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ECS CEMulator Manual v7.0.5

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CEMulator Configuration 1

CEMulator Run Time 2

CEMulator Point Access 3
CEMulator Device Sim Linking 4
CEMulator Evaluation Reports 5
CEMulator Tutorial Editor 6
CEMulator v7.0.5
Volume 1/1 16
FLSmidth Automation 27
Hoffdingsvej 34 28
DK-2500 Valby 29
Copenhagen 30
Denmark 31
Phone: +45 36 18 27 00 38
Telefax: +45 36 18 27 99 39
User Manual

CEMulator Configuration
FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version CPSV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 9/16/05 8:47a $
Author Torsten Vagn Jensen
Last modified by $Author:: Tvj $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: CpsConfigUi30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

CEMulator Configuration 1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
CEMulator Configuration Tool ............................................................................................. 2
Starting up .............................................................................................................. 2
Common Settings ................................................................................................... 3
Password ................................................................................................................ 4
Model Names ......................................................................................................... 4
Log Settings ........................................................................................................... 5
Message Sound....................................................................................................... 5
Model Scaling......................................................................................................... 6
Unit Conversion...................................................................................................... 6
Delete Init. Situ....................................................................................................... 7
Delete Tutorials ...................................................................................................... 8
License Info............................................................................................................ 9
PLC Access .......................................................................................................... 10

Glossary of Terms 11

Index 13

User Manual CEMulator Configuration Contents  iii

CEMulator Configuration

The configuration tool is used for editing the basic set up of the CEMulator.
This document describes in detail the 10 available configuration tags.
Before changing the settings it will be good to make a backup selecting all CPS checkmarks.

User Manual CEMulator Configuration CEMulator Configuration  1

CEMulator Configuration Tool
To start the CEMulator Configuration Tool click ‘Start->CPS->CPS Administrative Tools->CEMulator

Starting up
When starting the CEMulator Configuration Tool a password box will appear.

After clicking 'OK', the CEMulator Configuration window opens.

There are 11 tabs available in the CEMulator Configuration window:

Common Settings - Set up of Auto Save Interval and Time Since Last Update timers.
Password - Change the instructor Password.
Model Names - Change the model names in the CEMulator user interfaces.
Log Settings - Set up for evaluation report log system, Log Name, Master documents etc.
Message Sound - Change the message sound in CPS Instructor and CPS Trainee user interfaces.
Model Scaling - Scale each model to fit the simulated plant. (Requires License)
Unit Conversion - Convert units from Metric to US. (Requires License)
Delete Init. Situ. - Delete unused initial situations.
Delete Tutorials - Delete tutorials.
License Info - Info on CEMulator licenses.
PLC Access – Change Soft PLC interlock borders etc.

2  CEMulator Configuration User Manual CEMulator Configuration

Common Settings
The settings that can be changed from this tab will effect running all training session types. Changeable settings:
1. Auto Save Interval
 Interval Between auto saves.
 0 means auto save.
 Else the auto save interval needs to be more than the restart timer
 When the auto save fails to load, then a save from the interval before will be available.
2. Time Since Last Update goes yellow
 Seconds before the time since last update goes yellow in the CPS Trainee and CPS Instructor user
 Must be greater than 1 second.
3. Time Since Last Update goes red
 Seconds before the time since last update goes red in the CPS Trainee and CPS Instructor user
 Must be greater than 2 second.
 Must be greater than goes yellow time
4. Time Since Last Update Restarts CEMulator
 Seconds before the time since last update restarts the CEMulator.
 Must be greater than 30 second.
 Must be greater than goes red time.

User Manual CEMulator Configuration CEMulator Configuration  3

Change the instructor password by typing in the old password and type the new password in twice.

Model Names
Changing the model names will affect all user interfaces using the model names. Select a model name in the combo
list and type in the new text and click Apply.

4  CEMulator Configuration User Manual CEMulator Configuration

Log Settings
Settings included under this tag are used for evaluation reporting. Changeable settings:
1. Default Log Name
 Log name used for Standard training sessions only.
 Tutorial training sessions don’t use this name but uses the tutorial name as standard.
2. …Master
 Master document names for evaluation reporting.
 Must be located in ‘%FlsaDev%\CpsHome\Reports\Masters’ to be part of backup.
3. Keep Log In
 Defines how long a session log are kept before automatically deleted.
4. Demo Mode
 When the Demo Mode is on the reports will pop up on the computer
 When the Demo Mode is off the reports will be printed to the default printer.

Message Sound
Change the Message Sound used to announce messages in the CPS Instructor and CPS Trainee user interfaces.

User Manual CEMulator Configuration CEMulator Configuration  5

Model Scaling
*** Licensed Utility ***
This utility can scale the process model to fit a given plant in flow sizes. By scaling a model the output to the
ECS/Opstation will be scaled on predefined engineering units. Definitions in the CPS Instructor menus, Evaluation
and Input Parameters, will also be scaled. Whenever a model is scaled the point configurations are rounded, so
avoid scaling the same model over and over again. Use instead the original backup and scale from these.
To alter the list of included units open the file ‘%FlsaDev%\CpsHome\ConfigDb\CpsModelScaling.mdb’.

Unit Conversion
*** Licensed Utility ***
This utility can convert the units in all process models to fit the local needs. By converting the units, output to the
ECS/Opstation will be converted from predefined engineering units. Definitions in the CPS Instructor menus,
Evaluation and Input Parameters, will also be converted. Whenever the databases are converted the point
configurations are rounded, so avoid converting the same model over and over again. Use instead the
original backup and convert from this.
To alter the conversion definitions and types open the file ‘%FlsaDev%\CpsHome\ConfigDb\CpsUnitConvert.mdb’.

6  CEMulator Configuration User Manual CEMulator Configuration

Delete Init. Situ.
From this tab it is possible to clean up in the Initial Situations by deletion. It’s not possible to delete Initial Situations
used by tutorials or originated from F L Smidth.
To delete a save two steps are needed:
1. Select a model in the Model Combo box then click next.

2. Select the Initial Situation that should be deleted and click Delete.

User Manual CEMulator Configuration CEMulator Configuration  7

Delete Tutorials
From this tab it is possible to clean up in the Tutorials by deletion.
To delete a tutorial two steps are needed:
1. Select a model in the Model Combo box then click next.

8  CEMulator Configuration User Manual CEMulator Configuration

2. Select the Tutorial name in the Tutorial combo box. Filters on trainee and instructor names can be used.
Click delete to delete.

License Info
This tab gives a resume of the CEMulator relevant licenses.

User Manual CEMulator Configuration CEMulator Configuration  9

PLC Access
**** Only available on ECS/CEMulator – Classroom installations ****
From here you can change the value of selected timers and interlocking triggers. Change the value in the list and
click ‘Apply’

10  CEMulator Configuration User Manual CEMulator Configuration

Glossary of Terms

User Manual CEMulator Configuration Glossary of Terms  11


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual CEMulator Configuration Index  13

User Manual

CEMulator Run Time

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version CPSV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 9/16/05 10:53a $
Author Torsten Vagn Jensen
Last modified by $Author:: Tvj $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: CpsRunInstUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

CEMulator Basics 1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
Reboot of The ECS/CEMulator PC....................................................................................... 2
CEMulator Classroom startup ................................................................................. 2
ECS/CEMulator Interface ..................................................................................................... 3
The instructors point of view................................................................................... 3
The trainees point of view ..................................................................................... 10

CEMulator Specifics 15
The instructors point of view .............................................................................................. 15
Evaluation ............................................................................................................ 15
Disturbances ......................................................................................................... 19
Input Parameters................................................................................................... 34
The trainee point of view .................................................................................................... 43
Evaluation ............................................................................................................ 43

Trouble shooting 45
Reload of PLC Module ....................................................................................................... 45
Upgrading the CEMulator software..................................................................................... 46

Appendix A: Start Up Procedures 47

Start up procedure for the standard ILC-Coolax Kiln model ................................................ 47
Session 1: Ignition ................................................................................................ 48
Session 2: Heating up the pyro system................................................................... 48
Session 3: Ready for feed ...................................................................................... 49
Session 4: Increasing production ........................................................................... 50
Stop of an ILC kiln with grate cooler..................................................................... 51
Start up procedure for the standard ILC-SF Kiln model ....................................................... 53
Session 1: Ignition ................................................................................................ 53
Session 2: Heating up the pyro system................................................................... 53
Session 3: Ready for feed ...................................................................................... 54
Session 4: Increasing production ........................................................................... 55
Stop of an ILC kiln with grate cooler..................................................................... 56
Start up procedure for the standard SP-Folax Kiln model..................................................... 58
Session 1: Ignition ................................................................................................ 58
Session 2: Heating up the pyro system................................................................... 58
Session 3: Ready for feed ...................................................................................... 59
Session 4: Increasing production ........................................................................... 60
Stop of a SP kiln with grate cooler ........................................................................ 61
Start up procedure for the standard SP-Unax Kiln model ..................................................... 61
Session 1: Ignition ................................................................................................ 62
Session 2: Heating up the pyro system................................................................... 62
Session 3: Ready for feed...................................................................................... 63
Session 4: Increasing production ........................................................................... 64
Stop of a SP kiln with planetary cooler .................................................................. 64
Startup Procedure for standard Vertical Raw Mill ............................................................... 66
Start up of Vertical Raw Mill ................................................................................ 66

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Contents  iii

Stop of Vertical Raw Mill ..................................................................................... 66
Startup Procedure for standard Vertical Coal Mill ............................................................... 67
Start up of Vertical Coal Mill ................................................................................ 67
Stop of Vertical Coal Mill ..................................................................................... 68
Startup Procedure for standard Doudan Raw Mill................................................................ 68
Start up of Duodan Raw Mill ................................................................................ 68

Glossary of Terms 71

Index 73

iv  Contents User Manual CEMulator Run Time

CEMulator Basics

The CEMulator or CPS (Cement Process Simulation) Software is designed for simulation of the production process
of cement. The package is primarily intended for operator training, but can also be used to test what if scenarios or
test new control strategies.
The package consists of an Analogue simulation part and a Soft PLC (responsible for interlocking etc.).
The package consists of one or several models of part of a cement plant, such as the grinding process for raw
material, a kiln along with possible preheater system and a cooler...
It is important to note that there is no connection between the distinct models of the plant. Meaning that the result of
a simulation of raw material grinding will have no effect on a subsequent simulation of a kiln system.
The system runs one simulation at a time, and only the instructor can change which part of the process is being
The computer hardware configuration of a CEMulator system consists of one PC per trainee. The instructor can have
a separate PC of it can be the same as one of the trainees.
The interface for the trainee is partly the ECS/Opstation and partly a separate CEMulator interface. This manual will
describe the functionality of the CEMulator interface. For a description of the functionality of the ECS/Opstation
refer to (ECSMANUAL). However a description of the evaluation through the ECS/Opstation will be given.
The interface for the instructor is mainly the CPS/Instructor interface. This has in addition to the functionalities of
the trainee interface functionality for controlling the current simulation session.
Here the basic functionalities (those present on both trainee and instructor interfaces) will be described and the more
detailed functionality of the instructor interface will be dealt with in a separate section.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Basics  1

Reboot of The ECS/CEMulator PC
When the ECS/CEMulator computer is used for training sessions it is of great importance that the computer are
running in the ECS mode ‘run’. If this is not the case the point trend facilities will not be available.
To check that the ECS mode is ‘run’ make sure that the ECS/Watch Dog that are located in the system tray of the
start bar are green. Consult your ‘SDR Maintenance – reference manual’ for details on how to reboot in ‘run’ mode.

CEMulator Classroom startup

Just after login in it very important to wait for the Soft Plc to load the PLC Module. So do not start anything else,
like the ECS/CEMulator, before all of the slots in the soft plc are in run mode as illustrated below.

It can occur during reboot that the Soft Plc encounter errors during load of the PLC Module. If this happens you can
reload the PLC Module to that slot by doing as described in the Trouble Shooting – Reload of PLC Module chapter.
A PLC slot is faulted if it looks as slot 1 in the Soft PLC below or if the ‘BAT’ and ‘OK’ indicator lamps are red.

2  CEMulator Basics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

ECS/CEMulator Interface

In the two following sections a step through of the CEMulator interface will be given. The first one is seen from the
point of view of the instructor and the second one from the point of view of the trainee. The options in the interface
accessible to both will be described twice.

The instructors point of view

When starting the CEMulator a password box will appear.

It is possible to change the password. After Clicking 'OK', the following interface will appear:

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Basics  3

The Status window shows the last selected Model Name. The Simulator Status will be Ready. Elapsed Simulation
Time and Time Since Last Update will both be zero. From this window there are two options. To change the model
to be used in the simulation or to select which saved situation to start from.

Change the model used in simulation

Select which saved situation to start from

If it is desired to change the model this has to be done first. When clicking the Change Model button the following
window will appear, and it will now be possible to change between the models included in the system. If only one
model is in the system, this button is irrelevant. Here it is also possible to decide whether the Soft PLC simulation
should be activated or not, if a Soft PLC is part of the system.

After a possible change of model the instructor should now select which saved situation the trainees has to start
from, or the Trainee can be allowed to select a situation. A list of training session types is available and the instructor
or trainee should now chose one.

The four training session types are:

1. Standard Training.
 Select an Initial Situation.
 Runs with the interference of the present instructor.
 Will log Evaluation Report under the default session log name (can be set in CEMulator
2. Tutorial.
 Select a Tutorial.
 Runs with the interference of the present instructor and the recorded instructor actions.
 Will log Evaluation Report under the Tutorial name.

4  CEMulator Basics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

3. Record Tutorial. (Instructor Only)
 Select an Initial Situation.
 Type in a Tutorial Name.
 Runs and records the interference of the present instructor.
 Will not log Evaluation Report.
 Can later be edited in the Tutorial Editor.
4. Edit Tutorial. (Instructor Only)
 Select a Tutorial
 Change the Initial Situation (may course inconsistency).
 Type in the new Tutorial Name.
 Runs and records the interference of the present instructor and the recorded instructor actions.
 Will not log Evaluation Report.
 Can later be edited in the Tutorial Editor.

The instructor can furthermore insert values in the following fields (active depending on session type):
Trainee – Name of the trainee (or default trainee name)
Instructor – Name of the instructor (or default instructor name)
Tutorial Description – Change the describing text for the tutorial
Passed Penalty – Max allowed penalty for passed statement in evaluation reports.
Observation Mode – When on the actions done while recording the tutorial will be activated.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Basics  5

When activating Apply, the simulation will start.
The Simulator Status in the main CEMulator Interface will switch to starting and then to running (and with a green
background) when the simulation is actually running (this typically takes from 10 to 25 seconds). When the status is
running the Main CEMulator Interface will appear as shown below.

There are two views available in the Main window; Training Session Info and Message Center.
The Training Session Info contains information’s on the running session. The instructor can modify the settings
during the session to fit the recorded tutorial or standard session.

6  CEMulator Basics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

In the message center the instructor can send messages and read previous messages. Lab. Reports from sampled
measurements will also be send to the Message Center. Whenever a new message is available a notify sound will be
played. Messages send from the instructor during recording of Tutorials will also be activated during replay.
Here the instructor can keep track of the Total time since simulation was started (Simulated Time) and the status of
the simulation (Simulator Status) this should under ‘normal circumstances’ be ‘Running’. The currently used
simulation speed, relative to real time can also be seen. An important piece of information is the time since the last
update came from the simulation (Time Since Last Update). The background colour of this will change depending on
how long its been since last update. There are three categories.
Green background The update time is low, and no special measures have to be taken.
Yellow background Warning level the update time is a bit high, no further changes to set points should be
Red background The update time is high the simulation might be headed for problems; NO CHANGES is to be
made to any set point etc.
From the red background status there are two possibilities, either the simulation will recover, meaning that the
update time will be reduced again and the background colour should change back to yellow and eventually to green.
Now changes to the set points etc. can be done again. The other possibility is that the update time is deemed to long
by the simulator (it is possible to change this limit but it is recommended to be 60 s). This will result in the
CEMulator restarting it self and the instructor once again have to select a previously saved situation to start from. No
option to save the ‘faulty situation’ will be given.
For information the Main CEMulator Interface also shows the summery of the model and the saved situation
currently in use.
The other Options available to the instructor are:

Save the current simulation

Stop the simulation

Pause the simulation

Show Evaluation dialog, a detailed description is found in the Evaluation chapter.

Show Disturbance dialog, a detailed description is found in the Disturbance chapter.

Show Input Parameter dialog, a detailed description is found in the Input Parameter chapter.

Change the simulation speed, relative to real time.

Help functionality
When pressing Save the following dialog will appear

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Basics  7

Here the name and description of the saved situation is entered. The instructor and trainee names are taken from the
main window. After save is finished the simulation continues as before.
If the instructor presses Stop a warning will appear prompting the instructor to either continue with the present
simulation, save the present situation or really stop the simulation.

If the instructor select continue the simulation will proceed, if the instructor select save, the save session dialog will
appear. If Stop is selected the current simulation will stop and the CEMulator will reset it self to the initial state,
where the instructor can either change model or select a starting situation. The default selected starting situation will
always be the last situation saved.
Selecting the Pause bottom will simply halt the CEMulator at the current state, and the main window will how have
the following appearance:

Sending a message while paused will be recorded as a paused message action. This type of event can also be created
later on in the Tutorial Editor Tool.
All actions regarding disturbances, input parameters, evaluation and session speed will be recorded when recording
or editing tutorials.
From here it is possible the restart the simulation or save the situation.

8  CEMulator Basics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

When clicking the change simulation speed . The following window appears.

This shows the current and the new possible values to change the speed to. Changes are effectuated by ‘Apply’.

This concludes the list of basic function available to the instructor from the CEMulator.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Basics  9

The trainees point of view
The Trainee main Interface to the CEMulator is very similar to the instructors. However the functionality is
obviously limited. The trainee has the same Status Window as the instructor:

The two selections below will be available when starting the CEMualtor.

Change the model used in simulation

Select which saved situation to start from

If it is desired to change the model this has to be done first. When clicking the Change Model button the following
window will appear, and it will now be possible to change between the models included in the system. If only one
model is in the system, this button is irrelevant. Here it is also possible to decide whether the Soft PLC simulation
should be activated or not, if a Soft PLC is part of the system.

The trainees main CEMulator interface will start in a Ready situation, and the Trainee now can click to start
the simulation (unless the instructor have already started the simulation). The interface for selecting a saved situation
to start from has the following appearance. A list of training session types is available and the instructor or trainee
should now chose one.

10  CEMulator Basics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

The two training session types are:
1. Standard Training.
 Select an Initial Situation.
 Runs with the interference of the present instructor.
 Will log Evaluation Report under the default session log name (can be set in CEMulator
2. Tutorial.
 Select a Tutorial.
 Runs with the interference of the present instructor and the recorded instructor actions.
 Will log Evaluation Report under the Tutorial name.

The trainee can furthermore insert values in the following field:

Trainee – Name of the trainee
When activating Apply, the simulation will start.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Basics  11

The Simulator Status in the main CEMulator Interface will switch to starting and then to running (and with a green
background) when the simulation is actually running (this typically takes from 10 to 25 seconds). When the status is
running the Main CEMulator Interface will appear as shown below.

There are two views available in the Main window; Training Session Info and Message Center.
The Training Session Info contains information’s on the running session.

In the message center the trainee can send messages and read received messages. Lab. Reports from sampled
measurements will also be send to the Message Center. Whenever a new message is available a notify sound will be
Here the trainee can keep track of the total time since simulation was started (Simulated Time) and the status of the
simulation (Simulator Status) this should under ‘normal circumstances’ be ‘Running’. Also the time since the last
update came from the simulation can be seen (Time Since Last Update). The background colour of this will change
depending on how long its been since last update. There are three categories.
Green background The update time is low and no special measures have to be taken.
Yellow background Warning level the update time is a bit high, no further changes to set points should be

12  CEMulator Basics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Red background The update time is high the simulation might be headed for problems; NO CHANGES is to be
made to any set point etc.
From the red background status there are two possibilities, either the simulation will recover and the update time will
be reduced again and the background colour should change back to yellow and eventually to green. Now changes to
the set points etc. can be done again. The other possibility is that the update time is deemed to long by the simulator.
This will result in the CEMulator restarting it self and the instructor or the trainee once again have to select a
previously saved situation to start from. No option to save the ‘faulty situation’ will be given.
For information the Main CEMulator Interface also shows the summery of the model and saved situation currently in
use. Also the speed at which the simulation is run, relative to real time can be seen. The Options available to the
trainee are:

Save the current simulation

Stop the simulation

Pause the simulation

Help functionality
When pressing Save the following dialog will appear

Here the name and description of the saved situation is entered. The instructor and trainee names are taken from the
main window. After save is finished the simulation continues as before.
If the trainee presses Stop a warning will appear prompting the trainee to either continue with the present simulation,
save the present situation or really stop the simulation.

If the trainee select continue the simulation will proceed, if the trainee select save, the save session dialog will
appear. If Stop is selected the current simulation will stop and the CEMulator will reset it self to the initial state,
where the trainee can select a starting situation. The default selected starting situation will always be the last
situation saved.
Selecting the Pause bottom will simply halt the CEMulator at the current state, and the main window will how have
the following appearance:

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Basics  13

From here it is possible the resume the simulation or save the situation.

This concludes the list of basic function available to the Trainee from the CEMulator.
The evaluation possibilities for the Trainee is described in the Evaluation Chapter.

14  CEMulator Basics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

CEMulator Specifics

The instructors point of view

This secsion describes the CEMulator as used by the instructor.

The Session Evaluation is a tool for:
 Rate the performance of an Operator/Trainee
 Accustom the Trainee to follow specific objectives when operating the plant.
 Identify areas where more training is needed.
The Session Evaluation Functionality provides a quantitative measure of the performance of the operator. The
evaluation will depend on the initial conditions (the saved situation) of the simulation and on the number and nature
of the disturbances imposed by the Instructor.
The evaluation returns a Score or Total Penalty, which is a numeric figure that the Trainee should try to minimize.
The session is evaluated by continuously supervising a number of SDR/points, relating their values to predefined
objectives. For each objective a penalty figure will be calculated. The Total Penalty is calculated as a weighted sum
of the objective penalties.
The evaluation score will depend heavily on the initial conditions of the simulation and on the imposed disturbances.
Thus, evaluation sessions can only be compared if run under identical conditions:
 Same initial conditions (saved situation)
 Same number, time and magnitude of the imposed disturbances (Tutorial)
The total penalty is a performance figure rather than a qualitative assessment of the performance. It is important that
the result is discussed in detail between the Instructor and the Trainee. To assist in this discussion, the instructor
could use information from the detailed penalty figures and from the trend curves/alarms lists from the ECS system.
Mathematical description
This section describes the terminology and structure of the session evaluation functionality. This includes the
mathematical algorithms used to calculate the penalties. Although understanding the mathematics is not necessary to
be able to use the session evaluation, it is recommended to read the short description of the calculation types in Table
The idea behind the session evaluation is to see how the trainee performs with respect to a number of objectives. An
objective could be to minimize the heat consumption in the kiln, to keep free lime equal to 1.3%, etc.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  15

If the Trainee operates the simulator with “keep constant”, the calculated penalty will correspond to standard
deviation and thus be independent of the duration of the session.
A type of calculation defines an objective. There are ten different types of calculations. Each one relates the value of
an SDR-A point to a target or limit value. Examples and objective types are as follows:
 “Maximise a value”
 “Minimise a value”
 “Keep a value less than a target value”
 “Keep a value more than a target value”
 “Keep a value equal to target value”
The calculation will result in a figure that, multiplied by an objective gain, gives the objective penalty. The gain
factor is necessary to adjust the penalty from all objectives to be of a comparable numerical size.
Objectives are organised in Groups. For each group, a group penalty is calculated as the sum of penalties from the
objectives in the group.
A Total Penalty is calculated as a sum of penalties from all groups, where each one is multiplied by a weight factor.
The weight factor enables the instructor to change the relative importance of the different groups, depending on the
present operation philosophy.
Figure 1 shows a flow sheet symbolising how Total Penalty is calculated.

Total Penalty

Weight 1 Weight 2 Weight n

Group 1 Penalty Group 2 Penalty Group 3 Penalty

+ + +

Objective Objective Objective

Penalty Penalty Penalty

Gain 1 Gain 2 Gain m

Objective 2.2
Objective 2.1 Objective 2.m
Type of

Point in
Target Value

Figure 1: Diagram of the calculation for group and total penalty

16  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Calculation types
Table 1 lists all calculation types. The table is only included in the printed manual.
The value x refers to the value of an SDR-A point. X0 is the possible fixed target or limit value, which is
configurable from the evaluation window.
The figure T in the integrals is the duration of the evaluation session, computed as “simulated time”. If the
simulation is performed with a speed factor other than 1, the simulated time will be different from the “real world

How to use it

When Clicking the Evaluation button in the Main CEMulator Interface the following window appears. This is
the summary of the Evaluation, and for display purposes only.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  17

From here the instructor can
go to the lower level of Penalties and set the gain (or priority) that the individual or group penalties should be given.
All lower level penalties are built in the hierarchical manner as shown in the Evaluation chapter. When expanding
the Total Penalty the group penalties will appear. The window below shows the generic groups. An actual model
might have all or a subset of these. The actual content of the groups will differ dependent on which model is being
simulated. These will be described in a subsequent section on the individual models. For the groups the Group
penalty is shown in brackets after the name and on the right hand side of the window. Here it is also possible to
change the gain for the group. Changes are imposed when clicking apply.

18  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

To show an example of the Evaluation level below group level, the Process Stability Group for a standard kiln is

Here is shown an example of keeping the oxygen content in the Smoke Chamber blow a limit value or Target. For
this type of evaluation objective it is possible to change both the gain and the target value on the right hand side. For
each individual entry the objective is listed and the calculation method as listed in Table 1.

The disturbances’ functions make it possible for the instructor to expose the trainee to situations, which cannot be
created as real life training experiments. This is done as explained in detail below, by changing artificially the values
of some especially chosen parameters.

When clicking the button the main disturbance window will appear. The appearance of this window will be
different pending on which model is active in the simulation. First a description of the points that are always present
regardless of the model will be given, and then the specific disturbances for the individual models are described.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  19

Measurement Noise
The first disturbance is the measurement noise. Here the instructor can choose whether the noise should be 'ON' or
'OFF'. The status of the disturbance can be seen on the right hand side. Here for all disturbances the background
colour will be reed if the disturbance is initiated and green if it is not. Also the text of the disturbance name in the list
in the left side of the picture will be reed if the disturbance is 'ON' and green if it is 'OFF'. This colour will propagate
up in the tree hierarchy in the case where a disturbance menu was more than one sub menu. Then if at least one of
the sub menus have a disturbance turned 'ON', the higher-level value will also be 'ON', and the colour will be red.
Input Point
The Second Disturbance will always be Input Point Disturbances. This is a list of all measurement points in the
present simulation. For each a list of possible failures can be seen on the left hand side of the window. Below is
shown an example. The possible errors for an input point are self-explanatory. Remember that possible introduced
errors will have to be cleared again by selecting No Error.

Controller Failure
The Controllers in model system can fail with an artificial offset in the measurement value. The offset can be either
positive or negative. The way to clear this disturbance is to put the controller back in normal operation.

20  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Damper, Splitter or Gate Failure
Another common disturbance is disturbances in damper, splitters or gates. These all have the effect that the position
is stuck. This means that when the disturbance is ‘ON’ regardless of what the set point of the unit is changed to, the
actual position does not change. These disturbances are cleared again by setting the disturbance back to ‘OFF’.

The last general disturbance point will be motor failures. This point is only included if the simulation model includes
a Soft PLC. An example of this disturbance is shown below. Here the instructor can trigger a MCC Ready fault for

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  21

each of the motors having an effect on the simulation. The disturbance will persist until it is cleared again from this

The rest of the disturbances will be different depending on which model is being simulated. These disturbances are
given in the following sections.

CPS Kiln Disturbances

Cyclone Jam
The first kiln specific disturbance is a cyclone jam. When setting this disturbance 'ON' the bottom cyclone in the
preheater tower will jam. The trainee will not from his screen be able to rectify this situation, but the side effects of a
cyclone jam will be seen (alarms are ticketed etc.). The only possibility of clearing this disturbance will be from the
instructor window to set the disturbance back to 'OFF'.

22  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Kiln Ring Formation
The default state for this disturbance is that the ring is being created in the burn zone of the kiln. When the
disturbance is ‘ON’ the ring will fall and after it has exited the kiln the simulation will continue without ring
formation. It takes approximately half to the normal residence time for the solid in the kiln before the extra-added
material from the ring fall has exited the kiln. It is not necessary to switch this disturbance back to ‘OFF’ in order for
the simulation to be running as it did previously. However if it is desired to make another ring fall it is necessary to
switch the state of the disturbance back to ‘OFF’. This disturbance will unlike all the others proceed once it has been
set to ‘ON’. It is not possible to clear the disturbance instantly until the material from the ring has reached the end of
the kiln (approx. ½ residence time later).

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  23

Lining Hole
The lining hole disturbance allows the possibility of determining where the lining hole should be along the kiln. The
instructor has a choice of three different locations. Either at the kiln inlet (with respect to solid material), at the
middle of the kiln or in the burn zone. The effect of this disturbance is a hotspot formation on the kiln shell can only
be seen if the CEMulator has an option to show the kiln shell temperature. Setting the lining hole disturbance ‘ON’
has no effect on the material transport in the kiln. The disturbance is cleared again by setting it to ‘OFF’.

24  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

CPS Vertical Raw Mill Disturbances
Silo Change
The first raw mill specific disturbance is a silo change. This disturbance can be introduced to either one of the three
feed silos (Lime, Sand and Clay silos). When setting this disturbance 'ON' the feed from this silo will get a larger
water content due to extra moisture in the first feed taken from a silo. This change in water content will be an offset
to the inserted water content defined in the input parameter menu. To clear this disturbance set the disturbance back
to 'OFF'.

Kiln Air Disturbance menu

Changes in the Kiln Air flow, as a result of operator inserted changes in the kiln department, can be introduced
through the Kiln Air Disturbance menu. When introducing this disturbance the amount of kiln gas will be reduced by
10 or 20 % over a period of 30 minutes. The kiln air is calculated relative to the amount of kiln air inserted in the
input parameter menu 'Kiln Air menu'. Setting it to ‘Normal Kiln Gas Flow’ clears the disturbance.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  25

Coal Mill Down Disturbance
When the Coal Mill Down disturbance is introduced there will be an excess of kiln air. This means more air to the
Raw Mill and in a matter of seconds the Airflow from the kiln will increase. The airflow from the kiln will be
increased with a magnitude of 10% relative to the amount of kiln air inserted in the input parameter menu 'Kiln Air
menu'. This additional airflow will not be removed until the disturbance is set to 'Off'.

26  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

CPS Duodan Raw Mill Disturbances
Silo Change
The first raw mill specific disturbance is a silo change. This disturbance can be introduced to either one of the four
feed silos (Lime, Sand, Clay and Oxide silo). When setting this disturbance 'ON' the feed from this silo will get a
larger water content due to extra moisture in the first feed taken from a silo. This change in water content will be an
offset to the inserted water content defined in the input parameter menu. To clear this disturbance set the disturbance
back to 'OFF'.

Mill Grinding Disturbance

The Duodan ball mill specific grinding disturbance can be introduced in either of the mill chambers. It has three
possible settings: Normal grinding meaning that the disturbance is off, Wet grinding mimicking that the material in
the mill is wet, this will reduce the grinding capability of the mill, and Dry grinding mimicking that the material in
the mill is too dry, this will also have a reducing effect on the grinding efficiency of the mill. Setting it back to
Normal Grinding clears the disturbance.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  27

Bag Filter Blockage
The final disturbance specific to the coal mill is bag filter blockage. This will result in an increased differential
pressure of the bag filter, with subsequent pressure effects out through the process. Resetting it in off position clears
this disturbance.

Kiln Air Disturbance menu

28  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Changes in the Kiln Air flow, as a result of operator inserted changes in the kiln department, can be introduced
through the Kiln Air Disturbance menu. When introducing this disturbance the amount of kiln gas will be reduced by
10 or 20 % over a period of 30 minutes. The kiln air is calculated relative to the amount of kiln air inserted in the
input parameter menu 'Kiln Air menu'. Setting it to ‘Normal Kiln Gas Flow’ clears the disturbance.

Coal Mill Down Disturbance

When the Coal Mill Down disturbance is introduced there will be an excess of kiln air. This means more air to the
Raw Mill and in a matter of seconds the Airflow from the kiln will increase. The airflow from the kiln will be
increased with a magnitude of 10% relative to the amount of kiln air inserted in the input parameter menu 'Kiln Air
menu'. This additional airflow will not be removed until the disturbance is set to 'Off'.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  29

CPS Coal Mill Disturbances
Silo Change
The first coal mill specific disturbance is a silo change. This disturbance can be introduced on the coal feed silo(s).
When setting this disturbance 'ON' the feed from this silo will get a larger water content due to extra moisture in the
first feed taken from a silo. This change in water content will be an offset to the inserted water content defined in the
input parameter menu. To clear this disturbance set the disturbance back to 'OFF'.

30  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Input Air Disturbance menu
Changes in the Input Air flow, as a result of operator inserted changes in the kiln or cooler department, can be
introduced through the input Air Disturbance menu. When introducing this disturbance the amount of Input gas will
be reduced by 10 or 20 % over a period of 30 minutes. The input air is calculated relative to the amount of input air
inserted in the input parameter menu 'Kiln Air menu'. Setting it to ‘Normal Input Gas Flow’ clears the disturbance.

Raw Mill Down Disturbance

When the Raw Mill Down disturbance is introduced there will be an excess of kiln air. This means more air to the
Coal Mill and in a matter of seconds the Airflow from the kiln will increase. The airflow from the kiln will be
increased with a magnitude of 10% relative to the amount of kiln air inserted in the input parameter menu 'Input Air
menu'. This additional airflow will not be removed until the disturbance is set to 'Off'.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  31

Coal Ignition
A disturbance specific to the coal mill is that the silos or the bagfilter can catch fire. This is simulated to clicking the
Coal Ignition disturbance. The signs of a fire are that the temperature increase and the PPM CO increase as well.
Resetting it in the off position clears the disturbance.

Bag Filter Blockage

32  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

The final disturbance specific to the coal mill is bag filter blockage. This will result in an increased differential
pressure of the bag filter, with subsequent pressure effects out through the process. Resetting it in this off position
clears this disturbance.

CPS Cement Ball Mill Disturbances

Mill Grinding Disturbance
The only Cement ball mill specific disturbance is grinding disturbance. This disturbance can be introduced in either
of the mill chambers. It has three possible settings: Normal grinding meaning that the disturbance is off, Wet
grinding mimicking that the material in the mill is wet, this will reduce the grinding capability of the mill, and Dry
grinding mimicking that the material in the mill is too dry, this will also have a reducing effect on the grinding
efficiency of the mill. Setting it back to Normal Grinding clears the disturbance.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  33

Input Parameters
Changes that can occur intentionally or by raw material changes on a real plant are summed up under input
parameters. The changes can also be small changes from plant to plant such as changes in raw meal or fuel

Changes in the input parameters can be accomplished by clicking the button.

The common input parameter entries are described first, followed by a description of the model specific input
Ambient Air Menu
The first common input parameter is the ambient air data. Here the instructor can set the outside temperature,
pressure and relative humidity. This can allow for realistic simulation if the plant is located at high altitude, or if the
climate is particularly humid or dry. The values are adjusted on the right hand side, followed by clicking 'Apply'.

False Air Menu

34  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

The next common menu point is the false air menu. The actual menu points will be different depending on which
model is active. The following screen dump is for an SLC-D kiln. In the false air menu the coefficient of how large
the false air intake should be can be set. The coefficient is relative to the production of the plant. With this menu it is
also possible to simulate an actual leak in the system, by setting the coefficient to a high value. Normal values for the
coefficients are a few percent (typically 1-5 %). As with the ambient air menu the values are changed on the right
hand side of the window.

CPS Kiln Input Parameters

The input parameter menu points specific to a kiln are described in the following.
Raw Meal Menu
The raw meal menu allows the instructor to change the composition of the raw meal. The weight percentages of the
individual components can be changes on the right hand side of the window. After a change of any component is
done (and applied) the loss of ignition is calculated. Therefore it is not possible to change the loss of ignition it is
simply included for information purposes only.

Fuel Analysis Menu

This menu allows the instructor to change the composition of the fuel. The instructor can change the weight fraction
of the individual components of the fuel. This is done on the right hand side of the window. However the ash content
is calculated (in order for the mass fractions to sum to one), and it is only included for illustration purposes. The Net
calorific factor is also only included for information purposes and cannot be altered by the instructor, but it is
calculated based on the composition.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  35

CPS Vertical Raw Mill Input Parameters
The input parameter menu points specific to a vertical raw mill are described in the following.
Feed Size Distribution Menus
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Size Distribution menu for each of the three feed silos (Lime, Sand and Clay).
This menu allows the instructor to change the size distribution of the feed. The weight percentages of the individual
size can be changes on the right hand side of the window. Size distributions are normalized before entered in the
calculation model so that the sizes in the calculation model always sums to 100%.

Feed Temperature Menu

In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Feed Temperature menu where the temperature of the feed from the three silos
can be changed. The instructor can change the feed temperature from a silo on the right hand side of the window.

36  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Feed Water Content Menu
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Feed Water Content menu where the water content of the feed from the three
silos can be changed. The instructor can change the feed water content from a silo on the right hand side of the

Kiln Air Menu

The Kiln Air menu allows the instructor to define data for the kiln air supply. The temperature, volume flow and dust
content describe the air stream running to the cooling tower. It shall be noted that the disturbances 'Kiln Air
Disturbance' and 'Coal Mill Down Disturbance' interfere with the actual volume flow.

CPS Duodan Raw Mill Input Parameters

The input parameter menu points specific to a vertical raw mill are described in the following.
Feed Size Distribution Menus
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Size Distribution menu for each of the four feed silos (Lime, Sand, Clay and
Oxide). This menu allows the instructor to change the size distribution of the feed. The weight percentages of the
individual size can be changes on the right hand side of the window. Size distributions are normalized before entered
in the calculation model so that the sizes in the calculation model always sums to 100%.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  37

Feed Temperature Menu
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Feed Temperature menu where the temperature of the feed from the three silos
can be changed. The instructor can change the feed temperature from a silo on the right hand side of the window.

Feed Water Content Menu

In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Feed Water Content menu where the water content of the feed from the four
silos can be changed. The instructor can change the feed water content from a silo on the right hand side of the
window. This input parameter is time variance enabled. Time variance means that the input at a given ‘Noise
Interval’ will have a white noise variation corresponding to +/- the inserted ‘Noise Offset’ wich is added to the ‘Base

38  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Component Grindability Menu
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a component grindability menu where the grindability index of the mill feed
from the four silos can be changed. The instructor can change the grindability index of the material from a silo on the
right hand side of the window. The index is given as Hardgrove grindability index. For this index an increase in the
value of the index means that the material becomes easier to grind (e.g. requires less energy). This input parameter is
time variance enabled. Time variance means that the input at a given ‘Noise Interval’ will have a white noise
variation corresponding to +/- the inserted ‘Noise Offset’ wich is added to the ‘Base Value’.

Kiln Air Menu

The Kiln Air menu allows the instructor to define data for the kiln air supply. The temperature and pressure describe
the air stream running to the cooling tower. It shall be noted that the disturbances 'Kiln Air Disturbance' and 'Coal
Mill Down Disturbance' interfere with the actual kiln pressure. The kiln air temperature input parameter is time
variance enabled. Time variance means that the input at a given ‘Noise Interval’ will have a white noise variation
corresponding to +/- the inserted ‘Noise Offset’ wich is added to the ‘Base Value’.

CPS Vertical Coal Mill Input Parameters

The input parameter menu points specific to a vertical coal mill are described in the following.
Feed Size Distribution Menus
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Size Distribution menu for each of the coal feed silos (coal, pet coke). This
menu allows the instructor to change the size distribution of the feed. The weight percentages of the individual size
can be changes on the right hand side of the window. Size distributions are normalized before entered in the
calculation model so that the sizes in the calculation model always sums to 100%.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  39

Feed Temperature Menu
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Feed Temperature menu where the temperature of the feed from the three silos
can be changed. The instructor can change the feed temperature from a silo on the right hand side of the window.

Feed Water Content Menu

In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Feed Water Content menu where the water content of the feed from the three
silos can be changed. The instructor can change the feed water content from a silo on the right hand side of the

Feed HGI Menu

In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Feed HGI menu where the Hardgrove grindability index for the feed from the
three silos can be changed. The instructor can change the feed HGI-index from a silo on the right hand side of the

40  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Input Air Menu
The Input Air menu allows the instructor to define data for the input air supply. In this way it is possible to switch
between getting the air from the top of the preheater tower and the exhaust from the cooler. The temperature, volume
flow, dust content and water content, describes the air stream running to the mill. It shall be noted that the
disturbances 'Kiln Air Disturbance' and 'Raw Mill Down Disturbance' interfere with the actual volume flow.

CPS Cement Ball Mill Input Parameters

The input parameter menu points specific to a cement ball mill are described in the following.
Feed Size Distribution Menus
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Size Distribution menu for each of the three feed silos (Clinker, Gypsum and
Filler). This menu allows the instructor to change the size distribution of the feed. The weight percentages of the
individual size can be changes on the right hand side of the window. Size distributions are normalized before entered
in the calculation model so that the sizes in the calculation model always sums to 100%.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  41

Feed Temperature Menu
In the Feed Analysis menu there are a Feed Temperature menu where the temperature of the feed from the three silos
can be changed. The instructor can change the feed temperature from a silo on the right hand side of the window.

Component Grindability Menu

In the Feed Analysis menu there are a component grindability menu where the grindability index of the mill feed
from the three silos can be changed. The instructor can change the grindability index of the material from a silo on
the right hand side of the window. The index is given as Hardgrove grindability index. For this index an increase in
the value of the index means that the material becomes easier to grind (e.g. requires less energy).

42  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

The trainee point of view

The Trainees way to look at the evaluation is through a ECS/Opstation picture. Here the trainee can see how he/she
is doing at the present moment and they can through the normal trend program see how well they have been doing
the in past. It is not possible for the trainee to change any of the weighting for the penalties neither for the groups nor
for the individual penalties. However it is possible to see the weighting, in order to get an overview of what the
instructor considers important and what is not as important in the present session.
The main evaluation picture is

User Manual CEMulator Run Time CEMulator Specifics  43

Here the trainee can see the overall penalty (bottom right corner) and all the group penalties and the gain for each
group. The trainee can also see the individual entries in a specific group. The entries for a group will change
depending on the model used in the present simulation.
In the groups each objective can be evaluated in five different ways. These are
Keep a process measurement equal to a target The trainee should try to keep the measurement equal to the
target value at all times.
Keep a process measurement below a limit The trainee should try to keep the measurement below the limit
value at all times.
Keep a process measurement above a limit The trainee should try to keep the measurement above the limit
value at all times.
Maximize a process measurement the trainee should push the measured value as high as possible (however
still observing that the other points evaluated does not result in a very large penalties). This could be the case of the
production (an artificial online measurement in the CEMulator).
Minimize a process measurement the objective is to push the measured value to as low a value as possible. As
above however keeping in mind the rest of the evaluation. This could typically be the task for overall power

44  CEMulator Specifics User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Trouble shooting

Reload of PLC Module

Occasionally the Soft PLC can catch an error during reboot. This happens when the Soft PLC tries to load the PLC
Module into a slot in the Soft PLC and other programs uses the CPU. This has nothing to do with errors in the PLC
Module but is an unfortunate effect of the fact that many programs (or services) will start-up just after reboot.
To reload the PLC Module to the Soft PLC slot follow the procedure below:
1. Remove the Module by right clicking on the faulted Soft PLC slot and select ‘Remove’. If ‘Remove’ are
greyed out in the select menu then select ‘Clear Major Faults’ and then try to remove again.

2. A popup window will prompt it is desired to remove the module. Click on ‘Ok’.

Some times the Soft Plc fails in removing the PLC Module. In this case an error message will pop up advising to
reboot and remove again. If this happens ignore the reboot part and run through step 1 and 2 once more.
3. To reload the PLC module in the Soft PLC slot right click on the now empty slot and select ‘Create’.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Trouble shooting  45

4. In the ‘Select Module’ window click ‘Ok’ to use the default module type.

5. Select ‘Use the Configuration…’ and Check ‘Load Saved Controller…’. Then click ‘Next >’.

6. In the next two windows the default settings shall be used, so just click ‘Next >’ and ‘Finish’ in those.

Upgrading the CEMulator software

**** NOT NEEDED WITH CEMulator Version 7.0.4 or Newer (June 2004) ****
When upgrading the CEMulator to a higher version a fault will occur if the license server has not been stopped prior
to the installation.
Follow this procedure to stop the license service:
1. Open the ‘CPS License Manager’ by running ‘Start->CPS Ntech->CPS License Manager’.

46  Trouble shooting User Manual CEMulator Run Time

2. Select the ‘Start/Stop/Reread’ tab and click the ‘Stop Server’ button.

3. Close the window and start the upgrade.

Appendix A: Start Up

Start up procedure for the standard ILC-Coolax Kiln


User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  47

The kiln start up is divided in four simulation sessions where operators can train in each of the four specific intervals
of a start up that each session represents. The operator can also train on all sessions continuous without having to
restore prefabricated FLSA sessions.

Session 1: Ignition

Saved situation: Stopped Pyro…

The following general procedure can be utilised in an ignition process:

1. Start the ID-Fan with closed damper (kiln group 18)
2. Adjust the ID-Fan speed until a slight vacuum of about 0-1 mbar is achieved in the kiln inlet.
3. Start the kiln primary air fan (kiln group 7). And open the Primary air damper gradually to 60 %
4. Start the motor groups associated with the analyser and tertiary air damper (kiln group 5,6,17).
5. To get ready for ignition select and start the following three kiln groups 'Kiln Burner' (9), 'Rotary Blowers-
PP02' (14) and 'Coal Feed to Kiln' (12). Two starts will be needed to start the Coal feed.
:o) Thus you cannot change any physical parts in the model during simulation the kiln burner automatically acts as
a start burner during start-up.
6. Add fuel flow to start ignition.
Keep a surplus of O2 in the kiln inlet by adjusting the ID-Damper position. The surplus of O2 in the kiln should be
kept between 4% and 5%.
7. Increase fuel step by step to 2.5 t/h while keeping a surplus of O2 out of the kiln.
8. To avoid kiln shell damage during heat up start the Kiln Barring Device (kiln group 3) and select auto

:o) Now is a good time to make the first save of the session progress.

Session 2: Heating up the pyro system

Saved situation: Heating up the…

Keep a surplus of O2 in the kiln inlet by adjusting the ID-Damper position. The surplus of O2 in the kiln should be
kept between 2% and 4%.
Continue heating of the pyro system while keeping an eye on the O2 level and the vacuum at kiln inlet.

:o) To skip some waiting time the simulation speed can now be set to 10 times real time using the CEMulator

When the cyclone 5 exit temp to reach 800 oC the pyro system will be ready for feed. Be careful to keep the cyclone
1 exit temp below 450 oC. If the cyclone 1 exit temp rises to above 450 oC an interlock will shut down the ID-Fan
and burner.
1. During heat up, start the following groups in the cooler department; 1,5,6 and 13 (2 starts needed).

48  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Continue with session 3 when cyclone 5 exit temperature reaches 750-780 oC or if the exit gas temperature reaches
430 oC.

:o) Now is also a good time to save your session, so that you won't have to redo this part of the simulation once
more, should the simulation time out. The session can be continued from your current state or the next session save
can be loaded.

:o) If you continue from your current state go back to real time simulation. To get back to real time simulation set
the simulation speed back to 1.

Session 3: Ready for feed

Saved situation: Ready for feed…

To ready the kiln system for feed it will be necessary to start the cooler department.
1. Select cooler group 7-11 and start all of the cooler fans.

:o) Wait for the update time to stay between 0 and 1 second before continuing with the next step.

2. Start the Exhaust Fan (Cooler group 3).

3. Open the exhaust damper gradually to 100%
4. To obtain a steady hood pressure, change the Exhaust Fan controller mode to Auto. The set point should be
a vacuum of 3 mbar. Don't wait for the controller to meet set point.
Carry out the following items with kiln start.
5. Declutch the barring gear motor and start the kiln main drive with a minimum speed of 0.1 – 0.3 revolutions
per minute (Start Kiln group 1,2).
6. Start kiln group 16 to ready the kiln system for the feed.
7. Start the Kiln Feed group.
8. Change the mode of all the under grate air fan controllers to auto and insert the start up air supply set points
in table 2 as set point.
9. Regulate the draught to achieve an oxygen content in the kiln inlet of 4-6%.
The following actions are to be carried out rapidly and in the correct order:
10. Increase Kiln Speed 1.6 RPM and adjust the feed to 200 t/h.

:o) In normal kiln operation the Kiln Speed is not regulated until well formed clinker are formed in the burning zone.
But due to the nature of the simulated model the procedure differs sligthly on this point.

11. Increase the through-draugh by opening the damper in front of the Id-Fan to 100 % and increase the ID-Fan
speed. Hold the temperature after the cyclone preheater under 400 Deg C.
12. Regulate the through-draught and the oil supply so that there is 5-10 % more oil supplied than with normal
production of that level (~820-860 kCal/kg Clinker). Always increase the draught before increasing the oil
supply to avoid the formation of carbon monoxide (CO).
13. To keep a steady temperature at the top of the preheater tower change the water controller mode to

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  49

14. To avoid cooler blockage change the Grate speed controller mode to auto.
To ensure sufficient secondary air check that the cooler has an excess of air available. Check that the Exhaust air fan
is running at higher speed than the minimum (16%).

:o) To avoid having to redo all of the changes once more if the simulation should get instable, it is a good idea to
save the simulation session now. The session can be continued from your current state or the next session save can
be loaded.

Session 4: Increasing production

Saved situation: Feed Just Added

50  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

1. To start the coal feed to the calciner a surplus of Oxygen at kiln inlet of 5% is needed, so adjust the Id-Fan
speed to achieve this.
2. Start the 'Rotary Blowers-PP03' group (Kiln group 15) to enable start of the coal feed.
3. Start kiln group 8.
4. Start the calciner burner (Kiln group 10) and the coal feed to calciner (Kiln group 13).
5. Slowly add fuel to the calciner burner step by step while keeping an eye on the O2 surplus and on the
excess of cooler air.
6. Regulate the through draught and the calciner fuel supply so that there is 5-10% more kiln fuel supplied
than with normal production of the same amount. Always increase the draught before increasing the fuel
supply to avoid the formation of carbon monoxide (CO). See table 1 for fuel setpoint values during the feed
During the start-up the oxygen level after the preheater should be 3-5% and at the kiln inlet the oxygen content
should not be higher than 3%.
When the feed rate have reached 80% of full feed the calciner fuel controller can be switched to automatic using a
setpoint of 870 oC.
To ensure well-burned clinker it is important that the raw meal temperature in burning zone is sufficient high. The
burning zone temperature can be monitored by the kiln moment, thus a high kiln moment means melt in the burning
The on line free lime measurement in the simulator is taken at kiln outlet and gives a quick indication of whether the
clinker needs to be burned more or less.
During the next two hours the through draught, the raw meal feed rate, fuel supply and kiln speed are gradually
increased, at the same time it must be ascertained that the resulting clinker is well burnt. The temperature in the fifth
lowest cyclone stage should be approximately 880 oC, this will ensure a calcination grade of approx. 90%. A stable
cyclone 5 temperature can be obtained by using the calciner burner controller.
The tertiary air damper controls the diversion of the through draught between the kiln and the calciner. The O2
content in the smoke gas at kiln inlet should be approx. 2% and after the preheater in normal production 4-5%
dependent on the amount of false air from the feeding system.

Stop of an ILC kiln with grate cooler

Stop the kiln by following the procedure below:

:o) As the kiln model just have the ID-Fan and not also a Filter-Fan after the raw mill the shut down procedure
sligthly differs from the one on the plant. In the shut down procedure it is mainly in step 1 and 2, where you normally
stops the ID-Fan whereas in the CEMulator the speed of the fan is reduced to keep a draugh through the kiln,
similar to the one gotten by running the Filter-Fan alone.
1. Stop Kiln Feed and Fuel groups (Group 9, 12 and 19).
2. Reduce the ID-Fan Speed to 75%
3. Stop kiln drive
4. Reduce primary air supply to a minimum to avoid falling crust. A certain amount of primary air is
necessary for cooling the burner pipe. In some plants the burner pipe is cooled via a cooling fan that starts
when the primary air fan shuts down.
5. Stop the cooler grates (Cooler group 11) and switch the grate speed controller in manual.
6. Reduce the air to the cooler. The startup setpoints can be used.
7. Start Kiln Barring Device and select auto barring.
The cooling air fans of the cooler can be stopped after two or three hours. Remember to switch all of the fan flow
controllers off before stopping the fans. To avoid a high draugh at the kiln hood reduce the ID-Fan speed.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  51

8. Stop the primary air fan when the kiln is cold.
9. Switch the cooling tower controller in manual and set the 'Out' value to 0 % when the temperature out of
the top cyclone is below 400 Deg C.
10. Switch the exceed air controller to manual and set the 'Out' value to minimum (16%).
11. Shut all motor-controlled dampers
12. Stop the ID-Fan and the Exceed air fan.
13. Stop clinker transport and the remaining running groups.

52  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Start up procedure for the standard ILC-SF Kiln model

The kiln start up is divided in four simulation sessions where operators can train in each of the four specific intervals
of a start up that each session represents. The operator can also train on all sessions continuous without having to
restore prefabricated FLSA sessions.

Session 1: Ignition

Saved situation: Stopped Pyro…

The following general procedure can be utilised in an ignition process:

1. Start the ID-Fan with closed damper (kiln group 18)
2. Adjust the ID-Fan speed until a slight vacuum of about 0-1 mbar is achieved in the kiln inlet.
3. Start the kiln primary air fan (kiln group 7). And open the Primary air damper gradually to 60 %
4. Start the motor groups associated with the analyser and tertiary air damper (kiln group 5,6,17).
5. To get ready for ignition select and start the following three kiln groups 'Kiln Burner' (9), 'Rotary Blowers-
PP02' (14) and 'Coal Feed to Kiln' (12). Two starts will be needed to start the Coal feed.
:o) Thus you cannot change any physical parts in the model during simulation the kiln burner automatically acts as
a start burner during start-up.
6. Add fuel flow to start ignition.
Keep a surplus of O2 in the kiln inlet by adjusting the ID-Damper position. The surplus of O2 in the kiln should be
kept between 4% and 5%.
7. Increase fuel step by step to 0.4 m3/s while keeping a surplus of O2 out of the kiln.
8. To avoid kiln shell damage during heat up start the Kiln Barring Device (kiln group 3) and select auto

:o) Now is a good time to make the first save of the session progress.

Session 2: Heating up the pyro system

Saved situation: Heating up the…

Keep a surplus of O2 in the kiln inlet by adjusting the ID-Damper position. The surplus of O2 in the kiln should be
kept between 2% and 4%.
Continue heating of the pyro system while keeping an eye on the O2 level and the vacuum at kiln inlet.

:o) To skip some waiting time the simulation speed can now be set to 10 times real time using the CEMulator

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  53

When the cyclone 5 exit temp to reach 800 oC the pyro system will be ready for feed. Be careful to keep the cyclone
1 exit temp below 450 oC. If the cyclone 1 exit temp rises to above 450 oC an interlock will shut down the ID-Fan
and burner.
1. During heat up, start the following groups in the cooler department; 1,5,6 and 13 (2 starts needed).
Continue with session 3 when cyclone 5 exit temperature reaches 750-780 oC or if the exit gas temperature reaches
400 oC.

:o) Now is also a good time to save your session, so that you won't have to redo this part of the simulation once
more, should the simulation time out. The session can be continued from your current state or the next session save
can be loaded.

:o) If you continue from your current state go back to real time simulation. To get back to real time simulation set
the simulation speed back to 1.

Session 3: Ready for feed

Saved situation: Ready for feed…

To ready the kiln system for feed it will be necessary to start the cooler department.
1. Select cooler group 7-11 and start all of the cooler fans.

:o) Wait for the update time to stay between 0 and 1 second before continuing with the next step.

2. Start the Exhaust Fan (Cooler group 3).

3. Open the exhaust damper gradually to 100%
4. To obtain a steady hood pressure, change the Exhaust Fan controller mode to Auto. The set point should be
a vacuum of 1 mbar. Don't wait for the controller to meet set point.
Carry out the following items with kiln start.
5. Declutch the barring gear motor and start the kiln main drive with a minimum speed of 0.1 – 0.3 revolutions
per minute (Start Kiln group 1,2).
6. Start kiln group 16 to ready the kiln system for the feed.
7. Start the Kiln Feed group.
8. Change the mode of all the under grate air fan controllers to auto and insert the start up air supply set points
in table 2 as set point.
9. Regulate the draught to achieve an oxygen content in the kiln inlet of 4-6%.
The following actions are to be carried out rapidly and in the correct order:
10. Increase ID-Fan speed to 35 % to ensure sufficient draugh.
11. Increase Kiln Speed 1.6 RPM and adjust the feed to 200 t/h.

:o) In normal kiln operation the Kiln Speed is not regulated until well formed clinker are formed in the burning zone.
But due to the nature of the simulated model the procedure differs sligthly on this point.

12. Increase the through-draugh by opening the damper in front of the Id-Fan to 100 % and increase the ID-Fan
speed. Hold the temperature after the cyclone preheater under 400 Deg C.

54  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

13. Regulate the through-draught and the oil supply so that there is 5-10 % more oil supplied than with normal
production of that level (~780-820 kCal/kg Clinker). Always increase the draught before increasing the oil
supply to avoid the formation of carbon monoxide (CO).
14. To keep a steady temperature at the top of the preheater tower change the water controller mode to
15. To avoid cooler blockage change the Grate speed controller mode to auto.
To ensure sufficient secondary air check that the cooler has an excess of air available. Check that the Exhaust air fan
is running at higher speed than the minimum (16%).

:o) To avoid having to redo all of the changes once more if the simulation should get instable, it is a good idea to
save the simulation session now. The session can be continued from your current state or the next session save can
be loaded.

Session 4: Increasing production

Saved situation: Feed Just Added

1. To start the coal feed to the calciner a surplus of Oxygen at kiln inlet of 5% is needed, so adjust the Id-Fan
speed to achieve this.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  55

2. Start the 'Rotary Blowers-PP03' group (Kiln group 15) to enable start of the coal feed.
3. Start kiln group 8.
4. Start the calciner burner (Kiln group 10) and the coal feed to calciner (Kiln group 13).
5. Slowly add fuel to the calciner burner step by step while keeping an eye on the O2 surplus and on the
excess of cooler air.
6. Regulate the through draught and the calciner fuel supply so that there is 5-10% more kiln fuel supplied
than with normal production of the same amount. Always increase the draught before increasing the fuel
supply to avoid the formation of carbon monoxide (CO). See table 1 for fuel setpoint values during the feed
During the start-up the oxygen level after the preheater should be 3-5% and at the kiln inlet the oxygen content
should not be higher than 3%.
When the feed rate have reached 80% of full feed the calciner fuel controller can be switched to automatic using a
setpoint of 880 oC.
To ensure well-burned clinker it is important that the raw meal temperature in burning zone is sufficient high. The
burning zone temperature can be monitored by the kiln moment, thus a high kiln moment means melt in the burning
The on line free lime measurement in the simulator is taken at kiln outlet and gives a quick indication of whether the
clinker needs to be burned more or less.
During the next two hours the through draught, the raw meal feed rate, fuel supply and kiln speed are gradually
increased, at the same time it must be ascertained that the resulting clinker is well burnt. The temperature in the fifth
lowest cyclone stage should be approximately 880 oC, this will ensure a calcination grade of approx. 90%. A stable
cyclone 5 temperature can be obtained by using the calciner burner controller.
The tertiary air damper controls the diversion of the through draught between the kiln and the calciner. The O2
content in the smoke gas at kiln inlet should be approx. 2% and after the preheater in normal production 4-5%
dependent on the amount of false air from the feeding system.

Stop of an ILC kiln with grate cooler

Stop the kiln by following the procedure below:

:o) As the kiln model just have the ID-Fan and not also a Filter-Fan after the raw mill the shut down procedure
sligthly differs from the one on the plant. In the shut down procedure it is mainly in step 1 and 2, where you normally
stops the ID-Fan whereas in the CEMulator the speed of the fan is reduced to keep a draugh through the kiln,
similar to the one gotten by running the Filter-Fan alone.
1. Stop Kiln Feed and Fuel groups (Group 9, 12 and 19).
2. Reduce the ID-Fan Speed to 75%
3. Stop kiln drive
4. Reduce primary air supply to a minimum to avoid falling crust. A certain amount of primary air is
necessary for cooling the burner pipe. In some plants the burner pipe is cooled via a cooling fan that starts
when the primary air fan shuts down.
5. Stop the cooler grates (Cooler group 11) and switch the grate speed controller in manual.
6. Reduce the air to the cooler. The startup setpoints can be used.
7. Start Kiln Barring Device and select auto barring.
The cooling air fans of the cooler can be stopped after two or three hours. Remember to switch all of the fan flow
controllers off before stopping the fans. To avoid a high draugh at the kiln hood reduce the ID-Fan speed.
8. Stop the primary air fan when the kiln is cold.
9. Switch the cooling tower controller in manual and set the 'Out' value to 0 % when the temperature out of
the top cyclone is below 400 Deg C.

56  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

10. Switch the exceed air controller to manual and set the 'Out' value to minimum (16%).
11. Shut all motor-controlled dampers
12. Stop the ID-Fan and the Exceed air fan.
13. Stop clinker transport and the remaining running groups.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  57

Start up procedure for the standard SP-Folax Kiln

The kiln start up is divided in four simulation sessions where operators can train in each of the four specific intervals
of a start up that each session represents. The operator can also train on all sessions continuous without having to
restore prefabricated FLSA sessions.

Session 1: Ignition

Saved situation: Stopped Pyro…

The following general procedure can be utilised in an ignition process:

1. Start the ID-Fan with closed damper
2. Adjust the ID-Fan speed until a slight vacuum of 0-2 mbar is achieved in the kiln inlet.
3. Start the kiln primary air fan. And open the Primary air damper gradually to 60 %
4. Start the motor group associated with the analyser (kiln group 17).
5. To get ready for ignition select and start the following three kiln groups 'Kiln Burner' (9), 'Rotary Blowers-
PP02' (14) and 'Coal Feed to Kiln' (12). Two starts will be needed to start the Coal feed.
:o) Thus you cannot change any physical parts in the model during simulation the kiln burner automatically acts as
a start burner during start-up.
6. Add fuel flow to start ignition.
Keep a surplus of O2 in the kiln inlet by adjusting the ID-Damper position. The surplus of O2 in the kiln should be
kept between 8% and 12%.
7. Increase fuel to 0.5 t/h while keeping a surplus of O2 out of the kiln.
8. To avoid kiln shell damage during heat up start the Kiln Barring Device (Group 3) and select auto barring.
:o) Now is a good time to make the first save of the session progress.

Session 2: Heating up the pyro system

Saved situation: Heating up the…

Keep a surplus of O2 in the kiln inlet by adjusting the ID-Damper position. The smoke gas analyses at the kiln inlet
should show a O2 content of 8-12% at the start of the heating up process. The Oxygen percentage under heating falls
to 3-4% just before the kiln feed is introduced.
Continue heating of the pyro system while keeping an eye on the O2 level and the vacuum at kiln inlet.

:o) To skip some waiting time the simulation speed can now be set to 10 times real time using the CEMulator

58  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

When the cyclone 4 exit temp reaches 350 oC and the heating up program is completed, the kiln will be ready to
recieve feed. An other indicator that can be used is the temperature at the top of the lowesat/final stage cyclone. If
this temperature is higher than 700 oC the kiln is ready to recieve feed. Be careful to keep the cyclone 1 exit temp
below 450 oC. If the cyclone 1 exit temp rises to above 450 oC an interlock will shut down the ID-Fan and burner.
1. After 6 hour (Process time) heating up begin to slowly increase the fuel with 0.1 t/h every 2nd hour.
:o)Thus simulating with a speed of 10, six minutes in the classroom corresponds to 1 hour process time.
2. During heat up, start the following groups in the cooler department; 1,5,6 and 13 (2 starts needed).
Continue with session 3 when cyclone 4 exit temperature reaches 700 oC or if the exit gas temperature reaches 350

:o) Now is also a good time to save your session, so that you won't have to redo this part of the simulation once
more, should the simulation time out. The session can be continued from your current state or the next session save
can be loaded.

:o) If you continue from your current state go back to real time simulation. To get back to real time simulation set
the simulation speed back to 1.

Session 3: Ready for feed

Saved situation: Ready for feed…

To ready the kiln system for feed it will be necessary to start the cooler department.
1. Select cooler group 7-11 and start all of the cooler fans.

:o) Wait for the update time to stay between 0 and 1 second before continuing with the next step.

2. Start the Exhaust Fan.

3. Open the exhaust damper gradually to 100%
4. To obtain a steady hood pressure, change the Exhaust Fan controller mode to Auto. The set point should be
a vacuum of 1 mbar. Don't wait for the controller to meet set point.
Carry out the following items with kiln start.
5. Declutch the barring gear motor and start the kiln main drive with a minimum speed of 0.1 – 0.3 revolutions
per minute (Start Kiln group 1,2).
6. Start kiln group 16 to ready the kiln system for the feed.
7. Start the Kiln Feed group.
8. Change the mode of all the under grate air fan controllers to auto and insert the start up air supply set points
in table 2 as set point.
9. Regulate the draught to achieve an oxygen content in the kiln inlet of 4-6%.
The following actions are to be carried out rapidly and in the correct order:
10. Increase Kiln Speed 0.8 RPM and adjust the feed to 40% of full production rate (46 t/h @ 1600 t/day

:o) In normal kiln operation the Kiln Speed is not regulated until well formed clinker are formed in the burning zone.
But due to the nature of the simulated model the procedure differs sligthly on this point.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  59

11. Increase the through-draugh by opening the damper in front of the Id-Fan to 100 % and increase the ID-Fan
speed. Hold the temperature after the cyclone preheater under 400 Deg C.
12. Regulate the through-draught and the oil supply so that there is 5-10 % more oil supplied than with normal
production of that level (~860-900 kCal/kg Clinker). Always increase the draught before increasing the oil
supply to avoid the formation of carbon monoxide (CO).
13. To keep a steady temperature at the top of the preheater tower change the water controller mode to
14. To avoid cooler blockage change the Grate speed controller mode to auto.
To ensure sufficient secondary air check that the cooler has an excess of air available. Check that the Exhaust air fan
is running at higher speed than the minimum (16%).

:o) To avoid having to redo all of the changes once more if the simulation should get instable, it is a good idea to
save the simulation session now. The session can be continued from your current state or the next session save can
be loaded.

Session 4: Increasing production

Saved situation: Feed Just Added

60  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Increase production stepwise to 100 % while regulating the through draught so that there is 5-10% more kiln fuel
supplied than with normal production of the same amount. Always increase the draught before increasing the fuel
supply to avoid the formation of carbon monoxide (CO).
During the start-up the oxygen level after the preheater should be 3-5% and at the kiln inlet the oxygen content
should not be higher than 3%.
To ensure well-burned clinker it is important that the raw meal temperature in burning zone is sufficient high. The
burning zone temperature can be monitored by the kiln moment, thus a high kiln moment means melt in the burning
During the next two hours the through draught, the raw meal feed rate, fuel supply and kiln speed are gradually
increased, at the same time it must be ascertained that the resulting clinker is well burnt. The temperature in the
fourth lowest cyclone stage should be approximately 820 oC, this will ensure a calcination grade of approx. 75%.

Stop of a SP kiln with grate cooler

Stop the kiln by following the procedure below:
:o) As the kiln model just have the ID-Fan and not also a Filter-Fan after the raw mill the shut down procedure
sligthly differs from the one on the plant. In the shut down procedure it is mainly in step 1 and 2, where you normally
stops the ID-Fan whereas in the CEMulator the speed of the fan is reduced to keep a draugh through the kiln,
similar to the one gotten by running the Filter-Fan alone.
1. Stop Kiln Feed and Fuel groups (Group 9, 12 and 19).
2. Reduce the ID-Fan Speed to 75%
3. Stop kiln drive
4. Reduce primary air supply to a minimum to avoid falling crust. A certain amount of primary air is
necessary for cooling the burner pipe. In some plants the burner pipe is cooled via a cooling fan that starts
when the primary air fan shuts down.
5. Stop the cooler grates (Cooler group 11) and switch the grate speed controller in manual.
6. Reduce the air to the cooler. The startup setpoints can be used.
7. Start Kiln Barring Device and select auto barring.
The cooling air fans of the cooler can be stopped after two or three hours. Remember to switch all of the fan flow
controllers off before stopping the fans. To avoid a high draugh at the kiln hood reduce the ID-Fan speed.
8. Stop the primary air fan when the kiln is cold.
9. Switch the cooling tower controller in manual and set the 'Out' value to 0 % when the temperature out of
the top cyclone is below 400 Deg C.
10. Switch the exceed air controller to manual and set the 'Out' value to minimum (16%).
11. Shut all motor-controlled dampers
12. Stop the ID-Fan and the Exceed air fan.
13. Stop clinker transport and the remaining running groups.

Start up procedure for the standard SP-Unax Kiln


User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  61

The kiln start up is divided in four simulation sessions where operators can train in each of the four specific intervals
of a start up that each session represents. The operator can also train on all sessions continuous without having to
restore prefabricated FLSA sessions.

Session 1: Ignition

Saved situation: Stopped Pyro…

The following general procedure can be utilised in an ignition process:

1. Start the ID-Fan with closed damper
2. Start the kiln primary air fan. And open the Primary air damper gradually to 60 %
3. Adjust the ID-Fan speed until a slight vacuum of 0-1 mbar is achieved in the kiln inlet.
4. Start the motor group associated with the analyser (kiln group 17).
5. To get ready for ignition select and start the following three kiln groups 'Kiln Burner' (9), 'Rotary Blowers-
PP02' (14) and 'Coal Feed to Kiln' (12). Two starts will be needed to start the Coal feed.
:o) Thus you cannot change any physical parts in the model during simulation the kiln burner automatically acts as
a start burner during start-up.
6. Add fuel flow to start ignition.
Keep a surplus of O2 in the kiln inlet by adjusting the ID-Damper position. The surplus of O2 in the kiln should be
kept between 8% and 12%.
7. Increase fuel to 0.6 t/h while keeping a surplus of O2 out of the kiln.
8. To avoid kiln shell damage during heat up start the Kiln Barring Device (Group 3) and select auto barring.
:o) Now is a good time to make the first save of the session progress.

Session 2: Heating up the pyro system

Saved situation: Heating up the…

Keep a surplus of O2 in the kiln inlet by adjusting the ID-Damper position. The smoke gas analyses at the kiln inlet
should show a O2 content of 8-12% at the start of the heating up process. The Oxygen percentage under heating falls
to 3-4% just before the kiln feed is introduced.
Continue heating of the pyro system while keeping an eye on the O2 level and the vacuum at kiln inlet.

:o) To skip some waiting time the simulation speed can now be set to 10 times real time using the CEMulator

When the cyclone 4 exit temp reaches 350 oC and the heating up program is completed, the kiln will be ready to
recieve feed. An other indicator that can be used is the temperature at the top of the lowesat/final stage cyclone. If
this temperature is higher than 700 oC the kiln is ready to recieve feed. Be careful to keep the cyclone 1 exit temp
below 450 oC. If the cyclone 1 exit temp rises to above 450 oC an interlock will shut down the ID-Fan and burner.
1. After 6 hour (Process time) heating up begin to slowly increase the fuel with 0.1 t/h every 2nd hour.
:o)Thus simulating with a speed of 10, six minutes in the classroom corresponds to 1 hour process time.

62  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

2. During heat up, start the Clinker Crusher group (Group 22).
Continue with session 3 when cyclone 4 exit temperature reaches 700 oC or if the exit gas temperature reaches 350

:o) Now is also a good time to save your session, so that you won't have to redo this part of the simulation once
more, should the simulation time out. The session can be continued from your current state or the next session save
can be loaded.

:o) If you continue from your current state go back to real time simulation. To get back to real time simulation set
the simulation speed back to 1.

Session 3: Ready for feed

Saved situation: Ready for feed…

Carry out the following items with kiln start.

1. Declutch the barring gear motor and start the kiln main drive with a minimum speed of 0.1 – 0.3 revolutions
per minute (Start Kiln group 1,2).
2. Start kiln group 16 to ready the kiln system for the feed.
3. Start the Kiln Feed group.
4. Regulate the draught to achieve an oxygen content in the kiln inlet of 4-6%.
The following actions are to be carried out rapidly and in the correct order:
5. Increase Kiln Speed 0.7 RPM and adjust the feed to 40% of full production rate (46 t/h @ 1600 t/day
:o) In normal kiln operation the Kiln Speed is not regulated until well formed clinker are formed in the burning zone.
But due to the nature of the simulated model the procedure differs sligthly on this point.
6. Increase the through-draugh by opening the damper in front of the Id-Fan to 100 % and increase the ID-Fan
speed. Hold the temperature after the cyclone preheater under 400 Deg C.
7. Regulate the through-draught and the oil supply so that there is 5-10 % more oil supplied than with normal
production of that level (~840-880 kCal/kg Clinker). Always increase the draught before increasing the oil
supply to avoid the formation of carbon monoxide (CO).
8. To keep a steady temperature at the top of the preheater tower change the water controller mode to
:o) To avoid having to redo all of the changes once more if the simulation should get instable, it is a good idea to
save the simulation session now. The session can be continued from your current state or the next session save can
be loaded.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  63

Session 4: Increasing production

Saved situation: Feed Just Added

Increase production stepwise to 100 % while regulating the through draught so that there is 5-10% more kiln fuel
supplied than with normal production of the same amount. Always increase the draught before increasing the fuel
supply to avoid the formation of carbon monoxide (CO).
During the start-up the oxygen level after the preheater should be 3-5% and at the kiln inlet the oxygen content
should not be higher than 3%.
To ensure well-burned clinker it is important that the raw meal temperature in burning zone is sufficient high. The
burning zone temperature can be monitored by the kiln moment, thus a high kiln moment means melt in the burning
During the next two hours the through draught, the raw meal feed rate, fuel supply and kiln speed are gradually
increased, at the same time it must be ascertained that the resulting clinker is well burnt. The temperature in the
fourth lowest cyclone stage should be approximately 820 oC, this will ensure a calcination grade of approx. 75%.

Stop of a SP kiln with planetary cooler

Stop the kiln by following the procedure below:
:o) As the kiln model just have the ID-Fan and not also a Filter-Fan after the raw mill the shut down procedure
sligthly differs from the one on the plant. In the shut down procedure it is mainly in step 1 and 2, where you normally
stops the ID-Fan whereas in the CEMulator the speed of the fan is reduced to keep a draugh through the kiln,
similar to the one gotten by running the Filter-Fan alone.
1. Stop Kiln Feed and Fuel groups (Group 9, 12 and 19).
2. Reduce the ID-Fan Speed to 75%
3. Stop kiln drive
4. Reduce primary air supply to a minimum to avoid falling crust. A certain amount of primary air is
necessary for cooling the burner pipe. In some plants the burner pipe is cooled via a cooling fan that starts
when the primary air fan shuts down.
5. Start Kiln Barring Device and select auto barring.

64  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

The cooling air fans of the cooler can be stopped after two or three hours. Remember to switch all of the fan flow
controllers off before stopping the fans. To avoid a high draugh at the kiln hood reduce the ID-Fan speed.
6. Stop the primary air fan when the kiln is cold.
7. Switch the cooling tower controller in manual and set the 'Out' value to 0 % when the temperature out of
the top cyclone is below 400 Deg C.
8. Shut all motor-controlled dampers
9. Stop the ID-Fan and the Exceed air fan.
10. Stop clinker transport and the remaining running groups.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  65

Startup Procedure for standard Vertical Raw Mill
This section contains both how to start and stop a vertical raw mill (planned stops only)

Start up of Vertical Raw Mill

Saved situation: Raw Mill Ready for Startup

The following general procedure can be utilised to start up the raw mill:

1. Start auxiliary groups in raw mill department: Sealing Air Fan, Oil Heating, Roller lubrication, gear
lubrication and hydraulic unit.
2. In the dust transport department start groups: Dust transport, Dust measuring and EP filter heating.
3. Start EP Fan group and Cooling tower group
4. Start ID Fan and Kiln group
5. Open Id-Damper to 100 %
6. Open the exhaust damper to 80-100 %
7. Switch EP fan and Inlet Temperature controllers in auto.
8. Start kiln rectifiers and rapping
9. Allow all fans to settle to fully running.
10. Start Elevator and transport to elevator groups in the Raw mill Department
11. Start Water Injection group.
12. Open gates to let hot gas to the mill (gates on Raw mill mimic 02)
13. Start Mill fan and separator group.
14. Switch the Cyclone Differential Pressure controller in auto.
15. Wait until pressures are settled
16. Select Grinding mode and start the material circulation and mill motor groups.
17. Adjust manual input to feed to approximately 200-220 t/h.
18. Start the mill feed group- wait until the actual mill feed has reached its set point and pressures are settled.
(Dp over the mill should be approximately 30-34 mbar)
Close the water flow from the water controller manually and keep a temperature of 80-85 oC. If the temperature gets
below 80 oC with no water injection, the Inlet temperature controller in dust transport needs to be adjusted up to get
the drying effect.
19. Increase manual feed set point to approximately (80% of full production ~290 t/h)- wait until dp over mill is
~42-46mbar, Alternative skip this point but this results in the smoothest startup.
20. Switch mill feed controller into auto.
21. Switch water controller in auto.

Stop of Vertical Raw Mill

66  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

Saved situation: Normal Mill Production

The following procedure can be used to bring down the mill for planned stops.

1. Set Inlet temp controller to 190 oC to avoid interlocking the EP fan during shutdown.
2. Switch Feed Control to manual and set the set point to ~220 t/h, wait until set point is reached and dp in the
mill is ~30-35 mbar.
3. Switch water controller in manual and set outman to ~20 m3/h.
4. Switch cyclone control in manual and adjust damper position to keep inlet pressure to the mill at least 2-4
5. Stop Mill feed group, wait until al is stopped.
6. Stop mill motor group, this will also lift rollers.
7. Stop Material circulation group
8. Stop mill fan and separator group
9. Close the guillotine dampers on mimic 2.
10. Close the mill damper (Diff Press Controller) and wait for the damper to be app 1%.
11. Stop transport to elevator and Elevator groups.
12. Stop the remaining auxiliary groups in the Mill department.
:o) If the kiln is continuously running the stop sequence should end here. If not then continue, but remember to ask
the instructor to switch the kiln gas temperature to 190 oC or less to avoid interlocking of the EP-fan.
13. Stop Kiln Rectifier in dust transport.
14. Switch EP fan and inlet temp. controllers in manual.
15. Stop the ID-fan and cooling Tower Groups.
16. Stop the EP fan group.
17. Close the ID-Fan and EP fan dampers.

Startup Procedure for standard Vertical Coal Mill

This section contains both how to start and stop a vertical coal mill (planned stops only)

Start up of Vertical Coal Mill

Saved situation: Stopped Coal Mill, Ready for Start

The following procedure will start the coal mill when hot gases are available from the kiln, alternative procedures
have to be followed if the mill is heated up with the aid of the heat generator.
1. Start the groups for Transport to Coal Mill Silo. And the auxiliary groups:
2. Bagfilter Heating, Oil Heating, and Roller lubrication
3. Start the sealing Air fan group, and adjust the exit gas damper (just before the stack fan) to fully open
4. Set water controller to 50 % (still in manual)

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  67

5. Start Mill fan and separator group
6. Switch exit fan controller in auto
7. Start gear lubrication and hydraulic unit groups
8. Start mill motor group – Wait until the mill motor rotation speed meets its setpoint
9. Adjust mill feed manual setpoint to 60-70%
10. Start mill feed group
11. Switch the water controller into auto (for convenience, not necessary but it makes it easier to control the
mill outlet temperature)
12. Slowly close the cold air damper (until 0-5 %), while assuring the mill exit temperature does not exceed
130 oC. And open the recycle damper to ensure inlet pressure to the mill.
13. Switch remaining controllers in auto, and start heat generator group (if used for control).

Stop of Vertical Coal Mill

Saved situation: Any running operation

1. Switch feed controller in manual, and adjust set point to 60-70%

2. Switch recycle control in manual, adjust man setpoint to retain inlet pressure to mill
3. Switch water controller in manual and flow to ~50 %
4. Gradually open cold air damper to keep mill exit temperature below 130
5. Stop mill feed group
6. Stop mill group
7. Stop mill fan and separator group
8. Stop sealing air fan group
9. Stop remaining groups

Startup Procedure for standard Doudan Raw Mill

This section contains a description on how to start a standard doudan raw mill.

Start up of Duodan Raw Mill

In the beginning of this session the Kiln air temperature are set to 250 Deg C. When feed is added the temperature
out of the mill will drop. To get a higher outlet temperature the instuctor can change the temperature of the Kiln Gas
to 350. It migth also be neseccarry to use the 'Hot Gas Generator' during start up.
:o) The CEMulator can be stressed durring startup due to the complexibility of the model. Please remember to wait
for the update time to be 5 seconds or less before continuing with the next step.
Saved situation: Doudan down

The following procedure will start the doudan raw mill.

1. Start 'Gearbox Lubrication' and 'Mill Gaer Aux.' Groups

68  Appendix A: Start Up Procedures User Manual CEMulator Run Time

2. Start 'Transport To Rilo' group
3. Start 'Mill Inlet' Group
4. Start 'Mill Dedusting' group
5. Open the 'Filter Damper' to 50 %
6. Start 'Grits Transport' group
7. Start 'Sepol' and 'Sepol Feed Transport' Groups.
8. When the fans are running, adjust the 'Separator Damper' to 50 %.
9. Open the 'Fresh Air Flap' to 50 %.
10. Start the mill drive
11. Start the Mill Feed Group.
To get the mill Exit temp up to 100 Deg C it migth be neseccarry to start the Heat Generator and add 5 Nm3/s of hot
gas. Adjust temperature to get the right ammount.
The two controllers in the Sepol loop should be switched on after mill feed have been added. Use 100 Deg C and
920 kW as setpoints. The Fan power controller migth not meet the setpoints until production is stable.
Feed control should be added to stabilise chamber 1. When the feed controller have meet its setpoint the Grit
controller can be switched on as well.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Appendix A: Start Up Procedures  69

Glossary of Terms

CEMulator The name of the simulation product produced by FLS

Automation for simulating cement plants.
CPS Abbreviation for the Cement Process Simulator or CEMulator
ECS Expert Control and Supervision. An SDR system enhanced
with one or more advanced FLSA applications.
ECS/Opstation Graphical operator interface in FLS Automation's control
Evaluation Report Evaluation reports is used to evaluate the trainee
performance after the session has ended. The reports consists
of action reports, certificate and session plots.
Observation Mode When a tutorial session is running it can run with
Observation Mode on. This means that the trainee actions done
while the tutorial was recorded also will be played while the
tutorial is run. This includes set point changes and changes in
controller mode.
SDR Supervision dialog and reporting. A platform program that
control one or more added modules.
Tutorial A tutorial is a pre-recorded session that does not need an
instructor present. The instructor actions of a tutorial are
trigged by time events to maintain consistency for evaluation

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Glossary of Terms  71


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual CEMulator Run Time Index  73

User Manual

CPS Point Access

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version CPSV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 9/16/05 10:14a $
Author Torsten Vagn Jensen
Last modified by $Author:: Tvj $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: CpsPointAccessUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

CPS Point Access 1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
Motor States......................................................................................................................... 2
Set Points ............................................................................................................................. 3
Controllers ........................................................................................................................... 4

Glossary of Terms 5

Index 7

User Manual CPS Point Access Contents  iii

CPS Point Access

This user interface enables the trainee or instructor to change values or states for motors, set points and controllers
that are not linked to any CEMulator point.
When the session is started it is advised to click refresh to update the tables.

User Manual CPS Point Access CPS Point Access  1

Motor States
Click on the Motor tab to access the motor states.

Select one ore more motors from the list and click stop or start to simulate the motor states.
:o) As there is no interlocking or sequence control in this way of starting and stopping motors it is advised to use

2  CPS Point Access User Manual CPS Point Access

Set Points
Click on the Set Points tab to access the Set point values.

Select a set point and insert a new value in the New Value box. Click Apply to send the change.
:o) There is no validity check in this User Interface so choose set point values with care.

User Manual CPS Point Access CPS Point Access  3

Click on the Controllers Tab to access the not linked Controllers. This list is only populated when using a
CEMulator – Live installation.

Select the controller you need to adjust. Switch mode (manual/automatic) by clicking on the ‘Switch mode’ button.
When a controller is in Automatic mode the _SPA can be changed, while the _SPA value can be changed while in

4  CPS Point Access User Manual CPS Point Access

Glossary of Terms

User Manual CPS Point Access Glossary of Terms  5


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual CPS Point Access Index  7

User Manual

CPS Device Sim Linking

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version CPSV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 9/16/05 3:44p $
Author Torsten Vagn Jensen
Last modified by $Author:: Tvj $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: CpsDevSimLinkUI30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Device Simulation Linking 1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
Start of a project ................................................................................................................... 2
Unit Adjustments.................................................................................................... 2
Algorithm Filters .................................................................................................... 3
Prepare to link points .............................................................................................. 4
Linking of Points.................................................................................................................. 4

Appendix A 7
Mimics From Classroom simulation...................................................................................... 7
Duodan Raw Mill (1) .............................................................................................. 8
Duodan Raw Mill (2) .............................................................................................. 9
Duodan Raw Mill (3) ............................................................................................ 10
ILC Kiln - Coolax (1) ........................................................................................... 11
ILC Kiln - Coolax (2) ........................................................................................... 12
ILC Kiln – Coolax (3)........................................................................................... 13
ILC Kiln - SF (1) .................................................................................................. 14
ILC Kiln - SF (2) .................................................................................................. 15
SP Kiln – Folax (1) ............................................................................................... 16
SP Kiln – Folax (2) ............................................................................................... 17
SP Kiln – Unax..................................................................................................... 18
Vertical Raw Mill (1)............................................................................................ 19
Vertical Raw Mill (2)............................................................................................ 20
Vertical Raw Mill (3)............................................................................................ 21
Vertical Raw Mill (4)............................................................................................ 22
Cement Mill (1) .................................................................................................... 23
Cement Mill (2) .................................................................................................... 24
Cement Mill (3) .................................................................................................... 25
Cement Mill – Open (1) ........................................................................................ 26
Cement Mill – Open (2) ........................................................................................ 27
Cement Mill – Open (3) ........................................................................................ 28
Atox Coal Mill...................................................................................................... 29

Glossary of Terms 31

Index 33

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Contents  iii

Device Simulation Linking

The sole purpose of the Device Simulation Linking user interface is to link the CEMulator to an existing ECS
database. This is aimed at ECS/CEMulator Live installations only.
The linking is eased by a set of filters making the decisions during linking easier. First off the entire ECS database is
sorted, so that only linkable points will be present in the ECS part of the window. Engineering units sort the
CEMulator variables so a filtered list of possible variables will be updated for linking.

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Device Simulation Linking  1

Start of a project
To get the most out of the filters they must be set up correct. 95% of all engineering units will be set up in the
standard CEMulator database, but the last ‘Not Standard’ units needs to be defined. This will get ECS points using
these units updated with the correct values when linked. Engineering units can be defined at any time during the
linking and will normally be done when linking a unit missing in the definition list.
Point algorithms will sort the ECS point database. This will limit the list to a minimum hence making it easier to
link. A-Point algorithms will always be the same, while any B-Point algorithm can be used in the filter.

Unit Adjustments
Unit adjustment is necessary only if there is a red box around the ‘Unit Match’ button in the ‘Link Status’ Box.

To get to the ‘Unit Configuration’ UI click either on the button or go to the menu bar and click on ‘Unit

It is of great importance that the ‘ECS Unit’ and ‘CPS Unit’ fits each other Even if the text differs from the two. If a
unit is connected incorrect then select the unit and click ‘Cut’.

Selecting the ECS unit in the upper list and the CPS unit in the lower list and clicking ‘Connect’ can connect ECS
Units that are not connected with a CEMulator unit. If the unit is not present in the ‘CPS Unit’ list, then a new unit
definition can be added by clicking ‘Add New’

2  Device Simulation Linking User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

The ‘Edit Unit’ Frame will appear and the desired engineering unit can be selected in the ‘Unit Text’ combo box.
Only ECS units missing a link can be selected. Choose a unit group fitting the unit and a text will appear defining the
basic unit in the selected group and the new unit. Type in the correct Gain and offset to fit this conversion.

When all units are linked click the ‘Ok’ button to return to the main UI.

Algorithm Filters
If a point you need to link does not exist in the ECS list then you will need to change the filter. Open the filter in the
toolbar and select ‘Filter Algorithms’

Basically the A-Points will always be filtered by ‘Linear input’, ‘PID Manual output’ and ‘Operator Inserted’ but as
the filtering is done by algorithm text it might be needed in to click the ‘Update’ button to get the right texts if the
language is not English.

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Device Simulation Linking  3

Any Digital algorithm can be part of the filtering algorithms, but limit this to a minimum to avoid having too many
points in the ECS list.
To add an Algorithm select the algorithm in the list and click ‘Add’.

Prepare to link points

To avoid using too much time on linking the CEMulator it is necessary to plan the work before starting to link. In
‘Appendix A’ all mimics from standard models are printed out this is meant as a great help for the linking of
analogue points.
Follow the procedure below and you will be ready to make a fast linking:
1. Print out the mimics of the ECS target project.
2. Compare with the mimics in Appendix A and mark in what tags can be linked.
3. Click on a motor in the ‘ECS Points’ list and check the variable names in the ‘CPS Variables’ list.
:o) Hint: When clicking on a variable in the CPS list a text will be updated in the ‘CPS Link Info’ Frame.
4. Mark in motors that should be linked on the printout of the Target project mimics.
You are now ready to start linking.

Linking of Points
Opening the Device simulation Linking tool will take some time due to waiting time in loading and filtering points
and information. The linking will always be done to the active CEMulator model. To change the CEMulator model
use the ‘CPS Instructor’ UI. In the top of the Link UI is a status bar informing of active model and the status of the

The status bar is updated dynamically so that whenever status or model name is changed the Linking UI will update
The UI is split in two parts one with ECS link information and one with CPS link information.

4  Device Simulation Linking User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

When a variable is selected in the ECS Point list a unit filtered list of CEMulator variables will pop up on the right
hand side.
You can switch filter in the ‘Variable Filter’ frame, but this may course that the linking is non consistent.
Double click on the CPS variable to link and the name will be copied to the ‘Variable Name’ Field. If the unit
ECS and CPS unit does not fit a message will prompt for gain and offset.

Type in the gain and offset corresponding to the description text.

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Device Simulation Linking  5

Before linking a measurement point a set of parameters can be set up. These parameters are optional but can be
used to give a more realistic simulation. The following parameters are available:
 Gain: Used to adjust the value by gain factor.
 Offset: Used to adjust the value by offset factor.
 Input Error Enabled: Enables errors on point through Disturbance menu.
 Noise Amplitude: Relative white noise on the measurement.
 Sample Prep Time: Preparation time for a sample.
 Sample Interval: Time between Samples.

:o) Samples can be used either as true samples or as a signal delay. A true sample like Free Lime measurement has
high values for interval and prep time, while signal delays has a prep time corresponding to the delay, but a low
interval time. As an example will ‘Sample Prep Time’ = 60 s and ‘Sample Interval’ = 1 s correspond to a one minute
time delay (used in analyzers)

6  Device Simulation Linking User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

Appendix A

Mimics From Classroom simulation

The following pages will be filled with screendumps from standard models simulated with classroom simulation.
All screendumps is generated with nominel production session started

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  7

Duodan Raw Mill (1)

8  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

Duodan Raw Mill (2)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  9

Duodan Raw Mill (3)

10  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

ILC Kiln - Coolax (1)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  11

ILC Kiln - Coolax (2)

12  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

ILC Kiln – Coolax (3)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  13

ILC Kiln - SF (1)

14  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

ILC Kiln - SF (2)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  15

SP Kiln – Folax (1)

16  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

SP Kiln – Folax (2)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  17

SP Kiln – Unax

18  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

Vertical Raw Mill (1)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  19

Vertical Raw Mill (2)

20  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

Vertical Raw Mill (3)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  21

Vertical Raw Mill (4)

22  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

Cement Mill (1)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  23

Cement Mill (2)

24  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

Cement Mill (3)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  25

Cement Mill – Open (1)

26  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

Cement Mill – Open (2)

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  27

Cement Mill – Open (3)

28  Appendix A User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking

Atox Coal Mill

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Appendix A  29

Glossary of Terms

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Glossary of Terms  31


Error! No index entries found.

User Manual CPS Device Sim Linking Index  33

User Manual

CPS Evaluation Reports

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version CPSV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 9/16/05 10:05a $
Author Torsten Vagn Jensen
Last modified by $Author:: Tvj $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: CpsEvalReportUi30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by FLSmidth A/S. FLSmidth assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall FLSmidth be liable for incidental or consequential damages
arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
neither ordered by the customer nor confirmed by the seller - will not commit the supplier to any further and future
supply and/or installation.

The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Evaluation Reporting 1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
Evaluation Report Tool......................................................................................................... 2
Loading a training session ....................................................................................... 2
Printing Session Reports ......................................................................................... 3
Master Documents................................................................................................................ 4
Certificate Master ................................................................................................... 5
Action Report Masters ............................................................................................ 5
Report Plot Master.................................................................................................. 6

Glossary of Terms 9

Index 11

User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports Contents  iii

Evaluation Reporting

The Evaluation Report user interface is a licensed build on to the CEMulator. The main purpose of the interface is to
give the Instructor a handful of reports to systemize the performance evaluation.
This document will describe the use of the Evaluation Report tool as well as design specifications for customization
of the reports.

User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports Evaluation Reporting  1

Evaluation Report Tool
To start the Evaluation Report Tool click ‘Start->CPS->Instructor Tools->Evaluation Report’. If there is no license
available the user will be notified and the tool will be inaccessible.

Loading a training session

When starting the Evaluation Report Tool a password box will appear.

After Clicking 'OK', the Load Session window will appear:

Select the model in the combo box and checkmark whether the PLC simulation where active during the logged
session. Click Next and the remaining of the Load Session window will open.

2  Evaluation Reporting User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports

To load sessions select a session in the Session Name combo box. By using the Instructor and Trainee combo boxes
the sessions are filtered to be only the selected Trainee or Instructor. When the filters are active a checkmark will
appear in the boxes to the right. Remove a filter by clicking on a checkmark. To load the selected session click Ok.

Printing Session Reports

The printing of session reports is done from the Evaluation Reports window. From here its possible to change the
Instructor and Trainee name before printing, while the rest of the print are based on the logged training session.
Printouts are based on print masters witch are described in detail later in this manual. The three types of printouts are
described below.

To print a certificate based on the certificate master click on Print Certificate. The certificate will be based on the
Session Definition.

User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports Evaluation Reporting  3

Action Reports
To print action reports based on actions done by the trainee or instructor checkmark the desired reports and click
Print Action Reports. The reports based on the report masters are created based on the logged session data.
Example: An action could be when the instructor changes an evaluation objective or when the trainee changes a set
point. There are three types of action reports:
1. Trainee Actions - The actions done by the trainee
2. Instructor Actions - The actions done by the instructor
3. Initial States - The initial state of all the possible actions

Session Plots
The session plots are specific for each model meaning the number of plots and name of these are changing from
model to model. To print the chekmarked session plots click on Print Session Plots.
Session plots can be printed with two common scales:
1. Simulated Time - The simulated seconds (giving a stretch for accelerated simulation)
2. Operator Time - The time stamp from the operators point of view (format HH:MM:SS)

Master Documents
This chapter describes the five master documents used for evaluation reporting. To alter these documents make sure
that the new masters are saved under new filenames and then insert the new file names in the CEMulator
Configuration user interface. The description will not go in depth with how to construct the documents, but only
describe what data will be send to the document and in the Report Plot case how to setup what data to upload and
what sheets will be printed.
Don’t make changes to the masters unless you are:
 Familiar with macros in Word
 Familiar with bookmarks in Word
 Familiar with Charts in Excel

4  Evaluation Reporting User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports

Certificate Master
The Certificate Master has only one macro that should be defined in a module.
Before a certificate are printed the following macro are called where the arguments are:
Public Sub SetCertificateData(sModelName As String, sSessionName As String, sInstructor As String, sTrainee As
String, daDate As Date, sInitialSession As String, sTutorialSession As String, sSessionText As String,
dPassedPenalty As Double, dAchievedPenalty As Double)
 sModelName - Name of the simulated model. A ‘(PLC)’ will be added to the model name if the PLC was
enabled during the simulation
 sSessionName - The training session name
 sInstructor - Name of the instructor
 sTrainee - Name of the trainee
 daDate - Date of the session
 sInitialSession - Initual situation loaded at session start
 sTutorialSession - Tutorial Session name. Empty if the session was run as a Standard Session
 sSessionText - Describtion of the session
 dPassedPenalty - Passed penalty
 dAchievedPenalty - Achieved Penalty

Action Report Masters

The action report masters are identical in structure, and all of need to have two macros defined.
Before printing the following two macros are called with the following arguments:
Public Sub SetReportData(sModelName As String, sSessionName As String, sInstructor As String, sTrainee As
String, daDate As Date, sInitialSession As String, sTutorialSession As String, sSessionText As String,
dPassedPenalty As Double, dAchievedPenalty As Double)
 sModelName - Name of the simulated model. A ‘(PLC)’ will be added to the model name if the PLC was
enabled during the simulation
 sSessionName - The training session name
 sInstructor - Name of the instructor
 sTrainee - Name of the trainee
 daDate - Date of the session
 sInitialSession - Initial situation loaded at session start
 sTutorialSession - Tutorial Session name. Empty if the session was run as a Standard Session
 sSessionText - Description of the session
 dPassedPenalty - Passed penalty
 dAchievedPenalty - Achieved Penalty
Public Sub InsertActions(lNoActions As Long, lEventType() As CPSLogEvents, sEventTimeStamp() As String,
sEventText() As String)
 lNoActions - Number of actions
 lEventType - List of event types. (0 to lNoActions-1)
 sEventTimeStamp - List of time stamps. (0 to lNoActions-1) in the format HH:MM:SS
 sEventText - List of describing action texts. (0 to lNoActions-1)

User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports Evaluation Reporting  5

Report Plot Master
The Report Plot master differs from the other masters by being an Excel file where the setup is made in a worksheet.
To customize this an iterative process can be used, where the result of a plot session can be customized and then
changed to be master.
First of all it is important to get the structure of the definition sheet right.

Definition Sheet
The definition sheet must be named ‘Definitions’ for the Evaluation Report program to recognize it.

3 types of keywords has to be found in each definition column:

1. Model Name - To define the model name. This should not be changed thus it’s a unique identifier for the
Evaluation Report program.
2. Plot Names - The section below this keyword defines what plots it should be possible to print when
Evaluation Reports of the model is plotted. The worksheet that shall be plotted must have the
name ‘<Model Name> - <Plot Name>’. Example the worksheet containing the Main plot of the ILC
model must be named ‘ILC - Main’.
3. Data Tags - Defines what data will be written to the ‘Data’ worksheet. There will be examples of the data
tag names for all of the models. To get the index values count on the evaluation mimic in Opstation.

6  Evaluation Reporting User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports

Procedure to change Plot Master
1. Copy the Plot Master to a new filename and select that file as master plot file from the CEMulator
Configuration UI.
2. Define the tags needed for the customized plots in the master file. All tags can be included to have all data
available, but with more tags included the print time of plots (or data upload time) will increase. If the
intention is to keep the existing plots as are then only add on to the tag list, thus the order of
the list gives the order of the data uploaded to the ‘Data’ worksheet.
3. Save the master and plot a report with the new master. When plotting a report the master is opened and all
data are uploaded and then saved in a working document. The working document have the same name as
the master, but are located one level up in the directory structure.
4. Open your working document and setup your plots. Make new worksheets or alter existing by using data in
the ‘Data’ worksheet. There is a limit of 12 plot reports per model.
5. Name the worksheets as described earlier (‘<Model Name> - <Plot Name>’.
6. Make the plot definition in the ‘Definition’ worksheet to include the plot in the Evaluation Report UI.
7. Save the document and copy the file to the master directory overwriting the last master.
8. Make a test print and redo from point 4 if changes are needed.
9. Redo from point 2 for all models that needs to be changed.

User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports Evaluation Reporting  7

Glossary of Terms

User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports Glossary of Terms  9


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User Manual CPS Evaluation Reports Index  11

User Manual

CPS Tutorial Editor

FLSmidth A/S - Automation
Høffdingsvej 34
DK-2500 Valby
+45 36 18 27 00
Fax: +45 36 18 27 99

Printing History:

Version CPSV7
Last modified $Modtime:: 9/16/05 3:51p $
Author Torsten Vagn Jensen
Last modified by $Author:: Tvj $
Name of Word File $Workfile:: CpsTutorialUi30_English.doc $

All rights reserved.


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In no event shall FLSmidth be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature
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Options specified and described in the FLSmidth documentation as part of the general description - but initially
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The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in
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Copyright © FLSmidth A/S.

Tutorial Editor 1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
The Tutorial Concept .............................................................................................. 1
The Observation Mode Concept .............................................................................. 1
Using the Tutorial Editor ...................................................................................................... 2
Loading a Tutorial .................................................................................................. 2
Editing Tutorial ...................................................................................................... 3

Glossary of Terms 7

Index 9

User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor Contents  iii

Tutorial Editor

The tutorial editor is used as a tool for altering recorded CEMulator tutorials. In this User Interface it is therefore
only possible to change the value of existing tutorial events and the timing of these. To add extra events the user will
have to record a new tutorial or edit an existing tutorial using the CPS Instructor user interface.
To understand the basic ideas of the tutorial feature in the CEMulator two concepts are important to understand, the
Tutorial concept and the Observation mode concept.

The Tutorial Concept

Tutorial can in the CEMulator be described as a predefined session with instructor events. These events span from
changes in evaluation settings, Disturbances, Input parameters to simulation speed changes. The main idea of a
tutorial is to be able to make and test training sessions prior to meeting the trainees. The time depended instructor
events makes two tutorial runs comparable and thereby opens up for the use of the evaluation reporting. Using the
CPS Instructor UI does recording of tutorials, and addition of events can only be done from the CPS Instructor UI as

The Observation Mode Concept

Observation mode can in the CEMulator be described as a lean back mode for the trainee; where there in the tutorial
is events changing set points and controller modes. The main idea of this feature is that the instructor can make some
introductory tutorials, where the trainee only will have to observe the changes made by the tutorial. Observation
mode does not need to take over full controll of a CEMulator session, it can be used to take only partial control ex.
making changes to the feed and kiln speed, while the trainee will have to focus on the oxygen balance. To make
good observation mode tutorials it is very importaint to delete any unneeded setpoint changes in using this editor.
Another good advice is to always inform the trainee through messages when changing setpoints, so that the trainee
knows that this is not just an effect of what he just did.

User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor Tutorial Editor  1

Using the Tutorial Editor
To start the Tutorial Editor Tool click ‘Start->CPS Ntech->Instructor Tools->Tutorial Editor’. If there is no license
available the user will be notified and the tool will be inaccessible.

Loading a Tutorial
When starting the Tutorial Editor Tool a password box will appear.

After Clicking 'OK', the Load Session window will appear:

Select the model in the combo box and checkmark whether the PLC simulation where active during the logged
session. Click Next and the remaining of the Load Session window will open.

2  Tutorial Editor User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor

To load sessions select a session in the Session Name combo box. By using the Instructor and Trainee combo boxes
the sessions are filtered to be only the selected Trainee or Instructor. When the filters are active a checkmark will
appear in the boxes to the right. Remove a filter by clicking on a checkmark.
To load the selected session click Ok.

Editing Tutorial
The Tutorial Editor has two main areas:
1. Session Definition - Basic definition of the session.
2. Event List - List of active instructor events.

Session Definition
Clicking on the Change button can change session Definitions.

User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor Tutorial Editor  3

From this window the following things can be changed:
1. Tutorial Name - Name of the tutorial when it’s saved.
2. Instructor - Default name for the instructor.
3. Trainee - Default name for the trainee.
4. Initial Situation - Here the initial situation can be selected from existing saves. When changing the initial
save it is very important to remember that all Disturbances, Input Parameters, Evaluation objectives etc.
may be different from the original chosen.
5. Passed Penalty - The value for the session to be passed. Used in Evaluation Reports.
6. Observation Mode - Defines whether set point and controller mode changes made during the recording of
the tutorial shall be included. When on the recorded changes will appear in the Event List.
7. Tutorial Description - Insert describing text here.

To get back to the Tutorial Editor click Ok or Cancel.

Event List
The Event List is a list of actions contained in the Tutorial. Each action are represented by a line parted in four
1. Type - An icon visualizing the action.
2. Simul Time - Simulated process time in format HH:MM:SS.
3. Sess Time - Session time in format HH:MM:SS.
4. Action Text - Text string describing the action.

4  Tutorial Editor User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor

To change settings of an action click on the icon of the action and the Selected Action frame will be updated. When
time, values, Message text etc have been changed press Apply and the Action List will be updated. There are five
different things that can be changed in this frame:
1. Message - Changes the text of a message.
2. Pause Session - Special check box that appears with messages. When this are checked the simulation would
pause when the message pops up.
3. Simulated Time - Change the time stamp of the action in format HH:MM:SS. The Action List will be
updated so that the action fits in the sequel. A Simulated Time that exceeds the Simulated Length will
change the time of the Stop Action to fit the new session length. Changing the Stop Action time will change
the Simulated Length.
4. Action Value (Type In) - Type in the new Action Value here.
5. Action Value (Combo) - Select an Action Value from the list.
To delete an action click on the action icon and then click Delete. By clicking Reset List the loaded action list will be

Event List Toolbar

From the event list toolbar the following actions can be initiated:

Insert timer event just before the selected event.

Insert message event just before the selected event.

Copy selected event (works only on single selections)

Delete selected events.

Reset the tutorial event list (will reset all changes made after load)

Adding or reducing time stamp from the selected events in fixed intervals.

Adding or reducing time stamp from the selected events in user defined intervals.

User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor Tutorial Editor  5

Save Tutorial
Save the tutorial by clicking the Save button. If the Tutorial Name isn’t unique the editor will prompt whether to
overwrite or type in a new name. A new name can be typed in the Change Tutorial Name window. Then click Ok to
save or Cancel to get back to the Tutorial Editor

Action List Icons

For a quick overview of the action type icons use this list:
Actuator change. A change in an actuator with the new value stated. Only visible when using Observation
Controller mode. Change between Manual and Automatic mode for PID controllers.
Disturbance. A disturbance will be introduced or cancelled at this time.
Input Parameters. Change in input parameters.
Evaluation. Change in Objective values, weights etc.
Message. A message is send to the CPS Instructor and CPS Trainee interface.
Message (Paused). A message is send to the CPS Instructor and CPS Trainee interface and the simulation is
Simulation Speed. Change in simulation Speed.
Stop. The Session ends when this occurs.

6  Tutorial Editor User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor

Glossary of Terms

CEMulator The name of the simulation product produced by FLS

Automation for simulating cement plants.
CPS Abbreviation for the Cement Process Simulator or CEMulator
ECS Expert Control and Supervision. An SDR system enhanced
with one or more advanced FLSA applications.
ECS/Opstation Graphical operator interface in FLS Automation's control
Evaluation Report Evaluation reports is used to evaluate the trainee
performance after the session has ended. The reports consists
of action reports, certificate and session plots.
Observation Mode When a tutorial session is running it can run with
Observation Mode on. This means that the trainee actions done
while the tutorial was recorded also will be played while the
tutorial is run. This includes set point changes and changes in
controller mode.
SDR Supervision dialog and reporting. A platform program that
control one or more added modules.
Tutorial A tutorial is a pre-recorded session that does not need an
instructor present. The instructor actions of a tutorial are
trigged by time events to maintain consistency for evaluation

User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor Glossary of Terms  7


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User Manual CPS Tutorial Editor Index  9

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