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20201019-AC Machines

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S. No. Topic Name Page

1. Module-1-Poly Phase Induction Motor 2
2. Introduction 2
3. Construction of I.M 3
4. Rotating Magnetic Field 5
5. Equivalent Circuit of I.M 12
6. Module-2-Performance of AC motor 26
7. Parameters of I.M 26
8. No-Load and Blocked Rotor test 32
9. Torque-Slip Characteristics 36
10. Circle Diagram 41
11. Module-3- Single Phase I.M 58
12. Construction of Single Phase I.M 57
13. Methods of Starting Single Phase I.M 62
14. Module-4- Synchronous Generator 69
15. Synchronous Speed 70
16. Working Principle of Synchronous Speed 72
17. EMF equation of Synchronous Speed 74
18. Module-5-Synchronous Motor 92
19. Construction of Synchronous Motor 95
20. Torque equation of Synchronous Motor 96

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 1

 An induction motor or asynchronous motor is an AC electric motor in which the
electric current in the rotor needed to produce torque is obtained by electromagnetic
induction from the magnetic field of the stator winding.
 Three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors are widely used as industrial drives
because they are rugged, reliable and economical.
 The induction motor is maintenance free. It has high overloading capacity.
 Single-phase induction motors are used extensively for smaller loads, for household
appliances like ceiling fans. Although traditionally used in fixed-speed applications,
induction motors are increasingly being used with variable-frequency drives (VFDs) in
variable-speed applications like in cranes, lifts, cement plants, ceramic plants, food
processing industries etc.
 VFDs offer energy savings opportunities for existing and prospective induction motors
in variable-torque centrifugal fan, pump and compressor load applications.
Classification of AC motors

AC Motors

Poly phase Universal Single phase

Synchronous Induction
Wound Synchronous Induction

Hysteresis Squirrel Wound

Permanent Cage Repulsion
Rotor Squirrel
Split phase
Magnet Start cage

Wound rotor Start


Start & Run

Figure 1.1 Classification of AC motors

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 2

Construction of Induction Motor
 A three phase Induction motor mainly consists of two parts called as the Stator and
(a) Stator
 It is the stationary part of the induction motor.
 The stator is built up of high-grade alloy steel laminations to reduce eddy current losses.
 It has three main parts, outer frame, stator core and a stator winding.

o Outer frame
 It is the outer body of the motor. Its main function is to support the stator core and to
protect the inner parts of the machine.
 For small machines, the outer frame is casted, but for the large machine, it is fabricated.

Outer Frame

Stator Core

Terminal Box


Figure 1.2Outer frame of an induction motor

o Stator Core
 The core of the stator carries three phase windings which are usually supplied from a
three-phase supply system.
 The stator core is built of high-grade silicon steel stampings.
 Its main function is to carry the alternating magnetic field which produces hysteresis
and eddy current losses.
 The stampings are fixed to the stator frame. Each stamping are insulated from the other
with a thin varnish layer.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 3

 The thickness of the stamping usually varies from 0.3 to 0.5 mm.
 Slots are punched on the inner side of the stampings

o Stator windings
 The stator windings are housed in stator slots with double layer winding.
 These windings are distributed and are mostly short pitched.
 The short-pitched and distributed windings are effective to limit the magnitudes of the
harmonics in the airgap flux. Sometimes, integral slot windings are also used.
 When rotor rotates at that time the air gap reluctance is different at different point. So,
this pulsating reluctance produces pulsating exciting current, irregular torque, noise etc,
to reduce this effect large number of stator slots are selected.
 But by using large number of slots results increase the manufacturing cost. So, that the
number of rotor slots and stator slots are selected different and rotor slots keep skew to
get uniform reluctance in the air gap.
 The air gap should be selected as small as possible to reduce magnetizing current
required to set up air gap flux.
 Anyway, the stator of the motor is wound for a definite number of poles, depending on
the speed of the motor.
 If the number of poles is greater, the speed of the motor will be less and if the number of
poles is less than the speed will be high.
 The windings may be connected in start or delta.
 As the relationship between the speed and the pole of the motor is given as

1 120𝑓
𝑁𝑆 ∝ 𝑜𝑟 𝑁𝑆 =

(b) Rotor
 The rotor is also built of thin laminations of the same material as the stator.
 The laminated cylindrical core is mounted directly on the shaft.
 These laminations are slotted on the outer side to receive the conductors. There are two
types of rotor:

o Squirrel cage rotor

 A squirrel cage rotor consists of a laminated cylindrical core.
 The circular slots at the outer periphery are semi-closed. Each slot contains uninsulated
bar conductor of aluminum or copper.
 At the end of the rotor the conductors the short-circuited by a heavy ring of copper or
 Now a days this type of motors are widely used in domestic as well as commercial
 This type of motors required low maintanance compare to wound rotor type motors.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 4

End Ring
Core Conductors


Figure 1.3 Squirrel cage rotor

o Wound rotor (Slip ring rotor)
 A wound rotor is built with a polyphase distributed winding similar tothat of stator
winding and wound with the same number of poles as, the stator.
 The terminals of the rotor winding are connected to insulated slip rings mounted
on the shaft.
 Carbon brushes bearing on these rings make the rotor terminals available external
to the motor,
 Wound-rotor induction machines are relatively uncommon, being found only in a
limited number of specialized applications.
 This type of motors are widely used where high starting torque is required.
 The cost and size of this type motor is more and large respectively.




Figure 1.4 Wound rotor

Production of RMF (Rotating Magnetic Field)
 When stationary three phase winding coils are supplied by an alternating 3-phase
supply then uniform Rotating Magnetic Field (or Flux) [RMF] of constant value is
 The principle of a three phase, two pole stator having three identical winding coils are
placed by 1200 electrical (Space) degree apart. The flux (Sinusoidal) due to three phase
windings is shown in below Figure 1.5 (b)
 The directions of the positive fluxes are shown individually below at different positions.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 5

 Let us say that the maximum value of the flux due to any one of the three phases be ∅𝑚.
The resultant flux ∅𝑟, at any instant is given by the resultant sum of the individual fluxes
∅1, ∅2and ∅3 due to three phases
 We have consider the 1/6th time period apart corresponding to points marked 0, 1, 2
and 3 in Figure 1.5(a).
Phase -I Phase -II Phase -III



Phase-I O 1200
0 1 2 3 4


Figure 1.5 (a) Phasor representation Figure 1.5 (b)

When  = 00 When  = 600 When  = 1200 When  = 1800

(At point 0) (At point 1) (At point 2) (At point 3)


r 3

60 0
2 3 3 2
1 600

 1


Figure 1.6 Figure 1.8 Figure 1.9

Figure 1.7
∅1= 0 √3 √3 ∅1 = 0
√3 ∅1 = ∅𝑚 ∅1 = ∅𝑚 √3
2 2
∅2 = − ∅𝑚 √3 ∅2 = 0 ∅2 = ∅𝑚 ∅3
2 2
√3 ∅2 = − ∅𝑚∅3 √3 √3
∅3 = ∅𝑚 =0 ∅3 = − ∅𝑚 = − ∅𝑚
2 2 2

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 6

When  = 00 Resultant flux,
(At point 0)    2   2  2  cos
r 2 3 2 3
2 2
 3   3   3  3  0
     2    cos 60
2 m   2 m   2 m 
 2 m 

 3 3 3 1  2
  4  4  2  2  m
  
3  3  3 2
  
 4 m

   2
 4  m
 

When  = Resultant flux,

600    2   2  2  cos
(At point 1) r 1 2 12
2 2
 3   3   3  3  0
      2    cos 60
2 m   2 m   2 m 
 2 m 

 3 3 3 1  2
  4  4  2  2  m
  
3  3  3 2
  
 4 m

   2
 4  m
 

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 7

When  = Resultant flux,
1200    2   2  2  cos
(At point 2) r 1 3 13
2 2
 3   3   3  3  0
      2    cos 60
2 m   2 m   2 m 
 2 m 

 3 3 3 1  2
  4  4  2  2  m
  
3  3  3 2
  
 4 m

   2
 4  m
 

When  = Resultant flux,

1800    2   2  2  cos
(At point 3) r 2 3 13
2 2
 3   3   3  3  0
      2    cos 60
2 m   2 m   2 m 
 2 m 

 3 3 3 1  2
  4  4  2  2  m
  
3  3  3 2
  
 4 m

   2
 4  m
 

Working Principle
 For simplicity, consider one conductor on the stationary rotor as shown in Figure 1.10(a).
 This conductor be subject to the rotating magnetic field produced when a three phase
supply is connected to the three phase winding of the stator.
 Consider the rotation of the magnetic field be clockwise.
 A magnetic field moving clockwise has the effect as a conductor moving anticlockwise in
a stationary field.
 According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, emf will be produced in the

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 8

Conductor Stator Motion of
relative to field


Rotation of field Flux Direction

Figure 1.10(a) Figure 1.10 (b)


Force as

Rotation of field Flux

Figure 1.10 (c) Figure 1.10(d)

 By completing the rotor circuit either using end rings or external resistances the
induced emf causes current to flow in the conductor.
 By using right hand rule we can determine the direction of induced current in the
 By using right hand rule the direction of the induced current is outwards (shown as dot)
in Figure 1.10 (b).
 The current in the rotor conductor produces its own magnetic field as shown inFigure
1.10 (c).
 We know that when a current carrying conductor put in a magnetic field a force is
produced. This force is produced on the rotor conductor.
 The direction of this force can be calculated by using left-hand rule as shown in Figure
 It is seen that the force acting on the conductor is in the same direction as the direction
of the rotating magnetic field.
 The rotor conductor is in a slot on the circumference of the rotor, the force acts in a
tangential direction to the rotor and develops a torque in a rotor.
 Similarly, torque produces in all the rotor conductors.
 Since, the rotor is free to move then it rotates in the same direction as the rotating
magnetic field. Thus, three phase induction motor is self-starting motor.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 9

Performance parameters of poly phase induction motor
Following parameters are considered as performance parameters:
(a) Slip
 An induction motor never run at synchronous speed.
 Let us consider for moment that is rotor of induction motor is rotating at synchronous
 Under this condition, the rotor conductors could not cut the flux, so there is no
production of generated voltage, current and torque.
 Therefore, rotor speed is slightly less than the synchronous speed. There is no relative
speed between field flux and rotor speed.
 The difference between the synchronous speed and actual speed of rotor is known as
Slip or Slip speed.
If 𝑁𝑠= Synchronous speed in r.p.m.
N= Actual speed of rotor in r.p.m.
Slip speed , s  Ns  N
N N
So that Slip, s  s
Ns  N
Percentage slip  100
 The slip at full load varies value about 5 percent for small motors to about 2 percent for
large motors.

(b) Frequency of Rotor Voltage and Current

 The frequency of current and voltage in the stator is same as the supply frequency given
 The frequency in the rotor winding is variable and depends on the difference between
the synchronous speed and rotor speed.
 The rotor frequency is given by,
P(Ns  N )
f r
Also, fr  Ns  N
f Ns
N N
s s
 fr  sf

Rotor current frequency = slip ⨯ supply frequency

When the rotor is stand-still, N=0
N N
s s = 1 and fr  f

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 10

When the rotor is driven at synchronous speed Ns , So, s = 0 and 𝑓𝑟 = 0
So, frequency of rotor current varies from s = 0 to s = 1

(c) Rotor current

Rotor current at Standstill condition
E2  e.m. f . induced per phase of the stator at standstill condition.
R2  resistance per phase of the rotor
X 2  reactance per phase of the rotor at standstill
 2 fL2
Z2  rotor impedance per phase at standstill
Z2  R2  jX 2
I2  rotor current per phase at standstill
I 2
Power factor at standstill,
R2 R
cos2  Z  R 2 2 X 2
2 2 2

Rotor current at slips (in running condition)

Induced e.m. f . per phase in the rotor winding at slip s is,
E2s  sE2
Rotor winding resistance per phase  R2
Rotor winding reactance per phase at slip s,
 2 fr L2
 2 (sf )L2
 s(2 fL2 )
 sX 2
Rotor impedance per phase at slip s,
Z2s  R2  jsX 2

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 11

Rotor current per phase,
I2 s  Z 2

 sE2
R2  sX 
 2


 R2 
 s   X 2

Power factor at slip s,

R R2
cos2s  Z 2 
2s  R2 2
 s   X 2

Equivalent Circuit of Induction motor

o Why equivalent circuit?
 The behavior of three phase induction is very complicated, so it it required to represent
the machine as an equivalent circuit in various operating condition.
 Induction motor works on the principle of transformer so it is called the rotating
 The equivalent circuit of any machine presents the various parameter of the machine
such as its copper losses and core losses. The losses are modeled just by inductor and
 The copper losses are occurred in the windings so the winding resistance is taken into

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 12

 Also, the winding has inductance for which there is a voltage drop due to inductive
reactance and also a term called power factor comes into the picture.
 There are two types of equivalent circuits in case of a three-phase induction motor.

(a) Exact Equivalent Circuit

R1 X1 R2
I1 I1 I 2

I0 I2

Iw I

V R0 R2

E1 E2

Figure 1.11 Exact equivalent circuit

R1  stator winding resis tan ce
X1  stator winding reac tan ce
R0  the core loss component
X 0  the magnetizing reac tan ce of the winding
R2 / s  the power of the rotor, which includes output mechanical power
and copper loss of rotor
If we draw the circuit with referred to the stator then the circuit will look like 

X1 R2'  a2R 2 X 2'  a2 X 2

I1 A

I0 I2
Iw I

V R0 R2 (1 s)

 Figure 1.12 Equivalent circuit referred to stator side

R2’ = rotor winding resistancereferred to stator
X2’ = rotor winding reactance referred to stator
R2 (1 s)
= the resistance which presents the power which is converted to mechanical
power output or useful power.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 13

a = Effective turns ratio of inductor or motor.

(b) Approximate Equivalent Circuit

 The approximate equivalent circuit is drawn just to simplify our calculation by deleting
node-Afrom given in Figure. 1.12.
 The shunt branch is shifted towards the primary side.

R1 X1 X 2' R2 '
I 1 A

I0 I2
Iw I

V R0 R2 ( 1  s )
X0 E2  E1

Figure 1.13Approximate equivalent circuit

 This has been done as the voltage drop between the stator resistance and reactance is
less and there is not much difference between the supply voltage and the induced
voltage. However, this is not appropriate due to following reasons:
 The magnetic circuit of induction motor has an air gap so exciting current is larger
compared to transformer so exact equivalent circuit should be used.
 The rotor and stator inductance is larger in induction motor.
 In induction motor, we use distributed windings.
This model can be used if approximate analysis has to be done for large motors. For
smaller motors, we cannot use this.
o Power Relation of Equivalent Circuit
 Input power to stator- 3 VI1cosƟ. Where, Vis the stator voltage applied. I1 is the current
drawn by the stator winding,cosƟis the power factor.
 Rotor input = Power input- Stator copper and iron losses.
 Rotor Copper loss = Slip × power input to the rotor.
 Developed Power = (1 - s) × Rotor input power.

Induction motor as a Transformer and Vector Diagram

 We know that induction motor is a rotating transformer.
 Its stator works as a primary and rotor works as a secondary.
 The energy conversion takes place through induction.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 14

R1 X1 R2

I0 I2
Iw I

V1 R0 X0 E1 Motor sE2 sX2

Figure 1.19 Equivalent circuit when induction motor as a transformer

Vector Diagram
 The vector diagram is also same for the transformer. It is shown in Figure 1.20.
V1  E1  I1(R1  jX1) and E2  I2 (R2  jX2 )
However there some points of difference between the transformer and induction motor
 The magnetic leakage and leakage reactance of the stator and rotor of the induction
motor are high as compare to transformer.
 Induction motor has an airgap so the magnetizing current in the motor is higher than
 Because of distributed winding in motor, the ratio of stator and rotor current is not
equal to the ratio of the turns per phase in the rotor and the stator.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 15

 Due to the rotating parts in induction motor losses are more compare to transformer.





Iw I0


I  



sE 2

Figure 1.20 Vector diagram of induction motor

Effects of Harmonics in induction motor
 The induction motor performance is affected by the harmonics in the time variation of
the impressed voltage. But its effect on the performance of the motor is not
predominant hence it is not considered here.
 The torque-slip characteristics can be obtained when the space distribution of flux wave
along the air gap periphery is sinusoidal.
 But the air gap flux is not purely sinusoidal as it contains odd harmonics (5 th, 7th, 11th
etc). Hence at low speeds, the torque-slip characteristic not become smooth.
 The distribution of stator winding and variation of air gap reluctance due to stator and
rotor slots are main causes of air gap flux harmonics.
 The harmonics caused due to variation of air gap reluctance are called tooth or slot
 Due to these harmonics produced in air gap flux, unwanted torque are developed along
with vibration and noise.
 Now eventhough stator currents are sinusoidal, the stator mmf is not sinusoidal as
stator winding has the number of slots not more than 3 to 4 per phase.
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 16
 If carry out analysis of stator mmf with the help of Fourier series it can be seen that in
addition to fundamental wave it contains odd harmonics mmf waves.
 The third harmonic flux waves produced by each of the three phases neutralize each
other as it differs in time phase by 120o.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 17

Tm Maximum Torque

Stable Region

Unstable Region


O Slip
s = sm s=1
S=0 (N = 0)
(N = Ns)

Figure 1.30 Torque –speed characteristics

 Thus air gap flux does not contain third harmonics and its multiplies.
 The fundamental mmf wave produces flux which rotates at synchronous speed which
given as N s  rps where f is supply frequency and P is number of poles. Similarly
2f N
fifth harmonic mmf wave produces flux which rotates at  s rps and in direction
5P 5
opposite to the fundamental mmf wave.
 The seven harmonic mmf produces flux which rotates at rps and in the direction of
fundamental mmf wave.
 Thus it can be seen that harmonic mmf wave produces flux which rotates at 1/K times
the fundamental speed and in the direction of fundamental wave if K = 6m + 1 and in the
reversed direction if K = 6m - 1 where m is any integer.
 The most important and predominant harmonics whose effects must be studied are 5th
and 7th harmonics.
 The electromagnetic torque that is developed in the induction motor is because of zero
relative speed between stator and rotor fields.
 This fact can be explained as follows:
 When rotor is revolving in the same direction of rotation as the stator field, the
frequency of rotor currents is sf and the rotor field produced will have speed of sNs
rpm with respect to rotor in the forward direction.
 But there is mechanical rotation of rotor at n rpm which is superimposed on this. The
speed of rotor field in space is thus given by sum of these speeds

sNs  N  sNs  N s 1- s   Ns

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 18

 The stator and rotor fields are thus stationary with respect to each other which
produces a steady torque maintaining the rotation.
 This torque existing at any mechanical speed n other than synchronous speed is called
synchronous torque.
 The fifth harmonic field rotates at s rps and in a direction opposite to direction of
rotor. Therefore slip of rotor with respect to fifth harmonic field speed is

N s (5th N
S5  harmonic
,where N is rotor speed
N s (5thharmonic )
 sN
 5s
 s  N (1 s)
 5
 5
 1 5(1- s)
 6 - 5s

 Here  represents fifth harmonic field rotating opposite to the rotor.
 The frequency of rotor currents induced by fifth harmonic rotating field is

fr ( fifth harmonic)  s5  Stator frequency

 6  5s  f
 Now speed of fifth harmonic rotor field with respect to rotor is given by

2( fr ( fifth harmonic) )
f (6  5s) 
5P 5P
 s (6  5s)
 Now, speed of fifth harmonic rotor field with respect to stator

 Speed of fifth harmonic rotor field w.r.t. rotor  Rotor Speed

= s (6  5s)  N
6 N
  N  sN  N (1 s)  s rps
5 s s s

 Negative sign is used before Ns / 5 6 - 5s which indicates 5th harmonic field rotates
opposite to rotor movement.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 19

 Thus it can be seen that speed of fifth harmonic stator field and rotor field is equal and
relative speed between the two is zero.
 Thus it produces 5th harmonic induction motor torque similar to torque produced by
fundamental component.
 Similar analysis can be made on 7th harmonic to show 7th harmonic torque produced
similar to fundamental one.
 So, each space harmonic can be considered to produces its own asynchronous torque.
 The induction motor can be considered as equivalent to number of induction motors in
series having poles equal to number of harmonics multiplied by number of poles.
 The torque produced by fundamental component and the harmonic are shown in the
Figure 1.37.





5th Harmonic
ns/5 ns/7 0
7th Harmonic
1.2 Slip 6/7

Figure 1.31 Harmonics in induction motor

Crawling and Cogging
(a) Crawling
 Sometimes, squirrel cage induction motors exhibits a tendency to run at very slow speeds
(as low as one-seventh of their synchronous speed). This phenomenon is called as
crawling of an induction motor.
 This action is due to the fact that, flux wave produced by a stator winding is not purely
sine wave.
 It is a complex wave consisting a fundamental wave and odd harmonics like 3 rd, 5th, 7th
 The fundamental wave revolves synchronously at synchronous speed N s whereas 3rd,
N s N s Ns speed
5th, 7th harmonics may rotate in forward or backward direction at , ,
3 5 7
 Hence, harmonic torques are also developed in addition with fundamental torque.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 20

 The 3rd harmonics are absent in a balanced 3-phase system. So 3rd harmonics do not
produce rotating field and torque.
 The total motor torque now consist three components as:
(i) the fundamental torque withsynchronous speed Ns ,
(ii) 5th harmonic torque with synchronous speed ,
(iii) 7th harmonic torque with synchronous speed (provided that higher
harmonics are neglected).


Constant Load Torque

Crawling Speed

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Synchronous Speed

Figure 1.32Crawling in induction motor

 Now, 5th harmonic currents will have phase difference of 5 ⨯ 120 = 600° =2 ⨯ 360  120
= 120°. Hence the revolving speed set up will be in reverse direction with speed s .
 The small amount of 5 harmonic torque produces breaking action and can be


P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 21

 The 7th harmonic currents will have phase difference of 7 ⨯ 120 = 840° = 2 ⨯ 360 +120
= + 120°.
 Hence they will set up rotating field in forward direction with synchronous speed equal
to s .
 If we neglect all the higher harmonics, the resultant torque will be equal to sum of
fundamental torque and 7th harmonic torque.
 The 7th harmonic torque reaches its maximum positive value just before1/7 thof N s .
 If the mechanical load on the shaft involves constant load torque, the torque developed
by the motor may fall below this load torque. In this case, motor will not accelerate upto
its normal speed, but it will run at a speed which is nearly 1/7th of its normal speed.
This phenomenon is called as crawling in induction motors

(b) Cogging (Magnetic locking or teeth locking)

 This characteristic of induction motor comes into picture when motor refuses to start at
 Sometimes it happens because of low supply voltage. But the main reason for starting
problem in the motor is because of cogging in which the slots of the stator get locked up
with the rotor slots.
 As we know that there is series of slots in the stator and rotor of the induction motor.
 When the slots of the rotor are equal in number with slots in the stator, they align
themselves in such way that both face to each other and at this stage the reluctance of
the magnetic path is minimum and motor refuse to start.
 This characteristic of the induction motor is called cogging.
 One more reason for cogging, if the harmonic frequencies coincide with the slot
frequency due to the harmonics present in the supply voltage then it causes torque
modulation. As a result, of it cogging occurs. This characteristic is also known as
magnetic teeth locking of the induction motor.

o Methods to eliminate cogging

 The number of slots in rotor should not be equal to the number of slots in the stator.
 Skewing of the rotor slots, that means the stack of the rotor is arranged in such a way
that it angled with the axis of the rotation.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 22

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 23
Linear induction motor (LIM)
 Linear Induction motor is basically a special purpose motor that is in use to achieve
linear motion rather than rotational motion as in the case of conventional motors.
 This is quite an engineering marvel, to convert a general motor for a special purpose
with more or less similar working principle, thus enhancing its versatility of operation
first consider its construction.

 Construction wise a LIM is similar to three phase induction motor in more ways than
one as it has been shown in the Figure 1.36 below.




Figure 1.35Rotational induction motor

Stator Coil


Figure 1.32 Linear induction motor




Figure 1.36 Linear induction motor 3-D view

 In LIM stator and rotor are called primary and secondary respectively.
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 24
 If the stator of the poly phase induction motor shown in the Figure 1.35is cut along the
section and laid on a flat surface, then it forms the primary of the LIM housing the field
system, and consequently the rotor forms the secondary consisting of flat aluminum
conductors with ferromagnetic core for effective flux linkage.
 It has a primary winding on either side of the secondary, for more effective utilization of
the induced flux from both sides.

Working of LIM
 When the primary of an LIM is excited by a balanced three phase power supply, a
traveling flux is induced in the primary instead of rotating 3 φ flux, which will travel
along the entire length of the primary.
 Electric current is induced into the aluminum conductors or the secondary due to the
relative motion between the traveling flux and the conductors.
 This induced current interacts with the traveling flux wave to produce linear force or
thrust F.
 If the secondary is fixed and the primary is free to move, the force will move the
primary in the direction of the force, resulting in the required rectilinear motion.
 When supply is given, the synchronous speed of the field is given by the equation:
120 f
Ns 
 Where, f is supply frequency in Hz, and p = number of poles, ns is the synchronous
speed of the rotation of magnetic field in rps.
 The developed field will results in a linear traveling field, the velocity of which is given
by the equation,
Vs  2 f m / Sec

 Where, Vs is velocity of the linear traveling field, and  is the pole pitch.
 For a slip of s, the speed of the LIM is given by,
V  (1 s)Vs

o Applications of LIM
 Automatic sliding doors in electric trains.
 Mechanical handling equipment, such as propulsion of a train of tubs along a certain
 Metallic conveyor belts.
 Pumping of liquid metal, material handling in cranes, etc.

o Advantages of LIM
 It has no rotating part so it gives low mechanical loss.
 It is simple and rugged in construction.
 It is more efficient compare to conventional motor.
 It has lower initial cost.
 It gives higher speed.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 25

o Disadvantages of LIM
 Capital cost is very high because rail has to be installed for its operation.
 The three phase collector system is required for LIM is complicated.
 The maintenance of LIM is not easy.
 Power factor is very low.
 Draws large magnetizing current due to large airgap.


P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 26


Following parameters are considered as performance parameters:

 Basic Principle of motor is to convert electrical power into mechanical power. So, that
induced torque (electromechanical torque or developed torque) in induction motor
depends on the rotor current, rotor power factor and rotating flux.
 The torque is given by,
Tind   I2 cos2
  Rotating flux
I2  Rotor current per phase
cos2  Rotor power factor
Now, rotor emf per phase at s tan dstill,
E2  2
Tind  E2 I2cos2

Tind  kE2 I2cos2, (Where k is constant)

By putting the value of I2 and cos f2 , we get,
T  kE   sE2   R2 
   
  

ind 2
 Z s   Z s 
  
sE R
 kE2    2    2 
 2  2 
 R2  sX 2    R2  sX 2  
2 2

Tind 2 N  m .................................................................(1.1)
R2   sX 2 
2 2

Case-I Starting torque

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 27

The torque developed by motor during starting period is called starting torque.

At the time of starting induction motor has slip=1.

Therefore, starting torque of induction motor can be obtained by putting slip=1 in

torque equation.
To get maximum starting torque, by differentiating Tst w.r.t. R2 and by putting 0.

Tst  (Assuming Supply voltage V is constant )
R2  X22 2

 R  2R  
dT 1
 k    =0 2 2

dR2  R2  X2  R2  X 2 2  2 
2 2 2

2   R2  X 2 
2 2R 2
R2 X 2
2 2

R 2  X 2  2R 2
2 2 2

R2  X 2
2 2

R2  X 2

So, the starting torque of an induction motor will be maximum when,

Rotor circuit resistance/phase = Standstill rotor reactance/phase.

Generally the rotor resistance is not more than 1 to 2 % of its leakage reactance for
higher efficiency.

To get the high starting torque, extra resistance is added in the rotor circuit at the
starting time and cut slowly as motor get speed.

Case-II Running torque

The torque developed by the motor during running condition is called running torque.

At the time of running, motor slip = s

So, the running torque of an induction motor at slip s,

ksR E 2
Trun  2 2 (N m) ............................................................. (1.2)
R2   sX 2 
2 2

Now, torque will be the maximum if,

sR2 R2 R2
R s X2
2 2 or 2 
 R2 2 is Zero.
R 2
   
2 2 2  sX 2  X s  2R X
s  s

2 2

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 28

The torque will be maximum when right hand side of theequation 1.2is maximum which
is possible when 2  X 2 s  0
So, R  sX or s 
2 2

Therefore, induced torque becomes maximum when rotor resistance per phase is equal
to the rotor reactance per phase under running condition.

By putting the R2  sX 2 in the torque equation 1.2, we get

ksR E 2 ksE 2 ksE 2
Tmax  2 2
R 2  R2 2R
2 2
2 2 2 2

The above equation 1.3shows that the torque is independent of the rotor resistance.

If smax is the value of slip at which the torque is obtained, then s max 

Hence, the speed of the motor at maximum torque is given by,

Nm  (1 smax )Ns

o Relation between starting torque and maximum torque

By putting the value of starting torqueequation 1.1 and maximum torqueequation 1.3, we get

T kR E 2 2sX 2R X
 2 2
2  2 2
T R X
ksE 2
R2X 2
max 2 2 2 2 2

Deviding the numerator and denominator by X2 2,

2R2 X2 2 2R2
T st R2 2 X22 2 2
 R2 

max 2
2 R2  X 2   1
X2 X 2 2  X 2 
The slip at which maximum torque occurs is given as smax ,
smax  R2

So, Tst  2smax

Tmax s 2 max 1

o Relation between Full load torque and maximum torque

Full load torque,

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 29

Tf 2 2 2 2 2
ksR E
R2  s X2
Tf ksR E 2 2sX
 R 2 
2 2 2 2
T (sX ) ksE 2
max 2 2 2

sR2 2 X 2

R22  (sX2)2

Deviding the numerator and denominator by X22,

2sR2 X 2
Tf  X 2
T  2
R 2  (sX )2
max 2 2
X 22
Tf 2s s
 2 max 2
Tmax s max  s

Effect of change of supply voltage

We know that at the time of starting,

Tst  2
2 2E
R2  X 2 2

Since, E2V

kR2 V
 Tst  22

R22  X 2 2
Where k2 is the another constant 
 Tst  V2 2

Equivalent Circuit of Induction motor

o Why equivalent circuit?
 The behavior of three phase induction is very complicated, so it it required to represent
the machine as an equivalent circuit in various operating condition.
 Induction motor works on the principle of transformer so it is called the rotating
 The equivalent circuit of any machine presents the various parameter of the machine
such as its copper losses and core losses. The losses are modeled just by inductor and
 The copper losses are occurred in the windings so the winding resistance is taken into

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 30

 Also, the winding has inductance for which there is a voltage drop due to inductive
reactance and also a term called power factor comes into the picture.
 There are two types of equivalent circuits in case of a three-phase induction motor.

(c) Exact Equivalent Circuit

I I1  2
1 1 I 2
1 I I
I 0 I 2

V R0 R
X 2

0 S
E1 E2

Figure 1.11 Exact equivalent circuit

R1  stator winding resis tan ce
X1  stator winding reac tan ce
R0  the core loss component
X 0  the magnetizing reac tan ce of the winding
R2 / s  the power of the rotor, which includes output mechanical power
and copper loss of rotor
If we draw the circuit with referred to the stator then the circuit will look like 

X1 R2'  a2R 2 X 2'  a2 X 2

I1 R1

I0 I2
Iw I

V R0 R2 (1 s)

 Figure 1.12 Equivalent circuit referred to stator side

R2’ = rotor winding resistancereferred to stator
X2’ = rotor winding reactance referred to stator
R2 (1 s)
= the resistance which presents the power which is converted to mechanical
power output or useful power.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 31

a = Effective turns ratio of inductor or motor.

(d) Approximate Equivalent Circuit

 The approximate equivalent circuit is drawn just to simplify our calculation by deleting
node-Afrom given in Figure. 1.12.
 The shunt branch is shifted towards the primary side.

R1 X1 X 2' R2 '
I 1 A

I0 I2
Iw I

V R0 R2 ( 1  s )
X0 E2  E1

Figure 1.13Approximate equivalent circuit

 This has been done as the voltage drop between the stator resistance and reactance is
less and there is not much difference between the supply voltage and the induced
voltage. However, this is not appropriate due to following reasons:
 The magnetic circuit of induction motor has an air gap so exciting current is larger
compared to transformer so exact equivalent circuit should be used.
 The rotor and stator inductance is larger in induction motor.
 In induction motor, we use distributed windings.
This model can be used if approximate analysis has to be done for large motors. For
smaller motors, we cannot use this.
o Power Relation of Equivalent Circuit
 Input power to stator- 3 VI1cosƟ. Where, Vis the stator voltage applied. I1 is the current
drawn by the stator winding,cosƟis the power factor.
 Rotor input = Power input- Stator copper and iron losses.
 Rotor Copper loss = Slip × power input to the rotor.
 Developed Power = (1 - s) × Rotor input power.

No-Load and blocked rotor test

(a) No-Load Test
 The test is similar to the open circuit test on a transformer.
 When motor running at no load, total input power is equal to constant iron loss, friction
and windage losses of the motor that means by this method we can calculate the
constant losses of induction motor.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 32

 In this test motor runs at no-load means it is uncoupled from mechanical load and
motor stator is supplied with rated voltage.
 The input power measured by the two wattmeter method.


3-Ph 3-Ph
AC Induction
Supply Motor




Figure 1.14 No-load test on 3- phase induction motor

 The ammeter measures the no-load current and voltmeter measures the supply voltage.
 No-load current is about 50% of the full load current, due to airgap. So, stator copper
loss at no-load needs to be accounted.

Pconst  Pi  Pcu  Pfw  P1  P2  Sum of two wattmeter readings

 Generally, the power factor of the induction motor under no-load condition is less than
0.5 at that time one wattmeter shows negative reading.
 After reverse the terminal of current coil of wattmeter and then take the reading of
In this test the following parameters can be calculated.

V0  Line voltage
I0 = Line current
Pi = Core loss
Pcu = Copper loss
Pfw = Friction and windage loss
P1, P2  Re adings of wattmeter at no  load
P1+P2 = 3V0 I0 cos0

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 33

P1 +P2
cos  
V0 I0
I  I0 sin 0
Iw  I0 cos 0
R 0
X 0
I 

o Separation of losses
 Friction and Windage loss can be separated from the Constant losses Pconst .
 A number of readings of Pconst at no-load is taken at different stator applied voltages
from rated to breakdown value at rated frequency.
 The iron losses are the square of the flux density and therefore the applied voltage.
 The curve can be extended at left O cut the vertical axis at A.
 At vertical axis V=0 and hence intercept OA represents the voltage independent loss,
that is the loss due to friction and windage loss.
 Consider the following figure for separation of friction and windage losses.


O VRated

Figure 1.15Separation of friction and windage loss

(b) Blocked Rotor Test (Short Circuit Test)

 As the name of the test specifies the rotor of induction motor is blocked by external
means so that it cannot rotate.
 The blocked rotor test of induction motor is similar to the short circuit test of a
 In blocked rotor test, a voltage to the stator winding of an induction motor is applied
using variac so that rated current flows through the stator winding when rotor is

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 34

 The voltage required to circulate the rated current through the stator winding is around
10-15% of the rated voltage.
 After applying 10 to 15 % of the rated stator voltage, the core losses during the block
rotor test is negligible, mind that core loss is directly proportional to the square of
 Thus the wattmeter reading would effectively give the sum of stator and rotor copper
 This wattmeter reading is then used determine the leakage impedance of induction
motor as shown in Figure 1.16 below:


3-Phase 3-Ph
AC Induction




Figure 1.16Blocked rotor test of 3-ph induction motor

 The rotor is blockedso,mechanical loss will be negligible. So,
Total Power input,
Pin  Stator copper Loss  Rotor copper Loss
 W1  W2
Vs  Line voltage
Is  Line current

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 35

P1 & P2  Wattmeter readings at blocked rotor
P1  P2  3Vs I s coss
P P
coss  1 2
 3Vs I s
P1  P2  3 I s ph R01
(where, R01  Motor equivalent resistance per phase referred to stator)

P1  P2
3 Is ph
01 2

Vs   Motor equivalent resistance per phase referred to stator)

Z 01  ph (where, Z
 Is ph 01

X 01  Z 012  R 012
X 01
X1  X 2 ' 
R2 '  R01  R1
Torque - Slip Characteristics of Induction Motor
 The torque slip curve gives the information about the variation of torque with the slip.
 The slip is defined as the ratio of difference of synchronous speed and actual rotor
speed to the synchronous speed of the machine.
 The variation of slip can be obtained with the variation of speed that is when speed
varies the slip will also vary and the torque corresponding to that speed will also vary.

Motoring Pull out torque

Induced Torque, % of full load

Braking Generating

-Ns 0 Ns 2Ns Speed

Torque Slip

(s>1) s=1 s<0


Figure 1.17 Torque-slip and Torque-speed characteristics of induction motor

 The torque-slip characteristic curve can be divided into three regions:
 Motoring mode
 Generating mode
 Braking mode

o Motoring Mode

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 36

 In this mode of operation, by giving supply the motor always rotate below the
synchronous speed.
 The induction motor torque varies from zero to full load torque as the slip varies.
 The slip varies from zero to one.
 It is zero at no load and one at standstill. From the curve it is seen that the torque is
directly proportional to the slip.
 That is, more is the slip, more will be the torque produced and vice-versa.
 The linear relationship simplifies the calculation of motor parameter to great extent.

o Generating Mode:
 In this mode of operation induction motor runs above the synchronous speed and it
should be driven by a prime mover.
 The stator winding is connected to a three phase supply in which it supplies electrical
 Actually, in this case, the torque and slip both are negative so the motor receives
mechanical energy and delivers electrical energy.
 An Induction motor is not much used as generator because it requires reactive power
for its operation.
 That is, reactive power should be supplied from outside and if it runs below the
synchronous speed by any means, it consumes electrical energy rather than giving it at
the output. So, as far as possible, induction generators are generally avoided.

o Braking Mode:
 In the braking mode, the two leads or the polarity of the supply voltage is changed so
that the motor starts to rotate in the reverse direction and as a result the motor stops.
This method of braking is known as plugging.
 This method is used when it is required to stop the motor within a very short period of
time. The kinetic energy stored in the revolving load is dissipated as heat.
 Also, motor is still receiving power from the stator which is also dissipated as heat. So as
a result of which motor develops heat energy.
 If load which the motor drives accelerates the motor in the same direction as the motor
is rotating, the speed of the motor may increase more than synchronous speed.
 In this case, it acts as an induction generator which supplies electrical energy to the
mains which tends to slow down the motor to its synchronous speed, in this case the
motor stops. This type of breaking principle is called dynamic or regenerative braking.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 37

Power Flow in 3-phase induction motor


Air-Gap Power
Pout  Loadm
Pin  3VL I L cos  ind

Pcu (rotor ) Pfw

Pcu ( stator )

Figure 1.18Power flow diagram of induction motor

 An induction motor can be basically described as a rotating transformer.
 Its input is a three-phase system of voltages and currents.
 For an ordinary transformer, the output is electric power from the secondary windings.
 The secondary windings in an induction motor (the rotor) are shorted out, so no
electrical output exists from normal induction motors. Instead, the output is mechanical.
 The relationship between the input electric power and the output mechanical power of
this motor is shown in the power-flow diagram in Figure 1.18
 The input power to an induction motor Pin is in the form of three-phase electric voltage
and current.
 The first losses encountered in the machine are I2R losses in the stator windings (the
stator copper loss Pcu(stator).
 Then some amount of power is lost as hysteresis and eddy currents in the stator Pi. The
power remaining at this point is transferred to the rotor of the machine across the air
gap between the stator and rotor.
 This power is called the air-gap power PAGof the machine. After the power is transferred
to the rotor, some of it is lost as l2R losses the rotor copper loss Pcu(rotor), and the rest is
converted from electrical to mechanical form Pout.
 Finally, friction and Windage losses Pfw and stray losses PStray are subtracted. The
remaining power is the output of the motor Pout.
 The core losses do not always appear in the power-flow diagram at the point shown in
Figure 1.18.
 Because of the nature of core losses, where they are accounted for in the machine is
somewhat arbitrary.
 The core losses of an induction motor come partially from the stator circuit and
partially from the rotor circuit.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 38

 Since an induction motor normally operates at a speed near synchronous speed, the
relative motion of the magnetic fields over the rotor surface is quite slow, and the rotor
core losses are very tiny compared to the stator core losses.
 Since the largest fraction of the core losses comes from the stator circuit, all the core
losses are lumped together at that point on the diagram.
 The higher the speed of an induction motor, the higher its friction, Windage, and stray
 On the other hand, the higher the speed of the motor (up to Ns) the lower its core losses.
 Therefore, these three categories of losses are sometimes lumped together and called
rotational losses.
 The total rotational losses of a motor are often considered to be constant with changing
speed, since the component losses change in opposite directions with a change in speed.

Circle Diagram
 The circle diagram of an induction motor is very useful to study its performance under
all operating conditions.
 The “Circle Diagram” means that it is the figure or curve which is drawn as a circular
shape. As we know, the diagrammatic representation is easier to understand and
remember compared to theoretical and mathematical descriptions.

o Importance of Circle Diagram

 The diagram provides information which is not provided by an ordinary phasor
 A phasor diagram gives relation between current and voltage only at a single circuit
 If the condition changes, we need to draw the phasor diagram again. But a circle
diagram may be referred to as a phasor diagram drawn in one plane for more than one
circuit conditions.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 39

 On the context of induction motor, which is our main interest, we can get information
about its power output, power factor, torque, slip, speed, copper loss, efficiency etc. in a
graphical or in a diagrammatic representation.

o Test performed to compute data required to draw circle diagram

 No-load and blocked rotor test on an induction motor is performed. In no load test, the
induction motor is run at no load and by two watt meter method, its total power
consumed is measured.
 From this test no-load current and angle between voltage and current at no-load is
0  P0
3V0I 0
 The angle will be large as in the no load condition induction motor has high inductive
 In block rotor test, rotor is blocked which is analogous to short circuited secondary of a
 From this test, short circuit current and the lag angle between voltage and current are
sc 
3Vsc Isc
 Current drawn if rated voltage is applied at blocked rotor condition,
I I
 Power input at 2
rated voltage and motor in the blocked rotor condition,
PSN  PSC  0 
 VSC 

 Resistance Test
 By voltmeter-ammeter method determine per phase equivalent stator resistance, R1.
 If the machine is wound rotor type, find the equivalent rotor resistance R2′ also after
measuring rotor resistance and required transformations are applied.

o How to draw circle diagram?

 Draw horizontal axis OX and vertical axis OY. Here the vertical axis represents the
voltage reference.
 With suitable scale, draw phasor OA with length corresponding to I0 at an angle 0 from
the vertical axis. Draw a horizontal line AB.
 Draw OS equal to ISN at an angle SC and join AS.
 Draw the perpendicular bisector to AS to meet the horizontal line AB at C.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 40


T max
P max

P C’
Rotor copper

 K

sc Stator copper

0 F
Fixed loss
Figure 1.21 Circle Diagram of 3-phase Induction Motor
 With C as centre, draw a semi-circle passing through A and S. This forms the circle
diagram which is the locus of the input current.
 From point S, draw a vertical line SL to meet the line AB.
 Fix the point K as below.
For wound rotor machines where equivalent rotor resistance R 2′ can be found out: Divide
SL at point K so that SK: KL = equivalent rotor resistance: stator resistance.
 For squirrel cage rotor machines:
Find Stator copper loss using ISN and stator winding resistance R1.
Rotor copper loss = total copper loss – stator copper loss.
 Divide SL at point K so that SK : KL = rotor copper loss : stator copper loss
Note: If data for separating stator copper loss and rotor copper loss is not available then
assume that stator copper loss is equal to rotor copper loss. So divide SL at point K so that
 For a given operating point P, draw a vertical line PEFGD as shown.
Then, PD = input power, PE = output power, EF = rotor copper loss, FG = stator copper
loss, GD = constant loss (iron loss + mechanical loss)

 Efficiency of the machine at the operating point P,  
 Power factor of the machine at operating point P,is cos
 Slip of the machine at the operating point P, s  
 Starting torque at rated voltage (in syn. watts) = SK
 To find the operating points corresponding to maximum power and maximum torque,
draw tangents to the circle diagram parallel to the output line and torque line

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 41

respectively. The points at which these tangents touch the circle are respectively the
maximum power point Tmax  and maximum torque point Pmax  .

o Conclusion of Circle Diagram

 This method is based on some approximations that we have used in order to draw the
circle diagram and also, there is some rounding off of the values as well.
 So there is some error in this method but it can give good approximate results.
 Also, this method is very much time consuming so it is drawn at times where the
drawing of circle diagram is absolutely necessary.
 Otherwise, we can go for mathematical formulas or equivalent circuit model in order to
find out various parameters.

Induction generator:

Starting methods of three phase induction motor

o Why starters are required to start an induction motor?
 If an induction motor is directly switched on from the supply, it takes 5 to 7 times its full
load current and develops a torque which is only 1.5 to 2.5 times the full load torque.
This large starting current produces a large voltage drop in the line, which may affect
the operation of other devices connected to the same line. Hence, it is not advisable to
start induction motors of rating above 5kW directly from the mains supply.

Various starting methods of an induction motors are described below:

o By Direct-on-line (DOL) starter
 This type of starters are used to start small rating induction motors.
 In order to avoid excessive voltage drop in the supply line due to large starting current,
a DOL starter is generally used for motors that are rated below 5kW.
 The rated supply is directly applied to the motor by using star delta starter.
 But, as mentioned above, here, the starting current would be very large, usually 5 to 7
times the rated current.
 Induction motors can be started (up to 5 kW) directly on-line using a DOL starter which
generally consists of a contactor and a motor protection equipments. A DOL starter
consists of a coil operated contactor which can be controlled by start and stop push
 When the start push button press, the contactor coil (C) gets energized and it closes
power contacts (P), power is supplied to the motor and motor gets start.
 During its running, the contactor closed via ab, hence it is called hold on contact.
 The stop push button de-energizes the contactor so the motor stops.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 42

 When voltage falls below a certain value the contactor coil (C) gets de-energized and
hence the main contactor opens and the motor stop.
 When the motor is overloaded, the overload coil gets energized so the NC contact of O/L
opens, the power supply to the (C) gets disconnected and the motor stop.
 The starting torque is likely to be 1.5 to 2.5 times the full load torque.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 43

Rated 3-Phase AC Supply

STOP (C) (P)

O/L Relay

O/L Relay


Cage rotor

Figure 1.22 Direct-Online Starter (DOL)

 Sometimes fuses are also provided for short circuit protection in the circuit.
 The DOL starter is simple and cheap.

o Starting of squirrel cage motors

 Starting in-rush current in squirrel cage motors is controlled by applying reduced
voltage to the stator.
 These methods are sometimes called as reduced voltage methods for starting ofsquirrel
cage induction motors. For this purpose, following methods are used:
(a) Primary resistors starter
(b) Autotransformer starter
(c) Star-delta starter
(a) Primary resistors starter
 The purpose of primary resistors is to drop some voltage and apply a reduced voltage to
the stator. Consider, the starting voltage is reduced by 50%.
 Then according to V=I/Z, the starting current will also be reduced by the same
 From the torque equation of a three phase induction motor, the starting torque is
approximately proportional to the square of the applied voltage.
 That means, if the applied voltage is 50% of the rated value, the starting torque will be
only 25% of its rated torque.
 Similarly, this method is generally used for a smooth starting of small induction motors.
 This is not recommended to for motors with high starting torque requirements.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 44

 Resistors are such that 70% of the rated voltage can be applied to the motor.
 At the time of starting, full resistance is connected in the series with the stator winding
and it is gradually decreased as the motor speeds up.
 When the motor reaches an appropriate speed, the resistances are disconnected from
the circuit and the stator phases are directly connected to the supply lines.
AC Supply



Figure 1.23 Primary resistance starter

(b) Auto-transformer starter
 An auto-transformer starter can be used for both star connected and delta connected
squirrel cage motors.

Rated 3-Phase AC Supply

Auto Transformer




Figure 1.24 Auto-Transformer starter

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 45

 With auto-transformer starting, the current drawn from supply line is always less than
the motor current by an amount equal to the transformation ratio.
 At starting, switch is at "start" position, and a reduced voltage (which is selected using a
tap) is applied across the stator.
 When the motor reaches to an appropriate speed, say up to 80% of its rated speed, the
auto-transformer automatically gets disconnected from the circuit as the switch goes to
"run" position.
 The switch changing the connection from start to run position may be air-break (for
small motors) or oil-immersed (for large motors) type.
 There are also provisions for no-voltage and overload, with time delay circuits on an
auto transformer starter.

(c) Star-delta starter

 This starters are widely used for induction motor.
 Its design is such that the motor runs on delta connection during the running condition
Rated 3-Phase AC Supply


Stator Run



Figure 1.25Star-Delta starter

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 46

 When the changeover switch S is in the “start” position, the stator winding is connected
in star position and after achieving a speed which is 80% of the rated speed, it is thrown
to the “run” position.
 So, when the motor is connected in star during starting, the line current is reduced to
one –third as compared to the starting current of delta connection.
 During the starting time, each stator phase gets a voltage hence, the starting torque is
reduced to one-third that obtained by direct delta connected.

o Starting of slip-ring induction motors

 Slip-ring motors are started with full line voltage, as external resistance can be easily
added in the rotor circuit with the help of slip-rings.
 A star connected rheostat is connected in series with the rotor via slip-rings.
Introducing resistance in rotor current will decrease the starting current in rotor and,
hence, in stator.
 Also, it improves power factor and the torque is increased. The connected rheostat may
be hand-operated or automatic.
 As, introduction of additional resistance in rotor improves the starting torque, slip-ring
motors can be started on load.
 The external resistance introduced is only for starting purposes, and is gradually cut out
as the motor reaches to the speed.

Slip Rings


Figure 1.26Rotor resistance starter for slip ring induction motor

Speed control of induction motor
o Why Speed control of induction motor?
 Three phase induction motor is a constant speed motor. So it is difficult to control its
speed. But by using different methods we can control its speed because speed of
induction motor is inversely proportional to torque and at the starting, motor runs at
maximum slip.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 47

 Torque is directly proportional to slip. If supply voltage reduced then induction motor
draws more current to magnetize rotor and operate under normal condition. But
because of excessive current flowing through motor windings and motor get overheat
up. Hence motor get damaged. Due this reason, we have to control the speed of three
phase induction motor.
 Different methods to control the speed of induction motor are:
o Control from stator side
(a) By Supply voltage control
(b) By variable frequency control
(C) by pole changing method

o Control from rotor side

(d) By rotor resistance control
(e) By slip energy recovery method
(f) By injection an emf in the the rotor circuit

(a) By Supply Voltage Control

 We know that the torque developed by an induction motor varies as square of the
voltage applied to its stator terminals.
 Thus by varying the applied voltage, the electromagnetic torque developed by the motor
can be varied.
 This method is generally used for small squirrel-cage motors where cost is an important
criterion and efficiency is not.
 However, this method has rather limited range of speed control. It means Speed control
below the normal speed can be possible by this method.
 This method is very cheap, simple and rarely used because of a large variation in voltage
changes in flux density, hence the magnetic circuit get disturb.

(b) By variable frequency Control

 This method of speed control widely used now a days.
 It can be achieved by using VFD (Variable Frequency Drive).
 By changing the supply frequency, the motor synchronous speed can be altered and
thus the torque-speed of a three- phase induction motor can be controlled.
 By using variable frequency control, it is possible to adjust the speed of the motor either
above or below the base speed.
 Increase in frequency increases the torque-speed relation and a decrease in frequency
decreases the torque-speed relation of the motor.
 We can control the speed of induction motor by varying the stator supply voltage and
frequency with the keep ratio of V/fconstant.
 When low voltage and low frequency is applied to the motor, the maximum torque
available decreases at reduced speeds.
 If the ratio of V/f is kept constant, this technique allows the induction motor to deliver
its rated torque at speeds up to its rated speed.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 48

(c) By pole changing Method
 The primary factor in determining the speed of an induction motor is the number of
poles, given by the formula;
120 f 2f
 Ns  rpm or ns  rps
 Ns  Synchronous speed, in rpm
 f  AC power frequency
 P  Number of poles per phase winding
 Pole changing in induction machine can be done using a pole changing motor.
 Pole changing can be used to achieve different speeds in induction machine by
switching the configuration of the electrical stator windings in the ratio of 2:1, indirectly
adding or removing poles and thus varying the rotor speed.
 The number of stator poles can be changed by
(a) Multiple stator winding,
(b) Method of consequent poles,
(c) Pole amplitude modulation.

(d) By rotor resistance control

 This control method is used only for slip ring induction (wound rotor) motor.
 We can insert external resistance in the rotor circuit of slip ring induction motor
 This method gives large starting torque, low starting current and large pullout torque at
small slip.
 The main drawback of this method is large power lost in the external resistance rotor
circuit, especially at lower speeds.
 Speed below normal speed can be achieved by this method.
 We get wide range of speed by using this method.

(e) By slip energy recover method

 The slip power transferred across the air gap is transformed by electromagnetic
induction to electric power in the rotor circuit.
 In the rotor resistance control method the slip frequency power gets wasted as copper
loss which reduce the efficiency of induction motor.
 So, by recovering this wasted energy we get more efficiency of induction motor.
 There are so many methods used to recover this energy but among these one method is
Scherbius drive method that shown in below Figure 1.27
 This method provide the speed control of induction motor below the synchronous
 The slip power of the rotor converted into DC by the bridge rectifier.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 49



Rectifier Inverter

Slip ring induction motor

Figure 1.27Slip energy recovery method

 This rectified current can be smoothed by using smooth reactor.
 The output of the rectifier is converted into AC by inverter which is fed back to supply.

(f) By injecting emf in the rotor circuit

 In this method, a voltage is injected in the rotor circuit. The frequency of rotor circuit is
a slip frequency and hence the voltage to be injected must be at a slip frequency.
 It is possible that the injected voltage may oppose the rotor induced emf or may assist
the rotor induced emf.
 If it is in the phase opposition, effective rotor resistance increases. If it is in the phase of
rotor induced emf, effective rotor resistance decreases.
 Thus by controlling the magnitude of the injected emf, rotor resistance and effectively
speed can be controlled.
 Practically two methods are available which use this principle. These methods are,

o Kramer’scascade system
 In Kramer’s cascade, the slip-ring induction motor is started using rotor resistance
 By changing the direction of phase rotation, the resistance of the rotor circuit is varied
and thus speed of the slip ring motor is controlled.
 When machine is running, the rotor circuit EMF is rectified and connected to a
separately excited DC motor. The DC motor is connected to the main shaft of
induction motor by means of gears. By varying the field current of DC motor, the
speed of shaft can be varied in sub synchronous region.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 50

R +
Y Supply
B -
Sliprings on
R AC side of

DC Rotary
Motor Converter

Slip rings
Figure 1.28Kramer’s cascade system
 Very large motors above 4000 kW such as steel rolling mills use such type of speed
 The main advantage of this method is that a smooth speed control is possible. Similarly
wide range of speed control is possible.
 Another advantage of the system is that the design of a rotary converter is practically
independent of the speed control required.
 Similarly if rotary converter is overexcited, it draws leading current and thus power
factor improvement is also possible along with the necessary speed control.

o Scherbius cascade system

 It consists of main induction motor M, the speed of which is to be controlled.
 In Scherbius cascade, the slip power is converted into DC and then into 3 phase AC,
which is fed back to three-phase lines.
 The slip-ring induction motor is started using rotor resistance starter. When machine
is running, the rotor resistances are removed and rotor terminals are connected to
the three-phase rectifier.
 The slip power is converted into DC, which is again connected to a three-phase bridge
converter operating as an inverter. In which the firing angle is more than 900.
 The logic for gate pulses for different thyristors is obtained from three-phase lines. The
converter converts the DC power into three-phase AC power having frequency same as
line frequency.
 The slip power is fed back to the lines using regulating transformer having a definite
turn ratio. The two additional equipments are, DC motor and rotary converter.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 51

Y Supply
Brushes 120 0 induction
apart machine

M Machine

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 52



Figure 1.29 Scherbius cascadesystem

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 53

Comparison of Squirrel cage induction motor with slip ring induction
Squirrel Cage Induction Slip ring (wound rotor) Induction
Motor Motor
 In slip ring induction motors the rotor
is wound type.
 In Squirrel cage induction
 In the motor the slip rings, brushes are
motors the rotor is simplest and
rugged in construction
 Compared to squirrel cage rotor the
rotor construction is not simple.
 Cylindrical laminated core rotor
 Cylindrical laminated core rotor is
with heavy bars or copper or
wound for as the number of poles of
aluminum or alloys are used for
the stator.
 At starting the 3 phase windings are
 Rotor conductors or rotor bars connected to a star connected
are short circuited with end rheostat and during running condition,
rings. the windings is short circuited at the
slip rings.
 It is possible to insert additional
 Rotor bars are permanently
resistance in the rotor circuit.
short circuited and hence it is
 Therefore it is possible to increase the
not possible to connect external
torque ( the additional series
resistance in the circuit in series
resistance is used for starting
with the rotor conductors.
 Cheaper cost  Cost is slightly higher.
 Carbon brushes, slip rings etc are
 No moving contacts in the rotor.
provided in the rotor circuit.
 Higher efficiency.  Comparatively less efficiency.
 High starting torque. It can be
 Low starting torque.
obtained by adding external resistance
 It is 1.5 time full load torque.
in the rotor circuit.
 Speed control by rotor  Speed control by rotor resistance is
resistance is not possible. possible.
 Starting current is 5 to 7 times
 Less starting current.
the full load.

Energy efficient motors

 Energy efficient motors are specially designed to increase the efficiency of induction

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 54

 This motor designed with minimum losses and it is rugged, small in size and has silent
operation compare to conventional motors.
 Energy efficient motors are available in wide range of ratings.
 The following parameters are recommended for energy efficiency motors.

 Reduction in under loading

 The size of the induction motor should be selected after load calculation.
 If replace the the oversize motor then it is very important to consider efficiency gain.
 If want to reduce the overloading then motor should be designed with star connection.
 In star connection motor runs at lower speed and lower voltage so it gives the same
performance as connected in delta connected motor. In star connection motor gives the
higher efficiency.

 Sizing of the motor as per load

 In industry motors are generally selected as per full load but actually motor runs at full
load for short time period. So, the by using over rating motors it may be costly.
 The motor is selected on the basis of load duration curve.
 Therefore, selection of motor should be slightly lower anticipating load than highest.
 If the load is changing with time, apart from proper sizing the speed control methods
can be applied.

 Improving the quality factor

 The performance of the motor of the motor depends on the quality of power input to the
 The input power can be calculated by the actual Voltage and frequency supplied to the
 If there is a large fluctuation in input voltage and frequency then motor gives the poor
performance. Sometimes, motor get damaged also.
 So, unbalancing in voltage also affect on the motor performance greatly.

 Rewinding of the motor

 If motor burn out then we need to rewind the motor.
 Motor loss its original efficiency and power factor after rewinding it.
 So, to get higher efficiency near to original efficiency we need to care of size of the
conductors, number of turns, insulation class and winding accuracy as well.

 Improving maintenance
 Most of the motors are made from the silicon steel (de-carbonized cold rolled silicon
 So, after used long time period the electrical property of core does not change
considerably but due to poor maintenance motor loss its efficiency.
 For example, by using improper lubrication and friction motor reduce its efficiency.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 55

Induction generator
An induction generator or asynchronous generator is a type of alternating current (AC) electrical generator that uses
the principles of induction motors to produce electric power. Induction generators operate by mechanically turning their
rotors faster than synchronous speed. A regular AC induction motor usually can be used as a generator, without any
internal modifications. Induction generators are useful in applications such as mini hydro power plants, wind turbines,
or in reducing high-pressure gas streams to lower pressure, because they can recover energy with relatively simple

An induction generator usually draws its excitation power from an electrical grid. Because of this, induction generators
cannot usually black start a de-energized distribution system. Sometimes, however, they are self-excited by using
phase-correcting capacitors.

Principle of operation
An induction generator produces electrical power when its rotor is turned faster than the synchronous speed. For a
typical four-pole motor (two pairs of poles on stator) operating on a 60 Hz electrical grid, the synchronous speed is
1800 rotations per minute (rpm). The same four-pole motor operating on a 50 Hz grid will have a synchronous speed of
1500 RPM. The motor normally turns slightly slower than the synchronous speed; the difference between synchronous
and operating speed is called "slip" and is usually expressed as per cent of the synchronous speed. For example, a motor
operating at 1450 RPM that has a synchronous speed of 1500 RPM is running at a slip of +3.3%.

In normal motor operation, the stator flux rotation is faster than the rotor rotation. This causes the stator flux to induce
rotor currents, which create a rotor flux with magnetic polarity opposite to stator. In this way, the rotor is dragged along
behind stator flux, with the currents in the rotor induced at the slip frequency.

In generator operation, a prime mover (turbine or engine) drives the rotor above the synchronous speed (negative slip).
The stator flux still induces currents in the rotor, but since the opposing rotor flux is now cutting the stator coils, an
active current is produced in stator coils and the motor now operates as a generator, sending power back to the
electrical grid.

Equivalent circuit of induction generator

An induction machine requires an externally-supplied armature current. Because the rotor field always lags behind
the stator field, the induction machine always consumes reactive power, regardless of whether it is operating as a
generator or a motor.

A source of excitation current for magnetizing flux (reactive power) for the stator is still required, to induce rotor
current. This can be supplied from the electrical grid or, once it starts producing power, from the generator itself. The
generating mode for induction motors is complicated by the need to excite the rotor, which begins with only residual

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 56

magnetization. In some cases, that residual magnetization is enough to self-excite the motor under load. Therefore, it is
necessary to either snap the motor and connect it momentarily to a live grid or to add capacitors charged initially by
residual magnetism and providing the required reactive power during operation. Similar is the operation of the
induction motor in parallel with a synchronous motor serving as a power factor compensator. A feature in the generator
mode in parallel to the grid is that the rotor speed is higher than in the driving mode. Then active energy is being given
to the grid.[1]Another disadvantage of induction motor generator is that it consumes a significant magnetizing current I0
= (20-35)%.

An induction machine can be started by charging the capacitors, with a DC source, while the generator is turning
typically at or above generating speeds. Once the DC source is removed the capacitors will provide the magnetization
current required to begin producing voltage.

An induction machine that has recently been operating may also spontaneously produce voltage and current due to
residual magnetism left in the core .

Active power

Active power delivered to the line is proportional to slip above the synchronous speed. Full rated power of the
generator is reached at very small slip values (motor dependent, typically 3%). At synchronous speed of 1800 rpm,
generator will produce no power. When the driving speed is increased to 1860 rpm (typical example), full output power
is produced. If the prime mover is unable to produce enough power to fully drive the generator, speed will remain
somewhere between 1800 and 1860 rpm range.

Required capacitance

A capacitor bank must supply reactive power to the motor when used in stand-alone mode. The reactive power supplied
should be equal or greater than the reactive power that the machine normally draws when operating as a motor.

Torque vs. slip

The basic fundamental of induction generators is the conversion from mechanical energy to electrical energy. This
requires an external torque applied to the rotor to turn it faster than the synchronous speed. However, indefinitely
increasing torque doesn't lead to an indefinite increase in power generation. The rotating magnetic field torque excited
from the armature works to counter the motion of the rotor and prevent over speed because of induced motion in the
opposite direction. As the speed of the motor increases the counter torque reaches a max value of torque (breakdown
torque) that it can operate until before the operating conditions become unstable. Ideally, induction generators work
best in the stable region between the no-load condition and maximum torque region.

Rated current

The maximum power that can be produced by an induction motor operated as a generator is limited by the rated current
of the machine's windings.

Grid and stand-alone connections

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 57

Typical connections when used as a standalone generator

In induction generators, the reactive power required to establish the air gap magnetic flux is provided by a capacitor
bank connected to the machine in case of stand-alone system and in case of grid connection it draws reactive power
from the grid to maintain its air gap flux. For a grid-connected system, frequency and voltage at the machine will be
dictated by the electric grid, since it is very small compared to the whole system. For stand-alone systems, frequency
and voltage are complex function of machine parameters, capacitance used for excitation, and load value and type.

Induction generators are often used in wind turbines and some micro hydro installations due to their ability to produce
useful power at varying rotor speeds. Induction generators are mechanically and electrically simpler than other
generator types. They are also more rugged, requiring no brushes or commutators.

An induction generator connected to a capacitor system can generate sufficient reactive power to operate on its own.
When the load current exceeds the capability of the generator to supply both magnetization reactive power and load
power the generator will immediately cease to produce power. The load must be removed and the induction generator
restarted with either a DC source, or if present, residual magnetism in the core.[2]

Induction generators are particularly suitable for wind generating stations as in this case speed is always a variable
factor. Unlike synchronous motors, induction generators are load-dependent and cannot be used alone for grid
frequency control.

Example application
As an example, consider the use of a 10 hp, 1760 r/min, 440 V, three-phase induction motor as an asynchronous
generator. The full-load current of the motor is 10 A and the full-load power factor is 0.8.

Required capacitance per phase if capacitors are connected in delta:

Apparent power S = √3 E I = 1.73 × 440 × 10 = 7612 VA

Active power P = S cos θ = 7612 × 0.8 = 6090 W

Reactive power Q = = 4567 VAR

For a machine to run as an asynchronous generator, capacitor bank must supply minimum 4567 / 3 phases
= 1523 VAR per phase. Voltage per capacitor is 440 V because capacitors are connected in delta.

Capacitive current Ic = Q/E = 1523/440 = 3.46 A

Capacitive reactance per phase Xc = E/Ic = 127 Ω

Minimum capacitance per phase:

C = 1 / (2*π*f*Xc) = 1 / (2 * 3.141 * 60 * 127) = 21 microfarads.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 58

If the load also absorbs reactive power, capacitor bank must be increased in size to

Prime mover speed should be used to generate frequency of 60 Hz:

Typically, slip should be similar to full-load value when machine is running as motor, but
negative (generator operation):

if Ns = 1800, one can choose N=Ns+40 rpm

Required prime mover speed N = 1800 + 40 = 1840 rpm.


P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 59


Single Phase Induction Motor

We use the single-phase power system more widely than three phase system for domestic purposes,
commercial purposes and some extent in industrial uses. Because, the single-phase system is more
economical than a three-phase system and the power requirement in most of the houses, shops, offices are
small, which can be easily met by a single phase system.
The single phase motors are simple in construction, cheap in cost, reliable and easy to repair and maintain.
Due to all these advantages, the single phase motor finds its application in vacuum cleaners, fans, washing
machines, centrifugal pumps, blowers, washing machines, etc.

The single phase AC motors are further classified as:

1. Single phase induction motors or asynchronous motors.

2. Single phase synchronous motors.
3. Commutator motors.

Construction of Single Phase Induction Motor

Like any other electrical motor asynchronous motor also have two main parts namely rotor and stator.
As its name indicates stator is a stationary part of induction motor. A single phase AC supply is given to the
stator of single phase induction motor.
The rotor is a rotating part of an induction motor. The rotor connects the mechanical load through the shaft.
The rotor in the single-phase induction motor is of squirrel cage rotor type.
The construction of single phase induction motor is almost similar to the squirrel cage three-phase
induction motor. But in case of a single phase induction motor, the stator has two windings instead of one
three-phase winding in three phase induction motor.

Stator of Single Phase Induction Motor

The stator of the single-phase induction motor has laminated stamping to reduce eddy current losses on its
periphery. The slots are provided on its stamping to carry stator or main winding. Stampings are made up of
silicon steel to reduce the hysteresis losses. When we apply a single phase AC supply to the stator winding,

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 60

the magnetic field gets produced, and the motor rotates at speed slightly less than the synchronous speed Ns.

Synchronous speed Ns is given by

f = supply voltage frequency,
P = No. of poles of the motor.
The construction of the stator of the single-phase induction motor is similar to that of three phase induction
motor except there are two dissimilarities in the winding part of the single phase induction motor.

1. Firstly, the single-phase induction motors are mostly provided with concentric coils. We can easily
adjust the number of turns per coil can with the help of concentric coils. The mmf distribution is
almost sinusoidal.
2. Except for shaded pole motor, the asynchronous motor has two stator windings namely the main
winding and the auxiliary winding. These two windings are placed in space quadrature to each other.
Rotor of Single Phase Induction Motor

The construction of the rotor of the single-phase induction motor is similar to the squirrel cage three-phase
induction motor. The rotor is cylindrical and has slots all over its periphery. The slots are not made parallel to
each other but are a little bit skewed as the skewing prevents magnetic locking of stator and rotor teeth and
makes the working of induction motor more smooth and quieter (i.e. less noisy).
The squirrel cage rotor consists of aluminum, brass or copper bars. These aluminum or copper bars are called
rotor conductors and placed in the slots on the periphery of the rotor. The copper or aluminum rings
permanently short the rotor conductors called the end rings.

To provide mechanical strength, these rotor conductors are braced to the end ring and hence form a complete
closed circuit resembling a cage and hence got its name as squirrel cage induction motor. As end rings
permanently short the bars, the rotor electrical resistance is very small and it is not possible to add external
resistance as the bars get permanently shorted. The absence of slip ring and brushes make the construction
of single phase induction motor very simple and robust.

Working Principle of Single Phase Induction Motor

the working of any electrical motor whether its AC or DC motor, we require two fluxes as the interaction of
these two fluxes produced the required torque.
When we apply a single phase AC supply to the stator winding of single phase induction motor, the
alternating current starts flowing through the stator or main winding. This alternating current produces an

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 61

alternating flux called main flux. This main flux also links with the rotor conductors and hence cut the rotor
According to the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, emf gets induced in the rotor. As the rotor
circuit is closed one so, the current starts flowing in the rotor. This current is called the rotor current. This
rotor current produces its flux called rotor flux. Since this flux is produced due to the induction principle so,
the motor working on this principle got its name as an induction motor. Now there are two fluxes one is main
flux, and another is called rotor flux. These two fluxes produce the desired torque which is required by the
motor to rotate.

Why Single Phase Induction Motor is not Self Starting?

According to double field revolving theory, we can resolve any alternating quantity into two components.
Each component has a magnitude equal to the half of the maximum magnitude of the alternating quantity,
and both these components rotate in the opposite direction to each other. For example – a flux, φ can be
resolved into two components

Each of these components rotates in the opposite direction i. e if one φ m/2 is rotating in a clockwise direction
then the other φm / 2 rotates in an anticlockwise direction.When we apply a single phase AC supply to the
stator winding of single phase induction motor, it produces its flux of magnitude, φ m. According to the double
field revolving theory, this alternating flux, φ m is divided into two components of magnitude φ m/2. Each of
these components will rotate in the opposite direction, with the synchronous speed, N s.Let us call these two
components of flux as forwarding component of flux, φ f and the backward component of flux, φb. The
resultant of these two components of flux at any instant of time gives the value of instantaneous stator flux at

that particular instant.

Now at starting condition, both the forward and backward components of flux are exactly opposite to each
other. Also, both of these components of flux are equal in magnitude. So, they cancel each other and hence
the net torque experienced by the rotor at the starting condition is zero. So, the single phase induction
motors are not self-starting motors.

Methods for Making Single Phase Induction as Self Starting Motor

From the above topic, we can easily conclude that the single-phase induction motors are not self-starting
because the produced stator flux is alternating in nature and at the starting, the two components of this flux
cancel each other and hence there is no net torque. The solution to this problem is that if we make the stator
flux rotating type, rather than alternating type, which rotates in one particular direction only. Then the
induction motor will become self-starting.
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 62
Now for producing this rotating magnetic field, we require two alternating flux, having some phase
difference angle between them. When these two fluxes interact with each other, they will produce a resultant
flux. This resultant flux is rotating in nature and rotates in space in one particular direction only.

Once the motor starts running, we can remove the additional flux. The motor will continue to run under the
influence of the main flux only. Depending upon the methods for making asynchronous motor as Self
Starting Motor, there are mainly four types of single phase induction motor namely,
1. Split phase induction motor,
2. Capacitor start inductor motor,
3. Capacitor start capacitor run induction motor,
4. Shaded pole induction motor.
5. Permanent split capacitor motor or single value capacitor motor.

Comparison between Single Phase and Three Phase Induction Motors

1. Single phase induction motors are simple in construction, reliable and economical for small power
rating as compared to three phase induction motors.
2. The electrical power factor of single phase induction motors is low as compared to three phase
induction motors.
3. For the same size, the single-phase induction motors develop about 50% of the output as that of three
phase induction motors.
4. The starting torque is also low for asynchronous motors/single phase induction motor.
5. The efficiency of single phase induction motors is less compared to that of three phase induction
Single phase induction motors are simple, robust, reliable and cheaper for small ratings. They are available
up to 1 KW rating.Single-phase motors do not have a unique rotating magnetic field like multi-phase
motors. The field alternates (reverses polarity) between pole pairs and can be viewed as two fields
rotating in opposite directions. They require a secondary magnetic field that causes the rotor to move in
a specific direction. After starting, the alternating stator field is in relative rotation with the rotor. Several
methods are commonly used:
Shaded-pole motor
A common single-phase motor is the shaded-pole motor and is used in devices requiring low
starting torque, such as electric fans, small pumps, or small household appliances. In this motor, small
single-turn copper "shading coils" create the moving magnetic field. Part of each pole is encircled by a
copper coil or strap; the induced current in the strap opposes the change of flux through the coil. This
causes a time lag in the flux passing through the shading coil, so that the maximum field intensity moves

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 63

higher across the pole face on each cycle. This produces a low level rotating magnetic field which is
large enough to turn both the rotor and its attached load. As the rotor picks up speed the torque builds up
to its full level as the principal magnetic field is rotating relative to the rotating rotor.
A reversible shaded-pole motor was made by Barber-Colman several decades ago. It had a single field
coil, and two principal poles, each split halfway to create two pairs of poles. Each of these four "half-
poles" carried a coil, and the coils of diagonally opposite half-poles were connected to a pair of
terminals. One terminal of each pair was common, so only three terminals were needed in all.
The motor would not start with the terminals open; connecting the common to one other made the motor
run one way, and connecting common to the other made it run the other way. These motors were used in
industrial and scientific devices.
An unusual, adjustable-speed, low-torque shaded-pole motor could be found in traffic-light and
advertising-lighting controllers. The pole faces were parallel and relatively close to each other, with the
disc centered between them, something like the disc in a watthour meter. Each pole face was split, and
had a shading coil on one part; the shading coils were on the parts that faced each other.
Applying AC to the coil created a field that progressed in the gap between the poles. The plane of the
stator core was approximately tangential to an imaginary circle on the disc, so the travelling magnetic
field dragged the disc and made it rotate.
The stator was mounted on a pivot so it could be positioned for the desired speed and then clamped in
position. Placing the poles nearer to the center of the disc made it run faster, and toward the edge,
Split-phase motor
Another common single-phase AC motor is the split-phase induction motor,[18] commonly used in major
appliances such as air conditioners and clothes dryers. Compared to the shaded pole motor, these motors
provide much greater starting torque.
A split-phase motor has a secondary startup winding that is 90 electrical degrees to the main winding,
always centered directly between the poles of the main winding, and connected to the main winding by a
set of electrical contacts. The coils of this winding are wound with fewer turns of smaller wire than the
main winding, so it has a lower inductance and higher resistance. The position of the winding creates a
small phase shift between the flux of the main winding and the flux of the starting winding, causing the
rotor to rotate. When the speed of the motor is sufficient to overcome the inertia of the load, the contacts
are opened automatically by a centrifugal switch or electric relay. The direction of rotation is determined
by the connection between the main winding and the start circuit. In applications where the motor
requires a fixed rotation, one end of the start circuit is permanently connected to the main winding, with
the contacts making the connection at the other end.
Capacitor start motor
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 64
A capacitor start motor is a split-phase induction motor with a starting capacitor inserted in series with
the startup winding, creating an LC circuit which produces a greater phase shift (and so, a much greater
starting torque) than both split-phase and shaded pole motors.
Resistance start motor
A resistance start motor is a split-phase induction motor with a starter inserted in series with the startup
winding, creating reactance. This added starter provides assistance in the starting and initial direction of
rotation. The start winding is made mainly of thin wire with fewer turns to make it high resistive and
less inductive. The main winding is made with thicker wire with larger number of turns which makes it
less resistive and more inductive.
Permanent-split capacitor motor
Another variation is the permanent-split capacitor (or PSC) motor.Also known as a capacitor-run motor,
this type of motor uses a non-polarized capacitor with a high voltage rating to generate an electrical
phase shift between the run and start windings. PSC motors are the dominant type of split-phase motor
in Europe and much of the world, but in North America, they are most frequently used in variable torque
applications (like blowers, fans, and pumps) and other cases where variable speeds are desired.
A capacitor with a relatively low capacitance, and relatively high voltage rating, is connected in series
with the start winding and remains in the circuit during the entire run cycle. [19] Like other split-phase
motors, the main winding is used with a smaller start winding, and rotation is changed by reversing the
connection between the main winding and the start circuit, or by having polarity of main winding
switched while start winding is always connected to a capacitor. There are significant differences,
however; the use of a speed sensitive centrifugal switch requires that other split-phase motors must
operate at, or very close to, full speed. PSC motors may operate within a wide range of speeds, much
lower than the motor's electrical speed. Also, for applications like automatic door openers that require
the motor to reverse rotation often, the use of a mechanism requires that a motor must slow to a near
stop before contact with the start winding is re-established. The 'permanent' connection to the capacitor
in a PSC motor means that changing rotation is instantaneous.
Three-phase motors can be converted to PSC motors by making common two windings and connecting
the third via a capacitor to act as a start winding. However, the power rating needs to be at least 50%
larger than for a comparable single-phase motor due to an unused winding.
Three-phase system with rotating magnetic fields.
Polyphase synchronous motor
If connections to the rotor coils of a three-phase motor are taken out on slip-rings and fed a separate field
current to create a continuous magnetic field (or if the rotor consists of a permanent magnet), the result
is called a synchronous motor because the rotor will rotate synchronously with the rotating magnetic
field produced by the polyphase electrical supply. Another synchronous motor system is the brushless
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 65
wound-rotor doubly fed synchronous motor system with an independently excited rotor multiphase AC
winding set that may experience slip-induction beyond synchronous speeds but like all synchronous
motors, does not rely on slip-induction for torque production.
The synchronous motor can also be used as an alternator.
Contemporary synchronous motors are frequently driven by solid state variable-frequency drives. This
greatly eases the problem of starting the massive rotor of a large synchronous motor. They may also be
started as induction motors using a squirrel-cage winding that shares the common rotor: once the motor
reaches synchronous speed, no current is induced in the squirrel-cage winding so it has little effect on
the synchronous operation of the motor, aside from stabilizing the motor speed on load changes.
Synchronous motors are occasionally used as traction motors; the TGV may be the best-known example
of such use.
Huge numbers of three phase synchronous motors are now fitted to electric cars. They have
a neodymium or other rare-earth permanent magnet.One use for this type of motor is its use in a power
factor correction scheme. They are referred to as synchronous condensers. This exploits a feature of the
machine where it consumes power at a leading power factor when its rotor is over excited. It thus
appears to the supply to be a capacitor, and could thus be used to correct the lagging power factor that is
usually presented to the electric supply by inductive loads. The excitation is adjusted until a near unity
power factor is obtained (often automatically). Machines used for this purpose are easily identified as
they have no shaft extensions. Synchronous motors are valued in any case because their power factor is
much better than that of induction motors, making them preferred for very high power applications.
Some of the largest AC motors are pumped-storage hydroelectricity generators that are operated as
synchronous motors to pump water to a reservoir at a higher elevation for later use to generate electricity
using the same machinery. Six 500-megawatt generators are installed in the Bath County Pumped
Storage Station in Virginia, USA. When pumping, each unit can produce 642,800 horsepower (479.3
Single-phase synchronous motor
Small single-phase AC motors can also be designed with magnetized rotors (or several variations on that
idea; see "Hysteresis synchronous motors" below).
If a conventional squirrel-cage rotor has flats ground on it to create salient poles and increase reluctance,
it will start conventionally, but will run synchronously, although it can provide only a modest torque at
synchronous speed. This is known as a reluctance motor.
Because inertia makes it difficult to instantly accelerate the rotor from stopped to synchronous speed,
these motors normally require some sort of special feature to get started. Some include a squirrel-cage
structure to bring the rotor close to synchronous speed. Various other designs use a small induction
motor (which may share the same field coils and rotor as the synchronous motor) or a very light rotor
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 66
with a one-way mechanism (to ensure that the rotor starts in the "forward" direction). In the latter
instance, applying AC power creates chaotic (or seemingly chaotic) jumping movement back and forth;
such a motor will always start, but lacking the anti-reversal mechanism, the direction it runs is
unpredictable. The Hammond organ tone generator used a non-self-starting synchronous motor (until
comparatively recently), and had an auxiliary conventional shaded-pole starting motor. A spring-loaded
auxiliary manual starting switch connected power to this second motor for a few seconds.
Hysteresis synchronous motor
These motors are relatively costly, and are used where exact speed (assuming an exact-frequency AC
source) and rotation with low flutter (high-frequency variation in speed) are essential. Applications
included tape recorder capstan drives (the motor shaft could be the capstan), and, before the advent of
crystal control, motion picture cameras and recorders. Their distinguishing feature is their rotor, which is
a smooth cylinder of a magnetic alloy that stays magnetized, but can be demagnetized fairly easily as
well as re-magnetized with poles in a new location. Hysteresis refers to how the magnetic flux in the
metal lags behind the external magnetizing force; for instance, to demagnetize such a material, one could
apply a magnetizing field of opposite polarity to that which originally magnetized the material. These
motors have a stator like those of capacitor-run squirrel-cage induction motors. On startup, when slip
decreases sufficiently, the rotor becomes magnetized by the stator's field, and the poles stay in place.
The motor then runs at synchronous speed as if the rotor were a permanent magnet. When stopped and
restarted, the poles are likely to form at different locations. For a given design, torque at synchronous
speed is only relatively modest, and the motor can run at below synchronous speed. In simple words, it
is lagging magnetic field behind magnetic flux.
Other AC motor types
Universal motor and series wound motor
A universal motor is a design that can operate on either AC or DC power. In universal motors the stator
and rotor of a brushed DC motor are both wound and supplied from an external source, with the torque
being a function of the rotor current times the stator current so reversing the current in both rotor and
stator does not reverse the rotation. Universal motors can run on AC as well as DC provided the
frequency is not so high that the inductive reactance of the stator winding and eddy current losses
become problems. Nearly all universal motors are series-wound because their stators have relatively few
turns, minimizing inductance. Universal motors are compact, have high starting torque and can be varied
in speed over a wide range with relatively simple controls such as rheostats and PWM choppers.
Compared with induction motors, universal motors do have some drawbacks inherent to their brushes
and commutators: relatively high levels of electrical and acoustic noise, low reliability and more
frequent required maintenance.
Universal motors are widely used in small home appliances and hand power tools. Until the 1970s they
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 67
dominated electric traction (electric, including diesel-electric railway and road vehicles); many traction
power networks still use special low frequencies such as 16.7 and 25 Hz to overcome the
aforementioned problems with losses and reactance. Still widely used, universal traction motors have
been increasingly displaced by polyphase AC induction and permanent magnet motors with variable-
frequency drives made possible by modern power semiconductor devices.
Repulsion motor
Repulsion motors are wound-rotor single-phase AC motors that are a type of induction motor. In a
repulsion motor, the armature brushes are shorted together rather than connected in series with the field,
as is done with universal motors. By transformer action, the stator induces currents in the rotor, which
create torque by repulsion instead of attraction as in other motors. Several types of repulsion motors
have been manufactured, but the repulsion-start induction-run (RS-IR) motor has been used most
frequently. The RS-IR motor has a centrifugal switch that shorts all segments of the commutator so that
the motor operates as an induction motor once it is close to full speed. Some of these motors also lift the
brushes out of contact with source voltage regulation. Repulsion motors were developed before suitable
motor starting capacitors were available, and few repulsion motors are sold as of 2005.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 68


An alternator is an electrical generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating
current.[2] For reasons of cost and simplicity, most alternators use a rotating magnetic field with a
stationary armature.[3] Occasionally, a linear alternator or a rotating armature with a stationary magnetic field is used. In
principle, any AC electrical generator can be called an alternator, but usually the term refers to small rotating machines
driven by automotive and other internal combustion engines.
An alternator that uses a permanent magnet for its magnetic field is called a magneto. Alternators in power
stations driven by steam turbines are called turbo-alternators. Large 50 or 60 Hz three-phase alternators in power plants
generate most of the world's electric power, which is distributed by electric power grids.[4]
Alternating current generating systems were known in simple forms from the discovery of the magnetic induction of
electric current in the 1830s. Rotating generators naturally produced alternating current but, since there was little use
for it, it was normally converted into direct current via the addition of a commutator in the generator. The early
machines were developed by pioneers such as Michael Faraday and Hippolyte Pixii. Faraday developed the "rotating
rectangle", whose operation was heteropolar – each active conductor passed successively through regions where the
magnetic field was in opposite directions.[9] Lord Kelvin and Sebastian Ferranti also developed early alternators,
producing frequencies between 100 and 300 Hz..

Principle of operation
A conductor moving relative to a magnetic field develops an electromotive force (EMF) in it (Faraday's Law). This
EMF reverses its polarity when it moves under magnetic poles of opposite polarity. Typically, a rotating magnet, called
the rotor turns within a stationary set of conductors wound in coils on an iron core, called the stator. The field cuts
across the conductors, generating an induced EMF (electromotive force), as the mechanical input causes the rotor to
The rotating magnetic field induces an AC voltage in the stator windings. Since the currents in the stator windings vary
in step with the position of the rotor, an alternator is a synchronous generator. [3]
The rotor's magnetic field may be produced by permanent magnets, or by a field coil electromagnet. Automotive
alternators use a rotor winding which allows control of the alternator's generated voltage by varying the current in the
rotor field winding. Permanent magnet machines avoid the loss due to magnetizing current in the rotor, but are
restricted in size, due to the cost of the magnet material. Since the permanent magnet field is constant, the terminal
voltage varies directly with the speed of the generator. Brushless AC generators are usually larger than those used in
automotive applications.
An automatic voltage control device controls the field current to keep output voltage constant. If the output voltage
from the stationary armature coils drops due to an increase in demand, more current is fed into the rotating field coils
through the voltage regulator (VR). This increases the magnetic field around the field coils which induces a greater
voltage in the armature coils. Thus, the output voltage is brought back up to its original value.
Alternators used in central power stations also control the field current to regulate reactive power and to help stabilize
the power system against the effects of momentary faults. Often there are three sets of stator windings, physically offset
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 69
so that the rotating magnetic field produces a three phase current, displaced by one-third of a period with respect to
each other. [17]

Synchronous speeds
One cycle of alternating current is produced each time a pair of field poles passes over a point on the stationary
winding. The relation between speed and frequency is where is the frequency in Hz (cycles per second). is the number
of poles (2, 4, 6, …) and is the rotational speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). Very old descriptions of alternating
current systems sometimes give the frequency in terms of alternations per minute, counting each half-cycle as
one alternation; so 12,000 alternations per minute corresponds to 100 Hz.
The output frequency of an alternator depends on the number of poles and the rotational speed. The speed
corresponding to a particular frequency is called the synchronous speed for that frequency. This table[18] gives some
Rotation speed (RPM), giving…
50 Hz 60 Hz 400 Hz

2 3,000 3,600 24,000

4 1,500 1,800 12,000

6 1,000 1,200 8,000

8 750 900 6,000

10 600 720 4,800

12 500 600 4,000

14 428.6 514.3 3,429

16 375 450 3,000

18 333.3 400 2,667

20 300 360 2,400

40 150 180 1,200

Alternators may be classified by method of excitation, number of phases, the type of rotation, cooling method, and their
By excitation
There are two main ways to produce the magnetic field used in the alternators, by using permanent magnets which
create their own persistent magnetic field or by using field coils. The alternators that use permanent magnets are
specifically called magnetos.
In other alternators, wound field coils form an electromagnet to produce the rotating magnetic field.
A device that uses permanent magnets to produce alternating current is called a permanent magnet alternator (PMA). A
permanent magnet generator (PMG) may produce either alternating current, or direct current if it has a commutator.
Direct-connected direct-current (DC) generator
This method of excitation consists of a smaller direct-current (DC) generator fixed on the same shaft with the
alternator. The DC generator generates a small amount of electricity just enough to excite the field coils of the
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 70
connected alternator to generate electricity. A variation of this system is a type of alternator which uses direct current
from the battery for initial excitation upon start-up, after which the alternator becomes self-excited.[19]
Transformation and rectification
This method depends on residual magnetism retained in the iron core to generate weak magnetic field which would
allow a weak voltage to be generated. This voltage is used to excite the field coils for the alternator to generate stronger
voltage as part of its build up process. After the initial AC voltage buildup, the field is supplied with rectified
voltage from the alternator.[19]
Brushless alternators
A brushless alternator is composed of two alternators built end-to-end on one shaft. Until 1966, alternators used brushes
with rotating field.[20] With advancement in semiconductor technology, brushless alternators are possible. Smaller
brushless alternators may look like one unit but the two parts are readily identifiable on the large versions. The larger of
the two sections is the main alternator and the smaller one is the exciter. The exciter has stationary field coils and a
rotating armature (power coils). The main alternator uses the opposite configuration with a rotating field and stationary
armature. A bridge rectifier, called the rotating rectifier assembly, is mounted on the rotor. Neither brushes nor slip
rings are used, which reduces the number of wearing parts. The main alternator has a rotating field as described above
and a stationary armature (power generation windings).
Varying the amount of current through the stationary exciter field coils varies the 3-phase output from the exciter. This
output is rectified by a rotating rectifier assembly, mounted on the rotor, and the resultant DC supplies the rotating field
of the main alternator and hence alternator output. The result of all this is that a small DC exciter current indirectly
controls the output of the main alternator.
By number of phases
Another way to classify alternators is by the number of phases of their output voltage. The output can be single phase,
or polyphase. Three-phase alternators are the most common, but polyphase alternators can be two phase, six phase, or
By rotating part
The revolving part of alternators can be the armature or the magnetic field. The revolving armature type has the
armature wound on the rotor, where the winding moves through a stationary magnetic field. The revolving armature
type is not often used.[19] The revolving field type has magnetic field on the rotor to rotate through a stationary armature
winding. The advantage is that then the rotor circuit carries much less power than the armature circuit, making the slip
ring connections smaller and less costly; only two contacts are needed for the direct-current rotor, whereas often a rotor
winding has three phases and multiple sections which would each require a slip-ring connection. The stationary
armature can be wound for any convenient medium voltage level, up to tens of thousands of volts; manufacture of slip
ring connections for more than a few thousand volts is costly and inconvenient.
Cooling methods
Many alternators are cooled by ambient air, forced through the enclosure by an attached fan on the same shaft that
drives the alternator. In vehicles such as transit buses, a heavy demand on the electrical system may require a large
alternator to be oil-cooled. [22] In marine applications water-cooling is also used. Expensive automobiles may use water-
cooled alternators to meet high electrical system demands.

Specific applications
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 71
Electric generators
Most power generation stations use synchronous machines as their generators. Connection of these generators to the
utility grid requires synchronization conditions to be met.[23]
Automotive alternators
Alternators are used in modern automobiles to charge the battery and to power the electrical system when its engine is
Until the 1960s, automobiles used DC dynamo generators with commutators. With the availability of affordable silicon
diode rectifiers, alternators were used instead.
Diesel electric locomotive alternators
In later diesel electric locomotives and diesel electric multiple units, the prime mover turns an alternator which provides
electricity for the traction motors (AC or DC).
The traction alternator usually incorporates integral silicon diode rectifiers to provide the traction motors with up to
1200 volts DC (DC traction, which is used directly) or the common inverter bus (AC traction, which is first inverted
from dc to three-phase ac).
The first diesel electric locomotives, and many of those still in service, use DC generators as, before silicon power
electronics, it was easier to control the speed of DC traction motors. Most of these had two generators: one to generate
the excitation current for a larger main generator.
Optionally, the generator also supplies head end power (HEP) or power for electric train heating. The HEP option
requires a constant engine speed, typically 900 RPM for a 480 V 60 Hz HEP application, even when the locomotive is
not moving.
Marine alternators
Marine alternators used in yachts are similar to automotive alternators, with appropriate adaptations to the salt-water
environment. Marine alternators are designed to be explosion proof so that brush sparking will not ignite explosive gas
mixtures in an engine room environment. They may be 12 or 24 volt depending on the type of system installed. Larger
marine diesels may have two or more alternators to cope with the heavy electrical demand of a modern yacht. On single
alternator circuits, the power may be split between the engine starting battery and the domestic or house battery (or
batteries) by use of a split-charge diode (battery isolator) or a voltage-sensitive relay.
Radio alternators
High frequency alternators of the variable-reluctance type were applied commercially to radio transmission in the low-
frequency radio bands. These were used for transmission of Morse code and, experimentally, for transmission of voice
and music. In the Alexanderson alternator, both the field winding and armature winding are stationary, and current is
induced in the armature by virtue of the changing magnetic reluctance of the rotor (which has no windings or current
carrying parts). Such machines were made to produce radio frequency current for radio transmissions, although the
efficiency was low.

Synchronous Generator Working Principle

The electrical machine can be defined as a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy or
mechanical energy into electrical energy. An electrical generator can be defined as an electrical machine that
converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. An electrical generator typically consists of two parts;

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 72

stator and rotor. There are various types of electrical generators such as direct current generators, alternating
current generators, vehicular generators, human powered electrical generators, and so on. In this article, let
us discuss about synchronous generator working principle.
Synchronous Generator
The rotating and stationary parts of an electrical machine can be called as rotor and stator respectively. The
rotor or stator of electrical machines acts as a power-producing component and is called as an armature. The
electromagnets or permanent magnets mounted on the stator or rotor are used to provide magnetic field of an
electrical machine. The generator in which permanent magnet is used instead of coil to provide excitation
field is termed as permanent magnet synchronous generator or also simply called as synchronous generator.

Construction of Synchronous Generator

In general, synchronous generator consists of two parts rotor and stator. The rotor part consists of field poles
and stator part consists of armature conductors. The rotation of field poles in the presence of armature
conductors induces an alternating voltage which results in electrical power generation.
The speed of field poles is synchronous speed and is given by Where, ‘f’ indicates alternating current
frequency and ‘P’ indicates number of poles.
Synchronous Generator Working Principle
The principle of operation of synchronous generator is electromagnetic induction. If there exits a relative
motion between the flux and conductors, then an emf is induced in the conductors. To understand the
synchronous generator working principle, let us consider two opposite magnetic poles in between them a
rectangular coil or turn is placed as shown in the below figure.

If the rectangular turn rotates in clockwise direction against axis a-b as shown in the below figure, then after
completing 90 degrees rotation the conductor sides AB and CD comes in front of the S-pole and N-pole
respectively. Thus, now we can say that the conductor tangential motion is perpendicular to magnetic flux
lines from north to south pole.
So, here rate of flux cutting by the conductor is maximum and induces current in the conductor, the direction
of the induced current can be determined using Fleming’s right hand rule. Thus, we can say that current will
pass from A to B and from C to D. If the conductor is rotated in a clockwise direction for another 90 degrees,
then it will come to a vertical position as shown in the below figure.
Now, the position of conductor and magnetic flux lines are parallel to each other and thus, no flux is cutting
and no current will be induced in the conductor. Then, while the conductor rotates from clockwise for
another 90 degrees, then rectangular turn comes to a horizontal position as shown in the below figure. Such
that, the conductors AB and CD are under the N-pole and S-pole respectively. By applying Fleming’s right
hand rule, current induces in conductor AB from point B to A and current induces in a conductor CD from
point D to C.
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 73
So, the direction of current can be indicated as A – D – C – B and direction of current for the previous
horizontal position of rectangular turn is A – B – C – D. If the turn is again rotated towards vertical position,
then the induced current again reduces to zero. Thus, for one complete revolution of rectangular turn the
current in the conductor reaches to maximum & reduces to zero and then in the opposite direction it reaches
to maximum & again reaches to zero. Hence, one complete revolution of rectangular turn produces one full
sine wave of current induced in the conductor which can be termed as the generation of alternating current by
rotating a turn inside a magnetic field.
Now, if we consider a practical synchronous generator, then field magnets rotate between the stationary
armature conductors. The synchronous generator rotor and shaft or turbine blades are mechanically coupled
to each other and rotates at synchronous speed. Thus, the magnetic flux cutting produces an induced emf
which causes the current flow in armature conductors. Thus, for each winding the current flows in one
direction for the first half cycle and current flows in the other direction for the second half cycle with a time
lag of 120 degrees (as they displaced by 120 degrees). Hence, the output power of synchronous generator can
be shown as below figure.

Do you want to know more about synchronous generators and are you interested in designing electronics
projects? Feel free to share your views, ideas, suggestions, queries, and comments in the comment section
EMF Equation of a Synchronous Generator
The generator which runs at a synchronous speed is known as the synchronous generator. The synchronous
generator converts the mechanical power into electrical energy for the grid.The Derivation of EMF Equation of a
synchronous generator is given below.
P be the number of poles
ϕ is Flux per pole in Webers
N is the speed in revolution per minute (r.p.m)
f be the frequency in Hertz
Zph is the number of conductors connected in series per phase
Tph is the number of turns connected in series per phase
Kc is the coil span factor
Kd is the distribution factor
Flux cut by each conductor during one revolution is given as Pϕ Weber. Time taken to complete one
revolution is given by 60/N sec
Average EMF induced per conductor will be given by the equation shown below

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 74

Average EMF induced per phase will be given by the equation shown below

The average EMF equation is derived with the following assumptions given below.
Coils have got the full pitch.
All the conductors are concentrated in one stator slot.
Root mean square (R.M.S) value of the EMF induced per phase is given by the equation shown below.
Eph = Average value x form factor

If the coil span factor Kc and the distribution factor Kd , are taken into consideration than the Actual EMF
induced per phase is given as

Equation (1) shown above is the EMF equation of the Synchronous Generator.
Coil Span Factor
The Coil Span Factor is defined as the ratio of the induced emf in a coil when the winding is short
pitched to the induced emf in the same coil when the winding is full pitched.
Distribution Factor
Distribution factor is defined as the ratio of induced EMF in the coil group when the winding is
distributed in a number of slots to the induced EMF in the coil group when the winding is concentrated
in one slot.
Armature Reaction in Alternator or Synchronous Generator
Every rotating electrical machine works based on Faraday’s law. Every electrical machine requires a
magnetic field and a coil (Known as armature) with a relative motion between them. In case of an alternator,
we supply electricity to pole to produce magnetic field and output power is taken from the armature. Due to
relative motion between field and armature, the conductor of armatures cut the flux of magnetic field and
hence there would be changing flux linkage with these armature conductors. According to Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction there would be an emf induced in the armature. Thus, as soon as the load is
connected with armature terminals, there is a current flowing in the armature coil.
As soon as current starts flowing through the armature conductor there is one reverse effect of this current on
the main field flux of the alternator (or synchronous generator). This reverse effect is referred as armature

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 75

reaction in alternator or synchronous generator. In other words, the effect of armature (stator) flux on the
flux produced by the rotor field poles is called armature reaction.
We already know that a current carrying conductor produces its own magnetic field, and this magnetic field
affects the main magnetic field of the alternator.
It has two undesirable effects, either it distorts the main field, or it reduces the main field flux or both. They
deteriorate the performance of the machine. When the field gets distorted, it is known as a cross magnetizing
effect. And when the field flux gets reduced, it is known as the demagnetizing effect.

The electromechanical energy conversion takes place through magnetic field as a medium. Due to relative
motion between armature conductors and the main field, an emf is induced in the armature windings whose
magnitude depends upon the relative speed and as well as the magnetic flux. Due to armature reaction, flux is
reduced or distorted, the net emf induced is also affected and hence the performance of the machine
Armature Reaction in Alternator
In an alternator like all other synchronous machines, the effect of armature reaction depends on the power
factor i.e the phase relationship between the terminal voltage and armature current.
Reactive power (lagging) is the magnetic field energy, so if the generator supplies a lagging load, this implies
that it is supplying magnetic energy to the load. Since this power comes from excitation of synchronous
machine, the net reactive power gets reduced in the generator.
Hence, the armature reaction is demagnetizing. Similarly, the armature reaction has magnetizing effect when
the generator supplies a leading load (as leading load takes the leading VAR) and in return gives lagging
VAR (magnetic energy) to the generator. In case of purely resistive load, the armature reaction is cross
magnetizing only.
The armature reaction of alternator or synchronous generator, depends upon the phase angle between, stator
armature current and induced voltage across the armature winding of alternator.
The phase difference between these two quantities, i.e. Armature current and voltage may vary from –

To understand actual effect of this angle on armature reaction of alternator, we will consider three standard
When θ = 0
When θ = 90o
When θ = – 90o
Armature Reaction of Alternator at Unity Power Factor
At unity power factor, the angle between armature current I and induced emf E, is zero. That means,
armature current and induced emf are in same phase. But we know theoretically that emf induced in the
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 76
armature is due to changing main field flux, linked with the armature conductor.
As the field is excited by DC, the main field flux is constant in respect to field magnets, but it would be
alternating in respect of armature as there is a relative motion between field and armature in the alternator. If

main field flux of the alternator in respect of armature can be represented as

Then induced emf E across the armature is proportional to, dφ f/dt.

Hence, from these above equations (1) and (2) it is clear that the angle between, φ f and induced emf E will be
Now, armature flux φa is proportional to armature current I. Hence, armature flux φa is in phase with armature
current I.
Again at unity electrical power factor I and E are in same phase. So, at unity power factor, φa is phase with E.
So at this condition, armature flux is in phase with induced emf E and field flux is in quadrature with E.
Hence, armature flux φa is in quadrature with main field flux φ f.
As this two fluxes are perpendicular to each other, the armature reaction of the alternator at unity power
factor is purely distorting or cross-magnetizing type.
As the armature flux pushes the main field flux perpendicularly, distribution of main field flux under a pole
face does not remain uniformly distributed. The flux density under the trailing pole tips increases somewhat
while under the leading pole tips it decreases.
Armature Reaction of Alternator at Lagging Zero Power Factor
At lagging zero electrical power factor, the armature current lags by 90 o to induced emf in the armature.
As the emf induced in the armature coil due to main field flux thus the emf leads the main field flux by 90o.
From equation (1) we get, the field flux,

Hence, at ωt = 0, E is maximum and φf is zero.

At ωt = 90o, E is zero and φf has maximum value.
At ωt = 180o, E is maximum and φf zero.
At ωt = 270o, E is zero and φf has negative maximum value.
Here, φf got maximum value 90o before E. Hence φf leads E by 90o.
Now, armature current I is proportional to armature flux φ a, and I lags E by 90o. Hence, φa lags E by 90o.
So, it can be concluded that, field flux φf leads E by 90o.
Therefore, armature flux and field flux act directly opposite to each other. Thus, armature reaction of the
alternator at lagging zero power factor is a purely demagnetising type. That means, armature flux directly
weakens main field flux.
Armature Reaction of Alternator at Leading Power Factor
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 77
At leading power factor condition, armature current “I” leads induced emf E by an angle 90 o. Again, we have
shown just, field flux φf leads, induced emf E by 90o.
Again, armature flux φa is proportional to armature current I. Hence, φa is in phase with I. Hence, armature
flux φa also leads E, by 90o as I leads E by 90o.
As in this case both armature flux and field flux lead, induced emf E by 90 o, it can be said, field flux and
armature flux are in the same direction. Hence, the resultant flux is simply arithmetic sum of field flux and
armature flux. Hence, at last, it can be said that armature reaction of alternator due to a purely leading
electrical power factor is the magnetizing type.
Nature of Armature Reaction
The armature reaction flux is constant in magnitude and rotates at synchronous speed.
The armature reaction is cross magnetising when the generator supplies a load at unity power factor.
When the generator supplies a load at leading power factor the armature reaction is partly demagnetising and
partly cross-magnetising.
When the generator supplies a load at leading power factor the armature reaction is partly magnetising and
partly cross-magnetising.
Armature flux acts independently of main field flux.

Zero Power Factor(ZPF) or Potier Triangle Method For Regulation Of Alternator

Zero Power Factor (ZPF) for regulation of alternator:
This Zero power factor (ZPF) method is used to determine the voltage regulation of synchronous
generator or alternator. This method is also called Potier method. In the operation of an alternator,
the armature resistance drop IRa and armature leakage reactance drop IXL are actually emf quantities
while the armature reaction is basically MMF quantity. In the synchronous Impedance, all the quantities
are treated as EMF quantities as against this in MMF method all are treated as MMF quantities.
Key Point: This zpf method is based on the separation of armature leakage reactance and armature
reaction effects. The armature leakage reactance XL is called Potier reactance in this method,
hence ZPF method is also called Potier reactance method.
To determine armature leakage reactance and armature reaction MMF separately two tests are performed
on the alternator. The two tests are
1. Open circuit test
2. Zero power factor test
1.Open circuit test:
The below is the block diagram to perform open circuit test on the alternator.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 78

Open circuit test is done step by step from the following points,

2. The alternator is made to rotate using prime mover at synchronous speed and same speed is
3. The excitation value is changed using a potential divider, from zero up to the rated value in a definite
number of steps. The open circuit EMF is measured with the help of voltmeter. The
4. A graph of If and (Voc)ph i.e. field current and open circuit voltage per phase is plotted to some scale.
This is open circuit characteristics.
2.Zero power factor test:
To conduct zero power factor test, the switch S is kept closed. Due to this, a purely inductive load
gets connected to an alternator through an ammeter. A purely inductive load has a power factor of cos
90° i.e. zero lagging hence the test is called zero power factor test.
The machine speed is maintained constant at its synchronous value. The load current delivered by
an alternator to purely inductive load is maintained constant at its rated full load value by varying
excitation and by adjusting variable inductance of the inductive bad. Note that, due to purely inductive
load, an alternator will always operate at zero power factor lagging.
Key Point: In this test, there is no need to obtain a number of points to obtain the curve. Only two points
are enough to construct a curve called zero power factor saturation curve.
The below is the graph of terminal voltage against excitation when delivering full load zero
power factor current. One point for this curve is zero terminal voltage (short circuit condition) and the
field current required to deliver full load short circuit armature current. While other point field current
required to obtain rated terminal voltage while delivering rated full load armature current. With the help
of these two points, the zero power factor saturation curve can be obtained as
1. Plot open circuit characteristics on a graph paper as shown in the below figure.
2. Plot the excitation corresponding to zero terminal voltage i.e. short circuit full zero power

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 79

factor armature current. This point is shown as A in the below figure which the x-axis. Another point is
the rated voltage when the alternator is delivering full current at zero p.f. lagging. This point is P as
shown in the below figure.

3. Draw the tangent to O.C.C. through origin which is line OB as shown dotted in below figure. This is
called air line.
4. Draw the horizontal line PQ parallel and equal to OA.
5. From point, Q draw the line parallel to the air line which intersects O.C.C. at point R. Join RQ and
join PR. The triangle PQR is called Potier triangle.
6. From point R, drop a perpendicular on PQ to meet at point S.
7. The zero power factor full load saturation curve is now be constructed by moving triangle PQR so
that R remains always on OCC and line PQ always remains horizontal. The dotted triangle is shown in
the above figure. It must be noted that the Potier triangle once obtained is constant for a given armature
current and hence can be transferred as it is.

8.Though point A, draw a line parallel to PR meeting OCC at point B. From B, draw a perpendicular on
OA to meet it at point C. Triangles OAB and PQR are similar triangles.
9. The perpendicular RS gives the voltage drop due to the armature leakage reactance i.e. IXL
10. The length PS gives field current necessary to overcome the demagnetising effect of armature
reaction at full load.
11. The length SQ represents field current required to induce an EMF for balancing leakage reactance
drop RS. These values can be obtained from any Potier triangle such as OAB, PQR and so on.
So armature leakage reactance can be obtained as,

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 80

This is nothing but the Potier reactance.
Voltage Regulation of Synchronous Generator By MMF method:-
This method is also known as amp - turns method. In this method the all the emfs produced by rotor and
stator are replaced by their equivalent MMFs (fluxes), and hence called mmf method.
In this method also it is assumed that the magnetic circuit is unsaturated. In this method both the
reactance drops are replaced by their equivalent mmfs. Figure shows the complete phasor diagram for
the mmf method. Similar to emf method OC and SC characteristics are used for the determination of
regulation by mmf method. Using the details it is possible determine the regulation at different power
From the phasor diagram it can be seen that the mmf required to produce the emf E1= ( V + IRa)
is FR1.In large machines resistance drop may neglected.
The mmf required to over come the reactance drops is (A+Ax) as shown in phasor diagram. The
mmf (A+Ax) can be found from SC characteristic as under SC condition both reactance drops will
be present.
Following procedure can be used for determination of regulation by mmf method.
(i) By conducting OC and SC test plot OCC and SCC as shown in figure 2.
(ii) From the OCC find the field current If1 required to produce the voltage, E1= ( V + IRa).
(iii) From SCC find the magnitude of field current If2=( A+Ax) to produce the required armature
current. A+Ax can also found from ZPF characteristics.
(iv) Draw If2 at angle (90+Ø ) from If1, where Ø is the phase angle of current w. r. t voltage. If
current is leading, take the angle of If2 as (90- Ø ) as shown in figure 36.
(v) Determine the resultant field current, If and mark its magnitude on the field current axis.
(vi) From OCC. find the voltage corresponding to If, which will be E0 and hence find the regulation.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 81

Note : In most of the cases as number of turns on the field winding is not known, the m.m.f. is
calculate and expressed i terms of the field current itself.

Because of the assumption of unsaturated magnetic circuit the regulation computed by this method will
be less than the actual and hence this method of regulation is called optimistic method.

Another Derivation For MMF Method:-

Theory is same as above

The two components of total field m.m.f. which are FO and FAR are indicated in O.C.C. (open circuit
characteristics) and S.C.C. (short circuit characteristics) as shown in the Figure.

Zero lagging p.f. : As long as power factor is zero lagging, the armature reaction is completely
demagnetising. Hence the resultant FR is the algebraic sum of the two components FO and FAR. Field
m.m.f. is not only required to produce rated terminal voltage but also required to overcome completely
demagnetising armature reaction effect.

This is shown in the Fig

AB = FAR demagnetising

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 82

OB = FR = FO + FAR
Total field m.m.f. is greater than FO.
Zero leading p.f. : When the power factor is zero leading then the armature reaction is
totally magnetizing and helps main flux to induce rated terminal voltage. Hence net field m.m.f. required
is less than that required to induce rated voltage normally, as part of its function is done by magnetising
armature reaction component. The net field m.m.f. is the algebraic difference between the two
components FO and FAR.

This is shown in the Fig.

AB = FAR magnetising
OB = FO - FAR = FR
Total m.m.f. is less than FO.
Unity p.f. : Under unity power factor condition, the armature reaction is cross magnetizing and its effect
is to distort the main flux. Thus and F are at right angles to each other and hence resultant m.m.f. is the
vector sum of FO and FAR.

AB = FAR cross magnetising

(FR)²= (FO)² + ( FAR)²-2(FO)( FAR)Cos(FO^FAR)

FO^FAR =90-Φ if Φ leading
=90+Φ if Φ is lagging
Regulation :-
%R=Eph-Vph/Vph *100
Synchronization (alternating current)
In an alternating current electric power system, synchronization is the process of matching the speed
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 83
and frequency of a generator or other source to a running network. An AC generator cannot deliver
power to an electrical grid unless it is running at the same frequency as the network. If two segments of
a grid are disconnected, they cannot exchange AC power again until they are brought back into exact
A direct current (DC) generator can be connected to a power network by adjusting its open-circuit
terminal voltage to match the network voltage, by either adjusting its speed or its field excitation. The
exact engine speed is not critical. However, an AC generator must match both the amplitude and the
timing of the network voltage, which requires both speed and excitation to be systematically controlled
for synchronization. This extra complexity was one of the arguments against AC operation during
the war of currents in the 1880s. In modern grids, synchronization of generators is carried out by
automatic systems.
There are five conditions that must be met before the synchronization process takes place. The source
(generator or sub-network) must have equal line voltage, frequency, phase sequence, phase angle,
and waveform to that of the system to which it is being synchronized. [1].
Waveform and phase sequence are fixed by the construction of the generator and its connections to the
system. During installation of a generator, careful checks are made to ensure the generator terminals and
all control wiring is correct so that the order of phases (phase sequence) matches the system. Connecting
a generator with the wrong phase sequence will result in a short circuit as the system voltages are
opposite to those of the generator terminal voltages. [2]
The voltage, frequency and phase angle must be controlled each time a generator is to be connected to a
Generating units for connection to a power grid have an inherent droop speed control that allows them to
share load proportional to their rating. Some generator units, especially in isolated systems, operate with
isochronous frequency control, maintaining constant system frequency independent of load.
The sequence of events is similar for manual or automatic synchronization. The generator is brought up
to approximate synchronous speed by supplying more energy to its shaft - for example, opening the
valves on a steam turbine, opening the gates on a hydraulic turbine, or increasing the fuel rack setting on
a diesel engine. The field of the generator is energized and the voltage at the terminals of the generator is
observed and compared with the system. The voltage magnitude must be the same as the system voltage.
If one machine is slightly out of phase it will pull into step with the others but, if the phase difference is
large, there will be heavy cross-currents which can cause voltage fluctuations and, in extreme cases,
damage to the machines.
From top to bottom: synchroscope, voltmeter, frequency meter. When the two systems are synchronized,
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 84
the pointer on the synchrosope is stationary and points straight up.
Synchronizing lamps
Formerly, three light bulbs were connected between the generator terminals and the system terminals (or
more generally, to the terminals of instrument transformers connected to generator and system). As the
generator speed changes, the lights will flicker at the beat frequency proportional to the difference
between generator frequency and system frequency. When the voltage at the generator is opposite to the
system voltage (either ahead or behind in phase), the lamps will be bright. When the voltage at the
generator matches the system voltage, the lights will be dark. At that instant, the circuit
breaker connecting the generator to the system may be closed and the generator will then stay in
synchronism with the system.
An alternative technique used a similar scheme to the above except that the connections of two of the
lamps were swapped either at the generator terminals or the system terminals. In this scheme, when the
generator was in synchronism with the system, one lamp would be dark, but the two with the swapped
connections would be of equal brightness. Synchronizing on "dark" lamps was preferred over "bright"
lamps because it was easier to discern the minimum brightness. However, a lamp burnout could give a
false-positive for successful synchronization.
Another manual method of synchronization relies on observing an instrument called a "synchroscope",
which displays the relative frequencies of system and generator. The pointer of the synchroscope will
indicate "fast" or "slow" speed of the generator with respect to the system. To minimize the transient
current when the generator circuit breaker is closed, usual practice is to initiate the close as the needle
slowly approaches the in-phase point. An error of a few electrical degrees between system and generator
will result in a momentary inrush and abrupt speed change of the generator.
Synchronizing relays
Synchronizing relays allow unattended synchronization of a machine with a system. Today these are
digital microprocessor instruments, but in the past electromechanical relay systems were applied. A
synchronizing relay is useful to remove human reaction time from the process, or when a human is not
available such as at a remote controlled generating plant. Synchroscopes or lamps are sometimes
installed as a supplement to automatic relays, for possible manual use or for monitoring the generating
Sometimes as a precaution against out-of-step connection of a machine to a system, a "synchro check"
relay is installed that prevents closing the generator circuit breaker unless the machine is within a few
electrical degrees of being in-phase with the system. Synchro check relays are also applied in places
where several sources of supply may be connected and where it is important that out-of-step sources are
not accidentally paralleled.
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 85
Synchronous operation
While the generator is synchronized, the frequency of the system will change depending on load and the
average characteristics of all the generating units connected to the grid. [1] Large changes in system
frequency can cause the generator to fall out of synchronism with the system. Protective devices on the
generator will operate to disconnect it automatically.
Synchronous speeds
Synchronous speeds for synchronous motors and alternators depend on the number of poles on the
machine and the frequency of the supply.
The relationship between the supply frequency, f, the number of poles, p, and the synchronous speed
(speed of rotating field), ns is given by:
In the following table, frequencies are shown in hertz (Hz) and rotational speeds in revolutions per
minute (rpm):
No. of poles Speed (rpm) at 50 Hz Speed (rpm) at 60 Hz

2 3,000 3,600

4 1,500 1,800

6 1,000 1,200

8 750 900

10 600 720

12 500 600

14 429 514

16 375 450

18 333 400

20 300 360

22 273 327

24 250 300

26 231 277

28 214 257

30 200

Two Reaction Theory – Salient Pole Synchronous Machine

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 86

Two Reaction Theory was proposed by Andre Blondel. The theory proposes to resolve the given
armature MMFs into two mutually perpendicular components, with one located along the axis of the
rotor of the salient pole. It is known as the direct axis or d axis component. The other component is
located perpendicular to the axis of the rotor salient pole. It is known as the quadrature axis or q
axis component.
The d axis component of the armature MMF Fa is denoted by Fd and the q axis component by Fq. The
component Fd is either magnetizing or demagnetizing. The component Fq results in a cross-magnetizing
effect. If Ψ is the angle between the armature current I a and the excitation voltage Ef and Fa is the
amplitude of the armature MMF, then

Salient Pole Synchronous Machine Two Rection Theory

In the cylindrical rotor synchronous machine, the air gap is uniform. The pole structure of the rotor of a
salient pole machine makes the air gap highly non-uniform. Consider a 2 pole, salient pole rotor rotating
in the anticlockwise direction within a 2 pole stator as shown in the figure below.

The axis along the axis of the rotor is called the direct or the d axis. The axis perpendicular to d axis is
known as the quadrature or q axis. The direct axis flux path involves two small air gaps and is the path
of the minimum reluctance. The path shown in the above figure by ϕq has two large air gaps and is the
path of the maximum reluctance.
The rotor flux BR is shown vertically upwards as shown in the figure below.

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The rotor flux induces a voltage Ef in the stator. The stator armature current I a will flow through the
synchronous motor when a lagging power factor load is connected it. This stator armature current I a lags
behind the generated voltage Ef by an angle Ψ.
The armature current produces stator magnetomotive force Fs. This MMF lags behind Ia by angle 90
degrees. The MMF FS produces stator magnetic field BS long the direction of Fs. The stator MMF is
resolved into two components, namely the direct axis component Fd and the quadrature axis component
ϕd is the direct axis flux
Φq is the quadrature axis flux
Rd is the reluctance of the direct axis flux path

As, Rd < Rq, the direct axis component of MMF Fd produces more flux than the quadrature axis
component of the MMF. The fluxes of the direct and quadrature axis produce a voltage in the windings
of the stator by armature reaction.
Ead be the direct axis component of the armature reaction voltage.
Eaq be the quadrature axis component of the armature reaction voltage.
Since each armature reaction voltage is directly proportional to its stator current and lags behind by 90
degrees angles. Therefore, armature reaction voltages can be written as shown below.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 88

Xad is the armature reaction reactance in the direct axis per phase.
Xaq is the armature reaction reactance in the quadrature axis per phase.
The value of Xad is always greater than Xaq. As the EMF induced by a given MMF acting on the direct
axis is smaller than for the quadrature axis due to its higher reluctance.
The total voltage induced in the stator is the sum of EMF induced by the field excitation. The equations
are written as follows:-

The voltage E’ is equal to the sum of the terminal voltage V and the voltage drops in the resistance and
leakage reactance of the armature. The equation is written as

The armature current is divided into two components; one is the phase with the excitation voltage E f and
the other is in phase quadrature to it.
Iq is the axis component of Ia in phase with Ef.
Id is the d axis Ia lagging Ef by 90 degrees.

Combining the equation (4) and (5) we get

Combining the equation (6) and (7) we get


The reactance Xd is called the direct axis synchronous reactance, and the reactance Xq is called
the quadrature axis synchronous reactance.
Combining the equations (9) (10) and (11), we get the equations shown below.

The equation (12) shown above is the final voltage equation for a salient pole synchronous generator.
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 89
Parallel Operation of Alternator
Alternator is really an AC generator. In alternator, an EMF is induced in the stator (stationary wire) with
the influence of rotating magnetic field (rotor) due to Faraday’s law of induction. Due to the
synchronous speed of rotation of field poles, it is also known as synchronous generator.
Here, we can discuss about parallel operation of alternator. When the AC power systems are
interconnected for efficiency, the alternators should also have to be connected in parallel. There will be
more than two alternators connected in parallel in generating stations.
Condition for Parallel Operation of Alternator
There are some conditions to be satisfied for parallel operation of the alternator. Before entering into
that, we should understand some terms which are as follows.
The process of connecting two alternators or an alternator and an infinite bus bar system in parallel is
known as synchronizing.
Running machine is the machine which carries the load.
Incoming machine is the alternator or machine which has to be connected in parallel with the system.
The conditions to be satisfied are
The phase sequence of the incoming machine voltage and the bus bar voltage should be identical.
The RMS line voltage (terminal voltage) of the bus bar or already running machine and the incoming
machine should be the same.The phase angle of the two systems should be equal.
The frequency of the two terminal voltages (incoming machine and the bus bar) should be nearly the
same. Large power transients will occur when frequencies are not nearly equal.
Departure from the above conditions will result in the formation of power surges and current. It also
results in unwanted electro-mechanical oscillation of rotor which leads to the damage of equipment.
General Procedure for Paralleling Alternators
The figure below shows an alternator (generator 2) being paralleled with a running power system
(generator 1). These two machines are about to synchronize for supplying power to a load. Generator 2
is about to parallel with the help of a switch, S1. This switch should never be closed without satisfying
the above conditions.

To make the terminal voltages equal. This can be done by adjusting the terminal voltage of
incoming machine by changing the field current and make it equal to the line voltage of running system
using voltmeters.
There are two methods to check the phase sequence of the machines. They are as follows
First one is using a Synchroscope. It is not actually check the phase sequence but it is used to measure
the difference in phase angles.
Second method is three lamp method (Figure 2). Here we can see three light bulbs are connected to the

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 90

terminals of the switch, S1. Bulbs become bright if the phase difference is large. Bulbs become dim if
the phase difference is small. The bulbs will show dim and bright all together if phase sequence is the
same. The bulbs will get bright in progression if the phase sequence is opposite. This phase sequence
can be made equal by swapping the connections on any two phases on one of the generators.

Next, we have to check and verify the incoming and running system frequency. It should be nearly the
same. This can be done by inspecting the frequency of dimming and brightening of lamps.
When the frequencies are nearly equal, the two voltages (incoming alternator and running system) will
alter the phase gradually. These changes can be observed and the switch, S1 can be made closed when
the phase angles are equal.
Advantages of Parallel Operating Alternators
When there is maintenance or an inspection, one machine can be taken out from service and the other
alternators can keep up for the continuity of supply.
Load supply can be increased.
During light loads, more than one alternator can be shut down while the other will operate in nearly full
High efficiency.
The operating cost is reduced.
Ensures the protection of supply and enables cost-effective generation.
The generation cost is reduced.
Breaking down of a generator does not cause any interruption in the supply.
Reliability of the whole power system increases.

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 91

Synchronous motor
A synchronous electric motor is an AC motor in which, at steady state, the rotation of the shaft is
synchronized with the frequency of the supply current; the rotation period is exactly equal to an integral
number of AC cycles. Synchronous motors contain multiphase AC electromagnets on the stator of the
motor that create a magnetic field which rotates in time with the oscillations of the line current.
The rotor with permanent magnets or electromagnets turns in step with the stator field at the same rate
and as a result, provides the second synchronized rotating magnet field of any AC motor. A synchronous
motor is termed doubly fed if it is supplied with independently excited multiphase AC electromagnets on
both the rotor and stator.
The synchronous motor and induction motor are the most widely used types of AC motor. The
difference between the two types is that the synchronous motor rotates at a rate locked to the line
frequency since it does not rely on current induction to produce the rotor's magnetic field. By contrast,
the induction motor requires slip: the rotor must rotate slightly slower than the AC alternations in order
to induce current in the rotor winding. Small synchronous motors are used in timing applications such as
in synchronous clocks, timers in appliances, tape recorders and precision servomechanisms in which the
motor must operate at a precise speed; speed accuracy is that of the power line frequency, which is
carefully controlled in large interconnected grid systems.
Synchronous motors are available in self-excited sub-fractional horsepower sizes[2] to high power
industrial sizes.[1] In the fractional horsepower range, most synchronous motors are used where precise
constant speed is required. These machines are commonly used in analog electric clocks, timers and
other devices where correct time is required. In higher power industrial sizes, the synchronous motor
provides two important functions. First, it is a highly efficient means of converting AC energy to work.
Second, it can operate at leading or unity power factor and thereby provide power-factor correction.
Synchronous motors fall under the more general category of synchronous machines which also includes
the synchronous generator. Generator action will be observed if the field poles are "driven ahead of the
resultant air-gap flux by the forward motion of the prime mover". Motor action will be observed if the
field poles are "dragged behind the resultant air-gap flux by the retarding torque of a shaft load".[1]
There are two major types of synchronous motors depending on how the rotor is magnetized: non-
excited and direct-current excited
Non-excited motors
In non-excited motors, the rotor is made of steel. At synchronous speed it rotates in step with the
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 92
rotating magnetic field of the stator, so it has an almost-constant magnetic field through it. The external
stator field magnetizes the rotor, inducing the magnetic poles needed to turn it. The rotor is made of a
high-retentivity steel such as cobalt steel. These are manufactured in
permanent magnet, reluctance and hysteresis designs:[4]
Reluctance motors
These have a rotor consisting of a solid steel casting with projecting (salient) toothed poles. Typically
there are fewer rotor than stator poles to minimize torque ripple and to prevent the poles from all
aligning simultaneously—a position that cannot generate torque. [2][5] The size of the air gap in the
magnetic circuit and thus the reluctance is minimum when the poles are aligned with the (rotating)
magnetic field of the stator, and increases with the angle between them. This creates a torque pulling the
rotor into alignment with the nearest pole of the stator field. Thus at synchronous speed the rotor is
"locked" to the rotating stator field. This cannot start the motor, so the rotor poles usually have squirrel-
cage windings embedded in them, to provide torque below synchronous speed. The machine starts as an
induction motor until it approaches synchronous speed, when the rotor "pulls in" and locks to the
rotating stator field.[6]
Reluctance motor designs have ratings that range from fractional horsepower (a few watts) to about 22
kW. Very small reluctance motors have low torque, and are generally used for instrumentation
applications. Moderate torque, multi-horsepower motors use squirrel cage construction with toothed
rotors. When used with an adjustable frequency power supply, all motors in the drive system can be
controlled at exactly the same speed. The power supply frequency determines motor operating speed.
Hysteresis motors
These have a solid smooth cylindrical rotor, cast of a high coercivity magnetically "hard" cobalt
steel.[5] This material has a wide hysteresis loop (high coercivity), meaning once it is magnetized in a
given direction, it requires a large reverse magnetic field to reverse the magnetization. The rotating
stator field causes each small volume of the rotor to experience a reversing magnetic field. Because of
hysteresis the phase of the magnetization lags behind the phase of the applied field. The result of this is
that the axis of the magnetic field induced in the rotor lags behind the axis of the stator field by a
constant angle δ, producing a torque as the rotor tries to "catch up" with the stator field. As long as the
rotor is below synchronous speed, each particle of the rotor experiences a reversing magnetic field at the
"slip" frequency which drives it around its hysteresis loop, causing the rotor field to lag and create
torque. There is a 2-pole low reluctance bar structure in the rotor. As the rotor approaches synchronous
speed and slip goes to zero, this magnetizes and aligns with the stator field, causing the rotor to "lock" to
the rotating stator field.
A major advantage of the hysteresis motor is that since the lag angle δ is independent of speed, it
develops constant torque from startup to synchronous speed. Therefore, it is self-starting and doesn't
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 93
need an induction winding to start it, although many designs do have a squirrel-cage conductive winding
structure embedded in the rotor to provide extra torque at start-up.
Hysteresis motors are manufactured in sub-fractional horsepower ratings, primarily as servomotors and
timing motors. More expensive than the reluctance type, hysteresis motors are used where precise
constant speed is required.
Permanent-magnet motors
A permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) uses permanent magnets embedded in the steel
rotor to create a constant magnetic field. The stator carries windings connected to an AC supply to
produce a rotating magnetic field. At synchronous speed the rotor poles lock to the rotating magnetic
field. Permanent magnet synchronous motors are similar to brushless DC motors.
Because of the constant magnetic field in the rotor these cannot use induction windings for starting.
These motors require a variable-frequency power source to start.[7][8][9][10][11]
The main difference between a permanent magnet synchronous motor and an asynchronous motor is the
Permanent magnet motors have been used as gearless elevator motors since 2000.
DC-excited motors
Usually made in larger sizes (larger than about 1 horsepower or 1 kilowatt) these motors require direct
current (DC) supplied to the rotor for excitation. This is most straightforwardly supplied through slip
rings, but a brushless AC induction and rectifier arrangement may also be used. [13] The direct current
may be supplied from a separate DC source or from a DC generator directly connected to the motor
Control techniques
A permanent magnet synchronous motor and reluctance motor requires a control system for operating
(VFD or servo drive).
There are a large number of control methods for PMSM, which is selected depending on the
construction of the electric motor and the scope.
Control methods can be divided into:
a) Scalar
b) Vector (FOC, DTC)
2. Trapezoidal
a) Open loop
b) Closed loop (with and without Hall sensor)
Synchronous speed
The synchronous speed of a synchronous motor is given:[15]
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 94
in RPM, by:
and in rad·s−1, by:
is the frequency of the AC supply current in Hz,

is the number of poles.

is the pair number of poles. = /2

If is the number of pole pairs (rarely, planes of commutation) instead, simply divide both formulas
by 2.
A single-phase, 4-pole (2-pole-pair) synchronous motor is operating at an AC supply frequency of
50 Hz. The number of pole-pairs is 2, so the synchronous speed is:
A three-phase, 12-pole (6-pole-pair) synchronous motor is operating at an AC supply frequency of
60 Hz. The number of pole-pairs is 6, so the synchronous speed is:
The principal components of a synchronous motor are the stator and the rotor. The stator of synchronous
motor and stator of induction motor are similar in construction. With the wound-rotor synchronous
doubly fed electric machine as the exception, the stator frame contains wrapper plate. Circumferential
ribs and keybars are attached to the wrapper plate. To carry the weight of the machine, frame
mounts and footings are required. When the field winding is excited by DC excitation, brushes and slip
rings are required to connect to the excitation supply. The field winding can also be excited by a
brushless exciter. Cylindrical, round rotors, (also known as non salient pole rotor) are used for up to six
poles. In some machines or when a large number of poles are needed, a salient pole rotor is used. The
construction of synchronous motor is similar to that of a synchronous alternator.
The operation of a synchronous motor is due to the interaction of the magnetic fields of the stator and
the rotor. Its stator winding, which consists of a 3 phase winding, is provided with a 3 phase supply, and
the rotor is provided with a DC supply. The 3 phase stator winding carrying 3 phase currents produces 3
phase rotating magnetic flux (and therefore a rotating magnetic field). The rotor locks in with the
rotating magnetic field and rotates along with it. Once the rotor field locks in with the rotating magnetic
field, the motor is said to be in synchronization. A single-phase (or two-phase derived from single
phase) stator winding is possible, but in this case the direction of rotation is not defined and the machine
may start in either direction unless prevented from doing so by the starting arrangements.
Once the motor is in operation, the speed of the motor is dependent only on the supply frequency. When
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 95
the motor load is increased beyond the breakdown load, the motor falls out of synchronization and the
field winding no longer follows the rotating magnetic field. Since the motor cannot produce
(synchronous) torque if it falls out of synchronization, practical synchronous motors have a partial or
complete squirrel-cage damper (amortisseur) winding to stabilize operation and facilitate starting.
Because this winding is smaller than that of an equivalent induction motor and can overheat on long
operation, and because large slip-frequency voltages are induced in the rotor excitation winding,
synchronous motor protection devices sense this condition and interrupt the power supply (out of step
Starting methods
Above a certain size, synchronous motors are not self-starting motors. This property is due to the inertia
of the rotor; it cannot instantly follow the rotation of the magnetic field of the stator. Since a
synchronous motor produces no inherent average torque at standstill, it cannot accelerate to synchronous
speed without some supplemental mechanism.
Large motors operating on commercial power frequency include a squirrel-cage induction winding
which provides sufficient torque for acceleration and which also serves to damp oscillations in motor
speed in operation.[2] Once the rotor nears the synchronous speed, the field winding is excited, and the
motor pulls into synchronization. Very large motor systems may include a "pony" motor that accelerates
the unloaded synchronous machine before load is applied. Motors that are electronically controlled can
be accelerated from zero speed by changing the frequency of the stator current.
Very small synchronous motors are commonly used in line-powered electric mechanical clocks or timers
that use the power line frequency to run the gear mechanism at the correct speed. Such small
synchronous motors are able to start without assistance if the moment of inertia of the rotor and its
mechanical load is sufficiently small [because the motor] will be accelerated from slip speed up to
synchronous speed during an accelerating half cycle of the reluctance torque." Single-phase synchronous
motors such as in electric wall clocks can freely rotate in either direction unlike a shaded-pole type.
See Shaded-pole synchronous motor for how consistent starting direction is obtained.
The operational economics is an important parameter to address different motor starting
methods. Accordingly, the excitation of the rotor is a possible way to solve the motor starting issue. In
additions, modern proposed starting methods for large synchronous machines includes repetitive polarity
inversion of the rotor poles during startup.
Applications, special properties, and advantages
Use as synchronous condenser
By varying the excitation of a synchronous motor, it can be made to operate at lagging, leading and
unity power factor. Excitation at which the power factor is unity is termed normal excitation
voltage.[31] The magnitude of current at this excitation is minimum.[31] Excitation voltage more than
P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 96
normal excitation is called over excitation voltage, excitation voltage less than normal excitation is
called under excitation.[31] When the motor is over excited, the back emf will be greater than the motor
terminal voltage. This causes a demagnetizing effect due to armature reaction.
The V curve of a synchronous machine shows armature current as a function of field current. With
increasing field current armature current at first decreases, then reaches a minimum, then increases. The
minimum point is also the point at which power factor is unity.
This ability to selectively control power factor can be exploited for power factor correction of the power
system to which the motor is connected. Since most power systems of any significant size have a net
lagging power factor, the presence of overexcited synchronous motors moves the system's net power
factor closer to unity, improving efficiency. Such power-factor correction is usually a side effect of
motors already present in the system to provide mechanical work, although motors can be run without
mechanical load simply to provide power-factor correction. In large industrial plants such as factories
the interaction between synchronous motors and other, lagging, loads may be an explicit consideration
in the plant's electrical design
Steady state stability limit
where, is the torque
is the torque angle
is the maximum torque

When load is applied, torque angle increases. When = 90° the torque will be maximum. If
load is applied further then the motor will lose its synchronism, since motor torque will be less than load
torque. The maximum load torque that can be applied to a motor without losing its synchronism is called
steady state stability limit of a synchronous motor.
Synchronous motors are especially useful in applications requiring precise speed and/or position control.
Speed is independent of the load over the operating range of the motor.
Speed and position may be accurately controlled using open loop controls; e.g., stepper motors.
Low-power applications include positioning machines, where high precision is required,
and robot actuators.
They will hold their position when a DC current is applied to both the stator and the rotor windings.
A clock driven by a synchronous motor is in principle as accurate as the line frequency of its power
source. (Although small frequency drifts will occur over any given several hours, grid operators actively
adjust line frequency in later periods to compensate, thereby keeping motor-driven clocks accurate;
see Utility frequency#Stability.)

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 97

Record player turntables
Increased efficiency in low-speed applications (e.g., ball mills).


1.Draw the Phasor diagram of an induction motor for any load.
2. Explain Crawling & Cogging.
3.Explain with diagram why rotor is rotating in the same direction of the rotating field and under
what condition both will rotate in the opposite direction.
4.Explain the principle of operation of a 3- Phase induction motor and how the direction of rotation
can be reversed?
5. With diagram explain the construction details of a slip ring induction motor.
6.Write notes on rotor EMF and rotor reactance
1.Draw the complete speed torque characteristics of an induction motor for three actions and discuss the
influence of rotor resistance on the starting of the motor.
2.The full load slip of 3 phase induction motor is 3%.The resistance and standstill reactance of the rotor
0.03 and 0.18 ohm per phase respectively .Estimate the percentage reduction in stator voltage to develop
full load torque at half the full load speed .
3.Develop an expression of maximum torque of an induction motor.
4.Explain the procedure for construction of circle diagram and explain how to obtain max torque, max
output and starting torque from the circle diagram.
5. Write a note on induction generator.
6.The starting torque of a three phase induction motor with R2/X2=1 and negligible stator impedance is
25N-m.Determine the starting torque when the rotor resistance is (a) doubled (b) halved.
1.Compare single phase induction motor and three phase induction motor.
2.Explain the principle of operation single phase induction motor.
3.Explain double revolving field theory
4.Explain the working principle of capacitor start induction run motor.
5.Explain how a rotating magnetic field produced in a shaded pole induction motor.
6.A.230V 4pole 50HZ single phase capacitor start induction motor has the following parameters. Main
winding impedance is 6+j4 ohm and starting winding impedance is 8+j6 ohm. Calculate the capacitance
to be added in series with starting winding such that the angle between I M and IS is 900 .

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 98
1 .Explain the constructional details of the alternator used in thermal station.
2. Explain in detail why the air gap of synchronous machine is always greater than induction machine
3 . Explain with neat circuit diagram predetermination of voltage regulation of alternator by potier
triangle method.
4. Explain the need and condition for paralleling the alternator.
5. In a 1500KVA ,3.3KV,50HZ 3-phase star connected alternator, a field current of 60A produces a
short circuit current of 350A and open circuit voltage of 1.5KV (line to line) calculate the voltage
regulation at full load 0.8PF lag and 0.9pf lead .The armature resistance per phase is 0.4ohm.
6. Two similar 4000KVA alternator operating in parallel. the governor of the first machines is such that
frequency drops from 50HZ at no load to 47HZ at full load and the second is at 50HZ at no load and
48.5 HZ at full load.
(a) How they will share a load of 6000KVA
(b)How much max UPF load can they carry
1.Explain the principle of operation of synchronous motor and why they are not self starting?
2.Explain the different methods of starting of synchronous motors.
3.What is the hunting and explain its effects and remedies in details
4.Explain the effect of increased load with constant excitation in a synchronous motor.
5.Draw and explain V and inverted V curves of a synchronous motor
6.Explain the effect of load in synchronous motor with phasor diagram

P.GANESH,EEE Department AC Machines 99

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