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Fake News Train

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Donald Trump just couldn t wish all Americans a Happy New Year and leave it at that. Instead, he had to give a shout out to hi
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is going to have a bad day. He s been under the assumption, like many o
On Friday, it was revealed that former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, who was being considered for Homeland Security Secre
On Christmas day, Donald Trump announced that he would be back to work the following day, but he is golfing for the fourth
Pope Francis used his annual Christmas Day message to rebuke Donald Trump without even mentioning his name. The Pope d
The number of cases of cops brutalizing and killing people of color seems to see no end. Now, we have another case that need
Donald Trump spent a good portion of his day at his golf club, marking the 84th day he s done so since taking the oath of office
In the wake of yet another court decision that derailed Donald Trump s plan to bar Muslims from entering the United States, t
Many people have raised the alarm regarding the fact that Donald Trump is dangerously close to becoming an autocrat. The th
Just when you might have thought we d get a break from watching people kiss Donald Trump s ass and stroke his ego ad naus
A centerpiece of Donald Trump s campaign, and now his presidency, has been his white supremacist ways. That is why so man
Republicans are working overtime trying to sell their scam of a tax bill to the public as something that directly targets middle-c
Republicans have had seven years to come up with a viable replacement for Obamacare but they failed miserably. After taking
The media has been talking all day about Trump and the Republican Party s scam of a tax bill; as well as the sheer obsequiousn
Abigail Disney is an heiress with brass ovaries who will profit from the GOP tax scam bill but isn t into f-cking poor people over
Donald Trump just signed the GOP tax scam into law. Of course, that meant that he invited all of his craven, cruel GOP sycoph
A new animatronic figure in the Hall of Presidents at Walt Disney World was added, where every former leader of the republic
Trump supporters and the so-called president s favorite network are lashing out at special counsel Robert Mueller and the FBI
Right now, the whole world is looking at the shocking fact that Democrat Doug Jones beat Republican Roy Moore in the specia
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) thought it would be a good idea to attack Special Counsel Robert Mueller over the R
It almost seems like Donald Trump is trolling America at this point. In the beginning, when he tried to gaslight the country by i
In this #METOO moment, many powerful men are being toppled. It spans many industries, from entertainment, to journalism,
As a Democrat won a Senate seat in deep-red Alabama, social media offered up everyone s opinion because that s what social
Alabama is a notoriously deep red state. It s a place where Democrats always think that we have zero chances of winning esp
A backlash ensued after Donald Trump launched a sexist rant against Kirsten Gillibrand Thursday morning, saying that the Dem
Donald Trump is afraid of strong, powerful women. He is a horrific misogynist, and has shown himself to be so over and over a
Ronald Reagan is largely seen as the Messiah of the Republican Party. Despite how long it has been since the man was preside
Judge Jeanine Pirro has continued her screamy ragey meltdown over special counsel Robert Mueller s investigation into any p
Donald Trump held a rally for Alabama Senate candidate and alleged pedophile Roy Moore in Pensacola, Florida on Friday nigh
When Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) announced his plans to resign Thursday, he specifically called out Donald Trump over the Acces
In America, we have been having a conversation about police brutality against black Americans. Despite the countless black pe
New questions are being asked about President Donald Trump s ability to lead after he slurred his words during a speech abou
On Wednesday, Donald Trump took a step no previous president had ever dared to consider. He has declared that the United
President Donald Trump announced yesterday that he plans to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. While this
While on the campaign trail, Donald Trump promised to revive the coal industry and after he took power, he signed an executi
Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake has never been a fan of Donald Trump or his incendiary, divisive brand of politics. Now,
By now, the whole world knows that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R-Of Course) was banned from an Alabama mall a
We ve all heard the stories of Donald Trump preferring a well-done steak with ketchup and shunning any new delicacies, desp
All Senator John McCain wanted to achieve on the morning of Monday, December 4 was to hit that magic milestone of three m
Donald J. Trump spent a portion of his Sunday, presumably after church, lashing out at the world, including the FBI and its form
Donald Trump went on quite a tweetstorm this morning, lashing out former Director of the FBI James Comey and the agency.
By now, everyone knows that disgraced National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has flipped on Donald Trump. Of course, the g
Donald Trump s current deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland, a former Fox News personality, K. T. McFarland admi
Donald Trump really should have taken his staffers advise and not tweeted about former national security adviser Michael Fly
Donald Trump s disgraced National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has just plead guilty to lying to the FBI a felony. He has als
While Donald Trump has been taking vacations, special counsel Robert Mueller has been working hard on the Russia investiga
Michael Flynn, Trump s embattled former national security adviser, has reportedly caved in and will testify to Robert Mueller a
Donald Trump has a white supremacy problem, and now it is causing Great Britain, America s closest ally, to rebuke him in an
In Michigan, the upcoming election in 2018 presents voters with an interesting option: They could, for the first time, have an a
People have long speculated about Donald Trump s mental state. While it was once seen as unseemly to suggest that a public
Jared Kushner, senior White House adviser and son-in-law of President Donald Trump, was interviewed by special counsel Rob
Donald Trump retweeted fake news videos in the early hours of the morning and for that, he was widely condemned. The Wh
After an awful campaign filled with hateful rhetoric, American voters elected a man to lead the most powerful country on eart
Just in case you needed any more proof that Donald Trump s racist tweets were a thinly-coded message to his alt-right, anti-M
While most of us were sleeping, Donald Trump spent his night retweeting a white supremacist who was convicted in the UK fo
We re not sure why Fox News host Sean Hannity posed for this picture (see below) since he s obviously not happy with it but n
Donald Trump s Twitter feed is always a goldmine of crazy. Unfortunately, since the orange overlord is now squatting in the Ov
Donald Trump thinks if he rage-tweets about NFL players who choose to kneel instead of stand during the national anthem as
Great Britain s Buckingham Palace announced yesterday that Prince Harry, the youngest son of Diana, Princess of Wales, had g
Former reality show star Donald Trump just can t stop using a slur to describe Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) but this time he
In their pathetic attempt to pass the deeply unpopular and unfair tax bill that Republicans in Congress have been working on,
A Breitbart News editor tried to use a song Ringo Starr covered in order to make claims appear to be false that controversial A
By now you would most likely be familiar with the story of President Trump taking a pass at being named Time Magazine s Per
Donald Trump just got back from binge-golfing over a span of five days and he s on track to triple the time former President Ba
Sunday morning, after what must have seemed like another interminable weekend of scrutiny, terror, and being made to look
Over the last few weeks, I ve watched as the last shreds of the Republican Party s family values rotted away.As Alabama vote
Former reality show star Donald Trump has repeatedly refused to be held responsible for the words that come out of his own
One of Donald Trump s favorite punching bags is CNN. He even once tweeted a GIF image of himself punching a person with a
Fox News host Sean Hannity is having a Twitter meltdown after Time called out Donald Trump for claiming that the magazine
Donald Trump isn t polling well in the readers choice poll, getting his ass kicked in Time s Person Of The Year by Taylor Swift, t
Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton defended Malia Obama after conservative websites published breaking news showing the f
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) was treated at Walter Reed Medical Center over the weekend for a minor tear in his right Achilles
The Republican Party has a Roy Moore problem. Even before it came out that the judge turned Alabama Senate candidate is a
It seems that Republican candidate for Attorney General Jeff Sessions vacated Senate seat Roy Moore s proclivity for teenage
More than a year ago, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy was caught *oops* on a hot mic saying that there were two peo
Gene Simmons, the 68-year-old Kiss bassist and co-lead singer, contestant on The Celebrity Apprentice for a grand total of thr
Donald Trump just got his ass handed to him by Nicolle Wallace for endorsing an accused child molester.Alabama GOP Senate
A pastor who appeared alongside Senate candidate Roy Moore at a campaign rally just days ago just gave a defense of the Ala
Add Trump s national security adviser, General H.R. McMaster, to the growing list of high-profile people who think he s a total
Yesterday, after the father of one of the UCLA players arrested in China failed to show Trump proper gratitude for getting his k
Republicans in Texas, including Gov. Greg Abbott, ripped into the new $44 billion White House disaster relief aid request as in
Conservatives should shun Tony Perkins for this.Earlier this week, Ohio GOP state Rep. Wes Goodman was busted for carrying
Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is liberated now that he has announced his retirement. In his resignation speech on the Senate floor,
During the election, when Donald Trump wasn t bellowing Lock her up about Hillary Clinton, he was manufacturing a narrativ
Donald Trump bit off a bit more than he could chew when he attempted to shoot some venom at New Zealand s newly-electe
Maybe thoughts and prayers aren t the remedy following a shooting, after all. At the First United Methodist Church in East Te
Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore (R- Of Course) has a mounting list of women who say that he sexually harassed or assau
Roy Moore is desperate to paint all these child molestation allegations against him as nothing more than a smear campaign o
President Donald Trump has overturned another Obama-era legislation, this time the 2014 ban on trophy hunting permits, pa
On Thursday, the Pentagon s official Twitter account retweeted a post from @ProudResister calling for Donald Trump to resign
Republicans are hypocrites.And Ohio state GOP Rep. Wes Goodman proved it this week after he got caught having an affair w
While on the campaign trail, candidate Donald Trump, a former reality show star, repeatedly mocked Sen. Marco Rubio for tha
Trump s economic adviser, Gary Cohn, has bought into the GOP s tax plan lock, stock and barrel to the point where he likely ha
Good news everyone! All crime in Texas has been solved. How do we know this? Because Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy E. Neh
Clearly, Trump supporters want Fox News to lie to them.Because when Fox News host Shep Smith fact-checked Donald Trump
If the scandal around the stories of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore s accusations of dating of teenage girls is accomplis
On Tuesday, Donald Trump told a story about Air Force One and former President Barack Obama. The only problem is that it n
After Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was finally publicly outed after decades of alleged sexual abuses toward women,
This is a major conflict of interest that should automatically disqualify him.When the Senate Judiciary Committee voted along
Donald Trump probably wishes the United States was more like the Philippines.Trump was downright chummy with mass mur
Former Vice President Joe Biden was asked on Monday by Matt Lauer on NBC s Today to name something specific that Donal
Convincing President Trump to release his tax returns is proving slightly more difficult than we initially anticipated, but that do
The Republican Party is having a terrible week when it comes to the perverts in their ranks being outed. First, there s the fact t
In the late 1970 s, Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore (R- Of Course) would have been in his early 30 s. However, he liked l
The religious right movement is not the same movement anymore.And Frank Schaeffer would know. After all, he helped his fa
It didn t take long for conservative Christians to jump to the defense of Roy Moore.Not long after the Washington Post publis
President Bone Spurs finally made it to Vietnam over 40 years too late this week, and he used the occasion to stab our intellige
GOP candidate Roy Moore is accused of sexually molesting a 14-year-old girl when he was 32-years-old and several of the stat
Republicans for some reason think it s perfectly cool to defend GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore after news broke that he alle
Newsweek has never been a publication to shy away from controversy, but the upcoming issue that hits newsstands on Novem
The Washington Post just came out with an explosive report about the extremist candidate that Alabama is running for the Un
The Republican favorite in Alabama s Senate race next month is being accused of inappropriate sexual conduct with a 14-year
For the last several months, liberals have been watching the news with frustration over Congress apparent Keystone Cop inco
It s been more than 18 years, but anyone who was alive at the time will remember when they first heard the news that Eric Da
Fox News host Sean Hannity spent a whopping 6 seconds covering Tuesday night s election results in which Democrats gaine
Republicans should be downright afraid to try killing Obamacare ever again.As we all know, Donald Trump has been urging Re
Even Donald Trump s staunchest allies in the Republican Party are turning on him.Rick Santorum has spent a lot of time kissing
Well, that didn t take long.After weeks of supporting Republican candidate Ed Gillespie on Twitter, Donald Trump quickly dista
Tuesday was a big election night for an off-year election. This was especially true for Democrats. It was a true test of the powe
Trump s Department of Justice has finally figured out they re stupid in one instance, at least. Back in January, a member of Cod
Oops.When you mistake a mistake one time, it s understandable. But Donald Trump s idiot son and namesake made the same
You know all those fears conservatives dismiss that Trump is going to get us into another world war? Well, those concerns are
Well, here s a Twitter post that backfired on Donald Trump.Over the weekend, billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns
Long before Cara Mund, Miss North Dakota, won the 2018 Miss America pageant, she faced a crowd of 50 other young wom
Lawyers for the Trump administration have served Facebook with three separate search warrants, demanding the private acco
Remember the fabled pee pee tapes? Well, it seems that we have a little bit more info on them including that Donald Trump
Fox News has decided to cancel certain ads on their network, completing their transition from a conservative network into a s
Who knew that presidenting would be so hard, right? Conservatives voted a former reality show star into power with zero exp
We are 308 days into 2017, and so far there have been 378 mass shootings most done by angry white men with too many gu
This is how police should deal with Nazis and white supremacists.The tiki torches were doused early at the University of Texas
For the first time in my adult life, I m happy with the fact that Christmas started in October. Last Monday, Special Investigator
This maniac wants The Handmaid s Tale to become reality.Abortion is protected by the constitution in this country. But a Wis
History has shown that one of the most cost-effective ways to project your dissatisfaction when attending a large organized pr
It s been a tragic, but infuriating day for America. In the wake of the mass shooting at a church in Texas, we ve all heard the ob
At least 27 people, including children, were murdered at a mostly-white church in Texas this morning, and we re already heari
Every other day there seems to be a new mass shooting. It s barely over a month since the massacre in Las Vegas and we now
Who knew that Donald Trump would humiliate himself and us as soon as humanly possible with his trip to Asia? There was rea
Donald Trump s scandal-ridden, chaotic White House has recently been thrown into further disarray as people who worked on
Donald Trump may think it s perfectly fine for him to say and tweet about anything and everything, including his outrage over
Republican lawmakers come up with the most ridiculous things to push their agendas. Take women s reproductive rights. The
Donald Trump stopped in Hawaii, which is totally not Kenya, en route to his five-country, 12-day trip in Asia but there wasn t m
This is yet another egregious abuse of power.If the Supreme Court caves in to Donald Trump s latest demands, it will truly be t
This did NOT go well.In a nearly empty room of people on Friday at the World Assembly for Women in Japan, Ivanka Trump ha
Can things get any worse for Papa John s Pizza?After the nationwide fast food chain s CEO, Papa John Schnatter remarked tha
When we talk about getting rid of Trump, we also often talk about what a Mike Pence presidency would look like, and it s not
The GOP Congress, with the approval of Donald Trump, is putting forth yet another tax bill that would take food off the tables
If you were bored on Thursday night at around 7pm ET and felt the need to peruse President Trump s Twitter feed, you might
Donald Trump very obviously has a specific type of woman he likes, and whom he prefers to represent him. He is a horrid miso
Who knew that Rick Perry would come up with an idea for stopping sexual assault? He no doubt thinks he s absolutely brillian
The Attorney General of the United States lied under oath, but that seems to be the status quo in the Trump administration. D
When Donald Trump allowed popular Nazi blog The Gateway Pundit to have a correspondent show up at the White House, ma
Rather than take personal responsibility for the losses, CEO John Schnatter is making excuses.NFL players, both black and whit
If Donald Trump keeps tweeting about the NYC terrorist like this he will prevent justice from being served.Earlier this week, a t
On Monday, news broke that Trump s onetime campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had been indicted in connection with Robe
While the Trump administration is still reeling over the fact that Special Investigator Robert Mueller has now arrested three pe
The White House is falling apart following indictments against two former Trump associates and a third who pleaded guilty to
If Hillary Clinton got into a fistfight with Jesus, who would you want to win? Before you laugh, consider that some among us ar
Donald Trump just got owned.On Tuesday, New York City was attacked by a terrorist who killed eight people with a truck.Polic
A Capitol Hill press conference that was supposed to be about judicial nominations went quickly south when Senator Chuck Gr
The Civil War was about slavery. In fact, slavery was the one issue that threatened to rip the union apart before the Constituti
Donald Trump s attorney Jay Sekulow made a fool of himself on Tuesday morning.During an interview with ABC host George S
Sean Hannity threw a massive temper tantrum on Monday night in defense of Donald Trump.The Fox News host went off on a
Monday, October 30, 2017 is one of those dates that will go down in history, the type where future generations will ask you w
No one on earth has been a bigger cheerleader for Donald Trump than Fox News Sean Hannity. In the wake of Monday s indic
With the whirlwind of information coming at us about Paul Manafort s indictment, Trump s allcaps claim that their was NO C
The world is exploding right now due to the news that Donald Trump s second campaign manager, Paul Manafort has been ind
This morning, Trump s former campaign manager was indicted for conspiracy against the United States, a.k.a. treason (among
Despite what many racists say and regardless of the hand-picked statistics of the federal government in an effort to demonize
It s gotta be hard these days to be John McCain. Standing up to Donald Trump is pretty unpopular among Republicans these d
There s a lot of talk that, if Mueller indicts friends and associates of Trump over the Russia scandal, Trump will just pardon the
Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is about to indict someone from Team Trump, The Donald and his cronies are panick
This morning, Donald Trump tweeted that health insurance premiums were skyrocketing, and that Democrats own it because
Hillary Clinton is not shutting up and going away as some would like her to. Now that she is a private citizen who has zero inte
Tomi Lahren, the conservative media pundit, and newly-minted Fox News personality is the reason for blonde jokes. Lahren pr
With news circulating that Robert Mueller will be handing down his first indictment in the Russia investigation soon, Donald Tr
Former First Lady Hillary Clinton doesn t tweet nearly as often as current national embarrassment Donald Trump, but hers are
Trump advisor Roger Stone says a bunch of wacky stuff on Twitter, but he managed to go too far even for a platform that seem
It s been a well-known fact for quite some time that Donald Trump doesn t handle criticism particularly well, but what has bec
Special Counsel Robert Mueller appears to have turned something up in his investigation into the Trump-Russia scandal. The fi
When the Trump administration hired a tiny two-man energy operation to restore Puerto Rico s power grid, many suspected t
While on the campaign trail, Lock her up! chants repeatedly rang out from the crowd of Trump supporters even though Hillar
With Donald Trump late on implementing the new sanctions against Russia, he knew he had to spring into actions. Did he do h
Yet another horrible human being decided to ram his car through a crowd of protesters in California on Thursday.Daniel Wenz
With all the recent talk of sentencing reform and unfair bail across America, sometimes what it takes is an outrageous case in
You know how a lot of couples celebrate anniversaries and other special events by visiting the place where one proposed to th
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) is a civil rights icon. He took beatings in the infamous Bloody Sunday massacre in Selma, Alabama at th
Milo Yiannopoulos will do anything to keep his name in the spotlight after his shameful resignation from his position as senior
Donald Trump s patriotic deportation force just saved America from another dangerous criminal rapist and/or drug dealer
You might never suspect that up here in beautiful Washington State, we have one of the largest numbers of white supremacis
Donald Trump s Twitter habit is dangerous. When one has the bully pulpit of the White House to speak from, words definitely
If you haven t noticed, no one associated with the Trump administration (including The Donald s mail-order bride) has any res
Every time Donald Trump lashes out at Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, he gets his ass handed to him.For instance, when Trum
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. That s a pretty easy quote from Gandh
Sen. John McCain, whose status as a war hero Donald Trump publicly and controversially disparaged, took a swipe at the form
Monday morning, things got much worse for Donald Trump and his version of what happened during the phone call he made
Pearson, an educational publishing company, issued an apology on Thursday in regards to culturally insensitive material publis
Rex Tillerson was right. Donald Trump is a f*cking moron.After years of slamming polls as fake, Trump had the nerve to tout a
Donald Trump and his disgraceful team deserve to be throttled for their horrendous responses and disrespect to Gold Star fam
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees that we have the right to speak our minds about the gover
Saturday morning, Trump was going through his usual routine of drinking six quarts of Red Bull while wistfully flipping through
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is a Four Star Marine General who gave his son to this nation. That is why it was such a r
Donald Trump is having a hard time recovering from his fallen soldier debacle, not only because he continues to make it worse
One Nazi made the mistake of leaving his safe space at a rally featuring infamous Nazi Richard Spencer and learned, like Spen
Donald Trump stuck his foot in his mouth again and pissed off our closest ally.A recent report indicates that the crime rate is r
By now it s common knowledge that Donald Trump believes that anything that contradicts him is fake, but when it comes to
Oooh, big scary Richard Spencer! The milky-white wannabe hipster douchebag must have had a giant erection since Florida Go
West Virginia is solid Trump country. The argument has been made that the opioid crisis, along with the forgotten population
In a brand-new expos on Mother Jones, investigative journalist Ari Berman delves into an aspect of the 2016 election that has
Former President George W. Bush gave a speech on Thursday in which he said that bigotry seems emboldened in the U.S. an
The Internet is going crazy after photos, videos and .gifs have been circulated of Melania Trump with her husband at a press co
Donald Trump is having another bad day.Earlier this week, Trump finally contacted the family of one of the four American sold
The Democrats and the NFL both told Donald Trump to go f*ck himself.For weeks, Trump has been demanding that the NFL fo
After two days of controversy over Donald Trump s lack of response, attention, or even seeming to notice the four soldiers wh
Every once in a while, the perfect pun comes along. You know them when you see them. They re so good, you have to come b
This article is uncensored and contains very offensive language.The tiny town of Riverhead, New York, just across the Peconic
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) went full-Maverick during an emotional speech Monday night after receiving the National Constituti
You know how Trump supporters are screaming because brown people are protesting police violence and discrimination by pe
Everyone knows what a dirtbag Donald Trump is when it comes to women. His wives, his ex-wives, his mistresses, and even pe
Acclaimed actor Robert De Niro doesn t hold back when it comes to former reality show star Donald Trump and last night was
Christian cake baker Jack Phillips gained national infamy when he violated Colorado s non-discrimination law by refusing to ba
Donald Trump has recently come under fire for his most autocratic charge yet, which is that the free press should be regulated
As Tiffany Trump blew out the candles on her birthday cake, she had plenty of time to reflect in that moment on the fact that
Donald Trump is an extreme narcissist who always demands unwavering loyalty from his cable news surrogates. No matter ho
Donald Trump is a danger to the nation and the world. Even outgoing GOP Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) has repeatedly question
Donald Trump s administration is probably the most stressed out team the White House has ever seen. While dealing with mu
After weeks of blubbering on Twitter and into every microphone he could find about how un-American NFL players who kneel
Hahahahahahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Donald Trump took his angry little fingers to his Twitter account Thursday morning, threatening to abandon recovery efforts in
After a campaign in which he shamelessly pandered to the LGBT community, Donald Trump has betrayed them so completely
It s pretty clear that Donald Trump has no idea how the country works, or what is actually in the US Constitution.Earlier today,
Donald Trump is a clear and present threat to the United States of America. That fact is indisputable at this point; after all, a S
It s time to drag Donald Trump out of office. Because if we don t act soon, the Constitution will be put through a shredder.NBC
White house Nazi Stephen Miller is a scumbag. At this point, there s no question about it. He s a Nazi and therefore is a scumb
If you re sitting at your computer, take a deep breath. If you re reading this on your phone, have a seat. Everything you think y
Trump, who keeps promising to either scrap our trade deals, or at least aggressively renegotiate them, is mulling over all the p
Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) is being defended by one of his Republican colleagues following Donald Trump s attacks on the Tennes
Donald Trump threw a massive hissy fit over just about everything on Tuesday morning.Some things just do not need to be co
When Deandre Harris was beaten by a mix of white supremacist Trump supporters, Nazi Trump supporters, racist Trump supp
Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker announced last month that he wouldn t be seeking reelection when his term expire
People like to pretend that Mike Pence is the grown-up in the room compared to Donald Trump s brash childishness from the
Add this name to the list of people you ve never heard of, but are about to: Courtland Sykes.The Missouri Republican is a Navy
Chris Wallace tore this prick apart.It s only been a week since a gunman shot and killed 58 people and wounded nearly 500 in
Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) has had enough of the chaos in Donald Trump s White House. He is so fed up, in fact, that he is cho
Dennis Lloyd Mothersbaugh, 37, has a long and violent criminal record and was charged at least twice before with threatening
With the rise of Donald Trump has also come the rise of literal Nazism in America. When the streets of an American street loo
Donald Trump doesn t exactly hide the fact that he s a sociopath. Just looking at the most recent events this country has faced
We all remember the horrific violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia in August. White supremacists, Ku Klux Klan me
If Republicans have their way, rape victims will continue to be terrorized by their rapists.The victim was only 12 years old whe
Donald Trump put on his tin-foil hat and raged at Late Night television hosts on Saturday morning.Late Night television shows
Donald Trump blindsided GOP leadership a couple of weeks ago when he struck a deal with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Sch
You know how we all joke about Donald Trump s tiny hands because it s a safe way to avoid having to talk about his penis and
Proving that Donald Trump and his administration is the most clueless, out of touch team to lead America, Vice President Mik
There were a lot of arguments online after the Fearless Girl statue was erected in front of the Wall Street Bull. Many people t
Donald Trump kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month on Friday during an event at the White House. He did this after his thorough
By now, most of us even conservatives know that Donald Trump has no business being in the White House or running the co
After taking office, Donald Trump has repeatedly taken credit for President Obama s economy and regularly touts jobs numbe
On Sunday, August 13th, Salt Lake City Police seemed to have a routine bicycle stop under control. Patrick Harmon, a 50-year-
U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, a staunch pro-life Republican representing Pennsylvania s 18th District, has resigned after being caugh
In the Trump administration s ongoing war on the LGBTQ+ community, the president has no greater champion than one Jeffer
Remember when half of America had their credit information compromised during the Equifax data breach? Over 143 million
A quick look at the statistics shows that six of the 10 deadliest mass shootings on record in the US have occurred in the last de
The 2016 election cycle was rife with hilarious and often spot on impersonations of the most talked about candidates. One s
Donald Trump flew into an uncontrollable rage on Wednesday morning.Upon returning back to the mainland from hurricane-r
A text message which was sent in January to U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, a staunch pro-life Republican representing Pennsylvania
Has anyone else noticed that the government sometimes seems to like awarding contracts to companies that have proven the
Before departing for Puerto Rico, Donald Trump hurled an insult at the island, then after landing in the U.S. territory, he contin
In the wake of any tragedy in this country, there are invariably those who make statements that become indelible. Things get
Just when you thought he couldn t possibly get worse, Donald Trump lowers the bar. While in Puerto Rico, Donald Trump just
Donald Trump insulted the people of Puerto Rico just as he was getting ready to travel there to inspect the devastation caused
Like increasing numbers of heartless people on the right, Bill O Reilly has weighed in on the Las Vegas massacre with one of th
Caleb Keeter, a lifelong proponent of the Second Amendment, and guitarist for Texas country outfit the Josh Abbott Band has
Over 50 people are dead, and more than 500 are wounded, after a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers from the 3
Clearly, Donald Trump intends to do absolutely nothing to prevent future mass shootings.The Las Vegas mass shooting is the d
The way in which Donald Trump has handled the aftermath of Hurricane Maria s impact on Puerto Rico, an unincorporated ter
It s time to shut them down. Permanently.On Sunday evening, 64-year-old Stephen Craig Paddock poured gunfire on a concer
Sunday night at the Route 91 Harvest Festival 2017, two unknown shooters began gunning down police officers and at least on
Some are saying that Trump has not botched the relief effort in Puerto Rico (Newsflash: He s botched it horribly), but even if t
Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been essentially blacklisted in the NFL for daring to kneel during
Tea Party darling and deadbeat dad extraordinaire Joe Walsh managed to be douchier than is typical on Sunday when he attac
Everyone is fed up with Donald Trump s blatant racism with his disgusting attacks on black athletes who are using their platfor
For the last two weeks, Donald Trump has been stoking the fires of racial division in America by viciously attacking NFL stars w
Last night, congressional Republicans went after healthcare for low-income kids and loans for low-income students. Through i
Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, the host of a daily show on Breitbart, and a strong Trump supporter, just bashed the for
Again, these are AMERICAN citizens he is talking about.If Donald Trump had treated Texas and Florida the way he is treating P
After an epic Twitter tantrum in which he yelled at Puerto Rico for being knocked down by two hurricanes and cried giant croc
During a time of national crisis, most presidents focus on helping people in need. But not Donald Trump. Instead, he is sending
Trump supporters have been losing their minds over Trump s assault on the NFL, with many abandoning their teams and publ
It s no secret that Donald Trump s response to the crisis in Puerto Rico has been nothing but disappointing. While US citizens w
Hurricane Maria is the worst natural disaster to befall the island of Puerto Rico in nearly a hundred years. Homes are destroye
The people of Puerto Rico, who are American citizens, are dying. Yet Donald Trump is whining from his golf course like he s the
Poor Andrew Anglin, the Nazi behind the website the Daily Stormer. He just can t catch a break. U.S. web hosts, along with Go
Trump has spent an awful lot of time whining about Puerto Rico being an island with a devastated infrastructure, claiming tha
Donald Trump ran and won on a platform of drain the swamp. He supposedly meant that Washington was corrupt, and that n
The most punchable Alt-Right Nazi on the internet just got a thorough beatdown from Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) on Twitter duri
Trump, sometimes, is honest about who and what he is a miserable excuse for a human being. Many of these instances of ho
Education standards, it seems, is now a term fraught with intent. By and large, standards are set by the states that uphold th
Gary Cohn, a Goldman Sachs recruit, now serving as Trump s White House economic adviser and has assets worth $252 million
As if Trump calling for a private organization to fire people who refuse to stand for the national anthem wasn t bad enough, it
Anyone who is faced with the unfortunate task of defending Donald Trump s many lies and erratic behavior eventually crumbl
Donald Trump thought he could get away with using military veterans as props to push his political agenda. He was wrong.Ma
You know all those times conservatives have said something ridiculous proves President Obama is gay or Michelle Obama is a
John McCain is far more qualified to comment on the NFL anthem protests than Donald Trump.After all, McCain spent over fiv
Donald Trump went all in for his man Luther Strange. I mean, he tweeted in between other pressing matters, of course at le
President Donald Trump has had some strong words for his fiercest political rival, Hilary Clinton, over the years, including havi
Alabama s Republican runoff election for Jeff Sessions vacant Senate seat has come to its end, and the candidate that will go u
Wow, it s like a president can t even get a boycott going anymore. Donald Trump tried to launch a boycott on the NFL over bl
CNN is now reporting that, after months of confusion over the scope of the investigation into Russian election interference, th
Donald Trump has been a thorn in Senator Bob Corker s side for quite some time, but especially since the mess that was The D
A backlash has ensued after Donald Trump launched a war against black athletes who choose to sit rather than stand during th
Graham-Cassidy, the latest and worst in a line of Republican healthcare bills collectively dubbed Trumpcare, looks dead. Sena
Meet James Stachowiak. If he looks familiar, you may remember him as the guy who made headlines for telling his fellow pat
Conservatives cheered when Pittsburgh Steeler Alejandro Villanueva, who s also a combat veteran, came out and stood for the
Donald Trump is getting absolutely hammered for his recent attacks on NFL players who refuse to stand during the National A
On Saturday, Donald Trump tweeted a dire warning about Iran test-firing a missile, and proclaiming that the country was wor
Republicans are desperately trying to repeal Obamacare in order to substitute it with a sh*t sandwich. The Graham-Cassidy bi
Conservatives, who are notoriously anti-labor, are going to be outraged by the move Target just made.Target will be raising th
Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful Atlantic storms ever recorded, was responsible for the deaths of at least 102 people
Maybe you re a little confused, like me, about when exactly the American flag took the place of the First Amendment to the C
You may not be familiar with the name Unilever, but there is a good chance you have some of their products in your home ri
As the investigations into how Russia meddled in our election escalate, Facebook has turned records relating to ad buys from R
Donald Trump is facing seriously fierce blowback for his attacks on black athletes who choose to protest racism and police bru
A backlash of epic proportions ensued after Donald Trump launched a war against African-American athletes who protest by k
On Saturday, the man we re forced to call President Trump responded to Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry s refusal
Donald Trump is clearly violating the free speech rights of NFL players, and his weaselly Treasury Secretary supports it.As we a
Donald Trump is now obsessed with attacking the NFL.On Friday night, Trump demanded that NFL team owners fire any playe
On Saturday night, Donald Trump once again casually threatened nuclear war against the country of North Korea. The last tim
James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence under President Barack Obama, appeared on CNN s Erin Burnett Out Fron
On Friday, Donald Trump attacked NFL players such as Colin Kaepernick at a rally for Alabama Senate candidate Luther Strange
Republicans have been furious with Donald Trump lately. He blindsided them by ditching House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), an
The Trump administration has announced even more impediments to signing up for health insurance through Healthcare.Gov
John McCain survived brutal torture and six years as a prisoner of war during Vietnam. If Donald Trump thinks he can intimida
Trump s desperation to convince people that the Great Liberal Media Conspiracy Against Him is real is getting way out of cont
There s a lot of buzz about the GOP s latest effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare. As the GOP plans to vote on the Graham-
The most infamous characters from Donald Trump s administration are resurfacing and coming back to haunt him. Just a few d
Without even mentioning Donald Trump s name former First Lady Michelle Obama opened a can of whoop ass on his adminis
Senator John McCain is battling an aggressive form of brain cancer that will likely kill him, and he knows this. This grave reality
On Thursday, the National Association of Medicaid Directors sent Congress a devastating letter about their planned overhaul o
What is it with the Trump administration and spending tax dollars on things that are literal luxuries? Tom Price, Secretary of H
Unless you ve been living under a rock since January, you know that Republicans across the country have been slowly but slow
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just dropped yet another unpleasant bombshell on Donald Trump, and it s really going to s
Jack Links, which is a very popular maker of beef jerky, just released a brand-new ad that is absolutely disgusting. It s supposed
The GOP has a thing for porn. In 2016, Sen. Todd Weiler introduced legislation asking his state to recognize that porn is creatin
This is why the right-wing should never have power again.Donald Trump s decision to work with Democrats on legislation that
President Barack Obama appeared today at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation s Goalkeepers event, an event aimed at effe
So many people want to call the Special Counsel investigation into the Trump campaign s potential collusion with the Russian
Donald Trump s nominee for a federal judgeship in Texas sounds like Michele Bachmann in his defense of conversion therapy,
Donald Trump has spent a lot of time cozying up to dictators during his time as what we are forced to call President, but he ju
Let s just put it this way, if world leaders really agree with Donald Trump they have a lot of explaining to do in their home coun
By now you would be more than aware of President Trump s first address to the United Nations General Assembly, a speech t
By now, everyone knows that Dylann Roof, the South Carolina white supremacist who shot up am historic Black Church in Cha
Donald Trump has been fundraising like crazy for his re-election campaign, having filed his papers the day he was inaugurated
The military s budget is being massively expanded this year, and nobody is really sure why. The answer seems to be because w
Trump administration officials who were under pressure from the White House scrapped a study which found that refugees ha
Republicans always like to push back on the idea that they are bigots. However, that s hard to believe, considering some of the
The name sounds familiar, right? Here s why: He used to be Judge Roy Moore, that one guy from The Dukes of Hazzard. Rosco
You know how Donald Trump stubbornly refuses to release his tax returns? Well, the California state assembly told him to f*c
If Donald Trump really wants an apology from ESPN, he ll need to issue a significant public apology to President Obama first.At
Remember that time Michael Flynn led lock her up chants at a rally for Donald Trump, and also said that he would be in jail
It took all of a few seconds for Donald Trump to start bragging about himself during his remarks at the United Nations.Trump W
When Americans think about state-run television, we don t expect it to happen here. When we turn on the local news at night
The Republican Party still hasn t learned that their wildly unpopular repeal of Obamacare just isn t going to happen. Even after
For nigh on two years now, people have been making the argument that not all Trump voters are racist, misogynistic bigots. T
This is beyond unpresidential.During a narcissistic tweetstorm on Sunday morning. Donald Trump retweeted a video featuring
I m shooting for irony here, so bear with me: Thank GOD some people proclaim their bigotry out loud, so you don t have to fin
About a month ago, Donald Trump shocked the country by responding to a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in a
Saturday, September 16th, 2017 will surely go down as the strangest day for rallies in our nation s capital since at least Januar
The Republican Party has long claimed that states rights mean that states can do as they like according to their own values, r
A firefighter in Ohio recently came under fire for expressing his economic uncertainty (a synonym the media concocted for r
Remember the Hot Cops from the Gainesville, Florida Police Department that nearly broke the internet? The post by the GPD
One thing that most conservatives have in common with Donald Trump and perhaps contributes to the reason they relate to
An Ohio fireman from Franklin Township has just been suspended over his Facebook post which contains racist remarks. Tyler
Trump, like George W. Bush before him, thinks a tax holiday on repatriated money will spur major corporations who are curr
If you don t know who Tomi Lahren is by this point, you re clearly a very fortunate person. Lahren has made her fame off trash
On Tuesday night St. Catherine University security guard Brent Ahlers was viciously attacked by an evil black man with a short
After a terrorist attack in London, Donald Trump used the occasion to brag about himself and smear President Obama.The Un
Trump made a bad decision, or so his ardent followers seem to think. His attempts to work something out with Congressional
It has just come to light that Stanislav Petrov, a former Soviet Lieutenant Colonel, passed away on May 19 this year in his apar
No one likes to be touched by Donald Trump not even his own fellow Republicans.On Thursday, the full extent of Trump s rep
In a pair of tweets on Thursday afternoon, Donald Trump proved once again how out of touch he is with the American public.
The size of Donald Trump s hands seems to be an issue, even with the so-called president. Marco Rubio mocked the size of Tru
This is what happens when racists don t get their way.With a single deal, Donald Trump enraged his racist base, including Iowa
Robert Ritchie, AKA Kid Rock, has shown quite a bit of interest in running for the Senate in Michigan over the last few months,
Just a few days ago, SportsCenter anchor Jemele Hill made headlines due to her harsh but truthful comments about Donald Tr
Martin Shkreli quickly gained notoriety during the contentious 2016 presidential campaign by price gouging in a monopoly on
An employee working at a North Carolina McDonald s was captured on camera telling a Hispanic customer on Saturday to spe
Trump s Department of Education is delaying action on requests for student loan forgiveness from those whose money was st
Today, more bad news for Trump broke as yet another person related to the Trump administration comes under federal inves
ESPN s Jemele Hill is one of the most influential black women in sports casting. She is also unafraid to tell the truth and speak
It s no secret that Donald Trump s rabid, uneducated fans are dangerous. The latest example of this is 38-year-old economica
The best way to not get fired, get kicked out of school or booted out of the military if you re a Nazi, is to not do Nazi stuff. App
Leave it to Donald Trump to exploit a tragedy.Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma have left parts of Texas and Florida in ruin
On Tuesday afternoon, Miami-Dade Police tweeted a picture and an amazing video of one Sister Margaret Ann helping with cl
Donald Trump may call anything related to his administration s collusion with Russia as FAKE NEWS, but you know who disagre
Donald Trump is a complainer, but he really only has himself to blame.Long before Election Day in 2016, a lot of books and arti
The Trump administration has been getting absolutely pummeled for its refusal to acknowledge climate change, even as it bec
Residents in Florida who work at a Pizza Hut were told by the manager that workers would be disciplined if they evacuated du
I ll bet if you go to your kitchen and look at the calendar by your fridge, in tiny letters at the bottom of today s date it says Pat
Nobody can accuse Fox News of being sane most of the time, particularly when it comes to some of their talk shows. Take Fox
Leave it to Donald Trump to disrespect both the heroes and victims of a massive hurricane.Earlier today at the White House, T
Back in May, Republicans in Broward County elected Rupert Tarsey secretary of their GOP affiliate. Little did they know they h
A Facebook event called Shoot At Hurricane Irma popped up just before the powerful storm made landfall in Florida, and app
When you are Black in America, getting pulled over by a cop even for the smallest infraction is a very scary thing. As we have
Last week, Donald Trump Junior became a new focus for Senate investigators in the case against Russia regarding the 2016 ele
It s 2017, and lynchings of black people still happen, just as they did during Jim Crow. Case in point- how an 8-year-old boy in N
Two Florida Republican lawmakers voted against a $15 billion hurricane relief bill just as Irma churned toward the state. Congr
Despite the fact that Donald Trump and his fanbase try to convince everyone that they re not racist whenever they get called
Americans are opening their wallets and donating to relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and with Hurricane Irm
If you ve spent months or years telling Martin Shkreli, Pharma Bro as he is more commonly known, to go fuck himself, you ll
Fox News has a problem with sexual predators in its ranks. Their gross corporate rape culture is costing them television person
Donald Trump s administration finds new ways to look foolish on a daily basis, and Trump s staff is more than willing to pick up
Equifax, the oldest and most valuable of the three main credit reporting agencies, revealed a massive data breach; one of the
Trump has been tweeting about Hurricane Irma sort of for the last couple of days. His tweets mostly consist of bragging that h
The city of Creston, in the heart of Iowa, sits nestled between State Route 25 and U.S. Highway 34, only a mile from the easter
Donald Trump sure knows how to add insult to injury.Republicans in Congress must be seriously regretting their decision to en
We recently reported on how the far right is waging war against a dying breed: Congressional Republicans who at least attemp
Donald Trump, Jr. went before Congress today to give yet another version of his reasons for meeting with a Russian lawyer in
Now that Seahawks star defensive end Michael Bennett s harrowing story of police brutality has gone viral, the cops who arre
After Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, Texas, then Irma barreled through the Caribbean on its way to Florida, two Senat
Somebody must have put some truth serum in Little Donnie s Cheerios this morning, because first thing this morning, he twee
Just days after rescinding an Obama policy giving children of undocumented immigrants a path a citizenship, Donald Trump ha
Donald Trump practically does something to criticize the media as being fake news on an almost daily basis, but two major ne
Amateur president Donald Trump told the drought-stricken Dakotas that he can make the drought go away and told attende
Earlier today, Facebook representatives told Congress something that should shake every American to their core: A shady Rus
As we saw with his Muslim travel ban as well as his attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, every time Donald Trump puts
One of the most feared defensive ends in football, Michael Bennett of the Seattle Seahawks, posted an account on Twitter We
Imagine you just heard on the news that the strongest storm ever observed in the Atlantic was headed your way, and soon. Y
Ever since Donald Trump s rise, some of the most heartless people in positions of power have come out of the woodwork like
Most of the nation and world watched in horror just a couple of weeks ago as white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan me
Donald Trump is apparently thrilled that Hurricane Irma will be the biggest storm to ever hit the United States.Only weeks afte
It s certainly no secret that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, a man named after both the president of the Confederacy and th
Ever since Donald Trump rode down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced his disgraceful bid for the White House, pe
Donald Trump s decision to punish 800,000 young people who came to the U.S. as children, and subject them to deportation,
Trump is working his tail off to undo absolutely everything President Obama ever did, because the black man who once occup
Donald Trump sent a racist elf to make the announcement that his administration is going to punish 800,000 young people, w
This is a clear case of election-rigging.South Dakota Secretary of State Shantel Krebs is running for Congress in 2018. But rathe
Donald Trump s team is turning against him at record speed, and he s just been sent a strong message by a member of his own
Donald Trump is set to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA, an Obama-era policy. It s
Donald Trump is the first authoritarian president we have ever had. Of course, one of the hallmarks of autocrats is that they d
Donald Trump s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) is so toxic that even one of his mo
We always knew that Donald Trump was a heartless bastard. However, he just decided to leave no doubt about that fact in th
Donald Trump s credibility and power has become such a joke that not even members of his own party have any faith in him
Earlier today, Donald Trump once again disgraced the United States by demonstrating his incompetence with empty threats to
On the National Day of Prayer, Donald Trump lashed out at South Korea and North Korea, while his administration wants Cong
It has become customary for a president, upon leaving the office to the next holder of the title, to leave a note of encouragem
The wicked witch of the White House makes America sick again.As we all know, Donald Trump botched his first visit to Texas i
If Donald Trump drags us into war with North Korea, it could be without the help of our most important ally in the region.Sout
Donald Trump has now become well known for his completely inappropriate tendency to disrespect those who should be hon
Believe or not, moderates do exist in the Republican Party. To those of us on the left, they hardly seem moderate, but they ce
One thing is for certain when it comes to Donald Trump s *presidency, he s failing miserably and his approval rating is reflectin
It s more than clear that Donald Trump is very proud of himself for visiting Texas for the second time after Hurricane Harvey. H
A Michigan woman decided to defend against tyranny? when she and another shopper couldn t agree over who got to buy the
While in the United States, Special Investigator Robert Mueller is in the midst of making the case that Russia interfered with o
Donald Trump is an insane narcissist. We all know that. However, actor Matt Damon just revealed just how bad Trump s narcis
During an uncharacteristically blistering hot day, San Francisco residents noticed a surprising sight on Friday morning. There w
While most Americans are aware that Donald Trump has full intentions of undoing much of the country s progress and taking
In the aftermath of the historic flooding that accompanied Hurricane Harvey s high winds and torrential rains, there was a surp
This is why religion should stay out of government.The people of Houston, Texas are drowning as flooding continues in the aft
A power-tripping Salt Lake City cop was caught on video arresting a nurse for following hospital policy (and the law) by not allo
Donald Trump and the Republican Congress may be failing miserably at their attempts to repeal and not replace the Affordabl
William C. Bradford, a Trump administration appointee who heads the Energy Department s Office of Indian Energy, resigned
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke seems like he came right out of Donald Trump central casting. He s racist. He s so hard
White House adviser Kellyanne Conway should have learned by now that whenever she tries to defend Donald Trump, she alw
In between defending white supremacists and pardoning a white supremacist, Donald Trump makes half hearted attempts at
Donald Trump claimed on Wednesday morning that he had witnessed the horror and devastation caused by Hurricane Harve
Legendary journalist Dan Rather says that Robert Mueller s ongoing Russia investigation has Donald Trump seized with fear. S
After a brief and almost meaningless visit to Texas, during which Donald Trump didn t meet with a single victim of Hurricane H
According to Trump ally Alex Jones, when Donald Trump is impeached all bets are off. He won t tell his supporters to accept th
Donald Trump is a horrible president. Everyone knew in the run up to the election that he was in no way qualified for this job.
Donald Trump has the maturity of a toddler, and he certainly put it on full display early Wednesday morning.Completely ruinin
Ivanka Trump just proved that she doesn t support pay equality, and the Internet damned her to hell for her hypocrisy.During
A furious Georgia Republican issued a horrifying threat to a Democrat over her push to remove Confederate statues. In an om
Remember how Sarah Palin sued the New York Times for mistakenly saying that a concrete link had been established between
Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas on the 12th anniversary of Katrina. And now, Hurricane Harvey is advancing to Louisiana. K
Late Monday night, CNN s Don Lemon had a phone guest who called in to the show from the apartment she was trapped in w
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz was against federal aid for natural disasters until he was for it. The Texas Senator voted against Federal fun
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, better known by the acronym ICE, have approached the National Archives and Record
When Hurricane Sandy hit, affecting states all the way from North Carolina to New England and particularly devastating New Y
In any other administration, this would be absolute gold. Every opposition player hopes to find some evidence of a politician a
It was almost inevitable, really. We were bound to find out just how much better than us the Trumps think they are. After all, D
Republicans have spent the past two years insisting that Donald Trump really isn t a complete and utter moron in addition to b
For Republicans, the Robert Mueller investigation into Donald Trump s Russian ties is a very inconvenient truth. If Trump is fou
Donald Trump s refusal to accept the fact that Mexico is not paying for his ridiculous, ineffective border wall is pretty much the
Just as they did during and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina a dozen years ago, Mexico has extended a hand in friendship
If Donald Trump hadn t proven himself to be the worst person to ever occupy the White House, he certainly proved it on Frida
Donald Trump s so-called presidency is plagued with so many scandals it s hard to keep up. So naturally, impeachment is being
Remember the name Felix Sater, because it s going to come up a lot while Robert Mueller and his special counsel team tear do
As you would be more than aware, contacts between high-ranking and lower-level Trump aides and Russians have emerged in
Former Attorney General Eric Holder responded to a report that Donald Trump asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to drop th
A Phoenix publication took to its Twitter account to explain the kind of person former Sheriff Joe Arpaio is following Donald Tr
Donald Trump just threw a match on this tinder box of a nation when he decided to pardon former Maricopa County, Arizona
Ever since the Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia claimed the life of Heather Heyer, the entire spectrum on the Right from m
A Category Four hurricane has hit Texas. It s set to be the most disastrous hurricane since Katrina hit Louisiana in 2005, yet Do
Just days after Donald Trump advisor and avowed racist alt-right provocateur Steve Bannon was fired, another of Trump s Wh
Donald Trump has an endless history of racism that dates back decades, so it comes as no surprise that he has now pardoned
Donald Trump is about to get his first real test as Commander-in-Chief. Hurricane Harvey is a Category four storm that s about
Imagine for a moment that your job was to scour the media, searching for the rare news report that puts a positive spin on Do
Everybody s gotten used to Donald Trump contradicting himself. You can almost count on it, really. But with the exception of a
Donald Trump is very afraid of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It has been reported repeatedly that he is completely obsessed
Early next month, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives will take up a spending bill that provides funding for nearly ev
You know how conservatives are constantly screaming FAKE NEWS every time they see something they don t like? It s interes
In the middle of a Twitter tantrum directed toward Mitch McConnell, James Clapper, Democrats and the fake news, Donald T
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway crawled out of her crypt after two weeks in hiding to attack Hillary Clinton who is to
While the right accuses the left of being snowflakes because we think all people should be treated with fairness and respect,
During Donald Trump s meltdown during his rally in Phoenix Tuesday evening, he threatened to shut down the government un
Rabbis representing four prominent Jewish organizations have decided that they will not hold their annual conference call wit
According to a new report, former British spy Christopher Steele has finally opened up to the FBI about the sources of what he
I will confess: I belong to a faction of the left that hates war in any context. I turned 15 during the brief skirmish known as Ope
By now we re all familiar with Donald Trump s speech in front of 40,000 boy scouts at their National Jamboree last month, wh
All hell broke loose on Monday when the city of Charlottesville held their first city council meeting since torch-wielding white s
Donald Trump, in his ongoing effort to spur on a Civil War, is holding a campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona and his white suprem
Donald Trump has never been Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell s (R-KY) favorite person. That uneasy relationship dete
Cult 45 is a name given to former reality show star Donald Trump s devotees who will justify anything he does, even if it s a rea
What would you do if someone kept track of everything you ever said? Most of us aren t in a position to have their every utter
In House Speaker Paul Ryan s Ayn Randish views, the way to fix the economy is by starving the poor to death. It s also totally g
White supremacists have been emboldened by Donald Trump from the moment he came down the escalator in Trump Tower
Donald Trump s Treasury Secretary, former hedge funder and Goldman Sachs guy Steve Mnuchin, is not having a good week. F
Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul added yet more fuel to the argument that older people should stay away from Twitter w
The Congressional Black Caucus, like most Democrats and reasonable people everywhere, have never had very warm feelings
You may remember Greg Gianforte, the Republican who won Montana s only Congressional seat in May even after assaulting
Ron Paul, who s a retired doctor, not an economist, has a prediction that in the very near future, the stock market will lose hal
According to Republican lawmaker from Idaho, it is completely plausible that former President Barack Obama was responsibl
Scientists have been warning the world for weeks not to stare directly at the sun without protective eyewear during Monday s
Back when conservative politics were actually political, rather than social, there was a guy by the actual real name of Grover N
Donald Trump s former Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon exited the Whitey House following the so-called president s widely
It s common knowledge that Donald Trump is a self-obsessed narcissist, but he also considers himself to be somewhat of a pat
Donald Trump has been wasting taxpayer dollars on his personal vacations, protection for his giant golden tower in New York,
This week s chaotic news cycle was mostly dominated by Donald Trump s disgraceful response to the violence perpetuated by
Last week was the week it became official that Donald Trump isn t even trying to be President of the United States. His horribl
Donald Trump has a massive ego, so much so that he s claimed several times that he won the popular vote (he didn t win the p
Donald Trump is truly pathetic.Trump has reportedly not been able to contact Steve Bannon since signing off on his firing on F
When Afro-Latina journalist Ilia Calder n showed up to interview Ku Klux Klan leader Chris Baker, a member of one of the man
The NAACP issued a statement following the firing of Steve Bannon, Donald Trump s racist chief strategist, on Friday afternoon
Ever since Donald Trump failed his test of moral leadership following the Nazi/white Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA, hi
This year America has seen an interesting and terrifying new technique for dealing with protesters. Republicans, buoyed by th
Prior to being on Donald Trump s campaign, and later his chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon ran Breitbart news. That particul
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a message for both Donald Trump and the racists he can t bring himself to convincingly denounce
Almost three years ago, a history buff and biographer of Robert E. Lee, Jonathan Horn, wrote a book that provided a different
White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon has long been a controversial figure. Prior to joining Donald Trump s campaig
While the President of the United States seems to be very, very confused about how racism, violence, and bigotry should be d
Donald Trump s horrific defense of white supremacy after the Charlottesville, VA crisis is going to hurt him in ways he never th
Al Gore had hopes for Donald Trump at one time. He even met with him at Trump Tower, hoping he could influence the newly
Donald Trump is going to jail, and his former business partner knows it.The investigation into Trump s Russia scandal is ongoin
Donald Trump is continuing to dig himself into an even deeper hole in regards to the horrific racist attack in Charlottesville, Vir
In the wake of Donald Trump s unhinged and rambling press conference delivered from Trump Tower on Tuesday in which, am
Donald Trump expects unwavering loyalty from everyone around him. That is likely why there has been radio silence from his
Christopher Cantwell, one of the Nazis featured in Vice s special about the Charlottesville Nazi riot that left a woman dead, is r
The Republican Jewish Coalition finally caught on to Donald Trump s extreme views after his latest remarks in defense of the N
Donald Trump is a racist. We ve always known that. He has been repeatedly sued by the Department of Justice for refusing to
Donald Trump hates Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, the world s number one online retailer. Trump doesn t hate Bezos becaus
Donald Trump s weak response to the racially motivated, white supremacist terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia has bee
Former American Idol finalist and Celebrity Apprentice contestant Clay Aiken has never been a fan of Donald Trump the pre
To one former labor secretary, what Donald Trump is trying to do is clear as day: He s trying to start a civil war.Robert Reich, w
While Donald Trump, a man who speaks in hyperbole and absolutes like bad and sad, is finding it difficult to condemn violen
Donald Trump is going to throw a Twitter tantrum because of this.During his bonkers press conference at Trump Tower on Tue
Donald Trump is a bumbling fool. A racist bumbling fool who s more afraid of alienating his racist base than anything. So when
Donald Trump held a bizarre press conference Tuesday in which he defended the Alt-Right Nazis who stormed the streets of C
While science doesn t quite have the technology to give Donald Trump the ability to read our minds, his justice department is
Once again, Donald Trump is having a completely disappointing, inappropriate reaction to the racially motivated violence that
Donald Trump wants us to believe that he is not a sympathizer of neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, white nationalists, white suprem
Speaking at Trump Tower on Tuesday, Donald Trump finally confirmed in his own words that he believes protesters are as mu
Donald Trump attacked the CEOs who are leaving his Manufacturing Council over his failure to condemn Nazis.In the days sinc
It sure didn t take long for Donald Trump to clear up any confusion about exactly who he was referring to when he made his w
Donald Trump has not been having a good weekend. He was blasted by Congressional members on both sides of the aisle due
It s a bad day for Donald Trump when even the most conservative, racist media networks are calling him out for his failure to d
Donald Trump is in big trouble. Not only has his popularity been historically low, but his pathetic response to the recent traged
CNN s Jim Acosta is not especially well-liked by the White House. He tells it like it is in harsh, blunt terms, and of course, they d
It s official. Right-wing extremists have declared war on America.Rather than attend the Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia w
There are a lot of polls out there, a lot of research, and it s hard to discern what s real from the signal-to-noise ratio. That s wh
After a night of white supremacist marches in Charlottesville, Va, one of the Nazis drove his car through a crowd of counter-pr
Donald Trump s stunning neglect to disavow the Nazis who stormed through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia in his name
Today, there were hundreds of marches showing solidarity with Charlottesville, Virginia, where anti-racist protesters were mo
While Donald Trump and his brownshirts are busy destroying the country, President Obama is committing his time and energy
As more time passes after the violent riots related to the white nationalist rally that took place yesterday in Charlottesville, Vir
Apparently, Donald Trump s precious little girl is sick of mean old Congressman Ted Lieu saying mean things about her daddy.Y
It s no secret that Donald Trump courts white supremacists. He repeatedly retweeted white supremacists during his travesty o
This is proof that Donald Trump has only emboldened white nationalists.In the aftermath of the attack that killed a counter-pr
After a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia ended in violence, Americans have been looking to Donald Trump to d
When Donald Trump was elected, many hoped that his daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, would be a moderati
According to a new report Saturday from Axios, a source very close to Donald Trump has indicated that Trump believes his chi
35 people have been treated for injuries and others have been pronounced dead, including two police officers, following the f
Donald Trump ran an openly white supremacist campaign during his travesty of a run for the presidency. Now that he is in the
The mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia confirmed that one person died after a Trump supporting Nazi used his car to deliberatel
Before dawn on Wednesday, the feds raided the home of former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. Trump, as
Donald Trump has now taken his threats to North Korea off Twitter and is making them to the public. Quite frankly, the situati
Donald Trump s conflicts of interest were of massive concern for many Americans, and rightfully so. There is absolutely no dou
If Donald Trump wants to take credit for something he actually did to the economy, now would be the time.Earlier this week,
Donald Trump is not the negotiator he would like everyone to believe he is but he is accomplished in the art of deflection. But
It seems like a lifetime since March 23rd, 2010. But thanks to a pretty significant bill signed that day, at least there are no lifeti
Donald Trump has just announced that his daughter Ivanka (you know, the one he wants to date) will be taking on yet anothe
For more than 30 years, Donald Trump has built himself up as being a great negotiator and a great leader. Unfortunately, as Sp
After more than seven years of Republicans desperately trying to kill everything that is great about this country, like the fact th
Donald Trump just LOVES attacking members of his own party. Seemingly not understanding that the 535 people in the United
Donald Trump seems to think that he can bully Congress into doing his bidding, even though they are a separate and co-equal
If you ve been hiding under your bed since Donald Trump threatened North Korea with fire and fury unlike the world has ever
Vogue s latest cover has really set off Breitbart editor John Carney, who apparently is not the brightest guy around:If attacking
On Thursday, while Donald Trump was in the midst of enjoying his vacation from his 17-day vacation, he decided that Republic
Donald Trump s former campaign manager Paul Manafort seems likely to flip on his old boss and it s is scaring the sh*t out of
In his current position of having a historically low approval rating and a running track record of multiple colossal failures, one w
So here s a funny hypothetical: You re a White House Communications Director. You ve settled into your office in the West Wi
By now, everyone is aware of how Donald Trump s openly white supremacist campaign and subsequent presidency has main
The LA Times is reporting that the Federal Bureau of Investigation carried out a search warrant on the campaign office of Rep.
Earlier today, CBS News and other outlets noticed something strange going on behind the White House. Someone had put up
Any sane person would think that after Donald Trump decided to freak the world out by threatening a nuclear war with North
North Korea, a true and present threat to the world, has responded to Trump s posturing and it s not good. Earlier today, Trum
We just took a massive step closer to nuclear war with North Korea, and while Secretary of State Rex Tillerson keeps trying to
As her husband Donald Trump makes Twitter threats of nuclear war to North Korea, First Lady Melania Trump has decided to
Walmart s back to school advertising took a pretty horrible turn at a location in Evansville, Indiana.The big box chain has never
Speculation about Vice-President Mike Pence s political aspirations to position himself in Trump s Oval Office chair will likely g
Astute CBS reporter Rebecca Shabad couldn t possibly have been the first person to notice the giant inflatable chicken current
Most of us in the U.S. are well aware of Donald Trump s extreme obsession with former President Barack Obama, but now we
Wednesday morning, Donald Trump started his day off just like any normal bizarre despot, with tweets celebrating the world s
After news broke that Kim Jong Un might be capable of launching a nuclear attack on American soil, Donald Trump escalated t
Mitch McConnell famously or infamously, depending where you stand on the political spectrum attacked Donald Trump on
It was just revealed today that Federal agents conducted a pre-dawn raid late last month at a house owned by former Trump c
As Donald Trump finds himself plagued with scandals, the walls are starting to close in around him and we can thank special co
Donald Trump continued escalating his rhetoric on nuclear weapons Wednesday morning in a boast that should concern every
There are no two crazy people ever mentioned more in the news than the leaders of West and East, Donald Trump and Kim Jo
For some unknown reason, Sean Hannity decided he had to prove to the world just how traumatized he is by the rising tension
George Takei has been on a social media role since the start of the Trump era, providing astute commentary with a brilliant wi
Two man-children with access to nuclear weapons are having a pissing match and the world is hoping and praying that like mu
I mean, that headline, right? Did someone actually say that?At this point, you shouldn t be surprised. Donald Trump is a consp
Sen. John McCain is fed up with Donald Trump and his big mouth. Following Trump s ill-advised decision to challenge North Ko
Donald Trump just can t help himself. The man who fancies himself the world s greatest deal maker thinks that if he can just ta
The current occupant of the White House has been quiet about his campaign promise to combat the opioid crisis which has sw
You almost have to feel sorry for Republicans (almost). They find themselves between a really unpopular president and a part
Donald Trump has absolutely ravaged the reputation of the Republican Party, and conservatives know it. Their failure to repea
Former reality show star Donald Trump has always wanted to get his hands on the nuke button, so naturally, conservatives vo
Donald Trump is going to get us in a war, and based on his rhetoric, it s going to be nuclear. Multiple sources confirm that Don
By now you ve seen Donald Trump s absolute Monday meltdown on Twitter, a ten-hour tweeting frenzy that beat every other
Donald Trump is clearly enamored with fascism and bigotry. Since he came on the scene as an unlikely presidential contender
MSNBC s Rachel Maddow has twisted Pat Robertson of the 700 Club in a knot over her show s ratings which are beating the s
Minnesota s governor did something the current occupant of the White House cannot do and quickly denounced an act of ter
Republican Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA) did not have a good time of things Monday when he broke with tradition and showed up t
We sure Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be all up in this after his promise to stop the leaks coming from the White House. T
Mitch McConnell is not a happy man. That s probably true in general, especially considering he wakes up every morning only t
By now, everyone knows that Donald Trump is up to his eyeballs in Russian scandals. Anyone who is smart enough not to belie
During his bizarre rally in Youngstown, Ohio, Donald Trump did what he does best: Campaign for a position he already holds.
Donald Trump s entire political strategy boils down to one surprisingly simple concept, popularly credited to Hitler s propagan
Trump hasn t made the economy better, no matter what he and his sheeple claim. In discussing jobs on Trump s TV network, T
According to a new report from a combined 13 federal agencies, not yet made public, even if the entire world stopped emittin
Print journalism and longstanding papers have been struggling since the advent of the internet and increased competition face
Donald Trump is vacationing in New Jersey right now, but he s rained in. Naturally, he s throwing a titanic fit over it.Rather tha
Ever wonder if Donald Trump s insistence on repealing Obamacare has a motive beyond, We need to undo everything the bla
Florida Senator Marco Rubio actually knows something the rest of us know for once: That there aren t enough racists in Amer
Instead of honoring Purple Heart Day, Trump began his morning by launching a vicious attack against Richard Blumenthal.Inte
Donald Trump doesn t read that s a well-known fact. Nor, apparently, does he google before he tweets. Then again, consider
Donald Trump s chief economic adviser and Director of the National Economic Council is Gary Cohn. Trump s Secretary of the
Donald Trump isn t just losing in the polls, and even with his own base, but with a libertarian billionaire donor, too. Peter Thiel
A disturbing new report reveals that the staff at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have officially been instructed to be
Back in February to honor Black History Month, Trump attacked the media because of course he did. Among other things, Tru
Donald Trump just pissed off veterans.Trump likes to claim that he loves the men and women who serve our country in the m
Sinclair Broadcast Group, the media empire responsible for the vast majority of pro-Trump propaganda you ve seen on televis
It s certainly no secret that Trump struggles with vocabulary words, and his spelling isn t that great, either (who can forget cov
Last time I checked, throwing a temper tantrum isn t considered working. But that s what Donald Trump did from his golf reso
Maybe you ve finally heard by now that a mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota was bombed early Saturday morning. Maybe. It
Despite the humiliating failure Donald Trump and the Republican Party brought upon themselves by trying to repeal and repla
On the latest episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, the host welcomed planet earth s most tireless champion, former Vice Pre
White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway on Sunday was confronted by ABC s This Week host George Stephanopoulos on th
Donald Trump is terrified of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. This is especially true since it has been revealed that Mueller has
It s no secret that the Republican Party has never been comfortable with Donald Trump as the titular head of their organizatio
Donald Trump doesn t just flip flop on his campaign promises and policies he also walks back his own insults whenever it s co
President Obama s home state of Illinois has passed a bill honoring him by designating his birthday August 4 as a state holiday
While it seems like Donald Trump hasn t worked a single full day since he stepped foot in the White House, the former reality
With Reince Priebus out as White House chief of staff, and General John Kelly in, Trump and others are probably hoping that t
Arizona Senator John McCain has never been a fan of Donald Trump. We all remember how he viciously attacked McCain s mi
It looks like Donald Trump is going to be a one-term president.Of course, that s assuming he isn t impeached or indicted befor
It s an epidemic over there inside the Fox network studios: The guys there can t seem to keep their dicks to themselves.The fir
Donald Trump seems to go out of his way to do exceedingly dumb things. It s almost as if he is doing them on purpose. On Frid
First, he impaneled a grand jury. Then the grand jury began issuing subpoenas. Now, investigators working for Special Counsel
The NRA has a new favorite toy, but there are no bullets involved except maybe the bullet points they include in their scripts
Donald Trump sure hasn t done himself any favors by appointing equally incompetent staffers and advisors to head up his adm
No one takes Donald Trump seriously anymore. Not the majority of Americans who voted against him, not a good portion of r
Before his campaign morphed into angry hordes of MAGA hat wearing white people chanting lock her up! the chants were ab
Former reality show star Donald Trump launched a war on the free press during his campaign and it s been ongoing ever since
If a grand jury indicts Donald Trump, one Fox News host wants conservatives to revolt in retaliation.When Robert Mueller imp
Ever since the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions from the investigation into Russia s meddling in the 2016 presidential e
The August 11, 2017 issue of Newsweek is one you might want to pick up. In fact, if you happen to own a golf course or two, y
One would think that the gun industry would thrive under an entirely Republican government, because more people would fe
Thursday morning, the Washington Post released transcripts they obtained of two important phone calls Donald Trump place
Donald Trump has successfully torn the Republican Party (and America) apart. His policies have not only divided Americans ac
The roll out of the first version of Donald Trump s bigoted Muslim ban was nothing short of chaotic. People were arriving in Am
The deal-maker just got owned.Donald Trump embarrassed himself and America again during a recent phone call with Austra
Sarah Huckabee Sanders decided to once again show everyone how much people love Donald Trump by reading a suspicious l
Donald Trump finally signed the Countering America s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act on Wednesday. This bill strengthens
Before Donald Trump stepped foot in the White House, America was a well-respected country. Now, in just a few short month
Well, it s happened. In the manner of every other authoritarian douchebag since the invention of mass communications, Dona
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is growing his team, it appears. The Office of Special Counsel has secured the services of Gr
Donald Trump insulted the People s House, so Chelsea Clinton subtly ripped him a new one for it.During a recent outing to hi
Amateur president Donald Trump signed was forced to sign a bill today to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 electi
I ll admit it: I am not a huge fan of tribute songs. Making music is something sacred, and it s so hard to take topical songs serio
Richard Painter, former ethics lawyer to President George W. Bush, claims that President Donald Trump weighing in on his so
Washington was rocked by yet another staff shakeup in the White House on Monday when Trump s newly hired communicati
Every once in a while, it seems like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) might be growing a spine and standing up to Donald Trump. B
After the teeny-tiny tenure of Anthony (the Mooch) Scaramucci, the gates of hell have opened. Now that we ve had a foul-mo
Psst! Hey, Donald Trump, the fake news you rage-tweet about is coming from you. According to an explosive report on NPR,
If there s one thing Donald Trump fears the most, even more than negative press coverage or pending criminal indictments, is
Donald Trump and all of the people around him have a serious problem with the truth. That problem is giving them serious leg
The people working in Donald Trump s White House are not the sharpest tools in the shed. After all, anyone with any sense wh
After just 10 days and a few firings under his belt, Donald Trump s brand new communications director got the ax, and as the d
Fired White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci gave up a lot for his 10-day job: his wife, who is divorcing hi
Yet another day and yet another leak. A secret Republican National Committee memo was released on Monday that shows th
Donald Trump s Secretary of Energy Rick Perry doesn t get a lot of respect. That s a good thing he s kind of a dumbass. And by
Just ten days into the job and White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci has been reportedly removed from
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is the most insane if not the most offensive of all of the knuckle-dragging Republicans in Congress, so
Was it just a slip of the tongue or a sign that Donald Trump is mentally unfit to be president?Because it certainly appears to be
Donald Trump is absolutely obsessed with erasing President Obama s achievements and taking credit for them.In yet another
It seems that right-wing pundit Tomi Lahren has made quite a healthy career criticizing any and every move the Democratic pa
Donald Trump made became a household name in the 80s after pretending to write a book called The Art of the Deal. After t
With a very dramatic flair, Senator John McCain joined his Republican colleagues, Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, in to
Donald Trump becomes more unhinged by the day. The week we just witnessed is his craziest yet. First, there was the hyper-p
After GOP Rep. Steve Scalise was shot during a congressional baseball practice, provocateur and has been rock star Ted Nugen
Trumpcare failed in the most hilarious and dramatic middle-of-the-night vote on the Senate floor they couldn t even pass a s
Donald Trump just beat Bill Clinton at something, and it s very embarrassing.The first six months of Trump s presidency has be
Once again, Donald Trump gets hilariously reminded of why people love President Obama.As we all know by now, Trump fired
Jason Brown, despite the colorful appellation, is about the whitest name I ve heard all day. Except I didn t hear it today. Not i
One of the things that has plagued America besides Donald Trump himself is the POTUS Twitter usage. Every day, Trump s T
Donald Trump s new pick for Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, is apparently so enamored with Trump that it s c
Donald Trump s White House has been going through a lot of insane changes lately, and it is certainly looking like a sign of an
Donald Trump s pick for Communications Director took an already vulgar administration down another notch or 3,000 in an in
The Trump administration, along with Congress members like Paul Ryan, really want to get some form of Obamacare repeal pa
You thought the people passing through Fargo, North Dakota were crazy. Now we have to worry about wood chippers in the W
On Thursday, Donald Trump awarded the Medal of Valor to five first responders for their heroic actions after a crazed Jill Stein
While the GOP Congress has mostly fallen right in line behind their Dear Orange Leader, there are some signs that the veneer
Thursday afternoon, the US Senate passed new sanctions against Russia with a vote of 97-2. Just two Republicans Rand Paul
On Wednesday, new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci called the New Yorker s Ryan Lizza to compla
Donald Trump is so desperate to take credit for job creation that he ignored the fact that the deal he bragged about takes mon
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has never been a fan of Donald Trump. He regularly criticized Trump throughout his disastrous
After a fierce backlash following Donald Trump s appalling speech in front of the Boy Scouts in West Virginia, an official with th
On Thursday, GOP Rep. Dave Brat took to CNN to blame, of all people, the media for Donald Trump s relentless attacks on Atto
The amount of in-fighting that we ve seen in Donald Trump s administration is like nothing we ve ever seen before. There have
It appears Donald Trump jumped the gun when he announced a ban on transgender people serving in the military.On Wednes
Anthony Scaramucci is a terrible communications director, and he proved it again on Thursday morning.During an interview on
While it s sometimes difficult to keep up with all the legal hot water Donald Trump is in, one lawsuit predates even his Russian
Amateur president Donald Trump is donating his second-quarter salary to the Department of Education, the White House ann
Trump apparently will continue the feud he started with Jeff Sessions when he said he thought Sessions had been very unfair i
Donald Trump s approval rating continues to plummet in its downward spiral, and it seems to be getting lower by the week. Th
Because today ends in a Y, Donald Trump took to his twitter account to bash a group of people; this time it was transgender A
Apparently, Donald Trump thinks the Attorney General serves as the president s personal legal protector.Despite criticism from
We always knew that the Trump Administration was anti-LGBTQ. However, he just went full throttle on Twitter in an incredibl
Over the last few days, President Trump has made it no secret that he is tired of having Jeff Sessions on board as Attorney Gen
When Donald Trump addressed the Boy Scouts National Jamboree Monday night, nobody could possibly have expected the c
According to lawyers for Donald Trump, it was completely fine for the now President to have encouraged supporters to use re
Holy f*ckballs, Trump s rallies are lit these days. If you re one of the minority of Americans who hates brown folks and happen
Tuesday morning, attendees of a Senate subcommittee hearing were treated to that wonder of wonders, a hot mic episode
Mental health professionals will now be allowed to openly diagnose Donald Trump.For the first time since 1973, a rule that pr
It s official. Donald Trump is losing Republican support in Congress.As much as they want to believe that continuing to support
Donald Trump s continuing effort to derail the investigation of his Russia scandal is finally causing his support among Republica
Donald Trump is desperate to distract everyone from keeping up with his Russia scandal.In yet another early morning Twitter
Trump continued his attacks on the FAKE NEWS media on Monday night, leveling yet another attack on the Amazon Washingt
On Monday night, Donald Trump traveled to West Virginia to give a speech to a bunch of Boy Scouts you know, children. In th
Donald Trump is very busy right now trying to get rid of his Attorney General, one Jeff Sessions. This is pretty extraordinary, sin
By now, we all know that upon having emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye last week, it was disc
Donald Trump s horrible decisions and disgusting behavior may soon cost him another key member in his administration. It ha
It s tough sometimes to imagine that Donald Trump has five children since it s clear from Monday s speech in front of 40,000 B
When Donald Trump kicked off Made in America Week a few days ago, a good majority of Americans pretty much rolled thei
With the Trumpcare vote coming up tomorrow, The Donald is out stumping for support for the bill, and being really inappropr
Surely, when the Department of Defense hands out military grade weapons, they do thorough checks to verify just who they a
Tuesday, Trump s nominee to lead the DOJ s criminal division goes before the Senate Judiciary for confirmation. He will likely f
Donald Trump s conflicts of interest are finally starting to create some major problems for the undeserving POTUS.When Trum
The Congressional Black Caucus is a very influential voice in the House of Representatives. Most Republicans are hesitant to cr
Unlike the United States, Germany has both a President and a Chancellor. The President is nothing more than a figurehead, of
Trumpers are rejoicing over the escalating activities of Immigration and Customs Enforcement because of their wholly misguid
According to Donald Trump, Obamacare has wreaked havoc for even longer than even the dumbest among conservatives tho
A Texas Republican congressman blamed female Republicans for the GOP s cruel health care bill, which would be more aptly
This should have been a red flag.As we all know, Donald Trump is waging a war on facts and the truth. The lies from him and h
Donald Trump s son-in-law Jared Kushner has found himself at the focus of the Russia scandal which has gripped the administ
I am not a person who has sought the spotlight. That s the first stand-out sentence from the statement Jared Kushner release
If you thought leaving Congress would somehow make former Benghazi witch hunter Jason Chaffetz smarter, you were utterly
On Saturday, amateur president Donald Trump whined that Republicans aren t protecting him from his own scandals, thus for
Donald Trump is losing it. On Monday, he kicked off his morning with perhaps his dumbest ravings yet about swamps and sew
The American Legislative Exchange Council, otherwise known as ALEC, is a corporate-funded project whose agenda is to give R
Republicans always like to claim they are the party of family values. As such, they oppose anything they deem to be sinful, s
As I was scrolling through my Twitter feed this evening, I happened upon a gem of a tweet by Adam Khan. The text reads, Fro
Donald Trump has been on an absolute tear on Twitter regarding the Russia investigation. At one point during his unhinged Tw
At a rally last year, Donald Trump said there was a 100 percent chance he would save the jobs at Carrier, the heating and air-
Donald Trump made a plea to naval officers at a ceremony recently, practically begging them to support him politically and it
Donald Trump got a late start on his incoherent Twitter whining Sunday but better late than never, we suppose. Once again, o
One has to wonder how much longer Kellyanne Conway can keep lying for Donald Trump, because she is very clearly losing it.
Because there s totally nothing else better for the Trump administration to do, it s about to crack down on marijuana users. Att
Anthony Scaramucci got his ass handed to him on Sunday morning by CNN host Jake Tapper.Just a day has gone by since Scara
Michelle Obama really did it this time. The former First Lady managed to infuriate conservatives by doing some so terrible tha
The most controversial judicial nominee on President Trump s list was just confirmed on Thursday in a U.S. Senate vote catast
A Republican state senator from Arizona, Kelli Ward, has unleashed a veiled, but nonetheless vicious, attack against Senator Jo
Donald Trump may think he s the best, but it looks like most Americans disagree. In reality, he s the worst. Numerous polls sho
It doesn t take a rocket scientist to know that having a Russia-U.S. cybersecurity unit is the most backwards, moronic idea an a
When Republicans talk about cutting taxes, they generally talk about cutting the taxes of the wealthy and the major corporatio
If Donald Trump thinks being president means he can t be prosecuted for his crimes, he should think again.As it turns out, Spe
This brings party before country to a whole new level. Republicans are admitting they are fine with treason, as long as they ac
In case everyone didn t know, Trump can throw a perfect spiral through a tire, swishes foul shot after foul shot, and, additiona
Taking Donald Trump s erratic, unpredictable behavior into full consideration, it s safe to say that almost nothing is certain in h
Democrats and Republicans don t agree on a lot, but they do agree that Donald Trump is lawless and that he leaked informati
On Saturday, Donald Trump lashed out at the Washington Post and pretty much everyone else imaginable after reports surfac
Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner, and everyone else in Trump World who was in that meeting with a shady Rus
Trump s brand-new communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, is raising some eyebrows, and not because he s another fo
Former Obama national security adviser, Susan Rice, voluntarily testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed-doo
Jared Kushner, Donald Trump s son-in-law, has already lawyered up, but maybe he should get more lawyers because he might
The dominoes continue to fall as new evidence comes out saying that Jeff Sessions really did lie through his teeth about his me
It s been a rough day in the Donald Trump White House. After a mostly incoherent interview published in the New York Times
Donald Trump s inner circle is shattering as we speak. Not only has White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned, but not
Donald Trump s White House is in chaos, and they are trying to cover it up. Their Russia problems are mounting by the hour, a
During Made In America week, an initiative which is supposedly to promote U.S. jobs and products, the Trump Organization i
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), fresh off a brain cancer diagnosis that he is statistically unlikely to beat, is apparently all out of f*cks
The whole world knows about the bombshell report of Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and the former campaign manager fo
It turns out that William F. Buckley s own son wasn t thrilled about Sean Hannity receiving an award named after his dad.And
As Donald Trump s legal team tries to dig up leverage to use against investigators and researches his pardon power, Kellyanne
Paul Congemi, a Republican candidate running for mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida, sent a clear message to black voters at a fo
Presidents are supposed to serve the American people, but Trump has made it clear that everyone works for him and he is no
While Donald Trump hasn t exactly made an admission of guilt in the Russian scandal, but in a shocking story that just broke in
A billionaire GOP donor is fed up with Donald Trump and he s fed up with Republicans in Congress who refuse to do anything
One of the many reasons Americans were suspicious of Donald Trump to begin with was because of his various business confl
The Senate Judiciary Committee just gave former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Donald Trump Jr. a decision to
Whenever the White House puts out a statement regarding Donald Trump, you can be sure of one thing: it s just a matter of ti
On Wednesday, Donald Trump warned the special counsel investigating the Russia scandal not to look into his business or per
Amateur president Donald Trump left his chair at a post-G-20 summit dinner to walk over and meet with Russian President Vla
Donald Trump dropped several shocking statements in his outrageous interview with The New York Times yesterday, and his c
A new report released by the Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday pointed out the problems with repealing the Afforda
Donald Trump surely saw this response coming.After all, he hasn t exactly been very respectful of Senator John McCain in rece
Reaching an almost all-time low even by their own standards, Trump supporters have taken to Twitter to bash John McCain in
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was diagnosed with brain cancer following a surgery to remove a two-inch blood clot from above his
It s no secret that Republicans seem to think that the movie Idiocracy is a documentary. They refuse to believe the scientific co
Donald Trump is obsessed with the Russia investigation. He has a right to be; after all, this is the modern day cancer on the pr
John McCain, the Panama-born senior United States Senator from Arizona and former POW, was diagnosed with brain cancer
Recently, there have been an avalanche of revelations regarding just how close Donald Trump s 2016 presidential campaign w
The contrast between the Obama White House and the Trump White House seems to grow more and more stark every single
Republicans and Democrats are upset over Attorney General Jeff Sessions controversial plans to increase civil asset forfeiture
The co-chair of Trump s voter fraud commission, set up to prove that Hillary Clinton didn t win the popular vote because of the
As you are probably aware, Donald Trump loves to tweet. He loves it more than he loves Vladimir Putin which, according to hi
A new report has just revealed that Fox News patriarch Rupert Murdoch was so horrified by the idea of Donald Trump becomi
Donald Trump s presidency is spiraling out of control and Dear Leader appears to be holed up in the White House, avoiding ev
According to the results from a recent survey by Public Policy Polling, only 45 percent of Donald Trump voters polled wholehe
Donald Trump has been exposed once again, and he s having a full blown meltdown because of it.Apparently, meeting with Ru
The story of Donald Trump Jr. s 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer capable of providing damning information against his fath
How the hell can anybody call themselves intelligent when they re supporting Donald Trump? It s a question that baffles peop
Donald Trump said after his official meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G- 19 Summit that the two get along very, very well. T
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, America s top diplomat, has wanted to do a bit of reorganizing in the State Department for qu
Mitch McConnell pretended to care about the American people on Tuesday as he blamed Democrats for his own party s failur
Just imagine the deafening outrage from conservatives if a Democrat shared an article calling for the death of Sen. John McCa
Well, it seems that despite the efforts of notoriously crafty Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the GOP s massive tax cu
For months now, the Republicans have been doing all they can to ram through a disastrous even deadly massive tax cut for
The Trump administration likes to keep their backdoor deals tight-lipped, but a government transparency non-profit is about t
House republicans have vowed to fight fire with fire, with Steve King, Republican Representative from Iowa, stating that they a
For someone that ran on the Drain the Swamp platform, the current occupant of the White House has a funny way of showin
Imagine your boss or a client sends you an email informing you of a meeting. What do you do? Do you read the entire email so
On Sunday, Fox News had a rare moment of clarity and actually decided to share the truth with their viewers, breaking the he
Trump s numerous attacks on former FBI Director James Comey are about to come back and bite him in the ass. While Trump
Donald Trump just refuses to admit that most Americans disapprove of him and his pathetic presidency.On Sunday, a new pol
Donald Trump, at 71 years old, apparently just can t help but be a lecherous pervert who judges women solely on physical attr
Now that Donald Trump s Russia scandal has been blown wide open and more incriminating evidence is surfacing by the day,
Donald Trump s allies would very much like the RNC to cover the legal costs of retaining attorneys amid the inquiries into whe
Donald Trump and his vice-president are eager to pass the GOP/Trumpcare bill even though it will harm millions of Americans
As the Russia stories surrounding the criminal enterprise known as the Trump Administration continue to pile up, journalists a
Star Trek legend George Takei gloriously shredded Donald Trump s dipshit son in a column which includes a poem for Trump J
It s only been a few days since Donald Trump as been back from his second international tour, but America is already sick of h
While the defense of three members of Trump s camp meeting with Russians last year has taken more turns than a roller coas
By now, everyone is used to the rank ignorance and unabashed bigotry that is regularly displayed by Rep. Steve King (R-IA). Aft
We all know that the GOP is the party of anti-LGBTQ theocrats. However, we usually don t expect lawmakers of either party to
It turns out that Donald Trump was abusing his power when he accused Qatar of supporting terrorism and allowed sanctions a
Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave.Donald Trump s campaign is guilty of colluding with Russia and that became even clearer
Donald Trump went on a tirade on Friday morning because Republicans in Congress are not stripping healthcare from millions
Keeping in line with his constant backtracking and just generally erratic ways, President Donald Trump has taken a softer stanc
Jesus f*cking Christ our President* is a moron. Not satisfied with simply wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a border wall, T
Chicago Police Sergeant George Granias abuse of a black woman he arrested and falsely accused of driving drunk has a very d
With the release of the email chain that proves that Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner met with the Russian
If you ve been living under a rock for the past few days, you re probably unaware that Donald Trump Jr. committed treason. A
This needs to happen.David Letterman is no stranger to dealing with Donald Trump. The comedy legend humiliated Trump rep
The six months since President Donald Trump was inaugurated have been somewhat of an adventure, albeit not a particularly
An interview with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper and Sebastian Gorka Wednesday night went off the rails when the White Hou
Donald Trump s White House is in more turmoil than ever, as it turns out that Donald Trump Jr. just provided the entire world
California Democratic Representative Brad Sherman has decided that enough is enough and has taken matters into his own ha
Now that we ve known Donald Trump well for a while now, we should all know that the man who occupies the Oval Office (fo
As if the Republican Party couldn t possibly look any worse thanks to Donald Trump s exploding Russia scandal, some of the pa
Nothing is wrong. Pay no attention to the fire raging all around you. All is well.This is the message coming out of the Trump W
Since Donald Trump s November 8 election victory, there has been a significant rise in hate-based threats and attacks in the U
Joe Scarborough, the former Florida GOP congressman and host of MSNBC s Morning Joe, announced during his appearance o
The White House is getting really nervous today after Donald Trump Jr. tweeted out damning copies of an email chain of a disc
After last week s G-20 meeting, where Donald Trump was more pariah than world leader, he tweeted a video compilation from
The entire weekend, and now the beginning of the week, has had the news cycle spinning madly with news of the meeting Do
If you haven t heard, Donald Trump Jr. recently tweeted out emails between himself and Rob Goldstone, a right-wing oppositi
For someone who is as vocal and outspoken as Donald Trump on social media, he has shockingly thin skin. Trump has been kn
Donald Trump Jr. may have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he seems to be lacking the superior genes his fath
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump constantly made references to repealing and replacing the disaster that is Ob
When it comes to the topic of climate change, other world leaders at the G20 summit in Hamburg have come to the conclusio
Donald Trump s tweeting is a source of endless nightmares for Republicans and White House staff. They can try to sugarcoat a
We re all used to seeing insane, nonsensical tweets from Donald Trump Sr, the so-called president. However, now that it is h
Things just keep getting worse for Donald Trump Jr. With the word treason floating around on both the Left and Right, the las
Proving that the biggest obstacle to his presidency is always going to be himself and his equally incompetent team and family,
If you have been vacationing under a rock over the weekend, you might not be aware that Donald Trump Jr. did a naughty. No
Donald Trump and his favorite daughter, Ivanka, are still getting a lot of heat for the stunt they pulled at the G20 summit in Ge
At the close of the election, upon finding out that he lost the popular vote, Donald Trump made the bold accusation that there
Trump has yet again accused on of his critics of a serious crime and again the allegation evaporated within hours. The numbe
It s kind of poetic: Russian help and Trump s tweets are largely what propelled him to the White House, and those two things m
Donald Trump threw an early morning temper tantrum on Twitter again.Last week, Trump let his daughter Ivanka take over fo
Alleged president Donald Trump announced on his Twitter timeline that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed for
For as smug as he always appears to be, Donald Trump Jr. might want to wipe that entitled grin off his face. Especially when h
It can easily be said that Donald Trump is not the most honest person in the world. In fact, he s made a career out of being a c
The GOP healthcare bill that would literally kill bunches of Americans is thankfully circling the drain. We haven t won the war o
Get ready for Donald Trump to throw the worst temper tantrum of his presidency.When you think of Trump, what s the first w
A couple of weeks ago, Donald Trump s voter fraud commission requested that each state provide a list of data on registered
Donald Trump tweeted Sunday morning about his visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. While most were his standard co
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is the Ranking Member of the Intelligence Committee in the House of Representatives. He is also a ris
The narrative regarding the Trump-Russia connection seems to be nothing to see here when it comes to supporters of the so
One of the craziest things about Trump s Russia fiasco is the fact that to defend his role model, Russian president Vladimir Puti
Despite claiming to look forward to the second day of G-20 meetings, Donald Trump decided to let his daughter take his place
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has, like the rest of the world, seen the outrage that is Donald Trump occupying the A
House Speaker Paul Ryan finally admitted the reason he is refusing to hold town hall meetings: He s too afraid of protesters. S
On Friday, Donald Trump finally got the chance to be in the same room as his favorite world leader, Russian President Vladimi
While spouses are a tradition at the G-20 Summit, the truth is there is very little for them to do while world leaders discuss the
The last time Donald Trump went overseas, it was clear that he didn t have the physical or mental stamina to carry out his pre
We already knew Vice President Mike Pence doesn t trust those funny people in lab coats called scientists. He doesn t believe
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is not known for her good decision making. On Friday, she proved that she is either a tota
After all of the conspiracy theories and lies Sean Hannity has peddled over the years, he definitely does NOT deserve an award
If you ever needed evidence of Donald Trump s bromance with Vladimir Putin, it s in the amount of time they spent together.
Incapable of putting his f*cking phone down during an important overseas trip, Donald Trump embarrassed our country again
The first official meeting between Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin was captured on what appears to be a cellphon
With the White House plagued with scandals, Donald Trump has repeatedly blamed the dishonest media for not giving him p
House Speaker Paul Ryan s office is throwing yet another obstacle in the way of the free press, but this one only affects female
Donald Trump simply cannot seem to stop embarrassing himself and thus America on the world stage. Right now, he is in Eu
On Wednesday, Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) gave a shockingly honest response to why the Senate s long-awaited health care p
Donald Trump promised to surround himself with the best people, but his team couldn t even manage to book him a hotel ro
It s no secret that Donald Trump hates the mainstream media, and specifically CNN, but our Constitution is set up in a way tha
Republicans were crossing their fingers that Donald Trump s visit to Europe would go better than the last time, but the fates w
Poland is acting like they don t quite like fascists or something. While some have criticized Andrzej Duda for arranging a cheeri
Six million Poles lost their lives during World War II. But to Donald Trump, that s just tough. Perhaps no nation suffered as mu
Donald Trump just sank to a new embarrassing low on the world stage.Sitting presidents usually do not attack their predecess
Donald Trump s first trip overseas was an absolute disaster, and it s becoming obvious that Trump has full intention of making
The current occupant of the White House traveled overseas and met with President Andrzej Duda of Poland at the Royal Castl
Donald Trump s obsession with Twitter and inability to concentrate on any concept more complex than a sentence or two is n
From day one of Donald Trump s failure of a presidency, it was perfectly clear that the former reality television star thought he
Donald Trump has been notorious for touting poll numbers that look good for him. During the campaign, whenever he d caree
On Wednesday, the GOP in an effort to deflect from the fact that they have failed multiple times to come up with an accepta
Amateur president Donald Trump isn t well liked in the U.S. or around the world. 37 nations had far more confidence in forme
Gas prices are expected to rise sharply this year, but Donald Trump thinks a ten-year low for a single day is something he shou
Amid news of the Russian scandal and Congress dystopian agenda, one fact keeps staring the American people right in the ey
If there s one thing that has become abundantly clear over the past year or so, it s that the Trump family isn t all that bright e
Leaked text messages between the daughters of Paul Manafort, who served as Donald Trump s campaign manager until his Ru
On Independence Day, National Public Radio tweeted the entire Declaration of Independence to accompany their annual read
The Donald Trump Administration has to be the whiniest in history. Of course, they are all a bunch of spoiled, moneyed, grown
So far, forty-four states are resisting the Trump administration s request for voter data. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach,
The Republican effort to impeach former President Bill Clinton is coming back to haunt them.Back in 1998, Republicans passed
Donald Trump s giant tower in Chicago now has a very appropriate neighbor a sign that puts it (and Trump) into context.Our
White House officials are now saying Trump won t make a trip to England this summer after a hurried, secret plan to sneak the
Rep. Maxine Waters just called Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson out for the heartless a**hole that he is
Donald Trump s attacks on the free press continue to get worse, and the media is pushing back. On Monday, Chuck Todd of NB
Once New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was defeated while running as a Republican candidate in the 2016 election, he quick
President Obama visited Jakarta, where the normally staid and reasoned statesman gave a blistering assessment of the Trump
Chris Christie s New Jersey is in such gridlock that they ve had shut down the government, which means they ve had to shut do
It s official a child has been elected to the White House. Rather than act like the professional leader he s meant to be, Trump
Sunday morning, presumably just before church, amateur president Donald Trump posted a video containing violent imagery
Donald Trump is going to lose his shit if he reads this.Throughout the week, Trump has been viciously attacking Morning Joe h
On Saturday night, during a speech to honor veterans in Washington, Donald Trump once again perfectly demonstrated what
Many Americans have been begging Donald Trump to delete his Twitter account for the sake of the country s reputation, and
One of Donald Trump s biggest fans, Fox News host Sean Hannity, has just tried to come to his rescue after the POTUS was con
The Twitter-addicted president just explained all of his recent vile tweets, which by many have been deemed to be unpreside
Donald Trump has never tried to hide the fact that he is a misogynistic a**hole. Rosie O Donnell, Megyn Kelly, and any other w
This week, Donald Trump joined a collection of scientists, engineers, and astronauts to sign an executive order renewing the N
Donald Trump spent his week on Twitter blasting Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, hosts of MSNBC s Morning Joe. Rather
On Saturday, Donald Trump truly became the President with his latest in a series of dumbass attacks against MSNBC host Mika
Donald Trump threw a temper tantrum on Saturday morning because states are refusing to cooperate with his bullshit voter f
Ever since the historic ruling that made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states in June 2015, opponents cried that it s a war ag
This incredibly awkward story comes from New York Post reporter Gabby Morrongiello:A source tells me Trump ran around th
The average American makes about $50,000 a year and too many Americans scrape by on much less. So how much does Trum
Former Attorney General Eric Holder, who served under former President Barack Obama, unleashed a tweet at 3:00 a.m. to th
Trump has been on a 48-hour freak out with the hosts of MSNBC s Morning Joe and his clear incoherence has everyone from
Blackmail is a crime. It s time to impeach Donald Trump.Despite a desperate effort by the White House to deny it, Trump dera
To say people aren t happy is an understatement. People are extremely angry about state Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon
The nation is still reeling from the fact that the so-called president, Donald Trump, attacked Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezin
Ever since Donald Trump took his ride down the escalator with his wife Melania, we ve all known he was not fit to be presiden
There have been many reactions to Donald Trump s Thursday morning Twitter meltdown that led to unbelievably misogynistic
We already know that Donald Trump hates exercising. In Italy, Trump rode in a golf cart, rather than walk 700 yards like the re
The National Rifle Association, who has become nothing but the marketing arm of gun manufacturers, is panicking. Gun sales
An explosive report in the Wall Street Journal explicitly links the Russian-hacked Clinton campaign emails with Trump s campa
If today on Fox News was any indication at all, Donald Trump may have finally gone too far, even for some of his base, when h
A couple of weeks ago, Donald Trump held his first cabinet meeting. They might have discussed policy or the goals of the floun
It looks like Vladimir Putin is going to walk away with quite the goody bag after he leaves next week s G20 summit. According t
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway likes to call her critics sexist but she s always stood by amateur president Donald T
We all know that Donald Trump is a misogynistic sexual predator. That s the kind of public life he has led, and it is the kind of s
Set off by a comment about his small hands on MSNBC s Morning Joe, Donald Trump lashed out at the female host Mika Brzez
On Thursday, Donald Trump truly became the President. He bravely stood up to the FAKE NEWS media by tweeting about MSN
By now, the entire world is aware that Donald Trump spent his morning lashing out at Morning Joe hosts Joe Scarborough and
Figuring out the best way to deal with healthcare and health insurance is very delicate, complicated. We ve got hundreds of th
It can easily be said that there is a madman who has been allowed to take residence in the White House. A man with the matu
Donald Trump and the people in his administration have precious little to brag about nowadays, but you can t manage to conv
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has been pushing for Donald Trump to negotiate with him and his fellow Democrats o
No one should be surprised about this, but it was recently discovered that Donald Trump was displaying fake Time magazines
Donald Trump just posted a provable lie on Twitter that makes him look like a complete hypocrite.In retaliation against the Wa
Yesterday, after Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) called for the vote on the GOP s health care bill to be del
While there was certainly a left-wing populist wave during the 2016 election that propelled Senator Bernie Sanders much furth
The Republicans are at it again this time by passing a bill that will allow public schools in Kentucky to teach the Bible.WDRB re
For Trump supporters, the only way to fend off critics of the amateur president is to lash out at the free press. There is no one
Republican Senator Rand Paul spoke with CNN s Erin Burnett on Tuesday and accidentally spilled the beans about the kind of h
Watching the healthcare bill he staked his entire presidency on flame out in the Senate seems to have broken Trump s brain. W
Donald Trump woke up on Wednesday morning and lashed out at the media again.The temper tantrum was aimed at the New
Protests against Trumpcare are ramping up now that the Congressional Budget Office has released their assessment of the bill
Team Trump has reportedly been involved in a heated battle with Walt Disney World over the speech given by the president s
Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates was fired by Donald Trump when she refused to defend his travel ban, which we a
Not long ago, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), said that poor people should have to choose between having an iPhone and health
According to a new report, health insurance premiums will shoot up 74% for the Average American under the health care bill b
The Congressional Budget Office released their report on the Senate s version of the Republican health care bill on Monday, a
Donald Trump was in a room full of Irish reporters while placing a call to their newly elected Irish leader Leo Varadkar when Iri
Donald Trump s war on the free press just entered a dark new phase. After spending the election smearing reporters, sometim
Donald Trump is doing a horrendous job of raising his historically low approval rating in America, and it looks like he s not doin
This proves that Republicans never care about the struggles Americans face until they go through it themselves.Donald Trump
Donald Trump went on another uncontrollable rant against the media on Tuesday morning.Days after three CNN employees r
While on the campaign trail, Donald Trump, a former reality show star, repeatedly promised to repeal Obamacare and his sup
For the years since the debate over the Affordable Care Act began, anti-government Republicans (is there another kind?) have
Last Tuesday, Georgia held a special election for its Atlanta House seat, which was vacated by Tom Price, who joined the Trum
Despite how much the mainstream media and America has clearly communicated that no one is interested in what Trump adv
A group of disabled Americans protesting the Senate s plan to kick 22 million off of health insurance knew they faced jail if the
For the first time since taking office, Donald Trump will be reunited with Vladimir Putin and he s very excited about it. His advi
Republicans who call themselves pro-life are presenting a health care plan that would literally kill tens of thousands of people
Ivanka Trump is a lot of things to her father someone he wants to have sex with (his words, not ours), a doting daughter he w
If you read anything about the Supreme Court today, it was likely that they upheld a good portion of Donald Trump s Muslim b
If you want to know just how bad Donald Trump s healthcare bill would be for this country, just ask Ali Chandra.Thanks to the
There s been development with Trump s Muslim ban and it s not good.On Monday, the Supreme Court not only decided to he
Donald Trump threw another temper tantrum on Twitter as the investigation closes in on him.You know that the investigation
Ever since same-sex marriage became the law of the land, Bible Belt states have been pushing back on it. Of course, we all rem
Donald Trump rode into the presidency with all the political savvy, intellectual curiosity and diplomatic skills of a bully who s a
On Sunday, Republican Senator Ron Johnson was vocal about punishing people with pre-existing conditions. He suggested tha
Eric Trump has a new haircut and that haircut looks to be an outrageously offensive political statement.Moving away from the
Trump got into a bizarre pissing match with former President Obama during his interview with Fox News. For reasons known o
Donald Trump is now trying to tweet his way out of being investigated for collusion. He screwed himself over instead.Only a d
A Fayetteville woman has just learned that under North Carolina law a person can t be charged with rape even if the other per
The Republican healthcare plan is a travesty and the numbers don t lie. Sen. Orrin Hatch does, though. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I
Donald Trump must be squirming in his tightie-whities as the investigation into his administration s collusion with Russia heats
A conservative organization whose sole purpose is to spend money helping promote Trump s talking points just wasted $200,0
With the unveiling of the Senate Republicans disastrous new health care proposal, it s never been more clear that Trumpcare
On Saturday, Green Party candidate Jill Stein tried to explain why she met with Russian President Vladimir Putin before the ele
Donald Trump Jr. is so furious over Johnny Depp s bad assassination joked that he wants Disney to fire the actor.Speaking in E
For months, Donald Trump has denied that Russia meddled in the 2016 Election on his behalf. That changed on Friday night aft
Is he really going to do it this time? With Stephen Colbert, it s hard to tell but he made an appearance on Russian television a
Usually, once the peaceful transfer of power is complete, the outgoing administration lays low so as not to disrupt what the ne
By now, everyone has seen the monstrosity that is the GOP Senate s so-called healthcare bill. At its core, it really is just a huge
If there is one thing going for the American people against Trump s assault on decency, liberties, and intelligence it s that he a
Of all the media networks to expose Donald Trump, the last one America would expect it to be is Fox News. The conservative
Joe Biden was speaking at the SkyBridge Alternatives (SALT) Conference when one rich a**hole decided to disrespect the for
The Senate Republicans unveiled their disastrous health care bill on Thursday, and it was immediately shot down by everyone
Donald Trump keeps trying and failing to enact a travel ban from many predominantly Muslim countries. California is enacting
Cameras have been banned from White House press briefings, so CNN, and possibly other news outlets, have come up with a
There are people currently being turned down for jobs at Applebee s with better resumes than William Bradford. The obscure
Days after Trump and his team cynically seized on the shooting of Republican Congressman Steve Scalise to argue Democrats
If there was ever any doubt that Vladimir Putin orchestrated a complex attack on our democracy with the express goal of getti
White House press secretary Sean Spicer went to his safe place at Fox News on Friday to bash former President Barack Obama
Does Donald Trump have tapes of his conversations with fired FBI director James Comey? Until Thursday, he said yes but afte
A 24-year-old that set fire to a fountain on Wednesday morning in Washington, D.C. has been arrested. This very same founta
At this point, it s hard to tell what the Trump administration will say next to attempt to deflect from anything at all involving T
Donald Trump stroked his own ego again and got humiliated for it.During a very creepy Cabinet meeting where each member
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participated in a forum on Thursday, which was hosted by the New York Times, to dis
President Obama typically refrains from outright blasting the f*ck out of Donald Trump, but he made an exception on Thursda
Donald Trump has been tweeting all day and his latest is triggering a needless fight with one of America s largest trade partne
It was supposed to be Trump s one, big win. Now it s completely falling apart.The much-publicized deal to save American man
At this point, every Republican who refuses to have a spine and stand up to Donald Trump s ignorance and tyranny is just as g
Conservatives love to tell us that Donald Trump speaks his mind and always tells the truth despite a mountain of evidence aga
The super top-secret GOP healthcare bill has been released. Hidden within all the kerfuffle is a woman s worst nightmare: Plan
Well, that has to be embarrassing.Ever since Election Day, Trump has insisted that he won the popular vote despite the fact th
Donald Trump is once again the White House leaker he keeps whining about.Ever since taking office, Trump has refused to op
*Hey Justin, I don t have another title and was told this one goes too far. Hoping you can come up with something that works.
Alleged President Donald Trump has been on the job for only 153 days and he held another ego-rally on Wednesday. The crow
As Donald Trump stacks his cabinet with ultra-conservative members of Congress, that leaves empty seats that need to be fille
Representative Ron Simmons, R-Carrollton, is back at it again, this time bringing with him TWO anti-LGBT bathroom bills to the
One would think that Donald Trump would ve learned his lesson by now and actually fact-check what he is going to say in adv
We all remember how on the eve of Montana s special election, then-Republican candidate Greg Gianforte made headlines w
In a move that will most likely never be described as progress, the state of Missouri has voted to pass SB 5, a bill that among
On Tuesday, Education Secretary Betsy Devos announced that she will appoint A. Wayne Johnson as the as Chief Operating Offi
Randy Bryce, known as @IronStache on Twitter, launched a campaign to oust Paul Ryan from Wisconsin s 1st District. Bryce is
After already having several massive failures under their belts as a result of Donald Trump s presidency, it sure doesn t seem li
Senators are increasingly pissed off about the group of Republicans who are writing a healthcare bill in secret. They re suppose
The Senate Republicans have attracted loads of criticism and backlash for being super shady and secretive while creating their
By now, the entire nation knows that the GOP is operating behind closed doors in order to restructure a sixth of America s eco
Like father, like son, Donald Trump Jr. twitter account is getting him into a lot of trouble.The morning after Republican Karen H
Donald Trump s budget is all about punishing the poor while enriching himself.The whole problem with Trump keeping his var
Donald Trump apparently expects Democrats to support his evil agenda just because a Republican won a race in a red state.Th
On January 20 this year, more than 230 people were arrested without warning in relation to the anti-Trump protests that took
According to a person interviewed by the FBI, U.S. investigators in the probe looking into former national security advisor Mich
Trump has repeatedly decried the gun violence that plagues the city of Chicago, along with other Republicans and NRA-types w
Most people think of House Speaker Paul Ryan as completely safe in his seat. After all, he is seen as the GOP s Golden Boy (tho
Ivanka Trump decided on Tuesday evening to send out a tweet in honor of World Refuge Day, and once again, she apparently
It s hard not to feel that John McCain, after 30 years in the Senate, is tired of it all. On Tuesday, he made an admission that s su
A bodyguard to a much-reviled white supremacist picked a fight outside a Trump rally and was stabbed nine times as a result.
If you pay attention to right-wing media, and some on the left, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee are not
In a case that could have far-reaching consequences on the outcome of future elections, the US Supreme Court agreed on Mo
Republicans are panicking over today s special election in Georgia, which pits Democrat John Ossoff against Republican Trump
Donald Trump s White House is the leakiest in living memory. This is because the people around him understand that he is inc
What is up with Sean Hannity lately? Last night, he asked whether there would be outcry if a theater company put on a play in
There s a new Gallup poll out showing that Donald Trump can, in fact, make other people popular. However, the people this p
Donald Trump s presidency has given rise to an amount of discrimination, hate speech, and racism that most Americans were
On Monday evening, Democrats held the Senate floor in protest of Trumpcare, the cruel GOP bill that would strip millions of t
Newt Gingrich has been one of Donald Trump s most vocal cheerleaders, but in a new book, he threw his President under the
White House press briefings have gone completely dark. Sean Spicer and Donald Trump s press team are either skipping daily
As is the norm for Donald Trump, it s clear he did absolutely no preparation for his Oval Office meeting with Panama President
Donald Trump is no stranger to doing business in the Middle East, yet for some unknown reason, he could never quite crack th
A horrifying incident took place in the early hours of Monday morning in Finsbury Park in London.A van plowed into a group o
It s crystal clear that nobody can accuse Sean Hannity of knowing what he s talking about, particularly over Twitter. Tonight, h
With the news dropping that supposedly Trump isn t under an investigation for obstruction of justice, we re all scratching our
A PAC that claims to support principled conservative candidates that will lead the fight to restore constitutionally limited gove
It s an old story: A demographic won t vote Republican, so Republicans find ways to prevent said demographic from voting ins
A new report from the New York Times reveals that Trump renewed trademarks in Russia, which contradicts this claim that he
Ever since his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has proven himself to be a loose cannon that no one can control. Trump s
Critics are calling former Fox News host, Megyn Kelly s upcoming interview with the conspiracy theorist and noted lunatic, Ale
The question as to whether Donald Trump is being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller or not was answered definiti
Donald Trump has been consumed with a seething anger and frustration lately that s slipping into everything he does. This we
Joy Reid rained on Donald Trump s parade on Sunday morning, and it was glorious.Earlier in the morning, Trump declared on T
Donald Trump got hilariously owned on Twitter again.On Sunday morning, Trump took a break from playing golf to post a Twitt
Despite his tweets, apparently Trump isn t being investigated for obstruction of justice, according to Jay Sekulow, a member o
The bright side of the Russian/Trump investigation, if you can find one, is that a lot of political stars are being born. Al Franken
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich is convinced that somebody is most likely going to wind up in jail when the investigation into R
One of Donald Trump s favorite morons you know, the poorly educated as he calls them managed to pick a fight he couldn
Donald Trump is literally the old man who yells at his television set. Only he is doing it in the White House every time a certain
An employee of the Columbus City School system made a post to Facebook on Thursday, where they called for a Boston Mara
It is now possible for religious adoption agencies in Texas to reject LGBT+ parents from adopting children.The Daily Caller repo
Donald Trump s Russia problem just won t go away. In fact, the investigation is steadily expanding, and with the revelation tha
Donald Trump s longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, has hired legal counsel amidst an intensifying investigation into Rus
Donald Trump s behavior and outlandish ways have made him countless enemies and some of them are in the White House.
Trump and his minions and cronies twist reality so badly it s amazing they can even see straight enough to write anything prett
At one time, Ann Coulter thought Donald Trump was the greatest thing to ever happen to America. But apparently, she doesn
Donald Trump is desperate to stop the investigation into his dirty Russian escapades and even went as far as firing FBI Directo
As commander-in-chief, shouldn t the Army field manual apply to the president as well as the men and women he commands?
In a shocking turn of events, the Trump administration has done something good. I know that s hard to imagine while Trump h
While America is still recovering from the shocking shooting that occurred at a Republican baseball game in which Rep. Steve S
Donald Trump is definitely protesting too much.This would be a good time for Trump to keep his mouth shut, but as usual, he
Here s something you might want to send to your nearest Trump supporting family member the next time you hear them say
Russia s Defense Ministry is investigating whether they have killed possibly the world s most wanted man, ISIS leader Abu Bak
In response to the U.S. withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement earlier this month, the Energy Department is shutting d
Donald Trump s administration and White House is the leakiest in living memory. This is because even his own staff knows tha
According to a Gallup poll released on Thursday, Republican satisfaction with the direction in which the USA is heading took it
Rocker Ted Nugent says he s seen the light after the Virgina shooting and claims he will stop with the toxic rhetoric he is famo
There has been a lot of social media speculation over what will happen if and when Donald Trump is impeached or he is forced
The Trump White House is now officially in full-blown crisis mode. First, we learned yesterday that Donald Trump himself is no
After the news broke that Trump is going to be investigated for possible obstruction of justice, Trump has taken to Twitter to w
Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly s interview with Trump supporter, conspiracy theorist, fake news purveyor, and general as
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has been in the news constantly, and it hasn t been good. His most recent stunt will certainly raise eyeb
As Attorney General, Jeff Sessions is the top law enforcement person in this country. He s also under investigation for colludin
During a private speech to journalists, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull let his inner comedian shine with a hilariou
There have been many reactions to the horrific shooting at a Republican baseball game this week, but the one that was just gi
On Trump s birthday, the Washington Post published an explosive story alleging that the FBI under Mueller s direction was cur
It was only last week that Donald Trump was calling on Qatar to stop funding terrorism, even taking credit for Gulf nations bla
The Trump White House is perhaps the leakiest in the history of the American presidency. This is because Trump s own staffer
Despite all the evidence otherwise, Donald Trump is still claiming that he doesn t believe Russia actually hacked our election. A
For perhaps the first time since Donald Trump hit the political scene, he didn t make a bad situation worse by saying somethin
Fox News, purveyor of lies branded as news, has finally decided to drop the act and tell the world who they really are. In a fa
Hours after a gunman opened fire on Republican Congressmen during their baseball practice session, the partisan rancor bega
Whether or not Trump obstructed justice in his interactions with James Comey has been the subject of hot debate ever since C
If Republicans were even moderately literate, they would know that the message of Shakespeare s Julius Caesar is that assas
In the wake of a mass shooting that left a Republican member of congress and several others injured, many on both sides of th
It took Trump s family and friends under an hour after a mass shooting at a congressional Republican baseball practice to win
Workers at PT Buma, the Korean-owned garment factory in Subang, Indonesia, responsible for creating the pieces that make u
Chuck Grassley, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, hinted at the possibility of laying obstruction of j
Donald Trump doesn t have any legislative wins under his belt yet, but there s one thing he s been really good at shattering re
As the divisions in the nation bubble over, it seems that one person has snapped, and done the unthinkable: opened fire on a
A Missouri state representative is making national headlines today after he shared a video on Facebook of him decapitating a
Donald Trump has to be the most corrupt president America has ever seen. After his infamous firing of FBI Director James Co
The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee hearing with Attorney General Jeff Sessions took place today in what turned out to be
Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday afternoon and not surprisingly
The Golden State Warriors just clenched the 2017 NBA Champions against the Cleveland Cavaliers. They fought hard in the 4-1
Donald Trump went on a whining rant about the media on Tuesday morning and got totally humiliated.As he usually does, Tru
Some people believe that Trump is journaling his thoughts by posting on Twitter. He s being transparent, they say.What thes
The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down a backward, gender discriminating federal law based on shocking stereotypes one b
Acclaimed horror writer Stephen King is no fan of Donald Trump and has been calling him and his administration out on Twitte
The Russian attacks on our election were far more widespread than previously thought. Recently, a woman by the name of Re
Megyn Kelly may have departed Fox News for more legitimate pastures at NBC, but she s no less of a right-wing hack. If anyth
The world was stunned when Donald Trump pulled the USA out of the Paris Climate Accord, claiming that the deal was very u
After watching Fox News, Donald Trump took to Twitter, as he is prone to do, to congratulate and pat himself on the back abo
June is LGBTQ Pride month. That means that there are pride flags celebrating LGBTQ peoples across the planet popping up eve
The Republican Party has always had a problem with racism. That s no accident; after all it was their racist Southern Strategy
Donald Trump continues to be the biggest pain in the a** for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who seems to visibly h
A first-of-its-kind lawsuit was announced on Monday. The lawsuit will be filed jointly by Maryland s Attorney General, Brian Fr
Donald Trump s presidency is falling apart. Between the Russia investigations, his falling approval numbers and the fact that h
Seriously, this actually just happened.Prior to a round table ass-kissing contest, Donald Trump told a room full of reporters and
Donald Trump is acting like a caged animal. Since around the time he fired FBI Director James Comey, he s been on the defens
Once again, Donald Trump s Muslim ban was smacked down by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday, upholding an inju
If anything more than a grunt passes between the lips of a Republican, one can typically be assured he or she is lying and tha
People are scratching their heads at an event Trump just held that has no precedent in United States history but wouldn t look
Nothing betrays your official narrative that your administration is functionally well and you are not a crook like tweeting assur
As the Russian investigation is getting uncomfortably close to home for Donald Trump and as his insistence on profiting from t
Wall Township High School in Wall, New Jersey, has recently come under fire from the parents of three students for erasing re
Robert Mueller, the man selected in May by the Justice Department to head the investigation into Russia s interference in the
Fox News loves to point the finger at Snowflakes and anybody they think should buck-up and not complain about the way of
Donald Trump has claimed, rather loudly, that he s perfectly willing to testify under oath about Russia and about James Comey
Over the last nine years or so, there has been one cardinal rule in Republican politics: Never, ever say anything good about Pre
One of the GOP s biggest donors who used to be associated with IBM is the man responsible for millions of Twitter bots that fo
Now that fired FBI Director James Comey has offered explosive testimony to the Intelligence Committee of the United States S
Donald Trump has chosen to ignore Pride month, but the same can not be said of all politicians. Sen. Elizabeth Warren set the
As our current administration continues to prove that it has no actual concern for the working class, it s hard to image why Tru
Amid allegations of Russian interference with our elections, Republicans are scrambling, trying to defend the leader of their pa
Donald Trump has made quite the fuss about tapes of conversations between himself and former FBI Director James Comey. P
Donald Trump s favorite morning propaganda program on Fox News just got their asses handed to them for counting their chi
Rather than stick around in Washington following former FBI Director James Comey s Senate testimony, Donald Trump decide
The walls are closing in on Donald Trump s Attorney General.In the aftermath of James Comey s damning Senate testimony, Je
The Department of Justice is now arguing that the president can take money from foreign governments. Why? The DOJ is argu
After former FBI Director, James Comey was fired from his position as the leader of the FBI by Donald Trump, the thing that is
On Sunday, Donald Trump once again embarrassed himself and his country (the United States, not Russia) with yet another tw
Following James Comey s testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Trump claimed that he d never asked Come
So many questions have come up in the wake of James Comey s Senate testimony. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is agai
The eating habits of President Trump have been scrutinized by the press many times during his campaign and presidency. Onc
The entire Trump White House is all about cracking down on leaks that make them look bad, but perhaps Kellyanne Conway d
It s all over the news that President Trump s popularity is sliding down a slippery slope, even among his Republican cronies. Fo
The former CEO of the President s favorite outlet just slammed him with a hard to ignore insult about what it s like to be in the
There s some funny business happening this weekend at the Jersey Shore, and it s not the usual shenanigans you have in mind
White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made more sense on Saturday than she has in her numerous de
Legendary investigative reporter Carl Bernstein sees right through Donald Trump s bullshit.In response to former FBI Director
Donald Trump just got caught lying again and there is video to prove it.When former FBI Director James Comey testified under
After James Comey called him a liar five times on Thursday, Donald Trump has been obsessing over the former FBI Director s d
Justice Department deputy solicitor general Michael Dreeben will assist Robert Mueller and he s no slacker. He has argued mo
Donald Trump s lies and empty threats are finally catching up to him. Just a day after the hearing of former FBI Director James
Donald Trump shredded the First Amendment during his remarks at the Faith and Freedom Coalition on Thursday and made a
President Trump is pissing off a lot of his fellow Republicans with his inability to cooperate with normal, law abiding governme
Donald Trump has been having a rough time lately and things came to a head on Thursday when James Comey testified before
CNN announced it would be severing its ties to religious scholar and popular writer Reza Aslan. The long-time CNN contributor
Eight years ago, the right-wing media was obsessed over a White House controversy. It seemed that the newly elected Preside
Donald Trump s bigoted attack against London s mayor just backfired spectacularly.The day after London was attacked by a te
It s becoming increasingly apparent, over these last months, that Donald Trump s one priority is to be a d*ck and he s proving
Donald Trump broke his Twitter silence over James Comey s Senate testimony on Friday morning by committing an act of obst
I guess Trump missed the sticks and stones lesson in life as more and more of his critics are getting blocked on Twitter over the
Sometimes you get the feeling that Paul Ryan has forgotten exactly who he works for. Despite the fact that while campaigning
Sen. Richard Blumenthal was deeply disturbed by James Comey s testimony that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was hiding a th
While team Trump is making light of the damage done by former FBI Director James Comey s highly anticipated testimony on
The entire nation has been glued to the coverage of fired FBI Director James Comey s testimony all day. When it was finally ov
The news of the day is the testimony that former FBI Director James Comey gave to the Senate Intelligence Committee this mo
It really says something when Republican leaders tell Trump not to tweet during an important event.When Former FBI Directo
Lawyers, especially on Twitter, like giving their own legal opinions on things to their followers. Some of them will try and expla
Republicans are once again putting their party before their country. Just before the highly anticipated testimony from fired FB
Many of us have been ready to impeach Donald Trump since election night. However, the downside to this scenario was the p
Despite the pleading from large companies and citizens, Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement last week.But, not all hope i
Donald Trump hired himself a personal lawyer to represent him in the Russia investigation. Marc Kasowitz, though, isn t a crim
This last week has been an seemingly unending stream of terrifying, disturbing news about Trump and his administration. Add
Donald Trump has brought more corruption into the White House than anyone during his short time as President of the Unite
As former FBI Director James Comey gave his testimony today, several gems were revealed in the process. One of the most no
On Thursday, thanks to strange Senate rules, John McCain found himself with the opportunity to question fired FBI director Ja
Donald Trump has been asked by Republicans to not tweet during former FBI Director James Comey s testimony to Congress,
A young white man in Chicago became an internet sensation and a probable future ex-con after on Tuesday, he made a bunch
Former FBI Director James Comey will testify before Congress at 10 a.m. EST on Thursday, June 8, but you can read his full pre
Former FBI Director James Comey is testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee today, but he asked the committee to
As the nation is embroiled in one scandal after another with Donald Trump, as the world now has first-hand knowledge of the
Rep. Maxine Waters is taking a page right out of Donald Trump s playbook and turning it into a piece of political art. Since Trum
At the very beginning of May, Trump s Department of Justice issued an opinion that opened the door for all government agen
Senators from both parties were frustrated with the intel chiefs who refused to answer their most important questions during
If Donald Trump and his team are trying to pretend that everything is fine and nothing s wrong, they re not doing a very good
Donald Trump once again decided to waste precious speech time to bore Americans with how hard his life is and what he sai
It s hardly a well-kept secret. Forty years of Republican policies have proven that they don t give a crap about the people who
Everyone is in anticipation for Thursday because of Former FBI Director, James Comey will be testifying. There is so much antic
Donald Trump probably did not enjoy watching Fox News this time around.Because when Neil Cavuto went on the air on Tues
People who owe their lives to the Affordable Care Act ripped Donald Trump a new one on Wednesday for referring to them as
James Clapper was the Director of National Intelligence during the Obama Administration. He has been interviewed many tim
If you are looking for somewhere to drink while you watch former-FBI Director James Comey s testimony on Thursday mornin
When then-President Elect Donald Trump held a press conference on January 11 to separate himself from his business ventur
Late Show host Stephen Colbert has been having a high old time ripping Donald Trump and his crazy, scandal-ridden administr
The apple truly doesn t fall far from the tree and Eric Trump proved that in a recent interview on Fox News. In his very first sen
It s well known by now that Trump unsuccessfully pressured Comey to end the FBI s investigation into Michael Flynn and Russ
The entire nation is now waiting with bated breath for fired FBI Director James Comey to testify in open session Congress in w
One of the major things with Donald Trump s speech at the NATO summit that shocked everyone was his refusal to commit to
Donald Trump may be realizing that there s something to the sage advice of not working with family. On Tuesday, Trump joke
Donald Trump has done so much damage that other countries are now scrambling to figure out their new role in the world. Th
Trump took some time today during a White House meeting with Republican congressional leaders to brag about his new idea
In another despicable headline focused on the actions of President Trump, Forbes reported on Tuesday that Trump has funne
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has the hardest job in Washington. He has to, on an almost daily basis, face a firing s
Damn! Donald Trump is in need of a private lawyer to help him with the Russian avalanche that s about to come tumbling dow
The first thing Donald Trump should have thought about on Tuesday morning is all the American soldiers who sacrificed their l
Donald Trump may want to hire the best and the brightest to represent him in his growing Russia scandal, but that s certainly
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway has previously said to take alleged president Donald Trump s tweets seriously but n
The latest results are in and things are looking pretty bleak for President Trump As of Monday, practically every single poll ha
Reality Leigh Winner, 25, a federal contractor at the NSA, was arrested for leaking a classified report containing what has been
Trump picked a petty, embarrassing fight with the Mayor of London after a terror attack rocked the British capital now Mayo
After Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord, many noted that it was the end of the United Sta
Since Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote (and even months before that), Democrats have been focused on the fact
Donald Trump may have been guilty in intentionally scheduled his first overseas trip to temporarily escape his Russia scandal j
While Londoners were coming together in a show of courage and compassion for the victims of a terror attack, an intrepid Bre
Back in February, Donald Trump described his administration as running like a fine-tuned machine and that mind-numbingly
Until recently, Iowa Democrat Kim Weaver was running a promising campaign against noted white supremacist, GOP Rep. Ste
Kellyanne Conway may still be loyal to Donald Trump, but her husband seems far less impressed with our Tweeter-in-Chief. On
Donald Trump s reaction to the London terrorist attack could not have been more disgraceful. Not only did he use the incident
So the Conway marriage just took a turn and Kellyanne, still doing the tv circuit to promote Trump s latest lies, may not even
It s so much fun watching Kellyanne Conway get humiliated on live television.On Monday morning, the wicked witch of the W
Trump spent his second day having a mental breakdown on Twitter with no signs of stopping. Situations around the world are
On Monday, Donald Trump once again attacked London s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, for what he thinks Khan said about the London t
As of this writing, it is not even 7:00 AM on the East Coast and Donald Trump is already awake and tweeting. What s got him s
The way Donald Trump responded on Twitter to Saturday s terrorist attack in central London that left seven dead and injured
Trump s popularity continues to slip and slide downhill, including with his base. Every segment of his base, even those that are
Trump is lighting the Internet on fire with his response to the London attack, and not in a good way. But, true to form, some R
Former Rep. Gabby Giffords was not about to let Donald Trump get away with exploiting the recent terror attacks in London to
Monty Python s John Cleese owned two idiots on Sunday. One of them was Donald Trump. The other was a Trump supporter.
Donald Trump has been in office for several months now, and he still hasn t figured out the proper way to respond to a terrori
Considering the field that Megyn Kelly is in, one would think she would be critical of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On the o
CNN s Reza Aslan is a world renowned author and religious scholar. Therefore, he really is way above Donald Trump on the sca
After the Paris Accord, the United States under Donald Trump is generally seen as the baby in a high chair that s been pulled u
This week, comedian Kathy Griffin s world got turned upside down over a photo in which she held up a bloody beheaded liken
Here s a new low for America: During the unfolding tragedy in England, NBC announced that it would not be displaying the me
Donald Trump is going to throw the mother of all temper tantrums when he learns about this.If you are sick and tired of Trum
This week, Donald Trump disappointed the entire world by pulling out of the Paris climate deal. It was a decision that was con
The Trump administration was going to show Democrats a thing or two by touting a Pittsburgh, not Paris rally which is taking
Ben and Jerry, the ber liberal Vermont ice cream guys, are no fans of Donald Trump and in a blistering and sarcastic op-ed, the
As liberals are fighting over a picture posted by a self-professed D-List comedian and Bill Maher uttering the N word, Republic
Sean Hannity is giddy and offended that finally, just like his Great Orange Leader, there s a bloody Sean Hannity joke picture o
It s like something out of a dystopian novel: Having just abandoned America s leadership position in fighting climate change an
The Right has been in a frenzy over comedienne Kathy Griffin s distasteful piece of artwork featuring Donald Trump s decapita
Donald Trump s disastrous decision to take the United States out of the Paris climate deal was met with loads of criticism, as t
Don t we all owe $1.3 billion in loans, then meet with a Russian banker but totally do not discuss finances even though we re u
If Ivanka Trump really cares about the LGBTQ community she would not have supported her dad in the 2016 Election.But she
The White House is beginning to panic. At least that s the most logical conclusion from their latest jaw-dropping move. In an o
Donald Trump is so desperate to hear praise that he is retweeting anyone who congratulates him for withdrawing the United
French President Emmanuel Macron wasted no time in condemning Trump for pulling the United States out of the Paris clima
Respected journalist Dan Rather appeared on The Last Word with Lawrence O Donnell Thursday night and he had some harsh
Trump s decision to pull America out of the Paris climate accord is being described by policy experts and scientists as nothing s
Today, Donald Trump yanked us out of the Paris climate agreement something we helped craft and onto which every country
The mayor of Pittsburgh had a few choice words for Donald Trump after he used the city as a reason to abandon the Paris Clim
Sean Hannity needs a safe space because he can t take a joke.For months, the deplorable Fox News host who has been attack
The Morning Joe panel couldn t contain their laughter this morning after Joe Scarborough made a hilarious observation about
Donald Trump continues to find even more ways to fail and fall back on all of the ridiculous promises he made during his presi
While the Trump administration is up to its collective neck in scandals, Donald Trump just exempted his entire senior staff from
Most of us tend to be quite selective about who we give our phone number to so you would instantly assume that the Preside
It wasn t even a month ago that a company run by the family of Jared Kushner, son-in-law of President Donald Trump, were co
Following Covfefe-gate, in which Trump made an absolute fool of himself and Spicer managed to make an even bigger fool of
The men investigating the working conditions at the factory that makes, among other products, Ivanka Trump s shoe line, hav
The Smithsonian s Museum of African-American History opened to much fanfare, and also, much hatred from white people w
A new Politico/Morning Consult poll is out, and it shows that Trump s approval rating among registered voters is continuing to
Wednesday morning, Donald Trump brought the world to tears (of laughter) by complaining that too much negative covfefe
As if Donald Trump didn t piss off world leaders enough during his awful overseas trip, he s once again threatening to unravel
Some of the biggest corporations in the United States have come together to beg Donald Trump not to abandon the Paris Clim
Judging by how disastrous Donald Trump s first overseas trip went, it couldn t have been any more clear that Trump is not phy
Former FBI Director James Comey is now one of the most dangerous men in Washington to Donald Trump. There is nothing th
Donald Trump seems determined to make sure that the United States of America is never seen as the leader of the free world
Donald Trump has been extremely active on Twitter since he returned home from his first international trip as the President o
To Donald Trump, his popularity is everything, which may be why his favorite mode of communication is Twitter. Twitter s mo
A comedian went too far today and for that, she has apologized after outrage ensued. After a gory photo circulated showing K
After more than two years, the Cleveland police officer who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice has finally been fired. But the r
Now that Donald Trump has completed his disastrous first overseas trip, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer must once a
The mental exhaustion of being a member of the Republican Party is clearly getting to its politicians. Last week, the (now) Rep
Michael Cohen is a man who knows Donald Trump well. He has been Trump s personal lawyer for many years, and he spent th
After Friday s right-wing terror attack in Portland, in which two men were stabbed after coming to the aid of a Muslim teen, th
Donald Trump has been on Twitter for nearly 48 straight hours, clearly making up for lost time during his international trip wh
Congress may not be quite ready to impeach Trump, but many small towns and cities are doing their part to move the entire p
Donald Trump doesn t particularly have a filter. When the President of the United States is unhappy about an issue or feels so
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is up for reelection in September, and she s locked in a pretty tight race against Martin Schu
Graduates of University of Notre Dame s 2017 class, conducted a walk-out protest when Vice President Mike Pence began his
Earlier this month, a sinkhole opened up outside of Donald Trump s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and that happened just after
As bad as the Islamic State is, Russia poses a larger threat to security across the planet, at least, according to Senator John McC
Donald Trump showed up at Arlington National Cemetery to give the Memorial Day address, but things got a bit weird when t
Donald Trump regularly takes a beating on Twitter, the home of his poorly-spelled, nonsensical ravings. But since he s the Pres
President Donald Trump just completed his first foreign trip and the verdict is decidedly mixed as to how well he fared in Euro
If you didn t already think Donald Trump embarrassed our country at the G7 summit in Sicily, wait till you see this.Like a 12-ye
In a recent interview with CNN, former senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum hinted that President Tru
Donald Trump keeps digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole where Russia is concerned. His entire term has been plagu
It s no secret that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is no fan of Donald Trump. They had a frosty visit when she visited the Un
House Speaker Paul Ryan is hugely unpopular, garnering only a 29 percent approval rating. Apparently, 8th graders disapprove
It was the cringe-inducing handshake seen and mocked around the world. Trump sat down with the new president of Franc
Donald Trump was away for a bit over a week, which seemed to take his mind off the American media. He returned, however,
While the other six world leaders at the G7 (Group of Seven) walked a short 700 yards through Taormina, Sicilly, Donald Trum
The White House is finally wising up and realizing that America s current president is a toddler, and Donald Trump literally can
During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump was thrilled when Great Britain voted to leave the European Union. Now tha
In a stunning example of just how morally bankrupt right-wing media has become in the Age of Trump, Breitbart the conserv
Yesterday, Donald Trump visited Brussels and met with several top leaders of the European Union. As expected, he completel
Jared Kushner, one of Trump s senior advisers and his son-in-law, has come under FBI scrutiny in the Russia investigation so th
Donald Trump doesn t like NATO. Much like the fact he doesn t understand NATO, this is clear. On the campaign trail, his com
If you are a low-income earner and over 64 years of age, just be warned: You will be paying more than half of your annual inco
Ben Carson, the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, has come under fire for comments he made dur
Trump is not the only U.S. leader in Europe right now. Former President Obama is also there, and he met with German chance
The current occupant of the White House used to love to boast about his poll numbers until they started going south. After th
It was recently reported that someone within the highest ranks of the Trump White House was being looked at in the Trump-R
Just remember this the next time we need help from our allies and they tell us to go f*ck ourselves.Donald Trump has been on
Donald Trump has become increasingly paranoid and frustrated as the investigation into ties between his 2016 presidential ca
The investigation into possible collusion between Donald Trump s campaign and Russia in an effort to fix the 2016 election too
Donald Trump met with the other members of NATO and it did not go well. From the moment he arrived, Trump appeared ea
The legal mind behind the Bush Administration s illegal wiretapping, torture and other violations of the Geneva Conventions, J
Obeying the law can be such a pain in the ass, at least according to the Trump organization. With their hundreds of employees
The Montana Republican running for a congressional seat against a formidable Democratic opponent in a crucial special electi
For a man who has spent his entire life fat-shaming women, bulbous orange blob Donald Trump is certainly a little let s just sa
Late night television icon David Letterman gave a scathing review of Donald Trump s time in the White House. According to th
Donald Trump s visit to Israel had a stop at Yad Vashem, Israel s Holocaust remembrance and memorial museum. As is custom
We all know that President Donald Trump has wanted to blow up the disaster that is Obamacare for months now, however, h
Conservatives have suggested repeatedly that if former President Barack Obama clicked his heels together three times while s
Last week, disgraced former Fox News chief, Roger Ailes, died. I know you re supposed to speak reverentially about the dead,
Sean Hannity, in his desperation to show that it s the Clintons, and not Trump, who are horrifically corrupt criminals, keeps pu
Donald Trump has made a habit of embarrassing America in front of other world leaders, but on Monday he outdid himself.Kic
Oil leaks that pose catastrophic risks to the environment, people and water were the reason thousands of protesters risked th
It appears that Trump tried everything he could think of to discredit the FBI s investigation into whether his campaign colluded
It s no secret that Donald Trump s second-in-command, Mike Pence, is a bigot. He first rose to national prominence amid a sea
Donald Trump hires all the best people, at least that s what he promised the nation before he was elected. More than 100 day
John Burton, the outgoing chairman of California s Democratic party, had one final thing to say before he leaves and it was a s
According to an Associated Press source, Michael Flynn is going to decline to honor the Senate Intelligence Committee subpoe
On Monday, Donald Trump once again embarrassed himself and his country by accidentally revealing the source of the extrem
Last night Buzzfeed reported that a massive document full of the names and addresses of people who signed an anti-fascist pe
Trump s third day across seas may end up being his most devastating. Sitting down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netan
A passenger wearing a Make America Great Again hat in support of alleged president Donald Trump became disruptive on a fl
The New York Times reported that foreign leaders in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Vatican were told to praise Trump for his ele
Throughout the presidential campaign and beyond, Melania Trump has had no reservations whatsoever when it comes to sho
Over the weekend, President Trump signed a massive $109 billion deal selling weapons to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which
Conspiracy-loving conservatives are once again all over last summer s murder of Seth Rich, a DNC staffer they believe leaked t
After months of mocking Hillary Clinton s stamina because she dared catch pneumonia during the presidential campaign, Don
Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he has zero respect for the independent judiciary. Every time a judge rules in a way
The good news: Trump slowly read through his prepared remarks in front of a room full of world leaders and didn t throw up o
Apparently, Fox News hosts do not want their viewers to realize that Donald Trump is an embarrassment to America and a com
Donald Trump is a complete hypocrite.Just a day after curtsying to the Saudi Arabian king after repeatedly whining about Pres
While vice-president Mike Pence gave a commencement speech Sunday at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana where he
Democrats are reportedly furious at deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein after a classified, closed-door meeting on Friday.
Congressman Al Green (D-Texas) thinks, like a lot of Americans, that Donald Trump should be impeached. Rep. Green, though
I think that maybe I wouldn t be here if it wasn t for Twitter, Donald Trump told Fox News earlier this year. This possibility ap
Amateur president Donald Trump s repeated attacks on former FBI James Comey, the man who was leading the investigation
CNN s Anderson Cooper has pretty much had it with Trump surrogates. Last week, he became a viral internet meme when he
Long before presidential scandals were as serious as conflicts of interest and obstruction of justice, conservatives had to conte
It s potentially a world record: Trump managed to insult his foreign hosts almost immediately after stepping foot off of Air For
The amount of corruption we have seen in Donald Trump s rise and presidency has been alarming, and it s not going to stop a
Donald Trump has disgraced the United States and made the country s White House an absolute circus but he s not done ruin
By now, we re all aware of how Donald Trump repeatedly humiliates the nation with his handshake games. He awkwardly tugs
While Donald Trump is on a whirlwind world tour, the Russian investigation is beginning to land uncomfortably close to home
This weekend, Donald Trump will visit Saudi Arabia and the country is going out of its way to make him comfortable.Everyone
The investigation into Donald Trump and his associates possible collusion with the Russian government to fix the 2016 preside
Earlier this week, audio surfaced of Paul Ryan and some of his Republican cronies joking that Donald Trump is on Vladimir Puti
Donald Trump s ever-changing story of why he fired former FBI Director James Comey amid an active investigation into the for
In a meeting Trump held with two Russian officials at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump is said to have bra
We all know the feeling of dread that takes over when you see someone in public that you would really rather avoid. That fran
The latest in a seemingly unending torrent of scandals and toxicity coming from Fox News, the network says it was forced to a
Republicans on the Federal Communications Commission have net neutrality in their sites again. This time, Trump appointed
In a move that absolutely nobody could have seen coming, President Trump has lashed out about the newly-appointed specia
About 163 Trump scandals ago, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) recused himself from the House Russian investigation for feeding info
Donald Trump is back to shutting down reporters for trying to get to the bottom of his lies and scandals.Earlier today, Trump g
According to Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Michael Flynn is not willing to cooperate with the
In yet another example of Trump s inability to maintain even a slight bit of tact while representing America s interests oversea
This morning President Trump called for a meeting of his inner circle in order to figure out how to respond to yesterday s new
Earlier this year, Jason Chaffetz, the House Oversight Chairman who carried around a two year obsession when it came to inve
Word has gone out through the White House that anyone caught speaking with reporters is as good as gone, according to rep
It has been reported that embattled former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes passed away this morning at his home in Palm Beach, F
The last two weeks of Donald Trump s presidency have been riddled with bombshell after bombshell over his Russia scandal, a
With new revelations of Trump aides making undisclosed contacts with Russia screaming across headlines today amid the mou
Children, the most vulnerable of Americans, will feel the brunt of the new Obamacare replacement bill by the House GOP. The
Tony Schwartz is a man who knows Donald Trump well. He spent nearly two years glued to Trump s side as they wrote Trump
In a day filled with breaking news stories, this one is going almost unnoticed. A new report makes the bombshell (what s not a
The story of a slain DNC staffer complicates as an ex-detective claims there is new evidence behind his murder. On Monday, a
The Department of Justice announced on Wednesday that former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been named as special coun
After Donald Trump s first disastrous hot mic moment was revealed through an Access Hollywood audio tape, it was hard to b
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy one of Trump s strongest allies in Congress divulged a hugely explosive statement du
After the nation joined together and demanded a special prosecutor for the Trump/Russia investigation, it happened.Former F
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has never been a fan of Donald Trump. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he routi
Amateur president Donald Trump used his commencement speech at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy on Wednesday to make
With the advent of print on demand and e-readers, parents of toddlers have a fantastic tool to help keep their little ones enga
When news broke that Ivanka Trump would be getting her very own office in the West Wing many assumed she would receive
Speaking at a press conference with visiting Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni in Sochi, Russia, Vladimir Putin has claimed
Politico Congressional reporter Rachael Bade started a Twitter war with Congressman Darrell Issa yesterday, accusing Issa of fl
Old Dominion University, in Norfolk, Virginia, is still investigating a racist video posted to YouTube that has been widely shared
Trump can t handle the truth, and apparently one of the benefits of being the president is that he never needs to.Politico repo
After House Speaker Paul Ryan stood in front of the American people and urged them not to rush to judgement on Trump s nu
If anybody knows when a president is qualified for impeachment, it s David Gergen.After all, he worked in the Nixon Administr
This past week the world has been hit with many newsworthy stories from the White House that all contain one common them
Fox News personalities and Trump surrogates seem to be desperate to do anything to take attention away from the fact that w
The Trump administration is in a tailspin after fired FBI Director James Comey revealed that Donald Trump had pressured him
Trump s ignorance, incompetence, and ego are putting intelligence agents at risk.It won t come as any surprise that internatio
Comedian Dave Chappelle, known for his razor-sharp and hilarious views on race in America, is officially apologizing for asking
Trump has been bested by a man who is far smarter and far more ethical than he could ever dream of. James Comey apparen
Minutes after news broke that Donald Trump had asked James Comey to drop his investigation into Michael Flynn and that C
In a bombshell revelation, The New York Times named Israel the source of the classified information that Trump leaked to the
Conservatives thought an unpredictable president would be a good idea, but as it turns out, to be the leader of the free world
Conservative pundit Erik Erikson is weighing in on Donald Trump s decision to blab highly classified information to the Russian
After the bombshell news that Trump gave highly classified information to Russian, the White House is scrambling to defend h
Last night, Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC played host to a temporary art installation. The words pay Trump bri
Already demonstrating her inability to keep her mouth shut, Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle seemingly leaked the fact that
Keith Olbermann just fired an angry tweet at Donald Trump that will almost certainly leave him seething in fury.Last week, Tru
Joe Scarborough is furious about Donald Trump and he is demanding that Republicans take action before our national security
On Tuesday, Donald Trump kicked off his morning by inserting his foot in his mouth, then his other foot, then growing a third f
Donald Trump is a small child in a 70-year-old man s body who somehow managed to get elected president of the United Stat
It seems only natural that Donald Trump, the lowest rated president in modern history, should have extremely unpopular poli
Farmworkers were pulled from fields on Friday after they came into contact with a chemical that the EPA recently approved. T
In a hilarious development to the disturbing news that Donald Trump leaked classified information to the Russians, reporters g
Whoa. The day after he fired now-former FBI Director James Comey, Donald Trump did perhaps the dumbest thing a person u
Talk of impeachment has been commonplace in Congress since before Donald Trump was even sworn in. But following his dec
Ivanka Trump really should stop talking about these issues if she is going to continue to be complicit in her daddy s administra
This morning our commander-in-chief wished Happy Mother s day to all of the great mothers out there, but women and men
Donald Trump s number one fan still believes in him but her support is beginning to waver.Ann Coulter really thought Trump w
There is something really off about Trump and his friends, and their relationships with their own daughters. Infamously, Trump
A recent opinion poll carried out by NBC News/Wall Street Journal showed that 78 percent of Americans, a number that appea
Donald Trump has been throwing around the false claim that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that
The hosts of Fox & Friends just got their asses handed to them by one of their own colleagues for protecting Donald Trump so
In a scene reminiscent of a horrifying KKK rally, a torch mob chanted highly racist slogans as they descended on a park Saturda
Following a pattern of handing jobs to the wives of his best friends, Trump is set to name Callista Gingrich the United States Am
Amateur president Donald Trump sent out a threatening tweet targeting former FBI Director James Comey and it s backfiring.
Texas parents looking to adopt may soon be banned by private and state-funded agencies that object to people who are Musl
With nothing else important going on in the world, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway doubled-down on Anderson Coo
Everyone knows that Donald Trump absolutely HATES Melissa McCarthy s portrayal of White House Press Secretary Sean Spic
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gave the go-ahead on Friday for a massive copper and gold mining operation to see
Saturday Night Live has been mocking Donald Trump mercilessly week after week. But tonight, Alec Baldwin went no holds ba
Trump s long record of tweet-before-think action has gotten him into some hot water in the past, but somehow a few weird p
Former FBI Director James Comey is, no doubt, just trying to get on with his life right now after being unceremoniously strippe
We re wondering if Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) is OK. He just doesn t seem to be himself lately. The South Carolina Republican w
Desperate to look better in the public eye after the media frenzy surrounding the firing of James Comey, President Trump is lo
Donald Trump has had what is arguably the most bizarre week in the history of the American presidency. He has careened fro
If there s one Democrat that Donald Trump is scared sh*tless of, it s Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Warren was a massive th
The USDA, responsible for everything from our food safety to climate change, is soon to get a new Chief Scientist who under t
When former FBI director James Comey refused to testify before Congress in a closed session, it seemed odd to many who hav
Donald Trump may spend his time furiously tweeting that the Russia investigation the one over which he fired FBI Director Ja
Barack and Michelle Obama are incredibly smart, articulate and charming. They came from relatively modest backgrounds and
All Americans, and indeed the entire world, should be very afraid of what is going on with Donald Trump s presidency. Many p
Linguistics professor and political commentator Noam Chomsky has come out with a shocking statement about the Republican
Siding with Trump s Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Trump s spokesperson, McConnell told America from the floor of the S
The current occupant of the White House took to his Twitter account on Friday to issue a threat to former FBI Director James C
James Fallows has been a journalist since 1972 and he covered the Watergate scandal so he knows what he s talking about.An
Remember when Republicans were told to stop talking about rape because they were repeatedly sticking their foot in their m
The first reason the White House gave for President Donald Trump s firing of former FBI Director James Comey was that the p
President Donald Trump likes to call most of the press fake so when the White House is called disorganized or unprofessiona
President Donald Trump may be known for his catchphrase of You re fired! on the reality-TV series The Apprentice, but they
It was the tweet that blew up the internet:BREAKING: Trump lawyer: Tax returns from past 10 years show no "income of any t
During yet another Twitter fit on Friday morning, Donald Trump seems to be unraveling before our eyes under the pressure of
Despite promising to release his tax returns all throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump still refuses to make good
In an interview with TIME, Donald Trump pussygrabber extraordinaire went after Stephen Colbert for referring to The Dona
The fact that most of the country despises Donald Trump and voted against him is no secret. The fact that most of America wa
Donald Trump was hoping to visit the FBI for a photo-op in the wake of firing FBI Director James Comey. The FBI told Trump to
Donald Trump has some very scary authoritarian instincts. He regularly makes it his mission to discredit and attack the free pre
Agents within the FBI are worried that President Donald Trump may succeed in killing the probe into his campaign s ties to Ru
President Donald Trump told his account of a private dinner he had with James Comey to Lester Holt but now it appears a lot
North Korea is now vowing to mercilessly wipe them out while seeking extradition for those responsible for allegedly plotting
Keith Olbermann has been speaking out against Donald Trump for months via his show on GQ, The Resistance. He has continu
Prior to the Nov. 8 election, the FBI was, more or less, Trumpland. They wanted Trump to win. They neither trusted nor appro
On Wednesday, Senate Democrats held a shadow hearing to hear what the American people have to say about the GOP healt
Hey, you remember the GOPer who is responsible for the amendment to Trumpcare that allows states to obtain waivers to th
While the Republican Party rants on and on about non-existent voter fraud, the evidence is mounting that they are the party t
Have you ever wondered where a phrase started? How about the phrase prime the pump? It is widely considered to mean th
Donald Trump s decision to choose Russian state media over American journalists has drawn the ire of the ladies on The View
Former U.S. intelligence officials have criticized the presence of a Russian photographer capturing President Trump s meeting
In what may go down in history as one of the greatest fatal mistakes any president has ever made, Trump decided to sit down
Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified today in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. When asked if the rank and
Legendary journalist Dan Rather has become a major critic of Donald Trump and the GOP, and if there s anyone who should be
By generous accounts Trump is facing a scandal as inflammatory as Watergate. By less than generous accounts, Trump is facin
For many people, Jon Stewart s The Daily Show was a welcome antidote to anything that happened during each day of the G
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway is offended because CNN s Anderson Cooper rolled his eyes during an interview wit
Trump just can t get anything off the ground for his failing presidency. Every time his approval numbers start to inch up, he do
Things just keep getting stranger for Republicans in Washington. More and more Republicans are coming out and calling the re
Just when you think you re starting to figure out what happened with James Comey getting fired from the FBI, another tidbit o
It s interesting that Donald Trump, in his letter terminating FBI Director James Comey, noted that Mr. Comey had allegedly tol
By now, the whole world knows that the investigation into Donald Trump and his campaign s ties to Russia is likely what led to
Days after testifying in front of Congress and after requesting more resources for the Russian investigation, FBI Director James
Democrats are taking action to keep Donald Trump away from documents related to the investigation of his possible collusion
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos tried to give a speech at the graduation ceremony of a historically black university, an
A Las Vegas high school student was caught on camera calling an African-American classmate a f*cking n*gger in a shockingly
Donald Trump just met with the Russian ambassador who is at the center of his scandal and made sure no American reporters
Donald Trump thanked outgoing FBI Director James Comey for informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not unde
After kicking the morning off with a tweet storm attacking Democrats for criticizing his choice to fire FBI Director James Comey
CNN host Anderson Cooper s reactions to Kellyanne Conway throughout this interview are priceless.After firing FBI Director Ja
On Tuesday, the United States received a major blow against system of checks and balances when Donald Trump clumsily and
When getting to the truth behind Donald Trump s scandals, there s probably nothing more revealing than Trump s Twitter hist
Brave White House press secretary Sean Spicer had an odd appropriate reaction after his boss abruptly fired the man who was
Siding with Trump s Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Trump s spokesperson, McConnell told America from the floor of the S
Like many other comedians, Seth Meyers is not impressed with the healthcare bill that was passed by the U.S. House of Repre
Everyone is rightfully stunned and outraged that Donald Trump decided to inexplicably fire the man who was investigating his
As if firing FBI Director James Comey wasn t stupid enough, Trump has gone and driven two more nails into his own coffin this
As everybody who still believes in democracy and true freedom reels from FBI Director James Comey s firing, the media and m
Trump is famous for his You re fired catchphrase, but when it comes to actually firing someone, he s shown nothing but cowa
Trump and his team made a great deal of the campaign about Hillary Clinton s email security (including gleefully exploiting hac
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has been the object of some serious concern in the White House due to her potential as a 20
Those who know anything about Nixon know this story: Minutes after Trump s White House fired FBI Director James Comey, h
The investigation into possible collusion between Donald Trump s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia is heating up. On Mo
Following Sally Yates testimony yesterday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday accused the former acting Att
Trump s emotionally unbalanced social media director and close friend Dan Scavino had what can only be described as a ment
The Americal Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) issued a shocking warning on Tuesday: Thanks to the xenophobia of Donald Trump a
It seems that Donald Trump s spiritual advisor is exactly as ethical as he is. Paula White, a prosperity gospel minister who pray
Handwriting experts have noticed something very strange about Melania Trump s signature it look almost exactly like her hu
President Obama took a trip to Milan, Italy this week and he laid down some cold, hard truths for America s liberals, telling us
Trump administration is keeping good on its promise to all but destroy U.S. environmental policy this week. The New York Tim
On Monday, in a tweet intended to intimidate a witness, Donald Trump demanded that the Senate ask Sally Yates the former
Remember when Trump said that we were done with NAFTA, and rumors swirled that he was drafting an executive order with
Donald Trump spent Monday pretty much just making an ass of himself on Twitter. After he attempted to intimidate Sally Yate
The majority of America has already noticed and figured it out a long time ago that Donald Trump doesn t have a measured
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sat down for an interview on Sunday and had a few words to say about the birth o
After former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates bravely stood up to intimidation attempts from President* Trump and testifie
The right is up in arms. No, not because Sally Yates threw a huge snowball down avalanche hill and not because millions of Am
During testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates reveale
The Trump administration has finally, definitively, admitted that President Obama personally warned Donald Trump about hiri
Sally Yates testimony before a congressional committee on the events leading up to Trump s disgraced former National Secur
Trump s latest attempt to pass blame for his own mistakes onto others is backfiring in spectacular fashion. Like a broken recor
Donald Trump kicked off his week with a ridiculous attack on former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.Yates, of course, was
Last year, Trump claimed he was succeeding at saving manufacturing jobs by making individual deals with individual companie
The world is eagerly awaiting the testimony of former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates regarding the Trump/Russia connec
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced who he has selected to take on crafting the Senate version of the
All over the western world, we have seen a wave of nationalistic, xenophobic fascism take hold in the last year or so. It is what
How is the wicked witch of the White House still allowed to talk on television?When House Republicans passed their Trumpca
This week s cold open for Saturday Night Live featured a parody of the morning show, Morning Joe. The sketch featured Alex M
Politicians are all about photo-ops. This is especially true of high-ranking, smarmy types like House Speaker Paul Ryan. Howeve
By now, everyone knows that Stephen Colbert laid into Donald Trump in spectacular fashion on Monday night with a tirade th
Montel Williams, who has been fighting Multiple Sclerosis since 1999, ripped the GOP s hideous health care bill, and the Repub
If you were not ready to give thought to anything other than politics, you are in luck as the campaign for 2020 has already beg
Stephen Colbert came under fire from conservatives this week for a late night monologue that could best be defined as a rant
Seth Meyers takes his A Closer Look segment to destroy President Donald Trump and his Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Meyers
Ellen DeGeneres, perhaps more than anyone, has shown average Americans that LGBT people are just like other people, only
Ever since Donald Trump won the election, Republicans have felt they have free reign to show just how racist and despicable t
On Monday night, Stephen Colbert was on fire. Trump went after one of Colbert s network colleagues, John Dickerson, calling
Just when you think you ve seen everything, a video pops up online showing a white teacher trying to explain to a black stude
It can easily be said that Donald Trump is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and he just proved that fact once again with his la
Now we know the real reason why Republicans oppose universal healthcare.Donald Trump s Army Secretary nominee Mark G
The current occupant of the White House is occupying a golf course again, marking this (a three day weekend for him) his 21st
A little over 100 days into America s experiment in dystopian rule took a predictably sad turn: The Trump administration, appa
On Thursday, Donald Trump visited his home state for the first time since he was kinda-sorta elected President by a minority
Generations upon generations of incest have apparently caused the gerbils operating the brain of Alaska state Representative
House Republicans managed to pass their healthcare bill on Thursday, just barely, and it is truly a despicable piece of legislatio
Hours after helping begin to repeal America s universal health care system, Trump was in New York smiling and posing for the
House Republicans voted on Thursday to rip healthcare away from millions of Americans. Among those who are slamming the
The depths of Republican cruelty is on full display this week after the House passed the disastrous unread/unscored bill that w
If someone had said just four months ago that our relationship with Australia would suddenly become precarious, the world w
Alleged president Donald Trump is throwing a party for House Republicans after passing the worst healthcare plan imaginable
Ever since Donald Trump won the election (unfairly, with the help of Russia), Americans have been calling for his removal from
Republicans haven t read their own bill, aren t waiting around to see it independently scored, and seem to have only a limited
Massachusetts Rep. Jim McGovern brought the House down with a scathing rebuke of the pathetic Republican healthcare bill
For the last ten years, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have been co-hosts on MSNBC s Morning Joe. They have often see
Our White House is currently occupied by someone who s likely certifiably insane, yet for many on both the right and the left,
If you didn t know that Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson was once a neurosurgeon, you would never be
FBI Director James Comey said during a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing that he was looking into whether agent
According to Donald Trump, Israel and Palestine get along just swell. Sure, Benjamin Netanyahu is a genocidal monster who m
Today, FBI Director James Comey sat down with Congress to talk on a wide range of scandals plaguing the Trump administrati
There has long been speculation that Melania Trump cannot stand her husband. After all, Donald Trump is a bloviating, compu
Former GOP Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill) has always been an asshole. His Twitter feed is full of damn near sociopathic rants,
Jared Kushner is an Orthodox Jew working in a White House surrounded by neo-Nazis, but he s also the son-in-law of Donald T
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright weighed in on Donald Trump s remarks about what a brilliant leader he thinks K
Oh, Mr. Spicey. Our favorite press secretary because we love to hate him. His gymnastics around Donald Trump s antics and ga
Yet another altercation has erupted on board an airplane. This time it was on board an ANA flight that looks to be returning fr
Frederick Douglass and Andrew Jackson will be very disappointed in Donald Trump when they learn he fibbed a teensy bit abo
Donald Trump s self-congratulatory ad to celebrate his first 100 days in the White House is gross enough to make you want to
Donald Trump s Andrew Jackson-Civil War debacle just continues to get worse and worse.Yesterday, Trump had a massive hist
When you insult CBS, Stephen Colbert goes on the offensive. And Donald Trump is going to have a mental meltdown when he
Just yesterday, amateur president Donald Trump made an ass out of himself by failing at history, and today, he s calling for a f
In an interview with Washington Examiner reporter Salena Zito, Donald Trump managed to utter one of the dumbest series of
With Trump in the White House, former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather has an awful lot to say, probably because he s b
White House press secretary Sean Spicer literally denied the meaning of alleged president Donald Trump s words during a brie
The Office of Government Ethics has said that Ivanka Trump must file financial disclosure forms, and that she s barred from pa
From the moment Trump won the election, he was already bragging about how he was going to run again in 2020, and win.In
Donald Trump and his team are not only some of the most corrupt people we ve ever had infiltrate our government, but they
Trump has been relentlessly attempting to scrub the government of any program associated with President Obama and an ext
This should concern every single American.In January 2016, Trump was in the middle of trying to secure the Republican nomin
In an unreal feat, Trump managed to have two humiliating interviews come out on the same day. While much of the country (
White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said on Sunday that Donald Trump and the swamp monsters in his administration ha
Anyone who has been to grade school is fully aware that Andrew Jackson died before a certain bloody conflict in which southe
Neo-Nazis and white supremacists gathered in Pikeville, Kentucky yesterday. They were met by scores of protesters who booe
Is there some reason people like Donald Trump and his most ardent fans can t handle problems without making threats? Sean
The Trump administration explicitly requested that Argentine President Mauricio Macri delay honoring former Democratic Pre
Fox News made a desperate effort to convince everyone that Donald Trump is having more economic success than President O
Ohio Governor and former Republican presidential candidate John Kasich is the one GOP elected official that is still not on the
Donald Trump treated Americans who oppose him as the enemy on Saturday and delivered the most divisive speech ever give
It is no secret that President Donald Trump likes to call any press coverage that he does not like fake. This weekend he upped
A Trump supporter thought he was clever when he wrote a letter to the editor of his local paper, the Winchester Star, criticizin
This weekend, neo-Nazis and white supremacists gathered in eastern Kentucky. On Friday, Art Jones addressed the group. The
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer broke things down on Sunday and explained why it is that Donald Trump hasn t been
Donald Trump may be one of the most bitter, petty people on the planet. Several weeks ago, Trump announced that he would
Last night, during the official White House Correspondents Dinner, Samantha Bee hosted her own event. Entitled the Not the
Donald Trump isn t enjoying his time as President. In a series of interviews marking the first 100 days of his presidency, he s do
The Turkish government has blocked access to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. When people throughout the country try t
The rally Trump held to compete with the National Correspondent s dinner in Washington is off to a predictably ugly start. At l
Donald Trump has a major issue with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). This was apparent during his entire presidential campaign
4fr4fr34f43fMainstream (FAKE) media refuses to state our long list of achievements, including 28 legislative signings, strong bo
All week, Team Trump has been trying to push all the blame for Michael Flynn s actions onto the Obama administration. Desp
While most Americans did not know about Michael Flynn s ties to Turkey, Team Trump did. When they were vetting the forme
Just as drug addicts and alcoholics tend to be in denial of their disease, former reality show star Donald Trump does not think
We on the left are all wondering why, out of the vast field of GOP candidates, Donald Trump roared to the nomination, topplin
Until today s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, this was widely considered the most pathetic thing to ever happen on Fox Ne
Donald the Trump went to speak at the NRA s annual meeting today, and his speech was utterly ridiculous. He borrowed a lot
If there s one person that Donald Trump can t STAND to have criticizing him, it s his predecessor, Barack Obama and Obama j
Donald Trump hasn t even been President 100 days and already some are apparently forming the idea that it s cool to post sla
This has not been a good week for Michael Flynn. According to a letter from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to the Hous
A student at Transylvania University was injured she was attacked by a man wielding a machete. The attacker, identified as Mi
On his 100th day in office, a listless Donald Trump sat down with Reuters to talk about his accomplishments. As fate would ha
Erin Moran s family members must have really upset former Happy Days star Scott Baio and his wife because now Chachi s pe
Donald Trump seriously thought having the hardest job on Earth would be easy. LOL!After 100 days on the job, many of whic
What did he know and when did he know it? These iconic questions are swirling around President Donald Trump and his form
Late Night host Seth Meyers regularly has a high old time making fun of the incompetence of Donald Trump and his administra
Alex Jones of the conspiracy theory website Infowars has made a literal career of spreading fake news and acting like a lunatic
It seems that Donald Trump is often incapable of avoiding really stupid, but public, mistakes on Twitter. Oftentimes those are
A few weeks ago, Pepsi decided to try to bridge the racial divide with what someone must have thought was a great idea. The
The Republican Party has had it rough. Not only have they had to admit that their presidential candidate, Donald Trump, is an
With questions mounting, Sean Spicer finally found an answer as to why Donald Trump hired known foreign agent and possibl
Remember when Bill O Reilly took a vacation after his sexual harassment payoffs went public? Well, let s hope Jesse Watters v
Donald Trump is quickly closing in on his first 100 days in office, and despite his many, many promises of accomplishments dur
Donald Trump and the Republican Congress are busy trying to shred healthcare for the rest of us, but one Republican lawmak
It is no secret that President Donald Trump et al had no idea what they were getting into when they took over the White Hous
The long running cartoon, The Simpsons, will offer its take on President Donald Trump s first 100 days in office. In this clip, he
The Internet can be a vicious place and an openly gay lawmaker has gotten used to being the recipient of homophobic slurs. O
Recently, Donald Trump became the second major elected leader in history to publish a newsletter focusing on crimes commi
Donald Trump is reportedly considering an executive order that would pull the United States out of the North American Free T
Donald Trump hates losing. Not because it s a loss to his agenda, or a perceived loss to the American people. Trump hates losi
Out of all the ridiculous, misguided ideas that have come up during his first 100 days, Donald Trump s border wall is definitely
President Donald Trump has made one thing clear, he cares about ratings more than anything else in the world. This week the
Joe Scarborough is not having the best morning. On Morning Joe earlier today, the conversation turned to the number of Trum
Republicans have apparently reached a new level of desperation to clear Donald Trump of all wrongdoing in his Russia scanda
If Hillary Clinton were in the White House and she hired her daughter, Chelsea, to work in the West Wing and then let her fund
Erin Moran s family just declared war on Scott Baio and he s whining like a little bitch about it.In the wake of former Happy Da
Caitlyn Jenner is not afraid to speak her mind. The Olympian turned reality TV star is making news once again. This week, whil
The day after a federal judge in San Francisco blocked part of alleged president Donald Trump s executive order threatening s
It would seem that the Democrats talking point, that healthcare is a human right, isn t just a talking point. The United Nations
If you have a pre-existing condition, Obamacare currently protects you from being turned down for insurance on the basis of t
During the 2016 presidential campaign, President Donald Trump made a lot of promises on immigration. He was going to build
On Tuesday, White House Propaganda Minister Sean Spicer once again baffled reporters and other thinking individuals by onc
Donald Trump and his administration have proven time and time again that they are incapable of performing even the most si
While it may not come as much of a surprise that the leadership at the National Rifle Association (NRA) has a different opinion
It s not just Canada that Donald Trump seems to be starting unnecessary battles with today, Mexico has responded to his conti
It can easily be said that Donald Trump doesn t have a clue what he is doing. He hears things in clips and talking points, and th
Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Elijah Cummings (D-MD) dropped a bombshell on Tuesday morning. During a press conference
Donald Trump recently said that grading his first 100 days is a ridiculous standard, but as Jake Tapper points out, Trump set th
Steve Bannon is portrayed as the Grim Reaper on Saturday Night Live. There is a President Steve Bannon meme out there fro
It s no secret that the rest of the world is appalled and incensed that America elected a bumbling, incompetent, dangerous bu
As Trump s first 100 days in office come to a close, the administration is desperate to put together a list of accomplishments th
North Carolina GOP Judge J. Douglas McCullough has had enough of doing the bidding of a corrupt, GOP-controlled legislature
On Saturday, the internet was shocked to learn of the apparent sudden death of former Happy Days and Joanie Loves Chachi s
Donald Trump has just been screwed over by members of his own party, thanks to his insistence on a border wall that is absol
How bad is Trump for the GOP? It seems he s worse than many would have guessed. As his 100th day in office approaches, mo
It s become more than obvious that Donald Trump has absolutely no filter when he speaks. He says exactly what is on his mind
Poverty is a moral failure, don t you know? Being born rich is the only thing that washes away all sins (or is it that rich people a
Visitors to several government websites may notice that there is an article popping up highlighting Mar-a-Lago which is odd b
Donald Trump and the Republicans are about to prove once and for all that they are incapable of governing.Despite having co
Donald Trump is still delusional and Twitter users were quick to remind him of who lost the popular vote in November.It s bee
One Twitter user it put it this way: Thanks to his love of social media, we are watching the President of the United States have
During a sit down with Trump voters, CNN got their take on the alleged president s first 100 days. With polls showing Trump a
Landowners in Nebraska are understandably upset about the Trump administration greenlighting Keystone XL because it will r
The biggest threat to the oligarchy is for the little guy to have a voice, any type of voice. Republicans hate when poor people,
White House press secretary Sean Spicer is a trainwreck. After all, this is the guy who said Hitler really wasn t that bad. Everyb
In the late 20th Century, author and attorney Mike Godwin said that as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a
We all remember the absolutely disastrous visit Donald Trump had with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He infamously ma
Donald Trump s media mouthpiece, Fox News, is trying to put a positive spin on his terrible first 100 days, just like Reince Prieb
Wow. The cruelty of Republicans knows no bounds.Apparently, Republicans truly believe that healthcare is a privilege that on
Even though amateur president Donald Trump will likely reach the 100-day mark of his alleged presidency with no notable leg
President Donald Trump does not know anything about foreign policy. Now, it appears, he knows just as little about trade. Thi
It s time for Sean Hannity to join Bill O Reilly in the unemployment line.On Saturday, the New York Times published an article r
Donald Trump is himself, a pervert. We all knew that. Despite the fact that we have audio proof of this, the family values par
Donald Trump decided that he would exploit a wounded vet to make himself look good, but as usual, all he ended up doing w
Donald Trump is really excited about all the nothing he s accomplished in his first 100 days in office. So, he announced on Satu
Karma just kicked Donald Trump s door down.As you ll recall, Donald Trump repeatedly praised Wikileaks for leaking Hillary Cl
McCarthyism has returned.Donald Trump is literally letting a white nationalist publication dictate personnel decisions in his ad
When high-profile women like Sarah Palin stay silent, it enables sexual predators and puts more women at risk of being sexua
Congressman Jason Chaffetz s decision to leave Congress means that bad things really are on the way for President Trump. If h
Yet another example of our airline industry s awesomeness occurred Friday when an employee was captured on video challen
Donald Trump is not fit to be president. Most of the nation knows this. However, psychiatrists at Yale University actual exper
Neil DeGrasse Tyson has always put science before politics, sometimes frustratingly so. Right after Trump was elected, Tyson a
Earlier today, Donald Trump whined about being held to a ridiculous standard in his first 100 days as POTUS, despite spendin
Donald Trump seems to think he can squeeze Congressional Democrats for border wall funding by offering them something in
On Thursday, Hillary Clinton ripped Donald Trump and his bigoted administration apart for being on the wrong side of history
It s bad enough they were even allowed to step foot in the White House.But Sarah Palin, Kid Rock, and Ted Nugent also decide
Donald Trump s Attorney General just got schooled on the Constitution.Earlier this week, Jeff Sessions bitched about a judge o
Late Show host Stephen Colbert is no fan of Donald Trump and his administration of bigots. Therefore, he was, of course, ince
Alleged president Donald Trump doesn t want to be judged by his first 100 days in office even though it became a tradition aft
Is The Donald really this oblivious to the entire world? And history? And, well, everything? Two and a half months after embar
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just demonstrated that he s the adult in the room when it comes to dealing with Dona
Not too long ago, the Republican Party and Donald Trump made a disgusting move to screw over millions of Americans when
House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), doesn t think he wants to be a Congressman anymore. He alre
Trump s Attorney General Jeff Sessions is as furious as Trump is over the blocking of an executive order that would have denie
Sarah Palin, Kid Rock, and Ted Nugent visited the White House on Wednesday. No, that s not a setup for a Beverly Hillbillies re
The current occupant of the White House has finally accomplished something for his first 100 days in office; he s considered b
During Watergate, the line became follow the money. In the Trump, Russia scandal, you can bet that investigators are follow
Build the wall! Build the wall! Supposedly nobody builds better walls than Donald Trump, and the government is already hard
It s no secret that Donald Trump has deep insecurities about his job performance compared to his predecessor. Making matte
While we don t yet have the smoking gun that specifically says Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to win the presidency
You would think that a businessman would understand math. Not Donald Trump.Democratic congressional candidate Jon Oss
By now, pretty much all of America can agree that Donald Trump needs to spend more time working and less time on the golf
For decades, Bill O Reilly has poisoned the airwaves with his racism, sexism, and right-wing rhetoric on Fox News. Not anymor
At least Elizabeth Warren isn t a quitter like Sarah Palin.After all, Sarah Palin could have remained in office as Governor of Alas
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) has been a thorn in the side of Democrats ever since Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. He bla
The White House led people to believe that a U.S. aircraft carrier was on his way to the waters off the Korean peninsula in a sh
Remember that explosive Russian dossier from a few months that revealed Donald Trump s collusion with Moscow and affinit
While most of America can see right through to the flaws of Donald Trump s policies, it s always a special moment when some
Last week, Trump was bellowing up one side and down the other about a possible nuclear test that North Korea was set to con
A dying man had just one wish, and that was for Donald Trump to be impeached. Unfortunately, Michael Garland Elliott died b
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is the physical embodiment of the anti-Trump resistance in Congress. She has openly called for the
During an interview on Fox News, alleged president Donald Trump referred to North Korea s current leader Kim Jong-un as t
This is a major ethics violation. Period.In March, Donald Trump made his daughter Ivanka an official part of his administration
Donald Trump has made a fine art of p*ssing off other world leaders. Thanks to our fearless orange tweeter-in-chief, Colombia
Welcome to the big leagues, kid.Donald Trump s Supreme Court Justice only made it through Senate confirmation because Re
Trump is not keeping his promises. As far as his supporters were concerned, he started off okay, but over the last few weeks h
Apparently, if you are unqualified enough for a job, you will develop mind control powers at least, that s what neo-Nazi Matt
Republicans who backed Donald Trump because he was the GOP nominee while knowing full well that he was incompetent no
It takes one to know one. Turkey just held a referendum that greatly expands the power of their president, Recep Tayyip Erdo
If you thought no one in Washington D.C. was feeling the same way about Donald Trump as you are, think again. Several peop
On Monday, Vice President Mike Pence traveled to the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea to do Trump
The majority of America saw this coming: Trump s supporters are finally becoming extremely disappointed in the failing perfor
As we all know, Donald Trump does not like to read books. Hell, he really doesn t read anything at all unless it s something tha
Trump s hastily organized White House Easter Egg Roll went from bad to worse after he almost managed to botch the nationa
Example #490927 that Trump is terrible with children: While making his way through the crowd at the White House Easter egg
Trump s loyalty to Vladimir Putin is being tested like never before. On one hand The Donald really wants a war with North Kor
As we all know, there are many children in America who cannot afford school lunch. Some of these kids are lucky (and I use t
Not too long after taking office, Trump decided to start asking around about how the government could roll back regulations a
Trump was supposed to be a non-interventionist, but, allegedly as soon as he saw videos of poisoned children on cable news (
On some level, it s gratifying that punching Nazis in the face has become a national sport more popular than baseball. On one
Apparently, Donald Trump wanted to be president because he seriously thinks being president makes him immune to lawsuits
Joe Biden once again demonstrated why the American people love him so much.During her confirmation hearing, Betsy DeVo
Rather than just wish America a happy Easter and move on, Donald Trump spent Sunday morning whining about the Tax Marc
In case you were unaware, Sean Spicer has spent much of the week attempting to justify his claim that Adolf Hitler wasn t as b
Saturday Night Live is back with new episodes, and this week s cold open did not disappoint. As the iconic show went live coas
Of course, when there s violence in protests, we hear a lot of blame getting thrown around. However, the loudest cries of inju
Leave it to Sarah Palin to get a hate-boner after our resident Manchurian couch potato dropped the mother of all bombs on I
Donald Trump Jr gets more from his dad than just his name, of all the Trump kids, Don seems to be most obsessed with appea
We all remember how, in February, TIME Magazine ran a cover with the face of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump s chief strategist, o
Donald Trump might want to stop creating public polls it s never going to end well for him as he is the most hated POTUS in h
With every new detail revealing itself about Donald Trump s administration, the humiliation that America is enduring is getting
America does not have a king. America is not a monarchy. But Donald Trump apparently thinks otherwise and the American p
Donald Trump is already running for re-election, with a campaign fund set up and everything. And just as he did with his 2016
Donald Trump is a hypocrite and even conservative outdoor groups know it.America s greatest and most enduring treasure is
Recently Tomi Lahren a woman who literally built a career on hate at Glenn Beck s TheBlaze tried to make herself seem less h
Trump ran on fiscal responsibility, but has since made it clear that it doesn t apply to him.In yet another intentional embarras
A local news station in Boston has had it with the Fox brand damaging their own reputation. WFXT Channel 25 is going to chan
Donald Trump s daughter posted a hypocritical tweet in support of libraries. And librarians threw the book at her.It s National
North Korea just made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of backing down from Trump, and that Trump, for all hi
On Thursday, Donald Trump tweeted that if China, North Korea s sole major ally, doesn t deal with North Korea properly, the
If there s one thing Donald Trump has an extremely hard time accepting, it s evidence and facts. It doesn t matter how much p
The Democratic wave has commenced.In 2010, Republicans gloated about the Tea Party wave that gave them control of the H
While Donald Trump is desperately trying to get the respect, and if not the respect, the attention through military might, of th
This past January we all witnessed one of the largest, most significant protests in history as millions of people across the globe
After White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer decided he would say Adolf Hitler wasn t as bad as Syrian President Assad, as w
A few years ago, very few people even knew what was. It was a fringe website that only white supremacists and
Has anybody ever wondered whether all these acts of war, including the MOAB we just dropped on Afghanistan, are just distr
Donald Trump s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner, conveniently forgot to mention a slew of foreign contacts, inclu
The media, and to a certain extent, the pollsters, got it seriously wrong when they predicted an easy win for Hillary Clinton in l
At this point in Donald Trump s pathetic, failing presidency, it is no surprise that officials from other countries want nothing to
Donald Trump s undeserved time in the White House may soon come to a gloriously relieving end as one of his biggest scanda
Being a pro-Trump pundit must be a tough racket right now. Between his lies, his ignorance and his bungling of nearly everyth
There are big scandals like Trump s ties to Russia, his repeated flaunting of conflict of interest violations, the nepotism and t
Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) held a town hall earlier this week and it did not go well for him. The Republican congressman
On Wednesday, GOP Rep. Kevin Cramer opened his mouth and inserted his foot so deep that the nation s top doctors will still
Sen. Bernie Sanders says that he doesn t think it s likely that Donald Trump will be reelected to a second term now that the Am
Everyone knows by now just how fast and loose Kellyanne Conway is with her words. She pioneered alternative facts. She cla
Whitewashing Hitler and the Holocaust seems to be all the rage among today s Republicans. There was the time when the Wh
Trump s Syrian policy is all over the place, to the point where The Economist actually published a story saying, Wanted: a cohe
Donald Trump s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, is now retroactively registering as a foreign agent the new term f
If you haven t heard, former Trump advisor Carter Page was the subject of a successfully-executed FISA warrant because of hi
In an interview with Fox Business that aired Tuesday, Donald Trump responded to news that the FBI had successfully obtained
Trump, channeling Marie Antoinette, decided to share how he spent the moments leading up to committing an act of war aga
The Washington Post reported Tuesday that former Trump advisor Carter Page was one of the members of the Trump campai
The New York Daily News is not known for subtlety when it comes to its covers. The snarky newspaper pulled no punches whe
White House Secretary Sean Spicer decided to rewrite history on Tuesday, arguing that Adolf Hitler wasn t such a bad guy afte
There have been weeks of reports that White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon and Senior Adviser and Trump son-in-
Remember the House Intelligence Committee s investigation into the Trump-Russia connection, and how Chairman Devin Nun
Just when you thought you ve heard the ultimate insult being hurled at Sean Spicer for being Donald Trump s fall guy and prac
Sean Spicer s is having a very, very bad day.While the Jewish community celebrated Passover, Spicer claimed that Adolf Hitler
It s gotten to the point where if Donald Trump doesn t fire Sean Spicer for his egregious remarks about the Holocaust, Assad a
The Trump administration is working as hard as it can to fulfill its promise of cracking down on illegal immigration, and part of
It s no secret that a large percentage of the Trump administration thinks the Holocaust didn t happen (or, if they do, they think
If you re keeping track, so far, Donald Trump has screwed up two military missions, his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare,
Sean Spicer s time as press secretary has been a particularly humiliating one. Each time he goes up to the podium, he lies or fu
United Airlines is in an economic and pulic relations tailspin after they were caught on tape brutally dragging a passenger from
Eric Trump sat down with the Telegraph and things quickly went off the rails. Eric for years seen as the dumb one blundered
Senator Bernie Sanders is the most popular senator in the United States and a new poll proves it. The latest Morning Consult p
We ve been abuzz all day about a doctor who was forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight at Chicago s O Hare Internatio
Video of a passenger being violently dragged from a United Airlines flight has gone viral, and now Congress wants answers.Au
Donald Trump may have been cozying up to Russia during his presidential campaign and the beginning of his presidency, but i
At this point in Trump s disastrous presidency, it s pretty clear that the only one that thinks he s doing a great job is the unders
It s the end of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley s political career after he was arrested Monday on charges related to the num
Donald Trump and his administration seem to be all about austerity, as long as it s the nation suffering and not his family or em
The winners of the 2017 Pulitzer Prize have been announced and this year s theme was all about exposing Trump.Of particular
Let s face it, if it weren t for gerrymandering, Russian interference and straight up lies, Republicans would never hold another
The wife of a Russian hacker who was arrested in Spain has spoken out, confirming that her husband, Pyotr Levashov, was (all
Donald Trump is being sued again. Three organizations have joined together to file suit against Mango Mussolini for his refus
Congressman Steve King (R-IA) is pretty much the most openly racist person sitting in Congress. He recently came under fire fo
When people talk about the threat that Donald Trump poses to the U.S., they generally talk about things like education, the en
If things keep going as they are, we may see a surprising candidate on the 2020 presidential ballot. Our favorite Donald Trump
This past week was the annual Women in the World Summit. It s a place that celebrates women who have a voice, and who sp
Richard Spencer, who has the most punchable face in the U.S., just got clocked upside the head again. The Alt-Right leader (ne
Trump s weekend trips to Mar-a-Lago and his nearby golf course have repeatedly been met with crowds of protesters. Just ye
We all love seeing Alec Baldwin portray Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, but last night he pulled another ace out of his s
Anyone who knows anything about the separation of powers understands that a president cannot just unilaterally take militar
Saturday Night Live returned with a stellar cold open that featured Alec Baldwin s Trump heading to Kentucky for a town hall w
Sean Penn is not exactly one to mince words, and he didn t mince words when he was asked about the time he worked with S
Paul Ryan is all over Twitter chanting repeal and replace, and proclaiming the ACA a disaster. Trump has said repeatedly that
Earlier this week, Devin Nunes finally recused himself from the House Intel Committee s probe on Russian election tampering,
Sometimes you just need to let people talk and they ll eventually say what you have been saying the whole time. Albeit, it may
Trump s war on leakers who make him look bad by exposing his lies is about to escalate. On Saturday, a CNN reporter manag
While on the campaign trail in 2016, Donald Trump told his supporters at a rally in South Carolina, I m very highly educated. I k
There are only three things for certain in this world: Death, taxes, and Trump golfing every weekend. Today featured all three
Unless you ve been living under a rock for the past few days, you now know that our idiot wannabe president just used milita
The New York Times recently published a bombshell story about the culture of sexual harassment at Fox News, and their star h
A federal judge just proudly gave Jeff Sessions the middle finger by approving Baltimore s police reforms even after the attorn
Donald Trump decided to bomb Syria on Wednesday in response to a chemical attack on the Syrian people. Watching the new
It can easily be said that Donald Trump has absolutely no idea what he is doing in regards to policy both domestic and foreign.
The Syrian air base Trump spent $80 million bombing yesterday is reportedly back in business. It s been less than 24 hours.Acc
In case you just woke up, the United States is now at war with Syria. It was waged without congressional approval and by a ma
While many have been baffled and upset by Donald Trump s reckless decision to attack Syria (without Congressional approval)
Donald Trump s bromance with Vladimir Putin seems to be going the way of most middle school relationships. Though the Ru
For months now people close to Trump have been privately saying the president is consumed by a seething jealousy of his pre
A U.S. official said that the Russians were warned before the U.S. launched at least 59 tomahawk missiles aimed at Syria at Do
Ivanka Trump s father, the man who calls himself President of the United States, obviously follows world events even if it seem
By now, everyone knows that the Jared Kushner vs. Stephen K. Bannon infighting in the White House is coming to a head. It ha
We already knew that Russia wanted Donald Trump to be president and interfered with the election, but new information has
A former Saturday Night Live cast member has just spilled the beans about one of Donald Trump s secrets.Taran Killam, who le
With Devin Nunes recusal from the House Intelligence Committee s Russia investigation, the committee needs a new leader, a
You may not have noticed, but Donald Trump is an egomaniacal narcissist who has no concept of reality. This can be seen in a
Trump s inability to hire experienced, serious individuals to staff his White House has started to rot from the inside out. The gr
The new leader of what can laughably be called an investigation into the Trump Team s collusion with Russia to undermine o
Buried in Trump s bonkers interview with New York Times reporters Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush is this outrageous ex
Donald Trump just lost another minion.GOP Rep. Devin Nunes has been in Trump s pocket since the election in November. He
Yesterday, the Trump administration delivered a bombshell that no one saw coming that former Breitbart News chief Steve B
While campaigning, Donald Trump vowed to build a great wall and Mexico will pay for it. I will build a great wall and nobod
There s a reason Trump hates CNN, and it s been obvious for a long time. However, what many may not know is exactly why C
On Wednesday night s episode of Late Night, host Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one for his continued support of Fox New
We all remember the uproar over at Fox News a few years back when the idea of a black Santa Claus came up. In fact, Megyn
While it can be said that no one is immune from punishment, a terrific example of that fact is how a Secret Service agent who
Back in February, Donald Trump decided he was going to use the White House prayer breakfast to slam Arnold Schwarzenegge
Apparently, original ideas are a liability in the Donald Trump administration. Nearly as many Trumpsters have been accused of
Never shy to speak her mind, Dixie Chicks Natalie Maines has clearly had enough of Donald Trump s shenanigans, and over th
Trump promised to release his tax returns, and then, as we all remember, made excuse after excuse after excuse not to. With
Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, just double dog dared the White House to let S
News that one of Trump s closest advisor, Steve Bannon, had been ousted from his position within the National Security Coun
On March 31, Donald Trump declared April National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. On April 5 less than o
There s nothing odd about Donald Trump getting blasted day in and day out by the media and those who didn t support him in
Months into his presidency, Donald Trump seems to have finally realized that it was probably not the greatest idea to install a
Pennsylvania resident Kurt Farmer was perfectly fine with building a wall to keep brown people out of the country, banning M
Donald Trump s approval rating plummeted after his disastrous attempt to get support for his American Health Care Act (Trum
If Donald Trump was watching The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night he was probably screaming at the television.Bec
The FBI is doing something with its probe into Russia s interference in our election that should terrify Trump and anybody in h
In the age of Donald Trump, it seems that Twitter is ground zero for public spats, public shaming, and all sorts of back and fort
Members of the House Intelligence Committee are saying that Donald Trump and his treasonous cronies could find themselve
One of Fox News biggest and most successful news personalities is bringing the network down in a major way.Recently, The O
North Korea has been launching intermediate range ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan for awhile now, and, of course, it w
Most leaders, when they give statements on atrocities happening elsewhere in the world, use the opportunity to condemn tho
Fox News is now probably regretting their decision to keep Bill O Reilly instead of Megyn Kelly.Earlier this week, it was reveale
We can t say enough bad things about rape apologist Mike Cernovich but Donald Trump Jr. thinks he s awesome. Cernovich is
Larry King has been in the radio and journalism business since 1957 and he s a longtime friend of Donald Trump, so what he ju
Trump humiliated himself on Tuesday while speaking to a roomful of construction workers at the North America s Building Tra
Just like her dad, Ivanka Trump s hypocrisy knows no bounds.Donald Trump s daughter pretends to be a great champion for w
This week, Donald Trump signed a deeply concerning bill that allows internet service providers (ISPs) to sell the browsing histo
D Ann Loop of Brownsville, Texas lost much of her land ten years ago when the Bush administration decided to put up a borde
Sen. Richard Blumenthal laid all his cards on the table when it comes to Donald Trump s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch
Republicans pledge to make sure Trump s Supreme Court nominee goes through just hit a little bit of a snag with the disappea
Donald Trump is not just Vladimir Putin s puppet anymore.When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House, T
Now that Donald Trump is president and Jeff Sessions is Attorney General, racist cops everywhere have free reign to abuse vu
Republicans are desperately trying to convince everyone that what they did to Merrick Garland was totally normal.On Sunday
The Toddler-in-Chief has been busy this morning lashing out at Hillary Clinton, John Podesta s brother and vigorously trying to
It wasn t too long ago that Donald Trump deeply offended China by taking a phone call from Taiwan, violating the One China p
Donald Trump s desperation to talk about something anything that doesn t involve Russia has caused him to lose what was
Remember when the world laughed at Donald Trump when he claimed that President Obama put a tapp on his wires at his
Investigations into Russian tampering and collusion during the election were gaining steam even before Trump took office, an
Rep. Maxine Waters says there s something she wants to talk about: impeachment.During a Sunday afternoon interview, CNN
Another day, another Democrat who is backing the nominee for the Supreme Court seat that the Senate Republicans stole fr
Donald Trump will explode when he reads this.Trump is a national embarrassment who never should have been allowed to ru
Donald Trump is fuming after Fox New Sunday host Chris Wallace crushed his Environmental Protection Agency minion on the
A tired 70-year-old man keeps forgetting to show up at his new job and instead, he has repeatedly gone golfing. The irony is th
On Sunday morning. Donald Trump once again revealed how desperate he is with regard to that teensy tiny little Russia thing
Mitch McConnell is still making ridiculous excuses to justify what Senate Republicans did to Supreme Court nominee Merrick G
Hearing about violence at Trump s rallies was a regular occurrence during his 2016 campaign and that violence was often brou
For Republicans, being compared to Ronald Reagan is something akin to being compared to Jesus. Both figures are revered am
Former White House photographer Pete Souza has spent the last eight years of his life photographing President Obama and h
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez didn t mince words when he called out the GOP for their appalling healt
On Friday, Fox News reported that the intelligence official one of twenty people who could possibly do so according to NSA D
Donald Trump won t tell you this on his Twitter feed.The last time the tourism industry in this country saw such a drop was in
His accusation that President Obama wiretapped him has been thoroughly debunked but Donald Trump attacked NBC anchor
By now, we all know that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has turned tail and gone off on what his fellow
Rep. Elijah E. Cummings is demanding answers after presidential staff members reportedly passed confidential information to
Donald Trump is unwell.The beleaguered president seemed vaguely irritated and distracted in what was meant to be a routine
If there is anyone who is a thorn in the side of the Donald Trump administration, it s MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. She is relen
A study was just released that said that conservative politicians are better looking than their liberal counterparts, and the reas
It s becoming increasingly apparent that Donald Trump is a man who hates his job.WASHINGTON, DC MARCH 31: U.S. Preside
Disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has asked for immunity in exchange for testifying in the FBI s contin
Republican lawmakers love using the Bible to dictate their policies. They especially love using it to justify pushing spending cut
Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn gave Donald Trump something to worry about last night, when he announced
Last year, in an effort to demonize Hillary Clinton staffers, Trump ally Michael Flynn famously said that immunity means you v
Much like the incompetent POTUS they are working under, many members of the Trump administration have said things in th
Michael Flynn drove another nail into the coffin of Donald Trump s presidency on Thursday when he agreed to testify about R
Noam Chomsky has warned us of how dangerous Donald Trump is since the beginning of his campaign. His prediction that Tru
About eight years ago, right about the time a *gasp* black man won the presidency, Republicans chose to stop governing and
While the House Intelligence Committee s investigation into Russia s interference in our political process is a mess, the Senate
You know how people have been wondering if Michael Flynn has been turned? Well, the Wall Street Journal confirms that Tru
When one votes for someone with a (D) next to their name, we expect certain things. Namely, in these troubling political time
When Devin Nunes went running to Trump with information that Trump s transition team was caught up in surveillance, he pr
Oh. My. God. The stupid, it burns.Anybody who actually paid attention in science class in school are going to have a collective
Here s another hole in the leaky ship that is the argument Trump shouldn t be taken literally when he makes threats. Trump h
Amateur president Donald Trump isn t concerned in the least about the rising costs associated with his regular trips to his Mar
Much like Donald Trump himself, it s hard to tell what kinds of insane things might happen during an interview with the peopl
Mike Pence is a devout Evangelical Christian. There s nothing wrong with that; after all, that s what the First Amendment is for
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) is one of the loudest and most steadfast members of #THERESISTANCE in Congress. He has called Donald
The Congressional Black Caucus just broke it down for House Speaker Paul Ryan, explaining to him in no uncertain terms that R
Congress has been working on rolling back an Obama-era rule that protected us from having our internet histories bought, sol
For some reason, Donald Trump decided to speak to a group of women at a women s empowerment event on Wednesday, on
As if Donald Trump needs help delegitimizing his party, a senior member of his campaign in Oklahoma, state Senator Ralph Sh
Donald Trump likes to whine about any poll that doesn t show him in a favorable light, calling the data biased or dishonest
Mexican President Enrique Pe a Nieto may not be too happy once he hears of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke s plan to make tha
It was just this morning that Donald Trump once again tried to ignore his mounting failures and pump up his ego by trashing th
Donald Trump pissed off The New York Times, and that mistake bit him on the ass.On Tuesday morning, Trump attacked the n
Donald Trump s roll-back of actions designed to fight climate change horrified the legendary conservationist.Jane Goodall is fa
Representative Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Wednesday that the Democrats are not
Years of racism in the workplace has finally resulted in a long overdue lawsuit against Fox News.On the same day that Fox hos
On Wednesday, failing President Donald Trump attempted to distract from his ongoing troubles with his administration s num
While delivering the closing remarks at Tuesday s Professional Business Women of California conference in San Francisco, Hilla
Two anti-abortion activists are facing 15 felony charges after they secretly filmed themselves trying to buy aborted fetal tissue
Trump transition team member Devin Nunes, who inexplicably is leading the congressional investigation into Trump s ties with
By now, everyone is aware of the appallingly abusive way in which White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer treated American
In perhaps the clearest example of the small, but egregious way Donald Trump lies about even the little things, he got caught s
Senator Lindsey Graham is on the attack after Nunes blew the credibility of the House Intel Committee s investigation into coll
On Tuesday, our resident Manchurian couch potato met with the head of Chicago s Fraternal Order of Police to talk about the
As Donald Trump continues to take criticism from the press over his scandalous ties to Russia, the ladies of The View noticed t
It would appear Fox News isn t even hiding their blatant racism anymore, nor doing anything about it.Appearing on the cable
Donald Trump continues to embarrass himself in a desperate effort to prove that he s a job creator.In yet another self-serving
Donald Trump s head is going to explode when he sees this.Back in September as the 2016 campaign raged on, Trump claimed
In the wake of Tom Koppel telling Sean Hannity to his face that he is bad for America, Eric Trump came to the Fox News host
It s Trump s third month in office and the lies about President Obama just keep coming.During a CNN panel to discuss Trump s
Since the inauguration, Ivanka Trump has spent much of her time desperately working to make people forget that she s comp
What does President Cheeto McTinyhands do best when someone s about to make him look REALLY stupid or bad or criminal?
Hoo boy, Chrissy Teigen doesn t like Fox News. After United Airlines came under fire for banning a couple of teen girls from a fl
When Donald Trump fails, his team sure doesn t help make it any better.On Monday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spice
A Chicago man is in critical condition after the mother of all epic f*ckups by Trump s Deportation Force. On Monday morning
In a more innocent time, say, 2015, you d be hard pressed to find a person willing to call Dick Cheney a voice of reason, (excep
If there is one upside to having this level of unchecked corruption running through the Trump White House it s that they aren
Just one day after Paul Ryan failed to garner support from his own base to repeal and replace Obamacare, a proposal alleged p
Donald Trump is soon going to be unleashing even more fake news attacks on the media than ever before.It turns out that fo
This is what being pathetic looks like.House Speaker Paul Ryan was so desperate to secure Republican votes for his disastrous
Legendary newsman Dan Rather has lived through and covered several presidencies so he knows what he s talking about.Rath
Embattled House Intel Chairman, Devin Nunes (R-CA), has been reported to the FBI for corruption. The criminal complaint, file
It s not clear whether Trump called in a favor or Fox News decided to impress the new boss by taking the initiative, but in any
It s no secret that Californians aren t really fans of Donald Trump and Trump can t stand California. California rejected Trump d
Donald Trump repeatedly attacked former President Barack Obama each time he went golfing but the alleged billionaire has ju
The fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is no fan of Donald Trump is no secret. However, being the diplomatic, experie
Sean Hannity is pissed. Really pissed. Earlier today, he appeared on CBS Sunday Morning for an interview with veteran ABC N
With the cool, calm authority that comes with decades of being one of the most well-respected newsman in journalism, Ted K
One day after Trump had his 12th golfing trip as president he returned to his golf club in Virginia for lucky number 13.Like yest
Less than 24 hours after Trump claimed he would be exclusively blaming Democrats for not endorsing his bill to uninsure 24 m
Snitches get stitches is Kremlin s message to the United States at least according to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson M
When Republicans celebrated Donald Trump s undeserved election victory, they probably never imagined he d damage the pa
No matter what Donald Trump does or where he goes, he s never actually doing the right thing and fulfilling his duties as POTU
CNN is reporting that Trump s disgraced national security adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn, may be the key to blowing apart the Ru
Donald Trump and Paul Ryan thought they d get to pass what could possibly be described as the most cruel approach to healt
An examination of Republican House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes on Saturday was totally devastating and d
A few years ago, teenage pop star Justin Bieber angered many people by commenting that he thought Holocaust victim Anne
After offering Americans a sh*t sandwich for health care coverage, a plan which was slammed by conservative groups, doctors
For years, Fox News hosts have been spewing racist remarks without consequences but apparently, when the racism is directe
A DC rally meant to prove the existence of the long-debunked conspiracy theory known as Pizzagate reached a painfully stup
Donald Trump and his Republican allies are total losers, and even the conservative-leaning Wall Street Journal admits it.The G
Just a few years after Republicans shut down the government. Then came so close to defaulting on America s debts that the n
Donald Trump is so petty about not getting his way on healthcare that he is literally hoping that our healthcare system fails.On
Trump and the House GOP suffered a stunning defeat on legislation they promised would deliver better healthcare to millions
President Obama has finally been vindicated after seven years of Republican attacks on the Affordable Care Act resulted in hu
During the campaign cycle, payments from the Republican National Committee to this company called the Hamilton Trading G
The Republican Party and the Trump White House just suffered a humiliating defeat as their signature campaign promise to r
Donald Trump drew a line in the sand: Pass the Obamacare repeal and replace bill or else.Then it blew up in his face. Republic
The authors of the Republican bill that would have caused as many as 24 million people to lose health insurance and bankrupt
Well, folks, your health care is safe for the foreseeable future according to Speaker Paul Ryan. After the GOP abruptly pulled
The entire Republican Party spent the 2016 campaign season running on a promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care
Ivanka Trump is catching hell right now for being a hypocrite when it comes to women s healthcare.In 2016, Ivanka Trump cam
Things just went from bad to worse for the Republican Party.Being in charge just isn t what Republicans imagined it would be
The vast majority of Donald Trump s campaign promises were both unworkable and, well, hateful. His promise to lock (Hillary
House Republicans failed to pass their disastrous healthcare bill on Thursday and Rachel Maddow hilariously mocked them for
If you were unaware, there was a much-anticipated hearing on the collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian intelli
Everyone knows Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has absolutely no backbone, but what he did yesterday was an entirely new l
MSNBC host Lawrence O Donnell did not hold back on Thursday night.Earlier in the day, House Republican leadership saw the
A Republican Senator found himself in a tough position when he was trapped on a flight with an American citizen who wanted
MSNBC s Chris Hayes couldn t resist trolling Trump a bit after Friday morning s insane tweet about the GOP healthcare plan. A
After a federal court struck down the new version of the Muslim ban (which was basically just like the first one) Donald Trump
The American Health Care Plan, a.k.a. AHCA or Trumpcare, didn t get the vote Thursday that it was supposed to because the
House Republicans had seven years to come up with a plan superior to the Affordable Care Act and their plan is so bad that no
Republicans are hell bent on repealing Obamacare. They don t care how many people it kills. After eight years of demanding t
It was bound to happen as soon as House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes said that he had evidence people in Trump s transition
In a stunning example of just how out-of-touch and heartless the Republican Party is towards women s healthcare, Vice Presid
A woman in Indiana is feeling the pain of Donald Trump s immigration policies personally. Apparently, she believed her family
GOP Rep. Devin Nunes is feeling the burn after Nancy Pelosi ripped him a new one on Thursday.On Wednesday, Nunes went t
After two months of an administration that gives literal meaning to the term bully pulpit, it becomes easy to forget what a re
Facing corruption scandals, nepotism scandals, Russian interference in the election scandals, and a healthcare bill that appear
James Harris Jackson, 28, eventually surrendered to police in New York City to admit to fatally stabbing a 66-year-old black ma
Donald Trump at this point is known for spewing crazy statements, but in an interview with TIME, The Donald somehow mana
Arizona Senator John McCain seems to be the lone patriot left in the GOP right now, along with perhaps South Carolina Senato
Women should get as far away from Oklahoma as soon as possible because Christian Sharia law is about to make their lives a
Democrats are about to welcome another voice into their big tent after Republicans in Hawaii decided their tent wasn t small
If today s fiasco, which came courtesy of House Intel chair Devin Nunes, wasn t enough to convince anyone that he can t cond
Trump s disgusting brand of misogyny was laid bare for all to see during the election cycle and it should have sunk him, becaus
Wednesday was not a good day to be Donald Trump. In the aftermath of the disastrous Comey hearing where it was confirme
The Democratic ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee dropped a bombshell Wednesday afternoon when he r
Former conservative turned liberal activist, David Brock, suffered a heart attack Tuesday. The news is scant, but it doesn t seem
Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and in charge of the investigation into whether Russia influen
Despite repeatedly claiming that he will be tough on crime, Donald Trump s weekend escapades to Mar-a-Lago are literally for
Donald Trump s White House mouthpiece just gave Melissa McCarthy more material to work with on Saturday Night Live.As w
This morning, a man drove his car into a crowd near the UK s parliament building and began attacking bystanders with a knife.
Donald Trump is another step closer to suffering a major policy defeat, and that s good news for the Affordable Care Act.Trum
The overwhelming response to her temper tantrum was so humiliating that Sarah Palin removed the outrageous tweet.Just aft
One of the selling points of Donald Trump s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is that his decisions are actually so mainstre
More information about Donald Trump s Russian ties keeps coming out and now another shoe has dropped. According to the
I m convinced that whenever Trump says most people don t know, it really means I just learned.' That was Chris Hayes s tak
This is especially monumental since the Wall Street Journal is a conservative newspaper.Donald Trump is running out of suppo
Just last year before the 2016 presidential election, conservative radio host and former Colorado Republican chairman Steve C
Kraig Moss was a die hard Donald Trump supporter. He followed the then-GOP presidential candidate around the nation, play
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is NOT a fan of Donald Trump and he sure as hell does NOT support the budget Trump is pu
Republican members of Congress, who love claiming that they re the only party that stands for real Americans, are now terrifi
What happens when a thin-skinned bully becomes President? Apparently, he will even threaten children who hurt his preciou
While a group of Americans were vacationing in Cancun, Mexico for Spring break, they broke out in chants of Build that wall!
The man who served as White House Counsel to former President Richard Nixon during Watergate (and ended up facing charg
We re only two months into Trump s failing presidency, and even the Republican Party wants nothing more than to see the en
Donald Trump s two month old presidency has been so disastrous, the only things we know he s doing (besides working to stri
A Michigan Republican may have literally guaranteed that he won t get another term in Congress.Republicans across the coun
Fox & Friends continues to embarrass themselves in defense of Donald Trump, and CNN host Jake Tapper took them to task fo
If Republicans listen to this sage advice, Donald Trump would be a lame duck president before completing his first 100 days.In
Donald Trump must be forced to resign or be impeached, because this is really bad.On Monday, Trump s delusional alternate
No one gets under alleged president Donald Trump s skin more than Alec Baldwin. Well, possibly with the exception of Sesam
What goes around finally came around to bite Kellyanne Conway on the ass.In October, Trump s then-campaign manager and
It s hard not to wonder just how paranoid and/or dictatorial Trump really is. One would think that, since he s the one appointi
Donald Trump just lost another one of his propagandists thanks to Fox News.Last week, Andrew Napolitano opened his big mo
With the 2016 election over, many questions still remain as to its outcome and if it is to be considered legitimate. As of now, t
Trump spent the weekend golfing in Florida. By low estimates, this is Trump s 6th golf vacation of his presidency. By higher esti
If you ve been joking that Ivanka Trump would make a perfect First Lady (given Trump s numerous remarks through the years
Tomi Lahren, the overly-emotional, angry and vitriolic face of new-age conservatism has been suspended at The Blaze after ad
According to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Donald Trump is standing by his claim that former President Obama ta
The investigations into the Trump-Russia scandal are an increasing problem for Trump as he desperately tries to steer any and
Donald Trump was nervous as hell over the hearing with FBI Director James Comey earlier today, and he had every reason to b
Congress is chest-deep in their leak investigations, with FBI Director James Comey in the hot seat today. During the House Inte
Something strange happens when the President sees conspiracies everywhere: they tend to bleed into the rest of the governm
On Monday, while FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers sat through a grueling, hours-long hearing, Donald
Stephen Hawking might be one of the most brilliant and highly respected scientists in the world, but that means nothing in Do
FBI Director James Comey has confirmed that the agency is not only investigating Russia s interference in the 2016 presidentia
We all knew that Donald Trump would be a nightmare for the Supreme Court. His nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch, is trying to pr
Since taking the oath of office, alleged president Donald Trump s approval rating is at a new low, hitting 37%, according to Gal
Trump just will not stop hammering his border wall as the solution to every problem we ve ever had. In addition to the U.S. go
Donald Trump has taken a beating on his favorite playground Twitter from many notable individuals (and multiple dictionari
It looks like Donald Trump can add another case to the list of lawsuits he is facing. An attorney, based in Washington, D.C., has
A major meeting on veterans affairs didn t happen yesterday evening despite Trump s announcement earlier in the day.Watc
Donald Trump just got his ass handed to him by a former NATO Ambassador for claiming that Germany owes the organization
Ever since Officer Darren Wilson murdered unarmed African-American teen Michael Brown in the streets of Ferguson, Missou
Even Fox News understands that the Republican healthcare bill will leave millions of Americans in financial ruins.That s why Ch
While the Affordable Care Act actually has slowed down the rising cost of premiums, the Republican healthcare bill that repea
Trump spent his the sixth weekend golfing and the internet dug up an supremely uncomfortable reminder for him.And Trump
If you haven t heard, the Trump administration is making conservative wet dreams come true by gutting every social program
We re not sure how this could have possibly happened. I mean, how does one allow a laptop to be stolen which contains sens
One of the things that makes Trumpcare such a blow job for the rich is that it contains a bunch of cuts to taxes that help pay fo
Uh oh, folks: that evil FAKE NEWS is after Donald Trump again, this time distorting his perfectly awesome visit with German Ch
A lot about America has changed since the rise of Donald Trump. People thought that his coarse language, his clear racism and
It s easy to think the whole brouhaha with Michael Flynn was over the moment he was forced from his post as Trump s nation
Fox News found themselves in a really uncomfortable position on Friday because of Donald Trump s gullibility.During a Fox Ne
As he was standing next to podium, Donald Trump must have been throwing a silent temper tantrum as Irish Prime Minister E
One after another, Republicans are breaking ranks with their party and saying they just can t throw their support behind the G
Earlier today, Donald Trump had a joint conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and he used it as an opportunity t
College is the time to dream. For many, it s also the time to party. Paul Ryan was no exception, only surrounded by idealists, th
Former Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman s Twitter handle is @SteveWorks4You but apparently he works for himself. Sto
In Indiana, schools staged a robotics competition for fourth graders. The winning team was comprised of two African-America
A sit-down meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel went from painfully awkward to downright offensive when Trump
While Trump s Secretary of State was visiting a UN base on the border of North and South Korea on Friday, the former CEO of
A Tennessee Trump supporter is ecstatic that Obamacare has dramatically lowered her family s insurance costs, but she doesn
If you have not yet heard, another Nazi got punched. Noted racist and anti-Semitic conservative radio host Michael Savage w
Sean Hannity might be one of the most disliked people in television or radio news. Yes, news is in quotes because whatever H
The Republican Party is constantly pushing back against accusations of being a racist institution, despite the fact that they end
One of the arguments against the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is that people are losing options as insurance companies a
I just want people to know, the CIA was hacked, and a lot of things taken that was during the Obama years. That was not dur
Donald Trump apparently hopes poor people starve or freeze to death.In order to make way for a massive increase to our alre
Funny how this just keeps happening.Yet another Trump advisor has been caught having ties to a shady, fascist-linked group in
The Republican bill meant to dismantle the Affordable Care Act has been hit on all sides as nonsensical, dysfunctional and sinis
Donald Trump s disgusting travel ban is a highly divisive issue, and last night it caused a CNN panel to completely devolve into
House Speaker Paul Ryan just dropped the hammer on Donald Trump and his outrageous accusation against President Obama
Programs that have kept hungry Americans fed for decades are being slashed so Donald Trump can spend more money on the
Donald Trump has been vacationing at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida nearly every weekend since taking office, and now Palm
It appears that a hacker had a bit of fun with McDonald s corporate Twitter account Thursday morning. You are actually a disg
The debate about health care has lead to some pretty ugly comments from the right, but without a doubt, this one is among t
Just hours before Donald Trump s new Muslim ban was set to go into effect, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked the executive o
Rand Paul is a self-described libertarian, but his idea for how to fix our healthcare system sounds awfully socialist. On the right
In the second time in less than two months, Trump s attempt to ban Muslims from entering the United States has been slappe
If you ask any conservative, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was completely justified in shooting Michael Brown under e
Soon, if you live in Florida, it will become very difficult to prosecute for murder.Florida s loose murder laws became national h
The former acting attorney general who became an instant symbol of heroic defiance of Trump when she was fired for refusin
It was obvious this was going to happen, but if you were holding out hope that David Cay Johnston could release Donald Trum
By now, everyone is aware of what took down the Duggar family, of TLC s 19 Kids and Counting fame. It was the explosive reve
The days when Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough would play nice with Donald Trump are definitely over. Not only has Scarbo
CNN s Jim Acosta has been a thorn in the Trump administration s side ever since Donald Trump insulted him during a press con
The longer Donald Trump and his merry band of authoritarian misfits carry on with the baseless claims that President Barack O
Less than 24 hours after Trump s press secretary Sean Spicer said the president was extremely confident that his accusations
Donald Trump s Oklahoma campaign chair is a standup guy except when he s laying down with children, that is. On Tuesday,
The White House may have verified the legitimacy of Donald Trump s tax returns after they were released by Pulitzer Prize-win
Texas landowners along the U.S.-Mexico border have begun receiving notices from the federal government saying that they re
The former mayor of Fairfax City in Virginia is facing up to 40 years in prison after he pled guilty to trading crystal meth for sex
Trump has long claimed that he was legally not allowed to release his tax returns because of an alleged audit that required h
FBI Director James Comey could very likely be the reason we have a President Trump. Just shy of two weeks prior to the 2016
Other than the wall and maybe the Muslim ban, the signature issue for Donald Trump the presidential candidate was repealin
According to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway s completely serious suggestion that President Obam
Donald Trump s relationship with the press is problematic, to say the least and he only has himself to thank for that. Thanks t
Donald Trump just got owned.On Monday, the Congressional Budget Office graded the GOP healthcare bill that they dubiously
Donald Trump keeps pretending that everyone is so happy and optimistic since he took office. Twitter users were quick to blow
It s no secret that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is spineless that s a reputation he s earned for himself throughout his entir
Donald Trump has decided to go through with his threat to defund the United Nations in retaliation for making a decision he d
Donald Trump is getting fantastically mocked right now for bragging about jobs that are being created as a result of President
If Donald Trump really had proof that President Obama wiretapped him he would have revealed it long before now.Over a we
At a town hall in Frost, Texas last week a voter expressed concerns about violence against women but Rep. Joe Barton was no
It s time for the IRS to end non-profit status for all conservative organizations.But at least they did the right thing by taking aw
Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane just couldn t resist having a bit of fun with Kellyanne Conway s absolutely batsh*t insane c
Last week, the alleged president made some jaw-dropping accusations on Twitter, accusing his predecessor of wiretapping his
Republicans seem to be steadfast in their quest to destroy the Affordable Care Act despite all the facts showing that doing so w
The Congressional Budget Office released their assessment of the GOP s Obamacare replacement bill on Monday and the new
Trump influencer, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, is downright furious with the beta males at Saturday Night Live for mockin
The Congressional Budget Office released their analysis of the GOP s Obamacare replacement plan today, and their findings w
The Congressional Budget Office s review of the Republicans replacement plan for the ACA is out, and it s not good news. Und
Not many people can get under Donald Trump s skin like billionaire and Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban. Not only did Cuban b
The Congressional Budget Office, tasked with providing Congress with a nonpartisan assessment of the effects of proposed leg
For a week now, the world has been up in arms about Trump accusing former President Obama of wiretapping his tower to sp
If Donald Trump really cared about creating jobs and strengthening the economy he would not be trying to gut this small-but-
Representative Steve King ( R-Iowa) is a notorious racist. On Sunday, he came under fire for xenophobic comments suggesting
Donald Trump is 50 days into his presidency and and he has done nothing but cheat the American people while destroying and
Donald Trump is starting another week in the White House with yet another attack on the media and the reporters that dare t
While Donald Trump was campaigning, he slammed what he called political correctness in America s culture. As usual, the am
Iowa Rep. Steve King (R-Of Course) is currently under fire for tweeting out something that would only be said by a white supre
Amateur president Donald Trump pledged to forego a presidential salary and his spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said i
A woman confronted notorious coward, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, inside a DC Apple store, and found herself t
If you haven t heard about Rep. Steve King s (R-IA) white supremacy tweet by now, you re really not paying attention. While ci
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has been a nightmare for the GOP ever since he announced his presidential campaign. With
Donald Trump Jr. apparently expects the world to believe that he has had zero contact with his father since he was sworn int
While it should surprise absolutely no one that Iowa Rep. Steve King is a blatant, flaming, disgusting pig of a racist, what he jus
Trump just can t stop embroiling himself in scandal, and his week-old accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped h
Donald Trump can brag all he wants, but Rachel Maddow knows that Trump s presidency has been nothing but a disastrous fa
Many of Obama s harshest critics are suddenly very quiet. The former president who the right relentlessly smeared during his
The American people are NOT going to like this at all.If you really believed that Donald Trump cares about working people and
Ivanka Trump is complicit in what her father Donald Trump is doing to America and Saturday Night Live hilariously made sure e
According to Senator John McCain, Donald Trump s life is about get become very uncomfortable very quickly. During an appea
Donald Trump is the ultimate hypocrite and Fox host Chris Wallace called him out for it on Sunday.During the campaign, Trum
Last Saturday, Donald Trump woke at the crack of dawn and went on an extraordinary Twitter tirade even for him. He accuse
Trump and his Twitter habit may be breaking federal law, especially insofar as misspellings and other stupid errors, because he
There may have been a time, many years ago, when the Republican party gave a crap about its constituents, but those days ar
Trump s selfishness knows no bounds. He thinks as president and commander-in-chief that he can do what he wants, and othe
The son of Sonny and Cher successfully caused Fox host Sean Hannity to blow a gasket.On Thursday, Hannity literally asked W
I m not sure why, after nearly a decade of Republicans gleefully sh*tting on the American people, I would suddenly expect tha
Since taking office, Donald Trump has surrounded himself with white nationalists and conspiracy theorists, which has made hi
Apparently, Donald Trump has yet to learn his lesson about attacking former President Barack Obama.Last weekend, the disgr
Rep. Jason Smith of Missouri spent International Women s Day advocating for women or so we re sure he thought. He s a sup
FBI Director James Comey met with the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday to discuss Donald Trump s claim that form
In mid-August just last year, Paul Manafort resigned from the Trump campaign after revelations that he was involved in protes
Donald Trump, the businessman who conservatives thought would be an ideal choice to become president of the most power
That didn t take long.One of Trump s oldest campaign backers was hooked up with a job he was blatantly not qualified for and
One day after he testified about being stopped by immigration officials under Donald Trump s Muslim ban, the son of boxing l
Oh, the wiretapping scandal. Or it would be a scandal if it were true. Trump hasn t produced any hard evidence of being tappe
Trump continued to claim credit for things with which he had little to do when February s jobs report came out earlier today, a
Donald Trump swears he had no idea that former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, had lobbied for Turkish interests. N
Donald Trump s presidency has emboldened bigots everywhere. The latest hate incident comes courtesy of some despicable e
He may work for Fox Radio but this man deserves a ton of respect for what he just did. At a breaking point with Trump s love a
It s no secret at this point that Donald Trump s administration is completely filled to the brim with white supremacists with co
In a deeply disturbing moment during Press Secretary Sean Spicer s latest bonkers press briefing, he read verbatim a quote giv
The House s plan to repeal and replace the ACA is catching an awful lot of flak from Republicans and Democrats alike. Congres
Is Sean Spicer secretly sending America a cry for help? That s the question on everyone s mind as the beleaguered Press Secre
Republicans seriously need to pay attention in biology class.Because if they had, they would know that the reason women get
Donald Trump has basically built his life around doing nothing and taking credit for the accomplishments and work of others
The Republican Party is trying its hardest to gloss over the fact that its new health care replacement is a disaster that is going t
If you still don t think Trump supporters aren t Nazis, just remember that liberals aren t the ones calling for genocide.During a
The wives and mothers of these Republicans must be so embarrassed.During a House Committee on Energy and Commerce he
It looks like alleged president Donald Trump did not apply extreme vetting to his own cabinet picks, most especially one as imp
On Thursday, Fox News hack and Donald Trump testicle-buffer Sean Hannity decided to use the new WikiLeaks release to form
Republicans nationwide seem to want to get rid of regulations on just about everything guns, corporations, environmental pr
Now, it may not have been the intent of CNN to clearly make fun of Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and his pathetic attempt at desc
Donald Trump really doesn t make sticky situations any better for himself.Trump s entanglements with Russia continue to be a
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell might just find himself the next target of one of Donald Trump s temper
Former Clinton Labor Secretary and current Berkeley economics professor Robert Reich has long been one of Donald Trump s
Sean Spicer might be in a little bit of a trouble after an off-camera Wednesday press briefing. Though President* Trump and Sp
Amateur president Donald Trump loves Trumpcare, the GOP replacement for Obamacare even though everyone hates it. Cons
House Republicans (finally) unveiled their repeal-and-replace healthcare plan, much to the fury of all the people who will be h
Trump and his administration have been dogged by ongoing accusations and reports that they re in bed with Russia. But a hug
Someone is going to empty lots and cordoned off buildings around the country and putting signs on the fences around them. T
When former President George W. Bush left office, he remained quiet in regards to any criticism of Barack Obama. Sure, Dick C
On Tuesday, NBC s Andrea Mitchell was notably escorted out of a press conference with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson after
Donald Trump s rollout of TrumpCare is already crashing and burning (just like everything he tries to do) and his White House
Donald Trump s obsession with building a massive expensive wall along the Mexican border is literally going to make America
House Republicans have released their version of Obamacare replacement and it s bad, very bad. There s also almost no chanc
This is what legendary newsman Dan Rather thinks about Trumpcare, and it s an EPIC ass-kicking.On Monday, House Republic
While we re focused on the ridiculous Donald Trump tweets or the equally ridiculous Obamacare replacement bill, Republican
If Trump isn t willing to attach his name to something, you know it must really be bad no matter how wonderful he says it is.O
Can somebody tell this piece of shit congressman that the emergency room is is NOT healthcare coverage?On Tuesday, GOP R
In his efforts to weasel out of answering questions about Donald Trump s lie that President Obama tapped Trump Tower s wir
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Donald Trump has definitely pissed off women across the country. His latest twee
Representative Adam Schiff is clearly fed up with Donald Trump s lies. This is especially true of Trump s latest lie, which is the i
Doesn t Corporate America get enough breaks at the expense of the everyday American? Apparently not, because they re wor
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was completely humiliated by MSNBC s Hallie Jackson during Tuesday s White House
If one thing has become abundantly clear, it s that Donald Trump and his administration don t like to answer questions, especi
Lyin Donald Trump tweeted this morning that former President Barack Obama was responsible for 122 vicious prisoners bein
For at least one day, Donald Trump did not say the stupidest thing. His Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson
In what could be the most damning information revealed yet, and what seems to be a remarkable oversight by most of the me
Donald Trump and the Republican Party s push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) was met with p
Donald Trump screwed himself over by letting his tiny little hands go Twitter-happy over the weekend. Just because he was pi
Donald Trump thinks the healthcare bill Republicans passed to repeal the Affordable Care Act is wonderful and promised eve
We all know how hostile the Trump White House is to the press. They say that anything they don t like is FAKE NEWS and the
When Donald Trump falsely accused President Obama of wiretapping him he committed an impeachable offense.That s what
Donald Trump s media supporters are working overtime this week trying to defend his wiretapping accusations against Preside
Republicans are delusional if they really believe forgoing a new cell phone will allow poor people to afford healthcare.But that
Tuesday morning, Donald Trump started off his day by tweeting yet another outrageous lie about President Obama, apparentl
We recently reported on how it has now come to light, thanks to the wonderful investigative reporting at The New Yorker, tha
Republicans finally rolled out their plan to replace the Affordable Care Act on Monday and it is even worse than expected.Whi
A White House press release which congratulated Exxon Mobil Corp. for its recent investment in U.S. manufacturing appears t
The Donald Trump administration is desperate and like a cornered wild animal, Trump is lashing out at everyone, hoping he ll
Students at the University of California, San Diego, were shocked this week when Muslim internment flyers were posted aroun
White House press secretary Sean Spicer has been known for losing his sh*t, just like his boss Donald Trump and in an off-cam
As if Donald Trump isn t paranoid and delusional enough on his own, one of the people who carries a lot of influence with 45 i
The whirlwind of chaos that follows Donald Trump everywhere he goes has just reached a level we ve never seen before. It tu
Trump s newly confirmed Secretary of Housing and Urban Development just dropped a doozy on us. No, not the one about Ha
If there s one thing Donald Trump wants, it s positive press about himself and everything that he is doing. Clearly knowing tha
Khizr Khan, a Muslim-American gold star dad who made an enemy of Donald Trump during the campaign, seems to be facing t
Donald Trump likes to talk tough on terror. However, a new report links a Trump hotel to you guessed it a terror cell. Trump
With all the absolutely horrific and unhinged things that Donald Trump has been doing and saying since he took office, many h
Donald Trump s list of allies is getting shorter because of his outrageous accusation against President Obama.During the camp
Donald Trump is playing a dangerous game by falsely accusing his predecessor of wiretapping his phone lines before the electi
Well, the moment we have all been anticipating has come to pass. Donald Trump and the bigots in his administration have rol
On Monday, Trump propaganda minister Kellyanne Conway crawled out of her slimepit to once again defend the indefensible
Donald Trump just ruined any remaining chance he had to get support from MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinsk
Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz has made a living in Congress starting investigations into just about anything in an effort to hur
Rather than making America great again, Donald Trump is making American business owners in Florida go broke.Every time Tr
Donald Trump s surrogates are desperately trying to defend him after he leveled some pretty serious charges at President Oba
Cards Against Humanity has to be one of the best card games ever. Also, its creator is likely one of the most creative human be
One of the House of Representatives more crazy members, Steve King, is fully on board Trump s train no matter how outlandi
Usually, if you re in a hole you stop digging but not Donald Trump. The amateur president went on a tweetstorm yesterday, lik
On Sunday, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said that the House Intelligence Committee will investigate any alleged surveillance of
Following a series of unhinged tweets from Trump that accuse Obama of illegally spying on him during the election cycle, the i
Donald Trump has access to a wealth of information as President, but seems content relying on Breitbart and other slimy right
Trump lost his marbles on Friday, letting loose on his senior staff over Jeff Sessions recusing himself from any and all Departme
Donald Trump is now demanding that any probe into his administration s connections to Russia also include a probe into his w
It can easily be said that Donald Trump doesn t live in reality. He lives in his own world filled with delusion and a narrative that
Donald Trump has absolutely no evidence that President Obama wiretapped him, and former Director of National Intelligence
Donald Trump is desperately trying to shift focus away from his Russia scandal by accusing President Obama of wiretapping hi
Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta explained on Sunday why Donald Trump s paranoid claims that former President Oba
Petulant child Donald Trump released a statement on Sunday morning demanding that Congress investigate President Obama
The Wall Street Journal is anything but liberal, and most of its columnists are likewise anything but liberal. But this not-at-all lib
Every major party presidential candidate in the last 40 years has released his or her tax returns, except for two. One was Gera
Is there some specific reason we have someone in the White House who s willing to let the military do what it wants in terms
While Donald Trump s team, one by one, is being connected to Russia in secretive and perhaps illegal ways, a story that s goin
As we all live in the nightmarish hellscape that is the Donald Trump presidency is the fact that Congressional Republicans are fl
The New York Daily News has never been subtle with their covers. This is especially true when the subject of said covers is Don
Donald Trump s presidency has inspired many bigot to come out of the woodwork and commit acts of violence against those t
A GOP lawmaker in Oklahoma raised more than a few eyebrows when before speaking to a group of Muslim high school stude
Donald Trump is getting more screwed over by the Republicans as the days go on. They had originally wanted to use him to ad
Donald Trump s number two man, Mike Pence, has largely been seen as the antithesis to Trump s erratic, bombastic, authorita
Reality show star turned so-called president Donald Trump alleged in a tweetstorm this morning that former President Barac
Donald Trump s most dangerous and offensive campaign promise was, of course, his call for a total and complete shutdown o
Donald Trump reportedly flew into a fit of rage when Attorney General Jeff Sessions decided to recuse himself from the investi
One would think that conservatives would have figured out by now that they can t get people to turn out for their marches an
With Donald Trump s intensely bizarre and crazy tweetstorm Saturday morning, it left Twitter buzzing with a general sense of
Real-life Saturday morning cartoon villain Donald Trump kicked off his day with a delusional rant about President Obama. In w
Donald Trump may have just inadvertently admitted guilt during his bizarre and conspiracy riddled claim that President Obam
Republicans just keep digging their political graves deeper.The Affordable Care Act currently provides health insurance to 30 m
Donald Trump just got terminated again by Arnold Schwarzenegger for lying about him on Twitter.It s no secret that the rating
You remember that one company that used to stuff your mailbox full of coasters installation discs every single goddamn day o
Bill Maher literally called bullshit when a Donald Trump supporter insisted that Russia did not interfere with the 2016 Election
After Donald Trump s Saturday morning tweetstorm, we have no choice but to wonder what, exactly, he is worried about. Eve
On Friday, Donald Trump was so angry about the more than half the country that feels it is probably not a good idea for his ad
What is with conservatives being all butthurt over criticism all of a sudden, now that Republicans are the target of so much ire
Jake Tapper has just about had it with Donald Trump. The feisty host of CNN s The Lead infamously took Trump s top liar spin
The internet is full of hidden gems, and this hostile political environment and corrupt Trump administration has given us some
Donald Trump has been playing games with his tax returns ever since he began his disgraceful presidential campaign. He repe
The Rachel Maddow Show has become a hit among cable news viewers, with more than double the number of people tuning
The evidence that Russia is buying us up continues to mount, and the pile is so tall it s about to tip over. While Trump is busy a
It s one thing to call a person stupid, it s another to prove it, and that s exactly what Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA) just did to Dona
If you re not paying attention to Donald Trump on Twitter at the moment, you are missing out on witnessing a truly unhinged
There s nothing sadder than when a person uses the I m rubber and you re glue defense except when it is used by the *Presid
There s no lengths lying conservative media won t go to in order to try and defend their golden boy, Trump, and anyone aroun
Brace yourself, people. Senator Charles Schumer once had a donut and coffee with Vladimir Putin during an official 2003 state
It is becoming clearer and clearer that Donald Trump and the people around him have serious ties to Vladimir Putin and Russia
Trump likes to pretend he was handed a mess when he took office. Unfortunately, that s just not true. By the numbers, consu
If Donald Trump and his team were planning to continue using the ole I forgot defense to explain all these secret meetings w
If Jeff Sessions really cares about the law and the Constitution he ll read his own words about perjury and resign in disgrace.Du
Sir Patrick Stewart, like any sane person in or outside of the U.S., has a severe problem with Donald Trump and everything he
Madeleine Albright, who served as Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, has something to say about Trump and his immigratio
Just when you thought Trump might have calmed down while basking in the glow of his written-for-him speech at the Joint Ad
Donald Trump took quite a bit of heat following the racist shooting in Kansas City that resulted in the deaths of two Indian eng
Ever since the courts blocked Donald Trump s ridiculous Muslim ban, the White House has been saying that they will fight it al
Jeff Sessions just got busted for lying about his ties to Russia during the campaign and Donald Trump was quick to whine abou
On the 100th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy s birth, President Barack Obama will be awarded the prestigious Proles
Recently, the mainstream media (yes, including the liberals ) fawned over President Trump s presidential address to a joint s
Actor and Medal of Freedom recipient Tom Hanks is doing his part to support the free press against the tyranny of Donald Tru
Donald Trump s secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, doesn t just have trouble with grammar. Apparently, she struggles with A
A cowardly Republican gave a racist excuse for why he doesn t want to face his constituents at a town hall.As angry Americans
Legendary news anchor Dan Rather said on Thursday that it shouldn t be long now before Donald Trump s cozy relationship w
There is something going on right now within our government that is very, very concerning. With evidence stacking up against
It s not just people tied to alleged president Donald Trump s campaign and administration who are linked to Russia, it s also hi
Attorney General Jeff Sessions scandal is so explosive that on Thursday Congressional Republicans began breaking ranks to joi
According to a family friend, Barack Obama has plans for that D.C. mansion he rented and Trump is not going to like what the
Trump s newly-minted Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is apparently just another liar who s looking out more for himself than
Paul Ryan said that the House would implement a completely transparent process for repealing and replacing Obamacare. Eith
For months Donald Trump and his top staffers have sworn that no one in the campaign had contact with the Russian governm
When people go to the voting booth, they expect certain values to be represented when they pull the lever for someone with
In light of the Russian hacking scandal that interfered in our nation s election, it seemed to many that the Obama administrati
In what may be the beginning of the end for Donald Trump s tenure as *president, more information has just been disclosed b
Trump s address to a joint session of Congress last night was long on old and tired talking points, and short on substance and c
In a new video, Robert Reich breaks down the 10-step plan Donald Trump is using to turn lies into truths and how we can brea
Donald Trump is being graded on a curve. He always has been, as he has broken every rule in the political handbook and still m
Amateur president Donald Trump s hostility towards the Environmental Protection Agency is revealing by his pick to head the
While some have Donald Trump critics have claimed that the unworthy POTUS address to Congress may have actually saved h
Donald Trump s join address to Congress last night left much to be desired, and many Democratic leaders are absolutely disgu
Breaking news out of Trump s White House indicates that marijuana use may have contributed to the violent events at Bowlin
A consistent theme among Donald Trump s rhetoric, and last night s address to Congress was no different, is economic nationa
Comedian John Caparulo was in the middle of a perfectly normal standup act at The Comedy & Magic Club in Hermosa Beach,
On Wednesday, Donald Trump kicked off his morning by tweeting two little words an allcaps THANK YOU. THANK YOU! Don
Penguin Random House announced on Tuesday night that Barack and Michelle Obama have both signed book deals with the p
Keith Olbermann rants on a very regular basis. Tonight s rant, on his video series, was extremely on point given that Trump wi
There s been a spate of attacks on Jews around the U.S. recently, including destroying Jewish cemeteries and issuing bomb thr
Amateur president Donald Trump s first thirty days in office have been chaotic, ill-prepared and downright embarrassing. A lis
Jon Stewart may not be routinely commenting on America s politics anymore, but he certainly hasn t stepped away from the s
The Trump team is caving in on itself, and Donald Trump s latest comments certainly won t help.Earlier today, Trump appeare
It s no secret that the Trump administration (and Donald Trump himself) sees itself as a victim of a malicious mainstream med
Donald Trump s education secretary proved she is spectacularly unfit for her job when she released a statement on her depar
People have figured out a way to troll a right-wing pastor who incessantly rails against transgender Americans, Planned Paren
On Monday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer responded to the concerns of the father of the Navy SEAL who died in T
Trump s young administration is fraught with trouble, but we all knew that already. Most of us probably haven t thought of jus
Earlier today, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan dropped a truth bomb that absolutely humiliated Donald Trump and made him
One would think that, after all the accusations that Hillary lied to Congress about everything in all of creation, they d be espec
Donald Trump may be trying to destroy the failing New York Times, but it seems that his rhetoric has just made the publicatio
Reince Priebus, Donald Trump s chief of staff, is now facing a misconduct complaint related to his decision to interfere with th
Earlier today, Donald Trump told a group of U.S. governors that his mysterious, frustratingly nonspecific replacement plan for
Apparently, the White House is not pleased that the story of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer furiously confiscating ce
If it wasn t clear before that Donald Trump is worse than George W. Bush ever was, it s definitely clear now.During an appeara
There needs to be an independent commission and special prosecutor put on this case now.Earlier this month, the New York T
The U.S. is headed in a bad direction, as are many other countries with xenophobic, science-denying, far-right-wing nutjobs wo
Donald Trump s botched Yemen raid left 30 civilians including an 8-year-old American girl and other women and children de
There is definitely such a thing as protesting too much, and Donald Trump is making it very clear that Congress should investig
Donald Trump s paranoia and desperation to keep the American people in the dark just took an unconstitutional turn.For wee
Republicans are literally using every excuse they can come up with to avoid investigating Donald Trump.After years of frivolou
When one of Donald Trump s minions appeared on Fox News Sunday to sell bullshit, Chris Wallace was not buying it.For mont
Ohio Governor and former Republican presidential hopeful John Kasich says that the GOP s plan for a full repeal of Obamacare
Donald Trump is so thin-skinned that he would rather sit in the White House and pout instead of attending the White House C
Donald Trump kicked off his Sunday morning by once again attacking the New York Times, one of the many fake news organi
Donald Trump has no reason to give a shit about what is happening with the Democratic Party right now. He got elected presi
Immigration officials in Florida proved how out of control things are in Trump s America by detaining the son of Muhammad A
Donald Trump hates the press, unless the press is the far-right wing rags that kiss his ass nonstop, and report only what he like
While Trump and his loyal subjects keep bleating about the mess Obama left for them to clean up, and insist that the world lau
Donald Trump s new national security adviser thinks former-President Obama was right all along, at least when it comes to his
Richard Spencer, the Trump supporting leader of the white nationalist alt-right movement is a fan of the 80s and 90s alternati
Amateur president Donald Trump has avoided doing any real work while only being on the job for just over one month. The 70
As Donald Trump has turned his presidency into an all out war against the mainstream media, the media is finding heroes in st
Donald Trump and his team are desperate to cover up and stop the reporting of the FBI s investigations into Trump s Russia tie
In a shocking move, White House press secretary Sean Spicer banned major news organizations such The New York Times, CN
Donald Trump and his team are no fans of the free press. They call any story that they dislike fake news, and Chief Strategist
You know, for being a member of the master race, President Steve Bannon sure fails to look the part. On Wednesday, Argenti
Attendees at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference were seen waving Russian flags with Trump stamped on them
Liberals love us some Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who has been carrying the Supreme Court s torch for sanity for about 25 years. Sh
On Friday, Donald Trump got himself amped up for CPAC by complaining about leaks, much to the surprise of at least a coupl
On Thursday night, actor Bradley Whitford, of Transparent and West Wing fame, stopped by the Late Show to speak with Step
In yet another example of the rash of hate crimes that has accompanied Donald Trump s presidency, a 51-year-old man was a
Quite a bit about the Trump presidency has been unprecedented the amount of hate crimes in the country, the number of w
During his campaign, Donald Trump promised that he was a friend of the LGBTQ community. Of course, after watching him sta
Republicans across the country have been doing all they can to avoid town hall meetings where angry constituents are waiting
One has to wonder how anybody, with or without working brain cells, could stand Steve Bannon. He s a complete ass, he s hat
Donald Trump just got his ass handed to him by the retired Admiral who oversaw the raid that finally took down Osama Bin La
White House press secretary Sean Spicer said on Thursday that the federal government could crack down on recreational mar
One of the problems that Republicans have is what to do about the white nationalists that are taking over the conservative mo
On Thursday, Donald Trump said something terrifying those mass deportations? They re a military operation. We re getting r
One of the most revered Supreme Court Justices in American history just hammered Donald Trump for attacking the free pres
The project was set to begin on March 1st and would have brought environmentally friendly high speed rail to California.But t
As more and more leaks get out, it s obvious that Donald Trump is not just a dictator, he s so insecure that aides have to hand
If there is one political ideology that every American should despise, it s Nazism. But conservatives don t seem to mind it one b
If Ivanka Trump really believes in religious tolerance she should tell her dad instead of the Twitterverse.Throughout his campa
Republicans should be ashamed of themselves and that s the exact message one GOP lawmaker clearly received during a town
If you ve ever watched Donald Trump and his wife Melania interact with each other, it s obvious that there s something strang
A letter to the editor appeared in The New York Times yesterday about how devastating Trump s immigration policy is. It s not
There are a lot of Republican members of Congress who can t stand even the prospect of having their town halls disrupted by
Vile GOP Senator Tom Cotton made the mistake of facing his constituents on Wednesday, and things could not possibly have g
Republicans have been coming up with some pretty ridiculous reasons for why they think we need to ban Muslims and build t
It s about time Kansas Republicans saw the light and told Governor Sam Brownback to go f*ck himself.Kansas has been taking
Anyone who respects democracy and the way this country works knows that protests and rallies are just part of what America
Donald Trump is employing extra scrutiny to anyone his Cabinet hires to guarantee that they are loyal only to him.As he contin
On Tuesday night, one lone city, Richmond, California, unanimously voted to impeach Donald Trump. They hope they are only
Remember when Republicans wasted millions of dollars over two years investigating Benghazi? Voters definitely remember.Re
Donald Trump just got absolutely humiliated on Twitter after he made a pathetic attempt to cozy up to Minnesota Democratic
We are stuck with Donald Trump as the most dangerous and incompetent president in history for either the next four years or
Not paying taxes and being in debt appears to be a Trump family tradition.Like her father, Ivanka Trump apparently has a prob
Angry constituents have inundated town hall meetings over concerns of Obamacare being repealed and other issues. There is
Joni Ernst may portray herself as tough in her campaign ads, but in real life she s about as yellow as the bedsheets of a certain
When White House spokesliar Sean Spicer demanded that the Anne Frank Center praise Donald Trump for, for the first time si
When Donald Trump pulled a terror attack in Sweden out of his ass at a Florida rally over the weekend, he tried to cover his lie
Ever since Donald Trump was elected by a minority of the population, along with a technicality provided by an outdated syste
One by one, Donald Trump is screwing over everyone he promised to help when he wanted their votes. Today, it was our milit
American taxpayers who expected Donald Trump to work hard for them are going to be sorely disappointed when they see th
The fall of professional troll and far-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos continues, as he has now resigned from the place tha
Today, Donald Trump and his team pissed off the Anne Frank Center over his pathetically late condemnation of anti-Semitic c
Since Donald Trump began his run for the president, there has been one clear message: if you aren t white (preferably male) a
Republicans may act like they have faith in Donald Trump when the cameras are rolling, but if you ask them in private, they ha
Unable to spew her toxic bullshit on various media outlets, Kellyanne Conway appeared on right-wing radio instead.Republica
It s Black History Month and before Tuesday, Donald Trump s only acknowledgement seemed to be telling a female African-Am
Donald Trump does not care about Jewish people. If he did, he would have strongly condemned anti-Semitism long ago instea
Other nations are stepping up to play larger roles in the world because of Donald Trump, proving that he is destroying America
On the same day that bomb threats were made, more than 100 headstones were damaged or toppled in a historic Jewish cem
The people who actually know what is at stake when it comes to national security under a Trump administration are not happ
If you spent your weekend vacationing under a rock, you may be unaware that alt-Right (that means Nazi in a suit ) supersta
Recently, President Bannon s underling, Donald Trump, called the American news media the enemy of the American people i
It looks like Breitbart superstar Milo Yiannopoulos 15 minutes of fame has ended after a teensy weensy little pro-pedophilia v
Right-wing provocateur, Neo-Nazi, all around douchebag and Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos is finally getting his com
After suffering the massively humiliating experience of being led on by the White House over former National Security Advisor
Conservatives once again show that their sense of morality is really only dependent upon which way the political tide is blow
I m sorry I lied. Those four magic words would have done a lot to prove to the American people that he is, indeed, capable of
Even from the beginning of his hate-fueled, bigoted presidential campaign, it was obvious that Donald Trump did not give a da
Amateur president Donald Trump routinely propagates fake news while deflecting from major scandals surrounding his chaoti
Trump likes trying to bully Mexico, even claiming that he will force them to pay for his stupid wall by making the rapists and
Trump drew international attention again by claiming there was a terror attack in Sweden on the night of Feb. 17. To cover his
If you have not yet heard, alt-Right (that means Nazi) scumbag Milo Yiannopoulos will be headlining the annual Stupid People
Last night, at a rally in Melbourne, Florida, Trump was trying to build more fear of brown people in his base of loyalists by refe
If there is anything that really gets under Donald Trump s skin, it is people questioning his authority and his legitimacy as presi
Republicans don t seem to understand that Earth is the planet we live on.Donald Trump and his Republicans supporters in Con
Amateur president Donald Trump blasted rival Hillary Clinton while on the campaign trail as low energy. He said Clinton takes
Reince Priebus appeared on Fox News Sunday and got his ass handed to him by Chris Wallace.On Friday, Donald Trump posted
Donald Trump has declared the media to be the enemy, but John McCain has a stark warning about Trump s most recent dec
Donald Trump has declared war on the free press and his chief of staff apparently has his back. Appearing on Face the Nation
The Watergate scandal is considered one of the worst political scandals in American history, but Donald Trump has already do
The Trump administration has brought to our attention to multiple tragedies of which we were previously unaware in their eff
Gateway Pundit is a popular publication among white supremacists, which means it will fit right in with the Trump administrati
Donald Trump s buffonery, lies, and unhinged antics are not playing well on the world stage. The latest embarrassment to Am
You know how many Trump fans seem to have a sick obsession with their orange-tinged fuhrer? We may have possibly found
Trump and his staff are so sure the media lies about everything that they ve put together a media accountability survey desig
Everyone remembers who died at Bowling Green thanks to Kellyanne Conway. Everyone remembers who died in Atlanta than
America s so-called president held a rally in Melbourne, Florida, after just a few weeks into the job. Donald Trump spoke of the
Donald Trump topped off his disastrous press conference on Thursday by calling the press the enemy of the American people
CNN host Don Lemon has had it with conservatives who claim things are fake news just because they disagree. He got that po
Sen. John McCain is weighing in on Russia s meddling in the U.S. election, and he has made his stance abundantly clear. In an i
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries says that, while he would welcome an opportunity for Donald Trump to sit down with the Cong
Kellyanne Conway, who serves as a senior adviser to Donald Trump, is a connoisseur of alternative facts. In other words, she
If Donald Trump continues to travel to Mar-a-Lago in Florida at the current pace, he ll spend more taxpayer dollars on vacation
As Trump began preparations to interview for cabinet positions, he decided it was a good idea to ask his rich friends to sit in o
This is exactly what Bill Maher had in mind when he invited Milo Yiannopoulos to come on his show.In response to Yiannopou
Donald Trump has been acting like nothing more than a child ever since he began campaigning for the presidency.And he has
What would a Saturday morning in the Trump administration be without yet another unhinged rant from Liar-in-Chief Donald
Donald Trump is dangerous as president. Anyone who has been watching this trainwreck first in campaign mode, and then du
As if Donald Trump s disastrous press conference on Thursday wasn t enough to mark the closing of his first historically unpop
As Donald Trump desperately continues trying to convince everyone that he has great leadership skills, President Obama just s
People who parrot and spread Trump s claims that the media lies absolutely cannot stand it when they re asked to provide exa
Donald Trump is literally inching dangerously close towards arresting members of the free press for doing their jobs.During his
Alleged president Donald Trump is plagued with scandals after being on the job for just a few weeks. The amateur president fr
CNN host Jake Tapper put Breitbart in their place on Friday after they attacked him on Twitter.The white nationalist-supported
It s safe to say that Donald Trump and Joe Scarborough are no longer buddies.After an embarrassing first solo press conferenc
Donald Trump s days in the White House could be numbered if Republicans stop denying reality.On Thursday, Trump delivered
If any other American company did this, Donald Trump would be attacking them on Twitter.But Trump has a double standard
Donald Trump reportedly wants to use the National Guard as his deportation force.According to the Associated Press, a leaked
After claiming that he s the least racist person, Donald trump literally assumed a black reporter could set up a meeting with t
Rush Limbaugh praised Donald Trump s insanely embarrassing press conference, so now he is referring to Limbaugh as real ne
Even Fox News is calling Donald Trump out for attacking the media.After a press conference that will go down as the most em
On Thursday afternoon, the world was treated to yet another Donald Trump press conference the topic of which was to anno
Donald Trump finally held his first solo press conference on Thursday and it did not go well at all.In fact, it was a complete and
There is certainly no love lost between CNN and the Trump Administration. Indeed, Donald Trump himself has called the main
Vladimir Putin is super pissed because Russian media is covering Donald Trump more than him, and he only has himself to bla
Donald Trump embarrassed himself and the nation yet again when he hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on W
Given Donald Trump s disastrous presidential campaign and his even worse first month in the White House, several experts ha
Just about every journalist who was waiting took to Twitter to report the incident of verbal harassment by Donald Trump s top
According to what White House press secretary Sean Spicer said, Trump requested the resignation of former National Security
Donald Trump s slow and visibly painful meltdown over his administration (and campaign) getting caught colluding with the Ru
If you want to know how Trump treats the press, you need only read the White House press pool report from Israeli Prime Min
As Trump prepares to kick off his 2020 campaign so he can avoid doing real work in the White House, a new poll has devastati
How can the Israelis, or any Jewish person for that matter, trust Donald Trump if he can t even answer this question seriously?
For the third time in a row, Trump will head down to Florida for the weekend because he can t stand the White House. Howev
Donald Trump just got humiliated with facts again by CNN.On Wednesday morning, Trump once again attacked CNN by calling
If federal authorities discover what they are reportedly looking for, the Republican propaganda network could be in deep sh*t
The Donald Trump administration is beginning to represent an 80s horror film the leak is coming from inside the (White) Hou
When alleged president Donald Trump doesn t like unfavorable coverage, then he calls it fake news. The media is striking bac
After perhaps the worst day in presidential history, something is brewing in New York that could do far more damage than any
Donald Trump continues to be a national embarrassment who is making our country less safe.At Mar-a-Lago over the weeken
Corey Lewandowski was Donald Trump s right hand man up until the undeserving POTUS decided to fire him from his position
Kellyanne Conway is definitely going to whine about this.CNN may have reversed their ban on Kellyanne Conway, but if Mika B
Donald Trump has finally pushed the intelligence community too far, and they will make him pay the price for it.Tensions betw
By now, we re all sick and tired of hearing Donald Trump whine about fake news, especially when he s team is a major creator
Donald Trump has been nothing but a disaster since taking office nearly four weeks ago and now even Republicans want him i
Donald Trump kicked off his Wednesday morning by launching into another insane rant about fake news, with a bonus guest
While Trump is busy claiming that the real news stories are all the leaks coming from the White House, various staffers are so
It s been a very, very bad day for the newly elected Donald Trump administration. First, amid revelations of Russian connectio
Donald Trump may want to rethink his wall idea because his entire presidency is crumbling down around him. With Kellyanne
A scant few Republicans on Capitol Hill want investigations into Michael Flynn s ties to Russia, and by extension, Trump s. Othe
On Tuesday afternoon, legendary journalist Dan Rather weighed in on the Trump administration s latest scandal involving form
Russia is testing how far Donald Trump will let them go and they are going frighteningly far.The Russian government has been
Kellyanne Conway just embarrassed herself again while also demonstrating just how cozy the Trump administration is with wh
After evidence surfaced that suggested Russia had blackmail-worthy dirt on Trump s national security adviser, General Michae
Unwilling to do the right thing himself, the United States Office of Government Ethics just sent Trump a letter asking him to pu
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that Donald Trump is tough on Russia, even though he has heaped pra
It s mind baffling that Donald Trump still hasn t learned not to make stupid comments on Twitter, especially since people like m
Donald Trump and his incompetent, corrupt team got their a**es handed to them today on The View, following the massive c
After years of investigating Hillary Clinton over Benghazi despite her resignation, Republicans are hypocritically refusing to inve
Donald Trump better watch out because news organizations aren t going to take being called fake news anymore.If the Daily
Following Michael Flynn s resignation after he was busted lying about the nature of his conversations with the Russians, Dona
Donald Trump s national security adviser Michael Flynn has resigned in disgrace, and Kellyanne Conway should do the same aft
No matter what you think of former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clint
Reality TV star Omarosa Manigault has found herself a pretty sweet position in the Trump administration as the director of com
Michael Flynn s sudden resignation in the wake of a growing scandal that he was in contact with Russia over the sanctions we
Donald Trump and his entire administration seem to be nothing more than Russian stooges. And no, this is not merely rumor;
What is with the GOP accusing protesters of being paid to protest their events? Do they think it s impossible that so many peo
During a brief photo-op in the Oval Office, Canada s Prime Minister was forced to ensure something most of us would never d
Donald Trump has just come up with a new way to make his failing administration even worse, and it s going to make most Am
Amateur president Donald Trump met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday to speak in a joint press confe
One of the guests at what Trump calls the Winter White House his private business in Florida really got to feel the privilege
One of Trump s biggest supporters just got their ass handed to them for having zero evidence of voter fraud.Donald Trump s li
It can be said that having Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary isn t only a dumb idea, it s an absolute nightmare for public scho
Donald Trump can t handle the complexity of running the White House and heads are reportedly going to roll for it.It has now
America s creditors are now thinking twice about investing in our nation because Donald Trump s policies have turned us into
Donald Trump tried out a new minion on Sunday in what resulted in an embarrassing and terrifying appearance on all the netw
The media is so DONE taking Donald Trump s constant abuse.As he left his Florida resort on Sunday, Trump was greeted by a c
Donald Trump is clearly a threat to our national security and our intelligence agents know it.In order to keep America safe, Am
I can only imagine that the stack of resumes on Donald Trump s desk is full of spelling errors, which to the most anti-intellectu
If it weren t for the whiney phrase, political correctness, which is really just another phrase for being polite, Donald Trump w
The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you don t know if they re genuine. Or something. Today is Abraham Lincoln s b
Donald Trump s Education Department is pathetic now that Betsy DeVos is in control, and this proves it.DeVos first week as S
Trump keeps saying that bad people, a.k.a radical Islamic terrorist groups, are happy that he s been unable to keep immigran
Kellyanne Conway got herself into a world of sh*t when she decided to violate ethics rules on behalf of Ivanka Trump s busine
Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller told ABC s This Week host George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that White House press sec
Donald Trump just got his ass handed to him by Mark Cuban.On Sunday morning, Trump attacked Cuban for no reason, claimi
CNN is definitely sick and tired of Donald Trump calling them fake news. During an interview with Erin Burnett on Friday, Bern
Donald Trump made two claims about Mark Cuban that prove just how delusional and narcissistic he is.Apparently, Trump wo
We can expect another angry, weeks-long tantrum from Donald Trump after Meryl Streep s speech at the Human Right s Cam
Saturday Night Live handled Trump spokesidiot Kellyanne Conway s shaky relationship with the press ever since the last of her
The body of Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona, who disappeared from his home under extremely suspicious circumst
Donald Trump s most recent secretive actions toward the press are raising a lot of eyebrows and concerns.While Trump is on t
The massive crowd of protesters who showed up with pitchforks and torches must have really done a number of professional
When the bombshell dossier exposing Donald Trump s shady ties to Russia became public, it was easy to question the validity
We all know Trump s paranoia over ISIS is making him do really annoying things, like ban travelers from countries that have ne
Dominican newspaper El Nacional had a bit of fun with our comically inept President* when they accidentally used a photo o
Washed up television personality Piers Morgan has had a rough 24 hours.Appearing on Bill Maher s Real Time, the Trump supp
Republicans are still pushing the lie that the Affordable Care Act includes death panels. Back in 2009, Sarah Palin repeatedly c
With their puppet firmly secured in the White House, Russia is now poised to take full advantage of it.Throughout the campaig
Donald Trump is totally going to lose his sh*t when he sees this.As we all know, Trump is insecure about the size of his hands a
This is totally unpresidential behavior.Throughout the campaign, Donald trump repeatedly attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren
The White House, still trying to make Trump look like he s perfect, blasted out a press release containing an article from McCla
There s a good chance that you haven t been inside either a Kmart or a Sears in decades. Most Americans haven t, which is wh
Donald Trump has no real platform other than be afraid, be very afraid. In Trump s imaginary world, we are all about to be wip
Trump is still beating his widespread voter fraud drum, and it hasn t escaped the notice of the Federal Election Commission. N
While the entire nation is struggling with the question of who is worse, Donald Trump or Mike Pence, the state of Indiana is th
Alleged president Donald Trump met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinz Abe and the former reality show star showed the wo
Did you know that people who support Donald Trump s unconstitutional Muslim ban are idiots? This isn t just a flippant remar
Donald Trump s Education Secretary is off to a terribly embarrassing start.Just a day after being confirmed by the Senators she
Police violence against people of color is a huge problem in America. The worst part of it is that these people almost never eve
Donald Trump posted his most embarrassing attack on the New York Times yet on Friday.Proving once again that he really sho
Donald Trump s Education Secretary found out how hated she is on Friday.Betsy DeVos bought her way onto Trump s Cabinet
Yesterday, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway sparked national outcry when she used a Fox & Friends interview as a pa
Donald Trump reportedly no longer likes being president because he thought he would be able to act like a king.Thanks to bra
Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) got super candid when she made several bombshell statements about the future of Tr
In a desperate attempt to make Steve Bannon seem less like a crazed, apocalypse-obsessed maniac, Fox News played a little g
Probably the biggest point of contention with Trump s Muslim ban was that it was originally written to include everyone. Refu
Things got very uncomfortable for Jason Chaffetz as he attended a town hall in Utah Thursday night.Chaffetz, the lead Hillary C
Almost immediately following the Nov. 8 election, Trump and his fledgling administration made a point of denying that they w
While Republicans seem to be content in keeping a blind eye and sitting on their hands regarding the seemingly extremely obv
With the 9th Circuit Court ruling against the Trump administration and in favor of Washington State, Minnesota, and by proxy
Republicans are now gunning for the Ninth Circuit Court in an effort to kill courts that don t have a strictly conservative viewpo
On Thursday, Donald Trump was devastated after an appeals court completely rejected Donald Trump s Muslim ban. The Trum
Kellyanne Conway s decision to provide Ivanka Trump s crappy products with a free commercial during an appearance on Fox
If there s one takeaway from Thursday, it s that Donald Trump is probably going to lay in bed in that bathrobe he doesn t own
The rogue government Twitter accounts, which all consider themselves to be helping resist Trump, go about their missions in d
White House press secretary Sean Spicer held a press briefing today and inadvertently just handed Saturday Night Live new m
Since the coronation inauguration of Donald Trump, his administration has been so scandal ridden and so petulant that he s sc
Donald Trump has turned yet another meeting in which he should have been focusing on being America s president and gettin
The judicial branch of our government is getting sick and tired of Donald Trump s tirades.After Trump signed an unconstitution
Kellyanne Conway advertised Ivanka Trump s clothing and product line during a Fox News interview on Thursday morning. And
Don t ask Bill Maher to give Donald Trump a chance. Because he ll tell you the truth about why he won t.During a CNN town h
Last night, the Republican Party did something truly disgusting they not only silenced Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warre
Donald Trump got humiliated in real time on Thursday morning as CNN host Chris Cuomo responded to a tweet on the air.Dur
Donald Trump is clearly using the office of the presidency to enrich himself and his family, a clear violation of the Constitution
When Donald Trump was campaigning he said something chilling, something that was widely dismissed as all bluster : that to
On Wednesday, Senator John McCain responded to White House Press Secretary s claim that the massively failed raid in Yeme
Donald Trump is no fan of CNN. He has repeatedly tried to discredit and delegitimize the network, even going so far as to call t
Apparently, West Virginia Democrat not to be confused with real Democrats Joe Manchin effectively told voter he doesn t w
Recently, Donald Trump shocked even his critics by openly offering to destroy a Texas state senator for a Sheriff who didn t li
Canadians are not pleased after White House mouthpiece Sean Spicer refused to rule out Sarah Palin as Donald Trump s choic
Judge Neil Gorsuch, Trump s nominee for the Supreme Court seat that s sat empty since Antonin Scalia died a year ago, has jo
As if we didn t already have enough proof that Trump s administration is full of pathological, compulsive liars, along comes Sea
When it comes to strategizing an offense against Donald Trump and the Republicans, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Sc
Donald Trump s White House mouthpiece just desecrated an American civil rights icon to defend a racist.Back in 1986, Coretta
Donald Trump is crazy. I don t say this flippantly. I don t say this as an insult to people who have struggled with their mental he
It is absolutely insane how much one man can screw up, but Donald Trump has exceeded all expectations. Not only is he well
On Wednesday, Donald Trump once again lashed out at the media with a scathing article about 16 fake news stories that hav
Ted Cruz decided to smear present-day Democrats as supporters of the Ku Klux Klan in defense of Jeff Sessions, and it spectac
Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to Donald Trump, doesn t like the media attacking the alleged president just two weeks int
In his nearly-incoherent ravings about his Muslim ban getting shut down, Donald Trump said something that will haunt him un
Donald Trump should not be lashing out like this. It s embarrassing.After months of boycotts and protests, Nordstrom and sev
Donald Trump is throwing a hissy fit because Democrats are blocking many of his Cabinet nominees. But he should be blaming
When Trump s White House released a list of terrorist attacks they say the media did not cover, one thing was clear: the dictio
The GOP likes to pretend that they have no issue with women, but it couldn t be clearer that this is a bold-faced lie. The issue
Jake Tapper laid into Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday over Donald Trump s claim that the media is covering up terrorist attacks.
Donald Trump may call his disaster of a raid in Yemen last week a success, but the rest of the world views it as just one of the
You know how white supremacists have been calling Trump their God-Emperor? Apparently, that has gone to The Donald s he
Another girl hurt a Republican s feelings. This time, it was Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) who dropped a truth bomb on the G
Not too long after CNN said they would no longer host Kellyanne Conway on their shows due to legitimate questions about he
Republicans are apparently hell-bent on destroying public education any way they can. The Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos as
After a Texas sheriff whined about a piece of legislation, Donald Trump seriously offered to destroy the lawmaker who wrote
The 2016 election has been particularly hard on relationships. Social media is beginning to resemble a large echo chamber, wit
Kellyanne Conway was sent to meet with congressional staffers on Capitol Hill. It didn t go well.Conway and Boris Epshteyn ap
In another of Donald Trump s whine rests, the Dictator in Chief accused the media of not reporting terrorist attacks. On Tuesd
Donald Trump is once again whining about the media investigating his ties to Russia, and attacked President Obama in the pro
According to GOP Congressman Sean Duffy, we need to stop talking about terrorist acts committed by white people in the Uni
It s no secret that Hillary Clinton is deeply concerned about what Donald Trump is doing to America. However, as a former ma
Donald Trump is scheduled to make his first state visit to Britain later this year. Since the United Kingdom is one of America s c
This is unseemly behavior by a First Lady and it s totally unconstitutional.Donald Trump s wife is throwing a hissy fit because sh
Donald Trump accused the media of covering up terrorist attacks and promptly got his ass handed to him by Anderson Cooper
It s no secret to anyone not living under a rock that there is no love lost between Donald Trump and Rosie O Donnell. It s also
Earlier today, Trump said to a crowd at MacDill Air Force Base that the very dishonest media wasn t reporting on the terror a
White House press secretary of Alternative Facts Sean Spicer tried to attack the New York Times over an article detailing disor
Democrats are more pissed off with Trump s behavior than Republicans, because Republicans apparently feel they need to ma
Donald Trump has been on an insane Twitter rampage lately, and it s been beyond terrifying for everyone watching. Trump ha
On Monday, Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens signed legislation making Missouri the latest right-to-work state. Republican governo
The next time any flag waving, faux-patriotic Republican tells you President Obama didn t care about the troops, veterans, or t
In a recent interview with Fox News, Trump said that California is out of control for advancing legislation to provide statewide
Senate Democrats had one last, huge move planned to stop Betsy DeVos from being confirmed as Education secretary an all-
Donald Trump has definitely gone off the deep end this time.Whenever a terrorist attack has occurred in this country or overs
As you may already know, Trump recently shocked the nation when he went on Fox News and told Bill O Reilly that the United
Trump supporters became triggered after Budweiser s Super Bowl ad that told the story of co-founder Adolphus Busch s jour
After Donald Trump watches this ad he ll probably start saying that he likes people who weren t wounded in combat.During hi
Among the never ending stream of Trump administration lies, one in particular has captured the attention of Twitter. Trump s
Kellyanne Conway just got hammered with facts by CNN after she lied about why she wasn t on the network s Sunday shows.F
Just like Donald Trump, White House mouthpiece Sean Spicer can t handle being satirized on Saturday Night Live.Melissa McC
Last week, news broke that white supremacist and former Breitbart head Stever Bannon had been given a seat on the princip
Donald Trump s admiration of Vladimir Putin and the tyrannical way he runs Russia is very worrying to Trump s friend Joe Scar
Donald Trump kicked off his Monday morning by tweeting something so stupid that it was necessary to check multiple times if
The Royal Jordanian airline is celebrating Donald Trump s recent humiliation in style. Since a federal judge recently lifted The D
Even though alleged president Donald Trump s executive order banning seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering
More than one major retail chain has decided to drop Ivanka Trump s fashion line, and while they don t cite specific politics in
The Super Bowl had not yet begun and Trump fans were already throwing a tantrum not over something Lady Gaga did, but b
Keith Olbermann doesn t mince words, and when it comes to Donald Trump, he doesn t just avoid mincing words, he lights int
The whole nation is ashamed of the open and overt exclusion and bigotry shown by Donald Trump, his administration, and his
While Trump is whining up a storm on Twitter about how Judge James Robart has made it so anyone can get into the U.S. by h
Since Donald Trump enacted the travel ban from seven majority Muslim countries last week, he s spent most of his time on th
Republicans might have Congress and the White House, but they don t have the people or public opinion on their side, and it s
If you haven t noticed by now, some people have some very strong opinions about Donald Trump. So much so, that when Ube
We hear a lot from Republicans about how they re going to repeal the job killing, healthcare killing, big government law uno
Senator Dianne Feinstein went on Fox News this Sunday and ripped President Trump a new one.Pointing out the rank hypocri
Donald Trump supporters who struggle to earn a paycheck continue to get screwed over and Bernie Sanders called Trump out
Donald Trump was blunt when he explained why he wants to gut financial regulations. So his friends can destroy the economy
Donald Trump s Muslim ban is proving to be a lot more difficult and a lot less constitutional than his followers hope. While two
Unable to spew her lies and excuses on CNN, Kellyanne Conway appeared on Fox News instead on Sunday to defend her Bow
Saturday Night Live is having a high old time ruthlessly mocking the governmental train wreck that is the fledgling, incompeten
After what seemed like an agonizingly long wait, Alec Baldwin returned to Saturday Night Live after a particularly humiliating s
Donald Trump s presidency is still one of the most baffling train wrecks Americans have seen in a long time. If his racist, misog
If you had it in your head that the only defense for Donald Trump s Muslim ban is that we should completely ignore reality, yo
There s no love lost between CNN and Donald Trump, and CNN doesn t care. Jake Tapper regularly cuts Trump and his adminis
It s tough these days to keep track of exactly how many shadow governments are propping up Donald Trump. Steve Bannon is
This is unbelievably outrageous.Republicans are literally pretending that the last eight years never happened.In February 2016
Tomi Lahren appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday night and got totally owned for spewing her racist bullshit.Bill M
Donald Trump is apparently really angry that he won the election in November because he only wanted more money from NB
One of Donald Trump s most controversial campaign promises was his total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the
Vice President Mike Pence chose to appear on ABC, NBC, CBS and (of course) Fox News this Sunday, but is snubbing CNN follo
Following a Boston judge s refusal to renew the temporary stay on Trump s Muslim ban, a federal judge in Seattle issued a sta
Earlier in the week, there were leaked draft executive orders circulating that would strike President Obama s executive order p
Donald Trump is terrible, and we are reminded of this daily but after a week of disastrous foreign policy flubs and embarrassi
Again, when will conservatives learn that their hateful social media activity can cost them their employment?Because a real es
Since Citizens United, and even before, two names have been consistent Republican stalwarts and Republican donors. Before
Ethics? Divestment? We ve known for awhile that these two words are alien to Trump and his family, but until recently, we did
On Friday, Donald Trump embarrassed himself with a tweet, as is becoming a daily ritual, that was so stupid that seemingly all
If you haven t noticed by now, Donald Trump has been signing a lot of executive orders, and the scene usually looks somethin
Whiny White House advisor Kellyanne Conway does not like how the media treats her illegitimate president, Donald Trump. S
President Trump has started his presidency out in the worst possible way: His inauguration turnout was dismal; his most contr
Fox News insulted President Obama one last time by crediting Donald Trump for the good January jobs report.Every time a po
Donald Trump is either really desperate to make it sound like everyone loves him or he s totally delusional.Because ever since
A vicious new law in Arkansas proves that Republicans are on the side of rapists.Two months ago, Republicans fast-tracked a b
Donald Trump hasn t even been president for a month, and already Americans (and the world) are extremely concerned abou
Before most of us were awake, Trump was busily focusing on solving the world s problems, diligently working to provide a bett
The 20th season of South Park was largely centered around Donald Trump s campaign, with the show heavily mocking him at
Is there some reason that the media feels the need to keep talking to Kellyanne Conway? One would think her time on the new
Donald Trump s presidency may be going great for him and his best friend Vladimir Putin, but his daughter s bottom line is rea
Republicans in Hawaii punished the first female House Minority Leader for putting country before party.Prior to and after the
Donald Trump was once a Democrat, but that s no more. Donald Trump was once pro-choice, but not now. Donald Trump did
Republicans are desperately trying to fix Donald Trump s latest foreign affairs trainwreck. On Saturday, Trump actually hung u
Radio stations in multiple states have been playing YG s Fuck Donald Trump song ever since the man-baby s inauguration bec
While President Trump s approval rating continues to fall to embarrassing ans unprecedented levels, new polling has come ou
Donald Trump already has blood on his hands. Over the weekend, Trump ordered his first raid and somehow managed to com
In what will surely send Donald Trump into a new Twitter tirade, a new poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows the majority
Donald Trump s executive order barring people from entering the United States from seven countries in the Middle East expos
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a diplomatic, nice guy unlike his American counterpart, Donald Trump. While spea
It seems the Trump administration will stop at nothing to codify the religious-right s insanely narrow beliefs into law. After bac
Donald Trump could end up behind bars if the state of Virginia holds him in contempt of court for violating a federal court ord
You know how everyone suspected that there would be some quid pro quo for all the help Vladimir Putin gave Donald Trump
On Thursday, Donald Trump eased sanctions against Russia s spy agencies following a phone call last week with brutal Russian
Donald Trump is successfully ruining all of our relationships with other countries, and cutting ties with some of our most valua
Donald Trump s screaming banshee Kellyanne Conway went on Fox News to whine about Democrats on Thursday morning an
Donald Trump literally used the National Prayer Breakfast to brag about the low ratings of the new Celebrity Apprentice host
The State Department has a special cable designed so that employees can formally protest a policy, and this one is the largest
Donald Trump is getting thrashed on the Internet right now for threatening a public university.Milo Yiannopoulos was going to
Alleged president Donald Trump has literally mocked every group of U.S. citizens during his godawful campaign and it s payba
Trump isn t smart. He s a complete buffoon with a temper that s so short it s virtually nonexistent. But he likes to pretend he s
Many people have looked to Donald Trump s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to be a moderating influence on the erratic behavior o
Trump has wasted absolutely no time letting some of our allies know what he really thinks of them. On a phone call with Austr
To protect America from terrorist threats that don t even exist, Donald Trump signed an executive order banning citizens of se
According to white supremacist dirtbag, former head honcho of far-Right propaganda factory Breitbart, and Donald Trump s c
Last week, a ton of U.S. government employees took to Twitter to tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself in their own ways. The
Ted Cruz accused Senator Al Franken of lying about Jeff Sessions record on civil rights. On Wednesday, Franken fired back.Just
You don t have to look beyond Washington to prove what we ve known for decades, Democrats are simply better people. Dem
Susan Collins, Republican Senator from Maine, has once again broke with her party after announcing she will vote no on Don
Many people observe Black History Month by learning about important African-American figures in our nation s history or oth
It s the first day of Black History Month and Donald Trump was quick to celebrate it inappropriately.February is the month wh
Senate Republicans on Wednesday took an extraordinary step to force through two of alleged president Donald Trump s top C
Donald Trump s treatment of journalists is so bad that the Reuters news agency is now advising reporters to treat Trump like t
Donald Trump just got caught lying on Twitter again and got totally humiliated with his own tweets.The world is still reeling aft
CNN viewers will no longer be entertained by the car crash-caliber antics of Trump s trailer park propaganda minister Kellyann
As Donald Trump continues to issue executive orders as if he is a king, Jon Stewart showed up on The Late Show with Stephen
On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer refused to define the word betrayal after President Asterisk accused fo
With everything being so utterly chaotic under the new seeming dictatorship of Donald Trump, it s left many longing for the da
According to White House Propaganda Minister Sean Spicer, it was completely fine that conservatives endlessly delayed Presid
We all remember when Justice Antonin Scalia died last year, leaving a vacancy on the United States Supreme Court. As a resul
On Tuesday, Donald Trump announced the identity of his Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch. At first glance, Trump s pick
Fox News couldn t wait to try to spin the Quebec mosque attack. Jumping on early reports, Fox tweeted yesterday, Suspect in
Sean Spicer is doing his level best to make enemies out of the press and paint Trump as a victim of the media s alarmist lies. O
Just after Donald Trump was sworn in, his administration dismantled the White House switchboard comment operating system
When it comes to how shameless the Trump family seems to be, it seems to be limitless. They seem to only care about what e
When Ellen DeGeneres found out that Donald Trump watched Finding Dory as his immigration ban was causing worldwide cha
On Tuesday, a hot mic at a House Republican presser caught someone saying exactly what we were all thinking.After House Sp
Donald Trump is an incompetent commander-in-chief and he just proved it with the first military raid he ordered.Since Decem
Joe Scarborough says Donald Trump is acting like a dictator because of the way he fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates.Ya
Donald Trump s executive order to ban travelers from Muslim-majority countries has been met with an onslaught of criticism.
If the halting of Donald Trump s disgusting Muslim ban was any indication, Trump is quickly learning that the American people
How can we expect our kids to do their homework when the nominee for the top education post in the nation won t even bot
Virginia Congressman Dave Brat is feeling the heat from his constituents, especially women. Republicans are moving to repeal
Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday and proceeded to whine about how Democrats are blockin
Acting Attorney General Sally Yates refused to back Donald Trump and his bigoted Muslim Ban. In a move that will surprise no
Ah, Trump and voter fraud. The subject that he can t let go because, on his warped planet, he s so beloved by everyone that th
Want evidence that Fox News is a functional mouthpiece for the Trump administration? On Monday, the most watched news
Donald Trump is slated to visit Great Britain this summer, and meet with Prince Charles while he s there. And the White House
It s not tough to imagine that NASCAR races have their share of Donald Trump s Make America Great Again caps. Your stereo
If there s one thing Donald Trump hates, it s being criticized and told he s not good at his job. He has a very fragile ego which,
Donald Trump s disgusting Muslim ban is being criticized far and wide, as protests and petitions against it have sprung up not o
While most of the free world, including the majority of Americans, are horrified by Donald Trump s order banning Muslims, th
GOP Congressman Darrell Issa offered the most disgusting defense of Trump s Muslim ban one could imagine. During an appe
There was a time when a brutal dictator would strip children from their parents, handcuffing and detaining them simply becau
Donald Trump is literally ordering the government to take two steps back for every step forward.Regulations protect the Ame
This is what it looks like when the Wicked Witch throws a temper tantrum.In addition to calling the worldwide chaos a small p
Kellyanne Conway tried to baffle George Stephanopoulos with bullshit on Monday morning and got her ass handed to her with
In yet another morning rant, Donald Trump blamed anyone and anything but himself for the constitutional crisis and global ch
Everyone is rightfully outraged at the Executive Order signed by Donald Trump that has left refugees and other immigrants fro
It s always interesting when people decide to use social media to point out how ridiculous someone or something is. Such was
Donald Trump should be coming to the realization that his Muslim ban may have been just a step too far. But in case he needs
In what can only be seen as a groundbreaking and unprecedented move, Starbucks chairman and CEO Howard Schultz deliver
Over the weekend, the Trump Administration implemented one of their most terrifying campaign promises, the Muslim ban. H
Amidst protests all around the country against Trump s Muslim ban are local police departments ensuring that the protests do
The Trump administration has a Twitter problem. Donald Trump can t seem to control his narcissistic Twitter rants, but even h
When it comes to how horrible Donald Trump has been behaving with his actions, words, tweets and executive orders, we rea
Trump has signed a stream of executive orders stripping federal funding from international, non-governmental health organiz
Alleged President Donald Trump created worldwide chaos with his latest executive order banning Muslims from entering the U
House Democrats have had it with Donald Trump s unlawful Muslim ban and are planning to fight back against the bigoted exe
Public pressure is mounting on Congressional leaders after Donald Trump issued his racist, xenophobic, and idiotic executive o
Donald Trump is easily the most unprepared and incompetent person to ever be elected president. His most recent outrage o
Donald Trump claimed that his ban would make America safe while favoring Christian refugees. He lied.On Sunday, Trump def
Donald Trump took to Twitter to defend his Muslim ban on Sunday morning and got his ass handed to him by pissed off Ameri
Donald Trump just got his ass handed to him by a Gold Star father for signing the despicable Muslim ban.Kahzir Khan is the fat
Donald Trump stooge Kellyanne Conway attempted to defend the unconstitutional Muslim ban on Sunday and failed miserabl
Try not to laugh too hard at this one.Apparently, conservative hero our brave President can face down Muslim terrorists, M
Donald Trump s Muslim ban was one of the main focal points in his presidential campaign, but no one imagined that he d actu
After this past week and few days that Trump has been our President*, we as Americans have no choice but to be fully aware
Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday which enacted the Muslim ban he has been promising for months. A federa
Attorneys are racing to the defense of a child after the little girl was detained by airport security because of the Muslim ban sig
CNN host Poppy Harlow absolutely humiliated a Republican supporter of Donald Trump for lying about the Muslim ban that Tr
A federal judge in Brooklyn, ruling on behalf of the ACLU and two Iraqis detained at New York s JFK International Airport, has p
Donald Trump s latest executive orders are being protested against and shredded for their xenophobic, hateful nature and th
Republican Congressman Charlie Dent represents a district with one of the largest Syrian refugee populations in the country, a
We liberals have known exactly who Donald Trump really is all along. We knew which campaign promises he intended to keep
With Donald Trump writing Executive Orders that ban Muslims from several countries, including refugees from war torn count
Trump and his allies expect us to dismiss the 35-page dossier that details Donald Trump and his team s ties to the Russian gove
MSNBC host Joy Reid was SHOCKED when a conservative anti-choice activist openly stated that birth control should be banned
Donald Trump s ban on Muslims emigrating to the United States is having a negative effect on businesses and the families of e
It s chaos all across the nation s ports of entry today, and indeed, the world over, as Trump s Muslim ban goes into effect. The
Donald Trump s war on science drew a response from The Science Guy on Saturday morning.Trump and his team of minions
Bill Maher is definitely not afraid of Donald Trump.Ever since Trump was sworn-in on inauguration day he has been openly wh
Donald Trump is supposed to have several important phone calls with world leaders today, amounting to what is being billed a
California has had a movement going for the last couple of years that is pushing for the large, deep blue state to leave the uni
Donald Trump is horrible, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is not at all shy in letting the world know that. My great gra
We know that Trump wants to ban Muslims from being able to enter the U.S. at all, but faces significant hurdles to actually do
Gallup Polling recently had Donald Trump s approval rating at a dismal 45 percent the lowest for any newly inaugurated pres
Donald Trump has placed gag orders on multiple federal agencies, telling them to not only cut off communication with the pub
Less than a week after her father left office on a nearly historically high approval rating, First Daughter Malia Obama is dipping
If you didn t know, Friday was Holocaust Remembrance Day a day in which we remember the victims of a man who was very
Donald Trump s wall is a stupid, money-wasting idea only an idiot would pay for, but unfortunately said idiot has our nation s c
Early this morning, Donald Trump was up to his usual nonsense on Twitter, spreading misinformation and stroking his ego. Tod
Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) has about had it with Donald Trump trying to mislead the American people with conspira
You can probably expect Donald Trump to roll out some new rules regarding photographers and helicopters soon after a phot
On the campaign trail, Donald Trump said he wanted to bring back waterboarding. Now, as president, he is doubling down and
When President Asterisk assured us he was assembling a crew of the best and brightest white people who didn t despise him
Amid one of the most racist presidential campaigns in modern history, Donald Trump spent a lot of time apparently attemptin
When Trump began his disinformation campaign and then started trying to muzzle federal agencies, employees of some of the
Donald Trump s administration is already proving to be a complete and utter sh*tshow, but did you know his Twitter security i
Steve Bannon has a clear, strong agenda for Trump s relationship with the press. The far-right white supremacist just did a rar
Another day in the Trump Administration means another day of sheer insanity.As Trump begins to name ambassadors to vario
Just when you thought you may lose all faith in humanity, someone goes and proves humanity and humor still exist.After Don
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has pledged to register as a Muslim should Trump succeed in setting up such a r
Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House who resigned in shame and turned into Trump s biggest cheerleader, has a ne
Mexican President Enrique Pe a Nieto was scheduled to meet with Trump on January 31, but that isn t happening anymore. Vi
This may shock you, this may not, but Trump has been delegating the duty of writing his executive orders to some scary peopl
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson s better get busy running the State Department because the entire senior level of managemen
Donald Trump s hypocrisy was thrown square into his face.For eight years, Trump and conservatives repeatedly called Preside
Donald Trump is already making the Republican Party insane, and it hasn t even been a week yet. While many GOPers found T
It s beginning. While some dismissed Donald Trump s campaign promises to ban Muslims from entering the country, dismantle
Donald Trump just posted an outright lie on Twitter addressed to the American people and got righteously taken to the woods
Trump won the electoral college on Nov. 8. The electoral college formally voted for him on Dec. 19. Congress certified that vot
Seriously. Apparently, he thought being president would automatically make everyone love him.The Women s March on Wash
I woke up this morning completely unfazed over the idea that Donald Trump had yet another overnight Twitter meltdown. Aft
Just a few months ago, the idea of Donald Trump s actually being able to get Congress to agree to a massive wall along the U.S
Ever since Donald Trump lost the popular vote in the general election by nearly 3 million votes, he hasn t been able to let it go
In a play right out of Vladimir Putin s Rules for Dictators, Donald Trump is in the process of locking up journalists who don t pa
When Donald Trump was a running for office, he and his conservative followers repeatedly called for locking up Hillary Clinto
The Washington Post, after being repeatedly dragged through the mud at the (tiny) hands of Donald Trump, not to mention al
On Wednesday morning, Donald Trump announced that he would be launching a full-scale investigation into why so many wo
Adding insult to injury, not only will Donald Trump force U.S. taxpayers to build the wall along the southern border, he will use
Donald Trump just got humiliated by CNN with facts after he attacked the network on Twitter.Trump once again referred to CN
CNN talked to the man who conducted the study Donald Trump cited as proof that 3 million people voted illegally in the 2016
It s been less than a week since Donald Trump took the oath of office, and already he s breaking records left and right (and no
If there s one thing Donald Trump doesn t like, it s not being liked or loved. He seems to want people to only say nice things to
It s official. Donald Trump is literally trying to murder the American people.As humans, we need clean air and clean water to su
Now that the Women s March successfully outnumbered President Trump s pathetic inauguration (which humiliated and enra
Would you die to save the President? What if it was President Trump? A longtime secret service agent recently risked time in p
Torture is illegal in this country and the United States is bound by the United Nations and the Geneva Convention to not comm
Donald Trump has been obsessed with the fact that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton ever since the election results ca
Trump may be working to silence government agencies like the Department of the Interior, home to the National Park Service
If you haven t yet heard that Fox News came out on top in ratings during Donald Trump s inauguration, all you need to do is ch
Andrew Puzder, Trump s nominee for Secretary of Labor, hasn t had his confirmation hearing yet, but he ll probably end up ge
Holy f*ckballs, it hasn t even been a week since President Asterisk was inaugurated and he s already talking about martial law.
Although most of America did not want Donald Trump to be the country s next President, many of us were holding on to hope
As of Tuesday morning, it seemed that Trump was still obsessed with the size of his inaugural audience. He s so intent on prov
While Donald Trump likes to go around saying he s only going to put America first, the rest of the world has its own opinion ab
Donald Trump betrayed Americans on Tuesday by proving to be exactly as large an environmental threat as was predicted. Tru
Donald Trump is fuming over the size of his little inauguration last weekend. Not only did his inauguration have embarrassingly
Brand new White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is off to a rough start. In just a few days, the media has been relentless fo
Reality show star turned president Donald Trump has a limited vocabulary. French translators have noticed that, too, and say
On Tuesday, it was announced that Donald Trump has elected to keep James Comey (that nice gentleman who helped swing t
Donald Trump threw a petty hissy fit in the White House.Prior to Sean Spicer scolding the media in the White House press roo
Women in Texas may have to literally fight for their freedom and their lives to make sure this Republican lawmaker doesn t ge
A Pennsylvania restaurant owner is under fire after he allegedly told a black customer that Donald Trump s election gives him
Remember that time Sarah Palin and pretty much her entire family got into a drunken brawl at a snowmobile company owner
Many people have long suspected that Trump is abusive, if for no other reason than he s outwardly abusive to so many people
Trump s first few days in the White House have been tumultuous, and not just because he s so upset about his inauguration n
Donald Trump is apparently so upset about his inauguration s turnout, and the negative press attention afterward, that he s lit
This should come as a surprise to no one ever because alleged president Donald Trump has a seedy financial interest in the Da
Bill O Reilly can always be trusted to be a total ass, especially when it comes to anything that runs counter to his myopic world
Trump and his minions act like they re dead certain his inaugural numbers broke records, and that the press is lying about it vi
Donald Trump is moving the United States closer to a war with China over some tiny islands.The relationship between the Uni
Is there any level to which Trump s press secretary, Sean Spicer, will not sink on behalf of his lying boss? It seems not. In anoth
A Nebraska State Senator was busted previously for having cybersex on a work computer and now he s in hot water again for
How mad is Trump that millions of women made him look like a fool? Mad enough to kill, apparently. While he can t order the
Around the time same sex marriage was making headlines, a handful of cake bakers across the country threw temper tantrum
In another attempt to stifle freedom of expression, President Trump and his administration have dismantled the White House
Donald Trump and his team are getting absolutely hammered for their lies or as they called it alternate facts. And rightfully
The Women s March was historic. Over four million women all across the country (and world) came out in solidarity to protest
During his presidential campaign, former reality television star Donald Trump received a lot of criticism for his highly controve
As Donald Trump was being sworn in as Grand Wizard of the United States, Pope Francis was throwing shade at our new Presi
A National Rifle Association television host went full racist on Sunday to celebrate Donald trump taking over the White House.
People who voted for Donald Trump and receive Medicaid are about to get some really bad news.For decades, Republicans ha
Donald Trump just promised Corporate America that they ll be able to rape the environment and screw over their workers at w
While Trump is busy trying to convince the world that he s the most popular president in history, others who know the truth a
After Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway had the gall to defend blatant Trump administration lies as alternative facts, D
The internet has been destroying the Trump administration s press secretary, former Republican National Committee mouthp
San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich is no fan of Donald Trump. He sharply criticized Trump in the run-up to the election,
This morning, Kellyanne Conway attempted to spin White House press secretary Sean Spicer s blatant lies about Trump s inaug
Since 1945, the United States has been a crucial member of the United Nations, and a leader on the world stage. If Republican
Caroline Kennedy, daughter of President John F. Kennedy, has left her post as Ambassador to Japan. After being forced out by
Team Trump is having a war on math. Alleged president Donald Trump spoke at CIA headquarters and literally lied to the U.S.
If you ever need to know exactly how divisive Donald Trump has been, if you ever need a perfect example, you don t need to l
Even Fox News knows that Donald Trump and his administration are making false claims about the size of the audience at the
Donald Trump s inauguration was one of the most disappointing in American history, but he keeps desperately trying to sell it
On Sunday morning, Donald Trump took to Twitter to whine about crowd sizes and brag about his ratings because he s Donald
Kellyanne Conway tried to spin White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer s lies as alternative facts and got her ass handed to h
The numbers are in, and over 3 million men and women of all backgrounds took to the streets all across the nation to protest
Sean Spicer got off to a bit of a rocky start as White House press secretary on Saturday when he embarrassed himself, his Pres
Just as his press secretary, Sean Spicer, made a complete idiot of himself stroking Trump s ego and blasting a flabbergasted W
On Friday, Donald Trump the guy who can t be trusted with a Twitter account was handed the launch codes to our nuclear w
We ll likely never know exactly how many people attended Donald Trump s inauguration, but despite his claims, the crowd siz
Donald Trump is absolutely LIVID that the crowd for his presidential inauguration crowd yesterday was so pathetic and small (
Trump s press secretary, Sean Spicer, has wasted no time in letting the media know that reporting anything making Trump loo
Rather than do the damn job he swore to do, Donald Trump is now obsessed with complaining about media estimates of his in
Donald Trump has been bragging about his inaugural address all week, and even claimed that he wrote it himself. Today, Trum
Well, no one will ever call Donald Trump the speller-in-chief, especially after this typo.Just a day after trashing the American p
Donald Trump thinks his inaugural address was the best ever. George Will emphatically disagrees.As it became clear that Trum
The Women s March on Washington crowd blew Trump s inauguration audience out of the water on Saturday, but actress Ash
Bill Maher returned from break just in time for Donald Trump s inauguration and dedicated one of his New Rules to the red s
What happens when the most vile, sexist chauvinist is elected President of the United States (after 11 women accuse him of s
Donald Trump s Inaugural Address received poor reviews for it s divisive and negative tone, not to mention the countless lies a
The Department of the Interior has a Twitter account just like pretty much everyone else these days, including government ag
At this point, it s fair to ask, What is Donald Trump s deal? From allegedly paying Russian prostitutes to drain the swamp all
The White House s official website used to have lengthy pages on several topics, including climate change, the ACA, LGBTQ rig
Donald Trump hasn t even been in office for a day and he is already declaring that gay people and people of color don t matte
If you thought it was hilarious that Trump s 2020 slogan was directly lifted from a promotional poster for The Purge, you re in
The first thing that Donald Trump had planned on doing upon taking office was issue a bunch of executive orders canceling a b
Donald Trump literally just posted the ultimate do what I say, not as I do tweet and got ripped to shreds for being a hypocrite
Donald Trump delivered his inaugural address on Friday, and it was predictably divisive and negative.Trump portrayed Americ
Trump s inauguration crowd size was pathetic. How pathetic? you ask. When The Donald officially took over the @POTUS Tw
By now, you have probably heard that the FBI and five other intelligence agencies have, for months, been investigating ties be
Donald Trump officially and depressingly takes over the White House today, but former George W. Bush speechwriter David F
Donald Trump woke up early as usual to post some bullshit on Twitter, and he got epically trashed.Today is Inauguration Day a
Over the next few days, America (and the world, for that matter) will be protesting the presidency of Donald Trump and his da
Trump supporters sure were in for a surprise at the aptly-named Deploraball on Thursday, when protesters projected an unfl
Apparently, Trump has been unable to fill more than 600 executive posts in his administration, according to a new report from
Well, here we are. The last day of eight years that is the Obama presidency. For eight years, we all saw a swarm of friends and
Donald Trump wanted to celebrate power like a dictator, but the military rejected his demands.We ve all seen how North Kore
Unable to find any A-list celebrities to headline his inauguration concert, Donald Trump turned to has-been actor Jon Voight to
One of the most devastated and vulnerable communities under a Donald Trump administration will be the LGBTQ community
President-elect Donald Trump set the stage for a truly hateful social and political climate when he began his presidential camp
In an effort to slash $10.5 trillion in government spending over the next 10 years, Donald Trump has decided that the first targ
Even after famously meeting with Donald Trump last month, and even after Trump has had an historically difficult time finding
For the first time since 1988, Latinos will be totally shut out from having any role in an administration.Despite the fact that Lati
Things got a bit uncomfortable during Rick Perry s confirmation hearing for a position in a department he forgot existed, then
Clearly, Fox host Bill O Reilly wasn t paying attention over the last eight years.Because if he had been paying attention, he wou
If Lewis Black really does have a ticket to the inauguration, Donald Trump is probably trying to revoke it right now.Because dur
Though he is facing down six intelligence agencies investigations into alleged illegal payments Trump received from the Kreml
A former evangelical Christian is ripping conservatives for repealing the Affordable Care Act.Bruce Horst knows what it is like t
Seriously, he really picked this as his 2020 slogan. We re all gonna die.Donald Trump hasn t even served a day as president, an
Trump really needs his Twitter account permanently suspended, or someone needs to find a way to permanently lock him out
You can probably expect Donald Trump to continue his seemingly endless string of tweets about the fake news from a baker
With President-elect Donald Trump s inauguration just days away, it seems like he s still trying to clean up his most recent mes
Out of all the insane people who are part of Trump s posse, former campaign manager Roger Stone has to win the loony prize
It can be said that Late Show host Stephen Colbert clearly gives no f*cks about what Donald Trump thinks of him. In addition,
Anyone with half a brain knows that foods like fried chicken and watermelon have historically been used to disparage African
Donald Trump claims he is writing his own Inaugural Address and posted an image to Twitter as proof. The Internet laughed o
Freelancers love entitled people, really we do, especially when those entitled people are also rich. Giving away our services to
Trump s ongoing meltdown over fake news (the rest of us call it reporting) organizations entered what seems like its eightee
You ve seen the tweets and Facebook comments from conservatives who prefer the Affordable Care Act Over Obamacare wh
Our children are at risk, people! Fortunately, there is one woman who is willing to take a brave stand and confront this danger
Before running the most controversial and bombastic political campaign in recent presidential history, Donald Trump was perh
Just before the Inauguration for the president-elect, a Russian metal working company has minted a sterling silver coin to com
The way President-elect Donald Trump has treated the press during his presidential campaign, only to get far worse after winn
Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore said there is no doubt in his mind that Donald Trump will go through with banning Mus
As the majority of Americans are completely depressed and worried sick over what is going to happen to this country after Pre
Presidential commutations and pardons are not at all uncommon. However, they can sometimes be controversial. President O
For years, conservatives have been attacking President Obama for supposedly taking too many vacations and playing golf. The
The Women s March on Washington started out smaller, but now it s set to be one of the biggest protests in American history
What if you threw a party and most of the people who would otherwise attend avoided it like a particularly virulent strain of s
The boos rained down after a Republican congresswoman thought she could get away with voting to strip millions of American
While Donald Trump officially assumes the office of President on Friday, he says he ll be leaving the Oval Office chair empty un
Just when you thought Republicans couldn t be bigger pricks toward Rep. John Lewis, one governor is demanding that Lewis th
With just three days until Inauguration Day, Donald Trump is desperately trying to convince everyone that it will be the most a
According to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, it s silly to worry about little things like whether or not a couple of Russian ladies
Donald Trump is taking credit again for deals made by companies long before the election, and the Internet was quick to put h
On Friday, more than half the nation will mourn as a bigot with tiny hands and orange skin who is the physical embodiment of
There s one thing that Trump s surrogates all share, and that s a ridiculously blind loyalty to Trump. They can t see his evils, an
As time goes on, it becomes ever clearer that Trump is Russia s puppet. There s every possibility he owes them money, and he
Georgia Congressman John Lewis is a living legend. At 76 years old, and as someone who was beaten nearly to death fighting f
President-elect Donald Trump has had trouble finding people to perform at his inauguration from the moment he won the ele
Apparently, Republicans were serious when they decided that Trump s election means they don t have to be politically correc
While Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. s life and legacy are deservedly well-celebrated now, that was not always how he was viewed
As Trump skips out on a planned Martin Luther King Day visit to the new Smithsonian African-American history museum after
Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis just got support from someone Donald Trump fears most.After calling Trump illegitimate over
Conservatives are, once again, on the losing side of the conversation. Days after president-elect Donald Trump attacked Rep. J
Donald Trump is paving the way for Russian aggression against Europe and admitted it during an interview with European new
Americans are waking up. After being promised Trump would change his tune once elected, the people have been shown that
Over the weekend Donald Trump has been bashing Civil Rights icon Rep. John Lewis, even going so far as to say he hasn t done
Donald Trump has turned America into an international laughingstock and he hasn t even taken office yet.For weeks, Trump h
The thin-skinned president-elect took his angry little fingers to his Twitter account to moan about Saturday Night Live s skit thi
Oh, North Dakota. They just had to go and set the bar lower for themselves. Instead of figuring out why protesters disrupted a
Trump s war on the media didn t end with his election. On his planet, everything the media says about him that makes him loo
Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colorado) is one of the Republicans who is dead set on repealing the Affordable Care Act. Before Saturd
Donald Trump once again attacked our intelligence community for spreading fake news on Sunday, but this time he received
It took Donald Trump all day, but he apparently got around to watching the cold open Saturday Night Live delivered last night
Donald Trump, the pathetic man who has yet to apologize for all the hateful and divisive things he said throughout his campai
Donald Trump called Atlanta a crime infested city that is falling apart in response to Rep. John Lewis calling him illegitimate.
After a year and half of doing nothing but dividing Americans on the campaign trail, Donald Trump is now whining about how
The Scots are geniuses when it comes to trolling Donald Trump. And this newspaper proves it.Sadly, Donald Trump s inaugura
It s apparently a new world, one in which it s perfectly acceptable to, in front of TV cameras, threaten political opponents and
Star Wars icon Mark Hamill previously mocked Donald Trump by reading one of the president-elect s mean-girl girl tweets usin
Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump s adviser, says that all information about Russia s interference in the U.S. presidential electio
Conservatives are now committing sexual assault because they are emboldened by Donald Trump.During the campaign, audio
Yesterday, President-elect Donald Trump embarrassed himself yet again when he hit back at civil rights icon and Congressman
Donald Trump decided to deflect the utter humiliation he is feeling over Saturday Night Live by trying to convince everyone th
After hearing Katie Couric s recent interview with Alec Baldwin and, of course, watching Saturday Night Live, one of Trump s id
Donald Trump may be decrying the documents dumped by Buzzfeed as fake news, but it seems to be fake news everyone ca
Admit it: Ever since news broke that Donald Trump allegedly hired a couple nice Russian ladies to squat over a bed and ruin th
Civil rights icon, Rep. John Lewis, recently announced that while he has attended every presidential inauguration for three dec
President-elect Donald Trump made another MAJOR mistake when he had the audacity to trash civil rights icon Rep. John Lew
Georgia Congressman and civil rights hero John Lewis said on Friday that Donald Trump is not a legitimate president. Natural
Former RNC chair Michael Steele did not mince words when he called out Donald Trump on Saturday.Rep. John Lewis, who ne
Another day, another assault on the First Amendment from the freedom-loving Republican Party.In Arizona, a state facing an
A member of the Idaho House of Representatives has been punished for making absolutely offensive accusations against ever
After a report aired on One America News if you haven t heard of it, this is the news network that spawned mouthbreathing
Georgia Congressman John Lewis is one of America s most cherished civil rights icons. Most people, no matter how much they
By now, we re all familiar with Trumpkins idiotic attempts to show that liberals are hypocrites by claiming that we scream for
The City of Biloxi, Mississippi tweeted out a notice to all its residences Friday afternoon saying that non-emergency offices will
Georgia Congressman John Lewis is an American civil rights icon. He was nearly beaten to death at the infamous Bloody Sunda
The week of Donald Trump s election, white nationalists celebrated.In the bowels of the Ronald Reagan Building and Internati
We already know Donald Trump is conceited, but now he might be bringing his fragile ego and worrisome habits to a whole ne
For the first time, we have a woman of color featured on coins here. She portrays Lady Liberty on a $100 225th Anniversary Go
FBI director James Comey on Friday and other Intelligence agency chiefs provided legislators with a classified briefing on Russi
Just when you think things can t get any more bizarre than they already are regarding Donald Trump and his choices for his ad
Donald Trump has been demanding that someone provide proof that the allegations that he hired some nice Russian ladies to
The inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump is only a week away, and many of us are still having a really hard time accep
Between Trump s daily tantrums before I ve even had my goddamn coffee and White Power Barbie, Tomi Lahren s, surprisingl
The Federal Election Commission has issued a 250-page report on Trump s campaign that appears to contain a number of cam
Missouri, in an attempt to make their state capitol building safer, has put into place security measures they didn t have before
White grievance queen Tomi Lahren was sent into full panic mode after someone discovered a bunch of tweets she forgot abo
Republicans are hilarious when they try to point out Democratic hypocrisy. They re even more hilarious when they fall flat on
For a while now, comedian Scott Rogowsky has been traveling on the New York City subway with books that have fake book co
It looks like National Security Pick Monica Crowley isn t the only plagiarist on Team Trump, aside from Melania, that is. Retired
Donald Trump may deny that he hired some Russian prostitutes to empty their bladders for him, but an exchange from The H
In a bit of irony, the Inspector General (who investigated Clinton s use of a private email server) will now be conducting an inv
Senate Republicans voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the night with no replacement and Donald Trump
Even though Senator Susan Collins voted with the Senate GOP to move the Obamacare repeal effort forward, it should be not
Last night, the Republican Party made a disturbing move to strip millions of Americans of health care by voting to repeal Obam
Democrats stood up for the American people but Republicans shouted them down and voted to strip health care from million
Donald Trump has nominated Ben Carson an idiot in every area except that of brain surgery to run the Housing and Urban D
Donald Trump blew his own horn after his first press conference in six months on Wednesday, and Americans swiftly told him
President Barack Obama accomplished many great things in his 8 years as President of the United States, and he undoubtedly
America s village idiot got her ass handed to her for applauding Donald Trump s effort to destroy our free press.When Trump h
Since CNN reported that Trump and Obama had been presented with an addendum to their report on Russian hacking that de
Wednesday evening, Trump surrogate Kellyanne Conway showed up on CNN to do her favorite thing in the world: spew utter
It seems that in some ways at least, Congress doesn t quite know what to do with itself now that they ve got control of absolu
Donald Trump gave his first press conference since being elected today. He stood on that stage and told the American people
Trump has had a rough week! We d feel sorry for him, but it s too much fun to watch karma bite him in his giant orange ass!Pe
During Donald Trump s most recent press conference on Wednesday, he mentioned that 96 million Americans were looking fo
Donald Trump, if nothing else, is the white man s last grasp at power. Look for these next four years to be, much like our entir
During the 1950s, there was a Western TV show called Trackdown, starring Robert Culp and while it sounds like something w
You know how conservatives are demanding proof that Donald Trump paid some Russian ladies for a golden shower (honestly
No matter what you think about Buzzfeed publishing a dossier of unverified information about Trump, threatening the free pr
This one s going to hurt, conservatives, so be prepared for it. You know how you have been triumphantly celebrating reports o
It s not unprecedented but it s a clear f*ck you aimed at Donald Trump.In November, the Chicago Cubs broke a 108-year drou
During president-elect Donald Trump s first press conference in 167 days, things got heated up when he singled out a CNN rep
Yesterday, Buzzfeed News released a report that stated Russia might be trying to blackmail President-elect Trump due to a ver
President Barack Obama gave an amazing farewell address last night as he captivated Americans across the country and said g
In case you have not heard, an addendum to the intelligence report on Russian hacking that was delivered to both President B
Thank you, President Obama.In 2004, during the Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama took the stage and declared
Russia you know, that country whose leader orchestrated a hack of Donald Trump s political opponents and an aggressive pr
Get ready to explain to your children what a golden shower is, because it s going to be a hot topic in the news for anywhere b
If you had any doubt left about whether FBI Director James Comey intentionally helped Trump during the time leading up to th
Actress Gabrielle Union did not hold back after the ladies of The View asked her to comment on Donald Trump s attack on M
2016 may go down as the year that news died, at least in their souls. Sure, it s been happening for a long time, but now, writin
Donald Trump says he surrounds himself with the best people but obviously, that is a lie. He has filled his cabinet with white
This is how far Republicans will go to protect a racist in their party.Thirty years after Congress rejected Jeff Sessions nominatio
Another day, another revelation in the house of sexism, Fox News.Just as Roger Ailes was ousted over his lewd and harassing c
Conservative columnist Monica Crowley is set for a top role in Donald Trump s administration and it s just been revealed that s
George Clooney is tired of Donald Trump s obsession with attacking people who criticize him.During the Golden Globe Awards
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, who is Donald Trump s nominee to be attorney general, faced the Senate Judiciary Committee
Trump spokeswoman and walking stump Katrina Pierson responded to how she thinks liberals reacted to Jeff Sessions claimin
Donald Trump is getting nothing but bad news when it comes to finding performers willing to degrade themselves at his inaug
The differences between President Barack Obama and Donald Trump couldn t be greater and more obvious and that s why A
Madonna has never been shy about expressing the fact that she hates President-elect Donald Trump with a burning passion. N
Donald Trump is now so desperate to improve his shattered image that he s trying to improve it by attaching himself to Ronald
Donald Trump s inauguration festivities aren t looking too spiffy. Having been turned down by Andrea Bocelli, Celine Dion, Elto
Donald Trump disgusted thousands of Americans when he mocked the disabled man. Meryl Streep was definitely one of them
Many Republicans in Congressional leadership are touting their idiotic repeal and delay plan as the perfect way to repeal the
It what can only be seen as a situation where you want to feel bad for a person, but really don t, one supporter of repealing O
Donald Trump has chosen the worst of the worst to serve in his cabinet and Republicans are trying to rush his nominees throu
In Trump s new America, hate and violence are reigning supreme. Amid spikes in anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and transphobia
There s a man who s been permanently banned from Twitter for threats and harassment, and was once known as the most ha
President-elect Donald Trump is currently trying to drown out all his insecurities after Meryl Streep absolutely gutted him in he
Kellyanne Conway accidentally announced exactly how Donald Trump intends to reward Vladimir Putin for all the help he rece
By now you have seen, or at least heard about Meryl Streep s speech at the Golden Globes where she went after Donald Trum
Donald Trump tried to take credit for Fiat Chrysler s announcement that they will be creating 2,000 jobs in the United States. F
The nation s nuclear arsenal is going to be even more difficult to maintain because Donald Trump just ordered the top people
Trump supporter and Fox host Stuart Varney has finally had enough if Trump s petty Twitter insults.Donald Trump s attack on
Meryl Streep made a white grievance queen explode on Sunday night.Donald Trump waited until the next morning to lash out
Meryl Streep and Viola Davis weren t the only ones who blasted Donald Trump at the Golden Globes.Dr. Gregory House, also k
As Meryl Streep delivered a smack down for the ages aimed at Donald Trump, conservative actors Mel Gibson and Vince Vaug
On Sunday night, actress Meryl Streep called out president-elect Donald Trump s behavior without even mentioning his name
He went there. We all knew he d go there, but on Monday Donald Trump deigned it appropriate to attack Meryl Streep after s
Here s a news flash for Donald Trump: Mexico won t be paying for his racist little wall Not now, not tomorrow, not six month
Republicans are in for a long four years if they think progressives like Meryl Streep are going to stay silent. Moments after givin
Viola Davis said that the issue of racial tensions in America now that Donald Trump has been elected really boils down to one
Meryl Streep is an accomplished actress, philanthropist and humanitarian. She s also standing up to Donald Trump, something
On the red carpet at Sunday s Golden Globe Awards, one of the highlights of the evening was when former First Daughter Jenn
Poor Sean Hannity has had to struggle so hard to get respect. On the cable news network that promotes anti-intellectualism, H
Tonight s the night of the Golden Globe Awards, and comedian Jimmy Fallon was tapped to emcee the event. Before he even
S.C. Senator Lindsey Graham has been a shining beacon in the Republican Party when it comes to the Russian hacking scandal
You know, because Republicans are now pretending that they acted like adults over the last eight years.In 2009, Mitch McCon
Donald Trump has decided to throw out 60 years worth of tradition for his inauguration by replacing the man who s done the
The president says he doesn t think Obamacare is going anywhere just yet. In an interview on ABC s This Week, Obama said he
The liberal third-world hell hole (as Ann Coulter calls it) that is California has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the Uni
Martin Shkreli is a creep and not just because he raised the price of a life-saving medication astronomically then spent every
If there is one thing that is certain, it s that at no point in a presidency riddled with white supremacists, xenophobes, Christofa
Donald Trump probably should have just let this one fly under the radar instead of publicly bragging about it like it s the best n
Sean Spicer is the former communications man for the Republican National Committee. He will also be joining the communica
CNN host Jake Tapper went nuclear on Kellyanne Conway this Sunday.The intelligence community has confirmed that Vladimi
Unfortunately, we will be losing President Obama at noon on January 20th, and he will be replaced with Donald Trump. Think
Donald Trump has been described by many as sounding like a comic book villain come to life, and now veteran Star Wars icon
For the first time in our lives, we are entering an era where we have elected a president who is downright dangerous. Donald
As we get ready for the most bigotry-fueled, racist, misogynistic administration in the modern history of the United States, the
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook is becoming a large public figure to the world, and not just for creating the world famous s
Donald Trump loves the right-wing, white supremacist news publication Breitbart so much that he snagged their former exec
A lot can be said for Trump s cabinet picks. They are the richest of the rich, the lowest of the low, and the most corrupt of the
Republicans are lying when they claim to be fiscally conservative, and Donald Trump s wall proves it.Throughout the campaig
House Speaker Paul Ryan is a snake, a hypocrite, and a weasel. He is also an incredible coward. Part of being a public servant i
Donald Trump just unleashed an attack on any and all Americans who have a problem with his cozy relationship with Putin. Su
While on the campaign trail, reality show star Donald Trump vowed that he would build a wall on the U.S. southern border, an
As President Obama prepares to leave office, he leaves behind a stunning, historical legacy: 75 months of continuous job grow
As you know, Donald Trump put aside his disdain for intelligence, intelligence briefings, and basically anything associated with
Unless you ve been living under a rock, you are well aware of the feud between petulant Russian puppet Donald Trump and ac
Rather than call the sitting president who could actually help him, Florida Governor Rick Scott dissed President Obama by calli
Donald Trump is upset at the intelligence agencies and their continued findings showing that Russia had a role in hacking and
The xenophobic white supremacists, who hilariously call themselves the alt-right to sound more legit and less hateful, took th
President-elect Donald Trump s denial of Russia s involvement in the US election is disturbing enough, but it s even more unfo
If you or your conservative friends, as many still do, ever believed that the Iraq war was a response for 9/11, the CIA finally pu
Things got heated on The View on Friday between Whoopi Goldberg and Jedediah Bila on the subject of Planned Parenthood
Uh oh, you guys, President Obama is in trouble! On Friday, Donald Trump expressed outrage outrage that he had not yet bee
Tomi Lahren literally thinks the beating of a white teen in Chicago is the equivalent of nine black churchgoers who were MURD
It is now 14 days until Donald Trump takes over the White House and he is STILL whining about Hillary Clinton.We know Trum
On Friday, Donald Trump decided to distract from revelations that intelligence agencies had identified the individual Russians
A secret report from U.S. intelligence agencies, which was revealed through a senior government official, shows that the top ti
Trump supporters just got screwed over in a YUUUGE way.Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly promised his s
President-elect Donald Trump s massive swamp now has a Russian accent. It s so bad that even a Fox News host called him ou
Well, it s happening. If you voted your conscience or refused to support a criminal who is not an actual criminal, voted for Ji
Joe Biden is an adult, so he treated Donald Trump the way adults treat petulant children.On Thursday morning, Trump person
If there s one thing that has always remained consistent about Donald Trump, it s his infamous hairdo. He s kept it the same w
Donald Trump s refusal to believe our nation s top intelligence agencies about Russian interference in our election is even cau
As President-elect Donald Trump continues to dismiss the intelligence community s multiple reports on Russia s meddling in th
A California fast-food CEO has seen the light, and now supports minimum wage increases after seeing for himself that they are
House Republicans have taken their first step towards repealing Obamacare, and that step opens the door for them to work to
Donald Trump is set to take office as President of the United States in just 15 days, and one would think he d be making the fin
It s only been a couple days since Republicans received massive backlash for trying to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics. N
Not long after news broke that four black teens tortured a white disabled man in Chicago, racist conservatives immediately bla
Republicans treated President Obama like shit and he never attacked them like Donald Trump is attacking Democrats.Despite
A new report shows that we have at least 50 electors who were ineligible to cast their votes on Dec. 19. As a result, a nationw
House Republicans have long since made clear their dislike and disdain of the United Nations. Some of them seem to buy into
Donald Trump once said that he loves the poorly educated, and he skips his intelligence briefings regularly, so it is reasonable
James Wood, who s fallen so far out of favor as an actor that when you search his name, he doesn t even appear, is a Trump fa
Karma is a bitch and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is learning that the hard way.For nearly a year, Republicans vicio
Abortion became a legal procedure in 1973. According to the Supreme Court, it s about a woman s right to privacy. More than
Donald Trump s tweets just became the club progressives like Bernie Sanders are going to use to hammer him with over the n
Senate Democrats are defying Republicans on the Russian hacking scandal, and have gone ahead with an in-your-face move to
Legendary reporter Dan Rather has commented on the ridiculous antics of President-elect Donald Trump before, but it seems
Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN) decided to launch an online poll to ask, Do you support the repeal of Oba
The U.S. Senate has just passed a budget resolution that will officially begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act. T
With the inauguration fast approaching, Donald Trump is trying to prove to himself that he is actually liked by the American pe
Kentucky Republicans declared war on women as soon as the new legislative session began.One of the 11 bills introduced on T
Sarah Palin wants to be friends with Julian Assange now since he helped the Russians sabotage Hillary Clinton s campaign. And
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is Trump s pick for attorney general. The U.S. attorney general is generally someone who not only kno
Donald Trump tweeted out yet another defense of Putin on Wednesday, but he probably failed to assuage any concerns abo
The NAACP staged a sit-in at the office of Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions on Tuesday to protest his nomination for U.S. attorney ge
On Tuesday, Donald Trump once again amped up the stupidity in his latest attack on intelligence agencies namely the CIA w
Just when you thought you couldn t love Vice President Joe Biden more, his microphone gets left on and we all hear what he p
The situation that 17-year old Ahmed Khalifa saw was disgusting. He was on board a Brooklyn subway train, listening to his he
After having to endure Donald Trump s disastrous presidential campaign and having to basically hold his hand every single day
Trump s team is working very hard to accommodate the Narcissist in Chief on everything, up to and including how he will, or w
A Chandler, Arizona family awoke early one morning to see that the Menorah sculpture on their lawn had been vandalized and
If you haven t heard by now, gospel singer Kim Burrell, featured with Pharrell Williams, decided to go on a homophobic rant.B
A sit-in staged by the NAACP is currently underway at the office of Sen. Jeff Sessions in protest of Donald Trump s decision to n
House Republicans tried to pave the way for rampant crime and corruption by voting to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics
Yesterday, House Republicans set themselves up for loads of humiliation after they quietly voted to take away the independen
It seems that Fox News repeated decisions to shower of Donald Trump with adoration and excuses has gotten to now-former
Donald Trump is attacking Obamacare instead of the greedy insurance companies who are jacking up the price of coverage, an
Donald Trump just attacked an American car company and got humiliated in response.In his first tweet of the day on Tuesday,
Donald Trump is a madman putting our nation on the brink of World War III and he isn t even in office yet.In a pair of tweets o
House Republicans just made it clear that they are for sale and intend to put ethics aside during Donald Trump s reign in the W
The election of former reality television star Donald Trump stirred up a variety of emotions in American voters and most of th
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal s editor-in-chief, Gerard Baker, announced that his paper would no longer call out Trump on
The president-elect on Monday took issue with a photo of himself used by CNN for the cover of its book about the 2016 electi
It s been two months since the 2016 Election took place but Donald Trump refuses to stop whining about the results.Trump po
Even though Donald Trump projects his own narcissistic confidence that he ll be a great president, most Americans disagree.A
Donald Trump has long been known for his offensive remarks about America s so-called inner cities. He has touted his suppo
The former Labor Secretary penned a short message aimed at Donald Trump on Monday, and it was perfect.On New Year s Ev
Despite claims to the contrary, Donald Trump has made it crystal clear that he is no friend to minorities. But members of the C
If you thought Richard Nixon was bad, just wait till Donald Trump gets in office.On a scale of 1-10, prominent Nixon expert Ric
If you voted for Trump hoping for financial prosperity, you might want to take a look at how he is managing his transition team
Donald Trump s team certainly doesn t make it easy for the people who have to interview them. In a typical interview with Tru
Americans are getting sick of Donald Trump and his campaign slogan.Trump remained silent on the first day of the new year b
Trump is not one for giving respect to anyone who actually deserves it. He claims he s just not politically correct, but in reality
Donald Trump rang in the New Year by already making a profit from the public office of the presidency, and he still has over tw
You can often figure a lot out about a person by what they pay attention to, and in the age of Twitter, by who they follow on T
Donald Trump wished Americans a Happy New Year by referring to millions of them as his enemies. And then there s Presiden
Trump s pick for press secretary, noted numbnut Sean Spicer, appeared on ABC s This Week to discuss, well, various things. A
Donald Trump is a consummate liar. He lies so much that it appears that his strategy is to tell enough lies that there s no way t
Donald Trump s strained relationship with the media has been nothing but problematic from the start. The President-elect has
One of the first things Donald Trump did after winning the presidential election was to completely crush decades of diplomatic
Republicans are poised to take healthcare away from millions of Americans, but incoming Democratic Rep. Lisa Blunt Rocheste
Kansas economy is imploding, but rather than fix it by repealing his disastrous tax cuts, Governor Sam Brownback wants to ra
If Donald trump wants to have a good relationship with the press he can start by apologizing for bullying them.But until he doe
Donald Trump is now saying that he knows more about computer hacking than the experts at the CIA and our other intelligen
If Donald Trump had sent proper New Year s greetings to the American people to begin with, he wouldn t be getting humiliate
Donald Trump isn t used to being criticized, and now that he s weeks away from assuming the presidency the criticism is going
Donald Trump threw a party to celebrate the New Year, so let s ruin his good time by looking back at the best of Alec Baldwin
A former top aide to Donald Trump makes an alarming reference to the safety of American troops in a letter sent to Senator Jo
Remember when the National Rifle Association warned Americans that President Obama was going to confiscate guns from re
When most presidents in the past have sent a message leading into the new year, they ve sent messages of hope, unity, and a
President Obama is obviously disappointed that Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton, will be his successor in the White Hous
CNN host Kate Bolduan sat quietly as a conservative radio host lied his ass off during an interview and then humiliated him so
In what might be the last Weekly Address from our beloved President Obama, he took a little time to look back over his years
In case you are unaware (because Donald Trump is), the President-elect lost the popular vote by almost three million votes, an
If it weren t for the Electoral College, we would soon be inaugurating President Hillary Clinton. If it weren t for the Inaugural C
As President Obama is threatening and acting out on retaliation for Russia s hack of the United States election, it s becoming e
Trump and his whole team should be disqualified from the presidency after this.Donald Trump continued sucking up to Russia
John Dean knows something about corruption. He was the White House Council for Richard Nixon during the Watergate scand
Recently, Donald Trump s New York campaign co-chair, Carl Paladino, did what Trump fans do best and made some incredibly
Years ago, Donald Trump tweeted that he hoped Russian dictator Vladimir Putin would become his new best friend. During th
The party of rape is at it again.Republicans are drunk with power and the impending inauguration of a sexual predator has em
This is an epic rant that will enrage Trump supporters, and it needed to be said.Republican strategist Rick Wilson is not a fan o
When former Tea Party congressman Joe Walsh decided to lash out at President Obama over a U.N. resolution condemning ill
Sarah Palin opened her mouth again and people quickly corrected her stupidity.Ever since the United Nations passed a resoluti
Trump supporters are FURIOUS after a member of the choir took a courageous stand.Donald Trump and his team have been d
Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters are going to lose their shit when they hear about this.Since 1960, Mama Ayesha
Kellyanne Conway is not taking Russian interference in our political process seriously, so CNN host Kate Bolduan called her out
The Buffalo School Board refuses to tolerate racism from one of their own members, and decisively voted to oust a racist Trum
The liberal billionaire donor just called out Donald Trump for being a con artist who threatens democracy.Conservatives fear
The Obama Administration is finally taking action after Russia interfered in the presidential election. The White House has ann
This Donald Trump supporter will be ringing in the new year with egg on his face.Townhall columnist and retired Army Colone
On Thursday, Donald Trump hopped on the Twitter Machine and made a promise to all Americans, tweeting out a graphic pos
There s no shortage of con artists and assorted corrupt types surrounding Donald Trump. After all, he s just run the biggest con
This year was a rough one and many of us can t wait for it to be over. Not only did America endure a very emotionally volatile,
A few days ago, Donald Trump had done something that many leaders wouldn t even dare to do he insulted the United Natio
Apparently, Bristol Palin thinks musicians have no right to have their own opinions or choices.Ever since Election Day, Donald T
The majority of the country doesn t want Donald Trump as our president. A-list celebrities and even marching bands don t wa
While it s certainly not true that Donald Trump will have the least diverse cabinet in history. Hell, before a generation or so ag
The working class voters who supported Donald Trump just got duped again.Because if Trump s Secretary of Labor pick has his
If there s one thing that put the stupidity of Donald Trump s idiot supporters (and, to a slightly lesser extent, Jill Stein fans wh
Barring something completely unforeseen, Donald Trump will be our new President in just a few weeks. That means that all pe
The GOP has long been a place that only held the interests of white men but no Republican has ever had the guts to admit th
It would be a great sight to behold if a New York City police officer were ordered to place Donald Trump in handcuffs. People w
Donald Trump just got BURNED for using Twitter so much.During an appearance on MSNBC with Lawrence O Donnell, conserv
Get ready for the Donald Trump temper tantrum on Twitter.For the ninth consecutive year, the American people have chosen
At this point, we have to wonder if the pressure of finding himself outside his bubble and confronted with the overwhelming r
Teen Vogue writer, Lauren Duca, humiliated Tucker Carlson last week for being a sexist partisan hack, and now she is battling
Donald Trump just had his narcissistic ass handed to him on Twitter for taking credit for something that he had absolutely noth
Donald Trump has made it clear that he has a very large place in his heart for Vladimir Putin, so big in fact, that he s taken his s
Donald Trump is still using his Twitter account to push big, ridiculous lies about his troubled personal foundation, the Donald J
Donald Trump can t let it go. A broken and antiquated system that exists solely to benefit slave-owning states by increasing th
The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence are being sued f
While pundits have been busily dissecting exactly what went wrong for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, it s becoming incre
Carl Paladino, who served as the co-chairman of Donald Trump s New York campaign, wrote a wish list of what he d like for th
It s not looking as though relations between Donald Trump and China are going to get better any time soon. Not only has Trum
When you get caught cheating, there are very few appropriate responses. Groveling for forgiveness generally is the best. Nee
Another racist just found out the hard way that racism will result in unemployment.Pamela Taylor thought she could get away
If this becomes a Republican strategy across the country, the American people will suffer greatly.Maine voters approved state
Apparently, in Donald Trump s America, you can t even be nice to someone if your skin is darker than a piece of chalk. After he
Despite having to deal with an absolute imbecile as her challenger for several months, Hillary Clinton was always poised, graci
As many of us are slowly (and sadly) coming to terms with the fact that President Barack Obama has almost completed his fina
Donald Trump needs to stop whining before someone puts him over their knee.In addition to claiming that s he s the reason w
Americans have been spending well over $2 trillion on Christmas since at least 2000, with that number topping $3 trillion in re
President Obama pretty much trolled Donald Trump earlier by saying that he could have defeated the alleged billionaire and f
The election of former reality television star Donald Trump has many people Democrats and Republicans alike upset that ou
By winning the presidency, Donald Trump just made the world more unsafe than ever before.Any anti-America groups who w
President Barack Obama only has a few short weeks left in the White House, and it s never been more clear how absolutely fe
Carl Paladino s racism against President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama is so bad that his own son just publicly denoun
It s no secret that Donald Trump has some kind of boy crush on Russian president Vladimir Putin. Despite the fact that Putin is
It s still more than three weeks before the incoming Trump administration is set to take office, but one member of his staff has
Donald Trump is too lazy to take a proper Christmas photo to share with the American people.Instead, he merely took a scree
The Republican National Committee released a bizarre Christmas statement comparing president-elect Donald Trump to a Kin
A&E decided to just scrap its previously upcoming documentary series Escaping the KKK once called the more friendly Gene
Donald Trump must be feeling pretty damn humiliated right about now.It s one thing to call out the media for getting somethi
Former President George H. W. Bush can teach Donald Trump a thing or two about handling conflicts of interest.As January 20
The whole world is laughing at us after we kinda-sorta elected (since the opinion of the majority of Americans are meaningless
Remember when Jon Stewart humiliated Tucker Carlson on his own show many years ago? Well, this time it was Teen Vogue w
Several white supremacist hate groups have been able to exploit federal law and raised millions while disguising themselves a
White racists launched a war against State Farm insurance company for posting an image of a black man proposing to a white
Fears of purges of personnel based on ideology have now reached the State Department and the Department of Homeland Se
Donald Trump s ties to Vladimir Putin have been questioned again and again, and for good reason. Trump has previously said g
If Donald Trump wanted people to think he isn t joined at the hip to Russian president Vladimir Putin, this is a strange way to d
President-elect Donald Trump needs his Twitter account confiscated as soon as possible. Every time he sends out an impulsive
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threw a temper tantrum like a petulant child because the United Nations finally pa
The Twitter war between Donald Trump and Alec Baldwin just escalated.As we all know, Trump and his team have been unabl
On New Jersey 101.5, Chris Christie made the argument for raising wages for judges and government employees, but he still p
Donald Trump just got his ass handed to him by Chrissy Teigen.On Thursday, Trump responded to reports that his team is desp
Legendary news anchor Dan Rather just gave us a new name to use when referring to those who deny climate change and fac
With no one wanting to perform for Donald Trump at the inauguration, people are now people forced to perform. And the pe
In case you haven t heard, Eric Trump recently had to cancel an auction in which he was using his charity as a front to sell acce
Trump s inauguration is becoming one of the biggest jokes in presidential history, and it hasn t even happened yet.The preside
On Thursday, Donald Trump did a huge favor for defense contractors when he tweeted that The United States must greatly st
Rachel Maddow just pounded Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump s former campaign manager and soon-to-be White House cou
While Donald Trump is currently freaking out because he hasn t been able to find anyone to perform at his inauguration (whic
News broke on Thursday that Donald Trump had actually taken his President s Daily Briefing two days in a row. How in the hel
Donald Trump is now pretending that all the A list celebrities want tickets to his inauguration so he can say he rejected them
The National School Lunch program that provides healthy free or reduced meals for children in need has joined Social Security
Republicans say Trump won because of the economic anxiety. Republicans say the Democrats ignored the white working clas
In what can only be described as a proof of life video, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is seen backtracking wildly away fr
Donald Trump was really looking forward to using a dormant regulation as the basis for his Muslim registry. While The Donald
Donald Trump, despite having a face and hairline made for radio, is convinced that the way to run a government is to hold cas
Donald Trump is INSANE.In yet another tweet demonstrating that he is poised to wipe out humanity, Trump called for expand
Keith Olbermann did not mince words. The end of Social Security is near because of Donald Trump.Trump supporters are livin
Over the years, when we Americans have gotten ourselves into trouble, there have been many jokes made by the British peop
Walmart may be discontinuing the sale of Black Lives Matter t-shirts because a police union whined that the shirts hurt their p
When a charitable foundation offers access to a public official in exchange for large donations it s called pay-for-play.Through
Donald Trump is desperately trying to find A-list entertainers to perform at his inauguration in January. Trump s friend, famed
The History channel has spoken and Donald Trump s deplorable supporters didn t like the facts one little bit.The 2016 Election
This House Republican didn t see this humiliation coming.During an interview on CNN with Brianna Keilar, GOP Rep. Marsha B
Fox News worked for eight years to vilify President Obama in any way they could, and now Obama is calling them out because
Conservatives radio host and all-around terrible, horrible, one-of-the-worst-in-the-world person, Ann Coulter, has long been v
Donald Trump may have campaigned on a promise to bring back jobs, but it doesn t seem like he intends to fill those jobs with
Donald Trump, president-elect of the United States, has created a cabinet that has a net worth larger than the world s 70 sma
It s no secret that Trump s drain the swamp shtick was just that -B.S. Since being elected last month, Trump has ben naming t
Oh, Alabama. In some ways, you ve replaced Arizona, Texas and Florida for craziest state in the nation, and your governor just
The 6th District Court in Ohio ruled on Monday that if a cop comes to your home, they are justified in killing your dog if your d
It s going to be a long four years if Donald Trump is going to keep threatening anyone who says something bad about him.Just
Republicans are spineless cowards.If you want to know why many Republicans have been avoiding saying anything critical abo
It s no secret that Donald Trump isn t a fan of wind farms, especially when they interfere with the views off his precious golf co
Now that Trump is officially going to be the next President of the United States, his supporters are unapologetically displaying
The whiner-in-chief struck again with yet another early morning Twitter tantrum.Donald Trump can t handle the fact that he lo
On Tuesday night, Fox News blowhard and right-wing messiah Bill O Reilly made it very clear that Republicans primary focus c
Trump can t pick good people to save his life. He s got a paranoid lunatic for the National Security Council, he s got a white sup
The name Donald Trump will get women $45 to buy birth control at least that s the promotion being offered by a new startup
In a move that is seemingly being done as a preemptive strike against Donald Trump s administration and his clear love for the
Donald Trump has made many promises to the working class citizen. He promised he d side with them through it all and the h
President-elect Donald Trump loves bragging about two things: things he doesn t deserve and things that aren t true. He kills t
Every single time Donald Trump makes an absurd statement, his supporters rush in to explain what the president-elect really m
Donald Trump responded to the seizure of an American underwater drone the way he responds to everything: by going off ha
Donald Trump has seriously insulted our intelligence community and his continuing refusal to listen to them is putting America
This is despicable and morbid.Donald trump has clearly chosen a piece of human excrement as his Secretary of Treasury.Form
Donald Trump turned a tragedy into an opportunity to do some heavy fear mongering after news broke that a truck had drive
Once again, Donald Trump is totally predictable.On Tuesday morning, Trump lashed out at Bill Clinton on Twitter over comme
A white Idaho teen was facing life in prison for a horrific sexual attack on a black teammate with mental disabilities that makes
On Monday, the election of Donald Trump became official. Last week, though, A&E, home of the Duck Dynasty clan, announc
Sarah Palin has said a lot of stupid things over the years but she definitely defended her America s village idiot crown with this
Donald Trump insists that he doesn t have to divest or sell his business empire to be president, but George Takei strongly disag
On Monday Obama used his clemency powers to grant 78 pardons and 158 commutations according to the White House, whi
When the Affordable Care Act was in deliberation, Republicans showed themselves at their most heartless. Essentially, their v
The Kuwaiti Embassy in Washington, D.C., tends to book their annual National Day celebration at the Four Seasons, and this ye
Despite all efforts to stop this from happening, Donald Trump cruised to victory today in the Electoral College, according to th
President-elect Donald Trump said he isn t interested in featuring A-list entertainers at his inauguration and a source told TMZ
The National Fraternal Order of Police knows exactly what the President-elect s values are and knows it s a massive advantage
Bill Clinton finally spoke up about Donald Trump, and Trump is not going to like what he said.The former president has been q
North Carolina is stuck in the past and the city of Charlotte just sold out to join the rest of the state.Ever since the Charlotte cit
Despite how publicly and widely reported Hillary Clinton s win of the popular vote has been over the last several weeks, Presid
Anybody who says conservatives always treated the Obama family with dignity and respect deserve to be smacked HARD to jo
You know lies have gotten out of control when a man who helped orchestrate the Iraq wars, a man who coined the term axis
If you listened to Republicans and conservatives, you would probably believe that voter fraud is running rampant across Ame
Conservatives are downright furious after Saturday Night Live s Michael Che cracked a joke likening tangerine sh*tgibbon Don
At this point, there is no doubt that Vladimir Putin s Russian regime hacked the 2016 election, and they did it with one purpos
If Sarah Palin really cares about children with disabilities she ll stand up for them in Texas.Because Texas Republicans just initia
Donald Trump is a snake oil salesman. Anyone who paid attention during the election knows that, and increasingly, the people
While Trump says he s like, a smart person, and so doesn t need the President s daily intelligence briefings, he s taking securi
Recently, at one of his thank you rallies, Donald Trump admitted that his supporters yeah, those people who were regularly
It turns out that Rex Tillerson s ties to Russia are even deeper than previously known.Last week, Donald Trump named the Exx
Donald Trump s desperate effort to make people ignore the fact that Russia helped him win the election runs contrary to Ame
Reality show star turned president-elect Donald Trump earned himself Lie of the Year by PolitiFact and he s broken almost ev
One of the things that happens when one runs for president is the fact that the United States Secret Service and other intellige
Fox News banshee Jeanine Pirro threw a hissy fit this weekend because First Lady Michelle Obama correctly stated how most
Conservatives apparently want a witch hunt in every government department.Earlier this month, Donald Trump s transition te
Remember that cute scene in the movie Love Actually when The Walking Dead s Andrew Lincoln declares his love for Keira Kn
Donald Trump is NOT going to like this one bit.Saturday Night Live delivered a Christmas episode this week, and the cold-open
Donald Trump just proved once again that he is unfit to be president.Earlier this week, the Chinese Navy intercepted a United
There s a major problem with Trump considering Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, for official positions in the White Ho
Three professors of psychiatry have just come forward with a letter directly addressed to President Barack Obama that expres
Donald Trump is desperate to find singers to perform at his inauguration ceremony, so rapper Ice-T decided to have a little fun
Donald Trump is going to throw a temper tantrum tonight.It s been a couple weeks since Trump embarrassed himself by attac
While Donald Trump was on the campaign trail he blasted the Bush administration, saying they lied about the existence of we
Republicans who defend Russia and Vladimir Putin are disgraces to our country.Ever since the CIA and 17 other intelligence ag
This is the kind of power grab that justifies armed rebellion.The North Carolina gubernatorial race was a close win for Democra
It s no secret that there is no love lost between Donald Trump and the media. However, a new report regarding how his son-in
Donald Trump s supporters are vicious and violent a fact the incoming President-elect has traditionally refused to acknowled
At this point, Donald Trump is known for his spelling errors on Twitter and, well, in general. Not a day goes by that The Donald
Newsweek s Kurt Eichenwald, who also serves as a senior editor at Vanity Fair and goes hard at conservatives in his reporting,
Reports are surfacing that CNBC s Larry Kudlow is on the short list of candidates for chairman the Council of Economic Adviser
Members of the Electoral College will not be receiving any further intelligence regarding Russia s interference in the presidenti
If someone had called Ronald Reagan un-American for taking on Russia, Republicans would have thrown a hissy fit.But Preside
Friday it was confirmed that the FBI is in agreement with the National Intelligence Agency and the CIA over the Russian hackin
Donald Trump sure is whining a lot in defense of Russia. In fact, he appears to have never heard the saying about protesting to
Donald Trump supporter Scott Baio has filed a police report against the wife of the Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith
Everyone had their suspicions as to the timing of FBI Director James Comey s letter regarding Hillary Clinton s email server tha
Despite not having any time to attend critical press conferences, President-elect Donald Trump has more than enough time to
Kayleigh McEneny wanted an answer and she got one that compelled her to finally stop talking.President Obama and the Dem
Ivanka Trump is going to be Donald Trump s First Lady so the Internet is treating her the way conservatives have treated Mich
Vladimir Putin s name used to be mud with the majority of Americans. Americans opinion of the Russian leader have tradition
At this point, it s no secret that Russia in a campaign directly spearheaded by Vladimir Putin himself hacked Donald Trump s
The double-talk that spews forth from King Cheeto s mouth is astonishing, if for no other reason than so many people believe
If Donald Trump thinks he can use the presidency to make business deals for himself and his family, Senate Democrats are pre
Even though Trump appears to have softened his own position on the idea that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the C
The Electoral College should tell Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters to go f*ck themselves.The Electoral College conv
As we get closer to the day when Trump must take office, conflicts-of-interest continue to rise between his presidency and his
In retaliation for losing the North Carolina governor s race, Republicans are quickly moving to strip all power from the executiv
When Trump promised to drain the swamp, he surely wasn t talking about the vile, horrible place that is his Twitter timeline.
Donald Trump has long had a contentious relationship with the press. He cannot stand to be criticized, and any publication tha
Ever since Donald Trump came on the scene, famed political commentator Keith Olbermann has been on a tear with one miss
Trump s current national security adviser, General Michael Flynn, is already in some serious hot water over his mishandling of
While his major qualification to be President of the United States was his status as a celebrity after hosting his reality TV show
It s no secret that Russia was behind the election hacks of Donald Trump s political opponents with the express goal of getting
Conservative political analyst (and all around vile human being) Ann Coulter has decided that in the wake of the whole fiasco w
December 19th could be the day 38 electors step up to courageously save our nation from the insanity of Donald Trump.On th
One of Donald Trump s main tools as a businessman has always been our court systems. Over the year, he s either sued or bee
Just a few days ago, President-elect Donald Trump concerned Americans around the country when he stated that he didn t ha
We can probably expect more Donald Trump lackies to be hit with ethics violations over the next four years.South Carolina GO
This is disgraceful and totally un-American.Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave after a new poll revealed that Republicans now
Donald Trump announced today that his daughter, Ivanka, will be getting the office space in the White House that is traditiona
Donald Trump once bragged that he had the best words but researchers found that his speeches were at an average of abou
One of the most controversial figures in the upcoming Trump administration (and this is out of a circus freak show of racist wh
Conservatives are lying when they claim banning abortion is necessary to protect women s mental health.For years, conservati
While a lot of the nation seems to not give a sh*t that a foreign power just helped decide who became President of the United
This morning, CNN host Chris Cuomo found himself trying to reason with a complete idiot when he had the unfortunate exper
Quid pro quo in the Trump/Russia situation is happening sooner than expected, at least according to Russian officials you kno
It s already been reported heavily that celebrities are in short supply for racist hatemonger and Russian-installed puppet Dona
There are several movements out there to try and stop Trump from officially becoming president and most of them center on
The Russians have wanted a puppet in the White House for decades, and now they have one after successfully helping Donald
If you want to know what kind of President Donald Trump will be, if he will execute the powers of his office in a manner that is
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones isn t known for having a solid grasp of the truth. He takes ordinary news items and turns them i
Because nothing in this world makes sense anymore, while Donald Trump meets with people who may or may not fill his futur
During the revelations that Russia had a giant hand in influencing our election, one word has been used throughout the media
A group of Vice President-elect Mike Pence s new Washington neighbors invited him to Comet Ping Pong, the pizzeria at the c
Donald Trump isn t exactly a stickler for facts and he has made it clear that he is not convinced that climate change is real. Hec
When are racists going to learn that publicly posting their hate can get them canned?Because a white Michigan firefighter has
Donald Trump thought he could bully the Department of Energy. He was humiliatingly wrong.Last week, Trump and his team s
Newsweek just published a damning investigative report detailing how Donald Trump is already fundamentally changing Amer
Russia committed espionage against our country and got caught by the CIA, but Donald Trump is desperately defending his bu
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders knows that most Trump supporters voted out of fear and anger rather than actual policy or facts
It s finally over. Now that Donald Trump has been kinda-sorta elected president by a historic minority of voters and a system p
Donald Trump s transition effort has already been an embarrassing, chaotic affair. It s been more like a reality show and a que
If there s anyone in this country who s an expert in dirty politics, it s Donald Trump surrogate Roger Stone. Stone is a racist, a c
Does anyone remember when Trump, at the Republican National Convention, asked Russia if they could possibly find the 30,0
As there is more and more demand by politicians and Electoral College electors for a bipartisan investigation into Russia s invo
Military veterans are expressing extreme concerns about the behavior and reaction of Donald Trump to the revelation that ha
The Republican Party has been nervous as hell ever since the CIA released reports that Russia had meddled in the U.S. election
Earlier today, Trump appeared to tank the stock of yet another company with a single, ill-considered tweet:The F-35 program
Donald Trump has been poking China with a proverbial stick and his provocations haven t gone unnoticed. Now, Chinese state
Republicans are desperately defending Russia after a CIA investigation concluded that Russian hackers interfered in our electio
The recent CIA assessment concluding that Russia interfered with the election to help Donald Trump win caused the ladies of
Just like with every presidential inauguration year, Washington, D.C. will become complete chaos during the week of the cerem
After the CIA came forward that they have intelligence showing Russia s direct involvement in the election to help Donald Trum
Right-wing pastors are the ones really waging war on Christmas.A crazy Christian pastor in Texas decided to ruin Christmas fo
Donald Trump has dismissed the CIA findings that Russia interfered in the election to help him win as ridiculous. Then, he cla
After revelations from the CIA that Russians interfered with our country s presidential election in order to help Donald Trump
This woman is insane.In an incredibly disrespectful rant against President Obama and anyone else who supports investigating
President-elect Donald Trump has yet to take office, yet he s still causing international issues for America. Just last week, on D
Donald Trump s election was almost derailed in October when a video was released with Trump bragging about grabbing wom
If you ve ever wondered if Donald Trump is completely unqualified to make any decisions about anything involving the good o
You remember that running Saturday Night Live joke about Sarah Palin being able to see Russia from her house (the real quote
Our former U.N. ambassador, John Bolton, is a ridiculous conspiracy theorist. He s so ridiculous that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will
Well, this came back to bite Allen West on the ass.The former Republican congressman from Florida apparently wants to be p
Nate Silver of is pretty accurate when it comes to election reports. He has also tweeted just why Hillary Cli
Sources say that Chris Christie was offered several positions in Donald Trump s administration but turned them all down.On Su
Donald Trump hasn t even been sworn in yet and he s already beating Richard Nixon when it comes to being a liar.Forty-four y
You know things are going badly for the GOP President-Elect when even Fox News begins to turn on him. In an interview with
Donald Trump is Vladimir Putin s puppet, so of course he would defend Russia instead of siding with American intelligence age
Saturday Night Live is having an absolute blast mocking Donald Trump and that didn t change this week as the popular satire s
Donald Trump is a misogynist. We all know that. Now, he and his GOP cronies have the bully pulpit of the federal government
Independent conservative presidential candidate Evan McMullin has been busily warning the world about Donald Trump ever
Sarah Palin is stupid. Really stupid. Imagine generations upon generations of inbreeding among heavy meth users and she s ba
Throughout his campaign, Trump repeatedly told anyone he could brainwash that the U.S. doesn t win at anything anymore. S
The news that Russia interfered in our election to help Donald Trump win is enraging people across the country, including com
The crew at Saturday Night Live once again did something that will likely send Donald Trump the undeservedly affluent and u
Trump promised many hardworking Americans he d improve their lives if he got elected. Well, he got elected, but it looks like
Former Republican congressman Joe Walsh supports Donald Trump, but only if the election was won fair and square.And now
We tried to warn you.From the summer of 2016 onward, Democrats tried to warn the American public that Russia found a use
Barack Obama has been accused again and again of ruining the economy but where s the proof? Oh wait, there is none becau
Former CIA Operative Robert Baer weighed in on the revelations that Russians interfered with our presidential election in orde
Donald Trump just did Russia a big favor to thank them for rigging the election in his favor.As the fallout continues from a CIA
As news that the CIA had solid evidence that Russia did indeed meddle in our election, possibly to the point of influencing the
Throughout the course of the election, the mainstream media and major news outlets were remarkably soft on Donald Trump
Russian interference in our election should immediately disqualify Donald Trump from the presidency.On Friday, a CIA assessm
Republicans don t care about the American people and this is proof.One of the first actions Republicans intend to take when D
The Washington Post dropped a bombshell intelligence revelation on us all on Friday: Russia wanted Donald Trump to be pres
Sen. Harry Reid is calling for FBI Director James Comey to be investigated after Friday revealed bombshell after bombshell rega
Friday morning, after public outcry and unprecedented bipartisan urging from Congress, President Obama ordered an official r
Donald Trump is back to his pre-election habit of saying rude, dismissive, and bigoted things about black voters in America. In
More and more information has come to light which allows U.S. intelligence experts to conclude with high confidence that Ru
Trump s transition team is certainly doing a good job of keeping things moving along, but that s about the only thing they re d
Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election in order to help Donald Trump become president of the United States,
Kellyanne Conway was absolutely grilled by Chuck Todd on Friday because Donald Trump has been picking Goldman Sachs exe
The Republican effort to let Social Security whither on the vine and die just became reality as Donald Trump prepares to take
Republicans won the 2016 presidential election. Why? Well, besides an avalanche of racial demagoguery, they appealed the
It s pretty obvious at this point that Donald Trump duped his working and middle-class voters. He ran on a ridiculous slogan of
The Trump team has shown one thing in the last month they are the worst when it comes to draining the swamp. They have
Now that former reality television star, serial rapist and all-around scammy businessman Donald Trump has won the election,
The Senate session is coming to a close for the 113th Congress, and we are seeing a dramatic change in its composition come
Trump cannot handle dissent. He cannot handle people who don t like him and won t kiss his rings and his boots. He cannot ha
The supporters of President-elect Donald Trump are very much like him they live in their own little world, completely unawar
During a debate on French television show Niveau Z ro (Zero Level), right-wing nationalist Daniel Conversano spewed so much
President Obama has ordered a full review of Russian involvement in the DNC hacking and interference in the U.S. presidenti
Donald Trump may have decided that Russia is going to be America s new BFF, but the rest of the GOP isn t so sure. Going aga
For the past week since Trump struck one of his alleged solid gold deals to keep Carrier from moving to Mexico, we ve seen w
Trump mouthpiece Kayleigh McEnany attacked former Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Thursday night and quickly discovered
Even though former reality show star turned president-elect Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 2.6 million, the alleged bil
If there s one thing Donald Trump has made remarkably clear throughout his campaign for the presidency, it s that low ratings
This is priceless.Donald Trump has not even taken office yet, but he and his supporters are already getting their asses handed
Linda McMahon, Trump s pick to head the Small Business Administration, has been making headlines because of her unsavory
It s the lame duck session for Ohio s legislature, which means they re going bananas pushing Christmas tree bills and measu
Donald Trump likes feuds. He cannot, for any reason, take criticism, so the second someone says something less than a million
This is HUGE news!The city council of Portland, Oregon just did something awesome that could actually reduce the income ine
The United States as we know it is over at least that s the prediction by Norwegian professor Johan Galtung, who s known as
Donald Trump is NOT going to like this at all.The FBI played a major role in the 2016 election. So much of a role, in fact, that th
On Tuesday night, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo attended a NYC fundraiser on his 59th birthday, and took the time to co
To be a Republican these days, one apparently needs to kiss Russian President Vladimir Putin s ass as well as Donald Trump s.O
Donald Trump s obsession with lashing out at people on Twitter instead of attending national security briefings caused Michae
Lucy Richards, a Tampa woman who believes lunatics like Alex Jones who say the Sandy Hook tragedy is a hoax, was arrested t
Another day, another Trump supporter commits an atrocity, weakening America s morale one by one. This time, it s a double
If you haven t heard, Donald Trump has joined Adolf Hitler as the latest Deplorable to become Time s Person of the Year. Bea
On November 8, 2016, Ilhan Omar made history as being the first Somali-American to be elected to any position in America. H
A Carrier union leader called Donald Trump out for his lies about the deal that supposedly saved American jobs from moving t
Pope Francis is once again speaking the truth, and Christian conservatives are going to hate him even more for it.This time it
The nation was in an uproar on Wednesday, after learning that Donald Trump, the most divisive person in modern history to b
Democrats and other progressives who watched how the mainstream media treated Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have fo
On the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii many have been remembering all those who lost their lives
Whether it s climate change, Obamacare, prosecuting Hillary Clinton (for what?), building a wall, or draining the swamp, one t
Trump s transition is humming right along now, complete with an ever growing cabinet full of everyone he promised America
While Donald Trump may have spent a lot of time dissing President Barack Obama during his presidential campaign, he has de
Donald Trump has been crowned 2016 Person of the Year by Time Magazine. He is no doubt over the moon with all of his win
Just when you thought things couldn t get crazier and more bizarre in the future Donald Trump administration, the president-e
A major bipartisan infrastructure bill has gone through the House, and it proved that House Republicans don t care all that mu
Despite having run one of the most disgusting campaigns most of us have ever witnessed, the not-my-president-elect told Ma
Donald Trump has not even taken office yet and Republicans are already launching a full-scale war on women s rights.Embold
If you thought Senate Democrats were going to capitulate and work with Republicans after eight years of obstruction and a M
It s no secret that Donald Trump got a lot of help from the Russian government this election. From the wildfire of fake news sp
Ever since Matt Lauer threw Donald Trump some majorly softball questions during his Q&A with the president-elect during the
Tina Fey put the jokes aside and took serious aim at Donald Trump.In an interview with David Letterman for The Hollywood Re
Matt Lauer gave Donald Trump a chance to stop acting like a petulant child but he only doubled down.On Wednesday mornin
On Tuesday, Senator Jose Menendez (D-San Antonio) filed a bill in Austin to expand the use of medical cannabis. The bill, titled
For the second time in as many weeks, Trump s Twitter feed has been filled with bravado over his job saving and job creating e
If anybody besides Boeing is going to know the details of the contract they have to deliver two new Air Force Ones, it would b
Donald Trump has been bragging nonstop about the Carrier deal that supposedly kept more than 1,000 jobs in the U.S., but w
Philip Mudd, a former CIA official, totally tore Trump and his future national security adviser, Lt. General Michael Flynn, to piec
Donald Trump shocked the world with a 10-minute phone call with Taiwan s leadership a move that could greatly damage dip
A member of Donald Trump s presidential transition team has been kicked aside after he was caught spreading a dangerous co
Republicans apparently have no idea what they believe anymore. The only constant in the GOP universe these days is believin
There s a petition on going around to stop Trump from becoming President, and it has made history, not just for it
Donald Trump and all his cohorts are exalting him as a master of business following his deal with Carrier to keep roughly 1,000
During President Obama s final National Security speech as president, he took a moment to let President-Elect Trump know th
Right-wingers everywhere have been trying to disprove overwhelming climate science that shows the earth is warming rapidly
Remember when Chris Christie was a contender for the Republican Party presidential nomination? Now imagine Chris Christie
The worst part about the GOP controlling all three branches of the federal government is that they are about to hand the Supr
Throughout the campaign, many have tried defending Trump by saying that he was once a Democrat, so he must secretly be a
It finally dawned on Glenn Beck that his buddy Sarah Palin isn t quite right in the head. Last night on his television show, Beck
Update: Slate has pointed out that the Pentagon has budgeted $4 billion in total spending through 2021 for two new Air Forc
This morning, President-elect made yet another disastrous announcement over Twitter, when he send out a tweet that called
President Barack Obama knows that President-elect Donald Trump doesn t know what the hell he s doing, and is putting more
With Donald Trump winning the election, albeit only via Electoral College because Hillary Clinton kicked his ass in the popular
When Hillary Clinton called about half of Donald Trump s supporters a basket of deplorables, she was a bit off-base not beca
The results of the disappointing 2016 presidential election aren t even official yet, but Vice President Joe Biden is already maki
Manhattan is seeing significant problems due to Trump s insistence on staying in Trump Tower during his transition. He needs
Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein has filed a lawsuit in federal court over the recount efforts in Pennsylvania. Accordi
Not-My-President-Elect Donald Trump s claim that millions of voters had cast illegal ballots on election day has become a cont
With Donald Trump throwing yet another hissy fit on Twitter for how Saturday Night Live depicts him, it has left many going a
Steve Harvey appeared on The View and ripped Donald Trump a new one for whining about Saturday Night Live instead of fo
The Whiner-in-Chief humiliated himself again.Trump hates the free press, which is why he is threatening to destroy the First A
In the wake of a gunman terrorizing a pizza place in response to a fake story about Hillary Clinton, Joe Scarborough strongly co
Ben Carson Dr. Ben Carson Dr. Ben Carson the brain surgeon has been tapped as one of Donald Trump s cabinet members. No
President-elect Donald Trump has been a sore subject for Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). Not only did Ryan spea
According to The Washington Post, sources close to the Taiwanese government and the Trump transition team confirm that th
When Kellogg pulled its advertising from the white nationalist website known as Breitbart, they and their followers decided Ke
Reince Priebus, the soon-to-be ex-chairman of the RNC and Trump s new chief of staff, went on television to justify one of Tru
The relationship between the United States and China is an extremely delicate one. They are the world s second-largest powe
Donald Trump s fans are idiots and this time it could have gotten people killed. Since before the election, an incredibly stupid
Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly attacked the press and went as far as to point to MSNBC/NBC reporter Ka
It s no secret that team Trump is all in a tizzy over Jill Stein s recount attempts in multiple states, but Eric Trump may have just
The Army Corps of Engineers has denied an easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline, a major oil pipeline that had been rerou
Despite Donald Trump s promises on the campaign trail to drain the swamp, keep insiders out of the White House, and to tak
Trump (once again) may be losing his biggest cheerleader okay, second biggest cheerleader after Rudy Giuliani Ann Coulter.
Donald Trump just got taken to the woodshed for whining about Saturday Night Live instead of focusing on important things l
George Stephanopoulos refused to take shit from Mike Pence on Sunday.The ABC host of This Week grilled Pence for repeated
In an unprecedented move, the Trump administration is considering not submitting a budget to Congress next year. He would
Kellyanne Conway is a complete hypocrite who has no soul and CNN host Jake Tapper proved it.Tapper grilled Conway during
Trump is a terrible businessman and will be an even worse president. And his latest Twitter rant is proof.In a string of tweets o
Saturday Night Live once again took aim at Donald Trump. Trump once again threw a hissy fit about it. And Alec Baldwin once
Now that it appears that Donald Trump is the inevitable next president, Alec Baldwin has job security at Saturday Night Live fo
On Saturday, Green Party candidate Jill Stein was forced to drop her bid for a recount in Pennsylvania when a judge decided o
Despite his promises to drain the swamp, Trump is doing the exact opposite. So far, his cabinet picks are basically a who s wh
Much of my day is spent scanning the news, so when this headline came up from the Washington Post, I was inconsolable. Wh
We ve long been suspicious of Russian meddling in our political process, with intelligence officials going so far as to say they re
While Donald Trump may have bribed Carrier into keeping some 800 jobs in the United States with millions of dollars in tax br
Now that they have someone they think is their lord and savior in the White House, House Republicans are starting to come to
Conservatives are damned liars and they need to be called out every time they claim Donald Trump s campaign wasn t racist.T
On top of all the problems this country faces under a Donald Trump administration, anti-vaxxers are hoping he ll make widesp
Donald Trump hasn t even stepped into office yet and he has already managed to fill his cabinet with the richest people ever t
With many people still recovering from such a horrendous election result, it s left quite a few people unable to get into the Ch
Donald Trump has not even taken office yet and he has already pissed off the most populous nation on the planet.For nearly 4
Donald Trump s deplorable supporters strike again.18-year-old Yasmin Seweid was born in Brooklyn, New York. So she has bee
Let s all point and laugh at the SAD Trump supporters who are just now realizing that they got totally conned.Donald Trump m
Mike Pence is a huge homophobe. He supports ex-gay conversion therapy, opposes hate crimes protections for LGBTQ people
On Friday, Donald Trump broke a 37-year old pledge with China not to recognize Taiwan as a country and called its president.
Before Donald Trump pulled off winning the presidency (which no one saw coming), there were reports that the billionaire mo
Donald Trump likely caused a diplomatic crisis with China when he decided he would talk to the president of Taiwan on Friday
One of Donald Trump s strongest allies just turned against him and may have just cost herself a cabinet position in the process
College campuses are one of the places where free speech is extremely sacrosanct, and for that reason, they re also often the
Right-wing radio s high priestess of hate, Laura Ingraham, has a few questions about military spending. Namely, she wants to
Trump s brazen phone calls to various world leaders are upsetting diplomats, and with good reason. He s voicing admiration fo
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean has already served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee from 2005-20
One Donald Trump supporter just realized that she voted for the wrong candidate.Teena Colebrook knew she had made a terr
In a direct assault on the free press, one of Donald Trump s top advisers literally called for putting the editor of the New York T
Kellyanne Conway couldn t take the heat.Donald Trump s lie about 3 million people voting illegally has been repeatedly debun
When Donald Trump made his acceptance speech after winning the election, many of us were skeptical of his peaceful promis
Donald Trump s destructive vision of America is eliciting strong reaction from millions of people across the country, including p
Donald Trump has always shown himself to be impulsive when it comes to his use of technology. He often tweets in the middl
Trump s attempt at self-fellation following his kinda-sorta victory in the election went a bit limp when he threw himself a party
It s funny how Trump kept screaming that the election was rigged all through his campaign, and now screams there s massive
Someone isn t happy with the current possibilities for Secretary of State and is expanding the search. Apparently, there are tw
Trump campaign manager and spin doctor, Kellyanne Conway, was directly confronted by Clinton staffers with the underhand
A Denver, Colorado doctor under fire for a bizarre racial rant about First Lady Michelle Obama will probably keep her job anyw
A police officer was shot and killed in Tacoma, Washington on Wednesday, which marks the 200th time that a police officer, o
Typically, children view Santa as a magical bearded guy who brings them presents. Sometimes he s white, sometimes he s blac
Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisc., is possibly in line to become the next Secretary of Homeland Security. He s ru
Donald Trump s choice for Treasury Secretary is a real life Ebeneezer Scrooge.Trump s pick of Steven Mnuchin to run the Trea
A Trump supporter proclaimed that there s no such thing as facts before getting humiliated by facts.During an appearance on
Only supporters of Donald Trump could say something so stupid that a news anchor smacks their own head in frustration.Whe
If you ever wondered what racist conservatives would like to eat for breakfast, Twitter has the answer.White nationalist webs
Don t compare Black Lives Matter to the KKK or Daily Show host Trevor Noah will rip you a new one. Just ask Tomi Lahren.Whi
The bigoted vice-president-elect is being trolled by his new neighbors at his temporary residence. Rainbow flags are popping u
Immigration was one of the biggest, most divisive issues during President-elect Donald Trump s presidential campaign. Not on
It turns out that there are a few new reasons for Wisconsin to proceed with their recount, and they have nothing to do with Ji
The state of Michigan has, since the GOP takeover of 2010, been a petri dish for libertarian Republican policies, and nearly all
Trump has a serious lack of impulse control, particularly on social media. We ve known this forever, and it s to the point where
This proves the need for a recount in Michigan.Donald Trump s team knowingly hired a man who committed election fraud in
Concerns about Trump s conflict of interest reached a new level with the announcement that the National Park Service is final
Someone finally asked Kellyanne Conway how she can look herself in the mirror every morning and work for Donald Trump.Du
If you couldn t figure out that Donald Trump was a scam artist and a fraud before the election, you re likely figuring that out n
An assistant elementary school teacher from Baltimore is facing abuse charges after he threw a 7-year-old boy into a wall, bre
America s village idiot could soon be in charge of taking care of America s veterans.Donald Trump has been stocking his admin
Immediately after Donald Trump won the election, Americans saw a rise in harassment and hate crimes at the hands of his an
Nancy Pelosi has been the leader of the House Democrats for a very long time, and she is well-respected. However, in the wak
Donald Trump is finally dealing with the massive conflict of interest that has been drawing outrage for weeks now.In yet anoth
Bernie Sanders appeared with Conan O Brien on Tuesday night. The segment of the show was hardly funny, but it didn t matte
There are all kinds of pushes designed to stop Trump from officially taking office in January. There s a petition on w
Breitbart News, the right wing hate site that has been a huge booster of Donald Trump s campaign suffered a setback this wee
Mitt Romney got a lot of praise and a lot of headlines this past year when he came out and attacked Donald Trump s presidenti
Throughout the election, Donald Trump s tax returns have remained a mystery. He said he d release them if he won, but so fa
Tuesday morning on The View, the panel discussed Donald Trump s latest Twitter rant which included saying that people who
Donald Trump attacked the First Amendment on Tuesday and George Takei clobbered him for it.Trump called for jailing Ameri
It s expected that Trump s critics would get on his case for lying about massive election/voter fraud there s simply no evidenc
It was just a few weeks ago that President-elect Donald Trump repeatedly attacked the cast of Broadway show Hamilton for g
Yes, you read the title correctly. Trump s pick for attorney general has seriously said that children with disabilities attending pu
When Fox News host Stuart Varney bragged about Donald Trump wanting to imprison and strip citizenship from Americans wh
These conservative Christians are sick.Throughout the 2016 campaign, conservative Christians worshiped Donald Trump as t
Apparently, conservatives do not know what a dictionary is, much less how to read one.In the reality created by conservatives
Donald Trump has been going off on his infamous psychotic Twitter rants again, and they just keep getting more and more ter
North Carolina governor Pat McCrory lost his re-election bid to his Democratic challenger Roy Cooper three weeks ago. Howev
After being found competent to stand trial following a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation, Dylann Roof has decided to ditch
Actress Amber Heard is donating $350,000 to the ACLU just as the historic civil rights organization is gearing up to go toe-to-to
Once again President-elect Donald Trump has dominated the media by doing something incredibly dumb. After whining about
A Republican member of the Electoral College representing Texas, Art Sisneros, wrote on Saturday that he will resign and turn
When Donald Trump heard the news that Hillary Clinton was going to back Jill Stein s recount efforts in three separate states,
A Trump-loving white shopper had a racist meltdown of #babyTrump proportions last week, all because she was asked to purc
It shouldn t be surprising to anyone that Trump is attacking recount efforts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. However
Joaquin Castro of Texas is a rising star in the Democratic Party and a member of the United States House of Representatives. H
With Donald Trump throwing a Twitter tantrum from the very early morning throughout the afternoon on Sunday, it makes yo
We re all now living with the horrifying reality that on January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be the next president of the United
By now, we ve all seen the tweet where Trump said that he won the popular vote in a landslide if millions of illegal votes are
Patton Oswalt is a comedian, but he s also very seriously worried about the future of this country after the inauguration of Do
Donald Trump just accused millions of Americans of voter fraud, proving once again that he should be denied the presidency.O
If you ve been paying attention, you know that Donald Trump is doing everything he can to discredit any recount efforts, whic
While not-my-president-elect Donald Trump was having a Twitter tantrum over recount efforts in three battleground states, o
During the Republican primaries, the biggest feud (if you don t include Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly) seemed to be between
Do you remember Trump s first meltdown week? It was late July, after the Democratic National Convention, and as the electio
Donald Trump threw another Twitter tantrum, so Keith Olbermann gave him something to really cry about.Clearly, Donald Tru
Republicans need to stop whining about President Obama offering condolences for Fidel Castro s death, because they ve offer
Conservatives have set up a fascist professor watchlist website in order to target professors they feel aren t conservative eno
Kellyanne Conway whined about the media again and Chuck Todd smacked her down.Donald Trump has serious conflicts of in
We all know that President-elect Donald Trump has no idea what he s doing in his new role, but he s becoming increasingly da
To say that President-elect Donald Trump is bent out of shape over the recount initiated by Green Party candidate Jill Stein is a
Several mosques in California have received threatening letters from some of Trump s loyal subjects, which boldly proclaim th
We ve known for more than a year that some Republicans are less than thrilled with Donald Trump, and now they re even mo
Donald Trump s pride and joy is the tacky, gaudy literal glass tower he lives in, known as Trump Tower. It, and other Trump str
2016 has been a gawdawful year. We lost David Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, Elie Wiesel and more than I d care to mention. W
Despite the fact that many election experts have been hoping that the 2016 election results would be examined, Democratic c
Officials in Wisconsin are preparing to conduct a full statewide recount of the votes from the 2016 election after a request wa
An African-American man made a late night trip with a friend to a CVS in Carytown, Virginia when he managed to do somethin
President Obama couldn t be more different from his successor, Donald Trump. Obama has so much class and grace. As for Tr
This madness needs to stop and that means Donald Trump should not be president.Trump supporters have been rampaging e
On Saturday morning, Hillary Clinton s campaign counsel posted a statement to Medium to announce that the campaign will b
A few days before Thanksgiving, a food bank in Central Texas received a letter that was so hateful it could only have been writt
Perhaps the Green Party isn t so useless after all. Jill Stein s push for recounts in some battleground states is gaining momentu
Republicans are already touting their intention to dismantle Medicare and Donald Trump is poised to be the rubber stamp. Bu
Capitalism is a crazy system. On Black Friday, we celebrate consumerism at its finest but Cards Against Humanity has typically
There definitely seems to be a new sense of entitlement among Donald Trump supporters now that he won the Electoral Colle
Donald Trump is a threat to the continuing survival of our nation and democracy. And the only thing that can stop him is the E
Her viral post won her the title of racist of the week. June Pridmore somehow got a job working as the vice-president of loan
If you re on Medicare or close to qualifying for Medicare and you voted for Donald Trump, you re a special kind of stupid who
Donald Trump has had a lot to say about his daughter Ivanka and some of his old quotes makes people think he wants to bang
Hours before Thanksgiving Day began, Donald Trump once again called for that unity thing that conservatives think only whit
Sean Hannity wants to destroy freedom of the press by punishing any news outlet that told the ugly truth about Donald Trump
Donald Trump won the presidential election. But did he really win?As it stands right now, he s down in the popular vote by tw
Morning Joe is on MSNBC, which is supposedly the left-wing political news and opinion network. Its host, Joe Scarborough styl
Donald Trump is easily the least qualified candidate to run for (and eventually win) the White House. The most dangerous asp
It s a job killer. It s a small business killer. It will eventually kill America and America s working class, so a rule that Obama put i
Have you noticed that Donald Trump s supporters are a bunch of thin-skinned bullies? Star Trek and Big Bang Theory actor Wi
It is looking like Ben Carson is going to be Donald Trump s likely choice for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Cars
Fox News is literally pretending that they treated President Obama with nothing but respect.The reality, however, is the comp
If Donald Trump thought he d be seeing Elton John sing his praises on Inauguration Day he was sorely mistaken.During an inte
The media needs to keep grilling Republicans over Donald Trump s flirtation with Nazis, because it s clearly a sore spot.When R
Megyn Kelly s new book, Settle For More, seems to have Trump s fans in a tizzy. She doesn t paint him in a very flattering ligh
If there s one thing that unites working class Americans of all political persuasions, it s a hatred of Wall Street. Donald Trump k
You know how Donald Trump has been trying to convince us that Steve Bannon is a great guy and his publication, Breitbart, is
After evidence has been uncovered that could point to Donald Trump and/or the Russians rigging the presidential election, a g
Recently, news broke that the Trump Foundation openly and blatantly broke IRS corruption rules about self-dealing. In a tax fi
Donald Trump s Tuesday meeting with The New York Times was already controversial to begin with, and it ended in a similar f
Donald Trump has won the White House and now, Republicans have control of the Senate and Congress, too. House Speaker P
If there s one thing about Donald Trump that isn t presidential (aside from literally everything) it s the people he has selected f
Trump promised many things during his campaign and quite a few of those ideas are falling apart already, including his plan to
Donald Trump s lawbreaking is probably about to get a lot more blatant now that he s going to be in office. After all, he just to
Donald Trump s new adviser on tech matters wants to basically get rid of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), whic
Demanding allegiance to a head of state as a condition for becoming a citizen sounds like something a dictator would do.And t
Trump s threatening of the press seems to be paying dividends already, with at least one publication removing a quote that co
If Donald Trump doesn t want to be booed or lampooned over the next four years he should start acting presidential instead o
Tuesday at the White House, several people are set to receive the prestigious Medal of Freedom from President Obama. Thos
It was hard to imagine Donald Trump getting any dumber during his presidential campaign, but he s truly outdone himself in th
During his campaign, Donald Trump routinely called Hillary Clinton crooked and at one point he told supporters his Democrati
It is not even 7 AM on the American east coast as of this writing, and Donald Trump is already up and tweeting. As per usual w
Over the weekend, the white supremacist group, National Policy Institute, held their annual conference in Washington, D.C., a
One of Donald Trump s biggest ideas and a way he hopes to peel off support from some Democrats is to propose a big infrastr
Donald Trump s plan to create a national registry of Muslims residing in the United States alarms people of good faith and dec
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has reportedly been in the running for Secretary of Homeland Security, and as an early T
The benignly-named National Policy Institute held a meeting on Saturday, where 200 white nationalists and neo-Nazi types ga
Donald Trump has had a rocky relationship with the press ever since his presidential campaign, and he s only punished them f
While the United States and a few European countries seem to be taking a major right-hand political turn, Pope Francis made
On Face The Nation, Mike Pence showed exactly how low the Trump administration is when he refused (again) to commit to t
On CNN s State of the Union yesterday, Reince Priebus fielded a question about Gen. Michael Flynn s insistence that it s perfe
Earlier this year, President Obama joked that as soon as he was out of office he would set aside three to four months to sleep
After Trump s latest Twitter rant over the performance protest, or rather, polite urging of Mike Pence, the true big story of the
After the election of Donald Trump many folks seem to see it as a permission slip to be as racist and vile as possible. However,
Sounds like someone can t handle the truth.In her new book, Fox News host Megyn Kelly claimed that pro-Trump hosts would
We have really got to stop allowing Donald Trump to control the conversation. Every time anything negative about him comes
After eight years of being told that Barack Obama is the most divisive president in the history of the United States, Republican
In a convenient distraction from Trump s recent $25 million settlement in fraud lawsuits connected to his fake university, virul
Mall Santas have one job: be jolly. Unfortunately, that was too much for one Trump-loving douchebag in a red suit to handle.W
President-elect Donald Trump recently asked his advisers how many nights a week he would have to spend in the White Hous
Once again, Donald Trump threw a temper tantrum over Saturday Night Live and Alec Baldwin was there to put him over his k
Among the more disgusting practices Donald Trump has said he wants to bring back in the presidency is the use of torture by t
Donald Trump is considering a prominent supporter of the birther conspiracy theory from Fox News for a position in his admin
Following a traumatic Election Night and Donald Trump s unexpected win (of the electoral college), Democrats have been scra
One of Trump s biggest campaign promises was to create jobs, and right now his plan is a massive, trillion-dollar infrastructure
Donald Trump made this way too easy for George Takei.On Saturday morning, Trump lashed out at the cast of Hamilton beca
This is perfect.For months, Donald Trump has been talking about forcing Muslims to put themselves on a national registry and
Corey Lewandowski was not prepared to be a joke.But that s what happened when he claimed that Mexico will pay for the wa
Until November 8, Democrats desperately tried to dismiss the prediction of presidential historian Allan Lichtman, who has acc
Donald Trump is a pathetic loser.Despite repeatedly claiming that he s a winner who never settles court cases filed against h
Trump mouthpiece Kayleigh McEnany just made the most asinine claim about Mike Pence and got roundly hammered for it on
Donald Trump really needs to keep his mouth shut because that s apparently the only way he ll be able to act presidential inst
Donald Trump has a very thin skin. He has demonstrated this repeatedly; after all, he attacked the family of a fallen Muslim-Am
Donald Trump is now the president-elect, and he has shown no sign that he has any intention of doing as he says in trying to h
If Republicans vote to confirm Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, they can never again distance themselves from white nationa
The parent company for the conservative Fox News forced out the man who created the network, Roger Ailes, over the summ
After a whole week off, and an emotional tribute from Hillary Clinton s portrayer, Kate McKinnon, Alec Baldwin will return to S
Rachel Maddow decided to scrap a segment and go off-script to warn her viewers about Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. Do
Donald Trump supporters thought that when they donated to his presidential campaign, they were actually receiving Make A
Donald Trump says he wants to be the president for all Americans, but he has put a literal white supremacist steps from the O
Mike Pence took time off from organizing Trump s transition efforts to catch a musical on Broadway but if he thought he wou
Neil deGrasse Tyson is generally hesitates before weighing in on political matters, but when it comes to anti-science politicians
In what was supposed to be a celebration of Thanksgiving, one little boy named Caleb in West Virginia was just brought to tea
The appointment of several white supremacists and controversial political figures to Donald Trump s administration has terrifi
A movement has apparently been afoot in many Starbucks stores around the country Trump fans have been putting Trump
If Donald Trump picked retired General David Petraeus as the next Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense, it would be his w
Admitting to the United States something most of the population already knew considering the popular vote went to Hillary C
If you watched CNN during this highly contentious election cycle, you likely saw Democrat Van Jones go toe-to-toe with Jeffrey
When Donald Trump named Steve Bannon as his chief policy strategist, millions of Americans expressed outrage and fear beca
What could possibly go wrong?Rep. Mike Pompeo is a right-wing extremist who has no problem violating human and civil righ
The more unsavory people Donald Trump appoints, the angrier Americans will get.If Trump truly wanted unity in the country h
Donald Trump just selected a racist homophobe as the nation s leading law enforcement officer.Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions
Remember when Donald Trump claimed that Ford was moving jobs and production to Mexico? Well, we all knew he was lying
You know how the NRA constantly tells us that their army of good guys with guns are ready to swoop in at the first sign of da
The Democrats weren t able to outright win the Senate back from the GOP, but the GOP s majority isn t exactly huge or secure
One of the things that Trump wants to do over the next four years is continue to hold huge rallies for the purpose of stroking h
This is what Republicans mean when they use words like unity. In what looks like an image advertising their whiteness to imp
Donald Trump was right about one thing. The election was rigged and in more ways than one. From WackyLeaks interfering t
It s been more than a week since the election of Donald Trump and his supporters have been teaching us a big lesson namely
A teacher in Maryland is apparently gunning for a chance to be Donald Trump s pick for Secretary of Education. On Wednesda
Republicans are stooping to a new low when it comes to their disdain for civil disobedience and the Bill of Rights.As anti-Trum
For nigh on two years now, wise people have been warning against the normalization of Donald Trump. However, the media in
Donald Trump has his staff working on the logistics of allowing him to stay in his gilded apartment in New York City very freque
And yet the media wonders why everyone hates them.It s understandable that someone might get frustrated doing their job s
In one of his first moves since becoming the President-Elect, Donald Trump has chosen one of the worst human beings in the c
With the election of Donald Trump, many people are pointing fingers in many different directions to try and figure out what ex
Kneel before Trump is not something you ll be seeing General Zod portrayer Michael Shannon do anytime soon.The Man of S
It was just a few days ago that Bernie Sanders responded to Trump s election win with the perfect message from Democrats. H
Well, that didn t take long. In the short time since Americans kinda-sorta elected Donald Trump to be Pussygrabber-in-Chief, T
Daryush Valizadeh is a sexist and misogynist who is lobbying to make rape legal on private property, and he is a fan of Donald
For a crash course in why reality television star Donald Trump is unfit to be the next President of the United States, one only n
Donald Trump wants to rule America from his golden tower in New York City, but the ladies of The View want him to go away
The entire nation and world have been worried for months about what the reality of a Donald Trump presidency might be like
Twitter has finally decided to take action against the white supremacists running rampant on the social media platform. The sa
A Tennessee official has resigned from his position after he was stupid enough to splash racist posts all over his Facebook page
Admiral Michael Rogers, the current head of the National Security Agency s Cybersecurity division, confirmed today that Wikil
Fox News host Megyn Kelly is all too familiar with Donald Trump s bullying tactics. She d endured several of them during the p
There are a ton of potential conflict-of-interest problems cropping up as Trump prepares to take office. One is his use of the Se
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who is an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, has decided against accepting a Cabine
Racists and Confederate flag worshipers may be celebrating now but Director Rob Reiner just informed them that Trump s vict
Just like Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway did on Fox News Sunday, CNN pundit and Trump mouthpiece Kayleigh M
A week after the election, much of the country is still devastated that a reality television star was chosen over an overqualified
After last week s election, Hillary supporters found a modicum of comfort in a photo, which quickly went viral. The photo was
During an interview, Steve Bannon who is the new White House strategist under Donald Trump just referred to left-wing wom
As much as we activists might wish otherwise, it s not always a good idea to talk politics. This is particularly true if you re a inse
In reaction to Donald Trump s victory, The Simpsons decided to update their 2000 prediction of a Trump presidency.In 2000, t
It s time to start arresting Trump supporters for this bullshit.Ernest Walker is a proud veteran who served this country with the
It has just been announced that Donald Trump and his transition team have former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani as a to
The violence and hate we witnessed at Trump rallies is now spilling over into the rest of society. Since the billionaire racist mis
Renowned scholar Noam Chomsky has been warning of a Trump presidency and his fears have now become a reality. His asse
Donald Trump spent months on the campaign trail bashing NATO, the cornerstone of global security after World War II. Howe
Donald Trump s hateful, divisive rhetoric brought out the worst in Americans during his presidential campaign and now that th
All kinds of people from both the Left and the Right have been all over the cable news shows in recent days to tell the entire c
Most of the people with brains in this country knew that Donald Trump, a reality television star, was not fit to be the next Pres
Donald Trump has no idea WTF he is doing. None. I know, shocking, right? Thankfully, President Obama has decided to take pi
Trump has just made his campaign CEO, Steve Bannon, his new chief strategist, and that doesn t bode well for anybody who m
Despite the fact that Donald Trump received fewer votes than his opponent, Hillary Clinton, he s the victor from Tuesday s ele
A whole lot of evangelical Trump voters just discovered they got duped.By picking Mike Pence as his vice-president, Donald Tr
While Donald Trump is back peddling on several of his campaign promises, like the wall, repealing Obamacare, prosecuting Hil
Now that Donald Trump has scared and fleeced uneducated, gullible people into giving him the White House, there are many
If anyone had any deluded designs that Donald Trump wasn t going to stack his staff with racists, they were sadly mistaken. Tr
Post election, the media and Donald Trump voters everywhere have been rewriting recent history. They are making the claim
As predicted, Donald Trump s victory on Election Day has emboldened racist conservatives to start harassing and attacking min
This literally made me scream at my television in rage.If there is one person who has been more hypocritical than Donald Trum
Before the leaked tape of Donald Trump describing his propensity to grab women by the pussy to Billy Bush, it seemed that t
Republicans are frothing at the mouth with excitement that Donald Trump could be the rubber stamp president they have bee
Saturday Night Live is known for the laughs they give us and they sure gave us plenty when it came to the 2016 election. This w
This is truly a sad group of people we ve put in charge of the country. Trump himself doesn t want to work and seems to be ac
Since Republicans had such a problem with President Obama going on vacation and playing golf, they ll be totally opposed to D
As we unfortunately learned during the presidential campaign, Donald Trump s biggest fans love to tell themselves HUGE lies,
Hillary Clinton is speaking up after her election loss and coming forward with the facts on what contributed to the results. Des
In the wake of election day and Donald Trump s win, many Americans have been left scratching their heads and wondering jus
While this election was undeniably (from one side) meaner and more divisive than perhaps ever before, most elections do bec
While they are sad and in understandable despair, liberals are not simply sitting shell-shocked over the election of Donald Trum
If you claim to be a Christian but support Donald Trump and all the hate and bigotry he embodies, you re a hypocrite.And tha
As we are watching names being floated as part of Donald Trump s cabinet, it seems our greatest nightmares are beginning to
Trump s biggest champion on the other side of the pond, Mr. Brexit himself, made a joke about Trump that s just a taste of h
After the election of Donald Trump, albeit not the popular vote by a long shot, many bigots everywhere are taking this as their
A mere four days after Trump got exactly what he claimed he wanted, his transition team is plagued with infighting, shake-ups
Trump fans may have won the election, but they aren t taking a break from expressing their racist hatred of Michelle Obama.
One of the major issues of the 2016 campaign was Trump s taxes, and the reason everyone made such a big deal of it was the
Well, well, well, look what we have here.During his meeting with President Obama, Donald Trump apparently was convinced t
The election of reality television star Donald Trump has people all over the world responding in various ways. Some of us are i
As if the election of Donald Trump couldn t get even more disastrous and hypocritical, Senator Lindsey Graham just called on T
America will have a fascist in the White House starting on January 20th, and this Irish senator can t believe his own governmen
Prior to the election, one of the things that Trump kept harping on was how the DNC gave Hillary debate questions in advance
Millions of Americans did not vote for Donald Trump on Tuesday night and are protesting his election. And Trump can only wh
Donald Trump is the best player on the terrorist organization s team, and they couldn t be happier that he won the election.Tu
Who doesn t love Leslie Knope? She even wormed her way into the heart of that staunch libertarian Ron Swanson.Parks and R
The federal judge overseeing two of the three fraud cases against Donald Trump has advised all parties to settle given all else
The nation and world are reeling from the fact that we are now facing a horrifying reality: Four years being ruled by the likes o
Two nights ago, we elected the worst person imaginable to the highest office in the land. His Majesty, King Hater, doesn t take
The unthinkable has happened, and we are now all forced to live under a Donald Trump administration for the next four years
The effects of a Donald Trump presidency are already starting to take shape. We ve been hearing of incidents of racism all ove
It appears the repercussions of a Donald Trump America are already taking full effect. Donnie Jones Jr., who is African-America
Racists are all jizzed up after Donald Trump s victory. Sandra Thompson, President of the York, Pennsylvania NAACP, explained
Let s get something straight here Americans did not elect Donald Trump. Our system did. And although Republicans retained
The moment Donald Trump is sworn in as president, Congress could begin impeachment proceedings and they could win. It co
How are nonwhite children supposed to feel safe in Donald Trump s America? On Tuesday less than half the country elected a
Democrats who are offering to work with Donald Trump should cease and desist right now because he has no interest in comp
Reports are saying that President Obama, as always, is a complete class act he s telling everyone at the White House to show
These deplorable people are just incapable of taking personal responsibility for their own words and actions.Racism was one o
For the entirety of Donald Trump s presidential campaign, there was a massive amount of suspicion surrounding the reality te
Donald Trump actually won, despite the popular vote. It s pretty hard to believe, and no one really expected this. Not even the
We love Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She s the sweet but also sharp liberal justice who sits on the Supreme Court. She s also no fan
Trump and his deplorable supporters worked for a year and a half dividing this nation and now they are complaining because
Now that he s president-elect, Donald Trump has begun turning his attention to his transition, as well as beginning to build up
If there s one thing this election succeeded in doing, it s bringing heartbreak and confusion to many, many people.So many tho
The racist Ku Klux Klan is very pleased that Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States in the 2016 election
Americans woke up on to a country that will soon have Donald Trump serving as president. It is a frightening realization. Howe
Welcome to Trump s America, a.k.a. Trumplandia. People are saying it s not going to be that bad, everything will be okay, etc.
Across the nation, thousands of upset American citizens are protesting Donald Trump s victory in the 2016 presidential electio
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) has such a hate-on for Hillary that he s going to continue the probe into her emails, despite the fact
Election night on November 8, took everyone by surprise. The polls showed Hillary Clinton up pretty much everywhere she ne
Right now, it s looking increasingly like Hillary Clinton is going to win the popular vote, although we won t know for sure for we
While most of us are still in a state of shock over the results of the 2016 election, the women of The View tried to reassure Am
Sometimes, it sucks to take the high road. When they go low, we go high has, sadly, led to loss and now, in defeat, Hillary Cl
Russia and Vladimir Putin got what they wanted last night when Donald Trump won the election.Throughout this campaign, Tr
While the final vote tally won t be in for quite some time, at this point it s looking like the massive victory Republicans were gr
The election result tonight is hard to swallow for many of us. Donald Trump is so deeply unpresidential in so many ways, it s ha
Well, sad to say, it s a sure chance the next president of our beloved United States of America is going to be Donald Trump. It
This election has been hard for South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham. After fighting his little Republican heart out in the prim
It s over, folks. Shy a miracle, and despite probably losing the popular vote, Trump has won the election (and wrecked the wor
The prospect of Donald Trump winning the presidency is scaring the hell out of the world s markets, and conservatives are to b
Whether Republican nominee Donald Trump actually ever wanted to be the next President of the United States has been und
An active shooter situation is developing in Los Angeles outside a polling place in Azusa. Not much is known at the moment, in
Donald Trump is counting on a big win tonight, although most pollsters indicate a victory for Hillary Clinton. Still yet, we re sur
Of course, this happened in Florida.After reportedly failing to convince a man to support Donald Trump during a heated argum
Trump is panicking to the point where he s not sleeping and he even tried to hold five rallies across half the country on Sunday
If there s one thing we ve learned in this election, it s that Donald Trump s narcissism has absolutely no boundaries. He s clear
This election is bringing out all kinds of emotions in pretty much everyone. If you re not extraordinarily passionate about one o
Donald Trump showed up to vote in New York City with his wife Melania and hilarity ensued.When the Trump s walked throug
Bill Maher made an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and made sure everyone knows exactly who Donald t
Anderson Cooper only needed a single sentence to put a Trump supporter to shame.During a panel discussion at a Hillary Clin
Ah, the ultimate Trump fangirl, with the exception of Sarah Palin (gag). Both of them are enamored of Trump, and it s not hard
Well, it happened, folks. Jon Stewart made yet another triumphant return just in time for the election, and he definitely had a
Just hours before the presidential election, President Obama gave a powerful speech at Hillary Clinton s final campaign rally in
Here on the eve of this historic election, we face what is perhaps the most important election of our lives. We ve watched not
If there s one thing that has been made one-hundred percent certain throught the course of this presidential election, it s that
Paul Ryan just gave another one of his notoriously lukewarm endorsements of Donald Trump. Intent on walking the thin line b
Going into Election Day, Trump s campaign is worried enough about his lack of control to wrestle his Twitter account away fro
While the Supreme Court blocked the worst of North Carolina s voter suppression laws (including their voter ID law, and their
This is not something that happens every day, but it s exactly what Ana Navarro did on Monday.Navarro has been a Republica
Republican nominee Donald Trump has finally made some decisions on a few of his Cabinet members if he wins the election to
It s been two days since the Secret Service determined that there was no assassination attempt on Donald Trump s life, yet co
With less than 24 hours before Election Day, things are going disastrously for Donald Trump s campaign team.Trump s commu
The FBI had just announced that it was clearing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the most recent email probe, and Dona
A new report from the New York Times revealed some interesting goings-on with Team Trump. For one, Donald Trump had his
President Obama has shown he s a human being with compassion time and again. Most recently, he met a 12-year old boy wit
Kellyanne Conway finally got buried by a barrage of questions calling her and Trump out for being hypocrites, and it was totall
Assuming Hillary Clinton wins Tuesday s election, as she s predicted to do, she will owe at least part of her success to the Sena
How this didn t happen sooner, I do not know. But on Sunday, Ted Nugent appeared at a campaign rally with Donald Trump an
What the f*ck is wrong with our country? Republicans may say that racism ended with Rosa Parks (they actually say this), but
It s two days before Americans head to the polls to choose between an orange, unhinged self-described billionaire and one of
In a sorry attempt to smear the protester who allegedly threatened Trump with a sign in Reno, people are already working on
Donald Trump s Twitter account is littered with insults and inappropriate comments, remarks disparaging others and typos. Fo
House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz has been fantasizing about investigating a potential President Hillary Clin
Trying to catch the liar of liars in a lie isn t hard. Getting him and his campaign to acknowledge that Trump is the liar of liars is.
By now, the only people in the world who still think Trump was the target of an assassination on Saturday are his supporters a
It s the fake assassination attempt heard around the world and everyone is laughing at Donald Trump.On Saturday night in Re
While campaigning in Reno on Saturday, the Secret Service suddenly rushed Trump off the stage with no one to give an explan
The apparent increase among Latino voters in key early voting states seems to be triggering something of a public meltdown w
Saturday Night Live has helped bring quite a bit of levity to this otherwise horrific election year but in the final episode before
We are now down to the wire in the all-important and hotly contested 2016 election. Everyone has crawled into their corners
It s hard not to love Joss Whedon, the director of The Avengers films. Not only is he a great film director capable of seamlessl
Senator Pat Toomey is a staunch Republican caught in a close re-election race against Kate McGinty in Pennsylvania, and he ll
Senator Tim Kaine, the Democratic Party s vice-presidential nominee, has apparently had enough of people trying to interfere
Early voting has concluded in Nevada, and tallies don t really favor Trump. In fact, he and other Republicans may have already
Hillary Clinton has a much better run campaign than Donald Trump does. She has a ground game, and get out the vote operati
Trump seems to think he can easily garner the minimum 270 electoral votes that he would need to win the presidency, and th
The right wing is still harping on the FBI s discovery of new emails that supposedly relate to the probe into Hillary Clinton. As e
Appearing at a concert for Hillary Clinton in Ohio alongside Chance the Rapper, Big Sean and her husband Jay Z, Beyonc let us
Hillary Clinton enjoyed a performance by Jay-Z and Beyonce at a rally in Ohio on Friday night and Donald Trump complained li
With just three days until Election Day, Hillary Clinton just dropped a bombshell reminding us why Donald Trump is totally unfi
Donald Trump has been attacking President Obama for campaigning in support of Hillary Clinton, and he got his ass handed to
Bill Maher surprisingly thanked Donald Trump on Friday night for doing at least one good thing during this campaign.For years
The possibility of a civil war has been on a lot of people s minds as the election gets closer. CNN s Van Jones decided to sit dow
A Trump supporter in Loudoun County, Virginia, spent his Friday patrolling a polling place while armed with a gun. Go figure, t
The woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her at age 13 has dropped her lawsuit after canceling a press conference sla
George R.R. Martin, who is best known as the writer of Game of Thrones, knows a little something about liars and bad leader
Sometimes it takes a wolf to catch a snake.Rudy Giuliani has been making the media rounds over the last two days, bragging t
GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has taken a ridiculously hardline and even bigoted stance on immigration. He has
Generally, it s considered rather unprofessional to comment on someone s looks rather than their actions or words, but it s ha
When they go low, we go high, First Lady Michelle Obama told the crowd at the 2016 Democratic Convention a message he
We are now in the finally days leading up to the 2016 presidential election, and if there s one thing everyone must do it s vot
Clearly, there is no low Trump supporters won t stoop in the effort to get him elected president.Ever since the Republican nom
If you had wanted to give Trump supporters the benefit of the doubt, this most recent incident proves that it s far too much to
In yet another bombshell report, Newsweek just revealed that Vladamir Putin and the Russian government are actively trying
I am not a psychologist. I don t even play one on TV, but after more than a year of hearing non-stop Donald Trump verbal vom
On Friday, a jury did something that will certainly anger Donald Trump s hamburger delivery boy, Chris Christie handed down
Republican nominee Donald Trump definitely has the worst surrogates out of anyone who has ever run for President. They can
We ve all seen pictures of the Trumps in their home surrounded by tacky gold decor, complete with their young son Barron in
It was a simple question, but it was enough turn Donald Trump s campaign manager into a live train wreck.Melania Trump s co
John Bennet, a Republican representative from Sallisaw, Oklahoma, crossed the line by calling for the assassination of Hillary C
Something is definitely incredibly suspicious with recently looked at video of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani knowi
Donald Trump has promoted the conspiracy theory that this year s election is going to be rigged, but there is no such operati
It s the first week of November, so of course, it s time for the annual War on Christmas idiocy to get underway. Last year, the
As her husband continues to bully people on Twitter, Melania Trump continues to hypocritically lecture America about how cy
Fox Host Bret Baier found himself forced to retract a statement earlier today that claimed an indictment against Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump s wife Melania, who became infamous for copying First Lady Michelle Obama s speech word for word at the Re
The wife of a cyberbully spoke today about what she would take on as First Lady if her husband is elected. Melania Trump wan
You know all that buzz you are hearing about a likely Hillary Clinton FBI indictment? This may be the shocker of all shockers, b
A senator from Pennsylvania is asking the Department of Justice to step in following widespread media reports of white supre
Less than a week before one of the most important presidential elections of our lifetimes, the focus has been turned to one pa
The Twilight actress absolutely shredded the Republican nominee.And the reason why is pretty clear. Throughout his campaig
Donald Trump once again bullied NBC correspondent Katy Tur during a rally and put her safety at risk, prompting Nicole Walla
It wasn t too long ago that Republican nominee Donald Trump made us feel sick to our stomach when he told Gold Star paren
The ultimate guide to who really is the worst candidate in this election.On a night when the Chicago Cubs won their first World
Georgia s Republican governor Nathan Deal stirred up a hornet s nest of controversy when comments he made referring to bla
The Chicago Cubs have just won the World Series for the first time after 108 years, and one Chicago native couldn t be happier
Donald Trump s deplorable supporters aren t waiting for the election results to start spilling blood.They ve been threatening b
As Election Day approaches, the threat of violence and bloodshed is becoming more and more likely.So far, the threats of a vio
The New York Observer, which Ivanka Trump s husband, Jared Kushner, owns, has made its presidential endorsement. Or, mo
For the first time, in recent memory at least, the FBI has decided to put its thumb on the scale of the presidential election by r
What is it with Trump supporters constantly threatening future President Hillary Clinton s life? Oklahoma state Rep. John Benn
This election is all about the Supreme Court, and nobody s been hammering that point more than Republicans. They say that i
After former reality show star Donald Trump was caught on video speaking casually about sexually assaulting women, it s clea
Just a few days before election day, Donald Trump s dangerous supporters are ramping up their intimidation and fear tactics
Hillary Clinton has had it with Donald Trump s rude, offensive supporters and the numerous intimidation tactics they try to use
As you all know by now, former Daily Show host Jon Stewart once gave Donald Trump a much-retweeted nickname: F*ckface
Baylor University s vice president for senior operations, Reagan Ramsower, apparently doesn t think much of women who rep
What many people have been predicting throughout the course of this election may be starting to come to fruition, but it s sti
It seems that Donald Trump is rather unpopular with the workforce that will have to answer to him if he s elected. Despite the
Video quickly went viral of Trump supporter George Lindell, a resident of Phoenix, Arizona. Lindell could be seen and heard ch
Donald Trump supporters casually talk to reporters while threatening to murder Hillary Clinton if she s elected. With Donald s
Former President Bill Clinton has been known to put hecklers in their place before, and he did it again on Tuesday when some
Donald Trump has his cute little nickname for Crooked Hillary Clinton, but soon-to-be former Texas Agriculture Commissione
Efforts to stop protesters opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline have backfired spectacularly. Just last week, police in riot gear f
A federal judge has ordered the Republican National Committee to reveal the details of any pacts they may have made with D
In case you haven t heard, Donald Trump is due in federal court next month just after he may be elected President to answe
With the news that there may be some undiscovered emails that may or may not be pertinent to anything going on with Hillar
James Comey, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is in hot water for sending a vague letter about some emails
Trump has repeatedly said that all the ways he avoided paying taxes was legal, and has even shown his ignorance about how o
The connection between Donald Trump s presidential campaign and Vladimir Putin s government in Russia has been denied by
By now we ve all heard about or seen the cast of Will & Grace get back together to make sure everyone votes for Hillary Clinto
Donald Trump is a serial liar and that probably explains his dislike for fact-checkers. Donald has viciously targeted the media an
Democratic party leaders from four states have officially filed federal lawsuits against Donald Trump and his advisor Roger Sto
Can we all finally agree that Donald Trump s campaign is just ridiculous at this point? On Monday, Kellyanne Conway showed u
This is hypocrisy of the highest order and proves that Donald Trump would only make a mockery of our government institution
Robert Reich is one of the most respected voices in politics. He also has many friends who are current and former elected offic
This has been one nasty election year. First, a North Carolina GOP office was firebombed. Luckily, no one was hurt. Now, anoth
Chicago doesn t tend to be one of the cities one thinks of when one thinks of the religious right. Unfortunately, they do exist h
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) wrote a letter to James Comey on Sunday where he lambasted the FBI director for r
When a Fox News host tried to whine about the way the media has been covering Donald Trump, Mark Cuban dropped a truth
For like the eleventy-billionth time, Sarah Palin posted a broken link to a Facebook post on Twitter Sunday. Now, at first glance
One thing that has continuously dogged the Donald Trump for president campaign is the fact that racists, anti-semites, xenoph
There s no doubt that two men seated near the front row at Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, Wis., are not Hillary Clinton su
Donald Trump has often invoked the U.S. military and treatment of military veterans while he has campaigned as the Republic
Newt Gingrich, who s totally, utterly and completely up Trump s ass except for when he s not, claims to know who will be in th
Donald Trump, like any bully, loves to talk crap, but when his victim stands up to him, he always, every single time, backs down
Donald Trump and his political campaign have become, over the last year, ground zero in America for anti-Semitic activity from
With just ten days to go until the election, one would expect that Donald Trump and his campaign would be in a flurry of final
Donald Trump s popularity with African-Americans is somewhere near zero. Still, there are some African-American Trump sup
After Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed HB2 dubbed the bathroom bill into law, the state lost a lot of business. Corporations can
When former President Richard Nixon s cronies broke into DNC Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in 1972, it was a scanda
Donald Trump has repeatedly accused Democrats of rigging the election against him, but it turns out his own supporters are d
Donald Trump is a petty thin-skinned wannabe dictator who loves revenge. And this is proof.As we all know, the Republican no
The media everywhere seems to be jumping on the new revelation of Hillary Clinton s emails without actually reading what w
Shark Tank star and insanely successful real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran has known Republican nominee Donald Trump fo
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has made life a living hell for party leaders since he first began to rise in the p
When Fox News goon Jesse Watters went to Chinatown in New York to put together an incredibly racist segment filled with As
This election is already the nastiest one on record in American political history. The aftermath could end up being the bloodies
In the simplest of terms, one way to describe Donald Trump supporters would be to call them interesting. However, not intere
A new report indicates that Vice President Joe Biden s long tenure in Washington, D.C. may not be over just yet if Hillary Clinto
At a rally in Toledo, Ohio, Trump made his most frightening statement of this election cycle yet. After comparing his tax plan to
The domestic terrorists who staged an armed takeover of a federal facility have been given a not guilty verdict by a jury in Po
Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson isn t doing too well in the polls, and a recently released interview is not going
If there is a special place in hell for a woman who works against the best interests of women, this Trump supporter already ha
Donald Trump has been shouting that the election is rigged against him for weeks. On Thursday morning, the GOP nominee w
Donald Trump keeps saying that all the women who have come forward alleging that he acted in a sexually inappropriate way
Making sure that Democrats take control of the Senate just became even more important.Ever since Justice Antonin Scalia die
Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for President of the United States, has made her case this election by painting herself as being
It s clear that Donald Trump thinks his daughter is beautiful. There s nothing wrong with that. All fathers are supposed to belie
If Trump supporters seriously want black people to vote for the Republican nominee, they should leave their nooses at home.
The New York Times published a piece displaying the 282 people Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter since he announced hi
Conservatives claim that voter ID is necessary to catch illegal voters, but it turns out they re the only ones creating fake IDs to
Newt Gingrich must really be regretting his little temper tantrum on Megyn Kelly s show now.Because his tirade about Kelly be
Democrats appear to be completely fed up with Donald Trump s bizarre conspiracy theory where he alleges without evidence
For months, various third parties have been making all sorts of noises about how we need third-party candidates in the presid
Most political campaigns prefer to spend the bulk of their money on ad buys, internal polling and other research, voting lists, c
Newt Gingrich just got owned by the ladies of The View. On Tuesday night, the Kelly File host interviewed Trump supporter an
The All Lives Matter movement may have just found its new spokesperson. On Wednesday morning, Rudy Giuliani gave everyo
Sean Hannity is a dick and Twitter let him know it.During his radio show on Tuesday, the Fox News host and Trump propagand
Donald Trump s Hollywood star on the Walk of Fame was utterly destroyed early this morning by a man wielding a sledgeham
Actress Helen Mirren does not have tolerance for misogynist pigs like Donald Trump. She refuses to put up with it in Hollywoo
Republican nominee Donald Trump usually incites violence against his protesters, as well as women and minorities, but last ni
Newt Gingrich completely disrespected Megyn Kelly, yet she is the one receiving threats because she refused to be treated lik
The FBI has actually received a voter suppression complaint, but not against Hillary and the Democrats despite Trump s insiste
It s Fox News, but that doesn t mean that everyone is blindly following Donald Trump. Anchor Megyn Kelly fell off the Trump t
If you ve at all been watching the news coverage of Donald Trump rallies lately, you ve likely noticed the use of an upbeat pop
We all know Trump is vindictive. If he wasn t, he wouldn t be threatening lawsuits against everyone under the sun, and promis
New video has surfaced adding to the mountain of evidence that while working alongside his father, Fred Trump, young Dona
Donald Trump, increasingly desperate as the election begins to slip away, has begun simply making up nightmare scenarios th
Nobody would have ever said this about any of our previous presidents. Nobody.But because President Obama and his family
Matt Forney has an awfully disturbing prediction for what might happen as a result of Republican nominee Donald Trump runn
Trump has no compassion, and he has no empathy. He only focuses on himself, which is proven with a blog post of supposed
Donald Trump s vitriol and sexism just made a Texas judge leave the Republican Party, and she announced her departure on v
Colin Powell is a Republican, but he voted for our beloved President Obama twice, and now he is again angering the nutty win
Donald Trump keeps claiming that the election is rigged. Well, he s right, only it s the Republicans who are doing the rigging.W
After watching their Republican nominee insult nearly every minority living in America, conservatives know just how dangerou
One of the more popular segments on Jimmy Kimmel Live is Celebrities Read Mean Tweets. Sometimes Kimmel runs special
Michelle Obama is arguably the strongest weapon Hillary Clinton s campaign has when it comes to fighting Donald Trump. And
Trump has been very clear for the last week or so he will not accept the results of Election Night if he s not the winner. He ev
Hillary Clinton often talks about how Donald Trump can be baited with a tweet, and thus he s ill-suited to be President of the U
While campaigning for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire on Monday, Elizabeth Warren just did what she does best, pulverize D
These kinds of slaps on the wrist should get judges fired. Period.Wesley Dylan Marshall is probably only going to serve 75 perc
Eric Trump, the son of the GOP presidential nominee, told George Stephanopoulos on ABC This Week that his father has carri
Donald Trump is all about free speech, as long as it means that he can verbally abuse anyone who gets in his way without havi
We all know that man-baby Donald Trump hates the First Amendment when it doesn t favor him, so you can only imagine how
Sean Hannity openly supports Donald Trump for president and has turned his media platform into the Republican nominee s p
If you needed more proof that Donald Trump is a toxic hateful bully, there s a two-page spread in the New York Times you nee
Economists, even conservative ones, have severe problems with Trump s economic policies. They re unrealistic, and he doesn
Donald Trump is a liar. He will do and say anything in his never-ending quest for more and more money and power. This is nev
Very few people with significant money or power in this country are voting for Donald Trump. Even the Koch brothers are pub
Very little is more infuriating for women than to have our appearances policed. Yet, police us people do, usually by criticizing w
GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has been steadily ripping the Republican Party apart at the seams due to the embarr
Donald Trump will probably want to dump his new favorite slogan now.The Republican nominee has for talking for weeks abo
Donald Trump s recent talk of a rigged election is dangerous, as it undermines the trust of Americans in the electoral process
The reason why many conservatives support Donald Trump is because they literally think he will erase the last 60 years of Am
When it comes to the Trump family, one thing is for certain, they love photo opportunities, especially with those who they thi
Prisoners of war are routinely subjected to torture. One form of torture that is regularly used is waterboarding, which is a horr
Donald Trump is a lot of things, but presidential is not one of them. Kellyanne Conway is Trump s campaign manager, so it s he
The presidential debates have been comedy gold for Saturday Night Live and a disaster for Donald Trump and that didn t chan
The idea of there being a group of people who are gay and actively support the GOP is pretty ludicrous, considering the Repub
During all the fallout from the Access Hollywood tape that first revealed Donald Trump to be a sexual predator, and now, wit
Seriously, Trump supporters are scarily messed up people.The Secret Service needs to be on high alert through Election Day, b
The math for the election is very simple: The more black voters, the worse the results will be for the Republican Party and the
Pennsylvania is always one of the most sought-after states in presidential elections, and even though it has been reliably Dem
While the controversy over Trump s personal tax returns continues, business credit rating company Nav decided to take a look
It was just a simple tweet but Stephen King s latest post about Donald Trump turned into something so much more with help f
Donald Trump just broke his biggest promise to his supporters in a BIGLY way.During his speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania o
If Donald Trump goes down, so does House Speaker Paul Ryan.At least that s what Trump supporters are suggesting in an atta
Donald Trump Jr. tried in vain to brush off his dad s boasts of being able to sexually assault women, arguing that when men ta
One of Trump s minions just embarrassed herself on CNN and everyone laughed at her.During a discussion on Friday night, Tru
Music mogul Russell Simmons has been friends with Republican nominee Donald Trump for the past 30 years, and has finally c
Donald Trump probably thought that running for president would be a huge boon for all his businesses. However, it s starting
Curt Schilling, who is challenging Elizabeth Warren for her senate seat, took part in an interview on CNN this Friday. And well,
You would think that after President Barack Obama specifically warned Republican nominee Donald Trump not to attack his w
Donald Trump loves beautiful women. We know that because he s told us that, repeatedly. In fact, he once called hot women
The Daily Caller is disgusting. Any media outlet that isn t disgusting wouldn t have been so cold, callous and cruel to a woman
It s not an exaggeration to say that Donald Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He has pretty much every characteristi
Former KKK grand wizard David Duke has officially qualified to participate in the Louisiana state senate debate after pulling in
Grab your popcorn and sit down because Trump just posted a tweet that proves how delusional he really is.It s been two days
Donald Trump has dragged the Republican Party so far down the toilet that former Republican National Committee Chairman
Who doesn t love Weird Al Yankovic and his hilarious parodies of famous songs? This time, though, he teamed up with Songif
A Texas lawmaker just defended Donald Trump s remark toward Hillary Clinton during the third and final presidential debate.
Trump voters are stupid enough to defend him no matter what he does. As Trump himself has pointed out, he could shoot som
Democratic and Republican presidential candidates have traditionally gone to New York City s Al Smith Dinner to help raise mo
Donald Trump set off a lot of alarm bells with his claim in the last presidential debate that he would not graciously concede th
Republicans have a knack for making bad choices, but this one is a whopper. One Kansas Republican thought it would be a goo
During the last presidential debate, many people were live-tweeting their responses to the candidate s answers. One of those
With Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claiming he may not accept the election results on November 8th if he lo
CNN host Carol Costello was so fed up with a Trump s supporter s claims of voter fraud that she threatened to cut the intervie
Donald Trump just declared himself a threat to our democracy.During the final presidential debate in Las Vegas on Wednesda
In a video that everyone should see, GQ special correspondent Keith Olbermann had strong words for Donald Trump in respon
Two days ago, a poll from the Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkite News had Democrat Paul Penzone beating out Republican
There were many notable moments from last night s presidential debate thanks to Republican nominee Donald Trump, who m
Sarah Palin agrees with Donald Trump that Democrats will somehow cheat to help Hillary Clinton win on Election Day, and her
Donald Trump is semi-right: this election might be rigged. However, this election is rigged against the people, not him.Take a l
When Donald Trump s CNN stooges tried to defend his remarks about whether he would accept the results of the election or
In the last debate, Trump had to answer for the allegations that he d sexually assaulted women, which came out on tape cour
The only way that Trump can talk about immigration, and immigrants, is in racist terms. For someone other than, well, someo
A 19-year old kid is upset about the debate over the U.K. s tampon tax, because he considers tampons to be luxury items. Wh
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is in full campaign mode, and it shows. He s also having a high old time trolling House Speake
We ve been drowning in the final stretch of this presidential election cycle since August. At three weeks out, both candidates s
There s been news erupting all over the place regarding what guests Donald Trump will be inviting to the last presidential deb
Hours before the third and final presidential debate, even Trump s own daughter is trying to distance herself from her father s
Things started to fall apart faster than ever just hours before Donald Trump would face off against Hillary Clinton in the final p
@Midnight host Chris Hardwick found it very amusing to listen to Melania Trump complain about how damaging social medi
This lack of oversight proves that Donald Trump is totally unfit to be president.Earlier this week, the Republican nominee wink
Donald Trump supporters often say that they are voting for the bombastic self-proclaimed billionaire because he s a job creato
Defending Satan is hard. That s what Kellyanne Conway learned during an appearance on MSNBC on Wednesday morning.Wit
Until today, not one national poll had Clinton leading with male voters. Some have gotten close, but Donald Trump has always
Have you noticed that Donald Trump has opted to not attack or retaliate against Elizabeth Warren for quite some time? That s
When Hillary Clinton called half of Trump supporters deplorables, she said they exhibited racist, sexist, homophobic, xenoph
Remember back in May when Donald Trump said he d make California, New York and Maryland compatible (and that he d win
One of Donald Trump s top campaign officials has once again made a gross sexist comment while defending the nominee. App
It sounds like Paul LePage just claimed that he was elected twice via a rigged system.Because that s the only real way he can h
The hell with parody, this should be a real campaign ad.Donald Trump has a long and sordid history when it comes to talking a
The only state keeping the Republican Party viable at the national level in presidential races is the state of Texas. Texas and its
Donald Trump is obsessed with himself. So obsessed that he covers his wall with covers of magazines and newspapers that ha
Just when you thought Republicans couldn t get more deplorable, they go and prove you wrong.The official Twitter handle for
As Donald Trump and his supporters continue to live in a frightening amount of denial that they are losing this election, their m
Former People magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff has produced six witnesses who corroborate her allegations when she said D
Donald Trump is a disease. The symptoms have always been with us. We ve always been a nation that s at least 1/3 completel
Everybody under the sun has had something to say about Trump s boasts of sexual assault in the bombshell pu**ygate tape a
Most Americans wish that the 2016 Presidential Election were already over, but we all have to wait three more weeks, which m
Donald Trump s new strategy to spin away from the sexual assault avalanche that is burying him apparently includes accusing
Most sane people have been extremely alarmed that we have a toddler in a 70-year-old man s body at the top of a major part
Donald Trump is seriously stupid.Considering all of the sexual assault allegations against him, the fact that he wants to bang hi
Several weeks ago, polls and pundits were spelling doom and gloom for Hillary Clinton. Why? Support among millennial voters
We know Trump is a sexual predator. We know he s racist. We know he welches on contracts. We know he flies off the handle
Time and time again, Donald Trump appeared on the Howard Stern Show. During his interviews, he rated women on a scale fr
Donald Trump is again under fire from allegations of misbehavior on the topic of sexual conduct on the set of his reality show,
Terrified and unable to accept that he s destroyed almost all chances of winning this election, Republican nominee Donald Tru
Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway ran into a buzzsaw named Wolf Blitzer on Monday and she was absolutely shred
Conservative Christian leaders who still support Donald Trump despite his sexism and remarks about sexual assault are feelin
President Barack Obama hasn t exactly kept his disgust and disdain for Republican nominee Donald Trump a secret, but he ma
With the release of the 2005 Access Hollywood tape revealing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump saying lewd rem
If Republicans want to lose Congress, there s one surefire way: let Americans know that they will be in for at least two more ye
A Pennsylvania man apparently failed basic biology, but he s a strong Donald Trump supporter. Carl Unger of Montgomery Pen
One of Donald Trump s latest conspiracy theories he s been spreading far and wide about his opponent Hillary Clinton is that s
As Donald Trump condemned Democrats as animals on Sunday because a GOP office was firebombed on Saturday night, it w
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick again took to his knee during the national anthem in Sunday s game against
Elizabeth Warren went on the attack against Donald Trump again on Sunday and you can bet that the Republican nominee is f
Vice President Joe Biden has been a strong advocate for sexual assault victims and he is letting it be known exactly where he s
There is most definitely no love lost between GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan. This is e
A Republican New York Times writer just jumped ship from the GOP to become a Democrat because of Republican cowardice
Donald Trump has been coming apart at the seams before our very eyes. The public has noticed, certainly, but so has someon
New Mexico Republicans are resorting to intimidation tactics to scare voters into voting for Donald Trump.The Republican Par
Trumpkins fancy themselves true American patriots, despite their lord and savior, Donald Trump, being the opposite of Ameri
Using a pimp for pedophiles as a witness is something only a sleazy and desperate lawyer would do.But former NYC mayor and
NBC News third post-leaked audio, post-second debate poll shows something quite shocking (but not really): Hillary Clinton is
Alec Baldwin didn t even wait to taste Trump s salty yet delicious tears after his brilliant Saturday Night Live smackdown of the
Donald Trump has seen Saturday Night Live s cold open portrayal of him and it caused him to throw a hissy fit like a toddler.Al
Jim Stachowiak is a staunch Trump supporter who is just sick and tired of it all (though he probably couldn t name an actual pr
Right in the middle of the nine thousand scandals swirling around Donald Trump comes one about his running mate, Mike Pen
When you see a Trump supporter parroting his blatantly false talking point about the electoral process being rigged, just send
President Obama should put the National Guard and other military units on standby on Election Day.Because if Trump suppor
Donald Trump has claimed to be a billionaire who was willing to spend major dollars in order to secure the White House and r
Donald Trump, while pretending to reach out to minorities, has almost no minority support. That doesn t stop him from talkin
We ve heard all kinds of reasons why people shouldn t vote for Trump, and why they shouldn t even have accepted Trump to
After it was revealed in the leaked Access Hollywood tape that Donald Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women, many of
There is no getting away from Donald Trump, and he can t get away from his impossibly offensive attitude toward women. He
As Donald Trump s poll numbers drop, he continues to blame it on some vast conspiracy, saying that the election is being rigge
Donald Trump s lewd and predatory remarks about women is causing him to lose support with Republicans but his conservativ
In what may mark the absolute low point of this election, Donald Trump finally showed America what he meant when he prom
Tom Hanks is definitely voting for Hillary Clinton and he perfectly explained why earlier this week.During an interview with the
Bill Maher laid into red state voters on Friday night for sacrificing whatever humanity they had left to continue supporting Don
Given how vile Trump s treatment of women is, it s an absolute wonder that any woman at all can tolerate voting for him. Yet
Fox News host Dana Perino is finally so sick and tired of Republicans supporting Donald Trump despite all of the sexual assault
We were all waiting for this. Law & Order: SVU has announced that they will be doing an episode based on Donald Trump s ch
Donald Trump s damage control regarding his penchant for sexually assaulting women is reaching ever-darker corners of eviln
The FBI thwarted an act of domestic terrorism on Friday when they arrested three white men for plotting to blow up an apartm
Up until this point, Mark Cuban has been one of the most outspoken billionaires going after Trump and begging America to vo
Marlee Matlin may have had no comment on Thursday when it was revealed that Donald Trump called her retarded because
It appears that former Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has tanked a drug company s stock
The apple never falls far from the tree, and Trump s kids do everything they can to prove that saying true. Donald Trump Jr. to
Donald Trump is backed into a corner. After he was caught on tape admitting to sexually assaulting women, surprise! several w
Another bit of news from the past has come back to haunt Donald Trump s already imploding campaign.Only days after an Ent
This church congregation should be ashamed.After all, it was a year ago that Watermark Community Church sent a letter to Ja
When Ben Carson was asked about the multiple women accusing Donald Trump of sexually assaulting them, he proceeded to
Appearing on CBS This Morning, Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence was left floundering for responses to questi
Donald Trump has called himself a patriot many times, yet according to recent investigations he didn t donate a penny to 9/11
Two Donald Trump supporters openly carrying firearms lurked outside of a a Democratic candidate s office for 12 hours on Th
Montel Williams is an outspoken opponent of Donald Trump s campaign and has been hitting the Republican nominee particu
A man almost lost his life on a flight out of Detroit because of a racist flight crew member who apparently forgot that it s 2016
The White House has warned Donald Trump not to turn his attacks to Michelle Obama, or things could get quite rough for him
Republicans everywhere have been denouncing Trump for his boasts about sexually assaulting women, but it seems that they
As if Donald Trump hasn t angered enough people already, he has now added the deaf to that long list.According to former sta
Donald Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany was taken to the woodshed on Thursday by CNN s Jake Tapper.CNN has been aski
Donald Trump has often campaigned as the self-described law and order candidate in the 2016 presidential election. But one
One of Twitter s top trending hashtags is full of women who ve been harassed and assaulted, and they re explaining why wom
To hear Donald Trump tell it, he s the best, hugest, biggest boss there has ever been and the way he runs his businesses (if you
Since disgusting revelations came to light that show the Republicans horse crap-covered, diseased nutsack of a nominee is ac
Donald Trump s army of deplorables are viciously attacking First Lady Michelle Obama because she dared to condemn his pred
When one becomes any sort of public figure especially a political public figure one s past is often scrutinized. Therefore, it is
It s looking as though Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is losing support even from within his own ranks. You k
Bill and Hillary Clinton have been married for 41 years today. Obviously, their marriage has had its public ups and downs, but u
While holding back tears in Manchester, New Hampshire on Thursday, First Lady Michelle Obama addressed the sexual assaul
While many churches defend pastors who have raped or molested children in their congregations, a church in Pennsylvania is
With more and more coming out about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, it s become abundantly clear that he
On Thursday morning, Donald Trump did the unthinkable: he canceled an interview with one of his biggest cheerleaders, Sean
Trump mouthpiece Jeffrey Lord got his a** handed to him by Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night for once again bringing u
As droves of women come forward to tell of the horrifying sexual, predatory attacks they ve endured at the hands of Republic
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. still supports Donald Trump even after the recently released video showing the re
When Donald Trump boldly declared that he had been released from the shackles of the GOP (that was him shackled?) Star T
Yesterday, The New York Times ran a story in which they gave moving accounts of two women who say that Donald Trump se
Natasha Stoynoff, a writer who covered Donald Trump for People, just published a shocking account of sexual assault at the h
Trump s supporters, and some in the press, believe that if it wasn t for Trump being a disgusting sexual predator, Hillary Clinto
Following a horribly disastrous weekend for Donald Trump, his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, seems to have found h
Nobody with any brains has ever accused Rush Limbaugh of understanding pretty much anything at all, but his latest bout with
Donald Trump is a sexual predator, and more and more evidence of that fact keeps surfacing. It seems that the hot mic tape o
Women now have even more of a reason to vote overwhelmingly against Trump and the GOP on November 8th.On Tuesday, F
Trump rallies are not for the meek. They re for the racist, misogynistic violent dregs of society and they re for the super brave
Donald Trump has been having a meltdown like nothing we ve ever seen in politics. Ever since top Republicans have distanced
The Donald Trump presidential campaign is in trouble. He s behind in the polls, by as much as double digits, and many of his d
Ever since the leaked tape of Donald Trump s hot mic before appearing on Access Hollywood revealing he has sexually assault
If Rudy Giuliani is going to continue bringing up 9/11, he should at least have the common decency to not lie about what happ
Not only is Donald Trump an admitted serial groper and adulterer, he s a bonafide pervert who likes looking at nude underage
Another Republican woman is telling the GOP to go f*ck themselves because they still support Donald Trump.Melissa Gesing h
Now that Donald Trump has shot himself in the foot by picking a fight with the entire Republican Party (after leaked revelation
By his own admission, Donald Trump is a serial groper who cheats on his wife.But that doesn t matter to conservative Christia
A Donald Trump supporter was arrested Monday after threatening to beat a black woman and calling her racial slurs outside a
Conservative radio show host Alex Jones recently proclaimed that President Obama and Hillary Clinton are really demons, sen
Steve Bannon, Trump s campaign CEO who was the editor-in-chief at right-wing rag Breitbart, apparently ordered his staff the
For the last year and a half, observers have wondered what Donald Trump would have to say or do in order to shake the confi
At a Hillary Clinton rally in Greensboro, NC on Tuesday evening, President Obama took the stage to praise his former Secretary
The Republican civil war is heating up as members of the party have begun an all-out campaign to stop their own presidential
The Comedy Central roasts of celebrities are well known and hilarious, for the most part. While it doesn t look like the roastee
Ever since Donald Trump got exposed through an audio tape leak for bragging about how he sexually assaults women, Trump
Donald Trump thinks he should be president despite bragging about sexually assaulting women by grabbing them by the p*ss
A microphone guy who worked on The Apprentice just came forward to tell the world that Donald Trump often referred to him
After the 2005 audio tape of Republican nominee, Donald Trump, making lewd comments about sexually assaulting women, t
The Humane Society of the United States pretty much never weighs into politics, unless, of course, it s about an issue that dire
Throughout the course of Donald Trump s campaign for the presidency, he s been stoking fears around the nation. His goal se
Eric Trump, one of Donald Trump s two creepy adult sons, tried on Monday to defend his father s revolting comments about s
A longtime Republican activist in Wisconsin is so disgusted by Donald Trump s groping comment and GOP refusal to unendors
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is in full implosion mode. Ever since a lewd, misogynistic tape of him on an Ac
The women of The View played the tape of Trump s grotesque remarks about groping women and they unanimously condemn
Donald J. Trump s rape trial will be held on December 16th and the alleged victim will be represented by a high profile attorne
Donald Trump loves talking about email scandals, apparently so then why hasn t he mentioned the millions of emails lost by
Donald Trump s presidential campaign is collapsing, thanks to his poor performance in the presidential debates, a campaign m
The Trump campaign is self destructing. If things get any worse between now and the election day, Trump could even be bring
Donald Trump seems to be willfully ignorant when it comes to a Russian cyber-security threat. He displayed this once again du
Donald Trump called the Atlantic City casino that he is so fond of, the Taj Mahal, the eighth wonder of the world. Now, the jo
It s no secret that House Speaker Paul Ryan only grudgingly accepted Donald Trump as the GOP nominee. After all, Trump has
How much more depraved does a so-called pastor have to get before people acknowledge that he is not a real Christian?Beca
If you wanted to see how low the Trump campaign would go to win, look no further than the stunt they pulled at the second p
Donald Trump thought bringing Juanita Broaddrick to the second presidential debate would be a good idea.For people who m
Donald Trump fell on his face repeatedly during Sunday night s debate. Perhaps he was too busy thinking about what Presiden
With 28 days left to go until election day, a new poll from NBC/Wall Street Journal, a gold-standard in polling, shows Hillary Cli
This is why we miss Dan Rather at the CBS News desk.At a time when the media often fails to dig deep and ask the hard hitting
Now, something is definitely off with Trump family values, and what they seem to deem appropriate within the realm of huma
Republicans are caught between a rock and a hard place and Democrats are poised to take advantage of the chaos.The avalan
Donald Trump, at the second presidential debate, invoked laughs when he claimed to respect women, and that no one respec
If you watched the second presidential debate last night, you know that there were several cringeworthy moments, most of th
The second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Sunday night was bizarre to say the least. Donald lu
What in the hell was Donald Trump doing? No, I m not talking about his threat to jail his opponent if he is elected, his lackluste
Donald Trump s lewd comments about sexually assaulting women in a 2005 leaked audio tape are wreaking havoc on his pres
While Hillary Clinton was busy tearing Donald Trump orange limb from orange limb on the debate stage, Elizabeth Warren ma
Melania Trump, standing by her man despite being hurt and disappointed in her husband for bragging up a storm about sexua
There may be trouble in paradise amid the folks over at the Donald Trump campaign. After the recent tapes were leaked show
After a voter asked a question at the second presidential debate regarding Obamacare, Anderson Cooper was forced to interru
Well, he said it. Trump s fans have long been chanting lock her up at his rallies despite that Clinton has not committed a sing
At the second presidential debate, Donald Trump had a chance to address the controversy surrounding his claim that he greet
After the release of the videotape showing Trump not only use derogatory language about women, but also profess to be a se
The world was recently teased that there are worse tapes of Donald Trump saying vile things out there then grab her by the p
On Sunday, Van Jones appeared on CNN s State of the Union where he referred to Donald Trump as a Superpredator. The ph
Appearing on NBC s Meet The Press Sunday morning, Rudy Giuliani continued his efforts to defend Donald Trump. With Trump
I ll be back is not what Arnold Schwarzenegger is telling the Republican Party this year. Ever since the action movie icon beca
As we all know, Trump told Access Hollywood host Billy Bush in 2005 that he made unwanted advances on a married woman a
Donald Trump is pledging to bring up Bill Clinton s sexual prowess at the second presidential debate. Now that Trump is in the
Interim Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile was crystal clear in what she thinks of Donald Trump and
Fox News host Sean Hannity flew into a two-day rage desperately trying to defend Donald Trump.As revealed on Friday, Trum
A tape featuring Donald Trump proudly boasting about sexually assaulting women has rocked the GOP this weekend. Former N
Donald Trump s presidential campaign is spiraling out of control, and now that it looks completely doomed, Republican donor
Now that it s been exposed that Donald Trump is a serial pervert who sexually assaults women, Republicans are desperate to
The GOP and the Donald Trump for president campaign are reeling after the world watched and listened in horror to Trump d
Who didn t miss Saturday Night Live s take on the 2016 election? Alec Baldwin returned this week as Donald Trump (and Kate
It turns out that there are more than just one audio recording out there where you can hear Donald Trump saying terribly mis
Hillary Clinton and most of her surrogates have stayed silent, apparently waiting to pounce on Donald Trump during the debat
As the Deseret News said on Saturday, they haven t endorsed a candidate in 80 years, but they made it clear who shouldn t be
It s been pretty obvious for a long time now that Donald Trump has a rather large crush on his daughter Ivanka. Even going so
A major indicator that Donald Trump s campaign might be over just occurred. The Republican National Committee has put a te
After audio was leaked revealing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaking about women in a way that only a s
Only a few days ago, it seemed as if Donald Trump could not make a gaffe big enough to end his campaign. Then on Friday, au
Just when you thought support of Donald Trump would drop to zero it turns out there is still one group that backs him 100 pe
Donald Trump s campaign just suffered its worst implosion yet, and conservatives have flown into a panic. On Friday, audio su
Mike Lee (R-Utah) has been a major figure in among Congressional Republicans in the #NeverTrump movement. Following th
Hurricane Matthew isn t the only hurricane, nor the biggest one, hitting the United States right now because Hurricane Trump
Robert De Niro was supposed to appear in a non-partisan public service announcement for the get out the vote organization,
The fallout from what s turning out to be a thousand times worse than Mitt Romney s 47 percent comment is spiraling out in
After a tape was released in which Donald Trump was heard talking about how he loves to grope women, even married wome
Donald Trump issued a strange video after midnight on Friday night to address the leaked audio of him making crude jokes ab
The woman that Trump claimed he tried so hard to sleep, and admittedly failed to do so, is Nancy O Dell, who hosted the Miss
Earlier today, an audio recording surfaced of Donald Trump talking about working really hard to fuck a married woman eight m
The White House announced on Friday that it was confident the Russian government, hiding behind the anonymous Guccifer
Trump s campaign is continuing its ahem unorthodox methods following revelations that internal polling shows Trump s numb
Republican nominee Donald Trump s outreach to win over minorities has been a disaster, and what he just said about a group
Donald Trump is a misogynist. We all know that. He has demonstrated it many times, and anyone with access to cable or the i
Remember the pro-Trump white supremacist PAC that was placing robocalls on The Donald s behalf during the primaries? Yea
Hurricane Matthew is helping Republicans suppress voters who could help Democrats win Florida in November and Fox News
Donald Trump s first debate against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton went just as poorly as we thought it would and conser
The Daily Show needs to go after Fox News more often because Jon Stewart would definitely be proud of this.Earlier this week
There is a disturbing trend in the Trump campaign. After revelations in August came to light that Trump campaign manager Pa
David Letterman may be retired but his opinion about Donald Trump still carries a lot of weight, especially when you consider
Eleven-year-old Marley Dias always wanted to be our first woman president so she could work to fix problems in the world. Th
Donald Trump is concerned about the terminally ill not about their ability to recover, their quality of life, the amount of pain
Florida s Republican governor Rick Scott is not allowing the impending pressure of Hurricane Matthew to interrupt his partisan
Trump s biggest (and most insane) surrogate Rudy Giuliani just got some bad news his daughter, Caroline, is backing Democr
It can be said that Florida, while being a very popular vacation destination, is probably more dangerous than the Outback of A
It took Speaker of the House Paul Ryan quite a while to endorse GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. This is understanda
The absolute hatred conservatives have for First Lady Michelle Obama knows no bounds and now we are being treated to ano
In 2015, shortly after Donald Trump announced that he d be running for president, I went to one of his rallies in Sarasota, Flor
Lindsey Graham has been one of the biggest Republican voices against GOP nominee Donald Trump, and he only grew louder
Wow. That s a lot of lying.Apparently, Donald Trump is such a serial liar with a terrible memory that his own attorneys admitte
Donald Trump is a sad, sad little man who needs to lie to make himself feel better about his existence.He s deceptive, to say th
The list of people GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump hasn t insulted keeps getting shorter and shorter. We know he re
Wanna watch Donald Trump crash and burn in front of his own supporters?The Republican nominee held a rally in Reno, Neva
Asian Americans are pissed off after Fox News ran a segment featuring racist Bill O Reilly goon Jesse Watters in Chinatown.O R
Sean Hannity went there. In an argument with Megyn Kelly, he boldly announced that she supports Hillary Clinton. Donald Tr
There are many things that are great about Thursday s Mike Pence interview on MSNBC s Morning Joe. The general uneasines
She was there to learn more about Donald Trump in order to decide who to vote for, but after the way Trump s fans treated h
Fox News and the O Reilly Factor are well-known for their blatant racism, but they completely outdid themselves when they
While the amount of Trump s ahem charitable giving is under investigation courtesy of the Washington Post, his political contr
In the week since Donald Trump s complete collapse in his head to head debate with Hillary Clinton, nearly every national poll
We ve heard nonstop from Donald Trump, and his family and campaign, how wonderfully, generously philanthropic he is. He h
It is widely believed that GOP vice presidential nominee Governor Mike Pence of Indiana won the one and only vice presidenti
The Atlantic is a well-respected American publication. It also is one that tries with all its might to not be partisan when it come
Things really aren t looking too great for Donald Trump s charity foundation. With recent developments prohibiting the Trump
If Trump wants to win the rust belt, he needs to practice what he preaches. After promising multiple times that under his Adm
If Donald Trump had his way, 14 percent of American teachers would lose their jobs. While the United States already faces a c
The Department of Justice has begun their criminal probe into Wells Fargo over the firing of 5,300 employees after said emplo
If there s one thing the Donald Trump is good at, it s lying. However, here s the thing, he ll always get caught one way or anoth
Remember when Fox host Sean Hannity directly asked Donald Trump if he would ever accept money from a country like Saud
If there is a single theme around this year s presidential contest, it s that suddenly, it s okay for Americans to let their racist fre
Republicans have officially sunk so low this election they couldn t possibly go deeper or so you d think. Last night s vice presid
As Election Day continues to get closer on the calendar, some conservatives are already threatening to commit acts of violenc
One of the most insane things about Republican nominee Donald Trump is that even when he massively f*cks up, he can t hel
Just because Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is no longer in the presidential race does not mean he s stopped going after Rep
While it was billed as a one-time-only clash between the vice presidential running mates, the real matchup at the vice preside
The topic of Donald Trump s taxes or rather the lack of disclosure about Trump s taxes was central to the 2016 vice presiden
So, aside from the GOP s premature statement that Pence won the debate tonight, who is really winning? Who is going to win
We all already know that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is a loose cannon, especially when it comes to his Tw
Nobody can accuse the GOP of having it all together, but they are pretty good at having their press releases done ahead of tim
Just judging from Donald Trump s disastrous performance at the first presidential debate last week, it was clear that Democra
Republicans are so scared and desperate about the Pence-Kaine debate that they ve resorted to distorting Tim Kaine s record
When conservatives refer to black people as slaves it totally undermines what little effort they put into trying to get their vot
No matter how much they don t want to admit it to be true, many Republicans, especially in Congress, know Hillary Clinton is t
In a surprising twist, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced that he will be throwing his support be
Everyone involved with Donald Trump s campaign seems to have one job, and it s the same job: Explaining why whatever com
A new report from RealClearPolitics is detailing what might be another illegal endeavor of Donald Trump at the behest of his c
During a debate in New Hampshire, Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte was asked if she would tell her kids to be like Donald Trum
Donald Trump is on the receiving end of a gigantic tongue-lashing from Vide President Joe Biden after Trump made yet anothe
Ivanka Trump has been sort of the female face of her father s campaign, but despite being a woman, she really doesn t get it.
Good news, everyone! Michelle Obama s former assistant, Kristen Jarvis, is getting married to one of the President s former Se
In something you might expect from a video game instead of real life, police in Sacramento, California are under fire on Mond
Speaking to a bunch of his merry morons on Monday, Donald Trump decided to say that veterans who have post-traumatic str
Residents in Aurora, Indiana are upset after seeing a parade float on Saturday which depicted Donald Trump flipping the switc
When will Sarah Palin learn that the best response when someone says something not-so-nice about her is to shut up?Recent
How would you feel if you found out that your child was being educated by an insanely racist person? For many parents with c
When you ve lost the support of the whole Reagan family, you re pretty much done for. While Republicans all across the coun
Donald Trump isn t subtle. He totally clueless and unaware of the world around him. He certainly isn t sensitive and he s defin
Donald Trump claims he will make America great again, but what he really means is he will continue helping China destroy Am
Since Donald Trump has to rely on make-believe to think he s actually winning in this presidential election, after the first deba
Kim Kardashian West just went through a hellish nightmare while in Paris, France as she visited for fashion week. She was alle
Four years ago, many complained about the fact that Mitt Romney once took a vacation with his dog strapped to the top of hi
In new leaked audio that will make your skin crawl, Donald Trump s incredible misogyny is clearly displayed.When the Republi
Donald Trump is an unpatriotic loser, says real billionaire Mark Cuban, because true patriots actually pay their damn taxes.In 1
Trump, not surprisingly, took the bait during the first showdown between him and Hillary Clinton at the first presidential deba
Remember, this is the same guy who has been going around calling Iran one of our greatest enemies, it turns out he seemed t
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump wants to pretend that he s for the working man, that he understands their str
For years Republicans have been screaming about the takers in our society, which to them include minorities, the middle clas
Hillary Clinton visited a predominately black church in North Carolina on Sunday, where she checked her privilege at the door
There s something about Donald Trump and his surrogates. They threaten information that s bound to doom their opponents
Meet William Quayle Jr., who is trying to give Sarah Palin a run for the worst thing to ever come from Alaska.Quayle is a man w
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has wasted no time using the New York Times bombshell that was dropped
Rudy Giuliani not only insulted the intelligence of Americans who pay their taxes every year like good citizens are supposed to
Donald Trump has one hell of a week. Starting off with his abysmal performance in last Monday s debate and ending with Satu
Last night, The New York Times ran a story that s a potential bombshell for poor, put-upon Donald Trump he declared a $916
Trump has been having a very, very bad week. First, he humiliated himself in front of millions of viewers in Monday night s deb
Donald Trump has been positioning himself as an outsider who is going to clean up the corruption that is rampant in the Unite
You can t say that both parties are the same when the Republican nominee avoids paying taxes for 20 years while the Democr
The season premiere of NBC s Saturday Night Live! Has been a much-anticipated event. The show s election based skits have a
The chorus of voices saying, Show us your taxes, has been growing steadily as Trump continues to hide behind the flimsy exc
While Trump is busy lying about an adult film in a sorry attempt to shame former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado, his own skele
Donald Trump s economic proposals would be disastrous for the economy. That s the conclusion that Germany s economic mi
Donald Trump has a cocaine problem. As Howard Dean pointed out, the recent sniffling episode at the first presidential deba
We all know that Donald Trump s skin is very thin. He is also a narcissist the likes of which the world has never seen on the wo
Three students at a Florida high school are suspended for wearing KKK costumes to school for homecoming. The students from
The Black Lives Matter movement has become a convenient scapegoat for many on the right, who compare the growing socia
Donald Trump s misogynistic behavior towards women is now legendary. Repeated stories have emerged showing the Republ
This is hilariously perfect.Hillary Clinton has already responded to Republican nominee Donald Trump s 3am temper tantrum o
Donald Trump s controversial foundation is once again being exposed for engaging in unsavory practices. Already connected t
Bill Maher had nearly a week to plan how he wanted to lampoon loser Donald Trump s debate performance against Hillary Clin
It s become a weekly ritual: Trump goes through each day, doing his Trumpian thing, and at the end of the week, various med
True to form, Trump and his campaign are royally pissed at Newsweek and Kurt Eichenwald for their report on one of Trump s
Donald Trump sure knows how to make you want to vomit. It s a skill he has mastered. This particular cringeworthy clip where
Senator Elizabeth Warren just responded to Donald Trump s 3am temper tantrum by dropping the hammer on him.Early Frida
Seriously. This actually happened in America.Milk costs 65 cents at Graham Park Middle School in Prince William County, Virgi
Congressional Republicans plan on dogging Hillary and the FBI about her emails and use of a private server from now until king
If there s one news organization that Donald Trump can usually always rely upon to be in his corner, it s Fox News. The media
Donald Trump s relationship with his daughter Ivanka has definitely raised a few eyebrows. It s bad enough that all of his wive
Donald Trump is a jerk. There s no sugar-coating it. He s a bully, and he s proven that fact over and over and over again. His ac
On Thursday night, Vice President Joe Biden joined host Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show for the very first time, and he did n
Like millions of Americans, Donald Trump appears to suffer from insomnia, especially when things are going horribly wrong fo
Star Trek opposes Donald Trump for obvious reasons.In a lot of ways, Star Trek has predicted the future of Earth and humanki
Dubbed the missing white voters, Nate Silver s FiveThirtyEight wrote an in depth analysis of what Donald Trump needs to do
The Phoenix, Arizona police department is not at all happy with Donald Trump after the GOP presidential nominee aired an ad
Just hours after Trump told millions of voters to watch Alicia Machado s sex tape, it turns out no such tape exists, and the wom
Donald Trump s team keeps trying to make the public think that he is somehow not a total toddler that they want to give the n
In an unusual and shocking move, the editorial board of USA Today did something no one say coming: for the first time in thei
Trump loves to brag about his foundation while simultaneously ripping the Clinton foundation, because he s Donald Trump an
Mexico does not like Donald Trump, and for good reason. He s accused their people of being rapists and killers, said that the c
During the first presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to attack Hillary Clinton with her husband s extramarital affairs
While Megyn Kelly is a Fox News anchor, and she definitely toes the GOP line on most things, it s hard to deny that, when it co
While Donald Trump and Kellyanne Conway continue to boast about how uplifting and fair the billionaire mogul has been to h
In the age of oligarchy and near pandemic outbreaks of affluenza, it is truly refreshing to see a member of the rich and powerf
It s not clear whether Donald Trump s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway thought she could go on The View and think she c
The men of Morning Joe found Donald Trump s insults against women funny, but Mika Brzezinski shut them and their disgusti
After 126 years of endorsing Republican candidates for President, the Arizona Republic decided that they could not, in good co
The Nazis see Donald Trump as their pathway back to power so they are joining his campaign in droves.It s not exactly a secre
The law and order candidate broke the law again.Donald Trump recently declared that he would reverse President Obama s d
The insane thing about Donald Trump s horrific attitude toward women is that every time he is asked to defend himself, he on
Anyone with a heart knows that Donald Trump s public humiliation of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado is simply beyond t
Poor Gary Johnson. Poor, poor Gary Johnson. One thing is for sure, this man is not destined to be president. He managed to m
Donald Trump is in deep sh*t because he refuses to apologize for sexist remarks he made about a Miss Universe contestant.D
The ties between Donald Trump s presidential campaign and the regime of Russian leader Vladimir Putin have been extensive
A teen opened fire at an elementary school in Townville, S.C., wounding a teacher and two students after allegedly killing his f
President Obama had scathing words for the lawmakers who voted to overturn his presidential veto on a bill that will allow vic
Unless you count online polls that Trump fans voted in multiple times to make it appear as if he won Monday s presidential de
While Trump crows about all the unscientific, self-selecting online polls that were rigged by his followers, the scientific polls w
It s been a couple days since the first presidential debate, but the results are finally in, and it s not looking too great for one of
There were a lot of memorable moments where Donald Trump looked like a moron during the presidential debate on Monday
If there s one thing anyone needs to know about the First Family, it s don t f**k with Michelle Obama, and really don t go afte
Even Fox News is not pleased about Sean Hannity citing unscientific polls to claim that Donald Trump won the first debate wit
Fox News needs to take Andrea Tantaros sexual harassment lawsuit seriously because she refuses to back down.The conserva
Monday night s presidential debate showed a stark contrast between two personalities. One was calm and cool, even under st
As Donald Trump continues to sink with female voters including the crucial white women with a college degree who typicall
The prospect of President Obama and his family being replaced in the White House by Donald Trump and his family is a very d
When Hillary Clinton called out half of Trump supporters for harboring deplorable behaviors which include, but are not limit
Donald Trump has frequently been compared to authoritarian leaders, but this recent comparison by Harry Potter star Daniel
Since 1890, The Arizona Republic, now the state s largest and most popular newspaper, has seen over 30 presidential election
Fox News host and Donald Trump cheerleader Sean Hannity got busted for trying to pretend that he is something that he s no
The Media Research Center, a right-wing media analysis organization, held its annual black-tie affair last week. The Baltimore p
9-year-old Charlotte, North Carolina girl Zianna Oliphant is already tired in her very short life of seeing black men and women
During Monday night s presidential debate, Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of screwing thousands of his workers out of
If there s anyone in this day and age who most definitely doesn t mince words, and will say what needs to be said, it s Vice Pre
The earliest actual poll to come out of last night s debate was a CNN/ORC poll showing that 62 percent of respondents believe
Allow me to begin by saying former DNC chair Howard Dean is the f*cking man. After tweeting that Donald Trump might be on
Mexico s former President, Vicente Fox, isn t shy at all about his disdain for Republican nominee Donald Trump and he really
Monday night s debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was so one-sided that virtually everyone, short of the most
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani decided to weigh in on future President Hillary Clinton s ability to perform as Presid
Donald Trump is an established denier of climate change and lover of absurd conspiracy theories. During the first presidential
Following the presidential debate, Donald Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson opened her mouth on CBS and stup
In the first half of the debate, Donald Trump seemed bogged down by some very distracting sniffles. After peddling for weeks
Anyone watching Monday night s highly charged presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump knows that H
If you tuned into the first presidential debate last night, you already know that Hillary Clinton pretty much wiped the floor with
Donald Trump spent Monday night making a total ass out of himself in the first presidential debate. We were all waiting to see
Fox News host Megyn Kelly seemed to take a shot at Sean Hannity on Monday night after the much anticipated first presidenti
The first presidential debate was Monday and let s just say that Donald Trump had a very bad night. One of the GOP candidate
It s no secret that Bill Maher, comedian extraordinaire and host of HBO s Real Time, is no fan of GOP presidential nominee Don
There s not much to say here. GIPHY killed it with this one: When someone goes on a rant but you have receipts.
After Monday s debate, Donald Trump almost certainly wishes he had been covered in honey, placed on top of a colony of fire
In discussing shootings and crime in the first of three presidential debates, Donald Trump not only greatly exaggerated the num
Donald Trump constantly talks about how he ll make America great again. He ll bring jobs back, put America first, all that pop
The cornerstone of Donald Trump s presidential campaign can be summed up in just a few words: Things suck and it s all Obam
Donald Trump s lies are catching up to him one by one, and the latest person to call him out is Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
Kansas is bleeding money and jobs and Governor Sam Brownback doesn t want the people to know how devastating his econo
This election will ask us to choose one of the following: an overqualified, dignified woman, or a fascist, xenophobic billionaire.
Donald Trump supporters are so desperate to be in power that they are threatening America at gunpoint to vote for him or be
There s already been hints from NBC News that Lester Holt, the moderator for the first presidential debate between Donald Tr
Defending Donald Trump is no easy task, but even his most prominent campaign members are struggling to make sense of his
Lately, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been making a show of reaching out to black voters. Of course, it h
Ahead of tomorrow night s debates, where Hillary will have an abundance of facts, figures, experience and knowledge at her d
David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, finally got what he deserved when he was forced out of a racist protest on S
Throughout the past 19 years, Donald Trump has been sued no less than eight times for violations of the Americans with Disab
Win or lose, the fact that Donald Trump was able to win the Republican presidential primary says a lot about the future of the
The Cincinnati Enquirer has endorsed Republicans for president for nearly a century but Donald Trump forced the paper to bre
Republicans in Congress used tax dollars to send armed agents to harass a former aide to Secretary Hillary Clinton as part of th
Sarah Palin, one of the nigh-innumerable deplorables in Donald Trump s basket, almost outdid herself in terms of horriblene
Nobody shouted all lives matter until people started saying, black lives matter. There s an easy, albeit disgusting, reason for
As the first African-American President, Obama knows that white America wouldn t have tolerated him as an angry black man
A Louisiana deputy city marshal is in hot water after body cam footage revealed him shooting at a suspect who had his hands
The epidemic of black men being killed at the hands of police officers in America has not gone unnoticed on the international
It s no secret that Russia is very pro-Donald Trump, and Donald Trump is extremely pro-Russia. His policies align with Russia s
Early voting has begun in the battleground state of North Carolina, and after months of contentious litigation, it s clear why Re
Eric Trump tried to spin a tale on Fox news about how his father started with nothing to build a business empire, only to be sm
Someone had to say it. Okay, liberals have been saying it for years. Fox News (and increasingly, the other news channels) have
If Republicans and Donald Trump really care about our military veterans, they will tell this douchebag to shut the hell up.Ohio
What you are about to see is disturbing. Keith Lamont Scott, the man killed by police in Charlotte, North Carolina had an awes
If you want to watch a conservative throw a temper tantrum just mention slavery and grab your popcorn.Because when First L
Donald Trump thinks African-Americans are worse off now than they have ever been, and President Obama just took him to th
It s no wonder Trump is losing and losing badly with women. A new poll from McClatchy-Marist shows Clinton leading Trum
If you ve spent much time on social media, you might notice that almost regardless of the subject, a string of anti-Hillary mem
We are heading into yet another day of unrest in Charlotte, North Carolina, and one GOP congressman is blaming the victims o
A member of Donald Trump s presidential campaign has creepy words about what could happen if her candidate becomes pre
Were you worried that Donald Trump might fall victim to a concentrated Satanic attack? Yeah? Well, you aren t alone. But go
In case you have been living under a rock, we recently learned that Hillary Clinton is human through a series of reports about T
While Charlotte, North Carolina faces a state of emergency and unarmed black people continue to get shot dead by police, Mi
Another day, another racist dog whistle echoed by Donald Trump. While the urban unrest in Charlotte, North Carolina continu
Since the Reagan administration, Americans have been sold a bill of goods that tells us that inherited money is more valuable
There s a lot being said about football players across the NFL standing together in unity against police brutality. This is even m
A senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus stepped up to a lectern on the House Floor on Thursday and listed all the
President Obama is right it appears the people running the Trump campaign skipped their history and civics classes.After Don
Pennsylvania Republicans are trying to jam a bill through the statehouse that would go into effect immediately to allow voter
Fox News host Sean Hannity desperately tried to smear Terence Crutcher on Wednesday as a violent criminal who was wante
While Donald Trump Jr., Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization, compares refugees to poisoned skittles, the CEO
Last night, Fox News reporter Steve Harrigan was reporting live in Charlotte, North Carolina to cover police brutality protests t
While giving a speech at a church rally in Cleveland, Donald Trump confused everyone by actually siding with a victim of police
With this presidential election being as absolutely bizarre as it is, sometimes it s incredibly important to keep our sense of hum
Donald Trump is calling for one of the most controversial and racially charged policies enacted by police departments to be ex
The season premiere of the hit television drama Empire features an amazing song performed by Jussie Smollett, who plays Jam
Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) has been caught red-handed lying about the details of his military service, and it isn t the first time he
In an interview with a Toledo, Ohio news station, Donald Trump accidentally admitted that his big 20-second announcement
World-renowned writer/director Joss Whedon has returned to social media with a vengeance and a message that needs to be
This should come as no surprise to most of us, but Trump supporter Don King let the N-word slip out during a recent speech i
It s official. Trump s supporters will vote for Donald Trump no matter what he does or what lies he tells, even if his tax returns
Even though Donald Trump (sort of) dropped the birther issue, there s one pro-Trump surrogate who in the tightest re-electi
As we know, the final United Nations General Assembly of President Obama s presidency is occurring in New York City this we
Police say Keith Lamont Scott had a gun. Scott s family says he was just reading a book.But it doesn t matter what the facts are
Months ago, former First Lady Laura Bush shocked Americans when she said she d rather vote for Democratic candidate Hillar
Donald Trump has again made a huge mistake while referring to life experienced by many black Americans every day. The scre
Protests have erupted in Charlotte, North Carolina after another African-American man was shot and killed by police on Tuesd
In 2011, St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley shot and killed Anthony Lamar Smith, a drug suspect that he was trying to arrest
Another day, another real Trump controversy. While the media hyper-focuses on Hillary Clinton s pay-for-play scandal (that w
Donald Trump, Jr. seems to have taken over as his father s campaign s Supervisor of Offensive Posts, particularly with some of
Wouldn t it be nice if we could just kick bigots out of our country? Well, that s exactly what happened when anti-gay Arizona p
While rock band U2 s Bono has had a career of being politically outspoken, his priorities have generally been focused primari
We ve all seen the horrific photos of children who are victims of the Syrian Civil War. Perhaps the most infamous is the one of
A racist Georgia man went completely off the deep end when faced with road work on his way home, threatening the constru
Guess who George H.W. Bush is voting for? He lost to Bill Clinton in 1992, and his son is George W. Bush. Yet it seems that the
If Donald Trump has his way, the constitutional right to due process will only belong to white racists.In the wake of the bombin
Donald Trump has a reputation in the media for being open and accessible to interview requests. He is known for a willingness
The pro-gun crowd loves guns first, and respect last. At least, that seems to be the case with whoever made a truly horrible m
While the media is focused on the horserace that will help determine politics for the next eight years, they re pretty much igno
Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. has been a fixture on Fox News in recent months, appearing on multiple programs on tha
Donald Trump is, well, deplorable. He s suggested building a wall to keep invading hordes of brown-skinned rapists and drug
The whole world is talking about Donald Trump, over which he is no doubt preening because any attention is good attention a
You ve got to love Robert Reich. The former Secretary of Labor under future First Lady and former President Bill Clinton met a
On Monday, Donald Trump fulfilled his duty as a presidential candidate by praising law enforcement for catching Ahmad Khan
NRA board member, draft-dodger, pedophile, and all-around terrible person Ted Nugent has a message for those embarrassin
Donald Trump appeared on Fox & Friends Monday morning and blamed the weekend attacks in New Jersey and New York City
In a perfect democracy, there would be multiple viable parties to choose candidates from. Each one would have to work hard
I woke up this morning to find a variation of this headline splashed all over my news feed:Here s Google:Naturally, my reaction
The hosts of Fox & Friends were hoping a Minnesota police chief would vilify the Somali immigrants in his community and the
There may be a few women out there who enjoy a man telling them to be more joyous in their presence, but as for the rest of
The city of Flint, Michigan is suffering through a horrible man-made disaster that could have been easily prevented if state Rep
Reince Priebus openly threatened Kasich and other Republicans that they better blindly support Donald Trump or face the end
Montel Williams isn t afraid to express his absolute disgust and disdain for Republican nominee Donald Trump he s made it p
When Donald Trump talks about America, he often talks about how we don t win anymore. We don t win on manufacturing.
Donald Trump is perhaps the most predictable person who s ever run for president. If someone disses him, they are enemies f
A Dallas police officer, seeing red after several shootings of police officers, has decided he s had enough and he and his lawyer
Every four years, we re told that the upcoming presidential election is the most important in our lifetimes. While it does seem
A recent special report by James Trimarco for Yes! Magazine has shined a spotlight on the way that certain banking institution
Hillary Clinton has had a bad two weeks. Whereas it may not be her fault (rather, the fault of a bloodthirsty, spineless media),
Several top Republicans have yet to endorse Donald Trump as the GOP presidential nominee. On Sunday, Republican National
Donald Trump and his supporters are vigorously trying to blame anyone but the billionaire conspiracy theorist Republican nom
Gay Johnson appeared on CNN s Reliable Sources Sunday morning where he made a gaffe that might just end his campaign. D
On Sunday, Donald Trump s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway appeared on NBC s Meet the Press. During her appearance
It s no secret that Donald Trump is cruel to women. Look how he describes and refers to women he doesn t like (for personal o
There s nothing quite like hypocrisy on the grandest scale imaginable. So large, in fact, that all you can do is sit there and laugh
While Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of being crooked and freedom hating, a member of the press was arrested at a his
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has judged both Republican and Democratic residential candidates for their ideas on f
In case you didn t know, there was an explosion in Lower Manhattan Saturday night, resulting in a reported 26 injuries. Luckily
President Obama made his final appearance as the sitting president at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation s annual din
Donald Trump reverted to his usual grouchy, unlikable self in another Twitter meltdown on Saturday, ripping into both Maure
When John Boehner left Congress, he left behind a stench so bad it took a team of professionals and a hefty chunk of change t
Just in case anybody s wondering just how dangerous Trump s love of Putin is, here s a little reminder: When Putin was runnin
Elizabeth Warren was back on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton on Saturday. During an event in the battleground state of O
There are a lot of people who have a lot to say on the internet about our political process, and especially about the most curre
Jason Kander is a Democrat running for a United States Senate seat in Missouri. The seat is currently held by Roy Blunt, a Repu
Trump s way of handling the heat is simple: deflect, and blame everything on everyone else. He is a master of pointing the fing
Steve Cortes, an avid Trump supporter, appeared on AM Joy where he claimed that Donald Trump s campaign is an incredibly
On Friday, Donald Trump s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher. While on the show,
The legendary anthropologist and expert on primates made some interesting remarks to The Atlantic prior to Trump officially
Donald Trump is rising in the polls, has the media wrapped around his little finger, and people are starting to take him seriousl
A very pregnant Kerry Washington appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, and crushed Donald Trump in a way only
Rachel Maddow has a way of cutting to the point with a very sharp knife, and if the point is raw and bloody when she s done,
At this point, it is well known that there is no limit to how low Donald Trump will sink. But Friday night, he walked onto the sta
Donald Trump is a liar. This is pretty well-established by now. But on Friday he stopped telling The Big Lie, the one that allowe
Who doesn t love George Takei well, aside from Donald Trump at the moment. The Star Trek actor noticed that The Donald a
When Trump insulted John McCain for having been captured in Vietnam by saying, He s not a war hero. He s a war hero becau
With absolutely no shame or apology, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump finally admitted to the American public
Donald Trump has finally been convinced that President Obama was indeed born on U.S. soil, or at least that s what he said du
Donald Trump wanted the press to tour his brand new hotel in Washington D.C., so they did and discovered that he is truly a g
Not long before Donald Trump pathetically admitted that President Obama was born in the United States, two of his white sup
Donald Trump might try to tell American voters that he cherishes women, but his long, ongoing history of misogyny and oppr
President Zero F*cks Left Obama strikes again.Donald Trump addressed his leading role in the birther conspiracy regarding Pr
Donald Trump gets a lot of attention for his orange skin and tiny hands, but his most memorable asset is definitely his strange,
Ever notice that Donald Trump is more than willing to attack people when they aren t around, but cowardly tucks his tail betw
During presidential campaigns, it is pretty standard procedure for there to be a press corps that travels with the major party ca
The Trump campaign is definitely a racist one, because the guy at the helm of the whole thing, Donald Trump, is a flaming raci
Hillary Clinton brought the house down at a gala event held by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute in Washington, D.C
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump refused to admit that his belief and promotion of the racist and inaccurate bir
Rex Huppke, of the Chicago Tribune, is not exactly known for his formality or reverence toward pretty much anything. He also
Libertarians are convinced that their presidential ticket should be getting security briefings too, just like the Democrats and th
On Thursday, Donald Trump appeared on the Dr. Oz Show for what was basically a scripted series of softball questions. He wa
Buckle up. Elizabeth Warren, continuing her crusade for the little guy, wrote a letter to FBI director James Comey over their tra
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has it out for Republican nominee Donald Trump.On Thursday on the Senate floor, Senator
Hillary Clinton shocked America a few days ago when she was forced to leave the 9/11 memorial in New York City early, only t
Sometimes you ve got to laugh especially if you re the Democratic nominee, who is currently facing down a level of unbridled
If Donald Trump thought he was going to get away with calling the pastor of the black church he visited in Flint, Michigan a ne
After eleventy billion investigations into Hillary Clinton, her handling of Benghazi, and the whole brouhaha over her emails, the
To most people watching Trump s disastrous appearance on quack pseudo-doctor, Dr. Oz s show, the appearance was simply
If there s one rule in politics, it s that you never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER joke about the Holocaust b
House Speaker Paul Ryan sold his soul the day he endorsed Donald Trump to be president of the United States. It was clear th
An Arizona pastor used his position to get close to children for decades so he could rape them and now he has finally been ar
Ivanka Trump s maternity leave plan hit a wall during an interview with Cosmopolitan when she was asked about her father s
Hillary Clinton was wrong to say that half of Donald Trump s supporters are deplorable. Because it s more like 100 percent, say
Donald Trump visited Flint, Michigan on Wednesday. Of course, that city is the place where is a crisis regarding having unusab
Donald Trump is likely pleasing the GOP establishment lately because he hasn t been totally crazy. However, the embarrassing
Donald Trump must think women are stupid. Recently, the billionaire s campaign revealed what they pretend is a comprehens
If you are a young white male in America, apparently you are free to stick your genitalia into whomever you please without ha
An African-American pastor in Flint, Michigan was able to get Donald Trump to do what nobody else has for the last year: shut
This presidential election has been bringing everyone out of the woodwork to reveal their opinions on who is running. Especia
Colin Powell is NOT voting for Donald Trump, at least according to emails disclosed by a hacker group to BuzzFeed and on DCL
Daniel Pantaleo was caught on video using an illegal chokehold on Eric Garner, killing him in front of the entire world for the c
The Republican nominee s campaign has bragged about how he will appear on Dr. Oz and allow the television physician to rea
A Minnesota Republican is desperately trying to convince voters that his years worth of racist, sexist, and anti-gay Facebook p
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump touts his business prowess as his number one reason he will be great for work
As is normal these days for Trump rallies, protesters and Trump supporters clashed outside just such a rally in Asheville, NC. Po
A woman was raped by a football player at the University of North Carolina and she says that when she reported the attack to
It might be hard to believe from the amount of praise she shells out for Republican nominee Donald Trump, but believe it or n
The most infamous leader of the Ku Klux Klan has just proven that the biggest bullies have the thinnest skins. Former KKK Gran
Sunday night, an ABC News affiliate in New York began their show with a startling breaking news announcement from weeken
House Republicans are spending much of their time and the taxpayers money persecuting Hillary Clinton in order to sabotage
This year s election is really shaping up to be one of the most ridiculous ever in the history of the republic. And adding to this b
If you ve subjected yourself to cable news over the last few days, you ve probably noticed a non-stop barrage of coverage of t
If you haven t noticed, Donald Trump isn t quite the epitome of the average working American. He s a guy who was born into
Donald Trump is so deplorable that even Cthulhu wants nothing to do with him.The fictional evil creature created by H.P. Love
Another hypocritical Christian politician gets caught sexually abusing a child and has the gall to blame the victim instead of ta
After Hillary Clinton did the unthinkable told the truth about the Trump base of support the Republicans were quick to call i
Has Bill O Reilly really not learned what he says on video stays on video?Because he clearly thought he could blatantly lie durin
Republicans love minorities. Let me rephrase that. Republicans love minorities who regularly squat down and take a big dooki
Sometimes, Donald Trump says something so stupid that a person is tempted to snap and that s what happened on Monday
North Carolina Republican Governor Pat McCrory s bigotry is costing his state millions of dollars. Since he signed into law a bill
Comedian Bill Maher is no fan of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. While, during the Democratic primary, Mah
If you haven t noticed, but you probably have, the news media never calls Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump out
Trump supporters have proven Hillary Clinton right once again.During a rally in Ashville, North Carolina on Monday, a Trump fa
As part of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has made a frightening new attack on multiple religions within the United
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is over the moon with happiness after Republican vice-presidential candidate Mike Pen
North Carolina, which is still butthurt over the Supreme Court s decision not to allow their voter suppression law to go into eff
When thinking about this election, it s probably about the weirdest and craziest one that s happened in a long, long time. May
Ever since Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was forced to leave the 9/11 memorial in New York City yesterday due to healt
Yesterday, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was forced to leave the 9/11 memorial in New York City after falling ill.Althoug
While the mainstream media and the Hillary-haters go on about her health and her campaign s refusal to disclose her pneumo
Rape culture is not just an American problem, but rather an international epidemic. The latest proof of this is a Canadian judge
Wells Fargo, one of the biggest banks in the U.S., was recently caught running a scam known as sandbagging, to inflate banke
Ordinarily, it s not cool to go after a presidential candidate s family, but seeing as Ivanka Trump, daughter of Republican presid
While Donald Trump is urging gun owners to assassinate Hillary Clinton before the election, Kentucky GOP Governor Matt Bev
Marine Corps Veteran Frank Biggio appreciates your recognition of his services, but he doesn t want it anymore. This year is fa
Matt Lauer s performance as moderator of the IAVA Commander-in-Chief Forum was roundly slammed, but according to Dona
It s one thing to have a choice to sit to during the national anthem, but it s something else entirely when one is forced to do so
Fox News is falling apart and no one is happier than Marilyn Manson, who was one of their biggest targets in the 1990s.Sexual
Wikileaks, which is more a conspiracy enterprise than it is a whistleblowing watchdog these days, put up a poll on Twitter that
The right-wing was quick to claim that Clinton had experienced her own 47% moment with her basket full of deplorables rem
It seemed like it took exactly 30 seconds for every person on the right-wing to take Hillary Clinton s early departure from a 9/1
You may have heard that Hillary Clinton had a minor medical episode on Sunday, that resulted in her leaving a 9/11 memorial
Today s a somber day of remembrance for the lives lost 15 years ago in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, United Flight 9
Political analyst Bakari Sellers appeared on CNN s State of the Union Sunday where he defended Clinton s basket of deplorabl
While the media will have you believe Donald Trump is on the cusp of overtaking Clinton, the polls speak for themselves. After
September 11 was arguably the worst day in American history. All Americans were shell-shocked, fearful, and lost in grief and
And his church supported him.An Alabama Christian pastor told a crowd at a McKenzie High School football game that if they
September 11, 2001, was not only the day of the biggest terrorist attack to hit American soil, it was also a test of politicians, es
On the day before the 15th anniversary of September 11, the former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Republica
When a Donald Trump minion whined about Hillary Clinton referring to Trump supporters as a basket of deplorables Krystal B
Recently, Michelle Obama posed for InStyle magazine. The First Lady was stunning in a custom-made teal dress by Brandon M
Donald Trump has lied about how and why he received $150,000 from the New York state government which had been earma
Most of the media is capitalizing off what Hillary Clinton said at a recent LGBT event that was held in New York City. Unlike a D
For some reason, the Trump campaign is utterly clueless about the alt-right movement and what it stands for. Trump himself r
Miracle Mattress of San Antonio wants everyone to know that they ll never forget Sept. 11, 2001. To that end, they posted the
The only mistake Hillary Clinton made when saying half of Trump s supporters are a basket of deplorables would be in the fac
Ever since Hillary Clinton generously, yet correctly, identified about half (only half?) of Donald Trump s vapid, illiterate flock of
Donald Trump made an odd statement about Hillary Clinton during a campaign rally in Florida on Friday night. Trump told his s
The GOP has, more or less, gotten into the habit of putting forth lukewarm defenses of Donald Trump and his many ahem pro
During an interview on MSNBC s Hardball with Chris Mathews on Friday, Trump surrogate Jack Kingston claimed that Hillary C
Yesterday marked the 45th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising. The uprising was the first major prison uprising in the Uni
Once again, a mouthpiece for Donald Trump gets their ass handed to them for blatantly lying on the air.During her show on Sa
It has been 15 years since the World Trade Center Twin Towers fell. But Republicans and Donald Trump still exploit it for politi
Stephen Sondheim s Send in the Clowns just became all about Donald Trump thanks to legendary singer-songwriter Barbra S
President Obama used the platform of his weekly address from the White House to address the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 t
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is not mincing words when it comes to the bigotry that runs rampant among D
Donald Trump is continuing his campaign of fear-mongering, this time insisting that the 2016 election will be the last actual ele
Republicans hate it. They really really hate it, but after more than seven years of trying to work across the aisle, President Oba
The only time Republicans want to actually help people is when it will help them, too. Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) is well aware of th
The 2016 Values Voter Summit is underway, and of course this yearly gathering of homophobes, misogynists, science deniers,
Fox News is collapsing like a house of cards as the fallout over rampant sexual harassment continues.Gretchen Carlson got the
Donald Trump did an interview with Larry King for his program on Russia Today, a Russian network that specializes in Putin s p
MSNBC host asked one final question during an interview with Rudy Guiliani on Thursday and his answer caused Matthews to
This church in Ohio apparently doesn t understand who the victim is here.Columbia Road Baptist Church in North Olmsted act
If you ve recently noticed that you haven t seen Melania Trump recently, it s not just you. For the last seven weeks since the R
Trump supporter, anti-Islam activist, and vapid, racist fool James Stachowiak is furious. Now, Stachowiak is almost perpetuall
If you listen to conservatives, big money interests like the banks have been unfairly attacked by progressives like Senators Bern
Hillary Clinton is far from the perfect politician. She sometimes comes across as cold, as unemotional. She, unlike her opponen
The Seattle Seahawks will become the first team to join 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick in protesting during the National A
The last thing this country needs right now is a president who will only cause tensions between our allies and ourselves. Mexic
The latest 2016 developments are completely unprecedented in our nation s history but Donald Trump doesn t care.Despite th
While most of the press is content in letting Donald Trump get away with the horrible things he says and won t hold his feet to
Jason Kauti, an avid supporter of Donald Trump, is facing felony charges in Georgia after he freaked out and started making de
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has just sent the Trump campaign a message that is going to make them furious, especially coming
After GOP candidate Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton wrapped up their appearance on MSNBC s Com
Audience members and viewers watching MSNBC s Commander-in-Chief Forum were treated to a rare, once-in-a-lifetime mo
Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson has been seen as an alternative to Donald Trump for many Republicans and o
Greta van Susteren left Fox News abruptly recently, but she s having a bit of fun trolling the network. When someone leaves, s
Patton Oswalt can really light Twitter up sometimes. Three days ago, he was tweeting the #TrumpCantSwim hashtag and prete
Last night, NBC hosted the Commander-in-Chief Forum in New York, where host Matt Lauer questioned Hillary and Trump for
If there s one thing strong, successful women love to hear from men who are jealous of their success, it s how they should beh
Trump has been telling the whole world about how he ll make our economy boom. He s going to cut taxes, but not cut Medica
Donald Trump always believes he s right, no matter what, and even when speaking to a female veteran of the U.S. military he
As we all know, Republican presidential nominee went to Mexico last week in an attempt to look presidential. While on the su
History is once again being made thanks to President Obama. On Wednesday, Obama nominated Abid Riaz Qureshi to serve a
CNN s Alisyn Camerota did something on Wednesday that s almost unheard of from CNN: She called out Donald Trump on his
When Ella Dawson started a blog discussing her trials with genital herpes, along with STI stigma, she expected prudes to come
Those wacky conservatives are at it again with a new, insane attempt to invent an Obama scandal. So what did Barack Barry
Most of us know that Donald Trump s fanbase is made up of some of the most privileged members of American society. A goo
A new ad by the Hillary Clinton SuperPac Priorities USA was released on Tuesday. It s perhaps the most frightening of all becau
The Morning Joe panel just NAILED Donald Trump to the wall.The Republican nominee and Florida Attorney General Pam Bon
The city of Portland, Maine has been thrown into pandemonium after a mural of the state s bigoted governor decked out in fu
In what s being compared to the infamous Daisy commercial from the 1964 election, a pro-Clinton group released a devastati
Something big happened in Texas, and Hillary Clinton is going to love it.The Dallas Morning News, a highly conservative public
Billionaire Mark Cuban had previously been rooting for Donald Trump, but made the switch over to Democratic nominee Hilla
A retired general has had enough of Donald Trump denigrating the men and women of the U.S. military currently engaged in t
Just a few days after she made the decision to let an investigation of Donald Trump s Trump University slide, the former reality
Conservative commentator and devout Trump lover Ann Coulter let her bigotry all hang out on Monday when she attacked Kh
Throughout America, tens of thousands of people who live with disabilities have been stripped of their right to vote, usually be
Elizabeth Warren wants a say in who Hillary Clinton hires to be part of her administration s transition team. In fact, Warren ma
If there is one thing the 2016 election has shown, it s that there is no such thing as a liberal media bias. From free air time for D
A new poll released from the Washington Post and SurveyMonkey has people scratching their heads. For the first time in four
One of Donald Trump s top advisers repeatedly tried to change the subject during an interview on MSNBC on Monday but Tam
Recently, intelligence agencies, including the FBI, have found evidence linking Russian state-sponsored hackers as the culprits
An aging audience combined with a devastating sexual harassment lawsuit and the exodus of several high-profile hosts and th
We are all getting whiplash from Donald Trump s constant flip-flopping on his immigration policy over the last few weeks. Trum
If there s one thing Donald Trump loves, it s himself. So, after the death of the staunchly conservative women s rights hater Ph
It s hard to imagine that Donald Trump could give America any more reasons why he shouldn t be the country s next presiden
For a long time now, the mainstream media has avoided questioning Donald Trump about the questionable relationship betw
On Monday, Donald Trump gave interviews to reporters on his plane, and naturally the subject of the presidential debates aga
The Trump campaign and the conservative media have been having a field day with Hillary s health. The idea that she s in real
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders hit the campaign trail for his former opponent in the Democratic primary on Monday, and he
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump s first entrance to prominence in mainstream American politics was built on th
This is the kind of trash Donald Trump is bringing into the political field.When Daily Beast reporter Olivia Nuzzi posted a story o
Conservatives are throwing a collective hissy fit because President Obama defended Colin Kaepernick s constitutional right to
Back in June, on Facebook, Donald Trump called on Hillary Clinton to return millions of dollars the Clinton Foundation received
The protest is growing.Most people don t seem to understand that freedom and liberty is a two-way street. That when soldier
Donald Trump has constantly involved himself in one silly feud after another, going ballistic on a series of individuals and instit
Break out the popcorn Donald Trump got busy bashing Hillary Clinton on his Twitter account over her emails. Again. Because
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake can t vote for Donald Trump. He said so on CNN. He won t vote for Hillary, either (boo), but he also
Donald Trump s campaign currently has a leadership that is under fire for more than a few scandals. On Sunday, Chuck Todd b
On Sunday, former CNN host Soledad O Brien appeared on CNN s Reliable Sources, where she claimed that CNN and the main
Donald Trump s signature issue since he began his travesty of a presidential campaign has been immigration. He won the prim
Two previously nonpartisan generals have broken a decades-long tradition of keeping their votes private, in what is likely to be
On Sunday, during a panel segment on CNN s State of the Union, former MTV Real World reality TV star and Trump surrogate
On Saturday, dozens of indigenous people were attacked by private security while protesting the construction of the Dakota A
ABC host Martha Raddatz proved once again why she is one of the best choices to be a Presidential Debate moderator on Sun
Over the last decade or so, a handful of people have become what you might call economic rock stars, at least for liberals. Rob
You know, because in fantasyland Republicans never questioned the citizenship of America s first black president.But that s ex
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus keeps trying to put lipstick on his pig of a presidential nominee. How
Donald Trump, knowing that his poll numbers with black voters are abysmal, decided to spend part of his Saturday at a black c
A longtime Republican consultant, Carter Wrenn, has finally said what the rest of the GOP won t about voter ID laws. In-perso
In a speech to the American Legion, the largest veteran organization in the country, Donald Trump alarmingly went full fascist
Trump supporter Scottie Nell Hughes has made some moronic comments in the past, and it s epic every time she gets called o
The drama just never ends for poor Fox News, thanks to the shady shenanigans of Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. It seems t
In an appearance on NBC s Meet the Press, Mike Pence promised to do something that people have clamored for Trump to d
Donald Trump s visit to a historically black church in Detroit, Michigan on Saturday is being met with fierce condemnation from
As you are probably aware, Donald Trump decided to pop into Detroit for an ill-advised attempt to form a false, vote-getting c
Former House Speaker and Trump supporter Newt Gingrich has gone completely delusional, having somehow convinced hims
Trump has recently caught on to the fact that there just aren t quite enough angry white guys and open racists to get him elec
Donald Trump recently attended a conservative, black church in Detroit in an effort to reach out to black voters. As expected,
Only but a few years ago, during far simpler times, Donald Trump s biggest accomplishment in politics was his amplification of
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump knows that his numbers with African American voters are historically terrible.
The right-wing pastor who posted a cartoon of Hillary Clinton in black-face just got his a** handed to him by CNN.Pastor Mark
As Twitter so perfectly demonstrated, Republican presidential nominee Donald trump has a problem with citing his sources. O
Seldom in life are you set up so perfectly with a joke that you wonder if the moment could actually be real, but on Friday even
Breibart editor Milo Yiannopoulos is the obnoxious little twerp who got banned from Twitter for inciting his fans to viciously att
President Barack Obama only has a little more than five months left in his final term, a period in which other two-term leaders
One of Trump s Latino surrogates, Marco Gutierrez, warned us of an oddly specific horror should we not elect Trump in Novem
Donald Trump likes to brag occasionally that he runs a very frugal campaign. Supporters have said this is proof that he ll run a
Donald Trump recently gave a speech to the American Legion about the plans he has in mind for the children of America, and
The man now advising, coaching, and strategizing with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Roger Ailes, is going to
Dr. Harold Bornstein has been practicing medicine for decades, but it wasn t until Donald Trump released a special note writt
Following the mass exodus of Hispanic surrogates from Trump s campaign, Eric Trump is pretty confused. After all, his dad has
On Thursday, the New York Times published an article entitled Emails Raise New Questions About Clinton Foundation Ties to
Remember that time in 2008 when Donald Trump rode in on a white horse and personally saved the auto industry all by himse
Jared Fogle, the ex-Subway pitchman convicted of having sex with underage girls, is suing the parents of one his victims, claim
Minnesota humorist Garrison Keillor just nailed Donald Trump in one of the best take-downs yet.Donald Trump is an insecure
MSNBC s Joy Reid filled on All In With Chris Hayes Thursday night, and she had a most interesting guest on. Reid was joined by
Hillary Clinton s camp took aim at Donald Trump and his recent efforts to lure black voters into backing him, slamming his min
Colin Kaepernick has been taking a whole lot of heat since he made the decision to sit during the national anthem in protest o
Campaign volunteers are key to a winning presidential campaign. Unpaid supporters are the most solid of true believers in a p
While on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton in Ohio, Vice President Joe Biden was talking about the dangers of a Donald Tru
Boy, wasn t Wednesday an embarrassing day for Donald Trump? Not only did the low-energy GOP candidate almost sleep thro
Right after Dwyane Wade s first cousin Nykea Aldridge was shot and killed in Chicago, Republican presidential candidate Dona
So Trump is going to visit a black church in Detroit this weekend, but his campaign seems to be very uneasy about it. Why else
Just remember that white supremacists support Donald Trump and the Republican Party.Because if they take power in Novem
Madonna just called out Donald Trump s privileged sons and it s EPIC.The Republican nominee s sons Eric and Donald Jr. often
Brace yourself for this, folks. Trump foreign policy adviser Michele Bachmann has just returned from Jesusland, that little imag
For years if not decades liberals have complained that the nation is on the verge of becoming an oligarchy, which in the mos
The Donald J. Trump Foundation just quietly paid an IRS fine for breaking the law. Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 fine after the W
Donald Trump thought he hit a slam dunk with moderate and independent voters when he decided to visit Mexico. Pundits an
Donald Trump is not going to like this at all.The Republican nominee s pathetic effort to draw Hispanic voters to his campaign
While many racist Donald Trump supporters are praising the way the Republican nominee doubled down on his disastrous imm
After meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (and lying about what was discussed), Donald Trump flew back to P
If you want to watch Trump s campaign manager crash and burn, this is the interview you ll want to see.Kellyanne Conway ma
It s always a good day when a conservative acknowledges how hateful and racist their own party has become, and decides to
Trump s first immigration speech following his humiliation in Mexico Wednesday was a bunch of sure-to-please-the-Klan hate
Trust Funny Or Die to come up with something like this. They ve released a video starring Brent Spiner, a.k.a Dr. Okun from Ind
Julian Assange, the founder and head of the group WikiLeaks, has struck out once again at Hillary Clinton, the Democratic pres
Donald Trump got to play make-believe on Wednesday afternoon as he went to Mexico to speak with President Enrique Pe a N
Donald Trump has a new fundraising scheme. He s raffling off lunch with his son Eric and a tour of the Trump campaign headq
The Southern Poverty Law Center released a report on Wednesday, outing both of the newest additions to the Trump campaig
Fox News resident doctor, if, indeed, he can be called that, weighed in on the ancient, but immature reference that Trump ma
After his joint press conference with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, Donald Trump told the press that the two had dis
SCOTUS returned a split 4-4 decision on North Carolina s repressive voter ID law, which means the lower court s ruling that it s
Maine Governor Paul LePage has made quite a name for himself with his casual, yet blatant, racism. But when someone calls h
We know without a doubt that Trump s blatantly racist campaign has had a massive effect on adults in this country. Suddenly,
Republicans insist that everything under President Obama is awful and terrible and getting worse. Their nominee for the presi
Michele Bachmann is a special snowflake. If there is anyone who is crazier than Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, it is definitely h
Once again, a Republican rape comment surfaces, and it s from the campaign manager of the Republican nominee.Donald Tru
Yesterday, Florida voters headed to the polls to cast their votes in the state s primary election. Among those who won their pr
Mexico s former first lady, Margarita Zavala, wasted no time slamming Donald Trump, who is set to make an appearance in M
Donald Trump is going to Mexico, the place where he thinks only some of the people are good but most are rapists and crimin
Donald Trump has decided to make his way down to Mexico on Wednesday for a meeting with President Enrique Pena Nieto.
This is so horribly amazing that it defies description. Conservatives who have a bone up their asses about a southern border th
A right-wing radio host has called it quits after he got owned by famous scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson.Last week, Neal Larson l
The majority of Donald Trump s campaign is built on xenophobia, but while his supporters are ranting non-stop about immigra
This is why no one should vote for a Republican ever again. Period.Donald Trump becoming president would be one of the sca
House Speaker Paul Ryan may have been hoping to be re-elected come January, but thanks to his fellow conservatives it looks
Marco Rubio hates his job. Last year, he said he wasn t going to run for reelection because he was frustrated. He also had one
Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker and now Trump-surrogate, apparently pulled a page out of the Republican presidential
Donald Trump s pathetic outreach effort to sway black voters into supporting him just took a major hit.Just when you thought
With 70 days until election day and Hillary Clinton still up (significantly) in the polls, it appears Republicans may be doubting w
Republicans are holding up Merrick Garland s nomination to the Supreme Court under the completely B.S. guise of let the nex
Glenn Beck stooge Tomi Lahren thinks that citizenship in this country requires that we always stand for the national anthem a
Infamous Donald Trump surrogate and supporter Scottie Nell Hughes thought she was going on CNN yesterday to make yet an
Donald Trump s recent African-American outreach efforts seem to have been wasted. Sure, he basically spends his time talkin
Another day, another foreign hack into America s electoral system. This time, the hackers aren t targeting the Democratic Part
The Trump campaign is hopping mad over an unaffiliated super PAC that used the lure of a dinner with Donald Trump to take
It s not illegal, but it s long been considered unethical for journalists to pay their sources. It still happens, but generally by tablo
Republicans in Maine tolerated Governor Paul LePage and his offensive words and actions for a long time, but now they are fin
Andrea Tantaros is ramping up the pressure on her former employers and colleagues to answer for their behavior and face the
Monday, August 29, happens to be the 53rd anniversary of the Civil Rights March on Washington, in which civil rights icon Ma
Half-term Governor of Alaska and professional grifter Sarah Palin faceplanted while rock running so naturally, she took to her
Donald Trump picked a fight with the wrong woman.Even though the Republican nominee claims to not watch Morning Joe on
After working for months to build a solid white supremacist base, Donald Trump suddenly started focusing on minority outrea
It s been a hell of a week for the Trump campaign with Donald Trump s recent pivots on immigration. The Republican presiden
Chrissy Teigen is a model. She s not expected to be particularly intellectual, but a series of tweets shows that she s intellectual
Comedy Central s roasts of various celebrities are well known by this point, and it s just as well known is that the roasts almost
On Sunday, Scottie Nell Hughes joined a panel discussion on CNN s Reliable Sources where the Trump campaign surrogate def
On Sunday, RNC Chair Reince Priebus sat down with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press, where the two discussed Donald Trump s
Donald Trump s Republican running mate Mike Pence, made an appearance on CNN s State of the Union Saturday morning wh
Republicans like Maine Governor Paul LePage like to scare people with stories of black drug dealers corrupting our communiti
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is probably privately wishing he had never been tapped to be Donald Trump s running mate. Thanks
As white supremacists whine about Donald Trump s flip-flop on immigration, someone kindly created a video of Adolf Hitler go
President Obama used this week s Weekly Address to discuss the Zika virus and slam the Republicans who have chosen to blo
Senator Tim Kaine (D VA) , Hillary Clinton s running mate, made a heartfelt response to the recent shooting death of NBA star
Just remember, Donald Trump s campaign is supported by racists, and this is how they treat people of color.Police have been
Joy Reid once again proved that she isn t putting up any nonsense on her show. During a segment of AM Joy, Reid eviscerated
Stephen Colbert delivered a scathing segment directed at Mylan executive Heather Bresch on Friday night, for raising the price
The court records from the divorce of Trump s new campaign CEO have proved to be a treasure trove of information about th
Fox News host Eric Bolling had recently been filling in for his colleague Bill O Reilly on The O Reilly Factor, and he was in no wa
Donald Trump s pathetic effort to reach out to black voters got even more disgusting on Saturday, and social media took him t
Donald Trump went to new lows in his efforts to win over voters of color on Saturday morning. On Friday, NBA star Dwayne W
The possibility of Donald Trump being elected President of the United States represents a clear and present danger to the glob
Anti-vaccination advocates were hoping they could continue exposing the general public to diseases that had been largely wip
The father of a Virginia reporter who was shot to death last year, along with her cameraman, has some extremely strong word
Donald Trump s doctor didn t follow standard medical procedure when he proclaimed the Republican nominee to be in good h
Paul LePage, who might as well be Maine s version of Donald Trump, is becoming well known for his racist attacks on people o
Despite the fact that MSNBC s Morning Joe s main host, Joe Scarborough, is an avowed Republican, the show s hosts and gues
This hypocrite just got his ass handed to him by karma.Ken Adkins is an anti-gay Christian pastor in Georgia who cheered whe
You know what s adorable? When a white supremacist Christian attempts to Jesus his or her way out of trouble after getting
This could easily be about Donald Trump should he get elected in November, except that the whole nation would be sorry inst
Republicans are great at creating controversy where there is none. They shut down the get out the vote organization, ACORN,
Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine spent his Thursday evening with Late Show host Stephen Colbert, and of cou
This might shock you, but in their clumsy and pathetic efforts to smear Hillary Clinton as a Ku Klux Klan supporter because she
The rumors that Hillary Clinton is sick have been flying around the right as conservatives desperately search for any way possib
Sarah Palin has stepped out of the shadows and sent a warning shot across Donald Trump s bow. Largely silent for most of the
You know how we often jest, largely because it s true, that conservatives are racist? Well, maybe we ve misjudged them. The R
David Duke is a former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard who also happens to be one of the most famous white supremacists in mod
For months now, the right and some on the left have been politicizing the fact that Hillary Clinton, like virtually all people who
On the same day as Hillary Clinton denounced Donald Trump for his racist alt-right connections in a blistering speech, she rele
Matt Groening loves to poke fun at everything conservative and Republican. From the hilarious Fox News motto on a news cho
If there s one thing Elizabeth Warren hates, it s when ordinary citizens get the wool pulled over their eyes and are taken advan
The two Orlando-area hospitals that treated the shooting victims from the tragic Pulse nightclub attack are doing something a
Donald Trump, besides being a classic narcissist, also exhibits classic projection behavior. Nearly everything that s been comin
By now most of us know that anytime a member of the Trump campaign gets confronted about one of their leader s disgustin
Republican nominee Donald Trump recently surprised everyone when he flip-flopped on the harsh immigration policy he d be
Donald Trump must really think black people are stupid.The Republican nominee has been making a series of pathetic attemp
It appears Clinton s post convention bump has not ended quite yet. In a new national poll released from Quinnipiac, Hillary C
Donald Trump is taking a lot of fire over the letter his alleged physician wrote about his health, but it got hilariously worse on T
Just as her new book praising Donald Trump, In Trump We Must, hits the shelves, Ann Coulter appears to now be souring on t
Donald Trump is arrogant and narcissistic enough that he probably thinks he convinced black voters to support him. He is very
Trump s wild lies continue unabated as he continues to say that he s met with people that have never once spoken to him. Thi
Christian fundamentalists all over the country are answering some kind of a call to arms to defend their faith from certain de
Donald Trump s presidential campaign has been trying hard to convince the media and (white) voters that he is wholehearted
It s not surprising that Hillary Clinton signs don t last long in tomato red Richardson, Texas, but this is not a normal political yea
You d think we would no longer be surprised when an athlete or someone famous gets away with being in trouble, especially a
The GOP has been having a field day spreading false rumors about Hillary Clinton s health, and it looks like karma has finally ar
Senator Lindsey Graham has had an on-again, off-again relationship with Donald Trump, having first condemned and opposed
During Donald Trump s most recent rally in Tampa, Florida, he went on and one about the size of his dick crowd. As if that is re
It s not even a slight exaggeration to say that when the Supreme Court decided that right-wing religious bigotry can take prece
Donald Trump has been caught buying $55,000 worth of his own books and he paid this hefty bill with money from campaign
A children s home in Oklahoma literally refused to take a donation from a man because he isn t a Christian.The Murrow Indian
This is the craziest explanation of why Donald Trump is getting his ass handed to him in the polls and you have to hear it for yo
Rudy Giuliani s health insurance won t cover this burn.The former New York City mayor who now forgets about 9/11 has been
The alt-right political movement is not something most mainstream voters know much about, but this year it is imperative tha
Cher is a legend among pop singers. She is also no fan of Donald Trump. The gorgeous pop diva has fully endorsed Democratic
When thinking about who would be the perfect person to send to a Donald Trump campaign rally to interview supporters, the
Donald Trump has been raising a lot of eyebrows lately with his new and pathetic attempts to win over African American vote
A GOP lobbyist who s known for his own brand of bigotry has denounced Trump in a completely unprecedented way. Instead
Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) condemned Donald Trump and his unbelievably tone-deaf attem
Note to conservatives who want to pretend to be journalists: be sure that where you get your information is not a satirical site
Donald Trump s biggest claim to fame, The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice, were endangered last year when he revealed
Another Republican senator has soured on Donald Trump. First it was Mark Kirk, then it was Susan Collins, and now it s Jeff Fla
After being fired from the Trump campaign, Trump s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is still spreading hate on b
Donald Trump and his campaign know that they stand an ice cube s chance in hell at winning the presidential election unless t
Ever since Trump first seized on the flooding in Louisiana as an opportunity to pretend he s presidential, it has been abundantl
When WikiLeaks arrived on the scene, it seemed to many that they would be the savior of democracy. After all, they have the
In case you haven t noticed, because maybe you ve been living away at sea with no contact to the rest of humanity, Donald Tr
If there is one reason to vote for Hillary Clinton, it will be because of one thing: Republicans will become obsolete.At least that
If the Republican Party actually took this guy s advice they wouldn t be a party on the verge of extinction.Donald Trump and th
Earlier this month, the Trump campaign posted on its website an advertisement seeking election observers to monitor locatio
Hillary Clinton appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Monday night and absolutely killed it.Jimmy Kimmel has spent a lot of time
The women of Fox News are sick and tired of putting up with the sexist bullshit of their male colleagues and bosses.After Gret
Donald Trump is making a lot of money thanks to the donors giving money to his presidential campaign, and it s all legal. Even
Former President George W. Bush s Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy joined the ranks of an ever-growing list of Re
If there s anyone who is absolutely tired of Donald Trump s shenanigans running for office, it s Last Week Tonight host John Ol
Donald Trump s new campaign manager is just a few days into her role, but already Kellyanne Conway is having difficulty defe
Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, is trying to run for Congress again, but he might have a hard time if word of his in
It would appear Donald Trump not only wants to become President of the United States, but he wants to make a lot of money
Melania Trump has proved over the past year that she is just as dishonest as her husband. Now it appears that she committed
These assholes were taken to the woodshed and they deserved it.After British diver Tom Daley failed to make the final round
Despite claiming that he never watches Morning Joe on MSNBC, it became very clear on Monday morning that Donald Trump
Donald Trump has his sights set on a voting bloc he has not a chance in hell of winning: black people. Despite Trump s blatant
The Donald Trump campaign is relying heavily on a 12 year old to help open a field office in one of the most important countie
Kirstie Alley hasn t been relevant in the world of acting in many years. Usually, the only way she can get any news attention is
A group of White Lives Matter protestors held a protest outside of the building of the Houston chapter of the NAACP on Sund
On Sunday, Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox News Sunday, where he decided to push the right-wing conspiracy theory that Dem
If you weren t having nightmares before about Donald Trump potentially having the nuclear codes, his latest choice for nation
Steve Bannon, Donald Trump s new campaign CEO, is the former chairman of the radical alt-right media company Breitbart. O
Rudy Giuliani threw a hissy fit over Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards reaction to Donald Trump visiting the flood damage
A Republican senator has compared President Obama to a drug dealer in controversial remarks just coming to light.The Sena
White supremacists are celebrating Donald Trump s rise to the top of the Republican Party and KKK leader David Duke bragged
We re just days into experiencing the leadership skills Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump s new campaign manager, has to offe
It s no secret that Team Trump has a problem with minorities and that is putting it kindly. Despite Trump s recent attempts to
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump decided to reach out to black voters by traveling to an almost all-white town
Once again, Republicans are throwing a hissy fit because President Obama did not cut his vacation short to go immediately to
In July, a Washington Post editorial called Donald Trump a unique threat to democracy. This is entirely true. Trump has sugge
As Donald Trump s support has crumbled in the past month, donations to Hillary Clinton s presidential campaign have been su
All Donald Trump did is unload some play-doh for a photo-op in flood ravaged Louisiana instead of doing anything tangible to
Donald Trump campaign senior advisor Jack Kingston appeared on CNN Friday to discuss Trump s efforts to reach out to voter
Corey Lewandowski is still beating the Trump drum on CNN, including defending Trump s campaign shakeup this late in the ga
As crunch time nears and states are having their primary contests, the Clinton campaign is wasting no time in getting further a
If you ve even been on Twitter then you ll know that it s often filled with not only news and updates on events, but also filled w
Republican strategists and party officials are circulating a plan of action that they are close to enacting, based on the premise t
A new report from the New York Times finds that Donald Trump owes twice as much debt as he reported on his public electio
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is blasting the Republican obstructionism that has crippled the United States Supr
A pastor shamefully lied in defense of Donald Trump on Saturday and Joy Reid shut him down HARD.During an interview on M
Donald Trump s efforts to reach out to voters of color has been going about as terrible as one might expect it to go. Kayleigh M
There has been a lot of talk about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump s character and temperament when it come
After 20 years of corruption, millions of dollars wasted in ethics charges, and a stain on the integrity of law enforcement, Sher
Donald Trump has once again showed why he will only have white, male support. In a recent shakeup which entails staying o
The problem with running for President in the 21st Century is that nearly everyone has a Google page or 1,000 about them, an
You ve probably seen the headlines that Aetna, one of the largest providers in the Affordable Care Act exchanges, has pulled o
What is the one thing that might actually scare Donald Trump? That s right the prospect of releasing his tax returns has him t
It s no secret that Donald Trump has a hard time with not only attracting minority voters, but also the votes of millenials that h
While Republicans try to make Louisiana s deadly floods Obama s Katrina, there is only one person getting flack for being a ra
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been worried about the mayhem Donald Trump was going to subject the GOP to since the ver
Donald Trump thinks his apology was a great success, and he just got owned on Twitter for it.During a speech in North Caro
Donald Trump has made it a point of his campaign to never apologize for anything, but he poorly tried to do exactly that on Th
Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been openly critical of Donald Trump, and of the Republican Party
As was reported earlier, statues of a naked Donald Trump have been appearing all over the country.The artists that put them u
An interracial couple in Olympia, Washington, was stabbed by a man sporting white supremacist tattoos and markings. The att
Donald Trump gave his first ever apology on Thursday. It was half-assed and the work of a teleprompter, but regardless, he did
Jewelry designers Jill Martinelli and Sabine Le Guyader of Lady Grey in Brooklyn left Ivanka Trump a note with her recent purch
Katrina Pierson, Donald Trump s official campaign spokeswoman who appears to have a permanent spot in front of a cable ne
Statues of Donald Trump have appeared in five cities across the country, and it s clear that they re not meant to honor him. Th
Donald Trump just got fined $10,000 for improperly using the atrium of Trump Tower for campaign events, which violated an
Trump s appointment of Breitbart chief Steve Bannon, along with his decision to have at least two people at the top of his cam
It s no secret Republicans are salivating to find something, anything, to take down Hillary Clinton. The idea of a third term for D
Republicans are about to lose a huge source of funding as the Justice Department announces it will phase out its usage of the
A pawn working for Donald Trump claimed that women respect and are voting for the Republican nominee in November, and
Fox News is desperate to sabotage Hillary Clinton s campaign so they are continuing to launch outrageous lies about her healt
As Donald Trump s campaign continues to sink deeper into its self-sabotaging downward spiral, it s becoming clear that even T
Hi folks, John Harper here, at least if you ask a certain racist, Islamophobic freakshow named James Stachowiak (that s not my
Most black Americans can t stand it when white people try to explain to us what is best for us hence the term whitesplaining
A racist white woman in Florida is surely furious after her African-American neighbors posted a video of her dissolving into a h
A right-wing activist secretly spying on a Democratic senate campaign was exposed. The caper was exposed by quick thinking
So if natural disasters are sent by God to punish us for legalizing same-sex marriage, what does it mean when a flood destroys
The new head of Donald Trump s presidential campaign is already getting rave reviews from a core block of the right-wing coa
The man who wrote the speech for Patricia Smith, a.k.a. Benghazi Mom, for the GOP convention has found that he no longer
What just happened on CNN would be sad if it weren t so gosh darn funny.It would seem it s not only Donald Trump who is in
Ivanka Trump enjoys what someone from that family would consider the finer things in life: vacationing with a Russian dictat
Since Donald Trump can t figure out why he s trailing Hillary so badly everywhere it counts, he s decided his campaign staff is t
When it comes to Donald Trump and his number of apologists sent out to every media outlet to justify his horrific behavior, th
It s getting to the point that as frightening as the premise is of a Donald Trump presidency is, the movement he has created ha
If you ve never had to suffer through any of Trump s surrogates trying to participate in debates on CNN, consider yourself luck
This sounds exactly like what a dictator would do to humiliate his opponents.Because according to former Apprentice star and
When you think of civil rights activists, it s not likely that Glenn Beck will ever enter your conscious, except perhaps as a cautio
Mikhail Baryshnikov is one of the greatest ballet dancers of all time. Hailing from the Soviet Union, he was born during the Col
We ve all been concerned with the idea of the likes of Donald Trump receiving national security briefings, which are set to star
Last night, Donald Trump gave a speech in Wisconsin that was meant to appeal to people of color a voting bracket that the R
A Fox host engaged in some seriously f*cked up wishful thinking on Tuesday and every American should be outraged.Bill O Re
Trump hates the media with a passion. He often rails on Twitter, and at his rallies, about the dishonest media, and the dishon
Jayme Liardi makes no secret of the fact that he s isolationistic and xenophobic, and also seems to support, or at least sympath
There s a lot of uncertainties in this election, but one thing is crystal clear: Donald Trump is liar. Now, whether or not he believ
Donald Trump thought he could distract America from his insane, self-destructing campaign by releasing what he called a pol
Just a few days after activist and filmmaker Michael Moore wrote an open letter to Ivanka Trump begging her to convince her
Even though the election war is far from over, Tim Kaine won today s battle with Donald Trump when he blasted him for his bl
NBC Entertainment chairman Bob Greenblatt took to his Facebook account to rip demented Donald Trump, calling him pomp
After a decade and a half of peppering nearly every political conversation with as Joe Biden famously said a noun, a verb and
Talk about throwing your own party under a bus. This Trump supporter literally said the GOP has rigged elections and that is s
Adbusters latest magazine cover definitely lives up to its mission of fighting back against the hostile takeover of our psycholog
Donald Trump s speech proposing extreme vetting for immigrants through the use of an ideological test was just completely
Donald Trump just got owned for comparing Hillary Clinton to German Chancellor Angela Merkel in an effort to demonize her
Rudy Giuliani just committed the greatest sin one could in this country by pretending that the worst terrorist attack on Americ
In a speech on Monday, Donald Trump proposed an absurd idealogical test to gauge the American values of immigrants seek
Ron Reagan, the late President Reagan s son, is understandably indignant over any idea at all that Donald Trump is anything lik
President Barack Obama is sick and tired of talking about Republican nominee, and he didn t hesitate to let everyone know ho
It s only been a few weeks since CIA veteran Evan McMullin announced that he was joining the presidential race as a conserva
There cannot be any bigger example of irony in American politics than Donald Trump s newest proposal for immigrants comin
Trump s war on the media isn t earning him any allies, and now it s cost him one of the biggest, most well-known conservative
It s not news to say that Donald Trump is a phony. He s neither a great businessman nor as wealthy as he says he is. He contra
As Donald Trump continues to be showered with adulation from conservatives, one right-wing radio host is seriously regrettin
Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has been recently designated by the Donald Trump for President campaign as their
It s beginning to get to the point where one can wonder if Donald Trump is deliberately self-destructing on purpose, because m
Sean Hannity is definitely going to blow a gasket about this.In recent weeks, major mainstream media outlets have been slamm
Donald Trump s refusal to release his tax returns has been an issue that has dogged him for his entire campaign. While it is no
We have roughly 92 billion opinion polls going around regarding the presidential election, and right now, they all show Trump
John Oliver had a field day mocking Donald Trump on Sunday night for repeatedly shooting himself in the foot and it was an ab
When there is talk of your father (and probable lover) and his campaign manager skipping hand-in-hand though a field of dais
One would think Corey Lewandowski, Trump s former campaign manager, would eventually get tired of swiping at Paul Manaf
Donald Trump s mouth gets him into trouble a lot. There have been endless examples of his inability to curb what he says, wh
Life is hard. We get it. Every one of us has had a tough time for one reason or another. However, Trump fans seem to want us
Donald Trump is whining about the media doing their job, so can someone please get out the world s smallest violin and play i
Greetings patriots, right-wing activist and all-around bigoted Cracker-American Jim Stachowiak greets his mixed crowd of vap
Donald Trump s running mate, Mike Pence, appeared on Fox News for an interview Sunday morning. Let s just say it did not go
Usually, Donald Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson can find sanctuary with the ever-conservative leaning Fox News, but that
Sources from inside Donald Trump s campaign told ABC News on Sunday that because the Republican nominee has f*cked up
Brian Stelter just called out Sean Hannity during a segment of CNN s Reliable Sources on Sunday morning for some of the ridic
Yet another Republican official has come out to say that despite political differences, Hillary Clinton is a hell of a lot better cho
Paul Manafort, the chair of Donald Trump s campaign, got slammed by Jake Tapper during a segment on CNN s State of the Un
Donald Trump is doubling down on his bizarre claim that the only way that he can lose in Pennsylvania this October is because
Floundering Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump went off on an unhinged Twitter rant Sunday morning, where he
A prominent conservative Christian is calling for women to be prohibited from having any leadership roles in our society wha
While it s often useless to talk about things politicians said more than a decade ago, there are times when those things are rel
In a continuation of the DNC hack, Democratic House members and congressional staff were doxxed on Friday, with their priva
Two Muslim men were shot to death in broad daylight while walking in the New York City borough of Queens on Saturday. Bo
During a segment of Triumph s Summer Election Special, Donald Trump supporters got trolled hard. A group of Trump support
Want to take part in an opinion poll on the presidential election, but the pollsters never call you? There s an app for that. It s c
Another day, another situation where a Catholic priest is caught being a pervert. Monsingor Lawrence McGovern is the head o
Shortly after Amber Heard revealed that she suffered abuse from a partner, who happened to be famed actor Johnny Depp, m
Republicans who have been behind successful presidential campaigns are now speaking up on the slowly unraveling disaster t
Court documents show deceptive behavior by Donald Trump s company that is part of a pattern for the Republican presidenti
Legendary actor Robert De Niro was in Sarajevo on Saturday to accept an award in recognition of the anniversary of his charac
Trump s team is taking historical revisionism to a whole new level.During an appearance on CNN with Victor Blackwell, Donald
The incredibly talented voice actor, Billy West, who is probably best known for his work on the hit television show Futurama h
If there s one presidential candidate who is the king of dog whistle politics, it s Donald Trump. After declaring that the election
It s truly sad that southern conservatives don t even know their own history.During a Donald Trump rally in Florida a group dis
Donald Trump still refuses to release his tax returns. So when Fox blowhard Eric Bolling tried to defend him for it he was utterl
Another day, another Hillary Clinton scandal has died in flames. Just this year alone, three scandals Benghazi, her private ema
Claire McCaskill is very clever. Instead of outwardly calling Trump a phony bloviated god damned fool outright, she disguised
An official representative of Donald Trump s presidential campaign has once again launched an attack on the family of fallen s
Did you know that there are two words Muslims are not allowed to use? Well, according to Christian conservatives, there are
After all the backlash Trump received for saying that Obama was literally the founder of ISIS, he tried backpedaling, and then t
They say the cover-up is always worse than the act itself, and Alabama Governor Robert Bentley is learning that lesson right no
A North Miami resident shot his unarmed ex-girlfriend after following her into the ladies room at a Denny s in 2013, and he s
Two women in New Jersey are suing the state for one horrific obstacle that is in their path to having children the women are
Donald Trump told the crowd at a Florida rally just how bad Hillary Clinton s mental stamina is, but at the same time, he could
This truth doesn t hurt Donald Trump, it amuses him.That s probably why he flashed a smile after a heckler at a Kissimmee, Flo
There s no doubt about it: Trump and his campaign are in full meltdown mode. If he were a nuclear power plant, he d be Cher
Republicans are in full-blown panic mode as over 70 GOPers signed a letter to the RNC begging them to abandon Trump to foc
Donald Trump has shown throughout the presidential campaign a repeated habit of lying again and again about every issue un
In another blow to voter and racial suppression, a federal court just stuck down North Carolina s racially designated gerryman
Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is getting behind a bizarre conspiracy theories that supporters of Don
A former staffer of Donald Trump s presidential campaign is currently suing the campaign for its disastrous handling (or lack of
After a completely unhinged speech in Florida in which Trump claimed President Obama and Hillary Clinton were the founder
GOP congressman Steve King (R-IA) had endorsed Republican nominee Donald Trump after Ted Cruz ended his presidential ca
Sean Hannity told a massive lie to make Donald Trump look like a hero and he got busted for it by real journalists.In May, the F
Donald Trump has been facing a furious backlash as a result of his most recent comments. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelos
Republicans are already predicting doom and gloom for November. Since Donald Trump seems not to grasp what get on mess
Donald Trump may soon be facing the November election completely alone. A new report from Time is detailing an ultimatum
When Donald Trump isn t busy insulting Gold Star families or inciting his followers to assassinate his presidential opponent, he
During a live CNN interview with Rudy Giuliani, host Chris Cuomo held the former New York Mayor s feet the fire over his justi
If the Republican Party leaders thought that Donald Trump would become more presidential once he clinched the nomination
Something that Donald Trump needs to realize is that his words are now heard not only all over the nation, but around the wo
Many people will assume those who are religious will automatically vote Republican. That may be true with Evangelicals and P
Best known for her roll in the TV show Charmed, actress Rose McGowan is a patriot, but not in the sleeps-with-an-AR-15 sense
A man who shot and killed his own daughter as she came home from her first day of middle school has told authorities that sh
Hillary Clinton took a swing back at Donald Trump on Wednesday. Speaking at a campaign rally in Iowa, she blasted him for su
Chris Christie has always been adamant that neither he, nor his staff, knew anything about the Washington Bridge lane closure
The GOP is scrambling to do damage control after its disgraceful presidential candidate called for the assassination of Democr
Former New York Mayor and right-wing puppet Rudy Giuliani stepped in on Wednesday to defend Trump after his, let s say co
Donald Trump s Second Amendment threat just took a more frightening turn.National outrage ensued after the Republican n
Having lived through an assassination attempt herself, former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) understands the seriousness of Trum
While many of us are still trying to understand why the hell a presidential candidate would call for the assassination of anothe
For decades, it seemed, when the nation imagined a president, they imagined Martin Sheen. It s no wonder. He was once cast
As Donald Trump continues to sink his political party due to his inability to be presidential (or seemingly human), it s been repo
Donald Trump really should have just apologized or kept his mouth shut.On Tuesday, Trump told a crowd in North Carolina tha
Tuesday night was big for Speaker of The House Paul Ryan, who had a primary night victory. Of course, he couldn t celebrate o
Just when you thought Donald Trump s constant stream of offensive comments had died down, he goes and calls for Democra
Dan Rather, an often unbiased and objective presence in what was once credible media, has officially bucked his long-held obj
While at a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made a clear insinuation that S
Donald Trump told his supporters to engage in gun violence during a campaign stop on Tuesday.Discussing the possibility that
Donald Trump is hemorrhaging Republican supporters faster than his casinos hemorrhage money. He s losing in almost all poll
Even the women of Fox News refuse to buy Trump s bullshit claim that he is a feminist.That why when Fox Business contributo
There are consequences for defying a Supreme Court ruling, and Roy Moore is about to find that out the hard way.When the S
Two Republican former Environmental Protection Agency chiefs are warning that a Trump presidency would not only set the
Donald Trump just doesn t know how to keep his mouth shut and he continues to receive the mockery he deserves.On Monda
World-renowned political theorist and activist Noam Chomsky has made his feelings about Donald Trump very publicly known
An Islamophobic sack of monkey turds called a mosque in Watauga, Texas, to threaten them with beheadings and tell them to
On Monday, Donald Trump unveiled his much anticipated and long waited economic plan that was, as everyone could guess,
Donald Trump s Republican issue just got a lot harder. After 50 prominent Republican security expert denounced the Republic
Donald Trump is nigh-universally recognized as a walking, talking, national security disaster. From The Donald s promise to our
Trump s acceptance of a Purple Heart, and his saying that he d always wanted one of those, really pissed off a lot of people co
With nothing of substance to go on, conservatives have recently decided that the best way to prove Hillary Clinton is unfit to
After the release of nude pictures, that might have been meant as a distraction from Trump s disastrous two weeks beginning
Donald Trump is so far-out and detached from reality that even Fox News has had enough. After declaring, three months out,
If you ve never watched Donald Trump read off a teleprompter, you re really not missing out on anything. Part of what makes
The #NeverTrump GOP delegates are a determined bunch. They tried tirelessly to change the rules of the Republican National
Two polls have Hillary Clinton beating the wannabe-Fascist-in-Chief Donald Trump by fifteen points. In RealClearPolitics comp
Ibtihaj Muhammad is on the Olympic fencing team for the United States. She s also a Muslim and before even competing, has
In January, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said, I try and pay as little tax as possible, because I hate what they do w
The #NeverTrump faction of the GOP has longed for an Independent conservative to run for the presidency in a last ditch effo
Every presidential candidate s economic plan has flaws. They either rely on deficit spending (Hillary Clinton), or they rely on m
Donald Trump is now alleging that the United States presidential election will be rigged against him. As per usual, Trump s alle
On Sunday, Iran executed a nuclear scientist for giving vital information to the enemy. Shahram Amiri disappeared in 2009 du
CNN s Fareed Zakaria recently caused a bit of a media firestorm when he decided to deliver his analysis of Donald Trump blun
Four Donald Trump surrogates tried their best to lay out their case that there is a major bias against Trump Sunday morning d
More proof that Donald Trump s presidential campaign is helping the fascist arm of the right-wing has just come in. During the
Donald Trump claims the election is rigged and Fox host Sean Hannity irresponsibly does not challenge him, so CNN s Brian Ste
The electoral map is being redrawn in Hillary Clinton s favor as Donald Trump plunges into near total self-destruction.While th
A new ad from a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC hits Donald Trump for his dishonorable attacks on the family of Captain Humay
The fallout from the sexual harassment scandal involving Fox News founder Roger Ailes continues as secrets about how he op
Picking a fight with Joy Reid on live television is not smart, so of course a Trump surrogate did exactly that and got his ass hand
Hillary is starting to pull out all the stops in going after Trump s bromance with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. In her latest att
As Donald Trump continues down his path of self destruction (which is bringing the Republican Party down with him), membe
Republicans claim to be pro-life, but one needs only observe to realize that they simply like babies as long as they are in the
Penn Jillette doesn t want Donald Trump to run for president, and apparently, neither does Bloomberg News. They asked Penn
Conservatives have something to say about absolutely everything. This time, they re throwing a temper tantrum over one of t
A veteran has launched a GoFundMe fundraiser that is being advertised as a way for Donald Trump to earn a Purple Heart ser
North Carolina Republicans are reeling after a Fourth Circuit Court Judge decided last Friday what every person on the left alre
Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer wrote a column discussing Donald Trump s mental health on Thursday and he d
Rick Santorum had the impossible job of defending Donald Trump during Friday s Real Time and he found himself humiliatingl
Donald Trump has been an absolute nightmare for the Republican Party establishment. The last week or so has been especiall
What will the world be like post-Donald Trump? A new hashtag, #AfterTrumpImplodes, is working its way through Twitter, car
Republicans have long held the Deep South in their grip, but there are signs that may be changing. is look
Dr. Ben Carson has earned the dubious honor of refuting the idea that brain surgeon equals smart. It clearly doesn t, at least n
You know what scares Republicans more than black people voting in elections? An army of women exercising their rights. For
Oh, Donald Trump. The pathological liar has struck again, although everyone should have seen this coming. At a rally in Dayton
Republicans are flocking away from the GOP s presidential candidate in droves. One group of Republicans just joined the ranks
If you recall the 2012 election, which seemed a lesson in decorum compared to the 2016 presidential election, you probably re
Just like Donald Trump, Sean Hannity has a thin skin and throws a temper tantrum on Twitter whenever someone tells the tru
Donald Trump has had a terrible week, so Seth Meyers piled on with a load of humiliation and mockery.Republicans are startin
Former CIA Director Michael J. Morell has written a devastating op-ed in the New York Times. In it, he makes it very clear that
Last week, RABA Research had Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump in a general election match-up by 15 points, gaining 10 po
Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) is fighting hard to keep her seat, but now it seems that Donald Trump is busy destroying her chanc
Recently, reports have been circulating that Melania Trump may have been working illegally during her first five years in the U
Recently, fans of DC Comics Suicide Squad started a petition to shut down review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes after the site
On Monday night, Kenneth Walker received a letter in his mailbox. The letter, which appears to be written by someone who w
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has reacted to a series of state and national polls showing him losing ground t
Donald Trump just got owned by a legend.During a concert in Los Angeles, singing icon and longtime Clinton supporter Barbra
There s an age old saying: not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans. For quite sometime, the GOP has been
Throughout this entire election Stephen Colbert has invited a schoolyard bully on The Late Show who supposedly advises Don
The clusterfuck that is Donald Trump s campaign is manifesting itself in the polls, as Hillary first opens up a ten-point lead natio
The Republican Party should be prepared to lose the Hispanic vote by a record number this year as Donald Trump has basically
Donald Trump and his campaign have been scrambling to do damage control after his multiple attacks on the Khans, Gold Star
Clint Eastwood will long be remembered for his influence in Hollywood, but his legacy will always be tainted by his 2012 speec
This is the hypocrisy to beat all hypocrisies.As we all know, Donald Trump is vehemently anti-immigration. In fact, it s the cent
Due to Donald Trump s continued unhinged and unacceptable behavior, panicked Republicans are running away from their ow
The idea of a Donald Trump presidency has been terrifying from the second he rode down that escalator and announced that
Donald Trump will be seriously seething after he sees what GOP strategist Liz Mair called him on CNN.As we all know, the Rep
Here we go again, folks. Yet another video has surfaced showing yet another protester getting the shit kicked out of him by Tr
No wonder Donald Trump is accusing everything of being rigged the polls are no longer showing Trump beating Hillary Clinto
If there s one person who definitely doesn t want Donald Trump to be president, it s the man who actually wrote Trump s Art
Very few of Donald Trump s fans are more blindly loyal to him than former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, but Trump s behavio
While in Virginia, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump looked at the crowd in Loudoun County and told them how econom
Donald Trump is an idiot. Ben Carson, a literal brain surgeon, is so stupid that the phrase what are you, a brain surgeon or som
The San Jose Police Department has been plagued with accusations of racism and racial profiling, and now they re getting sued
It appears the genius businessman Donald Trump will have another failure on his hands. While the mainstream media is focus
This was a treat to watch.If you want to see a member of Team Hillary absolutely destroy a Trump mouthpiece and the Repub
The GOP implosion is about to be set off as influential Republican leaders are on the cusp of staging an intervention with presi
The prospect of Donald Trump becoming president just got a whole lot scarier.The Republican nominee has been receiving for
Ana Navarro is a well-known Republican strategist, but thanks to Trump she s having a hard time defending her support of the
Another day, another billionaire and/or Republican refuses to endorse the train wreck that is Donald J. Trump. While a slew of
Just two weeks after Republicans officially named Donald Trump as their nominee, they are already discussing how to replace
Khizr Khan has been nailing Trump ever since he denounced the Republican nominee s hateful rhetoric at Hillary Clinton s Dem
Art Halvorson, a Tea Partier with a major agenda, is running for office against Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA), who is the chairman of t
Sarah Palin is a proud Trump supporter, but you know who isn t? The father of her previously-unwed-now married abstinence
Donald Trump s presidential campaign is spiraling out of control. Reeling from days and days of missteps by the nominee follo
Earlier on Tuesday, Donald Trump decided to accept a Purple Heart from a supporter who had earned it for his service. It was
A father decided to record his daughter after she got her wisdom teeth removed and probably got a more interesting respons
When you think of roofs and AR-15s, a great marketing campaign might not be the first thing to come to mind, but a roofing c
The rally in Virginia on Tuesday for Donald Trump went down as well as one would expect. The GOP presidential nominee, wh
Donald Trump has already been giving hints that he might back out of debating Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinto
Malia Obama may be President Obama s daughter, but she is still a teenager who does things that normal teenagers do.But co
It s no secret that conservatives and Republicans (not all) despise President Obama simply because he is black. After years of i
When Donald Trump isn t getting blasted for his disrespectful comments about Muslim soldiers who died sacrificing their lives
You know the age-old political trope that politicians spend a lot of time kissing babies? Well, Trump just turned that on his hea
A few months ago, a story of a young African-American girl went viral on social media. The girl is a first grader named Kameria
Dr. Drew Pinsky knows a thing or two about reality show stars, so it wasn t really that hard for him to question Donald Trump
President Obama let loose on Donald Trump, describing the Republican presidential nominee as simply unfit to serve as Presid
The GOP tent continues to get smaller as the first House Republican has decided to vote for Hillary Clinton against the divisive
A Mike Pence rally in Nevada turned ugly when a military mom asked the vice presidential candidate about Donald Trump s re
Donald Trump has gotten himself in a world of trouble over his slams of Gold Star families, particularly the Khan family. He wh
Warren Buffett is one of the richest people in the world (third on the list, according to Forbes most recent ranking, and he is b
Following in Donald Trump s footsteps of attacking military families, a mother with a son serving in the U.S. Airforce was booe
After a really bad week for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, where he was destroyed endlessly by speaker afte
It s disgusting enough that Donald Trump jumped to serial womanizer and harsser Roger Ailes defense in the wake of a growi
Ever since Donald Trump had the nerve to insult and attack the parents of a slain Muslim soldier who sacrificed his life for his c
Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns knows a thing or two about presidential decorum. He has made documentaries on Thomas
If you ve recently gotten into an online political debate, it s likely that you ve encountered some people claiming to be former
Fareed Zakaria tends to go for the heart of the matter when he s talking about pretty much anything, but it s not likely that an
Yet another highly respected conservative is jumping from the sinking GOP ship now that the captain is billionaire blowhard D
After GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump attacked the family of a fallen U.S. soldier, a well-deserved backlash ensued. Kh
Most Americans understand that we should all give the utmost honor and respect to those who fight for our safety and our fre
Republicans are having a very hard time swallowing the latest not to mention lowest yet controversy swirling around their n
Ever since Khizr and Ghazala Khan gave their powerful speech at Hillary Clinton s Democratic National Convention, Trump has
The families of eleven American soldiers who lost their lives serving the United States have banded together and sent a letter
Donald Trump is getting ripped to pieces on Twitter right now for already signaling that he might try to find a way to skip the s
Another mother who lost her son in military combat is blasting Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for his attack o
When Khizr Khan took the stage at the DNC to give a heartfelt speech about the very real sacrifice his Muslim son made in Iraq
Harry Reid has had just about enough of the refusal of the leaders of the Republican Party to disavow their support of Donald
Khizr Khan, whose son died while serving as an American Army captain in Iraq, spoke at the Democratic National Convention w
Ah, The Simpsons, the hilarious animated show that s been on television for nearly 30 years now, and is a staple of American c
During an interview on ABC s This Week, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was questioned by the show s host,
Early Saturday morning, a customer at a Kansas International House of Pancakes called 911 to report that one of the NRA s re
Christians have long lobbied for the ability to peddle their religion in the public square. This includes public schools, despite th
Donald Trump has received a massive backlash over his comments directed at the Khizr Khan and his family. Khan spoke out a
All the pundits doubted her ability to do it, but she did it. After four nights of hope, progress and inclusion, Hillary Clinton capp
It s a trap! That s the messaging that the Trump campaign has decided to go with when asked about Trump s response to the
As many of us could have predicted would be the outcome, a White Lives Matter rally broke out in chaos and a brawl ensued
Khizr Khan, whose son was killed in Iraq while serving in the United States Military, took the stage at the Democratic National
Donald Trump woke up on Sunday morning and decided to play the victim and Twitter was NOT having any of it.On Saturday,
Since sexual harassment is almost a sport at Fox News, it is unsurprising that a man who worked as a Miami correspondent for
Mark Cuban is much richer than Donald Trump. He is also sane enough to see that Donald Trump is a lunatic who would destr
The presidential debate schedule is already out, and, true to form, Donald Trump is already throwing a livid fit about it. He doe
The mother at the center of Donald Trump s attack on the family of a slain purple heart recipient responded to the Republican
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump decided to attack the family of a U.S. soldier who died in combat in Iraq. Res
Yes. Seriously. Republican delegates all received a Trump-themed gift bag after they suffered through the train wreck that was
How do you stop cyber-attacks? Well, if you re Donald Trump, the solution is very, very simple. It s so simple it s amazing nobo
Earlier this week, Trump tried to stroke his vanity to maximum advantage by asking Politico for copies of their magazine that f
A Louisville, Kentucky Metro Corrections judge was outraged when jail officials dragged a female, African-American inmate be
During a campaign rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado on Friday, Donald Trump delivered a bizarre theory about the local fire m
Donald Trump is not a detail person. Learning about issues is apparently below his pay grade, as is spelling, at least if you look
There were several powerful, captivating speeches that marked Hillary Clinton s Democratic National Convention in Philadelph
He s a Republican. He s anti-gay. He s all about family values. So of course he just got busted for having a sex video of himself
Cancer can take a lot out of a person, especially once treatments begin. Lelania Chapman was hiking through the woods after
Voting rights expert, Ari Berman, sat down with Joy Reid during Saturday s broadcast of The Reid Report where he and Reid di
In one of the best takedowns of Donald Trump yet, John McCain s granddaughter did NOT hold back as she explained why she
During a segment on Real Time on Friday night, host Bill Maher pleaded his case that Hillary Clinton should embrace the carica
America s intelligence community doesn t trust Donald Trump. At all. Period. While both Hillary and Trump are slated to start
By now, all of us know that Trump is a complete a**hole. Even his brainless, delusional supporters are aware of this, and it s o
Nobody can accuse King Cheeto, a.k.a. Donald Trump, of being classy, even as he expects a classiness from his rivals that he ll
Mike Pence, the right-wing nut who is running alongside Donald Trump for the vice presidential position, had a few words for
It s time the American people wake up to the dangers and the treasonous nature that is Donald J. Trump. Two days ago, at a p
Last night, Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic presidential nomination in Philadelphia and gave a powerful speech that w
This is outrageous and someone needs to put this right-wing nut job in her place.Rather than applaud Khizr Khan for standing
Republican racists in North Carolina just got their asses handed to them by the United States 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.In 20
Bill Clinton just watched his wife accept the nomination for President of the United States. His wife, a former Senator and form
As the Democratic National Convention wrapped up its final night, with Hillary Clinton delivering a speech that blew Donald Tr
Hillary Clinton delivered an amazing speech on Thursday night and the DNC Convention was a unifying success, so of course D
Melania Trump plagiarized part of her Republican National Convention speech. So, Republicans, whose unofficial theme this y
With Donald Trump as the party s nominee, sane Republicans have been jumping ship left and right. On the final night of the D
Just when you thought Ann Coulter couldn t be any more vile than she s shown herself to be, she showed herself yet again to
The United States Navy is about to name a ship after gay rights pioneer Harvey Milk.The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by S
Khizr Khan, the father of a slain purple-heart winning Muslim soldier absolutely laid into Donald Trump in his speech on the fin
As we all know, Sarah Palin is America s village idiot, but at least she would have only been vice-president had Republicans act
It s a good thing Democrats picked Philadelphia to host their convention. Pennsylvania is continually being talked up as swing
Everyone knows Donald Trump is a thin-skinned little whiner. Elizabeth Warren knows it (and has proven it), Bill Maher knows
The same conservatives who have attacked President Obama over the last eight years really liked his speech on Wednesday ni
Donald Trump is a misogynist creep and Ashley Judd had no problem telling the world what she has personally witnessed.The
First Amendment supporting conservatives are once again up in arms over what they perceive to be political correctness run
Harry Reid is frightened, as all Americans should be. Donald Trump is about to receive security briefings, and with Trump s app
Let the mocking commence.On Wednesday evening, conservatives across the country noticed a familiar face sitting in the aud
The things that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says and does seem completely indefensible, but ABC News A
The Stephen Colbert we love was in rare form Wednesday night when he was asked by an audience member what one questio
Donald Trump likes to brag about the fact that he attended the University of Pennsylvania s prestigious Wharton School. Howe
President Barack Obama brought down the house on the third night of the 2016 Democratic Party Convention when he single
Everyone paying attention to the 2016 presidential election, regardless of politics, realizes that Donald Trump is not fit to hold
Former Maryland Gov. Martin O Malley came out swinging at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday. He denoun
Far-right conservative and resident anti-Semitic bigot, Ann Coulter, has harsh words for Hillary Clinton. Of course, Coulter hasn
It seems that Donald Trump has a history of asking hackers for help in furthering his goals. Not only did he ask Russian hackers
Marco Rubio, who is now working doggedly to keep his mostly-empty Senate seat, actually has something new to say about D
Donald Trump is known for changing his mind, and today he did an about face on the minimum wage. Despite the fact that he
Once again, the Republican Party should be embarrassed that Donald Trump is their nominee.During a press conference on W
Donald Trump is in bed with the Russians and he knows it. Why else would he hide his taxes and claim that he has never met P
It has nothing to do with Russia. That s the story the Trump campaign is sticking to. Paul Manafort, Trump s dictator-protectin
When Donald Trump first announced that he was running for the White House, no one took him seriously. We all laughed and
Bernie Sanders had an amazingly touching moment at the 2016 Democratic Convention that brought the usually stoic Vermon
The second day of the Democratic National Convention took an emotional turn when a group of black women, whose children
Fox News most popular prime time host, Bill O Reilly, responded to First Lady Michelle Obama s speech at the 2016 Democrati
Donald Trump got his ass handed to him by a Texas treasure.While many, including myself, focused on Elizabeth Warren and B
The only reality show Donald Trump should have ever been featured in is The Biggest Loser because he just got his ass handed
History has been made (once again) in the United States. Hillary Rodham Clinton after decades in public service, has been offic
Rumors that the DNC hack was tied to Russia have been swirling for several days, but now, this is no longer just a mere suspici
The U.S.A. Freedom Kids performed at a rally for Donald Trump in Florida last January and played a song containing lyrics whi
If Dr. Dre were a white guy the police would have treated him totally differently.But because the legendary rapper is black and
Yet another Republican is leaving the party in protest of Donald Trump.Donald Trump is doing more to destroy the Republican
While Republicans constantly shove their judgmental fingers in people s faces over some perverted and hate-filled idea of Chr
Donald Trump has created nothing but division in our country, and amplified every racists fear that they might lose all their w
Now that the Democratic National Convention has rocked the house on its first day, media is reporting heavily on the power p
Michelle Obama is one of the most beloved First Ladies we ve ever seen. She is a brilliant wife, mother, champion of the peop
First Lady Michelle Obama brought the house down at the 2016 Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, using her section of th
If this keeps up there won t be enough Republicans left to justify the existence of the party.Utah GOP state Senator Mark Mad
Okay, nobody can accuse Bill O Reilly of being a supporter of Obama, but his show tonight was off the charts. He decided it wo
There are things that, with all the excitement going on at both the RNC and the DNC, are getting overlooked right now. Howev
If sane Americans have done one stupid thing over the last year, it s not take Donald Trump seriously. Unfortunately, there s a
CNN s supposed law enforcement expert, Harry Houck, is promoting a new video with what he no doubt thinks is an absolutel
A Detroit man has been sentenced to 25-50 years in prison after his 9-year-old son was killed in an accidental shooting when h
Michael Jordan is quite possibly the best basketball player to ever live. Now, he is using both his fame and fortune to fight aga
The Democratic Party is poised to have a convention filled with powerhouse speakers that will dwarf the lineup of has-beens t
The Republican Party has been wishing that America would be more like Russia in recent years and they may very well get the
Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has been thumbing his nose at the music industry by playing whatever damned song
The day has arrived for the Democratic National Convention, and outgoing DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is off to a ve
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is stepping down as chair of the DNC, effective the second s
There are plenty of politicians of many stripes who are very afraid of the idea of a Donald Trump presidency, and with good re
Hillary Clinton isn t just looking ahead to the Democratic National Convention, which kicks off this week, but she s also looking
A three-year-old South Carolina girl died on Saturday, after a days-long battle for her life. According to WACH, the toddler got
During an interview on CBS s Face the Nation Sunday morning, President Obama lambasted Donald Trump for his recent comm
Just when Donald Trump has his biggest opportunity to act in a truly presidential manner, he decides instead that what needs
Mia Frias-Russell, an African American mother of three, recently moved from Indianapolis, Indiana to the smaller town of Cam
On Sunday s broadcast of CNN s Reliable Sources, a panel discussed the role Roger Ailes legacy. The Fox News founder is retir
Donald Trump sat down with for an interview with Chuck Todd Sunday morning during an episode of MSNBC s Meet the Press
On the night of June 22, Atlanta, Georgia police officer James R. Burns was called to Monroe Place apartments to investigate a
Donald Trump and the GOP appear to have finally found the messaging that they are using to sell Trump s flip-flop on banning
The right is giddy over the fact that President Obama s Kenyan half-brother Malik says he plans to vote for Donald Trump. The
Jon Stewart completely annihilated Sean Hannity on national television, and the Fox News host threw a hissy fit over it.On Thu
Van Jones humiliated them so badly that one guy actually changed his opinion of him.During the RNC Convention last week, V
Following all the idiotic drama of Donald Trump s choosing Mike Pence of Indiana for his running mate, Hillary Clinton s choice
New released video shows Santa Clara County sheriff s deputy Benjamin Lee in a standoff with fellow police officers, after he p
Speaking at the National Council of La Raza conference in Orlando on Saturday, Elizabeth Warren went after Donald Trump an
Noah Malone was celebrating his fifth birthday with a group of friends close to his age. His mother, Vickie Malone, had just bro
Now, you d think after calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, Donald Trump would have the Latino community bending over
The gazebo at the Cudell Recreation Center in Cleveland, Ohio has become a non-official memorial for Tamir Rice, an innocent
Rafeal Zuniga, a former guard at the Waller County, Texas jail where Sandra Bland died, admitted to falsifying official logs docu
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is so enthralled with Donald Trump that he s been inspired to run for the Senate, but t
Donald Trump regularly references slain U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, but the victim of the 2012 terrorist attack wo
The internet went wild mocking Melania Trump this week. That is because of the fact that a large portion of the speech she ga
And Republicans wonder why they are not doing well among Hispanics.On Friday, Hillary Clinton announced US Senator from
Everyone thinks of people like the KKK when they think of white supremacists. Indeed, it s no secret that the KKK s former Gra
Hillary Clinton announced her choice of Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her vice-presidential selection on Friday and, of course, T
Appearing on Fox News, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani decided to make the bold claim that the world is more dan
On Wednesday, right smack dab in the middle of the Republican National Convention and Donald Trump s coronation as the p
The recently concluded Republican National Convention in Cleveland was a four-day never-ending cavalcade of dystopian nigh
Trump s campaign has been desperately trying to win over all the minority groups it has spent the last several months offendin
Infamous Italian dictator Benito Mussolini anticipated Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump s campaign slogan 89 y
Senator Cory Booker was none too happy with what went on at the Republican National Convention. The Los Angeles Times re
Well, it s official: both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have chosen their vice presidential picks, and it s time to move forwar
Virginia Senator Tim Kaine has been chosen by Hillary Clinton as her running mate in the 2016 presidential election. The decisi
A black Cincinnati police officer is currently receiving backlash over a controversial Facebook post where he warned his African
Donald Trump has been touting himself as a pro-LGBT candidate because he s going to kill Muslims or something, but one thin
Republicans continue to jump the sinking ship that chose Donald Trump to be their captain.Chris Ladd has been a Republican f
Donald Trump made a lot of bullshit claims during his speech on the final night of the Republican National Convention. On Frid
Former Beatle George Harrison s estate is livid today after his song, Here Comes the Sun was played at the Republican Nation
America got i s first true glimpse of a Trump presidency on the final night of the RNC. Instead of a speech focused on the econ
Conservatives may have the nominee they wanted but they killed the Republican Party in the process and perhaps just guara
Over the course of five days, Tulsa deputies watched 37-year-old Elliot Williams slowly die on the floor of his cell.According to
Remember when Donald Trump said he would debate Bernie Sanders and then refused to do so when Sanders accepted? We
It happened again. One would assume that after Monday s debacle when the RNC displayed a white supremacist s tweet on a
As the last night of the Republican National Convention concluded, Donald Trump gave his acceptance speech of the Republic
North Carolina s anti-transgender law, HB2, has made the state and its notoriously bigoted governor, Pat McCrory, come unde
During the Addicting Info after-party at the NetRoots Nation 2016 conference last Friday Ryan Clayton, the executive director
A police officer in Texas has been caught on video making a racist comment to a black woman that he manhandled. The video
Most of us are fully aware that Republican nominee Donald Trump is not only a racist, a misogynist and a bigot, but a complet
Another day, another example of right-wing racism coming out of the GOP. As the RNC heads into its fourth and (thank God) fi
The Republican nominee just got owned by a fellow billionaire.To begin the Late Show on Wednesday night, Stephen Colbert i
After Ellen Pompeo viewed yet other shooting of an unarmed black man by police, who was even on his back with his hands u
Hillary Clinton broke the internet, or at least one of her sites, when an anti-Trump site, owned by the Clinton campaign went d
The battle between supporters of Black Lives Matter and those who see BLM as a racist, violent group of domestic terrorists is
We all knew the 2016 Republican National Convention would be a Hillary hate fest. For the past three days, Republicans have
If Chris Christie is looking for his testicles Ted Cruz s campaign manager knows exactly where they are.Trump supporters are th
Texas textbooks are once again in the limelight. After years of asking for ethnic studies, they finally offered them. The only pro
Just in time for the election! The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit based in New Orleans found what Democr
Donald Trump is terrible. He wants to build a wall to keep brown people out of the country, blames all of our nation s problem
Make no mistake about it: Ted Cruz is horrible. But you ve got to admire his ability to stick to his convictions. His terrible, terrib
Michelle Obama showed off her amazing singing voice in Wednesday night s edition of Carpool Karaoke on James Corden s La
Ted Cruz is a piece of sh*t. Most of the country has known this a long time after observing his rampant homophobia, his willin
Chris Christie went ballistic on Ted Cruz Wednesday night following the Texas senator s failure to endorse Donald Trump durin
Fox News host Bill O Reilly told his audience on Wednesday night that former talk show host Montel Williams chickened out o
Texas Senator Ted Cruz refused to endorse Donald Trump during his speaking slot at the Republican National Convention on W
Paul Ryan is in a little bit of hot water. Not because he s establishment, not because he s proposing a giant cut to Medicare or
It s no secret Hispanics hate Donald Trump. He has record low favorability with them, and there are no signs that support with
It s about time the media started calling out Trump and his team for being the liars they are.The Trump campaign has been vig
Harry Potter books are among the best selling books of all time. Among millennials, nearly half have read at least one book an
Trump s supporters are bloodthirsty monsters.By now it is crystal clear that Hillary Clinton needs the most Secret Service prote
After two very high profile mass shootings of police, which followed two very high profile shootings of black men by police, Laf
It s almost pathetic how quickly and easily our frenemies on the Right jump to hanging people whenever they don t like them.
Donald Trump is officially the Republican nominee for President of the United States. Mike Pence is officially the nominee for V
Donald Trump has long insisted that he is going to build a massive wall along the U.S-Mexico border, and force the Mexican go
If you ve been watching the Republican National Convention you ve been witnessing quite the bizarre circus that doesn t seem
Tuesday night, retired neurosurgeon and former GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson delivered an unusual speech at the R
A day after a plagiarism scandal rocked Melania Trump for the portions of her convention speech that were lifted from Michel
Right-wing super troll and contributor Milo Yiannopoulos has been banned from Twitter forever. The announce
Democrats and a lot of Republicans are scratching our heads trying to figure out the appeal of the braggadocios billionaire. De
Hillary Clinton is making sure that the shockingly racist comments made by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) don t slip by her supporte
You know what s even more stupid than blaming Melania Trump s plagiarism on My Little Pony? Claiming that whites are the s
It s still a few months before the election, so the media has to keep us interested by telling us it s an up and down horse race.
We ve all heard it from our conservative friends (and enemies): race relations are worse under President Obama. President Ob
Republicans have routinely blamed President Barack Obama whenever something goes wrong, even if it s completely unrelate
Sometimes, politics can get so ridiculous that one is forced to wonder if what he or she is seeing is really happening. One of th
Yesterday, on the first day of the Republican National Convention (which turned out to be a complete disaster), Donald Trump
The era of Roger Ailes at Fox News is definitely over after this devastating blow.Earlier this month, former Fox News host Gret
As conservatives rushed to find excuses for Melania Trump s plagiarized speech at the RNC Convention on Monday night, Joy R
Donald Trump s wife was the headline speaker on the first night of the Republican National Convention. It was supposed to be
If you haven t figured it out by now, Donald Trump loves himself a lot. In fact, he may love himself more than anything or any
The Republican National Convention got off to a rocky start on Monday. The evening portion opened with what else but Bengh
Republican congressman Steve King (IA) launched into the first night of the Republican National Convention with a racist tirad
Donald Trump is only one day into his Republican National Convention, and it s already not looking good for him. Not only did
Donald Trump s coronation party has just kicked off, and it is not going well at all. The Colorado delegation, led by Free the De
Poor GOPers looking forward to participating in conversations about the Republican National Convention are going to be disap
After the horrific murder of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, President Obama gave a heartfelt speech one tha
As Republicans gather for the first day of their clown show also known as their convention a glaring and telling detail rests in
Mike Pence, the presumptive Republican nominee for vice president, once penned a screed attacking the Disney animated mu
Horror struck once again on Sunday as police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana were gunned down on in the line of duty. Just
Stephen Colbert showed up at the site of the disastrous clusterf*ck that will be the Republican National Convention on Sunday
The minimum wage hasn t been raised for nearly a decade, and a decade ago, the fight was just as nasty and contentious as it
Months before the potential inauguration of Hillary Clinton, we are beginning to see some of the same types of attacks agains
With the Republican National Convention tomorrow, and the Democratic Convention next week, Hillary Clinton is maintaining
On Saturday, Paul Ryan posted a photo to his Instagram. The photo was a mass selfie of a large group of Capitol Hill interns. It
In a rare display of bipartisanship, nearly every member of the U.S. Congress voted in a favor of a monumental mental health
The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves.During an interview with Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes which will air on Sunday e
Three police officers were shot and killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana Sunday morning. Detective Steve Loomis, the head of the
Sometime around 2:00 am on July 17, a man armed with a handgun entered Parrish Medical Center, located in Titusville, Flori
Following the tragic shooting of several police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana earlier today that left three officers dead and
With the Republican National Convention looming, everyone is trying to find out whether the Republican Party is seriously goi
On Friday a federal appeals court overturned a 2012 ruling which allowed the U.S. Navy to use sonar for training, testing and r
A Roswell, Georgia police officer was fired on Thursday. The officer s dismissal from the police force came after multiple citizen
Florida s toxic and dangerous stand your ground gun culture nearly claimed the lives of two more children. Their only crime
Donald Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, conducted their first joint interview on Saturday. The interview was conduct
Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren are engaged in a Twitter feud for the ages and she s kicking his ass.On Saturday, the Mas
Foreign nationals, including lawmakers and other political types, cannot legally donate to or influence U.S. elections. However
Now that Indiana governor Mike Pence has officially been announced as Donald Trump s running mate, it s important to unde
Now that it s been established that Mike Pence will be Donald Trump s running mate (and not errand boy Chris Christie), the C
A new report from the Pew Research Center shows that the religiously unaffiliated now make up the largest religious voting b
Republican officials are reportedly scrambling to tear down signs at the party convention site in Cleveland in order to avoid ye
Almost every well-known celebrity will likely get a moment where a gossip magazine does a feature on them telling the public
Donald Trump announced Indiana governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential pick via Twitter on Friday and unveiled his cam
Donald Trump s introduction of Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate continued the Republican presidential campaign s streak
Speaking up against hate where it stands, yet again, is Senator Elizabeth Warren from the great state of Massachusetts.As Don
It s like a day doesn t go by without some backwoods, right-wing jackass threatening the life of the President.Donald Baker of
The Republican National Convention starts this coming Monday, and things are not looking good for the GOP s biggest event f
Donald Trump unveiled his vice presidential pick on Friday. He had claimed that he would postpone the announcement due to
It you re into puzzles and figuring stuff out, you ve been loving the past few weeks trying to figure out who the vice presidentia
A recent poll from Quinnipiac University has stunned the political world when it showed Hillary Clinton losing serious ground a
Trump has famously said, repeatedly, that he plans to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. Furthermore, has b
As the RNC rears its ugly head, the Trump campaign has finally released the list of who will be speaking at this years gun-free g
Michigan s Republican governor Rick Snyder has just appointed a new head of the Michigan Department of Environmental Qu
With the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio just days away, presumptive GOP presidential candidate Donald T
On February 1, three officers with the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department were caught on camera using a tas
He has been tried. He has been convicted. And now he has been sentenced for lying about his expertise and background to th
On July 9, a 28-year-old Washington man broke into the home of Sikh/Hindu family, holding them at knife point.Preet Moudgi
Last time I checked, the Constitution still says declaring war is Congress job.As a former lawyer and judge, one would think Jea
Fox News Channel host Bill O Reilly and Republican presidential nominee believe that the horrific attack in Nice, France means
Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow is denying a story circulated by the Donald Trump presidential campaign that he will be a
The Republican Convention in Cleveland is facing a financial shortfall, and senior party officials are begging for dollars while no
Howard Dean, who famously dropped out of the 2004 presidential race for being too exuberant, knows a thing or two about b
When it comes to racial tension in America, nothing is new, it s just now being shown for what it is. With the emergence of cel
The Republican National Convention was already shaping up to be a nightmare, and for Donald Trump and the very few GOPe
That s right, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls, zero percent of black voters say that they are s
Sarah Palin is a huge Donald Trump fan. However, she is also political poison. Trump has that whole being politically deadly th
Anyone with a brain knows that Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the United States on the world stage at best, and dang
A Fox News host found herself squarely outnumbered on Thursday when she claimed that the conservative network covers ra
The GOP is bowing down to Cliven Bundy and his band of domestic terrorists by giving them exactly what they want.A proposa
South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, the only African-American Republican in the U.S. Senate, emotionally detailed his own experien
The South lost the Civil War but some white guys still refuse to let go of the Confederate flag and think it s okay to threaten bl
Trump received a massive amount of backlash earlier in his campaign for his disrespectful, offensive mockery of award-winnin
Long before becoming President of the United States, Barack Obama was a constitutional law professor, and even before that
When Bill O Reilly calls himself a journalist, he shows he has no idea what that word actually means because he seems to be w
The Republican Party is no friend to LGBTQ people. That is no secret. However, there is a group of gay Republicans who are re
The Islamic State terrorist group, also known as ISIS, is beginning to admit that the military strategy authorized by President O
Much to the Republican party s dismay, bigotry and intolerance doesn t sit well with even the most God-fearing American vote
Donald Trump has not yet officially received the Republican Party s presidential nomination and there is a small effort still aliv
No matter how well dressed, or how intelligent or how wealthy a black person is, there s no escaping skin color and there s no
It s always depressing when allegations that police target African-Americans are confirmed not just by eyewitness accounts, b
House Speaker Paul Ryan was put on the spot last night during CNN s town hall, when a Republican attendee asked him a que
Bernie Sanders finally endorsed Hillary Clinton on Tuesday with a rousing speech to unite the party, and Donald Trump explod
An attempt by Utah s governor to defund Planned Parenthood has been smacked down by a federal appeals court who decide
This is why we love the Notorious RBG.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been on the bench for a long time. Usu
President Obama gave a powerful speech today at the memorial service for the five police officers who lost their lives in the h
Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate that has spewed the most hateful, bigoted rhetoric modern America has
How do you make a fortune in real-estate, like Donald Trump? Why, be as cold and heartless as possible. Just when we all tho
It doesn t take a rocket scientist to figure out one shouldn t dance at a funeral, but considering former President George W. Bu
After finding out that Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was endorsing Hillary Clinton for president on Tuesday morning, Donald Tr
The plot is definitely thickening when it comes to the horrific death of an African-American man at the hands of two white pol
It doesn t get any clearer than this that Iowa Rep. Steve King is a racist.During a story about King introducing Sarah s law, a pro
When Los Angeles photographer Alex Stone and his team tried to capture photos of a vehicle on a public road in San Diego Co
While most people have pretty much forgotten that Florida Governor Jeb Bush was actually a Republican presidential candida
Presidential elections are won by well-prepared, well organized multimillion dollar efforts that are executed at the state level.
Speaker Paul Ryan put on a public temper tantrum after FBI director James Comey came out and said he and his team did not
As much as Jeronimo Yanez, the police officer who killed Philando Castile, wants to claim he didn t pull over Castile s vehicle be
Since Donald Trump first escalated into our lives as a GOP presidential candidate, his one major policy platform has been the w
Dallas Police Chief David Brown just completely desecrated the favorite myth of gun nuts everywhere, that a good guy with a
Sarah Palin continued to fan the flames of hatred and racism toward black people on Sunday by demanding that the media ref
CNN s Chris Cuomo tried to have a discussion about police brutality and race on Monday morning, and it didn t go over too we
In constructing the 2016 Republican platform, delegates seem to be running a contest over who can come up with the silliest,
Emotions around the nation are raw due to the rash of violence that we have experienced in the past week. First, there were b
It seems that every time we turn around, there s a new layer to the con that is Donald Trump. While we re in the thick of the p
It started out as an observation, then it turned into a joke, and but it s become downright insulting. Each time America suffers
At around 12:40 am on Saturday, July 9, two Houston, Texas police officers shot and killed Alva Braziel.Immediately after the s
Just before midnight on Friday, July 8, LaNaydra Williams discovered a chilling comment on her Facebook page. The words we
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not a fan of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The justice, who is
Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani told black fathers who are worried about the safety of their sons that the real dang
Mississippi senator Chris Massey, who is chair of the state ethics committee, was arrested on assault charges early last week.W
There is a hashtag trending on Twitter in protest of Maureen Dowd, a prominent, white op-ed columnist for The New York Tim
For the entirety of the last week, there has been an endless string of politicians and pundits filling the internet and airwaves w
There is nothing that Donald Trump, our resident Narcissist-in-Chief, loves more than promoting himself following a tragedy. T
Donald Trump is more than likely leaning toward picking retired Lt. General Michael Flynn as his vice-presidential running mat
Sean Hannity made a bizarre implication during a segment of his conservative talk radio show The Sean Hannity Show on Frid
Michael Strickland, 36, was arrested after pulling a handgun on Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, Oregon, Thursday ni
During a press conference in Spain Sunday morning, President Obama spoke out against overgeneralizations that some peop
Former Republican Congressman Joe Walsh appeared on CNN this week where he defended a tweet that he posted threateni
Donald Trump likes to brag that he attended the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, but while he is proud of th
In May, New Jersey s Collingswood Public School System adopted a new policy that required teachers to report all incidents of
White privilege is about the fact that for Americans life is very different depending on skin color. The differences can be seen t
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is known for making inflammatory comments after national tragedies in public. He is the guy who tw
A newly released video raises serious questions about the July 4 shooting death of Delrawn Small.Small was killed by Wayne Is
Conservatives talk the talk but can they walk the walk?That s exactly what President Obama dared them to do during a press c
Six more women have come forward to allege that they were sexually harassed by Roger Ailes, the chairman of the conservati
Bill O Reilly attacked the Black Lives Matter movement Friday night, saying that the BLM protestors are a part of a hate Ameri
It looks as though two police officers in Memphis, Tennessee think it s hilarious to take a picture of themselves pointing their g
If there s any one conservative that we wish would just stop thrusting themselves into the spotlight, it s probably Sarah Palin
GOP Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska has been one of Trump s most vocal critics in the Republican Party. He s also adamant tha
A gun-toting white conservative male showed up at a memorial for Alton Sterling, the black Louisiana man who was shot and k
Lawyers working on behalf of Roger Ailes, the chairman of the right-wing Fox News Channel, filed a legal motion on Friday tha
Following the horrific tragedy in Dallas, Texas, the Congressional Black Caucus expressed grief, sorrow, and outrage at the dea
Donald Trump is someone who abuses the judicial system to help enrich himself. In fact, USA Today has uncovered that Trump
Virginia s Trump campaign chairman politicized the Dallas shootings in one of the worst ways imaginable. He didn t use it to ca
If there s one conclusion to draw from the horrific shootings that have been happening over the course of this past week, it s t
A seven-year-old Alma, Michigan boy accidentally shot and killed his sleeping father on Thursday night.According to police, the
Earlier today, Hillary Clinton weighed in on the horrific, tragic shootings of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota as well a
Philandro Castile, the black man in Minnesota who was a licensed concealed carrier and carrying his weapon when he was pul
The shootings were not even over yet before the conservative newspaper New York Post blared a headline declaring civil wa
Whether you realize it or not, the Second Amendment only applies to white people. While open carrying firearms is dangerou
Newly released video shows a group of Texas inmates breaking out of their cell to save the life of their jailer.According to KUS
Following the horrific turn of events in Dallas, Obama addressed the country and mentioned that at some point we are going t
If he had been black and the protesters had been white police would have killed him in a second.Tragedy unfolded in Dallas, T
Nobody can accuse former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh of having a clear view of anything. That s never been more apparent than last
If you listen to Republicans, we live in a post-racial society. The fact that we have a black President, they say, proves that there
Minnesota governor Mark Dayton believes that Philando Castile was killed because he was a black man. The governor made h
What do Hillary s emails and police murders of unarmed black citizens have to do with each other? Powerful white men, i.e. th
In a meeting about party unity, Donald Trump had trouble holding his tongue (no surprise there) toward Senate Republicans
This week, black men died at the hands of police in two unjustified and high profile scenarios. The murders of Alton Sterling in
A creationist tried to debate an atheist about evolution and he got owned within seconds.Outside the recently opened Noah s
Jared Kushner, who is Ivanka Trump s husband and therefore King Donnie s son-in-law, played the good son-in-law by steppin
Like father, like son. Eric Trump didn t miss a beat when he was asked whether or not his sister Ivanka could make a good vice
Professional Clinton witch hunter Trey Gowdy probably expected the public grilling of FBI Director James Comey to go a lot be
Republicans are desperately trying to convince America that Hillary Clinton can t be trusted with national security, but they co
After yet two more instances of unwarranted police brutality against black men who were simply existing, the nation has once
Donald Trump just played coy and hinted that if he manages to defeat Hillary Clinton and is elected, he might decide not to se
Pregnant women throughout the America s are threatened by the Zika virus, but House Republicans couldn t care less and are
There have been two black men, one in Louisiana, one in Minnesota, killed by cops in as many days. This is a pattern, and an e
Yesterday, 70-year-old Donald Trump resorted to acting like a 5-year-old again by attacking NBC News Chuck Todd over Twitt
Donald Trump s antics at a campaign rally on Wednesday night were completely and totally unhinged, even adjusting for the s
It is literally impossible for Donald Trump to let America forget about what an awful person he is for one day.Trump s campaig
Donald Trump has been very busy trying to defend his anti-Semitic Star of David tweet, which came from an obviously bigoted
Donald Trump s candidacy has been very concerning to experts and leaders on national security. His erratic and aggressive ph
Donald Trump loves to brag that he is the strongest Republican candidate ever. As proof, he offers the fact that he received 13
Polls have shown for awhile that Donald Trump has a solid lead among white voters without a college education. What about
If MSNBC had referred to Donald Trump as a rich asshole, Fox News would have thrown a collective hissy fit about it. But the c
It s no secret that Trump s campaign isn t exactly raking in the donations. After all, no one wants to risk being tied to a racist xe
As the fallout from Gretchen Carlson s sexual harassment lawsuit continues, people are stepping forward and offering their tw
Things are not looking good for Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton is making sure things will only get worse.Just a day after bei
We could already make the assumption that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was making decisions off what th
Thirteen years ago, the United States went to war against Iraq s dictator, Saddam Hussein. While the war ended up being a co
This morning, the world found out that former Fox News anchor, Gretchen Carlson, was suing CEO Roger Ailes for sexual haras
Donald Trump is having a very difficult time finding a vice presidential running mate, and it s not hard to see why. After all, the in conjunction with Morning Consult, a media and tech company, conducted a survey of voters and found what we v
Outraged protesters have taken to the streets of Baton Rouge, Lousiana following the shooting death of Alton Sterling. Early T
Michigan s Republican governor, Rick Snyder hasn t quite satisfied his penchant for evil doing. Snyder, who is globally infamou
As a shock to no one ever, the rally in Raleigh, North Carolina on Tuesday night for presumptive GOP presidential candidate Do
The offices at Fox News are in what amounts to civil war after longtime host Gretchen Carlson was abruptly and without reaso
Shortly after midnight Tuesday morning, 37-year-old Alton Sterling was standing outside a Triple S Food Mart in Baton Rouge s
Don Christy, who claims he s neither a Republican nor a Democrat, but rather, a patriot in the most vile sense of the word, ha
Racists and conservatives were very angry that Grey s Anatomy actor Jesse Williams called out racial inequality after receiving
After the FBI declined to charge Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing in the email scandal conservatives have been frothing at th
Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina on Tuesday night and once again his habit of simply saying wha
Donald Trump will likely go down in history (hopefully way down) as the presidential candidate who embraced Twitter as his m
With all the talk of Trump working on his list of potential VP picks, it s only natural that absolutely everyone under the sun wou
Republicans clearly just have absolutely no shame anymore. It s already been discovered that the image tweeted out by Dona
Donald Trump is the Twitter candidate, so it shouldn t be a surprise that one of his supporters got himself into hot water with
While appearing for the first time on the campaign trail with Hillary Clinton in North Carolina, President Obama stood by her s
President Obama appeared at a campaign rally alongside Hillary Clinton, and just couldn t resist getting in a dig or two about o
The GOP has been impatiently waiting for the moment that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would be indicte
When House Democrats staged a 26-hour sit-in to protest the House s refusal to take up anything having to do with gun legisla
Meet Abby Johnson. Abby Johnson is a pro-life feminist and she has the most thankless job in the world: She s trying to move
House Speaker Paul Ryan has endorsed Donald Trump for president, but it is clear that he wishes he hadn t felt like he had to
At 11 AM Tuesday morning, FBI Director James Comey announced that the FBI would NOT be recommending the Democratic
On July 4, we celebrate our independence each year, but the Obama family has had another reason to celebrate for the last 18
Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the GOP and, more importantly, to the nation. He is also the most outrageously danger
On July 3, William Brumby accidentally shot his 14-year-old son, Stephen, at the High Noon Gun Range, located in Sarasota, F
Okay, we all probably get it. Independence Day weekend can be annoying as all hell because it seems like there s always some
Anyone trying to defend Donald Trump after his disgusting anti-Semitic tweet is having a really hard time.First, former Trump
Donald Trump could have just shut up and let the storm pass. But he didn t and he got taken to the woodshed for it.As we all k
No one can accuse Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson of being able to use the few brain his god saw fit to bless him with. Nobo
As people head out to celebrate America s independence, some people have more to celebrate than others. A LOT more.Even
Even though the fact that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted out Anti-Semitic imagery is bad enough,
Today is July 4th, otherwise known as America s Independence Day. Americans across the nation know this is the day our coun
A citizen from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was brutally arrested after racist Islamophobes in Avon, Ohio, called the cops o
New York Times conservative columnist David Brooks is absolutely amazing. After years of sitting by while Republicans waged
Californians have a choice ahead of them. In November, citizens of the Golden State will decide whether or not to legalize mar
Ramadan is a holy month that all Muslims celebrate. They fast from sunrise to sunset, unable to eat, drink, smoke or even hav
Anyone following this election can easily see that Donald Trump is no angel. From his bigotry, racism and misogynistic behavio
Donald Trump s fired campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has found a new home on CNN, in which he shills for Trump 24/7
Donald Trump s reputation as a disgusting racist prig is well known, and it s why known white supremacy groups would pick hi
Mathew Barzun, the United States ambassador to Britain, just delivered some devastating analysis regarding British schoolchil
Donald Trump doesn t have much foreign policy experience, but he loves his golf courses, especially the ones overseas. He s n
During an appearance on Meet the Press Sunday morning, Republican Senator Tom Cotton (AR) was grilled by the show s host
The plot thickens.If you ever needed any more proof that Donald Trump s campaign is in bed with white supremacists look no
KCCI reporter Emmy Victor was covering an officer-involved shooting, which took place in Boone, Iowa, when she was verbally
Donald Trump just heard that Hillary Clinton won t face charges from the FBI and he went ballistic.Conservatives have been fro
A little over a month ago, Linda Sorenson, the Republican Chair for Delta County, Colorado, posted the following Facebook me
Hannah Cohen, a 19-year-old brain tumor patient, was flying home from St. Jude s Children s Hospital when she was beaten an
On March 9, a federal grand jury indicted Iberia Parish, Louisiana sheriff Louis Ackal on charges of conspiracy and deprivation o
Anti-abortion advocates were dealt another heavy blow on Friday after a federal judge blocked parts of a bill that would have
You know, with as many times as conservatives have declared the Hillary Clinton email scandal the end of her political career
Republicans have found a new way to hurt the pockets of the working class and this time they re going so low as to strip pay
Donald Trump has claimed since he launched his presidential campaign to be worth at least $10 billion. He has not offered any
Whenever Donald Trump has the opportunity to sell something, he s going to say whatever he needs to so it gets sold. This tim
How does the saying go? Fox News isn t racist, but number one with racists? Pretty sure that s it, and keeping true to form, the
On Friday, during an interview on Real Time with Bill Maher, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson sat down wi
Ruline Steininger wants to participate in an historic election that could result in the first female President of the United States
Ever since Donald Trump s true character was revealed in his presidential campaign, his racism, bigotry and misogyny has easi
Attention, conservative men. This one is for you.After reading a pair of anti-abortion letters written by men published in the M
The only people who think all Jewish people are rich and shrewd with money are anti-Semitic racists, so therefore it should co
Comedian Denis Leary has donated a lot of his own time and money to helping the victims of the terrorist attacks on Septemb
Former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski isn t even a month into his new role as a CNN contributor, but i
Bill Maher finished Friday s episode of Real Time by absolutely destroying the always-failed experiment that is Republican eco
The Republican National Committee seems to be crumbling before His Royal Censorness, Donald Trump, even when it comes t
The religious right s attempt to stop women from exercising their legal right to an abortion is facing its biggest setback in years
The draft version of the Democratic Party platform released on Friday evening contains a provision pushing for an end to the d
While the federal government is at a chronic standstill in dealing with gun violence, the largest state in the union is doing som
As many have been less than enthused with Trevor Noah taking over for Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, the show still held a t
If you listen to Donald Trump at any of his many rallies, you d think he made all of the products within his many, many produc
Many new minimum wage increases took effect on Friday, and Fox was quick to lose their sh*t over it.Fox Business host Stuar
In a little over two weeks, the Republican Party will hold its convention to, hypothetically, name Donald Trump as the official n
Republicans are starting to rally around their presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump, albeit grudingly. Top Republic
Can you put a price on bigotry? North Carolina Republicans just did. It s $500,000.North Carolina is a state precariously placed
The very cornerstone of Bernie Sanders campaign is income inequality, and there s a very good reason for that. The statistics
The House Select Committee on Benghazi, which was actually just an attempt to smear Hillary Clinton all over the sidewalk, ha
It s illegal to use money meant for charity to purchase stuff for yourself and it looks like Donald Trump definitely broke the law
Donald Trump s anti-Muslim rhetoric has been the focal point of his campaign, and he is showing no signs of stopping that tre
On the night of June 18, Tupelo, Mississippi police officer Tyler Cook pulled over a vehicle for what authorities say was a routi
Donald trump is lonely these days. Several prominent conservatives and other assorted right-wing loonies have decided that T
We all know that Trump supporters are crazy, but a man in New York City s Times Square took it to a whole other level on Thu
North Carolina is in a world of trouble. Their bathroom law, which tells transgender people that they must use the bathroom o
The head of the Department of Homeland Security was at a Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill when, after enduring a
A two-year old girl is in critical condition after sustaining severe injuries at a Clark County, Washington hotel on Tuesday. If not
Donald Trump has been making racist comments about the Hispanic population since the beginning of his campaign, and no m
Donald Trump s campaign might be close to broke, and he might be doing highly illegal things to try and keep it afloat, but evi
If the way Donald Trump reportedly ran the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach is any indication, if he wins, he will be taking full
Canada is going to miss President Obama when he leaves office just as much as most Americans will.But before that happens,
Just when you didn t think the Trump campaign could sink any lower, it does. Twitter lit up on Wednesday evening, because it
Donald Trump s slogan, Make America Great Again, has his fans cheering, while others raise their eyebrows and wonder just
Members of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) determined that Fox News Channel violated the law when they put toget
President Obama, due to his unique position, is able to use the global stage to draw attention to issues unlike any other leader
The NRA claims to care about our military veterans but they just got busted desecrating a military cemetery by filming an anti-
Leaving a young child alone in a vehicle is irresponsible especially in Florida during the summer. So far this year, 16 children h
A struggling mom sent an email to all 122 of Mississippi s lawmakers asking for help getting insulin and an insulin pump for her
The Democrats in the House of Representatives last week showed a level of spine that the slimy weasel we call the Speaker of
The GOP s anti-science stance is helping them do nothing but spiral ever farther out into the stratosphere, while people who a
Nate Silver is great at predicting the outcomes of political races. He predicted all 50 states correctly in the last presidential rac
Be careful what you wish for is an age-old adage. Earlier this month, Donald Trump tweeted that if you want to know about
In a statement that was attempting to appeal to the left and to the worst conspiracy theorists on the right, Donald Trump accu
On June 13, 80-year-old Edward Acquisto shot and killed 81-year-old John Cloud in a Rhode Island cemetery.According to polic
One of the most notorious Republican donors over the last 40 years has been busted for tax fraud and slapped with a hefty pe
Trump responded to yesterday s tragic suicide bombings at Istanbul s Ataturk Airport the only way he knows how by ramping
The GOP convention is drawing all sorts, including nutbags like this one on YouTube. It s also drawing those who believe the G
A group of white nationalists and skinheads who support Donald Trump s presidential campaign who were involved in a stabb
Donald Trump has a pattern of business behavior that he has repeated several times over his career when he isn t on a reality
This guy just wants everyone dead.Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona just does not know how
Ted Cruz, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts, is ho
It s sort of unbelievable that the wealthiest person in the presidential campaign, the person who swore he would self-fund and
If there s one thing President Barack Obama isn t threatened by, it s Donald Trump.After the Brexit decision, in which the Unit
Making an appearance on ABC s The View, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) let the ladies know what she thinks about Trump s la
To conservatives, everything is a conspiracy. And their biggest delusional conspiracy theory of all is that the United Nations is g
While he s a lot wealthier, Donald Trump is no Paul Newman. Like Trump, Newman pledges that the proceeds from his signatu
When Republicans announced that they would be abruptly releasing the conclusions to their exhaustive, five-year Benghazi w
Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC s Morning Joe, definitely seems to be in the #NeverTrump camp these days, despite being a l
Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, is a bigot in the truest sense of the word though
LGBT Crowd Eyes Preschool Children. That s the vile headline on a story republished on Fox News from capital bigot Laura Ing
Following the end of every term for the Supreme Court, SCOTUSblog, which is in no way run by the Supreme Court, inevitably
Last week, CNN hired Donald Trump s disgraced former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. That should have been enou
The Democratic super PAC Priorities USA is spending an unusually high $500,000 for a digital ad campaign featuring a powerfu
It s almost poetic. Just after the news broke that Mike Huckabee will have to pay $25,000 for the unauthorized use of Survivor
CNN was quick to scoop up Corey Lewandowski after Donald Trump kicked him out of his role as campaign manager, but his fi
As much as you may want Sarah Palin to drift off into obscurity, you know you can t get enough of her crazy. It s always entert
Portland, Oregon Police Chief Larry O Dea is expected to step down on Monday. O Dea s anticipated resignation comes in resp
When Kim Davis made her way back on the street after doing her time and taking her chances, then-presidential candidate M
The Supreme Court sided with women on freedom and the right to choose today with their ruling on Texas restrictive abortio
The Supreme Court just decided that no, not everyone should have access to firearms, upholding the federal law that if you ar
Senator Elizabeth Warren continued her crusade against Donald Trump on Monday and she she did not hold back.Upon voting
On Friday, St. Louis police arrested two 30-year-old white men in connection with a racially motivated attack on a Black woma
Republicans are trying so hard not to expose themselves as the racists they truly are. Now that their nominee for President of
A few days ago, Great Britain voted to walk off a cliff by leaving the European Union, sending the world into a frenzy. Parliame
Margaret Sawyer was shocked when she encountered a blatantly racist swim safe poster at a public swimming pool in Salida,
Donald Trump appears to be backing off on his pledge to deport immigrants, at least he appeared to be earlier on Saturday. In
A leaked video shows a group of probation officers brutally beating a teen inside a California detention center.The video, whic
As the United States celebrates gay pride, marriage equality enters its first year, and the world partakes in solidarity for those
While few who know anything at all about the realities of the world support Donald Trump, and while media figures don t gen
While Donald the Trump is busy making the rounds decrying immigration, Hillary Clinton decided to make a surprise appearan
Go back to Africa is a phrase one would expect to hear someone tell an African-American at a Trump rally, but it s also somet
Violence broke out during a white supremacist rally in Sacramento, California on Saturday. According to KCRA, at least six peo
On Sunday, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd revealed more specifics that help make the case that Donald Trump is raking in b
Donald Trump is a racist. That is a fact that cannot be disputed. He has the support of white supremacists and other professio
It s no secret that people are furious over the fact that CNN hired Donald Trump s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandow
During a segment of CNN s State of the Union, Arizona s Republican Governor Jan Brewer became very upset over accusations
It was only a matter of time before Donald Trump responded to conservative columnist George Will leaving the GOP, and the
Cracks are beginning to form in the GOP s wall of ambivalence regarding the future platform of the Republican Party. For mon
A new poll released from ABC/Washington Post shows some very good news for Democrats: not only is Hillary Clinton crushin
Donald Trump sure knows how to pick his surrogates. They seem to be just as deluded and self-centered as he is. In the midst
A devastating new round of political polls shows that Donald Trump is one of the least liked political figures in the United State
On May 31 the state of Arizona ran out of midazolam, a sedative which, when mixed with other drugs, can be used to carry ou
In March, 42-year-old Christy Sheats wrote on her Facebook page: It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or
If we ve learned anything from Donald Trump s constant flip-flopping on his policies and stances on issues, it s that whenever
The Republican Party has descended into madness. The establishment is turning against their own presumptive nominee, mem
Christian parents who homeschool their children have the right to keep them stupid and ignorant according to a new ruling by
TransCanada is officially suing the United States because President Obama rejected their proposal to build the Keystone XL pip
In the aftermath of Great Britain voting to leave the European Union, President Obama urged Americans to reject xenophobia
During a panel discussion on Real Time with Bill Maher that aired Friday night, Bill Maher and his panel of guests discussed the
On Friday, Amy Schumer released a sketch that had been cut from her Comedy Central show, Inside Amy Schumer. It s a simp
The polls are not looking good for Donald Trump and he s the king of polls. Hillary Clinton leads him in Arizona, Kansas and Ge
During a panel segment on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday night, former Republican National Committee chairman Micha
Sam Brownback and the current GOP-led Kansas legislature have all but destroyed Kansas. It s so bad that a coalition of forme
Despite some noises being made by some Republican detractors, for all intents and purposes the party is stuck with Donald Tr
On Thursday, the U.K. voted to leave the European Union, and, of course, conservatives here in the U.S. rejoiced because they
All Republicans had to do is ban suspected terrorists from buying guns and pass a universal background checks law. But they c
For the last few weeks, rumors have been swirling that delegates at the Republican National Convention have been concocting
After more than 20 years of service within the National Guard, First Sgt. Dennis Carter submitted his resignation, effective May
The announcement that Donald Trump s problematic, misogynistic campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was fired from the
In the aftermath of the Orlando shooting, there has been yet another unfounded uprising of hate and fear against the Muslim
Donald Trump had a prime opportunity to take advantage of Britain s decision to leave the European Union in the so-called B
The majority of Republicans have fought tooth and nail to make sure that the LGBT community could not have the same rights
In the wake of the Orlando mass shooting Arizona pastor Steven Anderson responded by cheering on the killings and called fo
The world is reeling today as Britain just made the shocking decision to leave the European Union (EU). Yes, Americans and ot
Texas conservatives are cheering after Britain voted to leave the European Union because they believe it means they can sece
In a twist of fate, Donald Trump happened to be in Scotland on the day the world woke up to learn that in a xenophobic ferve
For those who think Donald Trump isn t bringing horrible racism out from the depths of the right-wing s closet, there s Rick Ty
On Thursday, June 23, 2016, a Colorado jury convicted former Rocky Ford police officer James Ashby of second-degree murde
Whenever big news happens in Washington, the nation (at least those in desperate need of entertainment) awaits the respon
The Republican Party s response to making America a safer place following the most devastating mass shooting in modern Am
Another day, another time the Supreme Court surprises everyone. While the divided court issued a serious blow to immigrant
If there s anyone who can appreciate a good Donald Trump impersonation it s Jimmy Fallon of The Tonight Show. Fallon has b
While Republicans whine that President Obama isn t going after ISIS hard enough, a CNN host reminded them that only Congr
There is a lot of speculation as to what President Obama might do after January, when he s no longer the Commander-in-Chie
Author Stephen King has been a longtime advocate for gun control and he knows exactly why we can expect to see more mas
Here s something a lot of people may not know: a current member of Congress was a victim of a mass shooting.California Rep
When Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in 2011, Congress refused to act. Knowing it could happen to any of them a
You ve got to admire Barack Obama s ability to speak plainly, yet deliver a blow so hard that it burns a person s soul.Donald Tr
Donald Rumsfeld is widely regarded as one of the worst secretaries of defense to serve in the United States. Despite that fact,
On Wednesday, Democrats took a powerful stance against the GOP s refusal to vote on gun control measures by staging a sit-
On Wednesday, the Democratic party staged a powerful sit-in to protest Congress inaction on gun safety proposals after the t
As polls show Clinton beating Donald Trump in Kansas and catching up in Georgia, another solid red state is showing the pres
As Obamacare continues to survive court challenge after court challenge (and the Republican s 50+ attempts at repealing), som
Donald Trump s project that is supposedly converting the Old Post Office building in Washington, D.C. is the subject of a Labor
This is disgraceful and it is an insult to every American who has ever lost a loved one to gun violence.Democrats are sick and ti
Donald Trump is attempting to actually, you know, run for president now. It s about time, right? Instead of holding violent ralli
With Donald Trump making a bad guy of anyone with brown skin, and claiming to even want to put a wall along the entire bor
Stephen Colbert was so angry at Senate Republicans that he crushed them into dust during his show on Tuesday night.On Mon
The worst mass shooting in United States history took a backseat to Republican lawmakers grumbling stomachs in a move tha
Rachel Maddow never pulls any punches when it comes to holding politicians accountable, and she made no exception Tuesda
Warren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world and someone who actually does know a lot about money, has known this w
Long story short: a Republican member of the House has filed an amendment to block the United States Treasury, which is res
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has launched yet another epic attack on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Tr
Ever the self-absorbed, narcissistic candidate, Donald Trump has nevertheless been reduced to doing what every other candid
Hillary Clinton has been gearing up for months to take on Donald Trump and expose him as the fraud he is. She exposed his no
Pastor Roger Jimenez made national news after the most recent mass shooting at a gay night club in Orlando when he decided
On Tuesday President Obama visited wounded and ill soldiers receiving treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Ce
After Republicans in the Senate decided that they would side with the gun lobby over saving lives, many have been expressing
There aren t very many black Republican Party officials in the United States, but somehow one was too many for Donald Trum
A mother s heart-wrenchingly true Facebook post is going viral following yesterday s Senate vote on gun legislation, despite he
As Donald Trump heads into the general election with virtually no money, little support, and absolutely no dignity, he s pivotin
Part of the appeal of Donald Trump, at least for those who are drawn to him, is his reputation as a playboy who is rarely seen
Just over a week ago, the state of Florida became home to the worst mass shooting in modern American history. Omar Matee
If there s one thing most progressives both Bernie and Hillary supporters agree on, it s that Citizens United needs to go. In fa
As the Donald Trump campaign shows signs of going broke, it s no surprise as to why: instead of paying staffers, building a pol
You wouldn t think it, but the question of how to attack Donald Trump has been a difficult one. The man is such a buffoon, su
Thinking before you speak is basically a required skill if you want to be a lawmaker, but Missouri GOP Senator Roy Blunt didn t
There s no question that Donald Trump is running a (ahem) unique campaign. It s so unique that he s self-funded it into being
When Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign he bragged that because was worth $10 billion he would not have t
Donald Trump is the Republican Party s presumptive presidential nominee for the 2016 election. However, there is a growing
Just a week after the horrific shooting in Orlando, Florida that killed 49 people in a gay nightclub, the Senate finally took up a v
After the Orlando Massacre we ve once again seen Republicans led by Donald Trump blame all Muslims for the action of on
It seems that part of Donald Trump s plan to make America great again involves building the Keystone XL pipeline. The reason
A racist Trump supporter who couldn t hack it as a police officer is calling for right-wing militia members, former police officers
A four-year-old Iowa boy died as the result of a gunshot injury on June 18.According to KWWL, the boy and his mother were v
The Donald Trump campaign is in trouble, and it s showing. In a very surprising move, Trump has cut ties with his notoriously a
A Birmingham, Alabama police officer was arrested this week, after he allegedly pepper sprayed a fellow officer and threatene
Picture this: Someone decides one of their leaders is a traitor over her support of staying in the European Union shoots her
The parents of a 6th grade student at Live Oak Classical School, located in Waco, Texas, are outraged over school officials failu
Newly released body camera footage shows a La Junta, Colorado police officer violently slamming a man s head to the paveme
Another conservative Christian pastor is praising the killing of 49 people who were shot at an Orlando gay nightclub last week
Wendy Bradshaw became a teacher because she wanted to help children learn and prepare them to succeed in life. Sadly, how
Philadelphia s archbishop Charles Caput is accused of using mafia-like tactics against a state lawmaker who stands in support o
Donald Trump is stuck in a court battle over his failed Trump University scheme, and because he will do anything to win, he ha
There is an attitude among those on the right that if you aren t a straight white male, you come armed with a political agenda
Carl Bernstein, the legendary journalist who is most famous for his original coverage of the Watergate scandal, had some stron
The NRA s Executive Vice President Wayne La Pierre appeared on CBS s Face the Nation Sunday morning where he and Face th
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren once again took aim at Donald Trump and took no prisoners as she hilariously mocke
Hillary Clinton is a complicated woman running in a country that wants its political platforms to fit on a trucker s cap. As a cand
Fox News host Tucker Carlson is so desperate to defend assault weapons that he accidentally made the case for why they sho
On Sunday, House Speaker Paul Ryan stated that he feels he must support Donald Trump as the Republican Pary s presidentia
Donald Trump s presumptive nomination just cost the Republican Party a major sponsor at the Republican National Conventio
For months, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has claimed that his innovative use of social media and his vast p
Mike Hagan has a used car dealership and repair shop in Rochester, New Hampshire and is running a very odd and frankly irre
Repeat after me: There are no gun accidents. There. Are. No. Gun. Accidents. People all too often die unintentionally like wh
This is why John McCain really regretted blaming President Obama for the Orlando mass shooting.On Thursday, McCain told re
Ever since he began his run for President, Donald Trump and his poorly educated (his words, not mine) followers have boaste
This is one of the most epic smack downs of a gun nut you ll ever see.During Real Time on Friday night, host Bill Maher was joi
Scott Baio made an appearance on Fox Business where the actor and Donald Trump supporter insinuated that President Obam
In the days following the massacre at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Donald Trump has tried to claim that he is a better ally to
A rainbow flag raised to honor the LGBT victims in the worst mass shooting in American history is in danger of being removed
Donald Trump s response to the horrific massacre in Orlando the worst in American history was nothing short of disgraceful
We all know by now that House Speaker Paul Ryan is a spineless weasel. He is clearly uncomfortable with the idea of a Preside
When Jared Yates Sexton, a professor of creative writing at Georgia Southern University, decided to attend a Trump rally in No
The Republican Party is fractured, and divisions are deeper than ever thanks to one Donald J. Trump. Some Republicans feel th
GOP Tennessee State Rep. Andy Holt is done with terrorism. His solution, like with most in ammosexual Republicans, is more g
As Republicans stand firm about doing nothing to curtail gun violence even if that means letting terrorist suspects on watchli
Two U.S. Marines are reportedly under investigation following a potential threat against the LGBTQ community posted on soc
Donald Trump has been irritating everyone lately. It has gotten to the point that even many of the most horrific conservatives
Now that Republicans are only a month away from officially nominating a racist, sexist, bigot, companies responsible for fundi
While Republicans continue to wage war on the poor demonizing them for daring to get government help and drug testing t
Donald Trump tweets out a number of terrible opinions on a daily basis so it takes an especially boneheaded post to get peopl
Despite the fact that House Speaker Paul Ryan continues to insist that he s still backing Trump, it couldn t be clearer that he is
With the race for president getting hotter by the day, and now that both parties have their presumptive nominees pretty locke
Instead of bowing down to the NRA leader who has never fought in war his entire life, Republicans should be listening to this I
The #NeverTrump movement from sane Republicans who know what an absolute disaster a Donald Trump presidency would
It is no secret that the GOP brass is less than thrilled to have Donald Trump as their presumptive nominee for the 2016 preside
A Texas mother recently woke up to possibly one of the most infuriating things a parent can see a nasty, bigoted message on
Senator John McCain is in damage control mode after he openly accused President Obama of being directly responsible for th
Since the shooting in Orlando, Donald Trump has been yammering on about how he was right about radical Islamic terrorism a
Neil DeGrasse Tyson doesn t often jump into the political fray. In fact, he s rather famous for holding the unscientific feet of bo
If you re dissatisfied with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as the head of the DNC, Hillary Clinton has some good news for you. Wh
Anonymous has hacked a number of pro-ISIS Twitter accounts in response to the mass shooting that occurred at the Pulse nig
The Boston Globe knocks it out of the park with their Thursday edition cover. The cover shows an image of an actual sized AR-
It looks like Donald Trump is having another really bad week. As Americans are coming to grips with the threat of terrorism, gu
The GOP is notoriously hostile to the LGBTQ community. Generally, we reject gay republicans, and the former leader of gay GO
For 15 hours (now the 8th longest filibuster in Senate history), Senate Democrats stood their ground and demanded the Senat
When Donald Trump banned the Washington Post from his events, he no doubt thought it was the boldest move yet in his wa
As debate rages on over whether to ban assault rifles, pass stricter background checks, and ban potential terrorists from buyin
Only days after the worst mass shooting in the nation s history happened against the LGBT community, the GOP decided they
Normally mild mannered George Takei is pissed at gun violence in this country, and he s planning to organize an LGBT army to
After the horrific terrorist attack in Orlando, which became the deadliest shooting in American history, a new poll from CBS sh
Ever since the horrific act of senseless violence that was perpetuated on LGBT venue Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the m
There are too many people in our society who find the idea of two people of the same gender kissing, holding hands, and even
More and more people have had just about enough of Donald Trump s ridiculous shenanigans. Trump has been racist, misogy
As Republicans stall any talks relating to gun reform or gun violence, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, who served at the tim
On some level, one must sympathize with Donald Trump. The 70-year-old GOP nominee is too stupid to know he s stupid and
While Donald Trump continues to paint himself as the anti-Saudi, anti-terrorist candidate, the truth is coming to light that he m
Donald Trump is becoming a liability to the Republican Party, so GOP leaders are backing away from their nominee and alignin
In the wake of the horrific Orlando shooting that targeted the LGBTQ venue Pulse Nightclub, most GOP politicians have avoide
Trump fanboy Newt Gingrich thinks that the best way to root out terrorists and potential terrorists in the U.S. is to take us bac
As the GOP presidential nominee, Republicans have, as of late, been grudgingly getting behind Donald Trump. Following the m
These last several weeks, the American people have gotten a taste of what they d be getting with a Clinton or a Trump preside
As Republicans cry phony, crocodile tears over the 49 slain LGBT citizens in Orlando, Anderson Cooper had just about enough,
From the very outset of Trump s improbable political career one thing has been abundantly clear: His contempt for the Americ
One of the NRA s biggest talking points might have just been debunked, by the Orlando police. It appears as though the brutal
When even Fox News begins to call for gun control, it s a clear sign that Republicans and the NRA better start compromising.G
According to Donald Trump and far too many on the right, the biggest problem in this country is political correctness, and if it
While discussing Donald Trump on ABC s The View, the ladies all had very strong opinions about Donald Trump, and to be hon
As is typical for the NRA whenever there s a high-profile shooting, they waited days before issuing a real statement on Orlando
President Obama is pissed off and he took Republicans and their nominee to the woodshed on Tuesday for inciting hate again
After the horrific attacks that claimed 50 lives and wounded 53 others in Orlando, the nation was given two options: a leader w
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani had his ass handed to him so badly that he resorted to spouting Trump talking poin
The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell is seen by some as a rather dull MSNBC talk show as compared to say, All In With Chr
Whenever a tragedy strikes, one can always count on love, support, and compassion to outweigh the horror, sadness and emp
Last month, House Democrats publicly shamed their Republican colleagues on the floor when leadership (at the last minute) w
Everyone has their own idea about what made Omar Mateen murder 50 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. He was sup
The creator of Family Guy responded on Sunday to the Orlando mass shooting and humiliated a couple of gun nuts along the w
Pope Francis, while appearing at the United Nation s World Food summit, slammed the United States (and the rest of the wor
Microsoft is buying LinkedIn and they have so much cash on hand that they could pay for the professional social network four
CNN recently broke the news that according to investigators working with the FBI regarding Hillary Clinton s use of a private e
This is hilarious and sad.Ever since New Jersey Governor Chris Christie became Trump s personal whipping boy by endorsing h
Americans have a right to defend themselves. Banning one type of gun will lead to banning all guns. We can t limit the Seco
It s hard to believe, but Donald Trump does have a sizable amount of supporters who agree with his ideas on immigration and
On Monday, Donald Trump accused the President of the United States of being an ISIS sympathizer and when the Washington
In response to the horrific Orlando shootings (which is simultaneously being labeled terrorist attack and a hate crime), Democ
Here s what we know about the Orlando shooter: the FBI was watching him very closely because of alleged terrorist sympathi
In the wake of the worst mass shooting in American history committed by an ISIS sympathizer, Donald Trump appeared on Fox
Fox is not only number one with racists, the network is apparently number one at hiring racists as well.After a video of a schoo
The NY Daily News is never shy when it comes to their covers. They re all about calling out badly behaving politicians and politi
At around 2:00 am on Sunday, June 12, Omar Mateen opened fire inside the crowded Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Ove
A disturbing sex scandal that rocked the Oakland, California police department has now expanded to several other East Bay Ar
Overwhelmed by the sadness of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida where 50 people were killed, the 70th Annual Tony Awa
During a telephone interview with CNN s Jake Tapper, Florida Governor Rick Scott carefully avoided any acknowledgement tha
On the heels of the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the right-wing is spinning a false narrative referring to
Pastor Stephen L. Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, is a terrible human being. In 2014, he made th
The shooter in Orlando, Omar Mateen, was enraged when he saw two men kissing. Apparently, that was enough reason for hi
Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks confirmed that a man arrested on his way to gay pride event in Los Angeles, C
On Sunday morning, Americans awoke to the news that 50 people had been senselessly murdered in Orlando, Florida, simply
Early Sunday morning, Omar Mateen walked into a gay nightclub in Orlando and proceeded to murder 50 people, and wound
By nearly all accounts, Donald Trump s response to the worst mass shooting in American history has been very, very bad. Neve
As if there wasn t enough reasons to hate Donald Trump, his response to the Orlando shooting that claimed 50 lives and possi
The United States just experienced its worst mass shooting in history. Fifty members of the LGBT community were gunned dow
Blood donations are urgently needed in the Orlando, Florida area following Saturday night s massacre. So far, 50 people have
Well that didn t take long.The bodies are still warm and the count of the dead continues, but Fox News already knows who is t
Conservatives are already praising God for the murder of 20 or more people at an LGBT night club in Orlando, Florida.On Satur
The nation is in mourning for the lives of 50 people that were taken during a mass shooting that took place Saturday night at P
The shooter responsible for a mass shooting that is being investigated as an act of terrorism has been identified as Omar Mate
Hillary Clinton is pulling out all the stops in her campaign against Donald Trump, and her newest ad is no exception. It s an info
President Obama just smacked down an attempt by the Republican Congress to let Wall Street defraud senior citizens.As Addi
According to Pastor Darrell Reid, he was cleaning his gun inside the home he shared with his wife of 35 years on Monday, whe
As Elizabeth Warren amps up her attacks on the Donald Trump and his fraudulent university (and V.P. rumors are abuzz), the G
Trump s business prowess is his major selling point with his followers, and he s trying to sell it to the rest of the world. After al
For months now, Republicans and some in the Bernie Sanders camp have been looking for a smoking gun; a damning piece of
Fox News Greg Gutfeld isn t happy with our presidential candidates. He sees Hillary Clinton as a criminal, and Donald Trump a
The nation is once again having a conversation on sexual assault after a former Stanford student was sentenced to only six mo
D.L. Hughley is never one to be shy with his opinions, and once again he didn t hold back when discussing GOP presidential no
During a segment of HBO s Real Time with Bill Maher, Prophets of Rage guitarist Tom Morello sat down with the show s host B
Despite the racial outbursts, the insistence that he keep attacking his former primary rivals even though the primaries are ove
If there s one Republican we know that is absolutely devastated that Donald Trump is the GOP s front runner, it s former presi
Many Republicans believe that if Donald Trump s presidential campaign is as unsuccessful as it is ramping up to be, that they c
Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard used his position in the people s chamber to screw the people over. Now he s going to
The GOP implosion continues, and this time Meg Whitman, failed California gubernatorial candidate, is adding the fuel to the
Brock Turner, the 20-year old swimmer who was convicted of raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster outside of a p
Friday was Sasha Obama s 15th birthday. All around the nation, people sent her warm birthday wishes as the media admired h
All the political buzz right now is whether or not Elizabeth Warren will be Hillary Clinton s vice presidential nominee. The once
While nearly every governor in the country is either looking for ways to take healthcare away from their citizens, or at the very
In 2012, when we were still smarting from the disastrous Citizens United decision, the billionaire Koch brothers were busy usin
As the Democratic Party begins to unite and the GOP continues to implode, a shocking new poll just released shows Hillary Cli
When we lost boxing legend Mohammed Ali this week, we lost more than an athlete. We lost a humanitarian, a man who was
Kansas education system is a mess, thanks to the Republican-led legislature s budget cuts. Funding allocation is heavily biased
Today, Donald Trump tried to walk back his recent comments regarding Judge Gonzalo Curiel at an evangelical summit by proc
A lot of people have a lot to say about the role of Hermione Granger, of the famed Harry Potter series, now being played by b
Many Republicans have expressed the opinion that Donald Trump is an absolute idiot, but this new diss from Senate Majority
One of the arguments against nominating Hillary Clinton for president has always been that Bernie would be stronger against
During an appearance on MSNBC s Morning Joe on Thursday, comedian D.L Hughley explained how it is impossible for the pre
The Republican Party is currently holding a joint conference with right-wing religious zealots at a event called The Faith and Fr
It s no secret that President Obama has a quick wit and a great sense of humor. Both were on full display on Thursday s edition
Vice President Joe Biden followed up Senator Elizabeth Warren s attack on Donald Trump with a sternly-worded condemnatio
If there s anyone who has clearly had enough of Donald Trump s ridiculous bullying shenanigans, it s Senator Elizabeth Warren
Infamous Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson has once again proven just how pitiful and ridiculous The Donald and h
The Republican Party may be losing another supporter as GOP Senator Susan Collins of Maine won t rule out voting for Democ
Today, President Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. The media was abuzz, Clinton s campaign
Do you hear that sound? That sizzling and popping? That s the beautiful melody of the heads of conservatives across the natio
A new report reveals that Donald Trump swindled hundreds of people out of money. These aren t super rich investors (thoug
Police are investigating a possible hate crime after a bomb went off inside a women s restroom in Target.On Wednesday, law e
There have been many musical artists who have demanded that Donald Trump cease and desist using their tunes to rile up the
After staying neutral for more than a year, President Barack Obama has formally endorsed presumptive Democratic nominee
The Republican Party may have done more than shoot themselves in the foot by supporting Donald Trump as their nominee, a
Jut when you didn t think the hosts on the Fox News channel couldn t get any more despicable, they do. On Tuesday s edition
First Lady Michelle Obama, along with an impressive group of successful, fierce women including Meryl Streep, Oprah Winfre
As Donald Trump heads into the general election against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, he is literally doing everything possib
Throughout the Democratic Primary, populist firebrand and progressive icon Senator Elizabeth Warren stayed completely neu
David Duke, who s best known as a former Ku Klux Klan leader and failed politician, has a whole new conspiracy surrounding D
Donald Trump, the GOP candidate who has been completely anti-Muslim for his entire presidential campaign and even propos
While it s usually Donald Trump s fans that make headlines in the media for angry, violent outbursts at rallies and other campa
With Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) canceling his Wednesday press conference, it left many wondering why he would do such a thi
Fearing that the 2016 presidential election will be a disaster with Hillary Clinton and Senate Democrats looking pretty favorab
As Trump begins his second try at softening his image, the progressive Super PAC Priorities USA has begun airing a damning h
After a hard-fought race between herself and Senator Bernie Sanders, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is looking towa
Republicans are beginning to jump ship, and are now becoming members of the growing Never Trump train. Senators are de
While Donald Trump is undeniably very wealthy, but he was apparently never taught the responsibilities that go with wealth
After emerging victorious in the Democratic Primary Tuesday night securing the majority of pledged delegates thanks to New
The New York Daily News, once again, has knocked it out of the park with their Wednesday cover. The cover features images o
On Tuesday, all of Kenya went dark for more than three hours after a monkey climbed onto the roof of the Gitaru Power Statio
The media hyped the fact that Donald Trump used a teleprompter during his speech on Tuesday night after winning the final s
Despite his tough talk on international affairs, slamming Democrats like President Obama and Hillary Clinton for being soft on
Absolutely everything about the story of Brock Turner, the convicted Stanford swim team rapist, is gag-worthy. He received a
For almost an entire year Donald Trump insulted, berated, bastardized and scrutinized everything that wasn t a white, Christia
Facing a tough reelection against Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, vulnerable GOP Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois announced
In 1991, when old, white men turned on Anita Hill, a monster was awakened, and that monster was the fury of the woman. In
Meryl Streep has certainly proven herself capable of playing any role, regardless of whether the character is a woman or a ma
It s gotten to the point that if you re still considering voting for Donald Trump in November, you ve got to be completely fine w
CNN has been heavily criticized for its coverage of Donald Trump s rise and rightfully so. For months, one of the most watched
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) spoke out again on Donald Trump s attacks on the judge overseeing the Trump Univers
Trump doesn t have a plan about how, exactly, he will build his wall on the Mexican border but Home Depot co-founder Bern
Yet another conservative is openly expressing his support for the #NeverTrump movement and it s none other than Michael
Donald Trump s presidential campaign appears to be very worried about the prospect that a third-party campaign could eat in
How damaging is Donald Trump? Just ask the Republican National Committee. They ve lost out on a lucrative advertising deal
The cops should leave this woman, and all of her people, alone unless they ve done something really wrong, and swerving all o
It s no secret that Republicans have used their obstructionist tactics to block anything and everything President Obama has tri
Just one day before California and New Jersey have their primaries, the Associated Press reports that Hillary Clinton has reach
When Donald Trump began his one-man quest to smear the judge presiding over his Trump University lawsuit using appalling
This is why Republicans lost the black vote and will continue losing it for generations to come.During a closed door meeting of
Scott Adams, who s best known as the creator of the Dilbert cartoon, is endorsing Hillary Clinton, but not because he agrees w
Being transgender in a society that does not understand you, and often actively discriminates against you is already more diffi
As the Democratic Primary wraps up with Hillary Clinton slated to clinch the majority of pledged delegates and thus reach the
With Donald Trump s clear and obvious racism over not wanting a judge of Mexican descent albeit born in Indiana presiding
John Oliver, of HBO s Last Week Tonight, dove into the deeply shady world of debt buying and collection on his Sunday segme
The idea of a Donald Trump presidency is scary as hell for most of us. However, one Florida man has a more positive take on t
Now that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has crossed the Rubicon of racism, the people are starting to lash ou
On Sunday, while Floridians braced themselves for Tropical Storm Colin, a gunman decided to Second Amendment two innoce
Since the start of Donald Trump s campaign for President of the United States, there s been a heavy amount of racism. For mo
According to the most recent statistics, attacks against federal range and forest workers have increased dramatically over the
In an unprecedented and unconstitutional move, New York s governor, Andrew Cuomo, has issued an executive order creating
Bystander footage shows a group of Bakersfield, California police officers brutally beating a man in the street.The video begins
The last couple of years have been rampant with what seems like premature deaths. Would we have ever been able to prepar
It s not surprising that Donald Trump would pay his female staffers less than his male staffers. He s sexist, so that s to be expec
Phil Vander Ploeg says that he is a Christian apologist. Well, if that is so, then he needs to get down on his knees and apologiz
Max Gracia, a 22-year-old resident of Orlando, Florida, was found dead in an Orange County jail cell on the morning of August
They haven t toured in ten years but the Dixie Chicks began their new world tour by making one hell of a political statement.T
Donald Trump s proposal to build a wall between the United States and Mexico is absolutely ridiculous. It s unnecessary, coun
Chuck Woolery wants America to return to the 1950s when liberals were punished for exercising free speech and the minimum
On Wednesday a 20-year-old special needs man was gunned down by an angry gun owner in Landover Hills, Maryland.Accord
During an interview on CNN Sunday morning, Jake Tapper pressed Donald Trump hard asking for some shred of evidence that
The right wing loves to appropriate revolutionary icons. Muhammed Ali is very much one of those icons. Since his passing on F
After widespread, bipartisan outrage and several high profile calls by Republican colleagues to knock it off, Donald Trump deci
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump s bizarre accusation that the judge overseeing the lawsuit about Trump Unive
Black and brown people accounted for 86.5 percent of New York City s misdemeanor arrests, during the first three months of
Students at a North Carolina high school have let Donald Trump s influence get to them way too much. Last week, they built a
In a video uploaded to Facebook earlier this week, a group of students from Grosse Pointe, Michigan can be heard talking abo
Beebe, Arkansas mayor, Mike Robertson, loves Jesus. He loves Jesus so much that he s using public dollars to fund a gospel ba
Finally, the media is giving Donald Trump the critical eye they should. The stories about the Trump University lawsuits and his
It s official: No one in the Obama family can do or say anything without the Stupid Part of America calling them n*ggers. As sh
The black family whose family reunion photo was used in a tweet by Donald Trump to prove the Republican nominee has supp
Paris first female mayor and the one who brought the city together after the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and November s mass
The war of words between Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren just reached an epic new height. On Saturday, during the Dem
Until recently, socialism has been one of the dirtiest words someone could say in the United States. On Friday, Bill Maher slam
It s one thing to go after Donald Trump and how bigoted he is, but it s another to look at why he s gotten to where he is in this
Brock Allen Turner, a 20-year-old former student at Stanford University, was sentenced to six months in jail for raping an unco
The morning after getting pounded for several racial outbursts he made on Friday, Donald Trump retweeted an image of a bla
Donald Trump s many business ventures mean that he s got business relationships with many banks, including Wall Street ban
When you think of anti-Trump people, South Carolina s governor, Nikki Haley, is probably not the first person to come to mind
Speculation has been mounting recently that Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton will choose Senator Elizabeth Warren as h
After a shaky jobs report in April, May had a downright terrible showing, on which Republicans have already pounced as evide
Ana Navarro, a Republican strategist, commentator, and Hispanic woman, seems to despise her party s presidential candidate
Donald Trump pointed out a black person in the crowd at a rally in Redding, CA, and said, Look at my African-American. Trum
Our beautiful First Lady Michelle Obama used her final commencement address to take aim at GOP presidential nominee Don
What happens when conservative lawyers from the Cato Institute, Georgetown University and the Hoover Institution get toge
While speaking at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) commencement ceremony, Matt Damon took a moment to
When CNN held a discussion about the investigation surrounding Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton s use of a private em
A 16-year-old is dead after a group of white thugs threatened to gun him down and chased him until he collapsed and died fro
For the first four years of Barack Obama s presidency I chided him for being too nice to the Stupid Part of America. As they spr
Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has been getting slammed ever since the moment he announced his endorsement of Do
To say Hillary Clinton wiped the floor with Donald Trump during her foreign policy speech is being far too polite. She demolish
Director Michael Bay is perhaps best known for his over-the-top, CGI-crazy Transformers movies. He regularly deals in the kin
Political cartoons are usually awesomely hilarious, and they also generally have more than a little truth to them. Case in point
While the media continues to push the narrative that Trump is catching up to Clinton, painting a doomsday scenario for Clint
Donald Trump is very upset at the judge overseeing the ongoing lawsuit in which the allegation is being made that his Trump U
After former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unloaded on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a major foreign
As Donald Trump continues to attack Mexicans, with his recent comments surrounding the Trump University lawsuit judge, M
If you ever needed any more proof that conservatives are hypocrites, this is it.Michael Tassone is an anti-Obama restaurant ow
The controversy surrounding the Cincinnati Zoo s decision to kill Harambe, a 17-year old gorilla, in order to save a child has ma
Despite all the problems plaguing Donald Trump over his failed Trump University, he says he plans to reopen it after the lawsu
It would make sense why Trump claimed wages are too high as is, and why he supports getting rid of minimum wages standa
The world reeled when beloved musical icon Prince Rogers Nelson known simply as Prince suddenly died at the age of 57 o
On Thursday afternoon, Hillary Clinton delivered an impassioned speech regarding foreign policy and how dangerous Donald T
The media is reporting that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two of the most hated presidential candidates in U.S. electio
Are we a post-racial nation? No, we re not, no matter what conservatives like to say, and what happened at a Seattle Starbuck
House Speaker Paul Ryan is nothing but a spineless weasel. Earlier in the GOP Primary season, he seemed to actually have a bi
People believe what they want to believe. When someone tells you they can solve your financial woes with a simple plan, you
Somebody alert Mike Rowe, the dirtiest job in America is being the Republican National Convention s Hispanic Media Director
In 2013, a year after Mitt Romney s stunning completely predictable defeat in the presidential election, the Republican Nation
Donald Trump has already proven to America that he attracts the energy that he puts out. This has been especially true for his
On Wednesday, Rachel Maddow made a comparison between the overt racism of Donald Trump s current campaign and the p
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is trying really hard to ignore the controversy and lawsuit surrounding Trump
Fox News, Donald Trump, and the rest of the half-witted douche-canoes in the Republican Party are an embarrassment to our
Fox News host Greta Van Susteren saw an opportunity to use NASA to take a jab at big government that is equal parts confus
One of America s most legendary journalists, Dan Rather, used his gift with words for a very special purpose on Wednesday: to
It doesn t seem to matter what it is, if the NRA is involved, you can bet it s because they want to see more guns. Such is the ca
It s not just white American men who fight and die for this country. Women, Muslims, and Hispanics have as well and this mili
Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. Unlike Donald Trump, there has been independent verification of his net worth, whic
The Family Research Council s hater-in-chief Tony Perkins is joining his fellow deranged right-wing Christians in insisting that le
From the Civil War to Jim Crow to George Wallace, to the Confederate Flag that hung over the Statehouse until just last year, t
After being held in civil contempt for failing to follow a judge s order not to racially profile, Sherriff Joe Arpaio and others held
Long before Donald Trump owned the Doral Golf Course in 1962, to be exact it became the home to the PGA World Golf Ch
If you ve been following Donald Trump at all, you re aware of how many times he s threatened to sue everyone on the planet.
President Obama made what was billed as an economic speech in Elkhart, Indiana but in reality it was his first speech of the pr
Bobby Jindal s worst nightmare has come true: poor people are going to get the healthcare they deserve, and it s all thanks to
While the country has a meltdown over Hillary Clinton s email scandal (even though she didn t break any federal laws), there s
Someone we haven t heard a lot from during the course of this year s election cycle is Melania Trump, wife of presumptive Re
When listening to Donald Trump one really can t believe anything he actually says without tangible proof. Let s just say he s no
A top gun lobbyist has just warned Americans that if a conservative candidate (meaning Donald Trump) doesn t get elected int
Throughout his entire presidential campaign, Donald Trump has whined about the media. He calls reporters dishonest, tells t
Ken Ham is a right-wing, young-Earth creationist lunatic. EVERYTHING in this man s world revolves around the Bible and he wa
Donald Trump s idiotic followers may believe that Trump is going to eradicate the Islamic State, especially considering the fact
It s no secret that Sean Hannity is one of Donald Trump s biggest bootlickers. Following Trump s most recent press conference
Conservative commentator and Trump hater Bill Kristol has been hinting at a third-party alternative to the GOP frontrunner fo
Every year President Obama declares June LGBT pride month. Last year s pride month was a little more special considering th
This is why we have separation of church and state, to guard this country from religious whackos like Mississippi Governor Phi
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman isn t going to allow Donald Trump s 2016 presidential campaign get in the way
It is now clear why Donald Trump attacked the judge in the case overseeing lawsuits against his now-defunct Trump University
One of Florida s most infamous gun shop owners is yet again making headlines this time for selling targets that have the face
When your presidential candidate is supported by the media of a corrupt tyrannical regime, that s a bad sign.North Korea is a
Last weekend, news feeds everywhere were filled with the horrific story of a beautiful silverback gorilla being shot after a 3-ye
A 12-year-old boy has just gone viral for absolutely shredding every anti-vaxxer s argument against vaccinating children.The bo
An elderly, disabled couple in New Hampshire is suffering thanks to the United States ridiculous classification of marijuana. Lo
How does the old saying go? The more unapologetically defensive you appear, the more guilty you probably are or somethin
Ted Cruz thinks he could be an asset to the campaigns of his fellow Republican senators. There s just one problem, though: mo
The Republican Party is not well we know it and they know it.After getting roasted in the last general election, the Republican
Richard Dreyfuss has provided us with some of the finest moments in movie and television history. His ability to run the table
On your way into work you may occasionally see portable electronic traffic signs that keep you aware of oncoming traffic prob
The Colorado GOP needs to get their stories straight regarding an outrageously racist anti-Obama Facebook post. Top Delta Co
Ann Coulter, throughout her seemingly long career, has managed to offend just above every group that is not white, male or C
Maybe being a racist bigot isn t good for business after all. As Donald Trump ascends to power within the Republican ranks, hi
It s no secret that world-renowned political theorist Noam Chomsky does NOT want Donald Trump in the White House, and th
Conservatives have embraced the idea that every migrant trying to escape the Syrian Civil War is an Islamist terrorist operatin
Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking is internationally renowned for his insights into space, time, and the fundamental nature of th
The mere thought that Donald Trump could succeed President Obama is mindboggling. If you need any visual representation t
As much as he and his supporters want to say the media is against Donald Trump, it s clearly not. Trump has gotten a ridiculou
Shell admits to spilling 90,000 gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico on May 12, 2016. Footage of the spill, captured by Ecogig S
On Sunday, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol teased that an independent candidate an impressive one, with a strong team
As Republicans unite around GOP candidate Donald Trump, all hope seems to be lost for the Never Trump camp.But Republic
As Politico reports an almost neck-and-neck race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the Los Angeles Times has endo
It s Memorial Day, which means that most across the country will be Barbecuing, spending time at the beach or just relaxing. O
A group of about 1,000 Christians planned to attend next week s Reason Rally in Washington, D.C., so they could hand out lite
Brittni Darras teaches English at Rampart High School, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The suicide rate in the state of Co
This weekend, the Libertarian Party held its annual convention in Orlando, Florida. On Sunday, as ballots were being counted t
Donald Trump s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was grilled by Fox News Chris Wallace over Trump s dismal polling n
A new report from the Missouri Ethics Commission documents 32,128 gifts to state legislators from lobbyists undoubtedly hop
There should be no doubt that racism is very much at least part of what is fueling Donald Trump s presidential campaign. Tim
It s become abundantly clear that Donald Trump doesn t think through what he s saying, basically at any given moment. His m
It s Memorial Day Weekend so, along with last week being Fleet Week in New York City, The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon
With the Democratic primary process drawing to a close soon, and Hillary Clinton likely obtaining the required delegates need
It appears that Republicans aren t quite sure if they are on board with Donald Trump s plan to ban all Muslims from entering t
Former GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio made several startling comments in a truly humiliating interview on Sunday,
Fox News has declared war on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for defining a hot dog as a sandwich.America s most embarras
Conservatives just love to be stupid. They can t help it; it s a byproduct of believing the rhetoric, propaganda and lies spread b
In what was either an interview with CNN s Jake Tapper or a very public suicide note, Marco Rubio broken, sad, and tired su
Billy Joel made a fool of Donald Trump this weekend with a shoutout tribute to the orange man in front of a capacity crowd at
This week temperatures in the town of Phalodi, located in the state of Rajasthan, India, reached 123.8 degrees F. It was the hi
Donald Trump has been trying to suppress internal documents from his controversial Trump University business, but a judge h
Several high school seniors in Texas won t be having such a high old time for graduation this year, and it s all their own damn f
For years, a street preacher has been embarrassing Christians by peddling what can only be described as extremist bullsh*t un
Donald Trump has supposedly been self-funding his campaign (sort of), and he loves bragging about how he s not beholden to
This week marked a particularly shameful level of the kind of Republican obstruction that has now become the norm. As repor
A new war toy for the Navy was shown off recently in an article published in the Wall Street Journal.The supergun as the WSJ
Earlier this week, Donald Trump made a speech in Bismarck, North Dakota to talk about his energy policy. While it might have
Donald Trump told an audience in Fresno, California on Friday, that there is no drought in California. This has to be the most a
A pre-general election debate between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump would have been a political event that would be tal
Throughout Donald Trump s entire campaign, it s been the Donald Trump show. What does that mean? He s made it all about
Donald Trump has repeatedly sworn he loves Hispanics and Hispanics love him, but not apparently when it comes to the jud
The headline from conservative blog USA Politics Today is ominous and tantalizing: What Malia Obama Just Did With Her Frie
Like a stubborn cold that just doesn t seem to go away, Sarah Palin, for some reason or another, is still around and apparently
Kansas school system has been in considerable trouble ever since the state s Republican government decided to slash funding
This is sad and infuriating.In February, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich suffered the loss of his father.Despite his dad s
We know that the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill was one of the worst manmade disasters in history. Scientists are still desper
A photo of graduating West Point cadet 2nd Lt. Alix Schoelcher Idrache went viral after it was published by West Point s U.S. M
A Republican candidate for a U.S. House seat is under fire from a police union after she made incendiary remarks about pointi
Despite Donald Trump s bravado and far too many in the mainstream media reporting on the hate and misogyny in his campa
As the presidential race heats up and the coffers start to pour in for a general election, Senate Democrats are preparing to intr
President Obama s trip to Hiroshima would come and go without an official apology to the Japanese people for dropping hellfi
A Graham Park Middle School student was arrested in front of his peers and later charged with larceny, after a school police o
When listening to Donald Trump speak, he keeps talking about the good old days and how he wants to make America great
Donald Trump has made a lot of offensive statements over the years, and Hillary Clinton is using them against him in a series o
On May 20, Rocky Walker, a former pastor who teaches history at Pauls Valley Junior High School in Oklahoma, was arrested o
What is the price of one s dignity? Florida Senator Marco Rubio recently found himself wrestling with that question and came
Dozens of Republicans walked out of a meeting being held in the Capitol basement on Thursday after one of their fellow conse
Things got a little heated during a press conference with President Obama in Japan on Thursday. The usually easygoing preside
When Donald Trump recently said he would love to have a debate with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders dur
The Republican obsession with making it more difficult to vote reached its sickening, albeit inevitable, conclusion in Ohio. Stat
In what could be seen as an omen of sorts, a fly just landed on Donald Trump s head, but had no idea what it was in for.It s tru
What s the most anti-American thing someone can do besides vote for Donald Trump in November? Apparently, right-wing fre
With the presidential race narrowing down to Donald Trump versus either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, the news has bee
On Thursday, the Inspector General of the State Department released a stinging report on Hillary Clinton regarding the use of
According to Donald Trump, Joe The Plumber was right when he said the only American thing we can do is elect a white Repu
Donald Trump has a strategy to defeat Hillary Clinton, and that s to re-litigate decades of anti-Clinton conspiracy theories the
On Wednesday, Bernie Sanders supporters showed just what classy and decent people they were when they stuck up for Sand
Rosie O Donnell and Donald Trump have been engaged in a years-long feud, mostly because he leveled pathetic jabs at her ov
After an anti-LGBT witness demonstrated her ignorance of transgender people, a House Democrat openly called her a bigot fo
Rep. Louie Gohmert is perhaps America s most troubled congressperson. Vehemently anti-gay, the Representative from Texas
While speaking at the G-7 Summit in Shima, Japan, President Obama directly called Trump out for his shenanigans and let eve
An ice cream parlor in Orange County, California, turned down money from a Muslim-bashing customer after he insulted a M
It s not about polls, it s not about personalities, it s not about unfavorable (or favorable) ratings, it s not even about policy. Mo
Donald Trump was involved at the highest levels in a cozy real estate deal that allowed $20 million in taxes owed to the federa
If there is anyone who is as big a bully as Donald Trump, it is Fox News Bill O Reilly. Whenever he has a guest on his show that
Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton had a couple of really enthusiastic supporters show up at her Buena Park, California ral
The conservative media, quite literally having nothing better to do, decided rock bottom wasn t deep enough and dug a little d
Paul Manafort, Donald Trump s new convention manager, may not have gotten the memo that the campaign never openly en
How does the saying go? If we don t learn from history we re bound to repeat it. Well, listening to Donald Trump s latest rema
Donald Trump s past support of Hillary Clinton came back to bite him on the ass during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live.D
Maine s Governor Paul LePage is a Tea Party idiot who refused Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, and all the federal fund
No one has ever accused the Bundy boys of being intelligent. Their grasp on reality is a little sketchy, as is pretty much everyth
Jimmy Kimmel landed a rare, on-air appearance from Donald Trump on the May 25th edition of his show, and wasted no part
A federal lawsuit filed against officials at Dietrich High School, located in Dietrich, Idaho, claims that coaches and other staff at
There are many good things in the Bible messages of love, charity, and goodwill toward others and then there are the parts
Since Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee for president, and the Democratic primary season isn t nearly as close to
Donald Trump s best efforts to smear Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton have just been ruined and exposed thanks to th
Women, especially women in the public eye, are the constant victims of body policing. We re too fat, we re too thin, our breas
Republicans priorities are out of whack. In Texas, the GOP is currently waging a war on women specifically on their ability to
There s nobody your standard issue right-wing nutjob loves more than Chris Kyle. His story is the stuff of ammosexual dreams.
Senator Tom Cotton just put on a legendary show of hypocrisy on the floor of the Senate and my jaw has not quite left the floo
As the Democratic Primary wraps up and tensions continue to flare, Capitol Hill Democrats are quietly discussing a possible co
If Donald Trump were a smart man, he d be doing everything he possibly could to woo New Mexico Governor Susana Martine
It s being dubbed the rare boycott that actually worked. In today s age of endless cycles of outrage and amnesia, Rush Limbau
There s been an ongoing battle between presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Massachusetts Sen
Ever since his GOP rivals dropped out of the presidential race and he became the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Tr
The keepers of the written word in America are so abhorred by the prospect of Donald Trump becoming president that they p
Rasmussen Polling wrote a commentary last year outlining ten factors that will determine who the next president will be. Amo
Since John Oliver left the Daily Show to take a spot on HBO, his is one of the few satirical news shows to regularly follow intern
Did your Obamacare premiums go up this year? Blame Republicans.In their effort to destroy President Obama s signature legis
Now that Donald Trump has more or less sealed the Republican nomination, Democrats see a very real possibility that he coul
Almost a year ago, a deranged white supremacist went into an historic Black church in Charleston, South Carolina and killed ni
As Donald Trump looks like he s going to be leading the Republican Party in the general election, many conservatives are eithe
Ever since Target decided to stand up to transphobic bigots and allow transgender individuals to use the restrooms that match
While speaking with the ladies from The View via satellite from Anaheim, CA, where he s been campaigning, Bernie Sanders w
Racists, homophobes, misogynists and other bigots are out in droves these days and not just in America. Case in point a rally
President Barack Obama made history when he appointed a Christian Air Force veteran to the President s Advisory Council on
Full Frontal host Samantha Bee returned on Monday to continue mocking evangelical conservative Christians and their sordid
If you ve ever been on Twitter then you know that with how great it is to get and receive information and updates as they hap
The general election hasn t even truly begun and already Donald Trump has reached a level of mudslinging previous candidate
Alexander McCoy, a veteran of the U.S. Marines, helped led a protest outside Donald Trump s Trump Tower on Monday. The e
Republicans plan to use laws about voter ID to win this fall s elections, since they know that in many states if all the voters wh
Donald Trump s mortgage company was part of the carnival of greed that preyed on the American people by providing subprim
The Supreme Court did something amazing on Monday. They decided, with a unanimous conscience, that the principle of one
Move over, Storm-From-X-Men! In addition to having gigantic hands (the most giganticestest in the world, no less!), a huge do
If there s anyone who shouldn t be pointing fingers at other men for the mistreatment of women, it s probably Donald Trump.
The Democratic Party has descended into madness. Democratic voters are split. The convention is going to be a disaster. Bern
Apparently, the fact that 70 percent of women view Donald Trump unfavorably is making Republicans think that what he need
Bill O Reilly is a real piece of work. On his show, he often passes judgment on those he believes aren t upholding what he cons
If you haven t heard about the ongoing battle between Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren then you re clearly living under a
A rather interesting detail has emerged about Donald Trump s mother that is threatening to derail part of Trump s campaign t
Planned Parenthood clinics have long been targets for right-wing Christian extremism and it looks like they may have struck a
Is the primary process in the United States messed up? To be blunt absolutely, and Last Week Tonight s John Oliver took Sun
Musicians tend to be very left leaning. Unless they re Ted Nugent, usually rock stars stand up for LGBT equality and other civil
Prosecutors allege that bone cement manufactured by Norian and its parent company, Synthes, was used to conduct human
An anguished Oregon couple took to social media this week in hopes of getting justice for their one-year-old son, Jacob, who w
Some of Donald Trump s biggest fans and supporters are working and middle class Americans who often struggle from payche
It s no doubt Hillary Clinton has made gun violence a cornerstone in this election. For the first time, the issue of gun violence a
An undercover operation conducted by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) along with the Knoxville Police Departmen
On Saturday, Illinois newspaper, the Belleville News-Democrat. published the unhinged ravings of one of the perpetual haters
California is known as one of the most gay-friendly areas of the country, but they are not without their share of homophobes.
As Addicting Info reported here, Donald Trump is very likely running the biggest campaign scam in American history.While Tru
As schools across the nation are fighting science, schools in Portland, Oregon are giving a big middle finger to politically motiva
According to The National Center for Education Statistics, black women have recently emerged as the most educated populati
It appears that the curtain that hides the true nature of Israel is finally beginning to be pulled back. On Friday, former prime m
When it comes to Donald Trump, a lot of people have a lot of different opinions. While some seem to think he speaks for them
Donald Trump recently went after the gun nut vote in a hard way when he declared during the National Rifle Association s ann
Once again, the NRA s favored masturbatory aid is responsible for the death of a child. The terrorist group masquerading as a
Trump is a millionaire who clearly doesn t need federal money for his businesses, but he took it anyway, even though it was su
A group of anti-Muslim protesters descended on downtown Houston to protest the completed construction of an Islamic libra
No matter which candidate you re pulling for to be the Democratic presidential nominee, you re likely to find the cold open fro
Right-wing ideologues are at it again with voter suppression. When not passing discriminatory voter ID laws and striking down
A Louisiana state representative introduced legislation that would ban strippers who are over the age of 28 or who weigh mor
On Friday, Donald Trump gave a speech to the NRA after picking up their endorsement ahead of the general election (they don
Ben Carson was (very) briefly the Republican frontrunner for President of the United States and now he s getting demoted by
If you ve ever wondered why suddenly, now, Christian conservatives are making a huge stink over where people go to the bat
Donald Trump just can t accept that he has completely demolished any and all chances of winning over the Hispanic vote.Refu
In October of 2015, California couple Courtney Wilson and Taylor Guerrero travelled to Honolulu, Hawaii for what was suppos
Liz Heron, executive editor at The Huffington Post, tweeted out a photo from their editorial meeting on May 20, and it has Tw
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hasn t exactly been kind to the Bernie Sanders campaign. As Chairperson of the Democratic Nation
At this point, the arguments against the #AllLivesMatter crowd s rebuttal against the #BlackLivesMatter movement have been
National Rifle Association President Wayne LaPierre had an absolute meltdown at the organization s annual conference on Fri
The military veterans group VoteVets is blasting presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as a fraud, afte
While much of the focus of the election year so far has been on Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, understand
White privilege is a thing. There are many white people who will deny this all day long, though. They think that once slavery w
Bernie Sanders supporters have been in an uproar about the Democratic National Committee s rules for primaries, specifically
Just when you thought Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis would drift off into obscurity (as she should) she reemerges just as ha
One of Donald Trump s advisors thought he was going on CNN to smear Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, but instead he
Mark Cuban is not a fan on Donald Trump, and he made that perfectly clear in an interview with NBC News Chuck Todd on Fri
On Thursday, the California state legislature passed a series of legislation described as the most ambitious action ever taken t
Donald Trump has been getting heavy media coverage as of late regarding his taxes and sketchy business dealings, with USA T
On top of failing to pay charities for months after the fundraiser, despite already having beneficiaries listed, it turns out Donald
Donald Trump gave a speech to the NRA, who then endorsed him for President. That seems a little odd, given Trump s past su
As the Democratic Primary devolves into tense moments reeling from violent and threatening outbursts stemming from the N
The GOP didn t panic when a poll conducted earlier this year showed that Utah might vote for the Democratic candidate in No
According to Reuters, a grand jury in Oklahoma found that jail staff did not verify what drugs they were using for lethal injecti
Donald Trump s financials and business ventures are astronomically sketchier than Mitt Romney s. He refuses to release his ta
Miss Universe 1996 Alicia Machado is now an American citizen and will be voting for the first time this November, and it s bec
Talk of impeaching our first African-American President is like oxygen to Republicans if they don t mention it incessantly, thei
One of the cornerstones of Donald Trump s campaign for president has been that he s going to keep jobs here at home. He s m
The American Freedom Party (AFP), a third-way, white nationalist fascist party, is claiming members of its organization are Tru
Republican lawmakers oppose paid family leave. But the majority of Americans say they support it, which is bad news for the G
Throughout this presidential race, Donald Trump has said a number of racist things that have drawn outrage from those who h
If America is going to end the day Donald Trump takes the nomination at the GOP convention, Stephen Colbert was not going
The party that claims to be pro-life sure has a funny way of showing it. This week, the CDC released a dire report on the sprea
Alabama State Rep. Patricia Todd (D) made waves earlier this week when she dressed her thoughts up in an extremely articula
Giddy with the news that an Egyptian commercial airplane had disappeared on route from France to Cairo, Donald Trump was
Donald Trump s number one fangirl, Ann Coulter, believes we have a superior culture we must keep pure. To that end, she thi
The U.S. has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, thanks to an awful lot of really bad conservative policies from
Chris Christie s strange loyalty to presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has been questioned since the day he pledg
Trae Crowder, known on YouTube as The Liberal Redneck, has returned again with yet another damned funny commentary o
Pope Francis is no fan of Walmart or of McDonalds, or really of many American companies. In a powerful mass at the Vatican,
Superstar Bette Midler has been having a high old time this election season taking shots at the GOP, and she continued the tra
In what is seriously turning into a bromance for the ages, Donald Trump is now apparently turning into New Jersey Gov. Chris
In a CNN interview on Thursday, anchor Chris Cuomo asked Hillary Clinton if presumptive Republican presidential nominee Do
If signed, the law would make Oklahoma the only state in the nation where abortion is totally illegal.It s unconstitutional and d
The Trump presidential campaign has already faced a rocky road to the nomination, including the now-defused threat of a con
When you live in a state that thinks the worst things about their school system is open bathrooms and the fact that textbooks
On Friday, Donald Trump and several of his GOP colleagues will speak at the National Rifle Association s annual Institute for Le
House Democrats did something extraordinary today: they broke parliamentary procedure on the House floor and literally sha
It was an epic shaming they all deserved.When Democrats introduced a bill to increase the age limit on exotic dancers from 18
Donald Trump took his campaign against Hillary Clinton to a brand new low on Wednesday.During an interview with Sean Han
Many of us are still wondering where the hell Donald Trump s tax returns are. He keeps telling us that he can t release them b
It s become quite clear that as much as Fox News wants to make the appearance of being honest and inclusive, it s very much
Just when you think the right-wing shills at Fox News couldn t possibly get anymore despicable, they go and do just that. By no
Bill 468, something that the Louisiana state legislature has been working on, deals with strip clubs and will maintain the state s
Former Utah Senator Bob Bennett lay in a hospital bed fighting a losing battle against pancreatic cancer and the ravages of a s
Oops. While the media is still talking about the fact that Donald Trump refuses to release his tax returns, his campaign has rev
Some people like to create solutions to problems that just simply do not exist, and this time around it s a solution to a non-ex
Barbara Res worked for seven years as the head of construction for Donald Trump s company and she just told MSNBC s Chris
It s funny how extreme right-wing Christians always think they know what their God is thinking about politics, especially since
If you ask members of the Democratic Party who is to blame for the rift in the party many of them will place the blame on Dem
One of the tenets of Christianity is Thou shalt not steal, but, apparently, Jon S. Petersen s pastor never bothered to tell him th
Cow towing to the conservatives who think he isn t pure enough (yes, those people exist), Donald trump, the nominee for the
Man, it has got to suck to be Mitt Romney. We all fail, life is full of ups and downs, wins and losses, but nobody fails as hard an
In an effort to get serious, Donald Trump unexpectedly announced a long list of federal judges he says he might pick to replac
On Tuesday, the Senate and House of Representatives voted on bills to combat the Zika virus. Of course, as usual, it turned int
After having backed Senator Ted Cruz, Duck Dynasty s redneck-in-chief and serial bigot Phil Robertson is now saying he s force
President Obama is currently in his final year as Commander-in-Chief while Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee of the R
Knowing that hardworking Americans need to be paid fairly if they are putting in extra hours on the job hours away from the
Every time Donald Trump tries to walk back his punishment comments on abortion, he only manages to become even more o
Throughout his presidency, President Obama has dedicated himself to exploring policies with the goal of making life better for
Ever since the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, Republicans have been try
In the wake of his failed efforts to sell the gun he used to murder Trayvon Martin, racist George Zimmerman talked to the Dail
CNN is slowly slipping off the deep end into the pool of corporate-approved fake news with their latest attack on Larry Wilmor
After eight years of belly aching from every single Republican about how we have virtually no economic recovery under Presid
After a very public falling out, Megyn Kelly finally got her chance to sit down for an interview with Donald Trump. Rather than
Facebook is in the middle of a charm offensive targeted at conservatives, and is hosting a meeting between company founder
If you ve ever thought our government is completely run by the National Rifle Association, your mind won t be changed by thi
Donald Trump s wife Melania has made some shocking comments in regards to a barrage of anti-Semitic remarks that Trump s
As a writer, especially as a writer who writes controversial (to some Christians) books, J.K. Rowling knows a thing or two about
Donald Trump never runs out of new ways to disgust and offend people. Ever since the first day of his presidential campaign, t
Alex Jones of the right-wing site Infowars is no stranger to insane conspiracy theories, and he has come out with yet another o
Clayton Denny is a former U.S. Marine who moved to Sheridan, Wyoming in August to work as a personal trainer and exercise
In a glorious segment of Full Frontal on Monday, host Samantha Bee took aim at the religious right-wing movement and absol
Noam Chomsky desperately wants America to wake up and see how destructive Republican values are to the future of this co
Mike Webb is a conservative Christian who is running for office in the hopes that he can represent Virginia s 8th district in the
Donald Trump might be desperately trying to win over the Latino vote with his false claims that he loves Hispanics, but he s g
Democrats are days away from launching a multi-million dollar advertising campaign designed to completely destroy Donald T
Superstar actress and international humanitarian Angelina Jolie spoke out about Donald Trump s hateful speech that is the cen
The atmosphere created by conservatives and their anti-transgender witch hunt is becoming more and more apparent by the
Since the beginning of Donald Trump s terrible offensive and divisive campaign, Elizabeth Warren has been one of the only po
Perhaps it s time to build a wall around Texas and let it fail as a country separate from the United States, because the Republic
Finding out Donald Trump was his own publicist in the 1990s, but yet now denies it, is pretty much a gift wrapped in one of th
Unless you re an idiot, you know that while the terrorist attacks in Benghazi were a tragedy, neither Barack Obama nor Hillary
Ever since we ve heard the news of Donald Trump and his publicist John Miller, a character he seemingly created to brag abo
As Hillary Clinton looks forward to the general election, her shortlist for prospective vice presidential candidates has narrowed
In response to the Department of Justice s guidelines preventing school officials from demanding that students prove their gen
Republicans have pessimistically said it can t be done, that renewable energy can t do for us what oil, gas, and coal have done
Millions of Americans across the country have concealed carry permits that allow them to carry their guns with them almost e
Disowning your parents is an incredibly painful thing to do. These are the people who created you. The people who raised you
An email obtained by WTVF in Nashville, Tennesee shows that school officials were instructed to falsify student disciplinary co
Donald Trump has so many feuds going on at the moment it can be hard to keep track of them all. One of the most potentially
The Obama administration recently sent a missive to public schools nationwide, informing them that they must treat students
The Nye County Sheriff s Office just arrested three men who went on a drunken rampage through a protected area of Death V
An ongoing demonstration taking place outside of Anacortes, WA. The protestors created a blockade on the BNSF Railway trac
On Sunday, President Barack Obama gave an amazing speech at the Rutgers University graduation ceremony.Speaking to well
Naples, Florida pastor John Gursoy is outraged over new boating regulations in the gated community where he lives. The new
Two years ago, 15-year-old Monique Tillman and her brother, like kids everywhere across the country, were riding their bikes.
Twitter is presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump s favorite platform for his many offensive rants. However, like mos
With Donald Trump handing out nicknames left and right, one nickname that has come to mind for him would be Hypocrite T
Police have suspended the licenses of at least 37 New York City gun owners following the arrest of gun license broker Shaya Li
The presumed nomination of Donald Trump has given a new flavor to the 2016 GOP field. Or, perhaps I should say that the pre
Since the rise of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, the GOP has been throwing up their hands in disbelief and t
A group of desperate republicans which includes Mitt Romney, William Kristol, Erick Erickson, Mike Murphy, Stuart Stevens an
This may shock you, but Michelle Obama wears clothing. In fact, sometimes she wears very nice clothing, like the Naeem Khan
Americans can thank that pesky liberal media for spotlighting just how awful presumptive Republican Party presidential nomin
The mere fact that Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee for president of the United States is quite comical in of itself n
During an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump referred
A meteorologist wearing a rather classy dress was shocked when a male anchor humiliated her on air because he felt her cloth
If Donald Trump becomes president, you better prepare for World War III, because if Republicans have their way, their presum
Well you really have to hand it to Trump. Now that he s destroyed every establishment candidate, the GOP is left with him as
Despite the fact that Donald Trump has admitted in the past that he has acted as his own publicist, he and his campaign contin
During his radio show on Friday, Rush Limbaugh suggested that legalizing rape would be easy as long as you frame it as a civil
In a comedy skit in its own right, Donald Trump is now the presumptive nominee for the presidency of the United States, and
It s always been obvious to people with half a clue or better that the hatred towards our president was more because of the c
Whether you love him or hate him, most of us probably have a clue what we d like to say to Donald Trump if we were to ever
On March 21, 2016, 76-year-old Ralph Phil Grenon was shot and killed in his apartment by a Burlington, VT police officer. Acc
Racism doesn t exist anymore! The United States is as inclusive as it s ever been! White supremacists don t live in the USA! W
On May 9, Pastor David Reynolds, formerly of Cornerstone Bible Fellowship Church in Sherwood, Arkansas, was arrested on 70
Every year GLAAD holds their media awards ceremony to recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive rep
Religious bigots continue their hateful rhetoric against transgender people at alarming rates, and now Anne Graham Lotz, dau
While Republicans whine and complain that their right to be a bigot is being infringed on by the big bad liberal government, t
The Panama Papers recently exposed the worst of the worst in our world -rich, entitled moguls who hide their money in offsho
The director of the Anti-LGBT group the Family Research Council had an interview with Chris Mathews that he probably should
One of the great mysteries of the universe is trying to figure out what makes people who otherwise may seem rational like an
While it s not nice to criticize people, per se, for attempting to sing one of the hardest songs ever to sing, one person s renditio
In 2015, Florida s government almost shut down when a battle erupted between the Republican House and the Republican Se
Paul Ryan and the Republican leadership are rolling out plans to keep wages stagnant in America for the foreseeable future. A
Ever since the Supreme Court effectively legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, a few things have happened. The number o
If you ve ever wondered why the United States gives Israel billions of dollars a year in so-called assistance, you need not wond
The Obama Administration has told states around the nation in no uncertain terms that they will not be able to continue to di
The GOP was right. Thanks to Target s decision to let transgender people use the bathroom in which they feel most comfortab
Stephen Colbert got an exclusive interview on CBS The Late Show when Donald Trump s publicist called in. The publicist has
The New York Times has done an in-depth new report on how Donald Trump behaved in private with women. It is called Cros
84 pages of how the United States House of Representatives really works is set to be released by a small Minnesota publisher
A Maricopa Country judge has finally stood up to the vile, crooked, racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio and charged him along with three
Tea Party radio host and Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick has officially made the stupidest move yet in regards to ba
While Donald Trump is considering Arizona s former Governor (and anti-immigrant) Jan Brewer as a prospective vice presiden
Patrick Stewart despises Donald Trump so much that he had to make himself feel better by paying a guy to NOT vote for him.T
In an apparent attempt to prove to the world that he is the devil himself, George Zimmerman recently decided to auction off t
Donald Trump s tax return: we ve heard about little else over the last few days. Voters are asking for them. Mitt Romney is ask
If Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (R) thought he was going to get away with being a completely transphobic jerk regarding tran
On Thursday, 1,200 hundred people attended a community conversation with Bernie Sanders at the Pine Ridge reservation in
As Republicans grow anxious and weary about an impending Trump general election candidacy, Democrats are pouncing on e
While the United States has as one of its presumptive party nominees a raging bigot who clearly hates Muslim individuals, eve
Donald Trump is pretty terrible. He s exactly the sort of person who would suggest that Muslims be banned from entering the
In a strong southern drawl that makes his bigotry all the more enraging, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant attempted to defend
George Stephanopoulos allowed presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to phone into Good Morning Am
Quick thinking trolls have taken a novel approach to shutting down George Zimmerman s disgraceful gun auction for the weap
Police in this country had a great run. Let s face it if you remember the 1970s, 1980s anytime before 600 million cameras we
Congressional Republicans are so pathetically desperate to harm Hillary Clinton that they are now turning to Fox News in orde
Late Night host Seth Myers had a fun segment recently, pointing out the blatant support presumptive Republican presidential
President Obama has officially endorsed the idea to make a national holiday set aside just for voting, in order to ensure that m
A Republican United States Senate candidate in Colorado was caught on video appearing to threaten a reporter with bodily ha
When it comes to Donald Trump, it sure as hell seems as though a lot of Republicans are playing dumb when it comes to how
Donald Trump s son Eric recently claimed that the Hispanic population is basically fawning over his father and counting down
George Zimmerman, the infamous neighborhood watchman/violent wannabe cop who murdered unarmed black teen Trayvon
While many in the United States have come to the logical decision that Donald Trump is stark raving mad, there are still those
Six years ago a little-known governor from Arizona skyrocketed to fame in the Republican Party by attacking immigrants and n
Fox News host Bill O Reilly and Fox Business host Lou Dobbs made a pathetically lame attempt to defend Donald Trump s hesit
There has been a minor war brewing in Congress since February that the media has not received as much attention as it needs
The legendary newsman appeared on MSNBC to slam the media for not holding Donald Trump accountable for what he says a
Over the last few months, Donald Trump has been able to garner enough votes to make him the presumptive Republican nom
If a man s character really is about the company he keeps, then what does it say about Donald Trump that his longtime butler
On Thursday, while Republican leadership was meeting with Donald Trump, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid unleashed on t
Back in March, Donald Trump made it clear that he wants to outlaw abortion, but he also conceded that overturning Roe v. W
The more a Trump run for the White House as a major party candidate sinks in, the more his blatant incompetence stands out
For a time, it seemed that House Speaker Paul Ryan was no fan of the now-presumptive GOP 2016 presidential nominee Dona
In 2013, conservatives used their 5-4 majority of the Supreme Court to kill a key part of the Voting Rights Act. Now Republican
Go back to 1991. Anita Hill accuses Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment just as his confirmation he
***UPDATE***The listing has been removed, and Zimmerman almost assuredly feels like a victim.George Zimmerman is terrib
Plant workers for some of the largest poultry producers in the United States are being forced to work in truly horrific condition
In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Mitt Romney discussed the fact that Donald Trump has vowed that he won t release his ta
Brian Cornell, the CEO of the Target chain of stores, is not backing down to the demands of the religious right. The chain prom
It s hard to believe that so many people are so remarkably stupid and bigoted in North Carolina, but alas, they really seem to b
With Bernie Sanders winning the Democratic Primary in West Virginia, it s left Donald Trump in quite a quandary. It seems as i
When The Newsroom was canceled almost at the height of its popularity, a hole was left in the world that none have yet filled
Being the wife of failed Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is no easy task, but Heidi Cruz has just proven that she s a
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren continued to throw haymakers at Donald Trump on Wednesday.In response to her r
Stochastic terrorism is a term that means to use mass communications like Facebook to incite a seemingly random person to d
There s an old saying: pot, meet kettle. Republicans have become renowned for their absolute hypocrisy in recent years, espe
As the creeping realization that Donald J. Trump is, in fact, the Republican nominee slowly dawns on conservatives, there has
When iconic musical artist Prince died last month, the music world and anyone who cares about music suffered an unspeakab
An Arizona gun nut has been charged with multiple crimes after he decided to shoot at two men who shoplifted some stuff fr
Conservative columnist Ann Coulter took her vomit-inducing support of Donald Trump onto MSNBC yesterday to argue that th
As Donald Trump makes the downhill run to Cleveland this July, those loyal to the Republican party who see it as a viable politi
In 2005, Robert Slater wrote a book called No Such Thing as Over-Exposure: Inside the Life and Celebrity of Donald Trump. It w
Donald Trump is a reality television star and we ve heard from numerous people, including President Obama himself, that this
While there have been what seems like dozens of Republican debates, one stands on its own as the one Trump didn t attend.
Stand your ground laws are reasons for legalized murder, literally, and here South Carolina has given you proof. This is no mur
Donald Trump s presidential campaign has enlisted an avowed white nationalist racist in order to be a delegate at the Republi
One of the biggest talking points being used by the Donald Trump campaign against Hillary Clinton is that she voted for the Ira
The National Rifle Association recently made a pathetic attempt to attack Hillary Clinton and it backfired horribly.The NRA tho
Donald Trump has p*ssed off so many people, it s really hard to keep track (unless you re The Donald himself, in which case yo
The country woke up to confusion today as Budweiser beer company abruptly announced that America s No. 1 full-flavored la
Cliven Bundy and his unstable group of family and followers have been refreshingly quiet in recent months in the aftermath of
It would appear that Donald Trump knows his base of voters don t pay attention to facts and reality, so he s going to keep perp
There have recently been allegations claiming that Facebook is purposefully keeping conservative news and topics out of the
North Carolina Republicans should have listened when they were told there would be a backlash if they passed HB2. Now they
A street preacher in Glasgow, Ireland decided to dedicate at least part of one of his sermons to spreading fear and hatred tow
We all know what an absolute shitstorm is happening with regards to LGBT rights in North Carolina right now. Everyone is focu
The Republican Party is busy with a pitted civil war between those who are willing to jump on Trump s crazy train, and those w
Rachel Maddow always brings us the most entertaining bits of political news, and we love her for it. Her latest segment is no d
Donald Trump has left a slime trail across multiple decades as a public figure, reality TV star, serial misogynist and now preside
Comedian Jon Stewart has never been shy about his absolute disdain for Donald Trump, now the presumptive Republican pre
Throughout Donald Trump s entire campaign cycle, many conservatives have spoken out against the business mogul/reality te
Appearing on Face the Nation this past Sunday, Hillary Clinton was posed a question by host John Dickerson surrounding voter
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory (R) announced he would be suing the Obama administration for stopping his state s abil
After Sarah Palin appeared on CNN on Sunday with Jake Tapper, talking about how much she despises Speaker Paul Ryan (R-W
First he said wages were too high, then he said he d work to raise the minimum wage, and now Donald Trump seems to be im
Senator John McCain just got outed as a hypocrite with a damning video that shows him acting just like Donald Trump even t
The more we get to know Donald Trump, the more we realize that he s just a big orange version of Kim Jong-Un. He s childish,
A lot of time people ask the question: why can t we just print more money to get rid of our debt? The answer is simple. If you
The North Carolina bathroom law is heading to federal court because the state s governor is suing the government for the rig
Trump s been known to dodge difficult questions during interviews, but what happened Monday morning on CNN was pure m
Now that the side-show is essentially over and the Republicans have committed their party and resources to a delusional luna
Once again, conservatives have gone above and beyond to prove that quite literally anything will send them into a racist tirade
Right after Ted Cruz suspended his presidential campaign, evangelical Christians went nuts, pouring sadness and fear all over s
A Muslim high school student in Rancho Cucamonga, California, received an apology from officials at her school after she was
More and more traditional Republicans are coming out against the inevitable presidential candidacy of the trainwreck that is D
Mega music star Adele took some time during a concert in Denmark to offer some words about American music queen Beyonc
Chicago s Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men is one of the only high schools in the United States to boast a 100 perc
The May 8 episode of Saturday Night Live featured a spoof commercial for Mattel s new President Barbie. The commercial an
The media has been telling us for months now that the Republican party is in a civil war. It is. The war, though, is not between
In the world according to presumed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, women apparently have it better than m
Apparently tired of people slamming doors in their faces, Jehovah s Witnesses have found a new way to indoctrinate children.
Activist groups across the U.S. have been raising the alarm about the disastrous impact of money in politics for a long time.Wh
Fox host Chris Wallace pinned bigoted North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory to the wall on Sunday.In response to the Departm
Fox News recently aired a panel discussion over one of the right s new favorite videos online. Conservatives are falling in love
Fresh off of being compared to Satan by John Boehner and dropping out of the 2016 presidential race, Saturday Night Live pile
If there s one thing politicians should be terrified of, it s the power and influence of Sarah Palin. You know, because her guy alw
Just when we thought that Sarah Palin was out of our lives, she seems to have found a way to creep back in. The self-describe
If Donald Trump has proven one thing it s that he is a master of control. He learns keywords that keep simple people focused o
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a rousing and inspiring commencement speech to the graduating class of Northea
A Massachusetts crime lab scandal could result in tens of thousands of criminal convictions being overturned. It s not the first
On Thursday, failed 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney met with William Kristol. Kristol, considered an influential voice
It s no secret has built a national coalition of minority voters. In the Democratic Primary, black and Hispanic voters came out a
The actors and actresses of Fox News have received their marching orders and the run to November will officially be the propa
Reality TV star and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has convinced thousands of people that he s
This week, Senator Ted Cruz lost the Indiana primary and just days after picking his vice presidential candidate, dropped out o
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox already cemented his disdain for Donald Trump when he jumped on the business mogu
The list of establishment Republicans who are refusing to support Donald Trump as the 2016 presidential nominee just keeps
While there has never been a confirmed instance of transgender people as child predators, this year s Republican pearl clutch
Bill Maher is not shy about what he thinks of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Maher unleashed a 6 minute d
Despite recent assertions from certain Democratic presidential candidates, the dream of a single-payer national healthcare sys
In case you have been living under a rock, Democrats got slaughtered in the 2014 midterm elections. That year featured voter
Ann Coulter is one of those blatantly offensive conservatives that most of us wish would just go away, but she continues to fin
Thanks to an absurd legal ruling, Donald Trump won t have to answer to charges of defrauding people of tens of thousands of
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is finally facing the music for his refusal to follow the law. The notoriously bigoted justice ha
Ivy League economist Guido Menzio has reportedly been removed from an American Airlines flight and interrogated after bein
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse seems to be fed up with his party, and there s no way in hell he s going to vote for Donald Trump
Now that Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee, it s time to remember all those other candidates who tried so hard
Yesterday, Trae Crowder, otherwise known as the Liberal Redneck, released an awesome YouTube comedy segment celebrati
An employee of Safeside Tactical in Roanoke, Virginia accidentally shot herself in the leg on Thursday, May 6 during a private e
Hillary Clinton is on the path to be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. As the convention nears, Clinto
When dealing with a candidate who has the maturity level of an elementary school student, you re going to have to expect na
It s been about seven years since minimum wage employees have gotten a raise, at least on the national level. Few workers w
Sorry Republicans, but your newest vast right-wing conspiracy against Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has officially falle
What could Dick Cheney, engineer of the wars that will go down in history as criminal at best, possibly do that is worse than ly
While speaking in front of United States servicemembers at a recent USO event with both President Obama and Vice Presiden
It s still hard to conceive that Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party and, although in the past the
Moms of transgender children have just sent every fearmongering transphobic conservative a message that is going to make t
Now that the Republican choice for president is presumably Donald Trump, many are being asked who they ll support in the g
Never underestimate the impact a single person can have. Just last weekend, one of the most powerful stands against racism
Samantha Bee, of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, provided the world with the perfect response to Donald Trump s Cinco de M
If you re someone who looks at the prospect of four (or eight!) years of President Trump with a mixture of depression and terr
Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee for president and many in the GOP elite have a serious problem w
Imagine if Donald Trump rang President Obama. How would that phone call go? Jimmy Fallon decided to act out his answer, w
There s a furniture company in Southern Maine called Chapter 11 Furniture. The name and the entire concept of the compan
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow found the perfect way to simultaneously report and mock the conservative movement s collectiv
Denise Calderon, a local community activist in midtown Sacramento, awoke to find white supremacist leaflets distributed on v
One of the perks and duties of becoming the presidential nominee for one of the major parties is that you get access to daily i
One of the most well-known white supremacists in American history just had his chosen candidate, Donald Trump, become th
Democrats in the state of Maine appear to be on board with a sentiment that s been floated around by a lot of progressive vo
New footage from a hidden camera reveals that this country greatly needs to embrace gun reform, despite what the National
Israel is in a class all by itself when it comes to perpetuating some of the worst human rights violations of any country on earth
In case people weren t already aware, lesbians exist. I know, shocking, right? I mean, one even wrote this article. Reading this
The GOP implosion we have been waiting for has finally come full circle. Now that John Kasich and Ted Cruz have bowed out o
Trump and Republican Party are f*cked on Election Day, according to an Orange County newspaper cover published on Thursd
Trump s first week as the Republican nominee is off to a hilariously bad start.Perhaps reading the latest polls that found a stag
During a segment of Closer Look, Seth Meyers examined the reality that is an inevitable Donald Trump GOP presidential nomin
It s becoming increasingly clear that when TLC decided to promote a story of the fundamentalist Christian Duggar family, they
Not many people would have guessed that a racist, misogynist, billionaire demagogue would be the nominee for the Republic
The right-wing mom who forced her children to sing songs to the Bundy terrorists after they seized a federal wildlife refuge in
A lot of people have said that Donald Trump would start sounding more presidential if he managed to secure the Republican
This is something you won t hear on Fox News anytime soon: President Obama is making the lives of honest, hardworking con
Some people just can t handle the truth, even if it s handed to them on a silver platter. So, when legendary filmmaker Rob Rei
Donald Trump is now the unofficially declared Republican nominee. Congratulations, Republicans, you went from Abraham Lin
Shupee Max Towing in Traveler s Rest, South Carolina apparently has some rules if you re looking to actually be towed somew
By his own admission, Donald Trump screwed up his answer in an MSNBC town hall meeting hosted by Chris Matthews. In the
As John Kasich became the last rival to pull out of his campaign, ceding the Republican presidential nomination to Donald Trum
It appears that someone has possibly hacked the GOP s official Twitter account. On Wednesday evening, they sent out an abso
If Republicans had hoped to escape 2016 without pulling a Todd Akin and costing themselves yet another election over idioti
The Rolling Stones are now on a growing list of rock stars who have asked Republicans to stop using their music. This time it w
A lot has changed since Ted Cruz dropped out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination, leaving Donald Trump as the p
There has been a national uproar over HB2 ever since North Carolina Republicans passed it into law last month. The law allow
How does the old saying go? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Which is exactly the strategy the Clinton campaign is utiliz
According to Ted Cruz and many of his staunchest supporters, God ordained him to be the next president of the United States
After Donald Trump won the Indiana primary on Tuesday and Ted Cruz dropped out, Trump became the presumptive Republic
On Monday, Jimmy Kimmel mercilessly mocked Sarah Palin for denying climate science by literally bringing real scientists on h
On Tuesday night, Ted Cruz dropped out of the Republican race for the White House and Donald Trump was named the presu
After racists threw a temper tantrum over Old Navy s ad featuring an interracial couple, Senator John McCain s son took them
After Tuesday s semi-coronation of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, a lot of people, both liberal and conservative, to
Now that Ted Cruz has dropped out of the presidential race and Donald Trump looks like he s going to be the Republican nom
While the Trump campaign and its candidate celebrate the surrender of his final real competitor for the Republican nominatio
Donald Trump s campaign has prided itself on launching every kind of dirty trick and bigotry in the book, and now wades into
Coming into Tuesday s Republican primary in Indiana it was pretty much do or die for Ted Cruz. He had to win or his campaign
With Donald Trump s latest primary victory in Indiana, he s all but secured the Republican nomination for president and can b
Donald Trump has cleared the Republican presidential field of all the credible (and not so credible) challengers, and is now the
Ted Cruz has officially quit the 2016 Republican presidential race, according to a statement released by his campaign manager
As Arizona grapples with passing their Constitutionally required budget, its governor, Doug Ducey, informed legislators that he
Amnesty International recently put out a brilliant public service announcement in Turkey, with the hope that they will show pe
In case you haven t heard, God s chosen candidate, Ted Cruz, either disproved God s existence or showed the world that the B
President Obama has of course made history as the first black president in American history, but one of the stories that is sure
Target stores are living up to their name by being the literal target of anti-LGBT, transphobic bigots and professionally-offend
Donald Trump s supporters are a violent bunch. All you have to do is go to one of his rallies to see how dangerous this man an
Being on food stamps is no fun. In fact, for most recipients, it is a humiliating position to be in thanks to the public perception
A recent hate crime in Washington, D.C. serves as a perfect example of just how dangerous Republican front runner Donald Tr
Imagine your child was playing outside, runs into the house for a drink, turns on the tap and nothing comes out. Your baby is s
A lot has changed in just eight years. The Republican Party is witnessing a collapse that may destroy it entirely. And nobody kn
The battle between Republican presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz and Donald Trump continues to intensify, as both candidates ke
While jobs in the solar energy sector account for 39 percent of all world-wide energy employment (while oil accounts for 50 p
While Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump can boast and claim he s going to win the presidency hands down, h
Donald Trump is an idiot. Ted Cruz is also an idiot. Ted Cruz s father, Rafael Cruz is an idiot who is responsible for the birth of a
While she has come out and defended her husband against the very serious allegations that he is, in fact, the Zodiac Killer, Hei
There s often much debate about the use of the n-word in any of its forms. You hear in rap music, or just among black folks as
The topic of climate change is somehow still being debated even though it s fact vs. fiction. Climate change is very real, and wh
A teenage girl in Oklahoma is being charged as an adult for the murder of her mother s abusive boyfriend.Makayla Brown, 14,
What would you do if you had a known video voyeur come up to you? Well, Candice Spivey of Jacksonville, Florida just laid a v
Donald Trump can barely go a day without saying or doing something truly offensive to women. Further pushing away women
Poverty is a problem in America. While most of us are not filthy rich or anything, we also generally don t have to worry about n
By now, you ve probably heard that at a recent Ted Cruz rally, Carly Fiorina fell off the stage right after announcing the candid
Donald Trump hasn t even secured the nomination of his party yet and already his anti-Hillary Clinton misogyny is on full blast
The trend of tragic gun violence in America s schools continues, this time with a child from Dallas, Texas who brought a gun to
It s a pretty well-known fact among those who use their brains to make rational decisions that both Donald Trump and Ted Cru
Almost a decade after targeting the black community with subprime loans and economic ruin, the Big Banks are STILL punishin
Old Navy posted a completely innocent photo of an interracial family to Twitter over the weekend. Despite the fact that is 201
When Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his running mate last week, it left many, many people scratching their heads. It d b
Across the country, conservative groups are working to pass anti-LGBT legislation that would bar transgender people the right
On Sunday, thousands of protesters came together for the annual pro-immigration march in downtown Los Angeles, but this y
Carly Fiorina has decided to add her face to the sideshow known as the Ted Cruz campaign. Cruz, who can t possibility win the
An analysis by the Washington Post has discovered that in the first four months of 2016, there have been 23 people in Americ
Ted Cruz is just one night away from losing the nomination to Donald Trump and the pressure is clearly getting to him. At a tru
NBC s Meet The Press tried as much as possible to be charitable to the Trump campaign during a segment in which they proje
One night in 2013, Reverend Catherine Brown turned down the alley that leads to the driveway of her Chicago home, just as s
Republicans haven t had a great time attracting women voters in recent history, and it s about to get much worse for them. Th
With the Democratic nomination wrapping up in Hillary Clinton s favor, the question remains what role Senator Bernie Sander
If case you have not heard, Malia Obama is once again proving herself to be a smart young woman. Recently, Malia made hea
Only April 28, nearly 100 lawmakers sent a letter to Marsha Blackburn, Chairman of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Liv
During the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday night, President Obama took jabs at pretty much everyone on both
Republican presidential hopeful and Texas senator Ted Cruz has earned the nickname Lyin Ted for a reason, and he s in no ru
Those of us on the left have long said that the Republican base took a jump off the cliff into crazy land never to return a long ti
People have called former President George W. Bush lots of things. War criminal. Worst President Ever. Terrorist. Dipshit. F*ck
Bernie Sanders, the upstart and relatively unknown senator from Vermont, has captured the hearts and minds of people from
Larry Wilmore used the n-word on Saturday night to cap off his bit at the White House Correspondents Dinner to congratulate
Imagine being a woman going to a university where instead of only investigating the person who sexually assaulted you, they
During her time in the White House, First Lady Michelle Obama has championed so many important causes many of them ge
The Koch brothers have just received a huge legislative gift from House Republicans. On Thursday, the Ways and Means Comm
Chuck Todd took Ted Cruz to the woodshed on Sunday after the Texas Senator claimed that there s a media conspiracy agains
Fox News reporter Jesse Watters and Huffington Post s Washington Bureau Chief Ryan Grim got into a heated confrontation
In his final 2016 White House Correspondence Dinner, a sharp tongued President Obama unleashed a scathing but hilarious ba
Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is not a fan of Donald Trump, and he has no problem telling the American people th
There are quite the number of mixed reviews coming in this morning of Larry Wilmore s monologue at the White House Corre
How many times more are we going to get to say this before 2017? While Republicans were bashing Obama for <insert situati
On April 29, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Halim Dhanidina overturned the conviction of Rory Moroney, a gay man
For his final White House Correspondent s Dinner, the White House release a hilarious comedy video, starring President Obam
Every year the nation s press corps meets in Washington D.C. at the Correspondents Dinner. A dinner which is always enterta
If you re a woman you re going to want to deck this asshole for what he just said.During an interview with the Christian Post th
While Bernie Sanders is nowhere near ready to concede defeat in the Democratic primary race, on Thursday the Vermont Sen
On Thursday Republicans in Congress voted to overturn a rule, proposed by the Obama administration, which requires investm
According to Republicans, it is imperative that we protect women and children by instituting measures that punish transgend
Barack Obama s life has undoubtedly been an interesting one and as the president winds down his second term in office and l
GOP presidential candidate John Kasich would like us to believe that he is the non-bigoted alternative to the likes of extremist
There are many important issues in the world: racism, discrimination, poverty, police brutality. Unfortunately, Republicans is
President Barack Obama had plenty of obstacles when he took over from the Bush administration. The country faced a recess
Since the beginning of Donald Trump s campaign for president, his cornerstone plan has been to build a wall, a great, big, YUG
Ted Cruz got his wish. After weeks of fear mongering about transgender people and encouraging conservatives to lash out, me
GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump wants everyone to believe that he is this hyper-masculine ladies man that every g
You might remember a few months ago, the Bernie Sanders campaign filed a lawsuit against the Democratic National Committ
A racist Donald Trump fan has been arrested by the FBI after he made threats to kill President Obama. The authorities also fou
For a party so terribly interested in governing this country, Republicans sure do lack the basic knowledge about how governing
Journalist Julia Ioffe did a profile of Donald Trump s wife, Melania, for GQ magazine. The story was not an attack, but rather di
Where Congress isn t acting on gun reform, President Obama is doing whatever he can. He knows that the ever-present epide
All the months of speculation that the modern day KKK does indeed endorse Donald Trump can be confirmed as the terrorist o
If Trump thought he could attack Hillary Clinton for being a woman without being smacked down by Elizabeth Warren for it, h
Fox News has long since stood by a slogan that says We Report, You Decide and it seems they should tag on if what we are t
As the GOP s fight to control which bathrooms transgender people can and can t use continues, one of their main talking poin
One of the most tragic aspects of Donald Trump s candidacy (and there have been lots of tragic aspects) is that he s managed
After The West Wing wrapped up its final season in 2006, many of us were left with a gaping hole in our soul watching a part o
Say what you want about the GOP but they really don t like half-measures. In the span of just 4 years, they managed to not jus
Iconic liberal news anchor Lawrence O Donnell is clearly not happy and he has every right to be.Yet again, his Lean Forward
A little-noticed detail in the 1993 biography Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump has just resurfaced and come bac
In case you haven t heard yet, creepy GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz has somehow decided that math doesn t matter an
Far too many people don t understand the awesome simplicity of the Republican war on women. They try to analyze the unde
During a rally in California, GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump praised a bogus historical incident where Muslims wer
The Daily Show may finally have found a format in which the boastful, bragadocious word soup of Donald Trump actually mak
Whenever Republicans dredge up a certain specious quote from former President Lyndon Johnson about n*ggers, I am rem
Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of playing the woman card, minimizing the employment record of the former Waterga
Ever since former House Speaker John Boehner aired out his true feelings about Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, e
Conservatives in an Alabama town have decided to give in to right-wing hysteria about transgender people using public bathro
It s now official. Carly Fiorina needs help. I m talking real, pharmaceutical-grade, billed at $400 an hour professional help, beca
It s now no surprise that Donald Trump, the most hated presidential candidate in the field, is the GOP s frontrunner. It seems b
One thing has been made abundantly clear: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has no idea what he is talking
Bernie Sanders has taken America and the world by storm. The once relatively unknown senator from Vermont enjoys enormo
Sen. Ted Cruz is attempting to stop the bleeding after a brutal dress down by his former colleague John Boehner became head
We hear a lot of talk about making America great again coming from Donald Trump and his massively stupid acolytes but wh
Yesterday, an eight-year-old girl from Flint, Michigan got a response from President Barack Obama that she ll never forget.Ma
On Wednesday, Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan called for an end to protections found in the Affordable Care Act that pr
Actor, activist and one of liberal America s strongest social media advocates George Takei has long supported the presidential
Former Republican speaker John Boehner has launched a blistering attack on GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, in which he d
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has never been the type of person to hold back when she sees stupidity, and Do
The hopes and dreams of millions of bigots finally came true when three cops on a power trip confronted a lesbian in a public
The definition of rape came under fire in Oklahoma Wednesday when a the state s high court ruled that a girl who had accuse
It s a shame Barbara Boxer is leaving the Senate. A fierce defender of working families and minority communities, Boxer is the
As you probably know by now, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz reached deep into his bag of desperation when he
The Republican senator who gained infamy last year by attempting to sabotage a historic nuclear deal with Iran is back at it ag
Baltimore Police officers shot a 13-year-old boy who was carrying a toy BB-gun. The shooting occurred just as the city hit the o
Comedian and actor Will Ferrell has been cast as former President Ronald Reagan in an upcoming movie. The former Saturday
Former Speaker Of The House Dennis Hastert got handed the sentence of 15 months in prison for monetary payoffs he made
American taxpayers are being charged more than $66,000 an hour for prayers said in the US House and Senate. The total cost
Just when you thought things couldn t get weirder, Carly Fiorina bursts into song.It all happened during the Ted Cruz rally whe
The state of Israel currently receives a staggering $3 billion a year in so-called aid, much of it for its military, which is then used
After suffering debilitating losses in five northeastern states Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Pennsylvani
North Carolina Republicans just got slam-dunked by the greatest NBA player of all time.Their bigotry has cost the state many e
Up until recently, we ve all been witnessing Donald Trump speak freely with nothing really prepared except for the usual crum
On Monday, Milo Yiannopoulos an editor for conservative website Breitbart offended students at the University of Massach
One of the greatest institutions in America right now is the Satanic Temple. Their mission is simple: Mock, troll and thwart con
Senator John McCain got some bad news on Tuesday when the women listed as the RSVP on his re-election fundraisers was ar
On Tuesday, Republican front runner Donald Trump made the horrendous mistake of dissing leading Democratic candidate Hi
Late Show host Stephen Colbert hilariously took aim at bathroom obsessed Republicans on Tuesday night and hit the bulls-eye
A Battle Creek, Michigan substitute teacher has been fired because she had the audacity to say vagina. Allison Wint said that
Footage of a Georgia restaurant worker taking time out to support a disabled customer with no hands is moving millions aroun
After a clean sweep of victories for Donald Trump on Tuesday night, he quickly took this as an indicator that he is the presump
Donald Trump cruised to huge victories in all five of the Republican primaries held on Tuesday night, racking up double digit vi
As exit polls roll in for the latest batch of states to vote in this election cycle s hotly contested primaries, Democratic frontrunn
Conservative voters should definitely do this.A Fox News host finally came up with a good idea that would truly make America
Donald Trump wants Bernie Sanders to be the Donald Trump of the Democratic race and that just isn t happening.In a move
Republicans in the state of North Carolina really need to get a better hobby, because legislating hate and constantly disparagin
In a powerful new web PSA video, female sports writers have some of the hateful tweets directed their way read by male spor
The Republican-controlled southern states have done very little in recent years to scale back the impact of America s history o
Democracy Now! host and award-winning journalist Amy Goodman shredded the corporate media for the role they have play
On Monday, it seemed that Donald Trump has given up on his recent effort to act presidential and went back to his normal, f
If you ve been on the email list for President Obama, as well as the Democratic National Committee, then you probably woke u
Women make up over 50 percent of this country, but are grossly underrepresented in just about everything. In the United Sta
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie loves Bruce Springsteen. The feeling is not mutual.Christie took time out of shilling for Don
Ted Cruz is trying to differentiate himself from Republican front runner Donald Trump by any means possible. Recently, Trump
Sure, we get it you trolled them teehee. Trolling is fun. Trolling for a cause is even more fun. Liberal trolling is a fantastic world
On Monday evening, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both sat down with Rachel Maddow for a town hall style interview to
A police officer in Atlanta has been caught on camera breaking the leg of a man during an altercation over a single tomato at a
Glenn Beck has shared his opinion on the bigoted Bathroom Bill in North Carolina which forces transgender people to use toile
In a growing trend to keep backwards-thinking idiots voting on the issues that really matter, like a woman s right not just to ch
Internet hacktivist collective Anonymous is not to be f*cked with. While they are huge supporters of free speech and freedom
Republicans were just given a leg up over Democrats in this fall s presidential election in the battleground state of North Carol
The notion that millennials are stupid, spoiled, uninformed voters who only care about themselves was shredded today after a
Ever since his devastating, humiliating loss to Ted Cruz in Colorado, Donald Trump has been whining and moaning about the d
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is busy criss-crossing the nation to spread his message of small government fanaticism, but his own state
When choosing a candidate for president it s probably a smart idea to choose someone who will best have your back on any n
There s currently a woman who wants to be selected to serve on the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE). Her name is Mary
Years of lugging guns around in public places such as supermarkets have resulted in zero terrorist plots thwarted. As such, a
It s probably not very controversial to say that Donald Trump has an image problem. Sure, the Republican base turn up to his r
Beyonc is already a favorite target of hate for the right-wing because she s: A. Black B. A woman C. Rich D. Powerful E. Not ash
In the interest of wasting as much time and energy as possible pushing their religious beliefs into anything and everything you
The Mayor of London s recent remarks about Barack Obama are causing him more problems than he likely expected. During a
.During the days of the Old West shooting an an unarmed man violated a code that cowboys lived by and brought shame as w
A customer at a New Orleans Family Dollar store was forced to endure a bigoted, anti-LGBT rant by a cashier on Friday, turnin
The Republican Party is filled with even more drama over their primary today as Cruz and Kasich have apparently teamed up t
According to the NRA, good guys with guns across the nation are the last line of defense between some unspecified threat th
Charles Koch sat down with ABC News and did an interview, during which he said it was possible that Hillary Clinton could be
Authorities have released the identities of nine men who were arrested on April 23 during a clash between about a dozen whi
On Saturday, former Pennsylvania senator Harris Wofford, now 90, announced his engagement in a touching op-ed, published
Just imagine yourself at the bar with friends. You re drinking, laughing, having a good time. You may or may not be thinking ab
Donald Trump wanted to give his supporters a strong reason to support him, and instead he just handed the rest of America a
We have some bad news for Charles Koch: Hillary Clinton just isn t that into you. Recently, the evil billionaire backer of the Tea
During an April 24 Fox News segment, climate-change denial expert Marc Morano unveiled top secret proof that 97 percent o
The sweep of crazy anti-transgender bathroom laws has brought out the bigots in droves. One such bigot is Texas police office
Students of Robert E. Lee Elementary School in Austin, Texas, along with their parents, have been battling over the school s na
Maine has a very bad governor (thanks Tea Party movement!) who just keeps getting worse.Republican Governor Paul LePage
It s a wonder why Donald Trump has been divorced so many times. He s clearly such a good catch (note sarcasm).Trump s goin
On Saturday, Michelle Obama graced Jackson State University with her presence as she gave the commencement speech to th
Part of the Hippocratic Oath that every doctor must take requires them to vow to reject harm and mischief. Put another way
Thanks to the quest for natural gas power through fracking, an Australian river has become polluted enough that it can be set
On April 23 Vice President Joe Biden cast his vote in the Democratic presidential primary, in his home state of Delaware, but d
A Fox host actually debunked a conservative talking point by doing what a real journalist does best: research.An anti-LGBT con
Bigoted North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory is going to be nothing more than a footnote in history who everyone forgets ab
Republican Clerk Diane Haslett-Rudiano is living proof that voter fraud exists, but not in the way her party is selling it. They wo
If I were to tell you that Republicans simply hate regular American citizens, that wouldn t be news. To suggest that they just w
Whenever Amy Schumer has aimed to make a feminist statement, she s hit her mark perfectly. She s back on television for the
While Donald Trump may be winning among those taking part in the Republican primaries, his method for garnering votes wil
If one were to best describe Donald Trump, especially at one of his campaign rallies, he would be the living embodiment of a F
As the Democratic Primary heats up heading into yet another Super Tuesday where Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Maryland, D
A Miami doctor has been fired after a video of her assaulting and screaming profanities at an Uber driver went viral.Jackson H
These days, a certain few justices on the Supreme Court (the Republicans, of course) are known to be doing little more than oc
Bill Maher LOVES ripping Donald Trump apart, and Friday night s Real Time was no exception. As the media has recently been
California is one of the most expensive areas of the nation to live in. That s no secret. However, there are plenty of people wh
Republican delusion never ceases to reach new ridiculous heights of absolute stupidity.In their race to make Oklahoma the mo
When it comes to political campaign strategies, Donald Trump clearly believes he can hate and insult his way into the Oval Offi
Bill Maher had every one of his panelists in stitches as he read these.During Real Time on Friday night, the HBO host noted tha
Republicans in Oklahoma just took their war on women and placed it on the doorsteps on doctors in the state.Late Thursday e
Conservative website The Federalist often bills itself as the respectable, serious alternative to many of the toxic right-wing wat
This week Jimmy John s sandwiches offered $1 subs as a promotion for Customer Appreciation Day, hoping to revamp their im
The Republican Party is tearing at the seams due to Donald Trump s frontrunner status for the party s presidential nomination
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who molested children, received some support from his fellow Republicans as th
Eight members of a family, seven adults and one teenager were shot and killed in rural Ohio in what authorities have describe
Phyllis Schlafly, the rabid anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-anything that makes sense grassroots organizer, thinks Michele Bachman
After ESPN fired washed-up MLB pitcher Curt Schilling, and rightfully so, for posting an extremely transphobic image on his Fac
In yet another unforced error committed by the Republican Party that hurts America s reputation, the recent surge in discrimi
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has claimed that he loves veterans and he loves the military. To be sure, m
In the book, The World is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean s are One, Marine Biologist Sylvia Earle wrote: Even if you never h
With the passing of the legendary music icon Prince, many have been going to their music libraries to binge listen to everythin
Alzheimer s Disease is a devastating type of dementia, accounting for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases, and currently affecti
A highly exclusive, highly secretive club organized by and for Hollywood s (relatively small) conservative community has specta
Planned Parenthood workers are sick and tired of being harassed by conservative pricks, and they aren t taking it anymore.Da
Republican congressional candidates have been the source of some of the most outrageous campaign ads over the last few ye
Media Matters reports that on Friday morning, Joe Scarborough made a total ass of himself by comparing Donald Trump, the r
According to Fox News viewers, that dastardly President Barack Barry Obama Hussein Soetoro Bin Laden is singlehandedly el
Have you ever really taken a close look at Donald Trump? You can tell by looking at him that he s a fraud. He never looks genu
The world is mourning the loss of a legend, as Prince Rogers Nelson known around the globe simply as Prince has died at the
Donald Trump has figured out that the more offensive, controversial and vulgar he is, the more conservative voters are going t
The world is reeling from the shocking news of the death of musical icon Prince on Thursday. There has been an outpouring of
Who can forget how emotional Wayne LaPierre was after Sandy Hook. As he stood at the podium with the NRA logo and raise
Let s face it, 2016 has been a hero-stealing rat of a year so far. From David Bowie to Prince and every amazing person in betw
The plans for the Republican convention have suffered an embarrassing snag, because the country s leading and most renown
Republicans found their new election year wedge issue. Since they lost on Obamacare, marriage equality, and Benghazi, the n
While appearing on Good Morning America s Coffee with the Candidates town hall, Hillary Clinton, who emerged victorious in
Comedian Patton Oswalt has a knack for calling conservatives out on their bullsh*t and coming up with the most perfect respo
A Bloomberg analysis of Amazon s same-day delivery service locations shows that Black neighborhoods are routinely excluded
Faced with the prospect of campaigning with Donald Trump at the top of the Republican presidential ticket, the Republican Na
Few states in this country can compete with Mississippi when it comes to enacting legislation which significantly constricts the
Donald Trump delivered a major f*ck you to his fellow conservatives when he spoke out against North Carolina s controversia
In a display of Olympic-level mental gymnastics, a South Carolina Sheriff said, and actually meant, that the NAACP is pretty mu
Music legend and American icon Prince has died at his compound in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Authorities say they responded t
The announcement that Harriet Tubman would replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill came as little surprise to most, who ce
There s stupid, and then there are those who write laws based off their ignorance and stupidity. It d be nice if people could jus
This why the Founding Fathers wanted separation of church and state.Ever since conservative Christians pushed Congress an
Like clockwork, the dregs of the conservative movement crawled out of their holes (and Twitchy comment sections) to stand w
Because the rabidly insane American right wing is no stranger to hyperbole and nonsense comparisons, Fr. Frank Pavone, an a
Once again, states run by conservative Republicans have provoked international embarrassment for America. This time, it is be
Ted Cruz paid dearly for insulting New York values on Tuesday night, and Stephen Colbert couldn t resist rubbing the loss in C
Senator Elizabeth Warren is pissed and she is letting the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) know it in no uncertain t
Stephen Colbert hit the nail right on the head and surely touched on some conservative nerves when he did a little ditty on the
ESPN just made an amazing stand against bigotry on the airwaves, by firing one of it s top name hosts for being anti-transgend
For those itching for a taste of life in America under President Donald Trump a new mobile game provides just that and it s cr
The state of Israel has been able to cover up its racism to the world quite effectively over the years through the use of propaga
The tried and true Donald Trump supporter doesn t care what the fuhrer does as long as he keeps saying catch phrase like we
Al Franken returned to his comedic roots last Friday and his target was none other than Republican presidential wannabe Ted
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz must really be getting nervous about his chances of snatching the GOP nomination
For more than seven years now the right-wing loons have been calling for President Obama and his failed economic policies to
Screw Walmart (which is America s largest gun retailer), Target is busting down social barriers and spreading tolerance and acc
Right-ing paranoid whackjob Pat Boone has declared SNL is now venerating Satan, because of a parody skit they ran called Go
Not to let us be disappointed in hearing something ludicrous come out of his mouth in so long, Dr. Ben Carson just dropped a
Almost incessantly, conservatives remind us that President Obama is weak. It s certainly not true, but we hear it constantly as
Fox News loves Wisconsin s Sheriff David Clarke. That man is the biggest Uncle Tom ever, and they capitalize on his love of the
Big news out of the Treasury Department: After much debate, Alexander Hamilton will remain on the $10 bill and instead, it s
Fox host Sean Hannity lost his cool during a radio interview with Ted Cruz yesterday, as the GOP candidate tried to dodge answ
After dropping out of the Republican presidential race, Dr. Ben Carson made the quick shift to endorse Donald Trump. He insis
It s hard to imagine Donald Trump showing anything approaching respect to his kids. From openly fantasizing about his infant
This photo shows the gravesite of Susan B. Anthony, the pioneering activist who tirelessly pushed for women s equality speci
Criminal charges are coming down the line for Flint, Michigan officials involved in the devastating lead poisoning of the city s w
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump emerged victorious in blowout wins in their home state of New York on Tuesday. In a field o
Maury is perhaps one of the trashiest shows on television today. It s right in line with the likes of the gutter trash that is Jerry S
New York loves Hillary Clinton, and they really turned out to show her that in tonight s primary. Her 56.7% to Sanders 42.4 pe
Donald Trump has been called out by yet another foreign leader for his ridiculous plan to build the Great Wall of Murica. Duri
It looks as though Ted Cruz is really proud of himself for everything he believes he is doing for the nation as he is running for p
On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders slammed New York s closed primary system after a frustrated voter vented to him about not bein
A tweet by actress Salma Hayek clearly demonstrates how ridiculous the Republican Party is for supporting Donald Trump.Dur
It s amazing how quickly free market values go out the window when Republicans don t get their way.In Tennessee, House M
The co-founders of Ben & Jerry s Ice Cream, Ben Cohen, and Jerry Greenfield, were two of the 1200+ arrested in the past week
Students at Austin Peay State University were both horrified and deeply puzzled by what appears to have been an art project
When it comes to Donald Trump one thing is clear: he loves himself a lot. He admires himself to the point where he may actu
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was thirsty to prove that the water in Flint is safe to drink, so he drank it and promised to drin
Former Subway spokesman and outed pedophile Jared Fogle is rotting in prison where he belongs, but the scandal surroundin
A racist, anti-gay Tennessee Republican who thinks rape victims are liars was hilariously taken to the woodshed by Samantha B
Republican strategist Cheri Jacobus, who has appeared as a pundit on Fox News, filed a $4m defamation lawsuit on Monday in
Twitter users have been annihilating Donald Trump after the Presidential candidate made a massive gaffe when speaking abou
Buffalo Bills coach Rex Ryan has one job, to introduce Donald Trump at his rally in Buffalo, New York. But Ryan s rambling, cree
No one wants to admit that they re losing, especially if you ve been fighting really hard to gain votes, but Ohio Gov. John Kasic
Ted Cruz just keeps proving that he does not legitimately want to be president at every chance he gets. The latest dumbassery
Sprinting towards a likely win in New York s Republican primary, Donald Trump made the kind of flub about the September 11
There are some people in life that, if they are wise, will just keep their mouths shut and their voices out of public reach. Donal
Fox News is now part of the lamestream media as far as Sarah Palin is concerned, and that s not the only shot she fired at the
Donald Trump s kids may support him in spirit (and terrible tweets), but they won t be going out to vote for him in the New Yo
Fox News raging pile of upper one percent garbage, Eric Bolling, decided to use his time on cable news shaming the working p
Recently, liberal firebrands like George Clooney and his wife, Amal Alamuddin, have come under heavy fire from the left for th
McDonald s in recent years has become an icon of gluttony and corporate greed, from the fight for NYC McDonald s workers t
Donald Trump s bigoted anti-Muslim rhetoric has inspired his equally hateful followers to hold all sorts of bigotry-inspired eve
Canada s new liberal Prime Minister went viral after he deftly answered a question on the importance of quantum computing
The race is heating up as New York heads into their primary this coming Tuesday. Currently, polls have Hillary Clinton ahead by
A group of Saint Louis University baseball players won t be punished after an insanely racist conversation they had amongst th
When I was a kid, I watched a number of fights on the playground, in the school cafeteria and just on my block. This was true w
There s an age-old question that has been haunting the American people for several decades now is Donald Trump s hair rea
A gay man cornered Ted Cruz on Monday and the Republican presidential candidate couldn t handle the simple question pose
Named for Founding Father Elbridge Gerry who signed a law in 1812 as Massachusetts Governor creating distorted voting dist
There was once a time that John Kasich seemed like the only sane, somewhat reasonable Republican candidate in the preside
New York is critical for both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders but only one of them seems poised for a big win. The other is p
The New York Times has done a major new study on the effects of the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare on the lives of Am
The artist who painted a nude portrait of Donald Trump might be landing in a bit of hot water, due to the fact that Trump is no
Sen. Ted Cruz, a man whose climate science expertise extends no further than his ability to hold his arm out a window to see i
Pew Research Center, which conducts not just domestic but also international polls, released their newest findings with regard
What would you do if a gay couple requested that you bake a cake for them? Probably bake it because you re not a bigot, but
If you want to watch an anti-gay conservative Christian squirm as he is torn to pieces by a TV host, this will make your day.In
Bill O Reilly has said some ridiculous things on his show over the years and his so-called conservatism has translated into outri
Republicans aren t very smart about a lot of things, but one of their most unfortunate mental deficits is in their awareness of w
When running for President of the United States it s important to remember that you can t get anything you want to get done
Georgia conservatives really wanted to enshrine their hate and bigotry into law under the guise of religious liberty, and becau
On April 16th, Senator Bernie Sanders, through a video message, introduced Rapper Killer Mike and his group, Run the Jewels,
Corey Lewandowski got some good news last week when the state s attorney for Palm Beach, Florida announced that he was
According to the NRA, we have nothing to fear from gun-toting individuals who have completed a safety course. There is no w
North Carolina s Republican Governor allowed his own sexual hangups to influence his state and it has cost tens of millions of
A teenage girl in Texas was sent to the hospital Saturday after one of her responsible, gun owning relatives turned a simple fa
We pay our senators $174,000 per year. For that money, we get any and every bill that might actually help the middle class an
Hillary Clinton isn t letting the latest childish nickname from Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump get under her
Sarah Palin knows she s a political outcast. She s proud of it. She thinks because nobody cares what she thinks besides a handf
Republicans at the University of North Carolina have gone completely off the rails and are now literally threatening transgende
If you watched the most recent Democratic debate between candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, you may have noti
An unfortunate part of modern-day politics is the fact that money is far too involved in our elections. Yet, until Citizens United
Reigning NBA champion and most valuable player Stephen Curry hung out with President Obama and learned a few lessons fr
As the New York primary draws closer and closer, Hillary Clinton, current front runner in the Democratic Party, is slated to win
Failed Republican vice-presidential candidate and reality TV star Sarah Palin is threatening to lead an open revolt at the Repub
There is a popular belief among Republicans that the mainstream media is in cahoots with liberals. The theory, as they tell it, h
Trump s supporters have proven time and time again that the reason they re able to stand behind The Donald with a complete
It doesn t matter how loudly Fox News protests, the fact is that there s an epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses all o
Republicans claim that racism doesn t exist anymore. But if that is true, why does this sh*t keep happening? An African-Ameri
There are times I want to just get up from my computer, walk out of my apartment, find a cave in the woods and live there un
A 26-year-old University of California, Berkeley student is accusing Southwest Airlines of discrimination after he was kicked off
It s quite hard to laugh at what Donald Trump plans to do if he becomes president, especially since he s been winning in the po
To say that Donald Trump is a divisive figure is quite the understatement. His racism, sexism, xenophobia, and all-around assh
It s no secret that the comedic host of HBO s Real Time, Bill Maher, is no fan of religion. In fact, it s safe to say that he really pr
In case you weren t paying attention: Just as George W. Bush s disaster of an administration was coming to an end the effects
On April 11th, before he spoke at his rally in Albany, New York, Bernie Sanders met with local Black Lives Matter activists. The
President Obama made history yet again by making the rate for Americans without health insurance reach another historic low
Some people just don t understand freedom of religion whatsoever. The First Amendment separates church from state for tw
Ben Carson, who was once one of the more promising Republican presidential candidates before his insanity and outlandish re
Earlier this week, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, long may he reign, praise be his name, holy is he, we bow down before him
Republican presidential candidate and current Ohio governor John Kasich made strange remarks about sexual assault during a
When you want to learn more about what a person is really like, talk to the people they have been around a lot. It s one thing
Like Rolling Stone before them, GQ Magazine is hailing President Obama as one of the greatest presidents of our time. Calling
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has always advocated for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but has dressed him
Thursday night saw the three remaining candidates for the GOP 2016 presidential nomination trying to woo high rolling donor
Donald Trump obviously has a knack for purchasing beautiful women. His first wife, Ivana, was a model from the Czech Repub
Because he was such a greedy prick that decided that profiting was more important than smart conservation and managemen
Bill O Reilly refused to believe the findings of a poll conducted by his own news organization on Thursday night, because it was
Florida continues to lead the nation in head shaking insanity after 81-year-old Luis Angel Dominguez, affectionately known to h
Donald Trump is running a campaign that does nothing but tap into the hateful underbelly of American populism. However, th
With all the candidates from both parties in New York preparing for the primary next Tuesday, it s no surprise that they are ma
Recently, North Carolina passed dangerous legislation that blocked anti-discrimination ordinances. Many have expressed fears
At the Democratic presidential debate on Thursday night, Hillary Clinton brought the event to a complete standstill as she calle
Donald Trump has had a hell of a week having to accept that his closest friends and loved ones are abandoning him in his miss
Trump made a visit to the Keystone State in an effort to bolster his numbers for the upcoming Pennsylvania Republican prima
While the New York primary election has unleashed harsh sentiments from both the Sanders and Clinton campaigns, it appear
After learning that Bill Nye had been very publicly demolishing her new climate change denial movie, Sarah Palin lashed out at
There is a saying In Politics, a gaffe is when you accidentally tell the truth. With that in mind, Sean Hannity just committed th
On Wednesday, Democratic presidential candidate and front runner Hillary Clinton released a clear and very detailed plan for
Of all the biblical teachings Donald Trump could choose from, the Republican front-runner landed on the one best known for t
When hatred takes human form, it looks a lot like the founder and chairman of the Liberty Counsel Mathew Staver. You may r
What happened to TIME Magazine? The iconic news periodical has reached what may be an all-time low with a cover so bloat
It s been five years since Occupy Wall Street was torn apart by order of New York Mayor Bloomberg. After the arrest of 240 m
It looks as though there are still men who think forcing themselves on women should be perfectly acceptable. There are clearl
On Thursday, Bernie Sanders wife Jane Sanders didn t hesitate to defend her husband s rival, Democratic front runner Hillary
It should be the easiest question in America to answer, especially in Massachusetts, but the Republican governor flubbed it an
North Carolina Republicans who are fans of The Beatles will be disappointed to learn that Ringo Starr won t be performing in t
Ted Cruz got a brutal lesson in why he should keep his children out of politics on Wednesday night, when his daughter let slip
When we think of rape, often we think of someone pulling a woman into a back alley while wearing a ski mask, or some creep
A Florida man recently had a tattoo of Donald Trump inked onto his leg, and the current GOP frontrunner really isn t going to l
The internet went giddy with anticipation earlier this week when a story came out of Variety Magazine claiming that Bill Nye h
Once again, it seems as though someone associated with the Trump campaign will receive special treatment. According to rep
Normally, the thought of listening to Coldplay is the stuff of nightmares, just behind spooning with Sarah Palin and spending m
Donald Trump made a big stink a few weeks ago because it was pointed out that many of the products he has lent his name to
Voter identification laws (aka Voter ID) are an attempt by Republican lawmakers to suppress the vote with demographics that
If you were one of the many political junkies crossing your fingers and hoping Donald Trump would attend the White House Co
Political contributor and conservative editor Erick Erickson, along with numerous Republican activists and leaders, are plannin
On Tuesday, Tom Hayden, one of leading dirty hippies that drove Republicans (and Democrats) completely insane in the 1960
Donald Trump has spent this election demeaning Megyn Kelly in shockingly sexist ways. After the first Republican debate dem
Could anyone, in a million years, ever see Bobby Jindal doing the right thing and barring discrimination against LGBT citizens? T
Republican front-runner Donald Trump decided a visit to New York would be a good time to try out his comedy routine by deli
Who is Paul Manafort? Well, for starters, he s a former principal lobbyist with the firm Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly (BMS &
After months of criticism from the Clinton campaign over down-ticket candidates, the Sanders campaign has begun to raise an
Now, typically no one should be mocking a teenager in their place of education, but since it is a place of education, perhaps th
Don t mess with NASA because they will burn you.When a climate change denier made a comment on a post made by Bill Nye
It wouldn t be the first time CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has smacked down Trump, and he just gets better every time.Just la
Likely the last thing you d ever want to envision is Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz with adult toys, or doing things
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence released new videos depicting the danger of guns in children s hands in respons
South Carolina Republicans just introduced an anti-LGBT bill similar to laws passed in North Carolina and Mississippi, and they
The conversation regarding super delegates has been very divisive in the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton supporters cite her
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz s career is in jeopardy as a wave of resentful backlash in the Democratic Party ove
Even though not all the states in the Democratic Primary have been accounted for, the Clinton campaign is feeling pretty confi
Despite the damage that the presidency of George W. Bush and his war mongering administration did to the reputation of the
A Bernie Sanders supporter s car was vandalized by Andy Hallinan. The man put two stickers over top of the woman s Bernie S
Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been bashing party leaders for several days after rival Ted Cruz h
Ben Stein is on a Trump-bashing spree again, and it s even more amazing than before. Just a week after he blasted the Republ
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has blown so much money on his vanity presidential campaign that he put himself $1.2 milli
If there s anyone right now worthy of complete and utter condemnation, it s Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trum
After North Carolina passed their new bigoted anti-LGBT law and Governor Pat McCrory signed it into law, he alongside the sta
In the last several months, Joe Scarborough a one-time Republican politician and now host of MSNBC s Morning Joe has gon
On Monday, what has unfortunately become a routinely occurrence at Donald Trump rallies has happened yet again: a black p
Mississippi Republicans should worry about the billions of federal dollars they are about to lose but they should also worry abo
The 2016 crop of GOP Clown Car candidates is simply awful. We have Donald Trump, who is a cartoonishly violent bigot with b
The road to full equality for women has been long and it s been arduous, and we re still not there. Women are still not paid eq
The Commercial Airplane Corporation, Boeing, announced job cuts for 2016 are likely to reduce the company s workforce by t
If there is one thing conservatives hate more than President Obama, it is the thought of their children receiving a well-rounded
Supporting Donald Trump was a senile move too far.Back in the 1970s, conservative Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly beca
Donald Trump has shown his true colors time and time again while running for the Republican nomination for the presidency.
An official investigation into a Tennessee Republican found him to be more dangerous to the personal safety of women than t
The Republican war on poor people has been killing Americans and now we have the proof. A study published this week in the
The National Rifle Association (NRA) is opposed to any and all sensible legislation when it comes to purchasing firearms. They
On Monday morning, Donald Trump appeared on Fox & Friends and raged over his loss in Colorado. The Republican frontrunn
On Monday night s Daily Show, host Trevor Noah wrestled with the problem facing Americans in any election cycle: we want b
What started as a prank to annoy Trump supporters has turned into a viral vide which may just help Americans come back tog
.New York City s Inner Circle Dinner is typically an event where politicians and journalists rub elbows to raise money for charity
In the immediate aftermath of the shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs that killed three people and inj
Fox News Channel s top-rated host, Bill O Reilly, is once again attracting controversy to the conservative network for racially ch
Every website has a 404 page that you land on if you type in the wrong address. They re usually generic with a big 404 to let y
Bill Nye was this close to participating in a debate on climate change with Sarah Palin, only to find out that he wasn t invited to
North Carolina is facing even more backlash for their anti-LGBT law Monday after a popular adult film site has decided to block
Vice President Joe Biden has been careful to give Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders their fair share of lauding and criticism. Lik
Today, several Democracy Spring protesters were arrested at the US Capitol. The protest appears to have broken the record
When you re given a free pass by the government to pretty much make whatever you want with no responsibility if something
Christian fundamentalists just can t keep their mouths shut, and they wonder why people are turning away from organized rel
Donald Trump is currently leading in the polls in New York State, but he won t be receiving two votes from his own kids. On M
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, already facing intense scrutiny for securities fraud in one case, was just slapped by the U.S
This is awesome on so many levels it s hard to know where to begin:Afghanistan is getting its first home-grown Sesame Street
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump does not lose gracefully. In the past, he s threatened riots and violence if he were to los
When faced with deciding if you re going to perform or not in a state that decided to make discrimination legal, many perform
Everything he does is definitely NOT for hateful Republicans, as rock singer Bryan Adams just cancelled an upcoming concert in
Ohio Governor John Kasich has had a pretty difficult time getting his message out during the Republican race for the White Ho
At a Wisconsin high school soccer game, players from the visiting team walked off the field as the home team crowd disgraced
John Oliver has taken aim at the section of the financial services industry which has seen the most complaints registered with
Filmmaker Ken Burns appeared on The Late Show this week, and explained to host Stephen Colbert why a section of America
Usually, men have all the advantages they make more than women, are automatically considered more competent (whether
Given the fact that Donald Trump has often bragged that he intentionally used his numerous bankruptcies as a way to exploit
As the Republican Party establishment continues to ratchet up its support of Ted Cruz and his campaign in order to stop Dona
Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the planner of the terrorist attacks that hit Paris on November 13, 2015, was killed after a raid led by Fr
Arizona Speaker of the House David Gowan (R) enacted a new policy to punish members of the press for the fact one of them
Until his arrest on April 5, Willie Lee Bell Jr. was the children s pastor at First United Methodist Church of North Texas, located
Children are proof that hate is taught and learned. We are not born with prejudice. It is our upbringings that make us hate tho
Students at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) are demanding campus officials identify the individuals responsible
The folks at Fox News are getting crazier on a minute by minute basis and although it s quite sad that this organization calls its
The Republican Party has been a thorn in the side of the president since he took office. They have challenged his policies at alm
Hate to disappoint the naysayers of Hillary Clinton who would love for her to be tossed out of the presidential election, but th
Have you ever seen something so stupid that you wish you could just go back to bed on the off-chance that it was a dream? Th
Bernie Sanders mildly criticized Israel s actions during the 2014 massacre of over 1400 Palestinian civilians by describing it as d
It s no secret Republican women hate Donald Trump. The GOP frontrunner has a net negative rating of 42 percent amongst Re
Toxey, a 10-year-old in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas had a birthday party on April 2nd. He invited 21 of his other classmates. N
Bernie Sanders smacked down a man at his Harlem rally on Saturday when he tried to imply that the senator was a supporter
Donald Trump likes to promote himself a shrewd businessman, but many who have done business with the man have been ch
It isn t much of a secret these days that rich people do not pay their fair share of taxes. I m not even talking about the small bu
President Obama has a few months left in office and at this stage in his presidency, he wants to make sure that the likes of Do
Ted Cruz is a dangerous extremist who regularly surrounds himself with equally deranged right-wing loons. Case in point his b
There are apparently still folks who believe that because the LGBT community is gaining more and more equality, and because
The Boston Globe will publish a satirical front page on Sunday, April 10, showing just how insane the news could get if Donald
A first glance, this doesn t seem like a big deal:Federal employee health-care plans will have to cover applied behavior analysis
One of the biggest mysteries in Constitutional Law is what the Framers meant when they said natural born citizen. Section 1 o
Native New Yorker and Republican front runner Donald Trump made his first-ever visit to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum on
There are at least two votes on which Donald Trump can t count in the New York primary the daughter he badly wants to f*c
The winning streak continues for Bernie Sanders.Wyoming has just joined the ranks of seven out of the last eight states which
A caucus formed by Politico consisting of operatives and strategists in ten battleground states around the country responded o
Bill O Reilly has a segment of his show in which he sends professional insufferable prick Jesse Watters out to harass people for
Newly released surveillance video shows that a Texas police officer lied when he arrested a young father in front of his two ch
It is a violation of federal election laws to use campaign funds to pay for personal expenses, but that s exactly what California
Ever since the 2008 election, Republicans have been instituting law after law to keep people from voting. They did this becaus
In retaliation of Bruce Springsteen cancelling a concert over the state s anti-LGBT law, a North Carolina Republican whined and
Republicans repeatedly tell us our schools would be safer if we put guns in the hands of teachers so they can defend our preci
On April 3, 2016, Melissa Boarts frantic mother took her two-year-old granddaughter to search for her mentally ill daughter, a
An unidentified photographer is reported to have fallen backwards off a press riser at Donald Trump s rally in Bethpage, New Y
Bill Maher and his guests took an opportunity during Bill s show Real Time, to delight in the many failings of the most unsucce
Florida Governor Rick Scott isn t up for re-election. His creepy, Skeletor-like appearance is secured through 2018. His flip-flopp
When you re running for re-election in your toughest campaign yet, in a state with a heavy Hispanic voting population, what s
Speaking to Democrats at a fundraiser at actor Tobey Maguire s house in California, President Obama issued a warning to his p
This is pure gold that perfectly demonstrates that Republicans don t give a damn about a problem until they experience it pers
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL) was a sexual predator who attacked at least one child, a fact he covered up
Like most sane people and organizations, the North Carolina NAACP is furious over House Bill 2, North Carolina s new sweepin
Wisconsin s right-to-work law was determined to be unconstitutional on Friday by Dane County judge William Foust.The Asso
The Republican Party s unity of obstructionism may be crumbling down fast as GOP Senators line up to meet with President O
Nikki Haley, South Carolina s Republican governor, is hyperventilating with fear at the thought of the state Republican legislatu
As much as Donald Trump doesn t want to admit it, he s absolutely bombing in the polls with female voters, especially after hi
Bruce Springsteen has decided to cancel a concert in North Carolina that was scheduled to take place on April 10. Springsteen
The entire southeast is on a right-wing tear with bills designed to directly attack the rights of LGBTQ people, and especially tho
Bernie Sanders has done plenty of things in his life. From civil rights activist to U.S. senator and now to presidential candidate,
President Obama is clearly in good spirits thanks to his surging approval ratings and perhaps just a dash of relief at finally getti
Donald Trump has attracted all sorts of fringe individuals and organizations as of late. He s attracted the most extreme elemen
Very outspoken Bernie Sanders supporter Seth MacFarlane recently told the Jason Rantz Show a few things he d like to see ou
When you go after a city that s home to most of the late night shows that air on television, guess what, you re going to get roa
An as yet unconfirmed number of white students of a Catholic school in California have been suspended after sending a video
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, who faces an uphill battle with Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton in New York s pr
Trust fund tycoon and wannabe President Donald Trump is well known for his all-out assaults on rivals (perceived and real) in
In an age where billionaires are buying elections, tearing down the environment in pursuit of oil and gas, evading their taxes a
The Black Widow just delivered a super smackdown of Republicans for messing with women s health.Republicans on the fede
Hillary Clinton was one of the most hands-on First Ladies this country has ever seen. From healthcare to childcare, Clinton too
The AIDS crisis is far from over, but thanks to medical advancements, the diagnosis is no longer a death sentence as it was in t
An Ohio judge ruled that Ronald Ritchie, the man whose 911 call led to the officer-involved shooting of a Black man in an Ohio
It seems like Ted Cruz has permanently messed up his relationship with New Yorkers after his offensive New York values com
The Drug Enforcement Agency released a 25-page memo on Thursday saying that they hope to come to a decision regarding t
When Dr. Ben Carson was in the race for the Republican nomination, Donald Trump unleashed a barrage of accusations agains
It seems there s a bit of infighting happening between the Democratic candidates that really isn t called for. While Hillary Clint
When Mississippi Republicans passed a discriminatory anti-LGBT law, the last thing they expected was backlash from Christian
New York Daily News stooped incredibly low on April 6, by running a cover story using parts of an interview Bernie Sanders ha
Millions of Americans are at risk of not being allowed to vote in this year s presidential election because of voter suppression e
On Tuesday, the world was treated to an awesome video of a woman absolutely reaming Florida Governor Rick Scott at a Gain
Millions of immigrants came to America through Ellis Island in New York City and were greeted by the Statue of Liberty. They c
Ivanka Trump s stab at using her dad s name to sell cheap products made in Chinese factories isn t going well. Not only is it on
On Wednesday night, Daily Show correspondent Jessica Williams took on the absolutely ridiculous bathroom bills that GOP la
In growing signs that rumors of a Fox News split on GOP frontrunner Donald Trump are true, Bill O Reilly is the latest Fox News
Six years ago, the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia exploded and killed 29 men. Investigations found a systemic effort to
In response to Trump s outrageous remarks about abortion, Ann Coulter upped the ante by claiming that the border wall will c
The new, ridiculous anti-LGBT law that Mississippi just passed and signed into law is not only discriminatory, but the opposite
A Texas cop is under fire after video surfaced showing him body slamming a 12-year-old girl to the ground. Joshua Kehm is a u
In what seems to be another misspeak moment for the Sanders campaign, Bernie s campaign manager Jeff Weaver appeared
If Michigan s embattled Republican governor thought he could simply keep his head down and he would be off the hook for w
When approached by countless people if I m a Hillary supporter, I will reply, yes. However, this is usually followed up with, is
After Beyonc released her song Formation and then performed it at the Super Bowl, it left many reactionary conservatives att
On Tuesday, April 5th, the Daily Show with Trevor Noah surfaced a 1994 video clip from the show, Lifestyles of the Rich and F
Most Americans are perplexed that the frontrunner of a major party for president of the United States is a guy like Donald Tru
A Republican member of Congress was caught scrubbing his Wikipedia page of potentially embarrassing information, including
Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico who served from 2000 to 2006, has spoken openly about his disdain for Republica
You ve honestly got to be a special kind of stupid to go into the Bronx in your effort to try to win New York, and then double-d
A giddy Wisconsin Republican Congressman was perhaps still buzzing from Ted Cruz s victory in the state s primary when he ac
No matter how much Republicans and Fox News say otherwise, there is an unmistakable pay gap between men and women in
This has to be the most counter-intuitive and ironic result of racism conceivable. The implicit racism of medical professionals is
Donald Trump has said many degrading and reductive things about women. Most recently, he said that women who have abo
Elizabeth Warren is a strong advocate for justice on behalf of regular Americans, particularly when it comes to financial issues.
When Florida Governor Rick Scott walked into a downtown Gainesville Starbucks, he probably expected to just get some coffe
Much like the Republican front runner himself, Donald Trump s supporters also have a tendency to invoke violence any chance
Donald Trump s entire image is based around the idea that he is a winner, and while that idea isn t supported by the reality o
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus committed the grave Republican sin of being honest during a radio i
While Republicans and some others insist that President Obama is a lame duck and in the twilight of his presidency, he is still s
The Democratic infighting between Bernie Sanders and his supporters and Hillary Clinton and her supporters is about as usefu
The south s red states have been on a right-wing tear lately, and despite national outrag shows no signs of slowing down. The
In what some may assume is a misspeak and others may attribute to a Freudian slip, Sarah Palin took to Facebook to go after r
While it s convenient to stereotype girls as small mishmashes of sugar, spice, and everything nice, as small humans who spend
On Tuesday morning, CNN Carol Costello completely shut down an interview when a conservative guest (and passionate Dona
The full economic impact of the horrific new anti-gay law passed by North Carolina s bigoted legislature will not be known for
Hillary Clinton, currently leading the race to become the Democratic candidate for President in Election 2016, made an appear
Donald Trump has caused plenty of heartache for Americans, especially those of Muslim and Mexican descent, as a result of h
It s no secret that Donald Trump talks to his supporters at an elementary school level, but even third graders would have to lo
Tennessee the state that was so concerned about the First Amendment that they enacted a religious freedom act has just pr
Donald Trump has suggested that women should face some sort of punishment for having an abortion. Ted Cruz just admitte
While I m not totally immune to clickbait as a writer, I try really hard not to grossly misrepresent what public figures say to gen
Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has taken a lot of criticism over the way she h
Milton Parker, a former paraprofessional (like a teacher but not quite) from New York, is currently defending punching an 11-y
One has to wonder why in the world people would support Ted Cruz. His policies are the essence of Republican backwardness
The members of a Roman Catholic church in Poland have demonstrated to the world how compassionate Christians can shut d
The Panama Papers leak recently revealed how and to what extent some wealthy international elites use Panama as a haven t
The vacancy left by Scalia and the inevitable 4-4 ties bound to happen have left the court no choice but to deliver sorry and cri
Conservative economist Ben Stein just let everyone know how much he hates Republican front runner Donald Trump. Basicall
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld has taken to Twitter to vent his rage at senior Fox hosts for treating GOP Presidential frontrunner
We all heard the reasons why Republicans, mainly Mitch McConnell, swear that they will not confirm President Obama s SCOT
Bad news for Donald Trump! Despite his objections, workers at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, just delive
It was just a few days ago that President Barack Obama absolutely destroyed Donald Trump on his controversial comments ab
An Idaho mother who called police after her missing 12-year-old son returned home soon regretted making the call, after cops
Right-wing blogs are buzzing with what they view as absolute proof that Ted Cruz availed himself of the DC Madam s services
Who needs experts, really, when one can rely on his or her own intuition? I mean, Donald Trump clearly knows better than an
Why has Fox News been Donald Trump s cheerleader, even while he viciously attacks its employees? The answer may be as sim
On Sunday, Sarah Palin continued her campaign of stupidity-in-the-name-of-Trump after she did her best to Make America Gr
In another humiliating defeat that will have major ramifications for Republicans going forward, all 8 Justices on the Supreme C
Sarah Palin must have been on some powerful drugs when she delivered a rambling word salad to an unenthused audience on
There are a lot of things people can forgive in life, but utter stupidity for lack of even remotely trying to comprehend a subject
On April 4th, 2015, 50-year-old Walter Scott, a father of four, was pulled over by Officer Michael Slager in North Charleston, So
When a celebrity is given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, it stays there forever. So, it was surprising to hear that Donal
Justin Timberlake gave a speech at the 2016 iHeartRadio Music Awards Sunday night, and he took a few shots and made a cou
One of the immediate benefits of The Panama Papers is that we now have a clear picture of how corrupt corporations have be
A secret cache of documents revealing the tax avoidance techniques used by some of the world s most elite politicians, leader
An internal memo leaked from Donald Trump s campaign to the national press shows that his cultish campaign team is not de
Republicans are no friend to women, that much is obvious. They have been steadily passing anti-choice laws in red states for s
We have always known that the Republican Party is filled with xenophobic, racist, misogynist, Islamophobic, everythingphobic
We re paying so much attention to Donald Trump, Comedian Margaret Cho told Addicting Info in a phone interview. Ms. Cho
Robert Jaynes Jr. of Irvington, Indiana s Bible Baptist Church was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison after pleading guilty to fede
With the nation focused on anti-LGBT religious liberty battles, a Mississippi landlord has done something that brings focus ba
On Sunday, Donald Trump called for his Republican presidential primary rival, John Kasich, to drop out of the race. He s taking
Former Speaker of the House John Boehner took to Facebook recently to convince people he s just an average Joe who takes p
On Saturday, pro-marijuana activists held a massive demonstration outside of the White House.The activists called on Preside
If you happened to see the University of Maryland s press releases touting the benefits of Fifth Quarter chocolate milk for ath
Megyn Kelly has been around for a while as a reporter. Like the majority of people in her field, her work has been praised by s
There s a peculiar hysteria around marijuana in this country and for the life of me, I can t understand it. There s so much misin
Bernie Sanders is not one to mince words when it comes to Donald Trump. He has consistently denounced Trump s rhetoric an
To say that David Brooks is not impressed with Donald Trump and the GOP is an understatement. Using his column at the New
With Donald Trump taking the Republican Party and the nation by storm, it s easy to say that no one really saw him getting as
You ll have a hard time not laughing out loud about this one.Despite having a clear right-wing bias, Megyn Kelly actually had th
It s become increasingly common among Republicans to desperately cling to the premise that the Democratic Party is just as s
Donald Trump is still struggling to wriggle out from under his abortion blunder as evidenced by this interview on Fox News Sun
Donald Trump has once again decided to lie to his supporters and accuse a major news network of editing his words to explain
Bernie Sanders has won the Clark County Democratic Convention, which was held at the Cashman Center on Saturday. Thousa
Saturday Night Live hilariously skewered Donald Trump s misogyny and the women who love his campaign during the sketch s
Bee stings can have an impact ranging from mild swelling to death, depending on if the victim is allergic and the degree of the
Less than two weeks before his father used a shotgun to end his life, Amir Issa posted a heartbreaking cry for help to his Faceb
The Republican Election Commissioner of Jefferson County Arkansas showed how easy it is for a white man in a red state to pu
Republican front runner Donald Trump has once again confused everyone on one of his policies by completely reversing and fl
A Texas teacher has been removed from her classroom after she openly called a 12-year-old Muslim boy a terrorist and did no
North Carolina Republicans just would not listen when everyone kept telling them not to re-legalize discrimination by passing
This is either really funny or a dangerous escalation. A group of armed patriots that have been showing up to mosques to ter
If anyone knows what it s like to be attacked by the likes of Donald Trump, it s Rosie O Donnell. The bitter feud between the tw
Among the slew of baseless attacks launched against Hillary Clinton this election cycle has been the accusation that she s in th
It really is beginning to seem like some church communities are full of child molesters. Then again, those of us not brainwashe
A video published by The Washington Post shows white police officers from Aiken, South Carolina sexually assaulting a Black c
George Bush s former CIA director, Michael Hayden, has always had a very uncomfortable position on waterboarding. At time
While speaking in Fargo, North Dakota, Ted Cruz pandered directly to his audience by fear-baiting them with absolute malarke
If you ve been privy to any form of a Donald Trump rally, then you re likely aware that they can sometimes get violent if anyon
Donald Trump just can t seem to make up his mind about abortion laws, but his latest stance is going to make pro-life Republi
When Ken Nwadike, founder of Free Hugs Project, attended both a Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders rally in order to offer fre
Scott Walker emerged from the ashes of his failed Presidential campaign this week when the primaries came to Wisonsin. But
Sarah Palin did that thing where her mouth began moving but her brain was in no way involved, and this time she managed to
Not too many people had heard of Bernie Sanders until recently. Although a senator, Sanders doesn t come from a famous po
In an effort to meet his weekly requirements of hypocrisy, Ted Cruz embraced the idea of a draconian federal law that would
Donald Trump recently met with the Republican National Committee as tensions between the Republican Party and the front-
President Obama spoke to reporters at the close of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C. about Republican
A history teacher who openly ranted in the classroom about how much he hates Democrats and liberals forced his students to
Paul Lepage, the Tea Party disaster that happens to technically be the governor of Maine, just keeps finding bold new ways to
Who likes Donald Trump? Not Democrats. Not women, young adults, Hispanics or independents, either. Half of Republican vo
Fortune released their The World s 19 Most Disappointing Leaders list on March 30. Coming in at number one on the list is M
If there s one thing we all know for certain, and one thing we can all unite behind, it s the fact that this year s election cycle is
Maybe this is Republican front-runner Donald Trump s strange way of celebrating April Fool s Day or maybe he s just being his
For months concerns have been expressed about the ability of the Democratic Party to duplicate the voter enthusiasm expres
Mississippi has been on a theocratic tear lately. When not giving churches the ability to create militias for God with the powe
When Republicans examined why they lost the 2012 Presidential Election, leadership concluded that they needed better outre
As the National Museum of African-American History and Culture prepares to open later this year, controversy has already ma
Republican front runner Donald Trump is still (thankfully) getting blasted for the outrageously offensive comments he made on
For more than a century, countries around the world who found themselves rich in crude oil have held industrialized nations d
There is a disturbing video coming out of Miami Beach, Florida which shows two men get into a fight inside of a Burger King. T
On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Daniel Jordan ruled Mississippi s discriminatory ban on allowing same-sex couples to adopt ch
During an investigation into allegations of police sexual misconduct, San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon uncovered
The Donald isn t having a very good week at all. His campaign manager was charged with battery for assaulting a lady, multiple
Walmart has become the perfect symbol of the corporate greed strangling much of the planet. From putting tens of thousand
Two avid Democrats took to Twitter this week to bring a little more public exposure to an issue far too many people are begin
Rachel Maddow is angry with her fellow members of the press and with very good reason. The thing is, everyone has been ra
Trump s latest fiasco is so bad that it s bleeding over into other GOP presidential campaigns. Not only that, but there s every re
Republicans and religious conservatives made a big show on Wednesday by criticizing current Republican presidential frontrun
Major insurers everywhere have dumped massive cash into lobbying against the ACA. Their corporate-owned Republicans hav
When Republican Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed HB 1337 into law last week, he wasn t expecting women to personally
Republican front runner Donald Trump has ignited a media sh*tstorm with his recent comments about abortion. On Wednesd
University of Virginia professor and political scientist Larry Sabato has just released his map predicting the electoral vote outco
The people insisting the only thing standing in the way of Donald Trump s path to the nomination is Donald Trump himself ma
If you thought Trump supporters wered bad, wait till you get a load of oh, wait, Ted Nugent is a Trump supporter. Everyone s
Across the nation, mainly the South, there have been a number of religious freedom laws popping up. Now, religious freedo
I m often told that Trump can beat Hillary, and therefore she shouldn t be the nominee. It s a good argument; electability and
Donald Trump isn t the guy you would think would be the Republican frontrunner for the presidential nomination, because Re
Donald Trump ignited a firestorm on Wednesday when he told MSNBC s Chris Matthew s that abortion should be banned and
For the last nine or so months, we ve all had to witness Donald Trump try to foray himself into our lives as a possible contende
Donald Trump thinks he s qualified to be president of the United States primarily based on what he always touts as his busines
Donald Trump s trainwreck interview with Chris Matthews wasn t just notable for his abhorrent views on abortion, but also be
When the story broke on Wednesday about Donald Trump saying women should be punished for getting an abortion, I was, h
Senate Republicans were just taken to the woodshed by a historian for their unprecedented obstruction of President Obama s
Ted Cruz has made a staggering confession during an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show, which confirms just how deep t
Bernie Sanders and his supporters just received some excellent news concerning the mix up that might have prevented his nam
Democratic Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders appeared on MSNBC s The Rachel Maddow Show this week and summed up t
The explosion of a nuclear missile in the heart of heavily populated Europe would be an unprecedented act that would kill hun
Donald Trump is an absolutely despicable human being, and, believe it or not, he just sunk even lower. Trump, while talking in
In Israel, dehumanizing Palestinians and calling for their destruction has become the norm. Only a few days after Chief Israeli S
Republican front runner Donald Trump makes himself easy to hate. If he doesn t turn people off with his lack of policies, inexp
One of the most embarrassing moments in politics this week happened in Missouri.During a debate in the Missouri House Com
Is it utter contempt, or incredible stupidity? Actually, it s probably both. Republicans are well known for their utter contempt o
It s alarming that so many people are lining up rank and file behind Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. It seem
This is why elections have consequences. During the off-year election of 2013, one of thew few bright spots was my new hom
For many of us, electing President Obama into office was an amazing thing to be a part of, spectacular to witness, and will go d
There was literally no chance that the religious right wasn t going to scream bloody murder over Georgia Governor Nathan De
Mississippi Republicans are taking a shoot first, ask questions later approach to preventing potential church violence with a b
He probably believes pray the gay away is the treatment, too.There is no law forcing straight people to seek such treatment,
The GOP has been absolutely obsessed with blocking President Barack Obama s Supreme Court justice pick ever since the dea
Cruz has recently gone on the attack against Donald Trump, but as recently as December, he kept the Republican frontrunner
Donald Trump spent Wednesday morning trying to convince the American media that his campaign manager, Corey Lewandow
A smart presidential candidate would immediately fire their campaign manager if he were charged with battery especially if t
A teenage girl who fought back when she was allegedly groped by a Trump supporter while protesting at a Wisconsin rally was
A staggering expos by Newsweek has revealed that the city and surrounding areas of once-great Detroit, are now so polluted t
Republicans were handed a harsh reminder of how our country s judicial system works when the Supreme Court deadlocked i
Hillary Clinton has just launched the first ad directly aimed at Donald Trump s campaign. The ad is all about New York, in time
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump was again confronted with the incident in which he retweeted a sexist pho
Cops in America are out of control, and here is yet another case of a police department who needs to be sued into oblivion du
The fact that supporters of Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump have a few screws loose is a widely known fact
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley claims to be a family values conservative Christian, but because of an affair with a woman
Once again, Republican front runner Donald Trump resorted to acting like a moody 5-year-old by threatening not to take part
Monday s hearing on voter suppression and election fraud in Arizona s Presidential Preference Election revealed a slew of failu
On Tuesday, the Trump campaign took a huge blow when campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was finally charged for an a
If there were a contest to describe who the most grotesque, misogynistic and outright awful human beings on the planet are,
One thing you don t ever want to do is tell a woman to smile more. It s become this thing where people feel they are entitled
Bette Midler has made her distaste for the GOP s 2016 Clown Car perfectly clear, usually via her twitter account. On Monday m
A scathing editorial in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Tuesday laid waste to Donald Trump s presidential ambitions.Armed
Donald Trump s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was arrested on Tuesday morning in Jupiter, Florida. Lewandowski ha
If you don t know what civil asset forfeiture is, the short answer is: The police get to take your money and property and keep
Last week, printers at colleges across the country suddenly started spitting out fliers advocating white supremacy and Antisem
When President Obama announced his nominee to fill Antonin Scalia s seat on the Supreme Court, it took Mitch McConnell al
On Monday, President Obama and the First Lady gave numerous children the day of a lifetime at their final installment of the
Ever since Donald Trump s rallies have become violent dumpster fires with a heavy neo-Nazi and white supremacist presence,
The spoiled son of a New York millionaire went full affluenza on an Uber driver, calling him a minimum wage f*ggot on camer
On Monday, Sarah Silverman released a hilarious video that encourages non-voters to get off the couch and participate in this
Sometimes you just have to point the obvious out, because a lot of people just don t see the error in their own ways. This is ex
Earlier today an unidentified male entered the U.S. Capitol s Visitor Center with a gun. The man was apprehended, resulting in
There are a lot of people in the United States who simply do not understand the meaning of religious liberty. Having religious
When Donald Trump stood at his podium at a rally and declared, I have no friends You re my friends, he apparently wasn t ki
Well, we called it. Paul Ryan s first act as Speaker of the House was to do his job and get work done. As a result, the anti-every
Despite a petition calling for guns to be allowed at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, accumul
At 2:40 PM today, an unidentified male entered the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center with a gun. The man was captured, and a police
In case you ve been living under a rock for your entire life, and especially this campaign cycle, Donald Trump is notoriously sex
A new parody video shows that the ridiculously juvenile tweets from Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump make
A Tennessee man did what thousands of ammosexuals across the nation do on a regular basis paranoid that someone somew
Today we found out who s REALLY in control of the Republican Party: The Religious Right or Corporate America? In Georgia, at
Let nobody tell you racists don t have options this election. If you re a racist who is turned off by Trump or perhaps, fired from
In an article aptly titled, Why some Republicans are feeling shame, The Washington Post s Sean Sullivan describes a party sin
The horror that is Donald Trump s rise to the top of the GOP presidential race continues, and now his former nemesis turned a
A Canadian tech company is capitalizing on Donald Trump s scary rise to the top by offering refuge to American workers in the
The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice has finally decided to terminate its relationship with the for-profit prison company,
Hillary Clinton is about to step up the fight against Senate Republicans and their refusal to give constitutional hearings to Supr
Experts are saying that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is being deceptive when he responded to allegations that h
There has been a consistent thread in Zionism that has called for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians for over 100 years, and th
When NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell calls a presidential candidate uneducated on foreign p
As much as likely all of us want elections to be cut and dry, popular vote wins all, it s just not that simple. It s a game, and if yo
Bernie Sanders is on fire, especially after this weekend s resounding victories in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii, which have p
Appearing on ABC s This Week with host Jonathan Karl, Donald Trump was asked about if he would categorically rule out the
Traditionally, during Mexico s celebration of Holy Week citizens gather in the streets to burn effigies of the infamous Judas Isc
This is how Brussels deals with right-wing extremists.The March Against Fear in Brussels, Belgium kicked off on Sunday despite
On Sunday, on CNN s State of the Union, Trump campaign spokesman Stephen Miller got into a bizarre argument with the sho
More than two months after Bundy Militia idiot Robert LaVoy Finicum was shot and killed during a standoff with federal and
The Tribeca Film Festival is one of the most respected artistic events in the film industry. However, it has been embroiled in co
California Democrats are taking a page from Oregon s book and appear set to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour despite
After only 16 hours, Microsoft was forced to pull the company s experimental chat bot from Twitter.Microsoft s chat bot, whi
Being a middle-aged man whose only experience with Miley Cyrus is a daughter raised on Hannah Montana and a dislike for h
Red states from coast to coast have been engaged in the despicable act of discriminating against the transgender community
In an op-ed that puts to rest any notion that Ted Cruz knows what he s talking about when it comes to terrorism and national
The mood at Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders rallies is always electrifying. Whether he s in big cities like Chica
California has just become the latest and biggest state where workers will now receive an increase in the minium wage, up to
The Wisconsin Department of Justice just released an email that was exchanged between members of the Scott Walker admin
Republicans are repulsive people. This is a known fact. But the latest attempt in Indiana to legislate how we mourn takes it to
Ted Cruz has been on the warpath recently after Republican front-runner Donald Trump made several sexist comments about
On March 22, Cody Lee Miller, a homeless man who calls the streets of Seattle, Washington his residence, climbed to the top o
Corinthian Colleges must pay $1.2 billion dollars to students. San Francisco Superior Court Judge Curtis Karnow determined th
On Friday, Florida Governor Rick Scott screwed tens of thousands of women across his state.The vile excuse for a governor sig
During a recent appearance on Good Morning Britain, Donald Trump made several claims about Muslims that are, perhaps un
Ted Nugent is once again degrading a segment of the population and this time he targeted women.In a Facebook post devote
Last year, a Wisconsin man was busted for threats he made against President Obama s life. This wasn t just an instance of som
Last week, President Obama made a historic trip to Cuba and the right-wing went absolutely insane. Republicans were outrage
Bernie Sanders candidacy is attractive to many different demographics. He s extremely appealing to younger generations who
Because idiots haven t harmed America enough yet.An anti-vaxxer propaganda film will be screened at the Tribeca Film Festiv
This story is the perfect example of just how detached from reality the American right wing has become. Two white nationalis
Bill Maher mocked the idea that Ted Cruz could possibly have affairs with multiple women and questioned whether five wome
Are you having a hard time figuring out whether Donald Trump or Ted Cruz is the least awful GOP candidate in the presidentia
The game plan for Republicans isn t exactly difficult to figure out. They control their uninformed base through fear. If you re a
Recently re-released footage from a 1988 appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show gives insight into what Donald Trump reall
The Republican Party is panicking over Donald Trump s presidential campaign in a way most Americans have never seen, and c
The so-called War on Drugs has has taken another enormous blow as a study shows that states that legalize marijuana have s
Pope Francis has once again infuriated conservatives after he washed and kissed the feet of Christian, Muslim, and Hindu but
People are freaking out all over the internet over a winged intruder at a Bernie Sanders rally in Portland. In the middle of San
Every parent s worst fear is that a teacher will abuse their child. This fear is even greater for parents like myself with special ne
With the sex scandal allegations piling up against Ted Cruz regarding the accusations presented in The National Enquirer, the R
Successfully proving that we will kill ourselves before ISIS ever gets the chance, a patriotic gun owner decided that the only wa
A conservative columnist and Trump supporter dropped a bombshell live on CNN when she accused another guest, who is a C
In the world of politics there are going to be scandals. It s just a fact. There s no way around it. They can be true or they can be
Despite how much the National Rifle Association (NRA) would like everyone to believe that they are doing their best to educat
Anyone who uses a driving service such as Uber or Lyft takes on the risk that their driver might be completely unhinged. While
As much as the media pundits want to pretend like they re treating Hillary Clinton like everyone else running for president, the
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is on a roll with her brutal eviscerations of Donald Trump. Following her epic Twitter takedown of the ra
Yet another responsible gun owner caused her child to nearly die after she left her kids in the car with a loaded and unsecure
Two African-American women who went for what they hoped would be a fun night out at a karaoke bar in Fresno ended up in
Fox News own military expert blasted Donald Trump, too, but saved his most devastating shot for Ted Cruz.During an appeara
Daily Show host Trevor Noah got brutal with Ted Cruz over his appalling response to the bombings of EU capital Brussels this w
Every time a school shooting happens, the idiots on the right yank out the memes and propaganda declaring that the school b
The last thing any politician running for the presidency needs is negative or scandalous hashtags about them trending on Twitt
Another day, another GOP family values politician facing a potential sex scandal. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R- Of Co
North Carolina, long seen as the one state in the southeast with a bit of progressive common sense, is now nothing more than
While Donald Trump has staked a large part of his campaign on being tough on terror, one of his own supporters is going to j
Poor, poor Ted Cruz. He just can t catch a break.Having endured repeated attacks on his wife by Republican front-runner Dona
Before Senator Bernie Sanders popularized stepping up to the Democratic establishment, which has been overrun by corporat
The world no longer sees Donald Trump as a joke, they see him as a significant threat to international security and a stable eco
A petition calling on the Obama administration to investigate alleged voter suppression and voter fraud in the Arizona primary
On March 23, KOIN in Burns, Oregon, got a behind the scenes tour of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.Parts of the once pristine w
Appearing on the The View Thursday morning was none other than former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson.
North Carolina Republicans jammed another bigoted extremist bill into law on Wednesday, making the state an even worse pl
For Glen Grays, a 27-year-old New York City postal worker March 17 was not a typical day. That s because Grays was arrested
A group of college professors have released a report that claims the federal government s attempts to combat sexual harassm
Almost every day, this year s presidential election is becoming more and more like a high school election, or rather middle sch
The Republicans have given us a lot of WTF moments lately, but this one is something you ll remember for a while and just i
Phoenix mayor Greg Stanton is calling on the United States Justice Department to investigate Arizona s fiasco election.As Ariz
The Washington Post reports that the Republicans and the billionaires that own them are more or less writing off the White H
Hillary Clinton should file a lawsuit against Fox News and Rudy Giuliani for this lie.During an appearance on Fox News with Bill
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been going through an existential crisis over the future of his party for a while especially now that
Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) pummeled the Republicans for their xenophobia and racism following calls to create Muslim patr
Donald Trump has once again given the terrorist group ISIS (aka Daesh, The Islamic State) material for their latest propaganda
The terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium have brought out the Muslim-haters on the right in full force particularly GOP presiden
Coolest. President. Ever.During his scheduled stop in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Obama was asked to stand up and da
Using the long-debunked Planned Parenthood videos that were heavily edited to show the sale of fetal tissue, House Repub
While many Republicans are lining up behind Ted Cruz because they say that Trump s policies are too extreme, here s some ne
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos made Fox host Sean Hannity look like the angry Trump puppet that we all know him to be.Over
Former Representative Gabby Giffords has made a remarkable recovery after suffering a gunshot wound to the head five year
Alabama governor Robert Bentley admitted today that he made inappropriate statements over a period of time with his aid
While most of us probably wish former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) would just go away, she reared her head a
The Ultra Music Festival in Miami is one of the largest electronic dance music festivals in the World. Over 170,000 people atten
Last night at a rally in San Diego, California, actress Rosario Dawson gave the best introduction speech for Bernie Sanders since
The studio of superheroes will leave Georgia rather than make movies in a state that bullies gay people.The First Amendment
Always eager to use a tragedy to erode the Constitution, immediately after the terror attack in Brussels, Republican Senator To
A day after the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on counterterrorism at Stanford University i
On Tuesday, the New York State Assembly passed a bill that legalized mixed martial arts (MMA), but it was the debate leading
Well this is a peculiar thing indeed! Paul Ryan, leading member of the Ayn Rand cult of hating the poor, has had a change of he
President Obama was in Argentina following his historic visit to Cuba, and it s clear that even thousands of miles away, he real
It s hard to believe that business mogul Donald Trump is not only in the presidential race, but actually LEADING the Republican
Ted Cruz has said many stupid things during his run for the Republican nomination yet it s no surprise he s still a contender am
When there are those who are injured and killed in terror attacks, there will also be those who stand behind them in solidarity
For too long, media networks have allowed Donald Trump to have unfettered access to their shows via phone, and now Trump
Bernie Sanders appeared on Jimmy Kimmel to a wildly cheering crowd and he offered a voice of reason on a host of issues incl
It s clear Ted Cruz isn t even trying anymore. The Republican presidential candidate wasn t even able to use his own verbiage w
Hillary Clinton delivered an inspiring speech last night in the wake of the attack on Brussels proving that she is more fit for the
Donald Trump has once again taken to Twitter to issue a threat to a perceived rival, except this time he is launching the threat
There are many differences between GOP Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and sitting President Barack Obama, but chief am
It s long been said that the War on Drugs is a fiction created by certain interests in society, in order to attack particular segme
Florida mom and hardcore gun nut Jamie Gilt is back in the news again after police recommended that she be charged in the i
Leading presidential candidates spoke in Washington DC recently at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in st
In February 2016, the city of Birmingham, Alabama voted to increase its minimum wage by $2.85. It would have increased on
President Obama s response to the attacks on Belgium were dignified and hopeful, and it was exactly the opposite of the divis
While the Republican presidential candidates have responded to the tragic terrorist attacks in Brussels with the most despicab
Her name is M.H. Weibe and she s here to rap about how evil trangender people are, and all that crap. This cartoon Christian s
Right-wing Christian extremism is a cancer that is infecting American society at all levels, and the worst of it is that it has infec
On March 22, the 2016 presidential candidates made their cases before The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),
When you try and fail at everything you do, try and try some more! Right? That s how the saying goes, isn t it? No?Well, it look
Rather than placing the blame for the terrorist attacks in Brussels with the terrorists where it belongs, Fox News focused on bl
With the primaries indicating that Donald Trump is coming closer and closer to securing the Republican nomination for preside
If ever there was a reminder that Sen. Ted Cruz is NOT the Republican Party s reasonable alternative to Donald Trump, it s in h
Like all other presidents since George H.W. Bush President Obama has worked to build a closer relationship with Israel while
Terrorists attacked Brussels, Belgium in a tragedy that has left at least 30 people dead, and that means conservatives quickly a
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is never at a loss for words. As the world is still in shock and reeling from n
Late Night host Seth Meyers has delivered an explosive attack on the central myth of GOP economics by blowing up the Kansa
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is full of hard-right Christians who hate the usual groups of people that w
A terror attack on the EU capital of Brussels in Belgium on Tuesday morning has left nearly 30 people dead, and many more in
Full Frontal host Samantha Bee is NOT one to mince words. She took the GOP to the woodshed in the latest episode of her sho
President Barack Obama singlehandedly caused a collective right-wing freak out on Monday when he took a picture in front o
While appearing on the CNN presidential town hall, Donald Trump likely made the most asinine statement ever uttered. After
If cities want to try and help their workers get paid sick leave, the Arizona state government will punish them with harmful bu
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump allegedly hit on a journalist on Monday. According to Karen Attiah, deputy
We ve become so accustomed to Donald Trump s Twitter rants that hardly anyone pays attention anymore. His formula for a s
Some red state Republican legislators are having severe emotional problems over the idea of a person carrying a bag of weed
Republican front runner Donald Trump has stopped events for strange reasons before let s not forget that the business mogu
In 2013, North Carolina Republicans passed one of the most draconian voter ID laws in the country to prevent minorities from
Donald Trump is proving, yet again, that he is terrified of strong women. Not to mention the fact he s also got the thinnest skin
This pastor s church should be heavily taxed for this kind of political speech.Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders
There have been a lot of strange things to happen over the course of this election cycle, but what you re about to witness may
When it comes to Donald Trump, there s really not much you can believe that comes out of his mouth except for what can on
The election is just an excuse for them to ignore the Constitution and the will of the American people for partisan gain.Last we
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) lit into Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump with a series of tweets. Warren h
Governor Rick Scott of Florida may be the worst governor in modern history. So, of course he formally endorsed Donald Trump
Ted Cruz is all about the transformative love of Jesus Christ. Through his own transformation, Cruz has learned the power of th
Politifact just humiliated Senate Republicans big time.During an appearance on Meet The Press on Sunday, Senate Minority Le
Trump s spokeswoman Katrina Pierson isn t known for being the brightest crayon in the box. She once went on air wearing a n
In February, video surfaced of evangelical pastors leading students in prayer in Hollister, Missouri during lunchtime in the scho
President Obama, accompanied by First Lady Michelle along with his two daughters, just landed in Cuba and he is looking to th
As Addicting Info reported here, New Hampshire state representative Kyle Tasker was recently arrested on felony drug charge
Bernie Sanders visited the United States-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona to witness one area that will be most affected by U
Right wing radio host and pundit Glenn Beck has been on the campaign trail stumping for Republican presidential candidate T
It s become clearer than ever that Republicans don t care about women. They also don t care about freedom one iota. And the
Mitch McConnell probably wasn t expecting this from a Fox News host.Yet, when the Senate Majority Leader appeared on Fox
Twenty-one-year-old Marquez Tolbert and his 23-year-old boyfriend, Anthony Gooden Jr., were asleep in the home Tolbert sh
Amy Goodman sat down for an interview with CNN s Brian Stelter on Sunday morning. Goodman, the award-winning broadca
Donald Trump is terrible, but he s the perfect representative for the Republican Party. As a racist xenophobe who probably wa
On Sunday s edition of Meet The Press, Senator Harry Reid blasted Mitch McConnell for his continued lack of leadership and w
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is so upset by Donald Trump s racist and bigoted presidential campaign they are redirecting
Because of Donald Trump, Republicans are finally being forced to admit that their party is a racist haven that caters to whites
A street performer based in New York City is giving everyone frustrated with Donald Trump and his racist, sexist, anti-immigra
Looking back at all of the offensive, ridiculous things that Republican front runner Donald Trump has said over the past few mo
Donald Trump continues to lead all others for the Republican nomination for the presidency. He has destroyed his opponents
Beginning in 2011, Republican-controlled states began setting up what they claim is a system to identify voters who have vote
Conservatives love to portray Cuba as an unviting hellhole, and its citizens complete monsters, so Barack Obama decided to do
At this point, hearing that there has been violent attacks at rallies held by GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is hardl
Donald Trump has repeatedly defended his blatant calls for violence against his critics by pretending that the protesters, not h
Republican front runner Donald Trump, who recently threatened America by saying there would be riots if he wasn t made the
While I don t believe Donald Trump can possibly win a general election against a coma patient, much less Hillary Clinton or Be
Saturday afternoon, a group of protesters gathered on the main road leading into Fountain Hills, the location of Donald Trump
For decades (centuries?), the right has perpetuated the myth of white superiority by pointing at black communities that are be
Conservatives constantly insist that there is no proof of human evolution, but after watching this video they might tear their o
When people think of rape, they generally imagine some masked man grabbing a woman and dragging her into a dark alley or
Georgia risks losing a chance to host the Super Bowl if an anti-gay bill currently working its way through the state legislature b
It s been several months, and hundreds of hours of rallies, since the last time scientists took a hard look at Donald Trump s int
Protestors have peacefully shut down the main road leading to a Trump rally being held in Fountain Hills, Arizona. It appears t
The majority of America has been wondering who actually is supporting Donald Trump. He s been rejected in Chicago and pro
Bill Maher and Barney Frank totally schooled Republicans on Friday night.The Real Time host began by asking his panel to help
Since the Supreme Court s ruling that legalized gay marriage, no state has worked quite as hard as Alabama to see to it that th
Just when we think that the Bundy Militia morons couldn t possibly surpass the amount of stupid they have already demonstr
Donald Trump is winning states and if his momentum continues, he will be the Republican nominee for the presidency of the U
Although I disagree with Bill Maher that Donald Trump is not a clown, a conman, or a Klansman, I do think he has a point when
Texas Senator Ted Cruz is a weirdo. Even his Republican colleague, Senator John McCain has called him a wacko bird. A few w
New Hampshire republican Kyle Tasker resigned from the state House of Representatives after he was arrested on three felon
This is what Republicans have created by embracing right-wing extremism. They own this.In a plot that would have made the
Fox News Channel has issued a blistering press release attacking Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump. The relea
Mississippi Republican Karl Oliver just gave the most honest, and most accurately Republican response that may have ever be
Senate Republicans have publicly said they are refusing to give Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland a fair hearing and an
Everyone has had it with the Donald Trump campaign. One person, in particular, has decided that enough is enough a 19-yea
The Stupid Part of America is riled up again after Maryland made a small change to its state song. To make it a bit more moder
Newtown, Connecticut was the site of one of the most horrific mass shootings in United States history at Sandy Hook Element
Bernie Sanders has a knack for being able to look at issues facing our society and to point them out bluntly. Unlike most politic
As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to prove that he s an all-around amazing person, he s become admired f
These Republican politicians should be in jail right next to the Bundys.As it turns out, there is more to the armed standoff that
An elderly Massachussetts woman who wrote a letter to the Boston Globe denouncing Donald Trump now fears for her life aft
Marco Rubio, the latest victim of the Trump train that has wreacked havoc on the Republican Party, has bowed out of the race
At about 8:20 Friday morning, the first of hopefully two baby Bald Eagles poked its way out of its egg on a live cam feed in the
The warning signs were everywhere.Forty-one-year-old Sara Atkinson had stopped taking her medication. According to family
Once again, Republicans have found another cruel way to punish poor people who need government assistance to prevent the
One of the many benefits of legalizing the sale of marijuana for recreational use is all the new tax revenue that states are takin
While on his radio show the other day, former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke doubled down on his support of Republi
When Jane Sanders visited one of known bigot and champion of racial profiling Sheriff Joe Arpaio s unconstitutional tent priso
Clearly forgetting that we re in the year 2016 and women are allowed to be strong, Republican Congressman Blaine Luetkeme
Cliven Bundy, the leader of the Moron Militia Movement that has been threatening to kill government officials since 2014 is go
An atheist group has found a truly genius way to troll christian conservatives over their $101m Noah s Ark being built in Kentu
During a United Nations Summit in New York City today focusing on women, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explaine
At this point in the election, Republican front runner Donald Trump has said enough stupid, offensive, hateful and dishonest th
There is absolutely no doubt that Republican frontrunner Donald Trump would be an unmitigated disaster if he were elected t
If you don t think that Donald Trump s horrible racist rhetoric is making a difference in the discourse surrounding race in Amer
Hacktivist group Anonymous has now commenced their war on Donald Trump, which has begun with a huge data dump on th
Jared Fogle, the man who lost a ton of weight eating sandwiches from Eat Fresh chain Subway and was later a celebrated spo
Ted Cruz is creepy. Really creepy. So creepy that his own daughter shies away from him when he tries to force a kiss on her. A
This is a HUGE condemnation of the Republican Party.Ever since Donald Trump kicked off his campaign for the presidency, Rep
As the polls closed for the Republican primary on Super Tuesday, Illinois experienced a phenomenon that could only have bee
President Obama has reportedly told top Democratic donors that he does not see a winning path forward for Senator Bernie S
Mitt Romney watched his dream of becoming president fly right out the window in 2012 when he made the infamous 47 perc
Republicans now scrambling to contain the political damage being inflicted on their party by presidential candidate Donald Tru
Michigan s embattled conservative governor, Rick Snyder, came to Washington with his head still on his shoulders, but he mig
In one glorious opening statement, Rep. Elijah Cummings made it clear that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder should face prison
And he did it right to O Reilly s face.During an appearance on the O Reilly Factor on Wednesday night, Univision anchor Jorge R
With only three clowns left in GOP clown car, Republicans are doing everything they can to prevent Donald Trump from winni
Gay-hating, Ted Cruz-loving Pastor Kevin Swanson is back, and he is calling for more executions. First, he used the bible as a re
We definitely live in a rape culture, and one of the most infuriating parts of that is the huge backlog of untested rape kits arou
The only thing sadder than losing a Republican presidential race to a reality tv show host is then having to grovel at the feet of
As we all remember last year, Pope Francis made a historic visit and was beloved by pretty much everyone he came in contact
Leslie Moonves, the CEO of CBS, one of the three largest media outlets in the United States, was recently caught on tape gleef
Just five days before the next Republican presidential debate, scheduled to be hosted by Fox News, Donald Trump seized cont
Everyone knows that Republican front runner Donald Trump s Twitter account is filled with nonsense and an absolute nightma
Merrick Garland, President Obama s choice to replace recently deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, has a long reco
While the overwhelming majority of Americans accept the scientific consensus on climate change, a new study shows that a si
Tuesday night was a very big night for Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton. The former Secretary of State had
When Senator Bernie Sanders speaks about a political revolution, he means grassroots organization propelling not just him to
On Wednesday morning, President Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. Garland was an excellent
Proving once again that Republicans don t care about women, a Georgia Republican has blocked a BIPARTISAN bill that would
Trump University went out of business years ago, but because Donald Trump is talking about bringing it back, Jimmy Fallon de
A voting scandal has erupted in Florida again. Democrat vote ballot boxes were allegedly found at the bottom of a closet, after
President Obama thumbed his nose at Republicans on Wednesday morning and picked a replacement for Justice Scalia anywa
On Wednesday morning, Republican front runner Donald Trump basically said that if another candidate wins the nomination,
NBC s Today show took the gloves off against Donald Trump on Wednesday morning, rolling a video compilation that will no d
Republican front-runner Donald Trump has caused a lot of outrage since stepping into the race for the White House, and with
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) refused to rule out accepting the Republican presidential nomination at a contested co
March 15 saw yet another Super Tuesday battle waged, and Hillary Clinton swept Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina by wide m
With the rise of Donald Trump, America s racists are coming out of the woodwork in droves. They are also becoming increasin
Just when you think the GOP can t sink any lower than supporting a candidate whose primary support comes from white supre
President Barack Obama took some time on Tuesday to call for more civility from the Republican candidates while they re on t
Governor Chris Christie wasted no time after suspending his presidential campaign to swoon over Donald Trump, the clear fav
Fox News and other right-wing outlets are quivering with glee at the fact that a known Ku Klux Klan leader is endorsing Hillary
Watching people line up behind Donald Trump is concerning in and of itself, but we may finally have an explanation as to why
President Obama gave America, and the world, a reminder of the better side of politics today by posting a hilarious video of hi
Brandon Stanton, the world-renowned photographer behind the brilliant Humans of New York Facebook page, usually stays o
A Donald Trump president is a very scary prospect for all sane Americans. Most politicians, GOP and Democrat alike, are in no
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is leading the pack by appealing to the very worst aspects of human nature, and the ba
Full Frontal host Samantha Bee braced herself and attempted a dialogue with Trump fans away from the mud-slinging happen
Donald Tiny Hands Trump might be in for a bit of a shock soon. The hacktivist group is calling on every able person with a com
Hillary Clinton s recent appearance with Chris Matthews for a town hall special turned out to offer far more entertainment tha
Donald Trump is a liar. Not the kind of lies that qualify as little white lies or harmless little fibs. He doesn t just exaggerate a litt
Once again, the police demonstrate just how absolutely justified people of color are in not trusting them. After the violence an
Chris Christie just had yet another terrible day at the hands of his new boss, Donald Trump. In what is becoming a trend, Trum
According to the right-wing pastor, Mark Burns, Democratic primary candidate Bernie Sanders, does not believe in god. That s
If there s one thing Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump likes to boast, it s that he s not afraid of anything or an
Just as Sarah Palin was set to deliver another pro-Trump stump speech, the one-time Republican vice presidential candidate le
Sounds like they should call themselves the Brownshirts, because that s what this group basically is.At Donald Trump rallies ac
Donald Trump has watched from the stage as his rabid supporters have brutally assaulted the people who come out to protes
A new ad from a conservative super PAC absolutely destroys Donald Trump, and it uses his own words to do the job. The comm
Before Supreme Court Justice Scalia s body was even cold the Republican Party vowed to stop any attempt by President Obam
The Republican race towards the White House is getting more terrifying by the day. We have the front-runner, Donald Trump,
This racist literally committed the hate crime in the name of Donald Trump.On Saturday morning, Khondoker Usama and his fr
One of the positive effects of the racial tension in Ferguson, Missouri that began with the killing of Michael Brown was the sub
Asher Edelman inspired the character Gordon Gekko in Oliver Stone s 1987 film, Wall Street, played by Michael Douglas. The i
Nicholas Ragin has spent a decade in prison because his court-appointed attorney slept through his 2006 trial. This week, his 3
The Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court decision in 1967 effectively made interracial marriage legal, and forbade discrimination o
If Kansas Republicans have their way, they will have the power to impeach state Supreme Court judges who disagree with the
A fired up Hillary Clinton addressed members of the Democratic Party at a dinner in Columbus, Ohio two days before the prim
Many Republicans often argue raising the minimum wage or increasing taxes on the rich would kill jobs and hurt the economy
President Obama took aim at Donald Trump and his violent racist rhetoric on Saturday, and it makes us wish he could run for a
One of the greatest strategies to gain and hold power over a large population is to pit groups against one another. Divide and
In two-and-a-half minutes, former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich destroys the seven biggest economic lies told by Repu
CBS reporter Sopan Deb has been speaking out about the level of racism he has personally encountered at Donald Trump ralli
Donald Trump and his supporters are absolutely crazy. There is video that has surfaced from a rally from this weekend with hi
Ever since Donald Trump decided to cancel his campaign rally in Chicago, he and the conservative media have been doing eve
Donald Trump may deny that his appeal among right-leaning individuals is deeply rooted in Nazism, but it s becoming more an
Johnny Depp will not be voting for Donald Trump, judging from the award-winning actor s comments during a recent sit-down
Veteran investigative reporter Carl Bernstein outed Donald Trump as a fascist on Sunday, and if you don t believe him just Goo
With everything going on at Donald Trump rallies lately, it was only a matter of time before Saturday Night Live took notice an
Donald Trump and his and the conservative media have been pushing a conspiracy theory that Bernie Sanders and his support
Donald Trump lost his temper on CNN when Jake Tapper asked him to be a leader and tone down the violent rhetoric of his ca
Apple s fight against the FBI on behalf of the privacy rights of their customers has taken a chilling turn, with law enforcement o
Donald Trump has been caught using doctored video to claim that a protester who rushed the stage at a rally in Dayton, Ohio
This one has to be seen to be believed.Liberals no longer have to accuse Fox News or Ted Cruz of conspiring against America. A
Donald Trump moved a step closer to officially sanctioning racial violence being committed in his name by telling multiple med
What s happening in the United States is not okay. What s being allowed to happen is not okay. We currently have a person ru
When Caitlyn Jenner first announced that she was going to embrace her true self, the LGBT community was behind her and w
Crisis Pregnancy Centers are fake medical offices where religious fanatics pretend to be doctors and nurses to terrorize and de
By now, everyone has heard of the violence and chaos that got a Donald Trump rally cancelled in Chicago, Illinois on Friday. Tr
Nothing pisses me off more than a Republican professing their undying love for Israel and the Jewish people. I m old enough to
Fox News and other conservative outlets are doing everything they can to spread the conspiracy theory that Bernie Sanders is
Donald Trump has brought every racist out of the closet and given them a megaphone as well as the courage to openly be as
This week, a racially-motivated massacre took place at an apartment complex in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The triple homicide sh
A campaign ad for Donald Trump attacking rival Republican presidential candidate John Kasich has been pulled off the air in Oh
Donald Trump is trying his best to blame the violence associated with his presidential campaign on anyone but the person who
CBS journalist Sopan Deb was covering Donald Trump s scheduled University of Illinois rally on March 11, when he was assault
If there is one thing we know for certain, it s that Donald Trump is in no shortage of racist white supremacists supporting him
Donald Trump was briefly surrounded by Secret Service agents at an Ohio rally on Saturday morning. The event was his first si
Republicans care more about protecting rapists than they do about the women they raped.Kentucky GOP Senator Dan Seum m
On Friday night, Megyn Kelly decided to weigh in on the protest in Chicago that sent Donald Trump packing. She, like must con
You know what would be really stupid? If a group of legislators got together and said, Hey, you know what would be a good id
What s happening within the Donald Trump campaign is absolutely disgraceful. The Republican front-runner has been openly
As Addicting Info reported here, Donald Trump s scheduled rally in Chicago, Illinois was shut down after thousands of proteste
Donald Trump s spokeswoman Katrina Pierson went on national television to try and validate and justify Trump s comments a
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is in the news again for violence during one of his rallies in St. Louis and his Chicago rall
On Friday, Donald Trump canceled a rally in Chicago because he was embarrassed that seemingly more people showed up to p
There s a disturbing trend happening in Democratic circles this primary season that, if left to fester, could spell absolute disast
On Thursday, two top executives with the Wounded Warrior Project were fired.The dismissals came after a CBS investigation e
This GOP civil war just keeps getting more entertaining.Sarah Palin helped create Ted Cruz by endorsing him for the Senate in
President Obama is widely expected to be an extremely valuable asset for the Democratic Party in this November s general ele
Yesterday, Senator Bernie Sanders swept through North Florida, holding rallies in Gainesville, Tampa Bay, and Kissimee (outsid
A scheduled rally for 2016 republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was shut down over security concerns, on Friday.T
First off, if you re reading this and have never been wrong, look in the mirror and repeat, I m full of myself. Truth is, we all ma
Florida Senator Marco Rubio has been going after presidential rival Donald Trump with a vengeance over the past few weeks,
The Houston Police Department and Texas Rangers are investigating after a gun nut opened fire on the office of Democratic st
Tensions ran high outside of a campaign rally for Donald Trump in St. Louis, Missouri. Thousands of Trump supporters waited o
Failed former presidential candidate Ben Carson is back and crazier than ever. The retired neurosurgeon who was once leadin
It s like President Obama can t go a day without infuriating the Right over something stupid. On Thursday, Tuscon Weekly repo
The Democratic candidates for the presidency, Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton, have millions of people supporting them virt
After being assaulted at a Donald Trump rally, allegedly by the candidates own campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, Breitb
Marco Rubio has officially joined the anti-Trump squad. Rubio is now urging his supporters in Ohio to vote for their governor J
Enough is enough. It s time for Donald Trump to condemn this racist violence or be forced to end his campaign.For the second
What s it going to take for someone to step in and tell Donald Trump that his behavior is not okay? When will he be arrested f
Ted Cruz just keeps on embarrassing himself.During the GOP Debate on Thursday night, the Texas Senator set himself up to be
If you ve ever raised a child while living in poverty you know the struggles it entails. Food and formula are expensive, but often
Tropical Liqueurs, otherwise known as Trops , a popular night spot that originated in Columbia, Missouri, thought they had str
Adolf Hitler isn t enthused about being compared to Republican front runner Donald Trump, according to comedian Sarah Silv
Donald Trump infamously went further into the gutter than usual at a recent debate, where he talked about his hand size, wh
It was a slow burn, but President Obama made the audience explode in laughter with the punchline.During a state dinner in h
Over the past few months, McDonalds has been a target for protests in favor of the fast food franchise raising its minimum ho
This just goes to show, never judge a book by its cover, and never judge a person by a scripted reality television show.Austin L
The Donald Trump supporter who viciously assaulted an African-American protester at a recent campaign rally gave a terrifyin
A mother is outraged after her autistic daughter came home in tears because another parent told her that her mom doesn t w
When someone else is trying to tell you that everyone else is lying in order for you to believe only them, they re probably lying
The man behind the lovably hapless office drone Dilbert has a few things to say about Donald Trump and they are a doozy.In
A former employee of Donald Trump s Trump University has become the star of a new campaign ad in which he testifies to so
Ever since President Barack Obama entered the White House, the Republican Party has done whatever they could to undermi
A Zion Christian Church prophet named Alec Ndiwane had a brush with death recently when his ability to see the future and fe
A scene from a Donald Trump rally in North Carolina showing a white Trump supporter sucker punching a black protester as Th
Donald Trump continues to give American voters important clues and hints as to why we shouldn t vote for him. He fits the ty
President Zero F*cks Left Obama strikes again.After a reporter informed President Obama that Republicans are blaming him
While most Republicans spend their time taking verbal jabs at mainstream reporters (read: not Fox News pundits) who dare t
Social conservatives run campaigns and win elections on platforms of so-called family values. Often, though, it turns out that
A bunch of rabid gun-toting conservatives would like the Secret Service to know that President Obama is a target.President Ob
Wednesday night was the final Democratic debate before the March 15 Primaries, and it was heated. However, the biggest co
Bernie Sanders is not known to mince words and isn t shy about speaking his mind. During the Democratic presidential debate
The United States has some major problems with our water supply. During a segment on The Daily Show, host Trevor Noah vo
Republican governor Rick Scott of Florida had a big smirk on his face and was talking with confidence during an interview with
Donald Trump seems to love it when his rabid, racist followers attack black people at his rallies. For instance, last year when T
The saga surrounding the idiots who decided to invade and occupy a federal building on a wildlife preserve in Oregon continue
When a bunch of kids were recently asked what they thought about Republican front-runner Donald Trump, they proved to A
After the passing of conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Republicans have been refusing to even welcome any
Twenty-two states, including the District of Columbia, allow 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections as long as they turn 18 b
The Koch Brothers have become synonymous with the corruption caused by the Citizens Union decision in the United States S
President Obama is clearly not letting GOP threats of obstruction interfere with his duty to nominate a new Supreme Court Jus
Oklahoma State Republicans have completely gone off the deep end with this one. The party, with the help of a few sellout De
When watching Donald Trump speak, you d think he was running for prom king the way he assumes this election is all about h
Donald Trump is probably one of the most hateful presidential candidates this country has ever seen. But what makes him so
Senate Republicans sink to a new disgraceful low in their childish effort prevent President Obama from filling the vacant Supre
It s pretty much common knowledge that all Mitt Romney s speech against Donald Trump did was serve to help the Republica
Donald Trump s campaign has hit a new low as if it could get any worse. According to a Politico report released on Tuesday, t
Long may their heaves remind them of just how idiotic they are.A group of West Virginia Republicans reaped what they sowed
The Delaware cop who went viral for his 2013 attack on an unarmed young black man is being rewarded with a $230,000 sett
Donald Trump claims to have a huge penis, but he apparently doesn t have the balls to handle tough questions about his racis
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is popular with individuals with a social justice mindset. He s also packed sta
Christian Fundamentalism is putting American children in danger, as ever greater numbers of parents are refusing to seek med
Meet Florida resident Jamie Gilt. Everyone say Hi, Jamie! Jamie is many things. She s a Ted Cruz supporter. She s a pro-gun a
This actually happens all the time no matter who the president is, but conservatives are throwing a tantrum because Presiden
Donald Trump s campaign manager has been accused of physically assaulting a female reporter after his press conference on T
The Westboro Baptist Church doesn t leave much room for dissension among its ranks, so when a Phelps family member spea
Earlier this week after the death of Mrs. Reagan was announced, the GOP (including Trump) came out to show their full suppo
Ted Cruz s presidential campaign is gaining a reputation of going into the gutter during the Republican primary so far, and it ap
Trump bashes China so much and blames them for American problems so often, that if he wasn t such a racist you could argua
On Tuesday morning, Republican front runner Donald Trump was supposed to go on several television appearances, but wimp
It s no secret that there is little love lost between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but this is
If you had any doubt in your mind that Republicans are absolutely repugnant, this should seal the deal. In a tweet aimed at Re
While one could argue that the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution grants the ability to own firearms to eve
One of the most disturbing things about extremist Christian holy rollers is how they prize the virginity of women. It s misogyni
When thinking about who you d likely want as the next President of the United States, one would probably think of someone
Donald Trump pretty much goes ballistic anytime someone says something bad about his precious Trump University, a failed r
CNN host Fareed Zakaria made a pretty damning point about Donald Trump s extremism on Monday night.Zakaria dedicated a
A Canadian couple is facing charges after their plan to avoid harmful medicine in favor of maple syrup and other home remed
Trevor Noah shredded Republicans on Monday night for being as inept as Looney Tunes character Wile E. Coyote in their effor
In a shocking moment of confession, Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough admitted on the air that trickle down economics is a li
It s been really hard for the LGBT community to welcome Caitlyn Jenner with open arms and the reason played across televisio
File this one under: WTF?!A woman driving a van painted to match The Mystery Machine van from the Scooby Doo cartoon d
In a desperate bid to normalize the Republican Party s insane stance on keeping Scalia s seat on the Supreme Court empty, a n
The GOP is known for its misogyny. This is especially true of those currently running for president on that side of the aisle. So,
In big news coming out of the Supreme Court, it was the opinion of the Court that a decision made by an Alabama court refusi
It s finally happened. The baby parts lie fabricated by two felons at the deceptively-named Center for Medical Progress has b
After they were crushed in the 2012 election, Republicans wrote a post-mortem document that advised the party to reach out
In a move that shows just how little Republicans care about the opinion and safety of police, West Virginia now allows ANYON
Anyone who knows anything about the Civil Rights Movement and its highlights knows about Bloody Sunday. It was the Sunda
In an announcement that can put a lot of minds at ease, former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg has decided that
After witnessing disgraceful debate after disgraceful debate, former Secretary of State Colin Powell decided he couldn t stay si
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has redefined the election process. All predictions can be thrown out the w
Here s the thing about being the leader of the free world, you need to be able to get along with other nations and be able to w
When President Obama took office in January of 2009, the United States of America was on the brink of utter economic collap
Donald Trump is literally scaring Holocaust survivors who are watching history repeat itself.There s a reason why the Bellamy S
If Republicans thought a multibillion dollar 40 foot wall could keep Latinos from becoming American citizens, they may have co
The last GOP debate showed Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz once again joining forces and gang
In Ohio, the District of Columbia, and 21 other states this election year, 17-year-old citizens are allowed to vote in their state s
John Oliver isn t known for mincing words when it comes to his description of Republicans. Last night was no exception as he l
Yes, this actually happened.During a panel discussion on Meet The Press on Sunday, Detroit Free Press reporter Stephen Hend
We all know that there is no way to be a scientist and a creationist at the same time. Science deals in facts, creationism deals i
When news of the death of former First Lady Nancy Reagan came through on Sunday, the majority of liberals and conservative
The CNN debate between Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took place in Flint, Michigan on Sunday a
The Democratic debate on Sunday night was a little more tense than usual between candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sand
Whole Foods is a store that many people love. They love the organic food, the appearance of cleanliness and health, and the i
Some, try as they might, to say that Hillary Clinton will be soft on Wall Street when the opposite is actually true. She knows jus
An Ohio mother who attended a Bernie Sanders rally has been receiving death threats after a photo of her breast feeding her
Ted Cruz isn t the most likeable guy out there you ve probably heard this before. And it s not just the media being the media
Michigan s former Democratic governor, Jennifer Granholm, gave Rick Snyder some sharp advice on Saturday.During an interv
On Sunday, the nation learned that former first lady Nancy Reagan, 94, had passed away at her Los Angeles home from conge
Two people were injured during a shoe-sale shootout at the Brooklyn Shopping Center, in Madison, Minnesota on Saturday.Ac
If there s one person in this world that clearly gives no f*cks about what people think of them, it s Chelsea Handler. Her no-no
If there s one thing that s certain about Donald Trump you know, aside from his racism, misogyny, Islamophobia, and fascist t
Having been quiet since his presidential campaign went down in flames in 2012, Mitt Romney is suddenly back in the spotlight
Donald Trump sat down for an interview with on CBS Face the Nation, where the Republican presidential primary front-runne
Mitt Romney looked like a defeated man too embarrassed to admit that the rise of Donald Trump is partly his fault.During an a
Donald Trump, the Republican presidential primary front-runner and likely nominee, is under fire for making his supporters ra
Costco cares more about the American workforce than Republicans do.A few years ago, Costco answered the call to help strug
There was plenty of crazy material from the Republicans this week and in order to cover as much of their embarrassing antics
He s not wrong.Demonstrating that he is the only adult in a campaign season full of Republicans, Democratic presidential cand
On February 25th, Fox News Business brought on the President and Founder of the Human Rights Foundation, Thor Halvorsse
If you haven t noticed by now that Donald Trump rallies have become white pride events then you are either willfully ignorant
AJ+ interviewed a group of fifth graders following the most recent republican debate.What these kids had to say about the wa
What the HELL just happened in Orlando? Donald Trump, the guy that most of the free world has been legitimately comparing
CNN Money has released a report saying that Donald Trump violated Fox News rules during the last Republican primary deba
Add comedian Louis C.K. to the ever-growing lost of people trying to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump from getting
Sweet cheese! Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. I ve said repeatedly that I love Trump because he s making it imp
Flustered by a series of protesters, including one just a few feet away from him that the candidate decided to stand up and sin
Oregon is showing Republicans in Congress how to get sh*t done.Republicans in Congress may be refusing to adhere to the Pa
Today, Senator Bernie Sanders released a new commercial on his efforts to help migrant workers in Florida. The advertisemen
It s freaking awesome to be white in America. As a white person myself, I don t say this because I think white people are super
Try as he might to appeal to a broad base of conservatives across the country, Ted Cruz is just remarkably unappealing. He use
John McCain was already walloped by Barack Obama in a presidential election, so it s only natural that the president would be
Sarah Silverman and Bill Maher destroyed the so-called Fox Republican debates in what Maher described as completely fact f
Bristol Palin has shown yet again not only how incredibly dense she is, but just how her children could suffer from her ineptitu
As Addicting Info reported here, the citizens of Louisiana are facing the harsh consequences of Republican trickle-down econo
The United States Secret Service is investigating conspiracy theorist and right wing radio host Glenn Beck. The probe is in relati
Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is so pissed right now.Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex
During the New Rules segment of Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher gave a hilarious analysis of Republican s hypocrisy, how th
Remember when Republican front runner Donald Trump made a huge fuss in January about skipping a GOP debate in Iowa an
Bill Maher laid into the GOP on Friday night for creating the racist mess that has taken over the party.During the program, the
Whether during the time of the ancient Greeks, the 1930s, or 2016, a demagogue is a demagogue. Bill Maher proved this last
A few days after the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs that left three dead and twelve injured, the National Ri
Video released from a Donald Trump rally in New Orleans, Louisiana, shows white supporters of Donald Trump shoving and m
It appears that several voicemail messages were obtained by the website Gawker showing Republican presidential frontrunne
Republican front-runner Donald Trump does a pretty amazing job making himself look like a complete moron, but he s given u
Much to the dismay of so-called pro-life Republicans, the Supreme Court handed down an order allowing Louisiana Abortion
It looks as though the man most likely to get the Republican presidential nomination has decided to skip out on the Conservati
Leading presidential candidate and former reality TV star Donald Trump gets angry any time reporters or his political rivals brin
Republicans this election cycle have the difficult task of trying to convince the American voting public that they would be a bett
Right-wingers never have been very smart, but this one really takes the cake. There is an idea that the fact Girl Scout cookies a
When Donald Trump isn t bragging about the size of his d*ck, threatening his enemies, spouting horrific racist remarks, attack
On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks bravely defied a bus driver s orders to give her seat to a white per
It what can only be seen as completely unacceptable, one of the top NFL draft prospects was just asked by an NFL coach if the
Marie Hatch, a 97-year-old California resident who has been battling an eviction notice since early February, died on March 3.
Bobby Jindal abandoned his home state of Louisiana to mount a completely pathetic campaign for President. He pranced arou
Last night, the Republican primary went where no debate has ever gone before when it literally became a contest about penis
This is one Daily Show segment that every Republican should be forced to watch over and over until they learn the true histor
During a segment on the Late Show, host Stephen Colbert ripped the GOP for creating the monster that is Donald Trump. Rep
The Donald Trump bandwagon is beginning to show signs of wear and tear. In what can only be described as an unusual move
Hillary Clinton has picked up a huge endorsement, and Donald Trump isn t going to like it one bit.Movie star George Clooney p
Fox News veteran Bill O Reilly is being slaughtered on Twitter today for appearing stumble drunk as he attempted to interview
Republican lawmakers hate Obamacare, but it s saving the lives of Republican voters.Even though Brent Brown hated the Affo
The GOP Presidential Primary hit a new low on Thursday night as the debate descended into a literal cockfight, with Donald Tr
Well, no one can say Hillary Clinton doesn t have a sense of humor. That s for sure.If you were watching the latest Fox News R
Always irreverent actor Sacha Baron Cohen, best known for Borat , has a new movie coming out, but the movie s studio is fran
Imagine if you will that you are one of the dullards who frequents Donald Trump rallies. Imagine that Donald Trump s rhetoric
Mitt Romney tried to confront Donald Trump head-on, but in the end, he was brutally humiliated just like Jeb Bush before him
When you re accused of being racist, as the Trump campaign is, because they are, it s probably best to show some people of c
I ve been saying for a long time now that the Republican Party was on the verge of splitting and I was right. Sort of. I always a
When trying to figure out who these people are who are actually considering voting for Trump, or have already, two things co
The United States Supreme Court is currently debating one of the most important bills on abortion in the past two decades.Th
Donald Trump s Co-Chair of the Veterans For Trump Coalition in New Hampshire, Jerry Delemus, was just arrested by the FBI
Rachel Maddow has a well-earned reputation as one of the smartest people on cable news. Tina Fey has a well-earned reputa
A student at Baltimore s Reach! Partnership School took a cellphone video of a school resource officer brutally assaulting a hig
Republicans have spent the last few years in a frenzy, passing pro-gun legislation at every opportunity even while mass shooti
Over sixty GOP national security buffs have taken a pledge to work energetically and do whatever it takes to stop Republican
A mother describing herself as extremely religious is being held on suspicion of the murder of her 8-year-old daughter, and th
The white supremacist and former KKK Grand Wizard threw a temper tantrum during an interview on Newsmax, and bragged
In the coming days, a creationist conspiracy theorist who thinks President Obama is a gay prostitute, could be in a position to r
For the longest time, Donald Trump has been advocating for the complete and utter repeal of Obamacare yet through all his
It s no secret that Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are very similar. Like Hitler, Trump wants to keep the Untermensch in this ca
Legendary ABC News reporter Ted Koppel has seen a lot of change in the way news is covered during his lifetime and clearly
A 94-year-old article from the New York Times about Adolph Hitler has gone viral, as observers have recognized shocking simil
When 2014 Super Bowl champion Kam Chancellor isn t kicking butt for the Seattle Seahawks he is running fitness boot camps
There are two things anyone with familiarity with Fox News host Sean Hannity learns quickly: He is one of the most unlikable p
They whined and fear mongered, but in the end, Republicans had to sit and watch as Oregon took action to help struggling wo
There are a lot of crazy Republicans out there. Trump supporters, Alex Jones disciples, hell Alex Jones himself. But then there
Elizabeth Warren is one of the most popular liberals in the country. She brought us the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Mitt Romney s top adviser in the 2012 election has just accepted what any reasonable Republican that cares about the future
Ben Carson is setting all three of his supporters up for disappointment. In a statement Wednesday, the retired neurosurgeon a
With the Republican side of this presidential race turning out to be the most horrifically embarrassing thing that has ever happ
Conservatives are going to be seriously shocked about this one.Ben Stein is a conservative economist who served as a speechw
Bernie Sanders recently received a major shout-out from one of the most ignored blocs of primary voters in the United States
Independent voter Chris Sullivan went to the polls in Princeton, Texas on Super Tuesday, intending to cast a ballot in the Demo
Billionaire Investor Warren Buffett has portrayed himself as a proponent for fixing income and wealth inequality, famously tell
Even in the beginning of Republican front runner Donald Trump s campaign, Americans were panicking and weighing their opti
Trump supporters are racist and violent. That means that a Donald Trump rally is a very scary and dangerous place for a black
Pope Francis has delivered a strong message to corporate types who exploit people for profit and attempt to cleanse their sou
A group of House Republicans are so determined to make every issue a partisan battle to the death that they just spit on the g
If Donald Trump captures the Republican nomination, at least one GOP Senator is planning on doing the unthinkable.In what w
Last night, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic nomination. Yes yes yes Feel the Bern, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is evil, Super
While Republicans and their NRA puppet masters refuse to acknowledge it, we have a gun violence problem in America today
Last Friday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie decided that endorsing GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump was a goo
The Daily Show, be it under the hosting of Jon Stewart or Trevor Noah, has never been subtle about its disdain for the GOP s id
We ll never forget Karl Rove s meltdown at Fox News when President Obama was re-elected in November of 2012. It was a mo
The hosts of a racist, white nationalist radio show say that they were given official press credentials by Donald Trump s preside
For years, liberals have maintained that evangelicals have only been using religion as a means to achieve absolute power, and
Republican donors are in a panic over the growing surge of conservative votes for Donald Trump in the Republican primary pro
Governor Scott Walker from the good state of Wisconsin did a very strange thing on Tuesday: he posted a close up picture of h
Over the last few days, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is finally getting a taste of his own medicine by GO
Ever since Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia s death. Republicans have been clear about one thing: No matter what, they i
One of the biggest Democratic themes of the 2016 election is building on President Obama s legacy. It has come from many e
The Republican party cannot, in good faith, agree that they are still the Party of Lincoln, because as President Lincoln worked
There are moments in life when you have to admit you made mistakes. However, for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, this is not
Americans like to sit back and smugly announce that the kind of sectarian violence and civil war we see tearing apart the Midd
While Democratic and Republicans candidates continue to battle it out for who will win their respective nominations, new pol
Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz believes with every ounce of his being that Donald Trump in the
We know that Donald Trump appeals to what he calls the poorly educated just take a look around any of his rallies but the
As Donald Trump continues to hold steady at number one and win primary after primary, the GOP establishment is getting rea
Trevor Noah brilliantly unmasked Donald Trump as a fascist, and everyone needs to see it.On Monday night, the Daily Show ho
On Monday, as a crowd of supporters gathered inside the campaign headquarters of Zena Stephens, an African-American wom
Megyn Kelly became the only Fox News host to take Donald Trump s endorsement by the KKK seriously when she cornered M
A Catholic priest has been caught on camera snorting cocaine on church grounds, in a room covered in Nazi memorabilia.As th
The National Rifle Association (NRA) has been very vocal about their belief that guns are totally not a problem in America. You
When looking at any Donald Trump event lately, it can almost be guaranteed that there will be some sort of protest. With his
A Trio of Neo-Nazi, Confederate flag-waving white supremacists are now in custody after screaming HEIL HITLER! and engagin
This year s Academy Awards nominations received loads of backlash for their lack of diversity, sparking a boycott and the wide
The latest racial incident associated with the Donald Trump for President campaign occurred today at a campaign rally in Geor
If you re not scared to death of the prospect of Donald Trump as President of the United States, then you re either not paying
The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has raised many questions and left the fate of the Supreme Court up in the
Fox News host Bill O Reilly finally lost a years-long battle with his own children over his right to have custody of them. A New Y
On Friday, former President Bill Clinton encountered a rude protester during a campaign event in Bluffton, South Carolina and
During a recent interview on CNN with Donald Trump, the real estate mogul denied knowing anything about former KKK Gran
What we ve witnessed over the past several months coming from the Donald Trump campaign is something very reminiscent
A Super PAC representing white nationalists is robocalling voters in Vermont and Minnesota, urging them to vote for Donald T
The one thing John Oliver hasn t talked about on his show so far is Donald Trump, but that changed on Sunday night.The HBO
Probably the most highly coveted endorsement by either Democratic Presidential candidate would be Senator Elizabeth Warre
You know what might make the recent scandal surrounding Donald Trump s support from white supremacists just a bit worse
Katrina Pierson is a black woman. She is also a top spokesperson for unabashed racist Donald Trump. She apparently buys into
A 10-year-old girl smacked down Donald Trump, and it was amazing.On Saturday, the Huffington Post interviewed Lexi, an ado
Recently, Joe Scarborough has found himself the subject of, shall we say, criticism because of his insanely pro-Trump bias som
He s one of the most recognizable actors of his generation and he s starred in some of the most memorable movies. Yet, he s n
Tonight s Oscars were filled with award winners and speeches. However, there was no moment that had a larger collective im
In an powerful moment for a night that is usually designated to honoring celebrities and movies, Vice President Joe Biden took
It s bad enough that the Oscar s this year don t have any black people nominated. Now, to insult to injury, it looks as though so
After failing to denounce or renounce an endorsement from the Ku Klux Klan, Donald Trump topped off his Sunday with the an
There has been a lot of tension lately regarding supposedly liberal Hollywood s overt racism. Many influential actors of color
The City of Oakland California has a population of over 390,000 as of the 2010 U.S. Census. 28 percent of the population is Afr
A routine church service at the St. Peter s Missionary Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio turned violent when a gunman walked in
Republicans may have done everything they could to destroy the Iran nuclear deal, including dabbling in light treason, but Pre
It s very hard to pick between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in terms of who would be worse for the country if either were to be
Over the course of this latest presidential campaign there has been a lot said about both sides by both sides of the Democratic
Just days after Melissa Harris-Perry wrote a scathing indictment of MSNBC s willful shift away from powerful and necessary op
During a recent interview on Anderson Cooper 360, Mexico s former president, Vicente Fox, said that Donald Trump reminds
Donald Trump is causing mass chaos within the Republican Party as infighting over endorsements reaches a fever pitch.On Frid
Ted Cruz just got his ass handed to him by a Fox News host on national television for whining about hard questions.During an
Republicans in Alabama just proved how scared they are of working class people organizing and demanding fair wages. The w
Republican front runner Donald Trump refused to distance himself from the Ku Klux Klan and former KKK Grand Dragon David
The Republican Party is truly screwed if Fox News is thinking like this.During an appearance on the O Reilly Factor on Friday nig
On Sunday, Tulsi Gabbard appeared on Meet The Press to announce that she is resigning her position with the Democratic Na
Most sensible people have by now called Donald Trump out for being the fascist that he is. However, there are some who still
On Friday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie shocked everyone and became a Donald Trump fanboy. In an endorsement spe
Marco Rubio s staff had to exit the building they were working in when the senator began smoking from the trouser region. Al
Three 12-year-old girls have been charged with first-degree felonies in the latest example of America s insane rush to criminal
America has a very ugly history with regards to slavery and racism, and that disgusting legacy continues today. Racist white pe
Dick Van Dyke is 90 years old. The man was born into the Great Depression. He s seen countless wars, invasions and police ac
Once again, Bette Midler has outdone herself in her lambasting of the insane Right Wing. From conservatives embrace of firea
Not holding back one bit after her absolute victory in South Carolina over Senator Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton focused on th
There is a ticking time bomb sitting in New York State that practically everyone in the corporate media is conveniently ignoring
Thankfully, Chris Christie proved he was beyond shame when he endorsed Donald Trump for president, but this moment had
On February 26, 2016, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, published an article entitled Poverty Across Wisconsin Reaches Highes
As the polls close in the all-important South Carolina Democratic primary, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton comes awa
Honestly, while Republicans may be quaking in their boots over the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, right wing
The United Nations reports that Iran is in full compliance with the treaty brokered by the Obama administration, much to the
Things just keep going from bad to worse in regards to everything coming out of the Donald Trump campaign. If he s not being
Donald Trump s primary goal in life seems to be to sh*t on everything. This is something the brain-dead gaggle of right-wing p
In the spirit of remaining at a middle school maturity level, Marco Rubio bit back at Donald Trump insulting him by, well, trying
On Thursday during a visit to Mexico City, Mexico, Vice President Joe Biden apologized to the citizens of our neighbor to the So
In the most surreal moment in modern American politics, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told panicking Republicans
During the most recent Republican Presidential debate, Donald Trump proposed getting rid of the Environmental Protection A
Donald Trump has this tough guy syndrome that makes it impossible for him to resist doing and saying incredibly stupid things
Donald Trump is known for starting fights with people on his favorite social media platform, Twitter. The Republican presidenti
Donald Trump is a perpetual failure as a human being whose only redeeming quality is that he appeals to ignorant buffoons w
Donald Trump has released a campaign ad detailing his plans for his first day as President of the United States of America. It is
Imagining what Donald Trump would be like as the next president of the United States is terrifying for every level-headed Ame
Turning up to a Trump rally to oppose the Republican front-runner can be life-threatening, as Trump and his rabid supporters
Robert Dear, the accused terrorist who shot up the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, CO, is speaking out about h
It looks like Justice Antonin Scalia s untimely death is not just causes Republicans to lose their minds in fear, a giant corporatio
Sue Klebold, the mother of Columbine High School shooter Dylan Klebold, has written an op-ed column in the Washington Pos
Conservative donors are shaking in their boots over the idea of a Trump presidency destroying the Republican party, and the l
The World s largest oil field service, Schlumberger, has been bleeding profits since an oversupply of oil drove the cost per barr
As you may or may not know at this point, MSNBC is no longer the place for liberal politics anymore. And if you watch daily, yo
A lot of credit needs to be given to those who work in the media and have to put up with these presidential candidates daily. E
Donald Trump is a narcissist and a bully. Despite his ever-increasing obnoxiousness and commitment to Nazi-like policy propos
On February 25, 1994, Israeli-Zionist terrorist Barch Goldstein walked into the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Palestinian city of Khalil
Bernie Sanders just received a major endorsement from the legendary activist, environmentalist, economist, and, in my opinio
Trump s made some pretty insane supporters during his campaign, but his most infamous fans are Lynette Diamond Hardawa
There s absolutely nothing more frustrating than hearing Donald Trump and his band of merry morons repeatedly say we need
At a Texas rally meant to celebrate his recent endorsement by one-time opponent Chris Christie, Donald Trump said the 1st Am
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has had about enough of the blatantly racist antics happening right within the walls of the com
A male Idaho Republican with five daughters made some creepy and outrageous claims during a hearing on an abortion bill on
In light of the Flint water crisis, Michigan Republicans are publicly and privately acknowledging that their party s approach to g
Donald Trump is currently steamrolling his way to victory and Republicans seem to finally be waking up to the nightmare that
This CANNOT be a good thing if you are running for president, but it sure is damn hilarious.Republican presidential wannabe T
Meet Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL). He s a Jesus-lovin Christian that supports massive military spending while simultaneously o
If you re a college-age Bernie Sanders supporter, it looks like the Primary schedules were designed to screw with you. They re
A church treasurer from Ohio is going to jail for five years after blowing $800,000 of church funds on a decade-long drugs and
Anyone with any sense of history realizes that the Confederate States of America and those who supported them were traitor
Senator Lindsey Graham was asked to speak at a Washington Press Club Foundation s dinner and things quickly spiraled out o
It s time to get absolutely real about something the Republican party, in all legitimacy, has absolutely no one serious to run fo
A federal aid package was all set to pass the Republican-controlled Senate, and then Ted Cruz blocked it to show how much he
The NY Daily News, one of the tabloid newspapers that also happens to be a hometown publication for Donald Trump, has pr
Joyce Curnell s family has been destroyed by South Carolina law enforcement after she was forced to spend 27 hours of pure t
For months, a debate has raged: Is 2016 hopeful Marco Rubio a robot, or isn t he? Thursday s GOP debate might prove once a
During the 1988 Democratic Presidential Primaries, Rev. Jesse Jackson emerged as an outside viable contender for the Democ
If you are or ever have been a member of the working poor, you have probably been screwed over by your bank. Maybe you w
Donald Trump s hopes and dreams of building a big, beautiful wall along our Southern border sound great to the poorly educ
On Wednesday, President Obama signed a bill that will have a major impact on the worldwide slave labor. Most items that are
You d think that in the year 2016, companies would no longer be bullied by those who advocate for fewer rights for women, b
The Republican party has become the butt of nearly every single political joke, and they have only themselves to blame for tur
It s becoming clearer and clearer that an America under a Donald Trump presidency would be racist and nasty. After seven yea
Anyone following the current election has every right to be absolutely disgusted with the Republican party and the behavior o
Seldom in life do you come across someone so dumb that they literally make you cringe, but alas, Sarah Palin is one of those p
The news cycle has been filled with bad news lately, and it s wearing on us all. We have an income gap that keeps getting wide
Donald Trump thanked his poorly educated supporters for helping him win Nevada earlier this week, thus opening himself up
At some point, far in the future, former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann will learn that she probably should sto
It s hard to believe that Ben Carson is a brain surgeon after the words that have come out of his mouth during his run for the R
Once again, Bette Midler has taken to her Twitter account to voice a political opinion. It is widely known that the GOP has dec
A bigoted conservative attorney in Alabama is suing the five Supreme Court Justices who voted to legalize same-sex marriage
Marijuana legalization is on the cusp in America. There are proven medical benefits and evidence that it s more effective as a p
We all know that some in high society do some pretty creepy things. It appears that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia may
Uncle Pat is off his meds again. The crazy host of the Christian Broadcasting Network s decades-long hit show The 700 Club ha
Two pasty white Republican men decided that out of every problem that exists in their state of Illinois, the biggest concern for
If she had practiced abstinence, she wouldn t have these kinds of court battles.This is definitely not a good year to be Bristol P
Republican National Committee chairman and anthropomorphic weasel person, Reince Priebus, joined CNN for an interview w
Back in 2012, getting then-Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to show his back tax returns was like pulling teeth.
It s no secret Americans have been demonstrating a complete lack of intelligence lately. According to a recent exit poll, nearly
This is what it has come to.Following the passage of a Republican-drafted bill to force guns onto college campuses whether th
Just when you thought Republicans couldn t get any worse, they go and endorse something Kanye West says. And not just any
Alabama Republicans were quickly trying to ban all cities and counties from raising the minimum wage, but one city gave the G
Donald Trump made a pathetic appearance at Regent University, where he spoke with televangelist Pat Robertson about Anto
Many Americans have suspected that the rise of Donald Trump, who launched his campaign attacking Latinos and has gone on
Twenty-four years ago, Oprah Winfrey had a former third-grade teacher on her show who blew every racist s justifications for
During an appearance on CNN on Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson wondered aloud if his presidential ca
While meeting with the press in the Oval Office on Wednesday, President Obama clearly had enough of Republican obstructio
Don Trump Jr., the privileged, wealthy son of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, showed everyone watching Fo
After the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, many have been left wondering who will fill his staunchly conservati
President Obama is one of the greatest political orators of our time. Listening to the Republican response after a State of the U
If Iowa Republicans have their way, toddlers will be able to carry guns, which makes the state the scariest in the nation.The Io
The Republican party has been good at one thing thus far this election year: They ve managed to assemble a group of individu
Seth Meyers destroyed Republican presidential wannabe Ted Cruz on Tuesday night for running a campaign of dirty tricks and
For the last couple of months, I ve been seeing numerous stories about the increasing rate of death among middle-aged white
On February 19, the State Department released another batch of emails from Hillary Clinton s years as Secretary of State.Amo
Awkward does not even come close to describing how cringeworthy and weird things got in Nevada on Tuesday night. As Glen
Donald Trump moved ever closer to securing the Republican nomination for President of the United States this week with vict
When listening to Congress discuss matters of importance lately, you d think you were listening to children on the schoolyard
Bernie s combination of calling it like it is, and his tendency to get pissed off a little easily at Republicans often results in some
Donald Trump s surging presidential campaign attracted some more unwanted attention at a caucus site in Nevada on Tuesda
Full Frontal host Samantha Bee is not known for mincing words, and this time she has turned her attentions to supposedly mo
Regardless of what the U.S. Constitution says or what the American people are so clearly demanding, the GOP has decided to
After Donald Trump declared that he would do far worse things than waterboarding, it has left the questioned to be begged, w
CNN announced it would be indefinitely banning one of Trump s biggest cheerleaders from ever appearing on their network fo
Republicans claim to love our military veterans, but their decisions not only contradict that claim, it s killing the men and wom
When you think of who might be the perfect person to talk about who is black and who isn t, Darrell Issa probably isn t the firs
Ever since the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Republicans have insisted on turning the constitutionally-back
Ben Carson just got a reality check he really didn t like by fellow conservative Bill O Reilly!On Monday night s edition of The O
One thing in life you never want to do is pretend you know something about another person s life experiences. You ll never kn
President Obama delivered an address from the White House on Tuesday to announce a major, unfulfilled campaign pledge w
Pope Francis is now the anti-Christ in the eyes of Donald Trump supporters, including a delusional GOP lawmaker in New Ham
You know that well-regulated militia that is mentioned in the Second Amendment? Well, one of their members just shot the
A few weeks ago, Rachel Maddow did a comparison of Donald Trump and notorious racist George Wallace on her show. One o
Microsoft billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates has written a letter directly to America s high school children that could chan
Watching a good old-fashioned troll perpetrated against the most uninformed American voter, the right-winger, is always a ho
In 2014, Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill which legalized an entirely new type of loan in the state, often referred to as a Fle
Maine is one of those beautiful places where bustling metropolises lay hidden in the trees. As you make your way up 195, a s
Newly unearthed video shows Bernie Sanders giving a hatemongering Republican representative a piece of his mind for referr
It can likely be said that Iowa is one of the whitest states in the entire nation. So white, in fact, that it seems many of the peop
Since Jeb Bush started to bring his mother Barbara Bush with him on the campaign trail, it s become more common for the pa
Let s start by saying that abortion in the United States of America is a legal procedure. However, so many small government c
While so many keep trashing Beyonc Knowles for having the audacity to speak truth to power in her new single Formation, t
For those of us who watched the shameful MSNBC prime time Trump town hall event with the growing sense that the netwo
Attacking women s health is not a moderate position.So, it s pretty easy to call bullshit on Ohio Governor John Kasich s insiste
Fox Business host, Stuart Varney, had an interview with Nevada Superdelegate, Erin Bilbray, that made Varney get more than
Thirty years ago, the state of California sentenced Kevin Cooper to death. In 2004, his life was spared just hours before he was
There seems to be a definite double standard when it comes to how Republicans in Congress want to go about investigating te
It s fairly well-known that Ted Cruz has few friends, if any at all, in and around the beltway. Cruz has spent the better part of th
Looks like money can t protect you forever if you insist on being a lifelong asshole:A Texas judge on Friday ordered the case of
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is the epitome of conservative obstructionism. As the court evolved over the years, p
Donald Trump s candidacy would not have happened if Fox & Friends hadn t encouraged it all these years. And Newt Gingrich
Consider this John Kasich s Binders full of women moment: The exact second he reminded the entire country that his views o
On January 23, 2016, 45-year-old Rex Orval Iverson died in a Box Elder County, Utah jail cell. His only crime was that he had fa
Virginia s Voter ID law is being challenged in court and with the loss of a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, this mig
When a comedian knows more about history than a lawmaker, that s just sad.But John Oliver demonstrated far more knowled
Donald Trump s statements are frightening to those who see the danger of his rise and his antics are certainly theatrical. Mayb
On February 20, Justin Linden went out to caucus for Bernie Sanders in Clark County, Nevada.As he was waiting to be counted
It looks as though someone just finally had enough of looking at Donald Trump s face, because at a rally on Sunday in Atlanta,
You might just die of cute when you see the video the White House just posted. 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin had always dre
One of the most beloved public figures in the entire world is Pope Francis. He has seemingly restored grace and dignity back to
People have all kinds of ways of supporting their favorite candidates. Some go to rallies, knock on doors, or donate and raise m
How fanatical is the Republican Party in 2016? Even Marco Rubio is being painted as an atheist.While Donald Trump maintains
In an obvious scheme to keep the Supreme Court slanted their way, a conservative lawyer in Arizona claims that Scalia can and
Georgia lawmakers recent decision to protect the First amendment by legalizing anti-lgbt discrimination has cost numerous c
If there s one thing that can likely unite all Americans regarding the 2016 presidential election, it s a general feeling of panic an
By absolutely every metric imaginable, Cruz s performance in Saturday s South Carolina primary was a disaster. In a state whic
CNN hammered Trump for retweeting white supremacists while claiming that he ll get a tremendous amount of support from
After winning the Iowa caucus, Ted Cruz is following the pattern of the last two Republicans who won that contest and fading
Six people are dead after a white, domestic terrorist went on a shooting spree in Kalamazoo, Michigan on Saturday, and officia
In a disturbing twist to an already-terrifying story, the man believed to be behind the spree killing in Kalamazoo, Michigan is re
The Young Turks reporter Jimmy Dore captured some incredible footage at last night s Democratic Caucus in Nevada.Dore was
The people of Flint, Michigan are suffering from a man-made disaster, and someone should pay the consequences for it.A spe
Iiiiiitttt ssssssss a wonderful day in the (White) neighborhood. It s a wonderful day in the (White) neighborhood. Won t you be
At this point in the race, it s pretty clear that Donald Trump would be a disaster for the country. His divisive and racist stateme
On the night that Donald Trump won his second straight primary (with a massive lead), a despondent Glenn Beck decided it w
Twenty-year-old Palestinian Mohammad Abu Khalaf was shot multiple times by Israeli occupation police in Occupied East Jeru
Jeb Bush was originally the annointed one for the GOP Presidential nomination. However, Donald Trump turned the whole rac
Recently, a video post went viral on Facebook of a little girl crying when she found out that President Obama was no longer go
A disgusting black sludge is coming out of residents faucets in Crystal City, Texas, and the people are left helpless to do anythi
Republicans must be shocked. And taxpayers should be pissed.Republicans were so sure that welfare recipients are on drugs,
In another show of just how disturbing the Republican Party s base has become, an astonishing number of primary voters mar
Right-wing morons everywhere are panicking about what will happen to the Supreme Court now that notoriously bigoted Justi
The Hill is reporting that in a very tight Nevada Caucus race, Hillary Clinton has pulled out ahead of Bernie Sanders for the win
Anyone who has read the Bible knows that that Jesus feller is quite fond of helping the poor. Unfortunately, either one San Fra
A Yelp customer service employee was fired just two hours after her open letter to Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman went viral.Ta
This week, four Fresno County, California police officers appeared in federal court over allegations of civil rights violations, incl
For most of us, the thought of no longer having President Obama in the White House brings tears to our eyes. He s the very em
It looks at though Sen. Ted Cruz will actually have to contend with a complaint issued by an Illinois voter who believes that the
The Ku Klux Klan had quite a year in 2015 the racist hate group made an unprecedented comeback and more than doubled it
There are a lot of things citizens of the United States can and do look for in a Commander-in-Chief. However, it s doubtful that
During a segment of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver discussed the issue of voter disenfranchisement. Republicans have everyt
This the worst fear of Republicans, conservatives and billionaires. The Supreme Court has turned its back on the GOP s over-th
Donald Trump is an unapologetic Islamophobic bigot. He has called for a ban on all Muslims including citizens who might be a
According to polls conducted in November by CNN, NBC News and Gallup, 45 percent of Latino voters now say they see the GO
Donald Trump decided to war with the one person most politicians have enough sense not to touch: The Pope. Pope Francis w
A group of Donald Trump protesters assembled outside the Republican front-runner s North Charleston rally on Friday, yelling
A super PAC backing Ted Cruz s presidential campaign is using the confederate flag to promote their candidate and attack ano
The world is scrambling to deal with fallout from the spread of the Zika virus, the global pandemic which appears to be linked
The residents of Flint, Michigan have been poisoned, some irrevocably, by a long, intentional brutalization brought about by R
It gets creepier and creepier with Ted Cruz. This time, he took Ben Carson, who s not exactly the model presidential candidate
You d think in the year 2016 we d no longer have to deal with discrimination of this magnitude anymore, but alas, the nation i
Donald Trump decided he was anti-capitalism on Friday when he called for his supporters to boycott Apple products. Would h
Sometimes you could wonder if some of the people running for the Republican nomination for president are actually serious.
They say there s nothing worse than burying your child, which is exactly what Geneva Reed-Veal had to do after her daughter
It has been nearly fifty years since the landmark Supreme Court ruling, Loving v. Virginia, that made interracial marriages (rela
Bernie Sanders just received a major endorsement in Nevada. The Clark County Black Caucus announced on Thursday that the
In a despicable bit of biased news coverage, Fox & Friends aired footage of riots while covering President Obama s meeting wi
Republicans always talk a big game about being pro-life. One of the ways they lead their clueless voters into thinking that the
An Arkansas school was ordered to desegregate and for some reason the school thought that meant forcing only black studen
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is, once again, under fire for using dirty campaign tactics in the GOP primary race.T
The First Couple greeted an eager crowd celebrating Black History Month at the White House when the thing conservatives ha
Actor Morgan Freeman, beloved not just for his on-screen persona but also his silky smooth voice, has put his skills to good us
There have been plenty of accusations made against President Obama before and during his presidency. Birthers, led by Dona
The New York Times reports that Donald Trump is going to win the South Carolina Republican primary and remind everyone ju
Donald Trump just got caught lying about one of his biggest claims as the South Carolina primary approaches.Throughout his c
Donald Trump has added Pope Francis to his very long list of people he is feuding with. During an episode of The Late Show wi
During a town hall event in South Carolina, which was televised live on February 18, Donald Trump yet again promised would-
We ve already discussed Barack Obama s many accomplishments. And, we also did a piece recently discussing Hillary s long lis
Grab your popcorn, everybody! The Tea Party civil war has kicked off with an all-out battle of stupid between Glenn Beck and
If you ever want to know how STUPID Republicans are when it comes to economics, you don t need to look back over the deca
Racism is still very prevalent in America. And not just in the way we usually talk about it, either. Perhaps one of the most perva
As one of Antonin Scalia s last rulings on the Supreme Court, he made the argument that black students should be discouraged
Sometimes all you can do is laugh at the stupidity of Fox News, which is exactly what Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders just did
Martin Sheen channeled his President Jed Bartlett character from The West Wing to call upon voters to tell Senate Republican
Kathryn Knott was convicted of a hate crime for helping friends in a gay bashing assault on a same-sex couple on a Philadelphi
There are many who want to claim that Climate Change is a hoax. They are usually the people spending an insane amount of m
Donald Trump infuriates even the most compassionate and holy amongst us like the Pope, for example. When Pope Francis w
Ever since Donald Trump announced he was running for president, most Americans pretty much thought it was a joke and bru
Every once in a while, we are introduced to an undeniably bat sh*t crazy Republican. Linda Farley of Kentucky is one of these n
Thanks to a conservative group that tried to ruin an organized dance for LGBTQ teens, thousands of dollars were raised so tho
Canada is just fun. Our great white neighbor to the north just shed a decade of hate and ignorance in favor of Prime Minister
Pope Francis was asked about Donald Trump, and the famously compassionate religious leader could only barely hold back his
Right-wing Christians are always talking about how LGBT people having equal protections under the law will mean the end of C
Donald Trump kicked off another round of Republican mind explosions at a campaign stop in South Carolina when he teased t
A YMCA camp in Jackson, Michigan forced ten-year-old student campers to participate in a disturbing slavery reenactment ac
A desperate Jeb Bush held a campaign rally at a South Carolina golf course on Wednesday, and all his supporters wanted to do
If you missed it in all the kerfluffle over the Moron Militia surrendering without a fight in Oregon, Cliven Bundy, the Moron Mi
Last week, a baby dolphin was found on at beach of the Santa Teresita resort, located in Argentina. Tourists saw the baby dolp
Donald Trump s appearance at an MSNBC town hall event Wednesday didn t go very well for him when host Mika Brzezinski p
In a perfect world, there would be extraordinarily qualified presidential candidates coming from both sides of the aisle. We d h
Sorry, Republicans. The American people have spoken and you lose.Ever since Justice Antonin Scalia died, Republicans have in
President Obama just received the highest profile supporter for his quest to fulfill his Constitutional duties by nominating a suc
A Nazi sympathizer was recently buried at Arlington National Cemetery, the sacred burial ground for American servicemen and
When you re running for office, especially when you re running for President of the United States, you re going to say and do w
The moment the initial members of the Bundy militants were arrested, effectively ending the occupation of the Malheur Natio
The billionaire class is getting very scared of two things: the fight for 15 movement and Bernie Sanders.The grassroots movem
Politico reports that Barack and Michelle Obama will not be attending the funeral for racist, hate-mongering, recently decease
During a press conference in South Carolina on Wednesday, Ted Cruz proved that as things heat up in the Republican primary
It can be said that Senator Bernie Sanders is one of the most sincere politicians in all of politics. He s ambitious with a gusto fo
President Barack Obama has addressed the ridiculous demands that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Republican
Thomas Piketty, the French economist who started a revolution of thought on income inequality when he wrote Capital in the
Fox News created a monster, and now he is eating them alive.Over the course of President Obama s presidency, Fox News gle
A team of documentary filmmakers made what may be a discovery of intense historical importance while working on a projec
Bette Midler has been busy sticking it to the GOP Clown Car candidates on Twitter. It s easy to do; after all the lot of them are
It looks as though Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson didn t thoroughly read his GOP politicking handbook, beca
In the frenzy over Donald Trump s meteoric rise in the polls, many voters seem to have forgotten that his closest competitor, S
Coming off from her latest record-breaking album and a performance at the GRAMMYs, singer/songwriter extraordinaire Adel
Students in Idaho are one vote away from having the Bible shoved down their throats in every subject in school.The Republica
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich is promoting his idea to create a new government agency that would promote C
Another person was attacked at a Trump rally in what has become a theme at Trump events since the billionaire businessman
Let s just say, hypothetically, that Donald Trump is right about something. Let s say that Jeb Bush is a low energy dweeb who n
The Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York is under investigation, again, because of yet another leak of tritium, a dange
Now that the Bundy terrorists have been arrested, federal investigators have begun the painstaking task of collecting evidence
Ted Cruz is having a rough week, and now he just received a failing grade from a history professor.Ever since Supreme Court Ju
This is a two-year-old American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT). Her name is Akamara.This is a human baby. His name is Siegmund.Siegm
There s a myth running afoul within Democratic and Republican circles (but mostly among Democrats) that Bernie Sanders is
When Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign, he infamously blamed Mexican immigrants for bringing crime to Am
President Obama was asked during a press conference what his thoughts were on the likelihood of a Donald Trump presidenc
President Obama s new budget will eliminate all government funding for abstinence-only sex education.For too long the feder
Desperate times call for desperate measures, or something like that, and that s exactly what floundering Republican presidenti
The kneejerk response of Republicans to the death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia was a blanket statement refusing e
Racism is pretty prevalent on the interwebs. Generally, if an article even mentions something to do with Black culture, the rac
Republicans have been vowing to honor the memory of recently-deceased racist hatemonger, Supreme Court Justice Antonin
The era of too big to fail might actually be coming to an end. Not because of legislators railing against it constantly, or becaus
George W. Bush is back to put the nail in the coffin of his family name and his brother s presidential campaign, with a little hel
At a press conference on Tuesday, President Obama could barely hide his frustration towards the would be obstructionists in t
Republican front runner Donald Trump loves to tell Americans how great he is at just about anything but one thing he ll neve
It was only hours after Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia s death was confirmed that Senate Republicans threatened to blo
It s come to this.On Tuesday, MSNBC announced that it would be organizing a live, prime time event exclusively starring Don
Saturday night s debate saw Donald Trump and Ted Cruz going at each other repeatedly. More specifically, it saw them calling
Security concerns were brought up after a black flag with a heart and Arabic writing was spotted on Citizens Tower under cons
With marriage equality nationwide, and with more people now than ever supporting the love between two human beings reg
Stephen Colbert left his Comedy Central character behind to replace David Letterman on The Late Show, and he has been abs
Hillary Clinton may be favored in the polls to take the Democratic nomination and she may be considered the most likely cand
Republican Senator Orrin Hatch tried to justify not doing his job and Chris Cuomo was having none of it.During an appearance
The dramatic opening of Marco Rubio s new ad, which is titled It s Morning Again In America, features a city that isn t even in
Call it tasteless and inappropriate if you will, but the entire planet is breathing a sigh of relief now that Climate Change denier
Are you, or is someone you know, a legally blind patriot who really wants to exercise their Second Amendment rights? Well, m
A new poll conducted in South Carolina on the heels of the state s Republican primary reveals the true extent of hatred from D
In a showdown with the U.S. government, Israel is demanding that its current aid package be drastically increased by an enorm
House Republican Steve King received a lesson on what the Constitution says during an interview with Tamron Hall.The MSNB
The enormous debt students incur for college is already a huge burden for millions of Americans and the stress of financial deb
The unexpected passing of Justice Antonin Scalia has added yet another layer to the incompetence Republicans display when
It s infuriating that there are still men who act like total pigs.Ellie Parker only wanted to have a wonderful first Valentine s Day
The Catholic Church has a decades long and likely even longer than that history of covering up child sexual abuse. They even
One man s stand for freedom ended disastrously when he forgot to look up. YouTuber Latherland uploaded a clip on Thursd
MSNBC s Chris Hayes has consistently proven to be a strong voice in the liberal movement. Alongside Rachel Maddow, he is on
After the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, many people have offered up their opinions on what should happen i
While at a campaign event in Riviera Beach Florida, Bill Clinton was speaking about his wife, Hillary, and letting everyone know
Fox News never disappoints when it operates more like a derange reality TV show than a news network. On Monday, a Mornin
We often hear about the liberal media s attempts to swing everything to the left. This myth of media bias is often repeated o
Senator Bernie Sanders had the crowd roaring with laughter during a campaign rally in Nevada on Sunday as he mocked a cert
Conservatives are busy mourning the death of Antonin Scalia, and coming up with ways to make sure that no one President O
It can be said that this current election cycle has been one of the most bizarre ever in the history of the United States. Sure, th
It looks as though Republicans are hellbent on obstructing President Obama from doing his constitutional responsibility of nom
Ted Cruz is so hated that even his home state newspapers will endorse anyone but him and what they had to say about him is
All over the world you ll see unlikely pairings; an elephant that is best friends with a dog, or a horse that befriends a duck, or a
Ordinarily we would not celebrate the death of another human being, but some people are just so awful that they make us wa
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is still dead and the Republican Party is still pledging to block any nominee for the vacan
Ever since the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, pretty much everyone has chimed in with an opinion of what s
Republicans love to say that they are the party of God. More than a few GOP presidential candidates in the last year have said
John Oliver absolutely humiliated Mitch McConnell and the GOP for vowing to block any Supreme Court nominee picked by Pr
Donald Trump and the RNC have had a roller coaster ride of a relationship ever since the establishment was forced to acknow
It s no secret that our frenemies on the Right are stupid. After all, conservatism, racism (one of the core GOP values ), and low
Likening girls to common crops that should be rushed off to the market as soon as possible is a growing belief among conserva
Presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) visited a South Carolina church on Sunday and in a message broadcast to sever
Former Republican Party chairman and U.S. Senate candidate Michael Steele, who is black, has made some interesting revelati
The cops are out of control. They have appointed themselves judge, jury, and executioner in too many cases to count now, an
As you may have heard, virtually every Republican in the nation is spewing over the fact that America will be destroyed if Oba
Donald Trump isn t exactly a stranger to making large groups of people angry women, African-Americans, Hispanics, Muslims
There s crazy and then there s nonsensical, conspiratorial, out of your head, paranoid with a tinfoil hat on your head, curled in
Kentucky governor Matt Bevin recently introduced a budget proposal that will virtually eliminate the agency designed to inves
Conservatives have been floating the ridiculous theory that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered. Somehow, th
It really seems as if Republicans don t think the things they say and do are recorded. It s as though they only live in the momen
It was appalling but not exactly surprising to see the way Republicans responded to the sudden death of Supreme Court Justic
Fox News continues to outdo itself for its incompetent so-called journalism. A Fox News host said that Bernie Sanders is basica
One way or another, the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will change the course of American history.Scalia s d
Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, and a very reputable source at that, just came forward and ann
Conservatives would be so pissed if this actually happened.In what would perhaps be the most entertaining Supreme Court no
Ever since the end of the ridiculous exercise in futility and extremism that was the armed occupation of a federal bird sanctua
The GOP has obstructed President Obama at every turn since he set foot in the Oval Office. They hate the man with a passion,
Senator Chuck Schumer ( D- NY) is furious with Ted Cruz, and with good reason. Like many Republicans, Cruz has helped circle
After being embarrassed on live television Saturday night when John Dickerson fact-checked his lie about Supreme Court histo
With the death of a Supreme Court Justice many implications follow, including who will be their replacement. After ultra-cons
Newt Gingrich is hoping President Obama will say yes sir and do what white conservatives tell him to do.During an appearanc
In what can only be seen as the worst attempt ever to be a George W. Bush apologist, even more so than his own brother Jeb,
Ted Cruz is one of the most extreme individuals to ever run for the presidency. As such he has left a trail of quotes that should
Within hours of the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Republicans made it clear that there would be no nominee
You may have seen the latest Republican debates held on Saturday night. If so, chances are you caught the pre-debate momen
As soon as news broke of notorious hatemonger Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia s death, some liberals joked that conse
After Beyonc came out with her new single Formation, which instantly became another hit for the artist, there was a lot of b
Justice Antonin Scalia had an impressive career. In his decades-long appointment as a Supreme Court Justice, he has worked d
Ted Cruz summed up the significance of Justice Antonin Scalia s passing quite nicely in the early parts of Saturday s GOP deba
Almost immediately after learning that longtime Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had passed away suddenly while on a h
Michele Bachmann is easily one of the craziest people to ever grace the halls of Congress. She spent her entire tenure being a
The death of Justice Antonin Scalia at the age of 79, while sad for his family, represents an opportunity to change the Supreme
Twenty-five-year-old Christopher Jeffries was working as a pizza delivery driver on the night of January 16, when he was pulled
Are you a Republican? Are you tired of trying to figure out which GOP candidate to vote for? Well, you re in luck because the D
Moments after learning that long-time Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had died in his sleep, Congressional Republicans w
Reports out of Texas are saying that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead while visiting the luxury resort at th
Superdelegates can, and very likely will, have an impact on the democratic primary process. But how much influence remains
Denver Broncos Quarterback and two-time Super Bowl Champ Peyton Manning makes a great commercial. His boyish looks an
Many Republicans have a clever way of remembering history. Instead of acknowledging that former President George W. Bush
Fox News host Eric Bolling wants mean Republicans to just leave his favorite candidate, Donald Trump, alone. Bolling, the host
A new campaign ad from reality TV star and current Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump exploits the death of 1
Ted Nugent is a mentally unstable man with almost as many insecurities as guns. His frequent rants run the gamut of violent a
Donald Trump used a recent television interview to detail an elaborate conspiracy involving Pope Francis, the Mexican govern
Rachel Maddow noticed Ted Cruz bragging about being endorsed by Ted Nugent, and she didn t let him get away with it.Last m
ESPN has a bit of a conservative bias problem. The network devoted to sports may have anchors of all political backgrounds, b
Donald Trump s personality could be described several ways. Some would call him type A competitive, outgoing, ambitious a
Columbine was the original school shooting. Sure, there had been others, but that was the one that got the world s attention.
This week, Senator Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to the Center for Disease Control s Director, Thomas Friedman. In the letter,
On Friday, during a segment of Real Time with Bill Maher, the comedic host utterly destroyed Donald Trump s latest round of
Bill Maher is a hardcore supporter of the legalization of marijuana. On Friday, during a segment of New Rules on the HBO sho
There s this longstanding myth that s been spread by some in the media, and most certainly by those who oppose Hillary Clint
In response to her male GOP colleague s insistence that women s reproductive decisions be ridiculously regulated, a female Ke
Right-wing actor James Woods is so upset that a liberal made fun of him on Twitter that he is suing for $10 million dollars. Wo
The Oregon State Senate has just approved a bill that would increase the state s minimum wage over the next six years in incr
Donald Trump supporters have taken it upon themselves to try and throw Texas senator Ted Cruz out of the presidential race
Another conservative Christian hypocrite gets exposed and you ll enjoy the hilarious twist at the end.A female parishioner at
The only thing more irritating to a woman than a mansplainer is perhaps his more dangerous cousin, the gunsplainer.TwitterT
Progressive hero Alan Grayson is best known as the member of congress who has introduced more legislation than any other.
Here s a nice little factoid for you: out of all the candidates running for president this year, only one actually pays their interns
Something extraordinary happened that is certain to have Republicans and Republican voters everywhere furious Fox News j
It has been a long and windy road for the LGBT community, one they are still traveling, to have true equality under the law. On
Political pundit Joe Scarborough has a Donald Trump problem, and that makes MSNBC have a Joe Scarborough problem.While
Indiana Governor Mike Pence is at the center of a political and human rights predicament of his own making.It all relates to w
Some companies definitely prefer increased profit over principle and, clearly, patriotism. Yet another U.S. company, this time
Cops are no fan of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. They don t like it because it shines a light on the systemic racism, the so-
February 12, is the 207th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln s birth, and Twitter decided to celebrate it like only the so
If you were wondering how a bunch of wannabe revolutionaries could afford to spend all of their time occupying wildlife refug
President Obama is forced to spend another Valentine s day away from his wife this year, but that didn t stop him winning his
On Thursday, over 20 Latino celebrities including Benjamin Bratt, America Ferrera, George Lopez, Aubrey Plaza, Zoe Saldana an
Republican Presidential front runner Donald Trump has one of the worst honesty ratings of any politician evaluated in the hist
This is cute and hilarious.During his show on Thursday night, Jimmy Kimmel pointed out to his audience that it was Sarah Palin
Donald Trump is a flaming racist, and he has made no secret of that. After all, he has a history of calling Mexican immigrants ra
Imagine you re a billionaire who buys himself an NFL team. You re obviously doing well if you can afford to even consider such
Oklahoma State University student Sherene Zarrabi loves fashion. She is so fond of it, in fact, that she found a job working at a
As the 41 day standoff between federal officials and the Bundy terrorists who occupied Oregon s Malheur National Wildlife Sa
Ted Cruz s presidential campaign has pulled an ad featuring a softcore adult film star. The ad, titled Conservatives Anonymous
Eric Garner s daughter has released a new video in which she endorses Bernie Sanders for president. Erica Garner s father was
Thanks to a bunch of parents who cannot handle the truth, a Virginia school district was forced to nix an educational video ab
Everyone knows actress Kristin Davis from her role as Charlotte on HBO s smash hit Sex and the City. However, that show ende
Earlier this week, following Hillary Clinton s stunning defeat during the New Hampshire primaries, it was widely reported that
During a campaign stop, Republican primary candidate Ted Cruz was confronted with the most well-known troll in United Stat
The Texas Bar Association is stepping up to the plate to nail Ken Paxton for violating legal ethics.After the Supreme Court ruled
President Obama is nearing the end of his time in office and he s taking stock of everything that has happened since his first el
America s Diner Denny s, has lived up to that title if you are looking at it in the context of how much racism exists in the natio
Clearly, one big goal of the conservative Christian base is to one day strip women of their right to vote and confine them sole
An explosive allegation has come out of Tasnim News against Republicans. The Secretary of Iran s Supreme National Security c
It s about damn time.It s been two years since Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy engaged in an illegal armed standoff with federal
The Bundy empire has crumbled. Thursday morning, Welfare Cowboy Cliven arrived in Oregon just in time to be arrested for a
Last week, Oregon Judge Steve Grasty issued a statement that could be summed up as Geddafugouttahere! The statement w
On November 22, 2014, 12-year-old Tamir Rice was gunned down by Cleveland police as he played with a toy gun in a park. Th
Proving once again that conservative Christianity is a religion of pure hate, a clerk in West Virginia decided it wasn t enough t
Online retailer ASOS has come under fire for their horrible lack of judgment in having a black model wear a t-shirt that has the
The Tonight Show s Jimmy Fallon debuted his impersonation of Senator Bernie Sanders, and it was hilarious and spot-on. Afte
As of this writing, there are 4 heavily armed morons still in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney county, Oregon. Th
Senator Bernie Sanders made an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert a day following his landslide win in New
The Department of Justice laid down the law on Wednesday and announced that they have had enough and they are suing Fe
You may or may not know this, but the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has a system in place that s capable of overridin
If you ve been wondering how long it would be before Cliven Bundy was finally arrested, you ll be happy to know that just hap
It looks as though the conservative target of choice this week to throw all their blind rage at is legendary artist Beyonc . After a
An anchor for Glenn Beck s TV network, The Blaze, is the latest right-wing media figure to attack Beyonc for her Super Bowl ha
Clearly riding the high off of his New Hampshire victory, Republican front runner Donald Trump announced that he would be r
Former White House Press Secretary in the Obama administration Jay Carney is sure he knows who the president wants for hi
If there was any doubt about whether or not Hillary Clinton had the black vote locked up, said doubts are sure to be squashed
It s happening. The incredibly stupid saga that is the right-wing occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon is dr
If you have not heard, lying, baby parts -obsessed windbag Carly Fiorina has dropped out of the presidential race. This is, of co
Ta-Nehisi Coates sat down with an interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! on Wednesday, where he said that he
Well, here we go again. Donald Trump saying something weird, stupid or offensive has become as common as the sun rising. D
After Bernie Sanders win in New Hampshire on Tuesday night, so many people contributed to his campaign that ActBlue, the
When thinking about the qualities of someone who should be president, it should be someone who embraces the founding pr
Echoing statements made by Donald Trump about fences and unwanted Mexicans coming to America, Israeli prime minister B
Considering left-leaning MSNBC still signs Joe Scarborough s paychecks and he s consistently feigned neutrality in the presiden
Ted Cruz s latest ad just manipulated children to send a political message to voters.The latest campaign move for the Texas Se
Bernie Sanders made his first appearance on television after his YUGGGEEE win in the New Hampshire primaries with the hos
When you ve never been taught what a figure of speech is, you will take everything everyone ever says to you very literally. Sa
Recently, an anti-animal abuse bill passed the Michigan state Senate. That s the good news. Everyone likes to protect animals,
A Los Angeles County sheriff s deputy accidentally shot himself while chasing a suspect on February 10.According to the Los An
Ted Cruz is horrible. According to former classmates, he spent his time in college hanging out near the women s restroom in a
The Los Angeles County School Board has caused an uproar with their right-wing residents because they do not want federal i
Chris Christie s campaign has signaled that the New Jersey governor has finally read the writing on the wall and will announce
Jimmy Kimmel couldn t stop laughing as Bill Maher repeatedly mocked the GOP.During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live o
It really is perfect.And it s from a book that was published in 1961.When Joseph Heller wrote Catch-22 over 50 years ago, he h
Another day, another black teen s life lost at the hands of cops. This incident took place in Austin, Texas, where a naked black
John McCain is no stranger to war and torture. He experienced it first hand when his plane was shot down in Vietnam and he w
Beyonce Knowles took the field at Super Bowl 50 and the crowd went wild. The mega-star and her corps of dancers were perf
On the morning after Donald Trump s yuge win in the New Hampshire primary, it has been revealed that the comedy website
For more than a year the people of Flint, Michigan have been poisoned by their government because Republicans in the state
Saudi Arabia, that bastion of human rights, is at the center of a controversy on Twitter. To be more specific, a Starbucks in Sau
Joshua James, a 24-year-old resident of Jupiter, Florida, is facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon, illegal transportatio
In a complete 180 degree turn, a church that was the site of numerous mind boggling anti-gay rants will now be home to a she
Bernie Sanders just won the New Hampshire primary race. The candidate that was once written off as a protest candidate, tha
It s somewhat terrifying listening to how some of how our young people praise Donald Trump and how he d like to govern the
Depending on how you look at it, being able to control our minds with machines and computers could be either very terrifying
A black college professor from New Jersey is alleging that police officers detained her over a parking ticket, handcuffing her to
In what is considered a massive set-back not just to Obama s environmental policy, but to the very planet we live on, the Supr
Professional douchebag Ted Nugent took his love of guns way too far on Monday, demonstrating how conservatives really fee
The NRA tells us that guns make us safer, that a responsible gun owner or a good guy with a gun will leap into action at the
A school board member in Illinois is getting heat for expressing her own personal way of kicking off Black History Month: with
Fox News had a bit of an embarrassing moment Tuesday when the network accidentally declared Megyn Kelly s arch-nemesis,
A brilliant moment where a high school student turned the tables and gave her white male teacher a much-needed lesson on
Once a broken record, always a broken record. At least that s what Marco Rubio has been demonstrating since his disastrous d
It s clear most of America has had just about enough of the GOP clown car and this primary season. Recognizing this, Seth Mey
When appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert it s probably best to expect the unexpected. And in the case for Fox N
Michele Bachmann has been pretty quiet since leaving office under a cloud of scandal and that was a damn shame. She was on
Frustrated staffers for Marco Rubio s beleaguered presidential campaign lashed out on Tuesday morning at protesters making
Florida Republican senator and presidential hopeful Marco Rubio has spent much of his political life and campaign making life
As per usual, the halftime show at the Superbowl was the main attraction. This year, it featured superstar singer Beyonce, alon
Comedian and former Daily Show correspondent Samantha Bee launched her first show at the helm of Full Frontal this week w
Donald Trump s son, Eric Trump, wants to be just like daddy. And, truth be told, normally there would be nothing wrong with
It is extremely important to vet the people we put in charge of our children especially in positions of power. Apparently, a Ch
Just when you think Donald Trump can t get any more grotesque he proves us all wrong. It s as though he s trying to see how a
While Ted Cruz would say that he is possessed by the spirit of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, some would argue that he is ins
The parents at a Southern California elementary school just got their minds blown when they heard that a complete stranger h
Just when you think things can t get any more absurd than they already are, Republicans go and prove you wrong. Now, in the
There have been a lot of strange this that have happened this presidential election season, but some things are definitely stran
How does the saying go? Fox News: Not racist, but number one with racists. Actually, no, they are pretty damn racist. And pro
If West Virginia Republicans have their way, conservative Christians will be able to break any law they don t like and use religi
After the release of a series of fraudulent hidden camera videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood engaged in illegal bo
When Marco Rubio announced that he was running for president, some people thought that he was going to be the who beat
It might just be time to say Sen. Ted Cruz, in his desperation to win, is running the most disgusting, deceitful political campaign
Marco Rubio sounded so robotic during the last GOP debate that people are now trolling him by dressing up as robots.As you
Secret memos have been unearthed that show the inner workings of a propaganda campaign being waged in order to keep th
The Republican Party s establishment candidates are being thrashed by the evangelical right wingers. So, when Jeb Bush went
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are in a dead heat right now to win the Democratic presidential nomination. This, of course
A little more than 25 years ago, the New York Times ran its first profile on Barack Obama. Reading it now, it is stunning just ho
Beyonce is one of the most sought-after performers in the world, and she knows how to deliver an electrifying performance. S
President Obama made a surprise appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert after Super Bowl 50 concluded and did
A new poll of New Hampshire voters could show an alarming collapse for Senator Marco Rubio. The poll, conducted by a pro-J
If you happened to miss Lady Gaga give the national anthem before kick-off at Super Bowl 50, you missed one of the most spe
Widely hailed as the most beautiful girl in the world, 10-year-old Kristina Pimenova is no ordinary child, not by any measure o
In an amazing take down of Fox News contributor Stacey Dash, comedian Anthony Anderson compared her to Ann Coulter.Da
Marco Rubio is making a name for himself in the Republican Party. Some think (actually most) that he s the GOP s best chance
Chicago police officer Robert Rialmo shot and killed Quintonio LeGrier, a mentally ill college student, in his family s home the d
If Donald Trump had been at Madison Square Garden during this Marc Anthony concert, he would have been booed out of the
In a brief sent to the state Attorney General s office on February 5, Texas Governor Greg Abbott insisted that putting Christian
The Republican presidential race has gotten so heated as well as sleazy that not even the presidential candidates mothers are
As usual, Donald Trump s support only goes as far as who he thinks supports him. After a week of claiming he was rooting for P
One of the most critical issues facing the United States is the role that big money plays in financing elections. This has been a m
If there s someone who has always stood up for the rights of women, it s Hillary Clinton. In fact, it s been pretty much her life s
Owen Wilson as Hansel and Ben Stiller as Zoolander stopped by Saturday Night Live s Weekend Update to offer their professio
According to Donald Trump, he didn t lose in the Republican Iowa Caucus. He came in second, which is really the same thing
Not content with being a mere robot who repeats the same scripted line over and over during a debate, Marco Rubio demons
Our street corners are filled with people in need carrying cardboard signs and asking for food or cash. The majority of them ar
Ted Cruz is a guy who s easy to make fun of and SNL had a field day with him and his campaign last night. Taran Killam, who pl
Five-time draft deferment Donald Trump tried to buy the love of American soldiers so he could use them at his rally, and it we
Marco Rubio was looming large in New Hampshire, but Chris Christie made Marco Rubio look very small on Saturday night.In a
Marco Rubio might have been flying high after the results from Iowa, but he well and truly crashed hard at Saturday night s AB
If you have the stomach to actually follow the Republican debates that seem to happen every other day now, you know that J
A week ago, Susan Sarandon attended the 2016 SAG awards looking absolutely fabulous. She proudly wore an outfit that show
There are many certainties in life. Grass is green. Water is wet. If you place an electric eel in your bathwater and climb in, the r
After this past Monday s Iowa Caucus where the results on the Democratic side were in a statistical dead heat, many were left
Saturday s GOP debate got off to a hilarious start as candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump both failed to appear on stage a
At the beginning of the year, a new law went into effect in Texas authorizing responsible gun owners to carry their weapons a
By now you have all heard that Republican candidate Ted Cruz is absolutely loathed by the people he attended college with in
On February 5, MLive posted a series of photos detailing Sue Snyder s birthday cake. For those who aren t aware, Sue Snyder i
At this point, it could be said that Donald Trump is just trying to see how awful and extreme he can truly be. He s already got t
Christopher O Kroley was a co-worker to Caroline Nosal. Christopher wanted Caroline as his girlfriend, but Caroline said no. Tw
On January 16, President Obama declared a federal emergency in the city of Flint, Michigan. The president s declaration was is
Jeb Bush is desperate for people to support him and his fledgling campaign for the presidency, but he probably wishes the late
Conservative lawmakers are far too obsessed with how people have sex.In defiance of the Supreme Court, Michigan Republica
We are all aware by now of Donald Trump s racist rhetoric. One young but very intelligent and articulate student understands
For weeks, if not months, if not decades, those trying to highlight Hillary s connection to Wall Street have been focused on her
Republicans talk a good game about their supporters being responsible gun owners. As a matter of fact, to listen to them you
The story of Trayvon Martin may be one of the saddest we as liberals have ever had to endure. Harassed and profiled because
Barbara Bush recently accompanied her youngest son to a campaign rally in New Hampshire, and judging from his performanc
There s been a meme spreading across social media that says Only in America do we accept weather predictions from a roden
If there is one thing that s immediately clear by attending a Republican presidential rally or looking at the demographics of Fox
A video that recently surfaced of a young Ted Cruz has raised some eyebrows. The creepy little Cruz, aside from declaring his a
When you sit down to watch the Super Bowl contest between the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers, you may want to kn
During a segment of Real Time with Bill Maher, the comedic host went all out in his defense of Bernie Sanders foreign policy e
Germans call it Backpfeifengesicht. It s a colloquialism which translated means a face that needs to be hit. However, you don
It has been well documented that Donald Trump s presidential campaign has been endorsed by multiple white supremacist gr
Jeb Bush is campaigning against Marco Rubio we all get that. When a person becomes your rival in a presidential contest, all
The Satanic Temple just forced a total shutdown of all prayer at Phoenix City Council meetings, by requesting that they also be
Nothing shows a person s character more than their willingness to be properly interviewed. Because a proper and honest inte
Women in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries have had it with executives working with firms that truck in scantily clad
If you didn t think Republicans could stoop any lower, think again.Because if they have their way, there will be a state law in W
Ted Cruz may have won Iowa but that doesn t make people hate him any less.The Texas Tea Party Senator is so universally de
You know when you re told to smile for a photo but the person next you just let one rip? Well, that s pretty much the expressi
Paul Ryan is learning quickly that John Boehner had good reason to cry all the time. The Speaker of the House of Representativ
It was only a matter of time before this happened. The very first instance of an American presidential candidate in the modern
To compete with his frenemy Donald Trump, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has hit upon an old, if dubious, campaign strategy: Lie, ch
George W. Bush was famously attacked with flying shoes. So was Hillary Clinton. William Kristol was hit in the face with a crea
This should be a headline in The Onion. But sadly, this story isn t fiction or satire it actually happened.Mourners at the funera
In January of 2016, the U.S. economy added 151,000 jobs, and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.9%, the lowest it has bee
When comedian Alison Leiby tweeted a pretty cute, common sense joke in December, she had no idea how violent the reperc
Daryush Valizadeh, a neo-masculinist movement leader and blogger who tried to hold events around the nation and world fo
David Daleidan, the ringleader for the deceptively named Center for Medical Progress, is foolishly rejecting a plea deal after be
In a stunning reversal, Donald Trump said that he will strengthen the rights of the LGBT community and bring people together
Yesterday, Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump got an unexpected question from a voter during a New Hampsh
You ve heard about those offshore accounts the wealthy use as tax shelters, right? The Cayman Islands, Switzerland, the Bank
Thousands of people marched through downtown Chicago on Thursday night. The rally was held by the Chicago Teacher s Uni
The people supporting Jeb Bush s quest for the presidency have invested millions in a candidate who has so far failed to inspir
President Obama just announced another major shakeup in the last year of his presidency, and the oil companies aren t liking
At an addiction policy forum in in New Hampshire, Republican Senator and presidential contender Ted Cruz discussed the awf
Ted Cruz has a lot of explaining to do regarding the actions of his campaign staff. Cruz s campaign took a report that Ben Carso
One of the awesome things you get to do when you win a championship is visit the White House and meet the President of th
A Michigan man just received a disturbing letter. The letter alleges that he has violated his probation for threatening Michiga
Republicans in Congress are holding up a measure to provide relief to the citizens of Flint, Michigan whose water supply has b
A so-called pro-life Republican has yet again proven the entire concept of being pro-life is a total fraud this time, with her c
If you need reassurance that someone is truly fighting for your best interests in Congress, look no further than Senator Elizabe
It s pretty rare that a presidential candidate would regret getting an endorsement while on the campaign trail, but such might
Well, they say all good things must come to an end and for Republicans, it s beginning to look like their favorite Anti-Hillary Cli
Whenever someone has been generous enough to give Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump the benefit of the
President Obama s speech from a mosque in Baltimore, Maryland this week was welcomed by most as an important and time
A 43-year-old Cameroonian immigrant man was barely surviving on LA s infamous Skid Row when he was brutally gunned dow
At this point, Jeb Bush s campaign is nothing short of pathetic. Recently, the would-be third president in the Bush dynasty sure
The Iowa caucuses have come and gone, leaving in their wake a trail of fallen candidates no longer willing to have their dignity
Misogynist blogger Daryush Valizadeh, better known as Roosh V., owner and operator of the He-Man Woman Haters site Retu
It can be said that Donald Trump was less than pleased that he came in second to Ted Cruz in the Iowa Caucus. However, that
The police shooting of black teen Michael Brown at the hands of then Ferguson, Missouri white cop Darren Wilson ignited a na
Many women have had enough of men in power telling them what they should or should not do with their bodies. One would
Something we keep hearing about Hillary Clinton is that the former Secretary of State is pals with Donald Trump. Of course th
If there s one thing Senator Ted Cruz will go down in history for, it s being a smarmy liar. He says whatever he can to make him
As you have all probably heard by now, Donald Trump had an absolute hissy-fit on Twitter, Wednesday morning. The Republic
The Republican presidential candidates have been shamelessly revealing their deepest desires to spank a certain popular Dem
Bernie Sanders on Wednesday attacked Hillary Clinton s political self-identification as a progressive. The Vermont senator post
Former president Jimmy Carter denounced what he called the legal bribery afflicting our political system, turning the presiden
President Obama paid the first visit to a U.S.-based mosque and made a stirring call to unity between Islam and America s oth
On Tuesday, the day after he won the Republican Party s Iowa caucus, presidential hopeful Ted Cruz admitted that his campai
On Tuesday, Lewis Black appeared on Comedy Central s The Nightly Show to hype his ABC special, Madoff, but made sure to ta
Another Republican has dropped out of the race. This time, it s Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. In a released statement, Paul sai
When Donald Trump stepped on the stage in Iowa Monday night, we almost thought he might behave like an adult after being
It s no secret that nobody likes Ted Cruz.. He s an arrogant, self-important elitist who believes he speaks for God himself. His fa
Legendary actor Richard Dreyfuss has been hitting the interview circuit to promote Madoff, a movie in which he stars as the i
Republicans often claim Jesus as one of their own, but if you read what Jesus said in the Bible, it s clear that Jesus is nothing lik
Not a day goes by when a prominent figure on the Right doesn t remind us that good guys with guns basically anyone carryi
Seldom in life are there truly head scratching moments that make you question all life and sanity, but Donald Trump being nom
A man ranting about Nazi Germany had a strange encounter with MSNBC host and college professor Melissa Harris-Perry at th
A Tennessee Republican has quit his job after he flipped out on a reporter who wanted to know why he was spending taxpaye
It s always amazing how many folks who claim to be Christians are exactly nothing like Jesus. On Tuesday, an 11-year-old Mich
If you ever find yourself struggling to explain to a foreign friend why the U.S. Congress is so universally reviled, look no further
The Republican Party has spent more than seven years pushing anti-government ideas. After President Obama was elected in
After Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suffered a truly embarrassing second-place loss to rival Ted Cruz in Iow
Jeb Bush was supposed to be the adult among the children in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries. He was even consid
Sarah Palin is back at it again. Only this time, Jake Tapper was caught in her crosshairs. While discussing Donald Trump s flip-fl
At this point, pretty much everyone knows that failed vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin hates the media. She hates being
A huge number of federal employees wouldn t be able to stand their jobs if Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trum
If there s one person who is loved by all in the Democratic Party, it s Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. Her no-nonsens
Marco Rubio may have come in third in the Iowa caucus behind both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, but for reasons that remain
Donald Trump didn t exactly have the best showing in Iowa, at least, not for a guy who said just before the caucuses began tha
After months of people calling for the arrest of Michigan s governor Rick Snyder, the FBI is now getting involved with the ongo
Picture it. A marginalized but divinely inspired individual (Michele Bachmann) makes the HUGE discovery that the Bible predic
Christian Conservative extremist and blowhard Ann Coulter took to Twitter after Donald Trump s surprise defeat in Iowa on M
Donald Trump has been gallivanting across America for months now talking about his own popularity and boasting about poll
Donald Trump is definitely a controversial figure and his run for the Republican nomination for the presidency has been a sour
It hasn t been a very good time for Ben Carson s campaign to become America s first Black Republican President. But his very p
Donald Trump is about as a racist as they come, no matter his claims to the contrary. His entire campaign has been a nod to th
Donald Trump, who notoriously called people who finish in second place losers, just had his words come back to bite him in t
Donald Trump came in second place in the Iowa caucus, and while it may not seem like a bad position to be in, it s a disaster fo
The National Rifle Association tells us that all we need to ensure our safety is a good guy with a gun a responsible gun owne
With his son Ammon Bundy in jail with most of the the militants who had been occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Harn
Texas Senator Ted Cruz has won the 2016 Republican presidential caucus in Iowa. Cruz won with 99% of Iowa precincts reporti
Democratic presidential candidate Martin O Malley likely never really had a chance against Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, b
At a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump prefaced the caucus by inviting
Monday marked the all-important Iowa caucuses, and every candidate on the right is busily competing for the votes of as man
Nobody seemed more desperate to win Iowa by sheer force of will than Rick Santorum. The perennial Republican also-ran sta
Sarah Palin is having a rough day. It began with an awkward interview with NBC s Today Show when Palin fumbled and gibber
It s pretty much common knowledge at this point that Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz wasn t born in the U
As Iowa voters prepare to head to the state s caucuses on February 1, candidates on both sides of the political fence are ramp
You know things are getting bad on the campaign trail when you have to appeal to the child in everyone by offering French frie
In Ted Cruz s last-ditch effort to scare primary voters into voting for him, he may have accidentally pushed his campaign passe
It is no secret that the Republican Party is incredibly racist. It s also no secret that the people over at Fox News frequently brin
When on the campaign trail, those running for office like to use music to bolster enthusiasm from the crowds, help spread the
Hecklers at GOP rallies rarely disappoint after all, the Republican presidential candidates have given them so much material t
Earlier in January, 31-year-old Michael Cox was found guilty of sexually abusing a five-year-old girl.After the jury read the verd
On the day of the Iowa Caucus, Sarah Palin visited the Today Show to stump for her new best friend, Donald Trump. Unfortun
Glenn Beck is a paranoid lunatic, and he has just done one more thing to further cement that idea. Beck announced on the Fri
A Republican state senator in Utah believes that porn is such a threat to public health that he is proposing legislation to make
This is not how Ted Cruz must have envisioned his campaign would end up heading into the nation s very first caucus in Iowa o
While having a third independent option for president is surely a democratic thing to do, the implications surrounding someon
John and Melissa Wood are typical right-wing loons. After their daughter told them about her class assignments, John Wood s
Is it really possible to describe Donald Trump with just one word? Certainly a few come to mind. Try and pick just one, though
At this point in the presidential race, you ve either come to determine that Donald Trump is the person for you, because policy
Things got really awkward on the set of Fox & Friends on Sunday when host Brian Kilmeade surprised his fellow co-hosts by sa
Just a day before the Iowa caucuses, a former field organizer for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has come fo
Another fact that allowed Fascism to gain power over men was their blindness. A man cannot believe that he is about to be d
When thinking about who would be the best fit for President of the United States, Republican Senator Ted Cruz should be now
In December of 2015, a jury found former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw guilty on 18 counts of sexual assault a
Apparently, male Tennessee Republican lawmakers are so sleazy and horny that the female House Speaker has warned intern
The Koch Brothers arranged their meeting of wealthy right-wing billionaires this weekend in order to come up with the best st
A couple of artists purchased the bus that Donald Trump used while campaigning in Iowa. The artists have turned the bus into
The nightmare that is Donald Trump just keeps barreling on, and there seems to be no end in sight. In fact, it seems that he ju
On Sunday, Donald Trump proved that he doesn t just endlessly complain about the affordable Care Act. He has ideas, big, bea
Apparently, Ted Cruz is so hated that even Fox News is now defending Obamacare. It truly must be a cold day in hell.During an
On Tuesday, a federal Grand Jury announced the indictment of former Marion County, Florida deputy Jesse Terrell. The charge
If you re a guy who thinks sending unwelcome d*ck pics to women is cool, you better hope you ve never sent one to this mod
Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is planning a second attempt at running for Congress, ostensib
Since President Obama took office in 2009, the right-wing has been awash with claims that he is a secret Muslim foreigner wh
In the closing days before the Iowa caucus, the very first primary of the 2016 election, Ted Cruz is having a bit of a panic mome
During a campaign event at Iowa s Wesleyan University, Bernie Sanders spoke to the audience about how Walmart and other
With world opinion of Israel at an all time low, and with the growing movement to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel, Prime M
On January 29, the family of LaVoy Finicum released a three page statement questioning the FBI s narrative of his death. While
At some point, Republicans learned that they can just lie and get away with it. No matter how many times that the lie is debun
When you re a salesperson, you try your best to identify the need of the customer to convince them to buy what you re selling
A state Republican in Georgia made an astonishingly racist set of remarks, in his defense of the South s Confederate and racist
Christian fundamentalists picked on the wrong restaurant to leave their fake $20 tips.For quite some time now, Christian fund
As we ve all heard from Trump, he didn t skip the debate because the thought of facing a woman who is willing to confront him
A 17-year-old teenager is dead today after his 16-year-old friend accidentally shot him in the face with an unsecured gun. Now
A group of thugs marched through the main train station in Stockholm, Sweden and beat up refugee children and anyone who
Rick Santorum has been whining about not getting attention from the media, so Bill O Reilly hilarious broke the news to the co
Ted Cruz proudly announced the latest endorsement of his presidential bid. It comes from Pastor Mike Bickle, founder and dir
Here s something not everybody knows about: Vanity Fair s Graydon Carter once called Donald Trump a short-fingered vulgar
On January 29, the U.S. State Department announced that the agency had identified 37 pages of top secret emails among the
Facebook announced that it will be banning its users from arranging private gun sales over both the main Facebook site and it
Ammon Bundy and his armed ganged of militants have upset an entire nation over the last couple of weeks for their supposed
Ted Cruz was approached at a campaign stop in New Hampshire and asked to give a response to Trump s latest attack, in whic
Mat Staver, leader of the legal organization Liberty Counsel, has declared that gay people in America are imposing a jizya styl
Carly Fiorina has joined the ranks of the biggest hypocrites of all time. Joining the likes of Josh Duggar, Sarah Palin and Kim Dav
The Center for Biological Diversity just announced that they have won a major lawsuit against the Bureau of Ocean Energy Ma
Cops are out of control when it comes to getting away with murdering black people with impunity and without consequence.
Normally, it s not very nice to make fun of someone, but if you re someone as innately evil, smarmy, and calculated as Ted Cru
A group of extremely wealthy white men are pretending to be black in order to help elect right-wing Republicans. The Black A
Benghazi was just a ploy to hurt Hillary Clinton s shot at the presidency, admits Rep. Darrell Issa. Like other senior Republicans
Bernie Sanders just picked up one of the most important endorsements of his campaign. No, it isn t a politician, pundit, or, cel
It has been the life s work of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to repeal the Affordable Care Act. He s obsessed, really. And it really seem
A Quincy, Il, man was shot in the hourly hours of Thursday morning and then right after, did an interview while smoking a ciga
If Oklahoma Republicans have their way, the suicide rate among LGBT teens will skyrocket.LGBT teens are, by far, the most vu
On Wednesday, three young Washington teens received a terrifying lesson from one of the people the NRA says will save us
Ben Carson is having a really bad week. He s had a lot of bad weeks recently, but this one is particularly bad.The last Republica
President Obama made a change in policy this week that has added weight to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Moveme
Donald Trump s ridiculous stunt on Thursday has garnered him quite a bit of attention positive from the Stupid Part of Ameri
On Wednesday, The Washington Post published a harsh editorial that ripped Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sander
Ted Cruz probably wishes Donald Trump had attended the debate last night.Because without Trump, all of the focus on Thursd
Stephen Colbert had his own solution to Trump skipping the debate on Thursday: Since 25 million viewers were denied the o
British comic Peter Serafinowicz has made everybody s day by dubbing over one of Donald Trump s hate-filled speeches with a
Ohio State Senate Majority Leader Tom Patton is a term-limited Senator who has decided to run for the State House of Repres
Pastor James David Manning is one of the most vocally homophobic preachers in America. He is the leader of Atlah Worldwide
Voodoo Doughnut is a very unique dessert shop in Portland, Oregon. They have many one-of-a-kind desserts, in very creative
Award-winning actress and political activist Susan Sarandon has been busy speaking praises for Democratic presidential candid
A strange answer offered by Governor Chris Christie during the Republican presidential debate showed how deeply hostile the
Thursday night marked the seventh GOP debate of this presidential election season. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton de
Instead of participating in tonight s GOP debate, Donald Trump announced that he would be holding his own veterans fundra
WARNING: Disturbing image of a man being shot.The FBI released the official helicopter-based video footage of Oregon militia
Donald Trump only has himself to blame for this one.Rather than watch what he says on Twitter, the billionaire Republican pre
Fox News went completely predictable in opening tonight s Republican debate. Megyn Kelly addressed the elephant not in th
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America recently released their newest gun control PSA, and this one stars Saturday N
Florida Republicans war on women is going strong this week. On Monday, Republicans in the House made the first step towar
At this point, America has become quite familiar with Donald Trump and his antics. He continues to show his racism and misog
Starting an entire year ago in January of 2015 long before the Flint water crisis broke into mainstream public awareness the
On Tuesday, Trump announced that he would be skipping Thursday night s GOP debate because Fox News host Megyn Kelly w
Jeb Bush has raised well over $120 million with his utterly disastrous presidential campaign, successfully proving that money d
On Tuesday, Republican front-runner Donald Trump shocked everyone by announcing that he was boycotting the Fox News G
Rarely in life do you see people go so perfectly together. However, Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are made for one another. T
The FBI is only just now beginning to take down the Bundy terrorists in Oregon, and Cenk Uygur is furious that it took them th
According to Donald Trump, he loves veterans. At least that s what he keeps telling people. And when you re running in an ele
Donald Trump is known for his controversial and often racist comments and he continues to be unrelenting. During his latest f
On January 19, 2016, the city of Oakland, California, agreed to pay $450,000 to settle a wrongful death suit, filed by the family
Rapper B.o.B. has recently gained some notoriety for his theories about why the Earth is actually flat. I won t get into reasons
Sorry, David Daleidin and Sandra Merritt, even if you don t like your first Grand Jury, you can keep it.On Wednesday, lawyers f
At least two Republican campaigns are using veteran s groups as props for campaign debate stunts.The stomach-turning trend
The spectacle of Donald Trump rejecting Fox News debate got even more ridiculous on Wednesday night as the network s hig
On Tuesday night, seven of the Bundy militants that were previously occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a
People always wonder why black people are so reluctant to call the police for help, but here is yet another example in a long li
For everyone other than maybe his investment partners, his wife, and his white nationalist supporters, most people look at Do
Bristol Palin is no smarter than her mother, half-term governor of Alaska, Sarah. However, she sure does think she knows a lot
In a recent candid interview with the Washington Post, Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders opened up about his religious fa
If you thought the Republican Party was going to drop their Planned Parenthood witch hunt after the indictment of their crimi
When you think about the sacrifice our men and women in uniform have undertaken for our country, one honestly can t put in
The great Robert Reich posted a new whiteboard video this week in which he makes a case in support of Bernie Sanders by re
Fox News and Republican front-runner Donald Trump have been in a strange power struggle ever since Trump decided to boy
The Book of Leviticus is often cited by conservative Christians as examples of biblical law the nation must obey. Ted Cruz, how
A U.S. Marine s letter to Bernie Sanders that expressed the utmost gratitude for the Senator s position on not sending U.S. tro
During a Wednesday rally at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, a protester hurled tomatoes at Donald Trump after the Repub
As much as many conservatives would like to believe that the Bundy militia were merely innocent victims of the government,
Republicans in Congress may not support raising the minimum wage, but most mayors in America say they want to do exactly
On Tuesday night, the FBI finally stopped treating the Oregon militants with kid gloves and arrested several of them as they w
Michael Moore made on appearance on the Megyn Kelly s show in time to mock Trump for boycotting the debates scheduled
Donad Trump s words to Megan Kelly in a 2011 interview about the Republican debates are coming back to haunt him big tim
The lowest point in Jeb Bush s political career has to be the heartbreaking case of Terry Schiavo. Terry was pronounced brain-d
Hillary Clinton has revealed the person she would love to appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court if she becomes president in 201
Many of the terrorists who were participating in the armed occupation of a federal bird sanctuary in Oregon turned tail and fle
Jon Ritzheimer, infamous hater of Muslims and one of the terrorists responsible for the occupation of the Malheur National W
As part of the Donald Trump campaign s public meltdown over the upcoming Republican presidential debate on Fox News, se
The ammosexual terrorists currently staging an armed occupation in a federal bird sanctuary in Oregon are standing their grou
Well, it looks like Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is throwing his biggest temper tantrum yet. For days now
Florida Republicans have sponsored a bill that would literally ban all abortions except in cases where the woman s health and/
A blizzard fell upon Washington D.C. over this past weekend, basically shutting down the whole city, including the U.S. Capitol
Arguably the most popular myth in the Pantheon of Republican fiction is the idea that there s somehow a liberal media conspi
If Jeb Bush watched The Daily Show last night, he should finally throw in the towel before he embarrasses himself and his fam
If there s one thing about Donald Trump that pretty much everyone knows by now, it s that he s never wrong. Well, at least ac
By now, we re all fairly certain that we ve seen enough evidence to in the very least convict the major players of the Dubya ad
A New Jersey teenager thought it would be funny to pay a homeless man $5 to pour coffee over himself. But after the story w
Last night during the Democratic Presidential Town Hall in Iowa, Democratic presidential candidate absolutely skewered the 2
Thanks to a repeal of a long-standing law in 2015, Kansas currently doesn t have discrimination protection on the basis of sexu
A Grand Jury in Texas realized who the real criminals are, and Fox News isn t happy about it.On Monday, a Houston Grand Jury
You have to admire conservatives ability to commit to the lie. After David Daledin and Sandra Merritt, the slimy, lying taint-ba
After getting crushed in the 2012 election, the Republican Party realized that they needed to appeal to more than just old ang
In a baffling fit of rage, an Oregon State Police officer has been convicted of ramming his car into a stopped motorcyclist then
Donald Rumsfeld is in full damage control mode after a declassified memo from 2002 making the rounds revealed that he lied
The Rachel Maddow Show attempted to reach out to Maine Governor Paul LePage s office to see if he would be delivering his
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder stood before the state legislature and declared that the buck stops with him. He said that the
If you were not aware there is a seriously old and debunked new theory going around the interwebz that the Earth is really fla
Conan O Brien and First Lady Michelle Obama teamed up in an hour long episode chronicling a trip they made to Al Udeid Air
Bristol Palin had something to say and pondered some questions after Tina Fey roasted her mommy on Saturday Night Live ov
President Obama announced via an op-ed in the Washington Post that he will be enacting some major reforms in the federal p
In case you haven t heard, after Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered an investigation into Planned Parenthood after disingenu
Fox News pundit and co-host Stacey Dash attracted a lot of negative comments with her recent comments that BET and the N
Emma Watson has been in the news lately and it s not because of her acting. She s a staunch feminist and a human rights activ
Sometimes in life you just need to state the obvious, especially if you re Fox News and your viewers still need to be reminded
Talk about blowback. Last Summer, Texas governor Greg Abbott initiated an investigation into Planned Parenthood following t
It s been more than three weeks since a group of terrorists, led by Ammon Bundy, took over Oregon s Malheur Wildlife Sanctu
During a campaign event in Iowa Falls, Iowa on Monday, Bernie Sanders asked the people in the crowd to hear their experienc
The Tennessee House of Representatives needs to find a new majority whip after their last one was exposed of having repeate
You know the water crisis in Flint, Michigan is bad when a group of white, anti-government militiamen decide that they have t
Supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders can now cool down with a pint of ice cream after they feel the Bern. Ben Cohen, cofoun
Donald Trump has an extremely messed up perception of his standing with minorities.After being wildly offensive when it com
2016 Ted Cruz is a moralizing, holier than thou insufferable prick on a mission from Jesus to save America from liberals and Mu
This article contains spoilersThe District Attorney responsible for the questionable 2005 convictions of Steven Avery and his 16
The case of a New York Conservative Party leader and her Muslim tenant has gone viral after people the world over were left s
What s happening in Flint, Michigan is absolutely criminal. Not only is the water there poisoned and leading to children being d
A couple of days ago a woman in Washington was shot while watching the Benghazi movie 13 Hours and thanks to the Unite
We all know how much conservatives love to whine about how persecuted they are for their mainstream beliefs, and continue
In an amazing open letter, a former US Marine slammed America s village idiot for having the gall to blame President Obama a
During an on interview on This Week, Bernie Sanders had to deal with some seriously weak interview questions. The interview
At this point, it seems like Donald Trump cannot hold a rally without there being a protest. Some of those protestors have a te
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) was nearly killed by the Ku Klux Klan while helping to lead the Freedom Rides in Alabama in 1961. He k
Last night, Saturday Night Live delivered a brutal blow to Hollywood s diversity issues, calling the Academy Awards out for ove
Rick Scott has been governor of Florida for just over one term but already the state is feeling the effects of his conservative fan
It s not often enough that we see a story about a good police officer who goes above and beyond the call of duty, which is why
A fellow multi-billionaire from New York and neighbor to none other than Donald Trump has already laid the groundwork for e
On the sixth year anniversary of the Supreme Court s Citizens United v. FEC decision that granted billionaires, millionaires, and
An argument over a $25 gun repair charge led to a father-son shootout, at gun store in Mississippi.The shootout involved two
Wednesday, January 22 was the day of the world s largest gun show. Held in Las Vegas, Nevada, the SHOT show (Shooting, Hu
Tina Fey once again took on Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, and as always, it was a gutbuster.Fey opened the January 23 e
It s hard to believe that it s been nearly 13 years since Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks perfectly spoke her mind in reference
On January 22, in response to an emergency order issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over th
What kind of man would pull his daughters from the safety of their school and place them in the middle of an armed standoff?
Ammosexuals also tend to be anti-gay bigots, so it s no surprise that this particular unfortunate victim of his own love of his pe
Cher has certainly used her power, money, and influence to help the people who are suffering from their water being poisone
Jeb Bush was, once upon a time in a land far, far away, assumed to be the shoo-in for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination. T
It gets more outrageous by the day for the Trump campaign when it comes to racism and racists. It appears Trump has assemb
Bill Maher is all about telling it like it is, and that is just what he did on his New Rules segment of Friday night s edition of his H
It s a bromance for the ages. One that may go down in history. Glenn Beck, while on the campaign trail in Iowa with Ted Cruz,
Either Donald Trump doesn t ever look at who he is retweeting, or he does, and that s pretty damn frightening. Not only did he
An anti-Trump Super PAC has just released a new attack ad highlighting just how untrustworthy and flip-floppy the GOP presid
As a general rule, militia groups do not side with liberals on anything. But as Michigan reels under revelations of conspiracy an
Donald Trump s heavily-conservative base is filled to the brim with stupid people. It s one thing for polls and studies to prove t
You may have seen the pocket version of the United States Constitution the Bundy Bunch carries around. The distinctive pictu
Donald Trump thinks conservative icon William F. Buckley would oppose the National Review s attack against him. William F. B
The last time this trade measure fell dramatically, it signaled the incoming global financial crash of 2007/2008. Now, it s happe
A group of seniors from Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, Arizona posed for their yearbook photo this week. But instead of
There s really no better person to roast Sarah Palin than Bill Maher, and he most definitely didn t disappoint on Friday s edition
Actress Charlotte Rampling really stepped in it when she declared that the boycott of the Oscars by black actors was nothing m
Donald Trump has once again used images of non-American military in a campaign appeal. This time the former reality TV star
House of Cards star Kevin Spacey, who plays the fictional character President Frank Underwood, sat down with CNBC Internati
When Sarah Palin blamed President Obama for her son s domestic violence charges pretty much everyone slammed her for it,
The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences has come under serious fire recently for being, well too much like the Rep
Greg Pruitt s wife was awoken at approximately 5 a.m. when she noticed her husband was having a seizure. Quickly, she called
Some people in life still haven t grasped the fact that all people should be treated equally. Many still feel it is well within their
While it s exciting to see a great television show finally make its way back to the small screen, it s disappointing to realize anot
The human rights debacle that is being referred to as the Flint water crisis has just been summed up perfectly by political carto
Leona Coakley-Spring has only been running her consignment shop, Rags to Riches, for a few months. Coakley-Spring opened
If you re like me, listening to the sound of Sarah Palin s voice alone, regardless of what she says, is like being stabbed through
Cher may have gotten in early on giving mega donations to the people of Flint, Michigan, but Pearl Jam is about make the larg
High profile back stars from Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith to Spike Lee will be boycotting this year s Oscar s ceremony in s
Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the United States has been fraught with Islamophobia. But the 2016 Republican preside
For anyone who s been paying attention to Donald Trump, you can t help but wonder how in the world this individual is leadin
There is arguably no other person in America who dislikes Obamacare more than Ted Cruz. He is the guy who quite literally sh
A Christian Conservative lawmaker in Kansas has used his position as a Senate Committee chairman to enforce a dress code fo
Donald Trump woke up this morning, sleepily grabbed his phone off his nightstand, saw one of his supporters had tweeted an
Sarah Palin is an idiot. While this has been commonly accepted ever since she slinked out of her slime pit and emerged on the
One of the hallmarks about Jeb Bush s failing presidential campaign has been just how pathetic it has turned out to be. His late
Thinking about going to the movies? You might want to avoid 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, and not just because
Not long ago, the hacker collective known as Anonymous declared war against Michigan s Republican governor Rick Snyder in
Ted Cruz is fast approaching Donald Trump as the most hated man in America. As GOP insiders and long-time public figures de
Jeffrey Cohen was a man who believed The meaning of life is OOPS!' according to his obituary. The 70-year-old Pennsylvania
Since the start of Donald Trump s presidential campaign, he s gone after pretty much every minority group there is. Along with
Ted Cruz would like us all to believe that John F. Kennedy would be a Republican today if he were alive. JFK s grandson not onl
Folks, violence is never the answer. Certainly not in situations like the one that you re about to read about and watch.Two pea
Sarah Palin went full Looney Tunes on Tuesday and @Midnight host Chris Hardwick knows exactly which character she channe
The news media thrives on political drama, so whenever a new poll drops in the increasingly heated Democratic primary conte
Trinity Lutheran Church in Columbia, Missouri has never paid a dime in taxes. But it seems church officials still believe that the
By now, everybody knows that the two ranchers who inspired the Bundy militia standoff fiasco in Oregon are no innocent victi
A Colorado public school is facing the wrath of parents after they received an email urging them to bring their daughters to an
There are people in this world who are willfully ignorant, or just unabashedly uninformed and out of touch with reality. Many
The reason Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump decided to bring Sarah Palin back into the limelight is still uncle
Nothing captures the sheer absurdity of the Republican 2016 presidential primary more than the Donald Trump phenomenon
Michigan governor Rick Snyder is being called to appear before a congressional hearing about how the city of Flint s water sup
It gets weirder and more exploitative with the Republicans on a daily basis. This time, a party of preschool kids on a field trip t
Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said it was terrible that the sailors detained by Iran were videotape
Michigan s governor Rick Snyder is desperately trying to retain some credibility by increasing his presence in the media. It isn t
Ammon Bundy and his band of gun-toting domestic terrorists are living up to their Vanilla ISIS nickname.As you ll recall, the in
The Oscars have been experiencing some well-deserved backlash since January 14, when the show announced an all-white gro
Sen. Ted Cruz may be seeing a surge in the Republican primaries, but that s probably just because voters don t know him well
On the night of January 7, 2016, responsible gun owner Justin Lowrie decided to skip the AA meeting he was scheduled to att
When the Bundy Moron Militia first took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon, Ammon Bundy put out
No one is happier to see Sarah Palin back in the news than Stephen Colbert. Following the former Alaska governor s endorsem
Sarah Palin did something entirely expected of her, yet so irrationally stupid that it is almost baffling following the arrest of he
A Wisconsin man who believed it to be his CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to kill the President was convicted last week of two count
On Wednesday, President Obama took a trip to North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, but while he wa
By now you ve probably heard about the remarks Clueless star and Fox News contributor Stacey Dash made about race, segre
Republican Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) spoke with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins yesterday, on the radio show W
If you ve ever noticed how Donald Trump brags more about how much money he s made than how much he s given away, tha
Never has a movie role so perfectly described a person as Stacey Dash s character in Clueless describes her. Dash, the newes
Some people have a passion for writing or for music and the arts. Others make sure they stand up for human rights for all and
If you re one of the people who saw Sarah Palin endorse Donald Trump for president and thought to yourself, oh, God, she s b
Yet another victim of sexual abuse can thank a church for introducing her to her assailant. The Calvary Christian Church in Del
Sarah Palin has marked her return to the national stage as part of the Trump campaign with another doozy. Palin s son Track
The GOP never ceases to amaze with its consistent insanity. This time the insanity has to do with the water contamination issu
Representative Justin Amash (R-Mich.) thinks that providing disaster relief to the people of Flint, Michigan is unconstitutional
Released in September 2013, this short video about the power of Giving instantly went viral. Once you ve seen it, you ll under
Ammon Bundy and his band of armed domestic terrorists attended a meeting of Harney County residents on Tuesday night, an
Every year without fail, the first major snowstorm to hit the Northeast is greeted by Fox News as proof that global warming is
A California man who by his own account spent much of 2015 binge watching Fox News and getting progressively more angry
The New York Daily News is becoming well-known for its political, controversial and not-so-subtle covers, especially when it co
Ted Nugent woke up on the wrong side of the bed Wednesday morning. Pretty soon the Secret Service will be knocking on his
Bristol Palin didn t go to Harvard Law School like President Obama or her frenemy Ted Cruz did. She wants us to know this, ap
When one searches for the perfect way to describe supporters of Donald Trump, many things come to mind. Many are white s
Sarah Palin s horrific word salad of an endorsement of Donald Trump on Tuesday evening didn t make sense in any language r
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a vile creature. The 83-year-old has reigned over the Arizona county for more than twen
Pretty much all of Sarah Palin s endorsement of Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump was definitely off the wall.
Governor Rick Snyder should probably stay off social media for the rest of his life.During an interview on Monday, the Republi
Sarah Palin made her first campaign appearance with Donald Trump on Tuesday, and it featured all of the authentic frontier g
On Tuesday, President Obama s Veto Pen got some exercise when he dashed Republicans hopes of gutting clean water rules
There are many, many things I would call Senator Ted Cruz, but a thinking man would never come to mind but apparently, t
Can you imagine if Republicans interrogated every constituent about their sexual activity? Well, these kids don t have to imagi
Governor Rick Snyder and his emergency management team have literally poisoned the water in Flint, Michigan. The city is lite
Ted Cruz is not handling Sarah Palin endorsing Donald Trump very well at all. Although, he s trying. He probably thought he ha
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will always be remembered as one of the most revolutionary civil rights leaders and someone who m
It s no secret that the Palin family are fans of drunken hijinks after a well-publicized drunken birthday brawl in 2014. Shortly aft
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert had a very special guest on to celebrate MLK Day Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKe
Republican presidential candidate Gov. Chris Christie is mad. He is so mad, in fact, at Michelle Obama for wanting kids to eat h
We all know that the only reason Donald Trump is so popular among the Republican base is because he is because of his racist
During the State of the Union Address, President Obama made the remark that our enemies aren t getting stronger. If you liste
The Clampetts are at it again! As usual, the responsible gun owning population can t make it a single day without shooting or
We all know the GOP is out of touch with the public, but when there s a major crisis unfolding in the United States, one would
President Obama has been working for months to bring home four American prisoners held in Iran. It finally paid off with a de
A Target employee in Indiana has just gone viral for showing the utmost care, patience and kindness to a customer who was s
Republicans have revived an old and overused piece of right-wing trash in an effort to try to invalidate the unmitigated succes
Another huge crowd of Americans tuned in last week as the Republicans held their latest fear-fest, also known as a debate. Re
A police sergeant in St. Paul, Minnesota is enjoying a paid vacation has been placed on leave after a concerned citizen brought
When the Black Lives Matter movement started gaining nationwide attention, racists across America were outraged. How dare
Donald Trump set tongues wagging with a tweet on Monday promising a special guest scheduled to appear with him at campa
A new parody video from the Gregory Brothers shows a rendition of the 2016 State of the Union we all wish could be real. In a
Muslims care more about the people of Flint, Michigan than Republicans do.The Republican-caused disaster unfolding in Mich
For more than two weeks now, the nation has watched in frustration as a band of wannabe patriots who are nothing more th
You know how we can tell Rand Paul s campaign for president is out of money and out of hope?He produced a cartoon that a
The British Parliament conducted what can only be described as a national celebrity roast when they took up the petition sign
Michiganders in Flint may be literally dying thanks to the GOP s horrific cost-saving measures, but people in nearby Houghton
This just goes to show that you should always do your research before donating to a charity.Despite being a charity that suppo
For the second time in the last ten days, slimy and loathsome Ted Cruz totally botched another painful impression of the late P
On Sunday, publishing company Scholastic announced that it would be removing A Birthday Cake for George Washington from
The film industry wants us to believe that it is liberal, that there is no racism. However, nothing could be further from the truth
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is still desperately clinging to his job, but there are signs that his fingers are slipping.For weeks
If there s one person that you don t want to mess with, it s Amy Schumer. She s a badass who will call you the f**k out no matt
Governor Greg Abbott of Texas recently traveled to Israel to kiss the ring of Bibi Netanyahu. While there, he pledged that he w
If there s one quality Republican voters are looking for in a candidate, it s being a Christian. You don t have to know much abo
Liberals have been questioning the intelligence of Tea Partiers since the movement arrived on the national political scene com
Australian-born Creationist Ken Ham and his fundamentalist Christian organization Answers in Genesis (AiG) are looking to bui
Ann Coulter will be wishing she had the chance for a second take after a bizarre interview, during which she accidentally gave
A man affiliated with the illegal occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in the Oregon standoff with police was ou
Just hours before the final Democratic primary debate, Bernie Sanders has finally released his full healthcare plan.On his camp
One of the Bundy militiamen has lost his sole source of income thanks to his decision to join the merry mob of marauding mo
It s about time someone came out and said it directly. One of the moderators from the recent CNN debate, right-wing talk rad
There are seldom those moments in life that seem so poetic, but the people sharing the space where the Republican congress
On January 17, Dallas News published a copy of Ted Cruz s birth certificate. The fact that the Republican presidential hopeful w
While much of the nation s attention has been focused on the horrors of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, there has been a re
In an open letter to President Obama, legendary guitarist Carlos Santana praised the State of the Union Address and Obama s
During an interview on CNN s State of the Union on Sunday, Donald Trump was questioned by host, Jake Tapper, on his religio
What s happening in Flint, Michigan is beyond heartbreaking. Residents cannot drink their water due to lead contamination, b
Donald Trump continued to unload on rival Ted Cruz as the reality star once again went on the attack on Sunday.Appearing on
Conservatives and Republicans love to claim that Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of their own. They claim that the legendary cler
Ted Cruz got his ass handed to him on Fox News Sunday for calling President Obama weak because he hasn t carpet bombed t
The Republican candidates continue to sink to newer lows on a daily basis. After Ted Cruz denigrated the people of New York b
Trump supporters have a lot in common. They lack education. They re a bunch of horrible racists. They want to make America
If you listen to Senator Marco Rubio, ISIS is outside your door and is about to attack your family, and the only way to defend a
While Republicans continue to reveal their true colors by openly complaining about the release of American prisoners in Iran,
Filmmaker Michael Moore, who was born in Flint, Michigan, recently ripped Gov. Rick Snyder (R) and other GOP lawmakers fo
Montel Williams took Republicans to the woodshed on Saturday for putting American lives in danger by criticizing the Iran pris
If you haven t heard by now, Ted Cruz was stuck inside of an elevator before he was scheduled to give a speech at the South C
New York City Officer Matthew Langone sure does love his Instagram account. It is also the reason he is now facing an investig
President Obama carried out his annual YouTube interview on Friday and revealed what he carried around with him each and
Self-proclaimed fiscal-conservative Tim Allen cracked a joke about President Obama at the conclusion of the show Last Man S
Once again, the comedic geniuses at Saturday Night Live proved their prowess when they lambasted the embarrassing quagm
Donald Trump practically got booed off the stage talking to a bunch of Tea Party activists on Saturday after he started talking a
Way back in 1998, when Fox s MadTV was still on the air, an actress/singer named Nicole Sullivan performed a three-minute c
Ever since President Obama made history with a groundbreaking nuclear disarmament deal with Iran, Republican lawmakers h
The occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Reserve in Harney County, Oregon, has now reached the two week mark, and there ar
Iran is fulfilling their obligations under the nuclear deal reached with the Obama Administration, and Republicans can t handle
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) a congressman who at one time cracked jokes about shooting undocumented immigrants has recent
When the Bundy Moron Militia decided to illegally occupy the Malheur Federal Wildlife Reserve in Oregon, one of the things s
For months now, Donald Trump has been leading the polls for the republican party s presidential nomination. His devoted foll
On Saturday, President Obama officially declared that the Flint water crisis is now a federal emergency. The President s action
The release of Americans being held prisoner in Iran comes as welcome news to most patriotic citizens, happy to see these pe
The president s Saturday morning address is chock-full of good news for working class Americans. Unemployment is at the low
If there s one thing that conservatives and Fox News want more than anything, it s for President Obama and his administration
The armed militants occupying federal property in Oregon still haven t been arrested but they are absolutely continuing to do
On Saturday, Bernie Sanders released a much-anticipated statement on Michigan s governor Rick Snyder and the Flint water c
Republicans have once again been made to look like the fools they are as Iran releases the Washington Post reporter they atte
The Bundy militia has now been making a nuisance of itself and terrorizing Harney County, Oregon with its armed occupation
Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio took federal authorities to the woodshed on the House floor over their failure to do their job and a
For the last two weeks, armed domestic terrorists have been wreaking havoc on an Oregon town in a treasonous occupation o
An unknown man saw some children playing on the side of a street with toy guns. This normally would be no big deal. It happe
They say karma s a bi*ch, and it continues to be for the Republicans. First, it was Rubio who was dragged off to court by the bi
Carly Fiorina is going to be in a world of hurt for this one. Hillary Clinton s email scandal or whatever you want to call it, doesn
The new movie about the attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, is stirring up conservatives and their now legendary hat
The short answer? I don t think so, but it s possible.The other day on Morning Joe, the Democratic presidential frontrunner sai
One really has to wonder why Carly Fiorina is still running for president. She s a failed CEO, a failed senate candidate, and seem
Earlier this week, as public outrage and media attention focused on his failed response to the Flint water disaster, Michigan s r
On Friday, President Obama gave climate change activists a small, but potentially game changing victory. U.S. Interior Secretar
A Rhode Island city official has resigned after she was caught dressing up a male middle aged bus driver as a little old lady to p
Fox News blowhard Bill O Reilly really doesn t want the future to give us a President Bernie Sanders. That s no surprise; after a
Wayne LaPierre has a way about him that defines a**hole. maybe it s the condescending look his beady little eyes get from b
Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, in predictable conservative fashion, has just said something extremely offens
To hear conservatives, including those in the Republican presidential race, tell it, President Obama made America look weak b
On Friday, The Daily Show did a segment on the Flint Water crisis. During the segment, host Trevor Noah began the segment b
If there s one thing you never do in life, it s piss off a New Yorker. If there s one thing you really never do in life, it s make fun o
Footage has been released of a leader of the Republican National Committee ranting for a full five minutes about the need for
Put this one under Shit You Just Can t Make Up :A U.S. Air Force base in Georgia was forced to pull a flyer advertising a Martin
If a debate is won according to who generates the most buzz, Bernie Sanders has once again kicked Republican ass on twitter.
President Obama has done something that no other President has ever done on national television, and it s going to drive eve
The world is now reporting zero cases of ebola, the deadly virus that killed thousands in Africa. That good news comes after a
David Daleiden, the mastermind behind the debunked and now possibly criminal Planned Parenthood videos, got slapped with
Fox Business held their second Republican debate, and things went off the rails almost immediately.Just a half hour in, Donald
During Thursday night s undercard debate on Fox Business Channel, candidate Rick Santorum, who s somehow still in the race
A video uploaded to the Facebook page operated by the North American sportsman Association, Backcountry Hunters and An
They say karma s a bi*ch. It appears that at least two serious contenders for the Republican nomination for the presidency ma
For Americans, religion permeates almost every aspect of our daily lives whether we want it to or not. The United States is so
Senate Democrats want Republican senators to vote on some of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump s racist policies, including his
On January 13, 2016, Michigan governor Rick Snyder held a press conference to announce the discovery of an outbreak of Le
Being a xenophobic bigot and a confirmed fascist wasn t enough for Donald Trump. He had to go and involve the children. The
Now, some may say because Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was born to an American citizen, even while in Canada, he is to be consid
If you listen to Republicans, the Affordable Care Act is the worst thing since Caillou first aired on television or, something to t
Today s lesson in the horrors of how easily a person can obtain and legally carry a firearm come from big surprise Texas. For
President Obama gave America a bit of the spirit of the 60 s back when he announced, during his final State of the Union addr
Paul Ryan sat down for an interview with USA Today on Wednesday. During the interview, the House Speaker revealed his tho
GOP Presidential candidate and religious right poster boy Mike Huckabee was confronted over his relationship with the Dugga
We ve come a long way from the days of rampant stupidity concerning marijuana use. We used to believe in reefer madness,
Five Republican presidential hopefuls are scheduled to speak at an ultra-conservative pastor s religious freedom event, to pro
Dear America, I would like to apologize on behalf of Britain for the awful political commentators that have migrated from our
Texas Christian Pastor Cindy Jacobs stood in front of her Trinity Church congregation in Cedar Hill, Texas, this month and descr
We ve never passed racist laws in this country, says the woman who is the governor of a former slave state where Jim Crow la
Politicians have been known to do a lot of things to get elected. They usually cater and pander to a group of people who they
Rick Scott is an absolutely horrible governor and literally gives zero f*cks about the people of Florida even babies. Governor S
A day after he schooled Republicans during his historic State of the Union Address, President Obama smacked them down aga
A House Tea Party Republican declared that conservatives own Christianity during an attack against President Obama.In his m
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz (R-TX) secretly obtained a loan from the big pockets of financial giant Goldman Sac
It really doesn t get more pathetic than the folks over at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. Their pitiful hatred of an
We recently saw the heartbreaking plea of 15-year-old Ashlie Presley, who lives in the area that is currently being occupied by
You might ve noticed that Donald Trump didn t really care for President Obama s final State of the Union address. During the a
Jacksonville, Florida police are investigating a man after he stood in front of the City Council and told them he spent most of h
The Republican Party is an absolute mess and we re starting to reap the benefits.While the GOP has spent Obama s entire pre
When a president says one of his main goals is to cure a disease that has killed millions and is one of the main causes of death
Try as they may, Republicans have just not figured out how to connect with younger generations. They ve locked down a good
Christian extremists in Oregon are dragging the nation back to the dark days of Jim Crow laws and cross-burning, with a campa
Sometimes in life, with all the negativity that seems to saturate our media outlets, it s important to be reminded that there ar
It s been a lousy 24 hours for Donald Trump s campaign to Make America Great Hate Again what with President Obama givi
During last night s State of the Union, Republican politicians attempted to put on a brave face and avoid showing any sort of a
The planned right-wing extremist event Paul Revere 2016 Final March to Restore America hit a snag on Monday when one of t
Much like all of his other speeches, President Barack Obama s 2016 State of The Union speech was visionary, engaging and all
David Fry is a self-titled computer expert that has joined the Bundy occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Or
The domestic terrorists currently occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon sure are soft. As their occupation stretches
As President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address, America once again was given a textbook case of the contra
Rowan county clerk Kim Davis already had her five minutes of fame; her time is over and done with. Or is it? At, least, it was u
Tuesday night, after President Obama gave his final State of the Union Address, Governor Nikki Haley (R-SC) delivered the Rep
With President Obama s final State of the Union address is receding into history, has released its presidential re
If there s one person in this entire nation who does not deserve a seat at the State of the Union, it s Kentucky county clerk Kim
Nobody has spent more of his political career trying to undermine his own government than Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK). The Tea
There s something wildly entertaining about conservative infighting, especially when the person on the receiving end is Ann Co
Conservative Christian lawmakers in Virginia have gotten extremely pervy and filed a transphobic bill this week that would for
Recently, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that it is looking into allegations that the armed militants who staged
Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina have recently received word that they have been left out of the next Republican presidential deba
Last week, social media was filled with memes mocking the Bundy Militia s plea for snacks. Unfortunately for the imbeciles cur
It s no secret that the Bundy militia s presence at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon is unpopular. Even those wh
Trevor Noah, host of Comedy Central s The Daily Show, is about to experience his first viewing of a time-honored American tra
An Oregon judge has had enough of the hillbilly Bundy militia and is now saying that he plans to bill the leader, Ammon Bundy
Only hours before he is set to deliver the last State of the Union Address of his historic presidency, President Obama found tim
The protest turned massacre at Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989 is one of the defining moments of the 20th century. The
Vice President Joe Biden has nothing but glowing praise for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Biden, who con
Laurence Tribe, who was Ted Cruz s own Constitutional Law professor at Harvard, visited MSNBC s The Last Word, to discuss C
Donald Trump made an appearance last night on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon when Fallon informed the Republica
Joe Biden is as genuine as they come. For many, their first exposure to him was when they watched him decimate Sarah Palin
As the Department of Justice prepared to investigate Flint, Michigan s poisoned water, someone allegedly broke into a vacan
With the primaries getting closer and the choice for Democratic nominee for president becoming a choice between Vermont I
The infamous conservative Republican financiers Charles and David Koch had a family connection to the Nazis, a new book rev
When major changes happen, it is often difficult to realize they are underway when you re knee deep in day to day life. But wh
Short and easy quiz. Which of these things is not like the other?1) A serial rapist who drugged dozens of women in order to fo
Fox News invited blogger Crystal Wright onto Fox and Friends Monday morning to remind America just how dangerous the De
When the right-wing terrorists took over the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve, the first thought many had was of the guy po
After Megyn Kelly shut down his attempts to woo her, Donald Trump posted an attack on Twitter that sounds just like the jeal
Instead of respectfully attending President Obama s final State of the Union Address like other Republican nominees, Ted Cruz
Modern day culture is far from what it used to be. Technology has taken over human contact and conversation, and people ar
The same group of people who believed Fox when the network was telling them President Obama was a Kenyan are now rush
Each year, the People For the American Way s Equine Posterior Achievement Award is granted to public figures who drag Am
A few days after Christmas in 1992, Felicia Houston, 16, and two of her cousins were walking in an apartment complex when s
David Duke is perhaps one of the most notorious Grand Wizards of the Ku Klux Klan alive today. He also had quite a bit to say
Fox News host,Judge Jeanine Pirro appeared to endorse the summary execution of Muslims suspected of links to ISIS-related t
On NBC s Meet The Press, host Chuck Todd cornered Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump for his attacks on Hill
While the enormous sense of loss the world experienced upon learning of legendary pop icon David Bowie s passing from canc
When Cliven Bundy was engaged in an armed standoff against federal authorities in 2014 on his Nevada ranch, Republicans lik
Being a resident of the beautiful state of Maine myself, I have a special place in my heart for Stephen King. His vocal oppositio
Almost 20 years ago, David Bowie released a music video in conjunction with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails that was disturbi
Let s face it, Obama s second term has been so wildly successful, the only thing Republicans can do to prevent him from being
It s pretty much a well-known fact that real estate mogul, reality television star, and the current Republican presidential frontr
If the current national Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump wins the Iowa caucuses, he may have to send a tha
President Obama is using his final State of the Union address to spike the ball on some of the accomplishments he has been ab
Let s face it, Republicans hate Neil Degrasse Tyson because he is the Obama of science. If the frighteningly intelligent black sci
After her step-father began beating her mother, a terrified six-year-old child rushed to the phone to call for help.Through her
For some time now, the United States has been experiencing a rapid decline in gas prices. It s almost hard to forget when the
Donald Trump has helped America s racists feel good about showing their true colors in all their bigoted glory. Furthermore, a
Last week, Republicans in Congress decided to once again waste everyone s time and tax dollars trying to repeal the Affordabl
Arthur Laffer, known for inspiring Republican economic ideology since the Reagan-era, and largely considered to be the father
A liberal from Massachusetts recently attended a Trump rally in the city of Lowell and decided to give us all an inside look into
Urbandale High School students worked hard to get a presidential candidate come to speak at their school in Urbandale, Iowa
Charles Koch, the billionaire CEO of Koch Industries has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on political campaigns because o
The water crisis in Flint is not just simply a man-made disaster, it is the actualization of unconstrained Republican policy. For m
Folks, Barack Obama s tyranny has hit the fine, upstanding patriots currently occupying a federal building in Oregon hard. Not
Donald Trump has crossed another line that should disqualify him from running for president.During a speech to a crowd in Ott
The adversity that former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) has had to overcome is nothing short of breathtaking. After
During nearly every sporting event, at one point in the game, the cameras are taken off the game to scan the crowd for loving
Just when we thought the situation with the Bundy militia in Oregon couldn t get any worse, it does. The drama is heating up n
Most of us don t know what it s like to be homeless, but three brothers decided to let all of us know with a video that has gon
Since at least September, people have been calling for Secret Service protection for Bernie Sanders, noting that he is vulnerab
Deandre Williams suffers from a disability which causes him to walk with a limp. Because of his condition, his mother says, a g
Jon Ritzheimer, infamous right-wing terrorist and incredible douchebag, barely squeaks by on his government disability check
With the standoff in Oregon ongoing, one can t help but laugh at the silliness of the so-called Citizens for Constitutional Freedo
According to The Independent, people who support the regime in Syria are sharing pictures of food on social media in an attem
During a Cruzin to the Caucus campaign event in Iowa on Thursday night, Ted Cruz was questioned by a young woman who i
Mark Zuckerberg has a daughter, and unlike parents involved in the anti-vaxxer movement, he s a responsible parent who car
Rapper Blac Youngsta went to an Atlanta bank to withdraw $200,000 of his own money, and upon leaving the building he was
Ammon Bundy and his wayward crew of temper tantrum-throwing white guys with guns are now claiming that God talked to t
In the first year of President Obama s term in office, the Department of Homeland Security issued a report warning about the
Conservatives alongside right-wing media outlets are trying desperately to spin the gun debate in their favor. They know that
Kentucky Republicans have decided to put the profits of a creationist museum ahead of the education of their state s children
If anything should tell the militia terrorists occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon that it is time for them to give thi
We already know that the citizens of Harney County do not want the Bundy militia around, but neither should the rest of us. T
It s not often that the stupidity of a racist has layers. Typically a slur is aimed at a minority that is easily recognizable, disgustin
Yesterday, President Barack Obama made a touching tribute to the victims of gun violence. Just days after his executive action
In 2013, Gilead Sciences Inc. filed an application with the FDA for a new drug that they claimed could cure hepatitis C. The dru
Oregon Public Broadcasting just busted the Bundy militia using government computer systems and accessing federal employe
Donald Trump s rally are a hotbed of bigotry, and that was proven at his latest event in Rock Hill, South Carolina. A Muslim wo
Donald Trump has managed to attract the most racist and Islamophobic of American voters. That was all on display in Rock Hi
Elizabeth Warren may not be in the spotlight as often as she used to be, but we assure you she s still there, fighting away. Any
There s something stirring in the Deep South that is reminiscent of when the South decided they were going to throw a hissy fi
Ted Cruz again showed that his campaign is weirder than previous conservative Republican efforts by publicly fantasizing abou
As you re probably aware already, Donald Trump released an Instagram video this past week in which he attacks Bill Clinton s
The next American Revolution ended before it ever started, by the hands of the very patriots that claimed they were ready to
Jeb Bush just unveiled a key component of his welfare reform package. The Republican presidential candidate wants to compl
Taya Kyle, the widow of infamous American Sniper Chris Kyle, attended CNN s Guns in America town hall Thursday, where s
Someone, at some point in time, made the mistake of telling Ted Cruz that he s a funny impressionist. If you recall, Cruz previo
On Thursday night, CNN s Guns In America town hall meeting on gun violence attracted the attendance of several gun legislati
A North Dakota man was arrested Wednesday after having driven to Washington, DC with one goal in mind getting himself a
The NRA has an army of puritanical, loyalist supporters who will oppose any and all attempts at gun control. Almost anyone w
Trevor Noah and The Daily Show had a field day with the feud between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in one of the funniest seg
An officer at a Cleveland school has come under fire after he posted a status on Facebook that called the mother of slain Tami
After the release of Making a Murderer by Netflix, people have been utterly mortified by the giant spotlight that s been shown
Maine s Republican Governor Paul LePage became a statewide embarrassment yet again this week when he decided to blame
Today, I would hate to be a Republican strategist. Why? Because with the election only 10 months away, I have to tell my cand
Georgia Marshall has had just about enough of the white privilege performance art masquerading as a patriotic revolt against
President Obama held a CNN televised Town Hall Meeting on Guns in America on Thursday night, during which he took a mom
Republican front runner Donald Trump has revealed a truly insidious First Day in the White House. His number 1 priority? Rem
It seems Donald Trump s cruelty knows no bounds, especially after his latest campaign rally.During a rally in the middle of a ve
The domestic terrorists who are holed up in the federal building of an Oregon wildlife refuge get more ridiculous by the day. P
That dreadful night in Benghazi, Libya in September of 2012 when the lives of four Americans were lost will be one that we sh
Ben Carson may be the dumbest person ever to perform brain surgery. He has proven time and time again that he has no clue
You have to love the Republican party. They call themselves the party of family values. They hold themselves to a higher mo
President Obama got real and raw with CNN s Anderson Cooper during a televised town hall meeting on gun violence..@POTU
On Monday, President Obama announced that he was expanding background checks to close the gun show loophole and ord
Worst governor in the United States Paul LePage (R-Of Course) has said and done some truly reprehensible things during his ti
Democratic presidential Martin O Malley just got real about the response to the right-wing domestic terrorists who are occupy
Once again pro-gun forces in America are trying to intimidate anyone trying to reduce gun violence even the President himse
If you ve attended a basic geography class, you probably know that France and Germany are separate countries. You probably
Harney County resident Jarvis Kennedy has a message for the out-of-state terrorists who have taken over Oregon s Malheur N
Mike Huckabee is fed up with evangelical Christians and threw a temper tantrum because they won t support his run for pres
Two completely peaceful protesters were attacked and forcefully escorted from a Donald Trump rally on Monday after loyal su
It appears that the Bundy militia has finally managed to radicalize a highly impressionable American into joining their cause a
Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz stunned audiences on the campaign trail this week with a piece of paranoid fantasy
When it comes to the safety of our drinking water that comes out of our taps, we are left to trust those who are elected to kee
Trevor Noah has been criticized for not taking on Fox News as much as Jon Stewart used to do, but on Wednesday, the new D
It has been almost a week since over 20 armed gunmen occupied a federal building at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, d
Ladies and gentleman, the pandering for lobby money is officially on the airwaves. In a new ad, Republican presidential candid
Gun enthusiasts across the country have been expressing their rage over President Obama s common sense attempts to close
The black residents of Dothan, Alabama are, quite literally, living in fear and with good reason. Their police chief, Steven Parr
Earlier this year, Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush was asked a question regarding domestic protests in Baltimore and Ferguson, w
Two of the men involved in the armed standoff in Oregon have been caught falsely claiming to have served in the Marines. An
A new analysis by the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan research group devoted to educating taxpayers, shows that some of the
Hell just froze over, because Fox News is now on President Obama s side when it comes to his new gun safety executive order
It s no secret that Senator John McCain hates Ted Cruz. Although he has tried to hide it by repeatedly calling the Republican pr
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has been under a tremendous amount of fire la
For seven years there s been several folks, let s call them birthers, who have questioned the validity of President Obama s Uni
The Bundy brothers and their militia continue to play patriots at an Oregon wildlife reserve, but the rest of the world hasn t jo
Michael Moore has joined others in calling for U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to investigate Michigan s Republican Gover
Federal authorities have no intention of killing the Bundy brothers and their traitorous followers. They d rather arrest them an
When we think of school shootings, we often think of those directly involved the dead, the wounded, the people who saw th
Bristol Palin brought this upon herself. After all, she could have just practiced what she preached. Now, it s her turn to take re
Apparently the only thing the National Rifle Association and the White House can agree on is that President Obama would sm
Professor Larycia Alaine Hawkins upset administrators at Wheaton College when she donned a headscarf last month to show s
It s no secret that NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre is totally fricking nuts. Unfortunately for him, his newest onlin
One would think that to hold a position like Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court you would have to know a thing or tw
Last Saturday, a bunch of well-armed militiamen decided to protest the extended sentence of two Oregon ranchers, Dwight a
A 10-year-old girl s awful experience with a TSA agent is now making national headlines after she was forced to undergo an ina
Gun nuts are a strange breed. They are paranoid, uneducated, and don t feel complete without a few penis extensions guns fu
While it s often difficult to notice, Joe Scarborough is one of the remaining few reasonable Republicans. Of course, this has a
If there s one thing Donald Trump knows how to do really well, even better than most, it s sell things. And in this case, that th
In a glorious segment on the Late Show, Stephen Colbert piled on the mockery of the anti-government loons who took over a
On Tuesday s edition of The Nightly Show, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders promised to steal the White Hou
Either Ammon Bundy himself or a clever imposter has taken Twitter and the media by storm. The head of the Oregon Moro
Try to picture a place where gun control is real where people can sit in a coffee shop without worrying that a lunatic is going
Paul Krugman asks a simple question about why white (conservative) people who fly into a rage always seem to do so over rea
The situation with the Bundy ranchers and their heavily armed right-wing militia s occupation of a federal building on a wildlife
Some political pundits have been unable to describe how Donald Trump manages to maintain his popularity. With his escalatin
Do you remember the time that Republicans thought automotive companies should be allowed to go bankrupt? They seem to
Here we go, again.Another supporter of Donald Trump openly shouted at a Trump rally held in New Hampshire on Tuesday th
Talk show legend Montel Williams is a conservative, one who has expressed very critical opinions of Barack Obama in the past
Donald Trump appeared on Fox News on Monday night, only to be embarrassingly stumped by Bill O Reilly.O Reilly wanted to
Donald Trump has revived the birther conspiracy theory, but this time he has targeted a fellow Republican: Ted Cruz.Cruz has
Ted Cruz is promoting the work of a birther filmmaker who has created a bizarre YouTube video that casts the right-wing Texa
Jennifer Lawrence has been speaking her mind lately. In an interview with GLAMOUR, the Academy Award-winning actress we
A Florida two-year-old is in critical condition after he shot himself in the face Monday night while playing with his responsible
Just about every day, Rush Limbaugh s big fat lies are systematically exposed and debunked online by a variety of sources, and
According to an open letter addressed to the Oregon Terrorists, there are some 40 million nature photographers and bird lov
As they say, desperate times call for desperate measures, and as all the right-wing lunatics of the Republican party seem to be
Anyone who watched Barack Obama break into tears as he spoke of the 20 children and six adults murdered at Sandy Hook El
Kevin Matthews, a 35-year-old Black man from Detroit, Michigan, suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Even so, Matthews h
Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson was confronted by an LGBT activist on Monday evening about the retired neurosu
For years now, sane-minded individuals in Congress alongside President Obama have tried to enact common sense gun reform
As President Obama rolls out executive orders to strengthen background checks to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous p
President Obama could not hold back the tears while discussing the excessive amount of lives lost over the years at the hands
Working in the service industry can really be a test, as you will eventually and inevitably come in contact with an impossibly di
To the modern conservative revolutionary, the men dubbing themselves the Citizens For Constitutional Freedom aka the mo
In case you haven t heard, there s a theory going around that Bristol Palin s baby was actually born in November. but the fami
Trevor Noah compared the excitement of the people of Texas over the new open-carry law to men celebrating their homosex
Even the crankiest section of America s right wing is starting to sense that the armed take over of the Oregon refuge is creatin
The Trump campaign is busy attempting to clean up the mess after Politifact exposed an incident of gross misrepresentation in
With the Republican primaries less then a month away, Donald Trump has started to spend millions on his campaign. While th
In 1972, a group called the Christian Movement For Life was founded by John Africa. Africa and his followers advocated a rad
In an amazing take down of Cliven Bundy s terrorist spawn, Fox News host Megyn Kelly explained how the law works and gave
How much money does it take for a foreign nation to buy a United States Senator? Just ask Republican Tom Cotton.For a lousy
One of the largest environmental disasters in American history is happening right now, and there is a great chance that you ne
President Obama isn t lying down and playing dead as the NRA and their congressional lackeys allow guns to proliferate across
Ammon Bundy, the son of the secessionist rancher Cliven Bundy, held a rambling, incoherent press conference on Monday at
One of the ringleaders of the terror-minded militia group who are illegally occupying a National Park service building got a six
On Thursday Blaine Cooper, one of the anti-government terrorists who is participating in the armed takeover of a bird sanctua
If there s one couple that Republicans love to attack, it s the Clintons. For decades, they have been under constant dubious scr
During an interview with a BBC Live Host, a Texas gun advocate defended his state s new gun law policies by saying that the on
It s no secret that conservatives believe with all of their hearts that serious, life-threatening issues that plague women every d
As soon as the news spread that there was some kind of a takeover of federal land combined with the name Bundy, ears acr
Most Republican lawmakers have remained silent with regard to the armed right-wing terrorist takeover of a federal building
A man known primarily for posting videos of himself making the sounds of different types of guns yeah, apparently there is a
There are seldom people in life that you can honestly say are solidly good people, but Mark Zuckerberg is one of those few tha
You know that feeling when you want to overthrow the oppressive federal government, but you can t afford it until that same
Donald Trump has singled out many people during his campaign, but none have remained a target in Trump s eyes and Twitte
Conspiracy theories aren t something I take seriously very often. The type of people who engage in conspiracy theories spend
It s clear as day in the First Amendment, but Justice Antonin Scalia apparently has never read it or he is blatantly ignoring it. Ei
Well that didn t take long at all did it? 2016 is only a few days old and already Republicans have vowed to do everything in the
It s a new year. For many of us, that means that we probably made a few resolutions. You know quit smoking, eat better, drin
Some of America s pretend patriots have taken over the federal building of a wildlife reserve in Oregon. Over the weekend as
Paul Krugman, by his own admission, has been drooling over the release of the IRS s 2013 tax tables. If you re still awake after
NYC s only Chick-Fil-A restaurant got shut down on Dec 30th after appalling sanitary and food safety violations were discovere
While an armed militia group of domestic terrorists seize and occupy a federal building by force, GOP Presidential hopeful Don
After going to all the trouble of leaving their bunkers that are stocked with toilet paper and bullets, the Bundy militia arrived in
Thus far, the Oregon militia members who have occupied the federal building of a wildlife reserve are facing absolutely no thr
The National Rifle Association may be in violation of federal law, according to documents the NRA itself filed with the Internal
If anyone questions whether or not the Bundy-led right-wing terrorists who violently took over a federal building in Oregon ar
A Republican lawmaker in New Hampshire showed up to one of Hillary Clinton s town hall events in the state on Sunday and a
The lack of respect for the office of the President of the United States from Republicans is utterly appalling. No matter who the
They re calling them Y all Qaeda. It s all at once appropriate and ridiculous. The fact that a group of armed traitors are occupy
People have been quick to point out that there is a clear double standard in the media and people s attitudes regarding the ar
The Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, appeared on Meet The Press with Chuck Todd on Sunday to discuss his state s
President Barack Obama has recently announced that he will be issuing executive orders on guns after a series of horrific attac
During a segment on ABC s This Week, Bernie Sanders hammered Donald Trump for talking about Bill Clinton s sex life rather t
A young man recorded himself as he maliciously abused a young woman, apparently his girlfriend. He then uploaded the video
Just days after forsaking her Stanford Cardinals by supporting the Iowa Hawkeyes in the Rose Bowl to pander for votes, Carly F
In a new poll that asked Americans to comment on their anger issues, Republicans and white people reported being angry nea
What s happening in Oregon isn t, by any means, an act of patriotism or the duty of citizens. What s happening in Oregon is
When the tense standoff between federal agents and a group of right-wing extremists at Cliven Bundy s ranch ended in a stale
Hours after right-wing militia members committed treason against the United States, Fox News defended the Confederacy and
The Nuclear Deal became a Republican talking point as soon as it became inevitable that the Obama administration was goin
Donald Trump s insane ways are no longer surprising but have become very predictable. He rung in the new year with yet mor
A 43-year-old man with a surgically implanted bionic penis is set to actually use it for the first time. Mohammed Abad, from E
We all rely on the media every day to know what s going on in our world. Many media sources these days have an opinion info
The racists came out in full force when Jimmy Kimmel put up a minute of video that is too outstanding to ignore. In a segment
Last year, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy made national headlines for his insane standoff with government officials over the ille
A video of a terrified and previously abused puppy being shown love for the first time by her handler has captured the hearts a
Having stayed close to the Obama family for both of President Barack Obama s terms, White House photographer Pete Souza
A Donald Trump supporter came up with the worst idea ever when he got it into his head that it would be a good idea to try to
Right-wing pundits on Fox and Friends this week went on a little tirade about the rules of Twitter and how unfair they are to co
It s undeniable that Donald Trump is a giant asshat. His entire campaign built upon the exploitation of American conservatives
On December 9, an unidentified 41-year-old mother was killed in a hotel room during an attempt by five family members to ex
It s hard to believe that racism is still a key issue in a city with one of the highest African American populations in America, but
Let s just say that if you consider being white the best thing about yourself, you must live one sad, lonely, and pathetic life. On
You can always count on local newscasters to make complete asses of themselves, with invariably hilarious results. And in the
It s been just about seven years since the official founding of the tea party movement. Weird, it seems like much, much longer
When Texas governor Greg Abbott said that Texans should be tolerant of anyone they see with a handgun in light of the state
On December 10, Chester Pennsylvania police officers shot and killed one-year-old Bear, a mixed breed family dog, who had b
New e-mails obtained by media outlets show that there was coordination between the Chicago Police Department, the Indepe
It pays well to be a failed right-wing candidate. Sarah Palin, who served a half term as Alaska s governor and made a halfheart
When Donald Trump wrote a book in 2000, he didn t think it would come back to bite him on the ass.But that book, and the m
Alcohol and guns could be the worst idea ever conceived by humanity. Drinking too much induces poor judgement and anger.
If someone were to ask regular people on the street how they would wake up a sleeping person, they would probably shake th
It turns out that the individual who bought the anti-Trump sky ads at the Rose Bowl is a supporter of Trump s rival for the Rep
It s the beginning of the new year, and the Iowa caucus is about a month away. With it comes some big time pandering from t
Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has once again reminded everyone of how awful his
It has been sixteen years since the American economy has added as many jobs as it added in 2015. Economic observers believ
During another one of his seemingly made-up-as-he-goes stump speeches, Donald Trump attacked President Obama s environ
Garret Wayman, a 17-year-old waiter in Wichita, Kansas, tweeted photos of a $20 dollar tip he received while working where
In an effort to prepare his supporters for the upcoming Republican primary, Ted Cruz urged them to put on their armor of God
A University of North Texas student is in critical condition after one of the NRA s responsible gun owners shot her in the head
A Democratic Senator decided to close out 2015 by raising a strong awareness of just how bad America s gun violence problem
On December 26, the father of 19-year-old Quintonio LeGrier called the police in hopes that they would help him deal with a s
After Hillary Clinton made the argument that Donald Trump s hateful rants against Muslims were fueling Islamic terrorism recr
There are a lot of ways to express your disfavor of a presidential candidate. However, some are just far more entertaining and
Listening to several of the Republican candidates for president, one could wonder if they ve been in a cryogenic sleep for the p
The fracking industry has given the state of Oklahoma a new claim to fame that no one in Oklahoma wanted. In 2015, Oklahom
Pastafarianism is a fairly new religion. Its adherents are atheistic in belief, and they worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The
A bunch of the NRA s responsible gun owners in Florida rang in the new year with gunfire something that had a very negativ
A Leon Circuit Judge in Florida has adopted a map of Florida Senate districts that is a huge win for voter s rights groups and a c
Bill Cosby was America s favorite dad for a long time. However, there was a dark side to the comedian and television icon s leg
President Obama began the new year of 2016 with a video asking for the nation s help in fighting one of its biggest problems:
You probably can recall the huge diplomatic mess that Republicans made last year, by sending an open letter to Iran in an eff
It s not looking like much of a Happy New for republican presidential candidate Ben Carson.Carson, who has been nosediving i
According to The Hill, Democrat Senator Bob Casey is warning special counsel Robert Mueller against issuing his Russia report
If we protect every other government building or public venue with armed guards, why shouldn t our schools be protected wit
Ami Horowitz is fantastic! Check out this man on the street effort to see how much snowflakes know about what they profess
Just one more reminder of why President Trump chose the no-nonsense General John Kelly to be his chief of staff On Thursda
Thank goodnesss Jeff Sessions is moving on finding out what went on behind the scenes to acquire FISA warrants. In other wo
The GOP presidential candidate who couldn t seem to find his spine when he had the perfect opportunity to stop Barack Obam
John Podesta is Hillary Clinton s former campaign chairman so you know he s a dirty bird. That s why this is such a fun video to
EAG News A Wyoming high school is under fire after parents exposed an online student quiz that offered shooting at Trump
A longtime Republican Party donor based in Florida vowed not to contribute any more money to candidates or electioneering
We reported that Maxine Waters and members of the CBC met with Louis Farrakhan but we now know that she also was a gu
We took a very hard look at these numbers, and we did find that Minnesota has a very high rate of gun ownership one of the
There s been a lot of talk about the ads Russians paid for on Facebook that affected the outcome of our 2016 presidential elec
Facebook s VP of Advertising took to Twitter to set the record straight about ads that were run on Facebook and were paid for
It clear that common sense isn t what these hens want to hear. Common sense would tell anyone that the FBI dropped the ba
The hero football coach who threw himself between students and the Florida school shooter was little brother to Michael Con
Two months before the Winter Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, Olympic gold medal skier Lindsey Vonn claimed she would be
Immediately after the police identified the suspect in the Florida high school massacre, as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, the media
According to Fox News A federal grand jury on Friday indicted 13 Russians and three Russian companies for allegedly interferi
President Trump visits Florida hospital, praises first responders following school shooting: It s very sad something like that co
While the left points the finger at guns, guns, guns, the real blame is being put on the FBI inability to investigate two attempts
The left has locked onto a stat that 18 school shootings have happened this year. This is FAKE NEWS that needs to be shut dow
Tucker Carlson weighed in on the hysteria over gun control and where the blame lies for the school shooting in Florida. The le
Just what we need another Trump-bashing RINO. Carpetbagger Mitt Romney is trying yet another run at getting elected for so
When it gets down to it, what this sheriff said is the heart of the problem. He nails it!Spokane County Sheriff Knezovich was br
Susan Rice and Obama were as thick as thieves during his 8 years as president. In the video below, Rice lies about the spying o
The heartbreaking story of two parents who put their leftist ideology before their own son The parents of GOP Senate candida
ABC News When two Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students and Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) ca
The mainstream media is guilty of fake news when it serves their desired narrative. In this case, the desire by the media to ma
What s wrong with Pelosi? Nancy Pelosi is supposed to be the Democrat s leader in the House but she can t complete a though
WQOW -A Lacrosse, WI transgender person, who recently announced her primary campaign against Congressional Representa
How could the Senate be so lame in their effort to produce an immigration bill? A Senator Ted Cruz put it, they re to the left o
Rapper Jay-Z attended the Peace Walk & Peace Talk in Miami Gardens last weekend. He elevated Trayvon Martin s name alon
Yesterday, a second U.S. judge on Tuesday blocked President Donald Trump s decision to end a program that protects immigra
We ve been covering the curious case of DOJ official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr What they did is so corrupt and underh
As 2017 comes to a close, we d like to acknowledge our gratitude to President Trump, who is truly a gift to America. He came
A coordinated effort to spew anti-Trump propaganda by reporters from CNN and ABC has us pretty disgusted. We previously r
Barbra Streisand was an Obama sycophant and one of the corrupt Clinton s most loyal fans. She is also part of the Hollywood l
Everyone suspected the sketchy Steele Dossier was what corrupt FBI and DOJ officials used to get the October 2016 FISA warr
It s been said that good fences make good neighbors. But in Aspen, Colo., this week, Vice President Mike Pence has something
This would be a laugh a minute except for the fact that millions actually listen to this guy The most recent ramblings from U2 s
Friday on MSNBC, climate activist Bill Nye warned conservatives to watch out, saying progressive blue states will address clim
The Trump administration on Friday announced the United States will deny Pakistan military aid amounting to $255 million as
#JokeNewsAfter record, cold temperatures were reported across the United States, President Trump took to Twitter to mock t
The conservative 45Committee is out with a new video, Year One, celebrating President Donald Trump s accomplishments so
A week after President Trump endorsed Ron DeSantis for Florida governor via Twitter, a handful of billionaires have thrown th
The video below is one of the highlights from the protests last year. Protesters at the University of Washington were firmly rem
Thanks to the persistence of Judicial Watch, the emails from Huma Abedin were finally released today. Within those emails ar
American workers have suffered tremendously with the outsourcing of jobs to foreign workers. The H-1B Visa program has scr
CNN s Brian Stelter called out Fox & Friends for doing a disservice to viewers, but his reasoning may leave you scratching yo
Persuasion is so important The Resistance has to become a church a church that seeks converts Huh??? This guy is allowed to
The left continues to prove to all of us that they are a twisted bunch. How is the protest filmed below going to persuade any v
The U.N. voted against America moving our embassy to Jerusalem, raising the question of what we pay to those who voted ag
It s a rare occasion when a Hollywood legend defends President Trump. The director of blockbuster hits like Alien and Blade
I noted that this individual came toward me and took a picture. I heard later that she might have said I know who she is. Sinc
DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR Andrew Cuomo just pardoned 18 illegals who were facing immigration enforcement actions because
Hell has frozen over! CNN is actually reporting the truth! CNN legal analyst Paul Callan agrees with the assessment that the FB
AP News The regulars amble in before dawn and claim their usual table, the one next to an old box television playing the new
We have to agree that the left is suffering from Trump derangement because just about anything the POTUS does is met with
Please see our previous report below on the McCain Institute associate who has now been subpoenaed by the House Intel Com
Jenna Fischer is best known for playing the very likeable character, Pam , in the hit series The Office . Actress Jenna Fischer de
Sarah Sanders is great at getting the White House Press Corps to hurry it up The Supercut below shows the tactics used by this
According to The Sun, George W. Bush successor, Barack Obama, promised to close the camp in 2009, calling it a sad chapter
Israel s transportation minister is pushing ahead with a plan to extend Jerusalem s soon-to-open high-speed rail line to the We
AP News The regulars amble in before dawn and claim their usual table, the one next to an old box television playing the new
Jean-Marie Simon, a passenger on a United Airlines flight from Houston to Washington D.C. has accused United Airlines of givi
The NFL announced Tuesday that the final Sunday Night Football game of the season has been canceled Was it due to low att
CNN s Allyson Camerota expressed her concern about how the tax breaks for Americans will harm the Democrats chances of w
The Senate waited until Christmas to quietly release a report on how much was dolled out to settle workplace harassment cla
THIS IS PRICELESS! The video below shows just how out of control the left is when it comes to the corruption within the FBI an
The Stock Market is setting record after record and unemployment is at a 17 year low. So many things accomplished by the Tr
Jean-Marie Simon was a passenger on a flight from Houston to Washington D.C. and has accused United Airlines of giving her
While leading Democrats wish Hillary would just go away, some of her supporters are still wallowing in her 2016 election loss:
While we believe the UN headquarters would make a great condo building (please see Krauthammer video below), this is a sta
This is so funny but so infuriating! Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee apparently makes it a habit of bumping first class passengers on flig
The LA Times is reporting that moviegoing is at the lowest level since 1995. The article blames Americans who are going to see
You just can t make this level of cronyism up. It s a blatant disregard for laws, rules and just about everything else unethical. B
History shows that we can, if we must, tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea. Those words were written by former Nation
After Judicial Watch exposed a serious ethics issue related to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe s involvement in his Democ
While the mainstream media remains transfixed on a phony Trump-Russian collusion story, they completely ignore the real ne
The video below is a much watch! A young Donald J. Trump speaks about leadership and politics long before he ran for presid
Truck attacks are becoming increasingly popular with Muslim extremists as a way to threaten large groups of people in popula
On December 5, 2017, Circa s Sara Carter warned there would be a major shake-up at the FBI after the Inspector General s rep
Who knew that members of a presidential administration can have coins made to hand out. Challenge coins are given out an
The former Fox News contributor and editor of the Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol, took to Twitter to appease his newfound libe
It s really interesting to hear this panel go ballistic over Nikki Haley finally standing up for America.MSNBC s Morning Joe pan
New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie got into a heated discussion with MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday. Wa
Sarah Sanders does it again! The snarky DC reporters always try and get her but she ends up on top every time! This time was
What a bizarre exchange between a reporter and Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi! She is asked during a press conference what
Many are suggesting that the former comedian, turned militant, leftist activist, Rosie O Donnell needs to be treated by federal
Senator Rand Paul appeared on Bill Hemmer s Fox News show to discuss the importance of fighting the FISA law, to prevent th
Yesterday, President Trump threatened to cut foreign aid to countries that vote in the UN for a resolution condemning his dec
WHAT S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? Clinton Crony Ben Rhodes tweeted out a wish for death to McConnell, Ryan and Pence
This morning, President Trump tweeted a note of congratulations to Fox and Friends, after they were named, The Most Influe
On Wednesday, a jubilant President Trump tweeted about the passage of the biggest in history Tax Cut and Reform Bill. Not o
Just a few months before reports of her sexual assault lawsuit against Donald Trump rocked the campaign, cosmetics executiv
Immediately after the House passed the tax reform bill, members of the Republican caucus went over to the White House for
While we re really not surprised by the conflicting statements by Andrew McCabe, we just can t believe another type of confl
Has-been liberal celebrities took to twitter to voice their displeasure and to offer bribes to change votes. Rosie, Rosie, Rosie sh
Soooo, NYC Mayor de Blasio wants you to believe he just wants to visit Iowa. He s been running for President since before he
Former Asst. FBI Director James Kallstrom spoke with Stuart Varney about the details behind the increasingly transparent 201
WHO KNEW HE HAD IT IN HIM? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) pushed back against a reporter who asked a
In 1992, the Vatican under Pope John Paul II published the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which stated, among many other
Is anyone else sick and tired of overpaid athletes who can t even formulate a proper sentence, criticizing President Donald J. T
The plot thickens with the saga of the IT workers who worked for Democrats like Debbie Wasserman Schultz. They had access
Sunlight is the best disinfectant That s why we think we can t get enough of the evidence coming out about corrupt FBI agents
Yes, keeping the money you earned is brazen theft from big government LOL! Check out Kevin McCarthy s rip on Pelosi below
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) on Tuesday pushed back against a report from last week that speculated he would not see
The Daily Show thought it was appropriate in their yearly recap special to acknowledge some of their biggest moments in a so
The eldest son of ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin beat the daylights out of his own father after he broke into his parents home in a
Watch some fake news from a swamp creature who should be in jail:Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper re
President Trump delivered a speech on national security that ll knock your socks off. He plans on putting America first: Americ
Did Bruce Ohr get cold feet? Demoted Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr was set to testify before the Senate Intelligence Co
After North Korea s most recent missile launch, the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un claimed he had finally realized the gre
President Trump addressed the America people today, as he outlined a new and bold national security strategy. The American
Are you one bit surprised by the fact that the one team still doing the most kneeling during the national anthem is the Seattle
This could be one of the largest scandals of our time. Meanwhile, back in Washington it s all about Trump and Russia, Russia,
The fact that it has taken so long to uncover massive taxpayer funds being used to directly target our President and one of two
There has to something more to this story than what we re being told. If there isn t more to this story, then Atlanta Airport offi
ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES:Three Russian billionaires are hitting back after they say they were defamed by the opposition
This story is absolutely horrific, but not surprising. Bleeding heart liberals aren t doing illegal aliens any favors by fighting for th
Eric Holder just doubled down on threats this old radical is off his rocker. He might be shaking in his boots that his corruption w
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said Sunday Democrats would absolutely raise the corporate tax rate if they take back control of
The newly elected US Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) just won the election by a small margin in a state where a Republican hasn t
The Defense Department secretly set up a program ten years ago to investigate unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, at the urg
One of the big players in trying to get to the truth about the bias against President Trump just told Judge Jeanine that this is ge
There are conflicting reports about why the outrageous Omarosa Manigault Newman is leaving her undefined job at the White
On Friday, Democrats were doing their best to push a rumor that President Trump is about to fire special counsel Robert Mue
Jason Chaffetz just went there! He said what everyone else is saying about the DOJ s Jeff Sessions TIME TO GO!Fox News Cont
This bombshell just in is more evidence of the swamp trying to bring down President Trump using unlawful conduct . Please n
Diamond and Silk: Liberals are trying to destroy this country. They want us to live in a third-world country. We don t want soc
In case anyone was confused about how the whole kneeling for the national anthem thing came about, it was the former 49e
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is really working hard to make Chicagoans feel a part of the city the only problem is he s focusin
Lauren McGaughy of The Dallas Morning News did a disgusting hit job on a top Texas lawyer and former judge. As a mother o
A federal judge in Washington, D.C. has recused herself from a second case involving Trump dossier firm Fusion GPS.Tanya S. C
This is so worth the watch! Brit Paul Joseph Watson slams the left and their desire to invalidate the wishes of the people when
WE COULDN T AGREE MORE! Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom on the Peter Strzok anti-Trump texts: He belongs
JOE DIGENOVA has been around D.C for decades and has seen it all. He probably didn t see his one coming. The incoming pres
Thank goodness we finally have a President who refuses to dump our taxpayer funds into climate scam that our former Presid
In September 2016, Stephen Henderson, the editorial editor of the Detroit Free Press, used the power of his pen to unjustly att
I Don t Think You Have a Standard Tim Carney to New York Times reporter on different standards for different presidentsWe
A cesspool of corruption Newt Gingrich calls out Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He says it s time for Sessions to step up to
Sean Hannity interviewed Greg Jarrett, Judicial Watch s Tom Fitton and the amazing Sara Carter last night it was fireworks on w
The interview below is pretty much what we all knew but now it s out in the open. Notice how Senator Johnson calls on the DO
With mainstream media and establishment politicians stacked against him from the moment he announced his run for the pre
WASHINGTON President Trump said on Thursday that his administration was answering a call to action by rolling back regul
When CNN White House correspondent April Ryan challenged Sarah Sanders pie making skills during the Thanksgiving holiday
How did the FBI handle the Clinton email case two words: WATERED DOWN! The big question on this watered down documen
Today, the FCC voted to repeal the net neutrality rules that govern internet service providers and how they treat certain webs
Here s yet another reason to be very suspicious of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton:Via Free Beacon: Former Secr
Is this karma? Republicans have been receiving death threats (see below) from Democrats who SUPPORT net neutrality and ar
GOP Rep. Jim Jordan on Lou Dobbs: Listen you can t make this stuff up. It gets worse each and every day. What deep down sca
One month ago, CNN political analyst and American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent April Ryan took to Tw
The Secret Service pushed back on a CNN reporter s claim that a fired Trump aide was physically removed from the White Hou
54-year-old Dr. Dean Lorich, Associate Director of Orthopaedic Trauma Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery, as well as th
The Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified today about the clear cases of corruption and political bias in our intel a
It s beyond sad to watch these young men sitting through an interview with their overbearing, loudmouth dad controlling thei
Earlier today, CNN s April Ryan reported Trump administration aide Omarosa Manigault had to be escorted out of the White H
Rep. Trey Gowdy SC: This conflict of interest-free senior agent of the FBI can t think of a single solitary American who would
After Roy Moore s ugly loss in the Alabama Senate race last night, President Trump took the high road and congratulated Dem
They threw everything but the kitchen sink at Judge Roy Moore. Democrats outspent Moore 10-1, and more importantly, the
Fox News just revealed what we knew but it s out in the open now: Text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and mistr
WOW! MEGYN KELLY IS CLEARLY DESPERATE FOR RATINGS You won t believe this interview. Megyn Kelly keeps attacking Alab
How quickly the Democrats and their allies in the media forget, that when the bear is poked, he fights back. Donald Trump has
If you watched this live, you had to be loving Sarah Sanders. She was on fire!APRIL RYAN BROUGHT UP THE TWEET FROM POT
Democrat Senator Kristen Gillibrand (NY) likes to think of herself as a champion of women. After multiple women came forwar
Yesterday, a cowardly recipient of America s generosity, via a broken chain migration policy, walked through the busy subway
Establishment Republican pollster Frank Luntz looked more like a CNN host than a Republican pollster in a room full of commi
The exclusive below from Fox news skips the fact that the Trump dossier had been circulated around but was NEVER proven to
The poor little ISIS-inspired, chain migration, snowflake, terrorist can t even walk by a Christmas poster without being triggere
Remember former CIA Director Mike Morell s lies about Benghazi? He totally covered for Hillary and the Obama administratio
This is a big deal even though we re sure the main stream media will ignore it. The connection between a now demoted DOJ o
Sarah Huckabee Sanders was hot today when she went off on CNN s Jim Acosta over the fake news that s been constant the p
Does anyone REALLY care what our president drinks? CNN thinks they do. They thought it would be a great idea to bring on a
In September, President Donald Trump tweeted a new condition for a potential deal with Democrats on immigration. Trump w
Tomorrow, Alabama residents (including thousands of felons who have been registered by Al Sharpton s alleged brother) will
Last week, President Trump totally humiliated ABC News on Twitter, as he pointed out their embarrassing attempt at gotcha j
Who wants to deport Dreamers ? Not many people, it turns out. Even veteran immigration restrictionists seem willing to lega
Shame on Teen Vogue! Maxine Waters was a guest of Teen Vogue and was interviewed about why she s calling on young teen
A portrait of Punk Hillary set off two security dogs at an Art Miami tent we think they know a criminal when they see one. Th
What a brave boy and what a sad world we live in where adults would allow such a beautiful child to be repeatedly tortured b
Washington Post reporter took to Twitter to post an image of the venue where Trump was to appear in several hours. The onl
When candidate-Trump promised he would put America first, he wasn t kidding. President Trump posted a powerful video on
Conservative Hollywood actor, James Woods, is known for his brilliant wit and his great sense of humor on Twitter, but today
On September 5, 2017, the Daily Mail reported:Afghan asylum seeker accused of raping and murdering EU official s teenage d
Just another member of the swamp who s about to be sucked down the drain In 2015, leftist rag Politico called it a Big hire w
Only 3 days ago, Lindsey Vonn told CNN that she wouldn t be representing President Trump in the 2018 Olympics. She also bo
When four Chicago thugs videotaped the brutal tortured a young mentally disabled man they kidnapped in a live Facebook vid
In a last-minute attempt to create a legacy for himself, Obama traveled to Cuba to hang out with Raul Castro and prove to Am
Is there a single person left on Robert Mueller s Trump-Russian collusion team who isn t in bed with Barack Obama or Hillary
You just can t make this stuff up Yet another key member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller s Russia probe appears to have de
Every single day, liberals provide more and more evidence that Donald Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing. After th
Would CNN even know the truth if it bit them in the a**?The media s quest to prove Donald Trump Jr. colluded with Wikileaks
Unfounded claims that President Trump was filmed with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel surfaced in the closing stretch of last y
If you live in Wisconsin and want your working neighbors to fund your existence, you may need to start peeing in a cup to pro
The credibility of Beverly Young Nelson, the woman who accused Roy Moore of making sexual advances toward her when she
Yesterday, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., went on a media blitz that was clearly coordinated by the Democrat Party, at about t
What s more important, protecting the dignity of customers who shop in local liquor stores, or the innocent employees and st
Thank goodness for Rep. Jim Jordan s masterful grilling of FBI Director Chris Wray today (see video of testimony below) regard
Now, a Clinton appointed judge who took Flynn s guilty plea has suddenly recused himself and Flynn will now face an Obama a
Special Counsel Robert Mueller s anti-Trump witch hunt is dead, even if he doesn t realize it. While his investigation stumbles
Has there ever been a US Olympic athlete who, before representing the United States in the Olympic games, discussed wheth
After two days of being criticized by mostly female, (and even some male) members of Congress, over multiple allegations of s
Rabid, Trump-hating, anti-gun, comedian, and so-called author , Michael Ian Black took to Twitter to answer a question abou
On Tuesday, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California blasted President Trump for saying he would move the U.S. em
The disgraced Representative John Conyers (D-MI) was not about to quit his job as an elected official before he hand-selected
Actress Lena Dunham said she warned Hillary Clinton s campaign about disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and wa
Yes, this is real These Hillary supporters are officially a cult!Those looking to celebrate Resist-mas now have the perfect acces
After it was announced that President Trump was seriously considering moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, he was roundly
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson just shut down the obnoxious press. He responded to rumors of tension with President Donald
Crains Chicago Business American democracy is fragile, and unless care is taken it could follow the path of Nazi Germany in th
Former British Army officer, outspoken, conservative, radio and tv talk show host, Katie Hopkins warned Americans to fight ba
You just can t make up stories like these Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) on Tuesday castigated the idea of moving th
Sara Carter has been right on everything she s reported on with the Mueller investigation. She s a gem of a reporter who does
According to CNN UK Prime Minister Theresa May delivered a rare public admonishment to US President Donald Trump on Th
Sarah Sanders announced during the White House press briefing Tuesday that President Trump would visit Mississippi this we
Ambassador Bolton gets it! He and so many others see what s going on and how the left is trying to destroy the Trump admini
How many times in one week can ABC News publish fake Russian collusion stories and still be considered a reliable source of n
THANK GOODNESS FOR JUDICIAL WATCH! They pushed for emails from the DOJ and got a treasure trove of incriminating evid
The DOJ is reporting that they basically took American taxpayer dollars and started a bonfire with it In light of the fact that key
Nancy Pelosi just embarrassed herself by saying the Republican tax cuts are The end of the world (see below) and now this:N
The photos from President Trump s visit to the food storehouse for LDS families in need are great. President Donald Trump cre
What pushed Democrat Congressman John Conyers to resign instead of just announce he would retire at the end of his term?
Tucker Carlson had an intense debate with Clinton adviser and paid spokesliar Richard Goodstein tonight about whether the r
The father of the UCLA basketball player who had been suspended for shoplifting in China has just pulled his son from the coll
Nancy Pelosi just got even more embarrassing than ever She pulled the drama card while commenting on the tax cuts: No this
Another winner for America and for President Trump! The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the travel ban! Guess who voted ag
A supervisory special agent who is now under scrutiny after being removed from Robert Mueller s Special Counsel s Office for
The View co-host, and rabid, liberal, activist, Joy Behar, made a colossal ass of herself on Friday when she was handed a brea
President Trump was in Utah today for the signing of a rollback on federal land overreach. He s basically giving land back to th
The latest liberal meltdown comes from Minnesota This reminds of the mayor who was stopped by the police and had a fake m
I think this is hope over reality longtime Democrat and Harvard Law professor Allen Dershowitz ripped into Senator Diane Fein
Holy moly! We ve been covering the FBI agent who was fired for his anti-Trump tweets but now this BOMBSHELL:The agent is
Here are just a few examples of the empty or mostly empty NFL stands across America today:The stands appear to be mostly e
Mr Fast and Furious fired back at President Trump who claimed the FBI s reputation is in tatters thanks to former FBI Directo
Now this is sweet KARMA! If you ve ever watched Joy Reid interview Maxine Waters on MSNBC then you know the bitterness
The protesters in NYC must be confused They yelled tax the rich, not working people . Aren t the rich working people too? Ma
Roll Call Democrat Doug Jones drastically outraised GOP nominee Roy Moore for the Alabama Senate race, new campaign fin
Lack of leadership? How about pot calling the kettle brown? Obama was at the helm of the MOST leaderless presidency EVER!
As the name of the suspect, identified as 24-year-old James Holmes, first emerged Friday morning, Ross reported on ABC New
President Trump is not giving ABC News a pass for their fake news story about Michael Flynn and his meeting with Russian Am
Yesterday, President Trump took to Twitter to honor the 62-year anniversary of civil rights icon, Rosa Parks. President Trump t
What a bitter woman! She blames a different thing every week for her 2016 loss to President Trump. Everything she says belo
The stock market lost over 350 points after ABC News erroneously reported that General Flynn was in communication with the
Next time you see a Democrat lawmaker, thank them for supporting sanctuary cities and states, and making every American le
The domestic terror group, Antifa, has been around for a while, but since Donald Trump s inauguration in January, they ve bec
This is an interesting development in the Mueller investigation because we don t trust the FBI. Is this new news from the New
Yesterday, the leftist media spent the day wringing their hands in anticipation of finally pinning a Russian collusion story on Pr
Even though the big news was that President Trump got a BIG win with the passage in the Senate last night of his tax bill, the p
Former President Barack Obama embarked on an Asia trip this week, and Fox Business Lou Dobbs went off on Obama tonight
After ABC News broke the General Flynn-Trump story, the stock market began its freefall, Americans were stunned by the new
Rep. John Conyers lawyer, Arnold Reed, threatened with what s to come during a press conference today: This, ladies and ge
Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow claims he s Reverend Al Sharpton s brother, and he s registering thousands of felons to vote
Another politician using your money to pay off a sexual harassment settlement Can you believe it? Blake Feingold is on the rig
While we re on the subject of lying to the FBI, when will Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for multiple crimes she committed while
As if Americans aren t outraged enough about the verdict in the Kate Steinle murder, the lawyer for the illegal who murdered
If anyone thought the man who s been attacked by the left for most of his adult life, was going to roll over and play dead, as th
The broader story in this entire Russia witch hunt is if the one count on Flynn announced today is a plea deal. Flynn is being ch
Gross! As it turns out, the White House is a wreck with infestations of mice, roaches and ants. It s being reported that hundred
Former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson tried to use her charms to get past the Secret Service to meet with Vice President M
A conversation with MSNBC host Craig Melvin got heated today when Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) refused to say Thurs
Apparently, the arrogant 88-year-old Congressman John Conyers, who is being accused of sexual misconduct by several wome
Even more reason to believe it s a good thing Hillary Clinton isn t formulating U.S. foreign policy:Footage from Libya recently r
Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Democrat Dana Nessel asks in the new ad. Is it
If you live in Michigan, you know about the controversial wife of Congressman John Conyers. She s had her share of scandals a
U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn could find himself in hot water.A writer for The New York Times Magazine and National Geographic twee
A Democratic Senator tried to compare Trump nominee Kathleen Hartnett White to a horse during testimony before member
NBC was called out by conservative news outlets, like Breitbart for refusing to disclose Matt Lauer s ties to the Clinton Founda
The Washington Post has been pushing the Russia story for months but do they really believe their own bullsh*t?They were ju
With all of the stories of, TV hosts involved in sexual misconduct, it s a mystery why nobody brings ups the accidental death o
Once again, the left eats its own Liberal reporters used the unexpected firing of NBC News anchor Matt Lauer for unspecified s
The left woke up in a fury after they discovered President Trump retweeted 3 videos showing disgusting hate crimes committe
NBC was in cover your ass mode with their longtime anchor Matt Lauer s latest misstep coming to light via numerous news o
According to WIRED THERE ARE HACKABLE security flaws in software. And then there are those that don t even require hacki
CNN s Brian Stelter tweeted out the news that CNN staffers won t be attending the White House Christmas party Yes, another
Remember when President Barack Obama s Attorney General Loretta Lynch just happened to get a surprise visit in Phoenix, w
We reported earlier today that Chuck and Nancy decided to be no-shows to a budget meeting after POTUS tweeted a scorch
The View s Joy Behar just let everyone know that she s a sore loser who just can t let go that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 electi
On Tuesday, the Grammys announced their nominations for the 2018 awards shows, and there are some notable additions an
Senate Minority Leader Schumer and House Minority Leader Pelosi are having a temper tantrum after President Trump expose
Fox News anchor Bret Baier was a surprise visitor at Mar-a-Lago on Thanksgiving weekend. Speculation swirled that Baier s a
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee did an entire interview on MSNBC Monday morning with what appeared to be a nosebleed dripping do
Al Franken returned to DC this week after a series of bombshell allegations of sexual harassment by several women. He claims
Rep. Luis Guti rrez (Ill.), one of the most vocal immigration reform advocates in the House, reportedly won t run for reelection
James O Keefe of Project Veritas has used his incredible talents to go undercover and expose crooked organizations like ACOR
Notice in the exchange below that the reporters have a cohesive message saying President Trump calling Senator Warren Poc
While honoring Native American Code Talkers today at the White House, President Trump took a jab at Democrat Senator Eliz
Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore gr
This isn t going to go over well with Obama s Black Lives Matter folks Veteran actor Denzel Washington says his latest role as a
Earlier today, President Trump tweeted: We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including F
Morning Joe hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough agreed on Monday with Nancy Pelosi s defense of scandal-ridden Re
The 2017 Christmas decorations were unveiled in a stunning video montage showing the incredibly tasteful display complete w
Norway has a new immigration sheriff in town, and so far, it appears that she s singing the same tune as President Trump on im
If this so-called celebrity said that he would have killed former President Obama if he was given the chance, he would likely be
Earlier today, President Trump tweeted about the Alabama Senate race where Republican candidate for Senate Judge Roy Mo
There is no word yet, about how Rocket Man plans to respond to the egg on his face South Korea is making sure North Korea d
John Conyers, the 88-year old Democrat Congressman and Black Caucus member who used taxpayer dollars from one of the m
It s hard to imagine, and very sad, that a hospital could hire someone who is so filled with hate and obsessed with race, to care
Michigan Congressman John Conyers has been in the spotlight recently for being a repeat sexual harasser to women he works
John Conyers might just drain the swamp for us. The 88-year old Democrat from Michigan who is accused of sexually harassin
Wow! This is huge! The Democrats and their leaders are obviously ticking off the big guys with big bucks Was it something the
As more and more women line up to tell their stories about sex with Bill Clinton both consensual and forced there is one wh
A Wyoming high school is under fire after parents exposed an online student quiz that offered shooting at Trump as one of th
Friday on Fox News Channel s Fox & Friends, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said evidence had been uncovered showing that the FBI
If it wasn t for people like Vietnam veteran William E. Staehle, who made the decision to publicly defend the character of Roy
CNN political analyst just spent her Thanksgiving Day so consumed with hate for President Trump s White House Press Secreta
President Trump announced he d be playing golf quickly with Jupiter Island resident Tiger Woods and PGA star Dustin Johnso
President Trump and the First Lady took the time to visit the Coast Guard ahead of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Melania prov
On September 27, 2017, an unhinged, liberal, Trump-hating student, who has now been identified as Edith Macias, was captur
On this Thanksgiving, I would like to address an open letter to the multimillionaire National Football League players who contin
President Trump called the branches of the Armed Forces this morning to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. He delivered
The American-led UN Command just released very dramatic video showing a North Korean soldier trying to escape across the
Has America reached a tipping point? Will more and more fed up Americans begin to object to athletes who choose to blatant
It s no wonder that Fusion GPS wants to block documents from coming out. The newest unsealed documents are explosive en
I am immediately calling for an investigation into the special treatment that the FBI gave Hillary Clinton. Rep. Gaetz: "I am imm
Brooklyn College is advising New York City police officers to use bathrooms on the far end of campus in order to avoid being se
The Washington Post published an article with a video of 9-year old Ava Lovley of Newport, Maine, in the back seat of the fam
Seriously? How pathetic is this? In an effort to score some publicity, Eminem performed a free style rap saying disgusting thin
President Trump wants those who settled sexual harassment cases using our tax dollars to be exposed The House is responsib
President Trump just spoke out on the alleged sexual misconduct of Alabama s Roy Moore. It took a split second for leftist me
Last week, President Trump stepped in and interceded on behalf of three young UCLA basketball players who foolishly were ca
Former NFL player Shannon Sharpe on Tuesday called LaVar Ball s complaints directed at President Donald Trump the dumbe
CNN host Chris Cuomo definitely drew the short straw when he was asked to fill in for host Don Lemon, on Tonight with Don L
This could get ugly and should! A treasure trove of new documents found linking Hillary to the Russia deal to sell uranium Nic
This story is about more than a massive cover-up for an elected officials who sexually assaulted innocent women, it s also abo
This is truly shocking! Roy Moore takes a commanding lead in the Alabama Senatorial race as the allegations against him by th
MAKING CHRISTMAS GREAT AGAIN! First Lady Melania Trump and Barron Trump received the official 2017 White House Chris
Who didn t see this coming? Four more women have come forward to charge Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them This could g
President Donald Trump says that the Oakland Raiders should suspend running back Marshawn Lynch for the rest of the seaso
Who knew? Probably everyone in the news biz knew but said nothing. Charlie Rose has been groping women for years. It has
How dirty is this? The powers-that-be at the intelligence agencies didn t follow the proper channels before opening up spying
THE OBAMAS ARE LIKE THE CLINTONS They just keep turning up like a bad penny. Who knows why they keep popping up ever
Last week, the mostly female audience of The View watched the panel of hypocritical, rabidly anti-Republican hosts attack Al
It didn t take long for President Trump to tweet his displeasure to NFL player Marshawn Lynch for his protest against our natio
Before Lavar Ball, the ungrateful father of accused criminal, and UCLA basketball player, LiAngelo Ball, goes off on a public ran
Houston, Texas trial lawyer and Democrat mega-donor Steve Mostyn died on Thursday in what authorities are saying was a su
This is fantastic! President Trump met with all of the NCAA championship teams at the White House last week. It was all fun a
CNN anchor Brian Stelter went off on President Trump this afternoon for his tweet hitting back at the father of the UCLA playe
Since the Colin Kaepernick and his fellow players started their Black Lives Matter kneeling campaign, social media has been lit
Wow! Poor Kathy Griffin The toxic comedian found herself facing a tsunami-sized backlash after she held a severed, and bloo
Oh my gosh! This is awesome! President Trump tweeted back to the dad of the UCLA basketball player who was arrested whil
Send this kid back to China! The ungrateful attitude of the father of LiAngelo Ball is so classless. What s even worse the dad ma
Double standards everywhere! Socialist Bernie Sanders was asked whether Senator Al Franken should step down following an
You might remember this bright moment from when Obama was president A couple of years ago, 500 high school choir stude
President Trump on Saturday criticized Hillary Clinton, the Democrat he defeated in the 2016 White House race, for her recen
MSNBC reporter Kasie Hunt began her segment on sexual harassment in Washington by telling the show s viewers, Funnily en
Celebrated Congressional Black Caucus member, and legend Corrine Brown would like Americans to believe that stealing hun
From the Washington Examiner Roy Moore is the embattled Republican senatorial nominee in Alabama, but two other figure
ENABLING HILLARY came to Senator Al Franken s defense on Friday during an interview for her new book, saying he should b
Once you ve read this list, you re going to want to share this with everyone you know! Was it the Russian Uranium Deal? Was
You d think reporters would learn to ask questions on policy but they obviously still want to challenge Sarah Sanders with tras
It s pretty common knowledge for anyone s who s tortured themselves by watching The View, that it s really nothing more tha
This tops it all! Hillary Clinton sat down with liberal rag Mother Jones and actually had the balls to come out and question the
Dem Sherrod Brown and GOP Senator Orrin Hatch go at it! They were discussing the tax plan and Hatch let Brown know he do
In one of his regular appearances on the Imus In The Morning radio show, Dan Rather was asked by Imus in 1999, if he had an
As reported earlier today, Reuters has named the whistleblower in Uranium One as William D. Campbell. According to John So
Here s more proof that liberals don t like free speech unless it s THEIR speech It s no secret that CNN is anti-Trump with their c
Just another case of Love Trumps Hate LOL! The more hate these unhinged liberals spew, the more Independent voters will b
The FBI informant who went undercover to look into Hillary Clinton s role in an Obama administration-era uranium company w
Democratic Senator Al Franken who has been accused of kissing a woman without her consent and pretending to grope her i
Well this is a shocker! The usual leftist slant on The View was put aside for some support for President Trump. Who knew thes
After reporter and model, Leeann Tweeden accused Franken of writing a sketch where he d come at her for a kiss, but she pla
Wow! This couldn t have happened to a nicer guy (sarcasm!) Democrats waisted no time in calling for an investigation into ano
The New York Times gave the accused sexual predator, Ben Affleck s new movie a thumbs up, but neglects to mention the sex
You ve gotta love this president and his ability to send personal messages via twitter He just gave some fatherly advice to the t
Hillary Clinton tells a reporter from liberal rag Mother Jones that she s above any investigation into Uranium One This is really
The biggest stars on Broadway are apparently still having trouble coping with Hillary Clinton s loss to Donald Trump in the 201
Several uncomfortable videos have surfaced this week, showing former Vice President Joe Biden groping little girls. Apparently
This story just keeps unraveling Two days ago, conservative Thomas Wictor dropped a bombshell on Twitter, exposing what he
The three UCLA basketball freshmen arrested for shoplifting in China thanked President Donald Trump for his assistance and e
Yesterday, we posted videos of Creepy Joe Biden rubbing his hands all over the upper bodies of little girls whose parents or g
Only one day ago, FOX News published a factual story outlining Hillary s involvement in the sale of uranium to Russia while she
The Democrats continue to push their delusional wish to impeach President Trump They announced a new effort even today:H
Yesterday, Beverly Young Nelson sat with the same leftist lawyer, Gloria Allred, who came out after Donald Trump with false a
Trey Gowdy railed against the erosion of trust between the American people and the DOJ during a hearing before Congress to
Joe Biden didn t earn his nickname Creepy Joe or Creepy Uncle Joe for his good behavior. Sadly, Creepy Joe earned his nick
We assume Donald Trump was talking about illegal aliens like Horacio Alvarado who repeatedly raped his 14-year-old step-dau
Hollywood producer kingpin and mega-Democrat Party donor, Harvey Weinstein s abusive sexual predator behavior has shine
Joe Biden is thinking about running for POTUS in 2020 but this type of anti-gun comment is a huge deal breaker for voters If Bi
President Trump just spoke out on the fate of the UCLA basketball players who were accused of shoplifting sunglasses while in
A transgender ANTIFA wannabe throws Bibles and thinks Gadsden flag is for Nazis at Private Sector Arms in Olympia, Washing
It s a given that any Democrat from California is going to be against President Trump but this guy is through the roof against Tr
Since most of the actors and producers in Hollywood will either be in treatment, or out of a job, for sexually harassing, or abus
Monday on CNBC, former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) said due to the sexual misconduct accusations leveled against former Alabama
Even though the media and the their allies in the Democrat Party are maniacly focused on doing whatever it takes to bring dow
Bubba Bill Clinton celebrated his election 25 years ago at very liberal Georgetown University. He made the usual slams again
When Keurig decided to side with Soros against Sean Hannity and Roy Moore s right to defend himself against serious, and sha
Minnesota is home to the largest number of Somali immigrants in America. Census numbers put the state s Somali s populatio
One of the many targets of the opposition research firm Fusion GPS is accusing them of assisting the Kremlin in its effort to ha
Our favorite conservative street artist Sabo crashed an anti-Trump art exhibition in Los Angeles Saturday night, displaying a wo
When Keurig decided to side with Soros against Sean Hannity and Roy Moore s right to defend himself against serious, and sha
THIS IS HORRIBLE LANGUAGE ALERT!Are you wondering how free to be me Hollyweird would react to a Trump hat-wearing p
Last week, the Washington Post reported that after almost 4 decades, 4 women came forward to claim they were sexually abu
The New York Times just confirmed what we ve all known since Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell threw his support to
Before Keurig, and other major companies commit consumer suicide over their decision to pull their advertising from Sean Ha
A Birmingham, Alabama ABC affiliate sought out voters in Columbiana, AL to gauge their reactions to the Washington Post rep
Saturday Night Live usually hits the Republicans with mocking skits Usually it s something about President Trump, Sarah Sande
The character assassination of Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore continues with different RINO Republicans coming out
Roy Moore s attorney just called political hack Don Lemon a funny name on air. The CNN host was not pleased with the attorn
President Trump hits it out of the park! He just delivered another great speech to Vietnam veterans in Danang, Vietnam He let
Nancy Pelosi spoke for less than 8 minutes to the LBJ Foundation on Wednesday, but some attendees may have left the event
Liberals on twitter were outraged when a Republican lawmaker from Alabama told the truth about what s going on with the c
Too bad the media wasn t there to cover the event, there would have been enough hot air to keep everyone warm It s nice to
Oprah has a mic-drop moment when asked about how she keeps on-set harassment away. The only problem is she was big bu
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch better start lawyering up President Donald Trump is reportedly th
President Trump spoke at the State Banquet during his visit to Japan. He told a hilarious story about first meeting Japanese Pri
Yesterday, former GOP Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, came out with one of his most incredible statements
Infowars uncovered a bombshell when they discovered the Facebook page of one of Judge Roy Moore s accusers, Debbie Gibs
Liberal FOX News host, Geraldo Rivera, took to Twitter to express his disgust over the hypocritical left and their selective outra
Nancy Pelosi is obviously geographically challenged She thinks we can dig a hole to China to hear the communist regime laugh
Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock is set to play Wendy Davis, or more commonly known to conservatives as, Abortion Bar
Heads are spinning since President Trump and Vlad Putin shook hands today at the APEC Summit in Vietnam. CNN is already t
After he previously denied knowing about the dirty Trump dossier, DNC Chair Tom Perez now says no questions about how it w
Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore is denying that he romantically pursued teenagers as young as 14 while he was in his 30
First Lady Melania Trump toured the Beijing Zoo and The Great Wall of China during her extended stay in China. While Preside
The not so funny comedian Louis C.K. appeared on the Stephen Colbert show mostly to talk about his decision to send an ema
After a business meeting before the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013, a Russian participant offered to send five women to Don
Japan s prime minister did something so discreetly that not even President Trump saw it! You won t believe this:The prime min
James Kallstrom is the former Assistant Director of the FBI who is no fan of former FBI Director James Comey. We ve reported
A couple of quick questions come to mind when most law-abiding Americans see illegal aliens storming our government buildi
NBC host Megyn Kelly must be really desperate for guests to have on her new show. She just had on the woman who behaved
Should legal gun owners be allowed to freely carry anywhere in their state, including dorm rooms and school campuses?In the
Bill Clinton went on the Conan show and spewed bitterness towards President Trump At one point, he insinuated that Trump
One year later, and Donald Trump s supporters couldn t be happier with their choice for President. Prepare for liberal heads to
In her new book Hacks , Donna Brazile expressed concern for her safety after DNC staffer s mysterious murder:I felt some resp
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the left telling their viewers and fans how Donald Trump will never win the presidency.Now watch th
When President Trump announced that the U.S. would take 45,000 refugees for Fiscal Year 2018, it was a lower number than
The Diversity Visa Lottery began with a leftist desire to for more diversity in America Senator Chuck Schumer owns this ridicu
The information below is disturbing and should be a wake up call for Americans that the left isn t taking losing lying down. Thi
The Drexel University professor who tweeted all I want for Christmas is white genocide recently blamed whiteness for the T
The Republican Party should be so fortunate, as to have three aging, white, career politicians like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and
MELANIA TRUMP never hesitates to call someone on the carpet for lying about her Alec Baldwin knows now that he can t mes
Silly, silly Donna Brazile. She s publishing a book detailing turmoil in the Democratic Party during the 2016 campaign, highlight
Is there a more corrupt and power hungry group of people anywhere in the United States? Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Barack
The DNC Chair Tom Perez took his delusional and very nasty attitude on Fox Business this morning Maria Bartiromo let him ha
Lou Dobbs goes after Fusion GPS and their connections to the DNC in the video below The evidence is clear that the Trump Jr.
After Ed Gillespie lost the VA Governor s race tonight, President Trump tweeted, Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrac
Thank God a hero with a gun emerged in Sutherland, Texas, and was able to prevent an even worse tragedy at the hands of a
It s hard to shame someone when they have no shame If you live in Virginia and you haven t voted for Ed Gillespie (R) for Gove
The word crooked doesn t only apply to Hillary. Sadly, America is finding out that there are very few people in positions of po
In fly-over country, and pretty much anywhere in between the east and west coasts of America, people are sick and tired supp
The Oakland Raiders have been in the news quite a bit lately, and unfortunately, for NFL football fans, it has little to do with fo
You have to believe this junior Democratic Congressman is a bit unhinged and immature when you read what he did during a m
Is former DNC Chair Donna Brazile attempting to tie Hillary to the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich in her new book Hacks ? W
The move by a Twitter employee last week to ban President Trump from the social media platform for 11 minutes received a g
CNN and many other news outlets think they re smarter than all of us who are on social media. A fake news story has been go
The DC Mayor decided to push class warfare during her appearance to push against the election of Ed Gillespie for Virginia gov
President Trump, waved off a question about gun control after Sunday s deadly shooting at a Texas church, saying: This isn t a
The picture, snapped by a White House photographer traveling with the president as he left his golf course in Sterling, Va., we
5 broken ribs with trouble breathing, lung contusions and life-threatening possibilities is not a minor injury as media claimed
At least 26 people have been killed inside a Texas church including a two-year-old child after a gunman dressed in full comb
A political reporter for the Los Angeles Times is under fire from all sides for making sexist remarks about White House Press Se
Zero Hedge In a shocking development, late on Saturday the Saudi press reported that prominent billionaire, member of the
Please pray for the victims and their families At least 27 people have been killed inside a Texas church including a two-year-o
Donna Brazile might want to watch her back! She shot back at critics (the Hillary camp) of her new book that alleges proof of a
President Trump received a warm welcome when he arrived at Yokota Air Base to greet our troops. They started out chanting
The decision of actress Mila Kunis to make monthly donations to abortion business Planned Parenthood in pro-life Vice Presid
Donna Brazile lets it rip on the Hillary Clinton campaign in her new book about the 2016 election. She s definitely not holding b
Is this just one more case of an activist judge too blinded by his hate for Trump to deliver the justice he took an oath to uphold
Another unhinged Democrat has been arrested for attacking someone with political views that are in opposition to his yawn K
What happened at Michigan State could happen and does happen on all college campuses How dare this professor allow her c
The Obama administration s well guarded Osama bin Laden documents were released on Wednesday by CIA director Mike Po
Rep. Frederica Wilson spoke on Thursday at the annual Legislative Policy Conference organized by Al Sharpton s National Actio
When the daughter of President Trump visited Japan, she had an all-female security detail. When the wife of the man the left
One courageous Navy vet has had enough of the disrespectful NFL players who kneel during the national anthem. Although it
Our first black President of the United States has quite an impressive list of accomplishments. Sadly, not one of his accomplish
Lawyers for a Russian tech executive suing BuzzFeed for publishing the Steele dossier say that a longtime associate of Arizona
Wow! What a couple of hypocrites and haters! We ve included contact info for the two male liberal columnists below so you c
If you haven t discovered Austen Fletcher yet, please check him out on twitter and YouTube He goes in and opens up lefty bra
Sean Hannity was on fire with bombshell after bombshell last night. The entire video is so full of reports on scandal after scan
Ha! PBS had a live feed on Facebook for the Democratic Woman of the Year Award but it didn t go as planned because the co
Two nights ago, Mark Levin dropped a bombshell on his show about the Muslim terrorist who killed 9 people in Manhattan an
Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez is a nasty man. He s gone out trashing President Trump with disgusting l
CNN probably detests citizen journalists who bust them on their shenanigans FAKE News Alert! Watch the video and see how
Liz Warren flips She just told Jake Tapper in an interview that the Dem Primary was rigged. We all knew this it s pretty huge fo
Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt has received an unprecedented amount of death threats, requirin
When a disgusting ad appeared on TV showing a white man in a pick-up truck with a confederate flag in the back, and an Ed G
Who is Michelle Obama to speak of men? She just offended them in a big way and took more veiled swipes at President Trum
Is the last man standing in the West Wing about to be packing his bags? According to insiders, who refer to Trump s favored so
Hillary Clinton told Trevor Noah on the Daily Show that of course there is a difference between paying for that information an
After months of lying about passing debate questions to Hillary before the presidential debate that was hosted by her employ
The former NPR CEO Ken Stern ditches and switches after getting out of the Liberal Bubble He recently spoke with Tucker Carl
Thank goodness a police camera captured a Democratic county lawmaker bizarrely screaming, begging, invoking for special pr
Pam Geller is not the person you d ever want to go up against in a debate but cocky Geraldo Rivera tried it You guessed right i
Yes, another brain freeze moment from Nancy Pelosi Why does she do this to herself? She continues to be the poster child for
President Trump isn t sitting around waiting for multiple terror attacks before taking steps to help make America safer. During
President Trump isn t sitting around waiting for multiple terror attacks before taking steps to help make America safer. During
Yesterday, the Imam who calls himself the Imam of peace called out NYC s Democrat mayor, Bill DeBlasio, for ignoring the Im
The media CHEERED when Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) helped a 24-yr old Muslim man enter the U.S. after he wa
While the mainstream media was salivating over the indictment of Paul Manafort by dirty cop Robert Mueller, for crimes he a
DC lawyer Victoria Toensing is one smart cookie. She s representing a former FBI informant who has evidence on kickbacks an
After receiving heavy backlash, the Latino Victory PAC took down the controversial ad depicting latino children running from a
Imam Tawhidi is an outspoken voice in the Muslim community, who is unafraid to openly condemn Islamic extremists. After th
Mark Levin dropped a bombshell on his show tonight about the Muslim terrorist who killed 9 people in Manhattan and injured
When supporters of the Democrat Party start using ads that appear to be inspired by Islamic acts of terror, you know they are
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R., Texas) announced Tuesday he will not seek another term in Congress in 2018, telling supporters he ha
Now here s a Hollywood actor who lives in reality While the left is still delusional about the Trump win last November, Bryan C
Was the first actress who outed accused rapist and serial sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein targeted for ratting out the Hollywo
When comedian Andy Dick repeatedly slid his hands up and down Ivanka Trump s legs during her interview with Jimmy Kimm
This summarization by Peter Flaherty, President of the National Legal and Policy Center, of why the indictment of Paul Manafo
Wow! The arrogance is beyond the pale Tony Podesta s lawyer sent a threat to Tucker Carlson!Tonight, Tucker Carlson spoke
During his Fox News show tonight, Sean Hannity went off on the unequal justice in the Mueller indictment of Paul Manafort an
President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump looked like they were having a great time during the annual White House Hallo
Remember when Hillary stood in front of the families and the 4 dead bodies of brave Americans and lied about an awful inter
What s gotten into John Boehner? He gave a strange interview to left-leaning Politico and unloaded on former colleagues. Dur
Earlier today, it was reported by TMZ that an adult actor has revealed that Academy award-winning actor and House of Cards
Daily Caller The revelation on Monday that former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos has plead guilty to lying to
On October 25, 2017, the liberal Boston Globe ran an article that featured 3 GOP candidates who plan to challenge fake Indian
How should the gay community feel about the Trump-hating actor, and Bill Clinton pal, Kevin Spacey, coming out as a gay ma
The main stream media is all aflutter this morning with the news that someone connected to President Trump has been indict
The San Francisco 49ers weighed in on the national firearms debate Thursday, announcing their $500,000 donation to push fo
Earlier today, the disgraced former host of MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, tweeted a picture of conservative Tomi Lahren, and adm
In fly-over country, and pretty much anywhere in between the east and west coasts of America, people are sick and tired supp
Busted! Even moderate Republican Susan Collins of Maine said it best when she questioned how Wasserman-Schultz wouldn t
Make no mistake about it, the NFL needs to show their fans that their players are serious about playing football, or the owner
On June 15, 2016, President Trump warned Americans that we were witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American
Former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Jaso
The Women s Convention in Detroit brings to mind the stereotypical liberal female who s angry and bitter:The Detroit Free Pre
Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, the leader of the House s top investigative committee, slammed special counsel Robert Mueller
Well, well, well As a famous reverend once said, Obama s chickens have come home too roost OR AS MIKE HUCKABEE SAID:
When Oakland Athletics catcher Bruce Maxwell took a knee during the national anthem before their game against the Texas R
Can you imagine being POTUS and having this threat every day while you re in the WhiteHouse? The threats are there but this
The View s unhinged co-host Joy Behar, who is one step away from being committed to an institution, after suffering from Tru
Brilliant conservative and American Thinker contributor, Patricia Dickson tweeted a portion of a file that was released today in
It s not at all surprising that at least 28% of Democrats consider themselves to be atheists. Fascinating This has to be embarras
Paul Joseph Watson nails it again. In the video below, Watson does a brilliant job of exposing the hypocrisy of the media and w
After months of finding no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, is this sudden development a distraction f
Is Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) the member of Congress who s receiving Alzheimer s drugs from the D.C. pharmacist wh
The NYP reported that the players whom Bob McNair employs were not happy about his comments at a recent NFL owners m
A former FBI informant who blew the whistle on a high-profile bribery case involving a Russian energy company was intimidat
Democratic California Rep. Brad Sherman appeared as a guest on Thursday s Tucker Carlson Tonight, and apparently didn t fe
The news that a second man was able to sneak into the press gaggle inside the Capitol building earlier this week is a huge red
Actor Kevin Sorbo and his wife, actress Sam Sorbo, are an anomaly in Hollywood. Both of them are committed conservatives w
Could there be two creepier people than creepy Joe Biden and the sex-obsessed pop-star Lady Gaga, (who is famous for bloo
Exactly one year ago today on arrogant Hillary Clinton s birthday, she was so sure she d win the presidency, that Hillary actuall
Mark Halperin has been accused by 5 different women of disgusting behavior while he was head of ABC News. Some of the th
The Walt Disney Company the same group that s so woke, they once apologized for drawing a fat cartoon that made race-ba
The House passed the budget today by a very slim margin with no Democrats voting for it and 20 Republicans voting against it
DNC chairman Tom Perez decided to create his own reality during a speech on Tuesday. This is such a Democrat thing they lov
Liberalism is truly a mental disorder. Sadly, the children of these parents who are so consumed by hate, that they behave like
THIS IS HUGE! The DOJ has authorized the FBI Informant to speak with Congress concerning alleged corruption involving Clinto
By now, most of America has seen the crazy video of the Las Vegas mass shooter s brother Eric Paddock. Stephen Paddock s b
U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters attacked President Trump about 27 seconds into her speech to homeless LGBTQ youth at the Ali Fo
The investigation into the Las Vegas massacre Stephen Paddock just keeps getting more and more strange. Since the shooting
Hey, Paul do you hear that huge sucking sound? That s the sound of arrogant elected officials sprinting from Washington DC, l
Dr.Ben Carson was speaking today at theHill s Newsmaker Series Event when he boldly said what only a brilliant neurosurgeon
Capitalism at work. It s funny how the loss of real money has a way of helping to remind NFL owners and the networks who su
In September of 2016, 3 separate reports of racist graffiti that was sprayed on the walls of Eastern Michigan University were m
One thing President Trump has been able to do while in office is expose the politicians who are not true conservatives and wh
Will this be the nail in the coffin for the Obama/Clinton crime families? They ve been able to skate through so many scandals a
Tucker Carlson had bombshell announcements tonight that he even seemed shocked by. The biggest one was that the Podest
Will Trump s AG Jeff Sessions allow Crooked Hillary and friends to walk from their alleged involvement in the dossier that turn
Wow! The left-leaning Washington Post just broke this big story:Clinton Corruption- WaPo reports DNC & Clinton paid for deb
CNN s Don Lemon gave an OSCAR-worthy performance on air when he teared up after reading his open letter to President Tr
Sarah Sanders hit back at Senator Corker today: Imagine progress that could be made if Corker cooperated instead of grandst
The swamp is draining One more RINO is not running for reelection. Senator Jeff Flake announced he will not run again today
THANK GOODNESS! Devin Nunes just announced a probe into the Uranium One Deal that smells to high heaven of corruption
Beyonce made an attempt to glorify the violent Black Panther s group during her NFL Superbowl halftime show in 2015. Forme
Serial liar and 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful Senator Elizabeth Warren just can t help herself. In an effort to try to make
The lawyer for the FBI informant under a gag order that prevents him from going before Congress spoke out about what s to c
It s astonishing that after all of the fake Russia collusion on Trump, we have Hillary, Obama and others who are the real thugs
Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) Monday accused President Donald Trump of having a tendency to target women and people o
On Friday, freelance reporter and political consultant Michael J. Hout tweeted a photo of Hillary Clinton walking with forearm
Megyn Kelly is quite possibly the least popular host on television. She s also quite possibly one of the highest paid hosts on on
Google is the search engine the majority of people in the world go if they need to look up something. In fact, it is estimated th
Oh the irony! Left-leaning MSNBC aired a segment about President Trump s proposed border wall, which ultimately proved th
Anti-Trump besties Matt Damon and George Clooney sat down with Good Morning America s Michael Strahan to discuss their
ESPN anchor Jemele Hill says she deserved to be suspended for getting too political on Twitter (please see our previous report
You seriously can t make this stuff up Wouldn t it be great if we had a real and honest media, and this was the top story of the
The owners of teams where NFL players continue to kneel during the national anthem are about to get a very real wake up ca
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders revealed she says a little prayer of God help me each day before walkin
First of all, the picture of President Trump that s behind Pelosi is as funny as it gets. Could that be what got Pelosi all sad durin
Hillary Clinton continued her overseas trashing of our president with her latest claim that former President Bush said some rud
The Democrats are fighting against closing our border with Mexico at every step of the way. They want open borders It s that
There s so much to know in order to understand just how bad the Uranium One scandal is to what s happening now with the F
Potty Mouth Perez is at it again with his hate and vulgarity. He s repeatedly gone low when it comes to President Trump. His
Earlier today, Youtube had taken down the video from the Ali Forney Center gala in New York City on October 13th where it o
On Friday s broadcast of HBO s Real Time, former Clinton Campaign Manager James Carville stated that President Trump lack
Why is this not front page news on every major media outlet?Russian intelligence targeted Hillary Clinton before she became
When people say What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas. they apparently aren t kidding around Suspicion about wha
Who better to take on George W. Bush than Steve Bannon. He responded to the speech last week by Bush where he took a ve
Sounds to me like Gen. Kelly got it right. This portion of her speech seems to emphasize her role in getting the naming done. T
The new report on the number of missing Afghan trainees draws attention to the current policy that obviously needs to be cha
If you get the chance to visit the Smithsonian, the area of dresses from former first ladies is stunning. It s a must-see part of th
Filmmaker and author Phelim McAleer knew he was going to ruffle some feathers when he decided to open his FERGUSON-th
Sarah Sanders hit back at criticism that General Kelly was fabricating his account of Rep. Frederica Wilson grandstanding duri
Melania Trump is embracing a more active and public schedule as first lady but she still runs one of the leanest East Wing ope
Barack Obama stutters through yet another jerky moment where he just can t zip his lips: He s the president who just won t go
Remember when candidate Donald Trump was condemned by the left for telling Americans that we have criminals coming acr
Despicable Congresswoman Federica Wilson isn t backing down and is just doubling down by saying that White House Chief of
Two days ago, the former MSNBC host Joy Reid suggested that reporters should humiliate President Trump and ask him if he k
Paul Ryan attended the Al Smith dinner last night and proceeded to take swipes at President Trump the entire time. Not funny
NBC host Matt Lauer on Thursday asked former CIA Director John Brennan whether military officials surrounding President Do
Buzzfeed reports, that, from the start, Megyn Kelly Today s Nielsen ratings have been down compared to the third hour of Tod
Out of all of the places we ve ever been overseas, and of all the places we ve been overseas it don t matter where ya know. W
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly says he was stunned to learn that Congresswoman Frederica Wilson listened in on the pr
Lost in the uproar over the NFL sideline protests against police brutality are newly released statistics showing that the threat t
Wow! These Texas Democratic congresswomen are unreal! We just had the Bedazzled Cowgirl Congresswoman Frederica Wil
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is really pushing it when he continuously bashes the New York Yankees by refusing to support them.
Two US Senators who couldn t be more ideologically opposed, Republican Senator Ted Cruz and Independent (Socialist Party)
Thanks to one very brave journalist and filmmaker, FERGUSON, a very important and extremely controversial play, is set to be
In June of 2016, the disgraced sexual predator, and Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein, hosted a fundraiser for Hillary s pr
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders on Wednesday blasted Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson s criticism of the preside
Sean Hannity was on fire with his opening comments on the Clinton-Uranium One deal bombshell last night. He ripped the Clin
More evidence is mounting against Hillary Clinton: Judge Napolitano just said that the new e-mails found on Anthony Weiner
Senator Al Franken tried his best to grandstand and corner Jeff Sessions in testimony on the Hill today. Sessions came back rea
Yesterday, a man who is likely an illegal alien was arrested on suspicion of arson in the sanctuary county of Sonoma, where wi
The left is going ballistic over supposed words said by President Trump to a grieving military widow. President Trump made a
The left is going ballistic over supposed words said by President Trump to a grieving military widow. President Trump made a
The CNN journalist who posted the video of President Trump helping polio survivor Mitch McConnell up the stairs, following
This is the best yet! A message to Hollywood that went viral. It covers most of the things we think of when we think of the hyp
WOW! The truth hurts! John McCain becomes a total ass when asked by Fox reporter Peter Doocy if his votes are a protest of
Batman fans who have been looking forward to the upcoming Batman sequel, Justice League , a Harvey Weinstein produced m
Batman fans who have been looking forward to the upcoming Batman sequel, Justice League , a Harvey Weinstein movie, tha
President Trump hit back at Senator John McCain in a pointed statement that should make it clear that Trump isn t playing aro
Yesterday, the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange sent a cryptic tweet that contained a series of number and letters. Someon
It had been reported (see our previous report below) but not verified that FBI Director James Comey drafted his exoneration le
A spokesperson for the Clinton Foundation claims the group will not return Weinstein s donations, which totaled between $10
FOX News reporter John Roberts told President Trump that in an earlier interview, Hillary Clinton said she did not believe that
The View s Joy Behar was beaming after watching a clip of Eminem trashing President Trump at the BET awards, where he told
Hillary Clinton praised London s socialized medicine after a fall down the stairs sent her to the hospital for examination. She ca
She s really come undone in this latest interview Hillary Clinton became visibly irritated during an interview with Australian TV
Founder of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, made no secret of the fact that he disliked Jewish people. More precisely, h
Apparently, Kimmel s okay with throwing half of his audience away over his uncontrollable hate for Donald Trump and his sup
After Bill and Chelsea Clinton both dodged reporters asking if their foundation would return donations from Harvey Weinstein
Prior to the 2016 election (Oct 16) consumer confidence measured by the University of Michigan was indexed at 87.2 Today t
Child actor Corey Feldman appeared on The View in 2013 to talk about his book that exposed some of the richest and most po
George Lopez was hired to be the emcee for the Children s Diabetes Foundation s Carousel Ball. Lopez thought it would be a g
Sheriff Clarke has it right! The NFL wasn t listening to fans a year ago and they re still not listening. As the league sinks lower an
Geraldo Rivera said his trip to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria confirmed how badly biased the press is against President Tru
He was given the option to kneel in protest before the game, but it was more important for him to take a stand against our Pr
The left is really great at eating its own. Feminists think Starbucks has a special drink that s racist and they re going after the co
All we can say about this development is that it s about time the GOP Congressman did something about the wild goose chase
The Hill During a recent interview, Clooney describes conservative criticism of Democrats associated with film producer Harv
British TV journalist Matt Frei asked Hillary Clinton if she s still blaming other more than herself in an interview Friday: Your dy
The FBI is out of control. It is stunning that the FBI found these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agenc
Hillary Clinton today falsely called Donald Trump an admitted sex assaulter and compared him to disgraced alleged sex abuse
While fecklessness towards the emerging North Korean threat characterized the Clinton and Bush 43 administrations, we find
West Virginia has a proud coal mining history rooted in the American spirit. One coal miner showed that spirit, singing the nati
Well, this is embarrassing! The NFL commissioner was getting help from a helicopter wife who set up a fake twitter account to
Senator Dianne Feinstein recently announced she would be running again She s 84-years old! Her career in politics has been a
Speaking to Bill Maher about her participation in the Women s March in DC, Hanoi Jane Fonda remarked about her ability to
State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert did a great job of defending the U.S. move to pull out of a UN organization th
CNN host Don Lemon and conservative commentator Ben Ferguson got into a heated debate on Wednesday night over NFL pl
This is great! Gen. John Kelly surprised the White House Press today when he walked out to speak with the them. He set them
Today, President Trump came one step closer to dismantling Obamacare. He signed an executive order that would allow Ame
Liberal actor and close friend of Hillary Clinton, Ben Affleck, came out with a statement of disappointment over another one o
In 2017, Kelli O Brien, the aunt of Joshua Boyle spoke publicly about the kidnapping of her nephew and his wife Caitlan Boyle w
In case you haven t heard about the nasty Eminem rap about President Trump, we bring you the diamond and silk version We
CNN political commentator Van Jones on Wednesday visited ABC s The View, where he criticized fellow liberals for being ma
During a private meeting of the most senior Republican senators, GOP leaders laughed out loud at the idea that Trump s bord
The Democratic National Committee announced Friday that it is still holding onto most of the money it received from Hollywo
The numbers are in, and Megyn Kelly Today is dragging down the Today show franchise, an insider explained to Page Six. No
Project Veritas latest installment in the American Pravda series takes aim at The New York Times, the supposed paper of reco
President Trump greeted the NHL s Stanley Cup winning Pittsburgh Penguins at the White House today. The President and Firs
Harvey Weinstein s wife, Georgina Chapman, has announced that she is leaving the movie mogul after a string of woman claim
Harvey Weinstein was among a host of Hollywood actors and producers that donated $10,000 to former President Bill Clinton
Ben Affleck posted a statement expressing his sadness and anger over billionaire producer and Hollywood kingpin, Harvey We
Are we finally watching the end times for Hollywood celebrities, who have been worshipped like golden idols by Americans wh
After several days of silence, Hillary Clinton finally made a statement on the disgraced billionaire Hollywood movie producer a
Wow! It s about time Roger Goodell stepped up to tell the players to stand for our national anthem. Goodell released a statem
Wow! Former Bears coach Mike Ditka is coming under fire from the liberal media and Black Lives Matter activists for saying th
This is unbelievable! The Russia collusion scam has been going on for months now with fingers pointing everywhere there is a
Meeeeoowwww The comments below by Ivana Trump were totally out of line and rude. Ivana is promoting her new book but
Yesterday, Vice President Pence made the decision to leave the Indianapolis Colts game after players on the opposing team kn
AP President Donald Trump has told congressional leaders that his hard-line immigration priorities must be enacted in exchan
Last week, after the New York Giants player Odell Beckham Jr., kneeled for our national anthem, he scored a pair of touchdow
President Trump blasted the fake media (see full interview below) for criticizing his response to Hurricane Maria and said Pue
Last week, after the news about Hollywood kingpin Harvey Weinstein being hit with multiple accusations of sexual harassmen
Remember the time when a gay couple destroyed the business of a Christian couple who owned a very successful bakery, afte
In a bizarre interview with Irish TV, wacky grandma Hillary Clinton talked about her election loss. She took it upon herself to s
NFL reporter Jason LaCanfora updated football fans about former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick who found hims
President Trump just exposed one of the biggest obstructionists to making America great again Senator Bob Corker asked for a
Mike Pence tweeted about how he was looking forward to attending a Colts game with his wife Karen today. His excitement w
If John Persinger wins the mayoral race in Erie, Pa., next month, it just might be the greatest local political upset in America th
We just discovered another reason NOT to support the NFL The man who is the most anti-American person we know is now co
and is heavily funded by Democracy Alliance
Watch President Trump hammer Senator McCain and the weak Senator Flake at an Arizona rally, where he also threw his sup
MSNBC host Chris Matthews on Thursday accused Republicans of being fanatics does this surprise anyone? He said Republica
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R., La.) threw a strike in his ceremonial first pitch at the Washington National s opening-ro
Things didn t go as well as Nicholle had hoped and now, she s lashing out at the owner of the billboard company who was inun
The scene below is from the movie KILLING EUROPE :Terrorist attacks, riots, and gang rapes are striking at the very foundation
A Russian lawmaker who just returned from a visit to Pyongyang has said North Korea is preparing to launch another missile i
Things didn t go as well as Nicholle had hoped and now, she s lashing out at the owner of the billboard company who was inun
EAG Black Students United which represents people of the African diaspora penned a letter to university administration
Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld are great together in their take on Hillary s never-ending book tour and recent Jimmy Fallon a
With Puerto Rico teetering on financial oblivion and asking for financial help from the U.S., it s pretty shocking to see the anti-
How many times have liberals used the argument that everyone s relatives came here illegally! ? The answer is about a millio
San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz tore a book from the nasty Democrat women s playbook on Wednesday and wore a black t
Chicago Tribune Just weeks after stoking controversy by using Nazi imagery on his Jewish deli s Facebook page, the co-owner
Nancy Sinatra sent out an absolutely vile tweet today, that suggested 5 million NRA members should be killed by a firing squad
This is what Democrats think of people who broke our laws to come to America? Nancy Pelosi thanked a Dreamer s parents W
President Trump and his lovely wife Melania spent the day in Las Vegas, where they thanked the first responders and visited v
A former governor of Puerto Rico shut down a question from MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski on Wednesday when she asked abo
Let s hope this angry leftist mayor doesn t prevent individual donors from contributing to help the people of San Juan who ma
Many are wondering if the Las Vegas mass killer acted alone. In a video that was taken by cab driver Cori Langdon as she enter
Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval introduced President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump today during their visit to Las Veg
During the 2016 presidential election, Mark Cuban made no secret of his dislike for Donald Trump and his desire to see Crooke
On August 15, 2017, Jim Murren, CEO of MGM which owns Mandalay Bay Casino and Resort, came out with a bold statement
Michelle Obama is hands-down, the most divisive first lady to ever occupy our nation s White House. The woman who was ne
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Tuesday that a Somali refugee charged with ramming his car into a Canadian
When did our Washington DC Mall become a staging area for feminist statements? Do families traveling to DC really need to s
Andrea Mitchell is annoyed with President Trump and Mike Barnicle is sick of seeing him . How do we know? They openly dis
Cori Langdon, a Las Vegas cab driver recorded her harrowing experience as she entered the Mandalay Bay Casino at about the
Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel opened his program Monday with a ten-minute political rant about Sunday s mass murder in
Trump administration officials are mulling an executive order that would instruct federal agencies to review low-income assist
Just before the gunman began shooting, the Las Vegas concert crowd sang God Bless America It s an amazing moment of toge
CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny said on Monday that country music fans who attended the Las Vegas concert Sunday night were like
Hayley Geftman-Gold, a professional, a wife, and a mother of 3 young children, is a perfect example of someone most people
Lady Gaga and Julianne Moore are speaking out after the horrific terror attack that left at least 58 people dead and 515 injured
The first thing that comes to mind when you think of Hillary Clinton s response to the Las Vegas shooting is that she s gone on
Good Morning Britain viewers have been left baffled by pop diva Mariah Carey s appearance on Monday s installment followin
Kaya Jones, aka Chrystal Neria, the former member of The Pussycat Dolls, was on stage last night with Jason Aldean in Las Veg
Anyone who is not yet convinced that liberalism is a mental disorder hasn t been on social media since President Trump s inau
An online radio station based out of Oklahoma gave veterans free car washes with the NFL treatment on Saturday. Volunteers
When they go low we go high. Michelle Obama famously used this quote to explain the difference between Democrats and
NFL players were pretty much all over the place with what they decided to do to protest today (SEE LIST BELOW). Some player
It s shocking that stalking conservatives to intimidate or harm them is actually happening in 2017. Several instances of stalking
A man shouting Allahu Akbar has stabbed two women to death with a butcher s knife before being gunned down by soldiers
How much longer will the citizens of San Juan, Puerto Rico put up with this loudmouth, liberal mayor trashing the leader of the
San Juan s mayor railed against President Trump s acting DHS Secretary for expressing optimism about the progress the US ha
Two students at a metro Atlanta elementary school say they were singled out for what they did during the Pledge of Allegianc
Last week, President Trump made a public announcement to Americans and Hurricane Maria victims of the bankrupt nation o
Football legend Herschel Walker weighed in on the NFL kneeling controversy giving the players one key piece of advice KEEP IT
Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn should be on together more often. Steyn is right on in the discussion about the controversy ov
During game 1 of the WNBA Finals, the LA Sparks WNBA Nneka Ogwumike claimed to be inspired by the cowardly act of Pittsb
Democrats have the perfect weapon to take down Donald Trump in 2020, according to a conservative columnist: Oprah. The f
First lady Melania Trump fired back Friday at a Massachusetts elementary school librarian who rejected her donation of Dr. Se
It doesn t matter how many times President Trump has shown himself to be a man of the people, a man of honor, or a man of
Steven Crowder is an amazing and ALWAYS unafraid conservative comedian. He was present at the union battle for Right To W
Meanwhile, as President Trump continues to meet resistance from blue states in his effort to clean up voter fraud, one of his m
The NRA has a new ad out that features Navy Seal Dom Raso speaking about the sacrifices of our military and why he stands fo
Last night s game between the Bears and Packers is usually a fun-filled event that s become a huge tradition for football fans e
Watching sports on TV or going to a football stadium to watch a game, used to be a great way to unwind and forget about you
Tennessee Titans Delanie Walker just turned off thousands of NFL fans by dissing anyone who objects to the players kneeling
Yesterday, the parents of the now deceased American student from a Cincinnati, OH, suburb, Otto Warmbier, spoke out for th
The backlash from angry fans has only gotten bigger with the refusal of teams like the Packers asking the fans to join in on the
Have Americans already forgotten about the real reason Kaepernick was kneeling during the national anthem? He was kneelin
The NFL is in crisis mode after the massive backlash last weekend against the disrespectful behavior of the players who knelt d
A school librarian in Cambridge, Massachusetts, rejected a shipment of books that were donated by first lady Melania Trump,
***WARNING***This video will make your blood boil. The exchange between this Hispanic woman, (who we re pretty sure is
The owner of the Ringling Bar, located south of White Sulphur Springs, is standing behind his Facebook post that criticizes NFL
Dear Mike Tomlin, James Harrison, Ben Roethlisberger and any other Steeler who feels a need to criticize Bronze Star recipien
After being shot 3 months ago (see below), Majority Whip Steve Scalise returned to the House floor today. He got a standing o
How very bold of the white Yahoo sports writer Greg Wyshynski, who affectionately refers to himself as Puck Daddy to call ou
On September 6, 2017, liberal media elites believed they found the missing link between Donald Trump and the Putin regime.
The football league formerly known as the Lingerie Football League (now the Legends Football League) announced via Instagra
EVERY American taxpayer should be outraged at the numbers in the report below. Open borders under 8 years of Obama is co
One day after actress Debra Messing revealed that she regretted going on Megyn Kelly s new NBC morning show, the embatt
Michelle Obama just can t stop digging at President Trump but she s now going after female voters for voting for him in the 20
Has the Left and the leftist media managed to make Americans forget why this whole kneeling in protest against the American
Bill O Reilly revealed last night during his segment with Sean Hannity that they were threatened by Media Maters NOT to have
Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-bran
Rumors continue to swirl around West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin who told voters during a Facebook live Q & A that he thin
Luther Strange will likely be the first and last establishment candidate Trump will make the admitted mistake of supporting R
John McCain really doesn t care what topic reporters ask him about, he only cares how President Trump feels about it, so he c
Satellite service DirecTV is refunding NFL Sunday Ticket subscriptions for customers offended by the weekend s national anthe
In a city that has more registered Democrats than Republicans, one has to wonder if the sizes of the signs are a problem, or if
Yesterday afternoon, on Twitter, some of that support came from U.S. Army Infantry Officer and U.S. Military Academy at Wes
Local artist Rico Lavelle was given the distinct honor and privilege of singing the national anthem on the Ford Field at the start
San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich is a total ass. There is no other way to say it! This jackwagon claimed on ESPN2 s Th
Despite massive boycott threats by consumers, at least 3 major sponsors of the NFL have come out in support of players disre
A fumbling Nancy Pelosi tried to defend former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick s First Amendment right to kneel during th
Outspoken conservative Paul Joseph Watson is, as usual, spot on with his analysis of what is happening today with the overp
The Dallas Cowboys tried to have it both ways tonight at the start of the Monday Night football game. The team was joined by
Pittsburgh s head coach Mike Tomlin showed his solidarity for players who took a cowardly stand against our President after T
The man who won two Super Bowls for the city of Pittsburgh says that he now regrets the fact that he and his Steelers teamm
Stadium worker Erich Nikischer quit his job at New Era Field after almost 30 years. I waited until the National Anthem ended, I
The Senate Finance Committee hearing for the Republican Graham-Cassidy health care bill became a screaming protest today
Several team owners said they would come down hard on any drivers who did not stand during the national anthem. That incl
When Will & Grace creators David Kohan and Max Mutchnick reunited the stars of the NBC comedy in fall 2016, more than 10
New York Giants player Odell Beckham Jr. scored a pair of touchdowns in the team s 27-24 loss to the Eagles and celebrated th
I respect the office, I respect the troops of America. My family fought in the war. And like I said before, it s not about the flag.
The message that we re all hoping to send is that not standing for the national anthem does nothing but disrespect every serv
Ahead of the launch of her daily morning show, Megyn Kelly Today, the NBC News journalist stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres
The main stream media is totally ignoring the horrific case of a Sudanese immigrant who stormed into a Tennessee church this
Remember when Michelle Obama told an adoring crowd at the DNC Convention how she had to suffer through living in the W
Wall Street might be shocked to learn it is helping bankroll the anti-Trump resistance movement that s aggressively fighting p
He clarified that protesting in the United States is a right, but he also challenged the players taking a knee: If there s somewhe
This heartfelt Facebook comment by a Detroit Lion s fan speaks for so many Americans: I have been a die hard Detroit Lions fa
Pittsburgh Steelers players were absent from the sideline and remained in the locker room during the Star Spangled Banner.A
Former Army Ranger Alejandro Villanueva was the only Pittsburgh Steelers player to appear on the field and stand for the nati
Any agreement or disagreement with a president s politics, policies or agenda can be expressed in other ways PITTSBURGH
The Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars teams took a knee in defiance of Donald Trump at Wembley Stadium today aft
Judge Jeanine tears into NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who is putting political correctness before the sport of football. Jea
Commies carrying flags fought with the Austin police and disobeyed orders during a protest in Austin, TX today. So these comm
George clooney probably gave the folks at The Daily Beast a coronary when he admitted what everyone has known for month
In June of 2017, it was reported that the newly-crowned NBA champions the Golden State Warriors were preparing a politica
Sean Spicer was asked during a Washington Post interview, which White House reporters did good work . He was able to ratt
Before ABC cancelled Tim Allen s number one show Last Man Standing, Allen spoke with the Hollywood Reporter. They asked
Mark Steyn is dead on when he calls out the feds for wiretapping Paul Manafort since 2014 3 years! Think about that! The rul
President Trump is known for not holding back and he certainly didn t on Friday during a speech in Huntsville, Alabama. He la
It s all about the money isn t that the way it is with these RINO politicians who ve sold out the American people to big busines
A Muslim activist group has pushed Marriott International to ban Act for America from holding a conference. Marriott indicat
No class and no decorum! The always bitter Michelle Obama told a Salt Lake City audience today that we are looking at two d
ABC just announced that it s developing a comedy series about an illegal alien family. This is an attempt to normalize crimina
Remember when these Turkish thugs beat up (see below) protesters in DC a few months ago? Someone needs to set these gu
Major Hollywood liberal activist Rob Reiner is no match for Tucker Carlson who calls Reiner out on his Morgan Freeman propa
ESPN s Jemele Hill might think she s a political pundit AND a sports anchor on ESPN but she s not. Americans are sick to death
This is shocking but once you remember what this lawyer is all about it fits. Former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of N
Flip flopping is what Maxine Waters has been doing when it comes to calling for the impeachment of President Trump. See the
Steve Hilton rips the great geniuses on foreign policy who are patronizing the way President Trump speaks. He says THEY are
Lou Dobbs has had it with this kangaroo court situation and the Trump Russia Fake News. He and Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch
Daniel Greenfield s take on why Obama spied on Trump is the best yet. He takes you through the twists and turns to expose O
Top GOP Official Ed Rollins was interviewed by a very angry Lou Dobbs. He was furious with the ringside performance of John
Hello Jeff Sessions! Where is the DOJ s leader these days? Something tells us the Trump Dossier will end up being the bombsh
Yeah, well about that.Crazed Congresswoman Maxine Waters found an unusual venue to spew her hatred for President Trump
Two hypocrite climate change freaks decided to pontificate to a packed house at Yale. Both John Kerry and Leo DeCaprio love
NBC News chairman Andy Lack confessed to nervousness about Megyn Kelly s upcoming network morning show, saying the ri
Maxine Waters got downright nasty at the funeral for Dick Gregory. She used the funeral to bash President Trump in a big way
A speech for the ages was given today by President Donald Trump. He addressed the 72nd meeting of the United Nations Gen
Every day, the NFL gives fans another reason to stop supporting them. Although the NFL agreed to refund a small portion of th
Tucker Carlson started out his show by showing a video of leftist Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi being verbally attacked by illeg
Every player on the Cahokia Quarterback Club football team (8 and under) took a knee during the national anthem ahead of S
In his tweet, President Trump mentioned that he spoke South Korea s President Moon and that he informed the President tha
This summer s box office numbers were the worst they ve been in over 25 years, and now this KNOCK, KNOCK! Who s there?
First hand account of a crazy liberal attacking a danish guy for being a Trump supporter: An American woman wanted to sit at
President Trump was right again! His campaign manager was wiretapped so he was possibly surveilled indirectly.The FBI s effo
Jedediah Bila is at most, a lukewarm conservative. She s a hardcore Trump hater, so the show gave her a little leeway when it
Wow! The left has lost control of their precious DREAMers . This is what happens when you toss out all the laws and accept cr
Maxine Waters is one angry woman. She has gone non-stop with attacks on President Trump since he was elected. Speaking t
Oh boy! The left is going ballistic over the golf shot but now we have the football pass. The video below is a take on the recent
The hateful Hollywood crowd just couldn t help themselves. The Emmy Awards show was a night of all Trump, all the time. Ste
The March 13, 2009, email from the Clinton Foundation showed that Putin and about 200 other leaders (including others just
Bill O Reilly needs to ask the investigators assigned to defend him in a sexual harassment case that eventually led to his firing f
The video discussed below had been making the rounds for weeks on twitter but the minute President Trump retweeted it, th
Rapper XXXTentacion released a controversial video for his singles, Look at Me and Riot, on Tuesday, which featured the ha
Thank goodness for a little common sense! Adam Carolla is spot on in his rant over the ridiculous statue commission that the
CNN uses their go-to move when they don t like what someone is saying during an interview..they cut you off! A CNN broadca
You almost have to feel sorry for Whoopi Goldberg. Her emotional arguments are no match for the very smart conservative Br
On September 13, President Trump warned Hillary on Twitter that the Americans she referred to as the deplorabes would co
Twitter was abuzz this morning about a tweet from President Trump regarding North Korea s Kim Jong un: I spoke with Presid
Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to
Laura Loomer decided to make a trip to Brookfield, CT to see how customers at Costco were receiving Crooked Hillary at her b
FOX News The New York Times reported earlier this week that Sessions felt humiliated after Trump accused him of disloyal
As one of the most approachable presidents in history, President Donald Trump didn t hesitate to partake in a picture when tw
PBS host Judy Woodroof asked Hillary if she believed President Trump is racist? Hillary pauses for effect and then delivers her
GENERALLY, VENEZUELANS DO NOT EAT RABBITS AND SEE THEM AS PETS The Venezuelan government just urged its citizens
In 2016, celebrities came together to create an emotional video that minimized crimes committed or incidents that led to the
President Trump just made an 11-year old boy s wish come true but the left is in a tizzy over it. Frank Giaccio wrote to the pres
Is karma knocking on her door?Mayor Lyda Krewson released a statement following the verdict saying, I am appalled at what
KTVI Fox 2, the TV station that appears to be sympathetic of the Black Lives Matter riots in St. Louis, found themselves on the
ST. LOUIS Former St. Louis police Officer Jason Stockley was found not guilty Friday of murdering a man while on duty.St. Lou
CNN s Brooke Baldwin interviewed Fox Sports radio host Clay Travis about his thoughts on remarks made by racist ESPN host J
This is just one of literally thousands of liberal activists who are being paid to teach our youth. Let that sink in The head of the
Like mother, like daughter Brainiac Chelsea Clinton falsely tweeted today that the Michigan House had voted to allow emerge
ST. LOUIS Former St. Louis police Officer Jason Stockley was found not guilty Friday of murdering a man while on duty.St. Lou
So we disrespect the flag in class now? Whether this teacher tried to get this child to stand is one thing another thing is the fac
A timer was attached to the homemade bomb used in the Parsons Green terror attack, according to reports.The improvised ex
Senator Chuck Schumer sounds almost breathless with excitement as he can be heard telling an unidentified person on the se
You have to love this! A Florida man greeted President Trump today with a question that the president told him to ask the pre
While Facebook has hired an entire team of employees to weed out fake news , their crack-team of censorship stooges consid
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer thinks he s liked by President Trump. Haha! In fact, Schumer was caught on a hot mic
President Trump visited areas in Florida hurt by Hurricane Irma today and spoke out on building a wall at our southern border
The CDC is investigating an outbreak of a bacterial infection linked to puppies sold through the national pet store chain Petlan
The sympathetic (and borderline communist) women of The View were more than happy to give Hillary a spot at the table to e
A sign on the door of a Kewaskum Dairy Queen, calling the restaurant politically incorrect is generating business and convers
We ve been reporting on this unbelievable trend in non-citizen (green card holders AND illegal aliens) voting across Maryland
Kid Rock hasn t officially announced his run for US Senate, but every day he comes increasingly closer. During a concert in Gra
Hillary Clinton just opened her mouth and proved the people who say she s not smart right. She doesn t understand how our v
Sarah Sanders is at it again At the 22:29 point in the video below she s asked: Could you point us to a couple specific accusatio
How is a man with ties to a US based terror organization, who according to authorities, was caught planning to deliver a large
Hillary Clinton has a thing for voodoo her new book describes a voodoo moment but she s gone down this path before. Who
ESPN host Jemele Hill called President Trump and Kid Rock white supremacists . It didn t end there she said in one of several t
Tucker Carlson responded to an ESPN anchor calling President Trump a white supremacist. Clay Travis of Fox Sports joined Ca
Texas Civil Rights lawyer, Rob Ranco made a really bad move last Friday evening when he took to twitter to make a disgusting
Leftist agitators showed up tonight at the opening of the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit where Detroit legend Kid Rock was sch
Hillary was in the middle of a book signing for her new book What Happened when a brave young woman approached her w
Organized protesters took to the streets outside of the brand new Little Caesars Arena in Detroit to protest Kid Rock s concert
This is why we cannot do deals with Democrats We re worlds apart in what we want for America. New Jersey Dem Senator Co
Has Nancy Pelosi been drinking? She repeated herself and giggled while ordering the crowd at an GLAAD function to clap on c
The double standard in our judicial system today, as it relates to the protection of religious rights for Christians in America is st
Connecticut native, Hope Hicks, who had been serving as the interim White House communications director, is getting the job
Democrats have been spouting the narrative that DACA recipients are overwhelmingly serving in the military. That s a lie! Few
Will radio host and television commentator Laura Ingraham become a prime time host at Fox News? The word is that Ingraham
Leftist activist and mediocre filmmaker Michael Moore made a very lame attempt at shaming President Donald Trump on Frid
Fox News received an email from General John Kelly last night in response to a personal shot taken at him by a member of Con
Here is a portion of the interview that was conducted by a group of journalists and Pope Frances today:Vatican Insider I lean
Sources tell that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is preparing to run for Senate in 2018 if Sen. Orrin H
Eric Bolling tweeted out a heartfelt statement about the unexpected death of his only child, 19-year old Eric Chase Bolling only
We will never forget the men who gave everything in Benghazi EVER!Charles Woods speaks up on Hillary Clinton s ineptness a
President Trump and First Lady Melania commemorate the 9-11 terror attacks at a ceremony this morning on the 16 anniversa
WFB- The former Democratic presidential candidate appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, where he discussed t
America s biggest loser, Hillary Clinton was seen in her first televised interview on CBS Sunday Morning with Jane Pauley sinc
No time to waste we've got to fight with everything we've got to #DefendDACA. Thanks, @jorgeramosnews, for sharing these
No time to waste we've got to fight with everything we've got to #DefendDACA. Thanks, @jorgeramosnews, for sharing these
Steve Bannon has called himself a street fighter, but George Clooney has another way to describe the controversial former ad
Officials allegedly affiliated with the United States Park Police removed tents, tables, chairs, and other gear affiliated with the
They re President Trump s #1 fans and they ve been with him from the start of his campaign. The wildly popular, hilarious and
Texas Civil Rights lawyer Rob Ranco is a partner at The Carlson Law Firm at the Round Rock, TX location. He is the supervising a
Miami s mayor decided to jump into the discussion about whether climate change is the reason for the severe weather He say
In an upcoming episode of the Australian 60 Minutes, a 12-year-old transgender boy details how he began the transition to a
Yes, she opened her mouth again and alienated millions of Trump supporters. Jennifer Lawrence continuously speaks before s
The woman pictured above (SEE MORE BELOW) is a serial accuser of sexual harassment against several men. She gives women
Trump knows the art of the deal like no one else! He d had enough of do-nothing Paul Ryan so he went around him and made
The teenage girl that Anthony Weiner sexted has come out to tell her story on video. She spoke to Inside Edition this week as
Wilbur Ross spoke with WaPo about true tax reform He did a great job explaining his position on simplifying and cutting taxe
It was a surreal moment at Thursday night s NFL season opener when NBC announcer Al Michaels provided commentary on w
The New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft surprised a teen fan who did an awesome job retrieving Tom Brady s stolen Sup
Kris Kobach For years, the mainstream media has ignored the problem of voter fraud and belittled those of us who are trying
I m Not Negotiating With You Trump Slams CBS Reporter Over North Korea: A White House press conference went a little ho
President Trump s Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos spoke today at George Mason University s Virginia campus. DeVos igni
Remember when illegal aliens, students, and residents of Berkeley took to the streets to march in solidarity, and publicly affirm
Two days ago, Cher, a leftist agitator, and Trump-hater extraordinaire told followers of her Twitter account that they MUST ta
Lou Dobbs is spot on with his assessment of what President Trump did in making a debt-ceiling deal with Democrats:Lou Dobb
Plimpton, 46, who starred in The Goonies when she was 15, was speaking at a #ShoutYourAbortion event in June in Seattle, bu
Ohio Governor John Kasich: Dreamers didn t choose to come here, but they made the best of it. We should welcome them O
Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein told a federal judicial nominee on Wednesday that reading her past speeches revealed h
Washington Post: Is this the woman that Michelle Obama sees when she looks in the mirror now, free of the White House and
Immediately following the election, a few leftist designers announced they wouldn t work with Melania Trump. Their decision
WFB North Korea for the first time this week revealed plans for using its nuclear arms for space-based electronics-disrupting E
Here are a few facts explaining who the DACA recipients really are. The National UnDACAmented Research Project was comp
The head of the Chicago Republican Party is claiming the city reported thousands of more votes cast than voters in the 2016 e
White House Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders called out a liberal reporter today when he asked a question about DACA
Treasure Secretary Steve Mnuchin s wife is answering critics who shot her down for doing a little bragging on Instagram. Gran
There s a lot going on in the Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump/Russia investigation that all the highfalutin newspapers that cover
Last week, President Trump announced that by Presidential proclamation, Sunday, September 3, would be known as a Nation
Obama just couldn t keep quiet. He released a statement via Facebook today lashing out at President Trump s decision to resc
Detroit s own Kid Rock will open the all-new Little Caesars Arena on Tuesday, Sept. 12, but a group is planning a rally outside o
President Trump keeps another promise. The winning streak for Americans continues The Department of Homeland Security w
A perfect video to start your day! Here s a video of our wonderful POTUS taking the best shot ever: Donald Trump ~He's even
Contrary to what the media would like us to believe, Obama has not remained silent when it comes to policy that President Tr
This unhinged high school teacher was caught telling students to turn their Trump t-shirts inside out, because the Make Amer
A member of President Trump s Diversity Council is threatening to quit because he opposes Trump s cancelation of DACA. By
While all eyes are on North Korea and Melania s stilettos RT Competition for superiority in Artificial Intelligence at national lev
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo made two shocking announcements regarding the Christopher Columbus Statues and about his d
Antifa is a violent, anti-fascist protest group with deep roots in the political left. The disparate, loosely organized factions of th
A Berkeley law that makes public displays of the female breast illegal could be abolished this month if a city councilman gets h
With the list of Hollywood actors and entertainers that Americans have decided to boycott over their sickening public hate for
The usual mainstream media suspects are at it again with their fake news reports. Shameless lefty news outlets made up a fals
Famous singer John Legend posted a very offensive casting call for actors who look like Trump supporters. He s showing how c
CNN has published the Inauguration Day letter from Obama to incoming President Trump. The letter includes the usual pleasa
The crowd went wild when President Trump and the First Lady arrived at the National Guard Armory in Louisiana:FAKE MEDIA
Two women who took a selfie with President Trump (see video below) and had a chance to speak with him have a totally diffe
Comedian blasts NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio for considering removing a famed statue of Christopher Columbus and rails against p
Here s an excerpt from the Advocate, a Louisiana paper on Barack Obama s disappearing act following the Louisiana floods:So
You won t believe what passes for offensive these days A BANANA PEEL! Yes, a banana peel caused a Greek Life retreat to be
POTUS was all over Texas today with hugs and concern for flood victims. It was amazing to see both President Trump and First
Here s a 1999 video of Jesse Jackson praising Donald Trump for his contribution to the black community, awarding him with a
Check out what s happening in Texas! President Trump and the First Lady arrived and got to work helping out. FLOTUS AND PO
Jesse Jackson thinks he s Heaven s gatekeeper The arrogant reverend proclaimed that President Trump might not qualify to e
The media will lose it again because Melania Trump wore stilettos on her way to Texas. Nevermind that she ll probably change
Unbelievable! Women s March Activist went off on a crazy rant claiming that somehow President Trump s tax returns are linke
Not much to say after this classic response from Kid Rock to a watchdog group who accused him of an election violation. The l
Who hasn t seen his commercials over and over and over for My Pillow Mike Lindell just promised to send 60,000 pillows to H
What the heck! Senator John McCain just admitted that he doesn t answer to President Trump! Can you imagine if a Senator h
This woman has no shame1 Muslim activist Linda Sarsour (remember the fake women s march?) has been caught sending mo
Black Lives Matter, the group that many believe is a hate group or domestic terror group has inspired a wave of professional
Yea Baby! President Trump walks the walk!President Trump just put his money where his mouth is! He donated $1 million to t
Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee joined Roland Martin to talk about the devastation left from Hurricane Harvey. To get a pi
What the heck happened to our freedom of speech? First graders were asked not to use the words God , Jesus or devil in an
Tomi Lahren recently told The Hollywood Reporter that news networks need to hire more conservatives as commentators: It
This is great! Trump supporters trolled a CNN reporter BIGTIME! They yelled CNN is fake news! CNN isn t receiving a warm we
A former IT aide suspected of stealing equipment and data from Congress still has an active, secret email account on the Hous
Two NYC-based artists secretly slipped some items inside the merchandising outpost of the Trump Tower s lower lobby. Amon
Former President George W. Bush made an appearance today at the Southern Methodist University football field in Dallas, wh
What a shame.NY Daily News went on to criticize President Trump for treating his visit like a campaign stop and for praising th
Gayle King was the first to ask Sanders if it was a good idea for Trump to visit. Sanders said I don t know as he fumbled over h
A clueless CNN reporter trying to interview a cold and hungry woman with her children is oblivious to the fact that this woman
President Trump thanked supporters who had gathered outside the local fire station He waved the Texas flag after remarks D
President Trump and First Lady Melania traveled down to Texas today to assist with and show support for flood victims. You d
CNN s Allison Camerota started out her interview with Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee telling her that it was being pointed o
Rebel Media: Attacking someone for their politics could be expected from private citizens acting out against each other, but w
Will the new policy for face-to-face interviews with applicants for citizenship be enough to weed out terrorists who only plan o
The Anheuser-Busch Brewery put beer production on hold this week, instead of canning safe drinking water to distribute to flo
What a great idea! Sheriff Joe Arpaio is considering a run against unpopular Senator Jeff Flake He s got lots of support from the
Hillary Clinton will be back in the spotlight this fall for an unprecedented, big-ticket book tour for her new tome What Happen
A white five-year-old girl told her mother Christmas and Easter are stupid and European women are alcoholics after being fos
Wow! This is one of the most powerful speeches you will ever watch. A Hispanic American, who is now a Trump supporter, lay
Here is an excerpt from their coverage of Todd s interview:After decades of relative obscurity, the fringe antifa movement is
Americans watched in horror as live chopper video showed a massive group of Antifa thugs chasing down a lone Trump suppo
Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner didn t tell his citizens to evacuate People are furious with him! Houstonians are now trapped
The Antifa thugs and anarchists decided to show up today for a Rally Against Hate which we could all be a part of Who isn t a
The Obamas recently moved their oldest daughter, Malia, into her dorm at Harvard. After her gap year, which seemed to be sp
Paul Goodloe was covering Hurricane Harvey for The Weather Channel when he spotted a downed American flag. What he did
Joey Gibson of the group Patriot Prayer had planned to hold a peaceful rally with a diverse array of speakers, but ultimately op
Democrats are calling for President Trump s scalp after he pardoned America s toughest law enforcement officer on illegal alie
All we can say on this one is it s about time someone sued the Southern Poverty Law Center!On Tuesday, D. James Kennedy M
A kind woman brought Fox News reporter Casey Stegall a beer on Friday as he was reporting live in the midst of Hurricane Har
The lefty lunatic of the day just can t keep himself from being hateful and disgusting. It doesn t matter that he s calling a lady a
Attorney Dario Navarro was one of several leftists who were all of a sudden concerned about the constitutionality of Presiden
Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean hinted that President Donald Trump would not make it throu
The VFW in Strongsville, Ohio has it right. They re exercising their freedom to turn off the TV when the Cleveland Browns are o
Why is the media not asking why Democrats are so hell-bent on vandalizing, protesting and destroying Confederate monumen
Undercutting President Trump s agenda is what McConnell and ryan do best. It was most obvious during the Obamacare effor
The Democrats went down the path of identity politics long ago but it s only gotten worse in the past 8 years of Obama. He wa
Rebel Pundit decided to follow a local activist to see what the Southside Chicago residents think about moving a statue of Geo
Not only is Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford s wife drop-dead gorgeous, she s also smart, patriotic, and apparently
Republican Rep. Steve King: The base is going to behind President Trump's decision to pardon Joe Arpaio
UPDATE: White House official says, "Sebastian Gorka did not resign, but I can confirm he no longer works at the White House.
Reuters is reporting: U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday granted a pardon to former Arizona lawman and political ally Joe
You just can t make this stuff up The leftist rag, Daily Kos actually wrote a story about how President Trump will disproportiona
Has anyone seen Barack Obama lately? What about Valerie Jarrett, who actually MOVED IN to the Obama household shortly a
When will Americans stop being afraid of standing up to leftist agitators and tell them, NO! When will Americans find a backb
Just days after the death of his own son in combat, Lt Gen John Kelly eulogized two other sons in an unforgettable manner:Tw
Legal expert and Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley makes a case for why we need to ADD to statues and not take t
Jake Tapper gave an Oscar-worthy performance with his fake concern for most Americans who he claims are thinking Preside
Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino has an explanation of the hometown identity of politicians and how it leads to an in
You can t be black and support President Trump. The intolerant left simply won t allow it Boxing legend George Foreman has h
Nancy Pelosi just flunked Constitutional Law! Pelosi repeated her request that the National Park Service deny a permit to an a
Patriotism is alive and well at this Florida school!COOPERGATE SCHOOL S FACEBOOK PAGE HAS A STATEMENT ON WHAT TWO
Steyn: Now Hillary knows how Bill s victims feel Haha! Mark Steyn was awesome tonight on Tucker Carlson:Oh my gosh! We c
You d think people would be afraid to order a Confederate flag after the riot in Charlottesville BUT this Alabama flag factory is
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was way out of line and way too political last night when he showed hi
Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe went off on a guy who claimed Rowe is a white nationalist . The usual happy-go-lucky Rowe was c
The media is in an all out frenzy today, as they attempt to help pump up the sales of the horribly flawed presidential candidate
We can t wait for next year s midterm elections! This will be a huge chance for Republicans to build a bigger majority in the Se
The timing couldn t have been better. Just as Gary Tuckman, a reporter for Very Fake News CNN, was in the middle of a hit pie
Unhinged Democrat protesters converged on the Phoenix Rally to disrupt and create chaos during and after President Trump s
President Trump pulled a classic move that probably had Chief of Staff Kelly wishing he had some duct tape on him. After spec
President Trump spoke to a huge and enthusiastic crowd tonight in Phoenix, AZ. It wouldn t be Donald J. Trump if he didn t cal
PRESIDENT TRUMP IN PHOENIX SPEAKING TO HIS SUPPORTERS MAGA! Live Stream below:This is where President Trump is be
In the months and even weeks leading up the 2016 presidential election, so many Americans were fearful that the polls were
Ask your liberal friends to tell you more about these poor women and children who are fleeing persecution from radical Islam
The usual suspects are going to show up tonight for President Trump s rally in Phoenix, AZ. With Soros and Democrat donors t
Silly parents you don t get to decide if, or when to talk to your kids about the .03% of the population who consider themselves
Marcus Lemonis has no problem with some customers taking their RV and outdoor needs elsewhere. Close followers of NASCA
BIKERS FOR TRUMP announced their support for Pro-Trump attendees at tonight s Phoenix Rally for Trump. This just got more
This is mob rule AGAIN! The best part of this video is when Mayor Mike Signer says that s not the rules He must not have bee
The pieces are in place ahead of President Donald Trump s rally in downtown Phoenix on Tuesday, with the nation waiting to s
Why did the Democrat VA Governor throw gasoline on the fire after violent protests broke out in Charlottesville? Why did the
Patriot artist John McNaughton just revealed his latest painting A tribute to the middle class and Trump supporters who are th
Chelsea Clinton thought she was quite clever when she cited the story of Lucifer to support her argument for removing confe
Recall that in 2016 a Muslim professor was caught on video [see below] explaining why cutting off hands as punishment for th
USA Today published an article today that was so egregiously misleading that every hotel that leaves this joke of a publication
Kara Young, the biracial model who dated Donald Trump has broken her silence amid the deadly attack in Charlottesville. Trum
If you don t have the proper glasses to watch the historic solar eclipse today, you can still watch it here LIVE as it happens.From
Last week, MO State Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hoped Trump would be assassinated on her Facebook page. Thepost r
President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump & Barron Trump Arrive in Washington DC After Trump s 17 Day Working Va
Oh my! The lefty Boston Globe is using the 2017 Solar Eclipse to make a case for a Clinton presidential win. The over-the-top a
A Mexican columnist just repeatedly stabbed a President Trump pi ata She got it on film thinking it would be funny but Trump
Few people, if any, keep track of ratings or public approval numbers for the Smithsonian. However, if they did, those numbers
Oklahoma State Rep. John Bennett made a comment on Facebook that was has since been removed after local Muslims didn t
I think it s all senseless. All senseless. Bethlehem, PA NAACP President Esther Lee Bethlehem, PA NAACP President Esther Le
We ve seen an escalation in violence against police officers this past week that is REALLY disturbing. Mob rule has taken over i
Robin Williams was a one-of-a-kind comedian. His brand of humor can never be replicated. Fortunately, there are video clips o
Thousands of Starbucks customers cut up their gold cards and boycotted their favorite coffee spot after Starbucks CEO Howar
Well, well, well The DNC IT scandal could become the biggest yet with the new investigation by federal authorities into wheth
This is rich! The guy who opened our borders to criminals during the Obama era is now telling us that statues are a homeland
The Washington Post reported: The patriarchs of this quiet island of millionaires threw up roadblocks when Donald Trump swo
This copy of the Antifa Manual, that is used by the George Soros funded, violent, anti-American, anti free-speech radical group
In case you missed this earlier today A woman was hit by an anarchist and then dragged by her American flag. She ran to find
President Trump was right again! He said mob rule of removing statues is a slippery slope. Where does it end? A great exampl
The wife of Fox News co-owner James Murdoch, made no secret of her dislike for Steve Bannon back in April of 2017: Enough
***WARNING***This video is very disturbing!Try to imagine this brave man who voluntarily enlisted in our US military, travele
Earlier this week, prominent members of the GOP like Mitt Romney, John McCain and Marco Rubio attacked President Trump
Massive protests have been taking place Boston where a FREE SPEECH rally was planned at Boston Commons. It s now being r
The video below is a classic from the campaign. It s rare that CNN doesn t cut people off like this man. Gary Frazier gives a dos
The news that the forecast for the third quarter GDP is set to expand to 4.0 will be bad news for the Democrats who are tryin
Joel Pollack has been with Breitbart News through the years of Obama and beyond so he knows this is a war. It s so much mor
The Democrats and their allies in the media have spent most of this entire week condemning President Trump for blaming bot
If you want to try to dispute Dinesh D Souza s arguments, you should probably start by actually reading his book This is a class
Ted Nugent hits the nail on the head Ted Nugent and David Crosby are in the midst of a social-media spat over Nugent s claim
The program is dead! Operation Choke Point is no longer a huge nuisance to gun dealers. Republican leaders like Bob Goodlatt
Former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon left the White House today and has already returned as Executive Ch
Katie Couric s career has been pretty much in a free fall since she left the Today Show to accept a job as the new host of the CB
This is a very big deal. It s very likely that Steve Bannon, who was one of Andrew Breitbart s best friends, knew, and understoo
This is awesome! Basketball great Charles Barkley spoke up on the Confederate Statues controversy and called out the people
CNN published a hate group map and list from the Southern Poverty Law Center that targeted many Christian Organizations. T
HERE WE GO yet another statue of a military hero is reportedly under fire. This figure astride a horse was vandalized with the
An unidentified black Trump supporter blasted the Cudahy City, CA Council members over her objections to racist sanctuary
The media is trying their best to control what you see and how you see it when it comes to the alt-left. We re here to tell you t
Here s a partial transcript of her rant about the black community blaming whites for racism: If you believe in what you re doin
It is becoming increasingly difficult to separate leftists from Islamic terrorists as both destroy monuments, statues, and seek to
Earlier today, it was revealed that the US Secret Service is investigating a Facebook post from Missouri state Sen. Maria Chapp
And once again, the snowflakes want to erase parts of history they know nothing about. And what s more, they attack and pen
Dr. Ben Carson was interviewed by a local TV station and relayed a story of grace after his home was vandalized. He also discu
The U.S. Secret Service is investigating a Facebook post from Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, in w
Will the mainstream media report about this?Contradicting statements by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Virginia State Poli
CNN tries to pass off radical Angela Rye as a sane analyst but we know her history and believe her to be very far left. She just m
WE LOVE THIS LADY! She gets what s really happening. She calls out the media and the left on hijacking the narrative on Charl
As James Bond s nemesis Auric Goldfinger famously observed, Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence. The third time is e
Really Andrew? Does all of New York really stand against racism? Isn t Al Sharpton, one of the greatest race agitators of all tim
This is what mob rule does It s lawless idiots who decided to vandalize and tear down a Peace Monument in Atlanta. Has it co
Mainstream news channels rarely draw attention to the negative side of abortion, but CBS News did so this week with a repor
In a city whose former Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, told police officers to stand down in the middle of a full-blown riot s
THE PURGE CONTINUES THE NYC MAYOR has just opened a can of worms so big that it ll be hard to control it. He wants to rev
A member of the Worker s World Party pulled down the statue in Durham, NC. It s really not about the statues It s a culture w
Mark Dice nails it! Van Jones on CNN cries over President Trump blaming both sides, and Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon and ot
Political grandstanding has become a blood sport It s obvious that the CNN anchor set up the question so Dyson s answer coul
THIS IS EXPECTED FROM THIS LEFTY COLLEGE Will it trickle out to other colleges? Participants were able to move in before mo
Comey lied and has been caught in his lie What next? FOIA request him again. He said there were no tarmac documents but n
How in the world did this racist thug get elected? He s disgusting! He kept calling POTUS 45 then Chris Cuomo asked why he w
You have to give it to President Trump who went after the fake news media in a big way today. He challenged them to answer
President Donald Trump ripped the media today and it was great to see. He said he didn t want to comment on the events ove
THE MUSLIM ACTIVIST GROUP CAIR is REALLY stepping over the line with their latest effort to change America. They ve made
The politicians are using our monuments to history as bargaining chips to gain votes. It s sickening to see the back and forth w
SHINE A LIGHT ON THESE VIOLENT GROUPS!Thank you to AG Jeff Sessions for digging into who s behind the Antifa and other a
Is this a case of the left protesting again by doing something so childish? This smells like the left. Calling conservatives Nazis is
North Korea just blinked With the strong statements from Defense Secretary Jim Mad Dog Mattis and after President Trump
Crazed lunatic fringe elements of America have decided to target a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina. The video b
Thank you, President Trump, for those words of comfort and for denouncing those who promote violence and hatred -Susan
CNN s Jim Acosta keeps trolling President Trump and keeps making a total fool of himself! The latest moment was after signin
President Trump condemned hate groups today AGAIN! Yes, it seems the left didn t hear the president the first time around. T
Baked Alaska is a former liberal who wrote for the ultra-liberal Buzzfeed publication. He s now a conservative activist and Tru
George Soros is trying his best to destroy America! He is ramping up his efforts now! James Woods said it best when he tweete
It is awfully ironic how the liberals are bashing President Trump for placing blame on both sides for the violence in the Charlott
Following the situation in Charlottesville, Trump was one of the very few people to call out all sides for displays of violence and
The media has been giving wall-to-wall coverage of the horrific and violent act that took place in Charlottesville, VA. By now, e
Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch sat during the national anthem over the weekend, ahead of a Saturday presea
Pro-Trump supporters have known the truth for a long time that conservatives are being attacked. Do you have any idea of th
Alert! Alinsky tactics at work here! Remember Pick a Target? Well, the media and Deep State have picked their target Breitba
Equinox Los Angeles, one of the swankiest gyms in America, where celebrities like Chloe Kardashian, Mickey Rourke, Renee Ze
A voice of reason speaks out! Mike Huckabee told Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro that he has a special repulsion for white
A defector from North Korea is cautioning against underestimating Kim Jong Un when it comes to nuclear weapons and he sa
A tweet caught my eye after exploring all of the hate and violence posted from Charlottesville. Did you dig deeper and do you
To his credit, President Donald Trump almost immediately responded to the violence in Charlottesville, VA after a White Natio
Katie Couric took to Twitter to call out Charlottesville, VA protesters who allegedly sprayed urine at two of her producers. Wha
WATCH the euphoric reaction of Clinton crony and ABC host George Stephanopoulos discuss the probability of Hillary winning
How did this man get this license plate? How did it pass the DMV s rules of no vulgarity? It s obvious that it s a plate that bashe
Arrogant and smug is what we d call McConnell when he spoke to a group telling them Trump has excessive expectations of g
Remember Fusion GPS (please see our previous report on this below)? They are the opposition research firm behind the Trum
The publication that just can t seem to get over Hillary s loss to President Trump has sunk to a new low. And yes, apparently th
A United Methodist minister, Rev. Bill Shillady is set to publish a book of daily Bible devotionals on August 15 2017. The book ti
Wow! Open threats that government will kill the president had to be clarified by Jake Tapper. BUT Please listen to this unhing
Hilarious and spot-on conservative, social-media giant, Paul Joseph Watson announced on Twitter that he was done! . After w
Mocking a liberal snowflake is never a good idea..CNN severed ties with Jeffrey Lord on Thursday, hours after he ignited contro
Lynnette Hardway and Rochelle Richardson of North Carolina, whose support of Mr. Trump and no-nonsense delivery during t
It is now a year since the Democratic National Committee s mail system was compromised a year since events in the spring an
This is priceless! President Trump just gave the best response ever to a reporter s question! He said he wanted to thank Russia
OKLAHOMA CITY The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled the cigarette tax passed late in the legislative session unconstitutional
Maxine Waters told a TMZ reporter that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson should put threats aside and appease North Korea by
Great news! Southern Methodist University in Texas has reversed its decision to relocate an annual 9/11 memorial display ma
CNN host Erin Burnett started out her segment on the threat of a nuclear attack by North Korea by explaining to her (very sma
Great news! A federal judge just ordered the State Department to make another attempt at locating Hillary Clinton s missing e
MSNBC s Brian Williams spoke the truth on Tuesday night when he said that it is the media s job to scare people to death ove
Bolling tweeted a couple of messages, thanking his supporters who are standing by Bolling, as Huffington Post reporter Yashar
President Trump put North Korea s brutal dictator on notice yesterday, warning Kim Jong Un that North Korea best not make a
It s one thing to have the media constantly painting police officers in a bad light on a near daily basis. But it s entirely another
Bill Clinton was falsely confident in his plan to end North Korea s nuclear threat with diplomacy. Over 20 years later, his efforts
Immediately following President Trump s inauguration, liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to Twitter to invite America
It s always a win-win when you can find a hobby you enjoy, especially when it allows you to get some exercise and enjoy the n
GENERAL MCINERNEY IS ON FIRE IN THIS INTERVIEW! General McInerney is calling for President Trump to prepare for war wit
Why is the news just breaking that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort s home was raised by the FBI on JULY 26T
Speaking at a Rotary Club gathering in Kentucky on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vented about how Pres
What a treat! Laura Ingraham interviewed President Trump Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller tonight:Miller has been spot
There is no debating the fact that tensions between the United States and North Korea have reached a boiling point. But what
This is a MUST WATCH and SHARE!If anyone s wondering why the media won t give up their obsession (fantasy) that somehow
President Donald Trump continued his attack on Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal Monday afternoon, once again mockin
ROSEVILLE, Mich. Parents are raging after a Detroit area school district sent a packet to parents that lists the U.S. flag among
President Trump made a forceful statement regarding the news of nuclear warheads obtained by North Korea: North Korea b
It s probably not the wisest decision to argue with Dr. Sebastian Gorka about the use of the phrase radical Islamic terrorism
It s being reported that the markings of China s involvement in the ability of North Korea to get a nuclear warhead are there. T
Isn t it unbelievable that these so-called experts get to spout off their hatred towards President Trump on a regular basis via M
A University of Georgia professor has adopted a stress reduction policy that will allow students to select their own grades if t
While the main stream media continues to chase anything and everything to try and take down President Trump, we have a se
The Democrats and their allies in the media would like you to believe that President Trump has been so distracted by their alle
Close your eyes and picture Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) telling a white radio host that he wouldn t rule out an all-w
We love this guy! Factory worker Keith Ketzler: For eight horrible years I heard, We don t have control of the House. We don t
Civil political discourse took a beating in West Virginia this weekend when a Democratic senator profanely proclaimed that he
But..b but it isn t fair to ask for voter ID says the party that dominates the states that refuse to cooperate with Trump s electio
You may remember the story of a New Jersey high school that came under fire after President Trump s campaign logo and slog
The slippery slope continues College Park is just the latest city in Maryland to propose that illegals be given the right to vote in
Here we go again another student art contest that brings with it a controversial painting. Remember the Cops as Pigs paintin
Of course, the left applauded Miss Great Britain s bold defiance of the rules (resistance is all the rage in case you haven t heard
Yesterday, Fox News announced that they were suspending Eric Bolling after accusations that the popular host sent lewd phot
Rep. Maxine Waters said today that if Robert Mueller does his job and is able to prove collusion between President Donald T
ABC host George Stephanopoulos sat down with Kellyanne Conway for an interview this morning on This Week . Stephanopou
Supporters of the rule of law crashed a pro-illegal rally on August 4, 2017 at San Bernardino City Hall. This was a reaction to Sa
Many on the left and in the liberal media are hoping President Trump will butt heads with his new chief of staff, former genera
Esteemed Democratic Attorney Alan Dershowitz UNLOADED on left-wing sensation Maxine Waters on FOX and Friends Sunday
Newsweek magazine has gone COMPLETELY overboard with their latest cover picture and title! They ve done a hit piece on Pr
Climate grifter Al Gore is confronted about global warming and sea levels in this classic video where he just can t explain himse
B b but Baron Trump wore a t-shirt that said The Expert! With classes at Harvard starting in just a few short weeks, Malia Oba
Right before eighth grade, Trump s father sent him literally up the river to New York Military Academy in the Hudson Valley. T
The Atlantic, a publication that wouldn t know unbiased journalism if it bit them in the a$$ published what appears to be a rel
More bad news for Lyin Loretta or Lyin Lizzie, depending upon who Obama s former AG (the chief law enforcement officer an
Adam Kredo of WFB asks the question we all want the answer to: The fact that this information subsequently leaked to the pr
The Washington Post Nearly a third of territory reclaimed from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria since 2014 has been won in
Half of the eight mayoral hopefuls on Detroit s primary ballot next week have been convicted of felony crimes involving drugs,
Soooo the IRS lied to Americans to prod them to comply and sign up for Obamacare. They lied about the cost of Obamacare.
A new email dump from the FBI via a FOIA request by the ACLJ reveals what appears to be collusion between the media and th
Maxine Waters wants the leaks to continue even if they are confidential! Waters was on The View when she claimed she s gla
Remember when Chelsea Clinton faced the same scrutiny as the Trump children by the media? Remember when the media sc
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced today that the DOJ is taking steps to reduce the amount of leaking from the White H
Every American should read and share this brilliant article.So, to my friends on the Left and the #NeverTrumpers as well do
Senator Jeanne Shaheen justifies leaking phone conversations of President Trump! She says that Trump s tweeting is a proble
Gregg Jarrett says Mueller must resign after his latest new hire for the panel of lawyers. The entire panel is biased. In addition
West Virginia Governor Jim Justice gave Trump fans a YUGE surprise when he attended Trump s massive rally and announced
This very important scandal is unfolding before us. It has many, many legs with different Obama administration officials invol
Four days after James T. Hodgkinson opened fire on a group of Republican congressmen at a baseball field in Alexandria, Virgin
The Department of Homeland Security announced its plans to build a 15-mile prototype of the border wall in San Diego.The d
Kid Rock Keyboardist Jimmie Bones is shocked but sure that Kid Rock could win it all and defeat Senator Debbie Stabenow to b
Note to media: If you won t report the good things surrounding Trump s spectacular 6 months in office, including positive stor
AP published an article today that attempts to discredit the very popular Fox News cable network over their coverage of the S
Brent Bozell does political commentary on Fox News. He just put the hurt on FAKE CONSERVATIVE Senator Jeff Flake with a gr
We wish President Trump could clone SENIOR ADVISOR Stephen Miller! He s so brilliant and knows immigration like no other!
That s what we re talking about! Another campaign promise kept. No wonder the Democrats and their media allies fear Presid
Yesterday, Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted a video of himself on the Mexican border flying in a helicopter and traveling on horseba
What the heck is going on? Why is the media, who has been virtually silent about former DNC staffer Seth Rich s death until no
The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department s civil rights division toward investigatin
Liberal heads explode in 5 4 3 2 1President Trump could win the White House again in 2020 which likely would send hostile p
Sarah Huckabee Sanders let the White House press have it when they kept asking about Russia, Russia, Russia This is AWESOM
Remember during the effort to get Obamacare passed when Nancy Pelosi said: We ll go through the gate. If the gate s closed,
Judge Napolitano had this to say about the DNC s Muslim IT worker: He was arrested for some financial crime. That s the tip o
Big-mouth billionaire and leftist author of the highly successful Harry Potter books, has finally taken responsibility for an awful
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein appeared on MSNBC to discuss the North Korean crisis. Did anyone really expect h
There is chatter within the White House that Kellyanne Conway is being looked at as the next communications director, a sour
President Trump has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his position as communications director. It s also being rep
Joe Piscopo is hysterical! He was on with Neil Cavuto and broke out with imitations of Waters, Sanders and Schiff: And then yo
Firebrand conservative Ann Coulter exposed Delta Airlines who gave away a seat she had to pay extra for in order to accommo
Do you just want to wring this guy s neck for claiming that Obamacare isn t hurting people ? It s obvious this Democrat hasn t
It s bad enough to have crazed costumed characters in Times Square begging and harassing tourists but the NYPD can t even a
THE OLD GUARD DEMOCRATS BROUGHT ON THE FULL COURT PRESS: Former Vice President Joe Biden personally lobbied Sen
The initial run of Megyn Kelly s Sunday newsmagazine show will reportedly be taken off the air at least two episodes earlier th
Bernie Sanders should know his socialized medicine but in an exchange on Sunday he failed when he was pressed to explain w
NJ Governor Chris Christie was being heckled during a baseball game at Miller Park. He lost it and got in the face of a Chicago C
President Trump tweeted that he was considering removing bailouts and forcing Congress to pay for their health insurance at
Minneapolis mayoral candidate Raymond Dehn proposes disarming cops in wake of Damond shooting. Only one year ago, the
Here s a question for the anti-Trump media: If Putin and Trump have such a strong history of working together, why take such
Liz Harrington, a writer for the Washington Free Beacon appeared on the Tucker Carlson Show to discuss the real cost of sex r
President Trump made a joke while speaking to law enforcement officers that was portrayed in the media as an endorsement
President Reagan Warned Of The Dangers Of Liberalism, And He Was Eerily Prophetic. He really knew what he was talking abo
Not a day goes by that we have another gaffe from Nancy Pelosi Term Limits Please!.@NancyPelosi screws up the oath of offic
Senator John McCain was overheard saying a sick anti-Trump comment to Senator Schumer right after his shocking vote: Multi
A California farmer fined $2.8 million for plowing through vernal pools protected by the Clean Water Act without a permit is a
Sometimes, the left just makes it far too easy to win.It is a well-known fact that President Trump is a big fan of FNC s FOX & Fr
Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz seemingly planned to pay cyber-probe suspect and IT aide Imran Awan even whil
When asked if a pre-emptive military strike is a possibility, as reported last week by NBC News, Trump wouldn t elaborate. I do
So what s worse, Barack Obama remaining silent about the slaughter of innocent cops, while meeting behind closed doors in t
After Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a letter from a little boy to the press (see below), liberal media like the Washington Post tr
After Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a letter from a little boy to the press (see below), liberal media like the Washington Post tr
Sara Carter of Circa News is a very trusted source who goes deep like no other journalist we know. Carter is reporting that Nati
JK Rowling and the left went on a twitter tirade claiming that President Trump ignored a disabled boy:How stunning, and how
When was the last time being loyal to your boss was a negative, especially when your boss is the POTUS!The White House s ne
Establishment Republican Reince Priebus is gone The establishment Republican so many have blamed for White House leaks o
While campaigning for president, Donald Trump announced he would not take a salary if he were elected. True to his word, Pr
During congressional testimony, the CEO of Hermitage Capital was speaking about the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA
In spite of Senator John McCain s promise to his constituents only 9 months ago when he was running for reelection, that he w
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has taken control of the media and is no longer allowing them to push a false narrative when it come
It s clear that some Republicans never wanted Obamacare to die Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and John M
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer opened a can of worms tonight when he said that the Awan brothers sent sensitive intel to the Muslim Br
It s great to have a president who appreciates our special agents and police officers! Trump honored the police officers and sp
Yes, this will happen! America needs a wall at our southern border and the House just passed a spending measure that funds a
Senator Lindsey Graham made a bold announcement the other day when he told his constituents in South Carolina that if the
The trend of young Muslim men targeting and attacking white non-Muslims continues world wide. A group of three Muslim m
You just can t make this stuff up! does anyone else see the HUGE irony in this?A Marxist student group at Swarthmore College
The unaccomplished Chelsea Clinton, wife of unemployed and perpetually vacationing husband Marc Mezvinsky, and daughte
It s no secret that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is a tell-it-like-it is kind of guy. So when he was bombarded with rude questio
Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn.) said Wednesday on MSNBC s Morning Joe that Republican efforts to repeal Obamacar
Hollywood stars took to social media Wednesday to express outrage over President Donald Trump s announcement that trans
Conservative talk radio, tv and websites are no friends of RINO Senator John McCain, and he knows it. McCain used his mome
The shocking revelations just keep on coming in this DNC IT case. The main stream media refuses to jump in on this hot story b
Apparently breaking the law and scamming the government is excusable if you can conveniently blame discrimination. And wh
A fly on the wall? More like a spy on the floor of your home. It turns out that your dog isn t the only one who should be weary
More manufactured news that exposes the hate our leftist media has for Republicans Even for those who haven t been in offic
You would think Charlotte is lost to the liberals There are lefty Democrats living there who don t understand that they don t ge
Remember when the media used to think they controlled the narrative? That was before President Trump, and his badass com
William Shatner is such a smarty pants on twitter. He gets his snarky point across with few words.Shatner has been the subjec
President Trump just tweeted out a new policy in the US military that was made after consultation with military experts and G
After a Fox Business interview earlier in the day (see below), Gino DeFabio was asked to speak at the Ohio Rally by President T
Dem Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani IT staffer Imran Awan was arrested at Dulles airport while trying to flee the Un
Scaramucci promised the heads of White House leakers would roll. He clearly wasn t kidding Suspected leaker Michael Short h
The left is truly becoming unhinged! The tension is high and the stakes are even higher in Washington as the Senate goes forw
IT S BAD ENOUGH THAT DEMOCRAT SENATORS are speaking this way but RINO Susan Collins didn t even defend her fellow Se
A group of volunteer soldiers announced this week the first ever LGBT unit formed to kick ISIS butt.The Queer Insurrection and
This isn t the first punch this group of black Chicago residents have delivered to the failed Democrat Party. In 2015, they made
MASSACHUSETTS IS NOW A SANCTUARY STATE! The Massachusetts Supreme Court just ruled that illegals are to be released a
Republicans need to get a backbone, says former Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) when asked about the testimony of Jar
President Trump stood in front 40,000 enthusiastic Boy Scouts in West Virginia, as the scouts proudly chanted USA USA! Pres
Where s George Soros when his top fact checkers, aka conservative news slayers , need him? is a liberal blog fro
This news is heartbreaking because it s the unnecessary delay in treatment that ultimately determined the fate of this little ba
Jared Kushner just spoke out on being accused of colluding with the Russians during the 2016 campaign: President Trump ha
Ami Horowitz is a thought provoking filmmaker who took a lot of heat for exposing the truth about the horrific, violent no-go
Nice threat to POTUS: The intelligence community will continue to convey truth to power even if power doesn t necessarily lis
So now if you enter a contest, you need to worry about your political affiliation if you re a Republican? The left continues to sh
It s about time! The White House has been leaking like a sieve. New White House communications director Anthony Scaramuc
Hey Robert Mueller! Do you care to find out which foreign leaders candidate Hillary Clinton spoke with during her campaign?
American pride and American exceptionalism is back. It shows in the confidence our military has in their newly elected Comm
Jake Tapper and the new White House Communications Director went at it this morning. Anthony Scaramucci had the line of t
Anyone who takes part in this type of sub-human criminal activity should never see the light of day again. The lawmakers who
Vickie Paladino and her husband were driving through their neighborhood when they spotted the mayor. Paladino was so ups
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most outspoken advocates for man-made global climate-change in America, he is also of the b
MAXINE GOT A MAKEOVER and is hopping mad about speculation she s running for POTUS in 2020. It can t help that Tucker C
It s Thursday, July 20th. As of today, Donald Trump has been president for 6 months. The media coverage of the president is o
This is spot on! Ned Ryun joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the latest leak regarding AG Jeff Sessions. Do we even have evidenc
THE CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES is a great resource for all the facts on illegals and taxpayer dollars. Patty and I were l
Katie Couric is a wolf in sheep s clothing. Dan Rather, Brian Williams and Katie Couric will forever be known as some of the wo
Former MI Supreme Court Justice and black conservative Bob Young has officially thrown his hat in the Senate race.Firebrand
This guy is a joke! Scott Dworkin: A paper trail leads directly back to Mike Pence Pence knew Michael Flynn was a foreign agen
The hysterical Terrence Williams weighs in on the news that Poverty Pimp Maxine Waters might run for POTUS: .@MaxineW
Please note that this unhinged woman is a middle school teacher!After an eight-month investigation, Yvette Felarca, a middle
The mainstream media will never show you both sides of the story, so we will In 2015, hedge fund magnate Anthony Scaramu
Sean Spicer resigned today from his position in President Trump s administration. He tweeted out after his resignation a very g
A uniformed police officer in Virginia said he was refused service at a local McDonald s because he was wearing a uniform, Ric
Senator John McCain just couldn t help himself. While millions of Americans were praying for his recovery, after he was diagno
A woman who was born in Nazi Germany says that what reminds her of Hitler more than anything else isn t Donald Trump, bu
Australian Senator Larissa Waters recently went viral after she made history by becoming the first woman to breastfeed in the
Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted to an interview President Donald Trump gave to The New York Times about Attorney Gener
DNC Chair Tom Perez is a fear mongering racist who likes to stir up fake concerns for Democrat voters. He s clearly afraid of th
Obama would have hurt himself doing this (see video below). The Corning Glass CEO visited the White House with other busin
Rep. Steve King of Iowa was being interviewed by Tucker Carlson when he blurted out that opposition to Trump s wall comes f
Mass Live Ayyadurai, who announced his Republican U.S. Senate bid in February, said that while he may not be the GOP estab
Judicial Watch has released documents obtained in response to a court order including emails that show a pay to play game g
Jesse Watters: GOP can t drain the swamp when their own members are plugging the hole. Jesse Watters made an excellent p
Nancy Pelosi decided to make a connection between the Military budget and the Republican budget saying it stirs up violenc
The McCain family has requested everyone s prayers Sen. John McCain, 80, has been diagnosed with a primary glioblastoma, a
News broke a few days ago that there was more to the reported minor outpatient removal of a blood clot above John McCain
A health care executive cheated Medicare out of $132 million and blew the money on a $7 million Franklin mansion and court
How corrupt is this? The USPS allowed employees to work for Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. Can you imagine if candid
Less than one month before the 2016 presidential election, the New York State s attorney general s office ordered the Trump
President Trump gathered the Senators in the State dining room today and let it rip on Obama Awesome!President Trump the
President Trump just called on GOP Senators to continue working through recess on repealing and replacing Obamacare:Trum
Liberals would like everyone to believe that Muslims who immigrate from the Middle East to the West are interested in becom
It s no secret that Rosie O Donnell and Donald Trump don t get along. But O Donnell s promotion of an online game where you
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich issued a dire warning to Republicans to focus on economic growth or else Nancy Pelosi
CNN Host Brian Stelter was destroyed by former NY Observer Editor Ken Kurson today on Stelter s own show! This was truly e
Comedian Mark Dice explores the influence so-called comedians have on their viewers when it comes to pushing their politica
Republican Congressman David Brat wasn t sitting back and waiting for MSNBC host Craig Melvin to attack him or Republican P
Wow! Conservative Ann Coulter was in fact targeted by Delta employees who wanted to make the popular Republican uncom
In an impromptu White House presser during President Trump s lunch with Vice President Pence, Trump drove home how d
The hate for the Trump family by the defeated liberal press is visceral MSNBC political analyst Joan Walsh, a self-proclaimed fe
Somali immigrant and Minnesota police officer Mohamed Noor shot and killed a 40 yr. old Australian woman when they arrive
Chris Christie knows how to create awkward political moments that s for sure! (*SEE PHOTO GAFFE GALLERY BELOW) Rememb
Susan Rice will not visit Capitol Hill today for a meeting with the House committee probing allegations she unmasked Preside
MSNBC s Mika Brzezinski had a snarkfest with AP reporter Julie Pace during a series of questions that culminated in her sayin
While many on the left continue to accuse President Trump and his administration of colluding with the Russians, one well-kno
Walmart was apologizing on Monday after an appalling description of a product by a third-party vendor made its way onto the
She wanted him to assimilate. She gave him a good job. She trusted him and offered the chance to prove he was willing to be
Max Blumenthal is a known progressive who s out to get his own party for the constant Russia-Trump bashing. He confronts R
President Trump was sporting a Commemorative Stetson hat today when he introduced the Made in America week starting w
Fox News The Five host, Jesse Watters let loose on liberal crybaby co-host Juan Williams during their most recent show. Wat
Low blow! Political hack Angela Rye refused to say that President Trump is the president of the United States during a CNN int
Wow! Talk about clueless! Austen Fletcher approaches anti-Trump protesters and gets clueless answers on why they re agains
One man was set to testify against the Clinton Foundation next week. That man was 50 year old former Haitian government o
Democrat Alan Dershowitz dismissed a major argument Democrats have been making against Donald Trump Jr., and said it s c
CNN is notorious for cutting the mic when they don t like what someone is saying on their network.Rep. Scott Taylor was being
Kid Rock has struck panic into the hearts of liberal politicians upon his announcement that he will be running for senate in Mic
More than 1,400 migrants disembarked in Italy on Friday, the first of more than 4,400 who are expected to come ashore durin
President Trump and his daughter Ivanka are getting some much welcomed positive press thanks to a social media craze that
B b..but Al Gore and Barack Obama say Scientists were exposed for manipulating climate data during the 2011 Climategate sc
There are some people you probably shouldn t cross. Donald Trump is one, and conservative author and political analyst Ann C
Brigitte Macron is 24 years older than her husband. She is 64-years old and is in great shape for a woman of her age. As a fema
Maxine Waters has a major brain freeze during an interview ripping on the Trump administration Karma? Recognize that evid
President Trump called Obama s agreement with Australia to bring in economic parasites disguised as refugees to the US a ba
A 24-year-old Somali man, Ashraf Alaaeldin Mohamed Elgamal, raped an unconscious Minnesota State University student and
Democrat Senator and fake Indian Elizabeth Warren took to Twitter to criticize the evil Republican s plan to replace Obamacar
Hillary would never have labeled one of her largest donors, longtime friend, and the financier of violent anti-American protest
An Arlington woman was arrested this week and charged with four counts of welfare fraud for collecting over $100,000 in ben
Greg Gutfeld scored a priceless TV moment during The Five . He mocked the CNN box-wearing trend that started with the WW
If you re not okay with taxpayers paying for exorbitant medical costs, including transgender surgeries for military members, yo
During a Friday interview, Virginia Rep. Dave Brat slammed Democrats who want to impeach Trump without any evidence of c
Civil Rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. attended the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition convention in Chicago on Thursday, where he
Nancy Pelosi had a strange reaction to a reporter s question about North Korean aggression She giggled!Nancy Pelosi holds a w
THIS IS HUGE! Lou Dobbs joined Sean Hannity to discuss the constant effort to destroy President Trump. Dobbs has mentioned
Is anyone really shocked that another fake Trump-Russian collusion story points to Obama and his crooked administration?To
President Donald Trump told televangelist Pat Robertson in a new interview that he will make it safe to say Merry Christmas Y
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon went on a rant about the dysfunction in DC during the company s earnings conference call
More than 21,000 people from all regions of the world participated in the Best Countries survey, in which they assessed how c
The plot thickens Republican donor and operative from Chicago s North Shore who said he had tried to obtain Hillary Clinton s
Where was the media s outrage when a sitting United States senator, John McCain went on a wild goose chase, that led him o
In July of 2016, Donald Trump, Jr. met a 42-year-old Russian attorney named Natalia Veselnitskaya who had promised him dam
President Trump s deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka appeared on Anderson Cooper s 360 show, where he admonished the net
A stunning Melania Trump accompanied President Trump as they arrived in Paris, France for Bastille Day celebrations. The Firs
Sebastian Gorka does a mic drop on CNN anchor Alison Camerota when he tells her more people watch Nick at Nite and carto
Meanwhile, in virtually every media outlet across America, Trump Trump Trump and Russia Russia Russia!Evidence shows tha
If this keeps up, the Democrats will never win another election Several county clerks in Colorado said they ve seen hundreds o
You re gonna be so proud of your country. We re gonna win so much. We re gonna win at every level. We re gonna win so mu
Kid Rock, aka Robert (Bob) Ritchie, a native of Michigan who was born and raised in my hometown of Romeo, just announced
Maine State Representative Scott Hamann (D) is clearly an unhinged individual who is clearly not stable or responsible enough
Republican Senator Charles Grassley wants answers on why the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. was allowed in
Liberal logic 101 The new superintendent for Detroit s public schools said he will recommend the school district no longer auth
Much to the dismay of mainstream media journalists, Donald Trump Jr. released all email communication regarding his meetin
Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet on Twitter) posted an interesting video that should cause alarm-bells to go off, no matter
MSNBC s Casey Hunt was interviewing war-hawk and RINO Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) about the meeting Donald Trump J
This is the dumbest and biggest crime in the history of American politics. There's not even a close second. Jared Yates Sexton
Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter today to release all email communication with the Kremlin-linked lawyer, revealing that he h
Two months before the 2016 election, Teen Vogue featured a personal essay by Hillary Clinton, a conversation between Aman
This afternoon, The Washington Post wrote an opinion article entitled Kill Fox and Friends before it s too late. This is awfully i
The guy who wasn t funny enough to land the coveted Tonight Show gig after Johnny Carson retired, is now saying President D
President Donald Trump targeted former FBI Director James Comey Monday for allegedly including classified information in pe
Chris Cuomo of fake news network CNN interviewed Kellyanne Conway on Sunday. You would have thought by now, these ha
Remember when comedians were funny? Those were the good ole days, before the cancer that is liberalism exposed their ha
Last week, after President Trump retweeted a hilarious WWE wrestling video featuring Donald Trump body-slamming WWE C
Here s how fake news works In an effort to cast President Trump s eldest son, Donald Jr. as a liar, The New York Times boldly a
DNC staffer Seth Rich was shot in the back several times while walking home late at night, when he was only blocks from his h
MSNBC s Chris Matthews deemed the big story of the much anticipated G20 meeting between President Trump and Vladimir
New York City s radical leftist Democrat Mayor Bill DeBlasio jetted off to Hamburg, Germany, leaving New Yorker s to deal with
Why would President Trump want America to enforce a travel ban on refugees from terror hotbed nations? Why wouldn t we
Twitter moments reported that Alaska mom Jolene Jackinsky was waiting at an airport when she noticed the former president
This group of Black Lives Matter supporters marched at the Minnesota State Fair chanting, Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon
CNN s ratings have been in the toilet ever since they made falsifying news about our President and his nonexistent Russian con
Melania and Ivanka Trump were standouts at the G20 summit. The Trump women displayed plenty of style and grace while m
Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio just can t help himself. He had to abandon NYC to go to Hamburg, Germany where his anarch
The FBI finally delivered a dose of karma to a loony liberal from Iowa who threatened to kill Republican Senator Joni Ernst. Is t
One month before the election, political activist and Hillary supporter Amal Clooney traveled to Texas to warn Americans abou
French President Emmanuel Macron has prided himself as the world s anti-Trump. He has arrogantly taken counter stances to
Lou Dobbs went off on #FakePresident Barack Obama during his Dobb s Commentary segment. Fox News host Lou Dobbs is f
CNN is finally seeing the serious repercussions of reporting #VeryFakeNews, while Fox News remains number one in ratings.CN
Terrance Williams is a conservative Trump supporter and comedian who makes hilarious videos on Twitter. Anyone who watc
Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday skipped an NYPD swearing-in ceremony made somber by this week s assassination of a cop
First lady Melania Trump was trapped inside her residence in Hamburg on Friday because of the violent protests outside the G
Actor and immigration activist George Clooney will move to Los Angeles with his wife Amal and newborn twins Ella and Alexan
Dinesh D Souza appeared on Fox News Hannity show with guest host Kimberly Guilfoyle and Dr. Gina Loudon. Guilfoyle asked
Maxine Waters is so filled with hate for anyone who disagrees with her, that she s decided to appoint herself as the Democrat
When CNN, who is owned by multi-billion dollar corporation Time-Warner threatened to out a private individual for doctorin
Last week, President Trump sparked outrage from #VeryFakeNews CNN executives and hosts when he tweeted a doctored vid
Although Obama had 3 years to take action to fix the Flint water problem, President Donald Trump has managed to do it in 2 m
Mark Steyn joined Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the threat from CNN to the guy who made the video of President Trump w
Project Veritas just released yet another video of the CNN producer calling voters stupid as sh*t and even mocking on of thei
An NYPD officer was assassinated early Wednesday by an ex-con who marched up to her NYPD vehicle and pumped a bullet in
The President and First Lady touched down in Warsaw, Poland today for a visit before traveling to Hamburg, Germany. They ll
Beyond the pale ABC reporter Matthew Dowd compared President Donald Trump with N. Korea s Kim Jong Un on Good Morn
President Trump just made liberal heads explode! The liberal mantra has been to destroy anything to do with the Civil War. Ci
An NYPD officer was assassinated early Wednesday by an ex-con who marched up to her NYPD vehicle and pumped a bullet in
The hosts of New Day dug a deeper hole for CNN on Wednesday when they said that the network would not identify the Red
Who could forget the Obamaphone Lady from Cleveland, OH, who unashamedly told an interviewer she was voting for Obam
CNN reported that they declined to expose a private citizen who made the WWE video of President Trump wrestling with a CN
It s been a great July 4th! President Trump is attending the National Mall concert and fireworks:THE BEACH BOYS AND OTHER
President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are attending the Military Families Picnic today in support of our US military fa
Former Navy SEAL and GOP Rep. Scott Taylor, R-Va., body-slammed #FakeNews CNN in an interview on Monday saying that th
Mike Huckabee appeared on FOX s Hannity show where Kimberly Guilfoyle was filling in for host Sean Hannity. Guilfoyle congr
Alisyn Camerota sparred with Rep. Scott Taylor (R-VA) over President Donald Trump s weekend tweet of a video in which he b
Guess how leftists, millennials and Black Lives Matter morons decided to celebrate the 4th of July? Do they even know our hi
FILMMAKER DINESH D SOUZA S Eight things I LOVE about America! To make us love our country, Edmund Burke once said, o
In February, Boston-based entrepreneur and inventor of Email V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai announced his candidacy for the US Senat
Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death Of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam gives a stunning account of the self mur
Are there any Trump donors on the team? GREAT QUESTION BY TOM FITTON! Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton joined FOX
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is catching heat on Twitter after he spent Sunday soaking up the sun with his family on a st
A disturbing video published by The Washington Post on June 29 shows a group of brainwashed students singing Twitter posts
Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-
CNN s Ana Navarro becomes totally unhinged in an attack on president Trump and one of his advisers. Her on-air tirade is so u
Liberals have been telling American citizens for decades that illegal aliens are doing the low-wage jobs Americans won t do. Is
ABC political hack Martha Raddatz tried to bait Homeland Security Adviser Thomas Bossert when she played the CNN WWE vi
Greg Gutfeld nailed how Americans feel right now about their place in the world. America First is the mantra that candidate T
Meanwhile, back at CNN Russia Russia Russia!The White House payroll is an excellent example of Trump s commitment to shr
NBC s Chuck Todd was no match for the astute HHS Sec Tom Price in an interview today on the healthcare bill. Todd tried to g
President Trump on Sunday tweeted a video of him body-slamming World Wrestling Entertainment Chairman Vince McMahon
Obama urged Indonesians on Saturday to resist divisive politics based on race and religion It was REALLY just another swipe at
President Trump spoke at the first ever Celebrate Freedom Rally last night delivering a barn burner of a speech to veterans an
Neil Cavuto faced off with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee over her call for President Trump to resign after his tweets attac
As a college student, I know first-hand how quick liberals are to attack someone for expressing a political opinion that is differe
Emilie Hoffer is Mika Brzezinski s daughter! She s on Instagram so when you check out her photos there, you ll find Emilie spor
Last year, we reported about women who attended an anti-racism music festival in Sweden that were raped and molested by
The most corrupt Attorney General in the history of the United States is allegedly thinking of throwing his hat into the ring as a
Immigration advocate Roberto Hernandez joined Tucker Carlson to debate the controversial payout of $190K to an illegal for b
Tamara Holder was a guest on Joy Reid s MSNBC show this morning and mocked the women in President Trump s life. Ironical
FOX News Legal Expert Gregg Jarrett dropped a bomb on Susan Rice when he said she likely committed three crimes. Jarrett w
RCP In just a few minutes on Thursday s edition of Hardball on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews compared President Trump and
Pro Trump Chicagoans decided to hit back after the city used taxpayer dollars to put a sculpture that says Real Fake in Front o
With all the anger and nasty comments coming from Mika and Joe of MSNBC, the video below makes you wonder if the nasty
Nancy Pelosi had another strange moment during her weekly press conference as she was confused about what time of day it
Conservative talk show host Mark Levin shredded Joe Scarborough and the media in defense of President Trump as he pointed
President Donald Trump and South Korea s President Moon Jae-In held a press conference earlier today and it got waaay out o
Hour one of the MSNBC morning show began typically enough with Mika and Joe. The assembled gang could barely contain th
The Windy City is under fire for turning public art into a political message using taxpayer dollars! The BROKE City of Chicago in
The Justice Department on Thursday dropped the legal challenge to the the Washington Redskins name, the Associated Press
Project Veritas newest video from the American Pravda: CNN series exposes Jimmy Carr, the Associate Producer for CNN s Ne
Only a liberal man who works for a magazine that made a fortune by exploiting women would complain that President Trump
A CNBC editor said members of the press need to remind themselves that their readers are not as ignorant, as stupid as we th
John Podesta is the guardian of the Clintons just like Valerie Jarrett was for the Obamas. He was instrumental during the 2016
Based Stickman, aka Kyle Chapman became famous on social media after he was one of the first Trump supporters to fight ba
John Roberts was first to question the tweets from president Trump Great job by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She was able to d
Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmik
Well, this is a shocker! It takes a brave person to speak up in Hollywood because they could be blacklisted for being supportive
The Washington Post published a propaganda organizing piece for the Democrat Party: Democrats resistance calls for a July 4
Tucker Carlson is spot on in his commentary regarding CNN s coverage of the Russia scam. It gets even better when Mark Stey
Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka warned Syrian President Bashar Assad after evidence arose earlier this wee
Susan Rice, the Obama national security adviser under fire over her alleged involvement in the unmasking of Trump associate
Fox News Channel (FNC) has signed soon-to-be former Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to a contributor role.He will offer p
Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe is being investigated by the Office of U.S. Counsel violating the Hatch Act according to a n
Only two weeks after U.S. congressman Steve Scalise and four others were shot during a baseball practice in a Washington sub
Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, in a bid to demonize Jeff Sessions as Russian agent, said back in March she had never me
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich discusses the Russia investigation with Hannity He drops a bomb when he says that Obama sho
A screaming White House reporter stood up and ranted at Sarah Huckabee Sanders after she called out fake news in the med
President Donald Trump welcomed India s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the White House Monday for their first meeting,
White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was the perfect choice to take on the media today following the
The obnoxious anti-Trump Hallie Jackson of NBC is constantly trying to play gotcha with Sean Spicer on policy issues related t
A 70-year tradition at East Liverpool High School was removed from the graduation ceremony, but students weren t letting it g
James O Keefe s Project Veritas reporters went undercover at CNN to investigate the #VeryFakeNews network to determine th
Tennessee lawmakers have something to say to their counterparts in California and it s perfect! We could love this more Tenn
James O Keefe s Project Veritas reporters went undercover at CNN to investigate the #VeryFakeNews network to determine th
Writing on Twitter Sunday, the All in the Family star mentioned a Fox News report about the Trump campaign s alleged collusi
CNN employees have resigned for their role in pushing fake news about the Trump-Russia story that claimed a member of the
Liberals on Twitter accused President Donald Trump s son Eric of sporting a Nazi haircut when he debuted a new hairdo Sund
Nancy Pelosi said in an interview with Joy Reid that after she met President Trump she prayed for America She giggled nervou
Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Ill.) is married to Robert Creamer, one of the key figures in O Keefe s undercover video that
Make America work again! White House counselor Kellyanne Conway says people on Medicaid who will lose coverage under t
This is gonna be a tough pill for the left to swallow after working so hard to stack the courts In a victory for the Trump adminis
Never mind that the Trump s had a previous engagement it s just a great excuse for the left to justify their false claims that ou
A woman let it all hang out when she ranted like crazy at Congresswoman Maxine Waters during a protest. Everything this wo
This is great! Trump supporters did everything right but ironically were turned away at a Maxine Waters Town Hall because th
Judge Jeanine nailed it tonight describing the unhinged left. She is so right to say the left is a danger to us all. She is especially
The music icon spoke at the North Minneapolis Conference on Peace on Saturday.Stevie Wonder spoke out about Black Lives
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his wife, Jane Sanders have hired prominent defense attorneys, amid an FBI investigation into a
Kellyanne Conway was trying to discuss the accomplishments of President Trump with Alison Camerota of CNN but Camerota
A top Republican took to the Senate floor Thursday to blame fired FBI Director James B. Comey for fanning conspiracy theorie
It s about time the Senate Judiciary Committee opened a probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch s efforts to shape
A black woman went into a fit of rage after she spotted a Confederate Battle Flag on a car at a local festival. Ybia Anderson pos
Apparently actor Johnny Depp didn t learn anything from the not-funny comedian Kathy Griffin s career-ending attempt at h
Trey Gowdy is ticked! About eight hours ago, Adam Schiff and I looked Dan Coats in the eyes and we assured him that there w
Americans are sick and tired of being lied to by the media. This awesome patriot and business owner is making sure ABC gets t
Introducing his 2004 film The Libertine, about a 17th-century poet who notoriously drank himself to an early death, the 54-yea
A nervous Nancy Pelosi responded Thursday to criticism from Democratic colleagues asking her to step down from her leaders
Tucker Carlson and Jesse Waters both went to Trinity College Who knew! Carlson discussed the downfall of his college from a
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz dropped a big bomb during an interview on CNN today. She claimed that Jeh Johnson s testim
This is hysterical! Senator Chuck Schumer can t even get a stunt right! He held a press conference to bash the Senate s healthc
President Trump came out today and said he doesn t have tapes of former FBI Director James Comey but that the possibility o
Rep. Trey Gowdy was full of sarcasm (rightfully so) during comments about why the DNC didn t turn over its hacked computer
CNN s Chris Cuomo freaked out at President Donald Trump s comment during a speech in Iowa that he didn t want a poor per
MSNBC s Chris Matthews definitely didn t get a tingle up his leg when it came to Democrat Jon Ossoff. Turns out he s confused
A Connecticut college professor has created a firestorm for calling white people inhuman a-holes who need to die following
Sometimes all you can do is surrender to Twitter.Florida Sen. Marco Rubio probably started out his day Tuesday thinking abou
Rachel Maddow is hysterical in the video below She claims that Democrats didn t vote because it rained. So does it just rain o
CNN anchor Don Lemon got snarky during reporting on Republican Karen Handel s win in Georgia s 6th District. He made a cla
Karen Handel won a hard fought Congressional seat in Georgia s 6th district. The Democrats poured 50 Million dollars into Jon
Please please please let it be a 3-way race between Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Eric Holder!Former Attorney General Eric
What in the world is wrong with these press people at the State Department! Is the guy asking the question really serious whe
Hello Megyn Kelly! Time for a little karma! Word on the street is that Megyn Kelly will not be welcomed back at FOX News ev
President Trump was lambasted by Democrats and their allies in the media when he suggested that up to 3 million illegal alien
Democrat Jon Ossoff said Tuesday that he believes voters in Georgia s sixth congressional district do not care that he does not
Ford will export the next-generation Focus compact car from China to North America in 2019, rather than from Mexico as earl
Judicial Watch today announced that the National Security Council (NSC) on May 23, 2017, informed it by letter that the mate
Tucker Carlson debated a New Jersey Democratic operative who tweeted an insensitive message after the shooting of Rep. Ste
Last week, Alex Jones scooped NBC and Megyn Kelly with a secretly recorded conversation he had with Kelly, where she begge
Watch Jim Acosta wave his hands around and have a temper tantrum on air: The White House press secretary is getting to a p
We are so sad to report that Otto Warmbier has died. The University of Cincinnati Medical Center announced Monday that W
Former NH Governor John Sununu let Alison Camarata have it when she asked about the Russia investigation and Robert Mue
The mosque in Finsbury Park, London where this morning s tragedy unfolded has been the centre of media attention before. I
Wheel of Fortune caved to the left and apologized for using what appeared to be slaves in a photo on the show on Thursday:
The CEO of outdoor clothing giant Patagonia is burnishing her anti-Republican bona fides again, this time saying she intends to
Liberal hack Mika Brzezinski made a ridiculous claim today that there are no real men in the White House who can stand up t
Millions and millions of dollars from outside the state of Georgia have made their way to the campaign of Democrat challenge
Awesome! Two protesters crashed the Trump Assassination play tonight yelling Goebbels would be proud! and Liberal Hate
A REVENGE ATTACK in London is the scene again of terror but this time it took place in the Muslim community. At 12:15 am at
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims June 18, 2017, as Father s DayFATHER S DAY, 2017 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI
Let s just get this out of the way Chris Wallace is a flaming liberal and a total a**! He blatantly goes after conservatives with a
Talk about projecting! On Fareed Zakaria s CNN show, former New York Times editor Jill Abramson decries false equivalency
Fox News Channel s Jeanine Pirro went after the GOP establishment Saturday on Justice. Pirro accused the establishment Rep
Did President Trump visit Camp David this Father s Day weekend to give his Secret Service detail the weekend off? Former Pre
After allegedly registering 10,000 Muslims to take place in Germany s March Against Terror, the largest Muslim group in Germ
Joy Reid is known for her racist slant on the news. She s one bitter and angry woman we ve reported on numerous times for h
Debbie Dooley and a crowd of great Patriots marched in front of the CNN headquarters in Atlanta today in a show of support f
The only two black jurors in the Philando Castile case were in favor of acquitting the cop responsible for his death, a juror expl
Do you see it? Right below the word birthday you ll see a tiny spot. People really need something to do because social media
So much for putting a stop to the poisonous debate in Washington. The effort to try and mend fences came to a screeching ha
Laura Loomer of Rebel Media and citizen journalist Jack Posobiac disrupted the Central Park performance of Julius Caesar or
Laura Loomer of Rebel Media rushed the stage at the controversial NYC Shakespeare in the Park performance that takes a mo
The inspiration behind the Black Lives Matter movement the individual cited by its founder and regularly quoted by its supp
CNN political hack Alison Camarota wants to nail President Trump but Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr says he sees no
The deranged shooter who tried to kill Republican Congressmen practicing at a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia was carryi
The Washington Post [Compost] reports: So far, three major corporate sponsors and the NEA have felt it necessary to distance
A Nebraska Democratic Party official has refused calls to resign her volunteer position after calling reactions to this week s sho
Feel good story of the day Two escaped inmates sought in the killings of two guards on a Georgia prison bus were captured aft
We just reported on the Virginia shooter s message to Karen Handel (see below) and now this. Is anyone going to want to be a
Alex Jones scooped NBC and Megyn Kelly with a secretly recorded conversation he had with Kelly, where she begged him to a
Indiana State Police say shots were fired at a truck carrying a Make America Great Again flag and an American flag on eastbo
Shortly after 7 a.m. on Wednesday, the police say, James T. Hodgkinson, of Belleville, Ill., opened fire on a baseball field in Alex
Another consequence of weak leadership NYP The father of the American who was recently sent home from North Korea prai
Nancy Pelosi attempted to offer her (incoherent) thoughts on the Democrat inspired shooting of US Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) t
Well, that didn t take long Nancy Pelosi went on a unhinged angry rant at Republicans for blaming yesterday s shooting on left
Mark Steyn was on fire last night! If you were lucky enough to hear his brilliant take on the left, you know he hit it out of the p
Chris Matthews tried his best to create sympathy for the loser who shot random Republicans. Can you believe it? MSNBC host
Trump-hating, Bernie Sanders supporter and domestic terrorist James T. Hodgkinson, 66, from Belleville, Illinois, was killed by
What a class act! The President and First Lady visited Rep. Steve Scalise in the hospital last night:President #Trump and First La
Today s act of terror against a GOP Congressional baseball team by a Bernie Sanders supporter was about as ugly and hateful
And we wonder why violence like today s shooting happened The left started with the violence during the 2016 and continued
We should not allow our political differences to escalate to violent attacks. We must all refuse to allow the politics of our coun
Noah Nathan was with his two dogs in an adjacent dog park when shots rang out this morning at an Alexandria, VA baseball fi
VIRGINIA governor Terry McAuliffe decided to get political today when he spoke out during the presser for the Virginia shootin
The shooter at the Congressional baseball practice has been identified. His name is James Hodgkinson The 66-year old white m
Our full report on the horrible shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise is below these hate-filled comments from the left. We wanted yo
Rep. Steve Scalise was shot Wednesday morning in Alexandria, Virginia, in a deliberate attack. A congressional staffer was als
Remember when the first question reporters asked players after winning a national championship went something like this: N
German Social Democrat leader Martin Schulz said that, if elected chancellor, he would push for the EU to cut subsidies to cou
WE LOVE HIS STYLE! Secretary of State Rex Tillerson slammed a comment from former Vice President Joe Biden about how bu
Newt Gingrich was promoting his new book Understanding Trump on The View today. The leftist hacks of the The View took
Today s testimony between AG Sessions and Senators went from testy to hysterical when Senator Tom Cotton went into a rea
Hakeem Jeffries just exposed his Trump Derangement on the House floor. His hate for President Trump is so offensive and ina
FULL OPENING STATEMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL SESSIONS STATEMENT: It was a very strong and passionate statement fro
Live feed of AG Sessions testifying NOW are below video of Opening Statement He s on fire! His opening statement refutes an
CNN cut away from a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this morning seconds after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) raised conce
22-yr old American Otto Warmbier was arrested and imprisoned during Barack Obama s last term in office. He was released a
Former AG Mukasey went there during two morning show appearances today. He told Bill Hemmer he sees no crime in the Ru
CNN Reports Three members of the legal team known to have been hired so far by special counsel Robert Mueller to handle
Newt Gingrich is dead on with his commentary on Comey and leaking. Comey created Mueller! The bigger problem is that now
The Hill released controversial comments sore loser and RINO Senator John McCain made about Trump s leadership:Sen. John
Will Austria s new mandates help to save their nation or is it already too late? Have they already allowed political correctness
The annual LA Pride parade and Resist March was held on Sunday. Bonkers Rep. Maxine Waters led the crowd in a chant to Im
Senator John McCain took another swipe at President Trump. He claimed that American leadership was stronger under Obam
Anti-Trumper and faux conservative Jedediah Bila rarely takes a position on anything that may be in contrast to her fellow left
Social media lit up like crazy when Melania and Barron Trump arrived on Air Force One to move into the White House. Why di
Delta Air Lines and Bank of America became the first companies to announce they are pulling their sponsorships of a Manha
How shocking is it that liberal Senator Diane Feinstein is calling for a closer look at the possible collusion between Lynch and C
President Trump made a surprise appearance at a wedding at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. last weekend. He g
So much winning! Were going to be winning so much, you re going to be sick of winning! -Candidate Donald J. TrumpPreside
Protesters affiliated with the group No Justice, No Pride blocked this year s Capital Pride Parade on three separate occasions, d
BERNIE SANDERS decided to go after the religion of a nominee for Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget T
Did you know that over 15 thousand so-called Muslim refugees have been admitted to the US since inauguration day?WHERE
The rules must not apply to Caroline Biden, niece of Joe Biden The wild-child niece of former Veep Joe Biden stole more than $
On June 10, people in at least 27 cities are gathering to march for human rights and against Sharia Law. The nationwide day o
Former FBI Director James Comey admitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday that he asked a Columbia profe
John Coleman, Founder, The Weather Channel, appeared on CNN s Reliable Sources with host Brian Stelter, after writing an op
President Trump spoke in the Rose Garden today in a presser with Romania s leader It got contentious when CNN s Jonathan K
PRESIDENT TRUMP ON OVERREGULATION: They spent $29 million for an environmental report weighing 70 lbs. and costing $
Appearing on MSNBC s Morning Joe, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) expressed concern for President Donald Tru
Judge Jeanine commented this morning on the FBI Director s testimony yesterday and in true Judge Jeanine style she didn t ho
President Trump spoke via pre-recorded video to cole miners at the announcement of the opening of the first coal mine in 6 y
Members of a congressional committee ripped Obama and his attorney general for covering up an investigation into the death
A man disguised himself in a burka in order to lure an 11-year-old boy whom he then raped and strangled to death, according
He may not have been President Trump s biggest fan during the primary season, but Senator Marco Rubio exposed the truth b
A Columbia University professor from Brooklyn went into hiding Thursday after pal James Comey revealed during his Senate te
HILLARY HAS A TRACK RECORD OF BEING A BIG PHONY She s been caught on numerous occasions breaking out a fake souther
How sweet is this? Chris Matthews had to admit that there s no case in the witch hunt on Trump. Chris Matthews talks about h
President Trump s lawyer Marc Kasowitz made a statement after the Comey Testimony and nailed the fact that Comey lied un
James Comey testified this morning that Loretta Lynch told his to refer to the Clinton email investigation as a matter and not
President Barack Obama recently said he told Russian President Vladimir Putin to knock it off back in September. Obama s all
WOW! Not until people like Brett Hume tweeted out bashing CNN for their fake news did CNN finally retract a lie about Trump
Texas Democrat Rep. Al Green announced on Wednesday he would draw up articles of impeachment against President Donald
Andrew McCarthy is just awesome! He goes through the reasons why there is nothing on Trump at all. Tucker Carlson even sa
Watch what happens when Laura Loomer asks Chelsea Clinton to sign a copy of her book, She Persisted for her friend, Juanit
Eric Holder was the king of extortion from big companies. He had it all figured out and was able to redistribute money from th
Read former FBI Director James Comey s full statement below:Statement for the Record Senate Select Committee on Intellige
Judge Napolitano just took the fun out of the Democrat s party tomorrow They have nothing! It s what we ve known but it s g
Sen. Richard Burr (R., NC.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, scolded Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) fo
The Senate Intel Committee is holding an open hearing on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act today and the intel directo
Take a look at @PublicTheaterNY's first Shakespeare in the Park production of 2017, a Trump-inspired Julius Caesar https://t.c
According to video filmed by one of the protesters, very few of Rep. Barrag n s constituents showed up for the meeting at a lo
President Trump has nominated Christopher Wray to be the new director of the FBI. The president announced the pick in a tw
A television reporter has been fired after she was caught on video unleashing a vicious, expletive-laden tirade against a Philad
After Black Lives Matter hosted a blacks-only Memorial Day party, Tucker Carlson asked a BLM supporter why such an event
A Highlands County woman could be charged with a felony after investigators say she allowed a toddler to be bitten by a smal
RUDE, RUDE, RUDE! Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly was repeatedly cut off by Senator Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) dur
This is awesome! London Mayor Sadiq Khan was drilled by Piers Morgan on why Khan isn t keeping tabs on the 400 plus know
Food Stamp use has miraculously gone down in several states! It s a miracle! In 13 Alabama counties, food stamp use went do
London s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan, called on the British government today to cancel their visit with President Donald Trump.
France s armed police officers were at least prepared to handle the terror attack after shooting the terrorist, thereby preventin
This unbelievable story of unbridled censorship by the left is not unique to Germany. It s spreading like wildfire across Europe.
President Trump gave a powerful speech to Arab leaders at the opening of the new Global Centre for Combatting Extremist Id
Donald Trump Jr slammed Kathy Griffin for playing the victim after the huge backlash to her beheading Trump photo. saying
MSNBC s Lawrence O Donnell was really reaching today when he claimed President Trump s announcement Monday that he w
The traitor just arrested is a piece of work. She s a Georgia contractor who is pro-Bernie, anti-capitalist, anti-Trump You get th
Here is the interview that made Kelly so unpopular with FOX News fans, that actually led to them boycotting her:According to
MSNBC host Thomas Roberts on Sunday was speculating whether President Donald Trump was trying to cause a terrorist atta
London s Muslim Mayor has been pretending that ISLAM has nothing to do with the terror attacks that have gripped innocent
Chris Cuomo tries to argue with the brilliant Sebastian Gorka This is epic!The discussion began on the travel ban and devolved
PRESIDENT TRUMP and FIRST LADY MELANIA TRUMP attended the Ford s Theatre Gala tonight. President Trump vowed to pro
Former VP Al Gore told ABC s George Stephanopoulos weather reports are like the Book of Revelation from the Bible. Can you
This is in-your-face taunting of our president and it s creepy. You have a radical Hamas-loving Muslim woman leading the pray
A nonprofit legal watchdog claimed Thursday that newly unearthed documents show Hillary Clinton sent and received more c
Listen:After creating a video that included a vile, beheaded bloody head of President Donald Trump, the not-so-funny comedia
1[1pro-]: relating to, caused by, or being interference between previous learning and the recall or performance of later learni
REZA ASLAN is a CNN host who is a Muslim religious scholar who should be fired but probably won t be. He tweeted out a vile
WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS! PRESIDENT TRUMPIn the aftermath of another terror attack in London, our President twee
Just another day in the holy month of Ramadan London is the scene of carnage again with another terror attack. A van plowed
Just another day in the holy month of Ramadan London is the scene of carnage again with another terror attack. A van plowed
If Clinton and Lynch just talked about grandkids then why is this such a top secret transcript? This is troubling because it porte
The One World Trade Center Twitter account announced they would be lighting the tower green in solidarity with the #ParisA
Such a compassionate faith Bring an 8-year old girl in for a clitorectomy and watch how quickly they sharpen the knives A Paki
Ted Nugent isn t having it! He s being compared to Kathy Griffin by the left and he s had enough of it!We will never forget the
On Friday night s episode of HBO s Real Time, host Bill Maher responded to guest Sen. Ben Sasse s question, Would you like to
Venues in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania and now California have all canceled their Kathy Griffin Celebrity Run-In sho
After President Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord, the left went crazy with hysterical predictions on what will happen now.
Remember when people paid attention to Arnold Scwarzenegger s political opinions? Me neither The irrelevant former Califor
In 2016, 2.14 million people moved to Germany in 2015 a 46 per cent increase from 2014.It should come as no surprise that l
Backlash against Kathy Griffin continues to grow with at least four venues announcing that they had canceled her performance
During Nancy Pelosi s remarks regarding President Trump s decision to pull out of the Paris Accord, Pelosi questioned whether
The outspoken liberal comedian posed for a photo shoot with controversial photographer Tyler Shields in which she was seen
Video from inside Evergreen State College continues to leak, showing that protesters had at one point held administrators hos
A ridiculous Kathy Griffin breaks down over the fall out from her controversial photo: I don t think I will have a career after thi
Keith Ellison blurted out some words that meant nothing and was called out on it this is as rare on MSNBC as finding a Unicorn
The word nothing-burger has been tossed around so much lately but it s best used in referring to what the Paris Accord woul
This is so good! Rand Paul knows his climate truth. Jake Tapper is totally embarrassed by the argument from Paul who tells Ta
Kathy Griffin is now digging herself a deeper hole. She s hired a high profile attorney because she s now claiming to be the victi
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is one smart man when it comes to making an economic argument against the Paris Accord.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once requested to fly in a separate plane rather than share one with then-First Lady M
With his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, President Trump just gave the #ResistTrump crowd a new re
FOX News is announcing that President Trump believes the Paris Accord is a bad deal and wants to jeep his promise to put Am
Stuart Varney asked Hillary friend and adviser Doug Schoen if Hillary plans on running in 2020 The answer he gives only confirm
Nigel Farage: I don t think it s worth getting angry about Hillary. I just think she looks sad and pathetic. From now on, let s just
Children s author and father of two, Ken Jennings took to Twitter to bully 11-year old Barron Trump after entertainment site T
Chaos broke out after legal Americans and illegal aliens clashed at a town hall in California:The Los Angeles Times put their spi
Hillary Clinton continues on the path to complete and total denial. #CODECON 2017 included a blah, blah, blah session by Clin
Finally! Remember when Senator Lyndsey Graham said he s very disappointed but said, we ll deal with her later. ? Well, they
YOU RE FIRED! Yes, CNN has fired Kathy Griffin from hosting their New Year s Eve program. After tons of pressure, the networ
Thank goodness for President Trump s new commission because the latest finding on voter fraud is just the tip of the voter fra
Social media erupted yesterday when outspoken comedian Kathy Griffin, posed for a photo shoot with controversial photogra
Rush Limbaugh nails it in the transcript below but the most disturbing part of the roadblocking of Trump is that the refugee r
President Trump just let comic Kathy Griffin know that she should be ashamed of herself for the photo holding a head resem
The USAA financial services firm is reinstating its advertising on Sean Hannity s Fox News Channel program after receiving hea
Here is the Gateway Pundit s real news account of Sean Spicer s brilliant press conference today: Jim Acosta smugly asked, C
Nancy Pelosi couldn t sink any lower than this. She was doing a question and answer when she giggled and said she can t call D
The outspoken comedian posed for a photo shoot with controversial photographer Tyler Shields in which she is holding a bloo
Kathy Griffin probably thought this would be great publicity for her. Nope, not funny not funny at all. Twitter was abuzz over t
As a Wellesley graduate, I was shocked and dismayed by Hillary Clinton s commencement address. Actually, that is #FakeNews
How obvious can she be? Alison Camerota interviewed former NH Governor John Sununu and decided to do some pouting wh
If you weren t convinced of the fabulousness of First Lady Melania Trump before her 9-day foreign trip, you re certainly aware
Gold Star family Brittany Jacobs and her 6-year-old son Christian who met President Trump yesterday:Meet Gold Star family B
The latest video of Maxine Waters is downright hysterical! She s confronted by one of her constituents who says they re going
Remember when experts came out after Hillary collapsed following her visit to the 9-11 memorial in NYC and revealed that th
Families of fallen soldiers were surprised today when President Trump and VP Pence made an unexpected visit to section 60 a
The ban, which also applies to women and children and elderly relatives from war torn countries, has been put in place for tw
AUSTIN A shoving match and war of words nearly turned into a fistfight on the Texas House floor Monday, the final day of a b
Naveed Jamali is supposed to be a professional analyst on MSNBC but we re guessing that s just too much to ask of these new
Fox News Harris Faulkner BLOWS UP the WHOLE Russia Collusion Theory with ONE SMART QUESTION that we re sure the me
As we listen 24/7 to the fake news and fake outrage about Russia spying and stealing our election, the news clip below gets to
Newt Gingrich: You start putting a few people in jail, you ll see the leaks dry up dramatically. Gingrich is saying what so many
President Trump is scheduled to attend the Wreath Laying Cermony at Arlington National Cemetery today.The President twee
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was a participant in Rolling Thunder 2017! What a great show of support! Candidate Donald Tr
Last week it was Huma Abedin s husband Anthony Weiner, this week, it s a Democrat organizer and employee of Democrat M
Flashback to February 18. 201: In a remarkable dispute just two days before a pivotal Republican primary, Pope Francis said D
Secretary of Defense James Mattis was asked in an interview airing Sunday what keeps him up at night His answer is epic! This
More and more evidence is revealed every day, that points to the real possibility that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the
There is no question that Whoopi Goldberg is a talented actress and has the ability to make people laugh, but the gift of come
The video below is more important than ever! After the Berlin attack, Dr. James Mitchell spoke about what has come to be in
Judge Jeanine Pirro s Opening Statement focused on the one big problem she says President Trump needs to fix..THE LEAKERS
The press has been lying about President Trump since day one but it s never been more evident than during the 9-day trip the
There was a heavy push and big-time lobbying from G7 leaders but President Trump said no to endorsing the Paris Climate Ag
Bravo! Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo just put her foot down! She told the EU that Poland will not be blackmailed into ac
President Trump referred to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as Justin from Canada during his speech to the military a
Hillary Clinton told a group of graduates how she coped with her election loss Is anyone surprised that she hit the wine bottle
America is falling in love with Melania Trump. You can t help but notice how Melania lights up every time she is around childre
Hillary Clinton just made the claim that she beat President Trump in the 2016 election. The bitter and delusional Clinton is a w
Alan Dershowitz schools his former student Jeffrey Tobin on whether the subject matter is a crime in relation to Jared Kushner
Now we know for sure that Nancy Pelosi has lost it!During a press briefing on Thursday, Pelosi criticized the President Trump s
First Lady Melania Trump has been busy praying over sick children during her 9 day trip overseas and it seems at least one of
All we re hearing from the left is fear mongering about President Trump s budget. We love what welfare to work is coming bac
Navy SEAL Carl Higbie had three words for Katy Perry: Go to hell. Carl Higbie in a Thursday interview on Fox News criticized Pe
President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump made a splash at the G7 with Melania s incredible fashion sense and Trump s b
Hillary Clinton was delivering the commencement speech at her alma mater today and had a coughing fit! Can you believe it?
Pleading ignorance is a perfect ploy for Nancy Pelosi Who wouldn t believe she s clueless on pretty much everything. Pelosi cla
Don Lemon tries to blame Donald Trump for the incident in Montana between a Republican candidate and a reporter. The can
This is just too rich! The Democrats threw tons of money into this race and then the Republican candidate body-slammed an
Terrified concert goers fled an Ariana Grande gig after Salman Abedi, 22, detonated a bomb full of shrapnel and nails late on M
Companies including, Peloton, and Leesa Sleep have all given in to pressure to cease advertising on the show over H
Caller-Times: Speaking on CNN Wednesday, the fourth-term congressman refuted a widely believed conclusion that the Russia
A shocking new video has just been released by the Center for Medical Progress, the undercover investigative group that in 20
Clifton Park, New York is the latest school to succumb to Muslim prayer rooms. We ve documented this trend across America
The former CIA Director told a House committee that Obama started to spy on Trump after he cracked a joke about Russia rel
President Trump met for the first time with members of NATO and scolded them for not paying their fair share : Members of
Obama took a veiled shot at President Trump that was beyond tacky. He needs to move on but just can t let being president g
President Trump arrived like a boss to check out what s going on at the NATO headquarters. They just spent big bucks on a ne
Mick Mulvaney is one smart cookie. He s doing a fantastic job cutting where cuts need to be made. Congress will complain abo
Former CIA Agent Phil Mudd is a jackwagon! He threatened Congressman Trey Gowdy after hearing video of questioning from
Ami Horowitz went to a New York conference on white privilege and asked the attendees to explain their whiteness. Somebo
Maxine Waters made an appearance on CNBC trying to push the term Kremlin Klan to push the Russia scam.She tried to nam
MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough was caught on a hot mic making a snarky suggestion that President Donald Trump is not a Ch
The video below is unbelievable in its honest look at the press and how they didn t and won t accept the election of Donald Tr
Just another nice immigrant family trying to assimilate in the country who so generously took them in The 22-year-old British-
Tucker Carlson nails it tonight on how we re now being conditioned to accept terrorism So true! We should NEVER accept this
What the heck is going on over at FOX News, the cable news network that used to be the only place on TV that Americans cou
Trey Gowdy asked a pointed question of former CIA Director Brennan: Did you have evidence of a connection between the Tr
EX-CIA Chief John Brennan testified today before the House today and dropped a bomb of truth that President Trump didn t p
Let s play a fun game called, What the hell did Nancy just say? Every time Nancy opens her mouth, she proves that President
Immediately after President Trump s speech about the horrible Manchester terror attack, the left decided to twist his words. T
Michelle Obama has been wearing some interesting fashion choices during her overseas trip to Italy. To each his own but the
Just before Donald Trump s inauguration, David Leavitt who claims he writes for CBS and Yahoo said he wished Trump would d
At least 19 people have been killed after explosions were heard inside Manchester Arena at the end of an Ariana Grande conc
POTUS AND FLOTUS visited the Israeli PM residence and got a very warm welcome! The video below is a rare behind the scen
It looks like Bill O Reilly is getting the last laugh When the Fox News Channel fired cable news giant Bill O Reilly in April, reports
Bob Schieffer is an old-school newsman. There s no doubt that the former Face the Nationhost leans left, but he is still capable
Israeli First Lady Sara Netanyahu: I talk every place about her, how great she is. And how great you are. I can testify to that. Be
First Lady Melania Trump has been stealing the spotlight from just about everyone on the Middle East trip. From the beginnin
Last week, Private Investigator Rod Wheeler appeared on Fox5 news in DC with an update in the unsolved murder of DNC IT e
Among the findings:A Complex Fiscal Picture Welfare use. Our findings show that many of the preconceived notions about the
What a great photo of President Trump joined by the President of Egypt and Saudi King Salman to inaugurate The Global Cent
The White House confirmed to FOX Business that Priebus would be heading back to Washington D.C. after the stop in Saudi Ar
AP reported:California s elected Democrats had tough words for President Donald Trump and the GOP Congress on Saturday,
Every time a terrorist murders an innocent person, and falsely invokes the name of God, it should be an insult to every perso
The classless Democrats are at it again. The over-the-top potty talk by the Chairman Tom Perez was bad enough but now the C
President Trump is scheduled to deliver a historic speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the Arab Islamic American Summit. Th
At the start of the Fox News Greg Gutfeld Show, Gutfeld showed a hilarious clip mocking the hysteria of the Democrat Party. G
Tim Allen took to Twitter to express his disappointment after discovering that the second highest rated comedy TV series on A
CNN host Anderson Cooper apologized for a crude remark directed at President Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord during his show
Radio host and frequent FOX News contributor Laura Ingraham and Fox News The Five host Kimberly Guilfoyle were seen lea
The Harvard study below will blow your mind! If you had any doubt Trump is being sabotaged by the main stream media and W
Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) struggled Friday on MSNBC to explain what the Democratic Party stands for besides opposing P
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrived in Saudi Arabia to rare red carpet treatment. What a great way
The double standard here is unbelievable! We just reported on a high school student in big trouble for saying Build the Wall i
Punishing rich, hard-working, white Americans one piece of legislation at a time California s state legislature is considering a b
Martin Luther King Jr. would not likely be pleased to see such a divisive figure using his position as a professional athlete to pro
Tick tock. America will now wait until conservative news sources release his motive.UPDATE: The man who attempted to brea
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein doubled down today when he told Congress he stands by a memo he wrote that the
Bob Beckel is gone from Fox News after he was terminated for a racist comment Who knew this Democrat was as nasty as this
David Plouffe was a Campaign Manager and Senior Adviser for Obama and has many, many connections to the Deep State.A t
Former FBI Director James Comey testified under Senate oath May 3rd that the Trump administration had not pressured his a
Got News- New York Times Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim s blogger Michael Schmidt told professional liar Brian William
Hillary Clinton always goes back to the black community and this is just another case of pandering. It s pretty sickening that sh
Stories of governments removing citizens from their homes and apartments in European nations and replacing them with mig
This is by far the best analysis yet of the entire ordeal of the Trump-Russia collusion lie. Victor Davis Hanson goes through wha
This is truly where we re heading with freedom of speech in America and it s scary. There are people on the left who want to s
The funniest part of the video comes when MSNBC guest host Ben Stein attempts to force Maxine to give an actual reason wh
Senator Lindsey Graham: I have reason to believe DNC, Hillary & DOJ Colluded on Hillary email Investigation. So lets get to the
This is one of the best accounts we ve seen of who REALLY committed a crime in all of this craziness. Judge Napolitano is dead
Deep State Is Trying to Take Down a President It Needs to Stop Dennis Kucinich goes there and tells Sean Hannity that the d
This blogger s piece is a glimpse into the future of America. Unless we all find a way to stand together and stop Barack Obama
Charles Payne and economist Liz Peek discuss the booming Trump economy and why the hateful media won t report on it: Pay
What a great pick by the Trump administration!The Trump administration tapped Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke to se
PRESIDENT TRUMP JUST PUT THIS TO BED! The leakers are hopefully going to be exposed now (see statement below) that the
Legal Expert Jonathan Turley listened as Joe Scarborough laid out a lengthy timeline to make a case of obstruction on Presiden
GREG GUTFELD IS SO PASSIONATE and so on target with his commentary about the Comey memo disclosure. This is truly epic
A Navy SEAL Carl Higbie was blasted and screeched at by a CNN anchor who was shocked that Higbie asked for more evidence
Putin just trolled the Democrats Haha!Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump had not divulged a
Steve Bannon gets it He knows what s going on with all of the fuss with Trump. The press and politicians are doing their best t
President Trump gave the commencement speech for the Coast Guard graduating class and hit back at the media during the s
Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson went after the deep state with commentary on who they believe is trying to harm Trump: Fiv
Former CIA analyst and retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer told Lou Dobbs on Tuesday President Trum
Rod Wheeler was on Hannity last night with startling information on the Seth Rich murder mystery. He spoke about the myste
Home Depot co-founder Kenneth Langone: The fake news media hates President Trump because he makes them irrelevant W
Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich s death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove
The glowing review we gave to Miss USA Kara McCullough must be revoked Bummer!She was our hero when she defended lib
Hey parents are you woke yet? A high school in North Carolina confiscated student yearbooks after one of the students quot
Spewing falsehoods has become the favorite pastime of Democrats It s really pitiful to watch Last night, following the release
The National Security Advisor held a press conference to reconfirm that the Washington Post article is FAKE NEWS.It s most di
Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich s death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove
Tucker takes on the co-director of Popular Resistance, and asks him whether he advocates violence, whether he would like po
In the realm of the NBA, Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich has been one of Donald Trump s most vocal critics. He continued h
Judy Woodruff has been a staple on liberal leaning PBS for so long that it s hard to remember she started out in Atlanta just de
The Washington Post just got called out BIG TIME on a fake story they published This is a screenshot of the article:THE BIG LIE
Judge Napolitano spoke out today about the unmasking of people in government by Obama. He began to discuss allegations
Embarrassing footage of Thailand s king wearing a crop top and showing his tattoos have prompted authorities to threaten ac
The District of Columbia has won back-to-back Miss USA titles.Kara McCullough, a 25-year-old chemist working for the U.S. Nu
The Democrats just keep on pushing the FAKE NEWS of Trump colluding with the russians to win the election. The striking thin
All you have to do is listen to Clapper lie before Congress and you know he has ZERO credibility to speak:Remember the famou
The video below begins with a Hispanic man telling the videographer to go back to Europe . He continues n his rant ending wi
North Korea said on Monday it had successfully conducted a newly developed mid-to-long range missile test on Sunday, super
What a nut job! A 10th-grade teacher invited radicals into the classroom to brainwash and enlist children to join the radical gr
President Trump told the graduates that they are graduating to a totally brilliant future. Trump specifically recognized gradua
Lil Wayne, whose real name is Dwayne Michael Carter Jr, was being interviewed on Fox Sports 1 s show Undisputed in Septem
Chuck Todd exposed his nasty side when he totally abused the Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his show Meet the Press: Of
Joy Reid is unbelievable when she claims the Texas anti-sanctuary city law Sounds Almost Like an Apartheid-era Law So now e
It s no secret that President Trump is very much a hands-on type of manager. Should anyone really be surprised by the firing a
Governor Scott Walker, R-Wis., is reacting just like any fan scorned by callous Hollywood executives.The article Walker linked t
TERM LIMITS, TERM LIMITS, TERM LIMITS! Maxine Waters is the poster child for term limits! She is a nasty and vey bitter racis
JUDGE JEANINE PIRRO S INTERVIEW WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP:President Donald Trump doubled down on his threat to end the
We have very few favorites when it comes to reporting for obvious reasons: They lie all the time! Who hasn t read or heard so
Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders found herself behind the briefing room lectern last Wednesday fielding questi
Fist Lady Melania Trump hosted military moms at the White House on Friday. She gave a heartwarming and heartfelt speech a
Anderson Cooper decided it would be a good idea to roll his eyes numerous times during his interview with Kellyanne Conway
Donald Trump Junior was attending a rally when a heckler yelled out a question:Protester: What about your dad s taxes? I wan
Veteran newscaster Tom Brokaw called out political hack Andrea Mitchell on her ridiculous Comey narrative. He said, deal wit
Tim Allen s hit sitcom Last Man Standing has seen its final days.ABC announced it has canceled Allen s show after six seasons.
Four candidates for FBI Director are being interviewed today. It looks like President Trump is going for candidates who are apo
It s becoming fairly commonplace for public acts of violence to occur when liberals don t get exactly what they want. We used
Judge Jeanine Pirro interviewed President Trump on the press and the Comey firing. The interview is fantastic! The interview b
This is the greatest clip from a meeting with President trump by a group of teens from North Carolina whose project was to bu
Michelle came out of hiding today to take a baseball bat to President Trump. She spoke to an audience about nutrition and st
A Russian man wanted by the Justice Department on charges connected to hacking U.S. companies now claims the FBIoffered
The faux outrage from the press over any and every move that President Trump makes is getting so old! Just ask Sean Spicer H
So much for healthy debate on college campus Instead, liberals deal with conflict by screaming at the top of their lungs in prot
Donald Trump lobbed a veiled threat at the former FBI director on Friday, hinting that some of their conversations before his fi
We love Sarah Huckabee! She is a no-nonsense spokesperson for President Trump! The video below is a classic! HOLD ON JON
A Fresno State University professor was recently caught on camera scrubbing pro-life message off of the sidewalk and encoura
Tucker Carlson debates the Russia conspiracy with Mustafa Tameez, former consultant for the Department of Homeland Secu
The Democrats are lying all over the place along with the main stream media it s hard to keep up with the lies. This is shamefu
ABC s Jonathan Karl asked a very spunky Sara Huckabee-Sanders (yes, Sara is the daughter of the very funny and sarcastic form
A Tennessee woman has obviously bought into the left s playbook to act as crazy as possible when at a town hall The ironic th
FBI Agents are coming forward now to voice their frustrations and concerns about FBI Director James Comey s inept policing o
Before Trump, Democrats and their allies in the leftist media rarely had to worry about being called out for their hypocrisy. Fir
The students of the historically black Bethune-Cookman University booed the invited commencement speaker, Education Secr
Betsy DeVos just proved to America why President Trump chose her among so many qualified candidates to reform our broke
This is truly epic! Mark Levin goes after the Democrats on their hypocrisy in the firing of Comey and the Russia/Trump investig
Those of us in the swamp knew who the alligators were in the swamp former Justice Department official Victoria ToensingV
Russian President Vladimir Putin got sassy with the press when he was approached by a reporter and asked about Comey: Wh
Since the moment word got out about the firing of FBI Director James Comey, Democrats and their allies in the leftist media h
In its 109-year history, only one F.B.I. director had been fired until Tuesday, when President Trump fired James B. Comey. In J
At the recommendation of both Attorney General Jeff Sessions and from Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, Presiden
On more than one occasion, Condoleezza Rice was able correct the record by pointing out the hypocrisy of these ladies in such
This Congresswoman has a potty mouth and a bitter attitude towards whites. She s a hateful racist who is paranoid that every

In its 109-year history, only one F.B.I. director had been fired until Tuesday, when President Trump fired James B. Comey. In J
There are 20 Democrats who at certain times have called for Comey to be fired but all you hear this morning is that the firing w
Kellyanne Conway went at it with Anderson Cooper and came out on top when she basically schooled Cooper on the chain of
TUCKER CARLSON Spoke out tonight on the firing of Comey He listed different times that Comey was inept or undermined the
He threw the reputation of the FBI under the bus Former FBI agents don t seem as surprised as the rest of the world that Jam
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer appeared on Lou Dobbs tonight to give the first set of explanatory points around the
He threw the reputation of the FBI under the bus Former FBI agents don t seem as surprised as the rest of the world that Jam
Hillary Clinton was dogged throughout her campaign by her decision to set up a private email server in the basement of her su
Comey will inevitably be remembered for the controversial role he played in the 2016 presidential election, where his agency
Wow! This is clearly something the White House prepared for because they had a packet of information available for the pres
Who knew? Tiffany & Co. just decided to show its hand when it comes to politics. We re not happy to tell you that the luxury r
STEPHANIE RUHLE of MSNBC was on with a panel of liberals when she blurted out: I too have a pre-existing condition. I m a w
When he was running for president, Donald Trump made locking up Hillary Clinton for her criminal behavior a centerpiece of h
You re never to young to commit jihad Teachers at a primary school in Sydney, Australia have been threatened with beheadin
The moral decay of our nation continues full speed ahead. One has to wonder how many families with young children or frigh
Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates was grilled about her refusal to defend the president s travel executive order She m
Like dominoes, the Hijra keeps marching across Europe, destroying the distinct cultures of one country after another. Sweden
Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, a liberal Democrat would like to become the nation s first Muslim Governor in a state that s home to the c
Martha, Martha, Martha You re 75-years old! Time to lay off of the nasty gestures We feel a Martha Stewart boycott coming o
According to the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, this year marks Harvard s highest percentage of accepted black studen
Former DHS Official Elibiary is a big supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and was let go from his Homeland Sec post after alle
Here s a compilation of President Trump s most savage moments and we mean that in the best possible way! We love his hon
Barack Obama implored members of Congress to have the courage not to repeal the Affordable Care Act Sunday night.The fo
There has never been a more UNCOURAGEOUS person in the White House than Barack Obama. He never faced a decision on
The next time you hear someone talk about how it s a shame our country is so divided, make sure you tell them to thank a De
When they go low we go high -Former First Lady Michelle Obama explaining how Democrats take the high roadSince @dailyc
Bill Maher has been criticized for making an incest joke about Ivanka Trump and her father on his show.While on his HBO prog
Paul Joseph Watson nails it in this look at the new leader of France: Congrats to the government bureaucrat, banker, Bilderber
The French citizens just voted for their demise They elected Macron over the nationalist candidate who would put France first
May 7th is likely going to be a day of clashes against protesters who are coming from all over the United States to demonstrat
Judge Jeanine Pirro SLAMS Hillary Clinton after Clinton blamed WikiLeaks and Jim Comey s letter on October 28th for losing th
This is so disturbing but such a wake up call for people who don t realize what s going on all over Europe and what s coming ou
Thanks to Judicial Watch for keeping it up with the effort to find out more on what happened in Benghazi. We know that the S
Kellyanne Conway appeared on the Sean Hannity show with guest host Eric Bolling. She was clearly frustrated by the Democra
A large group of very diverse young adults who call themselves The Modern Patriots videotaped themselves being kicked out
Did you know that in the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2000 illegal aliens were deported after comm
A city in Pennsylvania is removing a park bench with a religious quote in order to placate angry atheists. The atheists wants to
Brian Mast scorched the Democrats for their lying about the health care bill: I too am a person with preexisting conditions and
Freedom is not a gift from government. It is a gift from God. President Donald J. Trump, May 4, 2017The Little Sisters correc
Someone needs to educate Ellen DeGeneres on President Trump. She obviously knows nothing about him or his policies that D
Watch this hilarious video from our British conservative friend Paul Joseph Watson (Twitter name:@PrisonPlanet) who does a
Police on Tuesday arrested two people and were seeking a third after a shooting in Northwest Rochester, MN.In 2014, Roches
What s all the fuss about if there s no there, there? Is anyone else sickened by the left s efforts to discredit President Trump fo
Be careful what you ask for Watch: FBI Director James Comey testified Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee tha
The American Health Care Act (HR 1628) passed by the House today reduces taxes on the American people by over $1 trillion.
Prudence is thirty-four. She has had sex with twenty-one men and three women, according an assignment for high schoolers
Gersh Kuntzman is a writer for the New York Daily News, he was also a Hillary Clinton supporter, with emphasis on was Gersh
The 31-year old model, new mother and wife of Trump- hater, singer John Legend has been trashing President Trump on Twitt
Johnny Carson must be rolling over in his grave to see what s happened to late night comedy where he dedicated 30 years of h
After the release of tell-all book Shattered that excoriated and exposed Hillary Clinton and her failed campaign, she emerged
The Donald Trump of France MARINE LE PEN is in the last stages of campaigning and it s getting uglier and uglier You know it s
After years of debate, the House on Thursday voted to repeal key parts of the Affordable Care Act and replace them with new
Hilarious conservative media analyst and Youtube sensation Mark Dice took to the streets of Los Angeles in 2013 while Preside
DC Antifa Leader Moved to Turkey with Man She Met, Surprised When Beaten and Abused pic.twitt
DC Antifa Leader Moved to Turkey with Man She Met, Surprised When Beaten and Abused pic.twitt
Did you see the testimony from FBI Director Comey yesterday? The two words that stand out are the words mildly nauseous :
Barack Obama s white college girlfriend Sheila Miyoshi Jager, who is now a professor at Oberlin College, tells a story of a very
Susan Rice just announced she won t testify before the Senate on the Russian hacking.Senator Lyndsey Graham said he s very
The sex secrets of the young Barack Obama have been revealed in an authoritative new biography of the ex-president.The new
Sean Spicer gave Hillary Clinton a little dig when he used the analogy of the Falcons vs Patriots game to explain the election las
Pamela Anderson is best known for her role on the TV show Baywatch. Lately, she s getting attention for being the love of Wik
A caller to British radio host Katie Hopkins whose name is Jessica, called into Katie s show to relay a story to her about her form
Irish journalist and documentary filmmaker Ann McElhinney took down a clueless liberal student during a discussion on global
Iran is using the billions in cash resources provided under the landmark nuclear deal to engage in an unprecedented military b
Tucker Carlson interviews Jose Antonio Vargas, CEO of Define America He gave Vargas a reality check!Vargas takes offense to
President Trump s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon just accidentally revealed his to do list to the world. Bannon writes down his
Only a few days after his inauguration, President Donald Trump moved aggressively to tighten the nation s immigration policie
COLBERT LANGUAGE WARNING! This late night host is one angry dude! He does everything he can to try and rip on President
Laura Ingraham is dialed in on the Republican s inability to get a good budget bill. She held up the Washington Post to show ho
After a sighting of black student with a hot glue gun caused the tolerant, liberal campus of Colgate quickly jumped into action
This is what having no freedom of speech looks like This guy is awesome! I use whatever flag I want because I am free. I am no
The Media Research Center recently published a study showing that 91% of the coverage Donald Trump received during his ca
The bipartisan congressional language creates a headache for Trump and his deputies because it flips the politically difficult pr
Tom Perez decided to go there yesterday when he said during his May Day speech that no human being is illegal .So now the
Paul Ryan nervously giggled during the Republican announcement of the budget and Obamacare replacement this morning. It
Tucker Carlson had the Head of the White House Press Association on tonight .It was a slugfest!This was a tense exchange bec
REAL journalism hit Washington today! One of our favorite citizen journalists went at the main stream media full force. The vid
Antifa terrorists have gathered in major cities across the world today to protest in solidarity against capitalism and free speech
Senator Elizabeth Warren must be doing whatever Nancy Pelosi is doing The very strange comment by Warren must require tr
WASHINGTON, D.C. May Day is the day for commies to come out in force The Antifa thugs are proudly marching for commun
Wow! Republicans had a chance to stand up to the Democrats and fight for the border wall, as well as other issues that got Pr
Bill Maher began his interview with the yawn-inducing Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren and the best hope for a presidenti
Here is a bit of the transcript of their discussion via CBS:JOHN DICKERSON: Did President Obama give you any advice that was
Nathan Domingo is the founder of Identity Europa and is the guy who was seen by millions of viewers punching a female Anti
The truth about Springsteen is so disappointing (see below) but this one takes the cake!Bruce Springsteen has been a sellout a
It is absolutely unbelievable that he could be the leader of the greatest nation in the world and we cannot allow him to stay in
For the second time in a matter of weeks, progressive leftist Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi displayed what many bel
Soros paid protesters who blocked streets and created mass chaos in big cities cashed in before the election of President Trum
Climate march s are happening all over America. Many of the same groups like Antifa who turned out to burn, riot and loot in
President Trump skipped the White House Correspondents Dinner to hold a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania instead. How cou
Wow! This is really epic! Paris Dennard nails Paul Begala on Begala s trash talking of Trump. You won t believe the response fro
This is a shocker! RICHARD DREYFUSS was on Tucker Carlson and blew us away with his knowledge of American government!
Take note cowardly anti-American thugs, your Black Bloc brother will soon to be wearing orange for a very long time A Florida
Lou Hobbs praised President Donald Trump for his historic first 100 days in office, including being the first president to have a
A Conservative Reporter was brave enough to grab the mic at the Climate March and instruct people to yell Bill Clinton is a ra
Watch as Katy Tur tries to hilariously convince the audience that the press doesn t have any biases: If we have any bias, it s a
A few weeks ago, we reported on the first female Muslim legislator, Ilhan Omar, the 34-year-old Democrat community organiz
A brave London tour bus passenger saw a Muslim with a large knife and was able to disarm him VIDEO BELOWThis shows wha
It was like garden and guns today for the President and First Lady President Trump spoke at the National Rifle Association con
The woman who wants to be the next Democrat candidate for president is doing exactly what Democrats do best these days,
State police are searching for fugitive accused of running a million-dollar food stamp scam after they say he cut off his court-o
From the Vanity Fair article: Milo Yiannopoulos, the former tech editor at Breitbart, has made political provocations, often dee
FORMER WHITE HOUSE ADVISOR STEPHANIE CUTTER totally piled on President Trump in a rant that blamed HIM for keeping h
What factors determine what makes the first 100 days of a president a success? Roosevelt had urgency and opportunity as his
Campus Reform Saturday will mark Donald Trump s 100th day in office, an important milestone for U.S. presidents ever since
William Stanford Nye or Bill Nye is an American comedian, actor, writer and science educator. Bill Nye initially started working
Bikers for Trump leader Chris Cox spoke with FOX s Stuart Varney regarding the shut down of Ann Coulter s speech at the Univ
Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity are hysterical! During an interview about free speech, they discuss a tour of liberal college c
Because what s funnier than tying up the lines for parents who ve lost children to violent crimes by someone who entered our
Tim Poole is citizen journalist who s done some really important work exposing Antifa, Black Bloc and the violent non-profit gr
Typical! The New York Times tries to blame conservatives for the violence TOTALLY caused by the Antifa thugs. Why does this
The video below is an excellent summary of what was reported by citizen journalists who attended the rally. Gavin McGinnis m
The mayor of New Orleans is being evasive on who funded the removal of 4 statues in the heart of the city. He s also not respo
Tucker Carlson took on Yvette Felarca, a middle school teacher and national organizer for By Any Means Necessary, a militant
You remember this story, don t you? It caused a battle between pro-cop and anti-cop Congressman a few months ago.Well, it
From Hanlon s piece in the New Republic:Rejecting campus speakers is not an assault on free speech. Rather, like so many oth
In fact, the U.S. Justice Department has been actively prosecuting two other Abedin family members for conspiracy, wire frau

The protesters win by scaring people into silence which is known in the law as the heckler s veto. when the hecklers scream
The irony in this entire cancellation of a tradition in Portland, Oregon is that now the Antifa (Anti Fascists) have pissed off the m
Melanija Knavs-Trump was born on April 26, 1970 in the small Slovenian railroad town of Sevnica.Her father Victor was a car p
The Trump administration had proposed $1 billion for the wall in a spending bill, which if passed by Congress and signed into w
President Trump s 2017 Tax Reform for Economic Growth and American Jobs was announced today by National Economic Di
Judge Orrick in California ruled against President Trump s effort to strip cities of federal funding if they identify themselves as
Here we go again! What in the world is wrong with this woman? Is it her age or something like cocktails before dinner? Wonde
Lou Dobbs rips on Speaker Paul Ryan because he s a do-nothing leader! As Dobbs says, There s no mystery why Paul Ryan has
Laura Ingraham reported to Sean Hannity that Republican leaders don t want the border wall built and are actively working ag
It s a sad day in America when we allow the left to destroy American history The mayor of New Orleans wanted treasured cult
A group called People s Action just held their big gathering in Washington, DC yesterday. They had the usual suspects like Kei
In 2015, former professional boxer Anthony Small, was been cleared of plotting to leave Britain to join Islamic State militants i
Do you remember the stories of bags of cash given to President Karzai in Afghanistan? The DOD thinks it was $300 Million ANN
Here we go again! Another activist judge has shut down an effort by President Trump to protect Americans A President s #1 jo
Now one unlikely Senator is about to put forth a bill, paving the way for Mexico to pay for the wall and in the process, helping
Nancy Pelosi s latest claim is over the top:In a conference call with reporters, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California
The video below is from an ABC News interview of Obama. Check out how George Stephanopoulos corrects Obama when Oba
Twisted reasoning is all that comes from Pelosi these days especially when in 2006 most prominent Democrats voted to build
She s no stranger to nasty women in America who can t seem to get past their hate for her father to see that Ivanka Trump is
Former White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that there were some clear red lines that would cause former
Obama made Wall Street out to be the enemy during his presidency. He bashed them on one hand then supported them with
Bill O Reilly is back! And if you listen to his first podcast on his website you d almost think nothing happened. O
What a shocker! A CNN panel rips on Tom Perez for his profanity laden speeches They turn it on Trump but it s really interestin
Thank you Sean Hannity for hitting back at the latest woman to claim harassment! Hannity released a statement and spoke ou
Watch this video compilation where Trump makes his stance on man-made global climate change very clear: As President Don
During a discussion about sexual harassment charges against FOX News host Bill O Reilly, blogger Debbie Schlussel was asked
Dick Durbin might want to have a chat with Nancy Pelosi He says as long as the Democrat says they re for Roe v Wade then th
President Trump was speaking to astronaut Peggy Whitson about innovations in space when he was told they drink their own
It s a sad day in New Orleans Cultural Marxism has won The mayor of New Orleans wanted treasured cultural monuments rem
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was on Meet the Press and let out another gibberish laden response to a question. Does a
Antifa member, Paul Luke Kuhn who was busted by Project Veritas undercover journalists plotting Butyric acid attacks to disr
We ve written numerous articles on the horrible human rights record in Saudi Arabia and how the U.S. keeps pushing them as
Earlier this evening, Le Pen had security authorities on high alert, with rioting expected across the country in protest due to he
The Providence (RI) City Council voted Thursday to give first passage to the Community Safety Act, a far-reaching ordinance de
The poll below is why people shouldn t trust polls EVER! Always look at the sample size and breakdown of the people. Are the
Judge Jeanine lets it rip! She s concerned with the silencing of conservative voices in America:
Bruce Springsteen aka The Boss is showing all of his fans just how out of touch he is with his latest song. He s been a fervent
She burst on the scene last August when she upset a 44-year incumbent Democrat in the Minnesota state primary elections to
On the eve of the upcoming 2017 White House Correspondents Dinner, President Trump will be miles away from DC and from
Hollywood actor James Woods tweeted about Trump s #1 fans Diamond and Silk today. In his tweet Woods asks, OMG. Why d
Bill O Reilly was dismissed overnight from FOX News allegedly over allegations of sexual harassment by at least six women. Wa
Lauren Southern is one tough reporter. She s not afraid to jump into the middle of the fire in order to get the truth out to Ame
Americans were stunned when they were told the police officers were allegedly told to stand down and allow violent Antifa a
TIME s 100 Most Influential People in the World list was released, and liberals aren t keen on all of the people who made it. Ra
The alleged genital mutilations were NOT performed by Dr. Nagarwala at the Henry Ford Hospital in Dearborn, MI. Authorities
OMG. Why do these two gems of social media not have their own TV show? They are comedy genius #rockstars! @Diamondan
United States universities are obsessed with hiring politically correct professors through mandatory diversity statements, acc
Julissa Arce, who is now a Vice President at Goldman Sachs was a guest on Tucker Carlson s show last night. Tucker asked her
Another great move by the Trump administration! They were proactive in securing the release of Aya Hijazi. Hijazi s release wa
Democrats are having a tough week. First their golden boy Jon Ossoff wasn t able to pull off an upset in the George special ele
It is difficult to exaggerate the significance of Fox News sacking of Bill O Reilly.Not only was he the single most dominant public
The last accuser who could have been the nail in the coffin for Bill O Reilly spoke on The View about her sexual harassment law
Yes, the Democrats think it s a good thing to repeat the foul comment from their Chair Tom Perez (see video below). Rememb
In a harsh reminder of just how differently reporters treated the Obama Administration compared to the current administratio
Ted Nugent is all smiles, as he s pictured with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office:Rocker Ted Nugget s wife Shemane N
A painting on display at a University of Alaska Anchorage art gallery, which depicts the severed head of President Donald Trum
The accusations surrounding Bill O Reilly have been relentless. Nothing has been proven but in the news business you have to
Fox Business News host Stuart Varney makes no secret about the fact that he s a huge President Trump fan. He breaks into his
Here s CNN s tweet with pictures comparing Obama s Super Bowl event to President Trump s:Photos on social media appear t
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) said that President Obama bore some of the blame for Democrats spectacular collapse in the 2016
In an outdoor ceremony to celebrate the super Bowl champ New england patriots, president Trump received a football jersey
BILL CLINTON has been accused of multiple rapes and sexual assaults against several women. Bill s only punishment to date, is
A disrespectful teacher at Sherman Jr Senior High School in West Virginia wore a Tuck Frump jacket during classes. A student
Dem. candidate for Georgia congressional seat @ossoff: Not an issue I don t live in district, can t vote for myself
More fake news pushing a leftist agenda If you read the USA Today report of Juan Manuel Montes being deported you might b
Just when everyone thought the Crazy Fat Kid couldn t get any crazier! This has to be the funniest thing we ve seen in a long ti
Show of force The Russian long-range TU-95 Bear bombers breached airspace around the U.S and Canada known as the Alask
Tom Perez must not have taken the class about winning friends and influencing people. How can you win over voters with suc
The setting for this episode is Yale University, a campus that s been embroiled in a number off social justice controversies over
MI, PA, OH and NY residents were all warned he could be anywhere in their state. Thank God he was caught and is no longer a
SANDY SPRINGS, Ga., April 18 (Reuters) For U.S. President Donald Trump, an off-year congressional election on Tuesday in th
A United Nations employee was busted for robbing four Manhattan banks all during his lunch hour, authorities said.Only 3 w
Radical Democratic Chair Tom Perez was being interviewed by MSNBC s Joy Reid about what Democrats need to do to ensure
Yesterday, Antifa (anarchists and free-speech terrorists) and other various violent anti-Trump groups (many paid by Soros fund
During the annual White House Easter Egg Hunt, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump stood with their son Baron on
Is it simply pandering for votes, or is it possible Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters is really just a complete ignoramus?
Way before the election ever took place, the left had strapped on their battle gear and were preparing for the ultimate war ag
Watch well-organized anti-Trump terrorists pull individual Trump supporters into their crowd, while surrounding them in orde
A conservation group and Democrat Congressman have filed a lawsuit to demanding an environmental study is performed bef
THIS MAN IS OUT THERE DRIVING AROUND FILMING MURDERS! We do not have all of the details as this is breaking. We just w
AG Jeff Sessions is a complete change from the lawless Obama administration. We are so lucky to have someone like Sessions
The Berkeley, California anti-Trump protesters got a dose of reality today when pro-Trump patriots fought back. Video after vi
Are you tired of seeing pictures and videos of Trump supporters being beaten and bloodied by Soros paid thugs and Antifa ter
Pepsi got hammered by just about everyone for their lame attempt at glamorizing anti-Trump and Black Lives Matter violent p
Watch these two stunning interviews, where police officers almost admit to this liberal reporter that they ve been told to stan
War veteran Johnny Joey Jones praised President Trump for dropping the mother of all bombs on ISIS, saying the last admin
In a rare move, a throng of Republican students upset at ongoing harassment they face on campus took their complaints to th
First Lady Melania Trump visits HomeSafe, photo via HomeSafe.GP The First Lady s visit to HomeSafe was unannounced, how
The Secret Service fired two uniformed division officers who were involved in the March 10th intrusion when Jonathan Tran ju
The big question this year for the White House Easter Egg roll is whether White House Press Scretary will show up as the Easte
Discussion in America has been officially hijacked by the unhinged left and is supported by radicals with deep pockets We know
During Obama s 8 years in office, he took a passive approach to the aggressive and unhinged North Korean dictator Kim Jong U
You ll never guess which mainstream TV network is right around the corner from this operation! Illegal refugees are flooding
It s been a bumpy PR ride for United Airlines, but this one really stings.A passenger was traveling on board Flight 1418 from Ca
Huma Abedin is ready to tell all for a cool $2 million. A nice pay day for a side kick to one of the most corrupt political familie
This is rich! Lois Lerner wants her testimony in an upcoming class-action case to remain sealed. The former IRS official is accus
The notoriously violent MS-13 street gang, known for slashing victims to death with knives and machetes, is reviving its brutal
TMZ published a staged promotional photo of Chelsea Clinton and her husband taking a stroll with this gag-worthy caption:C
President Trump just signed a law overturning a last-minute Obama-era regulation forcing states to fund Planned Parenthood
Who knew former CNN anchor Piers Morgan would criticize MSNBC s Chris Matthews! Matthews keeps comparing the Trump
Here s the original post by the Washington Post:It s now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown
Here s the original post by the Washington Post:It s now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown
Is Disney officially admitting they re in the business of indoctrinating our children to become good little progressives? For anyo
B b b but that doesn t happen in America does it? A Henry Ford Hospital emergency room doctor has been arrested and charg
When will government officials who allowed this nightmare to grow like a cancer in Sweden be held accountable? Breitbart Tw
Watch his appearance on Tucker Carlson where he announced that Lansing, MI would be designated a sanctuary city here:Th
PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH President Reagan showed President Trump the way Had a very good call last night with the Presi
The failed Presidential candidate attacked her aides with a potent mix of exhaustion and exasperation after the embarrassing
Did you hear about the reporter who was scolded by the russian Foreign Minister for being rude during a protocol meeting? It
Watch here:@United overbook #flight3411 and decided to force random passengers off the plane. Here's how they did it: pic.
Embattled Fox News host Bill O Reilly announced on Tuesday that he will be going off the air for almost two weeks, to take a v
Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd was on Varney and Co. this morning after news hit that Paul Ryan would cave a
Is it possible the good Dr. Dao was simply setting himself up to be the benefactor of a massive lawsuit against United Airlines
Notre Dame students are freaking out over Vice President Pence s planned commencement speech. Once again, the college sn
Melania Trump just accepted damages of approximately $3 million from Daily Mail after they published a smut article claimin
A German artist is in a whole heap of trouble. Is this artist so oblivious to how Muslims feel about this? She says it s funny . Yik
A Belgian psychologist and mother-of-one who worked with asylum seekers facing deportation has been named as the latest v
Remember when Valerie Jarrett signed with a Hollywood talent agency? Well, we think she thinks she s a BIG deal now. How d
Salisbury City Councilwoman April Jackson posted a Facebook status last Thursday proclaiming that President Trump is RETAR
A Texas federal judge appointed by Obama has again rejected the 2011 Texas voter ID law, stating that the legislators meant t
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg erroneously labeled South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham as one of the women of the Senate on
This is very curious! The AP is reporting a story from a Senior U.S. Official on Russia s involvement in the Syria gas attack. This
Between Hollywood and our elected officials, it s hard to keep track of who has the worst record when it comes to being a disg
Ed Murray has just been accused of alleged sexual assault of teenagers which took place in the 1980 s according to the lawsuit
Who says President Trump isn t moving on his agenda? Neil Gorsuch became the 113th justice of the Supreme Court today! Be
The Syrian refugee who shocked CNN was on FOX & Friends to explain his position on the US and Syria relations under Obama
Sunday on CBS s Face the Nation, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said the administration of President Donald Trump was probably
But O Donnell told Joy Reid on MSNBC s AM Joy on Sunday that if they sue Walsh, they should sue him as well: I believe that
Neil M. Gorsuch joins the Supreme Court just in time to cast potentially significant votes in cases that pit religious liberty again
The comments on her Facebook page are praising the attacks. It s a plethora of Alahu Akbars. Unbelievable!This woman has o
The truth about the air strike on Syria.SHARE: Paul Joseph Watson (@P
Wisconsin police were widening their hunt Saturday for a 32-year-old man who allegedly burglarized a gun store after mailing
THIS IS SO IRONIC! CRAZED LEFTISTS with an anti-Trump agenda had a hard time relating to reason from a Syrian refugee who
Omarosa Manigault, a senior staff member of President Donald Trump s administration and a former Apprentice cast member
Conspiracy theories have been surrounding the murder of Seth Rich. They reached a new frenzy after the hacking of DNC e-ma
Have these two been watching the news?The Russian President has immediately sent his Admiral Grigorovich frigate armed w
This is by far the funniest video I've EVER seen showing WH reporters behaving like kindergartners. LMAO #FlashbackFriday pi
To set up the attack on Trump, CNN producers showed Hillary Clinton saying, we cannot speak of protecting Syria s babies, an
In 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid used the nuclear option to call for a vote to change the rules of the Senate with a
Dr. Ben Carson just found over $500 Billion missing in an audit of HUD: Link to HUD ReportTHE LAST PARAGRAPH OF THE REPO
Watch:good thing we don't have govt-controlled media in this country Adam H. Johnson (@adamj
The Russian President has immediately sent his Admiral Grigorovich frigate armed with cruise missiles and a self-defence syst
Everyone knows not to talk to her in the White House unless you want to see it in the press, Got News editor Charles Johnson
The world is going to need to make some major adjustments now that the apologists have left the White House Sec of State R
A producer at the Women in the World event had an awkward moment on Thursday night when he was caught in the spotligh

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump officially welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyu
Klayman Discusses Complaint Against Rep. Adam Schiff for Obstruction of Justice & Ethics Violations Several leftwing activist g
The weaponization of the security services is what you expect in a banana republic and a police state or authoritarian state. An
Here are a few facts:Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed in
How long before the media will stop using two of the most irrelevant women in America to compare to women who actually w
A black New Jersey woman who said she s sick of fancy white people allegedly attacked a man with a hammer and smashed h
What s better than a president who s a builder speaking to builders and construction workers. In President Trump s speech he
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) implied during a Wednesday press conference that President Donald Trump s d
WHAT DO YOU THINK? WE D LIKE TO KNOW!WATCH: Susan Rice insists I leaked nothing to nobody
DICK DURBIN: Well Andrea, you ve just completed this interview with Susan Rice where she said that didn t happen. What she
BREAKING: In UN, Amb. Haley shows images of children victimized by Syria chemical attack: Look at those pictures! https://t.
A Muslim teenager from New Jersey was accepted to the prestigious Stanford University after he wrote #BlackLivesMatter a
Watch the fascinating analysis of Rice s body language here:The latest news from The Daily Caller proves that Susan Rice was l
DEMS,The Merrick Garland SHIP HAS SAILED Let It Go OR .Do You Want Some To Go With Your WHINE This Tantrum Wreaks
WATCH: Susan Rice insists I leaked nothing to nobody MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 4, 2017 I know noth
With Senate Republicans poised to use the nuclear option to confirm Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, will the liberal m
DNC Chair Tom Perez was on MSNBC (video below) to answer to critics who didn t like his nasty speech last week.He appeared
The most laughable news network in America just proved how unreliable they are when it comes to honestly covering the ne
During her Tuesday interview with MSNBC s Andrea Mitchell, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice for the first time ad
Here s a special public service announcement created to silence the angry, Impeach Trump leftists Free of charge.SHARE it w
While Obama hangs out in Tahiti, his NSA director Susan Rice and her deputy director Ben Rhodes, brother of David Rhodes CB
Judge Napolitano explains what s going on as only he can do He does a great job! The Senate has a rule they can force the se
A Salt Lake City town hall held by Republican Rep. Chris Stewart was hijacked by left wing activists who went ballistic when Ste
Ambassador John Bolton was on Lou Dobbs tonight to comment on the Susan Rice news. It s being reported that she called fo
According to court records, Geek Squad technician John Trey Westphal, an FBI informant, reported he accidentally located on
Intelligence sources said the logs discovered by National Security Council staff suggested Rice s interest in the NSA materials, s
A pair of high school students who take classes at SUNY Oswego via a specialized program are upset at an assignment their Pr
Watch these hilarious examples of CNN having reckless disregard for facts when they interview a fake police chief, a fake may
Zinke and Brandyburg accompanied Spicer to the podium on Monday where the White House Press Secretary announced tha
From the White House website:First Lady of the United States Melania Trump is the wife of President Donald J. Trump, and wa
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. p
FOX NEWS ALERT: New details on @adamhousley s report; sources telling him the official who unmasked Trump associates is
A lot of this election was turned by white, college-educated women who now would like to forget about this election and go b
Last week the Commerce Department released its third revision for fourth-quarter 2016 gross domestic product. The number

As father and son comedy writers and liberal activists Carl Reiner and Rob Reiner appeared as guests on Friday s Tavis Smiley S
Evelyn Farkas: ..dark campaign of fake news you know that s still ongoing. We see um even someone like myself get swept up
When a group of imams tried to bring a form of Shariah light to Texas, they met an unlikely foe Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyn
GCHQ director Robert Hannigan is stepping down after only two years as chief of the cyber spy agency for personal reasons,
Assuming all Republicans support Gorsuch, the nominee would need the votes of five more Democrats to achieve the 60 vote
RIDICULOUS! Sen. Schumer on Gorsuch nominee: When a nominee doesn t get 60 votes, you shouldn t change the rules you
All of the real evidence of real money and real influence buying by the Russians relates to Democrats. Newt Gingrich Leave i
Watch my #OpeningStatment Jeanine Pirro (@JudgeJeanine) April 2, 2017 Sen. Bernard Sanders told CNN Thursday that President Trump s p
Trump compared the ongoing narrative to the same predictions during the election that turned out to be false. It is the same F

Confusing different policies and different ideologies defines the modern Democratic Party Whether it s on domestic or foreign
Mary Anne Marsh, a democrat, reveals that the Obama admin had been investigating Trump since the spring of 2015!! pic.twi
Russia gave John Podesta 35 millions dollars (1 billion rubles) while he advised Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

FOX News Adam Housley just came out with a great report (video below) that totally vindicates Intel Chair Devin Nunes in the
Senators have a constitutional obligation to advice and consent on a nominee to fill this Supreme Court vacancy and, simply p
Want a free cup of coffee? Starbucks has got you covered.All you have to do is drink it while talking to someone you disagree
Many people were wondering why the White House was holding back on calling out the congressional intelligence oversight g
A Drexel University professor who said he wanted to vomit after he saw an airline passenger give their first-class seat to a U

A society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable: the aged, the infirm, the disabled and the unborn. Mike Pe

In recent weeks, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has threatened to lead his caucus in filibustering President D
Two New Jersey mothers appeared on the Tucker Carlson show to explain why they re upset about Islamic propaganda being
FBI director James Comey wanted to go public with information about Russia s interference in the 2016 election as early as las
The funny thing is, we all know the media s obsession with Russia would never be happening if Hillary won the election. Whe
The Arizona Republican s verbal put-down of dictator Kim Jong Un earlier this month this crazy fat kid was met with a stiff,
Comey would likely have pitched the op-ed to The New York Times.DEMOCRATS ON INTEL COMMITTEE CONTINUE THEIR ASS
As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama s top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the Nationa
A long-time aide to Hillary Clinton sought to map out her funeral and Bill Clinton s in 2010 because planning is best done wh
Accidents are bound to happen when Democrats become so comfortable with their allies in the liberal media that they forget
Trump commented about it during the reception: Hopefully it ll start being bipartisan. Because everybody really wants the sam
It happened around 9:30 a.m. at the 100 block of Independence Ave., SW.The driver was arrested on the scene.Police say that
Tucker to sanctuary city supporter: how did a law professor from NYC end up the spokesman for big employers who exploit lo
Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) announced Tuesday that he will join fellow Democrats in filibustering Neil Gorsuch s nomination to th
The woman in the video isn t Swedish, but her husband is. She recalls a Sweden that used to be clean, safe and peaceful when
Hillary Clinton criticized White House press secretary Sean Spicer and Fox News host Bill O Reilly for comments each of them m

Maxine is the worst enemy of the black community and Americans! She needs the struggle to continue so she can be reelecte
To say the leftists in the media are completely unhinged would be an understatement During his latest segment, MSNBC s unh
A press release by Bernards Township, NJ is provided here: PRESS RELEASEIf you speak out against building a mosque in your c
Freedom Daily The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) has been helping injured veterans since its inception in 2003, 2 years aft
Question: How do you see the future of Russian-US diplomatic relations in the context of the current atmosphere in Washingt
Effective as of December 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111 148) is repealed, and the p
.@Rep_DevinNunes: I m sure that @TheDemocrats do want me to quit because they know I m quite effective at getting to th
Danish police are looking for a gang who beat up a young couple over a pizza slice with ham. The woman now risks permanen
Things got tense Sunday on 60 Minutes as CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley squared off with prominent Trump supporter
We have to agree that this one is actually pretty good a rare bright spot on SNL!
After signing a multi-million dollar book deal with Penguin Random House alongside his wife, Michelle, the former president is
Americans who are sick and tired of leftist CEO s using their public positions to attack President Trump and his efforts waged a
It will bring back manufacturing jobs across the country, coal jobs across the country, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt told ABC
President Obama s White House press secretary spokes liar Josh Earnest has joined NBC News as a political analyst.NBC annou
If you want to call me a hack, you should probably be able to point out at least one thing I said that was demonstrably false. p

Trump is off and running now, and I m here to confirm,There ll be a lot of changes by the end of his first term. Let s put the tur

This picture is representative of the violence Americans witnessed last year after former President Obama made it clear (throu
Donald Trump wanted to win, where as before, President Obama just didn t want to lose Watch: President @realdonaldTrum

Senator Elizabeth Warren took to Twitter to cheer the failure of the Republicans first attempt at replacing the disastrous Obam
In light of Republican failure to pass the American Health Care Act, Charles Krauthammer dismissed the idea that Chuck Schum
Somebody buy that cop a beer Antifa protesters have allegedly waged war on Trump supporters in Philadelphia this afternoon

If the US Department of State had been preparing for a 120-day pause to begin on March 16th, how is it that this large numbe

New Mexico led all states with 72 percent of the babies born there in 2015 having their births covered by Medicaid.Arkansas r
.@rosadelauro: What does the GOP stand for? Get Old People. That s what this bill does. Fox N
This video should rock every advocate of free speech to the core. Is there a social media platform that isn t silencing the voice

Karma It seems to be biting a lot of anti-Trump libs pretty hard in the a*s lately A movie is in the works about Hillary Clinton an
I strongly believe we must do everything in our power to protect the rights guaranteed to all Americans, especially the men a
Convicted Palestinian terrorist and leader of A Day Without a Woman march, Rasmea Odeh, 69 is being stripped of her U.S.
Speaker Ryan: We were on the cusp of achieving an ambition that we've all had for 7 years and we came a little short. We we

Republican congressional investigators expect a potential smoking gun establishing that the Obama administration spied on t

Nassau County cops busted a Long Island man who was previously deported four times and went on a sick five-hour alcohol-fu
I would love to see 237 votes on the House side we are not there at this particular point, Freedom Caucus leader Mark Mead

The terrorist who killed three people and injured dozens in Westminster on Wednesday was a married 52-year-old living with
Assimilation fail A French Muslim has been arrested after trying to drive a car loaded with liquid gas, assault rifles and knives in
The London terror attack was a horrific scene with injured bodies strewn everywhere after a vehicle plowed into pedestrians o
Nunes dropped a bombshell that Obama admin spied on Trump.London attack claimed lives of 5 people. Wounded 40.Meanw

Ben Sasse asked Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch what role does the Declaration of Independence play in interpreting th
Freedom Watch: FBI Director Comey Lied To House Intelligence Committee About Surveillance Of TrumpNunes
Former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson went to town on a reporter today after he was interrupted in the mid

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R., Calif.) confirmed Wednesday that members of President Donal
It s a shame Megyn Kelly believed she had launch an attack at then candidate Trump during his first debate in order to score p
Mere months after being on the receiving end of one of the most stunning losses in presidential election history, former Hillar
FOX News Neil Cavuto asked Senator Rand Paul if he believed surveillance was used against the Trump campaign. Rand replie

Very interesting There s truth to President Trump s claim that his iconic Midtown skyscraper was wiretapped during the Obam
Secret Service personnel removed the alarm sensors along an area of fence line when the agency raised its height in response

Tom Hanks, Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin and Amy Poehler are among the notables set to appear on a telethon to benefit the ACLU t
Professor Olga Cox, who teaches Human Sexuality at Orange Coast College, told her class in December that the election of Don
COULD IT BE THAT EXPERT BOMB MAKER Ibrahim al-Asiri is trying to use an electronic device to take down a jet?Ibrahim al-As
President @realDonaldTrump: I inherited a mess. It s a mess. Fox Ne

Conservative media company The Blaze has suspended political commentator Tomi Lahren, multiple sources with knowledge
FORMER CONSERVATIVE darling Tomi Lahren made a big deal about her upcoming appearance on The View. I know, because

With respect to the President s tweets about alleged wiretapping directed at him by the prior administration, I have no inform
Russians didn t hack ANY votes. Period. #ComeyHearing Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) March 20, 2017
Eric Trump, in his first interview since his father Donald Trump was elected president, said on Sunday the Trump Organization
A menacing Donald Trump is gazing down on Phoenix s Grand Avenue.The president is flanked by mushroom clouds and swas

Whether from incompetence or malice, the Immigration Act of 1990 was a disaster. That is why we are in the state 60 Minute
The arrogance of a CEO of a major company like Starbucks, that would put his radical political opinions above the health of the
In the past, high school kids have had to worry about getting into the college of their choice, if pictures of them overindulging
Enough is enough. Americans need to start making business owners and their employees pay up for discriminating against the
Tucker Carlson asks Robin Bronk, CEO of the Creative Coalition: Why should in a time of budge deficits, taxpayers be subsidizi
Below is the comment in red that put up before the video. Notice how they say NOTHING about the budget but j
A judge has refused to toss out a federal lawsuit against the city of San Jose, California, in which the city police are accused of
Former Senator Jim DeMint speaks up in the WSJ about the obscene salaries the higher ups at PBS and NPR are getting:When
Jimmy Kimmel started out his interview with guest comedian Tim Allen on the Late Show Thursday night by asking him if he w
Large companies and Veteran Friendly employers claim to want veterans to work for them. If they do end up hiring it s usuall
The mainstream media is clearly a leftist clique united against the Trump administration. On Thursday, Spicer called on Simend
Remember when liberal media and entertainers, Democrat leaders and even Hillary Clinton got on TV and swore Trump never
During a meeting of the Welsh members of the Parliament, PM Nigel Evans shamed the anti-Trump members, reminding them
MSNBC host asks Congressman Ted Leiu, a Democrat from California about a House resolution he co-sponsored to address fa

Here s what Politico s headline today looked like:Here s what the leftist anti-American rag Politico had to say about Angela Me
Barack Obama and the Democrat Party were laser focused on opening the immigrant floodgates for 8 years. They re the first o
Well, first of all, I didn t have my hands in the cookie jar. I m an operative, I m a strategist, and part of what my role was, in ad
Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to rela
Trump to Merkel on Obama s wiretapping at least we have something in common
A WARNING shot has been fired at North Korea by the Trump administration. There s a new sheriff in town and North Korea s
A laptop computer containing floor plans for Trump Tower, information about the Hillary Clinton email investigation and othe

AFTER SCHOOL SATAN CLUB Allowed By School District Is YOUR District Next?The classification is offered to charitable, religiou
The blood is on DeBlasio s hands! Career criminals are walking the streets with a violent history and sealed arrest records. TH
With a growing number of Muslim refugees and immigrants living in America who are strict adherents of Sharia Law, it should
This isn t the first time Pelosi has lost it in front of the mic:
A Russian bank has reported to U.S. authorities that mysterious communications resumed recently between one of its comput
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) could not say on Wednesday where he got the information that thousands will die if Obamacare
The fear mongering Washington Post gives you a bleeding heart story that should outrage you BECAUSE NOT ONE ILLEGAL WA
Forcing taxpaying Americans to fund liberal propaganda television and radio shows is similar to union bosses forcing conserva
In any case, The Hill and other newsies need to set the record straight and change their title:
President Trump visited Michigan to promote the auto industry and jobs. While he was at Willow Run, he had a chance for a p
Activist judges are killing America! The judge in Hawaii who just blocked President Trump s executive order is wrong on his dec
Just two years ago, the Obama White House welcomed Russia s top internal security official, Alexander Bortnikov, to Washing

Michigan born and raised rock phenom Kid Rock is a big fan of President Trump and he s not afraid to admit it. I m proud to sa
So Rachel, now that we re on the subject of taxes President Trump PAID, how about we remind Americans about the tax evad
Watch Tucker Carlson point out that Trump paid a 25% tax rate while socialist fair share Bernie only paid a 13% tax rate:
Is Van Jones on Trump s payroll yet or is he just tired of being on the party of losers? Van Jones appeared on CNN s Anderson C

Here s Maddow s tweet announcing her bombshell revelation on her show:BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight
The White House published what they claim is Donald Trump s 2005 tax information 25 minutes before Rachel Maddow aired
Maddow has a freak out at the 48 second mark:
When you bring #NeverTrumper @greggutfeld on-board the #TrumpTrain, you re doing something right! #MAGA pic.twitter.c
Two weeks ago at Middlebury College, Charles Murray needed a safe space literally.In a significant escalation of the campus

JUDGE NAPOLITANO was on FOX & Friends this morning discussing the Obama administration s efforts to spy on Donald Trum

On a never-before-released private October conference call with House Republican members, House Speaker Paul Ryan told h

President Trump s administration has told the State Department to cut more than 50 percent of U.S. funding to United Nation
FOX News Catherine Herridge exposes the dirty tactics of Barack Obama and his secretive efforts to undermine President Trum
Watch the hypocrisy in action:
Watch:Here is Snoop Dogg s latest music video glorifying the assassination of President Trump. If Snoop Dogg is correct and th

Kellyanne Conway responded to a New York Times article that actually claimed Conway is being unfairly attacked by the media
(From CNN) New video captured hours before Michael Brown was killed shows the 18-year-old exchanging marijuana for cigar
Read more: Daily Mail
The social media director for Trump called them out on it:Now we have the Washington Post accepting a videotape from crazy

Make The Netherlands Great Again is one of Geert Wilders campaign slogans. While Wilders may have many similarities to D
WATCH:FLASHBACK: When Bill Clinton had 93 out of 94 U.S. Attorneys FIRED IN ONE DAY. CNN didn t say a word..#peoplepow
Farmers and ranchers are being run off their own property by armed terrorists In Texas, nearly 8,200 farms and ranches back
Who knew you could be a parent and still find the time to get out and riot with your spouse? Have you ever wanted to attend
Here s why we couldn t be happier! Preet Bharara was the same attorney who brought charges against conservative activist an
President Trump took Secretary Kelly (DHS), Secretary Ross (Commerce), Secretary Mnuchin (Treasury), Secretary Shulkin (VA
Julian Assange became a computer hacker in his teen years. Assange got married when he was 18 and has a son. He and his w
AROUND 70 per cent of female refugees in northern France have been the victims of rape, domestic violence or sexual abuse,
Kyle s own words: So for those of you who don t know, this past Friday (12.16.2016) I was given the diagnosis I didn t want to

Commissioner Mack Bernard and Rep. Al Jacquet, both Democrats running in the August primary, took advantage of gaping ho
HILARIOUS!!!Hollywood actor and liberal freak Shia LaBeouf just got trolled by Trump supporters who outsmarted him in the b
Compare the US Debt burden under former President Obama that was increased by more than $320 billion after his inaugurati
#FlashbackFriday 1993 #AttorneyGate Clinton AG Reno Fires ALL 93 Republican US Attorneys in one day. #Sessions is following
Who is silencing political speech, physically attacking those with divergent views, demanding that every American share one s
Who is silencing political speech, physically attacking those with divergent views, demanding that every American share one s
Read more: TMZ

Watch:You want a #JobsReport?Here's a jobs report: President Trump is bringing jobs back to America & keeping promises. #

When you consider the stunning ways students are wasting their student loan money that SHOULD be going towards their edu
Maxine Waters said on MSNBC that there must be a probe into the unsubstantiated dossier that surfaced last month, alleging

Reza Aslan was just in hot water over name calling President Trump but we have a flashback to end all flashbacks on this jackw
Matt Lauer, of the failing Today Show had an exclusive interview with the President. George W. Bush refused to criticize Barac
Federal lawmakers are investigating how a former Iraqi insurgent fighter was able to lie about his identity and still get through
We hope these women realize they were being used by George Soros and other leftists to protest Trump instead of to celebra
A court in Ohio sentenced an environmental activist to six months in jail after pleading guilty to 13 felony counts of voter fraud
CNN commentator Van Jones stood by his praise of President Trump on CNN s New Day Wednesday. After Trump s Joint Addr
As an immigrant myself, having grown up in a communist society, I know all too well the value and importance of freedom an
On March 6, newly-minted Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Dr. Ben Carson, gave a speech before employ

Watch the local news report as they explain what happened in Minnesota s State Capitol located in St. Paul:The youngest son
House Republicans leaders on Monday embraced a legislative plan to replace the Affordable Care Act for the first time in the n
Ivanka Trump s eponymous women s fashion line is reporting record sales figures despite calls for a boycott and controversies
He s created nothing except chaos Delusional Nancy Pelosi
Liberal Delaware Sen. Chris Coons caused a stir last week when he indicated during a televised interview that yet-undisclosed
Sounds like a great deal, right? After all, Planned Parenthood insists that only 3% of its business involves abortions, and they g
A few weeks ago, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos a West Michigan native and Detroit charter schools advocate was wid

Here is Base Stick-Man s speech to other Trump supporters explaining why he s wearing a gas mask and carrying a stick with

HERE S THE BACKGROUND:On January 11, 2017, the media reported on the existence of a private intelligence dossier containi
I simply put together the stories that YOUR profession reported, on the public record. Do you deny there were two FISA applic

Hey mainstream media when are you going to take a break from manufacturing news about a Trump connection to Russians a
FOX and Friends spoke with Tucker Carlson this morning about allegations President Trump made on Twitter over the weeken
At around the 4:00 mark in the video, Maxine points out that Obama will become more aggressive in his second term. Waters
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange reminded us in a tweet that former President Obama had a real penchant for wire tapping a
This video from CNN has been blasted to Daily Mail and to other main stream fake news sources. This is so WRONG! The press
I m a political refugee from Iran. I ve been to prison. I ve been under Islamic law. And I know how it starts, and I know how it e
The top Democrat in the Senate, Chuck Schumer (NY), claimed Sunday that President Trump is in trouble, a stern warning tha
WASHINGTON DC Foreigners aiming for temporary jobs at high-tech U.S. companies will undergo a longer visa approval proc
As we said yesterday, Trump would not have made these charges against Obama without having strong evidence. We predict
Joy Villa, the singer who became an overnight sensation when she bravely wore a Make America Great Again pro-Trump dres

Yesterday was a big day for Trump supporters, as grassroots organizers planned peaceful, fun gatherings calling them March 4

Thank you to the American Mirror for putting this video together showing Nancy s very bad week.Nancy Pelosi is apparently th
Mar-a-Lago Trump rally !Blacks for Trump &Trump VolunteersMarch 4 Trump !Trump Tower#fisa#wiretapping#wiretap
The Attorney representing the illegal aliens who were arrested alleges that, Other than drunken driving, and driving without a
Can you pick this statement apart and let us know what you read between the lines? We ve got one right off the bat: Barry say
Obama s former AG Loretta Lynch released a video that s a call to action for Democrats. These people who have been stripped

An Indian athlete who overcame a visa denial with the help of U.S. lawmakers and a local mayor to attend the World Snowsho
After the photo was tweeted out, the left responded with this: Does the left want Ivanka to hide her kids for the next 4 years?
President Trump on Saturday claimed President Obama had his wires tapped in Trump Tower before Election Day, tweeting t

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who replaced Donald Trump as host of Celebrity Apprentice, is calling it quits:In remarks Friday, the

Pelosi claims to have not had a meeting with the Russian ambassador:Pelosi with the ambassador in 2010: Pelosi had her spo
According to the New Yorker, Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee for a speech in Moscow paid for by a Kremlin-conn
The trip to Orlando included the new Education Secretary who s a big school choice advocate. The teachers unions aren t happ
George W. Bush heaped praise on Jimmy Kimmel for his anti-Trump opening monologue at the Oscars on Thursday night, tellin
The media and the Democrat Party has been coming down pretty hard on President Trump for not doing enough to call out th
The cash flows through the State Department and the famously corrupt U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID), w
CNN s President Jeff Zucker has dictated questions that are unfavorable of President Donald Trump to his anchors while they a
It looks like veteran San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick might be done with his national anthem protests now

Here is the screen shot we took of his vile and hateful tweet just before he deleted his account on Twitter:We also took a scre
Well, well, well The Democrats are delusional with their wish for any scandal in the Trump administration Late today, Presiden
While visiting the USS Gerald R. Ford today docked at Newport News in Virginia where he gave a wonderful speech, President
Watch: Fox News' Catherine Herridge has the latest on AG Jeff Sessions and Russia.
In an email sent on April 15, 2011, our upstanding Attorney General Eric Holder wrote: Issa and his idiot cronies never gave a d
Obama can be seen addressing a crowd about religion and the role it plays in our lives and in politics. The most interesting line
Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation s capital just two miles away from the Wh
The politics of Muslim cemeteries have sprung up recently in Dudley, Mass. (pop.: 11,390); Walpole, Mass. (pop.: 24,070); Farm
The grieving daughter in law of Vice President Joe Biden has formed a relationship with Hunter Biden, the younger brother of
Here s Chris Matthews attacking Trump s speech and his acknowledgment of Ryan Owens widow last night. Matthews can be

We are blessed to be joined tonight by Carryn Owens, the widow of a U.S. Navy special operator, Senior Chief William Ryan O
Van Jones praised President Trump for honoring the widow of a Navy SEAL killed during a raid in Yemen, saying he became pr
Speaking of not having a soul..check out this tweet by Hillary volunteer and Obama supporter (Dan Grilo made all of his tweet

Interior designer Kenneth Blasingame who styled George W. Bush s Oval Office tells TMZ he s nowhere near offended Kellya
It was just announced today that the Obama s are in the middle of a bidding war by publishers for their memoirs.The rights fo
Jessica Davis (right) and Susan Oliver (left) (pictured above) are the widows of two Northern California sheriff s deputies who w

It s good to know that illegal aliens, potential terrorists and their families have a place they can go to and feel safe from law e
Jennifer Garner has not given up on Donald Trump s Washington.The 44-year-old actress spent the weekend lobbying the tow
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced an investigation has uncovered that hundreds of non-US citizens are registered
In a sit-down interview with Fox and Friends, Brian Kilmeade asked President Trump what he thought of Nancy Pelosi s comm

James Proctor has been identified as the ringleader in the radical group Indivisible, who can be heard directing the fake prot

Liberals on Twitter just can t find enough reasons to hate Trump or anyone connected to him. Tonight, libs went nuts over a p
Hardcore, unconventional, conservative and badass artist Sabo has been taking his message to the streets for several years. I
IT S A MUST READ! The first month of the Trump administration has already changed the direction of the immigration debate,
Two law enforcement officials from the Utah resort area of Park City drew cheers from a large crowd with their promises not t
WASHINGTON Sen. Bernie Sanders wouldn t commit on Sunday to turning over his email list of progressive activists to the De
The video begins with a clearly agitated pro-illegal alien female approaching Trump supporters. After a few of the agitators wh
The fast food industry has been warning those demanding a $15/hr. wage that they could be easily replaced.In the social scien
Could this be a little bit of KARMA coming back after the nasty comments about President Trump?
As Hollywood had its big night at The Oscars, Donald and Melania Trump hosted their own black-tie affair.The Trumps chose t
But that s another story Make a sub-standard movie win sub-standard prizes.Moving on to 2017 Who has time to worry abou

Dozens of supporters of US President Donald Trump rallied on the Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, Saturday, a day ahead
All of this is a deflection from the fact that he has done nothing, she continued. So, we haven t seen we haven t seen a jobs b
#MerkelLegacy James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 24, 2017In August 2016, Angela Me
Watch Joy Behar as she hilariously attempts to tie anti-semitism to Breitbart News while interviewing their senior editor who
Cosmetics brand Lush, popular among young girls and hipsters for their bath bombs, is launching a new anti-President Trump
The New York Times is set to launch a television ad during the Academy Awards that seems to heavily target statements made
A progressive group charged Saturday that the Democratic National Committee s reliance on paper ballots in the race for DNC
Boston-based entrepreneur and inventor of Email V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai announced his candidacy for the US Senate seat curren
President Trump just pulled the rug out from under the press yet another time He just tweeted he won t be going to The Whit
Her father is a staunch supporter of life. Although her mother was not vocal about it during her conservative husband George
Mack Beggs, the transgender wrestler from Euless Trinity High School, is halfway home to capturing the Class 6A state girls wr
Nothing is off-limits for Leslie Jones stand-up routine. If I see another 45-year-old white woman from Williamsburg saying bla
Sabo, an artist who has made a name for himself with real-looking movie posters that skewer liberalism, plastered his latest cr
In today s distorted world of human rights, truth takes a back seat to ideology, and false claims especially those that suppor

A group of mostly pro-life college students came together in Detroit last weekend to stand up for the most vulnerable among
Hey President Trump how s that Hillary email investigation going? A message from @HillaryClinton: "Let resistance plus persis
You re gonna love this!The left has been screaming for decades about the government interfering in their right to kill their bab

.@Nigel_Farage tells the #CPAC2017 crowd his favourite part of 2016. CPAC 2017 (@CPAC) Februar
President Donald Trump returned to CPAC on Friday, receiving a rock star welcome from the packed ballroom.He kicked off th
A U.S. Army veteran was recently arrested on charges that he plotted a coordinated terrorist attack on behalf of the Islamic St

Blow wrote in his article today for the New York Times that he has no desire to work with Trump voters. He clearly stated that
Speaking to BBC Newsnight in a rare interview, Justice Ginsburg reiterated the importance of the free press. I read the Washin
I wonder how many of J.B. Pritzker s children or grandchildren will be forced to share locker rooms or bathrooms at the count
If you re like me . . . it s probably been an entertaining year Full of liberal lunacy, hypocrisy, and fear. There s been so many ep
Yesterday, social media was buzzing after The Huffington Post actually posted a story that not only backed up Trump s assertio
Top officials from the Justice Department and the Education Department joined forces to write a letter rejecting the Obama ad
James O Keefe has been at the forefront of new media since he outed ACORN posing as a pimp Who can forget that! He s exp
CNN went on to trash the amazing James O Keefe saying: O Keefe, who uses undercover stings to trap his targets, has a reputa
Have you ever had an argument with a liberal who swears on her mother s grave that educators in America don t fill our childr
WORLD RELIEF received over $43 million dollars last year from the feds! They are only one of 9 refugee contractors who make
WOW! John McCain is leading a vicious campaign against the Russian government since the November election.In January Mc
Borderless travel through Europe is dying, a political victim of mass-murder in Paris. That is the conclusion of many sensible pe
Hundreds of Universities across the nation are encouraging students to report other students or even professors who use wha
Notice how the left is still pushing the false narrative that the Russians hacked our election NOT TRUE!
In September 2015, the Sterling Heights, MI City Council representing a city of 130,000 people in southeastern Michigan, deni
It s official the inmates are running the asylum A police department in Northampton, Massachusetts is ending its High-Five Fri
Tolerance + trust = human bombs for Islamic terror. Allahu Akbar dumbasses! Ronald Fiddler was paid up to 1,000,000 comp
NBC News handpicked anti-Trump tykes for two propaganda videos to make it appear that every child in American thinks Pres
A group of lawmakers is planning to request a congressional investigation of a $418 million U.S. weapons sale to Kenya approv
YES! This is how you deal w/ radicalism. Marine Le Pen REFUSES to cover her head and WALKS OUT instead!
The nationwide depression among democrats, specifically Hillary supporters, has not declined much since the initial election d

There is only ONE WAY to STOP this mosque from being built against the wishes of citizens in this RESIDENTIAL area, whose citi
The owner of a masonry business in Colorado is speaking out about his decision to fire more than 30 employees who did not s
Fun fact: While Trump press secretary Sean Spicer fielded 55 questions on February 14 related to the Flynn debacle, Obama s
On Saturday, MSNBC s Joy Reid repeatedly attempted to race-bait former Republican congressman J.D. Hayworth on her show
Please understand that our government is unable to know the exact number of Somalis we re taken in through all the differen
Over a century ago, the United States of America went through a divisive and bloody Civil War that separated the people of th
Sen. John McCain(R-Ariz.) dug himself into a hole on Meet The Press when he was asked to respond to this tweet by the Presid
If what we say reflects on how our parents raised us, Bill and Hillary Clinton must be beaming with pride over Chelsea taking s
National Security Council aide Craig Deare was dismissed on Friday after it was learned that he harshly criticized the President

The jets flew at supersonic speeds and residents were startled by the loud boom, the North American Aerospace Defense Com
A Nashville, TN business fired 18 of its employees after they didn t show up for work on A Day Without Immigrants. According
Watch NAACP s Cornell William Brooks, who was at loss for words Thursday after he was asked a hypothetical question about

You will love, love, love this passionate lady! She gets it!
Here is his epic response to her criticism: Lady came up, told me I should take this hat off. Told her she should go get her mone
Everyone laughing after Trump rebranded CNN as #VeryFakeNews. Then they go on their networks saying how "dangerous" a
Description advertising racist wear from Facebook: White folk or those who see themselves as white are given said power inh

It seems that with each new retail store that removes Ivanka Trump s line, conservatives come out in force to support the Firs
President Trump is once again proving that he will be running the White House in a vastly different manner than his predecess
Wow! This young Asian student nails it! He speaks for every American who has been a victim of Obama s failed government ex
As liberal protesters step up confrontations with Republican lawmakers, leaders of the original Tea Party movement that wrot
Like Megyn Kelly, who lost her supporters when she became obsessed with destroying Donald Trump, it s time for Shepard Sm

In 1991 a reporter for the London Times found a very interesting memorandum composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the to
Here is actor Robert John Davi s brilliant letter that exposes the utter hypocrisy of the left:
During Trump s press conference today, Jim Acosta of CNN bombarded him with one question after another. Trump responde
According to a new survey by McLaughlin and Associates, 69 percent of Americans back the president s order to end the catch
The officials decision to keep information cite deep mistrust Judge Napolitano has a great solution QUIT! The people who re

President Donald Trump is a man in a hurry. Throughout his campaign he laid out his priorities. He s a man who likes to get thi
President Donald Trump s pick for secretary of labor, Andrew Puzder, has withdrawn from the nomination just hours before h
The driver pushed his way through the crowd, with some of the demonstrators even riding on the hood for a distance.In his de
The DeKalb County Georgia School Superintendent, Stephen Green, has issued a warning to all teachers against making statem
Last November, the UNC campus was full of angry students who were unhappy with Trump s election On November 23rd of la
Much of the political world was shocked by the sudden resignation of National Security Adviser Mike Flynn from the administr
Watch NPR employee and Afghanistan refugee (who was eventually arrested) join others as they block our newly appointed S

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes does not plan on investigating the circumstances surrounding the resign

On Monday Politico reported that a protester who had blocked Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos from entering a school on
Hungary s populist prime minister on Friday lashed out against billionaire financier George Soros, claiming he and groups back
Michael Flynn resigned as President Donald Trump s national security adviser Monday night, amid a growing scandal over his c
Anila Ali was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and studied in London, where she became a volunteer in the All Pakistan Women s Ass
Tonight, Tucker Carlson took on Yvette Felarca, a national organizer for By Any Means Necessary, a militant left-wing activist g
The Knights for Socialism held an event where they allowed students to bash Pinatas with the faces of President Donald J. Tru
No less to blame are the water agencies, including the powerful Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which arg
Singer Joy Villa s album sales spiked significantly after the 25-year-old s pro-President Trump Grammys dress set social media o
I can t possibly accept this award, she said during her acceptance speech. The Lemonade album was just so monumental, Be
It s more so about love, he said of the red, white and blue gown. We all live on this planet. I ve never been in the political are

Brigitte Gabriel is a Christian who, after being terrorized by Muslim extremists in her homeland of Lebanon, fled to the US with
Singer/songwriter Joy Villa decided to follow the political theme at The Grammy s tonight by wearing a gown that says Make A
Clinton sent out a taunting tweet of 3-0 after the three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously slappe
On Thursday, New Hampshire s Federal Elections Commission (FEC) called on President Trump to give proof of voter fraud, aft
In case you missed it Senator Marco Rubio gave a great speech about political tolerance in the Senate that rings true here. Ho
In a fraught moment of political protest across the country, the live mic at televised award shows has become a potent weapo


University trustees, known as the Yale Corporation, voted in favor of the renaming on Friday, reversing a decision last year to k
The presidents of Nordstrom sent an email criticizing President Donald Trump s ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majori


The principal of a fancy New York City private school says the election of President Trump is worse than the September 11, 20
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a seri
A woman who was born in Nazi Germany says that what reminds her of Hitler more than anything else isn t Donald Trump, bu

3 Congressional IT employees have been fired for accessing members computer networks without permission. Maria s on the
Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz was on MSNBC to make a statement on the 9th Circuit Opinion: He stated th
The head of the EPA under President Barack Obama vehemently denied politicians and environmentalists waged a war on coa
President Donald Trump said his administration would be announcing a big league tax cut that would lower the burden on bu
A federal appeals court ruled that the U.S. will remain open to refugees and visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countrie
So I m concerned about what I m hearing from some of the priests representing Iraqi Christians in Iraq. Patriarch Louis Sako of
When a woman in the audience objected, Lopez went off on an unbelievable, vile rant against her ***WARNING***Strong lan
According to the New York Times, outlet stores T.J. Maxx and Marshalls have instructed their employees to throw away signs
TMZ caught up with Mavericks owner and Hillary supporter Mark Cuban yesterday to ask what he thought of President Donald
Garcia de Rayos has a felony conviction for working under someone else s Social Security number. She also has kids who are U
UPDATE: Nordstrom stock closed up slightly today, after taking a hit yesterday following President Trump s tweet.President Tr
In case you missed the ridiculous display by Liz Warren on the Senate floor:
In 2013 Dr Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing four people, including three babies, but is thought to have killed hundreds, p

When Nordstrom announced on Thursday that it will no longer be selling this season s merchandise from Ivanka Trump s fash
Criminals who try to recruit immigrant students, drug dealing and massive brawls between different ethnic groups. This is the
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell shut down Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren during a Senate floor speech on Tue
Watch this hilarious edited video made to look like Trump s reacting to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, as they talk tough (but
So much for the SCOTUS not being political Check out her comments on equality for women. It s like she s time traveled back t
UPDATE VIDEO: Language alert:
Watch History in the making!@VP breaks the TIE to confirm Betsy DeVos as Sec of Education!
Thank goodness someone is closing down the free-for all that s been happening with immigration for way too long! Did you kn

This isn t the first time scientists have been caught manipulating evidence in their quest to convince the world global, warmin
When will the Democrats realize they lost the election because America is sick of their intolerant and hateful behavior and in t
The group called Freedom from Religion has been going all over America to force towns to remove any religious symbols.Miss
Nothing says respect for America and for your elected office like using an executive order to make it easier for people who ent
Conservative filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch has made some shocking and eye-opening movies that address our nation s fail
CNN s Jake Tapper asked New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio if he would protect illegal aliens living in the sanctuary city of New
Protesters decrying President Donald Trump s two-week-old administration prevented an ambulance carrying a critically ill p
VP MIKE PENCE AT PAPPAS BBQ IN HOUSTON: Edith Gonzalez (@edithge_01) February 5, 2017
WATCH NOW IN FULL: @oreillyfactor s exclusive #SuperBowl interview with President @realDonaldTrump.
What a putz! Senator Chuck Schumer was out chanting Dump Trump with the crowds in NYC The only thing is the election is
President Donald Trump s Senior Counselor Kellyanne Conway clarified a comment in which she mistakenly referred to a Bow
Trump on immigration appeal: We ll win. For the safety of the country we ll win. Jennifer Epstein
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in 2012 approximately 51 percent of all immigrant households collected welf
THE FLYER BELOW READS: New USCIS guidelines permit immigrants and their children to use certain non-cash benefits and sp
Congresswoman @MaxineWaters, on working with President Trump: My greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachmen
Opposing views and beliefs has much of this country in a heated feud. With Donald Trump being recently inaugurated as the 4

First, U.S. District Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton, in Boston, said in a preliminary 21-page ruling that he would not extend a seven
PELOSI CALLED ABORTION A MANHOOD THING :House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had this odd thing to say about defundin
Patriots owner Robert Kraft tells Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends about the special friend that Trump was to him and how h
***UPDATE to story below***In a blow to every mainstream media news outlet (and likely hurting a lot of feelings), President
Please RT until we identify this disgusting NYU Professor slandering Police as Nazi Sympathizers #BlueLivesMatter pic.twitter.c
The president s visit stretches from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, when he will travel to MacDill Air Force Base in Tam
He s being nominated to sit in Garland s seat, Sharpton said. President Barack Obama nominated Judge Garland, who has go
Wow! I was just getting ready to switch our TV, internet and phone service to Comcast from AT&T. It looks like we ll be stickin
Nordstrom cancelled the Ivanka Trump line after a liberal organization called Grab Your Wallet flooded them with complaints
Peace through strength President Donald Trump raised the stakes with Iran again this morning by dashing off a tweet.The twe
Here s just one video from last night that will tell you all you need to know: We have seen demonstrations and I think you alr
Can anyone imagine a sitting Republican Senator calling for violence or fighting in the streets in opposition to a newly elected
The streets of Paris have erupted into inter-migrant strife as North African youths have targeted rich Chinese migrants amid g

Last night, at the birthplace of free speech, we watched as rioters took to the campus of Berkeley College to shut down the fre
Smashing windows How progressive!Protests against alt-right speaker Milo move off UC Berkeley campus and into the streets
Is anyone else thinking what we re thinking about the violent riot that happened in Berkeley, California last night? Where the
PRICELESS! MILO DESTROYS Heckling Muslim Woman Crowd Chants USA! USA! USA! [Video] The ironic thing is that a sign had
It seems to me that actually with all of the anti-Trump rhetoric that is coming from everywhere actually what we re hearing is
Barack Obama has to be the world s biggest hypocrite. Here he is in 2005 adamantly defending our borders: We simply canno
President Trump bolted from the White House Wednesday afternoon aboard Marine One to make a trip that was unannounce
So much for the cute little puppies and clydesdales Budweiser has created a Superbowl Ad that is creating a lot of controversy
Florida Bill Nelson (D) Indiana Joe Donnelly (D) Michigan Debbie Stabenow (D) Missouri Claire McCaskill (D) Montana Jon Teste
Among the high profile companies opposing Trump s seven Muslim country refugee and immigration ban: (Nasd
JUDGE NEIL GORSUCH A strict conservative similar to Justice Scalia A STRICT CONSTITUTIONALISTJudge Neil Gorsuch, 49, is P

Just recently, a USA Today sports columnist said New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady deserves to get some tough qu
Brigitte Gabriel is an intelligent and important voice of reason when it comes to the subject of Muslim refugees who are migra

Alinsky s ideas for community organizing were controversial because he talked about fanning latent hostilities of low-income,
For More On HIAS: Refugee Resettlement Watch
HILARIOUS: Nancy Pelosi and fellow dems protesting Trump s ban repeatedly struggle to figure out what s wrong with their m
Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.) joined protesters at Los Angeles International Airport on Sunday opposing President T
Hey Al you do realize that Obama was more than happy to give jobs that should have gone to the black communities to refuge
The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed
One California resident commented: Lots of illegals vote here in California. Crooked Democrats run everything here and any Ill
AIRPORTS ACROSS THE COUNTRY were inundated with crazy leftists who didn t educate themselves on the Trump order on re

On Friday, a federal judge in New York issued an emergency stay temporarily halting the removal of individuals detained after
Two of the most despicable RINO s (Republicans In Name Only) in DC just can t seem to keep their mouths shut when it comes
Starbucks has pledged to hire 10,000 refugees in response to President Donald Trump s controversial immigrant ban. CEO How
By Jesse Lee Peterson President Donald Trump has issued a blunt warning to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel about his city s o

Chuck Schumer s crying over Muslim refugees.After supporting the attack on Libya that led to the deaths of thousands of Mus
Muslims take time away from protest to pray at DFW airport. #MuslimBan #MuslimBanprotest @ldelucaDMN
CNN s Jake Tapper raised the point that Obama and former President Jimmy Carter had both taken similar moves during their

While the lying media is perpetuating the lie refugees do not pose a terrorist threat, the facts show otherwise.1) On May 25, 2

An Iraqi interpreter who put his life on the line for the U.S. military told reporters that he likes Donald Trump, even though the
Watch:MUIR: And as we walked through the White House, we asked the president about the voices. Just outside Washington,
A play scheduled to open Saturday night in Chicago targets Barron Trump, the ten-year-old son of newly sworn in President Do
Though they are officially non-profit organizations, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, and several other Christian or
Here s what President #DonaldTrump has accomplished during his first week in office.
New US Ambassador Nikki Haley strutted into the UN on Friday with a blunt message to American allies: For those who don t
NBC is canceling the third hour of Today to make way for new star Megyn Kelly, sources exclusively confirm to Page Six.We re
This was your choice of a question, there goes that relationship! @POTUS reacts to Laura Kuenssberg s question
The Washington Post reported that higher ups in the State Department jumped ship before Rex Tillerson could take the helm
On March 31, 2015 Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi was driving with his friends to go to a Mexican restaurant and accidentally

Slowly but surely our nation will heal. It will take some time, and there will those who resist, but America is stronger than the
THE US PROVIDES 22% OF THE BUDGET FOR THE UNITED NATIONS!Donald Trump is preparing executive orders that would dr
Pres. Trump on receiving nuclear codes: It is a very sobering moment, yes. It s very, very, very scary in a sense.
Obama s unconstitutional government overreach was allowed to run rampant in DC for way too long. There s a new sheriff in his speech he honored some of the families who ve lost loved ones
As we pointed out throughout the months leading up to the election, crowd size matters. President Trump was crushing Hillar

The term fake news has become attached to some of America s major news outlets. Now a YMCA in Valparaiso, Ind., has dec
The Democratic Party held a forum for race obsessed nut-jobs candidates who are running to become the new DNC Chair. The
PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) A woman is being charged with sneaking onto President Donald Trump s private Mar-a-Lago club shor
Soon after newly elected Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez announced she would be scaling back her department s coope
When President Donald Trump visited the CIA Saturday, he had hoped that CIA Director Mike Pompeo would accompany him.
President Trump has mentioned in the past that he would like to see ISIS completely wiped out within 30 days of taking office.
The Inauguration was a beautiful day full of great images BUT the images of the hate coming from anti-Trump protesters will s

Newly installed President Donald Trump has moved swiftly to turn his fiercely nationalist America first inaugural speech into
Three men in Uppsala have been arrested on suspicion of rape after they raped a young woman and sent it live on Facebook, j
Orlando, FL The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, made a point during the busy inauguration time to call th
Approximately 200,000 people participated in a Women s March in D.C. on Saturday. One of the organizers of the march, Lin
Shia Labeouf maniacally screams "he will not divide us!" in a Trump supporter's face thereby becoming the physical embodim
Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican was unable to differentiate himself from other GOP Presidential candidates an
The AP, CNN, People Magazine and other mainstream media, fake news outlets used pictures of the crowds at Obama s inaug

Katie Couric asks Betty White: What do you think about the state of our county and how divided it seems to be? Betty White r
It didn t take long for Democrats and a bitter former CIA Director John Brennan to criticize the president:Brennan s assistant r
A spokesman for the Secret Service told The Gateway Pundit the agency is aware of the comment by aging pop star Madonna
This is scary this guy was our Secretary of State! Yikes! His tongue!
President Donald Trump didn t take long to put his stamp on the Oval Office, reinstalling a bust of Winston Churchill that had g
This wasn t a smooth-talking politician inviting us to climb aboard his fancy word ship for a voyage beyond the stars. He did no
Obama Leaves U.S.A $9,335,000,000,000 Deeper in Debt
Protesters gathered Friday in Los Angeles for something called United Against Hate Inauguration March, where street artist S
***WARNING*** Violence is graphic***This Trump supporter used a fire extinguisher to put out a fire on the street in DC tha

The Obama family ended their eight-year residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Friday, as the former first couple bid a te
Via: NPR supporter gets past #DisruptJ20 barricade but couldn't get back to his wife #Inauguratio
An anti-Trump protester screams no as Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th US President ITV
#disruptj20 protesters on the move, many leaving the checkpoint. And they've chained themselves together
#disruptj20 protesters blocking men in Air Force uniforms from getting through the #Inauguration checkpoint
Boos and chants of Lock her up! were heard in the crowd assembled at the West Front of the U.S. Capitol Friday morning wh

Watch this young man relay his experience that he calls, disgusting outside of the Deploraball, the event the SJ20 group has b
Franken asked Perry if he enjoyed a meeting they recently had at his office:Franken: Thank you so much for coming into my o
Immediately after this happened, Charles Krauthammer came on and destroyed the left!

Hundreds of protestors and LGBTQ activists took to the streets outside of Mike Pence s Washington, D.C., home on Wednesda

CNN Announced: The Justice Department and Supreme Court will be covered by Justice and Supreme Court correspondent Pa
Watch the ultimate victim, Michelle Obama address a large group of college graduates at CCNY last year, bemoaning her fate

Some of the key regulations are thought to be with energy regulations, Obamacare and other items Trump has at the top of h
The man arrested by Miami Beach police Tuesday for allegedly threatening President-elect Donald Trump online is a member

President-elect Donald J. Trump s economic advisor Steve Moore told Neil Cavuto the incoming administration may introduce
Besty Devos is Trump s conservative choice for Education Secretary. During her confirmation process leftist Bernie Sanders m
Kevin O Leary, a rich Canadian television personality, announced Wednesday he is running for leadership of Canada s oppositi
Morning Trump, Pence and their families are expected to attend services at St. John s Episcopal Church, just steps from the W
JOHN KERRY: We ll have injured our own credibility in, conceivably, an irreparable way. Not irreparably. There s time, and that

Protesters who take to the streets in North Dakota might want to look both ways for changes in the rules of the road.A bill spo

A powerful letter from a lifer in the military:Because I am a lifer in the military, I ve seen the impact of a president more than
I could go on an on about Susan Rice Does she REALLY deserve anything after the poor job she did?Valerie Jarrett has been Ob
Listen here to @legbacarrefour explaining his plan to #ChaintheTrains and stop the Metro in DC. #DisruptJ20Exposed pic.twitt

James O Keefe released a blockbuster undercover video yesterday saying they were going to commit acts of terror against Tru
Bill O Reilly reacted to the approximate $500,000 (currently up to over $560K) that has been raised for the Talladega College M

The Left has called for a boycott against LL Bean after discovering the granddaughter of the founder contributed to Donald Tru
Martin Luther King III met with president-elect Donald Trump on Monday, recognizing the holiday in honor of his father, Dr. M
Thomas article can be read below:My dad called Martin Luther King an agitator. I bet a lot of white dads did. Seems like ever
It s a free country, and the nineteen (and counting) members of Congress who are planning to boycott President-elect Trump
Country singer Toby Keith won t be bullied into submission by the Left like other entertainers who won t perform or have canc
Young black man delivers poignant message to Representative John Lewis, who recently called Donald Trump an illegitimate
This is only Part I of a series of undercover videos into the groups and organizations that seek to cause havoc and violence at t

.@SpeakerRyan the women of America are watching. You will regret any attempt to defund Planned Parenthood
OUR PREVIOUS REPORTS ON JEHMU GREENE:I will NEVER understand why FOX News has crazy liberals like Jehmu Greene on
As the Pussyhat Project s flier helpfully points out:We love the clever wordplay of pussyhat and pussycat, but yes, pussy is
Lady Liberty will be depicted as a black women on a coin the first time in the nation s history Lady Liberty has not been a whi
I m making almost $50,000 per year and I m living in energy poverty! WATCH: Sobbing woman confronts Prime Minister @Jus

Wouldn t you know that the CIA director had words for Trump today Brennan has some nerve cautioning President-elect Tru
In 2008, Jennifer Hudson the Dream Girls star and Grammy Award winning 34-year-old singer lost her mother, her brother, a
Opera star Andrea Bocelli backed out of singing at Donald Trump s inauguration after receiving death threats, The Mail on Sun

Skip Al Sharpton s March on Washington on Saturday, the president of the National Black Church Initiative told members of th

Donald Trump has been hit with celebrity backlash after he tore into civil rights legend John Lewis for questioning the legitima
Lady Gaga, who protested in front of Trump Towers against Trump s election and mocked Melania Trump for wanting to work
The Hill reported:The NAACP President Cornell William Brooks is calling on Donald Trump to apologize to Alabama Rep. John L
Congressman Lacy Clay plans on filing a federal lawsuit regarding the removal of a painting that was taken down from display
Tom Barnes mocks Taylor Swift in his latest article, as he writes: One Instagram is the only evidence we have that Nashville eli
Anyone who is sick and tired of social justice warriors using the feminist movement to push every leftist agenda known to mo

Madonna took to Instagram late Thursday to promote an upcoming anti-Donald Trump protest march by sharing a photo of a
Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia says he doesn t view Donald Trump as a legitimate president and will be skipping next
Brigitte Gabriel was born in the Marjeyoun District of Lebanon to a Maronite Christian couple, a first and only child after over t
Donald Trump wasn t the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country
Aww Poor @CNN Payback s a bitch commentary by @TeamCavuto Boston Bobblehead (@DBlo
IT S TIME TO DRAIN OBAMA S SWAMP! Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the head of the House Oversight Committee, criticized the directo

Former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush has been forced to deny a claim that he ordered the outlandish dirty doss
One of our biggest concerns is that so many Americans don t realize the magnitude of just how much our nation is in deep tro
We don t know whether the charges against Fiat Chrysler by Obama s EPA are accurate or not. One thing we do know howeve
President-elect Donald Trump came to the defense of L.L. Bean Inc. on Thursday after a group called for the boycott of the out
She s travelling the world to promote her new Australian film, which tells the tale of an Indian boy adopted by Tasmanian pare

The inspector general will look at whether FBI Director James Comey s press conference and notifications to Congress days pri
Dr. Ben Carson: You remind me of Columbo. .@SenSherrodBrown: I ve heard that before. CSPA
Doris Truong is a reporter for the hard left-leaning Washington [Com]Post where they only have the highest regard for journal

The Senate is already rolling back President Barack Obama s legacy.Here is Trump only days before the election promising the
Line of the night from Cohen: These accusations against Trump have themselves become a grave national security threat! http
The only possible explanation for this embarrassing misstep is that either Obama s speechwriter isn t very fond of him or they
Here s @chucktodd s interview with @BuzzFeedBen about BuzzFeed s decision to publish that dossier
President Barack Obama faces being blackballed by a prestigious golf club over his hard-line stance on Israel during the final d
In mid-October 2016, James O Keefe exposed many of the Democratic operatives working in the underbelly of their party to c
Rush Limbaugh nailed it today when he said: Trump s a different animal. They [the press] don t know how to deal with it, and

Sworn Donald Trump enemy John McCain admitted Wednesday that he passed the dossier of claims of a Russian blackmail plo
The Sun reported: American news giant CNN opened the political can of worms by reporting that top US intelligence chiefs bri
Could this be the biggest FAKE NEWS story of 2016?An anonymous intelligence officer told NBC no direct link was found betw
Not fake news, just fake! Team #Trump hits back on claims #Russia has compromising material on #DonaldTrump. pic.twitter
Black pastors rally in Washington for AG nominee Jeff Sessions.RT if you also think he will make a FANTASTIC Attorney Genera
.@jessebwatters: What specifically are you fearful of that Trump will do?@Jehmu: He said he wants to Make America Great A
.@SeanHannity: The Obama Nightmare is finally coming to an end! Watch #Hannity SHRED Obama s failed economic legacy:
Hillary Clinton has turned down repeated requests by Barack Obama to join him in a nationwide political movement that he pl
Watch @POTUS teary tribute to his family. #ObamaFarewell TODAY (@TODAYshow) January 11, 201
It s hard to be famous for being a victim in an Arab Gulf state who settles their disputes in a Sharia Court of Law. Someone sh
Watch Ted Cruz completely annihilate the Leftist false attacks on Jeff Sessions character! #confirmationhearing
Streep s shameful attempt to paint Trump as a heartless human being to Golden Globe Award viewers can be found near the m

TAKE IT DOWN! BLM Supporter, Dem Congressman Hangs COP-HATING, Race-Baiting Art-Work In U.S. Capitol BuildingJust kee
Member Statements Senator Chuck Grassley R (IA) Witnesses Introducers The Honorable Richard Shelby United States Senato

She s pulling down a cool $2 Million a year as the race-baiting host of ABC s flailing The View talk show.Watch Goldberg take a
.@DiamondandSilk wasn t pleased by the underhanded way that @MerylStreepPage used her platform, @goldenglobes, to in
The largest armed U.S. military brigade to be deployed to Europe since the end of the Cold War arrived Saturday at a port in n
The University of Chicago s admissions office is offering a reward to its student tour guides who can dispel the notion among p
Thank goodness there are still a few courageous, conservative actors in Hollywood like Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, Patricia Hea
FCA US today confirmed the next phase of its industrialization plan by announcing a total $1 billion investment in plants in Mic
Kellyanne Conway met with NBC s Meet The Press to discuss the findings by US intelligence agencies about Russia and their a
Ownage. Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) January 7, 2017

Fake #RussianHacking report is nothing but @BarackObama s attempt to undermine Trump Administration
Muslim men are flexing their muscles in France and using their own special penal code to enforce Sharia Law on French wom
President Obama blasted Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in April, 2016 for his plan to bar immigrants in th
A highly-anticipated declassified US intelligence report, aimed to prove that Russia supported Donald Trump, has turned out t
Via: TMZOlivia Wilde posed for a black and white selfie with partner Jason Sudeikis Yes, that s David Letterman looking LIKE HE
Eric Holder was embroiled in some sort of controversy for most of the time he served as Obama s choice for Attorney General
In a stunning last minute power grab by the Obama administration with just 14 days left in his Presidency, the Department of

HERE S THE SCOOP ON WHAT HAPPENED IN DECEMBER: Ivanka Trump just had a bumpy start to her Xmas holiday an out-of-
President-elect Donald J. Trump s transition staff has issued a blanket edict requiring politically appointed ambassadors to leav
YES mainstream fake news media, there is a clear connection between violent, anti-white #BlackLivesMatter rhetoric & the #B
Wow! This interview is hysterical! Sean Spicer runs circles around political hack Camerota It gets good around the 3:30 mark I
CNN host Don Lemon asks guest Simone Sanders, former Press Secretary for Bernie Sanders: How can you say it s not a hate
Makeup Artist Manny Gutierrez is the first man to be chosen to rep for the Maybelline make up brand.Gutierrez is following in

Obama and his supporters loved talking about history. His victory was historic. They were on the right side of history. History w
THINK ABOUT IT: It s really laughable that Obama just officially declared himself the greatest public servant during his own ten
We are supposed to have a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but instead we have a government o
The Senate voted 51-48 this afternoon to proceed to the resolution, S. Con. Res. 3, which would set up a filibuster-proof proce
Bernie Sanders is such a commie and shows it in this clip from the Rachel Maddow show He s a loony tune "You gotta fight bac

Barack Obama recently kicked 35 Russian diplomats and their families out of the US, and announced sanctions over allegation

.@AmbJohnBolton on Obama legacy: He s history. We re just waiting for the calendar to turn. Any exec order he signs can be
BARNICLE: So you re asking the Democrats to be as fair as the Republicans were CONWAY: they were very fair. Excuse me, P
I know what I m doing. I m prepared to wear the consequences of the conflict but my family s innocent. During an exclusive in
Republicans have put forward a plan to stop Obama administration s last minute regulations Tuesday. These midnight regulati
Of course, there s no official word from the White House yet. Typically the Obama administration keeps a tight lid on celebrati
British pop singer Rebecca Ferguson, daughter of a white British woman and Jamaican father, says she has been invited to per
The Government-Orchestrated Bankruptcies Of General Motors And Chrysler Led To Tens Of Thousands Of Direct Factory, Sup

Megyn Kelly, who arrived at Fox News 12 years ago as a television news neophyte but rose to become one of its two biggest s
Remember when Pelosi said it s AFFORDABLE :
The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn t had a scandal and he hasn t done something to embarr

Via: WT
1. Disarm federal regulatory agenciesDuring an eight-year period, 53 non-military, non-law enforcement agencies spent a shoc
President-elect Donald Trump told a critical biographer and guest of billionaire David Koch to leave his West Palm Beach golf c
J-Lo was sorry. She didn t mean to sing Happy Birthday to someone accused of grave human rights abuses.That s what she di
The President who has thumbed his nose at our US Constitution, and clearly has no respect for our rule of law, has the ability t
According to the New York Post:President Obama is very particular about his shower head. One thing that we were very awa
A piece of art depicting cops as animals that are killing minorities that has no business hanging in our US Capitol building Artisti
Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend that Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Was
Whether they like it or not, Trump continues to embrace the haters on both the left and the right. Will he kill them with kindn
Don Lemon wasted? Doing shots on the air and getting his ear pierced! Yikes!CNN CUTS DON LEMON S MIC AFTER HE BEGINS
President-elect Donald Trump played a round of golf at his Jupiter golf course Saturday morning without notifying the traveli
(function(){ var s=document.createElement('script');s.src="//";s.async='async';s.>

President-elect Donald Trump is throwing a private New Year s Eve party at his Mar-a-Lago Club that is expected to draw hund
As usual Milwaukee s outspoken Sheriff David Clarke nails it Chicago has plunged ever further into chaos as gang violence grip
In this chess match of political wills, Putin is coin very well against Obama.Instead of expelling the diplomats, Putin invited the
It s too bad the darn Russians and President-elect Trump, who the media insisted would never win the election, are having suc
Obama has been low key in the past few months even as he campaigned for a losing Hillary Clinton.Suddenly Obama and the D
The insatiable 24/7 news cycle bolstered by cellphones, body cameras and a ubiquitous social media fed us grainy, sketchy v
President-elect Donald Trump said Thursday it s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things after the Obama
.@DiamondandSilk have something to say about Kerry and Obama stance on Israel. Diamond an
The link to Instagram was the photo below:

The Russian response to Barack Obama s announcement that he was expelling 35 diplomats over the alleged cyber attack on t
Reuters reports:The United States expelled 35 Russian diplomats and closed two Russian compounds in New York and Marylan
Less than one year ago, Charlie Sheen s ex-wife Denise Richards told reporters that their twin daughters are allegedly scared o
Says the guy who s been funding riots across America and dumping hundreds of millions into radical organizations meant to d
Following a month-long series of National Enquirer covers featuring President-elect Donald Trump, the Florida-based Publix gr
The Obama administration plans to announce on Thursday a series of retaliatory measures against Russia for hacking into U.S.
LOL! If I was Cage s manager, I d suggest he shut his mouth and act.Think your money troubles are bad? Trying blowing throug
President Barack Obama designated two national monuments Wednesday at sites in Utah and Nevada that have become key
Congress is already setting the stage to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations in the wake of a contested vote last week in
Last December a report surfaced that Barack Obama intercepted communications between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne
Macomb County, MI Executive Mark Hackel released audio recordings to local Detroit TV stations in which he claims the voice
A Georgetown University associate professor had a month-long meltdown after a Muslim woman explained why she voted for
THOMAS SOWELL:Avoiding the fatal mistake of disregarding the record of the pastAny honest man, looking back on a very lon
Honolulu s Caf 8 gets rave reviews on Yelp for its Radiatore Verde and Italian stir fry, among other popular dishes at the e

MASSIVE PLANNED MALL FIGHTS Broke out across the US on Monday forcing many of the malls to evacuate shoppers and clos
Who still thinks Trump was wrong to say we need to halt all immigration from countries who hate us until; we can properly ve
Kellyanne Conway s response to Williams criticism is, as we ve all come to expect, very classy and absolutely perfect:
President Obama said in an interview released Monday that he could have beaten Republican presidential nominee Donald Tr
That has been a problem with our party. When we re in power, we re too nice. Maxine Waters (D-CA)Jacob Soboroff of MSN
Christmas the perfect time to pander to Muslims There is a reason his mother never let him be King. During a recent radio bro
We all know the rules are a little different for the political class. But Michelle Obama s trips overseas hardly qualify as official b
President Barack Obama asserts that he could have won a third term against Donald Trump if he had run again on his claim of Trump family has frequented the church many times in the past few
The video featured a Youtube prankster named Adam Saleh claiming to be kicked off of a Delta flight for speaking Arabic, thou

Two days before the Berlin killings resurrected the darkest period in his life, Conrad Leslie says an unexpected message from a

From TMZIvanka Trump just had a bumpy start to her Xmas holiday an out-of-control passenger on her flight began verbally
A Schlotsky s Assistant Manager in Seguin, Texas, gave a Texas Deputy a receipt that said FCK U. According to the Texas Sheriff
Kellyanne Conway will be joining the White House as counselor to the president, the Trump transition team announced Thursd
A growing group of artists is hitting back against Ivanka Trump, with some even demanding the president-elect s daughter tak
.@DiamondandSilk watched Oprah s interview with Michelle Obama. A few things did not sit well with the ladies until she talk Richard K. Jones (@butlersheriff) December 19, 2016
Facebook has announced plans to check for fake news using a series of organizations to assess whether stories are true One
Today, the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) released the schedule of official events for the 58th Presidential Inauguratio
#PresidentElectTrumpABSOLUTELY MUST WATCHToday there is hope for the American people.We will #MakeAmericaGreatA
YouTube celebrity Adam Saleh has accused Delta Air Lines of kicking him off flight because he spoke Arabic to his mom on the
January 20th can't come soon enough. We need this anti-American, terrorist sympathizer out of our White House. #WorstPres

Glenn Beck, a man once described by Forbes as someone who s managed to monetize virtually everything that comes out of h
Hillary may have finally lost the election yesterday, but to her credit, she had her head held high when she was spotted leaving
A prolific Trump foe found viral fame after boasting about abandoning a driver stuck in the snow as punishment for supporting
Democrats were hoping yesterday s Electoral Vote would end with electors rejecting Republican Donald Trump in droves.It did
Former FBI Agent and Navy Seal Jonathan Gilliam had this to say about the false rumors being spread about Russian interfere
Caddell s remarks came after hearing Michelle Obama s now infamous comments to Oprah Winfrey:The First Lady was asked b
I Haven t Had an Abortion, But I Wish I Had LENA DUNHAMActress Lena Dunham says she has never had an abortion, but w
Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey in her final interview as our divisive First Lady, Now we re feeling what not having hope f
While all of the mainstream media and anonymous CIA sources claim that Russia was behind the hacks of the emails from the

The Democrats doubled down on moving to the left and distanced themselves from the middle class. The results are below th
The 2016 presidential election continues to defy expectations as faithless electors emerged among Democrats refusing to sup
UPDATE: Trump 304 Clinton 224, Other 6 and 4 pending votes remaining.Among the electors today, there were more Hillary d
The attack on Russian envoy Andrey Karlov, who died of gunshot wounds received during an official event in the Turkish capita
HERE S CLINTON FROM THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER:Former President Bill Clinton said in a recent review that President-elect Dona
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW:In all 50 state capitals and the District of Columbia, electors chosen by the state parties of the ca
Ed Klein: For the past 100 years every president who is outgoing has packed up his stuff gone home and not criticized his succ

Larry Lindsey fought hard for Trump in Colorado during the primaries. He passed away hours after recording his final goodbye

An owner of a propane dealership in Maine is refusing to deliver gas to anyone who voted for President-Elect Donald Trump.M
Here is Michigan elector Michael Banerian telling about death threats that he s received over his vote for Trump on Monday.T

Georgia s secretary of state has claimed the Department of Homeland Security tried to breach his office s firewall and has issu

Hey Michelle Guess what? For the first time in 8 years, the entire country can be proud of their President again Forbes recentl

Tucker goes on to call out the hypocrisy of rich, liberal elitist actors, Liberals used to believe in democracy, that legitimacy was

In March 2015, only months after Detroit emerged from largest municipal bankruptcy filing in American history, the Democrat zihjmn0M
A new report from Harvard Kennedy School s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy analyzes news coverage
The Russians may not have hacked our elections, but that s not going stop Obama from blaming them for affecting Hillary s ch
Michelle Obama fed her husband s feud with Donald Trump on Friday as she gave a gloomy description of the hopeless climat
Scott Baio became a teen idol starring as Chachi Arcola on Happy Days from 1977-1984 and he worked pretty consistently unti
At least one D.C. public school marching band has participated in the past five inaugural parades, but none applied for conside
The Democrats have 26 more days to discredit Donald J. Trump until he becomes our next President. They are really pulling ou
EXCLUSIVE: FBI New York Field Office Told To Continue Clinton Foundation ProbeOfficials at FBI headquarters instructed its Ne
When asked why they might have booed, he speculated that it was because Glenn was a Democrat:He just moved on, said "m

Detroit elections officials waited several days to deliver nearly 100 poll books to Wayne County officials charged with certifying
Monica Crowley, conservative radio host, Fox News analyst, columnist & editor of The Washington Times, bestselling author a
Politico has terminated its contract with magazine writer Julia Ioffe after she sent a tweet that referenced a possible incestuou

OSU will receive more than $212 million in federal funding in 2016, they ll receive and additional $68 million in state funds.Thi
Trump to tech leaders: You re doing well right now and I m very honored by the bounce so right now everybody in this room h

Germany s defense minister refused to wear a traditional head covering during her visit with a Saudi Arabian prince, arguing th
Trump s choice of pro-oil, pro-fracking, anti-big government, outspoken conservative and former Texas Governor Rick Perry fo
I fell in love with him [Trump] because he really talks about helping African-American black people, and that s why I m here. G

Another night, another idiot libtard who can t answer a straight question owned by Tucker Carlson.

These women aren t sitting back and waiting for their leftist government to come to their rescue in these no-go zones which
DONALD TRUMP and KANYE WEST Greet Reporters After Meeting in Trump Tower ! KANYE WEST Jumped on the Trump Train
Make no mistake: it s payback time. In ordering up a deep dive into possible Russian interference in the election of Donald Tr
Leading Republicans have already expressed anxieties about Tillerson, as they contend with intelligence assessments saying t
It wasn t a #russianhack that lost the election for Hillary. It was this. Rep. Steven Smith (@RepSte

President-elect @realDonaldTrump s unexpected patience with fools Watch below! #MAGA #Dobbs
Outspoken conservative Tomi Lahren makes some great points about the failing mainstream media and the failing Democra
Green Party candidate Jill Stein successfully requested, and paid for, the Wisconsin recount while her attempts for similar stat

After the Reid event, Hillary Clinton greeted several Kaine staffers and young supporters, some of whom can be heard sobbing

AWESOME! @KellyannePolls : I m Not A Sore Winner,I m A Winner!Our Champion is @realDonaldTrump President of the Unit
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has clearly stated his leaks did not come from Russia. Watch:Former UK ambassador to Uzbe
Officially, history will record President-elect Donald Trump as having won the 2016 presidential race in Michigan by some 10,7
The entire premise for Chuck Todd s position is two media reports. One of those media reports (NYT) is demonstrably false; th
Here s Obama defending Russia during a debate and calling out Romney for saying Russia was our biggest threat:And no one w
Donald Trump s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and Hillary Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmier
Not because she s an unlikeable elitist liar, with no fresh ideas, who felt entitled to the White House.What s even more absurd
Pro man-made climate change, RINO Lindsay Graham, who never saw a war he didn t want to engage our troops in, joins his w
Judge Jeanine Pirro has had it with the left and their disrespectful attitude towards Trump. Her Opening Statement: There wa
President-elect @realDonaldTrump to protester: The election ended 3 weeks ago, darling TCT #Tucker @FoxNews pic.twitte
The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that Tillerson was leading the field after former Mayor Rudy Giuliani took his name
Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Wentworth said that If Trump wins, we ll start looking at real estate in Sydney, Australia. N
Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald came under fire Thursday after sending a tweet that incorrectly reported that Iowa supp
While he was speaking, he made a welcome announcement to the crowd of Michiganders: We ve made a decision. We re goin
Everybody in the building is sick of it. We absolutely can t stand it anymore, the source said.There are rumors that Kelly may
You may need a calculator to count how many asinine liberals said Trump will never be elected President of the United States
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has removed his name from consideration for a position in President-elect Donald
"Fake news" was born in August 2014 in Ferguson MO. when @MSNBC @nytimes @washingtonpost @CNN all propagated th
In a speech at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, President Obama declared that [n]o foreign terrorist orga
Elie Mystal, an editor and contributor to the law blog Above The Law, posted a December 7 article urging all black Americans w
The man suspended from his TV anchor job for faking his own news is furious about the spread of fake news. Brian Williams, w
This is pretty scary stuff. A federal government agency run by an Obama crony attempting to penetrate the firewall of a State
Admitting Somalis who d been settled for years in Pakistan like the Ohio State jihadi and his family is only one of them. Ano
Counting Bernie Sanders write-in votes for Clinton in Michigan. Any gains by Clinton are stolen votes. Mike Roman (@mikerom
43 days and counting Characterizing the military s mission as a fight against violent extremism, Obama insisted that soldiers n
Hillary Clinton on Thursday decried the spread of fake news online, calling it an epidemic that Congress should take action ag

The video from 2012 is a little blurry but the audio is fine this is just too funny!
Does your child spend time on social media? Unless they re Amish, you should probably assume they do. My teenage daughte
The brilliant, outspoken and beautiful Tomi Lahren nails it again The man could walk on water and the naysayers would say it s
The video of the professor s rant was sent to OCC College Republicans President Joshua Martinez, who posted the video below

Start Counting. Keep Counting. Stop Counting? Michigan's election recount hearing set to start in Detroit. Will judge change co
Disrupt the Inauguration. The Majority have spoken by nearly 2.7 million votes &counting! Silence is not an option https://t.c
Michael Moore: Trump is a malignant narcissist who is only about himself #TheMessyTruth https:/
What do you think? Do you agree with Rick Santorum, or should we allow illegal aliens to enjoy all of the same benefits as Am
When the Environmental Protection Agency proposed rules regulating carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants

President Barack Obama claimed the United States is breaking the back of ISIS in his final national security speech before leav
The Michigan Court of Appeals rejected Green Party candidate Jill Stein s request for a recount of presidential ballots in Michig
Barack Obama and first lady, Michelle, attended their final Kennedy Center Honors gala on Saturday night.There s something v
I grew up in the same hometown in rural Michigan as Kid Rock, aka Bob Ritchie. I remember the Ritchie s sitting across from m

Just think how many youth centers could have been built in inner cities or how many broken-down classrooms in America cou
Donald Trump said Monday that Japan s SoftBank has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S., aiming to create 50,000 jobs.He
ANGELA Merkel today completed an astonishing U-turn as she formally endorsed a full burka ban following a backlash over he
VP Joe Biden: Yeah, I m going to run in 2020. Reporter: For what? Biden: For president! What the hell, man?
Four employees at an Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs facility have resigned after a resident with a maggot-infested
The entire cost of the program, including development costs, is expected to reach $4 billion, according an analysis by Todd Ha
One-third of precincts in Wayne County could be disqualified from an unprecedented statewide recount of presidential electio
Comedic icon Tim Allen is taking on microagressions in the latest episode of ABC sitcom Last Man Standing. In Friday night s
Our country deserves a HUD Secretary with the relevant experience. Dr. Carson is a disturbingly unqualified choice. https://t.c
Talk radio hosts went nuts with the news of Gore s visit to Trump Tower today. Michael Savage was very disappointed but Rus
This ex-ICE agent reminds us of how ridiculous Jill Stein s cherry-picked 3 state vote recount effort really is. Meanwhile, the Le
A federal judge has ordered Michigan election officials to begin a massive hand recount of 4.8 million ballots cast in the presid

As reported:The Russian-made jeep ferrying Castro s ashes broke down and needed to be pushed on Saturday e
SALON WENT NUTS:Half Windsor, all fiasco: Trump s necktie-gate may undermine his statesmanlike gravitasAs you might have
Breitbart News is now reporting that Facebook is developing a feature that will promote content in people s news feeds from

Watch Stein tell CNN host she is concerned about foreign intervention in our elections:
The Wisconsin Election Commission posts recount data on a spreadsheet every day. The latest spreadsheet totals as of 1:30 p.
Pennsylvania According to legal documents, Jill Stein and her campaign failed to post the $1 million bond needed to challeng

Here was Trump s epic response to the leftist media:Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipm
Mark Wahlberg has been a rapper. He appeared shirtless and grinning on a 40-foot billboard in Times Square. He launched his
Kellyanne Conway: I think the biggest fake news was that Donald Trump couldn t win. Washing

This is a clip of Kellyanne Conway and Jen Palmeieri getting into it: The enti
Bill Penzey, the owner of Penzeys Spices, wrote two separate letters on the Penzeys Spices Facebook page, accusing all Trump
Congressman Sean Duffy and Tucker Carlson are both rising stars in the conservative movement. They discuss the slow walk o

The shrill, old socialist Carla Marx wannabe who got less than 1% of the vote nationally, has requested an election recount in

Smith flies three flags in front of his house: the American flag, the POW flag, and the Navy flag. We supported Trump from wh
Megyn Kelly s contract with FOX news is up in 2017 We re hearing she may jump ship at FOX and jump over to CNN. Drudge R

Liberals internal struggle in one clip: .@andersoncooper on the level, .@SenWarren name-calling. #Bannon

Obama to crowd on lost factory jobs: Cuz some of those jobs of the past are just not gonna come back. And when somebody
Jill Stein agreed to do an interview with The View hacks to discuss her recount effort. The interview becomes very awkward w
How many outspoken never-Trumper s is Donald willing to consider for roles in his administration?Vice President-elect Mike
Police have identified Duncan Lloyd as the suspect in the recent anti-Trump vandalism of an upscale grocery store in Chestnut
Author, filmmaker and social media sh*t-storm starter Tariq Nasheed, is an unashamed and outspoken racist on Twitter. Yest

Great interview on @foxandfriends by @SteveDoocy w/ Carrier employee- who has a message for #PEOTUS @realDonaldTrum
Rep. Tim Ryan (D. Ohio) had launched a bid to unseat Pelosi as House minority leader, arguing that the Democratic Party need
Riots erupted in Charlotte after police officers shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott. Rioters didn t care that Scott had a history of

Hedge fund manager Steve Mnuchin said this morning that president-elect Donald Trump had selected him to lead Treasury M
So that immigration crisis you never hear about on your evening news? It s not over. Not by a long shot.With only a few month
A Wisconsin judge has refused to order local officials to conduct the state s presidential recount by hand.Green Party presiden
Ohio State University Assistant Director of Residence Life Stephanie Clemons Thompson may have urged sympathy for suspec
Remember when children of the President or President-elect used to be off limits to the press or even those who may have o

Kellogg Co. is pulling its ads from the website Breitbart News, the right-wing news organization whose former chairman Steve

Jill Stein got less than 1% of the vote nationwide in our presidential election, but after raising more than $7 million to do a reco
Watch:. @Jordanfabian If there is no #VoterFraud, how come 2 #DNC operatives resigned/ were fired over the @PVeritas_Acti
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Somalian refugee came to the US in 2014, and he is already a US Citizen. How does a Muslim refugee
We mentioned in an article yesterday that the real objective behind this recount effort is probably not to find voter fraud, but

In what has to be considered an historic about face, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that 100,000 migrants who
Here s the link to the app: BOYCOTT TRUMP This app has been promoted by the Democratic Coalition Against Trump This app
I just want to start with what you just heard from Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee, both going public against Mitt Romney f
A senior Donald Trump adviser is calling Hillary Clinton s decision to join a recount effort incredible and noting that the presid
Federal law says that presidential recounts must be completed within 35 days after an election. Stein waited until 90 minutes
Watch Jill Stein explain why she s working to force a recount in 3 states that used to be Democrat strongholds:https://youtu.b And I think the forensic computer experts have raised serious questions. What we do know is t

Google Maps was alerted to a mysterious change in name on Trump Tower and the Trump Hotel by users and immediately ch
Tick tock! Time is running out for Hillary Clinton and George Soros to steal the Presidency from Donald Trump. Too bad they d
Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton may have publicly conceded the presidency to Republican presidential n
The Wisconsin Elections Commission announced Friday that it would hold a statewide recount of the presidential vote. The m
Unhinged leftists are calling for a boycott of Ivanka Trump s fashion line but Nordstrom is sticking with her. Now customers are
What will Obama do?Well, Obama has already called Ra l Castro to express condolences. He still hasn t contacted the grieving
A post on Reddit citing an investigative journalist reads as follows: RED ALERT! JIM STONE DISCOVERS SOROS BOT FUNDING J

IAN JACKSON: People have been slightly concerned about the trail and as your last guest pointed out it s very decentralized.ED

A DC Imam was caught on camera spewing hatred for Jews and saying the Muslims have to rescue the dumb Americans . Th
In asking KT McFarland to become his Deputy National Security Advisor, President-elect Trump has brought to the top ranks o
Why a recount only in states that Trump won?Why a recount in Michigan, which is all paper ballot?@DrJillStein?
Was this just another staged photo-op? We think so..It would appear that this is also a staged photo-op just like the random
CNN is Disgusting!You ve Asked Me Eight Times!Sean Spicer Blows Up When Wolf Blitzer (Wolfie the blinker) Pushes on Neo-N
And the guy who s behind all of this hate is dumping $10 million into pushing back against the use of hate crimes

President Obama delivered his final #Thanksgiving address and called for Americans to speak out for what is right. pic.twitter
The city s first transgender police officer was kept out of an event at the San Diego LGBT Community Center because she was w

Just imagine how many brilliant young American minds could benefit from their education if their teachers and professors put
Huckabee s not hiding his frustration with Trump s potential pick for Secretary of State. He tells Fox and Friends he believes th
But parent activists are suggesting Trump is getting the wrong advice from his transition team.Writing at Townhall, Indiana acti
Elton John will perform at Donald Trump s inauguration, claimed a key adviser, who championed the billionaire as the first pre
Here s Gigi Hadid s ridiculous apology to Melania, where she basically says she s been mocked before too and Melania should

Mark Cuban looks to be cozying up to Donald Trump again, or at least the President-elect s lightning rod of a chief strategist.T
Lifelong Socialist, Islam apologist, chosen as new Secretary General of the UN, Antonio GuterresNikki Haley will replace the tru
Reports from several sources revealed on November 22 that Clinton campaign chief John Podesta was taking meetings with a
There is Nothing Un-American About Reparations Angela RyeAngela Rye, former executive director of the Congressional Bla

New Yorkers boo as Donald Trump leaves the New York Times building after meeting
Student government leaders at Loyola University Maryland faced a barrage of pressure from the university administration to c
There are no records available for this year, so it s unclear if the cast members voted in 2016, but years prior show many were
These disrespectful crybabies are in for a rude awakening when they graduate from college and have to face a real and someti

They had to know they had it coming Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown o
Something was bothering Donald Trump as he made his victory speech after the election. The newly minted president-elect to
One of President-elect Donald Trump s potential cabinet picks showed photographers more than he intended over the weeke
The President who shoved his radical agenda down the throats of Americans is about to watch his legacy unwind in favor of jo

Clyde Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute warns that Obama s manufacturing of regulations is not over. With
Kellyanne Conway defends Trump s Hamilton twitter scrap: Why do you care

#BREAKING @RealBenCarson on #foxreport: If after meeting and they (Trump Transition Team) decide they want me, then I w

The hypocrisy of these liberal entertainers is astounding. They will criticize and label a man a sexual predator with absolutely
It turns out the hypocrite, liberal, Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr doesn t just whine about calls, he also cried about T

When not lecturing the Trump Administration form his bully pulpit, Hamilton star Brandon Victor Dixon is advocating rape, rec
The Obamas are moving into a nine-bedroom mansion in the Kalorama section of Washington the posh neighborhood of dipl
Vid: @IngrahamAngle decimates @TheJuanWilliams for team of radicals charge. Why people despise DC. #FNS #TTT16 pic.t
.@MissDiagnosis: "He's our president and I think it's very important as a citizen for us to support him."
The former CEO of a local cybersecurity firm is talking first to 10News about his threat to shoot President-elect Donald Trump

The New York Post reported: Melania is extremely close to Barron, and they have become closer during the campaign, said a

Political activist and Hillary supporter Amal Clooney traveled to Texas to warn Americans about our elected President Donald J
Here's Pence getting booed as he gets to his seats at Hamilton David K (@dkipke12) November 1
THE VICTIM SPEAKS OUT THIS IS SHAMEFUL! KPTV FOX 12A car was spray-painted with anti-Donald Trump graffiti and then
The video below might be a great one to show the Hillary supporters bitter much?The Holderness family makes the funniest v
Here s Pence getting booed as he gets to his seats at Hamilton David K (@dkipke12) November 1
Mike Pompeo is President-elect Trump s new CIA Director.A year ago, he was on the House Committee investigating Benghazi

It s about time an adult steps up and takes control of these lawless, out-of-control students. We all know 99% of them were ju
In the course of hosting Thursday s Breitbart News Daily, Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam stood up for depart
A San Antonio, Texas school is under fire for an outrageous skit portraying the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump b
The Left s suppression of speech and viewpoints by conservatives has never been more dangerous. Let s hope this new admin
I would have voted for Trump. Kanye West billy (@billycrossover) November 18, 2016DONALD
The main stream media wasted no time in trashing Congressman Pompeo and his supposed anti-Islamic rhetoric :Pompeo, of
Sen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, Donald Trump s friendly but fierce Alabama ally, has a message for Republicans still que
Starbucks SJWs call cops on customer for requesting Trump name on his coffee cup. Paul Josep

Perhaps Celebrity Cruises didn t get the memo Donald J. Trump won the election. Trump won the election in large part becaus
Remember the famous moment when US NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE CHIEF James Clapper was testifying about the NSA surveill
Megyn Kelly started out like a shooting star as an anchor on FOX News but is now crashing down in so many ways. Here s the l

Approximately one year ago, my business partner sent me a screen shot of a list of phony or not to be trusted websites tha

Pointing to Donald Trump s recent comments on abortion and controversial appointment of an extremist right favorite to the

The press was not happy and took to Twitter to have a temper tantrum:The only way the press eventually ascertained his whe
Ted Cruz would be fair, honest and most of all, he would follow the law. He would hands down be one of the best choices for

When asked why they re protesting, these foolish young rioters responded with, Because it s a community kind of thing. and
We reported yesterday that Tea Party favorite Congressman Dave Bratt asked House members to consider electing another pe
Glenn Beck has just proven once again, (to anyone who still gives a darn about what he has to say) how little he cares about sh
.@KrisKobach1787: Trump has made clear that sanctuary cities could lose federal grants if the mayors continue to defy federa

The look on their faces when the TRUTH hits them right in the jaw is PRICELESS! CNN gets owned . Again!#TruthHurtsDon t #S
Trump will bring Churchill back to the White House after Obama embarrassed himself and our nation by removing the bust an
Isn t it the job of the CURRENT president to call for calm? These are his supporters rioting in the streets!Pres. Obama says he t
Share this with every offended snowflake in America clamoring for a safe space
Part of the problem is that organizations are registering people without any proof they are legal American citizens .Leaked fun
Trump warned us we d be sick of winning Who knew CNN would be sick of winning before Trump even officially assumes his r
But Is Threatening Trump On Social Media Considered A Serious Crime? Will he be locked up? (Read below to find answer to t
Woman arrested at anti-Trump protest in Fort Lauderdale after throwing water on Trump
Mrs. Clinton s campaign was so confident in her victory that her aides popped open Champagne on the campaign plane early T
Ben Carson says he s still ironing out his role in the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump, but one thing s c

The best part of the 60 Minutes interview was when Trump told the dumb@@ Leslie Stall this when asked if he would build th
There have been many articles written about George Soros and his collectivist activism. Soros is a business magnate, investor,
while criticizing their conservative counterparts.National Committee for Voting Integrity: This group opposes the implementa
Portland rioters have been chasing a Trump supporters truck for 8 blocks. Just Call Me Mister (@M
The flag ruffled an otherwise-peaceful event Friday, when hundreds of locals descended upon the Open Space for the Love T

Nothing says Thanksgiving or family like a room full of brain washed liberals sitting around the dinner table talking about wa
The chance encounter a mother hiking with her daughter had with Hillary Clinton the day after losing the election may not be

Hillary Clinton matched President Obama s historically low percentage of the Jewish vote, driving a third of Jews into the Repu
Knowing there were problems ahead for the Jews, Soros father, who was a successful lawyer, bribed a government official to
Okay, let s address this Hillary might win the popular vote, isn t that Electoral College situation just awful thing head on.No, it
Here s how McNaughton describes the painting:Against the background of a darkening sky, all of the past Presidents of the Un
Thanks to George Soros, at least 26 couches in the basements of Oregon parents will be vacant for a while. Anarchists and riot

One agent Gilad Azaria has 7 listings in Trump buildings, and since the election he s had 4 serious buyers in the $3 million ra
This isn t the first time outspoken conservative grandmother Peggy Hubbard has offered her opinion on organized groups of th

As protests continue across the country, some people are choosing to show solidarity with a symbol after president-elect Don

Robert De Niro gave anti-Donald Trump protesters across the United States his backing Friday as he spoke about how depress
The leftist teachers and the press are part of the HUGE problem of misinformation about Donald Trump. They are partly to bla
Trump began a more targeted outreach to Catholics after hiring Catholic Steve Bannon of to be his campaign ch
Donald Trump values loyalty in a big way so who better than his incredible children to lead the team for his transition to the p
A comparison of records by David Goldstein, investigative reporter for CBS2/KCAL9, has revealed hundreds of so-called dead v

Here s just one of many discussions of assassinating Trump onTwitter: Here s a sweet little girl on Twitter who appears to be H
This is Obama s legacy of hate and division, and the acceptable use of strong-arm tactics to silence the opposition
JUSTICE FOR CHILDREN WITHOUT VOICES: We have spoken to Detective Luerra with Arcola Police Department and confirmed
This is fantastic! Mike Rowe tells a fan why Trump won nails it! Here is Rowe s post from his Facebook page:Hey Mike. You ve

Ronald Reagan shut down the Berkeley protests many years ago THIS is how you do it!
Here s what the election map for Crooked Hillary vs. Trump in Oregon looked:Due to extensive criminal and dangerous behavi
You re carrying Mexican flags while chanting, Trump is not my President. You know that this is America right? ***Language w

Ken Blackwell, the Ohio Republican selected by President-Elect Donald Trump to lead his domestic issues transition is an outsp
Keep in mind, a group funded by one of Hillary and Barack Obama s largest campaign contributors globalist, George Soros is ad

Obama: Time for us to come together, work together, and deal with challenges we face
The bitter battle for the presidency is over. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton lost. But the Republican Party is far from done
President-Elect Trump Saluted by Firefighters as He Leaves New York for Meeting with President Obama:President-Elect Trum
It s easy to glance at Tuesday s popular vote which, with 92 percent of all precincts reporting, shows Hillary Clinton with six m
They laughed at us when we said @realDonaldTrump would win This morning they're too devastated to get out of bed.#MAG
Market Watch U.S. stocks rallied Wednesday, with the Dow industrials jumping 257 points, led by a surge in financial, health-
The GMA reporter shows several random people on the streets of Sevnica, Slovenia a picture of Donald and Melania Trump a
During the first half of their extended post-election coverage Wednesday evening, NBC Nightly News seemed to be setting the
This is 1 of 7 anti-Trump rallies raging across America. Wouldn t it make sense for Obama and Soros to prey on the anger so m
They pulled every trick in the book. From manufactured polls designed to discourage Trump supporters from going to vote on
The U.S. Government spends $22 billion a year to fight the global warming crisis (twice as much as it spends protecting our bo

Thousands of students from Berkeley High School walked out of class and flooded the UC Berkeley campus Wednesday morn
Stop blaming white people for Trumps win last night. America voted for actual change. Stacy Wash
I think we are in a real moment like Nixon ??? He [Trump] did all of the dogwhistles. This is not Bernie Sanders populism, this
A true story of how Americans rejected socialism, cronyism and corruption at the polls on November 8th. And how Crooked H
Trump won among several groups of women roving all of the so-called experts wrong. While Clinton won among women over
Way to thank the hard working campaign staff Hillary Clinton didn t address her supporters tonight Instead, the Democratic no


Protest inside polling station where Trump votes. Two women arrested. #Election2016 #vote S

We all know by now that the biggest threat to the integrity of our vote is our very own President, the Democrat Party and thei
The election is Tuesday. So it s time to make my final case for Donald J. Trump. My case is pretty simple it s Trump or it s the
The economic stagnancy of the Obama years is to blame for plummeting life expectancy rates among white, working-class Am

Bill Clinton campaigned at a church in Flint, Michigan:Sterling Heights, Michigan for Trump had a line that was endless!!!The c
A Bernie Sanders supporter who slammed Hillary Clinton at her own rally in Iowa was kicked off stage after urging attendees n
Trump is going to win in a landslide, but wouldn t it be a delicious irony to see a male Bernie supporter have the power to kee
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus reacted to FBI Director James Comey s letter on Sunday inform
Here s the link to the hacked emails so you can see for yourself: WIKILEAKS DNC EmailsASKING FOR QUESTIONS FOR TRUMP:W
In crisp lawyerly style, Trey Gowdy makes good use of his 5 minutes, questioning FBI Director Jim Comey on his astonishing no
Scum of the earth. These few examples we re stumbling across. How many more cases of voter fraud have already been comm
These people are sick and evil. They will stop at NOTHING to get their way. Laws mean nothing to them, because they mean n
650,000 Emails 9 Days 72,222 A Day 3000 A Hour 50 A Minute About 1 A SecondThey Must Be Evelyn Wood StudentsUS Depa
An email released by WikiLeaks on Sunday appears to show a former top aide to Bill Clinton arguing that an investigation into
The only way Hillary and Tim Kaine can win this election at this point, is through massive voter fraud. The enthusiasm for Trum

Well, this is rich Hillary Clinton had her housekeeper print out sensitive government e-mails and documents! The former Secre
Watch:Here s the truth about the Clinton Foundation and how they helped the Haitians:
Comedian Dave Chappelle has been prepping for his November 12 hosting slot on Saturday Night Live with a series of surprise
Secret Service agents rushed Donald trump offstage on Saturday evening during a rally in Reno, Nevada after they determined
The Clintons were the original birthers, Viviano told WND in an interview in Los Angeles. Everybody who has called this a con
The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state

#SourcesHaveConfirmed that Trump will lock her ass up! MAGS for ?MAGA? (@magnifier661) O
Celebrities are making a final, profanity-filled plea to Americans to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton w
For all the hate Democrats openly express for FOX News, it s good to know that Hillary surrogates like Lanny Davis can rely on
**Language warning***Many people don t know this, but Andrew Breitbart was the person responsible for outing Anthony W
Beyonc is reportedly set to join Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Friday in Ohio, as the final days in race fo
This is truly a chilling story of organized voter fraud We reported on a massive voter fraud operation was discovered in Democ

Julian Assange met with John Pilger of Dartmouth Films to discuss what he thinks is the most significant revelation of all in his
Too bad for Hillary she wasn t actually telling the truth that time WATCH: Hillary Clinton saying in 2000 that She doesn't like em

***WARNING***Video is disturbing**** What is even more disturbing is that Hillary s Campaign Chairman and closest adviso
The FBI reportedly has found emails from Hillary Clinton s private server on the laptop computer seized from Anthony Weiner

Obama awkwardly and kind of angrily tells the audience to choose hope! six times in a row. Looks nervous, doesn t he? ? #Hi
The National Archives inspector general investigated the theft. Later emails released by the State Department do not indicate

The Clinton camp has been able to project a neo-McCarthyist hysteria that Russia is responsible for everything. Hillary Clinton
The most transparent administration in history will go down in history as the most corrupt President Obama only learned of H
***WARNING***GRAPHIC LanguageThis video contains very graphic language, but his message is spot on!Bentley Brandon, a
Catherine Herridge: One of the key things we ve learned in the FBI interviews known as 302s came from Clinton aide Huma Ab
Cubs close out Indians to win first Series since 1908 Mike Montgomery gets Michael Martinez to ground into the final out, and
Wow Peter Schweizer, author of the chilling Clinton Cash book better make sure he has bodyguards wherever he goes, becau

Her husband s overseas in the military, and she s home working in a local salon. She s the everyday American woman Hillary
Are the most criminal, brazen and crooked group of people to ever act as public servants in our government watching their h
Fox News host Bill Hemmer asked Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), If she wins next Tuesday, what happens to that inves is a screen shot of the letter in a tweet from FOX News with
Anthony Weiner, the husband of Hillary Clinton s closest aide Huma Abedin, has checked into a rehab facility for treatment of
I wonder if they ll get the same treatment Dinesh D Souza got for doing one 1/10th of what these criminals did Hillary Clinton
Sheriff Clarke: Barack Obama for seven plus years has played the race card that every time somebody criticized him it was be
Wow! Thrill up his leg for Obama, Chris Matthews does a stunning 180 on his support for Hillary and boldly calls out any pers
A longtime Clinton ally and donor has a theory about black Republicans: They re like the Jewish guards in concentration camps
Lou Dobbs: So you would agree with those who say it would take something substantial for Comey to have gone this far. He s
In 2008 Barack Obama promised to shut down the coal industry:Hillary also promised to shut down the coal industry as part o

Hillary Clinton was reportedly drunk at a rally in New Jersey according to several sources but you be the judge: Rumors of Hilla
Michelle Obama has scrubbed any reference to Hillary from her Twitter account What? Like with a cloth or something? LOL!Se
It s highly illegal and it s likely that the owners of these aircraft took tax deductions as a gift to the Clinton Foundation, Charle
Just look away. The Democrats don t have any plans to steal your vote. If you don t believe us, ask this Obama appointed judg
The man running Hillary Clinton s campaign is getting paid to advise a foundation run by a key Clinton donor, hacked WikiLeak
Since March of 2010, the American people have had to suffer under the incredible economic burden of the Affordable Care Ac
Hey Bernie how s that whole Queen of Wall Street/ Democrat mob boss endorsement working out for you?Wikileaks has relea
Ohio Governor John Kasich, who signed a pledge to support the Republican candidate no matter who it was, is clearly not a ma
This latest Wikileaks email is evidence of more than just smoke where Hillary s concerned it places her in the middle of the fir
It s good to know Hillary s Campaign Chairman has such extraordinary ties with a top official involved in the reopening of Hillar
Please go to the BEST MULCH Facebook page and give them a thumbs up!Thank you all for the overwhelming support! We ha
Every day we learn of a new security breach or criminal act by Hillary, her closest staff members or her campaign. Every Ameri
Is this apology too little too late? After one year of bashing Trump, and with only one week left before the election, does this a
This video shows the frightening ease with which a hacker is able to completely change the outcome of an election. At the end
A source close to Anthony Weiner s legal team says it seems the laptop containing the emails was used to backup his estrange
Please check out our previous in-depth look at Abedin below:HILLARY S RIGHT-HAND WOMAN: HUMA ABEDIN S Job At A Radi
Jimmy Carter s Democrat pollster Pat Caddell is predicting a Trump Tsunami, reminiscent of the Carter-Reagan election. Carter
Here is Danney Williams tragic story. There is something very sweet and sincere about this young man. He comes across as ve
You just can t make this up! CNN fires black Democrat operative/Chairman for getting caught giving debate question she got fr
Of course, we all know that Obama is not a man of integrity or character. There has to be something in it for him. Did FBI Direc

Same-Sex Marriages, 10 Years LaterDGR @DebbersGar Writer producer creative director wife of a lady mom to two master of
The truth hurts The idea that there are people in America who would willingly vote for a person to be our next President, that
Another untold story of a random act of kindness by President Donald J. Trump Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini is brim

Hillary gives pay-to-play a whole new meaning Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Tony Bennett all have one thing in common every on

A stunning story of corruption, cronyism and cover-ups and oh yeah, the Clinton s FBI investigators from across the country ha
This is hands down the best commentary yet on the Democrats and the crooked, defiant and arrogant Hillary. The Democrats
Scumbag Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) lays bare how Democrats handle anyone who opposes them in his arrogant, threatening
One can only imagine what kind of relationship Hillary has with her very close top aide s soon to be ex-husband Fox News Sun
As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton s email us

The woman whose criminal investigation has been reopened by the FBI is speaking to a sparsely populated black church in Ft.
Pop star Madonna got raunchy while introducing comedian Amy Schumer at a performance in New York City Tuesday night, p
The Clintons always blame somebody else. Now it s FBI Director James Comey s turn to embody their all-purpose bogeyman, t
Via: TMZ
The woman s name is Denise Scott. You can donate to her here.All funds will go to provide Denise care: Immediate & Afforda

A lawless party whose end always justifies the means Why wouldn t everyone want another lawless President residing over ou
Bloomberg takes a look at cities that are doing just that:The latest is San Francisco, where the Nov. 8 ballot will include a meas
The days of the leftist media controlling the narrative are officially over Donald Trump and Melania Trump held and interview
Why didn t the FBI look at Huma s shared computer the first time around? Whether the FBI demanded Clinton s aides turn ove
Here s why Clinton and Abedin should be flipping out: Multiple State employees told the FBI that they considered emailing Ab
FBI Director James Comey defied his boss s instructions when he told Congress he will reopen the probe into Hillary Clinton pr
NBC reports:The FBI is reviewing a new batch of Hillary Clinton emails, bureau director James Comey said in a letter to the Sen

Imagine how many more of these non-americans are voting in our elections who haven t been caught! A Texas woman, who
Crooked Hillary has always been crooked. She s just been better than anyone America s ever seen at not getting caught On Sep
A woman in Hollywood, Maryland is the latest in a number of early voters to claim that her ballot was switched to Hillary Clint

A 74-year-old woman tasked with opening envelopes sent by Miami-Dade County voters with their completed mail ballots wa

WASHINGTON Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into H
Hillary Clinton s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Ov
The Federal Bureau of Investigations will reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton s use of a private email server exclusively
Vice President Joe Biden has reportedly been added to a potential shortlist of Hillary Clinton s choices for secretary of state if s
ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO CAN T Vote Are Knocking On Doors For HILLARY While Veterans Campaign For Trump They broke the law
CLINTON S STATE DEPARTMENT WASTE AND MISMANAGEMENTThese are all State Department expenditures during her tenu
Amid the tumult of the 2016 presidential campaign, John Podesta is best known as Hillary Clinton s campaign chairman and th
It probably explains why we love this guy so much!***Strong language warning***
An Aug. 8, 2015, email exchange between Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and communications aide Jennifer Palmie
Hillary Clinton s State Department was one of those agencies which signed off on the deal.Nine shareholders connected to Ura
This ad is disgusting in so many ways. The video shows a group of kids bullying and name calling another kid because his dad d
If we didn t know better we d think either Bill clinton is senile or he s trying to sabotage Hillary s campaign! A not-so-slick Willi
Ladies and gentlemen the Democrats have dumped an unfit candidate on its party for the highest office in our nation If this w
There s no way to sample this extra 20 or 25% of new voters that are Trump supporters. Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commis
Watch CNN, Dana Bash ask Donald a question she wishes she didn t:Trump shuts down Dana Bash after questioning him for "t

A close aide to Bill Clinton said he arranged for $50 million in payments for the former president, part of a complicated minglin

MUST WATCH: MSNBC interviews black women voters about Donald Trump. Very powerful! Share this video!
Brunell Donald-Kyei: We want tougher immigration. To make sure that our borders are safe! That we are not fighting illegal al
As a mother of three young girls, Hillary is the last person I would consider a role model for women. She is cold, calculating an
Here s Wikipedia on Dominion Voting: Yes, they cover half of our states with voting machines If you click on the corresponding
Via: TMZ
For months now, we ve been told that Hillary Clinton s 33,000 missing emails were permanently erased and destroyed beyond
These videos, by James O Keefe and friends at Project Veritas bust the corrupt nature of Hillary Clinton s campaign, the Democ
Watch Hillary laugh when the woman who is introducing her at one of her tiny rallies, intentionally pauses to make sure every

Very interesting remarks from a guy who is in up to his neck with the underbelly of the Democrat Party
Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a day of protest on Friday to demand the creation of additional safe spa
Decades ago he stood against oppression by sitting at a North Carolina lunch counter, today he stands beside Donald Trump fo
Candidate Trump gave a great speech that was about reclaiming OUR government. We feel it s perfect for today Independen
Clinton pandered to Black Lives Matter while ignoring police officers and the work they do in the communities across America
Every nameless, beaten down, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what we called the middle class , loves Trump.
Remember Combetta is Hillary s Oh Sh*t IT guy:BREAKING: FEMALE LAW STUDENT Busts Hillary s Oh Sh*t IT Guy Who Was Se
We ve been telling you all week to ignore the manufactured polls and lies being told by mainstream journalists (of which 65 h
BREAKING: #TimKaine rally only about 30 people show up. Her campaign is dead in #Florida nobody wants #HillaryClinton Seri
It s difficult to tell what Obama s doing with lists excluding white Christians as cabinet position possibilities BUT it s WRONG AN
A group of deplorables who are clearly sick and tired of the propaganda being passed off as truth by the Clinton News Netw
Those who were shocked by the latest ABC / Washington Post goal seeking report (aka poll ) that shows Hillary opening up a
Many of the hacks on this list like Rachel Maddow, Mark Halperin, Diane Sawyer and George Stephanoplous are expected, as t

Wikileaks released an email from Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden, coaching Hillary on how to best gain
This morning on @FoxAndFriends, I explored why Obama and Hillary are so eager to import refugees in droves.
TRUMP is peaking at just the right time!TRUMP held a rally in ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA TODAY IT WAS PACKED!TEAM TRUMP
Clinton s radicalized rhetoric has championed both bans on what she calls weapons of war, and the Australian model of gun
This Facebook user s comment about Donald Duck is in reference to new video that was just released today by Project Verit
Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma): Get this Donald: nasty women are tough, nasty women are smart, and nasty women vo
A new report from the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) concludes that the Obama administration s Department of J
They published skewed polls in Michigan:
One of the emails contained in the Wikileaks Podesta email release shows that Hillary Clinton had gun control supporters plan
Wikileaks released another email showing how phony Hillary s campaign has been from the start. Americans should never bel
How much more criminal activity are American voters willing to overlook? Have we, as Americans gotten to the point that no c

Dennis Ross is a prior Obama and Clinton crony goes on to speak without any questioning from Shawn and then at the end Sh
So many acts of violence and vandalism have been committed against Americans who have voiced their support for Trump, th
Many Americans were shocked by the latest ABC/Washington Post goal seeking report (aka poll ) that shows Hillary opening u

Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova slammed FBI director James Comey s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton s
Remember when Hillary read the word sigh instead of actually sighing? Hillary reads off of the teleprompter an emotion that
Hillary s shady campaign manager, Robby Mook tells Fox News Chris Wallace that Wikileaks emails showing CRIMINAL behavi
Chelsea s emails are under Diane Reynolds
One Party Favors Open Borders, The Other Party Favors Law And Order A priest is not only protected by the First Amendment
Podesta writes: Good idea. Was your nose growing long today? That was rough.

On November Eighth, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our country, secure our commun
Can Halloween tell us who ll win the White House? Apparently, the sale of candidate masks is an eerily accurate crystal ball.Ac
The first time I heard Negan ask for 50 percent of everything you had, my first thought was, damn only 50 percent? And he

All of the tracking polls keep holding at Trump being ahead, he continued. And then all of these other polls that are one-off p

Besides Nancy Pelosi, there really isn t a dumber person in Congress than Sheila Jackson-Lee(D-TX). Watch her blame leaked e
Four months ago, Oprah, the woman who made her fortune off preying on women s emotions and counting on their inability t
Obama is a scoundrel he ll say anything to stay in power. He s counting on the American people to believe his total bs story ab
DONALD TRUMP Announced he s making a symbolic speech at Gettysburg, PA tomorrow in his effort to take his case to the pe
Father Gerald Murphy goes off on Hillary Clinton following her speech at the Al Smith elite charity dinner last night in New Yor
Every single day for months on end, new evidence has been released that proves Hillary Clinton is a sociopathic liar. There ma
***SHARE This HILL-arious video everywhere!***
The women in this video are serious minded voters. They are moms who fear for the safety of their children and grandchildren

Why is this woman not in jail?The evidence is overwhelming that Hillary was putting our national security at risk by taking mon
New Wikileaks email shows Bill Clinton wanted Young Latina Celeb Type on campaign trail for Hillary with him, and that Hillar
Google trends can be very telling. These Google trends comparing users interest in Donald J. Trump vs. Hillary Clinton say a lot

Rush Limbaugh was cheering for Trump and how he handled the abortion question that was asked in last night s debate betwe
Melania Trump is pure class. She refuses to allow Anderson Cooper to Destroy her husband or his reputation in this powerful a
As I ve said for years on radio, TV and in print for me the overriding issue in American politics is the corruption. In the Obam

Hillary s such a champion of gay rights that her campaign is being funded by countries who throw gays off buildings. Watch Hil

Last night during the third debate, FOX News Chris Wallace asked Donald J. Trump if he would accept the election results? Wi
Without saying any words, Hillary Clinton sent a message to voters the moment she walked onto the stage at Wednesday nigh
Is it not enough that Hillary has compromised our national security with her unsecured email server that contained top classifi

Here is the list of Republicans who won t support Trump. The candidates highlighted in blue are in close races in their states.H
Dear Barack Obama, please don t tell me voter fraud isn t possible in a state where the Governor and Secretary of State are Re
Based #Trump supporters heckle @johnpodesta white @wolfblitzer tries to interview him. we got your emails, John Podesta!
[Warning: Story contains graphic language]Pop star Madonna got raunchy while introducing comedian Amy Schumer at a perf
Here s the evidence of just how much danger we re in:Globalist and one world demon George Soros is mentioned over 50 tim
Former FBI Asst Director James Kallstrom endorses Donald J. Trump and he s emotional about it: our country is going down t
Clinton News Network a propaganda arm of the Clinton campaign, where opposing voices are shut down and truth is distorte
We have always adhered to the highest standards of transparency and legality LOL! Sounds like he may be living in an alt-left
Don t believe the polls. They are created in such a way (many by Hillary operatives or supporters) to discourage voters from tu
The Ecuadorian government admitted on Tuesday they cut Julian Assange s internet on Saturday due to his interference with t

Some of the most divisive, partisan politics can be found within the Republican party itself. The media is in collusion with the D
J. Christian Adams: Dead people are voting and it s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They m
Most of the documents are testimonies provided to federal investigators in interviews the agents conducted with witnesses.In
Melanie Trump is more than just a pretty face. She is brilliant and is not likely someone who is pushed around. In her interview
FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey s decision to not suggest that the Justice Department prosec
Aides to Hillary Clinton considered a ban on bundling from lobbyists representing foreign interests, decided against it and forg
Via: Wikileaks
A former member of Hillary Clinton s security detail while she was serving as secretary of state said she frequently and blatan
Poor old Crooked Hillary the hits are coming faster than she can lie her way out of them Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report ha

Graphic, uncensored and disturbing is how James O Keefe of Project Veritas, known for his undercover video work that blew t
In the documents, an unnamed person interviewed by the FBI said Kennedy contacted the FBI to ask for the change in classific
After only serving less than 4 years on the bench, Barack Obama nominated U.S. District Judge Mark Walker in 2012. Only one
The internet is one of the few, if not only, available ways for Julian Assange, who has been locked up in the Ecuadorian Embas
Former Bernie campaign director endorses Trump, slams Hillary s elitism.Powerful rant. Paul Jo

Hillsborough police are investigating an apparent firebombing of the Orange County Republican headquarters, an incident tha
It sure came in handy when Clinton had a major medical emergency on 9/11 at the memorial in NYC:
If average voters turned on the TV for five minutes this week, chances are they know that Donald Trump made lewd remarks a
Wow! CNN host Chris Cuomo tells viewers it s ILLEGAL to read the Wikileaks emails, but if you watch them, they will tell you w
Several attendees left Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump s Saturday rally in Bangor to find their parked cars vand
Donald Trump s former Mar-a-Lago Butler backed up the Republican nominee for president in denying the billionaire groped a
Members Of The Intelligence Committee Simply Don t Want Hillary As Next President of the United States As Barack Obama b
Add one more person whose career or life has been destroyed by the Clinton s as they scratch and claw their way into the Wh
Via: GP
Danney Williams has been begging for Bill Clinton to acknowledge him for decades. In the video below, he tells a heartbreakin
Hillary s been using churches across America as a backdrop to promote the violent Black Lives Matter movement in an effort t
Friends of Bill Long-secret emails just caught Team Hillary in another blatant lie namely, the claim that Clinton Foundation do
After years and even decades in some cases, throngs of women have decided to finally speak out, all at once only weeks befor
The popular Christian author Eric Metaxas really puts things in perspective when he explains why sitting home in this election
Trump s latest accuser, Summer Zervos who was a contestant on The Apprentice, stood next to high profile lawyer and Hillar
Every day we hear of more voter fraud being uncovered across the United States. This is nothing new and every election we re
Putin Tells Russian Army To Prepare For WWWIII With U.S While Obama whines about Trump campaigns for Hillary Is our Com
It should be the lead story on every network, but you ll likely only see it in a few places. It doesn t change the fact however, th
Notify the CDC. It's spreading. #BenCarson #MorningJoe #TrumpFlu BCP (@b_c_p_source) October
This week, liberals have been repeating their frequent claim that voter fraud doesn t exist. A recent Salon article argues that v

The disclosure that Clinton Chair John Podesta transferred his shares in Putin-backed Joule Unlimited to an anonymous holdin
1. Mrs. Clinton had cozy and improper relationship with the mainstream media.2. The State Department paid special attention
Secret police ? Sounds like a strong arm tactic you d find a political leader using in a communist country to force your will on o
Here s what we ve got with the new e-mails and it s a doozy:The internet is blowing up over a document regarding Supreme C
Dr. Gina Loudon went on CNN today to discuss the fallacious groping accusations against Donald Trump. Per Wikileaks we kn
Hillary s campaign has been working in coordination with the mainstream media for months to hide Donald J. Trump s popular
Protester with Rape sign is tackled at #Clinton rally in #Las Vegas John Treanor (@NewsTreanor)
Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activists and hacktivists. They have made a video threatening they
In another Wikileaks email dump, the Hillary camp is caught bashing the Catholic Church yet again. In the email, Catholic John

Democrats are on the move. They are panicking over the size of Trump s rallies vs. Hillary s. They will do whatever is necessary
The media would like voters to believe that Trump is losing supporters, while Hillary is gaining momentum. The only thing Hilla
28 year old Abdullah Faris Freatekh, aka Feras Mohamed Freitekh was a Muslim with a Palestinian backgroundThe National Tr
Hillary probably didn t know anything about this one either .
What a funny guy! I m sure every woman on that campaign plane that he violated with his repulsive, narcissistic, denigrating b
That Explains The Sudden Interest For Hillary On College Campuses The media has been hiding Hillary s tiny crowds for over a

As a Catholic, I m not sure what offends me more, my fellow Catholics who would vote for an anti-LIFE, lying criminal who has
REPORT: WikiLeaks email leak alleges Clinton divulged details of Bin Laden raid in 2013 speech that were a national security vi
This story of corruption and collusion is MIND BOGGLING! The manipulation of American voters is beyond comprehension Res
An official within Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton s presidential campaign appeared to have discussions with sources inside
This video will leave you breathless, as you watch a NY Democrat out the Democrat party and the unbelievable voter fraud the
Stealing Jobs From Minorities To Satisfy White Environmentalists Is The Worst Kind Of Racism It s always about the money for
WIKILEAKS released more e-mails and guess what Hillary detests everyday Americans . Is anyone except the left surprised by
A longtime Republican financial backer who attended a New York fundraiser held by Chris Christie for Donald Trump Thursday
Friday, Wikileaks released their first batch of Podesta s emails, which included excerpts from Clinton s Wall Street transcripts t
Another stunning, arrogant slam against Hillary supporters by the Hillary campaign A Clinton campaign email released as part
HERE S ANOTHER VIEW:Watch Trump invite little child dressed up as Donald Trump onto the stage in Wilkes-Barre, PA. pic.twi
How did we ever get to the point where we would even consider electing a woman who is the most well-known liar in Americ
Dunham interviewed Clinton in 2015 and the topic of Kravitz s wardrobe malfunction during a Stockholm concert, viewable h
Wow way to appeal to an almost exclusively female audience! Because every woman who s been raped, can certainly connect
Health professionals have been speculating for months that Hillary s odd behavior and inability to stand or walk without help i
Here s the behind-the-scenes scoop:The Clinton campaign likes to use glitzy, intimate, completely off-the-record parties betwe
Wow! These women are incredibly brave. Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey are role models for women eve
Impartial is not a word most people who know debate moderator Martha Raddatz would use to describe her. Here is a stunn
Wow! If I were Hillary, I d stop sending people to her website during the debates as a way to deflect from actual issues. They m
Hillary s foreign policy spokesperson showed his hand tonight when he saw Crooked Hillary getting hammered by Trump in the

It s not a big surprise given her propensity for lying, but when Hillary knew she was getting destroyed by Trump on her ineffec
TWITTER IS ABUZZ OVER THE FLY THAT LANDED ON HILLARY S FACE:This is so strange Obama and Hillary both have had a fly la
THESE HOLIER THAN THOU PEOPLE ARE SICKENING! Since when does someone pretty much get fired for saying nothing wrong

The list of hypocrites and sore losers who are taking aim at Trump instead of the real enemy, Hillary Clinton, is getting longer e

Hillary Clinton has a long history of violence and abusing and men, women and security officers.Of course, you ll never see any

Tonight s debate questioning will start off with a question to Hillary Clinton about a videotape of Donald Trump speaking abo
Open Borders/ImmigrationTrade/OverregulationForeign PolicyNow that s what we need to discuss but will America get over t
#TrumpTrain??????????@realDonaldTrump isn t going anywhere. The MASSIVE MOVEMENT continues. Together, we will ALL
TOP 10 THINGS HILLARY DOESN T WANT YOU TO SEELeaked Transcripts of Hillary Clinton s Closed Door Paid Speeches Reveal

For decades Hillary Clinton has claimed that back in the 1970s the U.S. Marines rejected her because she was a woman. But a
The chants started as Ryan addressed the crowd without mentioning Trump s name. Trump is a great man, said Scott Reese,
Longtime friend and Clinton advisor Diane Blair released Hillary s uncensored remarks about the 22 year old intern Monica Lew
Spoken like a true gentleman and warrior in America s fight to defeat the Left The recent disclosure of lewd conversations Don
Infowars Alex Jones is offering a $1,000 reward for anyone who can get on TV with his Bill Clinton RAPE t-shirt clearly display

No wonder she didn t want anyone to see her speeches. She was singing the praises of Trump before she even knew he was g

Huh? This could be one of the most damning emails yet, as it reveals the true character of a woman who will say whatever is n
Wow! Talk about putting our nation s security at risk A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation -Ronald ReaganD
Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation c
Excerpts from Hillary Clinton s closed-door paid speeches, including to financial firms, appeared to be made public for the first
Hillary was Secretary of State an unimaginable earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010. 250,000 people were estimated to have d
Here are six trivia questions to see how much history you really know. The answers are very revealing. If you don t know the a
EXTREME POSITIONS ON ABORTIONHillary Clinton positioned herself as a moderate on abortion for much of her career, but n
Despite the media s best attempts to keep the truth hidden from the public, poor Haitian activists and a few honest journalists
Watch as she s speaking to a crowd in Tampa, Florida in September and makes this hilarious and outrageous claim: When it co
FBI files reveal missing email boxes in Clinton case, allegations of evidence tamperingBuried in the 189 pages of heavily redac
University of Wisconsin Madison, where NOT to send your kids to school The sale of hateful racist sweatshirts or hoodies on c
Things didn t work out very well for Vince Foster when he disappointed Crooked Hillary. Does Tim Kaine know what he s gettin
Within Hillary Clinton s stump speeches, she describes a working class upbringing where her dad toiled away making draperie
Sean Hannity is taking a page from Trump s playbook. When a member of the mainstream media or a person pretending to be
Reckless Hillary couldn t have cared less about the seriousness of exposing America s top-secret intel to the world by using an
Twitter users wrote: Clown Lives Matter is just an example of how people continue to make a mockery of Black Lives Matter. I
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daugh
Obamacare architect blames Republicans for rising premiums FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) Oct
With absolutely NOTHING to back it up, Sarah Jessica Parker tells reporters that she fears for her life, and for the life of her hu
The #NFL has become a showcase for an anti-law enforcement movement inspired by Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton
LOL! This group gets raided for suspicion of massive voter fraud, and their defense is that the Republican Secretary of State an

Our first female candidate for President is so crooked and dirty that she actually used a teenage girl actress to stage a question
Here s a video posted on The Donald Reddit earlier on Tuesday of Bill Clinton putting his hand in between the legs of a flight att
A legacy of hate and division from an unapologetic and arrogant President who promised to transform the United States of A
The most crooked person to ever run for President The Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms de
FULL DEBATE VIDEO: Can we get a higher number than 100? My focus group absolutely loved Mike Pence s methodical answe

Hillary Clinton: If I talked about droning Julian Assange, it would have been a joke. Washingto
Big brother is alive and well 3 months only 3 months In Obamaland surveillance on Muslim terror suspects is considered Islam
Obama: I am saddened whites are still superior .things could explode at any point. FULL UNSEEN VIDEO:
How is it that Sean Hannity is the only media personality who is able to find these amazing, strong women who have stories ev
The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mai
A former Muslim and Donald Trump supporter who fled Islam-controlled Kuwait years ago has a warning for Americans this el

Hillary won t be able to claim a vast right-wing conspiracy when she sees the article the left-leaning New York Times published
People have a right to understand who it is they re electing, said Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, adding that the informatio
The enthusiasm for Hillary is well underwhelming to say the least. Two of Hillary s campaign events in Akron, OH were cancelle
Polls lie the number of supporters who show up to hear a candidate speak when they visit swing states, tells Americans everyt

Is CNN contributor and Democratic Strategist Bob Beckel speaking on behalf of a frustrated Hillary Clinton who was just expos
The Obama administration has done everything in its power to destroy the atmosphere of trust which could have encouraged
The Office of Immigration Statistics reported that of the 188,382 deportations of illegal aliens in 2011, 23 percent had committ
Hillary Clinton is the last person you want placing a target on your back the list of people who ve paid a heavy price for betrayi
Do black lives really matter to the Clinton s?It s the lead story today on the Drudge Report Danney Williams, a 27-year-old blac
Clinton Foundation drew intense protests for scheduling the wife of a Palestinian terrorist to speak at a Clinton Global Initiativ
Hillary Clinton s campaign also announced Sunday night that it had canceled tentatively planned events with Sen. Bernie Sand
As a woman, I have to say I agree with this doctor s theory about any man who would vote for Hillary. A Florida doctor is unde
While the media salivates over the illegal release of Trump s tax documents and criticize him for using legal tax loopholes to av
Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel called for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to be assassinated. #DNCLeak
It was only a matter of time We can t keep our borders open to anyone who cares to cross over, offer them immunity from the
Hillary has been stirring up the hateful movement Obama, Eric Holder and Al Sharpton started years ago, as a means to encou
The hypocrisy of our media is astounding! What about Hillary s major corporate donors like GE for example, that have been w
This wonderful lady is so right and so dead on in her description of Donald Trump s mission You will Love her! Democrats FAIL
The most unpopular, deplorable woman in America, and champion of Wall Street bankers gets a big smack down by Democrati
In a lame effort to score political points for Hillary Clinton, the New York Times published a portion of Donald Trump s 1995 ta

As our limp-wristed President flies around on taxpayer funded Air Force One campaigning for Hillary, Putin sells Castro s Cuba
Leftist pigs inspired by the hateful rhetoric of Hillary and Obama s party So this happened A group of Hispanics drove around t
First, Hillary offended half of America when she called them a basket full of deplorables :Hello #BasementDwellers, you aren't
Apparently this protester believes Americans should think twice before putting an accused serial rapist back into our White Ho
We re just wondering if the state of MN has ever considered giving US veterans the same consideration? Or is this an exclusive
Can t Stop Laughing! ??Bernie s #BasementDwellers are getting the msg out on Rapist Bill Clinton!Vote #TrumpPence16
Alleged Bill Clinton sexual victim Juanita Broderick hit back after Chelsea Clinton complained that her parents were always bei
America has never seen two people living in the White House play the victim card with such frequency and with such passion.

We all know by now that Hillary Clinton will morph into whatever she needs to be to win votes to get back to the White House
Hillary should have done her homework before she chose this former Miss Universe to disparage Trump s character
Hillary fights back a cough at a tiny rally in Ft. Pierce, Florida:
The Obama administration is maneuvering to pay health insurers billions of dollars the government owes under the Affordable
The United Nations News Centre the official U.N. news service tweeted, then quickly pulled, a post that called for 8 million
South Park parodied former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as over-prepared to the point where she can only repeat the ins
Mary J. Blige has a beautiful voice but this sit down with Hillary is just awkward. It s really odd that Hillary acts so phony and sti
It s amazing these leftist hacks haven t been cancelled yet. Apparently there are still women out there with nothing better to d
This is a beautiful thing! Art Wing Conspiracy produced posters that represent the Apple logo but they have the Trump profile

Punishment is not for revenge, but to lessen crime and reform the criminal -Elizabeth FryThis homeowner was apparently sic
During Wednesday s Presidential Town Hall on CNN, President Obama was asked by Gold Star mother Tina Houchins why he d
Report From the First Presidential DebateBy P.J. O Rourke On Monday night, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary
Maybe comedy is a better career choice for Gary Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee for president, had been raring for We
I wrote AB 2466 because I want to send a message to the nation that California will not stand for discrimination in voting Calif
Poor Bernie. He s been a public servant his whole life and what does he have to show for it? After Hillary stole the election fro
Smug liberal newspapers and tv networks have paid a heavy price for their criticism of Trump. Americans think of Trump as th
This story is a perfect example of why Barack and Hillary are in such a big hurry to bring foreigners into our country. It doesn t
The woman whose husband made several trips to pedophile island with his convicted pedophile friend, billionaire Jeffrey Epst
A New York man was stunned this week to find out who stole his Donald Trump yard signs the former vice president of acade
WASHINGTON The House and Senate Wednesday voted to reject President Obama s veto of legislation allowing lawsuits aga
The same woman who has been privy to our nations top secret classified information through our reckless former Secretary o
This unbelievable graph should put the question of, Who won the independent vote during the first debate to bed Frank Lun
MELBOURNE, FL is a town with a population of 76,000. Trump held an enormous rally there yesterday, and over 15,000 people
It s hard to imagine so many people would lie to the this reporter about a debate they never saw. But we are living in the Age
How many more symptoms need to be uncovered before Hillary comes clean? Why would anyone want to take on the positio

While pundits at MSNBC, CNN, FOX and the major networks appear before the cameras in full make-up telling millions of view

Who won the debate tonight? Donald J. Trump or the Lester Holt-Clinton team?NBC News Lester Holt had his Candy Crowley
Debate officials have released the details of Monday night s presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Repub
Michael Savage is a very well known radio talk personality. The Savage Nation is a nationally syndicated talk show that is the s
Hillary has lost her lead in swing states OH, NV, IA and FL since the beginning of SeptemberNEW YORK CITY, New York As the
The Democrats are in full panic-mode over Crooked Hillary as she continues to plummet in the polls. Liberal CA Congresswoma
The Democrats have been in Washington DC only because of the negro vote. You put them first, and they put you last. Becau
George Soros: Here I have to confess to a little bit of bias. Ya think? The popular vote will be a landslide [for Trump]. But I do

Barry, the Democratic party has done nothing for the black American. Your presidency has proved that. And you re going to c
Clinton just left Apple Seeds kids center in Flatiron. Feeling good about debate? Getting ready, getting ready! Clinton just left
Hillary Clinton says that we re stronger together, but even she can t deny Donald Trump is taller.The Democratic nominee, w
Wow! Moonbeam Johnson addresses three issues he feels are very pressing! It s very scary to think 5-7% of Americans say the

Just when you thought there was nothing Barack Hussein Obama could do to shock you this Christian pastor s story is revealed
He also dodges the question of sanctuary cities:
Some 2,500 Americans Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama. Under Obama, America has been at war for longer th

This is just stunning! Free speech in our nations capitol under Obamas reign is now determined by your political bent Live vide
Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to bring a woman that Bill Clinton had an extramarital affair with when he debates Hilla
It s probably not a good time for Hillary to remind voters of her and Bill s coordinated war on women Donald Trump on Saturd
Well, what would Friday be without the latest document dump from the Clinton email investigation? Yesterday afternoon, wit
The Drudge Report has gained access to the rules for the upcoming Mega-Debate between Hillary and Trump. Hillary s always
I m Not Ashamed To Say I m Voting For Donald Trump Black Trump supporter Brandon Tatum delivers a powerful and brave m
This is just idiotic! A couple of liberal brainiacs decided to steal a Trump sign. The only problem is that they did it in a company
Hillary Clinton is preparing to get back on the campaign trail with a week filled with appearances before actual voters, after du
I think it s a problem anybody who disrespects this country and the flag. If they don t like the country they don t like our flag g
Obama told CBS News March 7, 2015 that he did not know about Clinton s private email while she was his secretary of state fr
The first Black (and half White) President has successfully created the most divisive America we have seen since the civil rights
More proof Gary Johnson is mentally ill.I was completely right.All you libertardians owe me an apology.
To all the #NeverTrumpers: The ugly ride that you ve been on in support of a candidate who lost the primary election fair and
The unwarranted violence against innocent White people by Black Lives Matter protesters terrorists is getting out of control! T
This is not Charlotte that s out here. These are outside entities that are coming in and causing these problems. These are not
The 2014 IRS filings for the Clinton Foundation were recently released and the numbers were absolutely sickening. Out of $91
Has she seen what s going on with her mom s buddies at Black Lives Matter? The violence and hate is astounding!How about h
A bunch of celebrities set out to hijack our election but we Trump supporters hijacked their pompous ad. #MAGA retweet mak
I wish this was a joke!#BlackLivesMatter protesters, loot stores, stop traffic for thousands of commuters, throw molotov cockt

Because if you re a young White guy walking through a parking lot by yourself at night in Charlotte, you deserve to be attacked
Les Deplorables Unite #ElectionNight #MAGA3X ??VOTE TRUMP?? (@ThePatriot143) Novembe
This is Hill-arious! This redneck patriot asks, Just how American are ya? His answer is short but sweet Enjoy!Make sure to clic
Wow! Bravo Tomi! You really nailed it this time Enjoy! This notion that political incorrectness is somehow responsible for terr
The Left has been organizing for decades, and George Soros has been funding them. From the chaos of Occupy Wall Street to
youngers these days are becoming so moist 6Paths OfA WolfsPain (@GiovanniiDC) September 21
Monica Crowley offers some of the most brilliant political analysis in conservative media. She is brilliant, witty, and has incredi
Local Charlotte, NC news station WSOCTV is reporting that sources tell them dash cameras captured Keith Scott getting out of
Dividing America will be Obama s legacy. Hillary continues to prove that she is committed to keeping his legacy of hate and div
The extremely exhausted Hillary and her extremely boring VP pick have written a book that is currently #5,301 on the Amazon
CIA Director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.Brennan told a congres
Hillary spoke to a very small group of students at Temple University. With a total student population of just under 38,000, her
The comments on the new Donald Trump for president ad are that it s positive. With great shots of the huge crowds at his rall
Who could forget Mitt Romney s second and third debates with Barack Obama? After the first debate, most Americans were p
Scum of the earth isn t strong enough for these grifters. The Clinton Family must be the most disgusting, self-serving people to
Zero Hedge reported:If there was a time Hillary needed to make a public appearance in the key battleground state of North Ca
Please listen to this incredibly offensive commercial from Josh Gottheimer who attacks his opponent for being divisive by atta
What Trump actually said was: Our police are amazing. Our local police they know who a lot of these people are. They are afr
Two years before the bombings that Ahmad Khan Rahami is suspected of carrying out in New York and New Jersey, his father
Hillary is without a doubt, the worst and most despicable liar to ever run for the office of President Of The United States Hillar
Billionaire investor and all around puppet master, George Soros, said in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that he wou
United States Army veteran, A.D. Bell, tore into President Obama in a video posted to his YouTube channel this Sunday. He ex
Will this FINALLY be the straw that breaks the camel s back? Wow and it s not even October yet! Things are not looking good f
This is not just a win for the Alt-Right or for the Republican Party, this is a win for America. American voters are about to prov
Hillary Clinton and Obama need to take responsibility for the rise of ISIS! She cannot blame her opponent in this election. The
On September 15, Hillary apparently held a rally in the Old Student Recreational Center at the University of North Carolina in
On September 15, Hillary apparently held a rally in the Old Student Recreational Center at the University of North Carolina in
A member of the House Intelligence Committee is accusing the Obama administration of laundering some $1.7 billion in U.S. t
This 11 year old girl gives me such great hope for our future. This video has been going around for a few days and I think it is im
Hillary Clinton is known world-wide for saying and doing the most ridiculous things, but her press conference concerning the a
Ahmad Rahami has been identified as a suspect in the New York and New Jersey bombings over the weekend, and he has bee
U.S.-led coalition air strikes killed dozens of Syrian soldiers on Saturday, endangering a U.S.-Russian ceasefire and prompting a
Saturday s bomb blast in New York City injured 29 people, and 9 more people were stabbed by the Muslim attacker in St. Clou
How many Hillary supporters does it take to fill a basket of serious sex offenders? Let s see, there s Bill and then there s Bill s p
He was such a nice boy!Where have we heard this BS before?Alleged images of reported knife attacker, 22-year-old Dahir Ada
This video takes you from the beginning of Trump s improbable rise in the ranks of professional politicians to the last man stan
Obama s narcacism was in full swing on Saturday night at the 46th Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner of th
The demons could wait no longer. Lynne Patton is the Vice President of The Eric Trump Foundation & Senior Assistant to Eric
Last year Obama added an action to his manifesto that would forever put him in the cross-hairs of Americans nationwide whe
Hillary Clinton, on her campaign plane, responds to explosion in NYC Liz Kreutz (@ABCLiz) Septem

Read the list of people and organizations this brave Dallas Police Sergeant is suing and tell us if you think he missed anyone wh
Our good friend Brian Pannebecker is a tireless advocate of right-to-work in America and was instrumental in the fight to pass

Steven Crowder knocks it out of the park with his brilliant imitation of Bob Ross painting a very sick Hillary
Former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, shocked a large crowd at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, FL. Sans
You have got to be kidding me! After all the times that Trump has been attacked by the Democratic side of our society for sayi
The 2014 IRS filings for the Clinton Foundation have been released and the numbers are absolutely sickening. Out of $91.3 mil
Many Americans are suspicious of he Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who has strong ties to muslim extremists and was a stron
Hillary Clinton ally David Brock is offering to pay for new information on Donald Trump, hoping that damaging audio or video o

Hillary is guilty as hell; she is without question The Godmother of Birtherism. And our media is without question a left-wing pa
Remember when Mooch thought having #CrookedHillary back in the White House wasn t in the best interest of our nation? Ye
For just a little over four months, Wayne Bradley could be heard spreading the conservative message on Detroit s 910AM Supe
What happens when Hillary s poll numbers take a nose-dive after she s caught having convulsions in a press-free zone, passe
A total of 205 Clinton Foundation donors whose corporations and foundations collectively contributed $216 million since 2009
Dr. Milton Wolf seems to have take offense at the diagnosis of Hillary Clinton. He states in no uncertain terms that Non-Conta
Hillary pretends to care about the Black community. If she cared so much, why is she so willing to carry out the legacy of black
Hillary Clinton has said a lot of things that stick deep in the craw of honest, hardworking Americans before but this time she m
After General Powell s email server was hacked it seems that Hillary and Trump were not the only ones he attacked with insult
On October 20, 2015, radical Muslim State senator Jamilah Rasheed was arrested while protesting with the manufactured han
Wow that s gonna leave a mark!When she s not being arrested for defacing public property, she s actually kinda funny!Jill Stei
In the end it really all comes down to character. Who can you trust? Who will look at you with a straight face and tell you wha

Trump is such a good sport. It s no wonder he relates to so many people in so many different walks of life. He s not afraid to b
Scholar and journalist Heather Mac Donald toiled away early on in her career at liberal enclaves, but through her street-level r

Donald Trump can be a stickler for things that seem to be weighted to benefit the other guy so to speak, and his stand on an
19 year old native British man, Michael Sanford, pled guilty on Sept 14th to one count of being an illegal alien in possession of
Even the Democrat ministers can t help themselves from shutting down anyone that would dare to come into their city with a
OUCH! Trump really put things in perspective while visiting the Democrat run city of Flint MI, plagued by unemployed auto wo
Who knew, that one of the wealthiest entertainers in America and the New Black Panthers biggest cheerleader, has a sister w

Colin Powell really doesn t disclose anything we didn t know about how dishonest and corrupt Crooked Hillary and her pervert
In an ironic twist of politics Barack Obama has decided it would be wise to jump from his regular day job and hit the campaign

Hillary s all about protecting women who are victims of rape unless of course her husband is the accused rapist In her first ext
Flint s Democrat Mayor Karen Weaver is throwing a hissy fit over Trump s unannounced visit to the broken, violent city of Flin
The hacker Guccifer 2.0 released more DNC e-mails overnight and they are REALLY telling. We reported last night on the reaso
Does anyone even care that this American man was picked out of thin air to be used as a scape goat to cover for Hillary s incom
This is the some stiff dancing Rick Perry does his best on Dancing With The Stars but it s just awkward
So much for the most transparent administration in history Because the step-daughter of Theresa Heinz-Kerry, a woman who
It s not the first time that the name of Vladimir Putin has been brought up in the US presidential campaign, but this time the U
Little Miss Sunshine has fooled a lot of people over the years into believing her she was just some innocuous, peppy little hos
Hillary Clinton s campaign charged up to a hundred thousand dollars for fundraisers in L.A. she may well not attend.It s a big d
The disgraceful behavior of multi-millionaire NFL players continued last night during the national anthem. Players took a knee
After months of speculation about Hillary s poor health, she appeared to have a pretty serious episode after leaving the 9-11
This should come as a surprise to no one Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the worst terror attack in history, in which 15

Bill Clinton somehow seems to sabotage Hillary quite frequently. It s kind of funny but she s probably not too happy with Bill. I
The LA Times Reported yesterday that Hillary Clinton s campaign manager was sure she didn t faint but just stumbled as she
Does anyone else find it ironic that black multi-millionaire athletes are protesting oppression in America after 8 years of our fir
This is how coddled kids who have never had to deal with losing an innocent family member, friend or co-worker at the hands
Hillary s been coughing to the point of almost passing out, spewing strange objects into her glass of water, flinging metal piece
YIKES That s gonna leave a mark!

This IS NOT heat related. #HillarysHealth John Cardillo (@johncardillo) September 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton 9/11 NYC Zdenek Gazda (@zgazda66) September 11, 2016UPDATE ON WHAT WENT
We re still waiting for the NFL to make a statement about the disrespectful protests by multi-millionaire players who plan to p
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive .A review of FBI Director James Comey s professional hist
Did Hillary forget about her deplorable supporters who beat innocent Trump supporters bloody at one rally after another onl
Here s the video clip that captured Hillary insulting and writing off nearly half the country. And here s Mitt Romney s commen

It s time for the media to start doing their job. Instead of making baseless claims about Trump to fulfill their insatiable desire t
I know there are only 60 days left to make our case and don t get complacent, don t see the latest outrageous, offensive, inap
The applications for White House interns just took a sharp nose-dive Former President Bill Clinton could practically serve an un

It is so great to be back in Florida, my second home. Let me also thank our good and dear friend, Chairman Jeff Miller, for joini
The Obama s have convinced Black communities across America they are victims. It s true they are victims, but they re victims
The way Trump is packing in thousands of supporters at every rally in every state he visits, it s pretty clear his popularity way o
The arrogance of Bill Clinton is astounding. While addressing a crowd of Hillary supporters in Pennsylvania, he mocks the hard
About a month ago, people started noticing a large black man who always seemed to rush to Hillary s aid during coughing fits,
After 8 brutal years of race-baiting, endless stories of victimhood, organizing with Black Lives Matter activists terrorists in our W
These images were all taken from a Facebook page dedicated to capturing death threats against Donald Trump. I thought I ha
Iran may have received an additional $33.6 billion in secret cash and gold payments facilitated by the Obama administration b

And now a message of peace and unity from one of our neighbors to the South: We, Mexicans, have to kill Donald J. Trump be
Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson was asked by MSNBC host Mike Barnacle, What would you do if you were ele
President Obama is clearly not quite ready to go gentle into that good night. As he moves towards the end of his second term
She never does things the way the rest of us do. She s always got an angle she s always got a way around doing things the way
The top Democrat on the House committee investigating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton s use of a private e
Make America Conservative again. There really isn t any downside It might be time to rethink the millennial voter.A new pape
John Lester: As a Naval flight officer I held the top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance. And that provide
This is how the unions do things in America. Is this where you want your money invested? Bernie Sanders must be so happy to

There are many C words for Hillary but competent is not one of them .OUCH!
7% of Americans actually claim they ll vote for leftist candidate and faux Libertarian, Gary Johnson in the upcoming presidentia
Say what??? When former Clinton cheerleader Mark Halperin is disgusted by Hillary s dirty dealings and FBI Director James Co

It s a dirty, dark secret; I m glad it s coming out WOW I guess we won t be seeing Charles Barkley sitting for the national anthe
You know the Left has won when communism replaces education A freshman tentatively raises her hand and takes the microp
Hillary was seen passing up a bottle of water in the midst of another one of her coughing fits in front of her press cheerleaders
Am I the only one who feels like I m living in the Twilight Zone when I hear Nancy Pelosi begin a discussion about a certain th
Every American needs to consider this new evidence about Hillary and how her campaign is helping to hide her poor health fro
President Barack Obama pledged $90 million ( 67 million) on Tuesday to help Laos recover millions of unexploded bombs secr

About a month ago, people started noticing a large black man who always seemed to rush to Hillary s aid during coughing fits,
My kids draw bigger crowds at their neighborhood lemonade stands! From GP: She [Hillary] will speak at Luke Easter Park at 1
After a lifetime of passionate conservative activism and the creation of a very successful activist organization, it s heartbreakin
International leaders aren t making any secret about their disdain and lack of respect for Obama in his final G20 summit PHILIP
Besides Trump, no one has a bigger target on his back than DNC and Hillary email leaker, Wikileaks Julian Assange Earlier this


Wow! These are not good numbers for Hillary in states where Democrats have been winning for decades!Heading to Youngsto
Happy Labor Day! Today is a day to celebrate working Americans and the contribution they make to our nation and to its pros
When Obama had the opportunity to speak out against 49er s quarterback Colin Kaepernick s disrespect for our flag, he chose
For anyone who believes they re more CONSERVATIVE than the average Trump supporter because they re planning to vote fo

From the ABC News report:Hillary Clinton Will Hold Press Conferences as President, Press Secretary VowsIt s been 272 days s
Wow! This video really shows how the media covers for Hillary, while reminding us of their constant obsession over John McC
But the media s concerned Trump is the threat to our national security with his reckless words. LOL!Watch #UnFitHillary thre
Dear San Francisco Police Union: We wanted you to know that if you decide to boycott the 49er s, America supports you 100%

9-11 is a distant memory for liberals George Washington University has hired a former Islamic extremist to work at its center o
Finally, something else about those lawyers. I nearly fell out of my chair upon reading the very first paragraph of the notes of C
Manufactured protests Hillary, George Soros, Barack and radical union style Yawn Does Trump talking about bringing jobs bac
Donald Trump just delivered a humble and heartfelt speech in Detroit. s been bashed on soc
If the hierarchy within the Republican Party loses an election to Democrats it s only a lost election; they are still there, and stil
I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two. Just the kind of p
Donald Trump is visiting Detroit to promote his agenda of helping the black community. Our good friend and awesome patriot
It s funny how things work out the FBI scapegoats Hillary s crimes by using the excuse of her concussion, blood clots and mem
Hang-on, hang-on, hang-on, hang-on Brooke Baldwin desperately tried to discredit the story about Hillary s 13 Blackberries be

The Left is not able to get away with shaming conservatives as easily as they were in the past. Outspoken conservative GOP Pr
Dirty, lying, rotten to core Hillary is either lying about not remembering or lying about having fully recovered from the blood c
Kudos to Catholics4Trump for providing evidence that the story Hillary and her comrades in the media have been telling Amer
Is anyone else sick to death of the bias on FOX News? The supposed fair and balanced channel has shown its true colors latel
Just think how Trump s polling numbers would look if the media wasn t beating the anti-Trump drum 24/7 and if Hillary was fo
Does anyone else get the sense Biden was picked to be the VP just to make Obama look smart?Vice President Joe Biden remar
Has anyone else out there seen this commercial? It comes on about every hour in my town. I knew something about this was w
We re not sure who s doing the polling in America, but judging by the consistently huge crowds clamoring to see Donald Trum
One thing we ve noticed is that Trump has surrounded himself with great people who have a wealth of knowledge about the b

How in the heck does the RNC keep getting themselves into this mess? They always have awful liberal political hacks as mode
In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusin
Donald Trump flew in an unmarked jet to a meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto Wednesday. The meeting was

Docs leaked by Guccifer 2.0 show a memo from Nancy Pelosi giving directions to her minions about how to handle Black Live
While Trump works like crazy to win your vote, Hillary and Bill are rocking the night away. The Limousine liberals love these tw
It s easy to see why this letter went viral. Bravo Officer Chris Amos bravo!An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick,Dear Colin guess
Trump has invited an interesting and powerful line-up up guests to accompany him to Mexico for his historic meeting with Me
Based on the number of supporters Trump is drawing at his Florida rallies, it might be a good time for Rubio to jump on the Tr
I was a die-hard Cruz supporter. I trusted him. I believed in him and I donated to his campaign. Today I am ashamed at the peo
John Kerry decided to reveal how he truly feels about the danger of terrorism in other words, HE FEELS THERE IS NO DANGER.
She s the most crooked criminal to ever seek the office of President of the United States. The State Department says about 30
Anyone who s paying attention to the stunning final acts by this President should not be shocked by this potential threat to th
The Imperial Presidency continues against the Constitution: The Constitution provides that the president shall have Power, by
Oops! Hillary and her race-baiting campaign team are NOT going to want the Black community to see this video Donald Trump
It s easy to blame the White man that way, you don t have to be accountable for your actions I lived in Oakland [CA] all my lif
When multi-millionaire San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to take a stand against an oppressive Ame
Hillary would like American voters to believe the alt-right media (new nickname for media who s not afraid to out her and th
Remember the Muslim couple that appeared at the DNC as a Gold Star Family? Remember how they bashed Donald Trump fo
Here s just one more piece to the puzzle Hillary was able to delete the money trail with bleach bit The owner of BleachBit was
Huma Abedin announced she is dumping her sexting hubby Anthony Weiner, hours after The Post revealed his latest online da
San Fransisco 49er s quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand during the national anthem during a recent NFL football ga
It s a federal offense to threaten a presidential candidate. But is it a federal offense if the candidate is Donald Trump? Would t
No, we re not kidding -the money sucker of all time is getting a loan . AMTRAK has always been a loser but leave it up to crazy
Wow! America is hungry for a real leader. America, this is what leadership looks like
Four men saw this man wearing a Donald Trump Make America Great Again hat inside of a store, so they took it. The man ca
This is diversity! These people are awesome!
After watching this video, one thing is abundantly clear When it comes to #CrookedHillary Clinton, some things never change:
Donald Trump has been crucified by the leftist mainstream media, GOP RINO s and Democrat leaders non-stop for his brash o
Fans of #CrookedHillary are not going to like this WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said that the information they have on
An electrical contractor wrote to the 54-year-old host of Dirty Jobs to say that he finds it offensive when the media constantl
This woman should be in a jail cell not sitting around laughing and opening pickle jars on the Jimmy Fallon show. Judicial Watc
Apparently, using thug Michael Ferguson s mom as a prop at Black functions was not enough to be granted the Black vote Blac
Censorship is alive and well in Obama s America DCLeaks, a website that releases information on powerful political figures, ha
Leave it to the one and only Andrew McCarthy to put together a fantastic case against Obama and his lying administration wh
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was in Minneapolis Friday night for a fundraiser held at the city s convention c
Megyn: What about Tim Allen? You re one of the few conservatives in Hollywood. You re out of the closet as a conservative. W
Get to know this woman! Maria Espinoza founded The Remembrance Project. It s an organization of families of people who ve
Our government is officially in the pocket of the global elitists who will do ANYTHING to elect a total crook! The State Departm
Maine Governor Paul LePage calls out a liberal liar in a BIG way! Listen to this!After a series of questionable comments put him
This video brilliantly dispels every one of Hillary s false claims and throws them right back in her face Absolutely brilliant!
Millennial propaganda tool for the Democrat Party, Buzzfeed news publication attempted to do a hit piece on Eric Trump. Th
Freedom of speech is not a universally accepted right, which is just one more reason the U.S. has no business funding the glob
Another stunning cover-up for #Unfit Hillary by her most committed media cheerleader One week ago, board-certified medici
If you need more proof that the Clinton Foundation was a pay to play operation here it is! Executives from Estee Lauder got fa
To think that Huma Abedin had access to top secret State Department documents is frightening. She and her family have supe
Hillary Clinton delivered a disgusting speech today claiming that Trump supporters are racists. We have a response you ll love
Hillary Clinton is bending over backwards to convince American voters that Donald Trump is a racist because a White Suprem
Hillary Clinton tried to say everyone supporting Trump is a racist she got a huge push back from online comments and dislikes
There aren t too many stories that are more shameful or disturbing than this one. What has been done to fix the horrible qual
Trey Gowdy rips into the Clinton case of using a private e-mail for convenience When you are habitual, serial liar in this facet
Someone should find out if Hillary supporter, Renee Zellweger had a lobotomy, while the hypocritical actress (who questioned
How careless are these people? Clinton s right-hand-woman was tossing documents in the back of a staff car! These documen
Donald Trump is the law and order candidate but it appears as though Hillary Clinton doesn t want the endorsement of the lar
The NFL was able to take a stand when it comes to the Cowboys attempt to honoring slain police officers in their hometown, b
The HUGE increase in price of the EpiPen is causing a controversy on Capitol Hill with cries fro an investigation into the spike in
Unless the Democrats can figure out a way to effectively steal the vote from millions, we predict Trump will win in a landslide
Harry Reid s disrespectful comments are just another example of a leftist Democrat who puts politics before honor every time
Thank you Lou Dobbs! He s been dead on this entire election process with his honest commentary. He called out the sorry bu
Hillary and Bill Clinton knew when Hillary lost in 2008 to Obama that she would run again so why the heck did they keep doing
Hillary Clinton wearing a grill cover? What is that? That IS Cher in the foreground but I have no clue what Hillary is wearing Is
What a role model for mothers in America or at least for the ones who have FAKE NAMES for their daughters when they use p
The Clintons are afraid of the truth so be it! If a special prosecutor is brought in to investigate them then that would be fine, ri
When the majority of students, regardless of color, accept this twisted premise, Obama has won his war on America and has s
University of Michigan is located in Ann Arbor, MI, and is home to over 43,000 students. Students at U of M and residents of A
Illegal aliens are killing Americans and Trump has taken up their cause. Here s part of a town hall with Hannity and Donald Tru
After Obama was embarrassed by Donald Trump acting more presidential than he, as Trump traveled to one of the poorest s
The Democratic presidential nominee is in the midst of a multiday, high-dollar fundraising blitz across the country.After a wee
They had no basis for publishing their article and yet they published anyway. This is journalistic malpractice at its finest:From t
Corruption is nothing new for Hillary and Bill. What is truly stunning is the mountain of evidence that clearly shows their crimin
If you believe this excuse, you ll believe anything..Leo dumps Hillary:Leo DiCaprio abruptly backed out of hosting a $33,400-pe
The video below is a great snapshot of what was going on with the Clinton foundation and huge donors from all over the worl
Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines at the State Department contacted the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to inquire about seve
Terry McAuliffe is a HUGE friend of the Clintons and is doing something so ridiculously wrong to help Hillary win Virginia It s ho
Thanks to Judicial Watch for exposing the Clinton Grifters for who they REALLY are con artists! Hillary wouldn t see the prince
To be honest with you what Donald Trump is saying is factual. Again he may not address it in a manner that makes everyone h
Trump supporters chanted at the press before a Trump rally in Fredericksburg, VA: Tell The Truth! Trump Virginia crowd chan
Stephen Moore has been a regular contributor to FOX News and is now a Trump campaign economic adviser. He recently deb
We re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. Hillary ClintonYes, that s exactly what Hillary Clin
Mike Rowe of Discovery Channel s show Dirty Jobs took to Facebook to answer a fan s request to encourage your huge follow
Huma Abedin is no champion for female equality with her record of working closely with a radical Muslim Journal. Her family i
The truth is what you get with this judge! We love her! Judge Jeanine rips into the Democrats:
The Clinton Carpetbaggers have moved around doing their influence peddling where the money is they landed in Chappaqua,
This is great! The CNN anchor tries to put words in the mouth of the Louisiana governor but it totally backfires!
God family, guns and country these are some of the most important things to the majority of Republicans, yet means very littl
For anyone who s paying attention, Hillary just got caught in ANOTHER big lie Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has no re
This new information just adds more validity Trump s argument, that the US needs to take a more serious look at the way we
Jerry L Washington asked the obvious question: Where s the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter Organizations at now??? I
Notice at the beginning of the video where Joe Biden hops out of his vehicle and briskly makes his way up the stairs for a phot
The left showed its true colors last night with serious violence and anti-American flag burning. Donald Trump held a fundraiser
Bill Bennett has been the voice of reason for conservatives so it was incredibly important when he finally spoke out against the
A new Donald Trump commercial hits Hillary Clinton on her immigration policy BUT can you guess whose voice it is? In Hillary
You probably guessed it..he gave a line of total bs about how he would NOT take vacations if elected The bargain that any pr
We know where Obama s been and what he s doing for crying out loud BUT Jeh Johnson thinks Americans don t have TV s or c
Donald Trump made the effort to visit the flood victims in Louisiana while Obama golfed and Hillary slept Who s looking presid
Hillary Clinton and her aides must have felt like mandatory didn t apply to them they were obviously reminded several times
Hillary Clinton is a Planned Parenthood s champion. She was greeted like a rock star at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund e
This is a great story for anyone who doesn t understand the power one liberal judge can wield from the bench. U.S. District Jud
It sounds pretty good to me Maybe they think they can stand behind the armed Americans. They obviously haven t picked up
Barack Obama is above the law his daughter is above the law their friends are above the law Chicago politics at its finest.Smok
Pandering Hillary just took a YUGE hit!Republican Donald Trump is surging with African American voters and gaining more sup
Nice try but it s obvious Tim Kaine is covering for Hillary s lack of trustworthiness
As progressivism gets more of a stronghold in America, patriotism is being strangled by the anti-American Left Fire commission
Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine has some explaining to do! It sure looks like he sold his soul to the Clintons to run as Vic
No one understands the dirty Democrat underbelly better than Stephen K. Bannon. He s been in the trenches fighting with the
Hillary can t even find this many supporters to attend her rallies in the US! Biden shouldn t have expected anything less from a
How very progressive While Hillary insults women who are victims of sexual abuse, her creepy VP uses women who are forced
Listening to Zeke Emanuel, awkward brother of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is always a study in the absurdities of politics.
The truth in the information below is so dead on! We re putting foreigners before Americans by brining in over 1 million every
Donald Trump gave a rousing speech in Wisconsin last night that should be considered a turning point in his campaign. It was
Didn t America have to suffer through a high profile perjury case for another Clinton not so many years ago? Oh yeah that was
Maybe it s the commonality they share with Trump, considering the media and never Trumpers have painted him as an outc
Crooked lying Hillary
Does anyone else get the sense Hillary is not quite as popular with Americans as the media would like us to believe? She can b
Osama Bin Laden s bodyguard and 14 other terrorists were released to the UAE today more insanity from Obama!
There is no question that the killing of any innocent human is a tragedy. So how is it that the media determines just how much
The Milwaukee riots provided an opportunity for thugs to ransack and destroy small businesses in their own community Unrea
Obama hosted a fundraiser for a bunch of wealthy donors on Martha s Vineyard this week while riots and flooding devastate t
Remember the criticism George W. Bush received for not doing enough for residents of Louisiana after the horrible floods cau
Are you kidding me? THIS is the guy in charge of our nuclear codes? Joe Biden POINTS OUT the guy who has the nuclear codes
#UnFit Hillary spoke to another small crowd today in Scranton, PA:Once inside the rally, Hillary fell off the podium after introd
Like we didn t know this already BUT now we have a firm account of media efforts to bury Trump. The globalists and media ar
Communities like Ferguson, Baltimore and now Milwaukee, didn t ask for this war on cops, it was thrust upon them. It was org
These two campaign workers are the definition of low information voter the Milwaukee rioters and thugs want to kill or beat t
Bravo Sheriff Clarke! Registered Democrat Sheriff David Clarke is the only person in a position of authority in law enforcement
Hillary Clinton slips when stepping behind Biden during a rally today. The Dems have rolled out Biden in a desperate move to h
Diamond and Silk light up the crowd at a Trump rally in NC. They remind Crooked Hillary, that just because Obama s cronies ar
While Obama golfs in Martha s Vineyard, yet another decision is made to allow a terrorist to return to his homeland. Way to h
Whenever we have a terror attack in America, the media goes to great lengths to make sure no one assumes of the killer was
Afshin Rattans goes underground inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London with Julian Assange. He talks to the founder of Wik
Wow! This compilation of blatant blocking for Hillary is beyond embarrassing and these journalists should be serving time for
This is Obama s America This will be his legacy. He was elected by over 90% of the Black community. He promised them jobs. I
Tyra for Trump lets it rip on the biased media and tells everyone to STOP listening to the lying reports on Trump!SPREAD THE W
Hillary Clinton tells about funding the terrorists who would help defeat the Russians most of this is true but in typical Hillary f
Thank you DC Leaks! It s about time George Soros Open Society organization was hacked!DC leaks had this to say about Soros
Funny what happens when liberals aren t able to bully or shame someone they don t agree with The results don t read like any
Dems Panic In 5 4 3 2 1 Donald Trump s presidential campaign started recruiting election observer volunteers late Friday, afte
The number of Muslim registered voters is up 324,000 since the last Presidential election. As our State Department continues
CJ Pierson is such a great kid! he s sending message to all the Never Trump crowd to think of their children and grandchildren
Oh boy! This is getting good! Bill Clinton is now accusing the FBI of serving up a load of bull in the comments about the investi
At about the 7:30 mark you ll hear The Black Eyed Peas song playing to get Bill clinton off of the stage. What a boring speaker
Sheryl Attkisson is a fantastic journalist who s always been one to stand up for the truth. She describes an event where a DC B
Will Hillary s health be the only thing she can t hide by lying? She s the only presidential candidate who travels with a full-time
Sociopathic LiarsSociopaths are defined as someone who lies continuously in an attempt to get their own way, without showin
Wow! This just keeps getting better and better! This couldn t have happened to a better person Pelosi! LOL!After disappearing
THE TRUMP BASHING CONTINUES A Washington Post columnist reviewed a fashion layout/interview Ivanka Trump did with H
The Death Tax is the hard earned money you have to pass on to the government when you die. Wouldn t you rather your child
The media bias in this election is over the top! CNN has certainly lived up to the name Clinton News Network ! A Trump suppo
Col Oliver North lists the 5 irrefutable facts that confirm that Obama s policies led to the rise of ISIS. Please watch and share!
Dear Mrs. Clinton,Congratulations on securing the Democratic nomination for president of the United States. It s historical! It
Judge Jeanine gives us facts on the relationship between our State Department and The Clinton Foundation 12,000 e-mails be
Corporations first Unfortunately, the poor factory worker in Haiti couldn t help Hillary or her campaign Hillary But just ask her,
The NFL was able to take a stand when it comes to the Cowboys attempt to honoring slain police officers in their hometown, b
It was announced last week that George Soros was donating over $25 MILLION to Hillary s campaign. Today we find out that G
We love AP Reporter Matt Lee! He is a lone voice in the effort to get the truth from our government the Stae Department spo
Roughly 70% of states use some form of electronic voting machine. The ease with which these machines can be manipulated i
The information is spilling out little by little but we now know that HILLARY CLINTON put America s National Security at risk wh
Donald Trump is so funny! He was speaking at a National Association of Home Builders and made these remarks about Hillary
A feminist supporter of Hillary Clinton was on CNN to give her commentary on the Orlando terrorist s father being in the crow
Donald Trump was clearly on to something when he said we need to stop allowing unvetted refugees into our country until we
In NBC s attempt to discredit Trump, they ve shined a bright light on their own journalistic malpractice when it comes to the C
For anyone who thinks Trump s comments have crossed over the line, perhaps they ve forgotten about the Obama supported
Prison Planet s Paul Joseph Watson does a masterful job of laying out Hillary Clinton s history with Muslims NOT GOOD!
Don t mess with daddy s little girl! Ivanka Trump is nobody s fool and she is clearly not about to allow the media to define her
Bravo! It s about time some of the conservatives shot back (no pun intended) at the liberal pundits who re doing everything th
Haha! No, it s not Ted Cruz but a total nut job with suction cups who s at the 15th floor. How in the world did he get by securit
Nothing good can come out of a protest over a thug who was shot to death by a cop defending his own life in a town that was
Let this sink in The word has been out for some time now that the US borders are open. Now we have the President of Panam
That Hillary, she sure is a forked-tongued silver-tongued devil. Funny how the media conveniently forgot about the time Hillar
Rudy is the best! He stays on message and was there when the Trump speech and comment happened. BASED RUDY: Rudy Gi
Dan Rather just released a Facebook post that s so full of BS that it stinks to high heaven! Please feel free to go on over to his p
A video from a Chicago concert may show Malia Obama smoking a joint is she following in her father s footsteps? She was also
She is the only Presidential candidate who travels with a full-time physician. She s been having brain freezes and admits to sh
Feel the Bern of a lot of gullible young people who were fed a big line of Bullsh*t Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) is the p
Seth Rich was hired by the Democrat Party as the official voter expansion data director. Although there is no connection yet,
If you ve never heard Betsy McCaughey speak you re in for a treat! She was one of the most outspoken and honest people w
Huma Abedin is Hillary s Bad cop and is exposed as a scheming supporter of Hillary in the just released e-mails by Judicial Wa
So what do you think the transparent Hillary did when asked about a terrorist s dad being a VIP guest at her rally? She ignore
Donald Trump has done so many things that you ll never know about because the mainstream media refuses to report on the
The audio of Hillary Clinton laughing about getting a child rapist a lighter sentence is pretty shocking for a couple of reasons: T
50 so-called Republicans just outed themselves and will be targets for defeat! How did they do that? Well, they decided it wo
You won t believe who was spotted in the special section behind Hillary Clinton at her rally yesterday in Kissimmee, Florida? Th
If you ve ever watched CSPAN you ll know how rare it is to get a caller who s like this guy this is priceless!
Johnson calls Obama s manufactured race war/war on cops a national emergency Watch below as Johnson exposes his left-w
Will Jeb, Kasich, Rubio and Cruz continue with their futile attempt to embarrass Trump while handing the presidency to Hillary
Will the State Department ever tell the truth and prove that careless, reckless, lying Hillary was responsible for his death? A St
The left went nuts immediately after donald Trump s speech at the Detroit Economic Club today. The terms such as word sala
This is rich! Left-leaning Washington Post does a hit job on Hillary: JUST THE FACTS ARE PROVIDED EXPOSING THE LIES OF THE
And this woman is going to try and keep up with Trump? I think it s safe to say the debates are gonna be fun
Trump has been bashed by Hillary for manufacturing items out of the country BUT it s the failed policies of past administration
The Hillary Campaign sent in numerous hecklers and protesters today to disrupt Donald Trump s economic speech in Detroit. D
What in the world has become of the Democrat Party? Hillary snubs the largest police union in America and then her VP candi
Donald Trump is making a key speech on the economy and his plan to turn it around. It might not be what liberals want but it
CNN s Carol Costello couldn t get the right answer out of the pro-Trump and anti-Clinton folks this must have driven her crazy!
In 1998, I lost my reputation and my dignity. I lost everything and I almost lost my life -Monica Lewinsky, 2015Here is Monica
Tickets to the fundraiser for Hillary hosted by a law firm who was banned from GITMO after being caught giving Muslim terror
Photos of multiple staffers helping Hillary Clinton up stairs to a house were recently making the rounds on social media these p
THIS $400 MILLION PAYMENT TO IRAN ISN T STARTING OFF TOO WELL Shahram Amiri Iranian nuclear scientist fed info to U.S
THIS INTERVIEW IS HONESTLY FRIGHTENING because Sebastian Gorka basically tells us Obama is doing NOTHING to stop the in
Julian Assange on Hillary Clinton in an interview with Russia Today (VIDEO BELOW):Rattansi: If there is any illegality in the pen
Can you blame her for losing her cool with Crooked Lying Hillary? Share this with all of your undecided friends!https://youtu.
I ll bet Obama didn t count on this beautiful young lady pictured below to be our first gold medal was he hoping for a more di
When you re Donald Trump (or any Republican for that matter) and the Washington Post comes to your defense, you know it
Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano discusses whether it s unlawful for the U.S. to pay Iran $400 million
Secretary Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have very different views on just about everything. Jimmy always wonders about w
The hard working First Family, in need of another taxpayer funded boondoggle, are off to mingle with the elites while snarlin
Yes, he did say that bad grammar and all! Can you believe a man running for VP said something like that? Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va
Sheriff Clarke better beef up his security detail after Obama and his Democrat friends sees this truth bomb! Kid, I got everythin
Conservative Republican actor and outspoken NRA member, Tom Selleck uses his role on Blue Bloods, a CBS hit TV show to sh
The irony of Donald Trump making a huge speech on the economy isn t lost on us! Detroit has been ruled for decades by the D
Every union member who believes the Democrats are looking out for them needs to remember, that President Bill Clinton sign
If the Trump campaign arranges a rally while Obama is vacationing on Martha s Vineyard, there will be an awful lot of people m
Below the belt h/t Weasel Zippers
It s starting to get old but Trump was right again Iranian state-run media in Tehran did indeed videotape the arrival of a Janua
Clinton Stumbles Way Through Answering Most Meaningful Conversation She Had With an African American
VP Candidate Mike Pence was in Norfolk, VA holding a rally for Donald Trump. The shocking make-up of the crowd was hundre
That s the third suspicious death of a man tied in some way to Hillary. Does anyone in law enforcement have an accurate body
Dana Loesch gives us the lowdown on what would happen to our Second Amendment with a Hillary presidency please watch a
Charles Woods, father of U.S. Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed during the Benghazi attack, appeared on CNN Tuesday
How unfunny! Does this not tell you something about the jackwagons in the Obama State Department? Unreal!
This shouldn t surprise anyone since Obama did the same thing when the Benghazi terror attack happened. He and Hillary Clin
A former hostage, Pastor Saeed Abidini, recalls the night he was released as a prisoner in Iran including waiting on the tarmac
Hillary s crowds have been nothing short of abysmal since she first announced she was running. Trump s crowds on the other
Listen and watch Hillary freaks out and goes into phony mode with her politician speak This woman is nuts!Secret Service age
LOL! Chris thrill up his leg Matthews does his best to convince Steve Cortez, a Trump surrogate that he s not part of the libera
To me, this is the logo of the Obama administration, bowing to dictators and bowing to terrorists. The liberal media has been
Listen up people! This is great! Lou Dobbs gets it and knows how important this election is!
The Clinton Grifters will take money from just about anyone even promoters of terror. The report below should tell you all yo
Loretta Lynch is head of the DOJ and is opening for Deray McKesson of Black Lives Matter tomorrow in Detroit. Is this an endo
We can t be certain, but it almost looked like Megyn had blood coming out of her eyes during her interview with the soft-spok
He asked me if I wanted it back and I said, no!' The veteran who gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart medal during a campaig
Hillary shouldn t be on FOX News giving interviews She should be in jail! Queen Hillary didn t quite get the same treatment fro
Scott and Clint Eastwood are a great father/son duo in their latest interview with Esquire magazine. The banter between the t
Earlier this week, it was rumored that Hillary could barely fill a phone booth with supporters at her Ohio rallies, so she ended u
This video is truly one of the best examples of how Hillary lies and manipulates low-information voters into believing she is inn
HILL larious! If this was a Donald Trump pi ata, the media would be all over this story, making sure the entire country knew ho
Making America Unsafe Again It s the Obama legacy. During his two terms in office, Obama released more prisoners than all n
Donald Trump doesn t seem the forgiving type, so it s no surprise he hasn t let Barack Obama s comments yesterday stand. Ob
Andrew C. McCarthy, former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, writes in National Review
US Congressman Joe Wilson was right! Obama is a liar His reckless and amateur decisions have made America more unsafe th
This is a must read for anyone who s undecided or plans on voting for a third party candidate It covers all the bases and cemen
includingSystematic Theology
Too funny! Diamond and Silk did a video warning everyone about Bikers for Hillary and that they were on their way to Philly fo
YouTuber Joey Salads makes brilliant undercover video to illustrate the idiocy of the narrative put forth by the Left that Ameri
The domestic terror group is at it again Watch photographers vie for the best angle while watching an aggressive, hateful grou
Hillary s pawn in the 2016 election is a controversial Muslim who chose to use his son s memory to bash Donald Trump. It wou
Charles Woods, father of Benghazi hero Ty Woods, spoke out about how Hillary Clinton lied to him at the funeral of his son an
Hillary doesn t care about anyone but Hillary I m not Voting for Clinton.It has nothing to do with her views. It really doesn t ev
Just a little dose of common sense Guns save lives.A new law went into effect in Texas on Monday that allows certain students
Hillary s lawless, anti-American supporters were clearly just trying to promote that unity she spoke of during her brilliant DNC
This is a shocking story of corruption and collusion even for a Clinton. Hillary should ve been locked up for this one but instead
Clock Boy Part II. When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary truth. In the case of the poor believe
We live near the city of Detroit, and anyone could literally drive around for an entire week and see the very same sights as this
Wow! This is a spectacular letter that should be read by every American voter. Veteran Chris Mark truly puts Mr. Khan s public
Last Thursday, during Hillary s acceptance speech at the DNC, she delivered a heart-wrenching and emotional tale about a littl
You can run but you can t hide
Remember when Rand Paul drilled Hillary Clinton on whether she knew about arms being shipped to jihadists? That was a clas
We ve inserted our thoughts and a few tweets throughout this article. Our comments can be found in bold red type.Let s start
Hillary s VP pick has ties with radical Islamists but the takeaway from the Dem convention is that he s pretty much a boring gu
Hillary and Bill Clinton have no shame! They ve both been lying to the American people for 30 years! From Bill s sexual exploits
You don t want to miss a second of Judge Jeanine s brilliant analysis of Hillary Vs. Trump Whether you like him or not, Donald T
Remember when this would seem like a far-fetched idea? Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said she loves
Meanwhile, the Koch brothers are denying they were attempting to meet with Trump. They re probably too busy schmoozing
B..b..but That can t be right Maybe we should change the way we poll The Reuters/Ipsos polling team announced Friday that t
Dr. Dorothy Woods, the widow of Benghazi hero Ty Woods, has just made a fantastic ad in support of Donald Trump:
Swedish resident, Rosa Vidarsdottir tells a harrowing story on Facebook of out-of-control, animal-like migrants who, in broad d
Cassandra s points about why she s supporting Donald Trump over Hillary are based on common sense and facts. These are al
Are you paying attention America? A vote for Hillary is a vote for communist billionaire, and chaos financier George Soros. Her
Hey Democrats If you can t even host a 4-day convention for your own party, how can you ask America to vote for you to run
Censorship is alive and well when it comes to Hillary Clinton A street artist in Australia had his Instagram account deleted and
By now, pretty much everyone has seen pictures or video footage of Bill Clinton snoozing while Hillary gave her powerful spee
Donald trump was making the rounds at a Colorado Springs campaign event and did something that s just priceless! He took n
IT S A SNOOZER! If you missed the coverage last night of the Dem Convention, you might have missed the moment that Bill Cli
It s no secret that CNN is very biased when it comes to politics If you ve watched much of the coverage of the Dem Convention
It s only logical that the people who supported Bernie Sanders, the anti-establishment candidate would be more attracted to
Maybe Hillary s Russian uranium deal included a cameo of Russian warships on the DNC stage? It certainly wouldn t surprise a
How bad is it that Bill Clinton looks like he s asleep during Hillary s big moment last night? Watch her VP pick try and cover for
You will absolutely love this:
The DNC Action Committee announced on Facebook today that it plans to make a citizen s arrest of Hillary Clinton during her a
If you haven t seen Dinesh D Souza s HILLARY S AMERICA yet, it is a MUST see! Watch here, as Dinesh explains why his histor
It would appear American voters are more interested in what the Republican party has to say about the future of our nation th
What a disgusting, out of touch racist she is. The Democratic Party does nothing other than play identity politics and further d
Apparently, the U.S. leader has attitude issues. President Barack Obama has been slated by his own brother and revealed he
The protesters are breaking all the rules and creating total chaos at every turn during the Dem convention. It is truly a case of
Narcissist isn t a strong enough word to describe this twisted little man
Meanwhile, police officers were outside the walls of the DNC literally putting out fires started by Bernie s flag burners and pro
Wow! The Dems are so out of touch
It s over for Hillary It s officially over for the Democrat Party Obama built this!The nomination was barely sealed up at the Dem
Voicemails from the DNC have been released by Wikileaks: LINK HEREJust a couple examples of voicemails are pretty funny:*V
Democrats are the party of KKK The problem is, you keep running back to Massa Hillary can you give my people some handou
It s just cleaner that way You know, keeping anyone who disagrees with Hillary in a caged area Shutting down free speech it s
The Dem Convention has been a crazy event so far Meryl Streep screaming and Bernie supporters walking out Now we have p
Just another tolerant violent liberal, shooting a man who defended his nation because he didn t agree with his opinion Who g
Trump says he s never talked to Putin and the allegation that he is working with him to expose Hillary s emails is ridiculous. Pu
Democrat Delegate Mary Bayer was caught on undercover video explaining how Hillary will deceptively take guns away from A
The house of cards is falling as America eagerly awaits Wikileaks next major dump that promises to expose evidence that shou
A protester threw water on Geraldo and he immediately was ready to jump into with the person couldn t have happened to
The Queen of the DNC is in big trouble 1000+ Berners walked out CA is GONE UT Gone Oregon Gone ..& more #DNCWalkOu
What a crazy group of professional agitators and political scumbags this has been REALLY entertaining and a bit creepy too
Inside, on the DNC stage, Hillary is pandering to moms of dead thugs and family members who lost someone they loved becau
Crazy video of Congressman Alan Grayson going off on a Politico reporter has been released. Grayson appears to be such an e
Pandering Hillary s getting a little karma Black Lives Matter are now protesting at the #DNCinPHL with the sign 'Hillary, delete y
Is it any wonder veterans are getting behind Donald J. Trump in huge numbers? Isn t it about time we took care of our veteran
Judge Jeanine Pirro rips into Crooked Hillary for her collusion in rigging the election process so she would come out on top of
Just a reminder of something Michelle Obama said in 2008 on the campaign trail in Puerto Rico:MICHELLE OBAMA: Barack kn
Dinesh D Souza s fascinating movie, Hillary s America debuted to rave reviews in theaters across America on July 22nd. D Sou
FRANCE HAS THE BLOOD OF THIS PRIEST ON THIER HANDS! Their political correctness allowed this KNOWN TERRORIST to roam
This was a 12 year girl who was raped brutally, was put in a coma. She was a virgin. She was told she could never have childre
Last night the press swooned over Bitter Mooch s speech at the DNC She s such an asset to Hillary s campaign. The Democrat
Hillary s VP pick is proving himself to be a anti-American job destroyer in a couple different ways. He s willing to legalize million
Well, we all know liberal goofball Sarah Silverman is attention deprived because she s always the loudest and most disgusting
Democrats brought illegal after illegal alien on stage today during their communist convention. (We re still wondering how ICE
Whoa! We asked the question yesterday in more of a tongue-and-cheek manner. That was before we saw the serious questio
Julian Assange tells what he ll do next and what motivates him. He also believes Trump will be great for freedom of the press i
No respect for God No respect for our Constitution And no respect for America What a sickening bunch of heathens Because t
Lefty Bernie Supporters chant HRC has got to go! in the streets of Philadelphia during the DNC Convention:
Hillary Clinton always putting a radical ideology and her own personal financial gain before the best interests of America. Is thi
DNC Chairwoman shouted down during opening remarks today Wikileaks!
There s no denying it Trump is a very animated speaker. He does seem to have a whole second language thing going on with h
WOW! At About the 14:00 minute mark you ll hear the ridiculous explanation for why Obama stopped using the term radical
Wikileaks has opened our eyes to so much corruption and possible illegal activity by the Democrats! This is total corruption an
The DNC Convention got off to a crazy start! Debbie Wasserman Shultz was holding a press conference and all heck broke loos
Wow! What a week for the Democrats! Nothing like the truth to bring the Dems to their knees! With the start of the DNC Con
It s interesting how the media has completely ignored this massive wall while making a big deal about the extra security meas
We all know the reality of the Black Lives Matter movement. It s heartbreaking that these community organizing jack-holes ca
Democrat dummy of the day Rep. Tom Cole (R., Okla.) embarrassed Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) on ABC Sunday morning whe
Watch the only Presidential candidate who travels with a full-time physician having what appears to be some sort of seizure
Is it possible the curtain has been pulled back, and the truth about the intolerant Democrat Party is out there for the whole wo
The tsunami has started President Obama s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again so he s voting for Donald
Supposedly, Hillary Clinton picked Virginia Senator Tim Kaine to help her campaign with national security experience. Isn t it ir
The Wikileaks e-mails are an incredible study in political destruction and corruption. The media has no shame in their clear eff
Imagine what it must feel like for these officers who put on their uniforms and go to work, risking their lives in a city whose M
SHARE this link with everyone you know. EVERY American should see this movie before they vote! The weekend Clinton Cash
Yes, it s true! Donald trump gave Mike Pence a beautiful new plane to use for campaigning. What a generous guy! You have to
HILLARY IS TOAST!Here are the polls that had must ve pained CNN to post:CNN, The most biased political media source there
So much for that whole diversity thing I'm thrilled to announce my running mate, @TimKaine, a man who's devoted his life to
Proving that they really don t want anything to do with improving relations with local law enforcement. This hateful and divisi
There s a time for everything, and cracking jokes about your kids in he middle of an address to the world about another horrib
Hey America Are you ready for a leader who says, NO to unvetted refugees? ****WARNING****GRAPHIC VIDEO*** German
At least they re consistent and crooked to the core just like their candidate Hillary Clinton will be crowned the Democratic pre
Nothing says embracing diversity like dividing interns by color and kicking the white interns to the back of the photo.It s pretty
Trump talked about a country on the brink of disaster. He talked about a country he loves, and how he welcomes EVERY Amer
If you watched Trumps acceptance speech last night you might now have caught this quick little dig at Hillary. Hillary s slogan i
The expectations were high for Ivanka Trump s speech and she far exceeded them with her grace, class and great delivery of a
Watch the speeches live;
Pastor Mark Burns is such a fantastic speaker! He gave a great speech tonight but the three words he spoke will drive BLM cra
This is hysterical! CNN asks a Trump supporter the wrong question and they get an earful Awesome!
Hillary Clinton and Obama decided it was a great idea to back Syrian rebels whom they considered to be moderate . In 2012, C
Yes, he did promise to support Donald Trump:
Laura Ingraham reminds the Never Trump people that they had better vote for Trump or it s another 4 years of decline:
The best unity I saw was everyone booing him off the stage, because I think everyone else in here has the sense to realize tha
Tonight was so disappointing! Ted Cruz did what we tell our children NOT to do in the face of doing the right thing even thoug
Dana White, Ultimate Fighting Championship President, speaks at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, abo

A protester at the RNC in Cleveland attempted to light the American flag on fire in a pitiful; attempt at anarchy. She couldn t e
Are they kidding? This was even a lead story on FOX News tonight! A former Trump adviser made a very general comment aga
Asking thug, Michael Brown s mom to speak at the DNC is a new low even for Hillary. If the DNC had to have a black mother sp
How soon they forget Obama was called out during a Dem debate for plagiarism but dances around the topic calling it silly se
In case you missed this Rudy Giuliani delivered a fantastic speech at the RNC in Cleveland! It s good old fashioned barnburner
Donald Trump, Jr was such a natural in his delivery of a very powerful speech at the RNC. He hit on the topics of jobs and educ
This is a great flashback of all those who claim to have a crystal ball on who the nominee for the RNC will be Donald Trump wil
Michigan passed to let New York state be the state to put Trump over the top Donald Trump, Jr. s floor speech casting the fina
Newt goes after it with Joe Scarborough of MSNBC and simply skewers him on the race war Obama has promoted the past 7 1
Is there really anything more irresponsible than standing before a large group of people on a stage in South Africa and telling t
Holy smokes! Even the Danish press sees through our idiotic president who becomes a blithering robot when greeting world le
Marcus Luttrell gave a powerful speech last night at the GOP Convention. It was honest and warned the next generation abou
Don t you wish every political ad could be retweaked like this! This video is one to share because it takes every comment and
Former British lawmaker Nigel Farage, who successfully led the Brexit campaign, shared his advice on how the GOP can win ba
WOW This woman absolutely nails it!
***WARNING***If you are between the ages of 18-23 and believe everything your Leftist teachers and professors are feeding
Watch Barack Obama identify himself as the leader of the Black Lives Matter terror group in video below: In a movement like B
Says the guy whose legacy will be a war on cops and the division of America President Barack Obama cautioned Americans fro
This cop killer was a hateful, racist sub-human. He not only hated white people and cops, he bragged about it. The scary thing
Has anyone else out there just about had it with FOX News anchor Shepard Smith editorializing every afternoon with his libera
THE COMMON THREAD IN ALL THIS IS HATE THE HATE COMING FROM: Black Lives Matter, Nation Of Islam and New Black Pa
Obama s war on America just got real These acts of terror need to be treated as such.BREAKING: Cleveland police union chief
Baton Rouge became the scene of another police ambush this morning when three men shot and killed three police officers an
Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Black Lives Matter OWN this hell they have thrusted
Who better to protect Trump supporters than bikers who ve supported Trump throughout his campaign. We love these guys!
FOX News reporter Mike Tobin interviewed former New Black Panther leader Malik Shabazz who promised violence on the Re
I certainly hope Hillary picks Liz Warren for VP! She s such a miserable woman who decided to attack the manhood of two Alp
American citizens should be more concerned about the Left and the leftist media s attempt to HIDE the brutal truth about Sha
Hillary came out with a heavily edited TV ad yesterday, calling Trump s ability to be a role model into question. Here is the vid
Seth Rich was hired by the Democrat Party as the official voter expansion data director. Although there is no connection yet,
Obama released a statement on his position regarding the Islamist government of Turkey is anyone surprised that he chose t
LIVE FEED of Turkey s coup here:
Lawless, Crooked Hillary promises to continue with Obama s arrogant, lawless push to flood America with people who have ille
SHARE this video everywhere. We cannot allow the leftist media to control this narrative. Our freedom and our way of life is o
There are no words for these selfish sub-humans Here are a couple of profiles from Twitter of the people tweeting about BLM
Translation: I m so sorry for your loss but wanted to use this moment to point out I won an award for my acting in Nice!Litera
Pathetic Predictably impotent. We are not united we are divided. We do not stand strong. We sit like ducks. Waiting to be sho
Except when someone tries to rob them or break into their home or restaurant then, of course the sheriff deputies will be wel
Isn t it great when the day after a major terror attack in France, citizens can wake up in America, and fear more organized chao
If Facebook has aligned themselves with Germany to restrict the free speech of its users, what makes us so sure they won t do
It s almost like our Community Agitator in Chief purposefully won t acknowledge anyone who isn t in lock-step with his radical
This could be YUGE news for conservatives who were on the fence about Trump..Gov. Mike Pence is dropping his re-election b
Trump will announce his VP pick tomorrow. Rumor has it, he has narrowed the field down to these two candidates, Governor
Bad timing This is not great news for the Black Lives Matter terrorists, who were just getting warmed up. Not that the media o
The mainstream media, Hillary, Barack and Black Lives Matter terrorists yawn The Fresno Police Department released body ca
Keep your eye on Anita Moncreif If knowledge is power she is the Democrat Party s worst nightmare. When you re on the left,
Maybe the Left became a bit too optimistic after America put a radical Community Organizer in the White House. Perhaps the
Karma it s a beautiful thing A massive makeshift refugee camp has been established in Lake Como, the popular and secluded c
Why is the NFL ignoring this situation? Are they okay with NFL players posting images that suggest brutally murdering cops? Th
When America elected a Community Agitator, they had no idea what that would mean for our nation. Does everyone get it no
Rush Limbaugh is spot on with his analysis of Barack Obama and how he has intentionally torn our nation apart, and more imp
The lawless and in-your-face behavior that this President and his regime have been able to get away with is simply breathtak
This thug doesn t just threaten to KILL COPS he encourages OTHERS who are watching the Youtube video to JOIN HIM! Why w
Obama had the audacity to tell this crowd of mourners that he wonders if the divides of race in America can ever be bridged?
These two Presidents could not be more different. George W. Bush is a natural born leader. He inspires others to consider som
It s pretty safe to say if you stand in front of moving traffic, or intentionally blocking passage of a vehicle, there s a good chanc
Facebook CEO and founder, Mark Zuckerberg is clearly making an effort to recognize the recent deaths of two black men, who
Apparently the Black Lives Matter terror group hasn t managed to distract Florida voters from Crooked Hillary s untrustworthy
When Black Lives Matter supporters use the same tactics as an ISIS terrorist, America has a serious problem. Black Lives Matte
A We The People petition was started on July 6TH, asking the government to formally designate Black Lives Matter as a terro
Obama is such a race baiter!
Nothing ever is as it appears. There is usually more to the story than one side. Of course, the media isn t interested in the cops
Because blind people are probably experts on judging people based on skin color. No mention of the police officers killed over
If you haven t seethe viral video of a takedown by a Russian guard on one of our guys, you simply won t believe it! Now we pu
Put down the bricks and vote! Hmmm I wonder if he has a particular party in mind?Black Lives Matter activists need to need t
This is truly a sad and senseless situation. This young man, who is now deceased was given a scholarship to college, was a star
Whoever thought asking Obama s terrorists soldiers to shut down highways, throw Molotov cocktails, bricks, concrete and fire
This is probably the best seen from Judge Jeanine she nails Obama! Police brutality is color blind Judge Jeanine
While in Warsaw, Poland, Obama commented on the Dallas shooting proving he s totally divorced from reality. He states that
Will Republican voters take down sanctimonious RINO s like Speaker Ryan when they hit the voting booths for Trump in 2016?
What the heck is wrong with these loony liberal political hack Supreme Court justices? We had a proclamation from Latina Sot
The rainbows and unicorn crowd decided they just had to complain about a gun manufacturer s ad being in the Columbia, SC A
Hillary Clinton used a CNN interview on Friday to completely embrace the Democrats claim that white people and cops must
US Border Agents and local law enforcement gave these journalists permission to be there. But Obama s Federal Wildlife Offic
Because Bob Price at Breitbart News had the courage to attend and film an unbelievable Black Panther rally aimed at threaten
Wow! This is so epic and truthful! Bravo Bill O Reilly!
A large group of Black Lives Matter protesters marched through downtown Atlanta in an attempt to shut down a major highw
Who is this terrorist and why has not yet been arrested for making open threats against our law enforcement officers and firem
Eric Holder in a dress Eric Holder got the ball rolling for Obama when he used taxpayer dollars to pay people to protest during
Did America really expect this racist, Community Organizer In Chief to go out quietly? Barack and Mooch have played America
Obama shouldn t think for one moment that America doesn t see through he and Hillary s disgusting plan to divide us by color
Of course tomorrow morning, the Democrat Party will put their heads together and after hours of damage control, they will te
UPDATE 12:09: 1 Suspect in custody. 1 suspect pinned down.Dallas Update! 1suspect in custody & 1suspect pinned down!!Bo
FBI Director James Comey was literally destroyed today in his testimony on the Hill. What s even more damaging is the inform
No worries FBI Director James Comey is has assured everyone that Crooked Hillary told the truth. She s been lying and under c
Buckle up America Obama still has 6 months to fundamentally transform America. If the media and #NeverTrump crowd mana
FACT CHECK! Wow! No one knows how to question like Gowdy!
Barack Hussein Obama has not exactly done a stellar job convincing America he s a Christian. He spent his entire career as Chr
Of course, you won t see this story on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC or any of the other liberal news stations. Because gangs of
What the heck! First it s Hillary Clinton who gets off even though she s guilty and now it s Pelosi screeching through traffic to s
I knew I liked this guy! Antonio Sabato, Jr. was on the street and was asked by TMZ about the Hillary e-mail verdict. The great
Are Democrat voters willing to risk what little integrity their party has left to get behind Crooked Hillary? Will they be inspired
It warms the heart to know people as important as Hollywood actor Matt Damon care so much about the little people with gu
America should ve known Hillary would be allowed to skate. When Chicago thug politics mesh with the Clinton Crime Syndicat
Is it Hillary s political privilege that allows her to go unpunished for her criminal activity? Hillary was just given a pass to run for
This Supercut of Hillary vs Comey gets to the heart of why she should be indicted!
We ve all had questions about Huma Abedin but did you know how connected she is to the Saudi government? Does anyone d
The big dog of has-been rappers is headlining a Unity concert during the DNC convention. What a classy move by the Democr
Wow! Talk about a psych out! Obama stutters and stammers trying to talk about Trump:
This has to be one of the best remix videos ever! It gets to the heart of the callousness and self-serving attitude of Clinton.
Trump spokesperson Stephen Miller just hammers Hillary Clinton! You will love every minute of this!
Trump was right again! There will be NO CHARGES for Crooked Hillary Clinton! Comey says she was careless but recommends
Just another big city destroyed by Democrats As the nation took to backyard BBQs and paused to celebrate the birth of our na
Paul Joseph Watson is the bomb! He makes the greatest videos and cuts through the bull to get to the truth. Here s a great ex
Could it be Hillary s scre-e-e-eching that turns them off?Donald Trump shattered the GOP primary record this year by 1.4 millio
Boom!Courtesy of:
Huma Abedin, Hillary s right hand woman, told in testimony that she burned Hillary s schedules in a burn bag during her tenu
How elite leftists celebrate America s Independence Day The Kennedy clan gathered at their Hyannis Port compound on Cape
What the heck is Hillary Clinton talking about? Her smart power foreign policy when it comes to terrorism is more of the sam
We re still waiting to hear if the White Congressional Caucus will join in oh wait never mind The Congressional Black Caucus is
It was 1991 when Trump testified to Congress about that irrational exuberance as he complained that monetary policy was p
SENATOR D AMATO (NY) was on the Sunday shows recommending what he would emphasize as a reason NOT to vote for Hilla
Don t you just love all the lies coming out of Hillary s lying pie hole? She says she was really eager to meet with the FBI sure
Please check out the clip below and you ll see what drives conservatives nuts! CNN has every right to question Daniel Hannan
Bravo! This woman is example of true courage. More Americans need to take a stand against anyone who attempts to silence
Sacrifice is for the peasants When Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio hosts a reception for a string of A-list stars, supermodel
Wow! Yet more insider deals with the Clinton Grifters! These people should NEVER be in politics again EVER! The Clinton corru
I wish I could say I was shocked, but the sad truth is pro-abortion voters are the major reason America has been crippled by Ob
Missouri Muslims are upset because a candidate for governor is handing out ISIS Hunting Permit stickers. Wait a minute! If IS
This is a good reminder of how important it is to prevent Obama from anointing another radical on the Supreme Court. It migh
Is it possible that Bill s latest move could ve just sealed Hillary s fate? It actually makes perfect sense. Bill and Hillary Clinton ha
Reasonable Americans expected never expected unbiased justice to be served by Eric Holder in a skirt Friday on MSNBC s Mo
Rush Limbaugh weighed in on what he thinks happened when Bill clinton met up with AG Loretta Lynch for 30 minutes at the
Here are a few memes to spread around:
Dorothy Woods, the wife of an ex-Navy SEAL killed in the Benghazi attacks, responds to presumptive Democratic nominee Hill
Is there a law against waterboarding Republican Senators who continue to be re-elected even though it s pretty clear they sho
Obama drone Gwyneth Paltrow can t understand why she was once named the world s Most Hated Celebrity by a magazine.
It s easy to see why there are so many Americans who would rather keep their heads firmly buried in the sand than know the
The Michelle Obama entourage moved on from Morocco to Spain where Mooch proceeded to lecture the Spanish people on h
INFLUENCE PEDDLING is what the Clintons do and this time it could (hopefully) have consequences.
Thin skinned Obama just made an ass of himself! Everyone with half a brain knows Trump is right!
If the Democrat voters don t care if they re voting for a woman who is under criminal investigation after putting our national s
Politics before anything else that s what Obama and Clinton have in common. Putting American safety before politics is what
Obama is off his rocker! He went on a rant about Donald Trump and now he s scolding owners of SUV s!
Let me tell you something Donald Trump is not a racist. He has never said anything racist about Mexicans, Hispanics, blacks or
In their desire to push Hillary Clinton across the finish line, the mainstream media and RINO pundits continue to ignore that on
Mark Oz Geist makes a powerful ad against Hillary and in support of Trump for president. You ll like this one! Here s Geist in a
This Benghazi timeline by Rep Roskam explains the big question of rescue efforts:
Our good friend Joe Dan Gorman has done it again! He s put together an awesome video that explains the Brexit and the para

Trump was 100% correct when he said, Hillary doesn t have the temperament to become President. Gary Byrne, author of Cr
Watch this State Department spokesperson tap dance around the big lie that the Benghazi attack was caused by a video. Thes
Charlie Daniels has been a voice of reason during the 8 looong years of Obama. He is full of common sense and patriotism. He
This is the same Muslim mayor who recently banned sexy women from advertisements in London Sadiq Khan today called fo
This is awesome! I watched the entire press conference and Gowdy just nails the lame stream media!
Isn t this just the height of hypocrisy? Hillary Clinton shows at the NY gay pride event but takes millions from Middle Eastern c
Merkel was booed by residents of Saxony who re 100% FED Up! with her open borders policy sound familiar?
Obama doing what Obama does best putting radical Muslims who are a serious threat to our national security back on the batt
Next stop after BREXIT is the US! Judge Jeanine nails it and says we need to know the facts to fight this elitist agenda. We re ti
Trump s new campaign manager took on Chuck Todd and nailed his interview calling Clinton a globalist and connecting the do
Ted Cruz has no interest in playing Mr Nice Guy with Obama or his willing accomplices in the FBI, DHS or his DOJ It s been ove
After 9 Months Of Hard-Core Islam Muslim Clock Boy Returns To TX Still Plans To Sue State He Misses For $15 MILLIONCAIR
The anti-establishment tide is rolling across Europe. You really can t blame the citizens for being furious at their leaders for allo
Vince Foster Part II?The death by barbell of disgraced UN official John Ashe could become a bigger obsession for conspiracy th
Take note America
Why is explaining our Constitution to liberals is like explaining algebra to a two year old? Shouldn t government officials who a
No evidence No worries Obama s got this one. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party s presidential nominee would already be in jail
To hell with the common sense voter, Hillary believes she only needs Americans who are okay with living in a lawless nation to
Hillary reads off of the teleprompter an emotion that was meant to be a sigh and not the word sigh too funny!
Are you paying attention America? Yesterday, the UK voted to leave the European Union. On referendum day, Lord Ashcroft s
How is it that the woman who wants to be our president is stooping so low? Demanding free tampons for all women is probab
A successful business man has launched a political campaign against Paul Ryan. We love what he s doing even though it s unco
An Arizona Democratic lawmaker who once voted against welfare fraud protections in her state has been indicted on felony c
It s always the will of the people ultimately that wins out Trump The vote to Brexit a hard-fought campaign by nationalist po
Barack Hussein Obama has been in over his head since he first stepped foot in the White House. Our Community Organizer In
OH MY GOSH! Obama bashes the old boys network and says they need to give women and minorities a chance to lead . Wha
B..b but George Soros and Barack Obama told UK voters NOT to leave the EU. Is this historic vote a sign that voters in the UK a
A shocking victory 53% LEAVE 47% STAYIt was at three o'clock in the morning that it became clear that Leave would win https
***LANGUAGE WARNING***I admittedly (and intentionally) haven t seen too many Ben Affleck movies, but watching this rab
Because of what Hillary Clinton agreed to with the UN, we are at the mercy of Islam in a BIG way! If you watch and read nothin
Melissa wore her Trump hat to a coffee shop and immediately was verbally attacked. She came back with facts and a great ar
Don t let the door hit ya B..b..but who will beat up innocent Trump supporters? The assertion of presidential power was rema
Don t think for a minute this union-style Black Lives Matter/Occupy type sit-in wasn t orchestrated in our Oval Office by our C
Obama and the Leftist Supreme Court activists are working overtime to push white students to the back of the line The U.S. Su
This teen has a pretty good impression of Donald Trump:Jack Aiello, the Chicago-area teen who impersonated the presidentia
Would Hillary s every day Americans answer these questions the same way as these indoctrinated college students? Who do
Democrats staging a sit-in on the floor of Congress won t go hungry we spotted their food order on its way into the Capitol a
Nothing to see here. No conflict of interest. All feminists please look the other way you didn t really see this Crooked Hillary re
Donald Trump is right again! He said her e-mail was easily hacked by foreign governments. The question has recently arisen of
The organization called Freedom from Religion has been going around to Christian monuments and signs across America and
The Obama administration wants you to feel bad if you don t believe in what they do. This group think is really disturbing! Plea
Another item Obama can check off his bucket list More than a quarter million Muslims have become registered voters since th
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appears to be concerned about being spied on. A photo that he shared to help celebrate Insta
Supreme Court Justic Sotomayor went on a racist rant about how law enforcement has targeted minorities and put fear in bla
Boom! Just when you think there isn t a sane person left in Hollywood, actor Vince Vaughn comes out with this brilliant statem
Dolly Kyle has written a scathing tell all book exposing the sickening hidden truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary s war o
As anyone who remotely follows the news knows, media whore Hillary has been dying for a reason to appear in photos unrela
Just another deranged leftist. From the registered Democrat Muslim terrorist in Orlando to the casual 19 year old Californian f
The Obama administration s cleansing of the Islamic terror attack in Orlando resonates with anyone in America who s on to t
Dolly Kyle has written a scathing tell all book exposing the sickening hidden truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary s war o
The New York Times and all other news outlets are reporting with glee that Donald Trump s campaign manager was fired. The

MEDIA SILENT! Twin Falls, Idaho Police Investigating Videotaped Sexual Assault Of 5 Yr Old Girl At By 3 Immigrant Boys NO Arr
Oh look Hillary s considering a lying, opportunist, Democrat politician with a vagina as her running mate. It all makes perfect se
US Citizens should never have to beg members of Congress to put the safety and security of their families before the donors w
I don t think there are too many people who would disagree with that sentiment, given Obama s obvious desire to make Amer
If booster and sponsors were shown in presidential campaigns just like they are in NASCAR, we d have the picture below:
This is totally out of left field! Vin Scully goes off on the evils of socialism-epic! Vin Scully has strong feelings on socialism
Hillary s going to make make our borders less secure. She s going to take away our ability to defend ourselves It s RADICAL ISL
Wait until you read this woman s biography and past quotes about conservatives! Popular myth-busting website Snopes origin
Remember when the press used to actually report the news? Today they are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Obama
The Left has been itching for a fight the only problem is, they ve been itching for a fight against Trump supporters who re outn
(Welcome) to America We hope you enjoy our benefits. Please feel free to NOT assimilate Coming soon: Press 1 for English
We love this guy! Trey Gowdy gets it and gives a lesson to a DHS thug on due process! Yes! For progressives, the problem isn t
A Californian with a gun and a Trump sign in his front yard. Sounds like defending that sign could turn into a full-time job A San
Paul Ryan has had almost 8 years to lead the charge to impeach Obama for his unlawful, unconstitutional acts against America
Florida Governor Rick Scott is not holding anything back. He is angry that Obama has made the Second Amendment the enem
One of the countries Mooch and her taxpayer funded mom and daughters will be visiting was devastated by Ebola less than tw
Just remember, the woman who believes Hillary is the best candidate for the job because she has a vagina, is the same person
Former Republican House Intelligence Cmte. Chairman disagrees with Pres. Obama s rant on Donald Trump and his avoidance
What is it about liberal men that makes a woman want to shoot him up with testosterone just to make him tolerable? Gersh K
The two videos below are from the Trump rally in Atlanta today two great examples of how twisted the left is!Back and forth
If the Muslim terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded several others in a gay nightclub in Orlando had been scouting out D
Sounds like one of the best reasons ever TO vote for Trump A Saudi prince has urged Americans not to vote for Donald Trump
When you read these statistics, the Orlando massacre of 49 innocent men and women in a public space should really come as
Chicago residents are living a nightmare. The murder and crime statistics are what you would expect to see in a war torn Midd
Feeling safer? One of the sitting members on the Homeland Security Advisory Council s (HSAC) Subcommittee on Countering V
And the left says Trump hasn t given details about what he ll do when president? Hillary couldn t be more clueless and vague i
This is not the first time Putin has warned the US to hurry up with its release of Hillary s emails. Biden better get the emergenc
Socialist indoctrination starts in Kindergarten and is reinforced throughout the American student s educational journey. Paren
No word yet on when every female London resident will be asked to wear a hijab in public, so as not to offend the exploding M
Nothing to see here. Hillary was likely just fulfilling a promise to a foreign Muslim donor. It wasn t the first time she gave a sta
And if Trump did indeed imply Obama was working on behalf of Muslim terrorists do you believe he s correct?
As a side note, the illegal aliens who are being dropped off across America in vans are OTM s or Other Than Mexicans. Can the
Where there s a will, there s a way and these awesome students certainly don t lack the will to succeed in their quest to prote
We can all agree on solutions to end terrorism but it takes something like a horrific terror attack to ditch the pc and work toge
Donald Trump: With fifty people dead and perhaps more ultimately and dozens more wounded we cannot afford to talk aroun
Hillary took a jab at Saudi Arabia during her statement on the terror attack in Orlando BUT now we find out that the Saudis are
Liberals like to use the term right wing extremists . They like to blame the Christian faith every time a Planned Parenthood ab
He was such a nice boy, from such a nice family .This is a little disturbing. Remember Amed Mohamed and the exploited islam
The media will ignore the fact that this man was reportedly on his way to harm gays or that he appears to be a Bernie Sander
This is an odd report from Press TV because a Muslim woman is reporting like it s a bad thing that Trump is calling the refugee
We ve heard it all before He was such a good boy this has nothing to do with his Muslim faith. Never mind that he called 9-11
The movie that Hillary will NOT want America to see Hillary Clinton s staff are currently giving depositions under oath about ho
Hillary doesn t recall saying it, but Bill s campaign manager, Paul Fray clearly remembers her saying it. Just another Hillary lie w
Does anyone else see a little crazy in this woman? Elizabeth Warren is Hillary Clinton s new best friend and possible VP choice
The bashing of Donald Trump is getting so old and tiresome. People with common sense know the truth and know what the le
This call to violence by the Left against innocent people who don t agree with their radical ideology, is eerily similar to the tacti
Donald Trump answers the question of what he ll do on his first day in office. The two big things he mentions are the attack on
This is a rare moment of uncomfortable questioning by CBS Scott Pelley asks what we ve all wanted to ask Hillary. It s a pretty
Screaming leftists interrupted Donald Trump s speech today at the Faith and Freedom Conference in Washington DC. Trump b
If his name was Michael Brown if he robbed a local convenience store and roughed up the store manager if he tried to take a g
This is what happens when you cross the Left. Sadly, this is how unions have been operating for decades. Mainstream America
Thank goodness for organizations like citizens United who found out what was going on with a Clinton donor getting a position
Wow! This first-hand assessment of Bill clinton and then Hillary is a complete scorcher. Dolly Kyle holds nothing back when de
While researching for a wrap-up on the June 7 Presidential Primaries, we discovered evidence that Google may be manipulatin
After being assaulted by Trump haters, the Trump supporters are speaking out.
This guy is great! He describes how it was to be at a Trump rally and how the cops stood down.
THE SOCIALIST PRESIDENT WAS THIS GUY S TEACHER! Great encounter with someone who has experienced socialism great s
Sorry Bernie, but it s all about Obama s third term and he s not about to let some geriatric socialist screw that up for him The D
Pathetic New Age guru and alternative medicine activist Dr. Deepak Chopra attacked Donald Trump Tuesday in an interview o
What about Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods?
What a role model for women and young girls, a presidential candidate who has one foot in prison and the other on the camp
Senator Jess Sessions tough love talk may be exactly what the dyed-in-the-wool establishment Republicans need to hear right
DON T LISTEN TO THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA BIAS!While the Democrats are down 7 million votes from 2008, The Donald is bo
Wow! This lady who is a DNC Platform Committee Member who honestly thinks we should take guns away from EVERYONE!
Italian Catholics are essentially being told to pray silently (hide their religious convictions) to avoid offending anyone, while Mu
GREAT SPEECH! Donald Trump spoke last night after winning BIG! His overview of the important things he s campaigning on w
Crooked Hillary has met her match: Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her private hedge fund. Here is Trump s
Fat ass fraud in a pants suit When Hillary Clinton won the New York primary in April, she called for raising wages and reducing
In case you missed the total horror of seeing a woman egged by protesters at a Trump rally, we ll just say it was REALLY terribl
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclu
American citizens will be encouraged when the queen of the Clinton Crime Syndicate is convicted Former Secretary of State H
Spread this one around everywhere! An anti-Hillary PAC just came out with a great commercial!
New York City begs to differ Of course, this is just another way of Obama saying, Screw Trump and screw America, we re build
Sheriff Clarke weighs in on the violence at the Trump rally in San Jpse:
Don t buy into the media lie that every LEGAL Mexican-American is against Trump. Those who came here legally want the sam
BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER-Dirty politics follows Obama and Clinton so here s yet another example of these two s
A short excerpt from CAN s upcoming documentary Exposed: The Islamization of Our Schools .This documentary-in-progress u
Watch the video and you be the judge. Was Piers Morgan correct or was he out of line?Piers Morgan poked the hornets nest
The judge in the Trump University case should recuse himself! Donald Trump has been hammered in the main stream media a
Roger Clinton got busted for a DUI on Sunday but might not be out of jail to vote for his sister-in-law! Clinton is the half-brothe
One short trip on a boat and this could be all yours! No papers required A group of local citizens from the Italian Island of Sicily
THE ARTICLE BELOW IS FROM POLITICO This article is a perfect example of the main stream media s bias combined with Bara
We ve heard about Hillary Clinton s bad behavior before but this tell-all book goes right into details of what Clinton was like as
Bernie Sanders likes to talk about how everyone will be equal using other people s money. It s the most asinine concept and it
Make it STOP! Every day another truth is revealed about something Obama or the Obama administration has done to put the
Stories like these shine a light on how early our educators are indoctrinating our students. A third-grader said he s standing up
Bill Clinton must be unaware of the very close race in California between his wife and Bernie Sanders. He gave a finger wag an
It s really a pretty simple scheme. Obama is placing Democrat voters (illegal aliens who are given housing, education, food, hea
Hillary Clinton was all smiles at a rally in California until her podium starts to collapse is this just a big case of karma?
The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level. Norman MailerBernie Sanders has raised a lot of money during
America keeps waiting for word that Hillary will be indicted. Is Obama waiting for the right moment or will the FBI be allowed
Poor 5-star Mooch. At least we know now why she spends so much time traveling around the world on our dime First Lady Mi
It s not a question of Curiel s Hispanic heritage. It s the web of his connections that gives the appearance of bias in favor of Hi
This ridiculous article by Politico, who pretends to be a non-biased source for news is sadly, what passes as journalism today. W
***LANGUAGE WARNING*** Why is it acceptable for people who come from other damn countries to be proud of their coun
Maybe Hillary or Bernie can use this footage in their next campaign ad. What a great way to bring American voters over to the
Here s how Bill is paying back years of loyalty by his enabling wife Hillary, who made it possible for him to sexually assault an u
The strategy of the left is WAR and that s why every American should hear it: Angela Davis on defeating Trump: We have to d
Did you know that government regulations would keep Bernie Marcus from starting Home Depot today? New businesses acro
The insanity continues! The outrageous invasion on our southern border has been so out of control in the past seven years bu
Trashy Michelle brings out her radical lying and twisting to brainwash college graduates this is our First Lady! If I didn t know b
Barack Obama s legacy will be a divided, lawless, mooching, disrespectful America. Obama has been very clear about his open
What is amazing about this video is that it captures the unimaginable positive attitude of the female Trump supporter in the fa
Yet another assault on a Trump supporter by a thug at a Trump rally in San Jose, California tonight. Luckily,the assault was cap
One thing Donald Trump is really great at is delivering one-liners that resonate with people because they re true. This is why T
They preyed on the poor in Latin America. They promised them an education, but the real goal was about turning a profit. No,
Barack only needs to find the closest mirror to understand where the increase in racism and distrust in our over-reaching gove
This is seriously concerning! James Rosen calls out the effort to censor his question and the answer regarding Iran at a press co
The leader of the worst economy on the planet is endorsing fellow Socialist Bernie Sanders. Let that sink in Yes It s A future yo
There is a stark difference between these two veterans. Perry O Brien, the crybaby veteran who has organized a group against
Ironically, the two issues that catapulted Trump past all of his competitors in the GOP Presidential race were building the wall
This is too good to miss! Mr. Teleprompter didn t do so well when he went off script during an appearance in Indiana.
How many times have the press and the Left admonished Trump for saying we need to do a better job of vetting the refugees
69 people were shot in gun-free Chicago over this past Memorial Day weekend. Meanwhile Barack Obama is busy working wit
Well, well, well the truth comes out but not from the main stream media. The law firm that brought the lawsuit against Trump
#FeelTheBern of incompetence A survivor of the 2012 Benghazi siege that claimed the lives of four Americans and subject of t
So let it be said so let it be done.I don t remember anyone asking if Americans were okay with the month of June being dedica
An anonymous post translated into English has touched a nerve in Germany. A 50-year old woman describes her life with the fl
It s really quite ironic that the guy who has paid and non-paid protesters inciting violence and riots at virtually every Trump ral
This video exposes the underbelly of the illegal alien community and the hate they have for anyone who would enforce the ru
Donald Trump held a press conference today to clarify every since bit of accusations made that he pocketed over six million do
When will the media report on this nice group of illegal aliens and racist American thugs
Even the most militant supporters of Crooked Hillary are (reluctantly) exposing the truth about her. Fake black guy, journalist
What happens when a black police officer sings the national anthem at a ball park? Is that racist as well? When will Disney ow
Obama s historic Embracing the Communists Tour wouldn t be complete without a stop in Vietnam All on the American taxpay
A first hand look at the lie the media continue to perpetuate that all Hispanics are against Trump. WOW! HISPANIC TRUMP SU
The Americans who ve lost a loved one to an illegal alien are all but forgotten. You hear nothing from the main stream media a
Chicago style politics buckle up America Barry s just getting warmed up A federal judge has ordered the release of internal Tru
This guy is awesome! He is so right and so on point about his assessment of Trump.
Donald Trump addressed thousands of motorcyclists, many of them military veterans, attending the annual Rolling Thunder ga
The anti-Trump protesters stoop to a new low and when challenged by the cameraman they verbally abuse him. These people
If anyone were to tell you 20 years ago that a career criminal, habitual liar and an enabler of husband who is a serial sexual off
This speech, delivered by President Ronald Reagan on Memorial Day, epitomizes our debt of gratitude to those who died in ba
This is rich! A live feed from MSNBC was trying to show how great the anti-Trump protesters were behaving but all of a sudde
Hillary Clinton has had a loooong career at lying at twisting things. Here s a great video to share with everyone you know!
It was actually refreshing to see the cops fighting back against an unruly mob of Mexican flag carrying rioters in San Diego (Wa
Mind blowing incompetence and reckless disregard for the lives of these brave men and women by politically appointed leftist
You will NOT believe this woman! Barbara Norton claims in the video below that the Declaration of Independence is a lie and i
As much as Hillary Clinton wants to spin the definition of the trouble she s in, it won t matter. The FBI Director James Comey is
Are police officers finally getting sick and tired of walking around on eggshells while being disrespected and abused by the Oba
Are these protesters at the Trump rally in Fresno, CA illegal aliens? If they re not illegal aliens, why are the people who are mo
We couldn t have said it better! The brilliant Krauthammer rips into Obama for his visit to Hiroshima EPIC! Krauthammer: Oba
Jimmy Kimmel writes a second book for Trump pretty GREAT!
So much for the wisdom of Obama, the know-it-all RINO s, Democrats and political pundits Enjoy:A video posted by Donald J.
What a unique way for a President of the United States to spend his Memorial Day weekend apologizing to a nation who want
Ever the politician and excellent liar, Obama was asked about smoking pot during a press event in Vietnam. He must have smo
While Hillary doubles down on her false claim that the rules were clarified AFTER she left the State Department, we ve got the
The social rot continues in a city that was miraculously cleaned up on Mayor Giuliani s watch. All of the hard work Rudy did to
#FeelTheBernOfSocialismUnivision host Leon Krauze asked avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders about the collapse of several Latin
A Texas Imam agrees with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump s controversial suggestion that America set-up a t
First it was the FLUSH TARGET campaign, where a truck will travel to every store in MN delivering a serious message to Target
Girls aren t the only gender who will suffer embarrassment, humiliation and even the prospect of sexual predators in their bat
These are shocking revelations that have essentially taken place while America and our elected representatives slept.ALL Of A
One thing we re discovering is that Trump has a way with one-liners that are hysterical! He s asked about Liz Warren and HuffP
Barack Obama s historic visit to Hiroshima this week will honour all those who were lost in World War II the US president said
We ve said it before, Katie Couric is a wolf in sheep s clothing. Katie has been practicing the promotion of deceitful, leftist prop
GREAT NEWS! TURMP REACHED THE MAGIC NUMBER!Presidential candidate Donald Trump now has 1238 delegates that put
Who knew a President could do so much damage in one year? Who knew he would have the support of so many Republicans
Well, well, well Elizabeth Warren went on a Twitter rant about what a capitalist pig Donald Trump is and now it turns out she
Meanwhile, Obama has brilliantly distracted America from his dangerous deals with Iran with White House sanctioned Black L
I saw this live today and it was fantastic! This is the difference in the special moments with Donald vs the manufactured mom
Not that the word legal means anything to either one of them Because Hillary Clinton is white and no longer young, a strain o
This will make you sick Valerie Jarrett is as much a liar as Obama.In her 60 Minutes interview, Valerie Jarrett partially reveals
If you have the time, you should watch every minute of this video. If you can t watch it all, go to the 56 minute mark and watc
The Obama s know how to go big and their post-White House adobe is no exception! It s a HUGE (8,000 sq ft) mansion worth o
DEMOCRATS Making free and fair elections impossible in America. Hmmm I wonder why Obama, Hillary and Bernie are fightin
Was Hillary Clinton negligent or was she doing this on purpose? Either way, it s a really bad situation and gives more fodder fo
Donald Trump on Wednesday slammed what he described as thugs and criminals who clashed with police outside an Albuq
It s too late for these countries who ve been invaded by mostly young Muslim male refugees to turn back the clock. Bavaria is
It s hard to tell what these Black Lives Matter crybabies hate more gays with a different opinion than them or free speech Mea
The Clinton grifters have been at this scam for so long that it s hard to keep up with all the money. In 2007, they bagged a HUG
It seems like a pretty easy mistake. After all he could easily have called Hillary Obama
Obama does it again he put his potical agenda before the American people! He s determined to fulfill his promise to close GITM
Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty has endorsed Donald Trump and weighs in on the two hottest topics on Trump:
A Trump sign-stealer gets a verbal beatdown and discovers he s actually a Trump supporter! Bahaha!
We all know the defense of children comes dead last when it comes to the Left. It s interesting how Hillary helped to get a chil
As the #NeverTrump movement has become officially irrelevant, our hilarious friend Joe Dan Gorman of Intellectual Froglegs p
The biggest thing a president can do for the people is to protect them from an enemy. If you refuse to define the enemy then
Bill s gonna wish his corrupt wife never ran for President by the time Trump is finished exposing this family of grifters. This is m
It s no secret that Terry McAuliffe is closely connected to the Clintons. Right before the election for governor of Virginia, a sma
Vietnam has supposedly made modest gains in reducing human rights abuses BUT a Catholic priest was just released after TW
For the first time since World War Two, the two centrist parties in Austria have lost and The Freedom Party, led by Norbert Ho
Trump has the Left scrambling to figure out how they re going to stop the flow of illegal immigrants future Democrat voters in
Wow! What a commie putz! After lifting the arms restrictions on Vietnam, Obama gleefully gets a photo right in front of the bu
Thank goodness for mandatory financial disclosures otherwise we d never know what complete GRIFTERS the Clintons are! Ev
Judge Jeanine rips into Hillary Clinton on her lame handling of just about everything to do with terrorism. She goes through se
Our DOJ and other government agencies are doing whatever they want to do with YOUR money! Congress is investigating the
Trump landslide in 5 4 3 2 1A new poll shows that Donald Trump has vastly improved his support among voters since becomin
What s not to love about this? One of the greatest pro golfers ever is on the Trump Train! Jack Nicklaus knows Donald Trump a
Says the women whose whole life has been a series of lies.Hillary Clinton on Sunday effectively dismissed her two remaining W
The worst thing is the number of white people and people with ties to law enforcement officers will pay to see one of the mos
It s been said that all Presidents get the itch to travel in the last year of their term. Obama s even said the plane is his numero
Former CIA Director Robert Gates rips into Obama for his refusal to say the troops are in a combat role in the Middle East. Oba
The Clinton Campaign just managed to commit the biggest blunder of the presidential race yet! Bill needs a hobby! He s not he
We ve heard from this local anchor before. He s unafraid to get real with Americans about what s going on in the world. This is
Is it possible the French have lost their appetite for our pro-open borders Hollywood liberals misrepresenting the truth about
The religion of Progressivism is working overtime to erase and replace Christianity in the lives of Americans. God is nothing mo
THE CLINTON GRIFTERS WERE FANTASTIC MENTORS TO THE OBAMAS Each donation of $100,000 got you a visit with Obama a
The self proclaimed feminist apparently has no problem with using physical force against a woman who is part of a party that
THIS IS MADDENING! We have a president and congress who do nothing but promote illegal entry into America TREASON! The
Who goes to a wedding and doesn t bring a gift? Who brags about going to a wedding and not bringing a gift? Hillary admits s
So it begins the suing of Americans who don t agree with Obama s dangerous decree that allows men to use the little girl s roo
The Baton Rouge, Louisiana resident Maine Musik says he s going to go to war with Trump with his arsenal of guns and hand
The people who are angry about her wearing this hat should also be angry at the hate America indoctrination our children ar
Just another upstanding citizen who s been invited to the White House by our Community Organizer In Chief Birds of a feather
The story you ll never see in the mainstream media..When Corporal Ryan Stickney and 200 of his fellow Marines prepared to r
The Leftist agenda in action blurring the lines of sexuality, while stripping humanity of any sense of individuality or morality A l
Watch Juan Williams make several attempts to shame Fox Five host, Kimberly Guilfoyle for speaking out against Obama s Blac
Remember the HOPE poster that became a huge hit? Well, the artist responsible for it is speaking out on the past two Obama
The discussion Bret Stephens had with his 10 year old son, is one every parent should be having with the very generation who
Perhaps a few random flash mobs protesting Target s decision to put the feelings of .01% of our population before the safety o
The Democrat s war on mostly ugly women Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell believes that Donald Trump will ultimately l
Two white guys living in a state where 96% of its residents are white, and who have become extremely wealthy by selling ice c
This is a great interview with Greta on FOX! Why isn t Trump vetting Texas Governor Greg Abbott for Vice President? Listen to
Obama is against Trump Check The Media are against Trump Check The establishment Democrats are against Trump Check T
If you re wondering about what s happening with the Democrats, here the lowdown. What s helping Hillary win the nominatio
There are people within the Obama administration and within the Mexican government who are fans of the movement to ma
Putin may be the one person Obama has absolutely no influence over. With Obama unable to use his Chicago thug-like politica
Hillary is the embodiment of corruption and therefore the death of the republic said author and political commentator Mark
Democrats want to spend a whopping $2 billion on zika virus prevention. Republicans are demanding more controls so Rubio i
This nightmare could have all been prevented if America was able to look past their unwarranted white guilt for one second, a
It s interesting how much vitriol some women harbor for successful men who date beautiful women, as though it s somehow e
Great advice from a woman who has 24-7 security and lives in an imaginary world. Her life and the life of her children will likel
Only the strongest will survive in the dog-eat-dog world of Socialism. This is the result of a society that believed the governme
There is no reason to believe the welfare of our veterans would be a priority for Obama after he leaves office, considering the
WOW! IT WAS AN ALL OUT BRAWL AT THE NV DEM CONVENTION: The Hill Reported: Tensions were high at the Democratic co
These leftist actors are so darn funny. You know what isn t funny? They never mention the 4 Americans Hillary left to die in Be
Perhaps a little trigger warning therapy is in order?A cartoonist has been accused of racism after he portrayed Michelle Obam
In typical Obama fashion, the extravagant tax-payer funded Nordic state dinner looked more like an after-party for the Academ
WOW! What are the Democrats hiding? Watch the just-released trailer for Hillary s America: The Secret History Of The Demo
Just another classless act in the life of President Barack Obama President Obama s Twitter account, which is run by his Organ
Megyn Kelly is her usual Trump bashing self in this Sneak Peek of her interview with The Donald:
Hillary Clinton thinks as most progressives do if you change the name of something then it s not so bad. Like commie was cha
Beware of morning talk show hosts turned news personalities. The Katie Couric s and Matt Lauer s of the world are some of t
Only 38 states to go. Obama is going to do more damage to the fabric of America in his final 7 months in office than any other
We all know Bill Clinton is a sexual predator. The big question now is, how much Hillary knew about his disgusting sexual trysts
Here s how Donald Trump reacted Donald Trump reacted Friday to a report that the Clinton Global Foundation provided millio
Better a blow-up doll than an actual citizen, in the city of L beck, Germany where the Muslim migrant population has exploded
Jeff Daniels channels his role as ACN s Will McAvoy from HBO s The Newsroom to respond to question about Trump vs Hilla
TAXES really do kill people. Eric Garner is a perfect example. This tragedy happened on Donald Trump s home turf, if his campa
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is using the Washington Post and a team of 20 diggers to take down Donald Trump. Bezos bought the
A Congressman decided to come clean about what really goes on in DC and it s not pretty. For one thing, he never read anythi
Dinesh D Souza s Hillary s America will debut in theaters in July. Clinton Cash is a documentary that investigates donations m
Note to Target CEO: When you endanger the safety of little girls and women in your stores, you re giving placing a target on
DOESN T THIS COMPROMISE HER ABILITY TO BE OBJECTIVE?Bill and Hillary Clinton received at least $100 million from autocra
We wholeheartedly approve Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is now the leading candidate to be tapped by Donald Trum
There s nothing quite like an arrogant actor who lives in Europe, supports Hillary, blames the press for making Trump popular,
Matt Schlapp, the leader of the American Conservative Union, slammed Mitt Romney for his continued attacks on GOP nomin
We ve written about the amazing filmmaker, playwright and journalist, Phelim MacAleer and his fearless wife Ann McElhinney
Wouldn t it have been great to see Mitt fight as hard to reveal the TRUTH about Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro in 2
Obama inspired hate...The Latest on a man charged with setting a massive fire that destroyed an unfinished Los Angeles apart
A United States Air Force squadron leader whistleblower is speaking out and telling the truth about how they could have reach
No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change. Obama State Of The Union speech, 2015Th
Lou Dobbs rips into Paul Ryan and it s really awesome! Every word of his commentary is spot on! Bravo!
It s not shocking that Hillary s lying again, but it s probably not such a good idea to start out the investigation by lying to the pu
This is a great clip from Ralph Peters, explaining why Obama taking an apology trip to Hiroshima is so offensiveIt was a great p
Obama is clearly attempting to strip Americans of our right to express our opinions on social issues based on our religion or mo
A CLINTON SUPPORTER AT CAMDEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE introducing Hillary Clinton caught herself when reciting the Pledg
How very moderate and tolerant of Sadiq Khan, to make one of his first acts as London s new Mayor to threaten the United St
Seriously? VP Biden wants us all to know he regrets not running because he would have been the best president . Yikes!Vice P
At a campaign event Hillary Clinton talked to a small business owner who has been hit hard by Obamacare. The health insuran
Do we even need to ask how 16 white West Point cadets posing in uniform, with a white power fist before graduation would h
The deception was really a Glitch Sure!
DONALD TRUMP released a brilliant video with clips from Hillary s lying and heartless treatment of Benghazi victim s families:
One of the most interesting and insightful pieces you will read on the reason Americans are drawn to Trump Where did all the
Take a good hard look America this is Bernie s utopia. The economic climate is so bad in Venezuela today that people are eatin
Wow these sound exactly like the type of people we want living next door to us. It s not so hard to see why so many American
Wow! These guys are so proud of their scummy lies to America to get Obamacare through. There s a special place in Hell for th
It is truly a shame that our nation has $25 MILLION dollars to waste on phony climate change. That money could have gone a
Democrats looking for attention and along with every celebrity who has been able to find their way to the burned out city of F
WHO knew legendary rocker Roger Daltrey was such a patriotic guy? The Who s lead singer, Roger Daltrey feels very strongly a
DR BEN CARSON gives his take on Loretta Lynch calling the North Carolina bathroom law controversy like Jim Crow: Everythin
Open borders Ryan might be in for a shock when his GOP competitor, businessman Paul Nehlen gives him a run for his money
Obama spoke to graduates of Howard University and managed to offend and confuse everyone with his jerky speech. He told
We know firsthand what it feels like to be a victim of Facebook. Four years ago, we started making a lot of noise about the ill
A judge just told us all what we ve known for 7 years the Obama administration lies like a rug to cover up or to further their ag
The economic devastation is very real in West Virginia. Obama promised to shut down the coal industry as one of his bold cam
Admiral Ace Lyons has warned us all before in a viral video about Obama and his transformation of our military. He s yet ano
We may not agree with MOST of what rapper Azalea Banks has to say, but she is a fierce defender of free speech and as such,
Donald Trump was on a phone interview with CNN s Chris Cuomo and let him have it! Cuomo started out with a question abou
A tale of a mother and the dangerous religion of progressivism Putting her radical liberal ideology before the safety and well-b
Obama and HUD want to give one last freebie to the Dem voters this Fall using YOUR tax dollars! This is a last big push to mak
A MUST watch video!
The irony of the Tweet put out on Mother s Day by Planned Parenthood is certainly not lost on us. The cognitive dissonance of
This is great! It s refreshing to hear somebody not be a wuss -best line of the video!
(LANGUAGE WARNING:) If you re a Donald Trump supporter like Gavin McInnes, it can be hard dealing with anti-Trump fanatic
This is it this is our LAST CHANCE to turn the conservative ship around and put America first! Chances are really great that if Hi
It wasn t a direct endorsement of Trump, but when American voters see why Turki al-Faisal is speaking out against Trump, afte
Paul Weston, chairman of Liberty GB, reacts to the election of Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London. This is a man connected with n
That s gonna leave a mark Former Vice President Dick Cheney will support Donald Trump, he told CNN Friday, an important m

Karma s a bitch or is it the other way around? LA doesn't seem to like Hillary Clinton..her campaign rally today lasted less than
Hillary Clinton was asked a question about the FBI contacting her or her representatives and gave a flat out lie does she not kn
She doesn t do POlice until someone threatens to do harm to her or someone she knows Richland County, SC A Krispy Krem
Watching this video will help anyone who is curious about why the city of Detroit continues to be bailed out of trouble like an
Says the guy who was a Jr. Senator and Community Organizer prior to becoming President of the United States. And who can
When the fence keeps them from making it to the polls, the Democrats start complaining A mainstream Arizona newspaper is
As if this news, in and of itself, is not horrific enough Deputy National Security Advisor, Ben Rhodes also reveals that Obama be
Trump didn t stop with names of potential cabinet members he also doubled down on policies designed to make America safe
Senate lifer John McCain was caught on tape complaining about what a Trump candidacy would do to hurt his chances for ye
Wow! Apparently Paul Ryan forgot that Trump won the nomination because the majority of Americans CHOSE HIM as their ca
Just before an Iranian-American businessman was freed from jail in Iran in Oct. 2010, his son met with Bill Clinton and also ma
Donald Trump held a rally in West Virginia and was endorsed by the coal miners well done!
Of course Obama the putz blames too little government for the poisoned water crisis in Flint OBAMA TO CONGRESS ON FLINT
Hillary has to be one of the worst candidates to ever get this far in a presidential race. She has no idea what the American peo
Wow! This 21 year old Texan woman recently penned a letter to the Waco Tribune Herald In Waco, TX. She s been worried ab
HOUSE SPEAKER PAUL RYAN HAS SOUR GRAPES ABOUT TRUMP Isn t this about the will of the people and not the party? Inste
The globalists aren t happy which is a signal that the Republican party chose the right guy. The people spoke and their guy is T
Businessman Paul Nehlen is challenging Paul Ryan for his seat in congress. What do you think of this commercial?
As a side note, the last major appearance by the geriatric Rolling Stones band, was a free concert in Havana, Cuba. The aging b
West Virginia has been devastated by a loss of 10,000 jobs due to the Obama administration s efforts to shut down the coal in
If this is what s to come, IT S GOING TO BE AWESOME! Vicente Fox apologized to Trump and Trump shot back: Get your mone
This is a shocker! The very dry and serious Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry has been caught in a sexual affair with
A message from a 100% FED UP mom to her Facebook friends:Dear friends,I donated to two presidential campaigns this year,
Wow! John Kasich finally got the message and is dropping out of the race for president. Can you believe it? Just last night he s
Donald Trump won the state of Indiana in a landslide tonight. Ted Cruz suspended his campaign in front of a tearful and shock
Hey Glenn, suicide is no laughing matter, and you really needs to start ratcheting down your role as America s conservative dra
Has the entire world gone mad with political correctness? Is there any chance of saving the UK from itself? UPDATE: Labour Pa
The video Hillary and the Left will not want America to see Today, I was compelled to sit down and write this letter. Not to any
Proof that sanity still exists on college campuses.Capitalists on campus won t have to stand by any longer while communists an
Wow! Hillary Clinton is confronted by a coal worker and then spins her way out of it by lying AGAIN!
Great parenting huh?
This is not a fluke. After years of towing the union line, life-long Democrat union members are switching their allegiance to Tru
Anyone who s been paying attention can tell you that Obama s agenda comes before the American people. You could play Le
Apparently being the daughter of the most corrupt political couple in America comes with some pretty significant financial ben
NOTE TO TARGET There Aren t Any Feminine Product Dispensers On The WallRemember when there wasn t any gray area wh
What kind of monsters teach their children to behave like this? Young illegal dreamers and their parents flip off Trump suppo
Dr. Cynthia McKinney reveals Hillary s murderous past with Benghazi, and how the globalists will attempt to fuel race wars to
As millions of dollars of union dues flow into the Democrat coffers, it could be all for naught, as union members plan to cast th
The difference between us and them is that we listen to them says the husband of the woman who is hell-bent on fulfilling O
I am deeply offended by your campaign, since you subscribe to the liberal narrative that minorities need to be coddled and pr
Judge Jeanine Pirro had Trump supporter Bobby Knight on her show to explain why he endorsed Trump:
This video would be on a 24/7 mainstream media loop if the man who was brutally attacked by an angry mob was a Bernie San
What the what? I had to start firing people, people that I counted as my friends, best friends, partners. And the process that I
This is Stephen Crowder at his best So smart and so funny!
A new movie about the Clinton Grifters couldn t be coming-out at a better time the day before the Democratic convention! Th
These Trump protesters are so out of control with their hate and violence yet it s Trump who s being blamed for hateful rheto
Meanwhile Trump is about to make history for claiming the most votes ever in the history of the GOP primaries. What was tha
Crazy mob vandalizes, threatens, and spits at a couple in a car outside Trump rally. Crowd shouts Mexico and waves Mexican
A Bi-Product Of Obama s Divided America The LGBT community has been fighting a decades-long culture war to be included in
Domestic terrorists are ramping up the violence against innocent Americans and the Republican Presidential front-runner, and
WATCH: @realDonaldTrump exits his speech in California by climbing over a barricade to avoid protesters.WATCH: @realDona
Governor Mike Pence just endorsed Ted Cruz but it was at best a lackluster endorsement that smells of back room deals in the
Did Target really believe that 99.8% of Americans were going to be silent in the face of a decision that puts the safety of our w
A California Donald Trump Rally turned into a violent riot by mostly young Latinos. This is the result of open borders lawlessne
And the winner is the Anti-Billionaire or the guy who detests rich people or how about the guy who made a LOT of people rich
The left keeps talking about how hateful the Trump supporters are but all the vitriol is coming from the commies who keep pe
One millennial is 100% FED Up! with her generation. It all started when millennial Alexis Bloomer watched an elderly man limp
What s next Making a comedy at the Humane Society about euthanizing pets? Patti Davis, daughter of late President Ronald R
America is experiencing an overwhelming climate of hostility and bullying by the Left (think Alinsky), as a means to shove their
As millions of dollars of union dues flow into the Democrat coffers, it could be all for naught, as union members plan to cast th
There s nothing like a Brit telling Americans who we should support for President, or a foreigner suggesting we should open ou
A World War II veteran attended the Trump rally today at the Hilbert Circle Theater in Indianapolis. The veteran asked Donald
It sure would be nice to have a President and Congress who took this whole illegal alien thing seriously IRS Commissioner John
Even the most hardened Cruz supporters will be switching their votes when they hear about all of the sick liberals who are wil
This is what it looks like when the tolerant Left uses violence to promote their phony tolerance for others .A loser in the Sea
When you hear the left screaming about hateful rhetoric coming from the right, just play this video for them:
This news should be enough to end Hillary s obsession with becoming our next President. The Democrats may be willing to ign
Because 6 year old girls are consumed with their sexual identities right? The parents should be getting regular visits by social s
This woman is an icon in the conservative movement. She spoke out on behalf of conservatives when it was unheard of for wo
Establishment Republican and Never-Trumper Stephen Hayes from the Weekly Standard was having a difficult time Tuesday a
If ignorance is bliss the happiest people on earth can be found outside a Trump rally holding an anti-Trump sign Enjoy:
After much back and forth between the white dude wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt and the black man who appears to be
This video of conservative comedian Steven Crowder should be an example for every conservative in America on how to hand
SHARE this everywhere REMEMBER WHEN THE MEDIA Breathlessly Chased Hillary s Scooby Van In Iowa?Unfortunately for H
Remember when colleges and university were one of the best places in America to have discussions about politics? To be clea
Donald Trump was in Rhode Island yesterday for a rally and his arrival sent grown men and women into a frenzy. The supporte
It s easier to hate Trump and spew venom at him and his supporters than to use logic and reason Donald Trump has already fo
Unfortunately, relations between Cruz and Trump supporters won t be going get any better anytime soon Perhaps voters shou
Don t let Hillary s cheerleaders in the mainstream media convince you that she can beat Trump. Trump has proven himself to
It s good to be worth tens of millions of dollars when you discover you need more than a vagina to win the Democrat nominati
Yep the guys who is caught on tape openly advocated for killing cops is the same guy MSNBC hired to host his own show. It s t
You gotta love the socialist duck analogy
As the GOP paves the way for Hillary The campaigns of Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz have announced they a
Hillary has been pandering like crazy during this election season. She pulled out a southern accent in South Carolina and then
It s amazing that Hillary will likely never be held accountable for the deaths of four brave Americans in Benghazi. So many fam
Most of the world will be obsessed with Beyonce s new release, Lemonade because of her unexpected confession that she is m
Our racist First lady made an impact on the graduates of Jackson State by turning her commencement speech into a political r
Joining a gang is like having a family it s feeling like you re part of something bigger than yourself we re going to have positive
Hey Barry you forgot to mention that time you parted the seas oh wait, that wasn t you. Why not tell Britain the truth? Tell the
So in other words, parents better allow men to use the same bathrooms and locker rooms as your little girls or the NBA is gath
Is this common sense law even practical given how many Muslims migrants with ties to terrorism have already embedded the
The good news for Hillary is that she should be able to connect with these hardened criminals on a personal level. The only thi
Donald Trump was in Waterbury, Connecticut speaking to a huge group of supporters when a disgusting thug interrupted his s
A new report tells us what we already knew about Hillary s speeches government contractors paid Clinton big bucks for speec
Jodie Foster gives a dose of common sense to set the record straight on the phony war on women being pushed by the left: I
Imagine what it must be like to be one of the only people in America who doesn t have to abide by any of our laws. Apparently
Felons get to vote all of a sudden in Virginia because the governor is a buddy of the Clinton s .dirty politics seems to follow the
Global Climate cooling warming change frauds around the world are celebrating Earth Day today. If they were just celebrating
This is a powerful story of a courageous young woman who is fighting for the rights of women and children everywhere in Am
The entitled generation .Wearing a cardboard sign upon which $226K is written in green characters, a supporter of Senator B
Leftist Disney owned ESPN has a strange way of determining who is and isn t the type of host they want to be the face of their
Hillary s over-the-top plan to tax the consumer for sugary drinks and soda makes former Mayor Michael Bloomberg look like a
The Republican party has failed in its effort to steer the American people in their direction which is one of establishment politi
Obama has filled his cabinet with radical yes men and women who hold similar anti-American, leftist views. His radical Treasu
Leave it to Obama to politicize our money some think the past presidents should be on the money but now Obama s made ou
Too bad for the gay pastor that Whole Foods had him dead center on their surveillance cameras. Is it just my imagination or d
If you ve donated to the Republican party, this is where your money s going. This is why so many people donate directly to the
Wow! Did Hannity go too far with Cruz or did he not go far enough?GOP presidential candidate Texas Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R
The irony in Obama s radical Treasury Secretary s decision to remove racist Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill, lies in the fact
Mexico has been the beneficiary of our open borders for decades. It s really quite amazing how loudly they cry foul when we fi
If anyone wonders how the Reverend Al Sharpton got started in the shake down business look no further than this loud mou
This is big! In the name of security and state sovereignty, the Tennessee General Assembly will sue the feds on Tenth Amendm
Is a third place finish for Cruz a game changer?If #Cruz comes in a distant 3rd in #NYPrimary, tonight could be a very big game
Anyone who would look at these charts and still vote for Hillary or Bernie is basically saying, I really don t care about my futur
Father Robert A. Sirico, President and Co-Founder of the Acton Institute, and philosopher and author of A Moral Case for Foss
Obama s goal of making gun control a reality in the United States of America is one step closer, thanks to this radical judge A C
America has proven time and time again that liberals in Hollywood can say just about anything. The vile comments actress Me
Bernie Sanders supporters radicals are asked how they feel about Hillary. Their answers are very telling. How many of these B
Colonel Ralph Peters comments on what he thinks Congress will do regarding releasing the 9/11 Report. Unfortunately, he s co
The Breakfast Club interview started out when one of the hosts, Charlemagne Tha god told his audience, Let the record show
Leave it to Judge Jeanine to get to the heart of the matter!

So true! The freebies promised to Americans on the backs of tax paying Americans need to stop! The truth is the government
We told you about the fancy affair Obama was planning to host at the White House for black rappers last week. The latest dev
NAACP President becomes victim in 5 4 3 2 1 North Carolina NAACP President William Barber was removed from a flight in Wa
Obama has filled his cabinet with radical yes men and women who hold similar anti-American, leftist views. His radical Treasu
Boom!Dear Abby,My husband is a liar and a cheat. He has cheated on me from the beginning, and, when I confront him, he de
OUR GOVERNMENT IS GIVING OUT GREEN CARDS LIKE CANDY at double the rate to Muslims over everyone else. A green card
The most ominous sign is that Hillary s losing to a 74 year old Socialist! These Bernie beatings are taking a toll!
Is anyone else getting sick and tired of hearing all of the baseless lies being told about Trump? There is zero evidence that Trum
For anyone who s sick to death of all the pc (politically correct) talk about who should be allowed in the bathroom, this one s f
What do you think about Hillary s new nickname? Did Trump go too far or should he have gone even further?We all know that
I don t really know about that Nice try Hillary!
SATURDAY NGHT LIVE S COLD OPEN last night brought back Larry David as Bernie Sanders in a great skit about the Brooklyn de
Portland State University held its second Students for Trump Rally and once again the radical commies and racists were there
The victim of the angry Bernie Sanders supporter has an amazing attitude. It s the civility many of us have come to expect from
***WARNING***This video will make your blood boil. Do NOT watch it if you have high blood pressure. There is also some ho
American citizens are eligible to apply for small business LOANS, but they are also responsible for paying them back with inter
The average American makes $52,250* per year. The extra $25K Obama stole from working Americans didn t include free coll
Share this with everyone! There s a good reason (with the exception of the Obama years) the United States of America has rem
As a Catholic I m offended by this Pope s political meddling in our Presidential election beyond words Pope Francis met U.S. pr
Is there any question what Obama s priorities are in his final 8 1/2 months in office? His legacy will most certainly be that of th
What a great fit! Tim Tebow is such a good man and a newbie to politics which is a plus these days. With the announcement o
I was in Nordstrom yesterday when our salesperson asked my teenage daughter and I if we had seen the new Ivy Park collecti
Remember when college campuses were considered a safe space for political and social debate?DePaul University will no lon
You think those people are anti-love Bahahaha! The left can t handle the truth! This is epic!
There are people out there who are giving their lives trying to make our elections secure and they re being called conspiracy t
It s a pity the millennials who support Bernie Sanders have never had to stand in a bread line. They ve never had to watch eve
Trayvon s dad sounds more logical and Presidential than Obama when it comes to discussing the truth about black on black c
Pro-Bernie Sanders Commie clashes with Neil Cavuto
Trigger warning If liberal schools and badass campus cops offend you, this video may cause a spike in your blood pressure Two
NYPD assaulting protestors, violent arrests happening on 50th st approachin 9th ave #NYPDKKK M
This video will make your day and give you hope for Conservatism. No matter what candidate you re for, this effort by college
Of course, putting America first is a totally foreign concept to the man who occupies the highest office in the nation. Obama ap
Many Americans believe it s racist to keep minorities trapped in a system that forces them to rely on Bernie and Hillary s prom
You can thank the racist Black Lives Matter PAID PROTESTERS for this mayhem. They re trying to make it appear as though the
This letter was sent to 100% FED Up! by an anonymous author:It doesn t matter who you support for President in 2016. This le
The social justice warriors are being terrorized by the chalk bandit Bahahaha!
The majority of Americans would likely find the choice of Obama toilet paper to be humorous. The American flag floor mats ho
With only 357 delegates to go for Trump to cinch the nomination, does this news present a public relations nightmare for the
The massive shroud of secrecy in Muslim communities around the world is what causes people to question the motives of eve
Liberal lunacy has taken over America! We have people fighting for a bike path yet our infrastructure is crumbling. Priorities on
You can blame Obama for the hatred and division you see in this video. After 7-plus years of constant race baiting and pot stir
Was O Reilly out-of-bounds? Most Americans would likely agree that we need to address the viability of employment opportu
Watch this video and you ll see why this man is being called The Most Selfish Man In Politics King KasichThe Most Selfish Man
Has their ever been a more vengeful and hateful First Lady?They are the elite group of women who occupy the East Wing of th
I m pretty sure Trump will win with a YUGE majority in New York without his kids votes. Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump won t be
I ve been a lifelong Republican all of my life. I m ashamed to call myself a Republican.
THE BOSTON GLOBE ran a Sunday edition with a fake cover slamming Donald Trump for his desire to secure our border with M
The big wigs of business are all in on the resettlement of Muslim refugees all over America. There are 20 cities that have been
What could Hillary be saying that s so top secret she doesn t want us to hear. The people at the fundraiser had to pay a whopp
Yep, she s just like you and me!
Close your eyes and imagine a white professor telling his students there will be no peace as long as blackness exists. Now pic
The breaking point is fast approaching in a divided America Obama couldn t have hoped for a better outcome in the final year
So you have to listen to this little speech by Michelle Obama and understand that she s totally lying when she speaks about di
When a state has legislated themselves into an unrecoverable financial crisis, and they re offering health care to 170,000 illega
Donald Trump has announced he would force Mexico to pay for a wall at the border by threatening to cut off billions of dolla
This is a MUST WATCH!According to American News, Raso began by calling Clinton out for a lie she told an audience in order
This is great! Protesters let it rip on Hillary!
It may be legal to lobby delegates, but will Donald Trump use his luxurious properties to woo delegates leading up to the Repu
Here s a first-hand look at the crazy state of affairs in Venezuela!
Funny I seem to remember being taught as a young Catholic girl that charity begins at home .Pope Francis invited Democratic
This is hysterical!Here s the entire interview:
Where s The Muppet Dressed As A Nun?Oh wait that would probably be offensive to non-Christians Sesame Street unveiled a
On March 20, 2016 Barkley had this to say about Obama: Listen, you people in America who are upset that President Obama
This is just one more fine example of why we can t allow a radical like Hillary or Bernie to choose our next Supreme Court Justi
No matter which candidate you support, you have to admit that once again Trump has brought up a topic that needs to be dis
Unlike when I was president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now. Bill ClintonIt seems like the chummy fe
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) thinks he s the boss of you! He banned all non-essential travel to Mississippi after the state passed
Bill Clinton was in Philly today and got swamped by protesters holding signs about Black Lives Matter or Benghazi. It was ugly b
A Princeton professor gives viewers of FOX News a shocking demonstration that proves how easily voter fraud is committed w
Whenever Hillary cackles, you can be pretty sure she s either hiding something or she s deflecting from a topic she refuses to a
The Obama s have not yet revealed if they ll be invited to celebrate Death To America Day in Iran Once again, the Obama Wh
Priorities priorities Arizona Sen. John McCain wants a subpoena issued immediately for the head of the Environmental Protecti
Hillary may find out she needs more than black women drag her lying criminal ass over the finish line Actress and Bernie Sande
Trump and Palin etc, represent the contempt that whitey shares for this intangible, uncontrollable new black mind that s bee
Apparently Hillary s secret emails may contain information about a special relationship between Huma and Hillary. Clinton ins
The number of law enforcement officials killed by gunfire is up 150% this year. In an effort to pander for the black vote, Hillary
This social media campaign against the GAP is a great example of how the Black Lives agitators are using resources like Twitter
Make no mistake about it, we are seeing tactics used by communist countries to shut down views that are contrary to those in
The big question is whether or not Cruz can get the necessary 1,237 delegates?Senator Ted Cruz soundly defeated Donald J. T
Did Donald Trump convince Megyn Kelly s loyal fan base that she really isn t so fair and balanced after all, or is she just gettin
Please share this everywhere! Especially to anyone considering voting for this nut job!
The new Democrat party Godless Socialists, racists, illegal aliens and anti-Americans. Is it any wonder they re flocking to Bernie
Ginni Thomas is one of the most hard-working and patriotic women in America. As a contributor to the Daily Caller she has int
I m so proud of him. Isn t that a great story? And to think it shows the impact that you can have on people s lives. So, Jim, w
Dinesh D Sousa warned us about Obama s reduction of our nation s nuclear stockpile in his movie, 2016, Obama s America. S
Boom! Share this everywhere, as Hillary aligns herself with her with the successes of her philandering, lying husband
If someone would have told me in 2008 that we would be releasing Muslim explosive experts from GITMO to a country where
President Barack Obama danced the night away in Buenos Aires at a glitzy state dinner alongside Argentine President Mauric
Could the people behind this delusional candidate just give him the low down that he s got NO chance at the Republican nomi
PIGFORD has to be the biggest scam and fraud EVER but I ll bet most Americans haven t even heard about it. IT S ALL ABOUT F
The unborn person is how Clinton describes the baby in the womb. So if the unborn is a person then wouldn t it have rights?
New Black Panther Entertainer of The Year, Beyonce showed up at the White House dressed like a two-bit hooker for the annu
So now it s funny that Bill Clinton had oral sex with an intern in the Oval Office while Hillary was First Lady?Sandra Bland s mot
AUDIO OF KARL ROVE ON HUGH HEWITT Picking Fresh Face at Convention Could End Up Really Helping the GOP
Thank goodness for Judicial Watch! Over and over they have filed Freedom of Information requests on Obama and his minion
What a great example of how you should react to free speech respond back in kind. College students go off to learn and exper
Why is there so much secrecy when it comes to the mainstream media and the alleged lesbian relationship between Hillary an
Hillary Clinton shows her true colors here with a finger wagging moment on the campaign trail:
Trump s girls, Diamond and Silk want former Breitbart reporter, Michelle Fields to know there s a big difference between bein
Hillary Clinton told us she was dead broke but it seems those $250 thousand dollar speeches add up to big bucks. The Clinton
Another case of the White man and an oppressive America holding down a black man with so much potential and promise An
Was the GM bailout REALLY about American jobs? The taxpayers were sold a bill of goods on the GM bailout and still haven t s
When did Americans decide they were okay with Democrats exempting themselves from the same laws everyone else is requi
The party s over or is it? Hillary Clinton and her aides will need to decide whether to lie or tell the truth to the FBI about her e-
Our most pressing issue is border control and terrorism. If you ve been paying attention to the border issues, you know we ha
Perhaps the pundits should start changing course and measuring Trump s chances of defeating Bernie Sanders in the general T
U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Dallas) argued the beheading of two American journalists by ISIS does not justify U.S. airstr
Americans had to know it would come to this. The anarchists, the whiny, petulant college students with nothing better to do a
Karl Rove gets called out by Eric Bolling in a tense exchange where Rove calls Bolling paranoid . This interview tells you no ma
Perhaps the focus should be on the EPA and other government agencies who create an extremely hostile environment for ma
Dr. Ben Carson is so full of great common sense and wisdom!
B..b b but what about the wave the baseball game, the posing in front of Che Guevara artwork? We were under the impressio
Obama s cowardly backdoor gun confiscation starts with those who ve risked their lives defending our rights.In what amounts
Well that didn t take long In the trains between Leipzig and Chemnitz the MRB is setting up some compartments for women tr
Suggesting a person should be killed because the Left disagrees with his desire to make America great again is beyond the pale
This is great! More citizens need to take it to the establishment politicians who promise one thing to get elected and then do s
Wow! Aren t FOIA requests great? You get to read about what really happened or what these politicians are REALLY like. In th
John Kasich is delusional! He s also full of himself! It s unbelievable that he came in fourth in a three man race but still insists o
The optics are horrible when there s a terror attack and Obama pretty much parties through it all
Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton came out in agreement with Donald Trump last week on our role in NATO. They disagree on a so
Unfortunately, in this day and age, it doesn t really matter if the story is true or not. The propaganda driven media, and Ameri
Riiiight just choose from what works
Jeh Johnson is supposed to enforce border security but hasn t done so for a looong time. We have waaay more than 11 million
Oh the irony, of our Nobel-Peace-Prize-Recipient-In-Chief standing in front of a building representing some of the worst oppre
Obviously not the smartest cowards in the desert Weasel Zippers
Hell begins freeze over Did We Ever Think That Donald Trump Would Be The Voice Of Reason? So which candidate makes you
After watching this telling video, you ll wonder if instead of working so hard to get back into the White House, Hillary s time w
Ahhh Mooch The perpetual victim. Never mind that 319 million Americans have been victims of her husband s radical, self-ser
Is it any wonder Latino Americans are throwing their support behind Donald Trump?Concerned about strange people running
Terrorism has gripped Europe, America has two Socialist candidates running for President, people who want to kill us are freel
Yes, it s really hard to be a dictator in America Obama obviously doesn t like power to be given to anyone but him.
This is awesome! No words just enjoy!
January 2017 can t come fast enough for America, and for the rest of the world who is 100% FED UP with this freeloading, fasc
Craig s list ads offering to pay protesters $16 to stir up violence at Trump events makes us want to puke! What in the world ha
After the community found out about the threats she was receiving, they came together in a YUGE way to support her. The La
These are statistics are shocking and very telling. Please be sure to share this piece with Hillary voters who support a candidat
Outspoken British actress and columnist asks brilliant question: Any mosques lit up in the colors of the Belgian flag? She is de
Every parent in the United States of America should be alarmed by this covert attempt by Board of Education members to ess
Hey Barry, could you at least have enough respect for the terror victims in Brussels to remove your shades for the interview? P
This video was published on March 11, 2016, exactly 11 days before the terror attack took place in Brussels. Micha l Modrikam
FBI insiders are spreading the word, Hillary Clinton deliberately broke the law and charges are warranted. However, there is litt
Freedom is under attack across the globe. Radical Muslims are committing horrendous acts of violence against innocent peopl
Obama s trip to Cuba is despicable, embarrassing and heart-breaking for so many survivors and relatives of survivors who are
It was more important for Obama to keep a pledge to his leftist donors, than to secure the nation of Iraq before pulling out ou
It s hard to imagine a President who could be more anti-American and more pro-terror than Barack Hussein Obama. And then
Now for the big question, Will the people going crazy in the audience for Trump be able to force their hand over into the R c
He skips Nancy Reagan and Antonin Scalia s funerals. He pretends not to notice that police officers are being randomly killed a
No matter which candidate you support, this moment on the campaign trail is pretty awesome. Trump has said he wants to su
Former President Bill Clinton made a campaign appearance with former Congresswoman Gabbie Giffords and her astronaut hu
Wow! We REALLY do have a serious problem with this anti-American jackhole of a president!
Americans better start fighting back against these people who are shutting down our public roads by hitting these thugs where
This is a pretty ironic statement for someone who s in big trouble with the FBI! In fact, it s been reported today that the FBI is
This police officer is a class act. He went to the Trump rally just to check it out and see what he had to say. He was expecting T
Obama and family arrived in Cuba today but little did we know that 40 MOOCHERS were joining the First Family. The usual mo
Add one more name to the growing list of celebrities who are brave enough to speak out and risk their careers for the sake the
George Soros seems to be sticking his nose into everything to do with the 2016 election. Now we have the chairman of the firm
George Soros seems to be sticking his nose into everything to do with the 2016 election. Now we have the chairman of the firm
Is there a greater crime that we, as a nation can commit than to not take care of those who sacrificed so much for our freedom
How ridiculous is this woman? She slaps a horse and screams in its face. These protesters are simply unhinged! Yesterday, the
Here you have it! Jeff Sessions has been a hero in his continued effort to expose the cost to Americans when cheap foreign lab
Judge Jeanine rips into the Republican Establishment! Yes!
Just what America needs another President who makes up laws to fit his radical agenda, with no regard for the actual laws the
These protesters are only helping to catapult Donald Trump to the Oval Office. The more America gets to see who is against D
It s absolutely heartbreaking that a disabled veteran walking with a cane, after being shot serving our country is FORCED to wa
There are numerous crimes we report on every day that do not tell if the criminal is in America legally. When we find a news s
The tax-exempt Muslim group CAIR has ties to terrorism, and spends an enormous amount of energy lobbying to prevent stat
SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE hammered home the truth on who the protesters are at the Trump rallies:
This cartoon is one of our all-time favorites. You ve gotta love the note from Bill on the pillow, and the Bernie Sanders voodoo
This Utah protest was planned and organized by the far left. The effort to bring chaos and division is in hyper speed now but h
Shades of Baltimore? How can citizens or visitors in Chicago ever feel safe knowing the Chief Of Police would tell his officers to
What a grouch! Bernie Sanders must have had a bad day! Maybe he realized he s in Sheriff Joe s territory now.
No ,it s not a reality show but Obama s made it like a circus! This super cuts video is awesome!
This video should be viewed by every middle school, high school and college student. Every adult American who truly understa
There are two paths one is America and the other one is Occupy (Black Lives Matter). Black, White, gay and straight anyone t
America s gotta keep 5-Star Mooch, her lovely daughters and of course, her tax-payer funded mommy in the lifestyle they ve b
A young patriot made this video to show the hypocrisy of Obama and the media who protects him. He correctly points out th
Hillary is failing miserably with the young voters. In her wildest dreams, she couldn t have imagined running neck-and-neck wi
THIS IS SHOCKING! Two reporters from Rebel Pundit infiltrate a Donald Trump protest only to find it has NOTHING to do with
President Obama, who as a candidate once urged supporters to bring a gun to the knife fight of his campaign, on Tuesday de
Wow! Just wow!
When far left publications like Democracy Now and Global Research start questioning Hillary s involvement in the murder of H
This so-called movement is out of control and it s not even clear what the end game is here. This teacher should be fired for e
The one-state wonder sides with the Left on a number of issues from his views on gay marriage, his flip-flopping on gun contro
This veteran exposes Trump hating protester in Kansas City when he asks her to explain why Trump is a racist, and why defen
The Obama s just added millions onto the taxpayer s tab for the trip to Cuba that Barack was going on until they just announce
Come hell or high water, the Occupy movement is going to have their voices heard while our Community Organizer in Chief oc
Everything you ever wanted to know about Hillary and Bill and their criminal past is in this video. How did they get away with s
If Rubio would have dropped out a month ago, we might have a very different outcome today Marco Rubio s loss is Ted Cruz s
The reason I m sitting here in this chair tonight and not on the stage, is because, like everyone else, I underestimated Donald
Is there a worse crime than being a white male in America? Unless you re a gay male, you have no victim protection. So techn
A little over one year ago, radical activist, and rapper, Tef Poe was sitting in our White House discussing strategy with our Com
Just wait until Trump starts getting serious about taking Hillary down. You haven t see anything yet This is just a warm-up folks
The Senate had better stick to their guns on this! They say they will not bring up Merrick Garland for a vote as a Supreme Cour
The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That s the conflict here, Curly Haugland, an un

Here s the REAL reason Mitt Romney came out against Trump. If you can t beat a candidate ON THE SAME TEAM fair and squa
The attitudes of the family members defending this thug who violated an innocent woman when he broke into her home is as
Obama decides to nominate Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court even though the Senate announced they would wait unti
Harvard is agreeing to erase the history of their Law School founder to satisfy individuals or groups who don t agree with him.
How dare Obama the worst president and most divisive ever says the supporters of Trump are using violent campaign rhetori
While Bernie Sanders has pitched himself as the presidential candidate for the little guy tapping into the wallets of voters ang

The families of the four dead Americans you left behind beg to differ. Not that you care, but Benghazi was kind of a big story fo
Here s proof that the violence we saw taking place in Chicago was well organized:@realDonaldTrumpPre Planed Chicago Left W
Oh never mind, the snafu has been explained It s simply because voters didn t get the correct one. Problem solved Leading R
The leftist media was quick to blame Donald Trump for the organized chaos and riots that were fueled by paid protesters who
Jesse Watters is pretty awesome! He s great at making people think but being funny at the same time. Pretty awesome!
The many, many murders and rapes of American citizens at the hands of people who re here illegally is sickening. Illegal alien c
Wow! Bernie and Hillary have been making hay over the Flint water crisis for months now, using the crisis to secure votes from
There hasn t been a time in decades when the Left has been so concerned about a presidential election. Sure, there have been
So is anyone else wondering why the cop-hating, racist, Bernie Sanders supporter Tommy DiMassimo wasn t arrested and cha
Soros is a Hungarian immigrant who s doing his best to turn America into a weak third world failed country. He s behind Obam
Hillary and Bernie are pandering to the Hispanic population and other Americans who are just fine with accepting illegal aliens
What do you think about the school s response to this police officer s request?The painting Officer Dave Hamblin found offens
Sarah Palin canceled a campaign stop for Donald Trump in Florida on Monday after her husband Todd was injured in a snowm
Black Lives Matter is our campaign :
100% FED Up! was able to easily find evidence about the anti-American, cop-hating, racist who attacked Trump during a rally o
Our country is spinning out of control. Obama s orchestrated efforts with race baiters like Al Sharpton and leaders of Black Liv
This story is a perfect example of how Muslim migrants do NOT assimilate in their host countries. Instead of assimilating, they
Only God could take a black guy from the inner city streets of Cleveland and connect him with a white billionaire from upstate
It appears that Obama ally, Angela Merkel is more popular with Muslim migrant males than the citizens of Germany .German
While speaking about illegal immigration at a campaign rally in Bloomington, IL, today, Trump noticed a man wearing what ap
Trump spoke to his supporters at a rally in Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday. As one would expect from Trump, he s not about to s
Tow the party line or pay a heavy price. There is no room for dissention in a party where thugs who cut backroom deals with c
We love Judge Jeanine s take on everything but this Opening Statement is epic! I think you can see steam coming out of her ea
New York City that great melting pot of diversity has an equally diverse set of opinions on Donald Trump, and as disco
We reported about a Trump protester who grabbed him during a rally today in Dayton. Click HERE for video.Trump congratula
Reagan explains why the protesters got out of hand to the reporters: All of it began the first time some of you who know bett
This man deserves a medal for his courage, his honesty and his ability to articulate how many black Americans really feel, but
A protester tried to attack Trump today at a rally in Dayton, OH but was subdued by the Secret Service. The crowd went nuts!
If you haven t already signed up to help protect the sanctity of our vote in some way do it TODAY! Leisa and I have worked in p
This is war and it s a fight for the SOVEREIGNTY of America Two things that Donald Trump said have been controversial and ta

At some point, most of us grow up and realize there s no such thing as free
Lefty losers
A huge rally of 10,000 Chicagoans didn t get to hear their candidate speak tonight because the left apparently thinks free spee
There are two different Donald Trump s Here s why the politically incorrect Dr. Ben Carson is throwing his support behind Don
The University Of Missouri students, and many on the faculty joined Obama s race war in November, 2015. Together, they beg
Apparently being the wife of a former Democrat President and serial pervert, and (more importantly) having a vagina, allows p
Ronna Romney McDaniel is the Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party. She s the daughter of Mitt Romney s older brothe
This is a state that hasn t always been reliably blue. If this important state ends up being one the GOP could win in November,
It s time for someone to tell Obama that Iran is not an ally The Justice Department is drawing up an indictment that lays blame
No matter which candidate you are supporting, this is awesome! CNN tried to get a gotcha moment with an interview betwee
The Cuban vote is a conservative vote so Hillary and Bernie might want to steer clear.Every election cycle, media outlets beg t
WATCH: Even her friends on the Left appear to be fed up with Hillary s lies. Is it possible the media has finally grown tired of co
Do you have a friend, a co-worker or (in my case) a relative who supports Bernie Sanders? Instead of trying to explain the dang
How many? I think we ve lost count!
A video from 1985 was shown last night during the Dem debate that has people bussing this morning. Yes we all know Sander
Next up is a law suit to make it legal for H-1B Visa holders, felons and illegal aliens to vote in every state. You didn t think the D
Does anyone believe for one second that Hillary or Bernie give a damn about the citizens of Flint, MI? This water issue is nothi
If you didn t see the interview between Megyn Kelly and the DNC Chair last night, trust me, it s a chance to watch Wasserman
Spread this EVERYWHERE!
According to insider, and author Edward Klein, Hillary took on Barack Obama over his involvement in exposing her email scand
Why is he so wildly popular across so many demographics in America? Watch here for a pretty good explanation and tell us if
There are no surprises with the results on the Republican side tonight. Michigan and Mississippi went for Trump.BUT the Dem
Thus the big win for Donald Trump in blue state of Michigan Michigan has one of the largest Muslim populations of any state,
The establishment isn t happy about a Donald Trump lead in the polls so they gathered at beautiful Sea Island to plan to dump
So Obama is skipping Nancy Reagan s funeral for the South by Southwest festival in Austin. It s a big event for the tech world b
The security of our nation has never been more threatened than it is today, under the incompetent leadership of Barack Husse
Here is a screen shot of the Facebook post by Warren, MI Mayor Jim Fouts where he explains what happened to him at the De
Here s a great way to explain socialism to the neighbors. Of course, we re not condoning doing anything that might be conside
He s been Europe s version of the outspoken Ted Cruz for some time now. Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party
Bernie Sanders is so focused on pandering to blacks, trashing whites and bashing police officers, he doesn t even notice when
You can t blame the guy who had the whole election wrapped up and then, embarrassingly gave it back to Barack for trying rig
It s a pretty safe bet that the press isn t able to reveal any bad blood between Donald and his second wife or we wouldn t even
This letter was originally attributed to well-known conservative commentator and radio talk show host, Bill Bennett. Bennett h
The greatest love affair in the history of the American Presidency. -Charlton HestonTo learn more about Young Americans Fo
Most sane Americans are gonna love it!h/t Weasel Zippers
This is a brilliantly written piece by Nick Short of Politically Short on the successful indoctrination our youth. He explains what
Hillary Clinton came to visit the citizens of Flint recently and then campaign commercials popped up claiming the Flint residen
This video needs to be shared over and over again, as America slips closer and closer to the edge with a potentially disasterou
No one exposes the truth about the corrupt and self-serving Democrat party better than Dinesh D Souza. For decades, the Dem
Once again, Judge Jeanine nails it! No matter which candidate you support, this is great!
Only Hillary would go to Flint, MI to use the water crisis in a city run by Democrats to prop up her campaign. Americans should
Bill and Hillary Clinton whored themselves out for over $25 million dollars from 2013 to 2015 the disturbing thing is that ther
Maybe its Trump s announcement that he s softening his stance on H1B visas. Maybe Trump supporters are concerned that he
FREE STUFF! Bernie Sanders is their guy ugh!
HYSTERICAL!A US Marine enters the Catholic Church confessional booth in Jacksonville, FL.He tells the priest, Bless me, Fathe
THIS MAN IS A GREAT PATRIOT! Retired General Ace Lyons rips into the Obama regime like no other and it s honestly pretty f
Because people who scale border walls and break the law to get into our country deserve the same taxpayer funded benefits
According to the mother of the 35 year old murdered woman, this maggot had tried to murder her before. But in Obama s eye
This is hysterical, but sadly it s not far-fetched at all!I took down my Rebel flag (which you can t buy on e-bay any more) and pe
Former Attorney General Michael McKasey lists 4 laws Hillary Clinton appears to have broken: There s one that says you can t
She s beautiful, classy, eloquent, and she s devoted to her husband and his quest to Make America Great Again. Melania Trum
Hysterical With all the evidence available to American voters about Hillary, do you ever find yourself wondering, Who in the w
A report just came out about the crazy huge numbers of illegals crossing our OPEN BORDER. Yes, Obama has basically opened
A recent poll showed that 40% of black voters support Donald Trump. The media is in full panic mode over the very real possib
This is Barack Obama s Justice Department and Loretta Lynch is just taking orders. This is a BIG development!The Justice Depa
Much has been made of the name change of the Trump family long ago. It s what many immigrant families did when they arri
Dr. Ben Carson is brilliant, good-hearted, a true American patriot, and one of the most honest candidates to ever run for Presi
This letter was sent to 100% FED Up! by an anonymous author:It doesn t matter who you support for President in 2016. This le
While our eyes are on the invasion of Europe, we re being quietly invaded by Muslim refugees who re really not refugees at a
Stop counting the votes! Your candidates nomination based strictly on the number of delegates they are able to obtain from e
HAPPY SUPER TUESDAY! Here are the results so far, courtesy of Weasel Zippers. The win for Donald Trump may not be as YUG
FOX News has seen their ratings take a nose-dive, after Megyn Kelly s not so thinly veiled attempt at taking down Donald Trum
Do you think it s a good idea for Hillary to bring in Bill and Barack to help with the campaign? This could backfire on her. You v
Yeah about that whole Trump not matching up to Hillary in the general election thing If there is a mass exodus from the Demo
Eureka! We figured out why Hillary won t let the press see her off: The campaign of Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillar
Thank God she has a vagina, otherwise her blatant hypocrisy might be an issue with voters Hillary Clinton is facing more questi
Barack Hussein Obama has been laser focused on making the promotion of Islam in America a priority since his first day in offi
I m David Duke and this is a quick unscripted response to the CNN interview today with Donald Trump. The inaccurate reporti
Is Barack Obama planning to use taxpayer money to travel around the world campaigning for UN Secretary General?The Jerus
The astounding hypocrisy of the leftist media has been left unchecked for decades. All of that is about to change. And no matt
Here s the projection from Real Clear Politics for tomorrow s Super Tuesday:
If we didn t know better, we d think the liberal press was actually stirring things up to make news at Trump rallies, since no on
Wake me when it s over! What the heck people! We have all out brawls at political rallies for Donald Trump where the leftists
This is a SHOCKING example of a government putting the rights of violent extreme Muslims before their own citizens:
In her victory speech in South Carolina, Hillary decides to take a swipe at Donald Trump but misses the mark!
How very Presidential She s cold calculating..deceitful but she has a vagina, so that s a good enough reason for women to vote
Gut-wrenching behavior from a party who hasn t been challenged for the betrayal of their party in decades. You don t even ha
Notorious radical Black Panther and NJ cop killer, Assata Shakur has been living under the protection of President Fidel Castro
What a horribly racist woman! She only sees color!
This is a blockbuster discovery that nails conservative media for being in cahoots with Rubio and other high level politicians in
Na, na, na, na na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey go-o-o-d bye!On April 25, 2015, Al Sharpton said Donald Trump would be his choice
How long will it take for Obama s Army to descend on Mississippi? Black Lives Matter is far from a spontaneous movement. Ob
Now that she s finally beaten the old cranky socialist in one state .Hillary s on fire! Hillary tells crowd, We don t need to make
Sounds about right. Thank goodness for the new hate crime rules. I wonder if the same rules apply to Christians and churche
Why would this actor go to a place where violence, crime and murders are a regular occurrence and believe they wouldn t jum
We are two moms who have put our lives on hold to do everything in our power to fight the progressives on the left from stea
Bill Clinton visited Bluffton, SC to rally people to vote for Hillary but he met up with a former Marine Drill Sgt. who spoke out a
Well, this is ironic Joe Biden is one of the worst when it comes to getting in your space if you happen to be female. Not sure he
How very progressive Not since the Civil Rights movement of the 60 s has America seen such a racial divide. Of course, we all k
Obama has shown favoritism towards the Muslim Brotherhood terror group almost since the first day of his presidency. Many
Hey Bernie The first step in fighting corruption by politicians might start with cleaning up the corruption in your own campaign
Free speech is under attack in America like never before. Any views that are in opposition to views on the left are considered o
Wow! She s really good at deflecting and lying must have learned from Slick Willy!
This is hysterical! I don t care who you support, this is NOT politics as usual!

European nations have naively opened their borders to millions of Muslim males who have no intention of assimilating. As the
During the Democrats first debate last month, Bernie Sanders said we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and
It s difficult to look at Romney coming out against Trump and not wonder if there are a few sour grapes? Romney s timing fo
The Democrat motto: Whatever it takes UPDATE: An eyewitness stated that one of the alleged Klansmen was Black.Lol I wond
The goal of socialism is communism. -Vladimir Lenin, CommunistFor Bernie Sanders, Socialism is just a good place to start
A Socialists dream! Now you can check your privilege at the door. With the Equipay app, you ll never have to walk away from
Senator Mike Lee gives it right back to FOX s Martha MacCallum when she grilled him on why the Senate won t accept a Supre
A Trump presidency won t only wipe out political correctness in America; it ll wipe it off the face of the earth. Political correct
Melania Trump has been taking a relatively low key position in her husband s bid to become our next President. She s more th
Are you ready for these pedophiles to move in to your communities? The UN is vetting the refugees who are coming to Amer
The Senate is doing the right thing by not holding hearings to replace Supreme Court Justice Scalia:
There never seems to be a shortage of smug, know-it-all, self-righteous effeminate men supporting Queen Hillary. Maybe that
This is YUGE for Trump and his supporters In a must-win state for any GOP candidate, this is the best news Trump could receiv
Will his comments about Barack Obama race help or hurt his campaign? Do you agree with Carson? Do you think Obama use
Loretta Lynch is much like Obama in that they both feel the ends justifies the means if it s for their political ideology. The etern
Stuart Varney hammers a cuckoo super delegate for Bernie Sanders after she spouts off about the freebies she ll get if Sanders
Well, we ve known this was coming even with opposition to close GITMO Obama has wanted to close GITMO since elected an
Is our government telling us certain hate groups are more acceptable than others?Does the Ku Klux Klan have a constitutional
Every time Trump makes lemons from lemonade, the crowd loves him even more. The Left needs to give it up. They re only sh
American Psycho author, Bret Easton Ellis let the cat out of the bag on Twitter. Even the Hollywood millennials were coming o
THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA CHOOSES to ignore the facts about many of the statements made by key Senators, Obama and Bid
In a city who has a record of electing corrupt Democrats, perhaps this news won t even register to many Chicago residents. Bu
Europe s new new take on our Statue of Liberty s poem: Give us your Sharia Law enforcers, your rapists and your trained ISIS j
Supporting Hillary is about as funny as an ebola outbreak in America Will Ferrell no longer feels the Bern. The 48-year-old acto
Doesn t America already have enough legal citizens who are experts at gaming our system to maximize their benefits? Do we r
This ad by the Republican Party nails Hillary on the lies:
Jeb Bush suspends his campaign doing the honorable thing. The pundits are calling his loss Bush fatigue by the voters.Jeb Bu
Pathetic little basement dweller and original Occupier, turned Democrat Party Presidential hopeful. Is it any wonder young ind
This is great! We love it when young women get it!
Barack and Michelle Obama had some unusual honored guests meet with them at the White House yesterday in honor of Bl
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a reception for Black History Month in the East Room of the W
Pandering is what Hillary does best. First it was the black vote with her meeting with Al Sharpton and now it s the Latino vote
As GOP candidate, Donald Trump walked through a packed group of supporters at a rally in SC, he was approached by a man w
Democrats are in panic mode since Hillary Clinton s been coughing, barking and screeching on the campaign trail. This video fr
We can t say for sure, but we re guessing the truth about the happiest place on earth is about to be exposed by the Donald I
Since this article was written in 2006, the illegal immigration crisis in America has exploded. Barack Obama, his fellow Democr
Pardoning the Black Panthers will just be the tip of the iceberg for this radical President. Look for prison doors to be flung open
Pure gold The ultimate Race-Baiter-In-Chief, just got called out for the phony that he is. While we re on the topic of Obama pr
If you look closely, you might find a few familiar hypocrites who were calling for the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justi
Pope Francis has joined Democrat legislators, along with a handful of RINO s and local mayors to work hand-in-hand with Oba
With a battle heating up between Republicans and Obama on a Supreme Court nomination, the president chooses to skip the
God forbid an athlete bases their opinions on the Bible You ll be hit with the full force of the leftist machine Nike announced it
On Jan. 26, 2016, Hillary was asked a very interesting question. After seven years with a President who has done everything in
It s hard to read stories like this without wondering how a Commander in Chief can so easily desert those who sacrifice all for
Wow! A Chinese artist decided it would be a great idea to exploit the refugees by having pillars decorated with the lifejackets
As an American of Polish descent, I am proud to see Poland taking a stand against an invasion of Muslims who seek to forever
We ve made it very easy for you to pick up the phone, or go to their Facebook pages to let these Senators hear your voice. Ob
Leave it to a Democrat to waste everyone s time and money by putting forth legislation she knows has no chance of passing, a
Donald Trump called two men up on stage after the men helped toss a protester out during a rally in Sout Carolina. The two m
The answer to this question should shock every American The government has admitted 605 Syrian refugees for resettlement
I feel like I ve been drugged by Obama s rhetoric Greg GutfeldYes, Obama held a rhetoric-filled press conference today and c
The drum beat keeps getting louder. More and more Americans are questioning why there was no official investigation into th
Bill Clinton has lost it! He goes after a Trump supporter who heckled him during a rally and ends up just sounding like crazy old
Only months ago, Obama s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch warned Americans the U.S.Department of Justice intends to crimin
The entitled refugee mentality is becoming the norm in bleeding heart nations around the world. We recently reported about
In nine months, Americans will choose between a leader who will turn back the clock, and work diligently to undo the enormo
Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was busy telling a story about how, in her view, Republicans don t tell the trut
It only seems fitting that an openly immoral group would attach their wagon to the wife of the most sexually deviant Presiden
Every American should know the corrupt UN has been, and will continue to be, the one organization who decides which Musli
Here s the brutal truth on the socialist who wanted to be your next president and take your hard earned money:Sanders spen
After watching this video, and seeing a side of Trump the media rarely shows us, it s easy to understand why all of Donald s kid
Does anyone in recent history remember the US Department of Education asking educators to place more emphasis on Christi
While the R(In Name Only)NC doesn t appear to consider Ben Carson a threat and have largely left him alone, there is no ques
Judge Sri Srinivasan is a possible pick for Obama to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court. We only know one particular c
There is no other President in the history of the United States who has mastered the art of going around Congress to achieve h
It was just announced that there will be no autopsy of Justice Scalia after he was found dead in his room of natural causes . D
If our next President is a Republican, and if he is allowed to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice, it will be very difficult to fi
Saturday Night Live s cold open last night was a combination of a lovefest for Bernie Sanders and an effort to make fun of Hilla
Pray for our nation FOX News reported this afternoon that Barack Obama can appoint a left-wing Supreme Court Justice after
The US Supreme Court is set to decide the first major abortion case in nearly 10 years as well as critical decisions on immigrati
This former Democrat is speaking out about the only man who cared enough to reach out to him after the random murder of
It s fascinating that even before any facts related to the Flint water crisis were available, the Hollywood liberal elite and Leftist
Nope, it s not Hillary Yes, Communist agitator Bernie Sanders is the pick for satanists. Bern Like Hell In a highly popular pro-San
Our next President is going to have to work with Congress to undo all of the excessive tax burdens, government regulations an
The war on women A woman goes in to give Huma Abedin a hug and it makes for a cold as ice awkward moment caught on vi
The Ted Cruz campaign has identified the enemy and they ve placed a target squarely on their backs. It s about time the GOP c
The apple doesn t fall far from the tree Chelsea Clinton is pregnant with her second child, so in typical progressive feminist fas
First time voters, Democrats, minorities, women, the elderly and the youth are all jumping aboard the Trump Train. With so m
Maybe it s time for Muslim citizens and immigrants to start assimilating. What a concept Texas has just made a move that is su
The rampant migrant rape and violence is shining a light on the progressive agenda and it s exposing an ugly, reckless ideology
First she won the coin toss in Iowa, and now Hillary walks away a WINNER even though she lost in a landslide to Marxist Verm
How is it that a major technical facility with over 20,000 employees had to rely on a valet parking attendant carrying a conceal
Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie dropped out of the campaign for the Republican nomination for president today. The prospect
Lying? If Bernie can successfully convince tens of thousands of college students to believe in unicorns, and pots of gold at the
Social media went crazy last night when a photo of a wrinkled and discarded American flag was posted with this caption: With
It s probably just a big misunderstanding. Bill likely misspoke kinda like, I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
Wow is right! Tomi Lahren gives the best ever response to Obama s pro-Muslim speech at a radical Mosque.
Trump is not your traditional Republican candidate. So anyone who expected him to appeal to only the traditional Republican
Will the Democrats ultimately choose a Marxist who s never accomplished a thing in his life or a serial criminal socialist? Choic
Trump wins big in New Hampshire in what is an anti-establishment revolt of epic measures America is 100% FED Up! with the
This is really epic and just hysterical! It s also the second time someone has trolled one of Hillary s town halls. Remember Stick
These grifters have no shame. How much more evidence do Americans need to see before they understand Hillary has no inte
Tell us again Barack, about the poor widows and orphans who are being strategically placed in our small towns and communi
Are the people who pay to see Beyonc perform and buy her music even smart enough to figure out she s waging war against
In an interview that is a tradition before the Super Bowl, the Obamas sat down with Oprah s BFF Gayle King to chitty chat abou
2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a chee
We reported about Beyonce s half-time Super Bowl appearance, where she ll be performing her anti-cop, anti-White song. For
So far, this video has over 530,000 views. Does that make the content legitimate? Certainly not. But the premise is certainly no
Enough is enough! German citizens are witnessing the fast-track decline of their nation. Does America need to look any furthe
How very progressive After all, what would Super Bowl Sunday be without a little cop and White-shaming (Obama-Sharpton s
Being sent to Russia for misbehavior may be just the incentive these lawless rapefugee need to begin assimilating with the Eu
Shaming people into voting for someone now that s what I call desperation. How about we let young women decide for thems
Wow! If you saw the Republican debate last night you might haven noticed a big brawl between Rubio and Christie. Here s jus
Maybe Hillary should be hiring someone to handle her social media. Hey maybe she could hire her top Aide, Huma Abedin s hu
Gloria Steinem does pretty much everything she can to prove she s a big hypocrite in this interview with Bill Mayer:
Before we get too far into this story, it needs to be pointed out that the 18 year old teen who was just sentenced by a judge fo
THIS IS A WARNING FROM REAGAN: Those Voices Don t Speak for the Rest of Us It rings truer than ever
GET OUT THE EYE BLEACH!Hillary Clinton and her Democrat friends got together for a rally today and here s the grand finale fo
Thank you Angela Merkel German security service BfV reportedly received more than 100 tip-offs that ISIS militants had infiltr
Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse gives a fantastic answer when asked if he can explain conservatism. He s a rising star in the Repub
The big question is who, in Congress has the will to stop him? Keep your notepads handy America, and start keeping track of w
During the Democrat s debate, Hillary Clinton said she d look at releasing the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street s Gold
Of course anyone on Obama s Team Fundamental Transformation of America is exempt from any of the consequences the r
Performances like the one in the video below by Trump in NH, are why people are lining up for hours to see him appear at his
UK MailOnline was given exclusive access into the lives of the vigilante group, Soldiers of Odin. The publication however seem
There was testimony today regarding illegal minors flooding our southern border. John Conyers said it s unAmerican to stop t
WOW! There aren t too many non-political people willing to stand up to the lies of Obama and his ties to radical Islam. Human
The Genie is out of the bottle. Europe will never be the same. It s rich history and the uniqueness of each country is gone.Even
Is Marco Rubio the Republican Obama, or has he been unfairly characterized by his opponents in the GOP? Wednesday s cove
The sad and almost pathetic end of the Bush dynasty Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush had to ask his audience to cla
It s been said that Hillary Clinton isn t likable well, here s exhibit A on why people aren t fans:
The idea that a tax-exempt radical organization in the United States of America with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a terror
This is the best explanation of why Obama and the Democrat party are fighting so hard to keep the US State Department s Ref
A woman was asked if she would vote for Hillary Clinton and the interview got an earful:
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky announced Wednesday he is suspending his presidential campaign. Although, today I will suspend
After the split vote in the Iowa caucus race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders there has been talk of voter fraud by th
You gotta hand it to her Whether you love or hate Trump Fox News Andrea Tantaros is right on the money with her assessme
Perhaps Merkel should have considered the serious consequences of Germany s compassionate open border policy that allow
LIBERAL COMPASSION: This story is a perfect example of how the Left is leaving citizens behind in favor of invaders from other
Hillary Clinton is a professional panderer. There is no vote she won t attempt to secure, no matter the cost. In reality, her desir
A man with stickers on his face must have been pretty hungry last night. He was the hit of the night with this Vine going viral:
Michael Moore seems to think that socialism is better than capitalism He Tweeted out last night that socialism is about fairne
Is this Ted Cruz win going to harm Trump s momentum? How meaningful is this win?GOP contender, Mike Huckabee has anno
MARK DICE goes out on the street in San Diego and asks people to sign a petition to help get Karl Marx on the ballot. Oh my go
The Democrats will stop at nothing to win this election. They didn t fight so hard to let millions of illegals cross our borders bec
Seven years ago, this story would ve seemed like something from The Onion (a satirical publication). Unfortunately where Ba
Roger Simon of PJ Media asks Bernie Sanders supporters at a recent rally why they re supporting him. They all seem to be in a
Ted Cruz is one of the few GOP candidates who in unafraid to speak out against government subsidies for energy. Unfortunate
Wow!Hillary s got the governor of Iowa shaking in his boots..Asked by Tucker Carlson if he s worried about a Clinton loss: She
Obama pulled troops out so this created a vacuum whereby the terror groups could come in and take over. Terrorists in Afgha
Ed Henry of FOX News tells us tonight that Hillary Clinton lied again! Just hours before the very important Iowa Caucus, Hillary
Trump is winning support from latinos and from Union Members two groups that typically vote Democrat. What is it about th
Has our lawless President finally conceded that even he can t save the head of the Clinton Crime Syndicate? Oh well, lucky for
Artful dodger Hillary Clinton dodges getting to the meat of the question regarding a non-disclosure agreement she signed whe
Our Imam In Chief told America he was a Christian when he wanted us to elect him in 2007. His Black Liberation Theology Past
Adding insult to injury is what Obama does best. here he goes again thumbing his nose at America. Not only is he visiting a mo
UPDATE:Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is defending a campaign mailer that Iowa s secretary of state says misrepresents election law.The
LOL! You ll want to share this with everyone Democrat Convention ScheduleMonday, 25 July 2016 11:30 AM Free lunch, medi
Obama decides to throw Hillary under the bus Is anyone surprised?The Obama administration leveled a devastating blow to H
One of my personal favorite conservative writers, Nick Short has done an amazing job in this piece, where he traces the roots
Steven Crowder exposes the lies Obama has been telling Americans every time he steps in front of a microphone to address g
I was just going to put up the video of this disgusting display of brattiness when I happened to read that Janet Napolitano is th
Hillary Clinton s campaign manager dropped a bombshell in his prediction for the winner of the 2016 elections and it s not Hill
We recently reported about the deadly Zika virus coming to America from Central America. Today, the WHO Organization is is
Ted Cruz provided a funny moment during the Republican debate last night:
This is such a sad, tragic and misunderstood story by so many. Was the now deceased father of 11, LaVoy Finicum simply defe
Islamic terrorism is the #1 issue with most Americans, so why would FOX News choose to make the debate about Muslims wh
Is this any way to run a campaign? Jeb Bush was living La Vida Loca with his soirees at the Four Seasons and jet set campaignin
The Muslims faith must be protected at all costs it s the Obama way During a news briefing delivered at the All Dulles Area Mu
Will history repeat itself, or is skipping the debate a bad idea? On Tuesday night Donald Trump and the Trump campaign anno
Is this a deal Trump should take? If he walks away, will he make voters wonder if he s afraid to debate Cruz?DES MOINES, Iow
It s always fun when Hollywood shows a conservative side. Rob Low does just that with his Twitter bashing of socialist whack j
What do you think of these comments made by Donald in December, 2011? Does it even matter to Trump followers when the
Here s another revelation with video from 2013 of a State Department employee speaking about Clinton s handling of classifie
Thanks for the intel Mooch. Outside of his ambition to fundamentally change America, we re pretty sure nothing has changed
For years now, Hillary has been able to avoid answering tough questions by simply cackling laughing. Ebony Magazine s editor
Julia Hahn is a young, brilliant reporter with Breitbart News. She already has a reputation for fearlessly exposing corruption on
Do you agree with Trump s decision? Will Trump s non-appearance at the upcoming debate hurt him in the polls?Republican p
Breaking and developing news on the occupation of the Oregon wildlife refuge: Ammon and Ryan Bundy, the brothers leading
How socialism and political correctness are destroying a nation We reported about the crime and chaos taking place in France
Don t worry, the US government will rely on the UN to ensure any Muslim migrants being shipped to America are carefully vett
Eric Trump gives a great interview on Fox and Friends this morning. Trump s kids always come across as very likable and respe
Thanks to Obama s open border policy and a recent agreement with Costa Rica (where these Cubans were waiting), we re brin
You can blame the escalating debt on Obamacare and taxes We can thank Obama for this The federal government will be flirti
You seriously can t make this up. This Democrat run city is officially out of control. We reported before that the EPA knew abo
One way or another, she s going to have to face these charges Former Republican Congressman Tom Delay Note that Tom D
Leave it to Obama to take to fear mongering to try and convince voters to vote for socialism What a putz!President Obama wo
In 2016, Ben & Jerry s co-founder, Ben Cohen s net worth was estimated to be $150 Million. In typical liberal fashion, Ben s fin
An Atlanta Democrat makes some very valid points on what America needs to become better. She believes that Trump is her c
The party of diversity waits for Hillary to be dragged out of the primary in handcuffs kicking and screaming Former GOP pres
Making a political endorsement by the NAACP completely irrelevant You d think in order to get an endorsement from the NAA
Here we go again NO CREDIT, NO PROBLEM Obama has a new program called HOME READY that focuses on getting immigran
He s a controversial, conservative artist and he s coming after the Left. He s an outspoken, brave, modern-day Patriot, and he
We hear so much talk from the Left about working to help foreigners assimilate. Yet here we have a prominent Imam calling f
Reconquista, English Reconquest, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territo
Assimilate or go hungry Human rights lawyers descend in 5 4 3 2 1 COPENHAGEN, Denmark A Danish city has ordered pork t
If I found out my college-age daughter was attending a Bernie Sanders rally, she would #FeelTheBern when her tuition paymen
Hey Bernie fans! You might want to take a look at, Medicare for All: Leaving No One Behind:How Muc
Wow! If you heard Glen Dogherty s sister tonight on Megyn Kelly, you had to think Kate Quigley is one incredible person. Wou
London is about to find out why putting political correctness before your country is a bad idea By BI: Sooner than you think if t
Morten Storm is a former CIA Double Agent who s shocked by the ineptness of our former Secretary of State in her lack of sec
What a great place to take the whole family!Welcome to the liberal utopia of Germany Things are so bad authorities are posti
Heavy security, but a small crowd for Hillary. She didn t say hello or visit with anyone while at the airport.
The Obama trifecta: A Muslim an Illegal Alien and a victim of the unfair laws of the United States that target minorities An illeg
Wouldn t it be great if the Obama administration came out with something regarding the terror risk revealed by the FBI?FBI offi
This is what happens when a nation puts liberalism before their own children.The 20 minute video, apparently created by the
Apparently it takes just one American student to destroy the unity in North Korea:North Korea has detained a U.S. university s
The children were nestled all snug in their beds when OOPS! an illegal alien pedophile slipped through their window. These wo
Legendary singer and great patriot Charlie Daniels has been an outspoken critic of the Obama administration in the past but T
If she doesn t wear a hijab, we hit her This is truly a shocking undercover film. It exposes the wide network of Muslim radicals
When asked by the other hosts on the show, Where would you go? Whoopie pauses, then realizes there really is no better co
Uh Oh! Billionaire Green Guru Tom Stayer says he d possibly back Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. His endorsement would
In case you don t live in the Midwest, you might not have noticed that the fight continues between the Democrat-lead powers
Stacey Dash is no stranger to controversy. She was recently suspended by FOX News when she said that [Barack] Obama does
Are the Palin s above the law in Alaska? Will there ever come a time when America is no longer obsessed by families who have
Where s the accountably? As our President ramps up his gun control rhetoric in the U.S., we continue to see the fallout from o
Nah nah nah nah hey hey hey good bye Support for Hillary Clinton among Democratic voters under 50 has tanked in the past m
You re gonna love this patriot! He speaks for each and every one of us who are 100% FED Up! with offended Americans! Enjo
She s the most dangerous, self-centered woman in America Hillary for Prison 2016. Hillary Clinton s emails on her unsecured,
Who kicks homeless people out onto the streets so they can host a rally? If Sanders really cared so much about the little guy,
This is a stake to the heart of Senator Ted Cruz! Sarah Palin is shocking everyone with a big endorsement today LIVE STREAMIN
This is an old video that exposes so much about the phony race issues that Obama and the Robinson s (Michelle s maiden nam
So far, the Supreme Court has not prevented one single unconstitutional act committed by Obama. Is there any reason to beli
It s good to know there are a few Hollywood celebrities who haven t bought into Obama s false messiah B.S During an appeara
This is a story you will never find in the mainstream media What seldom gets talked about and when it is, often with irreveren
This random cop killing trend is almost like punishing every black man in America for the crimes Obama has committed agains
This is pretty hysterical and is a reaction during the Democratic debate last night:Feel free to use this in your memes, kids #De
This is a mind-blowing interview that confirms much of what many of us suspected about the Clintons. For some, it may be ev
Europe is likely not going to be a top destination for families with young daughters, and they have no one to blame but thems
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!The United States sent Iran $400 million in debt plus $1.3 billion in interest, and the money was disbu
Hillary was too busy to be bothered with making Benghazi a safer place for Ambassador Stevens, so it should really come as no
This is a story is for anyone who thinks these Muslim migrants are going to change their stone-age tactics because they are livi
What a nice role model for young Americans who hope to someday grow up to be a Saul Alinsky radical just like Barack Hussei
1.5 TRILLION Net Wealth Lost In 15 Days!It s never about America, when it comes to this fraud. It s not about telling the truth
Is the Republican establishment is in panic mode over Trump s staying power in nationwide GOP polls? Instead of sitting aroun
The lyrics seem to have been inspired by Donald s Trumpisms. These are not your typical little beauty pageant girls. These gir
So basically the Obama administration is making it easier for Central American illegals to come to America without just sneakin
This story is for anyone who believes the government is capable of basic addition. Even though this news is out there for every
Is the European gravy train finally coming to an end?The Danish parliament is considering a bill to seize migrants valuables to
Ten more hard core prisoners from GITMO have been released only to go to Oman where they ll probably continue their terro
This is a very big development. We all knew the GOP establishment has been pandering to pro-amnesty corporations and the
Are you tired of supporting companies who are couldn t care less about the future of this nation? Are you tired of giving jobs t
As Obama begins his campaign for UN General Secretary on the US taxpayer s dime, keep a close eye on the many responsibili
And what about the female sailor in the headscarf? What was that all about? Do all the female hostages of Iranian Revolution
I saw this live on Cavuto and it s just so great! Ted Turner jr. is stumping for Ben Carson. You ll love this!
Don t underestimate the value of securing the Christian vote in this election. The Robertson family endorsement goes a long w
The world is stunned by the number of women and children who are being raped by Muslim refugees in Europe. Obama just
Thanks to the funding our GOP majority Congress approved at the end of the year, Obama plans to actually increase the numb
Of course, our Secretary of State has everything under control. It is being reported, that John Kerry has already apologized to I
This is out of control! Is there anything more un-American than telling high school students they aren t allowed to cheer U.S.A
Obama promised to keep his SOTU speech short but he couldn t even keep that promise. For anyone who watched it, it went
(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s);
If Rubio isn t smart enough to see that Trump s catapult to the top of the GOP contenders happened the moment he took a st
It s hard not to notice the liberal media gushing all over Hillary Clinton. CNN defends her every move while hammering Trump
// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElem
So in an effort to reach out to Muslims living in America, we need to invite groups that are tied to terrorists? Why stop at grou
This is possibly the most disturbing video we have ever posted on our website. This is an example of the rape game called Ta
It turns out we re not as divided as people make us out to be Really?
Tavis Smiley was on Megyn Kelly and was asked if the black community is better off after 7 years of Obama:
Something about this decision really stinks of favoritism and cronyism. We d love to know who made the decision to punish th
Hey, everything is fair game in this war to win the White House. The Clintons have their attack dog in John Podesta who s abou
The results of this town s gun ownership mandate shows what happens when there are armed civilians out there In 1982, the
Hillary Clinton s new e-mail release exposes her relationship to some very anti-Israel people. Sydney Blumenthal is a very close
You certainly don t want to get caught showing pride for your nation Kinda reminds us of the kids who got sent home from sc
Hollywood Icon And Superstar Sylvester Stallone gave an interview with Variety to pump his latest project Creed now in thea
This isn t just any church organization, this is a church organization that takes in $45 MILLION in taxpayer funds every year! W
From claiming any American who speaks out against Hugo Chavez should be jailed, to a photo op and interview with one of th
There are so many reasons for this little coward to leave America and travel abroad for the duration of his term. Does he have
WOW! This is a powerful, must read letter that should be shared with every American Lately, I must admit that my hostility to
Every American should be concerned and should be demanding answers from Washington about why we need to militarize th
People across America are waiting in line for hours to see Trump speak about how he plans to Make America Great Again. M
We re gonna go out on a limb, and guess that Glenn Beck s open hatred for Donald Trump will destroy his Tea Party and conse
As Hillary sinks in the polls, she s becoming a regular on the Ellen show. Her campaign is pretty desperate to play to Hillary s ba
A New Campaign Video was just released from the Donald Trump Campaign Your thoughts on this?
Taya Kyle speaks to Obama regarding the illogical strategy of his new gun control measures:
The question is who Obama will protect? Will he stand by his Yes woman, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, or will he provide
The days of Hillary s past being off limits are officially over Bill s escapades and sexual assaults with various women throughou
Sadly, this will be the only reason many women will vote for her. Hillary s crimes will suddenly become a distant memory to m
Dinesh made some frightening predictions in his blockbuster movie, 2016: Obama s America. Was he correct in his prediction
They knew! Can you believe these people? FOX News reported earlier that the release of this report was delayed twice today.
It would appear that socialism is not the only answer in the ultra-liberal state of Vermont Tonight s Donald Trump rally in Burli
Recruiting kids is what Obama s campaign did so well. This must be a loony lefty tactic to train the kids early to accept socialism
Almost as scary as the idea that Hillary would lie about a major health concern, is the fact that we have no idea who Hillary wi
The Clinton Crime Syndicate may find a few bumps in the road, as they attempt to claw their way back into he White House. W
It doesn t appear the man rushing to doors of a Paris police station with a knife, screaming Allahu Akbar wearing a fake suicid
The tide is turning and the Democrats are losing passionate black voters to Donald Trump. Minorities are watching jobs and be
Because blaming the Muslim migrants who raped and sexually assaulted an untold number of women on New Years Eve woul
We don t need to tell you that Ted Cruz is no fan of Obama or of his insatiable desire to strip Americans of their Second Amen
Unlike our racist, anti-American President, this brilliant Louisiana State Senator, Elbert Lee Guillory is color blind. He is not how
You ll love this guy he tells it like it is!
There is nothing about Obama s executive order gun grab. Barack Hussein Obama has an agenda that, for some reason, no on
Really Cher? We re not excusing infidelity, but it should be pointed out that Donald Trump, who fell in love with Marla Maples
Awkward! I am a progressive
Donald Trump is right again: He warned in a Presidential debate that no one was paying attention to North Korea. Well, North
A clear violation of Obama s lopsided deal with Iran Hey Barry do you still think Iran wants to be our friend? What was the ru
Following Obama s phony tears, he launched directly into attack mode of the Republican majority Congress (who have already
The new cold war between Saudi Arabia and Iran has been going on for a while, but has now escalated to a critical stage. It w
Let s be honest when it comes to the Clinton clan, is there really any criminal or morally corrupt act they ve committed that th
Facts are funny things Ever wonder why the Left is so opposed to using them in an argument?CNN law enforcement analyst Ar
// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElem
Donald Trump revealed his first ad of the political season. No matter what candidate you support, this hits home with its focus
Another golden moment from the great Judge Jeanine-We love her!
Of course Hillary cares about rape victims, unless they re tied to her husband, the serial pervert Hillary s ongoing war on wome
Could this be another casualty of the Clinton Crime Syndicate? The MI6 spy who was found dead inside a holdall bag in his bat
Apparently these Germans are not interested in becoming another Sweden A wordless anti-Islamist hymn knocked chart-bust
It s about time someone called this what it is. The foreign policy in the Obama regime has created ISIS.
This last year could be the most devastating year for America with Obama s attempt at tackling unfinished business . Gun con
This should come as no surprise to anyone who has watched these thugs in action. There is no line the union bosses won t cro
PC is killing our country. This is called fighting back While counterculture crackpots are working themselves into a lather over t
No One Listened We had many chances to expose this freak show when it started, but Americans allowed the Left to bully us
White people the only lives that DON T matter. Imagine the outrage if he were taking a victory lap over a study showing Musli
We re thinking it s having the opposite effect. Maybe it s time for a food fight The Black Lives Matter terrorist began harassing
The World Class Grifters aka The Clintons are going on the road to campaign. Does anyone else smell desperation? Can Hillary
When Loretta Lynch was confirmed as the new Director of the DOJ, it was clear that our Senate had once again caved to the ra
We can t afford to give our US Veterans a proper funeral, but we ve got money to burn when it comes to bringing Muslim refu
While US citizens are outraged over the removal of Christ from pretty much every aspect of our lives, including Christmas, Dem
Spoken like a true American Former Congressman Joe Walsh tweeted on Thursday, On Monday, Obama, on his own, to go aft
Hillary Clinton s pointing the finger at the victims of the Benghazi attack the families of the four heroes who died there. She sa
Who even admits to doing this? I have to say that I just don t believe it. If it is true, I have to question the sanity of both of the
Just another slap in the face to US citizens. Our government arranges massive payments to hostages taken by the terrorist nati
You don t want to miss this!Here s a little info about Joe Dan Gorman and his website, Intellectual Froglegs. You can find his w
Americans were warned by Attorney General, Loretta Lynch to not offend Muslims or they would pay a heavy price. Did anyon
Wouldn t it be great if we had someone in government who would take the import of thousands of Muslims from countries w
It would be great if her former running mate, Senator John McCain would make this his retirement home like NOW! Former A
This is great! I love how Trump destroys Savannah Guthrie on every point.
There are two small problems with your analogy Susan Jesus was NOT a Muslim and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem with Mary
The drip drip drip of communism in the leftist state of California A new California law scheduled to take effect Friday will allow
During Obama s campaigning in 2008, he spoke of his total devotion to the job as president if elected. One of the things he sai
This is what happens when you have government leaders who represent their own self interests, putting job opportunities and
Vladimir Putin the anti-Obama Fans of the maverick Russian president can now gaze upon him every day for the bargain price
The LGBT mafia has never been more threatening or powerful Did you call a transsexual person he or she when they preferr
The evil George Soros wrote a rare op-ed for The Guardian. You see, someone has finally challenged the dark underbelly of the
Do you think our Gun Grabber In Chief should be next?Virginia state senator Bill Carrico (R-Dist. 40) is responding to Governor
The December tally in Chicago (so far) is: December to Date Shot & Killed: 29 Shot & Wounded: 189 Total Shot: 218 Total Hom
I m sure it just slipped the feeble minds of the leftist media If it weren t for double standards, the left would have no standard
Is anyone else concerned that the Left was able to turn the display of a Confederate flag by an American into a criminal offens
A beautiful story of generosity and kindness the media would never share with American voters One narrative emerging aroun
President Barack Obama has called the fight against human trafficking one of the great human rights causes of our time and h
So Bill Clinton wants a third term so much that he s coming out to battle Trump. Bringing Bill Clinton in to fight Hillary s battles
The DHS has announced that they ll be raiding places that house illegals and deporting them. This could get ugly and it will onl
Paul Ryan is just like all the other establishment politicians from both sides of the aisle who have sold the American worker do
Dead broke! yes, that another doozy that Hillary told about their post White House life. But Clinton grifters are breaking into t
Meanwhile, the Obama s jet off to Hawaii every year well before Christmas. When you read the reason why the Bush s wait in
Who better than a man who risked the lives of his wife and children to get free dental care to ask taxpayers in Europe and Am
Americans should pay close attention to this story, especially after Loretta Lynch announced the US Government will punish an
Who would ve guessed? A coalition of U.S.-based Muslim groups claiming that anti-Muslim backlash is on the rise in the wake
Can they not find something original? The Democrats are trying to fundraise off of Donald Trump s hat copycatsThe Democrati
People sense when they re being pandered to and it s no secret that Hillary Clinton is a master panderer We ve seen her in So
These poor kids have probably practiced for months for this performance, only to have it cancelled by a bunch of low life terro
No wonder we ve had the worst Democrat President in the history of the United States for 7 long years!GOP Consultant Rick W
No matter what candidate you re supporting, this is a great example of what Americans REALLY want in a leader. Just listen to
ter ror ist ter r st/ noun a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims. synonyms: extremist, fanatic; revolutiona
Robert Davi gives a great answer to Neil Cavuto s question: Is Trump a racist?
Of course in their blind rage for the conservative Right, the media did everything in their power to blame this sick person s acti
Will Megyn Kelly be working towards a gotcha moment that has the press talking about her the next day, or will she focus on
Never mind that Iran continues to violate Obama s lopsided deal Senior Obama administration officials are expressing concern
A painfully awkward and heartbreaking moment for the contestants and the audience members. Trump says this never would
What the heck! Hillary and Bill really are the grifters I ve always said they were. Here s proof:Hillary Clinton bristled during Sat
Does anyone remember a time in recent history that candidates in the Republican party caused so many hissy fits by the Left?
And here we thought terrorism was the only thing we needed to be concerned about There is a risk that Middle Eastern refug
This is fun! George Stephanopoulos tries his best to hammer Trump in an interview this morning but comes out on the losing e
What Catholic college campus would be complete without students who bastardize the lyrics to songs about the birth of Jesus
Hillary Clinton has a habit of going missing during debates she did this during the last debate. Is she so special that she doesn t
Isn t it a conflict of interest that Clinton is giving money to the DNC? Ya think!Thanks to Breitbart News for finding an email tha
The politically correct country of Sweden paying a very big price for their kindness, generosity and open-borders policy This att
Judge Jeanine: I wasn t even going to do an opening statement because it s the holidays and I m generally in the Christmas spi
***Language Warning***This video will make your blood boil. My heart bleeds for this veteran who bravely pulled over to con
If you re like us, you either made a donation, knocked on doors, or called voters on behalf of a Republican candidate in the 20
Every American should be demanding answers about why Barack Hussein Obama is in such a hurry to empty Gitmo before he
Wild Bill For America is a conservative Youtube sensation who s been offering his hard hitting, spot on commentary to viewers
The drip drip drip of the Left ensuring Christmas is reduced to a quiet nonpublic celebration This isn t a very good of taxpaye
Wow! The DNC is pushing for a coronation of Hillary and doing everything it can to stop Bernie Whoa!
By now, it s pretty clear that Bernie doesn t respect other people s possessions. His whole campaign is built on the concept of
Obama is determined to close GITMO to follow through with a campaign promise. So he s been releasing terrorists pretty regu
No dumb ass we are actually NOT all Muslims! Last time I checked we were still a majority Christian nation, and no leftist clow
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is officially a total sellout! He agreed to a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill with Obama late W
Funding for Sanctuary Cities, benefits for illegal aliens, fully funded refugee programs, quadruples number of work visas for fo
These videos are very disturbing. Americans are headed down this path if we don t fight back against the Left who put politica
Low energy candidate low energy fans h/t Weasel Zipppers
Jeb takes a swipe at Trump and Trump hammers him: He doesn t really believe I m unhinged. He said that because he has fail
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz didn t ask members of Congress to bring a relative of an American citizen murdered by an illegal a
Judicial Watch has been the one organization that s been reporting on the crazy expensive trips the Obamas have taken since
As much as many of us wish there were a legitimate third party for conservatives, if Trump were to make the decision to run a
Is there ever a time the Left isn t portrayed as the victim in Hollywood? The tragic 1969 car accident that left a young woman d
If this had been a Tea Party group attacking Nancy Pelosi s home, it would have been international news Angry leftists with roc
Have you ever noticed how DHS Director Jeh Johnson repeatedly lies or answers questions with very vague answers? I can nam
Barack Obama and the Democrat party would like us to go the way of the Swedes. Do Americans have the fortitude to fight ba
Did you know that a record number of illegals crossed our border last month? While we re focusing on the Syrian refugee influ
Does this surprise anyone? The party that can t handle its finances is begging for YOUR tax dollars! With only $4.7 million avai
According to the latest Des Moines Register Poll, (full pdf below) of 400 Republican caucus goers, candidate Ted Cruz has surg
Jim Comey gets a 10 year tenure as FBI director so Obama can t touch him. He s a 6 8 dynamo who s single-handedly trying to
What the heck is going on in Brooklyn, NY! Just check out this crazy freak show of a Brooklyn hijab-wearing Muslim being swor
SENATOR JEFF SESSIONS has been such a beacon of common sense and patriotism in his battle to save America s sovereignty.
The despicable anti-free speech, communist clown, Michael Moore is taking page out of Obama s community organizer book.
John Kerry and Al Gore are jubilant that we ve struck a deal (sort of) to limit carbon emissions what a couple of jokesters these
Just when you thought only Muslim terrorists teach their kids to use violence against anyone who doesn t agree with them Alo
Yet another reason NOT to vote for this disaster of a Secretary of State!State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a pres
FLASHBACK: Watch the video below to see Kudlow mock Republicans for their strong defense of closing our borders in his inte
This ad is fantastic and really nails the failure of leadership from Obama and Clinton:
This is a stunning story of how the Left gets away with punishing hard work and accomplishment all in the name of fairness. W
At $200 a pop even a poor jihadi can find a new home in America U.S. intelligence officials are warning that the Islamic State t
It s almost as though we don t even have a Constitution Never let a crisis go to waste President Barack Obama s advisers are fi
While some of the most important questions about this jihadi couple are being left unanswered, the media is circling the wago
Another Gitmo detainee returns to terror Is anyone else starting to see a pattern here? Former Guantanamo detainee, Ibrahim
He [Obama] makes me want to wrap a suicide vest around my head and text BOOM to my brain On the Brit s desire to be pol
Protesters were out in large numbers on Michigan Avenue today calling for the resignations of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the
Hillary lied again! This time, a very important e-mail recently obtained by Judicial Watch shows that the Pentagon was demand
Alex Roubian, head of the New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society goes undercover to expose the truth about how the state of N
What does Obama, the Democrat Party, the state-run media and faux conservatives in Congress all have in common with Ham
Katrina Pierson does a fantastic job with this CNN anchor
Wow! Just wow Where are you from?Syria.Syria?Why don t you claim asylum in France?France? Because I don t like it.You do
This is really reaching the spokesperson for the President has just made an a@@ of himself by making fun of a candidate for t
Since Obama was sworn in as President hundreds of thousands of refugees have come to America most of them Muslim. We
Yesterday, we announced that FOX News would be suspending FOX News host, Stacy Dash and FOX commentator, Colonel Ra
It only took what 14 years for this to happen? 9-11-01 is a memory that is etched in the minds of every American. One of the m
OUR GOOD FRIENDS AT TEXAS BORDER VOLUNTEERS are on the border catching illegals all the time. The Vickers family has a r
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr. was not taking Hillary s lying sitting down. Falwell made comments about how the
We can all breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the only reason for the mayor s ridiculous tweet is partisan politics. Could you
A shameless promotion of amnesty by our Feds. Obama and the Democrats are willing to do whatever it takes It s all about th
What do you think? Has Americans reached their breaking point? The Fox News and Fox Business networks have suspended o
Bombs a-w oh, never mind Things must be going well in the war on terror, as the US Air Force just admitted that it is fast run
Trump reads his Muslim shutdown statement at a rally this afternoon: It s difficult to watch this gross incompetence that I wa
Our Homeland Security Director gave us all the lowdown on the refugee program and it s what we all thought: ISIS has been tr
It s a wonder we have any sane children coming out of our Leftist indoctrination think tanks that are being passed off as schoo
The drip drip drip of communism Leftists are stealing our rights and freedom while Americans can t be bothered with politics
When WWII veteran and Pearl Harbor resident, Harold Estes wrote this letter, he was a retired Master Chief Boatswains Mate
This is a MUST watch from start to finish. There has never been a leftist who can defeat the brilliant Dinesh D Souza in a debat
PLEASE TAKE ACTION TODAY! You will find out this week if Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell put your safe
Obama addressed the Nation In a nothing burger of a jumble of jargon:Here are steps Congress can take right now to help def
Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson: When was the last time you fact checked Barack Obama? I love her!!!
Well, I don t know. When you have pipe bombs laying all over the floor, I don t think they re regular people.' That s not all Tr
ISIS stormed into Mosul, Iraq last summer. Much of what took 2,000 years to build has been lost in a matter of months. There
You will not believe this whopper! Hillary Clinton is dealing in vague answers that are really downright lies. She claims in an int
What does it say to Americans when the head of Homeland Security voices his support for not offending one group over all ot
I want everybody to know that we stand behind Donald J. Trump! (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)
CAN WE JUST STOP ALLOWING Muslim Refugees and visitors into U.S. from countries who hate us already? How about we foc
As one would expect the Obama regime is tripping all over the dead bodies of this tragedy to promote gun control. They only
Because everyone deserves a safe space right? The White Student Union (WSU) at the University of California, Santa Barbara
How long do you think our President has known about this? Anyone else sick of this Muslim Sympathizer In Chief? The myste
UPDATE: A leading Supreme Court analyst thinks Attorney General Loretta Lynch is the most likely candidate to replace the la
The political ideology is shocking! A Very stubborn Obama just keeps spewing the same talking points and refuses to back dow
The Democrats tried to attach a gun control amendment to the bill, but Republicans blocked those amendments. Of course, O
They wouldn t want to remind anyone the actual reason for the holiday season or God forbid, give some crazy Muslim terror
Oh the irony of a terror attack by Muslims taking place on American soil on the heels of Obama s return from phony Climate C
A Virginia rally for Donald Trump turned into a big day for endorsements by black pastors.
Is this why we worked so hard to get a GOP majority in the House and Senate? Spineless weasels Republican House members
Are you sitting down? The phony baloney Climate Change Summit put on by our Dictator In Chief costs the American taxpayer
The media really wants to bury Trump on this but two important officials have come forward in Trump s defense. No matter w
No wonder Obama wasn t vetted! Here s a FOX news reporter who s standing right in front of Obama s buddy and anarchist B
How very progressive And how very ironic that our tyrannical President would take the opportunity to address how he plans t
Individual people can be bullied into submission but as a group we can t be silenced If we are to really live in an environment
The green criminals who re working on how to distribute your money to those in far away places had a splendid meal last nigh
This letter is quite possibly the most important letter these students will ever receive throughout their entire college career. It
So the irony isn t lost on me when I saw the still shot of Hillary wearing the Muslim symbol of submission to men in her new ad
Dr. Scott was interviewed after the meeting between black pastors and Donald Trump. He said that over 100 people were in th
ED HNERY describes the newest batch of 7,800 e-mails from Hillary Clinton:
This explains a report we heard this morning of Putin and Obama seen having a serious conversation at the Global Warming Su
For the umpteenth time, Obama takes the opportunity to trash Americans while overseas President Obama on Monday pushe
Wait one damn minute! Didn t we do this already? It s another effort to spread the wealth and I m thinking the American peop
Welcome to the new America, where there can be no opposition to the Left or there will be serious consequences The retired
Obama has waisted billions on green energy but the free market wins in the end with the success of fracking and natural gas. Y
Amen to this! Billions of your tax dollars have been redistributed in the name of global warming. When future generations loo
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) is more than just a radical activist, he s also a devout Muslim U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison abruptly left Was
This is not a war we can expect our children to fight on their own. We are in a war with a leftist academia who has lost sight of
This report explains so much could this explain Obama s actions too?
The U.S. is the great enemy of mankind! raved Ernesto Che Guevara in 1961. Against those hyenas there is no option but ex
UPDATE: No #BlackLivesMatter Protests PlannedChicago has no shortage of thugs. What they do have a shortage of is support
Bravo! These two great Americans make me have hope for the politicians we elect. They re doing a damn good job of exposing
Absent parent Cashin in McDonald was the teen who was shot by the Chicago officer 16 times, some while he was apparently
How can it possibly be legal for these terrorists to lock arms and block innocent shoppers from entering these stores? The Mir
The spoiled brats protesting on colleges campuses across America could benefit from a little common sense advice from 13 ye
Even though Obama has to pay for anything he wants to keep, it s still a bribe in my book.Throughout 2014, Saudi King Abdulla
Barack wants the Black Community to blame Whites and cops. These Black Chicago residents aren t buying it. They re putting
It would be great to ditch McCain this next election. In fact, there are many more RINO Republicans that need to go. Dr. Kelli W
Except for the walls part, this is a really timeless address to Americans on Thanksgiving from a great leader: My fellow Americ
ISIS released a new video yesterday, where they threatened America and every other country they identify as the infidel. Me
This is insane!WATCH: Protests erupted in Chicago Tuesday night in the wake of first-degree murder charges being brought ag
When did white students become throw away citizens on campuses? White privilege has turned to white shame and outrigh
Just like a tired comedian Obama can t help himself. He s a one hit wonder with the same line over and over. Only an affirmati
// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElem
We live near this once great tourist destination of Hamtramck, a city with a vibrant nightlife, authentic polish food and a city w
Teflon Don The media just can t make anything stick to Trump, because he just doesn t care Donald Trump endorsed waterboa
Once again, Putin reminds our weak and ineffective Commander In Chief what winning a war against terrorists looks like Whe
Why would any sane person choose to enlist in our military when we don t even have a Commander In Chief who is fighting th
Nothing is more repulsive than PAC representing Gov. John Kasich, who is polling at almost negative numbers, working to take
This isn t the first time Obama left an important figure behind in our war on terror. Remember Pakistani, Dr. Shakil Afridi who
Congresswoman Gabbard also criticizes Hillary s strategy. Is it possible we re hearing a Democrat who s actually making sense?
Even Barbara Walters, a master manipulator of popular opinion, is unable to find a weakness in Donald s seemingly impenetra
President Obama on ISIS: They re a bunch of killers with good social media. They are dangerous and they ve caused great hard
If the Republican Party really cared about winning this race, they d cancel the upcoming debate with CNN. The only logical rea
We reported about Trump making similar comments back in August HERE. More than ever, America desires a leader who will
When we found this insane article on the Occupy Democrats website, it had over 500,000 shares. Obviously, making the case
This is a very interesting article and worth taking the time to read all the way through The Islamic State believes it can use its e
In normal times, Americans would demand these jihad compounds be shut down. But we re not living in normal times. Amer
She s just like one of you Ha! Hillary Clinton breaks out the very phony Southern accent during a speech in Memphis. This alwa
It s amazing the sheep mentality of students attending a school that should be promoting individual thought and encouraging
So Sweden basically wants to ensure Muslims returning from raping and beheading innocent people overseas, that the govern
I just happened to be listening to Rush today and want to pass this on to everyone. Please share this and stop the false story b
If seven years ago, someone told Americans that the UN would be allowed to place a Regional Hub in our nations Capitol, the
We need to have an honest conversation. Well, that certainly would be refreshing Western powers must ramp up air strikes b
Behold The Democrats best choice for President of The United States of America. Hillary should be on bloody knees every day
It turns out the words affordable and care were both horrendous lies pushed by the Left in order to prop up the most dange
As the House moves closer to actually representing the will of We The People with this vote, what does it really mean in terms
The always brilliant Ben Shapiro answers that question in well, a brilliant way On Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Cli
Obama didn t appear to be very pleased when CNN ally, Jim Acosta confronted him on his feckless role as Commander In Chie
Never mind that a new poll shows Americans oppose bringing Syrian Refugees to America by a 2-1 margin! Carry on King Barry
And this woman wants to be in charge of America? She can t even handle a Laugh Factory standup skit! The thing that s so wro
This story is from 2006 and is the first in a long series of Hillary s lies that we ll be exposing over the next couple of months For
Obama has a knack for going overseas and disparaging the citizens of the United States. The hate America mantra. It s what he
Gosh, I wonder why The Clinton Foundation has come under fire in the past for foreign donations:A previous donor, the Kingd
How quickly the Democrats have forgotten about that little incident that landed Hillary in the hospital, following the death of
Many people around the world are using this viral video as an example of a beautiful exchange between a father and son in Pa
There is a also a map (below) showing which states will and won t accept refugees from Syria and those who haven t made up
They were probably just looking for a safe space to study Protesters at Dartmouth University disrupted students studying in t
They were probably just looking for a safe space to study Protesters at Dartmouth University disrupted students studying in t
Time will tell how serious the House Republicans are about keeping our nation safe. Goodness knows it s the furthest thing fro
These videos will shock you. When you think of Sweden, do you think of Muslim gangs roving the streets in no-go zones lobb
The Intellectual Froglegs videos by Joe Dan Gorman are truly a gift to conservatives in America. Joe Dan uses hard-hitting, brut
Wow it looks like Dem candidate for governor, John Bel Edwards has some friends who really know how to throw a party for e
So the moderator of the Democratic debate met with the campaigns of the candidates but didn t give away any questions? Re
Isn t there a legal term for those kinds of threats? Oh yeah it called Extortion:ex tor tion ik st rSH( )n/ noun the practice of obta
Never mind that almost every single aspect of the phony Mizzou controversy has been proven to be a hoax. For these entitled
Thank God America has people like Ted Cruz in our Senate, who are unafraid speak out against the enemy, and fight for the sa
The terror attacks in Paris are a horrific reminder of the consequences nations who open their borders to people who want to
WAKE UP AMERICA! Muslim terrorists, refugees hand-selected by UN or foreign citizens who are unwilling to assimilate wit
Now we ll just sit back and wait to see if Middleton s name appears on the White House registry in October or early Novembe
Former CIA Agent, Clare Lopez has been ringing the alarm bells about the Islamic influence by members of Obama administrati
The USPS is drowning in debt, has lost every one of its life-lines and has mismanaged its funds for decades. No worries though
The question is not how Hillary will ever be able to repay the kindness of so many donors to the Clinton Slush Fund/Clinton Ch
As it turns out, police brutality really isn t the issue at all. It s about dividing a nation down racial lines and the good police men
We ll wait for Nancy Pelosi to call this movement exactly what it is an astro-turf movement. The hate cops and hate white p
Governor Kasich: What Mr Trump needs to understood that the real jobs come in the downstream, not in the upstream. And
It looks like it s safe for everyone to pack up their little victim tents and head back to the dorms Something stinks at the Univer
The FBI is digging deeper into the e-mails of Hillary Clinton: The FBI is opening up a bigger can of worms and trying to interview
How many times will our lawless president plead his unconstitutional positions before our Supreme Court? For a Constitutiona
In your face progressivism They re not even attempting to hide it anymore. I m starting to believe these radical colleges and un
War on Christmas update: Some very clever people are asking you to join their campaign to remind Starbucks and their custom
The electronic war has not yet begun, The JV teamThe Islamic State s hacking division has published personal details, includ
So, if the climate scare-mongers can t frighten the adults, the next logical step is to heap angst on their children who then frig
Lois Lerner s criminal behavior with the IRS targeting of conservatives was just a test run Here s a little reminder for anyone wh
States have rights too! We love the new conservative governor of Kentucky! He means business and it s about time someone s
Just another reason conservatives love Ted Cruz .Share this with everyone
And why wouldn t he? The leftist comedy writer/actor with a net worth of $800 million, probably needs the money to feed all
The show went on last night even though protesters attempted to get Trump dumped from hosting. In true Trump style he wa
You won t hear this tidbit of good news about Donald Trump in the main stream media now that he s running for the Republic
There s so much to this effort to close GITMO that it s hard to know where to begin. First of all, one of Obama s campaign prom
He won on a platform of reducing crime or something like that .Despite being arrested on drug and murder charges, an East C
Ben Carson s professional but hard hitting approach with the progressive media is a breath of fresh air. The Republican party s
My wife and I went into town and visited a shop.When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket.We went up
So who does Canada believe is the actual victim is here?Have you seen the cover of the new Maclean s magazine? That s Rine
So, if the hosts on this show are just comedians, does that mean the low information voters who follow them will stop taking
Michelle Obama received $70 million dollars from the feds for her pet project to promote eduction for girls. It s really a front a
It s too bad the media didn t work as hard to expose the massive lies about Barack Hussein Obama and his background during
The rejection of the Keystone Pipeline application is further evidence that Obama intends to be more aggressive on his global
We can think of two candidates who have no business being on that stage. We d love to know who made this decision They ll
This is a great take on the foreign policy of the Obama administration!
Sounds great how about a new car?An immigrant-rights group proposed a Bill of Rights for illegal immigrants Thursday, dema
Michigan s Republican Governor, Rick Snyder is throwing out the welcome mat for an undisclosed number of Muslim refugees
Take action! CALL these 18 RINO s and ask them why they voted at 1 A.M. on Friday morning to give Obama a no-limit credit c
How long before the media is clammering all over this construction worker to get an interview with this hero? Yet when Ben
State Reps Forced To Stand Awkwardly In BackgroundAt one point it appears as though someone approaches the two State Re
Hillary was speaking to the NAACP on 10/30/15 and was promoting the Obama program to Ban the Box . The program bans fe
Yes this massive protest against America just happened today! Thousands of Iranians burned the American flag and chanted s
The old reliable stone most commonly used by a group of neanderthals who still adhere to a stone-age mentality. It s the we
And why Obama may be better off with a Republican President Edward Klein paints a very compelling picture of what is going
Lets hope the Republicans can push back on this effort by Democrats to bail out the horribly mismanaged government in Puer
The people have spoken and it s clear that Americans are 100% FED Up! with the sanctuary city policy and illegal immigration.
For anyone who s not paying attention to what s happening in the Middle East, she s talking about the reckless actions of the m
Because Obama s doing such a great job keeping Putin in check right? President Obama mocked Republican candidates who s
This news is shocking and I m glad my kids don t go to this taxpayer funded school. Obama s Department of Education is allow
The Constitution in everyday life causes people pain Wendy Kozol, Oberlin CollegeAdministrators at Vassar College and Obe
Let s face it, we have a president who s going rogue and defying the rule of law at every turn. This is not your mama s lame du
The left is trying to push the narrative that the Republican candidates are a bunch of whiners, but if you watched the debate y
Joe Wilson was right!Obviously, there are more than 5 lies Obama has told during his presidency, but who has enough time in
Earlier today, White House Correspondent Mark Knoller was Tweeting out the info from Obama s announcement about goodi
These two girls make some very good points that you re definitely not hearing in the mainstream media. They (Hillary and the
Just another attempt by CAIR to make it appear as though the ties they have to the Muslim Brotherhood aren t really a big dea
Soros isn t just a danger to America he s a danger to the entire world. Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he want
In the real world, if your boss is damaging your ability to achieve your full potential, you start looking for a new place of emplo
Thank you for everything you did to promote conservatism in the United States of America. Godspeed Fred Thompson, a form
The idea that our President would arm terrorists is so absurd that nobody would believe it right? Unless of course, the person
Maybe the Queen of Incompetence isn t as popular as she had hoped with the Socialist Party of America, aka the former Dem
Thank goodness these Muslim women have a friend in socialist, radical Mayor of New York City An NYPD officer pretended to
Say goodbye to your economy, traditions and culture. The caliphate has come to Germany on steroids Leftists hold a rally to w
This video pretty much sums up the Republican Debate last week. The best part comes at the end with a special moment from
The 12 funniest halloween memes in no particular order (although #12 is our personal favorite).#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11
We shared our Game Changer story with you earlier this week, after a new video emerged allowing a more clear picture of th
By looking at the two Democrat presidential candidates left standing, most Americans would think their platform is primarily a
The State Department released 7,000 Clinton e-mails today and plans to release a total of 55,000 but Mr. Transparency didn
Weak leadership has repercussions The European Parliament on Thursday called for its member countries to grant fugitive for
Somebody needs to make sure Chris Matthews doesn t miss his meds before the cameras start rolling
The Left is all about gun control unless of course, they re talking about shooting someone who disagrees with phony man-mad
This is great because Hillary Clinton is never asked questions like this one: Um, you said earlier that you wanted to end corrup
Holder should be making his baseless remarks from behind bars but that s another story Retired Attorney General Eric Holder
Please help us determine who real grassroots conservatives think won the CNBC (Communist News By Commies) Debate:// <!
A plea deal for this punk will really make another terrorist think twice before attacking a major subway system or harming inn
A fake economy can only sustain itself for so long The Fed is out of control, exclaims David Stockman perhaps best known fo
This is a great visual to share with people who are in denial about the fundamental transformation of the soon-to-be Muslim m
The world is being duped with their eyes wide open. In ten years from now, Europe will be a completely different continent. T
Ted Cruz takes the CNBC debate hosts to task on the idiotic questions and the political bias. Great!
If you watch CNBC at all you know John Harwood is a HUGE liberal political hack so why the heck is it ok for him to moderate t
This ass-clown reminds us of why term limits are so important. Leisa and I saw Rep. Rangel (D-NY) up close and personal last w
As a side note, Paul Ryan still needs 18 additional votes to ensure his new role as Speaker Of The House. The full House is expe
This is not some small obscure community college. Disallowing our law enforcement to attend a school sponsored event in fav
Unreal! Mooch gets millions for Pakistani girls? The American taxpayers should be outraged by this! Let Pakistan empower its
Donald Trump took a question from a Wounded Warrior named Todd, who explained his frustration with the VA. Mr. Trump t
The more they hammer the GOP frontrunners, the more popular they become with the American voter. Is the real revolution
Does this mean Republicans in the House are FINALLY going to start standing up for the Americans who elected them to be th
Our vision of the world ? Where are the Catholics who re against this scam? The Catholic church has been hijacked by leftists
Michael Savage is 100% correct. If you think he s crazy, take a stroll down memory lane to 2008 and watch Obama s troops e
Make no mistake about it America is next! German police were forced to turn water cannons on far-left anti-fascists staging a
Wasn t the point of Obamacare to provide health insurance for everyone? After BILLIONS spent on a website that was unwork
He s always been in our top three. A rock solid conservative who s not afraid to fight back against the establishment on behalf
Hillary Clinton has some nerve claiming that the VA scandal was not widespread. What does she know? She obviously doesn t
The Clinton Grifters were out in NYC and ready to fundraise for Hillary but looks like Bill didn t waste any time he s such a flirt!
These leftist professors aren t just donating chump change either. The average donation from these leftist professors to Hillary
The lack of compassion for the families of these 4 dead Americans in Hillary s rush to cover her incompetence is beyond comp
Nothing says Hollywood like supporting a serial liar who s managed to keep herself in the spotlight by clinging to the coattails
Who s laughing now funny guy?We asked everyone to boycott the Steve Jobs movie after not-so-funny guy sent this vulgar tw
Radical goons disrupted a Florida Trump rally so the crowd handled them just as they should:
It s almost like a flip has switched. Political pundits, news sources and even businesses are starting to see that Trump is a force
If a black man is elected president in a country comprised of mostly white citizens is he still considered a victim? And should h
Hillary Clinton breaks the law, gets people who work for her killed, lies to the American people and she s still a media darling?
Of course he s a racist for defending legal American citizens Unlike Obama, Trump s not looking to make friends with illegal a
The liberal logic of Bernie Sanders fans who would vote for more free stuff that taxpayers have to pay for.
Well this is no surprise but it s still wrong. Targeting conservative Americans or ANY American should be a crime.Lois Lerner w
Congressman Paul Ryan received enough support from the House Freedom Caucus to secure his nomination for Speaker of th
Do Americans even remember the worldwide violence and hate inspired by Hillary s announcement that the Benghazi attack w
If you ve ever watched the Hunger Games movies you know that Effie Trinket is a psychotic woman who looks at murder as a g
Love him or hate him he s shaking it up and putting the Republican establishment on notice. They re will be no more business
The shocking truth about how close we are to becoming a one-party fascist stateThis is the most brilliant and scary analysis of
This video will either make you laugh or make you sad. These people vote! I like go to CNN I can tell
Jeffrey Toobin chimes in to protect Hillary Clinton and it is in very poor taste but mostly untrue. The reason Mr. Toobin s claim
Hillary Clinton is a serial liar. Hillary Clinton has a hard time maintaining a consistent level of truth and that was proven today
How long before US courts are asked to not bother trying cases where illegal aliens are involved, so as not to give the impressi
Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Benghazi Select Committee, delivers an opening statement before former Secretary of State
Barack Hussein Obama the most anti-American President to ever occupy the White House This isn t an article from The Onion
Will anyone on the left even care? If she were in prison, they d still vote for her. Obama in a dress BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan (R-O
Of course Hillary manages to turn the question around and make it appear as though the Congressman never asked her a dire
CNN Anchor Carol Costello acts like she s never heard about the lying that came from Hillary Clinton when Clinton told Patricia
This announcement seems to indicate that the Obama regime already knows Hillary is going to be walking away unscathed fro
It looks like there is more than one good reason to not elect Paul Ryan as the next Speaker Of The House. This is the best news
He s a little late to the party, but we d like to congratulate Jake Tapper on calling out this PLO Representative s misrepresentati
Deep down, they just want to assimilate Eight young men have appeared in court in the German city of Cologne after they alle
What a great time for Joe Biden to announce. Hmmm I wonder if Barack had anything to do with the timing of the discovery o
Who knew the Middle East had a prestigious school for fake inventors who bring fake bombs to school on 9-11? Clock kid Ahm
Do you believe the driver who hit the motorcycle guy did it on purpose?The man shown on video swerving his car into a passin
The same guy who donated tens of millions of dollars to Obama s campaign (the first black president) is donation tens of millio
A record crowd In Anderson, SC last night for The Donald . 7,900 strong!
Marine Le Pen tells off the two leaders who ve accepted refugees at the expense of the sovereignty of their nation.
Gowdy hammers it with those who say Benghazi was politically motivated Testimony is Thursday so we ll see
Bernie, Hillary and Joe a low information voter dream ticket Ninety-one percent of the hundreds of individuals who raised mo
Ever feel like a headline you re reading is too unbelievable to be true? I wish we could tell you that was the case. Read on Seni
New documents appear to show a pattern of deterioration of security at the State Department under Hillary Clinton. The State
Fournier totally hammers these two-great to see!
This guy is crazy! The last thing Americans needs is higher taxes!
This is hysterical and sad at the same time. Watters World discusses the Democrat debate with Democrats who discuss Hillary
Pretty interesting comment from a once skeptical FOX News pundit. Chris Wallace interviewed Donald Trump and then had th
The first shot against PC tyranny in Virginia has been fired!Earlier this year, after racist terrorist Dylann Storm Roof was charge
Kids should be learning the benefits of capitalism in school. It s the reason America is both the most generous and prosperous
Hillary, the first female, black, flat-broke southern President Of course, its not the first time Mrs. Bill Clinton channeled her hu
Barack Obama already had secret service detail by this point in his campaign and didn t have any credible threats to substantia
I d like to suggest that there is no such thing as the left or right. There s only an up or down.
GOVERNOR TELLS CITIZENS TO LEAVE STATE:Who the heck voted this guy in as governor? His constituents should be his first p
In case anyone missed it, Romney had the 2012 election handed to him on a sliver platter. Explaining how Trump should win in
Just start asking questions and the Obama administration reverses course very interesting. The validity of the claim that priso
Was Obamacare engineered to buy the votes of Hispanics? A possible Vice Presidential candidate for Hillary Clinton lets the ca
After examining the data Reuters used to make their bold prediction, we noticed they hadn t given any consideration to the hi
The corrupt covering for the corrupt. Chicago politics at its best Hillary Clinton could be prosecuted in federal court for failing
Thanks to Ben Shapiro of Breitbart News, we now know the answer to that question:Tuesday night s debate featured a maste
Indoctrination by Disney pretty much covers every demographic: toddlers with sippy cups watching the Disney channel and Di
So many good people coming across our border all just looking for a better life Thanks Obama!An illegal alien from Mexico ple
So much for the media s attempt to make Donald Trump out to be a woman hater Ivanka Trump plans on going out to campai
Event organizers are asking protesters to come out on Thursday, Oct. 15th to help them stand against Hillary and speak out ag
Americans are 100% FED Up! with the radical bad actors who re protesting and in your face with liberal talking points from So
We think the Stop Hillary PAC needs to double down on their ad campaign to make sure every American sees this brilliant ad:
This one sentence should scare every taxpaying American to death: I know we can afford it because we re gonna make the we
Just when you thought Muslims had cornered the market on abusing gays! Since you won t see this story in the mainstream m
Thanks to our government, the land of opportunity has taken on a whole new meaning An immigrant cabby scored the deal of
Remember when Slick Willy said It depends on what the meaning of the word is is . Well, Hillary took a page out of Bill s book
Here s the fake black guy, Shaun King weighing in on how awesome it is that Bernie Sanders can now come out of the socialist
There s so much diversity in the Democrat presidential candidate pool, it must be hard for these celebrities to choose who th
Just imagine if Jeb s campaign as much imagination and energy into researching the devastating effect that giving 25 million ill
Peters is dead on in his description of Obama s foreign policy failures. Obama s still underestimating Putin and is chasing unico
I ll bet most Americans have no idea that we re in another huge housing bubble thanks to Obama s desire for everyone to own
Who knew Biden is a tyrant? The author of a 2013 book revisits the first-hand experience of what Joe Biden is like to work for
Liberal California Governor Jerry Brown just signed the Motor Voter Act allowing non-citizens to be registered to vote. Is this c
No Obama won t run again, but he ll use every dirty political Chicago-style trick available to him to make sure Joe Biden ends u
The destruction of America is in full swing as we pay billions to deliver unchecked Muslims ( refugees ) to the shores of Americ
There seems to be a trend with the GOP presidential candidates who are appearing at the top of the polls right now. The one
The shaming of the rich should not surprise anyone coming from a whacked out college that actually offers a major in the non
He d like to build a giant wall, deport illegals, defund Planned Parenthood and deal with our debt crisis. These are all issues Ne
If you only attack black conservatives, does that make you exempt from being called a racist? When will Americans stop supp
Patriotic University of Missouri students burned an ISIS flag on campus as other students chanted: USA, USA, USA! Patriotism
This is hysterical! I could add a few ways to use her book:
Wow! What s more shocking the fact that a member of the mainstream media finally crossed Obama s imaginary red line or th
When you re a Republican and get a ringing endorsement from radical pro-amnesty carnival barker, Luis Guti rrez you should
This precious lady waited five years to become an American citizen. She appreciates the beauty and freedom of America. She
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has dropped out of the race for House Speaker. The reason he gave to the Republican Caucus for
Name one time this reckless Commander in Chief has put our men and women in uniform before the war on terror Just one.O
THE H-1B VISA PROGRAM IS KILLING JOBS FOR NATIVE AMERICANS! It was just reported in the recent jobs numbers that nativ
Roseberg residents and families of victims are speaking out against Obama and are repulsed by his obvious desire to use the d
Maybe Donald would change his opinion about this important issue if his home was threatened by an overreaching governme
New bumper sticker idea: My inmate is smarter about immigration than your Harvard Business School student A group of New
As Hillary does her best to deflect and stonewall the release of her e-mails, we find out that even an employee of Clinton s ser
Just call him Bring it Ben Ben Carson says he would have led a charge against the Oregon shooter if he were in the communit
Can you believe it? The clown that can t keep his hands off of women and the faux Indian socialist could be pairing up for a Wh
Mums the word on Christian persecution in the White House. Just let them get a whiff of possible injustice against a Muslim in
Poor Hillary she s clearly a victim of some right wing conspiracy. Everyone knows she s just a concerned granny on a selfless m
Blacks in America are seeing the writing on the wall with the push for mass immigration to America and it s not a pretty pictur
We love these ladies! YouTube sensations Diamond and Silk tell 100% FED UP Americans how to ditch the Democrats and swit
Republican presidential candidates were asked if they owned a gun. Here s how they stacked up:A profile on each the remaini
The cover-ups and mistruths appear to be numerous. The question Americans need to be asking is why?The Oregon murderer
What a joke! Hillary decides to go on SNL and make it one big campaign commercial bashing Republicans and promoting herse
This certainly isn t who the GOP power-brokers want to see in the top two Donald Trump has boasted that he s leading every
Could Megyn s defense of Donald s wife Melania, put her back in the good graces of Trump and his followers? Watch her defe
How this woman is even trending in the polls should tell you everything you need to know about the Democrat party Good mo
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump gets to the heart of why Obama s foreign and military policy hasn t worked. It really is th
BOOM! This meme says it all h/t Henry Payne
Are there any real men left in the Democrat party? This Hillary supporter cheering for gun control would be the first guy hiding
Sorry David your tough talk comes a little too late. Britain will likely never return to her rich heritage and culture. Political corr
Who s Ready For Hillary?Among the thousands more Hillary Clinton s emails that have been released are ones exchanged with
Somebody needs to point out to this incompetent Gun Grabber In Chief, that if someone in that college was allowed to carry a
Before you blame Trump for not being compassionate how about we ask some of the Middle Eastern countries to open their a
Obama spoke to a LGTB group a few days ago where he expressed his genuine concerns regarding religious institutions but th
Colin Powell believes he s fooled us all into thinking he s a Republican. Nice try! We know one thing for sure, he s a total a@@
In almost 7 years this president hasn t learned that words don t stop bullets. He is fundamentally out of touch with human rea
Here s a newsflash Rand We re not looking for a guy who can win a popularity contest in Washington to be our next President
Remember the report that came out after Hillary left her position as Secretary of State? There was missing money $6 billion co
Donald Trump recently came out with his proposal for a new tax plan. Every politician comes out with his own plans and propo
Our red line President continues to lose relevance on the international stage, as Putin starts to look more like a world leader.
Both of these guys are honest so it s good to see a refreshingly candid discussion with Trump and O Reilly.
Is the Pope s defense of same sex marriage the straw the will break the camel s back for the godless left? Washington, DC Me
Even though the Muslim Clock Boy s attention seeking radical father won t allow the school to tell their side of the story, soon
If Obama had a communist friend he d be this poor victim Raul Castro the champion of human rights and justice What a dog a
Will the new 3-story Islamic Museum include pictures of Americans jumping out of their flame engulfed offices in the Twin Tow
What a fantastic choice!!! Congressman Trey Gowdy would be a fantastic Speaker of the House to replace John Boehner. It s li
I think we can all agree that America believes Ann Romney would have made a great First Lady. She s respectable, thoughtful a
It s nice to see freedom of speech is alive and well in the godless party of America Maybe Barack and the Dem s should listen t
WOW! This is the kind of woman the Republican Party has needed on their team for a long time. No more Mrs. Nice Guy Carly
Obama had a chance to speak of the horrors going on in the Middle East and to say so much more but he chose to behave like
While we re so happy to hear that 3 innocent American prisoners hostages may be returned. We re just wondering who the O
Scott Pelley is a total a@@ during this interview. Don t you wish 60 Minutes had been as hard on Obama and Hillary? It s so fu
It apparently wasn t shocking enough when the American taxpayer found out the Obama regime spent $500 million to put fo
18 mayors sent a letter to Obama telling him that they want MORE Syrian refugees. Is your mayor on this list?Remember Syra
The Obama regime has already set the ball in motion for fair share housing (or social engineering), whereby the government
Lying, liar pants continues to fudge and hedge her bets on the short memory of the American voter. This just makes you want
In his final act of putting Americans dead last, John Boehner will stand with Democrats in their rabid desire to keep the abortio
Cong. Louis Gohmert confirms what most conservatives knew about Boehner in this video. Gohmert ran against Boehner last y
Presidential candidate and front-runner Donald J. Trump gave a campaign rally at the Oklahoma State Fair today. The event dr
We LOVE this guy! If you re on Twitter and not following us #ShameOnYou! You can find us at: @100PercFEDUP If you re on T
We re gonna go out on a limb and guess that this young man s presence will only harden the resolve of most Trump supporter
Even though this #BlackLivesMatter terrorist clearly calls for the killing of Whites and cops in her YouTube videos, Latausha Ne
When US Representative and conservative rebel Justin Amash (R-MI) introduced his good friend, Senator Rand Paul, to a room
While Donald Trump says he d take the Chinese President to McDonald s, it s clear that the Obama s pulled out all the stops fo
It s no secret that the press has been after Trump in a YUGE (Trumpspeak for huge) way. No matter what candidate you re for
He did the same thing at Obama s inauguration Sounds like someone needs a trip to the confessional (and/or a psychiatrist) Re
Stop allowing the progressives to drive God out of our land -Ben Carson Values Voter SummitRetired neurosurgeon and 201
Just a week after a Prince from Qatar was in hot water for racing his Ferrari down the streets of LA, a Saudi Prince is arrested f
How many more days remain in our Community Organizer In Chief s term in office? He can t make golfing his full time job fast
Boehner s hightailing it out of DC just in time to push funding through for Planned Butcherhood without having to suffer any r
Leave it to our Community Organizer In Chief to bully nuns who ve committed their lives to helping the poor in our country ov
Welcoming a pro-life, pro-marriage leader at the White House with a crowd of abortion and gay rights activists, is as classy as
There s always another side that s usually being buried by the mainstream media in order to promote a leftist agenda Media c
The elitist media is exposing its bias and dislike for Republican candidate Donald Trump. Jonah Golberg and Rick Lowry just can
Godless heartless and without conscience .Senate Democrats have blocked the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act from
These social justice warriors always think they know what s best for you and everyone else. Social justice is socialism so perha
The result of Britain s willingness to allow Muslims to immigrate in massive numbers to their country is shocking. This video is
Dr. Ben Carson continues to be misunderstood on what he said when asked if he would be ok with a Muslim President. His com
Oops! Hillary Clinton thought her server was wiped clean but it appears as though KARMA has arrived on the scene. The FBI ha
On Monday s broadcast of the syndicated show Inside Edition, the question was asked who exactly was the questioner at last
A big slap in the face to an overreaching government who is more worried about protecting the reputations of our tyrannical p
Obama couldn t just endorse Joe Biden because like a loyal dog, he s defended every one of his unconstitutional acts against A
What happens to Europe if the refugee surge of mostly muslim men doesn t stop?France is becoming unrecognizableSweden
We love Intellectual Froglegs and Joe Dan Gorman! He totally nails what s happening in Washington in a VERY funny way! It s
The fundamental transformation of America: Watch Obama and the Democrat party beg tens of millions of people who broke
Could you imagine if the mainstream media spent 1/100th of the amount of time defending the persecution of Christians as th
Meanwhile The U.S. keeps funding the war in Syria that drove the refugees out of their homes in the first place Refugees recei
Somebody doesn t like a certain person affecting her ratings but does Megyn underestimate the popularity of the Don? On Fr
Sanctioned domestic terrorists taking direction from our Organizer In Chief and funding from his billionaire marxist friend, Geo
Everything about this muslim boy s story is a lie. From the first lie that he made the clock to the lie about him being unfairly ta
Yeah, because taking Trump down is more important to these flame throwers on the left (and right) than exposing the truth a
For anyone who cares to do the research, there is always more to Obama s unyielding public support of a person who is held u
What a slap in the face to a strong candidate who has received little to no attention by the traditional GOP pundits and RINO s
The fun s already begun at the Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island in Michigan. A well known political adv
Hmmmm .interesting HT: U.S.Patriot1776 Via: Weasel Zippers
Apparently, jeb! thinks the tallest guy in the room is the only qualification for the person who has to clean up eight years of Ob
After watching the debate between all the Republican candidates last night, it s very clear that the status quo from both politi
Hey Barack Hussein Obama America is still waiting for statement about any of the recent violent murders of innocent cops. Bu
It looks like we re not the only ones who are 100% FED UP! with people protesting to defend lawbreakers in our country Watc
Does anyone remember these girls?Dixie who?Just days before the release of the drug cartel thriller Sicario, actress Emily Blun
If Mitt Romney and his former team have the energy to fight Trump s nomination, why didn t they take their fight to Obama w
The truth hurts and Trump has no problem delivering the truth to the very people covering his rally in Dallas yesterday. It s pre
Andrew Breitbart got under the skin of the left like no other. When he entered the political scene, progressives had been so us
An Obama foot soldier in his divisive war on America A Missouri man who shot and killed a Kentucky state trooper during a tra
There is no word yet about whether or not the Hispanics in question were referred to by the plaintiff as White Hispanics, (the
Another bleeding heart progressive who s willing to welcome illegal aliens to America with open arms as long as they don t ge
Sarah Palin can hear Putin s knees knocking from her front porch President Obama addressed news that Russian President Vla
Great interview!
Is it a coincidence that more and more evidence keeps magically appearing in the case against Hillary and the misuse of her pr
WHAT A NUT! New York s Mayor DeBlasio gives the evil eye and stares down former Mayor Giuliani or criticizing him for the li
Baffling the worst terrorist attack in history and you d think American college students would have a clue about why we were
Trump handles this in a great way! Pretty funny!
Soooo ah, what s the point of the picture?Not to worry though muslim women never commit acts of jihad right? To prevent re
#NeverForget Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, Chris Doherty and Ambassador Christopher Stevens:This disgusting excuse for a Co
Bond, James Bond Daniel Craig is out of nearly $50,000 after donating to a questionable Super PAC. The actor who plays a cha
You know what they say about playing with fire Here are Jindal s comments about Trump:Here is Trump s epic response to Jin
The reason the Baltimore Mayor gives for the huge settlement to the Gray family is just insane! Just listen to her state that thi
Here s how the mainstream media spun this story:Here s the truth:Details about the Syrian family of the three-year old boy, w
You seriously can t make up this stuff State Dept's new 'email czar' to deal with Clinton records requests donated $2,700 to Cli
Three more Senators threw their support behind Obama s Iran deal to further seal a victory for the Democrats. My Senator jus
The City of Baltimore proposed a $6.4 million dollar settlement to the Freddie Gray family leaving people wondering if this is a
There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness -Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Barack Hussein Oba
This is a perfect example of how the left is able to decide which laws they follow and which laws the rest of America follows Ki
Barack Obama, champion of the taxpayer funded government employee. Destroyer of the private sector President Barack Oba
Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ingrid Carlqvist and I was born in Sweden in 1960, when the Social Democrats were gonna
Trump continues to stump the pundits. So much for conventional political wisdom For all the talk about Donald Trump alleged
One thing about Donald Trump that s so appealing to Americans is that he s not a professional politician and speaks with great
This brave cop (and mommy) reminds us that police officers risk their lives every day without asking what color the person is t
Real Americans speak out about what s happening in America-you ll love this! Bout time!
Another victory for one of the most bad ass Sheriff s in America A federal judge has upheld part of Arizona s contentious immi
Government officials using other people s money to enjoy a swanky seaside vacation in Mexico while discussing how to take a
Another activist liberal judge who s denying First Amendment rights to Americans. This is very interesting information and the
Joe Biden was at Miami Dade College speaking when he made this big mistake:
Nukes or No Nukes? This is crazy and people have no clue about any of it. Wakey, wakey America!
Young Americans for Freedom at the University of Tennessee, where administrators have suggested students use a new set of
He s gone fishin I m very proud to be the first president to travel above the Arctic Circle. Thank you, Alaska for your warmth an
Obama has encouraged this type of behavior with his divisive rhetoric, as he proves himself to be a true disciple of the Revere
Bryan Pagliano is in hot water with this and he knows it. Is water boarding an option here? Seriously, they need his testimony
A budget meeting was cut short after the mayor s security rushed him off the stage and out of the building. The crowd was ho
BRAVO and spot on!Click on picture below to watch :A terrible deal with Iran!A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonald
When Other People s Money Runs Out An NGO operating in Venezuela has published videos of starved prisoners in the sociali
A rookie police officer in Millis who said Wednesday that someone shot his cruiser before it crashed and burst into flames fabr
If denied by Congress it would have profound implications for us It would be extraordinarily damaging . Is Kerry trying to say
Here are the e-mails released last night that confirm what we all knew from way back Hillary is a total elitist who has everyone
Summer snow is coming to Alaska just in time for Obama s visit! Yes, it must be the Gore Effect that brings cold weather when
The news gets worse every day for the Clinton Crime Syndicate Breitbart News Exclusive: Hillary Clinton s private email server
BARACK AND MICHELLE GOOD RIDDANCE!Columbia University president Lee Bollinger told students at a convocation on Mon
Oops! As much as Clinton likes to spin this e-mail mess like it s no big deal, it s a HUGE deal! We ll see thousands more e-mails
This ad is spot on
Hillary shows her true colors when a female student speaking broken English accidentally refers to Barack Obama as Mr. Clint
Donald Trump was in Nashville this past weekend and spoke to the silent majority that he says is sick of being the patsies .
George Soros funded, Obama approved domestic terrorism. It s all the rage with the progressive left Black Lives Matter activi
It looks like the GOP machine over-estimated their power to hand select a candidate for the party. It turns out amnesty is not
This is the result of weak leadership in the White House. Watch for a copycat lawsuit to be filed against Florida by our new fri
These darn progressive CNN reporters just can t help themselves. They re so conditioned to GOP candidates who roll over and
Sarah Palin interviewed The Donald tonight on One America News Network. Here s the full video:
Mrs. ObamaIt sickens me that I have to take time to write you this letter. I am a Marine who doesn t recognize color because e
Brilliant just brilliant Remember when Disney s ESPN punished Trump for his remarks about illegal aliens and moved their ann
From the mouths of moms or something like that Even Barbara Bush agrees with me.A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@rea
Somehow we don t think this is what the Queen of the Clinton Crime Syndicate expected at this stage of her campaign The lat
This is great and so wonderful to see the positive events pushing back on the Obama policies. Everyone knows the Iran deal is
What kind of leader speaks like this? It s obvious that there s lots of frustration within the RINO delegation of the Republican p
A Latino radio host gave Trump a nickname of The Man with the Toupee and Trump was not having any of it. He was holding
This election is THE most important election EVER! Which way will America turn after 8 years of the fundamental transformati
Mark Levin was on Sean Hannity last night discussing immigration and Donald Trump s Iowa press conference.
Pass the popcorn and watch this explode the thought of Biden jumping into the race is priceless! Unreal!The potential first Fir
A mystery man gives Univision anchor Jorge Ramos a major tongue lashing after Ramos was kicked out of the Trump presser. I
An angry black, gay, racist, Democrat victim the poster child for today s progressive in America Gay Black reporter Vester Flana
The leftist mainstream media would love Americans to believe Trump had Univision propagandist removed from the press con
Katrina Campins gave an excellent explanation of Trump s position on immigration and the press: As an American I feel frustra
If you watched this press conference live, you ll know you want to see it again and again. I ve never seen anyone toy with the
The Obama administration has been playing loose and free with our national security. It s been revealed over the years that se
As the anarchists and local thugs sit and nod their heads in agreement Everett D. Mitchell is the Director of Community Relatio
As if this presidential race couldn t get any crazier rumors abound that Mitt Romney might jump in and stir things up a bit. The
The bad news for these bleeding heart liberals is there are even more reasonably priced pizza shop options who understand e
When will American citizens stop being afraid to stand up and SPEAK OUT against the politically correct thugs of the left?A ne
This is so typical of the Obama administration! Positions of importance have been given to people who supported him during h
Bernie Sanders can t effectively handle two loud mouthed female #BlackLiesMatter activists/thugs (see video below), but he w
Good for these brave motorists! America needs to stop being afraid to speak out and stand up to this culture of hate for cops
Nothing like a good dose of Sheriff Clarke to expose the lies of the left After showing a clip of the confrontation between Hilla
Ouch! This could have been handled with honesty but they ve really got so much to cover up that it would have been nearly im
Trump s not backing down from his in your face style anytime soon. That s the problem with our country, we don t have fight
This is a great interview with some very personal info on Donald Trump. He also discusses Black Lives matter at around the 17:
In 1993 Harry Reid wrote the Immigration Stabilization Act of 1993, a bill that would have denied birthright citizenship to child
Here s Biden chuckling and grinning while debating the Iran sanctions the arrogance runs deep on this one.
America s next president could be eased into office not just by TV ads or speeches, but by Google s secret decisions, and no on
Hillary may have gotten away with lying to the public for decades, but what she underestimated this time around was the eno
Feeling a little safer knowing how well our border fence is working to keep undesirables out? I wonder if ISIS members know h
Will this news only increase Obama s desire to work harder to stoke the racial flames in America? Rasmussen poll released Th
The left is quickly discovering that this is a very different crop of GOP Presidential candidates, who are not going to allow the p
Donald Trump is doing exactly the opposite of what critics said he would. So far, there s no end in sight to the enthusiasm Ame
SO YOUR HUSBAND TURNS 69 If he s Bill Clinton he gets heckled by a bunch of kids on the golf course and your spouse doesn
Can she just go away and stop with the tacky commercials. What kids say effen ? That s not even the least bit funny. I don t kn
The Obama family continues to rack up huge bills on transportation alone when they take the thinly veiled humanitarian vacati
Hillary Clinton is trying to blame the State Department for her lawlessness but new information is coming out showing the des
Does anyone else find it strange the Obama would lobby so hard to make it easy for Iran to develop nuclear weapons they wil
jeb! continues his free fall in the polls in spite of the all out push by the GOP to make him the Republican nominee for Presiden
Pandering like crazy is what you see here. These people are so stuck and play the victim card like nobodies business Watch Hil
This could be bad news for a number of politicians who seem to have ditched their moral compass as they entered the Washi
Trump made sure everyone got a chance to see his interview with NBC Reporter Katy Tur after he posted this telling clip from
Spirited debate:
It was not very high security The IT company Hilary Clinton chose to maintain her private email account was run from a loft ap
It s interesting that Trump s candidacy has exposed so many political hacks in unlikely places.
Hillary in prison orange kinda like an early Christmas gift to America Section 793 of the Penal Code, subsection (f) is a problem
This is another twist and turn in the mega scandal that is all Hillary s mess. The interesting thing about this e-mail discovery is
Trump s not dropping in the polls in spite of the GOP and mainstream media s best efforts On The Rush Limbaugh Show, the p
Socialism sounds great until you realize the money government takes from you goes to whomever they choose (like family me
Hillary has to be the absolute worst dancer ever what s with the hands in the air like ya just don t care? Too funny!
CAIR continues to nudge, nudge, nudge the American people towards what they deem to be modern time . They ve filed a law
Trump not only found a way around the Iowa State Fair restrictions and followed through on his plan to give kids helicopter rid
The liberal pundits are pretty frustrated by the Clinton campaign and it shows:
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions has been the lone fighter in the battle against the invasion at our southern border. This is why t
Why didn t the IT firm come forward before now with the backup of Hillary s server? She s even more busted if the e-mails stil
Remember the promise of a fence on our southern border? Yes, it was the plan but the $1.2 billion dollar plan was never exec
Hillary s been campaigning so hard that she needs a Hamptons vacation to hob nob and fundraise off of the Hamptons elite. L
Great job! Nothing to add to this
Obama is hell bent on closing GITMO before he leaves office even if it s the wrong move. His legacy comes before what s right
Yeah because everyone wants these guys living in their hometown Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Pa
There s something about these sassy ladies that makes you just makes you want to cheer for them The two ladies, Lynette Dia
He was just looking to the jobs most Americans won t do The transformation of America continues.An illegal immigrant who p
Is the world s biggest global warming liar getting ready for a Bush vs Gore re-match?Democrats more and more desperate to
Nice that she s making fun of the ability to have messages just disappear not funny!
Has the Obama regime really sunk to a new low level? Is that even possible? What do hateful racist and anti-cop messages hav
You can say what you want to about Trump but this is a great little Instagram spot from him. It gets the point across quickly. N
This is political correctness run amuck with the effort of a City Councilman to change the name of a fair that s been in existenc
Obama s war against America on every possible front Last Wednesday, a small EPA-supervised work crew inspecting the Gold
Your announcement to your remaining fan base seemed very flippant and perky tonight Megyn. I almost thought for a momen
Just released hysterical video of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump having a phone conversation about his candidacy
Obama s vacations have been over the top considering Bush went to Crawford Ranch for much of his time on vacation. THE LIS
We should call her Slick Hillary after her husband s nickname of Slick Willy. These two grifters are just all smoke and mirrors w
Al Shartpon will be traveling never mind SMOKE AND MIRRORS:Now the Justice Department s Civil Rights Division, U.S. attorn
The left believes they are winning this war. Radical organizations funded by George Soros and other radical leftists are paying
Why is no one asking the bigger question about why, in the first place we need to import workers from other countries who sp
This is why Trump is getting the great numbers and large crowds. He s being the anti-candidate and saying what s on his mind
I appears that Hillary Clinton is really in a big mess with this e-mail scandal. She could have just turned the server over and dea
Like breaking federal laws and treating Secret Service agents like her minions?
A bunch of thugs, a bunch of creeps, criminals, race hustlers with a scattering of law abiding people converged in this area an
Really Hillary? Why don t you tell us about men who are offensive to women Donald Trump s remarks about Fox News ancho
Mark Dice rolls out another gem that displays just how gullible the voters are. Here ya go:
So, the working people of America are basically supposed to sit back and watch Bernie Sanders and Hillary compete to see wh
Just so we have this straight a Somali cab driver had already repeatedly threatened to decapitate police officers earlier in the y
We re thinking Trump shouldn t give the ratings to Megyn Kelly. Here is our suggestion in a tweet to Donald:@realDonaldTrum
The race card thing is getting old fast The Austin County Sheriff s Office released the dash camera video of a July 14 traffic stop
UPDATE: AND SO IT BEGINS A police officer holds back for fear of being seen as racist:A police officer in Birmingham, Ala., was
It s time to stop hitting the snooze button America! This crisis is no longer on our doorstep it s here. The Democrats, corporatio
Howard Stern: You seem to be pretty conservative. You kinda are.Megyn: I m conservative on some things and not on others a
Every GOP Presidential candidate is racing to align themselves with Reagan. Is it possible they just don t really understand why
So you mean they didn t have to burn the city down?Attorneys for the six police officers charged in Freddie Gray s death say p
The LGBT Mafia and PC Police doing what they do best shaming Americans and businesses into conformity. Does anyone have
Schumer asked the President not to mention his decision publicly until he could make a formal announcement on Friday.If tha
I know you ll miss me. Did he really say that?President Barack Obama has returned to his favorite summer vacation spot of ch
Hello America Are we awake yet?AUSTIN, Texas Texas Sheriffs, the Lieutenant Governor, and experts in immigration related
We re still wondering how Carly Fiorina was relegated to the happy hour debate while Gov. Kasich (and a few others we won
Thoughts on the first GOP Presidential Primary Debate by Patty of 100% FED Up!There are a lot of FOX News fans who have be
The Washington Post is of course, befuddled as to what all of this means, so let us break it down for them: FOX News moderat
The takeaway from the first debate is that the FOX news moderators tried to pose gotcha questions and should have asked m
I m the only one to separate Siamese twins. The only one to operate on babies while they were still in their mother s womb. T
A rookie Dr. Ben Carson: I haven t said anything about me being the only one to do anything. I m the only one to separate siam

Megyn Kelly asked a very odd question tonight during the GOP debate. I don t think she was expecting this answer. LOL! Trum
Well, well, well the left is trying pretty much anything to discount the Trump candidacy. WaPo had a blurb earlier in the week
Newly released financial disclosures reveal Bill Clinton received $16.46 million in payments from a George Soros-backed for-pr
Twenty years ago when, uh, we won the first Republican majority in 40 years, there was one radio talk show host that nobody
Hillary has a history of pulling out the pandering Southern accent when in the South. I m from the South and find this so offen
CJ is tired of watching Barack Obama divide our nation says it s time to hire a uniter. Black teen conservative political activist a
You don t know what s gonna come at you all of this has nothing to do with being a great President.
No wonder America loves this guy so much. It s been a long time since we had a leader who made his enemies look like amate
The good news is the Clinton Crime Syndicate is finally starting to come apart at the seams. The bad news is socialist Bernie Sa
Is Rand trying to separate himself from the crowded pack of GOP presidential contenders by ratcheting up the anti-war rhetor
Is there really any point to go through the work and expense to become an American citizen anymore?Huntington Park may b
The Hillary Clinton supporters are the definition of a liv this is just pitiful!
The answers to questions about Donald Trump by a room full of mostly Democrats and Independent NH voters leave these left
A transcript from the Friday, July 31, 2015 Rush Limbaugh show. Rush is truly one of the most brilliant political analysts of our
There used to be a difference. Of all people, Chris Matthews should have known he was asking his party s chairman a trick que
Judge William H. Orrick, III joins Obama in his desire to keep the Planned parenthood abortion videos from coming out. He qui
It s pretty common knowledge there is no love lost between Valerie Jarrett and the Clinton crime syndicate. It s also pretty com
I listened to this interview and it really reinforces my belief that Trump s heart is in the right place. I especially love his comme
If you haven t watched the commentary in Intellectual Froglegs, it s an acquired taste. Joe Dan is a truth teller with a great Sou
Sorry Tiger, Hillary has a lot of influence but it s unlikely she can do anything for your golf game Adulterer and former golf star
So much outrage by so many corrupt people it s hard to keep track. One thing we know for sure no matter where you are in t
Dr. Ben Carson is one of the best at putting a difficult topic into simple terms. Patty and I were lucky enough to hear Dr. Carson
Hmmm .If we didn t know better, we d almost think Obama and Valerie Jarrett had a hand in writing this whacked out script. D
If the title of this book was White Skin Privilege you would likely find it in just about every college campus library or school bo
She s really good at this! This should disqualify her for the nomination don t candidates need to be vetted?
Desperation has set in and Planned parenthood is resorting to messy stunts that try and make anti-abortion groups look bad. I
It s all about Hillary and Bill in their world. It s also about how much they can skim off the top or gain monetarily in the politica
The good news is, now that Obama s released all the criminals from jail, there should be plenty of room for Hillary, Eric Holder
David Daleiden: We probably have hundreds to even thousands of hours of total video tape from over the past two and a half
Stereotype much? Wow! This entire statement is misleading and racist because Jeb Bush wants to paint with broad strokes th
Career criminals professional grifters the ultimate Democrat politicians Voters in Illinois and Michigan witnessed the nastiest m
Maybe Florida isn t as pro-amnesty as Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio had hoped. That s gonna leave a mark For the first time this
Wait! I thought she was dead broke and just like the everyday American? It seems that the Clintons have a thing with costly h
Any guesses as to who is playing our criminal Secretary of State or our lying Commander in Chief? The movie, based on Mitch
Bush spoke to a hispanic audience in central Florida and pandered pretty heavily to the audience. The audio is pretty raw in pl
Hmmm Ever wonder why the left fears Trump so much? The Daily Beast s Tim Mak and Brandon Zadrozny woke up on Tuesda
Unreal! Is he that out of it? It would appear so
Funny how Boehner gets so choked up over the little things, but shows no emotion at all when he s giving Obama and the Dem
This is a little racy but pretty funny.
We re not sure what s funnier, the fact that he talks about being a pretty good president or that he actually thinks anyone be
And why is this person not up on domestic terrorism charges? Can you imagine a white person being caught on camera makin
Who knew the radical leftist #BlackLivesMatter activists had a co-founder?Who knew the only political party with a black Pres
Justice the Obama way Instead of investigating whether Planned Parenthood illegally trafficked baby body parts, Obama s DOJ
The fundamental transformation of America El Salvador is the top country of birth for immigrants to Virginia. Indeed, the Mig
REMEMBER THIS? If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. yep, that was Obama speaking to an audience in Philadelp
I come too faaaar DOES THIS PANDER COME WITH A FAKE BLACK ACCENT? Over the weekend, Clinton s black outreach dire
Amazing! Ted Cruz does a beautiful job of getting Code Pink to zip it!
What in the world is she thinking? She says this two weeks before another Martha s Vineyard vacation.
Is he smoking something? He chuckles as he says this knowing it will upset many Americans.
America is facing an enemy, and its name is radical Islam. A real leader would be able to call the enemy by its name. Sadly, we
The leftist propaganda press is finally getting what they ve had coming to them for a l-o-n-g time On Tuesday the Des Moines R
Dining and dancing giving Kenya one billion dollars to boost young entrepreneurs in Africa His agenda in Kenya was focused on
Bernie Sanders is a self described socialist NOT an Independent but a Socialist. He believes in the socialist state. Check out Ve
Once again, a great opening statement from Judge Jeanine nails it!
This guy is just priceless you have to give him credit for his honesty and boldness.
Even though he s a RINO THIS is a shocker! In June, Nevada s Republican Sen. Dean Heller tried to get the Pentagon to change
Hey Barry tell us again about what a great deal for America you cut with Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran s supreme leader, tw
McCain s war hero status is not in question with the American voter, but his service to our nation as a Senator is clearly an issu
Ordinary citizens (many of them are proud veterans) are filling a breach left by our federal government US Navy veteran Tim K
The GOP doesn t know it yet, but they need Trump more than he needs them Donald Trump will not be the Republican presid
As Obama pushes to close GITMO, two former detainees are arrested in Belgium. Once again, Obama puts the safety of Ameri
Willie s support should come as no surprise to fans of Duck Dynasty. He s a business man who doesn t mince words or worry a
Besides being a muslim terrorist sympathizer, it appears Bowe and B.O. have something else in common Why is this guy (who
Potentially classified e-mails?
Hillary pandering to the Black Lives Matter crowd is just embarrassing! A black guy with a hoodie makes white people afraid? G
Outgoing Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno also said the rise of ISIS could have been stopped if Obama didn t pull out troo
As Barack Hussein Obama tours around the country trying to convince the low information voter that the lopsided and danger
Who exactly will Gray and Burguiere of Glenn Beck s Blaze see fit to cover? Will they double down on Lindsey Graham? Maybe
Ready to take America back!
Does anyone actually believe it s possible that Barack Hussein Obama is the only person in America (with maybe the exception
Love him or hate him Trump s speaking up and saying the things conservatives in America have been dying for someone in the
After Donald Trump gave out Lindsey Graham s cell phone number during a speech, here s the somewhat awkward response f
However you feel about Trump as a candidate for President, he s done more in the past few weeks than most candidates have
Obama s ICE Director Sarah Saldana is not the only one determined to help Obama fundamentally transform America. In 2013
The global warming hucksterism in the Obama administration has been going on since the beginning. The former EPA director
This news comes on the heels of Obama s release the drug offenders in prisons tour. All part of the fundamental transformati
Why should armed civilians have to protect and defend our US military recruitment centers? Muslim terrorists have made it cl
Way to go Granny! Perfect timing for your announcement with the discovery of the Planned Parenthood s aborted baby parts
Can anyone be at all serious about a Presidential candidate who believes this?
It s about time! Did Obama order the flags lowered because Boehner put pressure on him or could it be that Obama ordered t
No conflict of interest here! Only the most pro-abortion president in the history of the United States would have an expert w
When you have a crowd of people listening to this kind of idiotic drama, I think it s safe to say you should expect to be booed o
The fundamental transformation of America continues . But one photo emerges that defies Barack and Michelle Obama s hate
What a bunch of unbelievable traitors we have in this White House Kerry can t be that naive or dumb to Iran s evil. The more h
Just confirming what anyone paying attention already knew. The Huffington Post isn t interested in reporting the news they re
Die-hard amnesty for illegal aliens cheerleader Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Every time a little thing like this happens, they use the mos
Dr. Carson points out the false narrative of the left s argument, that harvesting baby parts is okay, because we need the fetal ti
First things first The following statement is the first to come out of the White house. It was emailed out and makes no referen
What would a speech from a modern Democrat be if they didn t include the LGBT crowd and embrace illegal aliens? It s almos
Don t turn off your paid internet service quite yet. If you have a job and contribute to our tax base, you won t qualify. You also
Well first of all, politicians, especially those elected President of the United States, are very adept at creating straw men; takin
Nothing says tolerance like putting a loaded gun to a strangers head because you disagree with the flag they re holding A fami
Being called out for his utter incompetence as a leader by the press is not something Obama is used to CBS News s Major Garr
Yesterday we told you about the company who buys aborted baby organs from Planned Parenthood. Many of our readers we
The consequences of a failure to control immigration in America A foreign-born alien who sought help with his immigration pa
I m a mom who grew up in Romeo, MI., the same town where Robert Ritchie, aka Kid Rock was born and raised. I am also a hu
Baltimore City State s Attorney Marilyn Mosby tells FOX News reporter during hostile exchange (at the 1 minute mark) that sh
Last we checked harvesting and selling body parts in America was illegal. Perhaps the abortion industry has some sort of speci
Tough talk from Washington does not solve problems says our Thug in Chief as he threatens Congress not to cross him on thi
Like a spoiled child on a spending spree with no parental guidance, Greece is forced to sell some of the most beautiful real est
I know Patty and I are boycotting Macy s for dumping Donald Trump. It looks like thousands of Americans are also really sick a
Kate Steinle is the wrong race, and she was killed by someone Obama is advocating for. If they can only get FOX News to stop
It s not just Trump who s exposing the truth about the hundreds of thousands of muslims being sent to our country where the
It s not just the our open southern borders we need to be concerned about. It s our State Department who seems to be hell-b
Another turn left for the Hillster so no school choice and no teacher accountability. Would you vote for someone who favors t
Wow! The list just keeps getting longer and longer! We can all find something to be offended by but should we ban all those th
It is under the Obama administration that the hacking of 22 million has happened so it is his administration s responsibility to
There s something about a politician who s not a professional politician that s so refreshing.
As a poll challenger who has witnessed unbelievable blatant voter fraud by Democrats, I can only imagine what this poll worke
They shot him in the head with a 45. They found out from the coroner that he was on his back (like this)with his hands up an
Counterfeiting is illegal by the way and shouldn t be rewarded with American citizenship This could be the story of an America
An Arkansas woman who went to pick up the class ring she ordered from Walmart left disappointed, after store officials told h
Miss him yet?Here s an up-close look at a quality-of-life offense the City Council wants to decriminalize.This urinating vagrant
Great press conference with Trump! He makes so much sense and is hitting on the right points. It s about time!
Fox News host Megyn Kelly shut down a liberal guest in a blistering Thursday night exchange about President Barack Obama s
Graham was on CNN today and had this to say about Trump: He said something that has brought people who are frustrated ab
THE FAA IS GETTING PETTY AND VINDICTIVE The agency said Thursday it intends to rename three navigation points near Palm
THE CLEANSING OF OUR HISTORY CONTINUES What the heck is wrong with the city of Memphis???Late Tuesday, the Memphi
The GOP leadership may want to rethink their position on amnesty for illegals. American citizens (yes, including Hispanic Amer
To watch a black comedian with a net worth of $70 million in a country with a majority white population whine about his victi
Never mind the fact that Kid Rock fought for and won full custody of his black son, whom he raised by himself.Never mind tha
I forgot about the claim from Hillary Clinton that she had actually talked to Eleanor Roosevelt. Crazy! Nobody tells stories like t
This is just too much! Protesting the flag that they don t even know has 13 stars unreal!House Democrats referenced the wron
America better wake up and realize we are quickly becoming victims of leftist bullies and their desire to destroy our right to fre
When will the libs start Delta Smelt shaming and demand answers from the left for putting a fish before the lives and livelihoo
CJ Pearson, the 12 year old conservative social media sensation who was bullied and threatened by grown-ups on the left, has
WHAT THE HECK! What s happened to the Southern leaders? Confederate flags should be placed on the graves of Civil War so
It s interesting how many of these celebrities who hate America and American citizens have no problem taking their money Po
Yeah you know the Obama regime is serious about taking down ISIS when they send in 60 Syrian rebels and leave them unpro
Since when did future Democrat voters take precedent over enforcing the law? Family members suspect jealousy may have le
Just another interesting discovery in a story that has already exposed a very corrupt government that favors illegal aliens over
I laughed out loud when I saw this. It could be today. Have the Clintons not learned that the optics on this are just bad, bad, ba
I m shocked! I thought these two were buddies and this would be a fluff interview. Not so much! Ouch!
So much for the US refusing to work with countries who are guilty of some of the worst human rights violations in the world F
Wow maybe they could include a place where the mothers could pose with their dead babies a photo gallery of sorts Women
About 62 percent of Americans say they won t be taking a vacation this summer at all. Out of that, more than half said they co
So much for that whole dead broke nonsense Hillary Clinton has vowed to be a champion for everyday Americans. The form
Disney s just doing their part to advance a radical leftist agenda by punishing conservatives and anyone who dares to challeng
Another successful cleansing of our history like it or not what s next?Just a reminder of something Michelle Obama said in 20
If local law enforcement begins to act like immigration officers what that means is that you will have people not reporting crim
Because we don t have enough crime in our country already we need to import it from Mexico and South America.To hell with
UPDATE ON THE REDSKINS BATTLE WITH THE FEDS:ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) A federal judge has ordered the Patent and Tradem
But wait the first female president oh never mind, the Democrat party s gonna go with diversity and pick the old white guy.
Well, that didn t take long. Look for the first beastiality marriage license request in 5 4 3 2 1 Nathan Collier said he was inspire
I guess we re not the only ones who are 100% FED UP with our marxist president Following the influx of illegal immigrant mino
Mrs. Clinton provided material assistance to terrorists and lied to Congress in a venue where the law required her to be truth
There s no need for Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett to make a statement about finding a cure for pediatric cancer, which rec
After we win this election, it s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready because w
Because according to the left, the brave men who gave their lives for our nation are apparently the equivalent of a battle to m
Americans need to put American citizens first and dump Macy s. Macy s has a Customer Service Department phone number th
Obama must have added this to the deal so he can move to close GITMO. He s just itching to release more terrorists and close
Does this president know American history or does he just make it up? Who writes this bs for him? Whoever it is needs to be c
No word on when Soros will be put on trial for paying protestors to riot or when Al Sharpton will be charged with inciting the r
Are there any coincidences in the quid pro quo world of Obama s Chicago style politics? Here s the link story we posted about
What a group of grifters these Clinton scammers are! Chelsea demands a huge speaking fee from a public university but what
Gay pride? Tolerance is a one-way street for those on the left Two street preachers were brutally beaten punched and kicked
A defender of the Confederate flag who says the flag is NOT about race says: I m gonna tell you one thing, I ain t sitting down;
The children were greeted at the Capitol steps in the communist state of Wisconsin by protestors singing hate songs with sign
It s too early to endorse Hillary? What s Al Gore waiting for? It s clear that Hillary is the anointed one for the Democrats so wh
Not a bad imitation of a black pastor from a guy who quit going to church when he entered the White House because accordin
Well, it s not like we didn t know this but it s very revealing to know why Obama says he got into politics. Hope and Change wa
Mexicans have been given a green light by Obama and his regime to enter our country. Why shouldn t the drug cartels capital
It s actually quite refreshing to see someone on the right who is unafraid to take off the gloves. His message to those who sup
George Soros is sticking his nose into voter ID laws and throwing money into lawsuits in several states to get the law overturne
Hillary got a bit of a surprise while leaving a campaign stop in St. Louis this week. Who wiped
Of course, we d be okay with excluding three of the Justices who didn t go along with the rubber stamping of Obama s reckles
America s First Black President continues to destroy employment opportunities for the black community We ve got a bad guy
When it comes to limiting our free speech, nothing this lawless government does should surprise us. Under normal circumsta
This is insane! Obama uses a gas guzzling plane to fly to Florida to bash Republicans about global warming? The hypocrisy isn t
Former Democrat Congressman Ben Jones (1989 to 1993) who played the character Cooter on the 1970s TV series The Duke
It s painful to watch the stupidity and irresponsibility of the Democrats who run the city of Chicago along with Chicago Teache
While I m not a huge O Reilly fan, I do believe this comment is true. I think many Americans are either too busy to dig deep on
Where s the outcry from the left about the mistreatment and relentless badgering of black conservative GOP presidential cand
I m sure the apple doesn t fall far from the tree in this case. Many of us have known about the father-in-law but this digs deep
One more Republican doing his part to aid Obama in his fundamental transformation of America Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) cast
How unqualified and out of touch is he? I m wondering if Brian Williams would ve been better off fired rather than join this cas
Remember Joni Ernst? Conservatives were so excited to see her win a Senate seat in Iowa. You may be surprised to see who th
As Americans we insist that no one should be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, who they love, what the
The author of Clinton Cash responds to Hillary Clinton s brazen dishonesty. Who does she think she s fooling is she lying or ju
America deserves so much better and should get early serious about our next president. Obama has been so undignified throu
Our 44th President just doing his part to keep the racial fire stoked Barack Obama claimed the United States was still infected
The producers vs. the looters The man honeymooned in a Communist country. He even wrote a paper about how woman fant
Why would anyone want to risk their lives while serving their community as a cop in this hostile, anti-cop, free-for-all environm
Why does FOX News even give this guy a microphone? He lost his relevance about a decade ago, and yet FOX News still thinks
All the progress that s been made with race relations in America since the civil rights era has been ignored by so many angry b
The EPA continues to push for more and more restrictions on emissions. The Obama agenda continues and is bolstered by the
This video shows what happens when a large population of muslim immigrants refuse to assimilate with the culture of residen
Just when you thought the 2014 election results would provide America with some checks and balances U.S. lawmakers narro
This reminds us of the list of demands that were made by the American prisoners in Mexico oh wait never mind The border ha
Of course, the government will have to address that whole income inequality issue, because clearly every illegal alien or unde
We re living in such historic times I can barely take all the diversity and equality Help us to choose the woman the Obama reg
Aren t the kids already suffering enough by being forced to eat Mooch s slop for lunch? Isn t it always all about the kids for th
Do you know who this is? He is Edward Ed Mezvinsky, born January 17, 1937. Then you ll probably say, Who is Ed Mezvinsky
If the murderer was arguing in defense of a Republican would the media be working so hard to keep her political persuasion p
Donald Trump announced he will be running for President as a Republican in 2016. Here s what he had to say about our milita
A different set of laws apply to illegals in fact, it appears there are no laws that apply to illegals More than 100 convicted crimi
Karl Rove is suggesting Hillary suffered brain damage following her blood clot.On Sunday, Hillary Clinton s campaign manager w
George, Barack and Hillary the axis of evil Professional race activists Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop), p
Don t worry the liberal elite always know what s best for the little people.Goldman Sachs Chairman and UN Special Representa
We ve seen the overpriced t-shirts before from other candidates but The Hillary Clinton store takes it to a new level . everyda
You can t have people walking around with guns says the husband of the woman who wants to be your next president Sunda
This Marine veteran who ran for Constitutional Sheriff in New Hampshire in 2014 is passionate about protecting and defendin
Whether federal spending legislation crosses the line from enticement to coercion is often difficult to determine, and courts sh
Black lives matter but only when white cops are responsible for their deaths. When blacks kill other blacks not so much. Kudo
You know you re really in the tank when the CNN anchors are mocking you! A total of 6 people attended a Hillary Watch Party
Why would the Vatican invite an aggressive leftist speaker to the rollout of the Pope s Papal document on phony global clima
Does anyone care? If Hillary personally gassed these citizens would anyone care? Has America become so conditioned to read
Many on the left are calling for gun control in the U.S. The people who are so concerned about saving the lives of victims of gu
You can t make this up! Why are these criminals who illegally entered our country are being given special status? They are not
Wouldn t it be great to have a president who made our national security a top priority? The Obama administration will agree t
The Army can t be bothered with defending or protecting war heroes, they re too busy with other more pressing issues like en
As a side note, I m just curious when did the world agree to forfeit the rainbow (a sign from God to Noah that he would never
However you feel about Fiorina, this ad takes the gloves off and gives Hillary a big smack down!
Every American should care about this no matter what party. A stolen vote is a vote taken away from YOU! With electronic ba
Here s one sure way to turn a solidly red state blue In Fiscal year 2014, Texas resettled 7,234 refugees. However, that doesn
Keith Broomfield won t likely receive any recognition from the White House for his brave and selfless decision to stand side by
This is so over the top it s not funny. I m a huge advocate of parents being there for the kids but a felony charge? Held overnig
We came,we saw, he died HRCIn short, without Mrs. Clinton s vigorous intervention, Qadhafi would still be in power, Libya w
Why do we even need a Congress anymore? We have a King, and it appears the majority his council are there at his behest. In
Before we explore the actual details of Marco Rubio s extravagant purchase, let s take a look at the brilliant tweet by Bill San
Why are banking powerhouses, European Prime Ministers, a major arms manufacturer, a representative from the US State De
Perhaps this young girl aspires to be the First Lady someday. Is it really fair to fire her for making racist remarks on social medi
It s almost like Hillary s not really that interested in the everyday people after all except of course, when it comes to voting H
It s obvious that the Iraqi PM is trying to get a word in with Obama yet it s clear our childish president is freezing him out. Wha
Hillary heads to DC for an exclusive fundraiser hosted by one-percenter lesbians Hillary Clinton will be in Washington, D.C., on
Kids Just Want To Use Words That s racist, that s sexist. They don t even know what they re talking about Like Chris Rock and
Hey Al Why don t you try going into the neighborhoods of Chicago and ask the residents to contribute to your worthless chari
Which begs the question:How many Iraqi s have been placed on trial for similar circumstances? And do the rules of engageme

Ultimate gun control is the end game of Barack Obama and his regime period.On June 1 Breitbart News reported on Obama s
I guess the people who work for the Baltimore Mayor are like rats on the sinking Titanic. Maybe they figured out that it s not s
Not that it matters, but since it appears that no one has read the bill, it s probably not that unlikely that Democrat senator Ron
I think we need somebody who knows the military. I think he (Rick Perry) knows the military I find it difficult to want a Comm
No need to file rules don t apply to Obama s amnestied illegals Illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty can claim back ta
A shocking documentary reveals that at least some American Muslims do want Sharia law right here in the United States.Ami
Unfortunately, our troops have been affected most by the ignorance of the American voter who couldn t see through the smo
But then again, with all of the cash flowing into the Clinton Slush Fund from foreign countries no designer should be out of re
But what about Hillary being a formidable opponent when it comes to women voters? Hillary Clinton had trouble attracting h
The last three recipients of the highly coveted Arthur Ashe award for courage were gay: GMA host, Robin Roberts (2013), First
This is proof positive that we have a delusional leader who s got an ego the size of Texas!
DANIEL GREENFIELD NAILS IT! This is one of the best resourced and stated takes on what America s going through that I ve eve
How many American taxpayer dollars have already been used by the Obama regime to spy on, discredit and dismantle conser
I m leaving the GOP and running as a Democrat!Unfortunately, it doesn t look like that s what we re going to hear from our am
Eric Holder in a skirt Obama s Department of Justice is working on more than a dozen new gun control regulations it plans to
With 25% of Mexico now living in America Americans should be demanding our President tell us why he allowed these illegal
Fortunately, our useless Secretary of State John Kerry was able to make France a part of his taxpayer funded four-nation trip w
Beau Biden son of Vice President Joe Biden died of brain cancer at 46, the White House confirmed in a statement Saturday.
But what about that whole unfair student debt thing that Hillary and Bill are so concerned about?While Arizona State Univer
This story would have been front page news across America today had a Republican running for Senate in California made the
B b..but she s a victim (Mosby claims her account was hacked).Earlier this month, two controversial tweets were favorited by
These 4 hostages must certainly feel a sense of comfort knowing that our strong Commander In Chief would never desert an A
Pretty much people just yelling at each other so far. Adam Housley (@adamhousley) May 30, 2015
I wonder how many government funded trucks will be following Mooch s kids this summer? Oh, that s right she s a good mom
GETTING RICH OFF OF THE MISERY OF OTHERS VERY DISTASTEFUL!To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 2004 Indian
What could Hastert have done so wrong to have to pay someone from his past $3.5 million? He was a teacher and a wrestling
ISIS supporters on Twitter are making open DEATH threats to bikers attending the Freedom Of Speech Round II event to be h
After giving ROOM TO DESTROY , Baltimore s mayor now says she s confident she can get Uncle Sam to pay for the damage. W
Nothing like riding on your sister s coattails and making bucketloads of cash just because you re a mooch and a grifter like they
Minnesota the hotbed of liberalism and diversity in the Midwest While teachers blow the whistle on the breakdown of discip
Why should Barack Obama bother with the courts? He s always been above the law. He s already proven to us that he doesn t
Megyn Kelly interviews The Blaze s Dana Loesch about Baltimore s racist, anti-cop mayor, after she took umbrage over FOX Ne
Another leftist educator uses the precious time they ve been given to deliver an inspirational speech to high school graduates
This is a perfect example of the effort by liberals to erase our American history. Like it or not, we have a history and we should
Drawing Muhammad is not illegal under American law, but only under Islamic law. Violence that arises over the cartoons is so
Nothing shady here, huh? Unbelievable!Even by the standards of arms deals between the United States and Saudi Arabia, this
The State Department redacted one sentence just one. Cleaning up for our former Secretary of State is something the State D
CNN mostly dismisses the Clinton e-mail scandal and just brushes over it but John King makes a great point this morning:Sund
The main stream media has done a great job of covering up the story of Jeffrey Epstein and his friends in high places who joine
Private jets, lots of cash, presidential suites you name it! Unreal!Late last month an IB Times report showed that Goldman Sac

A scene straight from the Freddie Gray School of Bad Actors A Baltimore man arrested in connection to the shooting of five pe

Members of the Catholic church need to pay close attention to the radical statements that are being made by the Vatican s to
Our military men and women never had to wonder if President George W. Bush cared about them Former Press Secretary for
The Friday document dump today included 300 of the thousands of yet to be released Clinton e-mails. How convenient to rele
Our State Department brought in over 1 million 1 LEGAL immigrants entered the US in the last 20 years as a result of the Refug
The Clintons found more money $26 million more. They ve been using their positions in government to raise money but haven
SPOT ON RACHEL ZONATION The Obamas pride themselves on being staples in the black community who can do no wrong in
A Pentagon spokesman claims it s more like One Toyota speeding down the road by itself at night with its headlights off. Um
STREET ART HAS APPEARED on the streets surrounding ABC News Good Morning America studios in New York City. The poste
40% of Americans have given up looking for work. Obama logic: Don t cut or reduce benefits for those unwilling to look for wo
It s no accident that President Obama named Vanita Gupta acting head of the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ. Gupta is beloved
We ve been screaming from the rooftop that Obama s new open border policy will destroy job opportunities for Americans wh
Wounded Warrior Project has done so much to help so many veterans who have paid a heavy price for our freedom. Senior Ai
What s a million dollars between friends? To hell with human rights violations Hillary s got a campaign to win!A major Clinton
It would have been more appropriate for the plaque to mention that the Obama-Holder-Sharpton race war started here on Ca

In the face of mounting threats of terrorism and civil unrest in U.S. cities, President Barack Obama is arbitrarily prohibiting loca
Can she just go away? This is so bizarre no words for the pictures except UGH!Michelle Obama has posted a workout video on

Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born Taylor Swiftmi sog y ny m s j n /Submit noun dislike of, contemp

Michael Conger was arrested by Eustis police once on a violation of a probation warrant and Jeremy Robertson had never bee
Did someone not tell this goofball that Ramadi just fell to ISIS? Does this parade look like a success for America to you?
He wants more money? He should find a different occupation that pays more. Hey Florida, vote this guy out! Members deserv
Emails published by the New York Times Monday indicate that Hillary Clinton used more than one private email address durin
My success in the financial markets has given me a greater degree of independence than most other people, Soros once wro
A federal judge REJECTED the State Department s request of a JANUARY 2016 (right before the IOWA primary) release of Hilla

Like mother like daughter? Chelsea is very difficult according to insiders. We know from former Clintonites that Hillary can cu
Bravo for Judicial Watch! What would we do without them-they have pushed for the truth on so many things about Benghazi
****STRONG LANGUAGE Warning****You have lit a fuse, and it s burning and when it explodes negro, you re nowhere near p
Because there s nothing more compassionate than convincing young boys and girls that the gender that God assigned to them
Why would anyone expect anything else from a mayor who criticized Barack Obama for being too conservative and too afrai
The hate for our law enforcement is at an all time high. The blame for the injuries suffered and murders of innocent law enfor
We re going to have people who are bilingual teachers, and ultimately people who just want to do the right thing for the Unit

Keep buying Jay Z and Beyonce s music and keep telling us you like their music and see no connection between buying their m
The Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter protesters are spilling the beans on the so-called grassroots movement.Earlier this week bla
MSNBC the cable news station who hired tax cheat, FBI snitch and paid race baiter, Al Sharpton as a mouthpiece to spew ha
Time to exhale James Barack Obama supporter James Taylor doesn t just think the U.S. president is great he believes Obama
Too funny! Chuck Todd states the obvious but it s huge that he s even saying it out loud.ANDREA MITCHELL AND LIB PUNDITS:
A JV team threat Shaken by a daring U.S. military strike deep in ISIS territory, supporters of the extremist organization were v
Perhaps Democrat Mayor Michael Nutter is taking a cue from the reckless DA in Baltimore in presuming guilt of the engineer w
Huh? Do these people live in a bubble or what? It s almost like they re sticking their fingers in their ears singing La, La, La WTH
No mercy for welfare leech and America hater, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev This is nothing to celebrate. This is justice, said first-respon
We do this not because it s legally required, because it s not, Patton said at a hearing on the agreement. We do this because
The Democrats didn t waste any time pushing for more funding for Amtrak after the Philly crash but anyone with half a brain k
Barack Obama s reckless desire to open our borders to international criminals will likely result in the most serious security thre
Country music star Blake Shelton apparently had a lot on his mind earlier this week, as he took to Twitter and delivered a rath
If nothing else, Mooch makes Hillary seem like she s not such a bad candidate after all .If Michelle Obama decided to run for p

Just like Hillary Stephanopoulos claims it was an honest mistake not to disclose his donations to the corrupt Clinton slush fun

Not every Hollywood actor is a liberal nut job with no understanding of the real world the rest of us are living in some of them
Leading from behind hasn t worked out so well for Obama and now Russia has taken full advantage of our perceived weaknes
WHAT MORATORIUM? These guys in Congress are getting around the moratorium and spending like drunken sailors er pigs St
Emboldened by a radical leftist President who thumbs his nose at our Constitution and the core values our nation was founde

It s Hard To Know Who Obama Hates More America, Israel Or Our Police Officers Barry doesn t have time to attend the funera
The war on the American flag continues.Retired mounted an American flag in front of his house, the same flag that he carried
Two high profile black people giving commencement speeches at predominately black universities with two very different me

It was all an accident. It s good to King The Obama administration continues to ignore the law and do pretty much whatever t
Obama s apology tour for the greatest country in the world continues The United States heard widespread concern Monday o
A group of hackers affiliated with ISIS are threatening to carry out a cyber attack dubbed Message to America against a numb
Rate your mom for Mother s Day sounds like the perfect project that only an intrusive, progressive public school teacher woul
We d like to offer a special word of thanks to Pamela Gellar for shining the light on the truth about Americans who are being
Not that anyone should be surprised by this insanity after all, it s California where rules, laws and morals don t really apply to l
GET OVER YOURSELF! MOOCH PLAYS THE RACE CARD AGAIN This woman loves to stir it up and fabricate things because it doe

Nearly 30,000 police officers gathered in tribute to NYPD police officer Brian Moore. This should send a message to our newly
Thanks to the United Nations and our State Department for their push to bring mostly muslim refugees to small towns across
Refugee camps are overflowing with Christians and Yazidis who ve been persecuted and chased from their homes by ISIS. This
Conform or pay the ultimate price Police seized ten children from an off grid homeschool family in Kentucky on Wednesday a
Nothing to see here just Obama evening the playing field by giving an ad hoc international tribunal the ability to overrule US la
How very charitable of the Lutheran and Catholic churches to bring tens of thousands of refugees to America, dump them off
The liberals find this plan to be disgusting until their neighborhoods become the next victim of violent muslim immigrant gang
This is the definition of insanity-doing the same thing over and over. We just need a Congress strong enough to stop the madn

Bosch Faustian, a former muslim and winner of the Draw Muhammed contest hosted by Pamela Gellar claims he has been re
It s interesting that Josh Earnest still carries around the line of bs that all middle class Americans know is a lie. He is, after all, t
Another positive step towards restoring our freedoms A federal court has decided that the National Security Agency s (NSA) b
What comes around, goes around. It was only a matter of time Dorian Johnson lied repeatedly that Michael Brown had his han
You know those really tacky air fresheners you see in cabs? Yea, well, street artists put those all around with Hillary Clinton s p
Chuck Norris wrote about Jade Helm 15 in a commentary for the conservative website WND last weekend, pointing to the dec
The left believes these are all perfectly acceptable topics to discuss with our young children. Whatever you do, just don t men
The radical Baltimore mayor who ordered the Baltimore Police Department to stand down is now calling for a federal investiga
Meet Alice Miller who single-handedly scr*wed the legal voters of America by letting non-citizens vote. I guess voter integrity
The flags at Citi Field were also at half-mast in honor of Brian Moore. #Respect #NYPD pride. #Mets
Anyone with half a brain can figure out what these shady grifters are doing keeping 85 cents on the dollar made the Clintons m
We re not sure which of Judge Mary Murguia s qualifications for becoming a U.S. Supreme Court Justice would be more attrac
The stats don t lie on this one Obama s hoping to reach the low information voter who watches Letterman and will buy this bs
Our First Lady has taken time out from her self-appointed role as America s Food Nazi to fulfill her new role as First Propagand
Sooo when terrorists attack Je Suis Charlie, a French newspaper (who makes a living mocking religion) and kills innocent peopl
Add another lie to an exhaustive list of Obama lies Emergency-room visits continue to rise in the second year of Obamacare, th
Remember when the left would have been ashamed to say singing The Star Spangled Banner was considered a false display

The future of jihad appears to be alive and well Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered reported:The image appears to have originally bee

He just can t help himself This is what happens when you elect a racist community organizer as your President. Barry knows
Holy smokes! That s billion with a B! Where did all the money go?! Hummmm The city of Baltimore received over $1.8 billion f
You re At Forefront Of This Cause And As Young People, Our Time Is Now PROSECUTER MALTBY
This is like one big slush fund for Hillary 2016. The Clintons not only collected millions from foreign donors, they also rake in $7
Marilyn Mosby held a press conference today in which she said police officers had no probable cause to arrest Freddie Gray. T
The Police Union came out almost immediately after the Mosby press conference today with a response against her assessme
Bill O Reilly isn t my favorite and can be belligerently wrong sometimes but this rant is spot on: The truth is we don t know w
So now that this guy fears for his life he s backtracking on the story he told or is he?This is such a mess and so convoluted that
Holy smokes! Could someone tell Obama he doesn t need to dump more money into the Baltimore school system. I think they
This answers questions but also raises many more questions in this case. Why did the van stop four times? The police van driv

Who knew that in our First Black President s second term killing cops would be all the rage in the black community? A Housto
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio traveled to Milwaukee to attend a fundraiser where he delivered a blistering speech attacking S
A source involved in the enforcement efforts confirmed there was a direct order from the mayor to her police chief, as riots br
FERGUSON PART II: Police are having a difficult time investigating because of the rocks being thrown at them. Baltimore and F
More and more dirt on these two grifters who re shockingly still denying the truth or saying nothing to defend themselves. Th
Quicken Loans owner, Dan Gilbert is one of the most beloved business owners in the state of MI. Their headquarters are locat
Whiskey, Tango, Hotel Don t worry, Brooke clarified her ludicrous statement by saying: These veterans are coming back from
The American taxpayers are on the hook for less than predicted but this is still huge! It was Obama s green energy scam with c
The identity of the victim has not yet been confirmed, but he is believed to be the owner of the liquor store where this horrific
Wouldn t it be great if our first Black President would make an effort to quell the angry and violent crowds in Baltimore by an

Pray for these police officers, the innocent citizens, residents and business owners in Baltimore Here is a recruitment flyer tha
High school kids out of control? Noooo! We ve been reporting of the huge groups of high school kids getting violent at malls a
Could someone please explain this? I honestly don t think it s any accident.I stumbled onto this video via BadBlue, which linke
We should do NOTHING for these terrorists! They got money and a house from the government of Uruguay but want even mo
OOPS! The narrative isn t fitting the truth and the truth is: Despite police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts insistence that a mi
Long overdue In a closed-door meeting with Jewish Donors Saturday night, former President George W. Bush delivered his har
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake: While we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things th
Because nothing says justice for Freddie Gray like a large group of teenage thugs descending on a defenseless woman and ste
In a shocking interview with Joel Gilbert, producer of Dreams From My Real Father, Malik talks about having to come through
I will close my business before I will make any compromises that could jeopardize the safety and security of the members who
Try to process this: A woman running for President of The United States (whose entire career has been built on lies and deceit

Why couldn t the parents be notified of his death? What possible reason could the Obama regime have for keeping his death a
This mayor s involvement in potential illegal activity will get little attention this story will be a full blown case of racial injustice
It s worth noting that the victims of this horrible terrorist bombing are responsible for their own court parking fees, food and a
Rapper Killer Mike, will appear in front of a SOLD OUT audience at the prestigious MIT University today. Here s a clip from an
What difference does it make? Well, it makes lots of difference to the IRS. The Clinton charities got called on the carpet for m
These are people who claim to love diversity, and they don t love diversity they just want people to agree with them. Ferg
Iran, where the thought police will always have a job: Not only will we not grant foreigners the permission to inspect our milita
IF SHE S NOT TOAST NOW THEN WE RE IN BIGGER TROUBLE THAN I THOUGHT. There s so much more to this whole thing and
Adios America Census: Record 51 million immigrants in 8 years, will account for 82% of U.S. growthWisconsin Gov. Scott Walk
The recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama in 2012 had this to say when asked about racism: And
Maybe if we had more people in positions of authority who would speak out against this entitlement mentality and demand th
Which begs the question Whose corner is Obama in? Whose side has this President, who continues to downplay the genocide
The wu$$ification of our military Army ROTC cadets are complaining on message boards that they were pressured to walk in h
The laws don t apply to the Clinton s they re just for the Everyday Americans Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
This story should send chills down the spine of every American. Communism is on our doorstep THEY CAME WITH A BATTERIN
Why the heck does she keep telling these whoppers when we can just Google or read up on the truth? The bs just slips from h
Nothing but the best for the queen and the queen s mom No other mother-in-law of a President in the history of the United S
Hell has a special spot reserved for this horrible man According to an article published Sunday by World Net Daily, a Princeton
Meanwhile, families with two full time working parents have been choosing generic cheerios from the cereal aisle at Kroger an
I m Doug Hughes, I m 61 years old and I m a mailman working out of Riverview, Florida. No sane person would do what I m do
Listen to the mind boggling answers to these questions asked by Caleb Bonham, founder of Campus Reform. Just for fun, we v
It s about time Rev. Patrick Mahoney, of Church on the Hill in Washington, D.C. says that Christians in America cannot afford to
Dr. Gina Loudon is hands down one of our favorite conservative writers. She nails it with this piece about the truth behind the
There s just something about Shrillary that almost makes you wonder if everything she does has to be staged Watch how diffe
Jeb Bush just unofficially placed himself on team Democrat Potential GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush is calling on Congre
Hillary s for all Everyday Americans just not the elderly ones in wheelchairs Hillary Clinton wants to meet everyday Americans
There s just something about Shrillary that almost makes you wonder if everything she does has to be staged Watch how diffe
Because there wouldn t be any outrage over a white kids only field trip to a local college would there?Parents criticized India
From the amazing Ann Corcoran s Refugee Resettlement blog: Ho hum! Another of those Somalis we are still bringing into Am
As it turns out, 67 year old Hillary Cinton used to hear her grandparents talk about the immigrant experience when she was a
You d think she d know a thing or two about email servers and at a minimum, question Hillary s integrity Apple founder Steve
Umm Yeah Okay Would it be acceptable to the school if this teacher asked her students to close their eyes and pretend to be
She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the com
Who needs family when you have a neighborhood mentor who can teach you the value of racism, communism and hate for A
Meet Keegan Stephan. He could be Barack Obama s son. He s a community agitator with a sizable following on Twitter, who a

Not that anyone should be surprised by the lap dog mentality of these second rate liberal hack journalists. They re the reason
Everyone s been asking where the Hillary van is So Hillary pulls up in a gas guzzling van with tinted windows-I thought she wan
Yep Hillary s now a champion of lesbians and gay marriage. Or is she? It s hard to tell exactly what Hillary stands for. She seem
Wow! What a list of accomplishments! The problem is that these accomplishments are rotten to the core. Just read a few and
You are one of the most narcissistic, power-hungry, self-absorbed politicians of this day. I want liberty, not Hillary! On Sunda
Russia decides to ignore Obama s red line and sells missiles to Iran. With a weak leader like Obama, it s no wonder Putin thum
Yada, yada, yada Hillary Clinton announced her 2016 presidential bid in a two-minute video that she uploaded to YouTube. Is
Don t you know Obama would love to just throw those who disagree with him in jail. Well, the Cuban government has only inc
The Taliban or ISIS? Does it really matter? Radical islam is just evil and knows no bounds.Killing aid workers is as low as they co
Of course Emily s List is going to support Hillary, because Democrats have been doing their part to keep the unwanted or un
We have not observed the principles and ideals upon which this country was founded. Obama makes sure to let everyone kno
I don t hate these people. They are just angry. Mr. O Connor, owner of Memories PizzaMemories Pizza-1 Gay Mafia-0 If a ch
You won t believe this judge and how he berates a family that was terrorized in a home invasion. Can a three-year old help ho
Hillary Clinton s supporters were calling certain words used to describe her as sexist. Words like entitled, ambitious, and secre
I am a student of history so I tend to actually be familiar with many of these episodes that have been mentioned. I am the firs

Since Hillary s making a big announcement today we thought we d give everyone a chance to see the real Hillary. This is a side
It s so refreshing to see these GOP candidates who are unwilling to allow the left to misrepresent their beliefs and create a dis
But wait wasn t the Muslim Brotherhood s Arab Spring (Sharia Law for all Egyptians) supposed to be a good thing? An Egyptian
Where was the media coverage when this black thug shot a white police officer in the face? It clearly doesn t fit their narrative
Note to little Johnny you might want to consider using a diary next time you write about how you d like to engage in violent jih
Find out how many are going to sign up to go to war when we keep doing this to those who protect us. Montel William
Yep that s correct. Your hard earned tax dollars are helping to pay her salary Just days before Easter, one professor took to the
If you have a system that rewards you for being a victim, it s subject to abuse. Sheriff Donny YoungbloodThat kind of stance h
You won t want to miss this
Poor little Al if he s not race baiting, he s hanging out with our President at the White House just waiting for the next white on
This is a story that will never make the news. A woman uses a car to intentionally hit another woman (this is the second time s
Yeah putting the federal government in charge of our entire police force, sounds like a great idea Al. We re waiting for Al to ca
The nuclear industry is a necessity, for energy production, for desalination, and in the fields of medicine, agriculture and othe
Dirty Harry must ve jarred something in his head that makes him unaware that he s lying in public. He used to be pretty good a
This story just proves what we ve been saying all along. When it comes to unions, it s not about the members, it s about the un
HUGE NEWS: The head coach of the University of Michigan s football team just tweeted that the football team WILL watch Am
If I were U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, I d be keeping these guys close by:The injunction that has blocked President Barac
Thanks to Obama, all working Americans are beginning to see what it feels like to be a conservative who s been forced to pay
Attacks against us are increasing in frequency, scale, sophistication and severity of impact. Although we must be prepared for
This is just one we caught crossing the border. What about the thousands we haven t caught or that we haven t heard about?
Evil hiding under the banner of religion in our own backyard A 32-year-old woman was harassed and intimidated last week w
I was wondering if I could get a cake that says: Gay marriage is wrong. The tolerant answers that follow this question show th
If we didn t know better, we d almost believe our Federal Government was attempting to give special privileges to Spanish spe
Our culture is what makes this Nation great and very exceptional. Unfortunately, we ve elected a president who s changing ou
This is a perfect example of why affirmative action should be gone! He now says he believes affirmative action is racist ya think
Is our Community Organizer In Chief being tested by Putin?The air is frigid and the wind is howling as Air Force Col. Frank Flore
It s not for her to decide! We have the Second Amendment and that s enough for any American. DeLauro doesn t get to decid
What an evil bunch of freaks! The agenda is so important to them that they can t see the forest for the trees. Overpopulation
The gun grabbers are at it again pushing for more oversight and background checks for gun owners. The sheriff says it s borde
Insane! This really is the definition of insanity. Letting non-citizens vote in our elections is something no other country would
Is anyone else 100% FED UP?On Friday, Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, along with Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) and Senators John Mc
Socialism doesn t work but I guess Venezuela didn t get the memo. No toilet paper? No food? Yes, it s come to that in this soci
Let s get real with some awesome truth from Mark Levin.Is this guy not just the best ever truth teller! Why can t we have mor
So a wannabe female bomber was a pre-school teacher by day in Queens, NY and a jihadi the rest of the time.She was a pretty
A strikingly high percentage of refugees to the United States use some form of public assistance, according to a government re
Corporate sponsors like Coke should think again before hiring this potty mouthed anti-American hack singer for anything.Riha
There are just way too many wannabe male and female jihadists in our homeland right now. The truth is, we have no way of k
At first I was very surprised that this was in a dorm, because when I go into my dormitory I want to feel I m at home. So when
Try to fix that with a dull knife boys The self-declared Islamic State capital is currently in the throes of an epidemic and a numb
This woman s having trouble entering the Walmart so people go to help her SHE SPITS ON THEM! Her reasoning for this disgus
Just making room for Hillary President Obama today announced his decision to commute the sentences of 22 convicted drug o
The gay mafia has a new corporate Don. This is the only article you will need to read about the sheer stupidity of left-wing agi
In case you missed it Sen. Harry Reid (R-NV), who announced last week that he will retire after his current term expires in early
Nothing like political cronyism to make your stomach churn. Especially since it s for a scumbag like Teddy who rode the coatta
Does anyone really think Hillary Clinton will come clean about ANYTHING? She dug herself such a huge hole that I could see he
The irony here isn t lost on us. Hillary is being compared to the President she wanted to take down. Nixon s got nothing on thi
After the Obama years of record food stamp usage, President Trump is pushing new initiatives to get people off of the govern
Please see our previous report below on the McCain Institute associate who has now been subpoenaed by the House Intel Com
THIS IS PRICELESS! The video below shows just how out of control the left is when it comes to the corruption within the FBI an
For weeks and weeks we ve heard the propaganda and DNC talking points about how President Trump was going to trick Ame
It s really interesting to hear this panel go ballistic over Nikki Haley finally standing up for America.MSNBC s Morning Joe pan
A federal judge in Washington, D.C. has recused herself from a second case involving Trump dossier firm Fusion GPS.Tanya S. C
Here s yet another reason to be very suspicious of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton:Via Free Beacon: Former Secr
The DOJ is reporting that they basically took American taxpayer dollars and started a bonfire with it In light of the fact that key
Another winner for America and for President Trump! The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the travel ban! Guess who voted ag
Holy moly! We ve been covering the FBI agent who was fired for his anti-Trump tweets but now this BOMBSHELL:The agent is
General Michael Flynn released the statement below: After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly fiv
The broader story in this entire Russia witch hunt is if the one count on Flynn announced today is a plea deal. Flynn is being ch
The story below from the liberal New York Times is hysterical! Rex Tillerson is sweeping the State Department clean! The angle
Friday on Fox News Channel s Fox & Friends, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said evidence had been uncovered showing that the FBI
I am immediately calling for an investigation into the special treatment that the FBI gave Hillary Clinton. Rep. Gaetz: "I am imm
How dirty is this? The powers-that-be at the intelligence agencies didn t follow the proper channels before opening up spying
Dem Sherrod Brown and GOP Senator Orrin Hatch go at it! They were discussing the tax plan and Hatch let Brown know he do
The FBI informant who went undercover to look into Hillary Clinton s role in an Obama administration-era uranium company w
One of the many targets of the opposition research firm Fusion GPS is accusing them of assisting the Kremlin in its effort to ha
President Trump spoke at the State Banquet during his visit to Japan. He told a hilarious story about first meeting Japanese Pri
James Kallstrom is the former Assistant Director of the FBI who is no fan of former FBI Director James Comey. We ve reported
Bill Clinton went on the Conan show and spewed bitterness towards President Trump At one point, he insinuated that Trump
The Obama administration s well guarded Osama bin Laden documents were released on Wednesday by CIA director Mike Po
The intimidation tactics of Mueller s FBI are way off base according to reports that claim Mrs. Manafort was manhandled :Jus
DC lawyer Victoria Toensing is one smart cookie. She s representing a former FBI informant who has evidence on kickbacks an
President Trump announced the release of the remaining JFK assassination files today. He s really trying to be transparent and
A former FBI informant who blew the whistle on a high-profile bribery case involving a Russian energy company was intimidat
The news that a second man was able to sneak into the press gaggle inside the Capitol building earlier this week is a huge red
DNC chairman Tom Perez decided to create his own reality during a speech on Tuesday. This is such a Democrat thing they lov
THIS IS HUGE! The DOJ has authorized the FBI Informant to speak with Congress concerning alleged corruption involving Clinto
THANK GOODNESS! Devin Nunes just announced a probe into the Uranium One Deal that smells to high heaven of corruption
The lawyer for the FBI informant under a gag order that prevents him from going before Congress spoke out about what s to c
Oh the irony! Left-leaning MSNBC aired a segment about President Trump s proposed border wall, which ultimately proved th
There s so much to know in order to understand just how bad the Uranium One scandal is to what s happening now with the F
Chris Farrell is the Judicial Watch Director of Investigations who let it rip last night on the direction America is going in. Lou Do
Sean Hannity was on fire with his opening comments on the Clinton-Uranium One deal bombshell last night. He ripped the Clin
The FBI is out of control. It is stunning that the FBI found these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agenc
Florida has had its share of food stamp busts but South Florida reached a fraud milestone for what the Justice Department cal
Just before the gunman began shooting, the Las Vegas concert crowd sang God Bless America It s an amazing moment of toge
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! The transcript and video below should be shared by everyone because the lying politicians and media
A first-grader in Florida must have been inspired by the anti-American jackwagons in the NFL. He refused to stand for the Pled
After being shot 3 months ago (see below), Majority Whip Steve Scalise returned to the House floor today. He got a standing o
Rumors continue to swirl around West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin who told voters during a Facebook live Q & A that he thin
San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich is a total ass. There is no other way to say it! This jackwagon claimed on ESPN2 s Th
The Dallas Cowboys tried to have it both ways tonight at the start of the Monday Night football game. The team was joined by
The Senate Finance Committee hearing for the Republican Graham-Cassidy health care bill became a screaming protest today
No class and no decorum! The always bitter Michelle Obama told a Salt Lake City audience today that we are looking at two d
Hello Jeff Sessions! Where is the DOJ s leader these days? Something tells us the Trump Dossier will end up being the bombsh
A speech for the ages was given today by President Donald Trump. He addressed the 72nd meeting of the United Nations Gen
President Trump was right again! His campaign manager was wiretapped so he was possibly surveilled indirectly.The FBI s effo
Maxine Waters is one angry woman. She has gone non-stop with attacks on President Trump since he was elected. Speaking t
GENERALLY, VENEZUELANS DO NOT EAT RABBITS AND SEE THEM AS PETS The Venezuelan government just urged its citizens
President Trump just made an 11-year old boy s wish come true but the left is in a tizzy over it. Frank Giaccio wrote to the pres
The National Park Service might be out of a job keeping the White House grounds maintained. A 10-year-old boy named Frank
This is why we cannot do deals with Democrats We re worlds apart in what we want for America. New Jersey Dem Senator Co
President Trump and First Lady Melania commemorate the 9-11 terror attacks at a ceremony this morning on the 16 anniversa
Officials allegedly affiliated with the United States Park Police removed tents, tables, chairs, and other gear affiliated with the
The man giving out sign language during Governor Scott s presser has caused a stir on social media. Is this REALLY sign languag
Hurricane Irma is moving a little west. The Category 5 Hurricane ready to hit Florida is first a great danger to the Florida Keys o
Wilbur Ross spoke with WaPo about true tax reform He did a great job explaining his position on simplifying and cutting taxe
The information below is almost like a satire piece from The Onion. It s so funny that anyone could claim that ads are believed
Ohio Governor John Kasich: Dreamers didn t choose to come here, but they made the best of it. We should welcome them O
Ten Things that we have learned from Hurricane Harvey and the Texas Flood 2017 . 1. AT&T was sketchy and Verizon is owne
A member of President Trump s Diversity Council is threatening to quit because he opposes Trump s cancelation of DACA. By
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo made two shocking announcements regarding the Christopher Columbus Statues and about his d
Who hasn t seen his commercials over and over and over for My Pillow Mike Lindell just promised to send 60,000 pillows to H
Rebel Media: Attacking someone for their politics could be expected from private citizens acting out against each other, but w
What will he think of next? Is Kim Jong-un is preparing his special forces for suicide parachute missions across the border on 7
The lefty lunatic of the day just can t keep himself from being hateful and disgusting. It doesn t matter that he s calling a lady a
Just days after the death of his own son in combat, Lt Gen John Kelly eulogized two other sons in an unforgettable manner:Tw
Patriotism is alive and well at this Florida school!COOPERGATE SCHOOL S FACEBOOK PAGE HAS A STATEMENT ON WHAT TWO
One woman s awful experience at the airport could soon be what we all go through to travel by air. This is the day of terrorism
Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe went off on a guy who claimed Rowe is a white nationalist . The usual happy-go-lucky Rowe was c
Oklahoma State Rep. John Bennett made a comment on Facebook that was has since been removed after local Muslims didn t
Well, well, well The DNC IT scandal could become the biggest yet with the new investigation by federal authorities into wheth
The news that the forecast for the third quarter GDP is set to expand to 4.0 will be bad news for the Democrats who are tryin
It is becoming increasingly difficult to separate leftists from Islamic terrorists as both destroy monuments, statues, and seek to
And once again, the snowflakes want to erase parts of history they know nothing about. And what s more, they attack and pen
THE PURGE CONTINUES THE NYC MAYOR has just opened a can of worms so big that it ll be hard to control it. He wants to rev
Crazed lunatic fringe elements of America have decided to target a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina. The video b
George Soros is trying his best to destroy America! He is ramping up his efforts now! James Woods said it best when he tweete
Following the situation in Charlottesville, Trump was one of the very few people to call out all sides for displays of violence and
Pro-Trump supporters have known the truth for a long time that conservatives are being attacked. Do you have any idea of th
Alert! Alinsky tactics at work here! Remember Pick a Target? Well, the media and Deep State have picked their target Breitba
WHO IS THE ACLU PROTECTING? Certainly not the legal citizens of America!After Obama allowed and even encouraged thousa
Great news! Southern Methodist University in Texas has reversed its decision to relocate an annual 9/11 memorial display ma
Great news! A federal judge just ordered the State Department to make another attempt at locating Hillary Clinton s missing e
It s one thing to have the media constantly painting police officers in a bad light on a near daily basis. But it s entirely another
It s always a win-win when you can find a hobby you enjoy, especially when it allows you to get some exercise and enjoy the n
There is no debating the fact that tensions between the United States and North Korea have reached a boiling point. But what
It s probably not the wisest decision to argue with Dr. Sebastian Gorka about the use of the phrase radical Islamic terrorism
We love this guy! Factory worker Keith Ketzler: For eight horrible years I heard, We don t have control of the House. We don t
After his reelection in 2012 Obama removed the bidding process from section 8 housing. Obama then schemed to provide HU
Adam Kredo of WFB asks the question we all want the answer to: The fact that this information subsequently leaked to the pr
Soooo the IRS lied to Americans to prod them to comply and sign up for Obamacare. They lied about the cost of Obamacare.
The left can t take the great jobs report away from President Trump! He s delivering BIGTIME when it comes to jobs and growt
Every American should read and share this brilliant article.So, to my friends on the Left and the #NeverTrumpers as well do
Gregg Jarrett says Mueller must resign after his latest new hire for the panel of lawyers. The entire panel is biased. In addition
This very important scandal is unfolding before us. It has many, many legs with different Obama administration officials invol
Have you ever heard of the bamboo ceiling ? The term was used when referring to the Harvard quotas against Asian students
The shocker about this is that students on both sides of the political spectrum want the 9/11 flags to be displayed where they
What the heck is going on? Why is the media, who has been virtually silent about former DNC staffer Seth Rich s death until no
We reported last week on the Wisconsin company that is the first in the US to have a microchip program. Please see our previ
Judge Napolitano had this to say about the DNC s Muslim IT worker: He was arrested for some financial crime. That s the tip o
Do you just want to wring this guy s neck for claiming that Obamacare isn t hurting people ? It s obvious this Democrat hasn t
THE OLD GUARD DEMOCRATS BROUGHT ON THE FULL COURT PRESS: Former Vice President Joe Biden personally lobbied Sen
Bernie Sanders should know his socialized medicine but in an exchange on Sunday he failed when he was pressed to explain w
NJ Governor Chris Christie was being heckled during a baseball game at Miller Park. He lost it and got in the face of a Chicago C
President Trump tweeted that he was considering removing bailouts and forcing Congress to pay for their health insurance at
A California farmer fined $2.8 million for plowing through vernal pools protected by the Clean Water Act without a permit is a
Sometimes, the left just makes it far too easy to win.It is a well-known fact that President Trump is a big fan of FNC s FOX & Fr
Sara Carter of Circa News is a very trusted source who goes deep like no other journalist we know. Carter is reporting that Nati
When was the last time being loyal to your boss was a negative, especially when your boss is the POTUS!The White House s ne
During congressional testimony, the CEO of Hermitage Capital was speaking about the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA
On Thursday, when Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro testified before Congress about the suppression of free speech on c
It s clear that some Republicans never wanted Obamacare to die Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and John M
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer opened a can of worms tonight when he said that the Awan brothers sent sensitive intel to the Muslim Br
It s great to have a president who appreciates our special agents and police officers! Trump honored the police officers and sp
Yes, this will happen! America needs a wall at our southern border and the House just passed a spending measure that funds a
The trend of young Muslim men targeting and attacking white non-Muslims continues world wide. A group of three Muslim m
The shocking revelations just keep on coming in this DNC IT case. The main stream media refuses to jump in on this hot story b
Apparently breaking the law and scamming the government is excusable if you can conveniently blame discrimination. And wh
A fly on the wall? More like a spy on the floor of your home. It turns out that your dog isn t the only one who should be weary
You would think Charlotte is lost to the liberals There are lefty Democrats living there who don t understand that they don t ge
The left is truly becoming unhinged! The tension is high and the stakes are even higher in Washington as the Senate goes forw
IT S BAD ENOUGH THAT DEMOCRAT SENATORS are speaking this way but RINO Susan Collins didn t even defend her fellow Se
MASSACHUSETTS IS NOW A SANCTUARY STATE! The Massachusetts Supreme Court just ruled that illegals are to be released a
Nice threat to POTUS: The intelligence community will continue to convey truth to power even if power doesn t necessarily lis
It s about time! The White House has been leaking like a sieve. New White House communications director Anthony Scaramuc
This is spot on! Ned Ryun joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the latest leak regarding AG Jeff Sessions. Do we even have evidenc
THE CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES is a great resource for all the facts on illegals and taxpayer dollars. Patty and I were l
In an impromptu White House presser during President Trump s lunch with Vice President Pence, Trump drove home how d
President Trump was sporting a Commemorative Stetson hat today when he introduced the Made in America week starting w
Democrat Alan Dershowitz dismissed a major argument Democrats have been making against Donald Trump Jr., and said it s c
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon went on a rant about the dysfunction in DC during the company s earnings conference call
LANGUAGE ALERT: Welfare Queen: Get out of here, b*tch. F*ck the government. F*ck Trump. I m gonna rape that sh*t sitting
Although Obama had 3 years to take action to fix the Flint water problem, President Donald Trump has managed to do it in 2 m
Mark Steyn joined Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the threat from CNN to the guy who made the video of President Trump w
The media has ignored the case of Muslim Brotherhood connected brothers who hacked the DNC and now it s looking like the
The President and First Lady touched down in Warsaw, Poland today for a visit before traveling to Hamburg, Germany. They ll
Former Navy SEAL and GOP Rep. Scott Taylor, R-Va., body-slammed #FakeNews CNN in an interview on Monday saying that th
Guess how leftists, millennials and Black Lives Matter morons decided to celebrate the 4th of July? Do they even know our hi
FILMMAKER DINESH D SOUZA S Eight things I LOVE about America! To make us love our country, Edmund Burke once said, o
Are there any Trump donors on the team? GREAT QUESTION BY TOM FITTON! Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton joined FOX
Meanwhile, back at CNN Russia Russia Russia!The White House payroll is an excellent example of Trump s commitment to shr
President Trump spoke at the first ever Celebrate Freedom Rally last night delivering a barn burner of a speech to veterans an
John Podesta is the guardian of the Clintons just like Valerie Jarrett was for the Obamas. He was instrumental during the 2016
Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka warned Syrian President Bashar Assad after evidence arose earlier this wee
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich discusses the Russia investigation with Hannity He drops a bomb when he says that Obama sho
Tennessee lawmakers have something to say to their counterparts in California and it s perfect! We could love this more Tenn
How did this man come to OWN this store? There is no information on much about this fraudster except that he stole from Am
Fox News Channel s Jeanine Pirro went after the GOP establishment Saturday on Justice. Pirro accused the establishment Rep
Ripple wrote out his demand note in front of his wife and told her he d rather be in jail than at home, A 71-year-old man wh
And we wonder why violence like today s shooting happened The left started with the violence during the 2016 and continued
VIRGINIA governor Terry McAuliffe decided to get political today when he spoke out during the presser for the Virginia shootin
The shooter at the Congressional baseball practice has been identified. His name is James Hodgkinson The 66-year old white m
WE LOVE HIS STYLE! Secretary of State Rex Tillerson slammed a comment from former Vice President Joe Biden about how bu
Hakeem Jeffries just exposed his Trump Derangement on the House floor. His hate for President Trump is so offensive and ina
Former AG Mukasey went there during two morning show appearances today. He told Bill Hemmer he sees no crime in the Ru
Senator John McCain took another swipe at President Trump. He claimed that American leadership was stronger under Obam
PRESIDENT TRUMP ON OVERREGULATION: They spent $29 million for an environmental report weighing 70 lbs. and costing $
Appearing on MSNBC s Morning Joe, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) expressed concern for President Donald Tru
Members of a congressional committee ripped Obama and his attorney general for covering up an investigation into the death
A Columbia University professor from Brooklyn went into hiding Thursday after pal James Comey revealed during his Senate te
Texas Democrat Rep. Al Green announced on Wednesday he would draw up articles of impeachment against President Donald
Sen. Richard Burr (R., NC.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, scolded Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) fo
President Trump has nominated Christopher Wray to be the new director of the FBI. The president announced the pick in a tw
RUDE, RUDE, RUDE! Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly was repeatedly cut off by Senator Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) dur
Food Stamp use has miraculously gone down in several states! It s a miracle! In 13 Alabama counties, food stamp use went do
We ve moved from machetes to hammers? How low can you go? These terrorists are using ANY means necessary to harm peo
President Trump has the line of the day: The previous administration spent over $7 billion trying to upgrade the system and to
PRESIDENT TRUMP and FIRST LADY MELANIA TRUMP attended the Ford s Theatre Gala tonight. President Trump vowed to pro
Why let this guy out EVER! He was let out on bond even though there was discussion of concern since he s a world traveler w
If Clinton and Lynch just talked about grandkids then why is this such a top secret transcript? This is troubling because it porte
After President Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord, the left went crazy with hysterical predictions on what will happen now.
The word nothing-burger has been tossed around so much lately but it s best used in referring to what the Paris Accord woul
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is one smart man when it comes to making an economic argument against the Paris Accord.
FOX News is announcing that President Trump believes the Paris Accord is a bad deal and wants to jeep his promise to put Am
Finally! Remember when Senator Lyndsey Graham said he s very disappointed but said, we ll deal with her later. ? Well, they
All we re hearing from the left is fear mongering about President Trump s budget. We love what welfare to work is coming bac
This is in such poor judgement by the teachers of this school. You have to wonder what they were thinking!A number of teach
President Trump met for the first time with members of NATO and scolded them for not paying their fair share : Members of
President Trump arrived like a boss to check out what s going on at the NATO headquarters. They just spent big bucks on a ne
The reason the State Department is hiding payments to the 9 agencies that resettle refugees is because it s so much money. T
Mick Mulvaney is one smart cookie. He s doing a fantastic job cutting where cuts need to be made. Congress will complain abo
Trey Gowdy asked a pointed question of former CIA Director Brennan: Did you have evidence of a connection between the Tr
EX-CIA Chief John Brennan testified today before the House today and dropped a bomb of truth that President Trump didn t p
President Trump is scheduled to deliver a historic speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the Arab Islamic American Summit. Th
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein doubled down today when he told Congress he stands by a memo he wrote that the
Senator Lindsey Graham: I have reason to believe DNC, Hillary & DOJ Colluded on Hillary email Investigation. So lets get to the
This is one of the best accounts we ve seen of who REALLY committed a crime in all of this craziness. Judge Napolitano is dead
Deep State Is Trying to Take Down a President It Needs to Stop Dennis Kucinich goes there and tells Sean Hannity that the d
PRESIDENT TRUMP JUST PUT THIS TO BED! The leakers are hopefully going to be exposed now (see statement below) that the
Legal Expert Jonathan Turley listened as Joe Scarborough laid out a lengthy timeline to make a case of obstruction on Presiden
A Navy SEAL Carl Higbie was blasted and screeched at by a CNN anchor who was shocked that Higbie asked for more evidence
Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson went after the deep state with commentary on who they believe is trying to harm Trump: Fiv
Former CIA analyst and retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer told Lou Dobbs on Tuesday President Trum
Rod Wheeler was on Hannity last night with startling information on the Seth Rich murder mystery. He spoke about the myste
The glowing review we gave to Miss USA Kara McCullough must be revoked Bummer!She was our hero when she defended lib
Spewing falsehoods has become the favorite pastime of Democrats It s really pitiful to watch Last night, following the release
The National Security Advisor held a press conference to reconfirm that the Washington Post article is FAKE NEWS.It s most di
Tucker takes on the co-director of Popular Resistance, and asks him whether he advocates violence, whether he would like po
The Washington Post just got called out BIG TIME on a fake story they published This is a screenshot of the article:THE BIG LIE
WHAT NOT TO DO IS PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING THIS NUTJOB DID:1. Do not angrily confront anyone with children in tow Fra
Judge Napolitano spoke out today about the unmasking of people in government by Obama. He began to discuss allegations
North Korea said on Monday it had successfully conducted a newly developed mid-to-long range missile test on Sunday, super
STUNNING! Former US Pres. Obama was at the International Summit of Food Innovation in Milan. May 9. 2017 It s called SEED
Four candidates for FBI Director are being interviewed today. It looks like President Trump is going for candidates who are apo
FBI Agents are coming forward now to voice their frustrations and concerns about FBI Director James Comey s inept policing o
Those of us in the swamp knew who the alligators were in the swamp former Justice Department official Victoria ToensingV
Russian President Vladimir Putin got sassy with the press when he was approached by a reporter and asked about Comey: Wh
This is so sad and such a lesson for the world Venezuela is tumbling into chaos and violence because of the collapse of their so
Kellyanne Conway went at it with Anderson Cooper and came out on top when she basically schooled Cooper on the chain of
TUCKER CARLSON Spoke out tonight on the firing of Comey He listed different times that Comey was inept or undermined the
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer appeared on Lou Dobbs tonight to give the first set of explanatory points around the
Wow! This is clearly something the White House prepared for because they had a packet of information available for the pres
Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates was grilled about her refusal to defend the president s travel executive order She m
Joe Rambo Biggs and David Rodriguez videotaped themselves crossing back and forth from the US to Mexico. It s shocking to
What next? Under a Sacramento, California program, public housing residents are getting FREE zip cars .We now have pretty m
Brian Mast scorched the Democrats for their lying about the health care bill: I too am a person with preexisting conditions and
We can t say enough great things about this dad! He confronted his child s school board to speak against the school teaching I
What s all the fuss about if there s no there, there? Is anyone else sickened by the left s efforts to discredit President Trump fo
Did you catch that? Information accidentally collected I think it is alarming. There seems to be a universal trend toward more
Susan Rice just announced she won t testify before the Senate on the Russian hacking.Senator Lyndsey Graham said he s very
Tucker Carlson interviews Jose Antonio Vargas, CEO of Define America He gave Vargas a reality check!Vargas takes offense to
This is what having no freedom of speech looks like This guy is awesome! I use whatever flag I want because I am free. I am no
Paul Ryan nervously giggled during the Republican announcement of the budget and Obamacare replacement this morning. It
Wow! This is really epic! Paris Dennard nails Paul Begala on Begala s trash talking of Trump. You won t believe the response fro
The mayor of New Orleans is being evasive on who funded the removal of 4 statues in the heart of the city. He s also not respo
President Trump s 2017 Tax Reform for Economic Growth and American Jobs was announced today by National Economic Di
Lou Dobbs rips on Speaker Paul Ryan because he s a do-nothing leader! As Dobbs says, There s no mystery why Paul Ryan has
Laura Ingraham reported to Sean Hannity that Republican leaders don t want the border wall built and are actively working ag
Here we go again! Another activist judge has shut down an effort by President Trump to protect Americans A President s #1 jo
Dick Durbin might want to have a chat with Nancy Pelosi He says as long as the Democrat says they re for Roe v Wade then th
Another great move by the Trump administration! They were proactive in securing the release of Aya Hijazi. Hijazi s release wa
Do you think this is a good idea or is this enabling the addict?Las Vegas is betting on a new approach to combat rising heroin a
The Secret Service fired two uniformed division officers who were involved in the March 10th intrusion when Jonathan Tran ju
The big question this year for the White House Easter Egg roll is whether White House Press Scretary will show up as the Easte
Discussion in America has been officially hijacked by the unhinged left and is supported by radicals with deep pockets We know
During Obama s 8 years in office, he took a passive approach to the aggressive and unhinged North Korean dictator Kim Jong U
This is rich! Lois Lerner wants her testimony in an upcoming class-action case to remain sealed. The former IRS official is accus
Who can forget when Lois Lerner sat smugly before the House panel and plead the 5th She sat there as cool as a cucumber an
Remember when Valerie Jarrett signed with a Hollywood talent agency? Well, we think she thinks she s a BIG deal now. How d
A Texas federal judge appointed by Obama has again rejected the 2011 Texas voter ID law, stating that the legislators meant t
Who knew that the Department of Transportation keeps records on how many people are bumped involuntarily from a flight.
This is very curious! The AP is reporting a story from a Senior U.S. Official on Russia s involvement in the Syria gas attack. This
Who says President Trump isn t moving on his agenda? Neil Gorsuch became the 113th justice of the Supreme Court today! Be
The U.S. bombardment of a Syrian airbase just outside of Homs Friday was likely seen by North Korea as a clear warning that P
Conspiracy theories have been surrounding the murder of Seth Rich. They reached a new frenzy after the hacking of DNC e-ma
The speech he gave to a sold out crowd on Saturday is epic. We often listen to it to get fired up about bringing down the comm
Have these two been watching the news?The Russian President has immediately sent his Admiral Grigorovich frigate armed w
Dr. Ben Carson just found over $500 Billion missing in an audit of HUD: Link to HUD ReportTHE LAST PARAGRAPH OF THE REPO
The Russian President has immediately sent his Admiral Grigorovich frigate armed with cruise missiles and a self-defence syst
MARK STEYN ON TRUMP S MOVE LAST NIGHT: @MarkSteynOnline FOX & friends (@foxandfr
The weaponization of the security services is what you expect in a banana republic and a police state or authoritarian state. An
Leaked documents from George Soros Open Society Foundations reveal how Soros works to defeat populist candidates and m
BREAKING: In UN, Amb. Haley shows images of children victimized by Syria chemical attack: Look at those pictures! https://t.
WATCH: Susan Rice insists I leaked nothing to nobody MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 4, 2017 I know noth
Remember the emotional testimony of Wetumpka Tea Party leader Becky Garritson:The documents were produced after a re
Judge Napolitano explains what s going on as only he can do He does a great job! The Senate has a rule they can force the se
Ambassador John Bolton was on Lou Dobbs tonight to comment on the Susan Rice news. It s being reported that she called fo
Zinke and Brandyburg accompanied Spicer to the podium on Monday where the White House Press Secretary announced tha
FOX NEWS ALERT: New details on @adamhousley s report; sources telling him the official who unmasked Trump associates is
GCHQ director Robert Hannigan is stepping down after only two years as chief of the cyber spy agency for personal reasons,
Assuming all Republicans support Gorsuch, the nominee would need the votes of five more Democrats to achieve the 60 vote
RIDICULOUS! Sen. Schumer on Gorsuch nominee: When a nominee doesn t get 60 votes, you shouldn t change the rules you
All of the real evidence of real money and real influence buying by the Russians relates to Democrats. Newt Gingrich Leave i Sen. Bernard Sanders told CNN Thursday that President Trump s p
Russia gave John Podesta 35 millions dollars (1 billion rubles) while he advised Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Comey would likely have pitched the op-ed to The New York Times.DEMOCRATS ON INTEL COMMITTEE CONTINUE THEIR ASS
OUR PREVIOUS REPORT ON THIS: How scary is this to anyone who thinks the government can t spy on them: The justification
TSA allows for a pat-down of a teenage passenger, and in this case, all approved procedures were followed to resolve an alarm
Trump commented about it during the reception: Hopefully it ll start being bipartisan. Because everybody really wants the sam
It happened around 9:30 a.m. at the 100 block of Independence Ave., SW.The driver was arrested on the scene.Police say that

A press release by Bernards Township, NJ is provided here: PRESS RELEASEIf you speak out against building a mosque in your c
Question: How do you see the future of Russian-US diplomatic relations in the context of the current atmosphere in Washingt
Effective as of December 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111 148) is repealed, and the p
.@Rep_DevinNunes: I m sure that @TheDemocrats do want me to quit because they know I m quite effective at getting to th

In light of Republican failure to pass the American Health Care Act, Charles Krauthammer dismissed the idea that Chuck Schum

New Mexico led all states with 72 percent of the babies born there in 2015 having their births covered by Medicaid.Arkansas r
Ben Sasse asked Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch what role does the Declaration of Independence play in interpreting th

Secret Service personnel removed the alarm sensors along an area of fence line when the agency raised its height in response

Russians didn t hack ANY votes. Period. #ComeyHearing Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) March 20, 2017

Whether from incompetence or malice, the Immigration Act of 1990 was a disaster. That is why we are in the state 60 Minute
Below is the comment in red that put up before the video. Notice how they say NOTHING about the budget but j

Well, first of all, I didn t have my hands in the cookie jar. I m an operative, I m a strategist, and part of what my role was, in ad
Activist judges are killing America! The judge in Hawaii who just blocked President Trump s executive order is wrong on his dec
JUDGE NAPOLITANO was on FOX & Friends this morning discussing the Obama administration s efforts to spy on Donald Trum

Helen Agbapuruonwu collected food stamps and Medicaid benefits from 2010 to 2016!Helen Agbapuruonwu fraudulently ob
The social media director for Trump called them out on it:Now we have the Washington Post accepting a videotape from crazy
We hope Scott Pruitt is busy bidding a large swath of the agency s staff goodbye. Mustafa Ali, a senior adviser and assistant as
#FlashbackFriday 1993 #AttorneyGate Clinton AG Reno Fires ALL 93 Republican US Attorneys in one day. #Sessions is following
REMEMBER BECKY GERRITSON FROM THE WETUMPKA ALABAMA TEA PARTY? Her testimony about being targeted is riveting!
.@Judgenap: Samsung allowed British intelligence to spy on Americans through their televisions
We hope these women realize they were being used by George Soros and other leftists to protest Trump instead of to celebra


Pelosi claims to have not had a meeting with the Russian ambassador:Pelosi with the ambassador in 2010: Pelosi had her spo
Advocates for big government and progressive power are using the Justice Department to extort money from corporations. It

Watch Joy Behar as she hilariously attempts to tie anti-semitism to Breitbart News while interviewing their senior editor who
CNN has once again set the stage for a democratic politician to attempt a smackdown of President Trump. In this case, Rep. K
In a 10-4 ruling, Maryland s Fourth Circuit ruled that there could be a ban put on 45 common weapons and magazines that ho
Tensions in the US are growing as it is feared that Vladimir Putin s Military may have carried out secret nuke tests in the Arctic
President Trump had said that there are many, many that want the job. . . I ve been thinking about someone for the last three
Sunday, GotNews reported that the primary source of the White House leak was traced back to Deputy Chief of Staff and #Ne

Sen. John McCain(R-Ariz.) dug himself into a hole on Meet The Press when he was asked to respond to this tweet by the Presid
President Trump s rally in FL on Saturday was a smashing success with about 9000 crowding into a hanger to hear him speak a
National Security Council aide Craig Deare was dismissed on Friday after it was learned that he harshly criticized the President
Fashion Designer Kari Lagerfield who was rumored to dress Melania Trump for her husband s inauguration has no plans of letti
According to the Associated Press on Friday, President Trump had plans to mobilize the National Guard to round up illegal alie
President Trump has made it clear that he will not stop the search for those responsible for leaks at the White House.The hun

President Trump is once again proving that he will be running the White House in a vastly different manner than his predecess
In a press conference on Thursday, President Trump called out CNN as being not only fake but downright hateful and unintere
According to a nationwide poll, as many as 2 million non-citizen Hispanics are illegally registered to vote in the U.S.Just Facts P
BREAKING BOMBSHELL! All of the major political parties in France were targeted by Obama s CIA with both human and electro
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) made a big statement walking out of a meeting with Speaker Paul Ryan on Obamacare.The disagreem
The officials decision to keep information cite deep mistrust Judge Napolitano has a great solution QUIT! The people who re
President Donald Trump s pick for secretary of labor, Andrew Puzder, has withdrawn from the nomination just hours before h
President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu planned this trip within hours of Trump s inauguration in January, with the ho
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes does not plan on investigating the circumstances surrounding the resign

Hungary s populist prime minister on Friday lashed out against billionaire financier George Soros, claiming he and groups back
Filmmaker and patriot, Dennis Michael Lynch is the best in the business when it comes to bringing the illegal alien issue to life
3 Congressional IT employees have been fired for accessing members computer networks without permission. Maria s on the
JUDGE NEIL GORSUCH A strict conservative similar to Justice Scalia A STRICT CONSTITUTIONALISTJudge Neil Gorsuch, 49, is P

Editor s note: It was late winter when I got a call from a mutual bowhunting friend who told me Donald Trump Jr. was a seriou
The Washington Post reported that higher ups in the State Department jumped ship before Rex Tillerson could take the helm
The employees went on twitter to speak about global warming and immigration The Twitter accounts themselves went beyon
THE US PROVIDES 22% OF THE BUDGET FOR THE UNITED NATIONS!Donald Trump is preparing executive orders that would dr

Pres. Trump on receiving nuclear codes: It is a very sobering moment, yes. It s very, very, very scary in a sense.
When President Donald Trump visited the CIA Saturday, he had hoped that CIA Director Mike Pompeo would accompany him.
Obama Leaves U.S.A $9,335,000,000,000 Deeper in Debt
Via: NPR
An anti-Trump protester screams no as Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th US President ITV
Franken asked Perry if he enjoyed a meeting they recently had at his office:Franken: Thank you so much for coming into my o

Some of the key regulations are thought to be with energy regulations, Obamacare and other items Trump has at the top of h
President-elect Donald J. Trump s economic advisor Steve Moore told Neil Cavuto the incoming administration may introduce

Here s @chucktodd s interview with @BuzzFeedBen about BuzzFeed s decision to publish that dossier
A spat between black lawmakers and Republicans over a painting on display in the Capitol got uglier Tuesday after multiple GO
In what amounts to an 11th hour gift by the outgoing Obama administration to Tehran s leadership to keep the country, whic
The largest armed U.S. military brigade to be deployed to Europe since the end of the Cold War arrived Saturday at a port in n

McCain: Our intelligence agencies concluded unanimously that the Russian government directed compromises of emails from
British pop singer Rebecca Ferguson, daughter of a white British woman and Jamaican father, says she has been invited to per
Remember when Pelosi said it s AFFORDABLE :
Via: WT
1. Disarm federal regulatory agenciesDuring an eight-year period, 53 non-military, non-law enforcement agencies spent a shoc
WASHINGTON It sits on the Corsica River along the Eastern shore, a 45-acre Russian compound known as the Washington Da
O Connor found that the plaintiffs had standing to bring the lawsuit because they have presented concrete evidence to suppo
Some illegal immigrants receive money from Uncle Sam even after they are deported back to their home country, a new repor
A tweet from conservative media icon Matt Drudge s verified Twitter account Thursday night appeared to accuse the governm
The Russian response to Barack Obama s announcement that he was expelling 35 diplomats over the alleged cyber attack on t
John Kerry gave a long-winded speech today claiming the Obama administration had been a friend to Israel. He went on and o

Today, the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) released the schedule of official events for the 58th Presidential Inauguratio
#PresidentElectTrumpABSOLUTELY MUST WATCHToday there is hope for the American people.We will #MakeAmericaGreatA
California gained an embassy in Russia last weekend, at least in the eyes of those who have promised to seek a statewide vote
Former FBI Agent and Navy Seal Jonathan Gilliam had this to say about the false rumors being spread about Russian interfere
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW:In all 50 state capitals and the District of Columbia, electors chosen by the state parties of the ca
Feldman operates Upstate Fish, a market at 826 Joseph Ave. His father, Jack, a Holocaust survivor, opened the store under the
EXCLUSIVE: FBI New York Field Office Told To Continue Clinton Foundation ProbeOfficials at FBI headquarters instructed its Ne
Trump to tech leaders: You re doing well right now and I m very honored by the bounce so right now everybody in this room h

Leading Republicans have already expressed anxieties about Tillerson, as they contend with intelligence assessments saying t

Pro man-made climate change, RINO Lindsay Graham, who never saw a war he didn t want to engage our troops in, joins his w
Admitting Somalis who d been settled for years in Pakistan like the Ohio State jihadi and his family is only one of them. Ano

When the Environmental Protection Agency proposed rules regulating carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants
VP Joe Biden: Yeah, I m going to run in 2020. Reporter: For what? Biden: For president! What the hell, man?
Four employees at an Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs facility have resigned after a resident with a maggot-infested
Talk radio hosts went nuts with the news of Gore s visit to Trump Tower today. Michael Savage was very disappointed but Rus

Hedge fund manager Steve Mnuchin said this morning that president-elect Donald Trump had selected him to lead Treasury M
President Obama delivered his final #Thanksgiving address and called for Americans to speak out for what is right. pic.twitter

From Wikipedia:The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965: The Hart Celler Act abolished the quota system based on nation
One of President-elect Donald Trump s potential cabinet picks showed photographers more than he intended over the weeke
Clyde Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute warns that Obama s manufacturing of regulations is not over. With

Councilman David James said the memorial WILL come down. Please let him know how you feel about this.David James on Fac
The main stream media wasted no time in trashing Congressman Pompeo and his supposed anti-Islamic rhetoric :Pompeo, of
Sen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, Donald Trump s friendly but fierce Alabama ally, has a message for Republicans still que

Remember the famous moment when US NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE CHIEF James Clapper was testifying about the NSA surveill
Megyn Kelly started out like a shooting star as an anchor on FOX News but is now crashing down in so many ways. Here s the l
.@KrisKobach1787: Trump has made clear that sanctuary cities could lose federal grants if the mayors continue to defy federa
Part of the problem is that organizations are registering people without any proof they are legal American citizens .Leaked fun
Nothing says Thanksgiving or family like a room full of brain washed liberals sitting around the dinner table talking about wa
The chance encounter a mother hiking with her daughter had with Hillary Clinton the day after losing the election may not be
Ronald Reagan shut down the Berkeley protests many years ago THIS is how you do it!

The National Archives inspector general investigated the theft. Later emails released by the State Department do not indicate

Since March of 2010, the American people have had to suffer under the incredible economic burden of the Affordable Care Ac
Every day we learn of a new security breach or criminal act by Hillary, her closest staff members or her campaign. Every Ameri
A source close to Anthony Weiner s legal team says it seems the laptop containing the emails was used to backup his estrange
As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton s email us
The woman s name is Denise Scott. You can donate to her here.All funds will go to provide Denise care: Immediate & Afforda
Here s why Clinton and Abedin should be flipping out: Multiple State employees told the FBI that they considered emailing Ab

WASHINGTON Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into H
CLINTON S STATE DEPARTMENT WASTE AND MISMANAGEMENTThese are all State Department expenditures during her tenu
Who could forget the unbelievable standoff in Oregon between patriots and the government? Who could forget the dramatic
Remember Combetta is Hillary s Oh Sh*t IT guy:BREAKING: FEMALE LAW STUDENT Busts Hillary s Oh Sh*t IT Guy Who Was Se
The Environmental Protection Agency is looking to hire 15 Diversity and Inclusion Specialists, each of whom will make $100,0

Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova slammed FBI director James Comey s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton s
About 14,000 Genesee County voters were mailed a second absentee ballot this month after officials discovered deformities a

It s no secret that Justice Sotomayor is a liberal with radical roots. She s proven over time that her bias is HUGE! Comments lik
Former FBI Asst Director James Kallstrom endorses Donald J. Trump and he s emotional about it: our country is going down t
J. Christian Adams: Dead people are voting and it s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They m
Most of the documents are testimonies provided to federal investigators in interviews the agents conducted with witnesses.In
FBI agents say the bureau is alarmed over Director James Comey s decision to not suggest that the Justice Department prosec
The difference between taxes in one place versus another comes down to city and state taxes. That s right, in some high taxed
In the documents, an unnamed person interviewed by the FBI said Kennedy contacted the FBI to ask for the change in classific
Putin Tells Russian Army To Prepare For WWWIII With U.S While Obama whines about Trump campaigns for Hillary Is our Com

It s not a big surprise given her propensity for lying, but when Hillary knew she was getting destroyed by Trump on her ineffec

Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta s personal email account published by WikiLeaks reveal th
Huh? This could be one of the most damning emails yet, as it reveals the true character of a woman who will say whatever is n
Hillary was Secretary of State an unimaginable earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010. 250,000 people were estimated to have d
Here are six trivia questions to see how much history you really know. The answers are very revealing. If you don t know the a
FBI files reveal missing email boxes in Clinton case, allegations of evidence tamperingBuried in the 189 pages of heavily redac
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daugh

The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mai

The Obama administration has done everything in its power to destroy the atmosphere of trust which could have encouraged
Hillary Clinton is the last person you want placing a target on your back the list of people who ve paid a heavy price for betrayi
It was only a matter of time We can t keep our borders open to anyone who cares to cross over, offer them immunity from the
In a lame effort to score political points for Hillary Clinton, the New York Times published a portion of Donald Trump s 1995 ta
As our limp-wristed President flies around on taxpayer funded Air Force One campaigning for Hillary, Putin sells Castro s Cuba
Has Obama sacrificed the freedom of speech we enjoy on the internet, as a way to boost his standing with foreign dictators, a
The Obama administration is maneuvering to pay health insurers billions of dollars the government owes under the Affordable
I wrote AB 2466 because I want to send a message to the nation that California will not stand for discrimination in voting Calif

This will be IRREVERSIBLE! Call your Congressman or Congresswoman TODAY and DEMAND they stop this!Frank Gaffney was o
WASHINGTON The House and Senate Wednesday voted to reject President Obama s veto of legislation allowing lawsuits aga

Just when you thought there was nothing Barack Hussein Obama could do to shock you this Christian pastor s story is revealed
East Baltimore was the scene of a mass shooting tonight that included a 3-year old toddler as one of the victims. The shooter i
A school district in Mount Vernon, Washington, was advised by legal representation Wednesday to allow the Satanic Temple o
Obama told CBS News March 7, 2015 that he did not know about Clinton s private email while she was his secretary of state fr
Undisputed Facts:An Oak Creek woman and her son have been indicted on allegations of stealing $3 million from the federal g
If not for the second amendment, this woman would be dead Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlan
Now, most of the demonstrators gathered last night were exercising their constitutional and protected right to peaceful prote
CIA Director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.Brennan told a congres
What Trump actually said was: Our police are amazing. Our local police they know who a lot of these people are. They are afr
Billionaire investor and all around puppet master, George Soros, said in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that he wou
United States Army veteran, A.D. Bell, tore into President Obama in a video posted to his YouTube channel this Sunday. He ex
A member of the House Intelligence Committee is accusing the Obama administration of laundering some $1.7 billion in U.S. t
This 11 year old girl gives me such great hope for our future. This video has been going around for a few days and I think it is im
Hillary Clinton is known world-wide for saying and doing the most ridiculous things, but her press conference concerning the a
Ahmad Rahami has been identified as a suspect in the New York and New Jersey bombings over the weekend, and he has bee
U.S.-led coalition air strikes killed dozens of Syrian soldiers on Saturday, endangering a U.S.-Russian ceasefire and prompting a
Obama s narcacism was in full swing on Saturday night at the 46th Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner of th
Last year Obama added an action to his manifesto that would forever put him in the cross-hairs of Americans nationwide whe
You have got to be kidding me! After all the times that Trump has been attacked by the Democratic side of our society for sayi
The 2014 IRS filings for the Clinton Foundation have been released and the numbers are absolutely sickening. Out of $91.3 mil
Social Media went nuts when illegal alien college students protested for free college tuition. Yes, that s a bold move by illegals
Dr. Milton Wolf seems to have take offense at the diagnosis of Hillary Clinton. He states in no uncertain terms that Non-Conta
After General Powell s email server was hacked it seems that Hillary and Trump were not the only ones he attacked with insult
On October 20, 2015, radical Muslim State senator Jamilah Rasheed was arrested while protesting with the manufactured han
House Republicans are gathering closely around a bill that would essentially block President Barack Obama from releasing any
It s not the first time that the name of Vladimir Putin has been brought up in the US presidential campaign, but this time the U

It is so great to be back in Florida, my second home. Let me also thank our good and dear friend, Chairman Jeff Miller, for joini
Iran may have received an additional $33.6 billion in secret cash and gold payments facilitated by the Obama administration b

Speaker Paul Ryan said Wednesday the House will vote on whether to impeach Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John K
The top Democrat on the House committee investigating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton s use of a private e
Outsider GOP candidate Donald Trump has vigorously denounced the outsourcing by Carrier s air-conditioning business. His op

WATERBURY A federal agent, with help from an informant, went undercover for nearly two years to document food stamp fr
Former NSA officer John Schindler reports on a devastating fact NOT mentioned in the FBI s investigation of Hillary Clinton con

Leaked documents from left-wing financier George Soros s Open Society Foundations continue to reveal the extent to which t
For anyone who believes they re more CONSERVATIVE than the average Trump supporter because they re planning to vote fo
But the media s concerned Trump is the threat to our national security with his reckless words. LOL!Watch #UnFitHillary thre
Scenes from the confrontation late Friday, which also appeared in videos uploaded to social media, captured the attention of
Finally, something else about those lawyers. I nearly fell out of my chair upon reading the very first paragraph of the notes of C

Check out the names below and you ll see that so many times foreigners come to America to scam the food stamp system. We
On the surface, this seems like such a simple request it s not! After digging and finding the TRUE agenda on the climate change
If the Obama regime is allowed to wrest control of our elections from the states America better get used to the idea of a Presi
The Imperial Presidency continues against the Constitution: The Constitution provides that the president shall have Power, by
Puerto Rico is getting a HUGE bailout from the US government on the backs of the American taxpayers You will not believe the
Here s just one more piece to the puzzle Hillary was able to delete the money trail with bleach bit The owner of BleachBit was
No, we re not kidding -the money sucker of all time is getting a loan . AMTRAK has always been a loser but leave it up to crazy
Wow! America is hungry for a real leader. America, this is what leadership looks like
Censorship is alive and well in Obama s America DCLeaks, a website that releases information on powerful political figures, ha
Leave it to the one and only Andrew McCarthy to put together a fantastic case against Obama and his lying administration wh
Our Justice Department is beyond out of control to give 6 months extra to those who ve let their permission to work in Americ
Trey Gowdy rips into the Clinton case of using a private e-mail for convenience When you are habitual, serial liar in this facet
How careless are these people? Clinton s right-hand-woman was tossing documents in the back of a staff car! These documen
After Obama was embarrassed by Donald Trump acting more presidential than he, as Trump traveled to one of the poorest s
Corruption is nothing new for Hillary and Bill. What is truly stunning is the mountain of evidence that clearly shows their crimin
If I were a European and was forced to deal with the massive influx of Muslim refugees from Syria, I d be pointing the finger at
The truth is what you get with this judge! We love her! Judge Jeanine rips into the Democrats:
We know where Obama s been and what he s doing for crying out loud BUT Jeh Johnson thinks Americans don t have TV s or c
Hillary Clinton and her aides must have felt like mandatory didn t apply to them they were obviously reminded several times
Listening to Zeke Emanuel, awkward brother of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is always a study in the absurdities of politics.
Run, yes run, to the nearest gun store and buy a gun to protect your family. This may sound extreme but we are in extreme tim
Donald Trump gave a rousing speech in Wisconsin last night that should be considered a turning point in his campaign. It was
Osama Bin Laden s bodyguard and 14 other terrorists were released to the UAE today more insanity from Obama!
Communities like Ferguson, Baltimore and now Milwaukee, didn t ask for this war on cops, it was thrust upon them. It was org
While Obama golfs in Martha s Vineyard, yet another decision is made to allow a terrorist to return to his homeland. Way to h
Thank you DC Leaks! It s about time George Soros Open Society organization was hacked!DC leaks had this to say about Soros
Oh boy! This is getting good! Bill Clinton is now accusing the FBI of serving up a load of bull in the comments about the investi
The Death Tax is the hard earned money you have to pass on to the government when you die. Wouldn t you rather your child
Col Oliver North lists the 5 irrefutable facts that confirm that Obama s policies led to the rise of ISIS. Please watch and share!
Remote controlled car bombs are being constructed for countries where suicide bombers are scarce. The only thing they need
Judge Jeanine gives us facts on the relationship between our State Department and The Clinton Foundation 12,000 e-mails be
It was announced last week that George Soros was donating over $25 MILLION to Hillary s campaign. Today we find out that G
We love AP Reporter Matt Lee! He is a lone voice in the effort to get the truth from our government the Stae Department spo
The information is spilling out little by little but we now know that HILLARY CLINTON put America s National Security at risk wh
A feminist supporter of Hillary Clinton was on CNN to give her commentary on the Orlando terrorist s father being in the crow
For anyone who thinks Trump s comments have crossed over the line, perhaps they ve forgotten about the Obama supported
Bravo! It s about time some of the conservatives shot back (no pun intended) at the liberal pundits who re doing everything th
Let this sink in The word has been out for some time now that the US borders are open. Now we have the President of Panam
Rudy is the best! He stays on message and was there when the Trump speech and comment happened. BASED RUDY: Rudy Gi
If you ve never heard Betsy McCaughey speak you re in for a treat! She was one of the most outspoken and honest people w
Can you believe this? This is ridiculous! No one is denying we have a climate and that it changes. The left thinks up the most id
Will the State Department ever tell the truth and prove that careless, reckless, lying Hillary was responsible for his death? A St
This is rich! Left-leaning Washington Post does a hit job on Hillary: JUST THE FACTS ARE PROVIDED EXPOSING THE LIES OF THE
Donald Trump is making a key speech on the economy and his plan to turn it around. It might not be what liberals want but it
CNN is ridiculous but this is insane! Check out the anchor and how he tries to legitimize the Iran ransom unreal!
Julian Assange on Hillary Clinton in an interview with Russia Today (VIDEO BELOW):Rattansi: If there is any illegality in the pen
Can you blame her for losing her cool with Crooked Lying Hillary? Share this with all of your undecided friends!https://youtu.
Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano discusses whether it s unlawful for the U.S. to pay Iran $400 million
It s starting to get old but Trump was right again Iranian state-run media in Tehran did indeed videotape the arrival of a Janua
How unfunny! Does this not tell you something about the jackwagons in the Obama State Department? Unreal!
A former hostage, Pastor Saeed Abidini, recalls the night he was released as a prisoner in Iran including waiting on the tarmac
To me, this is the logo of the Obama administration, bowing to dictators and bowing to terrorists. The liberal media has been
Listen up people! This is great! Lou Dobbs gets it and knows how important this election is!
The Clinton Grifters will take money from just about anyone even promoters of terror. The report below should tell you all yo
Philip Haney is a lone Patriot in the war on exposing Obama and his administration s connections with radical Islam. Please list
US Congressman Joe Wilson was right! Obama is a liar His reckless and amateur decisions have made America more unsafe th
Just a little dose of common sense Guns save lives.A new law went into effect in Texas on Monday that allows certain students
Clock Boy Part II. When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary truth. In the case of the poor believe
We ve inserted our thoughts and a few tweets throughout this article. Our comments can be found in bold red type.Let s start
You don t want to miss a second of Judge Jeanine s brilliant analysis of Hillary Vs. Trump Whether you like him or not, Donald T
Remember when this would seem like a far-fetched idea? Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said she loves
The protesters are breaking all the rules and creating total chaos at every turn during the Dem convention. It is truly a case of
Hillary s VP pick is proving himself to be a anti-American job destroyer in a couple different ways. He s willing to legalize million
Hillary Clinton always putting a radical ideology and her own personal financial gain before the best interests of America. Is thi
Nothing says embracing diversity like dividing interns by color and kicking the white interns to the back of the photo.It s pretty
Holy smokes! Even the Danish press sees through our idiotic president who becomes a blithering robot when greeting world le
Who better to help root out terror than a person whose religion forbids them from ratting out someone of their own faith? Th
I certainly hope Hillary picks Liz Warren for VP! She s such a miserable woman who decided to attack the manhood of two Alp
American citizens should be more concerned about the Left and the leftist media s attempt to HIDE the brutal truth about Sha
The Obama EEOC has spiraled out of control to meet the administration s mission of operating a politically correct governmen
Lawless, Crooked Hillary promises to continue with Obama s arrogant, lawless push to flood America with people who have ille
Pathetic Predictably impotent. We are not united we are divided. We do not stand strong. We sit like ducks. Waiting to be sho
Isn t it great when the day after a major terror attack in France, citizens can wake up in America, and fear more organized chao
Rush Limbaugh is spot on with his analysis of Barack Obama and how he has intentionally torn our nation apart, and more imp
The lawless and in-your-face behavior that this President and his regime have been able to get away with is simply breathtak
If you haven t seethe viral video of a takedown by a Russian guard on one of our guys, you simply won t believe it! Now we pu
So it s just too damn early to tell if the Dallas massacre of white police officers is a hate crime? Perhaps Jeh Johnson needs a re
It would appear that Barack didn t get the memo. Somehow he missed the part where the Dallas cop killer admitted he just w
We reported earlier about Dallas cop killer, Micah X. Johnson and his affiliation with the New Black Panther group, as well as O
No worries FBI Director James Comey is has assured everyone that Crooked Hillary told the truth. She s been lying and under c
Wow! The people of California might lose the right to vote on taxes? Only in California would this even be a possibility!Last we
Buckle up America Obama still has 6 months to fundamentally transform America. If the media and #NeverTrump crowd mana
FACT CHECK! Wow! No one knows how to question like Gowdy!
Are Democrat voters willing to risk what little integrity their party has left to get behind Crooked Hillary? Will they be inspired
Mike Rowe of the show Dirty Jobs has become a common sense voice for conservatives. His message is always on target and h
Paul Joseph Watson is the bomb! He makes the greatest videos and cuts through the bull to get to the truth. Here s a great ex
Huma Abedin, Hillary s right hand woman, told in testimony that she burned Hillary s schedules in a burn bag during her tenu
Please check out the clip below and you ll see what drives conservatives nuts! CNN has every right to question Daniel Hannan
This is a good reminder of how important it is to prevent Obama from anointing another radical on the Supreme Court. It migh
Thank God for brave people like this farmer, who was willing to fight back against a radical government agency that has been
Reasonable Americans expected never expected unbiased justice to be served by Eric Holder in a skirt Friday on MSNBC s Mo
Is there a law against waterboarding Republican Senators who continue to be re-elected even though it s pretty clear they sho
It s easy to see why there are so many Americans who would rather keep their heads firmly buried in the sand than know the
INFLUENCE PEDDLING is what the Clintons do and this time it could (hopefully) have consequences.
How crazy is it that a Fast and Furious gun was used in the Paris terror attacks? One of the guns used in the November 13, 201
Politics before anything else that s what Obama and Clinton have in common. Putting American safety before politics is what
Nothing to see here no conflict of interest. How can anyone wonder why Americans have completely lost their ability to trust
The big question in all this corruption is why these people aren t in jail! The collusion between Cheryl Mills and Hillary Clinton
This collection of video snippets of the lefty loony media freaking out over Brexit is alarming yet really funny. They just can t se
Watch this State Department spokesperson tap dance around the big lie that the Benghazi attack was caused by a video. Thes
Newsflash Hillary WAR is not aesthetically pleasing! Is this the kind of President America would like to have making decisions t
Merkel was booed by residents of Saxony who re 100% FED Up! with her open borders policy sound familiar?
Obama doing what Obama does best putting radical Muslims who are a serious threat to our national security back on the batt
Next stop after BREXIT is the US! Judge Jeanine nails it and says we need to know the facts to fight this elitist agenda. We re ti
The anti-establishment tide is rolling across Europe. You really can t blame the citizens for being furious at their leaders for allo
A journalist and author, Daniel Hannan has been a British member of the European Parliament since 1999. He first came to wi
Everyone s calling BS on the warning that climate change is a national security threat . The vote in the House came down agai
Barack Hussein Obama has been in over his head since he first stepped foot in the White House. Our Community Organizer In
OH MY GOSH! Obama bashes the old boys network and says they need to give women and minorities a chance to lead . Wha
What in the world is it with Obama and criminals? He releases them early and acts as if they were wrongly accused. Perhaps, i
Don t let the door hit ya B..b..but who will beat up innocent Trump supporters? The assertion of presidential power was rema
Don t think for a minute this union-style Black Lives Matter/Occupy type sit-in wasn t orchestrated in our Oval Office by our C
Democrats staging a sit-in on the floor of Congress won t go hungry we spotted their food order on its way into the Capitol a
Seven Delaware state workers were indicted and arrested for the theft of one million dollars from the EBT Program. The way t
The Obama administration wants you to feel bad if you don t believe in what they do. This group think is really disturbing! Plea
Another item Obama can check off his bucket list More than a quarter million Muslims have become registered voters since th
This is totally out of left field! Vin Scully goes off on the evils of socialism-epic! Vin Scully has strong feelings on socialism
Corruption and socialism go hand in hand Brazil is no exception!Here s the backstory on the corrupt Brazillian President and ho
(Welcome) to America We hope you enjoy our benefits. Please feel free to NOT assimilate Coming soon: Press 1 for English
We love this guy! Trey Gowdy gets it and gives a lesson to a DHS thug on due process! Yes! For progressives, the problem isn t
PLEASE NOTE: No press allowed inside or anywhere near the meeting today with the Saudi Deputy Crown Prince:
Paul Ryan has had almost 8 years to lead the charge to impeach Obama for his unlawful, unconstitutional acts against America
Florida Governor Rick Scott is not holding anything back. He is angry that Obama has made the Second Amendment the enem
One of the countries Mooch and her taxpayer funded mom and daughters will be visiting was devastated by Ebola less than tw
Feeling safer? One of the sitting members on the Homeland Security Advisory Council s (HSAC) Subcommittee on Countering V
This is not the first time Putin has warned the US to hurry up with its release of Hillary s emails. Biden better get the emergenc
Nothing to see here. Hillary was likely just fulfilling a promise to a foreign Muslim donor. It wasn t the first time she gave a sta
And if Trump did indeed imply Obama was working on behalf of Muslim terrorists do you believe he s correct?
As a side note, the illegal aliens who are being dropped off across America in vans are OTM s or Other Than Mexicans. Can the
Oh no! Florida killed a counter-terrorism bill right before the Orlando attack.Florida lawmakers rejected a key piece of counter
The H1-B Visa program is being used and abused by American companies like Disney and Abbott Labs in Illinois. Disney was in
The House Benghazi committee has interviewed two drone sensor operators who were working on the night of the deadly 201
The left wants to change hurtful words to whatever they deem to be ok but they got some push back with the order to keep
The bashing of Donald Trump is getting so old and tiresome. People with common sense know the truth and know what the le
We recently reported on Venezuelans taking trash bags and eating the contents the end result of socialism isn t pretty. Here
Thank goodness for organizations like citizens United who found out what was going on with a Clinton donor getting a position
THE SOCIALIST PRESIDENT WAS THIS GUY S TEACHER! Great encounter with someone who has experienced socialism great s
Read anything Stephen Henderson has written over the past year and you will be hard pressed to find a single piece where he
How does one reconcile this insane interference by the government over how a legal Norwegian family practices their Christia
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclu
New York City begs to differ Of course, this is just another way of Obama saying, Screw Trump and screw America, we re build
BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER-Dirty politics follows Obama and Clinton so here s yet another example of these two s
I ll bet you re thinking this is a joke, right? Can you believe these idiotic liberals? so happy I don t live in the towns in Massachu
This viral video shows a woman ransacking a store after her EBT card had been declined. We re all for help if you need it but fo
A short excerpt from CAN s upcoming documentary Exposed: The Islamization of Our Schools .This documentary-in-progress u
Bernie Sanders likes to talk about how everyone will be equal using other people s money. It s the most asinine concept and it
It s really a pretty simple scheme. Obama is placing Democrat voters (illegal aliens who are given housing, education, food, hea
Swiss voters are deciding whether they want to have a national salary for everyone. Everyone gets a paycheck no matter wha
How can you be prosecuted for something that isn t true? The climate scam folks in California are planning on strong-arming A
Our corrupt federal government under the DOJ is forcing the banks to lend to risky consumers and hen force them to give to li
Wow! Stunning admission by the State Department spokesperson that editing happened more than once by the State Departm
This is seriously concerning! James Rosen calls out the effort to censor his question and the answer regarding Iran at a press co
The Obama administration has spent over $166 million federal dollars on the childhood obesity program started by Michelle O
How many times have the press and the Left admonished Trump for saying we need to do a better job of vetting the refugees
It s come to this legal citizens are being pushed aside for the refugee invaders. Sweden began to import refugees decades ago
This report is so outrageous that we could hardly believe it was true. Sadly, this is a true story. The idea that our troops would
Now it beings the government has changed who is a refugee to include climate refugees. Does anyone else see the insanity in
CAIR S Zahra Billoo is so hateful! She Tweets out a nasty message every year about our troops on Memorial Day weekend. The
Mind blowing incompetence and reckless disregard for the lives of these brave men and women by politically appointed leftist
The salt police are coming to NYC! Thanks to the nutty liberal mayor of New York City, we have a new regulation on salt. Rest
While Hillary doubles down on her false claim that the rules were clarified AFTER she left the State Department, we ve got the
These are shocking revelations that have essentially taken place while America and our elected representatives slept.ALL Of A
Who knew a President could do so much damage in one year? Who knew he would have the support of so many Republicans
Senator Tom Cotton is such a great representative and a good man. He hammers Harry Reid!
Was Hillary Clinton negligent or was she doing this on purpose? Either way, it s a really bad situation and gives more fodder fo
The Clinton grifters have been at this scam for so long that it s hard to keep up with all the money. In 2007, they bagged a HUG
Our good friends at Thomas More Law Center just won a great case for free speech and the unborn! The judge who rendered
Could this guy be any more clueless? Is it that this administration is this clueless or this evil? Al Qaeda tied leaders who ve bee
Vietnam has supposedly made modest gains in reducing human rights abuses BUT a Catholic priest was just released after TW
For the first time since World War Two, the two centrist parties in Austria have lost and The Freedom Party, led by Norbert Ho
Wow! What a commie putz! After lifting the arms restrictions on Vietnam, Obama gleefully gets a photo right in front of the bu
Stunning doesn t even come close to describing the Department of Labor s waste of the American taxpayer s money!WE VE B
THIS IS MADDENING! We have a president and congress who do nothing but promote illegal entry into America TREASON! The
The discussion Bret Stephens had with his 10 year old son, is one every parent should be having with the very generation who
How bad is it in Venezuela? People are eating one meal a day and the government is doing its best to cover up the humanitari
Putin may be the one person Obama has absolutely no influence over. With Obama unable to use his Chicago thug-like politica
Nothing to see here. Just keep flying them in, our FREE tax-payer funded Healthcare system will take care of them at least the
Only the strongest will survive in the dog-eat-dog world of Socialism. This is the result of a society that believed the governme
Imagine standing at a bus stop, talking to your friend and having your conversation recorded Hidden microphones that are par
Jeff Daniels channels his role as ACN s Will McAvoy from HBO s The Newsroom to respond to question about Trump vs Hilla
Matt Schlapp, the leader of the American Conservative Union, slammed Mitt Romney for his continued attacks on GOP nomin
This HUGE arrest by the FBI is proof that we need to end the food stamp program as it is now. The fraud is so rampant that ev
You just can t make this stuff up we have a National Security Adviser who believes our national security is compromised becau
Obama is clearly attempting to strip Americans of our right to express our opinions on social issues based on our religion or mo
At a campaign event Hillary Clinton talked to a small business owner who has been hit hard by Obamacare. The health insuran
The deception was really a Glitch Sure!
Take a good hard look America this is Bernie s utopia. The economic climate is so bad in Venezuela today that people are eatin
Democrats looking for attention and along with every celebrity who has been able to find their way to the burned out city of F
WHO knew legendary rocker Roger Daltrey was such a patriotic guy? The Who s lead singer, Roger Daltrey feels very strongly a
DR BEN CARSON gives his take on Loretta Lynch calling the North Carolina bathroom law controversy like Jim Crow: Everythin
This will be America if we don t push back! London red buses will have a Muslim sign saying Praise Allah when Christian signs
Obama and HUD want to give one last freebie to the Dem voters this Fall using YOUR tax dollars! This is a last big push to mak
As if this news, in and of itself, is not horrific enough Deputy National Security Advisor, Ben Rhodes also reveals that Obama be
James Rosen reports on missing money meant for the Benghazi investigation:
Of course Obama the putz blames too little government for the poisoned water crisis in Flint OBAMA TO CONGRESS ON FLINT
HOUSE SPEAKER PAUL RYAN HAS SOUR GRAPES ABOUT TRUMP Isn t this about the will of the people and not the party? Inste
We re living in a world where we have willingly surrendered our privacy for the sake of making identification of ourselves, and
West Virginia has been devastated by a loss of 10,000 jobs due to the Obama administration s efforts to shut down the coal in
Of course, America s favorite criminal candidate says America shouldn t believe the infamous hacker who claims he accessed h
This is Stephen Crowder at his best So smart and so funny!
SERIOUSLY? Obama s Transportation Secretary is sadly just another racist spouting his slanted beliefs. He might want to break
The irony in this situation is pretty huge. Prince didn t like meddling in his music or business but now the government will be t
265 days and counting Is this a warning shot? This chilling footage shows a Russian nuclear submarine launching a cruise missi
A California Donald Trump Rally turned into a violent riot by mostly young Latinos. This is the result of open borders lawlessne
THANK GOODNESS FOR THE CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES! Jessica Vaughan is the Center s Director of Policy Studies an
The replacement of workers by big corporations is staggering! Michelle Malkin speaks about the Abbott Lab workers laid off fo
Here we go again the Democrats are trying to erase history at the Citadel. Jim Clyburn is determined to take this fight all the w
It s amazing that Hillary will likely never be held accountable for the deaths of four brave Americans in Benghazi. So many fam
The good news for Hillary is that she should be able to connect with these hardened criminals on a personal level. The only thi
A new report tells us what we already knew about Hillary s speeches government contractors paid Clinton big bucks for speec
Global Climate cooling warming change frauds around the world are celebrating Earth Day today. If they were just celebrating
ITV Reporter: British reporters in various degrees of politeness they have said to you that you should really keep your views to
Obama has filled his cabinet with radical yes men and women who hold similar anti-American, leftist views. His radical Treasu
Leave it to Obama to politicize our money some think the past presidents should be on the money but now Obama s made ou
The irony in Obama s radical Treasury Secretary s decision to remove racist Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill, lies in the fact
Anyone who would look at these charts and still vote for Hillary or Bernie is basically saying, I really don t care about my futur
Obama s goal of making gun control a reality in the United States of America is one step closer, thanks to this radical judge A C
Colonel Ralph Peters comments on what he thinks Congress will do regarding releasing the 9/11 Report. Unfortunately, he s co
It s great to see one of the Justices questioning the dictatorship of Obama. The vote will likely be a split vote even though the
I don t really know about that Nice try Hillary!
REMEMBER THE OBAMAPHONE LADY? Federal regulators were instructed to keep a massive fraud investigation under wraps
There are people out there who are giving their lives trying to make our elections secure and they re being called conspiracy t
This is where we re heading with the Obama administration and nut jobs like Bill Nye. Last month, DOJ s Loretta Lynch suggest
Here s yet another example of the leadership in the Republican Party putting themselves and their political careers before the
There s been tons of speculation about possible involvement by Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 terror attack. The 28-page report has
The big wigs of business are all in on the resettlement of Muslim refugees all over America. There are 20 cities that have been
Here we go again 25 years after the Gulf War we re back at it but with ISIS this time.The U.S. Air Force has deployed B-52 long
It s no secret that our military has suffered during the Obama years: The U.S. military has been hindered by an overbearing an
No matter which candidate you support, you have to admit that once again Trump has brought up a topic that needs to be dis
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) thinks he s the boss of you! He banned all non-essential travel to Mississippi after the state passed
Obama aims to make illegals eligible for federal benefits This is unreal but what s more unreal is that Obama gets the vote if th
This woman is a hero! Catherine Engelbrecht stood up to the IRS after they targeted her.
This is such a huge opportunity and the feds probably just scratched the surface.The current state of some American institutio
Make no mistake about it, we are seeing tactics used by communist countries to shut down views that are contrary to those in
Social Security Disability fraud is rampant but the latest bust is the biggest ever and could send three men to prison for life. So
We deserve $15 Ummm, you don t get to decide that Naquasia Legrand, a leader of the $15 minimum wage movement, wen
Detroit and Flint, Michigan are getting yet another boondoggle that if you read between the lines is a giveaway of federal dolla
Dinesh D Sousa warned us about Obama s reduction of our nation s nuclear stockpile in his movie, 2016, Obama s America. S
President Barack Obama danced the night away in Buenos Aires at a glitzy state dinner alongside Argentine President Mauric
Let s face it, Obamacare had been a nightmare since it began. We have the website failure and then the corruption with the st
PIGFORD has to be the biggest scam and fraud EVER but I ll bet most Americans haven t even heard about it. IT S ALL ABOUT F
The answer is yes but they still haven t recovered 30,000 e-mails! FBI Director James Comey is being pressed to wrap this up
Are we sure this guy is actually qualified for this job? Everything is racist and unfair to the Obama minions. It s just hard to take
Like the Soldiers of Oden vigilante group we reported about in February, the National Framed vigilante group is tired of waitin
Cameras catch two drug smugglers crossing the fence from Mexico into Arizona does anyone else out there think we need the
This is NOT good at all since a guy was caught trying to enter a nuclear facility using one of the fake badges sold by a Romanian
Wow these are some pretty eye-opening statistics Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has made illegal immigrati
Was the GM bailout REALLY about American jobs? The taxpayers were sold a bill of goods on the GM bailout and still haven t s
When did Americans decide they were okay with Democrats exempting themselves from the same laws everyone else is requi
The party s over or is it? Hillary Clinton and her aides will need to decide whether to lie or tell the truth to the FBI about her e-
Our most pressing issue is border control and terrorism. If you ve been paying attention to the border issues, you know we ha
You ve probably seen the disgusting photos of the official school lunch that s now given to your children. It s pretty bad so we
Finally! This ends the court battle so we ll see what happens with the phone The FBI says it successfully used a mysterious tech
B..b b but what about the wave the baseball game, the posing in front of Che Guevara artwork? We were under the impressio
Wow! Aren t FOIA requests great? You get to read about what really happened or what these politicians are REALLY like. In th
Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton came out in agreement with Donald Trump last week on our role in NATO. They disagree on a so
Riiiight just choose from what works
Obama brings two gas guzzlers on a sightseeing trip just another day in the life of preezy It s really easy to spend someone els
Is this not the craziest thing ever? No wonder California is broke! This sounds so much like Agenda 21 everyone s on the dole!P
January 2017 can t come fast enough for America, and for the rest of the world who is 100% FED UP with this freeloading, fasc
Outspoken British actress and columnist asks brilliant question: Any mosques lit up in the colors of the Belgian flag? She is de
This video was published on March 11, 2016, exactly 11 days before the terror attack took place in Brussels. Micha l Modrikam
Freedom is under attack across the globe. Radical Muslims are committing horrendous acts of violence against innocent peopl
It s hard to imagine a President who could be more anti-American and more pro-terror than Barack Hussein Obama. And then
No matter which candidate you support, this moment on the campaign trail is pretty awesome. Trump has said he wants to su
Wow! We REALLY do have a serious problem with this anti-American jackhole of a president!
Americans better start fighting back against these people who are shutting down our public roads by hitting these thugs where
Fantastic testimony on the disastrous results of illegal immigration on the black community: FLASHBACK: Obama wrote in 200
Does anyone else out there see a future BMW car commercial with this story? You really can t make this up! it s what we ve co
George Soros seems to be sticking his nose into everything to do with the 2016 election. Now we have the chairman of the firm
Here you have it! Jeff Sessions has been a hero in his continued effort to expose the cost to Americans when cheap foreign lab
There are numerous crimes we report on every day that do not tell if the criminal is in America legally. When we find a news s
What a grouch! Bernie Sanders must have had a bad day! Maybe he realized he s in Sheriff Joe s territory now.
Wow! These people are clueless! Scary!
When far left publications like Democracy Now and Global Research start questioning Hillary s involvement in the murder of H
The Obama s just added millions onto the taxpayer s tab for the trip to Cuba that Barack was going on until they just announce
A student at a Michigan high school stood up for his right to wear a Confederate flag shirt to school. There is not a rule against
Mitch McConnell just made a statement on the Senate floor that the Senate will follow the Biden rule and wait until a new ad
Obama decides to nominate Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court even though the Senate announced they would wait unti
Harvard is agreeing to erase the history of their Law School founder to satisfy individuals or groups who don t agree with him.
The families of the four dead Americans you left behind beg to differ. Not that you care, but Benghazi was kind of a big story fo
Wow! Bernie and Hillary have been making hay over the Flint water crisis for months now, using the crisis to secure votes from
Our country is spinning out of control. Obama s orchestrated efforts with race baiters like Al Sharpton and leaders of Black Liv
Since Sweden became the #1 destination for diversity and multiculturalism, they ve become the rape capital of the world yes,
This is war and it s a fight for the SOVEREIGNTY of America Two things that Donald Trump said have been controversial and ta
Apparently being the wife of a former Democrat President and serial pervert, and (more importantly) having a vagina, allows p
The Cuban vote is a conservative vote so Hillary and Bernie might want to steer clear.Every election cycle, media outlets beg t
General Boykin spoke at The Awakening 2016 conference and had this to say about the hot topic of gender neutral bathrooms
Everyone needs to read this letter (click HERE) from Apple s CEO Tim Cook to their customers before they chose sides in this is
In a shocking exchange on Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Loony Liberal Senator Sheldon Whitehouse discus
Loretta Lynch is claiming she doesn t have to pursue criminal charges if the FBI recommended them. What a sham! Attorney G
The Deschutes County Sheriff s Office says the shooting of Lavoy Finicum was justified. Shocking cell phone footage captured f
Support for an investigation into the shooting death of Lavoy Finicum has been growing. Something about his shooting death j
He s been Europe s version of the outspoken Ted Cruz for some time now. Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party
This ll be about as bad as it s been in Seattle where this policy has been a complete failure. We ve reported on men entering th
THIS MAN IS A GREAT PATRIOT! Retired General Ace Lyons rips into the Obama regime like no other and it s honestly pretty f
Could someone please tell these idiots that America is over 19 TRILLION dollars in debt! This is just ridiculous! Vice President J
Because people who scale border walls and break the law to get into our country deserve the same taxpayer funded benefits
Former Attorney General Michael McKasey lists 4 laws Hillary Clinton appears to have broken: There s one that says you can t
This is proof that the government will tax just about anything! Calling tampons a luxury item is just about the most ridiculous t
A report just came out about the crazy huge numbers of illegals crossing our OPEN BORDER. Yes, Obama has basically opened
THE NUMBER OF AMERICANS ON FOOD STAMPS IS AT AN ALL TIME HIGH! Obama crows that the official unemployment rate
This is Barack Obama s Justice Department and Loretta Lynch is just taking orders. This is a BIG development!The Justice Depa
Yes, yes, yes! Tomi nails it again! Tomi goes at it with a radio host over the Black Panthers and Beyonce. She s the best!
This letter was sent to 100% FED Up! by an anonymous author:It doesn t matter who you support for President in 2016. This le
While our eyes are on the invasion of Europe, we re being quietly invaded by Muslim refugees who re really not refugees at a
Stop counting the votes! Your candidates nomination based strictly on the number of delegates they are able to obtain from e
Recently, a man in Seattle wandered into a women s locker room full of little girls:LIBERAL SEATTLE GETS WHAT IT VOTES FOR:
How long will it take for Obama s Army to descend on Mississippi? Black Lives Matter is far from a spontaneous movement. Ob
I m convinced the Freedom From Religion group of atheists didn t get enough attention when they were kids. They re perpetu
We are two moms who have put our lives on hold to do everything in our power to fight the progressives on the left from stea
Helloooo! Where the heck is Congress? $7 billion dollars stolen from the Treasury because our Congress has no clue and is jus

European nations have naively opened their borders to millions of Muslim males who have no intention of assimilating. As the
Did you know that only 3% of the 125,000 illegal minors have been deported? Thomas Homan, the head of deportation opera
FINALLY! The H-1b Visa program has been so abused by American companies like Disney! It s about time that an employee wil
Senator Mike Lee gives it right back to FOX s Martha MacCallum when she grilled him on why the Senate won t accept a Supre
Loretta Lynch is much like Obama in that they both feel the ends justifies the means if it s for their political ideology. The etern
Americans need to know the truth about Apple and what the government is asking them to do. They need to know what App
THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA CHOOSES to ignore the facts about many of the statements made by key Senators, Obama and Bid
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a reception for Black History Month in the East Room of the W
We can t say for sure, but we re guessing the truth about the happiest place on earth is about to be exposed by the Donald I
Since this article was written in 2006, the illegal immigration crisis in America has exploded. Barack Obama, his fellow Democr
Pure gold The ultimate Race-Baiter-In-Chief, just got called out for the phony that he is. While we re on the topic of Obama pr
If you look closely, you might find a few familiar hypocrites who were calling for the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justi
Pope Francis has joined Democrat legislators, along with a handful of RINO s and local mayors to work hand-in-hand with Oba
It s hard to read stories like this without wondering how a Commander in Chief can so easily desert those who sacrifice all for
We ve made it very easy for you to pick up the phone, or go to their Facebook pages to let these Senators hear your voice. Ob
The answer to this question should shock every American The government has admitted 605 Syrian refugees for resettlement
Every American should know the corrupt UN has been, and will continue to be, the one organization who decides which Musli
Justice Scalia appeared to be in good health prior to his vacation at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Texas owned by Texas millionair
Judge Sri Srinivasan is a possible pick for Obama to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court. We only know one particular c
STOP the invasion of Cubans! The invasion of Central Americans continues but now we have the addition of Cubans. We canno
There is no other President in the history of the United States who has mastered the art of going around Congress to achieve h
It was just announced that there will be no autopsy of Justice Scalia after he was found dead in his room of natural causes . D
If our next President is a Republican, and if he is allowed to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice, it will be very difficult to fi
Pray for our nation FOX News reported this afternoon that Barack Obama can appoint a left-wing Supreme Court Justice after
The US Supreme Court is set to decide the first major abortion case in nearly 10 years as well as critical decisions on immigrati
Antonin Scalia was one of our most reliable, conservative US Supreme Court Justices. Pray for our nation Conservative U.S. Sup
Negotiations to surrender currently live-streaming from the scene on YouTube (below)Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy arrested
Some great news on the carbon emissions rule! The Supreme Court agreed to stop enforcement until legal challenges are reso
These grifters have no shame. How much more evidence do Americans need to see before they understand Hillary has no inte
Is the government of Austria harboring violent criminals instead of deporting them? It appears that this is a pattern in Europe
Weakness invites aggression and it s hard to imagine we could have a weaker, more apathetic President. So this news should c
2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a chee
So far, this video has over 530,000 views. Does that make the content legitimate? Certainly not. But the premise is certainly no
Enough is enough! German citizens are witnessing the fast-track decline of their nation. Does America need to look any furthe
Before we get too far into this story, it needs to be pointed out that the 18 year old teen who was just sentenced by a judge fo
THIS IS A WARNING FROM REAGAN: Those Voices Don t Speak for the Rest of Us It rings truer than ever
Has anyone else out there noticed the total bias with promotion of certain candidates running for president? I ve noticed who
Thank you Angela Merkel German security service BfV reportedly received more than 100 tip-offs that ISIS militants had infiltr
The big question is who, in Congress has the will to stop him? Keep your notepads handy America, and start keeping track of w
During the Democrat s debate, Hillary Clinton said she d look at releasing the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street s Gold
Of course anyone on Obama s Team Fundamental Transformation of America is exempt from any of the consequences the r
This is the best explanation of why Obama and the Democrat party are fighting so hard to keep the US State Department s Ref
I ve never had anybody point a gun at me before. A man came on the loudspeaker and told us to stop, and to get out and hav
The House of Representatives voted Tuesday to end fraud within the Department of Housing and Urban Development that ha
Perhaps Merkel should have considered the serious consequences of Germany s compassionate open border policy that allow
Ed Henry of FOX News tells us tonight that Hillary Clinton lied again! Just hours before the very important Iowa Caucus, Hillary
On Friday White Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters some officials at the FBI have said Hillary Clinton is not a target of
The haunting words the day before his death will have you questioning so much about how the FBI handled the Oregon stand
LOL! You ll want to share this with everyone Democrat Convention ScheduleMonday, 25 July 2016 11:30 AM Free lunch, medi
This new effort to have companies report to the government is really rich. If you look at this subjectively, it s kind of a crazy ide
Do you agree with Switzerland s decision? Should America follow suit with European countries who are saying no to the burq
This is such a sad, tragic and misunderstood story by so many. Was the now deceased father of 11, LaVoy Finicum simply defe
The Muslims faith must be protected at all costs it s the Obama way During a news briefing delivered at the All Dulles Area Mu
This woman nails it! LANGUAGE ALERT!
The Patriot Spring is coming This excellent piece by Geert Wilders predicts an awakening of national pride in Europe and in Am
You can blame the escalating debt on Obamacare and taxes We can thank Obama for this The federal government will be flirti
You seriously can t make this up. This Democrat run city is officially out of control. We reported before that the EPA knew abo
One way or another, she s going to have to face these charges Former Republican Congressman Tom Delay Note that Tom D
Leave it to Obama to take to fear mongering to try and convince voters to vote for socialism What a putz!President Obama wo
Skipping customs at JFK might seem like a great thing for passengers arriving on an international flight BUT those passengers m
Here we go again NO CREDIT, NO PROBLEM Obama has a new program called HOME READY that focuses on getting immigran
America has a special arrangement with the Saudis to keep secret the amount of our debt they own: The special arrangemen
Reconquista, English Reconquest, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territo
If I found out my college-age daughter was attending a Bernie Sanders rally, she would #FeelTheBern when her tuition paymen
Charlie LeDuff is legend in Detroit but this is a classic:
London is about to find out why putting political correctness before your country is a bad idea By BI: Sooner than you think if t
Morten Storm is a former CIA Double Agent who s shocked by the ineptness of our former Secretary of State in her lack of sec
Wouldn t it be great if the Obama administration came out with something regarding the terror risk revealed by the FBI?FBI offi
Apparently it takes just one American student to destroy the unity in North Korea:North Korea has detained a U.S. university s
So can anyone please explain what the U.S. got in return for Obama s brilliant nuclear deal? White House spokesman Josh Ear
Poor Hillary, she s always the victim of some Right-Wing conspiracy When members of Congress are not allowed to see the co
The children were nestled all snug in their beds when OOPS! an illegal alien pedophile slipped through their window. These wo
Oh boy! Ginsberg woke up and is leading a decision against big business is anyone surprised by this? We d love to know your o
A Park Service employee is caught on tape telling how she swindled two WWII vets out of land worth millions more. Federal la
In case you don t live in the Midwest, you might not have noticed that the fight continues between the Democrat-lead powers
Where s the accountably? As our President ramps up his gun control rhetoric in the U.S., we continue to see the fallout from o
You re gonna love this patriot! He speaks for each and every one of us who are 100% FED Up! with offended Americans! Enjo
She s the most dangerous, self-centered woman in America Hillary for Prison 2016. Hillary Clinton s emails on her unsecured,
So far, the Supreme Court has not prevented one single unconstitutional act committed by Obama. Is there any reason to beli
Wisconsin is losing me on this one-no common sense whatsoever in this ban. This is what happens when government regulati
It s good to know there are a few Hollywood celebrities who haven t bought into Obama s false messiah B.S During an appeara
This is a story you will never find in the mainstream media What seldom gets talked about and when it is, often with irreveren
This is a mind-blowing interview that confirms much of what many of us suspected about the Clintons. For some, it may be ev
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!The United States sent Iran $400 million in debt plus $1.3 billion in interest, and the money was disbu
Hillary was too busy to be bothered with making Benghazi a safer place for Ambassador Stevens, so it should really come as no
Wish we could clone this guy we love Daniel Hannan! We couldn t have said it better!
No wonder Obama didn t offer up a prayer, or utter a single word about the arrest of our US Sailors before, during or after his
1.5 TRILLION Net Wealth Lost In 15 Days!It s never about America, when it comes to this fraud. It s not about telling the truth
You can believe that if this incident with Iran kidnapping our sailors had happened under a Republican president, you would b
Is the European gravy train finally coming to an end?The Danish parliament is considering a bill to seize migrants valuables to
13 Hours debuted in movie theaters today. So far, it s getting rave reviews. Do supporters of Hillary and Barack Obama even
Are you tired of supporting companies who are couldn t care less about the future of this nation? Are you tired of giving jobs t
As Obama begins his campaign for UN General Secretary on the US taxpayer s dime, keep a close eye on the many responsibili
And what about the female sailor in the headscarf? What was that all about? Do all the female hostages of Iranian Revolution
The world is stunned by the number of women and children who are being raped by Muslim refugees in Europe. Obama just
Thanks to the funding our GOP majority Congress approved at the end of the year, Obama plans to actually increase the numb
Of course, our Secretary of State has everything under control. It is being reported, that John Kerry has already apologized to I
(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s);
EPA Chief Gina McCarthy reveals a bad habit her family had and one she s sure all other American families had as well. Does a
// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElem
So in an effort to reach out to Muslims living in America, we need to invite groups that are tied to terrorists? Why stop at grou
This is possibly the most disturbing video we have ever posted on our website. This is an example of the rape game called Ta
The results of this town s gun ownership mandate shows what happens when there are armed civilians out there In 1982, the
Not everyone is moving for the same reason, but one thing is clear by these results Americans are sick of high taxes and an ov
This isn t just any church organization, this is a church organization that takes in $45 MILLION in taxpayer funds every year! W
There are so many reasons for this little coward to leave America and travel abroad for the duration of his term. Does he have
WOW! This is a powerful, must read letter that should be shared with every American Lately, I must admit that my hostility to
Every American should be concerned and should be demanding answers from Washington about why we need to militarize th
The question is who Obama will protect? Will he stand by his Yes woman, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, or will he provide
Dinesh made some frightening predictions in his blockbuster movie, 2016: Obama s America. Was he correct in his prediction
They knew! Can you believe these people? FOX News reported earlier that the release of this report was delayed twice today.
The mother of the 19 year old immigrant blames the murder of the WWII veteran, and the brutal beating of his wife on the vio
Because blaming the Muslim migrants who raped and sexually assaulted an untold number of women on New Years Eve woul
Unlike our racist, anti-American President, this brilliant Louisiana State Senator, Elbert Lee Guillory is color blind. He is not how
You ll love this guy he tells it like it is!
There is nothing about Obama s executive order gun grab. Barack Hussein Obama has an agenda that, for some reason, no on
A clear violation of Obama s lopsided deal with Iran Hey Barry do you still think Iran wants to be our friend? What was the ru
He s pro-gun, pro-military, anti-fracking and anti-wrongful imprisonment of US veterans in Mexico. But TV personality Montel
Following Obama s phony tears, he launched directly into attack mode of the Republican majority Congress (who have already
The new cold war between Saudi Arabia and Iran has been going on for a while, but has now escalated to a critical stage. It w
One word China That s the only reason you should be furious with our government that s usually overreaching but not so muc
Facts are funny things Ever wonder why the Left is so opposed to using them in an argument?CNN law enforcement analyst Ar
// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElem
Apparently these Germans are not interested in becoming another Sweden A wordless anti-Islamist hymn knocked chart-bust
OREGON RANCHERS TAKE A STAND: The feds felt a rancher father and son didn t spend enough time in prison for arson so the
This last year could be the most devastating year for America with Obama s attempt at tackling unfinished business . Gun con
The consequences of throwing out the welcome mat for people who have no intention of obeying your rules or living in a wor
When Loretta Lynch was confirmed as the new Director of the DOJ, it was clear that our Senate had once again caved to the ra
Dennis Michael Lynch has made some shocking and eye-opening movies that address our failure as a nation to secure our bor
We can t afford to give our US Veterans a proper funeral, but we ve got money to burn when it comes to bringing Muslim refu
While US citizens are outraged over the removal of Christ from pretty much every aspect of our lives, including Christmas, Dem
H1B Visas have been the downfall of thousands upon thousands of white-collar American jobs. Obama is now signing an execu
Just another slap in the face to US citizens. Our government arranges massive payments to hostages taken by the terrorist nati
You don t want to miss this!Here s a little info about Joe Dan Gorman and his website, Intellectual Froglegs. You can find his w
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforcers helped convict 185 Americans of environmental crimes this year, with each
Wouldn t it be great if we had someone in government who would take the import of thousands of Muslims from countries w
This is a call to action You guys always talk about getting off the couch and doing something. How come things in our country
Here s one of the few true PATRIOTS in Congress! Justin Amash is always doing the right thing with the best interests of the Am
Isn t this a slippery slope even though it might reduce the ISIS traffic on Twitter. Freedom of speech is being challenged waaaa
It s interesting to note the terrorist organization linked to this mosque (and funded with our taxpayer dollars), is same terror g
During Obama s campaigning in 2008, he spoke of his total devotion to the job as president if elected. One of the things he sai
The LGBT mafia has never been more threatening or powerful Did you call a transsexual person he or she when they preferr
Do you think our Gun Grabber In Chief should be next?Virginia state senator Bill Carrico (R-Dist. 40) is responding to Governor
Apparently free housing, food and spending money wasn t enough for this murderous thug posing as a helpless refugee A Som
President Barack Obama has called the fight against human trafficking one of the great human rights causes of our time and h
We ve reported on the lines for food and shortages of things like toilet paper in Venezuela but this is really sad. The people of
Paul Ryan is just like all the other establishment politicians from both sides of the aisle who have sold the American worker do
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners at airports can now force passengers to go through body scanners
Interesting isn t it? It s Christmas Eve and 16 pages of e-mails are released. These are not just any old e-mails. These e-mails ar
Americans should pay close attention to this story, especially after Loretta Lynch announced the US Government will punish an
Who would ve guessed? A coalition of U.S.-based Muslim groups claiming that anti-Muslim backlash is on the rise in the wake
Say it ain t so! The New York town of Bethlehem is being cleansed of all things Christmas and Hanukkah. Any and all signs of C
The monthly cost for the feds to pay for food stamps is sickening. We re at an all time high for people receiving help with SNAP
The IRS is the epitome of an incompetent government agency The Internal Revenue Service issued more than $46 million in er
Never mind that Iran continues to violate Obama s lopsided deal Senior Obama administration officials are expressing concern
Does anyone remember a time in recent history that candidates in the Republican party caused so many hissy fits by the Left?
The controversy surrounding Obama s prison reforms continues with the release of more non-violent drug dealers. Andy McC
The politically correct country of Sweden paying a very big price for their kindness, generosity and open-borders policy This att
If you re like us, you either made a donation, knocked on doors, or called voters on behalf of a Republican candidate in the 20
Every American should be demanding answers about why Barack Hussein Obama is in such a hurry to empty Gitmo before he
We ve been following this push to remove all statues related to the Civil War. It was basically ramrodded through by the Mayo
Paul Ryan s omnibus spending bill gives Obama funding for his Syrian refugee scheme, Planned Parenthood, Obamacare, amn
The American taxpayer is on the hook for the millions and millions it costs to house and feed these kids. Record numbers cam
There must be something in the water in Washington how idiotic are these people? The Senate Armed Services Committee ha
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is officially a total sellout! He agreed to a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill with Obama late W
Funding for Sanctuary Cities, benefits for illegal aliens, fully funded refugee programs, quadruples number of work visas for fo
Our children don t need the EPA to tell them how to celebrate Bah Humbug!The Environmental Protection Agency is asking Am
These videos are very disturbing. Americans are headed down this path if we don t fight back against the Left who put politica
Take Notes America! Germany s Angela Merkel has just promised to dial back on immigration but it s really too late now as yo
Congress will vote on a new spending bill in just a few days so they d better get crackin so they can read the 2,009 page bill be
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz didn t ask members of Congress to bring a relative of an American citizen murdered by an illegal a
A petition started by government workers has over 70,000 signatures protesting a Christmas gift from Obama that gave them
Judicial Watch has been the one organization that s been reporting on the crazy expensive trips the Obamas have taken since
Trey Gowdy destroys this clueless DHS employee when asking about the due process of getting on the terror watch list. Her re
Talk about a flawed strategy! Obama is doing everything he can not to bomb these terrorists so they re growing and rowing..T
If this had been a Tea Party group attacking Nancy Pelosi s home, it would have been international news Angry leftists with roc
Barack Obama and the Democrat party would like us to go the way of the Swedes. Do Americans have the fortitude to fight ba
Did you know that a record number of illegals crossed our border last month? While we re focusing on the Syrian refugee influ
Jim Comey gets a 10 year tenure as FBI director so Obama can t touch him. He s a 6 8 dynamo who s single-handedly trying to
While you were distracted by the Syrian refugee crisis, the illegals are STILL flooding our southern border! Why are we still doi
Why should a nation founded on Christianity need to even ask that question?Why are Christian minorities, who are the most t
It s almost as though we don t even have a Constitution Never let a crisis go to waste President Barack Obama s advisers are fi
The woman in the picture above, Arlene Barnum, of Oklahoma, understands that the preservation of our history and culture is
It just doesn t get any worse than this. The idea that we aren t giving our veterans the best health care available is beyond the
He [Obama] makes me want to wrap a suicide vest around my head and text BOOM to my brain On the Brit s desire to be pol
Even more shocking than the number of Muslim refugees vs. Christian refugees being transplanted to the U.S., is the fact that
Thanks to Daniel Greenfield for digging up this bombshell of a fact: Carter did what Trump just announced he d like to do. This
Since Obama was sworn in as President hundreds of thousands of refugees have come to America most of them Muslim. We
A shameless promotion of amnesty by our Feds. Obama and the Democrats are willing to do whatever it takes It s all about th
Did FDR actually deliver his fireside chats while sitting near a fire? Seventy-four years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proc
When WWII veteran and Pearl Harbor resident, Harold Estes wrote this letter, he was a retired Master Chief Boatswains Mate
ISIS stormed into Mosul, Iraq last summer. Much of what took 2,000 years to build has been lost in a matter of months. There
UPDATE: A leading Supreme Court analyst thinks Attorney General Loretta Lynch is the most likely candidate to replace the la
The Democrats tried to attach a gun control amendment to the bill, but Republicans blocked those amendments. Of course, O
No word yet on plans to de-fund State Department s Refugee Resettlement Program, that brings hundreds of thousands of Mu
Oh the irony of a terror attack by Muslims taking place on American soil on the heels of Obama s return from phony Climate C
Why do we allow stories like these to be buried? It s so important for Americans to know the truth about how easy it is for ter
Is this why we worked so hard to get a GOP majority in the House and Senate? Spineless weasels Republican House members
Are you sitting down? The phony baloney Climate Change Summit put on by our Dictator In Chief costs the American taxpayer
How very progressive And how very ironic that our tyrannical President would take the opportunity to address how he plans t
Honestly, American taxpayers are getting screwed by leeches on welfare. Before you get upset about what I just wrote, under
Obama has waisted billions on green energy but the free market wins in the end with the success of fracking and natural gas. Y
Amen to this! Billions of your tax dollars have been redistributed in the name of global warming. When future generations loo
The U.S. is the great enemy of mankind! raved Ernesto Che Guevara in 1961. Against those hyenas there is no option but ex
UPDATE: No #BlackLivesMatter Protests PlannedChicago has no shortage of thugs. What they do have a shortage of is support
This is some pretty surreal stuff In the four years since the start of Operation Vigilant Eagle, the government has steadily ramp
Countdown until Obama is OUT OF OFFICE: 347 days 8 hours 29 minutes 30 secondsPresident Vladimir Putin said on Thursday
ISIS released a new video yesterday, where they threatened America and every other country they identify as the infidel. Me
Why would any sane person choose to enlist in our military when we don t even have a Commander In Chief who is fighting th
This isn t the first time Obama left an important figure behind in our war on terror. Remember Pakistani, Dr. Shakil Afridi who
President Obama on ISIS: They re a bunch of killers with good social media. They are dangerous and they ve caused great hard
Donald Trump was right again! This is yet another example of the media distorting or just not telling the truth. Several news so
We ve been over and over the reasons why the Washington Redskins name is not offensive. Even the American Indians who h
Remember when the US had a President who took the lead in the war on terror? Russia has carried out a series of deadly airst
If seven years ago, someone told Americans that the UN would be allowed to place a Regional Hub in our nations Capitol, the
It turns out the words affordable and care were both horrendous lies pushed by the Left in order to prop up the most dange
As the House moves closer to actually representing the will of We The People with this vote, what does it really mean in terms
Never mind that a new poll shows Americans oppose bringing Syrian Refugees to America by a 2-1 margin! Carry on King Barry
Our refugee resettlement program needs to bed stopped right now. We need to rethink and regroup on everything about it. T
This soldier s story is shocking and heartbreaking, but serves as a serious warning about what we, as a nation are getting ourse
Rudi gets it! The former mayor of New York speaks out on the horrible Obama foreign policy and how it created ISIS: This did n
Hunger strikes for the oppressed seem to be all the rage, both at home and abroad The refugee crisis has many faces. Alongsid
Time will tell how serious the House Republicans are about keeping our nation safe. Goodness knows it s the furthest thing fro
These videos will shock you. When you think of Sweden, do you think of Muslim gangs roving the streets in no-go zones lobb
Thank God America has people like Ted Cruz in our Senate, who are unafraid speak out against the enemy, and fight for the sa
Former CIA Agent, Clare Lopez has been ringing the alarm bells about the Islamic influence by members of Obama administrati
This is awesome! Cavuto rips into this activist big time!
The USPS is drowning in debt, has lost every one of its life-lines and has mismanaged its funds for decades. No worries though
This blogger s piece is a glimpse into the future of America. Unless we all find a way to stand together and stop Barack Obama
States have rights too! We love the new conservative governor of Kentucky! He means business and it s about time someone s
Just another reason conservatives love Ted Cruz .Share this with everyone
So who does Canada believe is the actual victim is here?Have you seen the cover of the new Maclean s magazine? That s Rine
George Soros gets ugly with the name calling that s typical of the left. He praised the United Nations representative who called
Sounds great how about a new car?An immigrant-rights group proposed a Bill of Rights for illegal immigrants Thursday, dema
Michigan s Republican Governor, Rick Snyder is throwing out the welcome mat for an undisclosed number of Muslim refugees
Take action! CALL these 18 RINO s and ask them why they voted at 1 A.M. on Friday morning to give Obama a no-limit credit c
Government waste and abuse runs rampant but this is maddening! The people who receive government housing are checked
State Reps Forced To Stand Awkwardly In BackgroundAt one point it appears as though someone approaches the two State Re
Yes this massive protest against America just happened today! Thousands of Iranians burned the American flag and chanted s
Lets hope the Republicans can push back on this effort by Democrats to bail out the horribly mismanaged government in Puer

For anyone who s not paying attention to what s happening in the Middle East, she s talking about the reckless actions of the m
Because Obama s doing such a great job keeping Putin in check right? President Obama mocked Republican candidates who s
Let s face it, we have a president who s going rogue and defying the rule of law at every turn. This is not your mama s lame du
Can you imagine? This man goes for a knee replacement and returns home to find the city had demolished his house! Talk abo
THE PLOT THICKENS ISIS is claiming responsibility via Twitter for the Russian plane crash that killed 224 people. The pilot of the
This is Orwellian stuff The IRS is spying on you-how crazy is that? Secret cellphone tracking systems are being used by the IRS w
Oh, this is so ridiculous and so bogus that the intimidated researchers aren t handing over research documents and commun
As a side note, Paul Ryan still needs 18 additional votes to ensure his new role as Speaker Of The House. The full House is expe
Unreal! Mooch gets millions for Pakistani girls? The American taxpayers should be outraged by this! Let Pakistan empower its
Does this mean Republicans in the House are FINALLY going to start standing up for the Americans who elected them to be th
Our vision of the world ? Where are the Catholics who re against this scam? The Catholic church has been hijacked by leftists
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?Female soldiers serving at Guantanamo Bay are not being allowed to transport inmates following a co
Wasn t the point of Obamacare to provide health insurance for everyone? After BILLIONS spent on a website that was unwork
This is a perfect example of big government gluttony and waste we should start here with cuts to the budget. Sitting at home c
Does anyone else see the lunacy in this? You have a broke state that s trying to build a massive bullet train system and is over
Religious rights in Obama s America don t apply to Christians or Jews they only apply to Muslims.The Equal Employment Oppo
If a black man is elected president in a country comprised of mostly white citizens is he still considered a victim? And should h
Hillary Clinton breaks the law, gets people who work for her killed, lies to the American people and she s still a media darling?
Well this is no surprise but it s still wrong. Targeting conservative Americans or ANY American should be a crime.Lois Lerner w
Congressman Paul Ryan received enough support from the House Freedom Caucus to secure his nomination for Speaker of th
Do Americans even remember the worldwide violence and hate inspired by Hillary s announcement that the Benghazi attack w
If you ve ever watched the Hunger Games movies you know that Effie Trinket is a psychotic woman who looks at murder as a g
But he s pointing the finger at the wrong aspect of violence and death in the black community. If he would focus on the REAL p
The shocking truth about how close we are to becoming a one-party fascist stateThis is the most brilliant and scary analysis of
The global wussification of the male Identifying as a feminist may be more and more commonplace if you re a millennial or Ta
Jeffrey Toobin chimes in to protect Hillary Clinton and it is in very poor taste but mostly untrue. The reason Mr. Toobin s claim
Hillary Clinton is a serial liar. Hillary Clinton has a hard time maintaining a consistent level of truth and that was proven today
Our FBI Director has testified once before in regards to the inability to screen Syrian refugees. This time he repeats his concern
Our FBI Director has testified once before in regards to the inability to screen Syrian refugees. This time he repeats his concern
The European caliphate is in full swing First and foremost, it must be made clear that not all No-Go zones should be exclusive
CNN Anchor Carol Costello acts like she s never heard about the lying that came from Hillary Clinton when Clinton told Patricia
This announcement seems to indicate that the Obama regime already knows Hillary is going to be walking away unscathed fro
In case you hadn t heard, Obama signed a new UN development plan to make America a socialist nation by 2030. Yes, it s true
What a great time for Joe Biden to announce. Hmmm I wonder if Barack had anything to do with the timing of the discovery o
WHY FED UP HUNGARIAN MAYOR Would Send All Illegal Immigrants To US We are now prisoners on our farms. People s calm
Gowdy hammers it with those who say Benghazi was politically motivated Testimony is Thursday so we ll see
Ever feel like a headline you re reading is too unbelievable to be true? I wish we could tell you that was the case. Read on Seni
New documents appear to show a pattern of deterioration of security at the State Department under Hillary Clinton. The State
This story is for everyone who believes hundreds of thousands of Muslim Syrian refugees will assimilate once they re dumped
We wrote about this particular and ongoing situation in Texas but it s getting more and more pressing. The feds are coming in
Sweden is experiencing what happens when your country puts progressive politics ahead of common sense and national secu
Just start asking questions and the Obama administration reverses course very interesting. The validity of the claim that priso
After examining the data Reuters used to make their bold prediction, we noticed they hadn t given any consideration to the hi
The corrupt covering for the corrupt. Chicago politics at its best Hillary Clinton could be prosecuted in federal court for failing
Meanwhile, most Americans can t afford to take a single vacation Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained record
Say what?The Iranian parliament has rejected the formal, legal text of President Barack Obama s nuclear deal, negotiated in Ju
B b but does this mean global climate change is not man made and that man is not more powerful than God? Here s our Liar In
According to Ben Miller, he was paying $398 per month for his health insurance policy when he was notified his monthly paym
This one sentence should scare every taxpaying American to death: I know we can afford it because we re gonna make the we
Another situation like the Bundy Ranch land grab has arisen in Texas the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is claiming 600 ac
Thanks to our government, the land of opportunity has taken on a whole new meaning An immigrant cabby scored the deal of
Using state employees to fill a room for political purposes is called astroturfing . Cuomo wanted it to look like people were act
Here s the fake black guy, Shaun King weighing in on how awesome it is that Bernie Sanders can now come out of the socialist
Dear EU government: Yes The majority of Americans would agree, Obama is mentally unstable and yes, he needs to be impeac
Peters is dead on in his description of Obama s foreign policy failures. Obama s still underestimating Putin and is chasing unico
Wait we thought Obama and the Democrats were supposed to be standing up to the evil corporations and standing up for th
I ll bet most Americans have no idea that we re in another huge housing bubble thanks to Obama s desire for everyone to own
No Obama won t run again, but he ll use every dirty political Chicago-style trick available to him to make sure Joe Biden ends u
Yes, the EPA has a PR department BUT they spent over $15 million on outside public relations consultants! I guess it takes mill
***Warning*** Graphic photo and videoThank goodness Israeli s are able to use guns to defend themselves against the religio
Former House speaker slams Obama administration s foreign policy decisions.
Just take this chemotherapy sweetie..the government knows what s best for you. Oops maybe not this time A judge formally
Wow! What s more shocking the fact that a member of the mainstream media finally crossed Obama s imaginary red line or th
Sure, we need to save people from something that s naturally occurring pretty soon everyone with a hangnail will be consider
Thanks to the CATO Institute we know for sure that government workers are paid waaay too much! An average of $84,153 for
Name one time this reckless Commander in Chief has put our men and women in uniform before the war on terror Just one.O
This is great! Ted Cruz calls out the Sierra Club President on his bogus 97% scientific consensus on global warming. When aske
THE H-1B VISA PROGRAM IS KILLING JOBS FOR NATIVE AMERICANS! It was just reported in the recent jobs numbers that nativ
Global warming has been shoved down the throats of every American since the day Obama took office. The only problem is th
Mums the word on Christian persecution in the White House. Just let them get a whiff of possible injustice against a Muslim in
Blacks in America are seeing the writing on the wall with the push for mass immigration to America and it s not a pretty pictur
The FBI photo warning is from Drexel University but all colleges and universities in the Philly area are warned. As you ll see bel
Buckle up America. Barack doesn t give up easily. When he wants something, he ll stop at nothing to get it. Chicago politics can
The Feds are looking at several states to transfer the GITMO detainees to putting the safety of Americans at risk over Obama s
The cover-ups and mistruths appear to be numerous. The question Americans need to be asking is why?The Oregon murderer
Whiskey, Tango Foxtrot!!! A Sharia compliant UN working with Obama to create a Global police force? Does anyone else hav
Does anyone remember Vladimir Putin pushing George W. Bush around? After years of debating a U.S.-led no-fly zone inside S
Sorry David your tough talk comes a little too late. Britain will likely never return to her rich heritage and culture. Political corr
Who s Ready For Hillary?Among the thousands more Hillary Clinton s emails that have been released are ones exchanged with
Here s a newsflash Rand We re not looking for a guy who can win a popularity contest in Washington to be our next President
We have a weak leader in our White House who s willing to be pushed around after leaving a vacuum in the Middle East for ch
How many more are out there doing the same thing as Vida? If we ever needed a wake up call that this SNAP program is out o
We re giving asylum to people who re connected to terrorist organizations AND releasing illegal alien criminals onto our street
If Obama had a communist friend he d be this poor victim Raul Castro the champion of human rights and justice What a dog a
Will the new 3-story Islamic Museum include pictures of Americans jumping out of their flame engulfed offices in the Twin Tow
The answer is anyone but YOU. Did you know that American taxpayers gave the U.N. general fund $654,778,938 in 2015? Did
While we re so happy to hear that 3 innocent American prisoners hostages may be returned. We re just wondering who the O
Get this, previously deported mentally ill illegal aliens are being sent back to the U.S. thanks to a judge s decision: Federal Judg
It apparently wasn t shocking enough when the American taxpayer found out the Obama regime spent $500 million to put fo
18 mayors sent a letter to Obama telling him that they want MORE Syrian refugees. Is your mayor on this list?Remember Syra
The Obama regime has already set the ball in motion for fair share housing (or social engineering), whereby the government
In his final act of putting Americans dead last, John Boehner will stand with Democrats in their rabid desire to keep the abortio
How about America calls him out for arming ISIS with our tax dollars? Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday branded U.S
Our open borders should be a tremendous help to them A German reporter who was allowed to embed with ISIS in Syria-Iraq
How many more days remain in our Community Organizer In Chief s term in office? He can t make golfing his full time job fast
Leave it to our Community Organizer In Chief to bully nuns who ve committed their lives to helping the poor in our country ov
Welcoming a pro-life, pro-marriage leader at the White House with a crowd of abortion and gay rights activists, is as classy as
It won t lead to any solution. It s a kind of European Union dictatorship towards smaller members An extra 1 billion ( 733 mill
The result of Britain s willingness to allow Muslims to immigrate in massive numbers to their country is shocking. This video is
Oops! Hillary Clinton thought her server was wiped clean but it appears as though KARMA has arrived on the scene. The FBI ha
A big slap in the face to an overreaching government who is more worried about protecting the reputations of our tyrannical p
Obama couldn t just endorse Joe Biden because like a loyal dog, he s defended every one of his unconstitutional acts against A
America has become Entitlement Nation where thousands line up for housing is this a need or just a want? Those in need like
What happens to Europe if the refugee surge of mostly muslim men doesn t stop?France is becoming unrecognizableSweden
Steve Hayes says the biggest scandal yet for Obama is possibly the downplaying of the progress of ISIS in the middle east. Basi
John Kerry just announced that America will be taking thousands upon thousands of Muslim refugees in the coming months. T
Just like Obamacare was pushed through, the Iran Nuke Deal has been pushed through in spite of it being VERY unpopular wit
Our friend Ann Corcoran has been exposing the truth about the US State Department s radical Refugee Resettlement Program
If you think this is a good idea then you might be a leftist. Our government wants to nudge us to do what they want.President
This is truly a shocking photo. To see these ISIS flags in the hands of what appears to be Muslim men in Germany fighting back
If you haven t been paying attention then you wouldn t know that this administration has literally thrown us to the wolves. Th
Yes, big government is using YOUR money to pay off bad actors so they won t terrorize America. It s really unreal but if you ve
Sarah Palin can hear Putin s knees knocking from her front porch President Obama addressed news that Russian President Vla
Last week it was reported that intelligence reports were being altered to favor Obama s claims that ISIS is a jv team. Playing do
#NeverForget Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, Chris Doherty and Ambassador Christopher Stevens:This disgusting excuse for a Co
Bill Hemmer let Mitch McConnell have it but McConnell was looking like a deer in the headlights with a blank stare on his face
Well, get busy people! With the cyber attacks happening all over the place, you d think the feds would try and hurry the prote
The reason the Baltimore Mayor gives for the huge settlement to the Gray family is just insane! Just listen to her state that thi
This HUGE rally to protest against the Iran deal will be at 1:00 p.m. today on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, the side facing
This case has been on our radar for some time now but will come to a head tomorrow. The government is offering its last bes
You seriously can t make up this stuff State Dept's new 'email czar' to deal with Clinton records requests donated $2,700 to Cli
This is a perfect example of how the left is able to decide which laws they follow and which laws the rest of America follows Ki
Barack Obama, champion of the taxpayer funded government employee. Destroyer of the private sector President Barack Oba
Watch out America! Our President isn t looking out for America s best interests. Leaving a leadership vacuum in the middle ea
Government officials using other people s money to enjoy a swanky seaside vacation in Mexico while discussing how to take a
Ben Shapiro makes the best case yet for why Americans should support Kim Davis who s in jail for refusing to give out same-se
Big brother? Tracking drivers and their habits doesn t that sound like an Orwellian idea? Big government just got more into y
John Kerry insinuated that war would be more likely if the Iran Deal wasn t done but military experts are saying the exact oppo
BRAVO and spot on!Click on picture below to watch :A terrible deal with Iran!A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonald
Obama s minions in the Democrat party never disappoint in their efforts to support this president on just about anything. Mik
If denied by Congress it would have profound implications for us It would be extraordinarily damaging . Is Kerry trying to say
The news gets worse every day for the Clinton Crime Syndicate Breitbart News Exclusive: Hillary Clinton s private email server
This is so scary for anyone out there but especially for parents who fly their kids to different places alone. This TSA agent took
The sinkhole never got repaired so the people in this Detroit neighborhood decides to make lemonade out of lemons. Only in
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of mise
Chick-fil-A is in the news again and it s more of the same push for political correctness and the rights of the left to not be offe
In 1993 Harry Reid wrote the Immigration Stabilization Act of 1993, a bill that would have denied birthright citizenship to child
This is a shocking story that shines a bright light on Obama and his regime s willingness to give terrorists who kill Americans sp
Don t you just love the absolute boldness of the Mexican government in this move to charge people coming across their borde
Our current government can t be bothered with resolving these heinous acts against our veterans who rely on our governmen
Does anyone else find it strange the Obama would lobby so hard to make it easy for Iran to develop nuclear weapons they wil
Are we the mutation nation now? Is this person the most qualified for the job or does he/she just fit the agenda to diversify th
Is anyone the least bit surprised that the Obama administration hasn t contacted the Navajo Tribal Leaders since the tragic spi
And the AFL-CIO is crying in their money pit wouldn t it be a great get to have college football players unionized? The players a
This story gets more and more unbelievable every day The EPA has a record of releasing toxic runoff from mines in two tiny Co
Remember the promise of a fence on our southern border? Yes, it was the plan but the $1.2 billion dollar plan was never exec
Gold King Mine Owner Todd Hennis says he warned the EPA for years about the mine mess, but they ignored him.
Yeah because everyone wants these guys living in their hometown Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Pa
He was just looking to the jobs most Americans won t do The transformation of America continues.An illegal immigrant who p
Obama s war against America on every possible front Last Wednesday, a small EPA-supervised work crew inspecting the Gold
Follow the money on this one Mexico is spending over $1.6 billion dollars on flat screens for millions at a cost of $145.00 inste
Beware: I m from the government and I m here to help. This is a very revealing interview about the EPA toxic water spill out W
I appears that Hillary Clinton is really in a big mess with this e-mail scandal. She could have just turned the server over and dea
We are way past any further discussion or debate. Scientists are as sure that humans are causing climate change as they are t
A bunch of thugs, a bunch of creeps, criminals, race hustlers with a scattering of law abiding people converged in this area an
It s official! Lois Lerner is the bitter b*tch we all knew she was when she took the 5th before Congress. Who s not surprised th
By all means, lets cut back on security at the trial potentially putting an untold number of Americans at risk in order to ensure
So, the working people of America are basically supposed to sit back and watch Bernie Sanders and Hillary compete to see wh
The USDA is spreading the wealth like crazy with the green energy giveaways of thousands to farmers. We know from past exp
The EPA s response to spilling toxic water into the Colorado River was to do nothing for 24 hours. Can you imagine if a private
The race card thing is getting old fast The Austin County Sheriff s Office released the dash camera video of a July 14 traffic stop
It s time to stop hitting the snooze button America! This crisis is no longer on our doorstep it s here. The Democrats, corporatio
Where is the outrage? The investigation into the culpability of the VA took one year before they finally came to this conclusion
Hello America Are we awake yet?AUSTIN, Texas Texas Sheriffs, the Lieutenant Governor, and experts in immigration related
Do you hear that sucking sound? That s the Obama regime sucking more and more of your freedoms away every day In northe
We know that SS disability is full of fraud in the first place so why the heck does the SSA rely on people to self report overpay
This expert on climate who s been studying climate change for 25 years weighs in on the global warming scam. Please share!
A notorious race-baiter is paid to visit a government agency and deliver a racist rant WTH! Your tax dollars paid for this insane
Thanks to Obama s promise to shut down the coal industry, West Virginia comes in at #50. It s also interesting to note where W
Meanwhile, after 6 long years of waiting, the families of the Ft. Hood shooting victims who were killed by terrorist Maj. Nidal H
So much outrage by so many corrupt people it s hard to keep track. One thing we know for sure no matter where you are in t
It s pretty obvious that the FEC chairwoman is just another political hack for the left. Ann M. Ravel is determined to regulate n
WOW! TOM COTTON KNOW HIS INFO! Please listen and share this unbelievable and revealing testimony. Scary!
EPA Director Gina McCarthy gets into a heated exchange with Cong.Jason Chaffetz over how she handled a repeat offender of
While Obama simultaneously works to take our guns away. Sounds about right The House voted Monday to beef up White Ho
Any guesses as to who is playing our criminal Secretary of State or our lying Commander in Chief? The movie, based on Mitch
The fact of the matter is Kenya and the U.S. share so many values: common love for democracy, entrepreneurship, value for f
Florida government official is serious about the BBQ aroma infraction.LOL! The environmental laws are creeping into our every
Hey Barry tell us again about what a great deal for America you cut with Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran s supreme leader, tw
The White House honored hundreds of illegal students and a dozen illegal teachers at a big celebration last week. The CHAMP
Ordinary citizens (many of them are proud veterans) are filling a breach left by our federal government US Navy veteran Tim K
This is what happens when making abortion legal becomes more important than the threat of the elimination of your faith A n
Outgoing Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno also said the rise of ISIS could have been stopped if Obama didn t pull out troo
As Barack Hussein Obama tours around the country trying to convince the low information voter that the lopsided and danger
If it were up to this President, we wouldn t have any arms to bear U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on Tuesday said i
Brit Hume says video exposing Planned Parenthood s trafficking of fetal body parts removes the veil of antiseptic tidiness beh
Mark Levin lays out Obama s one-sided, unconstitutional Iran nuke deal in this easy to understand video. In the video below, h
Obama s ICE Director Sarah Saldana is not the only one determined to help Obama fundamentally transform America. In 2013
Why should armed civilians have to protect and defend our US military recruitment centers? Muslim terrorists have made it cl
Because it was a joke before it was politically incorrect?Before Al Franken became a United States Senator from Minnesota, h
The fundamental transformation of America continues . But one photo emerges that defies Barack and Michelle Obama s hate
On Wednesday Barack Obama lashed out at CBS reporter Major Garrett after he asked him about the four Americans left behi
Obama is probably huddled somewhere in the White House with Kerry and Jarrett trying to figure out what more we can do to
Of course they have no plans to assimilate The Associated Press and NBC are now reporting that Tennessee gunman Muhamm
No word yet about the Mayor developing a plan to help Christians who refuse to bake wedding cakes for gays based on their r
Our current President must have staff working around the clock finding ways to circumvent Congress Last March, 47 Republic
Tell us Susan what s worse, Iran with a nuclear weapon and billions of dollars to help fund muslim terrorists or Iran with a nuc
Don t turn off your paid internet service quite yet. If you have a job and contribute to our tax base, you won t qualify. You also
Nothing says tolerance like putting a loaded gun to a strangers head because you disagree with the flag they re holding A fami
The whole premise of promoting education is such a crock. If Mooch wants to promote education then she should stay in the
Being called out for his utter incompetence as a leader by the press is not something Obama is used to CBS News s Major Garr
The consequences of a failure to control immigration in America A foreign-born alien who sought help with his immigration pa
The Atlanta NAACP is totally over the top on this demand: Those guys need to go. They can be sand-blasted off, or somebody
Tough talk from Washington does not solve problems says our Thug in Chief as he threatens Congress not to cross him on thi
Kate Steinle is the wrong race, and she was killed by someone Obama is advocating for. If they can only get FOX News to stop
It s not just Trump who s exposing the truth about the hundreds of thousands of muslims being sent to our country where the
It s not just the our open southern borders we need to be concerned about. It s our State Department who seems to be hell-b
Another turn left for the Hillster so no school choice and no teacher accountability. Would you vote for someone who favors t
CBO DIRECTOR: How long the nation could sustain such growth in federal debt is impossible to predict with any confidence. A
Counterfeiting is illegal by the way and shouldn t be rewarded with American citizenship This could be the story of an America
An Arkansas woman who went to pick up the class ring she ordered from Walmart left disappointed, after store officials told h
Something isn t right here besides the 22 million people who ve had their personal information exposed to the world. This wo
THE CLEANSING OF OUR HISTORY CONTINUES What the heck is wrong with the city of Memphis???Late Tuesday, the Memphi
The GOP leadership may want to rethink their position on amnesty for illegals. American citizens (yes, including Hispanic Amer
ENOUGH ALREADY! A California Dem and two dozen others want to have gender neutral terms now. Everyone s equal now?
The Confederate Battle Flag will be taken down at 10:00 a.m. EST this morning as another battle over the controversial flag he
The left has officially taken parenting out of our hands via legislation and handed it over to our government The list of things 1
It s like a bad penny the left keeps bringing back the death panel. Several of Obama s advisors have suggested that the death p
Dems hammer Republicans on their planned vote to allow the Confederate flag in national parks.House Republican leaders ha
CJ Pearson, the 12 year old conservative social media sensation who was bullied and threatened by grown-ups on the left, has
Jesse Watters confronts the board of supervisors in San Francisco and it s crickets
WHAT THE HECK! What s happened to the Southern leaders? Confederate flags should be placed on the graves of Civil War so
So the NYSE, Wall Street Journal and United Airlines have all been experiencing technical issues, but there s no correlation?U
Yeah you know the Obama regime is serious about taking down ISIS when they send in 60 Syrian rebels and leave them unpro
So much for the US refusing to work with countries who are guilty of some of the worst human rights violations in the world F
About 62 percent of Americans say they won t be taking a vacation this summer at all. Out of that, more than half said they co
Slick Willy s back! Bill Clinton had fun on the taxpayer s dime but he s just an everyday American who shops at luxury retailers
Another successful cleansing of our history like it or not what s next?Just a reminder of something Michelle Obama said in 20
The United States government has been living beyond its means, running up an enormous debt that will eventually need to b
A number of European politicians, including Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the top eurozone official, have said a no vote would jeopar
The state of Oregon is hoping to get 5,000 volunteers for a program that tracks every mile you drive and then charges your cr
Big government is never efficient and this is the perfect example of that. The SSA can t collect money without spending more t
Be safe and enjoy the 4th! Homeland Security and our wonderful police officers all around the U.S. are looking out for us.The D
This is so great! Ted Cruz knows his Constitution!
Because the government knows best when it comes to raising your children or something like that.A Maine mother faces child
Because we don t have enough crime in our country already we need to import it from Mexico and South America.To hell with
Not knowing how many members of ISIS and other terrorist groups have slipped undetected into our country is yet another se
The dumbing down of America This is how people like Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Hillary become front runners in ou
UPDATE ON THE REDSKINS BATTLE WITH THE FEDS:ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) A federal judge has ordered the Patent and Tradem
Obama must have added this to the deal so he can move to close GITMO. He s just itching to release more terrorists and close
Is it any wonder that the left leaning Supreme Court is looked at in a negative way? Negative views of the U.S. Supreme Court
This entire situation with Puerto Rico reminds me of the bailouts with the financial industry. It s just like the too big to fail ma
Wow! The liberal Supreme Court s really making their views known with the past few decisions. Thank goodness for the ACLJ a
SHOCKER! Great news that the EPA was shot down on their overreaching regulations. Justice Scalia got this one right when he
Hillary Clinton hasn t given up all the e-mails?
FBI and Homeland Security are sending out warning regarding terror threats on July 4th. If you re traveling during this very Am
This government grant is taxpayer dollars and it is beyond over-the-top. This was not done for the fallen police officers who w
Yuck! It s bad enough that China had a dog meat festival last week but now this! The USDA just removed the country of origin
Yes, that s Justice Ginsberg presiding over a gay marriage. How objective did America think she would be with her decision? La
totally out of bounds! This is so wrong and so crazy because anyone with half a brain knows this is junk science. What does Ob
The Fundamental Transformation of America is almost complete. Even Barack Hussein Obama must be surprised by how few
America s First Black President continues to destroy employment opportunities for the black community We ve got a bad guy
Unimaginable unforgivable It s not the sort of email the infection control director of a veterans hospital wants to find in their i
When it comes to limiting our free speech, nothing this lawless government does should surprise us. Under normal circumsta

It s painful to watch the stupidity and irresponsibility of the Democrats who run the city of Chicago along with Chicago Teache
I m sure the apple doesn t fall far from the tree in this case. Many of us have known about the father-in-law but this digs deep
What s with the cultish attitude coming from our EPA chief? This is so creepy and Orwellian but the big push on climate chang
One more Republican doing his part to aid Obama in his fundamental transformation of America Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) cast
Remember Joni Ernst? Conservatives were so excited to see her win a Senate seat in Iowa. You may be surprised to see who th
Our 44th President just doing his part to keep the racial fire stoked Barack Obama claimed the United States was still infected
Why does FOX News even give this guy a microphone? He lost his relevance about a decade ago, and yet FOX News still thinks
The FBI defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a govern
And they re heading to Cape Cod next! Where does it end with these people? The optics of this are just awful! We have HUGE
Remember this? Mayor Rawlings-Blake says that the Baltimore rioters needed room to destroy The Federal Emergency Mana
Just when you thought the 2014 election results would provide America with some checks and balances U.S. lawmakers narro
Of course, the government will have to address that whole income inequality issue, because clearly every illegal alien or unde
We re living in such historic times I can barely take all the diversity and equality Help us to choose the woman the Obama reg
Aren t the kids already suffering enough by being forced to eat Mooch s slop for lunch? Isn t it always all about the kids for th
Like moths to a lamp bam!The terror suspect who allegedly helped orchestrate the shootout at an anti-Islam event in Texas ha
Donald Trump announced he will be running for President as a Republican in 2016. Here s what he had to say about our milita
A different set of laws apply to illegals in fact, it appears there are no laws that apply to illegals More than 100 convicted crimi
Karl Rove is suggesting Hillary suffered brain damage following her blood clot.On Sunday, Hillary Clinton s campaign manager w
WAS IT HILLARY OR THE STATE DEPARTMENT? We know that Cheryl Mills and others at the State Department have been prot
George, Barack and Hillary the axis of evil Professional race activists Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop), p
Rep. Dianne Black has been in the healthcare industry for decades and knows way too much to be fooled by the Obama admin
Don t worry the liberal elite always know what s best for the little people.Goldman Sachs Chairman and UN Special Representa

You can t have people walking around with guns says the husband of the woman who wants to be your next president Sunda
Flag Day was established in 1916 by President Woodrow Wilson and in 1949 Congress declared June 14 a national holiday: Let
Why would the Vatican invite an aggressive leftist speaker to the rollout of the Pope s Papal document on phony global clima
Does anyone care? If Hillary personally gassed these citizens would anyone care? Has America become so conditioned to read
You can t make this up! Why are these criminals who illegally entered our country are being given special status? They are not
Wouldn t it be great to have a president who made our national security a top priority? The Obama administration will agree t
The news broke this week that Obama wants to equalize housing for everyone. Social engineering is nothing new in this day o
The Army can t be bothered with defending or protecting war heroes, they re too busy with other more pressing issues like en
Here s one sure way to turn a solidly red state blue In Fiscal year 2014, Texas resettled 7,234 refugees. However, that doesn
Wow! This is big and has to do with telling the truth about the EB-5 visa program:A Department of Homeland Security watchd
This is so over the top it s not funny. I m a huge advocate of parents being there for the kids but a felony charge? Held overnig
Why do we even need a Congress anymore? We have a King, and it appears the majority his council are there at his behest. In
Why are banking powerhouses, European Prime Ministers, a major arms manufacturer, a representative from the US State De
With an Imperial President who believes he is above the law, is there even a need for a Supreme court?On Monday, President
Which begs the question:How many Iraqi s have been placed on trial for similar circumstances? And do the rules of engageme
Not that it matters, but since it appears that no one has read the bill, it s probably not that unlikely that Democrat senator Ron
This data breach could affect every federal agency. Chinese hackers?The federal government is notifying millions of employee
So much for the promise of transparency from Obama. Hundreds of lawyers? The special project this team was given? Conce

No need to file rules don t apply to Obama s amnestied illegals Illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty can claim back ta
This is the Baltimore State s Attorney Marilyn Mosby s husband At the 2:37 mark he says he told the police to back off . His w
McConnell was shut down completely in this debate as all amendments he put forth were rejected including the McConnell-B
DANIEL GREENFIELD NAILS IT! This is one of the best resourced and stated takes on what America s going through that I ve eve
This decision by the Supreme Court is confusing in that Christians are shut down for so many things but the A & F corporates n
Art is about pushing limits. I m willing to go to jail for my constitutional rights. Are you? Anthony ElonisThe Supreme Court s
This NSA whistleblower has some very interesting things to say about what will happen now that the right to snoop has expire
I m leaving the GOP and running as a Democrat!Unfortunately, it doesn t look like that s what we re going to hear from our am
Fortunately, our useless Secretary of State John Kerry was able to make France a part of his taxpayer funded four-nation trip w
Beau Biden son of Vice President Joe Biden died of brain cancer at 46, the White House confirmed in a statement Saturday.
I was always loyal to U.S.A and never betray its mission. This sad story reminds us of the Pakistani doctor whose intel he shar
These 4 hostages must certainly feel a sense of comfort knowing that our strong Commander In Chief would never desert an A
This is just more government waste and expansion with your tax dollars. The Lifeline program is a tax on your phone bill to sub
A billion here, a billion there These spendthrifts in big government are forgetting where this money comes from. The hard wor
Does anyone remember the $9,000 rebate offered to anyone buying a Volt? Yep, your tax dollars at work pushing a failed mod
Why should Barack Obama bother with the courts? He s always been above the law. He s already proven to us that he doesn t
This is a big deal and should be investigated. How did the TSA badges go missing? Senator Thune is right in pushing on this but
This is not supposed to be a danger to the general population but raises lots of questions about security when dealing with an
The EPA had already started expanding powers over private property via the Clean Water Act when last year we covered a cas
WHAT THE HECK DO YOU EVEN CALL THIS?The U.S. Department of Agriculture s MyPlate service handed out advice on Sunda
Your tax dollars up in smoke thanks to the USDA. The two culprits are food stamps and the school lunch program. We cannot a
This is a wake up call. Even though this isn t the main computer system, there are 100,000 people out there who re at risk now
Drawing Muhammad is not illegal under American law, but only under Islamic law. Violence that arises over the cartoons is so
A citizenry with no respect for the law or our law enforcement officers is the result of a lawless President who encourages this
The State Department redacted one sentence just one. Cleaning up for our former Secretary of State is something the State D
Our State Department brought in over 1 million 1 LEGAL immigrants entered the US in the last 20 years as a result of the Refug
40% of Americans have given up looking for work. Obama logic: Don t cut or reduce benefits for those unwilling to look for wo
It s no accident that President Obama named Vanita Gupta acting head of the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ. Gupta is beloved
What s a million dollars between friends? To hell with human rights violations Hillary s got a campaign to win!A major Clinton
THE USDA, EPA AND NOW THE DOJ Obama is using billions of taxpayer dollars to redistribute to his cronies and liberal agitator
In the face of mounting threats of terrorism and civil unrest in U.S. cities, President Barack Obama is arbitrarily prohibiting loca
THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IS PUSHING FOLKS OFF OF TRANS FATS I should say nudge because that s the favorite term of
My success in the financial markets has given me a greater degree of independence than most other people, Soros once wro
IS HE FOR REAL? This is so alarming on so many levels because we lost over 1,000 soldiers in Ramadi and took it back but now
Why would anyone expect anything else from a mayor who criticized Barack Obama for being too conservative and too afrai
The hate for our law enforcement is at an all time high. The blame for the injuries suffered and murders of innocent law enfor
We re going to have people who are bilingual teachers, and ultimately people who just want to do the right thing for the Unit
A must read that pretty much tells you like it is and reveals what you probably hadn t heard in the main stream media. We nee
Once again, the gun grabbers are doing anything they can to restrict ammo and guns in the name of Common Sense reform .
Beware of this agenda that s Agenda 21 for those who aren t familiar with the term sustainable development. Your every mov
The Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter protesters are spilling the beans on the so-called grassroots movement.Earlier this week bla
Apparently, keeping a slave and repeatedly raping her is not against his Islamic faith From International Business Times:A Saud
Time to exhale James Barack Obama supporter James Taylor doesn t just think the U.S. president is great he believes Obama
This is nothing short of outrageous! Billions wasted using purchase cards to go around federal law is beyond criminal. This sen
We do this not because it s legally required, because it s not, Patton said at a hearing on the agreement. We do this because
We ve been doing articles on this for the past couple of years to tell everyone that the second housing bubble is being forced o
I heard Mr. McLellan on the radio yesterday and he was very unsure about getting his money back from the seizure by the IRS
The Democrats didn t waste any time pushing for more funding for Amtrak after the Philly crash but anyone with half a brain k
If nothing else, Mooch makes Hillary seem like she s not such a bad candidate after all .If Michelle Obama decided to run for p
Just like Hillary Stephanopoulos claims it was an honest mistake not to disclose his donations to the corrupt Clinton slush fun
This is just another example of a big free-for-all for anyone and everyone connected to a government program. Where did this
Take that you filthy animals!
Oh nooooo! This is not good and it s so true. The replenishing the ammo part is so true because we ve honestly not recovered
WHAT MORATORIUM? These guys in Congress are getting around the moratorium and spending like drunken sailors er pigs St
It s Hard To Know Who Obama Hates More America, Israel Or Our Police Officers Barry doesn t have time to attend the funera
The war on the American flag continues.Retired mounted an American flag in front of his house, the same flag that he carried

It was all an accident. It s good to King The Obama administration continues to ignore the law and do pretty much whatever t
Obama s apology tour for the greatest country in the world continues The United States heard widespread concern Monday o
It s a snub don t believe the pundits on this one. It s concern over the Iran deal that s got Saudi and other leaders so peeved at
Rate your mom for Mother s Day sounds like the perfect project that only an intrusive, progressive public school teacher woul
The media continues to lie about jobs numbers but we know better than that. Here s a chart to share to anyone and everyone

Conform or pay the ultimate price Police seized ten children from an off grid homeschool family in Kentucky on Wednesday a
Nothing to see here just Obama evening the playing field by giving an ad hoc international tribunal the ability to overrule US la
How very charitable of the Lutheran and Catholic churches to bring tens of thousands of refugees to America, dump them off
The liberals find this plan to be disgusting until their neighborhoods become the next victim of violent muslim immigrant gang
This is the definition of insanity-doing the same thing over and over. We just need a Congress strong enough to stop the madn

It s interesting that Josh Earnest still carries around the line of bs that all middle class Americans know is a lie. He is, after all, t
Another positive step towards restoring our freedoms A federal court has decided that the National Security Agency s (NSA) b
Bah, Humbug! Manufacturers and retailers can face civil and possibly criminal penalties for failing to report any products to
Chuck Norris wrote about Jade Helm 15 in a commentary for the conservative website WND last weekend, pointing to the dec
The radical Baltimore mayor who ordered the Baltimore Police Department to stand down is now calling for a federal investiga
I just happened to go to the Baltimore mayor s Facebook page and saw this telling statement: Had a very productive meeting t
Meet Alice Miller who single-handedly scr*wed the legal voters of America by letting non-citizens vote. I guess voter integrity
We re not sure which of Judge Mary Murguia s qualifications for becoming a U.S. Supreme Court Justice would be more attrac
The stats don t lie on this one Obama s hoping to reach the low information voter who watches Letterman and will buy this bs

Holy smokes! That s billion with a B! Where did all the money go?! Hummmm The city of Baltimore received over $1.8 billion f

Let s face it Obamacare s been a disaster from Day 1. The closing if rural hospitals is the latest issue and it s a big one for those
You re At Forefront Of This Cause And As Young People, Our Time Is Now PROSECUTER MALTBY
Marilyn Mosby held a press conference today in which she said police officers had no probable cause to arrest Freddie Gray. T
The Police Union came out almost immediately after the Mosby press conference today with a response against her assessme
Holy smokes! Could someone tell Obama he doesn t need to dump more money into the Baltimore school system. I think they
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio traveled to Milwaukee to attend a fundraiser where he delivered a blistering speech attacking S
More and more dirt on these two grifters who re shockingly still denying the truth or saying nothing to defend themselves. Th
Quicken Loans owner, Dan Gilbert is one of the most beloved business owners in the state of MI. Their headquarters are locat
Republican Governor Larry Hogan waited for a call from leftist Democrat Mayor Rawlings-Blake. The call didn t come until the
Lots of confusing reports on this but we have the latest info. that s telling us more details.Iranian patrol vessels fired warning s
Wouldn t it be great if our first Black President would make an effort to quell the angry and violent crowds in Baltimore by an

High school kids out of control? Noooo! We ve been reporting of the huge groups of high school kids getting violent at malls a
The ultimate nanny state move in this liberal state shows us where we re heading. Should we be doing more and more of the
Could someone please explain this? I honestly don t think it s any accident.I stumbled onto this video via BadBlue, which linke
Long overdue In a closed-door meeting with Jewish Donors Saturday night, former President George W. Bush delivered his har
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake: While we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things th
In a shocking interview with Joel Gilbert, producer of Dreams From My Real Father, Malik talks about having to come through
I will close my business before I will make any compromises that could jeopardize the safety and security of the members who
Try to process this: A woman running for President of The United States (whose entire career has been built on lies and deceit
Habeas Corpus for Animals???The animal personhood movement believes dolphins, great apes, and elephants deserve to be
Why couldn t the parents be notified of his death? What possible reason could the Obama regime have for keeping his death a
It s worth noting that the victims of this horrible terrorist bombing are responsible for their own court parking fees, food and a
Iran, where the thought police will always have a job: Not only will we not grant foreigners the permission to inspect our milita
IF SHE S NOT TOAST NOW THEN WE RE IN BIGGER TROUBLE THAN I THOUGHT. There s so much more to this whole thing and
Which begs the question Whose corner is Obama in? Whose side has this President, who continues to downplay the genocide
The wu$$ification of our military Army ROTC cadets are complaining on message boards that they were pressured to walk in h
This story should send chills down the spine of every American. Communism is on our doorstep THEY CAME WITH A BATTERIN
Nothing but the best for the queen and the queen s mom No other mother-in-law of a President in the history of the United S
Hell has a special spot reserved for this horrible man According to an article published Sunday by World Net Daily, a Princeton
Meanwhile, families with two full time working parents have been choosing generic cheerios from the cereal aisle at Kroger an
I m Doug Hughes, I m 61 years old and I m a mailman working out of Riverview, Florida. No sane person would do what I m do
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The government bullies are playing judge, jury and executioner when the
It s about time Rev. Patrick Mahoney, of Church on the Hill in Washington, D.C. says that Christians in America cannot afford to
Dr. Gina Loudon is hands down one of our favorite conservative writers. She nails it with this piece about the truth behind the
Because there wouldn t be any outrage over a white kids only field trip to a local college would there?Parents criticized India
As it turns out, 67 year old Hillary Cinton used to hear her grandparents talk about the immigrant experience when she was a
You d think she d know a thing or two about email servers and at a minimum, question Hillary s integrity Apple founder Steve
She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the com
Who needs family when you have a neighborhood mentor who can teach you the value of racism, communism and hate for A
It s simple and it s wrong: The Obama border policy asks ICE agents to disobey federal law. It would be nice if people we ve ele

Not that anyone should be surprised by the lap dog mentality of these second rate liberal hack journalists. They re the reason
Everyone s been asking where the Hillary van is So Hillary pulls up in a gas guzzling van with tinted windows-I thought she wan
Yep Hillary s now a champion of lesbians and gay marriage. Or is she? It s hard to tell exactly what Hillary stands for. She seem
Wow! What a list of accomplishments! The problem is that these accomplishments are rotten to the core. Just read a few and
Russia decides to ignore Obama s red line and sells missiles to Iran. With a weak leader like Obama, it s no wonder Putin thum
Yada, yada, yada Hillary Clinton announced her 2016 presidential bid in a two-minute video that she uploaded to YouTube. Is
Don t you know Obama would love to just throw those who disagree with him in jail. Well, the Cuban government has only inc
The Taliban or ISIS? Does it really matter? Radical islam is just evil and knows no bounds.Killing aid workers is as low as they co
Of course Emily s List is going to support Hillary, because Democrats have been doing their part to keep the unwanted or un
We have not observed the principles and ideals upon which this country was founded. Obama makes sure to let everyone kno
I don t hate these people. They are just angry. Mr. O Connor, owner of Memories PizzaMemories Pizza-1 Gay Mafia-0 If a ch
You won t believe this judge and how he berates a family that was terrorized in a home invasion. Can a three-year old help ho
Hillary Clinton s supporters were calling certain words used to describe her as sexist. Words like entitled, ambitious, and secre
I am a student of history so I tend to actually be familiar with many of these episodes that have been mentioned. I am the firs
It s so refreshing to see these GOP candidates who are unwilling to allow the left to misrepresent their beliefs and create a dis
But wait wasn t the Muslim Brotherhood s Arab Spring (Sharia Law for all Egyptians) supposed to be a good thing? An Egyptian
Where was the media coverage when this black thug shot a white police officer in the face? It clearly doesn t fit their narrative
Note to little Johnny you might want to consider using a diary next time you write about how you d like to engage in violent jih
Find out how many are going to sign up to go to war when we keep doing this to those who protect us. Montel William
If you have a system that rewards you for being a victim, it s subject to abuse. Sheriff Donny YoungbloodThat kind of stance h
Poor little Al if he s not race baiting, he s hanging out with our President at the White House just waiting for the next white on
This is a story that will never make the news. A woman uses a car to intentionally hit another woman (this is the second time s
Yeah putting the federal government in charge of our entire police force, sounds like a great idea Al. We re waiting for Al to ca
Be aware and be ready to push back on this effort by the State Department and the United Nations to spread seed communiti
The nuclear industry is a necessity, for energy production, for desalination, and in the fields of medicine, agriculture and othe
Dirty Harry must ve jarred something in his head that makes him unaware that he s lying in public. He used to be pretty good a
This story just proves what we ve been saying all along. When it comes to unions, it s not about the members, it s about the un
If I were U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, I d be keeping these guys close by:The injunction that has blocked President Barac
Attacks against us are increasing in frequency, scale, sophistication and severity of impact. Although we must be prepared for
Evil hiding under the banner of religion in our own backyard A 32-year-old woman was harassed and intimidated last week w
If we didn t know better, we d almost believe our Federal Government was attempting to give special privileges to Spanish spe
Our culture is what makes this Nation great and very exceptional. Unfortunately, we ve elected a president who s changing ou
Is our Community Organizer In Chief being tested by Putin?The air is frigid and the wind is howling as Air Force Col. Frank Flore
It s not for her to decide! We have the Second Amendment and that s enough for any American. DeLauro doesn t get to decid
What an evil bunch of freaks! The agenda is so important to them that they can t see the forest for the trees. Overpopulation
The gun grabbers are at it again pushing for more oversight and background checks for gun owners. The sheriff says it s borde
Insane! This really is the definition of insanity. Letting non-citizens vote in our elections is something no other country would
Socialism doesn t work but I guess Venezuela didn t get the memo. No toilet paper? No food? Yes, it s come to that in this soci
Let s get real with some awesome truth from Mark Levin.Is this guy not just the best ever truth teller! Why can t we have mor
Don t you just love an entitled IRS lawyer who claims she can t be fired? What s even better is she was an ethics lawyer who re
Barbra Streisand was an Obama sycophant and one of the corrupt Clinton s most loyal fans. She is also part of the Hollywood l
Everyone suspected the sketchy Steele Dossier was what corrupt FBI and DOJ officials used to get the October 2016 FISA warr
It s been said that good fences make good neighbors. But in Aspen, Colo., this week, Vice President Mike Pence has something
The latest video from Campus Reform shows just how far some college students think universities should go to recognize peop
Friday on MSNBC, climate activist Bill Nye warned conservatives to watch out, saying progressive blue states will address clim
#JokeNewsAfter record, cold temperatures were reported across the United States, President Trump took to Twitter to mock t
After the Obama years of record food stamp usage, President Trump is pushing new initiatives to get people off of the govern
A week after President Trump endorsed Ron DeSantis for Florida governor via Twitter, a handful of billionaires have thrown th
The video below is one of the highlights from the protests last year. Protesters at the University of Washington were firmly rem
Thanks to the persistence of Judicial Watch, the emails from Huma Abedin were finally released today. Within those emails ar
CNN host Don Lemon continues to show his extreme bias when it comes to Democrats vs Republicans. His most recent show o
Hell has frozen over! CNN is actually reporting the truth! CNN legal analyst Paul Callan agrees with the assessment that the FB
AP News The regulars amble in before dawn and claim their usual table, the one next to an old box television playing the new
Jenna Fischer is best known for playing the very likeable character, Pam , in the hit series The Office . Actress Jenna Fischer de
According to The Sun, George W. Bush successor, Barack Obama, promised to close the camp in 2009, calling it a sad chapter
Israel s transportation minister is pushing ahead with a plan to extend Jerusalem s soon-to-open high-speed rail line to the We
AP News The regulars amble in before dawn and claim their usual table, the one next to an old box television playing the new
Large crowds, fights and a woman arrested for pulling a knife none are normally synonymous with a toy giveaway. But Saturd
Jean-Marie Simon, a passenger on a United Airlines flight from Houston to Washington D.C. has accused United Airlines of givi
The NFL announced Tuesday that the final Sunday Night Football game of the season has been canceled Was it due to low att
CNN s Allyson Camerota expressed her concern about how the tax breaks for Americans will harm the Democrats chances of w
The Stock Market is setting record after record and unemployment is at a 17 year low. So many things accomplished by the Tr
The LA Times is reporting that moviegoing is at the lowest level since 1995. The article blames Americans who are going to see
History shows that we can, if we must, tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea. Those words were written by former Nation
After Judicial Watch exposed a serious ethics issue related to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe s involvement in his Democ
Truck attacks are becoming increasingly popular with Muslim extremists as a way to threaten large groups of people in popula
On December 5, 2017, Circa s Sara Carter warned there would be a major shake-up at the FBI after the Inspector General s rep
The former Fox News contributor and editor of the Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol, took to Twitter to appease his newfound libe
What a bizarre exchange between a reporter and Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi! She is asked during a press conference what
Many are suggesting that the former comedian, turned militant, leftist activist, Rosie O Donnell needs to be treated by federal
This morning, President Trump tweeted a note of congratulations to Fox and Friends, after they were named, The Most Influe
Just a few months before reports of her sexual assault lawsuit against Donald Trump rocked the campaign, cosmetics executiv
Who could forget the unbelievable standoff in Oregon between patriots and the government? Who could forget the dramatic
In 1992, the Vatican under Pope John Paul II published the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which stated, among many other
Is anyone else sick and tired of overpaid athletes who can t even formulate a proper sentence, criticizing President Donald J. T
We can t imagine congressmen thinking we d better not pass this bill. Some woman might take her top off. House protesters
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) on Tuesday pushed back against a report from last week that speculated he would not see
The media has become unhinged again at the sight of President Trump drinking water. They re even saying his technique prov
The eldest son of ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin beat the daylights out of his own father after he broke into his parents home in a
Watch some fake news from a swamp creature who should be in jail:Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper re
After North Korea s most recent missile launch, the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un claimed he had finally realized the gre
President Trump addressed the America people today, as he outlined a new and bold national security strategy. The American
Are you one bit surprised by the fact that the one team still doing the most kneeling during the national anthem is the Seattle
This could be one of the largest scandals of our time. Meanwhile, back in Washington it s all about Trump and Russia, Russia,
The fact that it has taken so long to uncover massive taxpayer funds being used to directly target our President and one of two
There has to something more to this story than what we re being told. If there isn t more to this story, then Atlanta Airport offi
This story is absolutely horrific, but not surprising. Bleeding heart liberals aren t doing illegal aliens any favors by fighting for th
Here s yet another claim that s really iffy because the victim experienced juvenile and inappropriate comments from Matth
The newly elected US Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) just won the election by a small margin in a state where a Republican hasn t
The Defense Department secretly set up a program ten years ago to investigate unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, at the urg
One of the big players in trying to get to the truth about the bias against President Trump just told Judge Jeanine that this is ge
There are conflicting reports about why the outrageous Omarosa Manigault Newman is leaving her undefined job at the White
On Friday, Democrats were doing their best to push a rumor that President Trump is about to fire special counsel Robert Mue
In case anyone was confused about how the whole kneeling for the national anthem thing came about, it was the former 49e
Lauren McGaughy of The Dallas Morning News did a disgusting hit job on a top Texas lawyer and former judge. As a mother o
Thank goodness we finally have a President who refuses to dump our taxpayer funds into climate scam that our former Presid
In September 2016, Stephen Henderson, the editorial editor of the Detroit Free Press, used the power of his pen to unjustly att
With mainstream media and establishment politicians stacked against him from the moment he announced his run for the pre
WASHINGTON President Trump said on Thursday that his administration was answering a call to action by rolling back regul
Today, the FCC voted to repeal the net neutrality rules that govern internet service providers and how they treat certain webs
One month ago, CNN political analyst and American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent April Ryan took to Tw
The Secret Service pushed back on a CNN reporter s claim that a fired Trump aide was physically removed from the White Hou
54-year-old Dr. Dean Lorich, Associate Director of Orthopaedic Trauma Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery, as well as th
It s beyond sad to watch these young men sitting through an interview with their overbearing, loudmouth dad controlling thei
After Roy Moore s ugly loss in the Alabama Senate race last night, President Trump took the high road and congratulated Dem
They threw everything but the kitchen sink at Judge Roy Moore. Democrats outspent Moore 10-1, and more importantly, the
How quickly the Democrats and their allies in the media forget, that when the bear is poked, he fights back. Donald Trump has
Democrat Senator Kristen Gillibrand (NY) likes to think of herself as a champion of women. After multiple women came forwar
Yesterday, a cowardly recipient of America s generosity, via a broken chain migration policy, walked through the busy subway
Establishment Republican pollster Frank Luntz looked more like a CNN host than a Republican pollster in a room full of commi
The poor little ISIS-inspired, chain migration, snowflake, terrorist can t even walk by a Christmas poster without being triggere
In September, President Donald Trump tweeted a new condition for a potential deal with Democrats on immigration. Trump w
Tomorrow, Alabama residents (including thousands of felons who have been registered by Al Sharpton s alleged brother) will
Last week, President Trump totally humiliated ABC News on Twitter, as he pointed out their embarrassing attempt at gotcha j
Who wants to deport Dreamers ? Not many people, it turns out. Even veteran immigration restrictionists seem willing to lega
What a brave boy and what a sad world we live in where adults would allow such a beautiful child to be repeatedly tortured b
Washington Post reporter took to Twitter to post an image of the venue where Trump was to appear in several hours. The onl
When candidate-Trump promised he would put America first, he wasn t kidding. President Trump posted a powerful video on
Conservative Hollywood actor, James Woods, is known for his brilliant wit and his great sense of humor on Twitter, but today
On September 5, 2017, the Daily Mail reported:Afghan asylum seeker accused of raping and murdering EU official s teenage d
Just another member of the swamp who s about to be sucked down the drain In 2015, leftist rag Politico called it a Big hire w
Only 3 days ago, Lindsey Vonn told CNN that she wouldn t be representing President Trump in the 2018 Olympics. She also bo
When four Chicago thugs videotaped the brutal tortured a young mentally disabled man they kidnapped in a live Facebook vid
In a last-minute attempt to create a legacy for himself, Obama traveled to Cuba to hang out with Raul Castro and prove to Am
Is there a single person left on Robert Mueller s Trump-Russian collusion team who isn t in bed with Barack Obama or Hillary
You just can t make this stuff up Yet another key member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller s Russia probe appears to have de
Every single day, liberals provide more and more evidence that Donald Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing. After th
Would CNN even know the truth if it bit them in the a**?The media s quest to prove Donald Trump Jr. colluded with Wikileaks
Unfounded claims that President Trump was filmed with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel surfaced in the closing stretch of last y
If you live in Wisconsin and want your working neighbors to fund your existence, you may need to start peeing in a cup to pro
The credibility of Beverly Young Nelson, the woman who accused Roy Moore of making sexual advances toward her when she
Yesterday, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., went on a media blitz that was clearly coordinated by the Democrat Party, at about t
What s more important, protecting the dignity of customers who shop in local liquor stores, or the innocent employees and st
Now, a Clinton appointed judge who took Flynn s guilty plea has suddenly recused himself and Flynn will now face an Obama a
Has there ever been a US Olympic athlete who, before representing the United States in the Olympic games, discussed wheth
After two days of being criticized by mostly female, (and even some male) members of Congress, over multiple allegations of s
Rabid, Trump-hating, anti-gun, comedian, and so-called author , Michael Ian Black took to Twitter to answer a question abou
On Tuesday, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California blasted President Trump for saying he would move the U.S. em
The disgraced Representative John Conyers (D-MI) was not about to quit his job as an elected official before he hand-selected
Actress Lena Dunham said she warned Hillary Clinton s campaign about disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and wa
After it was announced that President Trump was seriously considering moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, he was roundly
Crains Chicago Business American democracy is fragile, and unless care is taken it could follow the path of Nazi Germany in th
Former British Army officer, outspoken, conservative, radio and tv talk show host, Katie Hopkins warned Americans to fight ba
You just can t make up stories like these Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) on Tuesday castigated the idea of moving th
According to CNN UK Prime Minister Theresa May delivered a rare public admonishment to US President Donald Trump on Th
How many times in one week can ABC News publish fake Russian collusion stories and still be considered a reliable source of n
A supervisory special agent who is now under scrutiny after being removed from Robert Mueller s Special Counsel s Office for
The View co-host, and rabid, liberal, activist, Joy Behar, made a colossal ass of herself on Friday when she was handed a brea
The latest liberal meltdown comes from Minnesota This reminds of the mayor who was stopped by the police and had a fake m
I think this is hope over reality longtime Democrat and Harvard Law professor Allen Dershowitz ripped into Senator Diane Fein
Here are just a few examples of the empty or mostly empty NFL stands across America today:The stands appear to be mostly e
Roll Call Democrat Doug Jones drastically outraised GOP nominee Roy Moore for the Alabama Senate race, new campaign fin
As the name of the suspect, identified as 24-year-old James Holmes, first emerged Friday morning, Ross reported on ABC New
President Trump is not giving ABC News a pass for their fake news story about Michael Flynn and his meeting with Russian Am
Yesterday, President Trump took to Twitter to honor the 62-year anniversary of civil rights icon, Rosa Parks. President Trump t
The NFL is toast They just caved to demands made by players to dump millions into a social justice boondoggle aimed at the
The stock market lost over 350 points after ABC News erroneously reported that General Flynn was in communication with the
Next time you see a Democrat lawmaker, thank them for supporting sanctuary cities and states, and making every American le
The domestic terror group, Antifa, has been around for a while, but since Donald Trump s inauguration in January, they ve bec
Yesterday, the leftist media spent the day wringing their hands in anticipation of finally pinning a Russian collusion story on Pr
After ABC News broke the General Flynn-Trump story, the stock market began its freefall, Americans were stunned by the new
Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow claims he s Reverend Al Sharpton s brother, and he s registering thousands of felons to vote
Former NBC anchor Matt Lauer claims he s planning on doing some soul searching now that he s got time on his hands after b
While we re on the subject of lying to the FBI, when will Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for multiple crimes she committed while
If anyone thought the man who s been attacked by the left for most of his adult life, was going to roll over and play dead, as th
A shocking verdict and race baiting was on the menu tonight in the liberal bastion of San Francisco tonight The prosecutor in t
Former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson tried to use her charms to get past the Secret Service to meet with Vice President M
Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Democrat Dana Nessel asks in the new ad. Is it
U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn could find himself in hot water.A writer for The New York Times Magazine and National Geographic twee
NBC was called out by conservative news outlets, like Breitbart for refusing to disclose Matt Lauer s ties to the Clinton Founda
With all of the stories of, TV hosts involved in sexual misconduct, it s a mystery why nobody brings ups the accidental death o
The cases of fraud, money laundering and theft of American tax dollars by Muslim immigrants is outrageous! The list just keep
The left woke up in a fury after they discovered President Trump retweeted 3 videos showing disgusting hate crimes committe
According to WIRED THERE ARE HACKABLE security flaws in software. And then there are those that don t even require hacki
Remember when President Barack Obama s Attorney General Loretta Lynch just happened to get a surprise visit in Phoenix, w
On Tuesday, the Grammys announced their nominations for the 2018 awards shows, and there are some notable additions an
Rep. Luis Guti rrez (Ill.), one of the most vocal immigration reform advocates in the House, reportedly won t run for reelection
James O Keefe of Project Veritas has used his incredible talents to go undercover and expose crooked organizations like ACOR
While honoring Native American Code Talkers today at the White House, President Trump took a jab at Democrat Senator Eliz
Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore gr
This isn t going to go over well with Obama s Black Lives Matter folks Veteran actor Denzel Washington says his latest role as a
Earlier today, President Trump tweeted: We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including F
Norway has a new immigration sheriff in town, and so far, it appears that she s singing the same tune as President Trump on im
If this so-called celebrity said that he would have killed former President Obama if he was given the chance, he would likely be
Earlier today, President Trump tweeted about the Alabama Senate race where Republican candidate for Senate Judge Roy Mo
There is no word yet, about how Rocket Man plans to respond to the egg on his face South Korea is making sure North Korea d
John Conyers, the 88-year old Democrat Congressman and Black Caucus member who used taxpayer dollars from one of the m
It s hard to imagine, and very sad, that a hospital could hire someone who is so filled with hate and obsessed with race, to care
John Conyers might just drain the swamp for us. The 88-year old Democrat from Michigan who is accused of sexually harassin
As more and more women line up to tell their stories about sex with Bill Clinton both consensual and forced there is one wh
A Wyoming high school is under fire after parents exposed an online student quiz that offered shooting at Trump as one of th
If it wasn t for people like Vietnam veteran William E. Staehle, who made the decision to publicly defend the character of Roy
CNN political analyst just spent her Thanksgiving Day so consumed with hate for President Trump s White House Press Secreta
On September 27, 2017, an unhinged, liberal, Trump-hating student, who has now been identified as Edith Macias, was captur
Black Friday madness has officially gripped the nation.The elbows-out shopping bonanza began on Thursday night as stores ac
Has America reached a tipping point? Will more and more fed up Americans begin to object to athletes who choose to blatant
It s no wonder that Fusion GPS wants to block documents from coming out. The newest unsealed documents are explosive en
Brooklyn College is advising New York City police officers to use bathrooms on the far end of campus in order to avoid being se
The Washington Post published an article with a video of 9-year old Ava Lovley of Newport, Maine, in the back seat of the fam
Seriously? How pathetic is this? In an effort to score some publicity, Eminem performed a free style rap saying disgusting thin
Last week, President Trump stepped in and interceded on behalf of three young UCLA basketball players who foolishly were ca
CNN host Chris Cuomo definitely drew the short straw when he was asked to fill in for host Don Lemon, on Tonight with Don L
This story is about more than a massive cover-up for an elected officials who sexually assaulted innocent women, it s also abo
President Donald Trump says that the Oakland Raiders should suspend running back Marshawn Lynch for the rest of the seaso
Last week, the mostly female audience of The View watched the panel of hypocritical, rabidly anti-Republican hosts attack Al
Before Lavar Ball, the ungrateful father of accused criminal, and UCLA basketball player, LiAngelo Ball, goes off on a public ran
Houston, Texas trial lawyer and Democrat mega-donor Steve Mostyn died on Thursday in what authorities are saying was a su
Since the Colin Kaepernick and his fellow players started their Black Lives Matter kneeling campaign, social media has been lit
Wow! Poor Kathy Griffin The toxic comedian found herself facing a tsunami-sized backlash after she held a severed, and bloo
President Trump on Saturday criticized Hillary Clinton, the Democrat he defeated in the 2016 White House race, for her recen
MSNBC reporter Kasie Hunt began her segment on sexual harassment in Washington by telling the show s viewers, Funnily en
Celebrated Congressional Black Caucus member, and legend Corrine Brown would like Americans to believe that stealing hun
From the Washington Examiner Roy Moore is the embattled Republican senatorial nominee in Alabama, but two other figure
Once you ve read this list, you re going to want to share this with everyone you know! Was it the Russian Uranium Deal? Was
It s pretty common knowledge for anyone s who s tortured themselves by watching The View, that it s really nothing more tha
In one of his regular appearances on the Imus In The Morning radio show, Dan Rather was asked by Imus in 1999, if he had an
Just another case of Love Trumps Hate LOL! The more hate these unhinged liberals spew, the more Independent voters will b
Democratic Senator Al Franken who has been accused of kissing a woman without her consent and pretending to grope her i
Well this is a shocker! The usual leftist slant on The View was put aside for some support for President Trump. Who knew thes
After reporter and model, Leeann Tweeden accused Franken of writing a sketch where he d come at her for a kiss, but she pla
The New York Times gave the accused sexual predator, Ben Affleck s new movie a thumbs up, but neglects to mention the sex
You ve gotta love this president and his ability to send personal messages via twitter He just gave some fatherly advice to the t
Several uncomfortable videos have surfaced this week, showing former Vice President Joe Biden groping little girls. Apparently
This story just keeps unraveling Two days ago, conservative Thomas Wictor dropped a bombshell on Twitter, exposing what he
Yesterday, we posted videos of Creepy Joe Biden rubbing his hands all over the upper bodies of little girls whose parents or g
Only one day ago, FOX News published a factual story outlining Hillary s involvement in the sale of uranium to Russia while she
Yesterday, Beverly Young Nelson sat with the same leftist lawyer, Gloria Allred, who came out after Donald Trump with false a
Trey Gowdy railed against the erosion of trust between the American people and the DOJ during a hearing before Congress to
Joe Biden didn t earn his nickname Creepy Joe or Creepy Uncle Joe for his good behavior. Sadly, Creepy Joe earned his nick
We assume Donald Trump was talking about illegal aliens like Horacio Alvarado who repeatedly raped his 14-year-old step-dau
Hollywood producer kingpin and mega-Democrat Party donor, Harvey Weinstein s abusive sexual predator behavior has shine
Three are known dead and many wounded when a shooting started at a home but moved to a school. Many have been wound
Since most of the actors and producers in Hollywood will either be in treatment, or out of a job, for sexually harassing, or abus
Monday on CNBC, former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) said due to the sexual misconduct accusations leveled against former Alabama
Even though the media and the their allies in the Democrat Party are maniacly focused on doing whatever it takes to bring dow
When Keurig decided to side with Soros against Sean Hannity and Roy Moore s right to defend himself against serious, and sha
Minnesota is home to the largest number of Somali immigrants in America. Census numbers put the state s Somali s populatio
Our favorite conservative street artist Sabo crashed an anti-Trump art exhibition in Los Angeles Saturday night, displaying a wo
When Keurig decided to side with Soros against Sean Hannity and Roy Moore s right to defend himself against serious, and sha
Last week, the Washington Post reported that after almost 4 decades, 4 women came forward to claim they were sexually abu
Before Keurig, and other major companies commit consumer suicide over their decision to pull their advertising from Sean Ha
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch better start lawyering up President Donald Trump is reportedly th
Yesterday, former GOP Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, came out with one of his most incredible statements
Infowars uncovered a bombshell when they discovered the Facebook page of one of Judge Roy Moore s accusers, Debbie Gibs
Liberal FOX News host, Geraldo Rivera, took to Twitter to express his disgust over the hypocritical left and their selective outra
Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock is set to play Wendy Davis, or more commonly known to conservatives as, Abortion Bar
Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore is denying that he romantically pursued teenagers as young as 14 while he was in his 30
The not so funny comedian Louis C.K. appeared on the Stephen Colbert show mostly to talk about his decision to send an ema
After a business meeting before the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013, a Russian participant offered to send five women to Don
James Kallstrom is the former Assistant Director of the FBI who is no fan of former FBI Director James Comey. We ve reported
A couple of quick questions come to mind when most law-abiding Americans see illegal aliens storming our government buildi
NBC host Megyn Kelly must be really desperate for guests to have on her new show. She just had on the woman who behaved
Should legal gun owners be allowed to freely carry anywhere in their state, including dorm rooms and school campuses?In the
Bill Clinton went on the Conan show and spewed bitterness towards President Trump At one point, he insinuated that Trump
One year later, and Donald Trump s supporters couldn t be happier with their choice for President. Prepare for liberal heads to
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones just threatened to sue the NFL if Commissioner Goodell s contract extension is approved. Is this to
In her new book Hacks , Donna Brazile expressed concern for her safety after DNC staffer s mysterious murder:I felt some resp
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the left telling their viewers and fans how Donald Trump will never win the presidency.Now watch th
The information below is disturbing and should be a wake up call for Americans that the left isn t taking losing lying down. Thi
The Republican Party should be so fortunate, as to have three aging, white, career politicians like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and
MELANIA TRUMP never hesitates to call someone on the carpet for lying about her Alec Baldwin knows now that he can t mes
Silly, silly Donna Brazile. She s publishing a book detailing turmoil in the Democratic Party during the 2016 campaign, highlight
Is there a more corrupt and power hungry group of people anywhere in the United States? Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Barack
The DNC Chair Tom Perez took his delusional and very nasty attitude on Fox Business this morning Maria Bartiromo let him ha
After Ed Gillespie lost the VA Governor s race tonight, President Trump tweeted, Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrac
Thank God a hero with a gun emerged in Sutherland, Texas, and was able to prevent an even worse tragedy at the hands of a
It s hard to shame someone when they have no shame If you live in Virginia and you haven t voted for Ed Gillespie (R) for Gove
The word crooked doesn t only apply to Hillary. Sadly, America is finding out that there are very few people in positions of po
In fly-over country, and pretty much anywhere in between the east and west coasts of America, people are sick and tired supp
The Oakland Raiders have been in the news quite a bit lately, and unfortunately, for NFL football fans, it has little to do with fo
Is former DNC Chair Donna Brazile attempting to tie Hillary to the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich in her new book Hacks ? W
The move by a Twitter employee last week to ban President Trump from the social media platform for 11 minutes received a g
The picture, snapped by a White House photographer traveling with the president as he left his golf course in Sterling, Va., we
5 broken ribs with trouble breathing, lung contusions and life-threatening possibilities is not a minor injury as media claimed
At least 26 people have been killed inside a Texas church including a two-year-old child after a gunman dressed in full comb
A political reporter for the Los Angeles Times is under fire from all sides for making sexist remarks about White House Press Se
Please pray for the victims and their families At least 27 people have been killed inside a Texas church including a two-year-o
The decision of actress Mila Kunis to make monthly donations to abortion business Planned Parenthood in pro-life Vice Presid
Is this just one more case of an activist judge too blinded by his hate for Trump to deliver the justice he took an oath to uphold
Another unhinged Democrat has been arrested for attacking someone with political views that are in opposition to his yawn K
The Obama administration s well guarded Osama bin Laden documents were released on Wednesday by CIA director Mike Po
When the daughter of President Trump visited Japan, she had an all-female security detail. When the wife of the man the left
One courageous Navy vet has had enough of the disrespectful NFL players who kneel during the national anthem. Although it
Our first black President of the United States has quite an impressive list of accomplishments. Sadly, not one of his accomplish
Wow! What a couple of hypocrites and haters! We ve included contact info for the two male liberal columnists below so you c
If you haven t discovered Austen Fletcher yet, please check him out on twitter and YouTube He goes in and opens up lefty bra
Two nights ago, Mark Levin dropped a bombshell on his show about the Muslim terrorist who killed 9 people in Manhattan an
Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt has received an unprecedented amount of death threats, requirin
When a disgusting ad appeared on TV showing a white man in a pick-up truck with a confederate flag in the back, and an Ed G
After months of lying about passing debate questions to Hillary before the presidential debate that was hosted by her employ
President Trump isn t sitting around waiting for multiple terror attacks before taking steps to help make America safer. During
President Trump isn t sitting around waiting for multiple terror attacks before taking steps to help make America safer. During
Yesterday, the Imam who calls himself the Imam of peace called out NYC s Democrat mayor, Bill DeBlasio, for ignoring the Im
The media CHEERED when Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) helped a 24-yr old Muslim man enter the U.S. after he wa
While the mainstream media was salivating over the indictment of Paul Manafort by dirty cop Robert Mueller, for crimes he a
DC lawyer Victoria Toensing is one smart cookie. She s representing a former FBI informant who has evidence on kickbacks an
Imam Tawhidi is an outspoken voice in the Muslim community, who is unafraid to openly condemn Islamic extremists. After th
This is how the left thinks. Just a few minutes after a terrorist murdered people in NYC, Jake Tapper chose the worst timing ev
Mark Levin dropped a bombshell on his show tonight about the Muslim terrorist who killed 9 people in Manhattan and injured
When supporters of the Democrat Party start using ads that appear to be inspired by Islamic acts of terror, you know they are
Was the first actress who outed accused rapist and serial sexual abuser Harvey Weinstein targeted for ratting out the Hollywo
When comedian Andy Dick repeatedly slid his hands up and down Ivanka Trump s legs during her interview with Jimmy Kimm
This summarization by Peter Flaherty, President of the National Legal and Policy Center, of why the indictment of Paul Manafo
During his Fox News show tonight, Sean Hannity went off on the unequal justice in the Mueller indictment of Paul Manafort an
Remember when Hillary stood in front of the families and the 4 dead bodies of brave Americans and lied about an awful inter
Earlier today, it was reported by TMZ that an adult actor has revealed that Academy award-winning actor and House of Cards
Daily Caller The revelation on Monday that former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos has plead guilty to lying to
On October 25, 2017, the liberal Boston Globe ran an article that featured 3 GOP candidates who plan to challenge fake Indian
How should the gay community feel about the Trump-hating actor, and Bill Clinton pal, Kevin Spacey, coming out as a gay ma
The San Francisco 49ers weighed in on the national firearms debate Thursday, announcing their $500,000 donation to push fo
Earlier today, the disgraced former host of MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, tweeted a picture of conservative Tomi Lahren, and adm
In fly-over country, and pretty much anywhere in between the east and west coasts of America, people are sick and tired supp
Make no mistake about it, the NFL needs to show their fans that their players are serious about playing football, or the owner
On June 15, 2016, President Trump warned Americans that we were witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American
Former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Jaso
Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, the leader of the House s top investigative committee, slammed special counsel Robert Mueller
When Oakland Athletics catcher Bruce Maxwell took a knee during the national anthem before their game against the Texas R
TWO PATRIOTS WALK:The officials, Ernie Lunardelli, 54, and his son, Anthony Lunardelli, 27, stood for the anthem and then ab
Can you imagine being POTUS and having this threat every day while you re in the WhiteHouse? The threats are there but this
The View s unhinged co-host Joy Behar, who is one step away from being committed to an institution, after suffering from Tru
Brilliant conservative and American Thinker contributor, Patricia Dickson tweeted a portion of a file that was released today in
It s not at all surprising that at least 28% of Democrats consider themselves to be atheists. Fascinating This has to be embarras
Thanks to Frank Stephens for this moving testimony on living with Down syndrome. Stephens is a man with Down syndrome a
One of the fastest growing groups of refugees coming to the U.S. are coming from Africa According to the Center for immigrati
Paul Joseph Watson nails it again. In the video below, Watson does a brilliant job of exposing the hypocrisy of the media and w
After months of finding no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, is this sudden development a distraction f
Is Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) the member of Congress who s receiving Alzheimer s drugs from the D.C. pharmacist wh
The NYP reported that the players whom Bob McNair employs were not happy about his comments at a recent NFL owners m
A former FBI informant who blew the whistle on a high-profile bribery case involving a Russian energy company was intimidat
You can thank Obama and all of the Democrat race baiters out there for a rise in hate and division. Obama was constantly tryi
Actor Kevin Sorbo and his wife, actress Sam Sorbo, are an anomaly in Hollywood. Both of them are committed conservatives w
Could there be two creepier people than creepy Joe Biden and the sex-obsessed pop-star Lady Gaga, (who is famous for bloo
Exactly one year ago today on arrogant Hillary Clinton s birthday, she was so sure she d win the presidency, that Hillary actuall
Twitter exploded when God Bless America was beautifully sung by American servicemen at the World Series on Tuesday nigh
The Walt Disney Company the same group that s so woke, they once apologized for drawing a fat cartoon that made race-ba
Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos mysteriously left the country just days after the Las Vegas massacre, a report says.
Liberalism is truly a mental disorder. Sadly, the children of these parents who are so consumed by hate, that they behave like
THIS IS HUGE! The DOJ has authorized the FBI Informant to speak with Congress concerning alleged corruption involving Clinto
By now, most of America has seen the crazy video of the Las Vegas mass shooter s brother Eric Paddock. Stephen Paddock s b
The investigation into the Las Vegas massacre Stephen Paddock just keeps getting more and more strange. Since the shooting
Hey, Paul do you hear that huge sucking sound? That s the sound of arrogant elected officials sprinting from Washington DC, l
Capitalism at work. It s funny how the loss of real money has a way of helping to remind NFL owners and the networks who su
In September of 2016, 3 separate reports of racist graffiti that was sprayed on the walls of Eastern Michigan University were m
This is a truly disturbing discovery and an unimaginable threat that needs to be taken very seriously by our government Mexic
Will Trump s AG Jeff Sessions allow Crooked Hillary and friends to walk from their alleged involvement in the dossier that turn
Beyonce made an attempt to glorify the violent Black Panther s group during her NFL Superbowl halftime show in 2015. Forme
Serial liar and 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful Senator Elizabeth Warren just can t help herself. In an effort to try to make
On Friday, freelance reporter and political consultant Michael J. Hout tweeted a photo of Hillary Clinton walking with forearm
Megyn Kelly is quite possibly the least popular host on television. She s also quite possibly one of the highest paid hosts on on
Google is the search engine the majority of people in the world go if they need to look up something. In fact, it is estimated th
Anti-Trump besties Matt Damon and George Clooney sat down with Good Morning America s Michael Strahan to discuss their
You might want to sit down for this one The policy of NYC is so upside down and crazy that you might now believe it! The polic
You seriously can t make this stuff up Wouldn t it be great if we had a real and honest media, and this was the top story of the
The owners of teams where NFL players continue to kneel during the national anthem are about to get a very real wake up ca
Hillary Clinton continued her overseas trashing of our president with her latest claim that former President Bush said some rud
What in the world is going on that young adults are actually taking up astrology and witchcraft WITCHCRAFT??? They ve ditche
On Friday s broadcast of HBO s Real Time, former Clinton Campaign Manager James Carville stated that President Trump lack
So much hate. So much anger. So much time on their hands. But oh yeah Trump s the one the left just doesn t get A trans arti
Why is this not front page news on every major media outlet?Russian intelligence targeted Hillary Clinton before she became
When people say What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas. they apparently aren t kidding around Suspicion about wha
Sounds to me like Gen. Kelly got it right. This portion of her speech seems to emphasize her role in getting the naming done. T
Filmmaker and author Phelim McAleer knew he was going to ruffle some feathers when he decided to open his FERGUSON-th
Melania Trump is embracing a more active and public schedule as first lady but she still runs one of the leanest East Wing ope
Remember when candidate Donald Trump was condemned by the left for telling Americans that we have criminals coming acr
Two days ago, the former MSNBC host Joy Reid suggested that reporters should humiliate President Trump and ask him if he k
NBC host Matt Lauer on Thursday asked former CIA Director John Brennan whether military officials surrounding President Do
Buzzfeed reports, that, from the start, Megyn Kelly Today s Nielsen ratings have been down compared to the third hour of Tod
Out of all of the places we ve ever been overseas, and of all the places we ve been overseas it don t matter where ya know. W
Lost in the uproar over the NFL sideline protests against police brutality are newly released statistics showing that the threat t
Wow! These Texas Democratic congresswomen are unreal! We just had the Bedazzled Cowgirl Congresswoman Frederica Wil
When Americans heard about the tragic deaths of the four U.S. troops, killed in an attack by Islamic extremists in Niger, on Oc
Chris Farrell is the Judicial Watch Director of Investigations who let it rip last night on the direction America is going in. Lou Do
Two US Senators who couldn t be more ideologically opposed, Republican Senator Ted Cruz and Independent (Socialist Party)
Thanks to one very brave journalist and filmmaker, FERGUSON, a very important and extremely controversial play, is set to be
In June of 2016, the disgraced sexual predator, and Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein, hosted a fundraiser for Hillary s pr
A worker on the 10th floor of a Miami Beach hotel was confronted by a Saudi Arabian woman Monday morning who begged f
Yesterday, a man who is likely an illegal alien was arrested on suspicion of arson in the sanctuary county of Sonoma, where wi
The left is going ballistic over supposed words said by President Trump to a grieving military widow. President Trump made a
The left is going ballistic over supposed words said by President Trump to a grieving military widow. President Trump made a
The CNN journalist who posted the video of President Trump helping polio survivor Mitch McConnell up the stairs, following
Batman fans who have been looking forward to the upcoming Batman sequel, Justice League , a Harvey Weinstein produced m
Batman fans who have been looking forward to the upcoming Batman sequel, Justice League , a Harvey Weinstein movie, tha
Yesterday, the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange sent a cryptic tweet that contained a series of number and letters. Someon
A spokesperson for the Clinton Foundation claims the group will not return Weinstein s donations, which totaled between $10
FOX News reporter John Roberts told President Trump that in an earlier interview, Hillary Clinton said she did not believe that
The View s Joy Behar was beaming after watching a clip of Eminem trashing President Trump at the BET awards, where he told
Founder of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, made no secret of the fact that he disliked Jewish people. More precisely, h
Apparently, Kimmel s okay with throwing half of his audience away over his uncontrollable hate for Donald Trump and his sup
After Bill and Chelsea Clinton both dodged reporters asking if their foundation would return donations from Harvey Weinstein
Prior to the 2016 election (Oct 16) consumer confidence measured by the University of Michigan was indexed at 87.2 Today t
He was such a nice boy He was just looking for a better life. Why don t we just give all of these young illegal aliens a chance to
Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez is in a tight spot. The DNC is broke and could use the money given to them b
Former Pussycat Dolls singer, Kaya Jones, has received numerous death threats from liberals over her support for President Tr
Child actor Corey Feldman appeared on The View in 2013 to talk about his book that exposed some of the richest and most po
George Lopez was hired to be the emcee for the Children s Diabetes Foundation s Carousel Ball. Lopez thought it would be a g
Geraldo Rivera said his trip to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria confirmed how badly biased the press is against President Tru
He was given the option to kneel in protest before the game, but it was more important for him to take a stand against our Pr
The Hill During a recent interview, Clooney describes conservative criticism of Democrats associated with film producer Harv
Hillary Clinton today falsely called Donald Trump an admitted sex assaulter and compared him to disgraced alleged sex abuse
Speaking to Bill Maher about her participation in the Women s March in DC, Hanoi Jane Fonda remarked about her ability to
Today, President Trump came one step closer to dismantling Obamacare. He signed an executive order that would allow Ame
Lithonia, Georgia mom Octavia Parks was left dumbfounded after discovering her 12 year old daughter s health class homewo
Liberal actor and close friend of Hillary Clinton, Ben Affleck, came out with a statement of disappointment over another one o
In 2017, Kelli O Brien, the aunt of Joshua Boyle spoke publicly about the kidnapping of her nephew and his wife Caitlan Boyle w
During a private meeting of the most senior Republican senators, GOP leaders laughed out loud at the idea that Trump s bord
Members of the Los Angeles Police Department arrived at the home of Harvey Weinstein s oldest daughter on Wednesday mo
The Democratic National Committee announced Friday that it is still holding onto most of the money it received from Hollywo
The numbers are in, and Megyn Kelly Today is dragging down the Today show franchise, an insider explained to Page Six. No
Yesterday, actor Ben Affleck came out with a statement of shock over allegations that mega-Democrat donor and kingpin Holl
Project Veritas latest installment in the American Pravda series takes aim at The New York Times, the supposed paper of reco
Harvey Weinstein s wife, Georgina Chapman, has announced that she is leaving the movie mogul after a string of woman claim
Harvey Weinstein was among a host of Hollywood actors and producers that donated $10,000 to former President Bill Clinton
Ben Affleck posted a statement expressing his sadness and anger over billionaire producer and Hollywood kingpin, Harvey We
Are we finally watching the end times for Hollywood celebrities, who have been worshipped like golden idols by Americans wh
After several days of silence, Hillary Clinton finally made a statement on the disgraced billionaire Hollywood movie producer a
The disgraced anti-Trump Hollywood producer, billionaire, and mega-Democrat donor Harvey Weinstein is going to have one h
Wow! Former Bears coach Mike Ditka is coming under fire from the liberal media and Black Lives Matter activists for saying th
Fashion designer Donna Karan is standing by Harvey Weinstein and has suggested his alleged victims may have been asking fo
What the heck was he thinking? At 7:44 pm EST, CNN anchor Jake Tapper tweeted about the horrible wildfires that are ravagin
The hypocrisy of the Hollywood elites who would hide the truth about a sexual predator is beyond the pale If I had a bucket lis
Yesterday, Vice President Pence made the decision to leave the Indianapolis Colts game after players on the opposing team kn
AP President Donald Trump has told congressional leaders that his hard-line immigration priorities must be enacted in exchan
Last week, after the New York Giants player Odell Beckham Jr., kneeled for our national anthem, he scored a pair of touchdow
Last week, after the news about Hollywood kingpin Harvey Weinstein being hit with multiple accusations of sexual harassmen
Remember the time when a gay couple destroyed the business of a Christian couple who owned a very successful bakery, afte
NFL reporter Jason LaCanfora updated football fans about former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick who found hims
Mike Pence tweeted about how he was looking forward to attending a Colts game with his wife Karen today. His excitement w
If John Persinger wins the mayoral race in Erie, Pa., next month, it just might be the greatest local political upset in America th
We just discovered another reason NOT to support the NFL The man who is the most anti-American person we know is now co
and is heavily funded by Democracy Alliance
Watch President Trump hammer Senator McCain and the weak Senator Flake at an Arizona rally, where he also threw his sup
Things didn t go as well as Nicholle had hoped and now, she s lashing out at the owner of the billboard company who was inun
Things didn t go as well as Nicholle had hoped and now, she s lashing out at the owner of the billboard company who was inun
EAG Black Students United which represents people of the African diaspora penned a letter to university administration
How many times have liberals used the argument that everyone s relatives came here illegally! ? The answer is about a millio
San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz tore a book from the nasty Democrat women s playbook on Wednesday and wore a black t
Chicago Tribune Just weeks after stoking controversy by using Nazi imagery on his Jewish deli s Facebook page, the co-owner
Nancy Sinatra sent out an absolutely vile tweet today, that suggested 5 million NRA members should be killed by a firing squad
This is what Democrats think of people who broke our laws to come to America? Nancy Pelosi thanked a Dreamer s parents W
A former governor of Puerto Rico shut down a question from MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski on Wednesday when she asked abo
Let s hope this angry leftist mayor doesn t prevent individual donors from contributing to help the people of San Juan who ma
During the 2016 presidential election, Mark Cuban made no secret of his dislike for Donald Trump and his desire to see Crooke
On August 15, 2017, Jim Murren, CEO of MGM which owns Mandalay Bay Casino and Resort, came out with a bold statement
Michelle Obama is hands-down, the most divisive first lady to ever occupy our nation s White House. The woman who was ne
When did our Washington DC Mall become a staging area for feminist statements? Do families traveling to DC really need to s
Cori Langdon, a Las Vegas cab driver recorded her harrowing experience as she entered the Mandalay Bay Casino at about the
Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel opened his program Monday with a ten-minute political rant about Sunday s mass murder in
Trump administration officials are mulling an executive order that would instruct federal agencies to review low-income assist
Lady Gaga and Julianne Moore are speaking out after the horrific terror attack that left at least 58 people dead and 515 injured
The first thing that comes to mind when you think of Hillary Clinton s response to the Las Vegas shooting is that she s gone on
Good Morning Britain viewers have been left baffled by pop diva Mariah Carey s appearance on Monday s installment followin
Kaya Jones, aka Chrystal Neria, the former member of The Pussycat Dolls, was on stage last night with Jason Aldean in Las Veg
Anyone who is not yet convinced that liberalism is a mental disorder hasn t been on social media since President Trump s inau
An online radio station based out of Oklahoma gave veterans free car washes with the NFL treatment on Saturday. Volunteers
When they go low we go high. Michelle Obama famously used this quote to explain the difference between Democrats and
NFL players were pretty much all over the place with what they decided to do to protest today (SEE LIST BELOW). Some player
A man shouting Allahu Akbar has stabbed two women to death with a butcher s knife before being gunned down by soldiers
Campus Reform partnered with The Network of Enlightened Women (NEW) to ask students at George Washington University
How much longer will the citizens of San Juan, Puerto Rico put up with this loudmouth, liberal mayor trashing the leader of the
San Juan s mayor railed against President Trump s acting DHS Secretary for expressing optimism about the progress the US ha
Two students at a metro Atlanta elementary school say they were singled out for what they did during the Pledge of Allegianc
Last week, President Trump made a public announcement to Americans and Hurricane Maria victims of the bankrupt nation o
Football legend Herschel Walker weighed in on the NFL kneeling controversy giving the players one key piece of advice KEEP IT
During game 1 of the WNBA Finals, the LA Sparks WNBA Nneka Ogwumike claimed to be inspired by the cowardly act of Pittsb
Democrats have the perfect weapon to take down Donald Trump in 2020, according to a conservative columnist: Oprah. The f
First lady Melania Trump fired back Friday at a Massachusetts elementary school librarian who rejected her donation of Dr. Se
SARAH SANDERS does a fantastic job shutting down April Reid on the topic of the anthem protest. Reid tries to change the nar
Women in Saudi Arabia were just given the right to drive. Many conservative men are against this because they believe in sep
It doesn t matter how many times President Trump has shown himself to be a man of the people, a man of honor, or a man of
Steven Crowder is an amazing and ALWAYS unafraid conservative comedian. He was present at the union battle for Right To W
Meanwhile, as President Trump continues to meet resistance from blue states in his effort to clean up voter fraud, one of his m
Last night s game between the Bears and Packers is usually a fun-filled event that s become a huge tradition for football fans e
Watching sports on TV or going to a football stadium to watch a game, used to be a great way to unwind and forget about you
Yesterday, the parents of the now deceased American student from a Cincinnati, OH, suburb, Otto Warmbier, spoke out for th
The backlash from angry fans has only gotten bigger with the refusal of teams like the Packers asking the fans to join in on the
Have Americans already forgotten about the real reason Kaepernick was kneeling during the national anthem? He was kneelin
A school librarian in Cambridge, Massachusetts, rejected a shipment of books that were donated by first lady Melania Trump,
***WARNING***This video will make your blood boil. The exchange between this Hispanic woman, (who we re pretty sure is
The owner of the Ringling Bar, located south of White Sulphur Springs, is standing behind his Facebook post that criticizes NFL
A Harvard Women s Studies and Islamic Studies professor was forcibly taken off of a Southwest flight today. She demanded th
Dear Mike Tomlin, James Harrison, Ben Roethlisberger and any other Steeler who feels a need to criticize Bronze Star recipien
How very bold of the white Yahoo sports writer Greg Wyshynski, who affectionately refers to himself as Puck Daddy to call ou
On September 6, 2017, liberal media elites believed they found the missing link between Donald Trump and the Putin regime.
EVERY American taxpayer should be outraged at the numbers in the report below. Open borders under 8 years of Obama is co
One day after actress Debra Messing revealed that she regretted going on Megyn Kelly s new NBC morning show, the embatt
Has the Left and the leftist media managed to make Americans forget why this whole kneeling in protest against the American
Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-bran
Luther Strange will likely be the first and last establishment candidate Trump will make the admitted mistake of supporting R
John McCain really doesn t care what topic reporters ask him about, he only cares how President Trump feels about it, so he c
Satellite service DirecTV is refunding NFL Sunday Ticket subscriptions for customers offended by the weekend s national anthe
In a city that has more registered Democrats than Republicans, one has to wonder if the sizes of the signs are a problem, or if
Yesterday afternoon, on Twitter, some of that support came from U.S. Army Infantry Officer and U.S. Military Academy at Wes
Local artist Rico Lavelle was given the distinct honor and privilege of singing the national anthem on the Ford Field at the start
San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich is a total ass. There is no other way to say it! This jackwagon claimed on ESPN2 s Th
Despite massive boycott threats by consumers, at least 3 major sponsors of the NFL have come out in support of players disre
A fumbling Nancy Pelosi tried to defend former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick s First Amendment right to kneel during th
Outspoken conservative Paul Joseph Watson is, as usual, spot on with his analysis of what is happening today with the overp
Pittsburgh s head coach Mike Tomlin showed his solidarity for players who took a cowardly stand against our President after T
The man who won two Super Bowls for the city of Pittsburgh says that he now regrets the fact that he and his Steelers teamm
Stadium worker Erich Nikischer quit his job at New Era Field after almost 30 years. I waited until the National Anthem ended, I
The Senate Finance Committee hearing for the Republican Graham-Cassidy health care bill became a screaming protest today
Several team owners said they would come down hard on any drivers who did not stand during the national anthem. That incl
When Will & Grace creators David Kohan and Max Mutchnick reunited the stars of the NBC comedy in fall 2016, more than 10
Ahead of the launch of her daily morning show, Megyn Kelly Today, the NBC News journalist stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres
Remember when Michelle Obama told an adoring crowd at the DNC Convention how she had to suffer through living in the W
Wall Street might be shocked to learn it is helping bankroll the anti-Trump resistance movement that s aggressively fighting p
He clarified that protesting in the United States is a right, but he also challenged the players taking a knee: If there s somewhe
This heartfelt Facebook comment by a Detroit Lion s fan speaks for so many Americans: I have been a die hard Detroit Lions fa
Pittsburgh Steelers players were absent from the sideline and remained in the locker room during the Star Spangled Banner.A
Judge Jeanine tears into NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who is putting political correctness before the sport of football. Jea
Commies carrying flags fought with the Austin police and disobeyed orders during a protest in Austin, TX today. So these comm
In June of 2017, it was reported that the newly-crowned NBA champions the Golden State Warriors were preparing a politica
Sean Spicer was asked during a Washington Post interview, which White House reporters did good work . He was able to ratt
Before ABC cancelled Tim Allen s number one show Last Man Standing, Allen spoke with the Hollywood Reporter. They asked
Mark Steyn is dead on when he calls out the feds for wiretapping Paul Manafort since 2014 3 years! Think about that! The rul
No class and no decorum! The always bitter Michelle Obama told a Salt Lake City audience today that we are looking at two d
ABC just announced that it s developing a comedy series about an illegal alien family. This is an attempt to normalize crimina
Lawrence O Donnell had a really bad night on August 29, 2017. We draw that conclusion based on the clip below showing beh
Yeah, well about that.Crazed Congresswoman Maxine Waters found an unusual venue to spew her hatred for President Trump
This is rich! We ve heard for years about the outrageous demands from Streisand but this takes the cake! Barbra Streisand onl
Two hypocrite climate change freaks decided to pontificate to a packed house at Yale. Both John Kerry and Leo DeCaprio love
NBC News chairman Andy Lack confessed to nervousness about Megyn Kelly s upcoming network morning show, saying the ri
Maxine Waters got downright nasty at the funeral for Dick Gregory. She used the funeral to bash President Trump in a big way
Every day, the NFL gives fans another reason to stop supporting them. Although the NFL agreed to refund a small portion of th
Tucker Carlson started out his show by showing a video of leftist Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi being verbally attacked by illeg
If this isn t white guilt on steroids and indoctrination, we don t know what is! Teachers need to teach history and not use it as
Every player on the Cahokia Quarterback Club football team (8 and under) took a knee during the national anthem ahead of S
In his tweet, President Trump mentioned that he spoke South Korea s President Moon and that he informed the President tha
This summer s box office numbers were the worst they ve been in over 25 years, and now this KNOCK, KNOCK! Who s there?
Jedediah Bila is at most, a lukewarm conservative. She s a hardcore Trump hater, so the show gave her a little leeway when it
According to the Associated Press, a group of riot police reportedly chanted Whose streets? Our streets! Sunday night after a
Maxine Waters is one angry woman. She has gone non-stop with attacks on President Trump since he was elected. Speaking t
The March 13, 2009, email from the Clinton Foundation showed that Putin and about 200 other leaders (including others just
Bill O Reilly needs to ask the investigators assigned to defend him in a sexual harassment case that eventually led to his firing f
Rapper XXXTentacion released a controversial video for his singles, Look at Me and Riot, on Tuesday, which featured the ha
You almost have to feel sorry for Whoopi Goldberg. Her emotional arguments are no match for the very smart conservative Br
On September 13, President Trump warned Hillary on Twitter that the Americans she referred to as the deplorabes would co
Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to
Laura Loomer decided to make a trip to Brookfield, CT to see how customers at Costco were receiving Crooked Hillary at her b
FOX News The New York Times reported earlier this week that Sessions felt humiliated after Trump accused him of disloyal
PBS host Judy Woodroof asked Hillary if she believed President Trump is racist? Hillary pauses for effect and then delivers her
In 2016, celebrities came together to create an emotional video that minimized crimes committed or incidents that led to the
President Trump just made an 11-year old boy s wish come true but the left is in a tizzy over it. Frank Giaccio wrote to the pres
Is karma knocking on her door?Mayor Lyda Krewson released a statement following the verdict saying, I am appalled at what
KTVI Fox 2, the TV station that appears to be sympathetic of the Black Lives Matter riots in St. Louis, found themselves on the
ST. LOUIS Former St. Louis police Officer Jason Stockley was found not guilty Friday of murdering a man while on duty.St. Lou
CNN s Brooke Baldwin interviewed Fox Sports radio host Clay Travis about his thoughts on remarks made by racist ESPN host J
This is just one of literally thousands of liberal activists who are being paid to teach our youth. Let that sink in The head of the
ST. LOUIS Former St. Louis police Officer Jason Stockley was found not guilty Friday of murdering a man while on duty.St. Lou
So we disrespect the flag in class now? Whether this teacher tried to get this child to stand is one thing another thing is the fac
A timer was attached to the homemade bomb used in the Parsons Green terror attack, according to reports.The improvised ex
If you were watching Fox News this morning, you probably saw terror expert James Mitchell being interviewed regarding the l
What happened to free speech? The left is trying to crush it with the violent Antifa movement. Ben Shapiro is a 33-year old co
Senator Chuck Schumer sounds almost breathless with excitement as he can be heard telling an unidentified person on the se
While Facebook has hired an entire team of employees to weed out fake news , their crack-team of censorship stooges consid
President Trump visited areas in Florida hurt by Hurricane Irma today and spoke out on building a wall at our southern border
The CDC is investigating an outbreak of a bacterial infection linked to puppies sold through the national pet store chain Petlan
The sympathetic (and borderline communist) women of The View were more than happy to give Hillary a spot at the table to e
A sign on the door of a Kewaskum Dairy Queen, calling the restaurant politically incorrect is generating business and convers
Kid Rock hasn t officially announced his run for US Senate, but every day he comes increasingly closer. During a concert in Gra
How is a man with ties to a US based terror organization, who according to authorities, was caught planning to deliver a large
Tucker Carlson responded to an ESPN anchor calling President Trump a white supremacist. Clay Travis of Fox Sports joined Ca
Leftist agitators showed up tonight at the opening of the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit where Detroit legend Kid Rock was sch
Hillary was in the middle of a book signing for her new book What Happened when a brave young woman approached her w
Organized protesters took to the streets outside of the brand new Little Caesars Arena in Detroit to protest Kid Rock s concert
The double standard in our judicial system today, as it relates to the protection of religious rights for Christians in America is st
Leftist activist and mediocre filmmaker Michael Moore made a very lame attempt at shaming President Donald Trump on Frid
Here is a portion of the interview that was conducted by a group of journalists and Pope Frances today:Vatican Insider I lean
Sources tell that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is preparing to run for Senate in 2018 if Sen. Orrin H
Eric Bolling tweeted out a heartfelt statement about the unexpected death of his only child, 19-year old Eric Chase Bolling only
Antifa threw fireworks at police during the Patriot Prayer rally at Waterfront Park in Portland, Oregon. The Patriot Prayer rally
WFB- The former Democratic presidential candidate appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, where he discussed t
America s biggest loser, Hillary Clinton was seen in her first televised interview on CBS Sunday Morning with Jane Pauley sinc
No time to waste we've got to fight with everything we've got to #DefendDACA. Thanks, @jorgeramosnews, for sharing these
Steve Bannon has called himself a street fighter, but George Clooney has another way to describe the controversial former ad
The heartwarming story below will reassure you that we can all come together to help each other no matter what.ABC News r
They re President Trump s #1 fans and they ve been with him from the start of his campaign. The wildly popular, hilarious and
Texas Civil Rights lawyer Rob Ranco is a partner at The Carlson Law Firm at the Round Rock, TX location. He is the supervising a
In an upcoming episode of the Australian 60 Minutes, a 12-year-old transgender boy details how he began the transition to a
Trump knows the art of the deal like no one else! He d had enough of do-nothing Paul Ryan so he went around him and made
Wilbur Ross spoke with WaPo about true tax reform He did a great job explaining his position on simplifying and cutting taxe
The information below is almost like a satire piece from The Onion. It s so funny that anyone could claim that ads are believed
Kris Kobach For years, the mainstream media has ignored the problem of voter fraud and belittled those of us who are trying
President Trump s Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos spoke today at George Mason University s Virginia campus. DeVos igni
Remember when illegal aliens, students, and residents of Berkeley took to the streets to march in solidarity, and publicly affirm
Two days ago, Cher, a leftist agitator, and Trump-hater extraordinaire told followers of her Twitter account that they MUST ta
Plimpton, 46, who starred in The Goonies when she was 15, was speaking at a #ShoutYourAbortion event in June in Seattle, bu
Washington Post: Is this the woman that Michelle Obama sees when she looks in the mirror now, free of the White House and
Immediately following the election, a few leftist designers announced they wouldn t work with Melania Trump. Their decision
WFB North Korea for the first time this week revealed plans for using its nuclear arms for space-based electronics-disrupting E
Here are a few facts explaining who the DACA recipients really are. The National UnDACAmented Research Project was comp
The head of the Chicago Republican Party is claiming the city reported thousands of more votes cast than voters in the 2016 e
There s a lot going on in the Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump/Russia investigation that all the highfalutin newspapers that cover
Last week, President Trump announced that by Presidential proclamation, Sunday, September 3, would be known as a Nation
Detroit s own Kid Rock will open the all-new Little Caesars Arena on Tuesday, Sept. 12, but a group is planning a rally outside o
President Trump keeps another promise. The winning streak for Americans continues The Department of Homeland Security w
Wow! What a nice family A man s parents flew out to Florida from their native India to help their son beat his wife for being d
Contrary to what the media would like us to believe, Obama has not remained silent when it comes to policy that President Tr
Ashleigh Shackelford is what passes for a serious Democrat these days. She s a Black Lives Matter activist who has some seriou
This unhinged high school teacher was caught telling students to turn their Trump t-shirts inside out, because the Make Amer
A member of President Trump s Diversity Council is threatening to quit because he opposes Trump s cancelation of DACA. By
While all eyes are on North Korea and Melania s stilettos RT Competition for superiority in Artificial Intelligence at national lev
Antifa is a violent, anti-fascist protest group with deep roots in the political left. The disparate, loosely organized factions of th
A Berkeley law that makes public displays of the female breast illegal could be abolished this month if a city councilman gets h
With the list of Hollywood actors and entertainers that Americans have decided to boycott over their sickening public hate for
David Beckham s son posed with a gun in a modeling photo shoot. No big deal, right? Well, not so much to the big hypocrites o
Public uproar was at an all-time high at a North Carolina school board meeting (SEE VIDEO BELOW) over far-left equity trainin
Comedian blasts NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio for considering removing a famed statue of Christopher Columbus and rails against p
Here s an excerpt from the Advocate, a Louisiana paper on Barack Obama s disappearing act following the Louisiana floods:So
Here s a 1999 video of Jesse Jackson praising Donald Trump for his contribution to the black community, awarding him with a
Looters in Texas are boldly walking into businesses affected by the flooding and literally stealing everything off the shelves. It s
With all of the attention on Melania and the grace, elegance, and class she s brought back to the White House, you d almost th
CNN has more than enough representation from the radical side of the Democrat aisle This host is yet another who speaks in t
Black Lives Matter, the group that many believe is a hate group or domestic terror group has inspired a wave of professional
The popular evangelical preacher and inspirational speaker may have permanently damaged his brand with what many consid
What the heck happened to our freedom of speech? First graders were asked not to use the words God , Jesus or devil in an
A fashion editor for Vogue (see video below) has been brutalized on social media for her commentary about Melania Trump s
A former IT aide suspected of stealing equipment and data from Congress still has an active, secret email account on the Hous
Two NYC-based artists secretly slipped some items inside the merchandising outpost of the Trump Tower s lower lobby. Amon
What a shame.NY Daily News went on to criticize President Trump for treating his visit like a campaign stop and for praising th
Gayle King was the first to ask Sanders if it was a good idea for Trump to visit. Sanders said I don t know as he fumbled over h
A clueless CNN reporter trying to interview a cold and hungry woman with her children is oblivious to the fact that this woman
CNN s Allison Camerota started out her interview with Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee telling her that it was being pointed o
Rebel Media: Attacking someone for their politics could be expected from private citizens acting out against each other, but w
What will he think of next? Is Kim Jong-un is preparing his special forces for suicide parachute missions across the border on 7
The Anheuser-Busch Brewery put beer production on hold this week, instead of canning safe drinking water to distribute to flo
Hillary Clinton will be back in the spotlight this fall for an unprecedented, big-ticket book tour for her new tome What Happen
A white five-year-old girl told her mother Christmas and Easter are stupid and European women are alcoholics after being fos
Wow! This is one of the most powerful speeches you will ever watch. A Hispanic American, who is now a Trump supporter, lay
Here is an excerpt from their coverage of Todd s interview:After decades of relative obscurity, the fringe antifa movement is
Americans watched in horror as live chopper video showed a massive group of Antifa thugs chasing down a lone Trump suppo
The Obamas recently moved their oldest daughter, Malia, into her dorm at Harvard. After her gap year, which seemed to be sp
Joey Gibson of the group Patriot Prayer had planned to hold a peaceful rally with a diverse array of speakers, but ultimately op
Democrats are calling for President Trump s scalp after he pardoned America s toughest law enforcement officer on illegal alie
All we can say on this one is it s about time someone sued the Southern Poverty Law Center!On Tuesday, D. James Kennedy M
A kind woman brought Fox News reporter Casey Stegall a beer on Friday as he was reporting live in the midst of Hurricane Har
Attorney Dario Navarro was one of several leftists who were all of a sudden concerned about the constitutionality of Presiden
Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean hinted that President Donald Trump would not make it throu
Why is the media not asking why Democrats are so hell-bent on vandalizing, protesting and destroying Confederate monumen
Undercutting President Trump s agenda is what McConnell and ryan do best. It was most obvious during the Obamacare effor
The Democrats went down the path of identity politics long ago but it s only gotten worse in the past 8 years of Obama. He wa
Rebel Pundit decided to follow a local activist to see what the Southside Chicago residents think about moving a statue of Geo
Not only is Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford s wife drop-dead gorgeous, she s also smart, patriotic, and apparently
Republican Rep. Steve King: The base is going to behind President Trump's decision to pardon Joe Arpaio
UPDATE: White House official says, "Sebastian Gorka did not resign, but I can confirm he no longer works at the White House.
Can you believe a first grader was investigated for whether she intentionally misgendered a fellow student who decided to
You just can t make this stuff up The leftist rag, Daily Kos actually wrote a story about how President Trump will disproportiona
Has anyone seen Barack Obama lately? What about Valerie Jarrett, who actually MOVED IN to the Obama household shortly a
When will Americans stop being afraid of standing up to leftist agitators and tell them, NO! When will Americans find a backb
You can t be black and support President Trump. The intolerant left simply won t allow it Boxing legend George Foreman has h
One woman s awful experience at the airport could soon be what we all go through to travel by air. This is the day of terrorism
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was way out of line and way too political last night when he showed hi
Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe went off on a guy who claimed Rowe is a white nationalist . The usual happy-go-lucky Rowe was c
The media is in an all out frenzy today, as they attempt to help pump up the sales of the horribly flawed presidential candidate
The timing couldn t have been better. Just as Gary Tuckman, a reporter for Very Fake News CNN, was in the middle of a hit pie
Unhinged Democrat protesters converged on the Phoenix Rally to disrupt and create chaos during and after President Trump s
President Trump spoke to a huge and enthusiastic crowd tonight in Phoenix, AZ. It wouldn t be Donald J. Trump if he didn t cal
PRESIDENT TRUMP IN PHOENIX SPEAKING TO HIS SUPPORTERS MAGA! Live Stream below:This is where President Trump is be
Ask your liberal friends to tell you more about these poor women and children who are fleeing persecution from radical Islam
The usual suspects are going to show up tonight for President Trump s rally in Phoenix, AZ. With Soros and Democrat donors t
Silly parents you don t get to decide if, or when to talk to your kids about the .03% of the population who consider themselves
Marcus Lemonis has no problem with some customers taking their RV and outdoor needs elsewhere. Close followers of NASCA
BIKERS FOR TRUMP announced their support for Pro-Trump attendees at tonight s Phoenix Rally for Trump. This just got more
The pieces are in place ahead of President Donald Trump s rally in downtown Phoenix on Tuesday, with the nation waiting to s
Why did the Democrat VA Governor throw gasoline on the fire after violent protests broke out in Charlottesville? Why did the
Chelsea Clinton thought she was quite clever when she cited the story of Lucifer to support her argument for removing confe
USA Today published an article today that was so egregiously misleading that every hotel that leaves this joke of a publication
The left is officially ISIS ISIS terrorists have destroyed ancient sites that have been preserved for hundreds and hundred of yea
Kara Young, the biracial model who dated Donald Trump has broken her silence amid the deadly attack in Charlottesville. Trum
If you don t have the proper glasses to watch the historic solar eclipse today, you can still watch it here LIVE as it happens.From
Last week, MO State Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hoped Trump would be assassinated on her Facebook page. Thepost r
Jefferson County Judge Joseph J. Bruzzese Jr. should be counting his blessings today because he was saved by an armed parol
Few people, if any, keep track of ratings or public approval numbers for the Smithsonian. However, if they did, those numbers
Oklahoma State Rep. John Bennett made a comment on Facebook that was has since been removed after local Muslims didn t
We ve seen an escalation in violence against police officers this past week that is REALLY disturbing. Mob rule has taken over i
Robin Williams was a one-of-a-kind comedian. His brand of humor can never be replicated. Fortunately, there are video clips o
Thousands of Starbucks customers cut up their gold cards and boycotted their favorite coffee spot after Starbucks CEO Howar
This is rich! The guy who opened our borders to criminals during the Obama era is now telling us that statues are a homeland
The Washington Post reported: The patriarchs of this quiet island of millionaires threw up roadblocks when Donald Trump swo
This copy of the Antifa Manual, that is used by the George Soros funded, violent, anti-American, anti free-speech radical group
President Trump was right again! He said mob rule of removing statues is a slippery slope. Where does it end? A great exampl
The wife of Fox News co-owner James Murdoch, made no secret of her dislike for Steve Bannon back in April of 2017: Enough
***WARNING***This video is very disturbing!Try to imagine this brave man who voluntarily enlisted in our US military, travele
Earlier this week, prominent members of the GOP like Mitt Romney, John McCain and Marco Rubio attacked President Trump
Massive protests have been taking place Boston where a FREE SPEECH rally was planned at Boston Commons. It s now being r
The news that the forecast for the third quarter GDP is set to expand to 4.0 will be bad news for the Democrats who are tryin
Joel Pollack has been with Breitbart News through the years of Obama and beyond so he knows this is a war. It s so much mor
The Democrats and their allies in the media have spent most of this entire week condemning President Trump for blaming bot
If you want to try to dispute Dinesh D Souza s arguments, you should probably start by actually reading his book This is a class
Ted Nugent hits the nail on the head Ted Nugent and David Crosby are in the midst of a social-media spat over Nugent s claim
The program is dead! Operation Choke Point is no longer a huge nuisance to gun dealers. Republican leaders like Bob Goodlatt
Former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon left the White House today and has already returned as Executive Ch
Katie Couric s career has been pretty much in a free fall since she left the Today Show to accept a job as the new host of the CB
This is a very big deal. It s very likely that Steve Bannon, who was one of Andrew Breitbart s best friends, knew, and understoo
HERE WE GO yet another statue of a military hero is reportedly under fire. This figure astride a horse was vandalized with the
An unidentified black Trump supporter blasted the Cudahy City, CA Council members over her objections to racist sanctuary
The media is trying their best to control what you see and how you see it when it comes to the alt-left. We re here to tell you t
Here s a partial transcript of her rant about the black community blaming whites for racism: If you believe in what you re doin
Earlier today, it was revealed that the US Secret Service is investigating a Facebook post from Missouri state Sen. Maria Chapp
The U.S. Secret Service is investigating a Facebook post from Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, in w
Will the mainstream media report about this?Contradicting statements by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Virginia State Poli
As James Bond s nemesis Auric Goldfinger famously observed, Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence. The third time is e
Really Andrew? Does all of New York really stand against racism? Isn t Al Sharpton, one of the greatest race agitators of all tim
Mainstream news channels rarely draw attention to the negative side of abortion, but CBS News did so this week with a repor
In a city whose former Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, told police officers to stand down in the middle of a full-blown riot s
THE PURGE CONTINUES THE NYC MAYOR has just opened a can of worms so big that it ll be hard to control it. He wants to rev
THIS HAPPENED IN 2015 BUT IS STILL RELEVANT TODAY: A group of protesters decided to go digging to destroy a Confederate
In our iconoclastic efforts to erase the past, we rob ourselves of knowing the men who forged our national identity, and the e
Backfire alert! While the left tries to identify the marchers from the Charlottesville riot, it might be a good idea for them to rea
So much for trying to come together like the left always says they think we should do It was a brave gesture but not a smart on
How in the world did this racist thug get elected? He s disgusting! He kept calling POTUS 45 then Chris Cuomo asked why he w
You have to give it to President Trump who went after the fake news media in a big way today. He challenged them to answer
President Donald Trump ripped the media today and it was great to see. He said he didn t want to comment on the events ove
THE MUSLIM ACTIVIST GROUP CAIR is REALLY stepping over the line with their latest effort to change America. They ve made
The politicians are using our monuments to history as bargaining chips to gain votes. It s sickening to see the back and forth w
SHINE A LIGHT ON THESE VIOLENT GROUPS!Thank you to AG Jeff Sessions for digging into who s behind the Antifa and other a
A snowflake came undone when she had to obey police orders to move along This unhinged liberal went bonkers! It was like w
Crazed lunatic fringe elements of America have decided to target a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina. The video b
Thank you, President Trump, for those words of comfort and for denouncing those who promote violence and hatred -Susan
CNN s Jim Acosta keeps trolling President Trump and keeps making a total fool of himself! The latest moment was after signin
President Trump condemned hate groups today AGAIN! Yes, it seems the left didn t hear the president the first time around. T
Baked Alaska is a former liberal who wrote for the ultra-liberal Buzzfeed publication. He s now a conservative activist and Tru
Fox news reporter Doug McKelway was doing on-the-scene coverage of the protests in Charlottesville when he relayed a comm
George Soros is trying his best to destroy America! He is ramping up his efforts now! James Woods said it best when he tweete
It is awfully ironic how the liberals are bashing President Trump for placing blame on both sides for the violence in the Charlott
The media has been giving wall-to-wall coverage of the horrific and violent act that took place in Charlottesville, VA. By now, e
Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch sat during the national anthem over the weekend, ahead of a Saturday presea
Pro-Trump supporters have known the truth for a long time that conservatives are being attacked. Do you have any idea of th
The organizer of the yesterday s Unite the Right rally was just mobbed as he tried to give a press conference trying to tell the t
Idiots! That s the first comment at Yale Alumni magazine on twitter under the proud announcement of the removal of a musk
Alert! Alinsky tactics at work here! Remember Pick a Target? Well, the media and Deep State have picked their target Breitba
Equinox Los Angeles, one of the swankiest gyms in America, where celebrities like Chloe Kardashian, Mickey Rourke, Renee Ze
A voice of reason speaks out! Mike Huckabee told Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro that he has a special repulsion for white
A defector from North Korea is cautioning against underestimating Kim Jong Un when it comes to nuclear weapons and he sa
A tweet caught my eye after exploring all of the hate and violence posted from Charlottesville. Did you dig deeper and do you
To his credit, President Donald Trump almost immediately responded to the violence in Charlottesville, VA after a White Natio
Katie Couric took to Twitter to call out Charlottesville, VA protesters who allegedly sprayed urine at two of her producers. Wha
A car plowed into a group of counter-protesters at a white nationalist rally in Virginia on Saturday afternoon, news reports sai
WHO IS THE ACLU PROTECTING? Certainly not the legal citizens of America!After Obama allowed and even encouraged thousa
When Columbia University s internal investigation of its chaplain for religious discrimination came up empty, an ex-employee
This guy opened his mouth and proved us all right. He s a total jerk who hates America.This guy is a typical limousine liberal w
Remember Fusion GPS (please see our previous report on this below)? They are the opposition research firm behind the Trum
The publication that just can t seem to get over Hillary s loss to President Trump has sunk to a new low. And yes, apparently th
A United Methodist minister, Rev. Bill Shillady is set to publish a book of daily Bible devotionals on August 15 2017. The book ti
Wow! Open threats that government will kill the president had to be clarified by Jake Tapper. BUT Please listen to this unhing
Hilarious and spot-on conservative, social-media giant, Paul Joseph Watson announced on Twitter that he was done! . After w
Lynnette Hardway and Rochelle Richardson of North Carolina, whose support of Mr. Trump and no-nonsense delivery during t
It is now a year since the Democratic National Committee s mail system was compromised a year since events in the spring an
This is priceless! President Trump just gave the best response ever to a reporter s question! He said he wanted to thank Russia
It s so funny that a lefty effort to harm President Trump has totally backfired again! For starters, it s not like Trump s even in to
OKLAHOMA CITY The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled the cigarette tax passed late in the legislative session unconstitutional
Great news! Southern Methodist University in Texas has reversed its decision to relocate an annual 9/11 memorial display ma
CNN host Erin Burnett started out her segment on the threat of a nuclear attack by North Korea by explaining to her (very sma
Great news! A federal judge just ordered the State Department to make another attempt at locating Hillary Clinton s missing e
MSNBC s Brian Williams spoke the truth on Tuesday night when he said that it is the media s job to scare people to death ove
Bolling tweeted a couple of messages, thanking his supporters who are standing by Bolling, as Huffington Post reporter Yashar
President Trump put North Korea s brutal dictator on notice yesterday, warning Kim Jong Un that North Korea best not make a
Bill Clinton was falsely confident in his plan to end North Korea s nuclear threat with diplomacy. Over 20 years later, his efforts
Immediately following President Trump s inauguration, liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to Twitter to invite America
We d love to know your thoughts on this! We think it s sort of unreal that this company was forced via social media to drop th
Speaking at a Rotary Club gathering in Kentucky on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vented about how Pres
What a treat! Laura Ingraham interviewed President Trump Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller tonight:Miller has been spot
This is a MUST WATCH and SHARE!If anyone s wondering why the media won t give up their obsession (fantasy) that somehow
President Donald Trump continued his attack on Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal Monday afternoon, once again mockin
ROSEVILLE, Mich. Parents are raging after a Detroit area school district sent a packet to parents that lists the U.S. flag among
A University of Georgia professor has adopted a stress reduction policy that will allow students to select their own grades if t
The Democrats and their allies in the media would like you to believe that President Trump has been so distracted by their alle
Close your eyes and picture Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) telling a white radio host that he wouldn t rule out an all-w
We love this guy! Factory worker Keith Ketzler: For eight horrible years I heard, We don t have control of the House. We don t
Civil political discourse took a beating in West Virginia this weekend when a Democratic senator profanely proclaimed that he
But..b but it isn t fair to ask for voter ID says the party that dominates the states that refuse to cooperate with Trump s electio
The slippery slope continues College Park is just the latest city in Maryland to propose that illegals be given the right to vote in
Here we go again another student art contest that brings with it a controversial painting. Remember the Cops as Pigs paintin
Of course, the left applauded Miss Great Britain s bold defiance of the rules (resistance is all the rage in case you haven t heard
Yesterday, Fox News announced that they were suspending Eric Bolling after accusations that the popular host sent lewd phot
ABC host George Stephanopoulos sat down with Kellyanne Conway for an interview this morning on This Week . Stephanopou
Supporters of the rule of law crashed a pro-illegal rally on August 4, 2017 at San Bernardino City Hall. This was a reaction to Sa
Many on the left and in the liberal media are hoping President Trump will butt heads with his new chief of staff, former genera
Newsweek magazine has gone COMPLETELY overboard with their latest cover picture and title! They ve done a hit piece on Pr
Climate grifter Al Gore is confronted about global warming and sea levels in this classic video where he just can t explain himse
B b but Baron Trump wore a t-shirt that said The Expert! With classes at Harvard starting in just a few short weeks, Malia Oba
Right before eighth grade, Trump s father sent him literally up the river to New York Military Academy in the Hudson Valley. T
The Atlantic, a publication that wouldn t know unbiased journalism if it bit them in the a$$ published what appears to be a rel
More bad news for Lyin Loretta or Lyin Lizzie, depending upon who Obama s former AG (the chief law enforcement officer an
The Washington Post Nearly a third of territory reclaimed from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria since 2014 has been won in
Half of the eight mayoral hopefuls on Detroit s primary ballot next week have been convicted of felony crimes involving drugs,
A new email dump from the FBI via a FOIA request by the ACLJ reveals what appears to be collusion between the media and th
Remember when Chelsea Clinton faced the same scrutiny as the Trump children by the media? Remember when the media sc
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced today that the DOJ is taking steps to reduce the amount of leaking from the White H
Every American should read and share this brilliant article.So, to my friends on the Left and the #NeverTrumpers as well do
West Virginia Governor Jim Justice gave Trump fans a YUGE surprise when he attended Trump s massive rally and announced
Security camera footage captured Mary, an 81-year-old woman, being assaulted by a man at a bank ATM machine in Aurora, O
Have you ever heard of the bamboo ceiling ? The term was used when referring to the Harvard quotas against Asian students
The Department of Homeland Security announced its plans to build a 15-mile prototype of the border wall in San Diego.The d
AP published an article today that attempts to discredit the very popular Fox News cable network over their coverage of the S
We wish President Trump could clone SENIOR ADVISOR Stephen Miller! He s so brilliant and knows immigration like no other!
Yesterday, Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted a video of himself on the Mexican border flying in a helicopter and traveling on horseba
What the heck is going on? Why is the media, who has been virtually silent about former DNC staffer Seth Rich s death until no
We reported last week on the Wisconsin company that is the first in the US to have a microchip program. Please see our previ
The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department s civil rights division toward investigatin
Liberal heads explode in 5 4 3 2 1President Trump could win the White House again in 2020 which likely would send hostile p
In a state plagued by a foster care crisis , it s hard to believe officials in the state of Oregon would target two loving parents be
Big-mouth billionaire and leftist author of the highly successful Harry Potter books, has finally taken responsibility for an awful
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein appeared on MSNBC to discuss the North Korean crisis. Did anyone really expect h
B b but the Russians! How can the media be bothered with one of the most incredible and VERY REAL stories of espionage tha
CNN host Fareed Zakaria explained how he thought President Donald Trump rose to power: The election of Donald Trump is r
Joe Piscopo is hysterical! He was on with Neil Cavuto and broke out with imitations of Waters, Sanders and Schiff: And then yo
Firebrand conservative Ann Coulter exposed Delta Airlines who gave away a seat she had to pay extra for in order to accommo
The initial run of Megyn Kelly s Sunday newsmagazine show will reportedly be taken off the air at least two episodes earlier th
Bernie Sanders should know his socialized medicine but in an exchange on Sunday he failed when he was pressed to explain w
NJ Governor Chris Christie was being heckled during a baseball game at Miller Park. He lost it and got in the face of a Chicago C
Minneapolis mayoral candidate Raymond Dehn proposes disarming cops in wake of Damond shooting. Only one year ago, the
Here s a question for the anti-Trump media: If Putin and Trump have such a strong history of working together, why take such
Liz Harrington, a writer for the Washington Free Beacon appeared on the Tucker Carlson Show to discuss the real cost of sex r
Animal activists harassed a fisherman in a big way until the cops were called! It all started when a young boy walked up to two
President Reagan Warned Of The Dangers Of Liberalism, And He Was Eerily Prophetic. He really knew what he was talking abo
Not a day goes by that we have another gaffe from Nancy Pelosi Term Limits Please!.@NancyPelosi screws up the oath of offic
A California farmer fined $2.8 million for plowing through vernal pools protected by the Clean Water Act without a permit is a
Legal Latino Heat filmed a tent city full of illegals (Language alert!) that s right between two courthouses in Santa Ana, Califor
Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz seemingly planned to pay cyber-probe suspect and IT aide Imran Awan even whil
ESPN audience numbers have been tanking since they pivoted away from 100% sports reporting and filled more time with pol
So what s worse, Barack Obama remaining silent about the slaughter of innocent cops, while meeting behind closed doors in t
In spite of Senator John McCain s promise to his constituents only 9 months ago when he was running for reelection, that he w
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has taken control of the media and is no longer allowing them to push a false narrative when it come
On Thursday, when Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro testified before Congress about the suppression of free speech on c
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer opened a can of worms tonight when he said that the Awan brothers sent sensitive intel to the Muslim Br
Senator Lindsey Graham made a bold announcement the other day when he told his constituents in South Carolina that if the
The unaccomplished Chelsea Clinton, wife of unemployed and perpetually vacationing husband Marc Mezvinsky, and daughte
Hollywood stars took to social media Wednesday to express outrage over President Donald Trump s announcement that trans
Conservative talk radio, tv and websites are no friends of RINO Senator John McCain, and he knows it. McCain used his mome
More manufactured news that exposes the hate our leftist media has for Republicans Even for those who haven t been in offic
Remember when the media used to think they controlled the narrative? That was before President Trump, and his badass com
William Shatner is such a smarty pants on twitter. He gets his snarky point across with few words.Shatner has been the subjec
After a Fox Business interview earlier in the day (see below), Gino DeFabio was asked to speak at the Ohio Rally by President T
Scaramucci promised the heads of White House leakers would roll. He clearly wasn t kidding Suspected leaker Michael Short h
A group of volunteer soldiers announced this week the first ever LGBT unit formed to kick ISIS butt.The Queer Insurrection and
This isn t the first punch this group of black Chicago residents have delivered to the failed Democrat Party. In 2015, they made
President Trump stood in front 40,000 enthusiastic Boy Scouts in West Virginia, as the scouts proudly chanted USA USA! Pres
Where s George Soros when his top fact checkers, aka conservative news slayers , need him? is a liberal blog fro
How this is even possible? This man is obviously the victim of an insane law that was somehow allowed to pass without even c
Ami Horowitz is a thought provoking filmmaker who took a lot of heat for exposing the truth about the horrific, violent no-go
Nice threat to POTUS: The intelligence community will continue to convey truth to power even if power doesn t necessarily lis
If you worked for a company that offered the convenience of a microchip implanted in your hand, would you get it? A compan
So now if you enter a contest, you need to worry about your political affiliation if you re a Republican? The left continues to sh
Hey Robert Mueller! Do you care to find out which foreign leaders candidate Hillary Clinton spoke with during her campaign?
Jake Tapper and the new White House Communications Director went at it this morning. Anthony Scaramucci had the line of t
Anyone who takes part in this type of sub-human criminal activity should never see the light of day again. The lawmakers who
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most outspoken advocates for man-made global climate-change in America, he is also of the b
MAXINE GOT A MAKEOVER and is hopping mad about speculation she s running for POTUS in 2020. It can t help that Tucker C
It s Thursday, July 20th. As of today, Donald Trump has been president for 6 months. The media coverage of the president is o
This is spot on! Ned Ryun joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the latest leak regarding AG Jeff Sessions. Do we even have evidenc
THE CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES is a great resource for all the facts on illegals and taxpayer dollars. Patty and I were l
Katie Couric is a wolf in sheep s clothing. Dan Rather, Brian Williams and Katie Couric will forever be known as some of the wo
This guy is a joke! Scott Dworkin: A paper trail leads directly back to Mike Pence Pence knew Michael Flynn was a foreign agen
The hysterical Terrence Williams weighs in on the news that Poverty Pimp Maxine Waters might run for POTUS: .@MaxineW
Please note that this unhinged woman is a middle school teacher!After an eight-month investigation, Yvette Felarca, a middle
The mainstream media will never show you both sides of the story, so we will In 2015, hedge fund magnate Anthony Scaramu
A uniformed police officer in Virginia said he was refused service at a local McDonald s because he was wearing a uniform, Ric
We ve noticed a trend across America that s disturbing because the communities of Muslims do not assimilate but want Amer
Senator John McCain just couldn t help himself. While millions of Americans were praying for his recovery, after he was diagno
A woman who was born in Nazi Germany says that what reminds her of Hitler more than anything else isn t Donald Trump, bu
Australian Senator Larissa Waters recently went viral after she made history by becoming the first woman to breastfeed in the
Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted to an interview President Donald Trump gave to The New York Times about Attorney Gener
DNC Chair Tom Perez is a fear mongering racist who likes to stir up fake concerns for Democrat voters. He s clearly afraid of th
Obama would have hurt himself doing this (see video below). The Corning Glass CEO visited the White House with other busin
Mass Live Ayyadurai, who announced his Republican U.S. Senate bid in February, said that while he may not be the GOP estab
Judicial Watch has released documents obtained in response to a court order including emails that show a pay to play game g
The NYT allegedly wouldn t run Alan Dershowitz s op-ed because of his views on President Trump
A health care executive cheated Medicare out of $132 million and blew the money on a $7 million Franklin mansion and court
Less than one month before the 2016 presidential election, the New York State s attorney general s office ordered the Trump
Liberals would like everyone to believe that Muslims who immigrate from the Middle East to the West are interested in becom
Comedian Mark Dice explores the influence so-called comedians have on their viewers when it comes to pushing their politica
Republican Congressman David Brat wasn t sitting back and waiting for MSNBC host Craig Melvin to attack him or Republican P
Wow! Conservative Ann Coulter was in fact targeted by Delta employees who wanted to make the popular Republican uncom
The hate for the Trump family by the defeated liberal press is visceral MSNBC political analyst Joan Walsh, a self-proclaimed fe
Somali immigrant and Minnesota police officer Mohamed Noor shot and killed a 40 yr. old Australian woman when they arrive
Susan Rice will not visit Capitol Hill today for a meeting with the House committee probing allegations she unmasked Preside
While many on the left continue to accuse President Trump and his administration of colluding with the Russians, one well-kno
Walmart was apologizing on Monday after an appalling description of a product by a third-party vendor made its way onto the
She wanted him to assimilate. She gave him a good job. She trusted him and offered the chance to prove he was willing to be
Fox News The Five host, Jesse Watters let loose on liberal crybaby co-host Juan Williams during their most recent show. Wat
Wow! Talk about clueless! Austen Fletcher approaches anti-Trump protesters and gets clueless answers on why they re agains
One man was set to testify against the Clinton Foundation next week. That man was 50 year old former Haitian government o
Democrat Alan Dershowitz dismissed a major argument Democrats have been making against Donald Trump Jr., and said it s c
CNN is notorious for cutting the mic when they don t like what someone is saying on their network.Rep. Scott Taylor was being
Kid Rock has struck panic into the hearts of liberal politicians upon his announcement that he will be running for senate in Mic
President Trump and his daughter Ivanka are getting some much welcomed positive press thanks to a social media craze that
B b..but Al Gore and Barack Obama say Scientists were exposed for manipulating climate data during the 2011 Climategate sc
There are some people you probably shouldn t cross. Donald Trump is one, and conservative author and political analyst Ann C
Brigitte Macron is 24 years older than her husband. She is 64-years old and is in great shape for a woman of her age. As a fema
A 24-year-old Somali man, Ashraf Alaaeldin Mohamed Elgamal, raped an unconscious Minnesota State University student and
Democrat Senator and fake Indian Elizabeth Warren took to Twitter to criticize the evil Republican s plan to replace Obamacar
Hillary would never have labeled one of her largest donors, longtime friend, and the financier of violent anti-American protest
An Arlington woman was arrested this week and charged with four counts of welfare fraud for collecting over $100,000 in ben
If you re not okay with taxpayers paying for exorbitant medical costs, including transgender surgeries for military members, yo
During a Friday interview, Virginia Rep. Dave Brat slammed Democrats who want to impeach Trump without any evidence of c
Civil Rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. attended the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition convention in Chicago on Thursday, where he
Is anyone really shocked that another fake Trump-Russian collusion story points to Obama and his crooked administration?To
More than 21,000 people from all regions of the world participated in the Best Countries survey, in which they assessed how c
When reporting on President Donald Trump s meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday, a CNN host emb
The plot thickens Republican donor and operative from Chicago s North Shore who said he had tried to obtain Hillary Clinton s
Where was the media s outrage when a sitting United States senator, John McCain went on a wild goose chase, that led him o
In July of 2016, Donald Trump, Jr. met a 42-year-old Russian attorney named Natalia Veselnitskaya who had promised him dam
President Trump s deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka appeared on Anderson Cooper s 360 show, where he admonished the net
Sebastian Gorka does a mic drop on CNN anchor Alison Camerota when he tells her more people watch Nick at Nite and carto
A group of six, teen, Afghan girls was denied US visas to compete in an international robotics competition in Washington DC. W
Meanwhile, in virtually every media outlet across America, Trump Trump Trump and Russia Russia Russia!Evidence shows tha
If this keeps up, the Democrats will never win another election Several county clerks in Colorado said they ve seen hundreds o
You re gonna be so proud of your country. We re gonna win so much. We re gonna win at every level. We re gonna win so mu
Kid Rock, aka Robert (Bob) Ritchie, a native of Michigan who was born and raised in my hometown of Romeo, just announced
Maine State Representative Scott Hamann (D) is clearly an unhinged individual who is clearly not stable or responsible enough
Republican Senator Charles Grassley wants answers on why the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. was allowed in
Liberal logic 101 The new superintendent for Detroit s public schools said he will recommend the school district no longer auth
Mubashra Uddin, a 20-year-old Muslim college student and daughter of Pakistani immigrants dropped her newborn infant out
Much to the dismay of mainstream media journalists, Donald Trump Jr. released all email communication regarding his meetin
Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet on Twitter) posted an interesting video that should cause alarm-bells to go off, no matter
MSNBC s Casey Hunt was interviewing war-hawk and RINO Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) about the meeting Donald Trump J
This is the dumbest and biggest crime in the history of American politics. There's not even a close second. Jared Yates Sexton
Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter today to release all email communication with the Kremlin-linked lawyer, revealing that he h
Two months before the 2016 election, Teen Vogue featured a personal essay by Hillary Clinton, a conversation between Aman
This afternoon, The Washington Post wrote an opinion article entitled Kill Fox and Friends before it s too late. This is awfully i
The guy who wasn t funny enough to land the coveted Tonight Show gig after Johnny Carson retired, is now saying President D
President Donald Trump targeted former FBI Director James Comey Monday for allegedly including classified information in pe
Chris Cuomo of fake news network CNN interviewed Kellyanne Conway on Sunday. You would have thought by now, these ha
Remember when comedians were funny? Those were the good ole days, before the cancer that is liberalism exposed their ha
Last week, after President Trump retweeted a hilarious WWE wrestling video featuring Donald Trump body-slamming WWE C
Here s how fake news works In an effort to cast President Trump s eldest son, Donald Jr. as a liar, The New York Times boldly a
Political correctness and open-borders are a dangerous combination. This story is proof that Europe has officially ceded their n
DNC staffer Seth Rich was shot in the back several times while walking home late at night, when he was only blocks from his h
These are literally the same people carrying signs around that say love Trump s hate .
MSNBC s Chris Matthews deemed the big story of the much anticipated G20 meeting between President Trump and Vladimir
CNN falsely tweeted on Saturday morning about the peaceful protests in Hamburg, Germany during the G-20 Summit.An ecle
The last time a pope got involved in politics was when Pope Benedict XVI condemned Obama s abortion stance in 2009.Pope F
New York City s radical leftist Democrat Mayor Bill DeBlasio jetted off to Hamburg, Germany, leaving New Yorker s to deal with
Following the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, President Trump stopped to pick up a Marine s hat that blew off twice on h
Why would President Trump want America to enforce a travel ban on refugees from terror hotbed nations? Why wouldn t we
Twitter moments reported that Alaska mom Jolene Jackinsky was waiting at an airport when she noticed the former president
An undercover Trump supporter hijacked the microphone at a #ResistTrump rally in Chicago earlier this week. He recited a spe
This group of Black Lives Matter supporters marched at the Minnesota State Fair chanting, Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon
CNN s ratings have been in the toilet ever since they made falsifying news about our President and his nonexistent Russian con
One month before the election, political activist and Hillary supporter Amal Clooney traveled to Texas to warn Americans abou
French President Emmanuel Macron has prided himself as the world s anti-Trump. He has arrogantly taken counter stances to
Lou Dobbs went off on #FakePresident Barack Obama during his Dobb s Commentary segment. Fox News host Lou Dobbs is f
Four teenagers were arrested for allegedly having sex in the sea in full view of a large crowd of beachgoers in Cape Cod during
CNN is finally seeing the serious repercussions of reporting #VeryFakeNews, while Fox News remains number one in ratings.CN
Terrance Williams is a conservative Trump supporter and comedian who makes hilarious videos on Twitter. Anyone who watc
Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday skipped an NYPD swearing-in ceremony made somber by this week s assassination of a cop
First lady Melania Trump was trapped inside her residence in Hamburg on Friday because of the violent protests outside the G
On April 3, 2017, Brooklyn-born Sarsour, daughter of Palestinian immigrants, shared the dais Sunday another darling of the fem
Actor and immigration activist George Clooney will move to Los Angeles with his wife Amal and newborn twins Ella and Alexan
Dinesh D Souza appeared on Fox News Hannity show with guest host Kimberly Guilfoyle and Dr. Gina Loudon. Guilfoyle asked
Maxine Waters is so filled with hate for anyone who disagrees with her, that she s decided to appoint herself as the Democrat
United Airlines should probably consider an extensive training program for their employees who are making such bad decision
When CNN, who is owned by multi-billion dollar corporation Time-Warner threatened to out a private individual for doctorin
Last week, President Trump sparked outrage from #VeryFakeNews CNN executives and hosts when he tweeted a doctored vid
Although Obama had 3 years to take action to fix the Flint water problem, President Donald Trump has managed to do it in 2 m
Project Veritas just released yet another video of the CNN producer calling voters stupid as sh*t and even mocking on of thei
An NYPD officer was assassinated early Wednesday by an ex-con who marched up to her NYPD vehicle and pumped a bullet in
Beyond the pale ABC reporter Matthew Dowd compared President Donald Trump with N. Korea s Kim Jong Un on Good Morn
President Trump just made liberal heads explode! The liberal mantra has been to destroy anything to do with the Civil War. Ci
An NYPD officer was assassinated early Wednesday by an ex-con who marched up to her NYPD vehicle and pumped a bullet in
The hosts of New Day dug a deeper hole for CNN on Wednesday when they said that the network would not identify the Red
Who could forget the Obamaphone Lady from Cleveland, OH, who unashamedly told an interviewer she was voting for Obam
Former Navy SEAL and GOP Rep. Scott Taylor, R-Va., body-slammed #FakeNews CNN in an interview on Monday saying that th
Mike Huckabee appeared on FOX s Hannity show where Kimberly Guilfoyle was filling in for host Sean Hannity. Guilfoyle congr
Guess how leftists, millennials and Black Lives Matter morons decided to celebrate the 4th of July? Do they even know our hi
In February, Boston-based entrepreneur and inventor of Email V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai announced his candidacy for the US Senat
Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death Of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam gives a stunning account of the self mur
A disturbing video published by The Washington Post on June 29 shows a group of brainwashed students singing Twitter posts
Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-
The horrible result of socialized medicine may be seen in the plight of Charlie Gard. The brain-damaged British baby whose pa
Liberals have been telling American citizens for decades that illegal aliens are doing the low-wage jobs Americans won t do. Is
Meanwhile, back at CNN Russia Russia Russia!The White House payroll is an excellent example of Trump s commitment to shr
President Trump on Sunday tweeted a video of him body-slamming World Wrestling Entertainment Chairman Vince McMahon
Neil Cavuto faced off with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee over her call for President Trump to resign after his tweets attac
Last year, we reported about women who attended an anti-racism music festival in Sweden that were raped and molested by
The most corrupt Attorney General in the history of the United States is allegedly thinking of throwing his hat into the ring as a
Immigration advocate Roberto Hernandez joined Tucker Carlson to debate the controversial payout of $190K to an illegal for b
Tamara Holder was a guest on Joy Reid s MSNBC show this morning and mocked the women in President Trump s life. Ironical
FOX News Legal Expert Gregg Jarrett dropped a bomb on Susan Rice when he said she likely committed three crimes. Jarrett w
RCP In just a few minutes on Thursday s edition of Hardball on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews compared President Trump and
Pro Trump Chicagoans decided to hit back after the city used taxpayer dollars to put a sculpture that says Real Fake in Front o
With all the anger and nasty comments coming from Mika and Joe of MSNBC, the video below makes you wonder if the nasty
Mika is all of a sudden aware of the Trump s marital situation? This woman needs to stop! The MSNBC host has no business sa
Conservative talk show host Mark Levin shredded Joe Scarborough and the media in defense of President Trump as he pointed
Hour one of the MSNBC morning show began typically enough with Mika and Joe. The assembled gang could barely contain th
The Windy City is under fire for turning public art into a political message using taxpayer dollars! The BROKE City of Chicago in
Congressman Justin Amash (R-MI) was the only Republican to vote against Kate s Law, a law that would impose harsher penal
As if you needed another reason NOT to drink overpriced coffee! This is something that s really gross but you need to be awar
The Justice Department on Thursday dropped the legal challenge to the the Washington Redskins name, the Associated Press
Project Veritas newest video from the American Pravda: CNN series exposes Jimmy Carr, the Associate Producer for CNN s Ne
Only a liberal man who works for a magazine that made a fortune by exploiting women would complain that President Trump
A CNBC editor said members of the press need to remind themselves that their readers are not as ignorant, as stupid as we th
John Podesta is the guardian of the Clintons just like Valerie Jarrett was for the Obamas. He was instrumental during the 2016
Based Stickman, aka Kyle Chapman became famous on social media after he was one of the first Trump supporters to fight ba
Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmik
The Washington Post published a propaganda organizing piece for the Democrat Party: Democrats resistance calls for a July 4
Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka warned Syrian President Bashar Assad after evidence arose earlier this wee
Fox News Channel (FNC) has signed soon-to-be former Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to a contributor role.He will offer p
Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe is being investigated by the Office of U.S. Counsel violating the Hatch Act according to a n
Only two weeks after U.S. congressman Steve Scalise and four others were shot during a baseball practice in a Washington sub
Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, in a bid to demonize Jeff Sessions as Russian agent, said back in March she had never me
President Donald Trump welcomed India s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the White House Monday for their first meeting,
White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was the perfect choice to take on the media today following the
The obnoxious anti-Trump Hallie Jackson of NBC is constantly trying to play gotcha with Sean Spicer on policy issues related t
A 70-year tradition at East Liverpool High School was removed from the graduation ceremony, but students weren t letting it g
James O Keefe s Project Veritas reporters went undercover at CNN to investigate the #VeryFakeNews network to determine th
Tennessee lawmakers have something to say to their counterparts in California and it s perfect! We could love this more Tenn
James O Keefe s Project Veritas reporters went undercover at CNN to investigate the #VeryFakeNews network to determine th
Writing on Twitter Sunday, the All in the Family star mentioned a Fox News report about the Trump campaign s alleged collusi
CNN employees have resigned for their role in pushing fake news about the Trump-Russia story that claimed a member of the
Liberals on Twitter accused President Donald Trump s son Eric of sporting a Nazi haircut when he debuted a new hairdo Sund
Nancy Pelosi said in an interview with Joy Reid that after she met President Trump she prayed for America She giggled nervou
Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Ill.) is married to Robert Creamer, one of the key figures in O Keefe s undercover video that
Make America work again! White House counselor Kellyanne Conway says people on Medicaid who will lose coverage under t
This is gonna be a tough pill for the left to swallow after working so hard to stack the courts In a victory for the Trump adminis
Never mind that the Trump s had a previous engagement it s just a great excuse for the left to justify their false claims that ou
This is great! Trump supporters did everything right but ironically were turned away at a Maxine Waters Town Hall because th
The music icon spoke at the North Minneapolis Conference on Peace on Saturday.Stevie Wonder spoke out about Black Lives
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his wife, Jane Sanders have hired prominent defense attorneys, amid an FBI investigation into a
A top Republican took to the Senate floor Thursday to blame fired FBI Director James B. Comey for fanning conspiracy theorie
A black woman went into a fit of rage after she spotted a Confederate Battle Flag on a car at a local festival. Ybia Anderson pos
Apparently actor Johnny Depp didn t learn anything from the not-funny comedian Kathy Griffin s career-ending attempt at h
Americans are sick and tired of being lied to by the media. This awesome patriot and business owner is making sure ABC gets t
Introducing his 2004 film The Libertine, about a 17th-century poet who notoriously drank himself to an early death, the 54-yea
A nervous Nancy Pelosi responded Thursday to criticism from Democratic colleagues asking her to step down from her leaders
Tucker Carlson and Jesse Waters both went to Trinity College Who knew! Carlson discussed the downfall of his college from a
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz dropped a big bomb during an interview on CNN today. She claimed that Jeh Johnson s testim
This is hysterical! Senator Chuck Schumer can t even get a stunt right! He held a press conference to bash the Senate s healthc
President Trump came out today and said he doesn t have tapes of former FBI Director James Comey but that the possibility o
Rep. Trey Gowdy was full of sarcasm (rightfully so) during comments about why the DNC didn t turn over its hacked computer
CNN s Chris Cuomo freaked out at President Donald Trump s comment during a speech in Iowa that he didn t want a poor per
MSNBC s Chris Matthews definitely didn t get a tingle up his leg when it came to Democrat Jon Ossoff. Turns out he s confused
Karen Handel won a hard fought Congressional seat in Georgia s 6th district. The Democrats poured 50 Million dollars into Jon
Please please please let it be a 3-way race between Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Eric Holder!Former Attorney General Eric
President Trump was lambasted by Democrats and their allies in the media when he suggested that up to 3 million illegal alien
Ford will export the next-generation Focus compact car from China to North America in 2019, rather than from Mexico as earl
Judicial Watch today announced that the National Security Council (NSC) on May 23, 2017, informed it by letter that the mate
Tucker Carlson debated a New Jersey Democratic operative who tweeted an insensitive message after the shooting of Rep. Ste
Last week, Alex Jones scooped NBC and Megyn Kelly with a secretly recorded conversation he had with Kelly, where she begge
We are so sad to report that Otto Warmbier has died. The University of Cincinnati Medical Center announced Monday that W
Former NH Governor John Sununu let Alison Camarata have it when she asked about the Russia investigation and Robert Mue
How did this man come to OWN this store? There is no information on much about this fraudster except that he stole from Am
The CEO of outdoor clothing giant Patagonia is burnishing her anti-Republican bona fides again, this time saying she intends to
Awesome! Two protesters crashed the Trump Assassination play tonight yelling Goebbels would be proud! and Liberal Hate
Let s just get this out of the way Chris Wallace is a flaming liberal and a total a**! He blatantly goes after conservatives with a
Talk about projecting! On Fareed Zakaria s CNN show, former New York Times editor Jill Abramson decries false equivalency
Fox News Channel s Jeanine Pirro went after the GOP establishment Saturday on Justice. Pirro accused the establishment Rep
After allegedly registering 10,000 Muslims to take place in Germany s March Against Terror, the largest Muslim group in Germ
Joy Reid is known for her racist slant on the news. She s one bitter and angry woman we ve reported on numerous times for h
The only two black jurors in the Philando Castile case were in favor of acquitting the cop responsible for his death, a juror expl
Laura Loomer of Rebel Media and citizen journalist Jack Posobiac disrupted the Central Park performance of Julius Caesar or
Laura Loomer of Rebel Media rushed the stage at the controversial NYC Shakespeare in the Park performance that takes a mo
The inspiration behind the Black Lives Matter movement the individual cited by its founder and regularly quoted by its supp
CNN political hack Alison Camarota wants to nail President Trump but Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr says he sees no
The Washington Post [Compost] reports: So far, three major corporate sponsors and the NEA have felt it necessary to distance
A Nebraska Democratic Party official has refused calls to resign her volunteer position after calling reactions to this week s sho
Feel good story of the day Two escaped inmates sought in the killings of two guards on a Georgia prison bus were captured aft
We just reported on the Virginia shooter s message to Karen Handel (see below) and now this. Is anyone going to want to be a
Alex Jones scooped NBC and Megyn Kelly with a secretly recorded conversation he had with Kelly, where she begged him to a
Indiana State Police say shots were fired at a truck carrying a Make America Great Again flag and an American flag on eastbo
Shortly after 7 a.m. on Wednesday, the police say, James T. Hodgkinson, of Belleville, Ill., opened fire on a baseball field in Alex
Another consequence of weak leadership NYP The father of the American who was recently sent home from North Korea prai
Pittsfield, New Hampshire is an unlikely place for something like an ISIS flag to show up. That s why neighbors were shocked w
Nancy Pelosi attempted to offer her (incoherent) thoughts on the Democrat inspired shooting of US Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) t
Well, that didn t take long Nancy Pelosi went on a unhinged angry rant at Republicans for blaming yesterday s shooting on left
Mark Steyn was on fire last night! If you were lucky enough to hear his brilliant take on the left, you know he hit it out of the p
Chris Matthews tried his best to create sympathy for the loser who shot random Republicans. Can you believe it? MSNBC host
Trump-hating, Bernie Sanders supporter and domestic terrorist James T. Hodgkinson, 66, from Belleville, Illinois, was killed by
Today s act of terror against a GOP Congressional baseball team by a Bernie Sanders supporter was about as ugly and hateful
And we wonder why violence like today s shooting happened The left started with the violence during the 2016 and continued
We should not allow our political differences to escalate to violent attacks. We must all refuse to allow the politics of our coun
The shooter at the Congressional baseball practice has been identified. His name is James Hodgkinson The 66-year old white m
Rep. Steve Scalise was shot Wednesday morning in Alexandria, Virginia, in a deliberate attack. A congressional staffer was als
Remember when the first question reporters asked players after winning a national championship went something like this: N
German Social Democrat leader Martin Schulz said that, if elected chancellor, he would push for the EU to cut subsidies to cou
Newt Gingrich was promoting his new book Understanding Trump on The View today. The leftist hacks of the The View took
22-yr old American Otto Warmbier was arrested and imprisoned during Barack Obama s last term in office. He was released a
CNN Reports Three members of the legal team known to have been hired so far by special counsel Robert Mueller to handle
The Hill released controversial comments sore loser and RINO Senator John McCain made about Trump s leadership:Sen. John
Will Austria s new mandates help to save their nation or is it already too late? Have they already allowed political correctness
Anti-Trumper and faux conservative Jedediah Bila rarely takes a position on anything that may be in contrast to her fellow left
Delta Air Lines and Bank of America became the first companies to announce they are pulling their sponsorships of a Manha
So much winning! Were going to be winning so much, you re going to be sick of winning! -Candidate Donald J. TrumpPreside
Protesters affiliated with the group No Justice, No Pride blocked this year s Capital Pride Parade on three separate occasions, d
On June 10, people in at least 27 cities are gathering to march for human rights and against Sharia Law. The nationwide day o
Antifa thugs showed up to cause trouble at a March Against Sharia being held by conservatives. Things got out of hand when t
Former FBI Director James Comey admitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday that he asked a Columbia profe
John Coleman, Founder, The Weather Channel, appeared on CNN s Reliable Sources with host Brian Stelter, after writing an op
A man disguised himself in a burka in order to lure an 11-year-old boy whom he then raped and strangled to death, according
He may not have been President Trump s biggest fan during the primary season, but Senator Marco Rubio exposed the truth b
A Columbia University professor from Brooklyn went into hiding Thursday after pal James Comey revealed during his Senate te
President Barack Obama recently said he told Russian President Vladimir Putin to knock it off back in September. Obama s all
Texas Democrat Rep. Al Green announced on Wednesday he would draw up articles of impeachment against President Donald
Changing the name of something doesn t change the TRUTH of what it is female genital mutilation is the name used for the se
Judge Napolitano just took the fun out of the Democrat s party tomorrow They have nothing! It s what we ve known but it s g
Sen. Richard Burr (R., NC.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, scolded Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) fo
Take a look at @PublicTheaterNY's first Shakespeare in the Park production of 2017, a Trump-inspired Julius Caesar https://t.c
According to video filmed by one of the protesters, very few of Rep. Barrag n s constituents showed up for the meeting at a lo
A television reporter has been fired after she was caught on video unleashing a vicious, expletive-laden tirade against a Philad
After Black Lives Matter hosted a blacks-only Memorial Day party, Tucker Carlson asked a BLM supporter why such an event
A Highlands County woman could be charged with a felony after investigators say she allowed a toddler to be bitten by a smal
RUDE, RUDE, RUDE! Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly was repeatedly cut off by Senator Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) dur
London s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan, called on the British government today to cancel their visit with President Donald Trump.
France s armed police officers were at least prepared to handle the terror attack after shooting the terrorist, thereby preventin
This unbelievable story of unbridled censorship by the left is not unique to Germany. It s spreading like wildfire across Europe.
President Trump gave a powerful speech to Arab leaders at the opening of the new Global Centre for Combatting Extremist Id
Donald Trump Jr slammed Kathy Griffin for playing the victim after the huge backlash to her beheading Trump photo. saying
The traitor just arrested is a piece of work. She s a Georgia contractor who is pro-Bernie, anti-capitalist, anti-Trump You get th
Here is the interview that made Kelly so unpopular with FOX News fans, that actually led to them boycotting her:According to
MSNBC host Thomas Roberts on Sunday was speculating whether President Donald Trump was trying to cause a terrorist atta
London s Muslim Mayor has been pretending that ISLAM has nothing to do with the terror attacks that have gripped innocent
Left-wing Democrat activists Jake Tapper claims that mass murder Islamic terrorist attacks resembling those recently in seen in
A nonprofit legal watchdog claimed Thursday that newly unearthed documents show Hillary Clinton sent and received more c
Listen:After creating a video that included a vile, beheaded bloody head of President Donald Trump, the not-so-funny comedia
1[1pro-]: relating to, caused by, or being interference between previous learning and the recall or performance of later learni
REZA ASLAN is a CNN host who is a Muslim religious scholar who should be fired but probably won t be. He tweeted out a vile
Just another day in the holy month of Ramadan London is the scene of carnage again with another terror attack. A van plowed
Just another day in the holy month of Ramadan London is the scene of carnage again with another terror attack. A van plowed
If Clinton and Lynch just talked about grandkids then why is this such a top secret transcript? This is troubling because it porte
The One World Trade Center Twitter account announced they would be lighting the tower green in solidarity with the #ParisA
Such a compassionate faith Bring an 8-year old girl in for a clitorectomy and watch how quickly they sharpen the knives A Paki
Ted Nugent isn t having it! He s being compared to Kathy Griffin by the left and he s had enough of it!We will never forget the
Venues in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania and now California have all canceled their Kathy Griffin Celebrity Run-In sho
Remember when people paid attention to Arnold Scwarzenegger s political opinions? Me neither The irrelevant former Califor
In 2016, 2.14 million people moved to Germany in 2015 a 46 per cent increase from 2014.It should come as no surprise that l
Backlash against Kathy Griffin continues to grow with at least four venues announcing that they had canceled her performance
The outspoken liberal comedian posed for a photo shoot with controversial photographer Tyler Shields in which she was seen
Video from inside Evergreen State College continues to leak, showing that protesters had at one point held administrators hos
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once requested to fly in a separate plane rather than share one with then-First Lady M
With his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, President Trump just gave the #ResistTrump crowd a new re
Children s author and father of two, Ken Jennings took to Twitter to bully 11-year old Barron Trump after entertainment site T
Social media erupted yesterday when outspoken comedian Kathy Griffin, posed for a photo shoot with controversial photogra
Rush Limbaugh nails it in the transcript below but the most disturbing part of the roadblocking of Trump is that the refugee r
The USAA financial services firm is reinstating its advertising on Sean Hannity s Fox News Channel program after receiving hea
Here is the Gateway Pundit s real news account of Sean Spicer s brilliant press conference today: Jim Acosta smugly asked, C
The outspoken comedian posed for a photo shoot with controversial photographer Tyler Shields in which she is holding a bloo
As a Wellesley graduate, I was shocked and dismayed by Hillary Clinton s commencement address. Actually, that is #FakeNews
The latest video of Maxine Waters is downright hysterical! She s confronted by one of her constituents who says they re going
Remember when experts came out after Hillary collapsed following her visit to the 9-11 memorial in NYC and revealed that th
The ban, which also applies to women and children and elderly relatives from war torn countries, has been put in place for tw
AUSTIN A shoving match and war of words nearly turned into a fistfight on the Texas House floor Monday, the final day of a b
Fox News Harris Faulkner BLOWS UP the WHOLE Russia Collusion Theory with ONE SMART QUESTION that we re sure the me
Child marriage is a problem within Islam. Islamic culture in different countries accept this tradition. Once the Muslims migrate
Last week it was Huma Abedin s husband Anthony Weiner, this week, it s a Democrat organizer and employee of Democrat M
Flashback to February 18. 201: In a remarkable dispute just two days before a pivotal Republican primary, Pope Francis said D
More and more evidence is revealed every day, that points to the real possibility that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was the
There is no question that Whoopi Goldberg is a talented actress and has the ability to make people laugh, but the gift of come
Hollywood police spokeswoman Miranda Grossman said Thursday that the body of 37-year-old Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. was
Hillary Clinton just made the claim that she beat President Trump in the 2016 election. The bitter and delusional Clinton is a w
Sharia lawyer and expert Daniel Akbari tells Ezra Levant of The Rebel Media why Muslims are less likely to integrate into West
All we re hearing from the left is fear mongering about President Trump s budget. We love what welfare to work is coming bac
Navy SEAL Carl Higbie had three words for Katy Perry: Go to hell. Carl Higbie in a Thursday interview on Fox News criticized Pe
A Muslim woman was criticised after she wore a burka emblazoned with weapons in a TV interview about the Manchester ter
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Friday said the terror threat is worse than most realize, saying some people would
Hillary Clinton was delivering the commencement speech at her alma mater today and had a coughing fit! Can you believe it?
Don Lemon tries to blame Donald Trump for the incident in Montana between a Republican candidate and a reporter. The can
Terrified concert goers fled an Ariana Grande gig after Salman Abedi, 22, detonated a bomb full of shrapnel and nails late on M
Companies including, Peloton, and Leesa Sleep have all given in to pressure to cease advertising on the show over H
Caller-Times: Speaking on CNN Wednesday, the fourth-term congressman refuted a widely believed conclusion that the Russia
A shocking new video has just been released by the Center for Medical Progress, the undercover investigative group that in 20
Former CIA Agent Phil Mudd is a jackwagon! He threatened Congressman Trey Gowdy after hearing video of questioning from
A Georgia middle school science teacher and a paraprofessional got into a vicious classroom brawl in front of horrified studen
Just another nice immigrant family trying to assimilate in the country who so generously took them in The 22-year-old British-
What the heck is going on over at FOX News, the cable news network that used to be the only place on TV that Americans cou
Trey Gowdy asked a pointed question of former CIA Director Brennan: Did you have evidence of a connection between the Tr
Let s play a fun game called, What the hell did Nancy just say? Every time Nancy opens her mouth, she proves that President
The family of Osama bin Laden has spoken out for the first time about what it was like to watch the 9/11 mastermind and al-Q
Just before Donald Trump s inauguration, David Leavitt who claims he writes for CBS and Yahoo said he wished Trump would d
It looks like Bill O Reilly is getting the last laugh When the Fox News Channel fired cable news giant Bill O Reilly in April, reports
Bob Schieffer is an old-school newsman. There s no doubt that the former Face the Nationhost leans left, but he is still capable
Last week, Private Investigator Rod Wheeler appeared on Fox5 news in DC with an update in the unsolved murder of DNC IT e
Among the findings:A Complex Fiscal Picture Welfare use. Our findings show that many of the preconceived notions about the
The White House confirmed to FOX Business that Priebus would be heading back to Washington D.C. after the stop in Saudi Ar
AP reported:California s elected Democrats had tough words for President Donald Trump and the GOP Congress on Saturday,
The classless Democrats are at it again. The over-the-top potty talk by the Chairman Tom Perez was bad enough but now the C
Thank you Alabama! Protecting our history, good and bad, is so important! We ve included photos below of historic monumen
At the start of the Fox News Greg Gutfeld Show, Gutfeld showed a hilarious clip mocking the hysteria of the Democrat Party. G
Tim Allen took to Twitter to express his disappointment after discovering that the second highest rated comedy TV series on A
CNN host Anderson Cooper apologized for a crude remark directed at President Trump supporter Jeffrey Lord during his show
Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) struggled Friday on MSNBC to explain what the Democratic Party stands for besides opposing P
The double standard here is unbelievable! We just reported on a high school student in big trouble for saying Build the Wall i
Punishing rich, hard-working, white Americans one piece of legislation at a time California s state legislature is considering a b
Martin Luther King Jr. would not likely be pleased to see such a divisive figure using his position as a professional athlete to pro
Tick tock. America will now wait until conservative news sources release his motive.UPDATE: The man who attempted to brea
Former FBI Director James Comey testified under Senate oath May 3rd that the Trump administration had not pressured his a
Got News- New York Times Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim s blogger Michael Schmidt told professional liar Brian William
Hillary Clinton always goes back to the black community and this is just another case of pandering. It s pretty sickening that sh
Stories of governments removing citizens from their homes and apartments in European nations and replacing them with mig
The funniest part of the video comes when MSNBC guest host Ben Stein attempts to force Maxine to give an actual reason wh
This blogger s piece is a glimpse into the future of America. Unless we all find a way to stand together and stop Barack Obama
A Navy SEAL Carl Higbie was blasted and screeched at by a CNN anchor who was shocked that Higbie asked for more evidence
Steve Bannon gets it He knows what s going on with all of the fuss with Trump. The press and politicians are doing their best t
President Trump gave the commencement speech for the Coast Guard graduating class and hit back at the media during the s
Former CIA analyst and retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer told Lou Dobbs on Tuesday President Trum
Rod Wheeler was on Hannity last night with startling information on the Seth Rich murder mystery. He spoke about the myste
Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich s death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove
The glowing review we gave to Miss USA Kara McCullough must be revoked Bummer!She was our hero when she defended lib
Hey parents are you woke yet? A high school in North Carolina confiscated student yearbooks after one of the students quot
Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich s death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove
The Washington Post just got called out BIG TIME on a fake story they published This is a screenshot of the article:THE BIG LIE
You might want to grab a barf bag before you watch the video below of Erika discussing marrying herself This is a sure sign tha
WHAT NOT TO DO IS PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING THIS NUTJOB DID:1. Do not angrily confront anyone with children in tow Fra
Embarrassing footage of Thailand s king wearing a crop top and showing his tattoos have prompted authorities to threaten ac
The District of Columbia has won back-to-back Miss USA titles.Kara McCullough, a 25-year-old chemist working for the U.S. Nu
The Democrats just keep on pushing the FAKE NEWS of Trump colluding with the russians to win the election. The striking thin
All you have to do is listen to Clapper lie before Congress and you know he has ZERO credibility to speak:Remember the famou
The video below begins with a Hispanic man telling the videographer to go back to Europe . He continues n his rant ending wi
Lil Wayne, whose real name is Dwayne Michael Carter Jr, was being interviewed on Fox Sports 1 s show Undisputed in Septem
STUNNING! Former US Pres. Obama was at the International Summit of Food Innovation in Milan. May 9. 2017 It s called SEED
We have very few favorites when it comes to reporting for obvious reasons: They lie all the time! Who hasn t read or heard so
Anderson Cooper decided it would be a good idea to roll his eyes numerous times during his interview with Kellyanne Conway
Tim Allen s hit sitcom Last Man Standing has seen its final days.ABC announced it has canceled Allen s show after six seasons.
It s becoming fairly commonplace for public acts of violence to occur when liberals don t get exactly what they want. We used
Michelle came out of hiding today to take a baseball bat to President Trump. She spoke to an audience about nutrition and st
A Russian man wanted by the Justice Department on charges connected to hacking U.S. companies now claims the FBIoffered
So much for healthy debate on college campus Instead, liberals deal with conflict by screaming at the top of their lungs in prot
Donald Trump lobbed a veiled threat at the former FBI director on Friday, hinting that some of their conversations before his fi
A Fresno State University professor was recently caught on camera scrubbing pro-life message off of the sidewalk and encoura
Tucker Carlson debates the Russia conspiracy with Mustafa Tameez, former consultant for the Department of Homeland Secu
The Democrats are lying all over the place along with the main stream media it s hard to keep up with the lies. This is shamefu
ABC s Jonathan Karl asked a very spunky Sara Huckabee-Sanders (yes, Sara is the daughter of the very funny and sarcastic form
Before Trump, Democrats and their allies in the leftist media rarely had to worry about being called out for their hypocrisy. Fir
The students of the historically black Bethune-Cookman University booed the invited commencement speaker, Education Secr
Betsy DeVos just proved to America why President Trump chose her among so many qualified candidates to reform our broke
THE ARTICLE BELOW makes the Princess Prom seem harmless it s not. Sharia is creeping into our American way of life every d
Since the moment word got out about the firing of FBI Director James Comey, Democrats and their allies in the leftist media h
In its 109-year history, only one F.B.I. director had been fired until Tuesday, when President Trump fired James B. Comey. In J
At the recommendation of both Attorney General Jeff Sessions and from Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, Presiden
On more than one occasion, Condoleezza Rice was able correct the record by pointing out the hypocrisy of these ladies in such
In its 109-year history, only one F.B.I. director had been fired until Tuesday, when President Trump fired James B. Comey. In J
There are 20 Democrats who at certain times have called for Comey to be fired but all you hear this morning is that the firing w
He threw the reputation of the FBI under the bus Former FBI agents don t seem as surprised as the rest of the world that Jam
He threw the reputation of the FBI under the bus Former FBI agents don t seem as surprised as the rest of the world that Jam
Hillary Clinton was dogged throughout her campaign by her decision to set up a private email server in the basement of her su
Comey will inevitably be remembered for the controversial role he played in the 2016 presidential election, where his agency
Who knew? Tiffany & Co. just decided to show its hand when it comes to politics. We re not happy to tell you that the luxury r
STEPHANIE RUHLE of MSNBC was on with a panel of liberals when she blurted out: I too have a pre-existing condition. I m a w
When he was running for president, Donald Trump made locking up Hillary Clinton for her criminal behavior a centerpiece of h
You re never to young to commit jihad Teachers at a primary school in Sydney, Australia have been threatened with beheadin
The moral decay of our nation continues full speed ahead. One has to wonder how many families with young children or frigh
Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates was grilled about her refusal to defend the president s travel executive order She m
Like dominoes, the Hijra keeps marching across Europe, destroying the distinct cultures of one country after another. Sweden
Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, a liberal Democrat would like to become the nation s first Muslim Governor in a state that s home to the c
Martha, Martha, Martha You re 75-years old! Time to lay off of the nasty gestures We feel a Martha Stewart boycott coming o
According to the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, this year marks Harvard s highest percentage of accepted black studen
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street
Barack Obama implored members of Congress to have the courage not to repeal the Affordable Care Act Sunday night.The fo
I fear these cancellations may be based on misinformation, grown out of fear, intolerance, transphobia, homophobia and mis
The next time you hear someone talk about how it s a shame our country is so divided, make sure you tell them to thank a De
When they go low we go high -Former First Lady Michelle Obama explaining how Democrats take the high roadSince @dailyc
May 7th is likely going to be a day of clashes against protesters who are coming from all over the United States to demonstrat
This is so disturbing but such a wake up call for people who don t realize what s going on all over Europe and what s coming ou
Kellyanne Conway appeared on the Sean Hannity show with guest host Eric Bolling. She was clearly frustrated by the Democra
A large group of very diverse young adults who call themselves The Modern Patriots videotaped themselves being kicked out
Did you know that in the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2000 illegal aliens were deported after comm
Freedom is not a gift from government. It is a gift from God. President Donald J. Trump, May 4, 2017The Little Sisters correc
Someone needs to educate Ellen DeGeneres on President Trump. She obviously knows nothing about him or his policies that D
Watch this hilarious video from our British conservative friend Paul Joseph Watson (Twitter name:@PrisonPlanet) who does a
We can t say enough great things about this dad! He confronted his child s school board to speak against the school teaching I
Police on Tuesday arrested two people and were seeking a third after a shooting in Northwest Rochester, MN.In 2014, Roches
Be careful what you ask for Watch: FBI Director James Comey testified Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee tha
Prudence is thirty-four. She has had sex with twenty-one men and three women, according an assignment for high schoolers
Gersh Kuntzman is a writer for the New York Daily News, he was also a Hillary Clinton supporter, with emphasis on was Gersh
The 31-year old model, new mother and wife of Trump- hater, singer John Legend has been trashing President Trump on Twitt
Johnny Carson must be rolling over in his grave to see what s happened to late night comedy where he dedicated 30 years of h
After the release of tell-all book Shattered that excoriated and exposed Hillary Clinton and her failed campaign, she emerged
After years of debate, the House on Thursday voted to repeal key parts of the Affordable Care Act and replace them with new
Hilarious conservative media analyst and Youtube sensation Mark Dice took to the streets of Los Angeles in 2013 while Preside
DC Antifa Leader Moved to Turkey with Man She Met, Surprised When Beaten and Abused pic.twitt
DC Antifa Leader Moved to Turkey with Man She Met, Surprised When Beaten and Abused pic.twitt
Anthropologist Fuambai Ahmadu appeared on Tucker Carlson to defend female genital mutilation. Her shocking commentary
Barack Obama s white college girlfriend Sheila Miyoshi Jager, who is now a professor at Oberlin College, tells a story of a very
The sex secrets of the young Barack Obama have been revealed in an authoritative new biography of the ex-president.The new
A caller to British radio host Katie Hopkins whose name is Jessica, called into Katie s show to relay a story to her about her form
Irish journalist and documentary filmmaker Ann McElhinney took down a clueless liberal student during a discussion on global
Iran is using the billions in cash resources provided under the landmark nuclear deal to engage in an unprecedented military b
Tucker Carlson interviews Jose Antonio Vargas, CEO of Define America He gave Vargas a reality check!Vargas takes offense to
President Trump s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon just accidentally revealed his to do list to the world. Bannon writes down his
Only a few days after his inauguration, President Donald Trump moved aggressively to tighten the nation s immigration policie
COLBERT LANGUAGE WARNING! This late night host is one angry dude! He does everything he can to try and rip on President
Tucker interviews Cathy Areu of Catalina Magazine about whether it s appropriate to call breastfeeding natural. This is a perf
After a sighting of black student with a hot glue gun caused the tolerant, liberal campus of Colgate quickly jumped into action
The Media Research Center recently published a study showing that 91% of the coverage Donald Trump received during his ca
The bipartisan congressional language creates a headache for Trump and his deputies because it flips the politically difficult pr
Paul Ryan nervously giggled during the Republican announcement of the budget and Obamacare replacement this morning. It
REAL journalism hit Washington today! One of our favorite citizen journalists went at the main stream media full force. The vid
Police in Portland just moved from watching a May Day demonstration to calling this a riot:Glass bottles and cans are being th
Antifa terrorists have gathered in major cities across the world today to protest in solidarity against capitalism and free speech
Senator Elizabeth Warren must be doing whatever Nancy Pelosi is doing The very strange comment by Warren must require tr
WASHINGTON, D.C. May Day is the day for commies to come out in force The Antifa thugs are proudly marching for commun
Wow! Republicans had a chance to stand up to the Democrats and fight for the border wall, as well as other issues that got Pr
Bill Maher began his interview with the yawn-inducing Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren and the best hope for a presidenti
Here is a bit of the transcript of their discussion via CBS:JOHN DICKERSON: Did President Obama give you any advice that was
Nathan Domingo is the founder of Identity Europa and is the guy who was seen by millions of viewers punching a female Anti
For the second time in a matter of weeks, progressive leftist Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi displayed what many bel
Soros paid protesters who blocked streets and created mass chaos in big cities cashed in before the election of President Trum
Climate march s are happening all over America. Many of the same groups like Antifa who turned out to burn, riot and loot in
President Trump skipped the White House Correspondents Dinner to hold a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania instead. How cou
President Trump skipped the White House Correspondents Dinner to hold a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania He delivered a ba
Climate change is full of lefty lingo but this guy takes it to a whole new level with his fear mongering over what he perceives w
A video of two women fighting in the jetway and a Delta pilot smacking one of them was turned over to Delta management. T
Take note cowardly anti-American thugs, your Black Bloc brother will soon to be wearing orange for a very long time A Florida
A Conservative Reporter was brave enough to grab the mic at the Climate March and instruct people to yell Bill Clinton is a ra
Watch as Katy Tur tries to hilariously convince the audience that the press doesn t have any biases: If we have any bias, it s a
A few weeks ago, we reported on the first female Muslim legislator, Ilhan Omar, the 34-year-old Democrat community organiz
The woman who wants to be the next Democrat candidate for president is doing exactly what Democrats do best these days,
State police are searching for fugitive accused of running a million-dollar food stamp scam after they say he cut off his court-o
From the Vanity Fair article: Milo Yiannopoulos, the former tech editor at Breitbart, has made political provocations, often dee
Campus Reform Saturday will mark Donald Trump s 100th day in office, an important milestone for U.S. presidents ever since
William Stanford Nye or Bill Nye is an American comedian, actor, writer and science educator. Bill Nye initially started working
Bikers for Trump leader Chris Cox spoke with FOX s Stuart Varney regarding the shut down of Ann Coulter s speech at the Univ
Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity are hysterical! During an interview about free speech, they discuss a tour of liberal college c
Because what s funnier than tying up the lines for parents who ve lost children to violent crimes by someone who entered our
Tim Poole is citizen journalist who s done some really important work exposing Antifa, Black Bloc and the violent non-profit gr
Typical! The New York Times tries to blame conservatives for the violence TOTALLY caused by the Antifa thugs. Why does this
The video below is an excellent summary of what was reported by citizen journalists who attended the rally. Gavin McGinnis m
The mayor of New Orleans is being evasive on who funded the removal of 4 statues in the heart of the city. He s also not respo
Tucker Carlson took on Yvette Felarca, a middle school teacher and national organizer for By Any Means Necessary, a militant
From Hanlon s piece in the New Republic:Rejecting campus speakers is not an assault on free speech. Rather, like so many oth
In fact, the U.S. Justice Department has been actively prosecuting two other Abedin family members for conspiracy, wire frau
Austria s President really said this! During a talk with students, the president said if rampant Islamophobia continues, there w
Black privilege is being able to take pride in your race without fear of persecution. Watch:
The protesters win by scaring people into silence which is known in the law as the heckler s veto. when the hecklers scream
The irony in this entire cancellation of a tradition in Portland, Oregon is that now the Antifa (Anti Fascists) have pissed off the m
The Trump administration had proposed $1 billion for the wall in a spending bill, which if passed by Congress and signed into w
It s a sad day in America when we allow the left to destroy American history The mayor of New Orleans wanted treasured cult
A group called People s Action just held their big gathering in Washington, DC yesterday. They had the usual suspects like Kei
In 2015, former professional boxer Anthony Small, was been cleared of plotting to leave Britain to join Islamic State militants i
Here we go again! Another activist judge has shut down an effort by President Trump to protect Americans A President s #1 jo
Now one unlikely Senator is about to put forth a bill, paving the way for Mexico to pay for the wall and in the process, helping
Nancy Pelosi s latest claim is over the top:In a conference call with reporters, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California
Twisted reasoning is all that comes from Pelosi these days especially when in 2006 most prominent Democrats voted to build
She s no stranger to nasty women in America who can t seem to get past their hate for her father to see that Ivanka Trump is
Former White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that there were some clear red lines that would cause former
Bill O Reilly is back! And if you listen to his first podcast on his website you d almost think nothing happened. O
What a shocker! A CNN panel rips on Tom Perez for his profanity laden speeches They turn it on Trump but it s really interestin
Thank you Sean Hannity for hitting back at the latest woman to claim harassment! Hannity released a statement and spoke ou
Watch this video compilation where Trump makes his stance on man-made global climate change very clear: As President Don
During a discussion about sexual harassment charges against FOX News host Bill O Reilly, blogger Debbie Schlussel was asked
It s a sad day in New Orleans Cultural Marxism has won The mayor of New Orleans wanted treasured cultural monuments rem
Former FOX anchor Alisyn Camerota just jumped on the sexual harassment train with stories of Roger Ailes treating her in a g
Antifa member, Paul Luke Kuhn who was busted by Project Veritas undercover journalists plotting Butyric acid attacks to disr
Earlier this evening, Le Pen had security authorities on high alert, with rioting expected across the country in protest due to he
The Providence (RI) City Council voted Thursday to give first passage to the Community Safety Act, a far-reaching ordinance de
The poll below is why people shouldn t trust polls EVER! Always look at the sample size and breakdown of the people. Are the
Judge Jeanine lets it rip! She s concerned with the silencing of conservative voices in America:
She burst on the scene last August when she upset a 44-year incumbent Democrat in the Minnesota state primary elections to
She burst on the scene last August when she upset a 44-year incumbent Democrat in the Minnesota state primary elections to
On the eve of the upcoming 2017 White House Correspondents Dinner, President Trump will be miles away from DC and from
Hollywood actor James Woods tweeted about Trump s #1 fans Diamond and Silk today. In his tweet Woods asks, OMG. Why d
Bill O Reilly was dismissed overnight from FOX News allegedly over allegations of sexual harassment by at least six women. Wa
Lauren Southern is one tough reporter. She s not afraid to jump into the middle of the fire in order to get the truth out to Ame
Americans were stunned when they were told the police officers were allegedly told to stand down and allow violent Antifa a
The alleged genital mutilations were NOT performed by Dr. Nagarwala at the Henry Ford Hospital in Dearborn, MI. Authorities
OMG. Why do these two gems of social media not have their own TV show? They are comedy genius #rockstars! @Diamondan
United States universities are obsessed with hiring politically correct professors through mandatory diversity statements, acc
Julissa Arce, who is now a Vice President at Goldman Sachs was a guest on Tucker Carlson s show last night. Tucker asked her
Democrats are having a tough week. First their golden boy Jon Ossoff wasn t able to pull off an upset in the George special ele
It is difficult to exaggerate the significance of Fox News sacking of Bill O Reilly.Not only was he the single most dominant public
The last accuser who could have been the nail in the coffin for Bill O Reilly spoke on The View about her sexual harassment law
In a harsh reminder of just how differently reporters treated the Obama Administration compared to the current administratio
Ted Nugent is all smiles, as he s pictured with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office:Rocker Ted Nugget s wife Shemane N
A painting on display at a University of Alaska Anchorage art gallery, which depicts the severed head of President Donald Trum
Fox Business News host Stuart Varney makes no secret about the fact that he s a huge President Trump fan. He breaks into his
Here s CNN s tweet with pictures comparing Obama s Super Bowl event to President Trump s:Photos on social media appear t
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) said that President Obama bore some of the blame for Democrats spectacular collapse in the 2016
In an outdoor ceremony to celebrate the super Bowl champ New england patriots, president Trump received a football jersey
BILL CLINTON has been accused of multiple rapes and sexual assaults against several women. Bill s only punishment to date, is
A disrespectful teacher at Sherman Jr Senior High School in West Virginia wore a Tuck Frump jacket during classes. A student
Dem. candidate for Georgia congressional seat @ossoff: Not an issue I don t live in district, can t vote for myself
More fake news pushing a leftist agenda If you read the USA Today report of Juan Manuel Montes being deported you might b
Just when everyone thought the Crazy Fat Kid couldn t get any crazier! This has to be the funniest thing we ve seen in a long ti
The setting for this episode is Yale University, a campus that s been embroiled in a number off social justice controversies over
MI, PA, OH and NY residents were all warned he could be anywhere in their state. Thank God he was caught and is no longer a
SANDY SPRINGS, Ga., April 18 (Reuters) For U.S. President Donald Trump, an off-year congressional election on Tuesday in th
A United Nations employee was busted for robbing four Manhattan banks all during his lunch hour, authorities said.Only 3 w
Radical Democratic Chair Tom Perez was being interviewed by MSNBC s Joy Reid about what Democrats need to do to ensure
Yesterday, Antifa (anarchists and free-speech terrorists) and other various violent anti-Trump groups (many paid by Soros fund
During the annual White House Easter Egg Hunt, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump stood with their son Baron on
Is it simply pandering for votes, or is it possible Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters is really just a complete ignoramus?
Way before the election ever took place, the left had strapped on their battle gear and were preparing for the ultimate war ag
Watch well-organized anti-Trump terrorists pull individual Trump supporters into their crowd, while surrounding them in orde
A conservation group and Democrat Congressman have filed a lawsuit to demanding an environmental study is performed bef
The Berkeley, California anti-Trump protesters got a dose of reality today when pro-Trump patriots fought back. Video after vi
Are you tired of seeing pictures and videos of Trump supporters being beaten and bloodied by Soros paid thugs and Antifa ter
Pepsi got hammered by just about everyone for their lame attempt at glamorizing anti-Trump and Black Lives Matter violent p
Watch these two stunning interviews, where police officers almost admit to this liberal reporter that they ve been told to stan
War veteran Johnny Joey Jones praised President Trump for dropping the mother of all bombs on ISIS, saying the last admin
First Lady Melania Trump visits HomeSafe, photo via HomeSafe.GP The First Lady s visit to HomeSafe was unannounced, how
You ll never guess which mainstream TV network is right around the corner from this operation! Illegal refugees are flooding
It s been a bumpy PR ride for United Airlines, but this one really stings.A passenger was traveling on board Flight 1418 from Ca
The notoriously violent MS-13 street gang, known for slashing victims to death with knives and machetes, is reviving its brutal
Who knew former CNN anchor Piers Morgan would criticize MSNBC s Chris Matthews! Matthews keeps comparing the Trump
Dallas Cowboys star wide receiver Dez Bryant took to Instagram Monday to express his thoughts on who s to blame for the pli
Here s the original post by the Washington Post:It s now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown
Is Disney officially admitting they re in the business of indoctrinating our children to become good little progressives? For anyo
B b b but that doesn t happen in America does it? A Henry Ford Hospital emergency room doctor has been arrested and charg
When will government officials who allowed this nightmare to grow like a cancer in Sweden be held accountable? Breitbart Tw
Watch his appearance on Tucker Carlson where he announced that Lansing, MI would be designated a sanctuary city here:Th
And we wonder how we keep producing snowflakes? You know, the kind of college kids that can t take no for an answer. They
The failed Presidential candidate attacked her aides with a potent mix of exhaustion and exasperation after the embarrassing
Watch here:@United overbook #flight3411 and decided to force random passengers off the plane. Here's how they did it: pic.
Embattled Fox News host Bill O Reilly announced on Tuesday that he will be going off the air for almost two weeks, to take a v
Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd was on Varney and Co. this morning after news hit that Paul Ryan would cave a
Is it possible the good Dr. Dao was simply setting himself up to be the benefactor of a massive lawsuit against United Airlines
Melania Trump just accepted damages of approximately $3 million from Daily Mail after they published a smut article claimin
A Belgian psychologist and mother-of-one who worked with asylum seekers facing deportation has been named as the latest v
Remember when Valerie Jarrett signed with a Hollywood talent agency? Well, we think she thinks she s a BIG deal now. How d
Salisbury City Councilwoman April Jackson posted a Facebook status last Thursday proclaiming that President Trump is RETAR
A Texas federal judge appointed by Obama has again rejected the 2011 Texas voter ID law, stating that the legislators meant t
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg erroneously labeled South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham as one of the women of the Senate on
In case you haven t heard, a man was assaulted by uniformed airport cops then physically pulled down the aisle of the airplan
Between Hollywood and our elected officials, it s hard to keep track of who has the worst record when it comes to being a disg
Ed Murray has just been accused of alleged sexual assault of teenagers which took place in the 1980 s according to the lawsuit
Sunday on CBS s Face the Nation, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said the administration of President Donald Trump was probably
But O Donnell told Joy Reid on MSNBC s AM Joy on Sunday that if they sue Walsh, they should sue him as well: I believe that
A refugee from Ghana has been arrested for dragging a young woman from her tent and raping her while she was on a campin
Neil M. Gorsuch joins the Supreme Court just in time to cast potentially significant votes in cases that pit religious liberty again
Hammer attacks have been happening way too often lately. Honestly, if you Google NYC hammer attacks you come up with w
The truth about the air strike on Syria.SHARE: Paul Joseph Watson (@P
THIS IS SO IRONIC! CRAZED LEFTISTS with an anti-Trump agenda had a hard time relating to reason from a Syrian refugee who
Omarosa Manigault, a senior staff member of President Donald Trump s administration and a former Apprentice cast member
Conspiracy theories have been surrounding the murder of Seth Rich. They reached a new frenzy after the hacking of DNC e-ma
The speech he gave to a sold out crowd on Saturday is epic. We often listen to it to get fired up about bringing down the comm
In 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid used the nuclear option to call for a vote to change the rules of the Senate with a
Watch:good thing we don't have govt-controlled media in this country Adam H. Johnson (@adamj
A producer at the Women in the World event had an awkward moment on Thursday night when he was caught in the spotligh

An elderly Jewish woman living in Paris was not even safe in her own apartment from a Muslim man who scaled the wall of he
Leaked documents from George Soros Open Society Foundations reveal how Soros works to defeat populist candidates and m
Here are a few facts:Sexual violence in Germany has reached epidemic proportions since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed in
While immature, snowflake college students freak out over the pronouns their fellow students and teachers use to address th
How long before the media will stop using two of the most irrelevant women in America to compare to women who actually w
A black New Jersey woman who said she s sick of fancy white people allegedly attacked a man with a hammer and smashed h
A Muslim teenager from New Jersey was accepted to the prestigious Stanford University after he wrote #BlackLivesMatter a
Watch the fascinating analysis of Rice s body language here:The latest news from The Daily Caller proves that Susan Rice was l
DEMS,The Merrick Garland SHIP HAS SAILED Let It Go OR .Do You Want Some To Go With Your WHINE This Tantrum Wreaks
WATCH: Susan Rice insists I leaked nothing to nobody MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 4, 2017 I know noth
With Senate Republicans poised to use the nuclear option to confirm Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, will the liberal m
The most laughable news network in America just proved how unreliable they are when it comes to honestly covering the ne
During her Tuesday interview with MSNBC s Andrea Mitchell, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice for the first time ad
Here s a special public service announcement created to silence the angry, Impeach Trump leftists Free of charge.SHARE it w
While Obama hangs out in Tahiti, his NSA director Susan Rice and her deputy director Ben Rhodes, brother of David Rhodes CB
Intelligence sources said the logs discovered by National Security Council staff suggested Rice s interest in the NSA materials, s
A pair of high school students who take classes at SUNY Oswego via a specialized program are upset at an assignment their Pr
Watch these hilarious examples of CNN having reckless disregard for facts when they interview a fake police chief, a fake may
White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. p
A former Marine and his wife woke up one morning to find the burned remains of an American flag that once flew outside the
Last week the Commerce Department released its third revision for fourth-quarter 2016 gross domestic product. The number
As father and son comedy writers and liberal activists Carl Reiner and Rob Reiner appeared as guests on Friday s Tavis Smiley S
When a group of imams tried to bring a form of Shariah light to Texas, they met an unlikely foe Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyn
Assuming all Republicans support Gorsuch, the nominee would need the votes of five more Democrats to achieve the 60 vote

A battle for mankind is taking place inside a Northern Arizona University classroom. An English major at NAU contacted an ed
Many people were wondering why the White House was holding back on calling out the congressional intelligence oversight g
A Drexel University professor who said he wanted to vomit after he saw an airline passenger give their first-class seat to a U

A society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable: the aged, the infirm, the disabled and the unborn. Mike Pe
Two New Jersey mothers appeared on the Tucker Carlson show to explain why they re upset about Islamic propaganda being
FBI director James Comey wanted to go public with information about Russia s interference in the 2016 election as early as las
The funny thing is, we all know the media s obsession with Russia would never be happening if Hillary won the election. Whe
A long-time aide to Hillary Clinton sought to map out her funeral and Bill Clinton s in 2010 because planning is best done wh
Accidents are bound to happen when Democrats become so comfortable with their allies in the liberal media that they forget
Trump commented about it during the reception: Hopefully it ll start being bipartisan. Because everybody really wants the sam
The Hoke County School school system defended its policy in a statement and said it would not tolerate assaults, threats or h
Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) announced Tuesday that he will join fellow Democrats in filibustering Neil Gorsuch s nomination to th
The woman in the video isn t Swedish, but her husband is. She recalls a Sweden that used to be clean, safe and peaceful when

To say the leftists in the media are completely unhinged would be an understatement During his latest segment, MSNBC s unh
Freedom Daily The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) has been helping injured veterans since its inception in 2003, 2 years aft
Danish police are looking for a gang who beat up a young couple over a pizza slice with ham. The woman now risks permanen
Things got tense Sunday on 60 Minutes as CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley squared off with prominent Trump supporter
Americans who are sick and tired of leftist CEO s using their public positions to attack President Trump and his efforts waged a
President Obama s White House press secretary spokes liar Josh Earnest has joined NBC News as a political analyst.NBC annou

If you want to call me a hack, you should probably be able to point out at least one thing I said that was demonstrably false. p

Trump is off and running now, and I m here to confirm,There ll be a lot of changes by the end of his first term. Let s put the tur
This picture is representative of the violence Americans witnessed last year after former President Obama made it clear (throu
Donald Trump wanted to win, where as before, President Obama just didn t want to lose Watch: President @realdonaldTrum
Senator Elizabeth Warren took to Twitter to cheer the failure of the Republicans first attempt at replacing the disastrous Obam
In light of Republican failure to pass the American Health Care Act, Charles Krauthammer dismissed the idea that Chuck Schum
Somebody buy that cop a beer Antifa protesters have allegedly waged war on Trump supporters in Philadelphia this afternoon

New Mexico led all states with 72 percent of the babies born there in 2015 having their births covered by Medicaid.Arkansas r
Karma It seems to be biting a lot of anti-Trump libs pretty hard in the a*s lately A movie is in the works about Hillary Clinton an
Convicted Palestinian terrorist and leader of A Day Without a Woman march, Rasmea Odeh, 69 is being stripped of her U.S.
Republican congressional investigators expect a potential smoking gun establishing that the Obama administration spied on t

Nassau County cops busted a Long Island man who was previously deported four times and went on a sick five-hour alcohol-fu

The terrorist who killed three people and injured dozens in Westminster on Wednesday was a married 52-year-old living with
Assimilation fail A French Muslim has been arrested after trying to drive a car loaded with liquid gas, assault rifles and knives in
The London terror attack was a horrific scene with injured bodies strewn everywhere after a vehicle plowed into pedestrians o
Nunes dropped a bombshell that Obama admin spied on Trump.London attack claimed lives of 5 people. Wounded 40.Meanw

Former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson went to town on a reporter today after he was interrupted in the mid
House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R., Calif.) confirmed Wednesday that members of President Donal
Mere months after being on the receiving end of one of the most stunning losses in presidential election history, former Hillar
[vc_row][vc_column width= 1/1 ][td_block_trending_now limit= 5 ][td_block_big_grid sort= featured ][/vc_column][/vc_row][
A 14-year old girl was BRUTALLY raped and sodomized by illegal teens during school The parents at the Rockville, Maryland sch
A class-action lawsuit against the first daughter s company has been filed by San Francisco-based retailer Modern Appealing C
Tom Hanks, Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin and Amy Poehler are among the notables set to appear on a telethon to benefit the ACLU t
Professor Olga Cox, who teaches Human Sexuality at Orange Coast College, told her class in December that the election of Don
COULD IT BE THAT EXPERT BOMB MAKER Ibrahim al-Asiri is trying to use an electronic device to take down a jet?Ibrahim al-As
President @realDonaldTrump: I inherited a mess. It s a mess. Fox Ne
Just last month a transgender high school wrestler won wrestling the girls:BRITISH COLUMNIST KATIE HOPKINS Has BRUTAL Re
FORMER CONSERVATIVE darling Tomi Lahren made a big deal about her upcoming appearance on The View. I know, because

A menacing Donald Trump is gazing down on Phoenix s Grand Avenue.The president is flanked by mushroom clouds and swas
Whether from incompetence or malice, the Immigration Act of 1990 was a disaster. That is why we are in the state 60 Minute
The arrogance of a CEO of a major company like Starbucks, that would put his radical political opinions above the health of the
In the past, high school kids have had to worry about getting into the college of their choice, if pictures of them overindulging
Enough is enough. Americans need to start making business owners and their employees pay up for discriminating against the
Tucker Carlson asks Robin Bronk, CEO of the Creative Coalition: Why should in a time of budge deficits, taxpayers be subsidizi
Below is the comment in red that put up before the video. Notice how they say NOTHING about the budget but j
A judge has refused to toss out a federal lawsuit against the city of San Jose, California, in which the city police are accused of
Former Senator Jim DeMint speaks up in the WSJ about the obscene salaries the higher ups at PBS and NPR are getting:When
Remember when liberal media and entertainers, Democrat leaders and even Hillary Clinton got on TV and swore Trump never
During a meeting of the Welsh members of the Parliament, PM Nigel Evans shamed the anti-Trump members, reminding them
MSNBC host asks Congressman Ted Leiu, a Democrat from California about a House resolution he co-sponsored to address fa

Here s what Politico s headline today looked like:Here s what the leftist anti-American rag Politico had to say about Angela Me
Barack Obama and the Democrat Party were laser focused on opening the immigrant floodgates for 8 years. They re the first o
Well, first of all, I didn t have my hands in the cookie jar. I m an operative, I m a strategist, and part of what my role was, in ad
Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to rela
A WARNING shot has been fired at North Korea by the Trump administration. There s a new sheriff in town and North Korea s
A laptop computer containing floor plans for Trump Tower, information about the Hillary Clinton email investigation and othe
The blood is on DeBlasio s hands! Career criminals are walking the streets with a violent history and sealed arrest records. TH
With a growing number of Muslim refugees and immigrants living in America who are strict adherents of Sharia Law, it should
A Russian bank has reported to U.S. authorities that mysterious communications resumed recently between one of its comput
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) could not say on Wednesday where he got the information that thousands will die if Obamacare
Forcing taxpaying Americans to fund liberal propaganda television and radio shows is similar to union bosses forcing conserva

A group of people beat a man in a Brooklyn restaurant after he offered to help pay for their food, police said. Surveillance vide
Michigan born and raised rock phenom Kid Rock is a big fan of President Trump and he s not afraid to admit it. I m proud to sa
So Rachel, now that we re on the subject of taxes President Trump PAID, how about we remind Americans about the tax evad
The CEO wrote an article delving into some of the questions on the test and why he s doing this: It s 30 short-answer and essa
Watch Tucker Carlson point out that Trump paid a 25% tax rate while socialist fair share Bernie only paid a 13% tax rate:
Is Van Jones on Trump s payroll yet or is he just tired of being on the party of losers? Van Jones appeared on CNN s Anderson C

Here s Maddow s tweet announcing her bombshell revelation on her show:BREAKING: We've got Trump tax returns. Tonight

The White House published what they claim is Donald Trump s 2005 tax information 25 minutes before Rachel Maddow aired
Maddow has a freak out at the 48 second mark:
Two weeks ago at Middlebury College, Charles Murray needed a safe space literally.In a significant escalation of the campus
JUDGE NAPOLITANO was on FOX & Friends this morning discussing the Obama administration s efforts to spy on Donald Trum
It s not something I ve seen in my career here in law enforcement, however, it s the sign of the times, Pasadena Police Office

President Trump s administration has told the State Department to cut more than 50 percent of U.S. funding to United Nation
FOX News Catherine Herridge exposes the dirty tactics of Barack Obama and his secretive efforts to undermine President Trum
Watch the hypocrisy in action:
Watch:Here is Snoop Dogg s latest music video glorifying the assassination of President Trump. If Snoop Dogg is correct and th
Kellyanne Conway responded to a New York Times article that actually claimed Conway is being unfairly attacked by the media
(From CNN) New video captured hours before Michael Brown was killed shows the 18-year-old exchanging marijuana for cigar
Read more: Daily Mail

Make The Netherlands Great Again is one of Geert Wilders campaign slogans. While Wilders may have many similarities to D
WATCH:FLASHBACK: When Bill Clinton had 93 out of 94 U.S. Attorneys FIRED IN ONE DAY. CNN didn t say a word..#peoplepow
Farmers and ranchers are being run off their own property by armed terrorists In Texas, nearly 8,200 farms and ranches back
Who knew you could be a parent and still find the time to get out and riot with your spouse? Have you ever wanted to attend
Here s why we couldn t be happier! Preet Bharara was the same attorney who brought charges against conservative activist an
Julian Assange became a computer hacker in his teen years. Assange got married when he was 18 and has a son. He and his w
AROUND 70 per cent of female refugees in northern France have been the victims of rape, domestic violence or sexual abuse,
Kyle s own words: So for those of you who don t know, this past Friday (12.16.2016) I was given the diagnosis I didn t want to
Compare the US Debt burden under former President Obama that was increased by more than $320 billion after his inaugurati
Who is silencing political speech, physically attacking those with divergent views, demanding that every American share one s
Watch:You want a #JobsReport?Here's a jobs report: President Trump is bringing jobs back to America & keeping promises. #

When you consider the stunning ways students are wasting their student loan money that SHOULD be going towards their edu
Matt Lauer, of the failing Today Show had an exclusive interview with the President. George W. Bush refused to criticize Barac
.@Judgenap: Samsung allowed British intelligence to spy on Americans through their televisions
Federal lawmakers are investigating how a former Iraqi insurgent fighter was able to lie about his identity and still get through
We hope these women realize they were being used by George Soros and other leftists to protest Trump instead of to celebra
A court in Ohio sentenced an environmental activist to six months in jail after pleading guilty to 13 felony counts of voter fraud
CNN commentator Van Jones stood by his praise of President Trump on CNN s New Day Wednesday. After Trump s Joint Addr
On March 6, newly-minted Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Dr. Ben Carson, gave a speech before employ
Watch the local news report as they explain what happened in Minnesota s State Capitol located in St. Paul:The youngest son
House Republicans leaders on Monday embraced a legislative plan to replace the Affordable Care Act for the first time in the n
Ivanka Trump s eponymous women s fashion line is reporting record sales figures despite calls for a boycott and controversies
Liberal Delaware Sen. Chris Coons caused a stir last week when he indicated during a televised interview that yet-undisclosed
Sounds like a great deal, right? After all, Planned Parenthood insists that only 3% of its business involves abortions, and they g
A few weeks ago, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos a West Michigan native and Detroit charter schools advocate was wid

Here is Base Stick-Man s speech to other Trump supporters explaining why he s wearing a gas mask and carrying a stick with

HERE S THE BACKGROUND:On January 11, 2017, the media reported on the existence of a private intelligence dossier containi

Hey mainstream media when are you going to take a break from manufacturing news about a Trump connection to Russians a
FOX and Friends spoke with Tucker Carlson this morning about allegations President Trump made on Twitter over the weeken
At around the 4:00 mark in the video, Maxine points out that Obama will become more aggressive in his second term. Waters
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange reminded us in a tweet that former President Obama had a real penchant for wire tapping a
I m a political refugee from Iran. I ve been to prison. I ve been under Islamic law. And I know how it starts, and I know how it e
The top Democrat in the Senate, Chuck Schumer (NY), claimed Sunday that President Trump is in trouble, a stern warning tha
WASHINGTON DC Foreigners aiming for temporary jobs at high-tech U.S. companies will undergo a longer visa approval proc

Yesterday was a big day for Trump supporters, as grassroots organizers planned peaceful, fun gatherings calling them March 4

Thank you to the American Mirror for putting this video together showing Nancy s very bad week.Nancy Pelosi is apparently th
The Attorney representing the illegal aliens who were arrested alleges that, Other than drunken driving, and driving without a
Obama s former AG Loretta Lynch released a video that s a call to action for Democrats. These people who have been stripped
An Indian athlete who overcame a visa denial with the help of U.S. lawmakers and a local mayor to attend the World Snowsho
President Trump on Saturday claimed President Obama had his wires tapped in Trump Tower before Election Day, tweeting t
Arnold Schwarzenegger, who replaced Donald Trump as host of Celebrity Apprentice, is calling it quits:In remarks Friday, the
Pelosi claims to have not had a meeting with the Russian ambassador:Pelosi with the ambassador in 2010: Pelosi had her spo
According to the New Yorker, Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee for a speech in Moscow paid for by a Kremlin-conn
George W. Bush heaped praise on Jimmy Kimmel for his anti-Trump opening monologue at the Oscars on Thursday night, tellin
The media and the Democrat Party has been coming down pretty hard on President Trump for not doing enough to call out th
The cash flows through the State Department and the famously corrupt U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID), w
CNN s President Jeff Zucker has dictated questions that are unfavorable of President Donald Trump to his anchors while they a
Here is the screen shot we took of his vile and hateful tweet just before he deleted his account on Twitter:We also took a scre
Watch: Fox News' Catherine Herridge has the latest on AG Jeff Sessions and Russia.
In an email sent on April 15, 2011, our upstanding Attorney General Eric Holder wrote: Issa and his idiot cronies never gave a d
Advocates for big government and progressive power are using the Justice Department to extort money from corporations. It
Obama can be seen addressing a crowd about religion and the role it plays in our lives and in politics. The most interesting line
Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation s capital just two miles away from the Wh
The grieving daughter in law of Vice President Joe Biden has formed a relationship with Hunter Biden, the younger brother of
Here s Chris Matthews attacking Trump s speech and his acknowledgment of Ryan Owens widow last night. Matthews can be
Van Jones praised President Trump for honoring the widow of a Navy SEAL killed during a raid in Yemen, saying he became pr
Speaking of not having a soul..check out this tweet by Hillary volunteer and Obama supporter (Dan Grilo made all of his tweet
It was just announced today that the Obama s are in the middle of a bidding war by publishers for their memoirs.The rights fo
Jessica Davis (right) and Susan Oliver (left) (pictured above) are the widows of two Northern California sheriff s deputies who w
It s good to know that illegal aliens, potential terrorists and their families have a place they can go to and feel safe from law e
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced an investigation has uncovered that hundreds of non-US citizens are registered
In a sit-down interview with Fox and Friends, Brian Kilmeade asked President Trump what he thought of Nancy Pelosi s comm

James Proctor has been identified as the ringleader in the radical group Indivisible, who can be heard directing the fake prot

Liberals on Twitter just can t find enough reasons to hate Trump or anyone connected to him. Tonight, libs went nuts over a p
Hardcore, unconventional, conservative and badass artist Sabo has been taking his message to the streets for several years. I
Two law enforcement officials from the Utah resort area of Park City drew cheers from a large crowd with their promises not t
The video begins with a clearly agitated pro-illegal alien female approaching Trump supporters. After a few of the agitators wh
The fast food industry has been warning those demanding a $15/hr. wage that they could be easily replaced.In the social scien
Could this be a little bit of KARMA coming back after the nasty comments about President Trump?
But that s another story Make a sub-standard movie win sub-standard prizes.Moving on to 2017 Who has time to worry abou
Dozens of supporters of US President Donald Trump rallied on the Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, Saturday, a day ahead
#MerkelLegacy James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 24, 2017In August 2016, Angela Me
Watch Joy Behar as she hilariously attempts to tie anti-semitism to Breitbart News while interviewing their senior editor who
Cosmetics brand Lush, popular among young girls and hipsters for their bath bombs, is launching a new anti-President Trump
The New York Times is set to launch a television ad during the Academy Awards that seems to heavily target statements made
A progressive group charged Saturday that the Democratic National Committee s reliance on paper ballots in the race for DNC
Boston-based entrepreneur and inventor of Email V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai announced his candidacy for the US Senate seat curren
Her father is a staunch supporter of life. Although her mother was not vocal about it during her conservative husband George
Mack Beggs, the transgender wrestler from Euless Trinity High School, is halfway home to capturing the Class 6A state girls wr
Nothing is off-limits for Leslie Jones stand-up routine. If I see another 45-year-old white woman from Williamsburg saying bla
In today s distorted world of human rights, truth takes a back seat to ideology, and false claims especially those that suppor

A group of mostly pro-life college students came together in Detroit last weekend to stand up for the most vulnerable among
Hey President Trump how s that Hillary email investigation going? A message from @HillaryClinton: "Let resistance plus persis
You re gonna love this!The left has been screaming for decades about the government interfering in their right to kill their bab
President Donald Trump returned to CPAC on Friday, receiving a rock star welcome from the packed ballroom.He kicked off th
A U.S. Army veteran was recently arrested on charges that he plotted a coordinated terrorist attack on behalf of the Islamic St
Blow wrote in his article today for the New York Times that he has no desire to work with Trump voters. He clearly stated that
Speaking to BBC Newsnight in a rare interview, Justice Ginsburg reiterated the importance of the free press. I read the Washin
I wonder how many of J.B. Pritzker s children or grandchildren will be forced to share locker rooms or bathrooms at the count
If you re like me . . . it s probably been an entertaining year Full of liberal lunacy, hypocrisy, and fear. There s been so many ep
Yesterday, social media was buzzing after The Huffington Post actually posted a story that not only backed up Trump s assertio
Virginia resident Ruddad Abdulgader, a 19-year-old Sudanese native and Muslim, responsible for an Oct. 3 bias-motivated assa
James O Keefe has been at the forefront of new media since he outed ACORN posing as a pimp Who can forget that! He s exp
CNN went on to trash the amazing James O Keefe saying: O Keefe, who uses undercover stings to trap his targets, has a reputa
Have you ever had an argument with a liberal who swears on her mother s grave that educators in America don t fill our childr
WOW! John McCain is leading a vicious campaign against the Russian government since the November election.In January Mc
Borderless travel through Europe is dying, a political victim of mass-murder in Paris. That is the conclusion of many sensible pe
In September 2015, the Sterling Heights, MI City Council representing a city of 130,000 people in southeastern Michigan, deni
It s official the inmates are running the asylum A police department in Northampton, Massachusetts is ending its High-Five Fri
Tolerance + trust = human bombs for Islamic terror. Allahu Akbar dumbasses! Ronald Fiddler was paid up to 1,000,000 comp
NBC News handpicked anti-Trump tykes for two propaganda videos to make it appear that every child in American thinks Pres
A group of lawmakers is planning to request a congressional investigation of a $418 million U.S. weapons sale to Kenya approv
There is only ONE WAY to STOP this mosque from being built against the wishes of citizens in this RESIDENTIAL area, whose citi
The owner of a masonry business in Colorado is speaking out about his decision to fire more than 30 employees who did not s
Fun fact: While Trump press secretary Sean Spicer fielded 55 questions on February 14 related to the Flynn debacle, Obama s

Trump s new UN Ambassador Nikki Haley just held her first press conference following the UN Security Council s monthly mee
On Saturday, MSNBC s Joy Reid repeatedly attempted to race-bait former Republican congressman J.D. Hayworth on her show

Over a century ago, the United States of America went through a divisive and bloody Civil War that separated the people of th
Watch NAACP s Cornell William Brooks, who was at loss for words Thursday after he was asked a hypothetical question about
You will love, love, love this passionate lady! She gets it!
Here is his epic response to her criticism: Lady came up, told me I should take this hat off. Told her she should go get her mone
Everyone laughing after Trump rebranded CNN as #VeryFakeNews. Then they go on their networks saying how "dangerous" a
Description advertising racist wear from Facebook: White folk or those who see themselves as white are given said power inh
Wow! This young Asian student nails it! He speaks for every American who has been a victim of Obama s failed government ex
As liberal protesters step up confrontations with Republican lawmakers, leaders of the original Tea Party movement that wrot
Like Megyn Kelly, who lost her supporters when she became obsessed with destroying Donald Trump, it s time for Shepard Sm
In 1991 a reporter for the London Times found a very interesting memorandum composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the to
Here is actor Robert John Davi s brilliant letter that exposes the utter hypocrisy of the left:
During Trump s press conference today, Jim Acosta of CNN bombarded him with one question after another. Trump responde

President Donald Trump is a man in a hurry. Throughout his campaign he laid out his priorities. He s a man who likes to get thi
Much of the political world was shocked by the sudden resignation of National Security Adviser Mike Flynn from the administr
Watch NPR employee and Afghanistan refugee (who was eventually arrested) join others as they block our newly appointed S
On Monday Politico reported that a protester who had blocked Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos from entering a school on
Anila Ali was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and studied in London, where she became a volunteer in the All Pakistan Women s Ass
Tonight, Tucker Carlson took on Yvette Felarca, a national organizer for By Any Means Necessary, a militant left-wing activist g
The Knights for Socialism held an event where they allowed students to bash Pinatas with the faces of President Donald J. Tru
Singer Joy Villa s album sales spiked significantly after the 25-year-old s pro-President Trump Grammys dress set social media o
I can t possibly accept this award, she said during her acceptance speech. The Lemonade album was just so monumental, Be
Brigitte Gabriel is a Christian who, after being terrorized by Muslim extremists in her homeland of Lebanon, fled to the US with
Singer/songwriter Joy Villa decided to follow the political theme at The Grammy s tonight by wearing a gown that says Make A
Clinton sent out a taunting tweet of 3-0 after the three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously slappe
On Thursday, New Hampshire s Federal Elections Commission (FEC) called on President Trump to give proof of voter fraud, aft
In a fraught moment of political protest across the country, the live mic at televised award shows has become a potent weapo

Filmmaker and patriot, Dennis Michael Lynch is the best in the business when it comes to bringing the illegal alien issue to life

University trustees, known as the Yale Corporation, voted in favor of the renaming on Friday, reversing a decision last year to k
The presidents of Nordstrom sent an email criticizing President Donald Trump s ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majori

Manitoba s Criminal Code Review Board announced Friday it has given Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, an absolute disc

The principal of a fancy New York City private school says the election of President Trump is worse than the September 11, 20
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a seri
A woman who was born in Nazi Germany says that what reminds her of Hitler more than anything else isn t Donald Trump, bu

3 Congressional IT employees have been fired for accessing members computer networks without permission. Maria s on the
Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz was on MSNBC to make a statement on the 9th Circuit Opinion: He stated th
While everyone on the Left is cheering a decision by the radical 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to stop Trump s temporary travel
The head of the EPA under President Barack Obama vehemently denied politicians and environmentalists waged a war on coa
President Donald Trump said his administration would be announcing a big league tax cut that would lower the burden on bu
So I m concerned about what I m hearing from some of the priests representing Iraqi Christians in Iraq. Patriarch Louis Sako of
When a woman in the audience objected, Lopez went off on an unbelievable, vile rant against her ***WARNING***Strong lan
Watch as they discuss whether Ms. Constance is coming back
According to the New York Times, outlet stores T.J. Maxx and Marshalls have instructed their employees to throw away signs
TMZ caught up with Mavericks owner and Hillary supporter Mark Cuban yesterday to ask what he thought of President Donald
UPDATE: Nordstrom stock closed up slightly today, after taking a hit yesterday following President Trump s tweet.President Tr
In 2013 Dr Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing four people, including three babies, but is thought to have killed hundreds, p
When Nordstrom announced on Thursday that it will no longer be selling this season s merchandise from Ivanka Trump s fash
Criminals who try to recruit immigrant students, drug dealing and massive brawls between different ethnic groups. This is the
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell shut down Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren during a Senate floor speech on Tue
So much for the SCOTUS not being political Check out her comments on equality for women. It s like she s time traveled back t

In June of 2016 over 10,000 migrants came to Italy via boat:More than 10,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to Ita
This isn t the first time scientists have been caught manipulating evidence in their quest to convince the world global, warmin
When will the Democrats realize they lost the election because America is sick of their intolerant and hateful behavior and in t
The group called Freedom from Religion has been going all over America to force towns to remove any religious symbols.Miss
Nothing says respect for America and for your elected office like using an executive order to make it easier for people who ent
Conservative filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch has made some shocking and eye-opening movies that address our nation s fail
CNN s Jake Tapper asked New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio if he would protect illegal aliens living in the sanctuary city of New
Protesters decrying President Donald Trump s two-week-old administration prevented an ambulance carrying a critically ill p
Our moral fabric is irreparably damaged Watch:
WATCH NOW IN FULL: @oreillyfactor s exclusive #SuperBowl interview with President @realDonaldTrump.
President Donald Trump s Senior Counselor Kellyanne Conway clarified a comment in which she mistakenly referred to a Bow
Trump on immigration appeal: We ll win. For the safety of the country we ll win. Jennifer Epstein
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in 2012 approximately 51 percent of all immigrant households collected welf
Congresswoman @MaxineWaters, on working with President Trump: My greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachmen
Opposing views and beliefs has much of this country in a heated feud. With Donald Trump being recently inaugurated as the 4
First, U.S. District Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton, in Boston, said in a preliminary 21-page ruling that he would not extend a seven
Patriots owner Robert Kraft tells Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends about the special friend that Trump was to him and how h
***UPDATE to story below***In a blow to every mainstream media news outlet (and likely hurting a lot of feelings), President
Please RT until we identify this disgusting NYU Professor slandering Police as Nazi Sympathizers #BlueLivesMatter pic.twitter.c
The president s visit stretches from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, when he will travel to MacDill Air Force Base in Tam
He s being nominated to sit in Garland s seat, Sharpton said. President Barack Obama nominated Judge Garland, who has go
Wow! I was just getting ready to switch our TV, internet and phone service to Comcast from AT&T. It looks like we ll be stickin
Nordstrom cancelled the Ivanka Trump line after a liberal organization called Grab Your Wallet flooded them with complaints
Peace through strength President Donald Trump raised the stakes with Iran again this morning by dashing off a tweet.The twe
Here s just one video from last night that will tell you all you need to know: We have seen demonstrations and I think you alr
Can anyone imagine a sitting Republican Senator calling for violence or fighting in the streets in opposition to a newly elected

Smashing windows How progressive!Protests against alt-right speaker Milo move off UC Berkeley campus and into the streets
Is anyone else thinking what we re thinking about the violent riot that happened in Berkeley, California last night? Where the
PRICELESS! MILO DESTROYS Heckling Muslim Woman Crowd Chants USA! USA! USA! [Video] The ironic thing is that a sign had
Barack Obama has to be the world s biggest hypocrite. Here he is in 2005 adamantly defending our borders: We simply canno
So much for the cute little puppies and clydesdales Budweiser has created a Superbowl Ad that is creating a lot of controversy

Among the high profile companies opposing Trump s seven Muslim country refugee and immigration ban: (Nasd
Just recently, a USA Today sports columnist said New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady deserves to get some tough qu
Brigitte Gabriel is an intelligent and important voice of reason when it comes to the subject of Muslim refugees who are migra
Alinsky s ideas for community organizing were controversial because he talked about fanning latent hostilities of low-income,
Hey Al you do realize that Obama was more than happy to give jobs that should have gone to the black communities to refuge
The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed
WASHINGTON Shocking video has emerged on social media social showing Black Lives Matter activists calling for the death o
One California resident commented: Lots of illegals vote here in California. Crooked Democrats run everything here and any Ill
AIRPORTS ACROSS THE COUNTRY were inundated with crazy leftists who didn t educate themselves on the Trump order on re
On Friday, a federal judge in New York issued an emergency stay temporarily halting the removal of individuals detained after
Two of the most despicable RINO s (Republicans In Name Only) in DC just can t seem to keep their mouths shut when it comes
Starbucks has pledged to hire 10,000 refugees in response to President Donald Trump s controversial immigrant ban. CEO How
By Jesse Lee Peterson President Donald Trump has issued a blunt warning to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel about his city s o
Chuck Schumer s crying over Muslim refugees.After supporting the attack on Libya that led to the deaths of thousands of Mus
While the lying media is perpetuating the lie refugees do not pose a terrorist threat, the facts show otherwise.1) On May 25, 2
The judge did not rule on the legality of the executive order, nor did she say that others who have not yet arrived in the U.S. c
Watch:MUIR: And as we walked through the White House, we asked the president about the voices. Just outside Washington,
A play scheduled to open Saturday night in Chicago targets Barron Trump, the ten-year-old son of newly sworn in President Do
NBC is canceling the third hour of Today to make way for new star Megyn Kelly, sources exclusively confirm to Page Six.We re
This was your choice of a question, there goes that relationship! @POTUS reacts to Laura Kuenssberg s question
The Washington Post reported that higher ups in the State Department jumped ship before Rex Tillerson could take the helm

Mentally ill teacher shoots Trump with a squirt gun in front of her students. This woman should be fired.
On March 31, 2015 Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi was driving with his friends to go to a Mexican restaurant and accidentally
Slowly but surely our nation will heal. It will take some time, and there will those who resist, but America is stronger than the
BuzzFeed s Ben Smith was interviewed by Tucker Carlson tonight proving he is the type of guy who doesn t care about reality b
Obama s unconstitutional government overreach was allowed to run rampant in DC for way too long. There s a new sheriff in
Portland protesters were doing the usual idiotic tactic of blocking the street and not letting traffic proceed What they didn t re

The term fake news has become attached to some of America s major news outlets. Now a YMCA in Valparaiso, Ind., has dec
The Democratic Party held a forum for race obsessed nut-jobs candidates who are running to become the new DNC Chair. The
When your White Guilt boils over and you project your problems onto a random black barista. Shorty face is priceless. pic.twitt
PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) A woman is being charged with sneaking onto President Donald Trump s private Mar-a-Lago club shor
Soon after newly elected Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez announced she would be scaling back her department s coope
The Inauguration was a beautiful day full of great images BUT the images of the hate coming from anti-Trump protesters will s
Sacrifice, pride, honor
Three men in Uppsala have been arrested on suspicion of rape after they raped a young woman and sent it live on Facebook, j
Approximately 200,000 people participated in a Women s March in D.C. on Saturday. One of the organizers of the march, Lin
Shia Labeouf maniacally screams "he will not divide us!" in a Trump supporter's face thereby becoming the physical embodim
This really shouldn t be surprising for anyone who has been following the anarchy and chaos in Europe. Groups of roaming th
Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican was unable to differentiate himself from other GOP Presidential candidates an
The AP, CNN, People Magazine and other mainstream media, fake news outlets used pictures of the crowds at Obama s inaug
Katie Couric asks Betty White: What do you think about the state of our county and how divided it seems to be? Betty White r

A spokesman for the Secret Service told The Gateway Pundit the agency is aware of the comment by aging pop star Madonna
This is scary this guy was our Secretary of State! Yikes! His tongue!
President Donald Trump didn t take long to put his stamp on the Oval Office, reinstalling a bust of Winston Churchill that had g
Protesters gathered Friday in Los Angeles for something called United Against Hate Inauguration March, where street artist S
***WARNING*** Violence is graphic***This Trump supporter used a fire extinguisher to put out a fire on the street in DC tha
The Obama family ended their eight-year residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Friday, as the former first couple bid a te
Domestic terrorists torched a limousine in D.C.near the parade. Because nothing says, I hate President Donald Trump like lig supporter gets past #DisruptJ20 barricade but couldn't get back to his wife #Inauguratio
An anti-Trump protester screams no as Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th US President ITV
#disruptj20 protesters on the move, many leaving the checkpoint. And they've chained themselves together
#disruptj20 protesters blocking men in Air Force uniforms from getting through the #Inauguration checkpoint
Boos and chants of Lock her up! were heard in the crowd assembled at the West Front of the U.S. Capitol Friday morning wh
Watch this young man relay his experience that he calls, disgusting outside of the Deploraball, the event the SJ20 group has b
Immediately after this happened, Charles Krauthammer came on and destroyed the left!

Hundreds of protestors and LGBTQ activists took to the streets outside of Mike Pence s Washington, D.C., home on Wednesda
Watch the ultimate victim, Michelle Obama address a large group of college graduates at CCNY last year, bemoaning her fate
The man arrested by Miami Beach police Tuesday for allegedly threatening President-elect Donald Trump online is a member

Besty Devos is Trump s conservative choice for Education Secretary. During her confirmation process leftist Bernie Sanders m
Kevin O Leary, a rich Canadian television personality, announced Wednesday he is running for leadership of Canada s oppositi

Protesters who take to the streets in North Dakota might want to look both ways for changes in the rules of the road.A bill spo
A powerful letter from a lifer in the military:Because I am a lifer in the military, I ve seen the impact of a president more than
Listen here to @legbacarrefour explaining his plan to #ChaintheTrains and stop the Metro in DC. #DisruptJ20Exposed pic.twitt
Bill O Reilly reacted to the approximate $500,000 (currently up to over $560K) that has been raised for the Talladega College M
Thomas article can be read below:My dad called Martin Luther King an agitator. I bet a lot of white dads did. Seems like ever
It s a free country, and the nineteen (and counting) members of Congress who are planning to boycott President-elect Trump
Country singer Toby Keith won t be bullied into submission by the Left like other entertainers who won t perform or have canc
Young black man delivers poignant message to Representative John Lewis, who recently called Donald Trump an illegitimate
This is only Part I of a series of undercover videos into the groups and organizations that seek to cause havoc and violence at t
.@SpeakerRyan the women of America are watching. You will regret any attempt to defund Planned Parenthood
As the Pussyhat Project s flier helpfully points out:We love the clever wordplay of pussyhat and pussycat, but yes, pussy is
Lady Liberty will be depicted as a black women on a coin the first time in the nation s history Lady Liberty has not been a whi
I m making almost $50,000 per year and I m living in energy poverty! WATCH: Sobbing woman confronts Prime Minister @Jus
In 2008, Jennifer Hudson the Dream Girls star and Grammy Award winning 34-year-old singer lost her mother, her brother, a
Opera star Andrea Bocelli backed out of singing at Donald Trump s inauguration after receiving death threats, The Mail on Sun
Skip Al Sharpton s March on Washington on Saturday, the president of the National Black Church Initiative told members of th
Donald Trump has been hit with celebrity backlash after he tore into civil rights legend John Lewis for questioning the legitima
Lady Gaga, who protested in front of Trump Towers against Trump s election and mocked Melania Trump for wanting to work
Tom Barnes mocks Taylor Swift in his latest article, as he writes: One Instagram is the only evidence we have that Nashville eli
Anyone who is sick and tired of social justice warriors using the feminist movement to push every leftist agenda known to mo
Madonna took to Instagram late Thursday to promote an upcoming anti-Donald Trump protest march by sharing a photo of a
Brigitte Gabriel was born in the Marjeyoun District of Lebanon to a Maronite Christian couple, a first and only child after over t
Donald Trump wasn t the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country
IT S TIME TO DRAIN OBAMA S SWAMP! Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the head of the House Oversight Committee, criticized the directo

One of our biggest concerns is that so many Americans don t realize the magnitude of just how much our nation is in deep tro
We don t know whether the charges against Fiat Chrysler by Obama s EPA are accurate or not. One thing we do know howeve
President-elect Donald Trump came to the defense of L.L. Bean Inc. on Thursday after a group called for the boycott of the out
She s travelling the world to promote her new Australian film, which tells the tale of an Indian boy adopted by Tasmanian pare

Doris Truong is a reporter for the hard left-leaning Washington [Com]Post where they only have the highest regard for journal
The Senate is already rolling back President Barack Obama s legacy.Here is Trump only days before the election promising the
The only possible explanation for this embarrassing misstep is that either Obama s speechwriter isn t very fond of him or they
In mid-October 2016, James O Keefe exposed many of the Democratic operatives working in the underbelly of their party to c
Rush Limbaugh nailed it today when he said: Trump s a different animal. They [the press] don t know how to deal with it, and
Sworn Donald Trump enemy John McCain admitted Wednesday that he passed the dossier of claims of a Russian blackmail plo
Could this be the biggest FAKE NEWS story of 2016?An anonymous intelligence officer told NBC no direct link was found betw
Hillary Clinton has turned down repeated requests by Barack Obama to join him in a nationwide political movement that he pl
It s hard to be famous for being a victim in an Arab Gulf state who settles their disputes in a Sharia Court of Law. Someone sh
Streep s shameful attempt to paint Trump as a heartless human being to Golden Globe Award viewers can be found near the m

In what amounts to an 11th hour gift by the outgoing Obama administration to Tehran s leadership to keep the country, whic
She s pulling down a cool $2 Million a year as the race-baiting host of ABC s flailing The View talk show.Watch Goldberg take a
.@DiamondandSilk wasn t pleased by the underhanded way that @MerylStreepPage used her platform, @goldenglobes, to in
The University of Chicago s admissions office is offering a reward to its student tour guides who can dispel the notion among p
Thank goodness there are still a few courageous, conservative actors in Hollywood like Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, Patricia Hea
Native Americans continue to battle poverty, joblessness and low incomes. About 28.4 percent of American Indians and Alaska
Kellyanne Conway met with NBC s Meet The Press to discuss the findings by US intelligence agencies about Russia and their a
Ownage. Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) January 7, 2017
President Obama blasted Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in April, 2016 for his plan to bar immigrants in th
A highly-anticipated declassified US intelligence report, aimed to prove that Russia supported Donald Trump, has turned out t
Via: TMZOlivia Wilde posed for a black and white selfie with partner Jason Sudeikis Yes, that s David Letterman looking LIKE HE
Eric Holder was embroiled in some sort of controversy for most of the time he served as Obama s choice for Attorney General
In a stunning last minute power grab by the Obama administration with just 14 days left in his Presidency, the Department of
President-elect Donald J. Trump s transition staff has issued a blanket edict requiring politically appointed ambassadors to leav
YES mainstream fake news media, there is a clear connection between violent, anti-white #BlackLivesMatter rhetoric & the #B
Here s what these Chicago residents have to say about Barack and what he s done for the residents of Chicago. He s probably
CNN host Don Lemon asks guest Simone Sanders, former Press Secretary for Bernie Sanders: How can you say it s not a hate
Makeup Artist Manny Gutierrez is the first man to be chosen to rep for the Maybelline make up brand.Gutierrez is following in
Obama and his supporters loved talking about history. His victory was historic. They were on the right side of history. History w
The incident took place Tuesday in an apartment on the 3400 block of West Lexington on Chicago s West Side, a police spokes
Barack Obama recently kicked 35 Russian diplomats and their families out of the US, and announced sanctions over allegation

BARNICLE: So you re asking the Democrats to be as fair as the Republicans were CONWAY: they were very fair. Excuse me, P
I know what I m doing. I m prepared to wear the consequences of the conflict but my family s innocent. During an exclusive in
Republicans have put forward a plan to stop Obama administration s last minute regulations Tuesday. These midnight regulati
British pop singer Rebecca Ferguson, daughter of a white British woman and Jamaican father, says she has been invited to per
The Government-Orchestrated Bankruptcies Of General Motors And Chrysler Led To Tens Of Thousands Of Direct Factory, Sup

Megyn Kelly, who arrived at Fox News 12 years ago as a television news neophyte but rose to become one of its two biggest s
Remember when Pelosi said it s AFFORDABLE :
The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn t had a scandal and he hasn t done something to embarr
President-elect Donald Trump told a critical biographer and guest of billionaire David Koch to leave his West Palm Beach golf c
J-Lo was sorry. She didn t mean to sing Happy Birthday to someone accused of grave human rights abuses.That s what she di
The President who has thumbed his nose at our US Constitution, and clearly has no respect for our rule of law, has the ability t
A piece of art depicting cops as animals that are killing minorities that has no business hanging in our US Capitol building Artisti
Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend that Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Was
Whether they like it or not, Trump continues to embrace the haters on both the left and the right. Will he kill them with kindn
O Connor found that the plaintiffs had standing to bring the lawsuit because they have presented concrete evidence to suppo
As usual Milwaukee s outspoken Sheriff David Clarke nails it Chicago has plunged ever further into chaos as gang violence grip
BUILD THAT WALL [ ] And when Mexico sends its people, they re not sending their best. They re not sending you. They re not s
It s too bad the darn Russians and President-elect Trump, who the media insisted would never win the election, are having suc
The insatiable 24/7 news cycle bolstered by cellphones, body cameras and a ubiquitous social media fed us grainy, sketchy v
President-elect Donald Trump said Thursday it s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things after the Obama
Less than one year ago, Charlie Sheen s ex-wife Denise Richards told reporters that their twin daughters are allegedly scared o
Says the guy who s been funding riots across America and dumping hundreds of millions into radical organizations meant to d
Following a month-long series of National Enquirer covers featuring President-elect Donald Trump, the Florida-based Publix gr
The Obama administration plans to announce on Thursday a series of retaliatory measures against Russia for hacking into U.S.
LOL! If I was Cage s manager, I d suggest he shut his mouth and act.Think your money troubles are bad? Trying blowing throug
President Barack Obama designated two national monuments Wednesday at sites in Utah and Nevada that have become key
A black actor s holiday photograph sparked a social media backlash over colorism because some people thought a black wom
Congress is already setting the stage to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations in the wake of a contested vote last week in
Last December a report surfaced that Barack Obama intercepted communications between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne
Macomb County, MI Executive Mark Hackel released audio recordings to local Detroit TV stations in which he claims the voice
A Georgetown University associate professor had a month-long meltdown after a Muslim woman explained why she voted for

Honolulu s Caf 8 gets rave reviews on Yelp for its Radiatore Verde and Italian stir fry, among other popular dishes at the e
MASSIVE PLANNED MALL FIGHTS Broke out across the US on Monday forcing many of the malls to evacuate shoppers and clos
Who still thinks Trump was wrong to say we need to halt all immigration from countries who hate us until; we can properly ve
Kellyanne Conway s response to Williams criticism is, as we ve all come to expect, very classy and absolutely perfect:
President Obama said in an interview released Monday that he could have beaten Republican presidential nominee Donald Tr
That has been a problem with our party. When we re in power, we re too nice. Maxine Waters (D-CA)Jacob Soboroff of MSN
We all know the rules are a little different for the political class. But Michelle Obama s trips overseas hardly qualify as official b
The video featured a Youtube prankster named Adam Saleh claiming to be kicked off of a Delta flight for speaking Arabic, thou
Walmart has pulled all its Bulletproof: Black Lives Matter shirts after police complain they are offensive. The Fraternal Order o
Liberals would like you to believe they re more open-minded, tolerant and fair than conservatives, because they embrace the
A Schlotsky s Assistant Manager in Seguin, Texas, gave a Texas Deputy a receipt that said FCK U. According to the Texas Sheriff
Kellyanne Conway will be joining the White House as counselor to the president, the Trump transition team announced Thursd
A growing group of artists is hitting back against Ivanka Trump, with some even demanding the president-elect s daughter tak Richard K. Jones (@butlersheriff) December 19, 2016
Facebook has announced plans to check for fake news using a series of organizations to assess whether stories are true One

January 20th can't come soon enough. We need this anti-American, terrorist sympathizer out of our White House. #WorstPres

Glenn Beck, a man once described by Forbes as someone who s managed to monetize virtually everything that comes out of h

Hillary may have finally lost the election yesterday, but to her credit, she had her head held high when she was spotted leaving
A prolific Trump foe found viral fame after boasting about abandoning a driver stuck in the snow as punishment for supporting
Democrats were hoping yesterday s Electoral Vote would end with electors rejecting Republican Donald Trump in droves.It did
Former FBI Agent and Navy Seal Jonathan Gilliam had this to say about the false rumors being spread about Russian interfere
I Haven t Had an Abortion, But I Wish I Had LENA DUNHAMActress Lena Dunham says she has never had an abortion, but w
Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey in her final interview as our divisive First Lady, Now we re feeling what not having hope f
While all of the mainstream media and anonymous CIA sources claim that Russia was behind the hacks of the emails from the

UPDATE: Trump 304 Clinton 224, Other 6 and 4 pending votes remaining.Among the electors today, there were more Hillary d
Because by 9 years old, pretty much every person in the world is 100% in tune with their sexuality right? And pretty much eve
Ed Klein: For the past 100 years every president who is outgoing has packed up his stuff gone home and not criticized his succ

An owner of a propane dealership in Maine is refusing to deliver gas to anyone who voted for President-Elect Donald Trump.M
Feldman operates Upstate Fish, a market at 826 Joseph Ave. His father, Jack, a Holocaust survivor, opened the store under the
Here is Michigan elector Michael Banerian telling about death threats that he s received over his vote for Trump on Monday.T
Georgia s secretary of state has claimed the Department of Homeland Security tried to breach his office s firewall and has issu
Hey Michelle Guess what? For the first time in 8 years, the entire country can be proud of their President again Forbes recentl
Tucker goes on to call out the hypocrisy of rich, liberal elitist actors, Liberals used to believe in democracy, that legitimacy was
In March 2015, only months after Detroit emerged from largest municipal bankruptcy filing in American history, the Democrat
A new report from Harvard Kennedy School s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy analyzes news coverage
The Russians may not have hacked our elections, but that s not going stop Obama from blaming them for affecting Hillary s ch
Michelle Obama fed her husband s feud with Donald Trump on Friday as she gave a gloomy description of the hopeless climat
Scott Baio became a teen idol starring as Chachi Arcola on Happy Days from 1977-1984 and he worked pretty consistently unti
On November 26, 2016 the Obama administration demanded there was no evidence of hackers tampering with the election:T
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says a new video analysis shows that parts of Obama s birth certificate were copied from a
The Democrats have 26 more days to discredit Donald J. Trump until he becomes our next President. They are really pulling ou
When asked why they might have booed, he speculated that it was because Glenn was a Democrat:He just moved on, said "m
Detroit elections officials waited several days to deliver nearly 100 poll books to Wayne County officials charged with certifying
Monica Crowley, conservative radio host, Fox News analyst, columnist & editor of The Washington Times, bestselling author a

A Minneapolis man is being charged with criminal sexual conduct after being accused of raping a woman on a bus passing thr
Politico has terminated its contract with magazine writer Julia Ioffe after she sent a tweet that referenced a possible incestuou
OSU will receive more than $212 million in federal funding in 2016, they ll receive and additional $68 million in state funds.Thi

Germany s defense minister refused to wear a traditional head covering during her visit with a Saudi Arabian prince, arguing th
I fell in love with him [Trump] because he really talks about helping African-American black people, and that s why I m here. G
Another night, another idiot libtard who can t answer a straight question owned by Tucker Carlson.
These women aren t sitting back and waiting for their leftist government to come to their rescue in these no-go zones which
Make no mistake: it s payback time. In ordering up a deep dive into possible Russian interference in the election of Donald Tr
Leading Republicans have already expressed anxieties about Tillerson, as they contend with intelligence assessments saying t
It wasn t a #russianhack that lost the election for Hillary. It was this. Rep. Steven Smith (@RepSte

Outspoken conservative Tomi Lahren makes some great points about the failing mainstream media and the failing Democra

MICROSOFT wants to celebrate the season without Christmas. This commercial wants the holiday to be about anything but CH
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has clearly stated his leaks did not come from Russia. Watch:Former UK ambassador to Uzbe
Officially, history will record President-elect Donald Trump as having won the 2016 presidential race in Michigan by some 10,7
The entire premise for Chuck Todd s position is two media reports. One of those media reports (NYT) is demonstrably false; th
Here s Obama defending Russia during a debate and calling out Romney for saying Russia was our biggest threat:And no one w
Donald Trump s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and Hillary Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmier
Not because she s an unlikeable elitist liar, with no fresh ideas, who felt entitled to the White House.What s even more absurd
Pro man-made climate change, RINO Lindsay Graham, who never saw a war he didn t want to engage our troops in, joins his w
When an audience member asks Kellyanne Conway if Trump will continue to use Twitter as a means to communicate with Am
Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Wentworth said that If Trump wins, we ll start looking at real estate in Sydney, Australia. N
Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald came under fire Thursday after sending a tweet that incorrectly reported that Iowa supp
While he was speaking, he made a welcome announcement to the crowd of Michiganders: We ve made a decision. We re goin
Everybody in the building is sick of it. We absolutely can t stand it anymore, the source said.There are rumors that Kelly may
You may need a calculator to count how many asinine liberals said Trump will never be elected President of the United States
"Fake news" was born in August 2014 in Ferguson MO. when @MSNBC @nytimes @washingtonpost @CNN all propagated th
In a speech at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, President Obama declared that [n]o foreign terrorist orga
Elie Mystal, an editor and contributor to the law blog Above The Law, posted a December 7 article urging all black Americans w
The man suspended from his TV anchor job for faking his own news is furious about the spread of fake news. Brian Williams, w
This is pretty scary stuff. A federal government agency run by an Obama crony attempting to penetrate the firewall of a State
Counting Bernie Sanders write-in votes for Clinton in Michigan. Any gains by Clinton are stolen votes. Mike Roman (@mikerom
43 days and counting Characterizing the military s mission as a fight against violent extremism, Obama insisted that soldiers n
Hillary Clinton on Thursday decried the spread of fake news online, calling it an epidemic that Congress should take action ag
The video from 2012 is a little blurry but the audio is fine this is just too funny!
Does your child spend time on social media? Unless they re Amish, you should probably assume they do. My teenage daughte
The brilliant, outspoken and beautiful Tomi Lahren nails it again The man could walk on water and the naysayers would say it s
Start Counting. Keep Counting. Stop Counting? Michigan's election recount hearing set to start in Detroit. Will judge change co
Disrupt the Inauguration. The Majority have spoken by nearly 2.7 million votes &counting! Silence is not an option https://t.c
What do you think? Do you agree with Rick Santorum, or should we allow illegal aliens to enjoy all of the same benefits as Am
President Barack Obama claimed the United States is breaking the back of ISIS in his final national security speech before leav
The Michigan Court of Appeals rejected Green Party candidate Jill Stein s request for a recount of presidential ballots in Michig

Just think how many youth centers could have been built in inner cities or how many broken-down classrooms in America cou
ANGELA Merkel today completed an astonishing U-turn as she formally endorsed a full burka ban following a backlash over he
VP Joe Biden: Yeah, I m going to run in 2020. Reporter: For what? Biden: For president! What the hell, man?
Four employees at an Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs facility have resigned after a resident with a maggot-infested
One-third of precincts in Wayne County could be disqualified from an unprecedented statewide recount of presidential electio
Comedic icon Tim Allen is taking on microagressions in the latest episode of ABC sitcom Last Man Standing. In Friday night s
Our country deserves a HUD Secretary with the relevant experience. Dr. Carson is a disturbingly unqualified choice. https://t.c
Talk radio hosts went nuts with the news of Gore s visit to Trump Tower today. Michael Savage was very disappointed but Rus
This ex-ICE agent reminds us of how ridiculous Jill Stein s cherry-picked 3 state vote recount effort really is. Meanwhile, the Le
A federal judge has ordered Michigan election officials to begin a massive hand recount of 4.8 million ballots cast in the presid
As reported:The Russian-made jeep ferrying Castro s ashes broke down and needed to be pushed on Saturday e
Breitbart News is now reporting that Facebook is developing a feature that will promote content in people s news feeds from

Watch Stein tell CNN host she is concerned about foreign intervention in our elections:
The Wisconsin Election Commission posts recount data on a spreadsheet every day. The latest spreadsheet totals as of 1:30 p.

Here was Trump s epic response to the leftist media:Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipm
Kellyanne Conway: I think the biggest fake news was that Donald Trump couldn t win. Washing

Which brings me to President Obama. While I m not calling him a genius, I do think he s extremely intelligent. I also believe tha
Bill Penzey, the owner of Penzeys Spices, wrote two separate letters on the Penzeys Spices Facebook page, accusing all Trump

The shrill, old socialist Carla Marx wannabe who got less than 1% of the vote nationally, has requested an election recount in
Smith flies three flags in front of his house: the American flag, the POW flag, and the Navy flag. We supported Trump from wh

Liberals internal struggle in one clip: .@andersoncooper on the level, .@SenWarren name-calling. #Bannon
Obama to crowd on lost factory jobs: Cuz some of those jobs of the past are just not gonna come back. And when somebody
Jill Stein agreed to do an interview with The View hacks to discuss her recount effort. The interview becomes very awkward w
How many outspoken never-Trumper s is Donald willing to consider for roles in his administration?Vice President-elect Mike
Police have identified Duncan Lloyd as the suspect in the recent anti-Trump vandalism of an upscale grocery store in Chestnut
Author, filmmaker and social media sh*t-storm starter Tariq Nasheed, is an unashamed and outspoken racist on Twitter. Yest
Riots erupted in Charlotte after police officers shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott. Rioters didn t care that Scott had a history of
So that immigration crisis you never hear about on your evening news? It s not over. Not by a long shot.With only a few month
An Islamist group with secretive compounds around the U.S. is arming up in anticipation of raids by the incoming Trump admi
Ohio State University Assistant Director of Residence Life Stephanie Clemons Thompson may have urged sympathy for suspec
Wow! @FoxBusiness @JeffFlock just WENT OFF on white @SEIU operative for telling black protester she wasn t allowed to sp
Remember when children of the President or President-elect used to be off limits to the press or even those who may have o

Kellogg Co. is pulling its ads from the website Breitbart News, the right-wing news organization whose former chairman Steve

Jill Stein got less than 1% of the vote nationwide in our presidential election, but after raising more than $7 million to do a reco
Watch:. @Jordanfabian If there is no #VoterFraud, how come 2 #DNC operatives resigned/ were fired over the @PVeritas_Acti
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Somalian refugee came to the US in 2014, and he is already a US Citizen. How does a Muslim refugee
This video was filmed on Moroccan television, the same country who paid Hillary Clinton ( advocate for women rights ) $28 m
We mentioned in an article yesterday that the real objective behind this recount effort is probably not to find voter fraud, but
In what has to be considered an historic about face, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that 100,000 migrants who
Here s the link to the app: BOYCOTT TRUMP This app has been promoted by the Democratic Coalition Against Trump This app
GREAT UPDATE! Three weeks after Hampshire College removed the American flag from campus, the Stars and Stripes was rais
A senior Donald Trump adviser is calling Hillary Clinton s decision to join a recount effort incredible and noting that the presid
Federal law says that presidential recounts must be completed within 35 days after an election. Stein waited until 90 minutes
Watch Jill Stein explain why she s working to force a recount in 3 states that used to be Democrat strongholds:https://youtu.b And I think the forensic computer experts have raised serious questions. What we do know is t
Google Maps was alerted to a mysterious change in name on Trump Tower and the Trump Hotel by users and immediately ch
Tick tock! Time is running out for Hillary Clinton and George Soros to steal the Presidency from Donald Trump. Too bad they d
Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton may have publicly conceded the presidency to Republican presidential n
The Wisconsin Elections Commission announced Friday that it would hold a statewide recount of the presidential vote. The m
Unhinged leftists are calling for a boycott of Ivanka Trump s fashion line but Nordstrom is sticking with her. Now customers are
A post on Reddit citing an investigative journalist reads as follows: RED ALERT! JIM STONE DISCOVERS SOROS BOT FUNDING J
IAN JACKSON: People have been slightly concerned about the trail and as your last guest pointed out it s very decentralized.ED
Why a recount only in states that Trump won?Why a recount in Michigan, which is all paper ballot?@DrJillStein?
CNN is Disgusting!You ve Asked Me Eight Times!Sean Spicer Blows Up When Wolf Blitzer (Wolfie the blinker) Pushes on Neo-N

The city s first transgender police officer was kept out of an event at the San Diego LGBT Community Center because she was w
Just imagine how many brilliant young American minds could benefit from their education if their teachers and professors put
But parent activists are suggesting Trump is getting the wrong advice from his transition team.Writing at Townhall, Indiana acti
Elton John will perform at Donald Trump s inauguration, claimed a key adviser, who championed the billionaire as the first pre
Here s Gigi Hadid s ridiculous apology to Melania, where she basically says she s been mocked before too and Melania should
Reports from several sources revealed on November 22 that Clinton campaign chief John Podesta was taking meetings with a
Student government leaders at Loyola University Maryland faced a barrage of pressure from the university administration to c
There are no records available for this year, so it s unclear if the cast members voted in 2016, but years prior show many were
These disrespectful crybabies are in for a rude awakening when they graduate from college and have to face a real and someti
They had to know they had it coming Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown o
From Wikipedia:The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965: The Hart Celler Act abolished the quota system based on nation
The President who shoved his radical agenda down the throats of Americans is about to watch his legacy unwind in favor of jo

Clyde Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute warns that Obama s manufacturing of regulations is not over. With
Kellyanne Conway defends Trump s Hamilton twitter scrap: Why do you care
The hypocrisy of these liberal entertainers is astounding. They will criticize and label a man a sexual predator with absolutely
It turns out the hypocrite, liberal, Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr doesn t just whine about calls, he also cried about T
When not lecturing the Trump Administration form his bully pulpit, Hamilton star Brandon Victor Dixon is advocating rape, rec
The Obamas are moving into a nine-bedroom mansion in the Kalorama section of Washington the posh neighborhood of dipl
Vid: @IngrahamAngle decimates @TheJuanWilliams for team of radicals charge. Why people despise DC. #FNS #TTT16 pic.t
.@MissDiagnosis: "He's our president and I think it's very important as a citizen for us to support him."
The former CEO of a local cybersecurity firm is talking first to 10News about his threat to shoot President-elect Donald Trump

Political activist and Hillary supporter Amal Clooney traveled to Texas to warn Americans about our elected President Donald J
Here's Pence getting booed as he gets to his seats at Hamilton David K (@dkipke12) November 1
THE VICTIM SPEAKS OUT THIS IS SHAMEFUL! KPTV FOX 12A car was spray-painted with anti-Donald Trump graffiti and then
The video below might be a great one to show the Hillary supporters bitter much?The Holderness family makes the funniest v
Here s Pence getting booed as he gets to his seats at Hamilton David K (@dkipke12) November 1

It s about time an adult steps up and takes control of these lawless, out-of-control students. We all know 99% of them were ju
In the course of hosting Thursday s Breitbart News Daily, Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam stood up for depart
A San Antonio, Texas school is under fire for an outrageous skit portraying the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump b
The Left s suppression of speech and viewpoints by conservatives has never been more dangerous. Let s hope this new admin
Starbucks SJWs call cops on customer for requesting Trump name on his coffee cup. Paul Josep

Perhaps Celebrity Cruises didn t get the memo Donald J. Trump won the election. Trump won the election in large part becaus
Imagine going over 80k into debt for your children to be even stupider than before their education
Megyn Kelly started out like a shooting star as an anchor on FOX News but is now crashing down in so many ways. Here s the l

Approximately one year ago, my business partner sent me a screen shot of a list of phony or not to be trusted websites tha
Pointing to Donald Trump s recent comments on abortion and controversial appointment of an extremist right favorite to the

When asked why they re protesting, these foolish young rioters responded with, Because it s a community kind of thing. and
Glenn Beck has just proven once again, (to anyone who still gives a darn about what he has to say) how little he cares about sh
.@KrisKobach1787: Trump has made clear that sanctuary cities could lose federal grants if the mayors continue to defy federa

Trump will bring Churchill back to the White House after Obama embarrassed himself and our nation by removing the bust an
Isn t it the job of the CURRENT president to call for calm? These are his supporters rioting in the streets!Pres. Obama says he t
Share this with every offended snowflake in America clamoring for a safe space
Trump warned us we d be sick of winning Who knew CNN would be sick of winning before Trump even officially assumes his r
But Is Threatening Trump On Social Media Considered A Serious Crime? Will he be locked up? (Read below to find answer to t
Woman arrested at anti-Trump protest in Fort Lauderdale after throwing water on Trump
The best part of the 60 Minutes interview was when Trump told the dumb@@ Leslie Stall this when asked if he would build th
There have been many articles written about George Soros and his collectivist activism. Soros is a business magnate, investor,
while criticizing their conservative counterparts.National Committee for Voting Integrity: This group opposes the implementa
Portland rioters have been chasing a Trump supporters truck for 8 blocks. Just Call Me Mister (@M

Nothing says Thanksgiving or family like a room full of brain washed liberals sitting around the dinner table talking about wa
The chance encounter a mother hiking with her daughter had with Hillary Clinton the day after losing the election may not be
Hillary Clinton matched President Obama s historically low percentage of the Jewish vote, driving a third of Jews into the Repu
Knowing there were problems ahead for the Jews, Soros father, who was a successful lawyer, bribed a government official to
Okay, let s address this Hillary might win the popular vote, isn t that Electoral College situation just awful thing head on.No, it
Thanks to George Soros, at least 26 couches in the basements of Oregon parents will be vacant for a while. Anarchists and riot
One agent Gilad Azaria has 7 listings in Trump buildings, and since the election he s had 4 serious buyers in the $3 million ra
This isn t the first time outspoken conservative grandmother Peggy Hubbard has offered her opinion on organized groups of th
Watch the video below and you ll understand that this man did exactly what any armed person should do. Great job!Via: Lega

Robert De Niro gave anti-Donald Trump protesters across the United States his backing Friday as he spoke about how depress
The leftist teachers and the press are part of the HUGE problem of misinformation about Donald Trump. They are partly to bla
A comparison of records by David Goldstein, investigative reporter for CBS2/KCAL9, has revealed hundreds of so-called dead v
Here s just one of many discussions of assassinating Trump onTwitter: Here s a sweet little girl on Twitter who appears to be H
This is Obama s legacy of hate and division, and the acceptable use of strong-arm tactics to silence the opposition
JUSTICE FOR CHILDREN WITHOUT VOICES: We have spoken to Detective Luerra with Arcola Police Department and confirmed
This is fantastic! Mike Rowe tells a fan why Trump won nails it! Here is Rowe s post from his Facebook page:Hey Mike. You ve

Ronald Reagan shut down the Berkeley protests many years ago THIS is how you do it!
Here s what the election map for Crooked Hillary vs. Trump in Oregon looked:Due to extensive criminal and dangerous behavi
You re carrying Mexican flags while chanting, Trump is not my President. You know that this is America right? ***Language w

Keep in mind, a group funded by one of Hillary and Barack Obama s largest campaign contributors globalist, George Soros is ad
It s easy to glance at Tuesday s popular vote which, with 92 percent of all precincts reporting, shows Hillary Clinton with six m
During the first half of their extended post-election coverage Wednesday evening, NBC Nightly News seemed to be setting the
This is 1 of 7 anti-Trump rallies raging across America. Wouldn t it make sense for Obama and Soros to prey on the anger so m
They pulled every trick in the book. From manufactured polls designed to discourage Trump supporters from going to vote on

Thousands of students from Berkeley High School walked out of class and flooded the UC Berkeley campus Wednesday morn
Stop blaming white people for Trumps win last night. America voted for actual change. Stacy Wash
I think we are in a real moment like Nixon ??? He [Trump] did all of the dogwhistles. This is not Bernie Sanders populism, this

We all know by now that the biggest threat to the integrity of our vote is our very own President, the Democrat Party and thei

A Bernie Sanders supporter who slammed Hillary Clinton at her own rally in Iowa was kicked off stage after urging attendees n
Trump is going to win in a landslide, but wouldn t it be a delicious irony to see a male Bernie supporter have the power to kee
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus reacted to FBI Director James Comey s letter on Sunday inform
These people are sick and evil. They will stop at NOTHING to get their way. Laws mean nothing to them, because they mean n
The only way Hillary and Tim Kaine can win this election at this point, is through massive voter fraud. The enthusiasm for Trum
Watch:Here s the truth about the Clinton Foundation and how they helped the Haitians:
The report exposed in an email shared by Wikileaks shows the results of a review that was completed in 2011, by Jennifer Rey
Comedian Dave Chappelle has been prepping for his November 12 hosting slot on Saturday Night Live with a series of surprise
Secret Service agents rushed Donald trump offstage on Saturday evening during a rally in Reno, Nevada after they determined
The Clintons were the original birthers, Viviano told WND in an interview in Los Angeles. Everybody who has called this a con

#SourcesHaveConfirmed that Trump will lock her ass up! MAGS for ?MAGA? (@magnifier661) O
For all the hate Democrats openly express for FOX News, it s good to know that Hillary surrogates like Lanny Davis can rely on
**Language warning***Many people don t know this, but Andrew Breitbart was the person responsible for outing Anthony W
This is truly a chilling story of organized voter fraud We reported on a massive voter fraud operation was discovered in Democ
Julian Assange met with John Pilger of Dartmouth Films to discuss what he thinks is the most significant revelation of all in his
Too bad for Hillary she wasn t actually telling the truth that time WATCH: Hillary Clinton saying in 2000 that She doesn't like em
The FBI reportedly has found emails from Hillary Clinton s private server on the laptop computer seized from Anthony Weiner
Obama awkwardly and kind of angrily tells the audience to choose hope! six times in a row. Looks nervous, doesn t he? ? #Hi
The most transparent administration in history will go down in history as the most corrupt President Obama only learned of H
***WARNING***GRAPHIC LanguageThis video contains very graphic language, but his message is spot on!Bentley Brandon, a
Wow Peter Schweizer, author of the chilling Clinton Cash book better make sure he has bodyguards wherever he goes, becau

Her husband s overseas in the military, and she s home working in a local salon. She s the everyday American woman Hillary
Are the most criminal, brazen and crooked group of people to ever act as public servants in our government watching their h
Fox News host Bill Hemmer asked Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), If she wins next Tuesday, what happens to that inves is a screen shot of the letter in a tweet from FOX News with
I wonder if they ll get the same treatment Dinesh D Souza got for doing one 1/10th of what these criminals did Hillary Clinton
Wow! Thrill up his leg for Obama, Chris Matthews does a stunning 180 on his support for Hillary and boldly calls out any pers
A longtime Clinton ally and donor has a theory about black Republicans: They re like the Jewish guards in concentration camps
In 2008 Barack Obama promised to shut down the coal industry:Hillary also promised to shut down the coal industry as part o
Michelle Obama has scrubbed any reference to Hillary from her Twitter account What? Like with a cloth or something? LOL!Se
It s highly illegal and it s likely that the owners of these aircraft took tax deductions as a gift to the Clinton Foundation, Charle
Just look away. The Democrats don t have any plans to steal your vote. If you don t believe us, ask this Obama appointed judg
Hey Bernie how s that whole Queen of Wall Street/ Democrat mob boss endorsement working out for you?Wikileaks has relea
Ohio Governor John Kasich, who signed a pledge to support the Republican candidate no matter who it was, is clearly not a ma
This latest Wikileaks email is evidence of more than just smoke where Hillary s concerned it places her in the middle of the fir
It s good to know Hillary s Campaign Chairman has such extraordinary ties with a top official involved in the reopening of Hillar
Please go to the BEST MULCH Facebook page and give them a thumbs up!Thank you all for the overwhelming support! We ha
It s okay he was probably just a racist white kid with Republican parents On a positive note, this is the last time America will se
Is this apology too little too late? After one year of bashing Trump, and with only one week left before the election, does this a
This video shows the frightening ease with which a hacker is able to completely change the outcome of an election. At the end
Jimmy Carter s Democrat pollster Pat Caddell is predicting a Trump Tsunami, reminiscent of the Carter-Reagan election. Carter
Here is Danney Williams tragic story. There is something very sweet and sincere about this young man. He comes across as ve
You just can t make this up! CNN fires black Democrat operative/Chairman for getting caught giving debate question she got fr
Of course, we all know that Obama is not a man of integrity or character. There has to be something in it for him. Did FBI Direc
Same-Sex Marriages, 10 Years LaterDGR @DebbersGar Writer producer creative director wife of a lady mom to two master of
The truth hurts The idea that there are people in America who would willingly vote for a person to be our next President, that
Hillary gives pay-to-play a whole new meaning Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Tony Bennett all have one thing in common every on
This is hands down the best commentary yet on the Democrats and the crooked, defiant and arrogant Hillary. The Democrats
Scumbag Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) lays bare how Democrats handle anyone who opposes them in his arrogant, threatening
One can only imagine what kind of relationship Hillary has with her very close top aide s soon to be ex-husband Fox News Sun
The woman whose criminal investigation has been reopened by the FBI is speaking to a sparsely populated black church in Ft.
Pop star Madonna got raunchy while introducing comedian Amy Schumer at a performance in New York City Tuesday night, p
Via: TMZ
A lawless party whose end always justifies the means Why wouldn t everyone want another lawless President residing over ou
The days of the leftist media controlling the narrative are officially over Donald Trump and Melania Trump held and interview
Leave your cowboy boots and Hawaiian leis at home this Halloween unless you want to hear from University of Texas-Austin a
NBC reports:The FBI is reviewing a new batch of Hillary Clinton emails, bureau director James Comey said in a letter to the Sen
Crooked Hillary has always been crooked. She s just been better than anyone America s ever seen at not getting caught On Sep
A woman in Hollywood, Maryland is the latest in a number of early voters to claim that her ballot was switched to Hillary Clint

The Federal Bureau of Investigations will reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton s use of a private email server exclusively
Barack Obama and Hillary are both advocates of open-borders. They privately use their position on open-borders and amnesty
It probably explains why we love this guy so much!***Strong language warning***
This ad is disgusting in so many ways. The video shows a group of kids bullying and name calling another kid because his dad d
Ladies and gentlemen the Democrats have dumped an unfit candidate on its party for the highest office in our nation If this w
Watch CNN, Dana Bash ask Donald a question she wishes she didn t:Trump shuts down Dana Bash after questioning him for "t
Brunell Donald-Kyei: We want tougher immigration. To make sure that our borders are safe! That we are not fighting illegal al
As a mother of three young girls, Hillary is the last person I would consider a role model for women. She is cold, calculating an
These videos, by James O Keefe and friends at Project Veritas bust the corrupt nature of Hillary Clinton s campaign, the Democ
Watch Hillary laugh when the woman who is introducing her at one of her tiny rallies, intentionally pauses to make sure every
Very interesting remarks from a guy who is in up to his neck with the underbelly of the Democrat Party
Students at the University of California, Berkeley held a day of protest on Friday to demand the creation of additional safe spa
BREAKING: #TimKaine rally only about 30 people show up. Her campaign is dead in #Florida nobody wants #HillaryClinton Seri
The Environmental Protection Agency is looking to hire 15 Diversity and Inclusion Specialists, each of whom will make $100,0
A group of deplorables who are clearly sick and tired of the propaganda being passed off as truth by the Clinton News Netw
Those who were shocked by the latest ABC / Washington Post goal seeking report (aka poll ) that shows Hillary opening up a
Many of the hacks on this list like Rachel Maddow, Mark Halperin, Diane Sawyer and George Stephanoplous are expected, as t
Wikileaks released an email from Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden, coaching Hillary on how to best gain
Clinton s radicalized rhetoric has championed both bans on what she calls weapons of war, and the Australian model of gun
This Facebook user s comment about Donald Duck is in reference to new video that was just released today by Project Verit
Wikileaks released another email showing how phony Hillary s campaign has been from the start. Americans should never bel
How much more criminal activity are American voters willing to overlook? Have we, as Americans gotten to the point that no c

Dennis Ross is a prior Obama and Clinton crony goes on to speak without any questioning from Shawn and then at the end Sh
So many acts of violence and vandalism have been committed against Americans who have voiced their support for Trump, th
Many Americans were shocked by the latest ABC/Washington Post goal seeking report (aka poll ) that shows Hillary opening u

Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova slammed FBI director James Comey s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton s
Hillary s shady campaign manager, Robby Mook tells Fox News Chris Wallace that Wikileaks emails showing CRIMINAL behavi
One Party Favors Open Borders, The Other Party Favors Law And Order A priest is not only protected by the First Amendment
About 14,000 Genesee County voters were mailed a second absentee ballot this month after officials discovered deformities a

The first time I heard Negan ask for 50 percent of everything you had, my first thought was, damn only 50 percent? And he
Besides Nancy Pelosi, there really isn t a dumber person in Congress than Sheila Jackson-Lee(D-TX). Watch her blame leaked e
Four months ago, Oprah, the woman who made her fortune off preying on women s emotions and counting on their inability t
Father Gerald Murphy goes off on Hillary Clinton following her speech at the Al Smith elite charity dinner last night in New Yor
Every single day for months on end, new evidence has been released that proves Hillary Clinton is a sociopathic liar. There ma
***SHARE This HILL-arious video everywhere!***
The women in this video are serious minded voters. They are moms who fear for the safety of their children and grandchildren
Why is this woman not in jail?The evidence is overwhelming that Hillary was putting our national security at risk by taking mon

New Wikileaks email shows Bill Clinton wanted Young Latina Celeb Type on campaign trail for Hillary with him, and that Hillar
There are startling accusations against a Norman teacher.A student said the premise of his lecture stated all white people are
Google trends can be very telling. These Google trends comparing users interest in Donald J. Trump vs. Hillary Clinton say a lot

Rush Limbaugh was cheering for Trump and how he handled the abortion question that was asked in last night s debate betwe

Hillary s such a champion of gay rights that her campaign is being funded by countries who throw gays off buildings. Watch Hil
Last night during the third debate, FOX News Chris Wallace asked Donald J. Trump if he would accept the election results? Wi
Is it not enough that Hillary has compromised our national security with her unsecured email server that contained top classifi
Here is the list of Republicans who won t support Trump. The candidates highlighted in blue are in close races in their states.H
This video should open the eyes of every American who doesn t understand the seriousness of putting political correctness be
Clinton News Network a propaganda arm of the Clinton campaign, where opposing voices are shut down and truth is distorte
We have always adhered to the highest standards of transparency and legality LOL! Sounds like he may be living in an alt-left
Don t believe the polls. They are created in such a way (many by Hillary operatives or supporters) to discourage voters from tu
The Ecuadorian government admitted on Tuesday they cut Julian Assange s internet on Saturday due to his interference with t

Some of the most divisive, partisan politics can be found within the Republican party itself. The media is in collusion with the D
J. Christian Adams: Dead people are voting and it s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They m
Most of the documents are testimonies provided to federal investigators in interviews the agents conducted with witnesses.In
Melanie Trump is more than just a pretty face. She is brilliant and is not likely someone who is pushed around. In her interview
Poor old Crooked Hillary the hits are coming faster than she can lie her way out of them Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report ha
Graphic, uncensored and disturbing is how James O Keefe of Project Veritas, known for his undercover video work that blew t
After only serving less than 4 years on the bench, Barack Obama nominated U.S. District Judge Mark Walker in 2012. Only one

Wow! CNN host Chris Cuomo tells viewers it s ILLEGAL to read the Wikileaks emails, but if you watch them, they will tell you w
Several attendees left Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump s Saturday rally in Bangor to find their parked cars vand
Members Of The Intelligence Committee Simply Don t Want Hillary As Next President of the United States As Barack Obama b
Add one more person whose career or life has been destroyed by the Clinton s as they scratch and claw their way into the Wh
Danney Williams has been begging for Bill Clinton to acknowledge him for decades. In the video below, he tells a heartbreakin
Hillary s been using churches across America as a backdrop to promote the violent Black Lives Matter movement in an effort t
Friends of Bill Long-secret emails just caught Team Hillary in another blatant lie namely, the claim that Clinton Foundation do
After years and even decades in some cases, throngs of women have decided to finally speak out, all at once only weeks befor
Trump s latest accuser, Summer Zervos who was a contestant on The Apprentice, stood next to high profile lawyer and Hillar
Every day we hear of more voter fraud being uncovered across the United States. This is nothing new and every election we re
Putin Tells Russian Army To Prepare For WWWIII With U.S While Obama whines about Trump campaigns for Hillary Is our Com
It should be the lead story on every network, but you ll likely only see it in a few places. It doesn t change the fact however, th
Notify the CDC. It's spreading. #BenCarson #MorningJoe #TrumpFlu BCP (@b_c_p_source) October

Secret police ? Sounds like a strong arm tactic you d find a political leader using in a communist country to force your will on o
Here s what we ve got with the new e-mails and it s a doozy:The internet is blowing up over a document regarding Supreme C
Dr. Gina Loudon went on CNN today to discuss the fallacious groping accusations against Donald Trump. Per Wikileaks we kn
Hillary s campaign has been working in coordination with the mainstream media for months to hide Donald J. Trump s popular
Protester with Rape sign is tackled at #Clinton rally in #Las Vegas John Treanor (@NewsTreanor)
Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activists and hacktivists. They have made a video threatening they
In another Wikileaks email dump, the Hillary camp is caught bashing the Catholic Church yet again. In the email, Catholic John
Democrats are on the move. They are panicking over the size of Trump s rallies vs. Hillary s. They will do whatever is necessary
The media would like voters to believe that Trump is losing supporters, while Hillary is gaining momentum. The only thing Hilla
28 year old Abdullah Faris Freatekh, aka Feras Mohamed Freitekh was a Muslim with a Palestinian backgroundThe National Tr
Hillary probably didn t know anything about this one either .
What a funny guy! I m sure every woman on that campaign plane that he violated with his repulsive, narcissistic, denigrating b
That Explains The Sudden Interest For Hillary On College Campuses The media has been hiding Hillary s tiny crowds for over a
As a Catholic, I m not sure what offends me more, my fellow Catholics who would vote for an anti-LIFE, lying criminal who has
This story of corruption and collusion is MIND BOGGLING! The manipulation of American voters is beyond comprehension Res
This video will leave you breathless, as you watch a NY Democrat out the Democrat party and the unbelievable voter fraud the
Stealing Jobs From Minorities To Satisfy White Environmentalists Is The Worst Kind Of Racism It s always about the money for
A longtime Republican financial backer who attended a New York fundraiser held by Chris Christie for Donald Trump Thursday
Another stunning, arrogant slam against Hillary supporters by the Hillary campaign A Clinton campaign email released as part
How did we ever get to the point where we would even consider electing a woman who is the most well-known liar in Americ
Dunham interviewed Clinton in 2015 and the topic of Kravitz s wardrobe malfunction during a Stockholm concert, viewable h
Wow way to appeal to an almost exclusively female audience! Because every woman who s been raped, can certainly connect
The list of pathetic sore losers and RINO s in the GOP who have said they won t support Trump seemed to be growing longer a
Health professionals have been speculating for months that Hillary s odd behavior and inability to stand or walk without help i
Hillary got her butt kicked last night. Trump pulled out every stop and hammered her on almost every one of her lies. She was
Wow! These women are incredibly brave. Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey are role models for women eve
Impartial is not a word most people who know debate moderator Martha Raddatz would use to describe her. Here is a stunn
Wow! If I were Hillary, I d stop sending people to her website during the debates as a way to deflect from actual issues. They m
Hillary s foreign policy spokesperson showed his hand tonight when he saw Crooked Hillary getting hammered by Trump in the
It s not a big surprise given her propensity for lying, but when Hillary knew she was getting destroyed by Trump on her ineffec
The list of hypocrites and sore losers who are taking aim at Trump instead of the real enemy, Hillary Clinton, is getting longer e
Hillary Clinton has a long history of violence and abusing and men, women and security officers.Of course, you ll never see any
Open Borders/ImmigrationTrade/OverregulationForeign PolicyNow that s what we need to discuss but will America get over t
Longtime friend and Clinton advisor Diane Blair released Hillary s uncensored remarks about the 22 year old intern Monica Lew
Spoken like a true gentleman and warrior in America s fight to defeat the Left The recent disclosure of lewd conversations Don
Infowars Alex Jones is offering a $1,000 reward for anyone who can get on TV with his Bill Clinton RAPE t-shirt clearly display
Thank God Hillary never worked in a rape clinic or with women who were victims of sexual abuse One of Bill Clinton s rape victi

No wonder she didn t want anyone to see her speeches. She was singing the praises of Trump before she even knew he was g
Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta s personal email account published by WikiLeaks reveal th
Huh? This could be one of the most damning emails yet, as it reveals the true character of a woman who will say whatever is n
Wow! Talk about putting our nation s security at risk A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation -Ronald ReaganD
Hillary was Secretary of State an unimaginable earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010. 250,000 people were estimated to have d
Here are six trivia questions to see how much history you really know. The answers are very revealing. If you don t know the a
Despite the media s best attempts to keep the truth hidden from the public, poor Haitian activists and a few honest journalists
Watch as she s speaking to a crowd in Tampa, Florida in September and makes this hilarious and outrageous claim: When it co
Every day, the NFL gives fans another reason to stop supporting them. Although the NFL agreed to refund a small portion of th
University of Wisconsin Madison, where NOT to send your kids to school The sale of hateful racist sweatshirts or hoodies on c
Things didn t work out very well for Vince Foster when he disappointed Crooked Hillary. Does Tim Kaine know what he s gettin
Sean Hannity is taking a page from Trump s playbook. When a member of the mainstream media or a person pretending to be
Reckless Hillary couldn t have cared less about the seriousness of exposing America s top-secret intel to the world by using an
With absolutely NOTHING to back it up, Sarah Jessica Parker tells reporters that she fears for her life, and for the life of her hu
The #NFL has become a showcase for an anti-law enforcement movement inspired by Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton
LOL! This group gets raided for suspicion of massive voter fraud, and their defense is that the Republican Secretary of State an

Our first female candidate for President is so crooked and dirty that she actually used a teenage girl actress to stage a question
Here s a video posted on The Donald Reddit earlier on Tuesday of Bill Clinton putting his hand in between the legs of a flight att
A legacy of hate and division from an unapologetic and arrogant President who promised to transform the United States of A

The most crooked person to ever run for President The Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms de
Big brother is alive and well 3 months only 3 months In Obamaland surveillance on Muslim terror suspects is considered Islam
A former Muslim and Donald Trump supporter who fled Islam-controlled Kuwait years ago has a warning for Americans this el
Hillary won t be able to claim a vast right-wing conspiracy when she sees the article the left-leaning New York Times published
People have a right to understand who it is they re electing, said Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, adding that the informatio
The enthusiasm for Hillary is well underwhelming to say the least. Two of Hillary s campaign events in Akron, OH were cancelle
Polls lie the number of supporters who show up to hear a candidate speak when they visit swing states, tells Americans everyt
Is CNN contributor and Democratic Strategist Bob Beckel speaking on behalf of a frustrated Hillary Clinton who was just expos
The Office of Immigration Statistics reported that of the 188,382 deportations of illegal aliens in 2011, 23 percent had committ
Hillary Clinton is the last person you want placing a target on your back the list of people who ve paid a heavy price for betrayi
Do black lives really matter to the Clinton s?It s the lead story today on the Drudge Report Danney Williams, a 27-year-old blac
Hillary Clinton s campaign also announced Sunday night that it had canceled tentatively planned events with Sen. Bernie Sand
As a woman, I have to say I agree with this doctor s theory about any man who would vote for Hillary. A Florida doctor is unde
While the media salivates over the illegal release of Trump s tax documents and criticize him for using legal tax loopholes to av
My husband and I sat in a restaurant booth last night in Michigan and listened to group of college administrators talking about
It was only a matter of time We can t keep our borders open to anyone who cares to cross over, offer them immunity from the
Hillary has been stirring up the hateful movement Obama, Eric Holder and Al Sharpton started years ago, as a means to encou
The hypocrisy of our media is astounding! What about Hillary s major corporate donors like GE for example, that have been w
The most unpopular, deplorable woman in America, and champion of Wall Street bankers gets a big smack down by Democrati
In a lame effort to score political points for Hillary Clinton, the New York Times published a portion of Donald Trump s 1995 ta
As our limp-wristed President flies around on taxpayer funded Air Force One campaigning for Hillary, Putin sells Castro s Cuba
Leftist pigs inspired by the hateful rhetoric of Hillary and Obama s party So this happened A group of Hispanics drove around t
First, Hillary offended half of America when she called them a basket full of deplorables :Hello #BasementDwellers, you aren't
Apparently this protester believes Americans should think twice before putting an accused serial rapist back into our White Ho
We re just wondering if the state of MN has ever considered giving US veterans the same consideration? Or is this an exclusive
Alleged Bill Clinton sexual victim Juanita Broderick hit back after Chelsea Clinton complained that her parents were always bei
America has never seen two people living in the White House play the victim card with such frequency and with such passion.

Hillary should have done her homework before she chose this former Miss Universe to disparage Trump s character
Hillary fights back a cough at a tiny rally in Ft. Pierce, Florida:
It s amazing these leftist hacks haven t been cancelled yet. Apparently there are still women out there with nothing better to d

Punishment is not for revenge, but to lessen crime and reform the criminal -Elizabeth FryThis homeowner was apparently sic
During Wednesday s Presidential Town Hall on CNN, President Obama was asked by Gold Star mother Tina Houchins why he d
Maybe comedy is a better career choice for Gary Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee for president, had been raring for We
***WARNING***This video is GRAPHIC!***
Poor Bernie. He s been a public servant his whole life and what does he have to show for it? After Hillary stole the election fro
Smug liberal newspapers and tv networks have paid a heavy price for their criticism of Trump. Americans think of Trump as th
This story is a perfect example of why Barack and Hillary are in such a big hurry to bring foreigners into our country. It doesn t
The woman whose husband made several trips to pedophile island with his convicted pedophile friend, billionaire Jeffrey Epst
A New York man was stunned this week to find out who stole his Donald Trump yard signs the former vice president of acade
This unbelievable graph should put the question of, Who won the independent vote during the first debate to bed Frank Lun
MELBOURNE, FL is a town with a population of 76,000. Trump held an enormous rally there yesterday, and over 15,000 people
It s hard to imagine so many people would lie to the this reporter about a debate they never saw. But we are living in the Age
How many more symptoms need to be uncovered before Hillary comes clean? Why would anyone want to take on the positio
In this video White people are asked how they feel about the Black Lives Matter sign. While they may not agree with its senti
Wow just wow! This is what happens when political candidates divide nations by color to secure minority voting blocks, while
Don t shoot him, don t shoot him he has no weapon. Keith Lamont Scott s wifeThe media couldn t play and re-play the video t
Debate officials have released the details of Monday night s presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Repub
The Democrats are in full panic-mode over Crooked Hillary as she continues to plummet in the polls. Liberal CA Congresswoma
The Democrats have been in Washington DC only because of the negro vote. You put them first, and they put you last. Becau
George Soros: Here I have to confess to a little bit of bias. Ya think? The popular vote will be a landslide [for Trump]. But I do
Barry, the Democratic party has done nothing for the black American. Your presidency has proved that. And you re going to c
Wow! Moonbeam Johnson addresses three issues he feels are very pressing! It s very scary to think 5-7% of Americans say the
Just when you thought there was nothing Barack Hussein Obama could do to shock you this Christian pastor s story is revealed
Some 2,500 Americans Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama. Under Obama, America has been at war for longer th
We are witnessing the slow death of political correctness in America. Americans are waking up to this nonsense and we will no
This is just stunning! Free speech in our nations capitol under Obamas reign is now determined by your political bent Live vide
The Drudge Report has gained access to the rules for the upcoming Mega-Debate between Hillary and Trump. Hillary s always
This is just idiotic! A couple of liberal brainiacs decided to steal a Trump sign. The only problem is that they did it in a company
This double standard surprises no one who s paying attention to the radical leftist media who decides is a legitimate target and
The first Black (and half White) President has successfully created the most divisive America we have seen since the civil rights
The New York Times released a dramatic video today of the shooting death of a black man, Keith Scott by a black police office
The unwarranted violence against innocent White people by Black Lives Matter protesters terrorists is getting out of control! T
The 2014 IRS filings for the Clinton Foundation were recently released and the numbers were absolutely sickening. Out of $91
Democrats don t care if this legal immigrant has a job. Making America work again is not something they have very much inter
I wish this was a joke!#BlackLivesMatter protesters, loot stores, stop traffic for thousands of commuters, throw molotov cockt

Because if you re a young White guy walking through a parking lot by yourself at night in Charlotte, you deserve to be attacked
Wow! Bravo Tomi! You really nailed it this time Enjoy! This notion that political incorrectness is somehow responsible for terr
The Left has been organizing for decades, and George Soros has been funding them. From the chaos of Occupy Wall Street to
Monica Crowley offers some of the most brilliant political analysis in conservative media. She is brilliant, witty, and has incredi
Protest underway in Charlotte: Things got completely out of hand @Boris_Sanchez is on the ground w/ the latest. https://t.c
Local Charlotte, NC news station WSOCTV is reporting that sources tell them dash cameras captured Keith Scott getting out of
Dividing America will be Obama s legacy. Hillary continues to prove that she is committed to keeping his legacy of hate and div
The extremely exhausted Hillary and her extremely boring VP pick have written a book that is currently #5,301 on the Amazon
Hillary spoke to a very small group of students at Temple University. With a total student population of just under 38,000, her
Watch Thugs Protest Cop Killing By Committing Crimes43-year-old black man, Keith Lamont Scott was shot and killed by a blac
Unidentified man helping to organize protests in suburbs tells Mark Barber of WSOC: We need to go where the immediate th
Who could forget Mitt Romney s second and third debates with Barack Obama? After the first debate, most Americans were p
Scum of the earth isn t strong enough for these grifters. The Clinton Family must be the most disgusting, self-serving people to
Hillary is without a doubt, the worst and most despicable liar to ever run for the office of President Of The United States Hillar
Will this FINALLY be the straw that breaks the camel s back? Wow and it s not even October yet! Things are not looking good f
This is not just a win for the Alt-Right or for the Republican Party, this is a win for America. American voters are about to prov
On September 15, Hillary apparently held a rally in the Old Student Recreational Center at the University of North Carolina in
On September 15, Hillary apparently held a rally in the Old Student Recreational Center at the University of North Carolina in
It seems that Colin Kaepernick has become more of an influence in our youths life then any of us would have hoped for. On on
Saturday s bomb blast in New York City injured 29 people, and 9 more people were stabbed by the Muslim attacker in St. Clou
How many Hillary supporters does it take to fill a basket of serious sex offenders? Let s see, there s Bill and then there s Bill s p
He was such a nice boy!Where have we heard this BS before?Alleged images of reported knife attacker, 22-year-old Dahir Ada
On the show, Sunday Morning Futures, a far left activist ranted on about how the wor terror should be banned because it ma
Obama s narcacism was in full swing on Saturday night at the 46th Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner of th
Read the list of people and organizations this brave Dallas Police Sergeant is suing and tell us if you think he missed anyone wh
Steven Crowder knocks it out of the park with his brilliant imitation of Bob Ross painting a very sick Hillary
Former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, shocked a large crowd at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, FL. Sans
Hillary Clinton ally David Brock is offering to pay for new information on Donald Trump, hoping that damaging audio or video o
Remember when Mooch thought having #CrookedHillary back in the White House wasn t in the best interest of our nation? Ye
For just a little over four months, Wayne Bradley could be heard spreading the conservative message on Detroit s 910AM Supe
What happens when Hillary s poll numbers take a nose-dive after she s caught having convulsions in a press-free zone, passe
Dr. Milton Wolf seems to have take offense at the diagnosis of Hillary Clinton. He states in no uncertain terms that Non-Conta
Hillary pretends to care about the Black community. If she cared so much, why is she so willing to carry out the legacy of black
Remember Will and Jada Pinkett Smith s contribution to this racist, anti-Jew, anti-Christian clown the next time you plunk dow
After General Powell s email server was hacked it seems that Hillary and Trump were not the only ones he attacked with insult
Wow that s gonna leave a mark!When she s not being arrested for defacing public property, she s actually kinda funny!Jill Stei
In the end it really all comes down to character. Who can you trust? Who will look at you with a straight face and tell you wha

Scholar and journalist Heather Mac Donald toiled away early on in her career at liberal enclaves, but through her street-level r
Even the Democrat ministers can t help themselves from shutting down anyone that would dare to come into their city with a
OUCH! Trump really put things in perspective while visiting the Democrat run city of Flint MI, plagued by unemployed auto wo
Who knew, that one of the wealthiest entertainers in America and the New Black Panthers biggest cheerleader, has a sister w
Colin Powell really doesn t disclose anything we didn t know about how dishonest and corrupt Crooked Hillary and her pervert
Conservative actor Rob Lowe has somehow managed to continue working in an industry ruled by radical leftist activists who a
Hillary s all about protecting women who are victims of rape unless of course her husband is the accused rapist In her first ext
Flint s Democrat Mayor Karen Weaver is throwing a hissy fit over Trump s unannounced visit to the broken, violent city of Flin
Does anyone even care that this American man was picked out of thin air to be used as a scape goat to cover for Hillary s incom
So much for the most transparent administration in history Because the step-daughter of Theresa Heinz-Kerry, a woman who
It s not the first time that the name of Vladimir Putin has been brought up in the US presidential campaign, but this time the U
Little Miss Sunshine has fooled a lot of people over the years into believing her she was just some innocuous, peppy little hos
During his performance of Born Free at a packed Fenway Park in Boston, Kid Rock took a moment to express his feelings abou
After months of speculation about Hillary s poor health, she appeared to have a pretty serious episode after leaving the 9-11
Does anyone else find it ironic that black multi-millionaire athletes are protesting oppression in America after 8 years of our fir
This is how coddled kids who have never had to deal with losing an innocent family member, friend or co-worker at the hands
Hillary s been coughing to the point of almost passing out, spewing strange objects into her glass of water, flinging metal piece
We re still waiting for the NFL to make a statement about the disrespectful protests by multi-millionaire players who plan to p
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive .A review of FBI Director James Comey s professional hist
Did Hillary forget about her deplorable supporters who beat innocent Trump supporters bloody at one rally after another onl
Here s the video clip that captured Hillary insulting and writing off nearly half the country. And here s Mitt Romney s commen
Dallas Police Officer Dan Cincinnatus wrote an amazing letter to Seattle Seahawks player, Russell Wilson imploring him to not s
It s time for the media to start doing their job. Instead of making baseless claims about Trump to fulfill their insatiable desire t
The applications for White House interns just took a sharp nose-dive Former President Bill Clinton could practically serve an un
The Obama s have convinced Black communities across America they are victims. It s true they are victims, but they re victims
The way Trump is packing in thousands of supporters at every rally in every state he visits, it s pretty clear his popularity way o
***WARNING***If you watch this video, you will encounter strong language and even stronger stupidity A female sailor who
The arrogance of Bill Clinton is astounding. While addressing a crowd of Hillary supporters in Pennsylvania, he mocks the hard
Malia Obama is taking a party gap year before she begins school at the prestigious Harvard University. Even though it was rep
Feel good video of the day A female ISIS recruiter who planned to blow up a French train station was engaged to a jihadist wh
About a month ago, people started noticing a large black man who always seemed to rush to Hillary s aid during coughing fits,
So an American hostage (who should be one of our top priorities), had the opportunity to be rescued by a group of Navy SEAL
These images were all taken from a Facebook page dedicated to capturing death threats against Donald Trump. I thought I ha
And now a message of peace and unity from one of our neighbors to the South: We, Mexicans, have to kill Donald J. Trump be
Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson was asked by MSNBC host Mike Barnacle, What would you do if you were ele
She never does things the way the rest of us do. She s always got an angle she s always got a way around doing things the way
This is how the unions do things in America. Is this where you want your money invested? Bernie Sanders must be so happy to
There are many C words for Hillary but competent is not one of them .OUCH!
7% of Americans actually claim they ll vote for leftist candidate and faux Libertarian, Gary Johnson in the upcoming presidentia
Say what??? When former Clinton cheerleader Mark Halperin is disgusted by Hillary s dirty dealings and FBI Director James Co
It s a dirty, dark secret; I m glad it s coming out WOW I guess we won t be seeing Charles Barkley sitting for the national anthe
You know the Left has won when communism replaces education A freshman tentatively raises her hand and takes the microp
Hillary was seen passing up a bottle of water in the midst of another one of her coughing fits in front of her press cheerleaders
Who wrote this garble for granny Clinton? She s off her rocker! Yes, climate changes
Am I the only one who feels like I m living in the Twilight Zone when I hear Nancy Pelosi begin a discussion about a certain th
Every American needs to consider this new evidence about Hillary and how her campaign is helping to hide her poor health fro
About a month ago, people started noticing a large black man who always seemed to rush to Hillary s aid during coughing fits,
My kids draw bigger crowds at their neighborhood lemonade stands! From GP: She [Hillary] will speak at Luke Easter Park at 1
International leaders aren t making any secret about their disdain and lack of respect for Obama in his final G20 summit PHILIP
Besides Trump, no one has a bigger target on his back than DNC and Hillary email leaker, Wikileaks Julian Assange Earlier this
Wow! These are not good numbers for Hillary in states where Democrats have been winning for decades!Heading to Youngsto
Happy Labor Day! Today is a day to celebrate working Americans and the contribution they make to our nation and to its pros
When Obama had the opportunity to speak out against 49er s quarterback Colin Kaepernick s disrespect for our flag, he chose
Leaked documents from left-wing financier George Soros s Open Society Foundations continue to reveal the extent to which t
For anyone who believes they re more CONSERVATIVE than the average Trump supporter because they re planning to vote fo

Wow! This video really shows how the media covers for Hillary, while reminding us of their constant obsession over John McC
But the media s concerned Trump is the threat to our national security with his reckless words. LOL!Watch #UnFitHillary thre
Dear San Francisco Police Union: We wanted you to know that if you decide to boycott the 49er s, America supports you 100%
9-11 is a distant memory for liberals George Washington University has hired a former Islamic extremist to work at its center o
Manufactured protests Hillary, George Soros, Barack and radical union style Yawn Does Trump talking about bringing jobs bac
Donald Trump just delivered a humble and heartfelt speech in Detroit. s been bashed on soc
I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two. Just the kind of p
Communism begins where atheism begins. -Karl MarxEarly this morning, a small town in Louisiana suspended one of its firefig
Hang-on, hang-on, hang-on, hang-on Brooke Baldwin desperately tried to discredit the story about Hillary s 13 Blackberries be
The Left is not able to get away with shaming conservatives as easily as they were in the past. Outspoken conservative GOP Pr
Dirty, lying, rotten to core Hillary is either lying about not remembering or lying about having fully recovered from the blood c
Kudos to Catholics4Trump for providing evidence that the story Hillary and her comrades in the media have been telling Amer
Just think how Trump s polling numbers would look if the media wasn t beating the anti-Trump drum 24/7 and if Hillary was fo
Does anyone else get the sense Biden was picked to be the VP just to make Obama look smart?Vice President Joe Biden remar
Georgetown University has a 16.4% acceptance rate. That number just got smaller with their latest announcement to use the
In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusin
Docs leaked by Guccifer 2.0 show a memo from Nancy Pelosi giving directions to her minions about how to handle Black Live
It s easy to see why this letter went viral. Bravo Officer Chris Amos bravo!An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick,Dear Colin guess
If the Obama regime is allowed to wrest control of our elections from the states America better get used to the idea of a Presi
Such a nice little immigrant family. Let s bring 100,000 more of these wonderful, assimilating immigrants to America right awa
I was a die-hard Cruz supporter. I trusted him. I believed in him and I donated to his campaign. Today I am ashamed at the peo
She s the most crooked criminal to ever seek the office of President of the United States. The State Department says about 30
Anyone who s paying attention to the stunning final acts by this President should not be shocked by this potential threat to th
Oops! Hillary and her race-baiting campaign team are NOT going to want the Black community to see this video Donald Trump
It s easy to blame the White man that way, you don t have to be accountable for your actions I lived in Oakland [CA] all my lif
When multi-millionaire San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to take a stand against an oppressive Ame
Hillary would like American voters to believe the alt-right media (new nickname for media who s not afraid to out her and th
Beyonce gets political in her graphic anti-cop performance at the MTV VMAs last night. The MTV awards use to be a fun-filled
San Fransisco 49er s quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand during the national anthem during a recent NFL football ga
After watching this video, one thing is abundantly clear When it comes to #CrookedHillary Clinton, some things never change:
Donald Trump has been crucified by the leftist mainstream media, GOP RINO s and Democrat leaders non-stop for his brash o
Fans of #CrookedHillary are not going to like this WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said that the information they have on
IT S A TREND! Angry fans are stepping up to burn the jersey of the 49ers quarterback after he chose to stay on th bench during
An electrical contractor wrote to the 54-year-old host of Dirty Jobs to say that he finds it offensive when the media constantl
This woman should be in a jail cell not sitting around laughing and opening pickle jars on the Jimmy Fallon show. Judicial Watc
Apparently, using thug Michael Ferguson s mom as a prop at Black functions was not enough to be granted the Black vote Blac
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was in Minneapolis Friday night for a fundraiser held at the city s convention c
Megyn: What about Tim Allen? You re one of the few conservatives in Hollywood. You re out of the closet as a conservative. W
This video brilliantly dispels every one of Hillary s false claims and throws them right back in her face Absolutely brilliant!
Millennial propaganda tool for the Democrat Party, Buzzfeed news publication attempted to do a hit piece on Eric Trump. Th
Freedom of speech is not a universally accepted right, which is just one more reason the U.S. has no business funding the glob
Another stunning cover-up for #Unfit Hillary by her most committed media cheerleader One week ago, board-certified medici
Hillary Clinton is bending over backwards to convince American voters that Donald Trump is a racist because a White Suprem
There aren t too many stories that are more shameful or disturbing than this one. What has been done to fix the horrible qual
Someone should find out if Hillary supporter, Renee Zellweger had a lobotomy, while the hypocritical actress (who questioned
Wow! The University of Chicago sends impressive letter to incoming Freshman warning them that freedom of speech is alive a
Unless the Democrats can figure out a way to effectively steal the vote from millions, we predict Trump will win in a landslide
Harry Reid s disrespectful comments are just another example of a leftist Democrat who puts politics before honor every time
What a role model for mothers in America or at least for the ones who have FAKE NAMES for their daughters when they use p
When the majority of students, regardless of color, accept this twisted premise, Obama has won his war on America and has s
University of Michigan is located in Ann Arbor, MI, and is home to over 43,000 students. Students at U of M and residents of A
After Obama was embarrassed by Donald Trump acting more presidential than he, as Trump traveled to one of the poorest s
The Democratic presidential nominee is in the midst of a multiday, high-dollar fundraising blitz across the country.After a wee
This video proves why every American needs to know and understand our laws as they pertain to voter fraud. The average Am
They had no basis for publishing their article and yet they published anyway. This is journalistic malpractice at its finest:From t
Corruption is nothing new for Hillary and Bill. What is truly stunning is the mountain of evidence that clearly shows their crimin
If I were a European and was forced to deal with the massive influx of Muslim refugees from Syria, I d be pointing the finger at
Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines at the State Department contacted the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to inquire about seve
INCLUSIVENESS! That is the reason given in the statement by he Ole Miss Athletic Department another SOUTHERN TRADITION
God family, guns and country these are some of the most important things to the majority of Republicans, yet means very littl
For anyone who s paying attention, Hillary just got caught in ANOTHER big lie Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has no re
Hillary had several chances over the years to treat her Secret Service detail with kindness and respect. She chose instead, to b
This new information just adds more validity Trump s argument, that the US needs to take a more serious look at the way we
Jerry L Washington asked the obvious question: Where s the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter Organizations at now??? I
Notice at the beginning of the video where Joe Biden hops out of his vehicle and briskly makes his way up the stairs for a phot
The left showed its true colors last night with serious violence and anti-American flag burning. Donald Trump held a fundraiser
Should there be a medical test to prove the sex of an olympic athlete, or should the athlete be able to decide where they are m
Gee I sure hope their FREE housing, FREE education, FREE food, FREE health care and FREE monthly spending stipend is good
Hillary Clinton is a Planned Parenthood s champion. She was greeted like a rock star at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund e
This is a great story for anyone who doesn t understand the power one liberal judge can wield from the bench. U.S. District Jud
Barack Obama is above the law his daughter is above the law their friends are above the law Chicago politics at its finest.Smok
Pandering Hillary just took a YUGE hit!Republican Donald Trump is surging with African American voters and gaining more sup
Way to go! Target has suffered financially since the boycott over their transgender bathroom policy so they re making a move
As progressivism gets more of a stronghold in America, patriotism is being strangled by the anti-American Left Fire commission
This all started a few days ago when Ryan Lochte claimed he was robbed and his wallet was taken:Ryan Lochte was reportedly
No one understands the dirty Democrat underbelly better than Stephen K. Bannon. He s been in the trenches fighting with the
Hillary can t even find this many supporters to attend her rallies in the US! Biden shouldn t have expected anything less from a
How very progressive While Hillary insults women who are victims of sexual abuse, her creepy VP uses women who are forced
Listening to Zeke Emanuel, awkward brother of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is always a study in the absurdities of politics.
Didn t America have to suffer through a high profile perjury case for another Clinton not so many years ago? Oh yeah that was
Crooked lying Hillary
Does anyone else get the sense Hillary is not quite as popular with Americans as the media would like us to believe? She can b
Usain Bolt was mid-interview when our National Anthem began to play he stops to honor it! Way to go!
There is no question that the killing of any innocent human is a tragedy. So how is it that the media determines just how much
Remember the criticism George W. Bush received for not doing enough for residents of Louisiana after the horrible floods cau
#UnFit Hillary spoke to another small crowd today in Scranton, PA:Once inside the rally, Hillary fell off the podium after introd
Communities like Ferguson, Baltimore and now Milwaukee, didn t ask for this war on cops, it was thrust upon them. It was org
Bravo Sheriff Clarke! Registered Democrat Sheriff David Clarke is the only person in a position of authority in law enforcement
In addition to be a disgusting criminal and an idiot, Jerome is also a Hillary supporter. His Twitter account clearly shows beside
Diamond and Silk light up the crowd at a Trump rally in NC. They remind Crooked Hillary, that just because Obama s cronies ar
Sylville Smith s sister Sherelle, was suddenly thrust into the spotlight after her brother was shot dead by police after a traffic st
He had a gun that he stole during a burglary in a suburb of Milwaukee, along with 500 rounds of ammo. The cop told Syville Sm
While Obama golfs in Martha s Vineyard, yet another decision is made to allow a terrorist to return to his homeland. Way to h
Whenever we have a terror attack in America, the media goes to great lengths to make sure no one assumes of the killer was
Afshin Rattans goes underground inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London with Julian Assange. He talks to the founder of Wik
Thugs burned down several buildings Saturday night in Milwaukee over the shooting death of a 23-year-old black man armed
Wow! This compilation of blatant blocking for Hillary is beyond embarrassing and these journalists should be serving time for
This is Obama s America This will be his legacy. He was elected by over 90% of the Black community. He promised them jobs. I
Tyra for Trump lets it rip on the biased media and tells everyone to STOP listening to the lying reports on Trump!SPREAD THE W
Whenever we have a terror attack in America, the media goes to great lengths to make sure no one assumes of the killer was
Funny what happens when liberals aren t able to bully or shame someone they don t agree with The results don t read like any
Dems Panic In 5 4 3 2 1 Donald Trump s presidential campaign started recruiting election observer volunteers late Friday, afte
The number of Muslim registered voters is up 324,000 since the last Presidential election. As our State Department continues
Will Hillary s health be the only thing she can t hide by lying? She s the only presidential candidate who travels with a full-time
Corporations first Unfortunately, the poor factory worker in Haiti couldn t help Hillary or her campaign Hillary But just ask her,
Are these students bullies? Are they racists? Perhaps they re both. Who in the world would want to hire these openly racist st
The NFL was able to take a stand when it comes to the Cowboys attempt to honoring slain police officers in their hometown, b
It was announced last week that George Soros was donating over $25 MILLION to Hillary s campaign. Today we find out that G
Roughly 70% of states use some form of electronic voting machine. The ease with which these machines can be manipulated i
Donald Trump was clearly on to something when he said we need to stop allowing unvetted refugees into our country until we
In NBC s attempt to discredit Trump, they ve shined a bright light on their own journalistic malpractice when it comes to the C
Nothing good can come out of a protest over a thug who was shot to death by a cop defending his own life in a town that was
That Hillary, she sure is a forked-tongued silver-tongued devil. Funny how the media conveniently forgot about the time Hillar
Dan Rather just released a Facebook post that s so full of BS that it stinks to high heaven! Please feel free to go on over to his p
She is the only Presidential candidate who travels with a full-time physician. She s been having brain freezes and admits to sh
Feel the Bern of a lot of gullible young people who were fed a big line of Bullsh*t Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) is the p
You won t believe who was spotted in the special section behind Hillary Clinton at her rally yesterday in Kissimmee, Florida? Th
US Swimmer Lilly King gave a Russian swimmer a lesson in swimming clean when she raced and beat the swimmer who wagge
Johnson calls Obama s manufactured race war/war on cops a national emergency Watch below as Johnson exposes his left-w
Will the State Department ever tell the truth and prove that careless, reckless, lying Hillary was responsible for his death? A St
No wonder the stands are mostly empty at the Olympic events in the violent city of Rio Di Janeiro.As Rio de Janeiro rings in its
And this woman is going to try and keep up with Trump? I think it s safe to say the debates are gonna be fun
Dunkin Donuts is an American global donut company and coffeehouse chain based in Canton, Massachusetts, in Greater Bost
In 1998, I lost my reputation and my dignity. I lost everything and I almost lost my life -Monica Lewinsky, 2015Here is Monica
Tickets to the fundraiser for Hillary hosted by a law firm who was banned from GITMO after being caught giving Muslim terror
Can you blame her for losing her cool with Crooked Lying Hillary? Share this with all of your undecided friends!https://youtu.
When you re Donald Trump (or any Republican for that matter) and the Washington Post comes to your defense, you know it
Sheriff Clarke better beef up his security detail after Obama and his Democrat friends sees this truth bomb! Kid, I got everythin
Conservative Republican actor and outspoken NRA member, Tom Selleck uses his role on Blue Bloods, a CBS hit TV show to sh
Did you watch the opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympics in Rio last night? If you did, you probably picked up on some politi
Every union member who believes the Democrats are looking out for them needs to remember, that President Bill Clinton sign
If the Trump campaign arranges a rally while Obama is vacationing on Martha s Vineyard, there will be an awful lot of people m
Below the belt h/t Weasel Zippers
It s starting to get old but Trump was right again Iranian state-run media in Tehran did indeed videotape the arrival of a Janua
That s the third suspicious death of a man tied in some way to Hillary. Does anyone in law enforcement have an accurate body
Did anyone else think it was the ultimate irony that Obama came out and declared Trump to be unfit to be president? Here s
Dana Loesch gives us the lowdown on what would happen to our Second Amendment with a Hillary presidency please watch a
Charles Woods, father of U.S. Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was killed during the Benghazi attack, appeared on CNN Tuesday
Hillary s crowds have been nothing short of abysmal since she first announced she was running. Trump s crowds on the other
LOL! Chris thrill up his leg Matthews does his best to convince Steve Cortez, a Trump surrogate that he s not part of the libera
To me, this is the logo of the Obama administration, bowing to dictators and bowing to terrorists. The liberal media has been
We can t be certain, but it almost looked like Megyn had blood coming out of her eyes during her interview with the soft-spok
He asked me if I wanted it back and I said, no!' The veteran who gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart medal during a campaig
Hillary shouldn t be on FOX News giving interviews She should be in jail! Queen Hillary didn t quite get the same treatment fro
Earlier this week, it was rumored that Hillary could barely fill a phone booth with supporters at her Ohio rallies, so she ended u
This video is truly one of the best examples of how Hillary lies and manipulates low-information voters into believing she is inn
HILL larious! If this was a Donald Trump pi ata, the media would be all over this story, making sure the entire country knew ho
Making America Unsafe Again It s the Obama legacy. During his two terms in office, Obama released more prisoners than all n
US Congressman Joe Wilson was right! Obama is a liar His reckless and amateur decisions have made America more unsafe th
YouTuber Joey Salads makes brilliant undercover video to illustrate the idiocy of the narrative put forth by the Left that Ameri
The domestic terror group is at it again Watch photographers vie for the best angle while watching an aggressive, hateful grou
Just a little dose of common sense Guns save lives.A new law went into effect in Texas on Monday that allows certain students
Hillary s lawless, anti-American supporters were clearly just trying to promote that unity she spoke of during her brilliant DNC
This is a shocking story of corruption and collusion even for a Clinton. Hillary should ve been locked up for this one but instead
Clock Boy Part II. When you peel back the rotten Clinton onion, you usually find the scary truth. In the case of the poor believe
We live near the city of Detroit, and anyone could literally drive around for an entire week and see the very same sights as this
Wow! This is a spectacular letter that should be read by every American voter. Veteran Chris Mark truly puts Mr. Khan s public
Last Thursday, during Hillary s acceptance speech at the DNC, she delivered a heart-wrenching and emotional tale about a littl
You can run but you can t hide
We ve inserted our thoughts and a few tweets throughout this article. Our comments can be found in bold red type.Let s start
The political correctness police are apparently more powerful than those who have been trained and dedicate their lives to de
You don t want to miss a second of Judge Jeanine s brilliant analysis of Hillary Vs. Trump Whether you like him or not, Donald T
Remember when this would seem like a far-fetched idea? Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said she loves
What was she thinking? 18 yr old Malia Obama was spotted at Lollapalooza in Chicago, dancing onstage with friends. She got a
Meanwhile, the Koch brothers are denying they were attempting to meet with Trump. They re probably too busy schmoozing
Swedish resident, Rosa Vidarsdottir tells a harrowing story on Facebook of out-of-control, animal-like migrants who, in broad d
Cassandra s points about why she s supporting Donald Trump over Hillary are based on common sense and facts. These are al
Are you paying attention America? A vote for Hillary is a vote for communist billionaire, and chaos financier George Soros. Her
Hey Democrats If you can t even host a 4-day convention for your own party, how can you ask America to vote for you to run
Censorship is alive and well when it comes to Hillary Clinton A street artist in Australia had his Instagram account deleted and
How does a refugee who is facing trial for the rape of a school aged girl board a plane in America and fly overseas to another c
By now, pretty much everyone has seen pictures or video footage of Bill Clinton snoozing while Hillary gave her powerful spee
It s only logical that the people who supported Bernie Sanders, the anti-establishment candidate would be more attracted to
The Left have thrown their women and children to the dogs literally. Open borders have consequences The victim of a man wh
Maybe Hillary s Russian uranium deal included a cameo of Russian warships on the DNC stage? It certainly wouldn t surprise a
The best part of the whole video is when this pompous Muslim street preacher tells the police officer that the woman in the ti
If you haven t seen Dinesh D Souza s HILLARY S AMERICA yet, it is a MUST see! Watch here, as Dinesh explains why his histor
It would appear American voters are more interested in what the Republican party has to say about the future of our nation th
Narcissist isn t a strong enough word to describe this twisted little man
Meanwhile, police officers were outside the walls of the DNC literally putting out fires started by Bernie s flag burners and pro
Wow! The Dems are so out of touch
It s over for Hillary It s officially over for the Democrat Party Obama built this!The nomination was barely sealed up at the Dem
Democrats are the party of KKK The problem is, you keep running back to Massa Hillary can you give my people some handou
It s just cleaner that way You know, keeping anyone who disagrees with Hillary in a caged area Shutting down free speech it s
Just another tolerant violent liberal, shooting a man who defended his nation because he didn t agree with his opinion Who g
The house of cards is falling as America eagerly awaits Wikileaks next major dump that promises to expose evidence that shou
The Queen of the DNC is in big trouble 1000+ Berners walked out CA is GONE UT Gone Oregon Gone ..& more #DNCWalkOu
What a crazy group of professional agitators and political scumbags this has been REALLY entertaining and a bit creepy too
Inside, on the DNC stage, Hillary is pandering to moms of dead thugs and family members who lost someone they loved becau
Pandering Hillary s getting a little karma Black Lives Matter are now protesting at the #DNCinPHL with the sign 'Hillary, delete y
Is it any wonder veterans are getting behind Donald J. Trump in huge numbers? Isn t it about time we took care of our veteran
Dinesh D Souza s fascinating movie, Hillary s America debuted to rave reviews in theaters across America on July 22nd. D Sou
FRANCE HAS THE BLOOD OF THIS PRIEST ON THIER HANDS! Their political correctness allowed this KNOWN TERRORIST to roam
This was a 12 year girl who was raped brutally, was put in a coma. She was a virgin. She was told she could never have childre
Last night the press swooned over Bitter Mooch s speech at the DNC She s such an asset to Hillary s campaign. The Democrat
Democrats brought illegal after illegal alien on stage today during their communist convention. (We re still wondering how ICE
Whoa! We asked the question yesterday in more of a tongue-and-cheek manner. That was before we saw the serious questio
Julian Assange tells what he ll do next and what motivates him. He also believes Trump will be great for freedom of the press i
No respect for God No respect for our Constitution And no respect for America What a sickening bunch of heathens Because t
Lefty Bernie Supporters chant HRC has got to go! in the streets of Philadelphia during the DNC Convention:
Hillary Clinton always putting a radical ideology and her own personal financial gain before the best interests of America. Is thi
Wow! What a week for the Democrats! Nothing like the truth to bring the Dems to their knees! With the start of the DNC Con
It s interesting how the media has completely ignored this massive wall while making a big deal about the extra security meas
We all know the reality of the Black Lives Matter movement. It s heartbreaking that these community organizing jack-holes ca
It s good to know there are still some judges in America who put the law before political correctness An attorney was removed
Democrat dummy of the day Rep. Tom Cole (R., Okla.) embarrassed Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) on ABC Sunday morning whe
This news comes as Obama works to bring even more unvetted Syrian refugees to America as Hillary nods in agreement Police
Watch the only Presidential candidate who travels with a full-time physician having what appears to be some sort of seizure
Is it possible the curtain has been pulled back, and the truth about the intolerant Democrat Party is out there for the whole wo
The tsunami has started President Obama s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again so he s voting for Donald
Imagine what it must feel like for these officers who put on their uniforms and go to work, risking their lives in a city whose M
SHARE this link with everyone you know. EVERY American should see this movie before they vote! The weekend Clinton Cash
HILLARY IS TOAST!Here are the polls that had must ve pained CNN to post:CNN, The most biased political media source there
So much for that whole diversity thing I'm thrilled to announce my running mate, @TimKaine, a man who's devoted his life to
Proving that they really don t want anything to do with improving relations with local law enforcement. This hateful and divisi
At least they re consistent and crooked to the core just like their candidate Hillary Clinton will be crowned the Democratic pre
Nothing says embracing diversity like dividing interns by color and kicking the white interns to the back of the photo.It s pretty
People are offended by just about everything so it s really no surprise that people in Muncie, Indiana would be offended by a b
A protester at the RNC in Cleveland attempted to light the American flag on fire in a pitiful; attempt at anarchy. She couldn t e
Asking thug, Michael Brown s mom to speak at the DNC is a new low even for Hillary. If the DNC had to have a black mother sp
The video below is a great example of what the Cleveland police officers are dealing with outside of the GOP Convention. Hun
If we had a real President who wasn t spending all of his time acting as the behind-the-scenes leader of the Black Lives Matter
Remember when the French used to mock conservatives for being so closed-minded and unaccepting of their liberal values? R
Is there really anything more irresponsible than standing before a large group of people on a stage in South Africa and telling t
WOW This woman absolutely nails it!
***WARNING***If you are between the ages of 18-23 and believe everything your Leftist teachers and professors are feeding
Watch Barack Obama identify himself as the leader of the Black Lives Matter terror group in video below: In a movement like B
Says the guy whose legacy will be a war on cops and the division of America President Barack Obama cautioned Americans fro
This cop killer was a hateful, racist sub-human. He not only hated white people and cops, he bragged about it. The scary thing
THE COMMON THREAD IN ALL THIS IS HATE THE HATE COMING FROM: Black Lives Matter, Nation Of Islam and New Black Pa
Obama s war on America just got real These acts of terror need to be treated as such.BREAKING: Cleveland police union chief
Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Black Lives Matter OWN this hell they have thrusted
FOX News reporter Mike Tobin interviewed former New Black Panther leader Malik Shabazz who promised violence on the Re
Who better to help root out terror than a person whose religion forbids them from ratting out someone of their own faith? Th
American citizens should be more concerned about the Left and the leftist media s attempt to HIDE the brutal truth about Sha
Hillary came out with a heavily edited TV ad yesterday, calling Trump s ability to be a role model into question. Here is the vid
Seth Rich was hired by the Democrat Party as the official voter expansion data director. Although there is no connection yet,
Lawless, Crooked Hillary promises to continue with Obama s arrogant, lawless push to flood America with people who have ille
SHARE this video everywhere. We cannot allow the leftist media to control this narrative. Our freedom and our way of life is o
There are no words for these selfish sub-humans Here are a couple of profiles from Twitter of the people tweeting about BLM
Translation: I m so sorry for your loss but wanted to use this moment to point out I won an award for my acting in Nice!Litera
Pathetic Predictably impotent. We are not united we are divided. We do not stand strong. We sit like ducks. Waiting to be sho
Except when someone tries to rob them or break into their home or restaurant then, of course the sheriff deputies will be wel
Isn t it great when the day after a major terror attack in France, citizens can wake up in America, and fear more organized chao
If Facebook has aligned themselves with Germany to restrict the free speech of its users, what makes us so sure they won t do
How very diverse! These refugees sure know how to assimilate in their new host countries don t they?Stickers calling for demo
It s almost like our Community Agitator in Chief purposefully won t acknowledge anyone who isn t in lock-step with his radical
Bad timing This is not great news for the Black Lives Matter terrorists, who were just getting warmed up. Not that the media o
The mainstream media, Hillary, Barack and Black Lives Matter terrorists yawn The Fresno Police Department released body ca
Keep your eye on Anita Moncreif If knowledge is power she is the Democrat Party s worst nightmare. When you re on the left,
Veterans are the backbone of the biker community We are patriots We love our cops The antithesis of the Black Lives Matter
Maybe the Left became a bit too optimistic after America put a radical Community Organizer in the White House. Perhaps the
Karma it s a beautiful thing A massive makeshift refugee camp has been established in Lake Como, the popular and secluded c
Why is the NFL ignoring this situation? Are they okay with NFL players posting images that suggest brutally murdering cops? Th
When America elected a Community Agitator, they had no idea what that would mean for our nation. Does everyone get it no
Rush Limbaugh is spot on with his analysis of Barack Obama and how he has intentionally torn our nation apart, and more imp
The lawless and in-your-face behavior that this President and his regime have been able to get away with is simply breathtak
This thug doesn t just threaten to KILL COPS he encourages OTHERS who are watching the Youtube video to JOIN HIM! Why w
Obama had the audacity to tell this crowd of mourners that he wonders if the divides of race in America can ever be bridged?
Obama s war against cops and white people in full swing Nobody s a winner in Obama s war on America March Eugene Ratne
The serious consequences of political correctness gone wild Women attending an anti-racism music festival in Sweden were r
These two Presidents could not be more different. George W. Bush is a natural born leader. He inspires others to consider som
It s pretty safe to say if you stand in front of moving traffic, or intentionally blocking passage of a vehicle, there s a good chanc
Facebook CEO and founder, Mark Zuckerberg is clearly making an effort to recognize the recent deaths of two black men, who
Apparently the Black Lives Matter terror group hasn t managed to distract Florida voters from Crooked Hillary s untrustworthy
When Black Lives Matter supporters use the same tactics as an ISIS terrorist, America has a serious problem. Black Lives Matte
A We The People petition was started on July 6TH, asking the government to formally designate Black Lives Matter as a terro
Because blind people are probably experts on judging people based on skin color. No mention of the police officers killed over
If this cop s comments were in lock-step with the leftist narrative, that it s okay to use violence to punish innocent cops as long
Put down the bricks and vote! Hmmm I wonder if he has a particular party in mind?Black Lives Matter activists need to need t
Whoever thought asking Obama s terrorists soldiers to shut down highways, throw Molotov cocktails, bricks, concrete and fire
It would appear that Barack didn t get the memo. Somehow he missed the part where the Dallas cop killer admitted he just w
The rainbows and unicorn crowd decided they just had to complain about a gun manufacturer s ad being in the Columbia, SC A
We reported earlier about Dallas cop killer, Micah X. Johnson and his affiliation with the New Black Panther group, as well as O
US Border Agents and local law enforcement gave these journalists permission to be there. But Obama s Federal Wildlife Offic
Because Bob Price at Breitbart News had the courage to attend and film an unbelievable Black Panther rally aimed at threaten
A large group of Black Lives Matter protesters marched through downtown Atlanta in an attempt to shut down a major highw
Who is this terrorist and why has not yet been arrested for making open threats against our law enforcement officers and firem
Eric Holder in a dress Eric Holder got the ball rolling for Obama when he used taxpayer dollars to pay people to protest during
We don t want to jump to any conclusions, so we ll just wait to find out if Victor Alonzo Majia Nunez is a legal US citizen (or no
Did America really expect this racist, Community Organizer In Chief to go out quietly? Barack and Mooch have played America
Assimilate or go home In the latest move to deny citizenship to anyone who chooses not to assimilate with Swiss culture, auth
Just another solider in Obama s Race War against Americans Funny I don t recall innocent people being shot because one of O
The Democrat motto: Never let an opportunity go to waste Hours after the Black Lives Matter massacre, these thugs got in th
Ironically, He KILLED Cops Protecting Rights Of Cop Haters The gunman who opened fire Thursday night in Dallas in an attack o
A post on the Black Power Political Organization Facebook page shows the group taking credit for snipers who killed Dallas law
Wow there are no words for the hate these people walk around with every day Check out these unbelievable tweets celebrati
Obama shouldn t think for one moment that America doesn t see through he and Hillary s disgusting plan to divide us by color
Heartbreaking: A 5th Dallas law enforcement officer has been pronounced dead today:Dallas Police Association says a 5th poli
This is just a preview of what these terrorists professional agitators, who ve actually met with our Community Organizer in Chi
Of course tomorrow morning, the Democrat Party will put their heads together and after hours of damage control, they will te
If this sniper is part of the Black Lives Matter group, does this massacre of innocent law enforcement officers officially make th
Two suspects are in DPD custody following horrific attack on Dallas law enforcement officers during a Black Lives Matter prote
UPDATE 12:09: 1 Suspect in custody. 1 suspect pinned down.Dallas Update! 1suspect in custody & 1suspect pinned down!!Bo
James Pearce, an anti-gun adjunct professor at Southern State Community College in Ohio, made an outrageous, threatening F
Buckle up America Obama still has 6 months to fundamentally transform America. If the media and #NeverTrump crowd mana
Barack Hussein Obama has not exactly done a stellar job convincing America he s a Christian. He spent his entire career as Chr
Of course, you won t see this story on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC or any of the other liberal news stations. Because gangs of
Let that sink in A major party in America is planning to spend upwards of $800,000 to create chaos, confusion and intimidation
Conservative badass and girlfriend of active duty Navy Seal hits back HARD after black racists attack her on social media The re
Are Democrat voters willing to risk what little integrity their party has left to get behind Crooked Hillary? Will they be inspired
It warms the heart to know people as important as Hollywood actor Matt Damon care so much about the little people with gu
America should ve known Hillary would be allowed to skate. When Chicago thug politics mesh with the Clinton Crime Syndicat
Just another big city destroyed by Democrats As the nation took to backyard BBQs and paused to celebrate the birth of our na
Boom!Courtesy of:
How elite leftists celebrate America s Independence Day The Kennedy clan gathered at their Hyannis Port compound on Cape
We re still waiting to hear if the White Congressional Caucus will join in oh wait never mind The Congressional Black Caucus is
Please check out the clip below and you ll see what drives conservatives nuts! CNN has every right to question Daniel Hannan
Bravo! This woman is example of true courage. More Americans need to take a stand against anyone who attempts to silence
Sacrifice is for the peasants When Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio hosts a reception for a string of A-list stars, supermodel
I wish I could say I was shocked, but the sad truth is pro-abortion voters are the major reason America has been crippled by Ob
This is a good reminder of how important it is to prevent Obama from anointing another radical on the Supreme Court. It migh
The media can t seem to get enough of the story of the Texas mother who killed her two daughters and was then shot and kill
Here s the truth about the Somali Muslim population in the Twin Cities where these signs are being placed around by a Christi
Isn t Alluha Akbar Islamic? I m pretty sure these cowards aren t Christians. Obama will still try to convince the world these nin
Is it possible that Bill s latest move could ve just sealed Hillary s fate? It actually makes perfect sense. Bill and Hillary Clinton ha
Reasonable Americans expected never expected unbiased justice to be served by Eric Holder in a skirt Friday on MSNBC s Mo
Is there a law against waterboarding Republican Senators who continue to be re-elected even though it s pretty clear they sho
Obama drone Gwyneth Paltrow can t understand why she was once named the world s Most Hated Celebrity by a magazine.
It s easy to see why there are so many Americans who would rather keep their heads firmly buried in the sand than know the
If the Democrat voters don t care if they re voting for a woman who is under criminal investigation after putting our national s
Pamela Gellar is a badass warrior who has a knack for exposing the truth about the tolerance of followers of Islam After the M
There are too many differences between President John F. Kennedy and Barack Hussein Obama to count. This business owner
The death of free speech seems to be catching fire around the world. The Left is winning the propaganda war, but the Right is
Nothing to see here no conflict of interest. How can anyone wonder why Americans have completely lost their ability to trust
In their desire to push Hillary Clinton across the finish line, the mainstream media and RINO pundits continue to ignore that on
Our good friend Joe Dan Gorman has done it again! He s put together an awesome video that explains the Brexit and the para
It s long overdue but this domestic terrorist THUG just got the justice he deserved As TRN reported in April 2015, rioters in Bal
Trump was 100% correct when he said, Hillary doesn t have the temperament to become President. Gary Byrne, author of Cr
Newsflash Hillary WAR is not aesthetically pleasing! Is this the kind of President America would like to have making decisions t
This is the same Muslim mayor who recently banned sexy women from advertisements in London Sadiq Khan today called fo
This is awesome! I watched the entire press conference and Gowdy just nails the lame stream media!
Breitbart News published a story about our 100 Percent FED Up Facebook page being hidden from the Facebook news feed aft
Following a leftist agenda is no longer optional. Follow their rules or be subject to fines The guide states, The District uses the
Obama doing what Obama does best putting radical Muslims who are a serious threat to our national security back on the batt
Ted Cruz has no interest in playing Mr Nice Guy with Obama or his willing accomplices in the FBI, DHS or his DOJ It s been ove
Because NYC Firefighters don t have enough to worry about. They now have to worry about how to properly identify and addr
After 9 Months Of Hard-Core Islam Muslim Clock Boy Returns To TX Still Plans To Sue State He Misses For $15 MILLIONCAIR
The anti-establishment tide is rolling across Europe. You really can t blame the citizens for being furious at their leaders for allo
Vince Foster Part II?The death by barbell of disgraced UN official John Ashe could become a bigger obsession for conspiracy th
Take note America
When a Muslim man with dual citizenship in Egypt and America tells his fellow agents: A Muslim doesn t record another Musl
Why is explaining our Constitution to liberals is like explaining algebra to a two year old? Shouldn t government officials who a
Taxpayers need to start calling out the colleges and universities they re funding with their tax dollars. This kind of communist i
No evidence No worries Obama s got this one. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party s presidential nominee would already be in jail
To hell with the common sense voter, Hillary believes she only needs Americans who are okay with living in a lawless nation to
Barack Hussein Obama has been in over his head since he first stepped foot in the White House. Our Community Organizer In
Welcome to socialism, where colleges, universities and our government work hand-in-hand to level the playing field. It all star
***LANGUAGE WARNING***I admittedly (and intentionally) haven t seen too many Ben Affleck movies, but watching this rab
This is the second major blow today to Obama and his plans to fundamentally transform America. The first blow to Obama wa
Don t let the door hit ya B..b..but who will beat up innocent Trump supporters? The assertion of presidential power was rema
Don t think for a minute this union-style Black Lives Matter/Occupy type sit-in wasn t orchestrated in our Oval Office by our C
Obama and the Leftist Supreme Court activists are working overtime to push white students to the back of the line The U.S. Su
Would Hillary s every day Americans answer these questions the same way as these indoctrinated college students? Who do
Nothing to see here. No conflict of interest. All feminists please look the other way you didn t really see this Crooked Hillary re
Something wicked happened in Idaho s rural Magic Valley. The evil has been compounded by politicians, media and special int
Americans need to know that gun control is not just an issue leftist legislators are pushing. Educators and school administrato
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appears to be concerned about being spied on. A photo that he shared to help celebrate Insta
Meanwhile back in the good ole USA, liberals have convinced Americans they are either racists or xenophobes if they agree
Supreme Court Justic Sotomayor went on a racist rant about how law enforcement has targeted minorities and put fear in bla
Boom! Just when you think there isn t a sane person left in Hollywood, actor Vince Vaughn comes out with this brilliant statem
Dolly Kyle has written a scathing tell all book exposing the sickening hidden truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary s war o
As anyone who remotely follows the news knows, media whore Hillary has been dying for a reason to appear in photos unrela
Dolly Kyle has written a scathing tell all book exposing the sickening hidden truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary s war o

Oh look Hillary s considering a lying, opportunist, Democrat politician with a vagina as her running mate. It all makes perfect se
US Citizens should never have to beg members of Congress to put the safety and security of their families before the donors w
I don t think there are too many people who would disagree with that sentiment, given Obama s obvious desire to make Amer
This is totally out of left field! Vin Scully goes off on the evils of socialism-epic! Vin Scully has strong feelings on socialism
Hillary s going to make make our borders less secure. She s going to take away our ability to defend ourselves It s RADICAL ISL
Hysterical! As always, conservative comedian Steven Crowder nails it with this one
Wait until you read this woman s biography and past quotes about conservatives! Popular myth-busting website Snopes origin
Remember when the press used to actually report the news? Today they are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Obama
Catherine Herridge is one of the best reporters on foreign policy and terrorism. She weighs in on the two opposing views with
Corruption and socialism go hand in hand Brazil is no exception!Here s the backstory on the corrupt Brazillian President and ho
The Left has been itching for a fight the only problem is, they ve been itching for a fight against Trump supporters who re outn
Paul Ryan has had almost 8 years to lead the charge to impeach Obama for his unlawful, unconstitutional acts against America
Florida Governor Rick Scott is not holding anything back. He is angry that Obama has made the Second Amendment the enem
If you see something say something and maybe, if the FBI isn t too busy spending all of their time and resources investigating a
Because getting something for nothing is all the rage with this President and the professors who spew this type of garbage to
And people wonder why American voters are flocking to Trump like flies on cow-pies In a Wednesday interview with Fox News
One of the countries Mooch and her taxpayer funded mom and daughters will be visiting was devastated by Ebola less than tw
Just remember, the woman who believes Hillary is the best candidate for the job because she has a vagina, is the same person
What is it about liberal men that makes a woman want to shoot him up with testosterone just to make him tolerable? Gersh K
Disney has officially begun to push a gay agenda on children so young that many of them don t even know there are anatomic
If the Muslim terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded several others in a gay nightclub in Orlando had been scouting out D
Sounds like one of the best reasons ever TO vote for Trump A Saudi prince has urged Americans not to vote for Donald Trump
When you read these statistics, the Orlando massacre of 49 innocent men and women in a public space should really come as
Chicago residents are living a nightmare. The murder and crime statistics are what you would expect to see in a war torn Midd
Feeling safer? One of the sitting members on the Homeland Security Advisory Council s (HSAC) Subcommittee on Countering V
And the left says Trump hasn t given details about what he ll do when president? Hillary couldn t be more clueless and vague i
This is not the first time Putin has warned the US to hurry up with its release of Hillary s emails. Biden better get the emergenc
Amarillo, Texas is home to more than 1,000 Mideast migrants giving Amarillo the highest refugee ratio in the country.UPDAT
Socialist indoctrination starts in Kindergarten and is reinforced throughout the American student s educational journey. Paren
No word yet on when every female London resident will be asked to wear a hijab in public, so as not to offend the exploding M
Of course, Mateen s Muslim father vehemently denies his son was gay. ISIS isn t gonna like this new little development, espec
Nothing to see here. Hillary was likely just fulfilling a promise to a foreign Muslim donor. It wasn t the first time she gave a sta
And if Trump did indeed imply Obama was working on behalf of Muslim terrorists do you believe he s correct?
As a side note, the illegal aliens who are being dropped off across America in vans are OTM s or Other Than Mexicans. Can the
Where there s a will, there s a way and these awesome students certainly don t lack the will to succeed in their quest to prote
Federal prosecutors warned U.S. District Judge Gregory Presell that gang member and radical Muslim, Marcus Dwayne Robert
Donald Trump: With fifty people dead and perhaps more ultimately and dozens more wounded we cannot afford to talk aroun
Liberals like to use the term right wing extremists . They like to blame the Christian faith every time a Planned Parenthood ab
This is what happens when people are more concerned about hurting someone s feelings or profiling someone than reporting
He was such a nice boy, from such a nice family .This is a little disturbing. Remember Amed Mohamed and the exploited islam
The media will ignore the fact that this man was reportedly on his way to harm gays or that he appears to be a Bernie Sander
We ve heard it all before He was such a good boy this has nothing to do with his Muslim faith. Never mind that he called 9-11
The movie that Hillary will NOT want America to see Hillary Clinton s staff are currently giving depositions under oath about ho
Hillary doesn t recall saying it, but Bill s campaign manager, Paul Fray clearly remembers her saying it. Just another Hillary lie w
The left wants to change hurtful words to whatever they deem to be ok but they got some push back with the order to keep
The bashing of Donald Trump is getting so old and tiresome. People with common sense know the truth and know what the le
This video is just one of many examples showing the truth about the manufactured race war in America created by Obama, hi
This call to violence by the Left against innocent people who don t agree with their radical ideology, is eerily similar to the tacti
Two Muslims spit on a Dutch reporter and then flipped her off as they rode away. Who does this? Sick animals!
Screaming leftists interrupted Donald Trump s speech today at the Faith and Freedom Conference in Washington DC. Trump b
If his name was Michael Brown if he robbed a local convenience store and roughed up the store manager if he tried to take a g
This is what happens when you cross the Left. Sadly, this is how unions have been operating for decades. Mainstream America
While researching for a wrap-up on the June 7 Presidential Primaries, we discovered evidence that Google may be manipulatin
Sorry Bernie, but it s all about Obama s third term and he s not about to let some geriatric socialist screw that up for him The D
Pathetic New Age guru and alternative medicine activist Dr. Deepak Chopra attacked Donald Trump Tuesday in an interview o
Wow .just wow! This is a great article for anyone whose child is a LEGAL American citizen and got a 4.0 or greater in high scho
A liberal Reporter for Esquire got a dose of reality when he went along the border and asked anyone he saw to weigh in on
What a role model for women and young girls, a presidential candidate who has one foot in prison and the other on the camp
Read anything Stephen Henderson has written over the past year and you will be hard pressed to find a single piece where he
First the mafia announced that they re all done playing games with these freeloaders, and now the government is putting them
Italian Catholics are essentially being told to pray silently (hide their religious convictions) to avoid offending anyone, while Mu
How does one reconcile this insane interference by the government over how a legal Norwegian family practices their Christia
Crooked Hillary has met her match: Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her private hedge fund. Here is Trump s
Sorry Leftists the DNA doesn t change because a boy wants to be a girl. What part of NOT fair don t you get?Alaskan mother Je
Fat ass fraud in a pants suit When Hillary Clinton won the New York primary in April, she called for raising wages and reducing
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclu
American citizens will be encouraged when the queen of the Clinton Crime Syndicate is convicted Former Secretary of State H
New York City begs to differ Of course, this is just another way of Obama saying, Screw Trump and screw America, we re build
PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT RHE VIDEO BELOW:Several Trump supporters have been assaulted at rallies but this one is especially
Sheriff Clarke weighs in on the violence at the Trump rally in San Jpse:
A short excerpt from CAN s upcoming documentary Exposed: The Islamization of Our Schools .This documentary-in-progress u
Watch the video and you be the judge. Was Piers Morgan correct or was he out of line?Piers Morgan poked the hornets nest
***TURN DOWN THE VOLUME***These are the pathetic social justice warriors (SJW s) our colleges and universities are indoc
One short trip on a boat and this could be all yours! No papers required A group of local citizens from the Italian Island of Sicily
Political correctness is obviously not important to this outspoken business owner The owner of a Windy City Pizza store didn t
It s really a pretty simple scheme. Obama is placing Democrat voters (illegal aliens who are given housing, education, food, hea
Hillary Clinton was all smiles at a rally in California until her podium starts to collapse is this just a big case of karma?
The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level. Norman MailerBernie Sanders has raised a lot of money during
America keeps waiting for word that Hillary will be indicted. Is Obama waiting for the right moment or will the FBI be allowed
Poor 5-star Mooch. At least we know now why she spends so much time traveling around the world on our dime First Lady Mi
This ridiculous article by Politico, who pretends to be a non-biased source for news is sadly, what passes as journalism today. W
***LANGUAGE WARNING*** Why is it acceptable for people who come from other damn countries to be proud of their coun
Maybe Hillary or Bernie can use this footage in their next campaign ad. What a great way to bring American voters over to the
Here s how Bill is paying back years of loyalty by his enabling wife Hillary, who made it possible for him to sexually assault an u
The strategy of the left is WAR and that s why every American should hear it: Angela Davis on defeating Trump: We have to d
The insanity continues! The outrageous invasion on our southern border has been so out of control in the past seven years bu
Barack Obama s legacy will be a divided, lawless, mooching, disrespectful America. Obama has been very clear about his open
What is amazing about this video is that it captures the unimaginable positive attitude of the female Trump supporter in the fa
Yet another assault on a Trump supporter by a thug at a Trump rally in San Jose, California tonight. Luckily,the assault was cap
They preyed on the poor in Latin America. They promised them an education, but the real goal was about turning a profit. No,
Barack only needs to find the closest mirror to understand where the increase in racism and distrust in our over-reaching gove
The leader of the worst economy on the planet is endorsing fellow Socialist Bernie Sanders. Let that sink in Yes It s A future yo
There is a stark difference between these two veterans. Perry O Brien, the crybaby veteran who has organized a group against
Ironically, the two issues that catapulted Trump past all of his competitors in the GOP Presidential race were building the wall
Of course, Black Caucus member and loudmouth activist, Rep. Cummings would be the first to let everyone know how outrage
How many times have the press and the Left admonished Trump for saying we need to do a better job of vetting the refugees
69 people were shot in gun-free Chicago over this past Memorial Day weekend. Meanwhile Barack Obama is busy working wit
So let it be said so let it be done.I don t remember anyone asking if Americans were okay with the month of June being dedica
It s really quite ironic that the guy who has paid and non-paid protesters inciting violence and riots at virtually every Trump ral
This video exposes the underbelly of the illegal alien community and the hate they have for anyone who would enforce the ru
Donald Trump held a press conference today to clarify every since bit of accusations made that he pocketed over six million do
When will the media report on this nice group of illegal aliens and racist American thugs
Here s what some ignorant race baiting Twitter users had to say about the recent tragedy that involved the killing of a Silverba
This report is so outrageous that we could hardly believe it was true. Sadly, this is a true story. The idea that our troops would
Even the most militant supporters of Crooked Hillary are (reluctantly) exposing the truth about her. Fake black guy, journalist
What happens when a black police officer sings the national anthem at a ball park? Is that racist as well? When will Disney ow
Obama s historic Embracing the Communists Tour wouldn t be complete without a stop in Vietnam All on the American taxpay
A first hand look at the lie the media continue to perpetuate that all Hispanics are against Trump. WOW! HISPANIC TRUMP SU
Chicago style politics buckle up America Barry s just getting warmed up A federal judge has ordered the release of internal Tru
VANCOUVER, Wash. (KOIN) A Vancouver man confronted a known panhandler recently near NE Andresen Rd. and NE Fourth
This is rich! A live feed from MSNBC was trying to show how great the anti-Trump protesters were behaving but all of a sudde
It was actually refreshing to see the cops fighting back against an unruly mob of Mexican flag carrying rioters in San Diego (Wa
Mind blowing incompetence and reckless disregard for the lives of these brave men and women by politically appointed leftist
Are police officers finally getting sick and tired of walking around on eggshells while being disrespected and abused by the Oba
Are these protesters at the Trump rally in Fresno, CA illegal aliens? If they re not illegal aliens, why are the people who are mo
This is probably not an untypical Muslim taxpayer supported family. Once a government makes the decision to open its borde
What a unique way for a President of the United States to spend his Memorial Day weekend apologizing to a nation who want
The social rot continues in a city that was miraculously cleaned up on Mayor Giuliani s watch. All of the hard work Rudy did to
#FeelTheBernOfSocialismUnivision host Leon Krauze asked avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders about the collapse of several Latin
A Texas Imam agrees with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump s controversial suggestion that America set-up a t
First it was the FLUSH TARGET campaign, where a truck will travel to every store in MN delivering a serious message to Target
Girls aren t the only gender who will suffer embarrassment, humiliation and even the prospect of sexual predators in their bat
These are shocking revelations that have essentially taken place while America and our elected representatives slept.ALL Of A
Wow! They re really coming out of the woodwork now! Peeping at little girls is sick and so twisted but it s obvious this guy has
We ve said it before, Katie Couric is a wolf in sheep s clothing. Katie has been practicing the promotion of deceitful, leftist prop
Who knew a President could do so much damage in one year? Who knew he would have the support of so many Republicans
Meanwhile, Obama has brilliantly distracted America from his dangerous deals with Iran with White House sanctioned Black L
Not that the word legal means anything to either one of them Because Hillary Clinton is white and no longer young, a strain o
If you have the time, you should watch every minute of this video. If you can t watch it all, go to the 56 minute mark and watc
DEMOCRATS Making free and fair elections impossible in America. Hmmm I wonder why Obama, Hillary and Bernie are fightin
Donald Trump on Wednesday slammed what he described as thugs and criminals who clashed with police outside an Albuq
It s too late for these countries who ve been invaded by mostly young Muslim male refugees to turn back the clock. Bavaria is
It s hard to tell what these Black Lives Matter crybabies hate more gays with a different opinion than them or free speech Mea
It seems like a pretty easy mistake. After all he could easily have called Hillary Obama
We all know the defense of children comes dead last when it comes to the Left. It s interesting how Hillary helped to get a chil
As the #NeverTrump movement has become officially irrelevant, our hilarious friend Joe Dan Gorman of Intellectual Froglegs p
How much longer before cops stop coming into the neighborhoods to help the people who hate them? The following is a state
Another moderate Muslim A Muslim woman who was photographed taking selfies in front of a Belgian protest last week, ear
Bill s gonna wish his corrupt wife never ran for President by the time Trump is finished exposing this family of grifters. This is m
No reason to deal in facts. A black man was killed by a white cop why bother with a trial right? The verdict is in for one of the o
Trump has the Left scrambling to figure out how they re going to stop the flow of illegal immigrants future Democrat voters in
Wow! What a commie putz! After lifting the arms restrictions on Vietnam, Obama gleefully gets a photo right in front of the bu
Keep your white Jesus is all you need to hear to know how ignorant this rapper is. Because anyone who makes a video about
Says the women whose whole life has been a series of lies.Hillary Clinton on Sunday effectively dismissed her two remaining W
The worst thing is the number of white people and people with ties to law enforcement officers will pay to see one of the mos
This is the truth about the intentions of the growing radical Muslim population living in the UK. It s the truth the liberal, open-
Is it possible the French have lost their appetite for our pro-open borders Hollywood liberals misrepresenting the truth about
It s perfectly appropriate for a male rapist to make his way into a public girl s bathroom but a woman working out with her hu
The religion of Progressivism is working overtime to erase and replace Christianity in the lives of Americans. God is nothing mo
The timing couldn t possibly be any worse ***WARNING*** GRAPHIC VideoTarget is smack dab in the middle of a PR nightma
The self proclaimed feminist apparently has no problem with using physical force against a woman who is part of a party that
Who goes to a wedding and doesn t bring a gift? Who brags about going to a wedding and not bringing a gift? Hillary admits s
So it begins the suing of Americans who don t agree with Obama s dangerous decree that allows men to use the little girl s roo
The people who are angry about her wearing this hat should also be angry at the hate America indoctrination our children ar
Just another upstanding citizen who s been invited to the White House by our Community Organizer In Chief Birds of a feather
The Leftist agenda in action blurring the lines of sexuality, while stripping humanity of any sense of individuality or morality A l
Watch Juan Williams make several attempts to shame Fox Five host, Kimberly Guilfoyle for speaking out against Obama s Blac
Forcing employees in a mostly Hispanic area of a very liberal city to speak English seems like a bit of a risk. It appears however
The discussion Bret Stephens had with his 10 year old son, is one every parent should be having with the very generation who
Perhaps a few random flash mobs protesting Target s decision to put the feelings of .01% of our population before the safety o
The Democrat s war on mostly ugly women Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell believes that Donald Trump will ultimately l
Two white guys living in a state where 96% of its residents are white, and who have become extremely wealthy by selling ice c
This highly visible campaign has nothing to do with being anti-gay this is about the safety of women and children and about Ta
Culture rot The health professionals who will be forced to care for them will be really impressed when they find out how these
This is a story you won t likely find anywhere else, as both political parties seem to be okay with the import of low wage worke
Putin may be the one person Obama has absolutely no influence over. With Obama unable to use his Chicago thug-like politica
This nightmare could have all been prevented if America was able to look past their unwarranted white guilt for one second, a
What would Ellen s motive be for addressing Hillary s strange public affection for Aguilera s bosoms, other than to endear her
It s interesting how much vitriol some women harbor for successful men who date beautiful women, as though it s somehow e
Great advice from a woman who has 24-7 security and lives in an imaginary world. Her life and the life of her children will likel
Only the strongest will survive in the dog-eat-dog world of Socialism. This is the result of a society that believed the governme
There is no reason to believe the welfare of our veterans would be a priority for Obama after he leaves office, considering the
WOW! IT WAS AN ALL OUT BRAWL AT THE NV DEM CONVENTION: The Hill Reported: Tensions were high at the Democratic co
These leftist actors are so darn funny. You know what isn t funny? They never mention the 4 Americans Hillary left to die in Be
Perhaps a little trigger warning therapy is in order?A cartoonist has been accused of racism after he portrayed Michelle Obam
In typical Obama fashion, the extravagant tax-payer funded Nordic state dinner looked more like an after-party for the Academ
Just another classless act in the life of President Barack Obama President Obama s Twitter account, which is run by his Organ
In their rush to make radical Muslims terrorists feel as though they are welcome in Belgium, coupled with their naive belief th
Who can forget the sweet young Dartmouth College student who was part of a larger disruptive, bullying group of students w
Beware of morning talk show hosts turned news personalities. The Katie Couric s and Matt Lauer s of the world are some of t
This story is for anyone who thinks King Obama s latest decree isn t reckless and dangerous to ever woman and girl in America
Only 38 states to go. Obama is going to do more damage to the fabric of America in his final 7 months in office than any other
We all know Bill Clinton is a sexual predator. The big question now is, how much Hillary knew about his disgusting sexual trysts
Here s how Donald Trump reacted Donald Trump reacted Friday to a report that the Clinton Global Foundation provided millio
Better a blow-up doll than an actual citizen, in the city of L beck, Germany where the Muslim migrant population has exploded
Jeff Daniels channels his role as ACN s Will McAvoy from HBO s The Newsroom to respond to question about Trump vs Hilla
TAXES really do kill people. Eric Garner is a perfect example. This tragedy happened on Donald Trump s home turf, if his campa
Dinesh D Souza s Hillary s America will debut in theaters in July. Clinton Cash is a documentary that investigates donations m
Note to Target CEO: When you endanger the safety of little girls and women in your stores, you re giving placing a target on
There s nothing quite like an arrogant actor who lives in Europe, supports Hillary, blames the press for making Trump popular,
We ve written about the amazing filmmaker, playwright and journalist, Phelim MacAleer and his fearless wife Ann McElhinney
Obama inspired hate...The Latest on a man charged with setting a massive fire that destroyed an unfinished Los Angeles apart
No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change. Obama State Of The Union speech, 2015Th
You just can t make this stuff up we have a National Security Adviser who believes our national security is compromised becau
What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?It s a good question it deserves an honest answer. Over 80% of Americans d
Obama is clearly attempting to strip Americans of our right to express our opinions on social issues based on our religion or mo
A CLINTON SUPPORTER AT CAMDEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE introducing Hillary Clinton caught herself when reciting the Pledg
How very moderate and tolerant of Sadiq Khan, to make one of his first acts as London s new Mayor to threaten the United St
Does anyone else notice there are never a shortage of moderate Muslims watching these heinous acts committed by ISIS agai
Do we even need to ask how 16 white West Point cadets posing in uniform, with a white power fist before graduation would h
The deception was really a Glitch Sure!
Wow these sound exactly like the type of people we want living next door to us. It s not so hard to see why so many American
It is truly a shame that our nation has $25 MILLION dollars to waste on phony climate change. That money could have gone a
Democrats looking for attention and along with every celebrity who has been able to find their way to the burned out city of F
WHO knew legendary rocker Roger Daltrey was such a patriotic guy? The Who s lead singer, Roger Daltrey feels very strongly a
Open borders Ryan might be in for a shock when his GOP competitor, businessman Paul Nehlen gives him a run for his money
We know firsthand what it feels like to be a victim of Facebook. Four years ago, we started making a lot of noise about the ill
A judge just told us all what we ve known for 7 years the Obama administration lies like a rug to cover up or to further their ag
The economic devastation is very real in West Virginia. Obama promised to shut down the coal industry as one of his bold cam
We may not agree with MOST of what rapper Azalea Banks has to say, but she is a fierce defender of free speech and as such,
Wake up world! There is a movement by the Left to remove God from our lives. When one of the most popular and beloved st
A tale of a mother and the dangerous religion of progressivism Putting her radical liberal ideology before the safety and well-b
Will the Muslim community still embrace the first Muslim Miss U.S.A. following her recent conversion? Rima Fakih is believed
A MUST watch video!
It wasn t a direct endorsement of Trump, but when American voters see why Turki al-Faisal is speaking out against Trump, afte
Karma s a bitch or is it the other way around? LA doesn't seem to like Hillary Clinton..her campaign rally today lasted less than
She doesn t do POlice until someone threatens to do harm to her or someone she knows Richland County, SC A Krispy Krem
Watching this video will help anyone who is curious about why the city of Detroit continues to be bailed out of trouble like an
Says the guy who was a Jr. Senator and Community Organizer prior to becoming President of the United States. And who can
When the fence keeps them from making it to the polls, the Democrats start complaining A mainstream Arizona newspaper is
As if this news, in and of itself, is not horrific enough Deputy National Security Advisor, Ben Rhodes also reveals that Obama be
Trump didn t stop with names of potential cabinet members he also doubled down on policies designed to make America safe
Religion of peace h/t Weasel Zippers
Of course Obama the putz blames too little government for the poisoned water crisis in Flint OBAMA TO CONGRESS ON FLINT
Hillary has to be one of the worst candidates to ever get this far in a presidential race. She has no idea what the American peo
Wow! This 21 year old Texan woman recently penned a letter to the Waco Tribune Herald In Waco, TX. She s been worried ab
Sadly, much of what George Orwell predicted in his landmark novel, 1984 only 67 years ago is coming true in America today:
Tell that to the 87 year old woman who was raped in broad daylight on the crime-ridden streets of Flint. Obama doesn t care a
We re living in a world where we have willingly surrendered our privacy for the sake of making identification of ourselves, and
As a side note, the last major appearance by the geriatric Rolling Stones band, was a free concert in Havana, Cuba. The aging b
Of course, America s favorite criminal candidate says America shouldn t believe the infamous hacker who claims he accessed h
Does a judge have the right to determine what a mother and or father names their child? Don t think for one minute in this po
A message from a 100% FED UP mom to her Facebook friends:Dear friends,I donated to two presidential campaigns this year,
This is the same school district that is begging the State of Michigan residents to fund a $500 million debt they cannot pay bac
THERE S NO INDICATION OF A MOTIVE IN THE CASE: This is one sick puppy! A man went around spraying produce with poison
You won t believe how much people are already bidding for the Draw Mohammed picture. Check out the latest bids here: E-
Hey Glenn, suicide is no laughing matter, and you really needs to start ratcheting down your role as America s conservative dra
Wrong target audience? What the heck is going on that anyone thinks it s ok to take a kid s character and do this? Sesame Stre
This story is for anyone who believes liberal judges don t have the ability to make life altering decisions that affect Americans w
Has the entire world gone mad with political correctness? Is there any chance of saving the UK from itself? UPDATE: Labour Pa
The video Hillary and the Left will not want America to see Today, I was compelled to sit down and write this letter. Not to any
Proof that sanity still exists on college campuses.Capitalists on campus won t have to stand by any longer while communists an
LANGUAGE WARNING! A woman at Walmart gets into it with a guy who was paying with Food Stamps:
Don t mess with Texas A Texas pig farmer found out that Muslims trying to build a mosque had purchased the land next to his
This is not a fluke. After years of towing the union line, life-long Democrat union members are switching their allegiance to Tru
Apparently being the daughter of the most corrupt political couple in America comes with some pretty significant financial ben
NOTE TO TARGET There Aren t Any Feminine Product Dispensers On The WallRemember when there wasn t any gray area wh
SHOCKING FACT: One-fifth of the entire population of El Salvador currently resides in America, according to the Migration Poli
Dr. Cynthia McKinney reveals Hillary s murderous past with Benghazi, and how the globalists will attempt to fuel race wars to
As millions of dollars of union dues flow into the Democrat coffers, it could be all for naught, as union members plan to cast th
The difference between us and them is that we listen to them says the husband of the woman who is hell-bent on fulfilling O
I am deeply offended by your campaign, since you subscribe to the liberal narrative that minorities need to be coddled and pr
While both of her parents travel around the country giving commencement speeches at colleges and universities about the op
This video would be on a 24/7 mainstream media loop if the man who was brutally attacked by an angry mob was a Bernie San
Meanwhile Trump is about to make history for claiming the most votes ever in the history of the GOP primaries. What was tha
More protests are probably happening today at the California State GOP Convention. Anti-American thugs will once again cau
A Bi-Product Of Obama s Divided America The LGBT community has been fighting a decades-long culture war to be included in
Domestic terrorists are ramping up the violence against innocent Americans and the Republican Presidential front-runner, and
WATCH: @realDonaldTrump exits his speech in California by climbing over a barricade to avoid protesters.WATCH: @realDona
Did Target really believe that 99.8% of Americans were going to be silent in the face of a decision that puts the safety of our w
A California Donald Trump Rally turned into a violent riot by mostly young Latinos. This is the result of open borders lawlessne
And the winner is the Anti-Billionaire or the guy who detests rich people or how about the guy who made a LOT of people rich
The left keeps talking about how hateful the Trump supporters are but all the vitriol is coming from the commies who keep pe
One millennial is 100% FED Up! with her generation. It all started when millennial Alexis Bloomer watched an elderly man limp
What s next Making a comedy at the Humane Society about euthanizing pets? Patti Davis, daughter of late President Ronald R
America is experiencing an overwhelming climate of hostility and bullying by the Left (think Alinsky), as a means to shove their
GET OFF my fracking land!An irate farmer sprayed raw sewage at Oscar winning star Emma Thompson and her sister Sophie a
As millions of dollars of union dues flow into the Democrat coffers, it could be all for naught, as union members plan to cast th
There s nothing like a Brit telling Americans who we should support for President, or a foreigner suggesting we should open ou
It sure would be nice to have a President and Congress who took this whole illegal alien thing seriously IRS Commissioner John
Even the most hardened Cruz supporters will be switching their votes when they hear about all of the sick liberals who are wil
This is what it looks like when the tolerant Left uses violence to promote their phony tolerance for others .A loser in the Sea
This news should be enough to end Hillary s obsession with becoming our next President. The Democrats may be willing to ign
Because 6 year old girls are consumed with their sexual identities right? The parents should be getting regular visits by social s
If ignorance is bliss the happiest people on earth can be found outside a Trump rally holding an anti-Trump sign Enjoy:
Any company who puts the safety of myself and my daughters second to political correctness can find a new customer to spen
After much back and forth between the white dude wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt and the black man who appears to be
This video of conservative comedian Steven Crowder should be an example for every conservative in America on how to hand
Assimilation or respect for the host country is not a strong suit for Muslim migrants/rapefugees Asylum seekers have left an as
As a mother of three young girls, if anything like this were to happen to one of my daughters in a bathroom, dressing room or
Remember when colleges and university were one of the best places in America to have discussions about politics? To be clea
It s easier to hate Trump and spew venom at him and his supporters than to use logic and reason Donald Trump has already fo
Don t let Hillary s cheerleaders in the mainstream media convince you that she can beat Trump. Trump has proven himself to
It s good to be worth tens of millions of dollars when you discover you need more than a vagina to win the Democrat nominati
You gotta love the socialist duck analogy
Water stations are set up along marathon courses with the understanding that the water is for the runners. We think this grou
The thrill seekers on motorcycles are putting lives at risk by traveling at speeds over 100 mph on the highway. As you ll see in t
It s amazing that Hillary will likely never be held accountable for the deaths of four brave Americans in Benghazi. So many fam
Never let an opportunity go to waste. Its the Democrat mantra Whenever a black person dies, no matter what the circumstan
Most of the world will be obsessed with Beyonce s new release, Lemonade because of her unexpected confession that she is m
Hey Barry you forgot to mention that time you parted the seas oh wait, that wasn t you. Why not tell Britain the truth? Tell the
So in other words, parents better allow men to use the same bathrooms and locker rooms as your little girls or the NBA is gath
Is this common sense law even practical given how many Muslims migrants with ties to terrorism have already embedded the
The good news for Hillary is that she should be able to connect with these hardened criminals on a personal level. The only thi
Was this Somali immigrant refusing to appear in a ND court simply because he does not recognize American law? Or is it simpl
Bravo! It s about time the left got called out on their ridiculous claims! Conservative journalists had the cops called on them by
Jodie Foster gives a dose of common sense to set the record straight on the phony war on women being pushed by the left: I
Imagine what it must be like to be one of the only people in America who doesn t have to abide by any of our laws. Apparently
Felons get to vote all of a sudden in Virginia because the governor is a buddy of the Clinton s .dirty politics seems to follow the
Global Climate cooling warming change frauds around the world are celebrating Earth Day today. If they were just celebrating
Can the last man/woman out of America s progressive insane asylum please turn out the lights?Thirteen years ago, South Caro
This is a powerful story of a courageous young woman who is fighting for the rights of women and children everywhere in Am
The entitled generation .Wearing a cardboard sign upon which $226K is written in green characters, a supporter of Senator B
Leftist Disney owned ESPN has a strange way of determining who is and isn t the type of host they want to be the face of their
Hillary s over-the-top plan to tax the consumer for sugary drinks and soda makes former Mayor Michael Bloomberg look like a
First it was the decision by Target to make their toy aisles non-gender specific. Now, in their latest decision to appease the LG
Obama has filled his cabinet with radical yes men and women who hold similar anti-American, leftist views. His radical Treasu
Too bad for the gay pastor that Whole Foods had him dead center on their surveillance cameras. Is it just my imagination or d
The irony in Obama s radical Treasury Secretary s decision to remove racist Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill, lies in the fact
Mexico has been the beneficiary of our open borders for decades. It s really quite amazing how loudly they cry foul when we fi
If anyone wonders how the Reverend Al Sharpton got started in the shake down business look no further than this loud mou
Anyone who would look at these charts and still vote for Hillary or Bernie is basically saying, I really don t care about my futur
Father Robert A. Sirico, President and Co-Founder of the Acton Institute, and philosopher and author of A Moral Case for Foss
Obama s goal of making gun control a reality in the United States of America is one step closer, thanks to this radical judge A C
America has proven time and time again that liberals in Hollywood can say just about anything. The vile comments actress Me
Bernie Sanders supporters radicals are asked how they feel about Hillary. Their answers are very telling. How many of these B
The Breakfast Club interview started out when one of the hosts, Charlemagne Tha god told his audience, Let the record show

If you haven t yet discovered The Remembrance Project, please do so! The Remembrance Project was started by families of re
We told you about the fancy affair Obama was planning to host at the White House for black rappers last week. The latest dev
NAACP President becomes victim in 5 4 3 2 1 North Carolina NAACP President William Barber was removed from a flight in Wa
Obama has filled his cabinet with radical yes men and women who hold similar anti-American, leftist views. His radical Treasu
The most ominous sign is that Hillary s losing to a 74 year old Socialist! These Bernie beatings are taking a toll!
Is anyone else getting sick and tired of hearing all of the baseless lies being told about Trump? There is zero evidence that Trum
Charlie daniels is such a great man and a great Patriot! He s not going to let down his fans so he s promising not to cancel any
For anyone who s sick to death of all the pc (politically correct) talk about who should be allowed in the bathroom, this one s f
It s hard to see the police officers in this video being more concerned about committing a misstep than addressing the crimes
The victim of the angry Bernie Sanders supporter has an amazing attitude. It s the civility many of us have come to expect from
***WARNING***This video will make your blood boil. Do NOT watch it if you have high blood pressure. There is also some ho
American citizens are eligible to apply for small business LOANS, but they are also responsible for paying them back with inter
The average American makes $52,250* per year. The extra $25K Obama stole from working Americans didn t include free coll
Share this with everyone! There s a good reason (with the exception of the Obama years) the United States of America has rem
As a Catholic I m offended by this Pope s political meddling in our Presidential election beyond words Pope Francis met U.S. pr
Is there any question what Obama s priorities are in his final 8 1/2 months in office? His legacy will most certainly be that of th
I was in Nordstrom yesterday when our salesperson asked my teenage daughter and I if we had seen the new Ivy Park collecti
Remember when college campuses were considered a safe space for political and social debate?DePaul University will no lon
There are people out there who are giving their lives trying to make our elections secure and they re being called conspiracy t
It s a pity the millennials who support Bernie Sanders have never had to stand in a bread line. They ve never had to watch eve
Trayvon s dad sounds more logical and Presidential than Obama when it comes to discussing the truth about black on black c
Pro-Bernie Sanders Commie clashes with Neil Cavuto
Trigger warning If liberal schools and badass campus cops offend you, this video may cause a spike in your blood pressure Two
NYPD assaulting protestors, violent arrests happening on 50th st approachin 9th ave #NYPDKKK M
Of course, putting America first is a totally foreign concept to the man who occupies the highest office in the nation. Obama ap
The left has had control and the narrative for waaaay too long. Here s a patriot who s 100% FED Up!
Many Americans believe it s racist to keep minorities trapped in a system that forces them to rely on Bernie and Hillary s prom
You can thank the racist Black Lives Matter PAID PROTESTERS for this mayhem. They re trying to make it appear as though the
The social justice warriors are being terrorized by the chalk bandit Bahahaha!
The massive shroud of secrecy in Muslim communities around the world is what causes people to question the motives of eve
Here we go again! We just reported on a man who was caught in Walmart videotaping women and using a mirror to look into
Was O Reilly out-of-bounds? Most Americans would likely agree that we need to address the viability of employment opportu
Watch this video and you ll see why this man is being called The Most Selfish Man In Politics King KasichThe Most Selfish Man
We told you so a man was having a blast peeping into stalls in the restroom AND filming women! Not one but three times this
Never mind that at least 50 identified ISIS sympathizers are currently working at recently bombed Brussels Airport. Meanwhile
Has their ever been a more vengeful and hateful First Lady?They are the elite group of women who occupy the East Wing of th
I m pretty sure Trump will win with a YUGE majority in New York without his kids votes. Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump won t be
THE BOSTON GLOBE ran a Sunday edition with a fake cover slamming Donald Trump for his desire to secure our border with M
This one meme tells you everything you need to know about the damage the Democrats have done to America:
Make no mistake, the Muslim European invaders will not be satisfied until every woman in Europe is donning this head to ank
Close your eyes and imagine a white professor telling his students there will be no peace as long as blackness exists. Now pic
The breaking point is fast approaching in a divided America Obama couldn t have hoped for a better outcome in the final year
So you have to listen to this little speech by Michelle Obama and understand that she s totally lying when she speaks about di
When a state has legislated themselves into an unrecoverable financial crisis, and they re offering health care to 170,000 illega
This is a MUST WATCH!According to American News, Raso began by calling Clinton out for a lie she told an audience in order
Funny I seem to remember being taught as a young Catholic girl that charity begins at home .Pope Francis invited Democratic
Where s The Muppet Dressed As A Nun?Oh wait that would probably be offensive to non-Christians Sesame Street unveiled a
On March 20, 2016 Barkley had this to say about Obama: Listen, you people in America who are upset that President Obama
Jesse Waters goes out to try and find out what words are offensive to Princeton students:
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) thinks he s the boss of you! He banned all non-essential travel to Mississippi after the state passed
Is anyone else out there sick of the racist hate speech coming from Black Lives Matter? Here s yet another example of hate spe
A Princeton professor gives viewers of FOX News a shocking demonstration that proves how easily voter fraud is committed w
Whenever Hillary cackles, you can be pretty sure she s either hiding something or she s deflecting from a topic she refuses to a
Priorities priorities Arizona Sen. John McCain wants a subpoena issued immediately for the head of the Environmental Protecti
OBAMA S AMERICA: Why do you think people are leaving (the Air Force) in droves? What began as a dignified affair quickly tu
Hillary may find out she needs more than black women drag her lying criminal ass over the finish line Actress and Bernie Sande
Trump and Palin etc, represent the contempt that whitey shares for this intangible, uncontrollable new black mind that s bee
Apparently Hillary s secret emails may contain information about a special relationship between Huma and Hillary. Clinton ins
The number of law enforcement officials killed by gunfire is up 150% this year. In an effort to pander for the black vote, Hillary
This social media campaign against the GAP is a great example of how the Black Lives agitators are using resources like Twitter
Make no mistake about it, we are seeing tactics used by communist countries to shut down views that are contrary to those in
Please share this everywhere! Especially to anyone considering voting for this nut job!
There is a particular photo of a little refugee boy lying dead on the beach that went viral last year.It is true that the photo is v
The new Democrat party Godless Socialists, racists, illegal aliens and anti-Americans. Is it any wonder they re flocking to Bernie
Ginni Thomas is one of the most hard-working and patriotic women in America. As a contributor to the Daily Caller she has int
Dinesh D Sousa warned us about Obama s reduction of our nation s nuclear stockpile in his movie, 2016, Obama s America. S
If someone would have told me in 2008 that we would be releasing Muslim explosive experts from GITMO to a country where
The unborn person is how Clinton describes the baby in the womb. So if the unborn is a person then wouldn t it have rights?
New Black Panther Entertainer of The Year, Beyonce showed up at the White House dressed like a two-bit hooker for the annu
So now it s funny that Bill Clinton had oral sex with an intern in the Oval Office while Hillary was First Lady?Sandra Bland s mot
Is this not considered child abuse?As birthday entertainment, a black Florida mom hired a stripper to bump and grind her 8-ye
Detroit teachers make viral video: Blame Republican Governor for deteriorating schools Ellen DeGeneres donates $500,000 to
The bad news is, we live in a country that allows businesses to make decisions to discriminate against law-abiding citizens. The
Why the heck do preschool kids need to learn about sexual orientation? This is clearly indoctrination and shouldn t be allowed
Ahhhh .social justice rears its ugly head in the transgender department. Degendered facilities are the new thing for campuses
Are we sure this guy is actually qualified for this job? Everything is racist and unfair to the Obama minions. It s just hard to take
Like the Soldiers of Oden vigilante group we reported about in February, the National Framed vigilante group is tired of waitin
This is yet another example of just how crazy it has become under Obama s divisive administration. It seems like every day is a
Wow these are some pretty eye-opening statistics Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has made illegal immigrati
Ben Shapiro debates two students on when a baby becomes a human being. A hot topic that stumps pro-choice people but no
Why is there so much secrecy when it comes to the mainstream media and the alleged lesbian relationship between Hillary an
Another case of the White man and an oppressive America holding down a black man with so much potential and promise An
When did Americans decide they were okay with Democrats exempting themselves from the same laws everyone else is requi
Fundamental transformation Obama style Henry Claude Agnew Miami, FL Offense: Conspiracy to possess with intent to distr
Perhaps the pundits should start changing course and measuring Trump s chances of defeating Bernie Sanders in the general T
This video is so disturbing but is a great example of ZERO PARENTING! The kids were riding the subway attacking different pas
If a black student was assaulted by a white university employee for wearing a white hairstyle, would this be one of the only s
Tell us your thoughts about this new gun design in the comment section below. Is this compact, folding gun a great idea or wil
Americans had to know it would come to this. The anarchists, the whiny, petulant college students with nothing better to do a
Americans watch in horror, as ISIS systematically destroys any signs of Christianity in the Middle East. Meanwhile in America, t
Perhaps the focus should be on the EPA and other government agencies who create an extremely hostile environment for ma
B..b b but what about the wave the baseball game, the posing in front of Che Guevara artwork? We were under the impressio
Obama s cowardly backdoor gun confiscation starts with those who ve risked their lives defending our rights.In what amounts
The religion of peace and tolerance strikes again A shopkeeper was murdered by a fellow Muslim after he wished his Christian
Well that didn t take long In the trains between Leipzig and Chemnitz the MRB is setting up some compartments for women tr
Suggesting a person should be killed because the Left disagrees with his desire to make America great again is beyond the pale
Unfortunately, in this day and age, it doesn t really matter if the story is true or not. The propaganda driven media, and Ameri
Oh the irony, of our Nobel-Peace-Prize-Recipient-In-Chief standing in front of a building representing some of the worst oppre
Obviously not the smartest cowards in the desert Weasel Zippers
Hell begins freeze over Did We Ever Think That Donald Trump Would Be The Voice Of Reason? So which candidate makes you
After watching this telling video, you ll wonder if instead of working so hard to get back into the White House, Hillary s time w
Ahhh Mooch The perpetual victim. Never mind that 319 million Americans have been victims of her husband s radical, self-ser
Is it any wonder Latino Americans are throwing their support behind Donald Trump?Concerned about strange people running
While London police are wasting resources to track down people who may or may not have offended Muslims, ACTUAL tweet
Terrorism has gripped Europe, America has two Socialist candidates running for President, people who want to kill us are freel
This is awesome! No words just enjoy!
Party on Barry Expect to see more of this behavior from our first class marxist ass, as he goes around the world on our dime c
January 2017 can t come fast enough for America, and for the rest of the world who is 100% FED UP with this freeloading, fasc
After the community found out about the threats she was receiving, they came together in a YUGE way to support her. The La
These are statistics are shocking and very telling. Please be sure to share this piece with Hillary voters who support a candidat
Wow! We re fast becoming like Europe with the sexual assaults of young women by Muslim men. The men probably thought t
Outspoken British actress and columnist asks brilliant question: Any mosques lit up in the colors of the Belgian flag? She is de
Every parent in the United States of America should be alarmed by this covert attempt by Board of Education members to ess
Hey Barry, could you at least have enough respect for the terror victims in Brussels to remove your shades for the interview? P
This video was published on March 11, 2016, exactly 11 days before the terror attack took place in Brussels. Micha l Modrikam
FBI insiders are spreading the word, Hillary Clinton deliberately broke the law and charges are warranted. However, there is litt
Freedom is under attack across the globe. Radical Muslims are committing horrendous acts of violence against innocent peopl
Obama s trip to Cuba is despicable, embarrassing and heart-breaking for so many survivors and relatives of survivors who are
It was more important for Obama to keep a pledge to his leftist donors, than to secure the nation of Iraq before pulling out ou
It s hard to imagine a President who could be more anti-American and more pro-terror than Barack Hussein Obama. And then
He skips Nancy Reagan and Antonin Scalia s funerals. He pretends not to notice that police officers are being randomly killed a
Remember when it wasn t acceptable to be an anti-American in America? It s great to see at least one woman who is standing
Americans better start fighting back against these people who are shutting down our public roads by hitting these thugs where
Wait for the Left to blame micro-aggressions by the insensitive, non-believers on this repulsive video. After all, this poor Musli
This police officer is a class act. He went to the Trump rally just to check it out and see what he had to say. He was expecting T
How ridiculous is this woman? She slaps a horse and screams in its face. These protesters are simply unhinged! Yesterday, the
Just what America needs another President who makes up laws to fit his radical agenda, with no regard for the actual laws the
These protesters are only helping to catapult Donald Trump to the Oval Office. The more America gets to see who is against D
The tax-exempt Muslim group CAIR has ties to terrorism, and spends an enormous amount of energy lobbying to prevent stat
This cartoon is one of our all-time favorites. You ve gotta love the note from Bill on the pillow, and the Bernie Sanders voodoo
This Utah protest was planned and organized by the far left. The effort to bring chaos and division is in hyper speed now but h
Shades of Baltimore? How can citizens or visitors in Chicago ever feel safe knowing the Chief Of Police would tell his officers to
This video should be viewed by every middle school, high school and college student. Every adult American who truly understa
There are two paths one is America and the other one is Occupy (Black Lives Matter). Black, White, gay and straight anyone t
Why does our government continue to go out of their way to downplay acts of terror in America? This is just another shocking
America s gotta keep 5-Star Mooch, her lovely daughters and of course, her tax-payer funded mommy in the lifestyle they ve b
A young patriot made this video to show the hypocrisy of Obama and the media who protects him. He correctly points out th
Hillary is failing miserably with the young voters. In her wildest dreams, she couldn t have imagined running neck-and-neck wi
THIS IS SHOCKING! Two reporters from Rebel Pundit infiltrate a Donald Trump protest only to find it has NOTHING to do with
President Obama, who as a candidate once urged supporters to bring a gun to the knife fight of his campaign, on Tuesday de
When far left publications like Democracy Now and Global Research start questioning Hillary s involvement in the murder of H
This so-called movement is out of control and it s not even clear what the end game is here. This teacher should be fired for e
This veteran exposes Trump hating protester in Kansas City when he asks her to explain why Trump is a racist, and why defen
The Obama s just added millions onto the taxpayer s tab for the trip to Cuba that Barack was going on until they just announce
Come hell or high water, the Occupy movement is going to have their voices heard while our Community Organizer in Chief oc
Everything you ever wanted to know about Hillary and Bill and their criminal past is in this video. How did they get away with s
Is there a worse crime than being a white male in America? Unless you re a gay male, you have no victim protection. So techn
A little over one year ago, radical activist, and rapper, Tef Poe was sitting in our White House discussing strategy with our Com
The attitudes of the family members defending this thug who violated an innocent woman when he broke into her home is as
Harvard is agreeing to erase the history of their Law School founder to satisfy individuals or groups who don t agree with him.
While Bernie Sanders has pitched himself as the presidential candidate for the little guy tapping into the wallets of voters ang
The families of the four dead Americans you left behind beg to differ. Not that you care, but Benghazi was kind of a big story fo
Here s proof that the violence we saw taking place in Chicago was well organized:@realDonaldTrumpPre Planed Chicago Left W
Oh never mind, the snafu has been explained It s simply because voters didn t get the correct one. Problem solved Leading R
The leftist media was quick to blame Donald Trump for the organized chaos and riots that were fueled by paid protesters who
Jesse Watters is pretty awesome! He s great at making people think but being funny at the same time. Pretty awesome!
Wow! Bernie and Hillary have been making hay over the Flint water crisis for months now, using the crisis to secure votes from
There hasn t been a time in decades when the Left has been so concerned about a presidential election. Sure, there have been
So is anyone else wondering why the cop-hating, racist, Bernie Sanders supporter Tommy DiMassimo wasn t arrested and cha
What do you think about the school s response to this police officer s request?The painting Officer Dave Hamblin found offens
Such a nice young man. He was just hearing voices in his head. You mean like Mohamed s voice? Of course CAIR says he was li
100% FED Up! was able to easily find evidence about the anti-American, cop-hating, racist who attacked Trump during a rally o
Our country is spinning out of control. Obama s orchestrated efforts with race baiters like Al Sharpton and leaders of Black Liv
This story is a perfect example of how Muslim migrants do NOT assimilate in their host countries. Instead of assimilating, they
It appears that Obama ally, Angela Merkel is more popular with Muslim migrant males than the citizens of Germany .German
How the religion of peace spends their spring break Jihadis attacked two hotels in a beach resort town in southern Ivory Coast
Trump spoke to his supporters at a rally in Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday. As one would expect from Trump, he s not about to s
Tow the party line or pay a heavy price. There is no room for dissention in a party where thugs who cut backroom deals with c
New York City that great melting pot of diversity has an equally diverse set of opinions on Donald Trump, and as disco
We reported about a Trump protester who grabbed him during a rally today in Dayton. Click HERE for video.Trump congratula
Reagan explains why the protesters got out of hand to the reporters: All of it began the first time some of you who know bett
A protester tried to attack Trump today at a rally in Dayton, OH but was subdued by the Secret Service. The crowd went nuts!
If you haven t already signed up to help protect the sanctity of our vote in some way do it TODAY! Leisa and I have worked in p
Illegal aliens, paid Soros protesters, angry Black Lives Matter terrorists inspired by Obama s race war and Bernie Sanders suppo
Lefty losers
A huge rally of 10,000 Chicagoans didn t get to hear their candidate speak tonight because the left apparently thinks free spee
The University Of Missouri students, and many on the faculty joined Obama s race war in November, 2015. Together, they beg
Apparently being the wife of a former Democrat President and serial pervert, and (more importantly) having a vagina, allows p
It s time for someone to tell Obama that Iran is not an ally The Justice Department is drawing up an indictment that lays blame
WATCH: Even her friends on the Left appear to be fed up with Hillary s lies. Is it possible the media has finally grown tired of co
Do you have a friend, a co-worker or (in my case) a relative who supports Bernie Sanders? Instead of trying to explain the dang
Wow! This guy deserves a medal of honor for his act of super-human strength and courage An Israeli man attacked by a Palesti
General Boykin spoke at The Awakening 2016 conference and had this to say about the hot topic of gender neutral bathrooms
A video from 1985 was shown last night during the Dem debate that has people bussing this morning. Yes we all know Sander
Next up is a law suit to make it legal for H-1B Visa holders, felons and illegal aliens to vote in every state. You didn t think the D
Does anyone believe for one second that Hillary or Bernie give a damn about the citizens of Flint, MI? This water issue is nothi
Spread this EVERYWHERE!
This story will fade quickly to back page news in the mainstream media. Two black officers supposedly physically abused a 16 y
According to insider, and author Edward Klein, Hillary took on Barack Obama over his involvement in exposing her email scand
No woman should be working in these public housing units where they re surrouded by men who are part of a culture where r
Thus the big win for Donald Trump in blue state of Michigan Michigan has one of the largest Muslim populations of any state,
The security of our nation has never been more threatened than it is today, under the incompetent leadership of Barack Husse
Here is a screen shot of the Facebook post by Warren, MI Mayor Jim Fouts where he explains what happened to him at the De
Here s a great way to explain socialism to the neighbors. Of course, we re not condoning doing anything that might be conside
He s been Europe s version of the outspoken Ted Cruz for some time now. Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party
Bernie Sanders is so focused on pandering to blacks, trashing whites and bashing police officers, he doesn t even notice when
The EU has opened the floodgates to Muslims from the Middle East and Africa who have no interest in assimilating. Did anyon
Most sane Americans are gonna love it!h/t Weasel Zippers
This is a brilliantly written piece by Nick Short of Politically Short on the successful indoctrination our youth. He explains what
No one exposes the truth about the corrupt and self-serving Democrat party better than Dinesh D Souza. For decades, the Dem
Only Hillary would go to Flint, MI to use the water crisis in a city run by Democrats to prop up her campaign. Americans should
Pedophile pigs looking to reside in your hometown Teenage boys are requiring surgery after being raped in the Calais Jungle a
HYSTERICAL!A US Marine enters the Catholic Church confessional booth in Jacksonville, FL.He tells the priest, Bless me, Fathe
Because people who scale border walls and break the law to get into our country deserve the same taxpayer funded benefits
According to the mother of the 35 year old murdered woman, this maggot had tried to murder her before. But in Obama s eye
This is just another example of how public schools are using a globalist approach to indoctrinate our children. Watering down
This is hysterical, but sadly it s not far-fetched at all!I took down my Rebel flag (which you can t buy on e-bay any more) and pe
Hysterical With all the evidence available to American voters about Hillary, do you ever find yourself wondering, Who in the w
A recent poll showed that 40% of black voters support Donald Trump. The media is in full panic mode over the very real possib
The inaction by police officers who should have been protecting and defending the First Amendment Rights of the group who
Dr. Ben Carson is brilliant, good-hearted, a true American patriot, and one of the most honest candidates to ever run for Presi
This letter was sent to 100% FED Up! by an anonymous author:It doesn t matter who you support for President in 2016. This le
Stop counting the votes! Your candidates nomination based strictly on the number of delegates they are able to obtain from e
Recently, a man in Seattle wandered into a women s locker room full of little girls:LIBERAL SEATTLE GETS WHAT IT VOTES FOR:
FOX News has seen their ratings take a nose-dive, after Megyn Kelly s not so thinly veiled attempt at taking down Donald Trum
Yeah about that whole Trump not matching up to Hillary in the general election thing If there is a mass exodus from the Demo
Thank God she has a vagina, otherwise her blatant hypocrisy might be an issue with voters Hillary Clinton is facing more questi
Barack Hussein Obama has been laser focused on making the promotion of Islam in America a priority since his first day in offi
Is Barack Obama planning to use taxpayer money to travel around the world campaigning for UN Secretary General?The Jerus
The astounding hypocrisy of the leftist media has been left unchecked for decades. All of that is about to change. And no matt
If we didn t know better, we d think the liberal press was actually stirring things up to make news at Trump rallies, since no on
This is a SHOCKING example of a government putting the rights of violent extreme Muslims before their own citizens:
How very Presidential She s cold calculating..deceitful but she has a vagina, so that s a good enough reason for women to vote
Notorious radical Black Panther and NJ cop killer, Assata Shakur has been living under the protection of President Fidel Castro
Na, na, na, na na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey go-o-o-d bye!On April 25, 2015, Al Sharpton said Donald Trump would be his choice
Now that she s finally beaten the old cranky socialist in one state .Hillary s on fire! Hillary tells crowd, We don t need to make
Sounds about right. Thank goodness for the new hate crime rules. I wonder if the same rules apply to Christians and churche
Why would this actor go to a place where violence, crime and murders are a regular occurrence and believe they wouldn t jum
We are two moms who have put our lives on hold to do everything in our power to fight the progressives on the left from stea
How very progressive Not since the Civil Rights movement of the 60 s has America seen such a racial divide. Of course, we all k
Obama has shown favoritism towards the Muslim Brotherhood terror group almost since the first day of his presidency. Many
Hey Bernie The first step in fighting corruption by politicians might start with cleaning up the corruption in your own campaign
Free speech is under attack in America like never before. Any views that are in opposition to views on the left are considered o
Now we know the reason it took so long for anyone to release the details about Muslim attacker, Mohamed Barry. How long w
This serves as a reminder to anyone who thought Facebook was a place to have honest and open discussions about political o
European nations have naively opened their borders to millions of Muslim males who have no intention of assimilating. As the
During the Democrats first debate last month, Bernie Sanders said we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and
The Democrat motto: Whatever it takes UPDATE: An eyewitness stated that one of the alleged Klansmen was Black.Lol I wond
The goal of socialism is communism. -Vladimir Lenin, CommunistFor Bernie Sanders, Socialism is just a good place to start
A Socialists dream! Now you can check your privilege at the door. With the Equipay app, you ll never have to walk away from
Melania Trump has been taking a relatively low key position in her husband s bid to become our next President. She s more th
Are you ready for these pedophiles to move in to your communities? The UN is vetting the refugees who are coming to Amer
I m embarrassed that I know people who will actually pay money to go see a movie this dingbat actress is embarrassed to ha
There never seems to be a shortage of smug, know-it-all, self-righteous effeminate men supporting Queen Hillary. Maybe that
Yes, I m going to take your money and NOT give it back!
NORWEGIAN ARMY CHIEF: We Must Prepare To Fight SWISS ARMY CHIEF: Europe On Verge Of Civil War We must prepare to
The indoctrination of our youth is happening at every level in almost ever corner of the world It was meant to be a creative wr
It won t be long before the Muslims outnumber the Germans. That s when the real fireworks are going to start flying Dramatic
Is our government telling us certain hate groups are more acceptable than others?Does the Ku Klux Klan have a constitutional
Every time Trump makes lemons from lemonade, the crowd loves him even more. The Left needs to give it up. They re only sh
Europe s new new take on our Statue of Liberty s poem: Give us your Sharia Law enforcers, your rapists and your trained ISIS j
Supporting Hillary is about as funny as an ebola outbreak in America Will Ferrell no longer feels the Bern. The 48-year-old acto
World Hijab Day is coming up and the capital of Canada plans on celebrating it. It s no secret that the newly elected liberal lea
Doesn t America already have enough legal citizens who are experts at gaming our system to maximize their benefits? Do we r
Pathetic little basement dweller and original Occupier, turned Democrat Party Presidential hopeful. Is it any wonder young ind
Meanwhile, back at the White House, Obama spent the afternoon yesterday thanking the Black Lives Matter terrorists, who ve
Barack and Michelle Obama had some unusual honored guests meet with them at the White House yesterday in honor of Bl
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a reception for Black History Month in the East Room of the W
We can t say for sure, but we re guessing the truth about the happiest place on earth is about to be exposed by the Donald I
Just when you think you ve heard everything there s this What a great respite for the deserving rapists refugees Thousands of
Since this article was written in 2006, the illegal immigration crisis in America has exploded. Barack Obama, his fellow Democr
Pardoning the Black Panthers will just be the tip of the iceberg for this radical President. Look for prison doors to be flung open
Pure gold The ultimate Race-Baiter-In-Chief, just got called out for the phony that he is. While we re on the topic of Obama pr
She s such an easy target, it s almost like they could do a 4 year mini-series about this ungrateful, over-the-top family On Sund
If you look closely, you might find a few familiar hypocrites who were calling for the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justi
Kanye West announced on Twitter this week that he s $53 million in debt. He immediately began begging for help from white
And the hits just keep on coming, as the Pope makes his way around Latin America Pope Francis indicated contraceptives may
Pope Francis has joined Democrat legislators, along with a handful of RINO s and local mayors to work hand-in-hand with Oba
God forbid an athlete bases their opinions on the Bible You ll be hit with the full force of the leftist machine Nike announced it
On Jan. 26, 2016, Hillary was asked a very interesting question. After seven years with a President who has done everything in
It s hard to read stories like this without wondering how a Commander in Chief can so easily desert those who sacrifice all for
Yeah okay Kanye Noted jacka$$ Kanye West doesn t want white publications to write about his music anymore. They just don
As an American of Polish descent, I am proud to see Poland taking a stand against an invasion of Muslims who seek to forever
Leave it to a Democrat to waste everyone s time and money by putting forth legislation she knows has no chance of passing, a
The answer to this question should shock every American The government has admitted 605 Syrian refugees for resettlement
Only months ago, Obama s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch warned Americans the U.S.Department of Justice intends to crimin
The character of the modern Left, and the core of the censorious campus leftism at the moment, has seldom been better desc
The entitled refugee mentality is becoming the norm in bleeding heart nations around the world. We recently reported about
It only seems fitting that an openly immoral group would attach their wagon to the wife of the most sexually deviant Presiden
Every American should know the corrupt UN has been, and will continue to be, the one organization who decides which Musli
Because shootings never happen in a gun-free theaters right? A local sheriff s deputy escorting a group of fifth-grade students
All of a sudden #BlackDeathsMatter Could the Grammy Awards have their own race problem? The show is coming under huge
Does anyone in recent history remember the US Department of Education asking educators to place more emphasis on Christi
Wow! It s hard to believe the German government could be so cruel. Sounds like a clear cut case of racism or something like th
Pray for our nation FOX News reported this afternoon that Barack Obama can appoint a left-wing Supreme Court Justice after
The US Supreme Court is set to decide the first major abortion case in nearly 10 years as well as critical decisions on immigrati
Why stop there? Using liberal logic, shouldn t the 3 year old girl who was raped at a refugee center apologize as well? What ab
It s fascinating that even before any facts related to the Flint water crisis were available, the Hollywood liberal elite and Leftist
Our next President is going to have to work with Congress to undo all of the excessive tax burdens, government regulations an
The Ted Cruz campaign has identified the enemy and they ve placed a target squarely on their backs. It s about time the GOP c
The apple doesn t fall far from the tree Chelsea Clinton is pregnant with her second child, so in typical progressive feminist fas
Maybe it s time for Muslim citizens and immigrants to start assimilating. What a concept Texas has just made a move that is su
Only two days ago, Beyonce used her Super Bowl halftime show to glorify hating cops in front of millions of Americans. Two ye
There must be an equal number of victims as those born naturally into privilege, or all bets are off in the progressive film busin
The rampant migrant rape and violence is shining a light on the progressive agenda and it s exposing an ugly, reckless ideology
First she won the coin toss in Iowa, and now Hillary walks away a WINNER even though she lost in a landslide to Marxist Verm
How is it that a major technical facility with over 20,000 employees had to rely on a valet parking attendant carrying a conceal
Lying? If Bernie can successfully convince tens of thousands of college students to believe in unicorns, and pots of gold at the
Republican candidate Donald Trump was asked about the statement from the former President of Mexico saying Mexico wou
It s probably just a big misunderstanding. Bill likely misspoke kinda like, I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
Will the Democrats ultimately choose a Marxist who s never accomplished a thing in his life or a serial criminal socialist? Choic
This is really epic and just hysterical! It s also the second time someone has trolled one of Hillary s town halls. Remember Stick
These grifters have no shame. How much more evidence do Americans need to see before they understand Hillary has no inte
Tell us again Barack, about the poor widows and orphans who are being strategically placed in our small towns and communi
Are the people who pay to see Beyonc perform and buy her music even smart enough to figure out she s waging war against
Backwards logic: Since muslims won t integrate, then we must segregate or something like that.A British theme park is the late
In an interview that is a tradition before the Super Bowl, the Obamas sat down with Oprah s BFF Gayle King to chitty chat abou
Meanwhile, refugees staying at these luxury hotels in England cry discrimination because they re not allowed to eat same fo
We reported about Beyonce s half-time Super Bowl appearance, where she ll be performing her anti-cop, anti-White song. For
So far, this video has over 530,000 views. Does that make the content legitimate? Certainly not. But the premise is certainly no
Enough is enough! German citizens are witnessing the fast-track decline of their nation. Does America need to look any furthe
How very progressive After all, what would Super Bowl Sunday be without a little cop and White-shaming (Obama-Sharpton s
Being sent to Russia for misbehavior may be just the incentive these lawless rapefugee need to begin assimilating with the Eu
Maybe Hillary should be hiring someone to handle her social media. Hey maybe she could hire her top Aide, Huma Abedin s hu
Before we get too far into this story, it needs to be pointed out that the 18 year old teen who was just sentenced by a judge fo
With homeless or needy people on just about every corner, how do we know who truly needs help, or who is just looking to ga
Thank you Angela Merkel German security service BfV reportedly received more than 100 tip-offs that ISIS militants had infiltr
The big question is who, in Congress has the will to stop him? Keep your notepads handy America, and start keeping track of w
It s hard to tell if the men assaulting this female reporter are refugees or Germans. One thing is clear however, there is now a
Of course anyone on Obama s Team Fundamental Transformation of America is exempt from any of the consequences the r
WOW! There aren t too many non-political people willing to stand up to the lies of Obama and his ties to radical Islam. Human
The Genie is out of the bottle. Europe will never be the same. It s rich history and the uniqueness of each country is gone.Even
The idea that a tax-exempt radical organization in the United States of America with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a terror
This is the best explanation of why Obama and the Democrat party are fighting so hard to keep the US State Department s Ref
This is the economic policy that s bringing throngs of college-age young adults to rally for Bernie Sanders.It s a sad but true com
Sweden needs to start sending these pedophiles and rapists back to where they came from. At least 61 minors were married w
Perhaps Merkel should have considered the serious consequences of Germany s compassionate open border policy that allow
LIBERAL COMPASSION: This story is a perfect example of how the Left is leaving citizens behind in favor of invaders from other
Hillary Clinton is a professional panderer. There is no vote she won t attempt to secure, no matter the cost. In reality, her desir
The Democrats will stop at nothing to win this election. They didn t fight so hard to let millions of illegals cross our borders bec
Seven years ago, this story would ve seemed like something from The Onion (a satirical publication). Unfortunately where Ba
Roger Simon of PJ Media asks Bernie Sanders supporters at a recent rally why they re supporting him. They all seem to be in a
Has our lawless President finally conceded that even he can t save the head of the Clinton Crime Syndicate? Oh well, lucky for
In a nation so rich with Muslim rapists diversity, this moderate Muslim will likely be able to move right back into his previous
Our Imam In Chief told America he was a Christian when he wanted us to elect him in 2007. His Black Liberation Theology Past
This video should be shown in town halls all across America. It should be compulsory viewing for every citizen serving on a city
On Friday White Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters some officials at the FBI have said Hillary Clinton is not a target of
When Sharia Law becomes the official law of the EU, see how many bleeding heart liberals will be wishing they could turn bac
LOL! You ll want to share this with everyone Democrat Convention ScheduleMonday, 25 July 2016 11:30 AM Free lunch, medi
One of my personal favorite conservative writers, Nick Short has done an amazing job in this piece, where he traces the roots
Steven Crowder exposes the lies Obama has been telling Americans every time he steps in front of a microphone to address g
We recently reported about the deadly Zika virus coming to America from Central America. Today, the WHO Organization is is
Muslims want the majority Christian nations to accept them and pay for their existence, but will stop at nothing to keep the Ch
The Muslims faith must be protected at all costs it s the Obama way During a news briefing delivered at the All Dulles Area Mu
It s always fun when Hollywood shows a conservative side. Rob Low does just that with his Twitter bashing of socialist whack j
Here is just one more, in a long line of stories, that prove these poor refugees escaping persecution have no desire to assimila
Thanks for the intel Mooch. Outside of his ambition to fundamentally change America, we re pretty sure nothing has changed
For years now, Hillary has been able to avoid answering tough questions by simply cackling laughing. Ebony Magazine s editor
How socialism and political correctness are destroying a nation We reported about the crime and chaos taking place in France
A teacher at a school in Wels in upper Austria simply changed the hymn God s love is so wonderful to Allah s love is so wond
You seriously can t make this up. This Democrat run city is officially out of control. We reported before that the EPA knew abo
In 2016, Ben & Jerry s co-founder, Ben Cohen s net worth was estimated to be $150 Million. In typical liberal fashion, Ben s fin
The party of diversity waits for Hillary to be dragged out of the primary in handcuffs kicking and screaming Former GOP pres
Making a political endorsement by the NAACP completely irrelevant You d think in order to get an endorsement from the NAA
He s a controversial, conservative artist and he s coming after the Left. He s an outspoken, brave, modern-day Patriot, and he
We hear so much talk from the Left about working to help foreigners assimilate. Yet here we have a prominent Imam calling f
Complaints over lack of wi-fi, no professional cleaning service in their villas and even a refusal to be fingerprinted in Greece up
Reconquista, English Reconquest, in medieval Spain and Portugal, a series of campaigns by Christian states to recapture territo
Assimilate or go hungry Human rights lawyers descend in 5 4 3 2 1 COPENHAGEN, Denmark A Danish city has ordered pork t
If I found out my college-age daughter was attending a Bernie Sanders rally, she would #FeelTheBern when her tuition paymen
Charlie LeDuff is legend in Detroit but this is a classic:
If you can t get an acting role in Hollywood, you might want to grab a microphone and make an asinine statement. 15 seconds
If the beard is a way to honor the prophet Mohammed in the Muslim faith, why would a Christian leader ask his subordinates
London is about to find out why putting political correctness before your country is a bad idea By BI: Sooner than you think if t
This is about to get interesting. The Hollywood elite that has been imposing their liberal moral code on the rest of America for
What a great place to take the whole family!Welcome to the liberal utopia of Germany Things are so bad authorities are posti
On this anniversary of Roe VS Wade, it is so important for Americans to understand that just because 43 years ago today, a ma
Heavy security, but a small crowd for Hillary. She didn t say hello or visit with anyone while at the airport.
The Obama trifecta: A Muslim an Illegal Alien and a victim of the unfair laws of the United States that target minorities An illeg
Nice job Adam Baldwin. We commend you for standing up to the highly successful, black multi-millionaires Jada Pinkett-Smith
This is what happens when a nation puts liberalism before their own children.The 20 minute video, apparently created by the
So can anyone please explain what the U.S. got in return for Obama s brilliant nuclear deal? White House spokesman Josh Ear
Poor Hillary, she s always the victim of some Right-Wing conspiracy When members of Congress are not allowed to see the co
Earlier this week, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Hollywood s self-appointed #BlackLivesMatter spokesperson announced on Facebook th
So a woman straps an apparatus to her person, claims she s a man and expects airport security to treat her with kit gloves be
The children were nestled all snug in their beds when OOPS! an illegal alien pedophile slipped through their window. These wo
If she doesn t wear a hijab, we hit her This is truly a shocking undercover film. It exposes the wide network of Muslim radicals
When asked by the other hosts on the show, Where would you go? Whoopie pauses, then realizes there really is no better co
Stacey Dash is no stranger to controversy. She was recently suspended by FOX News when she said that [Barack] Obama does
Where s the accountably? As our President ramps up his gun control rhetoric in the U.S., we continue to see the fallout from o
Nah nah nah nah hey hey hey good bye Support for Hillary Clinton among Democratic voters under 50 has tanked in the past m
You re gonna love this patriot! He speaks for each and every one of us who are 100% FED Up! with offended Americans! Enjo
She s the most dangerous, self-centered woman in America Hillary for Prison 2016. Hillary Clinton s emails on her unsecured,
Who kicks homeless people out onto the streets so they can host a rally? If Sanders really cared so much about the little guy,
This is an old video that exposes so much about the phony race issues that Obama and the Robinson s (Michelle s maiden nam
So far, the Supreme Court has not prevented one single unconstitutional act committed by Obama. Is there any reason to beli
It s good to know there are a few Hollywood celebrities who haven t bought into Obama s false messiah B.S During an appeara
This is a story you will never find in the mainstream media What seldom gets talked about and when it is, often with irreveren
What a hero what a guy what a crazy world we live in today So much for vetting these criminals!AN asylum seeker held up as
This random cop killing trend is almost like punishing every black man in America for the crimes Obama has committed agains
This is a mind-blowing interview that confirms much of what many of us suspected about the Clintons. For some, it may be ev
Europe is likely not going to be a top destination for families with young daughters, and they have no one to blame but thems
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!The United States sent Iran $400 million in debt plus $1.3 billion in interest, and the money was disbu
Hillary was too busy to be bothered with making Benghazi a safer place for Ambassador Stevens, so it should really come as no
Anyone up for a European vacation? How about sending your young daughters to Europe to study for a semester or two? Is th
This is a story is for anyone who thinks these Muslim migrants are going to change their stone-age tactics because they are livi
Wish we could clone this guy we love Daniel Hannan! We couldn t have said it better!
This hero s response to the threat of Islamic terror reminds us why we fight so hard to keep the Left from taking our 2nd Amen
You ve got to be kidding! New York c mon! We just don t see this lasting for long. It s a perfect little mini home for one of the
If GA residents are paying attention, these six Democrats will be looking for a job in the private sector after the next election. A
What a nice role model for young Americans who hope to someday grow up to be a Saul Alinsky radical just like Barack Hussei
The citizens of Rheinberg, Germany can thank the mind-numbingly short-sighted progressives, who thought a country with op
This story is for anyone who believes the government is capable of basic addition. Even though this news is out there for every
Is the European gravy train finally coming to an end?The Danish parliament is considering a bill to seize migrants valuables to
This is a very big development. We all knew the GOP establishment has been pandering to pro-amnesty corporations and the
Are you tired of supporting companies who are couldn t care less about the future of this nation? Are you tired of giving jobs t
As Obama begins his campaign for UN General Secretary on the US taxpayer s dime, keep a close eye on the many responsibili
And what about the female sailor in the headscarf? What was that all about? Do all the female hostages of Iranian Revolution
The world is stunned by the number of women and children who are being raped by Muslim refugees in Europe. Obama just
Some good news for today! Al Jazeera is dead, gone, kaput Remember Al Jazeera bought Al Gore s Current TV:Al Gore said Al-
Thanks to the funding our GOP majority Congress approved at the end of the year, Obama plans to actually increase the numb
This is out of control! Is there anything more un-American than telling high school students they aren t allowed to cheer U.S.A
(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s);
If Rubio isn t smart enough to see that Trump s catapult to the top of the GOP contenders happened the moment he took a st
// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElem
So in an effort to reach out to Muslims living in America, we need to invite groups that are tied to terrorists? Why stop at grou
This is possibly the most disturbing video we have ever posted on our website. This is an example of the rape game called Ta
It turns out we re not as divided as people make us out to be Really?
If you were to believe Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, the Democrats and RINO s in Congress, the only
Proving what we already knew, loyalty to radical Islam first, female family members dead last literally.AN ISLAMIC State (ISIS)
The results of this town s gun ownership mandate shows what happens when there are armed civilians out there In 1982, the
It was just an accident A millionaire property developer accused of raping a teenager while she slept claims he accidentally pe
Hillary Clinton s new e-mail release exposes her relationship to some very anti-Israel people. Sydney Blumenthal is a very close
Not everyone is moving for the same reason, but one thing is clear by these results Americans are sick of high taxes and an ov
The new progressive American dream: An Undocumented, Unafraid, Unapologetic, Queer, Unashamed illegal immigrant, or la
You certainly don t want to get caught showing pride for your nation Kinda reminds us of the kids who got sent home from sc
This isn t just any church organization, this is a church organization that takes in $45 MILLION in taxpayer funds every year! W
But of course Oh the humanity The attacker was wearing a fake explosives vest and shouted Allah Akbar God is Great durin
From claiming any American who speaks out against Hugo Chavez should be jailed, to a photo op and interview with one of th
There are so many reasons for this little coward to leave America and travel abroad for the duration of his term. Does he have
WOW! This is a powerful, must read letter that should be shared with every American Lately, I must admit that my hostility to
Every American should be concerned and should be demanding answers from Washington about why we need to militarize th
Leo must be drinking the climate change Kool-Aid: It is the most existential human crisis that the world has ever known, in my
Oh and as an added bonus, according to one of the Muslim teens, they snuck into the theater as well In addition to faking hate
The question is who Obama will protect? Will he stand by his Yes woman, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, or will he provide
The days of Hillary s past being off limits are officially over Bill s escapades and sexual assaults with various women throughou
Sadly, this will be the only reason many women will vote for her. Hillary s crimes will suddenly become a distant memory to m
Dinesh made some frightening predictions in his blockbuster movie, 2016: Obama s America. Was he correct in his prediction
The Clinton Crime Syndicate may find a few bumps in the road, as they attempt to claw their way back into he White House. W
It doesn t appear the man rushing to doors of a Paris police station with a knife, screaming Allahu Akbar wearing a fake suicid
The tide is turning and the Democrats are losing passionate black voters to Donald Trump. Minorities are watching jobs and be
Because blaming the Muslim migrants who raped and sexually assaulted an untold number of women on New Years Eve woul
There is nothing about Obama s executive order gun grab. Barack Hussein Obama has an agenda that, for some reason, no on
Really Cher? We re not excusing infidelity, but it should be pointed out that Donald Trump, who fell in love with Marla Maples
A clear violation of Obama s lopsided deal with Iran Hey Barry do you still think Iran wants to be our friend? What was the ru
Are you kidding me? When is the last time you saw anyone cry out of only one eye? He clearly rubs his left eye with his finger
Following Obama s phony tears, he launched directly into attack mode of the Republican majority Congress (who have already
Because every American Ivy League school needs an Islamic Law Center Saleh Abdullah Kamel, a Saudi banker who is now wor
Let s be honest when it comes to the Clinton clan, is there really any criminal or morally corrupt act they ve committed that th
Facts are funny things Ever wonder why the Left is so opposed to using them in an argument?CNN law enforcement analyst Ar
Apparently these Germans are not interested in becoming another Sweden A wordless anti-Islamist hymn knocked chart-bust
This should come as no surprise to anyone who has watched these thugs in action. There is no line the union bosses won t cro
PC is killing our country. This is called fighting back While counterculture crackpots are working themselves into a lather over t
No One Listened We had many chances to expose this freak show when it started, but Americans allowed the Left to bully us
White people the only lives that DON T matter. Imagine the outrage if he were taking a victory lap over a study showing Musli
We re thinking it s having the opposite effect. Maybe it s time for a food fight The Black Lives Matter terrorist began harassing
The consequences of throwing out the welcome mat for people who have no intention of obeying your rules or living in a wor
Killing each other is okay, it s when a cop kills in the line of duty. That s where the Black Lives Matter protesters draw the line T
We can t afford to give our US Veterans a proper funeral, but we ve got money to burn when it comes to bringing Muslim refu
While US citizens are outraged over the removal of Christ from pretty much every aspect of our lives, including Christmas, Dem
Spoken like a true American Former Congressman Joe Walsh tweeted on Thursday, On Monday, Obama, on his own, to go aft
Just another slap in the face to US citizens. Our government arranges massive payments to hostages taken by the terrorist nati
Americans were warned by Attorney General, Loretta Lynch to not offend Muslims or they would pay a heavy price. Did anyon
There are two small problems with your analogy Susan Jesus was NOT a Muslim and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem with Mary
The drip drip drip of communism in the leftist state of California A new California law scheduled to take effect Friday will allow
It s interesting to note the terrorist organization linked to this mosque (and funded with our taxpayer dollars), is same terror g
This is what happens when you have government leaders who represent their own self interests, putting job opportunities and
The LGBT mafia has never been more threatening or powerful Did you call a transsexual person he or she when they preferr
Do you think our Gun Grabber In Chief should be next?Virginia state senator Bill Carrico (R-Dist. 40) is responding to Governor
Apparently free housing, food and spending money wasn t enough for this murderous thug posing as a helpless refugee A Som
These Good Samaritans bit off a little more than they could chew. Maybe next time they ll think twice about helping people w
The December tally in Chicago (so far) is: December to Date Shot & Killed: 29 Shot & Wounded: 189 Total Shot: 218 Total Hom
I m sure it just slipped the feeble minds of the leftist media If it weren t for double standards, the left would have no standard
Is anyone else concerned that the Left was able to turn the display of a Confederate flag by an American into a criminal offens
Would this student have been suspended for saying he doesn t think blondes are hot? Did Colorado College violate a student
It doesn t matter if you have black friends, if you voted for Barack Obama, or even if you re married to a black person you re s
Who better than a man who risked the lives of his wife and children to get free dental care to ask taxpayers in Europe and Am
Americans should pay close attention to this story, especially after Loretta Lynch announced the US Government will punish an
Who would ve guessed? A coalition of U.S.-based Muslim groups claiming that anti-Muslim backlash is on the rise in the wake
These poor kids have probably practiced for months for this performance, only to have it cancelled by a bunch of low life terro
No wonder we ve had the worst Democrat President in the history of the United States for 7 long years!GOP Consultant Rick W
Of course in their blind rage for the conservative Right, the media did everything in their power to blame this sick person s acti
This has just got to end! We have kids pouring across our border and they are not going home. It s a literal invasion with the O
Never mind that Iran continues to violate Obama s lopsided deal Senior Obama administration officials are expressing concern
Does anyone remember a time in recent history that candidates in the Republican party caused so many hissy fits by the Left?
Many of the parents were not allowed to attend this meeting due to capacity restrictions. Why did larger venues refuse to hos
What Catholic college campus would be complete without students who bastardize the lyrics to songs about the birth of Jesus
The politically correct country of Sweden paying a very big price for their kindness, generosity and open-borders policy This att
***Language Warning***This video will make your blood boil. My heart bleeds for this veteran who bravely pulled over to con
If you re like us, you either made a donation, knocked on doors, or called voters on behalf of a Republican candidate in the 20
Every American should be demanding answers about why Barack Hussein Obama is in such a hurry to empty Gitmo before he
When karma bites ya in the a*s
The drip drip drip of the Left ensuring Christmas is reduced to a quiet nonpublic celebration This isn t a very good of taxpaye
By now, it s pretty clear that Bernie doesn t respect other people s possessions. His whole campaign is built on the concept of
Does that mean Islam is not considered a faith in America?A school in Minnesota is at the center of controversy right now bec
No dumb ass we are actually NOT all Muslims! Last time I checked we were still a majority Christian nation, and no leftist clow
Ryan has never made any secret about his desire to welcome immigrants to America. How many will live with him in his large
Lee Young, owner of Hitman Firearms posted this incredible story to his Facebook page. His story is a perfect example of a cou
Funding for Sanctuary Cities, benefits for illegal aliens, fully funded refugee programs, quadruples number of work visas for fo
The jurors in the Freddie Gray case were deadlocked so the judge asked them to continue deliberating. In the end, they just co
These videos are very disturbing. Americans are headed down this path if we don t fight back against the Left who put politica
Because the tragic drowning of this Muslim Syrian boy (who was not really facing persecution) is apparently infinitely more im
Mooch is asked about what she will get her weak-kneed husband for Christmas: He s going to get some workout stuff. It s not
Real journalism ended a long time ago, but this is a new low even for leftist Barbara Walters. Just embarrassing He was named
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz didn t ask members of Congress to bring a relative of an American citizen murdered by an illegal a
Is there ever a time the Left isn t portrayed as the victim in Hollywood? The tragic 1969 car accident that left a young woman d
If this had been a Tea Party group attacking Nancy Pelosi s home, it would have been international news Angry leftists with roc
Barack Obama and the Democrat party would like us to go the way of the Swedes. Do Americans have the fortitude to fight ba
The despicable anti-free speech, communist clown, Michael Moore is taking page out of Obama s community organizer book.
For the first time in the history of 100% FED UP!, we are (almost) speechless The idea that this SELFISH MAN would abandon h
Just when you thought only Muslim terrorists teach their kids to use violence against anyone who doesn t agree with them Alo
A North Dakota father is calling for the resignation of his son s high school principal after the far left progressive banned the s
FLASHBACK: Watch the video below to see Kudlow mock Republicans for their strong defense of closing our borders in his inte
Bullies come in all different shapes, sizes and professions. It s too bad that this bully is protected by the teacher s union. San Fr
This is a stunning story of how the Left gets away with punishing hard work and accomplishment all in the name of fairness. W
It s almost as though we don t even have a Constitution Never let a crisis go to waste President Barack Obama s advisers are fi
While some of the most important questions about this jihadi couple are being left unanswered, the media is circling the wago
A Hollywood actor defending the 2nd Amendment is a pretty rare occurrence. Kudos to Kurt Russell for sticking to your guns (
Another Gitmo detainee returns to terror Is anyone else starting to see a pattern here? Former Guantanamo detainee, Ibrahim
He [Obama] makes me want to wrap a suicide vest around my head and text BOOM to my brain On the Brit s desire to be pol
Alex Roubian, head of the New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society goes undercover to expose the truth about how the state of N
What does Obama, the Democrat Party, the state-run media and faux conservatives in Congress all have in common with Ham
Thanks to Daniel Greenfield for digging up this bombshell of a fact: Carter did what Trump just announced he d like to do. This
It only took what 14 years for this to happen? 9-11-01 is a memory that is etched in the minds of every American. One of the m
We can all breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the only reason for the mayor s ridiculous tweet is partisan politics. Could you
A shameless promotion of amnesty by our Feds. Obama and the Democrats are willing to do whatever it takes It s all about th
Bombs a-w oh, never mind Things must be going well in the war on terror, as the US Air Force just admitted that it is fast run
It s a wonder we have any sane children coming out of our Leftist indoctrination think tanks that are being passed off as schoo
The drip drip drip of communism Leftists are stealing our rights and freedom while Americans can t be bothered with politics
This is a MUST watch from start to finish. There has never been a leftist who can defeat the brilliant Dinesh D Souza in a debat
Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson: When was the last time you fact checked Barack Obama? I love her!!!
Truck drivers are 100% Fed Up with illegal Muslim refugees attempting to get across France border to UK by breaking into thei
But wait If WMD s have been banned by the international community, how is it possible for ISIS to use them against the West?
Well, I don t know. When you have pipe bombs laying all over the floor, I don t think they re regular people.' That s not all Tr
The Obama s are classless we knew that. The Obama s guest list for their Holiday party apparently now includes Black Live M
Islamic terrorist Syed Farook threatened his coworkers at work. Farook reportedly threatened conservative Nicholas Thalasino
CAN WE JUST STOP ALLOWING Muslim Refugees and visitors into U.S. from countries who hate us already? How about we foc
As one would expect the Obama regime is tripping all over the dead bodies of this tragedy to promote gun control. They only
Because everyone deserves a safe space right? The White Student Union (WSU) at the University of California, Santa Barbara
UPDATE: A leading Supreme Court analyst thinks Attorney General Loretta Lynch is the most likely candidate to replace the la
The Democrats tried to attach a gun control amendment to the bill, but Republicans blocked those amendments. Of course, O
They wouldn t want to remind anyone the actual reason for the holiday season or God forbid, give some crazy Muslim terror
Holy Smokes! This is what our world has come to?Chicago police are investigating a video posted to Facebook that appears to
No word yet on plans to de-fund State Department s Refugee Resettlement Program, that brings hundreds of thousands of Mu
Oh the irony of a terror attack by Muslims taking place on American soil on the heels of Obama s return from phony Climate C
Political correctness is literally killing America Authorities on Wednesday night continued to investigate a Redlands home tied
Is this why we worked so hard to get a GOP majority in the House and Senate? Spineless weasels Republican House members
Are you sitting down? The phony baloney Climate Change Summit put on by our Dictator In Chief costs the American taxpayer
It s hard to be famous for being a victim in an Arab Gulf state who settles their disputes in a Sharia Court of Law. Someone sh
This is not a joke. I am to do my part to rid the world of the white devils. Jabari Dean (c.) leaves the U.S. Dirksen Federal Court
How very progressive And how very ironic that our tyrannical President would take the opportunity to address how he plans t
Join us as we walk out of our classes at 12:30 PM to show solidarity for our brothers and sisters of European descent The Blac
Individual people can be bullied into submission but as a group we can t be silenced If we are to really live in an environment
This letter is quite possibly the most important letter these students will ever receive throughout their entire college career. It
So this man who so desperately wanted children comprised of his genes, that he hired a surrogate mother to carry them. Now
It s just too hard Too Many Things Christians Cannot Do! Who needs rules when you can just live in a godless society? Have so
We don t recall seeing this story in the mainstream media? Is is not news when three men go on a shooting spree and shoot u
It s a win for the American Legion! Atheists wanted to take down the cross but a Maryland judge ruled against it. Thanks to th
Full frontal Leftist propaganda As a side note, writer and artist Frank Miller is also a Hillary supporter Last week anarchists, soc
For the umpteenth time, Obama takes the opportunity to trash Americans while overseas President Obama on Monday pushe
It s time for Sweden to take off the blindfolds and stop pretending their progressive policies are somehow benefiting their citiz
Welcome to the new America, where there can be no opposition to the Left or there will be serious consequences The retired
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) is more than just a radical activist, he s also a devout Muslim U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison abruptly left Was
Obama and the Democrats can kill two birds with one stone. They can gain sympathy for Planned Parenthood, (regardless of t
This story is so stupid it hurts Students at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA got an early Thanksgiving holiday
This is not a war we can expect our children to fight on their own. We are in a war with a leftist academia who has lost sight of
The U.S. is the great enemy of mankind! raved Ernesto Che Guevara in 1961. Against those hyenas there is no option but ex
UPDATE: No #BlackLivesMatter Protests PlannedChicago has no shortage of thugs. What they do have a shortage of is support
Diversity first Fordham University recently approved the removal of common restroom signage indicating use for either the m
Absent parent Cashin in McDonald was the teen who was shot by the Chicago officer 16 times, some while he was apparently
How can it possibly be legal for these terrorists to lock arms and block innocent shoppers from entering these stores? The Mir
The spoiled brats protesting on colleges campuses across America could benefit from a little common sense advice from 13 ye
Newsflash for Mattel, and any other company who is pandering to the Left this Christmas season: God did not create Gender-N
This is some pretty surreal stuff In the four years since the start of Operation Vigilant Eagle, the government has steadily ramp
This is insane!WATCH: Protests erupted in Chicago Tuesday night in the wake of first-degree murder charges being brought ag
When did white students become throw away citizens on campuses? White privilege has turned to white shame and outrigh
This picture is for anyone who needs proof that liberalism is a mental disorder. The Free Range FoolNothing says Happy Than
re buke r byo ok/ verb 1. express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions.Obama s sha
Take note, these are the kinds of students employers will be falling all over themselves to hire. Lets be honest, these students/
We ll wait for an apology from CAIR and the leftist media who couldn t slap an Islamaphobic label on American citizens fast e
Funny but sadly very true!Match A, B and C with Conservative, Progressive or Muslim.Your favorite scent is:A. GunpowderB. P
Coexist, assimilation, religious tolerance these are all foreign concepts to Muslims immigrants and Muslims living in countries
Teaching kids all across America that bringing fake bombs to school on 9-11 really pays off Is it possible the radical Muslim fam
Was this a case of anti-semitism? If it wasn t,why didn t the corporate office make more of an effort to apologize or attempt to
If the Republican Party really cared about winning this race, they d cancel the upcoming debate with CNN. The only logical rea
When we found this insane article on the Occupy Democrats website, it had over 500,000 shares. Obviously, making the case
This Barack Obama-Eric Holder inspired anti-American, anti-White movement is not just about marginalizing White people and
It s amazing the sheep mentality of students attending a school that should be promoting individual thought and encouraging
Family doesn t complete you it destroys you? Wow way to promote families Disney There s nothing like a one-hour promotio
So Sweden basically wants to ensure Muslims returning from raping and beheading innocent people overseas, that the govern
I just happened to be listening to Rush today and want to pass this on to everyone. Please share this and stop the false story b
If seven years ago, someone told Americans that the UN would be allowed to place a Regional Hub in our nations Capitol, the
Nothing about this man surprises most of us anymore .DECODING OBAMA S SPEECH REVEALS SOME STARTLING REVELATIONS
This isn t going to end well for Germany A hospital in Sigmaringen, Germany has been forced to hire security guards after num
Behold The Democrats best choice for President of The United States of America. Hillary should be on bloody knees every day
In the capitol of Oslo, 100% Of assault rapes between strangers were committed by immigrant Non-Western males 9 of 10 v
The Swedish identity will be wiped out in 20-30 years. This is sadly, a look into the future for all of Europe As a current residen
The always brilliant Ben Shapiro answers that question in well, a brilliant way On Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Cli
Just suppose the play was cancelled because the school was using black actors. Would this be the only place you would see th
Hint: It s not because of Jane Fonda (although that would make more sense than the actual reason for their apology).If the pe
This story is from 2006 and is the first in a long series of Hillary s lies that we ll be exposing over the next couple of months For
Obama has a knack for going overseas and disparaging the citizens of the United States. The hate America mantra. It s what he
How quickly the Democrats have forgotten about that little incident that landed Hillary in the hospital, following the death of
There is a also a map (below) showing which states will and won t accept refugees from Syria and those who haven t made up
American translation: My baby didn t do nothin wrong. He was a good boy and loved everyone. Never mind that his brother
Christians don t decapitate their bosses Well, you can t argue with that logic Maybe they ll re-think their open-minded decisi
They were probably just looking for a safe space to study Protesters at Dartmouth University disrupted students studying in t
These videos will shock you. When you think of Sweden, do you think of Muslim gangs roving the streets in no-go zones lobb
After watching this video, it becomes very clear that these students want nothing to do with racial harmony. This movement is
The Intellectual Froglegs videos by Joe Dan Gorman are truly a gift to conservatives in America. Joe Dan uses hard-hitting, brut
Barack Obama has somehow managed to inspire the worst kind of hate in these petulant college students. This latest hashtag
Wow it looks like Dem candidate for governor, John Bel Edwards has some friends who really know how to throw a party for e
We didn t mean to send a negative message. We wanted to be positive. Yeah because telling Asians, Whites and Hispanics to
Isn t there a legal term for those kinds of threats? Oh yeah it called Extortion:ex tor tion ik st rSH( )n/ noun the practice of obta
The Swedes have apparently reached their limit on tolerance for Muslim refugees who have no intention of assimilating. Sinc
Never mind that almost every single aspect of the phony Mizzou controversy has been proven to be a hoax. For these entitled
The terror attacks in Paris are a horrific reminder of the consequences nations who open their borders to people who want to
To all the college students who think it s okay to demand that hard-working Americans pay for your college debt, this Marine h
If there s one thing we do know to be true about Barack Hussein Obama, the safety of the American people is not one of his p
Politically correct racism condoned by the Left and fueled by Obama, his administration, the media and radical educators (Disc
These creeps will be out of jail and occupying another taxpaying American citizens home faster than you can say amnesty! Fiv
kar ma k rm /Submit noun destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.Protests Cost Missouri a Top RecruitLouisiana high sc
Gay Mafia descends in 5 4 3 2 1 Given the current body of evidence, the American College of Pediatricians believes it is inappr
Now we ll just sit back and wait to see if Middleton s name appears on the White House registry in October or early Novembe
This is awesome! Cavuto rips into this activist big time!
The USPS is drowning in debt, has lost every one of its life-lines and has mismanaged its funds for decades. No worries though
The question is not how Hillary will ever be able to repay the kindness of so many donors to the Clinton Slush Fund/Clinton Ch
As it turns out, police brutality really isn t the issue at all. It s about dividing a nation down racial lines and the good police men
We ll wait for Nancy Pelosi to call this movement exactly what it is an astro-turf movement. The hate cops and hate white p
An Asian student reporter on assignment for ESPN and his cameraman were assaulted by an unruly group of intolerant racism
CAIR knows what it s doing in Tulsa, OK but as usual pretends it s no big deal. We ve dealt with the CAIR, Michigan leader who
How many times will our lawless president plead his unconstitutional positions before our Supreme Court? For a Constitutiona
In your face progressivism They re not even attempting to hide it anymore. I m starting to believe these radical colleges and un
War on Christmas update: Some very clever people are asking you to join their campaign to remind Starbucks and their custom
So, if the climate scare-mongers can t frighten the adults, the next logical step is to heap angst on their children who then frig
We certainly don t want to do anything that might offend the Muslim faith. By all means, America should do whatever Islam d
Lois Lerner s criminal behavior with the IRS targeting of conservatives was just a test run Here s a little reminder for anyone wh
A high profile, anti-mass migration Member of the European Parliament has had her office attacked by left wing radical thugs
Because everyone wants to pay to have their hair cut by a blind barber! Joel Nixon is a barber. He loves cutting hair and takes
And why wouldn t he? The leftist comedy writer/actor with a net worth of $800 million, probably needs the money to feed all
How did any EU official think their country could survive an invasion of millions of mostly military age un-checked Muslim men
Ben Carson s professional but hard hitting approach with the progressive media is a breath of fresh air. The Republican party s
The gay mafia has hijacked pretty much aspect of our lives. They apparently won t be happy until every trace of gender identit
So, if the hosts on this show are just comedians, does that mean the low information voters who follow them will stop taking
Michelle Obama received $70 million dollars from the feds for her pet project to promote eduction for girls. It s really a front a
Sounds great how about a new car?An immigrant-rights group proposed a Bill of Rights for illegal immigrants Thursday, dema
Thank God it wasn t a glue gun Police responded in force to a Massachusetts high school after a students reported a classmate
How long before the media is clammering all over this construction worker to get an interview with this hero? Yet when Ben
Of course this is the first you ve heard of this crime. The attacker didn t use a gun and a gun was used to stop the attacker from
State Reps Forced To Stand Awkwardly In BackgroundAt one point it appears as though someone approaches the two State Re
And why Obama may be better off with a Republican President Edward Klein paints a very compelling picture of what is going
The Constitution in everyday life causes people pain Wendy Kozol, Oberlin CollegeAdministrators at Vassar College and Obe
A move that would surely cause now deceased Christian Chick-Fil-A founder, S. Truett Cathy to roll over in his grave In 2012, t
Maybe the Queen of Incompetence isn t as popular as she had hoped with the Socialist Party of America, aka the former Dem
Thank goodness these Muslim women have a friend in socialist, radical Mayor of New York City An NYPD officer pretended to
Say goodbye to your economy, traditions and culture. The caliphate has come to Germany on steroids Leftists hold a rally to w
We shared our Game Changer story with you earlier this week, after a new video emerged allowing a more clear picture of th
Somebody needs to make sure Chris Matthews doesn t miss his meds before the cameras start rolling
The Left is all about gun control unless of course, they re talking about shooting someone who disagrees with phony man-mad
***Warning*** Image is not appropriate for all ages.How very progressive A German photographer has started a campaign to
Holder should be making his baseless remarks from behind bars but that s another story Retired Attorney General Eric Holder
I vote for silly since anyone with half a brain can figure this one out it s NOT scary! Remember composts and how they were su
This is a great visual to share with people who are in denial about the fundamental transformation of the soon-to-be Muslim m
Because being a young adult in college, getting good grades, preparing for a future career and making the right choices isn t ha
This ass-clown reminds us of why term limits are so important. Leisa and I saw Rep. Rangel (D-NY) up close and personal last w
This is not some small obscure community college. Disallowing our law enforcement to attend a school sponsored event in fav
This indoctrination into a godless society is happening at every stage in our child s development. From grade school through c
Dressing up as an Arab Sheik for Halloween was not what I had planned but now I REALLY think I ll buy this costume and wear
These leftist professors aren t just donating chump change either. The average donation from these leftist professors to Hillary
The lack of compassion for the families of these 4 dead Americans in Hillary s rush to cover her incompetence is beyond comp
Nothing says Hollywood like supporting a serial liar who s managed to keep herself in the spotlight by clinging to the coattails
Who s laughing now funny guy?We asked everyone to boycott the Steve Jobs movie after not-so-funny guy sent this vulgar tw
If a black man is elected president in a country comprised of mostly white citizens is he still considered a victim? And should h
This is another example of a thug randomly attacking someone in broad daylight. The woman lied and said she was defending
We are devout Catholics, but my daughter goes to a Lutheran College. She messaged me the other day to tell me a group stud
The shocking truth about how close we are to becoming a one-party fascist stateThis is the most brilliant and scary analysis of
The global wussification of the male Identifying as a feminist may be more and more commonplace if you re a millennial or Ta
Jeffrey Toobin chimes in to protect Hillary Clinton and it is in very poor taste but mostly untrue. The reason Mr. Toobin s claim
Barack Hussein Obama the most anti-American President to ever occupy the White House This isn t an article from The Onion
Nothing but the best for soldiers of the caliphate invading the Social-Democratic led country of Sweden More than 600 asylum
This announcement seems to indicate that the Obama regime already knows Hillary is going to be walking away unscathed fro
He s a little late to the party, but we d like to congratulate Jake Tapper on calling out this PLO Representative s misrepresentati
In case you hadn t heard, Obama signed a new UN development plan to make America a socialist nation by 2030. Yes, it s true
Your daily dose of insanity A San Francisco middle school withheld the results of a student council election because the princip
The same guy who donated tens of millions of dollars to Obama s campaign (the first black president) is donation tens of millio
Obama s fundamental transformation of America s education system The American Civil Liberties Union is suing three public c
Outspoken conservative CJ Pearson hasn t heard from the White House and doesn t expect to receive an invitation A teacher
The first shot against PC tyranny in Virginia has been fired!Earlier this year, after racist terrorist Dylann Storm Roof was charge
I wish there was some way I could let Tide Detergent Co. know that I don t approve of their association with the radical open b
This is an eye-opening story and should be shared worldwide In Sweden, Muslim immigrants account for 5 percent of its popu
Thanks to Ben Shapiro of Breitbart News, we now know the answer to that question:Tuesday night s debate featured a maste
Indoctrination by Disney pretty much covers every demographic: toddlers with sippy cups watching the Disney channel and Di
Meanwhile, most Americans can t afford to take a single vacation Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained record
B b but does this mean global climate change is not man made and that man is not more powerful than God? Here s our Liar In
Event organizers are asking protesters to come out on Thursday, Oct. 15th to help them stand against Hillary and speak out ag
It s hard for millennials to escape the leftist propaganda. Progressivism virtually front and center in almost every aspect of the
Meanwhile, a Muslim boy with a radical activist father and a history of discipline issues can bring a fake bomb to school on 9-1
Just when you thought Muslims had cornered the market on abusing gays! Since you won t see this story in the mainstream m
Here s the fake black guy, Shaun King weighing in on how awesome it is that Bernie Sanders can now come out of the socialist
There s so much diversity in the Democrat presidential candidate pool, it must be hard for these celebrities to choose who th
Wait we thought Obama and the Democrats were supposed to be standing up to the evil corporations and standing up for th
No Obama won t run again, but he ll use every dirty political Chicago-style trick available to him to make sure Joe Biden ends u
The shaming of the rich should not surprise anyone coming from a whacked out college that actually offers a major in the non
It won t be long before the progressives start demanding we rename Christmas the Winter Holiday. God forbid we start offend
If you only attack black conservatives, does that make you exempt from being called a racist? When will Americans stop supp
When you re a Republican and get a ringing endorsement from radical pro-amnesty carnival barker, Luis Guti rrez you should
How would have America reacted if this article was written by GQ Magazine during Barack Hussein Obama s run for President
Europe will never be the same. The millions of mostly Muslim men flooding their countries rich in heritage and unique culture
Roseberg residents and families of victims are speaking out against Obama and are repulsed by his obvious desire to use the d
The progressive dimwits on The View proved today that they are no match for the brilliance of Dr. Ben Carson. It s almost pain
Wake up Christians the left won t stop until they ve removed any mention of Christ in your church The Bishop of Stockholm ha
The cover-ups and mistruths appear to be numerous. The question Americans need to be asking is why?The Oregon murderer
Because ripping babies from the womb and then carefully separating their body parts so as to procure top dollar from their ve
Somebody needs to point out to this incompetent Gun Grabber In Chief, that if someone in that college was allowed to carry a
CNN, MSNBC, AlJazeera, NBC, ABC, CBS and the other mainstream media outlets would like you to believe these refugees are
Is the Pope s defense of same sex marriage the straw the will break the camel s back for the godless left? Washington, DC Me
Even though the Muslim Clock Boy s attention seeking radical father won t allow the school to tell their side of the story, soon
If Obama had a communist friend he d be this poor victim Raul Castro the champion of human rights and justice What a dog a
He did not invent anything. He didn t invent a clock. He took the guts out of a clock radio that he bought in a store and put it i
We re gonna go out on a limb and guess that this young man s presence will only harden the resolve of most Trump supporter
He did the same thing at Obama s inauguration Sounds like someone needs a trip to the confessional (and/or a psychiatrist) Re
Leave it to our Community Organizer In Chief to bully nuns who ve committed their lives to helping the poor in our country ov
Try telling a young black girl she can t wear dreadlocks to school A Utah School has told a teenage student she can t wear drea
Students at George Mason University overwhelmingly thought Ahmed Mohamed s homemade clock looked like a bomb, acco
There s always another side that s usually being buried by the mainstream media in order to promote a leftist agenda Media c
It won t lead to any solution. It s a kind of European Union dictatorship towards smaller members An extra 1 billion ( 733 mill
This jogger is a perfect example of how indoctrinated youth grow up to be well, just stupid people. Don t let this happen to yo
Godless heartless and without conscience .Senate Democrats have blocked the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act from
Obama couldn t just endorse Joe Biden because like a loyal dog, he s defended every one of his unconstitutional acts against A
Sanctioned domestic terrorists taking direction from our Organizer In Chief and funding from his billionaire marxist friend, Geo
Everything about this muslim boy s story is a lie. From the first lie that he made the clock to the lie about him being unfairly ta
Yeah, because taking Trump down is more important to these flame throwers on the left (and right) than exposing the truth a
The average cost for an out of state student to attend the University of Michigan is around $45,000/year. But let s talk about h
Does anyone remember these girls?Dixie who?Just days before the release of the drug cartel thriller Sicario, actress Emily Blun
Anti-Trump Activist says what everyone on the left thinks His comment is at the 1:52 mark:
Andrew Breitbart got under the skin of the left like no other. When he entered the political scene, progressives had been so us
South Carolina s Daja Dial could have answered a question posed to her during the Miss America pageant in a way that would
Black mob goes crazy and attacks fair ride operator at the Delta Fair in Tennessee. what they attacked him for is just so lame h
Baffling the worst terrorist attack in history and you d think American college students would have a clue about why we were
As the years pass, people are doing more and more horrible things to themselves like severe mutilation to deny your gender. O
I ve never been more grateful there are so many good men and women who are willing to risk their lives for so many ignorant
It s certainly not a stretch to say that this is part of why we have Obama. The media has become the National Enquirer with re
No comment is expected from Barack Obama Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements calle
This rock legend is not very impressed with the pop stars today. We happen to agree with her 100%She provoked fierce debat
Occupy Wall Street 2011:The fun is over for a hippie mother who left her husband and four children to travel 1,000 miles and
Unprofessional? For those of you who might not know, Shep Smith is gay so this hit home with him: They set this up as a relig
The anniversary of 9-11 reminds us of the danger we face when foreign terrorists commit crimes against our citizens. Unfortun
We re not gonna go away, we re not gonna quit. Cuz if you re willing to kill me, who else are you gonna kill? An Aurora police
There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness -Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Barack Hussein Oba
This is a perfect example of how the left is able to decide which laws they follow and which laws the rest of America follows Ki
Another victory for one of the most bad ass Sheriff s in America A federal judge has upheld part of Arizona s contentious immi
When Other People s Money Runs Out An NGO operating in Venezuela has published videos of starved prisoners in the sociali
Ferguson was the a launching pad for Obama s war against law enforcement Following the shooting of a sheriff in Houston, Te
Hillary shows her true colors when a female student speaking broken English accidentally refers to Barack Obama as Mr. Clint
The left has waged a full scale war against our values and the greatness of America. Unless we are willing to teach our children
Somehow we don t think this is what the Queen of the Clinton Crime Syndicate expected at this stage of her campaign The lat
An angry black, gay, racist, Democrat victim the poster child for today s progressive in America Gay Black reporter Vester Flana
Bryce Williams aka Vester Flanagan sued his former bosses at a TV station in Florida back in 2000 claiming his bosses verba
No hypocrisy here Director Martin Scorsese well known for violent films like Goodfellas, The Departed, and Casino has joined a
Is Spirit Halloween really foolish enough to believe no one else will sell this costume? Thanks to conservative news sources po
As the anarchists and local thugs sit and nod their heads in agreement Everett D. Mitchell is the Director of Community Relatio
The bad news for these bleeding heart liberals is there are even more reasonably priced pizza shop options who understand e
When will American citizens stop being afraid to stand up and SPEAK OUT against the politically correct thugs of the left?A ne
Bernie Sanders can t effectively handle two loud mouthed female #BlackLiesMatter activists/thugs (see video below), but he w
Nothing like a good dose of Sheriff Clarke to expose the lies of the left After showing a clip of the confrontation between Hilla
This is why American kids who are graduating from schools where tuition is over $60,000 per year can t find a job America s el
In 1993 Harry Reid wrote the Immigration Stabilization Act of 1993, a bill that would have denied birthright citizenship to child
America s next president could be eased into office not just by TV ads or speeches, but by Google s secret decisions, and no on
Hillary may have gotten away with lying to the public for decades, but what she underestimated this time around was the eno
More redacted government documents covering up another scandal in Obama s most transparent government ever .Interna
STAND UP TO EVIL for profit! Join thousands of people committed to holding Planned Parenthood accountable for their evil ac
The Center For Medical Progress warned us these videos would get worse .Just a short time after a judge issued a ruling that t
Are these faux blacks cashing in on victim status or simply taking white guilt too far?An investigative blogger has accused Shau
How many of these punks treating police officers with disrespect will be the first to call them when they need help?A Minneso
Socialism sounds great until you realize the money government takes from you goes to whomever they choose (like family me
This story gets more and more unbelievable every day The EPA has a record of releasing toxic runoff from mines in two tiny Co
The liberal pundits are pretty frustrated by the Clinton campaign and it shows:
Disrupting people when they re trying to have dinner came to an end when Ted Cruz protesters got all wet. Can we do that to
Is the world s biggest global warming liar getting ready for a Bush vs Gore re-match?Democrats more and more desperate to
Has the Obama regime really sunk to a new low level? Is that even possible? What do hateful racist and anti-cop messages hav
Oh boy! Target customers are hot under the collar on this pc move to give toys gender neutrality. Angry customers are ditchin
This fed up driver was not going to be bullied into submission by these ignorant protesters. Was he wrong to keep driving whe
My brothers DIED for that flag!
The left believes they are winning this war. Radical organizations funded by George Soros and other radical leftists are paying
A bunch of thugs, a bunch of creeps, criminals, race hustlers with a scattering of law abiding people converged in this area an
Just when you find yourself wondering if the world has gone completely mad you read a story like this that confirms that indee
So, the working people of America are basically supposed to sit back and watch Bernie Sanders and Hillary compete to see wh
The race card thing is getting old fast The Austin County Sheriff s Office released the dash camera video of a July 14 traffic stop
It s time to stop hitting the snooze button America! This crisis is no longer on our doorstep it s here. The Democrats, corporatio
Yes, we did say she s a Harvard Business School graduate. Just goes to show, you can t buy brains Kiran Gandhi, who has playe
The LGBT Mafia and PC Police doing what they do best shaming Americans and businesses into conformity. Does anyone have
Schumer asked the President not to mention his decision publicly until he could make a formal announcement on Friday.If tha
Do you hear that sucking sound? That s the Obama regime sucking more and more of your freedoms away every day In northe
Because only a Right Wing Nut believes if you re paying a fortune to attend college, you should get an actual education The g
Because #BlackCopKillersLivesMatter right?Supporters of Tremain Wilbourn, the Memphis ex-con accused of shooting Officer
The good news is the Clinton Crime Syndicate is finally starting to come apart at the seams. The bad news is socialist Bernie Sa
Is there really any point to go through the work and expense to become an American citizen anymore?Huntington Park may b
THE MOST HATEFUL BLACK MUSLIM MAN IN AMERICA is apparently allowed to give insane speeches in front of large crowds i
Socialism has never been proven to be a successful economic system. Yet here in America, Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialis
The answers to questions about Donald Trump by a room full of mostly Democrats and Independent NH voters leave these left
There used to be a difference. Of all people, Chris Matthews should have known he was asking his party s chairman a trick que
Hmmm .If we didn t know better, we d almost think Obama and Valerie Jarrett had a hand in writing this whacked out script. D
Desperation has set in and Planned parenthood is resorting to messy stunts that try and make anti-abortion groups look bad. I
So much for tolerance and diversity How would you describe an industry in which the number of blacks employed has now dro
Malia s internship with pedophile Lena Dunham comes on the heels of her taxpayer funded European tour to London, Venice
We re not sure what s funnier, the fact that he talks about being a pretty good president or that he actually thinks anyone be
And why is this person not up on domestic terrorism charges? Can you imagine a white person being caught on camera makin
Who knew the radical leftist #BlackLivesMatter activists had a co-founder?Who knew the only political party with a black Pres
Justice the Obama way Instead of investigating whether Planned Parenthood illegally trafficked baby body parts, Obama s DOJ
Hey Barry tell us again about what a great deal for America you cut with Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran s supreme leader, tw
Babies in bags and in a freezer yes, this is the reality of the abortion industry. This is what Planned Parenthood doesn t want
Besides being a muslim terrorist sympathizer, it appears Bowe and B.O. have something else in common Why is this guy (who
Another horrible story about a deranged killer with mental health issues. I Was For His (Barack Obama s) Re-Election, I Liked H
No actual verifiable evidence is available, but hey in a world where PC rules the day who needs to verify a story? ****Strong la
This brave man stood up to this ungrateful group of punks and did what every American should do when they encounter some
As Barack Hussein Obama tours around the country trying to convince the low information voter that the lopsided and danger
Love him or hate him Trump s speaking up and saying the things conservatives in America have been dying for someone in the
If it were up to this President, we wouldn t have any arms to bear U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on Tuesday said i
All of these companies should be ashamed to be contributing to a to a company that kills babies, then shamelessly negotiates
Black ESPN host, Steven A. Smith defended Democratic presidential candidate Gov. Martin O Malley(D-MD) for saying all lives
Obama s ICE Director Sarah Saldana is not the only one determined to help Obama fundamentally transform America. In 2013
This news comes on the heels of Obama s release the drug offenders in prisons tour. All part of the fundamental transformati
Why should armed civilians have to protect and defend our US military recruitment centers? Muslim terrorists have made it cl
Way to go Granny! Perfect timing for your announcement with the discovery of the Planned Parenthood s aborted baby parts
No conflict of interest here! Only the most pro-abortion president in the history of the United States would have an expert w
When you have a crowd of people listening to this kind of idiotic drama, I think it s safe to say you should expect to be booed o
Because it was a joke before it was politically incorrect?Before Al Franken became a United States Senator from Minnesota, h
Every day Barack Obama rubs his radical transformation of America in our noses as we sit back and watch Republican Presiden
When she s not shamelessly bashing people who don t think human action is dangerously warming the planet or radically con
Greg Gutfield asks the question we all would like to know about this horrific woman working for Planned Parenthood in the un
Transgender activist and bully, Hanna Zoey Tur threatened conservative reporter Ben Shapiro when he refused to call Bruce C
Just confirming what anyone paying attention already knew. The Huffington Post isn t interested in reporting the news they re
Die-hard amnesty for illegal aliens cheerleader Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Every time a little thing like this happens, they use the mos
No word yet about the Mayor developing a plan to help Christians who refuse to bake wedding cakes for gays based on their r
Tell us Susan what s worse, Iran with a nuclear weapon and billions of dollars to help fund muslim terrorists or Iran with a nuc
What would a speech from a modern Democrat be if they didn t include the LGBT crowd and embrace illegal aliens? It s almos
Don t turn off your paid internet service quite yet. If you have a job and contribute to our tax base, you won t qualify. You also
Nothing says tolerance like putting a loaded gun to a strangers head because you disagree with the flag they re holding A fami
Being called out for his utter incompetence as a leader by the press is not something Obama is used to CBS News s Major Garr
Yesterday we told you about the company who buys aborted baby organs from Planned Parenthood. Many of our readers we
The consequences of a failure to control immigration in America A foreign-born alien who sought help with his immigration pa
I m a mom who grew up in Romeo, MI., the same town where Robert Ritchie, aka Kid Rock was born and raised. I am also a hu
Baltimore City State s Attorney Marilyn Mosby tells FOX News reporter during hostile exchange (at the 1 minute mark) that sh
Last we checked harvesting and selling body parts in America was illegal. Perhaps the abortion industry has some sort of speci
Tough talk from Washington does not solve problems says our Thug in Chief as he threatens Congress not to cross him on thi
B b but I thought they said they re just trying to provide quality health care for women .An undercover video recorded by the
Like a spoiled child on a spending spree with no parental guidance, Greece is forced to sell some of the most beautiful real est
Kate Steinle is the wrong race, and she was killed by someone Obama is advocating for. If they can only get FOX News to stop
Well, as a Catholic the act of the Pope of my church accepting a gruesome hammer and sickle with Christ affixed to the front w
It s not just Trump who s exposing the truth about the hundreds of thousands of muslims being sent to our country where the
It s not just the our open southern borders we need to be concerned about. It s our State Department who seems to be hell-b
As a poll challenger who has witnessed unbelievable blatant voter fraud by Democrats, I can only imagine what this poll worke
They shot him in the head with a 45. They found out from the coroner that he was on his back (like this)with his hands up an
An Arkansas woman who went to pick up the class ring she ordered from Walmart left disappointed, after store officials told h
Miss him yet?Here s an up-close look at a quality-of-life offense the City Council wants to decriminalize.This urinating vagrant
Fox News host Megyn Kelly shut down a liberal guest in a blistering Thursday night exchange about President Barack Obama s
To watch a black comedian with a net worth of $70 million in a country with a majority white population whine about his victi
Never mind the fact that Kid Rock fought for and won full custody of his black son, whom he raised by himself.Never mind tha
The left has officially taken parenting out of our hands via legislation and handed it over to our government The list of things 1
America better wake up and realize we are quickly becoming victims of leftist bullies and their desire to destroy our right to fre
When will the libs start Delta Smelt shaming and demand answers from the left for putting a fish before the lives and livelihoo
CJ Pearson, the 12 year old conservative social media sensation who was bullied and threatened by grown-ups on the left, has
It s interesting how many of these celebrities who hate America and American citizens have no problem taking their money Po

Since when did future Democrat voters take precedent over enforcing the law? Family members suspect jealousy may have le
Just another interesting discovery in a story that has already exposed a very corrupt government that favors illegal aliens over
So much for the US refusing to work with countries who are guilty of some of the worst human rights violations in the world F
Wow maybe they could include a place where the mothers could pose with their dead babies a photo gallery of sorts Women
About 62 percent of Americans say they won t be taking a vacation this summer at all. Out of that, more than half said they co
So much for that whole dead broke nonsense Hillary Clinton has vowed to be a champion for everyday Americans. The form
Disney s just doing their part to advance a radical leftist agenda by punishing conservatives and anyone who dares to challeng
If the Chicago Public Schools were a business in the private sector, they would have been bankrupt decades ago There s no do
Because the government knows best when it comes to raising your children or something like that.A Maine mother faces child
Because we don t have enough crime in our country already we need to import it from Mexico and South America.To hell with
Not knowing how many members of ISIS and other terrorist groups have slipped undetected into our country is yet another se
Wow just wow!A pregnant woman has challenged pro life activists to pay her $1 million to keep her baby.In an anonymous es
But wait the first female president oh never mind, the Democrat party s gonna go with diversity and pick the old white guy.
It doesn t get much more anti-American than forcing the removal of American flags from an American owned business A Florid
Well, that didn t take long. Look for the first beastiality marriage license request in 5 4 3 2 1 Nathan Collier said he was inspire
I guess we re not the only ones who are 100% FED UP with our marxist president Following the influx of illegal immigrant mino
There s no need for Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett to make a statement about finding a cure for pediatric cancer, which rec
Be proud! One U.S. Army Veteran remained after the smoke cleared at the flag burning event in Brooklyn on Wednesday nigh
Because according to the left, the brave men who gave their lives for our nation are apparently the equivalent of a battle to m
Americans need to put American citizens first and dump Macy s. Macy s has a Customer Service Department phone number th
No word on when Soros will be put on trial for paying protestors to riot or when Al Sharpton will be charged with inciting the r
Are there any coincidences in the quid pro quo world of Obama s Chicago style politics? Here s the link story we posted about
Gay pride? Tolerance is a one-way street for those on the left Two street preachers were brutally beaten punched and kicked
A defender of the Confederate flag who says the flag is NOT about race says: I m gonna tell you one thing, I ain t sitting down;
This is just another example of the rampant indoctrination of our children by the anti-American left God bless these local vete
The children were greeted at the Capitol steps in the communist state of Wisconsin by protestors singing hate songs with sign
No threats of beheadings have been made yet oh wait those types of threats only come from the religion of peace There wo
Not a bad imitation of a black pastor from a guy who quit going to church when he entered the White House because accordin
Mexicans have been given a green light by Obama and his regime to enter our country. Why shouldn t the drug cartels capital
It s actually quite refreshing to see someone on the right who is unafraid to take off the gloves. His message to those who sup
Remember the racist, Black Panther punk who started the #EricSheppardChallenge which involved stomping on the American
The Fundamental Transformation of America is almost complete. Even Barack Hussein Obama must be surprised by how few
Hillary got a bit of a surprise while leaving a campaign stop in St. Louis this week. Who wiped
Of course, we d be okay with excluding three of the Justices who didn t go along with the rubber stamping of Obama s reckles
America s First Black President continues to destroy employment opportunities for the black community We ve got a bad guy
Like Obama and his regime, this Occupier and Obama supporter believes he is above the law. The City of Detroit begs to differ
When it comes to limiting our free speech, nothing this lawless government does should surprise us. Under normal circumsta
Open borders have consequences Bob Barry Jr. is survived by his wife, the lovely Gina, his four children; Matt, Tanner, Evan a
It s painful to watch the stupidity and irresponsibility of the Democrats who run the city of Chicago along with Chicago Teache
Where s the outcry from the left about the mistreatment and relentless badgering of black conservative GOP presidential cand
I m sure the apple doesn t fall far from the tree in this case. Many of us have known about the father-in-law but this digs deep
Remember Joni Ernst? Conservatives were so excited to see her win a Senate seat in Iowa. You may be surprised to see who th
As Americans we insist that no one should be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, who they love, what the
Our 44th President just doing his part to keep the racial fire stoked Barack Obama claimed the United States was still infected
The producers vs. the looters The man honeymooned in a Communist country. He even wrote a paper about how woman fant
Why would anyone want to risk their lives while serving their community as a cop in this hostile, anti-cop, free-for-all environm
Why does FOX News even give this guy a microphone? He lost his relevance about a decade ago, and yet FOX News still thinks
All the progress that s been made with race relations in America since the civil rights era has been ignored by so many angry b
This reminds us of the list of demands that were made by the American prisoners in Mexico oh wait never mind The border ha
Of course, the government will have to address that whole income inequality issue, because clearly every illegal alien or unde
We re living in such historic times I can barely take all the diversity and equality Help us to choose the woman the Obama reg
Aren t the kids already suffering enough by being forced to eat Mooch s slop for lunch? Isn t it always all about the kids for th
It s a shame really when a company who produces a really great product is more driven by their desire to promote a perverted
If the murderer was arguing in defense of a Republican would the media be working so hard to keep her political persuasion p
Bayna-Lehkiem El-Amin, the muslim man who attacked the two gays in a Manhattan restaurant may want to stay away from t
Donald Trump announced he will be running for President as a Republican in 2016. Here s what he had to say about our milita
A different set of laws apply to illegals in fact, it appears there are no laws that apply to illegals More than 100 convicted crimi
Karl Rove is suggesting Hillary suffered brain damage following her blood clot.On Sunday, Hillary Clinton s campaign manager w
This whole public nightmare must be heartbreaking for her parents H/T Weasel Zippers
George, Barack and Hillary the axis of evil Professional race activists Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop), p
These people will support just about anything Obama says scary stuff!
Don t worry the liberal elite always know what s best for the little people.Goldman Sachs Chairman and UN Special Representa
You can t have people walking around with guns says the husband of the woman who wants to be your next president Sunda
Black lives matter but only when white cops are responsible for their deaths. When blacks kill other blacks not so much. Kudo
Why would the Vatican invite an aggressive leftist speaker to the rollout of the Pope s Papal document on phony global clima
Does anyone care? If Hillary personally gassed these citizens would anyone care? Has America become so conditioned to read
You can t make this up! Why are these criminals who illegally entered our country are being given special status? They are not
Wouldn t it be great to have a president who made our national security a top priority? The Obama administration will agree t
The Army can t be bothered with defending or protecting war heroes, they re too busy with other more pressing issues like en
As a side note, I m just curious when did the world agree to forfeit the rainbow (a sign from God to Noah that he would never
Here s one sure way to turn a solidly red state blue In Fiscal year 2014, Texas resettled 7,234 refugees. However, that doesn
Fairfax, VA Public Schools are not unique in their desire to force a deviant sexual agenda on our children. Why is the left so he
This is so over the top it s not funny. I m a huge advocate of parents being there for the kids but a felony charge? Held overnig
Why do we even need a Congress anymore? We have a King, and it appears the majority his council are there at his behest. In
Here s a mom who knows how to raise her children
The left shouldn t be offended by Graham s decision to do his banking elsewhere since they re all about defending choice Fran
It would be a real shame if that hot coffee was made by some horrible war-mongering veteran or evil gay person .A Marine ve
Before we explore the actual details of Marco Rubio s extravagant purchase, let s take a look at the brilliant tweet by Bill San
It sounds like a perfectly legitimate reason it s likley NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton has claimed it is hard to hire more black c
Perhaps this young girl aspires to be the First Lady someday. Is it really fair to fire her for making racist remarks on social medi
It s almost like Hillary s not really that interested in the everyday people after all except of course, when it comes to voting H
Amen! This judge brings it to this man and it s amazing! Love this!
With an Imperial President who believes he is above the law, is there even a need for a Supreme court?On Monday, President
Hillary heads to DC for an exclusive fundraiser hosted by one-percenter lesbians Hillary Clinton will be in Washington, D.C., on
Kids Just Want To Use Words That s racist, that s sexist. They don t even know what they re talking about Like Chris Rock and
Hey Al Why don t you try going into the neighborhoods of Chicago and ask the residents to contribute to your worthless chari
Which begs the question:How many Iraqi s have been placed on trial for similar circumstances? And do the rules of engageme
Ultimate gun control is the end game of Barack Obama and his regime period.On June 1 Breitbart News reported on Obama s
Not that it matters, but since it appears that no one has read the bill, it s probably not that unlikely that Democrat senator Ron
Timing is everything, and no one knows how to seize the moment better than members of the Kardashian family. The progres
No need to file rules don t apply to Obama s amnestied illegals Illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty can claim back ta
But then again, with all of the cash flowing into the Clinton Slush Fund from foreign countries no designer should be out of re
Just another day in the life of a thug rapper Things turned violent at a Stop the Violence charity basketball game Sunday in St
But what about Hillary being a formidable opponent when it comes to women voters? Hillary Clinton had trouble attracting h
The last three recipients of the highly coveted Arthur Ashe award for courage were gay: GMA host, Robin Roberts (2013), First
How many American taxpayer dollars have already been used by the Obama regime to spy on, discredit and dismantle conser
Eric Holder in a skirt Obama s Department of Justice is working on more than a dozen new gun control regulations it plans to
With 25% of Mexico now living in America Americans should be demanding our President tell us why he allowed these illegal
Dr. Christopher Driscoll, an Africana Studies program affiliate, is a perfect example of how academia uses religion to divide stu
But what about that whole unfair student debt thing that Hillary and Bill are so concerned about?While Arizona State Univer
B b..but she s a victim (Mosby claims her account was hacked).Earlier this month, two controversial tweets were favorited by
I was always loyal to U.S.A and never betray its mission. This sad story reminds us of the Pakistani doctor whose intel he shar
Pretty much people just yelling at each other so far. Adam Housley (@adamhousley) May 30, 2015
I wonder how many government funded trucks will be following Mooch s kids this summer? Oh, that s right she s a good mom
Because books written by authors like Ernest Hemingway, William Shakespeare, Mark Twain and John Steinbeck are so-o-o-o o
According to Bedford, Mass. School Superintendent, John Sills, no employees will face disciplinary action for showing this vide
ISIS supporters on Twitter are making open DEATH threats to bikers attending the Freedom Of Speech Round II event to be h
The presence of any kind of privilege puts unnecessary pressure on the people of colour to defend any anger or frustrations th
Because you can t take a chance that a sailor in uniform might offend an anti-military patron Manhattan s swanky Standard ho
Minnesota the hotbed of liberalism and diversity in the Midwest While teachers blow the whistle on the breakdown of discip
Why should Barack Obama bother with the courts? He s always been above the law. He s already proven to us that he doesn t
Megyn Kelly interviews The Blaze s Dana Loesch about Baltimore s racist, anti-cop mayor, after she took umbrage over FOX Ne
Another leftist educator uses the precious time they ve been given to deliver an inspirational speech to high school graduates
Because after all, what s more offensive than choosing to allow your baby to live?The pro-life message can be classified as pat
Nothing says authority like an unarmed officer in a mob of lawless thugs Footage showing at least six Home Office immigratio
Coming to a town near you A sign was hung in a public square in Antwerp, Belgium threatening Mayor Bart De Wever with de
A citizenry with no respect for the law or our law enforcement officers is the result of a lawless President who encourages this
Just another whiny radical leftist keeping it classy. Birds of a feather Robert De Niro delivered the commencement speech to g
A scene straight from the Freddie Gray School of Bad Actors A Baltimore man arrested in connection to the shooting of five pe
Members of the Catholic church need to pay close attention to the radical statements that are being made by the Vatican s to
The banality of evil is how Ann McElhinney, co-producer of the Gosnell movie describes meeting with serial murderer, Dr. Ke
Our State Department brought in over 1 million 1 LEGAL immigrants entered the US in the last 20 years as a result of the Refug
Perhaps if one of her children or a close relative was sexually abused by a pedophile, she may not be so generous with her ass
SPOT ON RACHEL ZONATION The Obamas pride themselves on being staples in the black community who can do no wrong in
A Pentagon spokesman claims it s more like One Toyota speeding down the road by itself at night with its headlights off. Um
40% of Americans have given up looking for work. Obama logic: Don t cut or reduce benefits for those unwilling to look for wo
We ve been screaming from the rooftop that Obama s new open border policy will destroy job opportunities for Americans wh
What s a million dollars between friends? To hell with human rights violations Hillary s got a campaign to win!A major Clinton
It would have been more appropriate for the plaque to mention that the Obama-Holder-Sharpton race war started here on Ca

In the face of mounting threats of terrorism and civil unrest in U.S. cities, President Barack Obama is arbitrarily prohibiting loca
We would encourage biker groups to stand down. There s been enough bloodshed. Waco Police Sergeant W. Patrick Swant
Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born Taylor Swiftmi sog y ny m s j n /Submit noun dislike of, contemp
Michael Conger was arrested by Eustis police once on a violation of a probation warrant and Jeremy Robertson had never bee
My success in the financial markets has given me a greater degree of independence than most other people, Soros once wro
Like mother like daughter? Chelsea is very difficult according to insiders. We know from former Clintonites that Hillary can cu
****STRONG LANGUAGE Warning****You have lit a fuse, and it s burning and when it explodes negro, you re nowhere near p
Because there s nothing more compassionate than convincing young boys and girls that the gender that God assigned to them
Why would anyone expect anything else from a mayor who criticized Barack Obama for being too conservative and too afrai
The hate for our law enforcement is at an all time high. The blame for the injuries suffered and murders of innocent law enfor
We re going to have people who are bilingual teachers, and ultimately people who just want to do the right thing for the Unit
Keep buying Jay Z and Beyonce s music and keep telling us you like their music and see no connection between buying their m
Beware of this agenda that s Agenda 21 for those who aren t familiar with the term sustainable development. Your every mov
The Ferguson #BlackLivesMatter protesters are spilling the beans on the so-called grassroots movement.Earlier this week bla
MSNBC the cable news station who hired tax cheat, FBI snitch and paid race baiter, Al Sharpton as a mouthpiece to spew ha
Apparently, keeping a slave and repeatedly raping her is not against his Islamic faith From International Business Times:A Saud
Time to exhale James Barack Obama supporter James Taylor doesn t just think the U.S. president is great he believes Obama
Dr. Mauricelm-Lei Millere, who formerly advised the New Black Panther Party in Ferguson, is under fire for some things he twe
A JV team threat Shaken by a daring U.S. military strike deep in ISIS territory, supporters of the extremist organization were v
Perhaps Democrat Mayor Michael Nutter is taking a cue from the reckless DA in Baltimore in presuming guilt of the engineer w
Another disturbing teen melee broke out inside a Brooklyn McDonald s Friday, and this time, the brawlers turned their violenc
No mercy for welfare leech and America hater, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev This is nothing to celebrate. This is justice, said first-respon
We do this not because it s legally required, because it s not, Patton said at a hearing on the agreement. We do this because
Barack Obama s reckless desire to open our borders to international criminals will likely result in the most serious security thre
If nothing else, Mooch makes Hillary seem like she s not such a bad candidate after all .If Michelle Obama decided to run for p
Just like Hillary Stephanopoulos claims it was an honest mistake not to disclose his donations to the corrupt Clinton slush fun
This woman s remarks exemplify the Me first and Everyone s a victim attitude we re seeing so much of today..A violinist is fa
Emboldened by a radical leftist President who thumbs his nose at our Constitution and the core values our nation was founde
Nothing like a ridiculous notion after all these years that Hollywood is sexist-bahahaha! The ACLU is such a useless organizatio
The EPA must be really bored with the important things they need to look into. It is just like the government to stick its nose w
It s Hard To Know Who Obama Hates More America, Israel Or Our Police Officers Barry doesn t have time to attend the funera
The war on the American flag continues.Retired mounted an American flag in front of his house, the same flag that he carried
It was all an accident. It s good to King The Obama administration continues to ignore the law and do pretty much whatever t
So is radical islam a made up idea? Are all horrors committed in the name of radical Islam just a figment of our imagination? O
Obama s apology tour for the greatest country in the world continues The United States heard widespread concern Monday o

So am I getting this right? Everyone needs to let the high schoolers rampage through the museum or else they ll scream racism
Rate your mom for Mother s Day sounds like the perfect project that only an intrusive, progressive public school teacher woul
We d like to offer a special word of thanks to Pamela Gellar for shining the light on the truth about Americans who are being
Not that anyone should be surprised by this insanity after all, it s California where rules, laws and morals don t really apply to l
GET OVER YOURSELF! MOOCH PLAYS THE RACE CARD AGAIN This woman loves to stir it up and fabricate things because it doe
The point is Alan Dershowitz made this absurd comment earlier, that the only people who are engaging in these violent ideolo
In the initial interview with the owner of this BBQ restaurant it was clear that this guy had good intentions. His intent was that
Conform or pay the ultimate price Police seized ten children from an off grid homeschool family in Kentucky on Wednesday a
Released from Guantanamo and then making his way back to Canada thanks to Obama, this murderer is free but SFC Speer is
Nothing to see here just Obama evening the playing field by giving an ad hoc international tribunal the ability to overrule US la
How very charitable of the Lutheran and Catholic churches to bring tens of thousands of refugees to America, dump them off
The liberals find this plan to be disgusting until their neighborhoods become the next victim of violent muslim immigrant gang
After a recent speech given by Minister Louis Farrakhan, he took questions from the audience. One woman goes to the mic an
Bosch Faustian, a former muslim and winner of the Draw Muhammed contest hosted by Pamela Gellar claims he has been re
It s interesting that Josh Earnest still carries around the line of bs that all middle class Americans know is a lie. He is, after all, t
Another positive step towards restoring our freedoms A federal court has decided that the National Security Agency s (NSA) b
What comes around, goes around. It was only a matter of time Dorian Johnson lied repeatedly that Michael Brown had his han
Bah, Humbug! Manufacturers and retailers can face civil and possibly criminal penalties for failing to report any products to
Chuck Norris wrote about Jade Helm 15 in a commentary for the conservative website WND last weekend, pointing to the dec
The left believes these are all perfectly acceptable topics to discuss with our young children. Whatever you do, just don t men
The radical Baltimore mayor who ordered the Baltimore Police Department to stand down is now calling for a federal investiga
Meet Alice Miller who single-handedly scr*wed the legal voters of America by letting non-citizens vote. I guess voter integrity
So words deemed offensive are only offensive if you re white? Isn t that racist? Shouldn t the same punishment be given to pe

We re not sure which of Judge Mary Murguia s qualifications for becoming a U.S. Supreme Court Justice would be more attrac
The stats don t lie on this one Obama s hoping to reach the low information voter who watches Letterman and will buy this bs
Our First Lady has taken time out from her self-appointed role as America s Food Nazi to fulfill her new role as First Propagand
Sooo when terrorists attack Je Suis Charlie, a French newspaper (who makes a living mocking religion) and kills innocent peopl

Medal of Honor recipient @Dakota_Meyer asking you to stand up against those who disrespect the flag #NeverOutgunned htt
Add another lie to an exhaustive list of Obama lies Emergency-room visits continue to rise in the second year of Obamacare, th
Local residents supported the flag but national groups said they had received complaints about the flag. So this one is a good c
Remember when the left would have been ashamed to say singing The Star Spangled Banner was considered a false display

Leftist indoctrination for toddlers How I wish this wasn t a true story A three-year-old named Lee defends the abortion of his s
You re At Forefront Of This Cause And As Young People, Our Time Is Now PROSECUTER MALTBY
This is like one big slush fund for Hillary 2016. The Clintons not only collected millions from foreign donors, they also rake in $7
A sick new challenge is going viral, urging people to disrespect and stomp on the American flag FOX
Marilyn Mosby held a press conference today in which she said police officers had no probable cause to arrest Freddie Gray. T
The Police Union came out almost immediately after the Mosby press conference today with a response against her assessme
Bill O Reilly isn t my favorite and can be belligerently wrong sometimes but this rant is spot on: The truth is we don t know w
So now that this guy fears for his life he s backtracking on the story he told or is he?This is such a mess and so convoluted that
Holy smokes! Could someone tell Obama he doesn t need to dump more money into the Baltimore school system. I think they
What is it that they don t get? Does anyone even listen to these inciters of anger and hate? This is pitiful!WARNING: Profanity
We all knew this but we also know that the reporting is very biased in favor of the Trayvon Martins or Freddie Grays of the wo
This answers questions but also raises many more questions in this case. Why did the van stop four times? The police van driv
Who knew that in our First Black President s second term killing cops would be all the rage in the black community? A Housto
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio traveled to Milwaukee to attend a fundraiser where he delivered a blistering speech attacking S
THE GREAT SOCIETY $22 trillion, yes, that much has been spent along with so much more to get the black community out of p
A 14 year old girl yelled: F*ck the pizza man and this is what happened next:Why were they trying to kill you?I don t know. I d
Midtown BBQ & Brew owner Tony Harrison was on Fox and Friends to explain that he saw video of a police line being breach
A source involved in the enforcement efforts confirmed there was a direct order from the mayor to her police chief, as riots br
FERGUSON PART II: Police are having a difficult time investigating because of the rocks being thrown at them. Baltimore and F
I watched this exchange last night and couldn t believe the insanity seriously. It was curfew and the people in the streets ignor
More and more dirt on these two grifters who re shockingly still denying the truth or saying nothing to defend themselves. Th
Whiskey, Tango, Hotel Don t worry, Brooke clarified her ludicrous statement by saying: These veterans are coming back from
The American taxpayers are on the hook for less than predicted but this is still huge! It was Obama s green energy scam with c
Kevin D. Williamson of National Review nails it in this brilliant and true piece! This is so worth the time! This all encompassing
The identity of the victim has not yet been confirmed, but he is believed to be the owner of the liquor store where this horrific

Wouldn t it be great if our first Black President would make an effort to quell the angry and violent crowds in Baltimore by an

Pray for these police officers, the innocent citizens, residents and business owners in Baltimore Here is a recruitment flyer tha
Could someone please explain this? I honestly don t think it s any accident.I stumbled onto this video via BadBlue, which linke
We should do NOTHING for these terrorists! They got money and a house from the government of Uruguay but want even mo
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake: While we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things th
Because nothing says justice for Freddie Gray like a large group of teenage thugs descending on a defenseless woman and ste
1). I m a Christian.2). I m NOT gay.3). He fears his lifestyle puts him at odds with the Bible.4). He s a Republican.5). He doesn t
In a shocking interview with Joel Gilbert, producer of Dreams From My Real Father, Malik talks about having to come through
I will close my business before I will make any compromises that could jeopardize the safety and security of the members who
Try to process this: A woman running for President of The United States (whose entire career has been built on lies and deceit

This mayor s involvement in potential illegal activity will get little attention this story will be a full blown case of racial injustice
Television just doing their part to contribute to the moral decay of America Sex in a box in front of a studio audience having fa
Rapper Killer Mike, will appear in front of a SOLD OUT audience at the prestigious MIT University today. Here s a clip from an
These are people who claim to love diversity, and they don t love diversity they just want people to agree with them. Ferg
Adios America Census: Record 51 million immigrants in 8 years, will account for 82% of U.S. growthWisconsin Gov. Scott Walk
The recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama in 2012 had this to say when asked about racism: And
The wu$$ification of our military Army ROTC cadets are complaining on message boards that they were pressured to walk in h
The laws don t apply to the Clinton s they re just for the Everyday Americans Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
This story should send chills down the spine of every American. Communism is on our doorstep THEY CAME WITH A BATTERIN
Nothing but the best for the queen and the queen s mom No other mother-in-law of a President in the history of the United S
Hell has a special spot reserved for this horrible man According to an article published Sunday by World Net Daily, a Princeton
Seriously? FIRST GRADE? When are parents going to stand up and say they ve had enough?!!Officials at Mitchell Primary Scho
Listen to the mind boggling answers to these questions asked by Caleb Bonham, founder of Campus Reform. Just for fun, we v
Alan noticed his son liked to lay on his belly and pretend he was flying.One day he edited an image to make it appear as thoug
Dr. Gina Loudon is hands down one of our favorite conservative writers. She nails it with this piece about the truth behind the
There s just something about Shrillary that almost makes you wonder if everything she does has to be staged Watch how diffe
Jeb Bush just unofficially placed himself on team Democrat Potential GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush is calling on Congre
Hillary s for all Everyday Americans just not the elderly ones in wheelchairs Hillary Clinton wants to meet everyday Americans
Because there wouldn t be any outrage over a white kids only field trip to a local college would there?Parents criticized India
Don t worry, the attorney for the mom/thug who brought her own special form of street justice to the teacher in the classroom
Because there wouldn t be any outrage over a white kids only field trip to a local college would there?Parents criticized India
From the amazing Ann Corcoran s Refugee Resettlement blog: Ho hum! Another of those Somalis we are still bringing into Am
As it turns out, 67 year old Hillary Cinton used to hear her grandparents talk about the immigrant experience when she was a
You d think she d know a thing or two about email servers and at a minimum, question Hillary s integrity Apple founder Steve
Umm Yeah Okay Would it be acceptable to the school if this teacher asked her students to close their eyes and pretend to be
She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the com
This is political correctness out of control! What do these goofballs think we won the war with? Hopefully, they come to their
Who needs family when you have a neighborhood mentor who can teach you the value of racism, communism and hate for A
Meet Keegan Stephan. He could be Barack Obama s son. He s a community agitator with a sizable following on Twitter, who a

It s simple and it s wrong: The Obama border policy asks ICE agents to disobey federal law. It would be nice if people we ve ele
Not that anyone should be surprised by the lap dog mentality of these second rate liberal hack journalists. They re the reason
Everyone s been asking where the Hillary van is So Hillary pulls up in a gas guzzling van with tinted windows-I thought she wan
Yep Hillary s now a champion of lesbians and gay marriage. Or is she? It s hard to tell exactly what Hillary stands for. She seem
Wow! What a list of accomplishments! The problem is that these accomplishments are rotten to the core. Just read a few and
Yada, yada, yada Hillary Clinton announced her 2016 presidential bid in a two-minute video that she uploaded to YouTube. Is
Don t you know Obama would love to just throw those who disagree with him in jail. Well, the Cuban government has only inc
Of course Emily s List is going to support Hillary, because Democrats have been doing their part to keep the unwanted or un
We have not observed the principles and ideals upon which this country was founded. Obama makes sure to let everyone kno
You won t believe this judge and how he berates a family that was terrorized in a home invasion. Can a three-year old help ho
Hillary Clinton s supporters were calling certain words used to describe her as sexist. Words like entitled, ambitious, and secre
I am a student of history so I tend to actually be familiar with many of these episodes that have been mentioned. I am the firs
Is everyone else thinking what I m thinking? Two words come to mind on this one: concealed carry A Stroudsburg, Pa., woman

Since Hillary s making a big announcement today we thought we d give everyone a chance to see the real Hillary. This is a side
UPDATE: Robert Barnes, the white homeless man who was viciously beaten by a van full of black people (mostly women and c
But wait wasn t the Muslim Brotherhood s Arab Spring (Sharia Law for all Egyptians) supposed to be a good thing? An Egyptian
Where was the media coverage when this black thug shot a white police officer in the face? It clearly doesn t fit their narrative
Note to little Johnny you might want to consider using a diary next time you write about how you d like to engage in violent jih
Yep that s correct. Your hard earned tax dollars are helping to pay her salary Just days before Easter, one professor took to the
A 14-year-old boy suffered a gunshot wound to the leg Wednesday (April 8) after a woman drove him and five other juveniles
If you have a system that rewards you for being a victim, it s subject to abuse. Sheriff Donny YoungbloodThat kind of stance h
You won t want to miss this
Poor little Al if he s not race baiting, he s hanging out with our President at the White House just waiting for the next white on
This is a story that will never make the news. A woman uses a car to intentionally hit another woman (this is the second time s
Yeah putting the federal government in charge of our entire police force, sounds like a great idea Al. We re waiting for Al to ca
Be aware and be ready to push back on this effort by the State Department and the United Nations to spread seed communiti
Dirty Harry must ve jarred something in his head that makes him unaware that he s lying in public. He used to be pretty good a
Only one journalist has made it his mission to set the record straight about what really happened in Ferguson, MO on the day
This story just proves what we ve been saying all along. When it comes to unions, it s not about the members, it s about the un
HUGE NEWS: The head coach of the University of Michigan s football team just tweeted that the football team WILL watch Am
If I were U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, I d be keeping these guys close by:The injunction that has blocked President Barac
Thanks to Obama, all working Americans are beginning to see what it feels like to be a conservative who s been forced to pay
Attacks against us are increasing in frequency, scale, sophistication and severity of impact. Although we must be prepared for
This is just one we caught crossing the border. What about the thousands we haven t caught or that we haven t heard about?
A customer at Burger King is hoping to get a refund on her shake, but when no one responds to her plea for help she asks to sp
The moral decay continues The Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children at the University of Hawaii is currently recru
Evil hiding under the banner of religion in our own backyard A 32-year-old woman was harassed and intimidated last week w
I was wondering if I could get a cake that says: Gay marriage is wrong. The tolerant answers that follow this question show th
If we didn t know better, we d almost believe our Federal Government was attempting to give special privileges to Spanish spe
About 2,000 of the emails I got were of support. There were four hateful, so that s not even 1 percent. Compare that the the
Our culture is what makes this Nation great and very exceptional. Unfortunately, we ve elected a president who s changing ou
It s not for her to decide! We have the Second Amendment and that s enough for any American. DeLauro doesn t get to decid
What an evil bunch of freaks! The agenda is so important to them that they can t see the forest for the trees. Overpopulation
The gun grabbers are at it again pushing for more oversight and background checks for gun owners. The sheriff says it s borde
Insane! This really is the definition of insanity. Letting non-citizens vote in our elections is something no other country would
Is anyone else 100% FED UP?On Friday, Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, along with Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) and Senators John Mc
Socialism doesn t work but I guess Venezuela didn t get the memo. No toilet paper? No food? Yes, it s come to that in this soci
Patriots removed the the Chinese flag between the American flag and the state flag at the capitol building in Olympia,Washing
Let s get real with some awesome truth from Mark Levin.Is this guy not just the best ever truth teller! Why can t we have mor
So a wannabe female bomber was a pre-school teacher by day in Queens, NY and a jihadi the rest of the time.She was a pretty
The Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases have opened up so many doors for opportunists looking for their 15 seconds of fame
Corporate sponsors like Coke should think again before hiring this potty mouthed anti-American hack singer for anything.Riha
Don t you just love an entitled IRS lawyer who claims she can t be fired? What s even better is she was an ethics lawyer who re
This is a sad commentary on a generation who has truly lost their moral compass. No self respect, dignity or pride It s all abou
Yeah that whole taking up arms thing seems to be working well in Chicago The president of a non-violent group established b
In case you missed it Sen. Harry Reid (R-NV), who announced last week that he will retire after his current term expires in early
The irony here isn t lost on us. Hillary is being compared to the President she wanted to take down. Nixon s got nothing on thi
Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton 21st Century WireOnce again, we ve arrived at our New Years Eve wrap-up of some of t
like the fraudulent story published in The Post
Looking back on the 2016 Presidential election, there was a non-stop chorus on denials by Hillary Clinton, her campaign surrog
It should also be said that the current US Administration is merely finishing the job which started under three consecutive two
170619-N-AA175-092..SAN DIEGO (June 19, 2017) Command Master Chief (Ret.) Kathleen Henson, from Midland, Mich.,, cent
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Dr Can Erimtan 21st Century WireDid Donald J. Trump have any idea about the impact his words would have across the world
ACR s BOILER ROOM presents a Christmas poem Twas the Night Before CNN s #FakeNews Christmas By Randy J.. HELP US TO
Mark Anderson 21st Century WireThe Greek philosopher Plato was credited with saying, Justice in the life and conduct of the
This past week saw one of the most colorful debates regarding the CNN and US mainstream media meltdown over the Russia-
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireSince late October, an ongoing release of intelligence files related to the assassination of Pres
another controversial nugget in the JFK files was a memo written by FBI Director Hoover after Oswald was shot by Ruby. The m
21st Century Wire says More evidence of collusion has surfaced this week just not the kind mainstream media has been inces
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appeared before the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee on Wednes
The US Embassy in Lebanon went on lock-down today after demonstrators gathered outside on Sunday morning, as Pro-Pales
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireMuch was made this week in the US media about Michael Flynn s recent guilty plea to m
CIA appointed head Mike Pompeo is now ready to disregard basic press freedoms enshrined in the US Constitution.As the pre
After 18 months of rampant speculation over Trump and Russian collusion and alleged Russian hacking in the 2016 election,
Table set for thanksgiving in Siem Reap. (Photo: Andre Vltchek)Andre Vltchek NEOA table was set up for two, an advertisemen
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says At Tuesday s U.S. State Department briefing, spokesperson Heather Nauert, once again, displayed her
21st Century Wire says Facebook is rolling out its latest artificial intelligence bot with the hope that the software will save lives
When it comes to interpreting current events, no one does official conspiracy theories like the Unite States.For years, Washing
21st Century Wire says News broke Sunday night that Meredith Corp., publisher of Better Homes & Gardens and other popula
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says This has been an ongoing project of the search giant, long in the making, and already underway. In fact
Sunday Wire host Patrick Henningsen delivers another blow to the Resistance exposing the Shakespearean tragedy of the Ru
Nicolas J S Davies Consortium NewsSeventy-seven million people in North and South Korea find themselves directly in the line
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire The gunman named in a mass shooting that was said to have killed 26 people at a small chur
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
The late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi remarked before his death about what he believed was an overriding reason for the
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireYears before allegedly carrying out a truck rampage on Halloween, the man named in New Y
21st Century Wire says It s no wonder that when the CNN news crew ventures out from beyond their cozy, Orwellian studio co
21st Century Wire says It s Halloween and Hillary Clinton is getting asked what she will wear for a Halloween costume. There
Consortium News Exclusive: The U.S. mainstream media finally has its smoking gun on Russia-gate incriminating information
21st Century Wire says When the news broke in 2013 that founder and Bilderberg member Jeff Bezos bought th
21st Century Wire says While the mainstream press can t wait to find out (or get illegally leaked Grand Jury details) about the
Episode #208 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Oct 29th 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week s LIVE broad
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Twitter s pitch deck for RT?21st Century Wire says In what appears to be a coordinated attack on RT and Sputnik, Twitter CEO
21st Century wire says The FBI recently released new documents regarding the bizarre and still forensically critiqued Sandy Ho
Ever since ISIS appeared in Iraq in 2014, both the policies and strategies coming out of Washington have ranged from confuse
Americans have lost the plot when it comes to evaluating the true nature of the terrorist threat (Image Source: Wikicommon
Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire JFK FILES Conspiracy still shrouds the JFK assassination. (Photo Illustration Shawn Helton)T
What this story shows is that while there are some conscientious journalists at the New York Times who have made a concerte
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireWhen looking at the deeply entangled mystery surrounding the Las Vegas mass shooting, the
Antifa (Photo: Twitter)Diana Johnstone 21st Century Wire Fascists are divided into two categories, the fascists and the anti-fa
TWO PROTAGONISTS: Jesus Campos, and alleged shooter Stephen Paddock.Last week, 21WIRE reported how the Las Vegas po
This latest move by America s notorious Transportation Security Authority (TSA) seems to be step one in a move towards a na
Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.How many of your favorite movies have been shaped a
Andre Vltchek Anti DiplomaticoThe following is an interview with ANDRE VLTCHEK by ALESSANDRO BIANCCHI, Chief Editor of
The world of personal digital devices is moving at a rapid rate and few cyber pundits are as well positioned to comment on all
Is the Democratic Party really the party of the oppressed and of blacks and minorities ? Critics have accused the Democrat P
LONG SHADOW: The wake of the recent mass tragedy in Las Vegas has overtaken various current events, including the Bundy
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireFor the second time this week, Las Vegas police officials and the FBI have revised significant ti
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAlthough many are still stunned in the aftermath of the Route 91 Festival tragedy a series of
which owns the Mandalay Bay hotel near where the shooting occurred
TAKING THE MICKEY: RT UK billboard campaign on London Underground pokes fun at US-led Russiagate campaign of hysteria.
Finian Cunningham SputnikGoogle is the latest US internet company to claim it found Russia-linked advertisements on its net
21st Century Wire says In previous articles, 21WIRE has consistently raised the question of whether or not the CIA and the Pen
Fresh off its humiliating six-year-long debacle in Syria, and with very few viable wars within its grasp, the Pentagon, along with
IMAGE: Real-life battlefield shooting range in Las Vegas (see video).Episode #205 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Oct 8th
21st Century Wire says We ve been covering the anti-vaccine movement (and the science) for quite some time. The dangers o
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Daily Shooter 21st Century WireJust as ISIS is being routed in Deir Ezzor, Syria, and soon out of Raqqa, and driven from its rem
WASHINGTON DC This week the Senate Intelligence Committee finally gave an update on its continuing investigation into wh
As 21WIRE said last year, the Russian hacking, or Russiagate story was a political hoax from the start. What this story can now
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Robert Parry Consortium NewsMake no mistake about it: the United States has entered an era of a New McCarthyism that bla
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
What will the new cold war look like? (Illustration by Brad Holland)William Blum ICHThe anti-Russian/anti-Soviet bias in the A
Just look around the world and throughout recent history, and you will find a number of compelling cases where western-back
Regarding the current North Korea missile crisis, President Trump s teleprompter-led address to the United Nations General A
This is a story about how once trusted mainstream media outlets like Washington Post and the New York Times have used the
This week s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. The US has a highly developed pharmaceutical industr
Episode #203 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Sept 24th, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week s LIVE bro
Mark Anderson TRUTH HOUNDCHICAGO, Ill. The Disruptive Forces Changing Cities, program, conducted by the Chicago Cou
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireIn the famous treatise by Miles Copeland, Game of Nations, the devious middle eastern CIA operati
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
IMAGE: Globalist scribe for the American branch of international order, Carol Quigley.Jay Dyer 21st Century WireIn this partial
President Trump speaking at the UNGA. (Photo: Screenshot)Robert Parry Consortium NewsIn discussing President Trump, the
21st Century Wire says After 12 months of perpetrating one of the greatest political hoaxes in history blaming Russia for the
Back in July, 21WIRE detailed the investigative work of Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, and her report which expos
Bruno Guigue 21st Century WirePurveyor of platitudes, the West portrays itself as the epitome of universal values . A paragon
Has President Trump handed over US foreign policy to an elite clique of military generals?RT says: Candidate Donald Trump ra
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Reframing the current diplomatic crisis in North Korea is essential if genuine progress is to be made in
Ever since last month, the US media and the left wing politicians have been up in arm about alleged rise of Nazism in America
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireHere we go again. There seems to be no end to the escalation of tensions between Nort
Our weekly documentary screening curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.Editor s Note: Although this is not an actual docu
One of the ancillary benefits of Donald Trump s insurgence into the US political scene has been a forceful injection of realism i
chance and human agency. We have only to reflect upon defunct glacial despotisms such as the USSR or East Germany to rea
21st Century Wire says After 7 years of systematic and pathological lying, and fabricating thousands of fraudulent news report
Undoubtedly, we are living in an age of universal deceit, where government and corporations are colluding to bury the truth, a
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Some devastating news befell John Sidney McCain III recently, as his staff announced that the US Sena
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for this week s broadcast of The Boiler Room . Join us for uncensored, u
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireThis is an addendum to the 8 lectures last year on the monumental Atlanticist apologetic Tragedy a
Whitney Webb Mint PressBush s Axis of Evil speech in 2002 was precursor to disastrous invasion and regime change. Now on
By ramping up US troop levels in Afghanistan, Trump is alienating many supporters. (Photo: DoD/USAF Tech Sgt Brigitte N Bra
Politics can be a nasty business. This latest spat proves once again, that in politics, it s not really about color, as much as it is w
21st Century Wire says With the ongoing hysteria constantly spouting from the American mainstream media about alleged Ru
Episode #199 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Aug 20th, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week s LIVE broa
. The Daily CallerThe Democratic Party and mainstream media have become increasingly consumed with the narrative that Do
. By Gilad AtzmonEarlier this week, senior Tablet magazine writer Yair Rosenberg pointed out in a Washington Post article that
21st Century Wire says The culture wars continue to ramp-up after events in Charlottesville. White House Secretary of Housin
21st Century Wire says In the wake of the Charlottesville m l e, reactionary social justice flash mobs and assorted vigilantes h
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Here s an unusual, but extremely thought-provoking political take on the events of last week in Charlo
. By Gilad AtzmonIn my recent book Being in Time a Post Political Manifesto, I pointed out that the West and America in parti
21st Century Wire says Last Friday, President Donald Trump appears to have temporarily lost his mind by suggesting that the U
The events in Charlottesville have shaken the American political scene.21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen speaks to Sputnik Ra
by Neil Clark for RTOf course, in State Department-friendly Western media, it s North Korea and its leadership who are routine
21st Century Wire says Each week, 21WIRE will curate a series of informative documentary films designed to educate and enli
21st Century WireYesterday, violence broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, when far-left direct action group Antifa organized
Andrew Korybko The DuranTrump was more aggressive than usual yesterday when he said that he s not ruling out a military o
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Late last year, search engine giant Google announced its plans to protect users from the horrors of fak
21st Century Wire says Speaking to reporters from his summer golf retreat in New Jersey, President Donald Trump publicly tha
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Clearly, below the surface of current events, the 2016 election process is still ongoing, and a partisan w
21st Century Wire says It s been confirmed that the FBI did conduct a predawn raid of the home of former Trump campaign m
By Patrick J. BuchananThat the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.As President Donald Trump flew off for August at
21st Century Wire says Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore reports for Newsmax TV in Las Vegas, about the ongoing feder
21st Century Wire says Earlier in the week, 21WIRE reported about the Google employee who released a controversial 3,000 w
EDITOR S NOTE: We recognize the following eloquent rant posted on Oliver Stone s Facebook page as being of high integrity a
21st Century Wire says Based on their own reports and public statements, it was clear that both Google and Facebook, and ot
21st Century Wire says The war between the White House and CNN continued this week.During a recent White House press b
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says For his role in helping to sow chaos in the US political system and for promulgating the official conspira
21st Century Wire says While everyone is busy hyping the North Korean nuclear threat , the one thing that few mainstream m
Thierry Meyssan Voltaire NetIt is a scandal without precedent.The White House Secretary General, Reince Priebus, was part o
21st Century Wire says It s no secret that the US mainstream media enforces a very tight party line when it comes to saying an
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Everything changed on 9/11. Overnight, it transformed US foreign policy, the geopolitical chessboard,
Russiagate. First it was Russian hacking our election, then it was Russian interference, then it was Russian collusion, then it
Earlier this week, 21WIRE reported on President Trump s recent ban on transgender persons in the US Military. Predictably, th
21st Century Wire says On Twitter today, President Donald Trump announced that he will ban transgender people from servin
Member of the US-backed Free Syrian Army, Aleppo, Syria. (Photo: Mada Media. Source: Wikicommons)Miles Elliott 21st Cen
American liberal activists still struggling with the concept that a wax figure is not meant to be real.21st Century Wire says The
21st Century Wire says Failing US magazine Newsweek once again finds itself on the ropes.For the last year, US mainstream m
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThis week some devastating news befell John Sidney McCain III.On Wednesday, his staff
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says You know that western society is approaching its final hour when animal rights activists start advocatin
21st Century Wire says Back in January of 2016, 21WIRE reported how the Oregon Standoff protesters convoy was intercepte
21st Century Wire says The US 2016 Presidential Election was a watershed point in 21st century western politics. With the def
21st Century Wire says In 1983, US President Ronald Reagan launched the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a space-based anti
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireDespite repeated failures in litigating the Russian Collusion case, America s mainstream
21st Century Wire says This latest move by the US is being sold to unwitting British holiday makers and business travelers as a
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century WireYesterday, US mainstream media outlet CNN threatened to expose the identity of a Reddit user who is said
USA Meg Mall in Seattle, WA (Source: Bynyalcin @Wikicommons)21st Century WireTraditional U.S. retailers are staring out at
US Army paratrooper in Afghanistan s Konar province (Photo: Spc. Lorenzo Ware/US Army. Source: Wikicommons)Miles Elliott
SARTRE 21st Century WireThe only conclusion any honest American citizen can come to is that the Republic is dead. Once aga
So once again, here we are. A new President must deal with the old war. President Donald Trump must decide on whether to
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Several people have been shot at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center as an allegedly disgruntled ex-fam
21st Century Wire says The real cause of the great upheavals which precede changes of civilisations, such as the fall of the Ro
21st Century Wire says Back during the 2016 election, 21WIRE declared with confidence how the US government and mainstr
21st Century Wire says CNN has reportedly refused to punish one of its senior producers John Bonifield, after a recent Project
Consortium News Exclusive: The mainstream media is so hostile to challenges to its groupthinks that famed journalist Seymou
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says There is one curious thing the Presidents of your country [US] change but the policy doesnt change, on
21st Century Wire says Washington s muscle flexing seems to have taken on a life of its own as the shadow of US neocolonial
21st Century Wire says What this latest result proves is that the level of institutional criminality in Washington DC is so deeply
IMAGE: Air defense and satellite tracking center in Russia.21st Century Wire says As of June 19th, the Russian Ministry of Defe
Andrew Korybko Global Village SpaceThe US deployment of the HIMARS missile system to eastern Syria is designed to deter t
21st Century Wire says Yesterday a US F/A-18E Super Hornet is reported to have shot down a Syrian Army SU-22 jet near the v
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
US paratrooper on security duty during a mission to train Iraqi forces (Photo: US Department of Defense. Source: Wikicommo
IMAGE: Democratic Party activist and gunman, James T. Hodgkinson.21st Century WireYesterday, a crazed gunman affiliated w
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Does the American ideal of a egalitarian meritocracy really live up to the reality? Did it ever?The world
21st Century Wire says Last April, the UN general assembly met to discuss how the world s nations can combat the global dru
Bouthaina Shaaban, Political & Media Advisor to Syrian President, Bashar Al AssadThe crimes committed by the US forces by b
21st Century Wire says Those on the left need to start taking responsibility for their actions.Kathy Griffin, an alleged comedia
Hollywood is having kittens over US President Trump s recent snub of the Paris Climate Agreement. Especially upset are the el
Mark Anderson The Truth HoundThe danger-ridden, tyrannical goal of creating an all-consuming corporate-ruled world supers
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Consortium News Exclusive: In his Mideast trip to Saudi Arabia and Israel, President Trump sought some political safe harbor b
Duterte takes clear lead in Philippine elections. (Photo: IBT)Andrew Korybko The DuranMay 2016: As Filipinos choose their ne
21st Century WireZbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter and founding member of the Trilate
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Mark Anderson AFPWith a little help from the Virginia police in the Fairfax County Sully District, as well as the obscure Bilderbe
21st Century Wire says .From May Day riots to designer technocracy (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)21WIRE s Sha
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Erdogan has very little to offer Trump in Syria. But the question should not be whether Trump could even turn his back on the
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century WireUS President Donald Trump has accepted a recommendation to dismiss FBI director James Comey. Was thi
21st Century Wire says If it wasn t enough with James Comey doubling down on the Russia-gate narrative, the so called libera
21st Century Wire says It was a major scandal that broke out in 2009. Academi, formerly known as Blackwater, was accused o
21st Century Wire says F. William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeto
21st Century Wire says Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Here s something quite Pavlovian to think about. What if it were a goal of government and their secu
21st Century Wire says Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and
21st Century Wire says The contrast in the numbers protesting is astounding.This past weekend, thousands of people in hundr
Randy Johnson 21st Century WireDigital technology has increasingly and exponentially become a part of our lives. Virtual wor
21st Century Wire says Russia-gate was pushed by US media outlets everywhere only to disappear after the highly questiona
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
The following segment was recorded on live TV the day before the US launched its Tomahawk missile strike on Shayrat Air Bas
21st Century Wire says Are we already seeing the results of political ignorance?In the first episode of a new video interview se
By The TRUTH HOUNDIn the words of ABC News anchor David Muir, President Trump s press secretary, Sean Spicer, set off a
21st Century Wire says Robert Parry, best known for breaking the Iran-Contra affair, takes us through what we know so far sur
21st Century Wire says Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard continues to face down the mainstream propaga
21st Century Wire says Four people, including a teacher and two students, have been shot at an elementary school in San Bern
21st Century Wire says US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tells us that the war on Syria can only be solved through a political
21st Century Wire says Out of all the intelligence agencies in the United States, we ve come across stories where not everyone
Bill AukenThe day after US warships rained some 60 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian government airbase, US officials made it c
21st Century Wire says Not at all.Yesterday s Syria strikes have created quite a rift in President Trump s support base, with ma
Little did we know at the time of this recording just how accurate our guest s comments would become.In last week s Episode
MEMBERS can join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton for the full version of this episode of DRIVE BY WIRE at 21W
Last night President Donald Trump caved into the Pentagon, the political left, the Neoconservative pro-war lobby and mainstr
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
MEMBERS can join host Patrick Henningsen and guest Matt Lee from Inner City Press for an unusual evening commute, anoth
By Jon RappoportCNN is already claiming the whole Susan Rice scandal is a tempest in a teapot, and the Trump team is exagge
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireYemen is proving what should be clear by now: President Trump may never make good
This week s documentary screening, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. This was quite a groundbreaking investigation a
This interview with WikiLeaks head Julian Assange might explain John McCain s recent angry outburst over the Trump Adminis
21st Century Wire says A predictable reaction from a pair of increasingly desperate politicians.Perennial war hawks Senators J
21st Century Wire says The FBI released 27 never before seen images chronicling the destructive Pentagon attack on 9/11. W
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
This is the final episode of Patrick LIVE on Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and globally at Alternate Current Radio THIS WEEK: Ep
MEMBERS can join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton from 21WIRE for the best morning commute show going,
21st Century Wire says Can you say: out of touch ?Al Gore may have finally proven that he has completely lost touch with rea
Setting the Stage of the Press-President War.US ruling ideology and Washington power have become unstuck as never before
Our weekly documentary film, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. EDITORS NOTE: At times, this film might sanitise the C
21st Century Wire says Washington s Russian witch hunt is now collapsing before our eyes. As host Patrick Henningsen reveale
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Lili Bayer and Larry Cohler-Esses HaaretzSebastian Gorka, President Trump s top counter-terrorism adviser, is a formal membe
21st Century Wire says Here s some intense debate.Yesterday afternoon, Stuart J. Hooper ran into the Russian Street Preache
J.R. Smith 21st Century WireFor the last two months, the US media has continued to ramp-up the alleged alarming trend of h
21st Century Wire says This is why nobody takes the mainstream media seriously.Foreign Policy has released a new article hyp
21st Century Wire says No, it is not.Retired basketball megastar Shaquille O Neal has stated that he believes the world is flat.S
The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial
21st Century Wire says This is a string of disturbing stories.Over just the past week or so, the floor plans to Trump Tower were
21st Century Wire says President Trump is drifting further into Neoconservative land, and very soon there will be no turning b
21st Century Wire says Here s an epic discussion for your Sunday afternoon.Last week, Stuart J. Hooper travelled to Los Angele
21st Century Wire says It was an awkward fit of nerves when Donald met Angela During an interview in October 2015, when a
21st Century Wire says A laptop was reportedly stolen from a Secret Service agent s vehicle in Brooklyn earlier today. The com
21st Century Wire says Earlier this week, the mainstream media reported that the Trump administration granted the CIA a new
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireJust as 21WIRE reported last week the US mainstream media are still black-balling any
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Consortium News Exclusive: The neocon royalty Kagans are counting on Democrats and liberals to be the foot soldiers in the n
21st Century Wire says The fake news continues.Today, John McCain accused Rand Paul of working for Putin , because he obj
21st Century Wire says Welcome to Spaceship Earth.This past week, Stuart J. Hooper took a trip to Los Angeles, California and
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and globally at Alternate Current Radio for the very best in new
This was Rachel Maddow s Geraldo Rivera moment. On Tuesday night the shrill MSNBC host baited audiences with an extende
James Hall 21st Century WireThe obsession over sports, long analyzed as half-crazed, defies logical explanation. Even so, it is u
21st Century Wire says Legacy note to Obama s ghost writer: Barack Hussein Obama will go down in the record books as the g
He who controls the spice controls the universe. Frank Herbert, from the Dune seriesShawn Helton 21st Century WireOve
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
The very people who for years talked about the problem of conspiracy theories have become the keenest spreaders of consp
21st Century Wire says While the US media continues to lead the public up the garden path by allocating all of its coverage for
21st Century Wire says Vault 7: what does it mean to America, and the expectations of of rights and privacy for the average ci
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight at 6:00 PM PST |
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and globally at Alternate Current Radio for the very best in new
Niraj Srivastava 21st Century WireIt is barely seven weeks since Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United State
21st Century Wire says Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has revealed at a press conference earlier today that WikiLeaks will g
US Army M1126 Stryker armoured vehicles rolled into Syria this week (Source: Twitter)21st Century Wire says Yesterday repo
21st Century Wire says Is there any wonder people are sick of the mainstream media?In stunning showing of arrogance, the m
21st Century Wire says Just 24 hours after the release of Vault 7, Zero Day , Wikileaks has claimed that less than 1% of Vault 7
21st Century Wire says Former NSA executive and whistleblower William Binney confirmed that President Donald J. Trump is
21st Century Wire says A small miracle a rare moment of truth on the mainstream media. Buried below all of the salacious an
21st Century Wire says WikiLeaks has released its largest ever publication of confidential documents on the Central Intelligenc
21st Century Wire says Facebook knows best?Facebook has begun its rollout of the Disputed Story tag, which allows only AB
21st Century Wire says After President Donald J. Trump s previous visa suspension was blocked by federal courts, he has fulfill
Photo illustration by Patrick Henningsen@21WIRE Nader Talebzadeh 21st Century WireThe American enlightenment has sta
21st Century Wire says President Donald J. Trump is leaving no stone unturned by asking the US Congress to investigate the al
21st Century Wire says Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump accused his predecessor, Barack Obama, of ordering a wire tap
21st Century Wire says Trump supporters gathered at a rally in Austin TX on a rainy March 4th to participate in the nationwide
21st Century Wire says Partisan liberal hypocrisy strikes again.Yesterday, Trump debunked the Russian connection conspiracy
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and globally at Alternate Current Radio for the very best in new
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Is McMaster going to reignite tensions with Russia?In the follow video Stuart J. Hooper asks if we shou
21st Century Wire says Is this the biggest new nugget to be found in Trump s joint address from last night?In the following vid
21st Century Wire says Over the past month, more than 12 million declassified documents from the CIA have been reportedly
21st Century Wire says Last night, an embattled President Donald Trump gave his first address to Congress. The results surpris
Alex Christoforou The DuranIt should come as no surprise that a film celebrating the White Helmets scooped up an Oscar for
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
21st Century Wire says According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), arms imports to Middle Eas
Episode #174 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this February 19, 2017 as host Hesher brings you this week s special LIVE broa
In this newsletter we ll include key updates on 21WIRE.TV premium content, as well as our GLOBAL:SITREP situation report, w
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at a special tim
21st Century Wire says One of the biggest trends running through this election season has been the migration of elements for
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE has previously reported, if there is no real terrorist threat, then the thing to do is to create
Andrew Korybko 21st Century Wire The global media is awash with analysis and speculation about the resignation of former N
21st Century Wire says Defendants in the Federal case against Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy, his sons and a group of their sup
21st Century Wire says In this age of hyper-politicized mass media, it s becoming harder to differentiate between those who a
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
21st Century Wire says The scandal emerged after it was revealed that Flynn had a conversation with a Russian Ambassador,
21st Century Wire says A request by Native American tribes seeking to halt the construction of the final link in the highly politi
21st Century Wire says The Oroville dam in Northern California has sustained sink hole damage in the main spillway and over 1
21st Century Wire says Ben Stein, reputable professor from, Pepperdine University (also of some Hollywood fame appearing in
21st Century Wire says Defense News said that sixty-two percent of the US Navy s F-18s are grounded and out of service and a
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
21st Century Wire says The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, had his first phone meeting with President Donald Trump after h
21st Century Wire says The following interview is the first western media appearance by Syrian President Bashar al Assad sinc
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at a special tim
21st Century Wire says Today the 9th Circuit Court of appeals has ruled to uphold the halt on allowing enforcement of Preside
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative m
Sputnik Radio s new program Trend Storm is hosted by American geopolitical analyst and writer Andrew Korybko. This week, A
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative m
21st Century Wire says In a tweet by President Donald Trump on Tuesday he called the Democratic Party out for obstructing t
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
21st Century Wire says Regardless of what one thinks of Donald Trump, it must be tempting for most people to admit that it is
21st Century Wire says The legal battle is waging on over President Trump s Executive Order Protecting the Nation From Forei
21st Century Wire says A group of top Silicon Valley tech companies have filed a rare legal brief stating Trump Administration
Episode #172 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this February 5, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week s 3 HOU
21st Century Wire says On Friday a US federal judge in Seattle ordered a temporary nationwide block on U.S. President Donald
21st Century Wire says President Trump s Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the US, is u
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says Incredibly, Donald Trump may have just thrown an executive head fake to Bibi Netanyahu.Back in Dece
21st Century Wire says Since 2011 the United States government, led by President Barack Obama, has adopted an open policy
21st Century Wire says This week a US presidential executive order temporarily restricted travelers and refugees from Syria, Ir
21st Century Wire says In a press release from the Office of the Press Secretary, it was revealed today that acting Attorney Gen
21st Century Wire says Reactions around the world are mixed with regards to the first salvo of executive orders coming out of
21st Century Wire says Trump protests are getting out of hand, yet again. This time in Portland Oregon. Liberal progressive pr
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.The following is Part 3 of a 5 pa
MEMBERS can join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton from 21WIRE for their brand new morning commute show
21st Century Wire says The leftist media machine and the Washington Post are going after President Trump again. Are Josh Ro
21st Century Wire says There is no greater source of so-called fake news than the corporate mainstream media, particularly t
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive action removing legal obstacles holding up the c
21st Century Wire says Why shouldn t borders be protected? It is a fair question Tucker is asking Enrique Morones, founder o
Liberals still don t get it. Trump is the political Anti-Hero for the post pc era. Original painting artwork courtesy of Jason Liosato
This week President Donald Trump followed through with his most audacious building a wall along the US southern border w
21st Century Wire says Everyone has the right to air their perceived grievances about anything, including President Trump, tha
21st Century Wire says More than 50 NGO partners of the Women s March on Washington were found to be tied to social m
21st Century Wire says Kellyanne Conway thrashed NBC s Chuck Todd around the set on Meet The Press when he tried to pain
21st Century Wire says So much for caring about the environment and individual responsibility Protesters in DC who claim to
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.The following is Part 1 of a 5 pa
RT . President Donald Trump spoke at CIA Headquarters on his first stop as the newly inaugurated commander in chief telling
Mark Anderson American Free PressWASHINGTON, D.C. Donald John Trump took to the podium on the Capitol Building s we
Today Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America. The new president gave a resound
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says In a Tweet, Donald Trump hints at libel action in response to the Trump dossier which was allegedly c
21st Century Wire says Earlier this week the media lit up with reports of a political activist group that was advertising across th
21st Century Wire says Arguably irrelevant Hollywood personality, Rosie O Donnell has taken to social media to support the co
21st Century Wire says Judging by Julian Assange s Twitter page activity, it appears as though he may follow through with his p
21st Century Wire says In yet another interesting end of term move, Obama has commuted Bradley/Chelsea Manning s senten
21st Century Wire says Just days before the US inauguration, in his recent interview with the Times of London President-Elect
21st Century Wire says The investigation team at Project Veritas just released the first part in another hidden camera interview
21st Century Wire says The intelligence agencies of the US and the UK were chartered to serve the government and protect na
21st Century Wire says Trump claims that after suspicions that US Intelligence services were leaking information from classifie
21st Century Wire says Many mainstream news outlets have been abuzz about the headline going around saying that Trump m
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireWatching this week s Senate cabinet confirmation hearings was one of the most uncom
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.The following is Part 2 of a 5 pa
21st Century Wire says Based on the events we have seen over the past two months the Democrat-organized street protests
21st Century Wire says During yesterday s cabinet confirmation hearing in Washington DC, hawkish comments made by Presi
21st Century Wire says This week an unverified 35-page document concerning President-elect Donald Trump s alleged ties to
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says RUSSIA HACK? Still no evidence here, nor is there any intelligence here either. This latest crisis of confi
MEDIA MELTDOWN: Many now believe that Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos has transformed the Washington Post from a pape
Consortium News Exclusive: Despite mainstream media acceptance, the U.S. intelligence community s assessment on alleged
21st Century Wire says Now we can see part of the Obama Administration s end game in cooking-up the Russian Election Hac
21st Century Wire says We ve seen it over and over again in the mainstream media, Russia Hacked the US Election. It has bee
21st Century Wire says In the wake of the Friday release of the ODNI s 25 page report from US intelligence agencies (notice h
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother shocking active-shooter incident rocks America. This time, according to Florida s Brow
21st Century Wire says The Washington Post has been caught lying and deceiving the public twice in the last few weeks pushin
21st Century Wire says Incredibly, on the same day that US intelligence officials were due to meet President-Elect Donald Tru
21st Century Wire says Despite the mass media distraction of the improbably Active Shooter attack at Fort Lauderdale Airpor
In case you missed it, CNN anchor Don Lemon went on a drunk, alcohol-fuelled tear this past New Years Eve, drinking tequila s
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says Donald Trump s campaign promise to move the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem could trigger a se
Andrew Malcolm McClatchy News You better stop stealing money from your mother s purse, young man, or I will punish you
Peter Certo Other WordsEven in an election year as shot through with conspiracy theories as this one, it would have been har
James Burgess Oil PricePrecious metals are an important component of every investor s portfolio, and while gold often gets a
What can we expect in 2017? Inflated markets, insider trading and runaway monetary policy still trending Gerald Celente, he
Day in and day out, CNN works hard to try and convince American audiences that it s a legitimate news outlet, and it hopes th
Dick Eastman The Truth HoundWhen Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller met with Zhou Enlai in China in 1973 just after Pre
21st Century Wire says By cow-towing to students over-sensitivity to free speech and seemingly a prenatal requirement for s
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says In a recent interview former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, told Fox that Trump will likely be vetoing o
Funny how secrets travel. I d start to believe, if I were to bleed. Lyrics written by David Bowie from the album OutsideShawn
Democratic Congressman Barney Frank
21st Century Wire says In typical NDAA signing fashion, Obama signed the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) qu
21st Century Wire says While politicians and news media alike are accusing Trump of pushing an arms race in his December 2
This year, let s try something a little different. Wherever you are Let s Make Christmas GREAT AGAIN SEE MORE CHRISTMAS N
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
Here is the FULL Episode #9 of this podcast a special post-election holiday edition @21WIRE.TV This is a special 2 hour holida
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE The 1995 bombing of the Alfred
21st Century Wire says Back in August 2013, United Nations investigators led by Carla Del Ponte found evidence that alleged c
21st Century Wire says Fox News Sean Hannity has broken away from the majority of Western news reporters and has gone t
21st Century Wire says It appears that Putin has had enough with being accused of tampering with the US election process thi
Syrian Army soldier holds up Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria) flag in the Umayyed Mosque, Old City, after government troop
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says Facebook is partnering with and other sites which have apparently been unofficially deem
21st Century Wire says Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul institute, joins RT s Anya Parampil to discuss the U
21st Century Wire says President Obama is once again appearing on info-tainment programming on Comedy Central but his a
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says This latest episode of the Democratic Party s epic meltdown is perhaps the most embarrassing of them
21st Century Wire says How seriously can we take a secret CIA assessment that Russian intervention in the U.S. Presidential e
21st Century Wire says Recently, Democrat Hawaii Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, went on CNN s The Lead hosted by Jake T
21st Century Wire says If anyone still thinks this whole Russian hacking plot is not motivated by internal US politics think aga
21st Century Wire says Three weeks ago, while the wounds were still fresh following Hillary Clinton s epic electoral collapse, a
SEE MORE ALEPPO UPDATES & EXCLUSIVES HEREThis press conference is an excellent information tool for anyone who has se
21st Century Wire says This week s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. By August 1945, the Allied Man
21st Century Wire says The mainstream media continues to deflect from its own collapse in credibility in the wake of Hillary Cl
This week, the momentum in Syria shifted dramatically as the Syrian Army liberated the Old City in eastern Aleppo, so far reta
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire As 21WIRE reported earlier this week, in a historic turning point in a five-year bloody co
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says A red flag went up when we saw this story. We ll let you decide what you think this is Brewster Kahle (
Join Patrick every week here at 21WIRE.TV for news, views and analysis on all top stories domestically and abroad THIS WEEK:
21st Century Wire says Here is a perfect example of a story where the mainstream media will treat the surface narrative with
Jack Shepherd The IndependentDespite George Lucas selling the rights to Star Wars to Disney years ago, the creator remains i
21st Century Wire says If you re going to drain the swamp then the last thing you want to do is set a 500 lb crocodile loose in
21st Century Wire says The US media s neoMcCarthy-like witch hunt continues as social media giant Facebook creates a newly
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Shawn Helton 21st Century WirePresident-elect Donald Trump continues to fill key positions in the White House and in the pr
Join Patrick every week at 21WIRE.TV for news, views and analysis on all top stories domestically and abroad THIS WEEK: Epis
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 5:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported on Saturday, The Washington Post, once regard s as America s paper of record, a
Episode #162 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this November 28, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen brings a 3 HOURS special b
21st Century Wire asks The sensational reporting by US corporate media has almost fallen off the edge of reality in this new di
Washingtons BlogEveryone s talking about fake news Google Trends shows that starting in late October that phrase absolu
RTThe father of the Cuban Revolution remains unbeaten by his foes even in death. We look over the most dramatic assassinati
One of the world s longest-serving and most iconic leaders, former Cuban president Fidel Castro, died last night at the age of 9
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire The mainstream media s post-election hysteria has taken on new level of crazy. It seem
it s much easier to scapegoat an existential enemy for every systemic and institutional crisis affecting America. Whole industr
Deep inside the archetypal psyche of Pepe the Frog Branko Mali 21st Century WireWhile Richard Spencer s half-joke of hailing
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireIf the Trump phenomena showed anything, it showed the consensus reality the mainstream media
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
The person who received the most votes free from interference or tampering needs to be in the White House. It may well be
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireSo far as world peace and prosperity goes, most of the names currently being kicked aro
This biggest failure of the mainstream media was their inability to police themselves. From partisan dishonesty to outright lies
RTFormer congressman Ron Paul revealed a list of fake news journalists he claims are responsible for bogus wars and lies a
The Times asserts that such censorship would be good for democracy and it surely is true that hoaxes and baseless conspirac
William McGurn Wall Street JournalLet s get this straight. Calling Hillary Clinton a bigot has reporters asking every Republican
Charles Hugh Smith Of Two MindsSo when the protected class of well-paid institutional progressives speak darkly of reversi
21st Century Wire says While the US media continue to scrutinize President-Elect Donald Trump s transition team over its num
21st Century Wire says..With Christmas season right around the corner, millions retail consumers in North America and Weste
Robert Parry Consortium NewsIn the wake of Donald Trump s victory, a hot new issue raised by President Obama in an inter
By Brandon TurbevilleCNN is in full panic mode with the recent resumption of the Syrian government assault on terrorist-held
21st Century Wire says Like CIA Director John Brennan, a large part of the job of James Clapper, National Intelligence Director,
21st Century Wire says George Soros has been described as a philanthropist, yet many of the social movement projects funde
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireAccording to a recent feature article published by the LA Times, and which has since gone viral, this
21st Century Wire says As anti-Trump protests continue at college campuses across America, many are still trying to make se
21st Century Wire says It s hard to not to draw a comparison between the Brexit referendum and the stunning surprise victory
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireIt s a novel scene, even for America: President Elect Donald Trump is facing an unprecedente
Kirsten Powers USA TodayOver the past 18 months, whether in Midwestern airports or New Hampshire and Iowa hotels, I lear
21st Century Wire says While America s political left continue to march and occupy college campus spaces around the country
21st Century Wire says Yes, it s true that a string of epic failures on the part of Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign con
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says Although he had some great ideas on the campaign trail, still expect the war hawks and Israeli Lobby in
21st Century Wire says After investing hundreds of millions of dollars into the failed campaign of Democratic candidate Hillary
J.R. Smith 21st Century WireThe election campaign might be over, but the mainstream media s campaign against President Ele
21st Century Wire says Since the late 1960 s, it s become accepted as a fact of political life that the faculty and administrations
21st Century Wire says In 2011, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the grave error of publicly gloating over the grues
21st Century Wire says There is an amazing scene unfolding in America While the Democratic Party s community organizing
Episode #160 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this November 13, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen brings a 3 HOURS special
21st Century Wire says You can imagine how nations like China and Russia are now laughing at US students as mass psycholog
21st Century Wire says Organized efforts are underway by Democratic Party affiliated NGO s to try and somehow delegitimize
21st Century Wire says In 2008 and 2012, Ron Paul created a libertarian and paleoconservative insurency in America. The coun
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnti-Trump street protests linked to the Soros funded organization have cascad
21st Century Wire says IMPORTANT: We are particularly worried about John Bolton and Rudolph Giuliani holding major diplom
21st Century Wire says 21WIRE has always pointed out that the marketing facade of Barack Obama as the Nobel Peace Prize
21st Century Wire says US college students continue to be emotionally traumatized and threatened by Donald Trump s surpr
21st Century Wire says One of the great myths being spun by the establishment media was that Donald Trump had no suppor
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says Mexico s billionaire tycoon Carlos Slim saw a large chuck of his wealth evaporate literally overnight, a
21st Century Wire says Author David Icke talks about the US election shocker and what it says about the relationship between
21st Century Wire says Donald Trump s victory has sparked flash mob protests on Wednesday, with students staging walkouts
21st Century Wire says Republican candidate Donald J Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.History has been
21st Century Wire says According to reports from Business Insider, the Canadian government s immigration website crashed t
Establishment pundits were horrified when Donald Trump claimed that the system is rigged, and panicked when he wouldn t
21st Century Wire says Another key swing state has gone to Hillary. The feudal theocratic dictatorship who is funding and supp
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireToday America will choose its next president. What can you say that hasn t already bee
it s certainly an old lesson by now. Depending on what your view of communism is
Claire Bernish Free Thought ProjectIn no surprise to anyone paying even marginal attention, the FBI s clearing Hillary Clinton o
BloombergIn the hours after the president is elected, equity investors need to brace for volatility. What they shouldn t do is p
21st Century Wire says It s the big dirty secret that neither political party in the US wants to seriously discuss because they b
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.This film documents a series of
Episode #159 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this November 6, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen brings a 3 HOURS special b
21st Century Wire says Amid great mainstream media and Democratic Party fanfare, Hillary Clinton s candidacy has been base
By Vin ArmaniHillary Clinton continues to blame Russia for the email leak even though it doesn t matter who leaked the dam
21st Century Wire says Today, RT International released a 24 min segment from a stunning interview with WikiLeaks founder J
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire Hillary Clinton is the architect of US foreign policy failures in Libya and Syria. We ve he
21st Century Wire says Yesterday we learned that for more than one year the FBI s White Collar Crime Division has actually be
21st Century Wire says Yesterday, WikiLeaks editor and founder Julian Assange confirmed what 21WIRE already knew that H
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe cozy relationship between Goldman Sachs and the Clintons has reached dizzying new hei
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireSick of politics? Well, me too, but this election reveals the deep state and vindicates us conspiracy
Simon Black Sovereign ManBelow is a short email that my friend Sam posted this morning to his Facebook page about his surp
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThe longer this soap opera drags on, it s becoming more and more evident that the Rus
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says A tidal wave of revelations is pouring out of the Clinton campaign as the 2016 presidential election dra
J.R. Smith 21st Century WireMuch has been made by Democrat Hillary Clinton and the White House s accusation that Russia is
21st Century WireAccording to reports, the FBI have obtained a warrant to examine newly discovered emails relating to possib
Brasscheck TVA lot of people are going to vote for Donald Trump in November. Tens of millions of them. Maybe enough to ele
21st Century Wire asks . HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Which US oligarch family is more corrupt, the Clintons, or the Bushes?VOTE, com
21st Century Wire Yesterday, Judge Anna Brown handed out not guilty verdicts to both Ammon and Ryan Bundy, leaders of t
21st Century Wire says 21WIRE reported on Friday about the FBI s surprising announcement that it would be reopening the Cl
21st Century Wire says In a stunning turn of events 11 days before the 2016 presidential election, the FBI announced it is reop
SEE ALSO: ON THE QT: US Election: Behind the Curtain (PART 1)21st Century Wire says The Democratic Party and the Hillary C
Beta testing set to begin at transportation hubs in Los Angeles, Denver and Washington for Total Recall-style high-speed bod
David Kerans Strategic CultureBoth inside the US and around the world, political observers have been waiting a long time for
The T.I.N.A. Doctrine There Is No Alternative Brandon Smith Alt-MarketWhen people unfamiliar with the liberty movement
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global ReaseachThe media has failed to address the confrontation between the U.S. State Departm
By Paul Crag RobertsA month ago I wrote a column , He Who Hesitates Is Lost And Russia Hesitated. The consequences of th
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireIn the wake of the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that targeted many online com
Roving political analyst Stuart J Hooper drops in the see what was happening as Bernie Sanders hit the western college campu
It s teetering on the ridiculous watching the US mainstream media get their knickers in a twist over Donald Trump s provocati
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported previously, since this past summer Washington and its media surrogates have bee
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireYesterday, a wave of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks hit some of the top online co
21st Century Wire says Once again, Operation Mockingbird has been deployed in order to bury another damaging White Hou
21st Century Wire says The mainstream media have gone to great lengths to hide obfuscate the following story.During an inte
21st Century Wire says ISIS inspired. Assad s barrel bombs. We are at war with ISIS. We are only arming the moderate rebels.
21st Century Wire saysFollowing a wave of hidden camera sting operations captured by the investigative non-profit Project Ve
21st Century Wire says Back in July, a federal appeals court intervened to block a North Carolina law that required voters to pr
21st Century Wire says CNN s Chris Cuomo (image, above) is certainly one of America s most maligned and gaff-prone mainst
21st Century Wire says It seems that US anti-Russian rhetoric has translated into action as new plans for NATO to continue its
By Anthony Brian Logan . James O Keefe of Project Veritas has released undercover, button-camera video that outlines the pr
21st Century Wire says For many viewers, this came as no surprise, but for many FOX conservative loyalists, this latest news w
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireDemonstrating where bad hermeneutics and theology lead, plus evidence of a continued conspira
21st Century Wire says We ve said it many times during the last two years here at 21WIRE and on the SUNDAY WIRE radio sho
ATTENTION: Episode #157 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW is postponed until next Sunday Oct. 23, 2016 in the meantime, ACR will be
21st Century Wire says This is a bit of an oddity as far as TED talks go Investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson actually delivers
21st Century Wire says The Hillary Clinton campaign has gone hell-for-leather on the White House s official conspiracy theory
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireJudging by both the words, and deeds of the Obama White House and its political diplo
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
SARTRE 21st Century WireEvery day the world moves closer to a nuclear winter. The finger on the trigger presses upon the bu
21st Century Wire says The US Department of Justice (DOJ) is dropping all charges against an arms dealer whose weapons ma
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says QUESTION: Is this the same malware leak that US elected officials blamed on Russia?His name is Haro
21st Century Wire says This will rank as one of the most egregious miscarriages of consumer trust in US history. In a brief state
21st Century Wire says This was one of the most eagerly anticipated cyber events ever, but today s October surprise turned o
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireFollowing the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Pentagon reportedly paid PR firm Bell Pottinger $5
21st Century Wire says While Russian and Syrian forces are doing the real work of actually fighting terrorists in Syria the Unit
Brasscheck TVNearly 30 years ago, two criminal enterprises known as the Democratic and Republican parties hijacked the pres
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireWhen US Secretary of State, John Kerry, on Thursday said there was no point in pursuin
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireEarlier this week, the FBI released new details regarding an apparent crisis negotiation call m
21st Century Wire says Why are western media lying and producing a fictional narrative regarding the situation unfolding in Al
21st Century Wire says Ron Paul told RT that the US shouldn t engage in death struggle over who controls Aleppo.It s worth n
21st Century Wire says One thing is certain about the War on Syria: the propaganda war being waged by the west and all of its
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says While the US media follows the red herring of this legislative drama which is Saudi Arabia, the real poi
21st Century Wire says One glaring conclusion from last night s US Presidential debate is that there is virtually no difference be
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Photo: Henry Lowendorf21st Century Wire says In case you ve missed it, the following is the video of a UN session featuring t
21st Century Wire says If you haven t seen Hillary Clinton s bizarre and shrill performance the other night, it should be require
21st Century Wire says There have been a string of active shooter events prior to 2016 s first presidential debate this coming w
21st Century Wire asks Currently throughout the western media exists a major public relations push to raise the profile of sup
Episode #154 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 25, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 3 HO
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe New York bombing attack has a list of details that don t add up.When examining what tr
Do roses know their thorns can hurt? a quote attributed to JonBen t Ramsey from Lawrence Schiller s Perfect Murder, Perfe
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says Despite proclamations by US official, details of the attack on the UN Aid Convoy yesterday are still sket
Episode #153 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 18, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 3 HO
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireWhat s up with the millennials? The Clinton campaign may have felt a jolt after seeing t
21st Century Wire says CNN s Brian Stelter hosts a show facetiously titled, Reliable Sources , where Stelter pretends to be a ha
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says As shocking and controversial as Hillary Clinton s recent public health incident may seem, there s som
21st Century Wire says US Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton is reported to have fainted during a major 9/11 Memoria
21st Century Wire says Is Donald Trump the answer? Is anyone the answer?Here s an interesting conversation in New York Cit
No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices. Edward R. MurrowJohn W. Whitehead Huffingto
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.Aside from the collapse of WTC
Episode #152 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 11, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 4 HO
21st Century Wire says One of the most elaborate crimes of the century continues to be whitewashed SMOKE SCREEN Phot
21st Century Wire says After a long drawn out round of bilateral peace talks in Geneva Switzerland this week, Russia and the U
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireOn the eve of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the man implicated in shooting the 40
21st Century Wire says If you have only recently joined us as a subscriber and member at 21WIRE.TV let me take this opportun
21st Century Wire says When the UN released its summary of their chemical weapons report on August 30th, the usual susp
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother active-shooter false alarm made the headlines this past week, as war propaganda im
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Listen to the first 30 min segment of this new fortnightly podcast, ON THE QT , hosted by Patrick Henningsen. This new show
21st Century Wire says Here s a classic case of Problem, Reaction, Solution How far will the federal government go to dismant
21st Century Wire says The privatization of space, and what were formally state-run NASA space agency projects in the Unite
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says We just learned this week that US President Barack Obama will meet with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip
21st Century Wire says In the old days, this scandal would be filed under gross conflict of interest or government corruption
21st Century Wire says Amid the tossing and turning of media hit pieces and partisan mud slinging in advance of the US presid
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireSuicide squad is who they call to counsel the people leaving this vapid movie. Possibly the worst su
Episode #149 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday August 21, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS o
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says The wagon wheels are already coming off of the NATO-GCC regime change road show in Syria.Now, fo
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe 1994 cult film Natural Born Killers, is an examination of media manipulation, archetypal p
we see Mickey and Mallory driving in an RV as parents. The idea here is that the Knoxes represent a future society
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says This is something which 21WIRE has been warning about for years, ever since the regional police conf
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireThe last Star Trek reboot saw Benedict Cumberbatch as Kahn, the berserk super soldier who was an
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe 2016 Democratic National Convention was the latest in a long line of sordid political prod
21st Century Wire says These family members made the president s life miserable, and a few just might continue for years to
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireThe popular 80s pastiche series Stranger Things begins with a familiar scene of E.T. nostalgia, cente
21st Century Wire says The Democratic Party National Convention hit full swing in Philadelphia yesterday, as fashion and celeb
Press Association The GuardianFilm director Oliver Stone has branded the popular gaming app Pok mon Go a new level of inv
Jay Dyer 21st Century WirePicking up where we left off in Part 3, we look at Quigley s analysis of Germany prior to World War
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says Another harbinger of the end of civilization as we once knew it. If you are considering downloading thi
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThis week another toxic revelation dripped from the Chilcot Report.According to top Br
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 11 AM PST |
Daily Shooter 21st Century WireThe Dallas Sniper Production. What was it really about?Dallas, like so many other mass shooti
Your government thanks you for your participation. PSA from The Purge: Election Year Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire A h
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireAs the recent events (and subsequent incoherent media narratives) in Dallas continue to unravel, f
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 11 AM PST |
Daily Shooter 21st Century WireLast night, a highly emotive and politicized GLADIO-style event unfolded in America. Still, after
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says We re told that American Independence Day is a day for Stars & Stripes, hotdogs and patriotism but d
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary screening curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.NOTE: Although this film
21st Century Wire says Yesterday, we were told by US media that one of the country s key military installations, Joint Base And
21st Century Wire says The business of defense.In order to sustain mammoth defense sector based in North America, the U.S.
SEE ALSO: 21WIRE calls out US media for hyping fake Active Shooter event at Andrews BaseDaily Shooter 21st Century WireW
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireIf this latest proposal from the US becomes policy, it could be a major watershed point f
Dady Chery News Junkie Post Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. F. Scott FitzgeraldEdu
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireHas political reality finally set in for the GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump?With
Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire The FBI have finally released the written transcripts from shooter Omar Mateen s supposed 9
21st Century Wire says Trump has begun his war on Hillary.Today, Donald Trump presented a full length speech attacking Hilla
21st Century Wire says What a twisted world we have become.A female, black student activist, Kayla McKelvey (image below)
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireTruth is often stranger than fiction when looking at the bizarre phenomena surrounding many
21st Century Wire says It s called Tykables. A disturbing number of stories have been emerging of late documenting what ca
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireOrlando s Pulse nightclub shooting is said to be the largest mass shooting in American histor
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
SEE ALSO: ORLANDO KNOWN WOLF Watched by FBI, Worked with DHS, Amid Crisis Actors, Drills & CI s21st Century Wire say
21st Century Wire says UK Column anchor Brian Gerrish and guest co-presenter, Patrick Henningsen with breaking internation
21st Century Wire says Worth watching. The Ed Snowden cameo is class. The Star Wars Libertarian Special features Senate fili
21st Century Wire says Now that the Democratic Party establishment has finally put all its cards on the table and declared Hill
Margaret Kimberly Global ResearchThe U.S. public loves fascists; they elect them, constantly. Donald Trump, who says he wo
21st Century Wire says If there is no real terrorist threat, then the thing to do is to create one. Such is the received wisdom of
21st Century Wire says This definitely needed to be said.Host of popular internet news shows The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, h
21st Century Wire says This latest stunt only goes to show what a complete rip-off the US healthcare industry truly is.This wee
21st Century Wire says This is one step closer to the future industry of farming organs in human surrogates.American scientist
Randy Johnson 21st Century Wire MIRROR MIRROR Am I still just a movie concept? Virtual avatar technology is in its infanc
21st Century Wire says US Defense Secretary Ash Carter is the latest Washington defense insider to suffer from that common
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says Is there any difference in US foreign policy between the two major parties? Just how important is forei
21st Century Wire says What is wrong with Chris Matthews?In the following clip from RT America s Redacted Tonight, host Lee
(Photo: Patrick Henningsen 2016)News LineThe White House was placed on lockdown when a suspicious package was thrown
Episode #137 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday May 29, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS of L
21st Century Wire says But he can he accomplish his objective?In the following episode of CrossTalk, a panel gets into a very h
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says The military industrial complex has been a huge winner under Obama.Watch a video of this report her
21st Century Wire says Every Sunday, our editorial team curates another documentary film for 21WIRE readers.This week: Alt
21st Century Wire says This week s announcement by the CIA that they somehow lost the infamous torture report has failed
21st Century Wire says It is not looking good for Clinton.Watch a video of this report here: Trump now sits at 45%, with Clinton
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says The writing is on the wall.In the following episode of CrossTalk, three experts discuss the possibility of
21st Century Wire says Is this year s US election a story of the political elite establishment going to war with social justice?In th
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
They took out Saddam in two weeks, but they can t finish IS in two years? asked Falih, another Iraqi who asked that his last na
21st Century Wire says Censorship is running rampant on the world s largest social media website.Watch a video of this repor
21st Century WireAre black budget projects illegally swallowing up your taxes?The military industrial complex has eaten up bi
21st Century Wire says Well, isn t this interesting. Saudi Arabian princes are giving lessons in democracy?Incredible. The headl
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: We ask our readers who they trust with foreign policy, Hillary or Trump?Vote, com
21st Century Wire says B ACTING: President Obama and former House Speaker John Boehner getting their kicks making Satur
21st Century Wire says The system is running out of options it can use to stop Trump.Watch a video of this report here:CNN is
21st Century Wire says A greater percentage of people are willing to vote to stop Hillary than Trump.Watch a video of this rep
21st Century Wire says How will Trump and Hillary s foreign policy differ if they are President of the United States?In the follow
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says The field is now clear for Trump to become the GOP presidential nominee.Watch a video of this report
21st Century Wire says The FBI is walking a very fine line that crosses into the unacceptable.Watch a video of this report here:
21st Century Wire says This is the news that the elite political establishment did not want to hear.Watch a video of this report
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21st Century Wire asks Will this be the beginning of the end for John McCain s re-election campaign? BUSTED The police ra
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21st Century Wire says We are sure that the military industrial complex is not at all happy about the prospect of using diploma
Art by Dan Lacey via Etsy (See his work here)Zen GardnerIt s pitiful to watch the US election gyrations in the midst of this calc
Robert Parry Consortium NewsIf there were any doubts that Hillary Clinton favours a neo-conservative foreign policy, her per
Eric Zuesse Off GuardianEven for the post of U.S. President, the preferences of the American people have only a marginal, if a
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported yesterday, imperial bureaucrats in Washington and their court scribes in the main
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21st Century Wire says No doubt about it. In comparison to Washington s other weapons trafficking exploits, like Operation Fa
21st Century Wire says In so many respects, our media is not our own.In the past, 21WIRE has detailed various aspects of Op
21st Century Wire says NSA and police state cheerleaders will often use the flimsy defense of mass surveillance, claiming that
Special Report: Savvy neocons see Hillary Clinton as their Trojan Horse to be pulled into the White House by Democratic voter
21st Century Wire says Not quite a mea culpa, but at least it s something. Still, as the leader of the US and with the US as NATO
21st Century Wire says This is the latest installment of our new weekly SUNDAY SCREENING feature, where our editorial team
21st Century Wire says Is Washington preparing to carpet bomb Raqqa? If so, what will be the trigger for this boldly adroit m
Wall Street on ParadeAt the Democratic debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa on November 14, 2015, Hillary Clinto
21st Century Wire says We ve heard a lot of not so nice things about Microsoft s latest spawn of MS DOS. Aside from the built
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Gary Kamiya SF ChronicleOn an elegant dead-end block on the north side of Telegraph Hill is 225 Chestnut St., a swanky mode
Sam Levin The GuardianOn 23 January, a group of Utah ranchers gathered in Cedar City and made a pledge: they signed notice
21st Century Wire says After the great crash of 2008, things went a little quiet for the first 24 months, but in the background n
ABC News PhotoDaniel Lazare Consortium NewsWhy are Islamic militants wreaking havoc from Brussels to Lahore? The best w
ROAR MagI want to give testimony on what are called the highways of death. These are the two Kuwaiti roadways, littered w
21st Century Wire says Author David Icke breaks down the US electoral dog and pony show, staring Donald Trump, Hillary Clin
21st Century Wire says NATO s ugly stepchild, Turkey, has been having trouble of late.After shooting down a Russian jet back i
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21st Century Wire says Just because it happened in the 1960s doesn t mean it can t happen today.For example, consider Fligh
21st Century Wire says Back to square one. Quietly, president Barack Obama is deploying more and more US troops in Iraq, no
21st Century Wire says Does Hollywood do anything other than comic book remakes any more? The latest over-budget chime
Microsoft Pulls Robot After Posted Tweets Like Hitler Was Right I Hate the Jews HaaretzMicrosoft put the brakes on its artific
21st Century Wire says The following video presented by US-based activist Dahlia Wasfi was posted in 2012 but it remains ext
21st Century Wire says As political smoke screens go, Hillary Clinton s is rather impressive.As Secretary of State, despite leavin
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21st Century Wire says OK. As political endorsements go, this one is about as sexy as a box of Wheaties.This exciting developm
By James PerloffMy friend Rachael McIntosh was an alternate delegate at the 2012 Republican Convention in Tampa, Florida,
21st Century Wire says At some point, the political theatric become too much. Read my lips.Amid mixed reviews, we ve seen t
USA TODAYHAVANA The wheels of Air Force One touched down at Jose Marti International Airport for the first time ever at 4
21st Century Wire says The Silicon Valley s technotronic oligarchy has been exposed as a mere extension of the CIA in terms o
David Sherfinski Washington TimesFormer Texas Rep. Ron Paul said Friday he couldn t support GOP presidential front-runner
Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Sun Tzu, The Art of War21st Century Wire asks What s b
21st Century Wire says..We ll believe it when, and if we are even allowed to see it (redacted) Mary Clare Jalonick AP/All GovW
21st Century Wire says As it turns out, we were right about the ambush, and we were right about the cover-up. After all this, t
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Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireAny business expert will tell you that marketing is not an exact science. The same is true
21st Century Wire says On a recent episode of The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen, guest Basil Valentine asked Patrick f
21st Century Wire says Regarding the latest Trump outrage , it s taken a while for the media to catch-up and analyze what s h
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireGOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is a populist candidate among a bevy of warhaw
21st Century Wire says After last Friday night s clash between Democratic Party students and Republican Trump supporters in
Episode #126 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday March 13, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS o
Jamie Ross Courthouse News ServicePHOENIX Two towns on the Arizona-Utah border dominated by members of a fundamen
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Friday night in Chicago saw an unprecedented incident where flash mobs from a
21st Century Wire says The 2016 Election has been one of many firsts. Last night saw an unprecedented incident where flash
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says Science fiction is now science fact.Watch a video of this report here: DARPA s program director for the
21st Century Wire says Those who pull the strings behind the curtain will be a lot harder to get rid of than the puppets which t
21st Century Wire says The mainstream media called it case closed after the FBI released its aerial footage of the ambush an
21st Century Wire says Rich men love to gamble. Over the last few weeks, tens of millions of dollars have been spent by US eli
Eva Bartlett RT OpEdgeThis month, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation interviewed Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Political and
21st Century Wire says Did Mitt Romney just make an incredible mistake?Fox News contributor Judge Jeanine Pirro has unleas
21st Century Wire says For years, the United Nations seems to have been embroiled in an endless string of scandals and cover
21st Century Wire says This latest bombshell report leaked from NATO flies in the face of all the ad nauseam Washington and
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireJamie Hanshaw, author of Operation Culture Creation 1 and 2, and Hollywood Mind Control, joins m
21st Century Wire says Could this be the real reason why Trump is so despised by the elite Republican establishment?Watch a
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThis week a House Judiciary Committee began overseeing details of a US Federal Court case b
21st Century Wire says While you were watching the presidential reality show, the Pentagon was busy putting boots back on t
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Truthstream MediaOut of 88 potential horrors this batch of 1,500+ Americans were asked to rank in regard to their personal l
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly rejected an unprecedented US Federal Court order t
21st Century Wire says This is a new geopolitical war, taking place between the United States and China.The rise of the so-call
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireAs Baron Rothschild famously said back in the late 18th century, When there s blood in
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireWith the United States in the heat of the 2016 presidential election cycle, key questions surr
Randy Johnson 21st Century WireThe future is coming and technology is coming with it. Are we adapting to the future or hold
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21st Century Wire says This latest diplomatic development certainly appears positive on its surface, this week s declared Syria
21st Century Wire says One TV personality Trumps another TV personality.While GOP front runner Donald Trump was on his w
InverseWikileaks released tonight a new cache of documents, showing that the United States National Security Administratio
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: With a string of decisive victories in the New Hampshire and South Carolina GOP
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireEarlier this week Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly rejected an unprecedented US Federal Court o
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21st Century Wire asks What really happened in the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia?With the United States de
21st Century Wire asks The tragic death of Kurt Cobain has mystified the public for more than two decades and over that time
21st Century Wire says It s been almost two years since the cloud storage provider Dropbox appointed former Secretary of Sta
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireCliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher at the center of the federal standoff in Bunkerville in
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21st Century Wire says The issue of honest policing and institutional corruption within law enforcement has been exercised ov
21st Century Wire says Unless you have been living under a rock for the last 20 years, you would have heard about the cultura
21st Century Wire says Iowa s Democratic Party primary was one of the closest races in history reported by the media as bein
21st Century Wire says Most people accept that a certain amount of political campaigning is staged, and even a little contrived
21st Century Wire says As Republican, Ted Cruz and Democrat, Hillary Clinton both snatched narrow victories at the Iowa Cauc
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says The CIA is trying its best to avoid oversight and accountability.Watch a video of this report here: An an
21st Century Wire says If you ve been following the events outside of Burns, Oregon, you ll have seen 99% of the news covera
Episode #120 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW finally resumes this Sunday Jan. 24, 2016 presented by host Patrick Henningsen with 3 H
21st Century Wire says..UPDATE 1-29-2016 at 01:30PM ET: Due to public pressure and intense speculation about the events o
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThere exists a famous quote often attributed to 1918 US Senator Hiram Warren Johnso
KILLED: Rancher and protest spokesman Robert Lavoy Finicum (Image Source: RT International)21st Century Wire says New
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire UPDATE: 1-30-2016 Last night, the standoff at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside
Episode #119 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW finally resumes this Sunday Jan. 24, 2016 presented by host Patrick Henningsen with 3 H
21st Century Wire says Various parties in Washington are quietly laying down the rhetorical tarmac for an increased US militar
21st Century Wire says For those who still refuse to entertain any Michael Hastings Boston Breaks conspiracy theories, this la
21st Century Wire says So far, after nearly 20 days of protests near Burns, Oregon, there s been no one hurt or injured, but it s
21st Century Wire says If you ve been following the protest and federal standoff outside of Burns, Oregon, you ll have seen 99
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RTOne of the most visible members of the armed militia that took over a wildlife refuge in Oregon says his four foster sons we
21st Century Wire says This week, the historic international Iranian Nuclear Deal was punctuated by a two-way prisoner swap
By Dady Chery and Gilbert MercierAll writers with a desire to rattle people out of their torpor occasionally wonder if it is wort
Vic Bishop Waking TimesOur reality is carefully constructed by powerful corporate, political and special interest sources in ord
Paul Craig RobertsIn the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way. On false pretenses Wash
Robert Fantina CounterpunchAlthough the United States is still ten months from its next exercise in electoral futility, most pol
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported earlier this week, the unlikely mishap of two US Naval vessels straying into Irania
21st Century Wire says It s a familiar theme. Whenever there is a dispute or a change of law, and two tribes go to war, there is
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireRemember when the Obama Administration told the world how it hoped to identify 5,0
21st Century Wire says Al Jazeera America will go down in history as one of the biggest failures in broadcast media history.Eve
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE predicted in its new year s look ahead, we have a new hostage crisis underway.Today, Iran
21st Century Wire says All the world s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entr
Randy Johnson 21st Century WireThe majority of mainstream media reporting surrounding the Burns, Oregon, and Wildlife R
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21st Century Wire says A new front has just opened up in the long battle between America s small farmers and the US federal
21st Century Wire says It s not that far away. Guess who wants to run for president in 2020?Just before the New Year bell run
Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton 21st Century WireOnce again, we ve arrived at our New Years Eve wrap-up of some of t
like the fraudulent story published in The Post
Looking back on the 2016 Presidential election, there was a non-stop chorus on denials by Hillary Clinton, her campaign surrog
It should also be said that the current US Administration is merely finishing the job which started under three consecutive two
170619-N-AA175-092..SAN DIEGO (June 19, 2017) Command Master Chief (Ret.) Kathleen Henson, from Midland, Mich.,, cent
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Dr Can Erimtan 21st Century WireDid Donald J. Trump have any idea about the impact his words would have across the world
ACR s BOILER ROOM presents a Christmas poem Twas the Night Before CNN s #FakeNews Christmas By Randy J.. HELP US TO
Mark Anderson 21st Century WireThe Greek philosopher Plato was credited with saying, Justice in the life and conduct of the
This past week saw one of the most colorful debates regarding the CNN and US mainstream media meltdown over the Russia-
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireSince late October, an ongoing release of intelligence files related to the assassination of Pres
another controversial nugget in the JFK files was a memo written by FBI Director Hoover after Oswald was shot by Ruby. The m
21st Century Wire says More evidence of collusion has surfaced this week just not the kind mainstream media has been inces
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appeared before the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee on Wednes
The US Embassy in Lebanon went on lock-down today after demonstrators gathered outside on Sunday morning, as Pro-Pales
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Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireMuch was made this week in the US media about Michael Flynn s recent guilty plea to m
CIA appointed head Mike Pompeo is now ready to disregard basic press freedoms enshrined in the US Constitution.As the pre
After 18 months of rampant speculation over Trump and Russian collusion and alleged Russian hacking in the 2016 election,
Table set for thanksgiving in Siem Reap. (Photo: Andre Vltchek)Andre Vltchek NEOA table was set up for two, an advertisemen
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says At Tuesday s U.S. State Department briefing, spokesperson Heather Nauert, once again, displayed her
21st Century Wire says Facebook is rolling out its latest artificial intelligence bot with the hope that the software will save lives
When it comes to interpreting current events, no one does official conspiracy theories like the Unite States.For years, Washing
21st Century Wire says News broke Sunday night that Meredith Corp., publisher of Better Homes & Gardens and other popula
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says This has been an ongoing project of the search giant, long in the making, and already underway. In fact
Sunday Wire host Patrick Henningsen delivers another blow to the Resistance exposing the Shakespearean tragedy of the Ru
Nicolas J S Davies Consortium NewsSeventy-seven million people in North and South Korea find themselves directly in the line
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire The gunman named in a mass shooting that was said to have killed 26 people at a small chur
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The late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi remarked before his death about what he believed was an overriding reason for the
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireYears before allegedly carrying out a truck rampage on Halloween, the man named in New Y
21st Century Wire says It s no wonder that when the CNN news crew ventures out from beyond their cozy, Orwellian studio co
21st Century Wire says It s Halloween and Hillary Clinton is getting asked what she will wear for a Halloween costume. There
Consortium News Exclusive: The U.S. mainstream media finally has its smoking gun on Russia-gate incriminating information
21st Century Wire says When the news broke in 2013 that founder and Bilderberg member Jeff Bezos bought th
21st Century Wire says While the mainstream press can t wait to find out (or get illegally leaked Grand Jury details) about the
Episode #208 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Oct 29th 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week s LIVE broad
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Twitter s pitch deck for RT?21st Century Wire says In what appears to be a coordinated attack on RT and Sputnik, Twitter CEO
21st Century wire says The FBI recently released new documents regarding the bizarre and still forensically critiqued Sandy Ho
Ever since ISIS appeared in Iraq in 2014, both the policies and strategies coming out of Washington have ranged from confuse
Americans have lost the plot when it comes to evaluating the true nature of the terrorist threat (Image Source: Wikicommon
Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire JFK FILES Conspiracy still shrouds the JFK assassination. (Photo Illustration Shawn Helton)T
What this story shows is that while there are some conscientious journalists at the New York Times who have made a concerte
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireWhen looking at the deeply entangled mystery surrounding the Las Vegas mass shooting, the
Antifa (Photo: Twitter)Diana Johnstone 21st Century Wire Fascists are divided into two categories, the fascists and the anti-fa
TWO PROTAGONISTS: Jesus Campos, and alleged shooter Stephen Paddock.Last week, 21WIRE reported how the Las Vegas po
This latest move by America s notorious Transportation Security Authority (TSA) seems to be step one in a move towards a na
Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.How many of your favorite movies have been shaped a
Andre Vltchek Anti DiplomaticoThe following is an interview with ANDRE VLTCHEK by ALESSANDRO BIANCCHI, Chief Editor of
The world of personal digital devices is moving at a rapid rate and few cyber pundits are as well positioned to comment on all
Is the Democratic Party really the party of the oppressed and of blacks and minorities ? Critics have accused the Democrat P
LONG SHADOW: The wake of the recent mass tragedy in Las Vegas has overtaken various current events, including the Bundy
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireFor the second time this week, Las Vegas police officials and the FBI have revised significant ti
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAlthough many are still stunned in the aftermath of the Route 91 Festival tragedy a series of
which owns the Mandalay Bay hotel near where the shooting occurred
TAKING THE MICKEY: RT UK billboard campaign on London Underground pokes fun at US-led Russiagate campaign of hysteria.
Finian Cunningham SputnikGoogle is the latest US internet company to claim it found Russia-linked advertisements on its net
21st Century Wire says In previous articles, 21WIRE has consistently raised the question of whether or not the CIA and the Pen
Fresh off its humiliating six-year-long debacle in Syria, and with very few viable wars within its grasp, the Pentagon, along with
IMAGE: Real-life battlefield shooting range in Las Vegas (see video).Episode #205 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Oct 8th
21st Century Wire says We ve been covering the anti-vaccine movement (and the science) for quite some time. The dangers o
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Daily Shooter 21st Century WireJust as ISIS is being routed in Deir Ezzor, Syria, and soon out of Raqqa, and driven from its rem
WASHINGTON DC This week the Senate Intelligence Committee finally gave an update on its continuing investigation into wh
As 21WIRE said last year, the Russian hacking, or Russiagate story was a political hoax from the start. What this story can now
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Robert Parry Consortium NewsMake no mistake about it: the United States has entered an era of a New McCarthyism that bla
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What will the new cold war look like? (Illustration by Brad Holland)William Blum ICHThe anti-Russian/anti-Soviet bias in the A
Just look around the world and throughout recent history, and you will find a number of compelling cases where western-back
Regarding the current North Korea missile crisis, President Trump s teleprompter-led address to the United Nations General A
This is a story about how once trusted mainstream media outlets like Washington Post and the New York Times have used the
This week s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. The US has a highly developed pharmaceutical industr
Episode #203 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Sept 24th, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week s LIVE bro
Mark Anderson TRUTH HOUNDCHICAGO, Ill. The Disruptive Forces Changing Cities, program, conducted by the Chicago Cou
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireIn the famous treatise by Miles Copeland, Game of Nations, the devious middle eastern CIA operati
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IMAGE: Globalist scribe for the American branch of international order, Carol Quigley.Jay Dyer 21st Century WireIn this partial
President Trump speaking at the UNGA. (Photo: Screenshot)Robert Parry Consortium NewsIn discussing President Trump, the
21st Century Wire says After 12 months of perpetrating one of the greatest political hoaxes in history blaming Russia for the
Back in July, 21WIRE detailed the investigative work of Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, and her report which expos
Bruno Guigue 21st Century WirePurveyor of platitudes, the West portrays itself as the epitome of universal values . A paragon
Has President Trump handed over US foreign policy to an elite clique of military generals?RT says: Candidate Donald Trump ra
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Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Reframing the current diplomatic crisis in North Korea is essential if genuine progress is to be made in
Ever since last month, the US media and the left wing politicians have been up in arm about alleged rise of Nazism in America
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireHere we go again. There seems to be no end to the escalation of tensions between Nort
Our weekly documentary screening curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.Editor s Note: Although this is not an actual docu
One of the ancillary benefits of Donald Trump s insurgence into the US political scene has been a forceful injection of realism i
chance and human agency. We have only to reflect upon defunct glacial despotisms such as the USSR or East Germany to rea
21st Century Wire says After 7 years of systematic and pathological lying, and fabricating thousands of fraudulent news report
Undoubtedly, we are living in an age of universal deceit, where government and corporations are colluding to bury the truth, a
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21st Century Wire says Some devastating news befell John Sidney McCain III recently, as his staff announced that the US Sena
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for this week s broadcast of The Boiler Room . Join us for uncensored, u
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireThis is an addendum to the 8 lectures last year on the monumental Atlanticist apologetic Tragedy a
Whitney Webb Mint PressBush s Axis of Evil speech in 2002 was precursor to disastrous invasion and regime change. Now on
By ramping up US troop levels in Afghanistan, Trump is alienating many supporters. (Photo: DoD/USAF Tech Sgt Brigitte N Bra
Politics can be a nasty business. This latest spat proves once again, that in politics, it s not really about color, as much as it is w
21st Century Wire says With the ongoing hysteria constantly spouting from the American mainstream media about alleged Ru
Episode #199 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Aug 20th, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week s LIVE broa
. The Daily CallerThe Democratic Party and mainstream media have become increasingly consumed with the narrative that Do
. By Gilad AtzmonEarlier this week, senior Tablet magazine writer Yair Rosenberg pointed out in a Washington Post article that
21st Century Wire says The culture wars continue to ramp-up after events in Charlottesville. White House Secretary of Housin
21st Century Wire says In the wake of the Charlottesville m l e, reactionary social justice flash mobs and assorted vigilantes h
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21st Century Wire says Here s an unusual, but extremely thought-provoking political take on the events of last week in Charlo
. By Gilad AtzmonIn my recent book Being in Time a Post Political Manifesto, I pointed out that the West and America in parti
21st Century Wire says Last Friday, President Donald Trump appears to have temporarily lost his mind by suggesting that the U
The events in Charlottesville have shaken the American political scene.21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen speaks to Sputnik Ra
by Neil Clark for RTOf course, in State Department-friendly Western media, it s North Korea and its leadership who are routine
21st Century Wire says Each week, 21WIRE will curate a series of informative documentary films designed to educate and enli
21st Century WireYesterday, violence broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, when far-left direct action group Antifa organized
Andrew Korybko The DuranTrump was more aggressive than usual yesterday when he said that he s not ruling out a military o
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21st Century Wire says Late last year, search engine giant Google announced its plans to protect users from the horrors of fak
21st Century Wire says Speaking to reporters from his summer golf retreat in New Jersey, President Donald Trump publicly tha
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21st Century Wire says Clearly, below the surface of current events, the 2016 election process is still ongoing, and a partisan w
21st Century Wire says It s been confirmed that the FBI did conduct a predawn raid of the home of former Trump campaign m
By Patrick J. BuchananThat the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable.As President Donald Trump flew off for August at
21st Century Wire says Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore reports for Newsmax TV in Las Vegas, about the ongoing feder
21st Century Wire says Earlier in the week, 21WIRE reported about the Google employee who released a controversial 3,000 w
EDITOR S NOTE: We recognize the following eloquent rant posted on Oliver Stone s Facebook page as being of high integrity a
21st Century Wire says Based on their own reports and public statements, it was clear that both Google and Facebook, and ot
21st Century Wire says The war between the White House and CNN continued this week.During a recent White House press b
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21st Century Wire says For his role in helping to sow chaos in the US political system and for promulgating the official conspira
21st Century Wire says While everyone is busy hyping the North Korean nuclear threat , the one thing that few mainstream m
Thierry Meyssan Voltaire NetIt is a scandal without precedent.The White House Secretary General, Reince Priebus, was part o
21st Century Wire says It s no secret that the US mainstream media enforces a very tight party line when it comes to saying an
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21st Century Wire says Everything changed on 9/11. Overnight, it transformed US foreign policy, the geopolitical chessboard,
Russiagate. First it was Russian hacking our election, then it was Russian interference, then it was Russian collusion, then it
Earlier this week, 21WIRE reported on President Trump s recent ban on transgender persons in the US Military. Predictably, th
21st Century Wire says On Twitter today, President Donald Trump announced that he will ban transgender people from servin
Member of the US-backed Free Syrian Army, Aleppo, Syria. (Photo: Mada Media. Source: Wikicommons)Miles Elliott 21st Cen
American liberal activists still struggling with the concept that a wax figure is not meant to be real.21st Century Wire says The
21st Century Wire says Failing US magazine Newsweek once again finds itself on the ropes.For the last year, US mainstream m
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThis week some devastating news befell John Sidney McCain III.On Wednesday, his staff
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21st Century Wire says You know that western society is approaching its final hour when animal rights activists start advocatin
21st Century Wire says Back in January of 2016, 21WIRE reported how the Oregon Standoff protesters convoy was intercepte
21st Century Wire says The US 2016 Presidential Election was a watershed point in 21st century western politics. With the def
21st Century Wire says In 1983, US President Ronald Reagan launched the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a space-based anti
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireDespite repeated failures in litigating the Russian Collusion case, America s mainstream
21st Century Wire says This latest move by the US is being sold to unwitting British holiday makers and business travelers as a
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century WireYesterday, US mainstream media outlet CNN threatened to expose the identity of a Reddit user who is said
USA Meg Mall in Seattle, WA (Source: Bynyalcin @Wikicommons)21st Century WireTraditional U.S. retailers are staring out at
US Army paratrooper in Afghanistan s Konar province (Photo: Spc. Lorenzo Ware/US Army. Source: Wikicommons)Miles Elliott
SARTRE 21st Century WireThe only conclusion any honest American citizen can come to is that the Republic is dead. Once aga
So once again, here we are. A new President must deal with the old war. President Donald Trump must decide on whether to
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Several people have been shot at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center as an allegedly disgruntled ex-fam
21st Century Wire says The real cause of the great upheavals which precede changes of civilisations, such as the fall of the Ro
21st Century Wire says Back during the 2016 election, 21WIRE declared with confidence how the US government and mainstr
21st Century Wire says CNN has reportedly refused to punish one of its senior producers John Bonifield, after a recent Project
Consortium News Exclusive: The mainstream media is so hostile to challenges to its groupthinks that famed journalist Seymou
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says There is one curious thing the Presidents of your country [US] change but the policy doesnt change, on
21st Century Wire says Washington s muscle flexing seems to have taken on a life of its own as the shadow of US neocolonial
21st Century Wire says What this latest result proves is that the level of institutional criminality in Washington DC is so deeply
IMAGE: Air defense and satellite tracking center in Russia.21st Century Wire says As of June 19th, the Russian Ministry of Defe
Andrew Korybko Global Village SpaceThe US deployment of the HIMARS missile system to eastern Syria is designed to deter t
21st Century Wire says Yesterday a US F/A-18E Super Hornet is reported to have shot down a Syrian Army SU-22 jet near the v
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
US paratrooper on security duty during a mission to train Iraqi forces (Photo: US Department of Defense. Source: Wikicommo
IMAGE: Democratic Party activist and gunman, James T. Hodgkinson.21st Century WireYesterday, a crazed gunman affiliated w
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Does the American ideal of a egalitarian meritocracy really live up to the reality? Did it ever?The world
21st Century Wire says Last April, the UN general assembly met to discuss how the world s nations can combat the global dru
Bouthaina Shaaban, Political & Media Advisor to Syrian President, Bashar Al AssadThe crimes committed by the US forces by b
21st Century Wire says Those on the left need to start taking responsibility for their actions.Kathy Griffin, an alleged comedia
Hollywood is having kittens over US President Trump s recent snub of the Paris Climate Agreement. Especially upset are the el
Mark Anderson The Truth HoundThe danger-ridden, tyrannical goal of creating an all-consuming corporate-ruled world supers
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Consortium News Exclusive: In his Mideast trip to Saudi Arabia and Israel, President Trump sought some political safe harbor b
Duterte takes clear lead in Philippine elections. (Photo: IBT)Andrew Korybko The DuranMay 2016: As Filipinos choose their ne
21st Century WireZbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter and founding member of the Trilate
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Mark Anderson AFPWith a little help from the Virginia police in the Fairfax County Sully District, as well as the obscure Bilderbe
21st Century Wire says .From May Day riots to designer technocracy (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)21WIRE s Sha
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Erdogan has very little to offer Trump in Syria. But the question should not be whether Trump could even turn his back on the
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century WireUS President Donald Trump has accepted a recommendation to dismiss FBI director James Comey. Was thi
21st Century Wire says If it wasn t enough with James Comey doubling down on the Russia-gate narrative, the so called libera
21st Century Wire says It was a major scandal that broke out in 2009. Academi, formerly known as Blackwater, was accused o
21st Century Wire says F. William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeto
21st Century Wire says Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Here s something quite Pavlovian to think about. What if it were a goal of government and their secu
21st Century Wire says Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and
21st Century Wire says The contrast in the numbers protesting is astounding.This past weekend, thousands of people in hundr
Randy Johnson 21st Century WireDigital technology has increasingly and exponentially become a part of our lives. Virtual wor
21st Century Wire says Russia-gate was pushed by US media outlets everywhere only to disappear after the highly questiona
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
The following segment was recorded on live TV the day before the US launched its Tomahawk missile strike on Shayrat Air Bas
21st Century Wire says Are we already seeing the results of political ignorance?In the first episode of a new video interview se
By The TRUTH HOUNDIn the words of ABC News anchor David Muir, President Trump s press secretary, Sean Spicer, set off a
21st Century Wire says Robert Parry, best known for breaking the Iran-Contra affair, takes us through what we know so far sur
21st Century Wire says Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard continues to face down the mainstream propaga
21st Century Wire says Four people, including a teacher and two students, have been shot at an elementary school in San Bern
21st Century Wire says US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tells us that the war on Syria can only be solved through a political
21st Century Wire says Out of all the intelligence agencies in the United States, we ve come across stories where not everyone
Bill AukenThe day after US warships rained some 60 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian government airbase, US officials made it c
21st Century Wire says Not at all.Yesterday s Syria strikes have created quite a rift in President Trump s support base, with ma
Little did we know at the time of this recording just how accurate our guest s comments would become.In last week s Episode
MEMBERS can join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton for the full version of this episode of DRIVE BY WIRE at 21W
Last night President Donald Trump caved into the Pentagon, the political left, the Neoconservative pro-war lobby and mainstr
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
MEMBERS can join host Patrick Henningsen and guest Matt Lee from Inner City Press for an unusual evening commute, anoth
By Jon RappoportCNN is already claiming the whole Susan Rice scandal is a tempest in a teapot, and the Trump team is exagge
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireYemen is proving what should be clear by now: President Trump may never make good
This week s documentary screening, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. This was quite a groundbreaking investigation a
This interview with WikiLeaks head Julian Assange might explain John McCain s recent angry outburst over the Trump Adminis
21st Century Wire says A predictable reaction from a pair of increasingly desperate politicians.Perennial war hawks Senators J
21st Century Wire says The FBI released 27 never before seen images chronicling the destructive Pentagon attack on 9/11. W
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
This is the final episode of Patrick LIVE on Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and globally at Alternate Current Radio THIS WEEK: Ep
MEMBERS can join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton from 21WIRE for the best morning commute show going,
21st Century Wire says Can you say: out of touch ?Al Gore may have finally proven that he has completely lost touch with rea
Setting the Stage of the Press-President War.US ruling ideology and Washington power have become unstuck as never before
Our weekly documentary film, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. EDITORS NOTE: At times, this film might sanitise the C
21st Century Wire says Washington s Russian witch hunt is now collapsing before our eyes. As host Patrick Henningsen reveale
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Lili Bayer and Larry Cohler-Esses HaaretzSebastian Gorka, President Trump s top counter-terrorism adviser, is a formal membe
21st Century Wire says Here s some intense debate.Yesterday afternoon, Stuart J. Hooper ran into the Russian Street Preache
J.R. Smith 21st Century WireFor the last two months, the US media has continued to ramp-up the alleged alarming trend of h
21st Century Wire says This is why nobody takes the mainstream media seriously.Foreign Policy has released a new article hyp
21st Century Wire says No, it is not.Retired basketball megastar Shaquille O Neal has stated that he believes the world is flat.S
The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial
21st Century Wire says This is a string of disturbing stories.Over just the past week or so, the floor plans to Trump Tower were
21st Century Wire says President Trump is drifting further into Neoconservative land, and very soon there will be no turning b
21st Century Wire says Here s an epic discussion for your Sunday afternoon.Last week, Stuart J. Hooper travelled to Los Angele
21st Century Wire says It was an awkward fit of nerves when Donald met Angela During an interview in October 2015, when a
21st Century Wire says A laptop was reportedly stolen from a Secret Service agent s vehicle in Brooklyn earlier today. The com
21st Century Wire says Earlier this week, the mainstream media reported that the Trump administration granted the CIA a new
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireJust as 21WIRE reported last week the US mainstream media are still black-balling any
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
Consortium News Exclusive: The neocon royalty Kagans are counting on Democrats and liberals to be the foot soldiers in the n
21st Century Wire says The fake news continues.Today, John McCain accused Rand Paul of working for Putin , because he obj
21st Century Wire says Welcome to Spaceship Earth.This past week, Stuart J. Hooper took a trip to Los Angeles, California and
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and globally at Alternate Current Radio for the very best in new
This was Rachel Maddow s Geraldo Rivera moment. On Tuesday night the shrill MSNBC host baited audiences with an extende
James Hall 21st Century WireThe obsession over sports, long analyzed as half-crazed, defies logical explanation. Even so, it is u
21st Century Wire says Legacy note to Obama s ghost writer: Barack Hussein Obama will go down in the record books as the g
He who controls the spice controls the universe. Frank Herbert, from the Dune seriesShawn Helton 21st Century WireOve
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
The very people who for years talked about the problem of conspiracy theories have become the keenest spreaders of consp
21st Century Wire says While the US media continues to lead the public up the garden path by allocating all of its coverage for
21st Century Wire says Vault 7: what does it mean to America, and the expectations of of rights and privacy for the average ci
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight at 6:00 PM PST |
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and globally at Alternate Current Radio for the very best in new
Niraj Srivastava 21st Century WireIt is barely seven weeks since Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United State
21st Century Wire says Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has revealed at a press conference earlier today that WikiLeaks will g
US Army M1126 Stryker armoured vehicles rolled into Syria this week (Source: Twitter)21st Century Wire says Yesterday repo
21st Century Wire says Is there any wonder people are sick of the mainstream media?In stunning showing of arrogance, the m
21st Century Wire says Just 24 hours after the release of Vault 7, Zero Day , Wikileaks has claimed that less than 1% of Vault 7
21st Century Wire says Former NSA executive and whistleblower William Binney confirmed that President Donald J. Trump is
21st Century Wire says A small miracle a rare moment of truth on the mainstream media. Buried below all of the salacious an
21st Century Wire says WikiLeaks has released its largest ever publication of confidential documents on the Central Intelligenc
21st Century Wire says Facebook knows best?Facebook has begun its rollout of the Disputed Story tag, which allows only AB
21st Century Wire says After President Donald J. Trump s previous visa suspension was blocked by federal courts, he has fulfill
Photo illustration by Patrick Henningsen@21WIRE Nader Talebzadeh 21st Century WireThe American enlightenment has sta
21st Century Wire says President Donald J. Trump is leaving no stone unturned by asking the US Congress to investigate the al
21st Century Wire says Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump accused his predecessor, Barack Obama, of ordering a wire tap
21st Century Wire says Trump supporters gathered at a rally in Austin TX on a rainy March 4th to participate in the nationwide
21st Century Wire says Partisan liberal hypocrisy strikes again.Yesterday, Trump debunked the Russian connection conspiracy
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and globally at Alternate Current Radio for the very best in new
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8
21st Century Wire says Is McMaster going to reignite tensions with Russia?In the follow video Stuart J. Hooper asks if we shou
21st Century Wire says Is this the biggest new nugget to be found in Trump s joint address from last night?In the following vid
21st Century Wire says Over the past month, more than 12 million declassified documents from the CIA have been reportedly
21st Century Wire says Last night, an embattled President Donald Trump gave his first address to Congress. The results surpris
Alex Christoforou The DuranIt should come as no surprise that a film celebrating the White Helmets scooped up an Oscar for
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
21st Century Wire says According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), arms imports to Middle Eas
Episode #174 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this February 19, 2017 as host Hesher brings you this week s special LIVE broa
In this newsletter we ll include key updates on 21WIRE.TV premium content, as well as our GLOBAL:SITREP situation report, w
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at a special tim
21st Century Wire says One of the biggest trends running through this election season has been the migration of elements for
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE has previously reported, if there is no real terrorist threat, then the thing to do is to create
Andrew Korybko 21st Century Wire The global media is awash with analysis and speculation about the resignation of former N
21st Century Wire says Defendants in the Federal case against Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy, his sons and a group of their sup
21st Century Wire says In this age of hyper-politicized mass media, it s becoming harder to differentiate between those who a
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
21st Century Wire says The scandal emerged after it was revealed that Flynn had a conversation with a Russian Ambassador,
21st Century Wire says A request by Native American tribes seeking to halt the construction of the final link in the highly politi
21st Century Wire says The Oroville dam in Northern California has sustained sink hole damage in the main spillway and over 1
21st Century Wire says Ben Stein, reputable professor from, Pepperdine University (also of some Hollywood fame appearing in
21st Century Wire says Defense News said that sixty-two percent of the US Navy s F-18s are grounded and out of service and a
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
21st Century Wire says The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, had his first phone meeting with President Donald Trump after h
21st Century Wire says The following interview is the first western media appearance by Syrian President Bashar al Assad sinc
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at a special tim
21st Century Wire says Today the 9th Circuit Court of appeals has ruled to uphold the halt on allowing enforcement of Preside
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative m
Sputnik Radio s new program Trend Storm is hosted by American geopolitical analyst and writer Andrew Korybko. This week, A
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative m
21st Century Wire says In a tweet by President Donald Trump on Tuesday he called the Democratic Party out for obstructing t
In response to the establishment media s contrived fake news crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative me
21st Century Wire says Regardless of what one thinks of Donald Trump, it must be tempting for most people to admit that it is
21st Century Wire says The legal battle is waging on over President Trump s Executive Order Protecting the Nation From Forei
21st Century Wire says A group of top Silicon Valley tech companies have filed a rare legal brief stating Trump Administration
Episode #172 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this February 5, 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week s 3 HOU
21st Century Wire says On Friday a US federal judge in Seattle ordered a temporary nationwide block on U.S. President Donald
21st Century Wire says President Trump s Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the US, is u
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says Incredibly, Donald Trump may have just thrown an executive head fake to Bibi Netanyahu.Back in Dece
21st Century Wire says Since 2011 the United States government, led by President Barack Obama, has adopted an open policy
21st Century Wire says This week a US presidential executive order temporarily restricted travelers and refugees from Syria, Ir
21st Century Wire says In a press release from the Office of the Press Secretary, it was revealed today that acting Attorney Gen
21st Century Wire says Reactions around the world are mixed with regards to the first salvo of executive orders coming out of
21st Century Wire says Trump protests are getting out of hand, yet again. This time in Portland Oregon. Liberal progressive pr
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.The following is Part 3 of a 5 pa
MEMBERS can join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton from 21WIRE for their brand new morning commute show
21st Century Wire says The leftist media machine and the Washington Post are going after President Trump again. Are Josh Ro
21st Century Wire says There is no greater source of so-called fake news than the corporate mainstream media, particularly t
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive action removing legal obstacles holding up the c
21st Century Wire says Why shouldn t borders be protected? It is a fair question Tucker is asking Enrique Morones, founder o
Liberals still don t get it. Trump is the political Anti-Hero for the post pc era. Original painting artwork courtesy of Jason Liosato
This week President Donald Trump followed through with his most audacious building a wall along the US southern border w
21st Century Wire says Everyone has the right to air their perceived grievances about anything, including President Trump, tha
21st Century Wire says More than 50 NGO partners of the Women s March on Washington were found to be tied to social m
21st Century Wire says Kellyanne Conway thrashed NBC s Chuck Todd around the set on Meet The Press when he tried to pain
21st Century Wire says So much for caring about the environment and individual responsibility Protesters in DC who claim to
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.The following is Part 1 of a 5 pa
RT . President Donald Trump spoke at CIA Headquarters on his first stop as the newly inaugurated commander in chief telling
Mark Anderson American Free PressWASHINGTON, D.C. Donald John Trump took to the podium on the Capitol Building s we
Today Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America. The new president gave a resound
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says In a Tweet, Donald Trump hints at libel action in response to the Trump dossier which was allegedly c
21st Century Wire says Earlier this week the media lit up with reports of a political activist group that was advertising across th
21st Century Wire says Arguably irrelevant Hollywood personality, Rosie O Donnell has taken to social media to support the co
21st Century Wire says Judging by Julian Assange s Twitter page activity, it appears as though he may follow through with his p
21st Century Wire says In yet another interesting end of term move, Obama has commuted Bradley/Chelsea Manning s senten
21st Century Wire says Just days before the US inauguration, in his recent interview with the Times of London President-Elect
21st Century Wire says The investigation team at Project Veritas just released the first part in another hidden camera interview
21st Century Wire says The intelligence agencies of the US and the UK were chartered to serve the government and protect na
21st Century Wire says Trump claims that after suspicions that US Intelligence services were leaking information from classifie
21st Century Wire says Many mainstream news outlets have been abuzz about the headline going around saying that Trump m
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireWatching this week s Senate cabinet confirmation hearings was one of the most uncom
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.The following is Part 2 of a 5 pa
21st Century Wire says Based on the events we have seen over the past two months the Democrat-organized street protests
21st Century Wire says During yesterday s cabinet confirmation hearing in Washington DC, hawkish comments made by Presi
21st Century Wire says This week an unverified 35-page document concerning President-elect Donald Trump s alleged ties to
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says RUSSIA HACK? Still no evidence here, nor is there any intelligence here either. This latest crisis of confi
MEDIA MELTDOWN: Many now believe that Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos has transformed the Washington Post from a pape
Consortium News Exclusive: Despite mainstream media acceptance, the U.S. intelligence community s assessment on alleged
21st Century Wire says Now we can see part of the Obama Administration s end game in cooking-up the Russian Election Hac
21st Century Wire says We ve seen it over and over again in the mainstream media, Russia Hacked the US Election. It has bee
21st Century Wire says In the wake of the Friday release of the ODNI s 25 page report from US intelligence agencies (notice h
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother shocking active-shooter incident rocks America. This time, according to Florida s Brow
21st Century Wire says The Washington Post has been caught lying and deceiving the public twice in the last few weeks pushin
21st Century Wire says Incredibly, on the same day that US intelligence officials were due to meet President-Elect Donald Tru
21st Century Wire says Despite the mass media distraction of the improbably Active Shooter attack at Fort Lauderdale Airpor
In case you missed it, CNN anchor Don Lemon went on a drunk, alcohol-fuelled tear this past New Years Eve, drinking tequila s
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says Donald Trump s campaign promise to move the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem could trigger a se
Andrew Malcolm McClatchy News You better stop stealing money from your mother s purse, young man, or I will punish you
Peter Certo Other WordsEven in an election year as shot through with conspiracy theories as this one, it would have been har
James Burgess Oil PricePrecious metals are an important component of every investor s portfolio, and while gold often gets a
What can we expect in 2017? Inflated markets, insider trading and runaway monetary policy still trending Gerald Celente, he
Day in and day out, CNN works hard to try and convince American audiences that it s a legitimate news outlet, and it hopes th
Dick Eastman The Truth HoundWhen Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller met with Zhou Enlai in China in 1973 just after Pre
21st Century Wire says By cow-towing to students over-sensitivity to free speech and seemingly a prenatal requirement for s
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says In a recent interview former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, told Fox that Trump will likely be vetoing o
Funny how secrets travel. I d start to believe, if I were to bleed. Lyrics written by David Bowie from the album OutsideShawn
Democratic Congressman Barney Frank
21st Century Wire says In typical NDAA signing fashion, Obama signed the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) qu
21st Century Wire says While politicians and news media alike are accusing Trump of pushing an arms race in his December 2
This year, let s try something a little different. Wherever you are Let s Make Christmas GREAT AGAIN SEE MORE CHRISTMAS N
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
Here is the FULL Episode #9 of this podcast a special post-election holiday edition @21WIRE.TV This is a special 2 hour holida
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE The 1995 bombing of the Alfred
21st Century Wire says Back in August 2013, United Nations investigators led by Carla Del Ponte found evidence that alleged c
21st Century Wire says Fox News Sean Hannity has broken away from the majority of Western news reporters and has gone t
21st Century Wire says It appears that Putin has had enough with being accused of tampering with the US election process thi
Syrian Army soldier holds up Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria) flag in the Umayyed Mosque, Old City, after government troop
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says Facebook is partnering with and other sites which have apparently been unofficially deem
21st Century Wire says Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul institute, joins RT s Anya Parampil to discuss the U
21st Century Wire says President Obama is once again appearing on info-tainment programming on Comedy Central but his a
Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views an
21st Century Wire says This latest episode of the Democratic Party s epic meltdown is perhaps the most embarrassing of them
21st Century Wire says How seriously can we take a secret CIA assessment that Russian intervention in the U.S. Presidential e
21st Century Wire says Recently, Democrat Hawaii Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, went on CNN s The Lead hosted by Jake T
21st Century Wire says If anyone still thinks this whole Russian hacking plot is not motivated by internal US politics think aga
21st Century Wire says Three weeks ago, while the wounds were still fresh following Hillary Clinton s epic electoral collapse, a
SEE MORE ALEPPO UPDATES & EXCLUSIVES HEREThis press conference is an excellent information tool for anyone who has se
21st Century Wire says This week s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. By August 1945, the Allied Man
21st Century Wire says The mainstream media continues to deflect from its own collapse in credibility in the wake of Hillary Cl
This week, the momentum in Syria shifted dramatically as the Syrian Army liberated the Old City in eastern Aleppo, so far reta
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire As 21WIRE reported earlier this week, in a historic turning point in a five-year bloody co
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says A red flag went up when we saw this story. We ll let you decide what you think this is Brewster Kahle (
Join Patrick every week here at 21WIRE.TV for news, views and analysis on all top stories domestically and abroad THIS WEEK:
21st Century Wire says Here is a perfect example of a story where the mainstream media will treat the surface narrative with
Jack Shepherd The IndependentDespite George Lucas selling the rights to Star Wars to Disney years ago, the creator remains i
21st Century Wire says If you re going to drain the swamp then the last thing you want to do is set a 500 lb crocodile loose in
21st Century Wire says The US media s neoMcCarthy-like witch hunt continues as social media giant Facebook creates a newly
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
Shawn Helton 21st Century WirePresident-elect Donald Trump continues to fill key positions in the White House and in the pr
Join Patrick every week at 21WIRE.TV for news, views and analysis on all top stories domestically and abroad THIS WEEK: Epis
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 5:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported on Saturday, The Washington Post, once regard s as America s paper of record, a
Episode #162 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this November 28, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen brings a 3 HOURS special b
21st Century Wire asks The sensational reporting by US corporate media has almost fallen off the edge of reality in this new di
Washingtons BlogEveryone s talking about fake news Google Trends shows that starting in late October that phrase absolu
RTThe father of the Cuban Revolution remains unbeaten by his foes even in death. We look over the most dramatic assassinati
One of the world s longest-serving and most iconic leaders, former Cuban president Fidel Castro, died last night at the age of 9
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire The mainstream media s post-election hysteria has taken on new level of crazy. It seem
it s much easier to scapegoat an existential enemy for every systemic and institutional crisis affecting America. Whole industr
Deep inside the archetypal psyche of Pepe the Frog Branko Mali 21st Century WireWhile Richard Spencer s half-joke of hailing
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireIf the Trump phenomena showed anything, it showed the consensus reality the mainstream media
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
The person who received the most votes free from interference or tampering needs to be in the White House. It may well be
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireSo far as world peace and prosperity goes, most of the names currently being kicked aro
This biggest failure of the mainstream media was their inability to police themselves. From partisan dishonesty to outright lies
RTFormer congressman Ron Paul revealed a list of fake news journalists he claims are responsible for bogus wars and lies a
The Times asserts that such censorship would be good for democracy and it surely is true that hoaxes and baseless conspirac
William McGurn Wall Street JournalLet s get this straight. Calling Hillary Clinton a bigot has reporters asking every Republican
Charles Hugh Smith Of Two MindsSo when the protected class of well-paid institutional progressives speak darkly of reversi
21st Century Wire says While the US media continue to scrutinize President-Elect Donald Trump s transition team over its num
21st Century Wire says..With Christmas season right around the corner, millions retail consumers in North America and Weste
Robert Parry Consortium NewsIn the wake of Donald Trump s victory, a hot new issue raised by President Obama in an inter
By Brandon TurbevilleCNN is in full panic mode with the recent resumption of the Syrian government assault on terrorist-held
21st Century Wire says Like CIA Director John Brennan, a large part of the job of James Clapper, National Intelligence Director,
21st Century Wire says George Soros has been described as a philanthropist, yet many of the social movement projects funde
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireAccording to a recent feature article published by the LA Times, and which has since gone viral, this
21st Century Wire says As anti-Trump protests continue at college campuses across America, many are still trying to make se
21st Century Wire says It s hard to not to draw a comparison between the Brexit referendum and the stunning surprise victory
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireIt s a novel scene, even for America: President Elect Donald Trump is facing an unprecedente
Kirsten Powers USA TodayOver the past 18 months, whether in Midwestern airports or New Hampshire and Iowa hotels, I lear
21st Century Wire says While America s political left continue to march and occupy college campus spaces around the country
21st Century Wire says Yes, it s true that a string of epic failures on the part of Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign con
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says Although he had some great ideas on the campaign trail, still expect the war hawks and Israeli Lobby in
21st Century Wire says After investing hundreds of millions of dollars into the failed campaign of Democratic candidate Hillary
J.R. Smith 21st Century WireThe election campaign might be over, but the mainstream media s campaign against President Ele
21st Century Wire says Since the late 1960 s, it s become accepted as a fact of political life that the faculty and administrations
21st Century Wire says In 2011, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the grave error of publicly gloating over the grues
21st Century Wire says There is an amazing scene unfolding in America While the Democratic Party s community organizing
Episode #160 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this November 13, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen brings a 3 HOURS special
21st Century Wire says You can imagine how nations like China and Russia are now laughing at US students as mass psycholog
21st Century Wire says Organized efforts are underway by Democratic Party affiliated NGO s to try and somehow delegitimize
21st Century Wire says In 2008 and 2012, Ron Paul created a libertarian and paleoconservative insurency in America. The coun
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnti-Trump street protests linked to the Soros funded organization have cascad
21st Century Wire says IMPORTANT: We are particularly worried about John Bolton and Rudolph Giuliani holding major diplom
21st Century Wire says 21WIRE has always pointed out that the marketing facade of Barack Obama as the Nobel Peace Prize
21st Century Wire says US college students continue to be emotionally traumatized and threatened by Donald Trump s surpr
21st Century Wire says One of the great myths being spun by the establishment media was that Donald Trump had no suppor
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST
21st Century Wire says Mexico s billionaire tycoon Carlos Slim saw a large chuck of his wealth evaporate literally overnight, a
21st Century Wire says Author David Icke talks about the US election shocker and what it says about the relationship between
21st Century Wire says Donald Trump s victory has sparked flash mob protests on Wednesday, with students staging walkouts
21st Century Wire says Republican candidate Donald J Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.History has been
21st Century Wire says According to reports from Business Insider, the Canadian government s immigration website crashed t
Establishment pundits were horrified when Donald Trump claimed that the system is rigged, and panicked when he wouldn t
21st Century Wire says Another key swing state has gone to Hillary. The feudal theocratic dictatorship who is funding and supp
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireToday America will choose its next president. What can you say that hasn t already bee
it s certainly an old lesson by now. Depending on what your view of communism is
Claire Bernish Free Thought ProjectIn no surprise to anyone paying even marginal attention, the FBI s clearing Hillary Clinton o
BloombergIn the hours after the president is elected, equity investors need to brace for volatility. What they shouldn t do is p
21st Century Wire says It s the big dirty secret that neither political party in the US wants to seriously discuss because they b
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.This film documents a series of
Episode #159 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this November 6, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen brings a 3 HOURS special b
21st Century Wire says Amid great mainstream media and Democratic Party fanfare, Hillary Clinton s candidacy has been base
By Vin ArmaniHillary Clinton continues to blame Russia for the email leak even though it doesn t matter who leaked the dam
21st Century Wire says Today, RT International released a 24 min segment from a stunning interview with WikiLeaks founder J
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire Hillary Clinton is the architect of US foreign policy failures in Libya and Syria. We ve he
21st Century Wire says Yesterday we learned that for more than one year the FBI s White Collar Crime Division has actually be
21st Century Wire says Yesterday, WikiLeaks editor and founder Julian Assange confirmed what 21WIRE already knew that H
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe cozy relationship between Goldman Sachs and the Clintons has reached dizzying new hei
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Jay Dyer 21st Century WireSick of politics? Well, me too, but this election reveals the deep state and vindicates us conspiracy
Simon Black Sovereign ManBelow is a short email that my friend Sam posted this morning to his Facebook page about his surp
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThe longer this soap opera drags on, it s becoming more and more evident that the Rus
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21st Century Wire says A tidal wave of revelations is pouring out of the Clinton campaign as the 2016 presidential election dra
J.R. Smith 21st Century WireMuch has been made by Democrat Hillary Clinton and the White House s accusation that Russia is
21st Century WireAccording to reports, the FBI have obtained a warrant to examine newly discovered emails relating to possib
Brasscheck TVA lot of people are going to vote for Donald Trump in November. Tens of millions of them. Maybe enough to ele
21st Century Wire asks . HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Which US oligarch family is more corrupt, the Clintons, or the Bushes?VOTE, com
21st Century Wire Yesterday, Judge Anna Brown handed out not guilty verdicts to both Ammon and Ryan Bundy, leaders of t
21st Century Wire says 21WIRE reported on Friday about the FBI s surprising announcement that it would be reopening the Cl
21st Century Wire says In a stunning turn of events 11 days before the 2016 presidential election, the FBI announced it is reop
SEE ALSO: ON THE QT: US Election: Behind the Curtain (PART 1)21st Century Wire says The Democratic Party and the Hillary C
Beta testing set to begin at transportation hubs in Los Angeles, Denver and Washington for Total Recall-style high-speed bod
David Kerans Strategic CultureBoth inside the US and around the world, political observers have been waiting a long time for
The T.I.N.A. Doctrine There Is No Alternative Brandon Smith Alt-MarketWhen people unfamiliar with the liberty movement
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Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global ReaseachThe media has failed to address the confrontation between the U.S. State Departm
By Paul Crag RobertsA month ago I wrote a column , He Who Hesitates Is Lost And Russia Hesitated. The consequences of th
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireIn the wake of the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that targeted many online com
Roving political analyst Stuart J Hooper drops in the see what was happening as Bernie Sanders hit the western college campu
It s teetering on the ridiculous watching the US mainstream media get their knickers in a twist over Donald Trump s provocati
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported previously, since this past summer Washington and its media surrogates have bee
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireYesterday, a wave of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks hit some of the top online co
21st Century Wire says Once again, Operation Mockingbird has been deployed in order to bury another damaging White Hou
21st Century Wire says The mainstream media have gone to great lengths to hide obfuscate the following story.During an inte
21st Century Wire says ISIS inspired. Assad s barrel bombs. We are at war with ISIS. We are only arming the moderate rebels.
21st Century Wire saysFollowing a wave of hidden camera sting operations captured by the investigative non-profit Project Ve
21st Century Wire says Back in July, a federal appeals court intervened to block a North Carolina law that required voters to pr
21st Century Wire says CNN s Chris Cuomo (image, above) is certainly one of America s most maligned and gaff-prone mainst
21st Century Wire says It seems that US anti-Russian rhetoric has translated into action as new plans for NATO to continue its
By Anthony Brian Logan . James O Keefe of Project Veritas has released undercover, button-camera video that outlines the pr
21st Century Wire says For many viewers, this came as no surprise, but for many FOX conservative loyalists, this latest news w
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireDemonstrating where bad hermeneutics and theology lead, plus evidence of a continued conspira
21st Century Wire says We ve said it many times during the last two years here at 21WIRE and on the SUNDAY WIRE radio sho
ATTENTION: Episode #157 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW is postponed until next Sunday Oct. 23, 2016 in the meantime, ACR will be
21st Century Wire says This is a bit of an oddity as far as TED talks go Investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson actually delivers
21st Century Wire says The Hillary Clinton campaign has gone hell-for-leather on the White House s official conspiracy theory
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireJudging by both the words, and deeds of the Obama White House and its political diplo
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SARTRE 21st Century WireEvery day the world moves closer to a nuclear winter. The finger on the trigger presses upon the bu
21st Century Wire says The US Department of Justice (DOJ) is dropping all charges against an arms dealer whose weapons ma
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21st Century Wire says QUESTION: Is this the same malware leak that US elected officials blamed on Russia?His name is Haro
21st Century Wire says This will rank as one of the most egregious miscarriages of consumer trust in US history. In a brief state
21st Century Wire says This was one of the most eagerly anticipated cyber events ever, but today s October surprise turned o
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireFollowing the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Pentagon reportedly paid PR firm Bell Pottinger $5
21st Century Wire says While Russian and Syrian forces are doing the real work of actually fighting terrorists in Syria the Unit
Brasscheck TVNearly 30 years ago, two criminal enterprises known as the Democratic and Republican parties hijacked the pres
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireWhen US Secretary of State, John Kerry, on Thursday said there was no point in pursuin
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireEarlier this week, the FBI released new details regarding an apparent crisis negotiation call m
21st Century Wire says Why are western media lying and producing a fictional narrative regarding the situation unfolding in Al
21st Century Wire says Ron Paul told RT that the US shouldn t engage in death struggle over who controls Aleppo.It s worth n
21st Century Wire says One thing is certain about the War on Syria: the propaganda war being waged by the west and all of its
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21st Century Wire says While the US media follows the red herring of this legislative drama which is Saudi Arabia, the real poi
21st Century Wire says One glaring conclusion from last night s US Presidential debate is that there is virtually no difference be
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Photo: Henry Lowendorf21st Century Wire says In case you ve missed it, the following is the video of a UN session featuring t
21st Century Wire says If you haven t seen Hillary Clinton s bizarre and shrill performance the other night, it should be require
21st Century Wire says There have been a string of active shooter events prior to 2016 s first presidential debate this coming w
21st Century Wire asks Currently throughout the western media exists a major public relations push to raise the profile of sup
Episode #154 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 25, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 3 HO
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe New York bombing attack has a list of details that don t add up.When examining what tr
Do roses know their thorns can hurt? a quote attributed to JonBen t Ramsey from Lawrence Schiller s Perfect Murder, Perfe
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21st Century Wire says Despite proclamations by US official, details of the attack on the UN Aid Convoy yesterday are still sket
Episode #153 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 18, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 3 HO
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireWhat s up with the millennials? The Clinton campaign may have felt a jolt after seeing t
21st Century Wire says CNN s Brian Stelter hosts a show facetiously titled, Reliable Sources , where Stelter pretends to be a ha
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21st Century Wire says As shocking and controversial as Hillary Clinton s recent public health incident may seem, there s som
21st Century Wire says US Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton is reported to have fainted during a major 9/11 Memoria
21st Century Wire says Is Donald Trump the answer? Is anyone the answer?Here s an interesting conversation in New York Cit
No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices. Edward R. MurrowJohn W. Whitehead Huffingto
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.Aside from the collapse of WTC
Episode #152 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 11, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 4 HO
21st Century Wire says One of the most elaborate crimes of the century continues to be whitewashed SMOKE SCREEN Phot
21st Century Wire says After a long drawn out round of bilateral peace talks in Geneva Switzerland this week, Russia and the U
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireOn the eve of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the man implicated in shooting the 40
21st Century Wire says If you have only recently joined us as a subscriber and member at 21WIRE.TV let me take this opportun
21st Century Wire says When the UN released its summary of their chemical weapons report on August 30th, the usual susp
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Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother active-shooter false alarm made the headlines this past week, as war propaganda im
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Listen to the first 30 min segment of this new fortnightly podcast, ON THE QT , hosted by Patrick Henningsen. This new show
21st Century Wire says Here s a classic case of Problem, Reaction, Solution How far will the federal government go to dismant
21st Century Wire says The privatization of space, and what were formally state-run NASA space agency projects in the Unite
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21st Century Wire says We just learned this week that US President Barack Obama will meet with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip
21st Century Wire says In the old days, this scandal would be filed under gross conflict of interest or government corruption
21st Century Wire says Amid the tossing and turning of media hit pieces and partisan mud slinging in advance of the US presid
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Jay Dyer 21st Century WireSuicide squad is who they call to counsel the people leaving this vapid movie. Possibly the worst su
Episode #149 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday August 21, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS o
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21st Century Wire says The wagon wheels are already coming off of the NATO-GCC regime change road show in Syria.Now, fo
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe 1994 cult film Natural Born Killers, is an examination of media manipulation, archetypal p
we see Mickey and Mallory driving in an RV as parents. The idea here is that the Knoxes represent a future society
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21st Century Wire says This is something which 21WIRE has been warning about for years, ever since the regional police conf
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireThe last Star Trek reboot saw Benedict Cumberbatch as Kahn, the berserk super soldier who was an
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe 2016 Democratic National Convention was the latest in a long line of sordid political prod
21st Century Wire says These family members made the president s life miserable, and a few just might continue for years to
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Jay Dyer 21st Century WireThe popular 80s pastiche series Stranger Things begins with a familiar scene of E.T. nostalgia, cente
21st Century Wire says The Democratic Party National Convention hit full swing in Philadelphia yesterday, as fashion and celeb
Press Association The GuardianFilm director Oliver Stone has branded the popular gaming app Pok mon Go a new level of inv
Jay Dyer 21st Century WirePicking up where we left off in Part 3, we look at Quigley s analysis of Germany prior to World War
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says Another harbinger of the end of civilization as we once knew it. If you are considering downloading thi
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThis week another toxic revelation dripped from the Chilcot Report.According to top Br
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 11 AM PST |
Daily Shooter 21st Century WireThe Dallas Sniper Production. What was it really about?Dallas, like so many other mass shooti
Your government thanks you for your participation. PSA from The Purge: Election Year Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire A h
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireAs the recent events (and subsequent incoherent media narratives) in Dallas continue to unravel, f
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 11 AM PST |
Daily Shooter 21st Century WireLast night, a highly emotive and politicized GLADIO-style event unfolded in America. Still, after
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says We re told that American Independence Day is a day for Stars & Stripes, hotdogs and patriotism but d
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary screening curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.NOTE: Although this film
21st Century Wire says Yesterday, we were told by US media that one of the country s key military installations, Joint Base And
21st Century Wire says The business of defense.In order to sustain mammoth defense sector based in North America, the U.S.
SEE ALSO: 21WIRE calls out US media for hyping fake Active Shooter event at Andrews BaseDaily Shooter 21st Century WireW
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Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireIf this latest proposal from the US becomes policy, it could be a major watershed point f
Dady Chery News Junkie Post Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. F. Scott FitzgeraldEdu
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireHas political reality finally set in for the GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump?With
Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire The FBI have finally released the written transcripts from shooter Omar Mateen s supposed 9
21st Century Wire says Trump has begun his war on Hillary.Today, Donald Trump presented a full length speech attacking Hilla
21st Century Wire says What a twisted world we have become.A female, black student activist, Kayla McKelvey (image below)
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireTruth is often stranger than fiction when looking at the bizarre phenomena surrounding many
21st Century Wire says It s called Tykables. A disturbing number of stories have been emerging of late documenting what ca
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireOrlando s Pulse nightclub shooting is said to be the largest mass shooting in American histor
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SEE ALSO: ORLANDO KNOWN WOLF Watched by FBI, Worked with DHS, Amid Crisis Actors, Drills & CI s21st Century Wire say
21st Century Wire says UK Column anchor Brian Gerrish and guest co-presenter, Patrick Henningsen with breaking internation
21st Century Wire says Worth watching. The Ed Snowden cameo is class. The Star Wars Libertarian Special features Senate fili
21st Century Wire says Now that the Democratic Party establishment has finally put all its cards on the table and declared Hill
Margaret Kimberly Global ResearchThe U.S. public loves fascists; they elect them, constantly. Donald Trump, who says he wo
21st Century Wire says If there is no real terrorist threat, then the thing to do is to create one. Such is the received wisdom of
21st Century Wire says This definitely needed to be said.Host of popular internet news shows The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, h
21st Century Wire says This latest stunt only goes to show what a complete rip-off the US healthcare industry truly is.This wee
21st Century Wire says This is one step closer to the future industry of farming organs in human surrogates.American scientist
Randy Johnson 21st Century Wire MIRROR MIRROR Am I still just a movie concept? Virtual avatar technology is in its infanc
21st Century Wire says US Defense Secretary Ash Carter is the latest Washington defense insider to suffer from that common
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21st Century Wire says Is there any difference in US foreign policy between the two major parties? Just how important is forei
21st Century Wire says What is wrong with Chris Matthews?In the following clip from RT America s Redacted Tonight, host Lee
(Photo: Patrick Henningsen 2016)News LineThe White House was placed on lockdown when a suspicious package was thrown
Episode #137 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday May 29, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS of L
21st Century Wire says But he can he accomplish his objective?In the following episode of CrossTalk, a panel gets into a very h
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21st Century Wire says The military industrial complex has been a huge winner under Obama.Watch a video of this report her
21st Century Wire says Every Sunday, our editorial team curates another documentary film for 21WIRE readers.This week: Alt
21st Century Wire says This week s announcement by the CIA that they somehow lost the infamous torture report has failed
21st Century Wire says It is not looking good for Clinton.Watch a video of this report here: Trump now sits at 45%, with Clinton
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21st Century Wire says The writing is on the wall.In the following episode of CrossTalk, three experts discuss the possibility of
21st Century Wire says Is this year s US election a story of the political elite establishment going to war with social justice?In th
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They took out Saddam in two weeks, but they can t finish IS in two years? asked Falih, another Iraqi who asked that his last na
21st Century Wire says Censorship is running rampant on the world s largest social media website.Watch a video of this repor
21st Century WireAre black budget projects illegally swallowing up your taxes?The military industrial complex has eaten up bi
21st Century Wire says Well, isn t this interesting. Saudi Arabian princes are giving lessons in democracy?Incredible. The headl
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: We ask our readers who they trust with foreign policy, Hillary or Trump?Vote, com
21st Century Wire says B ACTING: President Obama and former House Speaker John Boehner getting their kicks making Satur
21st Century Wire says The system is running out of options it can use to stop Trump.Watch a video of this report here:CNN is
21st Century Wire says A greater percentage of people are willing to vote to stop Hillary than Trump.Watch a video of this rep
21st Century Wire says How will Trump and Hillary s foreign policy differ if they are President of the United States?In the follow
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21st Century Wire says The field is now clear for Trump to become the GOP presidential nominee.Watch a video of this report
21st Century Wire says The FBI is walking a very fine line that crosses into the unacceptable.Watch a video of this report here:
21st Century Wire says This is the news that the elite political establishment did not want to hear.Watch a video of this report
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21st Century Wire asks Will this be the beginning of the end for John McCain s re-election campaign? BUSTED The police ra
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21st Century Wire says We are sure that the military industrial complex is not at all happy about the prospect of using diploma
Art by Dan Lacey via Etsy (See his work here)Zen GardnerIt s pitiful to watch the US election gyrations in the midst of this calc
Robert Parry Consortium NewsIf there were any doubts that Hillary Clinton favours a neo-conservative foreign policy, her per
Eric Zuesse Off GuardianEven for the post of U.S. President, the preferences of the American people have only a marginal, if a
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported yesterday, imperial bureaucrats in Washington and their court scribes in the main
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21st Century Wire says No doubt about it. In comparison to Washington s other weapons trafficking exploits, like Operation Fa
21st Century Wire says In so many respects, our media is not our own.In the past, 21WIRE has detailed various aspects of Op
21st Century Wire says NSA and police state cheerleaders will often use the flimsy defense of mass surveillance, claiming that
Special Report: Savvy neocons see Hillary Clinton as their Trojan Horse to be pulled into the White House by Democratic voter
21st Century Wire says Not quite a mea culpa, but at least it s something. Still, as the leader of the US and with the US as NATO
21st Century Wire says This is the latest installment of our new weekly SUNDAY SCREENING feature, where our editorial team
21st Century Wire says Is Washington preparing to carpet bomb Raqqa? If so, what will be the trigger for this boldly adroit m
Wall Street on ParadeAt the Democratic debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa on November 14, 2015, Hillary Clinto
21st Century Wire says We ve heard a lot of not so nice things about Microsoft s latest spawn of MS DOS. Aside from the built
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Gary Kamiya SF ChronicleOn an elegant dead-end block on the north side of Telegraph Hill is 225 Chestnut St., a swanky mode
Sam Levin The GuardianOn 23 January, a group of Utah ranchers gathered in Cedar City and made a pledge: they signed notice
21st Century Wire says After the great crash of 2008, things went a little quiet for the first 24 months, but in the background n
ABC News PhotoDaniel Lazare Consortium NewsWhy are Islamic militants wreaking havoc from Brussels to Lahore? The best w
ROAR MagI want to give testimony on what are called the highways of death. These are the two Kuwaiti roadways, littered w
21st Century Wire says Author David Icke breaks down the US electoral dog and pony show, staring Donald Trump, Hillary Clin
21st Century Wire says NATO s ugly stepchild, Turkey, has been having trouble of late.After shooting down a Russian jet back i
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21st Century Wire says Just because it happened in the 1960s doesn t mean it can t happen today.For example, consider Fligh
21st Century Wire says Back to square one. Quietly, president Barack Obama is deploying more and more US troops in Iraq, no
21st Century Wire says Does Hollywood do anything other than comic book remakes any more? The latest over-budget chime
Microsoft Pulls Robot After Posted Tweets Like Hitler Was Right I Hate the Jews HaaretzMicrosoft put the brakes on its artific
21st Century Wire says The following video presented by US-based activist Dahlia Wasfi was posted in 2012 but it remains ext
21st Century Wire says As political smoke screens go, Hillary Clinton s is rather impressive.As Secretary of State, despite leavin
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21st Century Wire says OK. As political endorsements go, this one is about as sexy as a box of Wheaties.This exciting developm
By James PerloffMy friend Rachael McIntosh was an alternate delegate at the 2012 Republican Convention in Tampa, Florida,
21st Century Wire says At some point, the political theatric become too much. Read my lips.Amid mixed reviews, we ve seen t
USA TODAYHAVANA The wheels of Air Force One touched down at Jose Marti International Airport for the first time ever at 4
21st Century Wire says The Silicon Valley s technotronic oligarchy has been exposed as a mere extension of the CIA in terms o
David Sherfinski Washington TimesFormer Texas Rep. Ron Paul said Friday he couldn t support GOP presidential front-runner
Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Sun Tzu, The Art of War21st Century Wire asks What s b
21st Century Wire says..We ll believe it when, and if we are even allowed to see it (redacted) Mary Clare Jalonick AP/All GovW
21st Century Wire says As it turns out, we were right about the ambush, and we were right about the cover-up. After all this, t
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireAny business expert will tell you that marketing is not an exact science. The same is true
21st Century Wire says On a recent episode of The Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen, guest Basil Valentine asked Patrick f
21st Century Wire says Regarding the latest Trump outrage , it s taken a while for the media to catch-up and analyze what s h
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireGOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is a populist candidate among a bevy of warhaw
21st Century Wire says After last Friday night s clash between Democratic Party students and Republican Trump supporters in
Episode #126 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday March 13, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS o
Jamie Ross Courthouse News ServicePHOENIX Two towns on the Arizona-Utah border dominated by members of a fundamen
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Friday night in Chicago saw an unprecedented incident where flash mobs from a
21st Century Wire says The 2016 Election has been one of many firsts. Last night saw an unprecedented incident where flash
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says Science fiction is now science fact.Watch a video of this report here: DARPA s program director for the
21st Century Wire says Those who pull the strings behind the curtain will be a lot harder to get rid of than the puppets which t
21st Century Wire says The mainstream media called it case closed after the FBI released its aerial footage of the ambush an
21st Century Wire says Rich men love to gamble. Over the last few weeks, tens of millions of dollars have been spent by US eli
Eva Bartlett RT OpEdgeThis month, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation interviewed Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Political and
21st Century Wire says Did Mitt Romney just make an incredible mistake?Fox News contributor Judge Jeanine Pirro has unleas
21st Century Wire says For years, the United Nations seems to have been embroiled in an endless string of scandals and cover
21st Century Wire says This latest bombshell report leaked from NATO flies in the face of all the ad nauseam Washington and
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireJamie Hanshaw, author of Operation Culture Creation 1 and 2, and Hollywood Mind Control, joins m
21st Century Wire says Could this be the real reason why Trump is so despised by the elite Republican establishment?Watch a
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThis week a House Judiciary Committee began overseeing details of a US Federal Court case b
21st Century Wire says While you were watching the presidential reality show, the Pentagon was busy putting boots back on t
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Truthstream MediaOut of 88 potential horrors this batch of 1,500+ Americans were asked to rank in regard to their personal l
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly rejected an unprecedented US Federal Court order t
21st Century Wire says This is a new geopolitical war, taking place between the United States and China.The rise of the so-call
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireAs Baron Rothschild famously said back in the late 18th century, When there s blood in
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireWith the United States in the heat of the 2016 presidential election cycle, key questions surr
Randy Johnson 21st Century WireThe future is coming and technology is coming with it. Are we adapting to the future or hold
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says This latest diplomatic development certainly appears positive on its surface, this week s declared Syria
21st Century Wire says One TV personality Trumps another TV personality.While GOP front runner Donald Trump was on his w
InverseWikileaks released tonight a new cache of documents, showing that the United States National Security Administratio
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: With a string of decisive victories in the New Hampshire and South Carolina GOP
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireEarlier this week Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly rejected an unprecedented US Federal Court o
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire asks What really happened in the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia?With the United States de
21st Century Wire asks The tragic death of Kurt Cobain has mystified the public for more than two decades and over that time
21st Century Wire says It s been almost two years since the cloud storage provider Dropbox appointed former Secretary of Sta
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireCliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher at the center of the federal standoff in Bunkerville in
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says The issue of honest policing and institutional corruption within law enforcement has been exercised ov
21st Century Wire says Unless you have been living under a rock for the last 20 years, you would have heard about the cultura
21st Century Wire says Iowa s Democratic Party primary was one of the closest races in history reported by the media as bein
21st Century Wire says Most people accept that a certain amount of political campaigning is staged, and even a little contrived
21st Century Wire says As Republican, Ted Cruz and Democrat, Hillary Clinton both snatched narrow victories at the Iowa Cauc
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
21st Century Wire says The CIA is trying its best to avoid oversight and accountability.Watch a video of this report here: An an
21st Century Wire says If you ve been following the events outside of Burns, Oregon, you ll have seen 99% of the news covera
Episode #120 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW finally resumes this Sunday Jan. 24, 2016 presented by host Patrick Henningsen with 3 H
21st Century Wire says..UPDATE 1-29-2016 at 01:30PM ET: Due to public pressure and intense speculation about the events o
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThere exists a famous quote often attributed to 1918 US Senator Hiram Warren Johnso
KILLED: Rancher and protest spokesman Robert Lavoy Finicum (Image Source: RT International)21st Century Wire says New
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire UPDATE: 1-30-2016 Last night, the standoff at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside
Episode #119 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW finally resumes this Sunday Jan. 24, 2016 presented by host Patrick Henningsen with 3 H
21st Century Wire says Various parties in Washington are quietly laying down the rhetorical tarmac for an increased US militar
21st Century Wire says For those who still refuse to entertain any Michael Hastings Boston Breaks conspiracy theories, this la
21st Century Wire says So far, after nearly 20 days of protests near Burns, Oregon, there s been no one hurt or injured, but it s
21st Century Wire says If you ve been following the protest and federal standoff outside of Burns, Oregon, you ll have seen 99
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9
RTOne of the most visible members of the armed militia that took over a wildlife refuge in Oregon says his four foster sons we
21st Century Wire says This week, the historic international Iranian Nuclear Deal was punctuated by a two-way prisoner swap
By Dady Chery and Gilbert MercierAll writers with a desire to rattle people out of their torpor occasionally wonder if it is wort
Vic Bishop Waking TimesOur reality is carefully constructed by powerful corporate, political and special interest sources in ord
Paul Craig RobertsIn the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way. On false pretenses Wash
Robert Fantina CounterpunchAlthough the United States is still ten months from its next exercise in electoral futility, most pol
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported earlier this week, the unlikely mishap of two US Naval vessels straying into Irania
21st Century Wire says It s a familiar theme. Whenever there is a dispute or a change of law, and two tribes go to war, there is
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireRemember when the Obama Administration told the world how it hoped to identify 5,0
21st Century Wire says Al Jazeera America will go down in history as one of the biggest failures in broadcast media history.Eve
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE predicted in its new year s look ahead, we have a new hostage crisis underway.Today, Iran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender people will be allowed for the first time to enlist in the U.S. military starting on Monday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel investigation of links between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 election ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat in May 2016 that Russia
SEATTLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump called on the U.S. Postal Service on Friday to charge “much mo
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday it was set to kick off talks next week with R
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he believes he will be fairly treated in a special c
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill said he will certify Democratic Senator-elect Doug Jones as
(Reuters) - Alabama officials on Thursday certified Democrat Doug Jones the winner of the state’s U.S. Senate race, after a
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new U.S. tax code targets high-tax states and may be unconstitutional, New York Go
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(In Dec. 25 story, in second paragraph, corrects name of Strong’s employer to Mental Health Department, not Public Heal
(Reuters) - A lottery drawing to settle a tied Virginia legislative race that could shift the statehouse balance of power has been
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Georgian-American businessman who met then-Miss Universe pageant owner Donald Trump in 20
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court in Washington on Tuesday upheld a lower court’s decision to allow President Donald Trum
(Reuters) - A gift-wrapped package addressed to U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s home in a posh Los Angeles nei
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal judge in Seattle partially blocked U.S. President Donald Trump’s newest restrictions on
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has issued new guidelines for immigration judges that remove some instru
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday said President Donald Trump’s hotly contested travel ban targeting people from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal appeals court in Washington on Friday rejected a bid by President Donald Trump’s adm
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru’s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski could end up the surprise winner of an attempt to oust him from p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed Republicans’ massive $1.5 trillion tax overhaul into law on F
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. financial regulators said on Friday that because the new tax bill could make timely financial repo
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s finance ministry will evaluate whether to make fiscal changes in response to the U.S. tax
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Friday said a shifting landscape will lead him to wo
(Reuters) - Democrat Doug Jones’ surprise victory over Republican Roy Moore in this month’s special U.S. Senate electi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A summer spat between President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Steve Bannon, a former top White House strategist and a former chief campaign aide to Donald Tru
KING OF PRUSSIA, - Callista Gingrich, wife of
Pennsylvania/WASHINGTON the former
(Reuters) - In speaker ofHound
the Fox & the U.S. House
sports of next
bar, Representatives,
to a shoppingonmall
Friday became
in suburban
humming, but Republicans lost a net 31 seats in the House, as voters focused on the Iraq war and the unpopularity of Republic
(Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has told refugee agencies it will sharply pare back the number of offices across the coun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Thursday averted a government shutdown just one day before federal funding
(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Thursday approved a temporary funding bill to prevent federal agencies from shutting down a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge in New York on Thursday threw out a lawsuit that had accused President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to provide $81 billion in new disaster aid for U.S. states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Is
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The ethics probe into U.S. Representative Blake Farenthold, who is already under a cloud for alleged
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal appeals court in Virginia on Thursday rejected a bid by President Donald Trump’s administ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved an $81 billion bill to help widespread reco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives rallied behind Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Th
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A second U.S. judge on Thursday blocked President Donald Trump’s administration from enfor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. senators on Thursday urged federal authorities to halt the planned expansion of a $1 billio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on Thursday launched an effort to reduce U.S. dependence on for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday took a step toward averting a partial government sh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the U.S. intelligence community on Thursday pressed Congress to renew the Nationa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called on the Republican Congress to pass a short-term government sp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives gave final approval on Wednesday to the b
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Passage of a long-anticipated U.S. tax overhaul has up-ended the bond market’s favorite trade of th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives are working to build support to temporarily
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, in a first exercise of his power to commute criminal sentences, cut short th
BOSTON (Reuters) - U.S. immigration officials sought to block a federal judge’s order delaying efforts to deport 51 Indonesi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Al Franken, who earlier this month announced his plan to resign following s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives are working to build support to temporarily
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, responding to escalating Republican a
(Reuters) - Democratic-leaning states may take legal action to challenge the cap on deductions of state and local taxes under t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday said he would bring a “Dreamersâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sweeping tax code changes aimed at keeping U.S. companies from shifting profits offshore to avoid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The tax bill is President Donald Trump’s biggest legislative victory this year, but Democratic strat
(Reuters) - Republicans could hold onto control of Virginia’s legislature after a race that had appeared to change the balan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Lisa Murkowski, an Alaska Republican, won a decades-long battle on Wednesday to open pa
(Reuters) -(Reuters)
ATLANTA Senator John
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two Democratic Senate Republican, is trying
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in Georgia from thelawyers
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donations that Abrams has reported, according to a Reuters analysis of campaign finance records. Billionaire George Soros, o
(Corrects spelling of Virginia House of Delegates member David Yancey throughout in this Dec. 19 story.) By Sharon Bernstein
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI’S deputy director, Andrew McCabe, will appear for a closed-door interview on Thursday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House expects the U.S. Congress to soon waive a rule known as “Paygo† that could
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives gave final approval on Wednesday to a sweeping, debt-financed tax bill in a mid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he believed the financial markets have not fully absorbed the tax
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A short-term fix to fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program into January will likely be part o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wealthy business owners, such as President Donald Trump, stand to gain from a provision in the Re
(Reuters) - The U.S. tax overhaul as currently proposed will make housing less affordable, according to nearly half of the prope
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sweeping U.S. tax legislation appears to be on the verge of approval, lifting the prospects in particular f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Eight months into his lifetime U.S. Supreme Court appointment, Neil Gorsuch has given every indica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Republican lawmakers told the U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday that they want to questi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Near the end of President Donald Trump’s rocky first year in office, White House aides view imm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is struggling through another contentious week as infighting over defense spendin
(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is weighing military spending, healthcare and other major decisions tied to a temporary funding
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate parliamentarian has ruled against three provision of the Republican tax bill, forcing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee rejected U.S. President Donald Trump’s nominee to head th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Tuesday the House would likely n
(Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives approved sweeping, debt-financed tax legislation on Tues
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. Senate voted on Tuesday to begin debate on sweeping tax legislation, settin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawmakers of both parties are working on legislation that would make members of Congress liable f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of nearly 20 environmental and Native American tribal groups sued the Trump administr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, said on Tuesday that House D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the Senate’s vote on sweeping tax legislation, h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote on final tax legislation on Tuesday evening, Senate Republican leader Mitch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. Congress appeared all but certain to pass sweeping tax legislation th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. District Court judge ruled on Monday that President Donald Trump’s administration must
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled on Monday an $81 billion aid package to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee introduced a bill on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday said he plans to nominate Liberty University School of Law
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet are set to visit Puerto Rico on Tuesday to as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will not consider an immigration bill as part of year-end legislation but will turn to a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren is taking aim at budget chief Mick Mulvaney’s plan to fill th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration said on Monday that Russia interferes in the dome
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Susan Collins said on Monday she would vote for the sweeping tax overhau
WASHINGTON () - The top Democrat on the Senate environment committee on Monday asked the Environmental Protection A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah said on Monday that he will support legislation to overhau
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump unveiled a new national security strategy on Monday, calling for Pakistan to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A lawyer nominated by President Donald Trump to serve as a federal judge withdrew from consider
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that the derailment of a train, which sent train cars cr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans on Friday unveiled the final version of their dramatic U.S. tax overhaul - d
(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is expected to vote this week on sweeping, debt-financed tax legislation. Here are key parts of th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday defended a Republican tax-cut plan against Democratic ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on sweeping tax legisla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House legislative director Marc Short said he expects Congress to pass a short-term spending
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Financial advisers and accountants are working overtime as many U.S. taxpayers scramble to pay the re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top U.S. Republicans said on Sunday they expected Congress to pass a tax code overhaul this week,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator John McCain is expected to miss an upcoming vote on a tax code overhaul,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, when asked on Sunday if he was considering firing U.S. special counsel Rob
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An organization established for U.S. President Donald Trump’s transition to the White House said
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Doug Jones, who scored an upset victory last week in the U.S. Senate race in Alabama, sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has told agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Ruben Kihuen announced on Saturday that he will not seek re-election, becomi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will lay out a new U.S. national security strategy on Monday based on his â
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A compromise Republican tax bill released late Friday does not eliminate a $7,500 electric vehicle ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who oversees the Federal Bureau of Investigation, on Friday offe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. Senate Democrat said on Friday he would force a vote on the Federal Communications
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Ethics Committee said on Friday it had begun an investigation int
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prominent Republican senators on Thursday embraced a push to overhaul rules for addressing sexu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration briefed congressional staff this week on how the White House was consid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. District Court judge on Friday said she would release former Trump campaign manager Paul M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Bob Corker, a staunch fiscal hawk who has been a critic of emerging tax leg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Marco Rubio signaled his support for a sweeping tax bill on Friday, saying chang
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Representative Kristi Noem said on Friday that the refundable portion of an expand
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief tax writer in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Friday that Republicans had finalize
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Marco Rubio will support a compromise tax bill when it comes up for a vote
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ted Cruz wants to place a cap of 10 cents each on renewable fuel credits - a fraction of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration put new requirements in place on Friday for the 38 countries participatin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump called on fellow Republican Roy Moore on Friday to concede to Democrat D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission vote on Thursday to roll back net neutrality rules cou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s drive to win passage of a sweeping Republican tax bill in the U.S. Cong
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee on Thursday interviewed the head of a data ana
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican governors from four U.S. states on Thursday met with Vice President Mike Pence to voic
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress reached a deal on tax legislation on Wednesday, clearing the way for final votes n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has told confidants he would like to retire after the 2018 congr
AUSTIN, Texas/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Representative Blake Farenthold said he would not seek re-election
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Alabama Democrat Doug Jones, who won a bitter fight for a U.S. Senate seat this week, on Thursday
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The surprise victory by Democrats in Tuesday’s Alabama election for a U.S. senator is prompting fun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress reached a deal this week on a final version of their debt-financed le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Speaker Paul Ryan has told President Donald Trump a report on Thursday that Ryan was cons
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it would continue to work with Republican Senator Marco Rubio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Mike Lee has not decided whether to support a Republican tax bill and wan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The final version of comprehensive tax legislation being negotiated by House and Senate lawmakers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee indicated on Thurs
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain, who is receiving treatment for brain cancer and has missed votes
(In this Dec. 13 story, corrects third paragraph to say Dourson is a former professor at the University of Cincinnati) WASHINGT
(In Nov 15 item, corrects third paragraph to say Dourson is a former professor at the University of Cincinnati) (Reuters) - Nort
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will delay an upcoming Middle East trip by a few days in case a tie-br
(Reuters) - Kentucky state Representative Dan Johnson, who was facing sexual assault accusations, died in a probable suicide o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said on Thursday he believed votes on tax overhaul leg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s eldest son asked a House of Representatives committee on Tuesday to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Since mid-2016, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan has carried around a “postcard† that he has sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans reached a deal on final tax legislation on Wednesday, clearing the way fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats said on Wednesday their U.S. Senate victory in Alabama could lead to a sweeping comeb
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s eldest son met with the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee on W
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress reached a deal on final tax legislation on Wednesday, clearing the way for final vo
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress reached a deal on final tax legislation on Wednesday, clearing the way for final vo
(Reuters) - Minnesota’s Democratic Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith was appointed as U.S. senator on Wednesday to repla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday introduced a bill to fund
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday dismissed Republican lawmakers’ c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain was undergoing treatment at a military hospital outside Washington for s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A firm that commissioned a “dossier† detailing links between then-presidential candidate Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees will not be confirmed by the Republican-con
LONDON (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy in London moves next month to a new billion-dollar home overlooking the River Thame
(Reuters) - Native American advocates launched an elaborate hoax on Wednesday, creating authentic-looking web pages of m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The solidly Republican South suddenly looks a little less solid. Tuesday’s upset win by Democrat D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday called on Republicans to delay a vote on p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Bob Corker on Wednesday said he was still undecided on whether to suppo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Virginia officials started recounts on Wednesday in the first of four state House of Delegates races, a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would accept a corporate tax rate of 21 percent and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch said on Wednesday that Republicans in the Se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Wednesday that Congress was wor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have reached an agreement in p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former reality television star-turned political aide to U.S. President D
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Doug Jones won a bitter fight for a U.S. Senate seat in deeply conservative Alabama on Tuesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate said bipartisan negotiations to protect undocumented people w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand fired back at President Donald Trump on Tuesday and said she would
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In backing Roy Moore in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race even though the candidate faced allegation
(Reuters) - Senior FBI officials who helped probe Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign told a colleague that Democr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated Democrat Doug Jones on Tuesday for winning a bitter U
GADSDEN, Ala. (Reuters) - In a U.S. Senate race rocked by allegations of sexual misconduct against Republican candidate Roy M
(Reuters) - Democrat Doug Jones won Alabama’s election for the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, scoring an upset victory in a dee
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Crucial details of the Republican tax plan, including the proposed corporate rate, were in flux late on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rex Tillerson, dogged by media speculation about how long he will last as U.S. secretary of state, trie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday will host congressional negotiators for lunch to discuss thei
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans proposed on Tuesday to delay or suspend several taxes under former Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed into law on Tuesday legislation that bans the use of Kaspersky Lab w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate committee that handles judicial nominations on Tuesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. District Court judge ordered Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Tuesday to turn over any pote
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress will allow a deadline on reimposing sanctions on Iran to pass this week, congressi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan push in the Senate to protect undocumented people who immigrated to the United Sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday defended a one-page analysis by the Treasury Departmen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday he was confident the U.S. Congress would
(Reuters) - The White House will host talks between the rival oil and ethanol industries on Wednesday in hopes of brokering a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will announce a new security strategy on Monday, White House nation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed the annual defense policy bill on Tuesday and urged Congress to ful
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s campaign to shrink the “bloated federal bureaucracy† so far ha
(Corrects paragraph 7 to show Trump issued a warning on travel to Cuba, not a ban on travel to Cuba) HAVANA (Reuters) - Cu
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Reuters) - Dogged by accusations of sexual misconduct toward teenagers, Republican U.S. Senate candida
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Three women who have accused U.S. President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct called on Monday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 50 female Democratic lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives called on Monday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge on Monday issued a stern warning to President Donald Trump’s former cam
(Reuters) - Transgender recruits will be able to join the U.S. military as of Jan. 1 after a federal judge on Monday denied a requ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A company promoting a plan for the United States and Russia to jointly build nuclear reactors in the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday released a one-page analysis of the economic and fiscal im
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Monday announced cash management measures to avo
(Reuters) - Three of the women who have accused U.S. President Donald Trump of sexual misconduct called on Monday for a
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - As Republicans in the U.S. Congress rush to finish their tax plan, the legislation is not getti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Monday said the Justice Department was reviewing its options after a federal ju
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said on Sunday that any woman who has fe
(In this Dec. 8 story, corrects Peters’ affiliation in paragraph 12 to reflect company name change) By Jonathan Spicer and R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will deliver a speech on the plan to overhaul the nation’s tax code o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Incoming Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell, chosen by U.S. President Donald Trump to keep the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The campaign of Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for U.S. senator in Alabama who has been ac
LOWER MERION, Pa. (Reuters) - In Pennsylvania state Senator Daylin Leach’s bid to win a seat vital to the Democratic Party
PENSACOLA, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday voiced support for Roy Moore, the Alabama Republican Se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Susan Collins, whose support was crucial in passing the Senate tax reform b
JACKSON, Miss. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump flew to Mississippi on Saturday to attend the opening of a civil rights m
KIEV (Reuters) - The author of an article that U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller believes Trump’s former campaign mana
(Reuters)on Friday
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confirm his identity and refugee status. When Trump’s ban was initially blocked by federal courts, Alireza was able to conti
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Federal appeals court judges on Friday asked about President Donald Trump’s sharin
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional committee members warned on Friday that Washington’s funding of the World He
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s Deputy National Security Adviser for strategy, Dina Powell, plans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller unveiled a trove of documents on Friday showing what he said
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday added a second case to its docket on a contentious issue that cou
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration called two lawmakers from the U.S. corn belt to convince them to join
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Walid Phares, a former campaign adviser to President Donald Trump, testified to the U.S. House of R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the fourth-ranking Republican in the House of Repres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Trent Franks said on Friday that he would resign from Congress effective immed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Even before completing their overhaul of the U.S. tax code, Republicans in Washington have begun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said on Friday the state would hold a special election on Nov. 6, 201
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday signed legislation to fund the federal government for two we
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investors looking for the U.S. Republican tax bill to prompt multinational companies to convert foreign
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s weekend remark about a scaled-back tax cut for corporations sparked
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Al Franken announced his resignation on Thursday after facing a series of s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Trent Franks said on Thursday he would resign after two female staff
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s weekend remark about a scaled-back tax cut for corporations sparked
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Millions of households would no longer benefit from federal tax deductions for charity donations, m
(This version of the Dec 6 story corrects paragraph 3 and adds new paragraph 4 to clarify the nature of U.S. sanctions) By Patr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress moved rapidly on Thursday to send President Donald Trump a short-term funding
(Reuters) - Longtime U.S. congressman from Georgia John Lewis, who marched with Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s, said o
(Reuters) - The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Ethics Committee said on Thursday it was investigating Republica
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Ethics Committee on Thursday cleared the chairman of the Hous
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort did not violate a court gag order when he h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress, rushing to beat a Friday midnight deadline, on Thursday passed legislation fundin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is open to reforming the country’s biofuels policy if it can be done i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives, working against a Friday midnight deadline, approved legislation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort did not violate a court gag o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is confident it can craft a deal to avoid a government shutdown and foresees a com
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya’s internationally recognized government has appealed to the United States to drop or ease a trav
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday her party would no
(Reuters) - The Pentagon’s acquisition chief said on Wednesday she wants to cut the time for major procurements to 12 m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation defended his employees on Thursday against a g
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that Donald Trump Jr. was on solid legal ground when he refused
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Thursday confirmed the Environmental Protection Agency’s third high-level officia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to extend funding for the U.S. government through Dec. 22 and avert agency shutdowns
NEW YORK (LPC/IFR) - U.S. regulators said they are open to revising restrictions on leveraged lending, offering an olive branch
(Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it was focusing on getting the lowest corporate rate possible in tax reform legisl
(Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers has introduced a bill that would ban agreements to keep sexual harassment a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said he felt good about the vote count on a governmen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Al Franken will announce his resignation on Thursday, a day after a majorit
(Reuters) - The Department of the Interior, the U.S. government’s second largest revenue generator behind the IRS, is tryin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Al Franken, facing intense pressure to step down following allegations of se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Al Franken faced intense pressure from members of his own party on Wednesday to resig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Wednesday said it would oppose public sector unions in a major case
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., declined to discuss with lawmakers on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday wrote to Jared Kushner, U.S. President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As President Donald Trump delivered his inaugural address on Capitol Hill in January, his incoming n
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
SEATTLE/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday wrestled with a bid by President Donald Trump to sh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday again raised the possibility of a U.S. government shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump would sign a stop-gap spending measure funding the government thro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans agreed to talks with the House of Representatives on sweeping tax legislati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People would be able to bring legal, concealed guns into any U.S. state under legislation the House o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Al Franken, facing allegations of sexual misconduct, will resign on Thursday
(Reuters) - The tax overhaul legislation passed by the U.S. Senate jettisoned a long-held Republican goal of repealing the corpo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump hopes to find a way to avert a government shutdown later this week in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Wednesday to go to a conference committee to resolve differences betwe
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Reuters) - Name-calling is not unusual in U.S. politics. But “child abuser† is not usually one of the na
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee said on Wednesday a final tax bill Republicans h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday called on the nation’s immigration courts to d
SACRAMENTO,(Reuters) - Utah -Republicans
Calif. (Reuters) Laura Russoon
is Wednesday
just the kindrallied around
of voter Mitt Romney,
the Republicans their
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do that, the party will have to keep the loyalty of Republicans like Rudy Coscia, a 36-year-old plastic surgeon who just took out
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department said Wednesday it is seeking a warrant so it can seize an ancient ring be
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, said on Wednesday that fellow Democrat Al Franken s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress may be able to wrap up tax negotiations before Dec. 22 and send a final bill to Pre
(Reuters) - U.S Democratic Senator Al Franken will make an announcement on Thursday, his office said, after several Democra
(Reuters) - A day after President Donald Trump endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama, Trump’s former ch
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said there was no truth in reports that the White House had a plan t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Senate will vote later on Wednesday on whe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Less than 24 hours after Donald Trump took office, his presidency started generating controversy. P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats have a rare chance to win major concessions in a U.S. Congress they do not control by ta
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in U.S. House of Representatives began staking out their positions on final tax legislatio
(Reuters) - The Republican Party will resume funding the U.S. Senate campaign of Roy Moore after President Donald Trump en
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed President Donald Trump’s choice to lead the Department
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to sharply reduce the annual $300 million in U
FRANKFURT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. federal investigator probing alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee advanced legislation Tuesday that would ease financial rules for banks for
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s lawyers told a New York state judge on Tuesday that under the U.S. C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office has spent about $3.2 million in the first 4-1/2 month
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal credit union has sued to block President Donald Trump from installing Mick Mulvaney as h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat John Conyers, the longest serving member of the U.S. House of Representatives, stepped
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief Republican tax writer in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Tuesday that House Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the U.S. Congress worked to reach agreement on a short-term spending measure to keep the fed
((This December 4 story has been corrected to change “last year† to 2015 in sixth paragraph, June to July in 11th parag
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A lawyer for U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) has not r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he expected the conference committee hammering o
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump continued to dominate Twitter in 2017 even though former President Barack Obamaâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nomination to be ambassador to Singapore of K.T. McFarland, a former security adviser to Presi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives were in discussions on Tuesday about how long to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders are aiming to send their tax bill to President Donald Trump for his signature by th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson delivered a message of support to European allies in Brussels on Tue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House of Representatives’ tax-writing panel on Tuesday said he would push
(Reuters) - The Republican Party will resume funding the embattled U.S. Senate campaign of Roy Moore after President Donal
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday said the United States remains committed to Europe, off
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union’s top diplomat, Federica Mogherini, said on Tuesday that “any action that w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to President Donald Trump by allowing his late
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted on Monday to go to conference on t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in Congress on Monday accepted an invitation to meet U.S. President Donald Tr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election on Monday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s eldest son and a former business associate of the president are due to
SALT LAKE CITY (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday he wants U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah to run for re-el
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer’s legal arguments in defense of the president’s tweets about
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Democratic U.S. senator is backing away from a proposed legislative tweak that would have helped b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans in Congress are grappling with a thorny question about corporate taxes as they wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Michael Griffin, a former administrator of the Nati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was be
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will not announce a decision on Monday on whether he will agai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mick Mulvaney, White House budget chief and acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection
(Reuters) - Richard Cordray, a Democrat whose resignation as head of the U.S. consumer bureau last month triggered a politic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - John Anderson, a former Republican congressman who challenged the party’s conservative drift
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis met Pakistan’s civilian and military leaders on Monday and urged
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore on Monday, throwing his weigh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has certified that the Honduran government has been fighting corruption
SALT LAKE CITY (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday said he supports Utah Senator Orrin Hatch running for re-electi
(Reuters) - Federal appeals courts in the states of Washington and Virginia are set to hear arguments this week on the legality
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in Congress said on Monday they had accepted an invitation from President Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump spoke to U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama on Monday and end
BOSTON (Reuters) - Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg is taking a temporary leave of absence as his husband fac
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A series of tweets by U.S. President Donald Trump about the investigation into contacts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI about his
(The Dec. 1 story was refiled to correct Gates’ first name to Richard in paragraph 3) (Reuters) - Michael Flynn’s plea of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Sunday that he is optimistic the Senate and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans made last-minute changes to their tax bill to secure enough votes to pass th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The alternative minimum tax on corporations, which had been included in the U.S. Senate’s tax b
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy to Russia said on Monday it would restart some visa services in U.S. consulates which i
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday Russian President Vladimir Putin had taken a decision to hold off respondin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former NBC television host Billy Bush accused U.S. President Donald Trump of “indulging in som
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Embattled Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore led his Democratic opponent by six percent
BRUSSELS/BERLIN (Reuters) - On the eve of his trip to Europe, Rex Tillerson gave a speech last week that European allies had w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Sunday it would be “ridiculous† for a
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said in a tweet on Sunday he never asked former FBI director James Comey to stop in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer took responsibility on Sunday for a tweet about t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is willing to consider a small increase on the corporate tax rate if it is needed to fin
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that actions by former national security a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel examining alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election rem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Saturday denied that he was leaving his post to be replaced
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - ABC News said on Saturday it had suspended Brian Ross, its chief investigative correspondent, over
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The sweeping tax overhaul that passed the U.S. Senate on Saturday contains the Republicans’ bi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate narrowly approved a tax overhaul on Saturday, moving Republicans and President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Sander Levin of Michigan said on Saturday he would not run for reelection next
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday the actions of his former national security adviser Mic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Republicans tried to repeal and replace Obamacare over the summer, they acted like “a b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Six more U.S. senators signed on to support a sweeping Republican tax bill on Friday, leaving only on
(Reuters) -- U.S. Senate
Backers of aRepublicans
plan considering a raftreactors
to build nuclear of last-minute changes
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after bill U.S
Committee, on the nuclear project, an email shows.     Copson was joined by Jim Hamel, a senior official from Curtiss-Wrig
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The disputed acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said in a court filing on Fri
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Former U.S. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn admitted on Friday that he asked Russia to d
DETROIT (Reuters) - The question of whether U.S. Representative John Conyers may resign in the face of sexual harassment al
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate intelligence panel’s top Democrat on Friday said lawmakers will want to again interv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former U.S. National Security Agency employee pleaded guilty on Friday to illegally taking classifie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and former adviser K.T. McFarland were the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pennsylvania’s Attorney General is leading the charge among his Democratic peers preparing to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than half of the registered lobbyists in Washington have worked on tax issues in 2017, a repor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Bob Corker said on Friday he cannot support a sweeping tax bill that Senate
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A proposal driven by President Donald Trump to overhaul the country’s tax system is moving throug
(Reuters) - The legal document charging Michael Flynn with lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation lays out a chronology
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Susan Collins will vote for a Senate tax bill, her office said on Friday. Collins, who
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is not leaving, President Donald Trump tweeted on Friday, after
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House panel on Friday approved legislation that would renew the National Security Agencyâ€
BOSTON (Reuters) - The Massachusetts state senate on Friday prepared to open an independent probe into accusations that M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, directed Michael Flynn, then a Trump advis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives ethics committee has begun a sweeping probe into possible sexu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Steve Daines of Montana, one of several senators seen as pivotal to the fat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 U.S. Senate Republican John Cornyn said on Friday he was confident Republicans have the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Friday Republicans had enough votes to pas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two days after a federal court endorsed President Donald Trump’s deregulatory pick for a consu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States remains committed to the Libyan Political Agreement, the State Department said
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn on Friday pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal B
(Reuters) - Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first U.S. national security adviser, pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The guilty plea entered by former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn to a charge of lying to
(Reuters) - Former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn said in a statement on Friday that his decision to plead guilty to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Flynn, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, is prepared to testify tha
(Refiles Nov. 30 story to cut extraneous word ‘against’ in 2nd paragraph; corrects garbled sentence in paragraph 17) By
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s expected exit from the Trump administration is one of ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday dismissed reports that the White House is weighing a
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has agreed to meet with representatives of the oil refining industry and their legislativ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday delayed voting on a Republican tax overhaul as the bill was tripped up
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a move that c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions refused to answer questions on Thursday during a closed congre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The three top Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives called on Democratic congressman J
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump repeatedly urged senior Senate Republicans over the summer to en
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to nominate Jelena McWilliams, Fifth Third Bancorp’s top att
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering a plan to oust Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, whose relation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Ethics Committee said on Thursday it has opened a preliminary inquiry into alleged
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If he becomes U.S. secretary of state, Mike Pompeo would have three assets Rex Tillerson did not: e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican tax bill in the U.S. Senate stalled on a procedural problem late on Thursday, forcing law
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon will indefinitely delay a ban on the use of older types of cluster bombs due to take eff
WASHINGTON - Some key U.S. senators still had concerns about the Republican tax bill in the Senate, as a procedural motion t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican tax bill would generate a net $407 billion in new revenue from economic growth, re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Banking Committee will vote on Tuesday on the nomination of Federal Reserve Governo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis dismissed reports on Thursday that President Donald Trump was c
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A German man has come forward as the former Twitter Inc employee who shut down the account
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has accepted an invitation by Congress to deliver a State of the Union
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rex Tillerson will remain as U.S. secretary of state, the White House spokeswoman said on Thursday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort has agreed to an $11.65 mil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s push for a major military buildup suffered a setback on Thursday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A spate of sexual misconduct accusations against U.S. politicians and other powerful men will force
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury would exhaust all of its borrowing options and run dry of cash to pay its bills by lat
(Reuters) - The following are five facts about Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo, who a senior administration o
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Representative Joe Barton of Texas will not seek re-election, his office said in a state
(Reuters) - Democratic Representative John Conyers, facing sexual misconduct allegations, has not thought about resigning, hi
(Reuters) - The revolving door at the Trump White House was ready to spin again as senior administration officials said on Thu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was unaware of any plans to oust him when he spoke to Senato
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, a hawkish Iraq war veteran who has said he did not consider waterboardin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that Rex Tillerson remains the U.S. secretary of state despite rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday delayed voting on a Republican tax overhaul as the bill was tripped up
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that Representative John Conyers shou
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump sparked outrage in Britain on Thursday with a sharp rebuke of Prime Ministe
GENEVA (Reuters) - In a thinly veiled reference to U.S. President Donald Trump, the top U.N. human rights official on Thursday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A quest by Republicans to open Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Reserve was slowed after a non
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Susan Collins said on Thursday she was not committed to voting for the Sen
AMMAN (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Thursday that U.S. President Donald Trump was wrong to retw
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s ambassador to the United States discussed a row over retweets sent by President Donald Tru
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday shared anti-Muslim videos posted on Twitter by a
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is fully focused on tackling extremism, her spokesman said on Thursda
LONDON (Reuters) - British interior minister Amber Rudd said on Thursday she hoped Britain’s condemnation of U.S. Presid
(Reuters) - A New York comedian has been compelled to appear before a House Intelligence Committee investigating suspecte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, met with Special Counsel Robert Muel
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday nominated Carnegie Mellon University Professor Marv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump fired back at British Prime Minister Theresa May over her criticism of h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Wednesday took a step toward passage of tax legislation that is a top White Hou
(Reuters) - A group of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday urged keeping federal tax breaks on pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A proposal to amend a tax bill in the U.S. Senate with a trigger to automatically reverse tax cuts if ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. congressman John Conyers faced increasing pressure to resign on Wednesday, with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some key U.S. senators still had concerns about the Republican tax bill in the Senate, as a procedura
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday introduced leg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Representative Luis Gutierrez, who has announced he will not seek re-election to C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee has asked four foreign policy advisers to Dona
CHARLESTON, W. Va. (Reuters) - Don Blankenship, the former CEO of coal company Massey Energy who was recently released
(Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative John Conyers has no immediate plans to resign after several women accused him o
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Opposition has grown among Americans to a Republican tax plan before the U.S. Congre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee are close to an agreement on
(Reuters) - The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which implements foreign arms sales, on Wednesday announced sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some of Democratic U.S. Representative John Conyers’ colleagues in the Congressional Black Cau
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will host Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj at the White House on F
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., will meet with the U.S. House of Re
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House said on Wednesday that it does not expect the government to shut dow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, said on Wednesday that Dem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote later Wednesday on whether to begin debate on a Republican tax bill, Sen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on a motion to proceed on a Republican tax bill on Wednesday,
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump was wrong to have posted anti-Islam videos on Twitter that had originally be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday commended Representativ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Wednesday the Senate would like
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has re-tweeted anti-Islam videos originally posted by Jayda Fransen, a leade
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged a boycott of CNN on Wednesday, ramping up his fight against th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. District Court judge on Tuesday sided with President Donald Trump in a legal battle over who
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in Congress skipped a meeting with President Donald Trump on Tuesday that wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans rammed forward President Donald Trump’s tax-cut bill on Tuesday in an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congress is likely to miss a Dec. 8 deadline for passing legislation funding a wide range of federal gov
(Reuters) - U.S. Republicans made progress on Tuesday in addressing the demands of some key senators in the party about th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is set to visit Utah on Monday and is expected to announce his decision on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s top internal watchdog told Reuters on Tuesday he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Susan Collins, who has demanded changes to a Republican tax bill, said she
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leandra English, who is in a legal battle with the Trump administration over who is acting director of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren said on Tuesday she has “no doubt† the legal fight over who is
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top two Republicans in the U.S. Congress said if leading Democrats want to reach an agreement
(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is careening toward major deadlines on a Republican tax bill, the budget and other policies. Here
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Budget Committee voted along party lines on Tuesday to send a Republican tax bill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday he was offended by claims that the State Depar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is slated to give remarks to reporters at the White House at 3 p.m. EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. budget chief Mick Mulvaney on Tuesday told staff at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow’s ambassador to the United States will inspect the Russian consulate in San Francisco, from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will proceed as planned to meet with Republican congressional leader
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top two Democrats in the U.S. Congress said they would not meet with President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Puerto Rico would get substantial debt relief and other new aid to help it recover from destruction i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he will meet on Tuesday with the Democratic leaders of the U.S. S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The fight for control of the U.S. consumer watchdog agency intensified on Monday as Mick Mulvane
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, a prominent critic of President Donald Trum
HENAGAR, Ala. (Reuters) - Embattled Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore said on Monday the allegations of sexual m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. official overseeing a reorganization of the State Department that has been criticized by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate Republican tax bill strongly backed by President Donald Trump faced potential opposi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said there was a “Pocahontas† in the U.S. Congress during a meeting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Bob Corker said on Monday that he could oppose his party’s tax bill ove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Ron Johnson said on Monday he would vote against a Republican tax bill in
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California lawmaker Raul Bocanegra resigned from the state assembly on Monday, a week aft
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Al Franken returned to Congress on Monday to begin what he called a proc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Allegations of sexual misconduct against U.S. Senator Al Franken should be dealt with through the n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday that President Donald Trump wasn’t making a racial slur when
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget director Mick Mulvaney has legal standing to take charge of U.S. Consumer Fin
(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is hurtling toward some major deadlines on tax legislation, the budget and other policies. Some o
(Reuters) - Republican Senator Rand Paul said on Monday he will vote for a tax bill headed to the U.S. Senate floor for debate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate plans to vote on its tax overhaul package this week, the No. 2 Republican in the cha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal court in the District of Columbia is due to hear arguments on Monday afternoon at 4:30 p.
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Al Franken, trying to salvage his political career amid accusations of groping or inappropriately touchin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer plans to meet on Monday afternoon with Leandra English
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Rand Paul, a fiscal hawk who has sometimes opposed his party’s spending p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A battle over who should run the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in the coming m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren is due to meet Leandra English, an official with the Consumer Financi
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been thrown into disarray by a battle between the Whit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau official filed suit late on Sunday trying to preven
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top lawyer for the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has concluded that Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative John Conyers is stepping down as senior Democrat on the House of Representa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The deputy director of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau late on Sunday filed a lawsuit
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A battle between the White House and Democrats over warring appointme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House may name an acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Jus
PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump gave a bullish Thanksgiving address to troops overseas on Thu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has designated White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney acting dir
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has designated White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney to be acti
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Lawyers for former national security adviser Michael Flynn have halted communications
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with Senate Republicans next week to discuss their party’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawyers for Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, have told
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday ordered a review of a government database used
CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jamie Dimon, chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co, on Wednesday said he expects
(Reuters) - The communications director for U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore has resigned amid the Alabama Republican’
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with congressional leaders next week to discuss â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday called the Myanmar military operation against the Rohingya popu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump defended embattled U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore on Tuesday, saying
(Reuters) - The pace slowed in the third week of enrollment for 2018 Obamacare individual insurance as nearly 800,000 peopl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States hopes its determination that ethnic cleansing occurred against the Rohingya will
KATY, Texas (Reuters) - As Democrats try to win control of the U.S. Congress in next year’s midterm elections, their hopes o
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday reignited a feud with the father of one of the three UCLA basketball p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The tax overhaul pushed by President Donald Trump and fellow Republicans is prompting a slew of
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Haitian immigrants on Tuesday decried a U.S. decision to end a program that granted 59,000 Haitians te
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission unveiled plans on Tuesday to repeal land
(Reuters) -- The House
A group of Representatives
of about EthicsDepartment
a dozen U.S. State Committee said on Tuesday
officials it was
have taken theinvestigating
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of formallyofacs
The signatories to the document were largely senior policy experts with years of involvement in the issues, said an official fam
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday stood by his criticism of pay TV and wireless company AT&T’s deal to b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Ethics Committee said on Tuesday it is investigating allegations o
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - With NAFTA talks grinding toward stalemate, U.S. President Donald Trump may be tempted to carry o
(Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice’s move to block AT&T Inc’s $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner Inc was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice’s lawsuit aimed at stopping AT&T Inc from buying movie and TV
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, who has raised eyebrows by mulling his power to pardon as investigators p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New York State Attorney Eric Schneiderman on Tuesday said he has been investigating for six month
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone for about an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Department of Homeland Security violated two court orders in the days after U.S. President Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has charged a former Senegalese foreign minister and a former top Hong Kong go
NEW YORK (Reuters) - After deep cuts in spending for Florida schools and other public programs following the Great Recession
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump will discuss North Korea when they ho
YANGON/NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. Congress said on Tuesday operations carried out against the Rohingya M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday to allow President Donald Trump’s l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States in July 2019 will end a special status given to about 59,000 Haitian immigrants tha
YANGON (Reuters) - Members of U.S. Congress said on Tuesday they were disturbed by the harsh response of Myanmar’s
(Reuters) - A federal court judge in California on Monday blocked an executive order from President Donald Trump to deny so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House wants to see a Republican elected to the U.S. Senate from Alabama to help pass a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration will provide details of its plans to overhaul welfare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A decision by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc (MUFG) to shift its U.S. banks from state regulators
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday said he plans to take up healthcare, infrastructure and we
NEW YORK(Reuters) - In August, a dozen inventors gathered around a fire pit outside the headquarters of the U.S. Patent and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump predicted on Sunday that Senator Jeff Flake will oppose the Republican
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A bipartisan Harvard University project aimed at protecting elections from hacking and propagand
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump would not insist on including repeal of an Obama-era health insurance
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Sunday the repeal of the Obamacare individual hea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump would not object to removing a provision in a Senate Republican tax p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. nuclear commander said on Saturday that he would resist President Donald Trump if he
HAVANA (Reuters) - An association of Cuban businesswomen has asked to meet with Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Flori
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a move certain to please conservatives, President Donald Trump on Friday added five names to h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday said it had asked Congress for $44 billion in supplemental disaster assist
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Pro-trade Republicans in the U.S. Congress are growing worried that U.S. President Donald Trump ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The outcome of Alabama’s Dec. 12 U.S. Senate election probably will not be certified until Dec. 2
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has begun paying his own legal bills related to the Russia investigation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The wife of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama said on Friday her husband wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jared Kushner’s lawyer failed to give the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee documents President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The majority of small businesses and non-corporate enterprises known as “pass-throughs† w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - From Pataskala, Ohio, to Conroe, Texas, local government leaders worry that if Republican tax-overh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans took important steps on Thursday toward the biggest U.S. tax-code overh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A radio broadcaster accused U.S. Senator Al Franken on Thursday of touching her breasts while she
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump finds the sexual misconduct allegations against U.S. Senate candidate Roy M
(Reuters) - A U.S. congressional proposal that would eliminate income tax exemptions for certain airlines could affect major Gu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator John McCain warned President Donald Trump on Thursday against nominating any more de
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Interior Department has failed to provide documentation needed for an internal probe of S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One thing is definitely going right for U.S. President Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans who c
(Reuters) - Two more women came forward on Wednesday with allegations of sexual misconduct against Republican U.S. Sen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump believes Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore should step asid
(Reuters) - The Alabama Republican Party said on Thursday it supported embattled U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore after alle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A chorus of concern in the U.S. Congress over the potential national security threat of State Departm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will announce his decision next week on whether to put North Korea on a U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he wants to craft changes to a ju
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate passed a $700 billion defense policy bill on Thursday, backing President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission wants to rollback landmark media ownership regulati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page on Thursday delivered subpoenaed documents he desc
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday there could be an opportunity for ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday acknowledged the thanks he received from three UCLA b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican senator who has publicly opposed the current draft of the Senate tax reform plan said
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Susan Collins is back in the spotlight as a crucial swing vote in the U.S. Senate as she raises q
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Senate Republican tax plan that would repeal the Obamacare mandate and give permanent tax cu
CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - State and local governments could suffer hits to revenue collections under the tax reform bill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers are pressing forward with an investigation into the 2010 sale of a Canadian u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to nominate Melissa Burnison, a nuclear energy industry lobbyist, to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior U.S. senators asked Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday to explain “questi
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Venture capitalists and startup executives, who had mounted a campaign against a proposal to ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson said he opposes the Senate Republican tax proposal because i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is scheduled to appear behind closed doors for an interview with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The internal watchdog at the U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday he hopes to complete his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the House of Representatives’ tax-writing committee on Wednesday predicted
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration publicly released on Wednesday its rules for deciding whether to disclose
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives could vote to pass a tax reform bill that als
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A report to the U.S. Congress released on Wednesday accused Chinese state media entities of involv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans on Tuesday linked repealing a key component of Obamacare to their ambiti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that he wanted to work with the Whi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. small business community on Tuesday wrote to lawmakers urging them to step up efforts t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - British primatologist Jane Goodall sent a letter to every U.S. senator on Tuesday urging them to opp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday threw his support behind including a repeal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions acknowledged on Tuesday he was aware of contact between Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives will adopt mandatory training on sexual harassment and discriminatio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former government official criticized for being the principal author of the legal justifications for â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a $700 billion defense policy bill on Tuesday, backing Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican National Committee is withdrawing support for Alabama Republican Senate candida
(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday denied that he misled legislators when he previously failed to disclo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said there was deep concern about allegations of se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell led a chorus of establishment Republicans on Monday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee on Tuesday held the first congressional hearing in more than four decades
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Rand Paul on Tuesday said he will seek changes to the Senate’s tax cut b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Tuesday he “has no reason to doubt† five women
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte attacked Canada’s Justin Trudeau at the end of a summit of Asia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is considering Mohammed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at German insurance g
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday he now recalls a meeting in March 2016 that has co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee blasted the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers may have to pass another stop-gap spending bill in order to keep the federal govern
MANILA (Reuters) - Leaders from across Asia joined U.S. President Donald Trump at an extravagant gala dinner in the Philippin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A year after Donald Trump was elected president on a promise to revive the ailing U.S. coal industry
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump left the Philippines on Tuesday without attending an annual East Asia Summi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked Justice Department prosecutors to decide if a special c
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A proposal by the U.S. Senate to change the way shares in startup companies are taxed incited pan
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky said he returned to work on Monday, more than a week after he suffered six br
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted Monday to approve a senior Transportation Department nominee and advan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans pushed ahead on Monday on a U.S. tax code overhaul as a Senate panel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday said he is nominating former pharmaceutical executive and ind
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Republican leadership is confident it has the votes to pass a tax o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will meet with Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The judge in the bribery trial of Democratic U.S. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey told a jury on Mo
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Monday to hear a conservative group’s free speech challenge to a Minnesot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. House Democrats on Monday asked the Federal Communications Commission inspector ge
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he had made significant progress on trade issues during a fru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Monday left the door open to a presidential run to challeng
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the House of Representatives’ tax-writing committee said on Sunday he would not a
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday attempted to clear up confusion over whether he accepts Russian P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two former top U.S. intelligence officials said on Sunday they fear President Donald Trump is being
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has questioned Sam Clovis, co-chairman of President Don
(Reuters) - China and Vietnam avoided conflict over the South China Sea on Sunday when Chinese President Xi Jinping met Vie
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said in a tweet on Sunday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had insulted
MANILA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hopped from one table to the next, chatted with people and pose
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang underscored the importance of free and o
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Sunday that inflexibility on the part of the United States was to blame for the lack of
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Donald Trump directly asked Russian President Vladimir Putin during their talks at a weekend summit in
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in the Philippine capital Manila on Sunday to attend an annual gather
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that it was possible he could be friends with North Korean lead
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Convincing big U.S. dairy owners to buy robots to milk their cows - and reduce the farmhands they e
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - An alleged link between U.S. President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Man
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke on Friday denied reports that White House Chief
(Reuters) - The national campaign wing for U.S. Senate Republicans cut fund-raising ties on Friday with Roy Moore, the partyâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The lawyer for former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn on Friday labeled as “outrageo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorneys representing Mike Flynn, a former aide to President Donald Trump, said on Friday a Wall S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Unease among Republicans about a massive increase in the federal deficit could complicate passage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican Party’s Senate campaign wing has severed its fundraising deal with Alabama Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans unveiled a tax plan on Thursday that differed from the House of Representa
(Reuters) - The U.S wind energy industry on Friday cheered a Senate tax proposal that, unlike the House version unveiled last w
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump lauded his Beijing meetings on trade and North Korea as “very productive
BEIJING (Reuters) - As U.S. President Donald Trump left Beijing on Friday for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in
(Reuters) - A woman has accused Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in Alabama, of initiating a sexual en
(Reuters) - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton on Thursday urged a state lawmaker accused of sexual harassment to step down
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump would want Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore to step aside
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Alphabet Inc’s Google unit told U.S. election regulators in a letter seen by Reuters on Thursday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate tax reform proposal unveiled on Thursday does not eliminate a $7,500 electric vehicle
(Reuters) - The man accused of tackling U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and breaking his ribs as he was mowing his lawn p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Mike Lee said they want a child tax credit to increase to $
(Reuters) - Proposals from U.S. Republicans to repeal or restrict a popular deduction on federal income tax for state and local
(Reuters) - A tax plan by U.S. Senate Republicans released on Thursday diverges in several ways from legislation being pushed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans are more likely to believe the wealthy will benefit most from the tax reform currently bei
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Jeff Flake on Thursday expressed concern about the Senate Republican tax
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The same political research firm that prepared a dossier on Trump campaign ties to Russia had unre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence expressed “deep concern† to Turkey’s prime minister on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-led committee in the U.S. House of Representatives approved a sweeping rewrite of U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans are unveiling a tax proposal that differs markedly on corporate, business an
(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans’ version of a tax cut bill will delay corporate rate cuts by one year to take effect in 2019
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans’ tax proposal will include a full repeal of federal deductions for both sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A proposed tax on $2.6 trillion in foreign profits held offshore by U.S. multinational corporations wo
BEIJING (Reuters) - The National
- U.S. President DonaldFederation of Independent
Trump pressed Business,
China to do more toarein
powerful lobbying
in North Korea group for U.S.and
on Thursday small business
said bilater
China as its own, although the leaders’ aides may deal with those matters privately, the official told Reuters, speaking on c
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group of 37 U.S.-based scientists whose research focuses on Arctic wildlife asked two U.S. senators in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday sanctioned 10 more Venezuelan officials, including seve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House officials tried to pressure Acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke into expellin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Thursday 49-47 to confirm a top air quality official at the Environmental Pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House Ways and Means Committee will wrap up work on Thursday o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans may include a repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate in their version
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans’ version of a tax cut bill will delay corporate rate cuts by one year to tak
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Whether they like President Donald Trump or not, the U.S. veterans who gather at Hoa’s Pla
BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - President Donald Trump can return to the United States claiming to have snagged over $250 bi
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday he had discussed Russia’s violation of an arms con
BEIJING (Reuters) - Taiwan is the most important and sensitive issue in Sino-U.S. ties, Chinese President Xi Jinping told visiting
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping would be focusing
BEIJING (Reuters) - If Chinese President Xi Jinping was trying to impress U.S. President Donald Trump with lavish treatment du
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States and China had a frank exchange of views on the disputed South China Sea during a visit t
BEIJING (Reuters) - Continued stable development of China-U.S. economic ties will be a major contributor to global growth, Ch
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump went around and over the “Great Firewall† of China in a late-night twe
(Reuters) - Democrats claimed historic gains in Virginia’s statehouse and booted Republicans from state and local office ac
BEIJING (Reuters) - A top Chinese coal miner, Yankuang Group, and U.S. industrial gas supplier Air Products and Chemicals Inc
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday that there is “no disagreement† between U.S.
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States government upholds and sticks to the “one China† policy, U.S. President Donald T
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that China will persist with the goal of denuclearizing the Kor
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday China will be more open and transparent to foreign compani
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States have created a “miracle† as companies from the world’s two largest
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday that he believes, like Xi, that th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. foreign service has seen its top ranks shrink under Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, accordin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee will hold a confirmation hearing on Nov. 28 for Jerome Powell,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate tax-cut bill, differing from one in the House of Representatives, was expected to be un
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - The U.S. government made it tougher on Wednesday for Americans to visit Cuba and do b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic election victories in Virginia and New Jersey showed Republicans losing more ground in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A congressional panel on Wednesday dropped attempts to force the founder of a firm that hired a f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee have been undertaking their own investi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is more popular with likely voters than he is with the general public, according
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Congressional Budget Office said on Wednesday that repealing the Obamacare individual mand
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday said that repealing Obamacare’s individual
(Reuters) - Maine Governor Paul LePage said on Wednesday he would not carry out an expansion of the state’s Medicaid p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee on Wednesday advanced legislation to make it easier to penalize operator
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic U.S. Senator from Michigan on Wednesday urged his fellow lawmakers to retain a $7,
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The judge presiding over the criminal case against President Donald Trump’s former campaign mana
(Reuters) - The Minnesota Senate will furlough its workers and suspend operations as soon as Dec. 1 due to an ongoing fundin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Alex Azar, a former pharmaceutical company executive, is U.S. President Donald Trump’s top pic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. voters picked climate change advocates in a handful of gubernatorial and state legislature races
(Reuters) - Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Department of Homeland Security told a U.S. Senate committee on Wedn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Ralph Northam won a bitter race for Virginia governor on Tuesday, dealing a setback to P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican tax bill being debated in the U.S. House of Representatives would add $1.7 trillion to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate is still on track to release on Thursday its version of a bill to overhaul the nation’
BEIJING (Reuters) - With lavish pageantry and an uncharacteristic personal flourish, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives introduced bills on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of U.S. congressional defense committees said on Wednesday they supported a plan for $
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday left the door open to a possible delay in when Republi
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in China on Wednesday seeking help to rein in North Korea, telling the
BEIJING (Reuters) - Meetings between U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing this week will fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The latest attempt to overhaul the U.S. federal flood insurance program hit a stumbling block, but a
BEIJING (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday condemned missile attacks by Yemen’s Houthi militias on Saudi Arabia
LONDON (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that missile attacks by Yemen’s Houthis targetin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio scored a decisive victory on Tuesday in his bid to secure
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday that Moscow has never supported t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has divested his interests in oil tanker company Diamond S Sh
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s foreign ministry on Wednesday said that China fully and strictly implements U.N. Security Coun
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will ask China to cut its financial links with North Korea and to abide by U.N. s
(Reuters) - Voters in Maine on Tuesday approved a ballot initiative to expand the state’s Medicaid program under Obamac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives forged ahead on Tuesday with legislation to resha
(Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives’ tax panel continued debating amendments on Tuesday to a tax bill offered b
(Reuters) - A peace activist who laughed at then U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions during his confirmation hearing to become U.S. atto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Phil Murphy was elected governor of New Jersey on Tuesday, CNN and MSNBC projected
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States have common interests but the relationship needs careful handling, Chinese s
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in China on Wednesday seeking help to rein in North Korea, telling the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Ralph Northam was elected on Tuesday as Virginia’s next governor, U.S. media projec
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in had initially suggested on Tuesday that U.S. President Donald Trump m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee unanimously backed new sanctions targeting Chinese banks tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic Senator said on Tuesday he wants answers from top Justice Department officials abou
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - The Kentucky county clerk who drew worldwide attention for her refusal to issue marriage licenses
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of dozens of former U.S. Homeland Security officials sent letters supporting the n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that Senate Republicans would un
(Reuters) - The National Football League said on Tuesday it opposes a tax bill proposed by U.S. House of Representatives Repu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on a House of Representatives committee accused its Republican leaders of laun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify before the House Judiciary Committee about issues fa
SEOUL (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will wrap up his visit to Seoul on Wednesday with a major speech on North Korea a
(Reuters)--U.S. House
During the Republicans plan
eight years of theto bring their
Obama tax overhaul
administration, bill for lobbyists
business a vote next week,
often U.S.the
found House Ways
gates a
to the
the death of a protester. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent the past few weeks ringing alarm bells over Trump’s v
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups will exercise together in the Western Pacific in the coming da
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump, testified to U.S. lawmakers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers on Monday began revising their proposed overhaul of the U.S. tax code, as D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Monday he probably would not keep his holdings in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Please note that the story USA-TAX/STUDY headlined “Wealthy win in U.S. House tax bill, taxes r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is due to testify before a congressional committee next week, th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. district judge again declined to ease bail conditions for President Donald Trump’s former c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump asked Congress on Monday for $4 billion to support missile defense to
(Reuters) - Two children, backed by the Clean Air Council environmental group, sued U.S. President Donald Trump and two of
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that Japan would shoot North Korean missiles “out of the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. during the 2016 election campaign said the U.S. presidentâ€
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said there was nothing improper about his investments in a shippin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian petrochemical holding Sibur said on Monday it had no direct dealings with U.S. Commerce Secre
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India on Monday formed a panel of government officials to investigate cases that figure in the so-called
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s 90 percent cut to Obamacare advertising has U.S. health insurers in many
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Rand Paul’s return to Washington may be delayed after he suffered five broken ribs during an assa
TOKYO (Reuters) - Every American president has a favorite foreign leader. For Donald Trump, it seems to be Japanese Prime M
TOKYO (Reuters) - Family members of Japanese abducted by North Korea met U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday and w
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not discuss a bilateral free trade
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump greeted Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko on Monday with a ge
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Monday that it hopes all sides’ words and actions can help reduce tensions on the Korean
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller has collected sufficient evidence to charge Michael Flynn, U.S. Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Sunday that Republican lawmakers are we
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller pushed back on Sunday against Paul Manafort’s efforts to avoid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The former head of the U.S. Democratic National Committee on Sunday defended her assertion that
LOUISVILLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A man has been arrested for assaulting U.S. Senator Rand Paul at his Kentucky home on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller should not be fire
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House speaker Paul Ryan said his colleagues might use the tax overhaul currently under conside
WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - The Republican tax bill unveiled last week in the U.S. Congress could disrupt the global sup
WASHINGTON/KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump publicly appealed on Saturday for Saudi Arabia
YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, who arrived in Japan on Sunday, said he spoke with the king
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday vowed to ensure all candidates have a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort offered to post more than $
(Reuters) - When the lawyer for the former campaign manager of President Donald Trump attacked the money laundering cha
(Reuters) - George H.W. Bush and his son George W. Bush did not vote for fellow Republican Donald Trump last year, says the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - (Reuters)
WASHINGTON/SEOUL Islamic State has claimed
- Saddled responsibility
with the toughest jobforinaAmerican
truck attack this weekthe
diplomacy, that killed
chief eight
U.S. people with
negotiator in theNorth
insults at Kim in recent days, raising hopes for an altered approach. A South Korean official in Seoul said it was necessary for W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign met Russian government offici
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he did not remember much about a meeting last year with a
HONOLULU (Reuters) - President Donald Trump arrived in Hawaii on Friday as he set out on the longest trip to Asia by an Ame
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Friday denied a request for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who met with Donald
ALMATY (Reuters) - The sister of the Uzbek immigrant accused of killing eight people in New York said her brother might have
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans’ tax plan would not make adjustments retroactive, White House economic adviser G
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday proposed a May 7 trial date for former Trump campaign manager Paul Ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior U.S. House of Representatives Republicans said on Friday they have agreed on terms for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is pushing Republicans to change their tax-cut bill to include a repeal o
(This version of the Nov. 2 story corrects paragraph 8 to say that Trump lost Nevada in 2016, instead of that he won Nevada)
GENEVA (Reuters) - North Korea called on Friday for a halt to what it called “brutal sanctions†, saying the measures - im
(Reuters) - Twitter Inc faced questions on Friday about its approach to internal security after a company employee briefly deac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives will introduce bills
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the House of Representatives tax writing committee said on Friday he planned to o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three Republican U.S. lawmakers called on Friday for Robert Mueller to resign as special counsel inv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday approved legislation to continue a federal insurance pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he was unsure whether his top diplomat, Rex Tillerson, would rem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he would spend an extra day in the Philippines during his trip
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Sierra Club and five other U.S. environmental groups sued a White House advisory council and the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will tell leaders on a five-nation Asia tour the world is “running out
TOKYO (Reuters) - Ivanka Trump, U.S. President Donald Trump’s daughter and informal adviser, told a summit in Tokyo on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Republicans unveiled long-delayed legislation on Thursday to deliver
(This YORK
NEW version of the November
(Reuters) - Many of 2nd story corrects
the immigration amount launched
initiatives to be raised
by to
the$25 million
Trump instead of $35
administration millionweeks
in recent in the target
last paragra
one k
can apply for SIJS even if another parent is providing adequate care. The administration is already taking steps to limit the pro
BEIJING (Reuters) - A senior Chinese diplomat said on Friday China has made its best efforts to resolve issues on the Korean pe
BEIJING (Reuters) - The South China Sea was not an issue between China and the United States, and Washington is expected t
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has confidence in its economic relations with the United States going forward and will continue to op
- U.S. (Reuters)
President-Donald Trump
Just days aftersaid on Thursday
the killing ending so-called
of a prominent Cambodianchain migration, which
government allows
critic last yearlegal
killed by a gunman in July 2016, Malinowski, the State Department official, flew to Phnom Penh just days later and met top aid
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States has circulated a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that would extend by tw
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday released details of a 429-page tax bill that calls for sl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican tax plan unveiled on Thursday stirred anger at U.S. universities, which said its propo
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The U.S. House Republican tax bill released on Thursday would put an end to tax-exempt debt issuance b
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. money managers with reinsurance companies in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands could lose a valu
(Reuters) - Some wealthy owners of U.S. major-league sports teams may have to put up more of their own money to fund stad
(Reuters) - A New Jersey man who worked at the World Trade Center, a young New Yorker, a Belgian mother of two, and five
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday ordered President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democrats on Thursday demanded that Attorney General Jeff Sessions be recalled to testify
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Thursday they want C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday agreed to expand the use of disaster aid to help rebuild P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. religious entities would be allowed to engage in political activity without the risk of losing their
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As a candidate, U.S. President Donald Trump promised to close the “carried interest† tax brea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The story headlined “U.S. House tax panel chairman says flexible on mortgage deduction† pu
(Reuters) - A Republican tax bill unveiled on Thursday included cuts to renewable energy tax credits considered critical to enab
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jerome Powell was not on President Donald Trump’s early radar as a possible succes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday tapped Fed Governor Jerome Powell to become head of the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump supports the tax overhaul bill unveiled on Thursday by Republicans in t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday tapped Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell to become h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers proposed targeted sanctions and travel restrictions on Myanmar military officials on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Republicans are proposing to eliminate the $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles, which could
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A longtime associate of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has hired a new team of la
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday warned lawyers for Paul Manafort and Richard Gates, former advisers to P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional Democrats filed suit on Thursday seeking the release of government documents r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Representative Lee Zeldin said he would not support the tax reform legislation intro
WASHINGTON- Attorney General
(Reuters) Jeff Sessions
- When PresidentonDonald
Thursday accused
Trump technology
announced companies
on Oct. of failing
12 he would to adequately
stop subsidies help insurers
to health federal inv
suits in jurisdictions where they think they are likely to prevail, and where appeals will be heard in regional federal circuit cour
FRONT ROYAL, Va. (Reuters) - Ralph and Mike Waller are such ardent backers of President Donald Trump that they help stage
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) CEO Lloyd Blankfein said Thursday on Bloomberg TV that he would no
(Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein will visit China as part of a business delegation in N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump repeatedly says his proposed tax cut would be the biggest in U.S. history, b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sam Clovis, a top adviser to President Donald Trump during his election campaign, on Thursday with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, has strong family and com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group in the U.S. House of Representatives has called on the Environmental Protection
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Republicans unveiled long-delayed legislation on Thursday to deliver
PATERSON, N.J. (Reuters) - With its enormous Muslim population and reputation as a welcoming home for immigrants of som
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday eased off his earlier call to send the suspect in this weekâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has gathered enough evidence to charge six members of the Russian go
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday tapped Fed Governor Jerome Powell to become head of the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, who served briefly as Donald Trump’s election campaign manager, and business
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers released a batch of Russian-bought Facebook Inc ads on Wednesday that showcased
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will further pressure Chinese President Xi Jinping in talks next week to take
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives were expected on Thursday to release a tax bill off
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday seized on the deadly New York City truck attack to step up d
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives’ energy committee on Wednesday said it wants th
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are due to release tax legislation on Thursday calling for slashing
(Reuters) - The rollout of a tax-cut plan being promoted by U.S. President Donald Trump and senior congressional Republicans
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Alphabet Inc’s Google and Facebook Inc on Wednesday joined a legal challenge by more than 1
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A visa program aimed at diversifying the U.S. immigrant population came under attack from Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic U.S. senators on Wednesday said they agreed on a new package of sanc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump does not recall a meeting with his foreign policy advisers in March 201
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Washington research firm paid a former British spy’s company $168,000 for work on a dossier
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee will vote next week on a bipartisan proposal that would mak
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the House of Representatives tax committee said on Wednesday that achieving a p
(Reuters) - Virginia Democrat Danica Roem has been called a man by conservative opponents attacking her views on LGBT righ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The next round of aid to help rebuild Puerto Rico and U.S. states after destructive hurricanes and wi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. Republican and Democratic Senators said on Wednesday they would push ahead with eff
(Reuters) - A panel convened by U.S. President Donald Trump to tackle the opioid crisis called on Wednesday for more treatm
(Reuters) - Senate Republicans mounted a concerted defense of one of President Donald Trump’s nominees to a federal ap
LONDON, (Reuters) - Two influential U.S. Congressmen have asked the World Health Organization’s cancer agency to get r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congress should consider legislation that would regulate “bump stocks,† the attachments tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A rare high-level defector from North Korea told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that disseminating m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Intelligence Committee will disclose on Wednesday a sample of Russian-linked conte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans plan to release the language of their tax legislation early Thursday morning, the head o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As Americans began signing up for Obamacare health insurance plans on Wednesday, experts expec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, had three U.S. passports, mi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he thought Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen was “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Republican leaders and members of the Ways and Means Committee will
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced his choices to lead U.S. attorney offices in C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will delay the release of long-awaited tax legislatio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators on Tuesday pressed Facebook Inc’s chief lawyer on why the company did not catch
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - A California neuroscientist vying to unseat Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher steppe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, the indicted former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, spent almost $1
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who met with Donald Trump Jr. during the 2016 U.S. presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former senior adviser on President Donald Trump’s campaign team, Sam Clovis, sought to dist
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump brushed off the first indictments in the probe of his campaignâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will delay the release of tax legislation for a day as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representative Jeb Hensarling, the Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Finan
(Reuters) - Modernizing and maintaining the U.S. nuclear arsenal over the next 30 years will cost more than $1.2 trillion, accor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leading Republicans in the U.S. Senate, expressing frustration at how slowly President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House Chief of Staff John Kelly’s comment that the U.S. Civil War was sparked by a lack of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley, head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, proposed a bill on Tuesday to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday the Trump campaign provided the special counsel investigating tie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced on Tuesday it will bar certain scientists from s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday lawmakers and the Trump administratio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. senators introduced a bill on Tuesday they said would prevent President Donald Tru
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Tuesday that U.S. charges against President Donald Trump’s former campaign m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he was not looking for the corporate tax rate reductio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An industry group for lobbyists on Tuesday called on Congress to overhaul the transparency laws th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan pair of U.S. senators plans to introduce legislation on Tuesday seeking to boost the cybe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican tax legislation due to be released this week in the U.S. House of Representatives will not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal investigators probing Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election charged President Dona
MOSCOW (Reuters) - After U.S. charges against President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort, Wash
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said on Monday a special counsel should be appointed to inve
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Allegations of Russian meddling in elections in the United States and Europe are “fantasies†, the I
BEIJING (Reuters) - A top U.S. business lobby in China said on Tuesday it was concerned U.S. President Donald Trump’s adm
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A year-long audit of the program overseeing U.S. labs that handle lethal pathogens such as Ebola and ant
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s top national security aides pushed back on Monday against U.S. lawm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prominent Washington lobbyist Tony Podesta has stepped down from his lobbying firm Podesta Gro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An obscure Trump campaign adviser pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents about contacts with people
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Colony NorthStar Inc has ended a consulting agreement with Rick Gates, a former campaign aide to U.S
(Reuters) - Mercury Public Affairs, which did work for Paul Manafort related to his lobbying for a pro-Russian Ukrainian politica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top U.S. regulator for Wall Street took the unusual step on Monday of directly asking President Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr said on Monday that indictments announ
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The defense in Democratic U.S. Senator Bob Menendez’s federal corruption trial rested on Monday,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, a businessman and longtime Republican Party operative, surrendered on Monday to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The attorney for former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort said on Monday there was no evid
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s fight for a “millionaires’ tax† to help repair the countr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is likely to pick Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell as the next head o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The indictments of two former Trump campaign aides on Monday have nothing to do with Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday it was not backing any proposal to phase-in a planned reduction t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will not interfere with the investigation by Justice Department special
(Reuters) - Former President Barack Obama, back on the campaign trail on Thursday for the first time since he left the White H
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Charges brought against President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager and other officials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday responded to charges against former campaign manager Paul M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort will surrender to federa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal investigators probing Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election charged President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The investigation into possible Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election will enter a n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s plan for overhauling the U.S. tax system faced growing opposition from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal grand jury on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation into alleged Russian me
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a Republican member of the Intelligence Committee, said Democrats sho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday he would release all documents related to the 1963 a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Intelligence Committee on Saturday said it had reached an agreement related to its
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led Federal Communications Commission is moving to quickly undo roadblocks to in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal grand jury in Washington on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by sp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Michael Griffin, a former administrator of the Nati
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York and California’s Democratic governors said on Friday residents would face hefty tax increa
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The White House promoted President Donald Trump’s tax cut plan on Friday with a f
KINSHASA (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Friday she did not want to take the job of Sec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is leaning toward nominating Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell to b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Friday named 39 Russian defense- and intelligence-related entities un
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican head of the tax-writing panel in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Friday pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will announce next week his choice for who will lead the Federal Reserve, W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States wants a meeting soon aimed at reviving a four-way dialogue between itself, Japan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency on Thursday, stop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Thursday said it had belatedly begun informing Congress and others a
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter Inc on Thursday accused Russian media outlets Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik of interferin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional committee on Thursday set a Nov. 2 deadline for the Puerto Rico Electric Powe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday ordered the unveiling of 2,800 documents related to the 1
(Reuters) -- U.S. Secretary
Former of State
CIA director Rex Woolsey pitched
James Tillerson spoke on Thursday withcontract
a $10 million Myanmar’s army chief
to two Turkish and expresse
businessmen to
Trump’s election victory in November but he stepped down in January.     Franks said Woolsey was an unpaid adviser t
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis flew into Seoul on Friday for annual defense talks as tensions with North K
GENEVA (Reuters) - President Bashar al-Assad and his family have no role in the future of Syria, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Till
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The largest U.S. veterans service organization on Thursday urged President Donald Trump to veto re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives helped pave the way on Thursday for deep tax cuts sought by Pre
HAVANA (Reuters) - The United States said on Thursday it had designated career diplomat Lawrence Gumbiner as the new chi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. lawmakers called on Thursday for public hearings on an attack in Niger that killed fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Thursday named a coal industry consultant and strong supporter of th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress’ watchdog office has agreed to investigate President Donald Trump’s comm
KITCHANGA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley was moved to tears
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions equated the opioid epidemic to a personal failing by many Amer
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut lawmakers on Thursday passed a two-year $41.3 billion budget, nearly four months after it
(Reuters) - Nine U.S. senators from states that have oil refineries sent a letter to President Donald Trump on Thursday urging c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A key meeting between Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives ended on Thursday witho
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Thursday it would respond to a decision by Twitter Inc to ban adverts from media outlets
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI had said it will comply with the U.S. House of Representatives’ document request regard
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted nearly unanimously on Thursday for new sanctions on Iran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Thursday to clear a procedural path forward for a Repu
(Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham testified on Thursday as a character witness on behalf of Democratic colle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s search for the next chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve has come down t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will name David Kautter as acting commissioner of the U.S. Internal Revenu
(Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has reached a settlement with dozens of conservative groups that claimed the Interna
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday refused to block President Donald Trump’s decision
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Wednesday it will review how bedrock laws like t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would declare next week a national emergency
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A budget plan crucial to President Donald Trump’s hopes for large-scale tax cuts looked set for a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping to congra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that a sweeping Republican ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Department of Justice needs to immediately give Congress documents related to the funding of
JUBA (Reuters) - The United States has lost trust in South Sudan’s government for fueling the country’s civil war and it m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Senator Bill Bradley, a Democrat who helped bring about former Republican President R
(Reuters) - Republican Senator Jeff Flake’s surprise decision to drop out of next year’s U.S. Senate race in Arizona could
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday backed new sanctions on Lebanon’s Iran-back
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump declined to say on Wednesday whether he will visit the Korean Penins
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge has given Fusion GPS, the research firm that hired a former British spy to investigate Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and the U.S. House of Representatives’ top tax law writer reopened the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is unlikely to pick economic adviser Gary Cohn as his nominee for Federal R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Jeff Flake said on Wednesday he expects more Republican colleagues to speak out aga
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Moscow-based antivirus software maker Kaspersky Lab said on Wednesday that its security softw
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A United Nations rights expert voiced concern on Wednesday that Trump administration actions
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan Senate proposal to shore up Obamacare insurance marketplaces would cut the U.S. defi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan is investigating Paul Manafort for potential money laund
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Wednesday approved four nominees to ke
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Here are highlights of a Reuters interview on Wednesday with U.S. House of Representatives Speake
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers will not take up a bipartisan plan to stabilize Obamacare insurance markets o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday he wants Congress to pass legislati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Marco Rubio said on Wednesday that tax legislation is likely to include an e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House plans to ask the U.S. Congress for a third round of disaster aid in mid-November as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is weighing whether a financial enforcement task force created during
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tensions among Republicans about President Donald Trump boiled over on Tuesday as two senator
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - The United States discriminated against the nuclear and coal industries under the administration of fo
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump administration will temporarily delay processing of most refugees from 11 co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Banks, credit card issuers and other financial companies will be able to block customers from bandin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers on Tuesday launched investigations to examine several of President Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday formally dropped plans to hear the last remaining challenge to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are refusing to endorse a Republican move to fi
(Reuters) - The Iowa Supreme Court has maintained a block on a three-day waiting period for women seeking an abortion unti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump used a luncheon with Senate Republicans on Tuesday to get their view
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Senate panel on Tuesday approved legislation to renew the National Security Agency’s interne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Draft legislation responding to U.S. President Donald Trump’s refusal to certify the Iran nuclear d
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) said on Tuesday it would add labels to election-related advertisements and s
(Reuters) - New abortion regulations took effect on Tuesday in Missouri that critics argue will make it more difficult for women
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will temporarily delay the processing of most refugees from 11 countries
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ Republican governor has launched an unusual attack ad in his re-election campaign that featu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Jeff Flake, one of the most prominent critics of President Donald Trump, sai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A majority of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday backed a new round of disaster aid to help Puerto Rico and
San Diego (Reuters) - Nine months after President Donald Trump took office, the first tangible signs of progress on one of the c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is “very disappointed† that Russia on Tuesday cast a veto at the United Nati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fewer than a third of Americans support Donald Trump’s tax-cut plan, according to a Reuters/Ip
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that President Donald Trump and his fell
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders of two committees in the U.S. House of Representatives launched an investigatio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bob Corker eviscerated President Donald Trump repeatedly on national television on T
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bob Corker has spent much of the past two months in a very public war of words with President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department is considering formally declaring the crackdown on Myanmar’s Rohingya M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump began talks with Republican senators on Tuesday to try to build consensus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two prominent Republican lawmakers from the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives on Tuesd
(Reuters) - The Republican tax overhaul framework being promoted by President Donald Trump calls for slashing taxes on corp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he believed that Republicans’ sweeping tax overha
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. government officials declined on Tuesday to characterize the treatment of Myanmar’s Rohin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday said he wants the House of Representatives to pass a Rep
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urged the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan region on Monday to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday dismissed the possibility of curbing a popular tax-deferred U.S.
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - Iowa on Monday withdrew a request to waive some Obamacare rules to help shore up its struggling healthcare ins
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Monday appeared skeptical toward a request from several states that want him to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. representatives from both parties asked the Department of Justice on Monday whether the dom
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi defended the role of an Iranian-backed paramilitary force at a meeti
SOMERVILLE, Mass. (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders brought his strategy of trying to reenergize the Democratic Party b
BOSTON (Reuters) - New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu on Monday publicly called on U.S. President Donald Trump, a fello
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. intelligence officials who worked for both Republican and Democratic presidents urged
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters on Monday he is “very, very close† to making his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he has not been asked for an interview with U.S. special counsel R
EDISON, N.J. (Reuters) - Phil Murphy, a wealthy former Goldman Sachs investment banker, might seem an unlikely champion o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he would make his choice to lead the Federal Reserve soon and w
(Reuters) - The digital director for Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign is scheduled to meet the U.S. House of Represe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. Senate Republican and the White House budget director said on Sunday they hoped fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Charles Schumer, the top Democrat in the U.S. Senate, called on President Donald Trump on Sunday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Sunday he was willing to bring healthcare le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said on Sunday he has not abandoned his longtime goa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump defended his regular use of social media, especially Twitter, and said h
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said he would be willing to travel to North Korea on behalf of the T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that, subject to receipt of further information, he pla
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Hawaii extended his halt of U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban on citizens from six Mus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s tax reform plans won partial support on Friday when Republican U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering nominating Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell and Sta
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Trump’s administration has drafted a plan to pause a program that allows family member
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he thinks Republicans have the votes needed to pass a b
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Nearly two dozen major companies in technology and other industries are planning to launch a co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats on a congressional panel say members of its Republican majority are trying to sabotage a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has backed off a series of proposed changes to the nationâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he was considering tapping both current Federal Reserve Go
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering a scenario in which he would nominate Fed Governor Jerome
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s disavowal this week of a bipartisan agreement to stabilize Obamacare
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will vote next week on new sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s drive to overhaul the U.S. tax code cleared a critical hurdle on Thursda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Intelligence Committee investigating U.S. allegations of Russian interference in the 2016
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - Speaking as a folksy physician running for Virginia governor, Democrat Ralph Northam vowed in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has stepped up the pressure on the National Football League over pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Donald Trump faced criticism from advocacy groups for not including more women and mino
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s reversals in the past week on maintaining Obamacare subsidies to insure
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump risks driving Iran towards nuclear proliferation and worsening a standoff with
THE WOODLANDS, Texas (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will cut response times to permit requests to w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said on Thursday he may
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Thursday failed to pass a measure to block oil and gas drilling in part of th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Thursday said, apparently inaccurately, that U.S. intelligence agencies
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump administration is considering tightening the vetting process for women and c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior White House aide said on Thursday that U.S. President Donald Trump would demand steps
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has concluded interviews with the five candidates he is considering to chai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump met on Thursday with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, a White Hou
(Reuters) - Former President George W. Bush decried “bullying and prejudice† while defending immigrants and trade on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior White House adviser said on Thursday Congress would need to end Obamacare mandates a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy said on Thursday they were working with
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Tom Westerman voted for Donald Trump in last year’s election but says he might not do so aga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers, alarmed that foreign entities used the internet to influence last year’s election,
(Reuters) - Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell is the leading candidate to become the chair of the U.S. central bank afte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he will work with the U.S. Congress to approve grants and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government is scrapping rules on telegraphs even though carriers no longer exist, part of th
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources, with oversight of Puerto Rico, on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday the U.S. military did not have all the accurate inf
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Thursday described Russian interference in U.S. e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with Senate Republicans at their weekly policy lunch next Tu
NEW YORK (IFR) - The investigative arm of Congress has decided that US bank guidelines on leveraged lending are subject to C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator John McCain suggested on Thursday that the Senate Armed Services Committee, the power
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group of 22 members of the U.S. House of Representatives asked the Environmental Protection Agen
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that if President Donald Trump is unpredictable, it
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he will work with the U.S. Congress to approve grant
(This story corrects ninth paragraph to say that refiners want exported ethanol to qualify for renewable credits, not exported
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Pat Tiberi announced his retirement on Thursday from the House of
SEOUL (Reuters) - Former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that “cavalier† threats to start
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said before a visit to India next week that the Trump administra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The check has been sent. That was the message from the White House on Wednesday after the fath
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Transgender people would be allowed to use public restrooms in North Carolina that match
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday the United States held Myanmar’s milita
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan deal from two senators to stabilize Obamacare by restoring subsidies to health insurers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has selected Joseph Simons, an antitrust attorney from a Washington law fi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 40 lawmakers urged the Trump administration on Wednesday to reimpose U.S. travel ba
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge said on Wednesday he would likely issue a ruling next week on a request from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans appeared to have enough votes on Wednesday to pass a budget measure t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will Pakistan next week during an Asian trip that will also take h
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel proposed a fiscal 2018 budget on Wednesday that he said eschews “fi
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello are due to mee
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge in New York voiced skepticism on Wednesday over whether groups and individuals shou
(Reuters) - U.S. legislation that would impose new disclosure requirements on political ads that run on Facebook and other we
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch on Wednesday rejected a bipartisan healthca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will announce his decision on who will be the chair of the Federal Reserve i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump thinks a bipartisan healthcare bill aimed at stabilizing Obamacare by restor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis this week asked Congress to halt pending legislation that wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican whip John Cornyn said on Wednesday that Republicans appear to have enou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions refused on Wednesday to answer lawmakers’ questions abo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John Thune, a member of the Senate Republican leadership, said on Wednesday that a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic lawmakers called on Wednesday for a congressional committee to issue subpoenas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A second U.S. federal judge has blocked parts of President Donald Trump’s latest travel ban on p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would “not do anything to enrich† insura
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday backed away from a bipartisan deal on healthcare reac
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has interviewed several top prospects for the post of Chair of the Federal Reserve. A n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans scrambled on Tuesday to ensure support for a budget resolution vital to Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. senators on Tuesday reached a bipartisan agreement to shore up Obamacare for two year
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday signaled support for a bipartisan healthcare deal in the U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives panel said on Tuesday that it has scheduled an Oct. 24 hearing to e
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday declined to name China as a currency manipulator although it remain
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. lawmaker who was President Donald Trump’s pick for drug czar withdrew on Tuesday a
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesday blocked President Donald Trump’s latest bid to impose
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that his administration has informed Congress of a pot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday it was important for Turkey to remain part of th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. senator on Tuesday asked the Defense Department to explain how it manages the risks when
NEW YORK (Reuters) - National Football League officials weighed the fervor of players protesting racism against U.S. President
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Central Intelligence Agency thought for months that it had mistakenly shredded a massive U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats vowed on Tuesday to fight a measure expected to be slipped into budget leg
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the son of President Donald Trump’s former national security
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions directed the agency on Tuesday to hire an asset forfeiture oversi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is leaning toward naming former pharmaceutical industry executive Al
GREENBELT, Md. (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Monday questioned attorneys defending the Trump administration about a classifi
CARACAS (Reuters) - President Nicolas Maduro defended Venezuela’s “secure† election system on Tuesday as oppo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An Oct. 24 hearing in the U.S. Congress on Puerto Rico’s recovery from Hurricane Maria will asse
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders will focus on getting liberal candidates elected to state and local offices
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Thad Cochran said he had returned to Washington on Tuesday and was loo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has a pool of five candidates to choose from for the next chair of the F
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he believed Republicans had enough votes to pass a h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Rand Paul on Tuesday threatened to vote ‘no’ on a budget resolution Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s chairman said Tuesday the agency does not hav
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Aides to former U.S. President Barack Obama fired back on Tuesday as criticism mounted over Presi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Like the deal-maker he says he is, U.S. President Donald Trump appears to be keeping his options op
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he would review a report that his nominee for drug cz
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans on Monday gained crucial support for a vote on a budget resolution that is
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday voted to confirm President Donald Trump’s nomination of Callista G
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bob Corker, the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, urge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday declared Obamacare “dead† and “gone,† but
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski said on Monday that she was leaning toward a “yes†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. political research firm that commissioned a dossier on Donald Trump while he was running
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A woman who has said that U.S. President Donald Trump groped her during a 2007 meeting has sub
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States sought on Monday to avoid openly taking sides in an Iraqi-Kurdish dispute, as Iraq
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen on Thursday as part
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday that he believes Havana is responsible for a series of incide
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday condemned Venezuela’s weekend gubernatorial elections as neith
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a directive to his agency on Monday s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Thad Cochran has delayed his return to Washington following a medical proced
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - The bribery case against U.S. Senator Bob Menendez survived a key test on Monday, as the federal ju
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he is weighing recommendations for welfare reform a
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - The bribery case against U.S. Senator Bob Menendez survived a key test on Monday, as the federal ju
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Monday will order federal agencies to adopt common email security s
(Reuters) - Democrat Kevin de Leon, president of the California State Senate, announced on Sunday he would run for the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior Trump administration officials said on Sunday that the United States was committed to rema
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will hurt low-income Americans by doing away with Obamacare subsid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Sunday minimized tensions with his boss, President Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign raised more than $10.1 million in the third quarte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday that President Donald Trump had instructed him to con
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Politicians from North and South Korea will not hold direct talks in Russia on Monday about Pyongyangâ
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and Germany agreed on Sunday they remained committed to the nuclear deal with Iran after a U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Susan Collins, who helped torpedo President Donald Trump’s effort to r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defi
BERLIN (Reuters) - If the United States terminates the Iran nuclear deal or reimposes sanctions on Tehran it could result in Iran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Bob Corker stepped up his public feud with Donald Trump on Friday, saying
ARLINGTON, Va. (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Friday demanded that U.S.-made content account for half the value
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The administration of President Donald Trump has been quietly cutting support for halfway houses
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For the moment, U.S. President Donald Trump is going it alone. After weeks of seeing his agenda im
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Advocates for Americans imprisoned by Iranian authorities said on Friday they were concerned the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In Friday’s speech laying out his strategy toward Iran and his decision not to certify it is complyin
(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Friday that the federal government would provide more f
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus was interviewed on Friday by the s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Friday it was identifying new areas where it could work with allies to put pr
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Eighteen U.S. states sued President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday to
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran harshly reacted to President Donald Trump’s decision not to certify its nuclear deal with six major
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday that tensions between Kurdish and Iraqi forces in a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Green groups on Friday slammed U.S. President Donald Trump for choosing a nominee for White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s call for Congress to toughen the Iran nuclear deal faced opposition on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran, U.S. allies in Europe and Russia on Friday defended the 2015 nuclear agreement with Tehran a
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a moderate Republican who helped block her party’s efforts to repeal the A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday he had not yet seen any provocative actions from Ir
DUBAI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates said on Friday it fully supported the new U.S. policy toward Iran and it renewed it
VIENNA (Reuters) - The chief of the U.N. atomic watchdog reiterated on Friday that Iran was under the world’s “most r
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron assured Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Friday of France’s com
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Friday after U.S. President Donald Trump chose not to certify a deal on Iran’s nuclear p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Trump told reporters on Friday that Democratic leaders should come to the White House
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Friday it was “extremely troubling† that U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he wants to see action to fix the flaws he sees in the Iran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 U.S. House of Representatives Republican, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, said on Friday
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated U.S. President Donald Trump for his speech a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The United States cannot unilaterally cancel the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, EU f
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia welcomed the new U.S. policy toward Iran and said lifting sanctions had allowed Iran to develo
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel’s intelligence minister said U.S. President Donald Trump’s speech against the 2015 intern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Friday expressed optimism on chances for a deal w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of U.S. states will file a new lawsuit challenging President Donald Trump’s plan to end
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said on Friday that he will lead a coalition of states suin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will strike a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said on Thursday the company was com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite public promises of cooperation from Facebook and other social media companies, congress
ARLINGTON, Va. (Reuters) - Washington has dramatically increased tensions in talks to renew the North American Free Trade
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mexican Finance Minister Jose Antonio Meade said on Friday that Mexico’s peso was reacting w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google have been asked to appear on Nov. 1 at hearings o
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico would keep trading with Canada under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Friday that it was difficult for the Trump administra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Friday said he expects to publish a much-anticipated rev
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new package of U.S. disaster assistance sailed through the House of Representatives on Thursday,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump praised the people of Puerto Rico on Friday, calling them “wonderf
LONDON (Reuters) - A top U.S. government legal official has given strong backing to Britain’s campaign to force Silicon Vall
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The leaders of Mexico and Canada on Thursday pledged to work toward a renegotiation of the North
(Reuters) - U.S. demands for more favorable treatment under the North American Free Trade Agreement, and a proposal that
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Thursday Canada will not walk away from talks to rehash the N
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea’s trade minister Kim Hyun-chong said on Friday the United States may demand that Seoul g
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will stop payments worth billions of dollars to health insurers to subsidize l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said late on Thursday that it cannot lawfully pay subsidies to health insurance com
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s plan to make it easier for small businesses to band together and buy stripped-down h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House chief of staff John Kelly slapped down rumors that he was about to resign or be fired a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump met on Wednesday with Stanford University economist John Taylor in his s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress, long the staunchest opponents of the Iran nuclear deal, may be th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers are considering indirect paths to meeting President Donald Trump’s goal
(Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder denied Thursday that he had misled a U.S. House of Representatives committee las
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on Thursday urged the Justice Department’s top antitrust official
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan pair of Michigan lawmakers introduced a bill to make it easier for automakers to compl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Marco Rubio said on Thursday he has urged U.S. President Donald Trump to create a high-le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A suggestion by President Donald Trump that a U.S. regulator pull broadcast licenses from TV netwo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. energy secretary defended his plan to reward nuclear plants with incentives against criticis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House chief of staff John Kelly said on Thursday his role was not to control President Donald T
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic U.S. congressman is asking the Department of Energy’s watchdog to in
FALLS CHURCH, Va., (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Thursday the policies that allow immigrants to seek
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday prescribed a quick fix to undo Obamacare through executive orde
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said federal assistance cannot stay “forever† on th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House chief of staff John Kelly said on Friday the federal government would stand with Puerto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that it is committed to helping Puerto Rico recover from the dev
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was open to bilateral trade pacts with either Ca
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Business leaders attending a U.S.-Mexico CEO conference said on Wednesday that no North American
(Reuters) - Democrats desperate to rebuild after losing the White House last year have scored a string of election victories for
SAN JOSE, Calif. (Reuters) - Facebook Inc has begun overhauling how it handles political ads on its platform and may put some
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will propose changes to its safeguard mechanism on frozen U.S. beef imports that will shorten review
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday nominated the chief executive of AccuWeather Inc to h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday appeared to confirm he had North Korea in mind last w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to name John Rood, a senior executive at defense contractor Lockhee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump suggested challenging licenses for NBC and other broadcast news netw
HARRISBURG, Pa./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday told workers that they would win under h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. federal government is working on a long-term plan to help Puerto Rico rebuild after Hurrica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will nominate Kirstjen Nielsen, who as top aide to his White House chief of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. federal government is working on a long-term plan to help Puerto Rico rebuild after Hurrica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Although U.S. President Donald Trump has talked about walking away from NAFTA if necessary, he a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs committee said on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday tough negotiations were ahead on the North Ame
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday denied a report from NBC News that he told his nation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday slammed what he said were “absolutely falseâ
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ministry data. U.S. drone makers and their supporters within the administration contend that other countries are going to pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he likely will sign an order this week that is expected to all
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - NFL team owners will consider requiring football players to stand for the U.S. national anthem after
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three congressional committees are scuffling over a former British spy’s reports that are central
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Treasury official dashed hopes for a World Bank capital increase in the near term, saying the m
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump has appointed Eric Hargan as acting Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), the W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, told the S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday his public feud with Senator Bob Corker would not ha
(Reuters) - U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, considered a potential successor to recently depa
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan blamed the U.S. ambassador to Turkey on Tuesday for a diplomatic crisis betwe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Susan Collins, one of the few remaining moderate Republicans in the U.S. Senate, is expected to ann
MEXICO CITY/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The most powerful U.S. business lobby accused the Trump administration of making â
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday stepped up his war of words over National Football League pla
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The fourth round of talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade agreement have been prolon
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will only remain within the North American Free Trade Agreement if the renegotiated treaty i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A diplomatic dispute between Turkey and the United States has not affected military operations or p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he has prepared an “economic-development† measure tha
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday the United States should dismiss its ambassador to An
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Texas-based chain of strip clubs would go on a buying spree. A growing technology company would m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A public feud between President Donald Trump and influential fellow Republican Bob Corker could n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - While Democrats and immigration advocates recoiled at hard-line immigration proposals unveiled th
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - Hackers are joining forces with U.S. governors and academics in a new group aimed at preventing the manipulation
(Reuters) - Outside the Morgan County fair in McConnelsville, in a rural swath of Ohio that fervently backed U.S. President Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday said “only one thing will work† in dealing with Nort
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey urged the United States on Monday to review its suspension of visa services after the arrest of a U
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Turkey said on Monday the duration of a suspension in visa services in Turkey w
(Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Monday signed state legislation requiring drug companies to report certain pric
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Monday he would sign a
KIEV (Reuters) - Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday a U.S. decision to suspend visa services in Turkey was u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Dianne Feinstein, the oldest current U.S. senator, said on Monday she was “all in† t
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities summoned a U.S. consulate worker to testify on Monday over his relatives’ alleged
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey’s foreign ministry on Monday summoned the U.S. embassy undersecretary and called for an en
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, who pledged to help protect young people known as “Dreamersâ€
(Reuters) - With a businessman turned politician now in the Oval Office, a small but growing number of bankers and Wall Stree
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey urged the United States on Monday to review its suspension of visa services after the arrest of a U
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Monday it hopes the Iran nuclear deal will stay intact, playing an important role in keeping th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence walked out of a National Football League game on Sunday after som
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Democrats rejected President Donald Trump’s requests on Sunday that renewed p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The powerful U.S. gun lobby, the National Rifle Association, said on Sunday it would oppose an outr
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish embassy in Washington said on Sunday it suspended all non-immigrant visa services at all Turkish
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Erik Prince, who founded a private military contractor that has faced lawsuits for shootings and othe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said in an interview broadcast on Saturday that he wanted to give a shot at
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday he would be open to cutting a one-year or two-year d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday he had a good relationship with Secretary of State Re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will announce new U.S. responses to Iran’s missile tests, support for “
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani defended the nuclear deal with Western powers Saturday and said that U
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday undermined requirements under
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Co-chairman Harvey Weinstein was taking an indefinite leave from the Weinstein Co, the film produc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury on Friday unveiled a blueprint for sweeping reforms of the U.S. capital markets as
WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury on Friday said domestic regulators should prioritize U.S. interests when
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s watchdog is expanding a review of administrator Sc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump declined on Friday to explain what he meant when he described a gatherin
(Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump administration on Friday over its decision to roll back requireme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives committee said on Friday that it has scheduled a new hearing on Ka
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The vice chairman of a voter fraud panel set up by U.S. President Donald Trump began soon after th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Disagreement among U.S. congressional Republicans is already swirling around a tax cut plan unveil
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said on Friday he was “prepared to take whatever a
(Reuters) -- After discussing
Hundreds Iran and North
of government Koreafile
employees within U.S.
and military leaders
out of the on Thursday,
U.S. agency President
for auto safety inDonald Trum
authority.     The United States does not have an ambassador in place in such key allied countries as South Korea, Jordan,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former British spy who compiled a dossier with allegations that Russia helped Donald Trump in the
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House officials believe Chief of Staff John Kelly’s personal cellphone was compromised, ra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday named Andrew Wheeler, a coal industry lobbyist and former c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Representative Tim Murphy will resign from Congress on Oct. 21, House Speaker Pa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Executives from Facebook Inc (FB.O), Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) and Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) Google
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior lawyer at the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of the Inspector General said on Thursd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans moved to hasten an overhaul of the U.S. tax code on Thursday, while Fed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Challengers to President Donald Trump’s travel ban targeting several Muslim-majority countries
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill on Thursday said she drafted a bill stating that tribal sovereign
(Reuters) - A group of 38 U.S. senators asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday to abandon plans to lowe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The National Rifle Association said on Thursday devices that allow semi-automatic rifles to function
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A bill to make California a sanctuary state, by preventing police from inquiring about immigration sta
ST. LOUIS (Reuters) - Federal Reserve officials have started to push back on the idea that the Trump administration’s tax cu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A backlash against “bump stock† gun accessories, which enable rifles to be turned into rapid-
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it welcomed efforts by both political parties to address the use o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Thursday that he expects Congre
(Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice has reversed course on whether federal law banning sex discrimination in the work
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel investigating whether Russia tried to sway the 2016 U.S. election has taken over
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Randal Quarles as the Federal Reserve’s top official on re
(This October 4 story fixes comment by Organization for International Investment as referring to historically foreign-based com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday the issue of whether Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump denied on Thursday that Rex Tillerson had threatened to resign after a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Department of the Interior came under further scrutiny on Thursday amid a me
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has set many specific and general goals for his administration’s ma
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry took a chartered jet to Ohio last week, according to an airport manage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. senators introduced legislation on Wednesday that would lessen prison se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate panel on Wednesday unanimously gave the green light to a bill aimed at speeding the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday he had never considered resigning and was
(Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers unveiled legislation on Wednesday that would overhaul aspects of the Nation
(Reuters) - The U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources said it will work to identify red tape and other bureaucratic hurdle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence never discussed with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson the prospect of
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump retains confidence in Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, White House spokes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee said on Tuesday he plans to hold a hearing l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a private investment firm came one step closer to leading the Federal Reserve’s reg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s tax plan would let U.S. companies take bigger, faster deductions on ca
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece welcomed a decision by senior archaeologists to conditionally permit a major tourism project in At
PHOENIX (Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday upheld President Donald Trump’s pardon earlier this year of 85-year-o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson did not call President Donald Trump a moron in a private conve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren criticized Equifax Inc (EFX.N) on Wednesday, saying it failed to protec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democrats introduced legislation on Wednesday to direct banking regulators to review o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will be presented with multiple options regarding the future of the Iran nuc
NOGALES, Arizona (Reuters) - More than two thousand miles away from the healthcare debate in Washington, President Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Richard Burr, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on Wedn
Clyde, Ohio (Reuters) - In the middle of Whirlpool Corp’s bustling washer factory in northern Ohio there is an empty patch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s tax reform plan came under new criticism on Tuesday from two tower
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supreme Court justices clashed on Tuesday over whether courts should curb the long-standing U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday it tapped Robert Patterson, a career investigator, to te
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Tuesday expelled 15 Cuban diplomats to protest Cuba’s f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The former head of Equifax Inc (EFX.N) apologized repeatedly on Tuesday at a congressional hearing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. official told Congress on Tuesday it would be “rational† to legislate a path for citizenshi
(Reuters) - Warren Buffett is closely monitoring whether U.S. President Donald Trump can lower corporate taxes, one of the ra
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. Justice Department appeals lawyer is on special counsel Robert Mueller’s team probing interf
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives committee launched a probe into drugmaker Allergan Plc’s (AGN.N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Allowing foreign governments to require reviews of software secrets of technology products built by
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez angrily protested the expulsion of 15 diplomats from the Cub
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Office of Special Counsel is investigating whether Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke broke the la
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday played down an apparent split between the U.S. presi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Puerto Rico, struggling to recover from hurricane damage, could receive $1 billion in additional fund
NEW York (Reuters) - Muslim immigrants and an advocacy group filed a fresh lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s lat
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Americans are increasingly confident in the news media and less so in President Donald Trump’s ad
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Tuesday it hoped that President Donald Trump’s new ambassador to Russia, Jon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will order nearly two-thirds of Cuba’s diplomatic personnel to leave th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is discussing border security and other measures that the White House wan
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Oracle Corp (ORCL.N) Co-Chief Executive Mark Hurd on Monday said he does not understand Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sunday’s massacre in Las Vegas spurred a ritual-like response from U.S. politicians following the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday confirmed Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai for a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Rand Paul, a conservative maverick who helped kill the latest Republican effort to over
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Interior Department’s watchdog agency has launched an investigation into Secretary Ryan Z
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Monday he intended to make a “
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Puerto Ricans still living largely in darkness 12 days after Hurricane Maria leveled their islan
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Sunday said one of the top goals of the Trump administr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Sunday he does not regret using a government plan
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States said on Saturday it was directly communicating with North Korea on its nuclear and miss
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Saturday it had ordered that Iran, Venezuela and four African nations be a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea has shown no interest in pursuing talks on its nuclear and missile programs, the U.S. Sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is ramping up his search for a new chief for the U.S. central bank, mee
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping offered warm words for U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday, calling him
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States must respect China’s concerns on Taiwan to avoid causing disturbances in Sino-U.S. ti
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States is probing North Korea to see whether it is interested in dialogue and has multiple direct
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned under pressure from President Donal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The wealthiest Americans would benefit the most from President Donald Trump’s proposed tax
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s ability to win over the U.S. Supreme Court will be put to the test wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday cracked down on government officials using charter aircraft following th
(Reuters) - U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned under pressure from President Donald Trump on Frid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will admit a maximum of 45,000 refugees during the 2018 fiscal year, President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union on Friday launched the first legal challenge to President Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two months after signing it, President Donald Trump has not begun enforcing a law imposing new s
(Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday gave $50 million to Houston to help cover costs related to Hurricane Harvey
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump expressed outrage on Friday at the injuries of diplomats at the U.S. em
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned under pressure from President Donal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the first two months after a June Supreme Court ruling allowed partial implementation of Preside
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former New York City congressman who made national headlines for threatening to break a reporter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States does not recognize the independence referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan and urges an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is ramping up his search for a new chief for the U.S. central bank, mee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is crafting a plan for a drawdown of staff from the American embassy in Havana in
(Reuters) - A tree trimming company has been handed the largest penalty imposed in a United States immigration case, totalin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has launched an internal investigation into the use of private email by senior aides
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and top aides have urged conservative Republicans in Congress to craft leg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price promised on Thursday to repay the nearly $52
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department and the FBI are resisting demands from a Republican lawmaker to hand
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will host Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha at the White House o
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Reuters) - U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was confronted by largely silent protesters holding signs
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Former Illinois U.S. congressman Mel Reynolds was found guilty in federal court on Thursday for failing to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her election victo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed former Utah governor Jon Huntsman on Thursday to be President Donald
(Reuters) - The Republican-led Senate Finance Committee on Thursday set an Oct. 5 confirmation hearing for Gregory Doud, P
(Reuters) - “What Happened,† Hillary Clinton’s memoir of her unsuccessful bid to win the 2016 U.S. presidential elec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointee Neil Gorsuch gave a speech to a conservativ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Thursday approved a bill extending the Federal Aviation Administration’s aut
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of Republican and Democratic senators urged the Trump administration on Thursday to use
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican senators John McCain and Mike Lee introduced a bill on Thursday to permanently waive
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - California and Wisconsin said the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was incorrect when it notifi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - High-income Wall Street financiers could be unintended winners from a section of U.S. President Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A typical U.S. family with two children earning $100,000 a year can expect a tax cut of $1,000 under
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. senators from both parties are close to finalizing a bipartisan deal to shore up the health in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted 55 to 41 on Thursday to advance the nomination of Federal Communications
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy on Thursday vetoed the $40.7 billion biennial budget passed by la
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House economic adviser Gary Cohn on Thursday said the administration now expects U.S. eco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday that President Donald Trump’s propos
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said on Thursday he believed he still had Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said National Football League players’ protests were
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. House of Representatives put bitter party divisions aside for a long standing ov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman Diane Black said on Thursday Republica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the federal budget next week, U.S. House Speaker Pa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Executives from Facebook, Alphabet Inc’s Google and Twitter have been asked to testify to the U
(Reuters) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Scott Pruitt is said to have taken at least four noncommercial and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump proposed on Wednesday the biggest U.S. tax overhaul in three decades, ca
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. senators said late on Wednesday that they had reached a bipartisan deal on legislation aim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was “not happy† with Health and Human
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, faced with the latest Republican failure to undo Obamacare, pledged on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he will return to the healthcare legislative effort ea
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California will move its presidential primary from June to March under a bill signed on Wedne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. senator on Wednesday said Russian internet trolls, seeking to polarize Americans, helped fue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Wednesday to confirm the head of the Justice Department’s Antitrust
(Reuters) - Four U.S. senators have asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to launch an investigation into a deal drugmaker Alle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday criticized Facebook Inc (FB.O) as “anti-Trump† an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The anti-establishment wave that propelled Donald Trump to the White House is developing into a p
INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday an unnamed foreign leader told him at the United Nati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Wednesday to confirm Heath Tarbert to be an assistant secretary of the T
(This version of the Sept. 20 story corrects to say that Weiner was defeated and did not drop out of the 2013 mayoral election
(This version of the Sept. 14 story corrects to say that Weiner was defeated in the 2013 mayoral election, did not drop out, in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said wealthy Americans would not benefit under his tax plan and that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress and the White House called for slashing tax rates on businesses an
(Reuters) - Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello said on Wednesday he expected the federal government to waive the Jones
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said on Wednesday it is considering a request by membe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The conservative Freedom Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives said in a note posted on Twi
committee investigating
is making itwhether Russiafor
more difficult hasskilled
tried to influencetoU.S.
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experience. Such jobs can pay “Level 1† wages, the lowest of four tiers. “An RFE may be justified if the wage level is
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. states have negotiated to the bitter end to keep health insurers selling Obamacare plans in every c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After well-received responses to two major hurricanes that hit the U.S. mainland, President Donald
HONG KONG (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Wednesday the U.S. relationship with China was too lop
(Reuters) - Alabama voters elected conservative firebrand Roy Moore as the Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat on Tue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans on Tuesday fell short yet again in their seven-year drive to repeal Obamacare, in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The failure by President Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans to dismantle Obamacare has infu
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump ramped up his fight with the National Football League on Tuesday, calling on the leag
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A majority of Americans disagree with President Donald Trump’s assertion that football players shou
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to admit up to 45,000 refugees to the United States in the fiscal yea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to cap the number of refugees admitted to the United States in the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican political consultant Roger Stone, a longtime ally of President Donald Trump, flatly denied
(Reuters) - The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s acting director on Tuesday said that he will be leaving his post, two
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bob Corker, the influential Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Comm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) told a congressional committee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday he wants bipartisan cooperation on tax ref
(Reuters) - A Trump administration lawyer on Tuesday urged a U.S. appeals court in Manhattan to rule that federal law does n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday moved to force the Senate to vote later th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander said Tuesday that he would again consult with Democratic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday denounced football players who have protested raci
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told several lawmakers on Tuesday that he would work with Democrat
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump ramped up his fight with the National Football League on Tuesday, calling on the leag
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s criticisms of National Football League players kneeling in protest
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Pat Roberts said on Tuesday that “it would appear† there will be no vote
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday said Congress would act to provide to the U.S. territory of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Students and faculty at Georgetown Law School gathered on Tuesday to protest that U.S. Attorney G
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Two National Football League teams largely steered clear of a controversy over national anthem protests
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Roger Stone, a longtime ally of President Donald Trump, refused to respond to one line of questioni
BERLIN (Reuters) - Frauke Petry, co-leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany, said on Tuesday she was leaving the party
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday threw out the conviction of former New York state Senate Majority Lea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously backed former Utah Governor Jon Hunts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that a tax reform plan being discussed with lawmakers wil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mitch McConnell, the U.S. Senate’s top Republican, clung to slim hopes on Tuesday that his part
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republican Speaker Paul Ryan told journalists on Tuesday that athletes who protest duri
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said the U.S. debate on healthcare would
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison on Monday for send
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of supporters of self-driving cars said on Tuesday that it will run ads this week in social m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives committee asked the White House on Monday for information abo
WASHINGTON/BANGKOK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha at th
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - A report from Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings on Monday suggested that the latest proposed healthcare bill t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An earlier version of a healthcare bill Republican leaders are trying to push through the U.S. Senate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Monday failed to approve a bill to allow the Federal Aviation A
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday confirmed William Emanuel, a veteran management-side labor lawyer, to the Nationa
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Facebook Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google have little choice but to rein in internet political ads in the f
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Supreme Court signaled on Monday it may dismiss a challenge to President Donald Trump’s con
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela on Monday accused U.S. President Donald Trump of conducting “political terrorism† th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative Republicans in Congress on Monday unveiled their ideas for what should happen to so
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A senior BlackRock Inc executive made a donation to an unsuccessful U.S. presidential candidate last ye
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The mayor of Paterson, New Jersey, resigned on Monday, a city official said, after the mayor pleaded gu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy said on Monday he still expects to be able to convince reluctant fellow Repu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Sunday slapped new travel restrictions on citizens from North Korea, Ve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s announcement on Sunday that it is issuing new travel restrictions on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, has used a private email
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A proposal by U.S. Republicans to repeal and replace the Obamacare health insurance program suffe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace negotiator, Jason Greenblatt, is returning to Israel t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on Sunday said he opposes the latest version of a Senate attempt
SOMERSET, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump renewed his spat with the sports world on Sunday, again calling for Nation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Internet giants, including Alphabet’s Google (GOOGL.O) and Facebook (FB.O), are moving to com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday blasted Senator John McCain for dealing a possibly fatal b
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A subtle diplomat like Talleyrand, Donald Trump is not. The U.S. president, in his first foray at the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wisconsin, Ohio, California and 10 other states said on Friday they were among 21 states that Russia
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia urged “hot heads† to calm down on Friday as the United States admitted it felt “
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China said on Saturday it will ban exports of some petroleum products to North Korea, as well as import
HUNTSVILLE, Alabama (Reuters) - President Donald Trump injected himself into a bitter U.S. Senate primary fight in Alabama o
BEIJING (Reuters) - Japan talking only about sanctions on North Korea rather than dialogue will be seen as going against United
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Friday he opposes the latest Republican bill to dismantle Obamaca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States sees value in the New START arms control treaty with Russia, despite Washington
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Protesters at Howard University chanted and booed on Friday through James Comey’s first publi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and top Republicans in Congress are about to show how aggressively t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has lifted her hold on President Donald Trump’s pick to run the Ju
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Court-ordered mediation aimed at ending a funding dispute between Minnesota’s Democratic govern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering a new order to replace his soon-to-expire travel ban on peop
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia’s foreign minister said on Friday the leaders of North Korea and the United States shou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican tax law writer in the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled new tax legislation
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) on Thursday launched an overhaul of how it handles paid political advertisem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The acting secretary of Homeland Security has notified President Donald Trump of countries that do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Friday that he would vote against a new Republican bill to disman
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Health Secretary Tom Price’s use of private jets for government travel was under investigati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Officials from the Department of Homeland Security, White House, State Department and Justice De
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders sought to nail down the final votes needed to pass what U.S. Vice President Mike
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Susan Collins has said she is “leaning against† the latest Republican health
(Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, 94, has been hospitalized since last week due to low blood pre
(Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has confused a lot of English-speakers - though this time not about what he inten
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-in agreed to strengthen their de
SEOUL/TOKYO (Reuters) - Detonating a nuclear-tipped missile over the Pacific Ocean would be a logical final step by North Kor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It would be a “game-changer† if North Korea conducts a hydrogen bomb test over the Pacific
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Expanded negotiations against North Korea announced on Thursday would “be very† good if
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday acknowledged that escalating tensions with North Kor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea’s Kim Jong Un “will be tested like never before,† U.S. President Donald Trump
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow is deeply concerned by the escalation of tension on the Korean peninsula caused by the continu
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia did not place adverts on Facebook Inc to try to influence the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, Krem
TOKYO (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy carrier Ronald Reagan is conducting drills with Japanese warships in seas south of the Korean
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged North Korea to stop persisting on a dangerous course and calle
BEIJING (Reuters) - China called on all parties on Friday to exercise restraint after North Korea’s foreign minister was quote
PARIS/SEOUL (Reuters) - France’s Winter Olympics team will not travel to the 2018 Games in South Korea if its security can
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is due to travel to Alabama on Friday to whip up votes in a Senate race that has laid b
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said on Friday that North Korea’s remarks and behav
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is preparing to relax Obama-era rules on drone strikes and commando ra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee has asked the FBI whether it warned Donald Trump
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said on Friday he believes the North could consider a hydrogen b
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un said on Friday the North will consider the “highest level of hard-lin
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The pursuit of nuclear weapons will not bring security for North Korea’s government and Chin
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - China’s foreign minister on Thursday called on North Korea not to go further in a “dangero
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday said he wanted to decide quickly lawsuits challenging the Trump adminis
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday that banks doing business in North Korea wou
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU ambassadors have reached an initial agreement to impose more economic sanctions on North Korea,
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he had signed an executive order that would allow the U
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday the United States was making progress on the North Korean
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday the United States would be adding more sanctions on North
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans announced plans to vote next week on their latest bid to scuttle Obamacare eve
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Lisa De Vanna once had to wash her sports bras in the sinks of cheap hotels to save money but the fo
(Reuters) - Twitter Inc representatives will meet with the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff next week in relati
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several Democratic members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives asked on Wednesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel investigating Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election has asked the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former President Barack Obama used a rare public appearance on Wednesday to question Republicans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, offered to provide briefing
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he thought the latest effort to repeal and replace Obamac
(Reuters) - Democratic U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday urged the Federal Election Commission to require transparency for soci
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California filed a lawsuit on Wednesday over the Trump administration’s plan to construct a wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell plans to bring his party’s latest legislative effort to re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said on Wednesday the Senate would take up the Obamacare r
(Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Target Corp and PepsiCo Inc on Wednesday joined an expanded group of nearly 800 compani
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on Wednesday that supporting u
((This Sept. 19 story corrects paragraph 9 to say the estimated amounts to be raised are annual figures, not totals for the deca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans have reached a tentative budget deal that could allow tax reform legislation
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Television talk show host Jimmy Kimmel called out a Republican U.S. senator pushing the party’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office has interviewed U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Pat Toomey and Bob Corker, both members of the Budget Committee, said
(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions stepped up the Trump administration’s critique of so-called sanctuary cities
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is using money donated to his re-election campaign and the Republican N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration and top U.S. Senate Republicans pushed on Tuesday for action on a bill to
(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans are making one last attempt to overhaul Obamacare before a special parliamentary proced
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander said on Tuesday that he had failed to reach an agreement
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Patty Murray said Tuesday she thought a bipartisan deal to repair Obamaca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, lashed out on Tuesday at
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate panel probing alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election abruptly canceled an i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s lawyer on Tuesday denied that he or Trump colluded with Russia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said on Tuesday that Equifax was sloppy in allowing itself to b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, President Donald Trump’s nominee to be ambassador to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate’s top Republican on tax policy said on Tuesday that allowing U.S. corporations to
NEW YORK (Reuters) - David Stemerman is winding down his hedge fund firm to explore a run for governor of Connecticut, ac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed President Donald Trump’s nomine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A national association of U.S. venture capitalists filed suit against the Trump administration on Tues
LONDON (Reuters) - Sebastian Gorka, a former adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump who quit after top White House politic
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States, Britain and other countries opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will not sup
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the United Nations for bloated bureaucracy and mismana
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Monday that he wants credit-reporting firm
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - France made a new plea on Monday for the United States to preserve the 2015 Iran nuclear deal
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea’s nuclear threat looms large this week over the annual gathering of world leader
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in the U.S. Congress on Monday demanded that lawmakers wait to find out the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A powerful U.S. Senate committee will hold a hearing on the latest proposed healthcare bill to overh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate passed its version of a $700 billion defense policy bill on Monday, backing President
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday that he was working to see if there was a link bet
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three Democratic lawmakers want the U.S. communications watchdog to investigate whether the R
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Monday said it would appeal a court order blocking President Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Monday his party would look at “every sin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday the United States would send over 3,000 troops t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congressional Budget Office said on Monday it will not be able to provide specific estimate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in Congress on Monday called for the Congressional Budget Office to conduct a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lobbyists and Republican lawmakers are gearing up for battle over a new U.S. regulation that is likel
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump takes the world stage at the United Nations for the first time this
(Reuters) - Relatives of former national security adviser Michael Flynn have set up a fund to help pay for his legal defense agai
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - San Diego attorney Dulce Garcia has regularly defended clients in immigration court. Now, she is t
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Emmy awards show was peppered with political jokes and pointed speeches on Sunday, as host
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It is a political practice nearly as old as the United States - manipulating the boundaries of legislative
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson discussed cooperation o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Cohen, one of President Donald Trump’s closest business advisers, said on Sunday he w
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet in New York o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York police and a host of federal agencies are preparing for the annual traffic and security nightma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday retweeted a doctored video of himself taking a golf swing a
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California lawmakers voted to become a sanctuary state, tussled over hot-button environmen
(Reuters) - California lawmakers voted on Saturday to make the most populous U.S. state a so-called sanctuary by banning pol
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - A long-shot plan to wean California’s power sector entirely off fossil fuels by 2045 was put
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday pushed back against efforts to rein in his administration’s
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - State Department officials briefed Senate staff on Friday on plans to cut up to $10 billion from the d
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Distancing himself from political tensions over issues like the border wall, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Equifax said on Friday that it made changes in its top management as part of its review of a massive
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - Five Republican senators called on Friday for Washington to retaliate for an alleged sonic a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will pummel foes and embrace friends in his first speech to the United Nati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will hold a series of meetings with world leaders on the sidelines of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will take his “America First† message to the United Nations next wee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Connecticut’s attorney general, and others investigating Equifax Inc’s (EFX.N) data breach, w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The spokesman for President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort testified
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday said so-called “chain migration,† a term often used to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the Senate Finance Committee said on Friday he doubted negotiators trying to craft a ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is nominating U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ top aide to serve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As President Donald Trump bowed his head in the Oval Office earlier this month, Texas Southern Ba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was close to a deal with Democratic congressional lead
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican efforts to unite the White House, Senate and House of Representatives behind a single t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday that the Trump administration’s upcom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday stood by his belief that both sides were to blame for violence
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday repeatedly pressed the Trump administration to extend an October deadline f
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump rang Mexican leader Enrique Pena Nieto to express condolences over la
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday extended some sanctions relief for Iran under the 2015 nuclear deal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican tax law writer in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Thursday that he doe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday that the United States was seeking to add a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Roger Stone, a longtime ally of President Donald Trump, said on Thursday he had agreed to testify in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is reviewing its policies over how it prosecutes corporate white collar c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said she trusted President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that any possible deal on immigration with Democrat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Thursday the DACA program for people who
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed a $1.2 trillion bill to fund most government a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top U.S. Senate Republican said on Thursday Congress should considering ending the three-decad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross will lead a trade mission to China in mid-November as part of
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia on Thursday defended its anti-narcotics efforts after U.S. President Donald Trump said he consid
JULIETT-01 MISSILE ALERT FACILITY (Reuters) - About 70 feet (21 m) below ground, in a shielded military capsule that can laun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders in the U.S. Congress have agreed to work together
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that taxes on rich Americans might rise, as he pursues
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fresh off striking a budget deal with Democrats, Donald Trump is toning down his rhetoric and looki
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators unveiled two opposing visions of a healthcare system in the United States on Wednes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Whether or not Richard Cordray stays as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress would have a hard time slashing the corp
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two high-ranking Democrats in the U.S. Senate asked the Trump administration on Wed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate rejected an amendment on Wednesday that would have forced the repeal of war re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Democratic senators said on Wednesday they may hold up the confirmation of President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Wednesday will stop issuing certain kinds of visas to some citizens of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers are investigating whether retired U.S. General Michael Flynn secretly promo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that under his tax reform plan, wealthy Americans wou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will host Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and House of Repr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump applauded two Republican U.S. senators for introducing a healthcare refor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pete Domenici, a former minor league baseball pitcher who became a major league power player in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The son of U.S. President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn is being
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has engaged in an unconstitutional practice of searching without a warra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Ted Cruz, a key conservative in the U.S. Senate, on Wednesday said tax reform should sl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday he did not think people broug
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday left the door open on whether Republicans’ tax ov
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump invited Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional leaders and White House officials will release a document during the week of Sep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday he was confident President Do
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed President Donald Trump to broadly im
(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress passed a resolution late on Tuesday calling on President Donald Trump to condemn hate groups
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin cast doubt on President Donald Trump’s chances of cutti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is likely to make a stop in China in November during his first official vis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee said on Tuesday they reached an agreement to finan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An ideologically divided U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday handed a win to Republicans in Texas by pu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thirty-six U.S. senators on Tuesday called on federal authorities to investigate the sale of nearly $2 m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress was wrestling with healthcare again on Tuesday, as lawmakers from both parties
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Marshals Service, the law enforcement arm of the federal judicial system, wastes money fr
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow does not want to escalate the situation around U.S. diplomats in Russia, Russian news agencies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson believes the diplomatic tiff between Russia and the United State
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tax-policy writers in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering legislation to bring tax relief
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell voiced doubt on Tuesday that the U.S. debt ceiling woul
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Frustrated U.S. lawmakers called on Tuesday for a high-powered response to North Korea’s nucl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Investor Carl Icahn never wielded excessive influence on U.S. biofuels policy while acting as Presiden
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - A Democratic member of President Donald Trump’s commission to investigate possible vot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will not necessarily insist on including funding for a border wall with M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has approved the possible sale to Canada of 18 fighter jets and other we
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Moscow-based cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab said on Tuesday it is considering making changes t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak are discu
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The city of Chicago asked a federal judge on Monday to bar President Donald Trump’s Justice Departm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A 15 percent corporate tax rate backed by President Donald Trump may not be possible, but busine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two key U.S. senators on Monday asked Equifax Inc (EFX.N) to answer detailed questions about a br
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy on Monday provided a temporary reprieve for Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican infighting over the fate of immigrants brought illegally to the United States as children co
(Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Monday said a criminal conviction against ex-Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio should be d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao will unveil on Tuesday streamlined safety guidelines for au
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, the influential Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Republican senator involved in U.S. tax reform negotiations said on Monday that he expects t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate may vote as soon as Tuesday on a bipartisan proposal that would make it easier to p
(Reuters) - Republican lawmaker Devin Nunes’ investigation into whether Obama administration officials used classified in
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) - Pope Francis said he hoped U.S. President Donald Trump would re-think his decision to
GENEVA (Reuters) - The top U.N. human rights official voiced concern on Monday at the Trump administration’s decision t
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray will travel to the United States this week to meet with lo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called Hurricane Irma “some big monster† as it battered the Flo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Sunday that President Donald Trump had directed full federa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Jim Jordan, a leading House conservative, said on Sunday that fellow conservati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, who recently returned to Washington after treatment for brain cancer, sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that he will ask the Republican-controlled Congress to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday that churches in Texas should be able to receive money from
(Reuters) - A former top security official who helped put in place a program protecting people brought to the United States ille
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Days after President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals prog
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed a bill on Friday extending the government debt limit for three mont
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A powerful Senate committee blasted the Trump administration on Friday in a report accompanying
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican party lawmakers warned on Friday that President Donald Trump’s legislative dea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged fellow Republicans on Friday to begin work on tax reform legisla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Friday said it was temporarily waiving a law that limits the availability of ca
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s newly installed ambassador to Washington said on Friday that he had a warm and constructi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is likely to continue to reach for bipartisan compromise on legislation, some
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) Chief Executive Jamie Dimon is starting to look like Corpo
(Reuters) - Jamie Selway, the leading candidate to head the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Trading
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee passed a spending bill on Thursday evening that includes
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
BOSTON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A newly fraying relationship between U.S. President Donald Trump and top White House e
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - No. 2 Senate Democrat Dick Durbin has had multiple conversations with Jared Kushner and other to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Charlie Dent, a seven-term moderate Republican from Pennsylvania who has be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. consumer financial watchdog on Thursday attempted to repel a Trump-administration atta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s eldest son told Senate investigators on Thursday that he had set up a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Thursday rejected the Trump administration’s effort to temporarily bar mos
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. legislation may be needed to require social media companies to disclose more
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday embraced a suggestion from the Senate’s top Democrat to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he would discuss trade and military issues with the emir of Kuwait
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new Republican bill to replace Obamacare will be unveiled in the U.S. Senate on Monday with bac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House on Wednesday unanimously approved a sweeping proposal to speed the deploymen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director Christopher Wray said on Thursday he has “not detected any whiff of interferenceâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved $15.25 billion in aid for areas affected by Hurricane Harvey a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan expressed con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney said on Thursday that any tax reform package passed by C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney said on Thursday that any tax reform package passed by C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he and congressional leaders had discussed the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) is expected to brief U.S. congressional investigators soon on whether Russia us
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he discussed a permanent repeal of the debt cei
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he opposes any effort to do away with the role of Co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leadership of the largest group of Republican conservatives in the U.S. House of Representative
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Youths who were brought to the United States illegally and gained protection under the Obama adm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said he wanted to help lawmakers pass legislation aimed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee on Thursday voted to advance the White House’s nomination of Randa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he expects to unveil a proposal f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he hoped to see compromise im
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Comprehensive reform of the U.S. tax code is still likely to pass by the end of 2017 despite the gover
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump spoke to reporters on Air Force One on Wednesday, he went out of
MANDAN, N.D. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would get into “great detail† in the next
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Wednesday he expects President Donald
WASHINGTON/ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Donald Trump forged a surprising deal with Democrats in Congr
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc said on Wednesday it had found that an operation likely based in Russia spent $100,
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc has turned over information about U.S. election ads it believes were bought by Russ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, met on Wednesday with President Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s call to the U.S. Congress to pass protections for some undocumented
(Reuters) - Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin plans to call a special legislative session to fill a budget shortfall of $215 million tied
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., will testify privately to the Senate Judici
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration and major U.S. states appear to be headed for a showdown over landmar
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fifteen states and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit on Wednesday challenging President Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that any legislation to address the roughly 800,00
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday said the hurricane moving toward Florida and Puerto Rico lo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday he supports fellow Republican Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved roughly $8 billion in initial emergency a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson of Florida asked Senate leaders to include additional fund
BOSTON (Reuters) - A proposed Massachusetts ballot initiative that would allow voters to require U.S. presidential candidates
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bob Menendez abused his power to help a wealthy benefactor in a years-long bribery s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and congressional leaders agreed on Wednesday to pass an extension
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Democratic leaders on Wednesday said they would support an effort to tie governme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday blasted a proposal from the top two Democrats in Con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday it was critical for Congress
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday scrapped an Obama-era program that protects from deportatio
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress, back from vacation on Tuesday, already had its plate full with urgent fiscal and di
(Reuters) - Financial markets have fretted about the fiscal situation in Washington, with deadlines looming in late September a
(Reuters) - The state of Texas won at least a temporary victory on Tuesday in its bid to implement a controversial voter identifi
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico and Central American countries they will lobby U.S. lawmakers to protect young illegal immig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration is set to unveil revised self-driving vehicle guidelines ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The workforce at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is on course to fall to its lowest level sin
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Intelligence Committee has issued subpoenas to the Justice Department and FBI for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has found at least one Democrat willing to entertain his tax reform pit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several U.S. states and immigrant advocacy groups vowed on Tuesday to fight President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives easily approved legislation on Tuesday that would ensure a key r
WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s top trade adviser expressed optimism on Tuesday a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he has “great heart† for illegal immigrants brou
(Reuters) - The Trump administration drew vigorous responses to its announcement on Tuesday it would be ending an Obama
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the Trump administration’s decision to rescind
(Reuters) - Former Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke, an African-American who criticized the Black Lives Mater movement and wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has spoken to congressional leaders about immigration reform and is c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration said on Tuesday it will end a program that shielded young undocumented
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump defended his decision to rescind a program for immigrant children brought
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The president of Microsoft Corp expressed deep disappointment on Tuesday with President Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration outlined on Tuesday how it will dismantle a program that shielded from d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A House of Representatives committee said on Tuesday it will consider this week a resolution asking
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump had a message for lawmakers returning to Washington after the Augus
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Texas on Monday edged toward recovery from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey as shipping channel
(Reuters) - New York and Washington state on Monday vowed to sue President Donald Trump if he scraps a program shielding
CINCINNATI (Reuters) - Democrat Richard Cordray delivered a campaign-style stump speech at a sprawling Labor Day celebrati
HOUSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Coast Guard on Monday allowed some barge traffic to enter Port Arthur, Texas, home of the co
(Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc said on Monday it has reopened most stores in the Gulf region that were shut due to Hurrican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas, but could bring some fiscal order to Washington where Republi
VIENNA (Reuters) - The International Energy Agency (IEA) still sees no need for a coordinated international release of oil stock
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Salvage efforts continued on Monday to remove a sunken drydock in an industrial portion of the Housto
(Reuters) - Ilka (Reuters) - The U.S.
Eren, 25, came House
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spreadsheets and went on to help the company build a system allowing it to track its buildings and employees. “We have i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When the U.S. Congress returns from summer vacation on Tuesday, for the first time in years guttin
LONDON (Reuters) - Ratings agency Moody’s said on Monday it did not believe global property reinsurance prices trends w
XIAMEN, China (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Monday that Washington’s actions tow
HOUSTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Sunday challenged Congress to raise the government’s d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has decided to scrap a program shielding from deportation immigrants who
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump admonished South Korea, a key ally, for what he termed a policy of â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Sunday put pressure on Congress to increase the govern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Sunday that the United States was considering cutti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said “we’ll see† when asked whether the United States wou
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he and U.S. President Donald Trump agreed on Sunday that the in
HOUSTON (Reuters) - State and local governments need to become more self-sufficient in handling major disasters like Hurrica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on Sunday that he would put together a package of new
HOUSTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump took up the mantle of “comforter-in-chief† in a visit to storm-wrack
HOUSTON (Reuters) - The city of Houston on Saturday witnessed two milestones on its road to recovery from Hurricane Harve
fourth of U.S. refinery capacity, much of which is clustered along the Gulf Coast, and caused gasoline prices to spike to a two-y
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Thirteen Superfund sites, heavily contaminated former industrial zones, in Texas were flooded or damag
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department said it had no evidence to support the unsubstantiated claim made in M
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Officials in Orange County, Texas, will implement a curfew starting Saturday from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. CDT
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Union Pacific Corp said on Saturday repairs to a rail line damaged by Tropical Stormy Harvey are being h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday authorized an increase in the level of federal funding for d
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. activists plan protests in up to 400 cities across the United States on Monday’s Labor Day holiday
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan urged President Donald Trump on Friday not to rescind
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday nominated Columbia University law professor Robert Jackson, an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump intends to nominate former U.N. spokesman Richard Grenell to be U.S. am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will nominate Kenneth Juster to be ambassador to India, the White Ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For a man who prefers to project a glowering brusqueness, Donald Trump’s trip to Houston on S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Huntington Ingalls Inc is being awarded a $2.8 billion cost-plus-incentive fee contract for USS George
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Friday it would respond harshly to any U.S. measures designed to hurt it, a day after the U
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. special services have said they will carry out a search of Russia’s consulate building in San Fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will announce his decision on Tuesday on whether to rescind the Obama-e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration, in line with its tough immigration policy, is keeping red tape in place that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has signaled to congressional Republican leaders that it has pulled back from U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Friday President Donald Trump should not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, who is considering ending a program that allowed young immigrants who
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Friday that lawmakers will replenish a fede
(Reuters) - A federal judge has rejected Senator Robert Menendez’s request to allow breaks in his corruption trial beginnin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal watchdog said on Friday it was reviewing the circumstances surrounding U.S. Treasury Sec
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Friday that a U.S. decision to close Russia’s San Francisco consulate and buildings
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected to rescind an Obama administration policy that protects from d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to nominate Columbia University law professor Robert Jac
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Estimates of the size of a Hurricane Harvey aid package for Texas and Louisiana rose on Thursday, w
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to soon end an Obama-era policy that protects nearly 800,000 immigrant
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Three high-ranking military officials from the Obama administration on Thursday joined several transge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday that Hurricane Harvey could bring forward
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is still reviewing the Obama-era program that protects immigrants who e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has told Russia to close its consulate in San Francisco and buildings in Washington
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday he had signed orders to send additional troops t
(Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will vote Wednesday on a sweeping proposal to speed the deployment of self-d
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed regret during a phone call with his U.S. counterpart Re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government could provide up to $80 billion in aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey, only a fra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic state officials blasted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday for telling g
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday blocked sections of a Texas law intended to punish so-called “sanctu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis openly differed with his commander in chief over North Korea on Wed
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump made his first major tax reform speech on Wednesday, but in a lon
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneide
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic U.S. senator on Wednesday urged the FBI to investigate whether billionaire investor C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Financial firms are sounding alarm bells and dusting off contingency plans over fears an increasingly
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration told state and local officials on Wednesday that it
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon has notified the U.S. Congress of the sale to Nigeria of 12 Super Tucano A-29 planes a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Interior Department’s inspector general said it dropped a probe into a reported threat by th
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow and Washington should re-establish direct contacts between their military and foreign policy ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was coy, in a letter sent to the head of a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Krassi Nikov evacuated his Houston home with more than 2 feet (61 cm) of water inside of it on Tue
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman confirmed on Wednesday he had received an email in
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he still wants to see the U.S. corporate tax rate dro
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Missouri should vote Democratic Senator
(Reuters) - The Trump administration has blocked a rule requiring U.S. employers to report detailed pay data broken down by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday current policy regarding transgender personnel s
ON BOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House on Tuesday downplayed talk of division among President Donald Trum
NEW YORK (Reuters) - World number three Roger Federer survived a first-round scare from Frances Tiafoe before grinding ou
WASHINGTON/AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress started to come to grips on Tuesday with crafting a multibillion-do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to name a Washington-based academic and former White House offi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has agreed to testify privately to the Sen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is unlikely to win congressional support for funds he wants for a proposed U
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Monday sharply questioned a lawyer defending President Donald Trump’s effo
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The frequent travels of the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers are expected to pass a large aid package for victims of Hurricane Harvey, but specifi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday the United States is “very protective† of the Baltics
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Defense Department awarded Raytheon a $614 million modification for a contract previou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday he hoped a government shutdown would not be necessary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon has notified the U.S. Congress of the sale to Nigeria of 12 Super Tucano A-29 planes a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday issued an executive order revoking limits imposed by pred
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives’ Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that Republican
ALMATY (Reuters) - United States Energy Secretary Rick Perry has canceled a planned visit to Kazakhstan on Monday, the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s company was pursuing a Moscow real estate deal while he was running for U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump renewed his threat to scrap NAFTA and ripped on trading partners Can
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday the firing of three ballistic missiles by North Kore
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump should not have pardoned a former Arizona sheriff who was convicted of c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House adviser Sebastian Gorka, who was closely aligned with a nationalist faction led by oust
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is likely to rescind an Obama-era policy that protects nearly 600,000 im
CARACAS/WASHINGTON/ (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order that prohibits dealings in new de
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. Congress wield little clout nowadays, but they will likely have plenty of influen
(Reuters) - Federal prosecutors on Friday opposed a last-ditch effort by New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez to allow periodi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed a memorandum on Friday that directs the U.S. military not to a
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Friday his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump’s executive o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller has issued grand jury subpoenas seeking testimony from public rela
(Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller is examining what role, if any former national security adviser Mike Flynn may have
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump took Republican Senator Bob Corker to task on Twitter on Friday, apparent
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Friday the nation’s debt ceiling will be raised in
(Reuters) - Financial markets are fretting about the fiscal situation in Washington, with deadlines looming in late September an
ANAHEIM, Calif. (Reuters) - The federal government has not notified U.S. state election officials if their voting systems were ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Friday that new sanctions imposed against Venezue
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States is trying to promote a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela by imposing new sanctions, Fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ohio’s Republican governor, John Kasich, and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, a Democra
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Friday that U.S. sanctions against Ven
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Gary Cohn, President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser, drafted a letter of resignation over
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will begin a major push next week to convince the public of the need f
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Affordable housing advocates are closely watching a package of bills currently under consideration
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump picked a new fight on Thursday with his fellow Republicans, saying congres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said on Thursday he has sent recommendations from his review o
CAIRO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday and said he was kee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. court on Thursday rejected a bid by Republican voters to throw out congressional districts dra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it was committed to making sure Congress raises the nation’s
WASHINGTON/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A U.S. Energy Department report calls for incentives to boost coal-fired and nuclear p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that there was no need to repair the relationship between Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress will pass legislation to raise the federal debt ceiling and lawmakers have a numbe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday rejected speculation that future tax le
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump remains committed and optimistic about achieving Israeli-Palestinian pea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government might not have enough money to pay all its bills on Oct. 2 if Washington does
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Thursday that a legislative “mess† could have
WASHINGTON/KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has invited Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is d
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s fellow Republicans rebuked him on Wednesday after his t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States could impose additional penalties on four unidentified countries that do not coop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is expected to tell the Pentagon in coming days how to implement a ban on transg
(Reuters) - A federal court judge on Wednesday threw out a Texas voter identification law that was supported by the Trump a
(Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force has awarded Lockheed Martin Corp and Raytheon Co separate $900 million contracts to continu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday emphasiz
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell remain united on man
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he was willing to shut down the government to get funding for a U.S.-Me
PHOENIX (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday he might terminate the NAFTA trade treaty with Mexico
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Police fired pepper spray to disperse protesters outside a rally by U.S. President Donald Trump in Phoenix
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that the government shutdow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says in her new book that Donald Trump m
HARTFORD (Reuters) - Connecticut, home to hedge fund billionaires alongside cities mired in poverty, is racing against the cloc
HARTFORD (Reuters) - Connecticut, one of the wealthiest states in the nation, also has some of the highest debt levels and its
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry is no longer meeting U.S. President Donald Trump’s advisor an
PHOENIX (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump hinted on Tuesday that he would issue a pardon for Joe Arpaio, a controver
PHOENIX (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump expressed cautious optimism on Tuesday about a possible improvement in r
PHOENIX (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump revved up supporters on Tuesday with a defense of his response to a white
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump would be required to notify U.S. lawmakers before creating a joint U.S.-Russia cyber s
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
ON BOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force may intensify its strikes in Afghanistan and expand trainin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States suggested on Tuesday it could cut U.S. aid to Pakistan or downgrade Islamabadâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rolling back territorial gains by the Taliban and strengthening the Afghanistan army’s ability to fi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is scaling back its request to obtain a broad swath of data in connection
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some members of a White House infrastructure advisory council have resigned, the White House sa
(Reuters) - The wife of U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Tuesday apologized for sniping at a critic on social media site
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fujifilm Medical Systems U.S.A. Inc, a unit of Fujifilm Holdings Corp, has been awarded a $768 millio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans, seeking to address the complaints of small businesses, are floating chan
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Outlining a new strategy for the war in Afghanistan, U.S. President Donald Trump chastised Pakistan o
BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Government forces breached the city limits of Tal Afar in northwestern Iraq on Tuesday on th
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces breached on Tuesday the city limits of Tal Afar, an Islamic State stronghold west of Mosul, m
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis said on Tuesday he was waiting for a plan from the chairman of the
ECKERNFOERDE, Germany (Reuters) - Germany will not immediately send more troops to Afghanistan in response to U.S. Pres
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO allies on Tuesday welcomed President Donald Trump’s decision to commit more forces to Afgh
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia does not believe that U.S. President Donald Trump’s new strategy on Afghanistan will lead to
BEIJING (Reuters) - China defended its ally Pakistan on Tuesday after U.S. President Donald Trump said the United States could
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan leader Ashraf Ghani on Tuesday welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump’s new strategy for the w
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain on Tuesday welcomed a commitment by U.S. President Donald Trump to step up the military camp
KABUL (Reuters) - A spokesman for the Afghan Taliban condemned on Tuesday U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - While President Donald Trump opened the door on Monday to beefing up U.S. forces in Afghanistan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump came around to the decision to allow for more troops to be sent to Afg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan said on Monday the United States’ futur
AMMAN (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday that he had directed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will visit a border protection facility in a town along the U.S.-Mexican borde
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three Democratic U.S. senators wrote to senior administration officials on Monday seeking confirma
(Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force has awarded Boeing Co and Northrop Grumman Corp separate contracts to continue work on th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has signed off on sending 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan, Fox News repo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Secret Service will not be able to pay an estimated 1,100 employees for required overtime
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump was likely to open the door on Monday to a modest increase in U.S. troop numbers in Afgh
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan has taken action against all Islamist militants including the Haqqani network, the army spokes
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s next ambassador to Washington will be Anatoly Antonov, a former defense official who is su
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two prominent religious conservatives defended U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday after he w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said on Sunday that it was pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will recommend on Aug. 24 whether to eliminate or shrink nearly
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s firing has been met with a collective shrug by som
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Urged by his Yale University classmates to resign as treasury secretary following President Donald Tr
WASHINGTON/BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s ouster of chief strategist Steve Bannon is unlikely
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump will not attend the Kennedy Center Hono
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With Stephen Bannon, the worry always was that he could be even more disruptive to President Do
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump praised his former chief strategist Steve Bannon on Saturday, thanking him on Twitter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis travels to the Middle East and eastern Europe next week to play the in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told staff in an email - seen by Reuters on Friday
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON/HAGERSTOWN, Md. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday fired his chief strategist Steve Bannon in the
(Corrects Corker quote in paragraph 4 of Aug. 17 story to show he said “stability† not “ability,† error first appear
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House special counsel Ty Cobb predicts the cloud of an investigation into Russian meddling in
HAGERSTOWN, Md./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump reviewed an array of options for a strategy on Afg
(Reuters) - Billionaire investor Carl Icahn ended his role as a special adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday after faci
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday fired his chief strategist Stephen Bannon, a right-wing political ac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The departure on Friday of Steve Bannon, the White House’s top economic nationalist, will likely
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering his options for a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and will ma
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday fired chief strategist Stephen Bannon in the latest White House shake-up, re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department’s email service has been restored after an approximately half-day ou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump fired White House chief strategist and former campaign manager Ste
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has approved the sale of mobile artillery rocket systems to Romania wor
WASHINGTON/HAGERSTOWN, Md. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump fired chief strategist Steve Bannon on Friday, the Whit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he was elevating the status of the Pentagon’s U.S. Cyber
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A decision from President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly is imminent on whether Whit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said the United States was prepared for any possible “trouble† a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has stepped up his attacks on Republican senators, an approach he may reg
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump has faced strong criticism for his actions regarding investigations into Russia’s role in th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has abandoned plans to create an infrastructure advisory council, the
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Thursday fired back at a critic in his own party who had denounced the presidentâ
(Reuters) - Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled state Assembly voted 59-30 on Thursday to approve a bill that paves the way
(Reuters) - The Republican-controlled Wisconsin State Assembly voted 59-30 on Thursday to approve a bill that paves the way
(Reuters) - A Democratic Missouri state senator is facing calls for her resignation and an investigation by the U.S. Secret Servic
WILMINGTON, Del. (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy, aimed at restructuring $72 billion of debt, violates the U.S. Consti
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. House Democrats said on Thursday they were launching an investigation into why prices for Multip
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Bob Corker, unleashing one of the most pointed attacks from a Republican official on Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House Economic Adviser Gary Cohn is remaining in his post, a White House official said on Th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday joined calls for the immediate removal of C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is close to making a decision to elevate the status of the Pentagon’
(Reuters) - Apple Inc (AAPL.O) CEO Tim Cook has joined a chorus of business leaders who have voiced their opposition to Presi
(Reuters) - U.S. President (Reuters) - President
Trump Donald
disbanded two Trump disbanded
high-profile twoadvisory
business high-profile business
councils advisory councils
on Wednesday on Wedn
after corporate
bit of a confidence story. These moves are tiny. I think its waxing and waning investor confidence with what’s happening in
BERLIN/LONDON (Reuters) - America’s closest allies condemned U.S. President Donald Trump in unusually strong and pers
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Silicon Valley joined a swelling backlash against neo-Nazi groups in the United States on Wednesda
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several U.S. chief executives had been considering resigning from Donald Trump’s bu
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s turnabout on the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia has r
(Reuters) - The United States is in an economic war with China, U.S President Donald Trump’s chief political strategist has s
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump inflamed tension after a deadly rally by white nationalists i
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States drew a hard line for renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement on W
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Wednesday he was confident a renegotiation of the NAFTA trade
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) must include a discussion o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional panel next month will hold a hearing on violent extremism, including threats fro
(Reuters) - The mayor of Phoenix on Wednesday called on President Donald Trump to postpone a rally he was scheduled to ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There is “simply no place† in American public discourse for “hate and violence† display
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Longtime Trump communications aide Hope Hicks has been named as interim communications dire
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (Reuters) - Republican tax writers from the U.S. House of Representatives promoted their legislative go
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Wednesday he was confident a renegotiation of the NAFTA trade
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday reversed a ruling that prevented Arkansas from cutting off Medicaid funding to
(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday strongly criticized the city of Chicago’s political leadership, ci
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security terminated a program on Wednesday that allowed minors fl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will make cost-sharing payments to insurance companies under Obamaca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mexico’s economy minister on Wednesday said the first day of talks to rewrite a trade pact betw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum is disbanding because debate over membe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Annual employee surveys released by the FBI on Wednesday show former Director James Comey wa
(Reuters) - Members of U.S. President Donald Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum have decided to disband the group, a pe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump dismantled two CEO advisory panels on Wednesday as a growing num
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham on Wednesday called out fellow Republican President Donald Trump, s
(Reuters) - A Republican candidate backed by President Donald Trump for a U.S. Senate seat from Alabama is expected to finis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday “messages of hate and bigot
BERLIN (Reuters) - Senior German politicians on Wednesday accused U.S. President Donald Trump of trivializing violence by w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mexico’s Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said on Wednesday the issue with renegotiating
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s top trade official laid down a hard negotiating line for revamping
(Reuters) - Negotiators from Canada, Mexico and the United States kick off an ambitious first round of trade talks on Wednesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States, Canada and Mexico have a powerful shared interest in reaching a deal to modern
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Allan Landon prepared for his job at the Federal Reserve for two-and-a-half years during the Obama ad
(Reuters) - Negotiators from Canada, Mexico and the United States will kick off an ambitious first round of trade talks on Wed
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas measures criticized as being discriminatory for limiting transgender people’s access to bath
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday rolled back rules regarding environmental revi
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A U.S. court struck down two Republican-drawn U.S. congressional districts in Texas on Tuesday, say
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - For months, U.S. President Donald Trump’s national security adviser and his chief str
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (Reuters) - When white supremacists began rallying in downtown Charlottesville this weekend, Liz Lich
(Reuters) - Four business leaders have resigned this week from U.S. President Donald Trump’s American Manufacturing Co
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday said that “Racism, xenophobi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top tax law writer in the U.S. House of Representatives insisted on Tuesday that tax reform will
TORONTO (Reuters) - Neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer, which helped organize a gathering in Virginia on Saturday that turn
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (Reuters) - Two people who say they were injured in a far-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia sued the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and Deputy Chief of Staff Thea Lee resigned on Tuesday from Pre
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Republican governor of Texas signed into law on Tuesday a measure that will restrict insurance
(Reuters) - The chief executives of Intel Corp, Merck & Co Inc and Under Armour Inc resigned from U.S. President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday dismissed company executives who have resigned from on
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will take action to defend its interests if the United States damages trade ties, the Ministry of Comm
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California sued the U.S. Department of Justice on Monday over federal restrictions on some law en
(Reuters) - U.S. auto safety advocacy group Center for Auto Safety has appointed an official with a track record in federal gove
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday authorized an inquiry into China’s alleged theft of intellectu
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Tuesday that it would take actions to defend its interests if the United States damages trade
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A decision by the United States to investigate China’s trade practices is a unilateralist “baring of f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will sign an executive order on Tuesday “establishing discipline and acco
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas measures to restrict access for transgender people to bathrooms in schools and public buildin
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada laid down a tough line ahead of talks on modernizing NAFTA on Monday, suggesting it could walk
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said on Monday that a probe on whether to launch an i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Environmental group the Sierra Club sued the U.S. Energy Department on Monday in hopes of forcin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has set a collision course with the auto industry as it launches renegotiati
LONDON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore said on Friday that President Donald Trump’s rejection of the Paris
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump chided Merck & Co Inc’s Kenneth Frazier after the drugmaker’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With U.S. Congress members focused during their August recess on finding ways to lower the corpo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facing potentially deep budget cuts to U.S. foreign aid, new USAID administrator Mark Green says h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign released its first television advertisement on
(Reuters) - At first glance, U.S. Representative Mo Brooks seems exactly the kind of candidate President Donald Trump would
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - For President Donald Trump, this was the week when the real world began to intrude upon his p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The
BEDMINSTER, N.J./BEIJING special-counsel
(Reuters) investigating
China’s President whether
Xi JinpingRussia interfered
said there needsintothe
be U.S. presidential
a peaceful election
resolution andNorth
to the pos
this crisis to a diplomatic end,† he tweeted. As the rhetoric has ratcheted up, South Koreans are buying more ready-to-eat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron spoke by phone on Saturday
CHICAGO (Reuters) - After trying for years to stymie the growth of charter schools in Chicago, leaders of its public school teach
BEDMINSTER, NJ (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he was being sarcastic when he thanked Russian President
BEIJING (Reuters) - The North Korean nuclear issue needs a peaceful resolution, Chinese President Xi Jinping told U.S. Presiden
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Saturday that nearly 3.5 million workers, party members and soldiers volunteered to jo
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated their mutual commitment to denuclearize
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday the risks of a military conflict over North Korea’
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Friday ruled that Illinois was not providing sufficient resources for the care of developme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Guam posted emergency guidelines on Friday to help residents prepare for any potential nuclear att
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he would speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday night abou
LONDON (Reuters) - Frenchman Kevin Mayer led at the halfway stage of the decathlon at the World Championships on Friday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s failure to fill dozens of senior-level positions at the Pentagon is m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will make a day trip to Washington, D.C., on Monday, briefly interrupti
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A fiscal 2018 budget unveiled on Friday by the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) depends on nearly $570 millio
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he hoped North Korea “fully† understood the grav
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Senate committee that handles Supreme Court nominees said on Friday he no
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has been engaging in back-channel diplomacy with North Korea for several month
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is sending his son-in-law Jared Kushner and negotiator Jason Greenblatt to
LONDON (Reuters) - Once seen as an opportunity for investors to position themselves for a future North Korean turnaround, t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer said he would follow directions from the president on transg
SEOUL (Reuters) - The escalating threat arising from nuclear-armed North Korea’s recent series of missile tests is promptin
BERLIN (Reuters) - There is no military solution to the United States’ dispute with North Korea, German Chancellor Angela
GENEVA (Reuters) - Foreign detainees in North Korea are reportedly being denied due process in court and being held in inhum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A joint U.S.-South Korean military exercise will start on Aug. 21 as planned, the Pentagon said on Fri
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump issued another warning to North Korea on Friday with a reference to A
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration reiterated arguments defending its temporary travel ban i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for ordering the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House plans to release a brief document in early- to mid-September outlining a framewo
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday an Obama-era experimental defense o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. Senate Republicans from oil refining states urged the Trump administration on Thursday to
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he has not given any thought to the possibility of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, has tapped a new legal tea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - During the first six months of the Trump presidency, the Environmental Protection Agency has lagge
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A U.S. district judge in Austin has rejected an effort by Texas to have a law that would punish so-call
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump attacked his own party’s Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, f
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday declared the opioid epidemic a national emergency an
DETROIT (Reuters) - The U.S. government is seeking public comments for a review of tough U.S. vehicle fuel-efficiency standar
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was very close to making a decision on the U.S. mil
(Reuters) - Oklahoma’s Supreme Court declared a fee on cigarettes unconstitutional on Thursday, citing faulty lawmaking p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A plan by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans to slash taxes on so-called pass-th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans, fresh from their failed push to repeal Obam
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Global warming helped fuel the hottest year on record in 2016, with greenhouse gas concentrations
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that President Donald Trump had appointed Neil Chatterjee as ch
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba said on Wednesday it was investigating allegations by the United States that unspeci
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba’s government said on Wednesday it would never allow actions against diplomats and their famil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A raid on the Virginia home of President Donald Trump’s former 2016 election campaign manage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s vow to respond with “fire and fury† if North Korea persisted in
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Under a plan announced on Wednesday by the mayor’s office, Chicago would create a new entity to i
(Reuters) - A judge has decided to delay ruling on whether federal corruption charges against Senator Bob Menendez of New J
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s leading choice to run the Federal Trade Commission is a Washington l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of U.S. senators from both parties on Wednesday turned up the heat on Wells Fargo Inc. ov
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A Texas bill that would restrict insurance coverage for abortions was approved by the state’s Rep
(Reuters) - Five transgender members of the U.S. military including Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans sued President Donald T
LONDON, (Reuters) - The chairman of a congressional committee has asked the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to expl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 U.S. diplomat on Tuesday sought to allay concerns among the State Department’s ran
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump promised to win the fight against a U.S. epidemic of opioid drug use, b
BERLIN (Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore suggested on Tuesday that the presidency of Donald Trump could end p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives is unlikely to raise the country’s debt ceiling without conditio
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - South Carolina is suing the U.S. government to recover $100 million in fines it says the Departme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. diplomats should sidestep questions from foreign governments on what it would take for the Tr
(Reuters) - The Trump administration has reversed an Obama administration stance and will support Ohio in its bid at the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Only a small number of U.S. tax, finance and business professionals expect President Donald Trumpâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With the Trump administration’s trade agenda focused on reining in China and renegotiating the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of the Interior said on Monday it has rescinded an Obama-era rule that reform
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said on Monday he was holding off issuance of up to $6 billion of bonds to
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago on Monday sued to prevent the Trump administration from enforcing new policies that would w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday denied that he is preparing for a presidential election run
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - U.S. health insurer Anthem Inc (ANTM.N) said on Monday it will no longer offer Obamacare plans in Nevada’s st
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday he believes Washington and Russia can find a way to
ISTRA, Russia (Reuters) - Russia’s ban on imported foodstuffs from the West may have caused a headache for European far
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney in Manhattan who became a scourge of Wall Street wrongdoer
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will speed up work on reducing dependency on U.S. payment systems and the dollar as a settling
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Since taking office, U.S. President Donald Trump has shown an affinity, and perhaps even a deferenc
CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Chicago will sue the Trump administration on Monday over threats to withhold public safety
LONDON (Reuters) - Wayde van Niekerk duly qualified for the World Championship 400 meters final on Sunday but the defend
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Sunday he believed his U.S. colleagues were ready to con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of the top officials at the U.S. Justice Department said Sunday that the agency’s heightened
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Sunday he believed his U.S. colleagues were ready to con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has the unenviable task of exploring U.S.-Russian cooperation fo
(Reuters) - Late birdies from Thomas Pieters and Zach Johnson gave the duo a share of the lead after the third round of the W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House may appoint a senior policy adviser with hardline views on immigration, who rece
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - Three military helicopters hovered over Anne Choi’s backyard, engaged in what appeared to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump reluctantly signed into law a sweeping sanctions bill against Russia, Ira
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s former ambassador to Washington, Sergei Kislyak, said on Saturday his conversations with fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Investigators working for U.S. special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating whether Presiden
(Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s federally appointed financial oversight board said on Friday it will institute a two-day per month w
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council is set to vote on Saturday on a U.S.-drafted resolution that a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are pushing to hold Consumer Financial Protection
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has officially informed the United Nations it will withdraw from the Paris
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s choice of a general as chief of staff has quickly brought more order to the White
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois fought on Friday against a potential court order it contends could cost the state, which just ended
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, taking up an issue that has infuriated Republican President Dona
(Reuters) - While one focus of the leak crackdown announced on Friday by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is on journalists
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is considering reducing the annual $1 million mortgage deduction cap for
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Airline Lufthansa said on Friday it had changed its flight routes to Japan because of North Korean missi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Interior Department’s inspector general said it would investigate a reported threat by the ag
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A grand jury has issued subpoenas in connection with a June 2016 meeting that included President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump scolded U.S. lawmakers on Thursday for clamping down on Moscow
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States could shortly broaden talks on a push for stronger U.N. sanctions on North Kor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration moved on Thursday to make permanent a new questionnaire that asks so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee approved a bill on Thursday that would cut off $300 million in annual U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic senators introduced two pieces of legislation on Thursday seeking to blo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Friday it fully agreed with U.S. President Donald Trump who said in a Twitter messag
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (Reuters) - West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, standing next to President Donald Trump at a rally on Thu
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump pressured the Mexican president to stop voicing opposition in public to his
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday unanimously confirmed two nominees to serve on the Federal Commu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Neil Chatterjee and Robert Powelson as members of the Fed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed former congressman Mark Green as President Donald Trum
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Grand jury subpoenas have been issued in connection with a June 2016 meeting that included Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A five-week summer break might sound sweet to many people, but maybe not to the 292 Republica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Thursday to confirm two Republicans and one Democrat to serve on the C
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will discuss the current s
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Accusations made by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence that Russia is working to divide the Balkans from th
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Grand jury subpoenas have been issued in connection with the June 2016 meeting between Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed five of President Donald Trump’s U.S. Treasury nominee
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. cities that refuse to step up efforts to focus on crimes committed by illegal immigra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in Washington to investigate allegations
ROCKVILLE, Md. (Reuters) - The 100 Democratic women who packed into a suburban Maryland conference room recently for a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Shortly after his inauguration, U.S. President Donald Trump urged Mexican President Enrique Pena N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget director Mick Mulvaney has disclosed that the entire Trump administration is n
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday passed a bill allowing the Food and Drug Administration to continue collecting fees fro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s doubts about the war in Afghanistan has led to a delay in completing
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - After a crackdown on illegal immigration that has sharply reduced the number of unauth
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump grudgingly signed into law new sanctions against Russia on Wednesda
NIZHNEBUREISKY, Russia (Reuters) - New U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia will do no harm to Russia’s pipeline monopoly T
NIZHNEBUREISKY, Russia (Reuters) - New U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia will have negative consequences for the United Sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three top Democratic senators, in a rare show of bipartisanship, on Wednesday urged U.S. Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told Attorney General Jeff Sessions last weekend that his
OTTAWA (Reuters) - The U.S. administration is putting its support behind a bill that would reduce the number of legal immigra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers must deliver tax legislation to President Donald Trump’s desk before Dece
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A ban on travel by U.S. passport holders to North Korea will take effect on Sept. 1 and Americans in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Officials from President Donald Trump’s administration are willing to work with Congress as it att
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will press China and other Asian countries to take tougher actio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic and Republican U.S. governors on Wednesday urged the Trump administration, as well a
(Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired by U.S. President Donald Trump, has signed a deal for a book on l
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union’s chief executive on Wednesday said the United States had taken into account s
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia may impose counter-measures on the United States after U.S. President Donald Trump signed int
MOSCOW (Reuters) - New sanctions on Russia which U.S. President Donald Trump has signed into law are tantamount to a â€
(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions unveiled on Wednesday a plan to go after doctors and pharmacies suspected of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump may tap U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry to replace former Homeland Secu
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - New U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia are inevitably harming bilateral relations but will not chan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi expressed concern on Wednesday about
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday called the Russia sanctions legislation he signed into law â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is close to a decision on how to respond to what he considers Chinaâ€
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Corrects this August 1st story to show Tillerson did not say European countries would be reluctant to re-impose sanctions in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump grudgingly accepted new congressional sanctions on Russia, the top U.S. di
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it is hearing contradictory statements from the White House on new san
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sean Spicer still plans to leave the White House in late August, a senior White House official said on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday allowed Democratic state attorneys general to defend subsidy paym
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Eight U.S. Senate Democrats questioned on Tuesday whether they could trust President Donald Tru
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former U.S. Justice Department official has become the latest lawyer to join special counsel Robert M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander on Tuesday made the first move by a senior Republican to work with
(Reuters) - U.S. health insurer Anthem Inc is pulling back from 16 of 19 pricing regions in California where it offered Obamacar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed former Justice Department lawyer Christopher Wray as FBI c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson last month tightened his control over the State Department by t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers pushed on Tuesday for another chance to question Wells Fargo & Co’s (W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A single, short electronic message can land a U.S. lawmaker in heaps of trouble, even when it does n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump ousted recently hired White House communications chief Anthony Sca
(Reuters) - A few hours after President Donald Trump said there was no chaos in the White House, the administration announ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump sent a Twitter message bragging about corporate America’s high pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading Senate Democrat on Tuesday accused U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions of concealing po
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday that U.S. President Donald Trump had a role in producing a statem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said the debate over raising the countryâ€
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner on Tuesday blocked hundreds of millions of new state dollars from going t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate health committee on Tuesday urged U.S. President Donald Trump t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday it believes it is important for Congress to raise the U.S. federal de
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said on Tuesday they will re
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has set out its goals for an upcoming re-negotiation of the NAFTA trade accord, according to a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s acting director criticized President Donald Trump fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate called on President Donald Trump on Tuesday to block some C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will travel to the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia Aug. 5 to Au
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
BOSTON (Reuters) - Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker proposed a bill on Tuesday to allow police and courts to hold peop
TBILISI (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Tuesday that relations with Russia would not improve until Moscow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump dictated a statement, later shown to be misleading, in which his son D
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. senators on Tuesday plans to introduce legislation seeking to address vu
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Moscow accused Russian authorities on Monday of barring diplomatic staff from a p
(Reuters) - Four years ago, Frances Broaddus-Crutchfield, 74, gave $500 to the campaign of Virginia’s Democratic Attorney
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut lawmakers narrowly approved a new labor contract with public employees on Monday tha
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump took aim at insurers on Monday in an escalating threat to c
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Anthony Scaramucci’s swift exit as U.S. President Donald Trump’s communications director on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump felt Anthony Scaramucci, whom he fired as his communications chief o
GRAPEVINE, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. immigration authorities signed deals on Monday with 18 of Texas’ 254 counties to expan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Rand Paul said he spoke to President Donald Trump by phone about healthcare reform
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago will continue to shrink its structural budget deficit in 2017 and 2018, but faces new pension fund
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional committee on Monday asked for input from Google parent Alphabet Inc (GOOG
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch said on Monday that senators for now are too
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans and the Trump administration face a challenge reducing the U.S. corpora
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Wisconsin governor ordered the state legislature back into special session on Tuesday to consid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday that Anthony Scaramucci, named by President Donald Trump as c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new U.S. rule aimed at restoring consumers’ ability to band together to sue financial companie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, who has been criticized for not doing enough to help pass health care legis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator John McCain said on Monday he would offer a plan for a U.S. strategy in the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his job as communic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is committed to overhauling the U.S. tax code before the end of 2017, a top
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie confronted a baseball fan who heckled him during a Sunday night ga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans on Sunday urged President Donald Trump’s new chief of staff John Kelly to rein in th
TALLINN (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Monday assured the Baltic states of U.S. support if they faced aggressio
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A majority of Americans are ready to move on from healthcare reform at this point after the U.S. Senat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and members of his administration on Sunday goaded Republican sena
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An outside adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump called on Sunday for the firing of Consumer Finan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said on Sunday that it was his department’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Saturday to end government payments to health insure
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump replaced his beleaguered White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, after o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As fellow Republicans labored to repeal Obamacare this week, U.S. President Donald Trump repeate
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A majority of Americans believe that transgender individuals should be allowed to serve in the military
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will sign legislation that imposes sanctions on Russia, the W
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian central bank held its key interest rate unchanged at 9 percent on Friday, citing geopolitical r
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to normalize relations with the United States and to cooperate on major global issues, Mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin tossed President-elect Donald Trump a bouquet in December when
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to sign a bill that imposes sanctions on Russia, Iran and North K
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The seven-year Republican quest to scrap Obamacare, a major campaign vow by President Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Reince Priebus, who was replaced on Friday as White House chief of staff, is the latest in a string of o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Teamsters union on Friday praised House lawmakers for keeping self-driving commercial trucks
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A massive image of U.S. President Donald Trump as an alien intruder now towers above one of the bu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - With Republican efforts to dismantle Obamacare in disarray, hundreds of U.S. counties are at risk of los
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Friday gave companies an extra year to comply with an Obama-era regulati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday replaced his White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, installing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. lawmakers said on Friday they expected Washington would announce more sanctio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren called on Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen to remove members of W
BOSTON (Reuters) - Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker on Friday signed a bill raising the tax on retail sales of recreational
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional panel this week asked 22 government agencies to share documents on Moscow-ba
BRENTWOOD, N.Y. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump expressed dismay on Friday that the Senate tried to repeal his pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the end, it was a simple hand gesture - Senator John McCain pointing his right index finger in a do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, who was diagnosed with brain cancer, is returning home to Arizona for m
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday that an Arkansas law restricting the use of the so-called abortion pill could proc
(Reuters) - TransCanada Corp, Canada’s No.2 pipeline operator, will make a final investment decision on its Keystone XL pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative John Delaney became the first Democrat to formally enter the 2020 presidentia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, who bucked Republican leadership to help quash a healthcare measure in
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Friday he hoped Congress had reached a turn
NEW YORK (Reuters) - (In this July 27 story, paragraph 5 corrects to say midscale brands have been announced over the past y
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Friday he was disappointed with the Senate’
(In this July 27 story, corrects paragraph 7 to reflect that Zarda died in a BASE-jumping accident, not a skydiving accident) By D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi urged Republicans to establish a proc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Ambassador to Moscow, John Tefft, has “expressed his strong disappointment and prot
(Note: Strong language in paragraph 3) By Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Open warfare erupted inside President Do
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander, addressing a security conference in Australia, said in answer to a q
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted almost unanimously on Thursday to slap new sanctions on Russia, putting Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans released their “skinny bill† that would repeal some of Obamacare late on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans passed a measure on Thursday that would permanently repeal Obamacare’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans unveiled a so-called skinny Obamacare repeal bill on Thursday, hours befor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan assured five Republican senators on Thursday that
(Reuters) - Kansas Governor Sam Brownback on Thursday shrugged off the political backlash and budget woes stirred by his ag
(Reuters) - Best known as a New York hedge fund industry executive, Anthony Scaramucci, President Donald Trump’s incom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The rifts inside President Donald Trump’s White House were on startling display on Thursday, as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers said on Thursday that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told them he will defer to Pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three Republican U.S. senators warned Thursday they would not vote for a slimmed-down Obamac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he is willing to go to a conferenc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s sudden decision to ban transgender personnel from serving in th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading Democratic lawmaker on Thursday said he would ask federal officials to investigate report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two prominent U.S. Democratic senators are raising questions about President Donald Trump’s
BERLIN (Reuters) - Europe must be prepared to respond in kind if the United States’ proposed new sanctions against Russia
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Association of European Businesses (AEB) said on Thursday it was strongly concerned that proposed
SAVONLINNA, Finland (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia would be forced to retaliate if Washing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump warned the administration of George W. Bush in 2004 that big U.S. bank m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved a $68 billion increase in military spending
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Randal Quarles, U.S. President Donald Trump’s pick for banking oversight at the Federal Reserve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote on legislation imposing new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea late
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions plans to announce soon several criminal investigations into intell
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump further stoked speculation about the fate of his attorney general, Jeff S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A proposed border tax in the House of Representatives was killed on Thursday, bringing relief to ret
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief of staff of the U.S. Army, General Mark Milley, said on Thursday he had no advance knowl
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill on Thursday expanded an investigation into the causes of the opioid crisis
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The head of the Boy Scouts of America apologized to members of the youth organization on Thursday f
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s memoir about her failed attempt to win last year’s U.S. presidential election will
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Republican U.S. President Donald Trump’s efforts to renegotiate or scrap longstanding global trade de
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday a lot of progress was being made on tax reform after the “Big
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top adviser on Middle East issues to U.S. President Donald Trump left the National Security Counc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An influential U.S. House committee on Thursday approved a revised bipartisan bill on a 54-0 vote th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday the Trump administration may seek a pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three of President Donald Trump’s nominees to serve as commissioners on Wall Street’s top
(Reuters) - A California deputy attorney general has been charged with possessing child pornography at his San Diego County h
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers reached an agreement on Wednesday paving the way for the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia risks being saddled with U.S. sanctions for decades, curbing economic growth and preventing it fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would ban transgender people from the U.S. militar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senate leaders, struggling to keep a seven-year promise to end Obamacare, turned
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Republican Kansas Governor Sam Brownback as a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers reached an agreement on Wednesday that paves the way for the U.S. Senate to pas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans are ramping up discussions on overhauling the U.S. tax code that a prom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday that he was “not going anywhere,† d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. officials are discussing whether to withhold a portion of U.S. assistance to Egypt to protest Egyp
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s announcement on Wednesday on banning transgender people from serv
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - After 13 years of military service that included deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, Indiana National
BOSTON (Reuters) - A ruling by Massachusetts’ top court could influence other state courts to rule that police cannot detai
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - The mayor of Allentown, the third largest city in Pennsylvania, is among the latest officials charged i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. banking rules must protect the financial system but they need “some refinement,† Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers are near an agreement that would pave the way for the Senate to vote on legislation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Congressman Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican leader in the House of Representatives who w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin urged Congress on Wednesday to raise the federal debt lim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s decision to ban transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. armed
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump issued a veiled threat against Iran on Tuesday, warning Tehran t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House Domestic Policy Council (DPC) is taking the lead on a decision about how many ref
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans narrowly agreed on Tuesday to open debate on a bill to end Obamacare, bu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Armed Forces Committee Chairman John McCain on Wednesday said President Donald
LOWELLVILLE, Ohio (Reuters) - On a sweltering evening in a rural corner of Ohio, the struggle for the soul and identity of the D
(This version of the July 25 story corrects paragraph 11 to show that bill calls for banning chlorpyrifos and reviewing other sim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ash Carter, who was U.S. defense secretary until the end of the Obama administration in January, st
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union warned on Wednesday that it was ready to act within days to counter proposed ne
PARIS (Reuters) - France’s foreign ministry on Wednesday said new U.S. sanctions against Iran, Russia and North Korea app
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to impose new sanctions on Moscow, triggerin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia warned on Wednesday that new U.S. sanctions against Moscow approved by the House of Repres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Wednesday said it would provide revised guidance to the U.S. military “in the n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to ban transgender individuals from the U.S. military am
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Wednesday his panel was likely to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Republican lawmakers rallied to the defense of Jeff Sessions on Tuesday as allies of the attorney
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s new communications director Anthony Scaramucci said on Tuesday h
BERLIN (Reuters) - Plans under consideration in the U.S. Congress to impose tougher sanctions against Russia would hurt Germ
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Draft new U.S. sanctions against Russia will hurt the powers of U.S. President Donald Trump and the Eur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry optimistically discussed expanding American coal exports to Ukrain
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit by energy companies and trade groups to stop New Yor
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Wednesday the European Union was ready
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany warned on Wednesday it would be unacceptable for the United States to use possible sanctions a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to slap new sanctions on Russ
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said it had repeatedly warned the United States it would retaliate against what it saw as hostile m
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Cooperation between Russia and the United States in fighting terrorism will be complicated if possible at
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia should prepare a “painful† response to new U.S. sanctions to be imposed on Moscow, Kon
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s refusal to publicly accuse Russia and others in a wave of politically
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. trade negotiator said late on Tuesday that President Donald Trump is determined to ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, was given a h
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled Texas Senate gave preliminary approval on Tuesday to a bill that restricts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would be surprised if Iran is in compliance with a n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, who served as Donald Trump’s campaign manager for several months last year, h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said it was reviewing a bill passed on Tuesday by the U.S. House of Representative
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Susan Collins on Tuesday was recorded making critical comments about the
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump could trigger a political and legal backlash if he escalates his attacks on Attorney General J
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate panel has rescinded a subpoena that would have forced Paul Manafort, a former cam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday voted overwhelmingly to erase a new rule that lets b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday released a memo restricting Justice Department gran
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump named on Tuesday two possible candidates to run the Federal Reserve over the next
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to slap new sanctions on Russ
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law on Tuesday a package of bills intended to use marke
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Democrats will not block efforts by Republicans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday asked chief executive
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he was disappointed in Attorney General Jeff Sessions
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump criticized his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, as not being tough enough
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday he hoped to finish work on a bill to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday voted to begin formal debate of healthcare legislation that would repea
(Reuters) - The Trump administration on Tuesday pushed forward with its bid to undo an Obama administration rule to extend
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans on Tuesday shot down a legislative effort by Democrats to obtain Treasury D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jared Kushner, adviser and son-in-law to President Donald Trump, was questioned for nearly three h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday blasted the investigation into alleged Russian meddling in
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans were expected to vote on Tuesday for opening debate on a healthcare bill without knowin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate panel has issued a subpoena to force Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager to P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort met with Senate Intelligence Committee staff on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote overwhelmingly on Tuesday for a bill that wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate warned President Donald Trump on Tuesday against any attem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday he will schedule a vote on whether
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Rand Paul said on Tuesday he would vote to open debate on a healthcare overh
KIEV (Reuters) - The Ukrainian embassy in Washington denied on Tuesday accusations from U.S. President Donald Trump that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s call for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate former Democrati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday praised ongoing work on a post-Brexit trade deal with Brit
GLEN JEAN, West Virginia (Reuters) - After another challenging day in Washington, President Donald Trump flew to West Virgi
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will examine whether a bill toughening sanctions on Russia is off
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Long-delayed legislation to impose new sanctions on Russia hit another snag on Monday when the i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump exhorted every Republican to vote yes on a healthcare overhaul when it co
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A senior Russian banker who met President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, did not do so
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Any U.S. decision to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons would set back peace efforts and escalate tensi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Frustration is mounting among leading foreign policy officials in President Donald Trump’s admin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democrats unveiled an economic platform on Monday that included plans to address unfair ma
DETROIT (Reuters) - A federal judge in Michigan halted on Monday the deportation of more than 1,400 Iraqi nationals from th
KABUL (Reuters) - (This version of the July 23 story corrects reference to A-29 Super Tucano in para 7. The aircraft are built in t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump made a last-ditch plea to U.S. Senate Republicans on Monday to “do the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator John McCain, who has been recuperating in Arizona after being diagnosed w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, emerged from behind the scenes on Mond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator John Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate Republican, said on Monday that various options for a health
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s commission investigating voter fraud may request voter roll data from
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was at the White House on Monday but did not meet
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are seeking to add an amendment th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives proposed legislation on Monday to bar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote Tuesday on whether to open debate on a healthcare bill, U.S. Senate Majo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump urged Senate Republicans on Monday to move ahead this week on a bid to
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A sluggish forecast for U.S. economic growth as well as an increase in U.S. states’ Medicaid and pen
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner on Monday called for a special legislative session starting on Wednesday t
(Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, was in his home state of Oklahoma on at least
BOSTON (Reuters) - Massachusetts police do not have the authority to detain illegal immigrants solely to buy time for federal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt, is heading to Jordan for talk
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner on Monday gave details in a statement m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - I am voluntarily providing this statement, submitting documents, and sitting for interviews in order t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner will make a statement fro
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Germany is urging the European Union to add up to four more Russian nationals and companies to the b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Sunday that U.S. President Donald Trump was open to signing legislation t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Proposed new U.S. sanctions against Russia look like an attempt to squeeze Moscow out of the European
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday it was worried that proposed new U.S. sanctions against Moscow could hur
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Commission preparations to retaliate against proposed new U.S. sanctions on Russia that coul
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission is concerned about new U.S. sanctions on Russia that could impact Europeâ€
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said in a sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The president’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has added a lawyer with congressional experience
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senate leaders aim to hold a procedural vote as early as Tuesday to take up legislation to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Anthony Scaramucci, President Donald Trump’s new communications director, said on Sunday th
KIEV (Reuters) - Russian aggression is to blame for violence in eastern Ukraine, where people are dying in what should be seen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia’s ambassador to Washington Sergei Kislyak, a key figure in ongoing U.S. investigations int
ASPEN, Colo. (Reuters) - National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers on Saturday rebuffed the prospect for a U.S.-Russia cy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans and Democrats have reached agreement on legislation that allows new sanctions a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union sounded an alarm on Saturday about moves in the U.S. Congress to step up U.S. san
NORFOLK, Va. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump declared on Saturday that he has “complete power to pardon,†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. investigators examining money laundering accusations against President Donald Trump’s fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If President Donald Trump, who refers to the media as “fake news,† wants his staff to use a m
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Anthony Scaramucci, the Trump administration’s new communications director, has yet to get appr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned on Friday, ending a short and turbulent tenure th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sean Spicer burst onto the public stage six months ago with a scolding rant against reporters, accusi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said in a statement on Friday that White House press secretary Sean Spicer
ASPEN, Colo. (Reuters) - Former CIA director John Brennan on Friday criticized as “disgraceful† President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The special counsel investigating possible collusion between President Donald Trumpâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special counsel Robert Mueller asked the White House to save all documents related to a meeting la
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee said on Friday President Donald Trump’s eldest son and his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Friday it will interview White House adviser Jared Ku
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Senate were dealt another blow in their effort to repeal Obamacare on Friday when the kee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia’s ambassador to Washington was overheard by U.S. spy agencies telling his bosses that h
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. after his father won the Republican nomination for the 20
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday initiating a government-wide review of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The co-founder of the firm that commissioned a dossier on Donald Trump during the presidential ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of Democrats in Congress urged the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commiss
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Transgender people still face discrimination and threats to their safety in North Carolina de
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Transgender activists and business leaders urged a Texas Senate panel on Friday to scrap legislation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump picked Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci, a long-time supporter, to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s outside legal team spokesman has resigned amid media reports t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday announced a $500 million investment that Corning Inc is maki
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If John McCain’s illness requires a long absence from the U.S. Senate, his colleagues will be depr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering appointing Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci, a long-
WASHINGTON/PHOENIX, Ariz. (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain promised on Thursday he would return rapidly to Washing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has picked former U.N. spokesman Richard Grenell as U.S. ambassador to G
(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday refused to revisit a court order that blocks President Donald Trump’s administration fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday brushed off sharp criticism from President Donald T
NEW YORK (Reuters) - There is at least one approved device and scores of experimental treatments being tested that could im
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday that tax reform talks are nearing a consensus to low
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans, scolded by President Donald Trump for failing to overturn Obamacare, trie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said Thursday it had withdrawn or removed from active consideration more than 8
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has confidence in Attorney General Jeff Sessions despite saying in a New Yo
MOSCOW/LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Moscow and Washington are in talks to create a joint cyber security working gr
DETROIT (Reuters) - The list of priorities U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer released this week for the renegotiation o
ASPEN, Colorado (Reuters) - The Trump administration is developing the first comprehensive strategy to defend the United Sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. Senate Finance Committee unanimously on Thursday approved President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans struggling to agree on healthcare legislation to overhaul Obamacare obeyed U.S. Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The latest version of Senate Republicans’ legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Ac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday unanimously approved the nomination of Christop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would not have appointed Jeff Sessions as attor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Bob Corker on Thursday said he backed repealing the Affordable Care Act, t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and China failed on Wednesday to agree on major new steps to reduce the U.S. tr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dining on rib-eye steak and peach cobbler with a group of senators, President Donald Trump was ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and former campaign
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Thursday that it and the United States acknowledged “significant progress† on a 100-d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives took a new step toward tax reform legislation on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday touted its effort to roll back federal reg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate a Raytheon Co (RTN.N) lobbyist, Mark Esper, for t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans will consider using planned tax reform to eliminate one of the biggest taxes in Obamaca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. and Chinese officials on Wednesday failed to agree on major steps needed from Beijing t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China acknowledged a shared goal of reducing the trade deficit with the United States during day-lo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected on Wednesday a bid by President Donald Trump to include grandp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An aggressive corporate lobbying effort to derail a Republican-backed border tax has forced lawmak
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has declined an invitation to address the annual convention of the Nationa
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Shares of steel makers rallied on Wednesday after a rocky start to U.S.-China economic talks raised
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump pressed his unproven claims of voter fraud on Wednesday at the first m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, asked by a reporter on Wednesday if he would impose tariffs on steel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin had a previously undisclosed con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday
(Reuters) - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton’s May 30 veto of funding for the state legislature was unconstitutional, acco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House panel on Wednesday approved a sweeping proposal by voice vote to allow automaker
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, at a lunch with Republican senators, argued for them to return to con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday the Senate will vote on a motio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top U.S. Republican trade lawmaker on Wednesday questioned the Trump administration’s pla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged Republican senators on Wednesday to work out their difference
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey has asked a federal judge to throw out his indictmen
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. after his father won the Republican nomination for the 20
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives will start drafting legislation to overhaul th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress could act within weeks to kill a new rule that bars financial companies from block
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Advocacy groups launched petitions and sent letters on Wednesday urging two of the biggest U.S. p
(Reuters) -- U.S. President
Republican Donald
efforts Trump will
to overhaul or nominate Jon Huntsman,
repeal Obamacare an envoy
collapsed in the to China
U.S. under
Senate former Democr
on Tuesday, dealin
Medicaid expansion is now murky.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s eldest son and former campaign chairman can testify publicly before U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate former Senate Republican aide Hester Maria Peirc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is looking for ways to defend American-made products by certifying le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has invited all Republican senators to discuss healthcare over lunch at
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday the Senate will vote early next wee
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A failed Republican effort to replace Obamacare raised new concerns on Tuesday for U.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday that wanted to interview Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O), Alphabet Inc’s Google (GOOGL.O), Apple Inc (AAPL.O) and other major tech
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in Congress unveiled a fiscal 2018 budget plan as a first step to major U.S. tax reform on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For seven years, U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell vowed to slay Obamacare if only his Republican Part
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch warned on Tuesday of dire consequences if C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander, chairman of the health committee, said on Tuesday he w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he is disappointed that the latest Republican effort to repe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A third Republican U.S. senator on Tuesday said she could not back any legislation to repeal Obamac
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California’s legislature passed a package of bills that extends the state’s signature plan to add
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senators Susan Collins and Shelley Moore Capito said on Tuesday they will not vote to re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday called on the Senate to pass some kind of healthcare over
(Reuters) - Former U.S. House of Representative Speaker Dennis Hastert has been released from prison in Minnesota and mov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After Republicans’ effort to pass a healthcare bill in the Senate collapsed on Monday, U.S. Presid
MONTEREY, Calif. (Reuters) - The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) on Monday said it was consid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House subcommittee will vote on Wednesday on a sweeping proposal to allow automakers to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday launched the first salvo in the renegotiation of the 23-year-old North
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday urged Republicans in Congress to repeal Obamacare and w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday declared that Iran was complying with its n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Trade Representative’s office said on Monday it is seeking a provision to deter currency
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada sees few surprises on the U.S.’ list of goals for renegotiating NAFTA, given that many of them
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s government on Monday said it would work to strengthen the North American economy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senators Jerry Moran and Mike Lee announced their opposition on Monday to a revised
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tech companies clashed with internet service providers on Monday over whether a landmark 2015
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will delay its consideration of healthcare legislation while Arizona Republican Senato
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Grandparents of U.S. citizens from six Muslim-majority countries are now eligible to receive U.S. visa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. federal appeals court on Monday upheld nondisclosure rules that allow the FBI to secretly iss
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump campaigned on cutting the U.S. corporate tax rate to 15 percent, but admin
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said on Monday he intends to block money earmarked for Chicago Public
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday outlined a tough negotiating strategy for revising the 1994 North Ame
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump promised on Monday he would take more legal and regulatory steps during
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A group of Texas business leaders urged state lawmakers on Monday to abandon plans to pass a bill
(Reuters) - A threatening note was left over the weekend at the Las Vegas office of a Republican U.S. senator from Nevada wh
(Reuters) - New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman intends to sue the federal government if Republican lawmaker
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Forty former U.S. diplomats and national security officials urged Secretary of State Rex Tillerson not
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Caitlyn Jenner has joined the list of celebrities who are considering running for political office in the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Secret Service on Sunday denied a suggestion from President Donald Trump’s personal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Eight to 10 Republican U.S. senators have serious concerns about Republican healthcare legislation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s campaign paid $50,000 to the law office now representing Donald Trump Jr. a litt
SYDNEY/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. officials interviewing refugees held in an Australian-run offshore detention center left t
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, appearing fully recovered from dehydration suffered wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump announced in a statement on Saturday that veteran Washington lawye
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court has asked the State of Hawaii to respond by Tuesday at noon to President D
(Reuters) - A lobbyist who was once a Soviet counter-intelligence officer participated last year in a meeting with senior aides t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump turned up the heat on Friday on fellow Republicans in the U.S. Senate to pa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two major U.S. health insurance groups on Friday called on Senate Republican leader Mitch McConn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Friday asked the Supreme Court to block a judge’s ruling that pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With talks to renegotiate the NAFTA trade pact just weeks away, U.S. farm groups and lawmakers f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Caputo, who was an adviser to President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, said he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership President Donald Trump quit as part of his pledge t
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday warned U.S. governors against “politically t
(Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau discussed ongoing trade disagreement
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The White House is hiring Ty Cobb, a veteran Washington lawyer with experience as a prosecutor and d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill that many lawmakers hoped would send a message to President Donald Trump to keep a stron
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican Finance Minister Jose Antonio Meade said on Friday that upcoming talks with the United Sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Friday asked the Supreme Court to block a judge’s ruling that pre
(Reuters) - Eugene Kaspersky,(Reuters)
the CEO- of
the Democratic members of
Russian cybersecurity the U.S.firm
software Congress havehis
that bears renewed efforts
name, had toAmerican
a big find possible
had an inside joke: “Kaspersky (membership) is like having the Kremlin join.† Not coincidentally, Kaspersky’s govern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans pushing to overhaul Obamacare largely ignored key players in the debate over i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of a massive annual defense bill on Friday, leav
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that he hoped for further dialogue with his U.S. counterp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi called on Thursday for the creation of an outside, independent co
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican industry is exploring revising trade rules to ensure U.S. workers benefit from a renegotiated
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s effort to reshape influential U.S. courts by stocking them with conserv
DALLAS (Reuters) - Former U.S. presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton told a forum in Dallas on Thursday that they were a
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries cannot stop grandpa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department will require all nations to provide extensive data to help it vet visa applic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional negotiators are making progress on resolving a dispute that has stalled a bill to im
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he is considering quotas and tariffs to deal with the “big problem† of steel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leaders released on Thursday a revised plan to dismantle the Obamacare law, bu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday he will present to President Donald Trump a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate attorney Kevin McIntyre to be chairman of the Fe
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was receiving hospital care on Thursday after becoming
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After an internet-fueled furor over rules barring women in sleeveless attire, U.S. House of Represent
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday urged President Donald Trump’s e
PARIS (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the wall he wants to build on the 2,000-mile (3,200-km) U.S.-Mexico frontier m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Caputo, who was an adviser to President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, said on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday released a government form dealing with contacts h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House plan to cut transportation spending, privatize air traffic control and scrap long-dist
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Steve Scalise, shot at a congressional baseball practice last month, underwent s
(Reuters) - Senate Republican leaders released an updated version of their healthcare bill on Thursday that would dismantle O
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he did not fault his son Donald Trump Jr. for meeti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Here are highlights of the Reuters Oval Office interview with U.S. President Donald Trump on Wedn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. agency that could bring civil charges against Donald Trump, Jr. if it found he violated campa
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed private equity executive William Hagerty on Thursday as President Donal
PARIS (Reuters) - President Donald Trump held the door open to a reversal of his decision to pull the United States out of the P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Government watchdogs filed a complaint against Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafo
SUPERIOR, Arizona (Reuters) - Rio Tinto’s proposed Resolution Copper Mine in Arizona would tunnel 7,000 feet undergrou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, a Republican, planned to send a letter on Th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leaders released a new draft of their healthcare bill on Thursday that retains
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said he would delay his chamber’s August break in or
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Ted Cruz said on Thursday his proposal for allowing insurance companies to offe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The revised U.S. Senate healthcare plan will keep in place two Obamacare taxes on the wealthy and
DETROIT (Reuters) - Recording star Kid Rock, an outspoken supporter of Republican President Donald Trump, hinted in websit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of 14 conservative groups urged U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday to support an amendme
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s pick to lead bank supervision at the Federal Reserve benefited from the government
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The laws that prohibit foreign nationals from spending money to influence U.S. elections do not pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a new version of a Russia and Iran sancti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday his lengthy meeting with Russian President Vladimir Pu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a woman he was told was a Russian government lawyer who had in
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday said he was “very much inclined† to maintain a court order that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s pick to head the FBI, Christopher Wray, on Wednesday said he would
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected to nominate Senate Democratic aide Russ Behnam to be a com
LITTLE HOCKING, Ohio (Reuters) - While revelations that Donald Trump Jr. welcomed Russian help in last year’s presidentia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The conservative House Freedom Caucus threatened on Wednesday to block a fiscal 2018 budget re
(Editors note: Attention to language in 2nd paragraph that some readers may find offensive) BOSTON (Reuters) - A Democrati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Richard Blumenthal, a member of the Judiciary Committee, said on Wednesday that he aske
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday defended his eldest son as “innocent† following
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said on Wednesday he intends to call form
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - James Clinger, picked by President Donald Trump in June to head the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday he wanted to be shown at least one fact prov
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin has never been in touch with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who met a group of U.S.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday it was preposterous that U.S. President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats on the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee plan to introduce in the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s eldest son eagerly agreed last year to meet a woman he was told was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump called his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., a “high-quality person† on Tu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on Tuesday sh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, asked the U.S
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - Co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe† and former Republican U.S. congressman Joe Scarborough said on Tu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fresh off one foreign trip and preparing for another, Donald Trump was enjoying a period of relative
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans said Tuesday they will seek to bring their healthcare overhaul to the Senate
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump’s son and a Russian attorney, and the failure
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Tuesday removed Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab from two lists of appr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is increasingly unlikely to nominate Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen next
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans lawmakers on Tuesday started trying to kill a brand-new U.S. rule prohibiting banks and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday set a July 18 confirmation hearing for Da
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The mastermind of the “Bridgegate† lane closure scandal that helped torpedo New Jersey Gover
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Intelligence Committee wants Donald Trump Jr. to appear before the panel to answe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will discuss Syria and counterterrorism when he meets with French Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon will meet with Russian Deputy For
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that the Senate would vote on a bil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican senators returned to Washington on Monday following a 10-day holiday recess still at od
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday announced a delay in the Senate’s p
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate’s intelligence committee is seeking documents from Donald Trump Jr. and intends to call on him
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s eldest son eagerly agreed last year to meet a woman he was told was
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump Jr. was told in an email before meeting a Russian lawyer who he thought had material da
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There was nothing inappropriate about a meeting President Donald Trump’s son had with a Russ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate intelligence committee’s top Democrat said on Monday he “absolutely† wants
(Reuters) - Alan Futerfas, the lawyer Donald Trump Jr. has hired to represent him in connection with Russia-related probes, ha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans expect to introduce bills later this week that would bar states from setting t
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Seattle’s city council unanimously passed a pioneering income tax on the city’s highest earners on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump Jr. was told prior to meeting a Russian lawyer whom he believed had information dam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to nominate former Treasury official Randal Quarles to be the Fe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the FBI earned $9.2 million last year as a partner in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Monday that if the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to nominate financier Lewis Eisenberg to be ambassador to Italy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. banks and credit card companies could be prevented from blocking customers from banding to
(Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf said on Monday he would allow an unbalanced budget of just under $32 billion t
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A decision on whether Illinois becomes the first U.S. state whose bond ratings tip into junk was not immin
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s commission to investigate possible election fraud on Monday put a freeze on its
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has approved the possible sale to Britain of Joint Light Tactical Vehicles a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee wants to speak with Donald Trump Jr., President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Monday said he had written to Senate Majority Le
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son, has hired New York lawyer Alan Futerfas to represent him in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said on Monday he would be happy to share wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate’s No. 2 Republican said on Monday that he hoped a vote could be held next wee
(Reuters) - The public relations specialist who arranged a meeting last year between President Donald Trump’s son, Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday backtracked on his push for a cyber security unit with Russi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia confirmed on Monday that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin had discussed forming a joint Russia
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump made no promises to each other to fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., agreed to meet with a Kremlin-linked lawyer d
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ first budget after two years is filled with partial outlines to address its debt-ridden pension sys
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior Republican U.S. senators criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Sunday for saying
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday backtracked on his push for a cyber security unit with Russi
KIEV (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday that Russia must take the first steps to de-escalate violenc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump was “not aware of and did not attend† a 2016 meeting between his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans expressed increasing pessimism on Sunday about the prospects for the healthcare bill i
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Sunday that he discussed forming a cyber security unit to guard ag
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is not considering a plan to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans in ord
HAMBURG (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump took a conciliatory tone on Saturday at a meeting with Chinese President X
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping called on Saturday for more international peace-making and crisis-managemen
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s navy will join will join next year’s Pacific Rim military exercises, state news agency Xinhua qu
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed to U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday China’s adherence to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s eldest son, son-in-law and former election campaign manager me
HAMBURG (Reuters) - Leaders from the world’s leading economies broke with U.S. President Donald Trump on climate pol
HAMBURG (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday she was pleased that all Group of 20 members besi
HAMBURG (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday he had not given up on trying to get U.S. counter
HAMBURG (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday that her bilateral meeting with Turkish President Ta
HAMBURG (Reuters) - The U.S. decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement means Turkey is less inclined to ratify the de
HAMBURG (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday promised $639 million in aid to feed people left starving beca
(Reuters) - The state of Hawaii renewed its bid to narrow President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban, following court
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping urged joint efforts to keep Sino-U.S. ties on track during a meeting with Presid
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping told U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday that stronger Sino-U.S. ties are
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday discussed “global hot-spot is
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday rejected Hawaii’s request to issue an emergency order blocking
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s commission to investigate possible election fraud will convene this mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Thursday that Congress must act to shore up
(Reuters) - Most U.S. states have rejected full compliance with requests for voters’ private information by President Donal
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Amy Klobuchar, the top Democrat on the Senate antitrust panel, sent a letter to the U.S. Jus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Friday he had chosen an envoy to lead U.S. diplomacy o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Republican lawmaker filed legislation on Friday that would sanction Russia for its violati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - During his campaign and first months in office, President Donald Trump set a number of explicit eco
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Friday welcomed the appointment of Kurt Volker to serve as Washin
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish court said on Friday it has exchanged a 21-month prison sentence handed to Soccer player Lion
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois ended its historic budget drought on Thursday after the House of Representatives enacted the sta
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ first full-year budget since 2015 became law on Thursday after the House of Representatives o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, who clashed with President Donald Trump and hi
(Reuters) - Seven U.S. states are still without budgets, nearly a week into the new fiscal year that started July 1. Legislatures in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. and Chinese officials will meet to discuss bilateral economic issues this month after threa
WARSAW (Reuters) - One day before his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Donald Trump said
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Slovenian President Borut Pahor, attending a meeting of EU leaders with Donald Trump in Warsaw, has
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Wednesday proposed to reduce the volume of biofuel required to be used in g
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Even if Illinois’ House of Representatives takes action to enact a new budget on Thursday, the state sti
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A Democratic plan to end Illinois’ crippling two-year budget stalemate is poised to be enacted by the
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A meeting between Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and U.S. President Donald Trump on Frida
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will hold a bilateral meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump at the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Six in 10 American voters support the new ban on people from six predominantly Muslim countries from
(This story corrects the number of U.S. and other foreign troops in Afghanistan, paragraphs 15, 16.) KABUL (Reuters) - A bipar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will soon begin a review that will question the veracity of the climate cha
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The fate of a spending plan and tax hike aimed at ending Illinois’ unprecedented two-year budget imp
(Reuters) - New Jersey and Maine ended partial government shutdowns just in time for the Fourth of July holiday on Tuesday,
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner announced on Tuesday his veto of a $5 billion income tax rate hike that w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - During his presidential campaign, Republican Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Puti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will use fast-growing supplies of U.S. natural gas as a political tool when he
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump opposed opening the door to grandparents from six
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Maryland, Delaware and Louisiana on Monday joined a growing number of U.S. states that have refu
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering adding a veteran Washington lawyer to the White House counsel’s office
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and the United States are still discussing the timing of the first face-to-face encounter between D
(Reuters) - Partial government shutdowns in Maine and New Jersey stretched to a second day on Sunday as lawmakers return
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed big, permanent increases in income t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump honored military veterans in Washington on Saturday at a Kennedy Ce
BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke separately to the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Q
BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Ministe
BEIJING (Reuters) - China hopes the United States can handle the Taiwan issue appropriately, in accordance with the “one
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump stepped up his feud with the media on Sunday by tweeting a mock vi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump lashed out on Saturday at the growing number of states refusing to give vo
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Risking a historic drop to junk bond status, Illinois began its third straight fiscal year without a budget on
(Reuters) - A budget impasse between Maine Governor Paul LePage and Democratic lawmakers triggered a shutdown of none
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged Republican senators in a tweet on Friday to repeal Obamacare i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday it was “fully committed† to pushing a Republican draft health
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called for a determined response to North Korea after talks with South
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A rare sign of bipartisanship in the Illinois House on Friday fueled hopes of movement toward a spending
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Friday dealt a major financial blow to Illinois by ordering the cash-strapped state to pay $
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration has dropped plans for an executive order that will requ
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A growing number of U.S. states refused on Friday to give voters’ names, addresses and sensitive pers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Twenty moderate Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives warned on Friday that efforts to
(Reuters) - The U.S. Labor Department on Friday defended its authority to use salary levels to decide who was eligible for over
CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he was sending federal help to fight crime in Chica
(Reuters) - Maine Governor Paul LePage said on Friday he would reject the latest budget deal by a bipartisan group of legislato
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two television hosts assailed by Donald Trump questioned his mental health on Friday and charged
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missiles prog
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. president Donald Trump spoke with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Friday to discuss the d
BEIJING (Reuters) - China reacted relatively calmly on Friday after a series of diplomatic broadsides by the United States, expr
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have an opportunity to mend their countries’ ties when they meet
CHICAGO (Reuters) - With a budget deal elusive and a midnight Friday deadline fast approaching, Illinois faces a crisis that thre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bills backed by U.S. President Donald Trump to crack down on illegal immigrants passed the U.S. Ho
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration reversed a decision late on Thursday a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States expects business as usual at ports of entry when fresh rules on U.S. President Don
(Reuters) - The state of Hawaii on Thursday asked a federal judge in Honolulu to clarify a U.S. Supreme Court ruling this week w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate resolved a technical issue on Thursday that had stalled a new package of sanctions o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate proposal to replace Obamacare would cut spending on government Medicaid for the p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin next week at a summit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration is preparing an executive order that will require all U.S
(Reuters) - Ten Republican state attorneys general on Thursday urged federal authorities to rescind a policy set by former U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump assailed a woman TV news host in highly personal terms on Thursday,
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto will meet with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump next week a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Spending on the Medicaid healthcare program for the poor would be 35 percent lower than under c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is divided over whether to privatize the nation’s air traffic control system as bo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe on Thursday called on the W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress will need to raise the nation’s debt limit by early to mid-October to avoid defa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top aide to U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is leaving the Trump administration and will be repla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday said Republican senators are making “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Susan Collins, a moderate who has opposed the Senate’s draft healthcare bi
PARIS (Reuters) - France’s president has not given Donald Trump an easy ride: a crunching handshake at one meeting was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. Senate Republican struggled on Wednesday to salvage major healthcare legislation sou
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump will meet on the sidelines of the Group of Tw
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and United States’ secretary of state Rex Tillerson would m
(Reuters) - Maine’s two most prominent Republicans grabbed headlines this week with political moves that were widely di
(This story corrects typo in 10th paragraph.) By Jessica Damiana JAKARTA (Reuters) - From white water rafting in Bali to visitin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he planned to nominate a Federal Communication
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Senate aide Richard Glick to be a member of the F
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee approved 4,000 more visas for Afghans who worked for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee asked the Pentagon on
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The now-delayed U.S. Senate healthcare overhaul bill would boost state spending on Medicaid by $565
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday they had reached an agreem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Flush with cash, political groups outside the White House are aggressively coming to President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee’s top two lawmakers unveiled a bipartisan piece of legislatio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four of Washington’s largest business lobby groups urged Congress in a letter on Wednesday to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite a major setback in the U.S. Senate, President Trump said on Wednesday that the Republican
ANKARA/KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing partial implementation of President Donald Trumpâ€
SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - A wine industry businessman and financial manager was sentenced to four years in prison on Wedn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday expressed confidence that the Republican-led Senate w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn on Wednesday indicated Republican leaders want changes t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has accepted French President Emmanuel Macron’s invitation to att
PARIS (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will travel to France for the Bastille Day military celebrations on July 14, President E
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is growing increasingly frustrated with China over its inaction on North Kor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leaders postponed a vote on a healthcare overhaul on Tuesday after resistan
(Reuters) - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar held a phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump in which he discussed migrati
BEIJING (Reuters) - Newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad said on Wednesday the United States would lik
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Textron Systems Chief Executive Ellen Lord for the
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he had picked an employment lawyer who has represented compani
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted nearly unanimously on Tuesday to reaffirm the NATO allian
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, on Tuesday appeared before the U.S. House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican efforts to overhaul the U.S. tax code have hit a snag in the House of Representatives, wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said a meeting between Senate Republicans
BOSTON (Reuters) - Hedge fund industry executive Anthony Scaramucci, an advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump, has been
TORONTO (Reuters) - The name Trump will be removed from a high-rise hotel and condo development in downtown Toronto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday hailed a first meeting between President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Democratic congressmen on Tuesday called on the Trump administration to demand strong lab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the U.S. Supreme Court navigated a difficult period in which it was short one member for more th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has decided to put off a planned vote on a healthca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans and Democrats in Congress sparred on Tuesday over U.S. states setting rules for testi
BERLIN (Reuters) - Iran’s foreign minister criticized on Tuesday a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to revive part of Presi
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, has hired a prominent trial lawyer to help rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Mike Lee, who has said he is opposed to a draft bill to repeal Obamacare introdu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will push ahead with a vote this week on a healthcare bill to repeal Obamacare, eve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to President Donald Trump by reviving parts o
DETROIT (Reuters)
SPRINGS, federal judge halted
(Reuters) - At a late
the deportation of all
of donors to Iraqi nationalsKoch
the powerful detained during immigration
brothers’ network, mus
“He’s walks the walk,” said Al Hartman, CEO of a property management firm in Houston. “He’s doing exactly
BERLIN (Reuters) - The image of the United States has deteriorated sharply across the globe under President Donald Trump an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Twenty-two million Americans would lose insurance over the next decade under the U.S. Senate Re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to do more to relax Indian
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In less than three months, President Donald Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called North Korea’s pur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday called on Pakistan to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers said on Monday they did not know when legislation to impose new sanctions on Rus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers said on Monday they wanted another $18.5 billion added to President Donald Trum
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democrats in Illinois’ House of Representatives on Monday offered Republicans a four-year freeze on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Sean Spicer drew the ire of some reporters on Monday for banning camera
(Reuters) - Lawyers for the United States on Monday urged jurors to allow the U.S. government to seize a Manhattan office to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly $1 trillion of taxes imposed by the Affordable Care Act will remain in place if the Senate fails
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will implement President Donald Trump’s travel ban “in an orderly fas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court’s criteria for who can be barred from entering the United States under Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans on Monday released changes to their healthcare bill, including a six-month
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court’s decision on Monday to review the leg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said it would implement the Trump administration’s
SANAA (Reuters)
(Reuters) - ASupreme
- The U.S. Yemeni government officialgave
Court on Monday expressed disappointment
President Donald Trumpover a decision
a victory by the U.S.
by allowing Supreme Court
his temporary ontrave
ban on Mon
connection to the United States that might allow for issuance of a visitor visa,† Stock said. “If a person says ‘I’ve h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Twenty-two million Americans would lose their health insurance coverage over the next decade und
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican senator leading the charge on updating little-known investment rules designed to prot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Monday he would block arms
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has approved the possible sale to India of one Boeing C-17 transport airc
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has been increasing actions to protect Mexican migrants in response to a law in Texas that all
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday demanded that investigators apologize for looking into Ru
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday it was still premature to say anything certain about a possible meeting betw
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Large crowds turned out for Pride marches on Sunday in New York City and San Franci
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine said on Sunday she has extreme reservations about the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee on Sunday criticized the administration
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative activists held a pair of rallies in Washington on Sunday to decry the handful of celebriti
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - Officials with the conservative U.S. political network overseen by the Koch brothers say
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Rand Paul said on Sunday that he remains open to supporting the Senate h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said on Sunday that he sees a 50 percent probability
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leading U.S. congressmen have called on President Donald Trump to press Indian Prime Minister Na
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a highly unusual intervention, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson plans to remove Iraq and Myanmar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump made calls to fellow Republicans in the U.S. Senate on Friday to mobilize su
(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans’ legislation to overhaul Obamacare hit roadblocks almost as soon as it was unveiled: op
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said in a letter on Friday that a tweet by President Donald Trump on Thursday was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has no intention of firing the special counsel investigating charges of Russia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is very close to naming its nominees for the top U.S. securities regulator, a senior o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration would like to see a Westinghouse nuclear reactor deal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional leaders are quietly working on a bipartisan deal to raise the U.S. debt ceiling within w
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Dean Heller said on Friday he would not support a healthcare bill unveiled by the Senate R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump could find Democratic support for a corporate tax reform package if a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A White House spokesman did not rule out a meeting between President Donald Trump and Russian
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is very pleased with the draft healthcare bill Senate Republican leaders
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to nominate a top economic aide, Kenneth Juster, as the n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is hopeful Congress can complete action on a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans on Thursday unveiled legislation that would replace Obamacare with a plan
LONDON (Reuters) - The planned appointment of National Football League team owner Woody Johnson as U.S. ambassador to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he had not obstructed the FBI’s probe into allege
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said he had not obstructed the FBI’s investigation into
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four conservative U.S. Republican senators said on Thursday they are not prepared to vote for the S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans offered a bill on Thursday to overhaul Obamacare, the next phase in the pa
(Reuters) - After weeks of discussions behind closed doors, the U.S. Senate unveiled a draft of its healthcare bill on Thursday th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he supported a Republican healthcare bill to replace Obamacare t
(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday temporarily blocked the deportation of about 100 Iraqi nationals rounded up in Michigan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will nominate National Football League team owner Woody Johnson a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The latest lawyer hired to represent U.S. President Donald Trump in the federal investigation of Russian
(Reuters) - Former Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who earned a reputation for fighting crime on Wall Street and pub
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he supported efforts to quickly a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump offered support for emerging technologies including unmanned aerial
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Rand Paul said on Thursday that he and three of his fellow Republicans in the Senate oppos
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said he did not make and does not possess any tapes of h
(Reuters) - More than 80 percent of Americans want to limit firearms access for people with mental illness and require backgr
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - U.S. House Democrats rejected an assertion by Deutsche Bank that privacy laws prevent it from sharin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican on tax policy in the House of Representatives rejected the possibility of cutting t
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, under siege in Washington, defended his record at a raucous po
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States pressed China to exert more economic and diplomatic pressure on North Korea to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A healthcare bill being unveiled by U.S. Senate Republicans on Thursday is expected to roll back the
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, met Israeli and Palesti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Frustrated Democrats pondered the party’s future and questioned its campaign messaging on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is bringing together drone makers, wireless companies and venture capitalists on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two studies that President Donald Trump hopes will buttress his case to cut the number of refugees
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday said the United States had a “great relationship w
NEW YORK (Reuters) - When U.S. Senate Republicans unveil their plan to overhaul America’s healthcare system, they will f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian hackers targeted 21 U.S. state election systems in the 2016 presidential race and a small nu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Warning that members of Congress have a “bull’s eye on our backs,† a U.S. lawmaker said
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Transportation Committee on Wednesday p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans would repeal most of the taxes that pay for Obamacare, roll back expanded Me
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States hopes Arab countries involved in a diplomatic split with Qatar will soon present D
MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Angered by expanded U.S. sanctions, Russia on Wednesday canceled a high-level meetin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said after talks with top Chinese diplomats and defense chiefs o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress, unable so far to resolve deep disagreements over spending for the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans plan to unveil the text of their draft healthcare bill on Thursday as senators
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans plan to release their version of health care reform legislation at 9:30 a.m. (1330
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic lawmakers asked Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt on Wednesday to disclose pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Wednesday made its final plea to the U.S. Supreme Court to allow its p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States regrets the Russian cancellation of a meeting this week between top diplomats bu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told a congressional panel on Wednesday that the
SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. (Reuters) - Georgia Republican Karen Handel won the most expensive congressional race in history on Tu
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese efforts to persuade North Korea to rein in its nuclear program have failed, Presiden
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - China has invited U.S. President Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and his son-in
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday it is making unremitting efforts on the North Korean nuclear issue, after U.S. Pres
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Federal investigators probing the lobbying work of ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn  are
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has launched a 12-city partnership to combat spikes in violent crime as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has become the latest senior Trump administration official to hir
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators called on Congress on Tuesday to take back its authority to determine whether the co
(This June 19 story has been refiled to correct Mueller title to special counsel.) By Jonathan Landay WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States holds North Korea accountable for its treatment of U.S. student Otto Warmbier a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department bluntly questioned on Tuesday the motives of Saudi Arabia and the Unite
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will discuss advanced wireless technologies and drones on Thursday w
(Reuters) -- Top Republicans
President Donaldfrom Congress
Trump’s and the Trump
administration administration
is exploring vowed
hardening itson Tuesdaytoward
approach to complete taxto
Pakistan re
network, U.S. officials told Reuters. U.S. frustration over the Haqqani’s presence in Pakistan has been building for years. Th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to impose new sanctions on Russia and Iran that passed the U.S. Senate nearly unanimou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to make an announcement this week about the existence o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. Congress warned on Tuesday that Republican moves to grant new tax breaks
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans will release the text of a draft healthcare bill on Thursday, Senate Majority
(Reuters) - After 21 weeks at the controls of the White House and both chambers of the U.S. Congress, President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. derivatives regulator is about to lose its sole Democratic commissioner in the coming m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser, Gary Cohn, said on Tuesday that the White
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Opponents of President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries aga
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump was poised on Tuesday to nominate Washington lawyer Marvin Kaplan to the Nationa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democrats took to the Senate floor on Monday to throw a spotlight on behind-the-scenes effor
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India could take up the issue of visas for skilled workers when Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets U.S
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko will meet U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington on Tuesday for ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Monday to decide whether the U.S. Constitution limits how far la
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is considering shifting press secretary Sean Spicer away from the daily spokesman
ATLANTA (Reuters) - The costliest U.S. congressional race in history will be decided on Tuesday in suburban Atlanta, where Am
(Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers investigating fired national security adviser Michael Flynn’s security clearance said Mond
DUNWOODY, Ga. (Reuters) - Democrat Jon Ossoff no longer talks about making President Donald Trump furious. But he may b
(Reuters) - A veteran federal prosecutor recruited onto special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is known for a skill that may
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to reassure business leaders on
VIENNA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s speech on Cuba was a “grotesque spectacle,† but the island’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will again meet his Turkish counterpart next week in Europe, the t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of President Donald Trump’s personal lawyers said in television interviews on Sunday that t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left in place a lower court’s ruling that barred private citizen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and Republican leaders in Congress will soon confront a complex challenge
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that “anti-Cuban† actions recently announced by Wa
(Reuters) - Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, an African-American who became a staunch critic of the Black Lives Matter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, showed fur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump had personal liabilities of at least $315.6 million to German, U.S. and other
MIAMI (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday ordered tighter restrictions on Americans traveling to Cuba and a clampd
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cubans said they were crestfallen to be returning to an era of frostier relations with the United States as t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Steve Scalise, the No. 3 House Republican, has shown improvement in the past
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump has added a veteran Washington lawyer to the team representing him in the investigation
CARACAS (Reuters) - Cuba’s main regional ally, socialist-ruled Venezuela, slammed U.S. President Donald Trump’s tight
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. farm groups criticized President Donald Trump’s decision to retreat from his predecessor’s op
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s rollback on his predecessor’s liberalization of travel to Cuba will a
WASHINGTON/MIAMI (Reuters) - The Trump administration is still reviewing a policy set in 2012 by U.S. President Barack Oba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Friday sided with employers in a Supreme Court case over the rights o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump acknowledged on Friday he is under investigation in a probe of alleged Rus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is likely to nominate former Senate aide Hester Peirce to an open seat
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico on Friday urged the governments of the United States and Cuba to find points of agreement a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian media group which angered some in the Kremlin by reporting on the business interests of peo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump was not confirming an investigation of him for firing FBI director James
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Jeff Flake, one of the Republican Party’s most vocal advocates for easing restriction
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to publish regulations that will end people-to-people individual trav
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Friday called on the international community to support U.S. Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel appointed to lead a probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. Congress took the field for their traditional Republicans vs. Democrats basebal
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The most worrying thing about James Hodgkinson, experts on violent extremism say, is
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has privately acknowledged he may need to recuse hi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday that after months of investigations into possible collusion by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday will announce a plan to tighten rules on Americans traveling to Cu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has hired a lawyer known for defending government officials in high
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. and Chinese diplomatic and defense chiefs will meet Wednesday for a security dialogue that W
(Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly signed a memorandum on Thursday rescinding an Obama-era plan to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Steve Scalise’s condition has improved but remained critical on Thursday, a
(Reuters) - Kansas Governor Sam Brownback on Thursday signed into law a school funding bill that will face scrutiny by the sta
MIAMI (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence held up Venezuela on Thursday as a prime example of what happens when d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An influential conservative bloc of Republican lawmakers on Thursday said it opposed renewal of an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted nearly unanimously on Thursday for legislation to impose new sanctions on R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Existing sanctions against Russia are already effective, the White House said on Thursday, after the U
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Texas governor signed a law on Thursday to protect the religious rights of faith-based groups in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - California and other states would be barred from setting their own rules governing design and testin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has hired outside legal counsel to help with questions from investiga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau accused congressional critics of relying o
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin joked on Thursday that if former FBI director James Comey suffers pers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has not settled on a plan for working with Congress to raise the federal debt limit,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has eliminated nearly 60 requirements for agencies to submit paperwork that it ha
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ Republican governor, Bruce Rauner, has ordered lawmakers to return to work starting next W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump visited the Supreme Court on Thursday for the first time since taking office
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Reuters) - Congressman Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, was in criti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Congressman Steve Scalise, the No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, underwent a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson will testify next Wednesday before the intelligenc
(Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies have alleged that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to benefit President
Washington (Reuters) - Republican senators trying to repeal Obamacare are forming consensus to keep some of the U.S. heal
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democrats face years of work, focusing on “kitchen table† economic issues over several election c
(Reuters) - A senior member of the U.S. House of Representatives and other victims were rushed to medical facilities with inju
SEATTLE (Reuters) - The man who sued Seattle Mayor Ed Murray accusing him of paying him for sex when he was a teenager h
(Reuters) - Six current and former Michigan and Flint officials were criminally charged on Wednesday for their roles in the cityâ
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Reuters) - U.S. representatives Ron DeSantis and Jeff Duncan had ducked out of baseball practice early on W
BELLEVILLE, Ill. (Reuters) - The suspect who opened fire on Republican lawmakers as they played baseball on Wednesday rage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has decided to name Kelly Craft, a major Republican fundraiser, to be amba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Wednesday moved to amend the starting date of its proposed 90-day
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 190 Democratic lawmakers sued President Donald Trump in federal court on Wednesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Steve Scalise, the Republican leader wounded in a gunman’s attack on Wednesday on people pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There were prayers and expressions of sympathy for the victims after a gunman opened fire on Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will again consider Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat, to be a commissioner of the Fe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday for new sanctions punishing Russia for meddl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said the suspected gunman who opened fire on Republican lawmakers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The gunshots that ripped through a congressional Republican team practice early Wednesday on a V
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said it has canceled President Donald Trump’s planned appearance at the Labo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will deliver a statement at 11:30 AM ET on the shooting of senior Repu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson signaled on Wednesday that the United States could back away
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday the Trump administration is committed to t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Wednesday he now had authority to set troop levels in Af
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday dismissed chances of a return to the major U.S. troop d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson signaled on Wednesday that he would like more help from Chin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, who became a reality television star with a show called “The Apprentic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five people were taken to hospital after a shooting at a baseball field in Alexandria near Washington
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has given Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to set troop leve
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - Virginia’s lieutenant governor will face a former Republican national committee chairman in a N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday denounced as a “detestable lie† the idea he collud
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has the right to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday a policy of engagement with Cuba has financial
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is weighing imposing sanctions on countries that do business with North Korea an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday urged Senate Republicans to pass a “generous† repl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 official at the U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday told Congress the special counsel investi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed the Trump administration more time to file papers resp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen said on Tuesday he had been ask
(Reuters) - Lawyers for U.S. President Donald Trump are not likely to file their planned complaint this week against former FBI
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan trio of U.S. senators said on Tuesday they planned to introduce legislation to remove re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-led Senate panel backed away from a plan to restrict media cameras in parts of the U.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration notified Congress last week that it soon planned to begin delivering preci
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A friend of former FBI Director James Comey said on Tuesday he is turning over to the FBI any memo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is “not winning† the war against Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan, Defense
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. Senate Democrats on Tuesday called for government-wide investigations into the Trump a
(Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown announced on Tuesday that state lawmakers had reached an agreement about the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - From the incomprehensible “covfefe† to a post labeling fired FBI director James Comey a “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that the Republican push to repeal Obamacare may requir
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Defense Department needs to better manage its finances if it hopes to rebuild and modern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday that the military had presented to Congress an un
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday the U.S. relationship with Russia was at an all-ti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday there was no indication that Russia wanted a pos
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators reached an agreement on Monday on legislation imposing new sanctions on Russia, in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will have to work with other countries to deny North Korea access to basics like o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday that recent strikes against pro-Syrian governmen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday criticized a federal appeals court one day after it handed h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. federal government will have enough cash flow to pay its bills through at least early Septem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will host South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the White House on J
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday he would present options on Afghanistan to Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ public testimony before a Senate panel on Tuesday sets up a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - They came to praise President Donald Trump, not focus on the controversies engulfing him. One by
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump suffered another legal setback on Monday as a second fed
BOZEMAN, Mont. (Reuters) - A Montana Republican congressman-elect pleaded guilty on Monday to assaulting a reporter and
(Reuters) - U.S. immigration authorities are arresting Iraqi immigrants ordered deported for serious crimes, the U.S. governme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said on Monday he has recommended that President Donald Trum
(In this June 9 story, corrects name of company in paragraph 6 to California Resources Corporation; adds “million† in fin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is due to make a recommendation to the White House on Saturda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Having Republicans control both the White House and Congress could deliver more federal funds to
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump suffered another legal setback on Monday as a second fed
NEW YORK/SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s governor on Monday said the island’s vote in favor of becoming a U.S. s
(Reuters) - The attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit on Monday claiming that governmen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down a gender distinction in U.S. immigration law that tr
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court is set to rule on Monday on whether to uphold President Donald Trump’s temporary travel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that he planned to hold a news conference in two we
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - The economically struggling U.S. island territory of Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly on Sunday in favor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration intends to unveil this week a plan to trim regulations it believes constrain
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May’s office said on Sunday there had been no change to plans for U.S. Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a letter on Saturday that he will appear before the Senate
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Buoyed by the British Labour Party election gains this week, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday ur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to nominate Brian Brooks, general counsel for Fannie Mae, as deputy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday denied he tried to interfere with an FBI investigation, effectiv
(Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice on Friday called for the dismissal of a lawsuit alleging President Donald Trump viola
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that he backs the NATO charter’s demand that all m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected to visit Miami as early as next Friday to announce a new Cuba p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Nathan Sales, a former Homeland Security officia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Dawn DeBerry Stump, a former vice president at
(Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey’s dramatic testimony before Congress on Thursday brought big audiences to
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - New York’s attorney general is looking into a report that the Eric Trump Foundation funneled more than $1 mill
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) - Florida Governor Rick Scott signed amended “stand your ground† legislation on Frid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of Republican lawmakers sent a letter to President Donald Trump on Friday urging him not
(Reuters) - Civil rights groups have sued Missouri to prevent its new voter identification law from interfering with a local specia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the House of Representatives intelligence committee’s investigation of Russia and
(Reuters) (Reuters) -2014,
- In September U.S. President Donald Trump
Gilberto Velasquez, will visit Poland
a 38-year-old house ahead
nextElmonth’s G20 summit
Salvador, received in Germany,
life-changing th
U.S. authorities knew about the arrest before her case was closed. Dana Marks, president of the National Association of Immi
OTTAWA (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Friday said he was not worried by lower-than-expected tax re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s social media director Dan Scavino broke the law in April in calling for T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump denied on Friday that he had told then-FBI chief James Comey he hope
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An already contentious move by Republican President Donald Trump to block opposition Democrati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the House Freedom Caucus called on congressional leaders Friday to introduce a forma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday said testimony by former FBI chief James Comey showed tha
(Reuters) - Delaware’s governor has signed into law a bill ensuring abortion remains legal in the state, the first such move i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New York State’s attorney general and 12 other top state law enforcement officials said on Frida
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic leader in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Friday there was no question Pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration and top Republicans in U.S. Congress are within a few weeks of agreeing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke by phone on Friday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is likely to impose a new sugar trade deal with Mexico even if
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States wants to cut $1 billion from the total United Nations peacekeeping budget for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday pledged new efforts to speed approvals for highways and other p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Friday that she hopes Congress will p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer plans to file a complaint early next week about fo
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey’s long-anticipated congressional testimony set off a social media
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia may seize U.S. diplomatic property in Moscow and complicate life for an Anglo-American school u
WASHINGTON- Montana Republican
(Reuters) - Formercongressman-elect
FBI Director JamesGreg Gianforte
Comey accusedis President
expected next week
Donald to enter
Trump a plea ofofnofiring
on Thursday contest
alone as unlikely to mark the end of Trump’s presidency. Comey said Trump did not attempt to get him to drop the overal
(Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey said on Thursday that he gave a memo describing his conversations with U.S. Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump survived one of the biggest threats to his presidency when Thursday’s h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s personal attorney disputed key points of the testimony of former FBI
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Throughout the drama of his U.S. Senate testimony on Thursday, James Comey sat ramrod-straight,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, in a speech across town from a closely watched congressional hearing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted on Thursday to replace the 2010 Dodd-Fran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Anthony Scaramucci, a Republican fundraiser and founder of Skybridge Capital, is President Donald
(Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey testified before the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8 about Russian
(Reuters) - Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who serves as a member of U.S. President Donald Trump’s election fraud
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will raise the issue of defense spending during his trip to Ott
(Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey on Thursday accused the Trump administration of defaming him, but declined to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Thursday it was concerned that a non-binding independence refe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Crowds packed U.S. bars on Thursday to watch former FBI chief James Comey testify to Congress, w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday, asked about President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday that a national security review of the U.S. st
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is committed to ensuring that U.S. elections are conducted fairly and prote
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disputes two key points in the written testimony provided by former FBI Di
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI chief James Comey said on Thursday that he found the shifting explanations for why Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Thursday that Americans deserved to hear fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Thursday that testimony by fired FB
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump asked him
(Reuters) - Following is the full text of former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony as prepared for delivery to the U.S. Se
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony that U.S. President Donald Trump expected loyalty an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Aides to U.S. President Donald Trump are urging him not to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions desp
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois must increase payments to Medicaid providers despite an ongoing budget impasse, after a U.S. Di
(Reuters) - Legislation to allow Michigan gun owners to carry a concealed handgun without a permit was approved in the state
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. bars are offering $5 Russian vodka drinks, “impeachmint† cocktails and free drinks with e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday ended a fraught month-long search for an FBI chief after fir
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s pick for FBI chief, corporate lawyer Christopher Wray, would likely face co
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress may be headed for a reckoning with the federal debt limit within wee
(Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey detailed his private conversations with President Donald Trump in written testim
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Hawaii has become the first U.S. state to enact legislation to bring its environmental standards in line with
(Reuters) - Connecticut’s Senate passed a bill Wednesday morning that could allow the state to buy power from Dominion
CINCINNATI, Ohio (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday trumpeted plans for $1 trillion in U.S. infrastructure spe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is pleased that fired FBI Director James Comey confirmed in prepared c
(Reuters) - Automakers could help prevent accidental deaths of small children left in hot cars by installing devices to remind dr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government might expand a ban on larger electronics like laptops in airplane cabins to fligh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday there was “mo
(Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey will testify to the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday about Russian
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Texas governor has signed into law new abortion restrictions that include requiring abortion pro
CINCINNATI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that the Obamacare healthcare system is in a “de
(Reuters) - The U.S. Labor Department on Wednesday said it was rescinding the Obama administration’s standard for dete
(Reuters) - Missouri’s Republican governor on Wednesday said he will convene a special legislative session next week to co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators from both parties this week have criticized the Trump administration’s decision tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s selection of Jeffrey Bossert Clark to be the Justice Department’
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday said it is barring legal settlements in federal
(Reuters) - Kansas Governor Sam Brownback on Wednesday criticized the state legislature for overriding his veto of a bill that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to advance a bill that would impose new sanc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House and U.S. intelligence chiefs Wednesday backed making permanent a law that allow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey, in a written statement posted on the web on Wednesday, said Pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States’ top transportation official on Wednesday promoted the Trump administration
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Russian hacking of the 2016 U.S. election included sophisticated targeting of state officials respons
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have taken a hard-line stance on yet
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch said on Wednesday it is not yet clear how big
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two top U.S. intelligence officials told a Senate committee on Wednesday they could not comment
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday did not rule out attaching amendments to legislation t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S.
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The Watergate scandal pales in comparison to events in Washington surrounding U.S. President Donald Tr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will make remarks on health care later on Wednesday, the White House sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House economic adviser Gary Cohn said on Wednesday he expected the U.S. Congress to get
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump pressed Republican congressional leaders on Tuesday to complete their ov
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Documentary filmmaker and liberal activist Michael Moore launched a website called “TrumpiLe
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey’s Republican lieutenant governor and a former investment banker running as a Democra
(Reuters) - Alaska Governor Bill Walker urged state legislatures on Tuesday to compromise on a budget in order to avoid an un
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI chief James Comey will likely hold back from accusing President Donald Trump of trying
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos faced hostile questions from a Senate committee on Tuesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump had a brief message for former FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday ahea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Education Department has left thousands of student-loan borrowers who were defrauded
(Reuters) - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Director Michelle Lee, who has won praise from technology companies for taking
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is working on national self-driving vehicle legislation that could replace state-by s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A free-speech institute on Tuesday sent a letter to President Donald Trump demanding the prolific t
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Republican governor of Texas on Tuesday called for a special state legislative session that could
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Tuesday he saw no reason to cancel Donald Trump’s st
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge could determine as soon as Tuesday whether Illinois’ obligation to make payments to Me
McAllen, Texas (Reuters) - Standing on the bluffs of Roma, Texas on a May afternoon two border patrol agents look out over t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican officials from 16 U.S. states led by Texas said on Tuesday they have come to the defense
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Tuesday that the Trump administration’s approa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 60 small business owners and a representative from retailer Big Lots will hold meetings with m
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will reduce the proportion of refined sugar it can export to the United States to 30 percent un
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told his top diplomat that the dispute over probes into links between h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has opted not to set up a “war room† in the White House to ser
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mexican Economy Secretary Ildefonso Guajardo said on Tuesday that the North American Free Trad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and Mexico are close to announcing that they have struck a deal on sugar trade, M
WOODBRIDGE, Va. (Reuters) - Legislative candidate Jennifer Carroll Foy’s first bid for office puts her on the front lines of a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Accusations that Russian intelligence services were seeking to hack U.S. voting equipment as part of a br
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - David Rank, the chargé d’affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, has left the State Department
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is hoping to kick-start its stalled legislative agenda with congressional action on he
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump once again criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan on Monday over his respons
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The husband of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway criticized President Donald Trump’s twe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump outlined a plan on Monday to privatize the U.S. air traffic control system to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will not invoke executive privilege to block former FBI Director James C
CAIRO (Reuters) - Personnel assigned to the U.S. Mission in Egypt are prohibited from visiting religious sites outside greater Ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela at the White H
DETROIT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration will unveil revised self-driving guidelines with
(Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Monday refused to reconsider its recent decision upholding former Illinois governor Rod
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump accused his own Justice Department on Monday of watering do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday faulted North Carolina again in a racially tinged voting rights cas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg submitted a statement to the United Nations on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled that church-affiliated hospital systems do not have to com
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany’s largest bank has asked for more time to respond to a request from Democrats on a U.S.
PRINCETON, N.J. (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is barred by state law from running for a third consecutive fou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The investigation into alleged ties between President Donald Trump’s election campaign and Ru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey will be grilled on whether President Donald Trump tried to get him
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump came under fire on Sunday for criticizing London’s mayor in the aft
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany’s largest bank has failed to respond to a request from Democrats on a U.S. House of Repr
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin hardly spoke at all with former U.S. National Security Adviser Michael F
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday about a militant attack in London which killed seven peo
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump does not plan to invoke executive privilege as a way to block former FBI Director Jame
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday urged the Republican-controlled Congress to complete
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The United States is encouraged by China’s efforts to restrain North Korea but Washington will not
CRANFORD, New Jersey (Reuters) - Appearing at a town hall in upscale Cranford, New Jersey this week, five-term Republican c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has begun returning to Congress copies of a volum
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court appointee Neil Gorsuch said on Friday that h
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Japan’s defense minister on Saturday backed the United States using any option to deal with North
(Reuters) - Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey will testify on June 8 before a congressional committ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House officials said on Friday they did not know yet whether President Donald Trump would s
(Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed into law a more relaxed version of state voter-identification requirements t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to nominate Richard Spencer, who has worked as a financial industry
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s picks for two open spots on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors may p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, said on Friday he believes huma
(Reuters) -- President Donaldthe
Robert Mueller, Trump faces
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investigating Russian interference in the election, subpoenaed records from Flynn on Wednesday. The Senate’s intelligenc
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to revive his executive
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York lawyer George Conway, who had been expected to be nominated to head the U.S. Departme
(Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday said he would invest in renewable energy projects and expand wind
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Comedian Kathy Griffin tearfully apologized in a Friday press conference for posing with a fake blood
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Friday Congress should promptly rai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is still looking for a new FBI director more than three weeks after he fired J
ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Donald Trump had run a better presidential cam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top U.S. intelligence officials will testify before a Senate panel next week on the law governing the c
(Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a broad bill to reform and repeal portions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank fi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey will testify next Thursday before a U.S. Senate panel investigating
ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that allegations there had been a secret deal betwe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser on Friday said the nation’s withdrawal f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday said he would withdraw the United States from the landmark
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Massachusetts Institute of Technology officials said U.S. President Donald Trump badly misunderstood
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Friday it was still likely to back the landmark 2015 global agreement to fight climate chang
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India remains committed to the Paris agreement to tackle climate change regardless of what other cou
LONDON (Reuters) - BHP, the world’s largest miner, said on Friday it was disappointed the United States had decided to wi
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The Paris climate agreement cannot be renegotiated as U.S. President Donald Trump has suggested it ca
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government is not considering sanctions against the United States after U.S. President Donald
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged her country’s continued commitment to the Paris climate ag
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Paris climate deal is unworkable without the participation of the United States, the RIA news agency
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks said on Friday she expected other countries would press
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8 as
BERLIN (Reuters) - German industry associations on Friday criticized U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw fr
(Reuters) - Tesla Inc Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk and Walt Disney Co CEO Robert Iger said on Thursday they would leave
PARIS (Reuters) - France, home of the 2015 Paris climate change accord, will redouble its efforts to limit carbon emissions and
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Friday it would stick to its commitment to fight climate change after President Donald Trump
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China’s state news agency Xinhua described U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday withdrawing the country from the Paris c
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan said on Friday the decision by the United States to withdraw from the Paris climate accord was “re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to offer some employees a buyout program to redu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to the president of Kushner Companies on Thursday seek
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate deal followed an internal deba
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - State governors and city mayors were quick to claim the mantle of U.S. leadership in fighting clima
(Reuters) - World leaders, Democratic members of Congress and others deplored U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision o
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday categorically ruled out any renegotiation of the Paris clima
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, in phone calls on Thursday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May told President Donald Trump that she was “disappointed† by h
HAVANA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. cruise operators and airlines stand to lose around $712 million in annual revenues if t
(Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein criticized the United States’ decision to withdr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke by phone on Thursday to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Fre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday he was confident that Congress would rai
ROME (Reuters) - Italy, France and Germany said on Thursday they regretted U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to wi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House’s budget chief came under fire on Thursday from Democrats and others over h
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States’ decision to withdraw from the landmark Paris climate agreement was a â€
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron told U.S. President Donald Trump that the Paris climate deal could not be rene
(This version of the May 31st story removes fourth paragraph, which does not reflect Peabody’s current position on Paris
PARIS (Reuters) - The mayor of Paris, where a landmark global climate agreement was agreed in December 2015, said the dec
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said it deeply regretted the decision by the United States to withdraw from th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday criticized his successor Donald Trump’s decisio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission said Thursday it will take up a proposal this month to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed a temporary order on Thursday to keep the U.S. embassy in Israel in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat on Thursday accused panel chairman De
LONDON (Reuters) - Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage is a “person of interest† in the U.S. investigation into possible collu
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel described the Paris climate accord as an “essential† pact on Thurs
BERLIN (Reuters) - A decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement would not send a
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel on Thursday expressed disappointment at the decision of U.S. President Donald Trump to sign a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union said on Thursday it had made its position on climate change clear and was not enga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Liberal activists are urging U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative with whom
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican, which under Pope Francis’ insistence has strongly backed the Paris climate change d
WASHINGTON/CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt defended on Thursday a new law on non-governmental organizations that three U.S. R
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Any hope for a break in Illinois’ long-running budget stalemate devolved into more partisan bickering
BERLIN (Reuters) - If President Donald Trump quits the Paris Climate Agreement, U.S. producers will gain a competitive advant
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigrants will likely weaken overall U.S. consume
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Weak recent inflation readings are a worry and suggest the Federal Reserve will make only “uneven
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has rolled out a new questionnaire for U.S. visa applicants worldwide tha
WASHINGTON/SEATTLE (Reuters) - U.S. companies signed business deals with Vietnam worth over $8 billion on Wednesday, in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump talked trade with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc durin
The White House on Wednesday disclosed a group of former lobbyists working in President Donald Trump’s administration
(Reuters) - Former Vice President Joe Biden will announce on Thursday the formation of a political action committee (PAC), a s
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - CNN fired comedian Kathy Griffin from its annual New Year’s Eve broadcast on Wednesday after s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A political feud erupted on Wednesday over the U.S. House Intelligence Committee’s probe of su
PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Wednesday said he was open to discussing letting
RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday she suspects President Donald Trump’s camp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump sought to insert himself into congressional investigations on Russia on Wed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected this week to delay relocating the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerus
(Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law on Wednesday a bill aimed at addressing public pension problems in t
OSLO (Reuters) - The United States could influence or even disrupt work by other nations to combat climate change until late
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former NAACP President Ben Jealous said on Wednesday he would seek the Democratic nomination
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday that he will announce his decision “very s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House will said on Wednesday it would refer all questions about investigations into Russi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Sean Spicer declined on Wednesday to say whether President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin urged Congress on Wednesday to pass a law that would let
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey plans to confirm reports that President Donald Trump pressured h
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government does not know what U.S. President Donald Trump has decided on the Paris climat
LONDON (Reuters) - Reports that Donald Trump is about to quit the Paris accord drew calls on Wednesday for other countries
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union’s executive has not been forewarned about a possible U.S. withdrawal from the
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump will follow through on a campaign pledge to pull the United States out of a global pact to fi
BERLIN (Reuters) - Europe must make clear to the United States that quitting the Paris climate agreement is not a straightforw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is considering taking steps to broaden the Obamacare limits on claiming a
PARIS (Reuters) - The Paris climate change deal does not infringe on U.S. sovereignty, France’s ambassador to the United S
HELSINKI (Reuters) - If the United States withdraws from the Paris climate deal, it would be a big setback, Finland’s Prime M
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A withdrawal by the United States from the Paris climate deal would be disappointing but the European
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s communications director is leaving the job, the White House said
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has told the Senate Intelligence Comm
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called Germany’s trade and spending policies “very bad† on Tuesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump views Germany as an important U.S. ally and gets along very well with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Intelligence Committee has not issued a subpoena to President Donald Trump’s p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday was scheduled to interview two candidates to replace James Co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has authorized the State Department to notify Congress of the T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, in a tweet on Tuesday, reiterated his call for the U.S. Senate to loosen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional investigations into alleged Russian meddling into the 2016 U.S. election and potential
BERLIN (Reuters) - Relations between Berlin and Washington are in a difficult phase but the United States is “bigger and be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook (FB.O), Amazon (AMZN.O) and more than two dozen other U.S. technology companies pre
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to hear Ohio’s appeal of a lower court ruling that blocked the Repu
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee has called for an investigation into “potentially frau
SYDNEY (Reuters) - China is behaving like a “bully† with its militarization of islands in the South China Sea, Republican U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is nearing completion of a policy review to determine how far it goes in ro
(Reuters) - Tensions between Republicans and Democrats boiled over on the floor of the Texas Legislature on Monday as prot
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said Russian President Vladimir Putin is a bigger threat to global security th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has declined a request to host an event to mark Islam’s holy mon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump attacked the news media and dismissed leaks from the White House a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States might ban laptops from aircraft cabins on all flights into and out of the country as
(Reuters) - Asked
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Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
SIGONELLA, Italy (Reuters) - With trouble facing him back home, U.S. President Donald Trump ended his nine-day overseas jou
(Reuters) - Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser during the Iran hosta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The fate of President Donald Trump’s order to ban travelers from six predominantly Muslim nati
TAORMINA, Italy (Reuters) - U.S. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said on Saturday that “of course† President D
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott joked about shooting journalists while visiting a gun range on Friday to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Russian oligarch once close to Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign man
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House will comply with a request from the U.S. government’s ethics agency to provid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Intelligence Committee, investigating Russian meddling in U.S. 2016 election, has asked
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - (Reuters)
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some of the blame on Trump himself. “He talks when he shouldn’t,† he said. Former U.S. House Speaker John Boeh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s time in office has been a “complete disaster† aside from fo
BOSTON (Reuters) - Years before he captained the torpedo boat PT-109, ran for office or set the United States on a path to pu
WELLESLEY, Mass. (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton assailed the man who beat her to the White House, slamming as “unimaginab
BOZEMAN, Mont. (Reuters) - Republican Greg Gianforte defeated a political novice to win Montana’s seat in the U.S. Hous
LONDON (Reuters) - The United States government takes full responsibility for leaks of the British police investigation into Mo
(Corrects Comey firing to May 9 in fifth paragraph.) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared
(Reuters) - In a stinging rebuke to President Donald Trump, a U.S. appeals court refused on Thursday to reinstate his travel ban
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States issued about 50 percent fewer visitor visas in April to citizens of seven countries c
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday intensified his accusations that NATO allies were not spending
HAVANA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. senators reintroduced legislation on Thursday to repeal all restr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Missing from President Donald Trump’s budget proposal this week was an annual report, known
(Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in federal court on Thursday, se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers introduced legislation on Thursday seeking to stop at least a portion of President Do
SIGONELLA, Italy (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in Sicily from Brussels on Thursday ahead of a two-day Group
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation has declined for now to give the House Oversight Committee do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Senator and Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman has withdrawn from
(This version of the May 24 story corrects paragraph 9 to add reference to White House waiver) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic U.S. congressmen introduced a bill on Thursday that would ban America
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump muscled himself to the front of the world stage in Brussels on Thursday, fir
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said after hosting allied leaders that U.S. President Donald Tru
Washington (Reuters) - Banks were regrouping on Thursday, a day after being handed a large defeat in the U.S. House, where
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A smiling Donald Trump offered European Union chiefs assurances on security in Brussels on Thursday b
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - As her reality TV star husband met many of his Western allies for the first time as U.S. president on Thur
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron barely know each other but they
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told Emmanuel Macron on Thursday that he had been his favorite to win th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former CIA Director John Brennan said on Tuesday it became clear last summer that Russia was atte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former CIA Director John Brennan said on Monday there was enough contact between Americans a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Thursday the pane
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told fellow NATO leaders on Thursday that the United States would never s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday that a $5.5 million increase requested for th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee backed legislation on Thursday that would impose new
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump stands united with other NATO countries in defending all members of the W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is particularly hopeful it can reach a bipartisan tax deal when it comes ove
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Trump vowed on Thursday to bring anyone caught leaking U.S. intelligence to justice after
LONDON (Reuters) - The most senior U.S. diplomat in Britain condemned media leaks of an investigation into a suicide bomb w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s businesses say it would be “impractical† to require customers r
MISSOULA, Mont. (Reuters) - Montana Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte was cited for a misdemeanor on W
(Reuters) - Montana Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte was cited for a misdemeanor on Wednesday after a r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior Russian intelligence and political officials discussed how to influence Donald Trump through h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill passed by U.S. House Republicans would cause 23 million people to lose healthcare coverage b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in the U.S. Senate, says he could live without the drama surrou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury is reviewing licenses for Boeing Co and Airbus to sell aircraft to Iran, department h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. spies learned last summer that Russian officials discussed influencing Donald Trump through his
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - He still has a chance for missteps, but so far on his maiden international trip, Donald Trump has managed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday he does not yet know how Repub
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s bid to slash funding for the United Nations would make it “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell told Reuters on Wednesday he expects bipartisan s
(Reuters) - Vermont’s governor on Wednesday halted, at least temporarily, efforts to become the ninth state to legalize th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, will testify
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. lawmakers want the House of Representatives to formally condemn Turkish security forc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Trump administration plan to sell off half the U.S. emergency crude oil stockpile to help balance th
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis urged U.S. President Donald Trump to be a peacemaker at their first meeting on Wedne
(This May 23 story corrects name to Fox Business Network in second paragraph) By Julia Edwards Ainsley WASHINGTON (Reu
(Reuters) - Democrats on a U.S. of House of Representatives panel have asked Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) to provide informati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans will be able to push through tax reform by the end of this year even as they continue to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday called on health insurance companies to “stick it o
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Texas House of Representatives gave preliminary approval on Tuesday to a new bill on showing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump asked lawmakers on Tuesday to cut $3.6 trillion in government spendi
(Reuters) - Ariana Grande returned to the United States on Tuesday, one day after a suicide bomber killed 22 people at the sin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former CIA director John Brennan said on Tuesday he had noticed contacts between associates of D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House, responding to hearings on Capitol Hill about contacts between officials in Donald
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers in the Illinois Senate on Tuesday voted in favor of a budget and tax package that i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s proposals to slash federal aid to the poor, the sick and people living in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s fellow Republicans in Congress on Tuesday assailed his proposed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday they would subpoena two of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - While U.S. President Donald Trump’s budget proposal for national defense increases spending, i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration wants to allow states to expand the use of tolling on interstate highways
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday proposed drastically slashing U.S. foreign aid spending in Mexico
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. farm groups on Tuesday pushed back against President Donald Trump’s proposal to slash agricult
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - President Donald Trump made a historic visit to Jerusalem’s Western Wall on Monday, standing be
(This version of the May 22 story was corrected to clarify details of the bill in paragraph four to show that it requires schools t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of the leaders of the moderate Republican “Tuesday Group† in the U.S. House of Represe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. derivatives regulator pushed back against White House efforts on Tuesday t
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump administration is proposing to sell off in the coming fiscal year the entire gasoline reserve cr
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s proposed budget estimates that the federal government could save $35 billion o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief executive officers of two major American companies - retailer Target Corp and agribusines
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is asking Congress for $1.6 billion to begin building a wall along the border
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration believes its budget plan will boost economic growth by fostering capital in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The budget proposal unveiled by the White House on Tuesday cut all funding to a Department of Ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been cleared by U.S. Department of Justice ethics experts to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. intelligence community has not initiated an assessment of the significance or impact of any
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats declined to say whether President Donald Trump as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said on Tuesday he had “no documents to make relev
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Republican leaders on Tuesday praised President Donald Trumpâ
(Reuters) - The following are stories and tables about President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for the fiscal year 2018 s
(Reuters) - The U.S. Labor Department will implement its fiduciary rule on June 9 with no further delays, U.S. Labor Secretary A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Monday to confirm Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, one of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s White House wants to sell half of the nation’s emergency oil s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Wall Street financial regulators would face cuts or major structural changes under President Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s budget proposal would convert some of the United States’ foreig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s promise to balance the federal budget in a decade rests on a sustaine
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The White House budget on Monday proposed $46.54 billion in cuts to federal government funding for th
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago is starting an advertising campaign to reassure immigrants that they are welcome in the third-lar
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Monday asked a federal judge to reconsider a ruling which blocke
CANNES, France (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump cannot stop momentum to tackle climate change, former U.S. vice-p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn declined on Monday to comply with a s
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The heavily Hispanic Texas border county of El Paso filed suit in federal court on Monday to halt a ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration asked on Monday that a major federal court case weighing the fate of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is seeking outside counsel to help him during investigations into his campai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump urged two senior intelligence officials in March to publicly deny there was a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey is delaying an appearance before the U.S. House Oversight Comm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Monday t
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that shared concern about Iran was driving Israel and ma
(Reuters) - A Mississippi state lawmaker who called for the lynching of Louisiana officials for removing pro-slavery era monum
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey summoned the U.S ambassador on Monday to protest the treatment of Turkish security officials in
DUBAI (Reuters)(Reuters) - The from
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the Republicans in North
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Saudi friends to get a good deal from our great American defense companies, the greatest anywhere in the world,† Trump
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife, Sara, offered sympathetic words to visiting U.S. Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate committee overseeing pensions on Monday asked the U.S. Offi
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, at the start of a two-day visit to Israel, said on Monday in Jerusalem that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday turned away a Republican challenge to a federal campaign finan
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that Iran must immediately stop its financial and military
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The man who led President Donald Trump’s transition team for the U.S. Environmental Protectio
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, speaking shortly after arriving in Israel on Monday, urged regional leaders t
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he hoped a visit to Israel by U.S. President Do
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday President Donald Trump was prepared to invest his p
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in Israel on Monday on a flight from Saudi Arabia and will meet se
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel expressed muted concern on Sunday to a major arms deal between the United States and Saudi
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. First Lady Melania Trump praised the “empowerment of women† at a General Electric all-femal
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Sunday criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for sealin
RIYADH (Reuters) - White House chief of staff Reince Priebus will not be joining President Donald Trump for his full trip throug
RIYADH (Reuters) - President Donald Trump urged Arab and Islamic leaders on Sunday to unite and do their share to defeat Isl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Defense is assessing its ability to recruit transgender people as soon as 1 Jul
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s budget proposal, set to be unveiled on Tuesday, will include cuts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump raised the firing of the FBI director in a meeting with Russia’s foreig
(Reuters) - World champion Sebastien Ogier won the Rally of Portugal for a record-equaling fifth time on Sunday to stretch his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump raised the firing of his FBI director in a meeting with Russia’s foreig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired by President Donald Trump last week amid an age
RIYADH (Reuters)
WASHINGTON - President
(Reuters) Donald
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constant focus on responding to allegations concerning the Russia probe was draining their caucus of focus and energy to pus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump was hit on Friday by embarrassing leaks that a senior adviser was a “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Ron Wyden thinks Republican leadership is moving away from trying to implem
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Public approval of President Donald Trump has dropped to its lowest level since his inauguration, accor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to nominate Callista Gingrich as ambassador to the Vatican, the Whit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. senator said on Friday that he expects Congress’ investigation of Russia and the 201
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has nominated Marine General Joseph Dunford to keep his post as his
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner wept on Friday as he pleaded guilty to sending sexually expl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is exploring whether it can use an obscure ethics rule to undermine the sp
(Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc banker James Donovan who was nominated by U.S. President Donald Trump as deputy T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A current White House official is a significant person of interest in the law enforcement investigation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told Russian officials at the White House that firing FBI Director James Com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration plans deep cuts to state environmental programs, a su
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will send its healthcare overhaul plan passed this month to the S
DUBAI (Reuters)(Reuters) - U.S. President
- U.S. President Donald departing
Donald Trump, Trump decided to fire
from his FBI chief Jamespractice,
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is expected Attorneyhuman
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United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman, have also been accused by rights groups of curbing free expression. In Qatar, activists
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There will be no planned announcement on Friday of U.S. President Donald Trump’s nominee fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Congressional Budget Office expects to release its analysis of the U.S. House of Representatives
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. Democratic Senators on Friday raised concerns over the possibility that President Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will propose $200 billion in infrastructure spending over 10 years in his first
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. presidential trips are an opportunity to project power and burnish statesmanship. But they come w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Standing in front of a memorial made of remnants of the World Trade Center, U.S. President Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, striking a defiant tone on Thursday after days of political tumult, denie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In Washington, the chatter about a deepening, Watergate-style crisis has engulfed the White House
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than a dozen Democratic attorneys general on Thursday sought to intervene
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told lawmakers on Thursday that he has some doubts that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday pledged to treat “very seriously† any bu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has made his selection for the next full-time head of the Office of the Comp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee’s top Democrat tussled with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Thursday set the clock ticking toward a mid-August start of renegotiati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dozens of American academic groups have taken a stance against a Trump administration proposal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan bill introduced on Thursday would prohibit members of the U.S. Congress from ever wo
(Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee introduced legislation on Thursday to cut cost overruns at t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel appointed to look into links between Russian officials and U.S. President Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday said the appointment of a special counsel to investigate possib
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wall Street and corporate executives urged lawmakers on Thursday to pursue a permanent tax refo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz, the chairman of a committee looking into President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was close to selecting a new FBI director and that form
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - (This May 17 story, in penultimate paragraph, corrects to show that Walter Jones is the only Republ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan will appear before the U.S. House of Repr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi welcomed the appointment of a special c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he did not believe the appointme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawyers for President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn have not y
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department, in the face of rising pressure from Capitol Hill, named former FBI chief
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian offic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Intelligence Committee is still negotiating with President Donald Trump’s former nati
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia this weekend will reinforce the “strategic partne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he remained confident lawmake
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House Intelligence Committee on Thursday requested more documents from the Department o
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s government welcomed the upcoming renegotiation of the North American Free Trade A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said on Thursday that former FBI Director James Com
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment on the appointment of former FBI chief Rob
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Besieged by controversy at home, U.S. President Donald Trump is under pressure to stick to the scri
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on May 9 renewed attention to allegations by U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Justice Department’s decision to name a special prosecutor to investigate Russia’s involv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading Republican in the U.S. Congress in June 2016 made a quip during a private meeting of fello
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday generally approved of the appointment of former FBI
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI director and prosecutor Robert Mueller, known for his independence in high-profile gov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scandals enveloping U.S. President Donald Trump have left Republican lawmakers and lobbyists incr
SOCHI/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump had not divulged any secrets
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s dismissal of FBI Director James Comey has raised questions about
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, an African-American who became a staunch critic of the “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday said a special counsel’s probe of Russian interference in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill proposed in Congress on Wednesday would require the U.S. National Security Agency to inform
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Bettors on both sides of the Atlantic are ramping up wagers in niche online markets over whe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director Robert Mueller on Wednesday was named special prosecutor into an investigati
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday will interview four candidates for the positio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is set to unveil President Donald Trump’s first full budget for the 2018 fiscal ye
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. industry groups have told President Donald Trump’s administration that they want two mai
(Reuters) - U.S. industry groups have submitted hundreds of pages of recommendations to President Donald Trump’s adm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate could soon approve a major overhaul of the federal bureaucracy and make lasting c
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. arrests of suspected illegal immigrants rose by nearly 40 percent in the first 100 days of Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department’s legal office has reminded employees not to promote private intere
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday asked the FBI to provide memos related to former F
(Reuters) - A group of about a dozen Republican governors is pushing for its own set of national healthcare reforms, flexing its
NEW LONDON, Conn. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would use his upcoming trip to Saudi Ar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to end the agency’s investiga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday it asked former FBI Director James Com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan tried to tamp down the furor on Wednesday over
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday the government has confidence in its relationship
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli intelligence experts are gravely concerned that U.S. President Donald Trump’s sharing of clas
(Reuters) - Washington Governor Jay Inslee on Tuesday signed a bill that paves the way for the state to create what is believed
LONDON (Reuters) - British gamblers believe U.S. President Donald Trump is now more likely to leave office before the end of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawmakers on Tuesday called for more information after reports that President Donald Trump aske
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said on Tuesday he expects U.S. President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s top trade officials hope to keep the North American Free Trade Agre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to shut down an investigation into ti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s search for a new FBI director hit roadblocks on Tuesday when two h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East has told colleagues that he has decided to retire, three U.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said he had no concerns about the Trump administration’s han
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats are striking back at the U.S. Congress and White House over their push to cut regulations
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House declined to comment on Tuesday on media reports that Israel was the source of s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that his Oval Office meeting last week with Russian Fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - National security adviser H.R. McMaster said on Tuesday that U.S. President Donald Trump did not h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate intelligence committee has asked the White House for information regarding report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. appeals court judge Merrick Garland, turned away by the Senate last year for a Supreme Court
SYDNEY/WELLINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s alleged disclosure of highly classified information to Russia’
(Reuters)- Senate
- RaminDemocratic Leader
Forouzandeh Chuck Schumer
had applied oneconomics
to 13 PhD Tuesday urged the White
programs in theHouse
immediately relea
but after Pre
opportunities with people from Toronto and London.†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Any tax reform plan that includes a border adjustment tax would likely not pass the U.S. Senate, its
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said Congress could do with fewer presidentia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister abou
SEATTLE (Reuters) - U.S. appeals court judges on Monday questioned the lawyer defending President Donald Trump’s tem
(Reuters) - A Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Tuesday advised that people don’t read American newspapers, in
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin described as “complete nonsense† on Tuesday media reports that U.S. President Don
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The reports that U.S. President Donald Trump has revealed highly classified information about a planned
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A majority of Americans, including a growing number of Republicans, want to see an “independent
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer started work on Monday, vowing to help reverse a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump did not discuss “sources, methods or military operations† in his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said allegations
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate’s number two Democrat, Dick Durbin, said on Monday that President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy, who was among 11 people being considered for directo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration said on Monday it was vastly expanding the scope of a policy blocking U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday that his search for a new FBI chief to replace the fired Jam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will conduct a classified briefing on Thursday, May 18
KING CITY, Calif. (Reuters) - On an overcast spring morning, about 40 Mexican men turned out in the pre-dawn hours to board
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Sunday called on President Donald Trump to turn over any tapes of conversation
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he would seek to keep his tough immigration enforce
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is trying to determine how keeping his promise to move the U.S. Embassy i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump ordered his homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, to hold an emerg
WASHINGTON/LYNCHBURG, Va. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Saturday he will move quickly to nominate a new
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is considering 11 people to replace fired FBI Director James Comey, ac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A unit of the U.S. Treasury Department that fights money laundering will provide financial records to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald J. Trump nominated Brian Quintenz, a former fund manager, consultant and congr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will express support for Palestinian “self-determination† during a Mi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein does not see a need at this time for a special prosecut
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on Friday that fi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Friday said James Comey has told him he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump did not ask former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Department of Justice has begun searching for a new leader to replace fired FBI Director James
WASHINGTON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. and European officials will discuss airline security issues at a meeting in Brussels next
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A review of President Donald Trump’s tax returns from the past 10 years showed no income from
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union and the United States will hold a high-level meeting in Brussels next week to discus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security officials met with major U.S. airlines and a trade group on Thursday to discu
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - The company owned by the family of senior White House aide Jared Kushner will skip roadshow events
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday ran into resistance for calling ousted FBI chief James Comey a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved President Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Trade Repres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday vowed to press ahead with their inve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on May 9 renewed attention to alle
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City public defenders on Thursday criticized a proposal by Mayor Bill de Blasio to deny free le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A major challenge to the U.S. watchdog for consumer finances fizzled on Thursday, as Congress miss
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday to bolster the government’s
(Reuters) - Former U.S. Representative Corrine Brown of Florida was found guilty in federal court on Thursday of fraud for help
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers in Illinois on Thursday said they have placed on hold a bill that expands state-fund
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the House of Representatives intelligence committee’s investigation into U.S. alle
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is weeks away from naming anyone to the board of the Federal Reserve, a White Hou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will not visit FBI headquarters as expected after agency officials told the W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump created a commission on Thursday to investigate voter fraud and suppress
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved President Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Trade Repres
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California governor Jerry Brown on Thursday proposed a funding increase for the state attorney ge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday called James Comey, the FBI chief he fired, a “showboatâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has asked to meet with the Senate Intelligence Committee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday set a May hearing on the potential impact
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI’s acting head said on Thursday he believed the agency has sufficient resources to investi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior White House official said former Republican congressman Mike Rogers is being considered
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey, days before President Donald Trump fired him, told lawmakers he sough
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI’s acting director promised on Thursday to tell the Senate Intelligence Committee of any
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia’s attempts to interfere in foreign elections are one of the top worldwide security threats,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. Senate formally requested details on Thursday from the Justice Department o
(This story corrects reference to Russian ambassador in paragraph 10.) By Steve Holland and Jeff Mason WASHINGTON (Reute
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on Thursday called on the FBI to publicly confi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin feels cautious optimism about the prospects for an improvement in U.S.-Russian relations a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Not even a week after the Trump administration and Congress rekindled optimism that they could soon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee issued a subpoena on Wednesday demanding documents re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senators John McCain and Ben Sasse said on Wednesday they would vote against P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will nominate former congressman Mark Green to head the U.S. Agency fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Wednesday rejected a resolution to revoke an Obama-era rule to limit methane
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia’s top diplomat met President Donald Trump on Wednesday and praised the U.S. administ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Makan Delrahim, who was chosen by President Donald Trump to be the top U.S. antitrust regulator,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s dismissal of Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey ha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has invited former FBI Director James Comey to testify at a
(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director Ja
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump urged Russia to “rein in† Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during a m
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Four U.S. states have sued Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, the Interior Department and the U.S. Bureau o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, on a visit to Washington, said on Wednesday that his discuss
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering four senior FBI officials to serve as the interim replacement f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey had requested additional funding and personnel for the agencyâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey could temporarily delay the Se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he fired FBI Director James Comey because he was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Mike Pence said on Wednesday FBI Director James Comey was fired to restore confid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate majority leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, said on Wednesday he did not suppo
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who has been accused by four men of sexually abusing them as teenagers, drop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump ignited a political firestorm on Tuesday by firing FBI Director James Co
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it hoped that the firing of FBI Director James Comey would not affect M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey followed a turbulent year for Come
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The newly appointed second-in-command at the U.S. Justice Department faced a weighty task just t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI was reeling after President Donald Trump unexpectedly fired its director James Comey, with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors have issued grand jury subpoenas seeking business records from people who w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After U.S. President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, Democratic member
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the senior Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Tuesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on Tuesday that the committee can c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Barely two days into crafting a new bill to roll back Obamacare, U.S. Senate Republicans were alread
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A 20 percent import tax, backed by Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, is unlikely t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill to ease restrictions on energy development on U.S. tribal lands has a good chance of passing t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Eight Democratic senators asked U.S. regulators on Tuesday to launch an investigation into billionair
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said on Tuesday he wants to know more about President D
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Tuesday to confirm Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a conservative health policy expert and venture cap
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prominent U.S. conservative congressman Raul Labrador has decided run for Idaho governor in the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will not make a decision on whether to pull the United States out of th
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of 30 Illinois House members on Tuesday threw their support behind efforts in the Sen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former U.S. Department of Justice official testified on Monday that she had two meetings and one
MILAN (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he was confident that the United States would keep m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. lawmaker pushed President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday to respond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will nominate Neil Chatterjee, an adviser to Republican U.S. Senator Mitch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A meeting of Trump administration advisers that had been scheduled for Tuesday to decide whethe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate easily confirmed Heather Wilson, a former Republican member of the House of Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates said on Monday she warned the White House in Jan
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government’s review of a landmark 2010 financial reform law will not be co
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - Federal appeals court judges on Monday peppered a U.S. Justice Department lawyer with tough qu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Monday she would prefer that President Dona
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott signed into law on Sunday a measure to punish “sanctua
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Barack Obama made clear he did not support Michael Flynn during a meeting
(Reuters) - Three appeals court judges appointed by Democratic former President Bill Clinton will review a Hawaii judge’s o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates said on Monday she warned the White House in Jan
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Organizers barred journalists on Sunday from a publicly advertised event in Shanghai that offered Chine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democrats on Sunday criticized the lack of women on a working group in the Republican-led Se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders said on Saturday that President Donald Trump was right to call Australia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt has recused himself from several court case
NEW YORK (Reuters) - David Miller, a white collar defense lawyer and former federal prosecutor, has emerged as a candida
FRANKFORT, Ky./SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - For nearly three years, Democrats and former President Barack Obama pointed t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A draft of President Donald Trump’s new counterterrorism strategy demands that U.S. allies sho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday it expects the Senate to retain the “principles† of the healthc
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Legal challenges to President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban on people from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s nominee for Army secretary, Mark Green, withdrew his name fro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Defense Department is finalizing a lease on a privately owned apartment in New York’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump was simply saying nice things to an ally when he called Australia’s unive
(Reuters) - Planned Parenthood, the U.S. medical services provider that could lose federal funding under the Republican-contr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday signed a $1.2 trillion spending bill approved by Congress, averting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Thursday to tighten sanc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives plans to turn to tax reform in earnest, afte
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump held his first-face-to-face meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday that allows tax-exempt churches to more activ
BOSTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s executive order on Thursday making it easier for churches to dabble in politi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urged Southeast Asian foreign ministers on Thursday to do mor
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump returned to his hometown on Thursday for the first time since taking offic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday narrowly approved a bill to repeal Obamacare, hand
(Reuters) - After months of internal discord, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved a bill to o
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Family members of three victims of the December 2015 shooting rampage in San Bernardino, Califor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, on his third try at overhauling Obamacare, sent no tweets attacking fe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of a House of Representatives probe of possible Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. electi
(Reuters) - The (Reuters) - The
U.S. House U.S. Senate on Thursday
of Representatives approvedgave
a billfinal legislativetoapproval
on Thursday to a $1.2
repeal major partstrillion spendingand
of Obamacare bill to keep the
replace it w
S&P 500 remains little changed on the day BONDS: 2- and 10-year Treasury yields hold higher on the day FOREX: The dollar ind
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wall Street attorney Jay Clayton was officially sworn in as chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said it was “critical† that the U.S. House of Representatives pass a Republica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A House banking panel on Thursday passed a controversial bill that would drastically change how th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In his first 100 days in office, Donald Trump made fewer appearances outside of the presidential bub
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican healthcare bill to repeal and replace major portions of Obamacare cleared a first proce
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will take executive action on Thursday to ease a ban on political activity by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Bob Corker said on Thursday there was no way the healthcare bill being conside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the House of Representatives conservative Freedom Caucus said Republicans were con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday outlined for his staff how an “America Firstâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump vowed on Wednesday to do “whatever is necessary† to broker peac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey said on Wednesday it made him “mildly nauseous† to think his ann
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s effort to roll back Obamacare gained momentum on Wednesday as Re
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Rules committee approved a Republican healthcare bill late on Wednesday night, a p
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will find common ground with U.S. President Donald Trump w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted narrowly on Wednesday to repeal an exemption from strict federal protectio
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday unveiled design plans for his Chicago presidential ce
(Reuters) - After months of internal discord, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday were still trying t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill to fund the gov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Wednesday took its first step in replacing Obama-era banking regulato
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey concurred with a Democratic lawmaker on Wednesday that citizenship al
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. Republican House lawmakers threw their support behind their party’s healthcare ove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An expected proposal from moderate Republican Fred Upton to amend the party’s healthcare o
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Reuters) - Russia succeeded in its goals of sowing discord in U.S. politics by meddling in the 2016 presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee for ambassador to China promised on Tuesday to take a firm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump came to office promising that he would produce so much winning that
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Time was running short for President Donald Trump to attract enough votes to pass a new bill to ove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives opposed to Republican legislation that would repea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. National Security Agency collected more than 151 million records of Americans’ phone
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A much-delayed U.S. rule requiring restaurants and retailers to clearly display food calorie counts has
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, the chamber’s second-ranking Democrat, had a procedure on Tuesday in Ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Tuesday to confirm attorney Jay Clayton to head the Securities and Exchan
(Reuters) - Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday she was on the path to victory in the 2016 presidential election until late interferenc
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday moved to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump agreed in a phone call on Tuesday to try to m
WASHINGTON(Reuters) - The Heritage Foundation, a leading conservative think tank that has gained influence in Republican-c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget director Mick Mulvaney accused Democrats on Tuesday of trying to make Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday rejected President Donald Trump’s suggestion
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) - A Republican, a Democrat and a lobbyist for leading businesses in Florida huddled this spring at
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House of Representatives Freedom Caucus said on Tuesday that Republicans sti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday did not say when lawmakers would vote on a Republican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s nominee to be the U.S. ambassador to China took a tough line on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to be the U.S. ambassador to China said on Tuesday that Chi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York is bracing for President Donald Trump’s first trip back to his hometown since taking office
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he was actively considering breaking up big banks, Bloomberg Tel
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump will speak by phone on Tuesday, RIA n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump has shown a fascination with populist 19th-century U.S. president Andrew Jackson sin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Sunday defended President Donald Trump’s decision to invite Philippine Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress, bitterly divided for years along party lines, may be mapping a bipartisan path forw
(Please note: Story contains strong language in final paragraph) (Reuters) - Republican Maine Governor Paul LePage on Mond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate took a procedural vote on Monday to clear the way for confirming Jay Clayton as th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top aides to President Donald Trump on Monday predicted the House of Representatives would mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. budget deal Congress is working to pass this week contains few surprises for the financial s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget director Mick Mulvaney told reporters on Monday that President Donald Trum
(Reuters) - Representative Joaquin Castro has decided against running for the U.S. Senate in 2018, a campaign that would hav
(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Monday vetoed a bill that would have required President Donald Trump to r
BEVERLY HILLS (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Monday that economic growth of three percent is a
(In April 27 story, corrects name of Republican senator who has said he will not vote for the resolution to Bob Corker instead
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Congress has agreed to fund an additional 5,300 detention beds for illegal immigrants, t
(Reuters) - Ailing Puerto Rico would receive $295 million in Medicaid funding from the federal government as part of the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea would need to clear many conditions before a meeting between President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday said he was open to meeting North Korean leader Kim Jon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday he would consider raising the federal tax on gasoline to fu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a moderate Republican from South Florida who has been c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An extra 2,500 visas for Afghans who assisted American forces during the war in their country will b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government and coal companies will be required to pay out healthcare to retired coal mine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump does not intend to trade away U.S. jobs for China’s help on North Korea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump announced on Monday he has signed an executive order creating a new te
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal spending agreement reached late on Sunday will reimburse New York City for money spent se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said China may have hacked the emails of Democratic officials to meddle w
MANILA (Reuters) - Across Asia, more and more countries are being pulled into Beijing’s orbit, with the timid stance adopt
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s push to overhaul tax laws might soon target a loophole used by som
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump must convey to Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte the deep sense of alar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke to the leaders of Thailand and Singapore on Sunday in separate
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump hit the road on Saturday to celebrate his first 100 days in the White
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House press corps gathered on Saturday for its annual black-tie dinner, a toned-down aff
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - He misses driving, feels as if he is in a cocoon, and is surprised how hard his new job is. President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The website of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,, is getting a makeover to reflect t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will sign an executive order on Saturday seeking to identify any problems c
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: The Trump administration could respond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday to extend offshore oil and gas drill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led Congress averted a U.S. government shutdown on Friday and gave lawmakers an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - By U.S. President Donald Trump’s math, renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreemen
ATLANTA (Reuters) - President Donald Trump pledged to uphold Americans’ right to possess guns on Friday in a speech tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump complained on Thursday that U.S. ally Saudi Arabia was not treating the Un
(Reuters) -- President Donald
U.S. President Trump
Donald has cemented
Trump took officehis
Jan. 20 withasaTweeter
long list in
of Chief sincefor
promises taking office.
his first 100 Nearly 100record
days. His days into
lands; and rules to curb methane emissions from oil and gas production. As part of a push to open up more federal lands to d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday granted a Trump administration request to put on hold a legal challen
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s suggestion that Seoul pay for the THAAD advanced U.S. missile defense s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday a major conflict with North Korea is possible in the s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump downplayed the severity of a potential government shutdown on Thursday
CLEARWATER, Fla. (Reuters) - Some of his supporters fret that President Donald Trump is backing himself into a corner with p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told Reuters on Thursday he will either renegotiate or terminate what
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday spurned the Taiwanese president’s suggestion that th
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the U.N. Security Council on Friday that
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Friday the situation on the Korean Peninsula is critical a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House leaders have decided against holding a vote on a reworked healthcare system overhaul t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Here are some of the highlights of the Reuters interview with U.S. President Donald Trump on Thurs
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Friday reiterated its stance that it is opposed to any official exchanges between Taiwan and count
SEOUL (Reuters) - The spokesman for the front runner in South Korea’s upcoming presidential election said on Friday that
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan’s presidential office on Friday said it had no plans “at this stage† to hold a telephone call w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is set to debate legislation that would extend until May 5 the deadline for a deal o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump complained on Thursday that the United States was being unfairly treated
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told Reuters on Thursday that he was “psyched† to terminate the NA
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea is adopting a “wait and see† stance, government officials said on Friday, after U.S. Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States issued about 40 percent fewer temporary visas in March to citizens of seven coun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As President Donald Trump’s administration drafts an Afghanistan policy, U.S. officials are seekin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - R. Alexander Acosta was confirmed on Thursday by the U.S. Senate to head the Labor Department, m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives could vote as soon as next week on legislation to toughen sanctio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump administration officials will likely meet in May to reach a final decision on whether the United
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China has told the United States that it warned Pyongyang it would impose “sanctions actions on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon inspector general has launched an investigation into whether Michael Flynn, U.S. Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Advisers to President Donald Trump held a meeting at the White House on Thursday to discuss whe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House banking chairman said on Thursday his attempt to eliminate limits on fees banks can
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: The Trump administration could respond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday released a 58-page draft plan to
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Even if President Donald Trump wins an appeal of a court ruling blocking his executive
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Republican-dominated Texas House of Representative approved on Thursday a bill to punish so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Thursday granted a request from the Trump administration to put litigation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A White House spokesman said on Thursday it was “appropriate† for a Pentagon agency to in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Manufacturers and Wall Street have led the quest for business access to President Donald Trump in
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Thursday he had urged U.S. President Donald Trump not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ten Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives said on Thursday they want Congres
(Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee voted on Thursday to advance the nomination of Dr. Scott Gottlieb to lead the Food and D
(Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday that a media report that President Vladimir Putin and U.S. Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump unveiled a one-page plan on Wednesday proposing deep U.S. tax cuts, man
BOSTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. hedge fund managers began warming to President Donald Trump soon after his surprise e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s tax-cut plan will generate growth, but not nearly enough to repla
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto spoke with U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday and th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday attacked a federal judge’s ruling that blocked his executi
WASHINGTON - Highlights for -U.S.
(Reuters) ThePresident Donald Trump’s
Trump administration said onadministration on Wednesday:
Wednesday it aimed Trump
to push North proposes
Korea slashing taxits
into dismantling rates
where it will join the USS Michigan, a nuclear submarine that docked in South Korea on Tuesday. South Korea’s navy has sa
(Reuters) - North Korea’s latest display of its military hardware at a parade this month focused more on new missiles and le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has given the military the authority to reset a confusing system of troop lim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts took issue on Wednesday with the Trump administration’s stance
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers said high-profile briefings by the Trump administration on North Korea on Wednesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday ordered Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to review the U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers launched the next round in their fight against federal regulation on Wednesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The conservative House Freedom Caucus came out in support of a reworked U.S. healthcare overha
NEW YORK/HOUSTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s proposal to slash tax rates on so-called pass-through busines
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s strategy on North Korea aims to pressure Pyongyang to dismantle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress inched toward a deal to fund the government through September but was prepar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to allow national monument designation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday debated resurrecting the stalled Yu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will continue to pay subsidies for low-income Americans receiving health
Public House advisers
pension and
funds in at Trump administration
least seven U.S. statesofficials will meet
have invested on Thursday
millions to in
of dollars discuss whether t
an investment
61, state secretary for the Association of Texas Professional Educators, however, said he would alert teachers across his state
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representative could move soon to consider a bill to fund the government for a w
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada is ready to come to talks on renewing the North American Free Trade Agreement at any time, a C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday proposed slashing the U.S. tax rate on corporate and pass-t
(Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is expected to announce a new probe into imported aluminum, CNBC report
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Mexican and Canadian stocks and currencies fell on Wednesday after reports that the White House was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday negotiators are close to reaching a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The confirmation testimony expected on Wednesday for Makan Delrahim, who was nominated to h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said the plan for “the biggest tax cut† in U.S. history d
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac opened higher on Wednesday, reaching their highest levels in m
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesday blocked President Donald Trump’s executive order that sought to with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is proposing to slash the corporate income tax rate and offer multinati
SYDNEY/WASHINGTON (Reuters)) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The threat of a U.S. government shutdown this weekend appeared to recede on Tuesday after Presi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will not agree to a Democratic demand that subsidies for Obamacare b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration may undertake trade actions to protect the U.S. semiconductor, shipbuild
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday will order a review of national monuments created ove
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday: Trump proposes slashing tax rates
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn likely broke the law by failing to get pe
NEW YORK (Reuters) - More than a dozen state prosecutors urged President Donald Trump in a letter on Tuesday not to withd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday confirmed former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue as secretary of agric
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two former U.S. officials, intelligence director James Clapper and deputy Attorney General Sally Yate
(Reuters) - Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress have refused Democrats’ calls for a special prosecutor or select committ
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Nine former U.S. ambassadors to the United Nations warned Congress in a letter on Tuesday tha
BERLIN (Reuters) - Ivanka Trump was booed in Berlin on Tuesday when she described her father Donald as a “tremendous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate’s main investigation into allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidenti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican in the U.S. Senate said on Tuesday he hoped to reach agreement “in the nex
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday approved President Donald Trump’s choice for U.S. T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump indicated an openness on Monday to delaying his push to secure fund
VIENNA (Reuters) - The lawyer of an American-Iranian father and son jailed in Iran called on U.S. President Donald Trump to ge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government’s costs could increase by $2.3 billion in 2018 if Congress and President Don
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday: Trump proposes slashing tax rates
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Barack Obama, making his first major appearance since leaving the White House, made no mention on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission is expected to unveil his strategy this we
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. State Department website on Monday took down an article it published this month about Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has been reworking student lending since her appointment in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Expanding the U.S. Navy to 355 ships as recommended by military leaders and backed by President
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s zeal to unveil a tax plan before his 100th day in office is raising questio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Friday it had invited FBI, NSA and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump complained on Monday that the United States is shouldering an unfair burd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A congressional vote on a Republican healthcare plan may not come for weeks as leaders in the Hou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Negotiations between the White House and congressional leaders on a spending measure to keep th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Fox News anchor and correspondent Heather Nauert will be the new U.S. State Department
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal by an Alabama black-voter outreach group with clo
PAGO PAGO, American Samoa (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has cut short the final leg of his Asia trip to race back
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump this week will sign new executive orders before he completes his first 1
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said anti-Semitism should be defeated and called the Holocaust the â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump put pressure on Democrats on Sunday as U.S. lawmakers worked to avoid a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Department of Homeland Security will not target immigrants brought to the United States as ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Sunday he expected Mexico to pay for the wall he has promised to
DJIBOUTI (Reuters) - The United States is closely watching a recent increase in piracy off the coast of Somalia, a senior U.S. mil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump warned Democrats on Sunday that Obamacare was in trouble and wou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said on Sunday he believes lawmakers could reach a shor
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, who until recently had avoided the spotlight in the wake of her election defeat in Novem
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday makes his first major appearance since leaving office, h
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump reassured manufacturers gathered in the White House Roosevelt room on
BETHESDA, Md. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump visited wounded U.S. service members at Walter Reed National Military M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s promised “big announcement† next week on overhauling the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Saturday that the Trump administration’s tax re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice threatened on Friday to cut some funding to California as well as eig
SAN FRANCISCO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s travel ban on citizens of six Muslim-majority nations fac
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. Homeland Security Department’s inspector general said on Friday he was investigatin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday promised a big announcement about tax reform next week and o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump intends to designate Philip Miscimarra as the chairman of the National Lab
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When Gokul Gunasekaran was offered a full scholarship for a graduate program in electrical engin
WASHINGTON/SPRING, Tx. (Reuters) - The United States will not make an exception for American companies, including oil ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the Treasury Department on Friday to examine two powers gi
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump promises a big announcement ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, striving to make good on a top campaign promise, is pushing his fellow Rep
(Editor’s note: please be advised that paragraphs 4-6 contain language that may be offensive to some readers) By Bernie W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, signing executive orders calling for a re-examination of some Obama-era fi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday there is no “rush† to get a vote on Republican healthc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday welcomed back to the United States Aya Hijazi, an Egyptian-Ame
(Reuters) - Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich lost his latest bid for leniency as a federal appeals court refused to shorten
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- A
U.S. President
Russian Donald Trump
government will order
think tank the Treasury
controlled on Friday
by Vladimir to find andareduce
Putin developed plan totax burdens
swing and U
the 2016 re
service and told Fradkov he wanted the institute to provide objective information and analysis. “We did our best for  near
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia dismissed as false on Thursday a Reuters report that said a government think tank controlled by P
MUMBAI (Reuters) - For Grishma,
(Reuters) Whensoftware
Raj, a Sri designer, Presidentsought
Lankan fisherman, Donaldrefuge
in the review
United of the visa
States programme
in 2005, fo
he had pr
order to review the waivers “is another example of an attempt to address a non-existent phantom problem,† said Eric S
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Target Corp (TGT.N), Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT.N) and other retailers are shelving considerations to mov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans who control Congress face their first major budg
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group of 11 Republican state attorneys general are protesting an investigation into whether Exxon Mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump took power in January pledging to overhaul a global order that he said cheated middl
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - A special federal judicial panel ruled for the second time in two months on Thursday that the
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump promises a big announcement ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration had a simple but stark message for world financial leaders who gathered
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda warned world policymakers against undoing the free trade
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In an era of shrinking government contributions to development financing and “exploding† lo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An environmental group sued President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday over the re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he does not see a role for the United States in Libya apart
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It would not be a bad idea for the European Central Bank and other central banks to follow the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will unveil a tax reform plan very soon and expects it will be approved by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration wants to tax imports from countries that put tariffs on the United States,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese efforts to rein in “the menace of North Korea† o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday accused Iran of ‘alarming ongoing provocatio
BEIRUT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran and the United States traded barbs over the landmark 2015 nuclear deal on Thursday, w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is aware of a higher-than-usual level of activity by Chinese bomber planes, signali
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was in favor of a strong Europe, as France gears up for
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday brushed off an attack by U.S. President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Jason Chaffetz, the Republican chairman of a House committee with broad inve
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump administration will be persistent in prosecuting white collar crimes despite giving a higher p
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council on Thursday condemned North Korea’s latest missile test
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will meet with the foreign ministers of Southeast Asian countrie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House of Representatives’ banking panel has unveiled the Republicans’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A political newcomer who thrilled Democrats with a strong finish in a Georgia congressional race - d
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
HAVANA (Reuters) - The Trump administration and the Cuban government need to start a dialogue, the Republican governor o
EAST CHICAGO, Ind. (Reuters) - The head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) toured his first hazardous waste site o
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - To preserve federal funding for critical rail projects, New Jersey and New York senators on Wednesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday urged the Federal Communic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday denied being misleading about a U.S. c
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump promises a big announcement ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Large U.S. companies and their executives helped President Donald Trump raise a record-setting $10
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday will sign a directive asking for a speedy probe into whethe
LONDON (Reuters) - The United States must keep military options on the table when dealing with North Korea, but it does not
LONDON (Reuters) - The United States’ first tax overhaul in decades may not pass Congress until well into 2017, House of R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday moved a step closer to fulfilling his campaign promise to re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump may add a visit to Saudi Arabia to a trip to Europe in May in what will b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s choice for deputy secretary of commerce, Todd Ricketts, has withdraw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When U.S. President Donald Trump boasted early last week that he had sent an “armada† as
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis looked to address confusion over a U.S. aircraft carrier group on Wednes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will reconsider a rule on greenhouse gas emissions from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Jason Chaffetz, who chairs a House committee with broad investigative powers,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he will hold a news conference on April 27 to discu
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Wednesday that Washington would work with its allies and China to
PARIS (Reuters) - France said on Wednesday it was imperative the United Nations Security Council apply more pressure on No
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea put on a musical show to mark the birthday of founding father Kim Il Sung, which ended with a
BEIJING (Reuters) - America’s allies in Asia were silent on Wednesday over confusion about a U.S. aircraft carrier group tha
(Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council has issued a wide range of sanctions against North Korea, including entities an
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that it was seriously concerned by recent comments made
KENOSHA, Wis. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday ordered a review of the U.S. visa program for bringing high-ski
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Massive changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - or the financial reform law that esta
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence reassured Japan of American commitment to reining in North Korea’s nu
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
LONDON (Reuters) - No one can be complacent about the potential threat posed by the missiles being developed by North Ko
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump promised on Tuesday to defend American dairy farmers who have been hurt by Cana
DETROIT/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American† executive order on T
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump promises a big announcement ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A White House meeting that was to help determine whether the United States should withdraw fro
(Reuters) - Alabama Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday moved up to December the election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The tax-writing committee of the U.S. House of Representatives will begin holding hearings on a Rep
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(Reuters) - A Republican senator said on Tuesday he had written to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A nonprofit watchdog expanded a lawsuit accusing U.S. President Donald Trump of violating the Constit
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday put Japan on notice that Washington wants results “in the n
RIYADH (Reuters) - The failed North Korean missile test over the weekend was an attempt by the reclusive country to “pro
RIYADH (Reuters) - A political solution through U.N.-brokered negotiations is needed to resolve the conflict in Yemen, U.S. Def
CHICAGO (Reuters) - An Illinois lawmaker on Monday introduced a bill to ban the forcible removal of travelers from flights by s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court is set this week to hear a closely watched case testing the limits of religious
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told business leaders in Seoul on Tuesday that the Trump administration wil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s appointee Neil Gorsuch on Monday showed himself to be a frequent a
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea used Chinese-made trucks to display missiles at a massive military parade last week, according
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence did not discuss currencies in t
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso said on Tuesday the United States and Japan agreed to combat u
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and the United States agreed to structure bilateral economic talks along three policy pillars and to ge
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed on Tuesday that the two co
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Tuesday the United States and Japan can both strengthen their econ
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Tuesday all options are on the table in dealing with North Korea, but
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday diplomatic means must be used to resolve tensions on t
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Tuesday the United States was eager to strengthen its trade r
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese trade minister Hiroshige Seko said on Tuesday that he has not received a request from U.S. Comm
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso said he would discuss a broad framework on bilateral economic c
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump promises a big announcement ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Advisers to President Donald Trump will meet on Tuesday to discuss whether to recommend that he
SEOUL/PYONGYANG (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence warned North Korea on Monday that recent American military
(Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the Trump administration’s timetable for tax reform is set to falter
LONDON (Reuters) - North Korea will continue to regularly test missiles and any military action against it by the United States
WASHINGTON/BOSTON (Reuters) - In a White House marked by infighting, top economic aide Gary Cohn, a Democrat and form
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that Moscow could not accept North Korea’s
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe urged North Korea on Monday to refrain from taking further provocati
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence put North Korea on notice on Monday that neither the United States nor Sou
BEIJING (Reuters) - China reiterated on Monday its opposition to the deployment of a sophisticated U.S. anti-missile system in
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people marched through midtown Manhattan and dozens of U.S. c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration declined to name any major trading partner as a c
PALM BEACH, FLA. (Reuters) - The Trump administration will not make public White House visitor logs, the records that detail
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump nominated former Republican lawmaker Scott Garrett as president of the E
(Reuters) - The Trump administration on Friday dropped a lawsuit accusing North Carolina of discriminating against LGBT resid
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A California federal judge on Friday strongly questioned the U.S. Justice Department over whether
BEIJING (Reuters) - The 100-day trade talks announced after a Sino-American presidential summit last week will aim to deal w
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GB
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Thursday issued a final rule that will shorten the Obamacare enrollme
NEW YORK (Reuters)
(Reuters) York police
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make it appear falsely that the Army’s numbers do match. The report said that for March 2016, there were $1.9 billion in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a resolution that will allow U.S. states to restrict how fe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - At first glance, U.S. President Donald Trump and Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen may have little in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that Pyongyang is a problem that “will be taken c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has maintained a hiring freeze at the State Department even th
PALATKA, Fla. (Reuters) - At a town hall in his conservative Florida district this week, U.S. Representative Ted Yoho drew appla
(Reuters) - Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy said on Thursday that he will not seek re-election in 2018, choosing to step do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will host Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni for an official working visit o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.- President
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release.” (A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official said the agency still releases most women and children in c
ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni will fly to Washington and Ottawa meet U.S. President Donald Trump
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin used a meeting with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on We
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday “things will work out fine† between the United
MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The presidents of the United States and Russia on Wednesday both presented souring vie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After less than three months in office, President Donald Trump has abruptly shifted his stance on an
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia blocked a Western-led effort at the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday to condemn last
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Washington has billed Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Indonesia next week as a booster for the St
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior Trump administration official said on Wednesday that the positive bond developed betwee
WASHINGTON/BOSTON (Reuters) - Bharat R. Ramamurti, a legislative aide for Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, is a conte
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GB
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that NATO is not obsolete, as he had declared on t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Manafort, who served last year as U.S. President Donald Trump’s campaign manager, is pla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that he might consider wit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic U.S. senator pressed Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) on Wednesday to release informatio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan’s tax reform blueprint appears to be losing its status as the likely f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday the United States is prepared to tackle the crisis su
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major medical groups kept up the pressure on U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday to main
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump voiced caution on Wednesday on his relationship with Russian Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, who has proposed cuts to an array of government agencies, is asking depa
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and the United States agreed to set up a working group to try to mend their battered ties on Wed
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States told Russia at the United Nations on Wednesday that it is isolating itself by con
BOSTON (Reuters) - Civil liberties groups on Wednesday said they were filing a series of lawsuits against the U.S. government s
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday after holding talks with U.S. Secretary of State
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump does not like the “border adjustment† tax cooked up by U.S. Ho
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that anti-Russian forces in the West were trying to dest
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will veto a draft U.N. resolution being pushed by the United States, Britain and France which aims
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Samples taken from the site of a deadly toxic gas attack in Syria and analyzed by British scientists
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has started a meeting in the Kremlin with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Til
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s Daily Mail agreed on Wednesday to pay Melania Trump an undisclosed sum and issue an apo
KANSAS CITY, Kan (Reuters)
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW - Kansas- Republican
(Reuters) and state
President Donald treasureradministration
Trump’s Ron Estes on Tuesday
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trying to attor
Trump, who in the past alarmed allies by voicing skepticism about the value of U.S. support for traditional friends, while calling
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Wednesday he had let down President Donald Trump w
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. position on Syria remains a mystery to Moscow and Washington’s rhetoric tends to be prim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI secured a court order in 2016 to secretly surveil the communications of Carter Page, a foreig
PARIS (Reuters) - France and the rest of Europe must use last week’s U.S. missile strike on Syria as a tool to revive peace ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tensions between the United States and Russia will not “spiral out of control† following last w
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told his Russian counterpart on Wednesday that he wanted to use ta
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior member of Israel’s government welcomed on Wednesday White House spokesman Sean S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If Democrats thought it was hard to stop President Donald Trump’s first U.S. Supreme Court nom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to nominate attorney John J. Sullivan of Maryland to be deputy Secre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Sean Spicer triggered an uproar on Tuesday by saying Adolf Hitler did not u
Nogales, Ariz. (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border on Tuesday to make his case f
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GB
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House of Representatives committee that polices Wall Street plans to unveil a n
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council could vote as early as Wednesday on a push by the United States, Brita
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Maryland lawmakers have passed a first-in-the-nation measure that lets the state attorney general s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said tax reform “will be better† if legislation to dismantle Obamacare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday that the United States’ military policy in Syria
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he had told China’s President Xi Jinping at a summit las
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s visit to Moscow this week will be an early test of whether
(Reuters) - A Texas law that requires voters to show identification before casting ballots was enacted with the intent to discrim
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said it hoped forthcoming talks in Moscow with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson would be pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is open to authorizing additional strikes on Syria if its government uses
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Reuters) - Alabama Governor Robert Bentley resigned on Monday after pleading guilty to two misdemean
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May spoke on Monday to U.S. President Donald Trump and agreed that â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of U.S. lawmakers said on Monday they had requested more information from President Do
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A coalition of nonprofit groups on Monday sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to obtain lo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump reveled in the biggest political victory of his presidency at a White House ceremony o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Opponents of a proposal to create a U.S. border tax on imported goods are targeting lawmakers in t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration must decide by the end of this month whether to grant Belarus continued
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with about 20 chief executives on Tuesday as he works to ga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. cruise missile strike on a Syrian air base last week damaged or destroyed 20 percent of Syri
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will not meet President Vladimir P
SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. (Reuters) - After the crushing electoral losses that swept Donald Trump into the White House and sealed
SANT’ANNA DI STAZZEMA, Italy (Reuters) - The U.S. will stand up against anyone who commits crimes against humanity, Se
ROME (Reuters) - U.S. energy secretary Rick Perry has said nothing about the U.S. backpedaling on climate change commitmen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is considering an executive order to launch a trade investigation that c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top aides to President Donald Trump demurred on Sunday over where U.S. policy on Syria was head
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s deputy national security adviser, K.T. McFarland, is expected to ste
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Sunday blamed Russia’s inaction for helping fuel a deadly
(Reuters) - The Alabama Supreme Court ruled on Saturday that impeachment proceedings against Governor Robert Bentley ca
PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top White House aides Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner met and agreed to “
SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese state media on Saturday cheered the meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Donald Trump started thinking during his campaign for the presidency last year about filling a
UNITED NATIONS/MOSCOW/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russia warned on Friday that U.S. cruise missile strikes on a Syrian air base co
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump pressed Chinese President Xi Jinping to do more to curb North Korea’
WASHINGTON/PALM BEACH (Reuters) - In a secure room at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, President Donald Trump’s top
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told South Korea on Saturday he had explained to China’s President Xi Jinp
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An attempt by U.S. authorities to identify an anonymous critic of President Donald Trum
(Reuters) - U.S. allies expressed support on Friday for Washington’s missile strikes on Syria, calling them a proportionate re
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Internal State Department instructions to implement President Donald Trump’s tem
(Reuters) - An Alabama state court on Friday rejected Governor Robert Bentley’s request to block a legislative committee f
NEW YORK/FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) - For many supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump, his decision to bomb a S
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GB
DEARBORN, Mich. (Reuters) - Syrian-Americans on Friday hailed the U.S. missile attack on a Syrian air base as a blow for huma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Friday it is suspending enforcement of the cos
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led Senate on Friday gave Donald Trump the biggest triumph of his young presidenc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Advocates of landmark net neutrality rules on Friday blasted Federal Communications Commission c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump intends to nominate Kevin Hassett, a scholar at the American Enterprise Ins
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Mark Green, a former Army doctor currently serv
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Friday told reporters that he plans to announce additi
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping have agreed to a new 100-day pla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. Congress from both parties on Friday backed President Donald Trump’s cru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, concerned about infighting among his team, is considering a major sh
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian warplanes took off from an air base which was hit by U.S. cruise missiles on Friday, and carried out a
WASHINGTON/PALM BEACH (Reuters) - Hours after a poison gas attack in Syria killed dozens of civilians on Tuesday, President
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Defence Ministry notified the Pentagon it would close down at 2100 GMT the communicatio
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Friday that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov discussed the U.S. missile
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia has not suspended a military communications channel meant to help U.S. and Russian forces
Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court who was confirmed by the Senate to the life
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A visit to Moscow by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is on the agenda for the coming week, Interfax
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping urged cooperation with the United States on trade and investment o
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that he believed he and Chinese President Xi Jinping
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional committee on Friday asked the Trump administration to disclose an estimate o
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he spoke with U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday about
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Polarized by years of civil war, Syrians were split on Friday over a U.S. strike on a government airbase, with
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah said on Friday a U.S. cruise missile strike on a Syrian airbase was an â€
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev complained on Friday that U.S. cruise missile strikes on a Syria
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union said on Friday it understood the aim of U.S. missile strikes in Syria as an effort to de
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian opposition applauded a U.S. cruise missile attack on an airbase near Homs on Friday but said it m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia has notified the U.S.-led coalition of its intent to suspend a communication channel for avoid
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels welcomed a U.S. missile attack on a Syrian army airbase on Friday but said Washington’s â
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has demanded an emergency meeting of the United Nations ceasefire task force in Geneva to dis
CAIRO (Reuters) - Jordan said on Friday a U.S. air strike on a Syrian air base was a “necessary and appropriate response†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representative Mike Conaway’s new role leading the House Intelligence Committee investigatio
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Friday hailed an attack by the United States on a Syrian air base as a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union on Friday said U.S. missile strikes on a Syrian airbase had the “understandable in
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s airbase in Latakia province and its naval facility in Tartus are protected by S-300 and S-400 a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the country’s security council on Friday and discussed kee
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian presidency said a U.S. missile attack on a Syrian army air base in Homs had increased Syria’s
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday an attack by the United States on a Syrian airbase from wh
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned U.S. cruise missile strikes on Syria as illegal on Friday, warn
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “bears
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Nine civilians including four children were killed in the U.S. missile attack on a Syrian airbase near the city o
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting of his security council later on Friday to discuss the U
BERLIN (Reuters) - The United States informed Germany shortly before it launched missile strikes on a Syrian airbase from whi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Defence Ministry said on Friday that Syrian air defenses would be beefed up after U.S. cruise
ROME (Reuters) - The Syrian conflict needs to be resolved through negotiations involving government and opposition forces, R
ANKARA/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s immediate ouster on Friday, voicing sup
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk said on Friday that strikes on a Syrian air base ordered by U.S. P
ROME (Reuters) - Italy gave its support to a U.S. air strike against a Syrian airfield on Friday, saying it was a suitable response t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday he hoped U.S. missile strikes on Syria would not irr
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Friday urged all parties in Syria to try to find a political settlement in the six-year-old war after a U
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The U.S. missile attack on a Syrian airbase on Friday will elevate political tensions but is not expected to lea
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey’s foreign minister called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s immediate removal on Frid
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande spoke about the situation in Syr
NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania (Reuters) - France said on Friday it had been informed by the United States before the U.S. military
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli leaders welcomed the U.S. airstrikes in Syria, saying they sent a strong message that the Trump
PARIS (Reuters) - France and Germany will continue efforts through the United Nations to find a peaceful solution to the Syria
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian state TV said on Friday that U.S. air strikes on a Syrian air base had destroyed nine planes, but ha
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he ordered a targeted military strike against an airfield controlled by
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A U.S. missile strike on an airbase near the Syrian city of Homs on Friday killed five people and wounded se
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian army said a U.S. missile attack on one of its airbases killed six people and caused extensive dama
BERLIN (Reuters) - The U.S. military strike on a Syrian airbase was “understandable†, German Foreign Minister Sigmar G
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman said on Friday it was necessary to enforce a no-fly zone
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. missile strikes on a Syrian air base are unlikely to halt U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson’s plann
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia wants an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council to discuss U.S. missile strikes on Syria, t
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump accepted his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping’s invitation to visit China, the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission is moving quickly to replace the Oba
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In her first interview since her stunning presidential election defeat by Republican rival Donald Trump,
(Reuters) - Former Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara took several shots at the administration of President Donald Trump
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump faces his biggest test as a world leader when he meets Chinese President Xi Jinping Thursd
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he would be ready to act unilaterally to ad
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans generally agree that politicians should not enrich themselves while running
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GB
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said Thursday that President Donald Trump plans to nominate a Lyft Inc executive
((This story published on April 5th corrects typographical error in paragraph 8)) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans on Thursday crushed a Democratic blockade of President Donald Trump’s U.
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Illinois House passed $817 million in spending on Thursday to provide “life-line† funding to hig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House economic adviser Gary Cohn said he backed bringing back the Glass-Steagall Act, a Dep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican head of a congressional inquiry into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presid
(Reuters) - Alabama Governor Robert Bentley said on Thursday he would not resign after the state’s ethics commission fou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - URS Federal Services Inc has been awarded an estimated $3.6 billion indefinite-delivery/indefinite-q
(Reuters) - U.S. officials should be respectful of the Mexican 2018 presidential election, Mexico’s foreign minister said on T
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Billionaire investor J.B. Pritzker, heir to the Hyatt Hotels Corp fortune, formally entered a growing Democ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading conservative Republican, who helped block President Donald Trump’s healthcare bill, s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) executive and White House adviser Gary Cohn shocked mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross held out hope on Thursday that the Trump administration wil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative activist groups that generally support Republicans but oppose a pro-export, anti-impor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives panel will meet on Thursday to consider a change to the stalled Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a last-ditch effort, five U.S. Senate Democrats are urging President Donald Trump to veto a resolu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Thursday he felt his House of Represent
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will travel to South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Australia and Hawaii thi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Finance Committee on Thursday delayed a scheduled vote on President Donald Trumpâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said the panel chairman’s decision
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The majority of House Freedom Caucus members will vote for a Republican healthcare bill if change
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-backed Senate rule change expected on Thursday could make it more likely that presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump removed his chief strategist Steve Bannon from the National Security C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans are poised to repeal a U.S. Senate rule that allows minority-party Democrats to block co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate is set for a vote on Thursday that will test the resolve of Democratic opposition to P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-backed Senate rule change expected on Thursday could make it more likely that presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic senator delivered a 15-1/2-hour, all-night speech denouncing President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was considering packaging a $1 trillion infrastru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate is expected to vote at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT) on Thursday on whether to limit deb
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GB
(Reuters) - Florida lawmakers advanced a measure on Wednesday that could make it easier to avoid prosecution in deadly sho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The tax oversight committee in the U.S. House of Representatives will hold public hearings in comin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of 17 U.S. states filed a legal challenge on Wednesday against efforts by President Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deep divisions cut short Republican hopes for a quick revival of Obamacare replacement legislation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has told visitors that his Mar-a-Lago retreat is set up perfectly for forei
(Reuters) - Democratic senators questioned President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the U.S. Food and Drug Administra
(Reuters) - The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s director defended himself in Congress on Wednesday against
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that tax reform will take longe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will not vote on a bill to replace the Obama administration’s s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jordan’s King Abdullah praised U.S. President Donald Trump’s commitment to addressing th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump hopes to sign “several more† measures into law before the end
WASHINGTON/LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump signed an executive order last week to sw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives ramped up their efforts to force the release of Pres
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will discuss global securit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If confirmed as expected this week by the U.S. Senate, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson should meet with “democratically-minded† activists in Ru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Japa
LONDON (Reuters) - A grandmother who had sued a luxury Scottish golf resort founded by U.S. President Donald Trump for br
BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Although worried about the prospect of a trade war, American businesses operating in Chin
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, could have an immediate impact o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate moved on Tuesday toward ramming through approval of President Donald Trumpâ€
WASHINGTON The clock began running out this week on a strategy that has provided U.S. Republicans in Congress with their o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives vote to overhaul Obamacare before lawmakers leave Washington f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Mark Walker said after a meeting of House Republicans on a revamped healthca
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GB
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional intelligence committee Democrats said on Tuesday they would soon be allowed to vie
QAYYARA WEST AIRFIELD, Iraq (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, voiced optimism about the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will discuss how to rein in North Korea’s nuclear program with Chin
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump faces his biggest test as a world leader when he meets Chinese President Xi Jinping this we
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump vowed on Tuesday to cut red tape to speed up approval of infrastructure p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some big American coal companies have advised President Donald Trump’s administration to br
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill to slap new sanctions on Iran has been delayed in the U.S. Senate due to concerns about Iranâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Tuesday said it not currently considering a value-added tax and a carbon tax as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Labor Department will delay implementation of its “fiduciary† rule by 60 days while
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration would virtually eliminate federal funding for the Environmental Protectio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top U.S. labor leader Richard Trumka on Tuesday blasted the Trump administration’s initial plan
(Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp received Pentagon approval on Tuesday to begin production of 200 new heavy cargo helicop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Kara Novaco Brockmeyer, the attorney at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission who oversee
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s foreign minister Luis Videgaray will travel to Washington on Tuesday to meet with senio
(Reuters) - In the most notable legislative work so far of the Trump administration, Republicans in Congress since Feb. 1 have a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday Republicans had enough votes to cha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior European Union official said on Tuesday he had seen no sign that U.S. President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday introduced legislation that would require border
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge said he will inquire further into whether former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that his administration is working on changes to Dodd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee blasted the White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday Republican lawmakers are having
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee voted on Tuesday to advance Jay Clayton’s nomination as th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday he would soon file a motion seeking to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday signed a repeal of Obama-era broadband privacy rules, the
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand’s prime minister said on Tuesday he had told officials to prepare for changes in U.S. trade po
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to hold a town hall meeting with about 50 business leaders on Tuesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Before Wall Street attorney Jay Clayton was nominated to be head of the U.S. Securities and Exchan
WASHINGTON (Reuters)(Reuters)
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this week,oftheir
Tiankai, officials say, after Cui invited Trump’s daughter Ivanka to the Chinese Embassy’s Lunar New Year reception, wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump moved to reset U.S. relations with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leader of a group of U.S. House Republican conservatives said on Monday he expects to see tex
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The State Department said on Monday it was ending U.S. funding for the United Nations Populati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced steps on Monday to prevent the fraudulent
ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - New York lawmakers on Monday passed an emergency spending plan authorizing Governor Andrew C
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Officials from so-called sanctuary cities met in New York on Tuesday to discuss their response to threats
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court said on Monday it would hold a hearing in May over a Hawaii federal judge’s order that blo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Texas Republican spearheading tax reform efforts in the U.S. House of Representatives will mee
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GB
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats on Monday corralled enough support to hold up a Senate confirmation vote on Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Sen. John McCain on Monday announced that he will support an upcoming effort by his fellow R
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, flew into Iraq on Monday with the top U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, who made a fortune in real estate before running for political office, has d
(Reuters) - Lawmakers in Kansas on Monday failed to override Republican Governor Sam Brownback’s veto of a bill expand
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A coalition of U.S. states has mounted a broad legal challenge against what it called the Trump administ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Chris Coons on Monday announced opposition to President Donald Trump’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Mark Warner on Monday announced opposition to President Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected New Hampshire’s bid to revive a state law barring v
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to consider reviving litigation seeking to hold Arab Bank
(Reuters) - The story “Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner visits Iraq, U.S. official says†, the accompanying alert and subseq
STERLING, Va. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump golfed with a vocal Republican critic of his healthcare push on Sunday, as he
ASUNCION (Reuters) - The United States, historically a major backer of multilateral lending institutions, will not renew its cont
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump held out the possibility on Sunday of using trade as a lever to secure C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate said on Sunday it was unlikely that Supreme Court nominee Ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Jon Tester said on Sunday that he would vote against Judge Neil Gorsuch, P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s top national security aides have completed a broad review of U.S. opti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, failed to disclose paym
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee accused President Donald Trump on Sunda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly threw his support on Sunday behind Judge Neil Gorsuch, beco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should continue to be “engaged† in international climate change discussion
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, said intelligence reports h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Roadside apartments, industrial lots and a trailer park in New Jersey counted among the sources of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday released details of the personal finances of his staffers late on Fri
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democrats on Friday stepped closer to having enough votes to block a confirmation vote on
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has written to Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang to promote more cooper
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday backed a decision by his former national security adviser to s
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reassured his nervous European counterparts over Washington’s
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump backs a decision by his
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s scientific integrity watchdog is reviewing whether EPA c
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani went to Turkey to meet with the country’s president
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A punk rocker-turned-congressman from Texas announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump sought to push his crusade for fair trade and more manufacturing jobs
BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Beijing sought to play down tensions with the United States and put on a positive face on F
(Reuters) - Many U.S. Senate Democrats are seeking to block a confirmation vote on Neil Gorsuch, the federal appellate judge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday directed his administration to review U.S. trade deficits and c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp is being awarded a U.S. defense contract worth up to $582 million for deliver
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Federal agents have arrested illegal immigrants at California courthouses because local authorities ha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has neither a clear White House tax plan nor adequate staff yet to see thro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will seek to rebuild the U.S. relationship with Egypt at a Monday meeting w
((In March 30 item, corrects spelling of Kislyak in paragraph 3)) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s former national
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton on Friday warned that the deep budget cuts to foreign aid and diplomacy proposed b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat said on Friday that th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A country’s spending on development aid and on defense are separate items, NATO Secretary Gener
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will Host Jordan’s King Abdullah at the White House next week to d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Friday slammed China on a range of trade issues from its chronic indu
(This March 30 story was corrected to note Prieto says Wisniewski, not Prieto, was acting for political reasons in paragraph 13
ROME (Reuters) - Italy’s preparations for hosting this year’s Group of Seven major powers meetings have been hamper
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, in his first NATO meeting in Brussels, told allies that the United Stat
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and the United States said on Friday that NATO allies needed to commit to increase defense spend
BEIJING (Reuters) - China called on the United States to play its part in resolving trade frictions between the two countries, an
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump set the tone for a tense first meeting with Chinese President X
(Reuters) - North Carolina on Thursday repealed a law restricting bathroom use for transgender people, hoping to bring back b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp was awarded a $1.6 billion order-dependent contract for the Counter Fire Ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senators Joe Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp on Thursday became the first Democrats to support the c
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s Air Force secretary nominee, Heather Wilson, told U.S. senators on Thursday that oth
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - North Carolina’s replacement on Thursday of a law prohibiting transgender people from using re
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump backs a decision by his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he understood President Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump lashed out on Thursday at Republican conservatives who helped torpe
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday appealed a ruling by a federal judge in Hawaii extending
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In revamping the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Trump administration will see
SAN DIEGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday said he was leaning toward approving a $25 million settlement
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Mike Pence took the rare step of breaking a tie in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, castin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several environmental groups filed lawsuits against the Trump administration on Thursday to challe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday he hopes to start the 90-day countdown clo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Commerce made a final finding that seven foreign producers dumped certa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia mounted a campaign of “propaganda on steroids† seeking to influence the 2016 U.S. p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Thursday he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Commerce Department is launching a new review of whether China should be treated as a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For the second time on Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence took the rare step of breaking a tie in t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A divided U.S. Senate on Thursday killed a regulation that had exempted city-run retirement savings
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two White House officials played a role in providing House of Representatives Intelligence Committ
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly all of New York City’s millionaires would receive big tax cuts under President Donald Trumpâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee could help decide the fate of his moves to undo climat
(Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee said on Thursday he wants to pass a major piece of bank refor
(Reuters) - The governor of Kansas on Thursday vetoed a bill expanding eligibility for Medicaid for the poor under the federal A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio said during a Senate intelligence hearing on Thursday that unsuccessful cy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has invited the top Republican and Democratic members of the Senate and House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration aims to be forthright with Congressional investigations into Russian involv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the House of Representatives intelligence committee said on Thursday the cha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday promised a thor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. debt held by the public will balloon to 150 percent of economic output by 2047 unless tax and s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican in Congress, said he does not
(Reuters) - North Carolina Republican lawmakers said late on Wednesday they had reached a deal to repeal the state’s con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to sign a repeal of Obama-era broadband privacy rules as a bigger fig
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is expected to join Vice President Mike Pence for a bilateral economi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A looming push to overhaul the U.S. tax code could include the repeal of Obamacare taxes left intac
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republicans mostly blame the U.S. Congress, and not President Donald Trump or party leaders, for faili
HONOLULU (Reuters) - A federal judge in Hawaii indefinitely extended on Wednesday an order blocking enforcement of Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said the Trump administration would unveil a $1 trillion in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Raw feelings and mistrust could pose an obstacle to President Donald Trump and hard-line conserva
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission is expected to unveil pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ivanka Trump said on Wednesday she would work in the White House in an unpaid, informal adviso
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump backs a decision by his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Native American tribe in Montana and a coalition of conservation groups sued the Trump adminis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration has informed Congress of its plan to pursue the $5 billi
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - Two former associates of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were sentenced to federal prison on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Interior Department said on Wednesday that it would form a new committee to review roy
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge will hear arguments on Thursday over whether to grant final approval to a $25 million settl
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian and U.S. officials are in talks about a White House visit by President Michel Temer to discuss bila
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee have called for an investigation into whether the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee said on Wednesday it would vote next week on the nomination
(Reuters) - Dr. Scott Gottlieb, President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, has outlin
(Reuters) - The assistant to a billionaire real estate developer from Macau accused of engaging in a scheme to pay bribes to a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate investigation into Russia’s meddling during the U.S. election should include a thoro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the largest police union in the United States have warned President Donald Trump that h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House voted on Tuesday 215-205 to repeal regulations requiring internet service providers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told a group of senators on Tuesday that he expected lawmakers woul
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that the Senate would have a final vo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican in Congress on Tuesday stood by Devin Nunes, the head of the House of Represe
(Reuters) - The Kansas Senate gave final approval on Tuesday to a bill expanding eligibility for Medicaid under the federal Affo
(Reuters) - For years - House of
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Sean Rankin, executive director of the Democratic AG group, said it raised about $5.2 million in 2016. The group’s tax filing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-controlled congressional panel rejected a bid by Democrats on Tuesday to obtain Pres
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump backs a decision by his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an order to undo Obama-era climate change regulations
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly backed the expansion of NATO to allow Montenegro to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s call for $1.5 billion this year to help build a wall along the border with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ash Carter, who until January was U.S. defense secretary, said on Tuesday he did not see major chan
(Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp is expected to receive Pentagon approval on Thursday to begin production for 200 new heav
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill sought on Tuesday details from the nation’s top opioid drugmakers on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has billed his move to re-open federal lands to ne
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. prosecutors on Tuesday charged an executive at a Turkish state-owned bank with participating in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said on Tuesday he will not divulge - even
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers on Tuesday asked the U.S. Treasury secretary to review the process a govern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump administration trade officials want a revamped North American Free Trade Agreement to imp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at the White Hou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will press this week for NATO allies to demonstrate a “clear
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee asked the government ethics watchdog on Mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-controlled committee of lawmakers approved a bill on Tuesday to allow a congression
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke by phone to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will attend a Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, on July 7 and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet April 6-7 with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the presidentâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering a renewed push to pass legislation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes on Tuesday said his panel’s probe into Rus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.
(Reuters) Donaldbank
- A Russian Trump’s son-in-law,
under Western Jared Kushner,
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or his aides at that time and did not coordinate the release of information with the Trump administration. Nunes spokesman
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic opposition to President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee grew on Mond
(Reuters) - The Kremlin said that a meeting between Jared Kushner, U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, and Russian
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions threatened on Monday to cut off U.S. Justice Department grants to ci
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will sign an executive order on Tuesday to undo a slew of Obama-era c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A member of President Donald Trump’s transition team, Makan Delrahim, will be nominated to h
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump backs a decision by his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Monday urged House Speaker Pau
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. government watchdog has agreed to review how classified information is kept secure at Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House will take a lead role in crafting legislation to overhaul the U.S. tax code, eyeing an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he was committed to working with U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said on Monday he did not meet with Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will not meet members of Turkish opposition groups during a on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee will not hold on Tuesday a closed briefing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan has “full confidence† in the investigation of
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A wealthy Turkish gold trader’s decision to hire former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives will not seek to repeal Obamacare taxes a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, called on Monday for the removal of Republica
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Executives of Russian state development bank Vnesheconombank (VEB) held talks with Jared Kushner, th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Monday that R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several Democratic senators pressed billionaire investor Carl Icahn on Monday to clarify his role as a
OSLO (Reuters) - A 2015 global pact for fighting climate change will benefit in some ways at least if U.S. President Donald Trum
(Reuters) - Since President Donald Trump’s election, monthly lectures on social justice at the 600-seat Gothic chapel of New
ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni will meet U.S. President Donald Trump in the United States on April 20
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said on S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representative Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady said he aims to mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fresh off a defeat on U.S. healthcare legislation, the White House warned rebellious conservative la
(Reuters) - Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday blamed the Congress for thwarting a Republican plan to overhaul healthcar
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Republicans may have failed to overthrow Obamacare this week, but there are plenty of ways they can c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Roger Stone, a longtime ally of President Donald Trump, said on Sunday he has offered to testify bef
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Ted Poe resigned from the House Freedom Caucus on Sunday over t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday revived talk of the possibility the United States may move
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will sign an order on Tuesday aimed at making it easier for companies to pr
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (Reuters) - Supporters of President Donald Trump holding a rally on a popular southern California
NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. (Reuters) - The day after the flaming out of U.S. President Donald Trump’s first major legislative in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump suffered a stunning political setback on Friday in a Congress controlled by h
WASHINGTON/CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration approved TransCanada Corpâ€
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that Obamacare was “exploding† afte
(Reuters) - Republican leaders of the House of Representatives pulled legislation to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday that he was disappointed that a conservative faction in the H
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday was dealt his biggest blow since taking office just over two months ago when Ho
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Republican speaker of the Texas House of Representatives said on Friday a bill to limit bathroom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday acknowledged the unthinkable for a Republican leader: he c
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly half of American adults said the Republican healthcare reform measure is “not an improvem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the end, the Closer couldn’t close the deal. For President Donald Trump, the collapse on Frida
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Planned Parenthood, the national health organization that would have lost federal funding under swee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After failing to repeal Obamacare, Republicans in the U.S. Congress quickly pivoted on Friday to Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee will ask the directors of FBI and the Natio
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump suffers a stunning politi
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner on Friday vetoed a legislative fix favored by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will meet with senior Turkish officials in Ankara next week, in ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday touted Charter Communications Inc’s decision to invest $
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - AAR Supply Chain Inc, a subsidiary of AAR Corp, has been awarded a $909.4 mln supply chain manag
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A third of Democratic senators have so far announced they will vote against confirming U.S. Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has told Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representative to cancel a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican bill to dismantle Obamacare has been pulled by U.S. House Republican leadership and
BRUSSELS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will meet NATO foreign ministers at a rescheduled ga
(Reuters) - Wall Street’s predilection for a glass-half-full view of President Donald Trump was on full display Friday as inves
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The partisan divide over the House Intelligence Committee’s probe of Russian interference in the
(Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge in Virginia ruled on Friday that President Donald Trump’s travel ban was justified, increasin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump was being briefed on Friday by House Speaker Paul Ryan about the status o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan told President Donald Trump on Friday that there are not enough vot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the House Appropriations Committee said on Friday he could not suppo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan made a trip to the White House on Friday to meet
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. Senate Democrat on Thursday pledged to pursue a procedural hurdle to try to block th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Friday that he believes financial markets could impr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A member of the House Republican team trying to win support to pass a bill dismantling Obamacare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives on Friday cleared the way for a contentiou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Mike Pence canceled a planned trip to two U.S. states on Friday to work with Preside
CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - Transcanada Corp’s (TRP.TO)(TRP.N) legal challenge against the United States over its past re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday unveiled his administration’s official go-ahead for the Keyston
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan should stay on as leader even if Rep
(Reuters) - TransCanada Corp (TRP.TO) said on Friday the U.S. Department of State issued a presidential permit for the constru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said on Friday he did not know if there was enough su
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the middle of a confused three-day scramble by U.S. Republicans to save their plan to dismantle O
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican head of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee apologized on Th
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will announce the approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline at the White House on Frid
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A U.S. tax overhaul proposed by Republican leaders in Congress would deepen divisions between big man
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration reiterated its concerns about Israeli settlement activity, the two sides said
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump warned House Republican lawmakers that he will leave Obamacare in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supporters of Obamacare staged rallies across the country on Thursday denouncing efforts by Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate businessman William Hagerty as the next U.S. am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected to nominate attorney John Sullivan as deputy secretary of state
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is preparing new executive orders to re-examine all 14 U.S. free trade agr
DETROIT (Reuters) - When U.S. President Donald Trump announced a review last week of tough Obama-era vehicle emissions
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Mike Pence said on Thursday after a meeting at the White House with President Don
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: Trump fails to persuade en
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran would face tighter U.S. sanctions over ballistic missile launches and other non-nuclear activities
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote next week on the ratification of Montenegro as the newest member of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump International Hotel in Washington is not in violation of federal conflict-of-interest rules t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A revised Republican bill to dismantle Obamacare moving through the U.S. House of Representative
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jay Clayton, the Wall Street attorney tapped by President Donald Trump to lead the U.S. Securities a
NEW YORK (Reuters)
(Reuters) President
- U.S. Donald
President Trump
Donald andand
Trump fellow Republicans
House in the House
of Representatives of Representatives
leaders have proposed
pushed on Wednesday ah
for votes
senators stand on the AHCA: How Americans feel about the AHCA:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Thursday lawmakers would begin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed President Donald Trump’s nominee to be amba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives on Thursday delayed a vote on legislation to begin dismantling Obam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators have been informed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that a vote on a Repu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the conservative House Freedom Caucus said on Thursday his group could not yet supp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Thursday he believed the House of Representatives wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted narrowly to repeal regulations requiring internet service provide
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the House intelligence committee have not yet seen the material on the incidental surv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the conservative Republican Study Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives said
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne said on Thursday the White House’s attention to conservative
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee apologized to Democratic members o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A House intelligence committee Democrat said on Thursday there was a “grave question† abo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Mo Brooks said he believed up to 40 Republicans still opposed their
(This March 22 story was corrected to remove reference to Inhofe being chairman in paragraph four) WASHINGTON (Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Thursday it was clear Republicans
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Two months after stepping down as Barack Obama’s ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro sees some goo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee set off a politi
(Reuters) - Hawaii lawmaker Beth Fukumoto, ousted last month as Republican leader of the state’s House of Representativ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department, which was criticized for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A spokesman for Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer said on Wednesday a proposal to add a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Wednesday took up a measure to repeal regulations adopted by the Obama adm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday the United States would set up “interim zone
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday: The Republican chairma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch said on Wednesday presidents must obey court orders and ex
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives could achieve common ground on a deal to win su
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, who has sought to ban travelers from Iran and other Muslim-majority
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus met with President Donald Trump on Wednesday about i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee Democrat said on Wednesday he had
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday
DENVER (Reuters) - A Colorado talk radio host who once chaired the state Republican Party and has accused Democrats of wid
(Reuters) - Financial market concerns are rising about the pace of policymaking in Washington under U.S. President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House Freedom Caucus on Wednesday said there were still not enough votes t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House Freedom Caucus said his group of conservative Republican lawmakers re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he felt “somewhat† vindicated by Repu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York state judge on Wednesday ordered ExxonMobil Corp to work with New York’s attorney
WASHINGTON/OSLO (Reuters) - The United States remains committed to the “principles and goals† of the global transp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump believes the House of Representatives will pass a key healthcare bill on Thu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The main investigative panel of the U.S. House of Representatives has asked the White House and th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said it has not yet been ordered to establish what Secretary of State Rex Tillerson o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday declined to say what steps he would take if Republican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Labor Secretary nominee R. Alexander Acosta told a Senate committee on Wednesday he would
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of a powerful House of Representatives committee said on Wednesday th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to discu
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that basic elements in cheerleader uniform designs merit copyright p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will increase pressure on Islamic State and al Qaeda and work to set up “interi
GARNER, Iowa/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Farmers in the U.S. agricultural heartland that helped elect Donald Trump are now pu
(Reuters) - Bank lobbyists who opened the Trump era with great expectations for sweeping regulatory reform are privately str
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans considering whether or not to back U.S. President Donald Trump’s healthcare reform
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An overhaul of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is highly unlikely to make it into this year’s legislativ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump tried to rally Republican lawmakers behind a plan to dismantle Obamacare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will attend a summit of leaders of NATO nations on May 25 in Brussels
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump argued on Tuesday that his 60 days in office have been a successful keepin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch on Tuesday pledged independence from President Donal
(Reuters) - Neil Gorsuch has taken part in more than 2,000 court cases as an appeals court judge. Here are seven that offer ins
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has written to the leaders of the U.S. Senate urging the ratification o
FORT MEADE, Md. (Reuters) - The U.S. government should have publicized the existence of a program that vacuumed up in bu
WASHINGTON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson proposed new dates on Tuesday for a NATO meeting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is not considering a carbon tax, a White House offi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States pulled out of a regional hearing held on Tuesday to discuss the possible effects on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some conservatives in Washington were fuming on Tuesday after an Obamacare rollback bill was tw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday it offered new dates for a NATO foreign ministers’ m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson plans to skip a meeting with NATO foreign ministers next month
(Reuters) - U.S. Congressman Ro Khanna asked the Department of Defense for an investigation into the business practices of a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said in a letter to lawmakers on Tuesday that it supported the Repu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is reviewing whether it will reaffirm the goal of a world without nuclear w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump tried to rally Republican lawmakers behind a plan to dismantle Obamacare
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, whom President Donald Trump fired earlier this month
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday put new restrictions on presidential powers, limiting a president’s authority
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday: Trump goes to Capitol Hill to
(Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Banking Committee told bankers gathered in Washington on Tuesday that his
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Foreign Ministry declined on Tuesday to confirm or deny reported plans by U.S. Secretary of
LONDON (Reuters) - Donald Trump was being a gentleman, British Prime Minister Theresa May said, describing when the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey on Monday confirmed for the first time that the bureau is investigating po
(Reuters) - Maryland’s House of Delegates on Monday approved legislation to bar police statewide from checking the imm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said he won assurances of greater U.S. support in fighting Islam
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday he was preparing new executive actions to save coal mini
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday that he wants to add a provision to the Republican health
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, is getting an office in the White House West
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some Republican lawmakers appear to be reassessing whether to make changes to a surveillance la
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Monday he received assurances during talks with Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House Intelligence Committee on Monday held an unusual open hearing on Russian interferenc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee, on Monday emphasized t
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who has been looking into investments o
(Reuters) - A proposal
(Reuters) Trump
- U.S. administration
President to cut
Donald Trump $190
says he million
wants toin build
funding for updating
dozens U.S. mapsinof
of new warships flood-prone
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of the biggest
and two to three additional years to test. Retooling the long-dormant shipyard space will take several years and significant ca
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday: FBI Director James Comey c
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s governor proposed measures on Monday to reduce anticipated budget cuts at the Un
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson “sent a very clear signal that our policy of strategic patience
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will speak to Republican members of the House of Representatives on Tues
NEW YORK (Reuters) - While Donald Trump’s political fortunes were rising, his net worth was dropping to a mere $3.5 billio
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s outspoken doubts about climate change and his administration’s effo
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump expressed concern about the political and humanitarian situation in Venez
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - European Foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini expressed concern on Monday over the Trump ad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans are working on changes to their healthcare overhaul bill to provide more ge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey on Monday confirmed the agency was investigating possible Russian gove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee flatly denied on Monday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Rules Committee announced on Monday that it will hold a hearin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday cleared the way for prosecutors to pursue bribery charges again
BADEN BADEN, Germany (Reuters) - Wary of their first official encounter with U.S. President Donald Trump’s blustery trad
CANBERRA/PERTH (Reuters) - U.S. officials began taking fingerprints of asylum seekers in an Australian-run camp on the Pacifi
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Sunday: U.S. House Republicans are w
(Reuters) - New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday unveiled a $1.8 billion highway reconstruction plan in N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers from both parties said on Sunday they had seen no proof to support the claim by Re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A detailed version of President Donald Trump’s budget to be released in May will lay out plans to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans are working on changes to their healthcare overhaul bill that would implem
BEIJING (Reuters) - With warm words from Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson ended
DUBLIN (Reuters) - President Donald Trump may begin his overhaul of the U.S. tax code as early as late spring, White House sp
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States and China will work together to get nuclear-armed North Korea take “a different cou
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Meals on Wheels America, the umbrella organization for 5,000 providers of home-delivered meals for s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued requests for proposals for prototypes for a w
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Bands with diaspora from the seven Muslim-majority countries on U.S. President Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is developing plans to temporarily reassign immigration judges from ar
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said after talks with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Satur
LONDON (Reuters) - Allegations from the United States that British spy agency GCHQ snooped on Donald Trump during his ele
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Friday said it delivered documents to congressional committees resp
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Saturday he held “candid, pragmatic and productive† talks
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States are in “close communication† on arranging a meeting between Chinese
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government took the legal battle over President Donald Trump’s travel ban to a higher cou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican congressional leaders have refused Democrats’ calls for a special prosecutor or s
(Reuters) - South Dakota’s Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard on Friday vetoed a pair of bills that would have loosened
WASHINGTON/BOSTON (Reuters) - Makan Delrahim, a veteran lobbyist on President Donald Trump’s transition team, is ex
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration took an unusual step on Friday in its efforts to defang the U.S. financial co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A man who jumped over the White House fence last week was on the grounds for 16 minutes befor
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Forty House Democrats, led by the party’s top member of the House of Representatives Financial Se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors in Alexandria, Virginia, have expanded a long-running grand jury investigation in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump stood by unproven claims on Friday that the Obama administration tap
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday agreed to changes in the Republican plan for Obamacare, co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is crafting a big new arms package for Taiwan that could include advance
(Reuters) - A lobbyist whose firm made payments to a law firm employing the son of late New York state senator Thomas Libo
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Republican-proposed bill to replace Obamacare would be a credit negative for U.S. states, acc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he “very seldom† regrets anything he tweets, brushin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday distanced itself from a news report it embraced a day earlier that Britain
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected to nominate New York lawyer George T. Conway III to lead the
(Reuters) - A committee of Kansas lawmakers will be charged with reconciling differences in legislation passed to plug a $280 m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s first budget outline, calling for a security-heavy realignment of federa
(Reuters) - Proponents of government efforts to clean up hazardous waste sites like radioactive soil buried in a St. Louis-area l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans’ proposed healthcare plan to unravel Obamacare likely will be changed to adjus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday met with a dozen conservative Republicans from the House o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump maintains his support of Republican House leaders’ healthcare plan, U.S
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has received assurances from the United States that allegations the GCHQ intelligence agency help
PAINTSVILLE, Kentucky (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has proposed eliminating funding for economic development prog
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - While he has swallowed a big budget cut and had the White House veto his chosen deputy, Secretar
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s proposal to do away with the federal agency that investigates chemical accidents dre
(Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s use of an alias email address while he was chief executive at Exxon Mobil
HONOLULU/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A defiant President Donald Trump has pledged to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if nece
(Reuters) - Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny pressed U.S. President Donald Trump about undocumented immigrants in the Unit
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - McDonald’s Corp quickly deleted a tweet sent from the company’s handle slamming Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deeply divided Republicans squeezed their U.S. healthcare overhaul, backed by President Donald Tr
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Federal and state prosecutors said on Thursday they would not bring criminal charges against New York
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday proposed a 31 percent cut to the Environm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee issued a bipartisan statement on Thursday re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s proposal to defund programs to clean up the Chesapeake Bay and the
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - Florida Governor Rick Scott on Thursday replaced a local prosecutor who declared she would not seek
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - While he has swallowed a big budget cut, had his chosen deputy vetoed, and been dismissed as invi
HONOLULU (Reuters) - One of three federal appeals court judges who last month upheld a ruling that blocked U.S. President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis met with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman o
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Agriculture leaders including lawmakers from President Donald Trump’s Republican Party on Thursda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly half of President Donald Trump’s 2017 $30 billion supplemental defense budget proposal
(Reuters) - Six U.S. Senate Democrats on Thursday stepped up efforts to get more clarity from the White House and chief of th
(Reuters) - An Oklahoma Republican state senator who campaigned as a champion of family values was booked on felony pros
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday that the Trump administration has no desire to g
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is asking Congress to give the Pentagon about $2 billion for a “flexibleâ€
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will visit Turkey on March 30, Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavuso
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump stands by his allegation that former President Barack Obama ordered Trum
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a newspaper she was looking forward to meeting U.S. President Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House’s 2018 budget plan for the U.S. Department of Energy includes $120 million fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Thursday that President Donald Trump’s proposed budget fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives said on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to confirm former Republican senator Dan Coat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It’s not unusual for a newly minted White House to present what’s known as a “skinny bu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s proposed 28 percent budget cut for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid ne
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Thursday he had a “friendly and constructive†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday that President Donald Trump is playin
DUBAI (Reuters) - Passengers from six mainly Muslim countries who would have been barred from the United States under Pr
TOKYO (Reuters) - The escalating threat from North Korea’s nuclear program shows a clear need for a “new approach,â
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior Boeing (BA.N) executive Patrick Shanahan is U.S. President Donald Trump’s nominee to ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Budget Committee approved Republicans’ healthcare bill in a 19-17 vote on Thur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said on Thursday President Dona
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson flew to Asia accompanied by only one journalist on his aircraft, a report
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday the State Department’s current spending was “
DETROIT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday ordered a review of tough U.S. vehicle fuel-efficie
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said on Thursday he agreed with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Re
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stressed on Thursday the importance of the United States working with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will propose beefing up military spending and slashing domestic programs
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is proposing to shift oversight of the U.S. air traffic control from the federal
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The cost to healthcare companies for U.S. regulatory review of their products, including drugs and med
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump used his barnstorming strategy on Wednesday to try to build momentum for his first
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc, Alphabet Inc’s Google and Facebook Inc are among more than 60 technology compa
HONOLULU/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Just hours before President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban was set to go into effect
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s senior counselor for economic initiatives, Dina Powell, will be named d
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said a decision by a U.S. federal judge in Hawaii to issue an emerge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A budget proposal to be released by President Donald Trump on Thursday will call for spending cuts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A key Republican lawmaker said on Wednesday he did not believe the Obama administration wireta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A budget proposal to be released by President Donald Trump on Thursday will call for spending cuts
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is working with Republican leaders in the House of Representativ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Individuals who steal classified information from the U.S. government are “enemies to our stateâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump suggested more information would be coming out soon about his claim tha
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Seventeen congressional Republicans signed a resolution on Wednesday vowing to seek “economica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will have “substantive, hard† talks with U.S. partners in Asia o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of U.S. President Donald Trump’s most protectionist trade advisers struck a more conciliato
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday they do not be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Environmental Protection Agency confirmed on Wednesday it would reopen a review of whethe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A large group of conservative lawmakers are close to approving proposed healthcare legislation, the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Wednesday outlined how they will question Supreme Court nominee Nei
WASHINGTON/BOCA RATON (Reuters) - The top U.S. derivatives regulator laid out plans on Wednesday for a sweeping overha
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. environmental group the Sierra Club has asked the Environmental Protection Agency’s inspecto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration has been contacting U.S. energy companies to ask them
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican and Democrat on the U.S. Senate Banking Committee both said on Wednesday t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of Republican and Democratic U.S. senators introduced legislation on Wednesday that wou
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government said on Wednesday that 12.2 million Americans across 50 states had selected an i
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday: The White House and congr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump paid $38 million in taxes on more than $150 million in income in 2005, the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday he plans to hold public hea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia hailed a “historical turning point† in U.S.-Saudi relations after a meeting betwee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will nominate Goldman Sachs (GS.N) banker James Donovan as deputy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and U.S. President Donald Trump a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to nominate J. Christopher Giancarlo to lead the Commodity Futures
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group advising U.S. President Donald Trump on infrastructure has proposed an arbitration-style pilot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s choice for the top U.S. trade negotiator on Tuesday pledged an “A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is preparing to release a wide-ranging executive o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Veteran U.S. diplomat Anne Patterson is out of the running to under secretary of defense for policy,
HOUSTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, while chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N), used an alias fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to be U.S. Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, said on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday that President Donald Trump does not agree with a controversial
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to be U.S. Trade Representative said on Tuesday that he beli
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump is set to sign an order to greatly reduce the role climate change plays in decision making a
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Boeing Co and about 90 other aerospace companies are urging Congress to overhaul the U.S. tax system, s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is working with Congress on amending the proposed Republican healthca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday the Congressional Budget Office report on
(Reuters) - Shares of hospitals and health insurers fell on Tuesday after the U.S. Congressional Budget Office forecast that 14 m
(In March 13 item, corrects paragraph 7 to show uninsured rising) By David Lawder WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fourteen million
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the former chairman and chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp, use
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. senators from Midwestern states will introduce a bill on Tuesday that would require foreig
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday: Fourteen million Americans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice said on Monday it had asked for more time to respond to a request f
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump has given the Central Intelligence Agency new authority to conduct drone attacks against
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican plan to repeal taxes set under Obamacare would benefit the wealthiest U.S. household
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed President Donald Trump’s pick to run the government health program
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s federal oversight board voted unanimously on Monday to certify the government’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will be “pushing hard† to advance U.S. interests in hi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello said on Monday he does not want to “destroy† the pendin
(Reuters) - A Kansas state senator on Monday declined to back down from comments comparing Planned Parenthood to Nazi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday rejected a report by the U.S. Congressiona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is set to formally announce a review of vehicle fuel efficiency rules lock
(Reuters) - A group of states renewed their effort on Monday to block President Donald Trump’s revised temporary ban on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Millions of Americans would lose their health insurance under the Republican healthcare plan backe
(Reuters) - If the Republicans’ plan to dismantle most of Obamacare is approved later this month by the U.S. House of Rep
BERLIN (Reuters) - She is controlled and cautious, a physicist from East Germany who takes her time making decisions and has
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump administration told states on Monday that it was opening the door for them to make change
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Steve King on Monday stood by controversial remarks on immigration and birth
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Agriculture Department said in Senate ethics disclosure for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Aides to U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday attacked the credibility of the nonpartisan agency
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Sunday: Aides to Trump attack the cr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Johnathan Smith resigned from the U.S. Justice Department on Inauguration Day, he looked f
JAKARTA (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will visit Japan and Indonesia as part of an Asian tour next month, sources
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Todd Rokita keeps a clock hanging on the wall of his Capitol Hill offic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two days before U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara was fired, President Donald Trump tried to call the hig
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s firing of Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara sent sho
(Reuters) - A group holding more than $10 billion of Puerto Rican debt wants the island’s federally appointed  financial ov
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Former Democratic U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Sunday in one of his first major speeches s
BERLIN (Reuters) - She is controlled and cautious, a physicist from East Germany who takes her time making decisions and has
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House economic adviser Gary Cohn said on Sunday that the Federal Reserve “has been do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A prominent U.S. prosecutor said the Trump administration fired him on Saturday after he refused t
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union is launching what it bills as the first grassroots mobilization effort in i
(Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s governor said on Saturday he has delivered a revised fiscal turnaround plan to the U.S. territoryâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Maryland became the latest state to join in legal challenges against President Donald Trump’s re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions abruptly asked the remaining 46 chief federal prosecutors left ov
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Wisconsin dealt the first legal blow to President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban on Friday,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said on Friday it would be “very diffic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will ask Chancellor Angela Merkel for advice on how to deal with Russian P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has chosen Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a conservative health policy expert with
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Most of the people crossing the U.S. border into Canada to claim asylum had been in the United States le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A series of tweets by White House spokesman Sean Spicer on Friday commenting on strong Februa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday that President Donald Trump did not know until this week that his f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three Republican senators, hoping to speed the hiring of law enforcement agents on U.S. borders, o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican plan backed by President Donald Trump to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system clea
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday invited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for a visit to the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York, has a magnificent course. Just ask its n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new head of the Environmental Protection Agency said on Thursday he is not convinced that ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has recused himself from issues related to TransCanada Corpâ€
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The Trump-backed Republi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a U.S. government ethics watchdog said on Thursday he was concerned about the Whit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has launched a charm offensive of the type not seen before in his brief and
(Reuters) - Several states said on Thursday they would move forward with legal challenges to a revised executive order signed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey on Thursday met with senior congressional leaders, including the intellige
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional panels in the House and Senate on Thursday approved - with bipartisan support -
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department held out the possibility on Thursday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump promised in a meeting with community bankers on Thursday to strip away
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee voted overwhelmingly on Thursday in favor of President Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate intelligence committee wants some former aides of President Donald Trump to testi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican plan backed by President Donald Trump to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system passed
(Reuters) - State legislators in New Hampshire narrowly blocked a bill on Thursday that would have prohibited discrimination a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday urged fellow Republicans to back the party’s healthca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 12-9 on Thursday to approve President Donald
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have unveiled a plan to replace Obamacare, known formally as th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Contractors likely breached security and handed over documents describing the Central Intelligence
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The disclosure this week of documents describing secret CIA hacking tools shows that intensified U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday said he expects congressional analysts to
(Reuters) - The state of Hawaii requested emergency court intervention on Wednesday to halt a revised executive order from
SHANGHAI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China has granted preliminary approval for 38 trademarks linked to Donald Trump, docu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. doctors’ organization and several hospital groups came out strongly on Wednesday
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - WikiLeaks documents showing the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency considered a “mission†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Utah Republican Governor Jon Huntsman has accepted President Donald Trump’s offer t
(Reuters) - A government watchdog group, Public Citizen, said on Wednesday it has asked lawmakers to investigate whether C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. senators asked the secretaries of State, Defense and Homeland Security on Wednesday i
(Reuters) - The state of Hawaii said in a court motion on Tuesday that it intends to seek a temporary restraining order on Wed
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday: Two senior senators ask
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Congress are moving to repeal regulations adopted by the Obama administra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior senators asked the FBI and Justice Department on Wednesday for any information they
(Reuters) - WikiLeaks, the website that specializes in exposing secrets, released thousands of documents that described intern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three Democratic lawmakers questioned the White House on Wednesday over its handling of U.S. P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump met with business leaders on Wednesday including Tesla Inc Chief Exe
BOSTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey said he has no plans to step down anytime soon in a speech on Wednesday, da
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wall Street attorney Jay Clayton will recuse himself from matters involving Barclays Bank, Deutsche
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) Chief Executive Bob Iger on Wednesday defended his seat on President Trump
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A bill that would restrict access to public bathrooms by transgender people was approved by a Texa
(Reuters) - Banks and other financial companies expecting big benefits from Republican-led deregulation spent record amount
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There is no reason to believe that U.S. President Donald Trump is the target of any investigation, Wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is “extremely concerned† about a security breach at the CIA that led
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When the bosses of some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies headed to Washingt
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has gone on Twitter to lambaste a number of companies for cost over-
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials told Reuters on Wednesday they have been aware of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said on Wednesday he expects that he will be releasin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to meet with a group of infrastructure business leaders at the White
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The House Republican health insurance plan suggests health insurance after Obamacare will be less affo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will make his first trip to Asia next week and meet with senior o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Faced with a growing test of resolve for a new U.S. president who vowed while campaigning to get t
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The state of Hawaii said it will ask a federal court on Wednesday for an emergency halt to Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will nominate Washington lawyer Noel Francisco to be solicitor general, the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats, seeking to capitalize on growing disclosures about the Trump campaign’
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti appeared within striking distance to clinch re-election as leader of Am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee said on Tuesday he had s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter on Tuesday that he believes Republican Senator Rand P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The lawyer who will take control of an investigation into Russian meddling in last year’s U.S. pres
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday: Trump endorses Republican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. civil rights leaders said Attorney General Jeff Sessions promised on Tuesday to examine the stat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday he believes there is enough support in the House of R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday revoked a rule that aimed to give the public more input into federal lan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative Republicans in Congress said on Tuesday they oppose aspects of the Republican leade
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will visit President Donald Trump in Washington during the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Tuesday he had no reason to think President Donald Tr
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Brazilian Felipe Massa completed two and a half race distances and put his Williams team on top of th
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have unveiled a plan to replace Obamacare, known formally as th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said on Tuesday that President Donald Trump supp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and 11 other Democrats said on Tuesday it was “criti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he is developing a plan that will encourage competition in
(Reuters) - Shares of U.S. pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies fell on Tuesday after President Donald Trump said he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to approve Army Lieu
VIENNA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration pledged on Tuesday to show “great strictness† ove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 Republican in the U.S. Senate said on Tuesday the chamber’s investigation into Russian
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed a revised executive order on Monday banning citizens from six Musl
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s move to revise a travel ban on citizens of certain Muslim-majority countr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings and President Donald Trump will meet to discuss efforts to low
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Republicans’ plan to repeal and replace Obamacare is the first step of the Trump adminis
DUBAI (Reuters) - Etihad Airways is advising some passengers to check with U.S. diplomatic missions before traveling after U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ben Carson, the new secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), o
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan’s foreign ministry said it was disappointed with U.S. President Donald Trump’s revised ex
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain on Monday called for President Donald Trump to release any evidence su
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday: Trump signs a revised execu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday defended his conduct at a January confirmation hear
(Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. Senate passed a measure to eliminate an Obama administration rule that would require pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Monday confirmed a Reuters report that he was con
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The new, more narrowly tailored temporary travel ban President Donald Trump signed
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump discussed North Korea’s missile la
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The latest version of a House Republican bill to replace Obamacare would limit who could receive ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender students at U.S. public schools were left in legal limbo on Monday about whether a fed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Republican chairman said on Monday he was “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Monday he was almost certain Donald Trump had not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. lawmakers on Monday urged President Donald Trump to release logs of visitors to t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham praised President Donald Trump’s new travel ban on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two of President Donald Trump’s fellow Republicans joined four Democrats on Monday in dema
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is reviewing the possibility of a key change to U.S. biofuels policy request
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Monday called on the Department of Justice’s
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq expressed “deep relief† at U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to remove Iraq from a
BERKELEY, Calif./LANSING, Mich. (Reuters) - Supporters of Donald Trump clashed with counter-protesters at a rally in the fam
(Reuters) - When Paul Ryan, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, talks of social mobility, about helping struggling Am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. lawmakers expect to unveil this week the text of long-awaited legislation to repeal a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The former top U.S. intelligence official rejected President Donald Trump’s accusation that his pr
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Sunday: The former top U.S. intelligen
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump disputed Arnold Schwarzenegger’s announcement about quitting as ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House budget director confirmed Saturday that the Trump administration will propose â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump accused predecessor Barack Obama on Saturday of wiretapping him d
(Reuters) - A photo of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton glancing at a newspaper headline about U.S. Vice Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Foreigners aiming for temporary jobs at high-tech U.S. companies will undergo a longer visa approva
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will reply in writing to Senate Democrats’ questions about his
SAN FRANCISCO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Parents who immigrated illegally to the United States and now fear deportation under
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Women and children crossing together illegally into the United States could be separated by U.S. au
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Friday said there was “no comparison whatsoever† betwee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s pick to chair the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jay Clayton, pa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is seeking a 17 percent cut to the budget of the government’s meteor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin used his first senior staff meeting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department released its annual report on human rights around the world on Friday b
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s federal hiring freeze will not apply to immigration court judges under an exception fo
(Reuters) - The Keystone XL oil pipeline does not need to be made from U.S. steel, despite an executive order by President Don
BOSTON (Reuters) - Massachusetts will plug any holes in the budget of the state chapter of Planned Parenthood if the U.S. Con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration said on Friday it is suspending action on an Obama administration decisio
GENEVA (Reuters) - A U.N. human rights expert voiced alarm on Friday that U.S. President Donald Trump might allow torture i
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Democratic Senator Richard B
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Environmentally conscious investors are using their pocketbooks to protest President Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke plans to review Obama-era measures that limited energy develop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Thursday he would stay out of any probe into alleged Ru
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he wants a U.S. military buildup of more ships and
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A proposed increase in U.S. defense spending is an internal matter for Washington and does not concern
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday a U.S. political scandal over contacts between the R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence used a private email account to conduct public business as governor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is proposing to slash a quarter of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With his administration on the defensive over investigations into alleged Russian meddling in last ye
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, called on Thur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ten state governors seeking to avoid millions of dollars in federal healthcare cuts under Republican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Thursday to confirm retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson as secretary of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on Thursday issued an order overturning an Obama administ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump welcomed a record surge in the stock market on Thursday, a day after
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: U.S. Attorney General Jeff S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - At least two additional officials in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign said they spoke with Ru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey was tight-lipped when asked about investigations into any Russian meddl
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge rejected a request for a new trial by two former associates of New Jersey Governor Chri
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The conversations U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had last year with Russia’s amba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted to confirm President Donald Trump’s pick to head the Depar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will hold a news conference at 4 p.m. ET on Thursday, the Justice
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told reporters on Thursday he has “total† confidence in Attor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee asked the FBI on Thursday to launch a crimi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that Attorney General Je
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he saw no reason for U.S. Attorn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to run the department overseeing the U.S. government’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Richard Burr, the Republican chairman of the committee responsible for investigating a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Thursday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said on Thursday it would be easier t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Al Franken said on Thursday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ testimony o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Comm
(Reuters) - Former Vice President Joe Biden described attacks on the press and the judicial branch as corrosive and dangerous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, asked on Thursday about his participation in any investigati
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday he was unaware that U.S. Attorney Gener
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan pair of lawmakers on the U.S. Senate Banking Committee are planning to introduce a bi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s promise to use existing funds to begin immediate construction of a w
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian embassy to the United States said on Thursday it was in regular contact with “U.S. partn
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Alec Baldwin is taking his “Saturday Night Live† impersonation of U.S. President Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee will investigate allegations of collusion be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s signal of a new openness to immigration reform in a speech to the U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior Cabinet members have lobbied President Donald Trump to remove Iraq from a list of seven M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump backed the use of tax credits to help people purchase health insurance
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday: Vice President Mike Pen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Behind the scenes at the White House, U.S. President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka was a key
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told Congress on Tuesday he was open to immigration reform, shifting from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to finalize a new order limiting travel to the United States in the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Representative Darrell Issa of California has joined the Climate Solutions Caucus, a bipa
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Movement on a bipartisan deal to end Illinois’ record budget impasse halted on Wednesday with the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House counsel’s office has sent a memo instructing President Donald Trump’s aide
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration said on Wednesday that it will take aggressive acti
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian and U.S. officials are working on a plan to tackle asylum seekers crossing into Canada illegally, w
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump told Congress on Tuesday that more needs to be done to bring down “artificially highâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats urged the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday to review President Do
WASHINGTON(Reuters) - In his first major speech to Congress on Tuesday, President Donald Trump assured U.S. allies that he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Wednesday the Trump administration’s tax refo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump showed a different side in his first address to Congress. This Trump wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration does not want to reform an internet surveillance law to address privacy c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House told a government watchdog agency that Kellyanne Conway, a senior aide to Presi
CLEARWATER, Fla. (Reuters) - While U.S. President Donald Trump tried to win over skeptics in Congress on Tuesday, he never
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump opened the door on Tuesday to a broad overhaul of the U.S. immigration system and vow
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump opened the door to an overhaul of the U.S. immigration system and vowed to pursue mas
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will target a handful of Obama-era green regulations, including a federal coal mining b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. members of Congress has backed a proposal for $7.5 billion of new milita
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Labor Department has taken a first step toward possible derailment or dilution of its contro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Wednesday confirmed President Donald Trump’s pick to head the Interior De
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Wednesday voted to confirm President Donald Trump’s pick to head the Interior
(Reuters) - In formulating a new executive order limiting travel to the United States, President Donald Trump has promised to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s new immigration order will remove Iraq from the list of countries who
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday reaffirmed support for the United States’ longstanding secu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is preparing to ignore any rulings by the World Tra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House and Congress lacked agreement on a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare on Tu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said President Donald Trump did not endorse a propose
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to be the director of national intelligence pledged on Tuesda
(Reuters) - Penguin Random House has landed a deal to publish two forthcoming books by former U.S. President Barack Obam
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday: Trump will seek to convince
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s proposal to slash funding for the State Department and foreign a
(Reuters) - The White House on Tuesday denied that President Donald Trump planned to issue an executive order to change th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The National Security Agency risks a brain-drain of hackers and cyber spies due to a tumultuous reo
(Reuters) - The White House has assured the Renewable Fuels Association that any executive orders changing the U.S. Renewa
(Reuters) - The White House on Tuesday said there was no executive order on ethanol in the works. Earlier on Tuesday, the he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi on Tuesday discussed im
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said he would not back slashing State Dep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross was sworn in as U.S. commerce secretary on Tuesday after helping s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is seeking what he called a “historic† increase in defense spending, b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee called Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Reform of Wall Street rules and consumer protects imposed after the 2008 financial crisis is likely th
(Reuters) - Former U.S. president George W. Bush has described the political climate in Washington as “pretty ugly† und
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he believes the extra $54 billion dollars he has proposed spending on t
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Monday rejected a U.S. Department of Justice request to place on hold
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, who has attacked China on issues from trade to the South China Sea, h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross easily won confirmation as U.S. commerce secretary on Monday, cle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney said on Monday he expects the Treasury secretary to use
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a congressional committee investigating contacts between Donald Trump’s campaig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Monday the Justice Department was still deciding wheth
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Pentagon-led preliminary plan to defeat Islamic State was delivered to the White House on Mond
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump rallied in communities across the country on Monday, partly a
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump sought on Monday to bring the nation’s largest insurance co
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California legislative leaders on Monday demanded detailed information from the Trump adm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday appeared poised to strike down a North Carolina law barring co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Monday issued and then deleted a congratulatory message for an Os
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions told reporters on Monday that recent bomb threats made agains
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department, in a shift from its stance under former President Barack Obama, is drop
(Corrects Feb. 25 story to show event took place Wednesday, not Saturday. Corrects second paragraph to past tense from pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate predicted on Monday that Republicans would fall short of their
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 120 retired U.S. generals and admirals urged Congress on Monday to fully fund U.S. diplo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of the Navy withdrew from consideration on Su
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told several chief executives of large insurance companies on Monday that
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday upheld federal disclosure rules for political advertising, rejecting an appeal by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican U.S. president George W. Bush diverged sharply from Donald Trump’s new a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - An executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump to crack down on illegal immigration will not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross is expected to be easily confirmed as U.S. Commerce Secretary on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House will send federal departments a budget proposal on Monday containing the defen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Sunday he will offer details on how he would like to overhaul Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s first budget proposal will spare big social welfare programs such a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said on Sunday she was reviewing self-driving vehicle guid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Sunday did not rule out that Attorney General Jeff Sessions may recuse himself
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday urged a major overhaul of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Sunday condemned an attack on special monitoring missions in eastern Ukrain
ATLANTA (Reuters) - U.S. Democrats elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as chairman on Saturday, choosing a veteran o
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration will begin rolling back Obama-era environmental regulations in an
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Tim Scott faced a quandary on Saturday in hosting his town hall: he promise
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Saturday that he would not attend the annual White Ho
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he would make a massive budget request fo
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump says he will make a ma
SEOUL (Reuters) - Plans for the first contact between North Korea and the United States after President Donald Trump took offi
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - An emboldened Mexico hardened its opposition to President Donald Trump on Friday by saying it wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House excluded several major U.S. news organizations, including some it has criticized, fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign a measure as early as Tuesday aimed at rescinding
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency said on Friday it will accept proposals next month fo
LIMA (Reuters) - The first Latin American leader to visit U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House said on Friday that he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The longest-serving U.S. diplomat warned against isolationism, protectionism and Russian aggressio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday to place “regulatory reform† tas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - While President Donald Trump has suggested that the United States must expand its nuclear arsena
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on Friday said it would no
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, which represents insurers in every state, Cigna Corp and Human
(Reuters) - A teenaged singer with a transgender sister, best known for performing the U.S. national anthem at President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the FBI on Friday for failing to stop leaks of national security
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Details of potential Obamacare replacements by U.S. House Republicans emerged in news reports o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ohio Governor John Kasich worked to repair his strained ties with Republican President Donald Trum
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. Department of Homeland Security plan to add more than 5,000 border enforcement agents will p
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio met with federal prosecutors on Friday as part of their lengthy investi
(Reuters) - Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello said on Friday he was “committed to establishing a working relationshipâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department will resume news briefings the week of March 6, a spokesman said on Fr
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - When Donald Trump called the European Union “wonderful† and said he was “totally in favor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s campaign promise for a $1 trillion infrastructure program will be in fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, known for his critical views on
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Friday it had no intention of using currency devaluation to its advantage in trade, responding
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India has stepped up its lobbying effort against moves in the U. S. Congress to impose curbs on visas fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he wants to ensure the U.S. nuclear arsenal is at the “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday spoke positively about a border adjustment tax being pus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump declared China the “grand champions† of currency manipulation on
(Reuters) - Here are some of the highlights of the Reuters interview with U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday. ON HIS DE
BRANCHBURG, N.J./VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Leonard Lance, who has held more than 40 town hall
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. companies led by tech firms Yahoo Inc YHOO.O, Apple Inc (AAPL.O) and Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) c
LITTLE ROCK, Ark (Reuters) - The largest and busiest airport in Arkansas would no longer be named after the only president an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and other top White House officials urged conservative activists on T
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico on Thursday expressed “worry and irritation† about U.S. policies to two of President Do
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: Trump says he wants to bu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Thursday criticized as “overreach† former President
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Democratic state senators in California on Thursday unveiled a series of bills designed to freeze in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told chief executives of major U.S. companies on Thursday he plans to brin
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Senior Mexican officials expressed “worry and irritation† to U.S. counterparts regarding Preside
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Florida man pleaded guilty in a case stemming from an attempted hacking of the Clinton Foundation o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, who has vowed to stop U.S. manufacturing from disappearing overseas, w
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday revoked landmark guidance to public schools letting tr
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A bid by U.S. President Donald Trump to deport non-Mexican illegal migrants to Mexico that has enra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has pushed back the release of a new executive order to replace its directive suspe
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban President Raul Castro made it clear to a visiting U.S. congressional delegation that his country was
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Wednesday told Guatemalans not to waste their
(Reuters) - Legislation to raise taxes in Republican-controlled Kansas to help balance the budget was defeated on Wednesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has shown little patience for dissent, but that trait is likely to be tested
(This story corrects paragraph 8 to clarify Swedish crime trends in the February 19 story.) By Anna Ringstrom and Jeff Mason S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Emails released by the Oklahoma attorney general’s office show a cozy relationship between ene
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly will discuss the Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump delivered his first public condemnation of anti-Semitic incidents in the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration plans to consider almost all illegal immigrants subject t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke by telephone with China’s top diplomat on Tuesday a
(This story corrects year to 2001 in paragraph 17 in the February 18 story.) By Jeff Mason MELBOURNE, Fla. (Reuters) - Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday that America need not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Andrew Olmem, an attorney and former Republican congressional aide, has joined the White House
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Provocative far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos resigned on Tuesday as a senior editor of the Bre
(Reuters) - Conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday expressed skepticism about reviving a lawsuit filed by the fam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe on Tuesday vetoed a bill that would have blocked funding for Plan
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday named Lieutenant General Herbe
BERLIN (Reuters) - In the week before U.S. Vice President Mike Pence visited Brussels and pledged America’s “steadfast
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will reverse a handful of Obama-era environmental regulations in exec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis welcomed the naming of Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond M
NEW YORK (Reuters) - NATO is the “strongest alliance in history† and the United States is committed to its alliances in E
DETROIT (Reuters) - For David Green, head of the Detroit chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will visit Mexico this week along with the Homeland Security Secreta
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump sent top U.S. officials to Europe with a familiar warning from Washington th
HAVANA (Reuters) - The Mississippi ports of Pascagoula and Gulfport signed agreements in Cuba on Monday with an eye to fu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A leading U.S. conservative conference rescinded its invitation to provocative commentator Milo Yianno
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence assured the European Union in Brussels on Monday that the Trump admi
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Monday he was “disappointed† the former White House n
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump believes in a free and independent press but he will not hesitate to point o
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump expects by the end of the year “real progress† among NATO allies to
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is strongly committed to working with the European Union toward commo
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk said on Monday that U.S. Vice President Mike Pence agreed wit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of Rex Tillerson’s first directives as U.S. secretary of state was an order to senior staff that h
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump may do another round of interviews for the positi
MUNICH (Reuters) - U.S. Republican senators plan to introduce legislation to impose further sanctions on Iran, accusing it of v
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democrat who sits on the U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC) is planning to resign before her
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Department of Homeland Security has prepared new guidance for immigration agents aimed at
ABU DHABI (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Sunday distanced himself from President Donald Trump’s asse
ABU DHABI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s defense secretary said bad weather had forced him to scrap a visit to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States embassy in Kiev voiced concern on Sunday over Russia’s decision to recognize civil
(This version of the Feb. 18 story was refiled to delete an extra word in paragraph one) MUNICH (Reuters) - James Jones, a for
MELBOURNE, Fla. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, after a rocky first month in office, returned to the campaign trail on Sat
MUNICH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister on Sunday rejected Iranian calls for dialogue saying Tehran was the ma
ANKARA (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim that Washington was keen for a
MUNICH (Reuters) - Senator John McCain, defending the media against the latest attack by President Donald Trump, warned t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to direct immigration agents to greatly expand the categories of im
MUNICH (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday brought a message of support for Europe from Donald Trump
MUNICH (Reuters) - A new version of a Trump administration travel ban will not stop green card residency holders or travelers
MUNICH (Reuters) - The United States on Saturday redoubled its longstanding demand that Germany and other European cou
MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain broke with the reassuring message that U.S. officials visiting G
MUNICH (Reuters) - France said on Saturday that U.S. Vice President Mike Pence would need to clarify his administration’s
ABU DHABI - U.S. President Donald Trump’s defense secretary arrived in the United Arab Emirates on Saturday for talks wi
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, scrambling to find a new top security aide after firing his fi
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump tweets that he is consi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed President Donald Trump’s pick to run the Environmental Protection A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After a tumultuous opening month in the White House, President Donald Trump is heading to a frien
MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain broke with the reassuring message that U.S. officials visiting G
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s pledge to bring massive investments in U.S. infrastructure projects sh
NEW YORK/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A second consecutive day of protests against U.S. President Donald Trump’s month-o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Robert Michel, a gentlemanly Midwesterner who championed civility in Washington as House Repu
CHICAGO (Reuters) - One of the key players in Illinois’ unending financial plight extended a peace offering to Republican Go
Utah House on -Friday
(Reuters) Whensaid there was
Republican no plan to utilize
Congressman Jasonthe National
Chaffetz Guard
of Utah to round up
introduced unautho
most passionate conservation advocates are in Utah, where two-thirds of the state is federally protected. “I’m just disg
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s defense secretary on Thursday said he did not see possible military co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Leader McConnell said he expects to move on legislation to repeal and replace Obamaca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s choice for national security adviser, retired Vice Admiral Robert Harw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The first gripe came three minutes into President Donald Trump’s first solo news conference on
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
(In 2nd paragraph of Feb. 16 item, corrects to show that protesters met with officials from Governor Burgum’s office, not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court will decide three cases in coming months that could help or hinder Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is poised to tap a Republican media relations firm owner to oversee hi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Friday it was not disappointed by how U.S.-Russia ties were developing under U.S. P
DETROIT/SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Businesses shut their doors, students skipped class and thousands of demonstrators took to t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will seek on Saturday to soothe allies unnerved by his boss’ unor
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Thursday suspended proceedings over President Donald Trump’s trave
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn told FBI agents in an interview last mon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A crisis over the relationship between President Donald Trump’s aides and Russia deepened on W
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: Trump dismisses a growing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he asked for the resignation of former National Secu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday nominated former National Labor Relations Board member R.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Thursday moved closer to approving President Donald Trump’s pick to head the E
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted to advance the nomination of President Donald Trump’s pick
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump dismissed a growing controversy about ties between his aides and Russia o
(Reuters) - The continuing controversy over former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s communications with Russia w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress said on Thursday that they will soon unveil pla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, after nearly a month in power, has yet to unveil major legislation or public
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a heated moment during his unconventional and combative news conference on Thursday, Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to be U.S. ambassador to Israel faced repeated heckling at a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wary Democrats on Thursday challenged Republicans who control the U.S. Congress to conduct a cr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s choice to lead an important health agency said on Thursday that
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s combative view of traditional news media as the “opposition partyâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he would be submitting planned reforms to the Affordabl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday said reports in the U.S. media about his administration’s re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he would be issuing an order next week aimed at kee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he did not direct former national security adviser Michae
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he hopes he will not have to bring in an outside advis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives Democratic leader and the top Democrat on the House Intelligence C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday narrowly confirmed South Carolina congressman Mick Mulvaney to ser
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers plan to introduce their legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare after the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee will hold its confirmation hearing for President Donald Trumpâ
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
NOGALES, Arizona (Reuters) - For up to 16 hours a day, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and mangoes grown in Mexico flow no
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Staff at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have been told that President Donald Trump is pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday dropped a U.S. commitment to a two-state solution to the I
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Susan Collins of Maine said on Wednesday she would oppose Oklahoma Att
WASHINGTON/BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence heads to Europe this week to meet with allies seeking clarity
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee asked Attorney Gen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a blow to President Donald Trump as he tries to assemble his administration, his nominee for labo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has offered the job of White House national security adviser, vacated by f
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday: A crisis over the relation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congress should launch a bipartisan investigation if there were any inappropriate contacts between
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Democrat said on Wednesday he wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives called on Wednesday for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump gave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a couple of jolts when they met f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday assailed what he said were illegal and “criminal†
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday demanded a halt to Israeli settlemen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday to re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rex Tillerson arrived in Bonn on Wednesday on his maiden foreign trip as U.S. secretary of state to a
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said on Wednesday he will entertain tax measures to address the state’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s choice of Representative Mick Mulvaney to become White House
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ governor on Wednesday proposed boosting the shrinking ranks of the Illinois State Police in a
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Wednesday proposed changes to the Obamacare individu
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinians warned the United States on Wednesday against abandoning a two-state solution to the c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As a teenager in the early 1970s retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward played football an
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump acted well within his authority in issuing his executive order on immigration, Texas Attorne
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security head John Kelly will visit Mexico next Thu
CAIRO (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on Wednesday against abandoning the idea of a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday called on the Trump administration t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday said that he wanted to focus on “substa
(Reuters) - Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and other Tr
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia dismissed on Wednesday as groundless a U.S. media report that said members of Donald Trumpâ
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is committed to honoring its international obligations, including in relation to missiles, the Kremlin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump knew for weeks that national security adviser Michael Flynn had misle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump supports the goal of peace between Israel and the Palestinians, even if
(Reuters) - National security adviser Michael Flynn’s resignation under fire was just the latest in a series of controversies th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans lawmakers are starting to put in motion plans to destroy or defang the U.S. agency inte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House should consider disciplinary action against presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s handling of U.S. security information at his Florida resort came under
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A vote by U.S. House Republicans on Monday to strike down a Washington, D.C., law that would allo
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The most consequential legal challenge to U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban will procee
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday: Trump knew for weeks that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Benjamin Netanyahu’s first Trump-era Washington visit offers a chance to repair ties to Democra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer called on Tuesday for an independent probe of wha
(Reuters) - The FBI interviewed Michael Flynn in his initial days as U.S. President Donald Trump’s national security adviser a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday the Senate intelligence committee is “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump asked for the resignation of his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, aft
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday played down any impact that White House national securi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s parliament applauded on learning that Donald Trump had won the U.S. election. But prospe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Democrats on Tuesday tried but failed to pressure Republicans into seeking President
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned late on Monday afte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Senate Republican said on Tuesday that the resignation of President Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump swore in former Goldman Sachs banker and Hollywood financier Steven Mn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday President Donald Trump was righ
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Senior Russian lawmakers said on Tuesday the resignation of U.S. President Donald Trump’s national
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said he is concerned about leaks regarding Mich
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May will speak in a call scheduled f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - National security adviser Michael Flynn became the first high-profile member of President Donald T
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A senior Russian lawmaker said on Tuesday it was clear that U.S. President Donald Trump’s national
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen goes to Congress on Tuesday for the first time since Republicans
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A senior Russian lawmaker said on Tuesday the resignation of U.S. President Donald Trump’s nationa
NEW YORK (Reuters) - As century-old Wall Street brokerages have agonized over the fate of a major U.S. regulation on retirem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A congressional tax oversight committee will not seek U.S. President Donald Trump’s tax returns
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned on Monday night in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives’ Oversight Committee voted on Monday to strike down a Wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. Republican senators have not yet said whether they will support labor secretary nominee
(Reuters) - A Virginia federal judge on Monday issued a preliminary injunction against President Donald Trump’s travel ban
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Washington state’s attorney general has promised to uncover “what truly motivated† Preside
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday: Trump says the United State
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday voted to confirm former Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin as Trea
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge on Monday said courtroom proceedings over President Donald Trump’s travel ban
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday the United States would be “tweaking† its trade rela
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is evaluating the situation surrounding U.S. national security adviser Micha
(Reuters) - Burlington Stores Inc joined other retailers, including Nordstrom Inc, in deciding not to sell products of Ivanka Trum
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday there was talk of a possible meeting between President Vladimir Putin and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top aide to U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday defended his colleague, Kellyanne Conway, aft
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite his campaign vows to take a tougher line with North Korea, President Donald Trump’s re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A White House official on Sunday attacked a U.S. court ruling that blocked President Donald Trumpâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is committed to the security of its allies in the Pacific region and will bolster its all
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson said on Sunday he will depose Trump administrati
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday he would present “responsible policies† in t
JUPITER, Florida (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hit the links on Saturday, as the
WASHINGTON/MARIETTA, Ga. (Reuters) - Anti-abortion protesters rallied at scores of Planned Parenthood clinics on Saturday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump pushed back early on Saturday on assertions that the wall he wants built on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With a hug and a handshake, President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe open
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Japanese first lady Akie Abe made her rounds in Washington on Friday, noticeably absent was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Friday that he and U.S. President Donald Trump would
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq won’t take part in any regional or international conflicts, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told sta
BEIJING (Reuters) - Combining public bluster with behind-the-scenes diplomacy, China wrested a concession from the United S
BERLIN (Reuters) - Actor and activist Richard Gere said on Friday that U.S. President Donald Trump has managed to merge the
BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump changed tack and agreed to honor the “one China† pol
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s acceptance of Beijing’s demand that he re-commit to a “one Ch
PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is considering issuing a new executive order bannin
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A member of the Federal Election Commission on Friday called on President Donald Trump to share
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump and Japanese Prime M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Democrats on Friday said the U.S. Congress should obtain President Donald Trumpâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Congressman Will Hurd - whose district spans 800 miles (1,290 km) of the Texas-Mexico
(Reuters) - A U.S. federal appeals court on Friday asked the Justice Department and the state of Washington to submit briefs o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Justice Anthony Kennedy’s legal reasoning in a 2015 immigration case suggests the U.S. Supreme
(Reuters) - Two U.S. senators are seeking details from Goldman Sachs Group Inc’s (GS.N) chief executive on the extent to w
TOKYO/DETROIT (Reuters) - When Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe meets on Friday with U.S. President Donald Trump, Ja
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tom Price was sworn in as U.S. secretary of health on Friday, putting in place a determined opponen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday the alliance between the United States and Japan is a co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has nixed Elliott Abrams for the No. 2 position at the State Departmen
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York City museum has shut down an exhibit protesting U.S. President Donald Trump co-created
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - (This February 9 story has been refiled to correct paragraph 19 to show HSN Inc has dropped Trump
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called on “Israel to be reasonable with respect to peace†, spelling
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Professional ballet dancer Misty Copeland and wrestler turned-actor Dwayne “The Rock† Johnso
WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) - (This February 8 story has been refiled to show HSN Inc has dropped Trump Home produc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House defended President Donald Trump’s criticism of the Nordstrom retail chain on
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Nordstrom Inc said on Wednesday its decision to drop Ivanka Trump branded merchandise from its store
(Reuters) - Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said on Friday he would not run for reelection this year, saying he mad
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Slovenia would be a good place for a first meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump, Russia’s Vladim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Japan views U.S. President Donald Trump’s call with Chinese President Xi Jinping as a good and p
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi asked U.S. President Donald Trump to lift the ban on people from h
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan will keep close contact and deepen its ties with the United States, the Presidential Office said Friday,
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump agreed to honor the longstanding “one China† policy in a phone call with Chine
(Reuters) - With golf long regarded as a stern measure of character and a natural setting for deal-making, U.S. President Donal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and his Afghan counterpart discussed security in a phone call on Thurs
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House national security adviser Michael Flynn privately discussed U.S. sanctions against Russi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s “wall† along the U.S.-Mexico border would be a series of fence
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted “SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday called the appellate court ruling that upheld the suspension of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump castigated a Democratic senator on Thursday for saying U.S. Supreme Cour
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: A U.S. federal appeals cour
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called the U.S. air traffic control system out of date on Thu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Stephen Feinberg, the chief executive of private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management [CBS.UL]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In(Reuters)
WASHINGTON/JERUSALEM his first call as president
- During his 2016with Russian
election leader Vladimir
campaign, Putin, Donald
Donald Trump signaledTrump denounced
his presidency a treaty
would be a th
took office. Some experts see a moderating influence in Trump’s national security team. It has members such as Secretary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to announce the most ambitious tax reform plan since the Reaga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A dozen Democratic U.S. senators on Thursday denounced a Trump administration plan to revamp a
(Reuters) - U.S. Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill on Thursday asked Kaleo Pharmaceuticals to justify the more than 550 perc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch was not commenting on President Donald Trump’s tweets
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will hold his first talks with U.S. President Donald Trump on Mon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s forthcoming tax reform plan will be comprehensive and aims to give c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bitterly divided U.S. Senate confirmed Republican Senator Jeff Sessions on Wednesday as the next
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday repeated his accusation that a Democratic lawmaker had misc
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will propose new cabinet level U.S.-Japan talks on trade, security and m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump would oppose any unilateral declarations that would undermine Japan’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nine senators from his own Republican party urged President Donald Trump on Thursday to take a â
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Labor secretary nominee Andrew Puzder, the controversial business leader expected to undergo a U
(Reuters) - Alabama’s state attorney general will fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Republican Jeff Sessions after his confi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - (This February 8 story has been refiled to correct word in name of bill to review from relief in second
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump used the swearing-in ceremony of Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Th
WILMINGTON, Del (Reuters) - The longest-serving member of Delaware’s Supreme Court, Randy Holland, announced his p
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom could happen around June, the outgo
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Three of the 19 Democratic state attorneys general who joined Washington stateâ
BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has broken the ice with Chinese President Xi Jinping in a letter
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Thursday it attached great importance to China-U.S. ties after confirming it had received a le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, on Wednesday described as “demora
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. aviation executives will discuss the industry’s aging airports and air traffic control reform when
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - The prospect of Senator Jeff Sessions as U.S. attorney general has cast uncertainty over the co
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The foreign ministers of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala will meet in Mexico next week
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Canada opposes the idea of the United States imposing new border tariffs and would respond to an
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday: The U.S. Senate votes to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, on Wednesday described th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is planning to issue a directive targeting a controversial Dodd-Frank rule tha
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hollywood is gearing up for a concerted response to the policies of U.S. President Donald Trump, pla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bitterly divided U.S. Senate confirmed Republican Senator Jeff Sessions on Wednesday as the next
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of elder Republican statesmen, including three former Cabinet members, said they will mee
(Reuters) - More than 2.6 million people tuned into cable TV or went online to hear dramatic audio-only coverage of a federal
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Amira al-Qassab and her family flitted from one Iraqi city to another fleeing Islamic State, then waited three
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate’s top Democrat on Tuesday accused President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court is weighing arguments for and against President Donald Trump’s temporary tra
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. states where gasoline taxes have not risen in decades are now discussing an increase and con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate panel tasked with vetting labor secretary nominee and fast-food executive Andrew
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - A three-judge panel has sided at least temporarily with North Carolina Democratic Governo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House defended the president’s executive order to U.S. agencies to rescind two gove
(Reuters) - Businessman Chris Kennedy, a member of the Kennedy family political dynasty, on Wednesday officially announced
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Wednesday that the directors of national intelligence and the Central Inte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. federal appeals court said it would not issue its ruling on Wednesday regarding a temporary s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives’ Republican leader said on Tuesday that legislation to replace
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. President Donald Trump agreed in an overnight phone call on jo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican President Donald Trump defended his immigration executive order on Wednesday as ne
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s order temporarily banning visitors from seven Muslim-majority countrie
NEW YORK (Reuters) - When former reality television contestant Summer Zervos accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct
WASHINGTON/HOUSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Army will grant the final permit for the controversial Dakota Access oil pipeline
LONDON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s review of post-crisis banking rules could sound the death knell for new glob
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump
WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Senior Mexican and American military and interior officials spoke on Tuesday, Mexico
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday: Trump’s order temporar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Republican senators proposed steps to slash the number of legal immigrants admitted into the
BERLIN (Reuters) - The travel restrictions put in place by U.S. President Donald Trump on seven countries are deterring travele
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. federal appeals court judges weighing the temporary suspension of President Donald Trumpâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s choice of billionaire Betsy DeVos to be education secretary was confir
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Homeland Security chief John Kelly told a congressional panel on Tuesday he should have delayed U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly told a congressional panel on Tuesday that he expects a wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has underscored Washington’s intent to strengthen ties with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The
(Reuters) of thePrime
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include the risk of military escalation in the Gulf, out of which 40 percent of the world’s seaborne crude oil is shipped, and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Tuesday said he backed a decision in the Obama adm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A media watchdog group filed suit on Tuesday to force U.S. President Donald Trump’s pick to he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday there was “no reason† to curb law enforcement age
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has invited Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to visit his private Mar-a-La
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly told a congressional panel on Tuesday that he does not exp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday, in a procedural vote, cleared the way for confirming President Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s choice to lead the Labor Department admitted to employing an u
(Reuters) - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton will undergo surgery early next month for prostate cancer, he said in a statemen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he needed a U.S. appeals court considering the legality of
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday accused the news media of ignoring attacks by Islamist militants i
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt praised on Tuesday U.S President Donald Trump’s criticism of Western media for what he said was
KAUNUS, Lithuania (Reuters) - German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen will meet U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Elliott Abrams, who served in foreign policy roles for presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. senators on Monday sharpened a potential line of attack against Neil Gorsuch’s
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California leaders pushed back on Monday against President Donald Trump’s claim that th
(Reuters) - More than 100 companies, including most of high-tech’s biggest names, joined a legal brief opposing President
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Monday to require law enforcement authorities to obt
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former and current employees of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency expressed opposition t
(Reuters) - Elon Musk’s Tesla Inc and SpaceX on Monday joined a legal brief filed by businesses opposed to President Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should invest more in missile defense given missile testing by North Korea and Ira
LONDON (Reuters) - The speaker of Britain’s lower house of parliament said on Monday he would not support any plans fo
ON BOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House is confident that it will prevail in a legal back-and-forth over President
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Kanye West, one of Donald Trump’s biggest celebrity supporters, appeared to have deleted his twee
MOSCOW (Reuters) - One of Russia’s top diplomats said on Monday that government ministries in the United States and R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans on Friday repealed a securities disclosure rule aimed at curbing corruption at energ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Sunday ramped up his criticism of a federal judge who blocked a travel b
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Sunday: Trump ramps up his criticism
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump faces an uphill battle to overcome a federal judge’s temporary hold on his travel b
(Corrects first paragraph to make it “jurist† instead of “justice† as Robart is not a justice) By Mica Rosenberg and
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said in remarks broadcast on Sunday that he would put Vice Pres
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq is satisfied with a U.S. appeals court ruling against a travel ban imposed by U.S. President Donald Tr
HAVANA (Reuters) - The governor of Colorado said on Sunday he believes the Cuban government wants to further improve re
LYON, France (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s first two weeks in office have left some European politicians leaders aghast but a
VALLETTA (Reuters) - “Our Donald†, or “the other Donald†? European Union leaders meeting in Malta found them
WASHINGTON/PALM BEACH, Fla (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said the Justice Department will win an appeal filed
DUBAI (Reuters) - Kuwait has denied a media report which said it had imposed a travel ban on citizens from several Muslim-m
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeal court late on Saturday denied an emergency appeal from the U.S. Department of Justice to restore an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department filed an appeal late Saturday to restore President Donald Trump’s im
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Saturday moved to begin admitting refugees, including Syrians, as soo
SEATTLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson arrived in Seattle last Saturday aft
AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordanian airline Royal Jordanian received instructions from the U.S. authorities on Saturday allowing trav
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department will allow people with valid visas into the United States, a department offi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Department of Homeland Security will stop flagging travelers from certain countries targeted by
LONDON (Reuters) - Several thousand people demonstrated outside the U.S. embassy in London on Saturday against Presiden
DUBAI (Reuters) - Gulf carriers Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways said on Saturday they will allow passengers barred from the
DUBAI (Reuters) - Emirates [EMIRA.UL], Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways said on Saturday they will allow passengers barred b
LONDON (Reuters) - Formula One’s new owners Liberty Media may have made a mistake in ousting commercial supremo
PARIS (Reuters) - Air France said on Saturday it had reopened U.S.-bound flights to passengers affected by President Donald Tr
TORONTO (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice will not be filing an emergency stay on Friday night to overturn a Seattleâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vincent Viola, an Army veteran and founder of a high-speed trading firm nominated by U.S. Presiden
(Reuters) - U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has informed U.S. airlines that they can once again board travelers who ha
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis wrapped up a visit to Japan on Saturday reaffirming Washington’s co
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Saturday he was not considering hiking the number of U.S. forces
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department was informed by the Justice Department of the ruling by a Washington s
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 60,000 visas were revoked under U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive ord
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Friday imposed sanctions on Iran, which it said were just “initial st
(Reuters) - More than 9.2 million U.S. consumers signed up for health insurance using the website during the o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will meet with the chief executive officers of airlines on Thursday, the
(Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge in Seattle on Friday granted a nationwide temporary restraining order on President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday ordered reviews of major banking rules that were put in plac
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: DODD-FRANK Trump orders re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is looking into how embarrassing details of President Donald Trump’s recent te
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A high-profile conference on Libya planned for mid-February in Washington has been postponed, th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In an awkward reversal, the U.S. military promptly withdrew an old video by Islamist militants it had
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Labor Department is looking into delaying the implementation date of its new fiduciary rule
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The deputy director of the U.S. National Security Agency, the intelligence agency in charge of electro
NEW YORK (Reuters) - With a swipe of his pen, U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday started killing off a retirement advice ru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering possible changes to the design of t
VALLETTA (Reuters) - European Union leaders said they agreed to stick together in dealing with Donald Trump, but at their firs
WASHINGTON/ANKARA (Reuters) - Instead of tearing up the Iran nuclear deal, the Trump administration is exploring how to ti
(Reuters) - The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, named for former Democratic lawmakers Sen
(Reuters) - A Trump administration aide corrected herself on Friday after being widely criticized for referencing a 2011 “Bo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday will call on the U.S. Labor Department to delay for 180 days the im
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran on Friday denounced new sanctions imposed on it by the United States and said it would impose lega
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s order on financial regulations issued on Friday will require the Treasur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday scheduled oral arguments in a major dispute on transgender right
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is in the midst “of a full review of all U.S. policies towards Cuba,† w
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted on Friday that the Islamic Republic was unmov
(Reuters) - Iran said on Friday it had barred a U.S. wrestling team from the Freestyle World Cup competition in retaliation for a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Iran-related sanctions the United States imposed on Friday were “in the pipeline† before
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday that it will continue to work with the Republican-controlled U.S. Con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration said on Thursday that Israel’s building of new settlements or expansio
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli officials welcomed on Friday what they took as U.S. consent to expand existing settlements, afte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. administration officials said sanctions imposed against Iran earlier on Friday were only th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted early on Friday that “Iran is playing with fire† and “t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury said sanctions announced on Friday against a group of individuals and entities und
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday repealed a rule put forth in the final days of the Obama
ANKARA (Reuters) - Many Iranians who dreamt of quiet, comfortable lives after a nuclear deal with world powers in 2015 are
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Friday sanctioned 13 individuals and 12 entities under U.S. Iran sanctions auth
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said it was necessary to do everything possible to make pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate could vote as early as Monday on confirming President Donald Trump’s pick for
(Reuters) - A U.S. district judge in Detroit has issued an order temporarily restraining the Trump administration from carrying o
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted on Friday that Tehran would never use its mili
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Uber Technologies Inc Chief Executive Officer Travis Kalanick quit President Donald
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s defense secretary warned North Korea on Friday of an “effective and
(Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) did not turn to Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager,
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s pick for ambassador to China, Terry Branstad, said he would help increa
(Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union accused the Trump administration in a lawsuit filed on Thursday of violating the
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Friday it resolutely opposes deployment of a U.S. anti-missile defense system in South Korea
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations said on Friday it was too early to tell how the White Hou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in Congress struggled on Thursday with their efforts to dismantle Obamacare, with con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called for unity and understanding on his first day at the State D
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. and South Korean defense chiefs have agreed to deploy a U.S. missile defense system in South Korea th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday vowed to free churches and other tax-exempt institutions of a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A watchdog agency at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said it is planning to review how P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called his counterparts from Mexico and Canada in some of his
SAN FRANCISCO/ WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Trump administration effort to exclude violent white supremacists from a gover
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A veteran CIA clandestine service officer who ran one of the agency’s “black site† prisons
SACRAMENTO, Calif./NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Thursday to cut funding to the Univer
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump does not have the authority to withhold funding from the Unive
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress moved swiftly on Thursday to undo Obama-era rules on the environment, corrupti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia is testing President Donald Trump with a surge of violence in eastern Ukraine and the U.S. pr
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley blamed Russia on Thursday for the recent sur
(Reuters) - The Republican-controlled Iowa state senate voted on Thursday to cut Medicaid funding for family planning service
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump defended his order to temporarily bar entry to people from seven maj
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is expected to impose sanctions on multiple Iranian entities as early as Friday follo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence met with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Thursday and a
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: Trump is poised to impose
(Reuters) - When gay former law clerk Joshua Goodbaum married his partner in 2014, he got effusive and emotional reassuran
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hundreds of New York City bodegas, grocery stores and restaurants owned by Yemeni Americans closed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump discussed with Jordan’s King Abdullah the possibility of establishing
OTTAWA/WINNIPEG (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is taking a low key approach to dealing with U.S. Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The battered U.S. coal industry rejoiced after the Senate voted on Thursday to repeal a rule that lim
(Reuters) - Cerberus Capital Management LP’s Chief Executive Officer Stephen Feinberg is in talks to join U.S. President Do
(Reuters) - Scientists may steal a page from the oil industry’s playbook to stop President Donald Trump rewriting the U.S. p
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Nobel Peace Prize winners meeting in Colombia criticized U.S. President Donald Trump’s immigration
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump reiterated his concerns about the North American Free Trade Agreeme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Thursday rejected separate bids by 16 states and two Democratic lawmaker
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans are unlikely to begin tackling tax reform legislation until the summer, after fi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch said on Thursday that a re-examination of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it would respond to Iran’s ballistic missile test and other hosti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told reporters on Thursday said “nothing is off the table† in terms of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will honor a U.S. agreement with Australia to accept refugees housed on is
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Congressman Jason Chaffetz said on Thursday he plans to withdraw a bill that would
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Budget Committee on Thursday voted to confirm Republican Congressman Mick Mu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee will take up bipartisan legislation next week to foste
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Senate committee suspended rules on Thursday to approve U.S. President Donald Trump’s con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain asked President Donald Trump on Thursd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said on Thursday he hoped to have a wall along the souther
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Trump administration wants to revamp and rename a U.S. government progra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump met on Thursday with Jordan’s King Abdullah ahead of an annual p
DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Wednesday it was looking into whether more civilians were
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House put Iran “on notice† on Wednesday for test-firing a ballistic missile and said
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran said on Thursday the U.S. National Security Advisor’s (NSA) comments on the recent ballistic missi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed Rex Tillerson as President Donald Trump’s secretary of state on Wedn
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is considering increasing energy imports from the United States, two so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Evangelical Christian leader Jerry Falwell Jr. will head an education reform task force under U.S. Pre
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican said on Wednesday it was worried about U.S. President Donald Trump’s moves on im
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican delegation met U.S. military officials in southern Mexico on Tuesday to discuss security initi
LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge in Los Angeles has ruled President Donald Trump’s administration mu
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to make contact with new U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and is considering a meeti
DUBAI (Reuters) - A commando raid approved by new U.S. President Donald Trump this week may have given al Qaeda in Yem
BET EL, West Bank (Reuters) - For many in the Israeli settlement of Bet El, deep in the occupied West Bank, Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rex Tillerson’s job as chief U.S. diplomat became harder before it even began because of White
(Reuters) - U.S hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci, who left Wall Street to join the administration of U.S. President Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators on Wednesday delayed a committee vote on President Donald Trump’s
The following bullet points are from the U.S. President Donald Trump’s Twitter accounts (@realDonaldTrump and @POTU
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Thursday that currency policy was not an issue that should be
(Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott made good on his promise to cut $1.5 million in grant money to Travis County after th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States military has not changed its posture in response to Iran test-firing a ballistic missil
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The largest U.S. physician group urged President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As a lawyer in private practice for a decade, President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nomi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Tuesday to confirm Senator Jeff Sessions as attorney
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee suspended committee rules and confirmed U.S. Repr
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday: Trump urges Senate Rep
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Florida on Wednesday directed a golf club owned by U.S. President Donald Trump to pay $5.77 m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump opened a “listening session† on Wednesday for Black History M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two major U.S. rules aimed at curbing corruption and pollution in the energy sector may be entirely
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Public refusals on Wednesday by two U.S. Senate Republicans to support Betsy DeVos, President Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will likely face questions about his executive order restricting some tra
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran said on Wednesday it had test-fired a new ballistic missile, prompting a tough response from a senior ad
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Wednesday proposed an increase of 0.25 percent on average in payments to h
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Wednesday said he would travel to the United States to meet w
WASHINGTON/CANNON BALL, N.D. (Reuters) - Native Americans and activists protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline project ex
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday urged Senate Republicans to “go nuclear† and impos
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s travel restrictions on people from seven countries could
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries temporarily barred from the United States by Presi
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya’s U.N.-backed government has criticized U.S. President Donald Trump’s temporary ban on its
ABU DHABI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates’ foreign minister said on Wednesday President Donald Trump’s travel
Federal appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch, the U.S. Supreme Court pick of President Donald Trump, is a conservative intellectu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of top U.S. House of Representatives Democrats sent a letter on Tuesday asking the Depart
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Wednesday it has issued updated guidance on President Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. Senate Republican on tax policy raised questions on Wednesday about a border adjustm
(Reuters) - U.N. human rights experts warned that asylum seekers could face torture if not given safe harbor and the Vatican c
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trumpâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he would urge fellow Republicans in the Senate to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Chris Coons, a Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on Wednesday the pa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said on Wednesday she opposed President Donald Trump’
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Imposing a temporary travel ban on citizens from seven Muslim countries, President Donald Trump sai
(In this Jan. 31 story, in 11th paragraph corrects to show two Iranian plaintiffs are a man and a woman, not two men) By Scott
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday nominated Neil Gorsuch for a lifetime job on the U.S. Supreme
The following bullet points are from the U.S. President Donald Trump’s Twitter accounts (@realDonaldTrump and @POTU
MOSCOW (Reuters) - In his book, ‘Art of the Deal,’ Donald Trump said the best deals were ones where both sides got so
WASHINGTON/TOKYO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s defense secretary is expected to underscore U.S. security com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis has directed the Pentagon to seek an increase in overall spend
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - At the U.S. State Department, the dissent began building soon after President Donald Trump signed
LONDON (Reuters) - Around half of Britons believe U.S. President Donald Trump’s planned UK state visit should go ahead,
(Reuters) - Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates LP, said he is increasingly concerne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire philanthropist Betsy DeVos, already known as one of the most controversial nominees for
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The United States will apply ‘extreme vetting’ to up to 1,250 asylum seekers it has agreed to resettle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A secret meeting at a neighbor’s house, a drive through a back country road, and a clandestine fl
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch is known for questioning how far courts should go in defer
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Tuesday: Trump nominates Neil Gors
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s center-left chancellor candidate Martin Schulz has criticized U.S. President Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump in a meeting on Tuesday with pharmaceutical executive
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After days of chaos at airports and confusion over details of President Donald Trump’s immigrati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday took the first step t
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, due to be named on Tuesday, could have an imm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For seven years, the United States has fought to keep the euro zone intact, urging European officials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will nominate U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein to be deputy attorney gen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans pressed ahead in their deregulatory push on Tuesday, with the U.S. House of Represent
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ronald Vitiello has been appointed chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, according to an internal memo se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Elaine Chao, a former top U.S. labor official, was sworn in on Tuesday to lead the U.S. Transportation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 900 U.S. State Department officials signed an internal dissent memo protesting a travel ban b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Tuesday postponed votes on several of President Donald Trump’s Cab
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Several relatives of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington criticized President Don
NEW YORK (IFR) - Jared Kushner has divested his equity interest in 666 Fifth Avenue, a 39-story office and retail building on Ma
(In this Jan. 30 (Reuters) - U.S. spelling
story, corrects Presidentof Donald Trump
Sergey Brin on Tuesday24)
in paragraph postponed signing
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customers, costing it refunds as well as expenses to monitor how the order is applied and who exactly is affected.   Â Â  The U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Donald Trump’s administration put together its controversial executive order on immigrati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate panel tasked with vetting Andrew Puzder to head the Labor Department has postpo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative U.S. appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch has been told he is likely President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Energy Committee on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved President Donald Trump’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government has granted waivers to let 872 refugees into the country this week, despite Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday defended President Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday called on the pharmaceutical industry to boost U.S. produc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an order on Monday that will seek to dramatically reduce federal re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Monday tried to tamp down the furor over President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate advanced the nomination of former Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) Chief Executive Rex
LONDON (Reuters) - A planned state visit to Britain by U.S. President Donald Trump is months away and any program has yet t
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is hammering out plans to show U.S. President Donald Trump its firms are ready to create U.S. jobs, a
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A group of technology companies plans to meet on Tuesday to discuss filing an amicus brief in sup
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday appointed Thomas Homan acting director of U.S. Immigration and Custom
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - There are signs the U.S. government is taking a more flexible view of how to pay for its planned borde
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Elaine Duke as deputy secretary of the Departme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans on Monday continued their drive to loosen U.S. regulation, taking the first step to kill fiv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order on cyber security on Tuesday, two so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates has told Justice Department lawyers not to defend Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday: Congressiona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will amend his recent National Security Council reorganization to add the C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. senators tried to force a vote on a bill to rescind President Donald Trump’s orde
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Hundreds of medical students and faculty members gathered at Northwestern University’s school of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats delayed the Senate Finance Committee’s vote on U.S. Treasury secretary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department will not conduct its regular daily press briefing until a new secretary of st
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Monday he would seek to ensure that women have access
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he will announce his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday a
(Reuters) - AState
globalDepartment officials
backlash against onPresident
U.S. Monday circulated a draft memo
Donald Trump’s criticizingcurbs
immigration President Donald
gathered Trum
passengers to comply with an immigration ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries. “To those fleeing persecu
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland will conduct a complete review of U.S. customs pre-clearance arrangements at its airports followin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Donald Trump on Feb. 15 for ta
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he planned to push U.S. President Donald
(Reuters) - Former U.S. President Barack Obama is heartened by the political activism he sees across the country and disagree
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Jordan’s King Abdullah on Monday discussed a range of issue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House confirmed on Monday that a new executive order to slash regulations will not app
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has asked the United States to reconsider the travel ban on its citizens, the foreign ministry said on
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations refugee agency voiced alarm on Monday at U.S. President Donald Trump’s decisio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon was creating a list of Iraqis who had worked alongside U.S. troops, which will be passe
LONDON (Reuters) - The United States will switch course on climate change and pull out of a global pact to cut emissions, said
CAIRO (Reuters) - Supporters of Islamic State mocked U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to deny entry to citizens of s
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump needs to acknowledge that the extreme interrogation technique known as w
DUBAI (Reuters) - The new U.S. immigration curbs have cast uncertainty over the futures of thousands of Iranian students in t
(This version of the Jan 29 story has been corrected to show former Senate Republican leader Trent Lott is from Mississippi no
GENEVA (Reuters) - Discriminating against people on the basis of their nationality is illegal, the U.N. High Commissioner for Hu
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor
(Reuters) Merkel
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federal inquiries prompt cities to hire more cops and invest in better equipment.     The decrees have had mixed results.
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to stop resettlement of Syrian refugees will cost lives, medical
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand might get more tourists from the Middle East as a result of U.S. President Donald Trump’s e
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - The head of the African Union said on Monday that a U.S. travel ban on seven Muslim-majority coun
BEIJING (Reuters) - China
(Reuters)to- President
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Thousands of refugees seeking entry were thrown into limbo. Melanie Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said she kn
DUBAI (Reuters) - Emirates airline has changed pilot and flight attendant rosters on flights to the United States following the s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration on Sunday tempered a key element of his move to ban
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan Airlines Co (9201.T) said on Monday it has begun screening passengers from the seven Muslim-major
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and South Korean Acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn agreed to take step
INDIAN WELLS, Calif. (Reuters) - Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch is launching a campaign to sink a border tax under consid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Aides to U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday called the implementation of a temporary travel ba
(Reuters) - U.S. judges in at least five states blocked federal authorities from enforcing President Donald Trump’s executive
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jan 29 (Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Sund
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Sunday that President Donald Trump’s order targeting immigra
(Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Sunday demanded that President Donald Trump reverse an exec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said on Sunday that in applying the provisions of Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Bob Corker, the Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations committee, said o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-majority U.S. Senate Finance Committee will vote on Tuesday on the nomination of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Saturday put restrictions on the kind of lucrative lobbying gigs his White
WASHINGTON/CAIRO (Reuters) - Five Iraqi passengers and one Yemeni were barred from boarding an EgyptAir flight from Cai
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday his administration wants more rigorous screening of refugees and visito
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Divisions have emerged among advisers to President Donald Trump over whether to rescind a signa
TORONTO (Reuters) - More than 200 Canadian technology company founders, executives and investors called on Sunday for O
NEW YORK (Reuters) - After immigration agents detained two Iraqis on Saturday at New York’s John F. Kennedy Internation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham said on Sunday that President Donald Tr
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel told U.S. President Donald Trump that the global fight against terrorism
BAGHDAD/MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq will lobby against new travel limits to the United States by Iraqis, arguing both countri
CAIRO (Reuters) - Sudan summoned the U.S. charge d’affaires on Sunday to complain about an order by President Donald
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Mixed messages from Washington have left Syrian Christians confused about the effect of U.S. restrictions
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Syrian Christian Orthodox family was turned back from Philadelphia International Airport after traveling t
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine activists will protest on Monday against a tough immigration order by U.S. President Donald Tru
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Dozens of people were stopped from flying to the United States from Istanbul Ataturk Airport on Sunday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Sunday defended its implementation of President Donald Trump’s executiv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, said the United States needs to “be
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge blocked the deportation on Saturday of dozens of travelers and refugees from seven Mu
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s foreign ministry summoned the Swiss ambassador to Tehran on Sunday to protest against U.S. Pre
(Reuters) - A group of state attorneys general are discussing whether to file their own court challenge against President Donal
PARIS (Reuters) - Consideration for the plight of refugees is a duty, and fear of terrorism is not a legitimate reason to refuse th
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - An influential Shi’ite cleric said on Sunday American nationals should leave Iraq, in retaliation for the
(Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said in a statement late on Saturday it would “comply with judicial o
CAIRO (Reuters) - Airlines operating at Cairo airport were officially requested on Sunday to prevent U.S. immigration visa holde
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Airlines operating at Beirut’s Rafic Hariri International Airport have begun implementing measures in co
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel told U.S. President Donald Trump that the global fight against terrorism
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has criticized a new U.S. travel ban on people from seven Muslim-majori
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq’s Popular Mobilization on Sunday called on the Iraqi government to ban U.S. nationals from ente
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq’s foreign affairs committee on Sunday said the U.S. travel curbs imposed on Iraqis were “unf
(Reuters) - A new ban on U.S. travel for nationals of seven Middle Eastern countries caught the airline industry unprepared, w
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Saturday Britain did not agree with U.S. President Donald Trump’
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States is no solution to
(Reuters) - Yemen is “dismayed† by U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to temporarily ban its citizens from trav
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers have requested that parliament discuss U.S. travel curbs imposed on the nation and six
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Department of Homeland Security said on Saturday it was carefully monitoring litigation to do w
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran said on Saturday it would stop U.S. citizens entering the country in retaliation to Washington’s visa b
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations refugee agency and International Organization for Migration (IOM) called on the Trum
PARIS (Reuters) - France, Germany and Luxembourg voiced disquiet on Saturday over U.S. President Donald Trump’s decis
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch airline KLM said on Saturday it had refused carriage to the United States to seven passengers f
DUBAI (Reuters) - Qatar Airways advised passengers bound for the United States on Saturday from seven newly banned major
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump was elected last November, Republican lawmakers enthusiastically j
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence fired up tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists who gathered on
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, pledged on Friday to overhaul the w
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Iraqis who say their lives are in danger because they worked with the U.S. government in Iraq fear their
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump are likely to discuss th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The presidents of the United States and Mexico spoke by phone on Friday after relations between th
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru and Colombia vowed to stand with Mexico as the country faces an uncertain economic future and grapp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday signed an executive order he said would impose tighter vetti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that he would defer to Defense Secretary James Mattis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will speak by phone with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Satur
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s combative style has buffeted Mexico’s president for months, but deeply unpo
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Billionaire Carlos Slim said on Friday that Mexico should not fear Donald Trump, seeing opportunities
(Reuters) - New Jersey prosecutors on Friday said they would not pursue criminal misconduct charges against Governor Chris C
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s Cabinet is worth a combined $14 billion, and they are catching flak in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he is only in the early stages of considering whether to l
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: Trump, scheduled to speak by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said that a freeze handed down by President Donald Tru
(Reuters) - Mexico’s wealthiest man Carlos Slim on Friday said Donald Trump was a negotiator, “not Terminator,† as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said in an interview on Friday that he has the right to impose a tax on i
MIAMI (Reuters) - Two Florida ports have canceled plans to sign cooperation pacts with Communist-ruled Cuba after state Gov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. President Donald Trump’s “America First† rhetoric and confrontational negotiati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will not issue executive orders calling for a review of international treatie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate’s Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Friday he opposes lifting
(Reuters) - Highlights of the day for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday: U.S.-BRITAIN Trump says he w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Friday the United States should keep its sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday that President Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pena N
PHILADELPHIA/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday floated the idea of imposing a 20 percent tax on goods
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is poised to sign an executive order on Friday to temporarily halt refugees f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday that Syrian Christians will be given priority when it comes to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday that evangelical Christians would love his choice to fill an ope
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he had a “very good† phone call with Mexican President En
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump on Friday agreed n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, commenting on Friday on speculation that President Donald Trump may
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Rob Portman, commenting on the possible lifting of sanctions on Russia by President D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has invited U.S. President Donald Trump for a state visit later this year
(Reuters) - Republican lawmakers in several central U.S. states are pushing bills that would crack down on demonstrations, dra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump kept up his criticism of Mexico on Friday, saying it “has taken advantage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump spoke by phone on Friday to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, a Whit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s investigation into what the president has claimed is widespread voti
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico and the United States will be stuck at an impasse unless they solve U.S. President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday said he was launching a manufacturing jobs initiative and named
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations reaffirmed on Friday that torture is illegal and that refugees deserve protection, while
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will hold telephone calls with the leaders of Russia, Germany, and Fran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has temporarily halted trips by staff to interview refugee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will seek quick progress toward a bilateral trade agreement with Japan in p
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s executive order directing federal agencies to take away funding from self-proclaimed
PARIS (Reuters) - Britain is becoming subservient to a United States that will be extremely difficult to cooperate with judging b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s push to create safe zones in Syria could force him to make some risky
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Joking that “opposites attract,† Prime Minister Theresa May called on President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said the United States needs more submarines but he wants to buy the
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Friday that it is not so easy to change U.S. President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary James Mattis stressed the United States’ commitment to NATO in a telephone
SAN FRANCISCO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s push to fulfill a campaign promise to replace Obamacare
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - President Donald Trump pushed Republican lawmakers on Thursday for swift action on a sweeping a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump would favor Senate Republicans changing voting rules to allow a simpl
LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers have written to Prime Minister Theresa May, urging her to challenge U.S. President Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two lawmakers and six consumer advocacy groups on Thursday sought to join a court case involving
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told Republican lawmakers on Thursday that President Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday ordered construction of a U.S.-Mexican border wall and pun
(Reuters) - Rogue Twitter feeds voicing employee concerns at more than a dozen U.S. government agencies have been launch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A debate is under way in the Trump administration about whether the United States should declare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top U.S. lawmaker accused the Food and Drug Administration on Friday of failing to hand over doc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading congressional Republican on tax policy said on Thursday that he does not believe Presiden
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels urged President Donald Trump to fulfill a pledge to create safe zones in their country, but ana
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Environmental Protection Agency has told several lawmakers it aims to end late on Friday a free
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has accepted the resignations of two top State Department officials effec
GENEVA (Reuters) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) have
GUADALUPE, Mexico/TORNILLO, Texas (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s plan to end the policy of “catch and releas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump wants a new 20 percent tax on all imports from Mexico to pay for a wa
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has appointed Republican members of two federal labor agencies to serve as their ac
(Editors Note: Attention to language that may be offensive to some readers in paragraph two) By Laila Kearney (Reuters) - A F
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan has been asked to step down as the agency moves toward to
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told Republican lawmakers on Thursday he would work against illegal votin
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday that his now-scrapped meeting with Mexican President E
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he would strike numerous bilateral trade deals, as op
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior Democratic lawmakers on Thursday called on the White House to lift orders barring governm
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that it would look for an opportunity to reschedule President Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Thursday that the outgoing administration in coordination with t
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is considering several more executive orders concerning nati
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A possible cancellation of a meeting planned next week between Mexican President Enrique Pena Nie
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - U.S. Republican leaders on Wednesday laid out plans for repealing Obamacare by spring, followed b
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Thursday named Cheryl LaFleur as the acting chairman of the Federal Energy Regulator
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. military intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning on Thursday questioned Barack Obamaâ€
LONDON (Reuters) - The seven-year-old Syrian girl who gained a global following last year with her Twitter updates from Alepp
MEXICO CITY, (Reuters) - A summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Mexican counterpart Enrique Pena Nieto ne
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said on Thursday his talks in Washington D.C. with a k
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Five years ago, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, now President Donald Trump’s nomine
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will meet new U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington on Friday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The confirmation process for Republican President Donald Trump’s choice to chair the U.S. Secu
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Wednesday night that he “regrets and disapproves
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he “will absolutely do safe zones in Syria† fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he “will absolutely do safe zones in Syria† to protect people
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday nominated Philip Bilden, a former military intelligence
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said that illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children, kn
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican official widened a tax evasion complaint against U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesd
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Immigrant and refugee advocates on Wednesday denounced White House plans to temporarily stop re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s plans to investigate the possibility of voter fraud in the 2016 election
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump may order a review that could lead to bringing back a CIA program for hold
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would seek an investigation into what he believes w
The following bullet points are from the U.S. President Donald Trump’s Twitter accounts (@realDonaldTrump and @POTU
(Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday an investigation is the right thing to do to determine the facts aft
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. health insurers are making their case to Republican lawmakers over how Americans
(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday the Trump administration did not write a doc
WASHINGTON/PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he will make his choice to fill the va
(Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday the House would fund a wall President Donal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump vowed on Tuesday to bring federal intervention to bear in Chicago to q
WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s vow to “send in the Feds† if Chicago is unable to cut
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen, a Republican on the Federal Trade Commission, has been name
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is preparing executive orders that would clear the way to drastically redu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, asked about the practice of waterboarding as an intelligence-gatherin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee called on the Trump administration on Wedne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted almost unanimously on Tuesday to confirm South Carolina Governor Nikki Ha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he expects construction of a U.S.-Mexico border wall to start with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House denied on Wednesday that the new Trump administration ordered a curb on the fl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A draft order calling for a review of whether a defunct CIA program to interrogate terrorist suspects
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will sign two executive orders on Wednesday including one on border secu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans are set to overturn a slew of Obama-era regulations next week, including
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has instructed the Environmental Protection Agen
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is “closing the door† on people fleeing Islamic State, and may try to re
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday any trade deal agreed with the United States wou
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Homeland Security chief John Kelly will attend the Munich Secu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign executive orders starting on Wednesday that inclu
BEIJING (Reuters) - China wants dialogue with the new U.S. administration to manage disputes and promote bilateral relations
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s defense secretary plans to visit Japan and South Korea next week
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump invited Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit the United States
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed orders on Tuesday smoothing the path for the controversial Key
CANNON BALL, N.D. (Reuters) - Tribal leaders protesting the construction of a controversial North Dakota pipeline vowed on T
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump met with auto executives on Tuesday and gave the energy industry a boost with actio
WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has moved since he took office last wee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump stands by his belief that millions of people voted illegally in the U.S. electio
(Reuters) - Legal advocacy groups seeking to challenge President Donald Trump in court over alleged conflicts of interest said fi
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Under pressure from President Donald Trump, Mexico is preparing to discuss changes to trade rules a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans and Democrats argued over the best way to rebuild U.S. infrastructure - a high priority
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Saturday accused the media of framing photographs to understate the crowd t
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Agriculture said on Tuesday that an internal email sent to staff at its Agricultural
NEW YORK/CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. regulators under the new presidential administration have instituted a freeze on rules ke
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged the chief executives of the Big Three U.S. automakers on Tuesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, poised to restore the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, met wi
(This January 23 story corrects time of 2009 photo to sometime between 12:07 p.m. and 12:26 p.m. from 1:27 p.m., in paragr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Chuck Schumer, the top Democrat in the U.S. Senate, urged Republican President Donald Tr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson visited the State Department on Tuesday for briefing
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to run the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told a U.S. panel
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to run the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told a congressio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said he told President Donald Trump in a White Hous
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Tuesday issued a battle-cry against U.S. President Donald
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday to move forward with construction of the Keys
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday allowing the Dakota Access Pipeline to go forw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said he would meet with President Donald Trump la
(This January 23 story corrects to amend chief of staff’s name to Jaime Tincher in paragraphs six and seven) (Reuters) - Mi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order directing that the permitting pro
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Parties in a four-year-old legal challenge to California’s emissions trading program will head to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading Republican lawmaker warned on Tuesday that Congress will not be able to lower the U.S.
(Reuters) - The Standing Rock Sioux tribe in a statement on Tuesday said it opposed U.S. President Donald Trump’s executi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday he has invited President Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ben Carson, President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead U.S. housing policy, won approval on Tu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee swiftly approved Republican President Donald Trump’s nominees for co
NEW YORK (Reuters) - An equally divided federal appeals court refused to reconsider its landmark decision forbidding the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump intends to keep FBI Director James Comey in his post, a person familiar wit
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - The election of Republican businessman Donald Trump as president of the United States has s
WELLINGTON/TOKYO (Reuters) - Australia and New Zealand said on Tuesday they hope to salvage the Trans-Pacific Partnershi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump formally withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany would take advantage of any trade opportunities in Asia and South America left by a protectionist
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday reinstated a global gag rule that bans U.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s choice for secretary of state, former Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate energy committee said late Monday it had delayed “until further notice† a meetin
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump addressed business and trade issues on Monday. Highlights of the day follow: Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed Representative Mike Pompeo as President Donald Trump’s CIA direct
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Republican senators said on Monday that U.S. states should be allowed to stay in the Obamaca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has drawn heavily from the energy industry lobby
TOKYO (Reuters) - Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Tuesday that Japan would seek the United States’ understanding of th
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will continue to stress the strategic and economic importance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s press secretary promised reporters on Monday that he would never li
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Senate’s Armed Services Committee, John McCain, has proposed $7.5 billio
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - The California Senate on Monday confirmed U.S. Congressman Xavier Becerra as attorney gen
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile will continue to pursue trade deals even though the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is off the table
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dialing back the Volcker Rule that limits banks’ ability to engage in speculative investments is a t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S Secretary of Defense James Mattis, on his first full day in office, spoke with NATO Secretary-Gen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday tapped Republican Commissioner Ajit Pai to head the U.S. Fede
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday that national security adviser Michael Flynn held just two phone c
CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A senior aide to U.S. President Donald Trump has scrapped plans to visit Canada for talks with offi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump met Monday at the White House with leaders of construction, carpenters,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump met with key business leaders on Monday and signed an executive order w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday told reporters that he would renegotiate the North American F
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will stress the value of free trade and her support for the Iran nuclear
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will discuss ways to expand trade with Britain when British Prime Mini
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic state officials took a step on Monday to try to defend the U.S. Consumer Financial Prote
(Reuters) - A group including former White House ethics attorneys will file a lawsuit on Monday accusing President Donald Tru
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday dismissed allegations in a new lawsuit by prominent constitutional
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will announce a nominee in the next couple of weeks to fill a vacancy o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has resigned from the Trump Organization and his sons Don Jr. and Eri
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Sean Spicer on Monday defended his statement that President Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday it planned later this week to establish four “Skype seats† fo
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - A sweeping corruption case against a former mayor of Pennsylvania’s capital city Harrisburg e
(This January 13th story deletes reference to Interfax being state-run in paragraph 22) By Jonathan Landay and Arshad Moham
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and the chief executives of 12 large companies discussed tax, regulations a
DUBAI (Reuters)(Reuters) - U.S.
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meaningless,” Tweeted Daham al-Qahtani, a Kuwaiti political analyst. “If he goes back to the era of Bush, and ‘you ar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal by Texas seeking to revive the stateâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters on Monday that a lawsuit accusing him of violating the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order formally withdrawing the United States from the
BEIJING (Reuters) - The new U.S. administration must fully understand the importance of the “one China† policy and ap
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The largest lobbying organization for pharmaceutical companies began running TV ads on Monday m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Marco Rubio on Monday said he will vote to back President Donald Trumpâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will nominate former U.S. Representative Heather Wilson to become Air Fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump was scheduled to speak with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on
(Reuters) - An order by President Donald Trump that could scale back enforcement of some Obamacare provisions is unlikely t
CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A top adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump plans to hold talks in Canada on Tuesday with mem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump could sign an executive order as early as Monday intended to renegoti
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - The European Union should seek a new deal with the United States as the free trade agreement has fail
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House vowed on Sunday to fight the news media “tooth and nail† over what it see
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday it expected to soon agree a date for the first phone call between President
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin see eye to eye when it comes to man
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday he believed U.S. President Donald Trump understood
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration may no longer enforce a rule requiring individual Americans to carry heal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit Washington in ea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior Republican lawmakers said on Sunday they would vote to approve President Donald Tru
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany must brace itself for turbulent times under U.S. President Donald Trump, Foreign Minister Frank-W
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday he would later in the day hold his first conv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. President Donald Trump will speak by telephone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Neta
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May promised on Sunday to challenge any “unacceptable† talk when she m
LANGLEY, Va./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump tried to ease tensions with the CIA on Saturday, telling o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is ordering federal agencies to undermine Obamacare through regulatory a
LANGLEY, Va. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told CIA officers on Saturday that he has great respect for the agency, d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump can hire his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as a senior White House adviser with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed the first two members of President Donald Trump’s cabinet on Friday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump took over as U.S. president on Friday in the same way he conducted his upstart camp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators protesting Donald Trump’s swearing-in on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump directed government agencies on Friday to freeze regulations and take step
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump took power as the 45th president of the United States on Friday and pledged to end w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new U.S. administration of President Donald Trump said on Friday its trade strategy to protect A
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis urged U.S. President Donald Trump to be guided by ethical values and as he took office
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration condemned what it called the “anti-police atmosphere† in America
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump took his first official actions as U.S. president on Friday, sending his Cabinet nominati
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will need a new economic strategy geared toward Asia should the new U.S. administration start a
(Reuters) - Donald Trump’s inauguration as U.S. president on Friday was greeted with notes of caution by some foreign lea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of the biggest cheers President Donald Trump received from supporters watching his inaugural
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The pomp and circumstance were like any big Washington celebration: a regal backdrop, the patrioti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to approve retired Marine General John Kelly as Secretary of
(Reuters) - Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello on Friday criticized a set of recommendations by the federal board in charge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s administration is committed to eliminating Barack Obama’s Climate Action P
(Reuters) - Donald Trump, a big supporter of the U.S. oil, gas and coal industries, has promised to get to work quickly after bein
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will name Ajit Pai, a Republican member of the Federal Communications Co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Violent protests against Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration on Friday were “mostly un
LONDON (Reuters) - A banner reading “Build bridges not walls† was draped across London’s Tower Bridge as part of
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Irrespective of whether Mexico’s decision to extradite drug kingpin Joaquin “Chapo† Guzm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A violent protest that erupted in Washington on U.S. President Donald Trump’s inauguration day
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 90 people have been arrested so far in protests in the nation’s capital during demons
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush, who has spent nearly a week at a Houston hospital where
LONDON (Reuters) - Under the gaze of a life-sized cardboard figure of Donald Trump, some 200 of his supporters gathered at a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Washington police made “numerous† arrests on Friday after violent protests during Donald T
BERLIN (Reuters) - The United States must stick to international agreements under the presidency of Donald Trump, German F
TOKYO (Reuters) - Several hundred people, most of them expatriate Americans, held a protest on Friday in the Japanese capit
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin may have spent years reviling America, but Russians hoping Donald Trump will usher in a ne
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Pence said, a small portion of the thousands of positions Obama’s appointees will vacate. Trump has asked 50 Obama staff
(Reuters) - With his left hand on a Bible used by Abraham Lincoln, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th U.S. president ar
(Reuters) - Republican President-elect Donald Trump is expected to take executive action shortly after being sworn into office
The following bullet points are from the U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump’s Twitter account. Reuters has not edited the tw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday he would work to eliminate the
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Washington turned into a virtual fortress on Thursday ahead of Donald Trump’s pres
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, speaking in parliament hours before U.S. President-elect Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rob Cortis calls it the “Trump Unity Bridge† - a bulky, metal 45-foot structure welded to two w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s national security transition has been more chaotic than others in
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - David Nason, a General Electric executive and former Treasury Department official, is th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union filed a legal request with several government agencies on Thursd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama commuted the prison sentences of 330 federal inmates, particularly drug o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican governors on Thursday urged Washington lawmakers to keep funding health benefi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump will not wait for Congress to confirm his Cabinet positions to act on his vows to withd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate is due to vote on Friday on two retired Marine generals who are President-elect Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States sent four detainees from the Guantanamo Bay military prison to the United Arab
N.D. (Reuters) - Tensions
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legislation that does not otherwise have support from 60 senators. Republicans control 52 votes in the 100-member chamber
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Senior Mexican officials will hold meetings on January 25 and 26 with U.S. President-Elect Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump plans to visit CIA headquarters on Saturday on his first full day as U.S. president, as h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rick Perry, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to run the U.S. Energy Department, said during a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump officially announced Sonny Perdue as his choice for secretary of a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury would recommend China be considered a currency manipulator if Beijing began u
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel’s right wing has been eagerly awaiting Donald Trump’s arrival in the White House, hoping
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Tom Shannon met with U.S. President-elect Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Thursday that National Football League team owner Woody J
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday it was important to maintain a s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury will enforce all sanctions against Russia unless a deal were reached between Wash
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump has asked 50 government employees in critical posts to stay on in his
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump formally named former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue as his nominee for secr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s spokesman said on Thursday there will be an announcement on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A spokesman for President-elect Donald Trump accused Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Kevin Hassett, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute with an expertise in fiscal policy, is
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - He is ready for some quiet time, plans to do some writing and intends to give his successor space to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) are close to deal for a contract
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for commerce secre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will name former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue as his nomine
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand accounting software firm Xero Ltd said on Thursday that its chairman, Chris Liddell, wou
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s Indonesian business partner dismissed concerns by ethics officials that the U.S. pres
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will name former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue as his nominee for secretary
BERLIN (Reuters) - International observers documented a range of concerns during November’s U.S. elections, including cy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama urged President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday to keep separate the i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of an ad hoc group of protesters enraged by Republican Donald Trump’s election as pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama suggested on Wednesday that moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem coul
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Borrowers who say OneWest Bank refused to help them when they struggled to pay their mortgage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, will push ba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to lead the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency expres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top Republican in Congress on Wednesday defended his border-adjustable tax provision against c
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council needs to push Iran to abide by an arms embargo, outgoing U
NEW YORK (Reuters) - If Hillary Clinton decided to run as an independent for New York City mayor this year, she would open w
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s federal oversight board said on Wednesday it was willing to extend key deadlines that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Early optimism among business lobbyists and executives that Donald Trump’s election heralded
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump plans to select the media representatives who are given access t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s pick for U.N. ambassador echoed his condemnation of the world body and pledg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that former military intelligence analyst Chelsea Mann
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to lead the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supreme Court justices walked a tightrope on Wednesday over government approval of offensive tr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he decided to eliminate the so-called “wet-foot, dr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to recommend Pr
(Reuters) - Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush has been moved to an intensive-care unit at a Houston hospital with pneu
(Reuters) - Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush has been moved to an intensive-care unit at a Houston hospital with pneu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to lead the Envir
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It would be better for the United States to carefully review the 2015 Iran nuclear deal rather than un
(Reuters) - Donald Trump’s spokesman said his team will brief the media on Thursday in Washington, one day before the R
HAVANA (Reuters) - The Obama administration and Cuba continue to sign cooperation agreements this week, scrambling to co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday he discussed the dramatic impact that some
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should fight back against Russia or any nation that seeks to interfere in U.S. electi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump may take four or five executive actions on Friday, the day he is sworn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States cannot trust Russia and must see “positive actions† by Russia before easing
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Donald Trump should lay off talking about the break-up of the European Union, the bloc’s chief execu
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Just as British ministers were hoping to win EU leaders’ support for their newly revealed Brexit plan
(Corrects in 6th paragraph to clarify rules) By Lisa Lambert WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats sliced holes in billionaire Bets
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany wants to reach out to the future U.S. administration under President-elect Donald Trump to safeg
(Reuters) - The top risk to U.S. growth would come if U.S. President-elect Donald Trump keeps his protectionist promises, acco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democrats are gearing up for a potentially ugly fight over Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme C
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - The United States should not allow a delegation from Taiwan to attend U.S. President-elect Donald
BOSTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - The hedge fund investment firm founded by Anthony Scaramucci said it will sell a majority of itse
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to run the Department of Health and Human Service
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, will tell sena
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump quipped on Tuesday that his secretary of state choice, Rex Tillerson, i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Outgoing U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White had some harsh parting wo
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The leaders of Texas Planned Parenthood asked a federal judge on Tuesday to block the state’s b
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Dozens of protesters gathered outside of Goldman Sachs Group Inc headquarters on Tuesday to rally ag
(Reuters) - The secretaries of the U.S. Treasury and Health and Human Services called for fast congressional action to help Pue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will hold his final press conference as president on Wednesday, the White
BRUSSELS/BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s Foreign Minister said on Monday that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire Wilbur Ross, chosen by Donald Trump to help implement the president-elect’s trade a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wilbur Ross, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Commerce Secretary, has pledged to s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump extended his war of words with African-American civil rights lead
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump made his name with opulent hotels and a dramatic reality TV show, but his inaugurati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations will b
NEW YORK (Reuters) - About a quarter of U.S. Republicans do not want to see Obamacare repealed, according to a Reuters/Ip
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nine Democratic senators asked President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to be U.S. attorney ge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of the most powerful Democrats in the U.S. Congress on Tuesday pressed President-elect Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has made a $500 million grant to the Green Climate Fund, meant to help develop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Tuesday declined to rule out the possibility of additional prisoners being transf
(Reuters) - Boeing Co’s chief executive said on Tuesday that he and President-elect Donald Trump “made progress†
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump continued to hold meetings in New York on Tuesday, before taking over the Wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Boeing Co Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg said he had a “very productive† meeting with P
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday he doubted U.S. President-elect Donald Trump had me
(Reuters) - The New York Times Co will increase spending on coverage of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s administratio
HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. organizations that have worked closely with the outgoing Obama administration to improve relations
VIENNA (Reuters) - The head of Austria’s far-right Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, has said he will travel to Washin
MADRID (Reuters) - A topless activist from the feminist group FEMEN attacked a life-size wax statue of U.S. President-elect Do
FRANKFURT/BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S President-elect Donald Trump warned German car companies he would impose a border t
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany cannot afford to give in to intimidation and threats of protectionism from U.S. President-elect Don
NEW YORK (Reuters) - More than 60 percent of Americans would like to see the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s po
PARIS (Reuters) - Criticism of Europe by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump only serves to reinforce European solidarity, French
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Monica Crowley, the foreign policy adviser tapped for a White House job under President-elect Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When billionaire investor Wilbur Ross salvaged two North Carolina textile mills from bankruptcy in 2
BERLIN (Reuters) - Europe’s destiny lies in its own hands, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday in response to
ATLANTA/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Martin Luther King’s daughter said on Monday that “God can triumph over Trump,†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump aims to replace Obamacare with a plan that would envisage “
KIEV (Reuters) - Outgoing U.S. Vice President Joe Biden called on Monday for sanctions on Russia to stay, urging the world to s
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday it was “inappropriate† for Donald Trump to bran
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said NATO was obsolete because it had not defended against terror att
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Foreign ministers from NATO and European Union nations are concerned about comments on NATO tha
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump warned German car companies he would impose a border tax of 35 percent on
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel is working to set a date this spring for a meeting with Donald Trump, who will be
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has issued a warning to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump o
MUNICH (Reuters) - BMW (BMWG.DE) will stick to plans to open a Mexican plant in 2019 despite warnings by U.S. President-e
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will propose offering to end sanctions imposed on Russia over its anne
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to resume cooperation with the United States on security issues such as the fight against
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany still regards the TTIP EU-U.S. free-trade deal as an important project and believes it is in both Euro
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday it was too early to comment on a proposal by U.S. President-elect Donald T
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Parliamentarians in Russia gave a mixed reaction on Monday to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s team could move the White House press briefing room from th
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said that Brexit would turn out to be a great thing and other countries
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - CIA Director John Brennan on Sunday offered a stern parting message for Donald Trump days before
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama played down fallout from a U.S. abstention on a United Nations resolu
DAVOS, Switzerland - The global economy is in better shape than it’s been in years. Stock markets are booming, oil prices a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s vice president and top aides on Sunday joined the U.S. president-elect in criticiz
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Rand Paul said on Sunday that the Obamacare replacement bill he plans to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two top aides to President-elect Donald Trump denied a published report on Saturday that he is pla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump began a long holiday weekend that honors slain black civil rights lead
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Broadway star Jennifer Holliday said on Saturday she was pulling out of a concert celebrating the inau
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. civil rights activists vowed on Saturday to defend hard-fought gains in voting rights and crimina
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans on Friday won passage of a measure starting the process of dismantling Oba
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Editors Note: Attention to language that may be offensive to some readers in paragraph 3 The Nation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The incoming U.S. administration’s tough talk against China has set the stage for showdowns on
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that he would keep intact sancti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An unprecedented pre-presidential inauguration feud between Donald Trump and intelligence agen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Outgoing President Barack Obama will hold his final news conference as U.S. leader on the afternoo
HAVANA (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce met with Cuban President Raul Castro and in separate meetin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Rex Tillerson, the former oil executive under consideration for U.S. secretary of state, is trying to avoid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump plans to nominate Rod Rosenstein, the U.S. attorney in Maryland
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said the panel will investigate allegations Russia u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn spoke on the phone to th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Urged on by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, Republican lawmakers rushing to scrap Obamacare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday cleared the way for quick confirmation of James Mattis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A day after President-elect Donald Trump encouraged supporters to “Buy L.L. Bean,† a U.S. et
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Americans are more concerned than they were before the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign began abou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A majority of the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted to advance legislation instructing co
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico must be ready to respond immediately with its own tax measures if the incoming administrati
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump and Housing Secretary-designate Ben Carson spoke with entertainer and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives on Friday approved a measure making the first m
PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Hundreds of Cubans who sold their homes and belongings in pursuit of an American dream that now
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Thursday repealed a measure granting automatic residency to virtual
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Anthony Scaramucci, a hedge fund founder who was a fundraiser in Donald Trump’s election campa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy on Friday finalized a determination that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will not revive his predecessor’s stalled Trans-Pacific Partnership t
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will meet with Lockheed Martin Corp Chief Executive officer Marillyn
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Barack Obama’s envoy to Brussels warned Donald Trump against the “lunacy† of backing an EU
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said the person who wrote reports containing details of compromisin
(Reuters) - Donald Trump responded with derision on Friday to news of an investigation into the FBI decision to make public a
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday accused his political opponents, “both Democrats and Republicans
(Reuters) - North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, who took office last month in the height of tensions surrounding the Dakota
HO CHI MINH CITY (Reuters) - Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday he was confident the next administra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives moved toward a Friday vote to begin dismantling Obamacare des
LONDON (Reuters) - The chairman of a U.S. congressional committee investigating taxpayer funding of a World Health Organiz
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers will begin voiding dozens of new U.S. regulations at the end of the month to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama surprised Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday by awarding him the P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans promising to repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. spy chief James Clapper and President-elect Donald Trump gave different accounts of a phone c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday said it would probe a Federal Bureau of Investigation decis
HAVANA (Reuters) - Dozens of U.S. farm and agri-business groups on Thursday urged President-elect Donald Trump to build u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed a bill requiring the country’s top securitie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President-elect Mike Pence will be sworn into office on Jan. 20 by U.S. Supreme Court Justice C
NEW YORK (Reuters) - French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen was seen at Trump Tower on Thursday, but a spo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Pentagon put Russia at the top of a list of threats to U.S. interes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, said on Th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee backed a waiver on Thursday that will allow James Matti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate overwhelmingly backed a waiver on Thursday that will allow James Mattis to serve a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee narrowly backed a waiver on Thursda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thousands of demonstrators are expected to turn out in Washington next week for protests aiming
LOS ANGELES/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The union-backed “Fight for $15† movement protested at Carl’s Jr and Hard
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Thursday pressed Ben Carson, Donald Trump’s nominee to lead housi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s nominee to head the CIA sought on Thursday to repair damage from the preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday criticized President-elect Donald Trump for comparing the U.S
NEW YORK (Reuters) - AT&T Inc (T.N) Chief Executive Randall Stephenson on Thursday met in New York with U.S. President-el
BOSTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Thursday tweeted his support of Maine catalog retailer L.L. Bean after an activist group
(Reuters) - A New Jersey judge plans to decide by Friday whether to dismiss a citizen’s criminal complaint accusing Govern
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump held meetings in New York on Thursday as he prepared to take over the White H
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump plans to meet with corporate executives who have faced cyber s
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia’s poor treatment of refugees in offshore detention camps is “draconian† and is causing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis will say on T
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has been actively considering way
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of state has set a course for a potenti
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has left the agriculture secretary as the last department head to be na
(Reuters) - Growing numbers of U.S. states are seeking to ensure that women have continued access to free birth control in ca
BOSTON (Reuters) - U.S. public pension funds normally prefer a backseat role in overseeing the future of companies where the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday it hoped President Vladimir Putin and President-elect Donald Trump would
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump escalated a fight with U.S. spy agencies on Wednesday, just nine days be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said he spoke with President-elect Donald Trum
(The story refiles, to fix quote in 14th paragraph to read “middle-aged white guy,† not “middle-aged white man†
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday promised a “major border tax† on companies that
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In his first news conference since the Nov. 8 election, President-elect Donald Trump set social media ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson expressed views on Wednesday at odds with President-ele
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans on Wednesday passed a bill in the House of Representatives that touched on nearly eve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker said on Wednesday he expects the S
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday said pharmaceutical companies are “getting away
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday announced he has chosen David Shulkin, who currently heads th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s team has canceled an appearance before Congress by his no
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The drama started early at Donald Trump’s first news conference as president-elect. Trump, who sp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday that he does not agree with Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would maintain ownership of his global b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson on Wednesday called Mexico a “long-standing†
(Reuters) - CNN, the news division of Time Warner Inc, said on Wednesday its decision to publish “carefully sourced reporti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, has pledg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s choice to run the U.S. Transportation Department, Elaine Chao, defended the pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday said U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team hav
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday he would recommend a “full re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Wednesday would not comment on whether a U.S. intellig
(Reuters) - The following are highlights from U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s hour-long news conference in New York
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday his team has met with numerous candidates to fill the longstand
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The NATO alliance’s mutual defense guarantee, Article 5, is inviolable, U.S. Secretary of State no
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would not wait for negotiations with Mexico
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nominee to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, said on
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin says U.S. intelligence agency allegations it ran an influence campaign to help President-elect
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, said on Wedn
(The Jan. 10 story corrects Sasse’s state to Nebraska in the seventh paragraph) By Lisa Lambert WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Classified documents that the heads of four U.S. intelligence agencies presented last week to Presid
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it was “total nonsense† that Russian officials had assembled a file
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump and his incoming chief of staff on Wednesday beat back reports that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state nominee, Rex Tillerson, on Wednesday w
BOSTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump once described Jamie Dimon as “the worst banker in the United States,† but the pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Financial lobbyists on Tuesday applauded a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would requ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia hacked into Republican state political campaigns and old email domains of the Republican Na
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump, in an apparent reference to media reports that the intelligence briefing he received
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, promised on Tuesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four current and former U.S. secretaries of state, including Hillary Clinton, gathered at the State Dep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday pressured fellow Republicans working to repeal Obam
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Vaccination skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he would chair a presidential panel to review vaccine safet
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate has postponed confirmation hearings for three nominees to serve in President-elect
(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, trying to redeem himself at home and nationally after a scandal-tarred 2016, sa
NEW YORK (Reuters) - David McCormick has declined an offer to be U.S. deputy secretary of defense in President-elect Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Tuesday that the United States’ response so far to Rus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican and Democratic senators said Tuesday they want to slap a wide range of sanctions o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Tuesday the U.S. intelligence community’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia has tried to influence elections in at least “a couple dozen† countries, Director of Natio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is finding himself caught between his desire to improve relations with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday warned of the dangers of authoritarian populism and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump urged congressional Republicans to repeal Obamacare immediat
(Reuters) - Roughly 11.5 million people signed up for individual health plan coverage under U.S. President Barack Obama’s
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s new Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said on Tuesday there is no way his country will pay
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s departing chief trade negotiator warned the Trump administration on
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will be in the “front seat† to negotiate a new trade deal with the incoming administration o
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Proposed Senate legislation to impose sanctions on Russia over allegations it tried to influence the U.S. p
TBILISI (Reuters) - The Trump Organization pulled out of a $250-million real estate project in ex-Soviet Georgia to avoid a pote
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, will become a senior White Hous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan and top members of President-elect Donald Trump
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - A California Republican state lawmaker is challenging the legality of a move by Democrats in t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic members of the U.S. Congress called on Monday for the creation of an independent com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator John McCain and Democratic Senators Ben Cardin and Robert Menendez sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate, Chuck Schumer, decried what he called undue haste to confirm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pro-marijuana activists planning to light thousands of joints at Donald Trump’s presidential inaug
(Reuters) - Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump continued holding meetings on Monday in New York as he prepared
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Monday pushed against rushing through confirmation
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Reuters) - Work to avert the problems caused by climate change should not be a partisan issue, outgoing
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Senior Canadian officials have met several times with advisers to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump in W
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said he discussed Cabinet appointments and health care du
DETROIT (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump praised Ford Motor Co (F.N) and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV (FCAU.N) on
SHANGHAI/TAIPEI (Reuters) - State-run Chinese tabloid Global Times warned U.S. President-elect Donald Trump that China wo
DETROIT (Reuters) - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCHA.MI) is ready to comply with the new rules on the auto industry the incom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia e
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Allegations that Russia tried to influence the U.S. election in favour of Donald Trump amount to a witch-
BEIJING (Reuters) - China firmly opposes Taiwan’s leadership engaging with U.S. officials, China’s foreign ministry said o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and Texas Governor Greg Abbott met with the president of Taiwan on Sunday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will take its first steps toward repealing President Barack Obama’s signature hea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Repealing and replacing the U.S. Affordable Care Act in one action would be “ideal,† but it â€
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In the weeks since Hillary Clinton’s shock election defeat to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, a ru
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s foreign minister Boris Johnson has arrived in the United States to meet close advisers to Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior Republican senators urged President-elect Donald Trump to punish Russia in response to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican and Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee on Sund
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an effort to help Republican Donald Trump’s electoral c
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers in Kentucky passed a bill on Saturday making it the 27th U.S. state to allow w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - First lady Michelle Obama made an impassioned case for embracing diversity and welcoming all reli
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency resigned as chairman of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Friday designated U.S. election infrastructure as critic
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will take aggressive action against cyber hacking in the early days of his governm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Friday Mexico would repay the United States for his plan
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has threatened Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) over its Mexican-built cars,
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s government said on Friday it rejects any attempt to use threats to influence investment
(Reuters) - A declassified report by U.S. intelligence agencies said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an effort to help D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday material used in an NBC report about alleged Russian hacking to infl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrats on the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives intelligence committees said o
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has issued a blanket mandate for politically appointed amb
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered “an influence campaign† in 2016 aimed at the U.S. p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said he had a “constructive† meeting with members of U.S. int
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Friday certified the Electoral College vote that gave Republican Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Anarchist groups have threatened to shut down Republican Donald Trump’s swearing-in as U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Friday certified the Electoral College vote that gave Republican Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Friday that he would ask congressional committees to investig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chair of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said that abrupt rejection of the Iran nucl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA has identified Russian officials who fed material hacked from the Democratic National Com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump called the controversy over Russian hacking during the 2016 presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. intelligence official said on Thursday he was “even more resolute† in his belief th
PARIS (Reuters) - Nissan is halting joint development of luxury cars with Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz, sources close to the com
TOKYO (Reuters) - The Japanese government defended Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) on Friday as an “important corporate c
BEIJING (Reuters) - Global automakers reported a surge in China sales last year as consumers rushed to take advantage of a ta
BERLIN (Reuters) - German officials who have held talks with members of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition te
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump, who insulted rivals during his 2016 campaign with nicknames such as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There is disagreement within President-elect Donald Trump’s camp about the structure of the to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans lawmakers on Thursday pressed ahead in trying to strip down U.S. regulations, with the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Protesters will get public sites for demonstrations during Republican Donald Trump’s presidentia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday picked former U.S. Senator Dan Coats as his director of n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday he accepted the U.S. intelligence assessment tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democrats on Thursday demanded an ethics probe into Tom Price, President-elect Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey on Thursday defended his handling of Democratic presidential candidate
BOSTON (Reuters) - A Massachusetts county sheriff has proposed sending prison inmates from around the United States to bu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s spokesman on Thursday rejected media reports that said the Republican president-
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he expected to have legislation t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Thursday that Russia has a “long hist
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia is a major threat to a wide range of U.S. interests because of its “highly-advanced offensiv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator John McCain said on Thursday the goal of the intelligence community’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation on Wednesday giving Congress the power to k
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies obtained what they considered to be conclusive evidence after the Novem
LONDON (Reuters) - Leading Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage, who has said he wants to be a bridge between the British govern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With his selection of deal-making attorney Walter “Jay† Clayton to head the U.S. Securities an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump plans to pick businessman William Hagerty as the next U.S. amb
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - The Trump Organization has no plans to build in Buenos Aires, a spokeswoman told Reuters on Tues
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama exhorted fellow Democrats on Wednesday to preserve his legacy-defining
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday said Walter “Jay† Clayton, an attorney who advises clients on m
(Reuters) - Police in Alabama arrested six civil rights activists staging a sit-in at Senator Jeff Sessions’ office on Tuesday to p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President-elect Mike Pence said on Wednesday the Republican plan to replace the Afforda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump voiced new doubts on Wednesday that Russian hackers attempted to
(Reuters) - Former Republican Senator Dan Coats of Indiana is the leading candidate to serve as U.S. President-elect Donald Tr
(Reuters) - Exxon Mobil Corp and Rex Tillerson agreed to sever all ties to comply with conflict-of-interest requirements as the c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday filled out his incoming White House se
HONOLULU (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will deliver a farewell address on Jan. 10 to reflect on his time in office an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a wide-ranging request for documents and analysis, President-elect Donald Trump’s transition
(This January 3 story was corrected to remove reference in paragraph 8 to ConocoPhillips, which is not an integrated oil comp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on Wednesday that Democrats in Congress wan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump planned to meet with the heads of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Burea
(Reuters) - Republican President-elect Donald Trump continued to hold meetings on Wednesday at Trump Tower in New York
(Reuters) - The following people are mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump assembles
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers in the California legislature said on Wednesday they retained former U.S. Atto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday warned fellow Republicans to “be careful†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. Congress had a rough start to its first session of the Donald Trump era on Tu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Tuesday that a briefing he is to receive from U.S. intelligence
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Omarosa Manigault, best-known for repeatedly being fired on the TV show “The Apprentice,†
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Twitter on Tuesday he will hold a news conference on Jan. 11 in New Yo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans on Tuesday reversed course and withdrew their proposal to weaken an outs
SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s “clear warning† to North Korea shows he is aw
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s hard work in trying to ensure the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula is obvious to all, Chi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Paul Ryan was re-elected speaker of the House of Representatives on Tuesday a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress taking office on Tuesday remains almost as overwhelmingly Christian as it was in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday it expects additional transfers of prisoners from the Guantanamo
DETROIT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to impose a “big border tax†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Mike Enzi introduced on Tuesday a resolution allowing for the repeal of Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday criticized a congressional move to weaken a nonparti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday slammed Republican law
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday named Robert Lighthizer, an official in the Reagan ad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday he has made clear to the House Ethics Committee ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - No evidence has emerged to suggest Russian hacking influenced the outcome of the U.S. presidentia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives agreed on Monday to weaken a nonpartisan ethic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new, Republican-controlled U.S. Congress convenes on Tuesday eager to repeal major portions of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump criticized China on Monday, saying it had benefited from its econ
(Reuters) - An evergreen crop of elite quarterbacks featuring Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers and Ben Roethlisberger, offer the pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s leadi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top aide to President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview aired on Sunday that the White Hou
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday left open the possibility of meeting with Taiwanâ
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Texas on Saturday issued a court order barring enforcement of an Obama administration policy s
(Reuters) - A member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has resigned over its plan to sing at the inauguration of President-elec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama plans to meet Democratic lawmakers in Congress next week to discuss how
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp has been awarded a $450 million modification to a previous contract linked t
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Supporters of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump have appropriated the phrase “basket of deplorab
HONOLULU (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday authorized a series of sanctions against Russia for intervening in
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada’s answer to Donald Trump is a pediatric surgeon and former cabinet minister who, like the U.S
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday said telecommunications group Sprint Corp (S
VILNIUS (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, will have to explain his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s goal of overhauling the U.S. tax code in 2017 will depend partly
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested that the United States and Russia la
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said he had a good conversation with President Barack Obam
(Reuters) - Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump resumed meetings at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats on the U.S. Senate’s environment panel on Wednesday asked President-elect Donald
(Reuters) - Top Montana Democratic and Republican lawmakers on Tuesday warned neo-Nazis they would find “no safe ha
RIGA/TALLINN (Reuters) - Russia and its president Vladimir Putin should expect tough sanctions after cyber attacks during the
RIGA (Reuters) - A U.S. senator said on Wednesday that Russia needed to understand it had taken one step too far during the
(Reuters) - Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump resumed holding meetings at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, F
(This Dec. 27 story corrects to say 55,000 pages of emails instead of 55,000 emails in 3rd paragraph) WASHINGTON (Reuters)
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday selected former Bush administration official Thom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump has turned to his long-time company’s top lawyer
HONOLULU (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said in an interview broadcast on Monday that he would have won most
(Reuters) - Republic of Congo President Denis Sassou plans to meet with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday to disc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Monday chided the United Nations as “sad,† just days after the U.N. Securit
(Reuters) - U.S President-elect Donald Trump said on Saturday he intends to dissolve his charitable foundation, the Donald J. T
(Reuters) - Jason Miller, who President-elect Donald Trump announced this week would serve as his White House communica
(Reuters) - The chief executive of Lockheed Martin Corp told President-elect Donald Trump on Friday that she was committed
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump upped the stakes on Friday in a back-and-fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked two Cabinet departments for the
(Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp said its Chief Executive Marillyn Hewson gave U.S. President-elect Donald Trump a personal
HONOLULU (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday signed into law an annual defense policy bill, but in a lengthy st
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Vladimir Putin said on Friday he was unfazed by President-elect Donald Trump’s plans to
WEST PALM BEACH (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump sowed more doubt about his position on nuclear proliferatio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top U.S. senator who oversees the United States’ UN funding threatened on Friday to pull fina
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s statement Thursday that the United States needs to strengthen
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday he expected U.S. -Russia relations to return to normal an
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday he hoped to discuss the normalization of Russia-U.S. ties
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, asked for clarification his Thursday Twitter post about nuclear w
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that the U.S. Democratic Party was wrongly trying to bla
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. presidential election system is archaic and that is a problem, Russian President Vladimir Putin sa
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese state media on Friday expressed alarm and warned of a “showdown with the U.S.† after Pre
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that the question of who hacked the U.S. Democratic par
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday he wanted constructive relations with the United States u
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A federal judge declared a mistrial on Thursday in the obstruction of justice case against former Los A
HONOLULU/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump heaped pressure on Lockheed Martin Corp on Thursd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Kellyanne Conway, a Republican pollster who was widely credited with bringing a more disciplined a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer will serve as U.S. President-elect Donald
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump is suspending the operations of his charitable foundation o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp has been awarded a $1.45 billion contract for Patriot missiles, spare parts and
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump discussed laying the groundwork for peace in the Middle East in a phone call on
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrats are showing little interest in cooperating with the Republicans who control C
(Reuters) - The following people are mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump assembles
(Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said he had “no reason to be concerned† he would be charged in connection
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump extracted a promise from Boeing Co’s chief executive on W
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump named Peter Navarro, an economist who has urged a hard line on trade with Ch
RALEIGH, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature on Wednesday rejected a bid to repeal a state
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump emerged from a meeting with the CEOs of Boeing and Lockheed Marti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is considering the use of discretionary trusts
(Reuters) - Billionaire Carl Icahn will advise Donald Trump on rescinding what the activist investor called “excessive regulati
(Reuters) -- Hotels in Las Vegas and
U.S. President-elect Washington
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back and eliminate regulation that he says is stifling oil and gas drilling. Pruitt became the top state prosecutor for Oklahoma,
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is looking to sell his newspaper, The New
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Boeing Co Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg met with President-elect Donald Trump on Wedne
VANCOUVER (Reuters) - A small Canadian miner is confident Donald Trump’s U.S. presidential win will let it proceed with a
(Reuters) - The U.S. Congress should consider overhauling its system of benefits for disabled people in Puerto Rico, who get al
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Democratic President Barack Obama had been overly concerned about not appearing to defend its own party’s candidate.
RIYADH (Reuters) - “Where are you, Oh Arabs, Oh Muslims, while we are being slaughtered?† An old man’s cry, in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israel’s ambassador to the United States issued an impassioned endorsement on Tuesday of Pre
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The FBI acted inappropriately when it announced the revival of its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday sought to downplay its absence from talks on the Syrian conflict amon
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump plans to put his pick for Commerce Secr
(Reuters) - The following people are mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump assembles
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump pounced on a reported comment from Bill Clinton, the former president and husband
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama plans to transfer as many as 18 more prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group of Democratic senators took their plans to tackle rising drug costs to President-elect Donald Tru
SEATTLE/AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump prevailed in U.S. Electoral College voting on Monday to officially
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp’s F-35 fighter jet program is essential for the security of the United States
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Vincent Viola, an Army veteran and founde
(Reuters) - The following people are mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump assembles
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts on Monday rejected a New Mexico lawyer’s long-shot bid to forc
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Monday ordered the unsealing of the application used to obtain a search warrant that a
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will nominate high-frequency trading expert Vincent Viola to be secretary of the Arm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Interior Department on Monday finalized a contentious rule to protect streams and forests
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s drive to rebuild U.S. roads, bridges, ports and other public works
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin is not in touch with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s team, Russian news agencies cit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming White House chief of staff on Sunday played down the
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia and the United States on Sunday played down media reports that Washington had decided to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican and Democratic senators called on Sunday for a special bipartisan panel to investiga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four Senators on Sunday called for the creation of a bipartisan investigative panel that would investi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Michelle Obama will be ceding the title of first lady to Melania Trump next month, but she may hold for
MOBILE, Ala. (Reuters)
(Reuters) President-elect
- With more than 20Donald Trump
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the Brookings Institution. Anthony Scaramucci, an adviser to the Trump transition, has acknowledged that too much inexperie
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Saturday he has chosen U.S. Representative Mick M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday it was fine for President-elect Donald Trump to review Wash
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. intelligence community will soon disclose an estimate of the number of Americans whose e
RALEIGH, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina’s Republican-dominated legislature passed a series of measures on Friday to curta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday strongly suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin persona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday he had “great confidence† that the hacking of De
(Reuters) - The following people are mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump puts toge
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Republican U.S. Representative Mick Mulvaney to be director of the W
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Republican U.S. Representative Mick Mulvaney to be director of the W
JERUSALEM/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior Palestinian official warned on Friday that implementation of Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. lawmakers are questioning whether Heritage Pharmaceuticals misled them in response to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday his conversations with President-elect Donald Trump have b
Republican members of Congress are complaining that U.S. intelligence agencies are refusing to brief them widely on a classifi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI backs the CIA’s view that Russia intervened to help Donald Trump win the U.S. presidenti
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Before getting too carried away with Taiwan’s elevated status under a Donald Trump presidency, Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Eleven men who have held what is considered to be the toughest job in Washington - White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin supervised his intelligence agencies’ hacking of the U.S. preside
TOKYO (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Friday that the United States should either prove accusations that Russia interfered in t
HERSHEY, Pa. (Reuters) - Ready for another Donald Trump presidential campaign? President-elect Trump, who begins his first
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc YHOO.O came under renewed scrutiny by federal investigators and lawmakers on Thursday a
TOKYO (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Friday that President Vladimir Putin had given President Barack Obama “a really cle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Thursday he will nominate bankruptcy attorney David Friedm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A sweeping tax reform proposal meant to boost U.S. manufacturing faces mounting pressure from i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian hackers seized control last year of the unclassified email system used by the U.S. militaryâ
(Reuters) - Officials in 24 states have urged U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to kill the centerpiece of President Barack Obam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Repealing Obamacare could take months and developing replacement health insurance plans could
(Reuters) - The U.S. agency charged with ensuring that voting machines meet security standards was itself penetrated by a hac
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Huma Abedin, the longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, asked a U.S. judge on Wednesday to allow her to rev
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When is a tweet just a tweet? A debate is percolating in the U.S. State Department, where diplomat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Washington judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will hold a press conference at the White House on Friday at 2:15 p.m
RALEIGH, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina’s Republican-dominated legislature is moving to strip powers from the state’s
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Oracle Corp Chief Executive Safra Catz will join the executive committee of U.S. President-elect Do
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump announced two appointments to the National Security Council on Thursday: reti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday named U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, a fo
(Reuters) - The following people are mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump puts toge
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Climate scientists worried that President-elect Donald Trump will slash their budgets and sideline
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler plans to step down on Jan. 20, he
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters)Donald Trump plan
- China’s has formally named
to punish a U.S.Republican
automakerRepresentative Ryan Zinke
accused of price-fixing is a of Montana,
sign a forme
of how Beijing c
increase Chinese military spending for 2017 and place new emphasis, over time, on gaining the amphibious capabilities necess
(Reuters) - Yahoo Inc’s shares fell as much as 3.8 percent on Thursday, a day after the company said that more than 1 billio
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The United States is ready to confront China should it continue its overreaching maritime claims in the Sou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a veiled warning to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, China’s ambassador to the United Stat
BEIJING (Reuters) - China defended its right on Thursday to put “necessary military installations† on artificial islands in t
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has shut down or “dealt with† thousands of websites for sharing “harmful† erotic or ob
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - China warned on Wednesday that any interference with or damage to the “one China† princ
BEIJING (Reuters) - When Donald Trump becomes U.S. president next month, one issue above all others could force his new a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the looming tax reform and infrastructure spending fight on Capitol Hill, President-elect Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. oil and gas industry on Wednesday welcomed President-elect Donald Trump’s choice of
HANOI (Reuters) - In a telephone call, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump told Vietnam’s prime minister he wanted to furth
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team on Wednesday disavowed a survey sent to the U
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The Trump Organization Inc said on Wednesday it has pulled out of a hotel venture in Rio de Janeiro that
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump and some of Silicon Valley’s most powerful executives
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are accelerating efforts to craft a sweeping tax ref
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump must divest his luxury Washington hotel in a building leased from
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday endorsed a niece of former critic Mitt Romney to be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump named the head of Exxon Mobil Corp, Rex Tillerson, as his choice for
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, a former Navy S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A defense policy bill that President Barack Obama is expected to sign into law this month will give Pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump plans to unveil his choice to fill the lingering U.S. Supreme Court vaca
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Classical crossover singer Jackie Evancho, who charmed TV audiences as a child on “America’s Go
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump has chosen first-term Republican U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke of M
(Reuters) - The following are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump puts toge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Elon Musk, the chairman and chief executive of SpaceX and Tesla as well as Uber Technologies CEO
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump convenes a gathering of leaders of some of the largest technology companies at
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump convenes a gathering of leaders of some of the largest technology companies at
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview with Russian state television that U.S. President-ele
PARIS (Reuters) - France’s foreign minister on Wednesday accused U.S. president-elect Donald Trump of showing a lack of
DUBAI (Reuters) - Former CIA director Leon Panetta said on Wednesday that President-elect Donald Trump risked being blame
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Alphabet’s Google is racing to hire more conservatives for its lobbying and polic
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Some elite U.S. politicians’ denial of the science backing up climate change is worrying, the United Nati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists must confront climate change deniers and speak up if U.S. President-elect Donald Trump t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats plan to enlist accountants and legal experts to pore through the business rec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Monday insisted that Washington’s “one China† policy should not be
CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s challenges to China on trade and Taiwan are rattl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - From Syria’s bloody civil war and the slow-burning crisis in eastern Ukraine to perennial diploma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has delayed until January an announcement originally set for this week on how
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will make his case directly to President-elect Donald Trump not to derail th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 200 employees of technology companies including Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) Google,
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesday directed federal prosecutors to show him the search warrant application used
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Energy Department said on Tuesday it will not comply with a request from President-elect
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates said he and U.S. President-elect Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump has chosen former Texas Governor Rick Perry to head the U.S. Department of Energy
(Reuters) - Numerous voting machines in heavily Democratic Detroit showed a greater number of ballots than poll workers rec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee plans a closed briefing and a public hearing on the Rus
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Not only Russian President Vladimir Putin but many other Russian officials also have good relations with
(Reuters) - In the more than four decades since President Richard Nixon’s historic trip to China, the United States has beco
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to meet U.S. president-elect Donald Trump any moment but th
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman branded as turf war between U.S. security agencies U.S. intellige
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has chosen former Texas Governor Rick Perry to head the U.S. Department of En
(Reuters) - Donald Trump is holding a new round of meetings on Tuesday as he continues to form his administration before ta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday formally announced Exxon-Mobil Corp (X
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has upset China by speaking to the president of self-ruled Taiwan and saying the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is stacking his trade transition team with veterans of the U.S. steel ind
(Reuters) - The recount effort by Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein in three U.S. states came to an end on Monday, a
BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed “serious concern† on Monday after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said the Uni
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Monday widened his attack on defense contractors, slamming Lockheed Martin Corp’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate’s top Republican broke with President-elect Donald Trump on Monday over whether
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Monday said he would appoint Goldman Sachs Group Inc Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve inaugurates the Trump era this week with a near-certain interest rate increase
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will name Exxon Mobil Corp Chief Executive Officer Rex Tillerson as his choice fo
(Reuters) - A former U.S. representative whose lavish Washington office raised questions about use of taxpayer money pleade
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spoke on Monday to former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White on Monday defied requests by Senat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s administration has decided to include a massive report on the CIA’
President-elect Donald Trump named
- U.S. President-elect Donald Goldman Sachs
Trump said the Group
UnitedInc executive
States did notGary Cohn onhave
necessarily Monday to head
to stick to its his
network while China Offshore Oil Corporation took two of the eight blocks of deep water oil fields offered in a historic auction
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Monday formally announced Retired General John
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Monday his com
(Reuters) - The following are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump works to f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There is “no information† that Russian hacking of American political organizations was aimed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Monday that he personally backs Washington’s decades-old â€
(Reuters) - Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a partner at one of the world’s largest venture capital funds and a former deputy commission
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday it supported reviews by Congress of Russian interference into the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he supported effort by the House Intelligence Committee to exam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain said on Monday he backed President
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Monday added his voice to calls for bipartisan co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The central question facing Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) Chief Executive Rex Tillerson if he becomes U
(Reuters) - No Wall Street firm is set to do better under U.S. President-elect Donald Trump than Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Bu
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Soon after the United States imposed sanctions on Moscow in 2014, Russian oil tsar Igor Sechin told a Re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday the Senate will move to repeal Presid
BEIJING (Reuters) - Those who seek to damage the “one China† principle and harm China’s core interests are “lift
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Monday that Russia was closely monitoring any
(Reuters) - Donald Trump was scheduled to hold additional meetings on Monday as he forms his administration before taking
NEVATIM AIR BASE, Israel (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin has invested large sums of money to reduce the price of the F-35 stealt
NEW YORK (Reuters)
WASHINGTON - Republican
(Reuters) lawmakers
- President-elect and Trump
Donald the Federal Reserve
rejected may be ready to
as “ridiculous† strike a compromise
U.S. intelligence dealthat
reports on legislation
Russia int
Conway said on CBS. “What he has said is laughable or ridiculous is that this was meant to elevate him to the presidency.â
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Top executives from Alphabet Inc, Apple Inc and Facebook Inc are among a small group of tech leaders
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator John McCain on Sunday urged President-elect Donald Trump to accept that
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Rick Perry, who proposed eliminating the U.S. Energy Department during his unsuccessful bid for the 20
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s rejection this weekend of U.S. intelligence analysts’ conclusio
BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) - Republican John Neely Kennedy, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, won a runoff election in Louis
BALTIMORE (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is expected to name the chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp as the
BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) - Foster Campbell, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in a runoff election in Louisiana, con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Preside
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (Reuters) - Exxon Mobil Corp Chief Executive Officer Rex Tillerson emerged on Friday as President-elect
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate passed legislation on Friday to fund the government through April and President Ba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government is slated to sell $375 million worth of crude oil from the country’s emergen
(Reuters) - A U.S. judge in Wisconsin on Friday rejected a request by President-elect Donald Trump supporters to stop a recou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate passed legislation on Friday to fund the government through April and sent it to Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill to fund the U.S. government cleared a procedural hurdle in the Senate on Friday and appeared
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (Reuters) - Michigan Republican Party Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel has emerged as President-elect D
WASHINGTON/PARIS (Reuters) - Key U.S. allies in Europe are quietly expressing concern over President-elect Donald Trumpâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help President-elect Donald Tr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Friday he had removed his name from consideration
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Friday he would name Andrew Liveris, chairman and chief executive of Dow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s Energy Department transition team sent the agency a memo thi
ALEPPO,ROUGE, La. (Reuters)
Syria/BEIRUT - U.S.
(Reuters) President-elect
- The Donald Trump
Syrian army pressed will likely
an offensive ask a senior
in Aleppo Goldman
on Friday Sachs banker
with ground fightingtoand
air strikese
the U.S. embassy in Paris, according to a State Department transcript. “What is happening in Aleppo is the worst catastrop
BATON ROUGE, La./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday said he was considering imposing a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia on Friday urged senators to oppose a tempor
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Country star Garth Brooks is in discussions to perform at the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald
BATON ROUGE, La (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday pledged to stop companies from abusing the visa p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will pick U.S. Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a climate-
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Coal mining executive Robert Murray, one of Donald Trump’s biggest campaign backers, said on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered intelligence agencies to review cyber attacks and foreign i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump named fast-food executive Andy Puzder to head the U.S. Department
(Reuters) - The following are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump works to f
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is expected to pick Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn to head his White Hous
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s threats to battle Mexico over trade, investment and jobs have pushed a growing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of Donald Trump’s possible picks for secretary of state said on Friday that the president-ele
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump spoke with First Minister Of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon on Friday in wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fast food executive Andy Puzder, President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to head the Labor Depa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday the intelligence review ordered by President Barack Obama on cybe
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and the speaker of the U.S. House of Representative
GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday urged U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to expand Obam
OTTAWA (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Friday he doubted whether Donald Trump could undo much of the c
(Reuters) - Donald Trump was scheduled to hold additional meetings on Friday and Monday as he forms his administration be
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President-elect Donald Trump returns to this factory town on Friday fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. derivatives regulator will move on from reforms undertaken after the 2007-09 financial cris
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Carter Page, a businessman previously described as a foreign-policy adviser to U.S. President-elect Dona
(Reuters) - Donald Trump was scheduled to hold additional meetings on Friday and Monday as he forms his administration be
Over the course(Reuters) - President-elect
of the U.S. Donald Trump
presidential campaign, Donaldis Trump
receiving an average
changed of one
his mind on presidential
many issues.intelligence
But he’sbriefing a wee
been consiste
new attacks against the West. That concern is genuine because the jihadist group – even as it was weakened over the past y
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats plan to fight some of President-elect Donald Trump’s choices for top adm
(Reuters) -- The
ScottU.S. Senate
Pruitt, overwhelmingly
Donald passed
Trump’s pick a compromise
to head version of an annual
the U.S. Environmental defense
Protection policy
Agency, hasbill on Th
margin,” she said.
WARSAW, Indiana/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Donald Trump takes over as president on Jan. 20, one of the first business
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Revelers in Guatemala set ablaze cardboard representations of U.S. President-elect Donald Trum
(Reuters) - Fast-food executive Andrew Puzder, nominated to head the U.S. Department of Labor by President-elect Donald Tr
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump pumped a total of $66 million of his own money into
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Thursday the United States needed to improve its relation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called “fake news† a danger that must be addressed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday overwhelmingly passed legislation to keep federal a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of 27 U.S. senators sent a letter to President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday urg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation expanding the 2012 U.S. Magnitsky human rights act from Russian citizens to cover abus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a critic of
(Reuters) - Below are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump works to form his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chances that the federal government could hand off the U.S. air traffic control system to private
(Reuters) - Donald Trump was scheduled to hold additional meetings on Thursday and Friday as he forms his administration be
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump plans to nominate a third retired general for a top job in h
(This version of the story corrects date in last paragraph to Dec. 14, not Dec. 4) (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday picked a fossil fuel industry defender as his top enviro
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to support sweeping legislation that will reshape the way th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Koch Industries, the private conglomerate owned by billionaire conservatives Charles and David Koc
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Carter Page, previously described as a foreign-policy adviser to U.S. president-elect Donald Trump, has a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump clashed on Wednesday with a union official who accused the president-elect of lying abo
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Michigan on Wednesday revoked his order requiring a recount of the state’s presidential vote
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba said on Wednesday it hoped to sign off on at least half a dozen agreements with the United States b
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump plans to nominate wrestling magnate Linda McMahon as his choice to head the
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - The CEO of China’s sovereign wealth fund said on Thursday he expects U.S. President-elect Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican senators are leaning towards a plan to delay the effective date of an Obamacare rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump will name Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, an ardent opponent of President B
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Mayors from the largest U.S. cities warned President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday of the potenti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bank lobbying groups are pressing the U.S. Senate to once again work on reforming the country’
BEIJING/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Iowa Governor Terry Branstad as the next U.S. am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he will nominate professional wrestling magn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he will nominate professional wrestling magn
(Reuters) - Retired Marine Corps General John Kelly, reached while traveling in Australia, has confirmed that he has been aske
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his scorn for satirical TV show “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A public interest group urged U.S. officials on Wednesday to free up Washington landmarks for thou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday defended his direct interventions with companies
KIEV (Reuters) - The Ukrainian producer of the world’s largest aircraft has offered to build a plane for Donald Trump after t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Time Magazine named U.S. President-elect Donald Trump its person of the year on Wednesday, citin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A spokesman for Terry Branstad on Wednesday denied reports that President-elect Donald Trump h
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s plans to increase spending on infrastructure while cutting tax
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Attorney Debra Wong Yang is being considered to chair the Securities and E
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump laid out a U.S. military policy on Tuesday that would avoid interv
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday warned that the United States would not be able to wipe out terr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-led panel in the U.S. House of Representatives agreed on Tuesday to add $7 million to
(Reuters) - A Michigan state appeals court on Tuesday ordered a halt to the recount of that state’s presidential election vo
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump urged the government on Tuesday to cancel an orde
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican head of a House of Representatives committee said on Tuesday he was offering a bi
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Democrats in California’s state Senate announced on Tuesday a series of infrastructure funding
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The largest lobbying group for health insurers has asked U.S. lawmakers weighing the fate of Obamacar
BEIJING/GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - China called on U.S. officials on Tuesday not to let Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen pas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said she does not anticipate any major policy shifts affecting the regio
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday it had sought to reassure China after President-elect Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. failure to retaliate strongly for the 2014 cyber attack against Sony Pictures may have helped
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Repealing Obamacare will be the first order of business in the U.S. Senate in January, Senate Majori
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief executive of the U.S. Aerospace Industries Association urged President-elect Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s legal defense of some key initiatives including his signature healthcare
HAVANA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cuba and the United States will draw up a roadmap for deepening their detente on Wedn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump sold all of his shares in companies in June, aides said on Tuesday
(Reuters) - Blackstone Group LP (BX.N) Chairman and CEO Steve Schwarzman said on Tuesday he expected to see a “very s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said he is pushing to extend expiring healt
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is unlikely to release a massive report on the CIA’s use of waterboard
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (Reuters) - Boeing Co on Tuesday responded to a call by President-elect Donald Trump about the costs of a
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday it does not know where President-elect Donald Trump
(Reuters) - Below are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump works to form his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Attorney Debra Wong Yang is a top contender to head the U.S. Securities and Exchange
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s comment on Tuesday calling for the government to cancel the purchase of Boei
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a rival-turned-supporter of Donald Trump, overcame his stated q
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Monday he would nominate retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a preside
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - Lawmakers in Democrat-controlled California are already laying the groundwork to fight Presi
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday it hoped the United States would not allow transit by Taiwan P
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein pressed her case on Monday for recounts of U.S. presidentia
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday it had sought to reassure China after President-elect Don
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, a leading voice in the fight against climate change, a
President-elect Donald
- Native Trump
American said on Monday
reservations he would
cover just name
2 percent of retired neurosurgeon
the United States, butBen
theyCarson as secretary
may contain abouto
and resulted in lost revenue for tribes. “The time it takes to go from lease to production is three times longer on trust land
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday said for the first time that he supports the completio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Marine Corps Commandant General Robert Neller, like much of the Pentagon top brass, is prett
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump indicated a tougher U.S. approach to China by speaking to Taiwa
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said on Monday he was impressed by the Chinese leader
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who made a failed bid for th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court justices on Monday struggled over how to determine when states have unlawfu
(Reuters) - The incoming chair of the congressional panel that oversees labor issues on Monday questioned the need for union
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Monday met with former Vice President Al Gore, an environment
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory on Monday conceded the state’s contested guber
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Monday brought to an end President Barack Obama’s bid to overturn
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Monday U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team are clear on China’s p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has been in touch with Chinese officials to reassure them that it is adhering to the
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump will hold more meetings on Monday and Tuesday as he forms his ad
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will be able to make many of his promised changes in imm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump has outlined a ten-point plan on his transition website for dealing wit
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hawaii grandmother Teresa Shook wanted to share her outrage with other women the night after Dona
BEIJING (Reuters) - There are many pressure points China can push to express its anger at Donald Trump’s call with Taiwan
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese state media on Monday continued to play down the protocol-bending phone call last week bet
SIMI VALLEY, California (Reuters) - Often fiercely divided over policy, Republican and Democratic national security elite gather
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday it would be valuable for President-elect Donald Tru
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is a clever man and will quickly understand his new responsibilities, R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will meet on Thursday with retired U.S. Navy Admiral James Stavridis,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump, fresh off a deal to keep nearly 1,000 U.S. jobs in the country, will dec
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, has been advised by doctor
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (Reuters) - The U.S. arms industry is ready and capable of boosting production of new ships if President-ele
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s phone conversation with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani demanded on Sunday that Barack Obama block an extension of sanctions
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - Green Party candidate Jill Stein late Saturday vowed to bring her fight for a recount of votes cast
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump attended a “Villains and Heroes† costume party at a major do
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Sunday he was confident a refugee resettlement deal w
BEIJING/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China lodged a diplomatic protest on Saturday after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spo
BEIJING (Reuters) - (This December 2 has been refiled to change headline to clarify AmCham.) The American Chamber of Comm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump drew a rebuke from former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s call with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen was a “petty† move
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (Reuters) - The United States should focus on larger strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region, including e
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that it had lodged a protest with the “relevant side† in
MANILA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Philippines leader Rodrigo Duterte described as “encouraging† his phone call with U
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan’s policy making body on China, the Mainland Affairs Council, said on Saturday that China should l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a defense policy bill on Friday without some controversia
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s call with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen was a “petty action†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday said there was “no change† to the United States’ longstanding
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen exchanged views with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, touching on streng
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump said on Friday that Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen called him
(Reuters) - Donald Trump is “well aware† of what U.S. policy has been on Taiwan, Trump’s spokeswoman said, after
TAIPEI (Reuters) - The telephone call between Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen and U.S. president-elect Donald Trump was agre
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said he expected to have most members of his Cabinet announced n
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spoke by phone on Friday with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, the Trump transi
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supporters of President-elect Donald Trump moved on Friday to halt the Green Partyâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congress is expected to approve President-elect Donald Trump’s choice of retired Marine Corps
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday said he was confident that United Nations secretary general
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview aired on Friday that he expected to have most members of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. intelligence officer has asked Congress to drop a provision in a pending bill that would c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump announced the formation of a council to advise him on job creation, a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter makes his last scheduled trip to Asia next week, and he will try to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to sign U.S. legislation extending sanctions against Iran for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A drop in the U.S. unemployment rate last month to a 9-year low signals the risk of a collision betwe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Thursday night he would nominate retired Marine Corps
(Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to move quickly on its goals to overhaul taxation, healthcare and immigration laws
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s transition team is examining proposals for new non-nuclear sanctions on Iran, th
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Thursday he would name retired Marine Corps General James Mattis as
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Thursday he would nominate retired Marine Corps General James Matti
BROWNSVILLE, Texas (Reuters) - The rust-colored border security fence starts in a dusty field on the Loop family farm in South
CINCINNATI (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump kicked off his post-election “thank you tour† on Thursday by railin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama, keen to preserve his legacy on domestic health care and the Iran nucl
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spoke by telephone on Thursday with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, w
HOUSTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is considering Democratic U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota fo
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering Goldman Sachs Group President and Chief Operating Officer Gary
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia for energy secr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday said for the first time that he supports the completio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A last-ditch effort in the Senate to block or delay rule changes that would expand the U.S. governme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Senate Republican warned his party on Thursday against simultaneously overhauling M
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Thursday nominated U.S. Congressman Xavier Becerra to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Change at the Federal Reserve could come quickly with President-elect Donald Trump’s team ple
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate passed a 10-year extension of sanctions against Iran on Thursday, sending the meas
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim said on Thursday that if President-elect Donald Trump succeeds in offi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump, who pledged on the campaign trail to “drain the swamp† in W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, an early supporter of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, is cons
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Nigeria’s Nobel Prize-winning author Wole Soyinka has torn up his United States green card an
NEW (Reuters)
YORK (Reuters) - A chief
- It has proponent
proven of Republican
one of Donald tax reform
Trump’s instrengths
greatest Congress in
urged the business
building community
a worldwide on Thursday
luxury brand: An ob
likely that diving into areas in which he has very little experience without an extraordinary cast of experts around him will resu
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - U.S. president-elect Donald Trump offered to help solve Pakistan’s problems and praised Prime Mi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump vowed on Wednesday to step back from running his global business
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior U.S. senators said on Wednesday they want to amend a law allowing lawsuits against Sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump faced criticism from an unusual source on Wednesday when a button
WILMINGTON, Del. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has several options for disentangling himself from his busine
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Preet Bharara, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan known for pursuing a series of cases targeting p
(Reuters) -- Only one member
Republicans in the of President-elect
U.S. Congress hope Donald Trump’s
to convince transitionDonald
President-elect team isTrump
dealingtowith the CIA
support and
an unte
Inc and Caterpillar Inc. Comparison of corporate tax plan:
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is considering Goldman Sachs Group Inc President and Chief Operating O
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi was re-elected to her post on Wedne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A divided U.S. Supreme Court struggled on Wednesday with how to resolve a dispute over whether
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday said it will push to lock in fuel efficiency s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the U.S. Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, said on Wednes
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump announced two additional nominees for his Cabinet on Wednesday, and his tran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is considering former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for secretary of Ve
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump holds more meetings on Wednesday as he forms his administration
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should prepare to use greater military power and covert action in Syria to help fo
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney made an impassioned statement in support of President-elect Donald Trump o
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump has chosen former Goldman Sachs partner and Hollywood financier Steven Mnuchin
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday it wanted to develop smooth military-to-military ties with the new U.S. administ
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Local officials in Wisconsin will decide for themselves how to carry out a presidential election recount
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump chose a former Goldman Sachs banker and a billionaire investor on T
LONDON (Reuters) - Outgoing CIA Director John Brennan has said it would be the “height of folly† for U.S. President-ele
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - A U.S. federal court on Tuesday set a March 15 deadline for North Carolina state lawmakers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is expected to name former Goldman Sachs partner and Hollywood fi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hospitals and health insurers are gaining confidence that their nightmare scenario - millions of America
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A small group of hard-left activists burned foot-long U.S. flags outside the Trump International Hotel in
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is expected to name former Goldman Sachs partner and Hollywood financier Ste
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A compromise version of a massive U.S. defense policy bill omits controversial provisions such as a c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is expected to name Wilbur Ross, a billionaire known for his inve
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday named Republican Representative Tom Price of Georgia as his pick t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will not send a presidential delegation to Cuba for communist leader Fidel Castroâ
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican congressman Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania said he met with President-elect Donald Trump o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter voiced opposition to extending a temporary government fundi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday he hopes to have several of Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump plans to nominate former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao to head the Tr
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump holds more meetings on Tuesday as he forms his administration bef
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump agreed on Tuesday that they s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate will vote this week on a bill that would renew sanctions on Iran for 10 years, Senator Mit
(Reuters) - Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday named a vociferous Obamacare critic and a consultant t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will nominate a transportation secretary on Tuesday afternoon, a spo
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Monday he would end the United States’ â€
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is set to name Indiana health policy consultant Seema Verma as his p
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump holds more meetings on Monday and Tuesday as he continues to fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. companies are looking for ways to persuade President-elect Donald Trump to soften his threats
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Republican U.S. Representative Tom Price of Georgia
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering Representative Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania for transportation se
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump appears close to naming U.S. Representative Tom Price as his choice for secreta
(Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to pass a $6.3 billion piece of legislation on Wednesday designed to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican antitrust veteran has been named on Monday to U.S. President-elect Donald Trumpâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s transition team on Monday pushed back against an effort to recount Nov. 8’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has shifted millions of dollars in funding for Philippines law enforcement away fro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The death of Cuba’s Fidel Castro is unlikely to slow down U.S. efforts to normalize relations with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There has been no evidence of widespread election fraud in the Nov. 8 presidential contest, the Wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama spoke to President-elect Donald Trump by phone on Saturday, a White Hou
(Reuters) - Green Party nominee Jill Stein is filing requests in Pennsylvania to start a recount of votes in the Nov. 8 U.S. preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump this week will meet with retired U.S. General David Petraeus and U.S.
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is holding more meetings on Monday as he prepares to make high-level appoint
PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said in a tweet on Sunday that he won the pop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump will meet with retired U.S. General David Petraeus on Monday as the president-elect
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Obama administration signed its final plan for renewable fuel use in the United States last week, le
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - U.S. wind and solar companies for the first time gave more money to Republicans than Democrats du
HAVANA (Reuters) - From the Bay of Pigs invasion to a historic visit by President Barack Obama to Havana, Cubans have know
WEST PALM BEACH,(Reuters) - An internal
Fla. (Reuters) dispute
- U.S. among Donald
President-elect Trump’s
Donald advisers
Trump said broke that
on Saturday out into the open on Sunday
his administration wouldwhen
“do his
frequent and consequential ties between Cubans and Americans† would more likely boost income and sap the strength of
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders turned up the pressure on President-elect Donald Trump on S
WASHINGTON/WEST PAlM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign will take part in a recount of Wisco
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday called a request for a recount of votes in W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President-elect Mike Pence said on Saturday that “new hope dawns† for Cuba after
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry offered his condolences to the Cuban people on Saturday, adding
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Saturday that even after Castro’s death
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Saturday that his administration, which takes o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Saturday that Fidel Castro’s death was an o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama in a statement on Saturday offered his condolences to Fidel Castro’
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Friday chose Washington insider Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wisconsin’s election board agreed on Friday to conduct a statewide recount of votes cast in the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The organization behind the presidential campaign for Green Party candidate Jill Stein, along with on
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - An overwhelming majority of Mexicans hold a negative view of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, bu
WASHINGTON/WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Don McGahn, a well-known
(Reuters) - David Betras could see trouble coming. The Democratic Party chairman in Youngstown, Ohio, wrote to Hillary Clinto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has recently spoken with the leaders of Greece, Hungary, Panam
(Reuters) - Donald Trump is not expected to make additional high-level appointments on Friday, his transition team told repor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump plans meetings with at least eight people on Monday as he seeks
(Reuters) - After firing up crowds with boisterous and sometimes divisive campaign rhetoric, Donald Trump has appeared to m
BOSTON (Reuters) - Activist shareholders plan a record number of resolutions focused on climate change at U.S. company ann
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Donald Trump presidency does not mean the United States will withdraw from the South China Sea, but
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spent the Thanksgiving holiday at his M
BERLIN (Reuters) - The U.N. Special Envoy for Syria on Thursday said U.S. President Barack Obama could well keep working un
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Nikki Haley may have been born in the United States but her extended family back in India is thrilled th
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein said on Thursday she has raised $3.5 million to force reco
MUNICH (Reuters) - Bavarian state premier Horst Seehofer has invited U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to visit the southern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is expected to select Wilbur Ross Jr as secretary of the Commerce
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bailey White, 13, stood patiently in line with her little brother Keaton at the gift store inside the Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - By picking fellow Republican South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to serve as U.S. ambassador to the
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Wednesday named South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has tapped wealthy Republican donor and school choice advocat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Muslims across the United States feared they were being targeted for surveillance this week when t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican President-elect Donald Trump defeated Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by 10,704 votes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump has not extended an offer to retired neurosurgeon and former presid
(Reuters) - Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday named the first women to his team of top officials: S
(Reuters) - Donald Trump on Wednesday picked South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as his U.S. ambassador to the United Na
(Reuters) - Britain’s Sir Elton John will not perform at the inauguration of Donald Trump in Washington as U.S. president, th
(Reuters) - Having spent billions of dollars on post-crisis U.S. financial industry reforms they once scorned, bankers are concern
(Reuters) - South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has accepted President-elect Donald Trump’s offer to be the U.S. ambassa
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican cement maker is ready to lend its services to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to build th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican rival-turned-supporter Ben Carson on Wednesday said he could serve a role und
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras spoke by telephone to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesd
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Extending U.S. sanctions on Iran for 10 years would breach the Iranian nuclear agreement, Iran Supreme Le
(Reuters) - A federal
MONTPELIER, judge on
Vt. (Reuters) Tuesday
- Still siftingblocked
throughan Obama
the administration
wreckage of the Nov.rule to extend
8 election, mandatory
Democratic overtime
leaders pay to more
nationwide than
are strug
Scott “spent very little time talking about how is going to implement the policies he was proposing. It was more about Scott
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois owes a handful of financial consortia more than $118 million under an obscure program intended
(Reuters) - During a 10-month period starting in November 2015, four firms qualified by Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any pr
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Tuesday he was keeping an open mind on whether to pull ou
LONDON (Reuters) - Retired U.S. general David Petraeus indicated on Wednesday that he would serve in President-elect Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the post of secretary of housing and urban developm
(Reuters) - Some of Donald Trump’s strongest conservative supporters are voicing anger and disappointment at the presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Democratic Representative Harold Ford Jr of Tennessee is being considered for U.S. transpo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It is no surprise that Democrats in the U.S. Congress will oppose Donald Trump but the most import
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump held additional meetings in New York on Tuesday as he worked to fill administra
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spoke on a wide range of issues with New York Times editors and reporters on T
(Reuters) - North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory announced on Tuesday he has officially requested a recount of votes from th
TOKYO/SYDNEY (Reuters) - An ambitious Asia-Pacific trade pact linking the United States and 11 countries lay in tatters on Tue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang said on Tuesday that U.S. policies toward China under President-el
ROME (Reuters) - Italy’s industry minister pledged on Tuesday to support business deals with Iran potentially worth billion
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has a new fan: Donald Trump. After lambasting Obama for months as a fail
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru proposed new talks to ensure the U.S.-proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership will be implemented after Do
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s charitable foundation said it violated a ban on so-called “se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday condemned an alt-right conference in Washington over t
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico said on Tuesday the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could form the basis for bilateral trade de
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Tuesday he thinks there is some connection between climate change an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump showed little appetite for instigating investigations of former Democr
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact will continue working to bring a dea
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Ivanka Trump, daughter of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, briefly joined her father’s telepho
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain on Tuesday dismissed U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s unprecedented expression of suppo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the U.S. presidential election has set off a round of resume-po
LONDON (Reuters) - Foreign minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday Britain must underline the importance of free trade and t
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has an “incredibly strong and enduring† relationship with the United States and will build on
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s Brexit Secretary David Davis said on Tuesday there was no vacancy for the job of ambassador
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed alarm on Monday over “hateful speech† at
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Republicans in Wisconsin tilted district maps in their favor in order to hamper Democrats and ultimate
LONDON (Reuters) - Leading Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said on Tuesday he was in a good position to help Britain build tie
WASHINGTON(Reuters) - U.S. -President-elect
(Reuters) President-electDonald
DonaldTrump said many
Trump’s plan people would like
to renegotiate theto see Brexit
North campaigner
American Nigel
Free Trade Farage as(
sectors that barely existed as NAFTA was negotiated in the early 1990s — to better protect intellectual property and ensure a
LONDON (Reuters) - Any moves by Donald Trump to ban Muslims from entering the United States or bring back waterboardin
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump outlined plans on Monday for his first day in office, in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump released a video on Monday laying out actions he will take on his
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s choice of experts to focus on new policies at the Federal Comm
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday assessed several more contenders for top U.S. posts in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s shortlist of candidates to lead the U.S. Department of Interior ha
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump held meetings in New York on Monday as he worked to fill administration positi
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is considering Dallas investor Ray Washburne as a possible interior secretary, CNBC r
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The main U.S. visa program for technology workers could face renewed scrutiny under President-e
(Reuters) - Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin met on Monday with President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump holds more meetings on Monday as he continues to form the cabine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Friday blocked new exploration for oil and gas in Arctic waters, in a w
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Christmas came early for U.S. gun shop owners - who saw a rush of firearms purchases ahead of th
LIMA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday said that people should take a “wait-and-see† approach on Pr
LIMA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin spoke for around four minutes on Su
LIMA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Sunday called U.S. House Democratic chief Nancy Pelosi a remarkable leader, giv
LIMA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama declined on Sunday to comment on media reports that senior defense and inte
LIMA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday said he is not worried about being the last Democratic U.S. presiden
LIMA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Sunday that he looks forward to welcoming U.S. President-el
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday launched an initiative to combat hate crimes and protec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will work to ensure there is “proper separation† between his b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President-elect Mike Pence said on Sunday he was not offended by rare and pointed comm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will hold a series of meetings on Sunday in New Jersey as he continue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is under “active consideration† to serv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney is a possible choice for the job of secretary of state but President-elect Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham said on Sunday she is being considered by Preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Sunday he is considering retired General James Mattis for U.S
LONDON (Reuters) - Queen Elizabeth will invite U.S. President-elect Donald Trump for a state visit to Britain next year to try to
LIMA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama did in Latin America what he tried to do in Europe: tell worried citizens not to d
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney set aside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The heads of the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community have recommended to President Ba
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday demanded an apology from the cast of “Hamilton† fo
NEW (Reuters)
YORK (Reuters) - President-elect
- U.S. President-electDonald
Trumpheld talks on Saturday
picked three with 2012
conservative Republican
loyalists to lead presidential nomineeand
his national security M
director of national intelligence, the Wall Street Journal reported.
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday defended his decision to settle lawsuits over his Trump University real e
BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will meet on Sunday with billionaire investor Wilbur Ross, a possib
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese state media warned U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday against flip-flopping on tra
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s national security adviser says North Korea’s nuclear program wo
(Reuters) - Jeff Sessions may be known as a pro-business conservative but as U.S. attorney general he is unlikely to shy away fr
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina’s gubernatorial race was undecided 10 days after the Nov. 8 vote and ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representative Mike Pompeo, President-elect Donald Trump’s surprise choice to head the CIA, s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to rapidly deport 2 to 3 million illegal immigrants with
NEW YORK/SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Donald Trump agreed on Friday to pay $25 million to settle fraud lawsuits over his Trump U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump will hold more meetings on Friday and Saturday as he
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering retired General David Petraeus, who resigned as CIA chief in 2012
(Reuters) - U.S. National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers is the leading candidate to become President-elect Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - On his way to the polls on election day, Michael Flynn pulled out his phone and took a video of hims
(Reuters) - Even for a 2016 election campaign marked by rhetorical invective, the remarks President-elect Donald Trump and M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Most Americans want the media to present facts in news stories without adding interpretation, a Pe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Friday named his earliest and staunchest supporter in the Senate,
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and European leaders on Friday underscored the importance of working toge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic attorneys general in at least five U.S. states have vowed to fight President-elect Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Incoming U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Friday said he is “very concernedâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday announced his selections for his top securit
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe described Donald Trump as a “trustworthy leader† after m
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday that President Barack Obama and European leaders did no
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Most of the U.S. coal industry doubts Donald Trump can fulfill his promise to make the ailing industr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump has offered Republican Senator Jeff Sessions the job of U.S. Attorney
(Reuters) - Attorneys for U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will try at a court hearing on Friday to delay a civil trial involving al
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump planned a Saturday meeting with Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn the position of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New names for possible appointees to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet have emerge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said Ford Motor Co Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr told him the a
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has often boasted about the strict confidentiality pledges he exacts from his em
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Thursday he was confident of building a relationship based
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn the job of n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress could as soon as January start to dismantle President Barack Obama’s transfo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is expected to receive its first briefing from
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A meeting in New York on Thursday between U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Japanese Prime M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio said on Thursday he was challenging House Democratic leader
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Director of National Intelligence James Clapper announced his resignation on Thursday and said it â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two California housing advocacy groups have alleged that a bank formerly controlled by Steven Mn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some members of President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team can now begin work with offi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential no
(Reuters) - Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge said on Thursday she was open to working in the incoming Trump admin
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence have spoken with nearly 30 foreign leaders
(Reuters) - New candidates to serve in U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet emerged on Wednesday, including U.S
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama called German Chancellor Angela Merkel an “outstanding† ally on Thur
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump has been deeply impressed with U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions, his transition team said o
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday said it would be naive to expect a 180-degree turn by Russia or S
BERLIN (Reuters) - Outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama says he plans to come back to Germany at least one more time —
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday she would announce at the appropriate moment whet
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday said he hoped President-elect Donald Trump could stand up to R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have decided to pursue a short-term measure to k
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Officials in the U.S. military’s Central Command, which oversees combat operations in the Middl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Bernie Sanders, a former Democratic presidential candidate, said on Thursday he will help r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Director of National Intelligence said Russia was planning on expanding its presence at its n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Director of National Intelligence declined to comment on Thursday when asked whether Ru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One day before U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s first meeting with a foreign leader, Japanes
BERLIN (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Thursday he would support any move by President-elect Donald Trump to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called on Wednesday for a renewed figh
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin was expecting “signals† from the team of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump in order to e
WASHINGTON/HONG KONG (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers should take action to ban China’s state-owned firms from acquirin
HONG KONG (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional panel has warned of an “alarming† rise in China’s interference in Hong
BEIJING (Reuters) - A powerful U.S. senator said he is concerned that state-owned ChemChina, which is buying Swiss crop prot
BEIJING (Reuters) - Whether President-elect Donald Trump goes through with a deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system in So
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull became one of the first world leaders to speak to U.S. Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China and the United States must avoid being overly suspicious of each other’s strategic intentio
(Reuters) -- Democratic U.S.Donald
President-elect senators elected Chuck
Trump’s Schumer
transition ofhas
team New York
not as minority
announced leader
a point on Wednesday,
person an
dedicated to
may not even know you’ve changed their mind, because they don’t know what their mind is.† Some parts of govern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote to renew sanctions on Iran for 10 years before adjourning next month, the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A congressionally-appointed panel on Wednesday called for the creation of a U.S. museum of wome
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Wednesday he told Donald Trump during a private meeting t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will seek reassurances from U.S. President-elect Donald Trump
BERLIN (Reuters) - European leaders and President Barack Obama on Friday will discuss extending sanctions imposed on Russi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - No newly elected administration is totally ready to govern on the first day in office, U.S. Vice Preside
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is now the leading candidate to become President-elect D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior Democratic and Republican U.S. lawmakers want Washington to respond to Russia’s alleg
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech President Milos Zeman has thrown his support behind a bid by Ivana Trump, the ex-wife of U.S. Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A co-author of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s tax plan called on Congress Wednesday to pu
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Chicago City Council on Wednesday approved Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s fiscal 2017 budget which c
ATHENS (Reuters) - President Barack Obama extolled the strengths of democracy from its Greek birthplace on Wednesday in a
LONDON (Reuters) - Investors who sent copper to a 17-month peak on hopes for a splurge of U.S. infrastructure spending by D
BERLIN (Reuters) - German and U.S. employers, workers, consumers and farmers would “without doubt† benefit from a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will last no more than four years in the White House, a period when corp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was not trying to get security clear
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is weighing an “infrastructure bank† to m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. advisory commission warned on Wednesday that China’s growing military might may mak
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It will be a new day at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission after President-elect Donald Tru
ATHENS (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama, stung by the surprise victory of Donald Trump in last week’s U.S. election
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers passed bills on Tuesday renewing sanctions on Iran for 10 years and imposing new s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said it received a signed memorandum of understanding from Vice President-elec
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump shuffled his transition team again on Tuesday, jettisoning
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has announced the two top White House advisers but still has m
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An architect of anti-immigration efforts who says he is advising President-elect Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After winning a primary election that effectively clinched the Republican presidential nomination, D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White supremacists and neo-Nazis have rarely, if ever, in recent history been so enthusiastic about a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An International Criminal Court investigation of possible war crimes by U.S. forces in Afghanistan is n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Ryan, the top Republican in the U.S. Congress, says he talks to Donald Trump often, but the pre
ATHENS (Reuters) - Riot police fired teargas on Tuesday at protesters demonstrating just a few kilometers (miles) from the pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives nominated Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday for re-e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers told the top U.S. securities regulator on Tuesday they are concerned her agen
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Longtime Donald Trump supporter and activist investor Carl Icahn confirmed on Tuesda
BOSTON (Reuters) - Billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer, who has spent more than $140 million on fighting climate ch
(Corrects this Nov. 14 to clarify details of Bolton’s recess appointment, paragraph 8.) By Warren Strobel and John Walcott
NEW YORK (Reuters) - This is not the kind of wall Donald Trump was talking about. In the liberal stronghold of New York City, r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi agreed on Tuesday to postpone the party’s leadersh
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will need to show “enormous pragmatism† in its dealings with Donald Trump’s gove
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas plans to introduce a measure next year aimed at protecting women in bathrooms and locker r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Representative Tom Price of Georgia is under consideration to be secretary of health and
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Thousands of people have made donations to Planned Parenthood in the name o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Interior Department finalized rules on Tuesday aimed at preventing methane leaks from oil
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea does not care who is president of the United States, a senior Pyongyang-based diplo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump planned to meet with Vice President-elect Mike Pence in New York on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a former 2016 Republican presidential candidate who is an advis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has emerged as a leading candidate to be U.S. secretary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady on Tuesday said Republicans should defend free trade and the party should de
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he would reassure U.S. allies during his trip overseas this w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. internet companies including Facebook Inc and Amazon Inc have sent President-elect Donald Tr
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s administration should consider supporting a Beijing-backed free tr
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Demonstrations protesting the U.S. presidential election victory of Republican Donald Trump ente
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is in for a quick wake-up call and will have to adjust his temperament
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump recently announced the first major appointments to his administ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s administration said on Monday he would veto legislation seeking to b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nancy Pelosi may face a challenge to her 14-year-old role as the leading Democrat in the U.S. House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s team has asked the White House to explore the poss
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday described as “troubling† an Israeli bill supported by a ministeria
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - After parleying a professional wrestling career as “The Rock† into leading roles in Hollywood, D
(Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to shake up Washington and as president the brash real estate
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The California Public Employees’ Retirement System’s chief investment officer advised the
(Reuters) - The California Public Employees’ Retirement System said on Monday it shared about 14 percent of the profit m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday it was important for President-elect Donald Trump to
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s election as U.S. president raises concern that Washington may increase the intr
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Monday agreed to work tow
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Continental Resources Chief Executive Harold Hamm is at the top of President-elect Donald Trump’s
BERLIN (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s victory has been a shock for America’s major partners around the world. But perhap
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama spoke by phone on Monday with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Monday praised President-elect Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With a bitter election campaign finally over, the Congress will reconvene this week to try to set aside
WASHINGTON/MARRAKESH, Morocco (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is seeking quick ways to withdraw the United
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday picked Reince Priebus, a Washington insider who heads th
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Demonstrators in major U.S. cities took to the streets on Sunday for a fifth straight day to protest Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump chose Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus a
(Reuters) - For-profit education stocks have surged on expectations that President-elect Donald Trump and a Republican Cong
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Facebook Inc chief executive Mark Zuckerberg again rejected the idea that the social network affected
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has requested that a trial over a lawsuit by former students of his now
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton blamed FBI director James Comey for her stunning defeat in Tuesday’
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Leading Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage visited Donald Trump at his home on Saturday, after s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. officials are striving to put finishing touches on a slew of banking rules before President Barack
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday the Obama administration would do everything it c
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe aims to underscore the importance of the Japan-U.S. alliance when he
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey warned its citizens about travel to the United States on Saturday in response to what the foreign m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans are looking for the quickest ways to tear down Obamacare following Don
(Reuters) - Seattle financial worker Harrison Karlewicz had been considering joining an environmental activist group for a while
MIAMI (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters took their frustrations over Donald Trump’s election as the next U.S. president
(Reuters) - One person was shot at an anti-Trump demonstration in Portland on Saturday as protesters crossed the Morrison B
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump began laying the groundwork on Friday to take office on J
BOSTON (Reuters) - The protests in major U.S. cities against Republican Donald Trump’s surprise presidential election victo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering outgoing Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has suspended its efforts to win congressional ap
(Reuters) - The Trump Organization said on Friday it was vetting new business structures aimed at transferring management co
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner reported personal income of more than $188.1 million in 2015, and 90 pe
(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump told the Wall Street Journal he is considering retaining parts of President Barack Oba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Kathryn Stellmack expects the world from Donald Trump. After listening to his speeches and casting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Jeb Hensarling, the Republican chair of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee, released
NOGALES, Mexico (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s election victory and his plans to crack down on illegal immigration is so troub
JANESVILLE, Wisc. (Reuters) - Semi-retired Wisconsin pig farmer John Lader does not think much of Donald Trump as a messen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Criminal justice reform advocates said they expect Donald Trump will embrace moderate change on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has removed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as le
ALGONAC, Mich. (Reuters) - Back in April, there were already early signs in this quiet Michigan town of the rural American disc
LOS ANGELES/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans’ growing alarm over rising prescription drug costs will pressure a new U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After years of rising U.S.-Russia tensions over Ukraine, Syria, cyber attacks and nuclear arms control
BELGRADE (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, setting aside his previous hostility toward Donald Trump, said
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - The election of climate change skeptic Donald Trump as president is likely to end the U.S
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Francois Hollande and U.S President-elect Donald Trump had a phone conversation on Frid
NEW (Reuters) - WithReuters
(Thomson so much riding on American
Foundation) support,
- The election Afghanistan
of Republican is waiting
Donald Trumpanxiously to next
to be the see ifU.S.
President-elect Donald
president raises que
immigration enforcement. This is a major change from the Obama policy of ignoring most non-violent immigration offenders.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, already in legal limbo after an October court decisio
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - The U.S. judge overseeing a lawsuit against President-elect Donald Trump and his Trump University told
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump met on Thursday for the first time,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democrats’ liberal firebrand, Senator Elizabeth Warren, threw down the gauntlet to Preside
LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Officials in New York and Los Angeles on Thursday said they hoped President-elect Donal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama’s foreign policy legacy rests in part on a foundation of unilateral ac
BETHLEHEM, Pennsylvania (Reuters) - The unraveling of the coalition that was supposed to carry Hillary Clinton to the White H
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A handful of small public opinion polling companies that bucked consensus and accurately called the U.
(Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon did not support Republican Donald Trump’s presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Missing those presidential campaign highs and lows? Suffering post-U.S. election blues? Whether yo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday sent a request to Congress for an additional $11.6 billion
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Thursday he was optimistic Mexico could come up with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is strongly considering naming his campaign chief Steve Bannon to se
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - The U.S. judge overseeing a lawsuit against President-elect Donald Trump and his Trump University told
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s campaign chief, Steve Bannon, is a leading candidate to become White House ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Aides to President-elect Donald Trump are considering Republican Representative Jeb Hensarling of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump said on Thursday after a meeting with House of Representatives Spea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, after a meeting with the Senate Republican leader on Thursday,
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Some of the most controversial proposals Donald Trump made while running for U.S. president disappe
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A former U.S. representative whose lavish office in Washington raised questions about use of taxpayer do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Getting more Americans to enroll for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s healthca
(This November 9th story has been refiled to clarify that Keyes comment in 3rd paragraph from end was said in jest) By Andy
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s foreign policy approach was “p
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump campaigned for president as a savvy billionaire who would apply his business acumen to
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Move over, Janet Yellen. The Federal Reserve chief has a challenger for the title of speaker most scrutin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama believes in the right of Americans to protest the election of Donald Tru
(Reuters) - Former Los Angeles Mayor and former California State Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa on Thursday publicly
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama’s Oval Office meeting on Thursday with his elected successor, Dona
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican President-elect Donald Trump vowed on the campaign trail to repeal Obamacare, but makin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Aetna Inc Chief Executive Officer Mark Bertolini said he expected some benefits of President Barack Ob
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump invited Theresa May to visit him as soon as possible during their first te
MARRAKESH, Morocco (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump could use legal short-cuts to pull out of a global agreeme
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to work on improving bilateral relations win the United States after Donald Trump won p
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina - Donald Trump’s promise to revive small town America faces a tough challenge in an econom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the House of Representatives hope to offer President-elect Donald Trump an alterna
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street power brokers may have rolled their eyes in private when ex-Goldman Sachs Group Inc ban
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s early list of potential appointments to top positions appears to rewa
(Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump put aside the celebrations and focused on Wednesday on his 73-day transition to the Wh
SYDNEY (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday he had told State Department officials to fully cooperat
(Reuters) - U.S. voters on Tuesday favored a surge in borrowing for public projects, approving some of the biggest bond measu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies will soon begin giving President-elect Donald Trump the same top secret n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday dashed any remaining hopes that Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said repealing the Obamacare health insurance
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - One immediate consequence of Donald Trump’s stunning victory in the U.S. presiden
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Wednesday that he spoke to U.S. President-Elect Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to shake up Washington and as president the b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump fared better with parts of U.S. society than expected, and Democrat Hillar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s successful campaign for the presidency may have rewritten the political playboo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter pledged to oversee an orderly transition to a Trump administratio
BOSTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Americans in liberal enclaves from New York to San Francisco reacted with shock and despair
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some Republican foreign policy veterans who came out against Donald Trump during the presidenti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said on Wednesday that human rights wer
(Reuters) - The 2016 election cycle had been a ratings boon for U.S. cable news networks, and Tuesday’s stunning U.S. pres
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Transgender advocates vowed on Wednesday to resist any effort to reverse or slow down an expansion
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump will have an early Capitol Hill honeymoon with Republican majorities
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Two days ago, pollsters and statisticians gave Hillary Clinton odds of between 75 and 99 perce
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Unions in the United States face sweeping changes to labor law and regulations under a new Republica
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Deportations of undocumented Mexican migrants in the United States may start rising when Presiden
(Reuters) - Within a few weeks of winning the White House, President-elect Donald Trump could face another group of U.S. ci
MIAMI (Reuters) - Latinos angered by Donald Trump’s tough stance on immigration could have been the Republican candid
LONDON (Reuters) - World leaders offered to work with Donald Trump when he takes over as U.S. president, but expressed an
(Reuters) - Republicans will continue to dominate state legislatures in the wake of Tuesday’s election, which kept their par
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO promised on Wednesday to defend all allies despite election victor Donald Trump’s call to set c
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign manager on Wednesday said t
BORDEAUX, France (Reuters) - “The French never vote like the Americans,† a politician told a rally for presidential favor
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton walked onto the ballroom stage Wednesday morning to do what many had considered u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump’s presidential election victory all but dooms major Obama administrati
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory’s campaign criticized his Democratic challenger on
MOSCOW (Reuters) - For all their mutual praise, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump are li
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama hopes the U.S. tradition of people in power not using the criminal justice sy
MARRAKESH, Morocco/CHICAGO (Reuters) - The prospect of an abrupt shift in U.S. climate policy under President-elect Donal
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated businessman Donald Trump on his victory in the U.S. pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama pledged on Wednesday to work for a smooth transition of power with
TORONTO/WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Canada’s main immigration website remained down on Wednesday and New Zealand
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California voters turned down a ballot initiative aimed at reining in rising prices for prescription drugs
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama intends to brief, rather than lobby, President-elect Donald Trump about th
BOSTON (Reuters) - New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan, a Democrat, has been elected to the U.S. Senate, ousting incum
SEVNICA, Slovenia (Reuters) - The small Slovenian town of Sevnica, Melania Trump’s birthplace, savored her husband’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration remains committed to implementing the Paris agreement on climate cha
RIGA (Reuters) - European Central Bank ratesetter Ilmars Rimsevics welcomed Donald Trump’s U.S. presidential election w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans maintained their majorities in both chambers of the U.S. Congress in a momentous elec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, who sparred with Donald Trump at times during h
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to newly elected U.S. President Donald Trump by ph
(Reuters) - Three California cities voted for a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and another in Colorado was likely to follow s
LONDON (Reuters) - Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said on Wednesday she was saddened by the fact U.S. voters had
SAN JOSE (Reuters) - The presidents of three Central American countries congratulated Donald Trump on Wednesday after his
(Reuters) - Republicans kept control of both chambers of the U.S. Congress in Tuesday’s election, empowering the party to
ZURICH (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s U.S. election victory, on the heels of Britain’s vote to exit the European Union, was
BOSTON (Reuters) - New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan, a Democrat, on Wednesday declared that she had won her rac
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s surprise election as U.S. president has Pakistanis wary that he may accelerate wha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump pulled off one of the biggest upsets in American political history when he toppled Hill
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday he hopes the administration
DUBAI (Reuters) - The future leader of the Middle East’s top foreign ally is, in the words of a Saudi prince, an anti-Muslim â
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to do its part to fully restore ties with Washington following the election of businessman
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico was pitched into deep uncertainty by Donald Trump’s U.S. election victory on Tuesday aft
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s foreign minister said on Wednesday the country’s government would not pay for a w
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech President Milos Zeman declared on Wednesday he was “very happy† with Donald Trump’
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Voters rendered a split decision on gun control measures in the election, approving universal backgroun
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he hoped the United States would continue to support Ukraine in i
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday congratulated Donald Trump on winning the U.S.
JAKARTA/ISLAMABAD/CAIRO (Reuters) - Many Muslims around the world expressed dismay on Wednesday at Donald Trumpâ
SACRAMENTO, Calif./LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A ballot measure to make recreational marijuana legal for adults was approved
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Republicans extended their majority of U.S. governorships on Tuesday as 12 states voted fo
(Reuters) - Republicans in Missouri, Vermont and New Hampshire won competitive governor’s races on Tuesday, though m
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed confidence on Wednesday that he and newly elected U
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders said Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Donald Trump on winning the U.S. presidency, state TV reporte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s election as president raises the prospect the United States will pull out of the nu
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen joined other European leaders in congratulating Donal
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Francois Hollande on Wednesday congratulated Donald Trump on his shock victory in the U
BEIJING (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s upset election victory cracks open pressing strategic and economic questions in U.S.-Ch
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday congratulated U.S. Republican Donald Trump on his electi
TOKYO/SEOUL (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election will deepen Asian allies’ a
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Catholic Church’s highest-ranking diplomat wished U.S. President-elect Donald Trump well o
KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban on Wednesday called on U.S. president-elect Donald Trump to withdraw American troop
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany should act as a “bridge-builder† to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and help clear up un
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump was right. Countless others were wrong. The pundits and pollsters who said the form
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that the U.S. election results would have no effect
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who has previously criticized U.S. President-elect Donald Tru
OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) - Protests against Donald Trump broke out in California’s Bay Area late on Tuesday after the Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton came closer than any other woman to winning the White House on Tuesday but fell s
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Wednesday he hoped for an improvement in ties with the U
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon congratulated Donald Trump on winning the U.S. preside
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Suggestions Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election are absurd and a renewed dialogue is need
(Reuters) - They wore pantsuits to their polling places, emulating the preferred dress of their White House candidate. Some w
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s foreign minister said on Wednesday that U.S. Republican Donald Trump’s victory in the p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans maintained their majorities in both chambers of the U.S. Congress in a momentous elec
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi spoke to Donald Trump on the telephone on Wednesday, congratulati
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union must take responsibility for dealing with neighbors Russia, Africa and the Middle Ea
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May congratulated Donald Trump on winning the U.S. presidency on Wedn
(Editors(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect
note: Attention to language in Donald Trump
paragraph should
30 that maystay committed
be offensive toto the international
some nuclear
readers) By Jason deal
Szep with Iran, Irania
but six of those were stolen. “This was more than vandalism,† he said in an interview. “This was a free speech attack
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel on Wednesday called Donald Trump’s U.S. election victory a wa
ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who had openly supported Hillary Clinton, congratulated Donald Trump
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn party hailed Donald Trump’s election as president of the United Sta
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s U.S. election victory may create fresh tension between the United States and the Islam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump may try to improve ties with Russia, tear up trade deals with Mex
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s White House victory puts a spotlight on Reince Priebus, an establishment Republica
MIAMI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fed up with Washington and feeling left behind, supporters of Republican Donald Trump up
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Parliament President Martin Schulz on Wednesday said he hoped for a “rational cooperatio
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian far-right leader Heinz-Christian Strache congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in the U.S. pre
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Wednesday congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in the U
LONDON (Reuters) - Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party who was a figurehead in the campaign to get Brita
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban congratulated U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Tru
NEW YORK (Reuters) - From plush penthouse apartments on the Upper East Side to bars in midtown Manhattan, New York’
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Justice Minister Heiko Maas tweeted on Wednesday that the world would be a bit crazier after Don
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgium’s anti-Muslim and separatist Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) party congratulated future U.S
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi congratulated Donald Trump on Wednesday on his victory in the U.S.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament said on Wednesday Moscow hoped for more cons
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak congratulated U.S. president-elect Donald Trump on Wedne
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in the U.S. preside
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Wednesday that the European Union and the United
PARIS (Reuters)(Reuters)
WASHINGTON - The election of Donald
- Donald Trumpsuccessful
Trump’s as the United States’
campaign for the45th president
White House will make
broke everywork “harderâ€
tradition  for the
and upended th
fell short in competitions. His speeches were often unscripted and featured boasts on everything from his money to his IQ. He
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Online trading platform PredictIt and bookermaker Paddy Power showed a massive reversal of fortune
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans who had cast their votes for the next president early on Tuesday appeared to be worried
(Reuters) - Colorado voters rejected a ballot measure on Tuesday to create the nation’s first statewide universal health ins
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Paul Ryan was re-elected to the U.S. House of Representatives by voters in his Wisconsin
WASHINGTON/PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Voters and civil rights groups reported long lines, isolated cases of malfunctioning eq
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C./NEW YORK (Reuters) - North Carolina extended voting times in several precincts during Tuesday’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans voting in Tuesday’s presidential election were far more likely to have been contacted
(Reuters) - A Colorado judge rejected a request to extend voting time in the state past 7 p.m. despite an earlier computer glitc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two-thirds of Americans voting in Tuesday’s presidential election favor moderate or strong gun c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would have to “see ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The economy, terrorism and healthcare ranked as the top three concerns facing Americans casting b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some 15 percent of Americans who cast a ballot on Tuesday said it was their first time voting in a pr
(Reuters) - The following table lists each state’s poll closing time for the U.S. presidential election. Times are shown in U.S.
(Reuters) - A Nevada judge on Tuesday rejected Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s request for records from
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Former Republican President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, did not cast a vote for U.S. preside
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton as president will have no policy mandate, even if elected by a wide margin, an
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A sexual abuse victim will continue to try to collect $1.8 million from former U.S. House Speaker Dennis H
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Party officials said they were not seeing concerted, systemic voter suppression efforts o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Election officials in three Pennsylvania counties said they believed no ballots had been wrongly coun
LISBON (Reuters) - Wikileaks founder Julian Assange said on Tuesday the group’s publication of material linked to Hillary Cl
(Reuters) - In addition to picking the next U.S. president on Tuesday, voters in four states will decide on ballot initiatives relate
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Most of the world follows U.S. presidential elections closely, but Israel can seem particularly obsessive
(Reuters) - A tiger and polar bear in a Siberian zoo made contrasting predictions of the outcome of Tuesday’s U.S. election
TOKYO/JAKARTA (Reuters) - Win or lose, Donald Trump’s campaign has changed the way countries in Asia view their relati
KOKOMO, (Reuters) - The Russian
Indiana (Reuters) Foreign Ministry
- The lettering is crude,has sent a in
scrawled diplomatic note
black spray to the
paint U.S.sidewalk
on the authorities tellingofthem
in front Karenthat U.S. dipl
relatively little underlying change in attacks against most minority groups. But crimes against Muslims rose 86 percent. Some w
TIJUANA/NOGALES, Mexico (Reuters) - Mexicans on the U.S. border anxiously awaited the outcome of the U.S. presidential ele
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior Democrats said on Monday their chances of winning control of the U.S. House of Representa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats fell short in three U.S. states on Monday in their legal battle to impose tighter restriction
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Both U.S. presidential candidates plan to watch Tuesday night’s election returns in New York, promp
(Reuters) - Three members of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, ahead of a planned hearing late this month, said Mylan NV
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supreme Court justices, hearing a dispute over presidential powers a day before the U.S. election, in
(Reuters) - Blunt-spoken Janet Reno, who served eight years as the first woman U.S. attorney general and authorized the dead
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Barack Obama remains confident in FBI Director James Comey’s ability to th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Personnel from the U.S. Justice Department’s civil rights division will be deployed to polling sites
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Facebook said on Monday it would partner with 50 broadcast stations, print and online publications for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton led Republican Donald Trump by 6 percentage
(Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s signature colorful pantsuits got a shout-out from dozens of women who staged a flashmob in s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton holds a 4-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in a four-way White Ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A CBS News poll released on Monday showed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton holdi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton held a four percentage point lead over Republican D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton has one of the strongest resumes of anyone ever to run for U.S. president, with stints
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a three-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in th
STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told crowds in Michigan and Minnesota
MANCHESTER, N.H./STERLING HEIGHTS, MICHIGAN (Reuters) - As Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton criss-crossed the United S
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The raucous, passionate and unpredictable 2016 U.S. presidential election is on track to notch another
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll released on Friday put Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton jus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI said on Sunday it stood by its earlier finding that no criminal charges were warranted agains
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Georgia’s two Republican senators broke with members of their party, saying they would consid
RENO, Nevada/PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump was rushed off stage by security agents at a rally in Reno,
MIAMI (Reuters) - The man answering a volunteer’s knock on the door in the Kendall section of Miami-Dade County on Sat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey told Congress on Sunday a recent review of newly discovered emails did n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump won a legal battle on Sunday when a U.S. appeals
NEW YORK (Reuters) - As the youngest members of the millennial generation became old enough to vote in this year’s U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a four-point lead over Republican Donald Tru
(Reuters) -- Republican vicethe
Supercharging presidential candidateand
bluster, hyperbole Mike Pence
media on Sunday
mastery pledged
that made Donald
him one ofTrump’s campaign
the world’s best
and featured boasts on everything from his money to his IQ. He peppered them with dubiously sourced declarations, misperce
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several intriguing scenarios could unfold after Tuesday’s U.S. election to break the deadlock ove
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a five-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in the lates
LONDON (Reuters) - He turned “You’re fired† into his reality show catch-phrase, but it was Donald Trump who went
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Secret Service said on Saturday night an incident at a campaign event for Republican presid
RENO, Nevada (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was hustled off the stage by security agents at a cam
MOLCAXAC, Mexico (Reuters) - In the small southern market town of Molcaxac, 650 miles (1050 km) from the U.S. border, Alic
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday ordered an Arizona state law that restricts the collection of ballots by third pa
CLEVELAND/HERSHEY, Pa. (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump battled over the strength of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Barack Obama leaves office on Jan. 20 after eight years, several of his major initiativ
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two former associates of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were convicted on Friday for their roles in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Long-frustrated backers of statehood for the District of Columbia are pinning their hopes on a first-e
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Californians are expected to pass a ballot measure on Election Day legalizing recreational marijuan
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.,/HERSHEY, Pa. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama chastised supporters at a rally for Democratic presiden
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - As a perennial swing state and one that yields 18 electoral college votes, Ohio has long been coveted t
(Reuters) - The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego denounced one of its parishes on Friday after its worshippers were told t
DENVER (Reuters) - A federal judge in Colorado blocked enforcement of a 19th-century state law that bans voters from showin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday that he does not believe FBI Director James Comey was tryin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday put a restrictive Republican-backed Arizona ballot-collection law on hold until after T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge in Ohio ordered Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign on Fri
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 2 percentage p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 4 percentage po
(Reuters) - A state judge on Friday struck down a Kansas voter registration system that would have prevented people from voti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 2 percentage po
(Editors note:ofAttention
(This version to language
the November 3 storyinofficially
the second paragraph
corrects that some
paragraph 13 to readers may Hill,
read Chapel find instead
offensive.) (Reuters)
of Raleigh. - AWhite
The local North
intent. Johnson, who is African American, leads a community center in Greensboro, North Carolina. Board Chairwoman Kathry
CHICAGO/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. voters on Tuesday will decide the fate of $70.3 billion of municipal bond issuance, t
(Reuters) - Republicans and Democrats will battle in a dozen U.S. states that will hold elections for governor on Tuesday, and m
MADRID (Reuters) - The Madrid Wax Museum on Friday unveiled clay busts of U.S. presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal and state authorities are beefing up cyber defenses against potential electronic attacks on v
NEW YORK (Reuters) - As Americans vote for a new president on Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of voters in California’s B
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 3 percentage p
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - In a year of police shooting protests, historic hurricane flooding and voting rights clashes in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has won over the U.S. coal industry by promising to
(Reuters) - Voters in four U.S. cities will decide on Tuesday whether they would like to tax sugary drinks, the latest in a series o
CONCORD, N.C./WINTERVILLE, N.C. (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s supporters nervously eyed opinion polls showing the Demo
BOSTON/LONDON (Reuters) - Stocks are listing, bonds are drifting and suddenly gold is back in vogue. Global investors appear
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The race for the Oval Office tightened significantly in the past week, as several swing states that Repub
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The death of Australian batsman Phillip Hughes was a ‘tragic accident’ and not as a result of a failure
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan is running again for the job in the next Congress, a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a blow to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a U.S. judge on Thursday upheld a Pe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration issued a fresh warning on Thursday about the dangers of Congress failing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey was driven in part by a fear of leaks from within his agency when he decid
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump are in a tight race a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday he remained confident about the future of the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump wants his campaign finance chairman, Steven Mnuchin, to be his Treasury
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama defended Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wedne
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A federal judge in California has ruled that it is too close to the Nov. 8 election to change a longsta
NUEVO LAREDO, Mexico (Reuters) - Glafiro Montemayor’s scrubland near the U.S. border may not look like much but with
HUNTINGTON, (Reuters) - Democrat
WV (Reuters) - When Hillary
talks to herher narrow
West leadUniversity
Virginia over Republican
friends rival
about Donald Trump in the
post-graduation U.S
ahead of Guam and Puerto Rico. “If we don’t give connectivity to our residents, we aren’t giving them the opportun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s promise to restore American jobs by renegotia
PENSACOLA, Fla./ LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump attacked one another’s ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Massive government investment in China’s semiconductor industry risks distorting the global ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Twelve U.S. senators urged on Wednesday that a national security review panel reject Chinese alum
JACKSON, Miss. (Reuters) - A historic black church in Mississippi was burned and spray-painted with “Vote Trump† and
JACKSON, Ga. (Reuters) - Down a Georgia country road, camouflaged members of the Three Percent Security Force have mob
(Reuters) - Disgraced former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner has checked into a rehab facility that treats sex addiction, th
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton led Republican Donald Trump by 6 percentage points among likely voters, according to a
LONGVIEW, Texas (Reuters) - Looking for a way to help relieve stress in a heated political season, a Texas golf course owner ha
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday agreed to revisit a challenge to an Arizona voting law which restricted the abilit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump raised $100 million in October from “small-doll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Ku Klux Klan newspaper has declared support for Donald Trump’s Republican run for U.S. pres
(Reuters) - Statements Donald Trump has made during his presidential run should generally be admissible in an upcoming civil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign canceled an event in Iowa on Wedn
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Gun safety advocates are pouring tens of millions of dollars into Maine and Nevada to support ballot in
WASHINGTON/FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) - A top aide to Hillary Clinton urged the FBI on Tuesday to disclose what it know
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton began her presidential campaign by promising to do what it takes to rein in Wall Stree
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley asked the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs on Tuesday
(Reuters) - Low gas prices and President Barack Obama’s high approval ratings are key factors that favor Democrat Hillary C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans are seizing on the FBI’s revived scrutiny of Hillary Clinton’s handling of governme
BERLIN (Reuters) - After a year of disappointment, European businesses are hoping a victory for Hillary Clinton in the U.S. elec
NEW DELHI (Reuters)
COLUMBUS, - The U.S. embassy
(Reuters) Delhi
Voting issued
is no easyatask
security message
for Roland to American
Gilbert. citizens in
The 86-year-old India on
retired Tuesday
Ohio lawyer,towh
a valid street address, city or zip code, a wrong or missing birthdate, or a misspelled name. “We’re not monsters. We w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department halted the planned sale of some 26,000 assault rifles to the Philippinesâ€
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Tuesday rejected a plan by U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to back out of a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton held a five percentage point lead over Republican rival Donald Trump, accordin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Whether FBI Director James Comey broke the law may hinge on whether he had political motivations o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Party officials sued Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in four battlegroun
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich./KENT, Ohio (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called Democratic rival Hillary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire technology investor Peter Thiel, a lightning rod for criticism in Silicon Valley for his suppor
NEW YORK (Reuters) - CNN cut ties with political commentator and interim Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch did not order FBI Director James Comey to withhold from Congr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama believes FBI Director James Comey is a man of integrity and is not trying to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. State Department spokesman said on Monday that to his knowledge the FBI had not asked th
KENT, Ohio (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Monday that she welcomed the FBI to look at
October 31 (Reuters) - Although the sale of marijuana is a federal crime, the number of U.S. banks working with pot businesse
OSLO (Reuters) - Backers of a global accord to fight climate change that formally comes into force on Friday say they are confid
(Reuters) - A petition to the White House to halt the U.S. Navy’s abolition of sailors’ traditional ratings that are more th
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syria’s political opposition hopes Hillary Clinton wins the U.S. presidential election next week because
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal investigators have secured a warrant to examine newly discovered emails related to Hillary
HAVANA (Reuters) - A woman in a floaty dress wrestles a minotaur who reflects her inner demons in “Errand into the Maze
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Sensing a potential turning point, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump mounted a furious effo
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla./GOLDEN, Colo. (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton on Saturday challenged FBI Director James Comey to provide a
AHERLOW, Ireland (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday he had not been contacted by the FBI about n
NEW YORK (Reuters) - With 11 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Repu
MIAMI (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, whose buoyant position in opinion polls has been threate
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former U.S. congressman, has emerged as an unexpected figure in the F
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The FBI is investigating more emails as part of a probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a p
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton’s lead over Republican rival Donald Trump widened to 6 percentage points
(Reuters) - Officials in Florida and Virginia filed voter fraud charges against three people in apparently unrelated cases on Frida
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump shifted quickly on Friday to take advanta
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In the crucial last weeks of the U.S. presidential campaign, Democrat Hillary Clinton has dramatically w
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A plane carrying U.S. Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence skidded off the runway after lan
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Friday called on the FBI to release all n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Newly discovered emails related to an investigation into a private email server used by Democratic p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New emails the FBI is examining related to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s us
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign said on Friday that the campaign was â€
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House on Friday said it was not given any prior notice on the FBI’s announc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed for the first time to rule on transgender rights in a case in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Friday he is not interested in serving under Democrat Hillary Cl
(Reuters) - At least 12 women have accused U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of sexual advances and grop
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The FBI is investigating more emails as part of a probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday renewed his call for U.S. intelligence offi
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - A stronger-than-expected U.S. economic report on Friday came at a good time for Democratic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump has given $10 million of his personal money to his presidential campaign in an effort
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - Two former allies of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie deliberately closed access lanes to the Georg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden tops a short list for secretary of state that is being compiled by the transitio
HELSINKI (Reuters) - A former Miss Finland has accused U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump of groping her in 2006 when
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Most Republicans believe Russia is attempting to influence the U.S. presidential election, according
BOSTON (Reuters) - Many opinion polls show Democrat Hillary Clinton leading Republican Donald Trump in a tight race for the
TOLEDO, Ohio; WINSTON SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump criticized Democrat Hill
BRASILIA (Reuters) - A Brazilian prosecutor investigating potentially corrupt investments made by state pension funds said the
GENEVA, Ohio (Reuters) - Donald Trump shrugged off tough talk from Vice President Joe Biden with a verbal counter punch of
NEW YORK (Reuters) - With the U.S. election just days away, Americans can expect to see an occasional “nasty woman†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday urged more than 25,000 volunteers and advocates who dialed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama shortened the prison sentences for 98 convicts serving time for drug-r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the U.S. Congress on Thursday asked the Justice Department to c
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused American politicians of whipping up hys
KRASNAYA POLYANA (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that U.S. presidential candidate Donald Tru
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - This year’s presidential election might be the perfect microcosm of Twitter’s woe
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two aides in charge of running Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were taken aback as news bro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. voting rights advocates scored a string of courtroom victories this year that rolled back some of
CARACAS (Reuters) - In a curious convergence of events on the same day last week, four Venezuelan provincial courts issued i
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday it was hard for him to work with the
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - Closing arguments in New Jersey’s “Bridgegate† trial were unexpectedly postponed by a d
(Reuters) - The Arkansas Supreme Court struck down on Thursday one of two proposals in the November election to allow for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Melania Trump will give two or three speeches in the final days of the U.S. presidential race, Republ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Next month’s Senate election in Wisconsin could gain Silicon Valley a key ally in Washington in th
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - On a rooftop overlooking the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City, around 200 American-Israeli fans of Don
NEW YORK (Reuters) - More Republicans now think Democrat Hillary Clinton, rather than Donald Trump, will win the presiden
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, in an appeal on Wednesday to African-America
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Failure to approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal would be a major setback for U.S. interests in
ABOARD CLINTON CAMPAIGN PLANE (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday the prop
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump are in a tight race a
(Reuters) - The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday asked a U.S. judge to hold the Republican National Committee
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday abstained for the first time from a United Nations General Asse
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican Party’s two-year run in the majority of the U.S. Senate is at serious risk and may
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday called for a “21st century† version of th
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was defaced by a vandal wielding a sledgeh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will hold her election night rally in New York Ci
HOUSTON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top executive at the company behind the embattled Dakota Access Pipeline has don
BOSTON (Reuters) - Democratic White House candidate Hillary Clinton is leading among likely voters aged 18 to 29, according
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Republican Party’s grip on U.S. state legislatures could loosen in next month’s election as Dem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has received no formal communication from the Philippines government about m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. policy of trying to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons “is probably a lo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. policy is to achieve a verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, a State Department sp
DORAL, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Democrat Hillary Clinton’
DORAL, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday that President Ba
(Reuters) - Below are the highlights from Reuters’ Oct. 25 exclusive interview with Republican presidential nominee Donald
COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned her supporters on Tuesday against
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives plan a vote as soon as mid-November o
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Obama administration is evaluating whether an international agreement reached earlier this mo
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Trailing in opinion polls, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has asked his campaign to cut
(Reuters) - The Obama administration on Tuesday called on U.S. states to ban agreements prohibiting many workers from mov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Obama administration officials briefed key congressional staffers last week about a secret court ord
(Reuters) - Colin Powell, who served as secretary of state in Republican President George W. Bush’s administration, said on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is troubled by reports that an Iranian-American man may have been sentenced by
(Reuters) - Forget the accusations of groping, bigotry and email mismanagement. If the American voter had to choose betwee
(Reuters) - Both - U.S. Democratic
U.S. presidential candidatespresidential candidate
routinely criticize Hillary Clinton
free-trade slammed
deals they blamerival Dona
for the lo
centerpiece of its campaign to promote domestic manufacturing. The South Carolina TVs are shipped in boxes emblazoned wi
WASHINGTON/MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is confident after speaking to his Philippine counterpart t
(This October 24 story has been refiled to say “go† instead of “do† in second paragraph) By Roberta Rampton LO
(Reuters) - The average premium for benchmark 2017 Obamacare insurance plans sold on rose 25 percent com
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.Pa. (Reuters)
(Reuters) -- Leonard
Former Pennsylvania
 Newton General Kathleen
has been in andKane was
out of sentencedprisons
Florida’s on Monday
serve 10 hetoc
537-vote victory in Florida that won him the White House. “In very close elections won by Republican candidates, felon dis
BOSTON (Reuters) - The exceptionally negative tone of this year’s race for the White House is souring young Americans, tu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. oil and gas industry workers have contributed only slightly more money to the campaign of Democ
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump rode to the top of the Republican ticket promising a “big, beautiful, powerful† bor
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Sunday campaigned in the battleground state of Nevada for Hillary Clinton,
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Sunday defended his decision to host a visit by U.S. preside
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Prospects that the presidential election will inject a hefty dose of volatility into U.S. stock markets are fa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton thinks U.S. regulators should closely scrutinize AT&
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will accept the results of the U.S. election if it is fai
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday the choice offered to voters in the U.S. presidential electio
GETTSYBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised on Saturday to foil a proposed de
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton maintained her commanding lead in the race to win the Electoral C
(Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will lay out on Saturday what he would do in the first 100 days of h
(Reuters) - Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s candidate in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election, said on Saturday he wo
(Reuters) - Preliminary analysis has found that a white substance that prompted the evacuation of Hillary Clinton’s campai
NEWTOWN, Pa./NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gained on his Democratic rival Hillary
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump has repeatedly called this year’s presidential election rigged and has coyly said “I
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump gained on Hillary Clinton among American voters this week, cutting her lead nearly in ha
(Reuters) - Oklahoma voting officials have denied a request from the Russian consulate in Houston to monitor the Nov. 8 gene
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s attorneys asked a U.S. judge to bar accusations about his personal conduct tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has made too many troubling statements recently that lend un
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - If Donald Trump is interested in rigged elections, Zimbabwean opposition leader Tendai Biti says h
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. presidential campaign tensions seeped into a high-profile charity dinner on Thursday as Donald Tru
(Reuters) - If Donald Trump were to challenge the outcome of next month’s presidential election, as he has hinted he migh
WASHINGTON/DELAWARE, Ohio (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Thursday he would a
(Reuters) - Authorities in Philadelphia will station prosecutors throughout the city on election day to respond to any reports of
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Supporters of U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump unwittingly helped pick up the tab for a booze
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump could go down as the least well-funded presidential candidate
(Reuters) - U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials are warning that hackers with ties to Russia’s intelligence service
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Embattled Arizona lawman Joe Arpaio, whose get-tough policies to fight illegal immigration and praise of
(Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump had one last chance at a nationally televised debate to reach out to the undecided voter
NEW YORK (Reuters) - T-shirts inspired by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s “such a nasty woman†
(Reuters) - An estimated 71.6 million people watched the final debate between White House contenders Hillary Clinton and D
MIAMI (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Thursday that his departure from office in January might be what it takes t
(Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday ordered Virginia to reopen its voter registration window and allow residents to continu
(Reuters) - Several women have accused U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of sexual advances and groping
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Donald Trump assailed as “absolutely false† the allegations by several women that h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Barbara Comstock is trying to untether herself from Donald Trump in her re-election bid for the U.S.
DELAWARE, OHIO (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump on Thursday said he would accept a “clear† election result but r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. partnership with Turkey in countering Islamic State is “very strong,† U.S. Defense Sec
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stirred social media ire on Wednesday after he said
TOKYO/TAIPEI (Reuters) - Women in the Asia-Pacific region expressed dismay on Thursday about the U.S. presidential campaig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton accused Republican presidential rival Donald Trump on Wednesday of bein
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Ohio laid out a plan on Wednesday for the state to restore voting privileges for people who were
LAS VEGAS - As Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump prepared to go head-to-head with Democratic rival Hillary Clin
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina will pay up to $5,000 for tips leading to the arrest and conviction of those re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama welcomed Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to the White House on
SHERMANS DALE, Penn. (Reuters) - While Donald Trump often rails against a “rigged† election on Twitter and at rallies n
(The 18 October 2016 story was refiled to correct the typo in the last sentence to read likely “voters†) By Scott Malone
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it was ready to welcome any U.S. presidential candidate who wanted to
WASHINGTON/GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama lacerated Donald Trump on Tuesday over his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump supporters who plan to stake out polling sites on Election Day may find their own acti
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Michael Moore, the left-wing filmmaker known for provocative documentaries that deliver a biting mes
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Phoenix will hear arguments this week about resuming executions in Arizona, where a 2014 letha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Super PAC backing Republican Donald Trump is buying TV airtime in parts of Florida beginning thi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said Donald Trump’s embrace of Russian President Vladimir Putin w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Tuesday defended his campaign for a referendum on constit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the United States is committed to helping Europe add
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican in the U.S. Congress dimmed hopes that lawmakers might end the embargo on C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama urged Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to “stop wh
BOSTON (Reuters) - Former Boston Red Sox pitcher, failed video game entrepreneur and conservative political commentator C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. congressional candidates worried that Donald Trump’s struggling White House b
GREEN BAY, Wis./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday cited studies he said s
(Reuters) - Melania Trump rose to her husband’s defense on Monday, describing lewd comments the Republican presiden
(Reuters) - When former(Reuters) - Largely
President united called
Bill Clinton in theirparts
dislike of Republican
of Obamacare presidential
he put his Donald Trump,
wife Hillary someonultra-w
Clinton the d
drugs, which would be unpopular, they say. Clinton has also suggested creating a commission that would watch for sudden sp
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam supports U.S. “intervention† in the Asia-Pacific if it helps keep peace and stability, the defen
(Reuters) - Republican candidates in tight races across the country have tied themselves in knots trying to decide whether to d
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A senior State Department official sought to shield Hillary Clinton last year by pressuring the FBI to drop
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Police in North Carolina sought leads on Monday about a fire they believe was deliberately
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - After days of complaints about traffic jams at a major New York bridge in 2013, New Jersey Governor
GREEN BAY, Wis. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday will propose a five-year ban on exec
(Reuters) - Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, informally approached LionTree Advisors Chief Executive Aryeh Bou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s charitable foundation has stopped fundraising
ORLANDO (Reuters) - Ask John Mica why he sticks by Donald Trump, amid the defections of many fellow Republicans, and the
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump are in a tight race a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp unit Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co is being awarded a $743.17 million mod
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump dug deeper in his efforts to cast doubt on the legitim
CHARLOTTE, N.C./LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday charged that the w
(Reuters) - The local Republican Party headquarters in Orange County, North Carolina, was struck overnight with a flammable
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Silicon Valley heavyweight Peter Thiel will give $1.25 million as his first donation in support of Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump dug deeper in his efforts to cast doubt on the legitim
(Reuters) - Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence said on Sunday that evidence implicated Russia in recent email
GOA, India (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday shrugged off new U.S. threats to retaliate against alleged Ru
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s full remarks to several Wall Street audiences appeared
PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, fighting to overcome setbacks and polls s
GOA, India (Reuters) - Russia does not seek confrontation with the United States and is not trying to influence the upcoming p
EDISON, N.J. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged that the United States and India would
INCHEON, South Korea (Reuters) - LPGA chief Mike Whan says the Tour will back golf authorities no matter what decision they
NEW YORK (Reuters) - After a brutal week for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton maint
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign rallies have turned into eruptions
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama met on Friday with his national security team to discuss the fight against Is
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - A state judge in North Carolina gave residents in counties hit hard by Hurricane Matthew fiv
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - Americans traveling to Cuba will be allowed to bring home more of the communist-ruled i
SEATTLE, Wash. (Reuters) - Hacked emails published by Wikileaks this week appear to show Qatar pledging to donate $1 millio
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton leads rival Donald Trump by seven percentage points
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - Florida’s Supreme Court overturned a new state death penalty law on Friday because it does not re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a private speech to bankers three year
(In this Oct. 13 story, corrects description of legal standard regarding Trump in paragraph 15) By Alison Frankel and Dan Levin
GREENSBORO, N.C. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Friday accused Mexican billionaire Carl
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was set to add Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim as a ta
(Reuters) - New Hampshire’s Senate race is a dead heat between incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte and Governor Maggie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It will be difficult for future U.S. administrations to undo President Barack Obama’s policy of easi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of 48 lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday asked the Obama
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - World number one Novak Djokovic hopes Nick Kyrgios can learn some “life lessons† after the Aus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and his top foreign policy advisers are expected to meet on Friday to c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration, in its final weeks, plans to ease the legal obligations on prisoners to pay
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The death of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Thursday adds a new layer of uncertainty t
TORONTO (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump can be pursued for some claims made by investors
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A conservative nonprofit group that lobbies Republicans to support clean energy policy will spend m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With Donald Trump’s U.S. election prospects dimming and controversy swirling around him, futu
(Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s provocative proposals on immigration, trade and other issues
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Kerry Woolard, the 37-year-old manager of Trump Winery in Charlottesville, Virginia, went online in Jun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump denied multiple women’s claims that he sexual
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The New York Times said on Thursday that it stands by its story about two women who say Republic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and four other U.S. senators on Thursday
PRINCETON, N.J. (Reuters) - A citizen’s complaint against New Jersey Governor Chris Christie related to the “Bridgegate
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Foreign Ministry accused the Obama administration of destroying relations with Moscow in
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A foreign policy adviser to U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump has accused Washington of contribu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two women accused Donald Trump of inappropriate touching in a story published on Wednesday b
(Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s support has sharply fallen in Utah where a poll on Wednesda
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin insisted on Wednesday his country was not involved in a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump has fallen further behind Hillary Clinton and now trails her by 8 points among likely voter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign looked for ways to avoid damaging its relationship with th
(Reuters) - Florida residents were given six extra days to register to vote in the Nov. 8 election by a U.S. judge on Wednesday f
GREENSBORO, N.C. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trumpâ
OCALA, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump escalated his attacks on U.S. House of R
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The scandal that erupted in the United States over allegations Russia hacked Democratic Party emails ha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. lawmaker urged the Obama administration to suspend cooperation with a Saudi-led coalition
MOSCOW (Reuters) - It is hard to hold a dialogue with the current U.S. administration because it prefers diktat to dialogue, Ru
(Reuters) - Parliamentary elections in September showed that Russians do support their government, Russia’s President Vl
GENEVA (Reuters) - The world will be in danger if Republican nominee Donald Trump becomes president of the United States,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump lashed out at U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and oth
(Reuters) - The chairman of Democrat Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, John Podesta, said on Tuesday the FBI is inve
MIAMI, Fla. (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton recruited Al Gore, the former vice president in her husband’s administration, to raise
GREENSBORO, N.C. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama won two straight elections for the White House, but on Tuesday durin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign was worried about the “hard balance† she would need to strike as
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s hardline rhetoric on immigration might not trigge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An adviser to Donald Trump said on Tuesday he could not foresee any circumstances in the short or
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump said on Tuesday he does not want House Speaker Paul Ryan’s support after Ryan
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel moved this week to bolster his sagging political fortunes, delivering within
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, who has been mentioned as a poten
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reiterated his promise in Sunday’s debate t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to decide whether to block a lawsuit against former Atto
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will consider a variety of responses to Russia’s hacking o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama, highlighting his pledge to send people to Mars by the 2030s, on Tuesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a challenge by Procter & Gamble Co and other compan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Khizr Khan, the father of a decorated American soldier killed in Iraq, lashed out at Republican presid
PARIS (Reuters) - Europe should challenge the United States over its increasingly aggressive use of extraterritorial laws that ha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is confronting an emerging risk to her presidential ambitions - if Donal
NEW YORK/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The television audience for the second debate between White House contenders Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Ryan, the top Republican in the U.S. Congress, took the extraordinary step on Monday of distan
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Donald Trump has dismissed his vulgar sexual comments about women
(Reuters) - A longtime political adviser to Hillary Clinton last year urged her presidential campaign to support a new version of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Monday suffered another political setback when U.S. House of Representatives Sp
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump plunged into a deep crisis on Friday aft
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released a video statement on Facebook on Saturd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Monday that House of Representatives’
(Reuters) - Billionaire investor Warren Buffett denied on Monday an allegation by Republican presidential candidate Donald Tr
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Even before Sunday night's vicious presidential debate, Republican Donald Trump was losing ground
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump may have done just enough in Sunday’s presidential debate to keep his leaky pre
ST. LOUIS (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump publicly broke with his running mate, Mike Pence, on how to deal with the civi
(Reuters) - NBC has suspended television personality Billy Bush from the “Today† show after fallout over the host’s 2
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street stock index futures were little changed throughout Sunday’s highly contentious presiden
SYDNEY/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Investors and traders in Asia indicated on Monday they are mostly increasing their bets on De
PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - Haiti started burying some of its dead in mass graves in the wake of Hurricane Matthew, a govern
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump paced, frowned and physically loomed at times ov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There was a moment in Sunday’s U.S. presidential debate when Democrat Hillary Clinton was tr
WASHINGTON/ST. LOUIS (Reuters) - The U.S. Republican Party on Sunday confronted its biggest crisis in more than 40 years w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, facing eroding support from his party over lewd re
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s peso surged more than 1.8 percent against the dollar on Sunday ahead of the U.S. presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some prominent Republicans are urging Donald Trump to quit as the party’s presidential nomine
(Editors Note: Attention language that may be offensive to some readers in paragraphs 22, 23, 24) By Emily Stephenson and G
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Supporters of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Saturday expressed anger a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads Republican rival Donald Trump by 5 percentage
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Leaders of religious conservative groups largely stood behind Donald Trump on Saturday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government for the first time on Friday formally accused Russia of a campaign of cyber atta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump issued a video statement early on Saturday in r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, under fire for vulgar comments caught on tap
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton struggled with how to secure the endorsement of lab
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A settlement with U.S. regulators gives Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE) too much au
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. senator and civil groups critical of surveillance practices on Friday called on the government
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama formally announced the lifting of U.S. sanctions on Myanmar on Friday by t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump issued an apology on Friday after the release of a video in which the Republican presi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of a U.S. Senate cyber security subcommittee said on Friday he planned to introduce s
CHICAGO (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday cast his ballot for the Nov. 8 election during a trip to his hometown of
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday U.S. accusations that Russia was responsible for cyber
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two groups that support far-reaching curbs on legal immigration to the United States and ideological sc
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Donald Trump sympathizes with India in its recent escalation of tensions with Pakistan and supports sk
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said as many as 70 percent of federal agency regul
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The National Rifle Association is on track for record spending this year on U.S. political campaigns, in
HAVANA (Reuters) - Jill Biden, wife of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, arrived in Cuba on Thursday, the latest sign of the rapproc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump has backed away from a total ban on Muslims entering the United States, vice presid
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has pledged to raise taxes on the wealthy, preserve the Dodd-Fra
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to build a wall on the border with Mexico, boost spend
LONDON, Oct 6 (Reuters) - Officials from the U.S. government’s health research agency are to be questioned by a congress
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Republican Party website selling campaign stickers and other political gear is among thousand
(Corrects this Oct. 5 story’s headline to conform with quote from professor that a Trump defeat would upset the verdict o
HENDERSON, Nev. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump backed off from praising Vladimir Putin on
(Reuters) - America must work with all nations to build stronger economies, recognizing the inequalities that globalization can
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Confronted by Russia in Syria, Ukraine and cyberspace, the next U.S. president will be the fourth to
NEW YORK (Reuters) - An estimated 37 million Americans watched the U.S. vice presidential debate between Republican Mike
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House sharply criticized Israel on Wednesday over its plan for a new settlement building
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ford Motor Co (F.N) Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr. said on Wednesday he has met with Donald Tru
After going through a week reminiscent of Napoleon’s at Waterloo, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will lik
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Florida’s rapidly growing Puerto Rican population heavily favors Democrat Hillary Clinton over Repu
PARIS (Reuters) - The prospect Donald Trump could become president of the United States is “a big worry,† Alain Juppe
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The scandal over improper sales practices at Wells Fargo & Co extended to thousands of small-business
HAVERFORD, Pa. (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton slammed Republican Donald Trump on Tuesday for making disparaging c
(Reuters) - An Illinois law allowing voters in highly populated areas to register to vote at polling places on election day was rein
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. regulations, proposed by the Treasury to crack down on companies that try to reduce taxes by r
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says paying no income tax would make him “smart.
PUEBLO, Colo. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Monday he “brilliantly used† U.S. tax
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada, fearful of talk by the U.S. presidential candidates to reopen the North American Free Trade Agre
(Reuters) - Oklahoma’s highest court on Tuesday struck down a law imposing restrictions on abortion providers, including a
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer’s government introduced to Congress on Tuesday a landmark consti
VIENNA (Reuters) - Amid charges from Donald Trump that the U.S. presidential election could be “rigged† and concerns
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday appeared ready to rule against a Puerto Rican politician who m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New York’s attorney general ordered Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s chari
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign defended comments he made on
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Indiana Governor Mike Pence, the Republican nominee for U.S. vice president, lost another round in fede
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to rehear a bid to revive President Barack Obama’s
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. presidential race tightened in a number of traditional battleground states, though Democrat H
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a request to revive an investigation in Wisconsin into w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House expressed disappointment on Monday in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision no
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The investigative arm of Congress has agreed to examine whether a panel that oversees foreign inve
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Monday that a U.S. law allowing citizens to sue the kingdom over the Sept. 11 2001 att
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s decision to take a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax return showed his bu
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton told a majority-black church in North Carolina on Sunday that she knows her grand
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior Democratic lawmaker said Sunday he had “no doubt† that Russia was behind recent
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday advised U.S. Catholics who feel they are torn between two imp
MANHEIM, Pa. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump closed out a rough week for his campaign on Saturd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Veteran actor and frequent host Alec Baldwin returned to “Saturday Night Live† on Saturday, deb
(Reuters) - Hackers have probed the voting systems of many U.S. states but there is no sign that they have manipulated any vo
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s economy ministry believes a Donald Trump presidency would severely damage the U.S. econ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump increased his attacks on a former beauty queen wi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s newly created federal oversight board set an Oct. 14 deadline for the island’s gove
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump said he believed his assertion last year that Mexicans crossing the border illegally are “
NEW YORK (Reuters) - An exchange-traded fund focused on Mexico has become a weather vane for Republican Donald Trump
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton has a 5 percentage point lead over Republican Donald Trump in the U.S. presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers expressed doubts on Thursday about Sept. 11 legislation they forced on President B
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry condemned the passage of a U.S. law that would allow families of victim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congress on Wednesday overwhelmingly rejected President Barack Obama’s veto of legislation a
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said on Thursday that Republican opponent Donald
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Taco trucks in Houston have begun doubling as voter registration sites as Latinos in Texas flex their politi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Branding Donald Trump a “dangerous demagogue,† USA Today on Thursday urged its readers
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Families of Sept. 11 victims and others who may seek to sue foreign governments accused of supportin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government will open the doors next week to a new agency, with stronger data protection
(Reuters) - The Kansas Secretary of State and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have reached a temporary agreement
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A majority of Americans say Democrat Hillary Clinton won Monday night’s presidential debate, but
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Party progressives intent on reining in Wall Street are pushing Hillary Clinton to choose
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday signed into law the funding bill passed by Congress that will ke
RIYADH/DUBAI (Reuters) - A U.S. law allowing lawsuits against Saudi Arabia over the Sept. 11 attacks met a stony silence from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that Congress’s passage of a law allowing Sept. 11-related su
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Thursday there could be unintended conseque
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi riyal fell against the U.S. dollar in the forward foreign exchange market on Thursday after the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress approved a stop-gap funding bill on Wednesday that averts a looming federal gov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved and sent to President Barack Obama le
DURHAM, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton shared a stage with former rival Senator Berni
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia’s peace deal with the Marxist FARC rebel group will bring more investment to the country, b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which oversees the confirmation of f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. federal health agency said on Wednesday it had “expressly advised† Mylan NV (MYL.O
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s estimated net worth is $3.7 billion, $800 m
FORT LEE, Va. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Wednesday called the Senate’s vote to override his veto of legislation
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday signed a bill to end the statute of limitations f
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - In December 2013, as the “Bridgegate† scandal was unraveling, New Jersey Governor Chris Ch
BOSTON (Reuters) - A 2014 New Hampshire law prohibiting voters from taking selfies with their ballots on election day is an un
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Underperforming schools in the cash-strapped city of Detroit can be closed this school year, Michigan’
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Illinois Attorney General has appealed a federal judge ruling that blocks same-day registration at poll
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday slammed the Senate’s nearly unanimous vote to reje
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday sought to allay the concerns of Polish-Am
BOSTON (Reuters) - The Washington Post on Wednesday called on Maine Governor Paul LePage to resign, following a series o
HAVANA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s nomination of an ambassador to Cuba is welcome but he should still do mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen on Wednesday said Puerto Rico faces a fiscal crisis but that a solu
(Reuters) - Testimony by a former ally of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie that the Republican knew about the “Bridgega
RALEIGH, N.C. (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton sought on Tuesday to keep Republican rival Donald Trump on the defensive
NEW YORK/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The first presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Tr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has pledged to raise taxes on the wealthy, preserv
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to build a wall on the border with Mexico, boost spending o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate’s senior Democratic tax law writer says he will rip up a root of corporate tax avo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI is investigating suspected attempts to hack mobile phones used by Democratic Party official
MELBOURNE, Fla. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump got back on message on Tuesday after Democra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday nominated career diplomat Jeffrey DeLaurentis to be the first U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s climate change strategy faced a key test on Tuesda
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Bonds sold by U.S. states, cities, schools and other issuers in the municipal market could be held as liquid
(Reuters) - A Kansas judge extended voting rights through the Nov. 8 election of about 17,500 people who registered to vote a
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A federal judge in Illinois on Tuesday blocked same-day registration at polling places in the state’s mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday it was providing an additional $364 million in humanitar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A stop-gap funding bill to avoid a federal government shutdown later this week failed to garner eno
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday that he raised $13 millio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Justice Department official who oversaw efforts to prosecute Islamic State sympathize
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Opponents of a bill that would allow lawsuits against Saudi Arabia’s government over the Sept. 1
(Reuters) (Reuters) -Hillary
- Democrat Democratic
Clintonpresidential nominee
and Republican Hillary
Donald Clinton’s
Trump probability
traded barbs of winning
and accusations onthe White in
Monday House got debat
the first a mod
edge although Trump did a good job presenting himself as the candidate of change. “Her stamina answer was a real good -
BEIJING/TOKYO (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton put Donald Trump on the defensive and showed a better grasp of foreign policy issu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican White House candidate Donald Trump stole the social media spotlight during Monday night
HEMPSTEAD, New York (Reuters) - Running as an anti-establishment candidate, Donald Trump took the presidential debate st
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s probability of winning the White House gaine
MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. (Reuters) - In this flat, windy expanse just south of the Canadian border, U.S. Air Force pilots fly
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday avoided direct mention of a pipeline that has provoked hig
CANNON BALL, N.D./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three days after guard dogs attacked Native Americans protesting an oil pipelin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Mark Warner on Monday asked the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to
(Reuters) - Puppets resembling U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump squared off in New York City on
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexicans favor U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over Republican Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote on Wednesday on whether to override President Barack Obama’s veto
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton has pulled ahead of Republican rival Donald Trump in the traditional battlegro
NEW YORK (Reuters) - (This story corrects sixth paragraph to say Matt Schlapp was White House political director, not deputy.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump picked up the endorsement on Monday of the union re
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian diplomats are fanning out across the United States to talk up the benefits of trade with state an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Half of America’s likely voters will rely on the presidential debates to help them make their choic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Sunday told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton will press Republican Donald Trump to provide more specifics on his policie
NEW YORK (Reuters) - One would expect voters from the heavily Democratic Brooklyn neighborhood of Cobble Hill to pick pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence said on Sunday that Gennifer Flowers, who had a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - John Kerry had heard enough. After last week’s bombing of a U.N. aid convoy in Syria dealt a death
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently visiting the United States, will separately m
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A technician hired by Hillary Clinton to run the private email system she used while U.S. secretary of sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The New York Times endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for the White House on Saturday, saying she
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Ohio’s practice of rescinding voter registrations from people who fail to cast ballots is illegal, a cour
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s office turned a regional transportation agency into a “go
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has postponed a trip planned for Sunday to Ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States was relegated to the sidelines of the Syrian war on Friday as an all-out assault by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday vetoed legislation allowing families of victims of the Sept. 11 atta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton face off in their first presidential debate together on Monda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In an abrupt shift, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz endorsed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton had a four-percentage point advantage in support over Republican Donald Tru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House budget office scheduled a call with U.S government agencies on Friday to plan for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday welcomed the latest plan from congressional Republicans to fund the fe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Most of the emails the FBI recovered during its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e
BERLIN (Reuters) - Activists from the online campaign group Avaaz tore down a cardboard wall near the site of the former Ber
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Friday named U.S. Senator Mike Lee as a potential Supreme Court nominee, turnin
PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Thursday praised aggressive police tactics and condemned attacks on officers amid
CHESTER TOWNSHIP, Pa. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Thursday he would work with U.S
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton played it strictly deadpan while parrying decidedly o
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, in remarks at an African-American church on We
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A record number of local tax and bond measures will fill the California ballot this November, includ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Thursday proposed raising taxes on inherite
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton, suddenly vulnerable in the presidential race, is under pressure to deliver a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Live, unscripted and unpredictable, the first 2016 U.S. presidential debate on Monday is expected to se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A behind-the-scenes congressional battle to avoid a U.S. government shutdown broke into public vie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrats on the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives intelligence committees accuse
RICHMOND, VA. (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Thursday heard Virginia Democrats’ challenge to a Republican-backed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama intends to veto by Friday evening legislation allowing survivors and fam
(Reuters) - Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican rival Donald Trump face off on Monday in the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge threw out a challenge to a North Carolina law that allows government officials to refuse
MOSCOW (Reuters) - One of Vladimir Putin’s closest friends said on Thursday he believed Donald Trump would be the nex
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate cleared the way for a $1.15 billion sale of tanks and other military equipment to Sau
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Marco Rubio, the failed U.S. presidential contender, is battling to hold on to his U.S. Sen
(Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday warned Ukraine needs to live up to its promises economic and politica
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Bill Clinton on Wednesday called running his family’s charitable foundation on
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A number of U.S. cities are introducing proposals to mandate community oversight of police use of digital
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump opposes a long-planned transition of oversight
(Reuters) - Kansas sought on Wednesday to avoid a court ruling that could force the cash-strapped state to increase school fun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives would override any presidential veto of a bill allowing survivors a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The European Union on Wednesday called on President Barack Obama to block a U.S. bill allowing s
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been a hit with small donors, raking in two-th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional committee has launched an examination of the Food and Drug Administrationâ
WASHINGTON/HIGH POINT, N.C. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton consulted national security advis
NEW YORK (Reuters) - China and the United States will keep developing positive relations no matter who wins November’s
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Both sides would benefit if Israel recognized it cannot permanently occupy Palestinian land and i
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will raise concerns about Israeli settlement activity in Arab lands during a
(Reuters) - U.S. Senate lawmakers excoriated Wells Fargo & Co’s chief on Tuesday for his oversight of the bank as it opened
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took on the Wells Fargo & Co bogus-accounts case
(Reuters) - Wells Fargo & Co customers aiming to sue the bank over bogus accounts opened in their names may be in for an un
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday it is trying to persuade Congress not to press ahead with a bill that w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote on Wednesday on a measure to block the sale of tanks and other military e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. lawmakers launched an effort on Tuesday to modify a $38 billion military aid agreem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hundreds of top scientists warned on Tuesday against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trum
DALLAS (Reuters) - Former U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday entered the debate over the Trans-Pacific Partnership, h
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The maker of Skittles candies on Tuesday objected to a social media post by Donald Trump Jr. in which
WASHINGTON- Republican Donald
(Reuters) - When Trump may
Hillary haveattended
Clinton gotten it wrong
her firstwhen heWhite
major said the moderator
House meetingofon
the first U.S.
Russia presidential
in February 2009,deba
views on Russia were always a little harder-edged than President Obama’s,† said John Beyrle, Obama’s first ambassa
NEW YORK (Reuters) - With national security again a major U.S. election issue after bombings in New York and New Jersey, Hil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One in four registered voters in the United States live in areas that will use electronic voting machin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Monday and stre
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang agreed on Monday to step up cooperation
(Reuters) - The United States and China are targeting the finances of Hongxiang Industrial, a Chinese company headed by a Co
LOS ANGELES/WASHINGTON(Reuters) - The 27 states challenging Obama’s Clean Power Plan in court say the lower emissio
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton on Monday accused Republican Donald Trump of aiding Islamic State recru
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama met Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday and urged China to acc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will vote as soon as Wednesday on a joint resolution seeking to block a $1.15 billion
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - As the U.S. presidential election draws near, television’s stars didn’t hold back on their opinion
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - The mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, refused on Monday to back off an ordinance that h
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (Reuters) - An adviser to U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign said on Sund
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. society is uncomfortable with powerful women and that is why the United States has not yet electe
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is not expected to attend the trial this week of two former associate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Sunday condemned what she called the “app
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, Mike Pence, said he views former vice president
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine on Sunday accused Donald Trump of inciting v
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence released a letter from his doctor on Saturday declaring Don
NEW YORK (Reuters) - An election analysis conducted in the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project shows that the race ha
MIAMI (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Friday called for disarming the bodyguards who protect his Democratic rival Hillary Clinto
MIAMI (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Friday that if elected he would seek to reverse Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday abandoned his false claim that Barack Ob
FAIRFAX, Va. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign deployed a popular surrogate on Frida
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party hopeful Jill Stein have failed t
PARIS (Reuters) - Edinson Cavani silenced his critics when he scored four goals in Paris St Germain’s 6-0 victory at Caen in L
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ohio’s Republican governor, John Kasich, took over the White House briefing lectern on Friday to
(This Sept 15 story corrects “asked† in first paragraph to “raised with† California lawmakers) By Gabriel Stargard
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Financial Services Committee has opened a probe into Wells Fargo’s sales practic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday met with Ohio’s Republican Governor John Kasich and other h
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Friday signed a bill to allow businesses across the state to carr
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - As he seeks re-election to his U.S. Senate seat this November, Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey can m
LINCOLN PARK,(Reuters) - U.S.- Republican
Ga. (Reuters) Louis Brooks,presidential nominee
87, has walked Donald
to cast Trump,
a vote at his who has long questioned
neighborhood President
polling place Barack Oba
in Georgia’s pr
percent of the population, officials consolidated seven polling locations into one to make the county compliant with federal di
CHICAGO (Reuters) - London’s first Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, voiced support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday said he had better things to do than comment on Republican
(The September 15 story was refiled to correct to $4.4 trillion tax cut, not cost of plan in third paragraph) By Emily Stephenson
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Apple Inc and other U.S. multinationals will face new curbs on tax loopholes under a rule imposed b
LONDON (Reuters) - If the fallout from a huge EU tax bill handed to Apple includes a push to encourage U.S. firms to bring mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five Democratic U.S. Senators have asked Wells Fargo if it plans to take back bonuses and other com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S congressional intelligence committee on Thursday issued a scathing report accusing former Na
GREENSBORO, N.C. (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton got back on the campaign trail on Thursday after taking three days off for pneum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, one of the leaders of the “birther† movemen
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday appeared to weigh into a debate over a c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump Jr. sought on Thursday to clarify his remark that the media would be “warming up
GREENSBORO, N.C. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said on Thursday the success of the Syrian cea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators questioned State Department officials closely on Thursday about corruption in Afghan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Concerns about coordinating U.S. derivatives regulation with that of other countries dominated a Se
(Reuters) - The Virginia Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a Republican bid to have Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe h
(Reuters) - Donald Trump knows he could stand to lose a few pounds but otherwise is in great health, campaign adviser Sarah
BERLIN (Reuters) - If U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wins the election in November, it would be problem
FLINT, Mich. (Reuters) - The pastor of a black church in Flint, Michigan, stopped Donald Trump on Wednesday in the midst of h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will give Israel $38 billion in military assistance over the next decade, the largest s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Another U.S. Republican senator has moved closer to re-election while keeping some distance from
BOSTON (Reuters) - Americans blame political gridlock in Washington for the country’s declining economic competitivenes
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) - Missouri lawmakers pushed through bills on Wednesday eliminating the need for permits to carr
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Wednesday moved to show t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell revealed distaste for both U.S. presidential candidates, but le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican congressman Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hackers are targeting state Democratic Party officials and have successfully breached and imperson
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly half of American adults are “very concerned† about two issues that have hounded Hillary
(Reuters) - Members of Maná, the Spanish-language pop band, are embarking on what they hope will be their most influentia
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation would spin off its flagship health project into a “compl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine is expected to release his medical records later on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that a new $38 billion aid package will help ensure Isra
(This 13th September story was refiled to correct the headline and first paragraph to make clear more documents released fro
(Reuters) - New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said on Tuesday he had opened an inquiry into the Donald J. Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mylan NL Chief Executive Officer Heather Bresch will appear at a Sept. 21 congressional hearing ove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Delaying or blocking a planned transition of oversight of the Internet’s technical management fro
COLUMBUS, Ohio (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy has triggered anguished soul searching among many c
(This Sept. 13 story corrects bureau’s name to Federal Bureau of Investigation in paragraph 6, not Federal Bureau of Inform
(Reuters) - The Obama Administration plans to increase the number of refugees admitted to the United States by 30 percent i
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Carl Icahn continued to throw his support behind the Republican U.S. presidential ca
WHITE PLAINS, New York (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will meet with Egyptian President A
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it viewed U.S. President Barack Obama’s recent statements on Repu
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - With Hillary Clinton sidelined by pneumonia, President Barack Obama took up the Democrats’ fi
(Reuters) - A British tourist who caused a security scare at a Donald Trump campaign rally in Las Vegas in June by trying to grab
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who is recuperating from pneumonia, plans to
NASHVILLE (Reuters) - A Tennessee lawmaker was expelled from the state’s House of Representatives on Tuesday followin
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Tuesday vetoed a bill to end state sales taxes on feminine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Critics of a plan for the U.S. government to cede control of the Internet’s technical management
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has weathered negative headlines as jobs, conventio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A House of Representatives panel on Tuesday approved a proposal to revamp the Dodd-Frank Wall
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman said on Tuesday that Republican presidential candidate Donald
LONDON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy could be $1 trillion smaller than otherwise expected in 2021 if Republican candidate Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic leaders of the U.S. Senate said on Tuesday they expected the chamber would vote t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s advisers would recommend he veto a bill in the House of Representati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American intelligence agencies are concerned about reports that foreign governments may be attem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It was classic Hillary Clinton, ignoring medical advice and attending a ceremony on a sultry New York
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan is expected to cruise to re-election in his Wisconsin congressional dist
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is scheduled to return to the campaign trail on Frida
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Tuesday he would use his power to block the confirmation of a ke
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday will propose allowing families to de
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s bout of pneumonia has shed light on a problem seldom seen by American voter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major technology companies including Facebook, Google and Twitter are urging Congress to suppor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump opened the latest outpost in his real estate empire
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Monday that U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Ja
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton said on Monday she could resume presidential campaigning in a couple of
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - A former California lawmaker was sentenced to six months in prison and six months in home c
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday urged U.S. insurers offering coverage next year under his national healthcare
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said after meeting with the top four congressional leaders on Monday he w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former CIA Director James Woolsey, a vocal advocate of the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq who prom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four Republican members of Congress on Monday urged U.S. auto safety regulators to convene an i
The following timeline charts the origin and spread of the Zika virus from its discovery nearly 70 years ago: 1947: Scientists res
Global health officials are racing to better understand the Zika virus behind a major outbreak that began in Brazil last year and
(This version of the Sep. 11 story corrects the condition to hypothyroidism in paragraph 28) By Amanda Becker NEW YORK (Re
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A U.S. congresswoman urged the Labor Department on Monday to investigate Chipotle Mexican Grill for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will host Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi for an official visit on Oct. 18,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. State Department spokesman, commenting on remarks by Philippine President Rodrigo Duter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders in the U.S. Congress on Monday were making progress toward temporarily funding the gove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Monday that health is an issue in the camp
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has canceled a campaign trip to California because of
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Would-be presidential assassin John Hinckley Jr. was released from a psychiatric hospital on Saturday, m
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump appears to have carved out a wider path to the White House as a number of
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton clashed over national security
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Saturday said she regretted saying “half† of
(Reuters) - The Democratic National Committee on Friday said it settled part of a federal lawsuit over the actions of Arizona po
PENSACOLA, Fla. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump once famously said he could shoot someone on N
PENSACOLA, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed on Friday that any Iranian vessels tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign, widely criticized for refusing to release the ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation on Friday that would allow the families of victim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama has invited congressional leaders to the White House on Monday in an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has formed a threat analysis team to study potential national security c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid by Michigan to reinstate its Republican-backed ban
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday reiterated that President Barack Obama would veto a bill that would allo
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s spokeswoman said on Friday Clinton’s plan to curb d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday named a retired U.S. Air Force brigadier general as the governmentâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s U.S. military buildup plan would cost hundreds
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton reflected on her religious faith on Thursday
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - President Enrique Pena Nieto on Wednesday replaced his close ally and finance minister, Luis Videgar
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s new finance minister on Thursday delivered a stern reproach to Donald Trump, saying th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement still fa
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton slammed Republican rival Donald Trump
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday said he was against the Iraq war all along
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers said Thursday they will seek to recover the missing emails of Colin Powell from his time
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. senators introduced a joint resolution on Thursday seeking to block the U.S. sale of $1.15 b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief of the U.S. Air Force’s fire services has been indicted on charges of illegally disclosing D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday called on the Republican-led U.S. Congress to allow an up-or-d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About 10,000 retired coal miners and their families descended on the U.S. Congress on Thursday to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson framed an embarrassing lapse on foreign affa
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday ended his ban on press creden
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump declared on Wednesday that Russia’s Vladimir Putin had been a better leader than U
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama hit back at Donald Trump on Thursday for criticizing his foreign policy reco
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday defended his country’s human rights record at a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will hold a news conference on Thursday mor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers sought on Wednesday to break a logjam over $1.1 billion in funding to combat the Z
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said on Wednesday she hoped “cooler heads w
LIMA (Reuters) - The head of Peru’s central bank said on Wednesday he gets the goose bumps when he thinks about what
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives will discuss next week wh
OXFORD, England (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Wednesday warned Russia against interfering with Western
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A sheriff’s department in North Dakota is investigating possible charges against the U.S. Green P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate’s permanent subcommittee on investigations will probe Mylan Pharmaceuticals
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has offered Saudi Arabia more than $115 billion in
(Reuters) - A graffiti artist lampooned Maine Governor Paul LePage in a mural depicting the two-term Republican wearing a Ku
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump raised about $90 million in August in his campaign for the Nov. 8 U.S. pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen on Wednesday said he will likely vote for U
U.S. President Barack Obama visited a street market in Luang Prabang on Wednesday (September 7), where he greeted res
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Wednesday rejected an effort by news media to force prosecutors in the Ge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two leading critics of President Barack Obama’s moves toward normal relations with Cuba introd
(Note: Paragraphs 1 and 9 contain strong language that might offend some readers) By Arshad Mohammed and Jeff Mason W
GREENVILLE, N.C., Va./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump invoked religion, talked of un
BOSTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Supporters
(Reuters) of Merrickthat
- U.S. companies Garland,
have President
expressedBarack Obama’s
the most U.S. Supreme
fervent public Court
support for selection,
President on Tues
Barack Oba
to be perceived as espousing progressive climate policies on the one hand, while funding climate deniers on the other,† she
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - (Note: paragraphs 1, 6 and 19 contain language that may offend some readers) New Philippines Preside
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized Republican rival Donald Trump on Tuesday
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said on Tuesday that the defense relationship with the Philippines w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 House Democrat, on Tuesday said he opposed any temp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in Congress are planning a light legislative agenda as they return from their long summe
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Monday she will not accept an invitation from Mexica
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will likely hold talks with Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a leaders
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama may speak informally with Philippine counterpart Rodrigo Duterte but is n
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - The United States announced on Tuesday it would provide an additional $90 million over the next three
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - The Philippines said on Tuesday that President Rodrigo Duterte regretted comments he made about U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Phyllis Schlafly, who became a “founding mother† of the modern U.S. conservative movemen
CANFIELD, Ohio/CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton opened a final two-month sprint to the Nov. 8 electi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The federal appointees tapped to help map Puerto Rico’s economic future are technocrats more tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative commentators on Sunday mistakenly accused Reuters of pulling the plug on the final m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly died on Monday at 92. Following are some facts about her:
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (Reuters) - In a new twist to his immigration proposals, U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Tru
HAMPTON, Ill. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Monday expressed concern about “credible
(Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, on Monday said that she was not distracted by rum
YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has previously accused the Federal Res
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli supporters of U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have opened a campaign offi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine on Sunday defended Hillary Clinton against criticis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A close ally of Donald Trump said talks about the cost of building a wall with Mexico was not suppos
TORONTO (Reuters) - Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on Sunday criticized Donald Trump’s potential plan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, under questioning by federal investigators over whether she had been briefed on ho
DETROIT (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stepped up his bid to win over minority voters by addres
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Donald Trump sought to sell Americans on his tough approach to immigration on Friday, meeting in
(Reuters) - Two key U.S. congressional committee members on Friday called for an investigation into whether Mylan NV, unde
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has pulled into an effective tie with Democratic rival Hillary Clinto
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Christie said on Friday the state would begin taxing income earned by people who
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican senator is proposing legislation to empower the government to retaliate if a U.S. administr
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton said on Friday that if elected to the White House she would create an ove
BOSTON (Reuters) - (Editor’s note: This story contains language in the second paragraph that may offend readers) The pres
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has run an unusually cheap campaign in part by not  p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation on multiple occasions during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation will shut down its fundraising affiliates in Sweden and the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Journalists from NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox News will moderate the three scheduled debates between
WILMINGTON, Ohio/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some of Donald Trump’s Hispanic backers distanced themselves from the R
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said he did not know who was behind the hacking of U.S. Democratic Pa
MIDWAY ATOLL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama snorkeled on Thursday in the electric-blue water off Midway Atoll, a remo
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - Barack Obama starts his last trip to Asia on Saturday as U.S. president, aiming to put a fina
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Romanian hacker nicknamed “Guccifer† who helped expose the existence of a private ema
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s effort to clarify his position on illegal immigration during visi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In a speech on Wednesday in Phoenix, Arizona, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump outline
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democrat Hillary Clinton raised about $143 million in August for her presidential bid and the De
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign criticized the Iran nuclear deal a
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s pledge to make Mexico pay for a border wall is “outrageous,† its governme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats would not agree to postponing completion of this year’s spending legisla
(Editor’s note: This story contains language in the second paragraph that may offend readers) BOSTON (Reuters) - Maine l
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed on Wednesday that anyone who is in the United S
HONOLULU (Reuters) - Preserving natural places will help the world adapt to warming temperatures, U.S. President Barack Ob
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s president rebuked Donald Trump as a threat to his country just hours after painting a po
(Reuters) - Maine Governor Paul LePage said on Wednesday he would not resign and was seeking spiritual advice after unleash
(Reuters) - A life-sized nude statue of U.S. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump is going up for auction, with profit
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed on Wednesday that anyone who is in the United S
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Wednesday told Donald Trump that Mexico would not pay
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a bid by North Carolina to reinstate for Novemberâ
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Wednesday told U.S. Republican presidential candidate Do
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Wednesday he and Mexican President En
PARIS (Reuters) - France’s far-right National Front party leader, Marine Le Pen, voiced support for U.S. Republican presiden
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Wednesday appointed a seven-member board to oversee a
(Reuters) - An initial check showed that Takata Corp 7312.T air bag parts and material involved in a deadly explosion in a truck
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Within minutes of Donald Trump saying he would visit Mexico, one of the front-runners to become th
CINCINNATI (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, speaking to a U.S. veterans group on Wednesday, m
(Editor’s note: This story contains language that may offend readers in the fourth paragraph) By Scott Malone BOSTON (Re
(Reuters) - Virginia Republican leaders said they will file a contempt motion on Wednesday against Democratic Governor Terry
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators John McCain and Marco Rubio won their party’s nominations on Tuesd
(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Tuesday vetoed a bill to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour
EVERETT, Washington (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump on Tuesday night called Democrats the “party of slavery† a
PHOENIX (Reuters) - The Arizona sheriff famous for his tough stance on illegal immigration and keeping jail inmates in tents ea
BOSTON (Reuters) - (Editor’s note: This story contains language that may offend some readers in the sixth and final paragra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Elizabeth Warren and 19 other U.S. senators voiced concern to the chief executive of Myl
EVERETT, Washington/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump, who has made his criticism of a pending Pacific tra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator John McCain survived a Tea Party challenge when he won Arizona’s Republican nominati
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto will meet U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, who last month lost her job as head of th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI plans to hand over some of its notes from its interview with U.S. Democratic presidential can
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pastor Marks Burns, a prominent supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, apol
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Marco Rubio, who dropped out of the Republican presidential race earlier this year, was chosen on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The successful conclusion of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade talks remains the top legislative item
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in Congress, including party Senate leader Harry Reid, asked the FBI to investigate conce
(Reuters) - A former Virginia politician who was jailed over a sex scandal involving a teenage girl leads a crowded field running
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley opened the door to holding a hearing on President Obama’s Suprem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama shortened the prison sentences of 111 convicts serving time for drug-r
PARIS/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - France cast serious doubt on Tuesday on the prospects of an EU free trade deal with the United S
MUNCIE, Indiana (Reuters) - One night a month, retired auto workers shuffle into a former elementary school classroom here
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California lawmakers, responding to outrage over the six-month jail term given to a former Stanford
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and India signed an agreement on Monday governing the use of each other’s
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Six U.S. senators have urged President Barack Obama to prioritize cyber crime at this weekend’s Gro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Huma Abedin, one of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s top aides, said on Mond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation has found breaches in Illinois and Arizona’s voter registratio
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California would become the first U.S. state to require farmers to pay overtime to field worker
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union’s executive said on Monday it had a unanimous mandate from the bloc’s 28
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will have a bilateral meeting with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan du
DETROIT (Reuters) - Three Congressional leaders on Monday asked top federal environmental and safety officials to extend by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will study whether to discontinue using privately run det
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to meet with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Sept
(Reuters) - U.S. representatives Jason Chaffetz and Elijah Cummings of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Re
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Republican National Committee asked the charity of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s famil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Although the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election is more than two months away, the first ballots will be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Barack Obama sets out this week to meet world leaders in China and Laos during hi
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Outside political money is pouring into a race in Nevada to replace U.S. Democratic Senator Harry Reid,
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly a third of U.S. counties likely will be served by only one insurer that participates in an Affordable
BANJA LUKA, Bosnia (Reuters) - A Bosnian Serb factory on Monday presented two pairs of shoes as a gift for the wife of U.S. R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday night that he would make a
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump offered fresh details of how he would tack
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former top adviser to President Barack Obama on Sunday labeled Donald Trump a “psychopat
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Sunday that talks on the Transatlantic Trade and In
(Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton on Saturday received her first national security briefing since accepting her party’s nom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton called on Friday for voters to reject the “bigotry† of Donald Trumpâ€
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads her Republican rival Donald Trump by 5 pe
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner urged lawmakers on Friday to allow voters in 2018 to decide w
(Reuters) - Maine Governor Paul LePage apologized on Friday for an obscenity-laced voicemail he left for a lawmaker who he b
WhenBarack Obama
President became
Barack Obama theentered
first African-American
the White Housetoinwin thethe
2009, White House
federal in 2008,
appeals his based
court victoryi
ruled that a death row inmate should be able to file a new appeal. When announcing three of his nominees to the appeals co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration proposed a rule on Friday aimed at attracting thousands of immigrant en
BERLIN (Reuters) - Paul Wolfowitz, a Republican adviser to former U.S. President George W. Bush, plans to vote for Democrat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will dramatically expand the PapahÄ naumokuÄ kea Marine Nationa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said on Friday the Clinton Foundation was seek
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A selection of recent U.S. appeals court rulings in which Obama judicial appointees played a significa
(Reuters) - A U.S. judge ordered the State Department on Thursday to release by Sept. 13 any emails it finds between Hillary C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top White House officials met on Thursday with Democratic and Republican presidential campaign r
RENO, Nev./MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump on Thursd
(Reuters) - Mylan NV said on Thursday it would reduce the out-of-pocket costs of its emergency EpiPen allergy injection for so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Thursday that the Senate will not vote on Pres
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda on Thursday asked Republican presidential nominee Donald T
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is focusing an effort to win over Asian American vo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama is still committed to closing the U.S. prison for terrorism suspects at Gu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation, the family philanthropy of Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Cl
(Reuters) - Since announcing her presidential bid last year, Hillary Clinton has had to field questions about the Bill, Hillary & Ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Immigration advocates on Thursday mounted a long-shot effort to revive part of U.S. President Bara
PALO ALTO, California (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton will accuse Donald Trump of embracing a brand of U.S. political con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mylan NV’s move on Thursday to expand discount programs for its EpiPen allergy treatment was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton praised the peace deal between Colombia and the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. senator seen by Silicon Valley as one of the technology industry’s main foes in Congress is
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday the United States believed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump threatened on Wednesday to slap tariffs on Chines
JACKSON, Miss. (Reuters) - Nigel Farage, a key figure in the successful campaign to get Britain out of the European Union, lent
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange said on Wednesday his organization planned to
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California lawmakers voted to extend the state’s climate change fighting efforts out to 2030 on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called on pharmaceutical company Mylan NV to vo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - When Donald Trump named a little-known U.S. energy consultant as part of his foreign policy team, the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - If the U.S. presidential election were held today, Democrat Hillary Clinton would win the key swing stat
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump held out the possibility on Tuesday of a softenin
LONDON (Reuters) - Nigel Farage, an anti-immigration politician who was a figurehead of the successful campaign to get Britai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday said pharmaceutical firms risked damaging their reputations with b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is scheduled to receive a pre-election briefing from
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican rival Donald Trump by 12 percentage
DENVER (Reuters) - Kansas on Tuesday asked a U.S. appeals court to reinstate rules requiring proof of U.S. citizenship from pe
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Potential action this week by Illinois’ biggest public pension fund could put a big dent in the state’
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton on Tuesday vowed to make starting a small business in the United States as
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas and four other states sued the Obama administration on Tuesday over extending its healthcar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After struggling to find a consistent message and consolidate party support, Donald Trump is honing
(Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld an Ohio law passed in 2014 that shortened the state’s early voting p
RIGA (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden told Baltic leaders on Tuesday not to take seriously comments by Republican pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. budget deficit is expected to grow to $590 billion in fiscal year 2016 due to slower than exp
COLUMBUS, Ohio/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rob Portman is largely ignoring Donald Trump, which is hard to do in U.S. politics
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton said on a late-night television show on Monday that sometimes she feels sh
AKRON, Ohio (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump urged the Justice Department on Monday to appoint
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden met Costa Rica’s President Luis Guillermo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A judge ordered the U.S. State Department on Monday to review for possible release 14,900 of Hilla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior lawmakers on the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee on Monday pushed for informa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers called on U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Monday to overhaul proposed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior aide to U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump signaled a possible shift in his h
(Reuters) - Donald Trump’s U.S. presidential campaign sealed a major staff reshuffle with the resignation on Friday of its ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI and U.S. Justice Department are investigating possible U.S. ties to alleged corruption involvin
BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump toured flood-battered Louisiana on Friday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leading Democrats are growing increasingly worried that the hackers who made public leaked docu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton does not need to give sworn testimony in a laws
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The largest program of the Clinton Foundation, the family philanthropy of U.S. Democratic presidential
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads Republican rival Donald Trump by 8 percentage
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Advisers to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump pledged to U.S. agricultural groups that he w
NEW YORK (Reuters) - An artists’ collective took credit for exposing Donald Trump to unflattering scrutiny on Thursday, say
KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker on Friday divulged more details of what he said were payments made to Donald Trump
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump apologized on Thursday for past remarks that â€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told federal investigators that former Secretary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation will stop accepting foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton is elect
(Reuters) - Hackers targeted the computer systems of presidential candidate Donald Trump and Republican Party organization
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. State Department video of a press briefing about secret U.S.-Iran nuclear talks was deliberate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Thursday it released $400 million in cash to Iran under a tribunal
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf on Thursday nominated the state’s inspector general to serve as i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable foundation hired the security firm FireEye to examine its data
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican Donald Trump overhauled his presidential campaign team on Wednesday for the second time in le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI documents about the agency’s investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Cli
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two major mergers in agricultural technology and seeds could hurt competition in the industry and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s new campaign manager said on Wednesday she would encourage the Republica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, help
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Tuesday it had turned over to the U.S. Congress a numb
WASHINGTON/PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s White House transition team, a mix of former advisers of Preside
CODY, Wyo. (Reuters) - Liz Cheney, former Vice President Dick Cheney’s eldest daughter, claimed victory late on Tuesday
WEST BEND, Wis. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said if elected he would force top administration
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a 6-percentage-point lead over Republican rival Do
WEST BEND, WIS. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday delivered his most aggressive ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The government is offering to help states protect the Nov. 8 U.S. election from hacking or other tam
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Tuesday he was willing to meet with Donald Trump, m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI said Tuesday it would expect Congress to obtain FBI approval before releasing any of the do
BERLIN (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ignored the facts with his assertion that German Chancello
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump named 64 agriculture policy advisors on Tuesday, in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is expected to receive his first national security brie
(Reuters) - Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane announced her resignation on Tuesday, one day after a jury convicte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Roger Ailes, the Fox News chairman ousted last month after sexual harassment allegations, is not ad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI on Tuesday will deliver a report to U.S. lawmakers explaining why the law enforcement agen
WEST HARRISON, N.Y. (Reuters) - Looking to lay the groundwork for her presidency if she wins the White House in November,
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump said on Monday he would work closely with NATO allies to defeat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Carolina on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to allow a state law requiring voters to sho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Asia experts who served in past Republican administrations said on Monday they would back H
CHILMARK, Mass. (Reuters) - Declaring he was tired of talking about Donald Trump, President Barack Obama urged Democrats
(Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Monday that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s remark tha
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli branch of the U.S. Republican party began a campaign on Monday to get American voters li
FAIRFIELD, Conn. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Donald Trump on Saturday repeated his attack on President Barack Obama that h
(Reuters) - Senator Ben Sasse was in a fairly lonely place when he wrote on his Facebook page back in February that he could n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior official with the Republican National Committee on Sunday played down the prospect that
ALGONAC, MICH.—Parker Fox drifted out of the Donald Trump rally in a sort of euphoric daze, along with the thousands emp
ALTOONA, Pa. (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump on Friday backed away from comments calling President Barack Obama a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton on Friday released her 2015 tax returns, which showed the Democratic presidential n
CODY, Wyo. (Reuters) - Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s eldest daughter, bouncing back from an aborted 2014 U.S. Se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If you haven’t heard a lot about what Hillary Clinton thinks of a string of controversial comments
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A California lawmaker next week will introduce a bill requiring 15 percent of all vehicles sold in the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton led Republican Donald Trump by more than 5 percentage points in the Reuter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence officials told top congressional leaders a year ago that Russian hackers were attacki
ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign team is to meet officials from th
WASHINGTON/MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump called President Barack Obama and Democratic rival H
WARREN, Mich. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Thursday said rival Donald Trump had no
(Reuters) - A former North Carolina staffer is suing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, saying a top employee in the sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A foreign policy adviser to U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump confirmed his attendance at a m
(Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign has settled a legal dispute with former aide Sam Nu
CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has shifted $81 million in funds from
Global health officials are racing to better understand the Zika virus behind a major outbreak that began in Brazil last year and
The following timeline charts the origin and spread of the Zika virus from its discovery nearly 70 years ago: 1947: Scientists res
ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump acknowledged on Thursday that his campaign was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said on Thursday he believed Hillary Clinton would stick with P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will release her 2015 tax returns and her runn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said the Obama administration may announce as early a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In response to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s accusation that Democrat Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said the recent cyber attack on Democratic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Wednesday accused Republican opponent Dona
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday tried to raise ethical questi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal official on Wednesday said the U.S. Secret Service had not formally spoken with Republica
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly one-fifth of registered Republicans want Donald Trump to drop out of the race for the White Ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said Republican Donald Trump’s
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former aide to Chris Christie said in a text message that the New Jersey governor “flat out lied†
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday suspended a July 19 ruling by a federal judge that struck down parts of Wiscon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States does not tarnish
WILMINGTON, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested on Tuesday that gun rights activists
BERLIN (Reuters) - A series of controversial remarks by U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump show that the wor
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan handily won a primary election for his congressional
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will visit Serbia and Kosovo next week, the White House said on Tuesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Jeff Flake said on Tuesday that Republican nominee Donald Trump will not be able to w
(Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump, a former reality TV star, has yet to spend a dime on television advertising for his White H
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s governor said on Tuesday he expected to present an updated fiscal plan for the debt-l
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s lead over Republican rival Donald Trump increase
Global health officials are racing to better understand the Zika virus behind a major outbreak that began in Brazil last year and
The following timeline charts the origin and spread of the Zika virus from its discovery nearly 70 years ago: 1947: Scientists res
(Reuters) (Reuters)
- When - Billionaire
Hewlett Packardactivist investor
Enterprise CEOCarl
MegIcahn said on
Whitman CNBC on last
announced Tuesday
thatDonald Trump is “right
she wouldn’t on about
vote for her party
said. Both Clinton and Trump have also struggled to convert many donors who gave to their opponents in the primary. Bernie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday said it was time for Congress to lay aside politics and to act to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will participate in the three debates set by a d
DETROIT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump sought to regain momentum for his White House campaign on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Susan Collins of Maine said on Monday she will not vote for fellow Republican Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fifty prominent Republican national security officials, including a former CIA director, on Monday ca
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A vanquished challenger to Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan filed a federal lawsuit on Monday aga
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former CIA officer and congressional staffer on Monday launched a long-shot bid for president, a R
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire hedge fund manager Seth Klarman said on Wednesday he would work to get Hillary Clinton e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump will call for a top income tax rate of 33 percent, rathe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump would impose a temporary moratorium on new fe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will propose allowing parents to deduct spendi
(Reuters) - Helen Delich Bentley, a former journalist and a U.S. Republican congresswoman from Maryland who gained global
WINDHAM, N.H. (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump on Saturday ended a tough week for his campaign in the state that laun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If Mike Pence had any doubts about what life would be like on the 2016 Republican presidential tick
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration released a redacted version of President Barack Obama’s once-secre
GREEN BAY, Wis./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump acted to steer his White House campaign back into favo
(Reuters) (Reuters)
- U.S. - Democratic
Republican presidential
presidential nominee
candidate DonaldHillary
TrumpClinton’s lead over Republican
on Friday announced his team ofrival Donaldadvisers,
economic Trump narrowe
among w
CEO of Federal Savings Bank, and National Bancorp Holdings. He is a commissioned Army officer and received his MBA from N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s team of economic policy advisers is packed w
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Carl Icahn turned down an invitation to join Republican presidential candidate Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is expected to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday called on Congress to approve additional funding to combat th
(Reuters) - A former top CIA official attacked Donald Trump on Friday as a danger to national security, saying President Vladim
(Please note strong language in paragraphs 3, 11) By Jill Serjeant (Reuters) - Clint Eastwood, the 86-year-old four-time Oscar w
(Reuters) - The mayor of Stockton, California, was arrested on Thursday on a felony eavesdropping charge stemming from a st
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama confirmed on Thursday that Donald Trump will get national security briefin
WASHINGTON/PORTLAND, Me. (Reuters) - Supporters of Republican Donald Trump urged him to get back on message on Thu
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Groups of wealthy Republicans unhappy with Donald Trump have been privately courtin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of former U.S. national security officials, including some who have worked for top Republica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday that he saw no point in bringing up the Trans-Pacific
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross stood behind Republican Donald Trump but urged him to stop engaging
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration said on Wednesday that $400 million in cash paid to Iran soon after the r
WASHINGTON/JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s White House campaign was in turmoil on Wednesday after
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton extended her lead over Republican rival Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama cut short the prison terms of 214 convicts on Wednesday, the largest numb
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign has solicited
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nazar Naqvi has faithfully voted Republican for more than three decades. After Donald Trump’s feu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign took in $80 million last month,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence on Wednesday said he endorsed U.S. House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House is focused and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump ratcheted up tensions in his party on Tuesday b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representative Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, a Tea Party favorite who often feuded with Republican lea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Donald Trump’s presidential campaign appealed to Capitol Hill for support on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama issued a scathing attack of Donald Trump on Tuesday for criticizing a Musli
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday brushed off billionaire investor Wa
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesday rejected Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s pretrial bi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chris Christie, a close ally of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, distanced himself on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Tuesday declined to endorse two fellow Republicans, U.S. House of Representativ
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three senior officials with the Democratic National Committee have resigned, the DNC s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shot back at President Barack Obama’s cri
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Party communications director Luis Miranda is expected to leave the Democratic Nation
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump on Sunda
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - The billionaire industrialist Koch brothers rejected pressure over the weekend from doz
(Reuters) - Alast
“Angela waryear
of words between
paid more taxesDonald Trump
than GE,†and the parents
 Pelletier of a Muslim
says. “And she’sU.S.the
soldier killed in
one losing Iraq
her in 2004
job.†is dominating
 Valero tells me
atically lowering the standard of living of American workers. “It’s a race to the bottom,† she says. The Disney case g
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton raised nearly $90 million in July for her campa
LONDON (Reuters) - A British man detained in the United States for allegedly trying to wrestle a gun from a police officer at a D
OMAHA, Neb. (Reuters) - Billionaire investor Warren Buffett on Monday campaigned alongside U.S. Democratic presidential ca
(Reuters) - Governor of Colorado John Hickenlooper on Monday criticized Donald Trump’s comments about fracking, sayin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday fired senior adviser Ed Brookover,
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump rejected criticism from the father of a soldier killed in Iraq who said the Republican presi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday that U.S. accusations that Moscow was behind a hack of De
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that U.S. allegations Moscow was behind the hacking of Democratic Party e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Russian intelligence services hacked into
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Sunday that Russian intelligence servic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, responding to remarks by Republican presidential
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican candidate Donald Trump said he is unhappy with the dates set for this fall’s presiden
ASHLAND, Ohio (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told reporters on Sunday that she will attend the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, on Sunday called Muslim fallen Army Capta
DUBAI (Reuters) - Islamic State on Sunday condemned as an “apostate† a U.S. Muslim soldier killed in Iraq whose story
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a 6- percentage-point lead over Republican rival
WASHINGTON/SAN Pa. - Democratic
FRANCISCOpresidential candidate
(Reuters) - A computer Hillary Clinton
network usedtoured the U.S. Rust
by Democratic Belt on Saturday,
presidential promising
nominee Hillary to reject
top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, told CNN on Friday she had not heard about the hack of the Clinton camp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign said on Friday that an analytics data
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he was taking the gloves off in
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took her newly energized White House bid on t
(Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday struck down a string of Wisconsin voting restrictions passed by the Republican-led legisla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force asked industry on Friday for proposals to replace the Minuteman III intercontinen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is concerned about the physical well-being of hunger-striking activists in Cuba and
(Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Friday refused to dismiss a corruption indictment against Senator Robert Menendez of N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A committee that raises money for Democratic candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - During a visit from Singapore’s prime minister on Tuesday, President Barack Obama will extol the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama wants Congress to approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal this year
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In (Reuters) - Thecampaign
a presidential United States andfor
notable Cuba have concluded
its negativity, a “substantiveâ€
the option of “Neither† second roundappears
 candidate of talksto
telephone poll of registered voters had the race tied at 40 percent each. The Reuters/Ipsos presidential-preference
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI is investigating a cyber attack against another U.S. Democratic Party group poll result
attacks from a range of adversaries targeting President Barack Obama’s campaign and the campaigns of his Republican foe
LIMA (Reuters) - Failure to ratify the U.S.-led sweeping trade pact TPP would hand China “the keys to the castle† on glo
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Chelsea Clinton took the stage of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday to portray her m
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Twelve years ago, Barack Obama’s electrifying speech at the Democratic National Convention br
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - There is the Democratic convention unfolding onstage in Philadelphia this week, broadcast to millio
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group of at least six wealthy Republican donors is urging the billionaire Koch brothers to step off the s
ASPEN, Colo. (Reuters) - Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, speaking about the hack of Democratic Party emails,
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia told the United States on Thursday to get to the bottom of a hacking scandal involving Democrati
(Reuters) - Delegates at both the Republican and the Democratic conventions sported outrageous outfits - but the views from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that partisanship plays no role in how the United States counters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday tried to quell the furor over his call fo
PARIS (Reuters) - President Francois Hollande on Thursday fired back at comments by U.S. Republican presidential nominee Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When it comes to trade policy, Hillary Clinton is taking heat from all sides. At the Democratic Nation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some U.S. intelligence officials suspect that Russian hackers who broke into Democratic Party comp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks released files on Wednesday of what it said were audio recordings pulled from the emails
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - New York media mogul Michael Bloomberg assailed fellow billionaire Donald Trump on Wednesday
MIAMI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump on Wednesday invited Russia to dig up tens of thousands of “m
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer is expanding his political agenda beyond climate chang
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrats on the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives intelligence committees called
GENEVA (Reuters) - The head of the World Trade Organization said on Wednesday he would not get into an argument with U.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence on Wednesday vowed there would be “s
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump “will not be releasing† his tax returns due to a federal audit
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - When Hillary Clinton first ran for president in 2008 she was badly stung by a backhanded complimen
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Wednesday dismissed allegations Russia had hacked Democratic Party emails as “hor
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Former President Bill Clinton portrayed his wife Hillary on Tuesday as a dynamic force for change an
MIAMI (Reuters) - Donald Trump was in the middle of creating another nickname for Democratic rival Hillary Clinton - “Hill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said it was possible that Russia would try to influence the U.S. preside
(Reuters) - United Auto Workers President Dennis Williams said on Tuesday that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clint
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrats beat Republicans in U.S. television ratings, according to Nielsen data released on Tuesday fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration announced a broad expansion on Tuesday of a program to let people fle
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin dismissed as absurd on Tuesday allegations it was behind the hacking of U.S. Democratic Pa
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump posted a two-point lead over his Democratic rival Hilla
(Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration opened the door on Tuesday to a change in its blood donor deferral recomm
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump sought to turn a scandal involving the Veterans A
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Tuesday said the migration and foreign policy plans of U.S. R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If the Russian government is behind the theft and release of embarrassing emails from the Democra
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - It should have been a triumphant night for Hillary Clinton when her rival Bernie Sanders gave a rous
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday he raised the issue of the hacking of Democratic Part
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Democrats divided over the future of their party agreed on at least one thing at their national conve
(Reuters) - The Democratic National Committee apologized to Senator Bernie Sanders on Monday after leaked emails suggeste
VIENTIANE (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday brushed aside accusations that Moscow was behind
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An email leak that led to the resignation of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wa
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican nominee Donald Trump said on Monday that if elected U.S. president he would
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - The head of the Democratic Party resigned on Sunday amid a furor over embarrassing leaked emails
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee called on the Obama adm
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A prominent Illinois Republican has resigned from the state legislature, citing multiple incidents of fake Fa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cyber security experts and U.S. officials said on Monday there was evidence that Russia engineered
(Reuters) - A Florida man pleaded guilty on Monday to working with another man to illegally funnel $80,000 in foreign contrib
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said on Monday she will n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House will not speculate on who might be behind the hacking of the Democratic Nationa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Monday the
NAIROBI (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, says he will vote for Republican nominee Dona
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - The head of the Democratic Party resigned on Sunday amid a furor over embarrassing leaked emails
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg plans to endorse Hillary Clinton in a prime time ad
MIAMI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Tim Kaine made his first appearance on the campaign trail as Hillary Clinton’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters)Fla.
WASHINGTON/TAMPA, - Former Democratic
(Reuters) - Hillary presidential
Clinton namedcandidate Senator
U.S. Senator TimBernie
Kaine Sanders said Sunday
as her running mate he
on would
Friday,have prefe
opting for
staff to Democrat Mark Warner, the senior U.S. senator from Virginia.     Albee, who has watched Kaine up close over the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pulled nearly even with Democratic rival Hillary Cli
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Dr. Linda Liau works with the precision of a master, peering into a patient’s head with magnifying
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday said Donald Trump had proposed security policies t
SEATTLE (Reuters) - An Alaska law requiring doctors to notify the parents of girls under the age of 18 seeking an abortion viola
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton’s pick of Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate could hampe
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Friday tentatively rejected Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s bid to d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday signed into law a measure that pledges greater efforts to protect
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump has said a lot of things that, were he a sitting U.S. president instead of a candidate for th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The dark vision of America under siege described by Donald Trump in his acceptance speech for the
BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) - David Duke, a former leader of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan, launched his candidacy on F
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Donald Trump accused Democratic rival Hillary Clinton of a legacy of “death, destruction, terrorism
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday after meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday that globalization is a fact that “we’re not going to be
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Friday he respects both of the leading candidates to be
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Democratic Party has selected a handful of undocumented immigrants for official roles at next wee
CLEVELAND/NEW YORK (Reuters) - At times, the speech was drowned out by the cheering crowds in the arena of the Republic
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - People seeking a deeper understanding of Donald Trump’s economic policy came up empty-handed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the Democratic Party’s liberal wing on Thursday nervously awaited Hillary Clintonâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican foreign policy veterans and outside experts warned that the suggestion by Republican p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration, like every U.S. administration since 1949, remained committed to the N
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - On the floor and corridors of the basketball arena hosting the Republican National Convention, in resta
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Bourbon flowed, a jazz band played, and pink and violet lights bathed the vaulted stone ceilings at a p
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Kirtland Park, on the shores of Lake Erie near downtown Cleveland, was designated as a place where h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Friday updated its law of war manual after a previous version came under fire for a
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel, the only big-name supporter of Donald Trump from the country
WASHINGTON/KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - The White House urged Malaysia on Thursday to demonstrate good governance an
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he might abandon NATO’s guarantee of mutua
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government may become a movie and music industry player, at least temporarily, after moving
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Ted Cruz was recounting to an audience how he had outlasted most of his 16 rivals for the Republican
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden’s Vattenfall will invest 3 billion Swedish crowns ($349 million) in a Scottish offshore wind f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has an “ironclad† commitment to mutual defense among the NATO allies, t
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday he would not interfere in the U.S. election ca
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ted Cruz refused to endorse Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at the partyâ
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is considering nominating Oklahoma oil and gas mogu
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who gained popularity partly by bashing wealthy dono
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s wife was escorted off the floor of the Republican convention on Wednesda
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday urged the U.S. Republican Party to stop making “groundless ac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton, who is running against Republican Donald Trump in the Nov. 8 presidentia
CLEVELAND/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has called climate change a hoax and
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - A staff writer for the Trump Organization took responsibility on Wednesday for the “chaos† caus
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the fed
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal appeals court said on Wednesday the U.S. government cannot seize a Midtown Manhattan offi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz USA and Daimler Vans units and Ferrari NV are among a small grou
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - A staff writer of the Trump Organization, the company owned by Republican presidential candidate Do
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton, the groupâ
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Reuters) - U.S. Muslim leaders hope to register a million voters from within their community to help comb
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan offered his strongest support yet for Donald Trump’s White House bi
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Thirteen months after launching an improbable bid for the White House, Donald Trump captured the 2
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - City police on bicycles and horseback, backed by state and local officers from across the country, kept o
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention has ignited controversy because it
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s tough talk on law and order in a time of growing national insecurity appears to be
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump narrowed his deficit to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton
(Reuters) - Melania Trump’s big night at the Republican National Convention failed to draw bumper television audiences d
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Efforts by some delegates to block the Republican National Convention from nominating Donald Trump
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Three women were arrested on Tuesday after climbing a flagpole near the site of this week’s U.S. R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A joint project of Boeing Co and Textron Inc unit Bell Helicopter is being awarded a $545 million mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has filed a lawsuit against DynCorp International Inc alleging that it submitted infl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Merrick Garland hit an unwanted milestone on Tuesday as the federal appeals court judge’s nom
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Police in Cleveland said that no gunshots had been fired on a transport vehicle near the site of the Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is changing its social media policy following a tweet mistakenly sent fro
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s wife Melania, in her first major political speech on Monday, portrayed her husband
RICHMOND, Virginia (Reuters) - In a case that could have an impact on the November presidential election, the Virginia Suprem
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - As Republicans spilled into Cleveland on Monday to nominate Donald Trump as their presidential cand
(Reuters) - Protesters for and against Trump faced off in a plaza a few blocks from the site of the Republican National Conventi
(Reuters) - U.S. TV networks, buoyed by strong demand from advertisers, are adding hours of coverage for this week’s Rep
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The normally straight-laced Council on American-Islamic Relations tried humor to win over Republican
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The U.S. Republican Party on Monday approved a new policy platform that calls for reinstating the 193
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton promised on Monday to bring the “full weight of the law† against people who kill p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When the U.S. Congress returns in September from a summer recess, it is expected to consider legis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a last-ditch effort to revive a White House plan to protect up to 4 million immigrants from deport
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The Republican National Convention was in an uproar on Monday after opponents of presumptive U.S.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry paid tribute to the European Union on Monday as it tries to heal the w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday strongly condemned the weekend slaying of three L
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Cleveland’s police union called for the suspension of a state law allowing people to carry firearms d
CLEVELAND (Reuters)--Donald
NEW YORK (Reuters) The head of thewho
Trump, Cleveland police
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only likes urged
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one grand governor to In
tale of loss: declare
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not. Trump described Berzin in “The Art of the Comeback† as a “jerk† who would “scream at people at the to
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Ohio Governor John Kasich lacks the power to suspend a state law allowing citizens to openly carry gun
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump responded to the killing of three police officers in Louisiana on Sunday by re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal election observers can only be sent to five states in this year’s U.S. presidential election,
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - East 4th Street, emblematic of the new Cleveland as a once-downtrodden area turned trendy, is bustlin
(Reuters) - In 1990, during a close and bitter congressional race, Mike Pence came under attack for using campaign funds to pa
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Saturday presented his vice presidential running mate, India
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - In an age of social media and sound bites, advocacy groups in Cleveland have turned to the old-fashion
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Saturday described as “horror beyo
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Cleveland on Friday set up concrete traffic dividers and tall metal fences around next week’s Repub
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump’s choice of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential runni
RALEIGH, North - A (Reuters)
Carolina handful of- On
donors to the
Election Republican
Day National
in 2014, Joetta TealConvention have
went to work atwithdrawn pledges
a polling station and fund-raising
in Lumberton, Northh
Teal said. The North Carolina Board of Elections website has a tool for residents to look up their assigned precincts, but Teal di
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump trailed Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by 12 percenta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Friday released a long-classified section of the official report on the Sept. 11 att
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia welcomed on Friday the release of classified pages of the official report on the Sept. 11
CLEVELAND/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s choice of Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate has irked
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said on Friday he welcomed the release of a long-classified sectio
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU and U.S. negotiators said on Friday that they still needed to overcome large differences for a transatla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump neared the end of his vice presidential search on Thursday and appeared
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Many Americans view Islam unfavorably, and supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan welcomed Republican presidential candidate Dona
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump’s selection of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. budget deficit is projected to rise to $600 billion in 2016, $16 billion less than previously ex
(Reuters) - Police in the California city of San Jose, motivated by the political leanings of city officials, allowed an angry mob to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed two pieces of legislation linked to the international nuclea
WASHINGTON/ANNANDALE, Virginia (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton campaigned with potential vice presidential running-mate U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Thurs
(Reuters) - Some influential U.S. senators are urging a federal agency to take action to ensure more children are tested for lead
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Twitter he postponed a news conferen
(Reuters) - A Milwaukee-based immigrants rights group canceled plans to take children to demonstrations outside the Republ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced long-stalled legislation on Thursday tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers on Thu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Thursday said she regrets making critical comme
(Reuters) - For the scores of photographers on the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign trail, capturing the characters, the color an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio on Wednesday unveiled legislation to tax financial trades that wil
(Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump will name Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate on Friday,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is not coordinating its military operations in Syria with Russia, the White House sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump thrust the U.S. Supreme Court into the presidential campaign debate on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. State Department officials told members of Congress on Tuesday that legislation that would allo
BERLIN (Reuters) - Britain’s Nigel Farage will be at the Republican convention in Cleveland next week to dole out lessons fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. presidential race is tied going into the major parties’ national conventions and Democra
FARNBOROUGH, England (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force has developed a new framework for assessing the resilience of its satel
(Reuters) - A Tennessee state lawmaker was accused of inappropriate sexual conduct with 22 women over a four-year period
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - CIA Director John Brennan said on Wednesday he would resign if the next president ordered his age
In a speech weighted with America’s complicated racial history, Democrat Hillary Clinton laced into Republican presidentia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted on Wednesday night that he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will sign legislation passed by Congress aimed at combating a nationw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives passed legislation on Wednesday to block the purchase of “heavy
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel said on Wednesday he would take more time to decide whether video
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives has filed a measure aimed at f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration’s plan to prevent American companies from shifting their headquarte
(Reuters) - Republican White House hopeful Donald Trump is seeking $10 million in damages from a fired former employee, sh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Wednesday approved a bill that would upgrade security at U.S. airports in the aft
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives panel on Wednesday issued subpoenas to the attorneys general of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump pulled ahead of Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton in Florida and
(Reuters) - Former Democratic Senator and Indiana Governor Evan Bayh announced on Wednesday that he will come out of re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump called on Wednesday for the resignation of Su
(Reuters) - The New Black Panther Party, a “black power† movement, will carry firearms for self-defense during rallies in
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton extended her lead over Republican rival Donald Trump t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is expected to announce his choice for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign is vetting retired Navy Admiral
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Puerto Rico, the U.S. commonwealth that recently declared a historic default, could be shut out of d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday voted to work on a compromise with the House of Representatives on w
PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (Reuters) - Democrat Bernie Sanders endorsed former rival Hillary Clinton for president in a display of par
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress is headed for a seven-week recess without addressing gun violence, the Zika virus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. law enforcement official, under questioning from Republicans at a congressional hearin
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Former two-term Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is seeking a drastically reduced sentence that would s
BEIJING (Reuters) - In 2010, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provoked outrage in Beijing when she pushed the South Chi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairmen of two U.S. House of Representatives committees asked the Justice Depar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prospects dimmed on Monday for the U.S. House of Representatives to vote this week on Republica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives on Monday approved an aviation bill that would upgrade security at U
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday urged Congress to reconsider offering a government-run health insurance opti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers this week will consider three Republican-backed measures targeting the Obama adm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans Donald Trump and Chris Christie teamed up on Monday to assail Democratic President
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is set to throw his support behind fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton’s bid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Baron Hill on Monday announced he was leaving the race for an open U.S. Senate seat in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee said on Mond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Monday he expects to select a running ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan will address the Republican National Convention t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The shocking shooting deaths of five Dallas police officers have magnified the challenge that Hillary
BEIJING (Reuters) - European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said on Monday that populism in Europe, the United Sta
(Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf said late on Sunday a bill to increase funding in the state will become law, about
MADRID (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Sunday that the U.S. government has to improve its cyber security p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, under consideration by Republican Donald Trump as a possible vice p
MADRID (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama has warned that attacks on police over racial bias would hurt the anti-racism
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is giving consideration to retired Lieute
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A trade deal fight led by U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Saturday failed to
WARSAW (Reuters) - President Barack Obama pledged on Saturday to seek ways to calm racial tensions and reduce divisions b
WARSAW (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Saturday he was concerned about how the State Department hand
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Party chief Reince Priebus expressed confidence on Saturday that security will be able to
RAF FAIRFORD, England (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin Corp are in the final stages of negoti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Saturday that the prevalence of guns in U.S. society is one factor be
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton disputed a scathing assessment by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that she was “
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Americans’ demand for an alternative to the two main presidential candidates has surged since the
(Reuters) - In the hours after a gunman shot 12 police officers, killing five in Dallas, Republican presidential candidate Donald T
(Reuters) - Fourteen years after criticizing Augusta National Golf Club for its all-male membership policy, women’s issues e
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Cleveland police on Friday tightened their security plan for the Republican National Convention after th
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - A federal grand jury indicted U.S. Representative Corrine Brown of Florida and her chief of staff on frau
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The November U.S. presidential election is being sold by the major parties as a defining moment for the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives’ special Benghazi committee approved its report on Friday on
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton has found herself in the middle of a fight within the U.S. Democratic Party
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Corrine Brown, a Democrat from Florida, and her chief of staff were indicted on
BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into the fatal police shooting o
WARSAW, Poland (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday made an impassioned plea for the nation to do more to addre
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved legislation that would for the first time require food to carry labels listing ge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Thursday it will conduct an internal review of whether Democrati
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said he was confident that Britain and the European Union would be able to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey told U.S. lawmakers on Thursday that FBI employees who mishandled cla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump endured some blunt exchanges when he met Republican members of Congress on Th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House and congressional Democrats pressured Republicans on Thursday for bipartisan Zi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Bernie Sanders is expected to endorse presidential rival Hillary Clinton on Tuesday at a ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will speak with European leaders about the Syrian refugee crisis, Russia an
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A foreign-policy adviser to U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump avoided all questions about how th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers sharply criticized President Barack Obama’s administration on Thursday over the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday “all options† were being c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde warned in an interview published
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers on Thursday that Democratic presidential candidate Hilla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Republicans in the U.S. Congress pressed for sanctions on Thursday against Democratic preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email while secretary of state is closed, U.S.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Thursday will unveil proposals to help small busine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday rejected criticism of his campaign t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee raised nearly $51 million for his presidential
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers in U.S. Congress on Wednesday rejected two Democratic amendments to pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump’s list of potential vice presidential running mates got a little shorter on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI’s harsh criticism of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system as U.S. secretary of
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visited the famous boardwalk in Atlantic City
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign laid out states critical to the U.S. presidential election in a mem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton could receive her rival Bernie Sandersâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives panel will debate legislation on Thursday intended to block Boeing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday said lawmakers are examining whether there is any ac
TBILISI (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry told ex-Soviet Georgia that the United States would help it bolster its army as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A divided Republican Party on Wednesday fought over gun control legislation that was cobbled toge
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton on Wednesday proposed a temporary freeze on some student de
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Representative Mac Thornberry, the Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Arm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, calling Afghanistan’s security situation precarious, said on Wednesday
(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch will testify before the House Judiciary Committee on July 12 on a number of iss
(Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey is set to testify before the U.S. House Oversight Committee on Thursday about the agenc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI report scolding Democrat Hillary Clinton over her email practices as secretary of state plays
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI recommended on Tuesday that no criminal charges be filed over Hillary Clinton’s use of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In declining to seek prosecution of Hillary Clinton, FBI Director James Comey said the former Secreta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional Republicans on Tuesday resisted Democratic demands for a vote on gun-control m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump is taking some of his potential vice presidential running mates out for a test drive this
(Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday blocked Kansas Governor Sam Brownback’s efforts to remove Planned Parenthood,
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton widened her lead over likely Republican nominee Don
(Reuters) - A divided federal appeals court on Tuesday gave the U.S. Department of Justice broad leeway to police password th
(Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey undercut some of the main arguments Hillary Clinton has made in defense of her use of
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (Reuters) - After months on the sidelines, President Barack Obama joined Democratic presidential candidate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A resolution calling for Iran to release two U.S. citizens imprisoned there for months will be introduc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday it disagreed with FBI Director James Comey’s assessm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday sharply criticized Republican presidenti
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will not speak with Hillary Clinton about the FBI’s investigatio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday attacked the decision by FBI Director
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI will recommend to the Justice Department that no charges be filed over Hillary Clinton’s
(Reuters) - U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said on Tuesday he was still troubled by Hillary Clinton’s use of a pe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attacked the decision by FBI Director James Co
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has hired two people with close ties to U.S. organiz
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday defended a social media post he made tw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump met with U.S. Senator Joni Ernst of Iow
KABUL (Reuters) - The international military mission in Afghanistan will fail if troop levels are reduced further, with potentially
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Top lawmakers from both major U.S. political parties said on Sunday they trusted the Justice Departme
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Sunday he would like relations between United States and Pakistan t
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - There is no guarantee California will vote to legalize recreational marijuana in November, but political o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation interviewed Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton f
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Saturday tweeted an image of rival Hillary Clinton a
(Reuters) - North Carolina lawmakers adjourned for the year on Friday night after leaving mostly intact a law restricting transg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie top Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday introduced a measure intended to preve
CHICAGO (Reuters) - With murders and shootings soaring in Chicago this year, the city’s police chief and state lawmakers a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Democratic Party’s 2016 policy platform calls for reviews of trade deals, wider health co
(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie ordered a halt to non-essential road, bridge and mass transit projects late Thurs
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Friday signed a sweeping package of gun control bills, ban
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s lead over Republican Donald Trump has dipped int
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, seeking to tamp down a firestorm over meeting with former Pr
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico on Friday said it will default on $779 million worth of constitutionally backed debt, its most s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump will meet this weekend with Indiana Governor Mike Pence, a Pence spokesman said o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in June raised more than $68.5 million for her
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - A federal judge has blocked parts of a new Florida law aiming to cut off state funding for preventive he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. report on the number of civilian casualties from American counterterrorism strikes will be issu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday said Congress must end its deadlock on funding to combat th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Friday she understands how her meeting with former pr
WASHINGTON - Republican Donald Trump said on Thursday that if elected president Nov. 8 he would be open to drawing NAT
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico authorized suspension of payments on its general obligation debt on Thursday just minutes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, under mounting pressure to advance gun
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rican Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla on Thursday issued an executive order authorizing the su
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Seven U.S. senators urged Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday to press Bahrain’s governm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is set to sign into law a relief plan to help Puerto Rico address its $70 billion
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s semi-public power utility, known as PREPA, on Thursday said it would make all of a $41
SARANDE, Albania (Reuters) - Whatever the outcome of November’s U.S. presidential election, the Albanian town of Saran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday said the U.S. Justice Department’s investigation into Hillary Clinto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans on Tuesday accused Hillary Clinton’s State Department of failing to pr
(Reuters) - It could take years to learn how long men infected with Zika are capable of sexually transmitting the virus, which ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate gave solid approval on Wednesday to a relief plan to help Puerto Rico address its $7
OTTAWA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he expects the world economy will be steady in the sho
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - A federal judge ruled on Wednesday that Ohio’s secretary of state was within his rights to strip tho
OTTAWA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama is tired of hearing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump describe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday lashed out at the U.S. Chamber of Commerceâ
OTTAWA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he is confident Europeans will come up with a prudent
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. agriculture groups are pushing for continuing talks with the presumptive Democratic and Republican
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday authorized a new plan allowing protesters at next month’s Republic
(Reuters) - As the U.S. presidential campaign heats up, Facebook Inc is going out of its way to show its neutrality - an increasin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate is aiming to finish its work and vote later on Wednesday on final passage of a relief
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden on Wednesday announced plans as part of the administration’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Joint Chiefs of Staff
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Commodity Futures Trading Commission would have stronger policing powers over the derivati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, speaking as lawmakers prepared to vote on a bill to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration and U.S. Senate Republican leaders scrambled on Tuesday to garner eno
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Dominican-born Adriano Espaillat claimed victory on Tuesday in the U.S. congressional race to succeed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - German automaker Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE) will pay as much as $15.3 billion after admitting i
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S.
(Reuters) Attorney of
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second polling period covered nearly four weeks in May and June, after Kasich and Cruz had dropped out.
MONESSEN, Pennsylvania/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday vowed to fo
PHOENIX (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Tuesday fighting economic espionage was a priority for the D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Without action by Congress to help Puerto Rico deal with its debt, the need for a bailout of the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said on Tuesday that he will support a bill to address Puerto Ri
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Ron Wyden said on Tuesday he will vote for a crucial Puerto Rico debt restr
PHOENIX (Reuters) - The Obama administration is looking into whether it can challenge the Supreme Court’s decision to bl
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton posted an 11 percentage point lead over her Republican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders brought his firebrand rhetoric back to the floor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on Tuesday accused the Obama administration of under-emphasiz
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional watchdog said on Tuesday it has formally added three agencies to its investigation
(Reuters) - Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Tuesday laid out a technology and innovation agen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House spokesman Josh Earnest, on Tuesday, chided Republicans for failing to push forward w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Tuesday blasted Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives for using a p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s special envoy for the fight against Islamic State said on Tuesday that c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers deadlocked over funding to fight the Zika virus on Tuesday, as Senate Democrats blo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Funding to battle the Zika virus failed to advance in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, as Democrats block
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, called on Tuesday for Washington, in p
(Reuters) -- The
The U.S.
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Supreme Court
Court breaks for the
on Monday summer
struck downthis week,abortion
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health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly-elected representatives,† Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Rep
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Abortion providers in Texas reacted with surprise and elation on Monday to the U.S. Supreme Court
(Reuters) - The battle over abortion was expected to shift to measures focusing on the fetus in the wake of the U.S. Supreme C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Monday called on the Senate to take immediate action this wee
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - After months of waiting for the U.S. Congress to act as Puerto Rico’s economic crisis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic senator on Monday prevented legislation from being quickly considered that would ex
TORONTO (Reuters) - Only one-in-four Canadians say the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is good for their cou
WASHINGTON/OTTAWA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will meet with the leaders of Canada and Mexico on Wednesday
CINCINNATI (Reuters) - Liberal Elizabeth Warren attacked Republican Donald Trump on Monday during her first campaign app
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Abortion rights advocates on Monday cheered a decision by the U.S. Supreme Co
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court’s key rulings on abortion, dating to the landmark 1973 decision that legalized the proce
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to abortion rights advocates, striking down a Texas law impos
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday that he was pleased with a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Monday praised the Supreme Court ruling strik

(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule on Monday on a legal challenge by abortion providers to a Texas law requiring
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign accused Donald Trump on Sunday of caring more about h
ABERDEEN, Scotland (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump played down market turmoil in the wake of Britainâ
TORONTO (Reuters) - TransCanada Corp is formally requesting arbitration over U.S. President Barack Obama’s rejection of
PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday tried to limit the fallout from Britain’s vote to leave th
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton regained a double-digit lead over Republican rival Do
SEATTLE (Reuters) - The financial and political fallout from Britain’s vote to leave the European Union has added to a string
TURNBERRY, Scotland (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump thrust himself into the heart of Britain’s vote to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said on Friday he would vote for Hillary Clinton
PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday that he had spoken with British Prime Minister David
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Henry Paulson, a Republican who was U.S. Treasury secretary during the 2008 financial meltdown, o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday said the United States remains committed to bringing home
HOUSTON (Reuters) - With a number of U.S. states proceeding with investigations of Exxon Mobil Corp’s (XOM.N) record o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday designated the site of a watershed event in the history of U.S. ga
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union, buoyed by a frenzy of nationalis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Britain’s looming exit from the European Union is another huge setback for negotiations on a ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is confident that defense ties with Britain will continue and U.S. Secretary of Defense
TURNBERRY, Scotland (Reuters) - Donald Trump flew all night from New York to Scotland to talk about his renovated Turnberr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of lawmakers on Friday pledged to build support in the U.S. House of Representa
LONDON (Reuters) - New York real estate developer Donald Trump says he has “unlimited† personal wealth to fund his
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The city of Cleveland and the American Civil Liberties Union on Friday settled a federal lawsuit over fre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Friday they would advance legislation nex
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Even after Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, the case for a U.S. free trade deal with the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Friday rolled out a series of education and work training initiatives foc
GLASGOW, Scotland (Reuters) - Most U.S. presidential candidates go abroad to sharpen their foreign policy credentials. Donal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States’ cooperation with Britain on security issues will remain strong, the Office of th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Friday said she respected the United Kingd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday he respected Britain’s vote to leave the European Un
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will work closely and carefully with Britain and the European Union to ensure a sm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans cheered after the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday thwarted President Barack Obamaâ€
TURNBERRY, Scotland (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, stung by a meager fundraising haul co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Another attempt at gun control faltered in the U.S. Congress on Thursday despite outrage at the Orl
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama was briefed by his advisers late on Thursday on Britain’s vote to l
(Reuters) - A blackout of television cameras in the U.S. House Representatives during the Democrats’ gun control sit-in ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in Congress ended a 25-hour sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives where th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday threatened to veto the $1.1 billion approved by the U.S. House of Rep
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The computer technician who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server for her work as U.S. secre
The following timeline charts the origin and spread of the Zika virus from its discovery nearly 70 years ago: 1947: Scientists res
Global health officials are racing to better understand the Zika virus behind a major outbreak that began in Brazil last year and
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that President Barack Obama had been briefed about
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump has forgiven nearly $50 million in loans he made to his presidential campa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday advanced a compromise gun control plan to stop people on some terro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Another attempt at gun control faltered in the U.S. Congress on Thursday despite outrage at the Orl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans aimed to hold a vote on Thursday on whether to set aside bipartisan compr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday agreed to $1.1 billion to fight the Zika virus, short-ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid on Wednesday threw his weight behind legislation being w
(Reuters) - Democrats demanding action on gun control turned to Twitter’s Periscope and Facebook’s live video platfor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Republicans moved to force an end to the Democratic sit-in over gun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. law enforcement officials have charged 301 suspects with trying to defraud Medicare and other
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. federal program that pays elderly Americans’ hospital bills will exhaust its reserves in 20
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday panned new Republican legislation to put $1.1 billion toward fighting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said an agreement announced on Wednesday by House o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio will seek re-election to his U.S. Senate seat,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday a sit-in by Democratic represe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Brent Scowcroft, who was national security adviser to two Republican U.S. presidents, on Wednesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that if the U.S. Congress does not act to close tax looph
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump staged a harsh attack on his Democratic rival Hillary Clin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Harris Corp was awarded a $1.7 billion firm-fixed-price, multi-year foreign military sales contract to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said that while he does not think he will be th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on Wednesday a sit-in on the Ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facing slumping poll numbers and a shakeup of his team, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Do
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled an alternative plan to overhaul the nation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Seven Democratic senators urged the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday to block two mergers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts will campaign with presumptive Democratic preside
(Reuters) - Florida’s Republican lieutenant governor, Carlos Lopez-Cantera, on Wednesday dropped his bid for a U.S. Senat
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio said on Wednesday that he was running for re-election in part to provide a counter-weig
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru’s president-elect Pedro Pablo Kuczynski said amid laughter on Tuesday that his government would se
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton’s lead over Republican rival Donald Trump has slipped by about five percen
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Former California Senator Ron Calderon pleaded guilty in a federal court on Tuesday to a single coun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators pushed for a compromise gun control bill on Tuesday, a day after the Senate failed to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said on Tuesday that amendments were necessary to a Pu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Donald Trump said on Tuesday his “unlimited† trove of personal wealth woul
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday he plans to bring a compromise gun c
(Reuters) - Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has hired several new staff members to expand his campaign for t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met on Tuesday with about 10 of the 51 State Department official
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal appeals court judges on Tuesday probed the intent behind a sweeping 2013 North Carolina
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday that if Republican rival Donald Trump wins the White Hou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The American Bar Association issued a glowing evaluation of President Barack Obama’s U.S. Sup
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he is willing to tap into his personal funds to c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military will not provide details on specific cases of American service members injured in Ira
(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Tuesday proposed overhauling the state’s education funding formula to
DORKING, England (Reuters) - A man charged with trying to attack Donald Trump with a policeman’s gun found it hard to c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s nominee to lead the U.S. military in Africa on Tuesday backed the idea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Tim Kaine of Virginia, and Julian Castro, the U.
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s campaign raised $3.1 million from d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will meet with fellow Democrats in the House of Representativ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday rejected four measures restricting gun sales after last week’s massac
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump fired Corey Lewandowski, the campaign manager who helped him win Re
(Reuters) - A man arrested over the weekend trying to wrestle a gun from a police officer at a Las Vegas rally held by Republica
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton has no shortage of economic advisors. Scores of world-class experts pour ideas into her c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell set up a vote late on Monday to expand the Federal B
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - About three months ago, Sarah Ibrahim’s son came home from his fourth-grade class at a Maryla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, his vice president and defense secretary took aim on Monday at policies o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday blocked Democratic legislation aimed at stopping sales of firearms to pe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday blocked a Republican plan for keeping terrorism suspects from buying w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday blocked Democratic legislation expanding federal background checks to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI planned a 11:00 a.m. news conference Monday near the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama made a plug on Monday for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal to a gr
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A leading U.S. promoter of Latino boxing, All Star Boxing Inc, will give free television advertising space t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden on Monday will denounce Republican Donald Trump’s call for a halt to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Monday to review a lower court decision that invalidated part of
(Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump said he was referring to security staff, but not patrons, in com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If the U.S. Supreme Court in the coming days decides a high-profile immigration case in favor of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court is heading into its home stretch, with major rulings due by the end of the m
(Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump said on Sunday the United States should consider more racial profiling, in response to a q
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court may weigh in this week on gun control, an issue smoldering again following
LONDON (Reuters) - Donald Trump told Britons on Sunday he supported Brexit, repeating just days before the vote on June 23
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats pushing for gun curbs after the latest mass shooting in the United States are co-opting a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump chipped away at Hillary Clinton’s lead in the presidential race this week, according to
ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - Fantasy sports moved a step closer to being legal in New York on Saturday when lawmakers approved
HOUSTON (Reuters) - A Republican-led congressional committee sought on Friday to assert oversight over inquiries that about
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former President George W. Bush had every intention of sticking to his self-imposed exile from politi
CARLSBAD CAVERNS NATIONAL PARK, N.M. (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and his family escaped the blistering hea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some Republican senators tried on Friday to craft a compromise bill to impose limited gun restrictio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and the deputy crown prince of Saudi Arabia on Friday discussed ways to s
NEW YORK (Reuters) - After successfully funding a campaign to pass a soda tax in Philadelphia, billionaire Michael Bloomberg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers should follow their conscience on whether to support Donald Trump in Nove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senior Republican House of Representatives lawmakers said on Friday they were concerned tha
(Reuters) - U.S. Representative David Jolly ended his bid for a U.S. Senate seat from Florida on Friday, opening the way for Ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders promised on Thursday to work with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee H
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A long-running battle over gun control in the United States reaches a critical stage next week in the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The awkward efforts of Republicans to embrace their party’s standard-bearer Donald Trump loo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Thursday that President Barack Obama was “directly responsib
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration believes it will be able to process many more Syrian refugees in the last h
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ long-running budget impasse stung the state on Thursday in the U.S. municipal market where
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney scored a victory that had eluded more than 40 U.S. public officials who
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said on Wednesday he is considering running for re-election an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A vote on gun control measures in the U.S. Senate seeking to prevent the sale of firearms to potenti
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has taken more money fro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will most likely vote on four gun control measures on Monday, the No. 2 Republican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday imposed some limits on the kind of fraud claims that can be br
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton is considering U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren for her running mate for the Democratic
(Reuters) - The largest labor federation in the United States, the AFL-CIO, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president on Thursday, v
(Reuters) - A “lone hacker† has taken responsibility for a cyber attack on the U.S. Democratic National Committee, whic
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois will sell $550 million of bonds on Thursday but lacks authority from the state legislature to spend a
(Reuters) - As facts emerge about Omar Mateen, the gunman who killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on Su
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The California legislature agreed on Wednesday to a $122.5 billion spending plan for the fiscal yea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators signaled on Wednesday a new willingness to consider restrictions on the sale of guns a
(Reuters) - The New York State on Wednesday confirmed Governor Andrew Cuomo’s pick to become the state’s top fin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein said on Wednesday that she doubted talks with the Senat
(Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday called for surveillance of mosques as p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said, if elected, she would use executive actio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michelle Obama will travel to Liberia, Morocco and Spain with her teen daughters Malia and Sasha a
WASHINGTON/HERZLIYA, Israel (Reuters) - The Obama administration is prepared to incorporate missile defense funds in a ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The National Rifle Association said on Wednesday it stood by its position on terrorism watch lists an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders does not plan to suspend his campaign and endorse presumptive Democratic presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton formally concluded the U.S. Democratic presidential race on Tuesday with a win in th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that “nobody wants terrorists to h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic President Barack Obama denounced Donald Trump for his proposed U.S. ban on Muslim
MANCHESTER, N.H./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump on Monday placed responsibility for a mass shooting
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Donald Trump said on Monday he will no longer issue press credentials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said on Monday that if elected, she wo
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The mass shooting in Orlando, Florida has allowed Donald Trump to seize upon a familia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal for suspending immigration from pa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will meet the Dalai Lama at the White House on Wednesday, a move c
(Reuters) - A Michigan judge on Tuesday dismissed charges against a former state representative, while ruling another lawmak
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to pass a $602 billion defense authorization bill,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hackers believed to be working for the Russian government broke into the Democratic National Com
(Reuters) - A federal judge refused to dismiss a criminal indictment against two former allies of New Jersey Republican Govern
SANTO DOMINGO (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced high-level talks to ease tensions with Venezuelaâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. senators - two Democrats and two Republicans - introduced a bill on Tuesday aimed at pre
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential race has narrowed since late last we
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to protect the identities
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday urged federal antitrust officials to cond
(Reuters) - Detroit would sell its first general obligation bonds since exiting bankruptcy in December 2014 under a proposal by
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday he wou
SANTO DOMINGO (Reuters) - Venezuela and the United States will immediately start talks to ease tensions between the two c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate this month will debate legislation that passed overwhelmingly in the House of Repre
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia on Tuesday denied involvement in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee database th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday the Senate would take up before the
ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - Orlando nightclub killer Omar Mateen had expressed sympathy for a variety of Islamist extremists, i
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Three groups planning to demonstrate at the Republican National Convention in July sued the city of C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump will speak with House of Representatives Republicans on July 7 in what would be the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Banning Muslims from entering the United States is not in the nation’s interest, U.S. House Spea
FORT PIERCE, (Reuters)--The
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John Kerry on Tuesday
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license that expired in 2013 and a state permit to work as a security guard, according to public records. He was registered as a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Monday said the United States needs to increase its military response against Islam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump faulted the Muslim community on Monday for not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama lamented the ease with which extremists can get firearms in the United Sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives erupted in shouting on Monday as lawmakers held a moment of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will deliver a statement to the press on Tuesday morning following a meeti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will travel to Orlando, Florida, on Thursday to pay respects to families of th
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A former California state senator accused of taking cash bribes and gifts from a businessman and from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-controlled oversight committee in the U.S. House of Representatives announced on M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, who announced his retirement from the Senate after ending his Republic
(Reuters) - Leading U.S. Senate Democrats on Monday urged quick passage of legislation defeated last year to impose addition
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal appeals court fired skeptical questions on Monday at a lawyer for a U.S. congressional commi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Lawyers for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday filed court papers opposing th
Orlando, Fla. (Reuters) - A day before the Orlando, Florida, nightclub massacre, Luis Vielma, 22, updated his Facebook profile w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Orlando gay nightclub shooter Omar Mateen made two trips to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012, MSN
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday warned Americans against pointing a finger at one rel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is not pursuing the use of an executive order to shutter the Guantanamo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As she waits for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on a challenge to a restrictive Texas abortion law, Am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Sunday described the worst mass shooting in U.S. history as “an act
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gave an aggressive response to the deadliest mass
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will postpone a campaign rally planned for Monda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history prompted calls on Sunday by some members of Congres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Omar Mateen entered an Orlando, Florida, nightclub on Sunday to carry out the deadliest ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, commenting on Sunday’s mass shooting in Orlando
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Dick Durbin, of Illinois, called for Congress to pass a new gun control law or the legislative b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump, saying that he had predicted attacks on American soil by terrorists, reiterated his cal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called on President Barack Obama to resign from o
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The office of Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, a Republican and evangelical Christian, on Sund
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Sunday said Americans would stand united and “not give in to fear o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called the shooting in Orlando, Florida, “an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said he will meet with his rival Hillary Clinton
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders may have lost his bid to become the Democratic nominee for the White House, but part
(Reuters) - Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co chief executive and Republican donor Meg Whitman reiterated her opposition to Do
(Reuters) - Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard, a powerful figure in state politics, was found guilty on Friday of using his el
(Reuters) - Thousands of Kansas residents who signed up to vote at motor vehicle offices but were kept off the rolls by a state
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump offered a message of ethnic harmony on Frida
(Reuters) - Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee who has led a movement to derail Donald Trump’s nom
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s benchmark General Obligation bond fell in price on Friday in choppy trading after the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted largely along party lines on Friday to
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner on Friday vetoed a bill passed by the Democratic-controlled legislature in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Key members of the U.S. Congress said Friday they had reached a compromise to shift more than $1
(Reuters) - Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 11 points in the U.S. presidential race, showing little change after she becam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The AFL-CIO political committee on Friday recommended the federation endorse Democrat Hillary C
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday dismissed a bid by construction trade groups to block controversial Obama administr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s promise to gut U.S. environmental regulations and revive the controversial Keys
(Reuters) - As the White House race took off last summer, food giant Mondelez International found itself in an unusual positio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has approved giving the U.S. military greater ability to accompany and ena
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren will keep up her assault on Republican presidential candi
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has increased dialogue with American companies to make the case for bilateral economic ties
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama formally endorsed Hillary Clinton’s White House bid on Thursday a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Following months of internal wrangling, the U.S. House of Representatives, on Thursday passed legi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Emails between U.S. diplomats in Islamabad and State Department officials in Washington about wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren endorsed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinto
(Reuters) - S&P Global Ratings warned on Thursday that the credit rating for key Alaska bonds could go down if lawmakers fail
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate panel disclosed Thursday it is investigating pay TV competition and customer service i
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is likely to launch a small donor fundraising effort akin to the
(Reuters) - The U.S. presidential election battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has barely begun but their Twitter w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the congressional committee that investigates data breaches and computer hacking blast
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts will endorse fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton for pre
(Reuters) - Legislation approved by Michigan lawmakers on Thursday to bail out the Detroit Public Schools (DPS) will keep the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Following President Barack Obama’s endorsement of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will meet with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama formally endorsed fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton for president on Th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill to slash funding for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Internal Revenue Service an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Thursday welcomed President Bara
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that Puerto Rico cannot pursue charges against people for the same crim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan unveiled a national security policy featuring stronger defense on Thur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Thursday thanked President Barack Obam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said it supports legislation, aimed at helping Puerto Rico dig out of its $70 billion d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that she feels “p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders returned to Washington for meetings on Thursday with President Barac
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has considered the idea of serving as Hillary Clinton’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Winning over Bernie Sanders supporters who flocked to his insurgent presidential campaign will be
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Alabama has issued a permanent injunction barring state officials from denying same-sex couple
(Reuters) - Three teenagers were arrested on Wednesday and accused of three separate assaults during a demonstration that
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - Political consultants are sometimes accused of hiding the naked truth about the candidates th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan unveiled a national security policy featuring stronger defense on Thur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation helping Puerto Rico dig out of its $70 billion debt crisis is set for a vote in the U.S. House
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he hoped that divisions between Democrats would start to
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Corruption charges against a union leader and a financier stemming from state and federal investigati
(Reuters) - Republican Ohio Governor John Kasich on Wednesday signed a bill legalizing marijuana use for medical purposes un
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Wednesday an agreement on a balanced $82.1 billio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump kicked off a fierce general election ba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said she will deliver an econom
(Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf on Wednesday signed into law new measures to expand the sale of bottled wine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a closer security relationship between his country an
(Reuters) - Two men have filed a lawsuit against Tennessee and its governor saying their constitutional rights as gay individual
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was “disappointed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former senior official in the Reagan administration and prominent Republican foreign policy inside
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia has emerged as the online betting favorite to be presumptive Democratic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday said he had narrowed his search fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the largest conservative group in the U.S. Congress, Representative Bill Flores of Texas,
ABU DHABI (Reuters) - - Hillary Clinton’s victory in the Democratic presidential primary race is a “historic moment† f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Environmental activist Tom Steyer endorsed Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for U.S. president a day a
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Scottish Muslims have invited Donald Trump to visit a mosque and learn about their faith during his vi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders’ upstart U.S. presidential campaign may be headed to defeat, but his goals of rein
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California voters on Tuesday were poised to choose two Democrats to face off against each ot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama called former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday to congratulate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bowing to pressure from fellow Republicans, Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would no longer talk
NEW YORK (Reuters) - When lawyers for Donald Trump asked a court to throw out one of the proposed class actions over Trum
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump rebuked General Motors Co (GM.N) on Tuesday, widening his criti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate passed legislation on Tuesday that would revamp federal chemical safety protections fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House threatened on Tuesday to veto a Senate defense policy bill, saying it would preven
(Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump trails Democrat Hillary Clinton by 10 points in the 2016 presidential campaign, according
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - Florida Democrats demanded investigations on Tuesday into a donation made by a Donald Trump foun
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A ruling by New York’s highest court in a fraud case against former American International Group In
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Tuesday his comments questio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. senator said on Tuesday he would like to pass legislation to extend expiring sanctions o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The chair of the House Financial Services Committee has proposed getting rid of much of the regulation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump should stop attacking minority groups
(Reuters) - Hillary Clinton “strongly opposes† a proposal unveiled by a Republican congressman on Tuesday to roll back
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The District of Columbia’s city council approved a $15-an-hour minimum wage on Tuesday, a rat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday disavowed Donald Trump’s criticism of a Hispanic judg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday rejected a barrage of criticism from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi endorsed Hillary Clinton for the presidency on Tuesday a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Online media outlet BuzzFeed has pulled out of an advertising deal reported to be worth $1.3 million w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich remembers the day 23 years ago when Hillary Clinton, notebo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton has reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Democratic presidential no
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Lawyers for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump asked the California federal judge he attac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama welcomed the Denver Broncos to the White House on Monday to congratu
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Monday heard nearly two hours of argument on whether to release publicly
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s attacks on a federal judge of Mexican heritage have ignited hundreds of postings on
WASHINGTON/LONG BEACH, California (Reuters) - If Hillary Clinton ends up losing California to Bernie Sanders, it will be becau
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Mayor Bill de Blasio on Monday announced a citywide advertising campaign supporting a per
NEW YORK (Reuters) - As she looks ahead to the November White House election, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has hi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will travel to Poland and Spain next month to attend the NATO Summi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton won the Puerto Rico Democratic primary on Sunday, moving her a step closer to prev
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The corporate income tax is a major revenue source for the U.S. government, but it has been shrink
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. Republicans distanced themselves on Sunday from Donald Trump’s comments about
(Reuters) - Double Olympic champion Mo Farah continued his build-up to the Rio Games by breaking David Moorcroft’s 34
ULAANBAATAR (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry hailed Mongolia as an “oasis of democracy† sitting in a tou
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton fought on two fronts in California on Saturday as she sought to wrap up her battle with
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton has opened up a double-digit lead over Republican ri
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The United States stepped up pressure on China on Saturday to rein in its actions in the South China Se
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The recent lifting of the U.S. arms embargo against Vietnam boosted trust between the former enemie
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Japanese Defence Minister Gen Nakatani said on Saturday that Japan and South Korea agreed to expan
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Friday China would see “very bad consequences† for its econ
REDDING, Calif. (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump on Friday denounced protesters
MIAMI (Reuters) - President Barack Obama warned Democrats on Friday that they need to work hard to defeat likely Republic
WASHINGTON - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said a U.S. jobs report on Friday that showed the weakest hi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump defended his attacks on a Mexican-Am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama commuted the prison terms of 42 non-violent drug offenders, nearly half o
PARIS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It was stupid, clumsy and inappropriate for someone to edit the video of a State Department
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional committee has launched an investigation into the Federal Reserve’s cyber s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump’s foreign policy
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - NATO’s top military officer, General Petr Pavel, denounced U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trum
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A gun control advocacy group founded by billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloom
(Reuters) - Michigan lawmakers on Thursday approved paying off a $467 million deficit incurred by Detroit Public Schools and
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday escalated his attacks on the federal judge presiding o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Rhetoric against free trade from both likely U.S. presidential nominees poses a risk to the economy and
(Reuters) - Activists have filed a federal lawsuit asking for a new primary election in Baltimore, alleging irregularities during the
NEW DELHI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two years ago there were questions over whether Indian Prime Minister Narendra Mod
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Ryan, the top elected Republican, ended a long period of soul-searching and endorsed Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has approved 4,700 Syrian refugees who are awaiting resettlement to the country
(Reuters) - Three days before Puerto Rico’s Democratic presidential primary, Bernie Sanders leveled a blistering attack on a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday said he will reopen the controver
(Reuters) - Some
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration’s top Supreme Court lawyer is leaving office at the end of June having
BELCOURT, North(Reuters)
WICHITA, Kansas Dakota (Reuters) - Elvis Norquay,
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more than half were ages 17 through 21, and more than 60 percent were age 25 or under. They were clustered in the high-po
It’s the near future, and North Korea’s regime is on the brink of collapse. As rumors swirl of palace coups, forces on bot
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has backed presumptive U.S. Republican nominee Donald Trump, with a propaganda website p
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The United States expects to maintain its strong security relationship with the Philippines, including a r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday declared North Korea a “primary money laundering concernâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a golf resort developer who has railed against Me
ELKHART, Ind. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday the decision to direct public schools to allow transgend
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Wednesday signaled plans fo
(Reuters) - Bank of America Corp Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan on Wednesday played down the impac
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - The California Assembly on Wednesday passed a package of gun control bills, including a mea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Part of a U.S. State Department briefing video about secret U.S.-Iran nuclear talks was deliberately d
ELKHART, Ind. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama slammed Donald Trump’s proposal to weaken Wall Street reforms and t
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said on Wednesday he had formed a political
ELKHART, Ind (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he expected the winner of the Democratic presidential
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The man believed to have set up and maintained Hillary Clinton’s private email server will assert
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Former Baylor University President Kenneth Starr resigned as chancellor of the world’s largest Ba
(Reuters) - Kansas vowed on Wednesday to sue the Obama administration over a directive telling U.S. public schools to allow t
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - As struggling Puerto Rico enters a bitter election season, discord in the U.S. territory’s ruling party is
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A showdown between New York City and Donald Trump over one of the most potent symbols of Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will host Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the White Hous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional committee has launched a probe into the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’
(This May 31 story corrects atrium’s opening times in sixth paragraph: “between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.† instead of “
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would visit Britain for the opening of his
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela’s embattled president, Nicolas Maduro, said on Tuesday night he supported Bernie Sander
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Reuters) - The Democrat-controlled Illinois Legislature ended its spring session late Tuesday, failing to produ
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday detailed $5.6 million in contributions he ra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday her campaign has been in contact
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s eponymous business seminar program create
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative commentator Bill Kristol is considering choosing David French, a staff writer with Natio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New York’s attorney general, who has filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump’s education ventu
BOSTON (Reuters) - Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker said on Tuesday he is ready to sign a transgender rights bill if it pas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States plans to use upcoming talks with top Chinese officials to discuss ways to bring gre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday condemned an attempted missile launch by North Korea and urged P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday filed an emergency motion to stop sanctions imposed by a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a union’s appeal of a lower court’s ruling that a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to hear an appeal asserting that the death penalty violates t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday joined a chorus of Republican stalwarts pu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to hear an appeal by State Farm contesting a jury findin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown on Tuesday endorsed Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic presid
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago will be able to spread out state-mandated higher payments to its police and fire pensions after th
(Reuters) - At least five animal rights activists on Monday rushed the stage as presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke at a
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Reuters) - Illinois’ long-running budget stalemate was set to spill into the summer on Monday, as Democ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A judge, called a “hater† by Donald Trump for his handling of a lawsuit related to the busines
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Reuters) - Just days before the end of the Illinois legislature’s spring session, the governor said on Sunday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a move to bolster support among veterans, Republican Donald Trump joined a leather-jacket-wea
WASHINGTON - Former U.S. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio on Sunday ruled out becoming Donald Trump’
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Latino groups have criticized the Democratic Party for relying too heavily on Republican Donald Trumpâ
(Reuters) - The mayor and police chief of Cleveland next week will outline what security measures they would take for the Rep
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Donald Trump brought his message of walls and deportations to the doorstep of America’s busiest b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. immigration officials have kicked off a new round of raids intended to deport hundreds of Centr
(Reuters) - A lawsuit brought by Texas and other states against the Obama administration’s policy on bathroom access ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders expressed disappointment on Friday after Re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators called on President Barack Obama’s administration on Friday to impose targeted sa
(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Friday signed into law a package of legislation that provides distressed gamb
TORONTO (Reuters) - Toronto’s Trump tower is close to being sold, a lawyer for its owner said on Friday, adding that the b
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Reuters) - Bipartisan talks to reach a fiscal 2017 budget for Illinois ahead of a Tuesday deadline have derailed
TRENTON, N.D. (Reuters) - When Donald Trump laid out his plan this week to roll back U.S. environmental regulations to boos
BISMARCK, N.D. (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders on Thursday explored staging an unconve
BISMARCK, N.D. (Reuters) - Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, promised on Thursday to roll ba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Thursday she was confident voters would m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An effort in the U.S. Senate to expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s authority to use a se
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Vietnamese government restricted access to Facebook Inc inside Vietnam for several days this
(Reuters) - Five mayors in northern California on Thursday asked Governor Jerry Brown in a letter to have surveillance camera
WASHINGTON/ SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - After a rampage that left 14 people dead in San Bernardino, key U.S. lawmakers pl
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The state of Ohio filed a federal court appeal on Thursday seeking to restore a Republican-backed limit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday ordered that all videotaped depositions in a lawsuit over Democratic presi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The rancorous political debate over sexual identity unexpectedly prompted the Republican-controlle
(Reuters) - Mississippi’s Republican governor said on Thursday he planned to join a lawsuit by officials from 11 states to ov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An unconventional debate between a billionaire Republican and a democratic socialist is shaping up
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said he had a good conversation with presumptive Repu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch wrote in an opinion piece published on Thursday that his meeti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A recanvass of Kentucky’s Democratic presidential primary results found Hillary Clinton won the
CHARLESTON, South Carolina (Reuters) - Republican South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley on Wednesday signed into law a bill
ISE-SHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama disparaged U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump o
JINHUA, China (Reuters) - There’s no masking the facts. One Chinese factory is expecting Donald Trump to beat his likely U
ISE-SHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Thursday he expects the Taliban to continue a strategy of v
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Lawmakers in Ohio on Wednesday approved legislation that would legalize marijuana use for medical p
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has fired his national political director after six we
SPRINGFIELD, Ill (Reuters) - Illinois took another step on Wednesday that is bound to lead nowhere in solving its strangled fina
ANAHEIM, Calif. (Reuters) - Some 100 people staged a boisterous but largely peaceful demonstration outside a Southern Califo
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A Chicago activist sued U.S. immigration authorities on Wednesday alleging they denied renewal of her im
(Reuters) - Officials from 11 U.S. states sued the Obama administration on Wednesday to overturn a directive telling schools to
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton broke government rules by using a private email server without approval for her work as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday backed a plan to help Puerto Rico escape crippling debt and expand
(Reuters) - Melissa Gilbert, best known for playing Laura Ingalls Wilder in the 1970s television drama “Little House on the P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The first shots in a political battle over funding for a range of federal activities rang out during a con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Ryan, the top U.S. elected Republican, on Wednesday continued to withhold his support from D
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump this week took his use of sordid accusations against Democrat Hillary Clin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump are to spea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Obama administration officials told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday they would oppose new sanction
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation with bipartisan support that would revamp U.S. chemical safety law for the first time in d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top members of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee have urged their counterparts in the Ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top U.S. State Department officials were aware of Hillary Clinton’s use of private email as secret
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department inspector general’s report shows Hillary Clinton’s email practices
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Romanian computer hacker who revealed the existence of a private email server used by Hillary C
(Reuters) - Protesters threw rocks and bottles at police officers who responded with pepper spray outside a rally for presidenti
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama sought on Wednesday to ease growing Asian worries abo
WILLISTON, North Dakota (Reuters) - Two energy advisers to Donald Trump want him to call out members of the Organization
PARIS (Reuters) - Former finalist Simona Halep survived a first-set wobble to reach the third round of the French Open for only
LONDON (Reuters) - A giant mural of Donald Trump locked in a kiss with former London mayor Boris Johnson in the style of a l
COLOGNE (Reuters) - Donald Trump would be “highly unlikely† to be able to renegotiate the global accord on climate ch
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Tuesday requested a recount in the close Kentucky presi
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama chided Vietnam on political freedoms on Tuesday after c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton, seeking to dampen Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama plans a return visit to Elkhart, Indiana, next week, some seven years after g
(Reprise Records corrects release date of next album to June 24 from June 17, last paragraph) By Jane Ross (Reuters) - Neil Yo
(Reuters) - Opening statements in the ethics trial of Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard got underway on Tuesday in a poli
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Congressional plan to help Puerto Rico shed billions of dollars in bad debt can win enough support
(Reuters) - A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that Ohio violated voters’ rights in 2014 by cutting the number of days in whic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Tuesday endorsed Donald Trump f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, the chamber’s second-ranking Democrat, expressed deep reservations
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - The Congress’ latest attempt to solve Puerto Rico’s debt crisis appears to strengthen some - thou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted along party lines on Tuesday to repeal a new Labor Department rule on retire
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fighting charity fraud could become more difficult under a Republican bill in Congress to prohibit th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Terry McAuliffe, Virginia’s Democratic governor, said on Tuesday said he was confident that a pe
(Reuters) - Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards plans to sign legislation making it a hate crime to kill a police officer or anoth
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. senators renewed an effort on Tuesday to shift the military’s handling
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A hard-line Republican effort to impeach the top U.S. tax collector came under fire on Tuesday from
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (Reuters) - Washington’s decision to lift its ban on the sale of lethal weapons to Vietnam is no
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Democratic Party said on Monday it would give U.S. presidential contender Bernie Sanders a promi
HANOI (Reuters) - A prominent critic of the Vietnamese government said he was taken by police from his home early on Tuesd
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said several civil society members in Vietnam were prevented from meeting h
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Monday that it had changed some of the procedures for its “Trend
HANOI (Reuters) - The United States and Vietnam on Tuesday signed an agreement allowing the U.S. Peace Corps to work in th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted down on Monday a measure that would have compelled c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, the front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, turned dow
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - A federal judge in Cincinnati temporarily blocked the implementation of a state law that would have eff
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a hard-line Republican conservative faction in the U.S. Congress wants to impeach the n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday will take up, and likely pass, a resolution to repeal a new Labor Departm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a lower court ruling that Virginia’s Republican-led legisl
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal to meet North Korean leader Kim Jon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders on Monday rejected a bipartisan
RICHMOND (Reuters) - Virginia Republicans on Monday sued to nullify Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe’s order restor
NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - As a Supreme Court decision on abortion rights is highly anticipated in the United
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders cranked up his fight with party leaders on Sunday
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday he was confident a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter called his Japanese counterpart on Saturday to express regrets aft
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump assured gun owners on Friday he would protect t
(Reuters) - Donald Trump raised $1.7 million from donors and loaned his White House campaign $7.5 million in April as he mo
OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - Republican state lawmakers in Oklahoma have introduced a resolution urging the state’s cong
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House panel investigating the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed Ambassador to Libya Christo
(Reuters) - Oklahoma’s Republican Governor Mary Fallin vetoed a bill calling for prison terms of up the three years for doct
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will meet with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Washington ne
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The National
- Donald Trump’sRifle“isolationistâ€
Association endorsed Republican
 foreign Donald Trump forare
policy pronouncements U.S.feeding
president on Friday
insecurity and h
in some
and democratic values, some critics said. That would come at a time when generals are running Thailand, a ‘strong man’
LONDON/WASHINGTON - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Friday that British Prime Minister David Ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Shouts of “Shame, shame, shame,† erupted in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday
Scroll to the bottom of the page for an interactive graphic.  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - William Pryor, in urging the U.S. Supre
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Arizona voters have narrowly approved a plan to pump $3.5 billion into education coffers over the next d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is still grappling with a historic decision on whether to lift the U.S. arms em
OSLO (Reuters) - The United Nations’s incoming climate chief said on Thursday she will push for rapid action under a U.N. a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Maryland man who is a delegate for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers are looking to use a defense policy bill to increase restrictions on military aid for Pak
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Thursday began coalescing around revised bipartisan legislation to he
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Illinois Senate on Thursday earmarked $227.2 million for low-income college students whose need-b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton pivoted to a general election match-up against
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - The California Senate on Thursday passed a sweeping package of gun control bills that would
NEW YORK/SAN JUAN (Reuters) - The U.S. House Natural Resources Committee early on Thursday released long-delayed revis
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge on Thursday upheld a 2013 Virginia law requiring prospective voters to show a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An election-year fight over addressing the spreading Zika virus intensified in the U.S. Congress as the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday unveiled the name
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A Texas-based LGBT advocacy helped spark a grammar debate this week over whether an errant com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee on Thursday approved nominees for the two vacant spots on th
(Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union on Thursday accused the city of Cleveland of taking too long to issue permits to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for U.S. president, has tapped senior adviser P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said on Thursday Republican candidate Donald
(Reuters) - The Senate Homeland Security Committee’s top Democrat sought information Thursday from global financial n
COPENHAGEN (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - U.S. presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton called for renewed efforts to “brea
DETROIT (Reuters) - United Auto Workers President Dennis Williams said on Thursday the union will endorse either Democrat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A small group of bipartisan senators introduced a bill Thursday that would block a pending judicial ru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives’ information technology team this week reinstated access on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee announced his o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday to provide $622.1 million to control t
(Reuters) - Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg heard from more than a dozen U.S. conservative leaders on Wednesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Infighting dogged the Democrats on Wednesday as Bernie Sanders’ campaign accused party lead
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential campaigns face threats from hackers bent on espionage and other activity more ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. banking lobbyists said on Wednesday they disagree with presidential candidate Donald Trumpâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, said that if elected in November h
(Reuters) - A Texas judge identified by Donald Trump on Wednesday as one of 11 people he would consider nominating to the
OSLO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s vow to renegotiate the global accord on climate change if elected U.S. pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican and Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a resolution r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A criminal justice bill awaiting a vote by the U.S. Senate would reduce federal prison costs by $722 m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Tuesday cleared the way for approval of $1.1 billion in immediate funds to battle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than half the Democrats in the Senate, including many of President Barack Obama’s strong
(Reuters) - The Obama administration on Tuesday unveiled the final version of a long-awaited and controversial rule to extend
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders each picked up primary wins on Tuesday in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton begins a two-day tour on Monday through
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday warned that a dangerous financial bu
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday he is willing to talk to North Korean le
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential contender Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would renegotiate America’s r
NEW YORK - Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump told Reuters in a wide-ranging interview on Tuesday that he wou
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump appeared to change tack on Tuesday about his future ties with British Prime Minister Da
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday that sweeping financial reforms put in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Tuesday released her personal financial discl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate unanimously backed President Barack Obama’s nomination of Eric Fanning as se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An aide to U.S. Democrat Hillary Clinton criticized Donald Trump’s foreign policy as making “n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday criticized Republican Donald Trumpâ€
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York appeals court issued a ruling on Tuesday that apparently made it highly unlikely that a state
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump has filed a new personal financial disclosure form that details a net worth of more tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives stripped a requirement that women register for the military draft from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama called incoming Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday to c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday defended its deportation policy after complaints from Democratic presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate passed legislation on Tuesday that would allow families of Sept. 11 victims to sue Sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Tuesday said it strongly opposes a House bill to fight the Zika virus, saying its fu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A proposal by a U.S. Senate committee to cancel the Defense Department position of acquisition ch
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday postponed a deadline for prosecutors in New Jersey to reveal a list of u
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The race to succeed Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie got under way this week when a for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday that it had “serious concerns† about a bill the U.S. Senate p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. presidential campaign is not a subject of discussion at the Federal Reserve’s policy mee
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia’s center-left opposition Labor Party leader Bill Shorten on Tuesday endorsed U.S. Democratic
SACRAMENTO (Reuters) - Two of the most powerful politicians in California are advancing the same basic gun control agenda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is scheduled to meet on Wednesday with former S
BOSTON (Reuters) - Two Boston brothers accused of urinating on and beating a homeless Mexican man and telling police “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A woman at the center of a New York Times piece detailing Republican Donald Trump’s history w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s White House set up one last fight with the Republican-controlled Con
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba and the United States aim to reach new agreements on cooperation in law enforcement, health and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A congressional committee on Monday put off plans to debate legislation on how to address Pue
(Reuters) - A federal agency on Monday released final rules on how employers can offer workers financial incentives of up to 3
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will try to pass legislation this week providing $622
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Monday revived a lawsuit by prospective gun shop owners who were ban
NEW YORK/WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Erik Duhaime is a passive stock market investor, but he isn’t afraid to short Donald Tr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House confirmed on Monday that Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser, wou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday that his administration’s guidance on transgender issu
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Actor Wendell Pierce, who starred in HBO’s “The Wire,† was arrested in Atlanta over the week
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Monday urged China to implement economic reforms that will h
(Reuters) - Representative Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania and several associates orchestrated a series of fraudulent schemes to
LONDON (Reuters) - Donald Trump said he was unlikely to have a good relationship with David Cameron because the British p
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic Party activists in some U.S. states are using Donald Trump, the Republican presidential cand
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron stands by his description of Donald Trump’s proposal for a temp
WASHINGTON, 2016 - A top aide to Donald Trump said on Sunday he did not believe the Republican presidential front-runner
(Reuters) - Presidential politics crept into the graduation ceremony at the University of Pennsylvania on Sunday, with presump
LONDON (Reuters) - Presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Britain leaving the European Union
(Reuters) - Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg will meet this week with prominent conservatives in the media, a spoke
(Reuters) - Interviews with dozens of women who have worked for Donald Trump or interacted with him socially reveal a patte
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama toasted Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland at a star-studded
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday that he and leaders from five Nordic nations agreed on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five Nordic countries and the United States on Friday called on Russia to ensure its military maneuv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration told U.S. public schools on Friday that transgender students must be allo
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Friday picked a prominent climate change skeptic to help him craft his
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The email Donald Trump’s campaign sent inviting fans to a rally next week looked familiar: “Mee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Friday an updated bill dealing with Puerto
(Reuters) - Transgender students cheered the Obama administration’s directive on Friday requiring U.S. public schools to a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States plans to renew the bulk of its sanctions against Myanmar when they expire next w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the Republican National Committee sought on Friday to tamp down talk among som
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has asked one of America’s most ardent drillin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday that he and U.S. House of Repres
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Supporters of billionaire Donald Trump appear unfazed by his decision to accept money from outside d
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Secret Service is investigating presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump went on a charm offensive on Thursday to try
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday that, the world
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and the United States are preparing to hold a summit meeting around May 25, government sources t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. immigration officials are planning a month-long series of raids in May and June to deport hundr
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba and the United States will meet next week for a third round of talks on improving relations, Havana
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is set to toast the five leaders of Nordic nations at a lavish state dinner at t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s foreign policy proposals would make the world a less stable place, former Secre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three competing plans for battling a potential Zika virus outbreak in the United States were present
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Kentucky Senator Rand Paul plans to become the first Republican co-sponsor of legislation to block
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he had a “very, very good meeting†
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday handed a victory to congressional Republicans who challenged President B
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A bill to send $700 million to cash-starved social services providers breezed through the Illinois Legislatur
GENEVA (Reuters) - Hollywood actor Michael Douglas, a U.N. “messenger for peace†, wants President Barack Obama to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it would welcome any progress made by the U.S. Congress towar
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, if left unaddressed by the U.S. Congress where legislation has stalled in the
(Reuters) - Results of Baltimore’s primary election were ordered decertified on Thursday by the Maryland elections board,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump said on Thursday he had a “great day† in Wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers are making progress toward legislation to address Puerto Rico’s financial crisis an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, one of the Senate’s most senior Republicans, said on Thursday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday the U.S. Department of Justice was still deciding whether to appe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of Congress on Thursday grilled the main U.S. banking regulator about a recent raft of dat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 Republican in the U.S. Senate said on Thursday he believes the party will unite behind pre
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Top fundraisers for Donald Trump made pitches on Wednesday to prominent hedge fund investors to li
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s rise to de-facto Republican nominee for president poses an un
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said he was “very encouraged† following his meeti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and U.S. House of Representatives Spe
BERLIN (Reuters) - If Britain were to leave the European Union, it would hurt Britain and Europe as well as the global economy
(Reuters) - Britain holds a referendum on membership of the European Union on June 23. Following are details of how the ref
GENEVA (Reuters) - People travelling to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro should avoid visiting impoverished and overcrow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate negotiators on Wednesday tried to reach a deal to provide more than $1 billion to battle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said a meeting on Thursday with pres
(This version of the May 11 story, corrects figure in second paragraph to 100.) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Republi
BERLIN (Reuters) - The European Union would not simply carry on as before should Britain vote to leave the bloc, Germany’
WASHINGTON/SAN JUAN (Reuters) - As the U.S. Congress drags its feet on a bill to address Puerto Rico’s $70 billion debt c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican veteran Newt Gingrich did not rule out on Wednesday the possibility that he could be pe
LONDON (Reuters) - London’s status as a global financial center would probably be affected to some extent if Britain votes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives’ information technology team has blocked lawmakers from a
SANTA CLARA (Reuters) - Cyber attack techniques used by the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State could also be used by oth
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump pulled even with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in a Reuters/Ipsos opinio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives on Wednesday unanimously passed legislation to improve safety plan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump would consider changes to Social Security and Medicare if he is elected U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit against Ohio officials on Wednesday over a plan by the state to r
BOSTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Supporters of U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders may inhabit opp
(Reuters) - The Louisiana legislature on Wednesday passed a bill requiring women to wait three days before receiving an aborti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Wednesday criticized Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday he was trying to be as constructive as possible as
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s support has surged and he is now running nearly even with Democrat Hillary Clinto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives could not agree to the latest Republican bill on Pue
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republicans on a U.S. House of Representatives panel said they were making progress o
(This version of the May 10 story has been corrects to update new name of group to “GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders
(Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Monday he would step down as chairman of the Republican Party’s July c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats defeated a Republican effort to undercut the Iran nuclear agreement on We
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton on Tuesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump, the presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee, said on Tuesday he would lik
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump will present his views on law and o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz returned to his job in the U.S. Senate on Tuesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he had narrowed his potential vice presidentia
WASHINGTON/TOKYO (Reuters) - Barack Obama will become the first U.S. president to visit Hiroshima in Japan later this mont
WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has called for a temporary ban on M
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Mel Reynolds, a former U.S. congressman from Illinois who has had numerous legal troubles, wants to pl
(Reuters) - A Pennsylvania state Senator and a Democratic Party official were charged in a federal indictment for their involvem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House pressed forward on Tuesday with its uphill battle to win Senate confirmation of Pr
(Reuters) - A federal judge in New Jersey on Tuesday ordered the release of a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the criminal
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ tax and benefit plans would raise income for
GOP leaders have unleashed a stunning level of vitriol against their party’s most successful presidential candidate. House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, will oversee the presumptive Republic
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Natural Resources Committee said on Monday l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump backtracked on Monday on his remarks about raisi
WASHINGTON/WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - A fight between the Obama administration and North Carolina over a state l
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - A bill requiring all single-occupancy public restrooms to be open to anyone regardless of gend
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland, will submit a fil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Marco Rubio on Monday sought to quash speculation that he might emerge as t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will meet with Senate Republican leader Mitch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will meet with his National Security Council on Tuesday morning to discuss
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday it was concerned the debt crisis confronting Puerto Rico could ha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Monday he has chosen New Jersey Govern
CLEVELAND/NEW YORK - Bracing for a general election fight with Donald Trump, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary
ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Britain’s Prince Harry and U.S. first lady Michelle Obama mixed with headline acts from musi
(This version of the May 5, 2016 story has been corrected to make clear Ralph Nader ran as a Green Party candidate) By Ginge
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. presidential election may turn out to be one of the world’s biggest un-popularity contests.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama warned on Friday that occupying the Oval Office “is not a reality sh
HANOI (Reuters) - A top U.S. envoy began a two-day trip to Vietnam on Monday to gauge its progress in human rights, two we
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Sunday he was open to raising taxes o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin vowed on Sunday to help unseat Paul Ryan, the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Ryan and Donald Trump, the top Republicans in the United States, plan to meet next week to t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said in a commencement speech on Saturday that U.S. race relations have
(Reuters) - Alabama’s Supreme Court Chief Justice was suspended on Friday for ordering state probate judges not to grant
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Arizona’s governor signed into law on Friday a bitterly contested proposal that will restore a federal h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday a long-delayed rule requiring the financial industry to id
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has a higher probability than her likely Republican rival Donald
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump will testify after the Nov. 8 presidential election in a class-action lawsuit that accuses
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Would Donald Trump really consider not paying portions of the U.S. debt? The prospect riled economis
OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - Oklahoma’s legislature has passed a bill aimed at reducing the state’s bulging population o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said on Friday he would not vote for either the p
BOSTON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry criticized presumptive Republican presidential candidate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama urged the U.S. media and American public on Friday to examine the “lo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator and former presidential hopeful Lindsey Graham said on Friday he could not in â
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Japan’s ambassador to the United States weighed in on the U.S. presidential election debate on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday will deliver a statement “on the economy and new steps to st
(Reuters) - Republican lawmakers, operatives and donors grappled with whether to support Donald Trump, who effectively cli
WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday he thought Britain wou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top elected Republican, Paul Ryan, said on Thursday he was not ready to endorse Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Thursday that before the party
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday he was not ready to support the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is likely to interview Hillary Clinton in the next few weeks about
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto discussed immigration fro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Texas Governor Rick Perry has endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump an
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican leaders in North Carolina on Thursday refused to back down from a law regulati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. Senators urged auto safety regulators to publicly name the makes and models of tens of m
CHICAGO (Reuters) - For the second time in two weeks, the Illinois Senate moved to loosen the financial death grip on the stat
(Reuters) - The Michigan House of Representatives approved on Thursday a $500 million spending package for Detroit’s ca
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump celebrated Cinco de Mayo on Thursday by tweeti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jacobs Technology Inc was awarded a $427 million contract related to threat/target systems for war
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he is not ready to support or end
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For some Democrats, Donald Trump may seem to be a gift - set to steer Republicans into a trainwre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton took quick aim at presumptive Republican n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday said that it sees no reason to wait until after the Nov. 8 presidential e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump named a national finance chairman for his presidential campaign on Thur
ISLE OF LEWIS, Scotland (Reuters) - Donald Trump has played up his family roots from Lewis, an island off the northwestern tip
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 50 automakers, state transportation agencies and other groups urged the White House a
(This version of the story corrects the figure for the current minimum wage to $7.25 from $15 in paragraph two) WASHINGTO
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thirteen U.S. industry groups representing technology companies Inc (AMZN.O), Uber
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outlined economic policy initiatives on Thursday th
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Thursday he would not apologize to Donald Trump after he
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s vow to round up and deport all of America’s undocumented immigrants if he is
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator John McCain told supporters in Arizona last month that having Donald Trump on the Repub
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would not bail out Pue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supporters of Donald Trump, the presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee, see refugees a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal judge in Washington on Wednesday ordered that Democratic presidential candidate Hillar
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Supporters of a drive to legalize recreational marijuana for adults in California said on Wednesday th
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut’s lawmakers are aiming to pass an austerity budget for the coming financial year on We
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican John Kasich ended his longshot presidential bid on Wednesday, NBC News and Politico r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Wednesday he will probably w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Wednesday he could make som
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, a Republican who has been mentioned as a possible vice presi
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Dozens of Illinois social service providers, starved of cash by the state’s long-running budget stalemat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enriqu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday held firm on his refusal to act on President
MONTERREY, Mexico (Reuters) - A maverick Mexican state governor on Wednesday tipped presumptive Republican presidenti
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel tried to reassure municipal credit analysts on Wednesday that the city and
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - An Argentine TV station is lampooning U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s comments abou
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Several Republicans took to social media Wednesday to declare they will never back Donald Trump for
ZURICH (Reuters) - Companies should not blame U.S. sanctions for stopping them investing in Iran, a State Department official
(Reuters) - Republican John Hammond III had made no secret of his distaste for Donald Trump and his desire to halt his march
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Wednesday urged people in the United States to take a rational and objective view of the relation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, who has been advising Donald Trump informally on foreig
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Ted Cruz carefully left the door open to a future run for president on Tuesday a
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California would repeal mandatory jail time for convicted prostitutes under a bill approved by
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Tuesday said Puerto Rico’s financial crisis risks turning the comm
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A Democratic bid to transfer the highly coveted political power of drawing legislative boundaries from sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday said the United States must move tow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz lashed out at rival candidate Donald Trump on the day of I
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, for decades one of the state’s most power
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to help Puerto Rico deal with its $72 billion debt crisis “is being finalized† by a U.S.
(Reuters) - Moody’s Investors Service on Tuesday slapped a negative outlook on Kansas’ Aa2 credit rating, citing the sta
NASHVILLE (Reuters) - Educators and other full-time staffers at Tennessee’s public state universities and colleges will soon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday that a Chinese-led regional trade deal demonstrated t
INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s success in the race for the White House may well depend on the support of Rep
WASHINGTON/CARMEL, Ind. (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton met with coal and steel workers in the Appa
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan angrily criticized Donald Trump, frontrunner for the U.S. Republican presidential nomination,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday took the political battle over his pick for a vacancy on the U.S. S
(Reuters) - The National Wrestling Hall of Fame on Monday revoked all awards bestowed upon former U.S. House Speaker Den
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration urged Congress to pass legislation to help Puerto Rico resolve a debt cris
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Front-runner Donald Trump said on Sunday that he will have essentially sealed the Republican U.S. p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It’s a U.S. taxpayer’s dream: make the Internal Revenue Service go away, and the largest con
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hundreds of people marched through Los Angeles on Sunday in a May Day rally that took aim at Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday took aim at Democrats and Republicans alike in his final a
BURLINGAME, Calif. (Reuters) - The Californian Republican Party voted on Sunday to extend its term limit to allow the former
BURLINGAME, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Ted Cruz made a plea to the California Republican Party on Saturda
BURLINGAME, Calif. (Reuters) - Protests erupted in California for the second day in a row on Friday against U.S. presidential ca
(Reuters) - The United States Military Academy is poised to have its first woman dean in its 216-year history after President Ba
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Facing deeply entrenched differences and political headwinds, the top negotiators trying to reach a swe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Indiana Governor Mike Pence said on Friday he would vote for Republican presidential candidate Te
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As Donald Trump moves closer to clinching the Republican presidential nomination, he has offered l
(Corrects first paragraph of April 22 item to show that bill has not been sent to the governor and adds third paragraph to expl
(Reuters) - When Chris Cox rolls into Cleveland in mid-July with other motorcycle-riding supporters of Donald Trump, he plans
BOSTON (Reuters) - The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said on Friday it has sharply cut back an online ad that had u
OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - Oklahoma lawmakers will take up legislation next week aimed at ensuring sex crimes do not go un
(Reuters) - Some 20 demonstrators were arrested on Thursday outside a Donald Trump campaign rally in southern California,
LONDON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s first major foreign policy address alarmed American allies, who view the Republican f
ERBIL, Iraq/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden met Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and other top officials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed President Barack Obama’s nominee for ambassador to M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump waded into politically risky territory this week w
Caitlyn Jenner posted a video on Wednesday (April 26) of herself using a women’s bathroom at Republican Presidential can
(Reuters) - A U.S. congressman called on the Department of Homeland Security to address whether foreign students are cheati
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A revised criminal justice reform bill moved closer to a full U.S. Senate vote on Thursday when it gai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Thursday to repeal a Labor Department rule aimed at p
TULSA, Okla. (Reuters) - An Oklahoma state legislator has apologized after saying in the legislature last week that Native Amer
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday won endorsements from two more
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit on Thursday to Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday the United States is “deeply concerned† that China’s n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said on Thursday her agency released
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday said Vice President Joe Biden’s unannounced visit to Iraq to meet
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Thursday he would support lifting restrictions on the sale
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan invited Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday to address
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States said Thursday it is working to cut off revenue streams to North Korea by targeting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department and a key U.S. House of Representatives panel are getting “very c
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden met Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Thursday to discuss political an
(This version of the April 27 story, corrects paragraph 10 to read North Carolina, not South Carolina) By Alex Dobuzinskis (Reu
WASHINGTON/BETHESDA, Md. (Reuters) - Wealthy, well-educated voters helped carry Republican presidential front-runner D
INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters)- -Democratic
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) U.S. Republican presidential
presidential candidate
candidate Ted
Bernie Cruz, in a last-ditch
Sanders’ positions bid to slow front-runner
on fracking, Donald
free tuition and Trum
said she worries about an industry backlash against Sanders supporters, given the reaction to her statements, as well as negati
NEW YORK (Reuters) - More than half of American voters believe that the system U.S. political parties use to pick their candida
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican political donor said on Wednesday he would spend “seven figures† on a targete
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers in the House Armed Services Committee began debating an annual defense policy b
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Embarrassed by Donald Trump’s rhetoric against Mexico, former World Bank President Robert Zo
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois stripped former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert of his teacher’s pension
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California politics got a bit more racy on Wednesday, as producers and actors in the adult film
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear on Wednesday accused his successor Matt Bevin of thre
(Reuters) - Carly Fiorina was so happy to be named U.S. presidential hopeful Ted Cruz’s running mate, she broke into song
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan called on Wednesday for an end to Obamacare’
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Activist investor William Ackman promised U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that he will u
(Reuters) - Drugmaker Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc’s (VRX.TO) new chief executive, Joseph Papa, will receive
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democrat Hillary Clinton is the only presidential contender scheduled to attend a reception next w
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump delivered a major foreign policy speech on Wednesday, vo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress on Wednesday passed and sent to President Barack Obama legislation strengthen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said on Wednesday he is planning to lay off hund
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted unanimously on Wednesday to require law enforcement a
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, once one of the country’s most powerful politicians, was
(Reuters) - A Maine state official on Wednesday validated a petition by pro-marijuana activists that would allow the state’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A battle over implementation of the Iran nuclear deal erupted on the U.S. Senate floor on Wednesd
(Reuters) - An Alabama city appears to be the first in the country to specify criminal penalties for violators of an ordinance req
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared poised to throw out the corruption convictions of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will visit Flint, Michigan next week to hear from residents about the drinkin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Obama’s trip to Flint, Michigan next week is aimed at highlighting the ongoing need to help that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday said a range of options to provide funds to fight Zika, addin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said he will make a major announcement at 4 p.m. on W
(Reuters) - A Republican candidate running to become North Carolina’s attorney general faced criticism on Tuesday after s
KIEV (Reuters) - U.S Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said on Wednesday she was encouraged by signs of commitm
BALTIMORE (Reuters) - A Maryland state senator backing law enforcement reform won a narrow victory on Tuesday in the De
PHOENIX (Reuters) - A judge on Tuesday tossed out a legal challenge to a problem-plagued presidential preference election in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a measure that would for the first time req
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A jury did not convict Washington state’s auditor on money-laundering and tax-evasion charges on Tue
(Reuters) - Kansas is withdrawing from plans to resettle Syrian refugees in the state after the federal government failed to pro
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Civil rights groups and churches opposed to sweeping changes to North Carolina’s electi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a $82.2 billion budget plan for the 2017 fiscal year o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Efforts to protect the greater sage grouse, a bird found in the western United States, do not pose a t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday wrestled with the question of under what circumstances judges
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that a former police detective can sue a New Jersey city c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats on a powerful U.S. congressional panel are questioning whether Canada-based Valeant P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. State Department official said on Tuesday that Washington has no plans to change a Cold Wa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Republican leader Kevin McCarthy said on Tuesday he is “hopeful†
RALEIGH, N.C. (Reuters) - Thousands of people flocked to North Carolina’s capital on Monday to show both support and di
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. immigration enforcement officers are proposing that fingerprints be taken from all people claim
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - A federal judge upheld a North Carolina law on Monday that requires voters to show certain
WEST CHESTER, Pa. (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump, on the eve of primary elections in five states that he is expected to s
(Reuters) - A man who accused former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert of sexual abuse filed a lawsuit on Monday claiming
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s campaign is vetting former business executive
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts on Monday described as bizarre the legal process used by companies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Overcrowded prisons strain state budgets, take people out of the work force and pull families apart
BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston Mayor Martin Walsh, a former labor leader, said on Monday that federal agents had not contacted
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican White House rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich announced a deal on Sunday to stay out of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer’s super PAC launched a $25 million youth voter dri
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner on Monday signed into law a bill to send $600 million to cash-starved stat
HANOVER, Germany (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Sunday he would do whatever he could to advance a con
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - At first, Mexico’s government did its best to ignore Donald Trump. Then it likened him to Adolf Hit
HANOVER, Germany (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama slipped on on a pair of virtual reality glasses bedecked with plasti
(Reuters) - A promise that U.S. Republican front-runner Donald Trump will adopt a more presidential campaign style does not
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch, a key source of financing for conservative Republican causes al
HANOVER, Germany (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday that she did not favor classical “safe zon
HANOVER, Germany (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said the European Union and United States must move forward
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House will likely make a decision by June on whether it will release some classified mater
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell contends that if the Supreme Court agrees with prosec
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (Reuters) - Reince Priebus, the unassuming head of the Republican National Committee, often plays the pia
HOLLYWOOD, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump attacked his top Democratic
LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton wants Britain to stay in the Europ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Longer prison sentences for non-violent criminals and crowded prisons are hurting the American eco
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Harold Hamm, chief executive of shale oil producer Continental Resources Inc and Mitt Romney’s 20
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe signed an order on Friday restoring the voting rights of more tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rarely have two U.S. presidential front-runners needed more from running mates than Hillary Clinto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers are pressing the nation’s top intelligence official to estimate the number of Ame
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, commenting on a report in the Wall Street Journal on
LONDON (IFR) - The prospect of Donald Trump becoming the next U.S. president and ushering in a period of increased public s
TOKYO (Reuters) - The United States will propose that President Barack Obama visits Hiroshima, Japan’s Nikkei newspaper
HOLLYWOOD, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top advisers to Donald Trump assured Republican Party leaders on Thursday tha
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton launched a bid on Thursday to draw young vot
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump sided on Thursday with those criticizing a
GUANTANAMO BAY U.S. NAVAL BASE, Cuba (Reuters) - Observed from behind a one-way mirror and heavy chain-link fence, a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Time magazine’s annual “100 most influential people† list had a notable omission this year: Jo
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A key committee in Mexico’s Senate on Thursday ratified a deal with the United States that would
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. sanctions relief will be on the agenda when the Iranian and U.S. foreign ministers meet on Frida
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has spent about $15 per vote so far in the rac
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a firebrand for strong financial regulation, asked on Thursday why securities regulat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A display of U.S. state flags in a tunnel under Washington’s Capitol complex will be replaced bec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of senators will soon offer a proposal for more funding to fight a Zika outbreak sp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday very good progress was being made o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said lawmakers were “w
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Nearly half Australian adults would support their country distancing itself from the United States if Donald
TOKYO (Reuters) - Most Japanese firms think a Donald Trump presidency would harm the Japan-U.S. security alliance and mak
(Reuters) - Kansas Governor Sam Brownback offered options on Wednesday for dealing with sinking revenue for the state’
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama met Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Wednesday to seek joint action on sec
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama aired his human rights concerns with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Wedn
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Front-runner Donald Trump showed signs of tightening his grip on the Republican U.S. presidential nom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Activists in a group supporting marijuana legalization said on Wednesday that White House officials
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican officials began meeting on Wednesday, a day after Donald Trump’s crushing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump would be inclined to replace Federal Reserve Ch
RIYADH (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Saudi Arabia’s King Salman discussed the ties between their nations durin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional committee is planning to ask the Air Force to assess the cost and feasibility of r
OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - An Oklahoma bill that allows judges to take into consideration a diagnosis of PTSD for veterans un
RIYADH (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Abu Dhabi’s crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahayan discu
BOSTON (Reuters) - Support for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump among his party’s church-going Catho
(Reuters) - A U.S. lawmaker has called for a congressional committee to hold a hearing on legislation that would make it easier
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee called on Wednesday fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate passed the first broad energy bill in nine years on Wednesday, legislation containing mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court on Wednesday unanimously upheld the state legislative districts in Arizona draw
RIYADH (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will meet with Abu Dhabi’s crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nah
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The chances of a contested Republican presidential convention slid to their lowest in more than three w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Apple Inc (AAPL.O) has been asked by Chinese authorities within the last two years to hand over its
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A high-ranking Republican senator on Tuesday dismissed as “not satisfactory† draft legislation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee called on Tuesday for In
(Reuters) - Victim advocates and former prosecutors used the anniversary of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing on Tuesday to
(Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday approved an agreement between the U.S. Justice Department and Ferguson, Missouri,
(Reuters) - U.S. health insurer UnitedHealth Group Inc on Tuesday said it would largely exit the Obamacare individual insuranc
NEW YORK (Reuters) - UnitedHealth Group Inc’s decision to exit most of its Obamacare health insurance exchanges next ye
(Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives committee on Tuesday approved an amendment to an agricultural funding bill tha
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The majority leader of the U.S. Senate, Republican Mitch McConnell, said on Tuesday he was still co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The secretive U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has issued its first order allowing the Natio
LOUISVILLE (Reuters) - Kentucky’s Republican governor on Tuesday called for an investigation into how his Democratic pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan did not immediately endorse a Senate bill on Tuesday that would allo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In an historic first, U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts used sign language from the Supreme Court bench
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York City official on Tuesday ordered an audit of the city’s election authorities, citing “dee
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Washington, D.C.’s city council on Tuesday permanently banned the smoking of marijuana in pu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday struggled with the question of when federal contractors can be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Monday said he opposes a proposed natural g
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Electronic Frontier Foundation sued the U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday in an attempt
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - He’s a successful businessman making his first foray into politics. He wants to secure the souther
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will meet with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved legislation that would boost domestic travel secu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s bid to save his plan to spare millions of immigrants in the country illeg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dancing, singing, chanting and cheering, throngs of supporters of President Barack Obama’s plan
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea, which conducted a fourth nuclear test in January in contravention of U.N. Security Council reso
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders accused front-runner Hillary Clinton of apparent
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United States will send more troops to Iraq and will put them closer to the front lines of battle there
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said in an interview broadcast on Monday that the United States is providin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House expressed confidence on Monday that Saudi Arabia would not follow through on a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government is poised to approve two long-delayed sales of Boeing Co fighter jets to Qatar a
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday heard arguments in a challenge by 26 states to President Barack Obama’s e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. first lady Michelle Obama will join her husband, President Barack Obama, for his trip to Britain l
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday heard arguments in a challenge brought by Texas and other states to Presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, called on President Barack Obama on Mond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said if she wins the White House she would go fart
MANILA (Reuters) - The United States will transfer an observation blimp to the Philippines to help it track maritime activity an
TOKYO (Reuters) - The United States will respond strongly in the case of a further North Korean nuclear test, U.S. Deputy Secre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei criticized Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior adviser to Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Sunday accused rival Donald Trum
(Corrects headline and first paragraph to show spokesman was referring to U.S. financial system, not global financial system in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case on Monday that tests the boundaries of presidential power
(Reuters) - When the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday takes up a challenge brought by Texas and other states to President Bara
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday will hear arguments in a challenge by 26 states to President Barack Obama’
CASPER, Wyo. (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential hopeful Ted Cruz won all 14 delegates at stake on Saturday in Wyoming
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Actor and director George Clooney, a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, broke ranks
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) - Pope Francis said on Saturday that his meeting with Bernie Sanders, contesting the Dem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Friday weighed in on the debate over allowing consumers to switch fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of former contestants on Donald Trump’s reality television show “The Apprenticeâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who has made income inequality a top campaign theme
(Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign manager said on Friday he was relieved a batte
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cruise company Carnival Corporation believes Cuba will soon modify rules that bar Cuban-Americans from
BOSTON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative and independent protesters channeling themes from the presidential campa
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights launched a thinly veiled attack on U.S. Republican presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An aggressive advertising and lobbying campaign by conservative activists and financial interests thi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle donated less to charities in 2015 as their income also
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s proposed rules to stop U.S. companies from reincorporating abroad, i
(Reuters) - Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a gun rights bill on Friday allowing churches to create security programs de
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, addressing a Vatican conference on social justice on Frida
BALTIMORE (Reuters) - In the port city of Baltimore, where Europeans once streamed into America after crossing the Atlantic
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The latest 2016 presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders drew an audience of so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 90 percent of the U.S. House of Representatives has signed a letter urging President Bara
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service should resign due to the agency’s inability to impr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress should give Puerto Rico the authority to restructure its debt, the White House sai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican officials on Friday defended the process for selecting delegates who will choose the part
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said on Friday he would make lifting tax and regulatory b
(Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is poised to notch another small but important victory in his battle with billionaire Donald Tru
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday talked up “New York values† and urged his h
(Reuters) - Former New York Governor George Pataki endorsed Republican presidential candidate John Kasich on Thursday, le
MIAMI (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry condemned Carnival Corp on Thursday for barring Cuban-Americans from
PHOENIX (Reuters) - The Democratic National Committee will file a federal lawsuit over the actions of Arizona election officials
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign manager will not be pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Apple Inc (AAPL.O) and the FBI will return to Congress next week to testify before lawmakers about
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Constant cyber attacks on the U.S. Missile Defense Agency and its key weapons programs pose as gr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee on Thursday approved a reauthorization of the Commodity F
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Thursday unveiled new oil well control rules to prevent the kind of blo
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pop star Demi Lovato is jazzed about Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Comic Sarah Silverman’
(Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump drew guffaws and derision on social media after he asked a cam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday expressed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday expressed confidence that lawmakers would ultimately b
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Reuters) - Former U.S. Representative Ray Thornton of Arkansas, who helped draft the articles of impeachm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said he opposed any effort to give Iran access to the U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he backs continuing the $1.3 billi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican front-runner Donald Trump took fresh steps to reset his campaign on Wednesday, hiring
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders won his first endorsement from a fellow U.S. sena
JACKSONVILLE, Fla (Reuters) - When U.S. manufacturing employment peaked, Jimmy Carter was president, inflation was 11 pe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican White House hopeful Ted Cruz said on Wednesday he is looking at who he might select a
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contenders Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton joined striking Ve
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign manager, who was charged in Florida last month w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to help Puerto Rico climb out of a debilitating debt crisis hit new resistance in the U.S. Co
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - - Creditors of Puerto Rico’s Government Development Bank on Wednesday withdrew a lawsuit that s
(Reuters) - A Donald Trump presidency would be bad for corporate dealmaking, according to a global survey of people who ad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. senators on Wednesday issued a formal draft of a controversial bill that would give courts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop on Wednesday said Obama adminis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives committee has canceled Thursday’s work session on legislation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress was ironing out a new plan on Wednesday to rescue Puerto Rico from crippling de
(Reuters) - A South Carolina bill to require transgender people to use public restrooms matching their sex at birth was slamme
(Reuters) - The Obama administration will announce Thursday safety regulations for offshore oil and natural gas drilling to pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation that would require law enforcement to obtain a search warrant before asking technology
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. House of Representatives Republican Tom Cole said on Wednesday more funds will be n
NEW YORK (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co has been lambasted by Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, but Ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and 10 other Senate Democrats on Wednesday called for sig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is concerned that proposed legislation in Congress to address Puerto Rico’s de
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that he has raised $17.2 million in
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton on Wednesday will propose the creation of a new national Offic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An electrical workers’ union in the New York City area has endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Demo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday he would reject any attempt to dr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leading Republicans on Tuesday outlined a plan to help Puerto Rico shed crippling debt and accused
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s U.S. Supreme Court selection, failed to persuade Sen
(Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday approved a bill to provide financial incentives to companies developing treatments for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to sign a bill to provide financial incentives to companies d
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A comic gag turned into a gaffe for Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and New York Mayor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday he applauded a new House bill to
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The head of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) said on Tuesday that Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s fis
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The top contenders in both the Democratic and the Republican presidential nominating races have rou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The heads of the U.S. agencies that regulate securities and commodities pressed a Senate committe
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry defended a 12-nation Pacific trade agreement on Tuesday against
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama seemed to inch a little closer on Tuesday to endorsing former Secretary of
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s proposal to force Mexico to pay for his planned border wall by threatening to blo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Obama is optimistic about Brazil’s ability to meet political and economic challenges in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday called on Valeant Pharmaceuticals
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan will make a statement to the media on Tuesday ruling himself out as a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chuck Grassley and Merrick Garland go way back, but when the Republican Senate Judiciary Commi
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California will increase the amount of money new parents can receive through the state’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump lashed out at what he called the party’s “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Police arrested more than 400 protesters outside the U.S. Capitol on Monday from Democracy Sprin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Defying opinion polls and expert predictions, Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders aims to seize the party
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee will soon consider legislation on the country’s commodities and derivati
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City will implement a raft of reforms to combat its high level of homelessness, Mayor Bill de B
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen discussed risks to the economy and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced on Monday that Bill Baer will serve as acting associa
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Chicago City Council’s Finance Committee on Monday approved payments totaling $6.45 million
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama is happy with the job done by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presidential candidate Donald Trump says two of his children feel guilty about missing a voter regist
WASHINGTON - Bernie Sanders won the U.S. presidential Democratic nominating contest in Wyoming on Saturday, besting riv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton never jeopard
LONDON (Reuters) - Planned changes that President Barack Obama says are aimed at ensuring American companies do not av
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton on Sunday dismissed the notion of a contested nominating c
(Reuters) - Headlines screaming “Deportations to begin† and “Markets sink as trade war looms† top a parody new
(Reuters) - Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s lawyers declined on Saturday to directly address sexual abuse alleg
PHOENIX (Reuters) - An Arizona man filed a lawsuit on Friday challenging the results of the state’s March presidential prim
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will speak at an event in the Vatican next we
(Reuters) - A third of Republican voters who support Donald Trump could turn their backs on their party in November’s pre
(Reuters) - Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a financial crime in a hush-money case, had agree
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is maintaining pressure on the Senate to approve his Supreme Court nomin
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday told donors that Republican presidential candidates Donald Tru
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California will increase the amount of money new parents can receive through the state’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon will need to buy up to 18 more Russian-built RD-180 engines to power rockets carryin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Friday handed over more than 1,100 pages of records to the committ
(Reuters) - A Colorado lawmaker is trying to outlaw marijuana-laced gummy candies that resemble children’s treats, the la
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will convene a meeting of his National Security Council next
(Reuters) - Celebrity real estate developer Donald Trump has extended his lead nationally over Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and
ATLANTIC CITY (Reuters) - A New Jersey judge on Friday rejected a bid by Governor Chris Christie’s administration to freeze
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Security researchers and civil liberties advocates on Friday condemned draft legislation leaked from
VATICAN CITY/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was invited to speak at an Apr
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former President Bill Clinton on Thursday faced down protesters angry at the impact his 1994 crime ref
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced on Friday he had accepted an inv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s new top political strategist predicted on Friday the Republican presidential front
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a speech to a pro-Israel lobby group in Washington on
(Reuters) - Media buyers expect record political ad spending driven by the U.S. presidential race will create a tight market for a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump is facing bipartisan pressure to adopt a more presidential tone in his White House run
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is getting a taste of the “New York values† he derided in Iowa
(Reuters) - Bill Clinton faced down protesters for 10 minutes at a presidential campaign rally in Philadelphia for his wife, Hillary
CHICAGO (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday defended his pick of a white man to fill a U.S. Supreme Court vacan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump, under pressure to show a more presidential image, elevated a top adviser on Thursd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee on Thursday had to postpone its vote to confirm the two nomin
(Reuters) - Vanguard Group Chief Executive Bill McNabb said on Thursday he was encouraged by the U.S. Department of Labo
(Reuters) - South Carolina lawmakers have introduced a measure that would require transgender people to use public bathroo
(Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed two anti-discrimination executive orders on Thursday aimed at safeguardi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Jamaican fashion model who alleges that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. senator on Thursday introduced legislation calling for airlines and aircraft manufacturers to d
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that the best way for the government to fight tax avoi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown on Thursday urged the U.S. Treasury to investigate w
(Reuters) - Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the state of Indiana, saying a new
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Lindsey Graham said on Thursday he would seek an emergency appropriation of “multip
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, one of the Republican party’s senior foreign policy voices, said on
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s support among Republicans is about even at a national level w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Thursday to bolster travel security in the wake of the Brussels attacks with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has canceled a planned news conference in Cali
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump says the Federal Reserve has stoked asset bubbles and backs a congressional review
(Reuters) - Three of the five candidates running for U.S. president - Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders - have said the
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - A California bill aimed at reducing eating disorders among models cleared its first legislative h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is declining to offer public support for draft legislation that would empower judges
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s governor on Wednesday signed an emergency bill allowing the government to halt pay
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Lawyers for former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a financial crime in a hush-m
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s Republican rivals were invigorated on Wednesday by the front-runn
WASHINGTON- The (Reuters)
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provided that remedy 20 times over in the time that it took to litigate that case up and down through the Texas courts and the
WASHINGTON - Donald Trump proposed on Tuesday forcing Mexico to pay for his planned border wall by threatening to block
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged Congress to take action to stop U.S. companies from
(Reuters) - Alabama Governor Robert Bentley will face a legislative effort seeking his impeachment, a state lawmaker said on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new U.S. rule aimed at protecting retirement savers from profit-hungry brokers turned out to be m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Republican U.S. senators who oppose the nuclear agreement with Iran introduced a bill on Wed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Wednesday it will redirect $589 million in funds to prepare for the Zika vir
(Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Labor plans to announce on Wednesday its rule requiring financial advisers and brokers to
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N) said it supported a “best-interest† standard for wealth management c
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A new rule aimed at protecting retirement funds will result in up to $31.5 billion in compliance costs for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The sole Republican member of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Michael Piwowar, exp
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on Wednesday cheered the end of U.S. drug
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s government on Tuesday unexpectedly changed two of its top officials responsible for U.S
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Republican Ted Cruz easily won the Wisconsin presidential primary on Tuesday, dealing a blow to fron
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Bondholders with nearly a third of Puerto Rico’s $17 billion outstanding General Obligation bonds on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A moderate Republican senator heaped praise on President Barack Obama’s U.S. Supreme Court
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives on Tuesday debated a bill to halt debt payments, while a gov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said he spoke with Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Tuesday about ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has invited Judge Merrick Garland to breakfas
DETROIT (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said the move by Ford Motor Co (F.N) to build a m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The ethics committee of the U.S. House of Representatives said on Tuesday it would continue to inv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Tuesday called for changes in the U.S. military that would cut i
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A onetime business partner of former U.S. Representative Michael Grimm is preparing to plead guilty to
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ overall financial condition deteriorated in fiscal 2015 as tax collections fell, with the state reco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will deliver a statement at 12:15 ET on Tuesday on the economy following
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump tried to put a difficult week behind him and rally h
PHOENIX (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice has launched an investigation into the handling of last month’s preside
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Before introducing Donald Trump to roughly a dozen Republican lawmakers at the Washington law offic
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have agreed to meet for a debate on Ap
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Monday approved legislation to give companies greater legal protec
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government will pay U.S. health insurers who provide Medicare Advantage plans to elderly and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Overlooked in all the speculation about running for president, Republican Paul Ryan has quietly laid
(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s administration sued cash-strapped gambling hub Atlantic City on Monday,
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - Virginia’s governor vetoed a bill on Monday that would have made the state the first in the cou
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Creditors of Puerto Rico’s Government Development Bank on Monday sued to stop it from distributin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday it “strongly supports† the Senate trade secrets bill that give
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Cash-strapped Illinois needs $43 billion over 10 years to repair and improve its transportation network an
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday signed into law a minimum wage increase that takes a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders vowed to nominate Latinos into ke
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Last August, Bernie Sanders sat on a Craigslist-bought beige couch in his Washington office plotting to s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s prediction that the U.S. economy was on the verge of a “very massive recess
(Reuters) - Calling him “the best hope for investors who want a Republican in the White House,† Barron’s announce
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are tussling in Wisconsin over w
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump predicted that the United States is on course for a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus said on Sunday that Donald Trump is making it harde
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has suspended plans for an internal review of whether classified informa
MADRID (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will not visit Spain until its parties manage to form a government and end ov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday that Donald Trump’s recent comments that South Ko
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday there is no doubt that civilians have been killed in U.S. d
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former New York deputy secretary of state was arraigned on Friday after being indicted this week on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Friday will propose a $10 billion investment in p
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The probability that Republican front-runner Donald Trump will win his party’s presidential nominati
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - Three people who claim they were assaulted at a Donald Trump rally in Louisville, Kentucky, last m
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Obama administration will release a long-awaited proposal on retirement advice on
(Reuters) - A Mississippi measure that would allow people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex cou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wall Street investment banks must take losses amid efforts to fix Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, Demo
ALBANY, New York, (Reuters) - Governor Andrew Cuomo and state legislative leaders reached a deal on Thursday to raise New
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York state’s governor Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders announced late on Thursday an ag
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat who advocates for strong financial regulation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump made a surprise closed-door visit to the Republi
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A former gun industry lobbyist and budget-hawk Republicans are leading what might seem to be an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican lawmakers voiced deep concern on Thursday about reports that the Obama admini
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - A plan to raise California’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022 passed both houses of t
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has met with Wall Street credit rating agencies this week, telling them M
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump took a detour from the campaign trail on Th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday held an unexpected meeting w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who end pregn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Just as fears of nuclear terrorism are rising, U.S. President Barack Obama’s drive to lock down vu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon plans to transfer about a dozen inmates of the Guantanamo military prison to at least
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ron Wyden pledged on Wednesday to fight legislation expected shortly in Congress t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who is visiting Washington
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Only six more nations need to ratify an amendment to a nuclear security convention that would ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande will meet in Washington on Th
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - A plan to raise California’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022 cleared its first legislativ
UNITED NATIONS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Wednesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Wednesday rowed back statements that women who sought abortions under a pr
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut’s governor signed on Wednesday legislation to close a $220 million budget gap by the e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will have the chance to decide on whether to increase the number of U.S. f
(Reuters) - Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe torture can be justified to extract information from suspected terrorists, ac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The draft bill introduced in the U.S. Congress on Tuesday to steer Puerto Rico through its economic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women should fac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared likely to rule that property owners can challenge t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The prospect of Japan and South Korea obtaining nuclear weapons would be incredibly destabilizing
(Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe on Wednesday vetoed a bill that would have allowed ministers and others refuse
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Overuse of harsh sanctions like those deployed against Iran to limit its nuclear program risks driving
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Public sector unions triumphed before the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday when the justices preser
(Reuters) - Donald Trump’s presidential campaign manager was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery in Florida
(Reuters) - Republican - Republican
Donald front-runner
Trump’s Donald
2016 U.S. Trumpcandidacy
presidential on Tuesdayhasabandoned a pledgeontothe
put the spotlight support a party
party’s presiden
selection p
the Democrats banned winner-take-all districts and said a candidate would have to win at least 15 percent of the popular vote
WASHINGTON/SAN JUAN (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional draft bill to steer Puerto Rico through its economic crisis was release
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A second federal judge has taken the rare step of allowing a group suing for records from Hillary Clinton
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Economic sanctions are a powerful policy weapon but should not be wielded “frivolously,† U.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz won the backing on Tuesday of Wisconsin Governor Sco
(Reuters) - The financially distressed city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, will soon sell its public sewer utility to a subsidiary of Ame
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois on Tuesday accused many of his fellow Senate Republicans of being “
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2017 budget would produce $6.9 trillion in deficits over the
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner vowed to pursue a legal challenge against union dues the state collects fro
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hedge funds may have taken too big a bite of Apple Inc (AAPL.O). Shares of the iPhone maker are one o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American spy chiefs have told congressmen that a plan to allow the National Security Agency (NSA)
SACRAMENTO (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown announced a deal with legislative and labor leaders on Monday to r
WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton rebuked Senate Republicans on Monday for denying a he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday asked both sides for new information in a challenge by Christian
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Harsh rhetoric about Muslims by Republican candidates in the U.S. presidential election campaign is
(Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe on Tuesday vetoed a Republican-backed bill aimed at blocking state funding for P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday laid some of the blame for the tone of the presidential campaig
(Reuters) - A group of lawmakers is calling on the National Institutes of Health and Department of Health and Human Services
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Transgender people barred under a new North Carolina law from choosing bathrooms cons
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama met on Monday with a team of national security advisers to discuss U.S. eff
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Secret Service will not allow people to carry guns into the July Republican National Conventi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected flamboyant former two-term Democratic Illinois Gover
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The mayor of Youngstown, Ohio, was sentenced on Monday to a year of probation for his role in a pub
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Georgia Governor Nathan Deal said on Monday he will veto a so-called religious freedom bill passed by th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday doubled down on his criticism o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fresh from Democratic presidential primary wins over the weekend in three U.S. states, Bernie Sand
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexicans celebrating an Easter ritual late on Saturday burnt effigies of U.S. Republican presidential ho
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders easily won nominating contests in Alaska, Washin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump told the New York Times he would consider stop
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is built on his business acumen. But some of the Wall Street
WASHINGTON - Republican Ted Cruz on Friday denounced an article in the National Enquirer tabloid claiming he had extramar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The feud between Republican presidential contenders Donald Trump and Ted Cruz over their spous
(Reuters) - Presidential candidate Ted Cruz says he is the most consistent conservative left in the Republican race. The senator
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Joe Biden on Thursday ramped up White House efforts to get a Senate confirmation hearing for Sup
(Reuters) - Presidential candidate John Kasich, the governor of Ohio and a former congressman, has positioned himself as a co
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has moved to the left in key policy areas such as trade during h
(Reuters) - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has made income inequality and Wall Street main themes of his campaign for t
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Soon after Hillary Clinton’s arrival at the State Department in 2009, officials in the information techn
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - A former Kentucky lawmaker received a seven-year prison sentence on Thursday for bribing an insp
ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - A New York appeals court on Thursday upheld a lower court’s dismissal of a suit seeking to remov
TOKYO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has written to U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz dem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Shortly after last November’s attacks on Paris by a Brussels-based Islamic State cell, a top U.S. co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. and German officials agreed this week to deepen their collaboration on a range of cyber
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - North Carolina’s governor on Wednesday signed into law a measure that blocks local go
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Donald Trump is a brave pro-Putin political maverick who would end U.S. foreign wars and perhaps lift sa
(This story corrects date of election to Nov. 8 from Nov. 3 in eighth paragraph) By Alana Wise WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A fed
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday championed Argentina’s new center-right leader M
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - About 38 percent of California Republicans support billionaire Donald Trump’s bid for the
PHOENIX (Reuters) - Phoenix’s mayor on Wednesday urged a federal probe into the local county’s handling of voting in
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday the attack in Brussels that killed more than
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz turned to Twitter to defend their wives
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he did not expect a breakthrough on Middle East
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court on Wednesday headed toward a possible 4-4 split over a legal challenge by Chri
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Ted Cruz won the backing of former rival Jeb Bush on Wednesday as pro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives Ethics Committee said on Wednesday it had opened an investigation
(Reuters) - Democracy Works Inc, a non-partisan, non-profit group trying to encourage more Americans to take part in electio
ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - Lawyers for two New York residents seeking to throw Ted Cruz off next month’s presidential prim
(Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, said on Wednesday he would allow a Republican budget bill for fisc
(Reuters) - The Department of Labor on Wednesday released a long-awaited rule requiring companies to disclose when they s
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama discussed Brazil’s political crisis in a bi-lateral meeting with neighb
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine leader Mauricio Macri said Wednesday’s state visit by U.S. President Barack Obama m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic and a Republican congressmen have asked the National Security Agency to halt a repo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican front-runner Donald Trump swept to victory in Arizona on Tuesday but rival Ted Cru
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Muslims were not helping to prevent attacks su
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s interior minister said U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was “just plain
WASHINGTON(Reuters) - Former
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald candidate
Trump Jeb Bush
had come endorsed New
to a run-down Ted Cruz
York for
Citythe Republican
apartment on presidential nomination
a fall day in 2003 to tapeon Wedne
a scene f
candidate,” said Tarshi, who has attended Trump’s rallies and private parties promoting his presidential bid. “YOU G
(Reuters) - Two Republicans on the Federal Communications Commission told a congressional panel Tuesday the partisan divid
(Reuters) - A proposal to raise California’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by the year 2021 has qualified to be listed on the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court selection Merrick Garland on Tuesday resumed meeti
HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama challenged Cuba’s Communist government with an impassioned call for
ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - New York’s state assembly on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted to legalize mixed martial arts fights,
HAVANA (Reuters) - Lucila Morales stared in amazement at the flickering image of U.S. President Barack Obama on her old TV
HAVANA (Reuters) - Colombia’s leftist FARC rebel leader and U.S. President Barack Obama attended the same baseball gam
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - “I love the people in this room. I love Israel. I love Israel,† Donald Trump told a convention of pro
(Reuters) - From the basement to the third floor of Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, dozens of election campaig
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Tuesday the United States should use w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Baltimore community organizer Perry Hopkins, 55, is looking forward to stepping into a voting booth
HAVANA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday called for nations around the world to unite to defeat terrorism, sayi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday urged international cooperation in rea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of the commissioners on the Federal Trade Commission, Julie Brill, will resign and leave the U.S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday that he does not agree with critics of Republican pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday condemned President Barack Obamaâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Tuesday attacked the party’s front-runner, D
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said despite the deadly attacks in Brussels ear
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Tuesday called the blasts in Belgium “the late
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.s. Republican presidential candidate John Kasich on Tuesday said United States and its allies must
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, reacting to attacks at Brussels airport and a m
ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - New York is poised to join the rest of the country in legalizing mixed martial arts (MMA) fights, as the
(Reuters) - U.S. prosecutors said Monday that a “third party† had presented a possible method for opening an encrypte
HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama pushed Cuba to improve human rights during his historic visit to the Commu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Puerto Rico will ask the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to validate a law that could let it cut billions
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A small group of Republican lawmakers will join President Barack Obama’s historic trip to Cuba o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump vowed on Monday to pursue a strong U.S. allian
HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was encouraged by progress in the Colombian peace process after mee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Monday vowed an unbreakable U.S. alliance
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jeffrey Gundlach, the widely followed investor who runs DoubleLine Capital, foresees a “global grow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presidential candidate John Kasich called on Monday for “active steps† to strengthen ties bet
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Monday warned Republicans against backing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has begun circulating long-awaited draft legislation that would g
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should significantly cut spending on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Repub
(Reuters) - Regular tourism to Cuba by U.S. citizens could happen “very soon,† President Barack Obama said on Monday
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba has political prisoners and the U.S. government has shared lists of them with the Cuban governmen
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Liberal groups allied with the White House staged rallies around the country on Monday to pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday that the Obama administration “strongly opposes† passage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said the United States should decrease the amoun
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supreme Court justices on Monday signaled they are likely to leave in place a lower-court’s rulin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern, who helped hammer out an international agreement in Paris last yea
(Reuters) - U.S. authorities are investigating a threatening letter sent to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump often tells crowds at his campaign rallies that he
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Monday commented on U.S. President Barack Obama’s historic visit to Cuba, saying i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is leaning on new sources of cash as he prepares for a long
HAVANA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama arrived to small but cheering crowds on Sunday at the start of a historic visit to C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders outraised rival Hillary Clinton in February but
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban police backed by hundreds of shouting pro-government demonstrators broke up a march by the di
HAVANA/BOGOTA (Reuters) - Members of Colombia’s Marxist FARC guerrillas will meet U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that “professional agitators† bore much
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton raised $30.1 million in February, and began Sup
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Sunday ruled out Senate confirmation
(Reuters) - Demonstrators briefly shut down an Arizona highway leading to a campaign rally for Donald Trump on Saturday wh
HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama tried out his comedic chops with some Spanish in a video he made with Cub
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Christian groups asking the U.S. Supreme Court to exempt them from the requirement to provide in
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump’s portrayal of Japan as a free-rider on security is stirring worri
(Reuters) - The director of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s Asian American and Pacific Islander outreach
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the Senate began a two-week recess on Friday, the White House and its allies sought to turn up t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fox News on Friday issued a harsh condemnation to Donald Trump in defense of one of the network
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney said on Friday he would vote for U.S. Senator Ted Cruz in Utah’s preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The list of people, including dissidents, President Barack Obama plans to invite to meet with him du
HAVANA (Reuters) - The mansion in Havana where U.S. President Barack Obama and his family will spend two nights has survi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, responding to reports President Barack Obama c
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Authorities were investigating a threatening letter containing a granular substance that was sent to Don
(Reuters) - Mark Strang spends his days delivering farm equipment, listening to politics on the radio during cross-country drive
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Celeste Perosino was investigating possible crimes committed by Argentina’s central bank durin
(Reuters) - Presidential candidate Donald Trump has been accused by some in his Republican Party of being vague on policy sp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Friday announced he will vote for Senato
(Reuters) - A daughter of an Illinois state representative has been charged with participating in an attack on one of her mother
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former Connecticut Governor John Rowland on Friday urged a federal appeals court to overturn his con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican senators on Thursday raised the possibility they would confirm Barack Obama’s Supr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will name the first woman to head a U.S. combatant command, selecting A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will host the leaders of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Swede
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Ted Cruz, Donald Trump’s closest rival in the Republican race for the White House, named his nation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has won the Missouri primary, the Associated Pres
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Some rabbis and Jewish students are planning protests against Donald Trump’s speech on Monday a
(Reuters) - Former U.S. vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said on Thursday that her husband, who was seriously injured in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama did not specify a candidate preference in the race for the Democratic presi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday it is increasingly likely that the Republican Party’s pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate Senator Lindsey Graham threw his support behind Senato
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said on Thursday he would not be anyb
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley’s staff has indicated the senator is willing
(Reuters) - Five North Carolina Sheriff’s deputies have been disciplined over their behavior at a rally for Republican U.S. pre
(Reuters) - A sales consultant told Brazilian prosecutors he believes planemaker Embraer SA’s top officials, including Chief E
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. military officer told the Senate on Thursday that it would harm the morale of U.S. force
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Thursday condemned a pre-election video in the United States promoting Republican fro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday rejected a warning by Donald Trump
(Reuters) - U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl had devised what he told a military investigator was a “fantastic plan† to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain on Thursday urged Defense Secretar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said she expects legislation to help tackle P
(In March 16 item, corrects timing of legislative session in final paragraph) By Rich McKay ATLANTA (Reuters) - A religious free
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama selected Merrick Garland for the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, choo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland has been sympathetic to government regulators in his alm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration released $65.8 million on Thursday to help communities that are struggli
HAVANA (Reuters) - Saul Berenthal has waited for decades for a chance to do business in Cuba. Despite the astonishing breakt
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Real estate billionaire Donald Trump’s coarse rhetoric has won him some fans, but there’s at lea
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A senior Australian government minister on Thursday called Donald Trump’s campaign for the U.S. pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Republican presidential debate scheduled for next week in Utah has been canceled, host Fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama plans to lay out his vision for U.S.-Cuba relations in a major speech during n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As President Barack Obama unveiled his Supreme Court nominee on Wednesday, a carefully crafted
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama met with two Northern Ireland leaders and commended them on the
PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - Republican front-runner Donald Trump warned on Wednesday of riots if he is denied the partyâ€
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama imposed sweeping new sanctions on North Korea on Wednesday intended
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, said on Wednesday that he would veto the latest Repub
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As valedictorian of his high school class, Merrick Garland let his audience know precisely how he felt
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will not rule out the possibility of requesting a rec
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The two main antagonists in Illinois’ budgetary stalemate signaled no imminent spending deal on We
(Reuters) - Like any Republican candidate, front-runner Donald Trump needs to collect a majority of the party’s 2,472 deleg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell told President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nomin
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The chances that the Republican Party will decide its nominee for the November presidential election th
BEREA, Ohio (Reuters) - After a critical win on his home turf, Ohio Governor John Kasich begins a new phase of his long-shot pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to his Russian counterpart on Wednesday ahead of his upco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has thrown her backing behind Senator Ted Cruz for the Repub
MIAMI (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz on Wednesday said the Senate should not vote
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan bill designed to improve the health and safety of babies born to mothers who used her
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Wednesday blocked a bill that would nullify state and local efforts to require food makers to lab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama nominated veteran appellate court Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama tapped appellate court judge Merrick Garland to fill an empty Supreme Co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force contract to start replacing the aging fleet of JSTARS spy and battle management p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Wednesday backed President Barack Oba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House reached out to the offices of every U.S. senator during the process of choosing a S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton praised Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican, will not accept a nomination to be a U.S. presidential c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate is under no obligation to consider President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, fresh off a string of election victories, said on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will nominate veteran appeals court judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Sup
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will nominate U.S. Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Suprem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would not attend the next televised R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will meet with leaders of several Gulf nations and Britain as part of his
YORK- U.S. President
(Reuters) - As Barack
Trump will announce
inches closer tohisbecoming
choice onthe
Wednesday to replace
U.S. Republican conservative
nominee, many ofJustic
the p
up with Trump, they will be heaped with all the hate and opprobrium they deserve.†
MIAMI - Voters- in
(Reuters) Chicago
Marco have
Rubio ousted
had embattled
all that you needCook County State’s
in a Republican Attorney
presidential Anita Alvarez,
candidate: fluency who hasissues,
on the been aharshly criti
hard for rivals to shine. But Rubio’s decision, starting with a debate in Houston on Feb. 25, to try to match Trump insult fo
LIMA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said Tuesday that farm officials want to lay the groundwork so Amer
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio said his staff was safe after his Washington campa
(This version of the story was corrected to change Waurishuk statement to say “willing† not “happy† in paragrap
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (Reuters) - Gawker founder Nick Denton read out a graphic account of the acts shown in a sex tape featu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Secret Service, tasked with simultaneously protecting President Barack Obama and some of the
(Reuters) - Democrats in the Senate made a concerted push on Tuesday during a confirmation hearing for nominees to the Sec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he was dismayed about violence and divisiveness on the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday condemned efforts to disrupt political rallies, but said all p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration reversed course on Tuesday on a proposal to open the southeastern Atla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration does not plan any announcement on Tuesday on a nominee for the Supr
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. liberal groups, divided in their support of Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Energy market dynamics factored into the decision by the Obama administration to reverse course o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans on Tuesday insisted they will proceed with a fiscal 2017 budget plan despite
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John Kasich’s campaign on Monday denied a report that Mitt
(Reuters) - Two reporters and two editors from Breitbart News resigned to protest how the conservative website handled an a
KANSAS CITY, Mo./BLOOMINGTON, Ill. (Reuters) - Donald Trump has called them thugs, professional organizers and supporter
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - A North Carolina sheriff’s office said on Monday it would not charge Republican preside
HEATH, Ohio (Reuters) - Microphone in hand, Republican John Kasich promised the crowd inside a high-tech Ohio factory Satu
(Reuters)Fla. (Reuters) -presidential
- Republican A serious snowmobile accident
front-runner Donaldinvolving
Trump hasSarah Palin’s
effectively splithusband forced theTea
the conservative former
Partyvice presidential
movement, as h
said he spent $700 of his own money on yard signs before the campaign began sending him paraphernalia for free.   Â Â  Gle
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - The United States unveiled new measures on Tuesday to make it far easier for Americans
(Reuters) - Former U.S. vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin on Tuesday said her husband is still in the intensive care unit of a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States hopes a new package of U.S. regulatory changes affecting Cuba will encourage pe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican Party on Monday stepped up its fight against any Supreme Court nominee put forwa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry introduced a second batch of legi
SAN JUAN/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers are writing a fix to the Puerto Rico debt crisis that would give an in
(Reuters) -- President Barack
In April 2014, the Obama believesofCongress
administration Presidentwill lift anObama
Barack embargo on Cuba under
announced the ambitious
the most next president,
clemen w
Reuters through an electronic messaging service for federal prisoners.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday approved the budget for the auditing watchdo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will call for higher trade standards at a Saturd
WASHINGTON/BLOOMINGTON, Ill. (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump refused to take responsibili
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Europe’s emerging migration policy is looking increasingly like Donald Trump without the hair. Excep
DAYTON, Ohio (Reuters) - Secret Service officers rushed on stage to protect U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald T
WASHINGTON/AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The White House has narrowed its search for a U.S. Supreme Court nominee to three
(Reuters) - A spokeswoman for U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Saturday denied a media report th
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (Reuters) - First lady Michelle Obama and representatives from nine former presidential families led a bipa
PARIS (Reuters) - European Parliament President Martin Schulz said on Saturday that neither Europe nor the United States wa
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday made a passionate case for mobile devices to be built in a w
CHICAGO/PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump canceled a campaign rally Friday night amid
CANTON, (Reuters) - U.S. Republican
Ohio (Reuters) - If Donaldpresidential
Trump winsfront-runner Donald
the Republican PartyTrump came under
nomination, fireto
his path from
thehis rivals
White on Thursday
House for say
will run throug
blue collar Democrats, and older folks who are disillusioned with the political process, the flip side is he could lose more upper
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico central bank governor Agustin Carstens said on Friday he is “implicitly† factoring in the
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump canceled a rally scheduled for Friday night in Chicago after the
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - An Ohio judge ruled Friday teenagers celebrating their 18th birthday before November’s election a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday joked that he is not expecting an influx of unhapp
(Reuters) - A reporter for the conservative website Breitbart News filed a criminal complaint on Friday against Republican pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group that wanted to draft House Speaker Paul Ryan as a Republican presidential candidate is shu
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Friday he favored the United States reaching trade agreem
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Some 11.9 million Americans watched Thursday’s unusually restrained Republican presidential deba
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama did not mean to be critical of British Prime Minister David Ca
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said on Friday that he doesn’t believe conditions currently
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The television audience for Thursday’s restrained Republican Party presidential debate on CNN was
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York’s top Democratic legislator drove home his budget priorities on Friday, touching on the m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio’s campaign urged a tactical vote against par
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The- The
(Reuters) attention paidthe
AFL-CIO, by largest
U.S. to the visit of
federation of Canadian Prime
labor unions, willMinister Justin Trudeau
launch digital totargeting
attack ads Washington th
editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy will likely increase its requirement for a 308-ship fleet given the rapidly changing worl
HIALEAH, Florida (Reuters) - Conservative Hispanic activists fear a win by Republican frontrunner Donald Trump in Florida’s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and new Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday ended a fros
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday turned the page on years of shaky ties with Canada by staging
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Speaker Paul Ryan’s political operation sent a cease-and-desist letter on Thursday to a gro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he hoped “cooler heads will prevail† and that th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday vowed to work with whomever replaces Presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The ongoing U.S.-Canadian trade “irritant† over softwood lumber is expected to be resolved s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, who dropped his bid last week, plans to endo
HOUSTON (Reuters) - A suspicious substance found at the Houston campaign headquarters of U.S. Republican presidential con
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz snared his first endorsement from a Senate colleague on Thursday whe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday blocked an effort to prevent the $700 million sale of Lockheed Martin C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers on the Senate’s judiciary committee urged President Barack Obama on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will not address a dispute over encryption between the U.S. Justice Depart
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - He has been attacked over countless issues in partisan Washington, but U.S. President Barack Obam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry will leave on Thursday for a visit to Saudi Arabia and France, the State
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidates may find themselves in a more subdued debate than usual on Th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Banking Committee approved Barack Obama’s choice to be the Treasury Departmen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Mike Lee of Utah will endorse Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House hopefuls Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and 13 other Republican U.S. senators on Thursda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Armed Services Committee backed the nomination of Eric Fanning to be secretary of the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday blasted currency devaluations around
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Major U.S. hedge fund managers are on pace this year to more than double the amount they gave in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John Kasich, the governor of Ohio who is pinning his White House
(Reuters) - The Republican National Committee filed two lawsuits on Wednesday seeking to obtain emails related to Democra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio voiced regret on Wednesday about making persona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is interviewing five potential nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy create
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A Texas law previously struck down requiring voters to show authorized identification before casting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ruled out an encounter between President Barack Obama and revolutionary le
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A judge will decide by the end of this month whether to proceed with a proposed class action lawsuit fi
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Pennsylvania gun control advocates on Wednesday asked the state’s top court to knock down a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton’s unexpected defeat in Michigan has laid bare growing voter anger ove
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) - Florida lawmakers on Wednesday gave the thumbs-up to living together without being married,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is eager to turn the page on the years-long fight over a crude oil pipeline with Can
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden discussed Iran, the threat from Islamic State militants and the crisis in
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) - Florida legislators on Wednesday approved abortion restrictions that include requirements for p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Technology companies could face civil penalties for refusing to comply with court orders to help inv
OTTAWA (Reuters) - The United States sees no urgent need for a new energy pipeline between Canada and the United States,
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba said it would welcome President Barack Obama to Havana later this month, but the Communist gov
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A 39-hour Democratic filibuster in the Missouri Senate ended on Wednesday when Republicans forced a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Wed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Chicago Tribune endorsed Senator Marco Rubio in the 2016 Republican presidential race on We
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation hinted on Wednesday that authorities in Iran had recently b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina on Wednesday threw her support behin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Defense Department on Wednesday said it would conduct another comprehensive review
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. torture investigator voiced concern on Wednesday at calls by some Republican candidates in the
(Reuters) - Bernie Sanders’ Democratic presidential campaign has sued Ohio’s secretary of state in federal court over w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has started to interview candidates for the U.S. Supreme Court to replace J
(Reuters) - A man suspected of shooting an Idaho pastor who led a prayer at a rally for U.S. Republican presidential candidate
(Reuters) - A man suspected of shooting an Idaho pastor who led a prayer at a rally for U.S. Republican presidential candidate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday that lawmakers would continue to
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif (Reuters) - Even as U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump raises concerns among world leaders, the may
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked not to be considered as a nominee to fill the Supreme Co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Richard Shelby on Tuesday started to ease the backlog of 16 O
WASHINGTON/TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israel would have shown good manners had it informed the United States directly rather t
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee has set a hearing date for President Barack Obama’s two nominees to the S
(Reuters) - Near(Reuters) - President
the end of his eight Barack
years asObama is ingovernor,
Louisiana excellent Bobby
health Jindal,
daily exercise and a goodand
conservative diet, driving hisho
presidential ch
budgets - particularly colleges - already have been slashed and could see more cuts. And legislators are considering raising sale
(Reuters) - Democratic senators in Missouri were in the 20th hour of filibuster on Tuesday, trying to block a Republican-propos
(Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has signed a bill that makes the state the first in the United States to regulate fan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley said on Tuesday that amendments to a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Charles Schumer, the third-ranking Democrat in the U.S. Senate, said on Tuesday he expect
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will depart from the campaign trail on Friday to att
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s administration will announce further measures to ease travel and trad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are set to discuss new ideas fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ohio Governor John Kasich, who has staked his Republican presidential campaign on the upcoming c
BOGOR/JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) - Few villagers living near a half-built golf course in Indonesia’s West Java province k
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration has rejected a plea by billionaire investor William Koch to refund as muc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Monday he would not mount an independent b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s vow to regulate oil and gas fracking almost out of existence was met with skepti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan called Republican presidential candidates Donald T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declined an offer to meet U.S. President Barack Oba
(Reuters) -- Oklahoma
Even as theGovernor Mary
Department ofFallin onbattles
Justice Monday proposed
Apple drawing
in court $72 million
over access from the
to encrypted state’s
data, the ObamRai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will be accompanied on his historic visit to Cuba this month by up to 20 me
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf raised the minimum wage for state workers and employees of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department was “disappointed† India had refused visas to members of a U.S. c
(Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Monday he will not enter the race for U.S. president in No
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - The Virginia state Senate on Monday approved a bill making the electric chair the default method
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday defended his efforts to rein in Wall Street, telling American
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday said he would neither fight Donald Trump, nor suppo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Monday the United States took North Korean threats to use nucl
ALBANY, New York (Reuters) - A New York judge on Monday dismissed a challenge to Canadian-born Ted Cruz’s eligibility t
ForeignNew York Mayor
diplomats Michael Bloomberg
are expressing said
alarm to U.S. on Mondayofficials
government he would notwhat
about mount an say
they independent
are inflamb
David Brunnstrom, and Emily Flitter; editing by Stuart Grudgings.) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently
The Democratic and Republican nominees for the Nov. 8 presidential election are decided in a series of state-by-state contest
OTTAWA/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Canada’s charismatic Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be traveling to Washington th
FLINT, Mich. (Reuters) - The Flint water crisis has united Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in outrage, but some re
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s president has said his country will not pay for White House hopeful Donald Trump’s
FLINT, Mich. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contenders Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton sparred in a debate on Sunday
(Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice has hired a retired Marine Corps major general to head the office in charge of bring
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio was projected to win Puerto Rico, CNN and NBC
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has branded leading U.S. Republican presidential candidate Dona
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz split victories in four nominating contests with front-runne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas beat out rivals in the 2016 Conservative Political Action Conference s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is vetting federal appellate judges Merrick Garland and Sri Srinivasan as possible n
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (Reuters) - A plan to block Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump struggled to gain traction
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Reality star Caitlyn Jenner’s offer to be a “trans ambassador† to U.S. Republican presidenti
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and the first lady will visit the lake-side Patagonian tourist city of Bariloche
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson officially ended his bid for the White House on Friday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court, two days after hearing a major abortion case from Texas, on Friday temporarily
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes will travel to Miami next
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If Americans were looking for clarity on leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump softened his stance on torture on Friday, saying he
POTOMAC, Md. (Reuters) - As Hillary Clinton sets her sights on becoming the first female president of the United States, the D
HOLLAND, Ohio (Reuters) - “Joe the Plumber,† the Ohio workingman who came to symbolize U.S. taxpayer frustration i
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on Friday said that as the Chinese economy slows, China
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As Republican leaders desperately seek ways to derail the presidential campaign of billionaire Donal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mayors of 21 cities in Florida on Friday called on the moderators of next week’s presidential deb
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s visit to Cuba later this month will not be affected by the cancellation o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. and Cuban foreign ministers discussed President Barack Obama’s forthcoming visit to Cuba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican candidate John Kasich said on Friday he does not think any Republican presidential conte
(Reuters) - A raucous Republican Party debate on Thursday drew the biggest audience for a televised U.S. presidential match-u
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will propose a “clawback† tax on Friday for companies
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s prospects of winning the Republican nomination for the White House have slid shar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday accused Republicans of trying to “talk down† the U.S. econ
(Reuters) - The Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, on Friday said Donald Trump has dropped out of the annual
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden leaves on a five-day trip to the Middle East late Saturday, but no major
BOSTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump has dismissed fellow White House hopefuls as liars, journalists as disgusting people and Me
(Advisory: This story contains content that may offend some readers) By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Republican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With U.S. Republicans sharply split over a front-runner they cannot unite behind, a new group is try
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - India has denied visas for a delegation from the U.S. government agency charged with monitoring in
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The technician who helped manage Hillary Clinton’s private email server for her work as secretary o
DETROIT (Reuters) - Former U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney attacked 2016 Republican front-runner Donald Trump as
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Thursday he plans to remain in Washington after his term in office ends in January
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tentative plans for U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to visit Cuba before mid-March for a human rig
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Koch brothers, the most powerful conservative mega donors in the United States, will not use their
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 90 Republican foreign policy veterans have pledged to oppose Donald Trump, saying his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan vowed on Thursday to speak out against Republican pr
he has mocked,(Reuters) - U.S. Senator
was imprisoned John McCain,
and tortured. the Republican
Dishonesty presidential
is Trump’s hallmark:nominee in 2008,
He claimed joined
that he had2012 nominee
spoken clearly Mitt
and bR
make that vision a reality.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday said he plans to tap a law professor and a former congression
(Reuters) - Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is buying commercial time on a TV station in West Palm Beach, Florida, t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Computer security records turned over to the FBI from an email server Hillary Clinton used while she
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney is aiming to block Donald Trump from winning t
ALBANY, New York (Reuters) - A New York judge on Thursday withheld judgment until Monday morning on a challenge from tw
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - Protesters at a Donald Trump rally in Kentucky last Tuesday have filed complaints with police claim
(Reuters) - The South Dakota House of Representatives failed on Thursday to override a veto by Governor Dennis Daugaard of
UNITED NATIONS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Seven U.S. women senators urged President Barack Obama on Thursday to push f
(Reuters) - Kentucky’s Republican Governor Matt Bevin has filed a lawsuit asking a judge to close an abortion clinic in Lexin
(Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has urged federal officials to reconsider their denial for funds to help deal with the
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Thursday that some 20 million Americans had become insured as a re
(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said on Thursday he has urged Donald Trump not to leave the Republican Party
NEW YORK (Reuters) - If Mitt Romney wanted to ignite a debate about Donald Trump’s suitability for the White House, he
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Florida Governor Rick Scott said on Thursday he would not endorse anyone in the 2016 Republican p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio has no plans to allow a vote on President Barack Obam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, who has self-funded his primary campaign, wou
SEATTLE (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter Thursday urged Congress to stick to a bipartisan budget agreement that
HAVANA (Reuters) - Americans traveling to Cuba later this month are being moved out of Havana hotels to make room for Pre
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s approval ratings have fallen after the one-time presidential hop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Obama administration on Thursday in rebuffing a bid by 20 s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of Donald Trump’s sons appeared along with a white supremacist while giving an interview
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The ranking Democrat on the U.S. Senate subcommittee on children and families wants a congressional
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump, leading the pack for the Republican presidential nomination, has reached out to Hou
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - There is no way Mexico would fund Donald Trump’s “terrible† plan to build a wall along its
(Reuters) - Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson signaled on Wednesday he was quitting the Republican presidential race, leaving
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has given immunity from prosecution to a State Department employee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday unveiled proposa
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Thursday’s Republican debate on Fox News Channel could be Round 2 of Megyn Kelly versus Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A closely divided Supreme Court struggled with its biggest abortion case in years on Wednesday, wit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, fresh off his primary victory in Alabama, signal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Emotions over abortion simmered on the sidewalks outside the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday,
PORTLAND, Ore. (Reuters) - Earnings for minimum-wage workers in Portland, Oregon will rise by $5.50 an hour over the next s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is vetting federal appellate Judge Jane Kelly for a possible U.S. Supreme Court nom
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took a drubbing on social media for his demeanor in an appearance
(Reuters) - The Democratic and Republican nominees for the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election are decided in a series of state-b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Wednesday to disc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said on Wednesday that he does not see a “politic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will make a “major speech† on the 201
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday voiced concern about Malaysia’s media crackdown and sugges
(Reuters) - Ted Cruz’s Super Tuesday victories in his home state of Texas and neighboring Oklahoma strengthened his odds
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans have only themselves to blame for Donald Trump, a “monster† spawned by
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The campaign of Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on Wednesday called support from a b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is close to submitting to the U.S. Senate a Supreme Court nomination to fil
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s government is planning a diplomatic push to counter aggressive rhetoric against its natio
MIAMI (Reuters)
WASHINGTON - When -Senator
(Reuters) Ted Cruz
One evening lasttook
June,the stage
some of on
theTuesday afterParty’s
Republican winning the Republican
wealthiest nominating
donors gatheredcontest in his h
for a cocktail
Trump. “There was so much time left,† he said. “I honestly thought that he would implode.† Now there is little ti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who scored a major victory in a series of Super Tu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Gathering speed toward winning the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton did not wa
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump suffered a legal setback on Tuesday when a New Yo
(Reuters) - South Dakota Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard on Tuesday vetoed a bill that would have made his the first U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress condemned white supremacist groups on Tuesday after the
CIUDAD JUAREZ/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Gang violence and poverty have for years pushed Mexicans and Central Americans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders of the Senate on Tuesday rebuffed President Barack Obama’s appeal for hea
NEW YORK(Reuters)
(Reuters)- An Illinois
- Add voter’s lawsuit
the juggernaut challenging
that is Donald Ted to
J. Trump Cruz’s eligibility
the list of what-ifstothat
run isforworrying
president of the
Wall United
Street. States
A growing
it’s another to run a country and its foreign policy,† he said.     Whether he would enjoy the support of the Senate
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. National Security Agency chief said on Tuesday it was a “matter of when, not if† a f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday condemned white supremacists, in remarks re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Secret Service is investigating a confrontation between a Time magazine photographer and a Se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Secret Service is investigating an incident at presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rally in R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans’ refusal to consider any Supreme Court nominee by President Barack Obama this ye
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama asked Republican congressional leaders for suggestions on a Supreme Cour
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Germany’s foreign minister warned during a trip to Washington on Tuesday about a rise in the u
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has upended the presidential primaries this year by relying heav
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Republican Ted Cruz’s hopes of a sweeping nominating victory in his home state of Texas are being e
MADRID (Reuters) - Peruvian Nobel prize-winning author Mario Vargas Llosa said on Tuesday that Donald Trump was a “clo
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Backers of Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio have spent nearly as much mon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A television advertisement set to air on Tuesday from the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton un
SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s Republican presidential rivals urged him on Monday to ask the New York Times
WASHINGTON - A Donald Trump rally in Virginia was repeatedly disrupted on Monday by protesters, including some from the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department released the final batch of Hillary Clinton’s emails on Monday from her ti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Clarence Thomas ended a decade of silence from the bench during Supreme Court arguments on M
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Things were not looking too good a year ago for Georgia’s top elections officer as he tried to stitch tog
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the House Judiciary Committee are considering filing a “friend of the court† brief
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Monday that she hopes Apple Inc. (AAPL.O) will still com
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - The U.S. Constitution protects Sen. Robert Menendez from being prosecuted on bribery charges for
(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Monday blocked Indiana Governor Mike Pence’s order barring state officials from helping Syrian
FORT WORTH, Texas (Reuters) - The widow of a slain Navy SEAL whose story was turned into the hit movie “American Snip
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 Republican in the Senate said on Monday he was worried that Donald Trump could be an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has turned to senior adviser Brian Deese, an economic expert who previou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Unlocking an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters would leave hundreds of millions o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut will cancel pay raises for managers at state agencies after the latest projections suggest the
(Reuters) - If Republican Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz lands a win in the nominating contest in his home state of Texas on Tue
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The use of the #NeverTrump hashtag grew on Twitter on Monday as detractors of Republican presidenti
(Reuters) (Reuters)
- Backers - As the Senate’s
of Democratic presidentialtop Republican
contender mulls
Bernie whether
Sanders have tolaunched
push ahead on a criminal
a campaign justice
to win over reform
some ofpackag
his riv
Jesse Ferguson, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign. (Editing by Richard Valdmanis and Tomasz Janowski) This article was f
COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - Riding high after a landslide victory in Saturday’s South Carolina primary, Democratic front-run
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Meg Whitman, the head of technology firm Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co (HPE.N), said on Sunday that
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Democratic Party released a video on Sunday slamming Republican presidential hopefuls for their o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Jeff Sessions will become the first sitting U.S. senator to endorse party front-runner Don
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic National Committee Vice Chair Tulsi Gabbard resigned from her post on Sunday to endo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former finance co-chair of Chris Christie’s presidential campaign on Sunday slammed Christieâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz released tax returns for several years
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz released four years of his and wife Heidi’s tax return
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s political rhetoric is “racist,† and e
COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton crushed rival Bernie Sanders at the South Ca
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Warren Buffett bemoaned the “negative drumbeat† on the U.S. economy from presidential cand
DENMARK, South Carolina (Reuters) - Betty Odom-Bell, a 47-year-old entrepreneur, took a financial risk last year when she op
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Presidential candidate Donald Trump admires the late Douglas MacArthur and George Patton, both Wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans in Washington are coming to grips with what many of them not long ago considere
DETROIT (Reuters) - Quality problems prompted two of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s top lawyers to urge that Flint be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton defended her paid speeches to Wall Street, saying
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday that more candidates could be added to its list of potenti
FORT WORTH, Texas (Reuters) - Republican candidate Donald Trump on Friday won the surprise endorsement of New Jersey G
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ketanji Brown Jackson, a federal trial judge in Washington, is being considered to fill the vacancy on
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The political alliance sealed on Friday between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Ne
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s endorsement from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie opens up a w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump is receiving foreign policy advice from a former U.S. military intelligence chief who wa
(Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe on Friday signed compromise gun legislation that recognizes concealed-carry per
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama used a trip to a lithium-ion battery factory on Friday to defend his eco
(Reuters) - The Internal Revenue Service said on Friday an investigation into a hacking attack revealed in May found that cyber
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The mayor of Youngstown, Ohio, on Friday accepted a plea agreement on multiple political corruption
(Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Friday that if elected he would “open up† libel la
DETROIT (Reuters) - Two former Michigan representatives forced out of the state legislature last fall for a scheme to cover up
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department expects to complete the release of emails of Hillary Clinton from her time as
FORT WORTH, Texas (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Friday he expects his party’s 2012
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Making a final push toward the crucial Super Tuesday vote, Super PACs backing Republican presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Emboldened by a strong debate performance, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio w
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Orders for a Bernie Sanders action figure, complete with the U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful’s
SARASOTA, Fla. (Reuters) - The pundits said he never had a chance: He was a high-powered U.S. businessman who had never r
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio on Friday called front-runner Donald Trump a “c
HOUSTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican rivals Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz ganged up on front-runner Donald Trump at a raucous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, a moderate Republican, took himself out of consideration for app
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States presented a draft Security Council resolution on Thursday it negotiated with Ch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government needs to improve and accelerate its process for approving foreign arm sales, S
COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - A top adviser to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton urged a U.S. regulator on Thursd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain on Thursday urged the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to hold a hea
FLINT, Mich. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders told residents of Flint, Michigan, on Thursday their
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said he felt “almost obliged† to say sorry for verbal a
NEW YORK/SAN JUAN (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury counselor Antonio Weiss said on Thursday that without a proper restructuring
(Reuters) - A group of 19 retired U.S. generals and admirals on Thursday backed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clin
(Reuters) - The United States on Thursday proposed a draft United Nations Security Council resolution that would dramatically
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain on Thursday vowed to block use of a
(Reuters) - Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan proposed a $2.6 billion fiscal 2017 budget on Thursday that he said could be the cityâ€
(Reuters) - Five Democratic U.S. senators, including presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, told the Justice Department and Fe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry urged Congress on Thursday not to rush to renew the Iran Sanctions A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday a draft sanctions resolution against North Korea that will be subm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will convene a meeting on Tuesday with the Republican and Democratic le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey and Apple Inc (AAPL.O) Senior Vice President and General Counsel Bruce
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder will testify at a House oversight committee hearing on March 17 on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam on Thursday endorsed U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida for the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior Republican on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee said on Thursday that President Barack
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday said he was cautious about raising expectations regard
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is considering appointing a moderate Republican to the Supreme Court, a s
(Reuters) - A coalition of some of the largest U.S. Latino organizations on Thursday will lay out a raft of policies that, they say, p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s chances of clinching the U.S. Republican presidential nomination shot to a recor
(Reuters) - The nominating contests that will determine the Democratic and Republican nominees for the Nov. 8 U.S. presiden
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic lawmaker will introduce a bill on Thursday that seeks to broaden the powers of a U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government, acknowledging its limited success in combating Islamic extremist messaging, i
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Wednesday dismissed an abuse of power indictment against
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to confirm Dr. Robert Califf as head of the Food an
DETROIT (Reuters) - Detroit may sue some of the consultants who worked on its historic municipal bankruptcy over a $490 mi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the House of Representatives are preparing legal action in case President Barack Oba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. spy agencies have told Congress that Hillary Clinton’s home computer server contained som
(Reuters) - Former California Democratic state Senator Leland Yee received a five-year prison sentence on Wednesday for con
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senators unveiled legislation on Wednesday providing federal aid to help states fix water infras
DETROIT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senators Edward Markey and Richard Blumenthal on Wednesday renewed their call fo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Baltimore library chief Carla Hayden, a defender of library users’ freedom from surveillance, was
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, a Republican and a former federal judge, is being considered by P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Senate Democrat Harry Reid said on Wednesday he would support Democratic presidential can
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s chances of winning the Republican nomination for the White House shot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted on Wednesday to confirm Dr. Robert Califf as Commissioner of the Food and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Wednesday said he expected the Senate judiciary committee to hold a h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Chris Collins backed Donald Trump for his party’s presidential no
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Wednesday he did not expect
(Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced on Wednesday that he has a “treatable form† of prostate canc
(Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump’s declaration of love for “the poorly educated† in his Nevada v
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House named a new adviser to President Barack Obama on climate and energy at the Na
LUCEDALE, Miss(Reuters)
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Paper Co shut a 43-year-old plant in 2014, laying off 1,100 workers. “The day of putting on a suit and tie at 6 in the mornin
(Reuters) - A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that U.S. State Department officials and aides to Hillary Clinton should be questio
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Republican Ted Cruz asked a federal court in Houston to throw out a lawsuit questioning whether he
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio aimed to capitalize on rival Ted Cruz’s recent missteps leading u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama launched a final push on Tuesday to persuade Congress to close the U.S. m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers introduced legislation on Tuesday to counter President Barack Obama’s b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two leading House Democrats introduced legislation on Tuesday intended to curb corporate tax inv
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s comments that President Barack Obama was “ra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said the Republican-led chamber will refuse to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Any decision not to hold a U.S. Senate hearing on President Barack Obama’s eventual Supreme C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Key senators said on Tuesday they are crafting a law that would allow states to use federal foster ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConne
(Reuters) - A top North Carolina lawmaker vowed on Tuesday to correct the “radical course† taken by leaders in Charlott
ROME (Reuters) - Italy’s foreign ministry summoned the U.S. ambassador on Tuesday after media reports that American in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Key senators said on Tuesday that Republican lawmakers on the Senate Judiciary Committee believe
GENEVA (Reuters) - The top U.N. human rights official welcomed President Barack Obama’s plan announced on Tuesday to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz vowed to deport immigrants living illegally in the United
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio received boosts Monday in his drive to become the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday he may be in Cuba in the next week or two to hol
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday sharply questioned U.S. plans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged Congress to give his plan to close the prison at Guan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama launched a final push on Tuesday to persuade Congress to close the U.S. m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has for months rained withering ridicule on o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Marco Rubio denied a report on Sunday that a high-profile endorsement
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - More people have registered to vote in California since the last major election in 2012, but the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio received boosts Monday in his drive to become the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Mark Kirk, facing a tough re-election fight in Illinois, said on Monday the Se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is expected to submit to Congress on Tuesday President Barack Obama’s long-awa
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - Fashion models who want to work in California would need a doctor to attest that they are of
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John Kasich drew scorn on Monday after a video emerged in which he told a cro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Monday moved closer to confirming Dr. Robert Califf to lead the Food and Drug Adm
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said on Monday the state has the power to block any debt offerings by fin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois said on Monday he wants the Senate to vote on President B
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top technology official at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management announced her retirement o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senator Claire McCaskill will be absent from Congress for the next three weeks as she undergoes tre
(Reuters) - The race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for the U.S. Democratic presidential nomination - once a civil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio racked up a number of endorsements from party lea
(Reuters) - U.S. civil rights activist DeRay Mckesson released his full platform in the race for Baltimore mayor on Monday, prop
NEW YORK/SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s much-delayed audited financial statements for 2014 are expected to be fin
(Reuters) - Senate Banking Committee Democrats on Monday asked the panel’s Republican chairman in a letter to “clea
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (Reuters) - Atlantic City’s mayor has called a state plan to cede control of the fiscally distressed gambli
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday said China recognized it could not sustain an export-driven
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will call on G20 countries this week to use fiscal policy in order to boost global dem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has picked Devon Energy Corp co-founder Larry Nich
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he was “cautiously optimistic† that the U.S. Congre
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican Marco Rubio’s presidential run has drawn more money from Wall Street
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Republican presidential nominee will endorse Marco Rubio in the race for the party’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders’ high-flying Democratic presidential campaign fell back to Earth on Saturday in N
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - As the presidential field winnows after Donald Trump’s commanding victory in South Carolin
LAS VEGAS/COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump rolled to victory on Saturday in South
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Marco Rubio emerged from a razor-thin second-place finish in South Carolina’s presidential prim
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Catholics voiced support for Pope Francis on Sunday after he criticized Donald Trump’s immigra
(In this February 20 story, corrects in second paragraph that Ibrahim came to the U.S. in 1981, corrects the reason for Ibrahim
NEW YORK (Reuters)
CHARLESTON, - Within- minutes
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Before Donald Bush dropping out of the
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For the first time in the campaign former President George W. Bush hit the campaign trail in South Carolina for his brother, ad
COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said on Saturday he was suspending his campaign afte
CHICAGO (Reuters) - An Illinois judge on Friday said she would decide next month whether she had jurisdiction over a voterâ€
MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina (Reuters) - The Vatican on Friday tried to tamp down a firestorm ignited by Pope Francis’ c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s memorial service on Saturday provided a brief respit
(Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, who frequently touts his opposition to the Iraq war, appeared
(Reuters) - U.S. Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina backed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomina
(Reuters) - U.S. oil and gas executives bet big on 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush - they donated more to his W
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton continued to resist calls to release her transcripts of paid speeches she gave to Goldman
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush are locked in a bare-knuckled figh
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Republican Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign has added an Ohio political veteran to his team
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will meet dissidents and President Raul Castro in Cuba next mont
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday refused to stay a ruling that two North Carolina congressional districts be redraw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will review briefing documents from his staff this weekend on potential Sup
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis’s suggestion that Donald Trump was “not Christian† because of his views on i
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Friday proposed raising payments by 1.35 percent on average next year to the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday that it would be “profoundly unwise† to plow money set asid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force would ground the Russian-built RD-180 engines that power its Atlas 5 rockets if a
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A senior Texas health official who co-authored a report that criticized the state’s funding cuts to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday signed into law legislation broadening sanctions to punish Nor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A majority of Americans believe it should be up to President Barack Obama to nominate the next U.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama cannot select the most liberal possible candidate for the U.S. Supreme Cou
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc (AAPL.O) will likely seek to invoke the United States’ protections of free s
NEWBERRY, S.C. (Reuters) - Pope Francis forcefully injected himself into the U.S. presidential campaign on Thursday, assailing
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) and Twitter Inc (TWTR.N), two of Silicon Valley’s most powerful companie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. lawmaker expressed a new willingness to support legislation establishing ground rules
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will “move promptly† in picking his Supreme Court nomination and h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said on Thursday he believes President Barack Obama will
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc (AAPL.O) Chief Executive Tim Cook’s refusal to comply with the U.S. government’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday that he thinks Donald Trump could win the Republica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday that he will be “deeply involved† in advising Pr
INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - Duane Oreskowic was speechless when he learned last week that his job would be one of 1,400 lost
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, the No. 3 Democrat in the House and a prominen
HAVANA (Reuters) - Ostracized by the government and mistrusted by much of the public, Cuba’s dissidents are hoping to r
(Reuters) - Pope Francis’s remarks on Thursday that U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is “not Christi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico will be the subject of two U.S. House of Representatives hearings on Feb. 25, with U.S. Trea
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Financially troubled Puerto Rico’s push for a debt restructuring program could get a lift from the dea
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba is willing to talk with the United States about human rights, its top diplomat for U.S. relations said on
(Reuters) - Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker signed two bills into law on Thursday that block federal funding from
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, responding to Pope Francis’ calling him “not Christian
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will meet with political dissidents when he visits Cuba next month, a se
CHARLESTON, S.C./SUMTER, S.C. (Reuters) - The Republican race for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination erupted into
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump has taken a more than 20-point lead over U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in the Republica
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and the European Union warned China on Wednesday that it should respect an in
SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - The mayor of the south Texas town of Crystal City, arrested earlier this month on federal corruption
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will visit Cuba in the coming weeks, a senior administration official said on
SUMTER, S.C. (Reuters) - Donald Trump, who has argued his experience negotiating tough real estate deals makes him best qu
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Reuters) - Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner on Wednesday called on Democrats who control the le
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House tried to defuse Republican charges of hypocrisy against President Barack Obama o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States is not as organized as it needs to be t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama does plan to sign a North Korea sanctions bill, the White House said on We
(Reuters) - South Dakota would be the first U.S. state to dictate what bathrooms transgender students are allowed to use in p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former White House national security adviser Tom Donilon and former IBM chief executive Sam Pal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - California Attorney General Kamala Harris said she is not interested in being nominated for the vaca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. officials held a roundtable discussion at the White House on Tuesday about the “worseningâ
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he and leaders of Southeast Asian countries
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday vowed to pick an indisputably qualified nominee for t
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton courted the critical black vote on Tuesday as she
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he and leaders of Southeast Asian countries
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A tax plan proposed by Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz would cut federal revenues by $
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump speaks volumes in what he doesn’t say. The Republican presidential hopeful often fai
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he is hearing from foreign leaders who are alarm
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - The Republican presidential campaign of Ohio Governor John Kasich has hired a former deputy W
TRENTON, N.J. (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie proposed a $34.8 billion fiscal 2017 state budget on Tuesday tha
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday vowed to pick an indisputably qualified nominee for t
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who faces trial in August for allegedly leaking secr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates hardened their positions on Sunday on blocking
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A vote to block the Obama administration’s ambitious climate regulation was one of Antonin Sca
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz pledged on Tuesday to boost the size of the U.S. armed forces and inve
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are flooding Nevada with volunteers ahead of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Supreme Court nomination battle that was ignited on Saturday with the death of Justice Antonin
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam’s prime minister has urged a greater U.S. role in preventing militarization and island-building in
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Former President George W. Bush came to the aid of his brother Jeb Bush’s Republican presi
KIBBUTZ SHAAR HAAMAKIM, Israel (Reuters) - An Israeli kibbutz is taking considerable pride in a former volunteer, U.S. Democ
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama gathered with leaders from Southeast Asia on Monday to strengt
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has held preliminary discussions with his team abo
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday that the United States and Southeast Asian natio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump blasted close rival Ted Cruz on Monday, thr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has a number of likely options as he looks for a nominee to the U.S. Suprem
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will not rush through a Supreme Court choice to replace Justice A
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator John McCain said on Sunday he would subpoena 10 U.S. sailors to testify ab
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One possible contender to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court is an Indian-Am
MARFA, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s cause of death will not be officially determined for se
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saturday night’s Republican debate on CBS was the most-watched of any in 2016, drawing 13.5 m
(Reuters) - Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died, setting up a major political showdown between P
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - Following is the full text of remarks from President Barack Obama on Saturday on the deat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The sudden and shocking death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia opened a new and incendia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump, his face red with emotion, lashed out at rivals Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz on Saturday at
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would impose taxes on Carrier air condition
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Saturday that the next U.S. president s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The death of Justice Antonin Scalia on Saturday means that the normally nine-member U.S. Suprem
(Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia received last rites from a Catholic priest at the Texas ranch where he die
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - The United States has recovered an inert Hellfire air-to-ground missile that had mistakenly
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For months Republican presidential candidates traded insults such as “dummy,† “jerk†
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed sharply in a debate on
SEVNICA, Slovenia (Reuters) - If Melania Trump succeeds Michelle Obama as First Lady, she may trace her road to the White H
ORANGEBURG, S.C. (Reuters) - If Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders has a chance of drawing African-American voters away fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Friday backed a plan to name a plaza in front of the Chinese embassy for a pro-d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly all the U.S. Republican presidential candidates will take the stage at CBS News’ televised d
(Reuters) - Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore ended his long-shot campaign for the Republican presidential nomination on
(Reuters) - Top U.S. officials will travel to Havana on Feb. 16 to sign an aviation pact that restores scheduled airline service bet
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Kristie Kenney, a former U.S. ambassador to Thailand, the Philippines and Ecuador, was named on F
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed legislation on Friday broadening sanction
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday it will not oppose legislation approved by Congress to exp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder will testify on the Flint drinking water crisis at a House of Representa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko spoke by phone for the sec
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on Friday on legislation broadening sanctions against No
(Reuters) - Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards presented a dire picture of the state’s fiscal situation on Thursday, urging
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives panel approved legislation to privatize the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will sign into law a bill that will strengthen trade enforcement rules an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Judiciary Committee’s antitrust subcommittee will hear from the top U.S. antitrust bo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Defense will soon submit a plan to Congress on how to defeat Islamic State,
ATHERTON, Calif./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday called the Supreme Court’s decision
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A campaign advisor and longtime employee of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has bee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. State Department investigators last year issued a subpoena to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday passed legislation placing a permanent ban on states’ taxing Intern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will officially nominate acting Education Secretary John B. King to fill the po
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican George W. Bush on Monday will seek to generate a fresh burst of enthusiasm for his bro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan will survive despite the Supreme Court’s decisio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was endorsed by the Congressional Black Caucus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb, who dropped his bid for the Democratic Party presidential nomin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he does not see enough support
(Reuters) - The Puerto Rico senate has approved the PREPA Revitalization Act, intended to restructure the country’s debt-l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House vowed Wednesday that the United States would still meet international commitm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House promised on Wednesday that it would be able to uphold U.S. commitments to an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. power sector’s shift toward burning less coal and using more natural gas and renewable
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Donald Trump served notice on Tuesday to those who have refused to take his 2016 White Hou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted unanimously on Wednesday to toughen sanctions on North Korea over its nu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday increased pressure on the Pe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Wednesday it opposes a bill from the U.S. House of Representatives that it
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday easily passed a bill requiring federal environment
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama paid a nostalgic visit on Wednesday to the place that launched his politic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s plan to loosen some requirements of a visa law spurred by the deadly
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Ohio state legislators on Wednesday passed a bill blocking state and federal funds for groups that perf
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - Republican state senators in Pennsylvania failed to muster enough votes on Wednesday to oust A
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City’s fiscal watchdog said the city faces much bigger budget deficits in coming years than
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House said on Wednesday that it was confident it could meet its obligations un
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former business executive Carly Fiorina ended their presiden
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Bernie Sanders had breakfast with one of America’s most prominent civil rights activists, Al
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will end his campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Chris Christie considered the future of his struggling U.S. presidential bid on Wednesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior House Republican warned on Wednesday that differences among lawmakers over a spendi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and the New York Daily News are not clowning ar
MANCHESTER, N.H./COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton made the prospect of her being elected the first woman U.S. pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is expected to end his bid for the Republican presidential nomina
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders in the House of Representatives on Wednesday dismissed U.S. President Barack
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s odds at winning the White House improved signi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday sought a surge in funding to counter cyber security threats, as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives lawmakers will introduce bipartisan legislation on Wednesday that w
PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump said German Chancellor Angela Merkel was wrong to l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Defense Department’s fiscal year 2017 budget requests $145.8 million in support for Isr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday delivered a major blow to President Barack Obama by putting o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager said on Tuesday the Democratic nomination for the 2016 presid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama proposed a $4.1 trillion spending plan for fiscal year 2017 on Tuesday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Tuesday proposed a $582.7 billion defense budget that emphasizes emerging thre
(Reuters) - Michigan Treasurer Nick Khouri urged state lawmakers on Tuesday to move quickly on legislation to restructure the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration has no immediate need for funding to combat the Zika virus because mo
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday unveiled his budget proposal for fiscal year 2017, his final year in office. But s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed President Barack Obama’s nominee to be ambassador t
WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen will defend the U.S. central bank’s first rate h
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, took immediate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House’s top economic adviser, Jason Furman, said on Tuesday that the United States
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is proposing about $200 million in new military spending to confront Islam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work said the Pentagon’s plan to truncate the Littoral Com
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pennsylvania’s $2 billion budget deficit is a “time bomb† that could cause “fiscal catastrop
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Military intelligence programs account for $16.8 billion of the Pentagon’s overall $583 billion bud
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday unveiled a budget that proposed $2.9 trillion in deficit reductio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday proposed expanding the earned income tax credit (EITC), w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday his budget proposal aims to bolster Americans’ sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration’s plan to set federal borrowing on a sustainable path relies on strong
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama is set on Tuesday to unveil his budget proposal for fiscal year 2017, his final year in office.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - One of the women who has accused former U.S. President Bill Clinton of sexual assault says she has agr
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - White House hopefuls Donald Trump and Jeb Bush opened political hostilities on Monday as Re
PLYMOUTH, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump came to the small town of Plymouth in the
WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will ask the U.S. Congress for more than $1.8 billion in emergenc
(Reuters) - U.S. health officials said on Monday that a widespread vaccine to combat the Zika virus will likely not be available f
(Reuters) - Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, said he is considering running for U.S. president
WASHINGTON/MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair deni
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate John Kasich is polling in the low single digits nationally b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2017 budget will call for an 11 percent increase in funding for th
(Reuters) - Employees of U.S. companies seeking to avoid exposure to the Zika virus likely have few legal avenues to either ref
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama spoke by telephone on Monday with Canadian Prime Minister Justin T
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Facing a hostile Congress in an election year, President Barack Obama will be hard-pressed to push thro
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources is to hold a hearing on Puerto Rico on Feb. 25, it said i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Italian President Sergio Mattarella met on Monday in the White H
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has erased Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s wide lead for the De
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A prominent Democratic donor worried about the party’s chances of winning the presidency emaile
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama is set on Tuesday to unveil his budget proposal for fiscal year 2017, his final year in office.
HENNIKER, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said during a student town hall on Saturday
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Republican White House contender Marco Rubio struggled at a debate on Saturday at the wor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he does not have to win the New Hampsh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican White House front-runner Donald Trump said on Sunday he would be open to harsh
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump lost his social media dominance for the first time during the Republican presidential deb
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Two Republican U.S. presidential hopefuls said on Saturday they would implement quarantines
(Reuters) - Two of North Carolina’s congressional districts were racially gerrymandered in a 2011 redistricting and must be
MANCHESTER, N.H./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jeb Bush brought out his famous family four days before the crucial U.S. preside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will propose a $2.5 billion tax credit over five years for businesses that inve
(Reuters) - Stumping for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Tinder is getting some women banned from the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Barack Obama might seem an unlikely investor in the firearms industry. But the U.S. president, a fie
(Reuters) - A stock-trading algorithm built for Reuters highlights the correlations among gun purchases, mass shootings and th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said on Friday that Republican members of the U.S. Congr
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Friday he will attend a Fox News televised debate on
DETROIT (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said on Friday he wants officials to focus on solving problems around lead
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Mexico City on February 24-25 to lead a delegation for th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said Americans should feel good about the economy after the latest jobs re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said Americans should feel good about the economy after the latest jobs re
DURHAM, N.H. (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton went on the attack against rival Bernie Sanders on Thursday in their most
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Friday it expects to have to compromise on elements of the federal budge
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Advocates fighting to close the U.S. gender pay gap hailed President Barack Obama’s proposal to ex
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie has dismissed him as a puppet and former mentor J
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donors say Republican Jeb Bush’s U.S. presidential campaign has not given them a green light to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Thursday he would ask the U.S. Congress for more than $450 millio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration next week will propose a 1.6 percent pay increase for federal employees
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama is set on Tuesday to unveil his budget proposal for fiscal year 2017, his final year in office.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed a retirement plan for private-sector workers and a new light ra
HOUSTON (Reuters) - An anti-abortion activist indicted for using a fake driver’s license ID to aid secret filming inside Planne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, both receiv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, taking on Republican presidential candidates for stirring up anxiety among
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democrats teamed up with some of their Republican counterparts on Thursday and blocked
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio will back a $2.5 billion plan to create a light rail service linking the cit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Rob Portman on Thursday said he opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership tra
SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - The mayor and city manager of a south Texas town that bills itself as the “spinach capital of the w
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said he intends to continue campaigning through the Republican
(Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is expected to unveil his proposal for the state’s 2017 budget on Tuesday eve
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rick Santorum withdrew from the race for the U.S. Republican presidential nomination on Wednesd
(Reuters) - U.S. civil rights activist DeRay McKesson, who was instrumental in the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - Officials for a Kentucky county will appeal a federal judge’s ruling that invalidated its right-to-w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Senate committee approved on Thursday President Barack Obama’s pick to lead U.S. and inter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts is turning up the heat on the U.S. derivatives a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy is investigating a rise in health issues reported since 2009 by pilots of Boeing Co F/A-1
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton battled over their progressive credentials at a t
CATONSVILLE, Md. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama made his first visit to a U.S. mosque on Wednesday, in an effort to alla
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Mark Kirk on Wednesday introduced legislation that would give the Pentagon more flexibi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A powerful U.S. lawmaker on Wednesday demanded Secretary of State John Kerry provide an expla
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will propose tailoring the controversial “Cadillac tax† on expensive p
HENNIKER, N.H. (Reuters) - Campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination took a nasty turn on Wednesday with bill
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday accused rival Ted Cruz of stealing a vic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Rand Paul suspended his 2016 presidential bid on Wednesday after his small-govern
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to bypass the U.S. Labor Department and have Congress set standards for brokers who g
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania on Wednesday endorsed Florida Senator Marco Ru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers criticized environmental officials at a hearing on Wednesday for not acting sooner w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday called on his fellow conservatives to unify in an electio
LACONIA, N.H. (Reuters) - Marco Rubio finished third in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, but his Republican White House rivals ar
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chair of the House of Representatives appropriations committee introduced a bill on Wednesda
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy delivered a downbeat address on Wednesday, outlining plans to s
HENNIKER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz’s performance in New Hampshire’s pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum plans to suspend his campaign for the White H
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama was set on Wednesday to make his first visit to a U.S. mosque, a trip the W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wants to set the record straight on Donald Trump:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A political fight over the federal government’s role in Michigan’s water contamination crisis s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday he had invited U.S. Health and Hu
EXETER, N.H./MILFORD, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, emerging from the first presidential nominating contest in
MILFORD, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Donald Trump, the New York businessman seeking the Republican U.S. presidential nom
NEW YORK (Reuters) - It may be too close to call between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sande
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz apologized to Ben Carson on Tuesday over an email
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives narrowly approved legislation on Tuesday that would restrict Pre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday failed to override President Barack Obama’s veto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama met with a frequent critic, House Speaker Paul Ryan, on Tuesday as th
(Reuters) - British singer Adele made clear on Monday that she has not given permission for anyone to use her music for politi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama wants to boost U.S. aid to Colombia to help remove landmines and implem
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton’s struggle in Iowa to fend off underdog Bernie Sanders, a self-described demo
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The millions of Twitter users following Donald Trump shouldn’t expect a “follow back† from t
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump’s surprise defeat in Iowa at the hands of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz refl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama highlighted five legislative priorities in a meeting on Tuesday with Rep
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s victory on Monday in corn-rich Iowa could represe
DETROIT (Reuters) - Detroit Public Schools’ emergency manager Darnell Earley is stepping down later this month, Michigan
(Reuters) - After what seemed like a very long silence by his standards, Donald Trump returned to Twitter on Tuesday morning
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican candidate Donald Trump’s odds at becoming the next president of the United States too
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon’s next five-year budget proposal seeks over $13 billion in funding for a new subma
DES MOINES (Reuters) - Texas Senator Ted Cruz was victorious in the first Republican nomination contest of the 2016 White H
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mike Huckabee suspended his bid for the Republican presidential nomination on Monday night, the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump likes to boast to his supporters that he’s so rich he doesn’t need outside money to
(Reuters) - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton was released on Monday from a hospital where he was treated after fainting du
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democrats from Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation sent a letter to a federal rail regulator on M
DES MOINES, Iowa/COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa (Reuters) - Republicans Donald Trump and Ted Cruz battled on Sunday to persuade
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is likely to discuss a range of issues from international trade to Puerto Rico
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans plan to bring a bill addressing Puerto Rico’s debt crisis to the floor of the U.S. House
(Reuters) -- President BarackaObama
Anyone seeking table atwill ask Congress
Carmine’s for $755
Italian millionnear
restaurant in hisCapitol
nexton week to jumpstart
a Tuesday can
or Wednesd
Weber, who was a Republican congressman from Minnesota in the 1980s and 1990s, said that in the attempt to juggle all the
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - In 2015, it wasn’t the new breed of political groups that can raise as much as billionaires will
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A 26-year-old former campaign staffer for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has accused t
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - If Hillary Clinton pulls off a victory in her close race for the Democratic presidential nomination w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday took a jab at rival Hillary Clintonâ€
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The 2016 contenders for the White House have used social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has decided not to impose further punishment on David Petra
IOWA CITY, Iowa/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The 2016 election is shaping up to be the year of angry voters, the disgruntled Americ
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - The long and sometimes arcane ritual of electing the next U.S. president begins on Monday in m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will make his first visit as president to a U.S. mosque next week in a defens
(Reuters) - The New York Times’s editorial board endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John Kasich as they se
(Reuters) - The New York Times Editorial Board on Saturday said Ohio Governor John Kasich was the “only plausible choice
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department conceded for the first time on Friday that intelligence officials were corre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration announced plans to expand wage reporting requirements for private bus
QUEBEC CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday said he could not comment on private email chains of his
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Fox News debate without front-runner Donald Trump attracted the second-smallest audience o
RICHMOND, Va. (Reuters) - Virginia lawmakers reached a bipartisan deal on Friday that would rescind the attorney general’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden phoned Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades to discuss work toward a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will meet for the first time on Tuesday with Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Rep
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Seven email chains from the private server Hillary Clinton used when she was U.S. secretary of state
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke by phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will host Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos at the White House nex
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - As seven Republican presidential contenders squared off here for the final debate before voters
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Republican presidential debate held without front-runner Donald Trump attracted 12.5 million v
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Donald Trump shunned Thursday night’s debate of the Republican presidential candidates h
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump was the big winner across social media on Thursday night during the seventh Republican
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The two U.S. Senators representing California said on Friday they will propose a federal task force to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday his top legislative affairs aide, Katie Beirne Fallon, is leaving t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Billionaires Charles and David Koch, the Republican brothers who are a driving force behind conserv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren released on Friday a report criticizing what she called “
DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Even in boycotting a debate with his Republican rivals for the White House, front-runner Donald
(Reuters) - Hillary Clinton agreed on Thursday to some of the terms laid down by an opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders, in his c
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional probe into the impact of a hack of Juniper Networks Inc software will examine
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday escalated a fight with Fox News, using the
(Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump won the endorsement on Tuesday of Joe Arpaio, the provocati
(Reuters) - Shares of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc (VRX.N) fell on Thursday after the campaign of Democratic pre
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former
- There wereArkansas Governorhotels
stays at boutique Mike Huckabee, a candidate
featuring rooftop pools,for the Republican
private soirees at presidential
about $8 million. Cruz spent just $2 million; Rubio, just under $2 million; and Trump, $1.7 million. Overall, Trump, Cruz, and R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on Thursday extended a state of emergency in Flint until April 14, as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five U.S. Republican lawmakers raised concerns on Thursday with the Obama administration about
(Reuters) - A third-party presidential run by Michael Bloomberg would be a long shot for the former New York City mayor but
WASHINGTON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate panel approved measures on Thursday that were causing concern in Europ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee approved legislation on Thursday that would broaden sanctions on North K
BALTIMORE (Reuters) - The U.S.-led battle against Islamic State militants controlling parts of Iraq and Syria is gaining steam an
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday postponed until April the sentencing date for Dennis Hastert, convicted last
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee approved President Barack Obama’s nominee to be ambassador to My
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum plans to join party front-runner Donald Trump at a
(Reuters) - Vincent “Buddy† Cianci, whose two stints as mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, each ended abruptly due to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Treasury official’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin is corrupt “best re
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is in “overall very good health,† with no limita
ADEL, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called on the Democratic National Committee on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders had a rare Oval Office meeting on Wednesday with President Barack Ob
(Reuters) - Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is seen as not as religious as other Republican candidates, but m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday declined to comment on the latest so-called tax-inversion deal by a
(Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on Wednesday appointed a group of government officials, health and other expert
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner refused to step away from his stalled legislative agenda on Wedne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Senate Republican took a swipe on Wednesday at an effort to forge a new deal on the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Wednesday began debate on the country’s first major energy bill in over eigh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday said he was weighing options to help d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government is committed to helping Flint, Michigan, succeed in fixing the problems with its
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats, in a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, on Wednesday called for congre
MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa/IOWA CITY, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump withdrew on Tuesday
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders would not participate in a proposed debate next month in N
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leader of an influential Christian conservative lobbying group said on Tuesday he backs Senator
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain on Wednesday said he planned to in
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Andy Murray thinks he played his best tennis of the tournament during his Australian Open quarter-fi
Nashua, NEW HAMPSHIRE (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday that she would co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate George Pataki endorsed Marco Rubio for the party’s p
(Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would be “happy† to participate in an additional deba
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday that “most likely I won’t be doing the
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. news channel and a newspaper will host a debate for the Democratic presidential contenders in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will meet with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at the Wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Eight Republican candidates have qualified for the prime-time Fox News/Google debate on Thursda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday won the endorsement of evangelical C
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said on Tuesday he has placed a hold on Pres
MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are fighting to
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump doubled down on his threat to stay away from an upcomin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will propose in his upcoming budget measures to help more than 30 m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama in an opinion piece published in the Washington Post on Monday anno
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, casting doubt on the nation’s economic health
(Reuters) - Residents of New Jersey’s southern shorefront towns on Monday cleaned up homes and businesses flooded by
DES MOINES (Reuters) - With Iowa kicking off the 2016 election season in one week, Democratic presidential front-runner Hill
(Reuters) - A business group said on Monday it was asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear its appeal of a lower-court ruling to
(Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Monday he was “not 100 percent† certain h
WAUKEE, Iowa (Reuters) - President Barack Obama praised Hillary Clinton’s political experience, a boost to her campaign a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter is scheduled to preview the Pentagon’s fiscal 2017 budget req
(Reuters) - Bernie Sanders got his sweetest endorsement yet on Monday when one of the founders of Ben & Jerry’s unveil
(Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Senator Edward Markey of Massachusetts said on Monday he placed a hold on President Barack O
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - Minority voters in North Carolina will have a harder time casting a ballot this presidential el
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold a federal rule for electricity markets that encourage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has had the “luxury of being a complete long shot† so far in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected North Dakota’s bid to revive a restrictive Republica
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Michael Petyo is a carpenter, a U.S. Navy veteran, a grandfather and Russian Orthodox church cantor wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said Vice President Joe Biden and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan discussed way
DES MOINES, Iowa/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidates gave a cool reception on Sunday to form
(Reuters) - Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has told his aides to draw up plans for an indep
PELLA, Iowa /ANKENY, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. Republican front-runner Donald Trump expressed confidence on Saturday that he
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Des Moines Register, the largest newspaper in the state that will cast the first votes
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - Advocates and opponents of capital punishment sparred on Friday over California’s propo
SAN JUAN/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. senators have drafted a letter to Republican Senate Majority Leader Mit
SAN JUAN/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Chances of Puerto Rico’s power utility PREPA reaching a deal with creditors to restructur
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department asked a judge on Friday for a one-month extension to finish publicly releasin
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Friday that Turkey, once vaunted by Washington as a model of Islam
DES MOINES (Reuters) - Republican front-runner candidate Donald Trump has a big lead in the race for the 2016 presidential n
DES MOINES (Reuters) - An influential conservative magazine’s rejection of Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy trigg
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, convicted last year of a financial crime, asked on Friday for a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government will set up a new agency to do background checks on employees and contracto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michigan legislators need to pass legislation quickly to overhaul Detroit’s beleaguered public sch
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump retweeted an account called "@WhiteGenocideTM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In its latest move to combat climate change, the Obama administration on Friday said it will overhau
(Reuters) - The Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management on Friday announced its plans to update 30-year-old ru
DES MOINES (Reuters) - An influential conservative magazine published an editorial on Thursday urging Republicans to rally ag
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Argentine President Mauricio Macri said on Friday U.S. Republican presidential frontrunner Do
(Reuters) - Oregon’s governor blasted the federal government’s response to the occupation of a wildlife refuge by a gro
WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) - The head of the Midwest region of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offered her
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio presented an $82.1 billion preliminary budget for the city’s 2016-
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a big victory for the Obama administration, a U.S. federal court on Thursday rejected a bid by 27 s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday that it was pleased that a U.S. appellate court had denied a bid b
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California’s elections watchdog on Thursday voted to force groups that hire lobbyists to re
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown urged continued fiscal restraint amid the state’s economi
(Reuters) - Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian on Thursday called an emergency City Council meeting next week to discuss whe
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - The surprise emergence of a billionaire real estate developer who has proposed banning Musli
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - “Unbelievable†, “embarrassing† even “dangerous† are some of the words
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday began implementing restrictions to its Visa Waiver Program under a
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli was on a collision course with Congress on Thursday as
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and other officials will be called to testify next month to a congressional p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will ensure that federal officials are held accountable if any wrongdoing is u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nominee to be the next U.S. Army secretary told lawmakers on Thursday that cutting the size of
(Reuters) - Fox News Channel said on Thursday it would join with Google to host the Republican presidential primary debate to
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and Republican legislative leaders said on Thursday they will endorse wha
NEW YORK Texas (Reuters)
(Reuters) - Among the
- Presidential few certainties
hopeful in the
Ted Cruz has current
in the past U.S.
weekpolitical environment
been answering are that
questions immigration
about a loan hewill
gotbe a fla
in financial distress, and specialized real estate funds. For some of the candidates, the funds are only a small part of their over
NORWALK, Iowa (Reuters) - When it comes to influencing the 2016 U.S. presidential race, Sarah Palin’s star power is turnin
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - The city council of Allentown, Pennsylvania, voted unanimously on Wednesday to approve a reso
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court challenge to President Barack Obama’s immigration policies could have
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Wednesday said that while the Obama administration was ready to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation that would grant U.S. privacy rights to Europeans is being delayed in the U.S. Senate, wh
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Wednesday narrowly blocked legislation that would slow the entry of refu
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional committee has demanded that former drug executive Martin Shkre
DETROIT (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, facing Republican criticism over the state of the economy, did a Detroit victory l
(Reuters) - Martin Shkreli, former chief executive officer at Turing Pharmaceuticals, has invoked the Fifth Amendment, refusin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When implementation of the Iran nuclear pact was looming and a secret prisoner swap deal in the w
(Reuters) - A pastor from Idaho who was among five American prisoners released by Iran over the weekend will return to the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen will appear before the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Se
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois’ two top Republican legislators said on Wednesday they will introduce legislation soon to let th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A battle over gun ownership between President Barack Obama and the Republican-controlled U.S. C
DETROIT (Reuters) - Back in 2008, with gas prices averaging nearly $4 a gallon, President Barack Obama set a goal of getting on
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras discussed Greece’s econom
(Reuters) - Billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer said he is not ready to endorse Hillary Clinton, and he would be open
LANSING, Mich (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, facing protests, lawsuits and calls for his resignation over drinking w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If the U.S. Supreme Court endorses a key immigration initiative of President Barack Obama protectin
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden urged executives in Davos to use their influence to drive change
AMES, Iowa (Reuters) - Sarah Palin, the politician-turned-reality TV star offered a passionate endorsement on Tuesday to Repu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson canceled public events on Tuesday after a van carryin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will meet with the mayor of Flint, Michigan, on Tuesday to discuss the cityâ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday paved the way for a major ruling on the limits of presidential po
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday it is pleased that the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review the im
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For a Republican Party trying to woo Hispanic voters, the timing of the U.S. Supreme Court’s revi
(Reuters) - Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards on Tuesday urged state legislators to approve a plan to increase taxes and ta
(Reuters) - Atlantic City’s mayor said on Tuesday that bankruptcy was “back on the table† after New Jersey Governo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidates took swipes on Tuesday at the lifting of sanctions against Ira
ALTOONA, Iowa (Reuters) - Iowa’s governor said on Tuesday it would be a “big mistake† for voters in the nation’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull pledged on Tuesday t
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that the United States would speed up the appro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court, which delivered major rulings in 2012 and 2015 preserving President Barac
LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers on Monday debated a petition to ban U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Tr
CORALVILLE, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said on Monday that the Federal Reserve sh
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico, struggling to make its debt payments, outlined an increase in its financing gap on Monday,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton has distanced herself from President Barack Obama on a number of high-profile issue
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Monday outlined an education reform plan that wou
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential ele
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Democratic White House candidate Bernie Sanders went on the offensive against front-runner H
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders released details on Sunday evening abou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio praised Iran’s release of five detai
WASHINGTON - U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday laid out a plan to help support the income of workers who lose thei
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (Reuters) - The growing feud between Republican front-runner Donald Trump and his central rival Ted Cr
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and top challenger Ted Cruz ended a
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Two weeks before the first contest of the 2016 presidential race, Republicans and busine
WASHINGTON - The chairman of a U.S. House committee that oversees child abuse issues opened an inquiry Friday into wheth
NEW YORK/MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Bill Clinton may not be the “secret weapon† that Hillary Clinton needs in the
NEW YORK - Democrat Hillary Clinton plans to pour half of her presidential campaign’s budget into advertising in the first t
BALTIMORE - The prospect of running for re-election with Donald Trump at the top of the Republican ticket was worrying som
(Reuters) - Atlantic City, the distressed New Jersey gambling hub, should consider privatizing its fire-fighting services and conv
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Texas lawyer has filed the first suit seeking clarification on whether Republican candidate Ted Cruz is
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Ted Cruz - be careful who you mess with. Never shy in defense of their city, New Yorkers came out swin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) said on Friday it had dropped a site in Redington Township,
WAUKEE, Iowa (Reuters) - It was not hard to tell how the Donald Trump fans who jammed the back room at Jethro’s BBQ r
CHICAGO (Reuters) - A group of black pastors boycotted Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s annual Martin Luther King breakf
DETROIT (Reuters) - Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to declare both an emergency and an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional panel has asked pharmaceutical entrepreneur Martin Shkreli to testify at a Jan.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has received an updated proposal from the Pentagon to close the Guantanamo pr
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico is talking to creditors on Friday to discuss adjusting its long-anticipated restructuring plan u
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration, in the first major review of the country’s coal program in three decad
(Reuters) - The sixth televised Republican presidential debate, hosted by Fox Business Network on Thursday night, had million
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran has made important progress in its effort to implement the international agreement to curtail it
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday said it will rely on international experts to ensure that Iran is living up to
CHARLESTON, S.C./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican candidate Jeb Bush was endorsed by former rival Senator Lindsey Gra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump called for higher tariffs on Chinese goods if Chin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley, a former Maryland governor, is under inves
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A quarter of Republicans think White House hopeful Ted Cruz is disqualified to serve as U.S. preside
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Flaring tempers and sharp elbows may turn a debate among seven Republican presidenti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration will announce as soon as Friday an overhaul of how the United States ma
(Reuters) - New Jersey taxpayers will owe $2.62 million for roughly a year’s worth of work by a team of professionals called
(Reuters) - New Jersey taxpayers will owe $2.62 million for roughly a year’s worth of work by a team of professionals called
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown warned on Thursday of near-apocalyptic water shortages if h
(Reuters) - Michigan would tap its $575 million fiscal 2015 budget surplus to cover costs related to Flint’s water crisis, a spo
AUGUSTA, Maine (Reuters) - Maine lawmakers killed a motion on Thursday that would have marked the first step toward imp
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Refugee advocates said on Thursday the Obama administration is sending mixed signals to Central A
BATON ROUGE, La. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Thursday that he will focus his final-year legislative efforts on c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Ben Carson’s presidential campaign faced additional turmoil on Thursday with the re
(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz failed to disclose to the Federal Election Commission a loan from Goldm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said the armed standoff at a national wildlife r
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump hit out at former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmon
CHARLESTON, S.C./MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Flaring tempers and sharp elbows may turn a debate of seven Republican p
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Long viewed by the Republican establishment and many donors as one of their rising stars, U.S.
(Reuters) - Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has ordered state officials to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood and its affilia
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - The former controller of Allentown, Pennsylvania, was indicted on Wednesday on charges of con
OMAHA, Neb. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama visited a young family in their suburban Nebraska living room on Wednesda
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea warned North Korea on Wednesday that the United States and its allies were working on sancti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will expand its program helping the thousands of people fleeing violence in El Salv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama’s State of the Union pledge to better manage fossil fuel development w
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Long viewed by the Republican establishment and many donors as one of their rising stars, U.S.
(Reuters) - The White House attracted pungent waggery on Wednesday after using the arcane theme of a big block of cheese
ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday presented a $145.3 billion budget that keeps ope
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump was not in the room during U.S. President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives plans to reconsider legislation to restrict President Barack Obama
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama took aim on Tuesday at Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and accu
(Reuters) - Millennnials in the West of the United States showed the strongest support for President Barack Obama’s final
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s long-awaited audited 2014 fiscal statements are close to release and should be ready
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Jordan’s King Abdullah are holding a meeting at Andrews Air F
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama knocked Republican presidential candidates for anti-Muslim rhetoric and accused critics o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday pledged to undertake a historic push to develop a cure for
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday said he would seek changes in the way U.S. oil and coal resourc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Half of all Americans support President Barack Obama’s executive actions on gun control, a Reut
DETROIT (Reuters) - The Obama administration will announce efforts to boost self-driving cars on Thursday, according to gove
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, in the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s St
SEOUL (Reuters) - Footage released last week by North Korea purporting to show the firing of a submarine-launched ballistic m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Democrat Bernie Sanders voted on Tuesday in favor of a bill that would r
SEOUL (Reuters) - China should play a key and proper role in response to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test as a permanent
SEOUL (Reuters) - If South Korea develops nuclear weapons in response to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test it would be br
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden praised Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders for tapping
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama called on Tuesday for America to fix its political system to stop the practice
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that he was willing to work with Republican Speaker Paul R
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama warned against overstating the fight against Islamic State militants in his St
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton cannot be in two places at once in the w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said he could envision Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump giv
AMES, Iowa (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday expanded her plan to tax the wealth
YANGON (Reuters) - Two Reuters journalists who have been detained in Myanmar for the past two weeks were remanded in c
DUBAI (Reuters) - Kuwait s deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday that the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council would con
ABUJA (Reuters) - The United States has formally agreed to sell 12 Super Tucano A-29 planes and weapons to Nigeria, the Wes
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels in a pocket of land near where the Syrian, Lebanese and Israeli borders meet are negotiating a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will host Norway s Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Washington next mo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Wednesday the failed launch of a 2.6 billion-roub
MISRATA, Libya (Reuters) - Libya put 142 illegal migrants on a flight back to Guinea on Wednesday with the help of the U.N. m
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States announced sanctions on two of North Korea s most prominent officials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and Russia have agreed to continue diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis over No
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Israel s ambassador to New Zealand on Wednesday appealed to the pop star Lorde to meet him afte
YANGON (Reuters) - Two Reuters journalists who have been detained in Myanmar for the past two weeks were remanded in c
DUBAI (Reuters) - Kuwait s deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday that the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council would con
ABUJA (Reuters) - The United States has formally agreed to sell 12 Super Tucano A-29 planes and weapons to Nigeria, the Wes
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels in a pocket of land near where the Syrian, Lebanese and Israeli borders meet are negotiating a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will host Norway s Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Washington next mo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Wednesday the failed launch of a 2.6 billion-roub
MISRATA, Libya (Reuters) - Libya put 142 illegal migrants on a flight back to Guinea on Wednesday with the help of the U.N. m
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States announced sanctions on two of North Korea s most prominent officials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and Russia have agreed to continue diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis over No
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Israel s ambassador to New Zealand on Wednesday appealed to the pop star Lorde to meet him afte
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will bring its paramilitary police force, the People s Armed Police, under the control of the Central M
(Reuters) - Myanmar feels sad over a U.S. decision to sanction a military general, a government spokesman said, after Washin
DUBAI (Reuters) - A senior UAE diplomat said on Wednesday the Arab world would not be led by Turkey, the Gulf State s first
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday U.S. President Donald Trump would fail
TUNIS (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday called Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a terrorist and said
(Reuters) - Major governments, including the United States, the European Union and Canada, and top United Nations officials
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Opposition leader Alexei Navalny announced on Wednesday a series of rallies across Russia in January to
SEOUL (Reuters) - At least four defectors from North Korea have shown signs of radiation exposure, the South Korean governm
LIMA (Reuters) - Former authoritarian leader Alberto Fujimori sought forgiveness from Peruvians from the bottom of my hear
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - A terrorist group is probably responsible for the explosion on a Libyan crude pipeline on Tuesday
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile said on Tuesday that it would beef up border policing ahead of a wave of visitors likely to arrive in
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A gunman opened fire in a pastry factory in Moscow, killing a guard early on Wednesday, officials said. T
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russia has promised that the autonomous region controlled by Kurds in northern Syria will be represented
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberians went to the polls on Tuesday for a presidential election they hope will mark their first democ
DUBAI (Reuters) - A Saudi Arabian businessman whose family s commercial empire is involved in a multi-billion dollar debt dis
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish prosecutors said on Wednesday they will review legal cases against 11,480 people after finding t
HARARE (Reuters) - Retired army chief Constantino Chiwenga and veteran politician Kembo Mohadi will be sworn in as Zimbab
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will supply Turkey with four batteries of S-400 surface-to-air missiles for $2.5 billion under a deal
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel wants to name a train station after Donald Trump to thank him for recognizing Jerusalem as its c
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mired in allegations of corruption, Mexico s ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has thrown i
DOUALA (Reuters) - A prize-winning New York-based Cameroonian novelist will be freed from jail and expelled from his native
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin formally registered his re-election bid on Wednesday, submitting the necessary
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron has said his government could consider changes in the relationship between m
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron has said his government could consider changes in the relationship between m
BEIJING/HONG KONG (Reuters) - China s parliament on Wednesday said part of a high-speed railway station being built in Hon
HANOI (Reuters) - A Vietnamese court on Wednesday sentenced 15 people to multiple years in jail for plotting to bomb the co
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow will limit the scope of U.S. military observation flights over Russia from Jan. 1 next year in retali
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - An Australian mother of three escaped the death penalty on Wednesday after a Malaysian court f
TASHKENT (Reuters) - Uzbekistan s Finance Ministry has sacked 562 employees after President Shavkat Mirziyoyev ordered it t
SEOUL (Reuters) - Japan said on Wednesday any attempt by South Korea to revise a 2015 deal meant to have resolved a row o
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City has quietly begun removing some of the corroding yellow nuclear fallout shelter signs tha
BERLIN (Reuters) - If Angela Merkel becomes German chancellor again, nearly half of voters would want her to quit her term e
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States and Germany called on China to immediately release a prominent human rights activist w
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron called for a complete lifting of a blockade on Yemen in a telephone cal
TUNIS (Reuters) - The number of foreign tourists in Tunisia rose by 23 percent in 2017 compared with the previous year, officia
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The chief of the Russian General Staff has accused the United States of training former Islamic State figh
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday the main part of the battle with Islamic State
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said on Wednesday that any attempt to revise Tokyo s 2015 agreemen
Karachi, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistan has appointed an economist, who was recently chairman of the board of investment, to
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police have detained 54 staff from a university shut down after an attempted coup last year that
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese police said on Wednesday they have arrested a couple whose 33-year-old daughter froze to death
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party will meet next month to discuss amending the constitution and to talk abo
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen vowed to extend his more than 30 years in power by at least an
PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - Haitian authorities said on Tuesday a former prime minister and top official have been banned fro
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan will gradually get used to Chinese air force drills that encircle the island, China said on Wedn
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania s ruling Social Democrats have filed a slew of new changes to the criminal code that would de
HAVANA (Reuters) - A fireworks explosion injured 39 people, including six children between the ages of 11 and 15, during a po
CARACAS/CIUDAD GUAYANA, Venezuela (Reuters) - There was no way Jose Ramon Garcia, a food transporter in Venezuela, co
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump an
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Alberto Nisman, the Argentine prosecutor who was found dead days after accusing former Presiden
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian rebels pinned down in a strategic area where the Israeli and Lebanese borders meet with Syria wer
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Egypt said on Tuesday it had suggested to Ethiopia and Sudan that they all call in international exper
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil s government will declare Venezuela s charg d affaires persona non-grata, stripping him of his di
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan families displaced from a town ransacked after the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 will be all
NEW DELHI, ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - India denounced Pakistan on Tuesday over the treatment of the family of an Indian man s
PUERTO ORDAZ, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuelan authorities said on Tuesday they had arrested 28 people in southern Boliva
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan authorities have so far released 44 opponents of the socialist government from prison over C
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea predicted on Tuesday that North Korea would look to open negotiations with the United States
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday announced sanctions on two North Korean officials for their roles in d
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria s armed forces said insurgents downed a military jet in northern Hama province on Tuesday, killing t
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Armed men blew up a pipeline pumping crude oil to Es Sider port on Tuesday, cutting Libya s outp
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to act as a mediator between North Korea and the United States if both parties are willin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday that Washin
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian court sentenced a British woman to three years in prison on Tuesday for smuggling around 300
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Hundreds of Russian celebrities, sportspeople and politicians nominated President Vladimir Putin for re-
LONDON (Reuters) - A British ship escorted a Russian vessel as it passed near UK territorial waters over Christmas, Britain s de
ATHENS (Reuters) - Israeli players have been denied visas to participate in a speed chess championship hosted by Saudi Arabia
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines said on Tuesday it would investigate whether safety regulations were ignored at an office w
(In Dec. 25 story, removes reference to Shi ite Muslims in first paragraph, and changes militant attacks to terrorist crimes in
PARACHINAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - A suspected U.S. drone attack along the Pakistani-Afghan border killed an Islamist militant c
DUBAI (Reuters) - Kuwait arrested five suspects accused of posting a video on social media considered offensive to the Gulf sta
LAGOS (Reuters) - Four civilians were killed in an attack by suspected Boko Haram militants on Monday in the Nigerian city at t
YANGON (Reuters) - Two Reuters journalists detained in Myanmar will be allowed to meet their families once their first 14-day
(Reuters) - Myanmar police said on Tuesday they would drop pending charges against two journalists working for Turkey s sta
ISTANBUL/KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Turkey will rebuild a ruined Ottoman port city on Sudan s Red Sea coast and construct a nav
BEIJING (Reuters) - China exported no oil products to North Korea in November, Chinese customs data showed, apparently go
(This version of the Dec. 25 story was refiled to amend signoff with no changes to text) MOSCOW (Reuters) - The timing of the
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia has extradited to Turkey a Kurdish political activist who had been seeking asylum, a police official
TUNIS (Reuters) - The UAE, which angered Tunisia by banning Tunisian women from its passenger flights, has intelligence that
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Authorities in eastern Libya have announced a conference in March to drum up support to rebuild
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Tuesday a call by opposition leader Alexei Navalny to boycott next year s presidentia
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The Russian authorities decision to bar opposition leader Alexei Navalny from running in next year s pre
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt hanged 15 men convicted of attacks that killed security forces in the Sinai Peninsula, security sources
ROME (Reuters) - More than 250 migrants were rescued in the central Mediterranean during the night between Monday and
BERLIN (Reuters) - An EU agreement with Britain on relations after Brexit could serve as a model for ties with other countries t
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has released 23 of the 200-or-so powerful individuals detained since November on corruption
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has started establishing a permanent military presence at naval and air bases in Syria, the defense
BEIJING (Reuters) - China sentenced a prominent rights activist to eight years in jail for subversion on Tuesday, his lawyer said,
TAIPEI (Reuters) - China s air force has carried out 16 rounds of exercises close to Taiwan in the last year or so, Taiwan s defen
(Reuters) - Major governments, including the United States, the European Union and Canada, and top United Nations officials
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean police have arrested the owner and the manager of a building where 29 people died in a fire l
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and Pakistan will look at extending their $57 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is considering refitting the Izumo helicopter carrier so that it can land U.S. Marines F-35B stealth fight
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski defended his pardon for Alberto Fujimori on Monday as justified clem
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A man alleged to be behind the murder this year of a crime reporter in northern Mexico has been arr
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski pardoned former authoritarian leader Alberto Fujimori late on Sun
LIMA (Reuters) - The Fujimori clan is at it again. Nearly two decades since Alberto Fujimori and his family occupied Peru s pres
TELESKOF, Iraq (Reuters) - Inside the newly renovated Church of Saint George in the Northern Iraqi town of Teleskof, Hayat Ch
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian rebel groups on Monday rejected Russia s planned Sochi conference on Syria, saying Moscow was s
JERUSALEM/GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Guatemala with a God bless yo
ZURICH (Reuters) - Three people have died in separate avalanche accidents in the Swiss Alps, police said on Monday. A man w
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis used his Christmas message on Monday to call for a negotiated two-state solution to en
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A topless activist from the feminist group Femen tried to snatch the statue of the baby Jesus from th
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - A home belonging to Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian army forces backed by Iranian-backed militias pushed deeper into the last rebel-held enclave near
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Nigeria s army said it had repelled an attack on Monday by suspected Boko Haram militants o
SANDRINGHAM, England (Reuters) - Britain s Queen Elizabeth praised the resilience of London and Manchester after appallin
BAUCHI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Nigeria s military has repelled an attack on Monday by suspected Boko Haram militants on the out
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada will expel a Venezuelan diplomat and also bar the country s ambassador from returning, Foreign
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia should scrap the 13 percent profit tax on funds repatriated from abroad and renew an amnesty fr
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was barred on Monday from running in next year s presidentia
ANKARA (Reuters) - A new emergency decree in Turkey could allow vigilantes to carry out political violence with impunity agai
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish judge ordered four prominent journalists and senior staff from the opposition Cumhuriyet new
GAZA (Reuters) - The Red Cross said on Monday Israel has a duty to guarantee the safety and dignity of Palestinian families vis
HANOI/MANILA (Reuters) - Authorities in Vietnam prepared to move a million people from low-lying areas along the south coa
ALMATY (Reuters) - The leaders of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan pledged on Monday to improve relations, after ties between the
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel has ordered the deportation of two of three Turks who were briefly arrested during Palestinian d
KABUL (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on Monday on a compound of Afghanistan s nationa
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani s bid to oust one of the country s most powerful provincial governors has run
TUNIS (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates has information that Tunisian women or women traveling on Tunisian passports m
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A passenger bus swerved off course and drove into a busy pedestrian underpass in Moscow on Monday,
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan allowed the wife and mother of an Indian man convicted of spying to visit him on Monday in
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran s Supreme Court has upheld a death sentence against a Sweden-based Iranian academic convicted of sp
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis strongly defended immigrants at his Christmas Eve Mass on Sunday, comparing them to
BEIJING (Reuters) - China called on Monday for all countries to make constructive efforts to ease tension after North Korea sai
ANKARA (Reuters) - Two soldiers were killed and another was wounded in an attack by Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militant
TUNIS (Reuters) - Dubai airline Emirates will stop flying to Tunisia, it said on Sunday, after the North African country said it had
BERLIN (Reuters) - A man drove a car at the entrance of the Berlin headquarters of Germany s Social Democratic Party (SPD) la
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte s eldest son quit as vice mayor of the southern city of Davao on Mon
RIYADH (Reuters) - A Shi ite Muslim judge abducted in eastern Saudi Arabia a year ago has been killed by his kidnappers, the S
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called on Monday for the United States and North Korea to start
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski pardoned former authoritarian leader Alberto Fujimori late on Sun
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility for an explosion on Monday carried by a suicide bomber near a compoun
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny on Sunday cleared the first hurdle towards taking part in next y
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s growing economic, political and diplomatic power means it is achieving an overwhelming advantag
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has reasonably expanded its islands in the disputed South China Sea and this year construction proj
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales said on Sunday he had given instructions to move the Cen
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered to play tour guide to Christian pilgrims on Sunday in
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s domestically developed AG600, the world s largest amphibious aircraft, performed its maiden fligh
NAIROBI (Reuters) - South Sudan s army clashed with rebels in an oil-producing region early on Sunday, both sides said, shatte
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt will raise the price of tickets on Cairo s loss-making metro system from next July, tripling the present f
N DJAMENA (Reuters) - Chad s President Idriss Deby on Sunday appointed Abdoulaye Sabre Fadoul as minister of finance and
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Three workers, two of them Sudanese, died in an accident at Libya s Zelten oil and gas field on Sat
CARACAS (Reuters) - Three dozen opponents of Venezuela s socialist government were released from prison and reunited with
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Turkey and Sudan have agreed to set up a strategic cooperation council to strengthen economic ties,
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Sunday that Turkey would employ an additional 110,000 p
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Catalonia s separatist leader Carles Puigdemont called on Spain s government on Saturday to allow him t
MANILA (Reuters) - Fire swept through a shopping mall in the Philippines killing at least 37 people, most of them workers at a
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian authorities have detained 15 people pending an investigation into an attack on an unlicensed Copti
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces on Sunday killed nine suspected militants in a shootout in the Nile Delta province of
ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Sunday he would propose to parliament transferring some of t
BEIJING/SEOUL (Reuters) - The latest U.N. sanctions against North Korea are an act of war and tantamount to a complete econ
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Dozens of people gathered outside Beirut s national museum on Saturday evening to light candles for a Briti
MANILA (Reuters) - Rescuers in the Philippines searched on Sunday for survivors of a storm that triggered floods and landslide
ZURICH (Reuters) - A referendum in Switzerland to clarify the country s relationship with the European Union would be helpfu
LONDON (Reuters) - London Zoo reopened on Sunday, a day after a fire that killed an aardvark and likely four meerkats and w
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey is working with Russia to evacuate around 500 people from the besieged Damascus suburb of eas
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will visit Addis Ababa next week for talks with his Ethiopian counter
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has closed more than 13,000 websites since the beginning of 2015 for breaking the law or other rule
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey said on Sunday that 2,756 people were dismissed from their jobs in public institutions including s
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s leftist government prepared to release some 80 jailed anti-government activists on Saturday
WENZHOU, China (Reuters) - When authorities in China s southeastern city of Wenzhou outlawed Sunday School earlier this y
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s former President Alberto Fujimori was rushed from prison to a local hospital by ambulance late on Sat
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico has this year registered its highest murder total since modern records began, according to offi
BERLIN (Reuters) - Austria s new Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, called for an end to failed attempts to achieve a quota system fo
BERLIN (Reuters) - Leading figures from Angela Merkel s conservatives and the Social Democrats (SPD) outlined differing vision
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Myanmar military, which has been accused of ethnic cleansing against the country s Muslim Ro
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli court on Saturday freed without charge three Turks who had been arrested on suspicion of a
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China has punished 8,123 people for committing fiscal violations after an audit of how the government
RUSAPE, Zimbabwe (Reuters) - The last time white Zimbabwean farmer Rob Smart left his land it was at gunpoint, forced out i
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. decision to supply weapons to Ukraine is dangerous as it will encourage Kiev to use force in eas
LONDON (Reuters) - An aardvark was killed and four meerkats are missing believed dead after a blaze tore through part of Lon
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski s political troubles will likely continue despite his surprise victory o
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s ruling Democratic Party (PD), hit by internal divisions and a banking scandal, is continuing to slide in o
SKOPJE (Reuters) - Macedonia s main opposition party, the rightist VMRO-DPMNE formally replaced its leader Nikola Gruevski
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday France stood ready if needed to strengthen its military force fi
BRAZZAVILLE (Reuters) - The government of Congo Republic on Saturday agreed a ceasefire with rebels in the southeast regio
UNITED NATIONS/SEOUL (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea on Friday
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s ruling party United Russia wants the ultimate victory of President Vladimir Putin at the preside
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Communist Party on Saturday unexpectedly dropped its veteran leader Gennady Zyuganov a
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed retired army boss Constantino Chiwenga and ve
QUETTA, Pakistan/JAKARTA (Reuters) - Christmas church services and other celebrations are being held this weekend under th
CAIRO (Reuters) - President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Saturday Egypt will in the next two to three years embark on a $5.60 b
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey plans to change the name of the street where the embassy of the United Arab Emirates is located
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s upper house Senate on Saturday gave parliament s final approval to the government s 2018 budget, c
PARIS (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron urged the parties involved in an
SKOPJE - Macedonia s parliament has adopted a 2018 draft budget, lowering the deficit to 2.7 percent of national output from
MANILA (Reuters) - A tropical storm in the southern Philippines triggered mudslides and flash floods that killed more than 100
TOKYO (Reuters) - A record crowd paid their respects to Japan s 84-year-old Emperor Akihito at Tokyo s Imperial Palace on Sat
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - The man accused of deliberately plowing into Christmas shoppers on a busy street in the Australian c
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow stands ready to cooperate with the United States on Afghanistan, Russia s Foreign Ministry offic
ISTANBUL(Reuters) - Turkey s parliament has approved the government s 2018 budget, which includes increased spending on
BERLIN (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron s proposed European reforms will play a big role in talks between Germ
WASHINGTON/TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The United States on Friday backed the re-election of Honduran President Juan Orlan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will provide Ukraine with enhanced defensive capabilities, the State Department
BERLIN (Reuters) - Police brought in experts and an explosives robot to investigate a suspicious package found at the Christma
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski could end up the surprise winner of an attempt to oust him from pow
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Nearly half the 19 people injured when a driver with no known extremist links plowed into pedestrian
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Honduran opposition candidate Salvador Nasralla said his bid for the presidency was a lost cause on
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Shi ite paramilitary groups have deployed to the frontier to back up border guard forces who came
PRISTINA (Reuters) - Any move by Kosovo to scrap a war crimes court linked to its independence struggle would seriously und
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has submitted a new draft law to parliament for the creation of an anti
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations announced on Friday the appointment of Henrietta Fore, an economic develo
BERLIN (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday that he would work
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Separatists looked set on Friday to regain power in Catalonia after voters rejected Spanish Pr
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean guards fired warning shots across the heavily militarized border with North Korea on Thursday
TASHKENT (Reuters) - Uzbek president Shavkat Mirziyoyev said on Friday he would reform the Central Asian nation s state sec
TASHKENT (Reuters) - President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said on Friday Uzbekistan had reported inflated economic growth and em
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s prison population has fallen by a fifth from the peak in 2014 as fewer people are locked up u
PRATICA DI MARE, Italy (Reuters) - The United Nations began bringing African refugees to Italy from Libya on Friday, evacuatin
BERLIN (Reuters) - A Berlin court ruling that permits the parents and siblings of a 16-year-old Syrian migrant to join him in Germ
GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli troops shot dead at least two Palestinians and wounded about 60 with live fire on Friday, the Health M
MOSCOW (Reuters) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson told his Russian counterpart on Friday there was abundant eviden
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Friday ruled out calling a national election after Catalan separati
MADRID (Reuters) - Forget the traditional Socialist opposition and perhaps even the Catalan separatists: the main threat to Sp
AMMAN/CAIRO (Reuters) - Leading Arab allies threatened with cuts in aid by Donald Trump said on Friday they had no choice
JUBA (Reuters) - A South Sudanese rebel group on Friday accused government troops of attacking their base only a day after t
(In Dec. 21 item, corrects spelling of Jonathon Sherman s first name) By Anna Mehler Paperny and Matt Scuffham TORONTO (
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday hailed the return of Britain s classic blue passport as a benefit of le
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Danish Police have charged a 30-year-old Syrian man, an asylum-seeker to Sweden, with attempting
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s President Michel Temer warned on Friday the country would face economic volatility and loss of i
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Callista Gingrich, wife of the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, on Friday became
HANOI (Reuters) - A court in Vietnam on Friday upheld a nine-year jail sentence for a prominent activist convicted of spreadin
TRIPOLI/BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - A hundred meters from the office of Libyan Prime Minister Fayaz al-Seraj in Tripoli, guard
LONDON (Reuters) - The head of Iran s justice ministry was quoted on Friday as saying Tehran would decide the fate of a detai
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - A group of anti-Brexit Scottish members of parliament has been given the go-ahead to pursue legal ac
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N refugee agency on Friday accused Australia of abandoning hundreds of refugees and asylum seek
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In April, Reuters photographer Zohra Bensemra was sent to cover the drought in Somalia. Once there, s
SHARYA, Iraq (Reuters) - When Rosa, now 14, asked her Islamic State captors about her younger sisters Bushra, 12, and Suhay
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives hope to draw the Social Democrats (SPD) into coalition w
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia has arrested 20 suspected militants, including 13 foreigners, police said on Friday, adding
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. independent expert on the independence of judges and lawyers criticized Poland on Friday for le
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura said Syria talks in the Kazakh capital Astana on Friday had agreed on a
ASTANA (Reuters) - Syria s U.N. ambassador, Bashar al-Jaafari, said on Friday that U.S. and Turkish troops should leave Syria im
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A total of 48,000 of Russian troops have taken part in Moscow s military campaign in Syria, Russian Defe
KAMPALA (Reuters) - The Ugandan army on Friday attacked rebel camps in eastern Congo, an army spokesman said. The attac
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday accused the United States of plotting to withdraw from the In
REAL, Philippines (Reuters) - The Philippines coast guard said on Friday it had rescued 252 passengers and crew, including an A
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has thwarted a bid in Congress to force him out over a graft scanda
SEOUL (Reuters) - A Seoul court on Friday found Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin guilty of breach of trust and embezzlem
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday she knew nothing of allegations of inappropriate behav
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - More than 120 countries defied President Donald Trump on Thursday and voted in favor of a Uni
PARIS (Reuters) - The United States has disqualified itself from the Middle East peace process due to its recognition of Jerusa
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan called on Friday for the United States to step back from its decision to re
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday they hoped t
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s separatists look set to regain power in the wealthy Spanish region after local elections on T
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany called for reconciliation and respect for the constitution in Spain after separatists triumphed in Ca
MOSCOW (Reuters) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that London could not ignore Russia s meddling in el
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A court in Somalia on Thursday released without charge a former minister and government critic who
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in comforted mourners in the small scenic city of Jecheon on Friday amid
SEOUL (Reuters) - A fire in an eight-storey fitness center in the scenic South Korean city of Jecheon on Thursday killed at least
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s President Jacob Zuma has sought leave to appeal a court ruling ordering him to set
ATHENS (Reuters) - A makeshift bomb exploded outside a Greek court in Athens early on Friday shattering windows and dama
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak vowed on Friday to use every means to protest against U.S.
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said Britain would take a hard headed approach to dealing with Russia ahea
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Friday urged the United States not to set itself up as a human rights judge and denounced the U
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police arrested 15 senior military officers in an investigation into the network of a U.S.-based cle
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said Turkey s decision to release a sixth German citizen from jail on
JUBA (Reuters) - South Sudan denied on Friday that a businessman sanctioned by the United States was an adviser to Presiden
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan has ordered 27 international aid groups to shut down for working in unauthorized areas, spur
HONG KONG (Reuters) - As Hong Kong seeks more land to help ease a worsening housing crisis, some lawmakers and activists
BEIJING (Reuters) - A country s right to choose its own development path must be respected, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Y
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Friday said that Hungary sees a strong Poland as a vital comp
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said she would not blindly obey the orders of Communist Party leaders i
LIMA (Reuters) - A congresswoman in Peru said embattled President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski survived a vote in Congress to ous
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s new national security strategy unveiled this week is a criminal document th
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine Maoist rebels declared a traditional Christmas truce on Friday after the government announced
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian police said on Friday they had seized a record 1.2 tonnes of methamphetamine with a street val
BEIJING (Reuters) - China is considering a law punishing those who slander heroes and martyrs or cause physical damage to th
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo will on Friday hold his cabinet meeting on the holiday island of Bali in a
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s graft-busters will be required to do more to protect detained suspects, such as informing families a
YANGON (Reuters) - Some human rights advocates say press freedom is under attack in Myanmar, even though decades of rul
BEIJING (Reuters) - Members of China s ruling Communist Party have a duty to follow orders from the central leadership lest t
TOKYO (Reuters) - Kansai Electric Power Co said on Friday it will decommission two 38-year-old reactors at its Ohi nuclear plan
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s government approved a record military budget on Friday but did not earmark enough extra money
Kuala Lumpur (Reuters) - Malaysia s growing ties to Saudi Arabia - and its puritan Salafi-Wahhabi Islamic doctrines - are comin
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia announced on Friday that passengers traveling on its airlines to the United Kingdom would on
KABUL (Reuters) - Vice President Mike Pence made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan to meet its leaders and underscore U.
MADRID (Reuters) - Exiled Catalan separatist leader Carles Puigdemont looks set to regain power after regional elections on Th
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s separatist leader Carles Puigdemont was on track to regain the leadership of Spain s northeast
HAVANA (Reuters) - Communist-run Cuba extended the term of its current leadership to April on Thursday, signaling a two-mo
WARSAW (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May gave Poland a rare dose of big power support on Thursday by saying
(Reuters) - Some 128 countries defied U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday and voted in favor of a U.N. General Assembl
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council is due to vote on Friday on a U.S.-drafted resolution that see
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Thursday that he would send a contentious new securi
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia will end air strikes against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and bring its six Super Hornet planes hom
LONDON (Reuters) - British police started to reopen roads around Buckingham Palace in London late on Thursday after investi
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York jury on Thursday ended its second day of deliberations without a verdict in the trial of a Tur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday said it welcomed an announcement by a Saudi-led coalition to keep
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Europe s first ever rules on drones, which were tentatively agreed three weeks ago, risk being scuppered
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - South Sudan s government and rebel groups signed a ceasefire on Thursday in the latest attempt to e
MOSCOW/GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Thursday he would take part in the lates
ASTANA (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin s envoy for Syria said on Thursday that there was no reason for U.S. force
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia is likely to maintain a big presence in Syria despite Russian President Vladimir Putin s announ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on 13 serious human rights abusers and corrupt a
Ankara (Reuters) - The United Nations General Assembly s vote on Jerusalem on Thursday was a clear international rejection o
MADRID (Reuters) - Pro-independence parties in Catalonia are seen in a position to keep their absolute majority of seats in reg
PARIS (Reuters) - As he looks back on a momentous year, French President Emmanuel Macron might be tempted to have an e
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel rejected a U.N. vote on Thursday that called on the United States to withdraw its decision to reco
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday he expected U.S. President Donald Trump s administr
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The funeral of Cardinal Bernard Law, who resigned as Archbishop of Boston 15 years ago after cover
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s foreign minister said on Thursday the U.N. members had shown that dignity and sovereignty ar
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine s state security service SBU have detained a government official on suspicion of working in the interes
PARIS (Reuters) - France will on Thursday announce a plan to raise regulated minimum food prices and limit bargain sales in su
PARIS (Reuters) - France, the European Union s largest farm producer, plans to raise regulated minimum food prices and limit
DUBAI/KHOBAR (Reuters) - London-listed NMC Healthcare is in talks with the Riyadh government to take over the running of a
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - An Australian man of Afghan descent with a history of mental health issues drove a car into Christmas
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Seven European Union states urged Romania s ruling coalition on Thursday to avoid legislation that co
GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian Islamist group Hamas s leader in Gaza said on Thursday a reconciliation deal with President Mahm
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to draw a line under allegations of misconduct against one of h
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia should not forfeit its sovereign right to one day enrich uranium under its planned civilian nuc
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the United Nations as a house of lies ahead of a vote o
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey told U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday he could not buy its support in a United Nations vo
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling ANC decided to downgrade its embassy in Tel Aviv to a liaison office over a U
DUBAI/GENEVA (Reuters) - Yemen s cholera epidemic has reached one million suspected cases, the International Committee o
YAOUNDE (Reuters) - A Cameroonian journalist jailed for over two years for contact with Islamist militant group Boko Haram i
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - The U.N. war crimes court that prosecuted atrocities committed during the breakup of Yugoslavia in th
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis issued a stinging new critique of the Vatican s top administration on Thursday, saying t
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan described the United Arab Emirates foreign minister as impertinent and
ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish foreign ministry official said on Thursday the United Arab Emirates charge d affaires was summo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.N. special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Thursday he planned to organize a next round of S
KIEV (Reuters) - The Ukrainian parliament voted on Thursday to withdraw a law on the creation of an anti-corruption court, pa
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - France told eastern Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar he needed to respect the U.N. peac
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police said on Thursday they had rescued thousands of artefacts dating back to Anatolian, Greek
(Reuters) - Several countries, the United Nations and journalist groups are demanding the release of Reuters reporters Wa Lon
YANGON (Reuters) - Two Reuters reporters arrested in Myanmar had not passed any information to the United Nations, the w
YANGON (Reuters) - A spokesman for Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi said on Wednesday he had been informed that the p
YANGON (Reuters) - The two Reuters journalists who were detained in Myanmar on Dec. 12 have appeared in court and been
WARSAW (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Thursday that Britain and Poland are concerned about Russia
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Cyril Ramaphosa may have won the race to be leader of the African National Congress, but he fail
DORTMUND (Reuters) - A German-Russian man suspected of detonating three bombs targeting the Borussia Dortmund soccer
DORTMUND (Reuters) - A German-Russian man suspected of detonating three bombs targeting the Borussia Dortmund soccer
LONDON (Reuters) - Outside London s Piccadilly theater where tickets cost up to 110 pounds and a banner advertising the mu
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India will provide Myanmar with $25 million for development projects including prefabricated houses i
LONDON (Reuters) - Pro-European campaigners accused ministers of failing to take preparations for Brexit seriously enough o
PARIS (Reuters) - Plans to buy a new presidential jet for France s Emmanuel Macron could be held up because of a controversy
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The decision to scale back British-Russian dialogue was a groundless and untimely decision by London, R
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya s rival factions should stick to a United Nations peace process and prepare for elections in spring 201
LONDON (Reuters) - A 48-year-old man from Wales pleaded not guilty on Thursday to terrorism-related murder and attempte
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Thursday Gulf Arab countries were planning no action again
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian military observers had to pull out of a joint ceasefire control group due to Kiev s determination t
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The Czech far-right Freedom and Direct Democracy party (SPD) said on Thursday it would not support a ne
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar wants to continue working with the United Nations on human rights but its investigator must b
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. allegations that Russia is breaking its Cold War-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with W
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Syria s opposition is sabotaging the Geneva peace talks in a bid to ruin Russia s preparations for a planne
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The latest U.S. sanctions imposed on five Russians and Chechens are grotesque and groundless, and Mo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s interior minister said on Thursday that Uber driver suspected of murdering a British embassy wo
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Sixty people including a former military chief faced demands for life jail terms over a 1997 campaign of a
MANILA (Reuters) - Four people were killed and seven were missing after a Philippine ferry with 251 people on board capsized
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A suspicious package that prompted an evacuation of a Christmas market in Frankfurt has turned out t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Kurdish-led Syrian groups plan to attend Russia s proposed Syria peace talks in the Black Sea resort of Sochi
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese military aircraft have again carried out drills in the Western Pacific, the Xinhua state news agency s
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Three men accused of killing Maltese anti-corruption blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia were committed to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia may decide to designate any media as foreign agents if they are financed by a foreign state or citi
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May forced her most senior minister, Damian Green, to resign for lying abo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - There is no firm date yet for the much-discussed Syria peace congress, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Pesko
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The approval by the United States of an export license for Ukraine to buy certain light weapons and sma
CAIRO (Reuters) - Food security in the Middle East and North Africa is quickly deteriorating because of conflict in several count
VERKHNAYA PYSHMA/YEKATERINBURG, Russia (Reuters) - One thousand French goats have found a new home in Russia s Ura
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian court on Thursday acquitted a former telecoms minister, politicians and business executives
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - A Beijing court on Thursday handed down jail sentences of up to 15 years to 85 people deported fro
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on Wednesday signaled both his vice presidents would resign if Congr
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A car was deliberately driven into pedestrians in the Australian city of Melbourne on Thursday, injuring up
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. independent investigator into human rights in Myanmar called on Wednesday for stronger intern
ORENBURG, Russia (Reuters) - When Vladimir Kabunin signed up as a private military contractor, he saw a chance to make a w
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia has discovered the wreck of its first submarine off the coast of Papua New Guinea, authorities sai
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States has created sensational hype over China s military modernization, the defense ministry
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.N. special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura will arrive in Kazakhstan s capital on Friday to take part in
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian police appealed on Thursday for tolerance and respect for other people s religious celebration
SEOUL (Reuters) - A former Korean Air Lines executive who went into a rage on an aircraft over the way she was served nuts in
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese tourists are still visiting Pyongyang from China s border city of Dandong, tourism sources say, even
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican authorities on Wednesday arrested a former high-ranking official of President Enrique Pena
SEOUL (Reuters) - A spokesman for North Korea s foreign ministry said on Thursday Pyongyang is not linked to any cyber attac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has approved an export license for Ukraine to buy certain light weapons
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s pro-government legislative superbody ruled on Wednesday that parties who boycotted this m
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean guards fired around 20 warning shots at North Korean troops searching for a defector who fle
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Cyril Ramaphosa, the new leader of South Africa s governing ANC party, said on Thursday he aims
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The governor of Nuevo Leon, a prosperous state in northern Mexico, requested a leave of absence on
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea plans to buy an additional 20 F-35A stealth fighter aircraft from the United States, a South Kore
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May forced her most senior minister, Damian Green, to resign on Wednesd
LONDON (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.2 struck a town near the Iranian capital Tehran on Wednesday night, state
WASHINGTON/TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday followed Mexico in signaling that Honduran Preside
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday she would permit a delay to Britain s departure from the
LONDON (Reuters) - Legislation underpinning the government s plan to leave the European Union passed the latest stage in its
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union wants a transition period after Brexit to end no later than the last day of 2020, acco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Wednesday imposed new sanctions on five Russians and Chechen
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Turkey s prime minister on Wednesday dubbed the killing of minority Muslim Rohingyas
WASHINGTON/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to cut off financial aid to
ADEN (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Wednesday it would keep the Houthi-controlled Hodeidah p
(Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will visit China around the end of January to promote her vision of a global Brit
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress has adopted a resolution calling for the nationaliza
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Congo and Uganda are planning a joint military operation against a Congo-b
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan legislators voted late on Wednesday to amend the country s constitution to allow 73-year-old l
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau broke some conflict of interest rules when he accepted a vacatio
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan legislators voted overwhelmingly late on Wednesday to remove from the constitution an age c
VIC/CERDANYOLA DEL VALLES, Spain (Reuters) - Catalonia votes on Thursday for a new administration in an election many hop
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The bodies of six men were found hanging from three different bridges near the Mexican tourist reso
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The driver of a tour bus that crashed on Tuesday on a quiet road in Mexico s Yucatan Peninsula, killin
ABUJA/DAKAR (Reuters) - Cameroonian troops this month crossed into Nigeria in pursuit of rebels without seeking authorizati
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition will allow four cranes into the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah to boost humanita
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police arrested a 29-year-old man they said was an active member of Islamic State who was plottin
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark will no longer automatically accept a quota of refugees under a U.N. resettlement program
MANILA (Reuters) - The police chief of the Philippines on Wednesday stood by the head of a secretive unit behind dozens of k
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. s freedom of speech expert said on Wednesday he was concerned about the ramifications of a d
BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Opposition groups quit the government of Iraq s Kurdish region on Wednesday in protest at
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Wednesday his new coalition would focus on fighting anti-Semi
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Air strikes killed 19 people in a village in Syria s rebel stronghold of Idlib overnight, a rescue service there an
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU executive launched an unprecedented process on Wednesday to suspend Poland s voting rights i
WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish President Andrzej Duda has signed into law two bills overhauling the judiciary, he said on Wednes
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania s senate approved on Wednesday part of a judicial overhaul criticized by the European Comm
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The 193-member United Nations General Assembly will hold a rare emergency special session on
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said on Wednesday the United States has isolated itself by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel s capital
(Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives and the Social Democrats (SPD) have agreed to exploratory talks
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Lawyers for an executive at Turkey s majority state-owned Halkbank who is accused of helping Iran eva
ZURICH (Reuters) - The Swiss government urged voters on Wednesday to reject a campaign for a nationwide ban on face veils
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday promised zero tolerance in his government
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria s parliament passed anti-corruption legislation on Wednesday under European Union pressure over
LIMA (Reuters) - The center-right government of Peru s embattled President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski canceled its scheduled auc
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman received Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Riyadh on Wednesday and re
JUBA (Reuters) - Six aid workers kidnapped by rebels in South Sudan earlier this week have been released, according to the Un
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad said on Wednesday it was concerned by the closure of a local Kurdish broa
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian officials, security monitors and Kiev s foreign backers warned on Wednesday that Moscow s decisio
PARIS (Reuters) - France s prime minister, whose government has vowed to clean up politics, was forced on Wednesday to def
WARSAW (Reuters) - Below are details of the European Commission s decision to launch the Article 7 procedure against Polan
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s army said on Wednesday that it had appointed a senior officer to investigate whether any me
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital will stoke violence in the region,
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Some Somali lawmakers said on Wednesday they plan to impeach the president in a mounting politic
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean officials said on Wednesday a proposed delay in military drills with the United States was aime
(Corrects a Dec. 19 story to make clear in graf 12 that Russia annexed Ukraine s Crimea, not all of Ukraine) By Gabrielle Tetrau
PRISTINA (Reuters) - Two Kosovo men pleaded guilty on Wednesday to planning attacks at a World Cup soccer match in Alban
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State has claimed an attack on an Egyptian military airport that killed one officer and wounded two n
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The approval rating for Brazilian President Michel Temer s scandal-plagued government has doubled to 6
BERLIN (Reuters) - Largely unperturbed by Angela Merkel s failure to form a government after a September election, many Ge
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland is currently seen as a force for disintegration of the European Union (EU) and hence it is importan
WARSAW (Reuters) - The European Commission s decision to launch the so-called Article 7 procedure against Poland may be r
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - An Istanbul prosecutor has issued arrest warrants for the parents of a former police investigator who gav
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s previous government never asked Interpol to drop arrest warrants against a group of Ira
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan leapt to the defence of an Ottoman military commander on Wednesda
SID, Serbia (Reuters) - Mudassir, 18, from Pakistan s city of Peshawar has tried to enter the European Union 30 times but was
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has declared a 10-day unilateral ceasefire with communist rebels to a
BELGRADE (Reuters) - In a joint sting, Serbian and Croatian police have detained 17 people suspected of smuggling dozens of m
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The latest U.S. sanctions imposed on five Russians and Chechens are grotesque and groundless, and Mo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s interior minister said on Thursday that Uber driver suspected of murdering a British embassy wo
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Sixty people including a former military chief faced demands for life jail terms over a 1997 campaign of a
MANILA (Reuters) - Four people were killed and seven were missing after a Philippine ferry with 251 people on board capsized
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A suspicious package that prompted an evacuation of a Christmas market in Frankfurt has turned out t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Kurdish-led Syrian groups plan to attend Russia s proposed Syria peace talks in the Black Sea resort of Sochi
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese military aircraft have again carried out drills in the Western Pacific, the Xinhua state news agency s
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Three men accused of killing Maltese anti-corruption blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia were committed to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia may decide to designate any media as foreign agents if they are financed by a foreign state or citi
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May forced her most senior minister, Damian Green, to resign for lying abo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - There is no firm date yet for the much-discussed Syria peace congress, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Pesko
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The approval by the United States of an export license for Ukraine to buy certain light weapons and sma
CAIRO (Reuters) - Food security in the Middle East and North Africa is quickly deteriorating because of conflict in several count
VERKHNAYA PYSHMA/YEKATERINBURG, Russia (Reuters) - One thousand French goats have found a new home in Russia s Ura
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian court on Thursday acquitted a former telecoms minister, politicians and business executives
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - A Beijing court on Thursday handed down jail sentences of up to 15 years to 85 people deported fro
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on Wednesday signaled both his vice presidents would resign if Congr
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A car was deliberately driven into pedestrians in the Australian city of Melbourne on Thursday, injuring up
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. independent investigator into human rights in Myanmar called on Wednesday for stronger intern
ORENBURG, Russia (Reuters) - When Vladimir Kabunin signed up as a private military contractor, he saw a chance to make a w
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia has discovered the wreck of its first submarine off the coast of Papua New Guinea, authorities sai
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States has created sensational hype over China s military modernization, the defense ministry
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.N. special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura will arrive in Kazakhstan s capital on Friday to take part in
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian police appealed on Thursday for tolerance and respect for other people s religious celebration
SEOUL (Reuters) - A former Korean Air Lines executive who went into a rage on an aircraft over the way she was served nuts in
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese tourists are still visiting Pyongyang from China s border city of Dandong, tourism sources say, even
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican authorities on Wednesday arrested a former high-ranking official of President Enrique Pena
SEOUL (Reuters) - A spokesman for North Korea s foreign ministry said on Thursday Pyongyang is not linked to any cyber attac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has approved an export license for Ukraine to buy certain light weapons
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s pro-government legislative superbody ruled on Wednesday that parties who boycotted this m
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean guards fired around 20 warning shots at North Korean troops searching for a defector who fle
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Cyril Ramaphosa, the new leader of South Africa s governing ANC party, said on Thursday he aims
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The governor of Nuevo Leon, a prosperous state in northern Mexico, requested a leave of absence on
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea plans to buy an additional 20 F-35A stealth fighter aircraft from the United States, a South Kore
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May forced her most senior minister, Damian Green, to resign on Wednesd
LONDON (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.2 struck a town near the Iranian capital Tehran on Wednesday night, state
WASHINGTON/TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday followed Mexico in signaling that Honduran Preside
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday she would permit a delay to Britain s departure from the
LONDON (Reuters) - Legislation underpinning the government s plan to leave the European Union passed the latest stage in its
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union wants a transition period after Brexit to end no later than the last day of 2020, acco
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Wednesday imposed new sanctions on five Russians and Chechen
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Turkey s prime minister on Wednesday dubbed the killing of minority Muslim Rohingyas
WASHINGTON/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to cut off financial aid to
ADEN (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Wednesday it would keep the Houthi-controlled Hodeidah p
(Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will visit China around the end of January to promote her vision of a global Brit
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress has adopted a resolution calling for the nationaliza
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Congo and Uganda are planning a joint military operation against a Congo-b
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan legislators voted late on Wednesday to amend the country s constitution to allow 73-year-old l
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau broke some conflict of interest rules when he accepted a vacatio
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan legislators voted overwhelmingly late on Wednesday to remove from the constitution an age c
VIC/CERDANYOLA DEL VALLES, Spain (Reuters) - Catalonia votes on Thursday for a new administration in an election many hop
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The bodies of six men were found hanging from three different bridges near the Mexican tourist reso
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The driver of a tour bus that crashed on Tuesday on a quiet road in Mexico s Yucatan Peninsula, killin
ABUJA/DAKAR (Reuters) - Cameroonian troops this month crossed into Nigeria in pursuit of rebels without seeking authorizati
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition will allow four cranes into the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah to boost humanita
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police arrested a 29-year-old man they said was an active member of Islamic State who was plottin
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark will no longer automatically accept a quota of refugees under a U.N. resettlement program
MANILA (Reuters) - The police chief of the Philippines on Wednesday stood by the head of a secretive unit behind dozens of k
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. s freedom of speech expert said on Wednesday he was concerned about the ramifications of a d
BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Opposition groups quit the government of Iraq s Kurdish region on Wednesday in protest at
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Wednesday his new coalition would focus on fighting anti-Semi
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Air strikes killed 19 people in a village in Syria s rebel stronghold of Idlib overnight, a rescue service there an
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU executive launched an unprecedented process on Wednesday to suspend Poland s voting rights i
WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish President Andrzej Duda has signed into law two bills overhauling the judiciary, he said on Wednes
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania s senate approved on Wednesday part of a judicial overhaul criticized by the European Comm
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The 193-member United Nations General Assembly will hold a rare emergency special session on
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said on Wednesday the United States has isolated itself by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel s capital
(Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives and the Social Democrats (SPD) have agreed to exploratory talks
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Lawyers for an executive at Turkey s majority state-owned Halkbank who is accused of helping Iran eva
ZURICH (Reuters) - The Swiss government urged voters on Wednesday to reject a campaign for a nationwide ban on face veils
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday promised zero tolerance in his government
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria s parliament passed anti-corruption legislation on Wednesday under European Union pressure over
LIMA (Reuters) - The center-right government of Peru s embattled President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski canceled its scheduled auc
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman received Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Riyadh on Wednesday and re
JUBA (Reuters) - Six aid workers kidnapped by rebels in South Sudan earlier this week have been released, according to the Un
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad said on Wednesday it was concerned by the closure of a local Kurdish broa
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian officials, security monitors and Kiev s foreign backers warned on Wednesday that Moscow s decisio
PARIS (Reuters) - France s prime minister, whose government has vowed to clean up politics, was forced on Wednesday to def
WARSAW (Reuters) - Below are details of the European Commission s decision to launch the Article 7 procedure against Polan
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s army said on Wednesday that it had appointed a senior officer to investigate whether any me
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital will stoke violence in the region,
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Some Somali lawmakers said on Wednesday they plan to impeach the president in a mounting politic
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean officials said on Wednesday a proposed delay in military drills with the United States was aime
(Corrects a Dec. 19 story to make clear in graf 12 that Russia annexed Ukraine s Crimea, not all of Ukraine) By Gabrielle Tetrau
PRISTINA (Reuters) - Two Kosovo men pleaded guilty on Wednesday to planning attacks at a World Cup soccer match in Alban
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State has claimed an attack on an Egyptian military airport that killed one officer and wounded two n
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The approval rating for Brazilian President Michel Temer s scandal-plagued government has doubled to 6
BERLIN (Reuters) - Largely unperturbed by Angela Merkel s failure to form a government after a September election, many Ge
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland is currently seen as a force for disintegration of the European Union (EU) and hence it is importan
WARSAW (Reuters) - The European Commission s decision to launch the so-called Article 7 procedure against Poland may be r
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - An Istanbul prosecutor has issued arrest warrants for the parents of a former police investigator who gav
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s previous government never asked Interpol to drop arrest warrants against a group of Ira
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan leapt to the defence of an Ottoman military commander on Wednesda
SID, Serbia (Reuters) - Mudassir, 18, from Pakistan s city of Peshawar has tried to enter the European Union 30 times but was
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has declared a 10-day unilateral ceasefire with communist rebels to a
BELGRADE (Reuters) - In a joint sting, Serbian and Croatian police have detained 17 people suspected of smuggling dozens of m
LONDON (Reuters) - A man accused of plotting to kill British Prime Minister Theresa May will go on trial next June for five wee
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany would support the European Commission if it opens proceedings against Poland over legal reform
LONDON (Reuters) - A British man accused of posting a picture of four-year-old Prince George and the address of his London s
LONDON (Reuters) - Back from Brussels with a hard-fought Brexit deal, Prime Minister Theresa May wrote an open letter to th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union wants a transition period after Brexit to end no later than Dec. 31, 2020, according
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Tokyo-based non-governmental organization, Human Rights Now, on Wednesday called on the Japanese
KABUL (Reuters) - One of the main parties behind Afghanistan s Western-backed government warned President Ashraf Ghani
CUCUTA, Colombia (Reuters) - Thousands of impoverished Venezuelans are crossing the border to Colombia every day to sell c
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is working on defensive measures to prepare for possible new sanctions from the United States a
LONDON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump plans to visit Britain in February to open the new U.S. embassy in London but wil
GENEVA (Reuters) - A senior U.N. official said on Tuesday that Israel s killing of a disabled Palestinian man protesting against U
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s coast guard said it fired 249 warning shots over a group of Chinese fishing boats swarming a
SEOUL (Reuters) - China has resumed its ban on group tours into South Korea, South Korea s inbound travel agency said on We
LONDON (Reuters) - Back from Brussels with a hard-fought Brexit deal, Prime Minister Theresa May wrote an open letter to th
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - China has condemned a Taiwan government probe into a tiny but passionately pro-China oppositio
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand aims to get its air safety rating upgraded by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) by M
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam police on Wednesday ordered the prosecution of a former executive at scandal-hit state energy co
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico recognized Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez on Tuesday as the winner of last mo
DAKAR (Reuters) - U.N. investigators Zaida Catalan and Michael Sharp were on familiar ground when they sat down with local
PARIS (Reuters) - French president Emmanuel Macron s popularity jumped back above 50 percent thanks in part to better rati
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A journalist was shot dead on Tuesday in the Mexican state of Veracruz as he attended a Christmas ce
(Reuters) - Attacks by Rohingya Muslim insurgents on the Myanmar security forces in Rakhine State triggered a response by th
UNITED NATIONS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has called on the U.N. Security Council to blacklist 10 ships for
UNITED NATIONS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has given China a draft resolution for tougher U.N. sanctions on
(Reuters) - Any delay in South Korea-U.S. military drills would depend on whether North Korea carries out provocations during
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi air defenses shot down a ballistic missile fired by Yemen s Houthi group towards Riyadh on Tuesday,
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said a missile fired by Yemen s Houthi group t
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan leftist President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday that terrorists had broken into a National G
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico is poised to recognize Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez as the winner of last mon
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Twelve people died and 18 were injured on Tuesday in Mexico s state of Quintana Roo when a tour b
KIEV/NOVOLUHANSKE, Ukraine (Reuters) - Fighting in eastern Ukraine has escalated to the worst level in months, officials mon
YANGON (Reuters) - Two Reuters journalists completed a week in detention in Myanmar on Tuesday, with no word on where
LONDON (Reuters) - British MPs who inflicted defeat on Prime Minister Theresa May last week in parliament over Brexit have
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union s executive may trigger a process on Wednesday to begin to strip Poland of its votin
MONTREAL (Reuters) - A Canadian jury on Tuesday found a man guilty of possessing an explosive substance but cleared him a
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada and the United States said on Tuesday they will co-host a meeting of foreign ministers in Vancouv
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The Czech parliament revoked an election of a Communist-era policeman to a police oversight job on Tues
(Reuters) - Several countries, the United Nations and journalist groups are demanding the release of Reuters reporters Wa Lon
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. prosecutors on Tuesday urged a New York jury to find Mehmet Hakan Atilla, an executive at Turkey
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Austria s new chancellor traveled to Brussels on Tuesday on his first foreign trip since being sworn in, aim
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - When Chile s President Michelle Bachelet leaves office in March, it will mark the end of a generation of
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s Congress passed a reform to the pension system on Tuesday, after days of demonstratio
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Tuesday he approved of Austria s coalition
YANGON/BANGKOK (Reuters) - In many ways Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, two Reuters journalists arrested in Myanmar, symbo
YANGON (Reuters) - At the end of an illustrated book written for children in Myanmar, a much-loved village teacher who has p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department called on Tuesday for the immediate release of two Reuters journalists w
PARIS (Reuters) - France s struggling Socialist Party said on Tuesday it had agreed to sell its historic headquarters in Paris Left
RIO DE JANEIRO/SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Billionaire Marcelo Odebrecht, the highest-profile executive imprisoned in Brazil s ma
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany should learn from security shortcomings exposed by a deadly truck attack on a Berlin Christmas m
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The president of Honduras declared himself re-elected on Tuesday despite calls from the Organizatio
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The head of an opposition alliance in Honduras on Tuesday said the group would file a legal challeng
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May talked about ways to move tow
MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenyan police raided an Islamic school on Tuesday, arresting two teachers and taking around 10
BERLIN (Reuters) - A 96-year-old German convicted over his role in the murders of 300,000 people at the Auschwitz Nazi death
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia s President Juan Manuel Santos on Tuesday named Gustavo Bell as the government s chief nego
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has an 11-percentage point lead ahead of next year s p
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Uganda s parliament abruptly adjourned a debate on Tuesday over extending President Yoweri Museven
VALLETTA (Reuters) - The bomb used to kill Maltese anti-corruption blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia was probably triggered by
UNITED NATIONS/GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations will propose to Syria s warring parties a timeline for elections and gu
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican prosecutors are failing to systematically punish money launderers and tax authorities are too
BERLIN (Reuters) - European aviation safety authorities have urged airlines to remind passengers about how best to transport
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa gave his clearest signal yet on Tuesday that he would appo
SULAIMANIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - Three people were killed and more than 80 wounded on Tuesday when Kurdish demonstrators
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday he would take action if any citizen was attacked in
SULAIMANIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdistan s internal security forces, Asayish, have raided the offices of Kurdish private broa
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark s right-wing government secured backing from a junior partner for the 2018 budget on Tue
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May urged Donald Trump to bring forward proposals on achieving peace in
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian army officer was sentenced to six years in prison on Tuesday after announcing his intention last
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States has proposed that the United Nations Security Council blacklist 10 ships for tra
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - The United Nations plans to move up to 10,000 illegal migrants from Libya next year, a senior U.N. official s
(In 13th paragraph of Dec. 18 item, corrects to indicate that a separate attack was launched in June that affected FedEx comp
SINGAPORE/SEOUL (Reuters) - A series of recent cyber attacks has netted North Korean hackers millions of dollars in virtual cu
PARIS (Reuters) - Two French ministers said on Tuesday they had no immediate plans to overhaul legislation to make it easier
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar authorities have found 10 bodies buried in a mass grave on the edge of a village in Rakhine Stat
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian military officer was killed and two other people were wounded in a shell attack on a military air
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s new coalition government will press ahead with plans to offer citizenship to the German-speaking
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s biggest ever warship, the new 3.1 billion pound ($4.2 billion) aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabet
(Reuters) - A trio of U.S., Japanese and Russian astronauts arrived at the International Space Station on Tuesday, a NASA TV br
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran said on Tuesday U.S. President Donald Trump cannot cause its nuclear deal with six major powers to c
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - When Cyril Ramaphosa won the tight vote to become the new leader of the African National Cong
MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Germany s defense minister said on Tuesday she wanted to boost the German prese
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May will speak in a call scheduled for late
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government condemned Tuesday s firing of a ballistic missile by the Houthi militia toward Riya
EL ALTO, Bolivia (Reuters) - In El Alto, a former shantytown high in the Andes that has mushroomed into Bolivia s second-large
AMMAN (Reuters) - Palestinian billionaire Sabih al-Masri, Jordan s most powerful businessman, returned to Amman on Tuesda
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African banking stocks rallied on Tuesday, buoyed by optimism that the newly elected leade
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa was elected leader of the African National Congr
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey will take the resolution calling on the United States to withdraw its declaration of Jerusalem as th
LONDON (Reuters) - A major road in east London was partially closed due to a significant police incident on Tuesday, the Britis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Honduran opposition candidate Salvador Nasralla called on United States on Tuesday not to recogni
ZAGREB (Reuters) - Croatia and Slovenia failed to reach a compromise solution for their border dispute in talks on Tuesday, wi
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May told her cabinet on Tuesday Britain s objective in leaving the EU should be a
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romanian lawmakers voted on Tuesday to enact judicial changes that critics say will undermine graft i
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - New ANC leader Cyril Ramaphosa said on Tuesday the Top Six of South Africa s ruling party comp
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said North Korea was behind the WannaCry cyber attack that infected computers around the glob
BERLIN (Reuters) - German federal prosecutors on Tuesday finalised their ban on an Islamist association accused of radicalizing
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis and Jordan s King Abdullah on Tuesday discussed U.S. President Donald Trump s decisio
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Slovenia, birth country of U.S. First Lady Melania Trump, expects revenues from foreign tourists to jump
(Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in said he was willing to take steps to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula ahe
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday that Bashar al-Assad was the enemy of millions of his o
GENEVA (Reuters) - Air strikes by the Saudi-led military coalition in Yemen have killed at least 136 civilians and non-combatant
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said on Tuesday he would use a special order that gives the milit
LONDON (Reuters) - An army bomb disposal team was sent to a house in northern England after police arrested four men on T
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines relieved its navy commander of duty on Tuesday, four months ahead of his retirement, wit
TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisia will hold long-delayed municipal elections in 2018, the presidency said on Tuesday, the first such vot
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s vice president said on Tuesday that calls for a boycott of U.S. goods over President Donald Tru
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that former Soviet countries were being threatened by
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines said on Tuesday it has withdrawn an application for a second grant from a U.S. aid agency
HELSINKI (Reuters) - A senior politician in Finland s euroskeptic Finns Party said on Tuesday he would step down from the lead
ANKARA (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy in Turkey said on Tuesday that visa appointments were only available from early 2019, d
LONDON (Reuters) - Opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said there is likely to be a British national election next yea
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnamese police have ordered the prosecution of an official at scandal-hit state energy firm PetroVietnam
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin dismissed U.S. President Donald Trump s new national security strategy as imperialist on Tu
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran summoned the Swiss ambassador on Tuesday to condemn what it called an irresponsible claim by th
PARIS (Reuters) - France and the United States are determined to vigorously raise pressure on Iran over its ballistic missile pr
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Electoral Commission said on Tuesday it has fined the Liberal Democrats party 18,000 pounds ($2
BERLIN (Reuters) - At least 65 media workers around the world have been killed doing their jobs this year, media freedom orga
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Korean woman who was forced to work at a Japanese wartime military brothel and later lost a Supreme C
BEIJING (Reuters) - Cooperation between China and the United States will lead to a win-win outcome for both sides, but confr
HAVANA (Reuters) - Boxy Russian-built Lada automobiles still rattle around Cuba, growing more decrepit by the year, a remind
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has detained a Norwegian citizen it suspects of spying, the RIA news agency reported on Tuesday
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul said on Tuesday he will tell his U.S. counterpart that the New York
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan formally decided on Tuesday it would expand its ballistic missile defense system with U.S.-made grou
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and South Korea agreed on Tuesday on the importance of China s role in dealing with the threat from
YOKOSUKA (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy s top officer on Tuesday said that vessels from eastern Pacific could be brought forward t
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine fishermen rescued three Australians adrift at sea for days after their yacht capsized in the count
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesian police have arrested an Australian, an American and a Malaysian on the holiday i
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Tuesday named a new attorney general and promoted two
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s Congress was on track to pass a pension reform measure on Monday, even as stone-thr
LIMA (Reuters) - A leading Peruvian opposition lawmaker on Monday called for the country s Vice President Martin Vizcarra to
CARACAS (Reuters) - A power outage hit parts of the Venezuelan capital Caracas as well as the nearby states of Miranda and V
HOUSTON (Reuters) - An activist investor in Chevron Corp said on Monday it filed a shareholder resolution that would require
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is postponing his trip to Egypt and Israel this week in order to stay in
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Lebanese taxi driver with a previous arrest for drug use has confessed to killing a British woman who wor
ISTANBUL/BERLIN (Reuters) - Turkey has released German journalist Mesale Tolu after nearly eight months in prison on the co
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The nearly man of South African politics, deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa, took a big step towar
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States was further isolated on Monday over President Donald Trump s decision to rec
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey regrets the vetoing by the United States on Monday of a U.N. Security Council resolution that calle
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles said on Monday he would consider his chances of winning b
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles will speak to major credit rating agencies on Thursday as the
HARARE (Reuters) - The head of Zimbabwe s military looks set to be appointed vice president as the government said on Mond
LONDON (Reuters) - Russia poses an increasing threat and is willing to use propaganda, subversion and cyber-attacks to under
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will meet Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland on Tuesd
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump unveiled a new national security strategy on Monday, calling for Pakistan to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is pressing for the delivery of World Food Program shipments to Yemen and the in
YAOUNDE (Reuters) - Militants seeking independence for Cameroon s English-speaking regions killed four gendarmes on Mond
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May told parliament her plan on Monday for a Brexit transition period with
MILDENHALL, England (Reuters) - U.S. military personnel fired shots on Monday as they stopped a man who tried to force his
KABUL (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack on Monday near a training facility of Afghanistan s main int
PARIS (Reuters) - The death toll from a collision between a train and a school bus near the town of Perpignan in southwestern
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and British Prime Minister Theresa May agreed in a phone call on Mond
VIENNA (Reuters) - Hundreds of police sealed off part of central Vienna on Monday as Austria became the only western Europ
ROME (Reuters) - Italian politicians denounced on Monday a proposal by Austria s new government to offer passports to Germ
KABUL (Reuters) - One of Afghanistan s most powerful regional politicians was ousted as governor of the northern province of
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Billionaire conservative Sebastian Pinera will begin a second term as Chile s president in March with a st
MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan (Reuters) - German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen on Monday said the withdrawal of in
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - The Palestinian Foreign Minister said on Monday the Palestinians will call for an emergency
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A Kenyan court on Monday awarded a young woman four million shillings in damages after she was strip-
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The government of Somali will do all it can to pay salaries and buy equipment for its soldiers as it beg
KAMPALA (Reuters) - A move to change Uganda s constitution to allow President Yoweri Museveni to rule beyond the age of 7
BERLIN (Reuters) - An Israeli man appealed on Monday against a German court s ruling upholding Kuwait Airways right to ban
PARIS (Reuters) - The Kremlin-funded Russian broadcaster RT was due to launch its French language news channel on Monday
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - South Sudanese rebels accused the government army of attacking one of their bases overnight as a n
(Reuters) - Myanmar has accused Reuters reporters Wa Lone, 31, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 27, of breaching the country s Official Sec
(Reuters) - Several countries, the United Nations and journalist groups are demanding the release of Reuters reporters Wa Lon
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s civilian President Htin Kyaw, a close ally of government leader Aung San Suu Kyi, has authorize
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday described U.S.-backed militias in eastern Syria as traitors , his
ROME (Reuters) - The leader of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, Luigi Di Maio, said on Monday that Italy should quit
ABUJA (Reuters) - A major Nigerian oil union suspended a nationwide strike on Monday, the same day it began, after a dispute
SULAIMANIYAH, Iraq (Reuters) - Kurdish protesters, angered by years of austerity and unpaid public sector salaries, set fire to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Monday that U.N. mediator on Syria Staffan de
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesian police have recaptured a U.S. citizen who escaped a week ago from an overcrowd
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces are preparing a fresh attack on Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, the semi-autonomous Kurdistan
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - The jailed leader of Catalonia s main pro-independence party has backed away from demand
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry on Monday defended trade with the United States as a win-win scenario ahead of
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German court sentenced a 27-year-old German supporter of Islamic State to three years and three month
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgarian authorities have detained a gang suspected of smuggling migrants from Iraq, Iran and Syria to Wes
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces on Monday killed five suspected militants and arrested 10 others in raids in the nort
KIEV/CHISINAU (Reuters) - Moldova recalled its ambassador to Russia for consultations in response to the harassment and inti
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli military said it attacked a Hamas training compound in Gaza on Monday in response to rock
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Palestinian leadership may turn to the U.N. General Assembly if Washington vetoes a draft U.N. Security
TIRANA (Reuters) - Opposition lawmakers threw a flare at Albania s interim prosecutor general as she took the oath of office in
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s army said on Monday that security forces have discovered a mass grave on the edge of a villa
BEKAA, Lebanon (Reuters) - In a tent in Lebanon surrounded by snow, Syrian refugees Ammar and Khadija were married by a t
VIENNA (Reuters) - Ministers from Austria s main conservative People s Party (OVP) and the anti-immigration Freedom Party (
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday she wanted to conclude exploratory talks on a possible coalition
MANILA (Reuters) - At least 26 people were killed while several residents were missing in an island province in central Philippi
LONDON (Reuters) - Princess Charlotte, the daughter of Britain s Prince William and wife Kate, is to start at a nursery school ne
VALLETTA (Reuters) - A second magistrate in less than a week has recused herself from hearing court evidence in Malta agains
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was set to win an election in Prime Minister Narendra Modi s
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s army declared an end on Monday to the military intervention that ousted Robert Mugabe, pr
OSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will be the only country to take part in rebuilding Syrian energy facilities, Russian Deputy Prime Min
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Rakhmat Akilov, who has confessed to driving a truck that killed five people in an attack in Sweden s c
LONDON (Reuters) - An interim review into UK building regulations commissioned after the Grenfell Tower social housing bloc
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Lebanese taxi driver with a previous arrest for drug use has confessed to killing a British woman who wor
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finnish police searched a reporter s home and seized her computer after she tried to destroy the hard dri
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s air force carried out another round of long-range drills on Monday, flying into the Sea of Japan and
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali security forces have arrested a former minister and outspoken government critic after clashin
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The Belgian trial of a key suspect in the November 2015 Islamic State attack on Paris was postponed on M
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday she hoped to conclude exploratory talks with the Social
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on Monday likely gained ground ahead of national elections
DHAKA (Reuters) - Hundreds of people rushed to a Bangladeshi community centre prayer meeting to get free food packets on
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany on Monday said its continued support for Iraq and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Gove
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish authorities issued detention warrants on Monday for 106 people believed to have worked as ma
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A U.S. tip-off about a planned attack in St. Petersburg helped save many lives and Russia and the United
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif discussed the
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany expects to work closely together with Austria s new government, government spokesman Steffen
YANGON (Reuters) - A group of Myanmar journalists said they would begin wearing black T-shirts on Saturday in protest at the
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Voting for the new leader of South Africa s ruling ANC ended on Monday about ten hours after de
DUBAI (Reuters) - Eight women and two children from the same Yemeni family were killed when an air strike by forces of the S
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippine Congress approved a bill that removes a proposed 900 million pesos ($17.87 million) for the
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A dozen Arab ambassadors have asked India to clarify its position on the U.S recognition of Jerusalem a
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The Organization of American States (OAS) said late on Sunday that Honduras should hold new presi
KABUL (Reuters) - A group of armed men seized a building under construction in the Afghan capital on Monday and were exch
LIMA (Reuters) - Neither of Peru s two vice presidents would open the door to new elections by resigning if President Pedro Pa
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Moscow hopes that the United States and North Ko
MILAN (Reuters) - The remains of Victor Emmanuel III, who reigned as Italy s king through two world wars and died in exile in
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will reshuffle his cabinet within a day, media said on Monday,
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - At least 61 people have been killed in clashes between different ethnic groups in Ethiopia s Oromiya
MANILA (Reuters) - Maoist rebels attacked soldiers delivering relief aid to parts of the central Philippines where a typhoon kille
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will lay out a new U.S. national security strategy on Monday based on his A
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The sister of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez and five others died when the helicopter
ASUNCION (Reuters) - Paraguayan Senator Mario Abdo Benitez, a lawmaker with ties to a former Paraguayan dictator, won th
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Conservative Sebastian Pinera won Chile s presidential election by a wider-than-forecast margin on Sun
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran center-left candidate Salvador Nasralla said on Sunday it was clear there had been fraud
MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States provided intelligence to Russia that helped thwart a potentially deadly
GWADAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - China is lavishing vast amounts of aid on a small Pakistani fishing town to win over locals and bu
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will pitch her plan for a Brexit transition period with unchanged acces
GENEVA (Reuters) - The top U.N. human rights official has said he would not be surprised if a court one day ruled that acts of g
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ANC delegates started voting early on Monday to elect a leader to succeed Presiden
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Gunmen fatally shot the mayor of Libya s third-largest city, Misrata, late on Sunday, ambushing his car insid
BAUCHI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Four people were killed when a United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) aid convoy was am
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Center-left presidential candidate Alejandro Guillier conceded the Chilean presidency to billionaire cons
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Billionaire former President Sebastian Pinera will likely win Chile s presidential election on Sunday, Radio
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Conservative Sebastian Pinera took an early lead of more than seven percentage points in Chile s presid
PARIS (Reuters) - The military campaign against Islamic State in Syria should be completed in February following the end of fig
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday he would not follow Germany s example by phasing out
LONDON (Reuters) - Iranian state television broadcast on Sunday what it described as the confessions of an Iranian academic w
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia s leftist ELN rebels said on Sunday they are willing to extend a ceasefire set to expire next mont
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies provided advanced warning to Russia about a major terrorist plot in St. Pe
MILAN (Reuters) - The leader of Italy s main opposition party said he was keeping the option of a referendum on the euro ope
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Eastern Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar, whose forces control parts of the country, said
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) may take legal action against a bill that would e
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Thousands of Romanians protested in freezing weather across the country on Sunday against attempt
BEIRUT/LONDON (Reuters) - A female British embassy worker has been found strangled near a highway outside Beirut, a Leba
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council is due to vote on Monday on a draft resolution calling for the
BETHLEHEM, West Bank (Reuters) - A small group of Palestinian protesters on Sunday set fire to placards printed with images
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) leader Martin Schulz wants Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives to
COLOMBO (Reuters) - Fifty couples from China tied the knot in the Sri Lankan capital on Sunday in a mass wedding ceremony,
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey intends to open an embassy in East Jerusalem, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday, days aft
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian police clashed with backers of opposition leader Mikheil Saakashvili on Sunday and prevented them
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people, many of them children, serenaded Pope Francis on his 81st birthday on
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress formally nominated Deputy President Cyril Ramaph
QUETTA, Pakistan/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Two suicide bombers stormed a packed Christian church in southwestern Pakistan o
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran on Sunday criticized French President Emmanuel Macron over his tough stance toward Tehran and sa
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Armed insurgents stopped and torched a Bangkok-bound passenger bus on a highway in southern Thaila
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A car bomber attacked a NATO convoy in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar on Sunday
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed an attack on a church in the Pakistani city of Quetta on Sunday which killed at least five
AMMAN (Reuters) - Sabih al Masri, a Palestinian billionaire and Jordan s most influential businessman, was released after seve
ALGIERS (Reuters) - A small Christmas market has opened in Algeria s capital, catering to a rising number of Christian African m
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Sunday expressed his support for same-sex unions, after previous
(Reuters) - A trio of U.S. and Japanese astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut blasted off from Kazakhstan on Sunday for a two-d
MILAN (Reuters) - Italy s ruling Democratic Party (PD) has lost further ground over its rivals after political infighting and fallout
LIBREVILLE (Reuters) - An attacker wielding a knife and crying Allahu Akbar has wounded two Danish journalists in Gabon s ca
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday she would not be derailed from leaving the European Union,
TAIPEI (Reuters) - At least one Chinese Air Force Yun-8 transport plane conducted a long-haul flight near Taiwan on Sunday, th
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Australian police said on Sunday they had arrested a man accused of working on the black market to
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Muslims marched from the main mosque in Indonesia s capital to a square in Jakarta
BEIJING (Reuters) - A second prototype of China s home-built C919 passenger jet took off for a test flight in Shanghai on Sunda
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s foreign minister will visit Japan this week to meet her Japanese counterpart, the foreign minis
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - A mudslide on Saturday tore through a small village in southern Chile near a popular national park, leavi
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council is considering a draft resolution that would insist any decisio
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian police are investigating the mysterious deaths of pharmaceuticals billionaire Barry Sherman, fo
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s leftist Workers Party (PT) approved a resolution on Saturday formally supporting the candidacy of
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Britain must strike a strong trade deal with the European Union after Brexit and avoid becoming a sub
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - A poll has found that 51 percent of Britons would now keep European Union membership while 41 pe
LIMA (Reuters) - Brazilian builder Odebrecht [ODBES.UL] said Saturday that its recently-disclosed business ties to embattled Pe
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria is set to become the only western European country with a far-right party in government after the
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian conservatives and the anti-immigrant Freedom Party (FPO) have agreed to expand voter participa
VIENNA (Reuters) - The leader of Austria s main conservative party, Sebastian Kurz, has reached a deal to form a governing coa
(Reuters) - Several countries, the United Nations and journalist groups are demanding the release of Reuters reporters Wa Lon
AMMAN (Reuters) - Sabih al-Masri, Jordan s most influential businessman and the chairman of its largest lender Arab Bank, wa
ZURICH (Reuters) - Austria s new coalition government of conservatives and the far-right Freedom Party will be sworn in on M
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron celebrates his 40th birthday this weekend in the grounds of a former ro
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya s coastal guard has rescued more than 250 illegal migrants trying to leave the North African country i
VIENNA (Reuters) - The Austrian far-right Freedom Party (FPO) has agreed to rule out a referendum on Austria leaving the Eur
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s government plan to offer free higher education for students from poor and working
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina fired the head of its navy a month after a submarine disappeared in the South Atlantic wi
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian presidential hopeful Ahmed Shafik apologized on Saturday to supporters who were arrested this w
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s newly formed conservative far-right coalition government said on Saturday it would be a reliable
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma said on Saturday allegations of private businesses wielding un
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s center-right People s Party (OVP) led by Sebastian Kurz and the anti-immigration Freedom Party (
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Nazareth, the Israeli Arab city where Jesus is thought to have been raised, will celebrate Christmas as u
((Refiles December 15 story to clarify areas of control in Shabwa, Marib in paragraph 3)) ADEN (Reuters) - The Yemeni army a
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Thousands of Romanians lined the streets of Bucharest on Saturday for the funeral of the country s for
VIENNA (Reuters) - A coalition deal between Austria s conservatives and far right will give the anti-immigration Freedom Party
VIENNA (Reuters) - Insurance executive Hartwig Loeger will be Austria s next finance minister, conservative leader Sebastian K
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is a fierce campaigner against racial inequality whose hostility to big bus
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress elects a new party leader to succeed President Jaco
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The nearly man of South African politics, Cyril Ramaphosa, is at last in with a chance of becoming
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian discussed the situa
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s conservative coalition government regained its razor-thin parliamentary majority on Saturday a
ROME (Reuters) - The United States has denied suggestions it undermined an investigation into a massive data breach at the I
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai authorities have arrested a local tour guide for indecent behavior at a temple after she posted a pho
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A powerful magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck the island of Java in Indonesia just before midnight on Friday
LIMA (Reuters) - President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski s chances of surviving the political crisis gripping Peru faded on Friday after C
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s African National Congress said on Saturday its executive committee had decided th
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s government and opposition leaders will hold a new round of talks in January after failing on
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The front-runner in Mexico s 2018 election has embraced a small, socially conservative party in his bid
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian police arrested a Christian priest and were questioning members of a seminary after a hardline
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa will raise subsidies to universities to 1 percent of gross domestic product over the ne
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - A Papua New Guinea court has given hundreds of asylum-seekers who were held for years in a contro
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian police said they were investigating the mysterious deaths of Barry Sherman, founder of Canad
SEOUL (Reuters) - A North Korean soldier who suffered critical gunshot wounds during a defection dash across the border to S
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday urged North Korea to carry out a sustained cessati
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Human rights activist Juan Carlos Soni fears a new security law passed by Mexico s Congress on Friday
UNITED NATIONS/YANGON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Friday that the United States was demandi
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Friday that the U.S. government has demanded the r
(Reuters) - Several countries, the United Nations and journalist groups are demanding the release of Reuters reporters Wa Lon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday that analysis continued on North Korea s most rece
WASHINGTON/YANGON (Reuters) - The United States has identified one person it might impose sanctions on over the brutal c
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Over two dozen people were injured in clashes on Friday between Honduran security forces and pro
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s President Emmerson Mnangagwa told members of his ruling ZANU-PF party on Friday they w
DAKAR (Reuters) - Air traffic controllers ended a strike at Senegal s main airport on Friday, a union leader said, after shutting it
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s lower house of Congress will try on Monday to debate the government s pension bill, la
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The powerful former leader of Mexico s largest teacher s union, Elba Esther Gordillo, will be let out of
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will underscore the U.S. partnership with Israel during a trip to the M
LIMA (Reuters) - President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski s chances of surviving the political crisis gripping Peru faded on Friday after C
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany has tightened security at Christmas markets across the country a year after a deadly truck attack o
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the Security Council on Friday it was tim
JERUSALEM/LONDON (Reuters) - An Iranian blogger granted asylum in Israel has been questioned by its Shin Bet internal secu
NEAR RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - I went to the road just outside Ramallah, as on previous days, because that is one of
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s conservative People s Party (OVP) and the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) reached a coalition deal
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A Dutchman wielding a knife was shot by military police on Friday at Amsterdam s Schiphol Airport a
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) agreed to open exploratory talks on forming a government with Chancel
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian conservatives led by Sebastian Kurz have reached a coalition deal with the anti-immigration Freed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Friday urged supporters of the Syrian government to press it to participate ful
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s Robert Mugabe may have been deposed as president, but some of the ruling party s senior offi
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The African National Congress (ANC), South Africa s ruler since the end of apartheid, faces perhap
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s government has secured between 270 and 280 of the 308 votes needed to approve a bill to overh
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - About a thousand Hungarians protested on Friday against a crackdown on the main opposition party Jo
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Soccer leagues such as England s Premier League and Germany s Bundesliga won a reprieve on Friday wh
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday said the United States would not accept any preco
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union agreed on Friday to move Brexit talks onto trade and a transition pact but some lea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea s ambassador to the United Nations on Friday ignored a U.S. call for a cessation of wea
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s justice minister has told his U.S. counterpart that a former Turkish police investigator who testifie
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia should introduce a law forcing religious leaders to report child abuse, including Catholic priests to
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon has set a date of May 6 next year to hold its first legislative election in nearly a decade, potentially
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s Congress on Friday approved a law that enshrines the use of the army in the country s long
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders appealed for unity in a last-ditch effort to break their deadlock on sharing out re
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s Senate on Friday named the country s new top prosecutor for election-related crimes, after
GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli troops shot dead four Palestinians and wounded 150 others with live fire on Friday, medical officials sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump s U.S. Middle East peace negotiator Jason Greenblatt will return to Israel ne
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Prince Harry and his American fianc e, Meghan Markle, will marry on Saturday May 19, his office
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Dutch judges jailed a onetime aide to Ethiopia s former communist ruler Mengistu Haile Mariam for life
PARIS (Reuters) - Investigators on Friday reconstructed the seconds before a train plowed into a school bus at a level crossing
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Japan s Foreign Minister Taro Kono told the United Nations Security Council on Friday that North
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey is launching an initiative at the United Nations to annul a decision by the United States to recogniz
PARIS (Reuters) - France reacted cautiously on Friday to U.S. evidence which allegedly proved Iran supplied weapons to Houth
KAMPALA (Reuters) - South Sudan s president has given top jobs to three generals facing U.N. sanctions over alleged violation
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations human rights office is seriously concerned about the shelling of residential areas in Ira
PARIS (Reuters) - France on Friday firmly backed U.N.-led peace talks on Syria in Geneva and said the responsibility of the faile
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan s Supreme Court cleared opposition leader Imran Khan on Friday of accusations of failing to d
COLOMBO (Reuters) - The United Nations on Friday urged the Sri Lankan government to urgently implement reforms to end w
BEIRUT (Reuters) - With the map of Syria s conflict decisively redrawn in President Bashar al-Assad s favor, his Russian allies w
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Former Russian economy minister Alexei Ulyukayev was found guilty of soliciting a $2 million bribe and s
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - If European leaders earned points for the amount of time they spend at summits, French President Emm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that Washington hoped to receive more help from Russ
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Muslim-majority Malaysia s former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad on Friday called U.S. Presid
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said a possible breakdown of the Iran nuclear deal would send th
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada s spy agency has settled a lawsuit by five employees who accused their bosses of homophobia, ra
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The Belgian trial of one of the suspects behind the 2015 Islamist attacks in Paris has been postponed, a B
SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) - Gang life in the poor Central American country of El Salvador is hard, but for a dozen former memb
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Shi ite paramilitary groups who took part in the war against Islamic State militants should be incorp
ROME/TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Italy wants Libya s coastguard to take responsibility within three years for intercepting migrants acr
GENEVA (Reuters) - A 30-year prison sentence for a woman in El Salvador who said her child was stillborn is appalling, U.N. hu
BERLIN (Reuters) - More emphasis should be placed on the Holocaust in integration courses for migrants, Germany s justice m
BERLIN (Reuters) - Leaders of Germany s Social Democrats have voted unanimously to begin exploratory talks with Chancellor
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - An Italian woman who ordered the murder of her boyfriend through a website and paid a hitman in
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders gave a green light to the main phase of Brexit negotiations on Friday after appla
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday he hoped to make progress with Germany on ideas to
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer was cleared to leave hospital in Sao Paulo on Friday and will return to Br
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s conservatives and far-right Freedom Party (FPO) could complete coalition talks as soon as Friday e
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s parliament has passed a bill that gives the government, rather than a panel of top judges, contr
MOSCOW (Reuters) - From Damascus to Doha, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has been showing up in unexpected pl
MADRID (Reuters) - An election in Catalonia will fail to conclusively resolve a political crisis over an independence drive in the
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations human rights office is appalled at the hanging of 38 prisoners in Iraq, a U.N. spokesw
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s FSB security service said on Friday it had detained seven members of an Islamic State cell who h
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany s Thyssenkrupp, has offered assistance to Argentinian authorities in an investigation into the
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders gave their formal approval on Friday to the opening of a second phase of Brexit
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that Russia would do all it could to defend the rights of
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO allies on Friday publicly raised concern about a Russian cruise missile system that the alliance says
BEIJING (Reuters) - Winter is bringing a frigid existence and an uncertain future for migrant workers in Beijing deprived of elec
CAIRO (Reuters) - Swapping new cars for cheaper models, cutting back on pricy supermarket shopping and giving up holidays a
WARSAW (Reuters) - Changes to Poland s electoral code approved by parliament on Thursday threaten the election process b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - While attention in Asia has been distracted by the North Korean nuclear crisis in the past year, China
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The second phase Brexit negotiations will be significantly harder than an already difficult first phase of ta
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders will agree on Friday to move forward with Britain s exit negotiations to prepare
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and its NATO allies must defend deep sea cables against a potentially catastrophic attack by the Ru
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The upper house of the Russian parliament voted on Friday to set March 18 as the date of next year s pr
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is open to working with the United States to try to solve the crisis in Libya, Russia s ambassador to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said on Friday that Russia and Egypt were still in talks
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen encouraged the United States and European Union on Friday to
BEIJING (Reuters) - The crisis over North Korea s weapons programs must be resolved through talks, not war, Chinese Presiden
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said on Friday that Russia was not ready to sign up to ne
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has lost support of senior cabinet officials after it emerged he had b
HONG KONG (Reuters) - An American serving a life sentence in a Hong Kong jail for the 2003 milkshake murder of her Merrill
BANGKOK (Reuters) - The chief U.S. negotiator for North Korea said on Friday the United States should engage in direct diplom
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said Moscow had not had high-level contacts with the ne
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday presented for the first time pieces of what it said were Iranian weapo
DUBAI (Reuters) - A spokesman for Yemen s Houthi group on Thursday dismissed U.S. accusations that Iran had supplied a mis
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Friday that its people today enjoy the greatest level of political and civil rights ever, in a repo
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski said late on Thursday that he would not resign over a scandal invol
TOKYO/YANGON (Reuters) - The arrest of two Reuters journalists in Yangon this week was a signal that press freedom is shrink
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will impose additional sanctions on North Korea following repeated threats by Pyongyang s missiles a
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s naval chief has told his Australian counterpart that his country s actions on the South China Sea run
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile s presidential hopefuls ended their campaigns in downtown Santiago on Thursday ahead of an unc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Trump spoke by phone on Thursday with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the tw
ROME (Reuters) - The leader of Italy s far-right Northern League said on Thursday he was suspending contacts with his main p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Trump spoke by phone on Thursday with Russian President Vladimir Putin and a state
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s lower house on Thursday suspended a vote on President Mauricio Macri s pension refor
PARIS (Reuters) - Four adolescents were killed when a train smashed into a school bus on a level crossing outside the town of
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Poland s new prime minister said on Thursday he expected the European Commission to launch an unpre
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has made gender equality a priority, on Thursday said empo
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two nephews of Venezuela s first lady were sentenced to 18 years in prison on Thursday following their
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The leftist front-runner for Mexico s 2018 presidential election on Thursday proposed a moderate U.S
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May made clear her desire on Thursday to move Brexit talks forward to a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - What a difference a year makes. A year ago, Prime Minister Theresa May was pictured standing alone at
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - At least two people were killed and several others wounded by stabbings in the southern Dutch city o
GENEVA (Reuters) - A round of Syria peace talks that ended on Thursday was a big missed opportunity but there may be more
BELFAST (Reuters) - A leader of a British far-right group, whose anti-Islamic posts were retweeted by U.S. President Donald Tru
GENEVA (Reuters) - The international community must do more to persuade the Syrian government to negotiate in U.N.-led ta
(Reuters) - Four people were killed on Thursday when a helicopter belonging to utility Hydro One crashed in central Ontario, th
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia s government is urgently working with Congress on a law that would lay out terms of surrender
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders agreed on Thursday to prolong for another six months the bloc s economic sanc
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Thursday the EU s decision to extend economic sanctions on Ru
DUBAI (Reuters) - Families are being torn apart by the rift between Qatar and three other Gulf Arab states which began six mo
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The United States is suspending food and fuel aid for most of Somalia s armed forces over corruption conc
IKOM, Nigeria (Reuters) - When soldiers burst into her village in southwest Cameroon last month with guns blazing, small farm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. F-22 fighter aircraft fired warning flares on Wednesday after two Russian Su-25 jets entere
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The lower house of Brazil s Congress will delay a vote on a bill trimming social security benefits until Feb.
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia on Thursday welcomed a United Nations report and a U.S. stand on Iran s missile supplies to Ye
WASHINGTON/AMMAN (Reuters) - A Pentagon-backed rebel group and the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State killed more
CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - The Conservative leader in Canada s oil-rich Alberta, Jason Kenney, ran in a special election on Th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union nations, now unfettered by Britain s decision to quit, achieved a 70-year-old ambition o
NAIROBI (Reuters) - In the run-up to Kenya s August presidential election, the ruling party used divisive social media campaign
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Center-left Senator Alejandro Guillier and conservative billionaire Sebastian Pinera will go head to head
GAZA (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Palestinians including hundreds of gunmen rallied in Gaza on Thursday to mark the 30th
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel s Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the state could not keep the bodies of Palestinian gunm
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he faced no credible high-profile political opponents a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday the United States was in the grip of a fabricated spym
MOSCOW/WARSAW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was tired of hearing allegations from Warsaw that a 2
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The president of the European Parliament on Thursday called on Myanmar to protect media freedoms a
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The commander of Iraq s biggest Shi ite Muslim paramilitary group told its fighters on Thursday to take t
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iran rejected as unfounded a U.S. accusation on Thursday that it supplied a missile fired at Saudi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is running for re-election in March, has proposed writing off some
VIENNA (Reuters) - Coalition talks between Austria s far-right Freedom Party and conservatives led by Sebastian Kurz are draw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of U.S. forces in Africa has ordered an additional investigation into an August raid in Soma
EL-BIREH, West Bank (Reuters) - Reuters photographer Mohamad Torokman found himself staring down the barrel of a gun w
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syrian government negotiator Bashar al-Ja afari accused its opposition, backed by Western countries and S
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Arms provided by the United States and Saudi Arabia to Syrian opposition groups frequently ended up in
LONDON (Reuters) - One of the Chennai Six group of ex-British soldiers jailed in India was dragged to a psychiatric hospital an
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian state governors on Thursday approved the release of $1 billion from the country s excess oil accou
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - A fresh row over judicial changes in Romania broke out on Thursday with prosecutors and the political
LONDON (Reuters) - Survivors of a blaze that killed 71 people six months ago in the Grenfell Tower social housing block in wes
LONDON (Reuters) - While 2017 saw the tide of the military conflict in Syria seemingly turn against Islamic State forces, the hu
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Twenty-five EU governments have agreed a defense pact to mark a new era of greater European military
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Nazareth, the Israeli Arab city where Jesus is thought to have been raised, has canceled some Christma
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has expressed grave concerns to the government of Myanmar over the arrest of two Reuters journ
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi s ruling group will sweep an election in his home state of Gujarat
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s Senate passed into law on Thursday a bill allowing severely ill people to refuse treatment that would p
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg welcomed greater cooperation between the Western military alliance and E
SINGAPORE/NEW DELHI (Reuters) - When a 17-year-old Bollywood actress took to social media this week alleging she was sex
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday she believed there was a good chance that the next
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Former Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe visited a hospital in Singapore this week apparently for m
HARARE (Reuters) - New President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Thursday called for the removal of Western sanctions on memb
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police investigating four people suspected of planning an Islamist-motivated attack raided nine loc
NAIROBI (Reuters) - South Sudan is hiking fees for humanitarians and blocking them from reaching hungry families, even as th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Luxembourg s prime minister on Thursday said British counterpart Theresa May s ability to negotiate her
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea on Thursday warned it would take merciless self-defensive measures should the United States
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Since mid-2016, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan has carried around a postcard that he has said show
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The new prime ministers of Poland and the Czech Republic vowed not to give any ground on the divisive
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazil s most wanted arms trafficker, an alleged weapons supplier for Rio de Janeiro s biggest crimi
PRISTINA (Reuters) - A Kosovo prosecutor withdrew his bid on Thursday to extradite a Turkish citizen accused by Turkey of bei
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that some of his opponents would destabilize Russia and u
VIENNA (Reuters) - Tuesday s blast at Austria s Baumgarten gas hub, which killed one person and disrupted European gas flow
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq hanged 38 Sunni Muslim militants on Thursday after they were sentenced to death on terrorism cha
BEIJING/SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in will unveil an array of TV talent and K-Pop celebrities at event
PARIS (Reuters) - A Saudi-backed Islamic military coalition will provide logistical, intelligence and training to a new West Africa
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Stronger ties between Russia and China are good for everyone, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that spymania had been artificially whipped up betw
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that a strike on North Korea by the United States wou
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A suicide bomber disguised as a policeman blew himself up inside a police training camp in Somalia s
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura urged Russia on Wednesday to convince its ally the Syrian g
SEOUL (Reuters) - A senior United Nations human rights official on Thursday said he was investigating North Korea s allegation
BEIJING (Reuters) - War must never be allowed to take place on the Korean peninsula and the issue must be resolved via talks
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State threatened attacks on U.S. soil in retaliation for the Trump administration s decision to recogni
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s constitutional court on Thursday narrowly rejected a petition by a conservative group to make
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Several dozen women in Kenya said police officers attacked them during this year s election season and so
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and Saudi Arabia have signed a roadmap for cooperation in the atomic energy sector, Russian sta
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is less likely to leave the European Union without an agreed exit deal after last week s decision by
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin, seeking a new term in office in a March election, said on Thursday he w
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A Hindu man in India tried to raise money for a campaign against minority Muslims by issuing an appea
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow s Arbitration Court on Thursday rejected a claim by Germany s Siemens that the sale of its turbi
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s aviation minister will travel to Russia to sign protocol agreements as early as Friday to allow the resu
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s President Jacob Zuma has filed an appeal against a court ruling that his appointmen
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - China accused the United States on Thursday of interfering in its internal affairs and said it had lodg
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican Senate committees on Wednesday approved a controversial security bill that human rights g
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden will raise the minimum age at which workers can take their state pension over the coming ye
SYDNEY (Reuters) - China summoned Australia s ambassador to lodge a complaint last week over Canberra s allegation that Be
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and Egypt may sign an agreement on Friday allowing to resume Russian civilian flights to Egypt, th
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Thursday it had complained to the United States about the signing into law of an act which a
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, warning against the danger of sleepwalking into war, said on Th
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The first meeting of a Russian-North Korea military commission is discussing the implementation of a 20
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A delegation of Russia s defense ministry is taking part in the first meeting of a Russian-North Korean mil
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s population is expanding at the fastest pace in the developed world as skilled migrants flock to th
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s government said on Wednesday that police had arrested two Reuters journalists, Wa Lone an
BEIJING (Reuters) - China marked the 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre on Wednesday with a call to work with Japan
LIMA (Reuters) - Brazilian builder Odebrecht transferred $4.8 million to companies linked to Peruvian President Pedro Pablo K
LONDON (Reuters) - Heathrow Airport announced a public consultation on the proposed development of a third runway at Eu
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s government was defeated on Wednesday, when lawmakers forced through
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain urgently needs a standstill deal to keep its ties with the European Union unchanged in a post-Bre
GENEVA (Reuters) - An independent U.N. human rights investigator said on Wednesday that he had information about an inm
TORONTO (Reuters) - Some U.S.-bound flights from Toronto s main international airport were delayed on Wednesday afterno
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - No negotiations can be held with North Korea until it improves its behavior, a White House official s
QUITO (Reuters) - An Ecuadorean court on Wednesday sentenced Vice President Jorge Glas to six years in jail after finding him
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Muslim leaders on Wednesday condemned U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as th
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives said they were willing to open formal talks on forming a governm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department said Wednesday that the United States would be open to talking to North Ko
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada said on Wednesday that defense contractors would be allowed to sell weapons such as automatic
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea s leader Kim Jong Un vowed to develop more nuclear weapons on Tuesday while personally de
LONDON (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy in London moves next month to a new billion-dollar home overlooking the River Thame
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police summoned a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) official on Wednesday over statements
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer had minor surgery on Wednesday for a narrowing of his urethra and the
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman bin Abdulaziz said on Wednesday his government was determined to confront c
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania s lower house of parliament approved on Wednesday legislation to overhaul its justice system
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s parliament will be dissolved between Christmas and the New Year, a parliamentary source said on We
LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers defeated Prime Minister Theresa May s government on Wednesday, voting to change h
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government is disappointed by a vote in parliament to change Prime Minister Theresa May s B
LONDON (Reuters) - Some building companies that installed dangerous cladding on social housing blocks across Britain are no
LA CELLE-SAINT-CLOUD/PARIS (Reuters) - A French-backed West African military force to tackle Islamist militants must secure
DUBLIN (Reuters) - An Irish parliamentary committee on Wednesday recommended that an abortion referendum due next yea
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Eleven Congolese militia fighters were jailed for life on Wednesday for rapin
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s opposition received a European Union prize for human rights on Wednesday and urged the w
LIMA (Reuters) - A public prosecutor in Peru is seeking the pre-trial detention of Luis Figari, founder of an elite Catholic society
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The United States, which wants to prevent violence spilling over from Syria into Lebanon, will give the Leba
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German military s procurement agency has 1,300 unfilled jobs, accounting for about 20 percent of its e
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Rivals from the two sides of the European Union s migration dispute will meet in Brussels on Thursday in
LISBON (Reuters) - A Portuguese court has handed long prison sentences to six members of a bogus religious cult that sexually
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces have arrested three supporters of presidential hopeful and former prime minister A
ABUJA (Reuters) - A bill proposed by Nigerian lawmakers to regulate non-governmental organizations (NGOs) threatens freedo
BRAS LIA (Reuters) - Brazilian police raided the offices and homes of two members of Congress on Wednesday in the country s
ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algerians are facing the eventual departure of their long-serving president, the ailing Abdelaziz Bouteflika,
LONDON (Reuters) - Russian-based operatives placed three adverts on Facebook in the run-up to Britain s 2016 referendum o
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, a billionaire businessman who ran on an anti-establishment ticket, too
PARIS (Reuters) - The leaders of the European Union s remaining 27 member states are very likely to approve this week the de
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe takes its next step into the post-Mugabe era soon, when its new president, Emmerson Mnanga
ZURICH (Reuters) - The Gotthard road tunnel under the Alps in Switzerland was closed for hours on Wednesday after a truck a
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finland will leave the European Union and position itself as the Switzerland of the north to protect its ind
BERLIN (Reuters) - Jewish groups in Germany are pressing the authorities to crack down on anti-Semitic acts following the bur
PRETORIA (Reuters) - South Africa s High Court ruled on Wednesday that President Jacob Zuma must set up a judicial inquiry in
(This version of the December 12th story corrects headline and paragraph one to remove references to corruption) By Camillu
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that the United States could no longer be a media
WASHINGTON/SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson offered to begin direct talks with North Korea without p
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov had held
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A draft declaration prepared for a summit of Muslim leaders on Wednesday said they considered Washin
CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday the Palestinians will go to the United Nations Se
PARIS/BERLIN (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron, concerned that a divisive discussion over euro zone reform mig
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece s top court cleared the way on Wednesday for the extradition to the United States of a Russian ma
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The Czech government will seek a vote of confidence on Jan. 10, Prime Minister Andrej Babis said on Wed
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi-led coalition aircraft struck a military police camp in the Houthi-controlled Yemeni capital Sanaa on W
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Muscle flexing by U.S. armed forces in South Korea is fraught with grave consequences for the entire re
STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The European Parliament urged EU leaders on Wednesday to allow the next phase of Brexit negotiati
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan has told at least 10 foreign-funded aid groups to close, an umbrella agency said on Wednesda
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - One of Sweden s most notorious criminals appeared in a court in Germany on Wednesday, charged wi
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s new prime minister faces a difficult balancing act trying to repair bruised relations with the Euro
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday that the final Brexit withdrawal agreement will b
MAPUTO (Reuters) - Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi has sacked four ministers, including those with the foreign affairs and
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s parliament will be dissolved between Christmas and the New Year with national elections likely set fo
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch government said on Wednesday it is joining Austria s lawsuit against Germany at the Euro
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday all Muslim nations should work together to defend
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian prosecutors charged a former parliament speaker on Wednesday in connection with a $170 m
GENEVA (Reuters) - Life has stopped in its tracks in Myanmar s northern Rakhine state where an estimated 180,000 Rohingya
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her conservative Bavarian allies meet the leader of the centre-left So
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese authorities have collected DNA and other biometric data from the whole population of the volatile
PRETORIA (Reuters) - South Africa s High Court ruled on Wednesday that an inquiry into alleged state influence-peddling in Pre
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine lawmakers on Wednesday overwhelmingly backed President Rodrigo Duterte s plan to extend m
JUBA (Reuters) - South Sudan needs $1.7 billion in aid next year to help 6 million people half of its population cope with the
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday all Muslim nations should work together to defend
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will keep a naval and an air base in Syria capable of carrying out strikes against insurgents if requi
CAIRO (Reuters) - Jordan s King Abdullah on Wednesday rejected any attempt to change the status of Jerusalem or its holy site
MOSCOW (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron will be a guest of honor at an economic forum to be held in Russia s
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan will fail to get foreign support for its cause, the Chinese government said on Wednesday aft
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday that U.S. allegations it was involved in a new generation of warfare, incl
SEOUL (Reuters) - Hoping a thaw in relations with China will reopen opportunities after a diplomatic spat earlier this year cost
CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday, the Trump administration s decision to recogniz
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - The United States has called on Cambodia to reverse steps that backtracked on democracy before
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan called on world powers to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Palesti
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia welcomes U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson s statement that Washington is ready to begin dire
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to consider easing an arms embargo for Libya, the Interfax news agency cited Russian De
PYEONGCHANG, South Korea (Reuters) - Set to host the Winter Olympics in February, South Korea conducted a series of secur
LAHORE, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Pakistani court on Wednesday summoned a police officer investigating the case of a missing pe
WARSAW (Reuters) - The United States criticized a decision by Poland s media regulator to slap a $415,000 fine on TVN, a U.S.
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Wednesday his government s future was at risk if it los
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said it welcomed all efforts to ease tension on the Korean peninsul
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Three judges in Hong Kong s Court of Appeal are set to decide the fate of a former British banker who
KABUL (Reuters) - One Afghan and three Turkish teachers linked to an organization regarded with suspicion by the Turkish gov
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian defense ministry delegation has arrived in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang, the Interfax
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s new government led by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki won a vote of confidence in parliam
ANKARA/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey criticized what it said was a feeble Arab reaction to the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusa
MANILA (Reuters) - A joint session of the Philippine Congress on Wednesday approved a one-year extension of martial law on
BEIJING (Reuters) - A fire in a southern neighbourhood of Beijing early on Wednesday killed five people, the Chinese governme
TOKYO (Reuters) - A window fell from a U.S. helicopter onto a school sports field near a U.S. Marines air base on Okinawa on W
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The Singapore government s laws limiting critical speech and peaceful assembly are overly broad and m
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and the United States are in 100 percent agreement that pressure should be maximized on North K
SEOUL (Reuters) - The South Korean army said on Wednesday it conducted a successful air-to-air missile firing drill from Apach
TOKYO (Reuters) - The leader of the small Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, which out-performed expectations in an O
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman said on Tuesday that senior North Korean offi
BRASILIA (Reuters) - A Brazilian appeals court on Tuesday said it would decide on Jan. 24 on an appeal by former President Lui
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is voicing skepticism about Russian President Vladimir Putin s announcement of a
BOGOTA (Reuters) - A Colombian judge sentenced a former vice-minister of transport to five years and two months in prison o
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a bleak assessment on the global fight against climate change
((This Dec. 9 story corrects year in 2nd paragraph to 2011 from 2012)) By Jane Chung and Michelle Nichols SEOUL/UNITED NA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There are no signs that a blockade of Yemen s ports by a Saudi-led military coalition has eased to all
((This Dec. 5 story corrects year in 2nd paragraph to 2011 from 2012)) By Michelle Nichols and David Brunnstrom UNITED NAT
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian court jailed a little-known singer for two years on Tuesday for inciting debauchery, judicial sourc
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A top U.N. official recounted to the Security Council on Tuesday heartbreaking and horrific accou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday that the United States was willing to begin direct ta
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican front-runner for next year s election, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, formalized his bid for th
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland should defend its national identity and interests at a time when the European Union is debating i
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Less than an hour after U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel s capital, Palestinia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday that visa restrictions imposed on Gambia earlier this yea
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela said on Tuesday it would start a criminal investigation into powerful former oil czar Rafael Ram
PARIS (Reuters) - French cement group Lafarge paid close to 13 million euros ($15.2 million) to armed groups including Islamic
HANOI (Reuters) - A former chairman of state-run Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG) and four other officials from its units have bee
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders will discuss how to further curb immigration from across the Mediterranean ove
TIRANA (Reuters) - Albania will upgrade its road network with one billion euros from private capital over the next four years, a
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s Supreme Court has upheld a death sentence against an Iranian academic with Swedish residency con
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland will remain reliant on coal for power generation for now but in future should consider turning to
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union plays down talk by Britain s Brexit minister that last week s interim accord is not bin
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is a fierce campaigner against racial inequality whose hostility to big bus
PARIS (Reuters) - France s foreign minister criticized Iran s regional ambitions, saying Paris could not accept Tehran s military e
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO allies extended Jens Stoltenberg s term as secretary-general of the Western military alliance until
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Parliament will insist on quickly making the deal reached between the European Union an
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s divorce deal with the European Union is the strongest signal since the shoc
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia will hold a delayed presidential run-off vote on Dec. 26, the electoral commission chief said on T
GAZA (Reuters) - Two Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants riding on a motorcycle in Gaza were killed in an explosion on Tuesday
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syrian refugees could again seek to reach Europe in droves if aid programs are not sustained in five neighb
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European governments are complicit in grave human rights violations in Libya through their support for a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk warned on Tuesday that completing a Brexit treaty and agreein
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria has frozen assets and property and bank accounts belonging to businessman and media owner Ivo P
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s new prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, said on Tuesday in his first policy speech that he was
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German soldier was charged on Tuesday with plotting to kill senior politicians because of their support fo
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - There is no possibility that Britain and the European Union can conclude a free trade agreement by the
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday told dozens of world leaders and company bosses gathered
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress holds an election this weekend to replace Jacob Zu
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma has rejected local news reports that his office has started dra
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The nearly man of South African politics, Cyril Ramaphosa, is at last in with a chance of becoming
GABORONE (Reuters) - A transgender woman has won a legal battle against Botswana s government to be recognized as fema
BERLIN (Reuters) - Wary of renewing a coalition with conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany s Social Democrats are
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress elects a new party leader to succeed President Jaco
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s political parties want to give voters another two months to sign up for next year s election aft
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has suspended its diplomatic presence in Yemen and all its staff have left the country due to the s
VIENNA (Reuters) - An Austrian former finance minister went on trial on Tuesday accused of bribery and embezzlement in one
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, in remarks later on Tuesday, plans to say that he is optimistic a
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron is hosting dozens of world leaders along with global companies and mo
(Corrects paragraph 7 to show Trump issued a warning on travel to Cuba, not a ban on travel to Cuba) HAVANA (Reuters) - Cu
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron s labor reforms will be slow to bear fruit but eventually have a massive impact
LONDON (Reuters) - British Brexit minister David Davis said on Tuesday that he and the European Parliament s negotiator Guy
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Demands from the nationalist Danish People s Party (DF) that Syrian refugees be sent home as soon
PARIS (Reuters) - France s government on Tuesday ruled out major concessions towards autonomy sought by Corsica s nationa
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Former militants from bandit units in Syria are now a real threat after the defeat of Islamic State, as ma
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - The daughter of an Iranian Arab activist killed in the Netherlands last month linked his death to politica
BNEI BRAK, Israel (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews crammed into the streets of a Tel Aviv suburb on
BOSASO, Somalia (Reuters) - An army colonel in the semi-autonomous Puntland region who also headed the region s bomb di
DONETSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - Ruined houses, shell craters and deserted streets - this is a typical scene in the Oktyabrsky distri
BEIJING (Reuters) - A young Chinese climbing enthusiast s fatal fall from a skyscraper while making a selfie video on a $15,000
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - The European Union has suspended funding for Cambodia s 2018 general election because the vote
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will offer Turkey partial financing for Ankara s purchase of S-400 surface-to-air missile systems, th
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Tweets by U.S. President Donald Trump are viewed in Moscow as his official position and read by his Rus
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish and Russian officials will meet to finalize Turkey s S-400 surface-to-air missile systems deal in the c
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesian police are hunting for a U.S. citizen who escaped on Monday from an overcrowde
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Three judges in Hong Kong s Court of Appeal are set to decide the fate of a former British banker who
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A prominent Australian opposition senator, Sam Dastyari, said on Tuesday he would resign from parliamen
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese F-15 fighters on Tuesday held drills with U.S. B1-B bombers, F-35 stealth aircraft and F-18 multirol
JUBA (Reuters) - The death toll from inter-clan fighting in South Sudan s Great Lakes region last week - a new source of violenc
BANGKOK (Reuters) - No trade takes place between Thailand and North Korea, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said on
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former president Robert Mugabe has left the country for medical checks in Singapore, his firs
SEOUL/BEIJING (Reuters) - Curbing North Korea s nuclear ambitions will top South Korean President Moon Jae-in s agenda in B
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s air force has conducted more island encirclement patrols near Taiwan, its military said on Tuesday
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The wife of a detained former Mexican governor is living in Britain and has demanded back artwork, g
CARACAS (Reuters) - President Nicolas Maduro has set his sights on Venezuela s 2018 presidential election after the ruling Soc
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Monday condemned Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro s threat t
(Reuters) - UK Prime Minister Theresa May s conservative party is leading in polls for the first time since the June election, acc
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s senior minister will not have to resign over claims that police found pornog
PARIS (Reuters) - Right-wing heavyweight Xavier Bertrand quit France s main conservative party, The Republicans, on Monday
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May hailed a new sense of optimism in Brexit talks, telling parliament on Monda
BRUSSELS/CAIRO (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took his case to Europe to ask allies to join the United States
OTTAWA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson plans to meet Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau next week for
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital will hasten the country s destruction, Iran s defe
ANKARA (Reuters) - Russia and Turkey agree that a U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is destabilizing
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A Palestinian stabbed an Israeli security guard at Jerusalem s main bus station on Sunday, police said, a
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian opposition figure Mikheil Saakashvili was freed from detention on Monday, after a Ukrainian judge
WARSAW (Reuters) - Mateusz Morawiecki was sworn in as Poland s new prime minister on Monday and European Council Pre
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Two-thirds of Mexicans reject offering an amnesty to members of criminal gangs as a way of reducing
CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday intensified efforts to rally Middle Eastern countries again
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin flew into Syria and ordered a significant part of Moscow s military contingent t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Monday that elements of Moscow s military contingent t
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German Defence Ministry said on Monday that the European fighter jet was the leading candidate to re
GENEVA (Reuters) - Warring sides must let more aid get through to 8.4 million people who are a step away from famine in Ye
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran will treat a British-Iranian aid worker as an Iranian citizen and she will serve her sentence as determine
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s planning minister on Monday acknowledged the possibility of delaying a key vote on a bill cutting
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Top United Nations officials warned the Security Council on Monday that its sanctions on North K
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia lifted a 35-year-old ban on cinemas on Monday, prompting celebrations from film fans, direct
PARIS (Reuters) - French state-controlled utility EDF (EDF.PA) wants to take part in Saudi Arabia s plans to build nuclear power
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) say they hope
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish warplanes hit Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) targets in northern Iraq on Monday and killed 29 of
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada will make an announcement about fighter jets at 1 pm ET (1800 GMT) on Tuesday, a government
DUBAI (Reuters) - A detained Saudi billionaire who led the collapsed Saad Group is seeking to repay part of a multi-billion dolla
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Monday he urged Iran to release detained dual nationals d
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A Somali television journalist was killed in a car bombing in the capital Mogadishu on Monday, an edi
EYMET, France (Reuters) - Britain s prime minister may be hailing a new sense of optimism in Brexit talks. But David and Iona
LONDON (Reuters) - British police on Monday said they had arrested a man who tried to climb a wall at Queen Elizabeth s Buc
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Burundi plans to raise money for an election in 2020 by deducting part of civil servants salaries and taking
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania s lower house of parliament, which is dominated by the ruling Social Democrats, approved a
MANILA (Reuters) - As she announced in January 2016 that the Philippines would immunize one million children with a new de
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Protesters clashed with police trying to reclaim disputed religious artefacts from a museum in Catalon
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The leader of Lebanon s Hezbollah group, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on Monday said the group and its allies
TOKYO (Reuters) - Russia s military chief warned on Monday that military exercises by Japan, the United States and South Kore
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Indian police have filed a sexual assault case against an airline passenger after a 17-year-old Bollywood ac
AJACCIO, France (Reuters) - Corsican nationalists said on Monday it was time for talks with Paris on greater autonomy for the
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary is not planning to move its Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on M
CAIRO (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with Egypt s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Monday, agreeing t
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government will grant lawmakers more oversight of the process of severing ties with the Euro
BANGKOK (Reuters) - The European Union will resume political contact at all levels with Thailand, its foreign affairs council sa
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s foreign minister on Monday defended its ballistic missile program and urged European countries not
DUBAI (Reuters) - Kuwait replaced its oil, finance and defense ministers in a cabinet reshuffle on Monday, state news agency K
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit western Iran on Monday, state media reported. The center of the quake w
ABUJA (Reuters) - A police official defended a unit of the Nigeria Police Force that has been accused of human rights violations
DUBAI (Reuters) - Emirates and flydubai have resumed using Iraqi airspace for flights to other countries, the Middle East airlin
BOA VISTA, Brazil (Reuters) - Last August, Victor Rivera, a 36-year-old unemployed baker, left his hometown in northern Venez
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said on Monday it would create a new national economic crime center to crack down harder on m
TASHKENT (Reuters) - Some mosques in Uzbekistan are starting to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer from loudspeakers for t
Karachi, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Pakistani peace activist has been reported missing over the weekend from eastern city of Lahor
CAIRO (Reuters) - Russia is ready in principle to resume direct passenger flights to Egypt and an agreement is expected to be s
LONDON (Reuters) - BAE Systems and Qatar have entered into a contract valued at around 5 billion pounds ($6.7 billion) for t
DUBAI (Reuters) - Former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal has criticized U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition
LILLE, France (Reuters) - A P&O ferry with more than 300 people on board which had run aground in Calais harbor in northern
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria has asked Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG to overhaul and maintain its 15 aged MiG-29 fighter jets
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian anti-terrorism police have detained 18 people with links to militant groups in a bid to cut the r
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Russia threw its weight behind China s massive Belt and Road plan to build trade and transport links ac
SRINAGAR, India (Reuters) - An Indian court on Monday remanded in custody a French journalist for five days after he was arr
(Reuters) - Reuters photographers witnessed the biggest stories of 2017 from Donald Trump s first year as U.S. president to t
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India s main opposition Congress party on Monday elevated Rahul Gandhi, the scion of the country s m
CAIRO (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will sign an agreement on
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The International Criminal Court (ICC) said on Monday it would refer Jordan to the U.N. Security Coun
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam s crackdown on high level corruption has led to the arrest of dozens of officials from state oil firm P
BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias in Syria said they have formed a joint military center with the Iraqi army to protect the
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - An interim Brexit deal struck by Theresa May and the European Commission is not legally binding but the
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese officials trying to hide dishonest spending with tricks such as throwing extravagant parties in priva
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday asked Congress to extend martial law on the southern isl
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan forces fighting in Benghazi have lost four men and seen 10 wounded so far in December, fi
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine public officials showed reckless disregard of processes in carrying out a program to immunize h
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday the United States decision to recognize Jerusalem as Is
SKOPJE (Reuters) - Former Macedonian prime minister Nikola Gruevski, head of the opposition rightist VMRO-DPMNE party, re
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The speaker of Indonesia s parliament, who is being investigated for his suspected involvement in a $170
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations appealed on Monday to countries worldwide to take in 1,300 mainly African refugees
ZURICH (Reuters) - The Swiss government urged voters on Monday to keep the annual license fee that finances public broadca
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory Coast will pay thousands of soldiers 15 million CFA francs ($25,782) each as part of buy-outs aimed
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - A centre-left party that has no seats in Slovenia s parliament and is led by a former comedian topped an
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said on Monday it had extended the deadline
KIEV (Reuters) - Several thousand people marched through central Kiev on Sunday to protest against the detention of Ukrainia
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The situation on the Korean Peninsula risks to move into a hot phase , Russian Foreign Minister Sergei La
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain intends to prevent a hard border in Ireland after leaving the European Union whatever the outcom
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - A threat by a senior Chinese diplomat to invade Taiwan the instant any U.S. warship visits the self-r
TOKYO (Reuters) - The United States, Japan and South Korea will hold two days of missile tracking drills starting on Monday, J
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte will ask Congress to extend martial law in the volatile southern islan
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s intelligence service has published the details of social network profiles which it says are fronts fa
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Hardline Muslim groups in Indonesia burned photos of U.S. President Donald Trump, as well as U.S. and Is
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said there was no place for anti-Semitism in Germany after demonstra
DUBAI (Reuters) - A Bahraini civil society group has defended sending a delegation to Israel as a gesture of tolerance and coex
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s prosecutor began on Monday formal legal proceedings against disgraced senior politician Sun Zhen
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s ruling Socialist Party won at least 90 percent of the 335 mayorships contested in Sunday s lo
CARACAS (Reuters) - The candidate for Venezuela s ruling Socialist Party, Omar Prieto, won the governorship of western Zulia
OSLO (Reuters) - The leader of the group that won this year s Nobel Peace Prize on Sunday urged nuclear nations to adopt a U
BEIJING (Reuters) - Australian media reports on Chinese interference in Australia are racist and paranoid, China s top newspap
AMMAN (Reuters) - The Syrian army and Iranian-backed militias backed by Russian air power stepped up a military campaign a
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Three people were arrested early on Sunday after an attempted arson attack at a synagogue in the Sw
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - An Iraqi military parade in Baghdad s heavily fortified Green Zone celebrated final victory over Islamic St
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United States is committed to helping Iraq recover from three years of war against Islamic State des
BERLIN (Reuters) - There is no reason to suspect that two bags of bullets found near a Christmas market and mosque in weste
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduras electoral tribunal said on Sunday that a partial recount of votes from the disputed preside
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican opposition leader Ricardo Anaya said on Sunday he would seek to win the presidency in a left
PARIS (Reuters) - In his first seven months in office, President Emmanuel Macron has faced little opposition. But on Sunday, th
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - The White House said on Sunday it was unfortunate that Palestinians were declining to m
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Thousands of Romanians rallied in the capital Bucharest and other cities on Sunday, protesting against
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition said on Sunday it had postponed plans to swear in its leader Raila Odinga as an alterna
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron told Israel s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday that he nee
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has invited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to Cairo on Monday
DUBAI/LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson held almost an hour of talks with Iranian President Hassan
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is aiming to secure a comprehensive free trade deal with the European Union and wants it to be si
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has two proposals on how to secure a frictionless border with EU member Ireland after Brexit, a ne
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - More than 300 Baloch separatist militants have surrendered over the past few months, Pakistani gove
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Decisions made at the approaching meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will show th
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Former Nepali prime minister K.P. Oli on Sunday looked set for a return to power after winning his se
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s independence movement could suffer a serious setback in elections this month, according
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese security forces fired tear gas and water canons at protesters near the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon on
CAIRO/GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will not meet U.S. Vice President Mike Pence during Pence s vi
SINJAR, Iraq (Reuters) - Since Iraqi forces pushed the Kurds out of the Yazidis mountainous heartland of Sinjar in northern Ira
MILAN (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday called on world leaders to work in favor of nuclear disarmament to protect human
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli forces on Sunday destroyed a significant cross-border attack tunnel from the Gaza Strip, which
DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemen s Houthi group has buried the body of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Sanaa, allowing
GENEVA (Reuters) - The Syrian government s delegation returned to Geneva on Sunday for the resumption of talks with Unite
DUBAI (Reuters) - U.S President Donald Trump s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital could provide a lifeline to m
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Thousands protested outside the U.S. Embassy in the Indonesian capital on Sunday against U.S. President
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday he hoped the violence that erupted in Pale
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese man wielding a sword killed his sister, a Shinto priestess, on the grounds of a Tokyo shrine, then
CAIRO (Reuters) - Arab foreign ministers late on Saturday urged the United States to abandon its decision to recognize Jerusal
CAIRO (Reuters) - Arab foreign ministers on Sunday urged the United States to abandon its decision to recognize Jerusalem as
BERLIN (Reuters) - Senior members of German Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives on Saturday rejected the vision for a
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Thousands of Israelis protested in Tel Aviv on Saturday for the second consecutive week against governm
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina blocked two European activists from entering the country on the eve of the World Trade
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two minor tremors were detected on Saturday from near North Korea s nuclear test site and were p
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations officials have found that missiles fired at Saudi Arabia by Yemen s Houthi rebels a
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The centrist Brazilian Social Democracy Party, or PSDB, elected four-time Sao Paulo Governor Geraldo Alc
DUBAI (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson flew to Tehran on Saturday to seek the release of a jailed British-Iran
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski acknowledged that he worked as a financial adviser for an irrigatio
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared final victory over Islamic State on Saturday after Iraqi forces dro
OSLO (Reuters) - Norway s Liberal Party will launch formal negotiations to join the right-wing cabinet of Prime Minister Erna So
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s foreign minister Boris Johnson is expected to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam s state-run news agency apologized on Saturday for issuing what it said was a false report that two
PARIS (Reuters) - Hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists on Saturday staged a protest in Paris against Israeli Prime Minister Benj
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The head of an Iran-backed Iraqi Shi ite militia has visited Lebanon s border with Israel accompanied by Hez
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya s U.N.-backed government agreed with Italy on Saturday to establish a joint operations room for tack
CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will not meet U.S. Vice President Mike Pence during his visit to the re
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Saturday it was fully committed to a Cold War-era pact with the United States banning int
OSLO (Reuters) - A survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bombing and the leader of the group that won this year s Nobel Peace Pri
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s Tayyip Erdogan and France s Emmanuel Macron will work together to try to persuade the Unite
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s Coptic Church has rejected a meeting requested by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence during his visit la
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Lecturers in Kenya s public universities ended a strike on Saturday after reaching agreement with the gove
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Saturday denied a report that said the Social Democrat, whose
LONDON (Reuters) - British voters will be able to change the terms of the country s relationship with the European Union after
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe has named a former diplomat as the head of its intelligence agency, state-owned newspaper Th
MANAMA (Reuters) - A senior United Arab Emirates (UAE) official said on Saturday that U.S. President Donald Trump s decisio
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The designated Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said that the European Union should not push Czechs o
JERUSALEM/GAZA (Reuters) - At least two people were killed in clashes with Israeli troops on Friday when thousands of Palesti
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduras two main opposition parties on Friday presented formal requests to annul the results of t
SURENDRANAGAR, India (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Indians voted in the first stage of assembly elections in the western
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - A leftist alliance between Nepal s former Maoist rebels and moderate communists appeared to be he
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnamese police on Friday arrested a former top Communist Party official suspected of misconduct while
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s newest political force formally emerged on Friday when a right-left coalition presented its o
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and Italy called on the United States on Friday to put forward d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. envoy for North Korea will travel to Japan and Thailand next week to discuss how to increa
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.N. political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman, who visited North Korea this week, expressed willingness to ease
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese police arrested three crew of a North Korean boat on Saturday for stealing a generator from a hut
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Uber Technologies Inc and a woman who accused top executives of improperly obtaining her med
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Friday asked Senate lawmakers to include civil society s vie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has warned Saudi Arabia that concern in Congress over the humanitarian situatio
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian police recaptured the former president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili on Friday, prompting further
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has warned Saudi Arabia that anger in Congress over the humanitarian situation i
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - The populist Danish People s Party (DF), upon whose support the minority government depends to p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is reviewing military options, including new intermediate-range cruise missile syst
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Suspected Ugandan rebels killed at least 15 Tanzanian U.N. peacekeepers an
GAZA (Reuters) - Israel s military said its aircraft bombed militant targets in Gaza on Friday and the Palestinian Health Ministry
MALE (Reuters) - The Maldives government signed a free trade agreement with China during a visit to Beijing by its leader, Ab
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer accepted the resignation on Friday of his minister of political affairs, wh
WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish lawmakers approved an overhaul of the judiciary on Friday, giving parliament de facto control ove
BEIRUT/RIYADH/AMMAN (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia pulled no punches when it condemned President Donald Trump s move to r
DOUALA (Reuters) - A celebrated Cameroonian writer who wrote a piece critical of the government s handling of a separatist c
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria s Foreign Ministry said on Friday any discussion about a revision of the treaty defining the borders o
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s lower house of parliament on Friday approved changes to the country s National Judiciary Coun
GAZA (Reuters) - The United States cannot broker the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat told Al Jazeera TV on Friday that the Palestinians will not talk to the
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland will continue fighting tax evasion, allowing the government to keep public debt in check and finan
COLOMBO (Reuters) - Sri Lanka s parliament approved on Friday a raft of tax concessions for a Chinese-led joint venture which
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s High Court ruled on Friday that President Jacob Zuma s appointment of a state pros
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States still has credibility as a mediator with both Israel and the Palestinians, U.S. Am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Friday it carried out airstrikes on Nov. 20 in Yemen s al Bayda province that
BERLIN (Reuters) - A senior member of Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) said her party would start talks next week with Chan
PARIS/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - France said on Friday the United States had sidelined itself in the Middle East by recognizing Jerus
JERUSALEM/GAZA (Reuters) - The Islamist group Hamas urged Palestinians on Thursday to abandon peace efforts and launch a
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelans vote on Sunday in nationwide mayoral polls boycotted by major opposition parties and likel
ROME (Reuters) - Pope Francis lamented the decay and degradation of Rome on Friday, using a traditional prayer on a nationa
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said on Friday that enough progress had been made in Brexit negotiations to
GENEVA (Reuters) - British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn said on Friday he wanted to see much more information about th
PARIS (Reuters) - In his first seven months in office, President Emmanuel Macron has faced little opposition. But come Sunday
PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday questioned some of Saudi Arabia s recent moves in the Middle
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine s neighbors have a right to criticize a new Ukrainian law banning schools from teaching in minority lan
ZURICH (Reuters) - The Swiss government proposed on Friday allowing house arrest for people seen as posing a security threa
KOMOTINI, Greece (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan gave out toy cars and dolls to children on the final leg of a visi
JUBA (Reuters) - At least 45 people have died in fighting between ethnic groups in South Sudan s northern state of Western La
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain and the European Union struck a divorce deal on Friday that paves the way for arduous talks on f
CAIRO (Reuters) - One of Egypt s top Muslim leaders, the Imam of Al Azhar mosque, rejected a meeting requested by U.S. Vice
ANKARA (Reuters) - Hundreds of Iranians took part in rallies across the country on Friday to condemn U.S. President Donald Tr
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. migration agency called on social media giants on Friday to make it harder for people smugglers
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s President Andrzej Duda designated Finance Minister Mateusz Morawiecki as the country s new
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s agreement with the European Union over key Brexit terms still leaves major issues like freedom o
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s President Mauricio Macri has pushed out the chief prosecutor, argued for federal judge
(Corrects source in headline and first paragraph of Dec. 5 story; adds source in third paragraph) By Vladimir Soldatkin MOSCO
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) chairwoman Rita Makarau resigned on Friday, months before a vot
PARIS (Reuters) - World powers attempted to shore up Lebanon s stability on Friday by pushing Saudi Arabia and Iran to stop i
DUBAI (Reuters) - A day before they killed Yemen s former president, gunmen from the Iran-aligned Houthi militia group overr
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer said on Friday that the pension reform bill that is indispensable to re
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Theresa May won a temporary reprieve from rival factions within her own party on Friday by stri
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami plans to visit Russia soon, the RIA news agency reported on Friday
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli cabinet minister said on Friday the phrasing of U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of
GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man on Friday near the Gaza border in clashes over U.S. President Don
ANKARA (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will make an official visit to Turkey on Monday, Dec. 11, to discuss develo
VIENNA (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday that the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital by
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary s main opposition Jobbik party has launched a crowd funding campaign to raise money for a st
GENEVA (Reuters) - Britain s opposition Labour party wants a close relationship with the rest of Europe after Brexit, Labour lea
VILNIUS/KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko denied on Friday interfering with the work of law enforcemen
GENEVA (Reuters) - Peace and stability must be restored in Myanmar s northern Rakhine state before any Rohingyas can retur
DUBAI (Reuters) - Bahrain s top Shi ite Muslim cleric underwent surgery on Friday, activists said, after he was hospitalized follo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Serbia has embarked on a pro-European course but it has no plans to join the NATO defence alliance, the
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnamese police on Friday arrested a former top Communist Party official suspected of misconduct while
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union should be ready to start negotiating details of a post-Brexit transition period with B
WARSAW (Reuters) - The Venice Commission, a panel of constitutional law experts of the human rights body Council of Europ
KABUL/JAKARTA (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters in Muslim-majority countries in Asia rallied on Friday to condemn the U.S
SAN CRISTOBAL/MARACAIBO, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuela s critical medicine shortage has spurred medical flea markets,
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - A Dutch businessman convicted in April of selling weapons to ex-Liberian president and warlord Charle
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and the European Union struck a divorce deal on Friday that paves the way for talks on trade, easi
PARIS (Reuters) - World powers sent a clear message on Friday that the Lebanese policy of staying out of regional affairs shoul
BERLIN (Reuters) - Ten people went on trial in Germany on Friday for alleged failures in planning the Love Parade music festi
ANKARA (Reuters) - A high-level defector from Kurdish-led forces that captured the Syrian city of Raqqa from Islamic State has
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany regards Friday s joint report on progress made in the negotiations on Britain s departure from the
SEOUL (Reuters) - Two U.S. B-1B heavy bombers joined large-scale combat drills over South Korea on Thursday amid warnings
MONTREAL (Reuters) - The United Nations aviation agency is not considering the creation of a no-fly zone around North Kore
VIENNA (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday that military drills held by the United States and Sout
TOKYO (Reuters) - Born and raised in Japan, three North Korean soccer players are expecting to face boos from the home crow
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The future free trade agreement between the European Union and Britain will have to be along the sam
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain estimates the ultimate cost of meeting its financial obligations to the European Union on Brexit a
HARARE (Reuters) - A Zimbabwean court has postponed to Jan. 4 the trial of a U.S. citizen accused of attempting to undermine
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Friday it had lodged a complaint with Australia after its prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, sai
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who spearheaded the campaign for Britain to leave the European
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Friday warned its nationals in Pakistan of plans for a series of imminent terrorist attacks on Chin
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia s ruling party united behind scandal-tainted Prime Minister Najib Razak as he prepares fo
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Friday it was not possible to put a co
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam s government has promised a full review of charges at a toll gate on a new road after protests ther
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain will honor all its financial obligations to the European Union as part of its divorce bill, but the paym
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron called on all foreign powers to stop interfering in Lebanese politics and
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is to acquire medium-range, air-launched cruise missiles, capable of striking North Korea, a controve
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The Brexit transition period of around two years envisaged in EU draft guidelines on Friday is a decent amo
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain s withdrawal agreement from the European Union must be ready by October, the bloc s Brexit ne
LONDON (Reuters) - British minister Michael Gove, an influential pro-Brexit voice in Prime Minister Theresa May s cabinet, gav
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican needs to bring cases of suspected money laundering to trial, a European finance watchd
PARIS (Reuters) - Common sense is prevailing in Brexit negotiations between Britain and the European Union, France s foreign
KIEV (Reuters) - The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, said she had a constructive phone call with U
LONDON (Reuters) - Brexit minister David Davis said Britain had taken a big step forward in delivering the country s departure
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The chairman of European Union leaders, Donald Tusk, said the bloc is ready to start negotiating a transi
LONDON (Reuters) - The divorce deal agreed by London and Brussels on Friday is a boost to the British economy, finance minis
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Scotland s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that if Britain is leaving the European Union then single m
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The Brexit agreement on the Irish border that assures Northern Ireland will remain aligned with the Europe
LONDON (Reuters) - Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said Britain was now ready to move on to the next stage of humiliation a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s Foreign Ministry said on Friday it was ready for talks with the United States to try to keep a land
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday she would continue to govern in the interests of all Nor
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain and the European Union have agreed on the three key divorce issues of a financial settlement, citi
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The agreement reached by Brexit negotiators early on Friday fully guarantees that there can be no hard bo
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain will maintain full alignment after Brexit with the European Union s single market and customs un
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker said on Friday that Brexit talks would move on to th
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has made substantive changes to its proposed text for a deal with the European Union, the leader
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Martin Selmayr, a top aide to the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, signaled on Fr
LONDON (Reuters) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson will travel to Iran on Saturday to lobby counterpart Mohammad Jav
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduras election tribunal will re-count 4,753 ballot boxes that have cast a shadow on the results o
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Oxford-educated crown prince, Naruhito, looks set to bring a more global outlook to the ancient im
BRUSSELS/DUBLIN (Reuters) - The United Kingdom and Ireland could reach agreement in hours on how to run their post-Brexi
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain s Prime Minister Theresa May and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker may mee
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Brexit negotiators in Brussels, Dublin and London are working on a new text on the post-Brexit Irish land bo
TUNIS (Reuters) - Thousands of Tunisians protested in several cities on Thursday against U.S. President Donald Trump s recogn
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Donald Trump told the Palestinian president of his intention to recognize Jerusalem
NUEVA FUERABAMBA, Peru (Reuters) - This remote town in Peru s southern Andes was supposed to serve as a model for how
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will meet Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri in Paris on Frid
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China has jailed 21 people for their roles in a deadly fire that killed 39 elderly people at a private nursing
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - A battle between Brazilian private college operator Estacio Participacoes SA and the country s professo
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - A federal judge in Argentina indicted former President Cristina Fernandez for treason and asked for
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s President Michel Temer has agreed with congressional leaders to delay a key vote on pension legi
DUBAI (Reuters) - A Western-backed Saudi-led coalition scored its first major gains in Yemen since former President Ali Abdull
COX S BAZAR (Reuters) - Dawn hues of pink and purple reveal a dusty valley in Bangladesh s southern hills quilted with a dense
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s ruling conservatives named in an expected move Finance Minister Mateusz Morawiecki as the c
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski said on Thursday that authorities leading an expanding graft investi
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - The white former policeman caught on video shooting an unarmed black man in the back after a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Nearly 50,000 people marched through Brussels European quarter on Thursday in support of Catalan ind
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia s supreme court cleared the way for a presidential run-off election, ruling on Thursday that it ha
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya s internationally recognized government has appealed to the United States to drop or ease a travel b
LONDON (Reuters) - Arabs and Muslims across the Middle East on Wednesday condemned the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem a
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian lawmakers on Thursday shelved a draft law that critics say would have undermined the independen
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said on Thursday that talks about moving the Brexit process forward were ongoing after Prime M
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli military said on Thursday that an aircraft and a tank had targeted two posts belonging to mi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it believed that Saudi Arabia would allow a blocked port in Yeme
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece and Turkey squared up over old disputes on Thursday during a state visit to Athens by President Ta
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk will make a statement on Brexit early on Friday, his office said o
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement supports the European Union and wants significant law-making
GAZA (Reuters) - A senior Palestinian official in President Mahmoud Abbas s ruling Fatah party said on Thursday that U.S. Vice
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it was not aware of any other country that planned to follow Pre
WASHINGTON/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday reversed decades of U.S. policy and recognized
GAZA (Reuters) - At least 31 people were wounded by Israeli army gunfire and rubber bullets, medics said, in Palestinian prote
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday that North Korea wants direct talks with the Un
KIEV/CHISINAU (Reuters) - The powerful head of Moldova s ruling party Vlad Plahotniuc on Thursday accused Russian authoriti
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) voted on Thursday to hold talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel s conserv
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Hezbollah group joined calls on Thursday for a new Palestinian uprising in response to the U.S. re
HARARE (Reuters) - A Zimbabwean judge freed ousted finance minister Ignatius Chombo on bail on Thursday in a ruling that u
TIRANA (Reuters) - Albania is planning to try to lure five-star hotel brands with tax breaks, including scrapping profit and prope
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Social Democratic Party (SPD) members voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to allow their party s le
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed in a phone call on Thursday
GENEVA (Reuters) - The mediator of U.N.-led Syrian peace talks in Geneva will assess next week whether either side is trying t
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and Pope Francis agreed in a phone call on Thursday that any attempts t
QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistan s army chief on Thursday criticized madrassas that have mushroomed nationwide for m
BERLIN (Reuters) - German voters are punishing the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) for walking out of three-way coalition
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The powerful Lebanese group Hezbollah said on Thursday it supported calls for a new Palestinian uprising i
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The South African author of a book critical of President Jacob Zuma said on Thursday he had been
VIENNA (Reuters) - The United States would badly like to lift sanctions against Russia but will not do so until Moscow has pull
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his U.S. counterpart Rex Tillerson that U.S. pressure on Russi
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli siren phone application sounded that rockets were fired at Israel at various locations near th
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that Germany would stand by U.N. resolutions on the Israel-Pal
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union s executive on Thursday stepped up its pressure on the nationalist government of P
BELFAST (Reuters) - Talks between Democratic Unionist Party and the British government to secure a deal on the post-Brexit f
ANKARA (Reuters) - The jailed leader of Turkey s pro-Kurdish opposition was remanded in prison for at least two more months
DUBAI (Reuters) - Islamist militant group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has condemned the U.S. decision to recogn
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia became the 26th nation to legalise same-sex marriage on Thursday, prompting cheers and singin
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s allies in Lebanon have emerged even stronger from a crisis triggered by Saudi Arabia, which achieved
DHAKA (Reuters) - Rohingya refugees continue to flee Myanmar for Bangladesh even though both countries set up a timetable
LESBOS, Greece (Reuters) - Syrian migrant Bashar Wakaa and his heavily pregnant wife are days away from the birth of their th
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Opinion polls show Vladimir Putin is already a shoo-in to win a fourth presidential term. But a ban on Ru
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that a decision by the International Olympic
JEJU, South Korea (Reuters) - The art of Neapolitan pizza making won world heritage status on Thursday, joining a horse-riding
ATHENS (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that U.S. President Donald Trump s unfortunate decis
BANGKOK (Reuters) - A Thai court issued arrest warrants against five people on Thursday over the discovery of a cache of wea
HARARE (Reuters) - A white Zimbabwean farmer kicked off his property at gunpoint in June has been told he will be going hom
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland is ready to defend its decision in the European Union s top court to refuse to accept migrants from
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar will buy fighter jets and armored vehicles as part of 12 billion euros worth of commercial contracts it a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s military said on Thursday it had accomplished its mission of defeating Islamic State in Syria, and
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary s main opposition party would be unable to compete at an election next April if state auditors
LONDON (Reuters) - British foreign secretary Boris Johnson singled out the Muslim Brotherhood and its associates for criticism
ANKARA (Reuters) - The United States has primed a bomb in the Middle East with its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU s top diplomat pledged on Thursday to reinvigorate diplomacy with Russia, the United States, Jor
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A man with a Palestinian flag yelling God is great was detained by police in the Netherlands on Thur
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A former Turkish beauty pageant winner may face up to a year in prison over a tweet referring to last ye
VIENNA (Reuters) - A 25-year-old Bosnian man has been arrested in the Austrian city of Graz on suspicion of planning an attac
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has complicated the situa
TUNIS (Reuters) - More than 90 mayors from across Libya s political divides are meeting for the first time in an effort to shore
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Thursday U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital w
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will criticize U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The decision by the United States to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel risks aggravating the Isra
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq demanded on Thursday that the U.S. government backtrack on a decision to recognize Jerusalem as
GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian factions stepped up efforts on Thursday to finalize a Hamas handover of the Gaza Strip to Preside
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Swearing in an alternative president of Kenya would be an act of treason, the country s attorney general s
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai police have arrested four members of a Hells Angels biker gang accused of drug crimes, violence an
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese cosmetic surgeon criticized for praising Nazis and playing down Japan s wartime atrocities won a
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos on Thursday ruled out a revision of an international treaty defining t
DOHA (Reuters) - Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani said on Thursday Qatar was ready to sit down with fellow Gulf Arab
QATAR (Reuters) - France and Qatar signed commercial contracts worth around 12 billion euros ($14.15 billion) on Thursday,
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Former Russian economy minister Alexei Ulyukayev, accused of taking a $2 million bribe from Rosneft ch
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Electoral Commission said on Thursday it was investigating campaign group Momentum - which
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s senior shi ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani condemned on Thursday U.S. President Donald Tr
SEOUL (Reuters) - A U.S. B-1B bomber on Wednesday joined large-scale U.S.-South Korean military exercises that North Korea
(In this Dec. 6 story, corrects newspaper location to Jilin province, from Jilin city, paragraph one) BEIJING (Reuters) - A state-ru
GAZA (Reuters) - The powerful Palestinian Islamist group Hamas called on Thursday for a new uprising against Israel after U.S.
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli military said it was reinforcing troops deployed in the occupied West Bank on Thursday as P
BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed strong dissatisfaction with India on Thursday over the recent crash of an Indian drone in
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain will guarantee rights for as yet unborn children who join EU parents after Brexit and accept EU jud
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar s Fine Gael party surged into an 11-point lead in a poll on Thursday, gaini
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday many countries would follow the United S
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad s negotiating team is set to arrive in Geneva on Sunday to participate in pe
(Reuters) - Two U.S. B-1B bombers took part in joint U.S.-South Korean military drills on Thursday, an official at Seoul s defense
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq demanded on Thursday that the U.S. government backtrack on a decision to recognize Jerusalem as
LONDON (Reuters) - Britons who have joined the Islamic State militant group in Syria and Iraq should be hunted down and kille
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A prominent Iraqi militia backed by Iran, Harakat Hezbollah al- Nujaba, said on Thursday U.S. President D
DUBAI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates has denounced the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, st
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday the United States decision to recognize Jerusalem as I
NIZHNY NOVGOROD/MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin confirmed Russia s worst kept political secret on Wednesd
JERUSALEM/RAMALLAH (Reuters) - Israel hailed U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as its capital on Wedn
AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordan on Wednesday rejected the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, calling it le
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinians switched off Christmas lights at Jesus traditional birthplace in Bethlehem on W
CAIRO (Reuters) - The kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Thursday condemned the decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to recog
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in the final phase of campaigning on Thursday to retain pow
PARIS (Reuters) - ITER, an international project to build a prototype nuclear fusion reactor in southern France, said it is facing d
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak called on Muslims worldwide to strongly oppose any recogn
Bogor, INDONESIA (Reuters) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo, leader of the world s largest Muslim-majority nation, onThu
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A group of Mexican opposition senators proposed a constitutional reform on Wednesday that would
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak called on Muslims everywhere to strongly oppose any recog
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea s vice foreign minister met visiting U.N. political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman on Wednesday in t
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepalis began voting in the final round of parliamentary elections on Thursday, a key step to comple
WASHINGTON/PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - The United States said on Wednesday it would restrict entry to people involved in th
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The Organization of American States (OAS) said on Wednesday it may call for new Honduran electio
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Seven Latin American governments said on Wednesday that they supported the decision by Hondura
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is asking Israel to temper its response to the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as its c
(Reuters) - A Somali national has been convicted in an Ontario court for his role in the 2008 kidnapping of Canadian Amanda L
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An intense and sustained push by U.S. evangelicals helped drive President Donald Trump s decision
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Venezuela s former oil czar Rafael Ramirez said on Wednesday the government would make one of its w
SIHANOUKVILLE, Cambodia (Reuters) - Between Sihanoukville s beaches and its multiplying casinos, Lao Qi and Bun Saroeun
LONDON (Reuters) - Repressive states are to blame for breeding terrorism, Britain s foreign minister Boris Johnson will say on
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will fail to agree a free trade deal with the EU before it plans to leave the bloc in 2019 and should s
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council will meet on Friday at the request of eight states on the 15-m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called for Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to immediately allow humanitar
BERLIN (Reuters) - The premier of Germany s most populous state has become the most senior member of Chancellor Angela
TUNIS (Reuters) - Algeria is deeply concerned about a U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital, saying it was a bl
(Reuters) - The Organization of American States (OAS) on Wednesday called for an immediate return of constitutional rights in
PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Panama recalled its ambassador to the EU from Brussels for consultations after the Central American
GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian secular and Islamist factions on Wednesday called a general strike and midday rallies to protest U
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Japan s Emperor Hirohito did not veto his advisers decision to declare war on the United States in 1941
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The collapse of Islamic State s self-proclaimed caliphate has not diminished the militant group s abil
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Wednesday advised U.S. citizens to delay or cancel unnecessary trave
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police fired teargas on Wednesday at youths marching in Athens to mark the ninth anniversary of th
DUBLIN (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May told her Irish counterpart Leo Varadkar that she would propose sugges
AMMAN (Reuters) - Protests broke out on Wednesday in areas of Jordan s capital Amman inhabited by Palestinian refugees in
DUBLIN (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May told her Irish counterpart Leo Varadkar that she would propose sugges
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Supporters of the far right in Finland and anti-facists staged rival marches in the capital on Wednesday as
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - An opposition alliance in Mexico wants to launch a universal basic wage to combat the poverty that b
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Maltese investigators believe a man charged with murdering an anti-corruption journalist set off the car
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May disagrees with the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany does not support the Trump administration s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital, G
ROME (Reuters) - Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, whose Democratic Party (PD) is shedding support in opinion po
ALGIERS/PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron, visiting Algeria, said on Wednesday he would not be held hostage by
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s President Michel Aoun said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump s Jerusalem decisio
RABAT (Reuters) - Morocco summoned the U.S. charge d affaires to express its deep concern over the U.S. decision to recogni
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union expressed serious concern on Wednesday after U.S. President Donald Trump recog
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Palestinian cause will stay alive among Arabs until the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusal
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has not conducted formal sector-by-sector analyses of the impact that leaving the European Union
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman discussed the most prominent developments in the region in a telephone call fr
LONDON (Reuters) - Hours after a Brexit deal collapsed, British Prime Minister Theresa May came under pressure on Tuesday
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran seriously condemns the U.S. decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem and its recognition of the city
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s foreign ministry said on Wednesday that it will keep its Israeli embassy in Tel Aviv, following
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday that Jerusalem was the eternal
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi received a phone call from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to d
TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisia s powerful labor union UGTT said U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar s foreign minister said on Wednesday U.S. President Donald Trump s decision to recognize Jerusalem a
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is planning a trip to Africa in the first three mon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The following is the text of an address made by President Donald Trump announcing the recognition
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgian police commissioner Catherine De Bolle has been nominated to become the next head of Europe
GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian Islamist group Hamas said U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capi
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt rejected the U.S. decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem, the foreign ministry said on Wednesday.
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s foreign ministry on Wednesday condemned a decision by the United States to recognize Jerusa
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Wednesday that there was no altern
GAZA (Reuters) - Influential exiled Palestinian politician Mohammed Dahlan said on Wednesday Palestinians should reject any
ALGIERS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday he did not support U.S. President Donald Trump
CAIRO/AMMAN/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Arabs denounced President Donald Trump s plan to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jer
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, facing arrest in Spain for organising an illegal independence re
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland is open to adding to a tentative Irish border agreement that collapsed on Monday but movement w
ADU DHABI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia is interested in reaching a civilian nuclear cooperation agreement with Washington, the U
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory Coast will cut its armed forces by about 1,000 troops by the end of the year, the government spokes
ASTANA (Reuters) - Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev threatened on Wednesday to sack his cabinet if they failed to mak
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission proposed on Wednesday ideas for deeper euro zone integration in an effort t
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian supporters of former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili freed him from a police van on Tuesday
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel is expanding ties throughout the Middle East but not with Iran, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain won a vote of confidence from its economically important life sciences sector on Wednesday as se
LONDON (Reuters) - No fuel shipments have reached Yemen s largest port for a month, a Reuters analysis of port and ship trac
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department issued a cable to all its diplomatic posts worldwide on Wednesday asking
YAOUNDE (Reuters) - Cameroon s government has ordered thousands of villagers to leave their homes in the Anglophone Sou
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United States and France called on Russia on Wednesday to deliver the delegation of President Basha
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday a complete victory had been achieved over Islamic
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Isr
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s government has not yet decided what it wants from a final Brexit deal because it is still waiting to
ANKARA (Reuters) - A sacked Turkish professor who has been on hunger strike for almost nine months and is barely half her o
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan s spokesman said on Wednesday the U.S. judge hearing the trial of an executive
ADEN/DUBAI (Reuters) - A Saudi-led coalition stepped up air strikes on Yemen s Houthis on Wednesday as the Iran-allied arme
GENEVA (Reuters) - A blockade of Yemen s key ports appeared to have been broken on Wednesday as ships arrived with food
KIEV (Reuters) - Dozens of Ukrainian police in riot gear raided a protest camp outside parliament on Wednesday in a failed atte
(Removes erroneous reference to Montreal as Quebec s capital in this Dec. 5 story) By Sonya Dowsett and Allison Lampert MA
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan electoral officials announced on Wednesday the opening of a two-month voter registration period,
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress (ANC) is doing everything possible to avoid a split i
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will deliver a televised speech on Wednesday in response to U.S
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinians seethed with anger and a sense of betrayal over U.S. President Donald Trump s decision to
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Nigeria is replacing the military commander of the fight against Boko Haram after half a year,
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - An air strike hit a village south of Somalia s capital Mogadishu on Wednesday and a local official said t
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday there could be no normal relations with Russia u
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - In the 50 years since Israel captured Jerusalem, the rhetoric of leaders in the Middle East has reflected
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he would decide very soon whether to run for re-el
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Former Mexico finance minister Jose Antonio Meade, who resigned to seek the presidential nominati
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russian air strikes killed 21 people in a village on the eastern side of the Euphrates River in east Syria, the S
BANGKOK (Reuters) - A Thai court sentenced a 62-year-old man to 27 years in prison on Wednesday for planting a bomb at a B
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech billionaire businessman Andrej Babis was appointed prime minister on Wednesday after his ANO pa
MARSEILLE, France (Reuters) - A French judge has ordered a prominent Russian businessman and lawmaker Suleiman Kerimov
CAIRO (Reuters) - The Arab League is to hold an emergency meeting on Saturday on U.S. plans to recognize Jerusalem as the c
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission proposed on Wednesday a package of legislative and non-binding measures t
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi offered his condolences to the son of slain former Yemen president Ali Abdu
LONDON (Reuters) - A British man posted a picture of Prince George, 4, and the address of his London school as part of a serie
LONDON (Reuters) - A 20-year-old man appeared in court on Wednesday accused of plotting to kill British Prime Minister Ther
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece s Supreme Court will decide on Dec. 13 whether to extradite a Russian to the United States where
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - A Hungarian European Parliament member who belongs to the nationalist opposition Jobbik party has b
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is working towards unlocking Brexit talks at an EU summit later this m
LONDON (Reuters) - A spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa May warned on Wednesday against the idea that discuss
PARIS (Reuters) - France accused the Syrian government on Wednesday of obstructing U.N.-led peace talks with its refusal to r
LONDON (Reuters) - Mayor of London Sadiq Khan called on the British government on Wednesday to make a formal apology f
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) will do everything in their power to ensure that Berlin embraces the Eur
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will announce on Wednesday that the United States recognizes Jerusalem a
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said she intended to speak to U.S. President Donald Trump about the
TOKYO (Reuters) - An increasing number of fishing boats from North Korea has been appearing off Japan - some in distress, so
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis, speaking hours before U.S. President Donald Trump s announcement on Jerusalem, ca
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is undermining international stability with his decision to recognise Jerusalem
LONDON (Reuters) - Christine Keeler, the model and dancer whose liaisons with a British minister and a Soviet diplomat at the
BERLIN (Reuters) - Several people were injured in a train crash on Tuesday near the German city of Duesseldorf, fire departme
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia faces a series of by-elections that could topple the government, which trails in opinion polls and h
LONDON (Reuters) - A man appeared in a London court on Wednesday on suspicion of plotting to kill Prime Minister Theresa M
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. recognition that Jerusalem is Israel s capital would be important for Israel even if it delayed moving
BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S. plans to move its Israel embassy to Jerusalem are a sign of incompetence and failure, Iranian Supreme
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called on the United States on Wednesday to present its propo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday that Russia was concerned that the conflict between Israel and the Pale
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not comment on the planned U.S. recognition of Jerusa
BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed concern on Wednesday about U.S. President Donald Trump s reported intention to recogn
ATHENS/ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayip Erdogan will make a historic visit to Greece this week, a sign that relation
GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar s security forces may be guilty of genocide against the Rohingya Muslim minority and more of th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday that it would be a grave mistake for the
ZIMBABWE (Reuters) - A Zimbabwean court has postponed to Thursday the bail hearing of former finance minister Ignatius Ch
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany is concerned that violent clashes could erupt in the Middle East following reports that U.S. Preside
ANKARA (Reuters) - The Turkish government s spokesman on Wednesday said that the United States decision to recognize Jer
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian government on Wednesday condemned U.S. President Donald Trump s decision to recognize th
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri rescinded his resignation on Tuesday, drawing a line under a month
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump would effectively be making a declaration of war if he recognizes Jerusalem
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Wednesday that he was concerned about reports that U.S
MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) - A bomb rigged to a motorcycle exploded in a militant-plagued part of northwest Pakistan ne
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The State Duma lower house of Russia s parliament voted on Wednesday to bar correspondents of U.S. m
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday it hopes relevant parties can exercise restraint over North Korea, after the South
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s foreign ministry denied on Wednesday U.S. accusations that the Islamic Republic is playing a destabil
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia s exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy has committed treason by inciting soldiers to defy o
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain should leave open the option remaining in the single market and customs union after a Brexit tran
BEIJING (Reuters) - The official newspaper of China s ruling Communist Party has lavished unusually high levels of praise on Pre
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - China accused Australia of hysteria and paranoia on Wednesday after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnb
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican authorities said on Tuesday they will aim to identify some 3,000 bone fragments, apparently
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The Honduran opposition battling President Juan Orlando Hernandez over a disputed presidential el
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican soldiers arbitrarily executed two people after an illegal raid last year, a national rights body s
BEIJING (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in will visit China from Dec. 13-16, China s official Xinhua news agency sa
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi told U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday there was no need to c
VANCOUVER (Reuters) - High-rolling gamblers will face more stringent anti-money-laundering standards in British Columbia ca
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday that the killing of former Yemeni President Ali Ab
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will need a new paradigm to sell financial services to the European Union after Brexit as existing t
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland might consider adding elements to the text of an agreement on the post-Brexit future of Northern
VALLETTA (Reuters) - A magistrate on Tuesday charged three men with murder over a car-bomb blast that killed anti-corruptio
TUNIS (Reuters) - The United Nations migration agency is stepping up the rate at which it flies migrants home from Libya, aimi
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A bomb blast killed eight people and injured 16 others on a bus in Syria s Homs on Tuesday, state media sa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump spoke separately on Tuesday with five Middle East leaders about potential
ASUNCION (Reuters) - Paraguay s Congress passed a bill on Tuesday creating a state-sponsored system to import marijuana se
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Thirteen people, including civilians, were killed during a confrontation between Colombia s ELN rebels and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday will deliver remarks about his decision on whether to move
CARACAS/HOUSTON (Reuters) - Venezuela s powerful former oil czar Rafael Ramirez said on Tuesday he resigned from his job
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Venezuela s former ambassador to the United Nations, Rafael Ramirez, has left the United States after b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - United Nations envoy Jeffrey Feltman, a former high-level U.S. State Department official, is not carry
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem instructed employees on Tuesday to stay away from the occupied We
((This December 4 story has been corrected to change last year to 2015 in sixth paragraph, June to July in 11th paragraph)) B
AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordan s King Abdullah told U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday that any move by the United States t
SIMI VALLEY, Calif (Reuters) - The U.S. agency tasked with protecting the country from missile attacks is scouting the West Coa
LAGOS (Reuters) - Lawmakers in the upper house of Nigeria s parliament voted on Tuesday to launch an investigation into alle
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Theresa May must deliver her offer on a Brexit divorce package this week if she wants European Union le
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Here is a timeline of the coming few days that will determine whether Britain avoids further costly delay
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s public prosecutor said on Tuesday most of the people detained in a sweeping anti-corruptio
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi King Salman told U.S. President Donald Trump that any decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia designated Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) and Voice of America (VOA) as foreign agen
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron s popularity rose above 50 percent for the first time since he was electe
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel s mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat said on Tuesday that moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel
AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordan plans to convene emergency meetings of the Arab League and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s Supreme Court on Tuesday withdrew an international arrest warrant for Catalonia s former leader
KUWAIT (Reuters) - Qatar s Emir said on Tuesday he hoped a summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in Kuwait would h
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party may replace Prime Minister Beata Szydlo next week with her g
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United States-led international coalition fighting Islamic State estimates that fewer than 3,000 fighte
SANAA/DUBAI (Reuters) - The powerful exiled son of Yemen s slain ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh vowed on Tuesday to lead
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Six Russian long-range bombers struck Islamic State targets in Syria s Deir al-Zor province, Russian news
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday urged the Pope and the leaders of Russi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin phoned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday to tell him M
LONDON (Reuters) - A suicide attack at a pop concert in Manchester that killed 22 people in May might have been prevented i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday amid re
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. Human Rights Council on Tuesday condemned the very likely commission of crimes against hum
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch politicians gave each other high-fives when they won a contest to host the European Medicine
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s opposition Labour Party called on Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday to put post-Brexit me
PALERMO, Italy (Reuters) - Police in the Sicilian capital of Palermo scooped up 25 suspected mobsters on an array of charges o
LONDON (Reuters) - The Northern Irish party that props up Prime Minister Theresa May said it only got the text of the draft Br
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump informed Palestinian President Mahmolud Abbas on Tuesday that he inte
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi federal and Kurdish regional judiciaries are violating the rights of Islamic State suspects with flawe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump was speaking on Tuesday with a number of Middle East leaders, the White
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq is opposed to the United States recognising Jerusalem as Israel s capital and moving its embassy the
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain has made its largest cocaine bust in 18 years, the Interior Ministry said on Tuesday, after more than
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey is investigating reports that 11 Turkish folk dancers applied for asylum after attending a folk dance
CAIRO (Reuters) - Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Tuesday that the United States should not take a
BERLIN (Reuters) - Police raided apartments across Germany on Tuesday, hunting for evidence on anti-capitalist protesters wh
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court on Tuesday adjourned for four months the trial of 10 academics who signed a letter to th
LONDON (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said he expected Britain and the European Union to progress soon
VIENNA (Reuters) - Same-sex couples will be allowed to marry in Austria from 2019, the country s supreme court ruled on Tue
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations human rights boss called on Mexico s Senate on Tuesday not to adopt a proposed law
LONDON (Reuters) - The Northern Irish party which props up Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday it would not accept
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Support for the far-right, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats party has fallen to its lowest level since
MONTERREY (Reuters) - A Mexican presidential hopeful and governor of a wealthy border state said he would cut taxes to com
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged Muslims on Tuesday to disrupt what he called a plot by unnamed
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri rescinded his resignation on Tuesday, drawing a line under a month
GENEVA (Reuters) - Yemen s capital Sanaa was quiet on Tuesday after five days of fighting that culminated in the death of ex-P
GENEVA (Reuters) - The toll in fighting in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa in nearly a week has risen to 234 killed and 400 wounded
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday said the United States remains committed to Europe, off
(This November 28 story has been corrected to clarify in headline, lead and third paragraph that the broadcasters will not pro
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Several lawmakers filed family history documents in Australia s parliament to meet a government deadline
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania s former King Michael died in Switzerland at the age of 96 on Tuesday, the Royal House was q
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany should be more assertive in setting foreign policy according to its own interests rather than to tho
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police on Tuesday arrested an Afghan citizen on suspicion of smuggling migrants by sea from Turke
LONDON (Reuters) - London police said an item that had prompted a security alert in the financial district of the city on Tuesd
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has expressed hope the United States would not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel a
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police have detained 17 people as part of an investigation related to gold trader Reza Zarrab, wh
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A bomb blast killed eight people and injured 16 others on a bus in Syria s Homs on Tuesday, state media sa
CAIRO (Reuters) - Former Egyptian interior minister Habib al-Adly has been arrested after failing to attend his sentencing in a t
HELSINKI/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Finland s defense ministry said on Tuesday it suspected a Russian aircraft had violated Finnish
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Britain s rejection of a transgender woman s claim for a women s state pension because she was stil
GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar told the United Nations on Tuesday that it was finalizing terms for a joint working group with Ba
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea and the United States launched large-scale joint aerial drills on Monday, officials said, a week a
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia, concerned about rising Chinese influence, will ban foreign political donations as part of a crackdo
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germans see U.S. President Donald Trump as a bigger challenge for German foreign policy than authoritaria
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday Turkey could go as far as breaking off diplomatic ties with Israel
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May and other British officials will speak to Northern Ireland s Democratic Union
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain s Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond said on Tuesday he was confident the EU and Brit
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that Turkey will very soon completely destroy those in Syria lin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow expects new complications in its relationship with the United States in early 2018 because of po
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Southeast Asian countries must step up their fight against religious militancy taking root in their region
CAIRO (Reuters) - The Arab League on Tuesday condemned the killing of Yemeni ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh saying his dea
KABUL (Reuters) - A top leader of militant group al-Qaeda was killed along with 80 people in a joint military operation by Afgha
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered the police to actively support the drugs enforcement age
BERLIN (Reuters) - Less involvement by the United States in international affairs under President Donald Trump will have an im
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has completed the main wave of arrests in its sweeping crackdown on corruption and i
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is expected to discuss the North Korean crisis with U.S. Secretary
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Hondurans spilled into the streets of the capital on Monday night, banging pots and pans and joining
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand will develop a close relationship with China, Foreign Minister Winston Peters said on Tu
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Macau has suspended a pro-democracy lawmaker for alleged disobedience after he took to the stree
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations political affairs chief will visit North Korea this week, making the highest-leve
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is preparing to acquire precision air-launched missiles that for the first time would give it the capabili
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - The leader of an influential leftist bloc in Chile endorsed center-left presidential hopeful Alejandro Guilli
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Monday the Mexican government is struggling to keep journalists safe an
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil s prosecutor general officially presented money laundering and criminal association charges agai
LIMA (Reuters) - Four former and current executives of Peruvian construction companies were detained pending trial on Mon
ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will not announce a decision on Monday on whether he will agai
BRASILIA/RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - The government of Brazil s President Michel Temer is far from assembling the coalition n
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Observers cannot be certain of the results of Honduras Nov. 26 presidential vote due to irregularitie
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A formal U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would be the kiss of death to the two
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian state media on Monday said Israel had fired missiles at a Syrian military facility in the Damascus coun
BERLIN/MUNICH (Reuters) - The leader of Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) said on Monday he would launch talks with Chan
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron told U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday that he was worried abou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Monday any U.S. announcement on the status of Jerusalem before a final settle
ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland will return to Nigeria around $321 million in assets seized from the family of former military ru
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is calling on all sides in Yemen to re-energize political talks to end the country s ci
PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri will meet ministers from major powers in Paris on Friday to discuss w
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s cabinet will meet on Tuesday for the first time since the country entered a political crisis a mont
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has received the most nominations for leader of
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis met Pakistan s civilian and military leaders on Monday and urged the
CAIRO (Reuters) - Former Egyptian prime minister Ahmed Shafik, who returned home from the United Arab Emirates in myste
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The African Union s plan to trim its Somalia peacekeeping force (AMISOM) will hurt the mission unles
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May failed to clinch a deal on Monday to open talks on post-Brexit free trade wit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has certified that the Honduran government has been fighting corruption
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finland should remain militarily neutral because it helps ensure security in the Baltic Sea region, Prime M
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s Supreme Court refused bail on Monday for two Catalan pro-independence leaders accused of sedi
DAKAR (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has pledged $100 million to a new regional military force battling jihadist groups in West Africa
LA PAZ (Reuters) - More than half the ballots cast in Bolivia s judicial elections on Sunday were spoiled, or nullified, by voters, a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May failed to secure a breakthrough in Brexit talks on Monday with Europ
EDINBURGH/LONDON (Reuters) - Scotland, Wales and London should all benefit from any special deal given to Northern Irelan
BRUSSELS/DUBLIN (Reuters) - British negotiators were locked in last-minute talks with their European Union and Irish counter
(Reuters) - Bangladesh plans to allocate more land for camps housing Rohingya refugees as concerns grow over a possible out
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ride-hailing app Uber [UBER.UL] said on Monday it was joining a global public transport association to im
GENEVA (Reuters) - Fighting and air strikes have intensified in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, where roads are blocked and tanks
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland is surprised and disappointed that the British government was unable to conclude a deal Dublin be
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces killed five suspected militants in a raid on Monday on a desert location being used b
DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi called on Yemenis on Monday to rise up against the Iran-aligne
DAKAR (Reuters) - Christian militiamen killed a Mauritanian U.N. peacekeeper in an attack on a camp for displaced people in a
ATHENS (Reuters) - A Greek court on Monday ordered the detention of nine Turkish citizens pending trial for terrorism-related
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has not yet made a decision on whether to formally recognize Jerusale
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police on Monday investigated further suspicious mail packages found around the country as they
(Reuters) - It was an awkward coalition riven by political and sectarian differences, facing an elusive, fanatical enemy dug into
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and the European Union have failed to fully agree a deal on Brexit, the BBC Europe editor said on M
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A prominent strategist for Kenya s opposition who has strongly criticized President Uhuru Kenyatta and ca
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Bosnia must start making concrete reforms if it wants to join the European Union, or the window to bec
BELFAST (Reuters) - The head of the Northern Irish party which props up the British government spoke to Prime Minister Ther
DAKAR (Reuters) - Congolese security officials recruited more than 200 exiled rebel fighters to help suppress protests against P
PARIS/ALGIERS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron is likely to use a visit to Algeria on Wednesday to look to the fu
GENEVA (Reuters) - The Syrian government s decision to quit peace talks last week was an embarrassment to its main support
AJACCIO, France (Reuters) - Corsican nationalists on Monday demanded the French government enter into negotiations over g
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s justice ministry will start registering some foreign media as foreign agents this week, the RIA ne
DUBLIN (Reuters) - A statement by Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar on the progress of Brexit talks between Britain and the E
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary remains firmly opposed to illegal immigration and the European Union should focus efforts on
DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemen s steely former president of 33 years, Ali Abdullah Saleh, made his last political gamble and lost on M
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro looked to the world of digital currency to circumvent U.S.-led finan
BELFAST (Reuters) - The leader of the Northern Irish party which props up Prime Minister Theresa May s minority government
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - An agreement to keep Northern Ireland in regulatory alignment with the European Union after Brexit
ANKARA (Reuters) - A formal U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would cause catastrophe and lead to new co
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian prosecutors on Monday sought a sentence of 10 years in jail for ex-economy minister Alexei Uly
DUBAI (Reuters) - Officials in Ali Abdullah Saleh s General People s Congress party (GPC) confirmed to Reuters that the former
DUBAI (Reuters) - The radio station of Yemen s Houthi-controlled Interior Ministry said on Monday that the group s rival, ex-pr
PARIS (Reuters) - France and Germany agree that Iran must reverse its ballistic missile program and end its hegemonic tempta
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez held a lead over his main opposition rival after a partia
DUBLIN (Reuters) - British and European Union Brexit negotiators have reached agreement on a deal for all Irish issues, includi
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The chairman of European Union leaders said on Monday he was encouraged by the progress of talks on
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations called on Monday for a humanitarian pause in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa on Tuesday
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s new president Emmerson Mnangagwa swore in his cabinet on Monday, with allies defending
BERLIN/MUNICH (Reuters) - The leader of Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) said on Monday he would launch talks with Chan
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A Belgian judge will decide on the exercising of a European arrest warrant for ousted Catalan leader Carl
GENEVA (Reuters) - Fighting in Yemen s capital has intensified, with the known toll from three hospitals reaching at least 125 k
AMMAN (Reuters) - A state security court in Jordan on Monday sentenced one Syrian militant to death and handed life senten
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and the European Union have agreed a deal that ensures there will be no hard border between Ire
NMADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s pro-independence parties were seen losing their parliamentary majority in the regional electi
PARIS (Reuters) - France is close to finalizing major military and transport contracts during a visit by Emmanuel Macron to Qat
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Maltese police have arrested 10 suspects in the murder of anti-corruption blogger Daphne Caruana Galiz
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has invited U.S. firms to take part in developing its civilian nuclear power program, Energy Min
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Brexit minister David Davis said on Monday it was vital that European Union negotiators agree to
SANAA (Reuters) - Fighters from Yemen s armed Houthi movement blew up house the house of ex-President Ali Abdullah Sale
ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland released a national plan on Monday to prevent violent extremism, including training teachers a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk canceled a trip to Israel and the Palestinian Territories planned
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s communications watchdog Roskomnadzor said on Monday it would respond in kind to any viola
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland has made significant progress in talks with Britain on the future of the Northern Irish border, but t
DUBLIN (Reuters) - No agreement has yet been reached between Britain and Ireland on the future of the Northern Irish borde
MUNICH (Reuters) - Lawmakers of Germany s Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian sister party of Chancellor Angela Merk
AMMAN (Reuters) - Jets believed to be Syrian and Russian struck heavily crowded residential areas in a besieged rebel enclave
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo has nominated the chief of staff of the air force to be the new head of
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea and the United States launched large-scale joint aerial drills on Monday, officials said, a week a
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - An Australian conservative politician on Monday proposed to his long-term partner on the floor of pa
BEIRUT (Reuters) - France should know that Iran s missile program is not an issue that can be negotiated, Iran s foreign ministr
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Monday that after two months of relative calm on the Korean pe
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Embattled Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull received an unexpected boost from an opinion poll
SYDNEY (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 struck off the Kermadec Islands at a depth of 10 km on Monday, the Pacifi
CAIRO (Reuters) - Former Egyptian prime minister Ahmed Shafik, who returned home from the United Arab Emirates after ann
PARIS (Reuters) - Corsican nationalists won almost half of the vote in the first round of the French Mediterranean island s terri
CAIRO (Reuters) - Former Egyptian premier Ahmed Shafik said on Sunday he was still considering his presidential bid and explo
ADEN (Reuters) - A Saudi-led coalition launched air strikes on Yemen s capital, Sanaa, local media said, lending support to form
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Sunday urged warring parties in Yemen to stop all gr
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition National Super Alliance said on Sunday that one of its key strategists had been arreste
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States has quit negotiations on a voluntary pact to deal with migration because the g
CAIRO (Reuters) - Former Egyptian prime minister Ahmed Shafik s lawyer said on Sunday she had met with him at a hotel in Ca
BERLIN (Reuters) - German authorities investigating the delivery of a package containing powerful firecrackers, wires and nails
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations is trying to evacuate at least 140 aid workers from the Yemeni capital amid fighting tha
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Dozens of relatives of the 44 crew members of an Argentine submarine that went missing on Novem
AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordan has begun consultations on convening an emergency meeting of the Arab League and the Organisa
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that a draft bill that sets limits on police inv
LONDON (Reuters) - Half of Britons support a second vote on whether to leave the European Union and a majority think the g
BRUSSELS/BERLIN (Reuters) - On the eve of his trip to Europe, Rex Tillerson gave a speech last week that European allies had w
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria s Atiku Abubakar, a former vice president and key ally of President Muhammadu Buhari, said on Sun
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani is expected to attend the annual summit of Gulf Arab heads o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham on Sunday urged the Pentagon to start moving U.S. militar
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Saturday defended his strategy of avoiding the term Rohingya in Mya
SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean fishing boat capsized off the country s western coast on Sunday after it collided with a refue
GENEVA (Reuters) - Another wave of cholera could strike Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition blockade has cut off fuel for hosp
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa and Morocco will resume diplomatic ties more than a decade after Morocco withdre
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission added to mounting confidence in Brussels that it is set for a Brexit deal with L
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Erdogan said on Sunday that Turkey would not succumb to blackmail by the United Sta
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian Kurdish YPG militia said on Sunday it had fully captured Deir al-Zor s eastern countryside from Is
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday businessmen who attempted to move assets abroad wer
DUBLIN (Reuters) - It is not yet clear if Britain and the European Union can agree on written assurances to avoid a hard Northe
HARARE (Reuters) - At least 21 people died in Zimbabwe s northwest province after a truck carrying 69 people overturned on S
PARIS (Reuters) - France won t let the official base of the European Union s parliament be moved from Strasbourg to Brussels,
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May meets European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker for lunc
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese police have detained 11 people in connection with a deadly skyscraper fire in the northern port cit
BAMA, Nigeria (Reuters) - Nigeria s government has a plan for the northeast, torn apart by eight years of conflict with Boko Ha
DUBAI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates on Sunday denied a report that Yemen s Houthi group had fired a missile toward a
DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemen s Houthi group has fired a cruise missile toward a nuclear power plant in Abu Dhabi in the United Ara
LONDON (Reuters) - All four members of the British government s Social Mobility Commission have quit accusing Prime Minist
KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of the Taliban s special forces branch, known as the Red Unit, was killed last week in Helm
PARIS (Reuters) - Malian soldiers killed by a French military strike in northern Mali in October were hostages of Islamist militan
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo said on Saturday he sent a letter to Irani
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Australia s embattled conservative Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has shaken off speculation about
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran security forces fanned out on Saturday to enforce a curfew as sporadic demonstrations co
KUNDUZ, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Since U.S. forces began stepping up air strikes against the Taliban, Kunduz shopkeeper Najibu
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - About 20,000 Israelis demonstrated in Tel Aviv on Saturday against government corruption and Prime
CARACAS (Reuters) - Members of Venezuela s government and opposition coalition failed to reach a deal in a new round of ta
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Australia s former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce will return to parliament after he won an ess
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Saturday urged world leaders to turn back from the brink of possible h
CAIRO (Reuters) - Any move by the United States to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital would fuel extremism and violence,
HANOVER, Germany (Reuters) - Members of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party elected a right-wing natio
PARIS/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday called on Iraq to dismantle all militias, including
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romanian protesters clashed with riot police on Saturday when they stopped construction workers fro
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Former Brazilian senator and environmental minister Marina Silva said on Saturday that she would seek h
PARACAS, Peru (Reuters) - Support from business leaders for Peru s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has plummeted, a survey
CAIRO (Reuters) - Former Egyptian prime minister Ahmed Shafik, whose family say was deported from the United Arab Emirat
ROME (Reuters) - When Italy organized a conference focused on the Middle East, the Gulf and North Africa, it promised to loo
ADEN (Reuters) - Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Saturday he was ready for a new page in relations with
DUBAI (Reuters) - Former Egyptian prime minister Ahmed Shafik has left the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for Egypt but his fam
ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday that as offensive operations ag
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations Security Council ministers will meet on Dec. 15 to discuss North Korea s nuclear a
ANKARA (Reuters) - Courts in the United States cannot put Turkey on trial, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday,
BAUCHI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Suspected Boko Haram suicide bombers have killed at least 13 other people in an attack on a mark
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Police in Tanzania have arrested a woman after a video clip showing her kissing and embracing an
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce cleared the way for his return to parliament on Sa
(Reuters) - Zimbabwe s new president Emmerson Mnangagwa dropped his education minister, a day after reappointing him to
DHAKA (Reuters) - Pope Francis ended a diplomatically tricky trip to Asia on Saturday, seeking the forgiveness of Rohingya Mu
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has pulled back from a threat to close a human rights group fou
DUBAI (Reuters) - Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Saturday called on the Saudi-led coalition to pave the way fo
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Saturday it was confident that leaders of former Yemeni Pr
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Airlines canceled more flights departing the Indonesian holiday island of Bali on Saturday, citi
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Cyclone Ockhi barrelled into the Lakshwadeep islands in southwestern India on Saturday after drenching
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Israeli missiles struck a military position near Damascus and Syria s air defence system responded on Saturd
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Israeli missiles struck a military position near Damascus overnight and Syria s air defense system thwarted t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Backers of a U.S.-Russian plan to build nuclear reactors across the Middle East bragged after the U.S
TORONTO (Reuters) - A Canadian judge on Friday suspended part of a Quebec law banning people from wearing full-face veils
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - At least one protester died, over 20 people were injured and more than 100 others were arrested fo
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela has arrested Diego Salazar, a relative of former oil czar Rafael Ramirez, as part of an investigati
CARACAS (Reuters) - Days before masked agents arrested him, family and friends pleaded with Eulogio Del Pino to flee, warnin
BERLIN (Reuters) - The leader of Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) said on Friday he ruled out no option for forming a new go
PRISTINA (Reuters) - Kosovo s Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj was removed from an international arrest warrant issued by S
SANTO DOMINGO/CARACAS (Reuters) - Members of Venezuela s leftist government and opposition coalition began a new rou
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is likely to announce next week that the United States recognizes Jerusalem
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Bosnian Croat war crimes convict Slobodan Praljak used cyanide to kill himself in court after losing hi
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish professor who has been on hunger strike since losing her job in a purge following last year s fai
POTSDAM, Germany (Reuters) - German police on Friday secured a device full of wires and nails found near an outdoor Christm
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A preliminary autopsy indicates that Bosnian Croat war crimes convict Slobodan Praljak died of cyani
AL RAWDAH, Egypt (Reuters) - People wounded in an attack on a mosque in Egypt s North Sinai region that killed more than 2
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government is considering legal changes that would oblige operators of car and house alarm s
ROME (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s foreign minister said on Friday that Lebanon had been hijacked by Hezbollah and could only
DUBLIN (Reuters) - A breakthrough on the future of the Irish border once Britain leaves the European Union is doable before
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The key to British hopes of moving on to talks on trade ties with the European Union after it quits the bloc
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Argentina will not increase defense spending, despite the loss of a submarine with 44 crew aboard that
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduras will publish the final result for last Sunday s presidential election at 9 p.m. (0300 GMT) on
SEOUL/MOSCOW (Reuters) - North Korea s latest missile test puts Washington within range, but Pyongyang still needs to prov
ROME (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday that a U.S. threat to destroy North Korea in the event o
WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump dismissed a Chinese diplomatic effort to rein in North Korea
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian lawmakers who visited Pyongyang said North Korea was not prepared to disarm, and while it did
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Forensic scientists have identified the remains of 88 Argentine soldiers buried in anonymous graves
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States remains committed to the Libyan Political Agreement, the State Department said
GENEVA/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s government delegation quit U.N.-led peace talks in Geneva on Friday and said it would not
ISTANBUL/ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey cast the testimony of a wealthy gold trader in a U.S. court as an attempt to undermine A
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey is to seize the assets of a Turkish-Iranian gold trader who is a key witness in the trial of a Turkish b
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations appealed on Friday to the Saudi-led military coalition to fully lift its blockade of Yemen
MADRID (Reuters) - A judge will give his ruling on Monday on whether eight pro-independence Catalan politicians charged wit
YOLA, Nigeria (Reuters) - Muslim cattle herders are suspected of killing four police officers in the northeastern Nigerian state o
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said on Friday that the British government must produce credible, concre
ATHENS (Reuters) - Tayyip Erdogan will travel to Greece on Dec. 7-8, Greek sources said on Friday, in the first visit by a Turkish
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian government envoy to U.N.-backed peace talks in Geneva said on Friday that Saudi Arabia had m
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed senior military officials to top posts in his first cabi
DHAKA (Reuters) - Pope Francis had an emotional meeting with Muslim refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh on Friday and
NOTTINGHAM, England (Reuters) - Britain s Prince Harry and his American fiancee Meghan Markle delighted cheering crowds
FLORENCECOURT, Northern Ireland (Reuters) - Northern Irish sheep farmers like John Sheridan collectively transport more tha
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The next two weeks will determine whether Britain avoids further costly delays in giving business assura
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Two men suspected of having fought for an al Qaeda-linked group in Syria were among four Syrian m
RIYADH/DUBAI (Reuters) - U.S. firms attracted by Saudi Arabia s plans to build nuclear reactors are pushing Washington to res
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Six Russian long-range bombers hit Islamic State targets in Syria s Deir al-Zor province, RIA news agency
ROME (Reuters) - Egyptian billionaire businessman Naguib Sawiris condemned on Friday a crackdown on graft in Saudi Arabia,
RABAT (Reuters) - At least 3 migrants, two of them women, died when their boat sank off Morocco late on Thursday, a Moroc
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani Taliban gunmen disguised in all-enveloping burqas stormed the campus of an agricu
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities have issued an arrest warrant for a former officer of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agenc
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian lawmakers are to discuss a proposal to bar representatives of U.S. media organizations from acc
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman has been forced to cancel a planned trip to Russia s Far East ne
QAMISHLI, Syria (Reuters) - Kurdish-led authorities held local elections on Friday in areas they control in northern Syria, pushin
HARARE (Reuters) - A Zimbabwean court has postponed former finance minister Ignatius Chombo s bail hearing to next Tuesd
LONDON (Reuters) - Customers at a new charity shop in London walk away empty-handed and any money they spend goes to
ANKARA (Reuters) - Allegations of wrongdoing by Turkey s political and financial leaders have transfixed the country this week
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian insurgents brought down an army helicopter in southwest Syria on Friday, near the Israel-occupied G
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Germany is withdrawing a third diplomat from its embassy in North Korea over increasing concerns
ANKARA (Reuters) - A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.0 struck southeastern Iran on Friday, injuring at least 42 people and d
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday he would use all means necessary, including secre
DHAKA (Reuters) - A 27-year-old Rohingya Muslim woman refugee from Myanmar will meet Pope Francis on Friday in the hop
JAWZJAN, Afghanistan/KABUL (Reuters) - When a Taliban commander defected to Islamic State in northern Afghanistan a few
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will not export its political system, President Xi Jinping told a forum for foreign political groups on Fri
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Three senior Brazilian law enforcement officials, including the former prosecutor general, said new leader
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn warned Morgan Stanley that bankers are right to regard
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s new conservative-far right ruling coalition is likely to be sworn in on Dec. 20, an informed source
YAOUNDE (Reuters) - Militants seeking independence for Cameroon s English-speaking regions killed four soldiers and two pol
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi s strongest potential challenger in the country s 2018 election plans t
ZURICH (Reuters) - A Swiss federal court has dismissed the asylum appeal of a woman convicted in Spain of supporting the Bas
OSLO (Reuters) - Norway and Germany have agreed to develop a common missile for their navies based on Kongsberg Gruppe
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said at a meeting with businesses on Friday that it will become harder t
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations appealed on Friday to the Saudi-led military coalition to fully lift its blockade of Yemen
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Friday it fully understood why the Russian lower house of parliament planned to dis
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - A window appeared to be closing on Friday for travelers stranded on the Indonesian holiday
MANILA (Reuters) - A Philippine college fraternity used its annual naked run on Friday to protest against President Rodrigo Du
TBILISI (Reuters) - A former Islamic State fighter suspected of masterminding a deadly attack on Istanbul airport in 2016 was k
SEOUL (Reuters) - The North Korean soldier critically wounded when making a dash to the south last month may have cheated
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina has given up on rescuing 44 crew members on a submarine that disappeared 15 days ago
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Kim Jong Nam, the murdered half-brother of North Korea s leader, had a dozen vials of antidote fo
TOKYO (Reuters) - Emperor Akihito, who has spent much of his nearly three decades on Japan s throne seeking to soothe the w
MADRID (Reuters) - Eight former Catalan cabinet members currently in custody awaiting trial will appear before the Supreme
DHAKA (Reuters) - Pope Francis celebrated a huge outdoor Mass on Friday to ordain new priests from Bangladesh on his first f
(Reuters) - A Turkish-Iranian gold trader on Thursday told jurors in a New York federal court that Turkish President Recep Tayy
LONDON (Reuters) - Ireland wants re-assurance from Britain there will be no regulatory divergence between it and Northern I
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is considering recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital, a move that could
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese court sentenced a former U.S. military base worker to life in prison on Friday for the rape and m
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s Vakifbank said on Friday it had never had any interest or involvement whatsoever in any of the
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran police fired tear gas at rock-hurling protesters on Thursday after a contentious presidentia
BEIJING (Reuters) - A skyscraper fire in the northern Chinese port city of Tianjin killed 10 and injured five early on Friday, state
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The European Union on Thursday condemned the killing of a female Mexican prosecutor who special
HANOI (Reuters) - A Vietnamese court on Thursday upheld a 10-year jail sentence for a prominent blogger convicted of publis
TOKYO (Reuters) - A special panel to debate the timing of Emperor Akihito s abdication, Japan s first in nearly two centuries, m
LA PAZ (Reuters) - Bolivian President Evo Morales said on Thursday that opposition from the United States convinced him to ru
WASHINGTON/SEOUL (Reuters) - Images released by North Korea on Thursday appeared to show it has succeeded in developi
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese customs authorities handled 2,773 cases of smuggling in the first 10 months of this year, part o
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez extended the lead over his rival to just over one perce
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s intention to avoid a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland after Brexit is inconsisten
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina revoked the credentials of some activists who had been accredited by the World Trade O
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj said on Thursday that he was hopeful that a U.N.-imposed arm
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Remnants of four ballistic missiles fired into Saudi Arabia by Yemen s Houthi rebels this year appe
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrat (SPD) Foreign Minister said on Thursday that his party would not be quick to ag
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - A coalition of Chilean leftist parties on Thursday challenged presidential contender Alejandro Guillier to
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli and a Palestinian were killed on Thursday in two separate incidents in Israel and the occupied
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The government of Niger has approved the use of armed American drones, a U.S. official said on Thu
ADEN (Reuters) - Three fighters from forces loyal to the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed in a second da
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday that he still had confidence in diplomatic efforts
BERLIN (Reuters) - There will never again be a border dividing Northern Ireland and the republic, a British minister said days be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department urged Venezuela on Thursday to immediately release Josh Holt, a U.S. citi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The son of a Russian lawmaker was sentenced to 14 years in prison on Thursday for his role in a cyb
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan authorities on Thursday arrested two once-powerful officials who had run the oil ministry an
GENEVA (Reuters) - Representatives of Syria s warring sides sat just meters apart in separate rooms at U.N. peace talks on Thu
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Thursday that it was extending a round of Syria talks in Geneva until Dec. 15 ai
DUBAI (Reuters) - A ballistic missile fired by Yemen s armed Houthi group at Saudi Arabia was shot down on Thursday near the
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s former Oil Minister Eulogio Del Pino, in video shot before his detention and published on his
SIENA, Italy (Reuters) - Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was ordered on Thursday to stand trial accused of bribin
PARIS (Reuters) - France has stopped a large shipment of Belarus mushrooms contaminated with low-level radioactivity proba
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Finance ministers from Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal and Slovakia bid on Thursday to replace Jeroen Dijs
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Drone owners in Europe will have to register their devices if dangerous and aircraft makers ensure that
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union has agreed a financial settlement with Britain, a senior EU official told Reuters on Th
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish lender Ziraat Bank denied allegations made on Thursday by a Turkish-Iranian gold trader in a New
DHAKA (Reuters) - Pope Francis called on Thursday for decisive measures to resolve the political reasons that caused mostly M
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - The European Union, United Nations and African Union have agreed to an emergency plan to dismantle p
CARACAS (Reuters) - Even by the volatile and violent standards of recent times in Venezuela, 2017 was an exceptional year, a
ROME (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s policies in the Gulf are dangerous and misguided, Iran s foreign minister said
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - More than 500 people were killed in twin bomb blasts in Mogadishu in October, a Somali committee
AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordan will not allow Israel to reopen its embassy in Amman until it has launched legal proceedings agains
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke to South Korean President Moon Jae-In on Thursday for the seco
ROME (Reuters) - A video appearing to show men auctioned as slaves in Tripoli has put a long history of abuses against refuge
GENEVA (Reuters) - Humanitarian crises around the world will worsen next year with no let-up in African civil wars, near-famin
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The newly unveiled presidential contender of Mexico s ruling party, Jose Antonio Meade, lags his mai
DUBLIN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ireland needs Britain to provide significantly more clarity on its plans for the Irish border, Forei
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A man was jailed for 10 years for rape by a Swedish court on Thursday for forcing 27 children from th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is set to cut up to 175 million euros for Turkey in 2018 that are linked to Ankara s st
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish court has ordered the imprisonment of a former El Salvadoran army colonel for participating in
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron has a reputation for disarming hostile audiences with repartee and hum
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump sparked outrage in Britain on Thursday with a sharp rebuke of Prime Ministe
GENEVA (Reuters) - In a thinly veiled reference to U.S. President Donald Trump, the top U.N. human rights official on Thursday
JERUSALEM/GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli tanks and aircraft struck militant positions in the Gaza Strip on Thursday soon after Palesti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 400 U.S. Marines and their artillery are leaving Syria after helping to capture the city of R
PIRAEUS (Reuters) - Greek authorities on Thursday moved a few hundred asylum-seekers from the island of Lesbos to the mai
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish prosecutors said on Thursday they were investigating allegations that President Tayyip Erdogan s f
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations called on world powers on Thursday to help arrange the medical evacuation of 500 pe
ANKARA (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel told Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday that she would wor
ACCRA (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron fears Islamist militants have scored military and symbolic victories in W
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s state prosecutor confirmed on Thursday that former oil bosses Eulogio Del Pino and Nelson M
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s President Moon Jae-in said on Thursday a missile launched this week by North Korea was the
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian Finance Minister Hans Joerg Schelling said on Thursday he would not serve in the next coalition go
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh could start relocating Rohingya Muslim refugees to a flood-prone island off its coast in the midd
AMMAN (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Thursday that U.S. President Donald Trump was wrong to retw
OSLO (Reuters) - The Nobel Peace Prize winner s campaign to ban nuclear weapons will not make the world more peaceful, th
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish lender Aktif Bank said on Thursday it had not violated any U.S. or international sanctions, after it
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Thursday called a U.S. decision to withdraw the Congressional press credentials of Russia
HELSINKI (Reuters) - A Finnish court banned neo-Nazi group the Nordic Resistance Movement (PVL) on Thursday, saying there
ROME/ANKARA (Reuters) - China is financing billions of dollars worth of Chinese-led projects in Iran, making deep inroads into
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday welcomed Chinese efforts toward North Korea ami
DHAKA (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Thursday called for decisive measures to resolve the political crisis causing mostly Muslim
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The threat of new U.S. sanctions has spread anxiety among Russia s wealthiest people that their associati
SEOUL/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States warned North Korea s leadership it would be utterly destroyed if war w
AMMAN (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday underlined Britain s support for the nuclear deal concluded with
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s ambassador to the United States discussed a row over retweets sent by President Donald Trump
BEIRUT (Reuters) - When Iran declared victory over Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, it hailed the strong and pivotal role played
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that U.S.-Russia ties were the worst he could
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s Denizbank said on Thursday it did not have any dealings with the shipping group owned by gold
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish state lender Halkbank on Thursday denied allegations that it was involved in illegal transactions d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China s envoy to North Korea appears to have had little impact in addressing tensions with North Ko
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday that the main question now is finding a solution to the North Korea crisis r
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday it was confident the United States was using sanctions in an attempt to tur
DAKAR/LIBORE, Niger (Reuters) - Mabingue Ngom, the head of the U.N. Population Fund in West Africa, knows that if he want
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Lawyers for Jacob Zuma have until midnight to file papers outlining why nearly 800 corruption cha
LONDON (Reuters) - Net migration to Britain fell by the largest amount on record in the 12 months after the Brexit vote, with m
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey did not violate U.S. sanctions against Iran and did the right thing regardless of the outcome of the
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - A U.N. tribunal that was stunned by the courtroom suicide of a Bosnian Croat war criminal said on Thu
WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday shared anti-Muslim videos posted on Twitter by a
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is fully focused on tackling extremism, her spokesman said on Thursda
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia accused the United States on Thursday of trying to provoke North Korean leader Kim Jong Un into
TARTU, Estonia (Reuters) - A group of NATO allies are considering a more muscular response to state-sponsored computer hac
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Security Council secretary Nikolai Patrushev said on Thursday Moscow was already preparing to
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark passed a law on Thursday that could allow it to ban Russia s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline fro
(This November 28 story corrects to add attribution to information in paragraphs 13 and 14) By Margarita Antidze TBILISI (Reu
SEOUL (Reuters) - On an icy December day in 2011, North Korea s new leader Kim Jong Un was accompanied by seven adviser
PYONGYANG - North Koreans stage a demonstration of devotion to their leader Kim Jong Un at least once a year, in a large cer
LONDON (Reuters) - British interior minister Amber Rudd said on Thursday she hoped Britain s condemnation of U.S. Presiden
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - At least 800 civilians have been killed in strikes in Iraq and Syria by the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s ruling United Russia party will support President Vladimir Putin if he decides to run for a new ter
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday allegations that Russian athletes used doping
PARIS (Reuters) - France is hoping to strike deals to sell 12 Rafale fighter jets and armored vehicles to Qatar when President Em
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s government published a draft agreement between Russia and Egypt on Thursday allowing both
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - As dark falls, Adeeb Joudeh, a Muslim, makes his way through the stone alleyways of Jerusalem s walle
MADRID (Reuters) - A passenger train derailed in the Spanish province of Seville on Wednesday, leaving 21 people injured, one
DUBLIN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ireland needs Britain to provide significantly more clarity on its plans for the Irish border, Forei
DHAKA (Reuters) - Pope Francis landed in Bangladesh on Thursday after a diplomatically sensitive trip to neighboring Myanma
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia has canceled the diplomatic passports of some opposition members weeks after a Suprem
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s coast guard on Thursday boarded a North Korean fishing boat near a Japanese island where the cre
BANGKOK (Reuters) - An election could be a year away in army-ruled Thailand, but Anutin Charnvirakul is already eyeing a role
KARANGASEM, Indonesia (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of villagers on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali are refusing to eva
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The U.S. military did not kill any civilians when it accompanied Somali forces on a deadly raid in August, U.
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar must guarantee equal rights for everyone in troubled Rakhine state as talks on repatriation of
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (Reuters) - A suspected U.S. drone strike on Thursday targeted a hideout of the Haqqani militant
YANGON (Reuters) - Pope Francis flew to Bangladesh on Thursday after a visit to Myanmar where he made no direct reference
(Reuters) - A New York comedian has been compelled to appear before a House Intelligence Committee investigating suspecte
TOKYO (Reuters) - Emperor Akihito will hand over all public duties to his heir after retiring in what will be Japan s first abdicati
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The actions of U.S. President Donald Trump s team are similar to the policies of his predecessor Barack O
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduras faced a growing election crisis on Wednesday, with its U.S.-friendly president edging ahea
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Thursday pledged stiffer oversight of preschool teachers, including closer checks on their qualifica
ANKARA (Reuters) - The European Union does not share Turkey s view that the network of U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Salvador Nasralla, the Honduran opposition candidate whose early lead against President Juan Orlan
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States has asked China to cut off oil supply to North Korea, U.S. Ambassador to the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump fired back at British Prime Minister Theresa May over her criticism of h
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina sentenced 29 people, some with nicknames like Blond Angel of Death and The Tiger, to
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - The airport on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali reopened on Wednesday as wind blew aw
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia called on North Korea on Wednesday to stop its miss
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez on Wednesday edged ahead of his TV star rival in a co
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Iceland s opposition leader Katrin Jakobsdottir will become the country s new prime minister, after h
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday he would draw up a list of extremist organizations t
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman met with North Korea s Ambassador Ja Song
GAZA (Reuters) - Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas agreed on Wednesday to delay final transfer of power of the Gaza
OTTAWA (Reuters) - An international meeting in Canada on North Korea in January is designed to produce better ideas to eas
TUNIS (Reuters) - The bodies of 36 men found near the eastern Libyan town of al-Abyar in October appear to have been summ
CAIRO (Reuters) - Former Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, an ex-air force pilot and former presidential candidate, said o
ROME (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri indicated on Wednesday that he might withdraw his resignation nex
OSLO (Reuters) - The anti-nuclear group which won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize accused the United States, Britain and France
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States urged election authorities to review the results of Sunday s vote in Honduras with
BERLIN (Reuters) - A Franco-German program to develop a European fighter jet will likely be widened to include other countrie
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Europe and Africa have joint responsibility for making migration more humane and orderly so they can en
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Wednesday that matters were positive and if that continu
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - A former Bosnian Croat military commander swallowed what he said was poison in a U.N. war crimes c
DUBAI (Reuters) - Four supporters of Yemen s former president Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed in clashes with their supposed a
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. refugee agency on Wednesday welcomed a decision by Libya to open a transit center for unacco
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan dismissed as lies accusations by Turkey s main opposition party that his family h
DUBAI (Reuters) - Former Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, who told Reuters on Wednesday he intended to run in the p
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday he was counting on U.N. Security Council members
BERLIN (Reuters) - NATO should defend Sweden and Finland in the event of an armed aggression, although neither country is
BERLIN (Reuters) - Members of Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) and Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives argued on W
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German court on Wednesday ordered the release of an army officer suspected of planning to carry out an
LAGOS (Reuters) - Nigeria s president said on Wednesday the government had started bringing stranded citizens home from L
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syria s opposition wants Russia and other states to put pressure on President Bashar al-Assad to engage in
CARACAS/HOUSTON (Reuters) - Venezuela has ordered the removal of Rafael Ramirez, once a powerful oil minister and head
SOFIA (Reuters) - Iran denied access to its airspace to a Bulgarian government jet taking a delegation led by Prime Minister Bo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Dozens of mortar bombs landed on the last major rebel stronghold near the Syrian capital Damascus on We
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday stressed the importance of ending smuggling and slave
LONDON (Reuters) - The British Foreign Office said it had summoned the North Korean ambassador to condemn Wednesday s
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish rescue services pulled three drowned men from the Strait of Gibraltar after rescuing one man from
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union lawmakers have asked for protection when they visit Malta this week to probe accusati
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier discussed the need to
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Venezuela s government has not officially notified the United Nations of any changes to its representati
YANGON (Reuters) - The Vatican on Wednesday defended Pope Francis s decision not to use the word Rohingya in public dur
BERLIN (Reuters) - The European Union s chief Brexit negotiator told German industry on Wednesday that it was his responsib
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May faced a backlash on Wednesday from prominent supporters of Brexit after re
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Joining NATO would improve Finland s security but is unlikely to happen any time soon because of a lack
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s vice president said on Wednesday that he hopes Nicolas Maduro will be re-elected as presid
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s ambassador to the United Nations accused the U.S.-led coalition in Syria on Wednesday of tryin
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Wednesday ordered his military command to use all force necessa
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on worshippers at the entrance of a Shi ite Muslim mosque in Pak
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Parliament s main Brexit coordinator expressed great concern on Wednesday that talks o
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump was wrong to have posted anti-Islam videos on Twitter that had originally be
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU governments will study a new proposal aimed at overcoming the deep splits over sharing responsibili
JUBA (Reuters) - A tribal militia killed at least 43 people in South Sudan s Jonglei state, local officials said on Wednesday, exten
NORTH SINAI, Egypt (Reuters) - An attack that killed more than 300 people in North Sinai has prompted Egyptian officials to re
LA PAZ (Reuters) - Bolivia s socialist President Evo Morales on Wednesday hailed a decision by the country s highest court to a
ZAGREB (Reuters) - Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday he regretted the death of Slobodan Praljak, t
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s military said on Wednesday that more than 80 militants were killed in an air strike on Monday i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States plans to impose additional sanctions against North Korea very soon, a White Hous
UMM AL HAWAYA, Qatar (Reuters) - Deep in the Qatari desert, a herd of cows stands in a vast shed, cooled by fans and jets of
SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) - When RYB Education Inc became enmeshed in allegations of child abuse at one of its Beijing kin
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Appeals judges at the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal upheld on Wednesday the convictions of six Bosnia
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel plans to appoint a new ambassador to Jordan in a bid to calm Amman s anger over the current e
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union has given Prime Minister Theresa May until Monday to raise Britain s offer of divorc
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May met with her Iraqi counterpart Haider al-Abadi in Baghdad on Wedn
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping told his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump that it is Beijing s unswerving goal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday said additional major sanctions would be imposed on N
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has re-tweeted anti-Islam videos originally posted by Jayda Fransen, a leade
RIYADH (Reuters) - Senior Saudi Arabian prince Miteb bin Abdullah, once seen as a leading contender to the throne, has been
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday called on Chinese President Xi Jinping to exert Beijing s
KUWAIT (Reuters) - An annual summit of Gulf Arab heads of state will convene in Kuwait on Dec. 5 and 6, Gulf officials said on
ATHENS (Reuters) - Nine Turkish citizens were charged in Greece with terrorism-related offences on Wednesday, accused of h
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The Czech center-left government of Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka stepped down on Wednesday, mak
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Dutch police have declared the courtroom where a Bosnian Croat war crimes defendant said he drank
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Divers searching waters near Copenhagen found a second arm on Wednesday that police said proba
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German court ruled on Wednesday that a 96-year-old German known as the bookkeeper of Auschwitz w
LONDON (Reuters) - British negotiators are still working out a deal with the European Union, Treasury minister Liz Truss said o
HARARE (Reuters) - A Zimbabwean court found a pastor not guilty on Wednesday of attempting to subvert the government in
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Progress is being made in talks between Britain and the EU on how to avoid setting up a physical infrastruc
BERLIN (Reuters) - European Union chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Wednesday that the bloc had to be, and was
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) it test-fired on Wednesday was launched fro
GENEVA (Reuters) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Wednesday it was making a stop-gap purcha
LONDON (Reuters) - Foreign banks in Britain view any attempt to make them convert their branches to subsidiaries after Brexi
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek said on Wednesday Turkey will do whatever is necessary if its ba
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine soldiers have killed 14 Maoist guerrillas in an offensive south of the capital, Manila, an army offi
BERLIN (Reuters) - The European Union s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Wednesday he was still working to re
BRUSSELS/LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has offered to pay much of what the European Union was demanding to settle a Brexit
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The latest test of a new North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a provocative act, Russia
MAREA, Syria/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Shaven-headed former jihadists filled a classroom in northern Syria as a Muslim cleric taught
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s upper house Senate on Wednesday passed a measure to legalize same-sex marriage, perhaps a
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain wants to reach an agreement with the European Union that would secure a frictionless border bet
SEOUL (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is considering attending the winter Olympics in South Korea in February
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel, currently trying to form a new coalition government after September s e
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany strongly condemns North Korea s latest ballistic missile test, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Wednesday it had successfully tested a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile (IC
SEOUL (Reuters) - When North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an order for his scientists to test their latest missile, he was n
PARIS (Reuters) - A year ago, France s conservatives appeared headed for the presidency. Now the French right is more fractu
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, facing Western donor pressure over a crackdown on critics ahe
ADEN (Reuters) - Assailants detonated a car bomb outside the Yemeni Finance Ministry offices in the southern city of Aden on
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela systematically abused anti-government protesters this year, two rights groups said on Wedne
BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed grave concern on Wednesday after North Korea fired what appeared to be an intercontin
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Two human heads were discovered in a cooler outside an office of broadcaster Televisa in the Mexica
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Bali airport will reopen on Wednesday afternoon, authorities said, two days after a volcanic e
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish prosecutors have issued detention warrants for 360 people in an operation targeting supporters
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The Honduran presidential candidate leading after a partial count of votes said he would review whe
CAIRO (Reuters) - Militant group Islamic State claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack outside the offices of the Yemeni fin
CAIRO (Reuters) - Militant group Islamic State claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack outside the offices of the Yemeni fin
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The result of Honduras presidential election remained in limbo on Tuesday, with a gregarious TV ho
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore authorities charged human rights activist Jolovan Wham on Wednesday for organizing publi
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea successfully launched a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-15 that can
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Wednesday said that any attempt to hype up its decision to jail a Taiwanese rights activist for sub
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A newly unveiled presidential contender for Mexico s ruling party attacked his main leftist rival on Tue
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea will make an announcement at 0330 GMT, South Korea s Yonhap news agency said on Wednes
LA PAZ (Reuters) - Bolivia s highest court struck down limits on re-election in the country s constitution and election laws on Tu
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s new oil czar vowed on Tuesday to root out corruption in state oil company PDVSA in a comb
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s President Moon Jae-in said on Wednesday North Korea s missile technology seems to have im
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s Joint Chiefs of Staff said they presume North Korea fired a Hwasong-14 long-range ballistic mi
HONOLULU (Reuters) - Hawaii this week will resume monthly statewide testing of Cold War-era nuclear attack warning sirens
OTTAWA (Reuters) - A planned meeting of foreign ministers to discuss the North Korean crisis is not scheduled to take place b
DUBAI (Reuters) - Senior Saudi Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, once seen as a leading contender to the throne, was freed after rea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday that a new law allowing Russia s Justice Ministry to list f
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to boost their response to No
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday that municipal elections in Cuba over the weekend were
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will travel to the Middle East this week to lend her support to econom
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s President Moon Jae-in said on Wednesday he strongly condemns North Korea s latest ballistic
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron condemned on Tuesday what appeared to be an intercontinental ballisti
BERLIN (Reuters) - China s growing military strength and a resurgent Russia will pose growing challenges to the trans-Atlantic a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States will take care of the North Korea is
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday strongly condemned North Korea s launch of an app
SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) - An El Salvador court on Tuesday ruled in a civil case that former President Mauricio Funes and one
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States and Japan have requested that the United Nations Security Council meet on W
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. general in Afghanistan said on Tuesday that he had not seen a change in Pakistan s sup
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - North Korea s latest missile launch undermines regional and international security and Pyongyang needs
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Syrian Kurdish PYD forces sprayed a Turkish border post with gunfire late on Tuesday, wounding one sold
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - North Korea s latest missile launch is a further unacceptable violation of its international obligations, a s
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that Saudi Arabia presents Iran as an enemy because it w
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - The Brazilian government is looking at all options, including large batteries, to help northern Roraima s
LONDON (Reuters) - A British government official cast doubt on a newspaper report on Tuesday that Britain and the EU had re
(Reuters) - The UK has agreed to fully honor its financial commitments to the European Union, assuming liabilities worth up to
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is seeking to build on the recent momentum in the Brexit divorce talks with the European Union b
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States threatened on Tuesday to take further action against the South Sudan governm
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta was sworn in for a second term on Tuesday, shortly before riot police te
OUAGADOUGOU (Reuters) - France s President Emmanuel Macron told African youths on Tuesday that he belonged to a new
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey said on Tuesday it could expand its military mission in Syria to two other provinces, potentially br
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea fired one ballistic missile from Pyongsong, a city in South Pyongan Province, at around 1817 GM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. government experts think North Korea could conduct a new missile test within days, in what wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea has fired an unidentified ballistic missile, U.S. officials told Reuters on Tuesday on cond
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Tuesday that it had detected a probable missile launch from North Korea. W
ROME (Reuters) - An Italian judge ruled on Tuesday that a convicted mobster and son of late boss Salvatore Toto Riina be det
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - European leaders under pressure from a far-right revival at home hope to avoid a difficult debate about im
BEIRUT/GENEVA (Reuters) - A Syrian government delegation will arrive in Geneva on Wednesday, a day later than expected, to
GENEVA (Reuters) - The Syrian government has accepted a Russian suggestion of a ceasefire in the besieged rebel-held enclav
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s scandal-hit deputy prime minister resigned on Tuesday, averting a government collapse and pote
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech ANO party leader Andrej Babis said on Tuesday he expected his minority cabinet to take power on D
GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations women s rights panel called on Myanmar on Tuesday to report within six months on rap
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany is best suited to host a new NATO military logistics command, the top U.S. Army general in Europe
KARANGASEM, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesia kept the airport on Bali closed on Tuesday as ash from an erupting volcano swe
JAKARTA/CANDI DASA, Indonesia (Reuters) - Bali s rumbling Mount Agung is starting to impact the economy of the holiday isla
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces have killed 11 suspected militants in a shootout near the Sinai, the interior ministry
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A colleague of Katerina Tikhonova from the world of acrobatic rock n roll confirmed that she is the young
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is actively considering when and how to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel t
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese police said late on Tuesday some claims of child abuse at a Beijing kindergarten run by New Yor
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s attempts to keep her Brexit plans secret provoked a new row on Tuesday w
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh approved a $280 million project on Tuesday to develop an isolated and flood-prone island in th
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police found bomb-making equipment and detonators in raids in Athens on Tuesday and were ques
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - France said on Tuesday it wanted the United Nations Security Council to consider imposing targe
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A roadside bomb planted by the Taliban killed at least eight civilians including three wome
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel scolded a minister on Tuesday in a bid to shield talks on forming a coaliti
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s new president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, on Tuesday announced a three-month amnesty wind
PARIS (Reuters) - During his rapid rise to the presidency, France s Emmanuel Macron was sometimes referred to as a lucky ge
HARARE (Reuters) - Robert Mugabe s 37-year rule may be over, but a culture of political fawning by the Zimbabwean state me
MADRID (Reuters) - Imprisoned former vice-president of Catalonia Oriol Junqueras and three other jailed members of his ERC
BERLIN (Reuters) - A senior Russia s foreign ministry official on Tuesday said he was not worried by the European Union s mov
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines national police chief said on Tuesday that Reuters had timed a report on a deadly anti-dru
HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s daughter Ivanka Trump kicked off a global business summit in so
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan authorities are attempting to negotiate with a group that has cut water supplies to the Libyan capita
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Tuesday urged the leaders of majority-Buddhist Myanmar, mired in a crisis over the fa
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Shelling killed three people in the last major rebel stronghold near Damascus on Tuesday, a war monitor sa
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syrian government and opposition negotiators meeting in Geneva this week will have the chance to hold d
STAVROPOL, Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin may be criticized by the West for the annexation of Crimea from Ukra
CONAKRY (Reuters) - A two-day skirmish between Guinean and Malian villagers over control of a gold mine that straddles the
BERLIN (Reuters) - The mayor of a small town in western Germany known for pursuing liberal migrant policies was stabbed in
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s Deputy Prime Minister has to resign or else she will force a snap election next month, a senior me
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court has issued detention warrants for two people including a former opposition lawmaker fo
OUAGADOUGOU (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday he would ask European leaders to help evac
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday sought to make a clean break from his pre
TOKYO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Japan has detected radio signals suggesting North Korea may be preparing another ballistic
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia s lower house of congress late on Monday backed a bill to regulate transitional justice under the
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said on Tuesday that any African can get a visa on arrival in Kenya, and
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Indonesian business tycoon Hary Tanoesoedibjo said on Tuesday he was not planning to stand in the c
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police found bomb making equipment and detonators during an early-morning raid at three addres
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - Pope Francis said on Tuesday that Myanmar is suffering from civil conflict and hostilities that have las
LONDON (Reuters) - A year after a wave of denial-of-service attacks knocked out major websites around the world, millions of
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - When hardline Pakistani Islamists signed an agreement with the government on Monday to end a crip
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi said on Tuesday there had been an erosion of trust and understand
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Syrian government delegation will arrive in Geneva on Wednesday to attend peace talks this week, state
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya President Uhuru Kenyatta was sworn in for second, five-year term on Tuesday, ending months of po
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The two independent cabinet ministers that support Prime Minister Leo Varadkar s minority government s
MOSCOW (Reuters) - No firm date has been set yet for a Congress of Syria s peoples proposed by Russia, the Kremlin said on T
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s finance minister resigned on Monday to seek the 2018 presidential nomination of the ruling
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s outgoing finance minister Jose Antonio Meade said on Monday he will seek the presidential
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday his talks with U.S. President Donald Trump last week we
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday he would hold another phone call with U.S. President D
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has received assurances that the Syrian gove
BEIJING (Reuters) - In Xinjiancun, a ramshackle village of migrant workers on the far southern fringe of Beijing, demolition mac
BEIJING (Reuters) - A prominent Chinese general under investigation for corruption has committed suicide, state media said on
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Burundi s main opposition grouping said it is boycotting peace talks that resumed on Tuesday in Tanzania,
VIENNA (Reuters) - The European Union is increasingly willing to consider Western Balkan states joining the bloc, which could
SYDNEY/MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Police have arrested a 20-year-old man suspected of planning to use an automatic rifle for a
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Shura Council, a top advisory council to the government, is studying proposals for protection
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai authorities have arrested 16 people who were protesting against the construction of a coal-fired po
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea may announce the completion of its nuclear program within a year, South Korea s unification m
SEOUL/BEIJING (Reuters) - China will allow travel agencies in Beijing and Shandong to partly resume sales of group tours to So
NAIROBI, (Reuters) - Kenyan police fired teargas on Tuesday to try to control a crowd of thousands of people trying to force th
PARIS (Reuters) - A grenade thrown at French soldiers wounded three civilians in the Burkina Faso capital of Ouagadougou sho
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - China on Tuesday sentenced Taiwanese rights activist Li Ming-che to five years in prison for subverti
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Prince Harry and U.S. actress Meghan Markle announced on Monday they were getting married
LONDON (Reuters) - Just four weeks after a blind date with U.S. actress Meghan Markle that left him beautifully surprised , Br
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian designer Line the Label shot to prominence on Monday after U.S. actress Meghan Markle wore
KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani police on Monday exhumed the bodies of a young couple believed to have murdered b
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s Deputy Prime Minister resisted calls to resign in a crisis that has left the country on the brink of a
GENEVA (Reuters) - Diplomats are searching for ways to prevent the global trade dispute resolution system from freezing up, a
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - With 70 percent of ballots counted in the Honduran presidential election, opposition candidate Salv
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel will focus on expanding business ties and trying to regulate migration wi
WASHINGTON/ANKARA (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Monday it was reviewing adjustments in arms for the Syrian Kurdis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States plans to reduce military support for groups fighting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The United Nations has asked Brazil to send troops to join its peace mission in the Central African Republi
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Two attackers shot several civilians on Monday in the Nahrawan area southeast of Baghdad before one
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide attack that took place on Monday targeting the Nahrawan a
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A breakthrough in U.N.-backed Syria peace talks in Geneva this week seems hardly more likely than in seve
GENEVA (Reuters) - The Syrian opposition delegation at peace talks in Geneva is aiming for the removal of President Bashar al
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli parliament voted on Monday in favor of a draft law barring police from publicizing its conclu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Monday it was reviewing adjustments in arms for U.S.-backed Kurdish forces
HARARE (Reuters) - Ousted Zimbabwe finance minister Ignatius Chombo, charged with three counts of corruption for offences
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Christmas markets opened on Monday at the start of the holiday season, with security staff on h
LISBON (Reuters) - Portugal s parliament on Monday approved in the final reading the minority Socialist government s 2018 bu
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Luis Zelaya, the third-placed candidate in Sunday s Honduran presidential election, said on Monday t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - President Michel Aoun held talks on Monday with other Lebanese political leaders over the future of Prime
PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Monday that the political and militant group Hezbollah must
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Monday named Patrick Chinamasa acting finance ministe
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russia proposed a two-day ceasefire on Monday in the last major rebel stronghold near the Syrian capital D
BOSASO, Somalia (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Monday it had carried out an air strike against Islamic State militants in n
CARACAS (Reuters) - A general appointed at the weekend to run Venezuela s energy sector will name more military officers to
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Water entered the snorkel of the Argentine submarine ARA San Juan, causing its battery to short-cir
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Uganda on Monday charged eight managers and editors of a daily newspaper with several offences inclu
LONDON (Reuters) - A British teenager was found guilty on Monday of planning to drive a car into a crowd in the Welsh capita
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil s lower house Speaker Rodrigo Maia said on Monday he will try to pass a fiscally crucial pension
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece s junior coalition party leader on Monday faced questioning in parliament and calls for his suspens
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel piled pressure on Monday on the Social Democrats (SPD) to rejoin a grand coaliti
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s minister for social protection said she expects the government and main opposition party to avoid
DUBAI (Reuters) - A ship carrying 5,500 tonnes of flour docked in Yemen s Hodeidah port in the Red Sea on Sunday, the first aft
LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union is entirely confused since Britain voted to leave the bloc and it needs to revisit its vi
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Former Russian economy minister Alexei Ulyukayev, accused of extorting a bribe, told a court on Monda
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden will let some migrants who arrived as unaccompanied minors and turned 18 during the proce
SOFIA (Reuters) - The Bulgarian Orthodox Church has taken a step towards possible eventual recognition of Macedonia s Orth
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A Sudanese general and nine soldiers were killed in clashes in the war-damaged region of Darfur on Su
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Prince Harry, who announced earlier on Monday he was engaged to his American girlfriend Meg
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Prince Harry is engaged to his U.S. actress girlfriend Meghan Markle with the marriage due to tak
KUWAIT (Reuters) - A Kuwaiti court handed several lawmakers jail terms on Monday for forcing their way into the parliament
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish and Sudanese intelligence agencies have captured and returned to Turkey a man believed to be a
YANGON (Reuters) - Pope Francis held talks on Monday with Myanmar s military chief at the start of a delicate visit to a major
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian-backed Congress of Syrian peoples in the Russian city of Sochi has been postponed until Febru
HARARE (Reuters) - Inside State House in Harare, Robert Mugabe was in the tightest spot of his 37-year rule. Tanks were on th
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s Defence Ministry denied on Monday that Russian war planes had carried out deadly air strikes o
BERLIN (Reuters) - The leader of the Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) said nothing had been ruled out ahead of talks with Ch
BERLIN (Reuters) - During Germany s election campaign, the Social Democrats (SPD) rallied behind French President Emmanue
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron s bold vision for European renewal will be harder to translate into real policy ch
TOKYO (Reuters) - Eight bodies, which had been reduced partly to skeletons, were found on Monday in a small wooden ship th
PANMUNJOM, South Korea (Reuters) - North Korea violated an armistice agreement with South Korea this month when North
WARSAW (Reuters) - The president of the European Parliament said on Monday he would ask Poland s prime minister to ensu
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesia closed the airport on the tourist island of Bali on Monday and ordered 100,000 res
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A 17-year-old Danish girl who offered to fight for Islamic State was sentenced on Monday to eight ye
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany may need to change its constitution to allow it to strike back at hackers who target private compu
DUBLIN/LONDON (Reuters) - Ireland and Britain remained at odds on Monday on how to progress talks on the Irish border wit
DUBAI (Reuters) - The health of Bahrain s top Shi ite Muslim cleric has deteriorated, activists said on Monday, after months un
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A hardline Pakistani Islamist group called off nationwide protests on Monday after the government me
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany needs a stable government as soon as possible in order to respond to proposals for reforming the
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. Human Rights Council is expected to hold a special session on killings, rapes and other crimes com
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish academic Fikret Baskaya was briefly detained on Monday as part of an operation targeting memb
NEW DELHI/KOCHI, India (Reuters) - India s Supreme Court started hearing a case on Monday that prosecutors say shows how
LONDON (Reuters) - King Edward VIII sacrificed his throne and Queen Elizabeth s sister Margaret gave up her one true love, bu
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Four Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmakers who were ousted from the legislature this year condemne
BAMAKO (Reuters) - Mali s government said it has delayed regional elections from December to April amid security concerns c
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian government delegation has postponed its departure to U.N.-backed peace talks that are due to
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian government welcomes the formation of a committee that will discuss the current constitution a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ramzan Kadyrov, head of Russia s Chechnya, said he was ready to die for Vladimir Putin and stand down
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian police on Monday used metal cutters to remove five protesters who had chained themselves to
MADRID (Reuters) - Barely a quarter of Catalans want to continue with a plan to claim independence from Spain in the wake o
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that Ramzan Kadyrov, the outspoken leader of Russia s republic of Chechny
BEIJING (Reuters) - A powerful explosion in a Chinese city south of Shanghai brought down buildings in a neighborhood marke
ROME (Reuters) - Silvio Berlusconi has suggested a Carabinieri (military police) general could be Italy s next prime minister if h
HARARE (Reuters) - New Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa is expected to form a new cabinet this week, with all
(Reuters) - A court in Vietnam jailed a blogger on Monday for seven years for conducting propaganda against the state , the la
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - A left-right coalition led by a flamboyant TV host took a surprise lead in the Honduran presidential el
YANGON (Reuters) - Pope Francis landed in Yangon on Monday, the start of a delicate visit for the world s most prominent Chr
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said on Monday that the United States wanted to use the t
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 struck off the Pacific Ocean nation of Papua New Guinea on Monday,
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The loss of a state election in Queensland has stepped up pressure on Australian Prime Minister Malcolm T
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican finance minister Jose Antonio Meade will step down on Monday, two people familiar with th
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika said the closure of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airpo
BEIJING (Reuters) - China must keep up efforts to revolutionize its toilets until the task is completed, state media quoted Chin
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s disaster mitigation agency said 40,000 people had been evacuated from near Bali s erupting M
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s civilian leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, will soon visit Beijing, state media said on Monday, as the so
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The closure of I Gusti Ngurah Rai airport on the Indonesian island of Bali due to a volcanic eruption has aff
CHISHAWASHA, Zimbabwe (Reuters) - Robert Mugabe s face glowed with relief when he agreed to step down as Zimbabwe s
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, a U.S. ally from the center-right National Party, on Sun
HAVANA (Reuters) - Armando Hart, who headed the Cuban revolution s literacy campaign and served for decades as educatio
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - An exit poll by a Honduran TV channel gave a strong lead to President Juan Orlando Hernandez, a sta
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Beijing will hire permanent inspectors to provide oversight at every one of its kindergartens following ch
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Searchers for an Argentine submarine missing since Nov. 15 battled gale-force South Atlantic winds
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Implicated in five corruption scandals since the 1990s but never convicted, the speaker of Indonesia s par
BERLIN (Reuters) - Leaders of German Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservative party agreed on Sunday to pursue a grand coa
CAIRO (Reuters) - A Cairo court on Sunday released 17 people arrested last month during a crackdown by the authorities on ho
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Romanians rallied in the capital Bucharest and dozens of other cities on Sunday,
DAKAR (Reuters) - Suspected Christian militias killed an Egyptian U.N. peacekeeper and wounded three others in an attack in s
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Sunday an attack on an Egyptian mo
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Hondurans vote on Sunday in a presidential election that many expect to result in a second term for
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Hondurans voted on Sunday in a presidential election that many expect to result in a second term fo
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba took another step on Sunday toward the end of the Castro era, with millions of residents placing pap
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement wants international observers to monitor next year s national el
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar is doing everything he can to avoid a snap general election, his spokesm
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will not resolve the question of the Irish border after Brexit until it has also agreed the outline of a
ISMAILIA, Egypt (Reuters) - The mosque was packed with hundreds of worshippers for Friday prayers in Egypt s North Sinai wh
BEIRUT (Reuters) - An intensifying push by the Syrian government and allied forces to take the last major rebel stronghold nea
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Six Russian Tu-22M3 long-range bombers hit Islamic State targets in Syria s Deir al-Zor province on Sunda
(Reuters) - Momentum in Germany is building for a new grand coalition between Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservative blo
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Pro-independence parties may fail to retain an absolute majority of seats in the Catalan parliament in
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Nigeria s military has repelled an attempt by suspected Boko Haram militants to seize the nort
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia s opposition Liberty Party will take its claims of election fraud to the Supreme Court this week a
SEOUL (Reuters) - The South Korean president s office said on Sunday that it will begin a review on the country s 64-year-old la
ISTANBUL/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A trial which has strained Turkish-U.S. ties before it even started opens this week in New Yor
DENPASAR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesian and regional authorities heightened flight warnings around Bali s Mount Agung o
BEIJING (Reuters) - British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, on his Chinese microblog Weibo account, praised the lead si
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese cosmetics firm has apologized for a sign banning entry for Chinese people posted in one of its ou
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Sunday called for the closure of one of the country s main hu
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The resurgence of Australian nationalist politics has been halted at a state election in coal-rich Queensland
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese educational services provider RYB Education Inc said it had removed the head of one of its kinderg
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepalis began voting for a new parliament on Sunday with the army on alert on Sunday as a series of
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Millions of Nepalis vote on Sunday to choose a new parliament and seven state assemblies more tha
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - No sign of the Argentine submarine lost in the South Atlantic since Nov. 15 has been found despite
CAIRO (Reuters) - Gunmen who attacked a mosque on Friday in Egypt s North Sinai brandished an Islamic State flag as they op
LONDON (Reuters) - The deputy head of Iran s Revolutionary Guards warned Europe that if it threatens Tehran, the Guards wi
GENEVA/SANAA (Reuters) - Humanitarian aid workers and medical supplies began arriving in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa on S
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday welcomed the prospect of talks on a grand coalition with her Social
BAUCHI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Suspected members of Islamist militant group Boko Haram took over a town in the restive state of
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - At least 31 migrants died after their boat sank off Libya s western coast on Saturday and some 200 others w
LILLE, France (Reuters) - Five migrants were wounded on Saturday when shots were fired during a brawl in the northern Frenc
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Saturday that he would not accept Iran-backed Hezbollah s
BEIRUT (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday received members of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Ha
HARARE (Reuters) - Former Zimbabwe finance minister Ignatius Chombo, among those detained by the military before Robert
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Saturday there would be repercussions for U.S.-Pakistan relations unless Is
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan s government on Saturday called on the army to help clear a sit-in by Islamist hard-liners bloc
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Support for Ireland s governing Fine Gael party fell in a poll on Saturday as a political crisis that has left the
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani authorities ordered private television channels to go off air on Saturday during a police and p
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan s government on Saturday called on the military to help police break up a sit-in by religious ha
LONDON (Reuters) - The trilateral meeting between Iran, Russia and Turkey in the Russian resort of Sochi this week was a righ
HARARE (Reuters) - Ousted Zimbabwe finance minister Ignatius Chombo, charged with three counts of corruption in offences
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law on Saturday new measures allowing authorities to list fo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian long-range bombers hit Islamic State targets in the northeast of Syria on Saturday, Russian news
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Elections organized by the Kurdish-led authorities of northern Syria will be held on Dec. 1, part of a process
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday unveiled measures aimed at educating the public and scho
OOSTKAMP, Belgium (Reuters) - Catalonia s former leader challenged Spain and the European Union to respect the result of C
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Top Lebanese Druze politician Walid Jumblatt on Saturday called on Saudi Arabia to enter dialogue with Ira
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh and Myanmar have agreed to take help from the U.N. refugee agency to safely repatriate hund
BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing police investigating alleged child abuse at a kindergarten run by RYB Education Inc said on Saturday
CAIRO (Reuters) - Militant gunmen who killed more than 300 people in an attack on a mosque in Egypt s North Sinai on Friday
CAIRO (Reuters) - The death toll in a devastating militant attack on a mosque on Friday in Egypt s North Sinai has risen to 305 k
(This Nov. 24 story has been refiled to correct paragraph eight to say former CEO was not among the five people prosecuted.)
PARIS (Reuters) - French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Saturday he believed the banks that closed the accounts of f
BEIJING (Reuters) - The police of Beijing s Chaoyang district have detained a teacher on suspicion of abuse at a RYB kindergart
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Coast Guard found the body of a male and parts of a wooden boat suspected to be from North Kore
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s government will set aside around 2 trillion yen ($17.93 billion) to subsidize education costs and imp
BERLIN (Reuters) - Members of Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) will likely approve a renewed coalition with Chancellor Ang
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Families of the 44 crew members of a missing Argentine submarine gave up hope and went home o
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine President Mauricio Macri said on Friday that the country s navy and foreign forces would
RIYADH/AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria s main opposition group selected a new chief negotiator on Friday ahead of a new round of
RIYADH (Reuters) - The next round of U.N.-backed peace talks in Geneva aimed at ending the Syrian civil war will begin on Nov
RIYADH (Reuters) - The chief negotiator of Syria s main opposition said early on Saturday that Russia s proposal to hold a cong
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said that he had informed Turkey s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in
TBILISI (Reuters) - A fire in a hotel in Georgia s Black Sea resort city of Batumi killed 11 people, an official said on Saturday. Un
LONDON (Reuters) - Panic erupted among Christmas shopping crowds on London s Oxford Street on Friday evening as armed o
LIMA (Reuters) - The Peruvian attorney general s office accused former president Alejandro Toledo on Friday of taking bribes f
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba marks the first anniversary of the death of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Saturday with a wee
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - An activist whose disappearance in southern Argentina in August captured the country s attention i
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats agreed on Friday, under intense pressure, to hold talks with Chancellor Angela
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court has freed on bail a British citizen facing charges of joining a terrorist organization, Turkey
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban President Raul Castro met with North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho on Friday amid hopes th
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s ruling party lawmakers gave preliminary approval on Friday to two bills allowing parliament and
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s minority government looked set to collapse within days on Friday after the party propping it up su
HARARE (Reuters) - New President Emmerson Mnangagwa laid out a grand vision on Friday to revitalise Zimbabwe s ravaged e
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union handed Prime Minister Theresa May a 10-day absolute deadline to improve her Br
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said on Friday that a meeting with Britis
LONDON (Reuters) - Ireland is trying to force the United Kingdom, or at least Northern Ireland, to remain in the customs union
BAMAKO (Reuters) - Four United Nations peacekeepers and a Malian soldier were killed and 21 people were wounded in two
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Shares of Inc (AMZN.O), Macy s Inc (M.N), Kohl s Corp (KSS.N) and other U.S. retailer
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said on Friday he would not seek the resignation of his deputy prime min
GENEVA (Reuters) - More than 33,000 migrants have died at sea trying to reach European shores since 2000, making the Med
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain has only 10 days left to deliver on all three areas of its divorce terms with the European Union if L
ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algeria s ruling parties retained their majority in local elections, taking more than 50 percent of the vote, t
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea s latest defector, a young soldier known only by his family name Oh, is a quiet, pleasant man w
LONDON (Reuters) - London s police force said on Friday that they had stood down after an incident in the heart of London s s
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s Supreme Court more than doubled Oscar Pistorius murder sentence on Friday, acc
PARIS (Reuters) - A tiger was shot dead in western Paris on Friday after escaping from a circus, police said. The tiger was shot
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The security minister of Ukraine s pro-Russian rebel region of Luhansk said on Friday he was taking over
PRISTINA (Reuters) - Kosovo police arrested three lawmakers on Friday, including the popular main opposition leader whom th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Friday welcomed a first step by Saudi Arabia to allow humanitarian aid to rea
LONDON (Reuters) - London s police force said they had received reports that shots had been fired on Oxford Street and in the
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday that Brexit talks were making progress but that there w
LONDON (Reuters) - London s police force urged people on Oxford Street, a major shopping district in the center of the city, to
OVER THE SOUTH ATLANTIC (Reuters) - From the window of a U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon airplane taking part in an international
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s military has begun conducting air strikes around the area of North Sinai where a deadly mosque atta
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s powerful Crown Prince called the Supreme Leader of Iran the new Hitler of the Middle East i
GENEVA (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen has given the United Nations permission to resume flights of aid
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran said on Thursday that Saudi Arabia s crown prince was discredited internationally by his immature b
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU leaders offered Ukraine closer ties on Friday at a summit meant to cement Kiev s ties with the West, b
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union and six former Soviet republics, including Ukraine, agreed a joint summit declaratio
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union and six former Soviet republics, including Ukraine, agreed a joint summit declaratio
YANGON (Reuters) - Human rights groups called on Friday for international agencies to be allowed to monitor the planned rep
CAIRO (Reuters) - The death toll in a militant attack on a mosque in Egypt s north Sinai region has risen to 235, Egyptian state t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s Defence Ministry said on Friday six TU-22M3 long-range bombers had carried out air strikes on I
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel said she had reassured her European Union counterparts during a summit on F
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Former Marxist FARC rebels who have chosen to join drug trafficking gangs instead of demobilizing will fa
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Two former Colombian presidents will back a joint right-wing ticket in elections next year, they said on Fri
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. President Donald Trump discussed recent developments in Syri
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said on Friday that U.S. President Donald Trump told President Tayyip Erdogan he had issued instru
BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese police are investigating claims of sexual molestation and needlemarks on children at a
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has reshuffled his cabinet, a statement published in the Royal Ga
BERLIN (Reuters) - German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel, the head of Bavaria s
YANGON (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Myanmar s top military general in Beijing on Friday and discussed C
BEIJING (Reuters) - China hopes Syria can show flexibility in promoting peace talks, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on
CAIRO (Reuters) - The death toll in a militant attack on a mosque in Egypt s north Sinai region has risen to 200, Egyptian state t
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria s Atiku Abubakar, a former vice president and key ally of President Muhammadu Buhari, quit the rul
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Friday excoriated politicians who foment fear of migrants, saying they were sowing
MOSCOW (Reuters) - United Nations special envoy on Syria, Staffan de Mistura, said a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister S
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Papua New Guinean police cleared the remaining asylum-seekers from a shuttered Australian-run detentio
CAIRO (Reuters) - The death toll in a militant attack on mosque in Egypt s north Sinai region has risen to 184 killed, Egyptian st
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has leverage to persuade North Korea to go back to talks over its nuclear ambitions, French Foreign M
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The outgoing Czech government will submit its resignation when it next meets on Nov. 29, Prime Minister
CARACAS (Reuters) - Just months ago, with crowds of protesters baying on the streets for the resignation of the dictator and
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria s former Vice President Atiku Abubakar is prepared to run for the presidency in 2019, his spokesman
PARIS (Reuters) - Barely six months into office, President Emmanuel Macron is already preparing for his third visit to sub-Sahar
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s finance minister said the prospect of an election and period without government during Brexit tal
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is concerned that Japan is allowing Washington to use its territory as a base for a U.S. military bui
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is opposed to the militarization of Asia under the pretext of countering North Korea and is concer
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s government has declared three days of mourning after attack on north Sinai mosque killed at least 8
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has reportedly replaced guards and fortified a section of its border with South Korea where a N
LAHORE/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A newly freed Pakistani Islamist accused of masterminding a bloody 2008 assault in the Indian
PARIS (Reuters) - The head of a Saudi-based organization that for decades was charged with spreading the strict Wahhabi scho
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is working together with Saudi Arabia to unify the Syrian opposition, Russia s RIA news agency qu
DUBLIN (Reuters) - An Irish general election appeared likely after opposition party Fianna Fail submitted a motion of no confid
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has a constructive relationship with Ireland and will focus on making progress on Brexit negotiatio
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier assured Ireland s foreign minister on Friday that the EU
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The party of Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar appears to be preparing for an imminent general election, th
BERLIN (Reuters) - Members of Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) will get to vote on any decision by the leadership of the cen
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A U.S. official on Friday said Washington is deeply concerned at the release from house arrest of a Pa
PRISTINA (Reuters) - A special court with international prosecutors and judges set up to tackle alleged war crimes by ethnic Alb
CAIRO (Reuters) - At least 54 people were killed when suspected militants set off a bomb and opened fire at a mosque in Egyp
WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish lawmakers from the ruling right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party initially approved on Friday a bill
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A 17-year-old Danish girl who offered to fight for Islamic State was found guilty on Friday of planning
HARARE (Reuters) - Retired correspondent Cris Chinaka worked for Reuters in Harare from 1990 to 2015. Before that he repor
HARARE (Reuters) - In his inaugural address, Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa promised on Friday that elections w
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Top Lebanese Druze politician Walid Jumblatt on Friday criticized the way Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri had
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s new leader Emmerson Mnangagwa told a cheering crowd in Harare on Wednesday that the c
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The deal propping up the Irish government will be dead if opposition party Fianna Fail submits a motion of
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Hours after Zimbabwe s Robert Mugabe was forced out after 37 years in power, Uganda s president, anot
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Friday he has terminated intermittent peace talks with Maois
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former president Robert Mugabe was granted immunity from prosecution and assured that h
BERLIN (Reuters) - German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will host a joint meeting next week between Chancellor Angela
GENEVA (Reuters) - Conditions in Myanmar s northern Rakhine state are not in place to enable safe and sustainable returns o
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ireland does not need an election now that talks on the terms of Britain s exit from the European Union
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s government will collapse if the opposition Fianna Fail party proceeds with its plan to vote for the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday progress had been made on confidence-building m
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said on Friday he agreed with his Russian counterpart to speed up
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma congratulated Emmerson Mnangagwa as he was sworn in as
KABUL (Reuters) - A rocket attack on an Afghan religious school killed about 20 Taliban insurgents exchanging fire with securit
LAHORE, Pakistan (Reuters) - A newly freed Pakistani Islamist accused of masterminding a bloody 2008 assault in the Indian cit
MOSCOW (Reuters) - More than 10 weeks after losing a local council election in western Moscow, Vladimir Putin s party is clin
TOKYO (Reuters) - A baby brought into a Japanese municipal assembly chamber by his lawmaker mother was promptly ejected
TOKYO (Reuters) - The mayor of Japan s western city of Osaka plans to cut ties with U.S. sister city San Francisco after the latte
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepalis vote on Sunday to choose a new parliament and seven state assemblies hoping to end years
SEOUL (Reuters) - A defector s treatment for critical injuries suffered during a dramatic dash from North Korea has highlighted
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s second-largest party Fianna Fail, which helps prop up the government, indicated on Friday it woul
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Amid calls from Hong Kong s pro-Beijing elite for sweeping new national security laws, government ad
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The family of murdered model Reeva Steenkamp welcomed the increased sentence of 13 years an
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - We speak our mind , says the website of a group of young Cambodians who have met at weekends
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities issued detention warrants on Friday for 79 former teachers, the state-run Anadolu new
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed a top Pakistani police officer and one of his guards on
SEOUL (Reuters) - The air forces of South Korea and the United States are scheduled to hold a regular joint drill next month, de
HARARE (Reuters) - Incoming Zimbabwe leader Emmerson Mnangagwa assured former president Robert Mugabe he and his f
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Former Zimbabwean finance minister Ignatius Chombo was admitted to hospital on Friday with in
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The threat of losing power to a fierce leftwing rival next year is tempting Mexico s ruling Institutional
DUBAI (Reuters) - The vast majority of about 200 businessmen and officials implicated in a sweeping crackdown on corruption
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Former Zimbabwe finance minister Ignatius Chombo, who was among those detained by the milit
DHAKA (Reuters) - Several small opposition parties in Bangladesh have called for a half-day strike on Thursday against a power
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The Southern African Development Community (SADC), an intergovernmental organization, said o
KIEV (Reuters) - Five Ukrainian servicemen were killed when pro-Russian rebels attacked government positions mostly in the L
MUMBAI (Reuters) - A passenger train slipped off the rails in northern India early on Friday, killing at least three people and in
TOKYO (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy said it has called off a search for three sailors missing since a transport plane crashed in the Phil
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) said on Thursday registration for PRI contender
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis visits Myanmar next week, a delicate trip for the world s most senior Christian to a majo
TOKYO (Reuters) - Police in northern Japan have found eight men near a boat at a seaside marina who said they were from No
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Thursday a group of experts on freedom of expression will visit Mexico at
RIYADH/AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria s main opposition stuck by its demand on Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad play no r
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The Irish government was on the verge of collapse on Thursday after the party whose votes Prime Minister
MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina (Reuters) - The Argentine navy raised the possibility on Thursday that a navy submarine missing in
CAIRO (Reuters) - Syrian opposition will form a 50-member delegation to participate in U.N.-sponsored talks in Geneva, the m
(This version of the November 22nd story corrects deadline for parties to register candidates in eleventh par) MEXICO CITY (R
LIMA (Reuters) - The government of Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski will likely object to a bill passed by Congress th
MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina/BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - The search for an Argentine navy submarine missing in the South Atlanti
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The Irish government was on the verge of collapse on Thursday after the party whose votes Prime Minister
CARACAS (Reuters) - Washington has asked the government of leftist Nicolas Maduro for access to Venezuelan-American exec
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Guatemala s attorney general and a United Nations-backed commission against impunity in Guat
WARSAW (Reuters) - A bill sponsored by Poland s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party will undermine the fairness of elections, op
BERLIN (Reuters) - The leader of Germany s Social Democrats came under growing pressure on Thursday to drop his oppositio
MILAN (Reuters) - Accounting firm EY said on Thursday it was cooperating with Milan magistrates in an investigation into whet
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Eight managers and editors of a daily newspaper arrested this week have been charged with treason, Ug
BERLIN (Reuters) - German lawmakers have protested after Wolfgang Schaeuble, the new president of the Bundestag, announ
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday that Poland s plans to overhaul the judiciary remained
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya s U.N.-backed government said on Thursday it was investigating reports of African migrants being sol
KABUL (Reuters) - Three Georgian military personnel serving with the NATO-led Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan were
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - The size of Russia s military force in Syria is likely to be significantly reduced and a drawdown could s
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s stock market has shed $6 billion while its main index has slumped 40 percent since last Wedn
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Thursday denounced the murder of innocent women and children as the horrid face
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russia s military forces in Syria are likely to be substantially reduced and a drawdown could begin b
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Thursday Lebanon s political crisis was a wake-up call for Lebanese w
VIENNA (Reuters) - An international nuclear test-ban body that runs a global network of listening posts designed to check for s
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s parliament will debate the Brexit withdrawal bill on Dec. 4, and on a further four days in the mon
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland, armed with an EU veto and insistent on an open Irish border after Britain leaves the bloc, is hopefu
BERLIN (Reuters) - A top member of Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives on Thursday dismissed Russian President Vladim
JALALABAD, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Islamic State beheaded 15 of its own fighters due to infighting in Afghanistan s eastern pro
PROVINS, France (Reuters) - France s main conservative party needs to go on the political offensive against President Emmanu
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s incoming president Emmerson Mnangagwa has called on citizens to remain peaceful and des
PACARAIMA, Brazil (Reuters) - An indigenous tribe that journeyed hundreds of kilometers to flee the economic crisis in Venezu
PARIS (Reuters) - Forty people were arrested and 500 people rescued after a swoop on human trafficking across West Africa, i
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces launched an operation on Thursday to clear the desert bordering Syria of Islamic State in a fi
PARIS (Reuters) - Cambodia s Prime Minister Hun Sen will be driven from power like President Mugabe in Zimbabwe, veteran
GENEVA (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition s blockade of Yemen, which has cut off food imports to a population where 7 millio
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s defense ministry said on Thursday long-range bombers had carried out air strikes on Islamic Stat
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The sweet smell of waffles is familiar in Belgium but on Thursday people were left choking as a fire at a w
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt has appointed Housing Minister Mustafa Madbuly to serve as interim prime minister while Prime Min
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - An abnormal sound detected in the South Atlantic ocean around the time that an Argentine navy su
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s foreign ministry said on Thursday that moves by Alphabet Inc s (GOOGL.O) Google to place artic
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A prominent Iraqi militia indicated on Thursday it would give any heavy weapons it had to the military o
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement told French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday that it do
SYDNEY (Reuters) - About fifty asylum seekers departed an Australian-run detention camp in Papua New Guinea on Thursday
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - When Theresa May visits Brussels on Friday, EU negotiators will be listening intently for signs the British
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations refugee agency called for calm on Thursday after receiving reports of force being used
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia aims to start issuing tourist visas to foreigners next year, a senior Saudi official told CNN, as the
Juba (Reuters) - Twenty-seven people were killed when rebels attacked government forces in South Sudan, a local governmen
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will meet European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and h
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Eight years after a coup sparked by a previous president s flirtation with a second term, voters in the
MUNICH (Reuters) - A spokesman for Bavaria s Christian Social Union (CSU) denied a German media report on Thursday that H
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has warned his party it could still lose next year s election even
N DJAMENA (Reuters) - Chad has rejected allegations made in the United States that its President Idriss Deby was paid a $2 m
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain wants Zimbabwe s new rulers to show clear resolve to place the country on a more democratic an
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The parliament group for Lebanon s Hezbollah said in a statement on Thursday that Prime Minister Saad al-
ATHENS (Reuters) - Several hundred elderly Greeks marched through Athens on Thursday, protesting against a government th
BERN (Reuters) - Switzerland and the European Union, its main trading partner, made headway on Thursday on clinching a new
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s defense ministry has sent an oceanographic research ship to the South Atlantic to help with the
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives are rallying around her despite the failure of talks to form a three
LASHKAR GAH, Afghanistan/KABUL (Reuters) - As U.S. and Afghan forces pound Taliban drug factories this week, farmers in th
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A top Israeli diplomat was rebuked by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday for suggesting
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran has told jailed Iranian-British aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe that she will appear in court next m
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russia s planned peace talks among Syrian groups will only succeed if the opposition ends its fight against t
PALONG KHALI, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Mohammad Ayas, a 12-year-old Rohingya refugee in the sprawling Palong Khali camp,
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - Myanmar and Bangladesh signed an accord on Thursday over terms for the return of hundreds of thou
BERN (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Thursday that it would be seen in the next few
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.N. special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura will visit Moscow on Friday, RIA news agency reported on
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s air force has again flown bombers and other warplanes through two strategic channels near Taiwan
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Thursday offered loans to Djibouti, the site of its first overseas military base, as the Horn of Africa
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech President Milos Zeman plans to appoint Andrej Babis as prime minister in early December and the f
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran s Revolutionary Guards are ready to help rebuild Syria and bring about a lasting ceasefire there, chie
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s main opposition said on Thursday it wanted incoming president Emmerson Mnangagwa to dis
LONDON (Reuters) - A fire at an industrial estate sent clouds of smoke billowing across London on Thursday morning. London
WASHINGTON/CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday that Venezuelan-American exe
LAHORE, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Pakistani court on Wednesday ordered the release from house arrest of an Islamist leader accu
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish authorities issued detention warrants for 99 suspects including doctors and lawyers and have so
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar and Bangladesh signed a memorandum of understanding on Thursday, a senior Myanmar offici
YANGON (Reuters) - The U.S. labeling of a Myanmar army crackdown on Rohingya Muslims as ethnic cleansing is unhelpful an
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia called on Thursday on the United States to build a strong presence in Asia and bolster ties with li
BEIJING (Reuters) - Some northern Chinese cities failed to improve air quality by much last month, hitting the smog-prone regi
DUBAI (Reuters) - Kuwait s Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber al-Sabah was discharged from hospital on Thursday after suc
MANILA (Reuters) - There is a strong likelihood Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will lift a suspension on police from his w
YANGON (Reuters) - The United States temporarily suspended travel for American officials to parts of Myanmar s Rakhine stat
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba s foreign minister and his North Korean counterpart rejected the United States unilateral and arbit
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India has approved a three-year budget for its flagship public health program almost 20 percent lower
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s internet regulator had said it will purge the evil influence of its former top official who the ruling C
BEIJING (Reuters) - China wants closer ties with Myanmar s military to help protect regional peace and security, a senior Chine
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - It is strategically important for China s economy that the country enhances protection of intellectual pro
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea is considering scrapping a regular military exercise with U.S. forces next year to minimize the ri
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada has granted refugee status to about 10 percent of the 298 Haitian border crossers whose applica
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - When Theresa May visits Brussels on Friday, EU negotiators will be listening intently for signs the British
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain needs to set out plans to make sure its lawyers can keep working across Europe after Brexit, a lobb
MOSCOW/PARIS (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it will spare no effort to defend the rights of Suleiman Kerimov, a
NICE/MOSCOW (Reuters) - A French judge put Russian businessman and lawmaker Suleiman Kerimov, whose interests the Kre
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Police in southern China have detained seven people in connection with an underground banking schem
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - The search for an Argentine submarine missing in the South Atlantic for more than a week has highl
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - A three-way summit on Wednesday between the leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey could produce de
DUBAI (Reuters) - The four Arab countries boycotting Qatar added 11 more individuals and two other entities, including a majo
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - An unusual noise was detected last week on the day an Argentine submarine went missing, near its
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson asked Saudi Arabia to ease its blockade of Yemen, two sources s
GAZA/CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian factions, including rival groups Hamas and Fatah, have agreed to hold a general election b
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri on Wednesday shelved his decision to resign as prime minister at the request of Pr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States welcomes Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri s return to Lebanon, a U.S. Stat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday called the Myanmar military operation against the Rohingya popu
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan s Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has been relieved of his duties, local media said on Wednesday,
ROME (Reuters) - Italian magistrates are investigating whether a Treasury official sold confidential government information to
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syrians in the besieged enclave of Eastern Ghouta are so short of food that they are eating trash, fainting f
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - A U.N. tribunal on Wednesday convicted ex-Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic of genocid
SREBRENICA, Bosnia (Reuters) - Bosnian Muslims who lost loved ones in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre said on Wednesday tha
TOKYO (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy transport plane carrying 11 people crashed in the Philippine Sea south of Japan on Wednesday
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led military coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen said on Wednesday it would allow humanita
SOCHI, Russia/RIYADH (Reuters) - Russia s Vladimir Putin won the backing of Turkey and Iran on Wednesday to host a Syrian p
WARSAW (Reuters) - Plans to overhaul Poland s judiciary would end the country s status as a democratic state based on the ru
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who is due to be sworn in to replace Robert M
PARIS (Reuters) - France demanded on Wednesday an urgent U.N. Security Council session on human trafficking in Libya and r
GENEVA (Reuters) - The conviction of former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic for genocide and crimes against
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Uganda on Wednesday denied its foreign minister had engaged in corrupt activities with a Hong Kong m
TBILISI (Reuters) - One Georgian special forces serviceman and three members of an armed group suspected of terrorism were
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The presence of armed men in the streets of the capital of Ukraine s breakaway Luhansk region is an atte
(Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in will visit Beijing next month for a summit with China s Xi Jinping as the two co
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - The leaders of Iran and Turkey on Wednesday supported the convocation of a Syrian peoples congre
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) faced pressure on Wednesday to consider offering coalition talks to Cha
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has taken a lead in party nominations for the ne
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma appointed General Khehla Sitole as national police commissio
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Turkey, Iran and Russia have agreed to carry out a transparent process for a political solution in Syria
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A summit of euro zone leaders will go ahead as planned in the middle of December, the chairman of Eur
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The newly-elected Czech lower house of parliament on Wednesday picked a speaker from the biggest par
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - An arm found by divers near Copenhagen was weighed down with pieces of metal similar to those a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Rosneft Chief Executive Igor Sechin again failed to show up as a witness at the bribery trial of a former R
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police detained a 29-year-old man suspected of trading narcotic drugs internationally over the inte
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis will meet the head of Myanmar s army and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, both late
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States hopes its determination that ethnic cleansing occurred against the Rohingya will
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli ex-soldier who serves as a spokesman for a group that documents alleged abuses of Palestin
RIYADH (Reuters) - The draft of a final statement by a Syrian opposition meeting in Riyadh calls for the departure of President
PARIS/NANTERRE (Reuters) - French far-right leader Marine Le Pen accused two banks on Wednesday of launching a banking
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma hosted Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnanga
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa arrived back in the country on Wednesday, two
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia s government said on Wednesday it had requested a U.S. air strike that killed scores of suspe
ROME (Reuters) - A deal with Libya that has slashed the number of migrants reaching Italy could scupper the ruling center Dem
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that foreign interference in the conflict in Syria
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Critical decisions will be taken for a solution to the Syrian crisis at a summit between Turkey, Russia a
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - In the 1990s he was the burly, brash general leading nationalist Bosnian Serbs towards a seemingly swee
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.N. special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura will visit Moscow on Thursday for talks on the situation in
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday opened a $2 million tender to help clear unexploded bombs in Cam
PARIS (Reuters) - Russian businessman Suleiman Kerimov, arrested in France earlier this week by tax fraud investigators, will b
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan police raided the office of a local newspaper, detaining staff and confiscating equipment on alle
STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) - Lawyers for Silvio Berlusconi argued on Wednesday at the European Court of Human Rights a
BEIJING (Reuters) - China is shedding few tears over the ousting of its old friend Robert Mugabe as president of Zimbabwe, fed
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain wants Zimbabwe to rejoin the international community following the resignation of Robert Mugab
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) on Wednesday said they would not rule out renewed talks o
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Former Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladic will appeal his conviction and life sentence, his legal
ATHENS (Reuters) - Cyprus on Wednesday said it would try to help defuse a crisis in neighboring Lebanon after Prime Minister
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri told his supporters on Wednesday he would stay with them, after su
PARIS (Reuters) - The scope of the immunity status accorded to Russian businessman and lawmaker Suleiman Kerimov, who h
OSLO (Reuters) - Ex-Bosnian Serb general Rakto Mladic s conviction for war crimes did not come as a surprise, Serbia s prime m
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Police in Thailand on Wednesday arrested a woman wanted in connection with a 2015 bombing in Bangk
PARIS (Reuters) - French bank Societe Generale on Wednesday rejected the far-right National Front s accusations that it had a
GENEVA (Reuters) - Former Bosnian Serb army commander Ratko Mladic is the epitome of evil and his conviction on Wednes
OSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian police said on Wednesday they had lowered the national threat assessment, but still regarded an
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s public prosecutor has ordered the detention of 29 people suspected of espionage on behalf of Turke
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea denounced on Wednesday U.S. President Donald Trump s decision to relist it as a state sponsor
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa will be sworn in as president on Friday followin
SEOUL (Reuters) - A North Korean border guard briefly crossed the border with the South in the chase for a defector last week
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his South Korean counterpart Kang Kyung-wha on Wednesday that B
BRUSSELS/KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine s EU membership ambitions will collide with the West s reform demands at a summit on Fr
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey expects to receive its first Russian S-400 surface-to-air missiles in 2019, Defence Minister Nurettin
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The verdict in the war crimes trial of former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic was dela
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The Trump administration is pushing security ties between the United States, India, Japan and Australia
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri said on Wednesday he would hold off presenting his resignation as prime minister
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Wednesday his country will lend support to the Syrian oppositi
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa will be sworn in as president on Friday followin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - There has to date been no confirmation from any Russian government agencies that there was an incide
KUWAIT (Reuters) - Kuwait s elderly ruler, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber al-Sabah, was admitted to hospital on Wednesday
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin is following the situation in Ukraine s rebel-controlled Luhansk region, where there is a stan
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey received bids last Friday for the production of 500 Altay battle tanks, of which 250 are optional, De
BERLIN (Reuters) - Frank-Walter Steinmeier was hardly Chancellor Angela Merkel s first choice for the largely ceremonial job o
BERLIN (Reuters) - Two veteran allies of Chancellor Angela Merkel appealed to Germany s parties on Tuesday to strike a comp
ANKARA (Reuters) - There is a serious danger in the Syrian region of Afrin and this must be removed, Turkish Defence Ministe
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen s Liberal Party suffered losses in Denmark s local elections, a p
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday that it respects Robert Mugabe s decision to resign as Zimbabwe s president, a w
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s upper house of parliament on Wednesday approved a bill which will allow the authorities to list
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday imposed sanctions on 13 Chinese and North Korean organizations Wa
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian oil major Rosneft has received court summons for its Chief Executive Igor Sechin to appear in co
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s speaker of parliament, who was arrested last week over his alleged role in a $170 million graft
SEOUL (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims who fled to Bangladesh from violence in Myanmar have been
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that China opposed unilateral sanctions after the United State
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities have issued detention warrants for 216 people, including former finance ministry perso
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s second-largest state on Wednesday took another step towards adopting a law allowing volunta
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia s economy is forecast to grow 6.9 percent next year, compared with a projected 6.8 perc
BEIJING (Reuters) - The former head of China s powerful internet regulator is under investigation for suspected corruption, the
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s Mount Agung volcano in Bali has let out a puff of black smoke and ash in a small eruption, pro
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore is hoping to deploy autonomous buses on public roads in three different districts of the city-
TOKYO (Reuters) - The timing of Emperor Akihito s abdication, Japan s first in nearly two centuries, is to be discussed by a spec
TAIPEI/BEIJING (Reuters) - Air China Ltd has indefinitely suspended flights between Beijing and Pyongyang, citing poor demand
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican leftist presidential frontrunner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has pledged in his manifesto t
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A ninth Australian lawmaker quit parliament on Wednesday after discovering she was a dual national, the
SUWON, South Korea (Reuters) - A North Korean soldier who defected to South Korea in a dash across the border last week ha
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippine environment minister said on Wednesday that a ban on new open pit mining in the country
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - There were more murders in October in Mexico than in any month over at least 20 years, according t
SYDNEY/GENEVA (Reuters) - Australia s foreign minister said on Wednesday that asylum seekers occupying an abandoned Aus
MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina (Reuters) - The search for a missing Argentine submarine and its 44-member crew was helped by c
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - The U.N. war crimes tribunal for former Yugoslavia delivers its verdict on Wednesday in the trial of Ratko
BERLIN (Reuters) - Half of Germans are in favor of calling a new election after Chancellor Angela Merkel failed to reach a deal t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri returned to Beirut on Tuesday for the first time since he resigned as Lebanon s prime ministe
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May s government averted a rebellion in parliament on Tuesday over plans
OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Canadian government proposed on Tuesday mandatory health warnings and child-proof packaging a
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri arrived in Cyprus for a meeting with its president on Tuesday, Hariri said on his Tw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of about a dozen U.S. State Department officials have taken the unusual step of formally ac
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri landed in Beirut on Tuesday, his media office said, returning home for the first time since he r
MOSCOW/KIEV (Reuters) - Armed men in masks blocked off the center of Ukraine s rebel-controlled city of Luhansk on Tuesda
MOSCOW/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for three hours of talks
LONDON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May will only detail how big a divorce settlement Britain is willing to pa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump spoke on Tuesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the two le
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia sent a letter to the Venezuelan foreign ministry on Tuesday protesting the incursion of a militar
HARARE (Reuters) - Robert Mugabe resigned as Zimbabwe s president on Tuesday, a week after the army and his former politi
HARARE (Reuters) - When Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe sacked his vice president in front of 12,000 baying party memb
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese man was killed in a truck collision involving a 21-year-old U.S. marine who was well over the leg
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police presented on Tuesday diaries, pairs of glasses and other items belonging to late Beatle John
NICE, France (Reuters) - Russian businessman and lawmaker Suleiman Kerimov was arrested by French police at Nice airport o
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President discussed the civil war in Syria on Tuesday, with Puti
BAUCHI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Unidentified attackers killed more than 30 cattle herders in the northeastern Nigerian state of Ada
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia s King Salman stressed the importance of further coor
CAIRO (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri, who resigned as prime minister on Nov. 4, met Egypt s President Abdel Fattah al-Si
CAIRO (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who resigned as Lebanese prime minister on Nov. 4, left Cairo for Lebanon on Tuesday after a
BERLIN (Reuters) - Half a year ago, the political stars seemed perfectly aligned for a deep reform of the European Union and it
BEIRUT/PARIS (Reuters) - France can play a productive role in the Middle East by taking a realistic and impartial approach , Ira
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said it killed more than 100 Islamist militants in Somalia on Tuesday when it launch
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - African leaders were embarrassed by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and already encoura
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa will be sworn in as president on Wednesday or
YOLA, Nigeria (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed at least 50 people in northeastern Nigeria on Tuesday in an attack on a mosq
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani declared the end of Islamic State on Tuesday while a senior military comm
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron told the leaders of Iran and Israel in separate telephone calls that it was
PARIS (Reuters) - Senior Russian lawmaker and businessman Suleiman Kerimov was arrested by French police at Nice airport o
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Tuesday it has urged Thailand to quickly bring to justice 20 ethnic Uighur Muslims from Chin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has proposed ending the publication of the names of banks which finance Russian state-controlle
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel offered his Qatari counterpart a small piece of the Berlin Wall on T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone for about an
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s Platform for Concerned Citizens, a civil society group, called on Tuesday for a far-reaching nati
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal appeals court in New York on Tuesday revived part of a $1.68 billion lawsuit against Iran s cen
KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - At least 23 people were killed and 60 wounded when a suicide bomber set off a truck bomb near a cro
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday Robert Mugabe s resignation gave Zimbabwe the cha
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday Islamic State had been defeated from a military pe
HARARE (Reuters) - When he came to power, Zimbabwe s Robert Mugabe was feted as an African liberation hero in a nation t
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabweans took to the streets of the Yeoville and Hillbrow districts of the South African city of
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libya s eastern-based parliament voted on Tuesday to approve some U.N. proposals aimed at uni
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - An unidentified arm found by divers in the water near Copenhagen could belong to Swedish journal
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s army chief told his soldiers on Tuesday to be extra vigilant to prevent unrest during political turm
ADEN (Reuters) - Yemen s Sanaa airport, damaged in an air strike by a Saudi-led coalition last week, has been repaired and is r
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Tuesday it had accepted a proposal from Iraq to pay 0.5 percent of its 2018 oil
HARARE (Reuters) - The resignation letter written by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe that was read out by the speaker
HARARE (Reuters) - Thousands of Zimbabweans poured onto the streets of Harare after President Robert Mugabe resigned on
LONDON (Reuters) - Northern Ireland s main political parties pointed on Tuesday to fresh obstacles to restoring a devolved po
SOFIA (Reuters) - Turkey has charged three Bulgarians with illegal migrant trafficking and assisting a criminal organization, the
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron s initiative in bringing Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri to Paris puts France at the cente
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has charged a former Senegalese foreign minister and a former top Hong Kong go
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - After blocking U.N. Security Council action against Syria, Russia has proposed changing the rules for ins
BOSASSO (Reuters) - Musa Bihi Abdi of the ruling Kulmiye party was declared the winner of Somaliland s presidential election
NAIROBI (Reuters) - In a heist reminiscent of a Hollywood movie, Kenyan robbers spent months tunneling into the bowels of a
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Brexit minister David Davis said on Tuesday that reaching a deal with the European Union was th
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey has not been given crucial data to help identify Islamic State militants who fled their former strong
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark intends to invest to boost efforts to prevent cyber attacks in a strategy to be presented ea
ERBIL/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi authorities have moved hundreds of foreign wives and children of suspected Islamic State m
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon marks its independence on Wednesday with its sovereignty as compromised as ever by the agend
MOSCOW/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russia said on Tuesday that the resignation of radically minded Syrian opposition figures such a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump will discuss North Korea when they ho
TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisia will continue with a package of painful economic policies, Prime Minister Youssef Chahed said on Tue
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The collapse of talks on a new German government means that the euro zone s ambitious plans for deep
YANGON/NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. Congress said on Tuesday operations carried out against the Rohingya M
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s parliament has received a motion to impeach President Robert Mugabe after the army seized
PARIS (Reuters) - French truck drivers blocked traffic at border crossings with Spain, Italy and Belgium on Tuesday in protest ov
GENEVA (Reuters) - A U.S.-funded famine survey said on Tuesday that thousands of Yemenis could die daily if a Saudi-led milit
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations human rights office on Tuesday condemned attacks and threats made against its inves
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma and his Angolan counterpart, Joao Lourenco, will travel on W
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s longstanding government and ruling party mouthpiece, The Herald newspaper, has a
OUAGADOUGOU (Reuters) - Burkina Faso s foreign minister said on Monday it had recalled its ambassador to Libya over a rep
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday threatened to shut down any mine that supports Maoist
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech police have requested parliament lift the immunity of prospective prime minister Andrej Babis to al
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Syrian Kurdish militia accused Turkish forces on Tuesday of aggression and escalation in the Afrin region
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations urged Sudan to end violence and human rights abuses against the 2.6 million people d
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday she wanted to see more talks next week between No
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Sweden said on Tuesday it was stopping new aid for Cambodia, except in education and research, an
YANGON (Reuters) - Members of U.S. Congress said on Tuesday they were disturbed by the harsh response of Myanmar s secu
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - The speaker of Brazil s lower house said on Tuesday that it will not be easy to obtain the 308 votes
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese court on Tuesday jailed a prominent rights lawyer for two years, saying he incited subversion of
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The head of Russian state oil giant Rosneft, Igor Sechin, will not be in Moscow on Wednesday where he i
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will honour its commitments made while a member of the European Union, but specific figures on
HARARE (Reuters) - Only five Zimbabwe cabinet ministers and the attorney general turned up for a meeting called by Presiden
SEOUL (Reuters) - When Kim Jong Un sat down in September to order the sixth and largest of North Korea s nuclear tests, Hwa
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine said on Tuesday it had expelled a Belarussian diplomat in a tit-for-tat move linked to allegations from
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police on Tuesday detained six Syrians suspected of planning an attack using weapons or explosive
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would prefer a new election to ruling with a minority after talks on form
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that she would prefer new elections to leading a minori
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea and Japan on Tuesday welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump s move to put North Korea back
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a telephone conversation with the king of Saudi Arabia on Tue
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court sentenced a journalist from opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet to three years in prison o
BERLIN (Reuters) - German parties must be more willing to compromise and take responsibility to form a coalition governmen
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli official dismissed as nonsense on Tuesday a warning by Lebanese army s of possible ag
HARARE (Reuters) - Ousted Zimbabwean vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa added his voice on Tuesday to those demandi
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s information minister said on Tuesday he did not know whether ministers would attend a cabi
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday it hoped all parties could contribute to resolving the issue on the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump on
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand is seeking to prosecute ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra for graft under a law that allo
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s leftist presidential hopeful Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador vowed on Monday to boost infras
MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina/BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - A sound detected on Monday in the South Atlantic, near where an Arge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump put North Korea back on a list of state sponsors of terrorism on Monday, a
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Conservative billionaire Sebastian Pinera said he would court centrist s on Monday in a bid to regain gro
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s foreign ministry said on Tuesday the United States decision to put North Korea back on a list
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Central and local governments will be more open to providing information to help the international com
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Police in Beijing have detained 18 people following a fire that killed 19 people and injured another eight
BEIJING (Reuters) - China supports Cambodia s efforts to protect political stability and believes it will smoothly hold elections n
PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Panama is on track to hit a record level of illegal narcotics seizures this year after authorities over th
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - One of the 44 crew members on board the Argentine submarine that is missing in the South Atlanti
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Sounds detected by probes searching for a missing Argentine submarine in the South Atlantic on Mo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday that the move to designate North Korea as a st
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump s move to put Nor
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May met with senior members of her ministerial team on Monday to discuss their
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Adolfo Lagos, the head of struggling Mexican broadcaster Grupo Televisa s telecoms unit izzi, was sho
PATTAYA, Thailand (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy has introduced new measures aimed at avoiding a repeat of two deadly crashes i
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia s electoral commission said on Monday that claims of fraud brought by a presidential candidate
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will meet Saad al-Hariri, who announced his resignation as Lebanese
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Saudi Arabia s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Monday
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The head of the Syrian opposition s High Negotiations Committee (HNC) resigned on Monday, nearly two ye
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir and Qatar s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani discussed the situation in
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The leader of Lebanon s Hezbollah said on Monday his Iran-backed group had not sent any weapons to Yem
BELFAST (Reuters) - The head of the Democratic Unionist Party said on Monday Northern Ireland would leave the EU on the sa
KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. and Afghan forces have launched joint attacks on Taliban opium factories to try to curb the insurgent gr
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s top general said on Monday talks were planned between President Robert Mugabe and forme
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday sanctioned a network of individuals and companies it said
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s top general said on Monday he was encouraged by contact between President Rober
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress (ANC) should get President Jacob Zuma to stand do
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen challenged the United States on Sunday to cut all aid after it ann
LONDON/RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian security officials said on Monday that the country had been targeted as part of a w
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. general in Afghanistan said on Monday he believes he could help Afghan forces drive b
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A relative of Zimbabwean minister Jonathan Moyo, purged from the ruling ZANU-PF party along w
MADRID (Reuters) - Two former members of the Catalan government held in custody over their roles in Catalonia s banned ind
BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq s Supreme Federal Court ruled on Monday a Sept. 25 Kurdish independence referendum
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday said she saw no reason to resign after the collapse of talks ab
LONDON (Reuters) - A few hours before Theresa May lost her second cabinet member in a week, the British prime minister fo
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF on Monday officially notified President Robert Mugabe of his removal as party
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Electoral Commission has opened an investigation to establish whether Vote Leave Limited, the o
ATHENS (Reuters) - Residents on the Greek island of Lesbos went on strike on Monday to protest against European policies the
BERLIN (Reuters) - German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said he expects all parties elected to parliament to be ready for
MINSK (Reuters) - Belarus s KGB state security service said on Monday it had uncovered a spy ring working for the Ukrainian d
ERBIL (Reuters) - Iraq s Kurdistan Regional Government on Monday called on the international community to intervene and he
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s President Robert Mugabe has called his cabinet for a meeting on Tuesday at his State House o
GENEVA (Reuters) - North Korean women are deprived of education and job opportunities and are often subjected to violence
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo, one of a number of officials purged from the ruling
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Sinn Fein s Gerry Adams, a pivotal figure in the political life of Ireland for almost 50 years, said on Saturday
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Medical staff in the southern Libyan city of Sabha said on Monday they were suspending work for
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - U.S. financier George Soros on Monday denounced a Hungarian government campaign against him as d
LONDON (Reuters) - Queen Elizabeth and husband Prince Philip mark their platinum wedding anniversary with a small family g
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s Supreme Court on Monday upheld the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta in last month s rep
HARARE (Reuters) - Lawmakers from Zimbabwe s main opposition party MDC will hold a meeting on Tuesday to decide wheth
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement pummeled a center-right coalition to govern Ostia, one of Rome
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary is facing a frontal assault from U.S. financier George Soros who is attacking the country via his n
HAVANA (Reuters) - North Korea s foreign minister will arrive in Cuba on Monday, in search of support amid unprecedented p
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s state broadcaster ZBC was on Monday put on stand-by for an expected address by the militar
BERLIN (Reuters) - German voters should be given the opportunity to reevaluate the political situation after talks to form a gov
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Lebanese president appeared to defend Hezbollah as necessary to resist Israel on Monday, after an Ara
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s main opposition leader said on Monday President Robert Mugabe s refusal to resign had dam
LONDON (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has lost the support of the people, a spokesman for British Prime
RABAT (Reuters) - Fifteen people were killed and five more injured when a stampede broke out in a southwestern Moroccan t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Visa consultations in U.S. consulates in Russia could be resumed in the near future, TASS news agency ci
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The collapse of German Chancellor Angela Merkel s talks to form a three-way coalition government is ba
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats are still not available to join Chancellor Angela Merkel s Christian Democrats in
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel s failure to forge a three-way coalition government has plunged Europe
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel got the strong backing of the leadership of her Christian Democrats (CDU
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand and Australia have begun talks about screening procedures for asylum seekers holding
PARIS (Reuters) - France wants a strong and stable Germany to move Europe forward and will continue to work with the curre
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s spokesman said on Monday he was not aware of any Brexit-related concer
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Elected officials of Cambodia s banned opposition party have begun handing over their duties after a
ERBIL (Reuters) - Iraq s Supreme Federal Court, which voided results of a Kurdish independence referendum on Monday, reach
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Conservative billionaire Sebastian Pinera will face center-left Senator Alejandro Guillier in a runoff for Ch
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Monday to update him o
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece said on Monday it would offer emergency compensation worth millions of euros to hundreds of ho
ANKARA (Reuters) - The Syrian-Kurdish YPG militia has attacked a Turkish military observation post in Syria s Idlib with mortars
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Poised to run for a fourth term, President Vladimir Putin has started clearing out the old Russian politica
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea may conduct additional missile tests this year to polish up its long-range missile technology and
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish authorities on Monday issued arrest warrants for 107 teachers for suspected ties to the U.S.-bas
ZURICH (Reuters) - Swiss police declared the U.S. consular office building in Zurich as safe, saying a suspicious object discover
HARARE (Reuters) - Lawmakers from President Robert Mugabe s ruling party will meet at the party headquarters on Monday t
BELGRADE (Reuters) - When a court on the Dutch North Sea coast issues its final verdict this week, it will signal the end of an e
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese envoy exchanged views on the Korean peninsula issue with North Korean officials during a visit t
HARARE (Reuters) - A noon deadline by the ruling party for Robert Mugabe to stand down as President of Zimbabwe or face im
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - China called for a ceasefire in Myanmar s Rakhine State so that Rohingya Muslim refugees can return f
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Myanmar President Htin Kyaw on Sunday that China was willing to k
HARARE (Reuters) - The University of Zimbabwe postponed exams on Monday after students started chanting and singing son
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe agreed to resign on Sunday but his ruling ZANU-PF party did not wan
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel has canceled a news conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte that had
ZURICH (Reuters) - A United States consular office in the Swiss financial capital Zurich was evacuated on Monday when staff fo
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Monday criticized a visit by Indian President Ram Nath Kovind to the remote state of Arunachal P
TOKYO (Reuters) - The U.N. refugee agency has urged Japan to resettle more asylum seekers, its chief said on Monday, pressu
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday he had spoken with German Chancellor Angela Merkel late on
HARARE (Reuters) - The leader of Zimbabwe s war veterans Chris Mutsvangwa said on Monday he would initiate court action t
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s parliament speaker, Setya Novanto, has been taken into custody by the anti-corruption agenc
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has agreed to stand down and his resignation letter has been drafted
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Twenty ethnic Uighur Muslims from China broke out of a detention center near the Thai-Malaysia borde
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has not lifted a ban on open pit mining, his spokesman said on Mond
BEIJING (Reuters) - Three workers were killed and six others injured during a suspected gas leak at a PetroChina-operated refin
HARARE (Reuters) - President Robert Mugabe stunned Zimbabwe on Sunday by making no mention of resignation in a televisi
MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina (Reuters) - A storm on Sunday complicated efforts to find an Argentine navy submarine missing in
BEIJING (Reuters) - The government of the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing renewed its attacks on two of its disgraced
BEIJING (Reuters) - A fire in a Beijing apartment block that killed 19 people and injured eight has prompted authorities to orde
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s would-be coalition partners have not agreed to abolish a tax imposed after reunification to help
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China has proposed a three-phase plan for resolving the Rohingya crisis, starting with a ceasefire, that h
MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina (Reuters) - Seven satellite calls that Argentine officials detected recently believed to have come fro
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Conservative Sebastian Pinera took an early lead in Chile s presidential election on Sunday evening, garn
JERUSALEM/RIYADH (Reuters) - An Israeli cabinet minister said on Sunday that Israel has had covert contacts with Saudi Arabi
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Billionaire and ex-president Sebastian Pinera would come in first in Chile s presidential election on Sund
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - U.S. satellite communications company Iridium Communications Inc (IRDM.O) said on Sunday the la
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek centrists elected politician Fofi Gennimata on Sunday to lead a center-left party alliance, hoping to w
CAIRO (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia and other Arab foreign ministers criticized Iran and its Lebanese Shi ite ally Hezbollah at an eme
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel s president on Sunday turned down a pardon request by an ex-conscript who is serving an servin
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai said he was baffled by President Robert Mugabe s addre
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli police officers on Sunday questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the sixth time in a
RAMALLAH/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Palestinian officials expressed surprise on Saturday at a U.S. decision to close the Palesti
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who announced his resignation as Lebanese prime minister in a televised broadcast from Sau
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s President Robert Mugabe defied expectations he would resign on Sunday, pledging to preside
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The leader of Zimbabwe s war veterans said on Sunday plans to impeach President Robert Mugab
ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algeria s coastguard has picked up 286 illegal migrants heading across the Mediterranean to Europe by bo
WARSAW (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk said on Sunday he was alarmed by the similarity of policies purs
TORONTO (Reuters) - A former Canadian police chief and several colleagues who fought against making marijuana use legal ha
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A commander in Iran s elite Revolutionary Guards and a lower-ranking Iranian fighter have been killed fighti
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ZBC state broadcaster is preparing for an announcement in the next few hours, sending a bro
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will submit proposals on how to settle its divorce bill with the European Union before an EU summ
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe met military chiefs on Sunday for a second round of negotiations to e
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The Turkish capital Ankara has banned the public showing of films and exhibitions related to lesbian, gay
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh is in negotiations with Myanmar aimed at a deal to repatriate displaced Rohingya and Dhaka s f
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF party has given Robert Mugabe until noon (5.00 a.m. ET) on Monday to step d
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police fired teargas to disperse a crowd that was protesting on Sunday against the overnight murd
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis welcomed the poor, homeless and unemployed as guests of honor for a Mass and gour
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian army and its allies took complete control over Albu Kamal, Islamic State s last significant town in
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The Southern African Development Community (SADC) will discuss Zimbabwe s political crisis on T
HARARE (Reuters) - The leader of Zimbabwe s powerful liberation war veterans threatened on Sunday to unleash the mob aga
HARARE (Reuters) - The leaders of Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF party will meet on Sunday to approve the dismissal of Presiden
MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina/BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Hopes that 44 crew members of a missing Argentine navy submarine m
LASHKAR GAH, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Afghan and foreign special forces raided a Taliban prison in southern Helmand province
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s military on Sunday launched a website inviting the public to report leaks and fake news, as well as i
PARIS (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who resigned as Lebanon s prime minister this month while in Saudi Arabia, said on Saturday h
CAP-HAITIEN/PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - Haiti s president on Saturday heralded the re-establishment of the country s militar
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s foreign minister may not attend an Arab League meeting in Cairo on Sunday and a final decision
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s defense ministry said seven failed satellite calls that it believes came from a missing na
DUBLIN (Reuters) - As the public face of the Irish Republican Army during its bombing campaigns, then peacemaker and mains
LONDON (Reuters) - Buckingham Palace issued a new photographic portrait of Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish authorities have opened an investigation into the U.S. prosecutors who brought charges against
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling party will dismiss President Robert Mugabe on Sunday and reinstate Emmerson Mnang
ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT (Reuters) - A court in Alexandria has ordered the detention of leading rights activist Mahienour el-Massry
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s President Robert Mugabe will meet military commanders for talks on Sunday, state broadcast
WARSAW (Reuters) - Ukraine has summoned the Polish ambassador in Kiev after Poland denied entry to a Ukrainian official in
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s three would-be coalition partners went deep into overtime in talks on Saturday as they sought e
CAIRO (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has summoned its ambassador in Germany home for consultations over comments by German
DHAKA (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday urged Bangladesh and Myanmar resolve the Rohingya crisis
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - A Cambodian court on Saturday charged two journalists with espionage for filing news reports to a U
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe was not in a motorcade that was seen leaving his residence in Harare
PARIS (Reuters) - France is considering whether to host a meeting of the International Lebanon Support Group to discuss the
HARARE (Reuters) - Crowds of Zimbabweans booed and jeered as President Robert Mugabe s motorcade left his Blue Roof re
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican said on Saturday it had opened an investigation into reports that a former teenage altar
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF party will hold a special central committee meeting on Sunday morning to dism
COLOMBO (Reuters) - Sri Lankan police arrested 19 people after a clash between extremists from the majority Buddhist and m
PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri said on Saturday he would travel to Beirut in the coming days and announce his pos
HARARE (Reuters) - Hundreds of protesters seeking to remove Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe from office heeded a call f
HARARE (Reuters) - Helen Kwambana has lived in fear of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his security forces her wh
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday batted back an apology from the NATO military alliance aft
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace are ready to die for what is correct and h
TIMIKA, Indonesia (Reuters) - U.S. miner Freeport-McMoRan Inc is evacuating spouses and children of workers from its giant I
TIMIKA, Indonesia (Reuters) - U.S. miner Freeport-McMoRan Inc is evacuating spouses and children of workers from its giant I
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma said on Saturday the African region was committed to suppor
GAZA (Reuters) - The Egypt-Gaza border opened under control of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority for the first time s
CARACAS/BOGOTA (Reuters) - Veteran Venezuelan opposition leader Antonio Ledezma, under house arrest since 2015 for alle
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who resigned as Lebanon s prime minister this month while in Saudi Arabia, told President M
BEIRUT (Reuters) - France should not interfere in Iran s missile program, Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior adviser to Iran s supreme l
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who sparked a crisis by resigning as Lebanese prime minister on Nov. 4 during a visit to Saud
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - An international investigation into who is to blame for chemical weapons attacks in Syria will end
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police clashed with hooded youths in Athens on Friday after thousands marched to mark a bloody 1
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Australia s main medical association called on Saturday for the government to allow independent doc
BEIJING/SEOUL (Reuters) - Traditional friendship between China and North Korea represents valuable wealth for their people
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - An Argentine submarine with 44 crew on board was missing in the South Atlantic two days after its
HARARE (Reuters) - President Robert Mugabe s own ruling ZANU-PF party wants him to step down and plans to hold a rally in
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, whose top political allies have been accused by Washington of de
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Friday urged passage of a U.S.-drafted United Nations Security Counc
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia vetoed on Friday a Japanese-drafted U.N. Security Council resolution to extend by one mo
CAIRO (Reuters) - Lebanon Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said late on Friday he is on his way to the airport in Saudi Arabia. Har
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon could face economic sanctions from Arab countries or worse if Hezbollah does not stop meddling
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile s presidential hopefuls wrapped up campaigning on Thursday in a race that has pitted billionaire S
(Reuters) - Recreational marijuana is on track to be legalized in Canada by July 2018, making Canada the first Group of Seven c
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF party called on Friday for President Robert Mugabe to resign, the main state n
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Qatar s foreign minister on Friday criticized reckless leadership in the Gulf for a number of crises in
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces on Friday captured the border town of Rawa, the last remaining town under Islamic State co
(This story from November 16 corrects paragraph 15 to say Aden port only partially open and Sanaa airport remains closed, n
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government should revoke landing rights for Kuwait Airways given its ban on Israeli passenger
(Reuters) - Investors seeking steady income flows may have ignored the technology sector and the unexpected impact techno
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF party called on Friday for President Robert Mugabe to resign, the mai
ROME/PALERMO (Reuters) - The death of Sicilian Mafia boss Salvatore Toto Riina on Friday does not mark the end of Cosa No
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said on Friday a crisis triggered by the resignation of its prime min
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s would-be coalition partners continued talks on Friday after all-night negotiations failed to produ
NAIROBI (Reuters) - At least five people were killed on Friday as Kenyan police tried to disperse supporters accompanying opp
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The Brazilian government s plan to overhaul the costly pension system will be in trouble if it does not clea
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The U.S. case against a Turkish gold trader accused of evading U.S. sanctions on Iran is based on evidenc
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - European Union leaders, wary of the rise of populism and xenophobia, are turning to one o
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - There is more work to be done to unlock Brexit talks, British Prime Minister Theresa May
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - There is no deadlock in divorce talks between Britain and the European Union, EU summit
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will soon repay a decades-old debt of over 400 million pounds ($527 million) to Iran, the Iranian am
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran accused France on Friday of fuelling tension in the Middle East by taking a biased stance on Tehran s
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Britain and Ireland clashed over Brexit on Friday with Dublin saying it was not ready to allow talks to move
BEIRUT (Reuters) - An Islamic State car bomb killed 20 people and injured 30 others at a site where displaced families are loca
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that France s position on Brexit talks had not changed and that t
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A Belgian judge made no ruling on Friday on a European arrest warrant issued by Spain for ousted Catala
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani authorities issued a final warning on Friday to members of an Islamist party blocking a main r
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s Justice Minister Michael Masutha on Friday denied parole to the killer of anti-apart
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s upper parliamentary chamber, the House of Lords, has appointed a woman to the role of Black R
PRISTINA (Reuters) - A court in Kosovo on Friday sentenced four people, including a member of parliament, to prison terms ra
GOTHENBURG (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday she and fellow EU leaders agreed that Brexit divo
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s police service said five people were killed by mobs on Friday for looting during unauthorized pro
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that Iran misunderstood France s balanced po
MOSCOW/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russian long-range bombers struck Islamic State on Friday in Albu Kamal in eastern Syria, where
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finnish police reprimanded a man for traveling in a car boot to hide his meeting with Prime Minister Juha
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey is pulling 40 soldiers out of a NATO exercise in Norway, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday, aft
HARARE (Reuters) - The spectacular rise and fall of Zimbabwe s uncompromising First Lady, Grace Mugabe, had an unusual be
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry called on Friday for a peaceful resolution in Zimbabwe under a legal framework, a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday urged a quick return to civilian rule in Zimbabwe afte
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s national carrier Middle East Airlines (MEA) on Friday lifted restrictions on carry-on electronic dev
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urged African leaders on Friday to take further actions to pressu
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk said he told British Prime Minister Theresa May th
SOFIA (Reuters) - Nine people were killed and 19 others were injured when a minibus crashed into a truck on a highway in cen
CAIRO (Reuters) - The Egyptian public prosecutor ordered that a suspected Libyan militant and 14 others be held for 15 days p
ATHENS (Reuters) - Europe s top human rights court has faulted Greece for failing to fully investigate the death of a telecoms e
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who resigned from his post as Lebanon s prime minister two weeks ago from Saudi Arabia, s
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Paratroopers from Serbia and the United States jumped side-by-side just north of Belgrade on Friday as
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Two of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu s closest allies have initiated legislation in what opponents
ADEN (Reuters) - The governor of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi s interim capital Aden has resigned, citing what he said
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Lebanon s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said in Moscow that he hopes Saad al-Hariri, who resigned as p
GENEVA (Reuters) - North Korea on Friday ruled out negotiations with Washington as long as joint U.S-South Korea military ex
BEIRUT/RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi authorities are striking agreements with some of those detained in an anti-corruption crackd
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May and European Council President Donald Tusk agreed on
SALERNO, Italy (Reuters) - Italy held a mass funeral on Friday for 26 young Nigerian women who drowned while trying to cross
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian prosecutors said on Friday they were investigating a case that could involve the head of the nationa
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - European Union leaders proclaimed a set of 20 social rights on Friday in an attempt to ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is closely watching the situation in Saudi Arabia amid reported asset agreements
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri, who resigned as prime minister on Nov. 4, will see France s president on Saturday
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, said on Friday that Lebanon should resolve problems without ou
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said on Friday some forces were trying to oust the leader of the
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea and the United States agreed on Friday to keep working for a peaceful end to the North Korean
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday it was not yet known if Russian President Vladimir Puti
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will provide Panama with whatever help it needs after the Central American country ditched long-sta
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Two people were shot dead on Friday as Kenyan police tried to disperse opposition supporters marching f
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Thursday which said Russia s armed forces numbered just ov
LONDON (Reuters) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson said on Friday it was appalling that Russia had blocked a U.S.-draft
SEOUL (Reuters) - Parasitic worms found in a North Korean soldier, critically injured during a desperate defection, highlight nu
MINSK (Reuters) - There is a substantial difference between how Germany and France envisage the possible deployment of U.
BERLIN (Reuters) - Angela Merkel s conservatives are ready to make further concessions on reducing coal emissions to salvage
ROME (Reuters) - Salvatore Toto Riina, the Sicilian Mafia s most powerful boss of the 20th century who was convicted for ord
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe arrived at a university graduation ceremony in the capital on Friday,
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that Turkey needed to clear the Afrin region of northwest Syria of
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe should end his attempts to remain in office after the military
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - The United States stopped election support for Cambodia with a promise of more concrete steps a
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police fired tear gas at opposition leader Raila Odinga s car, a Reuters witness said. Earlier, police
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Prime Minister Theresa May will push ahead with plans to fix into law the time and date of the co
BOZANOVICI, Bosnia (Reuters) - The sign nailed to a tree marking one of the few paved roads bears the name of the village s fa
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine troops shelled positions held by a small group of pro-Islamic State militants in southern marshla
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria s parliament speaker Dimitar Glavchev resigned on Friday in a move he said was to avoid political up
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis condemned on Thursday inequality in healthcare, particularly in rich countries, saying g
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland is not ready to allow talks on Britain s withdrawal from the European Union to move to the second
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Friday it supports Cambodia in pursuing its own development path, after Cambodia s Suprem
MOSCOW (Reuters) - North Korea has petitioned the Russian parliament to help 3,500 migrant workers from the isolated Asia
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian anti-graft investigators have put the speaker of parliament, who they have identified as a susp
BERLIN (Reuters) - The chief of staff to German Chancellor Angela Merkel said he was optimistic that the parties exploring form
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police have launched operations to track down 42 university staff from Istanbul s Marmara Unive
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Leaders of Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF party are meeting on Friday to draft a resolution to dismiss
TOKYO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump discussed a possible free trade agreement (FTA) with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe du
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The 40,000-year-old remains of an Aboriginal man that prompted a drastic rewrite of Australian history we
BEIJING (Reuters) - The Chinese and Russian militaries will next month hold anti-missile drills in Beijing, China s Defence Minist
MANILA (Reuters) - The war in the Philippine city of Marawi saw Islamist insurgents execute civilians or use them as human sh
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will spend an initial 10 million euros to help remove mines from the northern Syrian city of Raqqa
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan wants the foundations to be laid for the Akkuyu nuclear plant in souther
WELLINGTON/SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand will not resettle refugees occupying a shuttered Australian-run detention in Pa
SAN JOSE (Reuters) - Women who were sexually tortured by Mexican security forces over a decade ago testified Thursday bef
YANGON (Reuters) - One person was injured when military trucks hit landmines in Myanmar s troubled Rakhine State this wee
BEIJING (Reuters) - A workaholic keen swimmer with an extensive knowledge of foreign literature China s state news agency
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s military said it was engaging President Robert Mugabe in talks on the way forward for the cou
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s health ministry is likely to drastically water down a proposal restricting smoking in restaurants, med
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel s efforts to forge a three-way ruling coalition dragged into the wee hours of Frida
BERLIN (Reuters) - Talks to form a three-way German ruling coalition will continue into Saturday, if needed, Peter Tauber, secr
BERLIN (Reuters) - Christian Lindner, head of the Germany s pro-business Free Democrats, confirmed parties seeking to forge a
BERLIN (Reuters) - Talks about forming a new three-way German ruling coalition have been delayed until noon on Friday amid
BEIJING (Reuters) - Western countries are trying to push their culture and political values onto others, seducing them into aba
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States expressed grave concern on Thursday about the Cambodian government s decis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is seeking a new era for Zimbabwe, the State Department s top official for Africa
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico on Thursday undertook to focus more resources on the search for missing people, the numbe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Satellite images taken this month of a North Korean naval shipyard indicate Pyongyang is pursuing a
BONN, Germany (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s corruption investigations are linked to a just few individuals and will not hinder inve
BEIJING (Reuters) - China supports Saudi Arabia s efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and achieve greater development,
(Reuters) - Conservative frontrunner Sebastian Pinera and center-left Alejandro Guillier lead a crowded field of candidates in C
CAIRO (Reuters) - A foreign fighter captured during a raid on Islamist militants blamed by Egypt for a deadly attack in its weste
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia on Thursday cast its 10th veto of United Nations Security Council action on Syria since the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sudan committed on Thursday to severing all trade and military ties with North Korea, the U.S. State
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - The two Rohingya Muslim brothers, six-year-old Mohamed Heron and four-year-old Akh
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir said on Thursday he would support the governor of the cou
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Thursday a dual suspension proposal to handle North Korea was still the best option, after U
BERLIN (Reuters) - It is incredibly unlikely that Britain will not be able to negotiate a deal with the European Union on its depa
NEW YORK/ANKARA (Reuters) - The U.S. judge presiding over the trial of a Turkish gold trader accused of evading U.S. sanction
HARARE (Reuters) - A smiling President Robert Mugabe was pictured shaking hands with Zimbabwe s military chief a day after
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia cast its 10th veto on Thursday of United Nations Security Council action on Syria since the
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri is expected to leave Saudi Arabia for France within 48 hours, before flying home to
BEIRUT/PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanon s president said on Thursday he hoped the crisis over Saad al-Hariri s resignation as prime m
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s sacked former chief prosecutor on Thursday asked the International Criminal Court to captur
KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomb attack in the Afghan capital near a meeting of supporters of an influential regional leader on
GLASGOW, Scotland (Reuters) - Britain s opposition Labour Party is poised for a resurgence in Glasgow, raising its hopes that a
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia s highest court dissolved the main opposition party on Thursday, leaving authoritarian Pri
VIENNA (Reuters) - The OSCE s media watchdog said on Thursday moves by the United States and Russia to force some foreign
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Suicide bomb attackers killed 10 people and wounded 30 in the northeast Nigerian city of Mai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday urged all members of the U.N. Security Council to back th
PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanon s prime minister Saad al-Hariri will arrive in France on Saturday and meet French President Emmanu
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said on Thursday that moves toward paying half a billion dollars to Iran for a debt owed since the 1
MANDRA, Greece (Reuters) - Greeks voiced despair and disbelief on Thursday after a flash flood killed at least 15 people and le
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - European Union leaders will press Theresa May to meet their conditions soon for launching
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - In a square behind Libya s central bank, black market dealers, some of them armed, carry small plastic bags
RIYADH (Reuters) - France s foreign minister on Thursday called on the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen to boost humanita
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, two cabinet ministers and the head of the military met South Afri
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A United Nations General Assembly committee on Thursday called on Myanmar to end military o
(This November 15 story was corrected to clarify in paragraph three that not all people evacuated were fighters) ANKARA (Re
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian investigators fear corruption probes could get buried because the national anti-corruption bureau w
STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) - The man expected to become the leader of France s center-right set out his vision for a multi
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia s Senate has backed a law to regulate transitional justice under the country s peace deal with M
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The Irish government is hopeful Northern Ireland s political parties will make a fresh attempt at restoring th
MILAN (Reuters) - Silvio Berlusconi need no longer pay his ex-wife 1.4 million euros ($1.7 million) a month, an Italian court said
BERLIN (Reuters) - The wave of refugees that entered Germany in 2015-2016 has slowed its integration efforts, according to a
TOKYO (Reuters) - Diplomacy backed by military power is needed to deal with North Korea s missile and nuclear development
GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Bank agreed on Thursday to grant war-torn Yemen $150 million to help some of its hardest-hit
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday there could be an opportunity for ta
PARIS (Reuters) - France s military said on Thursday the coalition battling Islamic State in Syria had opposed a deal allowing fig
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Israeli army s chief of staff told an Arabic language online newspaper that Israel was ready to share inte
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s Supreme Court will rule on Monday on cases that seek to nullify the re-election of President Uhur
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a leading combatant against Islamic State, on Thursday ac
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia on Thursday named nine U.S. government-sponsored news outlets likely to be labeled foreign ag
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A man was found dead on Thursday in a flat in a Stockholm suburb with a package with cables taped
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Foreign Minister Adel Jubeir said on Thursday the kingdom s actions in the Middle East were
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is preparing to transfer over 400 million pounds ($527 million) to Iran as it seeks the release of a ja
ANKARA (Reuters) - Political infighting among Iran s ruling elite has moved on to a new battleground - the relief effort after an
PARIS (Reuters) - A revolt by 100 members of French President Emmanuel Macron s governing party has exposed tensions in t
TOWNSVILLE, Australia (Reuters) - It was early morning last Thursday when Pauline Hanson s rented battler bus started hissin
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai said on Thursday President Robert Mugabe should resign
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday Russia would host a Syria summit on Nov. 22 involving officials from Iran a
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey detained 136 people, including former police, teachers and soldiers, in four separate operations o
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Thursday that Saad al-Hariri will arrive in Paris on Saturday with hi
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s ruling Democratic Party (PD) has lost support following its flop in a regional election in Sicily, while Silv
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s military seized power on Wednesday saying it was holding President Robert Mugabe and his f
HARARE (Reuters) - The head of the youth wing of Zimbabwe s ruling party on Wednesday publicly apologized on state televis
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Two Turkish soldiers were killed and one was wounded on Thursday in northern Iraq s Avasin Basyan reg
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s army appears to be pushing for a quick and bloodless end to 93-year-old President Robert Mu
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A British explorer reported missing while searching for a remote tribe in Papua New Guinea has been spott
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran rejected as wrong some British media reports linking a 400 million pound ($528 million) debt Britain
ANKARA (Reuters) - The United States has told Turkey that jailed gold trader Reza Zarrab is in good medical condition, Turkish
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said in a statement broadcast on state television and Facebook
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on Wednesday for a credible investigation into reports of hu
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A 72-year-old Swiss aid worker was freed by security forces early on Wednesday more than a month a
LONDON (Reuters) - A newspaper report that British Prime Minister Theresa May is preparing to offer up to 20 billion pounds
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean test-takers expressed confusion and dejection on Thursday as the country s highly competitive
BERLIN (Reuters) - The European Union s budget commissioner Guenther Oettinger said on Thursday he expected German par
RIYADH (Reuters) - France is working to normalize the situation in Lebanon and Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri can come to Fran
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke with Saudi Arabia s King Salman by telephone on Thursday, Chinese stat
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey, Russia and Iran will hold a summit to discuss developments in Syria next week in the Russian resor
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, his wife Grace and two key figures from her G40 political fac
DHAKA (Reuters) - Filmstar Angelina Jolie has condemned sexual violence inflicted on Rohingya women in Myanmar s Rakhine
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit Myanmar and Bangladesh from this weekend, his ministry said o
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A lawyer for Indonesia s parliament speaker denied on Thursday that the politician had gone into hiding t
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Recent developments in Syria s Raqqa show that the Kurdish YPG militia, backed by the United States, is
HONG KONG (Reuters) - A Chinese official admonished Hong Kong on Thursday for failing to introduce a national security law,
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Thursday its friendly policy toward Zimbabwe would not change, after the military said it ha
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun tweeted on Thursday that he hoped the country s political crisis was over
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel said German parties face a difficult task to bridge their differences in crunch coali
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand s defense technology agency plans to set up a joint center with China to produce and maintain
BEIJING (Reuters) - China denounced on Thursday a U.S. congressional commission that accused its state media of involvemen
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces killed three suspected militants and arrested 74 others in raids targeting militant gro
HARARE (Reuters) - Former Zimbabwe finance minister Tendai Biti said on Thursday he would be happy to work in any nationa
PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri has accepted an invitation to come to France, although his arrival date in Paris is no
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet with his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil in Moscow
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry reiterated on Thursday that it believes Venezuela has the ability to handle its debt
LONDON (Reuters) - The final death toll from the fire that destroyed the Grenfell Tower social housing block in London in June
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s foreign ministry has suspended a quarter of its diplomats over suspected ties to last year s failed
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is preparing to transfer over 400 million pounds ($527 million) to Iran as it seeks the release of a ja
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey expects the European Union to provide the remaining portion of the 3 billion euros ($3.53 billion) w
HARARE (Reuters) - A Catholic priest is mediating a potential political exit for Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, although th
BERLIN (Reuters) - The European Union and Britain must quickly solve major issues in Brexit negotiations such as finances and
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is studying plans to cope with an influx of perhaps tens of thousands of North Korean evacuees if a m
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore has suspended trade relations with North Korea, the latest of Pyongyang s major trade partn
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Australian lawmakers on Thursday vowed to push through laws legalizing same-sex marriage by early
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia s Supreme Court on Thursday began its final session to decide whether to dissolve the ma
BEIJING/MANILA (Reuters) - China and the Philippines have agreed to avoid force to resolve their differences over the South C
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Nearly nine out of 10 Indians hold a favorable opinion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and more than
VANCOUVER (Reuters) - Canada will not be sending hundreds of peacekeepers to support a United Nations mission in Mali in t
BEIJING (Reuters) - Some top Chinese officials are guilty of practicing sorcery and would rather believe in gurus and Western c
RABWAH, Pakistan (Reuters) - Crammed into buses and mini-vans, more than 10,000 Pakistanis traveled to a mosque on the o
BERLIN (Reuters) - Greens want the next coalition government to push for the removal of all nuclear warheads stationed in Ge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump should under no circumstances take military action against North Kor
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council is due to vote on Thursday on rival U.S. and Russian bids to r
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May withstood new attempts to force concessions on her blueprint for lea
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgarian authorities have smashed a gang suspected of smuggling migrants into Western Europe, prosecuto
VIENNA (Reuters) - At least 3,000 people formed a chain of light in Vienna on Wednesday to protest against the formation of a
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - East Libyan forces said they launched air strikes against suspected Islamic State militants on Wedn
LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski said on Wednesday claims he had worked as a consultant for Brazil
AMMAN (Reuters) - The Syrian army backed by Russian jets on Wednesday stepped up shelling and air strikes on a besieged re
MONROVIA (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Liberia on Wednesday defended the credibility of last month s presidential electio
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission on Wednesday voiced fresh concerns over Poland s plans to reform its courts
LONDON (Reuters) - Foreign minister Boris Johnson said Britain would appeal to Iran on humanitarian grounds to free a jailed
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey has sent a note to U.S. authorities inquiring about the condition of gold trader Reza Zarrab, held i
BANGKOK (Reuters) - A Thai criminal court on Monday said it would proceed to determine whether it would hear a case in a 1
BEIRUT (Reuters) - France said on Wednesday that Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, who Lebanon s president says is be
PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanon s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri and his family will travel to France in coming days, a French presiden
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s lower house of parliament on Wednesday approved a law that would give Moscow the power to
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - At least 11 people were killed in northern Tanzania on Wednesday when a light aircraft flying to th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s military has told regional leaders its move to seize power from President Robert Mugab
LONDON (Reuters) - Manfred Weber, a leading lawmaker in the European Parliament, said on Wednesday he was more confid
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani sacked the chairman of the country s Independent Election Commission on W
BONN, Germany (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday said his invitation on Wednesday to Lebanon s prime
MANDRA, Greece (Reuters) - Flash floods killed at least 15 people, made scores homeless and destroyed infrastructure in Gree
HARARE (Reuters) - When Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe sacked his vice-president in front of 12,000 baying party memb
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May s blueprint to leave the European Union emerged unscathed on Tuesd
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish prosecutors accused Democratic Republic of Congo s government on Wednesday of not coop
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabweans living in South Africa hope the move by the military to seize power from President R
WARSAW (Reuters) - A deeply moving exhibition of archives documenting the life and annihilation of Jews by Nazi Germany in
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Gunmen on a motorcycle shot dead a senior Pakistani police officer, as well as his wife, son and grands
DUBAI (Reuters) - Bahrain said on Wednesday a bomb attack on a police bus which killed an officer and wounded nine last mo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Kidnappers in Lebanon have released a Saudi Arabian man whose abduction was announced by Riyadh last
BERLIN (Reuters) - With just one day left to conclude exploratory talks on forming a new coalition government, German partie
BERLIN (Reuters) - Peter Altmaier once said he would never rise to the top tier of German politics because of his appearance
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea postponed its annual university entrance exam by a week on Wednesday after a rare earthqua
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union has called very publicly for Malta to bring to justice the killers of a journalist who ac
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has reservations about granting diplomatic protection to an Irania
MALE (Reuters) - Two Maldivians suspected of having links to Islamic State (IS)militants were planning to carry out a suicide att
AMMAN (Reuters) - A senior commander defected to Turkey on Wednesday from the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (S
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s Justice Ministry has notified Voice of America and a Russian unit of Radio Free Europe/Radio Lib
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Six Russian long-range bombers struck Islamic State targets near the town of Albu Kamal in Syria s Deir a
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Justice reform has stagnated in Romania this year, and challenges to judicial independence remain a p
ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland will stop seizing income from some would-be asylum seekers to help pay for their upkeep, the
CAIRO (Reuters) - The leader of Egypt s Muslim Brotherhood movement, Mohamed Badie, lost his appeal on Wednesday again
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said on Wednesday that Lebanon will continue taking steps in a b
PARIS (Reuters) - France said on Wednesday it wanted an uncompromising dialogue with Iran about its ballistic missile progra
JAKARTA/TIMIKA, Indonesia (Reuters) - An Indonesian police officer was killed and a second wounded on Wednesday, after bo
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s spy chief has warned that Russia should be seen as a potential danger rather than as a partner
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Leading figures in the Catholic Church and international politics have advised Pope Francis not to use
STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) - EU lawmakers urged the European Commission on Wednesday to investigate Malta s adhere
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The United States military has carried out an air strike in Somalia against al Shabaab, an al Qaeda-link
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain does not want to see one tyrant take over from another in Zimbabwe after the military seized pow
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The ease with which some state-built homes collapsed in Sunday s earthquake in western Iran showed corr
BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia s government approved plans on Wednesday to build military armored vehicles with the Finn
HARARE (Reuters) - When he came to power, Zimbabwe s Robert Mugabe was feted as an African liberation hero in a nation t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian Kurdish leaders voiced support on Wednesday for a longer-term role for U.S. forces in Syria once Isla
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A Singapore mass transit train bumped into another at a station on Wednesday injuring 28 people, aut
PARIS (Reuters) - A suspected Islamist militant accused of killing four in a 2014 attack on a Jewish museum in Belgium was plac
CARACAS (Reuters) - Last March, Chief Justice Maikel Moreno shocked Venezuela when his Supreme Court nullified the power
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The head of an Indonesian group representing victims of the mass killings of alleged communists in the m
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A member of the political party of Saad al-Hariri, who resigned from his post as Lebanon s prime minister o
HARARE (Reuters) - In the annals of missed stories, it ranks up there. When Wednesday s edition of The Herald, Zimbabwe s m
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - The war against Islamic State in Iraq may soon be over but providing humanitarian aid to Iraqis is becom
COLOMBO (Reuters) - A British woman won 800,000 rupees ($5,200) in compensation from a Sri Lankan court on Wednesday
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Wednesday Saudi Arabia was also holding the family of Saad al-Ha
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany called for all sides to show restraint in Zimbabwe after the military seized power there early on W
QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani police on Wednesday found 15 bullet-ridden bodies of kidnap victims near the border w
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s election board must give access to election returns to parties challenging President Uhuru Kenyatt
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who resigned from his post as Lebanon s prime minister on Nov. 4 from Saudi Arabia, reaffirm
HARARE (Reuters) - Following are key figures in Zimbabwe First Lady Grace Mugabe s G40 political faction, the target of an ov
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s President Jacob Zuma spoke to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Wednesd
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday heaped praise on visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia s main opposition party has given up hope of escaping a ban when the Supreme Court rul
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday dismissed allegations that Moscow had fomented
LONDON (Reuters) - Russian Twitter accounts posted almost 45,000 messages about Brexit in the 48 hours around last year s r
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A draft law allowing Moscow to designate foreign media as foreign agents gives Russia a tool to recipro
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australians have voted overwhelmingly for same-sex marriage, paving the way for legislation by the end of
HARARE (Reuters) - The Zimbabwean military is in charge of a paramilitary police support unit depot in Harare and has disarm
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary s foreign ministry has summoned U.S. envoy David Kostelancik over a plan to fund rural media
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma expressed hope on Wednesday that there would not be unco
BEIJING (Reuters) - A senior Chinese diplomat will visit North Korea from Friday as a special envoy of Chinese President Xi Jinpi
SEOUL (Reuters) - A North Korean soldier who suffered critical gunshot wounds during a defection dash over the border to Sou
BEIJING (Reuters) - A trip to Beijing last week by Zimbabwe s military chief was a normal military exchange , China s Foreign M
SREBRENICA, Bosnia (Reuters) - Almir Salihovic sits in his office in Srebrenica, waiting for a U.N. tribunal to give its judgment on
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian police have arrested two Hindu farmers in connection with the killing of a Muslim man suspecte
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that a senior diplomat traveling to North Korea as a special en
SEOUL (Reuters) - The North Korean soldier who was shot while defecting to South Korea on Monday suffered massive interna
SEOUL (Reuters) - After a summer filled with flaming rockets and an earth-shaking nuclear blast, North Korea s state media is p
HARARE (Reuters) - Following is the text of an address made by Zimbabwe Major General SB Moyo, Chief of Staff Logistics, on
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) called for a peaceful return to constituti
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Queen Elizabeth will add another landmark to her record-breaking reign on Monday when she an
YANGON (Reuters) - Human rights monitors on Wednesday urged Myanmar to withdraw a ban on protests in its largest city, Y
BEIJING (Reuters) - China must step up its battle against corruption in order to safeguard against a Soviet-style collapse, the co
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The leader of Zimbabwe s influential liberation war veterans called on Wednesday for South Afric
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China has hit the brakes on subway projects in at least three cities and Beijing is asking others to slow d
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Six people were killed when a small plane crashed in Russia s far eastern region of Khabarovsk early on W
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean soldiers and armored vehicles blocked roads to the main government offices, parliament and
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s military detained Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo on Wednesday after seizing power in an a
BEIJING (Reuters) - The failure of Catalonia s effort to declare independence shows that Taiwan independence is also doomed
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia s constitutional court said in a ruling late on Tuesday that special justice tribunals outlined in a p
(Reuters) - Zimbabwe s military action was not a takeover of the government and was meant to target criminals , the BBC rep
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Wednesday his government will seek to pass legislatio
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The alleged mastermind of one of the worst massacres of migrants in Mexico s long drug war was det
CHILPANCINGO, Mexico (Reuters) - A protest by government workers in a drug violence-riddled southern Mexican city over ro
(Reuters) - Russian cyber operatives have attacked Britain s media, telecommunications and energy sectors over the past year
(Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador in Zimbabwe has instructed all employees to remain home on Wednesday due to ongoing po
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s opposition said on Tuesday that this week s planned political dialogue in the Dominican Repu
BAGHDAD/LONDON (Reuters) - After helping Iraq stifle a Kurdish push for independence, Iran is now positioning itself to take
(Reuters) - U.S. airline Alaska Airlines on Tuesday said it would discontinue a daily flight between Los Angeles and Havana, Cub
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling party accused the head of the armed forces of treason on Tuesday as troops took up po
HARARE (Reuters) - Soldiers took over the headquarters of Zimbabwe s ZBC state broadcaster in the early hours of Wednesda
HARARE (Reuters) - Several loud explosions echoed across central Harare in the early hours of Wednesday after troops deploy
ANKARA (Reuters) - Exhausted and exposed to freezing cold, survivors of a weekend earthquake in western Iran begged autho
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - South Sudan s President Salva Kiir has ordered that humanitarian aid convoys be allowed to mov
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Prosecutors and tax authorities on Tuesday raided the offices of several senior officials of Volkswagen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Tuesday issued a technical alert about cyber attacks it said are sponsored b
HARARE (Reuters) - Two armoured personnel carriers were positioned on the outskirts of Zimbabwe s capital late on Tuesday
BERLIN (Reuters) - German parties exploring a coalition government agreed on Tuesday to set up a mandatory registry of lobb
MANILA (Reuters) - As Air Force One took off from Manila on Tuesday at the end of the longest trip to Asia by an American pre
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the participation of the main opposition coalition in petitions
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine is puzzled by the lack of a U.S. response to requests it has made to question former Donald Trump cam
MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday an employee had attached the wrong photos t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The death toll from air strikes on a Syrian town in a de-escalation zone has risen to 61, a war monitor said
BERLIN (Reuters) - A housing crisis is spreading in Germany, the Federal Homelessness Association said on Tuesday, forecastin
LONDON (Reuters) - Scotland s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Tuesday the UK government had to make changes to its
CARACAS/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Venezuela s cash-strapped government insisted it had successfully begun efforts to refinance
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela has started making interest payments on its foreign debt, Communication Minister Jorge Rodr
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union on Monday urged Saad al-Hariri to return to Lebanon, calling on all political forces i
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Nothing so encapsulated the political shackles in which Saad al-Hariri has operated as Lebanon s prime min
RIYADH (Reuters) - Lebanon s Christian Maronite Patriarch began a historic visit to Saudi Arabia on Monday under heightened
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese politicians and bankers believe Saudi Arabia intends to do to their country what it did to Qatar - c
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri will return to Lebanon from Saudi Arabia within two days, he said on Tuesday, 10 days after h
PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri can only prove he is free by returning home from Saudi Arabia where he went to an
STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The European Parliament named its press room in Strasbourg after Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Malt
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF party said on Tuesday it would never succumb to military pressure and describ
(This Oct. 18 story corrects age in paragraph 19 to five, not six) By Tom Bergin LONDON (Reuters) - The bill for compensating f
BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, seeking to up the pressure in a stand-off with Iraq s Kurdish
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian investigators on Tuesday said they had opened a criminal case into suspected extortion by officials a
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania has expelled a pro-Russian Serbian nationalist and banned him from entering the NATO mem
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte attacked Canada s Justin Trudeau at the end of a summit of Asian an
NANTERRE, France (Reuters) - Who are you and what do you want? Seeking to rebrand itself and bounce back from electoral d
GENEVA (Reuters) - The European Union s support for the Libyan coast guard is leading to the arbitrary and indefinite imprison
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A top European Commission official defended Malta s record on preventing money laundering in a parlia
PARIS (Reuters) - The head of France s parliament on Tuesday admonished newcomers from President Emmanuel Macron s pa
Aden (Reuters) - An air raid by the Saudi-led military coalition put Yemeni airport in the Houthi-controlled capital Sanaa out of
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday he would take action soon over border areas under
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May s offer of settled status for EU residents is flawed and will leave them
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday said an almost two-month pause in North Korean missile tes
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Bosnia meets the military conditions needed to take the next step toward its eventual goal of NATO mem
MANILA (Reuters) - China s agreement to begin talks with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on the fine prin
DUBLIN (Reuters) - New thinking is needed from the British government to secure agreement on the Irish border and allow Bre
YANGON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will stress the need to halt violence and stabilize Rakhine State when
JUBA (Reuters) - A judge of South Sudan s Supreme Court resigned on Tuesday, saying a lack of independence from the executi
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s army released a report on Monday denying all allegations of rape and killings by security force
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania offered a reward of 10 million shillings ($4,500) on Tuesday for the arrest of a former chi
MANILA (Reuters) - Leaders from across Asia joined U.S. President Donald Trump at an extravagant gala dinner in the Philippin
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hundreds of Hong Kong soccer fans booed and jeered the Chinese national anthem at an Asia Cup qu
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Tuesday he would only answer to the people of his country w
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A top Iranian official and Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri gave conflicting accounts on Tuesday of a key meeting th
HARARE (Reuters) - Four tanks were seen heading toward the Zimbabwe capital Harare on Tuesday, witnesses said, a day afte
DUBAI (Reuters) - Lebanon s Christian Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rai met on Tuesday in Saudi Arabia with Saad al-
RIYADH (Reuters) - Lebanon s Christian Maronite Patriarch, visiting Saudi Arabia in an historic visit to the ultra-conservative M
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Tuesday China had graciously agreed at a summit of Asian n
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The citizenship crisis engulfing Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull s government deepened on Tue
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has not seen any evidence of successful direct interference in its electoral system, which is one of
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Any move by the European Union to impose new sanctions on Iran over its ballistic missile program and
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A Pakistani anti-corruption court on Tuesday issued an arrest warrant for Finance Minister Ishaq Dar a
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held talks with Lebanon s Maronite Christian Patriarch Bechara
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. aid coordinator called on the Saudi-led coalition to open all Yemen s seaports urgently on Tuesda
ANKARA (Reuters) - At least 530 people were killed in Iran s deadliest earthquake in more than a decade, state news agency IR
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Four Serbian men got suspended prison terms on Tuesday for taking parts in riots at the U.S. embassy in
ISLAMABAD/LAHORE, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani police have arrested dozens of members of a hard-line Islamist party that
YANGON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will focus on the need to stop the violence and stabilize Rakhine state
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in said on Tuesday it would not be easy for reclusive North Korea to destr
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - A judge in Brazil has ordered the detention of several top political figures in Rio de Janeiro, includin
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday pledge up to 117 billion yen ($1.03 billion) of development a
LONDON (Reuters) - An Iranian official said on Tuesday Tehran hoped Saad al-Hariri would remain as Lebanon s prime minister
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has not promised to ensure a withdrawal of pro-Iranian forces from Syria, RIA news agency quote
SEOUL (Reuters) - A North Korean soldier is expected to survive critical wounds he received when his old comrades fired a hail
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Leaders of three of the eight parties elected in Iceland in an October 28 parliamentary election bega
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday he met U.S. President Donald Trump at the AS
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will firmly safeguard freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, Premier Li Keqiang
BEIJING (Reuters) - Authorities in China s far western region of Xinjiang have in recent months detained up to 30 relatives of an
ADEN (Reuters) - At least six people were killed on Tuesday when a suicide car bomb ripped through a base used by a local sec
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States is providing de-facto cover for Islamic State units in Syria and only pretending to fight
LONDON (Reuters) - British police were hunting for an unidentified man on Tuesday after a suitcase containing 1 million pound
MANILA (Reuters) - Mutual praise, warm handshakes and even an impromptu love song at a lavish dinner suggest U.S. Preside
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan said its environment minister has been prevented from attending an annual U.N. climate meeting ev
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The U.N. refugee agency on Tuesday urged Australia to accept New Zealand s offer to resettle 150 refugee
TOKYO (Reuters) - The governor of the Japanese capital, Tokyo, whose opposition Party of Hope came a distant third to Prime
(This November 1 story has been corrected to read 25,000 in paragraph 11) By Karolina Tagaris and Deborah Kyvrikosaios AT
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday the government would maintain its commitment to p
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani said on Tuesday that Arab states that had imposed sanctions
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called on Tuesday for advancing free trade agreement talks between China, Jap
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Kuwait s ambassador to Lebanon told President Michel Aoun the Gulf monarchy supports his efforts to ove
TOKYO (Reuters) - Mongolian sumo grand champion Harumafuji on Tuesday apologized for injuring a fellow wrestler who med
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepal has scrapped a $2.5 billion deal with China Gezhouba Group Corporation to build the country s
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump left the Philippines on Tuesday without attending an annual East Asia Summi
KABUL (Reuters) - More than 60 percent of Afghans still believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, but signs of bett
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he had made clear during his trip to Asia that the United Sta
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban attacked more than a dozen checkpoints over six hours in the souther
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia said on Tuesday it will introduce reforms by the end of the year to combat foreign interference a
ANKARA/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Thousands of homeless Iranians huddled against the cold late on Monday, a day after at least 4
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin wants good news. The Russian leadership has told major companies to supply it with news
MANILA (Reuters) - Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday said he raised the issue of human rights and extrajudicia
TIMIKA, Indonesia (Reuters) - The Indonesian unit of Freeport-McMoRan Inc closed the main access road to its giant copper m
SEOUL (Reuters) - The United States top negotiator with North Korea arrived in South Korea on Tuesday, a visit that comes as
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia said on Monday it was talking to the United States about the U.N. Security Council renewi
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Alphabet Inc s Google in the last few months has begun removing from YouTube extremist videos
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia, China, Egypt and Bolivia boycotted an informal public United Nations Security Council me
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military will fight Islamic State in Syria as long as they want to fight, Defense Secretary Jim
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s socialist government gifted chocolates to creditors on Monday, but offered no firm proposal
BRASILIA (Reuters) - One of four ministers representing a centrist Brazilian party in President Michel Temer s government resig
BRAS LIA (Reuters) - Brazil s President Michel Temer will start a cabinet reshuffle that should be completed in mid-December,
ANKARA/SOCHI (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan took swipes at U.S. and Russian interventions in Syria on Monday
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union foreign ministers approved economic sanctions, including an arms embargo, on Venezu
MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Kremlin-backed television station RT America registered Monday with the U.S. Depar
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea complained to the United Nations on Monday about joint military exercises by the U
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Saudi royal family members, officials and businessmen arrested in an anti-corruption crackdown
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma reiterated a call on Monday for radical reforms to shift the ba
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson issued a second, fuller apology on Monday for remarks about an Ir
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Monday apologized for causing distress with remarks about a I
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - A court in Brazil decided on Monday to resume criminal proceedings, including consideration of m
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitoring group said on Monday that air strikes on a marke
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia will host what it called an expanded conference for the Syrian opposition this month, aiming t
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Macedonia s prime minister said on Monday he hoped Skopje and Athens could soon reach a solution t
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey and Russia have agreed to focus on a political solution in Syria, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s top general warned on Monday that the military would not hesitate to step in to end purges a
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Monday Russia s work with Turkey and Iran was producing concrete
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russia and Turkey plan to launch the first reactor at Turkey s Akkuyu nuclear power plant in 2023, Ru
ABUJA (Reuters) - President Muhammadu Buhari is to visit southeast Nigeria this week, his spokesman said on Monday, his fir
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish musician and activist Bob Geldof called Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi a hand maiden to genocide
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun, who has refused to accept Saad Hariri s resignation as prime minister unl
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - France and Germany edged toward achieving a 70-year-old ambition to integrate European defenses on
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian unit of Freeport-McMoRan Inc has reopened the main supply route to its huge copper mi
PARIS (Reuters) - France, still on alert against militant Islamist attacks, paid tribute on Monday to 130 people killed when gunm
BERLIN (Reuters) - Environmental policy dominated negotiations on forming a new German coalition on Monday, as the Green
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran said on Monday that it does not interfere in Lebanon and that comments on Sunday by Saad al-Hariri
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he had made significant progress on trade issues during a fru
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s blueprint for Britain s exit from the European Union faces a crucial test star
LONDON (Reuters) - British Brexit minister David Davis said on Monday the government would allow parliament the opportun
LONDON (Reuters) - Hundreds of people displaced by a fire that killed about 80 people in London in June are still living in hote
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Greenpeace Africa and other NGOs intend to appeal against South Africa s decision to grant an enviro
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania s tourism minister ordered a corruption investigation into his predecessor on Monday, ju
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he has put the United States and Russia on notice
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - The United States said on Monday it would fund rural media outlets in Hungary to help train and equip
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Madrid believes Russian-based groups used online social media to heavily promote Catalonia s independ
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police on Monday published videos showing three former members of the Red Army Faction (RAF)
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish airline Atlasglobal on Monday said flights out of Copenhagen had resumed as normal, after secur
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he had a great relationship with his Philippine counterpart,
LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers will debate legislation underpinning the government s plan to leave the European Unio
VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran has remained within the main limits on its nuclear activity set by its 2015 deal with six world powers, t
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romanian anti-corruption prosecutors opened an investigation on Monday into the leader of the rulin
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday he would discuss a planned Moscow-backed Syrian con
BERN (Reuters) - European and African ministers agreed on Monday to try to improve conditions for migrants in Libya and see
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump raised North Korea s missile tests during talks on Monday with the prime min
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson issued a second, fuller apology on Monday for remarks about an Ir
PRISTINA (Reuters) - Kosovo s government considers the possibility of attacks by Islamic State fighters returning from Iraq and
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Danish police were investigating a plane at Copenhagen airport due to depart for Istanbul, in respon
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa should raise state spending on higher education by around a third to at least 1 perce
SEOUL (Reuters) - A North Korean soldier defected to the South on Monday after being shot and wounded by the North Korea
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Militants have crossed into Pakistan from Afghanistan and killed a Pakistani army officer and a soldier,
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Anti-establishment Slovenian presidential candidate Marjan Sarec, who narrowly lost to President Boru
PARIS (Reuters) - France s foreign ministry suggested on Monday that new sanctions could be imposed on Iran if needed over
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s deposed president said he might consider a solution to Spain s political crisis that did not invol
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - France, Germany and 21 other EU governments signed a defense pact on Monday they hope marks a ne
KINSHASA (Reuters) - About 30 people were killed and more than two dozen injured when a train derailed then caught fire in D
LONDON (Reuters) - Prince Charles led the annual ceremony to honor Britain s war dead on Sunday, laying a wreath on behalf
PARIS (Reuters) - France s foreign ministry said on Monday it was an important condition for the stability of the region that Ira
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Media outlets such as CNN, Radio Free Europe and Deutsche Welle could be affected by Russia s new fo
MANILA (Reuters) - President Rodrigo Duterte crooned a hit Filipino love song at a dinner in Manila for leaders from across As
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has ordered a special inspection into past irregularities in billing o
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s police monitor said on Monday investigations into the alleged killings by police of a girl and a baby
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday he will discuss a solution to the five-month dispute b
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to agree the broad outline of a transition deal with the Europea
MANILA (Reuters) - Leaders of Asian nations meeting in Manila on Monday skirted around the mass exodus of Rohingya Musli
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen said it will continue to block the main aid route into the co
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A thick cloud of toxic smog 10 times the recommended limit enveloped India s capital, New Delhi, on M
BERLIN (Reuters) - Time is ticking on Brexit negotiations between Britain and the European Union and there is real urgency to
PARIS (Reuters) - Two years after militants killed 130 people in coordinated attacks across Paris, French officials say there rema
MADRID (Reuters) - More than half of Spanish voters favor an early national election, a survey showed on Monday, as support
ROME (Reuters) - National elections are looming and Italy s left seems bent on engineering its own defeat as Democratic Party
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Papua New Guinea Immigration Minister Petrus Thomas said authorities would take steps on Monday to fo
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Monday that regional cooperation should neither be politicized nor exclusionary, responding
BEIJING (Reuters) - One of Australia s largest independent publishers said it decided to delay the publication of a book that alle
MANILA (Reuters) - The issue of human rights and alleged extrajudicial killings in the Philippines was not discussed during a me
ANKARA (Reuters) - At least 328 people were killed and over 2,500 injured by a quake in Iran s Kermanshah province. on the Ir
COX S BAZAR/KUTUPALONG, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Rohingya refugee children from Myanmar are working punishing hours fo
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump briefly discussed human rights with Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte in the
AMMAN (Reuters) - Islamic State militants regained control of Albu Kamal, their last stronghold in Syria, after Iranian-backed m
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan has assured the United States it has no intention of causing trouble in the Taiwan Strait, the self-rule
BEIJING (Reuters) - The retired former head of a Chinese state-run news agency has been expelled from the ruling Communist
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull slumped to a new low in a poll released on Monday as hi
SINGAPORE/CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (Reuters) - A nephew of Singapore s prime minister said a contempt of court proceed
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian police shot dead two men suspected of burning down a police station complex in a jihadist-ins
MANILA (Reuters) - A draft of the statement to be issued after a Southeast Asian summit makes no mention of the exodus of R
BEIJING (Reuters) - One of Australia s largest independent publishers said it decided to delay the publication of a book which a
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will delay a decision to develop a new advanced fighter jet, four sources said, as military planners stru
SAN JOSE (Reuters) - A strong 6.5 magnitude quake struck the Pacific coast of Costa Rica near its capital city San Jose on Sunda
NEW YORK/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - United Airlines said it had resumed flights from Newark, New Jersey to New Delhi, India on
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian unit of Freeport-McMoRan Inc has reopened the main supply route to its Papuan mine, a
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - The Guatemalan unit of telecommunications firm Telefonica SA suspended its customer service o
PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Panama s President Juan Carlos Varela will travel to China to meet with his counterpart Xi Jinping on
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri warned on Sunday Lebanon was at risk of Gulf Arab sanctions because of the Shi ite group He
DUBAI (Reuters) - At least 61 people were killed and 300 injured by a quake in Iran s Kermanshah province on the Iraqi border
DUBAI (Reuters) - At least 30 people were killed and 200 injured by a quake in Iran s Kermanshah province on the Iraqi border
TUNIS (Reuters) - A group of 25 refugees have been evacuated from Libya to Niger to have resettlement claims processed, in t
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Slovenian President Borut Pahor was re-elected for a second term in a runoff vote on Sunday, beating h
LONDON (Reuters) - Forty members of parliament from Prime Minister Theresa May s Conservative Party have agreed to sign
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - At least four people died and dozens were wounded after a major earthquake struck large parts of Iraq
BARCELONA - Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy urged Catalans to turn out in force in a December election to restore normality t
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - At least one person died and 50 were wounded after a major earthquake struck large parts of Iraq on Su
BEIRUT (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Sunday he hopes Saad al-Hariri, who announced last week f
ANKARA (Reuters) - At least six people were killed in an Iranian town on the border with Iraq on Sunday from a powerful earth
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who announced on Nov. 4 from Saudi Arabia that he was quitting as Lebanon s prime ministe
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A country long divided by sectarian conflicts, Lebanon has found a rare point of unity since Saad al-Hariri s s
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Sunday that Saad al-Hariri s freedom was being restricted in Riyad
CAIRO (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has called for an urgent meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo next week to discuss
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel signaled on Sunday that it would keep up military strikes across its frontier with Syria to prevent
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday attempted to clear up confusion over whether he accepts Russian P
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two former top U.S. intelligence officials said on Sunday they fear President Donald Trump is being
AH LEI THAN KYAW, Myanmar (Reuters) - Some 1,000 Rohingya Muslims desperate to leave Myanmar are camped on this exp
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary s right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban accepted his ruling Fidesz party s endorsement on Sun
BHUBANESWAR, India (Reuters) - At least 16 people died on Sunday when a tourist boat capsized in the southern Indian state
BANGUI (Reuters) - Seven people were killed and around 20 others were injured in a grenade attack on a peace concert and re
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Twenty eight bodies with bullet wounds and torture marks were discovered on Saturday in an area west of
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday urged party leaders negotiating a tricky three-way coalition g
(Reuters) - China and Vietnam avoided conflict over the South China Sea on Sunday when Chinese President Xi Jinping met Vie
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The Indonesian unit of Freeport-McMoRan Inc has temporarily shut the main supply route to its Papua m
LONDON (Reuters) - British ministers rallied around Boris Johnson on Sunday, saying the foreign secretary was doing a great jo
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said in a tweet on Sunday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had insulted
DHAKA (Reuters) - A senior United Nations official said on Sunday she would raise the issue of persecution of Myanmar s Rohin
MANILA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hopped from one table to the next, chatted with people and pose
(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang underscored the importance of free and o
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will not offer a figure or a formula for how much it believes it owes the European Union, Brexit min
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar police arrested on Sunday an ultra-nationalist Buddhist monk who has a history of stoking senti
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s president called on Saudi Arabia on Saturday to clarify why Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Har
BEIRUT (Reuters) - From the moment Saad al-Hariri s plane touched down in Saudi Arabia on Friday Nov. 3, he was in for a sur
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The party of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, who unexpectedly quit a week ago while in Saudi Arab
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland will not threaten to use a veto on Brexit talks at this stage over the lack of progress on the Irish bo
LONDON (Reuters) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson had a constructive conversation with the husband of Iranian-Britis
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Sunday that inflexibility on the part of the United States was to blame for the lack of
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Donald Trump directly asked Russian President Vladimir Putin during their talks at a weekend summit in
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s main opposition party said on Sunday it had asked the High Court to force Presiden
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s main opposition party said on Sunday it had asked the High Court to force Presiden
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s purchase of Russian S-400 surface-to-air missiles has been completed but Ankara is discussing a
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey has dismissed what it said were ludicrous reports that Turkish officials may have discussed a plan
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Celebrations in Brussels to mark Morocco s return to soccer s World Cup finals for the first time in two de
ADEN (Reuters) - Yemen s national airline said on Sunday it still lacks the security permits needed to resume commercial flight
LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union agreed that Britain would not have to come up with a figure for a financial deal to le
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday he was prepared to mediate between claimants to the South C
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said on Sunday the South China Sea dispute, involving China and five
MANILA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in the Philippine capital Manila on Sunday to attend an annual gather
LONDON (Reuters) - London Mayor Sadiq Khan called on British foreign minister Boris Johnson on Sunday to resign after a seri
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - An Iraqi army helicopter crashed during a routine flight on Sunday, killing all seven people on board, a m
NIAMEY/NAIROBI (Reuters) - When Doundou Chefou first took up arms as a youth a decade ago, it was for the same reason as
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran rejected on Sunday a call by French President Emmanuel Macron for talks on Tehran s ballistic missiles,
KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Bahrain said an explosion which caused a fire at its main oil pipeline on Friday was caused by
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s energy ministry said pumping to Bahrain had been suspended and the kingdom was stepping
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that it was possible he could be friends with North Korean lead
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Sunday said he would discuss North Korea and Islamist terr
BEIJING (Reuters) - President Xi Jinping vowed to further free up China s economy, again urging Asian countries to work closely
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that he was prepared to mediate between claimants to the So
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said he believed President Vladimir Putin when he denied accusations
BEIRUT/RIYADH (Reuters) - The first hint that something was amiss came in a letter. On Saturday Nov. 4, guests at Riyadh s Rit
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of Catalan independence supporters clogged one of Barcelona s main avenues
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite President Donald Trump s full-throated support for Saudi Arabia, the United States appears
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Two East African presidents on Saturday condemned a decision by the International Criminal Cour
KRAKOW, Poland (Reuters) - Demanding reparations from Germany for its actions in Poland during World War Two is a matter
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s president said on Saturday anything Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri has said or may say does not r
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s president has told foreign ambassadors that the country s prime minister Saad al-Hariri, who res
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - China will work with Southeast Asian countries to safeguard peace in the South China Sea, Presi
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday he had a normal dialogue with U.S. leader Do
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that Russia would respond in kind to what he
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Concluding a peace treaty between Russia and Japan would involve Moscow examining how it c
HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin on S
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Saturday that U.S. President Donald Trump s first trip to Asia showed he was a destroy
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping hailed a fresh start to the
SEOUL (Reuters) - The leaders of South Korea and China on Saturday agreed on the need to manage the security situation on t
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian military jets destroyed 10 vehicles carrying weapons, ammunition and smuggled goods near the co
MILAN (Reuters) - The outcome of local elections in Sicily has further weakened the ruling party of former Prime Minister Matt
ADEN (Reuters) - The Saudi-led military coalition fighting against Yemen s Houthi movement will allow the resumption of inter
YAOUNDE (Reuters) - Separatists from Cameroon s Anglophone region have killed four security forces in several attacks over t
SUBIC, Philippines (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy and he has often come in for sharp cr
PARIS (Reuters) - Eight suspects have been placed under formal investigation in France following their arrest in joint counter-t
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian security forces in the eastern province of Papua are preparing to storm five villages that they s
BEIRUT/PARIS (Reuters) - Hezbollah s leader said on Friday that Saudi Arabia had declared war on Lebanon and his Iran-backed
BEIRUT (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron called Lebanese President Michel Aoun on Saturday to discuss develop
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel shot down a Syrian spy drone over the Golan Heights on Saturday, the Israeli military said. The d
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Papua New Guinea will delay by at least 24 hours a plan to forcibly evict hundreds of men from an abando
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi forces launched an offensive on Saturday to capture Rawa, the last remaining town under Islamic-S
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump met Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte for the first time at the A
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - A Russian-sponsored Syrian peace initiative has not been scheduled yet, Russia s foreign ministe
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump, in a joint statement on Syria
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he would not call a general election after a citizenship cris
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China must win its battle against corruption or face being erased by history, its new top graft buster said
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s military said on Friday it was prepared to take tough measures against rebels who have threat
ZAGREB (Reuters) - The Croatian government survived a parliamentary no-confidence vote early on Saturday that the oppositi
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union told Britain on Friday to spell out what it will pay Brussels for when it leaves the blo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Friday a Saudi citizen had been kidnapped in Lebanon, a country with which it is in a di
BERLIN (Reuters) - Deniz Yucel, a German-Turkish journalist detained by Ankara since February, has accused Turkish President
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - South Sudan President Salva Kiir s government is using food as a weapon of war to target civilian
BERLIN (Reuters) - German parties cited progress on Friday after three weeks of talks about a three-way coalition, with their le
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s president and its ruling party have reached a compromise on judicial reform, a parliamentary de
AMSTERDAM/NAIROBI (Reuters) - Burundi said on Friday it will refuse to cooperate with an International Criminal Court (ICC)
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis appeared to harden the Catholic Church s teaching against nuclear weapons on Friday,
HARARE (Reuters) - A U.S. citizen accused of attempting to subvert President Robert Mugabe s government was released from
SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) - Nearly a year after Islamic State was driven from its Libyan stronghold Sirte, residents surveying their w
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union lawmakers have raised concerns over money laundering in Malta and the independence
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s parliament warned on Friday some U.S. and other foreign media could be declared foreign agen
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Efforts to revive the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal foundered on Friday when Canad
OTTAWA (Reuters) - The 11 nations working on a new version of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact have agreed to
TOULOUSE, France (Reuters) - A man deliberately drove his car into a group of people outside a school near Toulouse in south
BERLIN (Reuters) - German parties exploring a coalition government have underscored their commitment to the NATO alliance
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party said on Friday it planned legal changes to enhance democracy
ADEN/GENEVA (Reuters) - The Saudi-led military coalition fighting against Yemen s Houthi movement reopened a land border
BEIRUT/PARIS (Reuters) - Hezbollah s leader said on Friday that Saudi Arabia had declared war on Lebanon and his Iran-backed
PARIS (Reuters) - France s foreign ministry on Friday nuanced comments made earlier by its minister, suggesting that former L
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday warned other countries and groups against using Leba
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Energy Minister on Friday called on companies bidding in its first round of licensing to explore fo
PARIS (Reuters) - With U.S. President Donald Trump tightly aligned with Saudi Arabia against Iran, France is positioning itself a
KAMPALA (Reuters) - As fresh fighting looms in South Sudan with the onset of the dry season, there is little chance of peace ta
DUBAI (Reuters) - Two men wanted by Saudi authorities were injured when security officers tried to capture them, state news
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Russia s Vladimir Putin shook hands at the Asia-Pacific Econom
MADRID (Reuters) - The Catalan parliament s speaker was released from prison on Friday but the terms she agreed to seem lik
PARIS (Reuters) - France s foreign ministry said on Friday it wanted Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri to be free of his movements and f
OSLO (Reuters) - Norway on Friday received the first three of the 40 F-35 fighter jets it ordered from Lockheed-Martin as part
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday Saudi Arabia had declared war on Lebanon and He
DUBLIN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ireland s foreign minister warned on Friday there was still a way to go in Brexit talks on the Iris
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Friday that he had agreed with Russian President V
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman s recent political purge raises concerns and rem
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Some listeners to commercial radio station Mix Megapol in Sweden heard 30 minutes of an Islamic St
COX S BAZAR/YANGON (Reuters) - They came in boats, others on flimsy rafts, some even swam. Around 750 Rohingya Muslim
KERBALA, Iraq (Reuters) - Chanting and flailing themselves in mourning for Imam Hussein, hundreds of thousands of Shi ite Mu
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan said on Friday it would send one of its two big helicopter carriers, the largest warship in its fleet, alon
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday an Israeli war with Lebanon was unlikely and warn
BEIJING/NEW DELHI (Reuters) - As U.S. President Donald Trump and some of America s democratic allies talk up a vision of Ind
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran has provided the capability for ballistic missile attacks launched from Yemen, a senior U.S. Air Force offi
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Friday he had serious concerns over escalating t
GENEVA (Reuters) - Yemen s stocks of fuel and vaccines will run out in a month unless a Saudi-led military coalition allows aid
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump greeted each other at an APEC summ
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine troops on Friday rescued three Vietnamese sailors abducted by a group of Islamist militants nine
CAIRO (Reuters) - Suspected militants shot dead at least nine truck drivers in Egypt s Sinai region late on Thursday when they t
PRISTINA (Reuters) - Kosovo accused Serbia of undermining a European Union-sponsored dialogue between the two countries
SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan (Reuters) - Senior officials from the European Union and Iran spoke up on Friday in defense of the ag
CARACAS (Reuters) - The Whale , The Dog or The Zebra ? Players line up beside a small kiosk in a poor neighborhood to choo
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Top Scottish nationalist Alex Salmond is under fire for agreeing to host a Russia Today talkshow, but th
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The best way to avoid the return of a hard border between Ireland and the British province of Northern Ir
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Self-designed homes based on traditional Iraqi architecture could be the solution to
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Leading Lebanese politician Walid Jumblatt said on Friday his country did not deserve to be accused of decl
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Hezbollah-run media unit said on Friday Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was reported to have b
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan will use a meeting in southe
BAYAMON, Puerto Rico/NEW YORK, (Reuters) - Along a stretch of highway in suburban Bayamon, Puerto Rico, construction wo
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte thanked Moscow on Friday for its timely assistance in def
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will build four coast guard radar stations on islands in the Sulu Celebes Seas separating the Philippine
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s speaker of parliament was on Friday named again as a suspect in a huge embezzlement case i
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s grand mufti, the top cleric for Sunni Muslims, said Saad al-Hariri s resignation as Prime Minister c
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May should stop misleading voters and admit that Brexit can be avoided if Britain
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - A Myanmar court on Friday jailed for two months two journalists on assignment for Turkey s state bro
BERLIN (Reuters) - German parties exploring a coalition government remain divided on the issues of a euro zone budget, Europ
RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistan on Friday blocked off roads into Islamabad, the capital, as an Islamist party that bac
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis, in some his strongest comments ever on nuclear weapons, said on Friday that the wor
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - A planned meeting of leaders of the 11 countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The U.S.-led coalition told Reuters on Friday that it does not have any releasable information concerning th
SYDNEY (Reuters) - About 20 asylum seekers on Friday left an Australian-run detention center due to close down in Papua New
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The International Support Group (ISG) for Lebanon appealed for Lebanon to continue to be shielded from t
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Twelve-year-old Nur Hafes would rather be in school or playing football with friends at h
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s government said on Thursday it would use legislation to fix the time and date of the country s Eu
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany has no evidence that Saad al-Hariri is being held against his will by Saudi Arabia and believes that
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Asia-Pacific nations must uphold multilateralism , Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday, co
ADEN (Reuters) - The Saudi-led military coalition fighting against the Houthi movement in Yemen has reopened a land border
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday that Islamic State has taken back control of half of
BEIRUT (Reuters) - President Michel Aoun told Saudi Arabia s envoy to Lebanon on Friday that Saad al-Hariri must return to th
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump lauded his Beijing meetings on trade and North Korea as very productive , en
BEIJING (Reuters) - As U.S. President Donald Trump left Beijing on Friday for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in
WUKAN, China (Reuters) - Surveillance cameras peer at residents from every major street corner. Informants are everywhere,
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun expressed concern on Friday over reports surrounding the circumstances
ZAGREB (Reuters) - The Croatian parliament began a debate on Friday on an opposition no-confidence motion against the gov
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - The prospects for a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Dona
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police detained 100 people in three separate operations on Friday over suspected links to Islamic
ONITSHA, Nigeria (Reuters) - Police in Nigeria s southern Delta state said they killed one suspect and arrested two others accu
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - A planned meeting of leaders of the eleven countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) did n
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump set out a strong message on trade at a meeting of Asia-Pacific cou
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Rubber farmers in Thailand, one of the world s biggest exporters of natural rubber, threatened on Friday
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Rubber farmers in Thailand, one of the world s biggest exporters of natural rubber, threatened on Friday
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean president Moon Jae-in will hold a summit with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on Saturday
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Moscow has been receiving contradictory signals from the United States on a possible meeting
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea will join three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups in a joint drill scheduled for Nov. 11 to 14, the S
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump set out a strong message on trade at a meeting of Asia-Pacific cou
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia s long-serving Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday said the 2018 national election result doe
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China s self-developed C919 passenger jet completed its first long-distance flight on Friday, in a milesto
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s government is considering a range of budget cuts that could include slashing social
MANILA (Reuters) - Islamic State-inspired militants who battled troops in a southern Philippine city for 154 days sought a way
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A possible meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump at the AP
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump landed in Vietnam on Friday for a summit of Asia-Pacific Economic
PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Two sons of former Panamanian president Ricardo Martinelli were paid $49 million by Brazilian engi
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s opposition-ruled Congress voted 55-21 late on Thursday to pass legislation that expands a raft of new
MANILA (Reuters) - Pro-Islamic State militants killed six soldiers and wounded four others on a southern Philippine island, the
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who is facing international criticism for his bloody war on drugs, said
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea will provide additional financial support for companies that formerly operated at the now shut-
(Reuters) - Fiji warned on Friday it faces soaring costs to protect itself from climate change and called on the world to do more
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Britain s top internal security official is pressing social media companies to devise automatic systems
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s government and opposition will resume efforts to hold dialogue, the third attempt in a year
DUBAI/RIYADH (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron held hastily scheduled talks in Riyadh on Thursday with Saudi C
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish judge on Thursday freed on bail the Catalan parliament s speaker and four lawmakers while aut
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe will upgrade its main airport at a cost of $153 million in an effort to attract more visitors, state m
ABU DHABI/DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s crackdown on corruption has spread beyond its borders as regulators in the Unit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has spoken to Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir about the si
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon believes Saad al-Hariri is being held in Saudi Arabia, from where he resigned as Lebanese prime m
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A tiny basement in a house in suburban Washington, D.C. reverberates with music from the Spanish
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - A Russian official expressed interest in Argentina providing more food products to Russia, Argentina
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Eighteen people, including a provincial lawmaker, went on trial in eastern Co
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence expressed deep concern to Turkey s prime minister on Thursday ab
LONDON (Reuters) - Theresa May appointed a strong Brexit supporter as aid minister on Thursday following a resignation that
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish Supreme Court judge on Thursday ordered the Catalan parliament speaker be released on bail o
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish Supreme Court judge on Thursday ordered the Catalan parliament speaker be released on bail o
DUBAI/ZURICH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has announced it will confiscate money and assets held by dozens of top officials and b
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Eastern Libyan forces on Thursday expelled Islamist fighters from one of their last strongholds in t
DUBAI (Reuters) - Three Gulf states advised their citizens against traveling to Lebanon on Thursday and asked those already th
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African politician Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma said on Thursday it was fine if the country s whi
DUBAI (Reuters) - France sold two Gowind-class corvettes of state-owned shipbuilder Naval Group to the United Arab Emirate
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who resigned as Lebanon s prime minister last weekend, met the French ambassador to Sau
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Hezbollah s parliamentary bloc called on Saudi Arabia on Thursday to stop interfering in Lebanese affairs aft
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s foreign minister said on Thursday that the Lebanese people choose whether to remove their rep
(Please note: profanity in sixth paragraph) By Isla Binnie ROME (Reuters) - A bloody attack on a journalist has prompted outra
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chilean police prevented U.S. boxer Mike Tyson from entering the country citing non-compliance with im
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump pressed China to do more to rein in North Korea on Thursday and said bilater
ARDEUIL ET MONTFAUXELLES, France (Reuters) - In a half-forgotten field in France stands a worn monument to a regiment of
BERLIN (Reuters) - The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party called on Thursday for the repatriation of half a million Sy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday sanctioned 10 more Venezuelan officials, including seve
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Discord emerged between Japan and Canada over progress on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TP
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s state prosecutor on Thursday asked the Spanish Supreme Court to jail the Catalan parliament s spe
RIYADH (Reuters) - Kuwait s foreign ministry ordered its nationals to leave Lebanon immediately, according to a statement on
KABUL (Reuters) - The United Nations mission in Afghanistan said at least 10 civilians may have been killed by an air strike in th
NOUAKCHOTT (Reuters) - A Mauritanian blogger condemned to death in 2014 for apostasy in a Facebook post about Islam wil
ATHENS (Reuters) - A leading member of Greece s most deadly guerrilla group, November 17, began a two-day leave from pris
MOSCOW (Reuters) - At least two people died and two were injured on Thursday after a part of a nine-storey building collapse
DUBAI (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday he had informal contacts with former Lebanese Prime
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland wants to be sure that Christian traditions are not subject to ideological censorship in the Europe
WARSAW (Reuters) - Lithuania said a growing rift between some eastern and western European Union states over issues such
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli police questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday for the fifth time over suspic
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s main opposition leader said on Thursday that anger over last month s presidential election ran so
HARARE (Reuters) - A high court judge in Zimbabwe said on Thursday the state s case against a U.S. citizen charged with trying
BONN (Reuters) - A coalition of U.S. cities, companies and other groups said on Thursday that many in the United States remai
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The International Criminal Court approved a prosecution request on Thursday to investigate war crim
BUSHENYI, Uganda (Reuters) - When Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni returned to his home region to throw an Independe
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO s pledge to send more troops to Afghanistan still falls short of commitments, U.S. commanders sai
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s army declared victory over Islamic State on Thursday, saying its capture of the jihadists last town in
GENEVA (Reuters) - Australia should stop rejecting refugees and change its migration laws to come into line with international
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Kafr Aqab is no one s dream destination: the overcrowded neighborhood separated from adjacent Eas
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Britain accused Russia on Thursday of carrying out a thinly veiled political attack on the head of the
MADRID (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Thursday called on Europe to stand up against se
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May s office confirmed that Penny Mordaunt has been appointed Britain s
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested on Thursday that allegations of a state-sponsored doping pro
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A political activist who founded an Arab nationalist group seeking an independent state inside Iran w
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian army and its allies have taken Albu Kamal, Islamic State s last major stronghold in Syria, represen
GENEVA (Reuters) - The 400,000 civilians besieged in the Syrian enclave of Eastern Ghouta face complete catastrophe becaus
ZINANA, Iraq (Reuters) - Four hours after first hearing gunfire outside his home, Abu Riwar bundled his wife and six children in
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s State Security Agency (SSA) has made a criminal complaint against the author of a b
LONDON (Reuters) - Thousands of children and teenagers, including large numbers of girls, were referred to Britain s often-cri
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police have detained 165 people over suspected links to Islamic State in Ankara and have arrest w
DUBAI (Reuters) - King Salman has appointed or promoted 56 judges, Saudi Arabia s state news agency SPA reported on Thurs
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s attorney-general said on Thursday that 208 people have been called in for questioning in a sw
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Whether they like President Donald Trump or not, the U.S. veterans who gather at Hoa s Place i
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. Human Rights Committee on Thursday gave Democratic Republic of Congo a year to report on ac
MARIB, Yemen (Reuters) - At a hospital in the Yemeni city of Marib, demand for artificial limbs from victims of the country s w
JAKARTA/TIMIKA, Indonesia (Reuters) - Armed separatists have occupied five villages in Indonesia s Papua province, threateni
BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - President Donald Trump can return to the United States claiming to have snagged over $250 bi
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday he had discussed Russia s violation of an arms contro
BOGOR, Indonesia (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Thursday unveiled a new policy aimed at deepening ties
HAMBURG (Reuters) - Many Syrian refugees in Germany have resigned themselves to the reality that there will be no swift ret
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian lawmaker is introducing a draft bill that would imprison those engaging in or promoting same-se
BANI WALID, Libya (Reuters) - Elders of a powerful tribe that defended the regime of former leader Muammar Gaddafi have a
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A German nurse serving a prison sentence for murdering two patients is suspected of killing a total of 1
MOSCOW/BEIJING (Reuters) - Prospects for a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. counterpart Donald
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A Swiss man was handed a suspended prison term of nearly two years and a fine on Thursday for spyin
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s nationalist opposition will seek support from the ruling AK Party to lower a 10 percent threshold
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government could again revise down the country s 2018 economic growth forecast due to the
BEIJING (Reuters) - Taiwan is the most important and sensitive issue in Sino-U.S. ties, Chinese President Xi Jinping told visiting
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday that a possible meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S
GAZA (Reuters) - Gaza s merchants and consumers are reaping early rewards from reconciliation moves by the enclave s domi
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Police seized more than 12 tons of cocaine from Colombia s top crime gang on Wednesday, the biggest ha
COX S BAZAR/YANGON (Reuters) - Blessed by calmer seas, several hundred more Rohingya Muslims on Thursday joined a multi
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul I, who served for just 33 days as Pontiff in 1978 before his abrupt death, has moved a
JAKARTA (Reuters) - An Indonesian prosecutor has named 18 people as suspects in a graft case related to the erection of an an
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore said on Thursday it has detained a Singaporean man and a woman for affiliations to radical I
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping would be focusing
BEIJING (Reuters) - If Chinese President Xi Jinping was trying to impress U.S. President Donald Trump with lavish treatment du
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - It is not clear if countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) can reach an agreement this wee
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun is seeking help from diplomats to uncover the mystery surrounding ex-Pri
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran s Revolutionary Guards have arrested at least 30 dual nationals during the past two years, mostly on
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s Turksat 5A and 5B satellites will be launched by Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), Turkis
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday there has been no decision on whether President Do
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States and China had a frank exchange of views on the disputed South China Sea during a visit t
BEIJING (Reuters) - Continued stable development of China-U.S. economic ties will be a major contributor to global growth, Ch
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore is grappling with a controversy that refuses to go away, a month after rainwater flooded a tu
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump went around and over the Great Firewall of China in a late-night tweet in Be
(This version of the November 8 story corrects 1st and 8th paragraphs to add other Minsk signatories) By Andrea Shalal and S
ABU DHABI/DUBAI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates central bank has asked banks and finance companies in the UAE to pr
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Ministers from Asia-Pacific countries ended their meeting on Thursday with a very good outcom
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The Indian capital declared a pollution emergency and banned the entry of trucks and construction acti
BEIJING (Reuters) - A top Chinese coal miner, Yankuang Group, and U.S. industrial gas supplier Air Products and Chemicals Inc
QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed a senior Pakistani police official on his way to work and two others on Th
MADRID (Reuters) - The Catalan parliament s speaker and five lawmakers will appear before Spain s Supreme Court in Madrid
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday that there is no disagreement between U.S. Preside
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States government upholds and sticks to the one China policy, U.S. President Donald Trump to
BRASILIA (Reuters) - A Congressional committee led by Evangelical Christians has voted to ban abortion in Brazil in all situation
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Talks among ministers from Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries on reviving their trade dea
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that China will persist with the goal of denuclearizing the Kor
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - The remaining 11 countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal will discuss a propo
DOHA (Reuters) - In a dusty industrial zone in the south of Doha where the city s auto repair shops are clustered, one unlucky
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday China will be more open and transparent to foreign compani
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodians on Thursday marked the 64th anniversary of the country s independence from France b
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Papua New Guinea began dismantling a shuttered Australian-run immigration detention center on Thursda
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States have created a miracle as companies from the world s two largest economies
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday that he believes, like Xi, that th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is set to impose an arms embargo on Venezuela and will consider further sanctions
SHARM AL-SHEIKH, Egypt (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Wednesday he was against military strikes
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - The U.S. government made it tougher on Wednesday for Americans to visit Cuba and do b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Wednesday it would soon carry out the first exercise in a decade involving thr
TABATINGA, Brazil (Reuters) - U.S. military personnel are taking part this week in the largest international army operation ever
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations aid chief Mark Lowcock warned on Wednesday that if a Saudi-led military coalitio
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s congress on Wednesday passed a law aimed at punishing companies for corruption by fi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Wednesday it has told families of four American soldiers killed during an am
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Major issues must still be resolved on safeguarding citizens rights after Brexit, the European Parliamen
BERLIN (Reuters) - Serbian and U.S. paratroopers will jump side-by-side during a joint exercise aimed at strengthening military
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Three UCLA men s basketball players were arrested in China for shoplifting on Tuesday, media said, a da
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU envoys discussed on Wednesday delaying into next year the launch of talks with London on a post-Br
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey signed a letter of intent with France and Italy on Wednesday to strengthen cooperation on joint d
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s army and its allies, spearheaded by Lebanon s Hezbollah, captured Islamic State s last stronghold in
LONDON (Reuters) - British aid minister Priti Patel was forced from office on Wednesday over undisclosed meetings with Israe
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand s Royal Household Bureau has dismissed a top palace official for extremely evil behavior , a not
BOGOTA (Reuters) - A landslide killed at least four people and left 18 missing in southwest Colombia, authorities said on Wedn
LONDON (Reuters) - British aid minister Priti Patel is flying back to London after cancelling a planned trip to Africa, the BBC rep
LONDON (Reuters) - British defense minister Gavin Williamson said on Wednesday it was up to Prime Minister Theresa May to
LONDON (Reuters) - British aid minister Priti Patel arrived at the Downing Street residence of Prime Minister Theresa May on W
LONDON (Reuters) - British aid minister Priti Patel will resign rather than be sacked by Prime Minister Theresa May, the BBC s
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s President Robert Mugabe said on Wednesday the route to leadership was long and full of pitf
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban opposition leaders said they failed to get anyone nominated as a candidate for municipal elections
LONDON (Reuters) - Turkey s crucial tourism sector should see revenues grow to $30 billion in 2018, helped by planned new in
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was sacked by President Robert Mugabe t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s army and allies including Lebanon s Hezbollah have captured the last major Islamic State-held town
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iraq s top Sunni Muslim politician said on Wednesday he would back Shi ite Iraqi Prime Minister Hai
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO allies backed plans on Wednesday for two new military headquarters to help protect Europe in the
LONDON (Reuters) - British aid minister Priti Patel resigned on Wednesday, saying her actions had fallen below the high stand
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - A general strike called by pro-independence campaigners in Catalonia closed shops and seve
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO is set to agree on Thursday to increase its Afghanistan training mission by some 3,000 troops, allia
BEIJING (Reuters) - With lavish pageantry and an uncharacteristic personal flourish, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesda
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German military needs a fifth-generation replacement for its Tornado fighter jets that is hard to detec
CARACAS (Reuters) - Former Argentine soccer great Diego Maradona has voiced fervent support for Venezuela s socialist Presi
AMMAN (Reuters) - The top adviser to Iran s supreme leader said he expects the Syrian army to soon recapture rebel-held Idli
ADEN (Reuters) - The Saudi-led military coalition fighting the Houthi movement in Yemen has allowed work to resume at the s
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko said on Wednesday she has faith in the United States justice sy
BERLIN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - At least 20 countries in the European Union will sign up to a new defense pact next week, promo
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union wants a post-Brexit transition in which Britain would no longer have a say in the blo
ABU DHABI (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday he wanted to remain firm with Iran regarding
LONDON (Reuters) - A top Iranian official said on Wednesday that forces loyal to Syria s President Bashar al-Assad will start op
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Non-EU Norway called on Brussels and London on Wednesday to ensure that Brexit does not disrupt its tra
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian authorities have made further arrests and frozen more bank accounts in an expanding anti-c
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A building used by Russia s foreign spy service on the outskirts of Moscow caught fire on Wednesday, Ru
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian property developer Sergei Polonsky, who has been convicted of defrauding investors, plans to ru
GENEVA (Reuters) - North Korea said on Wednesday it was working to uphold women s rights and gender equality but that san
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s highest court ruled on Wednesday in favor of the introduction of a third gender category for peo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The European Union and the United States on Wednesday reaffirmed support for Lebanon after the resigna
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A militant faction loyal to Islamic State (IS) has increased its following in northern Somalia from a few doze
SKOPJE (Reuters) - A senior official of Macedonia s secret police was sentenced to 18 months in prison for destroying evidence
PARIS (Reuters) - Major Western powers appeared ready for a showdown with Russia at the U.N. Security Council after deman
DUBLIN (Reuters) - It is likely European Union leaders will allow Brexit talks to move onto trade relations in December, as long
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Wednesday chastised priests and bishops who take pictures with their cell phones d
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court freed on bail an opposition journalist facing charges of aiding a terrorist organization afte
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Deadlock over the allocation of leadership posts has forced Kenya s parliament into an unscheduled three
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in China on Wednesday seeking help to rein in North Korea, telling the
BEIJING (Reuters) - Meetings between U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing this week will fo
PALORINYA, Uganda (Reuters) - Oliver Wani found sanctuary from South Sudan s civil war in a Ugandan refugee camp. But wh
(Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has ordered a crackdown on corruption, the latest in a wave o
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s main opposition called for the resignation of Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Wednesday, saying
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s Constitutional Court officially annulled the Catalan parliament s Oct. 27 unilateral declaration of in
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas s administration said on Wednesday it had resumed
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Kremlin aide said on Wednesday it was entirely logical that Russian President Vladimir Putin would spe
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was fired by President Robert Mu
DAKAR (Reuters) - Anglophone secessionists in Cameroon killed at least two gendarmes on Wednesday, two secessionist leade
SEOUL (Reuters) - By the time Donald Trump departed Seoul on Wednesday, the sometimes bellicose American president seem
PARIS (Reuters) - France s foreign ministry said on Wednesday it was taking accusations by the United States that Iran had viol
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgium s prime minister, battling to contain domestic fallout from the arrival of fugitive Catalan leaders
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar warned on Wednesday that a scolding delivered by the U.N. Security Council could seriously ha
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian judge on Wednesday ordered Igor Sechin, the head of Russian oil giant Rosneft and a close ally
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Wednesday he would tell U.S. President Donald Trump to lay
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s parliament speaker Nabih Berri said on Wednesday that the government still stands after the pri
ROME (Reuters) - In a post-Harvey Weinstein world, logic would dictate that Silvio Berlusconi, who hosted wild parties with yo
BARCELONA/GIRONA, Spain (Reuters) - Twenty-four hours after Spain removed him from power, Catalonia s leader had resolv
ANKARA (Reuters) - An explosion at a textile factory in northwestern Turkey killed five people and wounded 16 others on Wed
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Three men wanted for the killing of Kim Jong Nam were driven to the murder site in a car bought b
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Some activists in Hong Kong say they plan to defy a Chinese law against disrespecting the national ant
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s Court of Cassation upheld a five-year jail sentence against prominent opposition activist Alaa Abdel F
DOHA (Reuters) - Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari said on Wednesday his country was against isolating and besieging
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Danish fishermen could be hit hard by Britain s decision to leave the European Union if it leads to re
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, in an apparent policy shift, said on Wednesday he planned to ask Ch
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany urged North Korea on Wednesday to halt its program of missile tests and accept the United State
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Neighbors say when three men kicked down the doors and burgled the home of a North Korean diplo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia opposes a draft U.N. resolution to extend the mandate of an international inquiry into chemical w
BARCELONA (Reuters) - A strike called across Catalonia by pro-independence activists to protest the jailing of sacked regional p
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday that a reported plan by Ukraine to cut all diplomatic ties with Russia wo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. counterpart Donald Trump at the Asia-Pac
SEVARE, Mali (Reuters) - Snipers from a new West African force lie prone on a rooftop in central Mali, scanning the horizon for
BEIJING (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday condemned missile attacks by Yemen s Houthi militias on Saudi Arabia, sa
LONDON (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that missile attacks by Yemen s Houthis targeting S
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday it will continue to talk to Myanmar about a controversial stalled dam project, aft
BEIJING (Reuters) - He may be a divisive figure back home, but U.S. President Donald Trump will be landing in friendly territory
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s President Tayyip Erdogan will travel next week to Qatar, which Ankara has supported in its disp
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday said he planned to raise the issue of conflicting claims
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday that Moscow has never supported t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s outgoing prime minister, Saad al-Hariri, made a brief visit to the United Arab Emirates from Saud
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The European Union on Wednesday said it reaffirmed support for Lebanon s stability and unity after Saad a
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand s Puea Thai Party on Wednesday urged the ruling junta to end a ban on political activity since th
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s foreign ministry on Wednesday said that China fully and strictly implements U.N. Security Council r
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will ask China to cut its financial links with North Korea and to abide by U.N. s
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines anti-graft body filed criminal charges against former President Benigno Aquino on Wedne
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has opened a new front in its regional proxy war with Iran, threatening Tehran s powerful ally
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s crown prince said Iran s supply of rockets to militias in Yemen is an act of direct military aggr
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States accused Iran on Tuesday of supplying Yemen s Houthi rebels with a missile tha
SEOUL (Reuters) - After months of fiery rhetoric and rising tensions, U.S. President Donald Trump s secret attempt to personal
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will urge all countries to join forces to isolate the brutal regime of North Korea
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States have common interests but the relationship needs careful handling, Chinese s
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in China on Wednesday seeking help to rein in North Korea, telling the
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in had initially suggested on Tuesday that U.S. President Donald Trump m
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan secessionist parties on Tuesday failed to agree on a united ticket to contest a December snap regi
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A car crashed into a Sydney school classroom on Tuesday, killing two eight-year-old boys and seriously inju
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia rejected on Tuesday a report by an international inquiry blaming the Syrian government fo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S. and Turkish troops are illegal invader forces on Syrian territory and Syria will deal with them, a top a
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Tuesday said democracy in the West African country was be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers signaled they plan to ensure the United States complies with the 2015 Iran nuclear d
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU diplomats will start sketching out a Brexit transition offer on Wednesday that would probably let Brita
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s army and its allies will keep fighting in Syria after the battle ends in Deir al-Zor province, where Islam
KINSHASA (Reuters) - Democratic Republic of Congo s main opposition parties have rejected a new date for elections announc
RIYADH (Reuters) - All major Gulf stock markets slid on Tuesday on jitters about Saudi Arabia s sweeping anti-graft purge, a cam
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday it was urging Saudi Arabia to be fair and transparent in
CARACAS (Reuters) - From his refuge at the Chilean ambassador s home, Venezuela s deputy congressional leader has defende
STOCKHOLM/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sweden will start negotiations on a $1.2 billion Raytheon Co Patriot air defense missil
PARIS (Reuters) - Malian soldiers killed by a French military strike in northern Mali last month were deserters who had joined a
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s foreign minister urged parliament on Tuesday to extend a military mission training Kurdish Pesh
TORONTO (Reuters) - Two Canadian groups on Tuesday asked a court to overturn a new Quebec law that bans observant Mus
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chiefs of the parties aiming to form Germany s next government hope to agree the outlines of a coalition d
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s deposed leader Carles Puigdemont urged the region s political forces on Tuesday to unite agai
CAIRO (Reuters) - President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has said that Egypt is not considering taking any measures against Hezbollah d
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police have launched an investigation into the theft of at least 12 inscribed metal memorial stones
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Lithuania expects NATO to reach an agreement next year to shield Baltic countries with air defenses, plug
PRAGUE (Reuters) - A host of pro-western candidates met Tuesday s deadline to run for Czech president, seeking to unseat inc
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian banks have frozen more than 1,200 accounts belonging to individuals and companies in the ki
BEIJING/SEOUL (Reuters) - Chinese tour operators based in the border city of Dandong have been told to halt trips to the Nort
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations and Red Cross on Tuesday urged the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen to re-open a
GENEVA (Reuters) - The new president of the world s largest humanitarian network, the International Federation of Red Cross
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Tuesday that his remarks about a jailed aid worker in Iran
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Offices at Scotland s devolved parliament in Edinburgh were briefly evacuated on Tuesday after suspic
PARIS (Reuters) - Britain s Oxford University said one of its professors, the prominent Swiss Muslim intellectual Tariq Ramadan
SEOUL (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday warned North Korea he was prepared to use the full range of U.S. milit
GENEVA (Reuters) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) called on Tuesday for all borders with Yemen to be ke
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition leader Raila Odinga said on Tuesday he wants an interim government to run the count
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Scotland s devolved government issued an apology on Tuesday to men convicted in the past for same-
LONDON (Reuters) - A record majority of Britons disapprove of Prime Minister Theresa May s handling of Brexit talks and they
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe s sacking of his deputy Emmerson Mnangagwa was part of a wider
MOYO, Uganda (Reuters) - A South Sudanese military commander said he had defected with more than 200 soldiers to the co
SEOUL (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will wrap up his visit to Seoul on Wednesday with a major speech on North Korea a
ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish court rejected on Tuesday an appeals court order to retry a lawmaker from the main opposition
LONDON (Reuters) - Comments by British foreign minister Boris Johnson about the case of Iranian-British aid worker Nazanin Z
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Tuesday that his remarks last week about a jailed Iranian-B
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government said on Tuesday that most European Union citizens currently living in Britain will b
NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - In early September, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, a senior Iranian official and cleric, flew to
LONDON (Reuters) - Former Welsh government minister Carl Sargeant, who was suspended last week after allegations were m
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Vietnam released water from seven dangerously full reservoirs on Tuesday to avoid further floo
KABUL (Reuters) - Gunmen disguised as police killed a security guard and opened fire on staff at a private television station in
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria s President Muhammadu Buhari said the country cannot afford to go back to dark days of insecurity
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - The security incident at the Scottish parliament is over, a spokesman for the parliament said on Tuesd
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin stayed away from events marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution on Tuesday, an
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finland s state prosecutor on Tuesday said three Finnish men accused of planning to travel to Syria in 201
CAIRO (Reuters) - A deadly attack on the police in Egypt s Western Desert claimed by a new militant group risks opening up an
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Three similar envelopes, one believed to contain a suspicious white powder, were being investigated b
SEOUL (Reuters) - Ten North Koreans, including a four-year-old child, have been detained in China, where they face being dep
TALLINN (Reuters) - Estonia has detained a man suspected of being a Russian agent operating against the Estonian state, the p
LONDON (Reuters) - Scotland s parliament was evacuated on Tuesday after a package containing white powder was sent to a C
PARIS (Reuters) - French police arrested nine people and another was arrested in Switzerland in coordinated counter-terrorism
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Scottish police responded to an incident at the Scottish parliament building in the capital Edinburgh on
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The Khyber Pass border between Pakistan and Afghanistan was closed to all traffic on Tuesday for the
ATHENS (Reuters) - Shots fired at riot police guarding the headquarters of Greece s Socialist PASOK party on Monday came fro
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s Constitutional Court on Tuesday affirmed the rights of devotees of faiths outside the country
MADRID (Reuters) - The independence drive in Spain s northeastern region of Catalonia has become the second largest worry
ZURICH (Reuters) - A Swiss man and a Colombian woman were among people arrested in Switzerland and France on Tuesday i
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines has started upgrading military facilities on the biggest features it occupies in the disputed S
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) will have to accept smaller income tax cuts than they had pr
PARIS (Reuters) - Europe must make clear how it will react if the United States pulls out of the multinational nuclear deal with
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saad al-Hariri, who quit as Lebanese Prime Minister in a weekend broadcast from Saudi Arabia, has been he
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia accused Lebanon on Monday of declaring war against it because of aggression by the Iran-bac
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Rating agency Moody s warned on Tuesday that reopening Lebanon s political vacuum after the resignation
TOKYO (Reuters) - The pace of approvals for nuclear reactor restarts in Japan, where most plants remain shut following the Fu
MANILA (Reuters) - The head of the Philippines narcotics control body has resigned after just five months in the job, the secon
LONDON (Reuters) - A project looking at links between mental health and terrorism in three English cities has been expanded
SRINAGAR, India (Reuters) - Indian soldiers killed a relative of a top Pakistan-based militant in a gunbattle in southern Kashmir
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups will exercise together in the Western Pacific in the coming da
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, who sparked a political crisis on Saturday by declaring his surprise
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Former Lebanese prime minister Fouad Siniora said on Tuesday that the head of his political party, Saad al-
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday that Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are expected t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday he hoped that an international Syrian peace cong
BEIJING (Reuters) - One of China s most-wanted overseas fugitives, a manager in a real estate company sought on charges of
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea will immediately start talks with the United States on developing the Asian nation s military cap
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack on a private television station in the Afghan capital of K
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Tuesday described the United States move to partially resume is
LONDON (Reuters) - Crashing out of the European Union without a deal would cause major problems for Britain s health servic
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the United States is prepared to use the full range of mili
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran s continued detention of jailed Iranian-British aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is unacceptable, B
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will impose additional sanctions on North Korea in response to the continuing threat posed by its mis
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Papua New Guinea s Supreme Court rejected an application on Tuesday to restore water, electricity and fo
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish prosecutor has issued detention warrants for 53 active sergeants over alleged links to the U.S.-
KABUL (Reuters) - Civilian casualties in religious attacks in Afghanistan, primarily against Shi ite mosques, have significantly inc
HONG KONG (Reuters) - A Hong Kong court on Tuesday allowed three jailed young activists, who spearheaded pro-democracy
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea President Moon Jae-in said he hoped a visit by U.S President Donald Trump would be a turning
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will not seek a third term in office, he said in an interview with CNBC,
BEIJING (Reuters) - China must step up vigilance against plots to grab power, as political corruption is the worst form of corrup
CAMP HUMPHREYS, South Korea (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump praised cooperation with South Korea during a visit
TOKYO (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, conducted three days of drills with a Japanese destroyer and
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzanian President John Magufuli sacked two senior officials late on Monday after they failed to
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council urged the Myanmar government on Monday to ensure no fu
OSAN, South Korea (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump landed in South Korea on Tuesday, the second leg of his 12-day As
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Around 12.6 million Australians, or 78.5 percent of eligible voters, have voted so far in a postal ballot on w
KABUL (Reuters) - A U.S. investigation into reports that at least 13 civilians were killed during an operation in the northern Afg
RIYADH (Reuters) - A campaign of mass arrests of Saudi Arabian royals, ministers and businessmen expanded on Monday after
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday endorsed a move by Saudi Arabia s future king that tighten
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The founding dean of a prominent Singapore school said on Monday he was stepping down, four mont
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - The frontrunner for Chile s presidency, billionaire businessman Sebastian Pinera, faces an array of left-w
NUSA DUA, Indonesia, (Reuters) - When students at Indonesia s prestigious Institute of Agricultural Studies swore an oath to s
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Two young boys kneel over small white tables, intently studying the Koran at a madrassa in Pakistan. T
PALERMO, Italy (Reuters) - Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi looked poised on Monday for a stunning political co
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - The bodies of five Argentine men killed in a truck attack in New York City last week arrived at their h
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Senior Mexican diplomats on Monday condemned the upcoming execution of a Mexican inmate on d
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said on Monday that comments by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson about jailed Iranian-British aid
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led military coalition fighting against the Houthi movement in Yemen said on Monday it would clo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday praised Saudi Arabia for exposing Iran s role in Yemen and Tehran s p
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that Japan would shoot North Korean missiles out of the sky
WARSAW (Reuters) - Several hundred people walked in silence on Monday night in Warsaw in memory of a 54-year-old man w
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia s Supreme Court on Monday put a presidential run-off on hold until the electoral commission ca
ATHENS (Reuters) - Two gunmen fired a round of shots at the headquarters of Greece s socialist Pasok party in central Athens
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, celebrated in the West for championing democracy and helpin
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Monday that Lebanon had declared war against it because of attacks against the Kingd
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Four Russian reporters were injured by an explosion in Syria s Deir al-Zor area, RIA news agency reported
ANKARA (Reuters) - The United States partially resumed issuing visas in Turkey on Monday after getting what it said were assu
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May and other party leaders agreed on Monday to introduce new safegua
BERLIN (Reuters) - Immigration and climate policy are the most contentious issues in exploratory negotiations between three
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey is deeply concerned about legal cases concerning Turkish citizens in the United States, its embass
BAMAKO (Reuters) - A French military strike on armed militants in northern Mali last month inadvertently killed Malian soldier
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, in response to his name appearing in a trove of leaked docume
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian human rights lawyer and opposition leader Khaled Ali said on Monday he would challenge Presiden
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO needs to establish a new regional base for protecting the North Atlantic against increased Russian
BELFAST (Reuters) - Sinn Fein on Monday dismissed as unacceptable a bill proposed by a British Conservative Party lawmaker
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Northern Ireland will not stay in the European Union s single market or the customs union after Brexit, a
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - At least five African migrants died and more were missing off western Libya on Monday after a boat carryin
JALALABAD, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A Pakistani diplomatic official was shot by unknown gunmen near his residence in the city
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s parliamentary speaker said on Monday it was too early to talk about the country s government h
LONDON (Reuters) - Bones, a moldy hot water bottle, a pair of rusty pliers and a pristine pair of women s pants are among the
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan announced on Monday plans to demolish a culture center in Istanbul named a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Polish reforms of its judiciary pose a systemic threat to the rule of law in the country and Warsaw must c
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. human rights experts urged Hong Kong to uphold the fundamental freedoms of expression and assem
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Nordic countries agreed on Monday to step up defense cooperation and exchange more air surveillance i
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine authorities were on the lookout on Monday for a Malaysian who could be the new leader of pro
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s international development minister Priti Patel apologized on Monday for failing to disclose meeti
BRUSSELS/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s former leader Carles Puigdemont was spared custody on Monday, when a Brussels
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s President Robert Mugabe fired Emmerson Mnangagwa as vice president on Monday for show
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron on Monday named award-winning author Leila Slimani as France s top emissar
BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq s cabinet proposed on Sunday to slash the Kurdish share of the country s revenue in the
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey will resume processing visas at its missions in the United States on a limited basis , it said in a state
LONDON (Reuters) - Neither the British Prime Minister Theresa May nor her husband have any direct offshore investments, he
PARIS (Reuters) - In tight-knit groups with their backpacks hanging in front where they can keep an eye on them, Chinese tour
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Spain s economy is expected to be impacted by the political crisis with Catalonia next year, Spanish Econ
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ousted Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and four associates will appear before a Belgian court on N
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan factions involved in U.N.-brokered peace talks are still far apart on the issue of the leadership of a fu
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon and its financial institutions can cope with the impact of Prime Minister Saad Hariri s surprise resig
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey may reciprocate a move by Washington and partially ease issuance of visas for U.S. citizens after th
KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Two more Saudi Arabian companies said on Monday they were operating normally after loca
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A former lawmaker filed a petition at Kenya s Supreme Court on Monday challenging President Uhuru Ken
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Monday his country reserved the right to respond to Iran s hos
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday Saudi Arabia was blaming Iran for the cons
HELSINKI (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday he backed diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the Syr
RIYADH/DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian banks have begun freezing the accounts of suspects ensnared in an anti-corruption p
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Attorney General said on Monday detailed questioning of individuals detained on the back of
(Reuters) - Somalia s Islamist al Shabaab insurgency shot four men accused of spying on Monday in a public execution which u
LONDON (Reuters) - A Briton kidnapped in Nigeria last month has been killed with three others released after negotiations, Br
ABUJA (Reuters) - The minister for Nigeria s oil-producing Delta region said on Monday the government was ready to meet mi
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - A walking tour to learn about Budapest s Muslim community and its mosques has become popular with
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Unknown attackers torched a car belonging to deputy head of the parliament of Comoros late on Sunday,
(Reuters) - A former lawmaker filed a petition at Kenya s Supreme Court on Monday challenging the results of last month s pre
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will visit Russia s Sochi on November 13, followed by a visit to Kuwait th
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - A North Korean embassy official and a manager of Air Koryo, the national airline, met suspects wa
REYKJAVIK (Reuters) - Talks on forming a governing coalition between Iceland s Left-Green Movement and three other parties
DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - The death toll from a typhoon and ensuing floods in Vietnam reached 61 on Monday and the go
TOKYO (Reuters) - Every American president has a favorite foreign leader. For Donald Trump, it seems to be Japanese Prime M
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s president stressed that stability is a red line after the prime minister s shock resignation, Justice
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s monetary situation was stable and markets were normal two days after the prime minister s sho
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Interior Minister Nohad Machnouk said on Monday he was under the impression that Prime Min
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has learnt from history and will not allow a Mao Zedong-style cult of personality to form around Pres
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s Supreme Federal Court ruled on Monday that no region or province can secede, strengthening the
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Monday criticized a visit by India s defense minister to the remote state of Arunachal Pradesh, wh
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s legislature on Monday released the first public draft of a law giving a nascent super-ministry power
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan hopes to find a natural way to exchange views with Chinese President Xi Jinping at a summit of Asia
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines expressed concern on Monday about China s testing of a massive dredging ship, saying it w
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladeshi counter-terrorism police said on Monday they had arrested an Islamist militant wanted for the
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi King Salman received former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri in Riyadh on Monday following
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan and U.S. military authorities are investigating reports that as many as 13 civilians were killed in an op
BEIJING (Reuters) - China urged France on Monday to take more effective measures to ensure the safety of its nationals visitin
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea imposed unilateral sanctions on 18 North Koreans on Monday, barring any financial transaction
MADRID (Reuters) - Just one in seven people from Catalonia believe the current standoff between Barcelona and Madrid will e
TOKYO (Reuters) - Family members of Japanese abducted by North Korea met U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday and w
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not discuss a bilateral free trade
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement narrowly won the first round of a vote to govern Ostia, one of Ro
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s most senior minister has denied an allegation that police found pornograph
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump greeted Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko on Monday with a ge
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Monday that it hopes all sides words and actions can help reduce tensions on the Korean pe
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced plans on Monday to force all lawmakers to declare
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s future king has tightened his grip on power through an anti-corruption purge by arresting ro
KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Al Tayyar Travel said on Monday that its business was continuing despite med
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday it was time to exert maximum pressure on North Kore
RIYADH (Reuters) - Bribery, embezzlement, money laundering and abuse of power are among the accusations leveled against
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese distributors of overseas publications must verify that the content is legal in China, Beijing said late
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia embarked on an anti-corruption purge on Sunday involving the arrest of royals, ministers and i
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A Belgian judge has granted conditional release to sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and four of
ABUJA (Reuters) - A key community leader from Nigeria s tense Delta oil-producing region called on militants on Sunday not to
PALERMO, Italy (Reuters) - Silvio Berlusconi s center-right coalition on Sunday looked set to win by a narrow margin a regional
RIYADH (Reuters) - A Saudi-led coalition accused Yemen s Houthi militia of a dangerous escalation on Sunday after Saudi air d
PALERMO, Italy (Reuters) - Silvio Berlusconi s center-right coalition has a narrow lead over the anti-establishment 5-Star Move
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Thousands of Romanians were protesting in the capital Bucharest and cities across the country on Sun
KINSHASA, (Reuters) - Congo s electoral commission announced on Sunday that long-awaited presidential elections to replace
RIYADH (Reuters) - The deputy governor of Saudi Arabia s southern Asir province and several colleagues were killed in a helico
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Shi ite Hezbollah group on Sunday accused Saudi Arabia of forcing Lebanese Prime Minister Saad
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - The German army contemplated fissures in the European Union and a rise in global conflicts as one of
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel said on Sunday it had recovered the bodies of five Palestinians who were killed when it blew up a
PARIS (Reuters) - France s foreign minister on Sunday said that a ballistic missile strike by Yemeni Houthi rebels targeting Saud
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, a leading contender to become head of the rulin
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Flash floods caused by hours of torrential rain killed at least five people in Malaysia and military fo
BRUSSELS/MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Sacked Catalonia leader Carles Puigdemont and four associates turned themselve
KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - Two suicide bombers killed at least five people and wounded more than 20 in an attack on a Shi ite mo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The leader of Lebanese Shi ite group Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said on Sunday that Saudi Arabia
CARACAS (Reuters) - Prominent Venezuelan lawmaker Freddy Guevara has sought refuge in the Chilean ambassador s residen
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A gunman and a police officer were killed on Sunday during an attack on a road checkpoint in Russia s vo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Bomb threats forced thousands of people to evacuate Moscow s Bolshoi theater, Metropol hotel, GUM d
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany s environmentalist Green party polled at its highest level this year in a survey published on S
BERLIN/PARIS (Reuters) - French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire will meet German officials in Berlin this week to discuss the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian security services said on Sunday they had detained 263 people in the center of Moscow for brea
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt summoned several western ambassadors on Sunday in protest against a statement criticizing the coun
DUBAI (Reuters) - The head of Iran s Revolutionary Guards denied on Sunday accusations by Donald Trump that Iran was behin
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A Belgian judge will decide by Monday on Spain s arrest warrant for sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigde
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Clashes between Congolese troops and supporters of a renegade colonel in
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian investment firm Kingdom Holding 4280.SE said on Sunday it had the support of the country s
DUBAI (Reuters) - A purge of Saudi Arabia s political and business elites briefly dragged down the kingdom s stock market on S
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Western intelligence agencies warned former Lebanese prime minister Saad al-Hariri of an assassination pl
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri resigned on Saturday, saying he believed there was an assassinatio
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump ramped up his tough rhetoric against North Korea when he arrived in Japan on
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Lebanese army said on Sunday it had not uncovered any plans for assassinations in Lebanon, a day afte
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Sacked Catalonian leader Carles Puigdemont has turned himself in to Belgian police, Belgian public broad
ADEN (Reuters) - A suicide car bomber blew himself up at a security checkpoint in the southern Yemeni port city of Aden on Su
MANILA (Reuters) - A top Catholic archbishop on Sunday called for Filipinos to choose peace over violence and end a spate of
BONN, Germany (Reuters) - China has a chance to assert leadership of a global plan to combat global warming this week at the
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Brussels prosecutors will hold a news conference at 1300 GMT on sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdem
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia detained 11 princes, four current ministers and tens of former ministers in a probe by a new an
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi stock market rebounded into positive territory on Sunday after initially dropping sharply in respon
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine immigration authorities freed four East Timor delegates after holding them for 12 hours at Man
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine security forces on Sunday arrested the Indonesian wife of the slain pro-Islamic State militant lea
DUBAI (Reuters) - The detention of Saudi Arabia s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, known for his big bets on Citigroup (C.N) and othe
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Russian-sponsored Syrian peace congress scheduled for Nov. 18 has been postponed and the main Syr
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Finance Ministry said on Sunday that the kingdom s decision to set up an anti-corruption com
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian investment firm Kingdom Holding 4280.SE reported it swung to a third-quarter profit on Sund
BEIJING (Reuters) - When they met at U.S. President Donald Trump s Mar-a-Lago estate in April, China s President Xi Jinping fo
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia turned down on Sunday an offer to take 150 asylum seekers being held in an Australian-run dete
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s air defense forces intercepted a ballistic missile fired from warring Yemen over the capital R
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi King Salman appointed two new ministers on Saturday to key security and economic posts, removing
BEIJING - China will expand a pilot project for anti-graft supervision reforms nationwide next year that will consolidate existing
DUBAI, - Billionaire Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns investment firm Kingdom Holding 4280.SE, is among pe
BEIJING (Reuters) - China is testing a new dredger ship that will greatly enhance its land reclamation capabilities, a state media
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The United States diplomatic mission in Somalia has directed all non-essential staff to leave the capital M
BATTAMBANG, Cambodia (Reuters) - Sin Rozeth s attempts to show the benefits of grassroots democracy to some of the poor
BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - The far-right People s Party-Our Slovakia lost Saturday s regional elections, turning the Central Europe
HONOLULU (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump headed to Japan on the first stop of his five-nation tour of Asia on Saturd
HARARE (Reuters) - A Zimbabwean court on Saturday refused to strike down subversion charges against an American citizen w
RIYADH (Reuters) - Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, born in 1953, headed the Saudi Arabian National Guard, an elite internal securit
KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has detained four current ministers as part of its anti-corruption campaign, Sau
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya s European-backed coast guard on Saturday turned back more than 150 migrants trying to reach Italy
CAIRO (Reuters) - A suicide car bomb exploded on Saturday in Syria s eastern city of Deir al-Zor, killing and injuring dozens, the
KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has detained 10 princes and dozens of former ministers through its newly form
BEIRUT (Reuters) - At least one Islamic State car bomb killed dozens of people at a refugee gathering on the east side of the Eu
KABUL (Reuters) - A U.S. service member was killed in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday, the military said, without giving detail
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Gulf Affairs Minister Thamer al-Sabhan said the personal security detail of Lebanese prime m
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s Conservative Party has suspended a lawmaker over what it said were serio
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran put a ballistic missile on display as thousands marched on Saturday to mark the anniversary of the 197
MOSCOW (Reuters) - There is no cooperation between Russia and U.S. on North Korea for the time being, the RIA news agenc
CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuelan authorities overnight freed two activists who were in jail for more than a year aft
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran said on Saturday that the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri would create tension in L
CAIRO (Reuters) - Several European countries have criticized the detention of an Egyptian human rights lawyer who is helping
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Thousands of people took to the streets of Bonn on Saturday to call for the phasing out of coal as a sou
ROME (Reuters) - Italian police said on Saturday they had seized more than 100 tonnes of contraband diesel from a ship which
SYDNEY (Reuters) - More than 1,000 people protested in Australia on Saturday against the treatment of hundreds of asylum se
CAIRO (Reuters) - A Saudi-led military coalition said on Saturday an air strike that hit a market in Yemen s northern Saadah pro
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Saudi-owned pan-Arab television channel al-Arabiya al-Hadath said on Saturday an assassination plot w
BERLIN/WARSAW (Reuters) - Germany on Saturday sought to defuse a diplomatic row with Poland, saying a call by the Germa
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - A Libyan force that acts as an anti-crime unit in Tripoli said it had arrested the organisers of a comic festiva
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont called on Saturday for a united political front in the
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is set to appoint a woman deputy after a special ruling party congr
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon is too weak to bear the consequences of Saad al-Hariri s resignation as prime minister and cannot
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s foreign minister Siegmar Gabriel met his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu in Turkey on Sat
VIENNA (Reuters) - The fallout from the Harvey Weinstein scandal spread to Austria on Saturday as one of the country s best-k
NAIROBI (Reuters) - South Sudan s government has sought to disarm the bodyguards of detained former army chief Paul Malo
TANGERANG, Indonesia (Reuters) - Police investigating a fire that killed nearly 50 people at a fireworks factory on the outskirts
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump may discuss a Syria settlement a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Tu-22M3 long-range bombers struck Islamic State targets near the town of Albu Kamal in Syria o
HARARE (Reuters) - A U.S. citizen was charged on Friday with attempting to overthrow the Zimbabwean government, which ca
DHAKA (Reuters) - The U.S. government will constantly monitor its sanctions regime to respond to violence in Myanmar s Rakh
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun s office said on Saturday that Saad al-Hariri had phoned him from outside
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China s largely rubber stamp parliament has expelled disgraced senior politician Sun Zhengcai, once con
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The Mexican government has noted serious shortcomings in its fight against corruption in a classified
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s largely rubber-stamp parliament formally extended a law banning disrespect of the national anthem
MADRID/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Spain on Friday issued an arrest warrant on sedition and other charges against Carles Puigdemo
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgian authorities have received Spain s arrest warrant for ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont an
BEIRUT/ERBIL (Reuters) - Islamic State s self-proclaimed caliphate was on the verge of final defeat on Friday, with Syrian gover
ERBIL (Reuters) - Iraqi forces seized the district of al-Qaim on Friday, one of the last remaining territories in the country held b
PNHOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Saturday called on lawmakers from the main opposition part
SEOUL (Reuters) - Take the dregs left from making soy bean oil, which usually go to feed the pigs. Press and roll them into a sa
WASHINGTON/SEOUL (Reuters) - Saddled with the toughest job in American diplomacy, the chief U.S. negotiator with North K
BEIRUT (Reuters) - An Iraqi Shi ite militia fighting Islamic State in Iraq near the border with Syria will also take on the jihadist gr
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan s telecoms regulator wrote to internet service providers this week ordering them to block the m
(Reuters) - What has the world turned in to? a friend of the five Argentines killed in the New York attack this week asked at a
BEIJING (Reuters) - Troops serving at China s first overseas military base, in the Horn of Africa country of Djibouti, should help
HONOLULU (Reuters) - President Donald Trump arrived in Hawaii on Friday as he set out on the longest trip to Asia by an Ame
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A wealthy Turkish gold trader charged in the United States with violating U.S. sanctions against Iran sou
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada imposed sanctions on Friday against 30 Russian officials whom it said were complicit in the 2009 p
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed confidence on Friday that her conservatives can reach a coaliti
OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Canadian government s plan to legalize recreational marijuana by next July could be in jeopardy, with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States carried out its first air strikes against Islamic State militants in Somalia and killed s
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government could award a 400 million euros ($465 million) contract this month for work on up
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Amado Boudou, who had been former Argentine President Cristina Fernandez s economy minister a
GENEVA (Reuters) - North Korea called on Friday for a halt to what it called brutal sanctions , saying the measures - imposed a
ROME (Reuters) - Rescuers pulled 700 boat migrants to safety in the Mediterranean and found 23 bodies during one operation
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian government forces will advance soon to take Raqqa city, which U.S.-backed fighters seized from Islam
MONROVIA (Reuters) - A presidential election run-off in Liberia scheduled for Tuesday will be delayed by a Supreme Court frau
CARACAS/MARACAIBO, Venezuela (Reuters) - One of Venezuela s major opposition parties has decided to run in local election
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s conservative People s Party and the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) said on Friday they had agreed
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean police on Friday charged an American citizen with a new offence of plotting to overthrow a c
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ousted Catalan president Carles Puigdemont said he stood ready to cooperate with Belgian justice autho
PARIS (Reuters) - The brother of a French Islamist who shot dead seven people in 2012 will face an appeal against his acquittal
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Four foreign engineers working for the Turkish construction firm Enka were kidnapped in southwe
LAGOS (Reuters) - A Nigerian militant group whose attacks on energy facilities in the Niger Delta last year helped push Africa s
LUSAKA (Reuters) - Zambian President Edgar Lungu has warned constitutional court judges not to stop him running for anothe
NIAMEY/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A month after an Islamist ambush in Niger killed eight U.S. and Nigerien troops, the two sid
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finland is planning large-scale military drills with the United States and other allies, its defense minister sa
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union vowed to ensure that Malta finds the barbarous assassins of a journalist being bur
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Thousands of mourners at a funeral on Friday for slain Maltese anti-corruption blogger Daphne Caruana
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A senior U.S. official met Syria s national security chief in Damascus this week in the highest ranking visit to
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition coalition has asked supporters to boycott three big companies it says benefit from ties
BANGKOK (Reuters) - People in Thailand celebrated the Loy Krathong or floating basket festival on Friday, following a year of
JERUSALEM/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Israel s military said on Friday it was ready to protect a frontier village in Syria held by the Syria
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minster Theresa May published on Friday a code of conduct for all her lawmakers and party
NICOSIA (Reuters) - Around 175 migrants, including many women and children, were rescued off Cyprus on Friday after their b
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s NB Publishers said on Friday it had received a letter from the State Security Agency
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Friday said she would seek approval to open a fo
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Protesters clashed with police in western Ivory Coast s cocoa belt on Friday after the death of a youth lead
LONDON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday he hoped a U.S. peace initiative would work and
PRISTINA (Reuters) - Kosovo s prime minister called on Friday for an international investigation after some of his countrymen w
HAGATNA, Guam (Reuters) - Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen arrived on the U.S. Pacific island of Guam on Friday on her way
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has carried out 18 bombing raids and nine strikes with cruise missiles launched from submarines i
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he would spend an extra day in the Philippines during his trip
MADRID (Reuters) - Jailed Catalonia leader Santi Vila, among the nine Catalan leaders ordered to be held in custody on Thursd
CAIRO (Reuters) - A previously unknown militant group with links to al Qaeda claimed responsibility on Friday for an attack in E
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations human rights office called on Australia on Friday to restore food, water and health ser
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Amnesty International s Turkey director, freed from four months detention but still facing trial on terrori
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump may meet next week at an Asian econ
MANILA (Reuters) - More than a week after the Philippines declared victory over pro-Islamic State militants in Marawi, securit
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The premier of Belgium s Flanders region, which has itself seen separatist frictions in the past, denounce
GAZA (Reuters) - A Palestinian militant group said on Friday that five of its members had been killed earlier this week when Isr
ERBIL Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi forces have entered al-Qaim, one of the last remaining territories in the country still held by Islamic
YANGON (Reuters) - Proposed U.S. sanctions targeting Myanmar s military for its treatment of Rohingya Muslims would hinde
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will tell leaders on a five-nation Asia tour the world is running out of ti
TOKYO (Reuters) - Ivanka Trump, U.S. President Donald Trump s daughter and informal adviser, told a summit in Tokyo on Frid
(Reuters) - Four Rohingya Muslims died this week when a small fishing boat carrying dozens of refugees fleeing violence in My
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian government declared victory over Islamic State in the eastern city of Deir al-Zor on Friday, a big
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian army said on Friday it would continue to wage war against Islamic State and other terrorist grou
BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa (Reuters) - South Africa s state prosecutors told the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) on Friday th
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iraqi forces have reached the main road between Albu-Kamal in Syria and al-Qaim in Iraq, the Lebanese TV
ERBIL (Reuters) - Iraq s security forces retook a border crossing with Syria from Islamic State militants on Friday, according to I
ATHENS (Reuters) - Three people drowned, at least six were missing and scores of others were rescued in three separate incid
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Nusra Front car bomb killed at least nine people and injured 23 in a government-held village in Syria s sou
ROME (Reuters) - Italy seized more than 24 million tablets of a synthetic opiate that Islamic State militants planned to sell to fi
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A policeman and a militant from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) were killed in the southeastern city o
GENEVA (Reuters) - An estimated 10 million people worldwide are stateless, including three million officially, a status that dep
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines on Friday defended its graft-fighting efforts in a bid to convince the United States to contin
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - One month into the trial of the killing of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un s half-brother, Malaysia
BEIJING (Reuters) - China hopes the United States can help and not cause problems in the disputed South China Sea, a senior
SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. strategic bombers conducted drills over South Korea, the U.S. Air Force said, raising
BEIJING (Reuters) - A senior Chinese diplomat said on Friday China has made its best efforts to resolve issues on the Korean pe
BEIJING (Reuters) - The South China Sea was not an issue between China and the United States, and Washington is expected t
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan s former prime minister Nawaz Sharif attended an anti-corruption trial on Friday ordered by t
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has confidence in its economic relations with the United States going forward and will continue to op
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s drug control agency disputed on Friday U.S. President Donald Trump s claim that most of the synth
WELLINGTON/SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she would offer to take 150 refugees held b
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said Australia must take immediate action to stop an unfolding
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States has circulated a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that would extend by tw
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish judge ordered nine Catalan secessionist leaders to be held in custody on Thursday pending a po
PARIS (Reuters) - The brother of a Franco-Algerian gunman who killed four Jews and three soldiers was sentenced to 20 years
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada has to take a gradual approach to boosting immigration, with the government concerned about
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia wants to maintain its delicate balancing act between Russia and the West, its foreign minister sai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday agreed to expand the use of disaster aid to help rebuild P
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish judge has not yet issued a European arrest warrant for ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemon
LONDON/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - In a 67-word statement composed 100 years ago, Britain endorsed the establishment of a Je
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. B-1B bombers flew through South Korean airspace and over the country s Pilsung Range on
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian army and its allies have taken full control of Deir al-Zor city from Islamic State, the largest and m
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said U.S. B-1B bombers flew over the Korean Peninsula on Thursday and carried out bombing d
ROME (Reuters) - Pope Francis made one of his most emotional anti-war addresses on Thursday, saying during a visit to a U.S.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - About 66 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide and weak international cooperation an
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan authorities are processing a request from Britain to extradite the brother of the bomber who killed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers proposed targeted sanctions and travel restrictions on Myanmar military officials on
PALONG KHALI, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Hannah McKay was on her first foreign assignment, just three months after joining Reu
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson by phone on Thursday it
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - According to Spanish media, a judge issued a European arrest warrant for ousted Catalan leader Carles P
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces captured the Akkas gas field from Islamic State on Thursday, Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi told
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister on Thursday declined to comment on reports that Israeli aircraft had struck a t
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Nurses in Kenya have ended a five-month-old strike over delays to agreed wage rises, a union official said
REYKJAVIK (Reuters) - Iceland s president asked the leader of the Left-Green Movement, Katrin Jakobsdottir, on Thursday to fo
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli lawyer has shed light in a new book on the role the Mossad intelligence agency has played in
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - The Libyan force holding the brother of the brother of the bomber who killed 22 people in Manchester in M
COLOMBO (Reuters) - European lawmakers said on Thursday they were disappointed about Sri Lanka s slow roll-out of human
BERLIN (Reuters) - Police in the northern German city of Bremen said they had opened a murder investigation and were still se
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish judge on Thursday said she had ordered nine Catalan leaders, including former regional vice-pre
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany has lost track of 30,000 rejected asylum seekers, Bild daily reported on Thursday, piling pressure o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will visit Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, the Philippines and
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India is disappointed by China s decision to again block its request at the United Nations to blacklist th
(This version of the October 31st story corrects date of Trump s visit to Asia to November 5 in 8th paragraph) WASHINGTON (
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish judge on Thursday issued a European arrest warrant for ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemo
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May raised concerns about illegal settlements on Thursday at a meeting w
ANKARA (Reuters) - The United States is Iran s number one enemy and Tehran will never succumb to Washington s pressure
LONDON (Reuters) - From William Pitt to Winston Churchill, Britain s finest prime ministers have risen to greatness in the Palac
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s Foreign Ministry on Thursday called on the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel s attac
SKOPJE (Reuters) - A Macedonian court sentenced 33 ethnic Albanians to jail terms on Thursday, including seven given life sen
ROME (Reuters) - A regional ballot in Sicily this weekend will serve as a dress rehearsal for a forthcoming general election, with
BELFAST/DUBLIN (Reuters) - The British government is to impose a budget on Northern Ireland for the first time in a decade, a
LONDON (Reuters) - The head of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) in the British parliament urged the British government o
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman met on Thursday t
TUNIS (Reuters) - A Tunisian police officer who was stabbed by a suspected Islamist died of his wounds on Thursday, and secu
GENEVA (Reuters) - Iraq is not capable of trying atrocities committed by Islamic State during the battle for Mosul so it must fin
ZAGREB (Reuters) - Croatia s opposition parties on Thursday demanded a no-confidence vote in the government over its hand
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Jacob Zuma told South Africa s parliament on Thursday he had received no payments from private com
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May was forced to appoint a new defense minister on Thursday after her a
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government expects to bring a budget for Northern Ireland before parliament at Westminster
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s Kurdish region said on Thursday it had offered a joint Kurdish-Iraqi deployment at a strategic cross
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s state prosecutor on Thursday asked a High court judge to issue a European arrest warrant for oust
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia on Thursday set out why it disputed U.N. and Western allegations that the Syrian government had
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - South Africa s main opposition party walked out of parliament on Thursday, saying President Jacob Zu
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - More than 180,000 civilians, mostly Kurds, have been displaced by the conflict between the Iraqi centra
PARIS (Reuters) - France said on Thursday that Russian steps to push Syrian peace talks should be within the framework of Un
SITTWE, Myanmar (Reuters) - Myanmar s de facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, on Thursday urged people not to quarrel as she v
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma said on Thursday his government was considering the best time to
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland plans to bar Ukrainians with anti-Polish views , its foreign minister said on Thursday, emphasizing
DAKAR (Reuters) - A long-awaited multi-national military force in Africa s Sahel region has begun operations to counter escala
DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkish security forces killed 17 Kurdish militants near the border between Iraq and southeast
LONDON (Reuters) - Gavin Williamson was appointed as Britain s new defense minister on Thursday after Michael Fallon resig
PARIS (Reuters) - France has appointed Philippe Leglise-Costa as its new permanent representative to the European Union (EU
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Six Russian Tu-22M3 long-range bombers struck Islamic State targets near the town of Abu Kemal in Syri
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan authorities are processing a request from Britain to extradite the brother of the bomber who killed
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey is planning 22 new defense projects worth a total of $5 billion and spanning the development of ai
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s state prosecutor on Thursday asked an High Court judge to jail Catalan secessionist leaders pendin
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq wants the Kurdistan region to stop independent crude exports and to hand over sales operations to
MANILA (Reuters) - Two weeks ahead of a regional summit, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday urged greater c
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Voter support for Hungary s ruling right-wing Fidesz party rose to its highest since January 2011 at 40 pe
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - A Malaysian state s royal council on Thursday urged authorities to investigate former Prime Minist
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May appointed lawmaker Julian Smith as her new Chief Whip on Thursday
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s chief justice said the national police chief had enhanced the security of Supreme Court judges aft
ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland s defense ministry has admitted sending staff to test reconnaissance drones in contested land
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea may be planning a new missile test, South Korea s spy agency told lawmakers on Thursday, afte
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that Moscow regarded updated U.S. sanctions on R
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan s ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif returned home on Thursday to face trial in an anti-corru
Seoul (Reuters) - North Korea s state media on Thursday dismissed as misinformation a recent media report that the North s
LONDON (Reuters) - British defense minister Michael Fallon quit on Wednesday, the first resignation in a growing sexual haras
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Pro-independence Scottish lawmakers have presented a motion in their devolved parliament urging in
MADRID (Reuters) - If the ousted Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont fails to appear in court, the normal procedure would be to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia hopes that all Syrian opposition groups will attend a Moscow-backed Syrian congress in southern
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The main Syrian opposition body said on Thursday a Russian-sponsored Syrian peace conference later this m
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has sold its advanced S-400 air defense missile system to Turkey for over $2 billion, Sergei Cheme
SEOUL/BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping replied to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un s congratulatory message
(This Nov. 1 story refiles to fix typo in author s name) By Tim Cocks and Abdoulaye Massalatchi NIAMEY (Reuters) - Niger has a
MANILA (Reuters) - Filipino lawyers on Thursday announced a broad alliance to challenge President Rodrigo Duterte s 16-mon
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The 600 asylum seekers barricaded inside an abandoned detention center in Papua New Guinea without fo
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian authorities on Thursday ordered an inquiry to determine within seven days the cause of a blast a
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces threatened on Wednesday to resume operations to capture northern Kurdish-held territory
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Nearly 20 percent of high school and university students in Indonesia support the establishment of a calip
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Wearing black clothing and skeletal face paint, dozens of women marched in downtown Mexico City
(Reuters) - The White House admonished Russia on Wednesday after it vetoed a United Nations plan to continue an ongoing i
CHARIKAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - At least 15 people were killed and 27 wounded when fuel tankers exploded in the town of
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - When Zakir Naik emerged from a prominent Malaysian mosque last month fans swarmed about h
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong will try to enact a law penalizing people who boo the Chinese national anthem as soon as
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will further pressure Chinese President Xi Jinping in talks next week to take
LONDON (Reuters) - British police said on Wednesday they had issued an arrest warrant for the brother of a suicide bomber w
BEIRUT (Reuters) - An Israeli air strike targeted a factory south of the Syrian city of Homs on Wednesday and the Syrian army r
WAYNESBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - When Mike Sylvester entered a career training center earlier this year in southwestern Pennsylv
BOSTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday ordered the release of an illegal immigrant who is among 47 Indonesians in N
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada, under pressure from allies to boost its commitment to peacekeeping, will propose offering helico
KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian judge released the son of Ukraine s interior ministry from custody on Wednesday on the condition
MADRID (Reuters) - Dismissed Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont said on Wednesday he would ignore a court order to return t
ROME (Reuters) - The bodies of seven migrants were discovered on Wednesday in a boat adrift off Libya while around 900 peo
LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers ramped up pressure on the government to publish its assessment of the impact Brexit w
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia s Supreme Court has halted preparations for next week s presidential run-off vote between form
LONDON (Reuters) - British defence minister Michael Fallon said his past conduct had fallen below the high standard required
GAZA (Reuters) - The Islamist group Hamas began ceding control of the Gaza Strip s border crossings with Israel and Egypt to U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A rare high-level defector from North Korea told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that disseminating m
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesd
MOSCOW (Reuters) - It is necessary to prevent new sanctions against Iran and preserve Tehran s nuclear deal with world pow
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran s President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that Iran and Russia needed to cooperate to restore s
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that the situation in Syria and peace talks to resolve t
TEHRAN (Reuters) - All parties to the Iran nuclear deal should adhere to their commitments, Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan said in
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Russian President Vladimir Putin that Tehran and Mosc
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Veteran FARC leader Rodrigo Londono - known as Timochenko - will run for the presidency of Colombia n
LONDON (Reuters) - Two 14-year-old boys from northern England who were arrested by British counter-terrorism detectives h
TIJUANA, Mexico (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s wall is far from built but towering concrete and steel prototypes in
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday adopted a resolution calling for an end to t
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday everyone wanted to see an agreement to restore Northe
BELFAST (Reuters) - Irish nationalist party Sinn Fein said on Wednesday that its talks with the pro-British Democratic Unionist P
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The Irish government would insist on a role in the running of Northern Ireland if power-sharing devolved g
BELFAST (Reuters) - A senior member of Northern Ireland s Democratic Unionist Party on Wednesday blamed rivals Sinn Fein f
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States urged the parties involved in Northern Ireland to continue their dialogue to reach
DUBAI (Reuters) - An air strike by a Saudi-led military coalition killed 26 people at a hotel and an adjoining market in Yemen s n
QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador s ruling Country Alliance party, founded by former president Rafael Correa over a decade ago, has r
TOKYO (Reuters) - Takuya Yokota vividly remembers clutching a flashlight and running to the ocean with his mother and twin b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is quietly pursuing direct diplomacy with North Korea, a senior State Department
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A Danish inventor accused of murdering Swedish journalist Kim Wall on board his submarine did not
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Electoral Commission is investigating whether a leading anti-EU campaigner breached referendu
LONDON (Reuters) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday he had not seen any evidence that Russia had in
BEIRUT/AMMAN/ANKARA (Reuters) - Syria s opposition rejected a Russian-sponsored initiative to reach a political settlement
DUBAI (Reuters) - Bahrain s public prosecutor charged two leaders of the country s banned main opposition party of spying fo
NAIROBI (Reuters) - South Sudan s media regulator has suspended all press associations in the country while they register for
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Twelve North African migrant stowaways have been repatriated after being stuck on a ferry sailing b
ROME (Reuters) - Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni remains Italy s most trusted leader while the 5-Star Movement s Luigi Di Mai
MANILA (Reuters) - The families of thousands of victims in the Philippines bloody war on drugs mourned on Wednesday at ga
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s world-famous Uluru, formerly known as Ayers Rock, will be closed to climbers from 2019, its ma
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German federal judge issued an arrest warrant on Wednesday against a 19-year-old Syrian man detained
LONDON (Reuters) - Language suggesting that Britain should be punished for leaving the European Union is regrettable , as ar
LONDON (Reuters) - Foreign minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday Britain should expect the United States to drive a very
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Greens said on Wednesday that any coalition government they join would have to agree to mak
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The head of Syria s main Kurdish political party indicated on Wednesday his group favors attending a Russia
ETTADAMEN,(TUNISIA) (Reuters) - A suspected Islamist militant wounded two policemen with a knife near the parliament in T
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Shinzo Abe was re-elected prime minister on Wednesday after his ruling bloc s big election win last
ANKARA(Reuters) - A new Turkish political party founded by a former minister and vocal critic of Tayyip Erdogan could cost the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Six long-range strategic bombers took off from their bases in Russia to hit militant targets in the Syrian p
LONDON (Reuters) - Arron Banks, a tycoon who backed leaving the European Union, on Wednesday dismissed allegations that
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday she took reports of Russian interference in elections seri
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar insisted on Wednesday it was ready to set up a repatriation process for Rohingya Muslims even
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday action would be taken when there are allegations
DHAKA (Reuters) - A pilot with the Bangladesh national carrier Bangladesh Biman was arrested on Wednesday suspected of te
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The continuing failure of Irish nationalists and pro-British Unionists to form a government in Northern Irela
LONDON (Reuters) - The longer it takes for Britain and the European Union to start negotiations on their future relationship aft
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress (ANC) is holding hundreds of branch meetings as g
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress (ANC) will elect a new party leader to succeed Pres
BERLIN (Reuters) - German rail operator Deutsche Bahn is facing a siege of online criticism over a proposal to name a high-spe
PARIS (Reuters) - Two years after militants killed 130 people in coordinated attacks across Paris, France officially ended a state
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is more likely to strike an exit deal with the European Union than it is to crash out of the bloc witho
LONDON (Reuters) - British trade minister Liam Fox said on Wednesday he hoped to be able to agree similar trading arrangem
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian communications watchdog Roskomnadzor is not currently planning any concrete actions against
ERBIL Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdish President Masoud Barzani departed office on Wednesday, leaving his nephew to reconcile
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - A Bosnian Serb man was arrested after trying to sell an original document from the 1995 Dayton peace a
BEIJING (Reuters) - Springer Nature, which publishes science magazines Nature and Scientific American, said on Wednesday it
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Eritrea said it has received reports of gunfire in several parts of the capital, Asmara, a
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Netherlands will hold a referendum on legislation giving law enforcement authorities far-reachin
LONDON (Reuters) - An activist in Britain s opposition Labour Party has said she was raped at a party event when she was 19, a
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish cargo ship with 10 crew on board sank in the Black Sea near the Asian side of Istanbul early on
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will not hand over to Montenegro the person wanted by the Balkan nation as a suspect in a coup
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine security forces on Wednesday arrested an Indonesian national suspected to be among the pro-I
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - More than half a million people have fled ethnic violence in southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo s
DUBAI (Reuters) - Kuwait s ruler reappointed his prime minister on Wednesday and asked him to form a cabinet, the official st
BEIJING (Reuters) - Russia and China were considering linking their national payment system, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry M
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Authorities in Thailand s southeastern Chonburi province braced for more demonstrations on Wednesda
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey cannot accept the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia being invited to Syria talks in the Kazakh capital of Ast
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian National Coalition, a group fighting the Syrian government, said on Wednesday it opposed a Rus
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya s coastguard intercepted 299 migrants from sub-Saharan African countries on two rubber boats east
LONDON (Reuters) - Damian Green, number two in the British government, has denied an allegation that he made an inapprop
YANGON (Reuters) - Turkey s state broadcaster said a team of journalists filming a documentary in Myanmar had told the gove
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Prominent Turkish rights activist and businessman Osman Kavala has been jailed pending trial, charged w
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A citizenship crisis that robbed Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of his one-seat majority will cla
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Hundreds of asylum seekers refused to leave a detention center in Papua New Guinea on Wednesday, eve
SEOUL/BEIJING (Reuters) - South Korea will never tolerate North Korea as a nuclear state, nor will Seoul have nuclear weapons
LIMA (Reuters) - Indigenous villagers ended a 43-day protest that had halted production in Peru s largest oil block after signing
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - A European Parliament delegation warned on Tuesday that Cambodia could face EU action over aid
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and South Korea will work towards denuclearization on the Korean peninsula, the Chinese foreign m
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s High Court on Tuesday called former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and 13 members of his
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgium has given a cool welcome to Catalonia s ousted leader and may not offer the safe haven from Sp
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - At 70 euros ($82) a night, with the rumble of the Brussels metro thrown in, Carles Puigdemont is hardly l
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s ousted leader Carles Puigdemont agreed on Tuesday to a snap election called by Spain s centra
BRUSSELS/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s ousted leader Carles Puigdemont agreed on Tuesday to a snap election called by Sp
(Reuters) - An aftershock of magnitude 6.4 struck off the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia on Wednesday, a day after
BAMAKO (Reuters) - Five Malian soldiers and one civilian were killed in central Mali on Tuesday during an ambush on a convoy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Tuesday that U.S. forces had moved a person who is under 18 years old to Ira
CAIRO (Reuters) - Bahrain said on Tuesday it would impose entry visas on Qatar nationals and residents in what it called a secu
BELFAST (Reuters) - Northern Ireland s main political parties are to continue talks aimed at restoring the British region s devolv
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The World Bank on Tuesday approved $400 million in additional funding to help rebuild services to I
LONDON/BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Britain is accelerating preparations for all eventualities when it leaves the European Union,
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States will vote against a U.N. General Assembly resolution on Wednesday calling for
KIEV (Reuters) - A Pegasus Airlines plane flying from Moscow to Istanbul made an unscheduled landing at Odessa airport in so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department welcomed a decision by China and South Korea on Tuesday to resume no
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russia has invited the Kurdish-led authorities in northern Syria to its proposed congress of Syria s rival parti
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Air strikes killed at least 15 people in the besieged eastern Libyan city of Derna late on Monday, a medical
WITTENBERG, Germany (Reuters) - Invoking the spirit of the Reformation, Chancellor Angela Merkel called for religious freedo
MISRATA/BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - A man seized by U.S. forces in Libya accused of involvement in an attack that killed the
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s air force killed a large number of militants responsible for a deadly attack on a police convoy 10 days
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Authorities in the Netherlands tried on Tuesday to defuse a threat by Moscow to close Russian air sp
FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) - Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is under investigation as part of an investigation into
ANKARA/BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi troops deployed on Tuesday at one of the main land crossings with Turkey, ga
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi government plans to soon start paying the salaries of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and civil serv
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s government denied a request by Supreme Court judges for extra security after one of their bodyg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Taliban has increased the amount of territory it has influence over or controls in Afghanistan in
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgian federal prosecutors said on Tuesday they charged two people over a foiled attack in 2015 on a h
GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Seven Palestinian militants were killed on Monday when Israel blew up what it said was a tunne
LONDON (Reuters) - Brexit minister David Davis said on Tuesday he believed Britain would agree some kind of basic deal with
ASTANA (Reuters) - Syrian groups who choose to boycott the Russia-sponsored national congress next month risk being sidelin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Tuesday that U.S. charges against President Donald Trump s former campaign mana
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia s armed forces have been authorized to launch air raids against crime gangs and FARC members
BEIRUT (Reuters) - With Islamic State near defeat in Syria, Damascus is setting its sights on territory held by Kurdish-led forces
STRASBOURG/PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron defended new security legislation on Tuesday, saying Islamist m
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Twelve people were killed in shootings in the central Mexican state of Puebla in violence linked to wa
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The first congress of Syrian peoples will be held in Russia s Black Sea resort of Sochi on Nov. 18, the RIA n
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The government in Damascus is ready to take part in a congress of rival Syrian parties that Russia aims to h
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday asked the High Court to set aside a report by the
LANY, Czech Republic (Reuters) - Czech election winner Andrej Babis will attempt to form a minority government after being sh
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran has no need to increase the range of its ballistic missiles as they could already reach U.S. forces statio
HAMAT, Lebanon (Reuters) - The United States delivered two A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft to Lebanon s army on Tue
ASTANA (Reuters) - Turkey and Iran have agreed to discuss within the UN-led Geneva process Russia s proposal to convene a S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has developed a friendly relationship with Philippine President Rodrigo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States believes progress with China on a range of trade issues has become more difficult
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia on Tuesday invited 33 Syrian groups and political parties to attend what it called a Syrian Congre
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Shelling killed around ten people, including five children at a school gate, in a besieged rebel enclave near S
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga on Tuesday called for pickets and petitions against an election he b
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria s cabinet will be expanded to bring in more people and fresh ideas, for the ultimate benefit of the p
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - An Iraqi military delegation is preparing to take control of the Kurdistan region border with Syria, an Iraq
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian submarine on Tuesday fired cruise missiles at Islamic State targets in Syria s Deir al-Zor provinc
TIELT, Belgium (Reuters) - Sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont s Belgian lawyer pledged on Tuesday to fight a Spanish sta
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police arrested a 19-year-old Syrian suspected of planning an Islamist-motivated bomb attack in Ge
DUBAI (Reuters) - A Bahraini court sentenced 10 men to life imprisonment and revoked their citizenship on charges of forming
NICOSIA (Reuters) - Talks on the reunification of Cyprus should resume only if the political status of Turkish Cypriots is addres
ERBIL (Reuters) - There are no winners among Iraq s Kurds, just weeks after Kurdish president Masoud Barzani gambled away
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese man was arrested on Tuesday after parts of a dismembered body were found in a picnic cooler
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Carles Puigdemont, the Catalan president ousted by Spain, did not come to Belgium on invitation of the
MADRID (Reuters) - Support for the creation of an independent state of Catalonia rose to an almost 3-year high in October acc
KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber in the Afghan capital Kabul killed as many as eight people and wounded many others, mos
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya opposition leader Raila Odinga said on Tuesday he would use pickets and petitions to protest last w
KABUL (Reuters) - A blast in the Afghan capital Kabul on Tuesday caused numerous casualties, Reuters witnesses and Afghan o
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an explosion in Afghan capital Kabul on Tuesday which killed mul
(Refiles October 30th story to add dropped name in third paragraph) ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish mayor announced on Mon
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The European Union s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, said on Tuesday that he was ready to speed
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian private security on Tuesday vacated an asylum seeker detention center in Papua New Guinea (P
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Greens need to compromise on immigration policy if talks on forming a new governing coalition
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Four Rohingya Muslims, a man, woman and two children, drowned when a small woode
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont on Tuesday said he accepted the snap elections called by Spain
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss the Syria crisis and energy cooperation with Iranian Presiden
SEOUL/BEIJING (Reuters) - Seoul and Beijing on Tuesday agreed to move beyond a year-long stand-off over the deployment of
HONG KONG/BEIJING (Reuters) - China has quietly undertaken more construction and reclamation in the South China Sea, rec
BEIJING (Reuters) - Sri Lanka is keen to reach agreement soon on a free trade deal with China, its foreign minister said on Tues
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s Constitutional Court has blocked Catalonia s declaration of independence made by the regional pa
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Days after taking over as China s leader in 2012, Xi Jinping led other top Communist Party officials to Be
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s Supreme court has begun processing rebellion charges raised against Catalonia s parliament speak
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s state prosecutor accused sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont on Monday of reb
TOKYO (Reuters) - A tunnel at North Korea s nuclear test site collapsed after Pyongyang s sixth atomic test in September, poss
GENEVA (Reuters) - The medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) is closing most of its 37 cholera t
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is considering calling the third snap parliamentary elections since 20
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s cabinet will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. (1700 GMT), the government said on Tuesday without
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iraq s central government has taken over control of the main land crossing into Turkey from the autonom
MOSCOW (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron has accepted an invitation to visit Russia and may fly in next year fo
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine troops on Tuesday killed a pro-Islamic State gunman in the southern city of Marawi, a military o
YANGON (Reuters) - The United Nations named a new interim U.N. resident coordinator for Myanmar on Tuesday, appointing
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan filed a criminal complaint against a prominent opposition lawmaker on Tuesda
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s foreign ministry said on Tuesday that China s position on the deployment in South Korea of the U.S
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s largely rubber-stamp parliament is considering jail terms of up to three years for people who disres
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian counter-terrorism police killed two militants suspected of having links with a pro-Islamic State
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand s military government on Tuesday said it will not yet lift a ban on political activity, despite a gen
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea probably stole South Korean warship blueprints after hacking into Daewoo Shipbuilding & Mar
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Tuesday a ban on foreigners buying existing hom
TOKYO (Reuters) - NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg urged all United Nation members on Tuesday to fully and transparently implem
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will curb asylum seekers rights to work and detain any not deemed refugees or who have made multi
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and South Korea have agreed to get their relations back onto a normal track at an early date, China s
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - One of the contenders to be Singapore s next leader, cabinet member Chan Chun Sing, on Monday said
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s capital has shut a hotel and spa complex for alleged vice, city officials said on Monday, after Is
(Reuters) - A major undersea earthquake of magnitude 7.0 struck close to New Caledonia in the South Pacific on Tuesday, the
LONDON (Reuters) - Controversies over fake news have damaged trust in media in the United States and elsewhere, but the im
KIEV (Reuters) - The Ukrainian wife of a Chechen man accused by Russia of plotting to kill President Vladimir Putin was shot de
BELFAST (Reuters) - The British government on Monday extended by 24 hours a deadline for Northern Ireland s political partie
ABUJA (Reuters) - A court on Monday ordered Nigeria to pay 88 billion naira ($288 million) in damages to victims of the 1967 c
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile s frontrunning center-right presidential candidate, Sebastian Pinera, on Monday unveiled a $14 bil
BELFAST (Reuters) - The British government on Monday extended by 24 hours a deadline for Northern Ireland s main political
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech billionaire Andrej Babis gained possible support on Monday for his bid to form a minority governme
LONDON (Reuters) - There will be zero tolerance of sexual harassment in Britain s parliament, the government said on Monda
CARACAS (Reuters) - Three of Venezuela s largest opposition parties vowed on Monday to boycott mayoral polls later this year
BERLIN (Reuters) - Parties seeking to form Germany s next government found common ground in areas of social policy and dig
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Any move by Finland to join NATO would need public approval via a referendum, President Sauli Niinisto
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. forces have captured a militant who is believed to have played a role in a 2012 attack on a U.S.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday named a suspect captured on Sunday for his alleged role in the
DOUALA, Cameroon (Reuters) - A military court in Cameroon sentenced an opposition leader on Monday to 25 years in prison
GENEVA (Reuters) - A convoy from the United Nations and Syrian Arab Red Crescent entered towns in the besieged Damascus
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar has agreed to strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation with the United States to crack down on illici
KINSHASA (Reuters) - At least four civilians and a police officer were killed in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Monda
GENEVA (Reuters) - President Joseph Kabila has agreed to help aid reach a region of the Democratic Republic of Congo where
UNITED NATIONS/ABIDJAN (Reuters) - The United States has promised up to $60 million to support the Group of Five Sahel St
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan s spokesman threatened a prominent opposition lawmaker with legal action on
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s President Mauricio Macri vowed to press ahead with reforms to the country s tax, labor
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta won 98 percent of the vote in a repeated election in which a
OSLO (Reuters) - The body of a man who died when a Russian Mi-8 helicopter crashed off the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard on
KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Monday that Kevin King, one of two professors from the American University of
PARIS (Reuters) - A court in Paris on Monday released the younger brother of former Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaore
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf s spokesman on Monday denied allegations from her own part
PARIS (Reuters) - France announced a one-billion-euro plan for universities on Monday, promising to offer more places on pop
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil s Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles insisted on Monday that he is not planning to run for pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China s ambassador to Washington said on Monday U.S. President Donald Trump s state visit to Beij
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - A senior Tanzanian politician quit the ruling party on Monday complaining of human rights abuses
LONDON (Reuters) - Foreign secretary Boris Johnson said on Monday that a key proviso of a 100-year old British declaration w
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin inaugurated a monument to the victims of Stalinist purges on Monday, but Sovi
VIENNA (Reuters) - Coalition talks between Austrian conservative Sebastian Kurz s party and the far-right Freedom Party began
BELFAST (Reuters) - The British government on Monday extended by 24 hours a deadline for Northern Ireland s political partie
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s top prosecutor quit on Monday under pressure from the government over accusations t
DUBAI (Reuters) - A Bahrain court sentenced three family members of a prominent activist to jail terms on weapons charges o
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - An Ethiopian opposition leader was due to be released on bail almost two years after he was detaine
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is deeply concerned by media reports about the alleged misconduct o
ABUJA (Reuters) - President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday sacked Nigeria s most senior civil servant after an investigation in
LONDON (Reuters) - The Speaker of Britain s parliament said on Monday there must be zero tolerance of sexual harassment o
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdish political parties opposed to regional leader Masoud Barzani reported attacks on their office
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s President Uhuru Kenyatta said on Monday that he expects the opposition to challenge his victory
DUBAI (Reuters) - Bahrain will not attend December s summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council if Qatar does not change its poli
ABU DHABI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia plans to extract uranium domestically as part of its nuclear power program and sees this a
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Danish inventor Peter Madsen has admitted to dismembering Swedish journalist Kim Wall on board
TOKYO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed to work together on steps to coun
OSLO (Reuters) - A Norwegian court sentenced a 17-year-old Russian citizen to nine months in jail on Monday for making a sm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday urged Iraq s federal government and Kurdish Regional Government in
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia will for the first time allow women to attend sports events, preparing special sections in three s
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta won 98 percent of the vote in a repeated election in which a
MOSCOW/ASTANA (Reuters) - A Moscow-backed congress of all Syria s ethnic groups may take place in Russia and begin work
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The former head of Catalonia is on his way to Brussels to see lawyers, Belgian state broadcaster VRT said
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s repeat presidential poll was free and fair, the election commission said on Monday, despite oppos
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A journalist became the second woman to enter Russia s presidential race, saying on Monday she wante
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A man faced war crimes charges at a Dutch court on Monday accused of the incarceration, torture an
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand officially ended a year of mourning for its late King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Monday, marking a r
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - Prayer mats, chequered scarves, black fatigues, and bullet-ridden walls mark the hideou
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan pro-independence party PdeCat (Catalan Democratic Party)said on Monday it will take part in a sn
MADRID (Reuters) - The former head of Catalonia and other sacked members of the region s government are in Brussels, whe
KUWAIT (Reuters) - Kuwait s ruling emir accepted the resignation of the prime minister and his cabinet on Monday, state new
YAOUNDE (Reuters) - Suspected Boko Haram militants killed at least 10 villagers in northern Cameroon on Sunday night in wh
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan pro-independence party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) will take part in a snap regiona
LONDON (Reuters) - Talks on restoring a power-sharing government in Northern Ireland are making progress but there are sig
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia expects all terrorists in Syria to be destroyed by the end of the year and then plans to keep enou
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s state prosecutor on Monday called for rebellion and sedition charges to be brought against Catalo
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan said on Monday it will help the Philippines rebuild conflict-torn southern Marawi city as well as other
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore has banned two Muslim foreign preachers from entering the city-state because their views b
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s parliament has canceled a meeting on Tuesday following the Spanish government s takeover o
ABU DHABI (Reuters) - Iran is fulfilling its commitments under the nuclear deal with world powers and U.N. inspectors are faci
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali authorities imposed a daytime ban on Monday on the movement of large trucks and road tan
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran will reopen all its border crossings with Iraq s Kurdistan region in the coming days, lifting restrictions
KIEV (Reuters) - Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis said on Monday that he hoped and believed a regional election in Cat
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgian police detained four people over a foiled attack in 2015 on a high-speed train linking Brussels and
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Monday signaled it would again block an Indian request at the United Nations to blacklist the hea
LONDON (Reuters) - Crude oil flows through an Iraqi Kurdistan pipeline to Turkey resumed on Monday after a technical stoppa
ZAGREB (Reuters) - Croatia aims to become a euro zone member within the next seven to eight years, Prime Minister Andrej P
BEIJING (Reuters) - China and Sri Lanka should focus on strengthening cooperation over key investment projects, Foreign Mini
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines top police chief who oversaw a bloody war on drugs that has killed thousands of Filipinos
Qaryatayn, SYRIA (Reuters) - Twenty six Syrian hostages who escaped from their Islamic State captors received an emotional h
ERBIL/BAGHDAD Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani said he would give up his position as president on Nov. 1
BEIJING (Reuters) - China understands the Spanish government s efforts to protect national unity and opposes any actions to s
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain on Friday sacked Catalonia s regional government, dissolved the Catalan parliament and called a sna
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Tensions between Germany and Turkey are holding up planned defense projects at Rheinmetall, the G
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia hopes that Turkey can stabilize the situation in Syria s Idlib Province where Moscow believes ther
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of supporters of a unified Spain filled Barcelona s streets on Sunday in one of t
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar s ruler said he is ready for U.S.-hosted direct talks aimed at solving the worst diplomatic crisis in the G
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan will increase future defense spending by two percent each year, President Tsai Ing-wen said during a
DUBAI (Reuters) - State-owned Saudi Arabian Airlines said it will start flying regularly to Iraq on Monday after a 27-year halt, st
SEOUL (Reuters) - Senior defense officials from the United States, South Korea and Japan held trilateral talks and urged North
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s main Labor opposition party said on Monday it was considering a legal challenge to more than 1
BEIJING (Reuters) - China aims to pass a national supervision law and set up a new commission next year to oversee an expans
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s foreign ministry said Lee Do-hoon, its representative for six-party nuclear talks, and his Chines
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia will not be allowed to walk away from legal, financial and moral responsibility for nearly 800 men
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - An Islamist attack on a hotel in Mogadishu ended on Sunday after 29 people were killed during a sieg
JUBA, South Sudan/KITCHANGA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - In a mountainous camp for displaced Congolese, U.
SKOPJE (Reuters) - Macedonia s main opposition leader cried foul over local election results after gains for the ruling party in a
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece called on Spain s ambassador to Athens on Sunday to rescind statements to a Greek newspaper su
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia s ruling party, whose candidate finished runner-up in the first round of this month s presidentia
OSLO (Reuters) - The wreckage of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter missing off Svalbard, Norway, since October 26 has been located,
PARIS (Reuters) - Francois Compaore, the younger brother of former Burkina Faso president Blaise Compaore, was taken into
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazilian Former President Luiz In cio Lula da Silva and right-wing congressman Jair Bolsonaro wou
BERLIN (Reuters) - Key allies of Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday downplayed reports about a crisis among parties in a pote
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Sunday he would deal with U.S. President Donald Trump in t
PARIS (Reuters) - Hundreds of women attended rallies in Paris and other French cities on Sunday to protest against sexual hara
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Demonstrators, some carrying clubs, stormed the Iraqi Kurdistan parliament building in Erbil on Sunday,
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani gave a bitter speech on Sunday to announce his resignation, saying no on
(Note: Readers might find some language offensive in paragraph 2) LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May h
MUHORONI, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenya s repeat presidential election, boycotted this week by millions, has reignited long-runnin
KOGUTA/KISUMU, Kenya (Reuters) - The body of a man was found in a sugarcane field in western Kenya on Sunday, a day afte
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga called for calm on Sunday as he visited a slum in the capital that w
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Masoud Barzani, who spent decades leading the long-oppressed Kurds, confirmed on Sunday he was ste
MINYA, Egypt (Reuters) - Coptic Christians in the south of Egypt renewed calls on local authorities for an end to discrimination
AMMAN (Reuters) - The Syrian army, supported by Russian jets and Iranian-backed militias, escalated bombing on Sunday of a
ZURICH (Reuters) - Austrian police are searching for a 66-year-old man suspected of shooting dead two neighbors and woundi
BETHLEHEM, West Bank (Reuters) - Another Donald Trump mural believed to be the work of Australian graffiti artist Lushsux h
REYKJAVIK (Reuters) - Icelanders, angry over a string of political scandals, ousted their center-right government in an election
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police detained 143 people over suspected links to Islamic State in anti-terror operations in eight
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran will continue to produce missiles for its defense and does not consider that a violation of international a
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters on Sunday started a second round of talks to resolve a confl
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - Khaliluddin Ismail returned home on Sunday after five months of war in the southern Ph
BANGKOK (Reuters) - The bones and ashes of Thailand s late King Bhumibol Adulyadej were brought to their final resting place
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The heads of Somalia s police and national security have been sacked after a bombing targeting a hot
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland wants the euro zone to become stronger before making a decision whether to join the single curr
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. pressure delayed an Israeli ministerial vote on Sunday on a proposed bill that Washington fears en
(Reuters) - Icelanders voted in favor of a left-leaning four-party coalition in parliamentary elections, a final vote count showed
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Granting Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont political asylum in Belgium would be not unrealistic if he ask
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Former Australian Governor-General Sir Ninian Stephen, who worked on the Northern Ireland peace talks
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s Queensland state on Sunday called a snap election after the ruling center-left Labor Party lost it
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Unidentified kidnappers bundled the deputy governor of Afghanistan s northwestern province of Kuna
BEIJING (Reuters) - Li Qiang, an ally of Chinese President Xi Jinping, has been named the top Communist Party official in Shang
REYKJAVIK (Reuters) - The leader of Iceland s main Left-Green opposition party, Katrin Jakobsdottir, said on Sunday she would
HONOLULU (Reuters) - Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen landed in Honolulu on Saturday en route to the island s diplomatic a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Cuba will make it easier for its U.S.-based citizens to travel to the island, Foreign Minister Bruno Rod
BERLIN (Reuters) - Disputes about climate and immigration policy dominated German media ahead of resumed talks among C
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Two car bombs killed at least 17 people in Somalia s capital Mogadishu on Saturday, police said, two
BERLIN (Reuters) - Alice Weidel, a leader of Germany s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, said the late British Prime
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi appointed a new armed forces chief of staff on Saturday, and the inte
NAIROBI (Reuters) - It all started with a rumor: the Mungiki, a dreaded Kikuyu tribal militia, had infiltrated Nairobi s Kawangwa
SULAIMANIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdistan s veteran leader Masoud Barzani will not extend his presidential term beyond N
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - The head of the eastern-based Libyan National Army ordered an investigation on Saturday into th
BERLIN (Reuters) - The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) on Saturday dropped a controversial bid for data on the ethnic
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Saturday that he could not imagine United States ever accepting a
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis, in a major speech on Europe, on Saturday urged the European Union to recover the se
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Sacked Catalonian president Carles Puigdemont on Saturday called for peaceful democratic
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government said on Saturday it would welcome the participation of sacked Catalan president
OSLO/LONDON (Reuters) - The United States will play a big role at global talks next month on shaping the Paris agreement on
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police said on Saturday they arrested a man they believe was involved in mailing parcel and letter b
KIEV (Reuters) - The release of two Crimean Tatars from Russian custody this week was a good sign and hopefully means Russi
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer is recovering after a successful operation in a Sao Paulo hospital
MADRID (Reuters) - Sacked Catalan president Carles Puigdemont on Saturday called for a democratic opposition to Madrid s
REYKJAVIK (Reuters) - Angry over a string of political scandals, Icelanders may usher a long dominant center-right party out of
KABUL (Reuters) - A U.S. military service member died as a result of injuries and six others were wounded after a helicopter cr
PARIS (Reuters) - Spanish and Catalan leaders should open talks as soon as possible to safeguard civil peace, the head of Franc
ADEN (Reuters) - A Salafist imam was shot dead by gunmen early on Saturday in Aden, southern Yemen, witnesses and local o
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s navy has fired nine sailors serving on a nuclear-armed submarine after they tested positive for us
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - A bus carrying passengers returning from a Hindu festival to the Nepali capital of Kathmandu skidded
NAYPYITAW/YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar police said on Saturday they were preparing to charge journalists working for Turk
KINSHASA (Reuters) - The United States strongly supports an African military force to combat extremist militants in the Sahel r
BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Saturday appointed a new top official for the southern export powerhouse province of Guangdon
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - The Madrid government sacked Catalonia s president and dismissed its parliament on Friday
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - A Myanmar state-run newspaper on Saturday corrected a report that a U.N. settlement program, UN-H
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian authorities have detained a fireworks factory owner and a manager on suspicion of negligence
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia police on Saturday deported 61 Chinese nationals wanted in China on suspicion of extorti
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Saturday appointed his foreign minister as acting prime min
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s elite Tecnologico de Monterrey university said on Friday that structural shortcomings contri
MADRID/CARACAS (Reuters) - Spanish authorities arrested a former Venezuelan deputy minister and three former executives
BEIJING (Reuters) - A fringe group of hard-line conservatives who long for the way things were under communist China s found
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain on Friday sacked Catalonia s regional government, dissolved the Catalan parliament and called a sna
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will not recognize Catalonia s declaration of independence from Spain, Mexican President Enr
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer will shuffle his cabinet in March and likely exclude members of his main
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian and Iraqi forces closing in on the last scraps of Islamic State s caliphate straddling the remote border
MADRID (Reuters) - Shortly after the Catalan government defied Madrid and held a referendum on independence, Jaume Vive
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s top prosecutor for electoral crimes on Friday said he would no longer fight his dismissal by t
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - The bodies of 37 unidentified people have been found near the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, se
ROME (Reuters) - An Italian man was sentenced on Friday to 24 years in prison for infecting more than 30 women with the HIV
BERLIN (Reuters) - German civil rights groups are mobilizing against the newly elected far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD)
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Across Libya s capital residents have started drilling through pavements to access wells in a desperate sear
KINSHASA (Reuters) - Democratic Republic of Congo must hold a long-delayed election to replace President Joseph Kabila by t
MADRID, (Reuters) - Barcelona boss Ernesto Valverde declined to be drawn on Friday on whether a declaration of independen
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Morneau Shepell Inc (MSI.TO), the human resources management company at the heart of conflict-of-int
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain on Friday sacked Catalonia s regional government, dissolved the Catalan parliament and called a sna
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States wants a meeting soon aimed at reviving a four-way dialogue between itself, Japan
DUBAI (Reuters) - Militants attacked a Bahraini police bus near the Jidhafs area outside the capital Manama, killing one policem
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel s Bavarian allies still hope a three-way coalition government can be formed by th
MOSCOW (Reuters) - An official document seen by Reuters shows that at least 131 Russian citizens died in Syria in the first nin
BERLIN (Reuters) - The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) wants access to data about the ethnic backgrounds and politica
OSLO/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Norwegian rescuers believe they may have located the sunken wreckage of a Russian helicopter th
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordered a 24-hour suspension to military operations against Kurdish
ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish court on Friday sentenced 25 people, including a former coastguard commander, to life in prison
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad is to blame for a chemical attack on the opposition-he
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian government rejected a report sent to the U.N. Security Council that blamed it for a chemical atta
LONDON (Reuters) - Scotland s independence-minded devolved government said it respected the position of the Catalonian re
SWABI, Pakistan (Reuters) - Three police officers stand daily guard at the tomb of Pakistani student Mashal Khan to prevent re
PARIS (Reuters) - Millions of euros of assets belonging to the son of Equatorial Guinea s president were ordered to be seized b
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States wants Pakistan to move quickly to show good faith in supporting efforts to counte
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters reached an agreement on Friday to stop fighting in northern
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan authorities said on Friday they would indefinitely delay further attempts to hold a repeat presiden
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government said on Friday it would not recognize Catalonia s declaration of independence fro
CAYENNE (Reuters) - French president Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that he was fully supportive of Spanish Prime Ministe
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s constitutional court on Friday said it had started a review of the vote held in Catalonia s parliamen
KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker wounded in an explosion in Kiev that killed two people blamed Russia on Thursday for t
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany said on Friday it supported the Spanish government in its dispute with separatists in Catalonia and
OSLO (Reuters) - Hopes of finding survivors from a Russian helicopter which disappeared off the coast of the Arctic Svalbard ar
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Spain remains an important NATO ally and Catalonia is a domestic issue that should be resolved by the S
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s election commission on Friday postponed plans to hold delayed elections in some constituencies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department, reacting to Spanish efforts to block a Catalan independence bid, said on
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The Catalan parliament s declaration of independence has changed nothing and the European Union wil
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Burundi s cabinet backed a constitutional change that would allow its president to stay in office until 2034
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s political establishment must open up negotiations on proposals to reform the country s courts t
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State is building up its defenses in a pocket of territory on the Syrian-Iraqi frontier, the U.S.-led coal
MADRID (Reuters) - The main secessionist group in Catalonia, the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), on Friday called on civil se
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government will hold a special cabinet meeting at 6 p.m. local time (1600 GMT) to enforce di
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council is discussing a resolution to impose accountability after a rep
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May appointed on Friday a former member of the European Parliament to
MADRID (Reuters) - The upper house of Spain s parliament on Friday authorized the government of Prime Minister Mariano R
MIDDELBURG, South Africa (Reuters) - Two white South African farmers who were filmed pushed a wailing black man into a co
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s regional parliament declared independence from Spain on Friday in a disputed vote that is
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said on Friday it had no fresh comment on Catalonia after the region s parliam
KIEV (Reuters) - Two Crimean Tatar activists released from Russian custody this week said on Friday they would travel back to
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Friday called for calm in a tweet posted minutes after the Catalan
BELFAST (Reuters) - Britain will have to bring in legislation to set a budget for Northern Ireland if the province s political partie
GAZA (Reuters) - Hamas security chief in the Gaza Strip was wounded in a car bombing on Friday in what the Islamist group ca
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin has personally overseen the launch of four nuclear-capable ballistic missiles as p
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Western Balkan countries aspiring to join the European Union should leave the past behind and solve th
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is back in a South African hospital for a medical review, ne
MADRID (Reuters) - The regional parliament of Catalonia on Friday voted a motion to begin a constituent process to split from
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgium will set up an English-language commercial court to deal with disputes between international co
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary s main opposition Jobbik party could support deeper European integration, its chairman said o
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - China urged the United States on Friday not to allow Taiwan s president to travel through U.S. territ
(Reuters) - The 10-year-old daughter of a jailed Vietnamese blogger, Mother Mushroom , has appealed to U.S. First Lady Mela
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The anti-establishment ANO party that won the Czech parliamentary election may form a minority govern
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s main opposition party warned the election commission against reorganizing voting in four wester
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces killed 13 militants during a raid on a farm hideout in the western desert region on Fr
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s President Uhuru Kenyatta has won over 96 percent of the votes counted so far from Thursday s re
QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - At least six people were wounded on Friday when a bomb went off along railway tracks in southw
GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar authorities have agreed to allow the United Nations to resume distribution of food in northern R
GENEVA (Reuters) - Rohingya refugees fleeing Myanmar have testified that a consistent, methodical pattern of killings, tortur
BERLIN (Reuters) - Following Donald Trump s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear deal this month, shaken European capitals
KOSAMBI, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesian police on Friday started questioning the owner of a fireworks factory destroyed in
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. energy and commodities firms will make up a major part of a business delegation visiting Beijing at the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Twitter s ban on adverts from Russian media was motivated by Washington s deep prejudices against M
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is concerned by a newspaper report describing a culture of sexual har
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. gas exporters and traders are aiming to grab a bigger chunk of the lucrative, growing business of expo
DUBAI (Reuters) - A group of 13 human rights organizations urged the British government to call for the release of three Bahra
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Scotland s first minister Nicola Sturgeon has sought confirmation from Prime Minister Theresa May th
PANMUNJOM, South Korea (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis emphasized diplomatic efforts to resolve the North K
MADRID (Reuters) - Broadly positive results from BBVA and Sabadell were overshadowed on Friday by growing fears over the
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Britain s talks on exiting the European Union cannot progress, as London wishes, to trade relations until it g
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Friday accused Russia of trying to hide the use of sarin gas by S
DEMILITARIZED ZONE, South Korea (Reuters) - As U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis peered into North Korea from a lookout p
DEMILITARIZED ZONE, South Korea (Reuters) - As U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis peered into North Korea from a lookout p
PARIS (Reuters) - France s Suez, the top water provider in Spain, has temporarily moved the legal registration of its offices in C
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan secessionists on Friday registered a motion with the regional parliament to proclaim independenc
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said on Friday it believed North Korea was behind the WannaCry cyber attack in May that disrup
ALMATY (Reuters) - Kazakhstan is to change its official alphabet for the third time in less than 100 years in what is seen in part
CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia s High Court ruled on Friday that Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce is ineligible to remain i
GENEVA (Reuters) - The humanitarian situation in the besieged eastern suburbs of Damascus is an outrage and parties to the
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter Inc on Thursday accused Russian media outlets Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik of interferin
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Britain s talks on exiting the European Union cannot progress, as London wishes, to cover trade relations u
LUANDA (Reuters) - Angola s new President Jo o Louren o is making swift moves to wrest power from his predecessor Jose Edu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on seven North Korean individuals and three enti
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said it will release a South Korean fishing vessel on Friday for humanitarian reasons after the bo
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistan s opposition Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, led by former cricket hero Imran Khan, swe
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday there has been no change in U.S. policy protecting South Ko
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s President Moon Jae-in said on Friday the aggressive deployment of U.S. strategic assets on t
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen told his cabinet on Friday he had no fear of Western sanctions a
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese teenager is suing the government of Osaka, saying her public high school repeatedly forced her
BANGKOK (Reuters) - The ashes and bones of Thailand s King Bhumibol Adulyadej were returned to the palace on Friday as pa
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine security forces have arrested a mobile phone trader suspected of collecting funds to help financ
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Friday the business of government goes on despite a
(This October 25 story has been refiled to clarify that IATA CEO remarks referred to March rules) By David Shepardson and Jam
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said on Friday he respected a High Court verdict that ruled
PANMUNJOM, KOREAN DEMILITARIZED ZONE, (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis peered across South Korea s heav
KOSAMBI, Indonesia (Reuters) - Two explosions tore through a fireworks factory on the outskirts of Indonesia s capital on Thu
(This version of the Oct. 25 story corrects story to change name to Emilio Lozoya in paragraph three) MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea said on Friday it will accept the release of a South Korean fishing boat captured by North Korea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke on Thursday with Myanmar s army chief and expressed c
EASTERN GHOUTA (Reuters) - A tightening siege has pushed people to the verge of famine in the eastern suburbs of Damascu
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani private schools, charitable institutions, and religious seminaries are stepping in to supplemen
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis flew into Seoul on Friday for annual defense talks as tensions with North K
GENEVA (Reuters) - President Bashar al-Assad and his family have no role in the future of Syria, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Till
HAVANA (Reuters) - The United States said on Thursday it had designated career diplomat Lawrence Gumbiner as the new chi
ROME (Reuters) - The waters of Rome s Trevi Fountain, one of Italy s top tourist attractions, turned red on Thursday after a ma
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Three United Nations soldiers from Chad were killed and two others wounded by an explosive device as th
KITCHANGA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley was moved to tears
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer faces a split in his coalition that is likely to derail his plans to put Brazil s
BERLIN (Reuters) - Three German parties resigned themselves to further talks next week to try to form a new coalition after m
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s leader Carles Puigdemont on Thursday said he would not hold a new regional ele
MADRID (Reuters) - The Catalan government s business head resigned on Thursday, a government source said, after regional p
BERLIN (Reuters) - Turkey s decision to release a German human rights activist is a sign of improving relations between the tw
MARACAIBO/CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - The newly elected opposition governor of Venezuela s western Zulia state was d
TORONTO (Reuters) - A regional Latin American grouping on Thursday agreed more steps may be needed to further isolate Ve
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - International community sanctions on North Korea may be hurting key economic sectors and ham
KISUMU, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenyan opposition supporters skirmished with police and threw up burning barricades in pockets o
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A U.N. special rapporteur said on Thursday there had been little change in the human rights situa
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that law enforcement agencies must take tough action
BANGKOK (Reuters) - A woman s 750-km (470-mile) trek to see the late Thai king s cremation ceremony was only one example
AGUA BONITA, Colombia (Reuters) - Colombia s former Marxist FARC rebels have begun to construct communes in rural areas
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Four people were killed and several injured when a train crashed into an army truck during a military exer
NAIROBI (Reuters) - It had all the trappings of a proper polling station - ballot-boxes, pots of indelible ink, registration lists and
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s government is ready to suspend the application of direct rule in Catalonia if Catalan head Carles Pu
MADRID (Reuters) - The president of Catalonia s regional government, Carles Puigdemont, will deliver a speech at 5 p.m. (1500
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont on Thursday said he had decided not to call a snap election because he
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A company with ties to an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin has won the right to develop a prime p
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack in northeast Nigeria that killed eight soldiers and a civili
ATHENS (Reuters) - The Athens Metro came to a standstill on Thursday when workers in the Greek capital began a 24-hour str
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s upper house Senate approved on Thursday a new electoral system that is expected to handicap the a
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia s Islamist group al Shabaab on Thursday publicly stoned a woman to death in a town in the s
OSLO (Reuters) - The Russian helicopter that went down off the coast of Svalbard on Thursday has still not been located more
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - I first visited Camp No. 3 a few days after the Sept. 19 earthquake. After reporting from collapsed bu
OSLO/MOSCOW (Reuters) - All eight people on board a missing helicopter off the coast of Svalbard are Russians, the Russian E
ABUJA (Reuters) - More than 2,000 people have fled southern Cameroon and entered Nigeria over the past two weeks, fallout
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The next round of talks between Syria s government and the opposition will be held in Geneva on
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finnish government should actively push the European Union to abolish its directive on daylight saving tim
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Thursday it would respond to a decision by Twitter Inc to ban adverts from media outlets
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government said on Thursday its key piece of Brexit legislation would be debated in parliamen
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s parliament will vote on whether to accept the government s deal on exiting the European Union
LYON, France (Reuters) - Attackers set fire to vehicles beneath a housing complex for police and their families in a suburb of G
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Legislators from Kenya s ruling party and opposition exchanged blows on Thursday, after polls closed in a
CAIRO (Reuters) - Six months before Egypt s election, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi s supporters are petitioning for him to run,
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand bade a final goodbye to its beloved late King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Thursday in a ceremony st
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State militants said on Thursday another 51 civilians had been
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German parties exploring a possible coalition said on Thursday they wanted to discuss further the ques
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives voted nearly unanimously on Thursday for new sanctions on Iran
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday Iraq must stand on its own in the face of Iranian influ
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is not yet able to say if new legislation will be needed to implement a Brexit transition deal, Prime
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO accused Russia on Thursday of misleading the alliance over the scope of its war games last month
BAGHDAD/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iraqi forces launched an attack to drive Islamic State from the last territory it holds in Iraq on Th
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Former Liberian warlord Prince Johnson has endorsed George Weah for president before a Nov. 7 run-
LONDON (Reuters) - A London court on Thursday rejected a legal challenge against the deal between Britain s ruling Conservati
REYKJAVIK/COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Iceland s centre-right Independence Party has pulled ahead in an opinion poll before Sat
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad discussed a forthcoming round of peace talks in the Kazakh capital, Asta
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech billionaire Andrej Babis s ANO party met an anti-European Union, anti-immigration group on Thursd
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Hezbollah member of the Lebanese parliament said on Thursday that proposed new U.S. sanctions agains
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday held a telephone conversation with his Chinese counterpa
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - At least five people were killed in a town in Ethiopia s restive Oromiya region on Thursday after polic
OSLO (Reuters) - An 85-year-old survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima will jointly accept the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize to
BERLIN (Reuters) - German authorities are investigating reports that asylum seekers in a Berlin refugee camp were forced into
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Venezuela s democratic opposition was awarded the European Union s human rights award on Thursday
BERLIN (Reuters) - German parties in exploratory talks on forming a coalition government agreed on Thursday to stick to clima
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan president Carles Puigdemont is set to call a snap regional election, political allies said
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan pro-independence party ERC would leave the regional government if regional president Carles Pu
ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish court remanded Amnesty International s local board chairman in custody on Thursday, Amnesty
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s election commission said polling stations had opened in the much of the country on Thursday but
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - The morning after Islamic State s defeat in Raqqa, a local militia fighter stood in a square in the ruine
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Hundreds of Serbian pensioners rallied in Belgrade on Thursday to protest austerity measures introduce
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday ordered the new army commander to recruit and organ
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Julio De Vido, an ex-minister in former Argentine President Cristina Fernandez s government, was ja
YANGON (Reuters) - A UN settlement program, UN-Habitat in Myanmar, on Thursday rejected a state media report that it had
LONDON (Reuters) - Foreign minister Boris Johnson said Poles in Britain will be protected, whatever happens after Brexit, in c
MADRID (Reuters) - A statement by the leader of Spain s northeastern region of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont due to have bee
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government is planning to pass a separate piece of legislation through parliament to approve t
BEIJING (Reuters) - The ruling Communist Party s flagship newspaper on Thursday provided more evidence that President Xi Ji
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping met senior military leaders on Thursday and pressed them on his goal of havin
LONDON (Reuters) - Failure to pass the government s flagship piece of Brexit legislation through parliament will result in holes
GENEVA (Reuters) - The International Committee of the Red Cross said on Thursday it had access to more than 1,300 foreign w
PARIS (Reuters) - The French military has targeted Islamist militants in northern Mali near the border with Algeria and took 15
LONDON (Reuters) - Spanish government bonds and stocks were in demand on Thursday after a media report said Catalonian
TOKYO (Reuters) - The head of Japan s largest business lobby on Thursday backed the prime minister s plan for companies to r
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s prime minister demanded on Thursday that Kurds declare their independence referendum void, re
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian army and its allies seized an oil pumping station in eastern Syria from Islamic State, paving the w
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told Iraq s U.S.-backed prime minister on Thursday that he
KISUMU, Kenya (Reuters) - One man was shot dead and three others injured during protests in the western city of Kisumu, as
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain does not believe its tax laws are incompatible with European Union rules, a spokeswoman for Prim
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - King Willem-Alexander on Thursday swore in a new Dutch government under conservative Prime Min
(Reuters) - Iraqi forces launched on Thursday an offensive to recapture the last patch of Iraqi territory still in the hands of Islam
ANKARA (Reuters) - The Kurdish Regional Government s proposal to freeze its push for independence is an important step but
BEIJING (Reuters) - Military relations between China and the United States are a positive force in ties, and China wants to deep
LONDON (Reuters) - While many Kenyans fear Thursday s election re-run will provoke serious trouble, foreign investors are ca
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Sat in his hillside grocery shop in a Bangladesh refugee camp, Rohingya Muslim Momtaz-
SITTWE, Myanmar (Reuters) - The thousands of Rohingya Muslims thronging the desolate beach had no food or water, except
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - After five months of crippling conflict, there are slow signs of life returning in the Philipp
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Bridge is not a sport, the European Union s top court ruled on Thursday, thwarting a gambit by a Bri
(Reuters) - The world s fastest-growing humanitarian crisis shows no signs of abating, two months after militant attacks trigger
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan and China need to drop historical baggage to seek a breakthrough in relations, Taiwan President Tsa
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent a rare congratulatory message to Chinese President Xi Jinping on We
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Accusations that Russia was involved in an explosion in Ukraine s capital that killed two people and injur
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Four men suspected of killing the North Korean leader s half-brother at a Malaysian airport change
SAMOS, Greece(Reuters) - Even on the nights Muhammad Ahlum s children manage to fall asleep, they wake up screaming. S
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar signed a military technical cooperation agreement and memorandum of understanding on air defense
TOKYO (Reuters) - Israel is willing to resort to military action to ensure Iran never acquires nuclear weapons, the intelligence m
BAGHDAD/LONDON (Reuters) - When the Iraqi army and Iranian-backed Shi ite militia entered a key oil processing facility in Ir
(This October 25 story has been corrected to change pronoun to he from she to correct gender of quoted delegate in final p
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday told foreign journalists to roam the country and report more, e
FENGXIAN, China (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke to the country on Wednesday about waves of positive energy
LONDON (Reuters) - London s Canary Wharf Docklands Light Railway Station was reopened on Thursday after a temporary clo
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s prime minister insisted on Thursday that the Kurdish independence referendum be declared void,
KISUMU, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenyan police fired tear gas on Thursday to disperse groups of stone-throwing young men in Kisum
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey and Iraq have agreed to open a second border gate and its construction will begin once the neces
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A Pakistani court issued an arrest warrant for ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif after he failed to ap
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police began an operation to detain 121 former foreign ministry staff across the country on Thur
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Thursday she will seek to renegotiate the Trans-P
CAIRO (Reuters) - Iraqi troops and popular mobilization forces began shelling Peshmerga positions from Zummar in northern N
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered the release on bail of eight human rights activists, including the d
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Russia was hurting U.S. efforts to rid North Korea o
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will propose a strategic dialogue among leaders of the United States, India and Australia, aiming at co
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian lawmakers rejected corruption charges against President Michel Temer on Wednesday evening,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping to congra
JUBA (Reuters) - The United States has lost trust in South Sudan s government for fueling the country s civil war and it must br
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The recent warning from North Korea s foreign minister of a possible atmospheric nuclear test over
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday backed new sanctions on Lebanon s Iran-backed H
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The lower house of Brazil s Congress voted on Wednesday to reject charges filed by prosecutors against P
BERLIN (Reuters) - The three parties exploring a possible coalition in Germany face an early test of their willingness to compro
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Opposition leader Raila Odinga urged Kenyans to boycott Thursday s repeat presidential election, saying h
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand on Wednesday marked the start of a lavish, five-day funeral for King Bhumibol Adulyadej with a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump declined to say on Wednesday whether he will visit the Korean Penins
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada s indigenous population is growing four times faster than the rest the country, census data show
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday condemned efforts to undermine Kenya s repeat presidential vote
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered the release on bail of eight defendants, including the director of
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian police have detained a Pakistani migrant wanted for murdering around 70 people in his hom
BAUCHI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Suspected Boko Haram militants killed eight soldiers and one civilian in an attack in Nigeria s north
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s defense capabilities are not negotiable, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday in r
DUBAI (Reuters) - Seven suspected al Qaeda militants were killed by a drone strike in central Yemen on Wednesday, residents
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Three people died in Somalia on Wednesday in different attacks, one of which targeted a patrol of pe
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union nations except Britain began preparing on Wednesday for a transition period in relation
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont kept friends and foes guessing on Wednesday on whether
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Foreign victims of an attack on aid workers in South Sudan began giving testimony via video link from the
ALMATY (Reuters) - Kazakh state prosecutors said on Wednesday they will re-investigate the 2004 death of a prominent banke
STRASBOURG/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU lawmakers accused their own parliament on Wednesday of failing to protect staff from
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer went to an army hospital on Wednesday for tests and treatment afte
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Two soldiers were killed and three wounded at a military checkpoint in northeastern Libya on We
KISUMU, Kenya (Reuters) - As Kenya prepared to hold a repeat presidential poll on Thursday despite an opposition boycott, a h
VIENNA (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog will visit Iran on Sunday for talks with senior officials the
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s far-right Freedom Party said coalition talks with conservative leader Sebastian Kurz made a very,
CLARK, Philippines (Reuters) - The timing of U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis trip to the Philippines this week couldn t have b
CLARK FREEPORT ZONE, Philippines (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday praised Filipino soldiers for d
BOSTON (Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday declined to dismiss a lawsuit by an Indonesian illegal immigrant challengin
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India s foreign minister defended the country s ties with North Korea and Iran during talks on Wednesd
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Kurdish authorities in Iraq offered on Wednesday to put an independence drive on hold, stepping up eff
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran opened a border crossing with the Kurdistan region of Iraq Wednesday after having closed it following
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Nearly 30,000 Kurds have been displaced from a multi-ethnic city south of Kirkuk where sectarian tensio
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain wants an outline agreement with the European Union by the end of March 2018 on the transitiona
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban officials investigating U.S. complaints of attacks that sickened American diplomats in Havana said t
ROME (Reuters) - The Italian government won all five confidence votes it had called in the upper house of parliament on Wed
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police seized large quantities of guns and ammunition in raids on four locations in Berlin linked to a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday he was
MOSCOW (Reuters) - German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said he had agreed with Russia s President Vladimir Putin tha
ROME (Reuters) - The Italian government on Wednesday won all five confidence votes it had called on a new electoral law in t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and six Gulf nations have targeted 13 individuals they say are al Qaeda and Islami
SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, Mexico (Reuters) - A trip to Mexico s indigenous Maya heartland showed me how a vibrant Mu
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chilean conservative presidential candidate Sebastian Pinera maintained his lead in voter preference ah
STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The European Parliament proposed on Wednesday to reduce EU funds to Turkey that are linked to it
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May expects a Brexit deal to be agreed in enough time for lawmakers to vo
PARIS (Reuters) - Battered and bruised from electoral defeat by Emmanuel Macron s centrists, France s Socialist Party is laying
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Brexit ministry said on Wednesday parliament will vote on the final deal with the European Unio
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan separatist leader Carles Puigdemont has turned down an invitation to address Spain s Senate on C
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A presidential election scheduled for Thursday will take place as the Supreme Court was unable to hear a
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A presidential election due to take place in Kenya on Thursday has no legitimacy because of a High Court r
KISUMU, Kenya (Reuters) - The governor of Kenya s Kisumu county, an opposition stronghold, said people would be justified in
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s repeat presidential elections will proceed as planned on Oct. 26, said the head of the election boa
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya opposition leader Raila Odinga urged supporters to boycott Thursday s repeat presidential election
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has freed two prominent Crimean Tatar activists opposed to Moscow s annexation of Ukraine s Cr
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Thousands of pensioners from across Bosnia s Bosniak-Croat Federation, most of whom live on the edge
PARIS (Reuters) - From text messages at 2 a.m. to clockwork meetings and tight deadlines, 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron is sh
LONDON (Reuters) - The BBC said on Wednesday it had filed an urgent complaint to the United Nations after Iran began a crim
ZURICH (Reuters) - Neutral Switzerland s embassies in Riyadh and Tehran have signed agreements to represent Iranian interes
MANILA (Reuters) - Thousands of assault rifles and helmets were among the military gear Russia donated to the Philippines in
ANKARA (Reuters) - A prominent Turkish nationalist politician and former minister announced on Wednesday she was forming
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine plans a 12 percent increase in health spending next year to exploit reforms passed last week to raise s
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday Turkey was ready to give all support to Baghdad as it seeks t
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - With vehicles crushed and overturned and buildings reduced to skeletons of mangled ste
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party broke with recent precedent on Wednesday, unveiling a new leadership lin
(Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party on Wednesday unveiled its core decision-making body, the Politburo Standing Com
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday defended his bloody war on drugs, telling Southeast A
YANGON/SITTWE (Reuters) - Buddhists in Myanmar on Wednesday blocked aid workers from visiting a camp for displaced Mu
REINEH, Israel (Reuters) - A week after Dareen Tatour posted a poem on Facebook entitled Resist, my people, resist, Israeli po
CARACAS/SAN CRISTOBAL, Venezuela (Reuters) - With some nursing wounds, others jailed and many heading abroad, Venezue
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s parliament may not vote on the final terms of the country s withdrawal agreement with the Euro
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday she expects parliament will have a vote on the fin
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli authorities approved on Wednesday a major expansion of a Jewish settler enclave in the heart o
BERLIN (Reuters) - German parties exploring a coalition government have dealt an early blow to French President Emmanuel M
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar has signed 36 worker protection agreements with countries that provide much of its labour force, stat
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday tapped a low-profile official to lead his signature war on corrup
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - A senator from Cambodia s main opposition party was pardoned on Wednesday from the seven-yea
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Veteran protectionist politician Winston Peters was appointed New Zealand s new deputy prime min
(Reuters) - While the new seven-member Politburo Standing Committee unveiled on Wednesday by China s ruling Communist
SOFIA (Reuters) - Three people were killed and one is missing after torrential rains lashed low-laying parts of Black Sea port cit
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand on Wednesday marked the start of a lavish, five-day funeral for King Bhumibol Adulyadej with a
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Crowds began gathering in Bangkok on Wednesday for the official beginning of the funeral of Thailand s
STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The European Union should investigate Malta s anti-money laundering system, EU lawmakers said on
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s military chief was temporarily barred from traveling to the United States at the weekend due
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A little-known Chinese elevator maker saw its Shenzhen-listed shares surge the maximum 10 percent on
(Reuters) - A Vietnamese student activist was jailed for six years plus four years of probation by a local court on Wednesday fo
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Trump administration will temporarily delay processing of most refugees from 11 co
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain wants an outline agreement with the European Union on the transitional arrangements that will a
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan legislators have each pocketed 29 million Ugandan shillings ($8,000) as a payout for consultatio
MADRID (Reuters) - One of the priorities for Spain s government is restoring normality and legality in the wealthy northeaste
MADRID (Reuters) - An independent Catalonia would be forced out of the European Union and euro area which would directly
KIGALI (Reuters) - A plague epidemic in Madagascar has killed 124 people since August in an outbreak that has hit the island s
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India has agreed to hold talks on Afghanistan with the United States and Kabul, Indian Foreign Minister
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - Philippine teachers on Tuesday gave families returning to the destroyed lakeside city of
BERLIN (Reuters) - None of the German parties involved in exploratory coalition talks support French President Emmanuel Ma
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s central government aims to avoid further economic damage to the wealthy northeastern region o
PARIS (Reuters) - French government spokesman Christophe Castaner said on Wednesday that Emmanuel Macron was backin
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s domestic spy chief has warned that universities need to be very conscious of foreign interferen
SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean court on Wednesday assigned five state attorneys to defend disgraced former president Par
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces are about to launch an offensive to recapture the last patch of Iraqi territory still in the hand
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian authorities arrested nine men suspected of having links to a militant network loyal to Islamic S
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Somber crowds began gathering to pay final respects to Thailand s late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, braving
SEOUL (Reuters) - The only western-funded university in North Korea is scrambling to recruit teachers not from the United Sta
TOKYO (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will visit Japan for talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this month, ah
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may have won a major election victory on Sunday, but half the people su
BARCELONA (Reuters) - With the Spanish government ready to take over the running of Catalonia on Friday, the loyalty of the
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party enshrined President Xi Jinping s political thought into its constitution on Tu
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party announced a new Central Committee, the largest of its elite ruling bodies, a
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party broke with recent precedent on Wednesday, unveiling a new leadership lin
(Reuters) - Peruvian villagers suing miner Glencore will argue in London s High Court next week that the company should be he
BERLIN (Reuters) - Politicians from four German parties seeking to form a first-of-its-kind coalition government agreed on Tues
BERLIN (Reuters) - Politicians from four German parties seeking to form a coalition government agreed on Tuesday to stick to
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s Supreme Court has suspended a decree issued by President Michel Temer s government changing
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s President Michel Temer has made policy and spending concessions in an effort to survive a congre
RABAT (Reuters) - Morocco s king dismissed several ministers and top officials on Tuesday for failing to improve the economic
MAPUTO (Reuters) - Mozambique has fired its head of intelligence and army chief of staff, two weeks after 16 people were kil
KIEV/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Cyber attacks using malware called BadRabbit hit Russia and other nations on Tuesday, affecting R
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer on Tuesday signed into law a new program for companies to renegotiate
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - The victory of Argentine President Mauricio Macri s coalition in midterm elections on Sunday marke
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran has sentenced to death a person found guilty of providing information to Israel to help it assassinate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is very disappointed that Russia on Tuesday cast a veto at the United Nations Sec
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s Justice Ministry said on Tuesday it had canceled a planned study visit to the United States due to
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s Justice Ministry said on Tuesday said it had canceled a planned delegation visit to the United Sta
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department is considering formally declaring the crackdown on Myanmar s Rohingya Mus
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley arrived in Ethiopia on Monday, one of the first se
LISBON (Reuters) - Portugal s government on Tuesday survived a no confidence vote in parliament called by the opposition wh
ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni s government on Tuesday called a series of confidence votes to pass a
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday it was not up to him to lecture Egypt on civil liberties,
PRETORIA (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma has asked the High Court to reject a call by an anti-corruption watch
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia cast a veto at the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday preventing the renewal of th
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - The organization that identified tens of thousands of victims from the Balkan wars of the 1990s opened
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police fired teargas and shots in the air to scatter a small number of demonstrators in Nairobi two
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania s government on Tuesday suspended publication of an opposition-leaning newspaper fo
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A gunman shot and wounded a bodyguard to Kenya s deputy chief justice on Tuesday, police said, adding
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi pro-government paramilitaries launched an offensive against Kurdish troops on Tuesday near the T
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Official results from Kenya s repeat presidential election on Thursday are likely to take several days to coll
MADRID (Reuters) - Secessionist leaders in Catalonia may call a snap election in an attempt to break the deadlock with Madrid
PARIS (Reuters) - French Catalans have a villa with a swimming pool and other safe houses ready in the event that Carles Puigd
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia plans to appeal the application of article 155, which will place its governance in the hands of the
MADRID (Reuters) - The Catalan government is considering calling a snap election, pro-independence party CUP politician Carl
MADRID (Reuters) - Automaker Volkswagen s (VOWG_p.DE) Catalonia-based unit SEAT would move its registered office if it w
BERLIN (Reuters) - Former finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble was elected speaker of Germany s lower house of parliament
ANKARA (Reuters) - Leading Turkish and U.S. businesses urged the governments of Turkey and the United States on Tuesday t
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain believes it can quickly agree a framework for a transitional agreement on exiting the European Un
BERLIN (Reuters) - Britain must choose from a range of existing off-the-peg models for its relationship to the European Union w
LILONGWE (Reuters) - Police in Malawi have arrested 200 suspected members of vigilante mobs that have been killing people
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish student Ibrahim Halawa was greeted by cheering crowds at Dublin Airport on Tuesday as he arrived h
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand s new government plans to review and reform the Central Bank Act to possibly include
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk said on Tuesday that it was up to Britain to determine if there w
PARIS (Reuters) - France will discuss the possible sale of more Rafale aircrafts with Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi during h
NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - Myanmar and Bangladesh on Tuesday agreed to cooperate on the repatriation of Rohingya refugees a
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu urged Greece on Tuesday to not become a safe haven for plo
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A Dutch citizen will go on trial in the Netherlands next Monday on charges he committed war crimes
KIEV (Reuters) - The chief of Ukraine s cyber police said Ukraine was attacked on Tuesday by malware called BadRabbit, adding
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia s ruling party, which came second in a presidential election first round on Oct. 10, has said the p
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - European governments can refuse asylum to traumatized torture victims and deport them even if
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. government officials declined on Tuesday to characterize the treatment of Myanmar s Rohingya
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine s Odessa airport said on Tuesday it had tightened security measures after being hit by a cyber attack,
WINDHOEK (Reuters) - Namibia s government on Tuesday rejected accusations by the coordinator of the UN Panel of Experts
LONDON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia supports U.S. President Donald Trump s stance on Iran after he decided not to certify that Te
LISBON (Reuters) - A women s rights group has called a rally to protest against a Portuguese court ruling that upheld a light sen
HARARE (Reuters) - Robert Mugabe would have rejected the role of World Health Organization goodwill envoy had he been fo
CLARK FREEPORT ZONE, Philippines (Reuters) - Australia on Tuesday announced the expansion of its security support to the Ph
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ksenia Sobchak, a Russian TV personality planning to run against Vladimir Putin in next year s presidentia
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Tuesday reconfirmed Pakistan s commitment to the war on t
PARIS (Reuters) - France s efforts to combat terrorism and prevent further attacks on its soil are generating so much work for i
VENICE (Reuters) - The Italian government is ready to open negotiations with Lombardy and Veneto after the two wealthy reg
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said Britain must accept the full economic and legal status quo in a t
BOSSASO, SOMALIA S (Reuters) - A wheelbarrow exploded outside a police station in Bossaso, a port city in Somalia s semi-aut
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian conservative leader Sebastian Kurz will hold coalition talks with the far-right Freedom Party (FPO)
STOCKHOLM/BEIJING (Reuters) - A Swedish bookseller detained in China after publishing books on the personal lives of Presid
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch politician Geert Wilders questioned the objectivity of the judge hearing his appeal on Tuesday
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Elections for the presidency and parliament of Iraq s Kurdistan region set for Nov. 1 have been delayed b
LONDON (Reuters) - An attempt to change the law in Northern Ireland to allow abortions in cases of rape, incest or serious ma
BERLIN (Reuters) - Six crew from a German container vessel have been kidnapped in Nigerian waters, a shipping company said
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Handcuffed, wearing bulletproof vests and under heavily armed guard, the two women accused o
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces have arrested 12 suspected members of the Islamist militant Hasm Movement in th
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India s western state of Rajasthan on Tuesday deferred until next year a measure requiring governmen
BERLIN (Reuters) - Former German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble was elected president of Germany s Bundestag or lo
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Around 1,000 Indonesians, led by hardline Islamist groups, protested outside parliament on Tuesday as la
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping s vast Belt and Road infrastructure project was unexpectedly included in t
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s Prime Minister Beata Szydlo will announce a cabinet reshuffle in coming days, she said on Tuesd
PARIS (Reuters) - Britain must find concrete proposals to tackle issues concerning the border between the United Kingdom and
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines environment minister said he was hopeful that a ban on open-pit mining would be lifted b
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition leader Raila Odinga told a BBC interviewer that he was not calling for protests during r
LONDON (Reuters) - A British parliamentary committee has written to Facebook s Mark Zuckerberg asking for information on a
CLARK, Philippines (Reuters) - China and Southeast Asian navies aim to hold an inaugural joint maritime exercise next year, Sin
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday a $500 billion plan to create a business and industrial zone extending
HODEIDAH, Yemen (Reuters) - Smiling and sitting down to bread and milk with her family, Yemeni teenager Saida Ahmed Bagh
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea will resume the suspended construction of two new nuclear reactors from midnight, its energy
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urged the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan region on Monday to
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday the country s military operation in northwest Syria S Id
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong s highest court granted bail to two prominent young pro-democracy activists, Joshua Won
BEIRUT (Reuters) - An air raid in the government-held Qusur district of Deir al-Zor city in eastern Syria killed more than a dozen
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India has frozen requests to commercially release a locally developed genetically modified mustard, an
STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The European Commission is not negotiating with London in a hostile way and assumes that the EU a
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand could become the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to legalize cannabis for person
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The U.S.-led coalition on Tuesday denied striking Deir al-Zor city in eastern Syria after Damascus accused its
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s top anti-graft watchdog has said that a multi-year campaign against corruption is consolidating and
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Nearly 12 million Australians, or 74.5 percent of eligible voters, have voted so far in a postal ballot on
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak will aim to reduce unhappiness over rising costs of living wh
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia s Prime Minister Najib Razak presents the government s 2018 budget on Oct. 27. Below a
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada s ruling Liberals won a special election in Quebec on Monday, picking up a parliamentary seat in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will urge President Xi Jinping to make good on his commitments to pre
SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand prime minister-designate Jacinda Ardern said on Tuesday her new Labour-led government pl
CARACAS (Reuters) - In another setback for Venezuela s dispirited opposition, four of its five state governors broke with their c
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Rahul Gandhi, the scion of India s most fabled political dynasty, will within weeks be crowned leader of
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea, the United States and Japan started a two-day missile tracking drill on Tuesday, South Korea s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Monday he outlined for President Donald Trump
COLOMBO (Reuters) - Long delays in Sri Lanka s post-war reconciliation is not without cost, and its government should implem
GENEVA (Reuters) - Bangladesh called on Myanmar on Monday to allow nearly 1 million Rohingya Muslim refugees to return h
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A local court in the eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou is using social media to shame people into repayin
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The Brazilian government told the Supreme Court on Monday that President Michel Temer has the autho
(Reuters) - The trial of a Mexican man accused of murdering a woman while illegally in the United States began in San Francisc
DAKAR (Reuters) - The Liberty Party that placed third in the first round of Liberia s presidential elections on Monday submitted
LUXEMBOURG/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Most European Union states agreed on Monday on reforming the bloc s labor rules that p
RABAT (Reuters) - Moroccan authorities said on Monday they had arrested six suspected Islamic State militants who had been
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian conservative leader Sebastian Kurz said on Monday he needs more time to decide which party he
LONDON (Reuters) - There is absolutely no doubt that a deal between Western powers and Iran to curb its nuclear program w
LONDON (Reuters) - Egyptian authorities have accused Reuters and the BBC of inaccurate coverage of clashes in the western d
(Reuters) - Nicaragua is set to join the Paris climate agreement, according to an official statement and comments from Vice Pr
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - The United States is considering how to pressure South Sudan s President Salva Kiir into peace, but w
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Police shot and killed a Spanish tourist in a Rio de Janeiro slum on Monday after the car she was rid
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi defended the role of an Iranian-backed paramilitary force at a meeti
LUBUMBASHI, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - The U.N. peacekeeping mission in Congo on Monday condemned the
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Candidates allied with Argentine President Mauricio Macri enjoyed sweeping victories in Sunday s m
LANUS, Argentina (Reuters) - Adriana Rodriguez, a 59-year-old vendor at an open-air market in an industrial city in Argentina s
BANJUL (Reuters) - Gambia s Foreign Ministry said on Monday it was up to the people of Togo to decide whether President Fa
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia said on Monday it had made urgent requests for an explanation why its military chief was barre
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli military officials were quoted on Monday rowing back from an assertion by the defense minister
ANKARA (Reuters) - The mayor of Ankara said on Monday he will step down this week, the fifth mayor from the ruling party to
KIGALI (Reuters) - A Rwandan court denied bail on Monday to a vocal critic of President Paul Kagame who was barred from run
LANY, Czech Republic (Reuters) - Czech billionaire Andrej Babis, the runaway winner of last weekend s parliamentary election,
BERLIN (Reuters) - The two parties that are in talks to join German Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives in government in
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Reuters) - A new United Nations-backed mission to support Haiti s justice system has had a mixed rea
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - As U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson heads to Pakistan on Tuesday to pressure Islamabad to act ove
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Ties between the United States and Pakistan have veered between extremes over the past four decad
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Monday discussed with Afghan leaders the
, (Reuters) - The widow of a U.S. Army sergeant killed in Niger this month said on Monday that President Donald Trump had m
BAR ELIAS, Lebanon (Reuters) - A new girls school for Syrian refugees in Lebanon s poor Bekaa region is aiming to give girls fro
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia said on Monday it was confident all officials including police would defy attempts by Madrid to e
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian serviceman in the Caucasus region of Chechnya killed four other servicemen on Monday, then
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said a newspaper report that Jean-Claude Juncker had disparaged Theresa M
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Two Somali soldiers were wounded in a gun fight with other troops on Monday, a police officer said,
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s democracy is one of the most secure in the world and will remain so, a spokesman for Prime Min
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met two former dissident footballers who returned to the national team f
ANKARA (Reuters) - The Turkish government has launched an investigation into a poster unfurled by fans of Istanbul s Galatas
CAIRO (Reuters) - The Egyptian military said on Monday its air force hit eight four-wheel-drive vehicles carrying arms and explo
MARAWI CITY/CLARK, Philippines (Reuters) - The Philippines on Monday announced the end of five months of military operati
YANGON (Reuters) - Two hunters from a remote village in the north of Myanmar s troubled Rakhine state were killed and two
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish military vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device in the southeastern province of Hakk
ROME (Reuters) - International humanitarian group Save the Children said on Monday it had suspended migrant rescues in the
ADEN (Reuters) - Suspected al Qaeda militants attacked a military checkpoint in the southern Yemen province of Abyan on Mo
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Elections for Iraq s Kurdistan region s presidency and parliament set for Nov. 1 will be delayed because p
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces are deploying tanks and artillery south of a Kurdish-held area of northern Iraq where a sectio
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday she expected a vote in parliament on the final Brexit
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Almost half of the 1.5 million people displaced by an insurrection in central D
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday she was ambitious and positive about the country s
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May s meeting with European Union officials last week was constructive a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - An intruder forced his way into the offices of Russian radio station Ekho Moskvy and stabbed one of the
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan authorities will arrest and charge the sister of opposition leader Raila Odinga with incitement to v
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government has approved the sale of three Thyssenkrupp submarines to Israel and will provid
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian conservative leader Sebastian Kurz said on Monday he has yet to decide which party he plans to s
BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia s prime minister, president and parliament speaker pledged on Monday to keep to a pro-Euro
SEVASTOPOL, Crimea (Reuters) - Vitalina Bordova received a good morning text message from her husband Sergei, a Russian m
MILAN/VENICE (Reuters) - Political leaders in northern Italy claimed an overwhelming mandate on Monday to seek greater au
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State killed more than 60 civilians and left 100 others missing in a town in Syria s central Homs prov
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will visit Turkey on Wednesday to discuss potential joint steps against
CLARK FREEPORT ZONE, Philippines (Reuters) - The threat from North Korea has grown to a critical and imminent level and th
CLARK FREEPORT ZONE, Philippines (Reuters) - Southeast Asian defense ministers on Monday expressed grave concern over
NUREMBERG, Germany (Reuters) - A right-wing extremist member of a group that claims allegiance to Adolf Hitler s World Wa
TOKYO (Reuters) - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, buoyed by a huge election win for lawmakers who favor revising Japan s post-w
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s prime minister has vowed to make education and childcare a priority over balancing the budget afte
DUBAI (Reuters) - Dubai s ruler has pardoned a British man a day after he was sentenced to three months in jail for touching a
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Fighters with the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia have credited Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan with their victory
LONDON (Reuters) - A military option must remain on the table in dealing with North Korea s nuclear program, Foreign Secret
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The building that houses EU summits, where toxic fumes forced EU leaders to switch venues last week, w
ATHENS (Reuters) - Over a dozen human rights groups and aid organizations wrote to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on M
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - Marawi resident Baimona Amintao hopes her turn comes quickly once authorities begin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia respects the desire of Iraqi Kurdistan to assert its identity but this must be done in dialogue with t
BRUSSELS/LONDON (Reuters) - There is no need for Europe-wide rules on toxic smoke from building materials, according to a
RIYADH/DOHA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday it was time for Iranian-backed militias and their
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi government has dismissed a call from U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for Iranian-backed p
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said on Monday it had not changed its position on Catalonia after Spanish Pri
ANKARA/LONDON (Reuters) - Iran s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a military force with political clout and an industr
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania s new central bank governor will be tax law professor Florens Luoga, the country s presid
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin s diary does not at the moment feature a bilateral meeting with U.S. Pr
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Crammed into tumble-down shacks on a sandspit that the Atlantic Ocean is steadily devouring, the res
TOKYO (Reuters) - A rapidly weakening typhoon Lan made landfall in Japan on Monday, setting off landslides and flooding that
MADRID (Reuters) - Regional leader of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont will lose all powers and will stop receiving a salary once th
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s parliament will hold a plenary session on Thursday morning, spokesman for the regional Junts
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart that Moscow is comm
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Six police were wounded and one killed in shootings that police alleged on Monday were carried out by a
LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union will lose credibility if it lets Madrid impose direct rule on Catalonia, and only the Cata
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Monday it was a fact that the main opposition party wo
ERIMO, Japan (Reuters) - Ever since North Korea lobbed two missiles far above this windswept fishing town on Japan s northe
ABOARD USS RONALD REAGAN, Sea of Japan (Reuters) - The USS Ronald Reagan, a 100,000-ton nuclear powered aircraft carri
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Diplomatic theatrics at last week s Brussels summit revealed how European Union leaders will coax Britis
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia has asked Interpol to try to locate a Malaysian financier for questioning over his suspecte
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday he would discuss North Korea thoroughly with U.S. P
CLARK FREEPORT ZONE, Philippines (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said he would talk with Asian allies about No
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia will spend up to A$250 million ($195 million) housing nearly 800 refugees and asylum seekers in P
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump agreed to work together to raise pre
DOHA (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia is not yet ready to begin direct talks with Doha to resolve the nearly five-month diplomatic and
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine President Mauricio Macri s preferred candidate was leading former President Cristina Fer
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed 13 other people in the northeast Nigerian city of Maiduguri on Sunday
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Theresa May looked despondent , with deep rings under her eyes, EU chief executive Jean-Claude Junck
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s ruling bloc scored a big win in Sunday s election, bolstering his chance
MILAN (Reuters) - Two wealthy regions of northern Italy, Lombardy and Veneto, voted overwhelmingly on Sunday for more au
BARCELONA (Reuters) - The Spanish government has urged Catalans to accept Madrid s decision to dismiss their secessionist l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators said on Sunday the White House has not been forthcoming with details about the mili
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Slovenian President Borut Pahor will face a second-round election on Nov. 12 after he fell short of a ma
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny held a political rally on Sunday, hours after being released from
LONDON (Reuters) - British police ended an armed hostage siege on Sunday, the BBC reported, saying there were no casualtie
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Thousands of Maltese called for justice on Sunday in a protest held by a group of non-governmental orga
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Ethnic clashes killed 11 people this week in Ethiopia s Oromiya region, a regional government official
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Gorran, a main opposition party to Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, called on Sunday for his resigna
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt s security forces suffered one of their heaviest attacks after militants firing rockets and detonating exp
GENEVA/LONDON (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has been removed as a goodwill ambassador, the World
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech President Milos Zeman said on Sunday he would name Andrej Babis prime minister, but the tycoon
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The websites used for presentation of the Czech Republic s election results were hacked on Saturday after
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Sunday the government will proceed with a scheduled sales tax
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - Philippine troops were locked in an intense urban firefight on Sunday with the last remn
DUBAI (Reuters) - The deputy head of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas vowed to keep close ties with Israel s arch-enemy
TOKYO (Reuters) - A typhoon roared towards Japan s main island on election day on Sunday, killing at least two people, promp
BEIJING (Reuters) - Hu Jia, a well-known Chinese dissident who lives in Beijing, says he had hoped to go to the southeastern cit
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia intends to send a diplomatic note to the U.S. secretary of state and summon Washington s dep
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government will dismiss Catalonia s secessionist leadership and force the region into a new e
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s leaders said on Saturday they would not accept direct rule imposed on the region
ZURICH (Reuters) - Austria s likely next chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, wants talks over a new government to last no more than tw
BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias said they captured Syria s largest oil field on Sunday, pressing their assault against Islam
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia accused the U.S.-led coalition in Syria on Sunday of wiping the city of Raqqa off the face of the ea
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Polls opened in the Slovenian presidential election on Sunday with incumbent President Borut Pahor ru
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A roadside bomb killed at least seven people on Sunday - mostly women farmers - in an area outside
SITTWE, Myanmar (Reuters) - Rohingya Muslims who return to Myanmar after fleeing to Bangladesh are unlikely to be able to
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Drums and a band played as officials in black tops and ancient costumes rehearsed on Saturday for the f
LONDON (Reuters) - Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis said on Sunday he hoped that people in Catalonia would disregar
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Eleven foreign workers were killed in a landslide at a construction site in northwest Malaysia on Sa
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s President Moon Jae-in said on Sunday the government will continue to phase out nuclear-gen
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said he would be willing to travel to North Korea on behalf of the T
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Four foreign workers were killed and 10 others are missing after a landslide at a construction site i
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia will introduce random searches of workers entering and inside its airports as it increases security
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is on the verge of making concessions around a key welfare reform th
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The Czech Republic must seek partners beyond the central European Visegrad Group to find common grou
LISBON (Reuters) - As thousands of Portuguese protested on Saturday over the government s handling of massive wildfires th
NIAMEY (Reuters) - Gunmen on pick-up trucks and motorcycles coming from Mali killed 13 gendarmes and wounded five more
TUNIS (Reuters) - Month-long U.N.-backed talks aimed at bridging differences between rival Libyan factions ended on Saturda
DUBAI (Reuters) - An Iranian vessel with 19 sailors on board has been seized near a Yemeni island by local fishermen, Yemen s
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech billionaire Andrej Babis won a thumping victory in Saturday's election as voters shunned traditional
PRAGUE (Reuters) - A far-right party whose leader wants to quit the EU and urged Czechs to walk pigs near mosques and stop
MADRID (Reuters) - The people of Catalonia cannot accept the illegal measures taken by the Spanish government to rule the
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s banking regulator urged the public on Saturday to ignore rumors about financial institutions, in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday hailed the defeat of Islamic State fighters in their self-proc
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Malta s government said on Saturday it was offering a reward of 1 million euros ($1.2 million) for inform
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy s decision to fire Catalonia s government and force a new election i
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived in Riyadh on Saturday to attend a landmark meeting between o
KABUL (Reuters) - Suicide bombers attacked two mosques in Afghanistan on Friday, killing at least 72 people including children
ISTANBUL/ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan showed no retreat from a diplomatic row with the United Sta
GENEVA/LONDON (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) should overturn its decision to appoint Zimbabwean Pres
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s BDDK banking regulator urged the public on Saturday to ignore rumors about financial institution
KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide attacker rammed a car full of explosives into a bus leaving Afghanistan s top military training cente
JERUSALEM/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Five projectiles from Syria set off air raid sirens in Israeli towns on Saturday, prompting the Isra
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech billionaire businessman Andrej Babis s ANO party held a 20-point lead in a parliamentary election on
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The ANO party of billionaire businessman Andrej Babis was seen winning a Czech parliamentary election w
MUNICH (Reuters) - German police ruled out a political or religious motive behind a knife attack in the city of Munich on Satur
KIGALI (Reuters) - The U.N. subcommittee on torture prevention has suspended a visit to Rwanda, citing obstructions imposed
MUMBAI (Reuters) - India s central bank on Saturday dismissed media reports that it was not necessary to link national identit
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan discussed an upcoming meeting o
BEIJING (Reuters) - Foreign leaders can t think they can get away with meeting exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama ju
BAGHDAD/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi forces on Friday took control of the last district in the oil-rich province of Kirkuk still in t
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq said it was increasing oil exports on Saturday from the southern Basra region by 200,000 barrels per
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A Qantas jumbo jet bound for San Francisco was forced to return to Australia on Saturday after a technica
SYDNEY - (Reuters) - Thousands of people rallied around Australia on Saturday urging the legalization of same-sex marriage, on
TOKYO (Reuters) - Heavy rain and powerful winds are expected to lash large areas of Japan on Sunday as a strong typhoon sw
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to pressure China s president when they meet next month
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party continues to hold talks and maintain contacts with its North Korean counte
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - The Philippines is preparing to declare the end of fighting in a southern city seized for fiv
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - The family of a young protester who went missing in Argentina nearly three months ago identified h
KABUL (Reuters) - As many as two rockets landed near the international military headquarters in downtown Kabul early on Sat
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - With a tight general election looming next year, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faces a tough
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - International researchers investigating the death of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda raised doubts on Friday
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s conservative Congress passed a bill to legalize medical marijuana late on Thursday with a 68-5 vote in f
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan state elections may be repeated in the five states won by the opposition if the governors-ele
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened what promised to be marathon coalition talks on Friday, hoping
ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish teacher who has been on hunger strike for months to protest about losing his job in the governm
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau s government has been badly shaken by a conflict-of-interest con
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack on the Imam Zaman mosque in the Kabul s western Das
PARIS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States must step up its support for a planned African force to fight Islamist militan
CAIRO (Reuters) - Armed militants killed at least 30 policemen in a shootout during a raid on a suspected militant hideout in Eg
KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - Turkmen and Arab shoppers stroll through an open-air food market in an ethnically mixed area of Kirk
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Friday urged the Baghdad government to avoid clashes in northern Ir
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s government will issue a new decree changing the country s definition of slavery following an earlie
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The number killed in twin bombings in the Somali capital Mogadishu last weekend has risen to 358, th
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A car bomb exploded outside the Somali capital Mogadishu on Friday killing the driver, police said, an
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May won a modest reprieve in stalled Brexit talks on Friday, with Europea
TORONTO (Reuters) - Asylum seekers who illegally crossed the U.S. border into Canada this year are obtaining refugee status a
SULAIMANIA/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A senior Iranian military commander repeatedly warned Kurdish leaders in northern Iraq t
BANGKOK (Reuters) - For decades since the Vietnam war, the scantily clad dancers in the go-go bars of Bangkok s Patpong red
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government has secured opposition support for dissolving Catalonia s parliament and holding
PARIS (Reuters) - The Harvey Weinstein scandal is forcing a rethink of attitudes toward sexual harassment in France, a country
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czechs voted on Friday in an election expected to hand power to businessman Andrej Babis who has won
BRASILIA (Reuters) - President Michel Temer said on Friday that a bill overhauling Brazil s costly pension system might not clea
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s ruling party candidate for Senate in the key province of Buenos Aires is 4.8 percentage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department confirmed on Friday that 24 people have suffered health effects from att
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s top court on Friday sentenced Habib Shartouni to death for the 1982 assassination of president-
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Pyongyang does not plan to hold any talks with Washington about its nuclear program, a senior North Ko
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A North Korean diplomat said on Friday that Pyongyang intended to continue its nuclear testing program
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A week after U.S. President Donald Trump delivered a blistering speech about Iran s Revolutionary Guards,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - France wants to take action to tackle Iran s missile program and destabilizing behavior but believes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives will vote next week on new sanctions on Iran s ballistic missile pr
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Jacob Zuma s spokesman said on Friday there was no basis for reports that the South African pres
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has given President Jacob Zuma until Nov. 30
LILONGWE (Reuters) - Police in Malawi said they arrested 140 suspected members of vigilante mobs that have targeted peopl
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Daphne Caruana Galizia posted two items last Monday on her popular blog, one ridiculing Malta s oppos
CAIRO (Reuters) - Three police officers were killed and eight others injured in a shoot-out during a raid on a suspected militant
PARIS (Reuters) - France will provide 15 million euros ($17.65 million) in aid for areas liberated by the U.S.-led coalition from Is
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan soldiers and police brought to the United States for training go absent without leave at far higher r
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition leader Raila Odinga, who says he will boycott a presidential election re-run due next w
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain wants to reach agreement over the terms of its departure from the European Union but is prepare
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Raqqa will be part of a decentralized federal Syria now the city has been freed from Islamic State, the U.S.-b
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that France s military would continue its fight against lslamic Sta
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey said on Friday that a huge banner of jailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan unfurled in ce
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s parliament approved a law to allow some state-employed religious officials to administer civil ma
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Russia s elite aerobatic team zoomed over Serbia s military airport on Friday as Belgrade exhibited its ne
NAIROBI/MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The size and methods of the latest truck bombing in Mogadishu show how international and
TBILISI (Reuters) - Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili on Friday reluctantly signed into law a new constitution that will d
NIAMEY (Reuters) - A part of southwestern Niger where four U.S. Green Berets were killed during a mission the U.S. military h
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will wait for Israeli prosecutors to conclude all investigations in a corruption scandal involving Prim
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Thousands of Somalis prayed in Mogadishu on Friday at a symbolic funeral for more than 300 people
HARARE (Reuters) - A Belgian-based businessman on Friday challenged Zimbabwean First Lady Grace Mugabe s accusation tha
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian authorities have released high-profile Irish detainee Ibrahim Halawa following his acquittal last mo
PARIS (Reuters) - French businesses and foreign and finance ministry officials will meet next week as they work together to un
MANILA/MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte was eager to credit new ally Beijing in the
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean public support for nuclear power on Friday sucker punched a government policy to steer the c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States does not aim to impede European trade and business transactions with Iran desp
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union will cut some of the money earmarked for Turkey to join the bloc, reflecting increas
JUBA (Reuters) - A South Sudanese army commander on trial for his role in an attack on aid workers has been found dead in m
PARIS (Reuters) - France on Friday called on Iraq s central government to show restraint after taking control of the last district
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday that the European Union could only agree to enter the
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that work on settling Britain s financial obligations to
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s president gave the green light to conservative leader Sebastian Kurz on Friday to form a governm
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May and the other 27 European Union leaders want to send a more positi
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Friday he would announce on Saturday measures to impo
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India stood ready to further strengthen ties with the United States, the government said on Friday, afte
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany hopes to resume its mission training Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq on Sunday, prov
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU Chairman Donald Tusk said on Friday there had been progress in Brexit negotiations and he hoped th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday it was clear that British Prime Minister Theresa May w
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk said on Friday that 27 EU leaders meeting in Brussels had agree
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday she had told fellow EU leaders that Britain would honor its co
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Senior militant commander Asad Afridi has emerged as the favorite to become the new leade
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany plans to reduce the combined pension contributions it takes from employers and employees by a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow and Washington are continuing a dialogue on North Korea and the future of the international d
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Air pollution in New Delhi hit 18 times the healthy limit on Friday under a thick, toxic haze after a night
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A proposal to convene a congress of all Syria s ethnic groups is a joint initiative which is being promoted
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday people should be abiding by the rule of law and upho
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is lobbying world powers to prevent further setbacks to Ira
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Uganda s main opposition leader was arrested and charged with murder, police said on Friday, after they
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s top Shi ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani on Friday called on the government to protect the K
BERLIN (Reuters) - A leading candidate to be Germany s next finance minister signaled his willingness on Thursday to seek a co
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s upper house Senate could vote on measures to impose direct rule on Catalonia, revoking the weal
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s police said on Friday that four people had died as result of police intervention during opposition p
OSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian Defence Minister Ine Eriksen Soereide was named minister of foreign affairs on Friday, making he
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German public prosecutors have charged a 96-year-old former guard at a Nazi death camp with having
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese officials on Thursday heaped praise on President Xi Jinping s political ideology, unveiled a day earli
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s military chief of staff visited a frontline position near the Syrian city of Aleppo, a military news outlet
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged world powers on Friday to get behind a joint Russian-Chine
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The anti-missile shield being built by Washington on foreign soil is a key problem for Russia and China, R
GENEVA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump risks driving Iran towards nuclear proliferation and worsening a standoff with
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has summoned a British official in Beijing and lodged stern representations about recent comments
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police said they arrested a 32-year old Syrian man suspected of involvement in terrorist acts abroad
SYDNEY/WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Temporary workers and foreign students previously drawn to New Zealand on the promise o
QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Unidentified men threw a grenade into a laborers hostel in the Pakistani port of Gwadar wound
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Friday he did not believe that Britain would
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish authorities issued arrest warrants for 110 people from a seized company over alleged links to the
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea s foreign ministry stressed the Pyeongchang Olympics will be safe from North Korean provocati
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand Prime Minister-elect Jacinda Ardern said she would spend Friday ironing out issues and
(Reuters) - New Zealand not only has its youngest female prime minister with the rise to power of center-left Labour leader Ja
BEIJING (Reuters) - Cultural exchanges between countries need to consider the temperature of popular opinion and how peo
MANILA (Reuters) - Three Russian warships, including two anti-submarine vessels, docked in Manila on Friday to unload what
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea warned countries at the United Nations on Monday in a statement: don t join the Un
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The parliament of Australia s second largest state passed legislation on Friday to allow terminally ill patient
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said he was ready to step down in a couple of years time an
TOKYO (Reuters) - Typhoon Lan with heavy rains and destructive winds is expected to hit southern Japan on Sunday when the
YANGON (Reuters) - One person was killed on Thursday in a massive fire that destroyed one of Yangon s best-known hotels, se
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Emperor Akihito is likely to abdicate at the end of March 2019 and Crown Prince Naruhito is expecte
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European leaders agreed on Thursday to explore cuts in EU funds to Turkey that are linked to Ankara s st
GENEVA (Reuters) - Nearly 340,000 Rohingya children are living in squalid conditions in Bangladesh camps where they lack eno
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders on Thursday reaffirmed their full commitment to the 2015 nuclear deal between
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain launched a fund on Friday to support new technology to screen hand-luggage in airports in a bid to
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday she had no doubts that the European Union and Brit
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The human rights situation in Turkey is unacceptable, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters o
SYDNEY (Reuters) - North Korea has sent a letter to Australia s parliament, warning it is a nuclear power and will not be cowed
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada s Finance Minister Bill Morneau said on Thursday he will place his assets in a blind trust and dives
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders agreed on Thursday to provide stronger support to Italy for its work in Libya an
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May called on EU leaders on Thursday to move forward with Brexit talks,
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police have detained prominent activist and businessman Osman Kavala at Istanbul s Ataturk Air
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Police believe a bomb that killed a prominent journalist in Malta was attached beneath her car and trigge
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders called on Malta on Thursday to carry out a full investigation with international h
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spain s central government said on Thursday it would suspend Catalonia s autonomy and im
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders sought to minimize Spain s crisis with Catalonia on Thursday and avoid encourag
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African anti-apartheid veteran Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, ex-wife of the late President Ne
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s parliament on Thursday approved the first state budget in 12 years, a vital step towards reformin
DUESSELDORF, Germany (Reuters) - Author Dogan Akhanli flew back to Germany on Thursday after he was briefly detained in
ROME (Reuters) - Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said on Thursday that if he wins next year s election he will slash taxes
CARACAS (Reuters) - Key members of Venezuela s opposition, divided and dispirited after losing gubernatorial elections over t
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - A group of opposition-appointed Venezuelan judges arrived on Thursday in Chile as exiles after more th
SOCHI/MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin launched one of his most stinging critiques of U.S. foreign policy on Thur
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s domestic intelligence agency said on Thursday that minors returning from war zones in Syria and
LOME (Reuters) - Security forces in Togo fired bullets and teargas on Thursday, wounding at least seven people as they sought
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he hoped Moscow could cooperate with Washingt
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he doubted that a possible U.S. preventative strike
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday President Donald Trump should be respected beca
TORONTO (Reuters) - Black people in Canada s most populous province spent longer behind bars awaiting trial than white peo
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Former soccer star George Weah won the first round of Liberia s presidential election with 38.4 percen
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Kurdish officials said on Thursday thousands of their people had fled Kirkuk region fearing persecution si
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the CIA said on Thursday a U.S.-Canadian couple kidnapped by Islamist militants in Afgh
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel won a fourth term in office in the German national election on Sept. 24, but a fra
BERLIN (Reuters) - There is a long way to go in talks on forming a new German coalition led by Chancellor Angela Merkel s con
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A Saudi official has visited northern Syria with a U.S. envoy to discuss reconstruction of Raqqa, which Kurdis
PARIS (Reuters) - France s budget rapporteur on Thursday asked the government to spell out how much the rich stood to gain
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that if President Donald Trump is unpredictable, it
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will keep up its years-long battle against smog to ensure blue skies and promote a revolution in cle
ATHENS (Reuters) - Two Macedonian nationals wanted by Interpol have been arrested in Greece over their alleged involveme
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he had all grounds to believe that Moscow, along with
BLANTYRE (Reuters) - A wave of attacks in Malawi against people accused of vampirism has spread to its second-biggest city o
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (Reuters) - The leader of a Pakistani militant group whose suicide bombings killed more than 250
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Moscow will retaliate if the Unites States take
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russia will respond immediately and symmetrically if the United States quits the intermediate-range
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A Pakistani anti-corruption court on Thursday indicted ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his dau
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Andrej Babis say he wants to run the Czech Republic like a business, which may mean upheaval is ahead fo
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Andrej Babis, whose ANO movement is heavily tipped to win this weekend s Czech national election, is his
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta snubbed a crisis meeting called by the top election official for Thursday
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq welcomed on Thursday a
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A Kurdish demonstrator was killed and six others wounded on Thursday as they were protesting the take
LJUBLJANA/BELGRADE (Reuters) - In 2009, Serbian general Vladimir Lazarevic was convicted by a U.N. court of war crimes ove
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - A senior Malaysian opposition leader was detained by anti-corruption authorities on Thursday, a s
BEIJING (Reuters) - Foreign companies in China have welcomed the ruling Communist Party to set up cells in their firms, a seni
BEIJING (Reuters) - Late U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves, would have approved of China s policy to end s
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has no problem overcoming the middle-income trap, a senior economic official said on Thursday, ref
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders welcomed a proposal by British Prime Minister Theresa May aimed at unblockin
LONDON (Reuters) - London will remain the world s leading financial center, a spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa M
FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) - A stone fragment, probably a piece of marble from the top of a column, fell on a tourist visiting Flo
BERLIN (Reuters) - A leading candidate to be Germany s next finance minister signalled his willingness on Thursday to seek a co
KAMPALA (Reuters) - South Sudanese rebel groups fought each other this week in a strategic area near the Ugandan border le
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused Washington of not fulfilling its obligations und
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin called on Thursday for a reform of the United Nations, adding that t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will visit Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, India and Switzerland in a
SAN CARLOS, Colombia (Reuters) - Farmers who fled war in the Colombian Andes are returning to revive their abandoned land
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron, conscious of criticism of France s policy on Egypt, will raise his concerns over h
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United Nations expressed concern on Thursday at reports of forced displacement of civilians, mainly
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian lawmakers voted through a long-delayed overhaul of the health system on Thursday that the state s
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May should clear up what financial commitments Britain is willing to hono
SEOUL (Reuters) - Punters in North Korea who once risked three years hard labor for gambling are now able to bet on local ho
SEOUL (Reuters) - Former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that cavalier threats to start war on t
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Austria s likely next chancellor said on Thursday that EU membership talks with Turkey must be stopped.
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said on Thursday its ballistic missile programme would acc
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday called on the United Nations IAEA atomic watchdog body
SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria should tighten rules on foreign financing for religious communities and restrict visits by foreign cleri
BERLIN (Reuters) - A female German politician has triggered a fierce debate by accusing a former ambassador of sexism after h
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s military chief met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday during a visit to Damascus to se
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Austria s likely next chancellor assured European Union leaders on Thursday of his support for the EU, al
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said she would tell fellow European Union leaders on Thursday of ambitiou
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday that the European Union s 27 remaining nations w
BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias in Syria have detained senior foreign Islamic State leaders in months of fighting for Raq
ATHENS (Reuters) - A potential deal with the United States to upgrade dozens of Greece s F-16 fighter jets is not expected to h
BERLIN (Reuters) - The number of foreigners who qualify to join loved ones granted asylum in Germany is much smaller than g
CAIRO (Reuters) - The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) never intended to engage in a war with the Iraqi army, minister F
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s parliament will not discuss the key European Union withdrawal bill next week, the leader of the l
MADRID (Reuters) - At Jose Luis Sosa-Dias s factory near Madrid, lengths of bright red and yellow polyester are being steamed
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s military chief warned Israel against breaching Syrian airspace and territory on a visit to Damascus on
PARIS (Reuters) - France criticized Russia on Thursday for calling into question an international inquiry into who is to blame for
KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - Kurdish Peshmerga forces have retreated to positions they held in northern Iraq in June 2014 in respo
ERBIL (Reuters) - The Kurdish independence vote championed by their leader Masoud Barzani was a gamble that may have ma
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - The Philippine military said on Thursday there was a big possibility that a top Malaysian
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Kurdish forces have not withdrawn from the Khurmala oil field, northwest of Kirkuk, Erbil-based Rudaw
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq won t be able to restore Kirkuk s oil output to last week s levels before Sunday because of missing e
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has called on mayors of three major cities to resign, including the high-p
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Sweden said on Thursday it would rethink its engagement with Cambodia if the main opposition par
MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - War might still be raging in the ruins of the Philippine city of Marawi, but the cleanup ha
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand will get its youngest prime minister in more than 150 years after the small, nationalist N
SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand Labour Party leader and incoming prime minister Jacinda Ardern said on Thursday cabinet po
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia is negotiating with U.S.-based seabed exploration firm Ocean Infinity to resume the searc
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s Supreme Justice Council ordered on Thursday the arrest of Kurdistan Regional Government Vice P
KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban stormed a military base in the south of the country killing at least 43 troops on Thursday
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British opposition Labour Party, said on Thursday he would fight any attem
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia is negotiating with U.S.-based seabed exploration firm Ocean Infinity to resume the searc
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s oil ministry on Thursday cautioned oil companies against signing contracts with Iraqi Kurdistan. On
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has told Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The FBI has opened an investigation into U.S. links to South Africa s Guptas, escalating a scandal o
LONDON (Reuters) - Standard Chartered closed some bank accounts linked to the Gupta family in South Africa in 2014, a spok
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 struck off southern Japan on Thursday, the United States Geological S
TOKYO (Reuters) - Young Japanese will back the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in a lower house vote on Sunday at a hig
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - About 100,000 Kurds have fled Kirkuk, fearing unrest, since Monday s takeover of the region by Iraqi for
LONDON/BELFAST (Reuters) - The chances of Northern Ireland s political parties restoring a power-sharing agreement are not
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will meet former U.S. President Bill Clinton on Thursday morning to di
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said before a visit to India next week that the Trump administra
SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand Green Party leader James Shaw said on Thursday he was confident of reaching an agreement
TBILISI (Reuters) - Kakha Kaladze climbed to the top of world soccer as a defender for Italian club AC Milan, and now his caree
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Thursday it hopes the United States can abandon its bias and see China objectively, following
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s government has named Johannes Bhekumuzi Magwaza as chairman of loss-making
DUBAI (Reuters) - Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister and Vice-President of the United Arab Emirates
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey may shut its border with northern Iraq at any moment after closin
MILAN, Italy (Reuters) - As nervous investors retreat from Catalonia, afraid the wealthy region may secede from Spain, anothe
(This October 18 story has been refiled to fix dateline, amend headline and first paragraph) ANGOOR ADDA, Pakistan (Reuters
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Armed gunmen this week killed six former fighters from Colombia s FARC rebels, the now-demobilized gro
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Under growing pressure from Thailand s military government, and their own religious bodies, Buddhist m
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The U.S. government had intimate knowledge of the mass killing of alleged communists in Indonesia in th
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s lawmakers have rejected legislation that would tighten citizenship and foreign worker visa rules
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday the United States held Myanmar s military l
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations has yet to determine whether violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar meets t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 40 lawmakers urged the Trump administration on Wednesday to reimpose U.S. travel ba
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A U.S.-backed campaign against Islamic State in eastern Syria will accelerate now the jihadist group has bee
BRASILIA (Reuters) - A congressional committee voted 39-26 on Wednesday to reject charges against Brazilian President Mich
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended his finance minister on Wednesday amid criticism that
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s leader pledged to press ahead with his independence bid if Spain moves to suspe
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Catalonia s regional government is not planning to hold a snap election following a disputed independen
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain has summoned the Venezuela ambassador in Madrid to explain comments made by the Latin Ameri
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile s conservative presidential candidate Sebastian Pinera on Wednesday promised to double econom
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will Pakistan next week during an Asian trip that will also take h
QUEBEC CITY, Quebec (Reuters) - Quebec will ban face coverings for people giving or receiving provincial government services
CARACAS/PUERTO ORDAZ, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuela s opposition refused on Wednesday to swear in newly-elected go
LOME (Reuters) - Four people were killed in Togo on Wednesday in clashes between security forces and demonstrators calling
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Two weeks after Russia said it had critically injured the leader of the Tahrir al-Sham militant group in Syria,
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Amid a U.S. push to cut United Nations peacekeeping costs, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Turkey s swift response to Somalia s deadliest truck bombing drew praise from survivors and officials
BOSTON/HOUSTON (Reuters) - Shareholder activists will speak with Chevron Corp (CVX.N) next week to request the energy gia
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s regional president told a meeting of his party he would formally declare independence if Spain
BERLIN (Reuters) - German politicians seeking to form a first of a kind coalition of conservatives, liberals and leftist environmen
LONDON (Reuters) - Richard Branson, billionaire founder of the Virgin group, has revealed he was targeted by a fraudster posi
LONDON (Reuters) - Lawmakers from Britain s ruling Conservative Party vented their anger on Wednesday against Prime Mini
OSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian Defence Minister Ine Eriksen Soereide will on Friday be named minister of foreign affairs, making
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Prime Minister Joseph Muscat offered on Wednesday a major reward to anyone with information about
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders will demand on Thursday that North Korea end its nuclear and ballistic weapons
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders will promise during talks in Brussels sufficient and targeted funding for migrati
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Thousands of Somalis demonstrated on Wednesday against those behind bombings that killed more
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian TV personality Ksenia Sobchak said on Wednesday she planned to run in next year s presidential
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday Tehran would stick to its 2015 nuclea
PARIS (Reuters) - A United States Congress decision on the Iran nuclear deal could clarify Washington s stance on the internati
DAKAR (Reuters) - Rapidly expanding access to the internet across Africa is helping grassroots opposition movements take on
KAMPALA (Reuters) - At least one person died as police fired bullets and teargas to disperse a crowd of opposition supporters
LISBON (Reuters) - Portugal s interior minister resigned on Wednesday after wildfires killed more than a hundred people in the
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Toxic fumes from kitchen drains forced the European Union on Wednesday to switch the venue of its sum
LUXEMBOURG/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Theresa May will make a pitch to fellow EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday as she tries to
VALLETTA (Reuters) - The son of Malta s best-known investigative journalist said on Tuesday his mother had been killed by a c
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Major parties running in Sunday s mid-term congressional election in Argentina suspended their cam
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The head of Kenya s election commission said on Wednesday he could not guarantee next week s preside
OFF THE TUNISIAN COAST (Reuters) - Tunisian smugglers are offering migrants seeking a fresh start in Europe a new route from
ROME (Reuters) - Sicilian police on Wednesday sought the arrest of nine people, including a suspected mobster, for running a
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe s wife Grace has sued a Belgium-based businessman for failing to d
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s foreign minister said on Wednesday Ankara would not submit to impositions from the United St
GENNEVILLIERS, France (Reuters) - In Gennevilliers, a communist-held suburb on the Paris outskirts, President Emmanuel Mac
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday laid out a confident vision for a more prosperous nation and it
BEIJING (Reuters) - The speech was long, the refreshments austere, but Zhang Weiguo, a Communist Party official from Hubei
DUBLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s assertion that he had heard Ireland was going to cut its already low corpora
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk on Wednesday noted promising progress in Brexit talks and said
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States said on Wednesday it would push the United Nations Security Council to renew
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania has put the finishing touches to a plan to overhaul the judiciary that critics say erodes judicia
YENAGOA, Nigeria (Reuters) - Four Britons have been kidnapped in Nigeria s southern Delta state, a police official said on Wed
BHUBANESWAR, India (Reuters) - Flames swept through an illegal firecracker workshop in the eastern Indian state of Odisha o
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces have taken control of areas previously held by Kurdish forces in Mosul s Nineveh province in
ROME (Reuters) - Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Wednesday that Italy was a model for Europe on how to reduce migr
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The U.N. Yugoslav tribunal on Wednesday said is has scheduled its verdict in the war crimes trial of fo
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s far-right Freedom Party (FPO) on Wednesday named control of the interior ministry as its price fo
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - European police forces cannot impose blanket height restrictions on recruits because that discrimin
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - An explosion overnight in the southern Swedish town of Helsingborg caused extensive damage to the
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May has not yet set a date for the next stage in the passage of legislation t
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition leader Raila Odinga called on Wednesday for a mass protest on Oct. 26, the date the c
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Rights groups on Wednesday urged the European Union and Japan to consider halting their funding for t
WUHAN, China (Reuters) - Call them China s bubble generation. They were born after the crushing of the Tiananmen Square p
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh s opposition leader, former prime minister Khaleda Zia, returned home on Wednesday to a rap
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, is to monitor interpretations of the Prophet Mohammad s teachings t
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Prosecutors pressured a Swiss man accused of spying on a German tax authority to name his inside sou
BOGOR, Indonesia (Reuters) - Qatar is open to dialogue in resolving a dispute that has seen the Gulf state isolated from its Ar
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will suspend its mission training Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq because of the confli
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A Saudi Arabian commercial airplane arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday for the first time in 27 years, the
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - At least 1,320 underage Dutch girls between the ages of 12 and 17 fall victim to sexual exploitation in
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Israel must halt new building plans for settler homes in the West Bank, the European Union s foreign ser
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iranian military chief of staff General Mohammad Baqeri said the Islamic Republic would not accept Israeli
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s election board chairman Wafula Chebukati said on Wednesday ahead of a repeat presidential pol
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s talks with the United States over an on-going visa crisis are headed in a good direction , Preside
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Net
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s president warned conservative election victor Sebastian Kurz that European values must underpin
ZAKHO, Iraq (Reuters) - More than three weeks after Iraq s Kurds voted for independence, it s business as usual at the bustling
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand s King Maha Vajiralongkorn on Wednesday presided over a ceremony marking the end of the co
BANJA LUKA, Bosnia (Reuters) - Bosnia s Serb Republic on Wednesday declared itself militarily neutral in a move its president s
(Reuters) - The world is this generation s oyster. China s Class of 2012 is mostly ambitious and pragmatic. What do they want
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s coalition is on track for a roughly two-thirds majority in Sunday s gen
QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Pakistani Taliban suicide bomber rammed a car into a police truck in the southwestern city of Q
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnamese police have arrested a dissident accused of attempting to overthrow the government, the comm
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will deepen economic and financial reforms and further open its markets to foreign investors as it lo
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party will scrap the practice of secretive interrogations known as shuanggui , Pre
(This version of the October 15 story corrects PM s first name to Ramush from Ramuch in first paragraph) By Fatos Bytyci PRIS
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that Tehran would not accept pressure
RAQQA, Syria/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Kurdish groups who led the fight against Islamic State in its former capital Raqqa must naviga
LONDON (Reuters) - The chances of Northern Ireland s political parties restoring a power-sharing agreement in Northern Irelan
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea is considering levying its own sanctions on North Korea as the isolated state ramps up tension w
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s on-going visa crisis with the United States is unnecessary, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavuso
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea congratulated China on its 19th Communist Party Congress on Wednesday amid increasingly fr
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - China has the resolve, confidence and ability to thwart any attempt by self-ruled Taiwan to declare
BERLIN (Reuters) - She has earned a reputation as Europe s chief crisis manager. Now Germany s Angela Merkel must forge a g
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Two men were injured in a drive-by shooting at South Africa s Cape Town International Airport, police
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine law enforcement agents have arrested a woman who tried to spread radical ideas and recruit hu
BANGKOK (Reuters) - The only son of fugitive former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been formally charged with m
TOKYO (Reuters) - A new center-left party pledging to bring bottom up democracy to Japan may prove the surprise success st
KABUL (Reuters) - Taliban militants struck government targets in many provinces of Afghanistan on Tuesday, killing at least 69
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The defeat of Islamic State in its de facto capital Raqqa may only be the start of a wider struggle by t
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand s small nationalist party, which holds the balance of power after last month s inconclus
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan s government said on Wednesday that it was absolutely the right of Taiwan s 23 million people to d
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand s small nationalist party said on Wednesday it would be in a position to make an annou
BEIJING (Reuters) - China, the world s second-largest economy, must cooperate with other nations to tackle climate change an
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping said China will stick to supply side structural reform and maintain overcapacity
BEIJING (Reuters) - Any attempt to separate Taiwan from China will be thwarted and the principle of peaceful reunification mu
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will set up a central leading group for advancing law-based governance, President Xi Jinping said on W
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will step up efforts to tackle subversion, terrorism, separatism and religious extremism, President Xi
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) said on Tuesday it would rescind contracts h
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - When Somalia s deadliest truck bomb exploded on Saturday, Abdi Ali Ibrahim raced to the smoking cr
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has zero tolerance for corruption within the ruling Communist Party, President Xi Jinping said on We
BEIJING (Reuters) - The One China principle must be maintained, President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday, referring to a core
PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Panama s government will send an immigration and security delegation to China, the country s presi
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation in the economy, China s President Xi Jinp
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will safeguard its sovereignty and security and oppose any behaviors that try to separate the country
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday China has firmly opposed and prevented Taiwan s indepen
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese companies overwhelmingly want Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s ruling coalition to stay in power in t
(Reuters) - Qatar s foreign minister suggested on Tuesday that measures taken by Saudi Arabia and three other Arab states in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that his administration has informed Congress of a pot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday it was important for Turkey to remain part of th
CARACAS (Reuters) - President Nicolas Maduro defended Venezuela s secure election system on Tuesday as opponents strug
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A British-Iranian charity worker serving a jail sentence in Tehran received a letter from ex-prime minister Da
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A British-Iranian charity worker serving a jail sentence in Tehran received a letter from ex-prime minister Da
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias in Syria declared victory over Islamic State in its capital Raqqa on Tuesday, raising
TOKYO/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States is not ruling out the eventual possibility of direct talks with North Kore
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia refused on Tuesday to bow to the Spanish government s demand that it renounce a symboli
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will take the lead in helping to clear rubble and restore basic services after the fal
TUNIS (Reuters) - Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the most prominent son of the former Libyan leader, is in good health and is following
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday condemned the slaying of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel said on Tuesday it would not hold peace negotiations with a Palestinian government dependent
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. refugee agency urged Bangladesh on Tuesday to speed up vetting of up to 15,000 Rohingya refug
BAGHDAD/KIRKUK (Reuters) - The Baghdad government recaptured territory from Kurds across the breadth of northern Iraq o
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Three Argentine judges ordered that a key official in former President Cristina Fernandez s governm
PARIS (Reuters) - French anti-terrorist police have arrested 10 far-right militants after an investigation showed they may have
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh allowed two journalists from Myanmar detained while reporting about fleeing Rohingya Muslim
ANKARA (Reuters) - A bomb blast wrecked a bus carrying police officers on Tuesday in the southern Turkish province of Mersin
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain faces the most acute threat ever from Islamist militants seeking to inflict mass attacks, often with
GENEVA (Reuters) - Children are starving to death in Central African Republic because violence has forced aid workers to pull o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Tuesday that it could only confirm that about 90 percent of the Syrian city o
PARIS (Reuters) - President Donald Trump s hawkish new approach towards Tehran, coupled with banking worries and domes
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s revised hardline policy towards Iran will have little impact on Tehran s amb
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Medics who rushed to help victims of a huge bomb explosion in the Somali capital Mogadishu that kil
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - The Libyan capital s Mitiga airport was evacuated on Tuesday and civilian flights were repeatedly suspende
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States military said on Tuesday it had received mixed accounts of the death toll in a clash
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said on Tuesday it had summoned the Chinese ambassador in recent days to express its concern th
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel won a fourth term in office in the German national election on Sept. 24, but a fra
DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) - Seven miners were killed and another was missing after part of a coal mine in Turkey s southea
MONROVIA (Reuters) - George Weah has been here before: on the goal line of the Liberian presidency, one run-off vote from
LUXEMBOURG/LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union told Britain on Tuesday it must make more concessions in talks over
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German court sentenced an 88-year-old woman to six months in prison on Monday for denying the Holoc
BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias in Syria have declared victory over Islamic State in its capital Raqqa, a milestone in the
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will need a total of 1,200 government officials to help register millions of European Union citizens
STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) - Europe s top human rights court ruled on Tuesday that Russian opposition leader Alexei Nava
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma made a close associate energy minister on Tuesday as his gov
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition leader Raila Odinga decided not to stand in next week s presidential election to avoid d
PARACHINAR/PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Two suspected U.S. drone strikes on Tuesday killed 11 people on the mountain
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland hopes Turkey will eventually join the European Union, Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Tues
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary has extended a deadline for a U.S.-accredited Budapest university founded by George Soros, p
(Reuters) - The relative stability and comfort around them as they grew up, plus the steady drip of propaganda, have engende
(Reuters) - The Class of 2012 grew up with more than their parents or grandparents could dream of more food, more clothin
(Reuters) - The Great Firewall of China the world s most extensive effort to try to control cyberspace has become more form
ACCRA (Reuters) - Ghana and Ivory Coast set up a body on Tuesday to implement an international tribunal ruling on their disp
BEIJING (Reuters) - Zuo Aining has always been a striver, always making plans. After excelling in high school in the rustbelt city
WUHAN, China (Reuters) - In the mid 1980s, as a wave of economic reforms swept China, Qi Jing s parents fled the poverty of
CHENGDU, China (Reuters) - When she was a child, Qin Lijuan s grandfather was the local Communist Party boss in the district
KABUL (Reuters) - Spreading violence in Afghanistan is forcing many schools to close, undermining fragile gains in education fo
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s official Xinhua news agency attacked Western democracy as divisive and confrontational on Tuesda
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has set a clear direction on reform and opening up to the world and will not deviate from that cours
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s anti-corruption fight is always on the road , Communist Party spokesman Tuo Zhen said on Tuesda
BEIJING (Reuters) - A close ally of President Xi Jinping is expected to be promoted to vice chairman of China s Central Military C
BEIJING (Reuters) - No free fruit in hotel rooms, no free hair cuts and no prawns on the menu - delegates at this week s Comm
CHENGDU, China (Reuters) - Her stepfather was dying from pulmonary heart disease in an intensive care unit on the other sid
BEIJING (Reuters) - Wang Qin, 59, collects scrap at a demolished residential district on the outskirts of Beijing, working 15 hou
BEIJING (Reuters) - President Xi Jinping s rule in China has been marked by a muscular stance in many areas from corruption t
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Communist Party once shunned the rule of law, preferring to rely on what Chairman Mao Zedong c
MADRID (Reuters) - The detention of Catalan activists on Monday, the first imprisonment of senior secessionist figures since th
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission expressed its horror on Tuesday at the killing of a Maltese journalist in a car b
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declared the southern city of Marawi liberated from pro-Islamic State
LONDON (Reuters) - Hate crimes in Britain surged by the highest amount on record last year, official figures showed on Tuesda
BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias have completely taken Syria s Raqqa from Islamic State, the Syrian Observatory for Hum
CAIRO (Reuters) - Wheat shipments to Egypt, the world s largest buyer, are being disrupted by a dispute involving government
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) raised a militia flag inside Raqqa stadium on Tuesday, on
LONDON (Reuters) - The leader of Britain s main opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, and other politicians could lose their
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces completed an operation to take control of all oil fields operated by state-owned North Oil Co
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Kurdish Peshmerga forces pulled out from the area of Khanaqin, on the border with Iran as Iraqi forces p
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The new governor of Indonesia s capital faced a barrage of criticism on Tuesday for remarks in his inaugur
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent a ritual offering to the Yasukuni Shrine for war dead, seen in China
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The spokesman for the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria s Raqqa said on Tuesday the all
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian police arrested three people, including a teenager, suspected of planning to detonate a
NANMOKU, Japan (Reuters) - Chikara Imai, 73, is quick to dismiss the new parties in Sunday s national election in Japan, saying
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel on Monday approved building plans for 31 settler homes in Hebron in the West Bank, a spokesw
BAGHDAD/KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi government forces captured the major Kurdish-held oil city of Kirkuk on Monday, resp
DUBAI (Reuters) - The United States said it launched its first attack on Islamic State s deadly Yemen branch on Monday with a
ROME (Reuters) - Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said on Tuesday he and the leader of the Northern League had agree
LONDON (Reuters) - An auction of 31 artworks donated by some of Britain s most successful contemporary artists has raised c
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has taken the National Hospital in Raqqa, one of Islamic St
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov will meet Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqch
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - An Iraqi Yazidi group affiliated with a Shi ite-led armed faction took control on Tuesday of Sinjar, said res
MANILA (Reuters) - About 30 Islamist rebels holding an estimated 20 hostages remain in Marawi City and military operations c
(This Oct. 9 story corrects para 18 to show that person attending concert was likely not Kim Yo Jong) By Hyonhee Shin and Soy
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia said on Tuesday it has received proposals from three companies offering to continue the
ANKARA (Reuters) - Two Turkish soldiers were killed and two were wounded late on Monday in northern Iraq in a blast caused
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After years of focusing divided Iraq on a shared fight against the Islamic State group, the United Stat
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Authorities in the Chinese territory of Macau have ramped up security measures following the deadly
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - The United States renewed a call for Cambodia s government to release the country s main oppositi
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s opposition cried foul on Monday over the ruling socialists win in gubernatorial elections, rais
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Britain s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said it was time to begin serious negotiations on Brexit, h
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spain moved closer on Monday to imposing central rule over Catalonia to thwart its indepen
LISBON/MADRID (Reuters) - At least 36 people died in wildfires raging through parched farmlands and forests in Portugal and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Monday Washington was very concerned by reports of violence
LAHINCH, Ireland (Reuters) - Three people died as Tropical Storm Ophelia battered Ireland s southern coast on Monday, knock
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. forces killed dozens of Islamic State members in a strike on Monday on two training camps in Ye
VALLETTA (Reuters) - Daphne Caruana Galizia, Malta s best-known investigative journalist, was killed on Monday when a powe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States sought on Monday to avoid openly taking sides in an Iraqi-Kurdish dispute, as Iraq
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) - U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl pleaded guilty on Monday to deserting his duties in Afghanis
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May and European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker agreed over din
LONDON (Reuters) - The chance that Britain leaves the European Union without agreeing a divorce deal has not increased rece
TORONTO (Reuters) - The number of asylum seekers walking across the U.S. border into Canada illegally dropped by more tha
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a decree imposing restrictions on North Korea in ord
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Sea trips between Vladivostok, Russia and isolated North Korea have resumed after a two-month break,
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s High Court said on Monday it had ordered that two leaders of Catalan separatist organizations be
KIGALI (Reuters) - A critic of Rwandan President Paul Kagame asked him to free her and her detained mother and sister as she
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday that he believes Havana is responsible for a series of incide
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday condemned Venezuela s weekend gubernatorial elections as neither f
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s shift to the right in a parliamentary election has paved the way for young conservative star Sebas
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker agreed ove
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Seventeen winters ago, the European Union offered a very cold shoulder to a chancellor who brought Au
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias battled foreign fighters defending the last pocket of Islamic State s one-time Syri
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli air force attacked a Syrian anti-aircraft battery on Monday that Israel said had fired a missile
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon can no longer handle vast numbers of Syrian refugees, its president said on Monday, urging world
LONDON (Reuters) - The sky over London turned an unusual shade of yellow on Monday as Storm Ophelia brought dust from t
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Democratic Republic of Congo was among 15 countries elected to the United Nations Human Rig
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s Attorney General Raul Cervantes said on Monday that he presented President Enrique Pena
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, the influential chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, warne
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Afghanistan, China, Pakistan and the United States met in Oman on Monday to try to find ways of revi
VIENNA (Reuters) - Founded by former Nazis six decades ago, Austria s far-right Freedom Party (FPO) long ago left the political
BEIJING (Reuters) - China will have to launch more ambitious renewable energy and non-fossil fuel targets and ramp up efforts
KAMPALA (Reuters) - South Sudanese opposition groups tried to forge a united front on Monday ahead of an expected resum
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - The European Union on Monday reaffirmed its support for a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and wo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Monday its commanders in Iraq were urging Iraqi and Kurdish forces to avo
ZAGREB (Reuters) - Croatian police arrested eight former senior executives of Agrokor[AGROK.UL] in a series of raids on Mond
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said on Monday it would close its air space to Iraq s semi-autonomous Kurdish region and work to
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s government approved on Monday a low-key 2018 budget which includes measures to raise youth em
TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisia s navy has recovered 26 more bodies of Tunisian migrants who drowned when their boat sank last w
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and France are firmly committed to a 2015 Iranian nuclear deal and will work to ensure it is enforc
ANKARA (Reuters) - Two Turkish soldiers were killed on Monday in northern Iraq by an improvised explosive device, the Turkis
LONDON (Reuters) - Significant gaps still remain between parties attempting to restore Northern Ireland s power-sharing adm
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is concerned by the implications of U.S. President Donald Trump s decision not to recertify an inte
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is expecting a constructive meeting in Brussels on Monday with senio
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders will agree this week to start preparing internally for talks with Britain on a post-
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - The European Union banned the sale of oil and oil products to North Korea on Monday, in a largely
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s cabinet agreed on Monday to close its air space to Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq and said wor
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - The British and Scottish executives have made progress in talks on how to share powers after Brexit, th
BERLIN/HANOVER (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) defeated Angela Merkel s conservatives in a vote in the north
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday dismissed the idea that her Christian Democrats (CDU) defe
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - More than 300 people were killed by twin bomb explosions in Mogadishu, an official said on Monday
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s state prosecutor has asked for a custodial sentence for the head of the Catalan police service Jose
CAIRO (Reuters) - Three policemen, one security guard and a civilian were killed and a number of other people injured in an att
LONDON (Reuters) - The probability that Britain exits the European Union without having agreed a divorce deal has risen to 25
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces removed on Monday the Kurdish flag that was hoisted on the governorate building in April n
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish security forces detained 1,210 people over the last week for suspected links to militant groups or l
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s state prosecutor has asked for Catalonia s police chief - under formal investigation for sedition - to
MOSCOW (Reuters) - North Korean officials have rejected a proposal to hold direct talks with their South Korean counterparts
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq will deploy troops to regain full control of the Kirkuk oil area and fields surrounding it to restart prod
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police used tear gas to disperse opposition protesters on Monday in the capital Nairobi and anoth
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A convoy of elite Iraqi military forces took control of the governorate building in central Kirkuk on Mond
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ali Larijani, the speaker of the Iranian parliament, said on Monday that Tehran had a specific plan of acti
NAIROBI (Reuters) - At least 33 people died in the Kenyan capital Nairobi during a police crackdown on opposition supporters
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam braced for typhoon Khanun on Monday after destructive floods battered the country s north and c
COX S BAZAR/YANGON (Reuters) - Hungry, destitute and scared, thousands of new Rohingya refugees crossed the border into
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan authorities will not respond on Thursday to the Spanish government s order that they clarify whet
LONDON (Reuters) - Iraq s Kurdistan has shut down some 350,000 barrels per day (bpd) of production from major fields Bai Ha
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Support for billionaire Andrej Babis s ANO party dipped ahead of a Czech election on Oct. 20-21, but the p
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A field commander for the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Raqqa said the alliance was carryi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will travel to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, the Philippines and H
BISHKEK (Reuters) - European observers said on Monday vote-buying and significant procedural problems marred Kyrgyzstan s
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday played down suggestions that a regional election defeat for
ROME (Reuters) - Pope Francis implicitly criticized the United States on Monday for pulling out of the Paris agreement on clim
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq said on Monday it was considering using security forces to prevent Kurdistan from shutting down ou
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S.-led anti-Islamic State coalition said an Iraqi-Kurdish clash in the region of Kirkuk where Iraqi arm
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Two Turkish soldiers were killed on Monday in the southeastern province of Hakkari after an improvised
BELFAST (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, who played a central role in brokering peace in Northern Ireland, may t
DUBLIN (Reuters) - A woman has died in the southeast Irish county of Waterford on Monday after a tree fell on her car as a re
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Since fleeing deadly violence in Indonesia two decades ago, Meldy and Eva Lumangkun built a
PARIS (Reuters) - Never let it be said that President Emmanuel Macron doesn t care about how he comes across. For the first t
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s Kurdish security forces said Baghdad would pay a heavy price for launching an advance on the Ku
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that the strong showing of Austria s anti-immigrant Free
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo swore in a former education minister as Jakarta s governor on Monday
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - The battlefield deaths of two leaders of an Islamic State alliance in the southern Philippines could
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to amass even greater power at a Communist Party Congress this week,
SEOUL (Reuters) - Propaganda fliers presumed to be from North Korea and calling U.S. President Donald Trump a mad dog ha
LUXEMBOURG/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union ministers on Monday congratulated Austria s Sebastian Kurz on his electi
LISBON (Reuters) - At least 20 people died in a massive wave of wildfires raging across Portugal on Sunday and Monday in the
BENGALURU (Reuters) - A multi-storey building collapsed in the south Indian city of Bengaluru on Monday, killing at least five
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan has deported a former director of a chain of private Turkish schools along with his family, form
MANILA (Reuters) - Nearly nine out of 10 Filipinos support Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte s war on drugs, and almost thr
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Monday she expected strong backin
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic state has claimed responsibility for two rockets fired on Sunday from Egypt s Sinai peninsula into Isra
BAGHDAD/KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi on Monday forces captured the headquarters for the North Oil Company, northwest o
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey is ready to cooperate fully with the central Iraqi government to end the presence of the outlawed
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s capital unveiled the shining example of its 80 billion yuan ( 9.1 billion) new airport on Monday, tip
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iranians quickly closed ranks against a hawkish new U.S. approach to Tehran, but Iran s powerful hardliner
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s government will take control of Catalonia and rule it directly if Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont d
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Hotels in Bangkok s bustling old town, home to a backpacker enclave favored by foreign tourists, are boo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow condemns North Korea s nuclear tests and calls on North Korea and the international communi
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel warned on Monday that threats from U.S. President Donal
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines military chief vowed no letup on Monday in hunting down and destroying extremist group
BISHKEK (Reuters) - Kyrgyz opposition leader Omurbek Babanov said on Monday he had lost Sunday s presidential election aft
BISHKEK (Reuters) - European observers said on Monday there had been numerous and significant procedural problems durin
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Bomb blasts killed a Pakistani army officer and three soldiers searching for the kidnappers of a freed U
MADRID (Reuters) - The response from Catalonia s leader on Monday, in answer to a government requirement to clarify whet
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippine military will liberate southern Marawi City in a matter of days, the country s armed forces c
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Days after a long-running Indonesian television comedy aired last month, its producers got a letter from t
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand acting Prime Minister Bill English said on Monday it could take until the end of the wee
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces have captured several positions south of Kirkuk from Kurdish forces including the North Gas
HONG KONG (Reuters) - The jailing of three Hong Kong democracy activists this year is a serious threat to the city s rule of law
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean police are seeking an arrest warrant for Cho Yang-ho, chairman of Hanjin Group, the parent o
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia s parliament voted to change party laws on Monday to re-distribute seats if a party is diss
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s opposition coalition refused to recognize the results of Sunday s gubernatorial elections whe
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s ruling coalition is on track for a big win in Sunday s general election -
MANILA (Reuters) - Two leaders of a militant alliance loyal to the Islamic State group were killed on Monday in clashes with th
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department said on Sunday it was watching developments in the disputed region of K
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s opposition coalition said on Sunday the pro-government election board was about to announ
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Warships from eight NATO countries participated in live-fire self-defense exercises of ship and missi
SKOPJE (Reuters) - Macedonia s ruling Social Democrats claimed victory in municipal elections on Sunday, signaling large-scale
AIN ISSA, Syria/BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias launched their final assault on Syria s Raqqa on Sunday after letting a c
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior Trump administration officials said on Sunday that the United States was committed to rema
PARIS (Reuters) - Emmanuel Macron on Sunday said he was a president of all French, dismissing opponents criticisms that his
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont has until 10:00 a.m. local (0800 GMT) on Monday to clarify whether he
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Former soccer star George Weah was set to win the first round of a presidential election in Liberia afte
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Around 400,000 children are still displaced from the fighting for Mosul, one year after the start of a milit
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - The bodies of 26 people believed killed after an ambush last week in eastern
ISMAILIA,Egypt (Reuters) - At least 24 militants and six soldiers were killed on Sunday in attacks on military outposts in North S
VIENNA (Reuters) - With conservative leader Sebastian Kurz winning Austria s parliamentary elections on Sunday with around
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s finance minister Philip Hammond on Sunday faced mounting questions over his future weeks ahe
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May will travel to Brussels on Monday to meet with the European Union s
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Taliban spokesman denied on Sunday accusations by a Canadian man that one of his childre
MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga, who withdrew from a presidential election re-run set for
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian conservative leader Sebastian Kurz, who secured victory in Sunday s parliamentary election but fe
(Reuters) - A drone hit an airplane landing at a Quebec City airport this week, the first time an unmanned flying object has coll
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Kurdish Peshmerga fighters rejected a warning from an Iraqi paramilitary force to withdraw from a strat
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - More than 200 people were killed by twin bomb blasts that struck busy junctions in the heart of Soma
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - More than 200 people were killed by twin bomb blasts that struck busy junctions in the heart of Soma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday that President Donald Trump had instructed him to con
BISHKEK (Reuters) - A protege of outgoing pro-Russian leader Almazbek Atambayev looked set for a surprise outright victory in
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Politicians from North and South Korea will not hold direct talks in Russia on Monday about Pyongyang s
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis canonized 35 new Roman Catholic saints on Sunday, including three indigenous childre
OTTAWA/TORONTO (Reuters) - A U.S.-Canadian couple freed in Pakistan this week, nearly five years after being abducted in A
VIENNA (Reuters) - Young conservative star Sebastian Kurz is on track to become Austria s next leader, projections of Sunday s
BERLIN (Reuters) - After a series of setbacks for far-right parties in Europe this year, Austria s anti-immigration Freedom Party
BAGHDAD/DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran on Sunday shut its border crossings with Iraq s Kurdistan in support of measures taken by th
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi government accused Kurdish authorities on Sunday of bringing fighters from Turkey s separatis
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Hundreds of protesters marched through Sydney on Sunday to call for detainees, being held in controversi
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel won a fourth term in office in the German national election on Sept. 24, but a fra
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s Kurdish leadership rejected on Sunday a demand by the Iraqi government that it cancels the outco
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) beat Angela Merkel s conservatives in a vote in the northern state of Low
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey is determined to press on with its efforts to join the European Union despite tensions with the bloc
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and Germany agreed on Sunday they remained committed to the nuclear deal with Iran after a U.S
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s Foreign Ministry on Sunday condemned the U.S. administration of President Donald Trump for its po
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Chung Sye-kyun, the speaker of South Korea s parliament, on Sunday called on North Korea to resume ta
BEIRUT (Reuters) - U.S.-backed militias in Syria launched what they described as a final assault on Sunday against an Islamic St
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The battle for the city of Raqqa, which Islamic State had used as its headquarters in Syria, is drawing to an e
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont on Sunday called for calm less than 24 hours ahead of a deadline from S
LONDON (Reuters) - Former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton cautioned Britain on Sunday over its push to secure a tr
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The battle for the city of Raqqa, which Islamic State had used as its headquarters in Syria, is drawing to an e
LONDON (Reuters) - British transport minister Chris Grayling said on Sunday he didn t think Britain would leave the European U
KOBANI, Syria (Reuters) - Almost three years after Kurdish fighters defeated Islamic State in the Syrian town of Kobani, residen
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Some, but not all, foreign Islamic State fighters have left Syria s Raqqa city on Sunday as part of a withdraw
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Four Moldovan citizens were killed and two others were injured on Saturday when a cargo plane chartere
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani has arrived in Iraq s Kurdistan region for talks about the escala
JAMESTOWN, St. Helena (Reuters) - One of humanity s most isolated outposts joined the 21st century on Saturday when the B
AMMAN (Reuters) - The Turkish army is expanding its deployment in northwest Syria with the goal of encircling a Kurdish encl
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Three hundred U.S. Marines flew out of Australia on Sunday as their troop rotation came to an end, the fir
BEIJING (Reuters) - A former Chinese justice minister has been expelled from the ruling Communist Party following an investig
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - With Cambodia s opposition warning of the imminent death of its democracy, the historic rival who
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party has agreed to amend the party constitution, expected to embed President
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party on Wednesday opens its 19th Congress, at which President Xi Jinping will m
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Two car bombs in separate parts of Somalia s capital Mogadishu killed at least 22 people on Saturday
AIN ISSA, Syria/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian Islamic State fighters are set to abandon Raqqa in a withdrawal agreed with U.S.-bac
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Kurdish Peshmerga fighters rejected a warning from an Iraqi paramilitary force to withdraw from a strat
BERLIN (Reuters) - A senior member of the pro-business Free Democrat (FDP) party that is likely to be a partner in Chancellor A
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel won a fourth term in office in the German national election on Sept. 24, but a fra
ISIOLO, Kenya (Reuters) - An expelled student shot dead six of his former schoolmates and a security guard at his school in nor
ANKARA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s hardened stance towards Iran evoked a mixture of indifference and nation
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Around 100 Islamic State fighters have surrendered in Syria s Raqqa in the last 24 hours and were removed
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian government and allied forces have taken the eastern town of al-Mayadeen from Islamic State, a Syri
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A convoy is set to leave the Islamic State-held enclave of Syria s Raqqa city on Saturday under an arrangem
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Tribal chiefs are organizing a way for Syrian Islamic State fighters to leave the Syria city of Raqqa after the U
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defi
BERLIN (Reuters) - If the United States terminates the Iran nuclear deal or reimposes sanctions on Tehran it could result in Iran
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberian former soccer star George Weah and Vice President Joseph Boakai were comfortably ahead in
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police shot dead two people and wounded a third when a crowd tried to storm a police station du
TORONTO (Reuters) - A U.S.-Canadian couple freed in Pakistan this week, nearly five years after being abducted in Afghanistan
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Wild elephants trampled sleeping Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh in the early hours of
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria demanded on Saturday that Turkish troops who had entered northwestern Syria leave immediately,
ADEN (Reuters) - A rebel former governor of Aden who is leading a movement for southern Yemen s secession has said an ind
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters gathered at an unsanctioned rally on Saturday to demand action against P
RABAT (Reuters) - Moroccan authorities said on Saturday they had dismantled a cell linked to Islamic State that was active in e
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The former president of a Vatican-owned hospital in Rome on Saturday was convicted of abuse of offi
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli minister was not suggesting U.S. President Donald Trump s words could lead to war with Iran
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has upset fellow members of Chancellor Angela Merkel s con
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A senior official in the Russian parliament will discuss North Korea s missile and nuclear program in separ
DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemen s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh has had a successful operation at a Sanaa hospital after a Russian m
AIN ISSA, Syria (Reuters) - Remaining Islamic State fighters in Raqqa, including foreign jihadists, would leave the city taking civi
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government will take control of Catalonia if regional leader Carles Puigdemont replies ambig
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Four Moldovan nationals were killed and two others were injured when a propeller-engine cargo plane cr
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities issued detention warrants on Saturday for 100 former police officers and have so far d
(This version of the story corrects spelling of Caitlan Coleman s name) By Drazen Jorgic and Asif Shahzad ISLAMABAD (Reuters
(This version of the story corrects spelling of Caitlan Coleman throughout) By Asif Shahzad ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani tr
BERLIN (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron, accused by critics of being out of touch with ordinary people, denied
NICOSIA (Reuters) - Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades said on Saturday he planned to seek a second five-year term in electi
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s ruling African National Congress (ANC) needs to put an end to scandals that are tarn
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran carried out a cyber attack on British lawmakers earlier this year, The Times newspaper reported on S
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities arrested four people over Wednesday s explosion in a storage tank at a Tupras refinery
SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Etihad Airways flight traveling from Abu Dhabi to Sydney made an emergency landing at Australia s Ade
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s military has launched an internal probe into the conduct of soldiers during a counteroffensive
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A 5.4 magnitude quake struck southern Mexico on Friday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, bu
TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese sports official promised on Friday to work with the builder of a showpiece stadium for the 2020
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Advocates for Americans imprisoned by Iranian authorities said on Friday they were concerned the
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In Friday s speech laying out his strategy toward Iran and his decision not to certify it is complying w
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Former soccer star George Weah maintained his lead over Vice President Joseph Boakai as more provis
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Friday it was identifying new areas where it could work with allies to put pr
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Kurdish authorities said on Friday they had sent thousands more troops to Kirkuk to confront threats o
BRASILIA (Reuters) - A Supreme Court injunction on Friday temporarily blocked the extradition of Cesare Battisti, an Italian left
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German military, buoyed by 45 million views of its previous social media reality show The Recruits , is
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Canada s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday urged Mexican lawmakers to improve women s righ
LONDON (Reuters) - The World Health Organization said on Friday it had received reports of an attack on medical facilities in e
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran harshly reacted to President Donald Trump s decision not to certify its nuclear deal with six major pow
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday that tensions between Kurdish and Iraqi forces in a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump s call for Congress to toughen the Iran nuclear deal faced opposition on Frid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran, U.S. allies in Europe and Russia on Friday defended the 2015 nuclear agreement with Tehran a
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia on Friday questioned the work and future of an inquiry into who is to blame for toxic gas a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain will be offered a goodwill gesture at a European Union summit next week, European nations agre
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday he had not yet seen any provocative actions from Ir
DUBAI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates said on Friday it fully supported the new U.S. policy toward Iran and it renewed it
VIENNA (Reuters) - The chief of the U.N. atomic watchdog reiterated on Friday that Iran was under the world s most robust n
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s opposition-controlled Congress approved President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski s new cabinet with a 83-17
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron assured Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Friday of France s commit
(Reuters) - Netflix Inc (NFLX.O) shares hit an all-time high on Friday as Goldman Sachs and other brokerages raised their price t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Friday after U.S. President Donald Trump chose not to certify a deal on Iran s nuclear prog
NAIROBI (Reuters) - In a dramatic picture, Kenyan opposition lawmaker Caleb Amisi Luyai leans through the window of his car
PRISTINA (Reuters) - A Kosovo journalist known for his investigative stories on corruption and crime was beaten in a crowded
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s foreign ministry said on Friday it had summoned the U.S. Embassy charge d affaires in Moscow t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Friday it was extremely troubling that U.S. Pres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he wants to see action to fix the flaws he sees in the Iran
PARIS (Reuters) - The United Nations cultural agency selected former French culture minister Audrey Azoulay as its new chief
VIENNA (Reuters) - A new poll by Austria s Social Democrats (SPO) suggests they may be poised for a boost at parliamentary e
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The No. 2 U.S. House of Representatives Republican, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, said on Friday
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated U.S. President Donald Trump for his speech a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The United States cannot unilaterally cancel the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, EU f
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia welcomed the new U.S. policy toward Iran and said lifting sanctions had allowed Iran to develo
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State suicide attackers killed at least 50 people in a triple car bomb attack on Thursday among a gro
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel s intelligence minister said U.S. President Donald Trump s speech against the 2015 international
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia welcomed the reconciliation of rival factions Hamas and Fatah and said it will help Palestinians
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will strike a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defi
LONDON (Reuters) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson will travel to Moscow later this year to discuss international security
MANILA (Reuters) - A group of civil society organizations has demanded that Apple Inc (AAPL.O) remove from its app store gam
BISHKEK (Reuters) - Kyrgyzstan votes in a presidential election on Sunday that is being closely fought between a protege of the
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont came under pressure from one of his key allies on Friday to declare full
LONDON (Reuters) - British finance minister Philip Hammond sought to quell accusations from within his Conservative Party th
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Moments before Catalonia s leader, Carles Puigdemont, baulked at declaring independence from Spai
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria has convicted and jailed 45 Boko Haram suspects, the government said on Friday, the first sentences
CAIRO (Reuters) - Armed militants killed at least six Egyptian soldiers at a military post in the Sinai Peninsula, the army said, in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said on Thursday the company was com
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite public promises of cooperation from Facebook and other social media companies, congress
PARIS (Reuters) - In the modernist but faded headquarters of UNESCO, the U.N. s cultural agency on Paris s elegant Left Bank,
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia regrets Israel s decision to pull out of United Nations cultural agency UNESCO, the Russian foreign
GENEVA (Reuters) - Aung San Suu Kyi has set out plans for a new humanitarian project to enable Myanmar s Rakhine State to
BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa (Reuters) - South Africa s Supreme Court of Appeal on Friday upheld a High Court ruling to reins
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police shot dead two people and wounded a third when a crowd tried to storm a police station du
GENEVA (Reuters) - Venezuela s former chief prosecutor Luisa Ortega said on Friday her team had supplied the United States w
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Syrian fighter pilot who was detained after crashing in southern Turkey in March has returned to Syria
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defi
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran said on Friday it would retaliate against any action targeting its armed forces and accused the United
KIGALI (Reuters) - The mother and sister of a prominent critic of Rwanda s president said on Friday all three of them had been
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday the United States would maintain sanctions on Cuba and
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel was upbeat about U.S. President Donald Trump s anticipated announcement on Friday of major
LONDON (Reuters) - Kenya s opposition leader Raila Odinga said on Friday his withdrawal from a presidential election rerun sc
KIRKUK, Iraq (Reuters) - Kurdish forces have moved back their defensive line around the oil region of Kirkuk in northern Iraq by
GENEVA (Reuters) - Azerbaijan, Egypt and Indonesia have all unjustly arrested dozens of people during anti-gay crackdowns in
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrians elect a new parliament on Sunday in a test of whether a young conservative star has succeeded i
VIENNA (Reuters) - No party is likely to obtain a majority of votes in Austria s parliamentary election on Oct. 15. A coalition be
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s electoral system makes it difficult for any one party to obtain a majority, and the winner of Sunda
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s parliamentary election on Sunday involves three large parties polling above 20 percent and a hos
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Border controls inside what should normally be Europe s cherished zone of free travel are here to st
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - A military helicopter lands to evacuate people wounded during a police raid against terrorists who took
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker said on Friday he did not want Catalonia to be
ANKARA (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s threats against Iran will damage the United States, a senior commander in
OSLO (Reuters) - Norway said on Friday it planned to send an armored battalion near its arctic border with Russia and buy mor
YAOUNDE (Reuters) - More than 500 people have been swept up in mass arrests following violent demonstrations in Cameroo
KISUMU, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenyan police shot dead two people and wounded a third person on Friday when a crowd of oppos
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is set to agree on Monday to ban business ties with North Korea, part of a new pack
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Friday accused the U.S. authorities of acting in an unacceptable way by not issuing entry
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Three skydivers were killed in Australia on Friday after what authorities believe was a mid-air collision. Two
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Turkey s military has begun setting up observation posts in northwest Syria s Idlib province, its General Staff
BEIJING (Reuters) - Inside the packed exhibition hall in central Beijing is a showcase of China s recent achievements: the count
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish economy could grow less than initially expected in 2018 due to uncertainty over Catalonia, De
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday told his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif tha
MOSCOW (Reuters) - If the United States withdraws from the Iran nuclear deal, this will have extremely negative consequenc
LONDON (Reuters) - A teenager who moved to Britain after his parents were killed in Iraq will go on trial in March over a bomb
GAZA (Reuters) - It didn t take long after the firework smoke cleared in Gaza for some Palestinians to start questioning whethe
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Britain must commit to paying what it owes to the European Union before talks can begin about a fu
BERLIN (Reuters) - It is up to Britain to move Brexit talks forward, Germany said on Friday, warning that time is running out fo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - If the United States leaves the Iran nuclear deal, this will be the end of this international agreement, the
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May could have more to say on the Brexit financial settlement at next wee
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was only joking when he said the English langu
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A U.S. consulate worker detained by Turkish authorities last week saw his lawyer on Friday. We had the
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan is seeking to boost its regional soft power by throwing its weight behind dozens of companies investi
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A Pakistani court on Friday delayed the extradition hearing of a Pakistani-American man accused of plo
HANOI (Reuters) - At least 54 people died and 39 went missing as destructive floods battered northern and central Vietnam th
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s top banking regulator Guo Shuqing and veteran banker Jiang Chaoliang are front runners to succee
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government on Friday vowed to work for continued global unity if U.S. President Donald Trum
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong s leader denied on Friday that China had taken over immigration controls in the city after a
BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa (Reuters) - South Africa s Supreme Court of Appeal on Friday upheld a High Court ruling to reins
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker said on Friday he did not want Catalonia to be
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte retained a high public approval rating in an opinion poll released on F
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese court on Friday jailed the country s number one most wanted fugitive for eight years for graft an
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia, which until recently had been one of Pyongyang s closest friends, has halted all imports
MOSCOW, MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and Saudi Arabia are on track to sign a contract on supplies of Russia s advanced S-400
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities issued detention warrants for 115 people across 15 provinces over alleged links to last
MANILA (Reuters) - The head of the Philippines anti-narcotics agency on Friday warned of a reduced intensity in the country s
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said there was no problem with Turkey s planned purchase of Russian S-400 su
COLOMBO/NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India is in advanced talks with Sri Lanka to operate an airport on the southern tip of the isla
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand on Friday held a nationwide Buddhist almsgiving ceremony to mark the passage of a year since
ISLAMABAD/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A kidnapped U.S.-Canadian couple and their three children born in captivity have been
SEOUL (Reuters) - A series of tremors and landslides near North Korea s nuclear test base likely mean the country s sixth and la
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - The leader of the small New Zealand party holding the balance of power after an inconclusive electio
SEOUL, (Reuters) - In 2009, a pop video from North Korea celebrated a new national hero - one that outside experts would lat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will lay out a more confrontational strategy toward Iran by the United Stat
BOGOTA (Reuters) - A peace deal between Colombia and Marxist FARC rebels is being threatened by drug trafficking and cultiv
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A first convoy of the military operation that Turkey is carrying out in Syria s Idlib province crossed into the a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday that Russia
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania s ruling Social Democrats endorsed on Thursday a government reshuffle proposed by Prime M
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders could hand Theresa May an olive branch in deadlocked Brexit negotiations next
MIAMI (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Thursday he was hopeful that the freeing of a kidnapped U.S.-Can
GHARYAN, Libya (Reuters) - Thousands of migrants displaced by fighting on Libya s northwestern coast are in urgent need of m
DUBAI (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates is ending the mission of North Korea s non-resident ambassador and terminating
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s expected move to de-certify the international nuclear deal with Iran is drivi
ROME (Reuters) - The Italian Chamber of Deputies on Thursday gave its final approval to a contested electoral law that is likely
BERLIN (Reuters) - Frauke Petry, the former co-leader of the far right Alternative for Germany (AfD), will unveil her new Blue P
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Former soccer star George Weah leads in partial presidential election results in 11 of Liberia s 15 counti
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Former soccer star George Weah leads in early presidential election results in 11 of Liberia s 15 countie
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia accused the United States of denying entry to a senior military official to conduct a joint R
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - The freeing of a kidnapped U.S.-Canadian couple and their three children in Pakistan is a positive sign a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Brexit talks are deadlocked over money, the EU s Michel Barnier said on Thursday as he ruled out discuss
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Nerves are fraying in the Brexit talks, negotiators are trying to work out if the other side is bluffing about
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders will tell Britain next week it must improve the terms of its withdrawal offer, but
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi government said on Thursday it would not hold talks with the Kurdish autonomous region on r
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey will gradually close border gates with northern Iraq in coordination with the central Iraqi governme
MADRID (Reuters) - Spaniards lined the streets of Madrid and Barcelona on Thursday and national flags hung from balconies a
BEIJING (Reuters) - China understands and supports the Spanish government s efforts to protect the country s unity and territo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump s chief of staff said on Thursday that Washington believes Havana coul
BERLIN (Reuters) - The leader of Germany s pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), a possible partner in Chancellor Angela Merke
PARIS (Reuters) - The United States and Israel announced on Thursday they were quitting the U.N. s cultural agency UNESCO,
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain remains committed to UNESCO, a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said on Thursday aft
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s foreign ministry said on Thursday it regrets the decision by the U.S. leadership to quit UNESCO, a
(Reuters) - Hyatt Hotels Corp (H.N) said on Thursday it had discovered unauthorized access to payment card information at ce
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has spoken with senior officials of Britain, China, France and Rus
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chastened by their worst result since 1949 in September s national election, Chancellor Angela Merkel s co
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s lower house of parliament on Thursday approved a new electoral law for use in the next national elec
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - Air raids by U.S. coalition warplanes have intensified in recent days as Kurdish and Arab militias seek
ROME (Reuters) - The Italian Chamber of Deputies on Thursday gave its final approval to a contested electoral law that is likely
NIAMEY/DAKAR (Reuters) - Chad has withdrawn hundreds of troops from neighboring Niger, where they were helping local fo
GAZA/CAIRO (Reuters) - Rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah signed a reconciliation deal on Thursday after Hamas agree
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said on Thursday the Trump administration thinks the threat p
TAMPA, Fla (Reuters) - The head of U.S. Central Command said he was concerned about Iran s long-term activities in the regio
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A soft Brexit incorporating trade deals would be the best way to minimize damage to Britain and th
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi government has a series of conditions that the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) must meet
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue met with British politicians on Thursday as the two countries eye
YANGON (Reuters) - Rohingya Muslims are not native to Myanmar, the army chief told the U.S. ambassador in a meeting in wh
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Two of Somalia s highest-ranking military officials have resigned, state outlets said on Thursday, in mo
((This story contains obscene language in the 15 and 16 paragraphs).) By Manuel Mogato and Neil Jerome Morales MANILA (R
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF is planning a special vote to give veteran President Robert Mugabe a fresh five
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany has extended temporary passport controls on its border with Austria and for flights coming from G
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chilean President Michelle Bachelet welcomed more than 60 Syrian refugees to the country s capital of
LONDON (Reuters) - Sally Jones, a British jihadi who recruited online for the Islamic State group, has been killed in Syria by a U
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s spokesman refused on Thursday to comment on a newspaper report that a
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Thursday it was time to ramp up the pace of Brexit talks aft
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday that Pakistan s cooperation in securing the release of a U.
LONDON/BELFAST (Reuters) - Britain is hopeful of some good news from Northern Ireland that may allow it to introduce legis
(Reuters) - Russian cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab said on Thursday that it has expanded its relationship with global law enf
AL-BAB, Syria/BEIRUT/ANKARA (Reuters) - Children returning to school in the northern Syrian city of al-Bab were handed a new
NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - For more than 1,000 years, the al-Hawza al-Ilmiyya south of Baghdad has been one of the hearts of Shi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (FB.O) Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said on Thursday the company was com
PARIS (Reuters) - A large majority of people in France believe President Emmanuel Macron s tax policies favor the rich, a poll s
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Any Palestinian reconciliation deal must abide by international agreements and terms set by the Middl
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused the United States on Thursday of mistreating a strategic ally, in
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday praised the rescue of a kidnapped U.S.-Canadian couple a
PARIS (Reuters) - There was a time when angry French workers could down tools and take to the streets en masse to force min
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is withdrawing from UNESCO, the United Nation s cultural and educational agenc
ESTCOURT, South Africa (Reuters) - Police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades to break up crowds hurling insults at a group
SOFIA (Reuters) - Couples lining up to face each other are given 30 seconds to chat before moving on - in a version of speed da
HANOVER, Germany (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday she would conduct negotiations on Britain
GENEVA (Reuters) - West African migrants trying to reach Europe are dying in far greater numbers in the Sahara than in the M
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan authorities banned protests in central Nairobi and other hotspots as they tried to keep a lid on mo
CARACAS/SAN CRISTOBAL, Venezuela (Reuters) - Early last year, Leandro Colmenares sold his car and his apartment and fled V
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia may send more Iskander tactical missiles to its Kaliningrad exclave in response to the latest U.S. a
HANOI (Reuters) - Heavy rain in northern and central Vietnam triggered floods and landslides that killed 46 people and 33 peo
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The traffic jams and roadworks that snarl the 200 km main highway from the capital Prague to the southe
BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. short-term rental service Airbnb Inc has removed listings in Beijing as the capital prepares to host a fiv
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian court on Thursday overturned the conviction of a dentist couple for the murder of their teen
MADRID (Reuters) - A Eurofighter combat jet plane crashed near a military base in southeastern Spain on Thursday, killing its p
KABUL (Reuters) - Civilian casualties from Afghan and American air strikes have risen more than 50 percent since last year, the
ANKARA (Reuters) - The U.S. consulate worker who was arrested by Turkish authorities last week will meet his lawyer on Frida
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has given assurances that Washington s only goal in Syria is fighting
CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah on Thursday agreed to complete the handover of administrative control
GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah have agreed to hand over responsibility for the Rafah border crossing in G
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump finds himself under immense pressure as he considers de-certifying the int
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will not speculate on what will happen if the United States withdraws from an international deal to
CAIRO/BEIRUT (Reuters) - A ceasefire deal for a Syrian rebel enclave south of Damascus was reached on Thursday, brokered b
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday the United States was hiding a suspect in its Istanbul c
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, said on Thursday a landmark arms control treaty that helped e
SEOUL (Reuters) - The heir to South Korea s Samsung Group, convicted of bribing the country s former president, appeared in
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt has extended a state of emergency for another three months, starting Friday, the official gazette said
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia on Thursday deported 74 Chinese nationals wanted in China on suspicion of extorting mo
HONG KONG/BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Thursday it had the right to bar people from Hong Kong, a day after a British ac
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Named the richest man in China on Thursday with a net worth of $43 billion, property tycoon Xu Jiayi
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finnish President Sauli Niinisto is set to be elected for a second six-year term in January elections by a wid
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealanders will likely need to wait several more days to find out who will form the new governm
DIYARBAKIR (Reuters) - Turkish authorities have issued arrest warrants for 25 soldiers across Turkey and the breakaway Turkis
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Ukrainian Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko said on Thursday he was open to amending law reforms amid co
(This October 11 story has been refiled to add Puigdemont s first name, title in paragraph three.) By Blanca Rodr guez and Son
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities have detained seven people over Wednesday s explosion in a storage tank at a Tupras
CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia s High Court said on Thursday it was aware of the need to rule on the eligibility of seven lawm
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Four suspects charged with two women accused of killing the estranged half-brother of North Kor
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian army and its allies have captured areas of Islamic State-held al-Mayadin in eastern Syria, a Hezbo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s Defense Ministry said on Thursday that the U.S. military presence in the Baltic states contradicts
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia s next three governments must comply with a 2016 peace deal signed with the Marxist FARC re
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Guatemala s Supreme Court said on Wednesday it would not investigate the country s president
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday appeared to confirm he had North Korea in mind last w
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s top newspaper warned Communist Party officials on Thursday not to pray to God and worship Bud
ANKARA (Reuters) - The United States is still seeking an explanation from Ankara for the detention of staff at U.S. missions in T
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A diplomatic crisis between the United States and Turkey that led them to stop issuing visas to each
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke on Wednesday with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavu
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s Supreme Court on Wednesday decided to grant Congress the final word on decisions to remove a
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A hacker stole non-classified information about Australia s Joint Strike Fighter program and other military h
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya lurched deeper into political confusion on Wednesday as a court ruling and a parliamentary vote ap
BERLIN/PARIS (Reuters) - European countries are scrambling to cobble together a package of measures they hope will keep th
BERLIN (Reuters) - German intelligence agencies have warned German companies that Iran is still trying to circumvent restricti
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s ruling bloc could come close to keeping its two-thirds super majority
CHICAGO (Reuters) - An Illinois man accused of abducting a Chinese visiting scholar at the University of Illinois faces a new cha
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer is being treated for a slight blockage of a coronary artery, his office said
MONROVIA (Reuters) - One of Liberia s leading political parties called for a halt in announcing the result of Tuesday s presiden
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia protested to the United States on Wednesday after it said Russian flags were stolen from its consu
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Center-left lawmakers in Chile pledged on Wednesday to unify and support a single candidate in any eve
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s federal audit court on Wednesday ordered a freeze of former President Dilma Rousseff s assets as
TAMPA, Fla (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Wednesday that military relations with Turkey had been una
GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar security forces have brutally driven out half a million Muslim Rohingya from northern Rakhine s
YANGON (Reuters) - Rohingya Muslim villagers cut off from food and threatened by Buddhist neighbors in Myanmar s violence
TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Wednesday that the military was looking into what changes, if an
PARIS (Reuters) - France on Wednesday reiterated a call for the Spanish government to be left to resolve the secession crisis in
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Catalonia s president has no choice but to suspend secession since it is unlikely anyone will recognize th
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government has given Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont five days to say whether he declared
MONTERREY, Mexico (Reuters) - At least 13 people were killed when a fight broke out in a prison in the northern Mexican stat
SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military flew two strategic bombers over the Korean peninsula in a show of force la
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has lit the wick of war with North Korea and his country will be made to p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday denied a report from NBC News that he told his nation
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt will face a second trial on Friday for genocide, a la
ROME (Reuters) - The Italian government on Wednesday won two confidence votes on a fiercely contested electoral law that
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron called for changes to France s food chain on Wednesday to ensure that farmers
ANKARA (Reuters) - A German journalist went on trial for terrorism charges in Turkey on Wednesday, saying she was innocent
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi government forces and Iranian-trained Iraqi paramilitaries are preparing a major attack on Kurdish
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday slammed what he said were absolutely false med
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Hezbollah group dismissed multi-million-dollar rewards offered by the United States for the arre
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Three men blew themselves up near the police headquarters in central Damascus on Wednesday, killing tw
PARIS (Reuters) - Youths who torched a police car and attacked the car driver with an iron bar as he fled the flames were sente
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Wednesday for an attack on the police headquarters in central Dama
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s election board said on Wednesday that all eight presidential candidates who competed in election
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia does not rule out ordering the United States to cut its diplomatic staff in Russia to 300 people or f
ABUJA (Reuters) - The vast majority of almost 2 million Nigerians driven from their homes by the conflict with Boko Haram can
BERLIN (Reuters) - The number of asylum seekers registered in Germany fell in September and the annual total of new arrivals
LONDON (Reuters) - Illegal immigrants who survived a fire that killed about 80 people in a social housing block in London will b
PARIS (Reuters) - Arab states may want their turn at the helm of UNESCO, but the barbs hurled by Egypt at rival candidate Qat
LISBON (Reuters) - Former Portuguese prime minister Jose Socrates was indicted on graft and money laundering charges on W
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s 91-year-old Queen Elizabeth has asked her eldest son, Prince Charles, to lay a wreath on her beh
TOKYO (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, the Ronald Reagan, is conducting drills with a Japanese warship in waters aroun
HONG KONG (Reuters) - A British activist critical of Hong Kong s rights record was barred entry to the former British colony on
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s foreign minister said on Wednesday he hoped that talks to restore Northern Ireland s power-shar
DUBLIN (Reuters) - The unlikely choice of Argentinian communist guerrilla leader Ernesto Che Guevara, hero of the Cuban rev
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey hopes the United States will lift its decision on suspending visa services soon, the spokesman for th
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu spoke by phone with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on W
LUSAKA (Reuters) - The emergency powers invoked by Zambian President Edgar Lungu three months ago will expire with effec
NOVI PAZAR, Serbia (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan received a rapturous welcome on Wednesday during a visit t
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A Spanish diplomat has been proposed to head the world s chemical weapons watchdog at a critical
KOBANI, Syria (Reuters) - Islamic State fighters in the Syrian city of Raqqa are expected to fight to the death, but some local m
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin, a dog lover, received a top breed puppy as a belated birthday gift o
KINSHASA (Reuters) - An election to replace Congolese President Joseph Kabila cannot take place before April 2019, the electo
ROME (Reuters) - Europe s top human rights organization asked Italy for more information on its work intercepting migrants a
BERLIN (Reuters) - A co-leader of Germany s Greens, a possible partner in Chancellor Angela Merkel s next government, said o
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran s moderate president gave a full-throated defense of his one-time rivals in the Revolutionary Guards o
PARIS (Reuters) - France s government and labor unions, united in seeking to cut unemployment but divided over how to do s
CHISINAU (Reuters) - The European Union will not transfer a final tranche of loans worth 28 million euros ($33 million) to supp
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan s electoral commission on Wednesday barred from contesting elections a new political party
PARIS (Reuters) - Far-right leader Marine Le Pen has said it is possible to improve the lives of French citizens without leaving th
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel appointed Jan Hecker, her refugee policy coordinator, as her new foreign
ATHENS (Reuters) - Self-proclaimed anarchists burst into the Spanish embassy in Athens on Wednesday and threw leaflets in f
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May refused to say whether she would vote for Brexit if there was another
LONDON (Reuters) - British finance minister Philip Hammond said on Wednesday the value of a transitional Brexit deal would
ADEN (Reuters) - Security forces in the southern Yemeni city of Aden arrested 10 members of an Islamist partner in the intern
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary wants the European Union to speed up integration of the Western Balkans and for NATO to inc
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday Britain was not ramping up for a no deal in Brexi
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday announced that Russia would donate defense hardwa
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s opposition Socialist leader Pedro Sanchez said on Wednesday he had agreed with Prime Minister M
KABUL/PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Representatives of Afghanistan, China, Pakistan and the United States will meet in Om
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will experience trade difficulties due to Brexit but Britain will suffer more that the remaining Euro
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed near islands claimed by China in the South China Sea on Tuesday, three
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean hackers stole a large amount of classified military documents, including South Korea-U.S. warti
ATHENS (Reuters) - A Greek court on Wednesday backed the extradition to Moscow of a Russian citizen who also faces being s
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will make a working visit to Britain in early 2018, with a full state visit to follo
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police fired teargas at more than 1,000 opposition supporters marching through the capital Nairob
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday that the United States had violated its sovereignty and security, after a U.S. Navy
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - The half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was carrying $100,000 in cash in his backpac
LONDON (Reuters) - Many international banks and financial services firms based in Britain will decide in the first quarter of ne
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s leader balked at making a formal declaration of independence from Spain on Tuesday, call
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong s Chief Executive Carrie Lam warned in her maiden policy speech on Wednesday that the c
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand is putting the finishing touches this month to a lavish five-day funeral ceremony in a final goodb
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia accused the United States on Wednesday of allowing Islamic State to operate under its nose in S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three congressional committees are scuffling over a former British spy s reports that are central to i
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - An explosion in a storage tank at a Tupras refinery in the western Turkish province of Izmir on Wednesda
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered police to halt activities in his deadly war on drugs and lea
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran will react sharply to any U.S. move against the nuclear deal with global powers, Foreign Minister Moha
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The Kenyan parliament passed an amendment on Wednesday to the country s election laws, saying that i
MANILA (Reuters) - A group of Philippine lawyers on Wednesday filed an injunction with the Supreme Court to try to stop Pres
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Outgoing Dutch Finance Minister and Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem will leave national politics
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday renewed his criticism of the United States, a wee
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The Kenyan election board should include Ekuru Aukot, who polled less than 1 percent in presidential elec
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday urged all sides to exercise restraint over the North Korea issue afte
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday it has lodged stern representations with the United States afte
BERLIN (Reuters) - A dispute between the Spanish government and the leaders of Catalonia over the region s efforts to seek in
KABUL (Reuters) - American warplanes in Afghanistan are dropping bombs in numbers not seen since the height of the U.S. tro
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - At least 200 Muslims have fled their village in the western Indian state of Rajasthan after a Hindu priest
RAQQA/DUBAI (Reuters) - While Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was accusing the West of turning a blind eye to Islamic State
PARIS (Reuters) - The independence speech made by Catalonia s leader was a trick , Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis s
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand aircraft manufacturer Pacific Aerospace Ltd has plead guilty in a New Zealand court to i
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping is likely to retain his right-hand man, the graft-buster Wang Qishan, in a senior
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s former ambassador to the United Nations has taken up a new role as a deputy head of the country
SEOUL (Reuters) - A group of South Korean businessmen who own factories in the Kaesong industrial complex inside North Ko
HONG KONG (Reuters) - The following are highlights of the maiden policy address of Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam on Wednes
LA PAZ (Reuters) - Thousands of Bolivians marched through streets across the Andean country on Tuesday to protest a new bi
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Communist Party opened a meeting on Wednesday to make final preparations for a key party cong
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - The leader of the small nationalist party that will decide New Zealand s next government said on We
LONDON (Reuters) - A tough line from President Donald Trump has been met by a show of unity from both sides of Iran s politi
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May has reaffirmed Britain s commitment to a 2015 Iran nuclear deal in a telepho
PARIS (Reuters) - French public sector workers went on strike on Tuesday against President Emmanuel Macron s plans to cull j
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. B-1 bombers carried out a training exercise on Tuesday with Japanese and South Korean m
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council has banned four ships from ports globally for carrying coal fr
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump met on Tuesday with his top defense officials for a briefing and discuss
(Reuters) - A hack at global accounting firm Deloitte [DLTE.UL] disclosed in September compromised a server with emails of so
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Tuesday offered multimillion-dollar rewards for two officials of the Iran-backed
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan blamed the U.S. ambassador to Turkey on Tuesday for a diplomatic crisis betwe
MADRID (Reuters) - Dinner at the Barcelona home of Catalonia-born Montserrat Armisen, an independence supporter, can be
(Reuters) - The standoff between Spain and Catalonia entered a new phase on Tuesday as Catalonia s leader delayed by severa
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico s will receive a pay out of $150 million from a catastrophe bond after a Sept. 7 quake met par
BRASILIA (Reuters) - A Brazilian congressional report recommended on Tuesday that President Michel Temer should not face t
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont should come back to the path of the law if he wants talks to take place
ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish court has sentenced a journalist from the Wall Street Journal to two years and one month in pris
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberians voted on Tuesday in an election expected to mark the first democratic transfer of power in ov
CARACAS (Reuters) - Five magistrates named by the opposition-run congress who had been holed up in the Chilean ambassad
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will make an announcement this week on an overall Iran strategy, inc
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and other regional politicians signed a document declaring Cataloni
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s deputy prime minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria was due to make a speech at the prime ministe
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish Socialist opposition leader Pedro Sanchez was on his way to meet Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy i
PARIS (Reuters) - French investigators are preparing for an intricate operation to repatriate an Air France Airbus A380 passeng
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian activist who is under criminal investigation for his human rights work on Tuesday dedicated an i
PARIS/GENEVA (Reuters) - Switzerland is sending a Tunisian couple who include the brother of a man presumed to have killed
LONDON (Reuters) - Kate, Britain s Duchess of Cambridge, made her first public appearance on Tuesday since it was announce
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia accused the United States on Tuesday of pretending to fight Islamic State and of deliberately redu
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian military jet crashed while taking off from Russia s Hmeymim air base in Syria on Tuesday in an
GENEVA (Reuters) - Switzerland is sending a Tunisian couple who include the brother of the presumed knife attacker at Marse
THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte sealed a deal to form a new coalition government on Tuesday, annou
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The incoming Dutch government rolled out the red carpet for big business on Tuesday, firming up pla
BARCELONA (Reuters) - The leader of Catalonia s government called on Tuesday for a reduction in tensions in its standoff with
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A CIA operative told a jury on Tuesday about the terror he experienced in 2012 when militants attac
ATHENS (Reuters) - A mental health emergency is unfolding in migrant camps on Greece s islands, fueled by poor living conditi
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German authorities arrested a suspected child sex abuser on Tuesday after taking the extraordinary st
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga withdrew on Tuesday from a court-ordered re-run of the presiden
GLASGOW, Scotland (Reuters) - Nicola Sturgeon told her Scottish National Party on Tuesday that Britain s impending exit from
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany may need to wait until next year for a new government as the three blocs trying to form an allian
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Hundreds of suspected Islamic State militants surrendered last week to Kurdish authorities after the jiha
MANILA (Reuters) - A Filipino accused by the United States of being an Islamic State supporter involved in a foiled plot to mou
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union will have to reconsider its Brexit strategy if Britain fails to improve its offers to Bruss
LONDON (Reuters) - Investors who lend billions of euros to Spain every year are struggling to sketch out the repercussions for
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Tuesday s session of the Catalan parliament at which regional leader Carles Puigdemont could unilater
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A diplomatic dispute between Turkey and the United States has not affected military operations or p
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Google has discovered Russian operatives spent tens of thousands of dollars on ads on its YouTube,
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp said on Monday it was looking into whether Russians bought U.S. election ads on it
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Islamic State will be completely defeated in Iraq this year, Iraqi state television quoted Prime Minister H
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - The European Union should not mediate in the secession crisis in Spain s northern region of Catalonia
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia s royals made a rare intervention into public affairs on Tuesday, calling for unity and relig
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel said on Tuesday that the Hezbollah guerrilla group, its most potent enemy in neighboring Lebano
MADRID - Catalan regional leader Carles Puigdemont planned on Tuesday to address a session of the regional parliament that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will host Singapore s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the White Hou
ROME (Reuters) - The Italian government called on Tuesday for confidence votes in the lower house of parliament to try to for
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A rebel group in northern Syria handed control of a major border crossing to a Turkey-backed Syrian oppos
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said on Tuesday that a re-run of August s nullified presidential election
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government is reinforcing security at airports and rail stations in Catalonia before a meeting a
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump may travel to the heavily fortified demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating North a
PARIS (Reuters) - Two French prison inmates who were soon to be freed have been placed under investigation on suspicion o
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is seeking to reopen its embassy in Libya pending security conditions, officials said o
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday he is determined to engage Germany in a debate
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday the United States should dismiss its ambassador to An
ATHENS (Reuters) - The Greek parliament passed a law on Tuesday to make it easier for people to change their legally recogni
LONDON (Reuters) - European Union lawmakers on Tuesday gave broad support to a law that could end the City of London s g
LONDON (Reuters) - Brexit is not a game, the European Union s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, told British reporters on Tue
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is negotiating the terms of Britain s exit from the bloc in good faith and is not worki
YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar on Tuesday launched its first bid to improve relations between Buddhists and Muslims since an
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis will meet Myanmar s top Buddhist monks, its military generals and civilian leader Aung
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Yuriko Koike says she went into politics to be a player, not a bystander. Now Tokyo s first female go
MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) - Two staff members of a Kenyan university were killed south of Mombasa on Tuesday when gunm
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish police officer shot and seriously wounded a state prosecutor after they argued in his office in t
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May pledged on Tuesday to hold a mirror up to society with a study showing sha
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh police have detained several top leaders of the country s largest Islamist party in a crackdown a
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Tuesday it had dropped accusations against CNN International of violating Russian media
LONDON (Reuters) - A spokesman for Iran s armed forces warned U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday against threatenin
TOKYO (Reuters) - Election campaigning in Japan began in earnest on Tuesday with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seeking to repe
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - A Vietnamese woman accused of killing the half-brother of North Korea s leader was captured on
CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia is trying to move asylum seekers held in one of its two remote Pacific detention centers to the
CRAIOVA, Romania (Reuters) - NATO ally Turkey is not seeking to antagonize the U.S.-led alliance by purchasing Russian S-400
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam called on Cambodia on Tuesday to guarantee the legal rights of Vietnamese migrants living there a
TAIPEI (Reuters) - President Tsai Ing-wen vowed on Tuesday to defend Taiwan s freedom and democracy amid growing pressu
MOSCOW (Reuters) - North Korea s leadership has told Russian lawmakers that it possesses a ballistic missile with a range of 3
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission repeated its call for dialogue in Spain to end the crisis in Catalonia amid conce
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s military operations in Syria s rebel-held province of Idlib aim to prevent a wave of migration into
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey must be present in Syria s Idlib province until the threat from there toward Turkey is over, Defens
CHAMAN/QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Thousands of Pashtun tribal people who for decades ignored the invisible line that bise
ZURICH (Reuters) - More than one in three Swiss feel uncomfortable around people perceived to be different because of thei
GENEVA (Reuters) - Bangladesh border guards reported more than 11,000 Rohingya refugees crossing into their country from
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - The leader of the small nationalist party that will decide New Zealand s next government said on Tue
BERLIN (Reuters) - Most Germans are wary of anything that smacks of nationalism given their Nazi history but the concept of
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s far right Freedom Party, days before parliamentary elections which are expected to catapult it int
LONDON (Reuters) - A top aide to Iran s Supreme Leader warned the United States on Tuesday against designating the elite Re
QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - (This October 9 story has been refiled to correct paragraphs 1, 5 after police revise toll to three H
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) began distributing 900,000 doses of cholera vacci
TOKYO (Reuters) - A district court in Fukushima prefecture on Tuesday ruled that Tokyo Electric Power and the Japanese gove
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Some New Zealand forest owners are suspending replanting of trees and re-thinking investments as
(This Oct. 9 story has been refiled to add a dropped word in the headline) By Sonya Dowsett BILBAO, Spain (Reuters) - As Spai
TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisia s navy rescued almost 100 migrants from a sinking boat off its southeast coast late on Monday, auth
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand will hold a general election in November 2018, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said on Tuesd
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine lawmakers rejected President Rodrigo Duterte s choice of health secretary on Tuesday, making
TOKYO (Reuters) - Campaigning began on Tuesday in an election that pits Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s Liberal Democratic Part
WARSAW (Reuters) - When presidential aide Malgorzata Sadurska joined the board of Poland s biggest and oldest insurance co
TUNIS/TRIPOLI (Reuters) - U.N. agencies said on Monday they were trying to provide urgent help to large numbers of migrants
CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia s High Court began a three-day hearing on Tuesday to determine the eligibility of seven lawma
STOCKHOLM/CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. academic Richard Thaler, who helped popularize the idea of nudging people towards
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Ten million Australians, or 62.5 percent of eligible voters, have cast their votes so far in a postal ballot on w
(Reuters) - About six in 10 people want British Prime Minister Theresa May to remain in her position until the Brexit process is
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia s secessionist leader faced increased pressure on Monday to abandon plans to dec
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose said on Monday that corruption allegations surrounding three
FRAGA, Spain (Reuters) - Some Catalan residents were shifting their bank accounts to lenders and branches in other regions of
LONDON (Reuters) - Ethnic minorities in Britain have a lower employment rate than white people and are under-represented
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday said only one thing will work in dealing with North Korea
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea s leader Kim Jong Un said his nuclear weapons were a powerful deterrent that guaranteed its
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory Coast authorities arrested a senior aide to parliament speaker Guillaume Soro on Monday, a prosecu
PARIS (Reuters) - France s hard-left CGT trade union called a third strike against President Emmanuel Macron s overhaul of em
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and China called for restraint on North Korea on Monday after U.S. President Donald Trump warn
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Any escalation of tension on the Korean peninsula is unacceptable, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavro
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey urged the United States on Monday to review its suspension of visa services after the arrest of a U
COLOMBO (Reuters) - Two people have been arrested in Sri Lanka for suspected money laundering from a Taiwanese bank wh
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Turkey said on Monday the duration of a suspension in visa services in Turkey w
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe moved Patrick Chinamasa from the finance ministry on Monday to le
VIENNA (Reuters) - The far right Freedom Party (FPO), set to become kingmaker after elections on Oct. 15, wants Austria to joi
LONDON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain and its European Union partners clashed on Monday over which side should make the n
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May told business leaders that they should treat a two-year transition period afte
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s parliament approved contentious taxes needed to finance a public sector pay rise on Monday an
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Thousands of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar fled to Bangladesh on Monday in a new
MAPUTO (Reuters) - Gun battles last week between police and attackers in a remote northern Mozambican port killed 16 peo
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will not revoke the Article 50 legal process which started a two-year Brexit negotiating period, Pri
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday she expected any deal with the European Union to be struck
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Militants attacked two military bases in northeastern Democratic Republic o
SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) - Former Salvadoran President Armando Calderon, who helped oversee the Central American countr
LILONGWE (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Monday it has pulled staff out of two districts in southern Malawi where a v
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece began debating on Monday a bill allowing people to change their gender identity without medical
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has denied responsibility for alleged cyber attacks in the United States appearing to target exiled tyc
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. government-sponsored Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) said on Monday Moscow had thre
(This version of the story from 8th October has been refiled to fix a typo in the headline) MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian firefigh
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday an agreement within her conservative bloc on limiting m
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said it was possible that the European Court of Justice could continue
VIELHA, Spain (Reuters) - If Catalonia declares independence from Spain this week, one community in the region s mountainou
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said negotiations with the European Union on leaving the bloc needed
GUIGLO, Ivory Coast (Reuters) - An ethnic-fueled land dispute has driven thousands of farmers off illegal plantations in Ivory C
KIEV (Reuters) - Turkey s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday a U.S. decision to suspend visa services in Turkey was upse
CRAIOVA, Romania (Reuters) - NATO launched a new multinational force in Romania on Monday to counter Russia along its ea
VALLEGRANDE, Bolivia (Reuters) - Thousands gathered on Monday in a small town in southern Bolivia, where the leader of the
ABUJA (Reuters) - The trial of more than 1,600 people suspected of ties with Boko Haram was expected to begin in Nigeria on
TBILISI (Reuters) - Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili on Monday vetoed a draft new constitution and sent it back to par
LONDON (Reuters) - British police have cautioned a woman over an incident at a London primary school attended by Prince Ge
LONDON (Reuters) - Iran promised on Monday to give a crushing response if the United States designated its elite Revolution
LONDON (Reuters) - A speech in Italy by Prime Minister Theresa May created momentum in Brexit talks with the European Un
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - It is up to Britain, rather than the European Union, to make progress in divorce negotiations with the Eur
LONDON (Reuters) - Iranian authorities have opened a new case against a British-Iranian charity worker serving five years in ja
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State took control of some Syrian villages in a rebel-controlled area east of Hama on Monday, open
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Spain s finance minister on Monday blamed the Catalan government for companies moving their he
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Digital privacy advocates who hope to force the repeal of a law giving Dutch intelligence agencies new
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany is worried that U.S. President Donald Trump will decide this week that Iran is not respecting a two
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Andrej Babis, the frontrunner to become Czech prime minister after this month s election, said on Monday
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities summoned a U.S. consulate worker to testify on Monday over his relatives alleged link
PARIS (Reuters) - A British border guard was one of 12 people arrested in France and Britain as part of an operation against arm
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union will cut back contacts with Myanmar s top generals in a first step to increase sanctio
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey will retry a lawmaker from the main opposition party after a court annulled his 25-year prison sent
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s foreign ministry on Monday summoned the U.S. embassy undersecretary and called for an end to
HODEIDAH, Yemen (Reuters) - One of the latest victims of the cholera epidemic that has killed more than 2,000 people in Yem
ROME (Reuters) - The brother of the man who killed two women with a knife outside Marseille train station last week was pro
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey could seek a deal to acquire a missile defense system with another country if Russia does not agr
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - In the gutted four-storey building that he and five other U.S.-backed fighters have turned into a front
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Prince Harry said on Monday the mental health of serving soldiers was as important as ensuring
CHISINAU (Reuters) - Moldova s Prime Minister Pavel Filip said on Monday he was confident of meeting all the conditions to g
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union negotiators see no big breakthrough in a new round of Brexit talks from Monday nor wh
BARINAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - Tirelessly traversing the lethargic plains of Venezuela, a brother of former leader Hugo Chavez
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The head of Russia s central election commission urged President Vladimir Putin on Monday to ensure a
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese authorities believe a criminal gang is responsible for the abduction of a Swiss humanitarian w
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police fired teargas and shots in the air on Monday as hundreds of demonstrators marched throug
SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Naser Oric, the Bosnian Muslim commander who led the defense of Srebrenica during the 1992-95 war,
GAZA/RAMALLAH (Reuters) - Negotiators from rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Islamist group Hamas will discuss security in
MYEBON, Myanmar (Reuters) - Buddhist villagers in relatively peaceful parts of Myanmar s Rakhine state are enforcing a syste
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that talks with Saudi Arabia over Moscow supplying Riyadh with advanced S
TUNIS/ROME (Reuters) - At least eight people drowned on Monday when a boat carrying dozens of mostly Tunisian migrants c
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that it was in touch with the French government over a possible visit to Rus
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish armed forces began reconnaissance activities in Syria s Idlib province on Sunday, the military con
MADRID (Reuters) - The leader of Spain s Socialists, the main opposition to Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy s conservative Peopl
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte s honeymoon period may be over, but his deadly anti-drugs campaig
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police fired teargas and shots in the air on Monday as hundreds of demonstrators marched throug
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Saturday to discuss th
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel said her conservative bloc would begin exploratory talks next week on forming a
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s High Court has asked for Spanish national police to provide extra security at the court build
KABUL (Reuters) - The International Committee of the Red Cross will drastically cut back its operations in Afghanistan followin
LONDON (Reuters) - Protecting Britain from cyber crime is as important as defending it against terrorism, the head of Britain s
ROME (Reuters) - (This October 8 story has been refiled to correct names of Marseille attacker and his brother, which had bee
LONDON (Reuters) - Nigeria s Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, who has served as acting president for much of this year, said on M
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey urged the United States on Monday to review its suspension of visa services after the arrest of a U
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Men in plain clothes fired shots in the air as hundreds of opposition supporters marched through the Keny
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Monday it hopes the Iran nuclear deal will stay intact, playing an important role in keeping th
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai airlines can now add flights to the growing China, South Korea and Japan markets after the U.N. Inte
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Catalonia s capital Barcelona on Sunday to exp
PARIS (Reuters) - France will not recognize Catalonia if the Spanish region unilaterally declares independence, European affairs
ISLAMABAD/KARACHI (Reuters) - The son-in-law of ousted Pakistani premier Nawaz Sharif was arrested at Islamabad airport o
BOSASO, Somalia (Reuters) - Islamist al Shabaab militants attacked a checkpoint in Somalia s semi-autonomous Puntland regio
BERLIN (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said in a newspaper interview that Spain would not be divided, a we
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli military said on Sunday it destroyed an outpost belonging to the Islamist group Hamas in th
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - The party holding the balance of power in New Zealand s election said on Monday foreign ownership
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) reached a deal on migrant policy with her c
MONROVIA (Reuters) - After a dozen years of recovery under Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro baited U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday by thanking him fo
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - The speaker of Ethiopia s lower house of parliament submitted his resignation on Sunday, one of the
ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish prosecutor has called for jail sentences of up to 15 years on terrorism charges for a group of righ
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish real estate firm Inmobiliaria Colonial has called a board meeting for Monday to discuss moving its
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - At least two people have died after a boat carrying refugees fleeing Myanmar capsized o
ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland on Sunday called for the quick release of a Swiss woman reported abducted in Sudan s trouble
YANGON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The European Union and the United States are considering targeted sanctions against Mya
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan will extend a unilateral ceasefire with rebels until the end of December, state news agency SUN
BEIRUT/DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran warned the United States against designating its Revolutionary Guards Corp as a terrorist group
LONDON (Reuters) - A woman who tried to scale the gates of Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth s London residence, has be
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia will apply a referendum law, which calls for a declaration of independence if a referendum s
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) have agreed on the divisive issue of a refug
AMMAN/ANKARA (Reuters) - A Turkish army reconnaissance team scouted out Syria s Idlib province on Sunday, a senior Syria
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Sunday that the United States was serving the interests o
MADRID (Reuters) - The board of Spanish infrastructure firm Abertis will meet on Monday to discuss moving its head office ou
MANILA (Reuters) - Trust and satisfaction in Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte fell to the lowest of his presidency in the third q
PARIS (Reuters) - Emmanuel Macron may have won the opening salvo in his battle to reform France s economy, but a nationw
HAVANA (Reuters) - The man forecast to replace Cuban President Raul Castro early next year rejected U.S. demands that the C
MOSCOW/ST PETERSBURG (Reuters) - Police detained more than 200 opposition activists on Saturday for taking part in a wav
TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said on Sunday her new party aims to offer voters a middle of the fairway ch
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is within its rights to restrict the operations of U.S. media organizations in Russia in retaliation for
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s traditional political parties have pledged to back a new electoral law this week that is seen penalizing
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine President Mauricio Macri s business-friendly coalition is poised to win an important Sena
JORDAN RIVER, West Bank (Reuters) - Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian women trekked through a biblical desert landscape
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday Turkey was implementing a deal agreed with Russia and Iran to r
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence visited Las Vegas on Saturday stressing unity and offering solace as polic
ACCRA (Reuters) - At least seven people were killed and dozens injured, mostly suffering burns, after a huge explosion at a fue
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A dual national member of Iran s nuclear negotiating team has been jailed for five years for spying, news ag
ZURICH (Reuters) - More than a quarter of Austrian voters may still be undecided ahead of the Oct. 15 election, according to o
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - A final assault on Islamic State s last line of defense in its former Syrian capital Raqqa should begin on
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Britain s struggles to chart a way out of the European Union are boosting the case for Scottish indepen
LONDON (Reuters) - British police said on Sunday a man arrested after a car collided with pedestrians in London, injuring 11, h
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May has signaled that she could sack Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, a Su
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain s ruling Conservatives barred two of their own lawmakers in the European Parliament after they b
ACCRA (Reuters) - At least six people were killed and 35 injured, mostly suffering burns, after an explosion at a natural gas dep
MOGALAKWENA, South Africa (Reuters) - A new power struggle is unfolding in South Africa s old homelands between global m
DUBAI (Reuters) - Five suspected al Qaeda militants were killed by a drone strike in Yemen s Marib province early on Sunday, r
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Senior Afghan and American officials welcomed the arrival of new U.S.-made military helic
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s army and its allies have encircled Islamic State in the city of al-Mayadin, southeast of Deir al-Zor, in e
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - The ancient mud brick walls circling Raqqa s deserted old city are almost the only structure still intact
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s anti-graft watchdog said roughly 1.34 million lower-ranking officials have been punished since 2013
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand s small nationalist party which holds the balance of power after an inconclusive election
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - An indigenous woman backed by Mexico s rebel Zapatista movement registered on Saturday to run a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said in an interview broadcast on Saturday that he wanted to give a shot at
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s President Robert Mugabe said on Saturday he may make changes to his cabinet next week, at
SABRATHA, Libya (Reuters) - An armed alliance involved in a three-week battle over the Libyan smuggling hub of Sabratha said
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Saturday he would not rule out using the cons
LONDON (Reuters) - Eleven people were injured on Saturday when a car collided with pedestrians near London s Natural Histo
ANKARA/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebel fighters are launching a major military operation backed by Turkish forces into a nort
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government could use constitutional powers to suspend Catalonia s autonomy and prevent th
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s aim in backing Syrian rebel fighters for a major military operation into Syria s Idlib is to prevent cl
RIYADH (Reuters) - Two Saudi guards were shot dead and three others injured on Saturday morning when a man drove up to t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will announce new U.S. responses to Iran s missile tests, support for terror
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani defended the nuclear deal with Western powers Saturday and said that U
LONDON (Reuters) - British police said they had arrested a woman who was trying to scale the front gates of Queen Elizabeth
LONDON (Reuters) - Lawmakers in British Prime Minister Theresa May s Conservative Party who are trying to oust her as leade
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Legionaries of Christ, a Catholic religious order which fell into disgrace after the discovery that it
DRESDEN, Germany (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged her conservatives on Saturday to forge a three-way a
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Tahrir al-Sham, an alliance of jihadist factions in Syria, on Saturday decried Turkey-backed Syrian rebel facti
LONDON (Reuters) - London s ambulance service said they had treated 11 people, mostly for head and leg injuries, with nine t
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian police detained 51 men including several foreigners in a raid on what authorities described as
ST PETERSBURG (Reuters) - Russian riot police detained at least 10 opposition protesters on Saturday in central St Petersburg
LONDON (Reuters) - London police said they were keeping an open mind after a car collided with pedestrians outside the city
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker have di
MOSCOW (Reuters) - North Korea is preparing to test a long-range missile which it believes can reach the west coast of the Un
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Danish police said on Saturday divers had found the head and the legs of Swedish journalist Kim Wa
LONDON (Reuters) - London s Natural History Museum said on Saturday there had been a serious incident outside and it was w
ZURICH (Reuters) - A 38-year-old refugee from Sri Lanka was shot and killed by Swiss police on Saturday after he charged at tw
BERLIN (Reuters) - Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Saturday he would work towards a normalization of rela
RIYADH (Reuters) - The United States Embassy in Saudi Arabia warned U.S. citizens to exercise caution in the area around the
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s ruling PiS party and President Andrzej Duda say they are closer to a compromise on overhauling
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia has arrested four foreigners and four Malaysians for suspected involvement in terrorist a
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that Turkish soldiers were not in Syria s Idlib yet, but th
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that a major military operation was underway in the Sy
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A possible Labour-Green coalition narrowed the gap with the ruling National Party in New Zealand s
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand opposition Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern said on Saturday a final election vote tal
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English said a final election tally released on Saturday did not fundam
TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike does not expect her new conservative party to pick a candidate for prime min
YANGON (Reuters) - Muslim Rohingya insurgents said on Saturday they are ready to respond to any peace move by the Myanm
GENEVA/YANGON (Reuters) - The United Nations braced on Friday for a possible further exodus of Muslim Rohingya refugee
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - A political campaign fund set up in Brazil with public money to help fight corruption is not big enough f
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Jalal Talabani, whose presidency of post-Saddam Iraq symbolized the resurgence of the country s long-o
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican military helicopter crashed on Friday in the northern state of Durango, seriously injuring o
PARIS (Reuters) - A court on Friday sentenced a radicalized French woman to 10 years in prison after traveling to Syria where h
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The bullet-riddled body of a news photographer was found in central Mexico on Friday, state officials
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States lifted long-standing sanctions against Sudan on Friday, saying it had made progres
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A handful of private U.S. citizens who traveled to Cuba say they have experienced symptoms simila
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A former Mexican governor wanted on corruption charges was arrested on Friday, officials said, mark
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Friday that a fourth soldier was killed during an attack on Wednesday in Nig
NAIROBI/ABIDJAN (Reuters) - U.S. special forces soldiers were with their counterparts from Niger on Wednesday in the West A
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Former Mexican first lady Margarita Zavala, a leading contender to become president herself, said on
BRASILIA (Reuters) - The Brazilian government is studying whether to extradite Cesare Battisti, an Italian former left-wing guer
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - The bodies of 21 Egyptian Christians killed by Islamic State in its former Libyan stronghold of Sirte have bee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department has approved the possible sale of a THAAD anti-missile defense system t
(Reuters) - The United Nation s aviation agency International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on Friday condemned North Ko
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan secessionists were working on Friday toward a unilateral declaration of independenc
BERLIN (Reuters) - Catalonia s moves to seek independence from Spain could unleash a new euro crisis, Manfred Weber, head
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, speaking with French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday, discusse
DRESDEN, Germany (Reuters) - The youth wing of German Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives said on Friday the bloc ha
ANKARA/LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran has suggested to six world powers that it may be open to talks about its ball
DAKAR/BAMENDA, Cameroon (Reuters) - Troops and attack helicopters opened fire on protesters at the height of separatist ra
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A final tally in New Zealand s inconclusive election due to be released on Saturday could see oppositi
BOGOTA (Reuters) - At least six farmers protesting the removal of coca crops, the base ingredient in cocaine, were killed durin
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday she would stay on as leader to provide stability after a f
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Police fired tear gas on Friday at opposition protesters in Kenya s capital who were demanding that officia
TRIPOLI/TUNIS (Reuters) - An armed alliance involved in a three-week battle over the Libyan smuggling hub of Sabratha said it
BOCHUM, Germany (Reuters) - A 77-year-old spy, known as Germany s James Bond for his secret missions during and after the
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran said on Friday its ballistic missile program was for defense purposes only and non-negotiable, denying
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian military has cleared Islamic State from its last pocket of territory in central Syria after months of
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia on Friday rejected a United Nations report blaming a Saudi-led military coalition for
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s opposition said on Friday the pro-government election board was seeking to skew regional e
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - A decision on Friday by a Brazilian federal judge to freeze the assets and companies of the billionaire B
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s highest court on Friday upheld a four-year jail sentence on the former chairman of Generali Cesare Ge
ZURICH (Reuters) - Neutral Switzerland is in touch with Spain and Catalonia about resolving a row over the region s moves tow
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Final results in last weekend s banned Catalan referendum on independence from Spain showed yes
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A leading European rights watchdog called on Turkey on Friday to ease post-coup state of emergency law
LONDON (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch s British newspaper group said on Friday one of its titles had hacked the computer of a f
VIENNA (Reuters) - Munich prosecutors said on Friday they expect to complete their investigations into Airbus s $2 billion sale
PARIS (Reuters) - European Union countries should take advantage of a slowdown in the flow of migrants from Africa and the
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean workers are operating in the Kaesong industrial zone, state-run web sites said on Friday, after
WEGSCHEID, Germany (Reuters) - Two years ago, Wegscheid was on the front lines of Europe s refugee crisis. When Germany
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel won a fourth term in office in a German national election on Sept. 24, but a fractu
OSLO/GENEVA (Reuters) - A campaign group seeking a global ban on nuclear arms won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, given
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont will address the regional parliament next Tuesday on the current po
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan s Dentsu Inc was fined just 500,000 yen ($4,400) after a Tokyo court ruled it had made employees wo
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis told executives of leading internet companies on Friday to use their great profits to de
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Lawyers for two women accused of murdering the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Monday ruled out talks with North Korea except to discuss the fate of America
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic Republic of Congo s electoral commission is expected to announce in the coming da
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s army and its allies neared al-Mayadin on Friday, sources said, pushing an advance on an eastern city
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - As in-fighting consumes the British government, Europeans have stepped up quiet preparations for a pos
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian prosecutors said on Friday they had launched an investigation into the financial reporting pra
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government is deeply concerned about the political environment in Kenya as police and p
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodian government lawyers filed a lawsuit on Friday to demand the dissolution of the main opp
MADRID (Reuters) - Secessionist parties in the Catalan parliament are discussing an independence declaration that will be sub
OCSENY, Hungary (Reuters) - Zoltan Fenyvesi s offer to host migrants for a free holiday in his guest house set off a backlash in
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A man arrested on suspicion of trying to carry explosives onto a plane in western Sweden will be relea
ZURICH (Reuters) - Neutral Switzerland is ready to provide a platform for dialogue between the Spanish government and Cata
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s government on Friday passed a law to make it easier for companies to move their operations arou
TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike s new party on Friday unveiled an election platform that seeks to distance her
TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, whose new conservative party is challenging Japan s ruling bloc in an Oct. 22
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australians turned in 51,000 illegal firearms, ranging from 19th-century weapons to a rocket launcher, dur
KIGALI (Reuters) - A prominent critic of Rwanda s president appeared in court alongside her mother and sister on Friday, all ch
CAIRO (Reuters) - Sarah Hegazy has been jailed, beaten by inmates, and could face a life sentence in an Egyptian prison if foun
GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Militia fighters in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo attacked a U.N. pea
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey wants to open a new border gate with Iraq in cooperation with the central government in Baghdad
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May has postponed a trip to China that had been provisionally planned for
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May, who is facing an open rebellion from some of her own lawmakers, wi
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Shares worth over $500 million in Thailand s Siam Commercial Bank have been transferred on behalf of K
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa said late on Thursday he had been hospitalized in Augus
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government s official representative in Catalonia apologized on Friday for the violent respons
LONDON (Reuters) - Low on cash but high on hope, Iran s technology entrepreneurs are learning to live with revived hostility i
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand s ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will be charged with royal insult and compu
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece must speed up winter preparations at refugee camps on islands in the Aegean Sea where there has
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is expected to announce soon that he will decertify the landmark internatio
ASTANA (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday he hoped U.S. President Donald Trump would make
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said on Friday that an international deal to curb Iran s nuclear program struck
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont will speak in the regional parliament next Tuesday, a parliamentary spo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia s King S
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Sixteen people were killed on Friday when a train slammed into a bus that had broken down at a level cr
LONDON (Reuters) - Europe s drugs regulator has issued a 31.8 million-pound ($42 million) tender for temporary workers and
BEIJING (Reuters) - Thirteen Chinese fishermen died after their boat collided with a Hong Kong oil tanker in international wate
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s co-governing Social Democrats (SPO) and conservative (OVP), who are leading in polls ahead of th
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark looks set to become the next European country to restrict the burqa and the niqab, worn b
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday she would stay on as leader to provide stability after a f
GENEVA (Reuters) - The head of the Nobel Peace Prize winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons said on Fr
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany on Friday welcomed the Norwegian Nobel Committee s decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize t
GENEVA (Reuters) - A spokeswoman for International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) said on Friday the organiz
OSLO (Reuters) - The International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons issued the following statement after winni
OSLO (Reuters) - Following is the text of the Nobel Peace Prize award on Friday to the International Campaign to Abolish Nucle
OSLO (Reuters) - The leader of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Beatrice Fihn, was delighted with the
DUBAI (Reuters) - The United States is scaling back its involvement in some joint military exercises in the Gulf region, a spokes
GENEVA (Reuters) - Muslim Rohingyas continue to flee Myanmar to Bangladesh and the United Nations is bracing for possible
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell will face a court hearing in Australia next year to answer what
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Eberhard van der Laan, Amsterdam s popular mayor, has died of lung cancer, the city said on Friday.
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s environment minister and prominent Brexiteer Michael Gove said he hoped Theresa May would
LONDON (Reuters) - Former Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps said on Friday that both supporters and opponents of
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian airforce helicopter crashed in a remote mountain region near the border with China on Frida
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Europe must focus on preserving the free movement of EU
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Guatemala s attorney general and a U.N. anti-graft body accused the mayor of Guatemala City, A
SYDNEY (Reuters) - It was supposed to relieve a headache for Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, but a postal vote on
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Senator Nick Xenophon, a key independent lawmaker, said on Friday he was resigning from nati
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s Constitutional Court on Thursday ordered the suspension of Monday s session of the
HAVANA (Reuters) - The Cuban diplomats expelled from the United States this week included all those dealing with U.S. busin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian government-backed hackers stole highly classified U.S. cyber secrets in 2015 from the Natio
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi King Salman said there was consensus with Russia s leadership on broadening the scope of relations
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May should call a leadership election and as many as 30 of her lawmakers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pakistan s foreign minister on Thursday described as hollow allegations comments by senior U.S. o
NIAMEY (Reuters) - French and Nigerien troops were conducting operations on Thursday in a region of Niger where three U.S.
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - For 28-year-old Rohingya Muslim shopkeeper Mohammed Rashid, the evening phone ca
DHAKA (Reuters) - Hard-pressed to find space for a massive influx of Rohingya Muslim refugees, Bangladesh plans to chop dow
LONDON (Reuters) - Theresa May should stay on as British prime minister despite mishaps in her keynote party conference sp
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations blacklisted a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition on Thursday for killing and inj
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Thursday it had dismantled an Islamic State cell in the capital Riyadh, in connection wi
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The Pakistani army on Thursday said the government was discussing ways to try to integrate militant-l
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is preparing to lift decades-old economic sanctions against Sudan, citing improvem
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. military assistance for hurricane relief efforts has delayed the deployment of additional forces t
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted Saudi Arabia s King Salman for talks at the Kremlin on Thursday,
LONDON (Reuters) - It was meant to be the speech that rescued Theresa May s premiership, but her public humiliation before
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Senior figures from across Libya s political divides protested on Thursday against remarks by Britis
ROME (Reuters) - Hacking attacks on the web platform used by Italy s 5-Star Movement to select representatives and shape po
NICOSIA (Reuters) - Cyprus said on Thursday it had postponed a summit of leaders of southern EU states after discussions with
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s government will issue a decree on Friday making it easier for firms to transfer their legal base out
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The head of Russia s FSB security service said on Thursday Moscow knew the identities of four Russian ci
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish lender Sabadell decided on Thursday to transfer its legal base from Catalonia to Alicante, a bank s
VIENNA (Reuters) - Support for Austria s ruling Social Democrats has slipped since a scandal embroiled the party ahead of an O
QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A suicide bombing at a shrine in southwest Pakistan killed 18 people and wounded more than 30
ANKARA (Reuters) - A U.S. consulate employee in Istanbul was arrested on charges of links to a cleric blamed for last year s fai
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel investigating whether Russia tried to sway the 2016 U.S. election has taken over
GENEVA (Reuters) - Syria is in the throes of its worst fighting since the battle for eastern Aleppo last year, with heavy air strike
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sanctions on Myanmar and withholding of U.S. aid are among options for pressing that country s go
(Reuters) - A Spanish Constitutional Court ruling suspending a session of the Catalan parliament that planned to declare Catalo
ABOARD SEEFUCHS RESCUE SHIP (Reuters) - Just before the sun dipped into the Mediterranean on Saturday, rescuers spotted
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - An unexplained dispute between Pakistan s interior minister and an elite paramilitary unit under his co
LONDON (Reuters) - Spanish stocks were set for their biggest day of gains in more than five months on Thursday as nerves ove
MADRID (Reuters) - Investment projects in the northeastern region of Catalonia have been paralyzed and the sale of a stake i
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy called on Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont on Thursday to abando
GENEVA (Reuters) - Leaders of Spain s industrialized northeastern region of Catalonia have said the regional population voted
BERLIN (Reuters) - German prosecutors have closed an investigation into suspected mass phone tapping of German citizens by
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that Turkey would soon close its border with northern Iraq and
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday the issue of whether Presiden
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia is working closely with Russia on uniting Syria s opposition, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Ju
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan regrets that the United States has placed it on a list of states not doing enough to combat huma
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has agreed to buy Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile systems, Saudi-owned al-Arabiya televi
LONDON (Reuters) - Two people were injured on Thursday, police said, after a report of an explosion near the Scottish town o
PARIS (Reuters) - French troops are involved in an operation near Niger s border with Mali on Thursday, the French army said,
SWINDON, England (Reuters) - Former British prime minister Edward Heath would have been questioned about claims he sexu
LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland (Reuters) - William Jackson remembers the exodus vividly, when over 10,000 Protestants fle
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces announced on Thursday they had captured Islamic State s last stronghold in northern Iraq, le
GAZA (Reuters) - The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas named as its new deputy chief on Thursday a formerly Turkey-based co
EDINBURGH/OTTAWA (Reuters) - The standoff between Madrid and supporters of independence in Spain s wealthy Catalan re
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgium has received proposals from Britain and the United States to replace its ageing fleet of fighter je
MIZIARA, Lebanon (Reuters) - Abu Khaled had lived in the Lebanese town of Miziara for almost 20 years until a woman s suspe
BERLIN (Reuters) - Top German intelligence officials on Thursday urged lawmakers to give them greater legal authority to hac
LOS TEQUES, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuelan siblings Jeremias, 8, and Victoria, 3, were in their pajamas and preparing to go
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman said at the start of talks in Moscow with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on Thu
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Iran must stop meddling in the Middle East, visiting Saudi King Salman told Russian President Vladimir Pu
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian opposition groups are resisting Jordanian pressure to hand control of a border crossing back to the
PARIS (Reuters) - France offered on Thursday to mediate in a political crisis pitting Iraq s government against Kurdish regional a
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Supreme Court would like clearer guidance from parliament on how it should deal with European
KIGALI (Reuters) - A critic of Rwandan President Paul Kagame will appear in court on Friday charged with inciting insurrection a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union s executive arm, the European Commission, is not conducting any assessments of th
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Traces of a deadly nerve agent that killed the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim J
BANGKOK (Reuters) - A Thai criminal court has issued a second arrest warrant for former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra,
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish security forces killed five Kurdish militants in the southwestern province of Mugla on Thursday, br
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s scandal-plagued political class voted on Wednesday to set up a 1.7 billion reais ($542 million) fund
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine has expelled a Russian journalist working for the television channel NTV as punishment for spreading
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities issued detention warrants for 133 people working in the finance and labor ministries, t
PARIS (Reuters) - Emmanuel Macron, who at the age of 39 has brought youth and vigor to the French presidency, is also devel
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May showed guts and grace by continuing with her keynote Conservative P
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s ruling Conservative Party must remain cool-headed , business minister Greg Clark said on Thursd
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is not considering resigning, Sky news reported on Thursday, citing he
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - (This October 3 story has been refiled to Corrects detention period to four weeks, not four months,
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian police will create a national photo database using existing identification records held by state au
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN (Reuters) - Oil-rich Brunei s absolute ruler marked 50 years in power on Thursday, with elaborate cel
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Almost 12 million people, or almost one sixth of Thailand s population, have visited the glittering Grand P
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Stopping Rohingya refugees from crossing India s porous eastern border with Bangladesh is straining th
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian air strike killed 49 Nusra Front militants including seven of its field commanders in Syria s Idlib
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand First Party leader Winston Peters began talks on Thursday with the governing National
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman arrived in Moscow on Wednesday, Russian state television footage showed. T
AMSTERDAM/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - An inquiry by the global chemical weapons watchdog found sarin was used in a Ma
DAKAR/BAMAKO (Reuters) - Five soldiers from Niger and three U.S. Army Special Forces troops were killed and two wounded
AMMAN (Reuters) - Military jets believed to be Russian killed at least 60 civilians trying to flee heavy fighting in the oil rich Dei
KABUL (Reuters) - The human rights group Amnesty International urged European nations on Thursday to stop sending Afghan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers were killed and two were wounded in an ambush in Niger on
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The first man in modern Mexican history to win a gubernatorial election as an independent said on W
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil s Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles has hired social media experts to boost his image ahead of th
QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador s president on Wednesday tapped Urban Development Minister Maria Alejandra Vicuna to replace
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As Congress faces a possible fight over the future of the Iran nuclear agreement, European ambassa
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is quietly boosting economic support for North Korea to try to stymie any U.S.-led push to oust Kim
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian highway police on Wednesday detained Cesare Battisti, an Italian former left-wing guerrilla conv
BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia will move on Monday to declare independence from Spain after holding a banned
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi authorities said on Wednesday they had arrested 22 people, including a Qatari national, for using soci
MADRID (Reuters) - If Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont wants talks or mediation with the central government over the region
VIENNA (Reuters) - Ahmed Ali, a 34-year-old teacher, fled the war in Syria two years ago and settled in a quiet Austrian town o
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan expects the United States to lift economic sanctions as Khartoum has met all the required cond
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is struggling to secure support from across the traditional political d
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Wednesday it had critically injured a leader of the Tahrir al-Sham militant group in Syria w
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalan regional leader Carles Puigdemont said on Wednesday he was in favor of mediation to find a w
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iran and Turkey should prevent Iraq s Kurdistan region from declaring independence, Iran s Supreme Lead
SHAH PORIR DWIP, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Bangladeshi authorities have destroyed about 20 boats that ferried Rohingya Musli
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria s Tahrir al-Sham militant group denied in a statement on social media on Wednesday that its leader
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Suffering itself after two major earthquakes last month, Mexico plans to send aid including water and
AMED, Indonesia (Reuters) - A Balinese town once bustling with holidaymakers has almost emptied of tourists after warnings
LONDON (Reuters) - British police said they carried out a controlled explosion on a suspect package near London s Angel unde
(Reuters) - London s Angel underground station is closed while authorities respond to a security alert outside the station, Tran
LONDON (Reuters) - British police were alerted to a suspect package in London s Islington area on Wednesday, and a cordon w
STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The EU executive called again on Wednesday for the Spanish government and Catalan authorities to
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Gunmen killed at least four people and wounded nearly 40 on Wednesday in a suicide attack on a court co
BERLIN (Reuters) - Some senior members of Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservative bloc and potential coalition partners hav
BUDAPEST/WARSAW (Reuters) - Wary of German Chancellor Angela Merkel s ambition for closer European Union integration,
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission on Wednesday stepped up legal action against Hungary over restrictions on f
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that a military strike against North Korea designed to destro
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed in a telephone conversation o
LONDON (Reuters) - Iranian authorities sentenced a member of Iran s nuclear negotiating team to five years in jail, Tasnim new
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will be presented with multiple options regarding the future of the Iran nuc
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The search for victims of an earthquake that killed hundreds in Mexico City ended on Wednesday as r
GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations human rights panel said on Wednesday it had credible allegations that North Korean aut
UMUAHIA, Nigeria (Reuters) - A secessionist leader seeking independence from Nigeria has been missing since an alleged milit
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria s financial crimes agency on Wednesday brushed off allegations by the wife of the country s former
ROME (Reuters) - The Italian parliament approved the government s latest economic forecasts on Wednesday, but the Senate
MUGLA, Turkey (Reuters) - A Turkish court on Wednesday found 42 former soldiers guilty of trying to kill President Tayyip Erdo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump was listening to Russia s v
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he had not yet decided whether he would run for re
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny called on his supporters on Wednesday to hold street protests this weekend
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May s bid to reassert her dwindling authority was marred on
GAZA (Reuters) - Mohammad Dahlan, who played a key backroom role in a major new effort for Palestinian unity, has said a tw
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker has invited the leaders of four eastern European count
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for his p
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin told Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro, who is visiting Moscow, that Ru
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said it will retaliate tit-for-tat over a new Canadian law that will impose sanctions on officials from
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland is not ruling out seeking special post-Brexit arrangements for itself and Northern Ireland as a fallbac
LONDON (Reuters) - British business leaders reacted warily to Prime Minister Theresa May s plan for more government interve
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - Scotland s Brexit minister believes there is a pretty strong chance Britain will leave the European Unio
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A spokesman for Russia s Defence Ministry said on Wednesday that a series of attacks launched by Islam
LONDON (Reuters) - Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been stripped of a human rights award by the City of Oxford, wher
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A senior official in South Africa s ruling ANC said on Wednesday the party must act against those i
MADRID (Reuters) - The regional leader of Catalonia said he already feels like the president of a free country after more than t
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - An employee of Canadian aircraft and train maker Bombardier facing bribery charges in Sweden is to
MADRID (Reuters) - The influential Catalan business lobby Cercle d Economia said on Wednesday it was extremely worried by
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson quipped on Tuesday that Libya can become a new D
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s foreign ministry said on Wednesday it was working to establish the nationality and whereabouts
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Humanitarian organizations helping Rohingya Muslim refugees in Bangladesh said on We
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that ties with U.S. President Donald Trump s administration
Ankara (Reuters) - Iran and Turkey will work together to confront the disintegration of Iraq and Syria to ease tension in the cris
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey will take stronger steps in retaliation for the Iraqi Kurdish referendum last week, having already t
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said he would prefer to hold a referendum on easing the country s aborti
BERLIN (Reuters) - German prosecutors said on Wednesday they were pressing perjury charges against Frauke Petry, former le
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman left on Wednesday for an official trip to Russia where he is set to meet Presiden
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Thousands of state workers protested in the Romanian capital on Wednesday against the Social Demo
MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday vowed to file an impeachment complaint against the
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia was exercising a policy of non-interference and
ATHENS (Reuters) - Cyprus said on Wednesday it would protest to the United Nations over Turkish Cypriot restrictions impose
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - A prankster, who has previously targeted U.S President Donald Trump and former FIFA pres
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday she understood that some are findi
TUNIS (Reuters) - Islamic State has claimed an attack in the Libyan city of Misrata in which at least three people were killed on
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces launched a final assault on Wednesday to capture the town of Hawija, one of two pockets of
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May struggled to deliver her keynote speech to the Conserva
VIENNA (Reuters) - The OSCE media watchdog on Wednesday criticized a German law designed to fine social media networks
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzanian President John Magufuli has revealed he earns a salary of 9 million Tanzanian shillings (
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday that her party must fight for a Con
(Reuters) - Mount Agung, a rumbling volcano towering over the east of the Indonesian island of Bali, has forced more than 140
(This October 3 story corrects location in paragraph 4 to presidential palace, not parliament) By Nelson Da Cruz DILI (Reuters)
KIGALI (Reuters) - Rwandan authorities have charged a critic of President Paul Kagame with inciting insurrection and forgery a
(Reuters) - An opposition leader who said she fled Cambodia in fear of arrest called on Western donors on Wednesday to impo
BERLIN (Reuters) - It is important for Spain to uphold the rule of law to preserve stability, German Chancellor Angela Merkel s
VIC, Spain (Reuters) - Catalonia s pro-independence leader Carles Puigdemont has called for the European Union to mediate w
MADRID (Reuters) - Pro-independence Catalan parties Junts Pel Si and CUP have asked parliament to meet to discuss and poss
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump expressed satisfaction on Tuesday with the federal response t
ZURICH (Reuters) - European countries will do their utmost to preserve a deal limiting Iran s nuclear program despite misgiving
PARIS (Reuters) - A scooter was set on fire in front of the Jordanian military attache s office in western Paris on Wednesday, po
ULAANBAATAR (Reuters) - Mongolia s parliament confirmed the nomination of motorbike enthusiast Ukhnaa Khurelsukh as pr
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. committees for women s and children s rights called on Myanmar s authorities on Wednesday to
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spain s King Felipe VI on Tuesday accused Catalan secessionist leaders of shattering democratic princip
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s High Court said on Wednesday it has called on the head of the Catalan police, Josep Lluis Trapero,
DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) - A bomb planted by Kurdish militants ripped into a military vehicle, killing four soldiers and wou
BERLIN (Reuters) - More than half of Germans, 57 percent, want a three-way coalition between Chancellor Angela Merkel s co
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will hold phone talks with U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh were skeptical on Tuesday about their chances of ever
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday the United States would try one more time to w
(Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Tuesday while on a trip to Puerto Rico to observe hurricane recovery efforts that t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is preparing a $29 billion disaster aid request to send to the U.S. Congress after hu
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland s foreign minister will raise Dublin s concerns over the impact a trade dispute between the United S
(Reuters) - The death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria has more than doubled to 34, a spokesman for Governor Ricard
EDMONTON, Alberta (Reuters) - The Somali immigrant charged with attempted murder in connection with a weekend vehicle
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s Prince Charles will tour southeast Asia and India later this month, but the heir to the throne will n
WASHINGTON/HAVANA (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Tuesday expelled 15 Cuban diplomats to protest Cuba s failu
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday the United States should consider staying in the I
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is finalizing a $29 billion disaster aid request after hurricanes hit Puerto R
KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has appointed Nabeel al-Amudi, the head of the Saudi Ports Authority as transp
PARIS (Reuters) - France s air accident investigation agency said on Tuesday it would lead the probe into an engine explosion t
(Reuters) - Moody s Investors Service said on Tuesday that Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will face new challenges to c
(Reuters) - Catalonia will declare independence in a matter of days , the region s secessionist leader Carles Puigdemont was q
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece has won an appeal over objections from forestry officials to a major tourism project in Athens that
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May set out her quest to tackle social and racial injustice on Tuesda
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A confidential draft United Nations blacklist seen by Reuters on Tuesday names a Saudi Arabia-le
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson offered Theresa May unsolicited public advice abou
STRASBOURG (Reuters) - The European Parliament savaged the British government s handling of Brexit negotiations on Tuesd
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Foreign Ministry said U.S. officials had broken into residences at Russia s consulate in San Fr
PARIS (Reuters) - France s parliament adopted an anti-terrorism bill on Tuesday that will bolster police surveillance powers an
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump praised federal officials and the governor of Puerto Rico during a visit t
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representative Speaker Paul Ryan said in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday that
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday he expects a funding request from
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, reacting to President Donald Trump s comment that
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez angrily protested the expulsion of 15 diplomats from the Cuban
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department denied Russian assertions on Tuesday that U.S. officials had broken into
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch caretaker Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis said on Tuesday she was resigning after a report hi
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s King Felipe VI said on Tuesday he was committed to the unity of Spain as he accused Catalan leade
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday Iran was fundamentally in compliance with its nu
(Reuters) - Turkey under President Tayyip Erdogan needs more Westernization, and not less, to bolster dwindling free speech
WARSAW (Reuters) - Several thousand Poles dressed in black marched through city streets in Poland on Tuesday in defense of
ROME (Reuters) - The Vatican, at the start of a conference on protecting children from online sexual abuse, pledged on Tuesda
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said the government would do everything it could to he
PARIS (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron fought off accusations of favoring the rich on Tuesday after making good on a c
KAMPALA (Reuters) - A law amending Uganda s constitution to allow aging leader Yoweri Museveni to extend his rule was intr
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif made an appeal for greater regional cooperation on Tuesd
SOFIA (Reuters) - The prime ministers of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania gave their support to their Balkan neighbor Serbia s bid
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq stopped selling dollars to leading banks in Kurdistan and banned foreign currency transfers to the a
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - While European powers France and Britain are lobbying Washington to cool tensions since North Korea s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday played down an apparent split between the U.S. presi
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British foreign minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday negotiations to leave the European U
RIYADH/MOSCOW (Reuters) - The leaders of Saudi Arabia and Russia, the world s biggest oil exporters, are expected to discus
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators stressed trade and other business issues when questioning President Donald Trump s
QUEBRADILLAS, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - When Nestor Rodriguez saw Puma Energy fuel tanker 333 pull into Puerto Rico s Queb
PARIS (Reuters) - Rank and file members of France s biggest union, the CFDT, urged their leaders on Tuesday to take a tougher
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq s autonomous Kurdistan region announced on Tuesday it was calling presidential and parliamentary
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern s Social Democrats asked Facebook to disclose the identities of those be
ALMATY (Reuters) - Uzbekistan released a prominent dissident from prison on Tuesday, on the same day an opposition outlet
GAZA (Reuters) - Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah chaired the first meeting of the Palestinian cabinet in the Gaza Strip for th
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani, who died on Tuesday aged 83, spent decades fighting for his people s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will soon decide whether to keep open a Taliban office in Qatar as America steps
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s High Court said on Tuesday it had granted a U.S. request to extradite Russian citizen Peter Levasho
MADRID (Reuters) - Leaders of Spain s industrialized northeastern region of Catalonia said the regional population had voted f
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia foreign minister accused world powers on Tuesday of using double standards by refusing to acce
CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State released a video on Tuesday that it said showed two Russian soldiers captured by its fighters in
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s Defence Ministry on Tuesday denied a report that two Russian soldiers had been captured in Sy
ATHENS (Reuters) - Refugees and migrants in Greece receive little or no medical care for most health problems they face and f
ISTANBUL/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Turkey is luring militants away from the jihadist alliance that controls Syria s northwestern Idlib p
PARIS (Reuters) - French counter-terrorism investigators questioned five people on Tuesday after police over the weekend fou
LONDON (Reuters) - Indian businessman Vijay Mallya, who India wants to extradite from Britain on fraud charges, faces furthe
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdish leader and ex-Iraqi president Jalal Talabani died on Tuesday at age 83, Iraqi state TV said, a
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - An outspoken deputy of Cambodia s detained opposition leader fled the country on Tuesday, saying
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Britain wants to negotiate a Brexit agreement with the European Union, but is ready to wal
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Grenades were thrown overnight at the homes of two Ugandan legislators opposed to scrapping the pre
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Up to 78,000 people could be trapped in Islamic State-held Hawija in northern Iraq, the United Nations s
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel s defense minister said on Tuesday President Bashar al-Assad was winning Syria s civil war and ur
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Britain will limit sales of sulphuric acid and outlaw the sale of such corrosive substances to
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s parliament voted on Tuesday on a formula to halt financial transactions with the Kurdistan region
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States was deeply troubled by the conviction and jail sentence of a Crimean dissident o
PARIS (Reuters) - France appeared to backtrack on Tuesday on efforts to mediate between Iraq s government and Kurdish reg
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Pakistani activist hunted by the Taliban vowed on Tuesday to keep up his struggle a
MAINZ, Germany (Reuters) - Germany s Sept. 24 national election has shown the country is divided by new, less visible walls ,
ROME (Reuters) - Mamadu Bassir sits eating a breakfast of warm milk and cookies in a migrants shelter in Rome - one of nearl
PARIS (Reuters) - France s National Assembly (lower house of parliament) will vote to adopt a counter-terrorism bill on Tuesda
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - A deal can be done by the end of October to restore Northern Ireland s power-sharing gove
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Administrators closed Kenya s oldest university on Tuesday, citing fears for students safety in a planned p
SRINAGAR (Reuters) - Indian police on Tuesday killed three suspected militants in army uniforms after they infiltrated a securit
TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, whose new party is challenging Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s ruling b
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgium took steps to expel a Saudi imam who preaches at the country s biggest mosque for spreading e
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan accepted just three refugees in the first half of 2017 despite receiving a record 8,561 fresh asylum ap
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Tuesday warned supporters of detained opposition leader Alexei Navalny not to hold uns
SYDNEY/SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The captain of the Malaysian Airlines aircraft that vanished somewhere in the southern Indian
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Islamic State said three of its fighters carried out an attack on a Damascus police station on Monday in whic
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - The secessionist leader of Catalonia called for international mediation on Monday in the regi
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - The Spanish region of Catalonia should be allowed to determine its own future, Scotland s devolved pr
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan s ruling party on Tuesday re-elected ousted premier Nawaz Sharif as its leader, saying he was
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines top police commander on Tuesday said he would not prevent officers involved in the coun
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday she did not set red lines for the behav
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia s Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday 9.2 million people, or 57.5 percent of eligible voters, have c
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Tuesday nine war ships set for construction in 2020 wi
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A top Myanmar official appealed on Monday for democracy in the country to be given a chance
GAZA (Reuters) - The West Bank-based Palestinian prime minister crossed into the Gaza Strip on Monday in a move towards re
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected New Zealand-based internet mogul Kim Dotcom s chal
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro s approval rating rose to 23 percent in September, up 6 percentag
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazilian federal Judge S rgio Moro on Monday said the Car Wash probe, Brazil s largest ever corruption
QUITO (Reuters) - An Ecuadorean judge on Monday ordered pre-trial detention for Vice President Jorge Glas as part of an inve
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s departing finance minister expressed optimism that his country s democratic institutions were s
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - At least five civilians were killed and 12 others wounded among dozens of casualties in recent fighting in th
PARIS/TORONTO (Reuters) - Air accident investigators from both sides of the Atlantic have been struggling to decide who shou
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt has arrested 22 people in the past three days as part of a crackdown on gays after a rainbow flag was
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When more than a dozen North Korean economic officials visited California and New York in 2011
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors opened their case against Ahmed Abu Khatallah on Monday by telling jurors he
EDMONTON, Alberta (Reuters) - Canada defended its immigration and refugee vetting system on Monday after a Somali immi
BAMENDA, Cameroon (Reuters) - At least 17 people have died in clashes between security forces and protesters in Cameroon
DAKAR (Reuters) - A once-fringe separatist movement in Cameroon s Anglophone regions is gaining ground after a year of stat
DANDONG, China (Reuters) - North Korean workers have begun to leave the Chinese border city of Dandong, following the lat
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Two women accused of murdering the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
(Reuters) - North Korea has opened a second internet connection with the outside world, this time via Russia, a move which cy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration will not hold any talks with North Korea at this time, except for possible c
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia s detained opposition leader, who is accused of treason by the government of strongman
LONDON (Reuters) - London s East Croydon station was due to reopen on Monday after police said an item they had been inve
MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government is committed to seeking a joint response with other political parties to the pro-in
DUBAI (Reuters) - Five Bahraini policemen were lightly injured in a terrorist explosion outside the capital Manama on Monda
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) party nominated ousted premier Nawaz Sharif as its
DUBAI (Reuters) - The ruler of Oman received Iran s foreign minister on Monday, the state news agency ONA reported, in a ra
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian court sentenced opposition leader Alexei Navalny to his third jail term this year on Monday, di
BERLIN (Reuters) - Critics of a new hate speech law in Germany are upbeat that it can be revised after its Social Democratic sp
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iran deployed a dozen tanks supported by artillery at its border with Iraq s autonomous Kurdish region o
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Amid a rising babble of advice from European neighbors on how to handle Catalonia, Spanish Prime Min
TASHKENT (Reuters) - Uzbek dissident writer Nurulloh Muhammad Raufkhon said on Monday that anti-government propagan
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh and Myanmar agreed on Monday to set up a working group to plan the repatriation of more t
GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar told the United Nations refugee agency on Monday its top priority was to bring back Rohingyas
TIRANA (Reuters) - The United States urged its NATO ally Albania on Monday to start jailing bosses of organized crime if it hop
BANGKOK (Reuters) - It will be business as usual this month for Thailand s lucrative tourism industry as the country gears up fo
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Besides her own diminished authority, Prime Minister Theresa May has been forced to con
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Questions around nationhood, tax autonomy, international representation and policy powers are at the
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Two suicide bombers struck a police station in Damascus on Monday, with at least 10 people reported dead
BERLIN (Reuters) - The Bavarian sister party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has said
BERLIN (Reuters) - Three of Germany s main parties have raised objections to the far-right Alternative for Germany s (AfD) can
MAPUTO (Reuters) - Mozambique s President Filipe Nyusi will run for re-election in 2019, his ruling Frelimo party said on Mon
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Police fired teargas at opposition supporters who rallied in Kenya s capital Nairobi on Monday calling for t
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU executive urged Spain to talk to Catalan separatists on Monday, condemning violence but also ca
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces and Shi ite paramilitaries captured an air base from Islamic State on Monday, the army said,
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British finance minister Philip Hammond defended capitalism as the only route to prosperit
RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - Raqqa s hospital, a big complex pocked with bullets holes, whose capture will signal the end of Islami
BERLIN (Reuters) - Police ordered the immediate evacuation of part of southern Berlin and imposed temporary road, rail and m
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman will begin a visit to Russia on Thursday at the invitation of President Vladimir Puti
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. service member from the coalition fighting Islamic State was killed and another injured in Iraq
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - The Hungarian Socialist Party s candidate to be prime minister after the 2018 parliamentary election res
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed his support for Spain s constitutional unity in a telephone
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Council President Donald Tusk appealed to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Monday
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian women were given the right to drive last week after nearly three decades of campaigning, bu
TASHKENT (Reuters) - Uzbek police released dissident writer Nurulloh Muhammad Raufkhon on Sunday after detaining him las
COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark, part of the NATO-led military mission in Afghanistan, said Monday it will send an addition
BERLIN (Reuters) - Frauke Petry, the former co-leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), wants to form her own party after
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Britain s junior Brexit minister said on Monday he was hopeful that EU negotiators would a
TOKYO - Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has made no secret of her desire to be Japan s first female prime minister - she even na
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The U.N. World Food Programme is cutting food rations by 30 percent for more than 400,000 refugees livi
COLOMBO (Reuters) - A Sri Lankan court remanded a Buddhist monk in custody on Monday after charging him with leading ha
MANILA (Reuters) - Most Filipinos believe only the poor are killed in their country s war on drugs, and want President Rodrigo
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Islamic State militants set fire to three oil wells near Hawija, west of the oil city of Kirkuk, one of two are
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Public Investment Fund (PIF) is forming two real estate development firms to boost the capa
PARIS (Reuters) - A man suspected of carrying out a knife attack in the French city of Marseille, in which two women were stab
AMMAN/ALEPPO, Syria (Reuters) - When Syria s civil war came to the industrial city of Aleppo in 2012, two textile makers had
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia will create a special commission to investigate claims of abuse by Spanish police during a banne
BERLIN (Reuters) - Twenty-seven years after German reunification, nearly two-thirds of Germans still see persistent divisions b
GENEVA (Reuters) - The top United Nations human rights official called on Spanish authorities on Monday to investigate thoro
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Monday called for urgent dialogue between Catalonia and Spai
PARIS (Reuters) - France called on all sides to show restraint and reject violence after soldiers killed at least eight people and w
GENEVA (Reuters) - More than 2 million people fleeing wars or persecution have joined the ranks of the world s refugees this y
BEIRUT (Reuters) - An air strike carried out by an unidentified warplane killed seven Hezbollah fighters in eastern Syria, three s
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s FSB security service said on Monday it had detained members of what it said was an Islamic Stat
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday dismissed the prospect of talks with North Korea as a waste
PARIS (Reuters) - The man suspected of carrying out Sunday s attack in the French city of Marseille, killing two people, had pre
MADRID (Reuters) - The Catalan health service said 893 people received medical attention as a result of injuries sustained duri
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s deputy foreign minister said on Monday that developments in Catalonia were worrying and sep
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) and the rival Social Democrats (SPD) are ne
DHAKA, (Reuters) - Bangladesh and Myanmar agreed on Monday to set up a joint working group on the repatriation of Rohin
ALMATY (Reuters) - Kyrgyzstan is in talks with Moscow about hosting a second Russian military base, Russian news agency RIA
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British finance minister Philip Hammond said on Monday Catalonia s independence referen
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia could make more arrests of people linked to a plot to overthrow the government, Prime M
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May s top ministers are all frustrated by the slow pace of Brexit neg
EDMONTON, Alberta (Reuters) - A Somali refugee who had been on a watch list over extremist views faced five counts of atte
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - The New Zealand First Party, which emerged as a kingmaker after New Zealand s election in Septemb
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian militant group Hasm claimed responsibility on Sunday for a small explosion at Myanmar s embassy
(Reuters) - Jagmeet Singh, an Ontario provincial lawmaker and practicing Sikh, was elected on Sunday as leader of Canada s le
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s regional leader opened the door to a unilateral declaration of independence from Spain on
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian police told a news conference on Sunday that a suspect arrested following Saturday night s att
GAZA (Reuters) - Hamas freed five prisoners belonging to the rival Fatah party on Sunday and Egypt sent a delegation to the G
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian opposition activist Ivan Skripnichenko died after being attacked by a man angry he opposed Vlad
MADRID (Reuters) - The Catalan government said around 2.26 million people had cast a ballot in a banned referendum to leav
Buenos Aires (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Argentines marched through the rain in front of the presidential palace on Sund
SANT PERE DE TORELLO, Spain (Reuters) - As Spanish police wielded batons and fired rubber bullets at crowds attempting to v
MADRID (Reuters) - The head of the Catalan regional government on Sunday opened the door to a potential declaration of ind
MARSEILLE, France/PARIS (Reuters) - Two women were stabbed to death and their assailant shot dead by a soldier in the sout
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Islamic State militant was responsible for a knife attack at a Marseille train station in southern France tha
MADRID (Reuters) - Some 844 people have been injured in disturbances across Catalonia on Sunday, the regional government
MADRID (Reuters) - Pro-independence groups and trade unions in Catalonia have called for a general strike in the northeaster
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu said the club decided to play Sunday s game against Las Pa
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Apologizing for losing her Conservative Party s majority at a June election, Prime Minister T
MADRID (Reuters) - Spain s northeastern region of Catalonia failed to hold an independence referendum on Sunday, Prime Mi
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Sunday slammed his Spanish counterpart Mariano Rajoy for try
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Gibraltar is very concerned by violence in Catalonia after Spanish riot police burst into pollin
BUEA/BAMENDA, Cameroon (Reuters) - Soldiers shot dead at least eight people and wounded others in Cameroon s restless E
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Britain is worried by violence during a banned referendum in Spain s northeastern region o
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said he was completely loyal to Prime Minister Ther
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Benghazi s commercial port officially reopened on Sunday after a three-year closure due to fightin
LASHKAR GAH, Afghanistan (Reuters) - An airstrike by the Afghan Air Force on a checkpoint in Gereshk district in the southern
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced pressure at the weekend to embrace ideas by French President Em
BISHOFTU, Ethiopia (Reuters) - Hundreds of people chanting anti-government slogans marched in the central Ethiopian town o
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - Britain will leave the European Union, its single market and customs union as one nation, it
MADRID (Reuters) - More than 460 people have been injured in disturbances across Catalonia on Sunday, the Barcelona mayo
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalan regional leader Carles Puigdemont accused Spanish authorities of using unjustified, dispropor
BERLIN (Reuters) - The premier of Germany s most populous region warned that the Green party would have to step back from
COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - The World Food Program (WFP) appealed on Sunday for 75 million dollars in emergency
BAMENDA, Cameroon (Reuters) - Cameroonian soldiers killed six people and wounded six others on Sunday in the town of Kum
VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria s Social Democratic (SPO) Chancellor Christian Kern pledged on Sunday to get to the bottom of his
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey no longer needs to join the European Union but will not unilaterally abandon the stalled EU access
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia and the Marxist ELN rebels began a ceasefire on Sunday aimed at generating goodwill during co
BERLIN (Reuters) - Same-sex couples married in Germany for the first time on Sunday, with several dozen couples tying the kn
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany welcomed U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson s announcement that he was probing opportuniti
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States said on Saturday it was directly communicating with North Korea on its nuclear and miss
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Hezbollah accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu s government on Sunday of pushi
BOLOGNA, Italy (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday urged governments and people to do more to help migrants and not see th
DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemen s Houthi forces shot down a U.S. surveillance drone in the capital Sanaa on Sunday, the Houthi-contr
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Tens of thousands marched in China-ruled Hong Kong on Sunday in an anti authoritarian rule march
MADRID (Reuters) - Emergency services have attended to 38 people injured in police charges as officers stormed voting statio
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Sunday that Islamic State fighters had captured a tow
TUNIS (Reuters) - The Tunisian navy rescued 98 Tunisians fleeing to Europe when their boat started to sink off Kerkenah on the
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spanish police fired rubber bullets in a Barcelona street on Sunday in disturbances over a banned Cata
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said she was sorry her Conservative Party lost seats in J
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday her cabinet fully backed her approach to
MILAN (Reuters) - North Korea s ambassador to Italy will be expelled from the country in protest over Pyongyang s recent nuc
TOKYO (Reuters) - The disapproval rating for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s administration exceeded that in favor, a su
BARCELONA (Reuters) - The Spanish government was reluctantly forced to send in national police to stop a referendum on Cat
MADRID (Reuters) - Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont cast his ballot in a banned referendum on independence from Spain on
SANT JULIA DE RAMIS, Spain (Reuters) - Spanish Civil Guard police in riot gear burst into a polling station minutes before Catal
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spanish national police began to seize ballot boxes and voting papers from Catalan polling stations, th
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spanish riot police began to deploy in an area of Barcelona on Sunday shortly before polling stations w
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalonia s regional government said it would allow voters in Sunday s banned independence referend
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Ballot boxes and voting papers were being set out at some voting stations in Catalonia in preparation f
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland lowers its retirement age on Sunday, a costly election promise by the ruling conservatives which g
BERLIN (Reuters) - The premiers of two regions where the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party made big gains in Sund
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Catalans started to form queues to vote in an independence referendum early on Sunday morning in d
BARCELONA (Reuters) - A convoy of around 30 Civil Guard police vans, unmarked vans and a truck filled with police officers left
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand s foreign ministry, in a rare statement on an ongoing crisis in neighboring Myanmar s Rakhine s
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Saturday it had ordered that Iran, Venezuela and four African nations be a
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Former Brazilian President Luiz In cio Lula da Silva extended his lead in the run-up to the 2018 presidentia
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Catalans are expected to defy Spanish authorities and attempt to vote in a banne
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexico City school that collapsed in a powerful earthquake last week killing 19 children buckled un
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian army and its allies seized control of nine positions at Syria s border with Jordan, expanding their
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The powerful Lebanese group Hezbollah said on Saturday that an Iraqi Kurdish independence vote marked
(Reuters) - An Air France flight from Paris to Los Angeles made an emergency landing in eastern Canada on Saturday after one
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea has shown no interest in pursuing talks on its nuclear and missile programs, the U.S. Sta
MADRID (Reuters) - Most public buildings that were intended to be used as polling stations in Sunday s disputed referendum o
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s ambassador to Myanmar was forced to interrupt Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson earlier this yea
VIENNA (Reuters) - The number 2 figure in Austria s ruling Social Democratic Party has said he is resigning over a smear campa
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Thousands of demonstrators waving Spanish flags demonstrated in Barcelona on Saturday in favor of
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Saturday pressed the case for the central government in Baghda
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (Reuters) - Dozens of people were arrested on Saturday as neo-Nazis and anti-fascists clashed with po
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people marched in Dublin on Saturday to demand the loosening of some of the strict
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Overnight air strikes killed 28 people, including four children, in a village in rebel-held Idlib province, the Sy
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations agreed on Friday to establish a group of eminent experts to examine all human rights
BISHKEK (Reuters) - Kyrgyzstan s state security service said on Saturday it had detained an opposition lawmaker just two week
MILAN (Reuters) - Anti-globalisation protesters clashed with police in the Italian city of Turin on Saturday in an attempt to reac
MOGADISHU/ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey opened its biggest overseas military base on Saturday in Somalia s capital, cementing
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s public prosecutor issued an arrest warrant on Saturday for a Twitter user who called for any
KINSHASA (Reuters) - A military cargo plane crashed in Democratic Republic of Congo s capital Kinshasa on Saturday, killing its
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping offered warm words for U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday, calling him
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday Iraqi Kurdish authorities would pay the price for an i
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States must respect China s concerns on Taiwan to avoid causing disturbances in Sino-U.S. ties,
LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has said a transition period from the European Union after Britain
BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States is probing North Korea to see whether it is interested in dialogue and has multiple direct
TOKYO (Reuters) - Popular Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, whose fledgling conservative party poses a growing challenge to Prim
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police arrested a suspect on Saturday in the killing of a Syrian opposition activist and her journali
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish police have occupied the Catalan government s communications hub on the eve of a banned inde
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spain s government said on Saturday police had sealed off 1,300 of 2,315 schools in Catalonia which h
CAIRO (Reuters) - Six Egyptian men arrested for promoting sexual deviancy and debauchery on social media will be subjecte
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Supporters of Catalan independence began occupying polling stations on Friday, setting up a possible
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Police will remove people from Catalan independence referendum polling stations on Sunday, a gover
(This September 29 has been corrected to fix date of election in paragraph 3) NAIROBI (Reuters) - A Kenyan government watc
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian and Iraqi central government forces are to hold joint military exercises near their borders, Iran s stat
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian troops that took part in war games in neighboring Belarus have returned to their bases, a Russia
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police said on Saturday they had arrested a suspect in the case of an alleged extortionist who attem
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Saturday an invitation from French President Emmanuel Ma
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump will travel to Asia in November for the first time since becoming president, stopping i
KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan capital Kabul braced on Saturday for further possible attacks ahead of Ashura, the holiest day on
SEOUL (Reuters) - Several North Korean missiles were recently spotted moved from a rocket facility in the capital Pyongyang, S
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Around half the opposition members of Cambodia s parliament have left the country in fear of a cra
BEIJING (Reuters) - Communist Party members should study contemporary capitalism but must never deviate from Marxism, C
BEIJING (Reuters) - The southwestern Chinese megalopolis of Chongqing will purge the vile influence of its former top official
(Advisory: Strong language in paragraph 16 may be offensive to some readers) By Arshad Mohammed and Sarah Marsh WASH
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cubans said they were both heartbroken and enraged by the United States decision on Friday to stop pro
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May will set out plans to build a road to a better future for Britain at her Conserv
BOGOTA (Reuters) - The commander of Colombia s Marxist ELN rebels on Friday ordered his fighters to begin a ceasefire this w
YAOUNDE (Reuters) - Cameroon authorities on Friday banned all gatherings of more than four people, ordered bus stations, e
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada has no plans to change its travel advice for Cuba or to remove any Canadian staff from its embass
ERBIL, Iraq/ANKARA (Reuters) - The last international flight

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