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Eapp Q2 2

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Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct; FALSE if it is wrong. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.

TRUE 1. A survey is a method of gathering information from respondents through the

use of a questionnaire.

FALSE 2. A survey is usually used to collect primary data.

FALSE 3. The final stage in doing an experiment is to identify the research problem.

FALSE 4. Participants should be selected depending on their level of education.

TRUE 5. The first step in conducting an observation is to establish the objective.

FALSE 6. An experiment may be conducted more easily with a telephone interview.

TRUE 7. Sample represents the entire population.

TRUE 8. People who take part in the survey are referred to as participants.

FALSE 9. Defining variables is a step in the process of conducting an experiment.

TRUE 10. Analyzing a result should be done after gathering of data.


Post Test
Directions: Read each questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

D 1. Which of the following does not describe a good objective?

A. measurable C. realistic
B. specific D. smart

C 2. It is a process where researchers meet the participants face to face and ask
relevant questions.
A. panel interview C. in-person interview
B. virtual interview D. group interview

C 3. It is a method of collecting data where the identified 6 to 10 people with similar

characteristics are group together.
A. focus group C. control group
B. small group D. case group

B 4. These survey questions that comprise two or three options.

A. multiple- choice questions C. open – ended questions
B. dichotomous questions D. close – ended questions

B 5. These are questions that allow users to input their own answer and do not provide
predefined response options.
A. close – ended questions C. multiple- choice questions
B. open-ended questions D. rating scales

C 6. It is the observational method that follows people with similar characteristics over a
A. ecological method C. cohort method
B. cross-sectional method D. case- control method

D 7. It is a method that creates cases and controls and then observes it. A case has
exposed to a phenomenon of interest while a control has not.
A. ecological method C. cohort method
B. cross-sectional method D. case-control method

A 8. It is a sampling technique which every member of the population has an equal

chance of being chosen as participants.
A. random sampling C. systematic sampling
B. cluster sampling D. stratified sampling

B 9. It is a sampling technique that consists of available members of the population, but

this often leads to biased studies.
A. bias sampling C. cluster sampling
B. convenience sampling D. volunteer sampling

A 10. It is the number of participants in an experiment.

A. Sample size C. Participants
B. Population D. Respondents

Directions: Now let us sum up what you learned from our lesson
by answering the questions below.

1. What are the steps in gathering information through survey?

*Step 1: Determine your objectives
*Step 2: Define the population (Population and sampling)
*Step 3: Create a data analysis plan
*Step 4: Designing the survey
*Step 5: Pre-testing
*Step 6: Conducting the survey
*Step 7: Data analysis
*Step 8: Reporting results

2. How is the observational method of gathering information being conducted?

-monitoring participants in a specific situation or environment at a given time and day.
Basically, researchers observe the behavior of the surrounding environments or people
that are being studied. This type of study can be controlled, natural or participant.

3. What are the advantages of experiments?

-Experimental research offers the highest levels of control. The procedures involved
with experimental research make it possible to isolate specific variables within virtually
any topic. This advantage makes it possible to determine if outcomes are viable



Directions: Read the following statements and answer the following questions. Write the
letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

D 1. Which of the methods of displaying data uses pie slices?

a. Bar graph c. Pictograph
b. Line graph d. Pie chart

D 2. It is a graph that uses symbols to present and compare data. These graphs are
often used where there are people who need to understand things, even if they do not
read or speak the language.
a. Bar graph c. Pie graph
b. Line graph d. Pictograph

B 3. This refers to the systematic representation of data with rows and columns.
a. Graphs c. Charts
b. Tables d. Tally Marks

A 4. These are often used to make a frequency distribution table.

a. Tally Marks c. Tables
b. Line graph d. Charts

C 5. The graph shows the number of visitors at a museum over six days. Find the
weekday when there was the greatest number of visitors in a day?
a. Thursday c. Friday
b. Wednesday d. Saturday .


Post Test
Directions: Read the following statements and answer the following questions. Write the
letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

D 1. Which of the methods of displaying data uses pictures to represent frequency?

A. Bar graph C. Line graph
B. Pictograph D. Pie chart

A 2. Between which two times was the greatest increase in the number of shoppers?
A. 12pm and 1pm C. 2pm and 3pm
B. 1pm and 2pm D. 10am and 11am

A 3. Which is probably the most common way of displaying data?

A. Bar graph C. Line graph
B. Pictograph D. Pie chart
C 4. A graphical presentation of data that shows a continuous change or trend. It may
show an ascending or descending trend.
A. Bar graph C. Line graph
B. Pictograph D. Pie chart

D 5. What is this graph showing you?

A. The world’s population is staying the same.
B. The world’s population is going down (decreasing).
C. The world’s population was growing but now is decreasing.
D. The world’s population has been growing and will continue to grow.

B 6. What age group makes up 0.2 percent of the Philippines' population in 2017?
A. Under 15 C. 60-74
B. 85+ D. not stated in the graph

C 7. This provides exact values and illustrates results efficiently as they enable the
researcher to present a large amount of space.
A. Chart C. Tables
B. Line Graph D. Tally Marks

C 8. This is best to use when comparing means or percentages between distinct

A. Line Graph C. Vertical bar graph
B. Horizontal bar graph D. Pictograph

B 9. This is a type of graph that may contain more than five categories and is plotted on
either the x-axis or y-axis.
A. Line Graph C. Vertical bar graph
B. Horizontal bar graph D. Pictograph

C 10. Which movie genre is liked best by all age groups?

A. Action C. Comedy
B. Horror D. Romance

Directions: Now let us sum up what you learned from our lesson
by answering the questions below.

1. What are the different types of graphical representation of data?

-There are different types of graphical representation. Some of them are as follows: Line
Graphs Line graph or the linear graph is used to display the continuous data and it is
useful for predicting future events over time.

2. What is the importance of these graphical methods in presenting the data?

-Graphical representation is the visual display of data which will help us to present data
in a meaningful way and it provides data which is very easy to understand and helps
management to take decisions.



Directions: Complete the following flow chart by arranging the different parts/section as
it comes in a survey report. Copy and answer it in a separate sheet of paper.

Abstract – Background – Statement of the problem – Materials – Method or Procedure – Results –

Discussion – Summary – Conclusion and Recommendation – Introduction.





Post Test
Directions: Read the following statements and answer the following questions.

C 1. It is written after getting data from a survey.

a. Questionnaire c. Survey Report
b. Field Report d. Laboratory Report

B 2. It is commonly called lab report. It is written in a formal and organized manner.

a. Questionnaire c. Survey Report
b. Field Report d. Laboratory Report

D 3. It is sometimes called trip report.

a. Questionnaire c. Survey Report
b. Field Report d. Laboratory Report

B 4. This page of the laboratory report has the course number and assigns lab section,
the title of the experiment, your name, your lab partner’s names, the date that the lab
was performed and your Teacher Assistant’s name.
a. Discussion of Results c. Abstract
b. Data Sheet d. Cover Sheet

C 5. The purpose of this page is to help a reader decide if your paper is of interest to
a. Discussion of Results c. Abstract
b. Data Sheet d. Cover Sheet

A 6. This is the most important part of the lab report; it is where you analyze the data.
a. Discussion of Results c. Abstract
b. Data Sheet d. Cover Sheet

B 7. These are the things that are needed to record your observations in a field report
a. Note Taking c. Photography
b. Reporting d. Illustrations/Drawings

A 8. It is the summary of the entire study which emphasizes the importance of your
a. Conclusion c. Appendix
b. Recommendation d. References

C 9. This is where you would place information that is not essential to explaining your
findings but supports your analysis, validates the conclusions and the reader
understands the overall report.
a. Conclusion c. Appendix
b. Recommendation d. References

D 10. List all sources that you consulted and gathered information from while writing
your field report.
a. Conclusion c. Appendix
b. Recommendation d. References

Directions: Complete the table below with the
definitions/descriptions and objectives of the various types of reports.


1. Survey Report It is written after getting To collect people’s
data from a survey. responses
or answers about a
issue or topic

2. Laboratory or Scientific It is commonly called lab To present results or

Technical Report report. It is written in a findings
formal from experiments.
and organized manner.

3. Field Report It is sometimes called trip To describe and analyze a

report. systematic observation.


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