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ECS User Manual v7.0.6

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FLSA Documentation

Created: 25-04-2007 Marie Luise Blæsbjerg

Modified: 25-04-2007 Marie Luise Blæsbjerg
File: Ha Long\AD-056061: FLS-DK Ha Long (ACE)\4.20.02 ECS User Manual v7.0.6

Original FLSA Documentation

Issue Date: Plant: Issued for Order:
25-04-2007 Ha Long AD-056061: FLS-DK Ha Long (ACE)
Contract: Other Order References

System Reference:
Sub-System Reference(s):

ECS User Manual v7.0.6
Drawing No: No. of Pages:
80009732 1 Binder
Issued by: Approved for engineering Approval Date:
Marie Luise Blæsbjerg by: 25-04-2007
Henry Lukas
Documentation Status: Revision Number:
As-Shipped A
Contractual Date (Due date according to Project File Refence:
Contract): 4.20.02 ECS User Manual v7.0.6

Sent to:
Category: CompanyName:
Rev. Issued Pages Approved Status Sent To Comments:
SDR Alarm Header 1
SDR Alarm List 2
SDR Language Selection 3
SDR User Login 4
SDR Maintenance 5
ECS OpStation 6
SDR Partner Configuration 7
ECS/SDR Point List 8
SDR Point Parameters 9
Ha Long Main SDR Plant Reports 10
Vietnam ECS/SDR Trend 11
Document No. 89732 ECS/SDR User Interface 12
Order No. AD-056061 ECS Document Map 13
Project No. ECS1156 SDR A-Point Algorithms 14
ECS/SDR ActiveX DIIs 15
ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration 16
ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor 17
ECS v7.0.6 ECS/SDR Concepts 18
ECS OpStation Editor 19
Volume 1/1 GMS Conversion Utility 20
SDR Language Edit 21
SDR Log Configuration 22
SDR Note Pad 23
SDR W2K Security 24
ECS OpStation Configuration 25
PMove, Import/Export Utility 26
SDR Point Configuration 27
SDR Point System Configuration 28
FLSmidth Automation SDR Report Configuration 29
Hoffdingsvej 34 SDR System Configuration 30
DK-2500 Valby ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration 31
Copenhagen SDR Watch Dog 32
Denmark Starting the SDR System 33

Phone: +45 36 18 27 00
Telefax: +45 36 18 27 99
User Manual

SDR Alarm Header

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 2:31p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrAlarmHeadUi30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Alarm Header 1
Introduction 1
Program Overview 1
Tool Bar Commands 1
Department Buttons 2
Alarm Notification 2
Alarm Response 3
Alarm History 4
Alarm Header Configuration 4
Selecting Sound Functions 6
Lines Config 7
Windows Config 7
Configuration Button 8

Glossary of Terms 9

Index 11

User Manual SDR Alarm Header Contents • iii

SDR Alarm Header

The Alarm Header utility is a multifunctional display element used to notify an operator of alarm conditions. The
utility also provides commands to respond to alarms, select departments and access other ECS utilities.

The Alarm Header is started from an ECS/SDR application like OpStation or from the Windows START menu.

Program Overview
When the Alarm Header is started, it appears at the top of the workstation desktop. The display includes department
buttons, toolbar commands, and the most recent alarm entry at the left.

The utility can be configured to "stay on top" and to be unmovable. The position on the screen is saved when exiting.

Tool Bar Commands

Add Alarm Lines used to show additional historical alarm lines.

Alarm Silence Used to turn off the audible alarms.

Alarm Reset Resets alarms.

Alarm List for Selected Department Opens the Alarm List and displays alarm log entries for the selected

Alarm List for Department in Alarm Opens the Alarm List and displays alarm log entries for the department
currently in alarm or the last department in alarm.

Alarm List for Point in Alarm Opens the Alarm List and displays alarm log entries for the point currently in
alarm or the last point in alarm.

User Manual SDR Alarm Header SDR Alarm Header • 1

Point Parameters Opens the Point Parameters display for the point currently in alarm or the last point in alarm.

Trend Log Opens the Trend Log display for the point currently in alarm if this point is an A-point.

Department Home picture Opens OpStation to set up home picture for the department currently in alarm.

Point Home picture Opens OpStation to set up home picture for the point currently in alarm or the last point in

Alarm Header Configuration Opens the Alarm Header Configuration display. Refer to Alarm Header

Help Opens the on-line help information for the Alarm Header.

Department Buttons
The Alarm Header department buttons are labeled with the department name or with the department number. In
addition to the department buttons that identify PLC departments, there is the System department button and the
Plant button. The PLC department buttons are used to select departments for specific actions and provide an
indication of the status of the individual department.
The system department is associated with system type alarms (file errors, communication errors, etc.) and the Plant
department is used to indicate an alarm in any PLC department. The Plant department is also used to select all
departments when all psflant alarms are to be silenced or reset.

Department Status
The colors used to indicate the status in a department button are defined in the Alarm Configuration utility. Refer to
the Alarm Configuration on-line help document. The possible status indications are:
Normal Status The department does not contain a point in alarm. Typically gray is used to indicate a normal status.
Alert Status The department currently has a point in the alarm state and the alarm has not been silenced. Typically
red is used to indicate an alert status.
Silence Status Department alarms have been silenced. Typically magenta is used to indicate a silence status.
Inactive Status Alarms in this department are not reported to this workstation. In addition, the department cannot be
selected for other purposes. The button text in italic black indicates an inactive status.

Selecting Departments
A department is selected by clicking on the department button. A colored border appears on the selected button.
Typically magenta is used to indicate a selected department.

Alarm Notification
When a point goes into alarm, an alarm entry in red text appears in the left portion of the Alarm Header. The entry
includes the point code, the point description, the type of alarm, the alarm limit exceeded, the point value when the
alarm was reported, and the time and date of the alarm.

2 • SDR Alarm Header User Manual SDR Alarm Header

The department button associated with the point in alarm changes to red and the workstation’s audible alarm is
sounded. Display elements in process graphics owned by the point in alarm change to flashing red.
When multiple alarms are reported, the most recent alarm is placed in the Alarm Header.

The colors referenced and the reaction of the workstation display elements assumes that the default alarm philosophy
is assigned in the Alarm Configuration utility. Be aware that the user can modify the alarm philosophy and the color

Alarm Response
When an alarm is received, the procedure defined by the default alarm configuration and philosophy requires the
operator to issue the Alarm Silence twice and then the Alarm Reset.

Alarm Silence

1st Alarm Silence Click on the toolbar Alarm Silence command . The audible alarm stops, the department
button changes to pink, and the Alarm Header entry is highlighted.

2nd Alarm Silence Click on the toolbar Alarm Silence command a second time. The Alarm Header entry is
The Alarm silence action can also be accessed from the department buttons. By right click on a department button a
menu will appear, that allows an Alarm silence command.

User Manual SDR Alarm Header SDR Alarm Header • 3

Alarm Reset

Click on the toolbar Alarm Reset command . The department button changes to magenta Alarm line text change
to black and Alarm line background color change to grey Display elements in process graphics owned by the points
in alarm change to solid red. The display elements change to solid green when the point value returns to normal.
The Alarm reset action can also be accessed from the department buttons. By right click on a department button a
menu appears, that allows an Alarm reset command.

Alarm History
The Alarm header maintains a short Alarm history for all configured department alarms. The alarm history list can
show the last alarms that have been in the alarm line. Normally this history list is hidden and can be made visible,

when the tool bar button is clicked, and can be hidden, when this toolbar button is clicked again . The
number of the entries in the alarm history is configurable.

Alarm Header Configuration

The department alarms that are reported to the workstation and the departments that can be selected by the user are
determined by the assignments made in the Alarm Header Configuration dialog.
This configuration dialog is to allow the user to configure the each department for alarm notification, to issue the
action on department button and for header window customization. All the settings made in this configuration dialog
are persisted .The persisted settings is available to this workstation Alarm header.

To open the dialog, click on the toolbar command.

Note: During the configuration,sound alerts is off

4 • SDR Alarm Header User Manual SDR Alarm Header

Alarms generated in the departments are reported to this workstation only if the departments are active.By the
default all the department in the alarm header are active. Click on a department active to toggle the checkbox on or
off. On the active column, right click and select the All command to activate all departments and select the None
command to deactivate all departments. Click on a department active checkbox to activate or deactivate a
Only the departments selected in the Department alarm active list will appear as buttons in the header.

The alarm silence or alarm reset are issued to department alarms only if department button is sensitive in this
workstation. On the Sensitive Column, right click and select the All command to enable all department buttons and
select the None command to disable all department buttons. Click on the department sensitive checkbox to activate
or deactivate the department.
Please note that alarms will appear from an insensitive department, but no silence command nor reset command can
be issued.

Different sounds can be associated to either the departments or the alarm priorities of a department. The sound alerts
the operator, when an alarm from an active department appears in the alarm line. The sound is given by playing a
wav file or by the beep sound. A wav file can be associated to all alarms of a certain department or to a certain
priority of a department. It is possible to have a department without any audible alert, by unchecking all three sound
By default the beep sound is enabled for all departments.

User Manual SDR Alarm Header SDR Alarm Header • 5

Selecting Sound Functions
The users are allowed to choose "DeptSound", meaning the wav file is used for all alarm of this department or
"Priority", meaning the wav file associated to a priority is used, or "Beep”, meaning all alarms of the department
alert by a beep.
To select the appriopriate sound option("DeptSound"or"Priority"or"Beep") click on department check box . To select
the sound option for all department,right click on the cell and select the "ALL" and "None" to deselect for all

Wav files
To specify a wav file for a sound function double click on a cell of the grid and the sound file dialog pop-ups. From
the dialog select the wav file. Both the department wav file and the priority wav file can be entered this way.
To delete a defintion select the cell and then press the Delete key.
Also the wellknown copy-paste functions, Crtl_X, Crtl_V, are supported for the wav file cells.

Note: The wav files are fixed located in FLSADEV\Prodb\Wav. The wave files length should not be more than 24

6 • SDR Alarm Header User Manual SDR Alarm Header

To check and hear the selected sound wave file. To do this, select the wave file and click on the test button.


All alarm header tools can be set to visible or invisible in the header. To hide one of the tools (except
configuration), uncheck the tool.

Lines Config
Extra Alarm Lines
The number of alarm lines in the historic alarm list is limited by 10. By clicking on the up arrow button the number
of the alarm lines is increased. By the clicking on the down arrow button the number is decreased.

Button Lines
The Alarm header allows a maximum of two lines of buttons. Each button line can have a maximum of 20
department buttons. If the number of the active buttons exceeds 2*20 some of the buttons are skipped and not
shown. In this situation a warning is given.
The plant department button is always active.

Alarm Line Font Size

The font size of the alarm line can be chosen, it can be set from 10 to 14. By the default font size 10 is set.

Windows Config
Window not moveable
When this box is checked (and applied) the Alarm Header window will be fixed to the actual location. Notice, that
this checkbox has persistence, i.e. if it is checked (and applied) and the Alarm Header window is closed and started
again, the new window will also have a fixed location, this time at the top of the screen, which is the default location
for an Alarm Header.

Window always on top

When this box is checked (and applied) the Alarm Header window will always be on top of any other window within
that area of the screen. Notice, that this checkbox has persistence, i.e. if it is checked (and applied) and the Alarm
Header window is closed and started again, the new window will also have the top priority.

Note: This feature has the drawback that the Alarm Header window may hide the window bar of another window. If
that happens, it can be necessary to minimize the Alarm Header window, move or close the other window, and bring
the Alarm Header window up again.

User Manual SDR Alarm Header SDR Alarm Header • 7

Confirm program close
If selected the user is asked to confirm program exit.

Only show department number

If selected the department number will be displayed on the department buttons, instead of the names. This will give
room for more buttons.

Configuration Button
This applies command to validate the configuration entries for all departments. If the validation is successful,all
entries will be persisted and will update in alarm header.

This OK command to validate the configuration entries for all departments .If the validation is successful,all entries
will be persisted and configuration window will be closed.

This cancel command to cancel all the changes made in the configuration and to close the configuration dialog.

This help command to launch the available online manual for configuation dialog.

8 • SDR Alarm Header User Manual SDR Alarm Header

Glossary of Terms

A Plant is divided into departments. In the departments there is group, routes, master points and points.

Home picture
Homepicture is an OpStation picture associated a point. The homepicture association is defined in the OpStation
Configuration utility.

User Manual SDR Alarm Header Glossary of Terms • 9

program close 8
Program Overview 1

Index Selecting Departments 2

Silence Status 2
Sound 5
System 2

Trend Log 2

A Window always on top 7
Window not moveable 7
Alarm button sensitive 5
Alarm Header Configuration 2, 4
Alarm Notification 2
Alarm Reset Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 1
Alarm Response 3
Alarm Silence Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 1
Alert Status 2

Configuration Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 2

Department Status 2
Dept alarm active 5

help Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on page
homepicture 2

Inactive Status 2
Introduction 1

Normal Status 2

Only show department number 8

Plant 2
Point Parameters 2

User Manual SDR Alarm Header Index • 11

User Manual

SDR Alarm List

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 2:51p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrBrowserUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Alarm List 1
Introduction 1
Starting the application 1
Application Overview 1
The Toolbar 2
The system Tree 4
The Status Bar 5
Navigating 6
Supported Keys 7

Alarm view 8
Alarm Entries 8
Filtering Alarms 9
Using the Alarm View 10

Emission Alarm Annotation 11

Overview 11

Downtime Reason Annotation 12

Overview 12

Point Status View 14

Point Entries 14
Point Filtering 14
Using Point Status View 15

Point Grid View 16

Entries 16
Grid Filtering 16

Glossary of Terms 17

Index 21

User Manual SDR Alarm List Contents • iii

SDR Alarm List

The Alarm list application can be used to browse through the system and locate relevant information about
alarm/event history and point status. A system tree offers easy navigation and the advanced filter options enable the
user to find the exact information in a quick and effective way.
Real-time point status can be viewed, either from a detailed list or from a point grid, which gives a status overview
of thousand of points in a single window.

Starting the application

The application can be started from other applications (like Opstation) or from the Windows Start menu.
Examples on Icons used for the Alarm list application:

1. Start Alarm list

2. Start Alarm list (selected department)
3. Start Alarm list (department in alarm)
4. Start Alarm list (selected point)

Application Overview
The Alarm list application can run in three modes:
• Alarm view - show alarm and events
• Point status view - show status, value and details for a list of points
• Point Grid View - show point status for whole departments
The use of these views is described in the following chapters.
The application has four major elements:

User Manual SDR Alarm List SDR Alarm List • 1

1. Toolbars
2. Tree
3. Data View (Alarm List, Point Status View or Point Grid)
4. Status bar

The Toolbar
The toolbar are used for the following functions:
Tree navigation

There is three navigation buttons for the tree.

Top: Navigate the tree to the top level showing all departments
Up: Navigate tree one level up.
F5: Refresh view (F5 can also be used for this).

Search and settings

When pressing the search and settings button a dialog will fold out. Here it is possible to do the following:

2 • SDR Alarm List User Manual SDR Alarm List

To search for a point in the tree, enter the point code and press search. To find a earlier used point, use the dropdown
to the right.
The view size can zoom the views (except pointview).
The Reset button will resize all columns and setting to the factory default (for the selected view size).
The default setting is based on a maximized application with the desktop resolution 1280 * 1024.
Show color bar, show/hides the status color column from the alarm list and the point status list. When the color
column is hidden in the alarm list, the colors are shown by coloring the lines.
The Show notes option show/hides the note pad column. If disabled, you will not be able to se if a note has been
written to a point code displayed in the view.
Short time format changes the time format in the dialogs (not in the alarm list it selves) to 24-Dec 12:00 instead
of 12-Dec-2001 12:00:01
The Window not moveable option ensures that the browser window cannot be moved or scaled.
The Confirm on close option shows a confirmation dialog when the user tries the close the application.
To close the dialog, press the close button or the search and setting button.

Changing the View

The view can be changed between:

Alarm view - show alarm and events
Point status view - show status, value and details for a list of points
Point Grid View - show point status for whole departments
When the view is changed, the selection in the Tree is kept and the Data view will load values for that selection. The
filter options will change accordingly to the selected view.

Silence and Reset

Issues the Alarm Silence and the Alarm Reset Command, based on the current selection in the tree.

User Manual SDR Alarm List SDR Alarm List • 3

Filter functions

Filter When this button is clicked the toolbar will expand covering the filter functions for the selected view.
Annotation When this button is pressed, the different annotation possibilities are shown , Emission alarms and
Downtime reason. Selecting any of them will bring up a new form, which allows for annotation and viewing.
Depending on the selected view, the following filter buttons is also active on the toolbar:

Pending / Active alarms - show only active alarms in the alarm list
Error - Show Alarms
Warning - Show Warning
Information - Show information events

Start Programs
Start the selected program with point/department selected in the status bar. You may need to enlarge the application
for this toolbar to become visible.

Opstation Home Picture

Point Parameters
Point Configuration
Notepad (start new note, with the latest selected alarm line inserted)

General application functions

Print - starts print function for the selected view.

Help - show online help.
You may need to enlarge the application for this toolbar to become visible.
The selections on the toolbars are saved when the application are closed.

The system Tree

The tree contains the entire system divided into departments, groups, routes, master points and points.
aster Point
A Point

4 • SDR Alarm List User Manual SDR Alarm List

B Point
B-points that are suppression points for an above route or group are shown with a little lightning symbol in the upper
right corner of the icon.

Suppression point

A master point that is suppression point for an above route or group.

Navigation is done thru the keyboard or with the mouse.

Single-click: select element
Double-click: expand/collapse element

Up - Moves one element up (and select it)
Down - Moves one element down (and select it)
Left - Expand element and moves one level down
Right - Collapse element and navigate one level up in the tree.
Page Up - Navigate one page up
Page Down - Navigate on page down
Home - To plant
End - To last element
In the Toolbar there is three buttons for navigating the tree:

Top: Navigate the tree to the top level showing all departments
Up: Navigate tree one level up.
F5: Refresh view (F5 can also be used for this).

The Status Bar

The Status bar is placed at the bottom of the application. It contains information about the current selection and

User Manual SDR Alarm List SDR Alarm List • 5

The Fields are (from left to right):
Currently Selected Department
Currently Selected Point
Current status message
Page Status icon - explained below
Record count - show the number of lines in the current scope (including filters)
Activity icon - animated when the application communicates with the server applications.
The Page Status icon shows where the current view is located in the scope. There are four different states for this

The whole list is on the screen

The Top of the list is on the screen

The list is some-where in the middle

(Dark grey):
The List is at the bottom

The page status icon changes color from green to yellow when alarms are viewed with the Time Search function
activated. This is to indicate that the view is static and no new alarms are inserted until the time search are cleared,
even if the list are at the top.

The Alarm list and the Point Status List are navigated with a vertical scroll bar and six buttons.

Go to top - navigates to the top of the list (in the current scope)
Go one page up - moves one page up in the list.
Go one line up - moves one line up
Go one line down - moves one line down
Go on page down.
Go to Bottom - navigate to the last line in the list

6 • SDR Alarm List User Manual SDR Alarm List

The scrollbar can navigate in the list with an analogue feel
The up and down button at the top and bottom of the scrollbar, equals the one line up/down buttons above.
The grey dragging area of the scrollbar is resized to symbolize the relationship between the whole list and the part of
the list that is visible (one page). As an example, the scrollbar shown to the left is moved one page down, in a list of
a total of five pages.
Clicking the white area above the dragging area equals pressing the One Page Up bottom, and below equals One
Page Down

Supported Keys
F9 can be used to Silence within the selected scope
F10 can be used to Reset within the selected scope

User Manual SDR Alarm List SDR Alarm List • 7

Alarm view

Alarm Entries
The alarm list shows Process alarm entries, System alarm entries and Event entries. All though the need of data
presentation is different, all alarm and event are shown in the same view, with the following columns:

Show the Alarm / Event type as icons. Error, Warning or Information

The colour of the alarm line is shown as a field (For better overview). If this column is moved out of the view, the
alarm lines a coloured instead.
All colours are system specific and configurable.

The Id of the alarm or event. If the alarm is related to a point, this field will show the point code.

Event Text
The Alarm text can contain various information, depending of the alarm type.

In Time
The time and date that the event occurred

Out Time
The time and date of returning to normal state

8 • Alarm view User Manual SDR Alarm List

Shows a pencil if a note has been written in Notepad related to the point code of this alarm. If this field is double-
clicked, Notepad will try to locate and show related notes.

The Priority of the alarm. 1= highest, 5=lowest.

The category of the alarm. The categories are system specific, but an example could be "Electrical"

The name of the user, usually login name, that produced the event.

When a point state event the status text of the new point state, otherwise empty.

When a point state event the new value of the point, analog value or a value text, otherwise empty.

Limit/old value
When a point state event, the limit which was execced, when it is known, otherwise the old value text of the Bpoint,
or empty.
Status, value and limit/old value can also be found in the corresponding event text.
All fields are updated when pressing the refresh button or [F5]
The columns can be moved and resized and the application will save the positions when ending.

Filtering Alarms
The alarm list can be filtered to narrow down result, and there by minimizing the time spent on searching up and
down in the list. There is five different type of filtering in the Alarm list and they can be switched on and off

Pending alarms
The pending alarms button can be toggled either in or out. When the button is in the 'in' position only alarm that
are Active (pending) are shown. When the button is in the 'out' position, all alarms are shown.

Alarm type

The three alarm types (Error, Warning and Information) can be filtered in or out individually with the corresponding
button. If all three buttons are 'in' all alarms are shown.
The following filter function will also be available when the filter toolbar is expanded, using the button:

The Time slider at the bottom of the toolbar will help you to find alarms back in time. The right position is the
present time and the left position is 7 days back. If you drag the slider to the first mark the alarms shown at the top of
the list is 24 hours old.

User Manual SDR Alarm List Alarm view • 9

The slider works in 10 minutes intervals and you can go more than a week back bu using the time up/down buttons
at the upper left of the filter toolbar. One click down will step the alarms list 7 days back.
As long as the slider are used new alarms will not appear at the top of the list !!
To reset the time search function press the button.

The category filter is used to filter out all other categories than the selected. The categories are system specific, but
examples could be: Point Specific, Process, Electrical, Mechanical, System, Communication, Operator, Fuz, Qcx or
The selection is done as a dropdown, and if the selection says "none", all alarms are shown (the filter is inactive).

Show only alarms with the selected priority and above. The selection is done by clicking the drop-down arrow to the
right of the icon and selecting a range. If the selected Priority is '2', alarms with priority 1 and 2 are shown. The Icon
will always show the lowest priority that is chosen.

Time filter
The time filter can show alarms between two dates. When the Time filter is selected, the toolbar will be changed.

The Time selector

The time selector gives the opportunity to select a single day (by clicking that day on the calendar) or selecting an
interval of days (by dragging on the calendar).
The date and time in the 'from' and 'to' fields can be edited by hand to any time and date for a precise interval.
Press 'Set' OR 'Cancel' to close the Time selector. Only 'Set' will change the time filter.

Using the Alarm View

The Alarm list a dynamically updated when the list are at the top-position. After navigating in the list (Se
Navigating), you should press the 'List Top' button to ensure that the list is at the top position.
When the 'Page Status' in the status bar is green the list is at the top. (Se details)
When you click on a line, the point or department are shown in the status bar. If you. at a later time, selects a
program like Point Configurator, you will be able to configure this point.
If you double-click on a line, the tree will navigate to that point and only alarms for that point will now be shown in
the list.
If you double click on the category column and the clicked line shows, Emission, Downtime or Uptime, you can
directly activate the annotation window.

Up - Moves one line up
Down - Moves one line down

10 • Alarm view User Manual SDR Alarm List

Emission Alarm Annotation

When the Emission alarm annotation function is activated the following window is shown.

This window allows for annotation of emission alarms. Basically the emission alarms are fetched and those missing
an annotation text are shown with a white input field. Here the annotation text can be given, just click into the white
field The other fields are just copied from the annotated line.
An applied annotation can be seen in the eventlist with the given Annotation text as Event text, it forms a new event.
Cancel closes the window.
Apply will save the given annotations to the event system. A warning message will be given, when some events
lack a valid annotation text.

can toggle between a work view, see above, and a survey window, see below.

In the survey state, all known emission events and their corresponding annotation will be listed. If there are more
than one annotation to one event, only the lastest annotation will be shown here.

User Manual SDR Alarm List Emission Alarm Annotation • 11

Downtime Reason Annotation

When the Downtime reason annotation function is activated the following window is shown.

This window allows for annotation of downtime events. Basically the downtime events with missing annotation text
are shown. Before an annotation can be applied, valid input must be given to the field reason code. Input to root
cause and annotation text is optional.
The input to Reason code and Root cause are supported by a dropdown lists, which are read from the database file
\Prodb\SdrDowntimeReasons30.mdb. Since Root cause in most cases is an ECS point, the standard toolbuttons to
the Point list can be used to activate the pointlist and to fetch a point code to the selected Root cause field.

The Id of the alarm or event, the point code.

The time and date that the downtime event occurred

End of downtime
The time and date that the uptime event occurred

12 • Downtime Reason Annotation User Manual SDR Alarm List

Down period (h)
The measured downtime period in hours.

allows to refresh/reread the file \Prodb\SdrDowntimeReasons30.mdb, which is relevant, when the file was changed.

can toggle between a work view, see above, and a survey window, see below,that lists all recognized downtime
events together with their annotations.

An Annotation is stored as a seperat event in the event database, with

Event Text = <Reason code> | <Root cause> | <Annotation text>.
(The pipe character ‘|’, is used as a seperator and the total size of the text is limited to 80 characters.) Reason code
must contain a none empty text.

User Manual SDR Alarm List Downtime Reason Annotation • 13

Point Status View

Point Entries
The Point Status View is a dynamically updated list of points and values in the following column:

1. Type - A, B or Master Point (also a B-point)

2. Colour - Point colour, show the state of the point
3. Note - Show if a note has been written in Notepad to this point code.
4. Point Code - the point code
5. Point Text - the point text
6. Value - the current value of the point
7. Status - the current status of the point. Could be hierarchy suppressed (by the group, route or master point)
8. W/o suppress - the current status of the point it selves, disregarding hierarchy suppression.
9. MSW - the current machine status word (B points only)
10. Active Route - if the point is a member of one or more routes, this column will display the active one.
The fields Colour, Value, Status, w/o suppress and MSW are normally updated every second. The Note field is
updated every 5 minutes.
All fields are updated when pressing the refresh button or [F5]
The columns can be moved and resized and the application will save the positions when ending.

Point Filtering
Use the button to show the point view toolbar.

The Point filter has the following capabilities selectable from three combo boxes:
The first box filters on the general status of the point.

14 • Point Status View User Manual SDR Alarm List

The second box between A and B points.
The third on the status text on the point.
The three filters are “anded” together, so that all three filters has to be fullfilled.
The last part of the filter is to choose between all members or only direct members off a the plant, department or
group. For the plant scope all members can only be selected if one off the filters has the plant icon .
The general status filter has the following entries.
None - No filter active
Suppressed - Show suppressed points of all kinds.
Operator Alarm Suppressed - Show points in the system that are Operator Alarm Suppressed.
Report Suppressed - Show points in the system that are Report Suppressed.
Point Alarm suppressed – Show points that are point alarm suppressed.
Hierarchically alarm suppressed – Show points that are hierarchically alarm suppressed.
Normal - Show points that are in 'Normal'
Not Normal - Show points that are not in 'Normal'
Operating - Show points that are in operating.
Not Operating - Show points that are not oparating
Undefined - Show points that are undefined.
The filter stays active until 'None' is selected. This can also be done by clicking once on the point filter button.

Using Point Status View

The user can navigate the point list in the same way the Alarm list is navigated.
When a line is clicked, the point will be selected and used if a program is started from the toolbar, ex. the Point
If the point code is double-clicked the tree will navigate to that point, showing its sub points (if it is a master point)
or just show a single line with the clicked point.
If the Note column is double-clicked, Notepad will open and show notes with the clinked point code.

User Manual SDR Alarm List Point Status View • 15

Point Grid View

The Point Grid shows the status colour of all the points in one or several departments. This gives a general overview
of the state of the points in the department.

The selection is done by expanding or collapsing the desired departments in the tree. The details of a point can be
viewed either by hovering over it and read the tool-tip or by clicking it and changing view to the Point Status View.
Moving to Alarm view will show alarms for the clicked point.
The Zoom function in settings dialog will make the points larger or smaller.

Grid Filtering
Use the button to show the grid view toolbar.
The grid view toolbar is similar to the point grid toolbar except for selection between all members and direct
members. All expanded members is allways included in the view and filter.

16 • Point Grid View User Manual SDR Alarm List

Glossary of Terms

A Point
Analogue point

Active alarms
The same as pending alarms

Alarm Reset
Deactivates the alarm.

Alarm Silence
Silence the alarm, but keeping it active.

Alarm view
The mode where alarm and events are viewed

B Point
Binary point

A department contains Groups only.

Downtime reason annotation

A form to annotate downtime events by a reason code and other attributes.

Emission alarm annotation

A from to comment emission alarms.

A group can contain Routes, Master points and points.

User Manual SDR Alarm List Glossary of Terms • 17

Home Picture
OpStation picture associated to a point.

Master Point
Can contain several points in a logical unit. For example this enables you to suppress sub-points in one shot.

Machine Status Word

The Notepad application, enables you to write comments to an alarm or other event in the system. If the note is
related to a point, a pencil icon will mark the point and alarms to that point, in both the Alarm list and the Point
status list.

Pending alarms is alarms that have not been reset.

The Plant is the top-level container and consists of departments.

Point Grid View

The mode where a quick overview of point status for many points can be given.

Point status view

The mode where a list of points and there values and status can be viewed

All alarms has a priority from 1 (high) to 5 (low), to show the alarms inportances

Two or more points can form a route. A point can be member of several routes but only with one of them active.

Status bar
The information area at the bottom of the screen.

If a point is in a suppressed state, an alarm form the point will not become active. This could used if the point is in an
inactive route or if the operator has manually suppressed it.

system Tree
The tree in left side of the screen, showing all Departments, Groups, Routes, Master points and points, in the system.

18 • Glossary of Terms User Manual SDR Alarm List

A control with buttons

Windows Start menu

The Start button in the lower left corner of the screen.

User Manual SDR Alarm List Glossary of Terms • 19

Go to top 6
Grid Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1, 16

Index Group Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on

page 4, 14

Help 4

Information 1, 5, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 8
A Introduction 1

A Point 4
Active Route 14
Alarm Reset 3 major elements 1
Alarm Silence 3 Master Point 4, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
Alarm type Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry entry on page 14
on page 8 modes 1
Alarm view Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry MSW Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
on page 1, 8, 10, 16 page 14
Application Overview 1
Navigating 6, 10
B Point 5 navigation 1, 2, 5
Not Normal status 15
C Note 4, 9, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 14
Category Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on Notepad 4, 9, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
page 9 entry on page 14
Changing the View 3
Colour 8, 14, 16

D Operator Alarm Suppressed 15

Opstation Home Picture 4
dates 10
Department Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 2, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 5, 10, 16 Page Status Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
Downtime reason annotation 12 on page 6
Pending alarms 9
E Plant Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 4, 5
Emission alarm annotation 11 Point Code Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
Error 4, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on on page 8, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
page 8 entry on page 12, Error! Not a valid
Event 1, 8 bookmark in entry on page 14
Event Text 8 Point Configuration 4
Point Grid View Error! Not a valid bookmark in
F entry on page 1, 16
Point parameters 4
Filter functions 4 Point Status View Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 1, Error! Not a valid
bookmark in entry on page 14, 16
Point Text 14

User Manual SDR Alarm List Index • 21

Print 4
Priority 9
Process alarm 8

Refresh view 2, 5
Report Suppressed 15
Route 4, 14

scrollbar 7
Show Notes 15
Start Programs 4
Starting the application 1
Status Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 5, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 10, 16
Status Bar 2, 4, 5, 10
Suppressed status 15
System alarm 8
system Tree 1, 4

Time filter Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 10
Toolbar 5, 10, 15
Tree Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1, 5, 10, 16
Tree navigation 2, 5
Trend 4

User 1, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 9, 15

Value Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 14

Warning 4, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 8

Zoom 16

22 • Index User Manual SDR Alarm List

User Manual

SDR/ECS Language
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 2:37p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrLangCfgUi30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Language Configuration 1
Introduction 1
Language Configuration 1
Language Selection 2

Glossary of Terms 3

Index 5

User Manual SDR/ECS Language Configuration Contents • iii

Language Configuration

The information displayed in ECS dialog forms can be presented in one of two languages. The two languages are
referred to as the local language and the default language. The local and default languages are assigned by using the
Language Configuration utility. An operator can then select the desired langauge by using the Language
Selection utility.

Language Configuration
To assign the default and local languages, select Language Configuration from the desktop Start menu.

Select the desired languages from the appropriate list boxes. The Default language is the language initially used
for all accounts. The Local language is the second language available for assignment by the workstation operator.
The Language file folder text field indicates the location of the language database.
If This form in English is enabled, the information in this window is presented in the English language. If the
field is disabled, the information in this window is presented in the Default language assigned to the workstation.

User Manual SDR/ECS Language Configuration Language Configuration • 1

Language Selection
To select a language, start the Language Selection utility from the desktop Start menu.

Used the option buttons to select the desired language: Local or Default.

The language selection applies to the workstation where the assignment is made. Each ECS workstation can have a
separate language assignment.

2 • Language Configuration User Manual SDR/ECS Language Configuration

Glossary of Terms

User Manual SDR/ECS Language Configuration Glossary of Terms • 3


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual SDR/ECS Language Configuration Index • 5

User Manual

SDR User Login

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 3:02p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrLoginUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR User Login 1
Introduction 1
SDR User Login 2
SDR User Logoff Policy 3
SDR User Logon Status 4
SDR User Login Features 4
SDR User Login Restrictions 4

Glossary of Terms 5

Index 7

User Manual SDR User Login Contents • iii

SDR User Login

This manual describes the procedure used to perform a SDR User login onto the SDR system.
A SDR User login implies that the set of rights associated with an ECS user account can be changed without having
to go through a complete windows logoff/Logon sequence. SDR user logins do only apply to SDR user accounts
associated with the SdrLoginUsers group. It is recommended that users logs onto windows with an account that is
member of this group only, as such an account has no rights with respect to the ECS system as such. The user
should then logo onto the ECS system (using the SDR Login program) with his own set of credentials.
The SDR User name defaults to the windows logon name unless it is changed with the SDR Login program. The
actual user rights with respect to the ECS system is defined by the rights associated with the User name (whether this
name is defined implicitly or explicitly). All reports, user initiated events and etc. will be tagged with the SDR User
Explicit SDR User logons do only live for a specified time period. When the time interval has elapsed an automatic
logoff is performed and the SDR User name defaults to the Windows User name.
SDR User logons cannot be performed from accounts that are not member of the SdrLoginUsers group. In this case
the SDR Login program can only be used to display any Windows and SDR User logon accounts currently in use.
Windows User names supporting SDR User logons must be unique throughout the entire ECS system at any given
point of time, i.e. if a Windows User name is already being used an automatic Windows Logoff sequence will take
place. The user will be informed about this action but cannot prevent it. Exiting the SDR Login program will also
result in an automatic Windows Logoff sequence taking place.
Automatic Windows Logoff will never be initiated for the predefined user accounts FlsaServer, FlsaMain and
Flsa. These accounts get special treatment.
SDR User logon does only apply to ECS system running in Run mode. If the SDR Login program detects that the
system is running in Maintenance mode it exits and informs the user. Automatic Windows Logoff is not taking
place in this case.
With the introduction of the SDR User Login concept a new predefined account – FlsaPc – has been introduced.
This account is member of the SDRLoginUsers group only and is intended as a test and template account.

User Manual SDR User Login SDR User Login • 1

SDR User Login
SDR User Login is performed using the Logon tab in the SDR Login program. The User Name and Password is
validated pressing the Login button. If validation is successful a SDR User login is performed and the window is
minimized. If validation fails, a failure message is displayed in the status bar. The SDR Login window with the
Logon tab selected is show in the figure below.

Pressing the Login button will initiate a SDR User Login operation. If “User Name” and “Password” can be
validated an Sdr User Login takes place. The contents to the right of “Sdr User:” will reflect this change and the
window are minimized. If “User Name” and “Password” cannot be validated the message “Invalid Credentials” is
displayed in the status bar.
The window can be minimized manually by pressing the Minimize button. A SDR User Logon session can be
terminated pressing the Logout button.

2 • SDR User Login User Manual SDR User Login

SDR User Logoff Policy
A SDR User Logon Session will be terminated after a specified time interval. The session will be terminated every
full hour or after the specified time interval has elapsed. The Apply button becomes active when the Logoff Policy
has been changed. Setting the time interval to 0 implies that automatic session logoff is disabled. The SDR Login
window with the Logoff Policy tab selected is show in the figure below.

User Manual SDR User Login SDR User Login • 3

SDR User Logon Status
Current SDR User Logon sessions for the complete ECS system is displayed by selecting the Logon Session tab.
For accounts not supporting SDR User login only the Logon Session tab is enabled and a Minimize button is added
in order to be able to minimize the window. The SDR Login window with the Logon Session tab selected is show
in the figure below.

SDR User Login Features

The SDR Login program (SdrLoginUi30.exe) operates closely with the User Access Control server program
(SdrUacSvr30.exe). Thus if the Uac server cannot be started or stops responding for any reason the SDR Login
program will initiate a Windows Logoff.
Furthermore, Windows User names must be unique throughout the complete ECS system otherwise a Windows
Logoff sequence will take place. This feature does only apply to Windows Accounts supporting the
SDRLoginUsers right.
The predefined accounts FlsaServer, FlsaMain and Flsa get special treatment and automatic Windows logoff
will be take place.
The predefined account FlsaPc is provided as a test and template account.

SDR User Login Restrictions

If the SDR Login program (ECS Login) is removed from the Start -> Programs -> Startup folder user accounts
having the SDRLoginUsers right should not be used as this will imply that the computer enters a sequence of 20
second timeout intervals which will never end. For any practical purpose the computer appears to hang.

4 • SDR User Login User Manual SDR User Login

Glossary of Terms

User Manual SDR User Login Glossary of Terms • 5


SDRLoginUsers 4

User Manual SDR User Login Index • 7

User Manual

SDR Maintenance
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 3:57p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRMaintenanceUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Maintenance 1
Introduction 1
ECS System Modes 1
Run Mode 1
Maintenance Mode 2
Current Mode 3
Data Synchronization 3
Data Synchronization Procedure 3
Backup Operation 4
Backup Procedure 4
Restore Operation 6
Restore Restrictions 6
Restore Procedure 6
SQL Management 7
Miscellaneous 8
Removable Storage 8
Scheduled backup 9
SDR Licensing 9
Add unprivileged user 10
Personalized Settings 10

Glossary of Terms 13

Index 15

User Manual SDR Maintenance Contents • iii

SDR Maintenance

The SDR Maintenance manual describes the Maintenance utility and the details associated with the Maintenance
mode. The information is provided in the following sections:

• Selecting System Modes

• Data Synchronization
• Backup Operation
• Restore Operation
• SQL Database Management
• Miscellaneous

The latter provides information for managers only and the following information is provided:

• Removable Storeage management

• Scheduled Backup
• Licensing
• Add new non-administrative user

The Maintenance utility can also be used to shutdown the ECS workstation in an orderly manner.

ECS System Modes

The ECS system operates in either a maintenance mode or a run mode. The run mode defines the ECS system
state when all applications responsible for data collection, logging , and processing are started and operational.
The maintenance mode defines the ECS system state prior to application initialization. The maintenance mode is
used to perform system functions that cannot be executed while the ECS system is running.

Run Mode
When the computer is booted, the ECS system is automatically started. All applications required collecting, log, and
process application data are operational at about the same time the Logon window appears. This is the normal
operating mode.

User Manual SDR Maintenance SDR Maintenance • 1

Maintenance Mode
When the ECS system is booted to the maintenance mode, the ECS system is not started. The ECS system
automatically enters the maintenance mode immediately after the ECS software is installed. This enables the user to
assign system parameters and perform system functions prior to booting to the run mode for the first time.
At all other times, the maintenance mode must be requested while in the ECS run mode. When the maintenance
mode is requested, the workstation is configured to restart in the maintenance mode the next time it is booted.
After the system is booted to the maintenance mode, the user must then log into the maintenance mode account
(FlsaMain) or the FLSA administrator account (FlsaServer) to perform maintenance functions.
The functions performed in the maintenance mode include:
Data Synchronization between dual Servers.
Backup graphic, log, and database files to disk or tape/disk (usb).
Restore graphic, log, and database files from disk or tape/disk (usb).
ECS License keys assignments. (Future)
ECS System Configuration, which includes System and Factory name assignments, database backup period
assignment, ECS Language configuration, and Point database size configuration.

Selecting the Maintenance Mode

1. While in the Run mode select Maintenance from the Start menu.

2. After the Maintenance mode utility starts, select the Select Mode tab and choose the desired Maintenance
Mode option.
Proceed to Maintenance mode restarting the computer. The ECS and Windows systems shut
down and a reboot to the maintenance mode is initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the
FlsaMain account. The maintenance utility starts and the Maintenance display appears.
Proceed to Maintenance mode Shutting down the computer. The ECS and windows systems
shut down. After the shutdown has finished, power can be removed from the system (if not done
automatically). After power is restored, a boot to the maintenance mode is initiated. When the logon prompt
appears, log into the FlsaMain account. The maintenance utility starts and the Maintenance display
3. After choosing the maintenance mode option, click on the OK command.

2 • SDR Maintenance User Manual SDR Maintenance

Selecting the Run Mode
1. While in the Maintenance mode, locate and select Maintenance from the desktop Start menu.

2. After the Maintenance mode utility starts, select the Select Mode tab and choose the desired Run Mode
Proceed to Run Mode Restarting the computer. The ECS and Windows systems shut down and a
reboot to the run mode is initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the Flsa account.
Proceed to Run Mode down the computer for run mode The ECS and NT systems shut down.
After the shutdown is executed, power can be removed from the system. After power is restored, a reboot to
the run mode is initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the Flsa account.
3. After choosing the run mode option, click on the OK command.

Current Mode
The current mode is displayed at the bottom (just above the status bar providing the status of the last scheduled
backup) of the Maintenance window. This information is available independent of the tab being selected.
A yellow circle indicates maintenance mode, while a green circle designates run mode.

Data Synchronization
In dual Server system configurations, data synchronization normally occurs automatically. However, if one of the
Server partners is down for any period of time, data must be synchronized manually. This data synchronization is
performed in the Maintenance mode.

Data Synchronization Procedure

When a dual Server is down for any period of time, it must be synchronized with its Server partner before being
placed in ECS Run mode.
1. Reboot the Server. This automatically starts the Server in ECS Run mode.
2. Restart the Server in Maintenance mode. Refer to Maintenance Mode.
3. After the Maintenance window appears, select the Data sync(hronization) tab.

User Manual SDR Maintenance SDR Maintenance • 3

4. Select the items to synchronize by clicking on the Enabled checkbox. The Description column identifies
the type of data to synchronize. The Subsystem column identifies the subsystem to which the data is
associated (Sdr, Cem, Fuz, etc.). The list of subsystems depends on the number of installed (sub)systems. It
is noted that if the subsystem “SimS7” (Siemens Softnet S7) is present synchronization of this subsystem
should only be performed provided computer specific data are stored in different directories, i.e. Siemens
Softnet S7 has been configured in accordance with recommendations.
5. Click on the OK command. The items with a check in the Enabled field are synchronized with the Server
6. A window appears to indicate the completion of the data synchronization. Click on the Close command to
return to the Maintenance display. Click on the View Log command to review any messages that were
generated during the synchronization.

Backup Operation
This section describes the procedure used to backup system files to disk or removable storage, i.e. tape or (usb)disk.
The backup procedure can be performed both in the Run or Maintenance mode.

Backup Procedure
1. Locate and select Maintenance from the desktop Start menu.
2. When the Maintenance window appears, select the Backup tab.

4 • SDR Maintenance User Manual SDR Maintenance

3. Select each item to backup to the backup folder by clicking on its Enabled checkbox. In order to guide the
user in this selection process a color column and the number in Priority column has been provided.
Priority 1 (and deep red) implies that the files are required in case the system must be reinstalled. Priority 2
implies 'nice to have' files. These files are not needed when restoring a system The Description column
identifies the file. The Subsystem column identifies the subsystem to which the files are associated (Sdr,
Cem Fuz, etc.). The list of subsystems depends on the number of installed (sub)systems. For ease of
maintenance configuration files for third party products such as AB and Siemens SoftNet S7 (SimS7) can
be saved/restored individually. Users with administrative rights can change the priority by moving the
cursor into the proper field in the Priority column and left clicking the field. The combo list allows the user
to select priority 1 or 2.
4. Select the type of backup to be performed:
Backup to backup folder Saves the files whose Enabled field is checked to the backup directory,
Backup to removable storage from backup folder Copy the files from the backup directory,
FlsaDevBackup, to the selected removable storage device (tape or disk). Only managers can select the
removable storage device (for details see Removable Storage section below).
A backup from the system to tape/disk must be performed in two steps:
- Backup from system to the backup folder
- Backup from the backup folder to the tape/disk unit
5. Backup to backup folder selected.
Click on the OK command button to start the backup process. A window appears and indicates the progress
of the backup operation
6. Backup to removable storage from backup folder. Disk drive selected
Click on the OK command button to start copying files to the disk. A window appears and indicates the
progress of the operation. The files will be stored in subdirectories under the following path:
This design allows computers to save files without having to worry about backups being mixed.
7. Backup to removable storage from backup folder. Tape drive selected
Click on the OK command button to start the backup operation. This operation consists of 3 major phases.
Phase 1. This phase is very time consuming (up to app. 2 minutes) and handles the required tape media operations
using the functionality provided by the removable storage management component. Missing or write protected tape
cassette are dealt with in this phase.
Phase 2. In this phase the windows backup program (NTbackup.exe) is launched.
Phase 3. During this phase the tape cassette will be ejected (if supported by the tape drive) and general cleanup in
the database being managed by the Removable Storage Manager performed.

User Manual SDR Maintenance SDR Maintenance • 5

Restore Operation
This section describes the procedure used to restore ECS system files. A restore operation consists of two steps:
• Restore from removable storage device to the backup folder (Can be performed in the Run or Maintenance
• Restore from the backup folder to the system files (Must be performed in the Maintenance mode)

Restore Restrictions
The Maintenance program relies upon the existence of the database files SdrSystem30.mdb (ProDb) and
SdrMaintenanceUI30.mdb, Install_SdrCommon.mdb (NlsDb). Restoring of 'Language and installation files' (NlsDb)
files will thus result in errors being reported in the log file. Restoring of ProDb files might result in a different
subsystem layout for the next invocation of the Maintenance program.
In order to make a full restore of the 'Language and installation files' (NlsDb) and 'Data and configuration files'
(ProDb) directories the database files must be copied from the proper subdirectories under FlsaDevBackup to the
proper directories under FlsaDev using the Windows Explorer program.
Warning: Never restore ProDb and NlsDb files from a previous release to a newer release, e.g. v7.0sr1 files to a
v7.0sr2 system. Before you upgrade a system, from e.g. . v7.0sr1 to v7.0sr2, always take a backup. But, DO NOT
RESTORE ProDb and NlsDb AFTER THE UPGRADE. Only do a restore if you have lost ProDb or NlsDb files.

Restore Procedure
1. If a restore from the backup folder to the system is to be performed, verify that the system is in the
Maintenance mode. Refer to ECS Current Mode. Change to the Maintenance mode if necessary. Refer to
Booting to the Maintenance Mode.
2. Locate and select Maintenance from the desktop Start menu.
3. When the Maintenance window appears, select the Restore tab.

4. Select each item to be restored from tape to the backup folder by clicking on its Enabled checkbox. The
Description column identifies the file. The Subsystem column identifies the subsystem to which the file
is associated (Sdr, Cem, Fuz, etc.).
5. Select the type of restore to be performed.
6. Restore from backup folder.
Click on the OK command

6 • SDR Maintenance User Manual SDR Maintenance

Copies the files in the backup folder to the system. The system must be in the Maintenance mode
to use this option. The 'Restore from Backup folder' is disabled in 'run mode'.
7. Restore from removable storage to backup folder. Disk selected.
Copy the files from the removable storage device to the backup directory, FlsaDevBackup. This option can
be used in either mode - Maintenance or Run mode. The files must be located under the directory
This design ensures that restoring of files can be done without having to worry about the source of files.
8. Restore from removable storage to backup folder. Tape selected.
Click on the OK command button to start the backup operation. This operation consists of 3 major phases.
Phase 1. During this phase the media is identified and moved to the application media pool as preparation for the
restore operation. This phase is time consuming (up to app. 2 minutes) and handles the required tape media
operations using the functionality provided by the removable storage management component. Missing tape
cassettes are dealt with in this phase.
Phase 2. In this phase the windows backup program (NTbackup.exe) is launched. When the backup window
appears, press the restore tab. Then click on the name of the tape media pool in order to make a selection.. When
selection is completed press the 'Start Restore' button to initiate the restore operation. When the restore operation is
completed terminate the backup program.
Phase 3. During this phase the tape cassette will be ejected (if supported by the tape drive) and general cleanup in
the database being managed by the Removable Storage Manager performed.

SQL Management
The SQL DB tab is shown below. This tab is disabled if SQL Server 2000 with service pack SP3 or higher cannot be

1. Click on the OK command button to launch the SdrSqlJobsUI30 program. This program handles
management of SQL databases used by the QCX and PlantGuide products. The Maintenance program is
blocked until the SdrsqlJobsUi30 program terminates.
2. Terminate the SQL management program when finished in order to free the Maintenance program

User Manual SDR Maintenance SDR Maintenance • 7

This tab can only be selected by users having administrative rights. The tab holds four sub tabs dealing with
administrative details. These comprise the following:
Removable storage management
Scheduled backup summary
Adding unprivileged users
The sub tabs are shown below.

Removable Storage
This tab is used to manage removable storage devices. Pressing the Refresh button forces the system to look for
available tape drives and removable disks (usb devices). The available devices will be listed in the grid. To select
tape drives click on the Tape button and click on the USB Disk button to select disk drive.
In order to select a drive click on the preferred drive in the grid. At most one device can be selected. The selected
drive remains selected even after the device has been powered off and removed. Pressing the Refresh button will
deselect the drive.
The tab is shown in the previous section, but is repeated for easy of use

8 • SDR Maintenance User Manual SDR Maintenance

Scheduled backup
This tab gives a summary of the schedules. The information cannot not be modified from within this user interface.
The scheduled backup runs once a day at a quarter past four in the morning. Pressing the Run now forces a backup
operation to take place. In case of failure the first field in the status bar turns red. The status remains until a
successful 'Most Recent Run' operation has been completed.

SDR Licensing
The License tab is shown below. Use this tab to copy a license file from floppy to the flsadev\bin\license directory.
The license file must have extension .lic and be located in the directory a:\license. Furthermore, only one file with
extension .lic must exist in the directory on the floppy disk. When ready insert the floppy and press OK.

User Manual SDR Maintenance SDR Maintenance • 9

Add unprivileged user
This tab allows adding new unprivileged (i.e. users without administrative windows rights). The user will be created
with the proper Group membership (Flsa Users/Flsa Domain Users).
Existing accounts cannot be modified. Thus passwords cannot be assigned or changed for existing accounts.

Personalized Settings
The Personalized dialog shown below has an insert displaying and controlling the actual desktop style.

10 • SDR Maintenance User Manual SDR Maintenance

Desktop Style:
Desktop style set to Windows NT implies that whenever a new interactive application is started it will be the active
application and it will be brought on top of all interactive applications (if allowed by windows 2000 at all).
Desktop style set to Windows 2000 implies that the application that requires the users attention will have a flashing
icon in the task bar.
Press Apply or OK to activate the selection.

Start Menu Program Group

Selecting Startup implies that the Maintenance and Watchdog programs will be inserted into Startup groups for the
current user.
Selecting Desktop will add the ECS Documentation map icon to the desktop.
Selecting XXX adds the XXX program folder to the Start Menu.
In order to active the selection click OK

Show this dialog again.

Checking this box implies that the Personalized Settings will be inserted into the Startup group for the current
user, i.e. the program will be invoked on the next login to the current user account.
Press OK in order to make the selection.

User Manual SDR Maintenance SDR Maintenance • 11

Glossary of Terms

User Manual SDR Maintenance Glossary of Terms • 13


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual SDR Maintenance Index • 15

User Manual

ECS OpStation
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 4:01p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrOpStationUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS OpStation 1
Introduction 1
ECS OpStation Description 1
Menu Commands 2
Status Bar 4
Tool Bar 4
Function Keys 5
Mouse 6
Graphic Displays 6
Softbuttons 6
Picture Back 6
Popup Windows 7
Faceplates 7
Closing Popup and Faceplate Windows 8
Graphic Display Elements 8
Display Element Behavior 8
Point Value Entry Element 9
Thermometer Elements 10
Trend Element 11
Slider Element 12

Glossary of Terms 13

Index 15

User Manual ECS OpStation Contents • iii

ECS OpStation

The ECS OpStation application presents process graphics to the SDR system operator. These graphics, also called
pictures, models and mimic displays, include display elements that are used to monitor and control the plant
operation. The details associated with the ECS OpStation are described in the following sections:

• ECS OpStation Description

• Graphic Displays
• Graphic Display Elements

ECS OpStation Description

ECS OpStation Startup
The ECS OpStation is started by selecting ECS OpStation in the desktop Start menu. When the application starts,
a process graphic previously assigned as the top model is opened. The Topmodel is assigned through the ECS
OpStation Configuration Utility or locally from the Options menu.

Typically, the ECS OpStation utility is automatically started when the user logs into the flsa account.

User Manual ECS OpStation ECS OpStation • 1

Menu Commands
The commands available in the OpStation menu bar are used to open process graphics, modify the appearance of the
OpStation window and start other SDR applications.

Picture Menu
Open Locate and open a graphic file. Requires the Ops_AllowOpen right.
Print Generate a printout. Four types of objects may be printed:
Picture Print the current picture only. The title area is not printed.
Window Print the main window including the title area.
Application Print the main window and all popups
Screen Print the entire desktop
Print Setup.. Change print parameters. Printer, number of copies, layout, etc,
Print on White Background Change background color to white while printing
Top Open top model picture
<Most Recently Used Items> Any one of the most recently used graphic files can be opened by selecting its
name from this list. Requires the Ops_AllowOpen right.
Refresh All Force data servers to refresh cached data. Can be used after changing configuration data. Adding points
to ECS or other configuration stuff.
Exit Close the ECS OpStation application.

Alarm Menu
Silence Turn off the audible alarm for the current department.
Reset Reset all alarms associated with the current department.
Dep. Alarm List Open the Alarm List for the current department.
Point Alarm List Open the Alarm list for the selected point.
Group point status list Open the Alarm list for the selected points parent group.

Control Menu
Select Send select command to PLC for selected point (group or device). The devices selected in this manner are
affected by a subsequent start or stop command.
Start Send start command for all selected groups and devices
Stop Send stop command for all selected groups and devices
Quick Stop Send quick stop command for the current department. All equipment will be stopped immediately.
Master Stop Send master stop command for the current department. All equipment will be stopped in a manner
described by the PLC program.

Trend Menu
Trend Package Open the SDR Trend display.
Point Trend Open the SDR Trend display with the selected point assigned to the trend set.

2 • ECS OpStation User Manual ECS OpStation

Point Menu
Point List Open the SDR Point List
Add to Favorite List Add the selected point to the global list of favorite points. This list can be accessed by other
SDR applications.
Point Parameters Open the SDR Point Parameters display for the selected point.
Point Configuration Open the point configuration display for the selected point.

Point Faceplate Open a faceplate for a given point give as an entry.

Options Menu
Show Status Bar Display or Remove the ECS OpStation status bar. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Show Tooltips Do or do not display point code tooltips on the pictures. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Use Mid Mouse Button for Control Select If checked, a click on the mid button on a display element will send
a select command to the PLC if applicable to the owner point. Same function as Select from Control Menu. If not
checked, the faceplate (if any) associated the display element will be displayed. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Use Double Click As Mid Mouse Button If checked, double click will behave like mid mouse button click.
Should be checked if the mouse only have two buttons. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Auto Close Faceplates If checked, currently open faceplates and popup windows will automatically be closed
when the picture in main window is changed. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Max Faceplates… Specify the maximum number of faceplates that can be opened at a time. A number from 1 to
10. No limitation if “>10” is selected.
Use Default Topmodel Set Topmodel to be the one assigned through ECS OpStation Configuration for the
workstation. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Set Current Picture As Topmodel Set Topmodel to be the currently displayed picture. Requires
Ops_AllowOptions right.
Window not moveable The window cannot be moved or scaled.
Confirm program close A confirmation box is shown if Opstation is closed.
One incarnation of OpStation If checked only incarnation of OpStation will be able to be started in the session.

Toolbar menu
Left Select to show toolbar left. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Right Select to show toolbar right. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Top Select to show toolbar at the top. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Hide Select to hide the toolbar. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Use large toolbar icons If checked the icons are 32x32 else the are 16x16. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.
Customize Customize the toolbar. Requires Ops_AllowOptions right.

Help menu
Help Topics Access the ECS OpStation help system.
About OpStation Display the ECS OpStation version

Picture back and forward menu buttons

Use the arrows to move forward and backward in the current stack. The arrow will be blue if it can be used.

User Manual ECS OpStation ECS OpStation • 3

Status Bar
The status bar at the bottom of the OpStation display window are described from left to right.

Department Displays the name of the current department. Each graphic is associated with a department. When the
graphic is opened, the graphic’s department becomes the selected department.
Point Code Displays the point code of the selected point. A point is selected by clicking on display element
associated with the point.
Point Text Displays the point text of the selected point.
Point Value Displays the current value of the selected point.
Point Status Displays the current status of the selected point.
Io Control Displays the latest Io operation sent from OpStation
Error Displays the last error detected in a picture.
Right Double clicking on the status bar will bring up a error box with the errors that occurred when a picture was
loaded and the errors that happened in the last scan. The error box is modal.

Tool Bar
The tool bar provides a convenient way to initiate OpStation commands. To view the command associated with a
button, place the mouse pointer over the button for a few seconds. A small window appears displaying the name of
the toolbar command.
The toolbar can be moved anywhere within the OpStation display window. To move the toolbar, click within the
button area and drag the bar to the desired location. The toolbar can also be resized in the same manner as a window
is resized.
The toolbar can be configured by double clicking on a separator. (Requires the Ops_AllowOptions right)
The buttons of the tool bar are defined as follows.

Open Topmodel

Open Graphic

Print Graphic

Send select command to PLC for selected group or device. The devices selected in this manner are affected by
a subsequent start or stop command.

Send start command for all selected groups and devices

Send stop command for all selected groups and devices

Send quick stop command for the current department. All equipment will be stopped immediately.

Send master stop command for the current department. All equipment will be stopped in a manner described by
the PLC program

4 • ECS OpStation User Manual ECS OpStation

Turn off the audible alarm for the current department.

Reset all alarms for the current department

Open the alarm list for the current department

Open the alarm list for the selected point

Open the alarm list for the selected point’s group.

Open the SDR Trend display

Open the SDR Trend display with the selected point assigned to the trend group

Open the SDR Point List

Add the selected point to the favorite points

Open the SDR Point Parameter display for the selected point

Open the SDR Point Configuration display for the selected point

Open the ECS Note Pad and display notes for the selected point

Open the online help file

Function Keys
The keyboard function keys provide shortcuts to certain menu items. The following function keys are used:
F1 Help
F5 Reset
F7 Control Start
F8 Control Stop
F9 Alarm Silence
F10 Alarm Reset
F12 Open Topmod

User Manual ECS OpStation ECS OpStation • 5

Either a 3-button mouse or a 2-button mouse may be used. For a 2-button mouse the Options/Use Double Click
as Mid Mouse Button can be set.
The buttons are used as follows:
Left button (LMB) is used to activate buttons, menus, window operations and to select display elements in the
graphic pictures.
Mid button (MMB) is used to set up a faceplate associated the display element clicked upon. However, if
Options/Use Mid Mouse Button for Control Select is set, a control select command will be executed, if
applicable to the display element.
Right button (RMB) is used to activate a popup menu related to the display element clicked upon. If clicked in a
place on the picture where there is no display element (background) the previous picture will be displayed.

Graphic Displays
Many graphic displays are created to present multiple levels of detail for different plant areas or departments. These
displays are arranged in a hierarchy. The operator navigates the hierarchy by clicking on display elements with the
workstation mouse.
The top of the display hierarchy is the top model that is started when the ECS OpStation is initialized. The hierarchy
is navigated from this point by clicking on display elements called softbuttons.

Softbuttons are graphic elements that appear like push buttons. When these buttons are pushed a process graphic or a
popup window assigned to the softbutton appears. The new display allows the user to view multiple levels of detail
or different areas of the plant.
The text information on the softbutton identifies the display that is opened when the button is pushed. To open a
display, move the mouse pointer to the softbutton and press the left mouse button. The first graphic (parent graphic)
closes and the graphic identified by the name on the softbutton opens.

Picture Back
Click the right mouse button in the background area of graphic to return to the previous picture on the stack if any. If
you click the right mouse button on a display element you can select Picture Back from the popup menu to return
to the parant graphic.

6 • ECS OpStation User Manual ECS OpStation

Popup Windows
A softbutton that opens a popup window appears as any other softbutton. When this softbutton is pressed, a popup
window appears, but the parent graphic remains open. Both displays can be viewed and used at the same time. The
popup window normally provides special control symbols for the area of the graphic where the popup softbutton

Unlike normal popup windows which are activated by click on softbuttons, faceplates are activated by click with mid
mouse button on a display element with an associated owner point.
Faceplates are popup windows that display information related to the display element from where it was activated.

User Manual ECS OpStation ECS OpStation • 7

If a faceplate is resized (by dragging the border), the new size will apply to any subsequent activation of the same
faceplate, also next time OpStation is started. The same is true for normal popup windows.
Faceplates are brougth in focus by click in the window.
Faceplates are associated with display elements either directly through the ECS OpStation Editor or indirectly via the
point algorithm. The latter is defined through the ECS OpStation Configuration utility. If the display element has a
faceplate directly associated, this will be used, otherwise the faceplate associated the point algorithm will be used.

Closing Popup and Faceplate Windows

Popup windows and faceplates are closed by clicking on the close

button at the top right of the window.

If the option "Auto Close Faceplates" is set in the Options menu, then all popup windows and faceplates will be
closed automatically when another picture in the main window is changed.

Graphic Display Elements

A process graphic consists of drawing objects and symbols called display elements. These elements are used to
represent instrumentation and equipment throughout the plant operation. There are two types of mimic display
elements: dynamic and static.
A dynamic display element connects to a process device through the ECS system software. The dynamic element
reflects the current status of the device, for example by changing color or updating text. Static display elements are
used to present a schematic view of the process area. Static elements do not change and are intended to provide a
familiar representation of the process and process equipment to the OpStation user.

Display Element Behavior

A dynamic display element is connected to the process by assigning the element to a database point. When this
assignment is made, the point is referred to as the owner of the display element. When the mimic display is
activated, the type, status and value of the database point determine the behavior of the display element.
Display element behavior falls into two categories: output behavior and input behavior. The output behavior is how
the appearance of the element changes when the owner point changes value or status. The input behavior is the
action initiated when the user clicks on the element with a mouse button.

Output Behavior
The type of element determines the output behavior of a dynamic element. A point value can be shown as a text
string (123.45 Deg C) or as a percentage in a bar graph. The value (for B-points) can be displayed as a text string
(RUN) or the color of the symbol itself can indicate its value (Running = Green; Stopped = Brown; etc.).

Point Values
A - points are displayed as numeric values along with the engineering units (30.7%). The value of a B-point is shown
as a text string (RUN or SEL). The color of the text or numeric value indicates the point status.

Point Status
Text strings, values, or symbols, associated with a point, change color to signify the current status of the connected
device. In general, green indicates a normal condition and flashing red indicates an alarm state. The flashing red
changes to solid red after the alarm is acknowledged.

The colors used to indicate the current status of point can be configured to meet the specific needs of the user. The
colors described in this manual are the default color assignments.

8 • ECS OpStation User Manual ECS OpStation

Input Behavior
During system operation, the OpStation user can initiate specific actions by clicking on a mimic display element.
The action that takes place is dependent upon the input behavior of the element and the mouse button that is used.
An input action is used to select a point, an external data element, or initiate one of many commands available in the
popup menu.

Selecting Points
Points can be selected by clicking on a display element owned by the point with the left mouse button. The name and
point text of the selected point appears in the Status bar at the bottom of the OpStation window. Many of the
OpStation menus and toolbar commands affect the selected point.

Selecting External data elements

External might in the same way be selected by the user. Now the Status bar will illustrated the selection made. The
status bar reflects the external data depending on implementation. Read the documentation made by the external data
provider. (Fuzzy, Acesys, QCX, etc)

Popup Menu
The popup menu is accessed by clicking the right mouse button on a display element. When the mouse is clicked,
the owner of the display element becomes the selected point.

Picture Back Returns to the previous picture.

Faceplate Displays a faceplate popup associated with the selected point.

Point Alarm List Opens the SDR Alarm List and displays the alarms for the selected point.
Point List Opens the SDR Point List
Add to Favorite List Adds the selected point to the favorite point list.
Point Parameters Opens the Point Parameters window and displays the parameters and statistics for the selected
Point Configuration Opens the Point Configuration display and shows the configuration parameters for the
selected point.
ECS Note Pad Opens the ECS Note Pad and display notes for the selected point
Point Trend Opens the Point Trend display with the selected point assigned to the trend package.
If an external dataelement is selected the menu will only contain the two first entries.
Any subsystem (e.g. Acesys, QCX, ..etc) can provide entries to the popupmenu.

Point Value Entry Element

The Point Value Entry element is a display element that displays a database point value and allows the point value to
be changed if the user has the appropriate access privileges.

User Manual ECS OpStation ECS OpStation • 9

Point Value Modify Procedure
To modify the value, move the mouse pointer to the field and click the left mouse button. A box surrounds the
element, the background changes to blue, and the color of the value text changes to black (highlighting). The value is
frozen when highlighted.
Use the keyboard to change the old value. This phase will turn the highligthing background color to white. F2 or
Left arrow key allows you to do inline editing instead of retyping the whole field.
Press the keyboard Enter key to assign the new value and send it to the PLC. When the value is sent, the text color
will turn grey. When the new value is accepted by the PLC and returned to the database, the highlighting of the field
will be turned off. This is also the case if the new value is not returned within a timeout period.
Cancel the operation by clicking the mouse button outside the element or pressing Esc key.

Thermometer Elements
Thermometer elements are used to represent a point value in a horizontal, vertical or deviation from normal bar
A thermometer presents the entire display range (Graphical Low Limit - Graphical High Limit) of a point as an
unfilled rectangle. The current point value is displayed by filling in the rectangle. This provides a visual indication of
the value with respect to the graphical low and high limits. The color used to represent the value is determined by the
status of the point.

There are three types of thermometer:

• Basic Thermometer
• Thermometer with Scale
• Deviation Thermometer

Basic Thermometer
The Basic Thermometer displays the value of an A-Point as a percentage based upon the present value and the
graphical low and high limits. The thermometer also includes thin lines to represent the normal value and the alarm
limits. The line indicating the normal value is green and the alarm limit lines are red.

10 • ECS OpStation User Manual ECS OpStation

Thermometer with Scale
The Thermometer with Scale displays the value of an A-Point in the same manner as the Basic Thermometer. The
Thermometer with Scale however includes a scale with numeric values to indicate graphical low, graphical high, and
midrange. The thermometer also includes thin lines to represent the normal value and alarm limits. The line
indicating the normal value is green and the alarm limit lines are red.

Deviation Thermometer
The Deviation Thermometer displays the value of an A-Point as deviation from an assigned normal value. As the
point value changes, the bar graph is filled to indicate the amount the value has moved from normal. The graph fills
to the left when the value is less than normal. The graph fills to the right when the value is greater than normal. The
thermometer also includes thin lines to represent the normal value and alarm limits. The line indicating the normal
value is green and the alarm limit lines are red.

Trend Element
A trend element is used to display the most recent historical values on a graph. The graph’s y-axis represents the
point value and the x-axis represents time. The entire trend window covers a period of time called the trend horizon.
The right most fourth of the trend is called the update horizon. The trend window is updated with new values each
time a pre-assigned update period expires.
Up to 4 points can be assigned to a trend element. All points have the same trend and update horizons.

User Manual ECS OpStation ECS OpStation • 11

Slider Element
The slider element consists of a large rectangle that represents the output range (Output Range Low - Output Range
High) and a slider bar (smaller rectangle). The location of the slider bar indicates the value as a percentage of the
range limits. If the current value is equal to Output Range High, the slider bar appears at the top of the slider. If the
current value is equal to Output Range Low, the slider bar appears at the bottom of the slider.
To modify the value associated with the slider, move the mouse pointer to the slider bar. Click and hold the left
mouse button. Move the slider bar until it is in the desired location. Release the mouse button.
The slider element includes thin lines to display the normal value and alarm limits. The line indicating the normal
value is green, the alarm limit lines are red, and the color of the slider bar represents the current status of the point.

12 • ECS OpStation User Manual ECS OpStation

Glossary of Terms

Current department
The department associated the picture currently displayed. See Owner Model in ECS OpStation Editor.

A popup window which displays information related to the owner point of the display element from where it was

Selected point
The owner point of the last display element clicked (marked with surrounding rectangle). The point properties are
shown in the status bar.

The entry picture when OpStation is started. Normally contains buttons to reach other pictures.The Topmodel is the
top of the picture hierarchy.

User Manual ECS OpStation Glossary of Terms • 13


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual ECS OpStation Index • 15

User Manual

SDR Partner Configuration

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 4:08p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRPartnerCfgUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Partner Configuration 1
Introduction 1
Partner Configuration Utility 1
Server Configuration 2
Single Server 2
Time Service 3
Dual Server 4
Time Service (dual) 4
Client Configuration 6
Client Partner Change 7
System Restart 7

Glossary of Terms 9

Index 11

User Manual SDR Partner Configuration Contents • iii

SDR Partner Configuration

The SDR Partner Configuration utility is used at a Server workstation to assign the type of Server configuration
(single or dual) and the Server partner in a dual configuration is utilized. The utility is also used at a Client
workstation to associate a Server.

Partner Configuration Utility

The Partner Configuration utility is accessed from the desktop Start menu. The top portion of the display window is
used to select the FLSA subsystem (SDR, CEM, Fuzzy) and to identify this workstation type (Server/Client). Each
subsystem type can have a different configuration.

User Manual SDR Partner Configuration SDR Partner Configuration • 1

Assign the workstation type by enabling the appropriate option choice - Client or Server. After the workstation
type is selected, the related tab at the bottom of the screen is enabled.

Server Configuration
When the computer is identified as a Server, the Server tab at the bottom of the Partner configuration window is
enabled. Server configuration assignments can only be made in the SDR Maintenance mode.

Single Server
If a single Server configuration is used, disable the Dual option, enter the name of the computer in the text field
Computer name of Timeserver (if not already provided) and then click on the Apply command.

2 • SDR Partner Configuration User Manual SDR Partner Configuration

Time Service
Please note that the information provided under the heading Time service is valid for non-domain systems only.
For the single server named HNT152 the text field “Computer name of Timeserver” should contain the name
HNT152 as shown below:

After the Apply command is issued, the user receives a prompt to restart the system. Refer to System Restart for
additional information.

Note: the Active Directory Service in domains maintains Time synchronization automatically. The frame
Computer name of Timeserver is accordingly dimmed (disabled).

User Manual SDR Partner Configuration SDR Partner Configuration • 3

Dual Server
If a dual Server configuration is used, enable the Dual option. This action reveals additional fields.
First, identify the system as Server1 or Server2, then enter the name of the Server partner in the Computer
name of dual partner text field.
Second, identify the name of the server being appointed as the time provider server. Enter this name in the
Computer name of Timeserver text field. The name must be the same on both servers. In domain systems time
synchronization is part of the windows system itself and user interaction is not required. Further details in the
following section, Time service.

Time Service (dual)

Please note that the information provided under the heading Time service is valid for non-domain systems only.
In the field Computer name of Timeserver the name of the computer running the time provider service must be
given. For a dual system comprising of the computers named HNT152 and HNT161 and where HNT152 is being
selected as the time provider server the text field “Computer name of Timeserver” should contain the name
HNT152 on both computers as shown below.

4 • SDR Partner Configuration User Manual SDR Partner Configuration

Time provider server (HNT152):

Dual partner server (HNT162):

After the Apply command is issued, the user receives a prompt to restart the system. Refer to System Restart for
additional information.

Note: The Active Directory Service in domains maintains Time synchronization automatically. The frame
Computer name of Timeserver is accordingly dimmed (disabled).

User Manual SDR Partner Configuration SDR Partner Configuration • 5

Client Configuration
When the computer is identified as a Client, the Client tab at the bottom of the Partner configuration window is

A Client functions as a client in the ECS environment and must connect to a Server. The Server is selected from the
is current partner list box. Enter the node name of Server1 in the Server1 text field. If a dual Server
configuration is utilized, enter the node name of Server2 in the Server2 text field.
Enable the Low speed connection to Server option if the Client is connected to the Server through a modem.
This causes the Client programs to poll the Server at a lower frequency.
After the Apply command is issued, the user receives a prompt to restart the system. Refer to System Restart for
additional information.

6 • SDR Partner Configuration User Manual SDR Partner Configuration

Client Partner Change
A Client cannot function within the SDR system without a Server assigned. If the current partner fails or is shut
down for maintenance, the Client cannot access process information. In dual Server configurations, the current
Server assigned to the Client can be changed.
To change the current assignment, locate and click on the Client Partner Change selection in the desktop Start
When the utility is started, the Partner configuration window appears. The Subsystem selection list is used to
select the FLSA subsystem (SDR, CEM, Fuzzy). Each subsystem type can have a different configuration.
At this time however, only the SDR subsystem selection is supported.
Select the Server (Server1 or Server2) to be assigned as the Client partner.

Enable the Low speed connection to Server option if the Client is connected to the Server through a modem.
This causes the Client programs to poll the Server at a lower frequency.
After the assignments are made, click on the Apply command. At this time, the current login session is terminated
and the Begin Logon window appears. Log into the system using your assigned username and password. The login
account must be valid on the new Server.

System Restart
After Server and Client configuration changes are made and the Apply command is pressed, the following message

If other configuration changes that require a restart are to be made, click on the No button. Make the additional
changes then restart the system by using the Maintenance utility located in the Start menu.
If all configuration changes have been made, click on the Yes command. The system is restarted to the SDR Run

User Manual SDR Partner Configuration SDR Partner Configuration • 7

Glossary of Terms

User Manual SDR Partner Configuration Glossary of Terms • 9


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual SDR Partner Configuration Index • 11

User Manual

SDR Point List

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 4:48p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRPointListUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Point List 1
Introduction 1
Point List Display Description 1
Toolbar Commands 2
Status Bar 2
Point List Form 2
Search Criteria Form 3
Favorites Form 5

Glossary of Terms 7

Index 9

User Manual SDR Point List Contents • iii

Point List

The Point List display is used to locate and review limited information for any point in the ECS point database. The
utility is also used in conjunction with other ECS utilities to provide a convenient means to locate and select points
for review or modification.

Point List Display Description

The Point List is accessed by clicking on Point List in the desktop Start menu. The application can also be started
from other ECS applications.

The Point List window includes a toolbar commands, four tab forms and a status bar.

User Manual SDR Point List Point List • 1

Toolbar Commands

Places the name of the selected point into the Windows Copy/Paste buffer. The copied point code can then be
pasted into text fields located in other displayes or ECS applications. The selected point is identified by the arrow to
the left of the point code in the Point List display.

Used to display the OnLine Help document.

Status Bar
The status bar provides additional information for the selected point. From left to righ the information includes the
selected point code, the department to which the point is assigned, the conversion algorithm assigned to the point,
and the interface type associated with the point

Point List Form

The Point list tab is used to locate points within the ECS database. The form lists all points in the ECS database
unless a criterion has been specified in the Search Criteria form. Refer to Search Criteria Form.

Point List Table

The point list table headings are described as follows:
Type Point type (A or B)
Point code Name of the point
Point text Text description assigned to the point
Group No Group to which the point is assigned
Alg No Corresponds to the number that appears next to the algorithm name in the Point Configuration utility’s
Conversion algorithm field.
IF Type Corresponds to the number that appears next to the interface name in the Point Configuration utility’s
Interface type field.

2 • Point List User Manual SDR Point List

Selecting Points
A point is selected by clicking the left mouse button on any information associated with a point. The arrow at the left
of the display moves to the selected point. A point can also be selected by using the record selector.

The selected point is used as a reference when the following toolbar commands are used in other ECS applications.
When any of the point selection commands are pressed, a point name is copied from the Point List utility and pasted
into the active display element (text field or data cell) of the ECS application. The point name copied and pasted
depends on the command used and the point that is currently selected in the Point List utility.

Selected Point The name of the selected point in the point list is placed into the active display element.

Previous Point The name of the point prior to the selected point in the point list is placed into the active
display element.

Next Point The name of the point after the selected point in the point list is placed into the active display

Point List Commands

The Search command is used to reissue the search as defined in the Search Criteria form. Refer to Search Criteria
Form. The Refresh command performs the same function. Either command can be used to refresh the list in the
event points are added to the system. The Add to Favorites command places the point name on the Favorites List.
Refer to the Favorites Form.

Search Criteria Form

The Search Criteria tab is used to locate points within the ECS Point Database. The search criterion is defined by
enabling a checkbox and entering the appropriate information to the right of the selection. For example, to list all
points in Department 1, enable the Department checkbox and select Department 1 from the selection list.

User Manual SDR Point List Point List • 3

Multiple criteria selections can be enabled. To disable a criteria selection, click on the checkbox. A selection must be
enabled before it is used in the point search. The following describes the criteria selections.
Group To locate points in a specific group. Choose the department from the selection list.
Point code To locate points by name or partial name. Enter the name in the text field. The asterisk (*) can be used
as a wildcard. For example, a Dop* entry locates all points whose name begins with Dop.
Point text To locate points by point text or partial point text. Enter the point text to locate in the text field. The
asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard. For example, a *Raw Mill* entry locates all points whose point text includes
Raw Mill (but not at the beginning or end).
Point type To list all A or B-points. Choose the desired option.
Conversion alg To locate points with a specific conversion algorithm, choose the algorithm from the selection list.
This option does not appear unless the Point type search criteria is enabled.
Interface type To locate points associated with a specific interface. The choices that appear in the selection list
depend on the I/O system drivers installed on the ECS system.
Order by The Order by parameter allows the user to specify how the point list is to be presented. The choices
include Point number, Point code, and Group.
All points To display all points in the ECS point database
After all choices are enabled and the search criteria defined, click on the Search command. The Point List tab form
opens listing the points that satisfy the defined criteria.

4 • Point List User Manual SDR Point List

Favorites Form
The Favorites tab form is used to maintain a list of points most often referenced or points currently being referenced
for analysis purposes. The list enables the user to select points without searching or typing a point name.

Adding Points to the Favorites List

A point can be added to the Favorites List using any of the following methods
• Type the name of the point in the Enter Point text field, and then press the Add command.
• Copy a point name to the Windows Copy/Paste buffer from any other ECS application. Click the right
mouse button in the Enter Point text field and select Paste.
• Select a point in the Point list tab form and click on the Add to Favorites command. Refer to Point List

• Click on the Add to Favorites command located in the toolbar of several ECS applications.

Modifying the Favorites List

First, select a point in the list to modify by clicking on its name. The selection is highlighted and the name of the
point is placed in Enter Point text field. Click on the Delete command to remove the point from the list.
To modify the name of the point, make the changes in the Enter Point text field and click on the Change command.
To arrange points in the list, select the point to move and click on the Move Up or Move Down commands. The
point name is moved up or down one position with each click.

User Manual SDR Point List Point List • 5

Glossary of Terms

User Manual SDR Point List Glossary of Terms • 7


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual SDR Point List Index • 9

User Manual

SDR Point Parameters

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 4:51p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRPointParUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Point Parameters 1
Introduction 1
Toolbar Commands 2
Point Parameters and Real-Time Data 2
Statistics Form 5
Operator Inserted Form 7
Block Algorithm Form 9

Glossary of Terms 11

Index 13

User Manual SDR Point Parameters Contents • iii

SDR Point Parameters

The Point Parameters display provides real-time information for any point in the ECS point database. The display is
also used to modify various configuration parameters assigned to the point and values to operator-inserted points.

User Manual SDR Point Parameters SDR Point Parameters • 1

Toolbar Commands
The toolbar commands located at the top of the display are used to initiate various functions.

Launches the Point List utility. Refer to the online help document for the Point List application.

These commands work in conjunction with the Point List utility and are used to select a point for
display. Refer to the online help document for the Point List application.

The name of the point currently displayed in the Point Parameters display is added to thePoint List Favorites
List. Refer to the online help document for the Point List application.

Launches the ECS Alarm List utility.

Launches the ECS Trend utility.

Launches OpStation to set up the homepicture for the point

Provides online help for the Point Parameters display utility.

Point Parameters and Real-Time Data

The top portion of the Point Parameters display provides database information and real-time values for the selected

A-Point Information
The top, from left to right, identifies the pointcode, the point number, the current point value, the current status and
the current color. The middle row, from left to right, provides the point text and department to which the point is
assigned. The bottom line provides the point group.

B-Point Information
The top, from left to right, identifies the pointcode, the point number, the current point value, the current status and
the current color. The middle row, from left to right, provides the point text, the department to which the point is
assigned, and the current .Machine Status Word (MSW). The bottom line provides the point group.

2 • SDR Point Parameters User Manual SDR Point Parameters

Point Command
The Point command is used to specify a point for display.

When the command is pressed, the Select Point window appears. Enter the name of the point to display or select a
point from the menu.

User Manual SDR Point Parameters SDR Point Parameters • 3

General Form
The Point Parameter General tab is used to review or modify various configuration parameters for the selected point.
The General tab for a B-point is shown below.

Alarm suppressed To suppress the reporting of alarms for this point, select the Yes option. To allow alarms to be
reported for this point, select the No option. When Yes is selected, the point is operator alarm suppressed
Interval size The interval size is the amount a point value must increase or decrease while in alarm before a new
higher or lower level alarm is reported.
Hysteresis The hysteresis is the amount the point value must be out of alarm before an out of alarm condition is
Alarm Limits The High and Low alarm limits define the point values that will trigger an alarm.
Graphical The High and Low graphical limits define the values used for the high and low indicators on display
elements owned by this point.
Normal The Normal entry define the values used for the normal indicator on display elements owned by this point.
Total operating hours The total operating hours for B-points. The format is <days>+<hour>:<min>:<seconds>.
So if you want 5 days and 4 hours and 12 minutes and 34 seconds, then enter 5+04:12:34.

4 • SDR Point Parameters User Manual SDR Point Parameters

Statistics Form
The Point Parameter Statistics tab is used to display the statistics for the selected point. The display that appears
depends on the type of point (A-point or B-point).
A-Point Statistics
The A-point statistics display shows the selected point’s current and previous statistical values for the previous hour,
shift, and day. The Current statistics are maintained in memory and are updated each time the point is processed.
The Previous statistics are the last values that were saved to the statistical log the previous hour, previous shift, and
previous day.

Minimum The minimum value recorded for the specified time period
Average The average value recorded for the specified time period
Maximum The maximum value recorded for the specified time period
Calc. by report alg. The value calculated by the report algorithm for the specified time period
Alarm time The amount of time the point was in alarm in the specified time period
Alarm count The number of alarms reported for the specified time period
Error count The number of errors reported for the specified time period

User Manual SDR Point Parameters SDR Point Parameters • 5

B-Point Statistics
The B-point statistics display shows the point’s statistical values for the current and previous hour, shift, and day.
The Current statistics are maintained in memory and are updated each time the point is processed. The Previous
statistics are the last values that were saved to the statistical log the previous hour, the previous shift, and the
previous day.

Operating hours The number of hours the B-point was in a state defined as operating for the specified time period
Total operating hours For the current statistics, the total number of operating hours since report hour. For
previous statistics, the total number of operating hours from the daily statistical log file. The format is
Alarm time The amount of time the point was in an alarm state in the specified time period
Alarm count The number of alarms reported for the specified time period
Error count The number of errors reported for the specified time period

6 • SDR Point Parameters User Manual SDR Point Parameters

Operator Inserted Form
The Point Parameter Operator Inserted tab is used to assign a value to an operator inserted point. The display that
appears depends on the type of point (A-point or B-point).

Operator Inserted A-Point

Last entered Read only text fields that display the Time of the last entry and the Value entered.
New entered The Time text field is a read only field that displays the time that will be assigned to the value entry
when the Apply command is issued. The Value text field is used to enter the value to be assigned to the operator
inserted point.
After a Value is entered in the text field, click on the Apply command to assign the value to the A-point. The range
of allowable values can be set using point constants C9 and C10 (low and high range respectively). A value of zero
for both of these is the same as no range limiting.

User Manual SDR Point Parameters SDR Point Parameters • 7

Operator Inserted B-Point

Last entered Read only text fields that display the Time of the last entry and the Value entered.
New entered The Time text field is a read only field that displays the time that will be assigned to the value entry
when the Apply command is issued. The Value menu is used to select a value to be assigned to the operator
inserted point.
After a Value is selected, click on the Apply command to assign the value to the B-point.

8 • SDR Point Parameters User Manual SDR Point Parameters

Block Algorithm Form
The Block Algorithm page is used to inspect and modify the values in a point with a block algorithm. The tab of the
page is not selectable if the point does not have a block algorithm assigned.

To write new block algorithm value, type the new value in the Write Value field, put a check mark in the Write
checkbox and click the Write button.
To clear the error list, click the Clear button.

User Manual SDR Point Parameters SDR Point Parameters • 9

Glossary of Terms

Homepicture is an OpStation picture associated a point. The homepicture association is defined in the OpStation
Configuration utility.

User Manual SDR Point Parameters Glossary of Terms • 11

Operating hours 6

Index Point Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1

Statistics Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 5

A Total operating hours 6

Alarm count Error! Not a valid bookmark in

entry on page 5
Alarm limits 4
Alarm suppressed 4
Alarm time Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 5
Average 5

Calculated 5

Error count 5

General 4
Graphical 4

Hysteresis 4

Interval size 4

Last entered Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 7

Maximum 5
Minimum 5

New entered 7, 8
Normal 4

User Manual SDR Point Parameters Index • 13

User Manual

SDR Plant Reports

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 5:52p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrReportUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Plant Reports 1
Introduction 1
Report Generation 1
Reports 1
Report Collections 3

Glossary of Terms 5

Index 7

User Manual SDR Plant Reports Contents • iii

SDR Plant Reports

Periodically, the SDR system saves the values of all A-points and the statistical information for all points to a
historical data file. The historical data can be reviewed and analyzed by generating plant and shift reports.

Report Generation
To generate a report, select Plant Reports in the desktop Start menu. When the Report Print window opens, select
the desired tab. The Reports tab is used to generate an individual plant report. The Report Collections tab is
used to print all of the reports assigned to a single collection.

To generate a report, click on the Reports tab.

User Manual SDR Plant Reports SDR Plant Reports • 1

Select the report to print by clicking on its name in the Report column. Use the vertical scroll bar to locate the
desired report if necessary.
To select multiple reports, select the first by clicking on its name or number. Select the additional reports by
performing any of the following:
If the additional report is adjacent to a selected report in the list, press the keyboard <Shift> key while clicking on
the report to add.
Adjacent reports names can also be selected by dragging the mouse over the reports to select.
If the additional report is not adjacent to a selected report, press the keyboard <Ctrl> key while clicking on the
report to add.
Click on the column titles (Number, Report, or Report Collection) to select all reports in the list.
Click on the Print command to generate the selected report(s). The Print Report window appears.

Use the Select Last Day area (month, year and day elements) to define the last day included in the report period.
Select the Report Type option: Day, Day Shift, or Week Shift. Refer to Report Types.
Select the No. of Days to Print by clicking on the left or right arrow buttons. The slider can also be used to enter
the number of days. This field is not available when a Report Type of Week Shift is selected. The No. of Days to
Print entry and the Select Last Day entry determines the report period.
The Print Info frame indicates the report period that will be included in the report when the Print or View
commands are issued. The points included in the report and the value types used to represent log data are determined
by the report configuration. Refer to the online Help document for Report Configuration. The Print Setup
command can be invoked to select a printer for the printout. If no special printer is selected the default printer is
used. The Print command sends the output directly to the selected printer, the View command pops up a new
window showing the report on the screen.
A data value of "?" means that the requested data is not available in the pertinent log file (log horizon exceeded), or
that the Log Server process cannot be reached, or that the Log Server experienced and error.
A data value of "-" means that no valid data was available in the pertinent log file, instead a "hole value" was
retrieved indicating that the system was not running at the time that data is being requested from.

2 • SDR Plant Reports User Manual SDR Plant Reports

A data value of "*" means that no valid data was available in the pertinent log file for a portion of the requested data.
This can happen if the log horizon has been exceeded for a portion of the data, for example if data is requested from
00:00 to 23:00, but there is only data from 13:00 to 23:00, and not from 00:00 to 12:00.

Report Types
There are three types of reports available to the ECS user - Day reports, Day-Shift reports, and Week-Shift reports.

Day Report
A day report lists values for each hour of the specified day. Statistical values for the previous day is also included.

Day-Shift Report
The day-shift report lists values for any or all shifts for the specified day. Statistical values for the previous day and
the accumulated values for each shift is also included.

Week-Shift Report
The week-shift report lists values for each shift for a specified 7-day period. The daily totals for each of the 7 days
and the weekly statistical information is also included.

Report Collections
To generate all the reports assigned to a report collection, click on the Report Collections tab.

Select the group of reports to print by clicking on its name in the Report Collection column. Use the vertical scroll
bar to locate a collection if necessary. Click on the Print command to generate the selected collection. The Print
Collection window appears.
Multiple report collections can not be selected.
A report collection can also be selected by double clicking on the report collection name or number.

User Manual SDR Plant Reports SDR Plant Reports • 3

Use the Select Last Day area (month, year and day elements) to define the last day included in the report period.
Select the No. of Days to Print by clicking on the left or right arrow buttons. The slider can also be used to enter
the number of days. The No. of Days to Print entry and the Select Last Day entry determines the report period.
Click on the Print command to print the report collection. The reports and types of reports that are printed are
determined by the report configuration. Refer to the online Help document for Report Configuration.

4 • SDR Plant Reports User Manual SDR Plant Reports

Glossary of Terms

User Manual SDR Plant Reports Glossary of Terms • 5


Print Info 2

Report Type 2

User Manual SDR Plant Reports Index • 7

User Manual

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 6:19p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRTrendUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Trend 1
Introduction 1
Trend Display Forms 2
Plot Form 2
Toolbar Commands 2
Trend Group Text Fields 3
Visible Property 3
Trace Window 4
Selected Point 4
Status Bar 5
Horizontal and Vertical Zoom Functions 6
Multi Y-scale window 6
Packages Form 7
Points Form 7
Save Package Form 8
Edit Packages Form 9
Config Form 10
B-Point Display 11

Glossary of Terms 13

Index 15

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Contents • iii


The Trend utility is used to review and analyze historical data in a value versus time format. The values of up to 16
point codes can be reviewed in a single display and the utility provides a means to quickly access data for points
most often analysed.

In order to see all points in the Trend Group Text Fields either scroll the group fields, or resize the view in width or
height. Different layouts will appear.

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Trend • 1

Trend Display Forms
The forms associated with the Trend utility are used to perform various functions. To access a form, click on the tab
that contains the form name.
Plot Displays historical data for the points assigned to the trend group
Packages A trend package is a pre-defined trend group. Up to 8 points can be assigned to a trend package and up
to 100 trend packages can be created. The Packages form is used to replace the current trend group with the points
assigned to a specific trend package.
Points Displays a list of the points currently assigned to the trend group and enables the user to modify the Y-scale
limits assigned to each point.
Save Package Provides a means to saves the current trend group as a trend package.
Edit Packages Used to create new trend packages and modify existing trend packages.
Config Used to configure the trend colors and default time horizon.

Intermediate package
An intermediate package is a trend package that has been modified and not yet saved. A darker background in the
plot area indicates an intermediate package. It is not possible to access the Points form while displaying an
intermediate package.

Plot Form
The plot form is used to review and analyse the historical data of the points assigned to the trend group.

Toolbar Commands
The toolbar commands are used to modify the trace window x-axis and y-axis, add and remove trend package points,
change the information that is displayed in the trend group text fields, and display a point’s alarm limits.

Y-scale, pan out. This command is used to reset the Y-scale to the selected point’s display limits.

Y-scale, reset zoom. After the Y-scale has been modified, this command is used to reset the Y-scale to the
selected point’s display limits.

Y-scale, set scale. Enables the user to enter the Y-axis minimum and maximum values directly.

X-scale, pan out. This command is used to reset the X-scale to the maximum amount of time allowed by the

X-scale, reset zoom. After the X-scale has been modified, this command is used to reset the X-scale to the
maximum amount of time allowed by the system, but know than 6 month.

X-scale, set scale. Enables the user to enter the X-axis minimum and maximum values directly.

These commands are used to temporarily modify the trend group currently assigned to the trend
display. First, select the trend point to be replaced, then click on the appropriate point selection command. Refer to
the online Help document for the Point List utility.

2 • Trend User Manual ECS/SDR Trend

Removes the point currently selected from the trend group.

When this command is active, the trend group text fields display the current point value and point code (if
space is available) for the associated point.

When this command is active, the trend group text point fields display the point name and point value (if space
is available) of the associated point.

When this command is active, the trend group text fields display the point text of the associated point.

When this command is active, the trend group text fields display the point plotted value and point code (if
space is available) as it is recorded in the log file. The values appear in the fields when the mouse pointer is moved
across the trace window. Horizontal and vertical dashed lines appear in the trace window to identify the logged value
location in the graph.

When this command is active, the alarm limits for the selected point appears in the trace window as horizontal
lines at the value level of alarm low and alrm high.

When this command is active, the curve of the selected point is highlighted.

The button enables the multi Y-scale display. Dependent on the size of the multi Y-scale window, it can be
resized seperately, the Yscale for a number of points is displayed. The order is fixed, from left to right, the Yscale
window resizing will also keep enough width, so the minimum of the plot window can be shown.

Copies the curve data as it appears in the trace window to the clipboard as text seperated with semicolon. The
text can then be pasted into Excel or any other program. In Excel it is possible to convert the text into numerical data
by executing the command Text to Columns from the Data menu.

Is the dropdown list for the package selection.

Trend Group Text Fields

These fields provide information for each point in the trend group. The information that is displayed depends on the
active toolbar command used for this purpose. The information may include point code, point text, current point
value, or the logged value presented at the location of the mouse pointer. The text field with the white background is
the selected point. Note that the text in each field is a different color. The color assigned to the point code is the same
color used to represent the point values in the trace window.
A point can be added to the trend group by selecting a blank point location and clicking on a Point List toolbar
command. An existing point can also be replaced in the same manner by selecting the point to replace and clicking
on the toolbar command.

Visible Property
The status of the checkbox to the left of each Trend Group text field determines if the point values of the associated
point are plotted in the trace window. If the checkbox is enabled, the plot values appear in the window. If the
checkbox is disabled, the plot values are removed from the trace window. Click on the checkbox to toggle the
current settting.

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Trend • 3

Trace Window
The values for all points in the trend group are plotted in the trace window. The color of the trace corresponds with
the color assigned to the point code.

Selected Point
A point is selected by clicking on its associated text field. When a point is selected, the background of its text field
changes to white and the trace window Y scale is set to the point’s display limits.

Use the toolbar buttons to change the point associated with the currently selected test field.

The command will fetch the previous point relative to the currently selected point in the point list.

The command will fetch the next point relative to the currently selected point in the point list.

The command will fetch the currently selected point from the point list.

Horizontal Selection

Different horizons and view horizons can be selected from the horizon selector bar. Move the curor over the buttons
and watch the tooltips, they will describe the function. The currently selected or matched horizon is shown in light

The last button, , when pressed, will show the data in the default horizon associated with the package. When the
button is kept in the checked state, , any package selection will show the data in the default horizon of the

4 • Trend User Manual ECS/SDR Trend

Y-Scale Slider
The Y-scale is located at the left of the trace window and can be used to move the Y-scale up or down. The scale can
also be adjusted by clicking on the slide bar up and down arrows. The Y scale indicates the value of the plotted
point. The Y-scale is set to the display limits of the selected point.

Start Time
The time and date of the start of the logged data appears at the bottom left of the Plot form.

X-Scale Slider
The X-Scale slider is located below the trace window. This element is used to change the window start time back in
time or forward in time by moving the slider to the left or right respectively. Use the right and left arrows to make
fine time adjustments. The double right arrows can be pressed to set the time at the right of the trace window to the
current time.

Status Bar
The status bar at the bottom of the Plot form holds the following information. The fields are described from left to

X/Y-Scale Status
This area in the status bar indicates the zoom assignments currently applied to the X and Y-axis.

The current span and plot frequency appears in this area of the status bar. The span indicates the amount of time
covered by the entire trace window. The plot frequency indicates the resolution of the plotted values. That is, the
amount of time represented by a single plotted point.

Trend Package Name

The name of the current trend package.

Current Time
The current date and time

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Trend • 5

Horizontal and Vertical Zoom Functions
The user can zoom in on trace window data by adjusting the X and Y-scale assignments using the toolbar commands
or the X and Y axis sliders. The user can also zoom in on the plot data by using the mouse pointer and the following

X-Axis Zoom
To zoom in on the X-axis:
• Define the area to be zoomed by clicking and holding the left mouse button on one edge of the area.
• Move the mouse pointer to the opposite edge of the zoom area and release the mouse button. Note that the
point values and associated time and date appear in the status bar as the mouse is moved. This can be used
when trying to locate a specific time in log data.
• When the mouse button is released, the trace window is redrawn with the start time equal to the left-most
point selected and the end time is equal to the right-most point selected.

Y-Axis Zoom
To zoom in on the Y-axis:
• Define the area to be zoomed by clicking and holding the left mouse button on one edge of the area.
• Move the mouse pointer to the opposite edge of the zoom area and release the mouse button. Note that the
point values and associated time and date appear in the status bar as the mouse is moved.
• When the mouse button is released, the trace window is redrawn with the Y-scale minimum value equal to
the bottom-most point selected and the maximum value is equal to the top-most point selected.

Multi Y-scale window

The Y-scale window shows the y-scale of the different points of the trace window. The scale is drawn in the color of
the point. Using the right border of the window it can be resize. Y-scales of points that are disabled are not shown.

On the Y-scale axis the current value is shown, usually as a red dot, or when in “log value” mode, the log value at
the selected time is shown. Clicking on the blue circle will toggle the display of the value between dot and bar chart
display. Clicking on the red square will toggle the color of the value display between red and grey. The current state
of the selection will then be displayed as “blue circle” or “blue bar” and “red square” or “grey square”.
Note that resizing of this window will always result in at least a minimum size of the trace window. When enabled at
least one Y-scale is shown.
Clicking on a Y-scale makes the corresponding point the current current in the trace window.

6 • Trend User Manual ECS/SDR Trend

Packages Form
The Packages form is used to open an existing trend package. The available trend packages are listed in the display.
Used the horizontal scroll bar to view all trend packages (1 – 250). Select the trend package to open by clicking on
its name. The Packages form closes and the Plot form is opened. The points assigned to the trend package are
assigned to the trend group and historical data is plotted. The name of the trend package appears in the status bar.

Points Form
The Points form is used to review trend group point parameters and change the operator display limits for an
individual point. This form is not accesable if the selected package has been modified and not saved.

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Trend • 7

Changing Display Limits
To change the operator display limits, click in the Y-max or Y-min field and press the keyboard <F2> key. Enter
the new value. Click on the Apply command to save the modifications. The display limits are stored along with the
points in the trend package.

Save Package Form

During data analysis, the trend package currently assigned to the trend group can be modified by removing points,
replacing points or adding points. These modifications are temporary and are lost as soon as the trend package is
reopened. If the user wishes to save any of these changes to the existing trend package or a new trend package, click
on the Trend utility Save Package tab.

The Save Package form contains 3 lists:

• Trend Packages Existing and available trend packages
• Current trend package points The points assigned to the trend package selected in the Trend
Packages list.
• New trend package points The points assigned to the current trend group
When the Apply command is issued, the points in the New trend package points list replace the points in the
Current trend package points list. The name of the new trend package is the name selected in the Trend
Packages list.

Replace an Existing Trend Package

1. Select the trend package to replace from the Trend Packages list
2. Click on the Apply command.

Save the Current Trend Package as a New Package

1. Click on a trend package location in the Trend Packages list that has no name. The Current trend
package points list should be empty. Record the trend package number.
2. Click on the Apply command.
3. Click on the Edit Packages tab.
4. Locate and select the trend package number recorded in step #1 from the Trend Packages list
5. Click in the Trend Package Name text field and enter the name of the trend package.
6. Click on the Apply command located in the Trend Packages frame.

8 • Trend User Manual ECS/SDR Trend

Edit Packages Form
The Edit Packages form is used to create and edit trend packages.

Creating Trend Packages

To create a trend package, click on the Edit Packages tab. The existing trend packages are listed in the Trend
packages frame. Select a trend package that has no name assigned by clicking on the number. Perform the
1. Click in the Trend Package Name text field and enter the name of the trend package. Click on the Trend
Packages Apply command.
2. Click on a point location number located in the Trend package points frame. In the example, point
location 1 is selected.
3. Click in the Trend Package Point text field and enter the name of the point to be added to the trend
package. Point codes can also be entered by using the Point List utility toolbar commands.
4. Click on the Change command. The point name appears to the right of the selected point location number.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to add points to the trend package.
6. To change the location or order of the points in the trend package, select the point to move by clicking on
its name. Click on the Move Up or Move Down commands until the point is in the desired position.
7. From the list a Default Horizon can be associated to the package. This is the preferable view of the
package and can be selected by the default horizon button.
8. Click on the Apply command to save the trend package.

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Trend • 9

Modifying Trend Packages
To modify a trend package, click on the Edit Packages tab. The existing trend packages are listed in the Trend
packages frame. Select the trend package to modify by clicking on its name. Perform the following:
1. To change the name of the trend package, click in the Trend Package Name text field and enter the new
name. Click on the Trend Packages Apply command.
2. Click on the point location to modify in the Trend package points frame.
3. Click in the Trend Package Point text field and replace the existing point name with the new point
name. Point codes can also be entered by using the Point List utility toolbar commands.
4. To remove the point name, select the point in the list box, blank the point in the edit box and press Change.

You can also select the point in the text box and press command.
5. Click on the Change command to save the modifications for the selected point.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to modify other points in the trend package.
7. To change the location or order of the points in the trend package, select the point to move by clicking on
its name. Click on the Move Up or Move Down commands until the point is in the desired position.
8. Click on the Apply command to save the trend package.

Config Form
The Configuration window is used to configure various trend window attributes as described below.

Line Color Configuration

The Line Color Configuration is used to configure the trend line color for the current account.

Click on the individual color buttons to edit these. Click Reset Colors to return to defualt settings.

Default Trend horizon

The default trend horizon is used each time the trend application is invoked. If no default trend horizon is aviable a
horizon of 8 hours is used.
The default trend horizon is specific to each user account and is set by depressing the above shown button "Default".
This will only succed if the plot form has a valid horizon currently shown.

10 • Trend User Manual ECS/SDR Trend

Alarm limits (B)
Since digital points do not have alarm limits, gobal constants can be associated. Values of B Points are always
between 0 and 1. These two costants allow to draw lines to determine quickly unexpected behaviour.

Printer configuration
When you have a color printer, then enable the “Color” checkbox. The different plots will then be printed in their
associated colors.

B-Point Display
For B-Points the operating state is displayed. The trend display is limited to the horizon of the B-Spot logging
function. In large view horizons the displayed values are avaraged values over appropriate fixed time intervals. X-
scale zooming can display the values down to the best resolution.

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Trend • 11

Glossary of Terms

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Glossary of Terms • 13


Current date 5
Current time 5

Point selection 2

Status Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 3
status bar Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 5

User Manual ECS/SDR Trend Index • 15

User Manual

ECS/SDR User Interface

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 2/28/06 6:28p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRUserInterface30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
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The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS/SDR User Interface 1
Introduction 1
Workstation Mouse 1
Menu Commands 1
Command Buttons 2
Toolbar Command Buttons 2
Mouse Terminology 2
Manipulating Windows 3
Minimizing Windows 3
Maximizing Windows 3
Closing Windows 3
Moving Windows 3
Dialog Forms 4
Text Fields 4
Choice Menus 6
Option Buttons 6
Checkboxes 6
Form Tabs 7
Form Grids 7
Common Commands 8
ECS/SDR System Login 8
Current User 8
Changing Your Password 8
SDR User Login 9
Workstation Desktop 10
Taskbar 10
Starting ECS/SDR Applications 10
Taskbar Start Button 10
Toolbar Commands 11
ECS/SDR System Logoff and Shutdown 11
System Logoff 11
System Shutdown 11
Point Selection 12
Point List Commands 12

Glossary of Terms 15

Index 17

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface Contents • iii

ECS/SDR User Interface

The ECS/SDR User Interface document provides an introduction to the ECS workstation and a description of the
workstation environment. The manual also describes the procedures used to log into the ECS/SDR system, start and
stop programs, and interface with the display windows and dialog boxes.

Workstation Mouse
The workstation mouse is used to execute commands, select parameter options, and manipulate display windows.
The workstation monitor displays a mouse pointer to indicate the current mouse location. The mouse pointer is
moved to the desired display element and an action is initiated by clicking one of the mouse buttons.

Menu Commands
When a menu command is clicked with the left mouse button, a list appears with several options. In the example, the
File menu reveals the Open, Print Setup, Page Setup, and Exit options. An option that appears grey is not available.

To select an option, move the mouse pointer to the desired menu item and click the left mouse button. In the
example, the Open command is executed.

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface ECS/SDR User Interface • 1

Command Buttons
A command button appears as a raised button. In the example, the commands are OK, Apply, Cancel, and Help.

To execute the command, move the mouse pointer to the button and click the left mouse button.

Toolbar Command Buttons

Command buttons also appear in the toolbar area of application windows.

The command name or action associated with the button can be determined by placing the mouse pointer over the
button for 3 seconds.
To initiate the command, move the mouse pointer to the button and click the left mouse button.

Mouse Terminology
The workstation mouse is used for various functions. The following terms refer to the described function throughout
the ECS/SDR documentation.
If the right mouse button is required, the user is instructed to click with the right mouse button.
Click This action is used to execute a command, select an object, or activate a display element. The action requires
the user to move the mouse pointer to the object and press the left mouse button.
Drag This action is used to move a display element. The action requires the user to move the mouse pointer to the
object and press and hold the left mouse button. The mouse is then moved until the object is in the desired location at
which time the mouse button is released.
Select An object is selected by moving the mouse pointer to the object and clicking the left mouse button.
Double-click This action is used to launch applications from desktop icons and select text within text field. The
action requires the user to click on the icon, display element, or text twice in rapid success.

2 • ECS/SDR User Interface User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface

Manipulating Windows
The mouse is also used to minimize, maximize and exit application windows. These functions are implemented by
clicking on the appropriate command button located at the top right of the display window.

Minimizing Windows
Click on the command button to minimize the display window. This removes the window from the desktop.
The window can be restored by clicking on the icon located in the taskbar.

Maximizing Windows
Click on the command button to maximize the display window. This expands the size of the window to fill the
entire screen area. After the display window is maximized, the command button changes to . Click on this
command to change the window to its previous size.
Windows can also be maximized by double clicking in the window title or banner area.

Closing Windows
Click on the command to close the window. If this is the main display window associated with the application,
the application is exited.

Moving Windows
To move a display window, click and hold the left mouse button in the window title area. Drag the window to the
desired location, then release the mouse button.

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface ECS/SDR User Interface • 3

Dialog Forms
A dialog form is used to supply information to an application. This section describes the elements that appear on
these forms.

Text Fields
A text field is a dialog form display element used to supply text information to an application.

Entering Text
To enter text, click in the field and begin typing.

The Paste selection is only available if text has been placed on the clipboard.
Text can also be entered by clicking the right mouse button in the field. When the following menu appears, move the
mouse until Paste is highlighted then click the left mouse button.

4 • ECS/SDR User Interface User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface

Editing Text
To edit existing text, click in the area to be edited. A text cursor appears as a vertical bar within the text. To add text,
begin typing.

Press the keyboard <Delete> key to remove the character to the right of the cursor. Press the keyboard
<Backspace> key to remove the character to the left of the cursor.
To replace text, highlight the text to be replaced, then begin typing.

Text is highlighted using any of the following methods:

• Double-click on a word
• Click in an area within the text field, hold down the keyboard <Shift> key, and then click in another area of
the field. The text between the two points is highlighted.
• Press and hold the left mouse button within the text field. Drag the mouse to another area and release the
mouse button. The area dragged is highlighted.

Text can also be edited by clicking the right mouse button within the text field. Choose one of the commands from
the menu that appears

Undo Cancels the previous command.

Cut Removes the highlighted text and places it on the clipboard.
Copy Copies the highlighted text and places it on the clipboard.
Paste Places the contents of the clipboard into the text field at the point of the text cursor.
Delete Removes the highlighted text from the text field.
Select All Highlights all text in the text field.

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface ECS/SDR User Interface • 5

Choice Menus
A choice menu limits the information that can be supplied to the application. Information is supplied from a list of
choices that appear when the menu arrow is clicked. To select a list item, move the mouse until the desired choice is
highlighted, then click the left mouse button. In the example, the selection for this field is changed from
Department to Point code.

Option Buttons
Option buttons are another means to select one item from a group of items. All items in the group are identified with
a radio style button as shown in the choices below (Local and Default). The group name in this case is Mode.

Only one option in an option group can be selected at any time.

The filled button indicates the current selection. In the example, Local is the current mode. To change the selection,
click on the button associated with the desired choice. The option is filled to indicate selection and all other option
buttons in the group are deselected.

Checkboxes are used for binary type selections (Enable/Disable, On/Off. Yes/No, etc). An empty checkbox indicates
disabled, off, or no. In this example, the Server does not have a dual partner.

A filled checkbox indicates enabled, on, or yes. In this example, the Server has a dual partner.

6 • ECS/SDR User Interface User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface

To toggle the current checkbox selection, click on the checkbox with the left mouse button.

Form Tabs
A dialog form can contain multiple pages. In the example, the pages are Point List, Search Criteria, Maintenance,
and Favorites. Each page is identified by the form tab. Click on the form tab to access the desired page. Search
Criteria is the current page in the example.

Form Grids
A form grid presents information in data cells. The column and row labels identify each cell.

The cell contents can be modified using any of the following methods:
• Click in the cell, press the keyboard <F2> key and press the right mouse button. Select Paste to place the
clipboard contents into the data cell.
• Click in the cell and press the keyboard <F2> key twice to use the Cell Text dialog form for data cell entry.

When entering numeric values with a leading zero (e.g. 0123), the zero is dropped and the value is entered as 123. If
the leading zero is required, precede the numeric entry with the single apostrophe (‘) character. For example ‘0123.

Cell Text Form

The cell text dialog form is used to enter text or values into a data cell. The form is accessed by selecting a data cell
and pressing the keyboard <F2> key twice. When the form appears, click in the text field and begin typing. For
additional information on data entry and text field editing, refer to Text Fields.

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface ECS/SDR User Interface • 7

Click on the OK command to assign the text field information to the data cell. Click on the Cancel command to
abort the data cell modification.

Common Commands
The commands that appear on dialog forms perform the same actions. The commands include:
OK Saves any field changes made within the form then closes the form.
Apply Saves any field changes made within the form. The form remains open.
Cancel Ignores any field changes made since the form was opened or the last Apply command was issued.
Afterwards, the form is closed.
Reset Returns field assignments to the original assignments. That is the assignments as they were when the form
was opened or the after the last Apply command was issued.
Help Opens the online Help window associated with the current dialog form or application.

ECS/SDR System Login

To log into the ECS/SDR system, simultaneously press the keyboard <Ctrl>, <Alt> and <Delete> keys at the logon
message prompt.

The default user account is flsa - no password is required.

When the login window appears, enter your assigned User name and Password. Complete the login process by
moving the mouse pointer to the OK command and pressing the left mouse button.

Current User
To determine the user currently logged into a workstation, simultaneously press the keyboard <Ctrl>, <Alt> and
<Delete> keys. A Windows 2000 Security window appears and displays the user currently logged into the
workstation and the login time and date.

Changing Your Password

To change the password currently assigned to your account, simultaneously press the keyboard <Ctrl>, <Alt> and
<Delete> keys. A Windows 2000 Security window appears. Click on the Change Password command. When the
Change Password dialog form appears, enter the Old Password and the New Password in the appropriate fields. Re-
enter the new password in the Confirm New Password field.

8 • ECS/SDR User Interface User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface

SDR User Login
Trough the SDR Login program (SdrLoginUi30) “dynamic” SDR User login is supported. This implies that reports,
events and etc. can be tagged with the individual operators personal tag without performing a full windows
logoff/login sequence.
The SDR Login program can be accessed by double-clicking its icon, which opens the User Interface, or by right
clicking the icon and then selecting Restore. The icon is found in the system tray (Normally located in the lower
right corner of the display).
It is noted that the windows user name must be unique throughout the complete ECS system. If the SDR Login
program detects a validation of this requirement a windows logoff will be initiated within 5 seconds. The user will
be informed about this action. Windows logoff is also initiated when right clicking the icon and selecting Exit.
The predefined accounts: FlsaServer, FlsaMain and Flsa. Do not support SDR User login For these accounts the
SDR Login program can be used to monitor which logins are in use.
The SDR Login program is started through the windows general program start-up mechanism. For computers
running in Maintenance mode the program will exit within 5 seconds. The user will be notified about this action.
The user interface for SDR Login program holds 3 tab controls. Through the Logon tab logins can be made by
providing the proper User Name and Password. The Logoff Policy is controlled by the second tab. SDR User
logoff might either take place every full hour or after a specified time interval (Specifying the interval as 0 implies
that logoff never takes place). Current logins can be monitored through the Logon Status tab.

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface ECS/SDR User Interface • 9

Workstation Desktop
The icons that appear on the desktop, the location of the taskbar, and the applications that are automatically started
depend on the environment and privileges assigned to the user account
After a user logs into the ECS/SDR system, the workstation desktop is started. A few icons appear on the display and
a desktop taskbar. In some cases, ECS/SDR programs may be started automatically.

The taskbar holds the Start menu command and an icon button for each program started since the login process. The
icon button that appears pressed indicates the active program. To activate a program, click on its taskbar icon with
the left mouse button. The window associated with the program appears in front of all other displays.

Starting ECS/SDR Applications

Taskbar Start Button

The Start button located in the taskbar is used to start or launch ECS/SDR applications. To start an application,
click on the Start command. When the menu appears, move the mouse pointer to the desired selection.

When a menu item has an arrow to its right, a cascaded menu is available. To display the menu, move the mouse
pointer to the arrow.

As the mouse pointer is moved over a menu selection, the menu item is highlighted. When the desired selection is
highlighted, click the left mouse button.

10 • ECS/SDR User Interface User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface

Toolbar Commands
Some ECS/SDR applications provide access to other ECS/SDR applications by providing a toolbar command button.
The button icon is identified by the specific application as shown below:

Point List

Alarm List

Point Trend

Point Parameters

To launch the application, click on the toolbar command button.

ECS/SDR System Logoff and Shutdown

System Logoff
Simultaneously press the keyboard <Ctrl>, <Alt> and <Delete> keys. When the Windows 2000 Security window
appears, click on the Logoff command button.

System Shutdown
Before power is removed from the workstation computer, the Windows 2000 and ECS/SDR systems must be shut
down in an organized manner to maintain system and data integrity. To initiate the shutdown procedure, locate and
select Maintenance in the desktop Start menu. Select the desired shutdown option and press the OK command.

Restart the computer in maintenance mode The ECS/SDR and Windows 2000 systems shut down and a
reboot to the maintenance mode is initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the flsamain account. The
maintenance utility starts and the Maintenance display appears.

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface ECS/SDR User Interface • 11

Shut down the computer for maintenance mode The ECS/SDR and Windows 2000 systems shut down.
After the shutdown is executed, power can be removed from the system. After power is restored, a reboot to the
maintenance mode is initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the flsamain account. The maintenance
utility starts and the Maintenance display appears.
Restart the computer in run mode The ECS/SDR and Windows 2000 systems shut down and a reboot to the
run mode is initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the flsa or flsaadmin account.
Shut down the computer for run mode The ECS/SDR and Windows 2000 systems shut down. After the
shutdown is executed, power can be removed from the system. After power is restored, a reboot to the run mode is
initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the flsa or flsaadmin account.

Point Selection
Whenever a database point must be entered into an ECS utility text field or data cell, any of the following methods
can be used:
• Type the point name in the text field or data cell as described in Dialog Forms.
• Use the Copy/Paste method as described in Dialog Forms.
• Use the Point List commands that appear in the ECS/SDR utility toolbar.

Point List Commands

If any of the dialog forms associated with an ECS/SDR utility require point names to be entered, the point selection
commands appear in the toolbar.

When any of the point selection commands are pressed, a point name is copied from the Point List utility and pasted
into the active display element (text field or data cell). The point name copied and pasted depends on the command
used and the point that is currently selected in the point list.

When a point selection command is issued, the Point List is started if it is not running.

12 • ECS/SDR User Interface User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface

Point Selection Procedure
1. Activate the text field or data cell that accepts a point name entry by clicking in the display element.
2. Click on the appropriate point selection command:

Selected Point The name of the selected point in the point list is placed into the active display element.

Previous Point The name of the point prior to the selected point in the point list is placed into the active
display element.

Next Point The name of the point after the selected point in the point list is placed into the active display

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface ECS/SDR User Interface • 13

Glossary of Terms

active program
The program associated with the display window being used. The display window being used is said to have focus.

banner area
The area located along the top of a display window. Also called the title area. The banner area includes the name of
the application or dialog form.

The clipboard is a copy/paste buffer. Information placed in the buffer with the Copy or Cut commands can be placed
in other applications by using the Paste command.

Start an application

mouse pointer
The mouse pointer is a display element that identifies the current mouse location. The mouse pointer moves on the
screen as the mouse is moved.

title area
The area located along the top of a display window. Also called the banner area. The title area includes the name of
the application or dialog form.

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface Glossary of Terms • 15


SDR Login 9

User Manual ECS/SDR User Interface Index • 17

Reference Manual

ECS Document Map

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/03/06 6:18p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRDocumentMap30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS Document Map 1
Introduction 1
ECS System Installation & Setup 1
Control System Configuration 1
Operator Interface 1
ECS System Installation & Setup 2
Control System Configuration 3
Operator Interface 4

Glossary of Terms 5

Index 7

Reference Manual ECS Document Map Contents • iii

ECS Document Map

The ECS Document Map provides an overview of the manuals available to the ECS NTech user and a description of
each. The document is used to identify the manuals required to install, configure and operate the system.
The ECS documentation is divided into three volumes: ECS System Installation & Setup, Control System
Configuration, and Operator Interface. These volumes have been organized into two separate manuals: the SDR
Reference Manual grouping the volumes: ECS System Installation & Setup and Control System Configuration, and
the ECS User Manual holding the Operator Interface volume.
The information in each volume is presented in a format that is compatible with OnLine Help and paper copy. In
most cases, the OnLine Help and paper copy present the same information. The major difference between the two
formats is that OnLine Help minimizes the use of screen captures since the screens are normally available at the time
OnLine Help is used.

ECS System Installation & Setup

The manuals included in the SDR System Installation & Setup volume are used for the installation of the Microsoft
Windows 2000 operating system and the FLSA ECS system. The system configuration assignments that are typically
done only at installation time are also described in this section.
These manuals are intended for engineers who are experienced with the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system,
the ECS NTech system and the process application. Personnel responsible for workstation installation, system
parameter modifications, and user account maintenance would refer to this volume set.

Control System Configuration

The Control System Configuration volume defines the procedures used to configure the process system. This
includes point database creation, point algorithm assignments, report configuration, graphic generation, etc.
These manuals are intended for system engineers responsible for the interface to the process application.

Operator Interface
The Operator Interface volume set describes the procedures used to access and manipulate the ECS displays. These
manuals are used by anyone responsible for monitoring and controlling the plant operation.

Reference Manual ECS Document Map ECS Document Map • 1

ECS System Installation & Setup
This volume set is used to prepare and configure a personal computer to be used in an FLSA process application.
The manuals provide an introduction to the system, and a step by step description of the installation and setup
procedure. During the installation and setup process, the manuals are used in the following sequence.

1. Before starting the installation and setup process, review the SDR Concepts manual for an introduction to
the ECS system. The manual describes the point database, point-treatment, alarm handling, data archiving,
and the report system. The manual also defines the terminology used in subsequent manuals.
2. The Installation & setup process assumes that the user is starting with a personal computer and no operating
system. The process begins with the installation of the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system described
in the Windows 2000 Installation manual. The manual describes the installation procedure and
addresses the specifics that apply to the ECS system.
3. The Windows 2000 operating system is now installed and the Windows 2000 security can be changed
according to desired needs. This is described in the ECS Windows 2000 Security manual.
4. After Windows 2000 is installed on the PC, the FLSA ECS system CD-ROM is installed using the
procedure described in the ECS W2K Installation manual.
5. After the installation of Windows 2000 and ECS systems, the user must log into the ECS system as
described in the Starting the SDR System manual. The manual also describes the maintenance and run
modes, startup and shutdown procedures, and login and logout procedures.
6. At this point in the installation and setup process, the SDR licenses installed during the ECS installation can
be modified, if desired. The procedure is described in the SDR Maintenance manual. The manual also
describes, SDR subsystem synchronization, and database backup / restore procedures.
7. While in the maintenance mode, Server partners (for dual systems only), Client/Server relationships, and
subsystem assignments are made. These assignments are described in the SDR Partner Configuration
8. While in the maintenance mode, other system parameters such as system and factory names, the database
backup period, the number of database points, and the languages used for ECS displays are assigned. These
parameters are described in the Point System Configuration manual.
9. The system parameter assignments are now complete. The system is booted to the ECS Run Mode as
described in the Starting the SDR System manual.
10. The control system can now be configured using the procedures described in the Control System
Configuration volume set.

2 • ECS Document Map Reference Manual ECS Document Map

Control System Configuration
This volume set includes the manuals used to configure the ECS control system. The control system configuration
parameters can be assigned or modified in any order. Therefore, the following manuals can be referenced as needed.
The SDR User Access Control Configuration manual describes how to grant access rights to new and existing
users for the ECS system. System administrators can control access to the point, I/O, log, event, etc systems for an
individual user or a group of users.
The Point System Configuration manual describes the configuration parameters associated with the point
system. The point system is configured by assigning the following:

• number of points and point treatment period

• shift definitions and report hour assignment
• control actions to be logged and contol action definitions
• point state definitions
• alarm reset scope
• engineering units for the local and default language
• department names

The procedures used to create, modify, copy and delete database points are described in the SDR Point
Configuration manual. The manual also provides a description of the point configuration parameters, event
algorithms, and report algorithms. The conversion algorithms that are assigned to A-points are identified and
described in the A-Point Algorithms manual. The conversion algorithms assigned to B-points are created,
modified, or reviewed using the editor described in the B-Point Algorithms Editor manual.
The Point System Configuration manual describes the configuration parameters associated with the alarm
system. These parameters include:

• general alarm parameters such as alarm silence scope, alarm reset scope, alarm philosophy, etc.
• department horn assignments
• alarm log/department allocation
• alarm entry in alarm list color
• alarm entry in alarm header color
• alarm header department button colors

The SDR Report Configuration describes the procedures used to configure plant reports and create and schedule
report collections.
The ECS OpStation Editor manual describes the OpStation Editor details specific to FLSA. The standard
functions are described in the SL-GMSDraw User’s Guide (SL Corporation Part Number: DRAW-300519) which
comes as a .PDF file located on the ECS Ntech Cdrom.
I/O Interface Manuals are specific to the DCS or PLC system used with the ECS system. Each manual describes
the required configuration assignments to interface the I/O system with the SDR system.

After the control system is configured, the user can access the SDR applications and utilities to monitor and control
the plant operation. The applications are described in the manuals contained in the Operator Interface volume set.

Reference Manual ECS Document Map ECS Document Map • 3

Operator Interface
This volume set includes the manuals that describe the applications, utilities and displays used to monitor and control
the process application.
The first time user may want to review the information presented in the SDR User Interface manual. This
document provides an introduction to the ECS workstation and describes the workstation environment and the
details associated with display windows and mouse operation. The manual includes the procedures to log into the
SDR system and start and stop applications. The manual also provides a description of the operations and functions
common to all SDR application windows and dialog boxes.
After logging into the SDR system, the operator may wish to see what languages are available. One of two languages
(local or default) can be selected. The selected language is then used to present information in the display windows
and dialog boxes. The language selection is described in the SDR Language Selection manual.

The SDR Point List manual describes the procedure used to access and interface with the Point List display.
The SDR Point Parameters manual describes the procedure used to access and interface with the Point
Parameters and Statistics display.
The SDR Alarm Header manual describes the details associated with alarm notification and response. The alarm
header toolbar commands and department buttons are also described.
The Alarm List manual describes the procedure used to access and interface with the Alarm List display.
The SDR Trend manual describes the procedure used to access the Trend display and review and analyze historical
The SDR Plant Reports manual describes the procedure used to generate plant reports and report collections.
The ECS OpStation manual describes the procedures used to access process graphics and navigate the display
hierarchy. The manual also describes the details associated with graphic elements (sliders, thermometers, faceplates,
etc.). The manual includes a description of the display hierarchy and how the displays are accessed.
The ECS Opstation manual provides a description of the device group display and the procedures used to start and
stop plant equipment using the display and the alarm header Start, Stop, Qstop, and Mstop commands.
The ECS Note Pad manual describes the functionallity of ECS Note Pad display.

4 • ECS Document Map Reference Manual ECS Document Map

Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual ECS Document Map Glossary of Terms • 5

Operator Interface Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 1, Error! Not a valid
bookmark in entry on page 3

Index OpStation Editor 3

Partner Configuration 2
Plant Reports Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 3, 4
Point Configuration 3
point state definitions 3
Point System Configuration 2, 3

alarm header 3, 4 Qstop 4
alarm list 3, 4
alarm philosophy 3
alarm reset scope 3
alarm silence scope 3 SDR Alarm Header 4
A-Point Algorithms 3 SDR Concepts 2
SDR Language Selection 4
B SDR Partner Configuration 2
SDR Point List 4
B-Point Algorithms 3 SDR Point Parameters 4
SDR Reference Manual 1
C SDR Report Configuration 3
SDR System Installation & Setup 1
Control System Configuration 1, Error! Not a valid Security 2
bookmark in entry on page 2 shift definitions 3
SL-GMSDraw User’s Guide 3
D Start 4
Starting Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
default 3, 4 page 2
department button colors 3 Stop 4
department names 3
Trend Display 4
ECS Note Pad 4
engineering units 3
I W2K 2
Windows 2000 Installation 2
I/O Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on page
I/O Interface Manuals 3
Installation & Setup Error! Not a valid bookmark
in entry on page 1, 2

language selection 4
local 3, 4

Mstop 4

Reference Manual ECS Document Map Index • 7

Reference Manual

SDR A-Point Algorithms

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/03/06 12:40p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: ApointAlgorithms30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR A-Point Algorithms 1
Introduction 1
Algorithm Legend 1
IO Algorithms 2
Internal Algorithms 4
Algorithm 11 - Linear Conversion 4
Algorithm 12 - Weighted Summation 4
Algorithm 13 - Multiplication 4
Algorithm 14 - Division 4
Algorithm 15 - Exponential 4
Algorithm 16 - Sampler 4
Algorithm 17 - Unit Delay 5
Algorithm 18 - Integration 5
Algorithm 19 - Differentiation 5
Algorithm 20 - Dual system identification 6
Algorithm 21 - SDR - ON 6
Algorithm 22 - Relay 6
Algorithm 23 - % Subtraction 6
Algorithm 24 - Get Statistical Data 6
Algorithm 25 - Maximum Value 7
Algorithm 26 - Minimum Value 7
Algorithm 27 - Linear Regression 8
Algorithm 28 - Get Run state of B points 9
Algorithm 29 - Get Point Parameters 9
Algorithm 30 - Minute Delay 9
Algorithm 31 - Flow Measurement 9
Algorithm 32 - 15/30 Mean Max Value 10
Algorithm 33 - Run Factor 10
Algorithm 34 - Normal State Counter 10
Algorithm 35 - P1/Normal, P2/Alarm 11
Algorithm 36 - Copy B point value 11
Algorithm 37 - Standard Deviation 11
Algorithm 38 - Average Value 11
Algorithm 39 - FUZZY STORE Point 11
Algorithm 40 - Kiln Ramp Generator 12
Algorithm 41 - Operator Inserted 12
Algorithm 42 - Logarithm 12
Algorithm 43 - Emission, Stackguide 12
Algorithm 44 - Counter integration with multiplexer points 13
Algorithm 45 - Flow integration with multiplexer points 13
Algorithm 50 - Set value as constant 13
Algorithm 51 - Multiplication of multiply points 14
Algorithm 92 - Test Time Ramp Function 14
Algorithm 93 - Test Ramp Function 15
Algorithm 94 - Point server status information 15

Alarm algorithms 16
Alarm algorithms 16

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Contents • iii

Report algorithms 17
Report algorithms for A-Points 17
Report algorithms for B-Points 18

B-Point calculation algorithms 19

B-Point calculation algorithms 19
Algorithm 0 - No algorithm 19
Algorithm 1 - Copy B point msw 19
Algorithm 2 - Bit mask, move right 19
Algorithm 3 - Unpack single bit 20
Algorithm 4 - Pack single bits 20
Algorithm 5 - Pack bits with mask 20
Algorithm 6 - Copy A point value 20
Algorithm 7 - A point status 20
Algorithm 8 - A point Alarm level 21
Algorithm 9 - Make constant 21
Algorithm 10 - Watchdog pulse 21
Algorithm 11 - Pulse trigger 21
Algorithm 12 - Pack multiple bits 21
Algorithm 13 - Runhour test min 22
Algorithm 14 - Runhour test date 22
Algorithm 15 - MSW range test 22
Algorithm 16 - Stat flags test 22
Algorithm 17 - Dual block point 22
Algorithm 18 - Time forced output 23
Algorithm 19 - Output by Set/Clear 23
Algorithm 20 - AND operating states 23
Algorithm 21 - OR operating states 23
Algorithm 22 - XOR point msw 23
Algorithm 23 - Copy value text number 24

Stackguide, emission algorithms 25

Emission measurements 25
Emission algorithms 26
Qal2 calculation, C10 - 0 26
Qal3 calculation, C10 - 1 26
Nox calculation, C10 - 2 26
Normalizor calculation, C10 - 4 26
Confidence interval, C10 - 5 27
Blocker point container, C10 - 9 27
Emission value and configuration, C10 - 10 28
Emission current interval calculation, C10 - 11 29
Emission previous interval storage, C10 - 20 29
Emission current day calculation, C10 - 12 30
Emission previous day storage, C10 - 20 30
Extraction of emission data, C10 - 21 31
Forecast of emission data, C10 - 21 31
Rolling average algorithms 31
Direct rolling average, C10 - 13 32
Cascaded rolling average, C10 - 14 32
Next cascaded rolling average, C10 - 15 34

Glossary of Terms 35

Index 37

iv • Contents Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

SDR A-Point Algorithms

A-point conversion algorithms are programs that generate an A-point value based on a raw value obtained from the
I/O system or another point. After processing the raw value, the A-point value is saved to log files, posted in
graphics, or used by other points.
The A-point algorithms are divided into two categories - I/O Algorithms and Internal Algorithms. The I/O
algorithms are used to process A-point values from the process interface. The internal algorithms are used to
calculate point values for control or display purposes or to provide a means to accept values from an operator.
When an algorithm is assigned to a point, it is applied each time the point value is processed. The result of this
processing is determined by the algorithm type and various configuration parameters assigned to the point. The
configuration parameters include constant values specified by the user and the values from up to 10 reference points.

Algorithm Legend
The following describes the expressions used in the I/O and internal algorithm desriptions.
pcal: calculated value - not filtered
aiv analog input value
p point value in engineering units
p[-i] The point value established i sampling periods ago
Pn where n = 1 to 10. The point value of the ten input points specified in the point record.
PAn where n = 1 to 3. The 3 database fields (Parameter 1, Parameter 2, and Parameter 3) located in the point record.
Cn where n = 1 to 10. One of the 10 Constant fields located in the point record.
TS Point treatment period[in seconds], the default sampling period.
TC Filter’s time constant[in seconds].
The filter is defined as follows:
Pnew = Pold + (Pmes - Pold)/f
f = TC/TS + 0.5
Pmes = latest sampled point-value.
Pold = old filtered point-value.
Pnew = new filtered point-value.
TS/2 <= TC <= 3600

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms SDR A-Point Algorithms • 1

IO Algorithms
The I/O algorithms are used to process A-point values obtained from the process interface.

Algorithm 0 - No Algorithm
No conversion.

Algorithm 1 - Linear Input

p = C1*aiv + C2
C1 = Gain
C2 = Offset

Algorithm 2 - Counter, Accm. Value

This algorithm is used in connection with totalizing counters residing in the process interface
pcal = C1 * (C3*P1 + aiv) + C2
aiv = Counter value in the process interface (low word).
P1 = Point code of optional point with high counter value.
C3 = Multiplier. As default set to 10000 if C3 is zero.
No filter treatment.

Algorithm 3 - PID Controller Setpoint

PID control is implemented in the PLC program. Algorithm 3 is used to connect to the controller in order to display
and modify the controller setpoint, the controller mode, and if algorithm 4 is used, the controller output. Also refer to
Algorithm 4 - Manual Output Controller. The following identifies the parameters for Algorithm 3.
P1 = Process Value (PV) - controlled variable
P2 = Controller output Manual Setpoint point. A-point with algorithm 4.
P3 = B-point used for Cascade Control (Blocking Point). The value specified in the P6 point is sent to the PID
setpoint if this point is Normal and has a value of ON.
P4 = Controller Mode B-point. B-point with appropriate algorithm, eg 33.
P5 = Optional A-point for actual setpoint value for I/O drivers that can not read-back the actual setpoint value in this
P6 = Desired setpoint value from another point or the Fuzzy or QCX system options.
P7 = Optional A-point that holds the actual position of the controlled device (damper or valve).

2 • SDR A-Point Algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

C1 = Gain (Same as PV Gain)
C2 = Offset (Same as PV Offset)
C3 = New setpoint Deadband. If P6 is used, the difference between the current setpoint value and the P6 value must
be greater than C3 before a new setpoint is sent to the PID.
C4 = Internal counter used for dead time
C5 = Dead time in seconds. The amount of time that must elapse before a new setpoint is sent.
The PID setpoint can also be supplied by the Desired Setpoint point (P6). This can be a value from another point or
another SDR subsystem (Fuzzy, QCX, etc.). If an optional B-point (Cascade Control) is specified in the P3 field,
the Desired Setpoint is only passed to the PID if the Cascade Control point is Normal and has a point value of ON.
C9 and C10 = Limits for setpoint output. C9 is the low limit and C10 the high limit. So if C9 = 0 and C10 = 100
and an attempt is made to set the setpoint to 50 then this will be accepted. However a value of 101 will be rejected.
C9 and C10 are also used as low and high range for PID faceplate sliders.
Algorithm 4 - Manual Output Controller
Also refer to Algorithm 3 - PID Controller Setpoint.
P1 = Automatic Setpoint point. A-point with algorithm 3.
P2 = Process Value (PV) - controlled variable
P3 = B-point used for Cascade Control (Blocking Point). The value specified in the P6 point is sent to the PID
setpoint if this point is Normal and has a value of ON.
P4 = Controller Mode B-point. B-point with appropriate algorithm, eg 33.
P6 = Desired setpoint value from another point or the Fuzzy or QCX system options.
C1 = Gain (Same as PV Gain)
C2 = Offset (Same as PV Offset)
C3 = New setpoint Deadband. If P6 is used, the difference between the current setpoint value and the P6 value must
be greater than C3 before a new setpoint is sent to the PID.
C4 = Internal counter used for dead time
C5 = Dead time in seconds. The amount of time that must elapse before a new setpoint is sent.
C9 and C10 = Limits for output. C9 is the low limit and C10 the high limit. So if C9 = 0 and C10 = 100 and an
attempt is made to set the setpoint to 50 then this will be accepted. However a value of 101 will be rejected. C9 and
C10 are also used as low and high range for PID faceplate sliders.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms SDR A-Point Algorithms • 3

Internal Algorithms
The internal algorithms are used to calculate point values for control or display purposes or to provide a means to
accept values from an operator.

Algorithm 11 - Linear Conversion

pcal = C1*P1 + C2 if abs(pcal) >= C3
pcal = 0 if abs(pcal) < C3
C3 = Deadband, must be >= 0
C4: 0/1, if C4=1 then also the state of P1 is copied to the state of this point.

Algorithm 12 - Weighted Summation

pcal = C1*P1 + C2*P2 + C3*P3 + C4*P4 + C5*P5…+ C6*P6 + C7*P7 + C8*P8 + C9*P9 + C10*P10

Algorithm 13 - Multiplication
pcal = C1*P1*P2

Algorithm 14 - Division
Pcal = C1*P1/P2
If C3 = 0 pcal = C1*P1/P2
If C3 = > 0 then C3 gives the limit for pcal, i.e.
If abs(C1*P1/C3) < abs(P2)
pcal = C1*P1/P2
pcal = Sign(C1*P1/P2) * abs(C3)

Algorithm 15 - Exponential
pcal = C1*(P1 raised to the exponent C2)

Algorithm 16 - Sampler
The point value of this algorithm will be set equal to the specified sampling period each time the period expires, else
the point value is 0. For example if C1 is 60 seconds, then pcal equals 60 every 60 seconds, else 0.
C1: The sampling period in seconds. C1 must not be smaller than the point treatment period.
C2: Internal counter used to count down C1 every point treatment period.
if C2 > 0 pcal = 0
else pcal = C1
See Algorithm 27 - Linear Regression for an example.

4 • SDR A-Point Algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Algorithm 17 - Unit Delay
pcal = P1[-1] if P2 <> 0
pcal = unchanged if P2 = 0
Where P1[-1] is the old point value of P1 that was present the last time P2 was different from 0. Therefore, by
specifying an Analog point with the Sampler algorithm as P2, the point value is constant during the sample period,
and the value is the point value of P1 delayed one sampling period. C1 is used to save P1.

Algorithm 18 - Integration
If point is report treatment suppressed, PrepSu, then pcal = unchanged
If C4 > 0.5, this algorithm is used for counting pr. Hour signals, see below.
pcal = P[-1] + (P2/C1)*P1 if -C2 < pcal < C2
pcal = C2 if pcal >= C2
pcal = -C2 if pcal <= -C2
If P1 is not specified, P1 = 1.0 in the formula. If P2 is not specified, then the integration works on the constant value
of 0.0 as default for the value of P2.
Reset of the integration is done through Input P3, i.e.:
• If P3 = 0, then integration will take place.
• If 0 < P3 < the time in sec. since the last reset, the reset will take place, i.e. pcal = 0.
• If P3 >= the time in sec. since the last reset, then integration will take place.
• If P3 < 0 then reset at Minute = abs(P3)

If the scan time is 10 sec. and if Input P3 is a sampler of 60 sec., then P1 is integrated every 10 sec. and reset to 0
every minute. If, on the other hand, P3 is a constant value of 3600, then P1 is integrated every 10 sec. and reset to 0
once every hour.

Ton Per Hour Counting

Used to accumulate Tons/Hour signals in point value, using a base number like 1000, meaning that the point value
increases by one every time 1000 tonnes has passed the t/h signal in question.
C4 = Base number, 1/10/100/1000/10000 (reset tonnes)
C5 = Manual reset, put to -1. Contains accumulated tonnes until now.
C6 = Autoreset; 1 = Year, 2 = Month, 3 = Day. (0 = No reset)
C7 = Do not touch, contains last Year/Month/Day for auto reset.
P1 = A point to integrate tonnes pr. Hour signal for.
P2 = B point to make manual Reset from, the value "ON" makes reset. (Optional) In one department there may be
many counters, which then can use this B point for resetting all counters at once.

Algorithm 19 - Differentiation
This algorithm does a slope calculation of input point P1 every time input point P2 is different from 0. This is
achieved by defining P2 with conversion algorithm sampler (Algorithm 16).
pcal = unchanged if P2 = 0
pcal = C1*(P1-P1[-1])/P2 if P2 <> 0
C2 = Saves P1[-1]. C2 is set equal to P1 every time P2 <> 0.
P2 = Normally a point with sampler algorithm (Algorithm 16).

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms SDR A-Point Algorithms • 5

Algorithm 20 - Dual system identification
This algorithm identifies which Server (Mop) this is;
pcal = 0 if not a dual system
pcal = 1 if Server1 (Mop1) on dual system.
pcal = 2 if Server2 (Mop2) on dual system.

Algorithm 21 - SDR - ON
pcal = decimal days since start-up of system.

Algorithm 22 - Relay
pcal = C2*P2 if P1 >= C1
pcal = C3*P3 if P1 < C1

Algorithm 23 - % Subtraction
pcal = (100 - C2*P2 - C3*P3 - C4*P4 - C5*P5)*C1*P1*0.01

Algorithm 24 - Get Statistical Data

This algorithm is used to fetch the statistical data for P1. This is the same data used in daily reports. The content of
C1 determines which statistical value is supplied by the algorithm. The algorithm can retrieve statistical data from
both A and B points.

If P1 is an Analog point:
If C1 = 1, pcal = Max value
If C1 = 2, pcal = Min value
If C1 = 3, pcal = Mean value
If C1 = 4, pcal = Report value

C2 determines from which buffer the statistical data is taken

• DAY if C2 = 0
• HOUR if C2 = 1
• SHIFT if C2 = 2

C3 determines whether the current or previous value is taken, such as yesterday or foregoing hour or shift
• Current value if C3 = 0
• Previous value if C3 = 1

6 • SDR A-Point Algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

If P1 is a B-point:
If C1 = 1, pcal = Runhour now
If C1 = 2, pcal = Previous Run hour

C2 determines from which buffer the statistical data is taken

• DAY if C2 = 0
• HOUR if C2 = 1
• SHIFT if C2 = 2
• TOTAL if C2 = 3

C3 determines whether the current or previous value is taken, such as yesterday or foregoing hour or shift
• Current value if C3 = 0
• Previous value if C3 = 1

Algorithm 25 - Maximum Value

pcal = maximum value of n samples of P1
For the number of samples specified in C1, the maximum value of P1 is saved in C3. C2 is used as a counter. When
C2 reaches the value of C1, the point value is updated, and the comparison is restarted.
P1 Input point
C1 Number of samples "n" to be used.
C2 Internal counter.
C3 Internal storage of maximum value.

Algorithm 26 - Minimum Value

pcal = minimum value of n samples of Point P1.
Same as Algorithm 25, but minimum value of samples is determined.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms SDR A-Point Algorithms • 7

Algorithm 27 - Linear Regression
pcal = ALFA*C1 + BETA
where ALFA and BETA are the slope and the offset respectively of the calculated regression line.
The purpose of this conversion algorithm is to approximate a varying signal by a straight line, as the signal is
considered for a given period back in time.
The basis for this calculation is the data stored for trend curve plot of the time varying signal referred by Input P1.
This sequence of data is called: P1, P1[-1], P1[-2],…
From this sequence of data the conversion algorithm takes out a new sequence: Xi, Xi[-1], Xi[-2],...
where the time interval between successive values is given by Point P2, which refers to a sampler point (Algorithm
The number of values in the sequence X is specified in C1. Every sampling instant (interval in C2) the following
quantities are evaluated:
A = Sum(Xi) for i = 1,2,...,C1
B = Sum(Xi*Xi) for i = 1,2,...,C1
C = Sum(i) for i = 1,2,...,C1
D = Sum(i*i) for i = 1,2,...,C1
E = Sum(Xi*i) for i = 1,2,...,C1
After that the point value is given by:
where the slope ALFA of the approximating line is given by:
ALFA = (C1*E - C*A)/(C1*D - C2)
and the offset BETA is given by:
BETA = (A - ALFA*C)/C1
The point value thus evaluated is the value on the approximating line corresponding to the actual time.
Finally, the correlation coefficient CORC is calculated, expressing how well the straight line approximates the time
varying signal:
CORC = ALFA * SQRT( (C1*D - C2)/(C1*B - A2) )
where SQRT is square root.
The quantities ALFA, BETA, and CORC are stored in C5, C6, and C7 respectively.

To summarize:
P1 = Point for which linear approximation is desired.
C1 = Number of values/samples (max 300 !)
C2 = Seconds between sampling (5 – x)
C3 = Time counter (internal)
C4 = Valid samples (0 – C1) (internal)
C5 = Slope of approximating line (ALFA) (internal)
C6 = Offset of approximating line (BETA) (internal)
C7 = Correlation coefficient (CORC) (internal)
C8 = Displacement on time axis

8 • SDR A-Point Algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Algorithm 28 - Get Run state of B points
This algorithm is used for setting the pcal value to 1.0 or 0.0 depending on the Run status of one or more B points.
The value in C1 defines whether to AND or OR the B points.
C1: If 0.0 => AND the B points, if 1.0 => OR the B points
P1 - P10 : B points

Algorithm 29 - Get Point Parameters

pcal = C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9 or C10 of P1.
This algorithm is used to read the value of one of the constants C1 - C10 of another Analog point.
P1 The A-point from where the constant should be read.
C1 Number of the constant to be read, (1 - 10).

Algorithm 30 - Minute Delay

The delay time in minutes is specified in C1.
pcal = P1[-C1 minutes]
where P1[-C1 minutes] is the old point value of Point P1 that was present C1 minutes before. Hence, this algorithm
is used to establish a delayed signal of Point P1.
C1: Number of samples back in time, if C2 = 60 then minute delay
Max samples = 300 !
C2: Time between samples (update frequency)
Example: C2=5, (5 seconds between sample) and C1=120, (120 samples used),
Will give a 10 minutes delay, with sample resolution of 5 seconds.

Algorithm 31 - Flow Measurement

pcal = C1*(1+C2*(10E-6)*(P1-20))*(1+C3*P2/P3)*(SQRT(P2/P3))

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms SDR A-Point Algorithms • 9

Algorithm 32 - 15/30 Mean Max Value
This algorithm calculates the maximum value of Point P1 on day/week/10day/month base. The calculation takes
place every 15/30 minutes, using the mean value of P1 in this period.
P1: Input point to get value from.
PA1 = 1 Day base.
PA1 = 2 Week base.
PA1 = 3 10 day base.
PA1 = 4 Month base.
PA2 = 1 Point value is the Time for the highest value so far. Eg. 1985 oct 25 13:15 gives: pcal = 1025.1315.
PA2 = 2 Point value is Max value until now.
PA2 = 3 Point value is Mean from last period.
PA3 = 1 15 min Mean.
PA3 = 2 30 min Mean.
C1: MMDD.HHMM for the end of todays Max value period.
C2: Number of values for period.
C3: Last period mean value.
C4: Max value of the day.
C5: Summation for period.

Algorithm 33 - Run Factor

This algorithm calculates the run factor in percent of equipment configured with a B-point.
pcal = 100 * (Run_hours_for_P1)/(Run_hours_for_P2)
P1 = B-point for sub equipment.
P2 = B-point for main equipment.
C1 = 1, Run hours used in calculation are based on 24-hour-base (those which are reset every 24 hours).
C1 = 2, Run hours used in calculation are based on continuous run hour accumulation (those which are not
automatically reset).

Algorithm 34 - Normal State Counter

This algorithm is used to supervise another point's status.
The output is a ramp beginning when point P1 enters normal state and ends when the normal state ends. The value of
the ramp is elapsed minutes.
pcal = p-i + delta_time if P1 in normal state.
pcal = p[-i] + delta_time if P1 in normal state.
pcal = 0 if P1 changes state from not normal to normal.
pcal = p-I if P1 in NOT normal state.
pcal = p[-i] if P1 in NOT normal state.
The time is in format MM.SS

10 • SDR A-Point Algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Algorithm 35 - P1/Normal, P2/Alarm
Select the pointvalue from value of P1 or P2 depending on the state of P3 which must be a B-point:
pcal = P1 If P3 is in normal state.
pcal = P2 If P3 is NOT normal.

Algorithm 36 - Copy B point value

Copy of B point value, C1 decides whether to copy the MSW or Text number.
C1: 0.0 => MSW used for copy. 1.0 => Text number used for copy.

Algorithm 37 - Standard Deviation

This algorithm calculates SD for referenced points, 2 – 10 values.
pcal = sqrt(((P1*P1+P2*P2+..)*Np-(P1+P2+..)2)/(Np * (Np -1)))
Where Np is number of point values.
C1 = Default value if less than 2 refrence points

Algorithm 38 - Average Value

pcal = ( P1 + P2 + ... ) / Np
Where Np is number of point values.

Rolling Average
If C2 >= 5, a Rolling Average will be calculated, with a maximum of 300 samples used for calculation.
C2 = Time between samples, minimum 5 seconds.
C3 = Number of samples to use, minimum 3 samples, maximum 300 samples.
C4 = Info, time gone in seconds.
C5 = Flag for using Bad Float by incomplete buffer (1), or use best value (0) which is calculated on fewer samples
(only the valid samples)
C6 = Samples in buffer now, Bad Floats not counted.
C7 = Flag by blocked value, 1 => Store bad in buffer, 2 => Freeze the buffer.
P1 = A point to make Rolling Average on.
P2 = B point used for Blocking the calculation if process is stopped.

Algorithm 39 - FUZZY STORE Point

This conversion algorithm is used for updating the point value by the STORE-declaration of the Fuzzy Control
Language, refer to the FLS-FCL REFERENCE MANUAL.
C9 and C10 = Limits for input. C9 is the low limit and C10 the high limit. So if C9 = 0 and C10 = 100 and an
attempt is made to set the setpoint to 50 then this will be accepted. However a value of 130 will be rejected. If C9=0
and C10=0 then no limit checking is done.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms SDR A-Point Algorithms • 11

Algorithm 40 - Kiln Ramp Generator
cal = C1 + C5 * C4 while Ramp is 'running', i.e. C4 < C3.
pcal = C2 when end value has been reached, i.e. C4 = C3.
This algorithm is used to generate a Ramp signal.
The start and end values of the Ramp and the duration (in minutes) are specified in C1, C2 and C3 respectively.
C4 is used by the algorithm as a counter and equals the number of minutes since the Ramp was started. The Ramp is
started by setting C4 equal to -1.
C5 is the slope of the Ramp, calculated by the algorithm, using the values of C1, C2 and C3.
If Point P1 and/or Point P2 are specified, the current values of these points when the Ramp is started, are used as
start and end value respectively. The points specified as Point P1 and/or Point P2 must be Analog points.
C1: Start value.
C2: End value.
C3: Time duration of Ramp.
C4: Running counter.
C5: Slope.

Algorithm 41 - Operator Inserted

pcal = operator_inserted_value
The point value is supplied by the operator. Values outside the alarm limits are not accepted, if the point's
C9 and C10 = Limits for input. C9 is the low limit and C10 the high limit. So if C9 = 0 and C10 = 100 and an
attempt is made to set the setpoint to 50 then this will be accepted. However value of 130 will be rejected. If C9=0
and C10=0 then no limit checking is done.

Algorithm 42 - Logarithm
pcal = Log10(P1) or Log(P1)
P1 : Analog value to get logarithm of.
C1: If 10.0 use Log10, otherwise natural Log.

Algorithm 43 - Emission, Stackguide

The realtime emission calculation requires a number of points with different variants of the emission algorithm. For
details confer the section “Emission algorithms”. The emission supervision is aka. the realtime stackguide.

12 • SDR A-Point Algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Algorithm 44 - Counter integration with multiplexer points
The basis formula is the difference between the two consecutive values of the counter. The counter is reset when the
integration period expires or when one of the multiplexer points goes to not operating.

pcal = P[-1] + (P1 – P1[-1])*C2 , if P2 or P3 are not operating then pcal = 0.0;

P1: input signal, the counter.

P2, P3: two B-Points that stop and reset the counter. The points can be used to check on the running state of the
counting process or to reflect material changes.
C1: the length of the integration period, before the counting process restarts, given in minutes or function code.
C2: a coefficient that supports the conversion to another unit.

If C1<0 or C1>24*60 then C1=0.

C1 length of integration interval, 0 = 1 hour, 1 = one calendar day, 2 = one shift, 3 = one calendar week, 4 = one
month, 5 = one report day.
C1 >=10 then C1 gives the integration length given in minutes.

C2 is any value >0.

Algorithm 45 - Flow integration with multiplexer points

The basis formula is the integration of a signal. The integration is reset when the integration period expires. The
value keeps constant (integration is stopped), when one of the multiplexer points goes to not operating.

pcal = P[-1] + P1*C2 * (TS/C3), TS=default sample period, deltaT = TS/C3.

P1: input signal.

P2, P3: two B-Points that stop the integration. The points can be used to check on the running state of the flow
process or to reflect material changes.
C1: the length of the integration period, defines when the integration restarts from value 0, given in minutes or
function code.
C2: a coefficient that supports the conversion to other units.
C3: defines deltaT of the integration, deltaT = (TS/C3), given in seconds. If C3=60 this is a minute signal, if C3=360
then it is a hour signal.

If C1<0 or C1>24*60 then C1=0.

C1 length of integration interval, 0 = 1 hour, 1 = one calendar day, 2 = one shift, 3 = one calendar week, 4 = one
month, 5 = one report day.
C1 >=10 then C1 gives the integration length in minutes.

C2 is any value >0.

C3 is given in seconds, when C3=0 then C3 defaults to 60, a per minute signal.

Algorithm 50 - Set value as constant

This algorithm creates a point as a constant.
pcal = C1
C1: Constant value to place in point value.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms SDR A-Point Algorithms • 13

Algorithm 51 - Multiplication of multiply points
pcal = P1*C1 * P2*C2 * P3*C3 * ….P10*C10
P1- P10 : Points to multiply together.
C1 - C10: Constants to multiply together.

Algorithm 92 - Test Time Ramp Function

If C5 = 0, not decimal time:
Algorithm used to test the SDR log system. The point value is set equal to an element of the current time depending
on the value of C1. Times are not decimal, eg if C1 = 2, pcal is in the range 0 to 59.59. If C1 = 3, pcal is in the range
0 to 23.5959.
C1 = 1, pcal = <current_second>
C1 = 2, pcal = <current_minute> + <current_second>/100
C1 =3, pcal = <current_hour> + <current_minute>/100 + <current_second>/10000
C1 = 4, pcal = <current_day> + current_hour>/100 + <current_minute>/10000
+ <current_second>/1000000
C1 = 5, pcal = < current_day>
C1 = 6, pcal = <current_month> + <current_day>/100

If C5 = 1, decimal time:
Algorithm used to test the SDR log system. The point value is set equal to an element of the current time depending
on the value of C1. All times are decimal, eg if C1 = 2, pcal is in the range 0 to 59.99.
C1 = 1, pcal = <current_second>
C1 = 2, pcal = <current_minute> + <current_second>/60
C1 = 3, pcal = <current_hour> + <current_minute>/60 + <current_second>/3600
C1 = 4, pcal = <current_day> + current_hour>/24 + <current_minute>/1440
+ <current_second>/86400
C1 = 5, pcal = < current_day>

If C5 = 2, hour value:
Algorithm used to test SDR log system. The point value is set equal to the current integer hour value minus C1.
If C1 = 0 then pcal is in the range 0 to 23.
pcal = HOUR - C1

If C5 = 3, day value:
Algorithm used to test SDR log system. The point value is set equal to the current integer value day of month
minus C1. If C1 = 0 then pcal is in the range 1 to 31.
pcal = DAY_OF_MONTH - C1

If C5 = 4, week day value:

The point value is set equal to the current integer value day of week plus C1. pcal is in the range 1 to 7. C1 equals
the offset day to start at.
pcal = DAY_OF_WEEK_NO + C1 (if pcal = 8, pcal = 1)

Note: This algorithm can be used to transfer the current date or time to an A-point for display in e.g. Opstation.

14 • SDR A-Point Algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Algorithm 93 - Test Ramp Function
Algorithm used to test various SDR functions. The trend of the point value will be a sawtooth function between C2
and C3, incremented by C1 every point treatment period.
C1: Point value increment.
C2: Low limit of ramp.
C3: High limit of ramp.
C4 controls which shape of test signal to produce:
0: Ramp, up/down line.
1: Sawtooth, goes from low to high and then jumps to low.
2: Sinus math wave function.

Algorithm 94 - Point server status information

Algorithm used to show different status counters from the point server, mainly used for system performance
evaluation. The C1 constant will determine which figure will be placed in the pcal value;
Constant C1 =
1: A point treat cycle in msec
2: B point treat cycle in msec
3: A point treat time used in msec
4: B point treat time used in msec
5: Dynamic data to Jet, time used in msec
6: Statistical data to Jet for A points, time used in msec
7: Statistical data to Jet for B points, time used in msec
8: Call to doIosPointTreat pr. Sec, reset by cyclic treat
9: Call to doIosBlockTreat pr. Sec, reset by cyclic treat
10: Call to Aptrt pr. Sec, reset by cyclic treat
11: Call to BpTrt pr. Sec, reset by cyclic treat
12: Number of active A points
13: Number of active B points
14: Time used for start-up of Point Server

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms SDR A-Point Algorithms • 15

Alarm algorithms

Alarm algorithms
This is a list of the available alarm algorithms in the ECS/SDR system. An alarm/event algorithm can be specified
when configuring points and departments.

Algorithm 0 - No logging, No annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) will not be logged or annunciated.

Algorithm 1 - Logging, no annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) will be logged, but not annunciated.

Algorithm 2 - Logging and annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) will be logged and annunciated.

16 • Alarm algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Report algorithms

Report algorithms for A-Points

The report algorithm is used to calculate an additional statistical value, which is normally called calculated value.
The value calculated is in plant reports under the name “Calc” (Calculated by report algorithm). Note that a report
day is from report hour to the next report hour.

Algorithm 0 - No reporting
No specific report calculation.
Algorithm 1 - Simple mean value
CalcVn+1 = (n*CalcVn + p)/(n+1)
The algorithm calculates the current mean value of the pvalue. The value is adjusted on each scan. After the daily
reporting n is reset at the specified report hour, which means that a new accumulation starts.

Algorithm 2 - Accum. per hour

CalcVn+1 = CalcVn + p/(3600/scan period)
Example: The point value is given in ton/h and thus CalcV will have the unit ton.

Algorithm 3 - Accum. per minute

CalcVn+1 = CalcVn + p/(60/scan period)
As algorithm 2, but for signals on minutes basis. Example: The point value is given in L/min. acv will have the unit

Algorithm 4 - Accum. full hour

CalcVn+1 = CalcVn + p n=1, where n = full hour
The advantage of this algorithm is that the reported full hour values will add to this accumulated value. The value
logged is taken from the and of the hour, thus for 13:00 to 14:00, the value is taken at 13:59.
Notice that this calculation is not an accurate reflection of the process flow. (Management report)

Algorithm 8 - Mean(full hour val.)

As algorithm 1, but only for the full hour values.
Notice that this calculation is not an accurate reflection of the process flow. (Management report)

Algorithm 9 - Stan. dev(point val.)

CalcVn = SQRT([mean(X2) - (mean(X))2] * N/(N-1))
= SQRT([suma(X2) - (suma(X))2]/N]/N/(N-1))

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Report algorithms • 17

Where X is the point value, and N the number of values since report hour.
Calculation is performed at every cycle of the point treatment.

Algorithm 10 - Sampling, report hour

The accumulated value is set equal to the point value at “report hour”. The value for a “report hour” day is taken at
the end of the day.
CalcVn = pn, where n = “report hour”
Note that the mean value for the previous 24-hour period is also set to the point value at “report hour”.

Algorithm 11 - Stan. dev(Operat ins)

The deviation calculation is as report algorithm 9.
Calculation is performed whenever a new value is entered.

Report algorithms for B-Points

Algorithm 0 - No reporting
No reporting.

Algorithm 1 - Operating hours

The time (decimal hour) the point state has been normal. The value is reset at report hour.

Algorithm 2 - Continuous Oper. hrs

The same as algorithm 1, but values are summed (not reset automatically).

18 • Report algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

B-Point calculation algorithms

B-Point calculation algorithms

The purpose of B point calculation algorithms is internally to calculate an MSW value of a B point, and thereafter
applying this value to the B point Algorithm. So the MSW is generated internally and not coming from the PLC’s
when the algorithm number is > 0.
Please notice that these algorithms should not be used on points with an PLC input address, the result will be

Algorithm 0 - No algorithm
No internal calculation performed.

Algorithm 1 - Copy B point msw

msw = msw of P1
P1 = B point to copy MSW from
C1 = Forced Output 1 = On , 0 = Off
C2 = Frequency to send out with, normally 5 – 60 seconds

Algorithm 2 - Bit mask, move right

msw = (P1 AND C1) >> C2, where >> means shift right.
P1 = B point to use MSW from
C1 = Bit mask for AND
C2 = Number of bit to shift right, (0 to 15)
P1 msw = 0110
C1= 4, which is 0100 binary
C2 = 1
msw = 0010 bianry.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms B-Point calculation algorithms • 19

Algorithm 3 - Unpack single bit
msw = (P1 >> C1) AND 1, where >> means shift right.
P1 = B point to use MSW from
C1 = Number of bit to shift right, (0 to 15).
P1 msw = 0110
C1= 2
msw = 0001 bianry.

Algorithm 4 - Pack single bits

This alg packs up to 10 B points MSWs into one B point. Only bit 0 is used from each of the reference points. Bit 0
is set to bit 0 of reference point 1, bit 1 is set to bit 0 of reference point 2, etc.

Algorithm 5 - Pack bits with mask

msw = (P1 AND C1 << 0) OR (P2 AND C2 << 1) OR (P3 AND C3 << 2) | OR (P4 AND C4 << 3) OR …. OR (P10
AND C10 << 9)
Where << means shift left.

Algorithm 6 - Copy A point value

msw = A point value
P1 = A point to use copy value from
C1 = Forced Output 1 = On , 0 = Off
C2 = Frequency to send out with, normally 5 – 60 seconds

Algorithm 7 - A point status

msw = 1 if A point normal and not alarm suppressed
msw = 0 if A point in alarm or suppressed
P1 = A point to check alarm status of
C4 = Forced Output 1 = On , 0 = Off
C5 = Frequency to send out with, normally 5 – 60 seconds

20 • B-Point calculation algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Algorithm 8 - A point Alarm level
msw = C1 if A point in high alarm
msw = C2 if A point in normal range
msw = C3 if A point in low alarm
P1 = A point to check alarm status of
C1 = MSW by high alarm
C2 = MSW by normal value
C3 = MSW by low alarm
C4 = Forced Output 1 = On , 0 = Off
C5 = Frequency to send out with, normally 5 – 60 seconds

Algorithm 9 - Make constant

Creates a B point as a constant
msw = C1

Algorithm 10 - Watchdog pulse

msw = 1 or 0, pulse signal
C1: Seconds in “On” condition, msw = 1
C2: Seconds in “Off” condition, msw = 0

Algorithm 11 - Pulse trigger

msw = 1 or 0, depending on constants
C1: Seconds in “On” condition, msw = 1
C2: Seconds in “Off” condition, msw = 0
C3: Seconds after midnight when to start cycle with “On”

Algorithm 12 - Pack multiple bits

msw = P1 .. P10 packed into bit positions equal to the ref position. All 16 bits will be filled, using bits from previous
Px ref.
P1..P10 : B points
Example.: P1, P4 and P7 contain B point references;
Bit 0-2 equal to bit 0-2 from P1
Bit 3-5 equal to bit 0-2 from P4
Bit 6-15 equal to bit 0-9 from P7

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms B-Point calculation algorithms • 21

Algorithm 13 - Runhour test min
Algorithm used for test of Log system statistics.
msw = 1 if minute < C1
msw = 0 if minute >= C1
C1: limit for minute, 0 - 60
Example.: If C1 set to 20, the different statistics should show a Runhour count of 1/3 of the time; i.e. Daily Runtime
= 8 hours.

Algorithm 14 - Runhour test date

Algorithm used for test of Log system statistics.
msw = 1 if hour < date (day in month)
msw = 0 if hour >= date
This will course the Daily Runhours to show a number equal to the date of the month, and for date > 24, the number
is 1 - 7.

Algorithm 15 - MSW range test

This alg will cycle through the MSW range defined via C1 and C2, and increase the msw by one every point treat
msw = msw + 1 if within range
C1: Lower range for MSW’s
C2: Upper range for MSW’s

Algorithm 16 - Stat flags test

Alg sets MSW to 1 for one point treat cycle, when one of the 4 statistical flags are set in the Point Server;
msw = 1 if flag
C1: 1 = Full Day, 2 = Full Shift, 3 = Full Hour, 4 = Full Minute
When any of these flags are set, it is a signal to the Log server to retrieve statistical data from the point server.

Algorithm 17 - Dual block point

The purpose of this algorithm is to be used to determine which server in a dual system the associated B-point is
running on. This can be server1 or server2 (MOP1 or MOP2).
The following point parameters can be used, Ref1 and C1. There are the following 3 possibilities:
Ref1 = A-point and C1 not used. If the Ref1 A-point value equals the server number that the Ref1 A-point is running
on (1 or 2) then the B-point MSW is set to 1, else 0.
Ref1= B-point and C1 not used. If the Ref1 B-point MSW equals the server number that the Ref1 B-point is running
on (1 or 2) then the B-point MSW (this point) is set to 1, else 0.
Ref1 not used and C1 = 1 or 2. If C1 equals the server number that this B-point is running on (1 or 2) then the B-
point MSW is set to 1, else 0.

22 • B-Point calculation algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Algorithm 18 - Time forced output
The purpose of this algorithm is to be used to force output actions on the present B point value, assuming it has an
output action defined for the present state.
Normally the Io address should only contain output address, not input address.
C1 = Frequency to send out with, normally 5 – 60 seconds.

Algorithm 19 - Output by Set/Clear

This algorithm is a simplification of algorithm 1 and should be used together with Bpoint algorithm 8.
The algorithm maps the operating state of the reference point to the msw values 193 (when operating) and 192
(when not operating). When used together with the CCA Bpoint algorithm (8), output is only sent upon state changes
and output will only be produced by the states given by msw=193 and 192. Thereby one bit process states (0,1) and
one bit output states can be seperated and output is dramatically reduced.
P1 = A Bpoint, when P1 goes to operating, the point is set to msw=193,
otherwise to msw=192. When applied, output will only be generated upon a state change.

Algorithm 20 - AND operating states

The algorithm logically and’s the operating state (or its negation) of all given reference points and propagates a
NotUpdated state.
P1,.., P10 = all Bpoints
Cn = 0/1
if Cn=0 then the operating state of Pn is And’ed,
if Cn=1 then the negation of the operating state of Pn is And’ed.
The resulting msw is 0 or 1 (false or true), true if all points are in operating state.

If the state of one of the Pn’s is undefined, usually NotUpdated, then this state is propagated to the result.

Algorithm 21 - OR operating states

The algorithm logically or’s the operating state of all given reference points.
P1,.., P10 = all Bpoints
The resulting msw is 0 or 1 (false or true), true if at least one point is in operating state.

Algorithm 22 - XOR point msw

The algorithm XOR’s the msw of the reference point with the constant bitpattern given in C1. (Allowing to make bit
conversions and see bit differences.)
P1 = a Bpoint
C1 = a fixed XOR pattern
The resulting msw = XOR ( P1.msw, C1 )

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms B-Point calculation algorithms • 23

Algorithm 23 - Copy value text number
The algorithm copies the current valid value text number of the reference point. This algorithm allows to produce
new msws from value texts.
The point goes to error, when the value text number is not found in the Bpoint algorithm of the point.
P1 = a Bpoint
The resulting msw = msw corresponding to the value text number given by P1

24 • B-Point calculation algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Stackguide, emission algorithms

Emission measurements
Realtime emission can be done on the following raw measurements: CO, SO2, HCl, NO, NO2, Dust, TOC, HFn,
NOx. NOx is usually not a raw value, but a function of NO and NO2.
The emission calculations can be normalized using the measurements of: T, O2, P, H2O.
The emission calcuations can be controlled by BlockerPoints, which qualify certain states of the measurements.

Each of the raw measurements can be transformed two times in order to support results of two independent
calibration tests.
Is foreseen that the raw measurements can be transformed, a*x+b, two times by scaling functions that are given by
calibration results on the input device.
Qal2 is the result of the first transformation. The transformation parameters should be considered as a result of a
calibration done by a certified institute using its own equipment to measure. Changes of these scaling parameters
occur very seldom. Fx. every 2 years.
Qal3 is the result of the second transformation. The transformation parameters should be considered as a result of an
ongoing calibration process done by plant personnel. The calibration parameters are a result of analysis and
experience. Changes here may appear frequently. When a Qal2 calibration is done and new parameters are set, the
parameters of the Qal3 transformation should be 1 and 0.

Basically the calculation flow is as follows: measure the raw data, transform the raw data via calibration formulas,
calculate the normalizor value, and calculate the current emission value using the values of the normalizor, the
confidence interval and the blocker points. Use this value in the emission control and supervision algorithms.
Apart from the raw measurements a number of helper points are needed, mostly to transform the data, but also to
track the results of the calcuations and to provide data peristance.
Most of the points involved use the conversion algorithm emission (=43), and the different algorithmically variations
are expressed by the C10 parameter.
In general, bad measurement states of the raw signal are inherited by almost all transformations of the raw signal

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Stackguide, emission algorithms • 25

Emission algorithms
All points have the same conversion algorithm, emission=43.

Qal2 calculation, C10 - 0

Qal2 = C1*P1 + C2

P1: raw input

C1, C2: scale, bias of 1. Calibration
C3: 0 or 1, if C3=1, this means that the value, Qal2, is only calculated, when the input of P1 is normal, i.e. available
and in normal state. This function is only of interest for the calculations of the normalizor coefficients, so a “bad”
normalizor does not corrupt the final emission control.

Qal3 calculation, C10 - 1

Qal3 = C1*P1 + C2

P1: Qal2 point (Qal2 value)

C1, C2: scale , bias of 2. Calibration
C3 as for C10=0.

Nox calculation, C10 - 2

Qal3-NOx = 1.53*P1 + P2

P1: reference to the Qal3 value of the NO measurement

P2: reference to the Qal3 value of the NO2 measurement

Normalizor calculation, C10 - 4

NormalizorValue = 100/(100-H2O) * 1013/P *(273+T)/273 *(21-C1)/(21-O2)
= C6*C7*C8*C9

C1: 10/11 , O2 correction to be used in normalizing formula.

P2: reference to the H2O value, usually a Qal3 value, or blank
P3: reference to the P value, usually a Qal3 value, or blank
P4: reference to the T value, usually a Qal3 value, or blank
P5: reference to the O2 value, usually a Qal3 value, or blank

C2: constant that is used, when H2O is erroneous, typically = 0.

C3: constant that is used, when P is erroneous, typically. =1013.
C4: constant that is used, when T is erroneous, typically = 0.
C5: constant that is used, when O2 is erroneous, typically = C1 (10/11).

If one of the Pn parameters is blank, not specified, then the corresponding coefficient in the formula is set to 1.

26 • Stackguide, emission algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

C6: 100/(100-H2O) or 1
C7: 1013/P or 1
C8: (273+T)/273 or 1
C9: (21-C1)/ (21-O2) or 1
The Cn value defaults to 1 in case the corresponding Pn is not given.

Confidence interval, C10 - 5

In the case that the confidence interval value must be calculated from the standard deviation of the sampled values,
this algorithm can be used.
ConfidenceValue = f(collected value buffer, Normsinv_Alpha,MaxLimit)
ConfidenceValue = minimum (NORMSINV (1-Alpha/2)*STD/SQRT (n), AllowedMaxLimit)
• n = number of measurements in the value buffer, usually n=6*30 (6 samples per min. and 30 min.).
• STD is the standard deviation of the n measurements.
• Alpha=a probability, in the range 0 to 1. The desired % confidence interval corresponds to Alpha, Alpha=1-
%confidenceInterval. For a 95% confidence interval use Alpha=0.05.
• NORMSINV is the inverse of NORMSDIST (NORMSDIST=standard normal cumulative distribution

C1: NORMSINV (1-Alpha/2), for a given Alpha this value must be calculated, Excel can calculate it. .
C2: the allowed maximum of the confidence interval value, AllowedMaxLimit.

Blocker point container, C10 - 9

Pn: BlockerPoint n , n=1…9
Cn: bit-pattern that describes the function of Pn,when Pn is blocking, i.e. not operating:

The value of Cn is defined as follows:

0: the emission value is acquitted and the goodness is not decreased. This blocker point will usually indicate that the
device is calibrating or in some test mode.
1: the current interval is ignored for the day average without any penalty. This blocker point will usually indicate that
the burning process is not running, fx. that the kiln is in a startup or stopping phase.
2: the current emission value is treated as been bad, the goodness will decrease. This blocker point will usually
indicate a device error or connection error, etc., and is used when the corresponding analog point cannot indicate
these states by itself.
3: the current interval is unconditionally penalized by a BadCount, when this blocker point indicates “not operating”.
This blocker point will usually be used in rare cases, when a serious device error shall be result in an interval
In other words, in case Cn is:
0 the measurement is ignored but not penalized.
1 the interval is ignored but not penalized.
2 the measurement is ignored and the missing measurement penalizes the interval goodness.
3 the interval is ignored and is penalized by a badcount, when the blocker point just blocks once.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Stackguide, emission algorithms • 27

BlockerPoint.Value = 0,1,2,3
• 0 : no blocking state from any of the points, this is the usual value
• 1 : discard the whole interval
• 2 : acquit this sample
• 3 : penalize this interval and skip the PVA calculation, but set the BadCount

BlockerPoint.State = value +1 (1 is the normal state).

The value depends on all blocker points and the value is a precedence combination in the following order, from
highest (1) to lowest (3) priority:
• 1 at least one blocking point is in blocking state and it is configured to discard the interval
• 2 at least one blocking point is in blocking state and it is configured to acquit the sample
• 3 at least one blocking point is in blocking state and it is configured to penalize the interval

The precedence expresses that “good emission states win over bad ones”.

Emission value and configuration, C10 - 10

The kind of emission point holds primary configuration data, and returns the normalized value with confidence
Emissionvalue = P1*P2 – P3

After each sample this value is collected and part of the interval average calculation. In the following the interval
average value is called PVA (process average value). All PVAs are collected and further evaluated in the daily
emission control point.

Points of the emission control algorithm:

P1: Qal3 or Qal3-NOx
P2: Normalizor
P3: Confidence point, usually an A-Point with operator inserted algorithm.

Parameters of the emission control algorithm:

This point contains also the configuration information concerning limits, averaging and other evaluation information
that applies to the emission algorithm. Interval and daily limits are given here.
P4: Blocker point container
C1: interval length, in minutes, to produce an average, usually 30 corresponding to the European emission control
C3: limit of the BadCounts per day, when exceeded an alarm is given.
C4: limit of the number of discarded PVAs per day, when exceeded an alarm is given.
C5: limit of the daily average, the average of all PVAs, with C1=30 an average of 48 values.
C6: required minimum of good, measured samples (acquitted samples are excluded). When below this limit, the
PVA calculation of this interval is discarded. The value is given in %, range of the value 0..1.
C7: required minimum of good samples (also acquitted samples count as good). If the minimum is not achieved, the
BadCount of the interval is incremented. The value is given in %, range of the value 0..1.
C8: 0/1, an option, “discard the PVA calculation, when the good factor is below C7” C8=0 do not discard, C8=1
C9: the limit of the PVA (the average of the process values).

28 • Stackguide, emission algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Emission current interval calculation, C10 - 11
The average calculation proceeds over a given interval, when it is a 30 minutes interval at the times 0:00, 0:30, 1:00,
1:30, .. , 23:00, 23:30, and restarts at the beginning of an interval and finishes at the end of an interval.
During the 30 minutes the average values are calculated constantly, but the final evaluation is delayed until the
interval expires. Then the result is given as an value, the interval average (PVA), and a state.

E30current = f (Emissionvalues,BlockerPointContainer,Emissionvalue.Cn’s)
P1: Emissionvalue, point with C10=10.

The function maintains all parameters necessary for an interval calculation.

The average value is calculated after each sample and based on the currently collected Emissionvalues and their
number within the current interval:
Value = sum (Emissionvalues) / numberOfCollected(Emissionvalues) or Undefined

The goodness factor is calculated as:

Goodness = GoodSamples/(theoreticalSamples - acquittedSamples)
Goodness = 0, no valid measurements at all
Goodness = 1, only acquitted samples.

Acquitting, ignoring, discarding applies as defined by the set of blockerpoints given in the blockerpointcontainer.
In case input from a blockerpoint is unavailable, the blocker point is defined as being in Operating state; thereby
malfunctioning blockerpoints can not corrupt the results.

C2: number of samples
C3: number of acquitted samples
C4: C7*8 + C5*4 + C8*2 + C9*1, a combined state expressed by a bitpattern.
C5: number of AlarmCounts
C6: goodness in %, 0..1.0
C7: number of BadCounts, either 0 or 1
C8: 0/1, C8=1 means the interval is discareded for the PVA calcuation.
C9: 0/1, C9=1 means this interval is skipped, completely discarded, from the day statistics.

State = 1/2/3/5 == normal/BC violation/PVA violation/Interval discarded.

Precedence order is: Interval discarded, BC violation, PVA violation, normal

Emission previous interval storage, C10 - 20

When an interval is finished the results are stored and persisted in this point.
P1: E30Current

Cn=P1.Cn, n=1,…,9.
E30Previous.value = P1.value
E30Previous.state = P1.state

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Stackguide, emission algorithms • 29

Emission current day calculation, C10 - 12
When the averaging interval calculation is finished, the results are sent to the current day calculation, which
constantly calculates the state of the current day.
E24current.value = f(E30previous)

P1: E30Previous
C1: 0/1, a weight function on the evaluation of the PVA values,
• 0 = averaging is done with the PVA value.
• 1 = if E30Previous.AlarmCount>0 then PVA=100 else PVA=0.

C2: number of interval samples
C3: sum of PVAs (one PVA per interval)
C4: sum of Goodness
C5: current sum of AlarmCounts
C6: current goodness up to now, range 0..1
C7: current sum of BadCounts
C8: current number of discarded PVA calculations
C9: current number of skipped/discareded intervals

C8,C9 are always calculated, all other calculations depend on the two discard options given in Emissionvalue point.

All values are zeroed when a new day starts.

E24Current.Value = C3/(C2-C8), average with concern to total samples and discarded intervals.

State = 1/2/3/4==normal/BCviolation/PVAviolation/Discard violation.

Precedence order is: PVA violation,BC violation, Discarded violation, normal

Emission previous day storage, C10 - 20

When a day is finished, the results are stored and persisted in this point.
P1: E24Current

Cn=P1.Cn, n=1,…,9.
E30Previous.value = P1.value
E30Previous.state = P1.state

30 • Stackguide, emission algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Extraction of emission data, C10 - 21
Since not all the results of the emission calculation are available as point data, data from the calculators and persisted
data can be copied to other points synchronously after each calculation.

P1: E30Current, E30Previous, E24Current, E24Previous

C1: 1,2..9,10
C1=2,..,9 index into the Cn buffer of the calculators.
C1=0,1,10 value of P1.

Ecopiedvalue=P1.C<n>, n=index given in C1, if C1=2,..,9

Or = P1.value, when C1=0,1, >=10.

This feature can be used, when some forecasting limit check is desired on the PVA values of the interval or the day,
or other alarming on sensitive partial results is required or some general alarm counting shall be implemented.

Forecast of emission data, C10 - 21

A variant of the extraction algorithm can be used to do advanced limit checking on the current interval averages.

P1: E30Current, E30Previous, E24Current, E24Previous

C1: 1,10 , as above fetches the current value of P1
C2: offset t0 of the interval, where the limit check starts, given in % of the intervallength, range 0..1.
C3: the start value of the limit curve, given in % of the limit, range, 0..1.

C4: the value of the limit curve at the end of the interval, given in % of the limit, range 0..1

C9: C9<0 then value = F(t) else P1.Value

If the value of the limit is L , either the interval or day limit, then the limit curve is defined as:

T0 = intervalLength * C2

F0 = L*C3

F1= L*C4


T is the current time in the interval, F the value of the function

F = 0 , when 0<=T<=T0.

F = (T-T0)*(F1-F0)/(T1-T0) + F0

If (P1.value > F(T)) then statusvalue = Attention.

Rolling average algorithms

Basically all above algorithms can be used, when the emission calculations are not based on the interval average
method, but on the rolling average method. In stead of the algorithms C10 = 11, 12 used the following.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Stackguide, emission algorithms • 31

Direct rolling average, C10 - 13
ERA0value = f (Emissionvalues, BlockerPointContainer, Emissionvalue.Cn’s)
P1: Emissionvalue, point with C10=10.

The value is calculated at every sample time, usually every 10 sec. The size of the rolling average buffer is given by
the interval length of the Emissionvalue (Emissionvaluepoint.C1), this will usually be 6 minutes.
Apart from the calculation of the value the algorithm resembles basically the algorithm C10 = 11, “Emission current
interval calculation”, see there.

C2: number of samples
C3: number of acquitted samples
C4: C7*8 + C5*4 + C8*2 + C9*1, a combined state expressed by a bit pattern.
C5: number of AlarmCounts
C6: goodness in %, 0..1.0
C7: number of BadCounts, either 0 or 1
C8: 0/1, C8=1 means the interval is discarded for the PVA calculation.
C9: 0/1, C9=1 means this interval is skipped, completely discarded, from the day statistics.
State = 1/2/3/5 == normal/BC violation/PVA violation/Interval discarded.
Precedence order is: Interval discarded, BC violation, PVA violation, normal
Initially when the rolling average buffer is not filled, the point applies the state 5, “Interval discarded”. Real
calculation first starts, when as much time is gone that the buffer should be filled with real data.

Cascaded rolling average, C10 - 14

ERA1value = f (ERA0value)
P1: ERA0value, point with C10=13.

C1: length of this rolling average interval, given in minutes, this must be a multiple of the interval length of

C2: The limit of the average value.

C3: The minimum goodness that is required.

The value is calculated each time, when the ERA0value has calculated its interval result. When it is a rolling average
of 6 min., this point is calculated each 6 min. and each time the rolling average buffer is changed, first-in-first-out.
The size of the rolling average buffer is given by the interval length of this point, C1. Fx. C1 can be 2 hours or 24

The state of the ERA0value defines how the result of an interval is treated:

• The interval is discarded because of a not running state, then the value=0 and goodness=1 are added to the
• The PVA of the interval is discarded and the BadCount is high, then the value=bad and goodness=0 are
added to the buffer. (This is usually the case when the interval has too few good samples or the whole
interval is penalized.)
• In all other cases the PVA and the Goodness of the interval are added to the buffer.


32 • Stackguide, emission algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

C4: The number of samples. Zeroed each time C1 minutes are gone, incremented each time ERA0value has an
interval result.

C5: The current sum of the PVAs.

C6: The current goodness in %, 0..1.
C7: The current sum of the goodness values.
C8: The current number of good samples.
C9: The total number of intervals that either had a BadCount or an AlarmCount.
State = 1/2/3/5 == normal/BC violation/PVA violation/Interval discarded.
Precedence order is: Interval discarded, BC violation, PVA violation, normal

Initially when the rolling average buffer is not filled, the point applies the state 5, “Interval discarded”. Real
calculation first starts, when as much time is gone that the buffer should be filled with real data.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Stackguide, emission algorithms • 33

Next cascaded rolling average, C10 - 15
ERA2value = f (ERA1value)
P1: ERA1value, point with C10=14.
C1: length of this rolling average interval, given in minutes, this must be a multiple of the interval length of
C2: The limit of the average value.
C3: The minimum goodness that is required.

The value is calculated each time, when the ERA1value has calculated its interval result. When it is a rolling average
of 2 hours, this point is calculated every 2 hours and each time the rolling average buffer is changed, first-in-first-
out. The size of the rolling average buffer is given by the interval length of this point, C1. Fx. C1 can be 6 hours or
24 hours.

The state of the ERA1value defines how the result of an interval is treated:
• The interval is discarded because of a not running state, then the value=0 and goodness=1 are added to the
• In all other cases the PVA and the Goodness of the interval are added to the buffer.

C4: The number of samples. Zeroed each time C1 minutes are gone, incremented each time ERA0value has an
interval result.
C5: The current sum of the PVAs.
C6: The current goodness in %, 0..1.
C7: The current sum of the goodness values.
C8: The current number of good samples.
C9: The total number of intervals that either had a BadCount or an AlarmCount.
State = 1/2/3/5 == normal/BC violation/PVA violation/Interval discarded.
Precedence order is: Interval discarded, BC violation, PVA violation, normal

Initially when the rolling average buffer is not filled, the point applies the state 5, “Interval discarded”. Real
calculation first starts, when as much time is gone that the buffer should be filled with real data.

34 • Stackguide, emission algorithms Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms

Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Glossary of Terms • 35


Error! No index entries found.

Reference Manual SDR A-Point Algorithms Index • 37

Reference Manual

ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/03/06 4:45p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRActiveX30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR ActiveX Dlls 1
Introduction 1
General considerations 2
SdrPointAuto30.dll 3
Hierarchy Status 4
PointTrtAuto30.dll 6
SdrIosAuto30.dll 7
SdrLogAuto30.dll 7
SdrEvtAuto30.dll 8
PtaEnvAuto30.dll 9
ECS/SDRv6 access from ECS/SDRv7 10

Glossary of Terms 11

Index 13

Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls Contents • iii

SDR ActiveX Dlls

This manual describes the ECS/SDR ActiveX interfaces. The interfaces and their primary purpose are listed below.

• SdrPointAuto30.dll (SdrPointAuto30 1.0 Type Library), Contains the major interfaces. These interfaces are
used for major system configuration, point configuration (add, modify and delete points), point dynamics
(used by IO systems (PLC drivers) to send data to the ECS/SDR point treatment system), and for sending
output to IO systems.
• SdrEvtAuto30.dll (SdrEvtAuto30 1.0 Type Library), Event system. Used to add and retrieve events.
• SdrLogAuto30.dll (SDR Trend And Statistic Log access), Log system. Used to retrieve trend and statistical
• PtaEnvAuto30.dll (PtaEnvAuto30 1.0 Type Library), SDR computer environment. System utility interface.

The ActiveX dlls communicate with custom COM interfaces in the ECS/SDR servers.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls SDR ActiveX Dlls • 1

General considerations
The following screen shows the how menu Project/References must be configured to include all the ActiveX dlls.
Only include the dlls that you need.

In order to avoid dll hell you should only employ Microsoft Visual Studio 6 (VB6 or VC++ 6), or Microsoft Office
2000. You can use VB6 (Service pack 5), and any VBA enabled application such as Excel 2000 (SR-2).
The PC that utilizes the ActiveX dlls must at a minimum have installed an ECS/SDR Client (DOP). A Client has an
associated ECS/SDR partner Server (MOP) where the ECS/SDR server programs run. The HostName (NetBios
name) of this Server is configured using SdrPartnerCfgUi30.exe and stored in registry. When using the ActiveX dlls
it is not necessary to specify a HostName, and if you do not the HostName is taken from the registry. However this
can be overwritten using the HostName property of the specific interface. If your client program is running on a
Server (MOP), DO NOT specify the HostName of the MOP.
Please remember that errors in client programs can jeopardize control system operation. For example retrieving 1000
point values every millisecond instead of every second will overload the servers.
If your application runs repetitively in order to retrieve e.g. point data it is STRONGLY recommended that you use
point numbers instead of point codes. This reduces the server load. Various interface methods are available to
retrieve point numbers give point codes. For example if you want to retrieve the point values every 10 seconds of
500, then first use the available methods to get point number given point codes, and then use the point numbers in
data retrieval calls.
The ActiveX interfaces are described separate manuals. The object model of component varies according to needs.
Some models are flat, others hierarchical with dependent objects (objects that can’t be directly instantiated, but are
instantiated through outer objects).

2 • SDR ActiveX Dlls Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls

The Microsoft dll/COM paradigm has various behaviors depending on service pack number, workstation or domain
hosting, etc. Below are listed a number of experiences that may prove helpful.

• Do not repetitively open and close COM interfaces, e.g. once every few seconds or minutes day after day.
Instead keep the interface open, only reopening if connection failure occurs.
• Do not overload critical ECS/SDR servers with COM calls such that the control system is jeopardized.
• Remember COM has long timeouts, so make such your network is working properly and place a bridge
between the control system and the rest on the network.
• Dll hell is a very serious problem. Mixing versions of Visual Studio, and Microsoft Office can render any
system inoperable. Even different service pack versions of Visual Studio 6 or Microsoft Office 2000 can
lead to trouble. The problem is that newer versions of dlls (classic or ActiveX) can unintentionally break
interfaces. Thus if a bad version of a crucial dll such as msvcrt40.dll or msvbvm60.dll is installed
applications can break.
• It is recommended that you run you applications on a DOP. Developing and running your application on a
MOP may unintentionally jeopardize the control system operation. Especially installing a development
environment or software components can lead to dll hell.

The “Example code” chapter contains examples of the interfaces described in the following. The example code is
found in folder flsadev\samples\SdrActiveX30.dll on ECS/SDR version or later.

SdrPointAuto30.dll interfaces to the SdrPointSvr30.exe. This is the major ECS/SDR ActiveX.dll that contains
interfaces too much functionality. The major functionalities are concerned with the hierarchical objects. The
hierarchical objects consists of the plant, its departments, groups, route, master points and points.
The following CoClasses/Interfaces and Enums:
ClsSdrPointAuto, outer interface used to establish interfaces (normally using method with name equal to that of
interface) to legacy interfaces ClsSdrPoint and ClsSdrDepCfg, and to interfaces Points, Point, Routes, Route,
Groups, Group, Departments, Department, and Plant and List, and Hierarchy Status

ClsSdrPoint, legacy
ClsSdrDepCfg, legacy

Properties, interface used with each hierarchical object to specify what properties you want to add/modify/fetch.
ItemIds, interface used with each hierarchical object to specify exactly which members of the hierarchical object you
want to fetch.
Filters interface to narrow which items in the hierarchical object to fetch. Used like an SQL “Where” clause.

Departments, Departments collection interface. Hierarchical object.

Department, Department configuration interface. Hierarchical object.
Groups, Groups collection interface. Hierarchical object.
Group, Group configuration interface. Hierarchical object.
Routes, Routes collection interface. Hierarchical object.
Route, Route configuration interface. Hierarchical object.
Points, Points collection interface for points. Hierarchical object.
Point, Point configuration interface. Hierarchical object.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls SDR ActiveX Dlls • 3

List, generic list interface to retrieve lists/collections. Examples of lists are: flsColSystemParam, flsColAPointAlg,
flsColBPointAlg, flsColAEventAlg, flsColBEventAlg, flsColAReportAlg, flsColUnit, flsColDepartment,
flsColPointColor, flsColBlockAlg, flsColBCalcAlg, flsColValueText.
Plant, Root interface used to browse plant, department, group, route, master point, point using I_SdrBrowse
interface, Browse interface used to browse each hierarchical object.
I_SdrEnumItem, interface used in conjunction with browsing hierarchical objects.

Hierarchy Status
Query, for future use
clsSdrPntTrtAuto, Point treatment interface used by IO systems to provide point values.
clsSdrIosRequest, Point output interface used to send output to IO systems.
clsSdrFssPointAuto, Interface used by SdrOpStation to retrieve data. For internal use.
SdrPointAutoTypeConstants, legacy enums used with legacy ClsSdrPoint.
SdrPointAutoPointParameterConstants, legacy enums used with legacy ClsSdrPoint.
IOSEXTREADWRITE, enums used with external parameters. For internal use.
IOSEXTERRORS, enums used with external parameter errors. For internal use.
_SdrIosRequestType, enums used to specify IO request types. Used with interface clsSdrIosRequest
_IOSEXTPARAMTYPE, enums used with external parameters to specify parameter type. For internal use.
_IOSEXTPARAMNORM, enums used with external parameters. For internal use.
STATISTICTYPE, enums used for fetching current and previous statistics. For internal use.
LOGTYPE enums used for fetching point log data. For internal use.
PointBrowseConstants, enums used when browsing hierarchical objects.
SdrPntAnaStatus, enums used
SdrPntDigStatus, enums used
SdrPointStatus, enums used
SdrBPointValueTexts, enums used
SdrPointStatusBitMasks, enums used
AnalogOutputTypes, enums used
GroupCommands, enums used
AlarmSysCommand, enums used
ControllerModes, enums used
SdrCollectionTypes, enums used
SdrDbPropertyDatatypes, enums used
SdrCommonProperties, enums used
SdrSystemParamProperties, enums used
SdrCalParamProperties, enums used
SdrPointStateProperties, enums used
SdrPointPhilActions, enums used
SdrPointPhilProperties, enums used
SdrDepartmentProperties, enums used
SdrGroupProperties, enums used

4 • SDR ActiveX Dlls Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls

SdrRouteProperties, enums used
SdrPointProperties, enums used
SdrPointExtProperties, enums used
SdrRoutePointProperties, enums used
SdrAccessRightTypes, enums used
SdrLanguageTypes, enums used
SdrNavigationTypes, enums used
SdrFunctionTypes, enums used
SdrPointGeneralStatus, enums used
SdrAlarmStates, enums used
SdrAlarmFunctionScopes, enums used
SdrPointTypes, enums used
SdrPointKindPattern, enums used
SdrPointObjectTypes, enums used
SdrPointSvrHResult, enums used
SdrPointSystemConstants, enums used
SdrPointErrors, enums used

• clsSdrPointAuto, connection object to SdrPointSvr30.exe and object used to instantiate the inner objects
listed below. This object is first instantiated, and contains Create methods to instantiate the other objects
below. In the OpenPointSever method, it is possible to specify the name of the host where the
SdrPointSvr30.exe you want to connect to is running a (NetBios name). Normally this name is left blank,
and defaults to the Server (MOP) partner of the Client (DOP) your program is running on. Leave the host
name blank if running your application directly on a MOP.
• clsSdrPoint, Point configuration and parameters. This is the most important interface and is normally used
to retrieve point properties, as well as creating, modifying and deleting points. This interface provides many
different ways of retrieving point data. The LoadPoint<xyz> method loads all point parameters for a single
point. Therefore this method should NOT be used to fetch the data for many points at high frequencies.
Instead use the LoadDynamicData method, which retrieves a few dynamic point data for multiple points in
one call. Or use the SdrPointTrtAuto30.dll ActiveX dll to just retrieve point values and status.
• clsSdrDepCfg, Department configuration and parameters.
• clsSdrPointDbList, Various lists.
• clsSdrPointInfo, Points information such as number of points.
• clsSdrPointSys, Global point system information. For internal use.

• SdrPointAutoTypeConstants, for internal use. However the flsPointAutoNoServerConnection enumeration
along with the GetError method can be used to determine no connection to the server.
• SdrPointAutoDbListConstants, enumerations with ClsSdrPointInfo interface to specify what type of list
data to fetch, e.g. Report algorithm lists.
• SdrPointAutoInfoConstants, for internal use.
• SdrPointAutoPointConstants, enumerations used with the GetDynData method in ClsSdrPoint.
• SdrPointAutoPointParameterConstants, point parameter enumerations used with the lSetPropertyBinary,
lSetPropertyText, sGetDynamicData, and sGetPropertyNoAndText methods in ClsSdrPoint.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls SDR ActiveX Dlls • 5

Interface ClsSdrPointAuto contains the method:
• OpenPointServer to open a connection to the SdrPointSvr30.exe. It also contains create methods to open
instances of the remaining inner interfaces to clsSdrPointDbList, clsSdrDepCfg, clsSdrPointInfo,
clsSdrPoint, clsSdrPointSys:
• CreateDbListObject, create instance of the ClsSdrPointDbList class.
• CreateDepartmentObject, create instance of the ClsSdrDepCfgclass.
• CreatePointInfoObject, create instance of the ClsSdrPointInfoclass.
• CreatePointObject, create instance of the ClsSdrPointclass.
• CreatePointSysObject, create instance of the ClsSdrPointSysclass.
• GetError, method to retrieve connection error.

SdrPntTrtAuto30.dll interfaces to the SdrPntTrtSvr30.exe. This ActiveX.dll contains the following
CoClasses/Interfaces and Enums:

• clsSdrPntTrtAuto
• Interfaces
• IsdrPntTrtAuto, for backwards computability, use ISdrPntTrtAuto2.
• ISdrPntTrtAuto2, Mainly used by IO systems to send point data read from PLCs to the point server. Also
used by Fuzzy, CemScanner and QCX for retrieving and providing point values. Use this interface if you
want to retrieve point values and point status for many points and at high frequencies.
• IsdrPntTrtAutoAddOn, addon to ISdrPntTrtAuto2. Used to get “normal bit” of a point.
• IsdrPntTrtAutoCliAc, addon to ISdrPntTrtAuto2. Provides point replication features used by Fuzzy.
• IsdrPntTrtAutoError, Error informtion interface.

• SdrPntAnaStatus, IO system analog status.
• SdrPntDigStatus, IO system digital status.
• SdrPointStatus, ECS/SDR generic point status enumerations. Eg flsPstAlarm, flsPstAlarmHigh1.
• SdrBPointValueTexts, base B-point values numbers corresponding to B-point texts. E.g. flsPvtOff.
• SdrPointStatusBitMasks. Point status masks used by the IsdrPntTrtAutoAddOn interface.

6 • SDR ActiveX Dlls Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls

SdrIosAuto30.dll interfaces to the SdrIosSvr30.exe. This ActiveX.dll contains the following CoClasses/Interfaces
and Enums:

• ClsSdrIosRequest, Analog and digital output.
• ClsSdrIosPntConfig, for internal use.
• ClsSdrIosManage, for internal use.

• AnalogOutputTypes, output type used by AnalogOutput method.
• GroupCommands, group start/stop, master stop and quick stop.
• AlarmSysCommand, alarm silence and reset enumerations, and from where action is done (alarm header,
alarm list)
• ControllerModes, controller modes used by method SetCrtlMode.
• FlsIosServerTypes, for internal use.

SdrLogAuto30.dll interfaces to the SdrLogSvr30.exe. This ActiveX.dll contains the following CoClasses/Interfaces
and Enums:

• ClsSdrLogData, Fetch trend and statistical data. Default log periods for trend data are 10, 60 and 600
seconds. Statistical data are logged at hour, shift and day intervals.
• ClsSdrLogConfig, for internal use. Can be used to fetch trend and statistical log horizons and periods.

• LogTypes, identify log data to be fetched.
• LogConfigIDs, for internal use.
• LogErrors, log errors.
• LOGTYPE, same as LogTypes
• ANALOG_STATISTICS, for internal use.
• DIGITAL_STATISTICS, for internal use.
• TRENDWINDOWINFO, for internal use.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls SDR ActiveX Dlls • 7

SdrEnvAuto30.dll interfaces to the SdrEvtSvr30.exe. This ActiveX.dll contains the following CoClasses/Interfaces
and Enums:

• clsSdrEvtServer, for internal use. Outer class for clsSdrEvtTable.
• clsSdrEvtInternalServer, for internal use.
• clsSdrEvtTable, for internal use.
• clsSdrEvtNtLog, for internal use.
• clsSdrEvtHeader, for internal use. Use by SdrALarmHeaderUi30.exe.
• clsSdrEvtList, used to fetch alarms/events.
• clsSdrEvtCfgPhilosophy, for internal use.
• clsSdrEvtCfgGeneral, for internal use.
• clsSdrEvtCfgHorn, for internal use.
• clsSdrEvtCfgCapacity, for internal use.
• clsSdrEvtCfgColors, for internal use.
• clsSdrEvtCfgAlarmPrinter, for internal use.

• SdrEvtNTLogTypes, enumerations to specify what event lines to fetch (errors, warning information). Used
by e.g. the reqNTtypeMask method in the clsSdrEvtList interface
• SdrEvtScopeTypes, enumerations to specify the scope of the event lines to fetch (plant, department, point)
Used by e.g. the reqSetType method in the clsSdrEvtList interface
• EvtDepartments, for internal use.
• EvtScrollModes, for internal use.
• EvtStatus, for internal use.
• EvtLedStatus, for internal use.
• EvtResultsetOrder, enumerations to specify the order in which fetched event lines are returned. Used by
methods in the clsSdrEvtList interface.
• EvtPhilosophyActionConstants, for internal use.
• EvtPhilosophyActivationConstants, for internal use.
• ColorFunctionConstants, for internal use.
• SdrEvtErrors.

8 • SDR ActiveX Dlls Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls

This ActiveX.dll contains the a number of CoClasses/Interfaces and Enums of which only the following are of

• ClsPtaEnv, used to read registry entries pertaining to all subsystems, and pertaining to a specific subsystem

• FLSARegIdConstants, global enumerations, e.g. host name (NetBios name) of machine where call made
from. Use the method GetVar.
• FLSASubRegIdConstants, subsystem specific enumerations (SDR, QCX, FUZ, CEM). Use the method

Example code
Steps to reproduce code
• Create a standard EXE project named SdrActiveXUi30 in Visual Basic.
• Add the following controls:
Command buttons: cmdPointAuto, cmdPointTrtAuto, cmdIosAuto, cmdLogAuto, cmdEvtAuto,
cmdEnvAuto and add Click event for each.
TextBox: txtOut with Multiline = True, and ScrollBars=3 Both.
• Include References as noted in General Considerations in this manual.
• The form should now look as shown below.
• Add the code below (found in flsadev\samples\SdrActiveXUi30).

Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls SDR ActiveX Dlls • 9

ECS/SDRv6 access from ECS/SDRv7
Collecting data from ECS/SDRv6 systems can be accomplished by adding and registering the of automation
interfaces listed below. To handle marshalling over the network the corresponding proxy-stub programs must be
included and registered. The available functionality is largely limited to data collection.

Automation Interfaces:
The following automation interfaces are required and are default installed as of the SDRv7.0sr3 release:

• SdrPointAuto10.dll (SdrPoint Interface). This interface are used for point configuration (read point values).
• SdrPntTrtAuto10.dll (SdrPntTrtAuto10 Type Library). Used to retrieve point values, status, etc. for selected
points in one call.
• SdrEvtAuto20.dll (SdrEvtAuto20 1.0 Type Library), Event system. Used to retrieve events.
• SdrLogAuto10.dll (SDR Trend And Statistic Log access), Log system. Used to retrieve trend and statistical
• PtaEnvAuto20.dll (Pta Environment Services V20), SDR computer environment. System utility interface.
Largely required due to dependencies in the above listed automation interfaces.

Proxy-Stub Programs:
The following marshalling programs are required and are default installed as of the SDRv7.0sr3 release:
• SdrPointSvrPs10.dll.
• SdrPntTrtSvrPs10.dll
• SdrEvtSvrPs10.dll
• SdrLogSvrPs10.dll

Data Retrieval examples:

The code snippet presented is a small example showing how to retrieve events from host. The functionality of
ECS/SDRv6 automation interfaces is documented in the SdrActiveX10.doc.
Set objEventList = New SdrEvtAuto20.clsSdrEvtList
objEventList.reqSetNumberOfLines 1000
objEventList.reqResultsetOrder = flsEvtLastFirst
objEventList.reqSetType flsEvtScopeDepartment
objEventList.reqSetDepartment 39
objEventList.reqBackwards = True ' start with newest information
objEventList.reqSetPriority 5
objEventList.HostName = host
lMask = objEventList.setBitInMask(flsEvtNTerror, 0)
objEventList.reqNTtypeMask = lMask
bRet = objEventList.fetchLines
lRet = objEventList.repActualLines
Set objEventList = Nothing

10 • SDR ActiveX Dlls Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls

Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls Glossary of Terms • 11


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Reference Manual ECS/SDR ActiveX Dlls Index • 13

Reference Manual

ECS/SDR Block Algorithm

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/03/06 5:14p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrBlkAlgCfgUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration 1
Introduction 1
Block Algorithms 1
Block Algorithm Configuration 2
Block Algorithm Selection 2
Buttons 2
Block Algorithm Creation 3
Block Algorithm Editing 4
Parameter Properties 5
Record Navigation 6
Record Editing 6
Record Creation and Removal 7

Glossary of Terms 9

Index 11

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration Contents • iii

ECS/SDR Block Algorithm

Block Algorithm Configuration is a utility for defining block algorithms used for interpretation of PLC parameters.
PLC parameters are subject to special object oriented IO where parameters in the PLC may be displayed and
modified directly from an OpStation mimic or faceplate. There are no database points involved as the parameters are
requested by direct IO from the source (PLC) to the sink (Picture).
The use of PLC parameters in OpStation pictures is described in the ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual.
The Block Algorithm Configuration utility is activated from the Start menu selecting ECS NTech ->
Administration Tools -> Block Alg. Configuration

Block Algorithms
A block algorithm describes the internal layout of a parameter block in a PLC. A block algorithm is uniquely
determined by
• Block algorithm

For a given point the address of the parameter block in the PLC is defined as part of the IO address specification.
Each PLC parameter described in the block algorithm is identified by a Parameter key which is unique within the
block algorithm.
Given a point and a parameter key the PLC parameter is fully accessible. The points PLC parameter IO address
defines start address of the parameter block. The point attribute Block algorithm identifies the block algorithm and
the Parameter key identifies the parameter description in the block algorithm.
The detailed layout of block algorithms is described in section "Block Algorithm Editing".

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration • 1
Block Algorithm Configuration
Upon activation of the Block Algorithm Configuration utility the form Block Algorithm Configuration is displayed.
The grid shows a list of the currently defined block algorithms.
Note that each algorithm is uniquely defined by Block algorithm and has a unique name.
A number of functions apply to the algorithms.
To activate a function do:

• Select one or more algorithms

• Press a function button

Figure 1 - Block algorithm configuration form

Block Algorithm Selection

A block algorithm is selected by single click anywhere on the grid line describing the algorithm.
A contiguous sequence of algorithms may be selected by Shift down, Click first, Click last, Shift up.
A non contiguous sequence of algorithms may be selected by Ctrl down, Click first, Click second, Click third
…, Ctrl up.
The selected lines are highlighted.

Edit - Displays the selected algorithm for editing (see section "Block Algorithm Editing"). A single algorithm must
be selected. The function may also be activated by double click on a line.
Print - Generates a print out of the selected algorithms. Multiple algorithms may be selected.
Add - Create a new algorithm and start editing it. No selection applicable.
Copy - Create a new algorithm with content copied from the selected one. A single algorithm must be selected.
Delete - Delete the selected algorithms. For each algorithm actual deletion has to be confirmed. Multiple algorithms
may be selected.

2 • ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration
Help - Display help information.
Close - Close down the utility.

Block Algorithm Creation

Add or Copy function will prompt the user for information to define a new block algorithm on the following form.

Figure 2 - Create new algorithm form

Fill in the form as follows:

• Enter a nonexistent Block algorithm number

• Enter Block algorithm name in text edit box. The name MUST be unique.
• Press OK to create new algorithm or Cancel to quit the operation.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration • 3
Block Algorithm Editing

Figure 3 - Block algorithm edit form

The Block Algorithm Edit form is displayed when block algorithm editing is activated.
The top text field shows the block algorithm name.
The Record Edit grid shows one record of the algorithm describing one PLC parameter.
Close - Will terminate editing the algorithm and return to the algorithm configuration form.
Help - Will display help information for the Block Algorithm Edit form

4 • ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration
Parameter Properties
A PLC parameter is described by the following properties:
Parameter key - Text string identifying the parameter. Must be unique within the algorithm.
Parameter name local - Text string in local language describing the parameter.
Parameter name default - Text string in default language describing the parameter.
Parameter type - Type of parameter as one of (drop down list):

1. Integer
2. Unsigned (integer)
3. Bit Pattern
4. IEEE Float
5. Specific Float 1
6. Specific Float 2
7. BCD

Specific Float 1 and Specific Float 2 are floating point values from Interface-systems (PLC’s …..) not supporting
IEEE Floating point. E.g. Siemens S5 where Specific Float 1 is used for the special Siemens Float used in an S5
Parameter size - The size in bits of the parameter in the PLC. The Parameter Size needs to be 32 for Parameter
type “IEEE Float”, “Specific Float 1” and “Specific Float 2”. For “BCD” the size must be 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 or
32. For all other the can be from 1 to 32.
Normalize - If enabled the parameter value will be normalized
Conversion - Type of conversion applied to the parameter value (drop down list):

1. Use raw value (No conversion will take place)

2. Use gain, offset from point (Value = Raw value * Gain from owner-point + Offset from owner-point)
3. Use gain ,offset from table (Value = Raw value * Gain + Offset)

Read Offset - Word offset in parameter block for read address of parameter value.
Read Item - Item in parameter block for read address of parameter value (Used in some Interface-systems where
only addressing by name is possible).
Read bit number - Bit number within read offset for read address of parameter value.
Allow write - If enabled the parameter value may be modified, otherwise not.
Write offset - Word offset in parameter block for write address of parameter value.
Write Item - Item in parameter block for write address of parameter value (Used in some Interface-systems where
only addressing by name is possible).

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration • 5
Write bit number - Bit number within write offset for write address of parameter value.
Gain - Floating point scaling factor. Applicable for conversion type 2.
Offset - Floating point offset. Applicable for conversion type 2.
Format - Value format as one of (drop down list):

1. 1234567
2. 123456.7
3. 12345.67
4. 1234.567
5. 123.4567
6. 12.34567
Unit - Engineering unit for the parameter value (drop down list).
Minimum write value - Floating point low limit for acceptable write value.
Maximum write value - Floating point high limit for acceptable write value.

Record Navigation
Individual records in the block algorithm is selected using the record navigation bar shown below.

Figure 4 - Record navigation bar

Sequential navigation
The arrow buttons from left to right select first, previous, next and last record respectively.

Random navigation
The drop down list contains parameter keys for all defined records in the algorithm. Selecting a key from the list will
select the corresponding record and display its properties in the grid.

Record Editing
Parameter properties (except parameter key) are set or modified by editing the value fields in the grid.
Text fields are edited by click in the field followed by typing in the value. Inline editing is initiated by F2 key.
Check fields are edited by click in the field.
Text select fields are edited by click in the field followed by selection of an item from the drop down box.
Note that some fields may be insensitive to editing because the values of other fields makes them irrelevant. If for
example parameter type is Bit Pattern, then the properties Normalize, Conversion, Gain, Offset, Format,
Unit can not be edited.
The following buttons apply to record editing:
Clear - Sets the properties to default values
Reset - Sets the properties to the latest stored (applied) values
Apply - Save the current properties.

6 • ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration
Record Creation and Removal
New records may be created and existing records removed.
This is accomplished by the following buttons:
Add - Create a new record preset with default values.
Copy - Create a new record preset with property values of the current record.
Delete - Delete the current record.
When creating a new record the user will be prompted to enter a parameter key on the following form:

Figure 5 -Create new record form

The parameter key entered must be different from the ones which already exists for the algorithm. If this is not the
case an error message is shown.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration • 7
Glossary of Terms

Block Algorithm
Table describing PLC parameter block layout

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration Glossary of Terms • 9


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Reference Manual ECS/SDR Block Algorithm Configuration Index • 11

Reference Manual

Algorithm Editor
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/03/06 5:19p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrBpeUi30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor 1
Introduction 1
B-Point Algorithm Description 1
Input Operation 2
Output Operation 3
B-Point Algorithm Editor 4
B-Point Algorithms 5
Edit Algorithm 5
Delete Algorithm 6
Create Algorithm 6
Copy Algorithm 6
Print Algorithm 6
B-Point Algorithm Properties 7
Property Descriptions 7
Property Assignments 7
Machine Status Words 8
MSW Attributes 8
Editing MSWs 9
Value Text 10
Value Text Strings 10
Library 12
Open an Existing Library File 13
Create a New Library File 15

Glossary of Terms 17

Index 19

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Contents • iii

ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm

The information required to create and edit B-Point algorithms is presented in the following sections:
• B-Point Algorithm Description
• B-Point Algorithm Editor
• B-Point Algorithms
• B-Point Algorithm Properties
• Machine Status Words
• Value Text
• B-Point Algorithm Library

B-Point Algorithm Description

The purpose of the B-point algorithm is to process digital values between the ECS/SDR and PLC systems. The
digital values are transferred as a 16 bit word called a Machine Status Word (MSW). When the word is read from the
PLC, the algorithm establishes a B-point value and other attributes based on the MSW bit combination. The
algorithm also sends information to the PLC by setting a bit combination in the MSW. The PLC memory location of
the MSW for input and output is assigned in the B-point Address field.
When the algorithm is created, an input mask is specified to identify the bits that are to be analyzed. An output mask
is also specified to identify the bits to be processed by the PLC.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor • 1
Input Operation
In the following example, the user has created an algorithm to interpret 2 bits of the PLC MSW. The input mask is
created by setting each bit location to be processed to a one (1). The input mask in this case is: 0000000000000011.

Input Value Color

00 Stop Brown
01 Local Yellow
10 Run Green
11 Fault Red

The value and color of the B-point is determined by the state of the two bits. For example, when both bits are zero
(0), the B-point value is Stop and graphical elements associated with the B-point change to brown.
When the MSW is read from the PLC, the following rules apply:

1. A maximum of 16 bits are processed by a B-point.

2. The bits must reside in the same word within the PLC memory.
3. A maximum of 16 bits can be affected by output actions.
4. Up to 65,768 bit combinations can be represented by the 16-bit MSW. The combination with all 16 bits set
however cannot be used.

Each bit combination identified in the algorithm has an associated Value, Status, Color, Symbol Offset, and Alarm

The Value is assigned by entering a Text #. This number identifies the text to use when presenting the B-point value
in reports, value lists, and graphics. The number selects the text from a predefined list that can be modified by the

Identifies the B-point status (Normal or Alarm).

Graphic elements owned by the point change to the assigned color.

Symbol Offset
This field is used in conjunction with a symbol offset graphic element that contains up to 8 stacked objects (0 - 7)
arranged in such a way that only the top object is visible. This field specifies the graphic object (0 - 7) to be
associated with the bit combination. When the B-point is equal to this bit combination, the associated object is
placed on the top of the stack.

Alarm State
Determines if the bit combination indicates an alarm state (Yes or No).

2 • ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor
Output Operation
A B-point algorithm can initiate an output action in one of two ways. The first method requires an output mask and
an output bit combination to be specified. These elements have been added to the previous example:
Input Mask = 0000000000000011
Output Mask = 0000000000000001

Input Value Color Output Enabled Output

00 Stop Brown No
01 Local Yellow No
10 Run Green No
11 Fault Red Yes 0000000000000001

When the MSW input bit combination is equal to Fault (11), 0000000000000001 is sent to the PLC memory
location specified in the output portion of the point’s Address field.
The second method requires that the algorithm’s Prg. Select Enable field to be set to Yes. This causes the Bit
specified in the output portion of the point’s Address field to be set to one (1) whenever a graphic element owned by
the point is clicked with the middle mouse button.
Warning: Be very careful with output action. Bad algorithms can cause a point MSW to oscillate. It is strongly
recommeded to use output actions with command bits requesting the PLC to set or clear something, and then using
other bits on input to see if it has been done. For example the Computer Control Ready algorithm looks like this,
where the input mask is 1100 0001 and the output mask is 0000 0001:

Input Value Ouput Action

000 0000 Off
0000 0001 On
1100 0000 Clear 0000 0000
1100 0001 Set 0000 0001

For very complex situations it is recommended not to use identical input and output addresses so as to avoid
oscillations by accident.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor • 3
B-Point Algorithm Editor
The B-point algorithm editor is used to create, modify, review and delete B-point algorithms and create and modify
the text strings used to represent MSW values. The editor is started by selecting B-Point Alg Edit in the ECS/SDR
portion of the desktop Start menu.

Click on the Algorithms tab to create, edit, copy, delete or print B-point algorithms.
Click on the Texts tab to create or modify the text strings used to represent MSW values.
Click on the Library tab to open, create, or populate a B-point algorithm library file.
To close the B-point algorithm editor, click on the Close button in the upper-right corner of the window.

4 • ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor
B-Point Algorithms
To access the B-Point algorithms, click on the editor Algorithms tab.

Select the algorithm to manipulate by clicking on the algorithm Number, and then click on the desired command.
To display the actual contents of the B-point algorithm database (which might be accessed by several users), click on
the Refresh button. Click on the Close button in the upper-right corner of the window to exit the B-Point
Algorithm Editor.

Edit Algorithm
Select the algorithm to modify by clicking on the algorithm Number. The algorithm master data appears at the
bottom of the dialog. Click on the Edit MSWs button to edit the algorithm detail data, MSWs (Machine Status

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor • 5
Delete Algorithm
Select the algorithm to delete by clicking on the algorithm Number then click on the Delete command. When the
dialog form appears, click on the OK command to delete the selected algorithm. Click on the Cancel command to
abort the deletion.

Create Algorithm
To create a new algorithm, click on the Add command. When the dialog form appears, enter a unique number to be
assigned to the algorithm. Numbers from 1 through 500 are acceptable. If the number is currently assigned to
another algorithm, a dialog message appears.

Click on the OK command. The algorithm properties window appears. Refer to Algorithm Properties.

Copy Algorithm
To create a new algorithm with the properties of an existing algorithm, select the existing algorithm by clicking on
the algorithm Number. Click on the Copy command. When the dialog form appears, enter a unique number to be
assigned to the new algorithm. Numbers from 1 through 200 are acceptable. If the number is currently assigned to
another algorithm, a dialog message appears.

Click on the OK command. The algorithm properties window appears. Refer to Algorithm Properties.

Print Algorithm
Select the algorithm to print by clicking on the algorithm Number. Click on the Print command to print the
selected algorithm. Click on the Print All command to print all B-point algorithms.

6 • ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor
B-Point Algorithm Properties
The details associated with a B-point algorithm are contained in the algorithm properties. The properties are listed in
the window that appears when an algorithm is created or modified.

Property Descriptions
Algorithm name <primary language> The descriptive name of the B-point in the primary language
Algorithm name <secondary language>The descriptive name of the B-point in the secondary language
Algorithm number A unique number identifying the algorithm. This number is referenced when assigning a
Conversion Algorithm to a B-point.
Input mask, 16 bits Used to assign the MSW input mask. Only the bits specified in the mask are processed by the
algorithm. The mask is entered as binary number. The bit locations with a one (1) are processed.
Output mask, 16 bits Used in connection with output actions. Only the bits specified by a 1 in this mask can be
modified in the PLC memory. .
Local bit, 15-0 Specifies the bit number betrween 0 and 15 that is used as the local bit. When the local bit is equal
to 1, the status of the B-point is Local and the point does not generate alarms. If the local bit option is not used, enter
a -1 in this field.
Operator inserted mode Flag specifying if the B-point can be used as an operator inserted point. Setting this flag
does not affect the operation of the algorithm.
Action bit, 15-0 (-1=none) If between 0 and 15, defines the bit offset relative to the B-point's output address that
is sent to the PLC when the point is selected. For example if the Output address is Register 200, bit 2, and the Action
bit is 3, then bit 5 (2 + 3) will be used for selection. The function is disabled when the bit number is set to -1. This
flag is only applicable to systems with an OpStation.
The Machine Status Words (MSWs) associated with the B-point algorithm are defined and configured or modified
by clicking on the Edit MSWs. Refer to Machine Status Words.

Property Assignments
Properties are assigned or modified by clicking in the field and typing or selecting the new or modified information.
Refer to the ECS/SDR User Interface manual for additional information.
The following commands are used to save the property assignments:
Apply saves the modifications made since the property window was opened. The property window remains open.
Update saves the modifications made since the property window was opened. The property window closes.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor • 7
Machine Status Words
The algorithm Machine Status Word (MSW) bit values and associated attributes are revealed by clicking on the Edit
MSWs command in the algorithm properties window. A window appears listing the defined MSWs in a data grid.
Each row in the grid represents one MSW. The data grid columns identify the MSW attributes.

MSW Attributes
The following describes the MSW attributes identified by the data grid column labels.
MSWs The MSW bit combination (0000 0000 0000 0000 through 1111 1111 1111 1111). An x can be used to
identify a don’t care state. For example 0000 0000 0000 x111.
INT The value represnts that the B-Point MSW bit combination in decimal
NO The text number with text string in value field represent that the B-point value for this MSW bit combination
Value The text string that represents the B-point value for this MSW bit combination
State Identifies the status for this B-point value - Normal or Alarm.
Color When the B-Point reports this value, display elements associated with the point change to the color specified
in this column.
S-Off Symbol Offset. This field is used in conjunction with a symbol offset graphic element that contains up to 8
stacked objects (0 – 7) arranged in such a way that only the top object is visible. This field specifies the graphic
object (0 – 7) to be associated with this bit combination. When the B-point is equal to value, the associated object is
placed on the top of the stack.
OS Operating state. Determines if operating hours are counted or not for this MSW - Yes or No
AS Alarm State. Determines if this B-point value indicates an alarm state, Yes or No.
AA Alarm Annunciation. Determines if this B-point value should result in an alarm annunciation, Yes or No.
SS Suppression State. Used by Group and Route points (Group/Route suppression points), to specify if the
associated MSW should alarm suppress child points in Group or Route.

8 • ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor
Event type Specifies if the transition to the associated MSW should be alarm logged as a 1-Error, 2-Warning, 3-
Info, or not at all 0-none.
Category Specifies the event category, 0-None, 1-Point Specifies, 2-Process, etc.
Output Action When the B-point value is equal to this MSW bit combination, the bit combination specified in this
field is sent to the PLC location specified in the B-point’s address field.

Editing MSWs
Add Appends a new line at the bottom of the MSW list and selects the field for editing. All attributes for the new
MSW are set to the default values. The default values are the attributes assigned to the MSW at the top of the list.
The maximum number of MSWs per algorithm is 299.
Delete Deletes the selected MSW
Insert Inserts a new MSW in the line below the selected MSW
Move Up Moves the selected MSW up one line in the list of MSWs
Move Down Moves the selected MSW down one line in the list of MSWs
Apply Saves modifications. The Edit MSW window remains open for additional changes.
Update Saves modifications and closes the Edit MSW window.
Cancel Discards changes made since the last Apply was issued.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor • 9
Value Text
The text strings available for assignment to B-point values can be reviewed or modified by clicking on the Texts tab
located in the B-Point Algorithm Editor display followed by activation of the Edit button.

Value Text Strings

Modifying Text Strings
To modify a value text string, click in the text field and press the keyboard <F2> key. Enter the desired information.
Value text strings 1 through 20 are reserved for the ECS/SDR system. Do not modify.
Apply Saves modifications. The Value Text window remains open for additional changes. You MUST press Apply
after you have modified texts.
Update Saves modifications and closes the Value Text window.

10 • ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor
Adding Text Strings
To add a new value text string, click on the Add command. Enter the Text No. when the prompt appears. Acceptable
values are 21 through 2000. Value text strings 1 through 20 are reserved for the ECS/SDR system.

A text string can be up to 20 characters long, but only the first 10 characters appear on OpStation displays. You
MUST press Apply after you have added texts.

Deleting Text Strings

To delete a value text string, select the entry and press the Delete key. Press OK to delete the value text. Click on
the Cancel command to abort the deletion. You MUST press Apply after you have deleted texts.

Show Algorithms
The algorithms that use a particular value text can be listed by selecting the value text entry and pressing the Show
algs. command.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor • 11
To open an existing B-point algorithm library file or create a new one, click the Library tab.

12 • ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor
Open an Existing Library File
Type in the full path to the desired B-point algorithm library file and click on the Open command. In response to
this action a window is opened showing the contents of the library file together with the actual contents of the
runtime database.

Now, it is possible to transfer B-point algorithms in both directions between the runtime database and the library.

Transfer Data from the Library to the Runtime Database

Select the algorithm to be copied by clicking on its number in the Library field and activate the "<" button. (When
sub numbering is applied there can be several algorithms with the same number. If that is the case, select the
algorithm with the desired number/sub number combination.)
An attempt to copy a library algorithm will initiate a request for information about where to deliver the algorithm.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor • 13
Type in the desired destination (Runtime Database) number and click OK, alternatively cancel the operation by
clicking Cancel. In response to clicking OK, a message will appear.

Activate OK to start the copy process or Cancel to abort the whole operation.

Transfer Data from the Runtime Database to the Library

Select the algorithm to be copied by clicking on its number in the Runtime Database field and activate the ">"
An attempt to copy a runtime database algorithm will initiate a request for information about where to deliver the

Type in the desired destination (Library) number and sub number and click OK, alternatively cancel the operation by
clicking Cancel. In response to clicking OK, a message will appear.

Activate OK to start the copy process or Cancel to abort the whole operation.

14 • ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor
Create a New Library File
Type the full path to the new library file and click the Create command. A message will announce whether the
command was completed successfully or failed. For example, an error may occur if the specified file exists.
When a new library file has been created it can be opened and populated by copying data from the Runtime

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor • 15
Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Glossary of Terms • 17


Error! No index entries found.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor Index • 19

Reference Manual

ECS/SDR Concepts
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/03/06 5:29p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SDRConcepts30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS/SDR Concepts 1
System Overview 1
Runtime Environment 1
PLC Interface 1
Hierarchy Objects 2
Departments 2
Groups 2
Routes 2
Master Points 2
Point Processing 3
Database Point 3
Point Configuration Parameters 3
Point Algorithms 3
Point Types 3
Point Values 3
Point Status 4
Point Processing Sequence 4
Alarm and Report Suppression 5
Alarm System 6
Alarm Types 6
Process Alarm Handling 6
System Alarm Handling 6
Event Algorithm 6
Alarm Notification 6
Alarm Response 7
Alarm Philosophy 7
Alarm Priorities 7
Event System 7
Control Action 7
Data Log System 7
Trend Value Logs 7
Statistical Logs 8
Log Data Access 8

Glossary of Terms 9

Index 11

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts Contents • iii

ECS/SDR Concepts

System Overview
The ECS/SDR system is a software environment developed to support monitoring and control of industrial plants. It
realises a set of basic facilities like data processing, alarm and event management, as well as data logging and report
generation that are required to complement the services provided by a typical PLC control level. In that way the
ECS/SDR system will act as a kind of interface between the PLC control level and the MMI (Man Machine
Interface). Further, the ECS/SDR system will support the operation of some of the specialised control packages
belonging to the ECS (Expert Control and Supervision) and QCX (Quality control by Computer and X-ray) product

Runtime Environment
The ECS/SDR system is designed for running on a personal computer under the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating
system. This computer can be part of a network environment where each node is assigned the role of Server
computer (previously termed MOP computer) or Client computer (previously termed DOP computer). Here, a Server
can establish and maintain communication with the PLC control level while a Client needs an associated Server
through which it can receive data and excert its control actions. A special facility will enable a computer to be
configured both as a Server and a Client whereby it can serve several purposes at the same time.
Normally, a network only requires one Server, however two may be used in a redundant configuration. In redundant
applications, both Servers maintain communication with the PLC control level. When changes are made to common
data administrated by one of the Servers, the database in the redundant Server is automatically updated.

PLC Interface
The PLC interface enables the ECS/SDR system to interact with the plant. This is done by communicating data to
and from the PLC's. The ECS/SDR system facilitates communication with the most common PLC families.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts ECS/SDR Concepts • 1

Hierarchy Objects
The hierarchy objects in the system are Departments, Groups, Routes, Master points and Points. These are detailed

Departments are plant divisions usually defined by operational boundaries. For example, in a cement plant, the kiln
would be one department and clinker handling would be another. A single PLC can control several departments, but
in typical applications, one PLC controls one department. Points do not belong directly to a department, they belong
to a group. A PLC horn point can be associated with a department. Points are indirectly, through groups, members of
The maximum number of departments is 100.

A department is further divided into groups. Groups are used to increase department granularity. Points are members
of one and only one group. A group consists of equipment that controls a specific function within a department. A
group can include motors and gates and different types of each. Devices that interact during the process operation
and have common interlocks are often assigned to the same group. A B-point can be associated with a group. This
point is called the "Group Point". The Group Point can be used to suppress the alarms of group member points, if the
Group Point is in a "suppressing" state, eg stopped. The point value for the Group Point are normally read from the
PLC, and reflects the state of the group. It is normally the operator who controls the Group Point. The Group Point
must be a member of the group it controls.

A route is a transport path. The route hierarchyobject is expedient because often there are multiple routes to deliver a
material. Most often only one of these routes is used at a time. A group can have zero or more routes. A point can be
a member of zero or more of these routes. Similar to groups, a B-point can be associated with a route. This point is
called the "Route Point". The Route Point can be used to suppress the alarms of route member points, if the Route
Point is in a "suppressing" state, eg stopped. The Route Point must be a member of the route it controls. The point
value for the Route Point are normally read from the PLC, and reflects the state of the route. It is normally the
operator who controls the Route Point.

Master Points
A Master Point is a parent point to one or more child points. A child point cannot be a Master Point. Master Points
also provide increased point granularity. The Master Point can be used to suppress the alarms of master member
points, if the Master Point is in a "suppressing" state, eg stopped.

2 • ECS/SDR Concepts Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts

Point Processing

Database Point
A point is a record within the ECS/SDR database that represents an analog measurement point (A-point), digital
measurement point (B-point), and internally calculated A-point or B-point. A point is identified by a unique
pointcode also referred to as a point name or tag name.

Point Configuration Parameters

The database point record includes information that enables the ECS/SDR system to locate the point, evaluate alarm
conditions, log data, and post the current value and status on process graphics and other displays. The database
record also includes processing details for value conversions and calculations. This information is referred to as the
point configuration parameters.

Point Algorithms
Point algorithms are used to convert raw input values (Conversion Algorithms), process point alarms (Event
Algorithms), and perform statistical calculations (Report Algorithms). The user selects the algorithms to perform the
desired functions when the database point is created.
When a point is processed, the values from the associated device or the value of another point is applied to the
algorithm along with the point configuration parameters. The algorithm that is used depends on the point type (A or
B) and the desired result.

Point Types
A-points are used to interface with analog input and output devices, perform calculations, or connect to an analog
controller located in a PLC. B-points are used to interface with digital input and output devices connected to the
Points can also be configured to accept a value from the operator. These points are called operator-inserted points.
The algorithm in this case obtains the input value from the operator instead of the PLC or another point.

Point Values
A point value is the result of the A or B-point conversion algorithm. After points are processed, their values are
maintained in the memory resident database and posted in display lists, process graphics, and saved to disk for data
archiving purposes. The result of an A-point algorithm is presented as a numeric value to represent temperatures,
pressures, setpoints, etc.
B-point values are represented as a text string (Run, Stop, Open, etc.). These values are derived from a 16 bit
Machine Status Word (MSW) received from the PLC and applied to the B-point conversion algorithm.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts ECS/SDR Concepts • 3

Point Status
Point status defines the condition of a point value when it is processed. The status is determined by the point value,
point configuration parameters, parent point status, and various suppression conditions.

A Point Status
Normal Point value is within defined limits
Alarm High Point value has reached or exceeded the assigned Alarm High limit
Alarm Low Point value has reached or exceeded the assigned Alarm Low limit
PalmSu Point alarms are suppressed by parent point
OalmSu Point alarms are suppressed by operator
PrepSu Point report algorithm is suppressed by parent point
HAlmSu Hierarchical alarm suppressed. The point is alarm suppressed by a Group Point, Route Point, and/or
Master Point

B Point Status
Normal Current MSW value has been defined as a normal condition.
Alarm Current MSW value has been defined as an alarm condition.
Error MSW value not defined
Local MSW local bit is set
PalmSu Point alarms are suppressed by parent point
OalmSu Point alarms are suppressed by operator
PrepSu Point report algorithm is suppressed by parent point
HAlmSu Hierarchical alarm suppressed. The point is alarm suppressed by a Group Point, Route Point, and/or
Master Point

Point Processing Sequence

1. Database point values are obtained from the PLCs or internal variables on a periodic basis. The frequency is
determined by system configuration parameters.
2. The value obtained from the PLC is then applied to the conversion algorithm assigned to the point.
3. The value of the point and the current parameter assignments are reviewed to determine the point status.
4. If the point is in an alarm state, the scan sequence must then determine if alarms for this point are
5. If alarms are not suppressed, the point’s event algorithm is executed. Otherwise, the alarm state is ignored.
6. If a report algorithm is assigned and reports are not suppressed, the report algorithm is executed to obtain
statistical information.

4 • ECS/SDR Concepts Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts

Alarm and Report Suppression
During system operation, a specific process condition may cause nuisance alarms or cause invalid data to be
calculated and logged. For example, a motor stop condition may cause another point to report an alarm condition.
During normal operation, alarms must be processed for this point. For this motor stop condition however the alarms
are expected and notification is not necessary. In addition, the motor stop condition may also cause invalid data to be
used in the point’s report algorithm. In this case, it would be desirable to disable the point’s event and report
algorithms. There are two types of alarm suppression techniques, (1) Point Alarm and Report suppression and (2)
Hierarchical Alarm suppression. Both are point based.
The ECS system enables Point Alarm and Report suppression for individual points by assigning a parent point.
Whenever the parent point status is not normal, alarms or reports for the child point are disabled. A parent point can
be specified for alarm suppression and/or report suppression.
Reports and alarms for individual points can also be permanently suppressed.

Point Alarm Suppression

During processing, if a parent point is specified for alarm suppression, alarms for the child point are not processed
if any of the following are true:
• The status of the parent point is not Normal
• The parent point is point alarm suppressed (PAlmSu)
• The parent point is operator alarm suppressed (OAlmSu)

Report Suppression
During processing, if a parent point is specified for report suppression, The report algorithm is not executed for the
child point if any of the following are true:
• The status of the parent point is not Normal
• The parent point report algorithm is suppressed (PRepSu)

Hierarchical Alarm Suppression

Hierarchical Alarm Suppression is associated with Group, Route and Master point objects as mentioned earlier. A
group and route can be assigned a B-point, the so-called Group Point and Route Point respectively. These points can
then be used to suppress alarms from a group or route if the value of the group or route is "alarm suppressing", as
defined by the B-point algorithm used by the Group or Route point. Group or route member points are thus alarm
suppressed if their parent point is "alarm suppressing". The degree of hierarchical alarm suppression is configurable.
For each of the object types (groups, routes and master points) you can choose three hierarchical suppression modes:
0 - no logging and no annunciation, 1 – logging and no annunciation, and 2 – logging and annunciation. For example
is (0) is chosen then a point which goes into an alarm state, but which is hierarchical suppressed, then this will not be
logged and not annunciated. If (1) is chosen it will be logged, but not annunctiated, and if (2) is chosen it will we
logged and annunciated (another words hierarchical suppression is turned off).

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts ECS/SDR Concepts • 5

Alarm System
The ECS/SDR system encompasses an enhanced alarm system which decouples point state, event logging and alarm
annunciation. The decoupling is configurable. A point value is the foundation to determine the point state. If the state
is an alarm state this can lead to annunciation and event logging. Alarm annunciation consists of the Alarm Header,
workstation acoustics, mimic color/blink, PLC horn, and standing alarm list. Eventing consists of logging the
alarm/event in the event data base, viewing alarms/events in the alarm list, output on the alarm printer, and third
party notification. Many aspects of annunciation and eventing are configurable. The ECS/SDR alarm system handles
process and system alarms. When an alarm occurs, the date and time of the alarm is logged and the operator is
notified of the condition.

Alarm Types
Process alarms are generated when A-points exceed assigned limits or B-points report a value that has been defined
as an alarm state. Alarm can be suppressed using a number of techniques as mentioned above.
System alarms are reported when problems such as communication errors, disk full, file not found, etc. occur within
the ECS/SDR system.

Process Alarm Handling

1. If a point value has changed since the last poll, the current value is compared to the defined alarm state or
alarm limits. If an alarm condition exists, alarm suppression is verified.
2. If the point is alarm suppressed, alarm annunciation and event logging can end depending on how this is
3. The alarm system records the occurrence into the alarm log. The log entry includes the point tag, the point
text, the type of alarm, the value exceeded, and the time of the alarm (alarm on time).
4. When the point returns to a normal state, or another alarm state is entered, the alarm off time is written to
the alarm entry.

System Alarm Handling

1. If a system type alarm condition exists, the alarm system records the occurrence into the alarm log. The log
entry includes the type of alarm and the time of the alarm.
2. The operator is notified of the system alarm.

Event Algorithm
An Event algorithm is assigned to a point when it is created. The algorithm assigned determines if the alarm/event
condition is logged and/or annunciated. For B-points the associated B-point algorithm also determines what B-point
value changes are annunciated and whether or not these changes are information, warning or error events.

Alarm Notification
When an alarm is reported, the operator is notified if alarms are enabled and an Event algorithm is assigned to the
point. Several alarm annunciation techniques are available. The system can be configured to audibly notify the user
with display beeps and/or PLC horns. Different horns can be associated with each alarm priority in each department.
Visual indications can also be utilized. Different colors and flashing colors can be used to annunciate alarms and
indicate the alarm in graphic displays, department buttons, and alarm lists.
The notification method used by the system can be configured by the user.

6 • ECS/SDR Concepts Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts

Alarm Response
The operator responds to the alarm condition using the workstation Alarm Silence and Alarm Reset commands. The
effect these commands have on display elements and audible alarms can be defined by the user to meet the specific
needs of the process application.

Alarm Philosophy
The alarm philosophy defines the details associated with alarm notification and response. This determines colors
used to indicate alarms and the effect the Alarm Silence and Reset commands have on:

• PLC Horns
• Display Colors
• PLC Messages

The scope of the effect can also be configured. These commands can affect the entire process (global) or individual
departments (local).

Alarm Priorities
Each point in the alarm system is assigned an alarm priority (1 – 5), where 1 is the highest priority and 5 is the
lowest. The priority assignment is used to filter alarms in alarm list displays.

Event System
A system event is generated when a user performs a control action. When a system event is reported, the occurrence
is logged into the event log. The log can be reviewed from the ECS alarm list display. An event log report can also
be generated on demand or scheduled on a periodic basis.

Control Action
A control action is an action initiated by a user such as changing point parameters, resetting an alarm, or starting and
stopping plant equipment. The actions to be logged are defined by the user during system configuration.

Data Log System

The ECS/SDR Data Log system periodically saves point values and statistical information to historical data files.
The historical data files are organized into two groups – Trend Value Logs and Statistical Logs. The log files are
accessed by other ECS/SDR utilities to generate point value trend displays, and plant, shift, and production reports.

Trend Value Logs

The Trend Value Logs contain A-point values for a time period configured by the user. A log entry consist of the
point name, the point value, and the date and time of the entry.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts ECS/SDR Concepts • 7

Statistical Logs
The Statistical Logs include a Hourly Log, a Shift Log, and a Daily Log. These logs are used to save statistical data
for each A and B-point at the end of the respective interval. A log entry consists of the point name, the date and time
of the entry, and the following information for the specified point type:

A & B-Points
Alarm Count The number of alarms reported by the point for the hour, shift, or day.
Alarm Time The amount of time the point was in alarm for the hour, shift, or day.
Error Count The number of errors reported by the point for the hour, shift, or day.
PercentGood, is an expression for quality of measurement (readability of measurement by ECS/SDR). Based on
the General Point Status bit: Bad Data. Incremented according to cyclic point treatment. Values from 0 to 100, where
100 is good. A measurement is not considered good for the following states:
Pst_noalg (8) No Algoritm defined.
Pst_mthfault (9) Internal Matematical Point Fault
Pst_illegalexp (10) Illegal Math Expression.
Pst_internerr (11) Point treatment int. error
Pst_fault (12) digital fault
Pst_undefined (13) undefined value
Pst_Not_Updated (37)
Pst_out_range (38)
Pst_Open_Loop (40)
Pst_Short_Circuit (41)
Pst_Force_Signal (42)
Pst_Signal_Fault (43)

A-Points only
Maximum Value The maximum value recorded for the hour, shift, or day.
Minimum Value The minimum value recorded for the hour, shift, or day.
Average Value The average of all point values recorded for the hour, shift, or day.
Samples, the number of samples the statistics are based on in the statistical duration.
Calc. by Report Alg. The result of the report algorithm. Samples the number of samples for the hour, shift, or day.

B-Points only
Operating Hours The accumulated amount of time the point has been "ON" for the hour, shift, or day.
Operating Count (number of starts), the number of times the B-point goes from state not-operating to operating
during the statistical period.

Log Data Access

The ECS/SDR log data can be reviewed and analyzed from the ECS/SDR trend displays or by generating plant

8 • ECS/SDR Concepts Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts

Glossary of Terms

Client computer. A Microsoft Windows 2000 computer configured as an ECS/SDR client.

Expert Control and Supervision. A suite of software packages providing advanced MMI and other process control

Expert Control System/System Development and Runtime. A software package providing a set of basic facilities for
control of industrial plants like, for example data processing, alarm and event management, data logging and report
generation. No process MMI has been included.

Machine Status Word. 16-Bit word transferred between the ECS/SDR system and PLC to process digital values.

Operator-inserted point
A point whose value is supplied by an operator.

Parent point
A point used for alarm and report suppression of another point.

Programmable Logic Controller. A computer developed particularly to interface and control industrial plants. Makes
up a key item in the interface between the ECS/SDR system and the plant instrumentation.

Server computer. A Microsoft Windows 2000 computer configured as an ECS/SDR server. A Server maintains the
ECS point database and the link to the PLC control level.

Server partners
Server pair configured for redundancy.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts Glossary of Terms • 9

Hourly Log 8

Index Log Data Access 8

Machine Status Word 3
Maximum Value 8
Minimum Value 8

Accumulated Value 8 OalmSu 4, 5
Alarm Annunciation 6
Alarm Count 8 P
alarm on time 6
alarm philosophy Error! Not a valid bookmark in PalmSu 4, 5
entry on page 7 Point Algorithms 3
Alarm Priorities 7 Point Configuration Parameters Error! Not a valid
alarm priority Error! Not a valid bookmark in bookmark in entry on page 3
entry on page 6 point name 3
Alarm Suppression Error! Not a valid bookmark in Point Processing Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 5 entry on page 3
Alarm System Error! Not a valid bookmark in Point Status 4, 5
entry on page 6 Point Types 3
Alarm Time 8 Point Values 3, 7
Alarm Types 6 pointcode 3, 7
Average Value 8 PrepSu 4, 5
Process alarm 6
B-points 3, 6, 8
Report Algorithms 3, 5
Report Suppression 5
child point 5 S
Control Action 7
Conversion Algorithms 3 SDR Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1, 3, 6
SDR/PLC Interface 2
Shift Log 8
Daily Log 8 Spot Value Log Error! Not a valid bookmark in
Data Log System 7 entry on page 7
Departments 7 statistical data 8
DOP 1 Statistical Logs 7
Status Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
E page 3, 5
System alarm 6
ECS Database Point 3 System Overview 1
ECS Workstation 1
Error Count 8
Event Algorithm 4
Event Algorithms 3 tag name 3
event log report 7

Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts Index • 11

12 • Index Reference Manual ECS/SDR Concepts
Reference Manual

ECS OpStation Editor

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 12/14/05 12:15p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrGmsDrawUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS OpStation Editor 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ................................................................... 1
SL-GMS Draw User's Guide ....................................................................................... 2
Picture Directories ..................................................................................................................... 2
Directory Structure ...................................................................................................... 2
Picture Files................................................................................................................. 3
Picture Location .......................................................................................................... 3
New Picture ............................................................................................................................... 3
Default Settings ........................................................................................................... 3
Model Owner............................................................................................................... 3
Open Picture .............................................................................................................................. 4
Palettes....................................................................................................................................... 5
Classic Dynamics....................................................................................................................... 6
Assigning Object Owner ............................................................................................. 6
PointVal Object ........................................................................................................... 6
PointValEnt Object...................................................................................................... 7
Color Symbol Objects ................................................................................................. 7
Changing Symbol Objects........................................................................................... 8
Filling Symbol Objects................................................................................................ 9
Trend Object............................................................................................................. 10
Buttons..................................................................................................................................... 11
Picture Select Button ................................................................................................. 11
Picture Popup Button................................................................................................. 12
Picture Popup Floating Button .................................................................................. 12
Faceplate Popup Button............................................................................................. 13
Bit Control Button ..................................................................................................... 13
Bit Set Button ............................................................................................................ 14
Bit Pulse Button......................................................................................................... 14
Bit Toggle Button...................................................................................................... 15
Bit Toggle Check....................................................................................................... 16
Mode Control Button................................................................................................. 16
Percent Change Button .............................................................................................. 17
Sdr Trend Button ....................................................................................................... 17
Start Process Button .................................................................................................. 18
Toolbar buttons.......................................................................................................... 18
General action buttons............................................................................................... 18
Using OpenGMS Dynamics .................................................................................................... 19
Renaming Variables .................................................................................................. 19
Fonts .......................................................................................................................... 20
PointNo Variable ....................................................................................................... 21
PntCode Object.......................................................................................................... 21
PntCodeVis Object .................................................................................................... 21
PntText Object........................................................................................................... 22
PntVal Object ............................................................................................................ 22
PntValText Object..................................................................................................... 23
PntValEnt Object....................................................................................................... 23
PntMSWInt Object .................................................................................................... 23
PntMSWHex Object.................................................................................................. 24

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor Contents • iii

PntMSWBit Object.................................................................................................... 24
PntMSWBitText Object ............................................................................................ 25
PntThermoVer Object ............................................................................................... 25
PntThermoDev Object............................................................................................... 26
PntThermoSca Object................................................................................................ 26
PntSlider Object ........................................................................................................ 27
PlcVal Object ............................................................................................................ 27
PlcValEnt Object....................................................................................................... 28
PlcInt Object.............................................................................................................. 28
PlcIntEnt Object ........................................................................................................ 29
PlcParName Object ................................................................................................... 29
LangText Object........................................................................................................ 30
AbbreviationText Object ........................................................................................... 30
FlsDateTime Object................................................................................................... 31
Generic route property text object ............................................................................. 31
Generic group property text object............................................................................ 32
Generic department property text object ................................................................... 32
Generic point property text object ............................................................................. 33
Creating OpenGMS Dynamics ................................................................................................ 33
GMS Dynamic Properties.......................................................................................... 33
OpenGMS Functions ................................................................................................. 36
Information Functions ............................................................................................... 37
Trend Functions......................................................................................................... 56
Action functions ........................................................................................................ 59
Animation.................................................................................................................. 75
Making Dynamics in Editor ...................................................................................... 78
PntFloat Example ...................................................................................................... 83
Faceplates ................................................................................................................................ 86
Creating Faceplates ................................................................................................... 86
Assigning Faceplates ................................................................................................. 86
PIDFace Example...................................................................................................... 87
Bitmaps.................................................................................................................................... 88
Active X control support.......................................................................................................... 89
Converting Pictures From VMS .............................................................................................. 89

Glossary of Terms 91

Index 93

iv • Contents Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

ECS OpStation Editor

The ECS OpStation Editor is the tool for creation and modification of graphical mimic pictures for display by the
ECS OpStation application. These pictures are also called models. The graphical system employed is GMS by SL.

Figure 1 - OpStation Editor

ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual

This document is a supplement to the SL-GMS DRAW USER'S GUIDE. In the present manual special functions for
OpStation pictures, such as linking SDR database points to dynamic graphical objects, are described.
The manual is available as a word document for reading and printout in following directory:

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 1

SL-GMS Draw User's Guide
The original User's Guide supplied by SL describes the fundamentals of the editor.
This manual is available as an Adobe Acrobat Reader document for reading and printout in the following directory:

To access the file (by double click) you must first install the acrobat reader as follows:
• Double click FLSADev\ToolsNT\Acroread\Setup.exe
• Follow installation procedure and choose destination directory FLSADev\ToolsNt\Acroread

Picture Directories

Directory Structure
FlsaGmsPic is the name of the share directory for OpStation pictures.
This directory is born with the following subdirectories.
.\Faceplates for library of popup pictures called faceplates.
.\Demo demo picture.
.\SdrTestOps test pictures.
.\Submods for library of static ready made sub models that may be used in pictures.
.\Gismos for library of dynamic objects (gismos) that may be used in pictures.
.\Palettes for library of pictures with sub models and gismos to use in picture editing.
.\Bitmaps for bitmaps used in pictures, sub models, and gismos.
The files in these subdirectories are delivered with the system, the directories should not be used by the endusers to
store any picture files.
Installed subsystems can have there own directories.
The picture files in these directories are delivered with the subsystem and these directories should not be used by the
enduser either.
The enduser can make directories for models, gismos, submodels, faceplates, and bitmaps. This is done in ECS
Opstation Configuration. Or the enduser can place picture files directly under main directory. Only recommended for
opgrades where new pictures are rarely made.
The directories are located on the ECS server.

2 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Picture Files
Pictures are stored in two files:
Picture_name.g is a source file in ASCII format. Can be read by a text editor. This file is useful if you have to
move pictures from one platform to another (e. g. NT and VMS).
Picture_name.m1 is a binary file. It is the file used by the application to display the picture.
There is a utility SDR_Setup_Tools->GMS Conversion for converting .g files to .m1 files and vice versa.
You normally do not have to bother with this as the editor always automatically will save both files.
Subsystems will normally prefix there pictures with the subsystem name.

Picture Location
In a distributed system the ECS OpStation Editor runs on the local machine. However, pictures are loaded from and
saved to the Server (MOP) partner. In this way changes apply globally in the system. The OpStation application will
make sure that the newest version on the Server will be copied and displayed on the local machine.

New Picture

Default Settings
A new picture will have the following default settings:
Model width 100
Model height 75
Background enabled
Background color 31 (Flsa_Background_Color)
This can be changed from menu Model->Properties.
Note that pictures displayed in the same window should have the same size. Pictures displayed in separate window,
like faceplates, need not.

Model Owner
Each main picture may be assigned a department. When a picture is selected in the OpStation application, the
department of the picture becomes the selected department and the name is displayed in the status bar pane. The
assignment of a department to a picture is done as follows.
• Select Model->Owner… from the menu.
• Select a department from the box shown below.

Figure 2 - Owner model box

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 3

Open Picture
When a picture is open the open picture dialog is displayed.

The open picture maps the directories of the server into to a logical structure.
The models and gismos delivered by FLSA can be found in the folder FLSA and a given sub folder.
If there has been defined directories for Models, Faceplates etc. these will be displayed under Models, Faceplates etc
directly. If no directories have been defined, the user should place the models in the root folder.

Opstation editor ECS server

The mapping between the open and save dialog and the physical structure on the ECS server for the directories
delivered with opstation. (Here shown with no directory configuration) Note that the bitmap directory is not seen in
Open od Save diaolog box, because it does not contain OpStation picture files.

O pstation Editor O pstation C onfiguration EC S Server

The end user directories is mapped through the opstation configuration in the way illustrated on picture.
If a subsystem is delivered (E.g. Acesys) the mapping will be as follows.

4 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Opstation editor ECS server

Normally a subsystem will not be delivered with all directories. If a directory is not delivired it will not appear in the
open/save dialog box.
Known subsystems are Acesys, CPS, Fuz, Qcx.

A number of palette pictures offer predesigned sub models and gismos to use in pictures. A palette, gismos, and
submodels is selected by clicking on the menu Palette->Palette/Submodel/Gismos..... . The following window
will appear

Expanding the any of the folders Submod, Gismos, or Palettes in this window, will list a subfolder for each
subsystem that provides files, the local defined files (Local), and the files provided by the default installation
(FLSA). Clicking on the subfolder, the available Palettes, Gismos, or Submodels in that folder will be listed.
Selecting a palette will make the palette appear as a picture in a separate window. An object is selected from palette

• Click on object in palette

• Click on position in your work area to place object
• Right click and done finishes the action

Gismos and submodels can be selectected directly by clicking on a filename one of the subfolders under Gismos or
SubModels. After the selection

• Click on position in your work area to place object

• Right click and done finishes the action

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 5

Classic Dynamics
Classic dynamics is the easiest and most efficient form of dynamic objects to use. However it has some limitations.
For advanced dynamics you should use OpenGMS dynamics as described later. Classic dynamics is used in the
main mimic pictures wherever the needs are sufficient. OpenGMS dynamics is especially used on faceplates.

Assigning Object Owner

The basic way of making objects dynamic is by assigning an owner to the object. The owner is a database point that
will control the dynamic behavior. The owner is assigned as follows:

• Right click the selected object

• Select Owner object
• Fill in the owner box

Dynamics created in this way (by menu item Owner object) is called classic dynamics.
Palettes Flsa_symbols_dynamic, flsa_symbols_dynamic1 contain objects prepared for classic dynamics.
In the following frequently used classic objects are described.

PointVal Object
This object displays an analog value. Value, color and blink are dynamically updated according to the owner point.
The format of the value and the unit is as defined for the owner point in the database.

Figure 3 - Gismo PointVal

The owner is assigned as follows:

• Right click the selected object
• Select Owner
• Fill in the owner box

Figure 4 - Owner box for PointVal

Pointcode may be typed in directly, or better, may be copied from the point list using the toolbar buttons.
Faceplate is used to assign a faceplate to the object. The name of the faceplate is selected from the dropdown list.
Note that all objects by default are assigned the faceplate associated the point algorithm. However, this may be
overruled by assigning a faceplate in the owner box.

6 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

PointValEnt Object
Similar to PointVal but allows data entry.

Figure 5 - Gismo PointValEnt

Color Symbol Objects

These are objects where color and blink are dynamically updated according to the owner point. The object may be a
symbol representing a fan, a pump, an interlocking or other device as found on palette flsa_symbols_dynamic, but it
may also be any directly drawn primitive or grouped symbol or sub model created by user.

Figure 6 - Fan color symbol

The owner is assigned as follows:

• Right click the selected object
• Select Owner
• Fill in the owner box

Figure 7 - Owner box for Color symbols

Pointcode is typed in or copied from point list via toolbar buttons.

Color symbol is selected as dynamic behavior
Edge-, Text-, Fill-color (one or more) is selected as the color attribute to control
Faceplate is selected if special faceplate shall overrule default as assigned the point algorithm.
The disabled option FUS item is not used but kept for backwards compatibility. It is only relevant for old pictures
from VMS platform to inspect how the setting was.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 7

Changing Symbol Objects
These are objects whose shape and color may change dynamically according to the value of the owner point. The
owner must be a B-point.
Examples of changing symbols are flsa_dividing_gate and flsa_louvre_damper found on palette

Figure 8 - flsa_dividing_gate two-layer symbol unfolded

Figure 9 - flsa_louvre_damper two-layer symbol unfolded

Changing symbols are made of several layers (sub models) on top of each other but of the same size. Only one layer
is visible at a time. There may be up to 8 layers in a changing symbol. The above shown examples have two layers.
Which layer is visible is controlled by the B-point owner of the symbol. The B-point algorithm has a definition of
the MSW interpretation for the point (see B-point Algorithm Editor) where a symbol offset is defined (0 .. 7) for
each MSW value. This symbol offset defines which symbol layer should be visible for the corresponding MSW
The user may define own changing symbols.
The owner is assigned as follows:
• Right click the selected object
• Select Owner
• Fill in the owner box

Figure 10 - Owner box for Changing symbols

8 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Pointcode is typed in or copied from point list via toolbar buttons.
Changing symbol is selected as dynamic behavior
Edge-, Text-, Fill-color (one or more) may be selected if additional color control is needed.
Faceplate is selected if special faceplate shall overrule default as allocated the point algorithm.

Filling Symbol Objects

These are objects whose filling and color may change dynamically according to the value of the owner point. The
owner must be an A-point. The current filling will be a percentage calculated from the graphical limits and the actual
value of the point.
Examples of filling symbols are thermometers and tanks. The user may define own filling symbols.

Figure 11 - Tank filling symbol

The owner is assigned as follows:

• Right click the selected object
• Select Owner
• Fill in the owner box

Figure 12 - Owner box for Filling symbols

Pointcode is typed in or copied from point list via toolbar buttons.

Filling symbol is selected as dynamic behavior
Fill-, Edge-color (one or more) may be selected if additional color control is needed.
Faceplate is selected if special faceplate shall overrule default as allocated the point algorithm.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 9

Trend Object
This object displays up to 4 trend curves as real time trends, i.e. when set up the 3/4 of the area displays the most
recent historical trends. The curves are then dynamically updated with real time values to the right. When right
border is reached curves are scrolled left 1/4.

Figure 13 - Trend object

A trend object has up to 4 owner points, one for each trend curve. The owners are assigned as follows:

The owner is assigned as follows:

• Right click the selected object
• Select Owner
• Fill in the owner box

Figure 14 -Owner box

Pointcodes are typed in or copied from point list via toolbar buttons.
Horizon is the time span on x-axis
Update period is the frequency of updating the trend with real time data

10 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Buttons are objects where the dynamic behavior is activated by clicking on the button with the mouse.
A number of buttons are available for various purposes. These are found on palette flsa_buttons.
The parameters for a button instance are specified as follows by Rename variables.

• Right click the selected object

• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box
• Remember that text values should be in quotes.
• Remember that backslash (\) is and escape character meaning that a to get a backslash write two
• New line would be “\n”.

Figure 15 - Rename variables box for fls_m_scrn button

The Name - Value list depends on the object. The user has to supply actual values for the named variables.
Get point as is only relevant as an aid when point information is needed.
Get Color may be used to select a color code from a color palette.
In the following the most frequently used buttons will be described.

Picture Select Button

The button fls_m_scrn is used to set up a new mimic picture in the same window.

Figure 16 - Button fls_m_scrn

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 11

Button_label Text (in double quotes) on the button face.
Fillcol Color code for the button face
Model_name Filename (in double quotes, without extension) of the picture to set up.

Picture Popup Button

The button fls_m_popup is used to set up a mimic picture in a popup window. The popup window will be contained
within the main window.

Figure 17 - Button fls_m_popup

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Button_label Text (in double quotes) on the button face.

Fillcol Color code for the button face
Model_name Filename (in double quotes, without extension) of the picture to set up.

Picture Popup Floating Button

The button fls_m_newwindow is used to set up a mimic picture in a new popup window. The popup window will be
a free-floating window independent of the main window.

Figure 18 - Button fls_m_newwindow

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Button_label Text (in double quotes) on the button face.

Fillcol Color code for the button face
Model_name Filename (in double quotes, without extension) of the picture to set up.

12 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Faceplate Popup Button
The button fls_m_facepopup is used to set up a faceplate. This is used in special cases only. Normally a faceplate is
set up by right click on a point object.

Figure 19 - Button fls_m_facepopup

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Button_label Text (in double quotes) on the button face.

FacePlateName Name of the faceplate (in double quotes)
Fillcol Color code for the button face
PointNo Point number of faceplate owner. Set Get point as Point number and use toolbar buttons to get a point.

Bit Control Button

The button fls_m_bitcontrol is used to send a bit set or bit clear output command to a point in a Plc.

Figure 20 - Button fls_m_bitcontrol

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

BitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to control

BitVal Value to send (0 = clear, 1 = set)
Button_label Text (in double quotes) on the button face.
Confirm 1 = confirmation box on output, 0 = no confirmation
EventText Text (in double quotes) for the generated event line. At most 24 characters.
Extent_height Height of button (e.g. 4)
Extent_width Width of button (e.g. 8)
Font True type font. Use 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of output point

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 13

Bit Set Button
The button fls_m_bitset is used to send a bit set or bit clear output command to a point in a Plc.
The function is the same as the bit control button but the appearance is different. While fls_m_bitcontrol is a
pushbutton, fls_m_bitset is a mode button i.e. it will appear in the pressed-in state if a configurable InBit has value 1.

Figure 21 - Button fls_m_bitset

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

OutBitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to control

OutBitVal Value to send (0 = clear, 1 = set)
InBitNo Number of MSW bit to control appearance (value 0 = out, value 1 = in)
Button_label Text (in double quotes) on the button face.
Button_label_color Text color of the label
Confirm 1 = confirmation box on output, 0 = no confirmation
EventText Text (in double quotes) for the generated event line. At most 24 characters.
Extent_height Height of button (e.g. 4)
Extent_width Width of button (e.g. 8)
Font True type font. Use 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of output point

Bit Pulse Button

The button fls_m_bitpulse is used to send a pulsed bit command to a point in a Plc. Upon button click the value 1 is
sent out and when the corresponding MSW read bit is 1 the value 0 is sent out.

Figure 22 - Button fls_m_bitpulse

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Button_label Text (in double quotes) on the button face.

Confirm 1 = confirmation box on output, 0 = no confirmation
EventText1 Text (in double quotes) for the generated event line for control 1. At most 24 characters.
EventText0 Text (in double quotes) for the generated event line for control 0. At most 24 characters.

14 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

OutBitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to control
InBitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to check for 1-state before sending 0.
Extent_height Height of button (e.g. 4)
Extent_width Width of button (e.g. 8)
Font True type font. Use 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of output point

Note: The timeout for the value 1 to be read back from MSW is 15 seconds

Another button fls_m_bitpulse1 has a configurable timeout value TimeOutSecs set by rename variables.

Bit Toggle Button

The button fls_m_bittoggle is used to change a bit to its opposite value i.e. if bit is set send a bit clear output
command and if bit is cleared send a bit set output command.
The toggle button is a mode button i.e. the appearance is controlled by the current value of an InBit of the MSW. If
the bit is set, the button shows pressed-in, if the bit is cleared, the button shows pressed-out.

Figure 23 - Button fls_m_bittoggle

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Button_label Text (in double quotes) on the button face.

Button_label_color Text color of button label.
Confirm 1 = confirmation box on output, 0 = no confirmation
EventText Text (in double quotes) for the generated event line. At most 24 characters.
OutBitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to control
InBitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to control button appearance
Extent_height Height of button (e.g. 4)
Extent_width Width of button (e.g. 8)
Font True type font. Use 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of output point

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 15

Bit Toggle Check
The gismo fls_m_bitcheck has the same function as fls_m_bittoggle, but displays a checkmark if the InBit is set and
blank if cleared. Click in the gismo toggles the OutBit value.

Figure 24 - gismo fls_m_bitcheck

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

CheckBackColor Background color of the gismo.

CheckColor Color of the checkmark.
Confirm 1 = confirmation box on output, 0 = no confirmation
EventText Text (in double quotes) for the generated event line. At most 24 characters.
OutBitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to control
InBitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to control gismo appearance
Font True type font. Use 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of output point

Mode Control Button

The button fls_m_mode_diamon is used to change the mode of a PID controller, but behaves in the same way as the
Bit Control button. It can be used to send a bit set or bit clear command to any point the Plc.

Figure 25 - Button fls_m_mode_diamon

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

BitNo Number of bit (0 .. 15) to control

BitVal Value to send (0 = clear, 1 = set)
Confirm 1 = confirmation box on output, 0 = no confirmation
Edge_width width of the button edge (1 .. 5)
EventText Text (in double quotes) for the generated event line. At most 24 characters.
PointNo Point number of mode point

16 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Percent Change Button
The buttons fls_m_percent_up, fls_m_percent_upsmall, fls_m_percent_down, fls_m_percent_downsmall are used
for percent wise change of an analog value. The buttons behave in a special way when applied to a set point because
the change will affect the output point related to the set point if the mode related to the set point is manual.

Figure 26 - Buttons fls_m_percent_up and fls_m_percent_down

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Button_label text (in double quotes) associated the button.

Confirm 1 = confirmation box on output, 0 = no confirmation
Edge_width width of the button edge (1 .. 5)
ManModeMaskBits mask bits of MSW for manual mode given as an integer (may be hex). e.g. 10 (or 0x000a)
means bit 1 and bit 3 defines manual mode. Defines the bits that must be tested to determine manual mode.
ManModeValueBits value bits of MSW for manual mode given as integer (may be hex). Defines the values of the
bits given by the mask that determines manual mode. e.g. 2 (or 0x0002) means that with the above mask given
manual mode is defined as bit 1 = 2 and bit 3 = 0.
PercentChange percentage of the points system range to raise or lower the current value
PointNo Point number of controlling point
Text_align_x horizontal alignment of button label. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
Text_height height of button label (e.g. 2.0)

Sdr Trend Button

The button fls_m_sdrtrend is used to activate the Sdr Trend application with a specific trend package.

Figure 27 - Button fls_m_sdrtrend

Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button

• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Button_label text (in double quotes) associated the button.

Extent_height Height of button (e.g. 4)
Extent_width Width of button (e.g. 8)
Font True type font. Use 1 .. 13
TrendPackNo Trend pack number to display

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 17

Start Process Button
The button fls_m_startprocess is used to start any external application with specified parameters. For example you
may start Excel with a specific spreadsheet.

Figure 28 - Button fls_m_startprocess

• Parameters are set by:

• Right click the selected button
• Select Rename Variables

• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

Button_label text (in double quotes) associated the button.

Confirm 1 = confirmation box, 0 = no confirmation
Extent_height Height of button (e.g. 4)
Extent_width Width of button (e.g. 8)
Font True type font. Use 1 .. 13
ProgramFile Name of the application file (.exe) to start (in double quotes). If not in standard path, include full
path. Remember that \ is and escape character. e.g. To Start excel: “C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft
ParamTexti i = 1..5 Name of the i-th parameter to pass to the application (in double quotes). Leave blank if not

Toolbar buttons
All toolbar buttons in OpStation is available in the toolbar palette, and can be added to any picture. They work
exactly the same way as the OpStation toolbar buttons.

General action buttons

The button flsa_call is used to make a generic call to any action function in OpStation except for the edit functions.
The action functions should be called with Ignore = 0.

Button_label text (in double quotes) associated the button.

Button_state should not be renamed
Edge_width width of the button edge (1 .. 5)
flsfunction one of the action function with all parameters.
Text_align_x horizontal alignment of button label. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
Text_height height of button label (e.g. 2.0)

18 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

The button flsa_twocalls makes one call to any action function on mouse press and another call to any action
function on mouse release if the first call does not put another application on top of the button.

Button_label text (in double quotes) associated the button.

Button_state should not be renamed
Edge_width width of the button edge (1 .. 5)
Text_align_x horizontal alignment of button label. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
Text_height height of button label (e.g. 2.0)
PressCall one of the action functions with all parameters to be called on mouse press.
ReleaseCall one of the action functions with all parameters to be called on mouse release.

Using OpenGMS Dynamics

OpenGMS dynamics is a supplement to classic dynamics, providing enhanced flexibility. You can make your own
special objects referencing all kinds of attributes in the database. Further you can make use of the graphical features
offered by GMS, which are not available in classic dynamics.
A number of OpenGMS objects have been made. The use of these is described in the following. The classic dynamic
objects also exist in an OpenGMS version with enhanced flexibility.

You should use OpenGMS objects when:

• Classic dynamics does not fulfill your needs
• Making faceplates (see section Faceplates)

Palettes opengms_dynamic_1, opengms_dynamic_2 and plc_parameter_dynamic contain objects made with


Renaming Variables
After instantiating an OpenGMS object in a picture, parameters are specified as follows by rename variables.

• Right click the selected object

• Select Rename Variables
• Fill in the Value part of the Rename variables box

As an example the rename variables box for the PntVal object (used to display a point value) is shown below.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 19

Figure 29 - Rename variables box

AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right

FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

The fonts available are the following true type fonts:

Font index Font Description

1 Arial
2 Courier New-Bold
3 Courier New
4 Times New Roman
5 Courier New-Italic
6 Times New Roman-Bold
7 Arial-Bold
8 Arial-Italic
9 Times New Roman-Bold-Italic
10 Times New Roman-Italic
11 Arial-Bold-Italic
12 Courier New-Bold-Italic
13 Symbol

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PointNo Variable
As for above example all OpenGMS objects will have a variable PointNo.
If the object is part of a faceplate the PointNo is entered as $ (dollar sign) which means that the actual pointno will
refer to the point selected when the faceplate is activated.
If the object is part of a normal mimic picture PointNo is the point number of the controlling point. As the user
knows only point codes and not point numbers, a conversion function must be used. This function
pointno("<pointcode>") converts a point code to a point number. Instead of entering e.g. pointno("J4P12") as plain
text you may set Get point as Point number and then use the toolbar buttons to get a point code from the point
list. The point will then automatically be entered as pointno("<pointcode>").
The use of Special Point related Get and Special PLC related Get is explained in section "Creating
OpenGMS Dynamics"
The following describes the ready-made OpenGMS objects.

PntCode Object
This object displays the point code for a point.

Figure 30 - Gismo PntCode

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

PntCodeVis Object
This object displays the point code for a point with visibility control. If a controlling B-point is set, the point code
will be visible, if cleared the point code will be invisible.
A picture may thus have hidden point codes, which becomes visible when a toggle button in the picture is pushed to
set the controlling B-point value.

Figure 31 - Gismo PntCodeVis

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
BackColor Color of the background when point code is invisible.
ControlBitNo Bit number of the controlling B-point for visibility check.
ControlPointNo Point number of controlling B-point.

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FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the point.

PntText Object
This object displays the point text of a point.

Figure 32 - Gismo PntText

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

PntVal Object
This object displays the point value for an A-point. Value, color and blink are dynamically updated according to the
controlling point. The format of the value and the unit is as defined for the point in the database. The object is
selectable, i.e. click on object will behave as for classic object PointVal.

Figure 33 - Gismo PntVal

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

22 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

PntValText Object
This object displays the point value text for a B-point (e.g. "run", "stop"). Value, color and blink are dynamically
updated according to the controlling point. The object is selectable, i.e. click on object will behave as for classic
object PointVal.

Figure 34 - Gismo PntValText

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

PntValEnt Object
This object displays the point value of an A-point. Similar to PntVal but allows data entry by left click on point.

Figure 35 - Gismo PntValEnt

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

PntMSWInt Object
This object displays the machine status word (MSW) for a B-point. The 16-bit value is displayed as an integer.

Figure 36 - Gismo PntMSWInt

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

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PntMSWHex Object
This object displays the machine status word (MSW) for a B-point. The 16-bit value is displayed as a hexadecimal

Figure 37 - Gismo PntMSWHex

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

PntMSWBit Object
This object displays the value of a single bit of the machine status word (MSW) for a B-point. The value is displayed
as 0 or 1.

Figure 38 - Gismo PntMSWBit

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
BitNo Number of bit in MSW to display. 0 .. 15
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

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PntMSWBitText Object
This object displays the value of a single bit of the machine status word (MSW) for a B-point. The value is displayed
as text.

Figure 39 - PntMSWBitText

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
BitNo Number of bit in MSW to display. 0 .. 15
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.
TextColor0 Color text for value 0 given as GMS color index
TextColor1 Color text for value 1 given as GMS color index
ValueText0 Text for value 0
ValueText1 Text for value 1

PntThermoVer Object
This object displays the value of an A-point as a percentage fill of a vertical thermometer. The fill percent is
calculated from the actual value and the operator graphical limits. Red lines mark the high- and low alarm limits. A
green line marks the normal value. The fill color and blink is that of the controlling point. The thermometer is
dynamically updated.

Figure 40 - Gismo PntThermoVer

Variables to rename:
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

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PntThermoDev Object
This object displays the value of an A-point as a percentage fill of a deviation thermometer. A green line in center
marks the normal value. Plus- and minus deviation from normal value is displayed as percentage fill. Behavior is as
for PntThermoVer.

Figure 41 - Gismo PntThermoDev

Variables to rename:
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

PntThermoSca Object
This object displays the value of an A-point as a percentage fill of a thermometer. The Thermometer is equipped
with a scale indicating high- medium- and low- limits. Limits are operator graphical limits. Behavior is as for

Figure 42 - Gismo PntThermoSca

Variables to rename:
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

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PntSlider Object
This object displays the value of an A-point as a percentage fill of a thermometer. The behavior is as for
PntThermoVer, but this object also permits data entry by dragging the slider knob. A small window displays the
actual numerical value while dragging. Upon release of the slider knob the new value is sent out to the IO system.

Figure 43 - Gismo PntSlider

Variables to rename:
Confirm 1 = confirmation box on output, 0 = no confirmation
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.

PlcVal Object
This object displays a PLC-parameter value with unit. Plc parameters are located in a parameter block associated a
point address in the PLC. The parameters are described according to a block algorithm. The format of the value and
the unit is as defined in the block algorithm associated the parameter.

Figure 44 - Gismo PlcVal

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
ParameterKey Text string (in double quotes) identifying the PLC parameter in the block algorithm.
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.
TextColor Text color given as GMS color index.

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PlcValEnt Object
This object displays a PLC parameter value and allows data entry by clicking on the object. The entered value is sent
to the PLC to change the parameter. The value display is as for PlcVal.

Figure 45 - Gismo PlcValEnt

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
ParameterKey Text string (in double quotes) identifying the PLC parameter in the block algorithm.
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.
TextColor Text color given as GMS color index.

PlcInt Object
This object displays a PLC parameter value of type unsigned, integer or bit pattern without unit.

Figure 46 - Gismo PlcInt

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
ParameterKey Text string (in double quotes) identifying the PLC parameter in the block algorithm.
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.
TextColor Text color given as GMS color index.

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PlcIntEnt Object
This object displays a PLC parameter value of type unsigned, integer or bit pattern without unit. Data entry is
allowed by click on the object. The entered value is sent to the PLC and the parameter is changed.

Figure 47 - Gismo PlcIntEnt

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
ParameterKey Text string (in double quotes) identifying the PLC parameter in the block algorithm.
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.
TextColor Text color given as GMS color index.

PlcParName Object
This object displays the name of a PLC parameter in current language. The name is defined in the block algorithm.

Figure 48 - Gismo PlcParName

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
ParameterKey Text string (in double quotes) identifying the PLC parameter in the block algorithm.
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.
TextColor Text color given as GMS color index.

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LangText Object
This object displays a text constant in the current language. The texts constants are defined in the table
LanguageTexts of the database FlsaDev\ProDb\SdrOpsSpecial
Note. LangText is intended for FLSA use only. Some of the standard faceplates provided by FLSA uses these
objects for text constants. The end customer should use plain text or text rectangle primitives in his native language
when he makes new pictures.

Figure 49 - Gismo LangText

Variables to rename:
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
Text_align_x Horizontal alignment of text in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
Text_height Size of the text (e.g. 2.5)
TextColor Color of text given as GMS color index.
TextKey String (in double quotes) identifying the database key for the text constant.

AbbreviationText Object
This object displays a text abbreviation according to a currently selected set of abbreviations. The texts constants are
defined in the table AbbreviationTexts of the database FlsaDev\ProDb\SdrOpsSpecialText10.mdb.
Note. AbbreviationText is intended for FLSA use only. The ACESYS faceplates use different abbreviations for
different applications (FLSA, FLS, HTC, etc. ). The set to use for a specific project is selected through the ECS
OpStation Configuration utility under Abbreviations sub function.

Figure 50 - Gismo AbbreviationText

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of text in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Color of text given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
Text_height Size of the text (e.g. 2.5)
TextKey String (in double quotes) identifying the database key for the text constant

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FlsDateTime Object
This object displays the current date and/or time. The time is dynamically updated every second. The format
conforms to the current users locale setting. The locale setting is changed through the Regional Settings function of
Windows NT.

Figure 51 - Gismo FlsDataTime

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of text in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
DateOnly Display only current date (omit time).
TimeOnly Display only current time (omit date).
NoSecs Display only hours and minutes of time part (omit seconds).
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Color of text given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13

Generic route property text object

This object displays generic information for a route.

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
Property The route property. Use __Routexxx where xxx is the property.
RouteCode the code of the route.
SampleFreq number of seconds between update of value. 0 for every scan. –1 for static. (update only first time and
on refresh all)

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Generic group property text object
This object displays generic information for a group.

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
Property The group property. Use __Groupxxx where xxx is the property.
GroupCode the code of the Group.
SampleFreq number of seconds between update of value. 0 for every scan. –1 for static. (update only first time and
on refresh all)

Generic department property text object

This object displays generic information for a group.

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
Property The department property. Use __Depxxx where xxx is the property.
DepCode the code of the department.
SampleFreq number of seconds between update of value. 0 for every scan. –1 for static. (update only first time and
on refresh all)

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Generic point property text object
This object displays generic information for a group.

Variables to rename:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
FillColor Fill color of the box. Color given as GMS color index. Use Special Color Get to select the color from a
EdgeColor Edge color of the box given as GMS color index.
TextColor Text color of the box given as GMS color index.
Font Text font as GMS True Type font index. 1 .. 13
Property The point property. Use __Pointxxx where xxx is the property.
PointCode the code of the point.
SampleFreq number of seconds between update of value. 0 for every scan. –1 for static. (update only first time and
on refresh all)

Creating OpenGMS Dynamics

OpenGMS dynamics is based upon the standard GMS concept of dynamic properties associated an object. Dynamic
properties are then enhanced by functions, which provide data from the ECS database to drive the dynamics.

GMS Dynamic Properties

Dynamic properties (dynprop) are scripts that may be associated any object drawn in the editor.
The basic elements are actions:
Action argument
The actions are fixed keywords and the argument is an expression containing constants, variables or one of our
OpenGMS functions.
"fcolor 3" means that the fill color of the object shall be green (which is 3)
"fcolor FillColor" means that the fill color of the object is determined by the value of a variable called FillColor.
The actual value of this variable is defined by rename variables when the object is instantiated in a picture.
"fcolor pntint(__COLOR, PointNo)" means that the fill color of the object is determined by the OpenGMS function
call pntint, which in this case will return the actual color of the point PointNo as defined in the database. Again
PointNo is a variable the value of which is defined by rename variables when the object is instantiated in a
The following table lists the actions available in dynamic properties:

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 33

Action and argument type Description

ecolor int edge color

estyle int edge style 0 - no edge, 1 - solid, 2..4 - dotted
ewidth float edge width
fcolor int fill color
fstyle int fill pattern 1..6 only relevant if finter = 2 or 3
finter int fill interior 0 - hollow, 1 - solid, 2 - opaque, 3 - transp.
fdir int fill direction 0 - up, 1 - right, 2 - down, 3 - left
fpercent float fill percentage 0 .. 100
filled int filled object 0 - not filled, 1 - filled
mcolor int marker color
mstyle int marker style 1 - period, 2 - +, 3 - *, 4 - o, 5 - x
tcolor int text color
theight float text height
tpath int text path (direction) 1 - right, 2 - down
tfont int text font 1..13
tprec int text precision 0 - TrueType, 1 - Hershey (not avail)
talign x (int) y(int) text alignment x col - 1..3, y row - 1..5 ( center is 2 3)
stext int/float/string format text content.
"%d" integer
"%5.2f" float with 5 digits before and 2 after dec. sep.
"%s" string
detect int Detectability 0 - not detectable, 1 - detectable
vis int visibility 0 - invisible, 1 - visible, 3 - forced update
move x(float) y(float) move relative x - 0..100, y - 0..75
movex float move relative in x direction
movey float move relative in y direction
rotate float rotate relative 0 .. 360 degrees
scale float scale evenly
scalex float scale horizontally
scaley float scale vertically
radius float radius of circles, pies and sectors
arclength float angle for size of sectors or pies
startangle float starting angle of sectors and pies
redraw redraw without erasure
call function call function (i.e. OpenGms function)
userword string must not be used (reserved for classic dynamics)
userdata int must not be used (reserved for classic dynamics)

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There are three types of dynamic properties:

1. Unconditional
For Unconditional Dynamic Properties, the actions are executed when the picture is loaded and then whenever any
variable in an action argument changes (or are forced to be updated). Built in variables are starting with “__” . E.g.
__VALUE, __ALARMHIGH. Some of these variables are forced to update every half second.

action argument(s)

stext pntfloat(__ALARMHIGH, pointno("j4p12")) "%5.2f"
The text rectangle will be set equal to the AlarmHigh of point j4p12 everytime __ALARMHIGH changes.

2. Conditional
For Conditional Dynamic Properties, the actions are executed if a condition is true. Included Conditional Dynamic
Properties is a Variable Expression. A Variable Expression is an expresson that results in a value. If any variable in
the variable expression changes the Condition( s) that follow are evaluated, which may result in Action(s). There are
special built variables that can be used in a Variable Expression called __COLV7UPDATE and __COLV7STATIC.
When __COLV7UPDATE is used as a Variable Expression, the Condition(s) that follow are always evaluated if the
Condition is set to “ = * “. If __COLV7STATIC is used the condition is evaluated when the model is loaded and if
refresh is used.

Type 1:
Variable expression
condition value
action argument(s)

Condition is one of =, !=, <=, >=, <, >

Variable Expression:
pntbit(__BIT_MSW, PointNo, 2)
Condition 1:
stext "OFF" "%s"
Condition 2:
stext "ON" "%s"
The above will set a text to "OFF" if bit 2 of MSW for PointNo is 0 and to "ON" if 0.

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Type 2:
Variable expression
= *
action argument(s)

The actions are executed whenever any variable in variable expression argument changes. Using for example
__COLV7UPDATE as variable expression will ensure an update at every scan. Using __COLV7STATIC will
update the action when the picture is loaded or refreshed.

Type 3.
Variable expression
= value1:value2
action argument

The actions are executed if the variable expression lies in the range value1 to value2

Upon Input (click)

For Upon input Dynamic Properties, the callback is executed when the mouse is pressed, released, moved with the a
button pressed. Most callback action functions have a filter to ensure that the callback only is called with mouse

call function

call gms_push_btn_select())
call iosbitaction(PointNo, BitNo, BitVal, EventText, Confirm)
Above has two function calls. The first is a GMS function to change the look of a button when pressed. The second
is a FLSA function to send out a bit control command to a PLC. The values of the variables in the function call are
specified by rename variables when the object is instantiated in a picture.

OpenGMS Functions
OpenGMS functions are functions that interact with the SDR system. They can return data from the database or send
an IO command to a PLC. These functions may be used in expressions as part of dynamic properties.

Note: that the function names are case sensitive.

The functions are described in the following.

The functions can be split into function returning information and action functions.

36 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Information Functions
Pointno Function
int pointno( PointCode )
returns the point number given the point code for a point. The function is used as an auxiliary function when
supplying point number arguments to the other OpenGMS functions.
PointCode is point code as a text string (in double quotes)


Pntfloat Function
float pntfloat( ValueId, PointNo )
returns a floating point (real) value.
ValueId specifies the point attribute as shown in the following table
PointNo is point number of the controlling point.

Value Id Description

__VALUE Analog point value

__SYSHIGH Analog point system high limit
__SYSLOW Analog point system low limit
__GRAHIGH Analog point operator high limit
__GRALOW Analog point operator low limit
__HYSTERES Analog point hysteresis
__INTERVAL Analog point alarm interval size
__ALARMHIGH Analog point alarm high limit
__ALARMLOW Analog point alarm low limit
__NORMVALUE Analog point normal value
__GAIN Analog point gain
__OFFSET Analog point offset
__CONST1 Analog point constant C1
__CONST2 Analog point constant C2
__CONST3 Analog point constant C3
__CONST4 Analog point constant C4
__CONST5 Analog point constant C5
__CONST6 Analog point constant C6
__CONST7 Analog point constant C7
__CONST8 Analog point constant C8
__CONST9 Analog point constant C9
__CONST10 Analog point constant C10

All variables in this table has a forced update at every scan.

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stext pntfloat(__ALARMHIGH, pointno("j4p12")) "%5.2f"
writes the high alarm limit for point j4p12 as text

Pntint Function
int pntint( ValueId, PointNo )
returns an integer value.
ValueId specifies the point attribute as shown in the following table
PointNo is point number of the controlling point.
Value Id Description

__DEPARTMENT Point-associated department number

__CONV_ALG Point conversion algorithm
__EVENT_ALG Point alarm algorithm
__REP_ALG Point report algorithm
__EVENT_PNT Alarm treatment suppression point
__REPORT_PNT Report treatment suppression point
__INTERFACE Interface (IO) type
__PRIORITY Alarm priority
__COLOR Point color number
__SYMBOLOFF GMS symbol offset
__INT_STATUS Point status word
__INT_STAAUX Point aux status word
__INT_VALREF Point value text number
__INT_STAREF Point status text number
__ALARMLEVEL Point alarm level
__MSW Point Machine Status Word
__FILTER Point filter time constant (seconds)
__FORMAT Point format number
__REF_PNT1 Reference point 1
__REF_PNT2 Reference point 2
__REF_PNT3 Reference point 3
__REF_PNT4 Reference point 4
__REF_PNT5 Reference point 5
__REF_PNT6 Reference point 6
__REF_PNT7 Reference point 7
__REF_PNT8 Reference point 8
__REF_PNT9 Reference point 9
__REF_PNT10 Reference point 10
__UNITNO Engineering unit number

38 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

All variables in this table has a forced update at every scan.

tcolor pntint(__COLOR, pointno("j4p12"))
sets the text color to that of point j4p12.
tcolor pntint(__COLOR, pntint(__REF_PNT2, pointno("j4p12")))
sets the text color to that of reference point 2 of point j4p12.

Pnttext Function
char* pnttext( ValueId, PointNo )
returns a text string.
ValueId specifies the point attribute as shown in the following table
PointNo is point number of the controlling point.

Value Id Description
__DEP_NAME Point department name
__POINTCODE Point code
__POINTTEXT Point text
__STATUSTEXT Point status text
__VALUETEXT Point value text
__UNITTEXT Point engineering unit

All variables in this table has a forced update at every scan.

stext pnttext(__POINTTEXT, pointno("j4p12")) "%s"
writes the point text (descriptor) for point j4p12. Will only be updated when the picture is loaded or refreshed.

Pntbit Function
int pntbit( ValueId, PointNo, BitNo )
returns 0 or 1 as integer value.
ValueId specifies the point attribute as shown in the following table
PointNo is point number of the controlling point.
BitNo specifies the bit (0..15), the value of which is returned.

Value Id Description
__BIT_MSW Bit value in machine status word

All variables in this table has a forced update at every scan.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 39

stext pntbit(__BIT_MSW, pointno("j4p03"), 2) "%d"
writes the value of bit 2 in MSW for point j4p03 as text.

Pntvalue Function
pntvalue( ValueId, Object, PointNo )
This function sets an object to the current point value. The object must be a text or text rectangle object. The value is
formatted according to point format and the color of the value is the point color. The function is a more powerful
alternative to pntfloat(__VALUE, PointNo).
ValueId must be the constant __VALUE.
Object must be the constant __self.
PointNo is point number of the controlling point.

call pntvalue(__VALUE, __self, PointNo)
The value of the variable PointNo is determined by rename variables when the object is instantiated.
Below is the full ..\gismos\pntval.g file for the ready-made pntval object. This object uses openGMS functions
pntvalue, pntunit and pntselect.
vis 1
detect 1
pntval: model
. dynprop \
(# \
(call pntselect(__self, PointNo)))
unit: model
fcolor 22
fstyle 1
finter 1
fdir 0
fpercent 100
ecolor 7
estyle 0
ewidth 1
tcolor 7
height 1
path 1
font 1
prec 0
align 1 3
size 0 0
tconstraint 0

40 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

unittext: ftrect 3 0 0 2.5 "un"
. refpoint 0 0
vis 0
estyle 1
divide: line 0.3 1.25 2.5 1.25
. refpoint 0.119995 1.25
vis 1
estyle 0
height 1.5
align 2 3
ftrect 0 2.5 8 0 "PntVal"
. dynprop \
(= * \
(call pntvalue(__VALUE, __self, PointNo)))) \
(AlignX \
(= * \
(talign AlignX 3))) \
(FillColor \
(= * \
(fcolor FillColor))) \
(Font \
(= * \
(tfont Font)))
. refpoint 0 0
unit: inst unit 0 0
. dynprop \
(= * \
(call pntunit(__VALUE, __self, PointNo)))) \
(FillColor \
(= * \
(fcolor FillColor))) \
(Font \
(= * \
(tfont Font)))
. move 8 0

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 41

Pntunit Function
pntunit( ValueId, Object, PointNo )
This function sets the engineering unit to that of the controlling point. The unit will be shown as special GMS text as
for the classic dynamic object pointval. e.g. kg/m3 will be displayed as 3 lines in small size font to minimize the
space required for the unit. The color of the unit will be the point color. The object must be like the gismo called unit
with a text rectangle called “unittext” and a line called “divide” (see below).
The function is a more sophisticated alternative to pnttext(__UNITTEXT, PointNo), the latter writing the unit as
single line plain text.
ValueId must be the constant __VALUE.
Object must be the constant __self.
PointNo is point number of the controlling point.

call pntunit(__VALUE, __self, PointNo)

The object to which the function applies is shown below as an external gismo unit (file ..\gismos\unit.g):
vis 1
detect 1
unit: model
fcolor 22
fstyle 1
finter 1
fdir 0
fpercent 100
ecolor 7
estyle 0
ewidth 1
tcolor 7
height 1
path 1
font 1
prec 0
align 1 3
size 0 0
unittext: ftrect 3. 0. 0. 2.5 "un"
. refpoint 0 0
vis 0
estyle 1
divide: line 0.3 1.25 2.5 1.25
. refpoint 0.12 1.25

For a full example see description of function pntvalue.

42 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Plctext Function
char* plctext( ValueId, PointNo, ParameterKey )
Returns a PLC parameter as a text string.
ValueId is as specified in the table below.
PointNo is point number of the controlling point. This identifies address of the PLC parameter block and the block
algorithm that holds the description of the parameter.
ParameterKey is the key identifying the PLC parameter (string) in the block algorithm.

Value Id Description

__PLCTXTPAR Plc parameter is returned as ready formatted string according to block algorithm
__PLCCAPTEXT The name of the PLC parameter is returnedin the current language
__PLCUNIT Engineering unit from block algorithm returned as plain text

All variables in this table has a forced update at every scan.

stext plctext( __PLCCAPTEXT, PointNo, “Gain”) “%s”
Above writes the name of the PLC parameter “Gain” as defined in the block algorithm. The value of PointNo is
determined by rename variables when the object is instantiated.

stext plctext( __PLCTXTPAR, PointNo, “Gain”) “%s”
Above writes the PLC parameter “Gain” in the format specified in the block algorithm. The value of PointNo is
determined by rename variables when the object is instantiated.

Plcdouble Function
double plcdouble( ValueId, PointNo, ParameterKey )
Returns a double floating point PLC parameter.
ValueId must be the constant __PLCDBLPAR
PointNo is point number of the controlling point. This identifies address of the PLC parameter block and the block
algorithm that holds the description of the parameter.
ParameterKey is the key identifying the PLC parameter (string) in the block algorithm.

stext plcdouble( __PLCDBLPAR, PointNo, “Gain”) “%5.2f”
Above will get the floating point PLC parameter with key “Gain” as a double and write it as a text string in format
xxxxx.yy. The actual value of PointNo is determined by rename variables when the object is instantiated.
Note. The function plctext can return the value as a text string formatted as specified in the block algorithm.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 43

Plcint Function
int plcint( ValueId, PointNo, ParameterKey )
Returns a PLC parameter as an integer. The parameter must be of type bit pattern.
ValueId must be the constant __PLCINTPAR
PointNo is point number of the controlling point. This identifies address of the PLC parameter block and the block
algorithm that holds the description of the parameter.
ParameterKey is the key identifying the PLC parameter (string) in the block algorithm.

stext plcint( __PLCINTPAR, PointNo, ParKey) “%d”
Above will get a PLC parameter identified by variable ParKey and write it as a string. The value of PointNo and
ParKey is determined rename variables when the object is instantiated.

Plcunit Function
plcunit( Object, PointNo, ParameterKey )
This function sets the engineering unit to that of the block algorithm parameter. The unit will be shown as special
GMS text as for the classic dynamic object pointval. e.g. kg/m3 will be displayed as 3 lines in small size font to
minimize the space required for the unit. The object must be like the gismo called unit with a text rectangle called
“unittext” and a line called “divide” (see below).
The function is a more sophisticated alternative to plctext(__PLCUNIT, PointNo, ParameterKey), the latter writing
the unit as single line plain text.
Object must be the constant __self
PointNo is point number of the controlling point. This identifies address of the PLC parameter block and the block
algorithm that holds the description of the parameter.
ParameterKey is the key identifying the PLC parameter in the block algorithm.

call plcunit( __self, PointNo, ParKey )
The value of PointNo and ParKey is determined rename variables when the object is instantiated.
The object to which the function applies is shown below as an external gismo unit (file ..\gismos\unit.g):
vis 1
detect 1
unit: model
fcolor 22
fstyle 1
finter 1
fdir 0
fpercent 100
ecolor 7
estyle 0
ewidth 1
tcolor 7
height 1
path 1
font 1
prec 0
align 1 3
size 0 0

44 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

unittext: ftrect 3. 0. 0. 2.5 "un"
. refpoint 0 0
vis 0
estyle 1
divide: line 0.3 1.25 2.5 1.25
. refpoint 0.12 1.25

For a full example see description of function plcedit.

Langtext Function
char* langtext( TextKey )
This function returns a text constant in current language. The functions apply to a text or text rectangle object. The
language texts are defined in the database Flsadev\ProDb\
SdrOpsSpecialText10.mdb table LanguageTexts.
The function is used in the standard gismo LangText.
The purpose of the function is to allow text constants, which automatically will be displayed, in the current language.
The function is intended for FLSA use only. The end customer should write text constants in his native language
An example using the function is the PidFace where all text constants are made with langtext.
TextKey is text string identifying the text in the LanguageText table.

stext langtext( "lngManual" ) "%s"

Abbreviationtext Function
char* abbreviationtext( TextKey )
This function returns a text abbreviation according to a currently selected set of abbreviations. The functions apply to
a text or text rectangle object. The abbreviation texts are defined in the database
Flsadev\ProDb\SdrOpsSpecialText10.mdb table AbbreviationTexts.
The function is used in the standard gismo AbbreviationText.
The purpose of the function is to allow text, which will be displayed according to a certain type of application. For a
specific project the type is selected via ECS OpStation Configuration utility sub function Abbreviations. The
function is intended for FLSA use only.
An example using the function is the ACESYS faceplates where all text abbreviations are made with this function.
TextKey is text string identifying the text in the AbbreviationsTexts table.

stext abbreviationtext( "GRP_GSEL" ) "%s"

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 45

Datetime Function
char* datetime( ValueId, DateOnly, TimeOnly, NoSecs )
Returns the current date and/or time in format defined by current users locale setting.
The function is used in the standard gismo FlsDataTime.
ValueId is the constant that drives the updating of the time. Must be equal __VALUE.
DateOnly =1 if only current date is returned, =0 otherwise
TimeOnly =1 if only current time is returned, =0 otherwise
NoSecs =1 if seconds shall be omitted from the time, =0 otherwise

stext datetime(__VALUE, 0, 0, 1)
will display date and time without seconds.
char* colv7datetime( cFormat )
Returns the time according to format specifiation where
cFormat Format specifikation
%a Abbreviated weekday name
%A Full weekday name
%b Abbreviated month name
%B Full month name
%c Date and time representation appropriate for locale
%d Day of month as decimal number (01–31)
%H Hour in 24-hour format (00–23)
%I Hour in 12-hour format (01–12)
%j Day of year as decimal number (001–366)
%m Month as decimal number (01–12)
%M Minute as decimal number (00–59)
%p Current locale’s A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
%S Second as decimal number (00 – 59)
%U Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00–53)
%w Weekday as decimal number (0 – 6; Sunday is 0)
%W Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00-53)
%x Date representation for current locale
%X Time representation for current locale
%y Year without century, as decimal number (00 – 99)
%Y Year with century, as decimal number
%z,%Z Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown
%% Percent sign

46 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

stext colv7datetime(“%H:%M:%S ”)

extxxx functions
long extlong (Server, Type, Key1, Key2)
double extdouble (Server, Type, Key1, Key2)
char *exttext (Server, Type, Key1, Key2)
These functions return a long, double or a text from an external server respectively.
Server server name – configured in OpStation Configuration.
Type value type. See table below.
Key1 first part of the parameter key.
Key2 second part of the parameter key.

Function Type Sample frequency

Extlong __EXTLONG Sample every 4 seconds

Extlong __EXTLONG1 Sample every second
Extlong __EXTLONG2 Sample every 2 seconds
Extlong __EXTLONG3 Sample every 3 seconds
Extlong __EXTLONG4 Sample every 4 seconds
Extlong __EXTLONG5 Sample every 5 seconds
Extdouble __EXTDOUBLE Sample every 4 seconds
Extdouble __EXTDOUBLE1 Sample every second
Extdouble __EXTDOUBLE2 Sample every 2 seconds
Extdouble __EXTDOUBLE3 Sample every 3 seconds
Extdouble __EXTDOUBLE4 Sample every 4 seconds
Extdouble __EXTDOUBLE5 Sample every 5 seconds
Exttext __EXTTEXT Sample every 4 seconds
Exttext __EXTTEXT1 Sample every second
Exttext __EXTTEXT2 Sample every 2 seconds
Exttext __EXTTEXT3 Sample every 3 seconds
Exttext __EXTTEXT4 Sample every 4 seconds
Exttext __EXTTEXT5 Sample every 5 seconds
Exttext __EXTTEXT Sample every 4 seconds
All __SAMPLEFAST Every time the picture is updated.
All __SAMPLESLOW Sample every 10 seconds
All __STATICVALUE First time and then on Refresh All.

All variables in this table has a forced update at every scan.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 47

colv7getgeneric functions
char* colv7getgenericstrlkey(ObjectType, lKey, Property, SampleFreq)
char* colv7getgenericstr(ObjectType, strKey, Property, SampleFreq)
double colv7getgenericdouble(ObjectType, strKey, Property, SampleFreq)
long colv7getgenericlong(ObjectType, strKey, Property, SampleFreq)
These function raps the PointAuto interface to get any value return as a char, long, or double
ObjectType One of the four object types in the Point Auto. __DepartmentObject, __GroupObject,
__RouteObject, or __PointObject.
The object type variables has a forced update at every scan
lKey long key. Number of object. E.g. for a __PointObject the point number.
sKey String key. Code of object. E.g. for a __PointObject the point code.
Property Property in object. All relevant properties from PointAuto. flsSomething is replaced with __Something.
I.e. the property flsGroupColor will be __GroupColor.
SampleFreq The update rate in number of seconds for fssauto. 0 means every update. –1 means that it is static, and
the value will only be updated on refresh all in OpStation.

stext colv7getgenericstr(__PointObject,“j4p12”,__PointParentDepCode,-1) “%s”
Will display the parent department of the point j4p12.

The following are valid for __PointObject


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52 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

The following is valid for __GroupObject

The following is valid for __DepartmentObject


Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 53

The following is valid for __RouteObject

All the table variable are only loaded ones. Thus has not a forced update.

Colv7format function
char * colv7format(dValue, lFormat)
This function returns a string format of the value with the current regional settings.
dValue Double value.
lFormat number of decimal points

stext colv7format (pntfloat(__VALUE, PntNo1),pntint(__FORMAT,PntNo2)) “%s”
Will print the value of PntNo1 formatted as PntNo2.

Colv7ConCat function
char * colv7concat(sString1, sString2)
This function returns a concatenated string of sString1 and sString2.

ColV7SplitReturnFirst function
char * colv7splitreturnfirst(sString1, sString2)
This function returns the first part of sString1 ending at the sSTring2.

char * colv7splitreturnlast(sString1, sString2)
This function returns the last part of sString1 starting at sString2.

char * colv7tokennr(sString1, sSep, lNo)
This function returns the lNo token of sString1 where sSep are a string containing the seperating characters.

54 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Colv7uacright function
long colv7uacright(Right)
This function returns 1 if the user has this particular right else it returns zero. The prefix in the rights table needs to
be “Ops”
Right the right key.

Colv7Color function
long colv7color(__COLV7UPDATE, lColorIndex)
This function switches between returning the colorindex and the colorindex of the flashcolor. It is used for flashing.

fcolor colv7color(__COLV7UPDATE, Color)

long colv7hilitesymbol(__self, lSymbolIndex)
This function switches between hiliting different parts of a group or submodel.
lSymbolIndex is the zero based index of the part to be shown. The following will select the part equal to the Value
Text Number of the B point.

call colv7hilitesymbol(__self, pntint(__VALUE, 1 + pointno("SdrTestFrSpeed")))

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 55

Trend Functions
Pointtrend Function
long pointtrend(__self, lHorizon, lUpdatePeriod,
sPntID1, dMax1, dMin1,
sPntID2, dMax2, dMin2,
sPntID3, dMax3, dMin3,
sPntID4, dMax4, dMin4,
sPntID5, dMax5, dMin5,
sPntID6, dMax6, dMin6,
sPntID7, dMax7, dMin7,
sPntID8, dMax8, dMin8)
This function creates a point trend with up to 8 traces. sPntID? is the point id for trace. dMax? is the maximum
value for the trace dMin? is the minimum value for the trace. lHorizon is the horizon in seconds, lUpdateperiod the
period with which the pointvalues are fetched.
The requirement for this function is a submodel of the following form. Here fore example a for a model with three
trend3: model
fcolor 31
fstyle 1
finter 1
fdir 0
fpercent 100
ecolor 21
estyle 1
ewidth 1
tcolor 7
height 5
path 1
font 1
prec 0
align 2 3
size 0 0
tconstraint 0
t_extent: ftrect 54 26 0 0 "TREND"
fcolor 23
ecolor 12
t_x_axis: line 0 0 18 0
. move 0 0
t_x_major_tick: line 0 0 0 -1
t_x_minor_tick: line 0 0 0 -0.5
fcolor 31
ecolor 15
estyle 0
tcolor 17

56 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

height 1
t_xaxis_label: ftrect 3 -3 -3 -1 "~time ~24hour:~minute"
fcolor 23
ecolor 12
estyle 1
t_y_axis: line 0 0 0 12
t_y_major_tick: line 0 0 -1 0
t_y_minor_tick: line 0 0 -0.5 0
fcolor 31
ecolor 31
tcolor 25
t_yaxis_label1: ftrect -6.5 1 -1.5 -1 "%g"
tcolor 26
t_yaxis_label2: ftrect -12.5 1 -7.5 -1 "%g"
tcolor 27
t_yaxis_label3: ftrect -18.5 1 -13.5 -1 "%g"
fcolor 17
ecolor 25
t_trace1: line 14 8 26 8
fcolor 1
ecolor 26
t_trace2: line 14 6 26 6
fcolor 18
ecolor 27
t_trace3: line 14 4 26 4
fcolor 15
ecolor 22
mygrid: line 0 20 54 20
tcolor 7
bcolor 0
height 2
text "1" 27.5 8
text "2" 27.5 6
text "3" 27.5 4

The submodel contains named objects. These objects are the one that are used to draw the trend.
t_extent: is the area where the traces are drawn. Has to be a rectangle of some kind. Here it is a text rectangle. The
top corresponds to max value and the bottom to the min value the width corresponds to the horizon.
t_x_axis: a line showing the color of and thickness of the the x-asis. If omitted no x-axis is drawn
t_x_major_tick: a line showing how big the major tick has to be. If omitted no major tick marks on x-axis.
t_x_minor_tick: a line showing how big the minor tick has to be. If omitted no minor tick marks on x-axis.
t_xaxis_label: label for the x-axis a each major tick mark.
"~time ~24hour:~minute": format of x-axis. See gms manual for explanation.
t_y_major_tick: a line showing how big the major tick has to be. If omitted no major tick marks on y-axis.
t_y_minor_tick: a line showing how big the minor tick has to be. If omitted no minor tick marks on y-axis.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 57

t_yaxis_label1: a label for each major ticks on y–axis. Placed where it should be x axis wise. If obmitted no labels.
2, 3 ect for the next points. “%g” is the format of the number.
t_trace1: a line indicating color a thickness and form of the first trace. 2,3 etc lines defined for the the other traces.
To make a trend is simply to instanciate this submodel with the pointtrend function. Here show to make a gismo,
where the user har to rename PointID1… up to 3, and the min, max values for the three traces.
It is important that __COLV7STATIC is used, because this functions sets the trend.
vis 1
detect 1
pointtrend3: model
inst trend3 0 0
. dynprop \
(= * \
(call pointtrend(__self, Horizon, Updateperiod, PointID1, Max1, Min1, PointID2, Max2,
Min2, PointID3, Max3, Min3, "", 0., 0., "", 0., 0., "", 0., 0., "", 0., 0., "", 0., 0.))))
. move 0 0

long exttrend(__self, sSVR, lHorizon, lUpdatePeriod,
sVarID1, dMax1, dMin1,
sVarID2, dMax2, dMin2,
sVarID3, dMax3, dMin3,
sVarID4, dMax4, dMin4,
sVarID5, dMax5, dMin5,
sVarID6, dMax6, dMin6,
sVarID7, dMax7, dMin7,
sVarID8, dMax8, dMin8)
This function is used exactly as the point function. The only difference is that sSVR is the external server and
sVarID? Is the tagid of the value to fetch from the external server.
Four gismos exists for this function and can be used directly. exttrend1, exttrend2, exttrend3, exttrend4. The first it
one trace the second with two traces etc.

58 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Action functions
Action functions are normally called “Upon input”, but the new version 7 functions can also be called on parameter
change. The version 6 functions have a filter so they only react on left mouse button release.

Pntselect Function
pntselect( Object, PointNo )
This function makes the object and the point the selected object and point when clicked upon.
The object is surrounded by a white rectangle and point information is set in the status bar panes. When right
clicking on the object a popup menu will appear.
Object identifies the object. This argument must be the constant __self.
PointNo is point number of the controlling point.

call pntselect(__self, PointNo)
The value of the variable PointNo is determined by rename variables when the object is instantiated.

Pntedit Function
pntedit( Object, PointNo )
This function allows for entering and sending an output value to IO system. The function must be part of input
dynamics of an object. This object must have two text rectangles of same size on top of each other. First must be
called “valuefield” and displays the current value. The second must be called “editfield” and is used when entering a
value. A click on the main object will make the edit field visible. The user enters a value and press of return on
keyboard will send the entered value to IO system. The value field then again becomes visible.
Object must be __self.
PointNo is point number of the controlling point.

call pntedit( __self, PointNo )
Below is the full ..\gismos\pntvalent.g file for the ready-made pntvalent object. This object uses openGMS function
vis 1
detect 1
pntvalent: model
. dynprop \
(# \
(call pntselect(__self, PointNo)) \
(call pntedit(__self, PointNo)))
unit: model
fcolor 22
fstyle 1
finter 1
fdir 0
fpercent 100

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 59

ecolor 7
estyle 0
ewidth 1
tcolor 7
height 1
path 1
font 1
prec 0
align 1 3
size 0 0
tconstraint 0
unittext: ftrect 3 0 0 2.5 "un"
. refpoint 0 0
vis 0
estyle 1
divide: line 0.3 1.25 2.5 1.25
. refpoint 0.119995 1.25
vis 1
estyle 0
height 1.5
align 2 3
value: ftrect 0 2.5 8 0 "PntValE"
. dynprop \
(__VALUE \
(= * \
(call pntvalue(__VALUE, __self, PointNo)))) \
(AlignX \
(= * \
(talign AlignX 3))) \
(FillColor \
(= * \
(fcolor FillColor))) \
(Font \
(= * \
(tfont Font)))
unit: inst unit 0 0
. dynprop \
(__VALUE \
(= * \
(call pntunit(__VALUE, __self, PointNo)))) \
(FillColor \
(= * \
(fcolor FillColor))) \
(Font \
(= * \
(tfont Font)))

60 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

. move 8 0
vis 0
edit: ftrect 0 2.5 8 0 ""
. dynprop \
(AlignX \
(= * \
(talign AlignX 3))) \
(= * \
(call editfinish(__EDITFINISH, __self))))
. refpoint 0 0

Pntupdownpercent Function
pntupdownpercent(PointNo, PercentChange, ManModeMask, ManModeValue, Confirm)
pntupdownpercentv7(PointNo, PercentChange, ManModeMask, ManModeValue, Confirm, Ignore)
Change a point value with a given percentage. This function behave in a special way when applied to a set point
because the change will affect the output point related to the set point if the mode related to the set point is manual.
PointNo Point number of controlling point
PercentChange percentage of the points system range to raise or lower the current value
ManModeMaskBits mask bits of MSW for manual mode given as a integer (may be hex). e.g. 10 (or 0x000a)
means bit 1 and bit 3 defines manual mode. Defines the bits that must be tested to determine manual mode.
ManModeValueBits value bits of MSW for manual mode given as integer (may be hex). Defines the values of the
bits given by the mask that determines manual mode. e.g. 2 (or 0x0001) means that with the above mask given
manual mode is defined as bit 1 = 1 and bit 3 = 0.
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Iosbitaction Function
iosbitaction( PointNo, BitNo, BitVal, EventText, Confirm )
iosbitactionv7( PointNo, BitNo, BitVal, EventText, Confirm , Ignore)
This function sends a bit control action to IO system. Iosbitaction only reacts on left mouse release action, while the
iosbitactionv7 reacts on any call if ignore is set to 1.
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
BitNo specifies the output bit number (0..15)
BitVal specifies the output value (0 or 1)
EventText a text string (in double quotes) for the event line generated by the action
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 61

call iosbitaction( PointNo, BitNo, BitVal, EventText, Confirm)
Above function will be called when user clicks on the object with the left mouse button when the mouse button is
released. The values of the variables PointNo, BitNo, BitVal, EventText, Confirm are determined by rename
variables when the object is instantiated.

Example v7:
call gms_flash()
(__button_hilite == 0) && (__locator != 0)
!= 0
iosbitactionv7( PointNo, BitNo, BitValRelease, EventTextRelease, 0, 1)
(__button_hilite == 1) && (__locator != 0)
!= 0
iosbitactionv7( PointNo, BitNo, BitValPress, EventTextPress, 0, 1)

In the above v7 example the action will be called with the value of BitValPress when the user clicks on the object
and with the value BitValRelease when the mouse button is released. The values of the variables PointNo, BitNo,
BitValPress, BitValRelease, EventTextRelease, EventTextPress are determined by rename variables when the
object is instantiated.

Iosbittoggle Function
iosbittoggle ( PointNo, OutBitNo, InBitNo, EventText, Confirm)
iosbittogglev7 ( PointNo, OutBitNo, InBitNo, EventText, Confirm, Ignore)
This function sends a bit control action to IO system. It sets the output bit to the opposite of what is read in the input
bit. iosbittoggle only reacts on left mouse release action, while the iosbittogglev7 reacts on any call if ignore is
set to 1.
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
OutBitNo specifies the output bit destination (0..15)
InBitNo specifies the input bit to toggle. (0..15)
EventText a text string (in double quotes) for the event line generated by the action.
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

62 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Iosbitpulse Function
iosbitpulse (IdType, Object, PointNo, OutBitNo, InBitNo, First, EventText, Confirm,)
iosbitpulse1 (IdType, Object, PointNo, OutBitNo, InBitNo, First, EventText, Confirm,
iosbitpulsev7 (IdType, Object, PointNo, OutBitNo, InBitNo, First, EventText, Confirm,
TimeOutSecs , Ignore)
This function is used as a two-step function. The first action is to set the output bit to 1 and start the timer. If the
input bit has changed to 1 within the timeout period the output bit is set to 0. If the first two version 6 functions are
used it demands a call “Upon input” where first is set to 1 and an “Unconditional action.” In order make the
back action. Iosbitpulse has a timeout of 15 seconds.

IdType Used to force update for supervision. (Use __VALUE)

Object must be the constant __self.
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
OutBitNo specifies the output bit destination (0..15)
InBitNo specifies the input bit to toggle. (0..15)
First , 1 = first call, 0 = supervision call
EventText , Text for event log
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
TimeOutSecs, No of seconds to wait for 1 to be set before give up
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

The fls_m_bitpulse uses this function and looks as follows:

vis 1
detect 1
fls_m_bitpulse: model
. dynprop \
(# \
(call gms_push_btn_select()) \
(call iosbitpulse(__VALUE, __self, PointNo, OutBitNo,
InBitNo, 1, EventText1, Confirm))) \
(* \
(call iosbitpulse(__VALUE, __self, PointNo, OutBitNo,
InBitNo, 0, EventText0, 0)))
. batcherase 1
. refpoint 0 0
frame: group
. dynprop \
(extent_width \
(= * \
(call gms_rect_size(extent_width, extent_height, 2, 0.0))))
fcolor 13
fstyle 1
finter 1

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 63

fdir 0
fpercent 100
ecolor 14
estyle 0
ewidth 0
tcolor 7
height 1.5
path 1
font 1
prec 1
align 2 3
size 0 0
plate: ftrect 10 4 0 0 "BitPulse"
. dynprop \
(button_label \
(= * \
(stext button_label "%s"))) \
(font \
(= * \
(tfont font)))
fcolor 12
ecolor 15
estyle 1
lower: line 0 0 10 0 10 4
fcolor 15
ecolor 12
upper: line 0 0 0 4 10 4
vis 0
fcolor 13
fstyle 8
finter 3
ecolor 13
estyle 0
shield: frect 1 1 0 0

64 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Iosbitsetcond Function
iosbitsetcond (PointNo, OutBitNo, OutBitVal, InBitNo, InBitVal, EventText, Confirm)
iosbitsetcondv7 (PointNo, OutBitNo, OutBitVal, InBitNo, InBitVal, EventText, Confirm, Ignore)
Send a bit action to OutBitNo if value of current InBitNo is InBitVal.
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
OutBitNo specifies the output bit destination (0..15)
OutBitVal output value (0 or 1)
InBitNo specifies the input bit to toggle. (0..15)
InBitVal conditional input value (0 or 1)
EventText , Text for event log
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

IosDigitalOutV7 Function
iosdigitaloutv7( PointNo, Mask, Value, Confirm , Ignore )
This function sends a digital output action to IO system.
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
Mask specifies the output mask
Value specifies the output value (MSW)
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

call iosdigitaloutv7( PointNo, 0xFFFFFFFF, Value, Confirm, 0)

Iospbsetpoint Function
iospbsetpoint(PointNo, Value)
iospbsetpointv7(PointNo, Value, Ignore)
This function requests the value of PointNo to be changed to value.
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
Value new value of the point.
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 65

Plcbitset Function
plcbitset( PointNo, ParameterKey, BitVal, Confirm)
plcbitsetv7( PointNo, ParameterKey, BitVal, Confirm, Ignore)
This function sends a request to set the bit corresponding to the parameter key of the block algorithm for the point.
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
ParameterKey is the block table entry key.
Bitval the value of the bit to set.
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Plcbitsetcond Function
plcbitsetcond(PointNo, ParameterKey, OutBitVal, InBitVal, Confirm)
plcbitsetcondv7(PointNo, ParameterKey, OutBitVal, InBitVal, Confirm, Ignore)
Sends OutBitVal to PLC parameter if read bit value = InBitVal.
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
ParameterKey is the block table entry key.
OutBitVal output value (0 or 1)
InBitVal conditional input value (0 or 1)
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Plcbittoggle Function
plcbittoggle(PointNo, ParameterKey, Confirm)
plcbittogglev7(PointNo, ParameterKey, Confirm, Ignore)
This function sends a request to toggle the bit corresponding to the parameter key of the block algorithm for the
PointNo is point number for point to which action applies
ParameterKey is the block table entry key.
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Plcedit Function
plcedit( ValueId, Object, PointNo, ParameterKey )
This function allows for entering and sending an output PLC parameter to IO system. The function must be part of
input dynamics of an object. This object must have two text rectangles of same size on top of each other. First must
be called “valuefield” and displays the current value. The second must be called “editfield” and is used when
entering a value. A click on the main object will make the edit field visible. The user enters a value and press of
return on keyboard will send the entered value to IO system. The valuefield then again becomes visible.
Note. plcedit requires that the 'allow write' is set in the block algorithm for the PLC parameter.
ValueId is as specified in the table below
PointNo is point number of the controlling point. This identifies address of the PLC parameter block and the block
algorithm that holds the description of the parameter.

66 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

ParameterKey is the key identifying the PLC parameter (string) in the block algorithm.

Value Id Description

__PLCDBLPAR Edit a Plc parameter of type double

__PLCINTPAR Edit a Plc parameter of type integer, unsigned or bit pattern

call plcedit(__PLCDBLPAR, __self, PointNo, ParKey )
Above allows edit of a floating point PLC parameter when clicking on the object. The value of PointNo and ParKey
is determined rename variables when the object is instantiated.
Below is the full ..\gismos\plcvalent.g file for the ready-made plcvalent object. This object uses openGMS function
vis 1
detect 1
plcvalent: model
. dynprop \
(# \
(call plcedit(__PLCDBLPAR, __self, PointNo, ParameterKey)))
unit: model
fcolor 22
fstyle 1
finter 1
fdir 0
fpercent 100
ecolor 7
estyle 0
ewidth 1
tcolor 7
height 1
path 1
font 1
prec 0
align 1 3
size 0 0
tconstraint 0
unittext: ftrect 3 0 0 2.5 "un"
. refpoint 0 0
vis 0
estyle 1
divide: line 0.3 1.25 2.5 1.25
. refpoint 0.119995 1.25
vis 1
estyle 0
height 1.5

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align 2 3
value: ftrect 0 2.5 8 0 "PlcValE"
. dynprop \
(= * \
(stext plctext(__PLCTXTPAR, PointNo, ParameterKey) "%s"))) \
(AlignX \
(= * \
(talign AlignX 3))) \
(FillColor \
(= * \
(fcolor FillColor))) \
(Font \
(= * \
(tfont Font))) \
(TextColor \
(= * \
(tcolor TextColor)))
unit: inst unit 0 0
. dynprop \
(= * \
(call plcunit(__self, PointNo, ParameterKey)))) \
(FillColor \
(= * \
(fcolor FillColor))) \
(Font \
(= * \
(tfont Font))) \
(TextColor \
(= * \
(tcolor TextColor)))
. move 8 0
vis 0
edit: ftrect 0 2.5 8 0 ""
. refpoint 0 0

68 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

long colv7togglesymbol(Object, Ignore)
This function switches between hiliting two parts of a group or submodel.
The following will toggle between the two parts when clicked upon.
Object must be __self.
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

call gms_flash()
((__button_hilite == 0) && (__locator != 0))
!= 0
call colv7togglesymbol(__self, 1)

Colv7ExtSelect function
colv7extselect(Object, Server, BaseKey, KeyField1, SampleField1,
KeyField2, SampleField2, KeyField3, SampleField3,
KeyField4, SampleField4, ExtFaceplate)
This function makes the object the selected object and displays information according to the KeyField in the
StatusBar of opstation when clicked upon.
The text to displayed is retrieved with the function exttext with arguments (Server, SampleField?, BaseKey,
KeyField?) where ? is 1 to 4.
Object must be __self.
Server server name – configured in OpStation Configuration.
BaseKey Displayed together with server where the pointcode would be displayed for a selected point
KeyField1 used to retrieve the text to be displayed in the statusbar where the point text is displayed when a point is
SampleField1 used to tell how often the value show be retrieved.
KeyField2 used to retrieve the value to be displayed in the statusbar where the point value is displayed when a point
is selected.
SampleField2 used to tell how often the value show be retrieved.
KeyField3 used to retrieve the value to be displayed in the statusbar where the point status is displayed when a
point is selected.
SampleField3 used to tell how often the value show be retrieved.
KeyField4 used to retrieve the value to be displayed in the statusbar where the point control is displayed when a
point is selected.
SampleField4 used to tell how often the value show be retrieved.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 69

ExtFaceplate used to tell that an externaldata faceplate is associated with the object. The following replacement
are made in dynamics and renamed variables in the faceplate.

String to be replaced Repacement

$SVR “<value of Server>”

$ID “<value of BaseKey>”
$DES “<value of KeyField1>”
$VAL “<value of KeyField2>”
$STA “<value of KeyField3”
$CON “<value of KeyField4>”

ExtSetxxx function
extsetlong(Server, Type, Key1, Key2, lValue, Confirm)
extsetdouble(Server, Type, Key1, Key2, dValue,Confirm)
extsettext(Server, Type, Key1, Key2, Text,Confirm)
extsetlongv7( Server , Type, Key1, Key2, lValue, Confirm, Ignore)
extsetdoublev7( Server, Type, Key1, Key2, dValue, Confirm, Ignore)
extsettextv7( Server, Type, Key1, Key2, sText, Confirm, Ignore)
These function is used to set values in an external server.
Key1 is concatenated with Key2 to form the key parameter in the external server.
Server server name – configured in OpStation Configuration.
Type value type – irrelevant in this case.
Key1 first part of the parameter key.
Key2 second part of the parameter key.
lValue long value to set.
dValue double value to set.
sText text value to set.
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Extedit function
extedit (Server, Type, Object, Key1, Key2)
This function is allows the user to edit an external parameter.
Server server name – configured in OpStation Configuration.
Type value type – __EXTLONG, __EXTDOUBLE, __EXTTEXT
Object must be __self.
Key1 first part of the parameter key.
Key2 second part of the parameter key.

70 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

ExtActivate function
extactivate( DbName, TableName, Param, MenuItem, Confirm)
extactivatev7( DbName, TableName, Param, MenuItem, Confirm, Ignore)
This function activates an external program defined in database DbName in table TableName as entry number
MenuItem with one text parameter given as Param.
DbName name of database where to find classID of external program.
TableName name table where to find definition.
Param text parameter to pass to the external program.
MenuItem numbered ID in table.
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

ExtMenu function
ExtMenu (Object, DbName, sTableName, Param, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11,
P12, P13, P14, P15 )
This function activates a menu on right click release, where the menu items can activate an external function. The
menu is defined by entries in table TableName.
DbName name of database where to find classID of external program.
TableName name table where to find definition.
Param text default parameter to pass to the external program.
P1 … P15 individual arguments for each function, if specified overrides Param.

ColModelInvoke Function
ColModelInvoke( ModelName )
This function will replace the current picture with a new one. The function is normally used as an input function in
response to a button click. React only to left mouse button release.

ColModelInvokeV7(ModelName, Ignore)
Same as above but with Ignore = 1 react to any input.
ModelName is name (double quoted string) of new picture
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

call ColModelInvoke( "raw_mill")

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 71

ColNewWindowInvoke Function
ColNewWindowInvoke( ModelName )
ColNewWindowInvokeV7(ModelName, Ignore)
This functions handles invocation of a new free-floating window.
ModelName is name (double quoted string) of new picture
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

ColGenPopUpInvoke Function
ColGenPopUpInvoke( ModelName, PointNo )
This function pops up a new window with a given picture. It may also popup a faceplate for a given point. The
function is normally used as an input function in response to a button click. React only to left mouse button release.
ColGenPopUpInvokeV7( ModelName, PointNo , Ignore)
Same as above but with Ignore = 1 react to any input.
ModelName is name (double quoted string) of picture or faceplate to pop up.
PointNo is point number of activation point in sake of a faceplate. Must be = 0 for an ordinary popup picture.
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

call ColGenPopUpInvoke( "raw_mill_popup", 0)
Facepopupio(FacePlateNameSuffix, lPointNo )
facepopupio( FacePlateNameSuffix, PointNo )
facepopupiov7(FacePlateNameSuffix, PointNo, Ignore )
This function popup a faceplate prefixed with the IO system prefix.
FacePlateNameSuffix is name to append to the prefix of the IOsys (double quoted string) of picture or faceplate
to pop up.
PointNo is point number of activation point in sake of a faceplate. Must be = 0 for an ordinary popup picture.
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

StartProcess function.
startprocess( Program, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, Confirm)
startprocessv7( Program, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, Confirm, Ignore)
This program starts a program.
Program full program path and name of program.
P1..P5 text parameters to pass to the program.
Confirm specifies whether operator must confirm action in a confirmation box (0 - no confirm, 1 - confirm)
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

72 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

ShowTrend function.
showtrend (TrendPackNo)
showtrendv7 (TrendPackNo, Ignore)
Shows a trend package.
TrendPackNo number of trend package to show.
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Showbrowser function.
showbrowser( Function, Code, View, Ignore )
showbrowserbyno( Function, No, View, Ignore )
This function shows the SdrBrowserUI either starting out with a department, point, group, or route, and one of the
three possible views.
Function telling what kind of Code or number is passed. __ShowDepartment, __ShowPoint, __ShowRoute or
Code the code of the point, department, group, or route.
No the number of the point, department, group, or route.
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Colv7executecommand function
colv7executecommand(CommandID, Ignore)
This functions emulates a toolbar button press.
CommandID See the table
Ignore specifies that the input action filter is off. The function always is always executed when called. (0 – only on
left mouse button, 1 – always)

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 73

CommandID Action

__ID_FILE_TOPMODEL Open Top model

__ID_FILE_OPEN Open Graphic


__ID_CONTROL_SELECT Send select command to PLC for selected group or device. The
devices selectedin this manner are affected by a subsequent start or
stop command.

__ID_CONTROL_START Send start command for all selected groups and devices

__ID_CONTROL_STOP Send stop command for all selected groups and devices

__ID_CONTROL_QUICKSTOP Send quick stop command for the current department. All equipment
will be stopped immediately

__ID_CONTROL_MASTERSTOP Send master stop command for the current department. All equipment
will be stopped in a manner described by the PLC program

__ID_ALARM_SILENCE Turn off the audible alarm for the current department

__ID_ALARM_RESET Reset all alarms for the current department

__ID_ALARM_DEPLIST Open the alarm list for the current department

__ID_ALARM_POINTLIST Open the alarm list for the selected point

__ID_ALARM_GROUP_POINTSTATUS Open the alarm status list for the selected points owner group.

__ID_TREND_PACKAGE Open the SDR Trend display

__ID_TREND_POINT Open the SDR Trend display with the selected point assigned to the
trend group

__ID_POINT_LIST Open the SDR Point List

__ID_POINT_LIST_ADD_FAVOURITE Add the selected point to the favorite points

__ID_POINT_PARAMETERS Open the SDR Point Parameter display for the selected point

__ID_POINT_CONFIG Open the SDR Point Configuration display for the selected point

__ID_NOTEPAD Open the ECS Note Pad and display notes for the selected point

__ID_HELP Open the online help file

74 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

It is possible to animate things using a variable called __GMSANI. This variable is updated every 25 millisecond
and running from 0 to 60000 milliseconds every minute. The simplest way to make animation is to have some
models on top of each other and the changing the visibility depending on __GMSANI. There are some flags that are
usefull in a model.

• . batcherase 1 Tells to erase what should be erase should be erased at the same time
• . noerase 1 Tells not to erase, when visibility changes
• . dbflag 1 Tells to make a copy in memory and make the update in one single swap. This is used to avoid
• . repairflag 1 Is used to repair underlying objects if things have been move.

The following example show how to use visibility, a base model that consist of six models of exactly, the same size
amin_sub00 to amin_sub05 called amin_sub. This model uses the flag dbflag and noerase flag. The noerase flags
ensures that the last executed vis 1 is visible. The variable ShowPic is used to tell which vis 1 is executed. This
model is the instantiated in another model called anim, with ShowPic renamed to ((Speed * __GMSANI / 200) % 6
). Speed can then in the model where it is instantiated be anything from 0 to 8, where 0 is stopped and 8 is as fast as
goes. (%6 means modulus 6).

vis 1
detect 1
anim_sub: model
. dbflag 1
. noerase 1
inst anim_sub00 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 0 \
(vis 1) ))
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub01 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 1 \
(vis 1) ))
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub02 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 2 \
(vis 1) ))
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub03 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 3 \

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 75

(vis 1) ))
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub04 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 4 \
(vis 1) ))
inst anim_sub05 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 5 \
(vis 1) ))
. move 0 0

vis 1
detect 1
anim: model
inst anim_sub 0 0
. move 0 0
renamedvars \
ShowPic :: ((Speed * __GMSANI / 200) % 6 )

If on the other hand we have a fixed background with different motives, another strategy is needed, because know
the noerase flag cannot be used as the background is not updated. Instead the flag batcherase and repairflag is used.
This will look as follows having the 6 different motives in anim_sub00 to anim_sub05, and the background in
anim_back., notice that vis 0 is set after the first instantiated sub model this is mode in order for the gismo look nice
in the editor. Note also now that vis 0 is used on in the dynamics on the model. This is done because they are no
longer overridden by one of the models. The anim model will be exactly the same as in the previous example.

vis 1
detect 1
anim_sub: model
. dbflag 1
. repairflag 1
. batcherase 1
inst anim_back 0 0
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub00 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 0 \
(vis 1) ) \
(!= 0 \

76 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

(vis 0) ))
. move 0 0
vis 0
inst anim_sub01 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 1 \
(vis 1) ) \
(!= 1 \
(vis 0) ))
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub02 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 2 \
(vis 1) ) \
(!= 2 \
(vis 0) ))
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub03 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 3 \
(vis 1) ) \
(!= 3 \
(vis 0) ))
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub04 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 4 \
(vis 1) ) \
(!= 4 \
(vis 0) ))
. move 0 0
inst anim_sub05 0 0
. dynprop \
(ShowPic \
(= 5 \
(vis 1) ) \
(!= 5 \
(vis 0) ))
. move 0 0


Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 77

vis 1
detect 1
anim: model
inst anim_sub 0 0
. move 0 0
renamedvars \
ShowPic :: ((Speed * __GMSANI / 200) % 6 )

These examples can be used by replacing anim_sub00 etc with the models of own choise.

Making Dynamics in Editor

It is possible to program picture objects in order to obtain the desired dynamic visualization. After selecting an
object in the editor, dynamic properties can be added in two ways:

1. Object dynamics properties

Selecting pull down menu Dynamics -> Object dynamics properties or right clicking and selecting Edit
Dynamics in the popup menu will bring up a box where there are buttons to guide you through the process of
defining dynamics.
In the Edit Raw tab is possible to enter or correct dynamics directly.

To be guided through, use the tabs to enter the different types of dynamics. The box is used to enter dynamic
properties of the three types Unconditional, Conditional and Upon input, the window outlook depends on the
dynamic type selected.

78 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Unconditional action.

Figure 52 - Enter dynamics box for unconditional action

Enter information as follows:

• Select dynamic type as Unconditional action

• For each new action press

• Action. Select the dynamic action from the drop down list
• Argument. Click the empty argument field (text edit field). Fill in the argument by typing or better use
Special Get button for entering an point related OpenGMS function, a PLC related OpenGMS function or
a GMS color index. For an action with two arguments (like stext) make sure to enter both arguments ( for
stext type in format as second argument).
• Press OK to evaluate and accept the entered dynamic properties.

To delete a dynamic action press

To navigate among multiple actions use buttons and

Pressing Get Point related will bring up the following box:

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 79

Figure 53 - Get point related function box

Fill in as follows:
• Controlling point. If this shall be a variable to be renamed upon instantiation then check Use as
variable and type the name of the variable in the text edit field. If controlling point shall be an actual point,

then uncheck Use as variable, click the text edit field and use the tool bar buttons to
enter a point code.
• Reference point. If the point shall be one of the 10 reference points of the controlling point, select one
from the drop down list.
• Value type Select one of the types (resulting in one of the four functions pntfloat, pntint, pnttext, pntbit).
• Value Select the attribute (Value id) from the drop down list. The list of available attributes depends on the
Value type.
• Press OK to enter the information in the argument text field of the Edit Dynamics box. The example
shown will generate the argument text "pntfloat(__ALARMHIGH, PointNo)"

80 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Conditional action

Figure 54 - Enter dynamics box for conditional action

Enter information as follows:

• Select Dynamic type as Conditional action

• For each new Variable expression press outermost

• Variable expression. Click text field and fill in by typing or use Special Get

• For each new Condition press middle

• Condition. Select condition from drop down list

• Condition expression. Click text field and fill in by typing or use Special Get

• For each new Action press innermost

• Action. Select action from drop down list

• Action expression. Click text field and fill in by typing or use Special Get
• Press OK to evaluate and accept the entered information.

To delete an item press corresponding

To navigate among multiple items use buttons and

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 81

Upon input

Figure 55 - Enter dynamics box for input action

Enter information as follows:

• Select Dynamic type as Upon input

• For each new input action press

• Input action. Click the text field and type in a function call. See the section on OpenGMS functions for
available input function calls.
• Press OK to evaluate and accept the entered information.

To delete an item press corresponding

To navigate among multiple items use buttons and

82 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

PntFloat Example
In this example we will create a new dynamic sub model (gismo), which can display the value of any of the floating-
point attributes of a point.

Figure 56 - Gismo PntFloat

The following variables shall be determined by Rename variables when the sub model is instantiated in a picture:
AlignX Horizontal alignment of value in the box. 1 = left, 2 = mid, 3 = right
EdgeColor Edge color of the box
FillColor Fill color of the box
TextColor Text color
Font Text font
PointNo Point number of the controlling point.
ValueId Floating point attribute of point to display (e.g. __ALARMHIGH)

Creating pntfloat
The sub model is created as follows:
In the editor select menu File -> new
Model properties. The default model properties are with dark blue background enabled and model size 100 * 75.
As we want our model to be a text rectangle of size 10 * 2.5 we must change the model properties as follows:

• Select menu Model -> Properties ..

• In the model properties box displayed uncheck Background on (to have the background removed) and
press Apply and Close.
• If the blue background does not disappear (GMS error), click in the background and press delete on
keyboard. Now you should have a white working area.
• Create static’s. We now create the static part of the sub model as follows:
• Click the toolbar button for text rectangle
• Select menu Point -> Enter Point ..
• In the Enter Point box displayed type 0 0 and press Apply. Then type 10 2.5 and press Apply again and
the Close. You should now have a text rectangle in the lower left part of the working area.
• Type the text "PntFloat" in the text rectangle, then right click and select Done from popup menu. The
object should now be selected indicated by a frame.
• Right click and select Graphic Properties from the popup menu.
• In the graphics properties box select the fill color 22 and close the box.
• Create dynamics. We now add dynamic properties to the object as follows:
• Select menu Dynamics -> Enter Dynamics
• Using the Enter Dynamics box create the following Conditional actions (and close the box by OK):

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 83

stext pntfloat(ValueId, PointNo) "%s5.2f"
ecolor EdgeColor
fcolor FillColor
tcolor TextColor
tfont Font
talign AlignX 3

Save model. We now save the model as a gismo as follows:

• Select menu File -> Save
• In the file save box displayed select directory FlsaGmsPic\Gismos Then enter file name pntfloat and press
Save. The sub model should now automatically be saved as two files pntfloat.g (source file) and
pntfloat.m1(runtime file).

The source file generated now looks as follows:

vis 1
detect 1
pntfloat: model
fcolor 22
fstyle 1
finter 1
fdir 0
fpercent 100
ecolor 7
estyle 1
ewidth 1
tcolor 7
height 2
path 1
font 1
prec 0
align 2 3
size 0 0
ftrect 0 0 10 2.5 "PntFloat"
. dynprop \
(ValueId \
(= * \

84 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

(stext pntfloat(ValueId, PointNo) "%5.2f"))) \
(AlignX \
(= * \
(talign AlignX 3))) \
(FillColor \
(= * \
(fcolor FillColor))) \
(EdgeColor \
(= * \
(ecolor EdgeColor))) \
(TextColor \
(= * \
(tcolor TextColor))) \
(Font \
(= * \
(tfont Font)))

Using pntfloat
We may now use the new sub model in a picture to display the low and high alarm limits for the point j4p12.
In the editor create a new picture or load an existing one.

Instantiate sub model:

Select menu Palette -> Submodels ..
In the Sub model List box displayed locate and click on pntfloat, then click on first position in picture where pntfloat
shall be displayed, then on second position, then right click and select Done from popup menu.
Close the sub model list by OK. You should now have two instances of pntfloat.

Rename Variables:
Left click the first instance to select it, then right click and select Rename Variables from the popup menu. fill in
the variables as follows (and close the box by OK):
AlignX 3
EdgeColor 7
FillColor 22
Font 1
PointNo pointno("j4p12")
TextColor 7
Left click the second instance to select it, then right click and select Rename Variables from the popup menu. fill
in the variables as follows (and close the box by OK):
AlignX 3
EdgeColor 7
FillColor 22
Font 1
PointNo pointno("j4p12")

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 85

TextColor 7
Save the picture.
The picture will now display the low alarm limit for the point j4p12 in the first object and the high alarm limit in the
second object. The values will be right aligned black text in Arial normal font, the text rectangle will have a black
edge and a gray fill color. The values will be displayed in floating point format xxxxx.yy.

Faceplates are sub models where all the dynamics are related to an activation point. In OpStation a faceplates is
activated by right click on a point and then selecting Faceplate from the popup menu. A window with the faceplate
will then pop up. The dynamics on the faceplate will relate to the point you clicked upon. An example of a faceplate
is the PIDFace, which is discussed in the section "PIDFace example".

Creating Faceplates
When creating new faceplates the following guidelines should be observed.:
Location of faceplates files. Faceplates must reside in directory FlsaGmsPic\Faceplates So when saving a
faceplate in the editor make sure to select this directory.
Model properties of faceplates. Faceplates do not have the standard model size and background color. So
when starting a new faceplate select menu Model -> Properties .. and change background color and rectangle size
in the model properties box. If the size of the work area does not change after this, save the model and reload it again
(GMS peculiarity).
Dynamics. Preferably use OpenGms dynamics (palettes opengms_dynamics_1 and opengms_dynamics_2). This
will allow you also to instantiate a faceplate directly in a standard mimic picture. For such an imbedded faceplate
you use Rename variables to assign a point number for the variable $. You may use classic dynamics in a
faceplate, but in that case you will not be able instantiate the faceplate directly in a mimic, but only use it as a popup
PointNo use $. When binding variables by rename variables The point number variable should be set to $ as a
placeholder for the activation point. The correct point number will then be substituted upon activation of the
faceplate. If you use classic dynamics, the object owner should also be set to $ for the same reason.

Assigning Faceplates
Once a faceplate has been created you must determine to which class of activation points the faceplate shall be
assigned. There are two ways of doing this.
Assign faceplate to point algorithm. This is done using the ECS OpStation Configuration utility. Here you
assign the name of the faceplate to one or more A- or B-point algorithms. All points having one of these algorithms
will then by default use the assigned faceplate.
Assign faceplate to picture object owner. When you assign an owner to a classic dynamic object in a mimic
picture you may in the same box assign a faceplates (select one from dropdown list). If you do so the assigned
faceplate will apply to that specific object in the picture. This kind of assignment will overrule the assignment by
point algorithm.

86 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

PIDFace Example
In the following we will illustrate how the PIDFace is constructed. The figures below show the PIDFace as it looks
in the editor and as it looks at runtime in OpStation. The PIDFace is exclusively made of OpenGMS dynamics. We
go through the dynamics an explain the Rename variables setting for Point Numbers.

Figure 57 - PIDFace left in editor and right in application

The activation points for the PIDFace are points with a set point algorithm. The PIDFace not only shows information
directly for the set point, but also for points related to the set point (reference points). Therefore it is required that
the set points have the following reference points attributes defined (see Point Configuration):
Reference point 1: Process point
Reference point 2: Output point
Reference point 4: Control mode point
Reference point 7: Auxiliary point (optional)

Point number setting for the instantiated objects are as follows:

PntText is the point text for the set point. PointNo = $
First PntCode is point code for the proc. point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT1, $)
Second PntCode is point code for the set point. PointNo = $
Third PntCode is point code for the outp. point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT2, $)
Fourth PntCode is point code for the aux point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT7, $)
Fifth PntCode is point code for the mode point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT4, $)
First PntVal is point value for the proc. point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT1, $)
First PntValEnt is point value entry for the set point. PointNo = $
Second PntValEnt is point value entry for the outp. point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT2, $)
Second PntVal is point value for the aux. point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT7, $)

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 87

Third PntVal is point value for the mode point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT4, $)
LangText (LT) are text constants in current language. For the manual mode button TextKey = "lngManual".
Similarly for the other instances.
PntThermoVer is thermo value for the process point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT1, $)
First PntSlider is Thermo val entry for the set point. PointNo = $
Second PntSlider is Thermo val entry for the outp. point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT2, $)
fls_m_mode_diamon. is mode switch button for the mode point. PointNo = pntint(__REF_PNT4, $). BitVal
= 1. The BitNo variable is in range 0..4 the down most button having BitNo = 0 and the topmost BitNo = 4.
fls_m_percent_up, fls_m_percent_up_small, fls_percent_down, fls_percent_down_small are percent
change buttons. They apply to the output point if the mode is manual otherwise to the set point. PointNo = $.
ManModeMaskBits = 1, ManModeValueBits = 1 (bit 0 is 1 for manual mode).
Left fls_m_facepopup button shall popup up plcparameterface for set point. PointNo = $. FaceplateName =
Right fls_m_facepopup button shall popup up pidtrend for set point. PointNo = $. FaceplateName =

Bitmaps may be inserted in a picture as static objects. The bitmaps are full scalable.
To insert a bitmap in a picture do as follows:
• Make sure the bitmap exists as a file <filename>.bmp ( or <filename>.i) on directory FlsaGmsPic\Bitmaps
• Open the picture into which you want to insert a bitmap.
• Select menu File -> Import -> Bitmap
• From the bitmap name list select your bitmap file and click at position in picture where the bitmap shall be
placed followed by right click and Done

Note that the bitmap file must reside on the Server. If OpStation is started on a Client all mimic pictures and bitmaps
will be copied from the Server to the Client (if not already there). However, this implies that if you create a new
bitmap you must restart OpStation to view it on a Client, or you must copy the bitmap file by hand to the Client.

88 • ECS OpStation Editor Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor

Active X control support
Opstation has limited Active X control support. Active X controls should be more or less self contained.
In order to insert and ocx Select menu Edit -> Insert Active X Control. Select the wanted active X from the list.
Scale an move it afterwards to the right position.
To initialize the control properties can be set from an access database lying in ProDB. In order to specify the
database and table enter Rename Variables and rename ole_stream to “<database>;<table>”
The table should have the following fields.
DispID Dispatch ID of property. Number - Long Integer.
VarType Property type. Number - Long Integer
Value Property value if not Date or Text. - Number - Double
Date Property value if Date type. - Date/Time
Text Property value if text type. – Text or Memo.

The VarType are given as.

2 2-byte signed integer.
3 4-byte signed integer.
4 4-byte real.
5 8-byte real.
7 Date.8 String.
11 Boolean; True=-1, False=0.

If the properties has to be set in a given order a primary index key kan be made to control the order. In order to find
the DispatchID’s a tool like OLEVIEW can be used.

Converting Pictures From VMS

Old pictures made for a VMS syste
m may be transferred to an NT system. As the internal format for classic dynamics has changed it is necessary to
convert the VMS pictures before they can be used on NT.
The utility GMS Convert does this. The utility can also be used for other picture file manipulation such as converting
.g files to .m1 and vice versa.
See the description of GMS Conversion utility for further details.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor ECS OpStation Editor • 89

Glossary of Terms

Popup window with dynamics related to activation point (point clicked upon)

Graphical Interactive State Management Object. Any object with dynamics behavior

Graphical Modeling System by SL

Machine Status Word. Contains the actual bit values for a B-point

Sherrill Lubinski Corporation. Supplier of the GMS product

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor Glossary of Terms • 91


symbol offset 8, 38

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Editor Index • 93

Reference Manual

GMS Conversion Utility

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 12:43p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrGmsUtlUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

GMS Conversion Utility 1
Introduction 1
Operation 2
Conversion of VMS pictures 3

Glossary of Terms 5

Index 7

Reference Manual GMS Conversion Utility Contents • iii

GMS Conversion Utility

Gms pictures (also called models or mimics) reside on files of type .g (ascii source files) and .m1 (binary runtime
The Gms Conversion Utility is used to manipulate Gms files in various ways:

• Renaming files (and model names) to lower or upper case.

• Compiling source files (.g) to runtime files (.m1)
• Decompiling runtime files (.m1) to source files (.g)
• Reformatting VMS source files to NT source files

The utility is activated from Start -> ECS NTech -> Sdr Setup Tools -> GMS Conversion

Figure 1 - GMS Conversion Utility

Reference Manual GMS Conversion Utility GMS Conversion Utility • 1

This section describes how to use the Gms Conversion Utility.
Specific functions are activated by pressing the corresponding function button. When a function button is pressed a
File Selection box will popup (see section File Selection). One or more files to which the function shall apply
are selected. Results of the operation are shown in the Results frame (see section Results).

To Lower - Convert file name(s) to lower case. Model name in a .g file is also converted. The g To m1 conversion
requires the file name and the model is identical (case sensitive).
To Upper - Convert file name(s) to upper case. Model name in a .g file is also converted. The g To m1 conversion
requires the file name and the model is identical (case sensitive).
g To m1 - Compile source file(s) to runtime file(s)
m1 To g - Decompile runtime file(s) to source file(s)
Format - Reformat the owner information in a VMS source file
Cancel - Interrupt a multifile operation
Close - Close down the utility
Help - Display help information

File Selection
After pressing a function button the File Selection box is shown. The default directory is FlsaDev\GmsPic\Ops.
The files available for selection depends on the function. For example g To m1 will only show .g files for selection.

Figure 2 - File selection box

You may set the directory to a subdirectory.

A single file is selected by click on the filename.
A contiguous sequence of files is selected by Shift down, Click first filename, Click last filename, Shift up.
A noncontiguous sequence of files is selected by Ctrl down, Click first filename, Click second filename, click
third …, Ctrl up.
The files selected are highlighted and also shown in the File name text edit field.
Open - button is pressed to apply the function to the selected files
Cancel - button is pressed to quit the function

The result frame lists all the files processed together with the status OK or Failed.

2 • GMS Conversion Utility Reference Manual GMS Conversion Utility

Conversion of VMS pictures
Gms pictures made on VMS systems may be transferred and converted to the NT platform. This involves copying
the source files from an Alpha machine to an NT PC, Converting the owner information format and compiling the
source files into NT runtime files.

Transfer files from VMS

Copy files.
Provided the Alpha and PC are connected on a LAN, both having an TCP/IP address, the source files (.g) may be
transferred by a File Transfer Utility such as Ws_FTP. At FLSAH site this may be installed from \\Sdr-
ntc\v\cdcopy\Ws_ftp32.\Ws_ftp32.exe. Set Ws_FTP to exclude version number on destination file (myfile.g;7
should copy to myfile.g on NT). This is done by selecting
1. Options -> Session -> Convert Extensions and
2. Options -> Convert -> Source: .g, Destination: .g, Add.
Only select file with highest version number for transfer.
The transferred files may have been assigned filenames in upper or lower case. Convert files to lower case as
described below.

Convert to lower case.

For GMS it is important that the name of the model is the same as the name of the source file (also same case).
Therefore it is recommended to convert all transferred filenames to lower case by To Lower function. This will not
only convert the filename to lower case but for .g files also convert the model name inside the file to lower case,
such that file name and model name is same case. When the file is later compiled the runtime file will also be in
lower case.

Convert Format
The internal format of the object owner information (userdata) is on the NT platform different from that on VMS.
The format may be converted automatically by the Format function. This converts .g files to .g files. Converting a
file twice will give an error, but do no harm.

Compile Files
When files have been Format converted they must be compiled into runtime files (.m1). This is done by the g To
m1 function.

Reference Manual GMS Conversion Utility GMS Conversion Utility • 3

Glossary of Terms

File type for Gms source files

File type for Gms runtime files

Graphical Modelling System. The graphics system employed by ECS OpStation

A Gms picture

A GMS picture

Virtual Memory System. The operating system on the Digital Alpha computer.

Reference Manual GMS Conversion Utility Glossary of Terms • 5


Cancel Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 2
Close 2

Format 2

g To m1 2

Help 2

m1 To g 2

To Lower 2
To Upper 2

Reference Manual GMS Conversion Utility Index • 7

Reference Manual

SDR Language Edit

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 12:47p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrLangEditXUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Language Edit 1
Introduction 1
Language Databases 1
Process Database 2
User Interface Database 4

Glossary of Terms 7

Index 9

Reference Manual SDR Language Edit Contents • iii

SDR Language Edit

The SDR Language Edit system can be used to add a new local language into the process and user interface
databases. It can also be used to backup these databases, so that when a new database is installed or updated, the
local language from the old database can be inserted into the new database. Thus translation work is not lost. SDR
Language Edit will also check for any modifications or newly created entries in the new database which are not
found in the backup databases and notify the user.
There are five default languages supported by FLSA. They are English, French, Spanish German, and Danish
Use the SDR Language Configuration to switch between the different languages. SDR Language Edit is only used
to modify individual language databases.

Language Databases
Language databases are stored as Access *.mdb files in the following directories:
• \ProDb – Process Databases
• \ProDBBackup – Backup of the Language Dependent Process Databases
• \NlsDb – User Interface Databases
• \NlsDbBackup – Backup of the Language Dependent User Interface Databases

SDR Language Edit allows the user to edit the language dependent part of the process and user interface databases.
When SdrLangEditXUi is started, there are two sections to choose from and they correspond to the above list of
databases. On the bottom of the window is two pull-down boxes for selecting the local language and the local script.
Click OK to edit the selected database.

Reference Manual SDR Language Edit SDR Language Edit • 1

Process Database
When a language database has been selected for editing, an Access table will be shown. A language database can
have multiple language tables which can be selected for editing. All language tables start with a CaptionKey
column followed by the English, French, Spanish, German and Danish columns. Each column is a translation of the
English text to the local language.

Click the Add Field button below the table to add a new local language column to the table. Press Add Field All,
if you wish to add a new local language column to all the language tables in all the databases. The name of the new
column will be the same as the local language selected in the previous window.

Once a new local language column has been created, use the Copy All button if you want to copy texts from the
English column to the newly created local language column.
Use the Edit button to edit the local language column.
The Find button is used to search a string in the English column. You might wish to find a string in the English
column if a similar translation is needed elsewhere in other databases. Use Find Next to continue search.

2 • SDR Language Edit Reference Manual SDR Language Edit

The Backup button is used to create *.mdb backup files for the all language databases. For the process database,
the backup databases will be stored in the \ProDBBackup directory. Click OK to confirm backup operation when
the message box appears.

The CopyX button is used to copy the texts in the local language column from the backup to the current database.

The Sync button is used to compare the backup database against the current database. If an entry in the English
column is found in the current database table which is different from the same entry in the backup database table, the
search will pause and the user is prompted to edit the table.
The Missing button is used to search for tables which does not contain the new local language column.
Close the window when editing has been completed.

Reference Manual SDR Language Edit SDR Language Edit • 3

User Interface Database
The NlsDb User Interface Database is a required database for all SDR User Interfaces. When an application starts, it
will search for text in the NlsDb User Interface Database. For example, the SDR Alarm List user interface requires
texts from the \NlsDb\SdrAlarmList10.mdb database.
User Interface Database editing is accessed by clicking the OK button in the NlsDb section in the entry window.
The features of the User Interface window is similar to the Process Language window.

Since NlsDb is maintained by FLSA, when a new database is available, a backup is needed to preserve the local
language. The steps in replacing the old database with a new database is as follow:

• Create a backup of the old database using the Backup button.

• Replace the old database with the new database.
• Add the local language into the new database using the Add Field button
• Use the Copy X button to copy the local language from the backup to the new database.
• Use the Sync button to synchonize the local language to the new database.

When the Backup operation is completed, a new table will appear on the bottom of the window. Backup Tables are
not editable.

4 • SDR Language Edit Reference Manual SDR Language Edit

Reference Manual SDR Language Edit SDR Language Edit • 5
Glossary of Terms

User Interface Database

Process Database

Reference Manual SDR Language Edit Glossary of Terms • 7

ProDb Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1
ProDBBackup 1, 3

Index R
replacing the old database with a new database 4

SDR Language Configuration 1
Sync Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 3

Add Field 2, 4 table Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
Add Field All 2 page 2

Backup Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 3

CaptionKey 2
Copy All 2
CopyX 3

default languages 1

Edit Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on page

Find 2
Find Next 2

local script 1

Missing 3
Missing button 3

NlsDb 1, 4
NlsDbBackup 1

Reference Manual SDR Language Edit Index • 9

Reference Manual

SDR Log Configuration

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 12:49p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrLogCfgUi30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Log Configuration 1
Introduction 1
General Settings 2
Common Log Setting 3

Glossary of Terms 7

Index 9

Reference Manual SDR Log Configuration Contents • iii

SDR Log Configuration

The SDR Log Configuration is used to create and configure historical point value and point statistical log files used
by other application.
The following are three types of point values available for logging:
Analog Point Value, value received directly from the PLCs.
Statistical A-point Value, analog points values containing the following:
Minimum, Average, Maximum, Calculated, Alarm time, Alarm count and Error count.
Statistical B-point Value, digital point values containing the following:
Operating hours, Total operating hours, Alarm time, Alarm count, and Error count.
The Application is started from the Windows Start menu :

Note: The log system will only log and collect data, when the ECS system is in “Run mode”. Configuration of the
log system is allowed at any time, although, it is best to do, before setting the system into “Run mode”.

Reference Manual SDR Log Configuration SDR Log Configuration • 1

General Settings
The General tab contains information concerning the log system.

Suppress Logging of report suppressed values

If selected, logging of points which are report suppressed, will be suppressed.

Log Directory
Shows the path to the current log directory. This field is for information purposes only and cannot be edited.

These fields show the number of points, in the current log, the current number of points defined in the system and
the licensed (available) number of point, for both A- and B-points. These fields are for information purposes only
and cannot be edited.

2 • SDR Log Configuration Reference Manual SDR Log Configuration

Common Log Setting
The Common Log tab contains the Log Configuration Table.

The followings are columns within the Log Configuration Table.

Log ID
Used to identify log files. It is used with the Source column. When a new log file has been created using the Add
button, a new Log ID will be assigned. Deleting an log file entry using the Delete button will not disturb other Log

log files are categorized into the different types which will effect their period :

1. A-Spot – (Spot) Logs analog point values. Minimum period is 1 second and 10 seconds is recommended.
Smaller values depend on the number of licensed points and type of PC used.
2. Average - logs analog point values using an averaging algorithm. Minimum period is two seconds.
3. Hourly Analog Statistics - log statistical A-point values, with period at one sample per 3600 seconds.
4. Shiftly Analog Statistics - log statistical A-point values, user defined period. Depends on shift
5. Daily Analog Statistics - log statistical A-point values, with a period value at one sample per 86400
6. Hourly Digital Statistics - log statistical B-point values, with a period value at one sample per 3600
7. Shiftly Digital Statistics - log statistical B-point values, user defined period. Depends on shift
8. Daily Digital Statistics - log statistical B-point values, with a period value at one sample per 86400
9. B-Spot – Logs digital point values, Minimum period is 1 second. The horizon is limited, and any number
of samples violating the maximum horizon is rejected. The value logged is the operating state of the B-

Reference Manual SDR Log Configuration SDR Log Configuration • 3

Described in seconds and depended on log file type. The user can define the period if type is Spot or Average.
Otherwise must have same frequency as type, if log file type is Hourly Analog Statistics, frequency must be 3600

The total number of samples to be taken. Is combined with the period column to produce the horizon column. The
maximum number of samples is depended on the size of the log file created, witch must not exceed 2 Gigabytes
(approx. 2 billion bytes). To calculate the maximum value use the following equation:

FileSize = Samples * NoOfLogPoints * LogTypeSize ,

where LogType and NoOfPoint are depended of the selected log type.

Log Type SelectedNoOfLogPoints LogTypeSize

(Total number of)
A-Spot A-points 4 bytes
Average A-points 4 bytes
Hourly Analog Statistics A-points 32 bytes
Shiftly Analog Statistics A-points 32 bytes
Daily Analog Statistics A-points 32 bytes
Hourly Digital Statistics B-points 16 bytes
Shiftly Digital Statistics B-points 16 bytes
Daily Digital Statistics B-points 16 bytes
B-Spot B-points 1 byte

Example: A system with 20,000 A-points can produce a maximum of :

2,147,483,648 / (32 * 20,000) = 3,355 Hourly Analog Statistics samples.
So this log will go about 139 days back.
Horizon, a product of period (in seconds) and samples, is displayed in standard time, days hours: minutes: seconds.
For example, if the period is defined as every 20 seconds and samples as 500, the horizon will be 10 000 seconds or
Source, is used with average log files to take samples from other log files. User enters a Log ID here. For example:
source for Log ID: 3 is 2, and then log file 3 will take values from log file 2. It is important to note that the log file's
source must have a smaller or same period as the log file.
File Path, defines the location of the log file. A directory path can be typed in this field, e.g. C:\FLSAlog. Type
"Log Directory" in this field to save the log file in the default log file location.
File Name, this is where you define the file name of the log file. The name of the file specifies which of the tree log
types the file contains.
Spot logs: *spot*.log
Average logs: *avg*.log
Statistics logs: *stat*.log
The wildcard (*) symbolizes any text or numbers.
The filename will be rejected if these rules are not followed.

Size, is the log file size in KB. A '-1' represents that the log file has not been committed.
The maximum log file size is 2 Gigabytes (2,147,483 Kbytes). Please ensure this limit by reducing the number of

4 • SDR Log Configuration Reference Manual SDR Log Configuration

Under the table are the following information:
Free disk space, shows the amount of free space on the disk where the log files are located.
Required space, shows the disk space required in order to apply changes (added logs / extended logs).
Required for copy, shows the disk space temporary required in order to keep data for extended logs.
On the bottom of the Common Log Tab, are the following buttons:
Reset, cancel changes and return to settings since last Apply.
Check, is used to ensure there is enough disk space for the new log file.
Apply, becomes available only after the Check button has been pressed, is used to accept changes to the log file
Help, is used to retrieve the on-line help.

Reference Manual SDR Log Configuration SDR Log Configuration • 5

Glossary of Terms

An analog point.

A binary point.

Reference Manual SDR Log Configuration Glossary of Terms • 7

Shiftly Analog Statistics 3
Shiftly Digital Statistics 3
Size 4
Source 3
Suppress Logging of report suppressed values 2

Index T
Type 3

Alarm count 1
Alarm time 1
Apply 5
Average 1, 3

Calculated 1
Check 5
Commit 5

Daily Analog Statistics 3
Daily Digital Statistics 3

Error count 1

File Name 4
File Path 4

Horizon 4
Hourly Analog Statistics 3
Hourly Digital Statistics 3

Maximum 1
Minimum 1

Reset 5

Samples 4

Reference Manual SDR Log Configuration Index • 9

Reference Manual

SDR Note Pad

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 1:58p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrNotepUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Note Pad 1
Introduction 1
Starting Note Pad 2

The Note Pad User Interfaces 3

Note Pad Browser UI 3
The Command Buttons 4
Toolbar 5
New Note Dialog 6
Settings Dialog 7
Type Definitions 7
Print Dialog 9

Advanced user guide 10

Definitions 10
Changing the Predefinitions 10
Security 11
External VBA Use 11
VBA Methods 12

Glossary of Terms 15

Index 17

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad Contents • iii

SDR Note Pad

The objective of the NotePad application is to satisfy a need for leaving a note to other users, about a given situation
on the plant. This could be a note to an alarm event, that the current operator would like the next shift to keep an eye
The notes are viewed in the Note Pad Browser and has apart from the subject line four attributes:

• Timestamp - the time of creation

• NoteType - a choice between predefined types e.g. "Point"
• PointCode - The Point code of a relevant point.
• Creator - The person that created the note, taken from the system login.
• Recipient - A predefined group of people that is meant to see the note.

Changing the predefined types of the Note Type and the Recipient are explained in the chapter "Changing the

In most cases the keyboard can be used instead of the mouse. Under each description of the user interface a keyboard
shortcut table is found. This table apply only for UI's in English language.
Beside the shortcut keys, the normal window keys can be used. The TAB key move the focus between controls and
cursor keys and SPACE changes values.

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad SDR Note Pad • 1

Starting Note Pad
Note Pad can be started from ECS Opstation or from the START menu as shown below.

There is one start up option: NoLogo.

If the program are started with the NoLogo option, there will be no FLS Automation watermark on the printed pages.
The option can be used in the following ways:
SdrNotepUI30.exe NoLogo
SdrNotepUI30.exe -NoLogo
SdrNotepUI30.exe /NoLogo
When SdrNotepUI30.exe is started the program automatically starts the NotePad Server (SdrNotepSvr30.exe). The
server can be contacted for note information through a VBA application like Microsoft Excel.
More information on this in the Advanced user guide s VBA Use.

2 • SDR Note Pad Reference Manual SDR Note Pad

The Note Pad User Interfaces

Note Pad Browser UI

In the Note Pad Browser User Interface you are able to locate and view notes. The list will according to the filter
function show either all notes or notes with a given point code. The point can be retrieved from the starting
application e.g. ECS OpStation or selected from the Point List(more: Toolbar functions). The point code can also be
typed in manually and the search for notes start by pushing either ENTER or the "Show Notes" button. If the filter
presently are at the "All Notes" position, it is also possibly to start the search simply by selecting the "Point Only"
filter function.
If no notes with the supplied point code were found, the status line will show "No Notes found".

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad The Note Pad User Interfaces • 3
The list can be sorted by date/time, by subject, by point code, by recipient or by creator. The sorting is set by
clicking on the list-header for the desired column.
It is also possible to resize the list columns by dragging the header.
Both sorting and column size are reset to default values at program start up.

Shortcut keys for English version

ALT + a Append note
ALT + n New note
ALT + c Close application
ALT + p Show Point only
ALT + l Show All Notes

The Command Buttons

This will course the New Note dialog to appear, giving you the opportunity to create a new note. If
the note is relevant to a certain point code, the point code has to be selected before pushing the New Note Button.

This button will start the New Note dialog with the same point code, recipient, subject, type and
note text as the selected note. The old note text will be indented with a ">" sign and the new text can be added to the
note where desired.
Is it also possible to change the subject, note type and the recipient but not the point code.

Pressing "Show Notes" will cause the list of notes to be updated, showing only notes with a given
point code (supplied in the point code field).
If no notes are found the status line will show "No notes found" and the point list will be empty.
Pressing this button is equivalent to pressing the "Point Only" radio button or pressing ENTER from the point code

This will course the application to close and is equivalent to pressing the "X" close button in the
upper right corner.
All created notes, changed note settings and the browser window position on the desktop is saved.
Sorting, column size and view information are not saved.

4 • The Note Pad User Interfaces Reference Manual SDR Note Pad
Point list Navigation

Navigates through the point list and retrieve point codes.

(open point list, previous point, current point, next point). After receiving a point code the Note Pad will switch the
filter mode to "Point Only" and thereby showing relevant notes. If no notes are found the status line will show "No
notes found" and the point list will show the last valid list of notes.

New Note

Opens the New Note dialog. This is equivalent to pressing the New Note Button. If the new note has to have a
reference to a point code, the point has to be selected in the filter before pressing the New Note button. This can for
instance be done by using the point list navigators, as described above.

Print Note

Opens the Print Note dialog. If you want to print a selection of notes, you need to select the notes before
pressing the Print note button. This is done by clicking the desired notes in the list while holding down the CTRL
key. You can also use the SHIFT key to select several notes in a row.


Pressing this toolbar button will start the Settings dialog. The dialog will be shown even if the user access rights
wont allow the user to save the settings.

Change View

This button changes the view mode in the note list. The modes are :
• Detail mode
• Small Icons mode
• Large Icons mode
• List mode

The modes will rotate every time the button is pushed. When the mode are different than the default "Detail mode",
the note details will be displayed in the Status line at the bottom of the Browser.


Show this help file.

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad The Note Pad User Interfaces • 5
New Note Dialog
The New Note dialog box can be started as a "New Note" dialog or an "Appended note" dialog depending on what
button is used to start the dialog with. The dialog is the same, but in the "Appended Note" dialog the fields are filled
with the values from the note selected in the browser.

If the "Use first line as subject" in the Settings a enabled, the first line of the note text will be used as the subject, but
only if the subject field is left blank before pushing the create button.
If the "AutoType" function is enabled the subject will be written while you write the note text.
The Type and the Recipient selector contain predefined entries and a selection can take place only between the
defined values.
The "Point Code" field contain the value from the last used filter in the Browser or the point code of the note that the
new note is appended to and cannot be changed.
The "Create" button saves the note to the system database and the "Close" button leaves without saving.

Shortcut keys for English version

ALT + a Auto type on/off
ALT + r Create note
ALT + c Close dialog

6 • The Note Pad User Interfaces Reference Manual SDR Note Pad
Settings Dialog
In the Settings dialog there are three setting that a user with administrator rights can control.

"Default recipient" is the predefined recipient that are used when a new note dialog is shown.
When the "Use first line of note as subject" checkbox is set, the user can leave the subject field blank when creating
a new note. The first valid line of the note text will then be inserted as the subject line.
"No. of days for notes to expire" tells the Note Pad server how old a note can be before it is deleted. Valid entries are
from 729 days (2 years) to 1 day. The default setting are 60 days.
Please show extreme caution when changing this to other values. Too many notes will slow down the system, but
on the other hand deleted notes cannot be retrieved.
Please read the Advanced user guide for more detail.

Type Definitions
The different types has a check box on the left side of the type icon. If the check mark is present the type is active, if
not the type is inactive (will not be used).
To add a new type, click the "Add" button and then select the new empty type. Press the "Edit" button and write a
name for the type in the name field. select the icon to be used and enter a language reference if desired. Then press
The language reference is a reference to an entry in the language database. If a language reference is supplied the
name will not be used ! Instead the system will look for an entry in the language database with the ID supplied in the
Language database
This way, the Type name will change with the local language setting for the entire ECS system.

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad The Note Pad User Interfaces • 7
The is six predefined entries in the language database :


1. DefNoteTypeGeneral
2. DefNoteTypePoint
3. DefNoteTypeError
4. DefNoteTypeInform
5. DefNoteTypeCritical
6. DefNoteTypeMaintenance

The 32 Icons that are supplied is :

Icon 1 - 8 :

Icon 9- 16 :

Icon 17- 24:

Icon 25 - 32 :

It is not possible to custom define icons.

The type definitions can be edited from any ECS client and will be sent to the server.

Shortcut keys for English version

ALT + u Use first line of note as subject of/off
ALT + o OK - save changes
ALT + c Close dialog – without saving
ALT + a Add a new note type
ALT + e Edit the selected note type
ALT + d Delete the selected note type
ALT + p Apply changes to the selected note type
ALT + r Undo not applied changes to the selected note type

8 • The Note Pad User Interfaces Reference Manual SDR Note Pad
Print Dialog
The Print dialog is invoked with the print button on the toolbar in the Note Pad Browser UI.
You can print either a selection of notes or all notes from a number of days back. When printing a selection of notes
the selection has to be done before opening the print dialog. This is done by clicking the desired notes in the Browser
list while holding down the CTRL key. You can also use the SHIFT key to select several notes in a row. Then press
the print dialog button on the toolbar.
When printing notes from a number of days back, select that radio button and write the number of days in the field to
the right. The number of days must be between 1 day and 729 days ( 2 years).
To print all notes in the system use 729 days.

You can select a printer from the system printers. Default selection is the "default system printer".
You can use a font size between 1 and 20 and a border size between 1 and 20, and set the number of copies to be
The paper size and the font typeface, will be the printer default.
Press "Print" to begin printing or "Close" to cancel the print.
The print will look like this :

Shortcut keys for English version

ALT + p Start print
ALT + i Print selection only
ALT + r Print notes from the last number of days
ALT + c Close dialog

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad The Note Pad User Interfaces • 9
Advanced user guide

The system can hold 2,147,483,647 (2 billion) notes, dated from the 1st. of January 2000 to the of December
If the NotePad server finds a note that a dated outside these limits, the note will be copied into a new note and then
deleted at the next clean up.
The generated note will have an explaining message appended to the note text in the local language.
This kind of clean-up is done at program start and then automatically once every day. Until the time when a invalid
note can be rewritten the date of the note is shown as 01.01.00.
For performance reasons it is recommended that the maximum number of notes in the system is kept under 1000.
This is ensured by setting the "No. of days for notes to expire" to the number of days it takes for the users to generate
this many notes. The default value is 60 days. This is done in the Settings dialog.
An instant cleanup is done by setting "No. of days for notes to expire" to 1 and then close and restart the application.
Then only the notes from the current day will survive.
If the database is taking up to much space it can be compacted with the compact function in Microsoft Access' tools
The database is named SdrNotep30.mdb and is located in the \ProDB\ directory.
The Note Pad client will make a quick refresh five times a minute and a total refresh every 5 minutes.
Expired notes will be deleted at program start and then once a day.
Deleted notes cannot be retrieved.

Changing the Predefinitions

The predefinitions of the Note types and the Recipients can be changed in the following way, using Microsoft

Recipient definitions
The Recipients definitions are located in the SdrNoteRecipient table in the SdrNotep30.mdb database in the ProDB
The table consist of three fields :
RecipientNo : A ID number between 1 and 255 that represent the recipient. The number is required and has to be
RecipientName : (optional) The displayed text, if no LangRef is supplied.
LangRef : A reference to an entry in the language database. (Optional if a recipientName is supplied)
If a LangRef is supplied the RecipientName will not be used. Instead the system will look for an entry in the
language database with the ID supplied in the LangRef field.
This way, the Name of the recipient will change with the local language setting for the entire ECS system.

10 • Advanced user guide Reference Manual SDR Note Pad

There are four predefined LangRef ID's :
1. DefRecipAll
2. DefRecipOperator
3. DefRecipManager
4. DefRecipMaintenance

If a new recipient is added that is not represented in the language database, use the RecipientName field to supply
the recipient with a name, but be sure to leave the LangRef field empty.

There are three security levels in the Note Pad system
• All Users - can view and print notes.
• Operators - can also create notes.
• Administrators - can also change the settings.
All dialogs are visible even if permissions to press OK or Create is not granted.
The OK or Create buttons will simply be disabled (shaded).
No user can delete a note - only the Note Pad system can and only if the note are expired.
No user can change a note that are already written. It is only possibly to append a new note with a changed

External VBA Use

The Note Pad server can be contacted for external use of Note Pad functions. There is several methods you can use
in a VBA script using for instance Microsoft Excel.
For more information on the Note Pad Server methods the VBA Methods table contain a short guide to some of the
Below is a Excel VBA example, where a click on a button makes the three last note subject and note texts appear in
six cells.
• First the Note pas server has to be started and initialised.
• Then GetLastNoteNo get the numbers of the last three notes and uses these numbers to gain access to the
notes themselves.
• After inserting the note texts and subjects, the objects is destroyed.
'VBA code example
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim obj_NoteServer As SdrNotepSvr30.clsINotepSvr
Dim objSdrCreateObject As PtaEnvAuto20.clsPtaCreate
Dim vNoteArr As Variant
Dim vSubjectArr() As Variant
Dim NoteTextArr() As Variant

' Start server

Set objSdrCreateObject = New PtaEnvAuto20.clsPtaCreate
Set obj_NoteServer = objSdrCreateObject.CreateObject _
("SdrNotepSvr30.clsNotepSvr", "SDR", "")

' Get last 3 notes

obj_NoteServer.GetLastNoteNo 3, NoteArr
obj_NoteServer.GetNotes NoteArr, , vSubjectArr, , , , , NoteTextArr

' Insert in Sheet

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad Advanced user guide • 11

Cells(2, 2) = vSubjectArr(0)
Cells(3, 2) = NoteTextArr(0)

Cells(9, 2) = vSubjectArr(1)
Cells(10, 2) = NoteTextArr(1)

Cells(16, 2) = vSubjectArr(2)
Cells(17, 2) = NoteTextArr(2)

' Destruct objects

Set obj_NoteServer = Nothing
Set objSdrCreateObject = Nothing
End Sub

VBA Methods
Below is a table of some of the available methods.
Public Function GetAllNoteNo(ByRef vNoteNo As Variant) As Long

Retrieves all the note numbers of notes in the system.

Public Function GetNoteNoByPoint( _
ByVal sPointCode As String, _
ByRef vNoteNo As Variant) As Long

Retrieves a list of note numbers from notes with a given point code
Public Function GetNoteNoByDate( _
ByVal dtmFromDate As Date, _
ByVal dtmToDate As Date, _
ByRef vNoteNo As Variant) As Long

Retrieves a list of note numbers of notes between to dates.

Public Function GetLastNoteNo( _
ByVal nLastNotes As Long, _
ByRef vNoteNo As Variant) As Long

Retrieves a list of note numbers from the newest n notes in the system.
Public Function GetNote( _
ByVal lNoteNo As Long, _
Optional ByRef dtmDate As Date, _
Optional ByRef sSubject As String, _
Optional ByRef sPointCode As String, _
Optional ByRef sCreator As String, _
Optional ByRef nNoteType As Byte, _
Optional ByRef nRecipient As Byte, _
Optional ByRef sNoteText As String) As Long

Retrieves the contents of a note with the supplied note number.

12 • Advanced user guide Reference Manual SDR Note Pad

Public Function GetNotes( _
ByVal vNoteNo As Variant, _
Optional ByRef vDate As Variant, _
Optional ByRef vSubject As Variant, _
Optional ByRef vPointCode As Variant, _
Optional ByRef vCreator As Variant, _
Optional ByRef vNoteType As Variant, _
Optional ByRef vRecipient As Variant, _
Optional ByRef vNoteText As Variant) As Long

Retrieves an array of contents of notes with the supplied note numbers.

Public Function NewNote( _
Optional ByVal sSubject As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sPointCode As String = "", _
Optional ByVal Recipient As Byte = 1, _
Optional ByVal sCreator As String = "", _
Optional ByVal nNoteType As Byte = 1, _
Optional ByVal sNoteText As String = "") As

Makes a new note in the system.

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad Advanced user guide • 13

Glossary of Terms

Note Pad Browser

The main window in the program.

Predefined types
The predefined types are the type of recipient and the type of a note. They are normally defined at install time. Se the
Advanced user guide section.

Visual Basic for Applications - programming language useable from many Microsoft products like Word and Excel.

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad Glossary of Terms • 15

New Note Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 4, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 6, 10, 11, 13

Index New Note dialog Error! Not a valid bookmark in

entry on page 4, Error! Not a valid
bookmark in entry on page 6
Note Pad Browser 1, 3, 9
Note Pad Browser UI 3
NoteType 1

paper size 9
Point list 3, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
A on page 4
PointCode 1
Advanced user guide 2, 7, 10 predefinitions 1, 10
Appended note 6 Print dialog 9
AutoType 6
Recipient 1, 4, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
border size 9 entry on page 6, 10, 13
Browser 1, 3, Error! Not a valid bookmark in Recipient definitions 10
entry on page 4
Security 11
change a note 11 security levels 11
Change View 5 Settings dialog 5, 7, 10
Changing the predefinitions 1, 10 Show Notes 3, 4
copies 9
Creator 1, 4
D Timestamp 1
Toolbar 3, 5, 9
Definitions Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 10
delete a note 11
Deleted notes 7, 10 VBA 2, 11
VBA example 11
E VBA Methods 11

Excel 2, 11
External VBA use 11

font 9

Help 5

Icons 5, 8

Reference Manual SDR Note Pad Index • 17

Reference Manual

SDR W2K Security

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 2:07p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrNtSecurity30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR W2K Security 1
Introduction 1
SDR W2K groups and user accounts 1
SDR W2K user account creation 3
W2K policy editor 5
Setting up user policies 5
Control panel, Display 6
Desktop 6
Shell, Restrictions 7
System, Restrictions 8
Windows NT Shell, user interface 8
Windows NT Shell, Custom folders 8
Windows NT Shell, Restrictions 9
Windows NT System 10
Special user restrictions 10
Change the system time 10
Program groups 10
Active Directory 11
Introduction 11
Example 1. 12
Example 2. 12

Appendix A 13
Set up locally-based system policies 13

Glossary of Terms 15

Index 17

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security Contents • iii

SDR W2K Security

SDR W2K security is based on the following:
• Windows 2000 security, including Users and Passwords, Local Security Policy DCOM security.
• Windows 2000 Active Directory, including Active Directory Users and Computers
• Windows 2000 policy editor.
• SDR User Access Control (UAC).
In a workgroup installation you use the Local Security Settings mmc snap-in to control the settings for the computer
e.g. who can change the system time. With Local Security Settings you can only set security settings for one user. To
control security for different user on one computer you use the policy editor (poledit.exe), e.g. restrict access to the
In a Windows 2000 Domain you use the Active Directory Users and Computers to control the security settings for
the computer and different users.
The SDR user access control (SDR-UAC) system is used to edit access rights to SDR control functions. Procedures
for performing these operations are given below.

SDR W2K groups and user accounts

When SDR is installed user groups and default user accounts are created.
The W2K groups and default user accounts are explained below. Please note that the settings described below are
accurate at the time of this writing. However, the settings made by the installation program are the most up to date,
and should not be tampered with.

Local Groups
The following local groups are defined, "Flsa Users" and "Flsa Administrators". The "Flsa Users" group allows
access to SDR-NT COM servers, shares, registry, etc. The "Flsa Administrators" is used for grouping Flsa
administrator accounts.

The attributes of the "Flsa Users" group are:

• Rights: No special rights.

The attributes of the "Flsa Administrators" group are:

• Rights: No special rights.

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security SDR W2K Security • 1

Global Groups
Two global groups are defined when installing the ECS/SDR system in a domain.
Global groups can only be created in a domain. The groups are added to Active Directory Users and Computers.
Domain members that need access to ECS/SDR product are added to the global groups. The global groups gain
access to the secure objects through their membership of the local groups.
Do not directly add the global groups to any secure objects ACL. Route their access through the local group. No
special rights are set for global groups.

"Flsa Domain Admins"

This global group is used for grouping Flsa administrator accounts. A user does not get administrator rights by being
added to this group.
The attributes of the “Flsa Domain Admins” global group are:
• Member of: Local group "Flsa Administrators".

"Flsa Domain Users"

This global group is used for grouping Flsa user accounts
The attributes of the “Flsa Domain Users” global group are:
• Member of: Local group "Flsa Users" and local group “Server Operators”. “Server Operators” is needed to
allow access to shares.

User accounts
The following default user accounts are created when SDR-NT is installed:

The FlsaServer account is used for SDR COM servers, which run in the FlsaServer security context. The attributes of
the FlsaServer account are:
• W2K workgroup: Member of: "Flsa Users", “Power Users” and Users. “Power Users” is needed to allow
access to shares.
• W2K domain: Member of: "Flsa Domain Users" and “Domain Users”.
• Password: Hard coded by SDR-NT installation program to “918273645".
• Rights: Log on as batch job. Log on as service.

The FlsaMain account (main for maintenance) is used by the SDR-NT manager to perform SDR maintenance
The attributes of the FlsaMain account are:
• W2K workgroup: Member of: "Flsa Users", "Flsa Administrators" and "Administrators".
• W2K domain: Member of: "Flsa Domain Users", “Flsa Domain Admins”, "Domain Users" and “Domain
• Password: User given at SDR W2K installation, but defaulted to “password”.
• Rights: No special rights.
• Profile type: Can be roaming if domain account. Profile path =

2 • SDR W2K Security Reference Manual SDR W2K Security

The Flsa account is the default user account created during SDR W2K installation, and the template to create other
user accounts.
The attributes of the Flsa account are:
• W2K workgroup: Member of: "Flsa Users", “Power Users” and Users.. “Power Users” is needed to allow
access to shares.
• W2K domain: Member of: "Flsa Domain Users" and “Domain Users”.
• Password: SDR installation sets to blank.
• Rights: Domain member accounts needs the right "Log on locally" to log on at the Active Directory.
• Profile type: Can be roaming if domain account. Profile path = "%LOGONSERVER%\NETLOGON\Flsa".

SDR W2K user account creation

The steps for creating a SDR W2K user account are described in detail below.
There are two scenarios when creating user accounts, one for a domain environment and one for a workgroup
Creating a new workgroup account.
Normally the procedure must be repeated for each client PC (DOP) that the user must access, as well as each server
With the Users and Passwords do the following:

The Users and Passwords can be found in Start menu, Settings Control Panel.

• Login as Administrator.
• Invoke the User Manager.
• Add a new user. (In W2K workgroup you can’t copy a user)
• Include the new user in the following groups: FlsaUsers, Power Users and Users.
• Do not change the default rights.

• Repeat this procedure for each client PC (DOPs) that the user must access, as well as each server PC

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security SDR W2K Security • 3

Creating a new domain account.
With the Active Directory Users and Computers do the following:

The Active Directory Users and Computers can be found in Start menu, Programs, Administrative
• Login as Administrator.
• Invoke the Active Directory Users and Computers.
• Right click User and select New/User.
• Or expand Users and right-click a user and select Copy.
• Include the new user in the following groups: Flsa Domain Users and Domain Users.
• Do not change the default rights.

Tailoring the new account's ECS Start Menu..

• The administrator should log into the new account.
• The ECS NTech start menu is automatically created at first login. If not, or if it has been deleted, a copy of
the start menu is found in flsadev\profiles\Start menu.
• Use Start/Settings/Taskbar to customise the default ECS NTech start menu.
• Logoff.

Using the Policy editor (described in next section) to customise the new account’s desktop.
• Login as administrator.
• Invoke the Policy Editor. The Policy Editor is described latter.
• Logoff

The new account is now ready for use. Remember to repeat the procedures for each client PC (DOP) that the user
need to access, as well as each server PC (MOP).

4 • SDR W2K Security Reference Manual SDR W2K Security

W2K policy editor
The W2K Policy editor can be used to tailor the W2K desktop in a workgroup installation. For example it can be
configured so that a user account is denied access to the “Run” dialog in the Start menu, or to the Control Panel. This
section will describe the procedures setting users policies, and setting locally based system policies.

Setting up user policies

To enable Locally Based system policies on a Windows 2000 professional or standalone server refer to Appendix A.

Start the Policy Editor by typing poledit.exe at Run…

Use the Windows 2000 policy editor to create user policies.
If poledit is not installed, run the ADMINPAK.MSI found in \FLSADev\ToolsNT\SvrTools
If first time select, New policy.

Note! Be careful when editing Default Computer or Default Users. You might get a situation where you cannot
enter with administrative rights.

To enter a policy for a user, click on add user and add the user in question.

Note! Group policies do not work for local groups.

After the user has been added, the properties for the user can be set. Double click on the user to get the Properties

Figure 1. Windows 2000 Policy Editor, Poledit.exe, here shown is Default Computer and Default Users.

Once the properties window appears, the Policies tab with an expandable list becomes available. This list contains
different desktop control mechanisms. By expanding the structure, desktop control restriction selection boxes will
appear. For example, by expanding Control Panel, Display, there is a Restrict display box, selecting this box will
prevent the Control Panel from displaying.
Some policies have detailed restrictions; these policies can have specific restrictions, which the administrator can
choose from in the lower list. For example, the Control Panel, Display, Restrict display can have selective
restrictions concern the display of different tabs.
After you have edited the policies, save your policy to: Winnt\sysvol\Scripts\Ntconfig.pol.
The following pictures show an example of an flsa user setup.

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security SDR W2K Security • 5

Control panel, Display
Do not display the control panel.

Figure 2. Properties window for the flsa user, in this figure we have configured the policy such that the flsa user will
have no access to the Control Panel.

The user can select wallpaper and Color scheme.

Figure 3. Properties window for user flsa, controlling desktop properties such as Wallpaper and Color scheme.

6 • SDR W2K Security Reference Manual SDR W2K Security

Shell, Restrictions
Remove Run command from Start menu, prevents the user from running programs directly.
Remove folders from Settings on Start menu, prevents the user from access to printer configuration.
Remove Taskbar from settings menu, prevents the user from changing the taskbar layout and from changing the Start
Menu Programs setting.
Remove Find command from Start menu, prevent the user from finding and running programs.
Hide drives in My computer, prevents the user from accessing drives.
Hide Network Neighbourhood, prevents the user from accessing the network neighbourhood.
No entire Network in Network neighbourhood prevents the user from browsing the network neighbourhood.
No workgroup contents in Network Neighbourhood, prevents the user from browsing the workgroup.
Hide all items on the desktop, prevents the user access to desktop icons.
Disable Shut Down command, prevents the user from shutting down the computer.
Don't save settings at exit, changes made by the user will not be saved at exit.

Figure 4. In this figure, more restrictions can be applied to the Start menu, and etc…

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security SDR W2K Security • 7

System, Restrictions
Disable Registry editing tools, prevents the user from altering the contents of the registry.
Run only allowed Windows applications, prevents the user from running any programs other than allowed. Note if
this entry is selected the program Systray.exe must be included or the user will get an error at logon.

Figure 5. Access to applications can also be controlled as seen in this figure. Use the Show… button to see a list of
allowed applications as seen in the figure 6.

Windows NT Shell, user interface

The user interface can be defined.

Windows NT Shell, Custom folders

The user access to folders and content of folders can be defined here.

8 • SDR W2K Security Reference Manual SDR W2K Security

Windows NT Shell, Restrictions
Only use approved shell extensions, prevents user from use of other shell extensions than defined.
Remove File menu from explorer, prevents the user from use of the file menu in the explorer.
Remove common program groups from Start menu, prevents the user from access to the common program group in
the Start menu.
Disable context menus from the taskbar, prevents the user from access to the taskbar context menu.
Disable Explorer's default context menu, prevents the user from access to explorer's default context menu.
Remove the "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Network Drive", prevents the user from mapping and
disconnecting network drives.
Disable link files tracking, prevents links to files from being tracked.

Figure 7. Windows NT Shell, Restrictions for flsa user, some restriction selection boxes are filled, e.g. Only use
approved shell extensions, this indicate that there is partial restriction, select the restriction to see more details in
the lower list.

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security SDR W2K Security • 9

Windows NT System
Parse Autoexec.bat, environments parameters from autoexec.bat to be included.
Run logon scripts synchronously, wait for logon script to complete before starting the shell.
Disable Task Manager prevents the user from access to the task manager.
Show welcome tips at logon, the user will get welcome tips at logon.

Figure 8. Restrictions of the Windows NT System for the flsa user.

Special user restrictions

Change the system time

To restrict users from changing the system time open the Local Security Settings /Local Policies/ User Rights
Assignment and remove the right "Change the system time" from the group where the user is member.
For restricting "Flsa" users remove the right "Change the system time" from the group "Power Users" where "Flsa"
users are members.

Program groups
To remove programs from the users programs folder, edit the "Programs" folder for the user in question.
Use the explorer and in the folder "Document and settings\flsa\Start Menu\Programs\" remove unwanted programs,
substitute "flsa" with the user in question.

10 • SDR W2K Security Reference Manual SDR W2K Security

Active Directory

In a domain installation all user rights and security settings are managed through the Active Directory Users and
Computers. During installation several groups and users are added to the active directory. These users and groups are
default located at Users in Active Directory Users and Computers. If you want to assign special rights or restrictions
to a user or a group you create an Organizational Unit (OU) and assign it a specific Group policy. Then you move
the user to the new OU and the user will inherit the group policy from the OU.

1. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers

2. Right click the domain and select new/Organizational Unit
3. Type a name for the new OU, e.g. Operators
4. Right click the new OU and select Properties
5. Click the Group Policy tab.

1. Click New and type a name for the new group policy, e.g. Operator
2. Select the new policy and click Edit

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security SDR W2K Security • 11

1. Make the changes to the policy you want and close the Group Policy and the Properties window.
2. In Users right click the user you want to assign the new policy and click Move…
3. Select the newly created OU and click Ok.
4. The user will now inherit the Group Policy from the OU.

Example 1.
How to remove all icons from a users desktop.
1. Select Properties/Group Policy/Edit for the OU, which contains the user for who you want to remove all the
icons on the desktop.
2. Expand User Configuration/Administrative Templates and select Desktop.
3. Right click Hide all icons on Desktop and click Properties.
4. Click Enabled and Ok.

Example 2.
How to remove the Run… command from a users start menu.
1. Select Properties/Group Policy/Edit for the OU, which contains the user for who you want to remove all
programs in the start menu.
2. Expand User Configuration/Administrative Templates and select Start Menu & Taskbar.
3. Right click Remove Run menu from Start menu.
4. Click Enabled and Ok.

12 • SDR W2K Security Reference Manual SDR W2K Security

Appendix A

Set up locally-based system policies

To enable Locally Based system policies on a Windows 2000 professional or standalone server (not a domain
controller), follow the following procedure:

1. Create a folder winnt\sysvol\script and share it as NETLOGON with permissions everyone read and
administrator full access.
2. Open System Policy Editor (poledit.exe)
3. On the File menu click New Policy
4. On the Edit menu click New User
5. Click Browse to select a user to add.
6. Double-click the new user and make the changes you want.
7. Save the policy in the folder created earlier ( winnt\sysvol\script )
8. On the File menu click Open Registry
9. Double-click Local Computer, double-click Network, double-click System Policies Update, and then click
Remote Update so that it is selected. (Checkmark)
10. In the Update Mode box, click Manual (Use Specific Path).
11. In the Path for manual update box type the path to the shared directory where you saved the policy file,

TIP: Every person or computer that logs on after a policy is in place is subject to the policy. Therefore, it is a good
idea to not edit the default user or computer until you are familiar with System Policies. A good idea to use is to
make a test user/group account in "Users and Passwords" and then make a specific policy for this user/group in
System Policy Editor. After you have the policy working properly you can then transfer the policy to the production
You can save the policy file to a netlogon share on a SDR server and type the path in registry settings for the local
computer. In this way you only have to make one policy file for more than one computer.

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security Appendix A • 13

Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security Glossary of Terms • 15


Error! No index entries found.

Reference Manual SDR W2K Security Index • 17

Reference Manual

ECS OpStation
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 2:11p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrOpsCfgUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS OpStation Configuration 1
Introduction 1
General Configuration 1
Faceplate Displays 2
A-Point Algorithm Faceplates 2
B-Point Algorithm Faceplates 3
Home pictures 4
Department Home pictures 4
Point Home pictures 5
External Servers 8
Abbreviations 11
Picture directories 12

Glossary of Terms 13

Index 15

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration Contents • iii

ECS OpStation Configuration

The OpStation Configuration utility is used to assign
• The start-up model display
• The background color to be used for all graphic displays
• The faceplates to be associated with A and B-point algorithms
• The home pictures to be associated with departments and points
• The external data servers employed and there locations
• The set of abbreviation texts employed by the system
Locating and selecting ECS OpStation Configuration from the desktop START menu access the utility.
All settings configured apply globally to the whole system independent of the machine where the utility is run from.

General Configuration
After the OpStation Configuration display appears, the General tab will be in focus.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration ECS OpStation Configuration • 1

Host name The Default entry will always be in the list. Specified the computer name for which the setting is
applied. If nothing is specified for a computer the default settings are used.
TopModel Name Enter the name of the model that is displayed when ECS OpStation is started. This setting is the
computer default. On the local machine selecting a local top model applicable to that machine may overwrite it.
Local top model is selected from the Options menu of ECS OpStation.
Background color The selected color is used on all model displays on the particular computer.

Add – To add a computer host to the list.
Modify – To modify the settings for a computer.
Delete – To delete the settings for a computer and revert to default.

Faceplate Displays
During operation, a faceplate display associated with a graphic object can be opened to review additional or more
detailed information. The type of faceplate display that appears depends on the following:
1. If a faceplate is assigned to the object, the assigned faceplate is opened.
2. If no faceplate is assigned to the object, the conversion algorithm assigned to the object owner is
determined. The faceplate assigned to the algorithm is then opened.
3. If neither 1 nor 2 is true, no faceplate is opened.
4. Faceplates are assigned to conversion algorithms using the ECS OpStation Configuration utility.

A-Point Algorithm Faceplates

To associate faceplates with A-Point conversion, start the ECS OpStation Configuration utility and click on the A
point algorithm faceplates tab.

A-point algorithm This column lists the number and name of each A-point algorithm.
Faceplate The faceplate that is displayed for an object owned by an A point with this algorithm. This faceplate is
displayed only if no faceplate has been assigned to the object.

2 • ECS OpStation Configuration Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration

Selecting faceplates
Click on the field first to select a faceplate. This enables a drop down list. Then select a faceplate name from the list.

Deleting faceplates
Delete a single faceplate by a click on a faceplate field followed by press on the Delete key.
Delete a range of faceplates by multiple selections (click and drag) followed by press on Delete key.
Delete the whole table by a click in the faceplate column header followed by press on the Delete key.

Apply - Commit all the changes to the table
Reset - Reset values to the latest applied

B-Point Algorithm Faceplates

To associate faceplates with B-Point conversion, start the ECS OpStation Configuration utility and click on the B
point algorithm faceplates tab.

B-point algorithm This column lists the number and name of each B-point algorithm.
Faceplate Name The faceplate that is displayed for an object owned by a B-point with this algorithm. This
faceplate is displayed only if no faceplate has been assigned to the object.

Selecting faceplates
Click on the field first to select a faceplate. This enables a drop down list. Then select a faceplate name from the list.

Deleting faceplates
Delete a single faceplate by a click on a faceplate field followed by press on the Delete key.
Delete a range of faceplates by multiple selections (click and drag) followed by press on Delete key.
Delete the whole table by a click in the faceplate column header followed by press on the Delete key.

Apply - Commit all the changes to the table
Reset - Reset values to the latest applied

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration ECS OpStation Configuration • 3

Home pictures
A home picture is used for fast navigation from alarm list and other applications to the OpStation picture where the
current point is visualized.
The Alarm List, Alarm Header and Point Parameter applications have an OpStation home picture button in the
toolbar. Pressing this button will activate OpStation and set-up the home picture for the current point.
Home pictures may be assigned to departments and to individual points. When the OpStation home picture function
is activated, the point home picture table is searched for a matching home picture. If none is found the department
home picture table is searched for a home picture matching the points department.

Department Home pictures

To associate home pictures with departments, click on the Dep homepictures tab.
This table defines default home pictures for points where no home picture is defined in the point home picture table.

Department This column lists the number and code of the departments.
Homepicture The home picture assigned to the department.

Selecting home pictures

Click on the field first to select a home picture. This enables a drop down list. Then select a picture name from the

Deleting home pictures

Delete a single home picture by a click on a homepicture field followed by press on the Delete key.
Delete a range of home pictures by multiple selections (click and drag) followed by press on Delete key.
Delete the whole table by a click in the homepicture column header followed by press on the Delete key.

Apply - Commit all the changes to the table
Reset - Reset values to the latest applied

4 • ECS OpStation Configuration Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration

Point Home pictures
To associate home pictures with points, click on the Point homepictures tab.
This table defines home pictures for individual points. When activating the home picture function a match on point
in this table will override a match on the points department in the department home picture table.

Pointcode This column shows the allocated point codes in the table. The point code must be unique.
Homepicture This column shows corresponding home pictures.
Note that this table is not a fixed length table. Therefore the manipulation of the table is different from the other
tables in this utility. The tab shows the actual content of the committed table.

Add - Add a new record to the table
Modify - Modify one or more record in the table
Delete - Delete one or more records in the table.

Adding new records

Click the Add button to add a new record. This will pop up the Add Record form.

Pointcode can be entered by typing or, better, selecting from point list using the toolbar buttons. First click the
pointcode field, and then press the toolbar button.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration ECS OpStation Configuration • 5

Show point list

Get current point from list

Get next point from list

Get previous point from list

Homepicture is selected from the drop down list
Pointcode and homepicture must be selected and OK button clicked. This will add and commit the record to the
OK - Add and commit the record to the database
Cancel - Regret and return

Modifying records
To modify a single record, click the row in the table and press the Modify button.
To modify a range of records use multiple select (click and drag) and press the Modify button.
This will pop up the Modify Record form.

The pointcode field cannot be edited (database key).

Homepicture is selected from the drop down list
OK - Commit the modified record to the database
Cancel - Regret this record
Quit - Skip remaining modifies and return. This button is only visible for multiple select
For multiple selected records the form will stay up and do one record at a time unless Quit is pressed.

6 • ECS OpStation Configuration Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration

Deleting records
To delete a single record, click the row in the table and press the Delete button.
To delete a range of records use multiple select (click and drag) and press the Delete button.
This will pop up the Delete Record form for confirmation.

OK - Delete the record shown in the database

Cancel - Skip this record
OK All - Delete all remaining selected records without confirmation and return. This button is only visible for
multiple select
Quit - Skip remaining deletes and return. This button is only visible for multiple select
For multiple selected records the form will stay up and do one record at a time unless OK All or Quit is clicked.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration ECS OpStation Configuration • 7

External Servers
OpStation mimics may request data originating from sources outside the Sdr subsystem. Examples are display of
data from a Qcx- or a Fuzzy subsystem. Such data sources are called external servers. The picture elements have a
reference to an external server via a ServerId, which is a text short name, identifying the server. External servers may
reside on hosts different from the one where OpStation is running.
The actual hosts for the external servers are specified from the ECS OpStation Configuration utility.
Note that the host settings specified here from any Sdr Client or Server are global for the entire Sdr system.
Activate the tab External servers to bring the hostname table up.
Note that this table is not a fixed length table. Therefore the manipulation of the table is different from most other
tables in this utility. The tab shows the actual content of the committed table.
After modifying the table OpStation must be restarted for modifications to take effect.

Server id This column lists the external server ids known to the system. ServerIds are referenced in the Gms
picture elements. The ServerIds in this column must be unique.
Server name Identifies the external server to use. This is selected from a dropdown box (see Add, Modify)
Hostname Name of the host where the external server resides. Blank means that the host is the local machine, i.e.
the machine where OpStation is running.
In the example shown Ext identifies a local test server, Fuz1 and Fuz2 identify fuzzy servers running on different
machines (HNT83 and HNT84). Picture elements referencing Fuz1 will get data from HNT83 whereas pictures
referencing Fuz2 will get data from HNT84.

Add - Add a new record to the table
Modify - Modify one or more record in the table
Delete - Delete one or more records in the table.

8 • ECS OpStation Configuration Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration

Adding new records
Click the Add button to add a new record. This will pop up the Add Record form.

Server id is entered by text edit

Server name is selected from the drop down box
Home name is entered by text edit. If left blank, local host is used.
OK - Add and commit the record to the database
Cancel - Regret and return

Modifying records
To modify a single record, click the row in the table and press the Modify button.
To modify a range of records use multiple select (click and drag) and press the Modify button.
This will pop up the Modify Record form.

The Server id field cannot be edited (database key).

Server name is modified by select from the drop down list
Host name is modified by text edit
OK - Commit the modified record to the database
Cancel - Regret this record
Quit - Skip remaining modifies and return. This button is only visible for multiple select
For multiple selected records the form will stay up and do one record at a time unless Quit is pressed.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration ECS OpStation Configuration • 9

Deleting records
To delete a single record, click the row in the table and press the Delete button.
To delete a range of records use multiple select (click and drag) and press the Delete button.
This will pop up the Delete Record form for confirmation.

OK - Delete the record shown in the database

Cancel - Skip this record
OK All - Delete all remaining selected records without confirmation and return. This button is only visible for
multiple select
Quit - Skip remaining deletes and return. This button is only visible for multiple select
For multiple selected records the form will stay up and do one record at a time unless OK All or Quit is clicked.

10 • ECS OpStation Configuration Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration

Abbreviated texts are used in ACE faceplates. The abbreviated text differs for the type of application (e.g. FLSA,
FLSH, HTC). Therefore a set of abbreviations is defined for each type of application. The faceplates display
abbreviations for the selected set.
FLSA staff maintains the abbreviation text database.
The selection to use is set by ECS OpStation Configuration.
Click on tab Abbreviations.

Abbreviation selection shows the actual abbreviation set selected. Select another set from the dropdown list.

Apply - Commit the change to the table
Reset - Reset value to the latest applied

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration ECS OpStation Configuration • 11

Picture directories
In order to avoid mixing models, faceplates, sub models, gismos, palettes, and bitmaps with the models, faceplates,
sub models, gismos, palettes, and bitmaps delivered by FLSA, the user has the possibility to define own directories
for these files. These directories have the preference whenever OpStation is using a model or a sub model.

Directory Type:
Bitmaps – The directory for user bitmaps.
Faceplates – The directory for user faceplates.
Gismos – The directory for user gismos.
Models – The directory for user models.
Palettes – The directory for user palettes.
Submods – the directory for user sub models.

The name will be the physical name of a directory placed as a subdirectory under the share FlsaGmsPic. It would be
smart to organize the directories. I.E. give the Models the plant name and then the other directories the name <plant
name>\Faceplates, <plant name>\Gismos etc.

Apply - Commit the change to the table
Reset - Reset value to the latest applied

12 • ECS OpStation Configuration Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration

Glossary of Terms

A point algorithm
See A-Point Algorithms reference manual help file.

B point algorithm
See SDR B-Point Algorithm Editor reference manual help file.

A faceplate is a popup MIMIC diagram that displays relevant information for a point and its reference points.

Home pictures are used for fast navigation from other applications where the point is displayed. I.e. alarm list.

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration Glossary of Terms • 13


A point algorithm faceplates Error! Not a valid
bookmark in entry on page 2

Background color Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 2

Faceplate Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 2

TopModel Name 2

Reference Manual ECS OpStation Configuration Index • 15

Reference Manual

PMove - Import/Export
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 2:29p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrPMoveUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

PMove - Import/Export Utility 1
Introduction 1
Usage information 1
Profiles 2
Creating Profiles 2
Renaming Profiles 2
Deleting Profiles 2
Configuring Profiles 3
Import Operation 4
Import File 5
Import File Preview 6
Point Values 6
Details of the import operation 7
Possible import conflicts 7
Import log and errors 8
Import a SDRv6 File 9
Export Operation 11
Export File 11
Export Options 12
Point Values 12
Export a SDRv6 system to be imported in a SDRv7 system 12
Import and export tips and recommendations 13
Deleting Database Points 13
Converting an Access file to csv file 15

Glossary of Terms 19

Index 21

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility Contents • iii

PMove - Import/Export Utility

PMove is an Import/Export utility that is used to perform the following:

• import and export point and system configuration data to and from the system database files
• create profiles to describe the database fields manipulated during import and export operations
• Delete A and B points and perform a system cleanup of departments, groups and routes
• Help migrate a SDRv6 system to a SDRv7 system

The PMove utility is composed of the following files:

• SdrPMoveUI30.exe the executable program

• NlsDb\SdrPMove30.mdb Internal database used by PMove that contains point fields that can be
imported or exported.
• NlsDb\schemaflas30.ini File that contains the original PMove profiles and their specific fields. This file
is fixed and cannot be modified.
• prodb\schema30.ini File that contains the customized PMove profiles and their specific fields. This file
is initially empty and will only contain the customized profiles.
• Export/Import data files comma separated files (*.csv), text files (*.txt), or Access (jet)database files

Usage information
Each import and export operation relies on a single database file. When exporting a system (or part of a system)
PMove will produce a single database file, containing 3 to 6 tables depending on format. The table names and table
headers are fixed and must not be changed, however the data may be modified as desired. All the exported tables
must be present before attempting to re-import the database. An export operation with the hierarchy option checked
will contain all information required to restore a complete system (excluding trend packages and algorithms and
other special data).
An exported database file can only contain data from one export operation. A second export must be saved in a new
file. If an additional export is targeted at this database file, the original data will be lost.
The default profiles cannot be modified, deleted or renamed, thus these profiles will always be present. If a custom
profile is required, you must make a new one. All custom profiles can be modified and deleted as desired. You can
only specify the profiles for A and B points - the profiles for department, group and route are fixed.

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 1

A profile defines the database fields to be included in an export operation. The available profiles appear in the left
panel of the PMove utility window. The profiles are organized in the A-Point Profiles and B-Point Profiles
folders. The profiles listed in this area indicate the system database files that can be manipulated with the PMove

Note that the profiles will only be used during export. Once the data has been exported, the file headers contain the
profile by itself.

Creating Profiles
To create a new profile, open the desired folder, right-click on a profile, and select Copy. A copy of the profile is

Renaming Profiles
To rename a profile, right-click on the profile and select Rename. Type the new profile name. Note that it is not
possible to rename the ‘Default_Apoint’ profile or the ‘Default_Bpoint’ profile. If you try, the following error
message will be displayed.

Deleting Profiles
To delete a profile, right-click on the profile and select Delete. Note that it is not possible to delete the
‘Default_Apoint’ profile or the ‘Default_Bpoint’ profile. If you try, the following error message will be displayed.

2 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Configuring Profiles
To configure a profile, click on the PMove utility Config tab.
The Config form contains two separate panels:

• The left panel displays all available field names for the type of profile (A-Point or B-Point) and the data
format for each. The information in this list is obtained from NlsDb\SdrPMove30.mdb.
• The right panel is a list of field names and the data format for each contained in the selected profile. The
information in this list is stored in the ProDb\schema30.ini file.

Adding Fields
Field names are moved from the left panel into the current profile using the arrow keys that appear between the two
Click on the double arrow key to add all fields listed in the left panel into the current profile. Click on the single
arrow key to add the selected fields from the left panel into the current profile.

Selecting Fields
Fields listed in the left panel of the Config form can be selected using any of the following methods.

• To select a single field, click on the field name.

• To select multiple, adjacent fields, click on the first field, then click on the second field name while
pressing the keyboard <Spacebar>. All fields between the first field and the second field are selected.
• To select multiple fields that are not adjacent, click on the first field, then click on all subsequent fields
while pressing the keyboard <Ctrl> key for each field addition.
After selecting fields, click on the single arrow key to add the selected fields to the current profile.

Removing Fields
Fields listed in the current profile can be removed by selecting the field and pressing the keyboard <Delete> key.

Field Location
The order of each field (top - bottom) in the current profile determines the order of the fields in the *.mdb file (left to
right) for export operations.
To change the location of a field, select the field and click on the Up or Down command.

Saving Profiles
A profile is saved by clicking on the Apply command located at the bottom of the current profile panel.
Note that it is not possible to re-configure the ‘Default_Apoint’ profile or the ‘Default_Bpoint’ profile.

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 3

Import Operation
The Import operation moves data from a text file (*.txt or *.csv) or an Access (Jet) database file (*.mdb) into the
system database file. All fields present in the database are transferred from the file to the system.
To perform an import operation, start the PMove utility and click on the Import tab. If the import file is an Access
database, you are not required to select anything else, since the access database identifies itself. If the import file is a
text file, the import data must be given as one file for each category:

• A points
• B points
• Point route core
• Department core
• Group core
• Route core

The default import option is through an Access database file. If the import should be made from a text file, check the
‘CSV text file import’ option, and browse the files to import. The default import operation expects the import of the
hierarchy(departments, groups and routes) as well as the points. If the hierarchy should be ignored, uncheck the
‘Include hierarchy’ option. The import without hierarchy will then only work if the hierarchy is already present in
the system.
If you wish to ensure a fresh point is used for each point imported, check the ‘Purge points before adding’. This will
delete any existing points with the same name and create a new. If this option is not checked, then the existing point
will only be modified, if no other conflicts are present.
Once the import is started ( by pressing ‘Apply’) the PMove will automatically switch view to the Status log tab and
display the progress of the import operation.

4 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Import File
For Access files: Enter the path and name of the file that contains the information to be imported into the system in
the Import File text field or click on browse to locate the file. When browse is pressed, the Import File window

Locate the import file and click on Open. Press Preview to see the contents of the selected file (Note, not valid for
text files).
For text files: Check the ‘CSV text file import’ option. PMove will disable the options no longer needed and enable
the new options to use.

Press the Browse button and select the files to use.

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 5

All enabled import file fields must be assigned to a file, before the import operation will succeed. If you try to attach
a wrong file format to one of the text fields, the following error will appear.

Import File Preview

Click on the Import tab Preview command (for Access database files only) to review the data that will be imported.
You cannot modify values in the preview window.

Point Values
During the import operation, the point values are treated in a special manner. The point values are not treated during
the normal point modify operation, but immediately thereafter. The point values are only imported if the
point is an operator inserted point. If the point is of a different type, then the value is ignored, since the value
is calculated / determined from a different source (e.g. a PLC).

6 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Details of the import operation
The import operation is performed in a series of steps, regardless of the imported file’s format ( Access or text). If
the format is text, then the first step is to convert the file to an Access database. Then the points and system
parameters are created and modified accordingly to the import source. The following steps will be made by PMove
during an import (in the given order):

1. Validation of import source

2. Convert text to Access (only if source is text file format)
3. Import and create departments core
4. Import and create group core
5. Import and create route core
6. Import and create A point core
7. Import and create B point core
8. Import point route core and bind points to routes
9. Modify all department properties
10. Modify all group properties
11. Modify all route properties
12. Modify all A point properties
13. Modify all B point properties

The completed steps can be viewed in the log window as the import progresses.

Possible import conflicts

During the import, a conflict between the existing system and the import data may occur. Each conflict will be
precisely described and the user will be prompted for the appropriate action to take to resolve the conflict. This
means that Pmove will never try to resolve a conflict on it’s own, but rather report the conflict and wait for the
response from the user.
In order to avoid conflicts, follow the guidelines given below if possible

• Avoid using numbers in import exports

• If numbers must be present, then never change these number manually
• Avoid changing a point code if the point number is present as well

In some cases, a conflict is unavoidable and the user will be prompted for action. The point conflicts can be sub
divided into categories:
Point number out of licensed bounds: The imported point number is higher than the current limit in the licence
file. You can either ignore the point number and use the next free valid space or ignore the point completely.
Point number taken, but point name is different. The imported point number contains a different point in the
system, and cannot be used. You can either ignore the point number and use the next free valid space or ignore the
point completely.
Point name is present, but point number differs. The imported point already exists in the system, but the
corresponding number is not the same. You can either ignore the point number and use the next free valid space or
ignore the point completely.
Any detected conflict offers the option of aborting the entire import operation and the option of choosing ‘yes to all’
or ‘no to all’.

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 7

Import log and errors

Press ‘Write log file’ to open the log status in a text file. The log file will be written to a text file
‘flsadev\PmoveLog30.txt’ and displayed for viewing.

During an import, several errors can occur:

• No records. Not an error but an information that the corresponding table was empty. If, for example, no
routes are present in the system then the route tables will be empty, and this message will be displayed.
• Error opening database. PMove could not open the database specified (or generated) and all import
operations was stopped.
• Add error for <name>. PMove was unable to create the object (point, route, group or department). The
reason is also displayed.
• Modification error for <name>. PMove was unable to modify one or more properties for the object (point,
route, group or department). This error will immediately switch to the single property add method
• Switching to single property add method. An error occurred during the bulk modify operation of an object,
so each property will now be modified one at a time. This is used to exactly determine the import fault and
import all other non-fault related properties
• Could not modify point property <id>. PMove was unable to modify the given property. Error reason is

8 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Import a SDRv6 File
Due to the system and hierarchy changes between SDRv6 and SDRv7, Pmove can not directly import a SDRv6
system via the Import tab. When importing a SDRv6 system, the Import SDR 6.xx tab must be selected instead.

When performing the import of a full SDRv6 system, the import step must be made in the following order

1. Import department
2. Import B points
3. Import A points

If the import is performed in a different order, the results may be unexpected. Browse to the file you wish to import
via . Set the data selection to the desired option (department, B points or A points) and press Select table.

Select the table to import and press Select. Press Preview to view the table before performing the import

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 9

Close the preview window when done, and press Apply to perform the import.
Important note: The import of departments assumes that the system is empty - If the system is not empty, you may not
be able to import the correct departments.
Repeat the import procedure for B points and then for A points. If you get any errors during the import of B or A
points due to point reference, you have to import B points and A points again. The import procedure for a heavily
referenced system is given below.

1. Import departments
2. Import B points
3. Import A points
4. Import B points
5. Import A points

Note that the SDRv6 import will always create 39 departments and 39 groups, where each department only holds a
single group. No routes will be created, regardless of existing system on SDRv6. The 39 departments and groups
will be created even if their contents is empty (ie containing no points), so after a successful SDRv6 import, you
might have unused departments and groups in your system. It is therefore recommended that a system cleanup is
performed via the ‘Delete unused groups’ and the ‘Delete unused departments’ options in the Point database tab.

10 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Export Operation
The export operation generates an Access (Jet) database file (*.mdb) that includes information from the system
database file. The exported files can then be used as reports, import files for other systems, or for database
modifications. Exported files used for database modifications purposes are usually modified using Microsoft Access
or Microsoft Excel. After modifications are made, the modified file can be imported to merge the new information
into the system.
The database fields that are transferred from the system to the export file are identified by their field names.
To perform an export operation, start the PMove utility and click on the Export tab. Select a set profiles for A and B
points that identifies the list of database fields to export. The database fields listed in the profiles can be reviewed by
clicking on the Config tab. Refer to Configuring Profiles. If you only wish to export the hierarchy, or only A or B
points, uncheck the ‘Include A points’ and ‘Include B points’ option.

Export File
Enter the location and name of the export file in the Export File text field or click on the browse command.
When browse is pressed, the Export File window appears. Note that the only export format is an Access database.
Type the name of the file in the File name text field. Click on the OK command.

After returning to the Export tab, click the Apply command. The information defined by the profiles is sent to the
export file specified in the Export File text field.

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 11

Export Options
Normally, some text information is exported as a number, eg a point algorithm is exported as a number instead of a
text. If you wish to export the text (eg name of the point algorithm), check the option ‘Export text instead of
numbers’, located on the Export tab.

For example
Mode Data exported
Normal / Default 41
Export text instead of numbers Operator inserted

When the option is enabled, the following fields will have text descriptions instead of numbers:
• Department
• Interface type
• Priority
• Conversion algorithm
• Event algorithm
• Report algorithm
• Block algorithm
• Unit

Caution: If the system’s Local Language is other than English, this text option should not be used. E.g. once a
point algorithm is exported as text, the ability to translate English algorithm text to a local language is not possible.
It is possible to export points related to a specific department. If "Export only single department:" is checked only
points from the department dropdown selected will be exported.
If the hierarchy is not required in the export, check the ‘Exclude hierarchy’ option.

Point Values
If the point value is present in the current export schema, all the point values will be exported. Please note
however that only the point of the operator inserted type will be imported again. Refer to the import
section for more information.

Export a SDRv6 system to be imported in a SDRv7 system

When moving a system from SDRv6 to SDRv7, the following step should be made

• Export the SDRv6 system via Pmove10 (ie the SDRv6 Pmove) and use the special profiles (see below)
• Ensure that the receiving SDRv7 system is empty
• Ensure that the block algorithms are present on the SDRv7 system
• Ensure that the B points algorithms are present on the SDRv7 system
• Ensure that the IO system is configured correctly on the SDRv7 system
• Import the points as described in Import a SDRv6 File

When performing the export from SDRv6 you must use a special schema.ini file. This special ini file is included in
the SDRv7 install, and is located in ‘\flsadev\nlsdb\schema_sdrv6.ini’. Copy this file to the SDRv6 system’s ‘prodb’
directory and rename the file to ‘schema.ini’, replacing the old file present. Remember to make a backup of the
original schema.ini file before replacing it.

12 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Import and export tips and recommendations
It is recommended to always include the hierarchy when importing
It is recommended to only import in the English language setting. If this is not an option, then import using the same
language as the export was performed with.
If at all possible the do not export and import point numbers. Point code should be used as the only point identifier.
Please note that point values are not imported and exported as default. The point value usually represents a value
calculated or retrieved from within the system, and it will thus make no sense to import it. However, some values do
not come from the system - these values are the points marked as ‘Operator inserted’. These values must be
manually set after the import operation is complete, otherwise they will have the default point value.
It is recommended to always use the Access Jet format. Only use the text format if absolutely necessary.

Deleting Database Points

The PMove utility provides a means to delete all points within the system and provides a general clean-up option. To
delete points, click on the Point DataBase tab.
Note, User access restriction is applied here. You must have sufficient rights to perform clean up operations.

Check the ‘Enable point cleanup’ option. Select ‘Yes’ when prompted.

Select the clean-up operation to perform, and press Apply

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 13

The following options are available
• Delete all points. All points within the system will be deleted, regardless of the location.
• Delete unused <object>. Delete any unused hierarchy item (department, group, route). If any of these
objects are empty (ie no points are connected to them) they will be deleted. Empty is defined as: If a point is
present in a route it is not empty. If a point or a route is present in a group it is not empty. If a group is
present in a department it is not empty. The ‘System’ group and ‘System’ department will never be deleted,
even if empty.
• Delete all points in a group. Delete all the points in a single group. Routes will not be deleted, if any are
present in the group.

Before the actual clean-up starts, an additional ‘Yes, No’ question is asked.

14 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Converting an Access file to csv file
It is not possible for PMove to export data to a csv file. If a csv file format is desired, the Access file must be
converted. The conversion is done via MS Access. Below are listed some overall guidelines:

• The csv file delimiter must be semicolon ‘;’

• The headers must be included
• You must convert all 6 tables to csv files in order to move all the information out from the Access file.
• It is recommended that the file names is the same as the table names

Export the points by selecting the Export tab, select the department to export and press Apply

The log will display

Open the exported file in MS Access and right click on the table to export

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 15

Select the text file format as output

Select ‘Delimited’ as file format

16 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Select ‘Semicolon’ and check ‘Include Field Names on First Row’

Press Finish
Verify the output in a text editor

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility PMove - Import/Export Utility • 17

Repeat the export for all tables.

18 • PMove - Import/Export Utility Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility

Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility Glossary of Terms • 19


Introduction 1

Preview 6

SdrPMoveUi10.exe 1

To create a new Profile 2

Reference Manual PMove - Import/Export Utility Index • 21

Reference Manual

SDR Point Configuration

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 2:34p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrPointCfgUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Point Configuration 1
Introduction 1
Application Overview 1
The Toolbar 2
The System Tree 3
The Search Function 5

Configuration Dialogs 6
Introduction 6
Configuring a Department 7
Configuring a Group 8
Configuring a Route 9
Configuring a Point 10
The General tab 10
The Conversion Tab 13
Analog Settings 15
Statistics 17
Hierarchy 20

Glossary of Terms 21

Index 23

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Contents • iii

Point Configuration

The Point Configuration utility is used to maintain the ECS/SDR point database. Departments, Groups, Routes,
Master Points and Points can be created and viewed in an explorer-like master/detail environment.
To launch the utility, select Point Configuration in the desktop Start menu or press on the Point Configuration
button in an open ECS application.

Point Configuration
If a point is selected, the application will start with the point configuration dialog open and the full (list) view
hidden. To toggle between these two modes press the "LIST" button on the point configuration dialog.

Application Overview
Point Configuration application:

The application has three major elements: Toolbar, System Tree (left pane), detail view (right pane)
For all selections in the detail view, a configuration dialog will be shown when a department, group, route or point is

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Point Configuration • 1

The application can run in to modes :

1. Full view - as shown above

2. Dialog view - when a Department, Group, Route or point is being configured.

To toggle between these two modes press the "LIST" button on the point configuration dialog.

The Toolbar

Tree Menu
This menu applies only to the selection in the tree. If you have selected something in the list, use the list Menu.
New A-point - creates a new A-point at the current position
New B-point - creates a new B-point at the current position
New Route - creates a new Route at the current position
New Group - creates a new Group in the current department
New Department - creates a new department
Delete - deletes the selected item
Properties - Show Properties for the selection

List Menu
This menu applies only to the selection in the list. If you have selected something in the tree, use the Tree Menu.
Copy - copies the point, show the new point dialog with the values for the selected point
Child of … - Sets the master point of the current point
Select as Masterpoint - Makes the selected B-point into a Masterpoint. To make a new master point, first use
New B-point and configure the point. Then use this function.
After making a B-point into a master point it is important to create at least one child point. Failing to do so will cause
the master point reappear as a normal point, the next time the Point Configuration Utility is opened.
An existing point can be moved below the master point by dragging it from the list and releasing the mouse on top of
the master point or by using the Child of… Entry in this menu.
Add to Route(s) … - Add the selected point to one of the shown routes
Remove from Route(s) … Removes the selected point from the shown route
Delete - deletes the selected item.
Properties - Show the properties dialog for the selected item.
This menu is also available when right clicking an element in the right side list.

2 • Point Configuration Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Toolbar Buttons

Reset Column size

Show IO address dialog


Show IO column in list

Previous - Move to previous tree element

Next - Moves to next tree element

Properties - Show properties for the selected element

Move up - move one element up in the list

Move Down - moves one element down in the list

Copy element

Delete element


Find - searches for a point with the point code typed in the "Find combobox"
Find Combobox - type a point code here and press Find

The System Tree

The tree contains the entire system divided into departments, groups, routes, master points. When an element is
selected, all sub elements (including points) will be shown in the left pane.

Master Point

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Point Configuration • 3

Navigation is done thru the keyboard, with the mouse or with the two toolbar buttons.

Single-click: Selects item. sub items are shown in the right list view.
Double-click: expand/collapse element. The "+" and "-" to the left of the element can also be used for this.
Points can be dragged from the list to a new location in the tree.
Departments, Groups and routes cannot be dragged.

Up - Moves one element up.
Down - Moves one element down.
Left - Expand element and moves one level down
Right - Collapse element and navigate one level up in the tree.
Page Up - Navigate one page up
Page Down - Navigate on page down
Home - To plant
End - To last element
In the Toolbar there is three buttons for navigating the tree:

- navigate one element up

- navigate on element down

4 • Point Configuration Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

The Search Function

The search function allows a detailed search for points, knowing only a part the names or properties.
The wildcard "*" can be used before and/or after one or more characters.
To search for a known part of the point text property, type it in the "Containing text" field.
Wildcards can be used.
Look in: narrows the search down by selecting a department.
The search options can be used if some of the properties are known or e.g. all points with a certain conversion
algorithm is wanted.
Point Type : A, B or blank (not known)
Conversion Algorithm : Choose an algorithm or blank for not known.
Interface type : Choose interface or blank for not known.

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Point Configuration • 5

Configuration Dialogs

There is four different configuration dialogs in the point configuration application.
1. Department
2. Group
3. Route
4. Point

A dialog are shown when an element in the list are double clicked or "properties" is chosen, either from the menus or
by pressing the properties button.
The dialogs have the following buttons in common:

Will fetch the old values in the fields of the dialog (since last "Apply")

All the dialogs can run with or without the Application frame described in Application Overview. This is toggled by
the "LIST" button on each dialog.

Closes the dialog without saving the values.

Saves the values

The up and down buttons, moves to the next element in the list and show the configuration dialog for that

6 • Configuration Dialogs Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Configuring a Department

To create a new Department or change an existing, enter an unique text that identifies the department in the Dep.
code field having in mind that this text will be used in trees and list together with the other departments. Up to 25
characters can be used.
For a more describing text use Dep. Text default, and use Dep. text local for a description in the local language. The
maximum length of these fields are 32 characters.
For annunciation through a PLC Horn Point, type the point code in the "Horn Point Code" field or drag it in from the
list. The Point Code will be verified, so the point must be present.

Event Algorithm Possibilities:

Available algorithms:

Algorithm 0 - No logging, No annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) assigned to this department, will not be logged or annunciated.

Algorithm 1 – Logging, no annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) assigned to this department, will be logged, but not annunciated.

Algorithm 2 – Logging and annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) assigned to this department, will be logged and annunciated.

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Configuration Dialogs • 7

Configuring a Group

The group is used to increase department granularity. The group can contain routes, points and master points.
To create a new Group or change an existing, enter an unique Group code that identifies the Group (Unique Group
codes are recommended). Up to 25 characters can be used.
For a more describing text use Group Text default, and use Group text local for a description in the local language.
The maximum length of these fields are 32 characters.
A Group Point can be associated with the group for suppression purposes. Enter the point code of the Group Point in
the "Group point code" field or drag it to the field from the list.
The point code is verified and therefore has to exists and be a member of this group.

8 • Configuration Dialogs Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Configuring a Route

The route is a transport path containing one or more points or master points. The route can share several points with
other routes
To create a new Route or change an existing, enter an unique Route code that identifies the Route (Unique Route
codes are recommended). Up to 25 characters can be used.
For a more describing text use Route Text default, and use Route text local for a description in the local language.
The maximum length of these fields are 32 characters.
A Route Point can be associated with the group for suppression purposes. Enter the point code of the Route Point in
the "Route point code" field or drag it to the field from the list.
The point code is verified and therefore has to exists and be a member of this Route.

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Configuration Dialogs • 9

Configuring a Point
The Point configuration dialog is a common dialog for both A and B-points. However it differs in the "Conversion"
and "Statistic" tabs and the "Analog settings" tab are invisible for B-points.

The General tab

Point Code
Unique point name. Any combination of numbers and letters can be used. Identifies the point within the ECS point
database. Up to 24 characters can be used.

Point Text
A description of the point that appears on graphic popup windows, in point lists and in the alarm header. The point
text provides additional information about the point’s location and or function. Up to 32 characters can be used.

Local Point Text

Point text in the local language. When the ECS workstation language selection is set to local, this information in this
field is displayed as the point text. Up to 32 characters can be used.

Interface Type
Identifies the kind of external device associated with the point, e.g. PLC system, DCS system, CEM scanner etc.
Points not connected to any external device has interface type SDRI.

10 • Configuration Dialogs Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Alarm Suppression Point
The ECS system enables Point Alarm and Report suppression for individual points by assigning a parent point.
Whenever the parent point status is not normal, alarms or reports for the child point are disabled. The point code is
verified and therefore has to exist. The point code can be retrieved by dragging it from the list or by typing it by
During processing, if a parent point is specified for alarm suppression, alarms for the child point are not processed if
any of the following are true:

• The status of the parent point is not Normal

• The parent point is point alarm suppressed (PAlmSu)
• The parent point is operator alarm suppressed (OAlmSu)

Event Algorithm
Available algorithms:

Algorithm 0 - No logging, No annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) assigned to this point, will not be logged or annunciated.

Algorithm 1 – Logging, no annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) assigned to this point, will be logged, but not annunciated.

Algorithm 2 – Logging and annunciating

Events (error, warning, information) assigned to this point, will be logged and annunciated.

To show the importance of an event assigned to this point, a priority level can be defined here. The priority of an
event can be from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest).

The category of a point applies in events, when a point enters a state that has not explicitly defined a category, ie. the
categroy of this state is None or Point specific.
Special categories are defined and used by the system. These are:
Configuration – all operator configuration events.
Control and command – events produced by system control actions, such as select, reset, silence etc…
Emission – the category to identify emission alarms and support Emission alarm annotation
Downtime, Uptime – special system events that support the downtime reasoning function, see Downtime tracking.

Not Suppressed by Hierarchy

When enabled the point is not suppressed by any of its hierarchy suppression points (the master, route or group

Downtime Tracking
This property applies only to BPoints. When enabled, special downtime tracking events are generated upon the point
changing from operating to not operating. The downtime reasoning function will analyze these events.

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Configuration Dialogs • 11

Report Suppression Point
The point code of a parent point used for Report Suppression. Whenever the parent point status is not normal,
alarms or reports for the child point are disabled. The point code is verified and therefore must be present. The point
code can be entered by dragging it from the list or by typing it by hand.
During processing, if a parent point is specified for report suppression, The report algorithm is not executed for the
child point if any of the following are true:
• The status of the parent point is not Normal
• The parent point report algorithm is suppressed (PRepSu)

Report Algorithm
For A-points the reporting algorithm defines a special calculation that the point value is continuously subjected to
during point treatment. The hour, shift and day results of this calculation are printed in plant reports, and the value is
used for long term statistical logging. The resulting value is referred to as report value or calculated value. See e.g.
the Statistical tab of Point Parameters utility
0-No algorithm
the report value is undefined and never calculated.
1-Simple mean value
continuously calculates the mean value.
2-Accm. per hour
increments continuously by the current pointvalue*timeincrement, the timeincrement is a portion of an hour, fx.
10secs./3600. (Integration at each point treatment time.)
3-Accm. per minute
similar to 2, but based on the portion of a minute.
4-Accm. per fullhour
just takes the value at the hour and stores it, and adds it with respect to shift and day values. (Integration each hour.)
8-Mean (full hour val.)
just takes the value at the hour, but averages the value with respect to shift and day values. (point val.)
continuously calculates the standard deviation of the point.
10-Sampling, report hour
saves the value at report hour time, e.g. only once a day. Ins)
same as 9, but only calculated, when a new value is entered for the point.
For B-points the reporting algorithm determines if "Total operating hours" property of the B-point as eg reported by
the "Total Operating hours" of the Statistical tab of Point Parameters utility, is reset a Report hour or continues to
0-No reporting - Nothing is done.
1-Operating hours - "Total Operating hours" is reset at report hour.
2-Continuous operating hours - "Total Operating hours" accumulates.
"Total operating hours" can be reset using the General tab of Point Parameters utility.

12 • Configuration Dialogs Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Opc Client Access
Specifies if an Opc client can read and write this point.
0-No Access
2-Read + writable

The Conversion Tab

Conversion (A-Points)

Conversion (B-Points)

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Configuration Dialogs • 13

IF Type
Choose the kind of external device associated with the point. e.g. PLC system, DCS system, CEM scanner etc.
Points not connected to any external device can be assigned the interface type SDRI.

Conversion Algorithm
The conversion algorithm executed when this point is processed. The algorithm determines how the point value
obtained from the interface is manipulated before it is presented to displays and other points within the ECS system.
Refer to the online help documents for A-Point Conversion Algorithms and B-Point Conversion Algorithms.

Value Algorithm (Value Calculation Algorithm)

(B-Points Only)
The purpose of B-point value calculation algorithms is internally to calculate an MSW value of a B-point, and
thereafter applying this value to the B-point Algorithm. So the MSW is generated internally and not coming from the
PLC’s when the algorithm number is > 0.
Please notice that these algorithms should not be used on points with an PLC input address, the result will be
For algorithm definitions, refer to the online help documents for B-Point Calculations Algorithms, found in the A-
Point Algorithms document and help file.

Block Algorithm
Choose a block algorithm depending on the points function.

Reference Points
These entries are used to specify the point code of any point associated with the A-Point conversion algorithm
assigned to the point or in other ways referenced from/related to this point. The calculation of an A-Point value is
usually based on the point value of a number of input points.

For B-points the reference points and constants can be used for two purposes:
1. The entries can be used to refer to points used in face-plates. The reference points can be of any type.
2. Entries can be required depending on the selected Value (calculation) algorithm.

14 • Configuration Dialogs Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Analog Settings
The analog settings are only available for A-points

Alarm Constants
High Alarm Limit
This entry is used to specify the upper alarm limit in engineering units. The value is displayed on gauges in the
OpStation screen as a red line.

Low Alarm limit

This entry is used to specify the lower alarm limit in engineering units. The value is displayed on gauges in the
OpStation screen as a red line.

Normal Value
This entry may be used to specify a normal value of the point value.

Filter Constants
This entry contains the time constant of a digital exponential filter (in the following named TC). The new point value
P is calculated on the basis of the old point value ‘Pold’ and the just measured value ‘Pmes’ by using the formula:
P = FC*Pold + (1-FC)*Pmes

where the Filter Constant FC is calculated as:

FC = (2TC/TS - 1) / (2TC/TS + 1)
TS = Sampling period.
TC must be within the limits TS/2 <= TC <= 3600 sec, or TC must be 0.

This entry is used to specify the hysteresis in engineering units, which is employed in connection with alarm off
announcement. If, e.g., the high alarm limit is called HL, and the hysteresis is called Y, then the condition for alarm
off announcement is that the point value is less than HL-Y.
0 <= Y <= Interval <= 99999

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Configuration Dialogs • 15

This entry is used to specify the size in engineering units between the repetition of high/low alarms.
If, e.g., the high alarm limit is called HH and the interval size is called Y, then alarms are detected when the point
value exceeds HH (status = A-high1), HH+Y (status = A-high2), HH+2Y (status = A-high3), until HH+9Y (status =

Graphical Presentation
Graphical High
This entry is used to specify the upper limit for the display of the point value on gauges and trends in OpStation.

Graphical Low
This entry is used to specify the lower limit for the display of the point value on gauges and trends in OpStation.

Signal High
This entry is used to specify the upper alarm limit in engineering units. The value is used to evaluate percentage
change in OpStation.

Signal Low
This entry is used to specify the lower alarm limit in engineering units. The value is used to evaluate percentage
change in OpStation.

Measurement Unit
This entry is used to define the engineering unit of the point, e.g. degC, ton/hr, etc. Select a unit from the drop down

This entry defines the display format of the point value, i.e. the number of digits after the decimal point. Note that
the format you enter is overruled if the field size is not sufficient to display the desired number of decimals.

16 • Configuration Dialogs Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration


The Minimum value within the given interval.

The Average value within the given interval.

The Maximum value within the given interval.

Calc. by Report Alg.

The calculation done with selected Report Algorithm within the given interval.

Alarm Time
The time that the point has been in alarm for the given interval.

Alarm Count
The number of times that the point has been in alarm for the given interval.

Error Count
The number of error occurred in the given interval. The error occurs when the b-point enters an illegal state, not
defined in the MSW.

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Configuration Dialogs • 17

Percent Good
The percentage of the goodness of the value relative to the interval. A value is good, when the process computers
deliver a value with good quality, or when it could be calculated successfully.

Sample Count
The number of calculations (samples) used for calculating the statistical values for the period (Hour, Shift or Day).

A new value can be entered here, depending on the conversion algorithm, e.g. "41-Operator inserted" will allow
insertion of a new value.
If the field is shaded a new value can not be entered.
The right value field contains the old value at the time displayed in the above field.

Alarm Suppressed
Toggle Operator alarm suppression on/off.


18 • Configuration Dialogs Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Current and Previous Times and Counts
Operating Hours
The operating time for the given intervals.

Total Operating Hours

The total operating time.

Alarm Time
The time that the point has been in alarm for the given interval.

Alarm Count
The number of times that the point has been in alarm for the given interval.

Error Count
The number of error occurred in the given interval. The error occurs when the b-point enters an illegal state, not
defined in the MSW.

Operating Count
The number of changes from not-operating state to operating state (see Bpoint-Algorithms). For a motor point this
value type can be used to read the number of motor starts.

Percent Good
The percentage of the goodness of the value relative to the interval. A value is good, when the process computers
deliver a value with good quality, or when it could be calculated successfully.

Here it is possible to change the value of the B-point, depending on the conversion algorithm. The last value and the
time are displayed to the right.

Alarm Suppressed
Toggle Operator alarm suppression on/off.

Total Operating Hours

The same as the "Total operating hours" field in the Current Statistics grid.

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Configuration Dialogs • 19

The Hierarchy tab can only show data for points already created.

All values are "read only" and for information purposes only.

Point location
The department and group that the point belongs to.

Point Binding
The active route and if the point belong under a master point, the master point code are shown.
All routes that has this point has a member are listed in the "Member of route(s)" field.

20 • Configuration Dialogs Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Glossary of Terms

Analog point

Binary point

A Department can contain one or more groups.

A group can contain Routes, Master points and points.

Group Point
Suppression point for a group.

Master Point
The Master point is an alarm suppression point with one or more child points. A Master points can not be a child to
an other Master point.

The Plant is the top item in the system.

A transport path that can contain Master points and points.

Route Point
Suppression point for a Route

The wildcard is used when only a fraction of a search text is known.

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Glossary of Terms • 21

A search on *int* could result in Point, APoint1012 and IntegerValue01A.

22 • Glossary of Terms Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Graphical presentation 16
Group Point 8

Index Hierarchy 20
High alarm limit 15
Horn Point 7
Hysteresis 15

Identification 10
Interface type 5, 10
Introduction 1, 6

active route 20 Keyboard 4
Analog Settings 10, 15
Apply 6
B launch 1
List Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on page
Block algorithm 14 1, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 6, 16
C List Menu 2
Local point text 10
Category 11
Low alarm limit 15
child point 11, 12
configuration dialog Error! Not a valid bookmark
in entry on page 1, 6, 10 M
Configuring a Department 7 major elements 1
Configuring a Group 8 Master Point Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
Configuring a Point 10 on page 2
Configuring a Route 9 Measurement unit 16
Conversion algorithm 5 Mouse 4
Conversion tab 13

Navigation 4
Delete Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on New A-point 2
page 2 New B-point 2
Department Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry New Department 2, 7
on page 1, 20 New Group 2, 8
detail view 1 New Route 2, 9
Dialog view 2 Normal value 15

Event algorithm 7, 11 OalmSu 11
Eventing 11 Overview 1, 6

Format 16 PalmSu 11
Full view 2 Point Binding 20
Point code 3, 14, 20
G Point location 20
Point Status 11, 12
General tab 10, 12
Point text 5, 10

Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration Index • 23

PrepSu 12
Previous 3, 19
Priority 11

Reference points Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 14
Report algorithm 12, 17
Report suppression point 12
Reporting Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 12
Reset 3, 6, 12
Route Point 9

Search 5
Statistics 17, 19
Status 11, 12
System Tree 1, 3

Toolbar 1, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 3
tree 3
Tree Menu 2

Value Algorithm 14

wildcard 5

24 • Index Reference Manual SDR Point Configuration

Reference Manual

Point system configuration

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 2:38p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrPointSysCfgUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Point System Configuration 1
Introduction 1
Application Overview 1
General 2
System 2
Point treatment period 3
Branch separator reserved 3
Report hour 3
Shift definitions 3
Eventing 4
System events 4
Event algorithm of points 4
Coloring 5
Control Action 5
Point states 6
Point State Definitions 7
Alarm Reset 8
Alarm condition reset mode 8
Lowest priority of horn annunciation 8
Silence and Reset 9
Measurement units 10
Categories 10
Alarm Printer 11
Opc 12
OPC server 13
Colors 13

Glossary of Terms 15

Index 17

Reference Manual Point system configuration Contents • iii

SDR Point System Configuration

The Point System Configuration utility is used to configure the general parameters associated with the process point
system and the event system.

The application can be started from the Windows Start menu.

Application Overview

The Point System Configuration is a multi-tab application, with the following pages :
General - The general system settings, such as SiteName, point treatment and shift definitions.
Eventing - The definition and coloring of events and alarms.
Control Action - Control logging features
Point status - Defines the color and alarm behavior for all possible states.

Reference Manual Point system configuration SDR Point System Configuration • 1

Alarm Reset - definitions of actions to take, when the Alarm/Silences buttons are pressed.
Measurements units - Unit definitions
Categories - Event categories definitions.
Alarm Printer - Alarm printer set-up.
OPC - Features of the ECS OPC server function.
Colors – New or modified colors can be made available for picture presentation and point coloring.
To Apply changes, press the Apply button on the appropriate page.
The Reset button will course the current page to be refreshed with the last applied values.
Close - closes the application.
Help - starts the help system.


The General tab contains the general system settings :

Release : Shows the ECS version
SiteName : The name of the plant. This name is used on printouts and as the top level item in system tree views.
System Name : The name of the running system.

2 • SDR Point System Configuration Reference Manual Point system configuration

Point treatment period
The Analog Period and the Digital period, determines how many times per minute the points are processed for
statistical values and alarms. The entry is in seconds. Valid entries are 1 through 60 seconds.
The interval between the dynamic points values being written to the disk, can be controlled by changing the value in
Backup period. Valid entries are from 1 minute to 60 minute.

Point system information

Show the available number of points (licensed points) and the actual number of points. The current number of
departments, group and route are displayed below. Running since shows the last starttime of the point system, which
usually is the start time of the ECS system.
These value are for information purposes only, and cannot be changed.

Branch separator reserved

The branch separator of the ECS system is ‘.’ (Dot character). When reservation is enabled, all identifiers given to
the point system and including the ‘.’ (Dot) character are rejected.
It is advised to reserve the branch character, since add-on functions of the ECS system may require the branch
separator, this could be a management information server or advanced OPC functions.
However, with concern to backward compatibility, enabling the separator is not destructive, such as point codes
containing the separator character will continue to work, but should be changed at some point of time (use the
PointList utilities and search for points containing ‘.’).

Report hour
The report hour identifies the time daily accumulated values are reset. The hour can be typed into the text field or
entered by moving the horizontal scroll element. Values from 0 to 23 are acceptable.

Shift definitions
Number of Shifts
Change the number of shifts (1-4). Press Apply after changing the value.

Shift Name
Identifies the shift in reports.

Start of shift
Start time for each shift. The start hours must be sequential from top to bottom in the table and specified using 24-
hour format.

Reference Manual Point system configuration SDR Point System Configuration • 3


System events
The category can be chosen from the categories defined in the Categories tab. The default value for system events is
For each event type (Error, Warning and Information) the priority and the event algorithm can be set. Priorities can
be from 1 (highest) to 5 Lowest, there are three possible event algorithms selectable from the drop down:
Algorithm 0 - No logging, No annunciating
Events (Error, Warning, Information) , will not be logged nor annunciated.
Algorithm 1 - Logging, no annunciating
Events (Error, Warning, Information), will be logged, but not annunciated.
Algorithm 2 - Logging and annunciating
Events (Error, Warning, Information), will be logged and annunciated.

Event algorithm of points

This property controls what event algorithm to use when a hierarchy suppressed point goes into alarm.
The Event Algorithm can be set for each Hierarchy level, Group, Route and Master point.
Algorithm 0 - No logging, No annunciating
Alarm suppressed by the hierarchy are completely skipped.
Algorithm 1 - Logging, no annunciating
Suppressed alarms are event-logged.
Algorithm 2 - Logging and annunciating
Suppressed alarms are logged and annunciated. e.g. the hierarchal suppression does not apply.

4 • SDR Point System Configuration Reference Manual Point system configuration

This is the definitions of the event colors used in the SDR/ECS system. The color of different types of events (Error,
Warning and Information) can be changed using the drop down to the right of each setting. This will change the
appearance of alarms in e.g. the Alarm Header and the Alarm list.
FGround is foreground color and BGround is background color.
The following colors are described using the alarm header department buttons as an example. However, the same
colors are applied to departments, groups and routes in other contexts.
Inactive color, alarm header department button color when department is inactive (event algorithm is 0 – no
logging, no annunctiation).
Normal color, alarm header department button color if no alarm condition in department.
Alarm color, alarm header department button color for alarm after alarm silence performed.
Alert color, alarm header department button color for new alarm. Alarm silence action will change this color to
Alarm color.
Select button, color of bar above alarm header department button that is selected.

Control Action

Control action logging is the ability to log operator or process actions to PLC-controlled equipment.

Control Action Log Enable

Yes Enables the logging of control actions
No Disables the logging of control actions

Event Priority
Select the priority for control actions events from the pull down menu (1 - Priority 1 to 5 - Lowest priority). priorities
are used for filtering purposes in alarm lists.

Control Actions
The scroll list includes the control actions that can be logged. The Action Name column identifies the control
action (see definitions below). A control action can be initiated by an operator or a system program. To log actions
initiated by the operator enable the Operator checkbox for the particular control action. To log actions initiated by
the system, enable the Demon checkbox for the particular control action.

Reference Manual Point system configuration SDR Point System Configuration • 5

Control Action Definitions
Stop dispatching Internal message.
Alarm silence Alarm silence message sent to PLC. (Should only be enabled in debug situations)
Alarm reset Alarm reset message sent to PLC. (Should only be enabled in debug situations)
Alarm clear Alarm silence and reset message sent to PLC. (Should only be enabled in debug situations)
Group start Group start message sent to PLC.
Group stop Group stop message sent to PLC.
Master stop Master stop message sent to PLC.
Quick stop Quick stop message sent to PLC.
Toggle select status Request sent to PLC to toggle select status.
Bit set or clear Set or reset indicated bit in PLC.
Controller mode Obsolete. Replaced by Bit set or clear.
Controller setpoint Set controller setpoint of controller in PLC.
Controller output Set controller output of controller in PLC.
Genr. Digital output B-point algorithm output sent to PLC.
Genr. Analog output For future use.
Set Time Not applicable.
Block parameter change Log the block parameter change event, usually done from a faceplate.

Point states
The Point states tab contains the definitions of the properties and alarm actions of the internal states of a point. The
columns are described below.

Name - The name of the state (displayed in various applications)

Color - The color used to visualize the state, when ever a point enters this state.

6 • SDR Point System Configuration Reference Manual Point system configuration

Alert Color - The color used to visualize the state, when the point has not yet been silenced.
Alarm - Determine whether the state is an alarm annunciated state or not.
Annunciation - Should a change to the state course annunciation.
Bad data – When enabled, the data in this state is defined as bad, i.e. no statistical calculations are performed, no
valid sample of the data is available.
Error counting – When enabled, the error counter is raised and not the alarm counter, usually used when the state
can be related to a device error.
Unreliable value – When enabled, the data is excluded from the statistical calculations but not bad as such, usually
used when a device is in a test/calibration state.
Event type - The type of alarm/event to be produced (Error, warning, information or no event at all)
Category - The category of the alarm/event produced.

Point State Definitions

Not updated A- or B- point value has not been received from a device (PLC) within the time-out value defined by
the IO system.
Normal Defines the color of an A-point in normal state.
Alarm Defines the alarm state.
Local Defines the local state for B-points
PRepSu The A- or B-point is "Point report suppressed". This State occurs when the point's "Report treatment
suppression point" (see point configuration) is in alarm. When a point is "point report suppressed", its statistical
calculations are suspended. When the color 31 (OpsBackground) is applied to both colors, the color display of
PRepSu is disabled, and the point just appears in its normal color.
OAlmSu The A- or B-point is Operator alarm suppressed. The operator has suppressed alarms from the point.
When a point is "operator alarm suppressed" no alarms appear for this point regardless of its point state.
PAlmSu The A- or B-point is Point alarm suppressed. The point's "Alarm suppression point" is in alarm. Therefore
this point is "point alarm suppressed", in another words no alarms appear for this point regardless of its point state.
HAlmSu Hierarchy alarm suppressed. The state applies, when a point is suppressed by an above Department,
Group, Route or Masterpoint. Still the point will only take the HAlmSu color, when it is in an alarm state. Otherwise
appear as "Normal".
No Algorithm The A- or B-point has no algorithm assigned.
Arithmetic fault The calculation of an A-point value gave a computer arithmetic fault, e.g. division by zero.
Error A-point value calculation cannot be performed.
Fault state B-point MSW (machine status word) is not included in the B-point algorithm.
Undefined value A-point with an undefined value.
A-High1 to A-High10 Alarm high 1 to 10 states (only an internal state of A-points).
A-Low1 to A-Low10 Alarm low 1 to 10 states(only an internal state of A-points).

Reference Manual Point system configuration SDR Point System Configuration • 7

Alarm Reset
The Alarm Reset tab contains the policy for resting events and alarms.

Alarm condition reset mode

Select the desired alarm reset condition from the pull down menu.
1 - Auto reset
Alarm reset is not required, the point state is not effected by a reset.
2 - Unconditional reset with latch of reset
Alarm reset is accepted regardless of the current alarm state. The reset is latched until the point is in a normal state or
changes to a worse state.
E.g. if point is in high10 and a reset is done, all point value changes resulting in states from high10 down to normal
do not require further resets
3 - Conditional reset
Alarm reset is only accepted when the point’s current state is better than the alarm state, otherwise it is skipped. A
new reset is required for each transition towards a normal state, such as high5 -> high4.
E.g. if the point is in high10 and the current point value still results in high10, a reset has no effect. However if the
current point value would result in high9, the point state changes to high9 upon a reset. Further state changes to
better states require new resets.
4 - Conditional reset with latch of reset
Alarm reset is only accepted when the point’s current state is better than the alarm state, otherwise it is skipped. An
accepted reset is latched until the point is in a normal state or changes to a worse state.
E.g. as 3, but further value changes resulting in better states do not require new resets.

Lowest priority of horn annunciation

This selection defines from which priority level the horn signal is activated. Choosing priority 1 will exclude the
horn for all alarms below priority 1. Selecting Priority 5 will raise the horn upon all alarms.

8 • SDR Point System Configuration Reference Manual Point system configuration

Silence and Reset
These settings describe how the system should handle the Silence and Reset command issued by the user. The user
issues the Silence or Reset commands by pressing the Silence or Reset button found in the OpStation and Alarm list

Alarm Silence button

Alarm Reset Button

Silence and Reset scopes

Department - Issues Silence/Reset on department level only. Disables plant Silence / Reset.
Plant - Also Silence/Reset on plant level is allowed.
Global - Silence/Reset will always be performed on Plant level.

The Silence/Reset philosophy states what the system should do when the user presses Silence the first time, the
second time and when the user presses Reset.
The Philosophies have four template settings, and the current (user) setting. Chose a template from the dropdown
below the Philosophy table and modify it. After pressing Apply, this Philosophy will then become the current

Actions - The action to be taken (Described below)
Silence 1 - Alarm Silence command 1st time
Silence 2 - Alarm Silence command 2nd time
Reset - Alarm Reset command

Silence of horn - Set horn points for the selected scope to the horn off value.
Silence of local annunciation - Silence sound from the local computer
Show header line as silenced - Alarm header line appears in silenced color
Remove header line - Empty the alarm header for the selected scope.
Show button as silenced - Alarm header buttons no longer shown in alerted color.
Clear alert status (points) / Ready for Reset - Analog points in the selected scope have their alert status
removed, e.g. blinking colors switch to steady colors. (Point system only.) This action enables a following Reset
Send Silence command to PLC - Sends the silence command to the PLC
Show button as Reset - Alarm header buttons may be shown in "normal" color.
Reset points for analog points in the selected scope try to reset the points, i.e. try to set point into normal state.
(Point system only.)
Send reset command to PLCs for the selected scope send reset command(s) to the PLC(s).

Reference Manual Point system configuration SDR Point System Configuration • 9

Measurement units
The units shown in the ECS/SDR system are defined in this dialog. The first column shows the unit number. The
second column shows the unit text in local language and the third shows the unit in the default language.

To add a new unit press the Add button and enter a new (unique) number in the first field. Enter the local unit text in
middle field and the default unit text in the bottom field.
Press OK to save the unit or Cancel for canceling the new unit.
To delete a unit, select the unit in the list and press delete.
To modify a unit, click in the list, modify the text and press Apply.

Categories are used to group the alarms/events that have some conditions in common.

To add a new category press the Add button and enter a new (unique) number in the first field. Enter the local unit
text in the middle field and the default unit text in the bottom field. Please use a number that is not reserved for
system purposes.

10 • SDR Point System Configuration Reference Manual Point system configuration

Press OK to save the unit or Cancel for canceling the new category.
To delete a category, select the unit in the list and press delete.
To modify a category, click in the list, modify the text and press Apply.

Alarm Printer
The Alarm Printer tab contains the setup for all alarm printers connected to the server or auxiliary units, shown in a
master-detail view. First select the printer port from the left table, when change the properties in the right table.

Enable alarm printer

Generally enables / disables all alarm printers.

Alarm Printer table

Port - The physical or logical printer port.
Enable - Enable / disable each printer.
Server - The computer that has the connection.
Initialization string - An "Escape code" sequence that is typed in as decimal character codes, separated with
spaces. e.g. 23 128 211 7
Consult the printer user manual to obtain the codes if needed.

Printer Output
Department - All departments in the system.
Error - From what priority level (and above) are the Errors in the selected department to be printed. Selecting
Priority 3, will cause the printer to print all Error alarms with priority 1, 2 and 3, for that department.
Warning - From what priority level (and above) are the Warnings in the selected department to be printed.
Selecting Priority 3, will cause the printer to print all Warnings with priority 1, 2 and 3, for that department.
Info - From what priority level (and above) are the Information events in the selected department to be printed.
Selecting Priority 3, will cause the printer to print all Information events with priority 1, 2 and 3, for that department.

Reference Manual Point system configuration SDR Point System Configuration • 11

Serial interface
If a serial interface to the printer is used, the serial port must be assigned before it will function properly. Create a
command prompt window (DOS window) and use the mode command. In the following a sample set-up sequence
for the OKI Microline 3391 printer is given, when its default configuration is used and it is connected to the port
Mode com1: baud=9600 parity=n data=8 stop=1 to=oof xon=off dtr=on rts=on
To test the printer and port use a small text file, fx. Test.txt and spool it to the printer as follows:
Type test.txt > com1:
For help type: Mode /?
It might be necessary to change the font or the pitch of the printer. This can be done via an initialization string, see
above, or if the printer allows it, by programming it from the rear. The OKI Microline 3391 printer should be set up
with a horizontal pitch of 12 CPI.

The Opc setup is done on this tab.

Opc server license

This checkbox shows if you have a valid Opc server license on your server.

Opc client refresh time – This is the time between notifications send to an Opc client when an Opc item’s value
or quality has changed.
Opc default point access – The default Opc access when creating a new point in the Point Configuration

Opc server in service

This option is for starting or stopping the EcsOpcServer.

12 • SDR Point System Configuration Reference Manual Point system configuration

OPC server
The name, ProgID, of the server is SdrPointSvr30.EcsOpcServer.
With concern to spot check, test and practice confer \Flsadev\Bin\sdr\SdrtestOpcUI30.exe or one of the clients in
With concern to security issues confer \Flsadev\Bin\sdr\SdrtestOpcUI30.exe or to the help of “OPC client config”
for more details. Basically the following is required: on the ECS server the user account(s) of the expected OPC
clients must be available with identical passwords, and on the client machine the user account “Flsaserver” with
correct password must be available.
The OPC client has only access to ECS points that allow for OPC read access, see Point configuration. If the point
also allows OPC write access, the OPC client is allowed to send output to the point.
The EcsOpcServer supports value, timestamp and quality. The value is the process value for analog points and the
MSW for the digital points.
Output will be forwarded to the corresponding IO system, when the point in question is an IO point. Digital points
have the output features that are allowed in the ECS system (usually defined in the configuration of the
corresponding IO system, output bitmask). The output value must be given in a MSW format, confer B-Point
algorithm editor. Analog output is only allowed on points with the conversion algorithms 3,4,41.

New color addition or color modifications can be done from this tab.

The 1. column shows the current number of the color.

Number – Shows the current number of the color, all colors have numbers. The number can be modified.
RGB – Shows the color. When a cell of this column is clicked, the text “…” appears in the cell and a click on the
text opens a window that shows the color picker. Then select a color from the picker and return.
English/Local – Contain the names of the color in the available languages.
Blink – Defines that the color is a blinking color and not a steady color, usually only used for point coloring.

Reference Manual Point system configuration SDR Point System Configuration • 13

Pointcolor – Defines whether this color can apply as the color of the point or not. When it is a pointcolor, it can be
selected from the different algorithm editors. Otherwise it is just a color that appears in the OpStation-editor color

The color number must be unique and the name of the color is required.
The color numbers 500..999 are available. The colors 1..499 are reserved for the ECS system, because many of the
standard picture elements are designed with colors, and changes of these colors will definitely change the look and
feel of the system.
To Delete select the line to be deleted and click Delete.
To add a new color click Add and a new line appears.
Upon any changes the Apply button is enabled, which must be clicked in order to save the changes.

14 • SDR Point System Configuration Reference Manual Point system configuration

Glossary of Terms

Analog point

Binary point.

A department can contain one or more groups.

A group can conrain Routes, Master points and points.

Master point
The Master point is an alarm suppression point with one or more child points.

The plant is the top item in the system.

A transport path that can contain Master points and points. A point can be a member of several routes.

Reference Manual Point system configuration Glossary of Terms • 15

PRepSu 7

Release 2

Index Reset 2, 3, 6, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry

on page 8

shifts 3
Silence 6, 8, 9
SiteName Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1
System Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
A on page 4, 7, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 9
Alarm 1, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 4, 11
B units 2, 10, 11
BGround 5

Categories 2, 4, 10
Coloring 1, 5
colors 5, 9

Eventing 1, 4

FGround 5

HAlmSu 7

Local 7, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 9

Normal Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 7

OAlmSu 7

PAlmSu 7
Philosophy 9

Reference Manual Point system configuration Index • 17

Reference Manual

SDR Report Configuration

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 2:41p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrRepCfgUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Report Configuration 1
Introduction 1
Plant Reports Tab 2
Report Collection Tab 3
Report General Tab 4
Plant Report Configuration Form 5
Buttons 5
Tool Bar 6
Value Types for A-points 6
Value Types for B-points 6
Value Types for A- and B-points 6
Report Collection Configuration Form 7
Buttons 8

Glossary of Terms 9

Index 11

Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration Contents • iii

Report Configuration

SDR Report Configuration is used to configure plant and shift reports, and report collections, and general setup for
time based report collection scheduling
The main form contains three tabs. One tab for selections of a report, one tab for selection of a collection of reports
and the general tab.
From these tabs two different sub forms can be invoked. One for configuration of a report and one for configuration
of a collection of reports.
Plant reports will always give statistical data based on the report hour of the system, whereas shift reports always
span the defined shifts of the system.
In order to get comparable results from shift and plant reports the first shift should start at the report hour of the

Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration Report Configuration • 1

Plant Reports Tab

The plant reports tab display a list of the reports in a scroll box. It is possible to configure 250 different reports. The
scroll box has two columns. One indicating the number of the report, the other indicating the name of the report.
By clicking in the scroll box a report can be selected.
Double clicking in the scroll box will pop up the Plant Report Configuration form for the report selected.
Pressing the edit button will also pop up the Plant Report Configuration form for the report selected.
Pressing the help button inside the tab will invoke the help for the tab. Pressing help outside the tab will invoke the
general help for this application.

2 • Report Configuration Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration

Report Collection Tab

The report collection tab displays a list of the report collections in a scroll box. It is possible to configure 20
different report collectios. The scroll box has to columns. One indicating the number of the report collection, the
other indicating the name of the report collection.
By clicking in the scroll box a report collection can be selected.
Double clicking in the scroll box will pop up the Report Collection Configuration form for the report collection
Pressing the edit button will also pop up the Report Collection Configuration form for the report collection selected.
Pressing the help button inside the tab will invoke the help for the tab. Pressing help outside the tab will invoke the
general help for this application.

Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration Report Configuration • 3

Report General Tab

The general report tab displays data relevant for time based report collection scheduling. For dual systems the Print
node frame indicates, whether Server1 or Server2 is the printing node. Toggling in the frame immediately
The Schedule all button should only be used to reinitialize the NT schedulers job queue in case it is not correct.
This should rarely be the case.

4 • Report Configuration Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration

Plant Report Configuration Form

Frame Caption
Displays the report number of the report edited.

Name Text box

Here the name of the report is entered. The current name is displayed.

Scroll Box
Here the points to showed in the report can be entered and are shown together with the value type that are use for the
point. A report consist of 15 points.

Point Code Column

Here the point code is entered or fetched with the point list using the toolbar

Value Type Column

Here the value type is entered by selection in a scroll box.

Clear – Will clear the report.
OK - Applies the changes made to the report and exits the form.
Cancel - Cancel the changes made to the report and exits the form.
Apply - Applies the changes made to the report.
Help - Invokes the help for this form.

Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration Report Configuration • 5

Tool Bar

Invoke Point List

Get previous point from Point List and insert into selected Point Code field.

Get current point from Point List and insert it into selected Point Code field.

Get next point from Point List and insert it into selected Point Code field.

Value Types for A-points

The actual value at a given sample time.

The average value of the point.

Determined by the report algorithm for the point.

The minimum value of the point.

The maximum value of the point.

Value Types for B-points

The operating hours of the point.

The number of changes from not-operating state to operating state (see Bpoint-Algorithms). For a motor point this
value type can be used to read the number of motor starts.

Value Types for A- and B-points

The number of alarms of the point.

The time the point was in an alarm state.

The number of errors of the point.

The percentage of the goodness of the value relative to the interval. A value is good, when the process computers
deliver a value with good qualitiy, or when it could be calculated successfully.

6 • Report Configuration Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration

Report Collection Configuration Form

Frame Caption
Displays the report collection number of the report collection edited.

Name Text box

Here the name of the report collection is entered. The current name is displayed.

Scroll Box
Here either all 250 reports are shown or the reports selected into the collection depending on the option selected.
The user has the possibility to add any report into to the report collection, either as a plant report or as shift report or
as both.

Report Name Column

Here the report name is displayed.

Plant Column
Here a check box is used to indicated whether or not this report is a part of the report collection as a plant report.

Shift Column
Here a check box is used to indicated whether or not this report is a part of the report collection as a shift report.

Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration Report Configuration • 7

Show Report All option
If this option is selected all reports with defined report name are displayed in the scroll box. Used to add new reports
to the report collection.
Show Report Selected option
If this option is selected, only reports of the collection are displayed in the scroll box, for which either plant or shift
is enabled. Used to view the reports in report collection and to remove reports from the collection.

Schedule information
Displays schedule information about this report collection. Generally scheduled reports are printed to the default

Scheduled report
If the checkbox is checked in, the report collection is to be printed periodicly at a desired time of day.

Schedule time
Here the time is entered, at which the collection has to be printed, the time must be between 00:00 and 23:59, and is
given as HH:MM, where MM=10 is recommended. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE Schedule Time is set to
around 10 minutes past the hour. This is because the statistical values must be logged to disk before the automatic
reports fetch these values. Logging of statistical values to disk is commenced on the hour.

Days of week
Here the days of the week are given, when the collection has to be printed. For each checked day the collection will
be printed periodicly at “schedule time”.

Days of month
Here the days of the month are given, when the collection has to be printed. For each checked day the collection will
be printed periodicly at “schedule time”.
Days of week and days of month can be combined. If neither has a checked day, the collection is printed, next time
the given schedule time is reached. This may be today or tomorrow.

Number of days to be printed

This textbox holds the number of days to be printed, when the collection is scheduled for printing. The number of
days is relative to the time, when the collection printing is activated.

Clear - Clears the report collection.
OK - Applies the changes made to the report collection and exits the form
Cancel - Cancel the changes made to the report collection and exits the form
Apply - Applies the changes made to the report collection
Help - Invokes the help for this form.

8 • Report Configuration Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration

Glossary of Terms

Plant report
Daily report with data from each hour, starting with the report hour.

Shift report
Daily reports with data from each hour but split into shift periods.

Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration Glossary of Terms • 9

Value Type 5


Accumulated 6
Apply 5, 8
Average 6

Cancel 5, 8
check box 7

Frame Caption 5, 7

Name Text box 5, 7

OK 5, 8

Plant Column 7
Plant Reports 2, 5, 7
Point List Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 5

Report Name Column 7

Scroll Box Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 2, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 7
Shift Column 7
Show All Report 8
Show Selected Report 8
Spot 6

Reference Manual SDR Report Configuration Index • 11

Reference Manual

SDR System Configuration

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 2:57p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrSysCfgUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

System Configuration 1
Introduction 1
System Parameters 2

Glossary of Terms 3

Index 5

Reference Manual SDR System Configuration Contents • iii

System Configuration

The SDR System Configuration utility is used to assign the system name, factory name, and specify the frequency of
the database backup. To start the utility, locate and select the SDR System Settings entry in the SDR portion of
the desktop Start menu.

Reference Manual SDR System Configuration System Configuration • 1

System Parameters
The General tab includes the fields for system parameter assignments.

Factory Name The information in this field is used to identify the factory or company name in report footers and
other parts of the system.
System Name The information in this field is used to identify the system in report headers and other parts of the
system. If the plant includes a QCX and SDR system, this field can be used to identify each.
Auto backup period Specifies how often the memory resident process database is backed up to disk. The entry is
in minutes. backup in minutes. backup of the runtime database from memory to disk. Predefined increments from 15
minutes to 240 minutes are available in the pull down list.

2 • System Configuration Reference Manual SDR System Configuration

Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual SDR System Configuration Glossary of Terms • 3


Error! No index entries found.

Reference Manual SDR System Configuration Index • 5

Reference Manual

ECS/SDR User Access

Control Configuration
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 3:28p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrUacCfgUi30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration 1
Introduction 1
User Configuration 2
Group Configuration 4
Displaying Rights 6
Displaying User's Rights 6
Displaying Group Rights 7
Displaying Rights Owners 8
General Configuration 10

Glossary of Terms 11

Index 13

Reference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration Contents • iii

ECS/SDR User Access Control

The ECS/SDR User Access Control (UAC) Configuration is used to grant access rights to new and existing users for
the ECS/SDR system. System administrators can control access to the point, I/O, log, event, and etc systems for an
individual user or a group of users.
Rights are granted to users, either explicitly or by groups. Rights can be simple rights, such as “Point: Resize of
database” or “Point: Change of B-point algorithms”. Rights can also be department dependent, such as “Ios: Reset
events” and “Ios: Silence events”.
Users are usually members of groups. Users can be added to or removed from groups.
Groups are usually a collection of granted rights.
ECS/SDR UAC Configuration contains the following three tabs:
• Users, this tab is used to add a new user. It is also used to delete, copy or modify rights for an existing
• Groups, this tab is used to add a new group. It is also used to delete, copy or modify rights for an existing
• Rights, this tab is used to display rights for individual users or groups.
• General, this tab is used to enable or disable user access control, and to update the runtime database.
• The main window contains the following three buttons:
• Apply, is used to apply changes to the database.
• Reset can be used to recover settings since last Apply.
• Help is used to retrieve the on-line help.

ECS version 7.0sr2 introduces Machine Account user to support dynamic session changes, i.e. the rights profile
and the identification tag associated with events, reports etc. can be changed without having to go through a
complete windows logoff/logon sequence. Only machine accounts can perform dynamic re/login via the SdrLogin
program. The function has the restriction that, at any time a perticular machine account can only be logged-on once.
Therefore, it is recommended that one machine account be created for each computer constituting the system like
FlsaPc1 ... FlsaPcN. In addition one standard user account must be created for each individual. All accounts must be
created on all computers.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration • 1
User Configuration
A system administrator might wish to add a new user to the system, such as an operator. First enter a user login in
New UserName. It is important to note that this user name must be the same as the Windows login for the user.
Anyone logging into Windows with an unknown user name will have no rights to the system. It is not necessary to
create a Windows login before creating a user name.
Default users cannot be modified or deleted.
The following is a set of default users supplied with ECS/SDR:
• Flsa, includes guests and operators rights.
• FlsaMain, includes guests, operators and administrators rights. Standard engineer rights.
• FlsaServer, gives all rights to the system.
• FlsaPc, is a machine account, without any rights.

Decide the type of the user, toggle between User and Machine account.
Normal users appear when the User toggle is chosen, otherwise Machine account users appear. These are two
different types of users and the selected toggle defines the scope of the following actions on a user. In general,
machine account users should have a very very limited list of rights (copies of FlsaPc).
To simply add a new user without any rights, click the Add button.
To add a new user with the same rights as an existing or default user, choose an existing or default user from the
pull-down box, then use the Copy button to copy the rights of the selected user to the user in the New UserName
Use the Delete button to remove the selected user shown in the pull-down box. If an user is accidentally deleted, it
can be recovered using the Reset button, as long as the Apply button has not been pressed.
In the Group membership section, the left panel shows the groups the selected user is currently a member of, while
the right panel shows available groups. Use the Add -> or Remove -> buttons to add or remove group to and from
the selected user.

Figure 1. A new user called OperatorXX is created with rights from default user Flsa, using the Copy button.

2 • ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationReference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration
Since a user receives all the rights from his groups, an existing right can only be removed if he belongs to a new
The User Rights button is used to grant specific rights to the selected user. It is important to note that User Rights
is inclusive, meaning that rights inherited from a group cannot be removed using the User Rights button. So a user
receives all the rights of the groups in which he is a member. When the User Rights button is pressed a new window
called Rights configuration will appear.

Figure 2. Granting special rights to OperatorXX, and selecting which departments the department related right, Ios:
Reset events, will be active.

The Rights configuration window contains three panels:

• the top-left panel displays the specifically granted rights,
• the top-right panel shows all available rights and
• the bottom panel indicates which departments the currently selected right is active. This panel is only
relevant for department related rights.

By default, a department related right will be active in all departments. By de-selecting the All departments check
box, the administrator will be allowed to select the departments which will be active for the user, as seen in the
above figure.
By using the Add-> button, rights can be given to the user. By using the Remove-> button, rights previously given
can be removed. Remember User rights is inclusive.
The following buttons are found on the bottom of the window:
• OK, applies changes to the user, but not to the database, and closes window.
• Apply, same as OK, but does not close window.
• Reset, restores to last setting since last OK or Apply was pressed.
• Cancel, cancels changes and closes window.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration • 3
Group Configuration
A group can be simply added with no rights by using the Add button.
A new group might be required when there is a group of new users who share similar rights of an existing group.
First enter a group name in New groupname. Similar to the previous section, a group can copy the rights from an
existing group by selecting an existing group from the pull-down box and by using the Copy button.
Default groups cannot be modified or deleted.
The following are default groups available for copying:

• Guests, have no rights.

• Operators, have typical operator rights, e.g. access to many point and I/O systems.
• Administrators, standard engineering rights, e.g. access to point, I/O, log, event and right systems.

Figure 3. A new group called "Privileged Operators" was added using the Copy button to copy the rights from
default group Operators.

Once a new group has been added, groups rights can be modified using the Group rights button. The Rights
configuration window will appear.

4 • ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationReference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration
Figure 4. Right settings for a new group called "Privileged Operators", similar to User rights configuration, the
department related rights can be selected to be active in certain departments.

This window is the same as the User configuration's Rights configuration window.
For group configuration there are three scenarios:
• A right has been added to the group, this right will be granted to users who are members of this group. If a
right has been removed from the group. The removed right will not exist for users who are members only to
this group.
• For a user belonging to multiple groups. If a right appears in any group, but not in others, the right will be
• For users belonging to multiple groups and containing multiple occurrences of a department related right;
the active departments in the department related right will be given from the group appearing first on the
membership list found in User tab.

Therefore it is usually better to create groups will no similar rights.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration • 5
Displaying Rights
The Rights tab consists of the following three main sections:
• Show user, is used mainly to display user's rights.
• Show group, is used to display group's rights.
• Show right, is used to display owners of a specified right.

Displaying User's Rights

Figure 5. In this example, OperatorXX is selected in the Rights Tab, Show user section. If the All rights button is
pressed, window in next figure will appear.

It is also possible to see which group the selected user is a member of by clicking Member of groups.
User Rights can be listed using the Rights Tab. In the Show user section, select a user from the pull-down box,
and press the All rights button to see rights associated with this selected user. The Rights query results window
will appear.

6 • ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationReference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration
Figure 6. All rights displayed for OperatorXX. The department related right, Ios: Reset events right, was selected
previously in the Users Tab with the User rights button.

Appearing beside each right is a bracket containing the group name where the right was inherited. If no group name
is visible, this means the right was specifically given to this user using the User rights button in User tab. In the
above figure, Point: Alarm limits, was inherited from the Operators group, while Ios: Reset events was specifically
given to this user.
Click Close to return to Rights Tab.

Displaying Group Rights

Figure 7. In this example, a new group called "Privileged Operators" was created for a new type of user called
"Point Operator".

Reference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration • 7
The most efficient way to look at group rights is to use the Rights tab, Show group section and the All rights
button. The Member of group button can be used to show members of the selected group.

Figure 8. The left panel shows a list of rights selected for the group Privileged Operators.

Displaying Rights Owners

Figure 9. In this figure the Ios: Reset events right has been selected in the Show right section, to view a list of users
with this right, click the Granted to users button.

8 • ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationReference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration
A different method of viewing rights is to select a specific right from the Show right section pull-down box. To
view a list of users who has been granted this right, click the Granted to users button. To view a list of groups
who has been granted this right, click the Granted to groups button.

Figure 10. The right Ios: Reset events has been granted to OperatorXX, since this is a department related right it is
only effective in certain departments.

Reference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration • 9
General Configuration

Figure 11., The General Tab contains a section for enabling or disabling the UAC, machine account support and a
button to Refresh the runtime database

By default the Enable UAC checkbox is unchecked, this means UAC is disable. Disabling the UAC means that
access is not controlled. To enable UAC, check the checkbox “Enable UAC” and press immediately Apply
underneath the checkbox.
By default Enable logon with SdrLogin for machine accounts is unchecked, this means machine accounts
can be used, but will be treated as normal users. When the feature is enabled, dynamic login/relogin with SdrLogin is
possible. When the checkbox is changed, press Apply underneath.
The ability to press the Apply button is only given to users, who have the Windows administrator rights (i.e. are
members of the Windows usergroup Administrators). Any other users cannot operate this function.
The Refresh Database Table button found in the Rights tab is used to Update the Runtime Database by non-
destructively reading the Static Configuration. This function is not normally used, and only used during

10 • ECS/SDR User Access Control ConfigurationReference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration
Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration Glossary of Terms • 11

Operators 2, Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 4

Index Refresh Database Table 10

removed right 5
Reset Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1
Rights configuration 1, 3, Error! Not a valid
bookmark in entry on page 4
Rights configuration window 3, 5

Show rights 8
A Show user Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
on page 8
Add Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on page
1, 4
Administrators 2, 4 U
All departments 3 Update the Runtime Database 10
User Rights Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry
C on page 3, Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 5
Copy Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1, 4

Delete Error! Not a valid bookmark in entry on
page 1

Flsa 2
FlsaMain 2
FlsaPc 2
FlsaServer 2

Granted to users 5
Group membership section 2
Group rights Error! Not a valid bookmark in
entry on page 4
Guests 2, 4

Member of group 8
Member of groups 6
multiple groups 5

New groupname 4

occurrence of the same right 5

Reference Manual ECS/SDR User Access Control Configuration Index • 13

Reference Manual

SDR Watch Dog

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 4:19p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: SdrWatchDogUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

SDR Watch Dog 1
Introduction 1

Glossary of Terms 3

Index 5

Reference Manual SDR Watch Dog Contents • iii

SDR Watch Dog

SDR Watch Dog is constantly checking the status of the computer it's running on and the status of the Servers and/or
dual partner it is connected to. The SDR Watch Dog user interface is automatically started when a user logs in. A
colour indicator is placed in the system tray on the task bar.

Figure 1. On the right side of the task bar is the system tray, containing the watchdog monitor and the current time.

These are the different types of connections which the SDR Watch Dog can monitor:

• A Client connected to a Server.

• A Server connected to a Server dual partner (only for dual ECS/SDR server systems).
• A Server running without a Server dual partner (for non dual ECS/SDR server systems).
The colour indicator can have the following expressions with respect to the above connections:
GREEN (Status is OK) This computer is communicating normally with its partner. E.g. a Client communicating
with its Server partner or a Server communicating with its dual Server partner.
RED (Status is Not Reachable) The connection might have been severe or the other computer is not running.
YELLOW (Status is Maintenance) This computer is in maintenance mode.
GREY (Status is Run) This computer is a Server computer in run mode, without a dual partner.

Reference Manual SDR Watch Dog SDR Watch Dog • 1

To open the Computer connection monitor window double click the colour indicator in the system tray.

Figure 2. The Computer connection monitor window, the name for this computer is in brackets on the top of the window, in this
example it is HNT97.

On the top of the Computer connection monitor window is the name of this computer in brackets. The column
called Computer name includes the names of this computer and the computer it is connected to with a colour
indicator on the left of the name. The next column is Status which can have the following texts: OK, Run,
Maintenance, or Not Reachable. The last column is Error, which displays the total number of errors which has
occurred since the last time SDR Watch Dog was reset using the Reset button, or since SDR Watch Dog was
Click the Help button to retrieve the on-line help.

2 • SDR Watch Dog Reference Manual SDR Watch Dog

Glossary of Terms

Reference Manual SDR Watch Dog Glossary of Terms • 3


Error! No index entries found.

Reference Manual SDR Watch Dog Index • 5

Reference Manual

Starting The SDR System

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version SdrV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 3/06/06 4:50p $
Author cna-in
Last modified by $Author:: Cna-in $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: StartingSDR30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Starting The SDR System 1
Introduction 1
Startup Mode 1
Starting in the SDR Maintenance Mode 2
Starting in the SDR Run Mode 3
SDR Current Mode 4
SDR System Login 4
Current User 4
Changing Your Password 4
SDR User Login 5

Glossary of Terms 7

Index 9

Reference Manual Starting The SDR System Contents • iii

Starting The SDR System

This manual describes the procedure used to startup and log into the SDR system at an ECS workstation.
When multiple SDR workstations are connected to the network, Servers (MOPs) must be started before Clients
(DOPs). This is due to the fact that a Client obtains process information from a designated Server.

Startup Mode
When a workstation is booted, the SDR system is initialized to the SDR Maintenance mode or the SDR Run mode.
The startup mode is determined by the status of internal startup flags. These flags are set or reset by the SDR
Maintenance utility.
If the startup flags are set for the run mode, the SDR applications and services are automatically started after the boot
sequence is completed. By the time the logon prompt appears the SDR system is collecting data from the process
interface. The run mode is the normal operating mode.
If the startup flags are set for the maintenance mode, the NT operating system completes a normal boot sequence,
but the SDR applications and services are not started. The maintenance mode is used to perform system functions
that can not be initiated while the SDR system is running.
The functions performed in the maintenance mode include:
Data Synchronization between Servers and other FLSA subsystems (CEM, Fuzzy, QCX, etc.)
Backup graphic, log, and database files to disk or tape.
Restore graphic, log, and database files from disk or tape.
SDR License keys assignments.
SDR System Configuration, which includes System and Factory name assignments, database backup period
assignment, SDR Language configuration, and Point database size configuration.

Reference Manual Starting The SDR System Starting The SDR System • 1
Starting in the SDR Maintenance Mode
While in the SDR Run mode, locate and select SDR Maintenance from the desktop Start menu.

After the Maintenance mode utility starts select the Shutdown tab and choose the desired Maintenance Mode
Restart the computer in maintenance mode The SDR and NT systems shut down and a reboot to the
maintenance mode is initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the FlsaMain account. Refer to System
Login. The maintenance utility starts and the Maintenance display appears.
Shut down the computer for maintenance mode The SDR and NT systems shut down. After the shutdown is
executed, power can be removed from the system. After power is restored, a reboot to the maintenance mode is
initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the FlsaMain account. (Refer to System Login). The
maintenance utility starts and the Maintenance display appears.
After choosing the maintenance mode option, click on the OK command.

2 • Starting The SDR System Reference Manual Starting The SDR System
Starting in the SDR Run Mode
While in the SDR Maintenance mode, locate and select SDR Maintenance from the desktop Start menu.

After the Maintenance mode utility starts, select the Shutdown tab and choose the desired Run Mode option.
Restart the computer in run mode The SDR and NT systems shut down and a reboot to the run mode is
initiated. When the logon prompt appears, log into the flsa account. Refer to System Login.
Shut down the computer for run mode The SDR and NT systems shut down. After the shutdown is executed,
power can be removed from the system. After power is restored, a reboot to the run mode is initiated. When the
logon prompt appears, log into the flsa account. Refer to System Login.
After choosing the run mode option, click on the OK command.

Reference Manual Starting The SDR System Starting The SDR System • 3
SDR Current Mode
To determine the current SDR mode, locate and select SDR Maintenance from the desktop Start menu.

After the Maintenance window appears, select the Shutdown tab. The Current mode field indicates the SDR
mode: Run or Maintenance.

SDR System Login

To log into the SDR system, simultaneously press the keyboard <Ctrl>, <Alt> and <Delete> keys at the logon
message prompt.
The default user account is flsa - no password is required.
When the login window appears, enter your assigned User name and Password. Complete the login process by
moving the mouse pointer to the OK command and pressing the left mouse button.

Current User
To determine the user currently logged into a workstation, simultaneously press the keyboard <Ctrl>, <Alt> and
<Delete> keys. A Windows NT Security window appears and displays the user currently logged into the workstation
and the login time and date.

Changing Your Password

Do not change the password associated to the FLSASERVER account. The system will not function properly.

4 • Starting The SDR System Reference Manual Starting The SDR System
SDR User Login
Trough the SDR Login program (SdrLoginUi30) “dynamic” SDR User login is supported. This implies that reports,
events and etc. can be tagged with the individual operators personal tag without performing a full windows
logoff/login sequence.
The SDR Login program can be accessed by double-clicking its icon, which opens the User Interface, or by right
clicking the icon and then selecting Restore. The icon is found in the system tray (Normally located in the lower
right corner of the display).
It is noted that the windows user name must be unique throughout the complete ECS system. If the SDR Login
program detects a validation of this requirement a windows logoff will be initiated within 5 seconds. The user will
be informed about this action. Windows logoff is also initiated when right clicking the icon and selecting Exit.
The SDR User login cannot be modified for the predefined accounts: FlsaServer, FlsaMain and Flsa. For these
accounts the SDR Login program can be used to monitor which logins are in use.
The SDR Login program is started through the windows general program start-up mechanism. For computers
running in Maintenance mode the program will exit within 5 seconds. The user will be notified about this action.
The user interface for SDR Login program holds 3 tab controls. Through the Logon tab SDR User logins can be
made by providing the proper User Name and Password. The Logoff Policy is controlled by the second tab. SDR
User logoff might either take place every full hour or after a specified time interval (Specifying the interval as 0
implies that logoff never takes place). Current logins can be monitored through the Logon Status tab.

Reference Manual Starting The SDR System Starting The SDR System • 5
Glossary of Terms

Expert Control System. A term denoting an FLS Automation A/S supplied application comprising the SDR system
enhanced with one ore more dedicated (intelligent) software systems.

Partner Configuration
An installation consists of at least one Server. If there are any Client(s) included in the installation, each Client has a
Server partner. In the case of a dual system two Servers have each other as partners.

Software Development and Runtime system. This term is a synonym for the basic system delivered by FLS
Automation A/S. Using the SDR as a foundation various FLS Automation A/S supplied software components can
be installed making the total installed set of applications an ECS.

Reference Manual Starting The SDR System Glossary of Terms • 7


SDR Login 5

Reference Manual Starting The SDR System Index • 9

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