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Action Plan in Reading Remediation and Action Plan in English

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ___________________

Action Plan on Reading Remediation for Struggling Readers

Phases of the Action Goals/ Activities/ Persons involved Resources Needed Time frame Success Indicator
Plan Objectives Strategies
1. Selection and 1. To conduct an oral 1. Students Principal, Grade The reading level of 95% of
Orientation and comprehensive who will be Teacher, and the students must have
admission test. enrolled in a Adviser been determined.
reading class
are chosen
and identified.

2. To provide 2. Parents and Principal, Grade 100% of parents and

students and parents learners are Teacher, and learners have been
with an overview and being Parents orientated and acquainted
background on orientated with the reading program
remedial reading to through letters,
encourage and online
promote their conferences,
children's love of and
reading. conversations.
2. Conduct 1. To determine the 1. Pre-Test is Class adviser, Pre-Test Reading Diagnosis Reports
pupils' reading level used to assess teacher, and Questionnaire and Student Profiles
by administering a a student's students Phil-iri Materials
Pre-Test reading level. -Oral reading of the
-Answering of

2. Students' reading 2. Reading Class adviser, Students' full involvement

a. Basic Sight words
competence will be Assimilation parents, and and parental cooperation
flash on the wide
increased and Interventions students are required.
improved via the use include the I b. Printed story
of engaging Love Reading materials
exercises. Program, A c. SRA kit and power
Page A Day, builders
the Marungko
Approach, and d. reading materials
synchronized and story power point
online reading presentation

3. To improve reading Students, class Through a variety of

3. Reading adviser, and Appropriate reading exercises, 100% of the
skills and instill in every day
children a sense of parents, resources, instructional students' reading abilities
under the guardians, or video materials, DRP- have improved.
personal supervision of
responsibility for their households Developing Reading
parents, Power, and Evaluated
own success. guardians, or reading materials are all
households. examples of
appropriate reading
materials. Students' full involvement
Class Adviser,
4. To increase At home, students, and Reading books, short and parental cooperation
parental and guardian providing and parents stories, and other are required.
support and using printed literacy resources, as
cooperation with the short stories well as audio and video
reading program. and other recordings of reading
literacy-related materials
resources, as
well as
recorded video
and audio

3. Final Evaluation To evaluate the Evaluation of Class adviser and Experts examined the Report on Mean and
improvement of the student’s students materials for the proficiency level
student’s reading reading level reading test.
proficiency and
comprehensio Oral and written reading
n tests were administered
after the post-test.

Prepared by: Noted:

_____________________________ ____________________________
Teacher II


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF _____________________

Action Plan in English

S.Y 2021-2022
Programs/ Description of the Project Objectives Strategies/Activities Time Frame Persons Expected
Projects Involved Outcomes
A. Learner’s

Project ECARP Every Child A Reader Program This program seeks to -At the start of the Teachers At the end of the
help slow, and non- school year, administer Learners school year, the
readers improve their an oral reading test. Parents number of slow and
reading skills. non-readers had
HEAL Honing the English Ability of Learners -Provide guide decreased.
in Reading questions to gauge the
pupils' understanding
of the reading material.

Project E Evaluation of English Education This program aims to To improve their School Head Learners' English
Cubed teach English skills reading Teachers proficiency levels
using a variety of comprehension, have improved.
strategies. provide reading
materials such as the
Self-Learning Kit (SLK)
or Localized and
Contextualized content,
as well as questions for
the learners to answer
during their break time.

B. Curriculum

Project Instructional Materials Through This project aims to -Make use of the ICT- School Head Instructional or
I MATTER Teaching Reading develop based reading models Teachers reading materials
contextualized and that are available. that are assured to
localized reading -Start a campaign be of excellent
materials for use in called "Donate A quality
teaching. Book."
-Encourage students to
use their school or
home libraries for
research and other
C. Faculty

Project BEST Building This is intended to -Convene a School School Head MOVs for the project
English discuss teaching Learning Action Cell Teachers include meeting
Skills ideas and improve (SLAC) to discuss how minutes, narratives,
through competency levels. to teach basic reading and accomplishment
Training skills. reports.
- Make use of the best
practices that have
been acquired in
developmental and
remedial reading

D. Physical
Reading corner
Project RCEC Reading Corner in Every Classroom This activity is to Obtaining educational School Head Picture with caption
establish and maintain materials or resources Teachers
a reading nook in Setting up a reading Parents
every school, as well nook Volunteers
as at home.

Prepared by: Noted:

_____________________________ ____________________________
Teacher II



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