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Basic Factors of Delivery

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English 7

Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Basic Factors of
Learning Objectives:
After going through this module, you are
expected to:
1. narrate events in factual and personal
recounts using the basic factors of delivery;
2. deliver a speech using the appropriate oral
language, stance and behavior when making
explanations and giving information.
What I Know!
Instructions: Answer the statements below by writing the correct
word/s that correspond/s to the given definition of the basic factors of
delivery found inside the box. Copy and answer this in your notebook.
Clarity Delivery Loudness Platform behavior
Posture Pronunciation
_______1. The position of the speaker’s body when
_______2. The way you pronounce the word with your
What I Know!
Clarity Delivery Loudness Platform behavior
Posture Pronunciation

_______3. The enunciation of the words more

deliberately than in ordinary conversation where
words must be easily heard and expressed in an exact
______4. The way the speaker acts and behaves
before his/her audience that tells of a good reason
for any pause or for any movement.
What I Know!
Clarity Delivery Loudness Platform behavior
Posture Pronunciation
__________5. The attribute of a sound that
determines the magnitude of the auditory sensation
What I Know!
Instructions: Answer the statements below by writing the correct
word/s that correspond/s to the given definition of the basic factors of
delivery found inside the box. Copy and answer this in your notebook.
Clarity Delivery Loudness Platform behavior
Posture Pronunciation
____________1. The position of the speaker’s body
when sitting/standing.
Pronunciation The way you pronounce the word
with your voice.
What I Know!
Clarity Delivery Loudness Platform behavior
Posture Pronunciation
_____________3. The enunciation of the words more
deliberately than in ordinary conversation where
words must be easily heard and expressed in an exact
Platform Behavior The way the speaker acts and
behaves before his/her audience that tells of a good
reason for any pause or for any movement.
What I Know!
Clarity Delivery Loudness Platform behavior
Posture Pronunciation

Loudness The attribute of a sound that
determines the magnitude of the auditory sensation
What’s New

Who gave you your first name?

In this activity, you will share the
origin of your name. Make a draft in your
notebook. You will be given a minute to
deliver your answer by recording it
through your cellphone’s video camera.
Methods of Speech
• Speech delivery is an important part of
public speaking.
• No matter how inspiring, informative,
or persuasive the speech you have
written, poor delivery will leave your
audience as if nothing happened, and
your presentation will simply be
• Delivery refers to the presentation of
the speech you studied, planned,
described, and practiced in the form of
public speaking.
• It is relevant because it is the most
important for the audience. It relies on
both verbal communication and
nonverbal communication.

Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Verbal Communication Non-verbal
is about language , both communication refers
written and spoken to communication that
occurs through means
other than words, such
as body language,
gestures, and silence.
Methods of Delivery
There are four (4) basic methods of delivering
a speech:
1. Reading verbatim from a manuscript
2. Reciting a memorized text
3. Speaking Impromptu
4. Speaking Extemporaneously
Methods of Delivery
Reading verbatim from a manuscript
➢ Manuscript speech is that which is
written out and read word for word
to the audience.
➢ An example of it can be The President
giving a message for congress.
Methods of Delivery
Reciting a memorized text
➢ Memorized speaking consists of reciting a
scripted speech from memory. Memorization
allows the speaker to be free of notes
➢ Actors, generally, recite from memory
whenever they perform from a script in a
stage play, television program, or movie
Methods of Delivery
Speaking Impromptu
➢ An impromptu speech, by definition, is
the one that a speaker delivers without
any prior preparation on the topic.
➢ The interviews of politicians, the
presidential debate, or even the panel
discussions on TV channels are all
examples of impromptu speaking.
Methods of Delivery
Speaking Extemporaneously
➢ Extemporaneous speech is that which is
prepared and practiced in advance. The
speaker only uses a brief set of notes or a
speaking outline to jog the memory.
➢ This type of speech is mostly used in
business, education, preaching, and
political affairs.
Basic Factors of
Basic Factors of Delivery

1. Platform Behavior
2. Posture
3. Loudness
4. Clarity
5. Pronunciation
6. Grammar
Basic Factors of Delivery
Platform Behavior
It is everything that the speaker does and
does not do on the stage that must have
proper motivation. There should be reason
for every movement. Avoid mannerisms.
Basic Factors of Delivery

It refers to the way a speaker stands.
Balance the weight of the body on both feet.
Basic Factors of Delivery

Speak loud enough to be heard. Pay
attention to the people in the last row and
ensure that they can hear the speech.
Basic Factors of Delivery

Speak clearly. Speech must be delivered
relatively slower than in an ordinary
Basic Factors of Delivery

Use correct pronunciation. When in
doubt about the pronunciation of a word,
consult a modern dictionary.
Basic Factors of Delivery

Use correct grammar. Expose oneself to
language through practice.
Tips for Better Body Language and Stance
by Gail Zack Anderson

1. Stand tall from the ribcage; this looks

confident–strong yet relaxed. Keep your
head straight but not rigid.

2. Plant your feet, weight distributed evenly

between both feet, and place your feet just a
little apart for balance.
Tips for Better Body Language and Stance
by Gail Zack Anderson

3. Don’t rock, sway, or shift from foot to foot.

Instead, try to balance on both feet for a
position that signals confidence and control
without rigidity.
4. Stand in the center of the front of the
room for your opening, move every 2-3
minutes or at the start of each new topic,
then return to the center for a strong close.
Tips for Better Body Language and Stance
by Gail Zack Anderson

5. Like to move around? Try this: move from

point A to point B deliberately, then stop and
plant your feet again.
6. Stand still or move? Standing frozen in
place; not good. Pacing; not good. Try to
achieve a balance between stillness and
Tips for Better Body Language and Stance
by Gail Zack Anderson

7. Still not sure? Ask someone to video

record your presentation (or a rehearsal) and
then watch it to see if you move too much or
too little.

Let’s have an impromptu speaking activity. Say

something positive and negative about the given


What do you like and dislike about cities

1. Skyscrapers 2. Expressways
What do you like and dislike about cities

3. Park 4. City People

ACTIVITY Personal Recount
Instructions: Pick one topic and use the given outline below for the details.
Write it in your notebook.
1. My “new normal” learning experience.
2. How’s my modular learning experience? Online learning experience?
3. What is my contribution to my community during the pandemic?
4. What is something new about myself that I discovered in the new
5. If I met God today, what would I tell him?
ACTIVITY Personal Recount
A recount tells about events that have happened to you or other people.
Orientation Tells when and where the
event began and who was
Events Tells the event in sequence
Ending Tells how the experience
ended and some thoughts you
may have about it.
A. Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word/words to complete the
1. Consult a modern dictionary if you doubt with your ______________.
2. When a speaker gives a speech without prior planning or preparation, it
is called a/an_______________.
3. Using your whole body to communicate is called ________________.
4. Stand at the center of the front of the room for your opening, move
every __________minutes or at the start of each new topic.
5.______________ speech can be read word for word.
B. Tell whether the following statements are True or False.
Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is not
correct. Copy and answer the items in your notebook.

_________1. Posture refers to the way you stand and sit.

________ 2. An impromptu speech is well prepared and
the speaker uses notes to outline the speech.
_______ 3. Distribute the weight of your body on your
two feet evenly when delivering a speech.
B. Tell whether the following statements are True or False.
Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is not
correct. Copy and answer the items in your notebook.

_______4. For your opening speech, stand in the center of

the front of the room and move every new idea.
_______5. Speak loud enough to be heard especially by the
people at the back.
Group Performance Task Presentation

Think of an item at home and create a one-minute
commercial about it. You are going to explain by
addressing the guide questions below. Record your
performance using your cellphone’s video camera and
send it to our respective group chat.
Guide Questions:

1.What makes it special?

2.How can it enhance lives?
3.Why does everyone need that item in
their home?

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