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COT Demo Last Quarter 3-4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
caraga region
Schools Division Of Surigao Del Sur
Gamut National High School
Gamut, Tago, Surigao Del Sur

Name GLORY B. BALATERO Date June 21, 2021

Class 10-10:30 am Topic Interpersonal
Schedule Communication
Quarter Quarter 4 Subject English 7
A. Content Standard Understand and apply a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal
communication during an interview a dialog and a conversation.
B. Performance Standard Perform a conversational activity applying the strategies for effective
interpersonal communication
C. Learning Competency Employ a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal
with code communication (interview, dialog, conversation). Code: EN7OL-I-b1-14
C. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should have
(KSA) a. identified strategies for effective interpersonal communication;
b. applied various strategies for effective interpersonal
communication; and,
c. expressed the importance of employing various strategies for
effective interpersonal communication.
A. References Interpersonal Communication: Interview, Dialogue, Conversation

B. Other Learning Interpersonal Communication Skills | SkillsYouNeed

Resources Illustrated Conversations | Topic 7 - the Environment | Elementary
Level - YouTube
A. Reviewing The student will give a recap about the previous lesson (Features of
Previous lesson or Academic Writing).
presenting the new
lesson Motivation:
The students will ask the teacher of the following questions below.
After the teacher’s answers, the students will have their turn. They
will ask their seatmates the same questions and will see if they can
make a conversation.
1. How’s your sleep?
2. Did you wake up early today?
3. What did you eat at breakfast?
4. Who brought you to school today?
5. Are you excited for our activity? Why?
B. Presenting The teacher will show a video about a dialogue between two friends
Examples/instance who are concerned about the environment while they are having their
s of the new lesson picnic. (Science)

Follow up questions:
1. What were the people doing in the video? Have you tried doing
2. What were they talking about?
3. Do they understand each other?
4. What lesson have you learned from the conversation?
5. Have you tried talking with someone about a certain topic?
Illustrated Conversations | Topic 7 - the Environment | Elementary
Level - YouTube
C. Discussing new
practicing new Interpersonal communication is the process by which two or more
skills #1 people exchange information, ideas, and feelings using both verbal
(interview, dialog, conversation) and nonverbal methods (body
language, gestures and facial expression).
It frequently includes face-to-face information exchange in the form of
voice, facial expressions, body language, and gestures.
It is the exchange of information between people who are
interdependent and have some knowledge of one another.

Example: Interview, Dialog , Conversation between a son and his

father, an employer and an employee, a teacher and a student, and so

Interview – is a structured conversation where one participant

asks questions, and the other provides answers.
Dialog – (sometimes spelled dialogue in UK) is a written or
spoken conversational exchange between two or more people.
Conversation – a talk, especially an informal one, between two
or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.


1. Be cognizant or conscious of yourself- Being aware of your own
emotions and your non-verbal communication (body language, facial
expressions and gestures) can significantly benefit your interpersonal
communication skills.
2. Be conscious, respectful, and empathetic towards others - .
Being conscious of others and reading their “visual clues” through
visual perception helps people become more aware and empathetic of
others. Allow others to express themselves and wait until they finish
and respond to express your thoughts on a topic in a non-
confrontational way.
3. Actively listen to others- Listening is a skill that must be
developed and honed. You need to listen actively to understand rather
than listening to respond. You demonstrate that what the person 3
you are speaking with has to say is important to you.
4. Avoid talking over others or speaking for them- Interrupting
someone who is speaking shows a lack of listening skills and may be
interpreted as you not appreciating what they are saying. Provide the
person time to finish his/her thoughts and don't assume you know
what he/she is going to say. Give them the respect they deserve by
allowing them to express themselves.
5. Collaborate more by saying “YES” before saying “NO”- Saying
“YES” and building the conversation on it by helping them achieve a
more positive mindset that benefits collaboration can benefit everyone
rather than shutting down the conversation with a “NO.”
F. Developing Direction: Identify the strategy used in every conversational scenario.
mastery (Leads to Choose the letter of your answer from the choices below.
assessment 3) 1. Tina is careful in her words whenever she will talk with her Muslim
friend. She doesn’t speak against other’s cultures and beliefs, instead
she does her best to build a beautiful conversation. ________
2. When Andrew talked to Lalain, he just nods whenever Lalain
expresses her opinion about something. He will also say positive
words about them by saying “yes that’s true” before giving his own
opinion opposing to her ideas. _______
3. Hilda listens well when I share my problems and secrets with her.
She clearly understands everything I say. She gives me helpful advice
and all are indeed great help. ______
4. Gina is conscious when she speaks to someone. She lets the person
finish what he says before she speaks or responds. ______
5. I don’t interrupt when someone is talking. I wait for them to finish
before I speak. ____

A. Be cognizant or conscious of yourself

B. Be conscious, respectful, and empathetic towards others
C. Actively listen to others
D. Avoid talking over others or speaking for them
E. Collaborate more by saying “YES” before saying “NO”

G. Finding practical Differentiated Tasks:

applications of You will perform different tasks depending on your field of interest.
concepts /Making Choose one scenario, make your script, and perform it in front pof the
generalizations and class. You should apply the strategies for an effective interpersonal
abstractions about
Note: Everybody should talk because you will be graded individually
the lesson basing on the Rubrics below.

The Entrepreneurs
2-3 participants ---There will be a vendor and a customer/s. The
vendor will sell fruits and the customer/s will buy and pay and will
leave the area right away. The vendor will call the customer/s because
they left their change. The vendor will show the computation and the
customers will thank him/her. (Mathematics)

The Ancient Celebrities

2-3 participants ---The interviewee are the ancient heroes, Dr. Jose P.
Rizal and Andres Bonifacio. The interviewer will ask them questions
about their good battle against the colonizers. (Araling Panlipunan)

The Plantitos and Plantitas

2-3 participants ----A farmer and students will have a conversation
about planting ‘Tres Marias’ or Hilbas. The students will ask the
farmer his techniques in planting the herbal plant. The farmer will tell
them the techniques and the students will actually plant in front.
(Agriculture & Science)

The Dance Floor Movers

2-4 participants ---There will be a dance instructor and the
students. The dance instructor will tell and show the students the
steps of the dance. The students will ask and show the instructor if
they are doing the right steps. (P.E.)
The Legendary Actors
2 participants ---They will act a scene from the “Alamat ng Ibong
Adarna” from their Filipno Subject. The Old Hermit (Matandang
Hermitanio) and Don Juan, who met along the way. Don Juan helped
the Old man by giving food and water and as an expression of thanks,
the Old Hermit told him the secret to capture the bird. You will create an
English conversation. (Filipino)

Criteria 5 points 3 points 2 points 0

Coherence and The idea is clear and The idea is nearly The idea is far from No performance
Originality is direct to the point, clear and can be the topic and is hard
original and creative. understood to understand.
however, not

Fluency and Clarity of The grammar is The grammar has The grammar is No performance
voice correct and the mistaken and the entirely incorrect
delivery is fluent and delivery is not fluent and the delivery is
clear. and clear. not fluent and
The performance is
Overall Performance The performance is The performance is poor without No
(gestures and facial great with the right good with a few gestures and facial performance.
expressions) gestures and facial gestures and weak expressions. The
expressions. The facial expressions. performers were
performers were The performers unconvincing.
convincing. were slightly

H. Evaluating Direction: Read each situation carefully. Determine whether the

Learning technique used in the conversation is being applied or not. If yes, write
“CHECK” if no, write “EX”.

________1. Mica is listening well to the Doctor who was explaining to

her about her mom’s condition. She asks questions after the doctor
________ 2. Sam talks over Rico as they argue on something. He
doesn’t wait for Rico to finish.
________ 3. Andrea talks so loudly. She doesn’t give her date a chance
to talk.
________ 4. Myrrh conveys what she says with clear gestures and eye
contact. Her client understood everything that she said and it was a
closed deal.
________ 5. Henry spoke to his boss about quitting from his job. His
boss just nodded and said yes in his every statement. His boss
respected his decision.

I. Additional Directions: Find a partner for a conversation. You will talk about a
Activity/ certain topic which you will be choosing below (choose only one).
Assignment Apply the strategies in improving your Interpersonal Communication

Topics to choose:
1. Family and relatives
2. Feeling towards Covid-19
3. Studies during the Pandemic
4. Future Plans

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


English Teacher English Coordinator

Checked by:


Grade Level Chair/ MT 2

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