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Community Engagement Solidarity and Citizenship

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Directions: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Shade the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet provided.
____1. What are known as the guiding principles that dictate our behavior?
a. Human rights b. Personal core values c. Social Equity d. Gender Equality
____2. It needs the involvement of the community to achieve better development.
a. Social Equity b. Human Rights c. Participatory Development d. Gender Equality
____3. They are known as non-negotiable principles in the community that must be acknowledged, honored, and
constantly defended.
a. Community Values b. Social Equity c. Gender Equality d. Participatory Development
____4. The core values of community action that seeks the participation of the entire community.
a. Gender Equality b. Personal values c. Social Equity d. Participatory Development
____5. Core values of community action which states that all humans are entitled to the sense of fairness and
equality in treatment and access.
a. Gender Equality b. Participatory Development c. Human Rights d. Social Equity
____6. What do you call the socially constructed roles and behaviors that a society typically associates with
males and females?
a.Gender b. Gender equality c. Gender Equity d. Equality
____7. Which of the following talks about moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a
certain way?
a. Equity b. Rights c. Equality d. Development
____8. What do you call the authority or power given to someone to do something?
a. Advocacy b. Participating c. Empowerment d. Planning
____9. This is believing in yourself and in your capabilities is the only way for you to at least reach the unreachable.
a. Priorities b. Meditation c. Positivity d. Self-confidence
____10. You will feel empowered only when your head and your objectives are in the right place.
a. Priorities b. Self-confidence c. Meditation d. Positivity
____11. It is positive attitude is of great importance in empowerment strategies.
a. Meditation b. Positivity c. Priorities d. Self-confidence
____12. This is one of the principles of community action that tells about understanding the feelings of others.
a. Sympathy b. Gives a voice to the poor c. Empathy d. Positivity
____13. It is very important to surround yourself with people who are positive and encouraging.
a. The people around you c. Turns hope into reality
b. Opens doors and leads the way d. Gives a voice to the poor
____14. Which of the core values tells “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”?
a. Social Justice b. Empowerment c. Human Rights d. Gender equality
____15. These are social democratic practices that enable people to overcome barriers and contribute to practice and observe social
a. Empowerment and advocacy c. Community action
b. Core values and principles d. Participatory development
_____16. This is someone who provides advocacy support when you need it.
a. Advocate b. Empowerment c. Social work skills d. Social justice
_____17. What do you call the concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society?
a. Human rights b. Social justice c. Advocacy d. Core values
_____18. This is any activity that increases the understanding, engagement, and empowerment of communities in the design and delivery
of local services.
a. Community planning b. Community developing c. Community Action d. Community initiative
____19. Which of the following talks about guidelines for living and in choosing the right behaviour?
a. Principles b. Assumptions c. Action d. Values
____20. Which is the next level of truths?
a. Assumptions b. Values c. Principles d. Advocacy
____21. It is about people coming together to help improve their lives and solve the problems that concerns the whole community. It
involves people giving their time and other resources for the common good, in a range of forms – from volunteering and community-
owned services to community organizing or simple neighborly acts.
a. Evaluation b. Assessment c. Social Action d. Community profiling
____22. A way for your organization to expand its capacity and value across your expanding network of
a. Social action b. Partnership building c. Resource mobilization d. Assessment
____23. Refers to all activities involved in securing new and additional resources for your organization. It also involves making better use
of, and maximizing, existing resources.
a. Community profiling b. Evaluation c. Assessment d. Resource mobilization
____24. A comprehensive description of the needs of a population that is defined or defines itself, as a community, and the resources that
exist within that community carried out with the active involvement of the community itself for the purpose of developing an action plan
or other means in improving the quality of life within the community.
a. Community profiling b. Partnership building c. Assessment d. Evaluation
____25. It serves and identifies the available resources to address the unmet needs of the community's most vulnerable residents.
a. Social action b. Assessment c. Evaluation d. Community action planning
____26.This is one of the participatory tools used to build the capacity of community members in taking action in accordance with the
problems, needs, and potentials of the community.
a. Partnership building b. Community profiling c. Community action planning d. Evaluation
_____27. It describes what the community wants to achieve and the activities required during a specific time period.
a. community b. action plan c. plan d. approaches
_____28. It refers to a framework for implementing the activities
a. community action plan b. action plan c. plan d. approaches
_____29. It’s an urban planning paradigm that emphasizes involving the entire community in the strategic community.
a. community action planning b. participatory planning c. action plan d. approaches
_____30. What do you call the section or table for additional matters at the end of a book or document?
a. appendices b. cover page c. body of letter d. table of contents
_____31. A brief overview in distinguishing the characteristics of the municipality and the issues being prioritized.
a. community profile. b. cover page c. introduction d. resources
_____32. It is a process of identifying the broad goal or translating that goal into member behaviours that needs to be achieved.
a. methodology b. Strategic planning c. participatory planning d. community action planning
_____33. It is the systematic recording and periodic analysis of information that has been chosen and recorded by insiders with the help of
a. Monitoring Planning b. Participatory Planning c. Evaluation Planning d. Action Plan
_____34. It is a product of long-lasting interaction between researchers, development workers, government agents and local populations.
a. Participatory Planning c. Participatory Monitoring
b. Participatory Approach d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
_____35. It is a process in which all the stakeholders who took part of a certain project are engaged in the activities of monitoring, data
collection and final evaluation
a. Participatory Planning c. Participatory Monitoring
b. Participatory Approach d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
____36. It is one of the participatory tools used to build the capacity of community members in taking action in accordance with the
problems, needs, and potentials of the community (see also problem analysis and decision making).
a. Participatory Planning c. Participatory Monitoring
b. Community Action plan d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
____37. It is at the most basic level of something, down there in the dirt with the roots of an idea or activity.
a. grassroots b. community roots c. community grass d. none of the above
____38. It is a system, activity, or role which involves a particular person or group.
a. Participatory planning b. Approach c. Participatory d. Monitoring
____39. It is to increase your community’s ability to work together to affect conditions and outcomes that matter to its residents—and to
do so both over time and across issues of interest.
a. Action building b. Action planning c. Action listing d. Profiling
____40. The group should examine proposed changes for each sector, as well as collectively.
a. Using a Survey
b. Securing a Formal Decision from the Entire Group
c. Identify Major Action Steps for Each Change
d. Checking the Proposed Changes for Completeness
_____41. Seek formal support of the proposed changes by the members of the initiative.
a. Securing a Formal Decision from the Entire Group
b. Identify Major Action Steps for Each Change
c. Checking the Proposed Changes for Completeness
d. Using a Survey (or More Informal Review) to Build Consensus.
_____42. To prepare action steps for your action plan, define the following for each proposed change.
a. Review of Earlier Analysis.
b. Identify Major Action Steps for Each Change
c. Finalize and Communicate the Plan
d. Checking the Proposed Changes for Completeness
____43. Use the information gathered in the previous chapters to direct your initiative’s action steps for carrying about identified community and
systems changes.
a.Finalize and Communicate the Plan
b.Identify Major Action Steps for Each Change
c.Review of Earlier Analysis.
d. Using a Survey (or More Informal Review) to Build Consensus.
_____44. A strong, comprehensive action plan needs a group that is united and organized. This should include the list of changes by community sector, related action
steps, and a proposed time frame.
a. Securing a Formal Decision from the Entire Group
b.Identify Major Action Steps for Each Change
c.Checking the Proposed Changes for Completeness
d.Finalize and Communicate the Plan.
____45.What is considered as the primary means of gathering data in a qualitative type of social science research?
a. Interview b. Sampling c. Experimental d. Observation
____46. A Collection of photographs, videos and sound recordings are examples of which type of social science design method?
a. Quantitative b. Qualitative c. Sampling d. Historical
_____47. Refers to the plan that will serve as the framework for implementing the activities of the community and which describes what the community wants to
achieve, what activities are required during a specified time period, including the resources (money, people and materials) necessary for the success of its conduct.
a.School Action Plan b. Organizational Action Plan c. Management Action Plan d. Community Action Plan
_____48. SWOT Analysis is one of the main ways in the formulation of an action plan. What does W mean in the acronym SWOT?
a. Ways b. Will c. Weaknesses d. Willingness
_____49. SWOT Analysis is one of the main ways in the formulation of an action plan. What does “T” mean in the acronym SWOT?
a.Threat b. Time-Bounded c. Task d. Testing
_____50. What does PESTEL Model stands for?

a. Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal

b. Political, Economic, Sociological, Technical, Environmental and Legal
c. Psychological, Efficiency, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal
d. Political, Economic, Scientific, Technical, Environmental and Legal

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