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2 – Module 1:
Data Interpretation and Data
Analysis Method in Quantitative
Cresmen P. Terol

Second Quarter
Module 1, Week 1
Data Interpretation and Data Analysis Method in Quantitative Research
Content Standard : Finding the Answers to the Research Questions
Performance Standard : Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills
through qualitative and quantitative research
Learning Outcomes : Gathers and analyzes data with intellectual honesty
Using the suitable techniques
Competency : Interpret the given data in quantitative research of
their choice relevant to one’s field of study
Topic/s : Interpretation of Data and Data Analysis Method

What I Know
Directions: Read and understand each statement. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What sort of data is income?
A. Interval B. Nominal C. Ordinal D. Ratio
2. What sort of variable is dress size?
A. Dependent B. Nominal C. Ordinal D. Ratio
3. What is Discrete data?
A. Whole numbers
B. Having a finite number of values experimental
C. Data where there are spaces between numbers on a number line
D. All of the above
4. Which of the following is NOT true regarding quantitative data?
A. Is definitive and objective
B. Can be discrete or continuous
C. Can be expressed using graphs or charts
D. Can be used to offer solutions and make predictions
5. What data analysis technique considers past trends and how they might
future performance?
A. Descriptive Analysis C. Factor Analysis
B. Dispersion Analysis D. Regression Analysis
6. What chart is used to represent the change of data over a continuous interval of
A. Bar chart B. Gantt Chart C. Line chart D. Pie Chart
7. Which of the following are important ethical considerations in conducting
A. Falsifying of data C. Protection of human research participants
B. Data manipulation D. All of these

For questions 8-10, refer to the following problem:

A survey was conducted to know the sentiments of the Senior High Students
about latest Online Presentation rendered by the SSG officers.
“In your opinion, the dance presentation was entertaining, boring or neither?”

Respondents Entertaining Boring Neither

A 1
B 1
C 1
D 1
E 1
Total 3 1 1
8. What percentage of the respondents said that the dance presentation is boring?
A. 1% B. 10% C. 20% D. 30%
9. What the table implies?
A. 1/3 of the respondents agreed that the presentation was boring.
B. 3 out of 5 respondents agreed that the presentation was entertaining.
C. More than 20% of the respondents agreed that the presentation was
D. 10% of the respondents agreed that the presentation neither entertaining
nor boring
10. What is the mean of the response who said that the presentation was
A. 0.2 B. 0.3 C. 0.5 D. 0.6
11. The total score obtained by the few students in practical research exam are the
following: 83, 90, 87, 70, 88. What is the average mean of the scores?
A. 80 B. 88 C. 93 D. 95
12. Given the following scores: 10, 13, 18, 13, 16, 12, 17, 18, 15. What is the
A. 12 B. 14 C. 15 D. 16
For questions 13-15, refer to the following problem:
A study conducted to determine Grade 10 Students of ABC National School
to enroll in TVL track based on their academic performance and NCAE results. The
following profile data are given:
Profile of the Participants
Age Frequency Percent
15 5 17.8
16 7 25
17 15 53.6
18 1 3.6
Total 28 100.0
Mean 16.07
Male 20 71.4
Female 8 28.6
Total 28 100

13. Based on the age of the respondents, what can be inferred?

A. Less than 3.6% of the respondent is 18 years old.
B. Less than half the respondents age is 17 years old.
C. Most of the Grade 10 students age is 16 years old.
D. Less than 4% of the respondents age is 18 years old.
14. Based on the respondent’s gender, what can be inferred?
A. Most of the respondents are male
B. Most of the respondents are female
C. More than half of the respondents are female
D. Less than half of the respondents are male
15. Based on the given table, what interpretation can you formulate?
A. Female is not interested in TVL track
B. Age is not the factor of choosing the TVL track
C. Gender is the influential factor in-order to choose the TVL track
D. Most of the grade 10 students who choose the TVL track is male

What I Need to Know

This module will guide you on how to analyze and interpret the gathered
data in your quantitative studies based in your field of specialization. This will help
you to make a fair and sound interpretation or decision from your chosen variables
on how to treat data statistically in your quantitative research.
This module contains some activities that can help you enhance your
knowledge and skills in data analysis and interpretation in-order to present and
discuss thoroughly your findings based in your field of specialization.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Gather and analyze data with intellectual honesty using suitable
techniques in quantitative research
2. Discuss ways of presenting and interpreting data and

3. Apply the data analysis method and interpretation of data in quantitative
research of their choice relevant to one’s field of study.

Before anything else, let us recall, your understanding about data gathering
and procedures. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Give your
reason why you answer true or false. Write your answer in a separate sheet of
1. Fabrication of data involves the manipulation of actual gathered data.
2. Preferably, instruments need to be subjected to pilot testing prior to actual data
3. Your prospective subject can end their involvement in the study anytime they
4. Intellectual dishonesty is limited to committing plagiarism.
5. A questionnaire should use double-barreled questions to get as much
as possible from the participants.
6. A standardized test should always be used when conducting quantitative
7. The post test should be more difficult than the pretest.
8. It is acceptable to deviate from the interview guide when conducting a structured
9. An observation can be used when assessing beliefs and values.
10. A conceptual framework does not influence the focus of the study.

Do you know everything surround us is made up of huge data? In the other

word, everything is the product of research. There are a lot of changes from time to
time. New modern technology sprouting in our digital age. High end technology and
infrastructure rising in our modern world. Have you wander why? It is because the

researcher effort to gathered data and experimentation process and treat the data
correctly to make a new findings and inventions.
Data analysis and interpretation have now taken center stage with the
advent of the digital age… and the sheer amount of data can be frightening. In fact,
a Digital Universe study found that the total data supply in 2012 was 2.8 trillion
gigabytes! Based on that amount of data alone, it is clear the calling card of any
successful enterprise in today’s global world will be the ability to analyze complex
data, produce actionable insights and adapt to new market needs… all at the speed
of thought.

Quantitative data is defined as the value of data in the form of counts or

numbers where each dataset has an unique numerical value associated with it.
This data is any quantifiable information that can be used for mathematical
calculations and statistical analysis, such that real-life decisions can be made
based on these mathematical derivations. Quantitative data is used to answer
questions such as “How many?”, “How often?”, “How much?”. This data can be
verified and can also be conveniently evaluated using mathematical techniques.
For example, there are quantities corresponding to various parameters, for
instance, “How much did that laptop cost?” is a question which will collect
quantitative data. “How often did you attend your online class?” is another
quantitative data. There are values associated with most measuring parameters
such as pounds or kilograms for weight, pesos for cost etc.
What is Data Interpretation?
Data interpretation refers to the implementation of processes through which
data is reviewed for the purpose of arriving at an informed conclusion. The
interpretation of data assigns a meaning to the information analyzed and
determines its signification and implications.
The importance of data interpretation is evident, and this is why it needs to
be done properly. Data is very likely to arrive from multiple sources and has a
tendency to enter the analysis process with haphazard ordering. Data analysis

tends to be extremely subjective. That is to say, the nature and goal of
interpretation will vary from business to business, likely correlating to the type of
data being analyzed. While there are several different types of processes that are
implemented based on individual data nature, the two broadest and most common
categories are “quantitative analysis” and “qualitative analysis”.
Before any serious data analysis can begin, the scale of measurement must
be decided for the data as this will have a long-term impact on data interpretation
ROI. The varying scales include:
● Nominal Scale: non-numeric categories that cannot be ranked or compared
quantitatively. Variables are exclusive and exhaustive.
● Ordinal Scale: exclusive categories that are exclusive and exhaustive but
with a logical order. Quality ratings and agreement ratings are examples of
ordinal scales (i.e., good, very good, fair, etc., OR agree, strongly agree,
disagree, etc.).
● Interval: a measurement scale where data is grouped into categories with
orderly and equal distances between the categories. There is always an
arbitrary zero point.
● Ratio: contains features of all three.
Let’s take a closer look at those specific data interpretation methods and
possible data interpretation problems.
Quantitative Data Interpretation
If quantitative data interpretation could be summed up in one word (and it
really can’t) that word would be “numerical.” There are few certainties when it
comes to data analysis, but you can be sure that if the research you are engaging
in has no numbers involved, it is not quantitative research. Quantitative analysis
refers to a set of processes by which numerical data is analyzed. More often than
not, it involves the use of statistical modeling such as standard deviation, mean
and median. Let’s quickly review the most common statistical terms:
● Mean: a mean represents a numerical average for a set of responses. When
dealing with a data set (or multiple data sets), a mean will represent a
central value of a specific set of numbers. It is the sum of the values divided
by the number of values within the data set. Other terms that can be used to
describe the concept are arithmetic mean, average and mathematical
For example:

To compute, use the formula: Mean = ∑𝑥 𝑁

When you find the “usual” mean for a set of numbers, all the numbers carry
an equal weight. For example, if you want to find the arithmetic mean of 1, 3, 5, 7,
and 10:
1. Add up your data points: 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 10 = 26.
2. Divide by the number of items in the set: 26 / 5 = 5.2.
What do we mean by “equal weight”? The first sentence in some tests is sometimes
“All questions carry an equal weight”. It’s saying that all the questions in the exam
are worth the same number of points. If you have a 100 point exam and 10
questions, each question is worth 1/10th of the points. In the above question, you
have of a set of five numbers. You can think of each number contributing 1/5 to
the total mean (as there are 5 numbers in the set)
The Weighted Mean
In some cases, you might want a number to have more weight. In that case,
you want to find the weighted mean. To find the weighted mean:
1. Multiply the numbers in your data set by the weights.
2. Add the results up.
For that set of number above with equal weights (1/5 for each number), the
math to find the weighted mean would be:
1(*1/5) + 3(*1/5) + 5(*1/5) + 7(*1/5) + 10(*1/5) = 5.2.
Example problem: You take three 100-point exams in your statistics class and
score 80, 80 and 95. The last exam is much easier than the first two, so your
professor has given it less weight. The weights for the three exams are:
● Exam 1: 40 % of your grade. (Note: 40% as a decimal is .4.)
● Exam 2: 40 % of your grade.
● Exam 3: 20 % of your grade.
What is your final weighted average for the class?
1. Multiply the numbers in your data set by the weights:
.4(80) = 32
.4(80) = 32
.2(95) = 19
2. Add the numbers up. 32 + 32 + 19 = 83.
The percent weight given to each exam is called a weighting factor.
Weighted mean = Σwx/Σw
● Σ = summation (in other words…add them up!).
● w = the weights.
● x = the value.

To use the formula:

1. Multiply the numbers in your data set by the weights.
2. Add the numbers in Step 1 up. Set this number aside for a moment.
3. Add up all of the weights.
4. Divide the numbers you found in Step 2 by the number you found in
Step 3.
In the sample grades problem above, all of the weights add up to 1 (.4 + .4 +
.2) so you would divide your answer (83) by 1:
83 / 1 = 83.
However, let us say your weighted means added up to 1.2 instead of 1. You
should divide 83 by 1.2 to get:
83 / 1.2 = 69.17.
Warning: The weighted mean can be easily influenced by outliers in your data. If
you have very high or very low values in your data set, the weighted mean may not
be a good statistic to rely on.
Step to conduct Quantitative Data Analysis

For Quantitative Data, raw information has to presented in meaningful
manner using analysis methods. Quantitative data should be analyzed in-order to
find evidential data that would help in the research process.
● Relate measurement scales with variables: Associate measurement
scales such as Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio with the variables.
This step is important to arrange the data in proper order. Data can be
entered into an excel sheet to organize it in a specific format.
● Connect descriptive statistics with data: Link descriptive statistics to
encapsulate available data. It can be difficult to establish a pattern in the
raw data. Some widely used descriptive statistics are:
1. Mean- An average of values for a specific variable
2. Median- A midpoint of the value scale for a variable
3. Mode- For a variable, the most common value
4. Frequency- Number of times a particular value is
observed in the scale
5. Minimum and Maximum Values- Lowest and highest
values for a scale
6. Percentages- Format to express scores and set of values
for variables
● Decide a measurement scale: It is important to decide the measurement
scale to conclude a descriptive statistic for the variable. For instance, a
nominal variable score will never have a mean or median and so the
descriptive statistics will correspondingly vary. Descriptive statistics
suffice in situations where the results are not to be generalized to the
● Select appropriate tables to represent data and analyze collected
data: After deciding on a suitable measurement scale, researchers can use
a tabular format to represent data. This data can be analyzed using
various techniques such as Cross-tabulation or TURF.  

Data Analysis Process

Once you set out to collect data for analysis, you are overwhelmed by the
amount of information that you find to make a clear, concise decision. With so
much data to handle, you need to identify relevant data for your analysis to derive
an accurate conclusion and make informed decisions. The following simple steps
help you identify and sort out your data for analysis.
1. Data Requirement Specification – define your scope
o Define short and straightforward questions, the answers to which you
finally need to make a decision.
o Define measurement parameters
o Define which parameter you take into account and which one you are
willing to negotiate.
o Define your unit of measurement. Ex – Time, Currency, Salary, and
2. Data Collection
o Gather your data based on your measurement parameters. 
o Collect data from databases, websites, and many other sources. This
data may not be structured or uniform, which takes us to the next
3. Data Processing
o Organize your data and make sure to add side notes, if any.
o Cross-check data with reliable sources.
o Convert the data as per the scale of measurement you have defined
o Exclude irrelevant data.
4. Data Analysis
o Once you have collected your data, perform sorting, plotting, and
identifying correlations.  
o As you manipulate and organize your data, you may need to traverse
your steps again from the beginning, where you may need to modify
your question, redefine parameters, and reorganize your data. 
o Make use of the different tools available for data analysis.
5. Infer and Interpret Results
o Review if the result answers your initial questions
o Review if you have considered all parameters for making the decision
o Review if there is any hindering factor for implementing the decision.
o Choose data visualization techniques to communicate the message
better. These visualization techniques may be charts, graphs, color
coding, and more.
Once you have an inference, always remember it is only a hypothesis.
Real-life scenarios may always interfere with your results. In the process of Data
Analysis, there are a few related terminologies that identity with different phases of
the process. 
Preparing data for analysis

The first stage in research and data analysis is to make it for the analysis so
that the nominal data can be converted into something meaningful. Data
preparation consists of the below phases.
Phase I: Data Validation
Data validation is done to understand if the collected data sample is per the
pre-set standards, or it is a biased data sample again divided into four different
● Fraud: To ensure an actual human being records each response to the
survey or the questionnaire
● Screening: To make sure each participant or respondent is selected or
chosen in compliance with the research criteria
● Procedure: To ensure ethical standards were maintained while collecting
the data sample
● Completeness: To ensure that the respondent has answered all the
questions in an online survey. Else, the interviewer had asked all the
questions devised in the questionnaire.
Phase II: Data Editing
More often, an extensive research data sample comes loaded with errors.
Respondents sometimes fill in some fields incorrectly or sometimes skip them
accidentally. Data editing is a process wherein the researchers have to confirm that
the provided data is free of such errors. They need to conduct necessary checks
and outlier checks to edit the raw edit and make it ready for analysis.
Phase III: Data Coding
Out of all three, this is the most critical phase of data preparation associated
with grouping and assigning values to the survey responses. If a survey is
completed with a 1000 sample size, the researcher will create an age bracket to
distinguish the respondents based on their age. Thus, it becomes easier to analyze
small data buckets rather than deal with the massive data pile.
Data Analysis Techniques
There are different techniques for Data Analysis depending upon the
question at hand, the type of data, and the amount of data gathered. Each focuses
on strategies of taking onto the new data, mining insights, and drilling down into
the information to transform facts and figures into decision making parameters.
Accordingly, the different techniques of data analysis can be categorized as follows:

1. Techniques based on Mathematics and Statistics

● Descriptive Analysis: Descriptive Analysis takes into account the historical
data, Key Performance Indicators, and describes the performance based on a
chosen benchmark. It takes into account past trends and how they might
influence future performance.

● Dispersion Analysis: Dispersion in the area onto which a data set is spread.
This technique allows data analysts to determine the variability of the factors
under study.
● Regression Analysis: This technique works by modeling the relationship
between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. A
regression model can be linear, multiple, logistic, ridge, non-linear, life data,
and more.
● Factor Analysis: This technique helps to determine if there exists any
relationship between a set of variables. In this process, it reveals other
factors or variables that describe the patterns in the relationship among the
original variables. Factor Analysis leaps forward into useful clustering and
classification procedures.
● Discriminant Analysis: It is a classification technique in data mining. It
identifies the different points on different groups based on variable
measurements. In simple terms, it identifies what makes two groups
different from one another; this helps to identify new items.
● Time Series Analysis: In this kind of analysis, measurements are spanned
across time, which gives us a collection of organized data known as
2. Techniques based on Visualization and Graphs
● Column Chart, Bar Chart: Both these charts are used to present numerical
differences between categories. The column chart takes to the height of the
columns to reflect the differences. Axes interchange in the case of the bar
● Line Chart: This chart is used to represent the change of data over a
continuous interval of time. 
● Area Chart: This concept is based on the line chart. It additionally fills the
area between the polyline and the axis with color, thus representing better
trend information.
● Pie Chart: It is used to represent the proportion of different classifications. It
is only suitable for only one series of data. However, it can be made
multi-layered to represent the proportion of data in different categories.
● Funnel Chart: This chart represents the proportion of each stage and
reflects the size of each module. It helps in comparing rankings.
● Word Cloud Chart: It is a visual representation of text data. It requires a
large amount of data, and the degree of discrimination needs to be high for
users to perceive the most prominent one. It is not a very accurate analytical
● Gantt Chart: It shows the actual timing and the progress of activity in
comparison to the requirements.
● Radar Chart: It is used to compare multiple quantized charts. It represents
which variables in the data have higher values and which have lower values.
A radar chart is used for comparing classification and series along with
proportional representation.
● Scatter Plot: It shows the distribution of variables in the form of points over
a rectangular coordinate system. The distribution in the data points can
reveal the correlation between the variables.
● Bubble Chart: It is a variation of the scatter plot. Here, in addition to the x
and y coordinates, the area of the bubble represents the 3rd value.
● Gauge: It is a kind of materialized chart. Here the scale represents the
metric, and the pointer represents the dimension. It is a suitable technique
to represent interval comparisons.
● Frame Diagram: It is a visual representation of a hierarchy in the form of an
inverted tree structure.
● Rectangular Tree Diagram: This technique is used to represent hierarchical
relationships but at the same level. It makes efficient use of space and
represents the proportion represented by each rectangular area.

Below are the samples of Data Analysis or Study and Its Interpretation given the
sample of the Statement of the problem in the actual study as your guide on how to
discuss and analyze and interpret your data gathered from your own research
Sample Data Analysis/Study and It’s Interpretation
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the Motivation and Performance of Secondary
School Teachers of Plaridel National High School, Baybay City Division, Baybay
Furthermore, it seeks to answer the following sub-inquiries:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 civil status.
1.2 highest educational attainment.
1.3 length of service; and
1.4 monthly income?
2. What is the extent of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors?
3) What is the teacher’s teaching performance based on the last year’s IPCRF:
2.1 teaching learning process.
2.2 pupils/students’ outcomes.
2.3 school and community involvement; and
2.4 professional growth and development?
4. Is there a significant relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic factors of
motivation and the performance of Secondary Schools Teachers?
Profile Frequency Percentage
A. Civil Status
Single 5 25
Married 15 75
Total 20 100
B. Educational Attainment
Bachelor’s Degree 9 45
with MA Units 10 50
Total 20 100
C. Length of Service
0-5 years 10 50
6-10 years 4 20
11-20 years 3 15

21-35 years 3 15
Total 20 100
D. Monthly Income
Php 20,000-30,000 6 30
Php 30,001-40,000 14 70
Total 20 100

Table presents the Profile of the Secondary teachers. In terms of civil status,
out of 20 teachers, there are 5 (25%) single and 15 (75%) married. This reveals that
there are more married teachers employed in the school compared to single.
In terms of Educational attainment, there are 9 (45%) with bachelor’s degree;
10 (50%) with MA units and 1 (5%) who is a full-fledged MA graduate. This reveals
that majority of the teachers are taking their master’s degree as requirement for
ranking and promotion.
In terms of length of service, 10 (50%) have 0-5 years of service; 4 (20%) 6-10
years; 3 (15%) 11-20 years and 3 (15%) with 21-35 years of service. This reveals
that majority of the teachers are on their first five years of teaching.

Intrinsic Factors SA A U D SD
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Teaching gives me a great deal of job
2. I enjoy teaching as a profession.
3. The challenging nature of teaching has kept me
in the profession.
4.Teaching is a competitive profession in the
5. Teaching gives me recognition and respect from
the community.
6.I have prospects for career development in the
teaching profession.
7. The responsibilities I perform in the school
gives me a sense of control over others.
8. Teaching is one of my goal in life.
9. I am more useful to the community as a teacher
than any other profession.
10. Teaching enables me to interact and develop
relationship with people from many areas.
Grand Mean
Range Description Interpretation
4.21-5.0 Strongly Agree(SA) Very High
3.21-4.20 Agree(A) High
2.21-3.20 Undecided(U) Moderate
1.21-2.20 Disagree(D) Low
1.0-1.20 Strongly Disagree(SD) Very Low

Intrinsic Factors Weighted Mean Interpretation

1. Teaching gives me a great deal of job 3.89 High
2. I enjoy teaching as a profession. 4.12 High
3. The challenging nature of teaching has 3.77 High
kept me in the profession.
4.Teaching is a competitive profession in 4.00 High
the school.
5. Teaching gives me recognition and 4.17 High
respect from the community.
6.I have prospects for career development 3.85 High
in the teaching profession.
7. The responsibilities I perform in the 4.05 High
school gives me a sense of control over
8. Teaching is one of my goal in life. 3.90 High
9. I am more useful to the community as a 4.10 High
teacher than any other profession.
10. Teaching enables me to interact and 3.86 High
develop relationship with people from many
Grand Mean 3.97 High
Range Description Interpretation
4.21-5.0 Strongly Agree Very High
3.21-4.20 Agree High
2.21-3.20 Undecided Moderate
1.21-2.20 Disagree Low
1.0-1.20 Strongly Disagree Very Low
Table presents the extent of Intrinsic Motivation of the secondary teachers.
The grand mean is 3.97 which is interpreted as Agree. This means that the
motivation of the teachers is high. Intrinsic motivation of a teacher is important to
be an effective teacher. Such type of motivation deals with personal motives that
drives the passion and self-efficiency of the person. According to Herzberg (1972),
intrinsic motivation is self-directing and nurturing even when there is no external
factors or motives, the will of a person to succeed is intact. The study of Romano
(2009) reveals that intrinsic motivation could be the reason why most teachers stay
in the arduous job. The feeling of being satisfied at the end of the day is what
makes a person happy.
The highest rated item is on “Teaching gives me recognition and respect from
the community,” with a weighted mean of 4.17 interpreted as High. This means that
the teaching job will let the teacher earn respect in the people of the community.
Mercedes (2007) said that a teacher is the most respected profession in the society.
The hand of the teacher lies the make or break of a child’s future. Such endeavor is
worth praising and respecting.
The lowest rated item is on “I have prospects for career development in the
teaching profession,” with a weighted mean of 3.85 which is still interpreted as
High. This is not a critical issue in the rating since it is still valued high.
Nevertheless, a teacher may not be able to occupy higher rank or in most cases the
promotion is elusive for most teachers. It takes a lot of schooling and sharpening
to move up to the rank. Battery of tests and required degrees has to be met.

Another Sample

The above figure which shows the map of the Philippines aims to compare
dropout rates by region in two time periods, 2002 and 2012. The assigned ranges
for the colors are truly arbitrary. Why does the dark green stop at 4.8, for example?
Of course, with the above choice, the 2012 map looks greener than the 2002 map.
This is obviously a deception because the dropout rates for the entire country are
almost identical for the two time periods (6.7 in 2002 versus 6.8 in 2012). Quoting
dropout rates in fact already hides the truth since the percentages may look the
same, but in terms of absolute numbers, these could in fact be very different. There
are about 12 million elementary pupils in 2002. In 2012, the number has increased
to 13 million. 6.7 percent of 12 million is 804,000. 6.8 percent of 13 million is
884,000. While the dropout rates hide the increase, by looking at the absolute
numbers, the number of dropouts has in fact increased by 10 percent. There are
80,000 more dropouts from elementary in 2012.

Directions: Take a closer look in the given table about drop out rate per region.
examine and analyze the given drop out rate between SY:2002-2003
and SY:2012-2013. Answer the following questions. Put your answer
a separate sheet of paper.

Table 1 Dropout rate in elementary, by region, (SY2002-2003 and SY 2012-2014)

Region SY: 2002-2003 SY: 2012-2013
Ilocos 3.1 3.0
CAR 4.7 5.1
Cagayan Valley 6.3 4.0
Central Luzon 4.3 4.2
NCR 2.7 4.8
Bicol 5.7 5.5
MEMAROPA 7.5 6.0
Eastern Visayas 8.5 6.0
Western Visayas 9.2 5.3
Central Visayas 4.4 4.5
Caraga 7.5 6.8
Northern Mindanao 8.2 9.3
Zamboanga Peninsula 10.9 11.8
Davao 7.5 9.0
ARMM 14.1 24.9
Source: DepEd, including SUC’s
Guide Questions:
1. What region has the highest drop out rate between SY: 2003 and 2013? How
many percent increased?
2. What region recorded the lowest drop out rate between SY: 2003 and 2013? How
many percent decreased?
3. What is the average mean of drop out throughtout the Philippines in SY: 2003?
4. Is the drop out rate incresing or decreasing throughtout the Philippines between
the SY:2003 and SY: 2013? How many percent?

Data analysis and interpretation are critical to develop sound conclusions

and make better informed decisions. There is an art and science to the
interpretation of data. Hereafter is a list-summary of how to interpret data:
● Collect your data and make it as clean as possible.
● Choose the type of analysis to perform quantitative data and apply the
analysis methods.
● Quantitative analysis: you lead a research with a lot of numerical data to be
analyzed through various statistical methods – mean, standard deviation or
frequency distribution for instance.
● Take a step back: and think about your data from various perspectives, and
what it means for various participants.
● Reflect on your own thinking and reasoning: and be aware of the many
pitfalls data analysis and interpretation carries. Correlation versus
causation, subjective bias, false information and inaccurate data, etc.

Directions: Construct a bar graph from the given data in the table below. Analyze
data and make your own interpretation


Directions: Read and understand each statement. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is the sum of the values divided by the number of values within the data set.
A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Standard deviation
2. Which measure of central tendency is obtained using the middle score when all
scores are organized in numerical order?
A. Frequency Distribution B. Mean C. Median D. Mode
3. The total score obtained by the few students in practical research exam are the
following: 89, 95, 85, 75, 81. What is the average mean of the scores?
A. 80 B. 85 C. 88 D. 90
4. It is a measurement scale where exclusive categories that are exclusive and
exhaustive but with a logical order.
A. Interval B. Nominal C. Ordinal D. Ratio
5. It describes the degree of consistency within the responses.
A. Frequency distribution B. Mean C. Median D. Standard deviation
6. This is a measurement gauging the rate of a response appearance within a data
A. Average B. Data analysis C. Frequency distribution D. Standard deviation
For questions 7-9, refer to the following problem:

A study conducted to determine Grade 10 Students of XYZ National School
to enroll in Academic track based on their academic performance and NCAE
results. The following profile data are given:

Profile of the Participants

Age Frequency Percent
15 5 17.9
16 17 60.7
17 5 17.9
18 1 3.6
Total 28 100.0
Mean 16.07
Male 6 21.4
Female 22 78.6
Total 28 100
7. Based on the age of the respondents, what can be inferred?
A. Less than 3.6% of the respondent is 18 years old.
B. Most of the Grade 10 students age is 16 years old.
C. Less than half the respondents age is 16 years old.
D. More than 4% of the respondents age is 18 years old.
8. Based on the respondent’s gender, what can be inferred?
A. Most of the respondents are male
B. Most of the respondents are female
C. More than half of the respondents are male
D. Less than half of the respondents are female
9. Based on the given table, what interpretation can you formulate?
A. Male is not interested in academic track
B. Age is not the factor of choosing the academic track
C. Gender is the influential factor in-order to choose the academic track
D. Most of the grade 10 students who choose the academic track is female
For questions 10-12, refer to the following problem:
A survey was conducted to know the sentiments of the Senior High Students
about latest Online Presentation rendered by the SSG officers.
“In your opinion, the dance presentation was entertaining, boring or neither?”

Respondents Entertaining Boring Neither

A 1
B 1
C 1
D 1
E 1
Total 3 1 1
10. What is the mean of the response who said that the presentation was boring?

A. 0.2 B. 0.3 C. 0.5 D. 0.6
11. What percentage of the respondents said that the dance presentation is
A. 50% B. 60% C. 70% D. 90%
12. What the table implies?
A. 1/3 of the respondents agreed that the presentation was entertaining.
B. 3 out of 3 respondents agreed that the presentation was entertaining.
C. Less than 10% of the respondents agreed that the presentation was
D. 20% of the respondents agreed that the presentation neither entertaining
nor boring
13. It is a measurement scale where data is grouped into categories with orderly
equal distances between the categories.
A. Interval B. Nominal C. Ordinal D. Ratio
14. Given the following scores: 12, 15, 18, 15, 16, 13, 17, 18, 14. What is the
A. 12 B. 14 C. 15 D. 16
15. The following are the meaning of quantitative data, EXCEPT?
A. Data that can be statistically analyzed
B. Data is used to answer questions such as “How many?”, “How often?”,
“How much?”
C. Data is not described through numerical values or patterns, but through
the use of descriptive context
D. The value of data in the form of counts or numbers where each data-set
has an unique numerical value associated with it.

Additional Activities
Once you are done with the assessment part, you can now proceed to your
own data analysis based on the approved topic from your research teacher. Decide,
with the help of your teacher, what data analysis method to used and manipulate
so that you can easily interpret the result of your study.

Answer Key

Data Analysis is the process of collecting, modeling, and analyzing data to extract
insights that support decision-making.
Data Interpretation refers to the implementation of processes through which data
is reviewed for the purpose of arriving an informed conclusion.
Quantitative Data is any information that can be reduced to a set of numbers
Weighted Mean is a type of mean that is calculated by multiplying the weight (or
probability) associated with a particular event or outcome with its associative
quantitative outcome and then summing all the products together.
Barrot, J. (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. C & E Publishing,
Cristobal, A. and Dela Cruz, M. (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School.
Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.

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