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Can-Do Introduction 2020

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The 2017 NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements, the result of collaboration between the National Council of State
Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL) and the ACTFL guide:
• Language learners to identify and set learning goals and chart their progress towards language and intercultural
• Educators to write communication learning targets for curriculum, unit and lesson plans;
• Stakeholders to clarify how well learners at different stages can communicate.
The statements are organized according to the Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Modes of Communication as
described in the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages:
• Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of
• Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to
share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
• Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and
narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or
Aligned with the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 and the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners the Can-
Do Statements reflect the continuum of growth in communication skills through the Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior,
and Distinguished levels.
The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication and the Reflection Tool for Learners provide a set of
examples and scenarios that show how learners use the target language and knowledge of culture to demonstrate their
Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC).
Just as the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for language clarify the Communication standards in the World Readiness
Standards, this tool is intended to clarify and support the Cultures standards (use the language to investigate, explain, and
reflect on the relationship between the practices or products and perspectives of cultures) and lead learners toward developing
ICC. For the purpose of this document, ICC refers to the ability to interact effectively and appropriately with people from other
language and cultural backgrounds. ICC develops as the result of a process of intentional goal-setting and self- reflection
around language and culture and involves attitudinal changes toward one’s own and other cultures. Intercultural communicative
competence is essential for establishing effective, positive relationships across cultural boundaries, required in a global society.
The revised language Can-Do Statements were the year-long work of a writing team spearheaded by State Supervisors
Kathy Shelton (OH) and Lisa Harris (VA) and ACTFL Director of Education Paul Sandrock. Members included: Ruta
Couet (SC), Lynn Fulton-Archer (DE), Jessica Haxhi (CT), Ali Moeller (NE), Debbie Nicholson (WV), Christina Oh (VA),
Fernando Rubio (UT), Thomas Sauer (KY), and Jacque Bott Van Houten (KY). The writing team met face-to-face three
times and collaborated online over a nine-month period. Once a draft was developed, feedback was provided by over 470
professionals through an online survey and focus groups.
The new Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication were developed through a 2016-17 task force chaired by
Jacque Van Houten (KY), with sub-committee chairs Ruta Couet (SC), Nathan Lutz (NJ), Ali Moeller (NE), Paul Sandrock
(ACTFL), and Kathy Shelton (OH), and with task force members Donna Clementi (WI), Mara Cobe (NC), Bonnie Flint
(UT), Paula Garrett-Rucks (GA), Deborah Hefferon (MD), Michael Kluemper (KY), Sarah Lindstrom (CT), Dorie Perugini
(CT), Mary Lynn Redmond (NC), Julie Sykes (OR), Alicia Vinson (KY), and Manuela Wagner (CT).

Proficiency Benchmarks, Performance Indicators, and Examples are color-coded for ease of use.
Novice (blue) - Intermediate (green) – Advanced (orange) – Superior (gold) – Distinguished (gray)
How to Use the Can-Do Statements How NOT to use the Can-Do Statements
Can-Do Statements describe what learners can do Can-Do Statements are NOT a checklist of tasks to be
consistently over time demonstrated once and checked off
Learners demonstrate what they “can do” consistently in each It is not sufficient for learners to show evidence of performance
mode and at each sub-level, in numerous situations throughout in just one specific situation; the indicators and examples at
the learning process. Learners may be at different levels for each sublevel illustrate how learners might demonstrate skills in
different modes (Interpretive, Interpersonal, Presentational) or each mode of communication through a wide variety of
skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking, signing). evidence.
Can-Do Statements help learners set goals as they progress Can-Do Statements are NOT a limitation of what to learn or
along the proficiency continuum. teach
Can-Do Statements describe what learners can independently
do at each sublevel and help pave the way to higher levels. Can-Do Statements do not show what to learn or teach at each
Higher level skills and functions (e.g., using timeframes, sublevel; the descriptors show the skills and functions that can
understanding complex texts) need to be introduced at lower be done with full control at that sublevel. Learners should work
sublevels and built upon in order to have independent control of with authentic texts and real-life scenarios at all levels and
those skills and functions at higher sublevels. sublevels and set goals for how to progress to the next higher
The sets of examples can be adapted to match school, The sets of examples are NOT a prescribed curriculum
district, or postsecondary curriculum as well as
independent learning goals The Can-Do Statements include examples of communicative
The examples include topics that expand across the proficiency performance to adapt or modify for local curricula; they are not
continuum, from familiar (daily life, personal experiences, intended to provide ready-made lessons. The examples
classroom or researched topics) to concrete to abstract. provided do not claim to be exhaustive or specific to a level of
Learners and educators are encouraged to customize the “I can schooling.
. . .” examples in order to fit the content and context of the
learning and the targeted proficiency level.
Can-Do statements are a starting point for self-assessment, The Can-Do statements are NOT used as an instrument for
goal-setting, and the creation of rubrics for performance- determining a letter or number grade.
based grading Growth in acquiring a language is measured over time when
Learners and educators use the statements for self-evaluation to tasks are integrated into performance assessments and
become more aware of what they know and can do in the target evaluated using rubrics based on the ACTFL proficiency
language. By using statements aligned to the proficiency scale, descriptors.
educators can more easily create rubrics that enable learners to
chart their progress.
Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication
The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication and the Reflection Tool for Learners provide a set
of examples and scenarios that show how learners use the target language and knowledge of culture to demonstrate their
Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC).

Just as the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for language clarify the Communication standards in the World Readiness
Standards, this tool is intended to clarify and support the Cultures standards and lead learners toward developing ICC. For the
purpose of this document, ICC refers to the ability to interact effectively and appropriately with people from other language and
cultural backgrounds. ICC develops as the result of a process of intentional goal-setting and self-reflection around language and
culture and involves attitudinal changes toward one’s own and other cultures. Intercultural communicative competence is essential
for establishing effective, positive relationships across cultural boundaries, required in a global society.

Cultures Goal: Interact with cultural competence and understanding.

Standard: Learners use the language to investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship between Practices and Perspectives
of the cultures studied.

Standard: Learners use the language to investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship between Products and Perspectives
of the cultures studied.
World Readiness Standards

The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication:

• Provide samples of how learners can develop and demonstrate their ICC through the language they are learning. The extent
to which one can fully understand and participate in a culture is related to the level of language proficiency.

• Apply to a variety of learning and life environments, such as in elementary school, an immersion class, a high school or
college course,
independent learning, a study abroad situation, or a work setting.

• Serve as a framework, not a curriculum, to integrate target language use and intercultural competencies in instruction,
making clear the inextricable link between language and culture.
• Focus on communicative interaction in another culture, i.e., the ability to communicate and articulate in the target
language and behave appropriately in the target culture.

• Are illustrated with examples for each proficiency level, paired as complementary examples as learners Investigate and

• Support deeper learning by providing a Reflection tool with sample scenarios that show how educators can organize
activities for intercultural reflection, both inside the classroom in the target language and outside the classroom in English or
the target language.

• Are meant to be used as part of a school-wide program that includes educator collaboration with other content areas and
time for guided learner reflection on their intercultural experiences.

The use of the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication can be a first step in the process to simplify the
complexities of ICC and provide guidance for educators and learners. Rather than a linear process, ICC is more iterative and
interactive, like a mosaic of various cultural experiences informed by self-reflection. Each individual begins at different cognitive,
cultural and linguistic stages and progresses at various rates.

What is Intercultural Communication?

Intercultural communication is a complex activity that combines cross-cultural knowledge and language skills. It involves initiating,
understanding and responding to what is communicated, using culturally appropriate language and behavior in a given context.
For the purposes of this document, the term intercultural communication refers only to the use of culturally appropriate verbal and
nonverbal skills to build relationships with people of different cultures.
Researchers such as Byram (1997, 2002), M.J. and J.M Bennett (2003), Deardorff (2006), and Fantini (2006) agreed that developing
Intercultural Communicative Competence is a complex, non-linear process built from an accumulation of cultural knowledge,
practices and social encounters experienced within a variety of cultural contexts. An apt metaphor is a mosaic whose total image is
an assemblage of smaller, unique pieces. Each intercultural experience provides an opportunity for interpretation, discovery,
interaction and reflection that motivates learners’ curiosity and leads to awareness of self and others.
Because intercultural growth involves elements in the affective domain it can be a challenge, and sometimes impossible, for
educators to evaluate learners’ progress. Educators can, however, evaluate how well learners’ language use demonstrates
intercultural competence, given that the extent to which one can fully understand and participate in a culture is related to the level of
language proficiency. The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication suggest examples that allow for and
support these opportunities for intercultural encounters.
The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication show the intersection of language proficiency and cultural
competence, which do not always align. One individual may possess strong cultural competence yet demonstrate a low level of
language proficiency (figure 1). Another individual may display high language proficiency but minimal cultural competence (figure 2).

Figure 1 Figure 2
The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication focuses on the extent to which learners can demonstrate
their intercultural competence through verbal and non-verbal communication. These Intercultural Can-Do Statements are aligned
with the Language Can-Do statements to ensure consistency with the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. The statements are intended to
depict the linguistic competency from Novice to Distinguished levels of language proficiency across the modes of communication.
How Stakeholders Use the Can-Do Statements

EDUCATORS set daily learning targets and incorporate the

Statements in lesson, assessment and rubric design to make
learning transparent. Educators assist learners to realize what
learners can do with language, how to set goals, and what to
do to improve.

SCHOOLS provide time for professional learning

STATES set proficiency target expectations communities for language educators to review and
within their course codes for different levels analyze evidence of learning and collaborate on
and sequences of language study, to guide
LEARNERS set learning
assessment design. Schools set policies to determine
districts in organizing their programs and in goals and regularly chart criteria for performance-based credit.
setting policy for performance-based granting their own progress.
of credit
Through reflection, they
identify what it takes to
advance their
language and
proficiency in order
to function at a
higher lev

UNIVERSITIES develop entrance and exit requirements based on DISTRICTS & SCHOOLS set proficiency targets for graduation, design
proficiency levels and set proficiency targets for language courses; curriculum and units based on Benchmarks and Indicators and
encourage learners to set learning goals, and grant credit for provide professional learning for educators on how to move learners
consistent demonstration. Teacher preparation courses show up the proficiency levels. Educators collaborate to design end-of-unit
educators how to use the Statements to set learning targets, design or end-of-course assessments to provide evidence of learners
units, plan lessons, and create assessments and rubrics for evaluating independently and consistently demonstrating the targeted level of
learners‘ performance proficiency
What are the Theoretical Framework and Research that Support the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements?

Too often learners are seen as subjects of assessment, not users of assessments. To become the primary users of
assessment information, learners must make what they learn part of themselves. One important means for involving
learners in their own learning process is by having them participate in a goal setting process to monitor their own progress
to determine how well they are accomplishing their learning targets. Learning goals form the foundation for motivation in
an instructional setting and for where working memory is being allocated. Motivation is critical to learning because,
“without sufficient motivation even the brightest learners are unlikely to persist long enough to attain any really useful
language” (Dörnyei, 2010, p. 74). It is vital to understand motivation in order to promote learner autonomy which is key to
the continuation of language learning beyond the classroom.

Learning targets, expressed in terms of Can-Do Statements provide an important venue for setting learning goals to
provide language learners the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning through the establishment of positive
short-and long-term learning goals and to monitor their own learning experiences to ensure accomplishment of these
goals. SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound) goals, such as the Can-Do Statements, provide a
clear direction to focus learners’ language learning efforts that will help them meet these goals. Such a constructivist, or
sociocultural worldview, regards learning as an ongoing process where learners are continually involved in self-
assessment and self-reflection about their own learning ultimately aimed at developing self-regulation and self-efficacy.

The impact on learners and learner achievement of Can-Do Statements, as evidenced in LinguaFolio® (LF®) and its
European predecessor, the European Language Portfolio (ELP), has been investigated through a growing body of
research. LinguaFolio® was designed to help language educators develop autonomous learning and learner
empowerment. Research at the classroom level has revealed that goal setting, which is at the heart of LF ® and ELP,
promotes self-regulated learning, increases language and academic achievement, enhances motivation and task value,
and improves self-assessment when implemented regularly and frequently (Burton & Swain, 2014; Ciesielkiewicz & Coca,
2013; Little, 2009; Little, 2003; Little, Goullier, & Hughes, 2011; Moeller, Theiler, & Wu, 2012; Ziegler, 2014; Ziegler &
Moeller, 2012; Clarke, 2013; Moeller & Yu, 2015). Learners who experienced LF ® as an intervention in the world language
classroom achieved higher academic outcomes as measured by cumulative GPA and ACT scores in math, science,
reading, and English in comparison to students who were not exposed to LF ® (Clarke, 2013).

These studies have shown that the major components of setting goals, documenting progress, and self-
assessment of learning are critical in developing learner autonomy and self-regulation in language learners that contribute
to increased motivation, higher language achievement, and academic success.
Burton, B., & Swain, M. (2014, August). Student Success with LinguaFolio®. Presentation at the Growing Success for
ELLs conference in Greensboro, NC.

Ciesielkiewicz, M., & Coca, D. (2013). The electronic language portfolio as a tool for lifelong learning. In International
Conference ICT for Language Learning: Conference Proceedings. Florence, Italy: Libreria Universitaria.

Clarke, O. (2013). LinguaFolio® goal setting intervention and academic achievement: Increasing student capacity for self-
regulated learning. Retrieved from ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln:

Dörnyei, Z. (2010). Researching motivation: From integrativeness to the ideal L2 self. In Hunston, S., & Oakey, D. (Eds).
Introducing applied linguistics: Concepts and skills, (pp. 74-83). London: Routledge.

Little, D. (2009). Language learner autonomy and the European Language Portfolio: Two L2 English examples. Language
Teaching, 42(2), 222-233.

Little, D. (Ed.) (2003). The European language portfolio in use: Nine examples. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe.
Available from

Little, D., Goullier, F. & Hughes, G. (2011). The European Language Portfolio: the story so far (1991-2011). Strasbourg,
France: Council of Europe. Available from

Moeller, A., Theiler, J., & Wu, C. (2012). Goal setting and student achievement: A longitudinal study. The Modern
Language Journal, 96, 153-169.

Moeller, A., & Yu, F. (2015). NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do statements: An effective tool for improving language learning within
and outside the classroom. In P. Swanson (Eds.), Dimension 2015 (pp. 50-69). Decatur, GA: SCOLT

Ziegler, N. (2014). Fostering self-regulated learning through the European Language Portfolio: An intervention mixed
methods study. The Modern Language Journal, 98(4), 921-936.
Ziegler, N., & Moeller, A. (2012). Increasing self-regulated learning through the LinguaFolio®. Foreign Language Annals,
45(3), 330-348.

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