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Review of Related Literature and Action Hypothesis

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This chapter presents the definition of vocabulary, classification of

vocabulary, vocabulary mastery, games in English language teaching, the

definition of hyponym game, the procedure of teaching vocabulary using

hyponym games, and action hypothesis.

2.1 Literature Reeview

2.1.1 Vocabulary

2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the important aspects of English that should be

taught in teaching and learning English. Vocabulary plays an important role in

learning language. We can express our ideas, thoughts or expeiences if we have

known the vocabulary of a language. In learning language especially to master

English we need a lot of vocabulary, because without vocabulary we are not able

to produce or understanding what people say.

According to Ur (2012, p. 60) vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the

words in the language. Hatch and Brown (1995, p. 1) states that vocabulary is a

list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual

speakers of a language might use. Vocabulary knowledge is important in building

sentence and understanding the meaning of it. It is supported by Wilkins in

Thornbury (2002, p. 13) that “without grammar very little can be conveyed,

without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. By learning vocabulary, it can also

support the other aspects of English. Manurung in Mar’atul (2016, p. 4) states that
the ability to speak, listen, read, and write depends on the mastery of vocabulary

and grammar.

Based on several statement above, we can conclude that vocabulary is the

vital component of language or the sum of words to build a sentence or unit of

language speech and use. The Classification of Vocabulary

According to Hatch and Brown (1995, p. 218) term used to classify

vocabularies are alled parts of speech which include noun, verbs, adjective,

adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. In this research, the

researcher will focus on three parts of speech, they are noun, verb and adjective.

The reseaon why the researcher focus on noun, verb, and adjective because the

material that will be given is descriptive text in which the language features used

are noun, verb, and adjective

1. Noun

According to Spiegel (1998, p. 49) A noun is a perso, place or thing. The

types of noun are :

a. Common noun

Common noun are the names of people, place, or things in general.

Example : kite, aunt, beach, month, etc.

b. Proper noun

Proper noun are specific names of people, place or things, and they are

always capitalized.

Example : Jakarta, Aunt Jessica, The Worrld Trade Center, Augustus, etc.
c. Collective noun

Collective noun names of a group of people, place, or things that,

although they may consist of more than one thing, are considered as one


Example : Famiy, team, group, commite, company, army, etc.

d. Countable noun

Countable noun means a noun that can be counted.

Example : toys, girafes, bananas, etc.

e. Uncountable noun

Uncountable noun means a nout that can’t be counted.

Example : loves, frienship, anger, etc.

f. Possessive noun

Possessive noun are people, place, or things that have other things that

belong to them.

Example : girls’ dresses, angel’s wings, Jason’s computer, etc.

2. Verb

According to Harmer (1998, p. 37) Verb are word or group of words which is

used in describing an action, experience or state.

Example : write, ride, be, set out, etc.

3. Adjective

According to Hatch and Brown (1995, p. 228) adjective are used to highlight

qualities or attributes in which certain adjective is typically used to describe

particular noun.

Example : She is beautiful, Jack is a rich man. Vocabulary Mastery

In order to understand the language, vocabulary is crucial to be mastered

by the learners. According to Bull (2008, p.271) mastery is (1) great skill or

knowledge; (2) Control or power.

From that statement, vocabulary mastery refers to the great skill in

processing words of language. It can be concluded that mastery is complete

konowledge or individual’s great skill that make someone master a certain

subject. Vocabulary matersy plays an important role in the four language skills

and vocabulary mastery is one of the needed components of language. By

vocabulary it can also support the other aspects of language learning such as

speaking, listening, grammar and for communication purposes in the context of

the class.

2.1.2 Games in English Language Teaching

Games can be defined as an activity that could give enjoyment. It can be

used as a technique to teach English because game is not only merely fun but also

contains educational learning. So, games will encourage the whole students in the

class to work together. According to Wright et all. (1983, p. 1) Games is an

activity which is enteraining ang engaging, often challenging, and an activity in

which the learners play and usually interact with other. Games help the teacher to

create context in which the language is useful and meaningful. They also stated

that games also help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and

work. So, games sould be fun. They are not only an entertaiment but a way of

getting the students to use the language.

Game provides young learners with the element of fun and enjoyment

which is important for learning and is an effective way to teach vocabulary.

Wright et all. (1983, p. 1) stated that games can be found to give practice in all the

skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), in all the stage of teaching and


From the explanation above, it can be conclude that games are part of

interesting activities which can be done in the classroom, so that it entertains for

the students, and it also can make teaching and learning fun and bring the teacher

and the students closer. Hyponym Game

Hyponym is likes synonym (a word similar in meaning) and antonym ( a

word opposite in meaning) using words relation to explain the meaning of the

target word. It is hoped to help the teacher to explain vocabulary items easier by

giving examples in the relation of a word with the other word. Harmer (2001, p.

19) states that another relationship which defines the meaning of words to each

other is that of hyponym, where words like “banana”, “apple”, “orange”, “lemon”,

etc. are all hyponyms of the superordinate fruit. In addition, Harmer (2001, p. 18)

states that what a word means is often defined by its relationship to other words.

We can express this relationship in the following diagram:

Figure 2.1 Hyponym and Superordidates (adapted from Harmer 2001, p. 18)

According to Yule (2010, p. 118) the relationship is described as a

hyponym when the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of another,

and some typical example pairs are rose - flower, dog – animal, carrot – vegetable.

The concept of “inclusion” involved in this relationship is the idea that if an object

is a rose. Or, rose is a hyponym of flower.

For example:

Figure 2.2 (adapted from Yule 2010, p. 118)

From the diagram above, horse is a hyponym of animal or that carrot is a

hyponym of vegetable. The relation of hyponym captures the conceps of “is kind

of”, as when we give the meaning of a word by saying “rose is kind of flower”.

The main case that the only thing some people know about the meaning of a word

in their language is that it is hyponym of another term. The Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary Using Hyponym Game

To apply hyponym games in teaching and learning process, there are

some points that the teacher should prepare before performs in the class. The

teacher should prepare the list of category or ather materials that were relevant to

the interest and the level of the students. Futhermore, the teacher had to follow

some steps to teach vocabulary in order to make the teaching and learning

activities run well and orderly.

In this research, the researcher would adapt those ways from Woodward

in Shelley (2010, p. 131) in teaching and learning process.

1. The teacher provides the learners with a list of categories like food, household

object, numbers, jobs, etc.

2. The students were given or chooses one category.

3. The learner than has to write as many words as possible under the category

heading on a piece of paper. So, food should contain items like bread, meat,


4. The student passes their paper to the next student who then tries to add words

not already listed.

5. Then the paper is passed on until each leraner regains their original sheet


6. The students has to check the spelling with a dictionary and the sheets

become a class dictionarry that is added to as new words are met.

2.1.3 Teaching Vocabulary Using Hyponym Game

Games are part of interesting activities, which it can be done in the

classroom with a rules, goal, and it is a way to braek routine in the classroom, so

that it gives fun and relax, and enjoy for the students in teaching and learning

process. It is a element which students can get have fun when they are learning.

Wright et all. (1983, p. 1) states that games provides the key feature of ‘drill’ with

the opportunity to sense the working of language as living communication. They

also states that games can provide intense and meaingful practice of language.

Therefore, the teacher can use hyponym game to make students more interested,

motivated, and active. Teaching vocabulary hrough hyponym game will give good

impact for students in developing their foreign language because it is emphasized

the students on good and fun activity rather than hard work thinking in every

meeting. Because of that, the students will be easier to express their

ideaeffectively by using English and give self confidence with other people to


Dewi, Kultsum, and Armadi, did a research about using communicative

game in improving students speaking skills. They did the research in two cycle

which consist of three meetings in each cycle. The result of their research showed

that communicative gives a positive improvement and good influence on students’

participation, confidence, and fluency in class. It proves that use games in

teaching and learning process can give contribution in students’ speaking skills. It

means that the use of hyponym game also enrich the students’ vocabulary mastery

and active participation through speaking.

2.2 Action Hypothesis

Based on the theories, thoughts, and explanation above, the researcher

formulated the hypothesis as follows:

1. Hyponym game can enrich the VII grade students’ vocabulary mastery at

SMP Al-Irsyad Bondowoso in Academic year 2019/2020 by making a

hirarchical link of words.

2. Hyponym game can enrich the VII grade students’ active participation in the

class at SMP Al-Irsyad Bondowoso in Academic year 2019/2020 by

communicating each other to find a new vocabulary.

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