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Philosophical Matrix

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Ivy Jean Feliciano

Dr. Melissa Napil


September 18, 2021

Integration of the Philosophies

Philosophies Critical Montessori Progressivism Perennialism
Implication a good way to a self-directed Individuality, centered on
to help kids activity, hands-on growth, and teaching in a
Educational improve their learning, and change, according method that
Practice critical thinking collaborative to progressivists, emphasizes the
skills and make play-based are essential individual's
positive educational components of progress This
behavioral method. Children education. educational
changes in their in Montessori Progressivists concept is
life. This is a classrooms make base their founded on the
method for creative choices curricula on belief that it is the
improving pupil in their learning, students' needs, responsibility of
awareness, while the experiences, the teacher to
comprehension, classroom and the interests, and focus on the
and judgment. highly educated talents, believing individual rather
teacher assist that people learn than the group. It
them through the best from what makes no
process with age- they find most difference if a
appropriate relevant to their student is below
activities. life. average in the
Children work class; as long as
together and they achieve their
independently to own objectives,
discover and they are
explore world flourishing.
knowledge and to
reach their full
Strengths It focuses on the Montessori It encourages Perennialism is
critical thinking teachers create an critical thinking, known for its
of the learners environment that creativity, and capacity to
which triggers encourages and active explain cultural
their higher supports learning. engagement. commonalities
order thinking Teachers provide Progressives think and for
skills. an educationally that education is a emphasizing the
exciting right, not a importance of
environment. privilege, and particular values,
Through self- they aim to ensure such as progress.
direction and self- that all kids have Perennialism
correction, access to it. They encourages self-
children can also urge for sufficiency and
contribute to their higher funding for avoids excessive
own education. law schools and consumption.
Learning happens additional hands- Perennialism is a
through the on learning comprehensive
senses. Teachers opportunities. approach to
pay attention to comprehending
the child's the world and life.
interests and
Teachers watch,
assess, and
provide material
and activities that
are appropriate
for the child's
stages. The
emphasis is on
self-help and
skills that are
Weaknesses May not be There are no It may be too Perrenialism is a
applicable to dramatic play abstract for kids type of
learners that are centers in the to comprehend, or determinism
academically- classroom, and there may be a based on the
challenged. the children are lack of attention environment. It
divided into on core does not account
multiage groups. knowledge. for the intricacies
In the Montessori Progressives of human
program, parents oppose behavior and
are rarely standardized social change,
involved. Less education because according to
group work they believe the critics. Humans
means less social examinations do are fundamentally
skills are not accurately good, according
acquired. reflect how well to perennialists,
students learn. but opponents
disagree. Because
it does not
account for
change over time
or cultural
might be
considered as

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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Montessori - 720 Words | Cram. (n.d.). Strengths-And-

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