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(Term 2) (2021-2022)

TOPIC: To study about Mechanisms of Our

Eyes on the Computer

Name: Ishika Rajesh Singh

Class: 12th - Science
Roll no.:
Subject: Biology (044)
Taught by: Miss Vidhya Varghese


I would like to express a deep sense of thanks and

gratitude to our project guide Miss Vidhya Varghese for
guiding us immensely through the course of the project.
She always evinced keen interest in our work. Her
constructive advice and constant motivation have been
responsible for the successful completion of this

My sincere thanks go to Mrs. Salma Pathan, our

Principal Miss, for her coordination extending every
possible support for the completion of this project.

I also thank our parents for their motivation and

support. I must thank my classmates for their timely
help and support for the compilation of this project.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank all those
who had helped directly or indirectly towards the
completion of this project.


Sr. No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 5

2. Human Eye 6

3. Adaptation of an Eye 8

4. Accomodation of an Eye 10

5. Some Harmful Effects of 12

6. Computer Vision Syndrome 13

7. Conclusions 15

8. Bibliography 16


In our day-to-day life, computer devices have been a part

of our activities related to jobs and institutions of various
fields. It is very useful for making documents, editing
media resources like, earning money and many more
purposeful works through apps. At present time, we can
see artificial intelligence is somehow dominating with the
help of computers by making robots, building
infrastructure, e-books, etc.

But if a computer device can do many advantageous

applications, it is unlikely to have some disadvantages
also, especially related to vision. A person who spends
more time on electronic devices may suffer from some
problems like back pain, blurred vision and headaches.

It is very important to understand some harmful effects

related to prolonged computer usage, on the basis of
human vision. A human being must have his or her healthy
vision to see the beautiful world. So we must understand
thoroughly about such negative effects.


1. The human eye is a sense organ, part of the sensory nervous system
that reacts to visible light and allows us to use visual information for
various purposes including seeing things and keeping our balance.

2. It helps us in visualizing objects and also helps us in light

perception, color and depth perception.

Structure of Human Eye:

1. A human eye is roughly 2.3 cm in diameter and is almost a

spherical ball with some fluid.

2. Its wall is composed of three layers:

1) SCLERA: It is a dense connective tissue which composes the
external layer of an eye.
2) CHOROID: It is the middle layer which is composed of many
blood vessels and looks bluish in color.
3) RETINA: It is an inner layer of the eye and contains three layers
of neural cells: ganglion cells, bipolar cells and photoreceptor cells.

3. Some important parts of human eye:

1) CORNEA: It is the anterior portion of the layer
2)CILIARY BODY: The thick part of the choroid at the anterior part
of the human eye.
3) IRIS: The continued portion of the ciliary body to form a
pigmented and opaque structure, which is the visible colored portion
of the human eye.
4) LENS: A transparent crystalline part of an eye which is held in
place by ligaments attached to the ciliary body.
5) PUPIL: It is the aperture surrounded by the iris, where its diameter
is regulated by the muscle fibers of the iris.
6) OPTICAL NERVES: They leave the eye and the retinal blood
vessels enter it at a point medial to and slightly above the posterior
pole of the eyeball.
7) BLIND SPOT: The region where the photoreceptor cells are not
8) FOVEA: It is a thinned out portion of the retina where the visual
resolution is the greatest.
9) AQUEOUS CHAMBER: It is the space between the cornea and the
lens, which is filled with the thin watery fluid called aqueous humor.
10) VITREOUS CHAMBER: It is the space between the lens and the
retina, which is filled with a transparent gel called vitreous humor.


1. Our eyes have the ability to adapt the sight on the basis of
the environment, whether it has brightness or dimness.
2. Adaptation is the ability of the retina of the eye to adjust to
various levels of light. It depends on the number of
photoreceptor cells, that is, rods and cones.
3. Rods are those cells which are responsible for vision at low
light levels, whereas cones are those cells which are
responsible for vision at high light levels.
4. Rods can be found at the periphery of the retina and do not
impart color vision, hence, they are not differentiated.
5. Cones can be found at the center of the retina and can
impart color vision, differentiating into three main colors:
Red, green and blue.
6. The POWER OF ADAPTATION is the ability of an eye to
change the size of the aperture of the pupil, on the basis of the
amount of light falling into the eye.

Conditions on the Adjustment of Pupil Size:

1. ON BRIGHT LIGHT: (Left side of the given image)

1) Let us suppose we have a computer with high brightness. If a
naked eye watches the bright screen of the computer or any other
device, the pupil gets constricted or gets smaller due to higher light
intensity, to prevent any further entry of the light rays.

2) The radial muscles relax and the circular muscles contract. Thus,
cones get activated after some time when we see out of the bright
screen of the computer. Similar cases can be applied when we see the
Sun with naked eyes, thus, floaters get developed after getting
exposure from sunlight.

2. ON DARK LIGHT: (Right side of the given image)

1) Let us suppose we have a computer with low brightness, that is,
dim. If a naked eye watches the dim screen of the computer or any
other device, the pupil gets dilated or gets bigger due to low intensity
of light, to intake more amount of light rays.

2)The radial muscles contract and the circular muscles relax. Thus,
the rods get activated after some time for illumination.


1. Accommodation is the process by which the eye changes optical

power to maintain a clear image or focus on an object as its distance
2. In this, distances vary for individuals from the far point (The
maximum distance from the eye for which a clear image of an object
can be seen) to the near point (The minimum distance for a clear
3. Commonly, the near point of a normal person’s eye is 25 cm, and
the far point is at infinity.

Defects Related to Improper Accommodation:

Prolonged working on the computer may cause some serious defects
on the basis of accommodation of a human eye. There are two types
of defects which can be occurred:

1. MYOPIA (Near-sightedness):
1) It is the defect of an eye in which the light rays do not focus on the
surface of the retina but in front of it.
2) This results in images being blurry when perceived.
3) Thus, distant images appear out of focus but objects nearby are
seen clearly.

4) It can occur if the eyeball is elongated leading to image formation

in front of the retina. It can also occur if the refracting power of the
lens is affected due to the cornea or lens being too curved.
5) It can be caused especially due to working and reading on the
computer at close range, which results in eye fatigue and stimulation
of blue light on retinal cells. This is because the eye gets used to a
near focus and adapts to that.
6) It can be corrected through the usage of concave or diverging

2. HYPERMETROPIA (Far-sightedness):
1) It is the defect of an eye where the image of a nearby object is
formed behind the retina.
2) This results in difficulty in focusing nearby objects, but can clearly
see distant objects.
3) It can occur if the eyeball is small-sized leading to image formation
behind the retina. It can cause watering, blurry vision, tiredness in
eyes and headaches, especially for those who are associated with
computer work.
4) It can be corrected through the usage of convex or converging



We know about some basic harmful effects on using the computer for
a longer period of time, which can mainly harm our vision. But not
only on the basis of vision, we may complain about headaches and
pains in our wrists, arms and necks. This may also cause muscle pain
due to fatigue, so it could be better for us to take some breaks and get
ready to work.
When we use the computer for a very long period of time, we suffer
from backache, headaches, weight gain or loss, disturbances in sleep,
blurred or strained vision, etc. The late night computer sessions cut
into much needed sleep time, which can cause long term sleep
deprivation. This may lead to drowsiness, difficulty in concentrating
and depression of the immune system.

The prolonged use of the computer can cause physical damage. Using
the mouse and the keyboard for many hours everyday can lead to
repetitive stress injuries. The back problems are common among the
people who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer desks.

1) We should rest our eyes to prevent eye problems.
2) We can take a 10 minute break every hour when we are working on
the computer.


Computer Vision Syndrome is a condition resulting from focusing the

eyes on a computer or other display device for uninterrupted periods
of time and the eye’s muscles being unable to recover from the
constant tension required to maintain focus on a close object.

1) Blurred vision
2) Headaches
3) Dizziness and fatigue
4) Neck pain
5) Difficulty refocusing the eyes


1) A total of 90% of computer users, who spend more than 3 hours a
day in front of the computer screen may suffer from CVS.
2) CVS can cause diplopia or double vision and asthenopia.

1) Poor lighting.
2) Glare on a digital screen
3) Improper viewing distances
4) Poor sitting posture
5) Uncorrected vision problems


1) Location of the computer screen should be 15 to 200 as measured

from the center of the screen and 20 to 28 inches from the eyes.
2) The computer screen should not have any glare, particularly from
overhead lighting or windows.
3) Chairs should be comfortably padded and conform to the body,
where its height should be adjusted along with our arms and wrist to
avoid pain.
4) We can prevent eye strains by resting our eyes for 10-15 minutes
after one or two hours of continuous computer use.

1) We should minimize the discomfort from blue light and glare.
2) We can adjust work area and computer for comfort,
3) We can take alternative task breaks throughout the day.
4) We must take care of our minor vision problems to be properly

Eyeglasses or contact lenses prescribed for general use may not be
adequate for computer work. Special lens designs or lens powers may
help to maximize visual abilities and comfort.

1) Our human eye is the most sensitive and important organ
through which we can see our surroundings. Computer
devices, especially mobile phones, desktops and laptops also
play an important role in our life, but we should not use them
for a longer period of time in order to prevent any visionary
defects in our eyes. So, we should use them to a particular
limit everyday.

2) On the basis of adaptation and accommodation of the

human eye, we can see distant objects through the presence of
light rays. Adaptation is on the basis of adjustment of the
aperture of the pupil and accommodation is to focus light rays
on the retina. These mechanisms can be useful to detect some
problems related to defects caused by computer devices.

3) Prolonged working on the computer may result in some

harmful effects in our body such as headaches, muscle pains,
and especially for the vision, it may cause blurry vision along
with eye strains. This may result in some symptoms for
Computer Vision Syndrome.

4) We must practice proper sitting posture while working on

the desktop. This is so to prevent our physical pain, and most
importantly the defects in our vision.

1) NCERT Biology Textbook, Class 11th

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