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LP DLL Entrep W1Q1 2022 Aujero

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of City Schools
Fatima, General Santos City


DepEd Order No. 42, s.2016


DATES: August 25, 2022
DAYS/TIME: Q1 Week 1 12:30 – 2:30
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, underlying principles,
and core competencies in Entrepreneurship.
B. Performance Standard The learner independently creates/provides a quality and marketable product
and/or service in Entrepreneurship.
The learners.. Discuss the relevance of the course

C. Learning Competencies / Objectives ● Explain the key concepts of common competencies

Write the LC code for each ● Explain the core competencies in Entrepreneurship; and
● Explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career.

a. Explain the key concepts of common competencies

D. Objectives b. Explain the core competencies in Entrepreneurship; and
c. Explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career.

II. CONTENT Introduction

A. TOPIC Relevance of the course, key concepts and common competencies, core
competencies in Entrepreneurship and career opportunities
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Self Learning module ( Quarter 1 Module 1)
2. Learner’s Materials pages Self Learning module ( Quarter 1 Module 1)
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Internet, Laptop


Developed: 1. Development of Managerial Capabilities - this means that one of the benefits
an entrepreneur gets is to develop his managerial skills.
2. Creation of Organizations - which means that because of entrepreneurship
many organizations will exist.
3. Improving Standard of Living - this means that entrepreneurship can lift up the
economic status of an individual.
4. Means of Economic Development - this means that not only the life of the
entrepreneur is improved but also the society where the business is located.
ELICIT (Access prior knowledge)
Reviewing yesterday’s lesson or Presenting the PRELIMINARIES
new lesson
Connect the lesson with learners' prior knowledge.
Prayers, checking of Attendance,
Explicitly teach the learners how the new lesson Reminders of Health Protocols
connects to previous lessons. Review and present Introduction of the subject
new lessons in a systematic manner.
Group the students accordingly.
State the Objectives
What I know
ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic)
Establishing a purpose for the lesson Activity 1: Let me Know
Motivate them to learn a new lesson. Encourage
them to ask questions about the new topic. This will Give at least five (5) names of entrepreneurs that you know, may it be from your
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of City Schools
Fatima, General Santos City


help establish a reason for learning the new lessons. locality or within the Philippines. Identify what are their common traits as
Presenting examples/ instances of the new Activity 2: Essay
Provide examples of the new lesson. Show the
Explain the following questions below about the competencies of
instances of the content and competencies. This is entrepreneurs. 1. What characteristics can you observe or see that are common
where the concepts are clarified. among the entrepreneurs that you have listed?
2. Who among the entrepreneurs that you mentioned do you admire the most
and why?
3. In your own opinion, what do you need to possess to become a successful

EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience)

Discussing new concepts and practicing new Discuss the Following:

skills #1
(Leads to Formative Assessment 1)
Discuss the concepts. Prepare good questions for RELEVANCE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP TO AN ORGANIZATION
this. Listen to the answers o learners to gauge if they
understood your presentation lesson. If not, then
1. Development of Managerial Capabilities - this means that one of the benefits
reteach. If they have understood, then proceed to an entrepreneur gets is to develop his managerial skills.
deepen the lesson. 2. Creation of Organizations - which means that because of entrepreneurship
many organizations will exist.
3. Improving Standard of Living - this means that entrepreneurship can lift up the
economic status of an individual.
4. Means of Economic Development - this means that not only the life of the
entrepreneur is improved but also the society where the business is located.

Concept of Entrepreneurship
The word “entrepreneur” was derived from the French verb enterprendre,
which means “to undertake.” This is pinpointing to those who “undertake” the
risk of enterprise. The enterprise is created by an entrepreneur and the
process is called “Entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurs are innovators. They are
willing to take the risks and generate unique ideas that can provide profitable
solutions to the needs of the market and the society.
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship

1. Personality Factors which include:

a. Initiative - doing things even before being told.

b. Proactive - which means he can classify opportunities and seize it.

c. Problem Solver - which means he can retain good relations with other people.
d. Perseverance - meaning he will pursue things to get done regardless of
challenges. e. Persuasion - means that he can entice people to buy even if they
don’t want to. f. A Planner - he makes plans before doing things and does not fail
to monitor it. g. Risk-taker - which means that he is willing to gamble but he will
calculate it first.

2. Environmental Factors which include political, climate, legal system, economic

and social conditions and market situations.

Common Competencies in Entrepreneurship 1. Decisive - an entrepreneur must

be firm in making decisions. 2. Communicator - an entrepreneur must have a
convincing power. 3. Leader - an entrepreneur must have the charisma to be
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of City Schools
Fatima, General Santos City


obeyed by his employees. 4. Opportunity seeker - an entrepreneur must have

the ability to be the first to see business chances. 5. Proactive – an entrepreneur
can control a situation by making things happen or by preparing for possible
future problems. 6. Risk Taker – an entrepreneur has the courage to pursue
business ideas. 7. Innovative - the entrepreneur has big business ideas and he
does not stop improving and thinking of new worthwhile ideas for his business.

Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship 1. Economic and Dynamic Activity -

Entrepreneurship is an economic activity because it involves the creation and
operation of an enterprise with a view to creating value or wealth by ensuring
optimum utilization of limited resources. 2. Innovative – The entrepreneur
constantly looks for new ideas, thus he needs to be creative. 3. Profit Potential -
The entrepreneur can be compensated by his profit coming from the operation.
4. Risk bearing – The entrepreneur needs to gamble but wise enough to offset
the risk.

Types of Entrepreneurs 1. Innovative Entrepreneurs - They are those who

always make new things by thinking of new ideas. They have the ability to
think of newer, better and more economical ideas. 2. Imitating Entrepreneurs -
They are those who don’t create new things but only follow the ideas of other
entrepreneurs. 3. Fabian Entrepreneurs - They are skeptical about changes to be
made in the organization. They don’t initiate but follow only after they are
satisfied. 4. Drone Entrepreneurs - They are those who live on the labor of
others. They are die-hard conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of business.
5. Social Entrepreneurs - They are those who initiate changes and drive social
innovation and transformation in the various fields such as education, health,
human rights, environment and enterprise development.

Career Opportunities of Entrepreneurship 1. Business Consultant - with the

expertise of in the field of entrepreneurship, he can be a very good source of
advice to other entrepreneurs and would be businessmen. 2. Teacher - a
graduate of entrepreneurship can use his knowledge in teaching. 3.
Researcher - the entrepreneur can be employed as a researcher by an
enterprise. 4. Sales - the entrepreneurship graduate can apply as a salesman. 5.
Business Reporter - the entrepreneur being expert in the field, can be
employed as a business reporter.

.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills#2 Activity 3: Self Assessment
(LeadstoFormative Assessment2)
Deepen the lesson with new ways to apply the Direction: Find out if you have the qualities of an entrepreneur. Put a check mark
learning. Pair, group, and teamwork might be good on the column that identifies whether you have the qualities of an entrepreneur
ways to help learners discuss the lesson among
themselves. They can present their work to the class or not.
and this serves as the teachers’ way of assessing if
the concepts are solidifying and if their skills are

EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students)

Making generalizations and abstractions about What I Have Learned

the lesson __________________are people who take the risk, they are innovators and
Conclude the lesson by asking children good
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of City Schools
Fatima, General Santos City


questions that will help them crystalize their learning contributors to the development of the ________________________.
so they can declare the knowledge and demonstrate
their skills.
ELABORATE (Students apply the information)

APPLICATION Activity 4: Interview the Known

.Finding practical applications of concepts and Choose three successful entrepreneurs in your community or nearby places
skills in daily living
and conduct an interview using the guide questions below. Discuss the result of
Develop appreciation and value for their learning by
bridging the lesson to daily living. This will establish your interview to your teacher. 1. What motivated you to become an
relevance in the lesson. entrepreneur? 2. What do you think are your characteristics and competencies
that made you a successful entrepreneur? 3. What do you think of being
employed? Why did you not choose that path?

EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept)
Evaluating learning Answer the questions given below by encircling the letter of the correct
Assess whether the learning objectives have been
answer. 1. The entrepreneurs who create new ideas are called
met. Evaluation should tap into the three types of
objectives. ______________.a. Innovative b. Imitating c. Fabian d. Drone 2. The
entrepreneur who lives on the labor of others is called __________.a. Drone b.
Fabian c. Imitating d. Innovative 3. These are entrepreneurs who are to follow
the path shown by innovative entrepreneurs. a. Innovative b. Imitating c. Social
Entrepreneurs d. Fabian 4. Which of the following does not belong to the
group? a. Skills management c. Conduct research b. Risk taking d.
Make no changes with his product 5. Entrepreneur means: a. Risk taker b. To
undertake c. To research d. To improve standard of living 6. It is a personality
factor which means “doing things even before being told.” a. proactive b.
perseverance c. persuasion d. initiative 7. It is a personality factor which
means convincing customers to buy the product. a. Proactive b. Persuasion c.
Self-confidence d. Risk-taker 8. Which of the choices is NOT part of the
environmental factors? a. Political b. Weather condition c. Climate d. Family
background of the manager 9. All except one does NOT belong to the group.
Which one is it? a. Unfair trade practices b. Strikes c. Political protest d.
Product 10. The entrepreneur who is skeptical about the changes in the
company is called a. Fabian b. Social entrepreneur 11. Which is NOT a career
for an entrepreneur? a. Business consultant b. Sales c. Drone d. Imitating c.
Research and Development d. Domestic Helper 2. They are entrepreneurs who
drive social innovation and transformation in various fields. a. Drone b. Social
entrepreneur c. Fabian d. Imitating 13. Which of the statements below is true?
a. Entrepreneurs have limited career opportunities. b. Entrepreneurs are prone
to constant high income. c. Entrepreneurs are contributors to the development
of society. d. Entrepreneurs are the reasons for the unemployment problem. 14.
Which of the statements is NOT true? a. An entrepreneur will patiently wait for
his efforts to bear fruit. b. The profit of the entrepreneur is immediate. c. All
entrepreneurs are successful. d. Entrepreneurs are researchers. 15. Which of
the following is NOT true? a. Entrepreneurship creates organizations. b.
Entrepreneurs improve the life of the entrepreneur alone. c. Entrepreneurs
improve the economy. d. None of the choices

EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in a new context

Activity 5: Research Me Research on the life story of at least three (3) entrepreneurs in your locality; identify how they started
their business. Ask how much was their start-up capital.

A.No of learners who earned 80% on the evaluation
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of City Schools
Fatima, General Santos City


B.No.of learners who require additional activities for


C.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have

caught up with the lesson

D.No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E.Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did

these work?

F.What difficulties did I encounter that my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
that I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:



Checked and Verified by:

Principal II

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