner
b. Jean Paul Sartre d. Jean Jacques Rosseau
34. A philosophical view that believes in maintaining order in the environment will bring out
the natural beauty of surroundings of the people and other organisms living in it.
a. environmental philosophy c. ecofeminism
b. environment aesthetics d. sustainable development
35. This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are
free to transform nature and use its resources.
a. anthropocentrism c. ecofeminism
b. environment aesthetics d. sustainable development
36.The discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment
and its non-human contents
a. environmental philosophy c. ecofeminism
b. environment aesthetics d. sustainable development
37.He described the universe as living embodiment of natures order, harmony, and beauty.
a. Immanuel Kant c. Anaximander
b. George Herbert Mead d. Pythagoras
38.Acording to his “creation destruction”, the sketch of the genesis of the world and its
evolution begins with the generation of opposites in a certain region.
a. Immanuel Kant c. Anaximander
b. George Herbert Mead d. Pythagoras
39. According to him, Man has duties and responsibilities in nature.
a. Immanuel Kant c. Anaximander
b. George Herbert Mead d. Pythagoras
40. It assumes that male-centered view of nature is the root cause of ecological problems
a. environmental philosophy c. ecofeminism
b. environment aesthetics d. sustainable development
41. For _______ a person to be happy, he has to live a virtuous life.
a. Plato c. Aristotle
b. Socrates d. Nietzsche
42. According to _________, the body is the source of endless trouble to us by reason of the
mere requirement of food and is liable also to diseases which overtake and impede us in the
search after true being.
a. Plato c. Aristotle
b. Socrates d. Nietzsche
43. Care is understood in terms of finite temporality which reaches death. Which of the
following is NOT a structure of acre under Heidegger’s analysis?
a. possibility c. fallenness
b. facticity d. essence
44. He believes that death is not accidental, nor should be analyzed. It belongs to humanity’s
a. Karl Jaspers c. Friedrich Nietzsche
b. Martin Heidegger d. B. F. Skinner
45. He was the first German to address the question of guilt; of Germans of humanity
implicated by cruelty of the Holocaust
a. Karl Jaspers c. Friedrich Nietzsche
b. Martin Heidegger d. B. F. Skinner
46.This method looks at the world or at any object as a problem, detached from the self and
a. secondary reflection c. higher self
b. primary reflection d. concept of care
47. It is concrete, individual and open. This reflection is concerned not with object but with
a. secondary reflection c. higher self
b. primary reflection d. concept of care
48. A process that serves the learner to seek for knowledge by riding the mind of prejudices
and then by humbly accepting his ignorance
a. maieutic process c. dialog
b. ironic process d. contemplation
49. This can be done by means of conversation. This method considers examines, compares,
and studies the similarities and differences of the idea being discussed so that the clear and
precise notion of the idea is achieved.
a. maieutic process c. dialog
b. ironic process d. contemplation
50. When war comes, money has to be acquired by and for the sake of the body.
a. Plato’ theory of immortality c. Nietzsche’s birth of tragedy
b. Socrates expository method d. Satre’s existentialism

Prepared by:


Principal I
Diagnostic Test in Intro to Philosophy
SY 2022-2023
Answer Keys
1 b 45 a
2 d 46 b
3 b 47 a
4 b 48 b
5 d 49 a
6 b 50 a
10 b
11 b
12 c
13 c
14 b
15 c
16 a
17 a
18 b
19 d
20 c
21 d
22 a
23 d
24 c
25 a
26 b
27 d
28 a
29 a
30 a
31 b
32 d
33 c
34 b
35 a
36 a
37 d
38 c
39 b
40 c
41 b
42 a
43 d
44 b

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