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English 7 Performance Task 3RD Quarter

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Universidad de Sta.

Isabel-Basic Education Department, Naga City SY 2021-2022

NAME:__________________________7-_________________ SCORE:_________________



1. Recall your learnings in the previous modules.

2. This is to be done individually so be guided by the given rubric for your output.

3. As you make your written output, refer to the given guide questions.

4. For the final output, take note of the given feedback.

5. Submit the final copy of your composition in the assignment tab in the Aralinks LMS. The deadline for
the submission of your output is on or before March 11, 2022.

Performance Tasks in GRASPS FORMAT (ENGLISH 7)

Millennials nowadays are fond of other countries’ cultures and traditions in terms of their food, lifestyle,
dramas, and beliefs. As a result, these young generations have experienced confusions in their own
identity as a Filipino. To properly address the problem and promote our own identity, the International
Youth Commission decided to hold a Summit which will be participated by Young Filipino Writers. As a
delegate of your community and a Feature writer, you are tasked to share a memorable experience that
makes you proud being a Filipino with the theme “Appreciating the Filipino Identity Through Our
Literature and Culture”. In the said event, your task is to write a composition about our “Filipino Identity”
that will restore the vitality of our culture. Your composition will be evaluated using the following
standards: Content, Organization, and Grammar Use.

Guide Questions:

1. What ways can we do to promote our identity as Filipinos?

2. As a Filipino, why do we need to preserve our own culture and Literature?


Criteria 5 3 1

Content Comprehensively and Writes a composition Does not

effectively writes a that shows ways of comprehensively write
composition that asserting one’s identity a composition that
shows ways of shows ways of
asserting one’s identity asserting one’s identity


Universidad de Sta. Isabel-Basic Education Department, Naga City SY 2021-2022
Organization The composition has a The composition has a The composition does
stated focus; clear and focus; clear ideas, not have a focus; and
appropriate ideas, such as spatial, does not have clear
such as spatial, chronological or order ideas, such as spatial,
chronological or order of importance. chronological or order
of importance. Transitions help of importance.
readers follow. Transitions does not
help readers follow.
consistently help
readers follow.
Grammar Use Clearly and Clearly composes Does not clearly and
appropriately composes sentences using past appropriately compose
sentences using past and perfect tenses, sentences using past
and perfect tenses, active and passive and perfect tenses,
active and passive voice, and connectors active and passive
voice, and connectors voice, and connectors

Promptness Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted one-three

deadline. deadline. days after the deadline.


1. Arana, R., Cidro, M., Manongsong P., (2019). Integrated English for Effective Communication-
Philippine Literature 7. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
2. Theme. Retrieved from filipino-identity-
through-literature-culture (accessed March 10,2021).
3. Rubrics. Retrieved from (accessed March 10,2021).

Prepared by:

Ms. Arcel Mae M. Arcenal

Ms. Eve Lorimei Pural

Subject Teachers


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