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The Book of Aqeedah For Beginners - Children

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The Book of Aqeedah for Children
Table of Contents
Lesson 1 Islaam:The First Principle of our Deen 1
Lesson 2 The Pillars of Islaam 3
Lesson 3 The First Pillar of Islaam 5
Lesson 4 The Second Pillar of Islaam 6
Lesson 5 The Third Pillar of Islaam 7
The Book of Aqeedah for Children
Lesson 6 The Fourth Pillar of Islaam 8
Lesson 7 The Fifth Pillar of Islaam 9
Lesson 8 Imaan: The Second Principle of our Deen 10
Prepared by
Lesson 9 The First Pillar of Imaan 12
Enlightenment into Islaam Center
Lesson 10 The Second Pillar of Imaan 16
Women’s Committee
Revival of Islaamic Heritage Society Lesson 11 The Third and Fourth Pillars of Imaan 17
Lesson 12 The Fifth Pillar of Imaan 18
Lesson 13 The Sixth Pillar of Imaan 19
Lesson 14 Ihsaan: The Third Principle of our Deen 20

LESSO Islaam
N1 The First Principle of our
Subbmission to
Deen Any obligatory
The meaning of Islaam: act of worship is
It is submission to Allaah performed for
by recognising His Absolute Oneness. Allaah Alone.
This includes complete obedience to
The 3 Principles of our Allaah and disassociating from Shirk
and its followers.
Deen (religion)
Disassociating from
Shirk and its
1st P iple
Complete obedience to followers

Allaah in Worship We reject anything
We submit to Allaah by obey- and eveything
ing all what He Commands and being worshipped
d Princip
2n l by abstaining from all what He other than Allaah.


d Princip
3r l
a M u slim
s a a n I am ove my

Ih and I l Islaam
religio I am
and f it
o u d o
1 2
N2 The First Pillar
1 Shahaadah: To bear witness that
none has the right to be worshipped
but Allaah, and that Muhammad is
the Messenger of Allaah

2 The Second Pillar

Salaat: To establish the Prayer
The Pillars of Islaam
The pillars of Islaam are 3 The Third Pillar
Zakaat: To pay obligatory charity
Shahaadah Salaat Zakaat Sawm Hajj due to the poor
1 2 3 4 5

The Fourth Pillar

4 Sawm: Fasting (Sawm) during
the month of Ramadan

The Fifth Pillar

5 Hajj: To perform pilgrimage
(Hajj) to Makkah for whoever is
able to do so

i s t h e one a
Islaam reason for
only Parad n
r i n g
ente tio
o n e ’s salva
and ell
from H
3 4
N3 N4

The First Pillar The Second Pillar

Shahaadah (Testimony) Establish the Salaat (prayer)
The meaning of The meaning of
Establishing the prayer
“La Ilaaha Ila-Allaah”
To worship Allaah by offering the
None has the right to be worshipped but Allaah (the five compulsory prayers, in their pre-
negation of worship to other than Allaah and the scribed time and in the manner the
affirmation with regard to Allaah Alone). Prophet described.

The meaning of

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah.”

We obey him in whatever he commanded.
We believe that what he reported is the truth. The first thing the slave will be
We abstain from whatever he prohibited.
We worship Allaah in the manner he prescribed. taken to account for on the Day
of Judgment is the Salaat.
A person enters Islaam with Shahaadatain.
5 6
N5 N6

The Third Pillar The Fourth Pillar

Paying Zakaat Sawm (Fasting)
The meaning of The meaning of
Paying Zakaat Fasting

To worship Allaah by paying part of your money and To worship Allaah by abstaining from food and drink
giving it to the needy. and everything else that breaks the fast from dawn
until sunset, carrying out the Commands of
Allaah and following the Sunnah of the Prophet .

Verdict: The one who denies the

obligation of Salaat and Zakaat is a
Kaafir (disbeliever).

7 8
N7 N8

The Second Principle of our

Deen (religion)
The Fifth Pillar
Performing Hajj rinc
1st P iple
The meaning of Islaam
Performing Hajj Princip
(Pilgrimage to Makkah) 2n l

To worship Allaah by per-
forming pilgrimage to His d Princip
House at a specific time to 3 r l

perform specific actions
Undertaking Hajj at least once in a lifetime is a duty
for Muslims who are physically and financially able to
make the journey to Makkah. Imaan (Faith) is the Second principle
of our Deen
Verdict: The one who denies
The meaning of Imaan
the obligation of Sawm and Hajj is a Imaan is belief in the heart, utterence by the tongue and
Kaafir (disbeliever). actions by the limbs.
9 10
The Pillars of Imaan
The Pillars of Imaan are six:
1 Belief in Allaah
2 His Angels
The First Pillar of Imaan
3 His Books Belief in Allaah
4 His Messengers The meaning of
Belief in Allaah
5 The Last Day
To single out Allaah (particularize Him) with
6 The
1 2
Roboobiyyah Oloohiyyah
(Lordship) (Worship)
Imaan incr
with wors
hip and
decreases w Whoever
committin 3
g sins. denies one of the
Pillars is considered
Asma’ wa Sifaat
Names and Attributes
a Kaafir.
11 12
Meaning of singling
Allaah out with
Roboobiyyah Meaning of singling
(Lordship) Allaah out with

Recognition that Allaah is the Creator, the

Sustainer, He Who disposes the affairs of His
creation only, and no one else.
To direct all kinds of worship to Allaah Alone
I am a Muslim, I believe that Allaah has cre- Example: No one is invoked except Allaah,
ated me, and created the heavens and the no one is sacrificed to except Allaah.
earth, and humankind and Jinn, and no one
else created them. I am a Muslim. And I don’t pray to anyone
except Allaah.
I also believe that Allaah Alone is the sus-
tainer of people, birds, animals, and no one I invoke (ask) Allaah, and I don’t invoke
else sustains them. anyone else.

And I believe that Allaah will give life to the I put my trust in Allaah, and I don’t put my
dead like He created them the first time, trust in anyone else.
and no one else can do so except Him.

13 14
N 10
Meaning of singling
Allaah out with
Asma’ wa Sifaat
(Names and Attributes)
The Second Pillar of Imaan
Belief in the Angels
Affirmation of the Names of Allaah and His The meaning of
Attributes that are mentioned in the Qur’an and Belief in the Angels
Sunnah. “There is nothing like Him from
among His creatures.” [Surat ash-Shura 42:11] Certain belief that the Angels exist.
Allaah created them to worship Him and serve Him as
He has commanded.
They are never disobedient to Allaah.
I am a Muslim, I believe in all the beautiful The number of Angels is numerous, and from them:
Names of Allaah, like: 1. Jibreel (peace be upon him)
Ar-Rahmaan (the Most Gracious), 2. Mikaa’el (peace be upon him)
As-Samee’ (the All-Hearer), 3. Israafeel (peace be upon him)
Al-Qawiy (the All-Strong),
Al-’Aleem (the All-Knower). Verdict: The one
And I believe in all the perfect I believe tha
who denies the t
Attributes of Allaah like: Angels writ
Angels is a Kaafir e the
Mercy, Hearing, Strength, Knowledge, etc. good and ba
(disbeliever). d
deeds of the
15 16
N 11 N 12

The Third and Fourth Pillars of Imaan The Fifth Pillar of Imaan
Belief in the Books and Messengers Belief in the Last Day
The meaning of
Belief in the Books The meaning of
Belief in the Last Day
Certain belief that Allaah has sent Certain belief in everything that will happen after
down Books upon His Messengers death, as it is mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
to guide people. Of the things that happen after death:
The greatest Book is the Noble Questioning of the slave in his grave
Qur’an, and it is the word of Allaah. about: Who is your Lord? What is your
religion? Who is your Prophet ?
The meaning of
The delight of the grave and its torment.
Belief in the Messengers
Certain belief that Allaah has sent Messengers to the The Resurrection: Bringing the people out
people and they are truthful in what they have conveyed. from their graves for reckoning of their
deeds, and recompense accordingly; (till)
the people of Paradise enter Paradise
The call of the Messengers is one: and the people of Hell enter Hell.
It is the command of
Tawheed (monotheism) Verdict: The one who denies the Last Day is a
and forbidding of Kaafir (disbeliever).
Shirk (polytheism). 18
N 13 N 14

The Third Principle of our

Deen (religion)
The Sixth Pillar of Imaan Ihsaan is the
Belief in the Qadar 1st P iple
Islaam Third principle of
(Divine Preordainment) our Deen
d Princip
The meaning of 2n l

Belief in the Qadar The meaning of Ihsaan
3rd l
To worship Allaah as if
Certain belief that all which occurs of good and evil is

by Divine Decree. you see Him. If you can’t
achieve this state of
Verdict: The one who denies the Qadar is a devotion then you must
Kaafir (disbeliever). consider that He sees you.

f fl i c ted with Ihsaan is the

am a
When I lamity, I say: a highest slim, Ih
a ca ahi wa inn a M u
I am hat Allaa
ila principle of
“Inna Li raaji’oon.” t
know and hears
ilaih A l l a ah we our Deen. sees I don’t
t o me, so Him even
“Truly, d truly, to Him y
belong shall return.” disobe m alone.
we if I a

19 20

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