Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
LAND AREA 65,610 km2 HUMAN POPULATION 18,820,000 (287 per km2)
NUMBER OF IBAs 70 TOTAL AREA OF IBAs 3,933 km2 STATUS OF IBAs 18 protected; 52 unprotected
The relatively undisturbed and extensive montane forests in Horton Plains (IBA 33) are extremely rich
in biodiversity, including many species endemic to Sri Lanka. (PHOTO: GEHAN DE SILVA WIJEYERATNE)
KEY HABITATS AND BIRDS The first National Policy on Wildlife Conservation was
approved by the Government of Sri Lanka in June 1990, and
• The wet zone in the south-west of Sri Lanka has rich tropical
lowland and montane rain forests, although these are now
was updated and redesigned in 2000. Categories of protected areas
and the regulations relevant to the management of these areas are
highly fragmented with only a few large blocks remaining; the defined in the Flora and Fauna Protection Ordinance (No. 2 of
characteristic habitat of the dry zone which occupies the rest of 1937, amended in 1993 by Act No. 49). In 1993, the Department of
the island is dry evergreen forest, and there are also areas of Wildlife Conservation launched the “Development of Wildlife
moist deciduous forest (Biome AS10: Indian peninsula tropical Conservation and Protected Area Management” project, funded
moist forest, Biome AS11: Indo-Malayan tropical dry zone by UNDP/FAO through the Global Environmental Facility
and EBA 124: Sri Lanka). Sri Lanka has more than 20 endemic (GEF), which has prepared long-term management plans for
bird species (with the total tending to grow because endemic the most important protected areas for wildlife. The on-going
birds formerly regarded as subspecies are increasingly being ADB/GEF/Netherlands Government funded “Protected Areas
treated as full species by taxonomists), many of which are Management and Conservation Project” (PAM CP) has revised
confined to the wet zone, although a few also occur widely in and is implementing some of these management plans on a
the dry zone; several of the endemics with the most specialised pilot basis. It is also conducting a review with the aim of
habitat requirements are threatened, including Red-faced recommending a comprehensive protected areas system for the
Malkoha Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, Sri Lanka Whistling- country.
thrush Myophonus blighi and Sri Lanka Magpie Urocissa At 2003, the protected areas system in Sri Lanka included
ornata. three Strict Nature Reserves (total area 316 km2), 14 National Parks
• Irrigation tanks and other wetlands in the dry zone of Sri Lanka
are a stronghold of the threatened Spot-billed Pelican Pelecanus
(total area 5,786 km2), four Nature Reserves (total area 485 km2)
and 56 Sanctuaries (total area 3,239 km 2 ). Overall, these
philippensis, and some of the coastal wetlands hold important 77 protected areas cover 9,826 km2 or 15% of the country’s land
concentrations of migratory waterbirds. area. However, only one of the Strict Nature Reserves, one National
Park and a handful of the Sanctuaries are in the wet zone, the part
of the island that is most rich in biodiversity and species endemic
The Department of Wildlife Conservation is responsible for the OVERVIEW OF THE INVENTORY
protection and management of biodiversity in Sri Lanka. It seeks
to achieve this through sustainable utilization, participatory land
management, research, education and law enforcement, with the
• Of the 70 IBAs in Sri Lanka, 47 support globally threatened
species, 56 have restricted-range species, 46 have biome-restricted
overall aim of ensuring the maintenance of biodiversity and forest species and 26 qualify as IBAs because they hold large
cover as they exist today. congregations of waterbirds.
1,000 to 9,999
3 100 to 999
14 20
7 15
16 25 17
10 18 19
11 21
12 24
52 35
31 30 49
53 54
34 50
55 37 32 33 51
40 39
41 42
43 45 70
57 46
58 60 47 69
59 61 68
62 67
63 66
0 50 100
• Sri Lanka’s IBAs cover about 6% of the total land area of the
country, with the relatively large number of sites reflecting the
outstanding importance for the globally threatened endemic birds
of Sri Lanka.
fragmented nature of natural habitats in most parts of the
• Twenty-one of Sri Lanka’s IBAs contain wetland habitats,
including Madura Oya (IBA 22), Bundala complex (IBA 68)
• All major habitat types in Sri Lanka are well represented in the
IBA network. Thirty-two IBAs contain lowland rain forest,
and Yala (IBA 70), which are of outstanding importance for
the threatened Spot-billed Pelican.
reflecting both the importance of this habitat for the island’s
threatened and restricted-range species and its fragmented nature.
Thirteen IBAs contain hill and/or montane forest and at least CONSERVATION ISSUES
one contains montane grassland. Fifteen IBAs contain dry
evergreen forest and/or thorn forest in the dry zone of Sri Lanka.
Peak Wilderness (IBA 34) and Sinharaja (IBA 47) are of
• Threats to forest IBAs in Sri Lanka include small-scale illegal
logging operations (despite a moratorium passed in 1990 to
protect all wet zone forests from logging), encroachment into SOURCES OF IBA DATA
forests for conversion to agriculture (for example the
development of vegetable farms in the hill zone), pollution from The information presented here is based upon the IBA Phase 1 study
pesticide run-off, forest degradation through collection of coordinated and conducted by the Field Ornithology Group of Sri
fuelwood and other forest products (e.g. cinnamon, bamboo), Lanka (FOGSL), with funding assistance from the Ministry of
and development (urban, industrial, etc.). Forestry and Environment – Environment Action 1 Project of the
• Wetland IBAs in Sri Lanka are under pressure from drainage
and conversion to agriculture, conversion of coastal wetlands
World Bank. Information on conservation infrastructure and
protected areas was taken from the Department of Wildlife
to aquaculture (prawn ponds, etc.), development, cutting of Conservation of Sri Lanka website (downloaded on 30 June 2004
nesting trees, human disturbance, pollution and pesticides. from:, with updates from the Department of
• Eighteen (26%) of Sri Lanka’s 70 IBAs are within decreed
protected areas, and 52 (74%) are unprotected. Some of the
Wildlife Conservation.
Yala (IBA 170) supports large numbers of congregatory waterbirds, including the threatened Spot-billed
Pelican Pelecanus philippensis and Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus. (PHOTO: GEHAN DE SILVA WIJEYERATNE)
12 Neugalkanda Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region North-Western Coordinates 7°14’N 80°11’E Altitude 100–250 m Area 376 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
14 Anuradhapura Protected ■ A1 ■ A2
Admin region North-Central Coordinates 8°22’N 80°22’E Altitude 300 m Area 3,501 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Pelecanus philippensis, Leptoptilos javanicus ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka
The forests in Knuckles (IBA 26) support several threatened birds, including Sri Lanka Wood-pigeon
Columba torringtoni and Sri Lanka Magpie Urocissa ornata. (PHOTO: GEHAN DE SILVA WIJEYERATNE)
18 Wasgomuwa Protected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Central; North-Central Coordinates 7°43’N 80°56’E Altitude 60–470 m Area 31,649 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS11: Indo-Malayan tropical dry zone
23 Ampara Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Eastern Coordinates 7°18’N 81°36’E Altitude 20–40 m Area 1,375 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Pelecanus philippensis, Leptoptilos javanicus ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS11: Indo-Malayan
tropical dry zone
25 Sigiriya Protected ■ A1 ■ A2
Admin region Central Coordinates 7°58’N 80°46’E Altitude 150–360 m Area 5,099 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Pelecanus philippensis ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka
26 Knuckles Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Central Coordinates 7°22’N 80°49’E Altitude 100–1,800 m Area 30,000 ha Habitats Forest; Grassland
■ Threatened species Columba torringtoni, Urocissa ornata ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical
moist forest
27 Udawattakele Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Central Coordinates 7°17’N 80°38’E Altitude 450–650 m Area 103 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, Ficedula subrubra ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian
peninsula tropical moist forest
31 Dikoya Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Central Coordinates 6°53’N 80°37’E Altitude 1,300–1,800 m Area 5,099 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Columba torringtoni, Ficedula subrubra ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical
moist forest
32 Agrapatana-Bopaththalawa Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Central Coordinates 6°50’N 80°42’E Altitude 1,300–1,880 m Area 6,933 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Columba torringtoni, Ficedula subrubra, Urocissa ornata ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian
peninsula tropical moist forest
35 Amanawala Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 7°03’N 80°23’E Altitude 600–1,300 m Area 514 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Centropus chlororhynchus ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
36 Kithulgala Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 6°58’N 80°25’E Altitude 100–820 m Area 263 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Columba torringtoni, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, Centropus chlororhynchus, Sturnus albofrontatus, Urocissa ornata
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
37 Gilimale-Eratna Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 6°44’N 80°26’E Altitude 50–450 m Area 4,879 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, Garrulax cinereifrons, Urocissa ornata ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes
AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
38 Bambarabotuwa Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 6°42’N 80°34’E Altitude 300–1,525 m Area 5,440 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Garrulax cinereifrons, Urocissa ornata ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical
moist forest
40 Delmella Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 6°40’N 80°12’E Altitude 200–400 m Area 1,413 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Centropus chlororhynchus ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
41 Ayagama Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 6°37’N 80°17’E Altitude 100–500 m Area 214 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Centropus chlororhynchus ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
42 Karawita Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 6°36’N 80°26’E Altitude 100–300 m Area 1,212 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Garrulax cinereifrons ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
43 Waratalgoda Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 6°33’N 80°19’E Altitude 200–500 m Area 1,890 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Urocissa ornata ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
48 Rammalkanda Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Sabaragamuwa Coordinates 6°13’N 80°37’E Altitude 700–800 m Area 1,407 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
49 Namunukula Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Uva Coordinates 6°56’N 81°07’E Altitude 1,200–2,100 m Area 279 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Columba torringtoni ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
50 Tangamalai Protected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Uva Coordinates 6°47’N 80°55’E Altitude 1,400–1,700 m Area 132 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Columba torringtoni, Centropus chlororhynchus, Garrulax cinereifrons ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes
AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
51 Haputale Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Uva Coordinates 6°46’N 80°58’E Altitude 1,700–1,800 m Area 141 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Columba torringtoni, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, Myophonus blighi, Ficedula subrubra, Urocissa ornata ■ Endemic
Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
54 Labugama Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Western Coordinates 6°51’N 80°11’E Altitude 200–460 m Area 2,150 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
55 Bodhinagala Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Western Coordinates 6°44’N 80°10’E Altitude 20–200 m Area 200 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Columba torringtoni, Centropus chlororhynchus ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula
tropical moist forest
56 Morapitiya-Runakanda Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Western Coordinates 6°29’N 80°18’E Altitude 500–2,400 m Area 6,733 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Centropus chlororhynchus, Urocissa ornata ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula
tropical moist forest
57 Kalugala Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Western Coordinates 6°28’N 80°14’E Altitude 400–1,420 m Area 4,288 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
58 Yagirala Unprotected ■ A1 ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Western Coordinates 6°23’N 80°10’E Altitude 400–870 m Area 2,390 ha Habitats Forest
■ Threatened species Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, Centropus chlororhynchus, Sturnus albofrontatus ■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka
■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
59 Beraliya-Kudagala Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Southern Coordinates 6°16’N 80°13’E Altitude 100–500 m Area 2,572 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
61 Malambure Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Southern Coordinates 6°16’N 80°18’E Altitude 400–1,200 m Area 930 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
Sinharaja (IBA 47) is the largest continuous area of lowland rain forest remaining in the wet zone of Sri Lanka, and has
important populations of many restricted-range species of the Sri Lanka Endemic Bird Area. (PHOTO: GEHAN DE SILVA WIJEYERATNE)
63 Beraliya-Akurassa Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Southern Coordinates 6°05’N 80°26’E Altitude 100–800 m Area 1,646 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
66 Welihena Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Southern Coordinates 6°07’N 80°30’E Altitude 200–400 m Area 297 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest
67 Mulatiyana Unprotected ■ A2 ■ A3
Admin region Southern Coordinates 6°11’N 80°32’E Altitude 200–1,255 m Area 3,149 ha Habitats Forest
■ Endemic Bird Areas 124: Sri Lanka ■ Biomes AS10: Indian peninsula tropical moist forest