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FCE Practice Tests-60

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TEST 3 PAPER 1: READING Part 2 (questions 9-15)

Managers need to be able to recognise the the manager learns new skills and gains useful
strengths and weaknesses of their employees information it is important that they share it with
and use them appropriately. This includes the team. The manager should not be doing
recognising their own strengths and tasks which could be done equally well by
weaknesses. I 14 I 1 Managers need to be someone less qualified than themselves. Where
flexible in their approach to assigning work so possible managers should delegate and occupy
that tasks are assigned to those best suited to themselves with higher level activities. However,
doing them. I have worked for an organisation it is also important that in times of crisis or when
where work was given to individuals based on the team is exceptionally busy, the manager
the time of the day they were available to work should not feel themselves too important to join
rather than their personal expertise; this not only in and do whatever job is necessary to help the
resulted in the jobs not being done well and situation.
therefore reduced efficiency, but also great
dissatisfaction among workers and clients. For Finally, empathy is an enormously important
example, someone with excellent computer quality when working as a manager of people.
skills but poor public speaking skills should not The basic rule of ‘treat others as you would
be asked to go into schools and universities to expect others to treat you’ is fundamental. It’s
give presentations. At the same time it is important to try to put yourself in your
essential to share knowledge and experience so colleagues’ situation and try and appreciate how
that the team as a whole develop existing skills they are feeling and then act accordingly.
and individuals learn new ones. I 15 1 1 As

A This includes the manager passing on E In the past I have worked in an office
what they know. where my line manager was
constantly complaining about and
В They should never promise anything criticising the directors of the company.
that is not possible as this will lead to
disappointment and undermine F Managers should look for examples of
confidence in the company. good work and congratulate workers
С Now that I work as a manager myself
I try to be neither too controlling nor G Managers choose and develop their
too distant. team and so must accept respon­
sibility for the bad as well as the good
D Efficiently managing a team of people results of their efforts.
is no easy task and there will be many
challenging moments. H An efficient team makes the most of
all the skills different individuals bring
to it.


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