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LNGC Methane Kari Elin - Imo 9256793 - Bridge Operating Manual - 2005

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

LIST OF CONTENTS 2.5 Bridge Equipment and Instrumentation Part: 3: Deck Equipment Part 4: Routine Procedures
INTRODUCTION 2.5.1 Speed Log System 3.1 Mooring Arrangement
2.5.2 Loran C 4.1 Passage Planning
3.1.1 Mooring Winches and Capstans
Part 1: Ship Performance 2.5.3 Differential Global Positioning
3.1.2 Anchoring Arrangement 4.1.1 Passage Planning - Appraisal
1.1 Principal Data 3.1.3 Emergency Towing Equipment 4.1.2 Passage Planning - Planning
2.5.4 Anemometer
3.1.4 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing 4.1.3 Passage Planning - Executing the
1.1.1 Dimensions 2.5.5 Weather Facsimile Receiver
Procedures Plan
1.1.2 Tank Capacity Tables 2.5.6 Echo Sounder
4.1.4 Passage Planning - Monitoring
2.5.7 UMS Alarm System
2.5.8 Automatic Identification System 3.2 Lifting Equipment
1.2 Ship Handling (AIS) 4.2 Operational Procedures
3.2.1 Deck Cranes
1.2.1 General Information 2.5.9 Voyage Event Recorder 3.2.2 Accommodation and Pilot Ladder 4.2.1 Bridge Teamwork
1.2.2 Turning Circles 2.5.10 Master Clock System Reels 4.2.2 Taking Over the Watch
1.2.3 Manoeuvring 2.5.11 Hull Stress Monitoring System 4.2.3 Watchkeeping
1.2.4 Visibility 4.2.4 Pilot Procedures
3.3 Lifesaving Equipment
2.6 Communications Systems 4.2.5 Weather Reporting
1.3 Performance Data 3.3.1 List of Lifesaving Equipment
2.6.1 GMDSS 3.3.2 Lifeboats and Davits
1.3.1 Fuel/Power Data 2.6.2 VHF Transceiver Systems 4.3 Helicopter Operations
3.3.3 Rescue Boat
1.3.2 Propulsion and Squat Particulars 2.6.3 MF/HF Transceiver System 3.3.4 Liferafts 4.3.1 Helicopter Operations
2.6.4 Inmarsat B System 3.3.5 SCABA Systems and Equipment 4.3.2 Winching
Part 2: Bridge Equipment and Operation 2.6.5 Inmarsat C System 3.3.7 Lifeboat/Liferaft Survival Guide 4.3.2a Helicopter Winching
2.6.6 UHF Radio Telephone 3.3.8 Lifesaving Equipment
2.6.7 VHF Hand Held Emergency Radios
2.1 Bridge Layout and Equipment 2.6.8 EPIRB and SART Part 5: Emergency Procedures
2.6.9 NAVTEX Receiver 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems
2.2 Radars and ECDIS 5.1 Steering Gear Failure
2.6.10 Inmarsat M System 3.4.1 Engine Room Fire Main System
2.2.1 Conning Display 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire Main
2.2.2 Radars System 5.2 Collision and Grounding
2.7 Internal Communications
2.2.3 Electronic Chart Display and 3.4.3 Water Spray System
Information System 2.7.1 Automatic Telephone System 3.4.4 Dry Powder System
2.7.2 Intrinsically Safe Sound Powered 3.4.5 CO2 System 5.3 Search and Rescue
Telephone System 3.4.6 Fire Detection System
2.3 Autopilot System 5.3.1 Missing Persons
2.7.3 Public Address System 3.4.8 Fire Fighting Equipment 5.3.2 Man Overboard
2.3.1 Steering Stand 2.7.4 Deck and Machinery Talkback 5.3.3 Search Patterns
3.4.9 Fixed Gas Sampling System
2.3.2 Gyrocompass Systems 5.3.4 Bomb Search
3.4.10 Quick-Closing Valves and Fire
2.3.3 Autopilot
Dampers System
2.3.4 Steering Procedures
2.8 Lighting and Warning Systems 3.4.11 Water Mist System 5.4 Emergency Towing and Being Towed
2.3.5 Magnetic Compass
3.4.12 First Aid Fire Fighting System
2.3.6 Rudder Angle Indicators 2.8.1 Navigation Lights
2.8.2 Deck Lighting
2.8.3 Whistle System 5.5 Oil Spill and Pollution Prevention
2.4 Engine Controls
2.8.4 Fog Bell and Gong System
2.4.1 Main Engine Manoeuvring Control 2.8.5 Sound Reception System
5.6 Emergency Reporting
2.4.2 Main Engine Control Procedures
2.4.3 Bow Thruster 5.6.1 AMVER
5.6.2 AUSREP


Issue: Final Draft Front Matter - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
INTRODUCTION 1. Never continue to operate any machine or equipment which appears Symbols given in the manual adhere to international standards and keys to the
to be potentially unsafe or dangerous and always report such a condition symbols used throughout the manual are given on the following pages.
2. Make a point of testing all safety equipment and devices regularly. Always Notices
Although the ship is supplied with shipbuilder's plans and manufacturer’s
test safety trips before starting any equipment. Test as per requirements of the
instruction books, there is no single handbook which gives guidance on The following notices occur throughout this manual:
BG Group QA system.
operating complete systems as installed on board, as distinct from individual
items of machinery. WARNING
3. Never ignore any unusual or suspicious circumstances, no matter how
trivial. Small symptoms often appear before a major failure occurs. Warnings are given to draw reader’s attention to operations where
The purpose of this manual is to fill some of the gaps and to provide the ship’s DANGER TO LIFE OR LIMB MAY OCCUR.
officers with additional information not otherwise available on board. It is
4. Never underestimate the fire hazard of petroleum products, especially fuel
intended to be used in conjunction with the other plans and instruction books
oil vapour. CAUTION
already on board and in no way replaces or supersedes them.
Cautions are given to draw reader’s attention to operations where
Information pertinent to the operation of the vessel has been carefully collated 5. Never start a machine remotely from the control room without checking DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT MAY OCCUR.
in relation to the systems of the vessel and is presented in three on board visually if the machine is able to operate satisfactorily. Auto standby machinery
volumes consisting of CARGO and DECK OPERATING MANUAL, BRIDGE should be checked by observation during duty rounds. Note: Notes are given to draw the reader’s attention to points of interest or
OPERATING MANUAL and MACHINERY OPERATING MANUAL. to supply supplementary information.
In the design of equipment and machinery, devices are included to ensure that,
The Cargo Operating Manual and the Machinery Operating Manual are designed as far as possible, in the event of a fault occurring, whether on the part of the
to complement MARPOL 73/78, ISGOTT and Company Regulations. equipment or the operator, the equipment concerned will cease to function
without danger to personnel or damage to the machine. If these safety devices
The vessel is constructed to comply with MARPOL 73/78. These regulations are neglected, the operation of any machine is potentially dangerous.
can be found in the Consolidated Edition, 1991 and in the Amendments dated
1992, 1994 and 1995. Description
Officers should familiarise themselves with the contents of the International
The concept of this Bridge Operating Manual is to provide information to
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
technically competent ship’s officers, unfamiliar to the vessel, in a form that
is readily comprehensible, thus, aiding their understanding and knowledge of
Particular attention is drawn to Appendix IV of MARPOL 73/78, the form of
the specific vessel.
Ballast Record Book. It is essential that a record of relevant ballast operations
are kept in the Ballast Record Book and duly signed by the officer in charge.
The manual consists of a number of parts and sections which describe the
systems and equipment fitted and their method of operation related to a
In many cases the best operating practice can only be learned by experience.
schematic diagram where applicable.
Where the information in this manual is found to be inadequate or incorrect,
details should be sent to the British Gas Technical Operations Office so that
revisions may be made to manuals of other ships of the same class. Illustrations

All illustrations are referred to in the text and are located either in the text page
Safe Operation
where they are sufficiently small, or on the page above the text so that both the
The safety of the ship depends on the care and attention of all on board. Most text and illustration are accessible at the same time. When text concerning an
safety precautions are a matter of common sense and good housekeeping and illustration covers several pages the illustration is duplicated above each page
are detailed in the various manuals available on board. However, records of text.
show that even experienced operators sometimes neglect safety precautions
through over-familiarity and the following basic rules must be remembered at Where flows are detailed in an illustration these are shown in colour. A key of
all times. all colours and line styles used in an illustration is provided on the illustration.
Details of colour coding used in the illustrations are given in the following
colour scheme.

Issue: Final Draft Front Matter - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.1.a General Arrangement

Cargo Machinery Room

Electric Motor Room
Keel to Top of Funnel Cowls - 50m


No.4 Trunk No.3 Trunk No.2 Trunk No.1 Trunk


Bosun's Store

Steering Gear Boilers

Cargo Tank

Engine Room No.4 Cargo Tank No.3 Cargo Tank No.2 Cargo Tank No.1 Cargo Tank

0 15 71 72 87 88 104 105 121 122 135 140 164 172

136 Water Ballast Area Water Ballast Area
No. 5 Cofferdam No.4 Cofferdam No.3 Cofferdam No.2 Cofferdam No.1 Cofferdam Pipe Duct

Pump Room

No. 4 Cargo Tank No. 3 Cargo Tank No. 2 Cargo Tank No. 1 Cargo Tank No. 1 HFO Tank F.P.T

Electric Cargo
Motor Machinery
Room Room
Principal Dimensions

Overall Length 278.8 m

Length Between Perpendiculars 266.0 m
Breadth (Moulded) 42.6 m
No. 5 Cofferdam No. 4 Cofferdam No. 3 Cofferdam No. 2 Cofferdam No. 1 Cofferdam
Depth (Moulded) 26.0 m
Draught Design (Moulded) 11.35 m
Summer Draught 12.00 m
Summer Displacement 104,121.5 mt
Summer Deadweight 73,989.6 mt
Light Displacement 30,131.9 mt
Air Draught ( Mast lowered) 50.0 m
Keel to Top of Mast 56.7 m
Air Draught in Ballast (9.6 m aft) 48.2/41.5 m

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 1 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.1b General Arrangement - Upper Deck

Worker (2P) Worker (2P) Worker (2P)

Hydraulic Power Unit Room Bonded Safety Fire
Store Eq Control
Room Station

No.1 Cargo
Drying Engineers Changing Elevator
Store WC
dn Rm Room

24V Lobby

Lifting Air Handling Unit Room
Space for
Engine Casing Engine

No.2 Cargo
Deck Switchboard
Workshop Room
dn Electric
Drying Trunk
Room WC
Deck Store 2

Crews Changing Room

O2 Bottle Store Deck Store 1
Oil Grease Chemical Game Room
Room Store Ace Bottle
CO2 Release

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 2 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.1c General Arrangement - A and B Decks

A Deck B Deck


dn dn dn dn dn
dn dn

Store Hospital Crew 1 Crew 2 Crew 3 Crew 4 Bosun
Incinerator Waste Management
Room Room Crews Mess Room
Room WC
Crew 5
Dry Provisions
Store SMS Room
Crews Duty C.G.L Store WC Elevator
Store Mess Room Elevator
Cable Trunk
Crew 12

Crews TV & Chief Cook

Video Room
Pipe /
Galley Galley Pipe
Fan Coil WC Duct
Engine Casing Trunk Electric
Unit Rm Trunk
Room Crew 6
Crews Laundry

Duty Dry.
Handling Area Room
Mess Room dn Crews Reception dn
Petty Officer
Vegetable Dairy Room Store Cable Trunk
Bev. Store
Room Lobby Store Electric

Crew 7
CO2 Room Officers Mess Room Safety Gymnasium
Meat Eq
Room Locker
Crew 11 Crew 10 Crew 9 Crew 8 Pump Man

dn dn
dn dn dn



Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 3 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.1d General Arrangement - C and D Decks

C Deck D Deck
dn dn

2nd Engineer ETO Electrician (B) Chief Engineer

Day Room Day Room
3rd Engineer 'B' dn
Junior Junior General Office
dn Officer 6 Officer 7 & Engine Office

Bed Room

Bed Room
Junior Officer 4
C.G.L Drawing WC Elevator Workshop

Junior Officer 3

Superintendent Training
Officers TV &
Video Room
3rd Engineer (A)
Pipe/ Cargo Control Room
Duct & Deck Office Pilots
Junior Officer 2 dn

Officers Laundry
Ships Laundry
2nd Officer (A)

2nd Officer (B)

Junior Officer 1 Drying

C.G.L Officers WC Trunk
Linen Store WC Electric Pantry
Bed Room

Bed Room
Officers Room
Recreation Room
Cargo Engineers Chief Officers Captains
Owner CCR Day Room Day Room Day Room
Pantry Bed Room
dn dn

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 4 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.1e General Arrangement - Navigation Bridge Deck

dn dn

Escape Shaft


Engine Casing Battery

Room P/D
Wheelhouse &
WC Chart Space



Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 5 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

1.1 PRINCIPAL DATA Length Overall: 278.80 m

Length BP: 266.00 m
Ship’s Name: Methane Kari Elin Freeboard Length: 268.238 m
Flag: Bermuda Moulded Breadth: 42.60 m
Port of Registration: Hamilton Moulded Depth: 26.00 m
Call Sign: ZCDK4 Summer Draught: 12.00 m
Summer Displacement: 104,121.5 mt
Official Number: 733752 Summer Deadweight: 73,989.6 mt
IMO Number: 9256793 TPC at Summer Draught: 98.3 mt
FWA: 0.264 m
Ship’s I.D. Number: Lightship Displacement: 30,131.9 mt
Air Draught 50.0 m (top mast down)
Inmarsat B Tel. 331044010 Keel to Top of Mast: 56.70 m
Inmarsat B Fax 331044011
Inmarsat B Telex. 331044013 Tonnages:
MMSI No. 310440000
Inmarsat C (1): 431044010 Net Registered: 28,023
Inmarsat C (2): 431044011 Gross Tonnage: 93,410
Suez Canel Net: 82,492.91
Mini M: 763997938 Suez Canal Gross: 95,998.45


Date Keel Laid: 14 April 2002

Delivered: 15 June 2004

Class Notation: Lloyds Register of Shipping

+100A1, Liquified Gas Carrier,
Ship type 2G (Membrane Tank,
Maximum Pressure 25 kPaG and
Minimum Temperature -163°C
Specific Gravity 500 kg/cm3),
Shipright (SDA, FDA, CM, HCM,
and SCM and Classification
Integrated Condition Monitoring
System Survey

Operator: Ceres Hellenic Shipping Enterprises

Owner: RB-Quadrangle Leasing Ltd
Yard: Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.
Yard Number: 1428

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 6 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.1.2a Tank Location Plan

Cargo Machinery Room

Electric Motor Room

Deck Store


No.4 Trunk No.3 Trunk No.2 Trunk No.1 Trunk Trunk

Bosun's Store
No.3 Forward and Aft
Boilers No.4 Water Ballast Tank Water Ballast Tanks No.2 Forward and Aft No.1 Water Ballast Tank
Water Ballast Tanks No.1 HFO Tank
FPT Cargo Tank

Engine Room No.4 Cargo Tank No.3 Cargo Tank No.2 Cargo Tank No.1 Cargo Tank

0 15 71 72 87 88 104 105 121 122 135 140 164 172

No.3 Forward and Aft No.2 Forward and Aft 136
Engine Room W.B.T (P) Pipe Duct
No.4 Water Ballast Tank (P) Water Ballast Tanks (P) Water Ballast Tanks (P) No.1 Water Ballast Tank (P)
Pump Room
Bow Thruster
Low Sulphur HFO Tank (P) Starboard Port
Fresh Water Tank (P) Water Ballast Water Ballast
No.1 Cofferdam Tanks Tanks
Distilled Water Tank (P) No.5 Cofferdam No.4 Cofferdam No.3 Cofferdam No.2 Cofferdam
Forward Water Ballast Tank (P)

Clean Holding
A.P.T Drain Tank Tank
No.4 Cargo Tank No.3 Cargo Tank No.2 Cargo Tank No.1 Cargo Tank No.1 HFO Tank FPT


Forward Water Ballast Tank (S)

Distilled Water Tank (S)

Fresh Water Tank (S) No.4 Water Ballast Tank (S) No.3 Forward and Aft No.2 Forward and Aft No.1 Water Ballast Tank (S)
Engine Room W.B.T (S)
Water Ballast Tanks (S) Water Ballast Tanks (S) Pump Room

4th DECK 3rd DECK 2nd DECK

Engine Room W.B.T (P) No.2 HFO Storage Tank (P) No.2 HFO Storage Tank (P) Engine Room W.B.T (P) No.2 HFO Storage Tank (P) Engine Room W.B.T (P)
HFO Overflow Tank MGO Storage Tank

Low Sulphur HFO Low Sulphur HFO Turbine Generator

Storage Tank Storage Tank LO Settling Tank
No.2 HFO Turbine Generator
Settling Tank Main LO LO Storage Tank
Gravity Tank
No.1 HFO Generator Engine No.2 HFO
LO Purifier Settling Tank LO Settling Tank Storage Tank (S)
Sludge Tank

Main LO Service Tank

Generator Engine
LO Storage Tank
Engine Room W.B.T (S) Diesel Oil Storage Tank Engine Room W.B.T (S) Engine Room W.B.T (S)
Main LO Storage Tank Diesel Oil Storage Tank
No.2 HFO Storage Tank (S) No.2 HFO Storage Tank (S) Diesel Oil Service Tank

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 7 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

Cargo Tanks Heavy Fuel Oil Tanks (SG 0.950)

Compartment Frame Capacities 100% Full Max. Moment Compartment Frame Capacities 95% Full Max.
No. Volume Weight LCG from VCG above of Inertia No. Volume Volume Weight LCG VCG Moment
(m4) of Inertia
100% Full 98.9% AP (m) BL (m) 100% Full 95% Full 95% Full from above
(m3) Full (m3) (m3) (m3) (tonnes) AP (m) BL (m)
No.1 Cargo Tank 122-135 24,503.6 24,234.1 209.563 17.457 106799 No.1 HFO Tank (Centre) 136-164 5,107.1 8,851.8 4,609.2 238.553 13.374 8181
No.2 Cargo Tank 105-121 39,371.1 38,938.0 168.588 16.374 186733 No.2 HFO Storage Tank (Port) 35-71 1,165.7 1,107.4 1,052.0 43.480 17.746 107
No.3 Cargo Tank 88-104 39,387.8 38,954.5 122.513 16.378 186891 No.2 HFO Storage Tank (Starboard) 42-71 802.4 762.3 724.2 46.314 17.717 112
No.4 Cargo Tank 72-87 35,004.1 34,619.1 78.817 16.379 166176 No.1 HFO Setting Tank (Starboard) 61-71 210.9 200.4 190.4 52.800 17.662 44
Total 138,266.6 136,745.7 No.2 HFO Setting Tank (Starboard) 50-61 226.2 214.9 204.2 44.459 17.662 45
Low Sulphur HFO Tank (Port) 65-71 221.1 210.1 199.6 54.400 20.013 26
Ballast Water Tanks (SG 1.025) Total 7,733.4 7,346.9 6,979.6
Compartment Frame Capacities 99% Full Max. Moment
No. Volume Weight LCG from VCG above of Inertia Diesel Oil Tanks (SG 0.900)
100% Full 99% Full AP (m) BL (m) (m4)
Compartment Frame Capacities 95% Full Max.
(m3) (tonnes) No. Volume Volume Weight LCG VCG Moment
Fore Peak Tank 172-192 915.4 928.9 262.470 12.190 779 of Inertia
100% Full 95% Full 95% Full from above
Forward Water Ballast Tank (Port) 136-164 1,965.5 1,994.4 239.086 11.573 1418 (m3) (m3) (tonnes) AP (m) BL (m)
Forward Water Ballast Tank (S) 136-164 1,967.5 1,996.5 239.076 11.563 1418 Diesel Oil Storage Tank (Starboard) 35-46 286.6 272.3 245.1 32.035 19.382 30
No.1 Water Ballast Tank (Port) 121-136 5,933.8 6,021.4 206.206 10.160 10717 Diesel Oil Service Tank (Starboard) 42-46 55.3 52.5 47.3 35.211 23.500 12
No.1 Water Ballast Tank (Starboard) 121-136 5,933.8 6,021.4 206.206 10.160 10717 Marine Gas Oil Tank (Port) 35-43 105.2 99.9 89.9 31.245 23.501 21
No.2 Forward Water Ballast Tank (P) 113-121 2,687.0 2,726.6 179.358 8.389 11035 Total 447.1 424.7 382.3
No.2 Forward Water Ballast Tank (S) 113-121 2,687.0 2,726.6 179.358 8.389 11035
No.2 Aft Water Ballast Tank (P) 104-113 3,054.0 3,099.0 156.396 8.302 12893 Lubricating Oil Tanks (SG 0.900)
No.2 Aft Water Ballast Tank (S) 104-113 3,054.0 3,099.0 156.396 8.302 12893 Compartment Frame Capacities 98% Full Max.
No. Volume Volume Weight LCG VCG Moment
No.3 Forward Water Ballast Tank (P) 96-104 2,720.0 2,760.1 133.360 8.306 11480
of Inertia
No.3 Forward Water Ballast Tank (S) 96-104 2,720.0 2,760.1 133.360 8.306 11480 100% Full 98% Full 98% Full from above
(m3) (m3) (tonnes) AP (m) BL (m)
No.3 Aft Water Ballast Tank (P) 87-96 3,055.3 3,100.3 110.322 8.306 12896
Main LO Storage Tank (Starboard) 39-47 72.1 70.7 63.6 34.400 11.841 19
No.3 Aft Water Ballast Tank (S) 87-96 3,055.3 3,100.3 110.322 8.306 12896
Main LO Service Tank (Starboard) 31-39 72.1 70.7 63.6 28.000 11.841 19
No.4 Water Ballast Tank (Port) 71-87 4,970.1 5,043.4 78.037 8.598 19843
Main LO Sump Tank (Centre) 26-36 76.7 75.2 67.7 24.901 2.505 79
No.4 Water Ballast Tank (Starboard) 71-87 4,970.1 5,043.4 78.037 8.598 19843
Main LO Gravity Tank (Starboard) 39-45 39.4 38.6 34.8 33.600 22.811 6
Engine Room Water Ballast Tank (P) 35-71 1,726.8 1,752.3 43.295 14.433 398
Gen. Engine LO Storage Tank (S) 44-46 8.0 7.8 7.0 36.000 22.664 1
Engine Room Water Ballast Tank (S) 35-71 1,726.8 1,752.3 43.295 14.433 398
Gen. Engine LO Service Tank (S) 42-44 8.0 7.8 7.0 34.400 22.664 1
Aft Peak Tank (Centre) -6 - 16 1,675.9 1,700.6 3.813 15.210 16243
Turbine Gen. LO Storage Tank (S) 45-47 6.6 6.4 5.8 36.800 22.811 0
Total 54,818.3 55,626.6
Turbine Gen. LO Storage Tank (S) 45-47 6.6 6.4 5.8 36.800 22.811 0
LO Storage Tank -6 - -4 1.8 1.8 1.6 -3.950 20.375 0
Total 291.3 285.4 256.9

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 8 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

Fresh Water Tanks (SG 1.000)

Compartment Frame Capacities 100% Full Max. Moment
No. Volume Weight LCG from VCG above of Inertia
100% Full 100% Full AP (m) BL (m) (m4)
(m3) (tonnes)
Distilled Water Tank (Port) 7-16 227.4 227.4 9.182 17.776 71
Distilled Water Tank (Starboard) 7-16 229.0 229.0 9.200 17.796 71
Fresh Water Tank (Port) 7-16 194.1 194.1 9.569 18.031 90
Fresh Water Tank (Starboard) 7-16 194.1 194.1 9.569 18.031 90
Total 844.6 844.6

Miscellaneous Tanks
Compartment Frame Capacities 100% Full Max. Moment
No. Volume 100% Full (m3) LCG from VCG above of Inertia
AP (m) BL (m) (m4)
HFO Overflow Tank (Port) 42-54 89.8 39.277 13.044 40
Bilge Holding Tank (Port) 62-71 123.9 53.158 1.512 595
Separated Bilge Oil Tank (Port) 54-62 33.1 46.400 1.958 112
Clean Drain Tank (Port) 50-62 67.8 45.745 1.583 156
LO Purifier Sludge Tank (Starboard) 54-59 5.9 45.200 9.058 1
Bilge Primary Tank (Port) 58-62 15.5 48.000 6.120 4
Stern Tube Cooling Water Tank (C) 11-16 56.7 11.225 4.171 15
Stern Tube LO Drain Tank (C) 20-22 3.6 16.835 3.022 1
Total 396.3

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.1 - Page 9 of 9

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual


See Illustration 1.2.2a


See Illustration 1.2.3a

Time and Distance to Stop

Ahead to Normal Normal

Full Astern Loaded Condition Ballast Condition
See Illustration 1.2.4a
Time Distance Time Distance

Full Sea Speed 799 seconds 20.1 cables 723 seconds 19.6 cables

Half Speed 717 seconds 13.8 cables 548 seconds 11.9 cables

Engine Order/RPM/Speed Table


Engine Order RPM Loaded Condition Ballast Condition

Full Sea Speed 90 20.78 21.07

Full Ahead 53 12.37 12.61

Half Ahead 45 10.64 10.83

Slow Ahead 35 8.24 8.84

Dead Slow Ahead 25 5.15 5.38

Dead Slow Astern 25

Slow Astern 35

Half Astern 45

Full Astern 53

Em'cy Full Astern 63

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.2 - Page 1 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.2.2a Turning Circle Diagrams
Turning Circles at 35° of Rudder Turning Circles at 35° of Rudder
Deep Water Shallow Water
Full Load Condition Ballast Condition Full Load Condition
Transfer 0.20 n.m. Transfer 0.13 n.m. Transfer 0.22 n.m.

Course 090° Course 090° Course 090°

Time 2'26'' Time 1'50'' Time 4'30''
Advance Advance Advance
Speed 10.4 Speed 9.4 Speed 5.6
0.54 n.m. 0.43 n.m. 0.53 n.m.

Course 360° Course 180° Course 360° Course 180° Course 360° Course 180°
Time 11'00'' Time 4'59'' Time 8'36'' Time 3'55'' Time 20'20'' Time 5.57''
Speed 3.6 Speed 5.5 Speed 2.3 Speed 3.6 Speed 2.0 Speed 2.9

Time 0 min 0 Sec Course 270° Time 0 min 0 Sec Course 270° Time 0 min 0 Sec Course 270°
Rudder Hard Over Time 7'58'' Rudder Hard Over Time 6'19'' Half Ahead Speed Time 14'45''
Max Ahead Speed Speed 4.0 Max Ahead Speed Speed 2.5 Speed 2.2

Tactical Diameter 0.49 n.m. Tactical Diameter 0.31 n.m. Tactical Diameter 0.49 n.m.

Notes: Initial Speed Max. Ahead Note: Turns to Port Notes: Initial Speed Full Ahead Notes: Initial Speed Half Ahead
Max. Rudder Angle Applied Throughout and Starboard are Essentially Max. Rudder Angle Applied Throughout Max. Rudder Angle Applied Throughout
Turn. Time in Minutes and Seconds the Same Turn. Time in Minutes and Seconds Turn. Water Depth to Draught Ratio 1:3
Speed in Knots Speed in Knots Time in Minutes and Seconds Speed in Knots

n.m. n.m.
Draught 12.3 m Draught 9.74 m

1.50 1.50

1.25 1.25 Draught at which the Maoeuvring Data where Obtained:

Emergency Loaded = Full Load Condition
Manoeuvres Ballast = Normal Ballast Condition
1.00 1.00
Loaded Ballast
12.3 m Fore 9.74 m Fore
0.50 0.50 12.3 m Aft 9.74 m Aft

0.25 0.25

n.m. n.m.
0.10 0.10

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.2 - Page 2 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.2.3a Manoeuvring Crash Stop Test

2000 Distance X(m)

Speed RPM Distance Heading

(Knots) (m) Angle (°)
25 100
2000 240

20 60

15000 120

15 60

0 1000 0


500 -120

-100 0 -240
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540
Time (Seconds)


Sailing Distance
1000 500 -500 -1000
Heading Angle Change
Distance Y(m)

Ship`s Condition Deep Ballast

Wind Direction 0°
Wind Velocity 37kts
Sea Condition Beaufort No.4

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.2 - Page 3 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.2.3b Stopping Characteristics
Stopping Characteristics
Tank Reach
Summer Loaded Ballast

sec kts 28
893 4.0
sec kts
821 4.0

679 5.8 24 717 5.1

629 6.1
525 8.8
sec kts 539 8.1
sec kts
799 0.0 548 4.0
20 469 10.1 sec kts
455 10.8 723 0.0

595 4.0 sec kts

18 395 5.8
552 4.3
774 4.0 383 11.8
486 5.9 289 7.8

16 sec kts
413 7.1
337 12.1 620 4.0 306 10.1
379 7.8 182 8.8
sec kts 474 6.6
571 5.4
304 9.8 717 4.0 274 13.8 88 9.8

12 274 14.1
260 12.1
557 4.6 447 7.4 423 7.7
sec kts 230 12.8
421 5.6 202 15.8 sec kts
565 0.0 10 217 14.1

327 8.6 sec kts 568 0.0

433 3.6 189 14.8 sec kts
sec kts 162 7.1 389 4.0
8 436 2.9
148 16.8 462 4.0 272 9.4 154 16.1 sec kts
sec kts 533 0.0 323 5.5 306 7.7 143 17.8
154 10.6 457 0.0
308 5.4 289 5.7 sec kts
324 3.8 330 5.2 6
491 0.0
222 7.4 17.8 103 18.1 383 4.1 422 0.0
96 18.8 176 10.4 241 6.4 198 7.6
66 19.8
311 3.4 221 5.7 140 9.4 257 6.2 4 219 4.6
192 5.3 97 11.6
127 7.7 64 19.8 127 7.4 100 10.6 153 6.9
73 11.4 154 7.2 104 9.6 66 19.8 42 20.1 113 6.5
50 9.7 45 9.9
68 7.2

Slow Half Full Full Sea Slow Half Full Full Sea Full Sea Full Half Slow Full Sea Full Half Slow
Ahead Speed Ahead Speed Speed Ahead Speed Ahead

Ahead to Ahead to Ahead to Ahead to

Full Astern Stop Stop Full Astern

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.2 - Page 4 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 1.2.4a Visibility Diagrams
Field of Vision from Workstation VISIBILITY OVER BOW



Check Point
View point
50.00 m (Top of Cowls)
230.450 m from AP
33.016 m above BL


8.104 m
22° 5' 35.9 m From AP
LOA 278.85 m 319.0 m (9.3 m Draught)


Field of Vision from Conning Position


Dn 60°

Electronics Field of Vision from Steering Position



Check Point
View point
50.00 m (Top of Cowls)
230.450 m from AP
22° 5' 33.016 m above BL

45° 44.180 m

57.250 m
8.104 m
21.7 m From AP
LOA 278.85 m 273.0 m (12.30 m Draught)

Field of Vision from Workstation

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.2 - Page 5 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual




Fuel Oil Firing RPM Speed Consumption

(Water) M/T
Power (PS) g/SHP/h tonne/day 53 12.5 82.6
26,960 224.8 145.5 60 14.1 97.8
29,200 221.4 155.2 70 16.1 124.5
31,000 212.9 158.4 75 17.1 144.5
33,580 213.3 171.9 80 18.2 163.1

39,500 213.6 202.5 85 19.3 186.3

Specific Fuel Consumption g/SHP/h Tonnes per Day (FO)

226 220


221.4 180


g/SHP/h Tonnes 160



214 213.3 120


2500 27000 29000 31000 33000 35000 37000 39000 41000 100
2500 27000 29000 31000 33000 35000 37000 39000 41000

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.3 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

Propulsion Particulars

Type of Turbine CROSS COMPOUND MARINE STEAM TURBINE 39,500 bhp Man Overboard Rescue Manoeuvre
Type of Propeller FPP 6 BLADES

Engine Order Rpm Engine Order Rpm Sequence of Actions to be Taken: Procedure (to Attain Following Result)
Loaded Ballast
Full Sea Speed 90 20.78 21.07 Max. Astern 63 - To Cast a Lifebuoy Start Test with Rudder to 35°
Full 53 12.37 12.61 Full 53 Starboard (Port)

Half 45 10.64 10.83 Half 45 - To Give the Helm Order
When course change 60° from base course
Slow 35 8.24 8.84 Slow 35 put rudder to 35° Port (Starboard).
- To Sound the Alarm And when course change -135° from base course put
Dead Slow 25 5.15 5.38 Dead Slow 25 Rudder to Amidships.
Critical Revolutions 72 rpm And when course change -180° from base
Time Limit Astern 120 min - To Keep the Look-Out course adjust rudder and rpm to reach MOB position

Emergency Full Ahead to Full Astern 525 seconds

Insert a Recommended Turn
Stop to Full Astern 457 seconds 10.0
Astern Power Approximately 70% of Normal Speed




Thruster Effect at Trial Conditions 6.0

Thruster kW Time Delay for Turning Rate at Time Delay to Full Not Effective
Full Thrust Zero Speed reverse Thrust Above Speed 5.0
Bow 2500 8.0 s 12.86 deg./min 14.7 s 5 kts



Draught Increase (Summer Loaded) 2.0

Estimated Squat Effect Heel Effect
Under Keel Ship's Speed Maximum Squat at Heel Angle Draught 1.0
Clearance Bow/Stern Increase
Corresponding 2.00 kts 0.02 m 2 0.598 m
H/d=1.2 6.00 kts 0.15 m 4 1.182 m -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
(H=14.482 m) 10.00 kts 0.40 m 8 2.310 m Cables
Corresponding 6.00 kts 0.12 m 12 3.378 m
H/d=1.5 (H=18.102 m) 10.00 kts 0.32 m 16 4.381 m

Issue: Final Draft Section 1.3 - Page 2 of 2

LIST OF CONTENTS 2.5 Bridge Equipment and Instrumentation Part: 3: Deck Equipment Part 4: Routine Procedures
2.5.1 Speed Log System 3.1 Mooring Arrangement
Part 1: Ship Performance 2.5.2 Loran C 4.1 Passage Planning
3.1.1 Mooring Winches and Capstans
2.5.3 Differential Global Positioning
1.1 Principal Data 3.1.2 Anchoring Arrangement 4.1.1 Passage Planning - Appraisal
3.1.3 Emergency Towing Equipment 4.1.2 Passage Planning - Planning
1.1.1 Dimensions 2.5.4 Anemometer
3.1.4 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing 4.1.3 Passage Planning - Executing the
1.1.2 Tank Capacity Tables 2.5.5 Weather Facsimile Receiver
Procedures Plan
2.5.6 Echo Sounder
4.1.4 Passage Planning - Monitoring
2.5.7 UMS Alarm System
1.2 Ship Handling
2.5.8 Automatic Identification System 3.2 Lifting Equipment
1.2.1 General Information (AIS) 4.2 Operational Procedures
3.2.1 Deck Cranes
1.2.2 Turning Circles 2.5.9 Voyage Event Recorder 3.2.2 Accommodation and Pilot Ladder 4.2.1 Bridge Teamwork
1.2.3 Manoeuvring 2.5.10 Master Clock System Reels 4.2.2 Taking Over the Watch
1.2.4 Visibility 2.5.11 Hull Stress Monitoring System 4.2.3 Watchkeeping
4.2.4 Pilot Procedures
3.3 Lifesaving Equipment
1.3 Performance Data 2.6 Communications Systems 4.2.5 Weather Reporting
3.3.1 List of Lifesaving Equipment
1.3.1 Fuel/Power Data 2.6.1 GMDSS 3.3.2 Lifeboats and Davits
1.3.2 Propulsion and Squat Particulars 2.6.2 VHF Transceiver Systems 4.3 Helicopter Operations
3.3.3 Rescue Boat
2.6.3 MF/HF Transceiver System 3.3.4 Liferafts 4.3.1 Helicopter Operations
Part 2: Bridge Equipment and Operation 2.6.4 Inmarsat B System 3.3.5 SCABA Systems and Equipment 4.3.2 Winching
2.6.5 Inmarsat C System 3.3.7 Lifeboat/Liferaft Survival Guide 4.3.2a Helicopter Winching
2.6.6 UHF Radio Telephone 3.3.8 Lifesaving Equipment
2.1 Bridge Layout and Equipment
2.6.7 VHF Hand Held Emergency Radios
2.2 Radars and ECDIS 2.6.8 EPIRB and SART Part 5: Emergency Procedures
2.6.9 NAVTEX Receiver 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems
5.1 Steering Gear Failure
2.2.1 Conning Display 2.6.10 Inmarsat M System 3.4.1 Engine Room Fire Main System
2.2.2 Radars 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire Main
2.2.3 Electronic Chart Display and System
2.7 Internal Communications 5.2 Collision and Grounding
Information System 3.4.3 Water Spray System
2.7.1 Automatic Telephone System 3.4.4 Dry Powder System
2.3 Autopilot System 2.7.2 Intrinsically Safe Sound Powered 3.4.5 CO2 System 5.3 Search and Rescue
Telephone System 3.4.6 Fire Detection System
2.3.1 Steering Stand 5.3.1 Missing Persons
2.7.3 Public Address System 3.4.8 Fire Fighting Equipment 5.3.2 Man Overboard
2.3.2 Gyrocompass 2.7.4 Deck and Machinery Talkback Systems 5.3.3 Search Patterns
3.4.9 Fixed Gas Sampling System
2.3.3 Autopilot 5.3.4 Bomb Search
3.4.10 Quick-Closing Valves and Fire
2.3.4 Steering Procedures
2.8 Lighting and Warning Systems Dampers System
2.3.5 Magnetic Compass
3.4.11 Water Mist System 5.4 Emergency Towing and Being Towed
2.3.6 Rudder Angle Indicators 2.8.1 Navigation Lights
3.4.12 First Aid Fire Fighting System
2.8.2 Deck Lighting
2.4 Engine Controls 2.8.3 Whistle System
2.8.4 Fog Bell and Gong System 5.5 Oil Spill and Pollution Prevention
2.4.1 Main Engine Manoeuvring Control 2.8.5 Sound Reception System
2.4.2 Main Engine Control Procedures
2.4.3 Bow Thruster 5.6 Emergency Reporting
5.6.1 AMVER
5.6.2 AUSREP


Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.1a Bridge Layout
Overhead Instrument Panel
26 16 26
21 22 22 21
34 34

27 27
Binocular Binocular Binocular Binocular
Box Folding Table Box El. Heater Folding Table Box

Stand-Alone ECDIS X-Band S-Band ECDIS

Radar No.1 Radar Radar No.2

4 5 7 8 9
Protection Box 3
2 10 17
31 11 22 21
21 22 Binocular Box Binocular Box Binocular Box 27 Binocular Box
27 Electric Heater 1 Electric Heater
34 32 12 20 34
Folding Table 5 Folding Table 32
17 49
23 20 20 Steering
Radar Transponder 45
33 Flag Locker
44 43 42 Locker
1 Navigation Table
2 Instrument Panel 30
3 Instrument Panel Book Case 14 15 53 Chart Table
4 No. 1 ECDIS Locker
5 X-Band ARPA Radar Display Unit 19 30
6 Instrument Panel for Conning Display 51
7 S-Band ARPA Radar Display Unit Locker Locker Locker
Book Case

8 No. 2 ECDIS
50 46 47 48
9 VHF & UHF Radios 36 37 38 39 40 41
10 Whistle & Bell Signals White Board Notice Board
11 AIS Monitoring Panel Filing
12 Hull Stress Monitor Cabinet
14 Chart Table
15 GMDSS Station Lift Shaft
16 CCTV Monitor Panel FR60
17 Periscope for Magnetic Compass Sink Refrigerator
18 Portable VHF Radiotelephone 28 25 Toilet
25 29 29 29
19 Portable UHF Transceiver
20 Microphone for VDR Electronics
P/D Trunk
21 RPM Indicator Room 24 43 Fire Alarm Panel
22 10 W Speaker S-Band X-Band 44 Engine Room Logger
23 Gyro Repeater 33 Flag Locker Transceiver Transceiver 45 EPIRB
24 W.T. Receptacle (Single Type) 34 Thermometer Box Radio Battery No.1 Gyro Soft 46 4 Life Jackets
25 Dimmer Switch for Down Light 35 Course Recorder Compass Start
Up General 47 Pyrotechnics
26 60 W Down Light, Flush Type W/Dimmer Device 36 Hull Stress Monitor Printer Gyro Radar
Battery 48 Rocket Line Throwing Apparatus
Switch Interswitch
27 Light For Folding Table, DC 25 V Gooseneck Type 37 Weather Fax Battery No.4 49 Sound Powered Telephone
No.2 Gyro Log
28 Switch for Ceiling Light 38 Course Recorder Printer Room UPS 50 Sextants
Compass Processor Unit
29 NWT Receptacle (Single Type) 39 SMS Map Printer 51 First - Aid Kit
30 NWT Receptacle (Double Type) 40 Echo Sounder 52 Ship's Library HSMS Printer
31 Halogen Searchlight 41 Inmarsat-B Printer 53 Emergency VHF Radios
32 Power Socket for Daytime Signal Lamp 42 Emergency Fire Pump Panel 54 Air Conditioning Unit

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.1 - Page 1 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.1 BRIDGE LAYOUT AND EQUIPMENT The daylight signal lamp is on the bridge front window ledge and can be • Equipment dimmer switches
plugged into the socket located near each bridge wing door.
• CCTV controls
The wheelhouse is of open plan design, with the necessary equipment placed
to the best advantage in various consoles. • IAS system monitor and keypad
Bridge Consoles and Equipment
• Stress monitor
In the centre of the wheelhouse is the navigator’s console where the normal
• DGPS navigator
watchkeeping operations are carried out. Directly behind is the helmsman’s Main Console
steering position where manual steering of the vessel is carried out. Behind • DGPS selection switch
• NABCO remote control system for the main engine
this area are three consoles, two of which are chart tables for the stowage of • VHF outline for DSC printer
the chart folios with the centre one as the GMDSS console. Situated in the rear • Bow thruster control unit
of the wheelhouse is the electronics room which houses the radar transceiver • No.1 VHF telephone and handset
• Conning display unit
units, gyrocompass units and the log processor unit amongst other items. • No.2 VHF telephone and handset
• ECDIS No.1 and 2
The next compartment is the battery locker, but the entrance to this is from • No.2 automatic telephone
• X-band radar
outside the wheelhouse. • Bridge watch alarm panel
• S-band radar
• Extension alarm panel
Across the front of the wheelhouse are placed a variety of instruments to assist • Automatic telephones
in the smooth operation of the vessel, and are displayed on a console situated • Sound reception unit
• Voyage Data Recorder
above the central forward windows. • Whistle controller
• NFU tiller override
They consist of the following: • Emergency stops switch box
• Navigation light indicator panel
• Clock • AIS pilots connection
• Steering repeater compass
• Rudder angle indicator • ESDS manual button
• Compass monitor
• Wind speed / direction indicator • Steering gear motor selection and alarm panel
• Speed log indicator
Navigation and Chart Consoles
• Steering selection switch
Port Side Chart Table
• Gyro digital repeater • Override tiller
Underneath the full size chart table are drawers with sufficient space to carry
• Rate of turn indicator • Indicator panel for autopilot the world wide set of charts for the vessel’s trading routes. The following
• Tachometer • Autopilot NavPilot unit equipment is supplied at the chart table
• Digital depth indicator • GMDS alarm panel • Signal light indicator panel
• Clinometer • Inmarsat-B distress box • Lighting control panel
• CCTV screen • Inmarsat-B remote alarm box • Echo sounder
• Fire alarm button • Master clock
Situated on the wheelhouse deckhead is a rudder angle indicator that is
designed to be visible from all areas of the wheelhouse. • General alarm button • DGPS
• Morse key • Loran C receiver
A stand alone databridge X band or 3 cm wave radar display unit is located on
the port side of the wheelhouse. • Whistle • NAVTEX receiver
• Window wiper control unit and demister controls • Speed log indicator
Around the sides of the wheelhouse ample cupboard space is provided for the
stowage of flags and other bridge equipment, the various printers. A sextant, • Public address controller • Chronometer
life jackets, pyrotechnics and line throwing apparatus are also stowed in the • Main engine rpm indicator
bridge cupboards. On the after wheelhouse bulkheads are situated the elevator Underneath the chart table are drawers with sufficient space to carry the
alarm panels, fire and control safety plans and the emergency VHF sets with • Harbour speed table current in use set of charts for the vessel’s trading route.
the chargers and spare batteries. Two SARTS, one port and starboard, are • Speed indicator
mounted near each bridge wing door and an EPIRB in a float free container is
situated on the starboard bridge wing. • Trip distance indicator

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.1 - Page 2 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.1b Layout of Wheelhouse Consoles


11 20 21
13 14 13 14
10 15 22
44 17 26 31




27 30

















9 35





1 7












18 24 41
2 38







1 Voyage Data Recorder Local Operator Station 8 Sound Reception Control Panel 15 Window Wipers Panel 22 Whistle 29 UHF Main Unit 36 Steering Gear Stop/Starts 43 AIS Pilot Connection
2 DGPS Navigator 9 Telephone 16 Heated Windows Panel 23 Autopilot Control Panels 30 Telephone 37 Fog Bell and Gong Panel 44 ESDS Manual Button
3 AIS Control Panel 10 General Alarm Control 17 Main Turbine Sub Panel 24 Conning Display Trackball 31 Whistle Control Panel 38 IAS Monitor
4 Navigation Lights 11 VHF DCS Control 18 Bow Thruster Control 25 Override Unit 32 Steering Gear Panel 39 Hull Stress Monitor
5 Inmarsat-B Distress Panel 12 Chart Table 19 Main Turbine Telegraph Control 26 Gyrocompass Monitor 33 CCTV Control 40 Overhead Console Dimmers
6 PA Control Panel 13 Electronic Chart Display 20 Conning Display Screen 27 Telegraph Dimmers 34 Steering Gear Alarm Panel 41 Alarm Stops for Steering Gear
7 VDR System Back-Up Push Button 14 Automatic Radar Plotting 21 Speed Log 28 No.2 VHF Unit 35 Bridge Watch Call Panel 42 GMDSS Alarm Panel

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.1 - Page 3 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Starboard Side Chart Table Steering Stand - Forward Panel
Underneath the full size chart table are drawers with sufficient space to carry
• Sound powered telephone
the world wide set of charts for the vessel’s trading routes, there are bookcases
on top for the various navigational publications. • Talk back system panel

GMDSS Console Bridge Wing

Out on each bridge wing there are the following:
Situated between the port and starboard chart tables. The radio console
• Pedestal stand with gyro repeater
provides all the equipment necessary to comply with GMDSS regulations,
along with additional communication equipment such as: • RPM indicator
• Standard Inmarsat-C (x 2) • Speaker for the talkback system
• Telephone for the Inmarsat-B • Microphone for VSS sound signal reception system
• Automatic exchange internal telephone • Searchlight
• Inmarsat-C printers (x 2) • Box for wet and dry thermometer
• DSC receiver • Quick release MOB life belt with attached smoke float and
• Keyboards and monitors
• EPIRB (starboard only)
• Mini M telephone
• Daylight signalling lamp socket
• Shipboard management system computer station and printer
• IAS computer station
The following are contained in weatherproof boxes for use during conning
• Polar Star alarm button operations:
• Rudder angle indicator
On the forward panel of the console are located the following:
• Microphone socket for talkback system
• Emergency fire pump start and Indicator
• Speed indicator
• Fire pump start and Indicator
• Dimmer for rudder angle indicator
• Emergency fan stops
• VHF handset
• Fire alarm repeater panel
• Pushbutton for whistle
• Telegraph logger unit
• Morse key
• Block diagram of the steering gear
• Bow thruster control socket with emergency stop button
• Aft emergency towing instructions poster
• Remote alarm distress box

Printer Console - Port Side Aft

• Course recorder printer

• Echo sounder printer
• Weather fax machine
• Seamap printer
• Inmarsat-B printer
• Hull stress monitor printer

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.1 - Page 4 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.1c Wheelhouse Navigation Console

1 2 3
1 2 3
12 1 12 1 4 5 6
11 11
10 2 10 2 7 8 9
9 3 9 3 0

8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5




1. Echo Sounder
2. Master Clock
3. Loran C
4. NAVTEX Receiver
5. DGPS Navigator
6. Speed Log
7. Watch Alarm Reset

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.1 - Page 5 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.1d Main Chart Table

2 3 5 9
MX 420 Professional DGPS Navigator MX 420 Professional DGPS Navigator

Professional DGPS Navigator Professional DGPS Navigator

1 2 3 1 2 3
SNR 42 39 48 50 44 47 N SNR 42 39 48 50 44 47 N
50 50
21 4 5 6 21 4 5 6
12 12
26 3 26 3
30 14 30 14
PRN 12 14 1 23 21 26 PRN 12 14 1 23 21 26
1 7 8 9 1 7 8 9
17 5 17 5
Used sats : 6 AIS Used sats : 6 AIS
Visible sats : 11
Visible sats : 11
Available sats : 24 Available sats : 24
Elevation mask : 7.5° Elevation mask : 7.5°

Message Indicator
0 0


7 8


6. PA Control Panel
1. Voyage Data Recorder Local Operator Station
7. VDR System Back-Up Pushbutton
2. DGPS Navigator
8. Dimmer for Console Light
3. AIS Control Panel
9. Sound Reception Control Panel
4. Navigation Lights

5. Inmarsat-B Distress Panel

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.1 - Page 6 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.2.1a Conning Display

Conning Display x

Orders Heading Status

50 160 170 180 168.6 ° Dist. to WOP nm
Course 169 °
Turn Rate Time to WOP 01D 22.08
Radius 2.0 nm S O °/min
60 30 0 30 60
Bearing to Wop 169 °
ROT 0.6 °/min
Rel. True Thruster
Knots Knots 0.0
15 10 GPS GPS1
100 ° 180 ° G In Cmd DB1

Propeller Auto Pilot TRACK CONTROL

Depth (from keel) RPM

Next Leg
121 m Radius nm
Course 169 °
50m 0.0 Dist. nm

Distance 1575 nm
0 44 22 0 22 44
ETA 23.03.03 11.00.0ZT

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.1 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.2 RADARS AND ECDIS • XTE (Cross track error in metres)
• XTL (Cross track limit in metres)
• In Command
The conning display monitor is located in the centre of the main console and is • Autopilot
interlinked to the ECDIS No.2 system. The changeover switch is situated close • NEXT LEG
to the port monitor and trackball.
• Radius

The trackball and its associated buttons allow the user to point, click and drag • Course
on screen data as required. The type of manipulation will vary from object to • Distance
object but will in the main belong to one of the following categories:
• Query information
• Distance
• Parameter input/change
• Move
• Edit An additional conning display monitor is located in the Captain’s day room.

• Delete
• Switch function or action on/off

The display shows the following information:

• Gyro heading
• Rate of turn
• Bow thruster position and power
• Forward and aft movement
• Sideways movement
• Speed - can be varied depending on which sensor for the log has
been selected, water or ground
• Engine revolutions
• Rudder angle
• Course to steer
• Radius of turn
• Rate of turn
• Wind direction/speed - relative and true
• Depth of water below keel
• Distance / Time /Bearing to WOP

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.1 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.2.2a Radar and ECDIS Equipment
No.3 X-Band Antenna No.1 X-Band Antenna No.2 S-Band Antenna

Performance Monitor Performance Monitor Performance Monitor

Turning Unit Transceiver and Turning Unit
Turning Unit

Safety Switch Safety Switch Safety Switch

Above Deck

440 V AC, 3 ph, 60 Hz

No.1 Mains Filter
220 V AC, 60 Hz in Box
Transceiver Transceiver
Power Supply Unit
Interswitch (RI-1033)
RTM-S (16PS-003)
440 V AC, 3 ph, 60 Hz

Electronics Room


220 V AC, 1 ph, 60 Hz

No.2 Hub No.1 Hub

Network Network
in Central Bridge in Central Bridge
Console Console

No.3 Radar No.2 Radar No.1 Radar

Data Bridge 10 Data Bridge 10 Data Bridge 10 No.2 ECDIS No.1 ECDIS

Bridge Watch Alarm No.2 Conning Computer No.2 Autopilot System No.1 Autopilot System AIS System AIS System
220 V AC UPS No.1 Conning Computer Bridge Watch Alarm Bridge Watch Alarm 220 V AC UPS 220 V AC UPS
Speed Log System 220 V AC UPS 220 V AC UPS 220 V AC UPS Bridge Watch Alarm Bridge Watch Alarm
Gyro System No.2 Conning Computer Speed Log System Speed Log System Speed Log System Speed Log System
Loran-C System No.1 Conning Computer Gyro System Gyro System Gyro System Gyro System
No.2 GPS System 220 V AC UPS Loran-C System Loran-C System No.2 GPS System No.2 GPS System
No.1 GPS System No.2 GPS System No.2 GPS System No.1 GPS System No.1 GPS System
No.1 GPS System No.1 GPS System No.2 Conning Computer

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.2 - Page 1 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.2.2 RADARS MEN WORKING ALOFT DO NOT SWITCH THIS EQUIPMENT ON The following objects are pre-selected and may be edited without selecting
Maker: Kongsberg Norcontrol A/S Power On • Electronic Bearing Line (EBL)
Press the power button on the control panel. Start up takes approximately • Variable Range Marker (VRM)
Equipment Description 3 minutes. The indicator light above the button flashes until the system is
• Parallel Index Lines
operational and remains steady as long as the system is operational. Should
The vessel is fitted with three radars, two X-band (3 cm) and one S-band any problems occur during start up the Fail indicator will be illuminated
The Radar/ARPA offers the user a wide range of functions to assist in the
(10cm). The equipment consists of a scanner, turning mechanism, transceiver and a warning buzzer will sound. As a safety feature the display will remain
navigation of the vessel. While not overriding the operator’s function selections
and a display unit. Two of the display units are integral to the central bridge dark during start up to avoid the chance of destroying the night vision of the
the system will provide on-screen advice when states deviate from the normal.
consoles and a third is located on the port side of the wheelhouse. An operator. Once operational the system will use a dark palette if the display
In more serious situations the system will provide audible and visual warnings
interswitch unit is installed which allows any of the scanners to be connected is in Stand Alone mode or if no other DataBridge 10 or Seamap 10 system
to alert the user to a possible problem.
to any of the display units. A display unit function alters depending if it is is operational on the bridge network. If other DataBridge 10 or Seamap 10
selected as master or slave display. systems are operational on the radar and ECDIS local area network the palette
in use is selected. Operation
The Radar/ARPA control and display unit has a graphical interface, which The graphical interface is displayed on the screen as a dialog. They are
allows the user to interact with the system by manipulating graphical objects organised in a hierarchy with the MAIN MENU as the top level. For each
Power Off
such as buttons, text, entry fields symbols, etc on the display. The trackball and entry in the main menu there is a sub-menu listing all the dialogs for that
its associated buttons allows the user to point, click and drag on screen data as On the control panel press and hold the POWER button down for approximately
entry. Clicking on the sub-menu will activate the dialogs. If a dialog cannot be
required. The type of manipulation will vary from object to object but will in 3 seconds, until the indicator light starts to flash. The buzzer will bleep twice.
activated it will be greyed out.
the main belong to one of the following categories: After approximately 1.5 minutes the light is extinguished and the Databridge
10 is switched off.
• Query information The MAIN MENU has the following entries leading to the dialogs:
• Parameter input/change
Entering Numeric Data Display
• Move
There are two ways of entering numeric data as indicated below: • Information
• Edit
• Orientation and Mode
• Delete a) Use the cursor to point the marker to the entry field.

• Switch function or action on/off Intensity

b) Press and hold the SELECT button and simultaneously roll the
trackball up or down to increase or decrease the value, until the • Intensity
The operator panel provides direct access to some frequently used functions desired value is reached then release the SELECT button.
and in particular can be used for target tracking functions and for controlling Own Ship
the radar video presentation and signal processing. An alphanumeric keyboard Alternatively the following method can be used: • Own Ship
is situated underneath the control panel and is used for text input if required.
a) Use the cursor to point the marker to the entry field. • Position Offset
In addition to displaying the radar picture and providing ARPA functions, • Navigation Filters
the DataBridge 10 in the Automatic Navigation and Track-keeping System b) Use the alphanumeric keyboard to type in the desired value. If
(ANTS) configuration displays electronic chart information, the planned an illegal value is typed the closest legal value will be entered. • Position Sensors
route and the ship’s geographical position and serves as the control unit of the • Heading Sensors
automatic navigation and route keeping system.
Procedure for Graphical Manipulation • Speed Sensors

Operation To edit an object graphically it is necessary to select the object. Once selected • Own Ship Anchor Watch
the object will be displayed with a set of handles, and the most common edit-
It is advisable to make a visual inspection of the radar scanners prior to switch • Position History
operations can be achieved by dragging a handle.
on. Check for personnel or obstructions which may be struck by a rotating • ARPA Alarm Limits
scanner. The radar may be switched on when the area around the scanner is Each object has an associated object menu which includes all the functions for • Grounding Check Area
confirmed to be clear. Whenever it is necessary for a technician to work on that object. Use the trackball and press the OBJECT MENU button to display
the scanner or turning unit it is good practice to display a warning sign on the the menu. • Autopilot
radar displays stating: • Curved EBL (Trial Manoeuvre)

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.2 - Page 2 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.2.2b Radar Operating Console

Indicates that the autopilot operates in Accepts the planned turn as input to In Indication ON: Autopilot control from this Rain Increases/decreases Rain Clutter Reduction in Gain Increases/decreases radar display gain
Track Activate + +
Track Mode. Pressing the button sets the Turn the autopilot. The indicator is ON until Cmnd console is enabled. steps of 3%. Maximum reduction is obtained at in steps of 1%. Maximum gain is 99%
Rain Gain
mode. the turn is completed, or either the Hdg Indication OFF, but indication in some of the - 99% and minimum at 0%. - and minimum gain is 0%.
or the Crs button is pressed. The other lamps in the group: Autopilot Control from
Indicates that the autopilot operates in indicator will be ON together with the integrated bridge system is enabled, but Switches Rain Clutter Reduction to automatic. Transceiver ON/OFF. The function is
WP Auto Tx/Rx on when the lamp is lit. The function
Way Point Mode. Pressing the button Track. active from another console. Released by pressing either Auto once more or
sets the mode. Indication OFF and no indication in the other Rain Clutter Reduction Up or Down buttons. will work for the sensor currently
Indicates that the autopilot operates in lamps in the group: the Autopilot is in local When the indicator lamp is lit, the function is ON. selected as radar source, provided the
Hdg display is in Master radar control
Heading Mode. Pressing the button control.
sets the mode. When control is Pressing the button: takes control of the Sea Increases/decreases Sea Clutter Reduction in mode.
transferred from the autopilot, this will autopilot. Transfer of control between consoles + steps of 1%. Maximum reduction is obtained at
De- Press to perform a display de- Sea
99% and minimum at 0%.
be the initial mode. Turn commands in an integrated bridge system is without -
Gauss gauss.
from the curved EBL are accepted. grant/acceptance sequence. Switches the display power on and
Flashing lamp: the autopilot has been switched Switches Sea Clutter Reduction to automatic. Power
Brightness and contrast controls Auto off.
Calib Crs Indicates that the autopilot operates in to remote control transfer. When this occurs, Released by pressing either Auto once more or
are returned to calibrated settings. Sea Clutter Reduction Up or Down buttons. When
Course Mode. Pressing the button sets the lamp will flash on all consoles. Press the While pressed, all indicator lights on
the mode. Turn commands from the button on the console where you want to the indicator lamp is lit, the function is ON. Lamp
Test the panel will be lit and a buzzer will
curved EBL are accepted. control the autopilot to confirm. sound if successful.

Range Increases/decreases range settings Display Screen Autopilot Radar Trackball

+ by one increment with immediate The lamp is lit by the system
echo in the top bar. watchdog and indicates that the
Range Day Brill Contr In Gain Sea Rain Object
Crs Hdg Power Select Offset display computer is stopped or
+ + + + Cmnd + + + FAIL Menu FAIL
T/R Toggles vector presentation mode. running out of resources.
Vector True motion vectors will change to Range Day Brill Contr Gain Sea Rain
relative vectors and vice versa,
while the button is pressed. Range Day Brill Contr Activate
WP Track Gain Sea Rain Lamp
- - - - Turn - - - Test
Places the system focus on the object
Reset In True Motion: sweep centre is Select
Turn or entry field pointed and clicked at.
Centre moved to maximum allowed offset
As a result, the object or entry field
with own ship heading line passing T/R HL
Tx/Rx Auto Auto MOB will display itself selected, exposing
through the display centre. Vector Off
+ its handles for operator manipulation.
In Relative Motion: sweep centre is
Alarm Push the button or check the box.
moved to display centre.
Reset Synth De- - +
Calib Ack Moves the display centre to the screen
Day Day Browses through the available Centre Off Gauss Offset
Arpa/Track position of the trackball marker
- + day/night colour palettes -
Object Pointing at an object inside the
HL Switches presentation of heading Sound
Cancel Acq. Data Menu situation plot will activate an object
Off line off while pressed. Auto- Plan- Trial Off
Select Par.idx Ebl/Vrm Ebl/Vrm dialog at the marker position.
Line 1 2 Pilot ning On/Off
Synth Removes all information in the
Off situation plot area, except the radar.

Inserts an Event symbol in own ship's

MOB current position. The event (navNote)
dialog is available from the object
- Used together with the trackball marker. When menu.
+ Adjusts the curved EBL. Left/right adjusts the heading. Up/down adjusts the distance to turn. Will
Same as the Trackball select button. Intended for Cancel pointing at a target, tracking off this target will
Select - + only work in Crs or Hdg modes and only when the console is IN CONTROL.
two-hand operation of the Drag Trackball Marker be stopped without further notice to the Acknowledge any unacknowledged
Ack messages.
function. Auto- Autopilot is not in command: this works as the planning button below. operator.
Pressing the button will provide a list
Pilot Autopilot is in comand: the curved EBL is set with zero time to turn and the Left/Right buttons will
Indicates a parallel index line, bearing parallel to own Used together with the trackball marker. The of unacknowledged alarms. Pressing
Par.idx set the new course set point on the autopilot.
ship heading, distance 1nm. Acq. system will search for a radar echo by the once more acknowledges the visible
If one or more parallel index lines are already marker and try to track it as a target. The target message in the list.
Plan- Activates a curved EBL in planning mode. The curved EBL is a graphical tool that can be used to
presented, they are switched off. ning indicate where the ship will sail if a manoeuvre with the given turning radius is initiated at the symbol will appear in accordance with the
current track status. Sound Mutes the audible alarm. When more
start of the curve. The plan will become active if Activate is clicked in the dialog or the Activate
Indicates EBL and VRM pair No.1/No.2 centred at Off than one control unit is integrated,
Ebl/Vrm Turn button is pressed.
1 own ship, following the sweep centre. If off centred, it Used together with the trackball marker. pressing the button on any control unit
Ebl/Vrm will be fixed relative to ground. Data Activates the target dialog for the target will mute the audible alarm on every
2 Trial Activates/deactivates the trial manoeuvre. Activation will also activate the curved EBL in planning
Repeated click will delete the EBL and VRM pair. pointed at. control unit.
On/Off mode.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.2 - Page 3 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Radar System Acquiring Targets
• Source • Palette Targets can be acquired manually or automatically, both methods are described
• Date and Time
• Ship and Route Parameters
• Target Data Manual Acquisition/Cancelling of a Target
• Passwords
• 2* Target Data a) Use the trackball to position the cursor over the desired target.
• Maintenance
• Target Anchor Watch
• Alarm Set-up b) In the Arpa/Track section of the operator’s console press the
• ARPA Alarm Limits Acq. button. An initial tracking symbol will be centred on
• Serial Communication the target’s position. After approximately ten scans the initial
• Known Solution
• Sensor Configuration tracking symbol is replaced by a target vector indicating target
Auto Acquire speed and direction. If the target echo is weak the above process
• Radar Configuration may take a little longer.
• Edit Barriers
The main menu display is shown below. To select a dialog use the trackball To cancel an acquired target proceed as follows:
Tools to move the cursor over the dialog and press the select button on the control
panel. The list of available dialogs will be listed, then select the required dialog a) Use the trackball to position the cursor over the acquired target
• Parallel Index Lines
as above and proceed through the dialog using the trackball or alphanumeric to be cancelled.
• Curved EBL keypad to complete information fields within the dialog.
b) In the Arpa/Track section of the operator’s console press the
Chart < Cancel button. The target vector and target number information
< Main Menu MENU
will be removed from the target.
• Chart Themes
• Chart Legend
Display Intensity
Automatic Acquisition of a Target
• Object Information
To activate the automatic acquisition facility proceed as follows:
• Safety Depth Setting Own Ship
a) Use the trackball to move the cursor over the main menu
• Manage Routes
Tools Auto Acquire b) Highlight the Auto Acquire button and press the Select button
• List Waypoints
above the trackball. The Auto Acq menu is displayed.
• Back-up/Restore Routes
• Monitor Route c) Use the trackball and Select button to tick the Auto Acquisition
Check Box. The auto acquisition area will be displayed.
• Autopilot
• Speedpilot Routes Notes d) Use the parameters to set the acquisition area as required. Further
information for setting up the auto acquisition parameters can
Notes be found in the DataBridge 10 instruction manual, reference
System guide section.
• Manage Notes
• Edit Note
• Save Notes
• Manage Note Folders
• Load Notes from Floppy
• Save Notes to Floppy

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.2 - Page 4 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.2.2c Radar Display

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
191.7 0.0kt G GPS1 Range 3 Rings m Chart H UP/RM Vector 3 min G T Past Posn Off min

330 000 030

M 345.5° 3.10nm

Ebl Vm1 Off R Off nm
Ebl Vm1 Off R Off nm

Radar StBy Slave

3 0
0 6 TxOn
0 0

< > Main Menu Menu X


1 Own ship's heading Display Intensity

2 Own ship's speed
3 Current position fix system
4 Range and range rings
5 Chart status Radar
6 Display orientation
2 0 Targets Auto Acquire
7 Target and own ship vector 7 9
8 Target past positions 0 0



Routes Notes

2 1
4 2
0 0


210 180 150

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.2 - Page 5 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Automatic Navigation and Track-keeping System

When the DataBridge 10 is interfaced to the AP2000 TrackPilot autopilot

system it makes the ship follow the planned route by providing the AP2000
with the present course, upcoming turn radius and next course information.
The DataBridge 10 constantly passes off-track distance to the route to the
AP2000 which adjusts the steering accordingly. The radius turn to the next
course is initiated when the ship arrives at the wheel-over position.

Procedure to Operate the DataBridge 10 and AP2000 in Track


a) From the MAIN MENU select the ROUTES dialog.

b) From the Routes dialog select MANAGE ROUTES dialog.

c) Select the desired route from the list and click the MONITOR
button in the dialog. The route state is now listed as

d) Confirm that the AP2000 is switched to AUTOPILOT and that

AP-Mode in the dialog displays ‘LOCAL’.

e) Click on the IN COMMAND button in the dialog which allows

the DataBridge 10 to control the autopilot. A tick appears in the
box next to In Command.

f) Select track steering by selecting TRACK in the dialog or by

pressing the TRACK button on the operator console.

g) After a few seconds the AP-Mode in the dialog displays

‘TRACK’ and the course/heading and cross track error are

h) Track steering is in operation.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.2 - Page 6 of 6

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.2.3a ECDIS Operating Console

In Indication ON: Autopilot control from this Crs Indicates that the autopilot operates in WP Indicates that the autopilot operates in
Cmnd console is enabled. Course Mode. Pressing the button sets Way Point Mode. Pressing the button
Indication OFF, but indication in some of the the mode. Turn commands from the sets the mode.
other lamps in the group: Autopilot Control from curved EBL are accepted. Switches the display power on and Places the system focus on the object
Power off. Select
the integrated bridge system is enabled, but Indicates that the autopilot operates in or entry field pointed and clicked at.
active from another console. Indicates that the autopilot operates in Track Track Mode. Pressing the button sets As a result, the object or entry field
Hdg Lamp While pressed, all indicator lights on
Indication OFF and no indication in the other Heading Mode. Pressing the button the mode. will display itself selected, exposing
lamps in the group: the Autopilot is in local sets the mode. When control is Test the panel will be lit and a buzzer will its handles for operator manipulation.
control. transferred from the autopilot, this will sound if successful. Push the button or check the box.
Pressing the button: takes control of the be the initial mode. Turn commands
autopilot. Transfer of control between consoles from the curved EBL are accepted. Moves the display centre to the screen
in an integrated bridge system is without Offset position of the trackball marker
grant/acceptance sequence. Activate Accepts the planned turn as input to
Flashing lamp: the autopilot has been switched Turn the autopilot. The indicator is ON until Object Pointing at an object inside the
to remote control transfer. When this occurs, the turn is completed, or either the Hdg Menu situation plot will activate an object
the lamp will flash on all consoles. Press the or the Crs buttons are pressed. The The lamp is lit by the system dialog at the marker position.
button on the console where you want to indicator will be ON together with watchdog and indicates that the
control the autopilot to confirm. Track. display computer is stopped or
running out of resources.

Zoom Decreases the chart scale by a Display Screen Autopilot Ecdis Trackball
- factor of two.

Increases the chart scale by a factor Zoom Day Brill Contr In Std. Object
Zoom Crs Hdg Monitor Display Power Select Offset Inserts an Event symbol in own ship's
+ + + + Cmnd FAIL Menu
+ of two. MOB current position. The event (navNote)
Zoom Day/Night Brill Contr Gain Sea dialog is available from the object
Zoom Resets the chart scale to the largest menu.
Reset available. Zoom Night Brill Contr Activate
WP Track Browse Themes Lamp
- - - - Turn Dialogue Test
Acknowledge any unacknowledged
Reset Reset own ship's symbol on the Ack messages.
Center screen to maximum allowed offset Turn
Pressing the button will provide a list
with the ship's course pointing Zoom Radar
Docking MOB of unacknowledged alarms. Pressing
through the display centre. Reset Off
+ once more acknowledges the visible
Alarm message in the list.
Day Browses through the available
day/night colour palettes from Reset De- - +
+ Calib Board Ack Sound Mutes the audible alarm. When more
current to brighter. Adjusts the Center Gauss
Off than one control unit is integrated,
operator panel background light - pressing the button on any control unit
level simultaneously. Marker
will mute the audible alarm on every
Sound control unit.
Night Browses through the available Auto- Plan- Off
Select Object
- day/night colour palettes from Info Pilot ning
current to darker. Adjusts the
operator panel background light
level simultaneously.

This is a copy of the select button - Adjusts the curved EBL. Left/right adjusts the heading. Up/down
+ Own ship's position is always shown
Select on the trackball. Intended for two- adjusts the distance to turn. Will only work in Crs or Hdg modes and Std. Will modify the chart display to Monitor
- + only when the console is IN CONTROL. Display standard display. in the chart display. Will also reset to
hand operation of the drag the best chart for the ship's position.
trackball marker.
Auto- Autopilot is not a command: this works as the planning button. Themes Displays the theme dialog.
Object Autopilot is in comand: the curved EBL is set with zero time to turn Dialogue Browse Chart display independent of own
Info Displays the Object Info dialog for Pilot
and the Left/Right buttons will set the new course set point on the Removes Radar video and targets ship's position
the object the marker points to. Radar
autopilot. Off from the display when the video or
targets are visible, otherwise toggles Combines ECDIS with Conning
Docking information
De- Press to perform a display de- Plan- Activates a curved EBL in planning mode. The curved EBL is a visible/non visible.
Gauss gauss. ning graphical tool that can be used to indicate where the ship will sail if a
manoeuvre with the given turning radius is initiated at the start of the
Brightness and contrast controls curve. The plan will become active if Activate is clicked in the dialog
are returned to calibrated settings. or the Activate Turn button is pressed

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.3 - Page 1 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
SYSTEM The alphanumeric keyboard can be used to enter numeric values, alternatively
• Display Mode
an on-screen slider or the trackball can be used. If a legal value is constrained
within a defined interval it cannot be altered. • Zoom
• Themes
The SeaMap 10 display units are interconnected with the radar system via Procedure for Graphical Manipulation • Object Info
two network hub computers. With a similar control panel to that of the radar
To edit an object graphically it is necessary to select the object. Once selected • Legend
and allows the operator to take control of other systems such as the AP2000
the object will be displayed with a set of handles, and the most common edit-
autopilot from the ECDIS control panel. As with the radar the display and • Browse Position
operations can be achieved by dragging a handle.
control unit has a graphical interface, which allows the user to interact with
the system by manipulating graphical objects such as buttons, text, entry fields • Safety Depth Setting
An object specific dialog is associated with each object. It will include all legal
symbols, etc on the display. The trackball and its associated buttons lets the • Chart Types
functions associated with that object.
user point, click and drag on screen data as required. The type of manipulation
• ARCS Chart Management
will vary from object to object but will in the main belong to one of the
To speed up manipulation of temporary tools such as an EBL or VRM these
following categories: • CM-93 Edition 2 Chart Management
objects are preselected by the system and may be edited without explicit
• Query info selection. These principles apply to the graphical manipulation of the following • CM-93 Edition 3 Chart Management
• Parameter input/change objects: • S57 Chart Management
• Move • Electronic Bearing Line (EBL)
• Variable Range Marker (VRM) Route
• Edit
• Delete • Route Plans • Manage Routes
• Switch function or action on/off • Mariner’s Notes • List Waypoints
• Validate Route
The operator panel supplements the trackball by providing direct access to Chart Management
some frequently used functions as well as manipulation by graphics. • Back-up/Restore Routes
The SeaMap 10 system can install and use the following types of chart
databases: • Weather Routing
An alphanumeric keyboard is situated underneath the control panel and is used
for text input if required. • S-57 Edition 3 Chart Management • Set Route Parameters

• ARCS Chart Management • Monitor Route

Power On • Autopilot
The ECDIS can be set up to automatically select the best chart available for the
Press the POWER button on the control panel. Start up takes approximately • Speedpilot
ship’s current location or the operator can select the desired chart from those
3 minutes. The indicator light above the button flashes until the system is
operational and remains steady as long as the system is operational. Should
any problems occur during start up the Fail indicator will be illuminated
and a warning buzzer will sound. As a safety feature the display will remain Operation • ARPA Target Sources/Radar Video Sources
dark during start up to avoid the chance of destroying the night vision of the
operator. Once operational the system will use a dark palette if the display The menu button in the top bar toggles the top level menu area on and off. The
is in stand alone mode or if no other DataBridge 10 or SeaMap 10 system menu area consists of eight menu buttons which represent the top level of the Own Ship
is operational on the bridge network. If other DataBridge 10 or SeaMap 10 dialog hierarchy. Clicking on any of the buttons will display the associated
systems are operational on the bridge network the palette in use is selected. • Own Ship
submenu of dialogs. If the dialog cannot be activated it will be greyed out. The
main menu followed by the available submenus are listed below: • Position
Power Off • Heading
On the control panel press and hold the POWER button down until the • Speed
indicator light starts to flash. The indicator light will be extinguished when the
• Position Offset
system has stopped.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.3 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.2.3b ECDIS Display

N Untitled - ECDIS - X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

037.8° 15.7
GPS1 59°26.262'N 005°30.500,E OFS
1:26 000 ENC Browse
! Depth= m Menu Board

Chart Route Radar Own Ship

N Note Tools System Docking


1 Position sensor
2 Own ship's position
3 Position offset indicator
4 Own ship's course
5 Own ship's speed
6 Chart display processing indicator
7 Displayed chart scale
8 ENC/NonENC indicator
9 Over Scale indicator
10 Chart availability
11 Chart orientation and mode
12 Radar toggles and indicators
13 System degradation warning
14 Unit of depth
15 Menu button
16 Board button


Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.3 - Page 3 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
• Position Log Control • Maintenance
• Voyage Recording Control • Alarm Set-up
• Voyage Recording List • Serial Communication
• Ship Parameters • Sensor Configuration
• Depth Data • ANTS Configuration
• Shutdown
• Manage Notes
From the menu bar toggle Docking to bring up the docking display. The display
• Edit Notes
is very similar to the conning display and shows the following information on
• Save All Notes the ECDIS display screen.
• Manage Note Folders • Forward and aft movement
• Load Notes from Floppy • Speed - can be varied depending on which logs have been
• Save Notes to Floppy selected

• ARCS Notes and Diagrams • Gyro heading

• Arcs Temp. Notices to Mariners • Engine revolutions

• Bow thruster position and power
Tools • Rudder angle

• Marker Position • Wind direction/speed - relative and true

• Marker Range and Bearing • Depth of water below keel

• EBL/VRM There is a changeover switch on the port side of the main console that will
• EBL/VRM (Advanced) allow the operator to change the ECDIS No.2 display to the conning display.
• Curved EBL
• Parallel Index Line
• Position Line
• Position Fix


• Palette
• Parameter Settings
• Grounding Alarm Set-up
• Date and Time
• Print Screen
• Printer
• Export to/Import from DB2000
• Passwords

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.2.3 - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.3.1a Steering Stand Peripherals


Steering Stand
Central Manoeuvring Console
8 9

Override Unit


2 Steering Selector Switch


Rudder Angle

40 40

30 30

20 20

Auto 1 Auto 2

Steering Main

Auto 2 FU
Auto 1

OVERRIDE NFU Limit From Speed

Switch Log System

To Voyage Data
Steering Gear Room
To Autopilot No.1

From Autopilot No.1

No.1 Feedback Unit To Bridge Alarm System

No.1 Power Supply
With Limit
24 V DC Ship's Supply

No.2 Feedback Unit To Autopilot No.2

From Pump With Limit
No.1 Switches
From Autopilot No.2

No.1 Rudder No.2 Rudder No.3 Rudder No.2 Power Supply No.3 Power Supply
To Conning
Limit Relay Box Limit Relay Box Limit Relay Box Box Box

From Pump From Pump

No.2 No.3

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.1 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual



The steering stand is located at the centre of the conning position in the
wheelhouse. The steering stand itself comprises the following:
• A Follow Up (FU) steering wheel
• A Non Follow Up (NFU) tiller

In addition to the above the following controls are located on the central
manoeuvring console:
• A Non Follow Up tiller and override switch
• The steering mode selection switch

The mode of operation is selected at the steering mode selector switch situated
on the central manoeuvring console. Listed below are the possible selections
that can be made from the switch unit:
• Auto 1 - This selects the automatic pilot No.1 and the steering
motors respond to signals from the this system.
• Auto 2 - This selects the automatic pilot No.2 and the steering
motors respond to signals from the this system.
• NFU Steering Stand - This selects the non follow up tiller
control situated on the steering stand.
• FU - This selects the follow up steering wheel control situated
on the steering stand.
• NFU Main - This selects the non follow up tiller on the central
manoeuvring console. The override tiller can then be operated
as a steering tiller.

In addition to the above there is an override panel and associated NFU tiller
control situated on the central manoeuvring console. When the system is in
autopilot mode the Previous Mode button on the override panel is illuminated.
With the mode control selector switch in either Auto position it is possible to
press the Override button and the system will switch over to the NFU mode.
The system will then follow commands from the NFU tiller situated on the
central manoeuvring console. The Override button flashes for the duration that
the NFU tiller is active. When the NFU mode is no longer required simply
push the Previous Mode button and the steering system will take up the set
heading displayed on the selected autopilot.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.1 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.3.2a Gyrocompass System
Rate of Turn Digital Gyro Repeater

Steering Repeater Fluxgate

Junction Box 30

Bearing Repeater From Magnetic Compass 60 60 Bearing Repeater

With Stand 010
350 340 020 Bearing Repeater 90 90
With Stand
With Bracket
0 0
32 03 STBD
- +
0 0


Above Deck





270 260

350 10

250 24

0 110
6 4




0 21
0 14
Compass Monitoring Panel
190 170 160
180 Litton Control and Display Unit
Marine Systems

1 2 3 MENU

7 8 9 -
F1 F2 F3 ENTER 0
Bridge Wing 1 2 COMP - +
Bridge Wing
Compass Monitor

Rot Indicator Dimmer Digital Gyro Repeater Dimmer

To Autopilot To INMARSAT-B
System No.1 System
To ECDIS To Bridge Alarm
No.1 System
No.2 System No.2
To X-Band To VDR
To S-Band To Satellite TV
RoT to Speed Log

230V AC Ship's Supply

Course and Rudder

Switch Over Unit

Electrical Equipment Room


To Speed Log System Gyro No.1 Gyro No.2 To Speed Log System

To Steering System 24 V DC Ship's Supply

Bulkhead Steering Repeater Bulkhead Steering Repeater

180 180
160 170 160 170
190 200 190 200
15 0 15 0
14 0 21 14 0 21
0 0 0 0
22 22
350 10 350 10






250 24

250 24
Steering Gear
0 110

0 110
230 V AC Ship's Supply Junction Box Junction Box 230 V AC Ship's Supply

270 260







24 V DC Ship's Supply



24 V DC Ship's Supply





04 0 04 0
0 03 32 0 03 32
0 0 0 0
33 33
020 010 350 340 020 010 350 340
000 000


Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.2 - Page 1 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.3.2 GYROCOMPASS Operating Procedures • ALARM RESET - Press key to mute the alarm buzzer. An
alarm message is displayed in the display until acknowledged
Maker: C.Plath Following the successful installation of the NAVIGAT X Mk1 gyrocompass by the operator.
Model: NAVIGAT X Mk1 system the following information can be expected to be displayed on the • DIM+/DIM- - Press these keys simultaneously to initiate a test
compass monitor control unit. procedure. All the display elements and the alarm buzzer are
When switched on the unit will perform a self-test before entering normal
General Description
operation mode. In normal operation mode the numerical keys have the Sub-menus can be entered from the main menu display as follows:
The vessel is fitted with a C Plath gyrocompass installation consisting of two following functions:
• F1 - Press to enter the Display Data sub-menu.
NAVIGAT X Mk1 gyrocompasses, a compass monitoring panel, a switchover • GYRO 1 - Press key to select gyro 1
unit, course and rudder recorder and both digital and analogue repeaters. • F2 - Press to enter the Manual Settings display.
• GYRO 2 - Press key to select gyro 2
• F3 - Press to enter the Setup Menu.
NAVIGAT X Mk1 Gyrocompass • MAGN COMP - Press key to select the magnetic compass
After pressing one of the above keys a sub-menu will be opened. Use the Up,
This is a microprocessor controlled gyrocompass system with integrated Note: If steering is in autopilot mode the above selections are disabled. Down, Right and Left arrow keys to navigate through to the desired location.
north speed error correction. In this system the gyrosphere is suspended in a
The sub-menus are indicated on the following page.
supporting fluid and ensures north standardisation during short power failures.
For example if power is lost for three minutes no more than 2° of deviation • DIM + - Press key to increase display illumination
would be expected. Once power has been restored the gyrocompass will return
quickly to the correct heading without requiring the usual settling period. • DIM - - Press key to decrease display illumination
Latitude errors are more or less eliminated due to the combined effects of twin • F1 - Press key to acknowledge an alarm, delete an alarm from
rotors and a liquid damping system. the display panel and to mute buzzer.

Compass Monitor Control Unit

This control unit provides independent monitoring functions and allows Illustration 2.3.2b Gyrocompass Monitor
operator control of the system via a keypad.

Switch Over Unit

This unit allows the user to select either gyro 1 or gyro 2 as the main unit.
Litton Control and Display Unit
Marine Systems
Compass Monitor Control Unit
1 2 3 MENU
The control unit consists of two liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and a numerical
keypad. The displays provide the following information: GYRO 2 247.9° F1 DISPLAY DATA
• The heading display (left hand display) shows the heading data D.ALARM G1/G2= 1° F3 SETUP MENU 4 5 6 RESET
received from gyro 1, gyro 2 and the magnetic compass as well
7 8 9
as indicating the difference alarm setting.
• The operating display (right hand display) shows the main
menu screen.
1 2 COMP
F1 F2 F3 ENTER 0 - +

Compass Monitor

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.2 - Page 2 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.3.2c Gyrocompass Sub-Menu

Navigating the Menu Main Menu Display Data Screen

Higher menu level Lower menu level DISPLAY DATA Rate of Turn
RATE OF TURN -Actual rate of turn
F1 +3.4 °/sec
F2 Go to sub-menu F1 DISPLAY DATA Display Data
F2 Gyrocompass
Mag. compass

F3 Position
Return to next Speed
higher menu level

Go to next/previous Manual Settings DISPLAY DATA Magnetic Variation
screen on same MAGNETIC VARIATION 2.3° E -Magnetic variation
menu level Speed/latitude
Heading diff. alarm
Magnetic variation
North sp. err. correction
Selecting Parameter Settings Flashing arrows: selection expected
Setting naviprint
Setting rate of turn
Show next/previous
Select option and go to next User setup Position data
line POSITION MODE AUTO -Position mode (auto/man)
Date and time
LATITUDE 54:32.10° N
009:54.32 E
Software version -Longitude
Mag. C. cal. table

Flashing cursor: data input expected Service Setup

Entering Data
Service Setup 1
1 2 3 MENU
Use keypad to enter
4 5 6 ALARM
RESET digits 0-9; "+/-" Interface I/O
7 8 9 +
- alters signs Gyro 1 input
MAN SPEED: *.* kt Gyro 2 input
Fluxgate SPEED MODE AUTO -Speed mode (auto/man)
Move cursor forward/ Magn. hdg. outp. +23.4 kt -Actual speed

Service Setup 2
ENTER Confirm input and go to Error list
next line
Operation time
Clear input
RESET (value is set to zero) Reset comp.


DATE: 21:09:98 -Current date
TIME: 12.34 -Current time

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.2 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.3.3 AUTOPILOT automatic steering autopilot is selected. The information display and keyboard Immediate Course Change
will be in one of several different states. Each state is referred to as a panel and There are two ways to initiate an immediate course change.
Maker: Kongsberg Norcontrol enables specific keyboard actions. The course display is mode dependent, in
standby or manual mode it will display the main compass reading, in local or a) Press the rotary course change knob once and turn it clockwise
Model: AP2000 Track Pilot
remote modes it will display the set course and under ECDIS track modes the or anti-clockwise until the desired course is displayed.
current track bearing will be displayed. The course deviation bar graph always
Overview shows the difference between the main compass and the contents of the course b) Press the PORT or STARBOARD keys until the desired course
display. Basic operation of the local control panel is described below. is displayed in the course display.
The AP2000 Track Pilot adaptive autopilot has a computer at the centre of its
system which provides accurate steering under autopilot control. The autopilot Power On In each of the above the turn will be executed immediately. In the information
has been programmed to learn how the rudder responds to commands which display the top line will show ‘IMMEDIATE TURN’ and the lower line will
Press and hold the AUTO ON key and wait for the lower line of the information
in turn reduces rudder activity and ensures that the rudder is positioned as show ‘EXEC’ flashing with the rate or radius of turn indicated alongside it.
display to show ‘AUTOPILOT’. Whenever the AUTO ON key is pressed the
requested which helps to eliminate rudder overshoot. Precise course keeping ‘EXEC’ will flash until the turn is complete.
system returns to this starting point. The upper line of the display indicates
is guaranteed by the ability to set all parameters individually with a high level
the control mode set by the mode selector. If in the standby or manual mode
of fine tuning. Any vessel, irrespective of its individual steering characteristics,
‘STANDBY’ or ‘MANUAL’ is displayed respectively otherwise the system is Increasing or Decreasing the Rate Of Turn Rate or Radius
can achieve smooth course changes due to the special rate of turn functions
in the automatic steering mode. Press the ROT/RADIUS key to toggle between the rate and radius submodes.
provided by the system.
The current selection is indicated in the lower line of the information display.
The control unit is the user interface and has a number of pushbuttons, three Press the increase or decrease keys accordingly to alter the current selection.
Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs), a rotary course selector knob as well as a port
and starboard course selection buttons. Illustration 2.3.3a Autopilot Control Panel

The gyro and magnetic compass NMEA inputs are applied directly to the
control unit. The main computer runs the steering algorithms and interfaces
with optional units such as the DGPS, speed log, Electronic Chart Display and Two line information display
Information System (ECDIS) and a serial input from the gyrocompass are all CLEAR
* * * * * * * * * * * * Course deviation bar graph
fed to the main computer. Press to escape from AUTOPILOT
the current display panel
In restricted waterways manual steering is recommended, and particularly so Switches between Rate of
Turn and Radius panels Course display
when navigating in restricted visibility. Switching from manual steering to PREC ROT
Switches between precision ECON RADIUS
autopilot steering is possible at all times, regardless of whether the autopilot is and economy mode
to hold the set heading or a change is to be made to the set heading. To select the navigator
The installation has two independent autopilot systems, Autopilot No.1 and Switches the power on and ON
Autopilot No.2. Each system comprises the following: sets the unit to automatic mode Press knob once then rotate
to make course alterations
• Control unit with accessories Switches the power on and OFF ACTIVATE TURN OFF TRACK DECREASE PORT STBD
sets the unit to automatic mode PRESET PRESET PRESET

• Main computer
• Heading sensor
• Rudder feedback unit with transmission link Press to make course alterations
• Distribution unit Press to activate a
Press to increase a setting
preset turn procedure
Press to activate the
Press to decrease a setting
compass select panel
Press to activate the
Press to recall alarm text
preset turn panel
Under normal operating conditions command of the autopilot system will
Press to activate the Press to activate the
be carried out from the conning position through the ECDIS. However the
compass select panel offtrack preset panel
system can be controlled from the local control panels located on the bridge
control console. The mode selector switch is used to change control mode, for

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.3 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Preset Turn Procedure Remote Course Setting
As the name suggests in this procedure the turn rate or radius is set before the The remote course setting is achieved through the ECDIS and is covered
turn starts. in section 2.2.2. The autopilot accepts remote set course when in ANTS
(Automatic Navigation and Track-keeping System) COURSE mode.
a) Press the TURN PRESET key (when the vessel is not performing
a turn) to activate the turn preset panel.
Entering the Navigator Mode
b) Preset the course by turning the rotary knob or pressing the It is very important to confirm that the navigator system to be selected has been
PORT or STARBOARD keys until the desired course and turn properly initiated and that a route or waypoint list has been loaded. Follow the
direction appears on the top line of the display. necessary procedures from the manufacturer’s manuals for the navigator to
c) Press the ROT/RADIUS key to toggle between rate and radius load a route or waypoints. Proceed as follows:
submodes. The current selection is shown on the lower display.
Preset the rate or radius using the increase or decrease keys. a) Confirm that the autopilot is in the auto steering mode.

d) While still in the turn preset panel press the ACTIVATE b) Press the NAV key on the control panel and one of the following
PRESET key to activate the turn. ‘EXEC’ will now flash in the messages will appear:
lower line of the information display and will continue until the i) ‘NAVIGATOR MODE
turn is completed.
Note: It is possible to leave the TURN preset panel at any time by pressing
the CLEAR key. The autopilot is connected to a traditional navigator and will change to the
NAV mode. The course display will show the bearing of the current leg.
Abort Turn Procedure ii) ‘NAVIGATOR MODE
To stop an immediate turn procedure or a preset turn procedure press the NOT ACCEPTED’
AUTO ON key. The current heading will now be the set course.
The autopilot is connected to a traditional navigator but the NAV mode will not
Procedure to Return to the Main Panel be engaged because of locking conditions or insufficient navigation data.
Press the CLEAR key at any time to leave a sub menu panel and return to the iii) ANTS TRACK MODE
main panel. NOT ACCEPTED’

Acknowledging Alarms The autopilot is connected to an ANTS navigator but the ANTS TRACK mode
Press the CLEAR key to mute an alarm and to view the alarm indication. The will not be engaged because of locking conditions or insufficient navigation
upper line of the information display will flash FAILURE or WARNING until data.
the failure is cleared. iv) ‘ANTS TRACK MODE
Press the INFO key to recall alarm text. Press the INFO key repeatedly to The autopilot is connected to an ANTS navigator and a request to engage
scroll through failures if more than one is present. ANTS TRACK mode is sent to the navigator. The navigator decides whether
to accept the request or not. The course display will show the bearing of the
Illumination Settings current leg.
To adjust the illumination of the keys and display press the ILLUMINATION
key followed by the INCREASE or DECREASE key. The level of brightness is
represented in the information display as ‘DAY, DUSK1, DUSK2, NIGHT’.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.3 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.3.4 STEERING PROCEDURES Illustration 2.3.4a Steering Procedures Automatic Mode
Here an electronic device produces the rudder command signals to steer the
Overview ship. The navigator sets the desired course on the autopilot controls and the
system compares the ‘set course’ with ‘actual course’ information from a
All steering systems involve sending rudder command signals from the gyrocompass or occasionally a transmitting magnetic compass. If there is a
position where the vessel is navigated to the steering gear compartment where difference between set and actual courses a rudder command signal causes the
the machinery for controlling rudder movement is located. These rudder rudder to move in the correct direction and by an appropriate amount to bring
commands may be manually generated by a pilot/helmsman or electronically the vessel back on course. Modern autopilots are ‘adaptive’ in that they can
via an automatic pilot. Vessels usually have two parallel steering systems modify the steering to changing external forces such as sea conditions or wind
which duplicate the electrical and mechanical components, in order that the as well as the individual characteristics of the ship’s hull.
vessel can continue to be steered in the event of failure in one part of the
system. These are normally called the ‘port’ and ‘starboard’ systems and a Steering Controls
selector switch enables the operator to select either system to control rudder NFU
Gyro VMS A ‘MODE’ switch (figure 2) allows the navigator to select the type of steering
movement. Tiller

Manual Steering Steering

Stand and
Manual steering is normally carried out only when the vessel is manoeuvring. Auto Pilot
However, it may also be used in the event of autopilot failure. There are two FU
main modes of manual steering; Follow Up (FU) and Non Follow Up (NFU).
Auto 1 Auto 2

Follow Up (FU) Mode

In follow up mode a steering helm has a midships position and movement in Steering Main
both port and starboard directions. When the helm is moved away from the
midships position a rudder command voltage starts the steering gear causing Auto 2 Auto 1
the rudder to move. As it moves an electrical feedback signal from the rudder
stops any further movement once the desired angle of rudder is reached. If the FU
helm is left in this position the rudder will remain at that angle. If the helm
is now moved to another position, the rudder will ‘follow’ this command and
take up a new position. For example, if the helm were returned to midships, Rudder Rudder
the rudder would return to midships. This system can only work when rudder Commands Commands Fig.2 Mode Switch
Rudder Rudder
feedback signals are available. Feedback Feedback

Non Follow Up (NFU) Mode

In NFU mode there are usually additional controls called ‘Local NFU’ perhaps
located in a control panel away from the steering stand. When moved in one
direction the rudder will continue to move until the command is removed (or
the rudder limit is reached). If the control is returned to midships the rudder
will remain at this angle. An opposite command has to be applied to bring the Steering Gear Room

rudder back. Port Stbd.

Steering Steering
Gear Gear
Actuator Actuator


Fig.1 Typical Steering System with Duplication

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.4 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

Maker: C.Plath
Model: Jupiter


The Jupiter class A flat glass compass is housed in a navipol magnetic compass
binnacle. The binnacle is located on top of the bridge deck with a reflector tube
to the steering stand. It has a fluxgate output to the gyrocompass system which
allows a magnetic compass heading to be used in the event of gyrocompass

Magnetic Compass Maintenance

• The compass bowl should be inspected regularly for signs of

leaks or bubbles.
• The upper glass surface should be cleaned.
• Compass gimbals should be checked.
• A few times a year a check should be made on the cap and
sapphire bearing arrangement. This should be done with the
vessel alongside. Use a magnetic object to cause the heading to
deviate by 2°. Hold it in this position for 10 seconds, and then
remove the magnet. The compass card should settle within 15’
of arc of the original heading. If it does not, the compass should
be overhauled by an authorised technician.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.3.5 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.3.6 RUDDER ANGLE INDICATORS Illustration 2.3.6a Rudder Angle Indicators
Deckhead Overhead Panel
Maker: C.Plath
Model: Feedback Unit Type 4900 45° 45°
Rudder Angle

40 40

30 30

20 20 Angle Indicator
3 - Face Rudder 10

Overview Angle Indicator

The rudder angle indicator system comprises a transmitter unit (type 4900)
which is connected by a linkage rod to the rudder shaft lever in the steering Port Wing Starboard Wing
gear room. As the shaft moves an electrical signal is produced in the feedback
unit which is fed to the rudder angle indicators. The indicators provide a ± 45°

Rudder angle information can be easily viewed by both the Master (or OOW)
and the helmsman when the vessel is in hand steering operation. The indicators
are situated in the following locations around the ship:
Rudder Angle Indicator Rudder Angle Indicator
• Wheelhouse forward - deckhead three-face indicator with built-
in dimmer control and remote dimmer control
• Wheelhouse overhead panel - console mounted type
• Port and starboard bridge wings - watertight indicators with Steering Stand
Central Manoeuvring Console
built-in dimmer control Universal Isolator
• Wheelhouse steering stand - console mounted type Port
Rudder Angle

40 40

• Engine control room - console mounted type 30


Dimmer for Rudder
Angle Indicator in Deckhead
A universal isolator amplifier for the indicators is situated in the central
manoeuvring console in the wheelhouse. Many other system connections can
be found here including the 24 V DC supply and the output connections for Rudder Angle Indicator
the voyage data recorder. Where necessary the indicators have a local dimmer
control switch with the exception of the three-face deckhead mounted indicator 24 V DC From Ships Supply
which also has a remote dimmer control situated in the central manoeuvring
Rudder Shaft Rudder Angle Indicator

Rudder Angle
Port Stb

40 40

30 30

Rudder Angle Indicator Feedback Unit 20


With Rod Linkage




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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.4.1a Main Engine Bridge Controls


50 50


120 120

min-1 AHEAD




AHEAD 25 35 45 53 90
ON OFF IN ASTERN 25 35 45 53 -









Issue: Final Draft Section 2.4.1 - Page 1 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.4 ENGINE CONTROLS Telegraph Safety System
The telegraph is a handle type transmitter/receiver on the bridge and in the Automatic shutdown and automatic slow down are operated from sensors on
2.4.1 MAIN ENGINE MANOEUVRING CONTROL control room. At the local stand, a pushbutton type is used. the main turbine. Manual emergency stop is operated from switches on the
bridge/control room/engine side.
Maker: Nabco Ltd Automatic manoeuvring is by the telegraph lever in the wheelhouse.
Bypass Switches
For manoeuvring, the bridge handle has the following divisions.
Main Turbine Remote Control MTRC Equipment These are fitted to the following controls on the bridge safety panel.
• Ahead: D.Slow - Slow - Half - Full - Max. Ahead
The control levers are combined with the engine telegraph and signal the desired • Overspeed preventor - never used, except in an extreme
• Stop:
turbine command to the computer. The computer carries out the command for emergency
a change in turbine speed or direction through consistent, stepped procedures. • Astern: D.Slow - Slow - Half - Full - Emerg. Astern
• Program control - used when a quicker response is required
The logic is designed to carry out the most suitable turbine and boiler operating during the initial full away period when the turbine’s speed is
procedures considering best practice and their limitations. The rpm setting is transmitted from the bridge lever to the bridge unit and the
being increased gradually
control room unit and then to the governor.
• Auto slowdown override - used when it is determined that a
Wheelhouse Main Turbine Manoeuvring Control Console slowdown in the vessel’s speed would endanger the vessel
Sub Telegraph System
The main turbine manoeuvring control console consists of the following: • Emergency trip override - used when it is determined that a
The sub telegraph system consists of pushbuttons located at the side of the
slowdown in the vessel’s speed would endanger the vessel
• Telegraph transmitter with manoeuvring lever, which is moved lever telegraph unit and provides information about the amount of operator
to the desired turbine speed setting, ahead or astern, the interaction with the main engine:
command being processed and acted upon by the Main Turbine Control Location
• F/E
Manoeuvring Control Panel (MTMCP) Provides information about which operator station is controlling the engine:
This pushbutton selects the Finished With Engine (F/E) mode
• Telegraph lever position indicator • W/H
when the ship is in port and no further operator-interaction is
• RPM indicator required. The wheelhouse LED indicator is illuminated to indicate that
• Sub panel containing manoeuvring duty changeover switch, • S/B control of the main engine is at the bridge, via the bridge control
manoeuvring pushbuttons, indicator lamps system and that all conditions for bridge control are fulfilled.
This pushbutton selects the STANDBY mode to indicate that
• Main turbine emergency trip constant operator-engine interaction is necessary. For example, • ECR
• Main turbine slow down override entering or leaving a port or in manoeuvring situations which The Engine room Control Room LED indicator is illuminated
require constant use of the main engine. to indicate that control of the main engine is from the operator
• Main turbine trip override
• F/A station in the control room. It indicates that there is direct
• Telegraph logger (GMDS Console front) communication between the bridge and the control room unit in
This pushbutton selects the FULL AWAY mode to indicate that
• Deck head mounted telegraph repeater the control room.
the ship is at sea, under normal sailing conditions and that no
operator-engine interaction is expected. • M/S
The main engine remote control system is designed for remote control of • Dark, Light and Lamp test The Machinery Space LED indicator is illuminated to indicate
the main engine from the combined telegraph and manoeuvring lever in the that control of the main engine is from the emergency operator
wheelhouse. By moving this lever, the system will automatically start, reverse, These pushbuttons control the telegraph unit illumination.
station in the engine room. It indicates that there is a direct
stop and control the speed setting of the main turbine. communication between the bridge unit and the engine room
Telegraph Logger unit.
The Telegraph Logger Printer, located on the front of the GMDS console, logs
the telegraph and remote control system orders, such as telegraph position, Telegraph Status
critical alarms and rpm. It produces event, periodic, status and start-up logs.
Provides information on the status of the Engine Telegraph System:
• Wrong Way
The Wrong Way LED indicator is illuminated when the given
telegraph command and the responding rotational direction of
the propeller shaft do not correspond.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
• Remote Control System Fail speed will be reduced to the slowdown level, normally corresponding to dead
slow (adjustable). It will be possible to adjust the main engine speed in the area
This LED indicator is illuminated when the Remote Control
between minimum run and slowdown level. Slowdown is reset automatically,
System is not ready to assume command of the engine. An
or manually, depending on the configuration of the safety unit, when the
audible alarm is also sounded.
slowdown signal goes off.

Crash Manoeuvring
Provides pushbuttons for silencing audible alarm/signals and testing LED
Crash manoeuvring means quick reversing of the engine, used in an emergency
indicators and a LED indicator for the system’s self-monitoring status:
situation, when the bridge lever is moved from the full ahead to the full astern
• Lamp Test position. The sequence works as follows.
When pressed for more than 3 seconds, this pushbutton will
initiate the on-line test for all lamps and pushbuttons. a) The crash manoeuvring order is given by moving the bridge
lever from the full ahead to the full astern position.
• Buzzer Stop
Is used to silence audible alarms. b) The stop signal will be given to the main turbine.
• Control Position Acknowledge
c) The braking steam will be supplied and the turbine speed
Is used to acknowledge new control position selection. reduced.

d) When the turbine reaches stop the reverse steam is opened up

RPM Feedback Control
and the turbine turns in the opposite direction and increase until
The speed of the propeller shaft is monitored and fed back to the main turbine the requested rpm are reached.
control system, to ensure that the turbine speeds are maintained within the
recommended safe parameters.

Seagoing (Load Program)

The seagoing condition is obtained by setting the bridge handle to the maximum
ahead position and pressing the Full Away button. The rpm will then gradually
be increased from full manoeuvring speed up to maximum rpm During this
period the lamps PROGRAM IN PROGRESS will be illuminated on the
bridge and in the control room. Normal time for load up is approximately 40
minutes (adjustable). When the required rpm is obtained, the lamps for the load
program will extinguish.

It is possible to cancel the load program (both up and down) by operating

the switch PROGRAM INTERLOCK switch from the engine control room
unit and taking direct control of the speed settings. The control room panel
has lamps indicating that this switch has been activated (program interlock

Slowdown requirements are detected by the safety system. The safety system
sends a signal to the remote control system. The safety system will first give a
prewarning alarm by activating an alarm lamp on the bridge panel for AUTO
SLOWDOWN. It will be possible cancel the slowdown by activating the
SLOWDOWN BYPASS switch on the bridge unit. When the slowdown is
activated, the AUTO SLOWDOWN will illuminate on the bridge unit and the

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.4.1 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.4.2 MAIN ENGINE CONTROL PROCEDURES b) The telegraph levers in all locations must be in the same To Change from Remote to Local Turbine Control
positions. This can be checked by observing the pointers
indicating the current telegraph position and the remote In the event of the turbine remote control system failing, control can be taken
Transfer of Manoeuvring Control between Wheelhouse and telegraph position. When the levers are all correctly positioned from the machinery side (MS).
Engine Control Room the HANDLE MATCHING lamp is lit.
a) At the main turbine emergency panel, turn the CONTROL
The following conditions need to apply: c) The engine control room control location switch is moved from POSITION switch to the M/S position.
• Telegraph lever position matches, otherwise the HANDLE ECR to WH.
MATCHING indicator light will flicker until the positions b) The engine control room will answer the machine side control
match The WHEELHOUSE CONTROL indicator lamp begins to flicker and the signal by pressing the M/S pushbutton on the main turbine
buzzer sounds. Until this is acknowledged the wheelhouse telegraph lever is control console.
• The telegraph lever or the direct manoeuvring methods match, inoperative.
otherwise the LEVER or DIRECT indicator light will flicker c) Pull out the lock pin on the manoeuvring valve and turn the
until the positions match d) The bridge operator acknowledges the change of control valve carefully in the direction required, ahead steam or astern
location by pressing the ACKNOWLEDGE button. steam.
Operation of the Main Turbine Control System
The WHEELHOUSE CONTROL indicator lamp stops flickering and becomes d) Answer the telegraph by pressing the REPLY pushbutton on the
In the engine room control room the engineers set up the system for lever steady. The main turbine can now be controlled from the bridge. telegraph panel.
Transfer of Control from the Bridge to the Engine Control Room Direct Control
Preparation for Lever Control
a) Telephone contact between the bridge and engine control room This is achieved by first changing the main turbine control mode from LEVER
establishes the need to transfer control. control (telegraph control) to DIRECT control, using the switches on the
a) Set the control location to engine control room. The location is
engine room control console. The manoeuvring valve servomotor can now be
displayed by an indicator lamp on all the consoles.
b) The telegraph levers in all locations must be in the same controlled to move the pilot piston to direct oil to the power piston and either
positions. This can be checked by observing the pointers open the ahead or astern steam valve.
b) The control lever in all locations should be at the STOP
position. indicating the current telegraph position and the remote
telegraph position. When the levers are all correctly positioned Emergency Stop Operations
c) Select the control mode as LEVER then toggle switch. Engine the MATCHING lamp is lit.
control positions may be selected as WH or ECR. a) Lift the cover to expose the emergency stop switch.
c) The engine control room control location switch is moved from
The turbine can now be controlled from the telegraph lever which initiates the WH to ECR.
b) Operate the switch to stop the engine.
control ramps and carries out all functions automatically. Use of the toggle
switches on the engine control room console, to raise or lower turbine speed, The WHEELHOUSE CONTROL indicator lamp begins to flicker and the
buzzer sounds. The main turbine can now be controlled from the engine c) Push downward and turn the switch to reset the emergency stop
bypasses the computer control system and actuates the governor servomotor switch.
directly when direct control is selected. control room.

d) The bridge operator acknowledges the change of control d) Operate the TRIP RESET button.
Transfer of Control from the Engine Room to the Bridge location by pressing the ACKNOWLEDGE pushbutton.
In bridge control the wheelhouse telegraph lever signals the MTRP directly.
The telegraph levers in the engine control room do not need to be moved. The WHEELHOUSE CONTROL indicator lamp stops flickering and becomes
The indicator built into the telegraph lever will show the position in which the extinguished. The ECR indicating lamp is lit.
bridge telegraph lever has been placed.

a) Telephone contact between the bridge and engine room

establishes the need to transfer control.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.4.2 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.4.3a Bow Thruster System
Oil Gravity Tank
Portable Box Portable Box
Wheelhouse Control Panel Hydraulic Unit
for Bridge Wing Control for Bridge Wing Control
Manoeuvring Manoeuvring
Dial Dial
Pitch Indicator PORT
5 5
5 5
(On Conning Display) 10
10 10
10 10


Junction Box Junction Box

(Port) (Starboard)


Wheelhouse Portable Box Protection
Setting Dial

Overload M Main Motor

Protection Blade Angle
Switch Amplifier Transmitter
Control Position Control Mode
Changeover Changeover
(Relay Circuit) (Relay Circuit)

Amplifier Limit
Power Source Unit

Port Maximum Starboard Maximum Zero Pitch Detector
Hydraulic Oil Pitch Detector Pitch Detector

Thruster Unit
Electrical Signal


Issue: Final Draft Section 2.4.3 - Page 1 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.4.3 BOW THRUSTER At speeds greater than 5 knots there is a risk of drawing air into the thruster, Operating Limits
particularly when operating at shallow draught, and that will degrade the
Maker: Kawasaki Heavy Industries performance and can cause cavitation damage. The drawing in of air can be The thruster units must operate within specific limits of draught and speed. The
No. of sets: 1 detected by the fluctuation (hunting) of the main motor ammeter reading and draught of the ship at the thruster must exceed 4.0 m and the ship must not be
should be avoided. operating above 5 knots. If the limit in either case is exceeded there is a risk of
Thruster air being drawn into the thruster unit and this can result in blade cavitation or
Type: Kawasaki KT-255B3 vibration. The drawing in of air is marked by a change in load on the thruster
Side Thruster Unit
Motor: 2500 kW and by hunting of the main motor ammeter.
Propeller diameter: 2.85 m Power is transmitted from the electric motor through the flexible coupling,
input shaft and bevel gears to the propeller shaft, rotating the propeller in a Before changing over the control position from the wheelhouse to the bridge
Propeller speed: 245 rpm wings, or vice versa, ensure that the control lever position and the load
constant direction.
Input shaft speed: 880 rpm indicator read out correspond to each other.
Nominal thrust: 36.5 tonnes The propeller part consists of four propeller blades, a propeller hub with a
hydraulic servomotor and the sliding block mechanism. The propeller blades The main motor must only be started when the blades are in the neutral zone
Maximum blade angle: ±25°
are connected to blade carriers by blade bolts and this assures easy exchange (zero pitch) or in the allowable zone (blade pitch of ±3°). The system is
Remote control type: Electrical - hydraulic interlocked to prevent the main motor from starting if the blade pitch is outside
of blades in the thruster tunnel. The gear case, which carries the propeller parts,
Solenoid valve type: DEH16P - 20 - 220 - 2WD24AL (24V DC) is connected to the thruster tube by bolts and this assures easy overhauling of the set limits. Interlock switches also prevent the main motor from starting if
all parts inside the tube. the cooling fan has stopped, if the power pack gravity tank level is low or if
Oil Service Pump
the control oil pressure is low.
Type: QT52-40H - gear type Pressurised oil from the solenoid valve is fed to the hydraulic servomotor
Discharge pressure: 50 kg/cm2 at 64 litres/minute through the tubes and annular space in the propeller shaft, resulting in the
reciprocating movement of the servomotor piston. This movement of the
Operating Procedure
Relief valve set pressure: 55 kg/cm2
Motor: 11 kW piston is converted into rotary movement of the blades by the sliding block
Manipulation of the switches and thruster components is normally only
mechanism. The vent side of the servomotor piston drains, via the solenoid
undertaken from the bridge. To provide the bridge with system control the
valve, to the gear case. From this pressurised gear case, oil returns to the header
LOCAL/REMOTE switch on the motor control panel must be switched to the
Introduction tank. The main actuator power pack pump takes oil from the header tank and
REMOTE position.
supplies it to the thruster unit via the solenoid control valves. The hydraulic
The purpose of the bow thruster is to turn the ship when operating at slow power pack unit provides oil under pressure and this is used to change the pitch
Normally the command to start or stop the thruster unit would be made from the
speeds or when not under way, to keep the ship in position in a cross wind of the thruster unit blades.
bridge control console. The thruster can be controlled remotely from the bridge
and to move the ship towards or away from a mooring position as required. control console or either of the bridge wings using the portable control unit,
The thrust is produced by rotation of a propeller unit which is housed in a A shaft sealing mechanism is attached to the gear case in order to prevent
leakage of oil out of the system. this must be plugged in to the respective bridge wing connection box before
transverse cylindrical ducting; the propeller unit being rotated by means of a use . The portable bridge wing control is activated by pressing the PORTABLE
vertical electric motor via bevel gears. The propeller blade pitch is controllable pushbutton to the wheelhouse control unit, this allows the portable control
The thruster unit contains 350 litres of oil and the gravity tank 110 litres.
in order to obtain the desired magnitude and direction of thrust. to operate. In an emergency the thruster unit would be stopped using the
A hand pump is provided for draining the thruster unit and testing for water emergency stop button situated on thruster control panel on the bridge control
The thruster comprises of a number of separate sections: console and bridge wing control stands.
• The electric motor unit with drive shaft and bevel gearing
driving the propeller unit hub Thruster Control Panel
Lubricating Device
• The propeller unit with blades mounted in the hub The thruster control panel has a number of system abnormal alarms. These
• The hydraulic unit which changes the pitch of the propeller The bevel gear and all the bearings inside the gear case are lubricated by the include:
blades bath lubricating method.
• The control system which regulates the blade pitch in accordance The lubricating oil in the gear case is slightly pressurised by the connection • DC SOURCE FAIL
with demand from the bridge. with the gravity tank which is provided above the load waterline to prevent sea
water from leaking into the oil system.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.4.3 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.4.3a Bow Thruster System
Oil Gravity Tank
Portable Box Portable Box
Wheelhouse Control Panel Hydraulic Unit
for Bridge Wing Control for Bridge Wing Control
Manoeuvring Manoeuvring
Dial Dial
Pitch Indicator PORT
5 5
5 5
(On Conning Display) 10
10 10
10 10


Junction Box Junction Box

(Port) (Starboard)


Wheelhouse Portable Box Protection
Setting Dial

Overload M Main Motor

Protection Blade Angle
Switch Amplifier Transmitter
Control Position Control Mode
Changeover Changeover
(Relay Circuit) (Relay Circuit)

Amplifier Limit
Power Source Unit

Port Maximum Starboard Maximum Zero Pitch Detector
Hydraulic Oil Pitch Detector Pitch Detector

Thruster Unit
Electrical Signal


Issue: Final Draft Section 2.4.3 - Page 3 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
• MAIN MOTOR START FAIL The bow thruster can also be operated from the bridge wing, the portable
control is plugged in to the socket located in the weather proof box on the
selected bridge wing and the PORTABLE button on the wheelhouse control
• MAIN MOTOR TRIP panel selected.
Stopping the Thruster
a) Turn the pitch control lever to alter the blade angle to zero
An emergency stop button is incorporated in the wheelhouse panel and at each pitch.
bridge wing socket for the portable control unit.
b) Press the STOP button. The thruster, oil pump and fan
Note: The main motor must not be restarted after stopping until the will all stop automatically and the indicator lamps will be
transformer has had a chance to cool; a period of about 30 minutes is required extinguished.
for cooling.
c) Press the control power source switch to the OFF position.
Starting and Stopping of the Thruster Unit d) Inform the engine room to stop the diesel generator.
Sequential Start
a) Press the control power source switch to the ON position. The
ON indicator lamp will now be illuminated. Description High
Bow thruster room air temperature 95°C
b) Inform the engine room that you intend to run the bow Bow thruster motor R winding temperature 140°C
Bow thruster motor S winding temperature 140°C
Bow thruster motor T winding temperature 140°C
Note: The engine room normally starts the diesel generator before using the
bow thruster. The THRUSTER REQUEST button on the bridge panel will
The bow thruster drive motor, hydraulic servo pump and gravity tank are
automatically start the diesel generator but is ONLY used in an emergency.
located in the bow thruster compartment forward. The storage oil tank for the
bow thruster is located in the bosun’s store.
c) Press the AUX RUN button to start the LO pump and bow
thruster room fan. (The alarm for the fan start/stop appears
only on the IAS panels)

The signal is sent for the fan and oil pump to start, once they are running
the FAN RUN and READY TO START indicator lamps will be illuminated
providing all the interlock conditions are satisfied.

d) Press the THRUSTER RUN button.

e) Turn the pitch control lever to alter the blade angle to the
desired position. The thruster will now assist the movement of
the bow in the required direction.

The unit is usually operated in the follow-up mode, control lever, if the non
follow up mode is selected the right and left arrow buttons at the bottom of the
control panel are used to operate the unit.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.4.3 - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.1a Speed Log System
Chart Space Overhead Panel

Digital Indicator SD1-6 Digital Indicator SD2-1

Port Bridge Wing Speed WT Starboard Bridge Wing

SAL SAL Remote Dimmer
Digital Indicator SD2-1 SD1-6 SD2-1
Digital Indicator SD2-1
U/N 701151



SD2-1 Total
Approvals: SD2-1
U/N 701151
BSH/88/26L/96 U/N 701151

70 10 66
2 sec Test Test

Long Trip
BT Reset WT BT knots m/s
Trans Total
WT Trip
Res Dir

BSH/88/26L/96 (701150D)
(70 10 86D) BSH/88/26L/96
Test Test

WT BT knots m/s WT BT knots m/s




Central Bridge
Console No.6
Log Processing Unit Change Over
Engine Control Room SD2-15

Digital Indicator SD1-6 Bow Thruster Room

Speed WT

SAL Electronic Unit Electronic Unit


No.2 No.1


70 10 66

2 sec Test

220 V AC Ship's Supply 220 V AC Ship's Supply
WT Trip
Res Dir
DIM Hull Stress Monitoring System Voyage Data Recorder
(70 10 86D)

Rate of Turn from Gyro Ship Performance Monitor

Bridge Alarm System No.2 Autopilot System

230 V AC Ship's Supply No.2 Gyro System

Radar No.1 No.1 Autopilot System
Radar No.2 No.1 Gyro System
Steering Control System No.1 ECDIS
Conning System No.2 ECDIS
Tank Top
Speed Log No.2 Speed Log No.1
FORWARD Transducer Transducer
Bottom Frame 170+550 mm Frame 171+550 mm

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.1 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5 BRIDGE EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION signal. This speed indication is reliable for depths of water below the transducer • Trans - displays transverse speed and distance if available
of 3-300 metres and is referred to as the ground speed or true speed. and illuminates the right or left arrow light to indicate port or
2.5.1 SPEED LOG SYSTEM starboard movement.
Expected Accuracy • Res - calculates and displays the resulting speed on the upper
Maker: Consilium Marine display and depending on the mode of the lower display, will
Speed range of the WT system is ± 50 kts sensed water speed. Speed range of
Model: SAL 860R show speed vector direction referenced to the bow direction or
the BT system is ± 40 kts in any direction.
the resulting distance.

Overview Operating Procedures BT/WT Key

During normal operation, apart from the controls on the digital display This key switches between the two track modes. BT will display the bottom
The SAL 860R speed log employs the correlation technique which uses sound indicators, no operator intervention is required. The setting of the parameters track speed and distance if available and WT will display the water track speed
waves in water to measure the ship’s speed. The system comprises: via the LPU is performed during commissioning. An LCD display is located and distance if available.
• Two transducers sited in the hull bottom in the forward section inside the LPU which provides a two line display to refer to for fault diagnosis
of the ship. or if it becomes necessary to test the system. Limited system tests can also be Trip/Total/Dir Key
performed from the ELC. Information regarding system testing can be found This key when pressed will switch between trip distance and total distance if
• Two Electronics Units (ELC), one for each transducer, sited in the ‘Long’ or ‘Trans’ mode is selected and between trip distance, total distance
in the manufacturer’s operation/installation manual.
the bosun’s store. and speed vector direction if the ‘Res’ mode is selected on the lower display.
• A digital indicator and transducer changeover unit sited in the
Digital Displays The Dim and Test facility are as for the SD2-15 unit.
Operation details of the three different types of digital displays, installed on
• A Log Processing Unit (LPU) situated in the wheelhouse.
board, are described below: Type SD2-1 Docking Log Display
• Digital indicators situated in the wheelhouse, port and starboard
bridge wings and the engine control room. This display is used for docking log applications by displaying transverse BT
Type SD2-15 Dual Log Control Unit speed of the bow and the stern as well as longitudinal BT speed. The unit
Speed and distance information in the form of NMEA 0183 signals is fed to will default to WT speeds if there are no BT speeds available. If there are no
This unit is located on the instrument panel for conning display and is used to
the Voyage Data Recorder (VDR), No.1 and No.2 autopilot systems, No.1 and transverse WT speeds available the transverse indicators will display ‘---’. The
control and monitor both transducers.
No.2 gyrocompass systems, the ECDIS system, steering control system, S- WT or BT LEDs illuminate to indicate which mode is selected.
band and X-band radar as well as the bridge alarm system.
Log 1 and Log 2 Keys BT Key
Press the Log 1 key to use the No.1 log system or press the Log 2 key to use Press this key to force the display to show BT speeds.
Speed and Distance Measurement the No.2 log system.
Each transducer consists of five piezo-electric elements for measuring Bottom WT Key
Track (BT) speed and two more piezo-electric elements for measuring Water WT and BT Keys Press this key to force the display to show WT speeds.
Track (WT) speed. Press the WT key to display the water track speed on this display or press the
BT key to display the bottom track speed on this display. knots Key
Water track speed measurement is achieved by two crystals in the transducer, Press this key to show speed in knots.
transmitting two parallel signals into the water one at 3.84 MHz and the other DIM Keys
at 4.194 MHz. These are reflected back by objects in the water and are detected Press the dim up arrow key to increase the display backlighting level or press m/s Key
by the transducer. The time delay for signal echo is proportional to speed the down arrow key to decrease the display backlighting level. Press both keys Press this key to show speed in metres/second.
multiplied by the distance to the object. The received echoes can be regarded as simultaneously to initiate a test sequence of this unit.
two snapshots of the flow of particles under the ship. As the distance between The Dim and Test facility is as described for the SD2-15 unit.
the two crystals is accurately known, it is possible to calculate the speed of the Type SD1-6 Universal Two Axis Log Display
particles and hence the speed of the ship. By integrating speed with time, the
distance run can be calculated. Speed is measured at a user-defined distance Located on the chart and safety console.
from the surface of the transducer between 75-150 mm. This measurement is
referred to as speed through the water or relative speed. Long/Trans/Res Key - This key switches between three modes as follows:
• Long - displays longitudinal speed and distance if available
Bottom Track speed measurement uses five different crystals in the transducer, and illuminates the up or down arrow light to indicate ahead or
transmitting on a much lower frequency of 150 kHz. Signals are directed at astern movement.
the sea bed and the ship’s speed is calculated through analysis of the reflected

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.1 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.2a Loran C


1 2 8 9 10


3 4
1 2 3
5 6 4 5 6 11

TO #
7 8 9
12 13

Primary mode Primary mode

data read out data entry


1 Press to store a position in the Event Memory. 7 Used to select one of nine modes of operation. Press 10 Press this key simultaneously with the PWR key to switch
the mode key to move the mode indicator arrow above the unit off. This prevents accidental switch off.
2 Used to clear a number from the display or to mute the label for the operating mode required. The read outs
the audible alarm. on the display vary with the mode selected. 11 The keys 0 to 9 are used to enter numeric data. Leading
zeros must be entered or the entry will be rejected.
3 Used to recall stored data from the Event Memory. 8 Adjusts the level of backlighting for the display and keyboard.
There are four levels of intensity, each press of the DIM 12 Referred to as the general purpose key. It is used to change
4 Used to select on which line of the display the data key cycles through the settings. N/S, E/W or to change default values for many modes and
cursor will be located. functions as well as turning many functions on or off.
9 Press this key to activate the unit. After several seconds
5 Used to activate routes. the display becomes active. 13 Used to confirm data entry or activate a function.

6 Press this key followed by a number (1-9) to access

one of nine secondary functions.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.2 - Page 1 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.2 LORAN C Primary Modes Data Entry #6
NAV The signal to noise ratio (SNR) and envelope to cycle Difference (ECD) are
Maker: Furuno displayed. This gives the operator an indication of the quality of the incoming
Model: LC-90 Mk II This is the navigation mode, cross track error, course offset, range and bearing
Loran signals.
to desired waypoint are also shown.

Overview RTE
SNR Visual/Audio indicator.
This is the route planning mode. The waypoints in up to ten routes are selected
Following the correct entry of the vessel’s estimated position from a chart
in this mode.
of the area the LC-90 continues in automatic operation. The unit provides #8
automatic functions and entry of the proper Group Repetition Interval
(GRI), secondary slaves, ASF compensation and magnetic variation. It will WPT Tuning indicator function.
automatically lock-on and track the master station and up to five secondaries This mode is used to enter position data into the waypoint.
simultaneously. The computer will then calculate the navigational data from #9
two selected secondaries to provide current position, speed over ground, course
over ground and distance to go etc. The large backlit LCD displays five lines of CLC Notch filter status.
navigational data on a single page. Entry and read out for all position functions This is the calculation mode.
may be in either latitude/longitude or Time Difference (TDs). Operation is Operation
achieved using the twenty-three colour coded keys adjacent to the display.
The procedure for using the LC-90 Mark II follows four basic steps:
This is the mode where alarm limits are defined for the cross track error, border
Primary Modes Display Read Outs alarm, arrival alarm and anchor alarm. a) Switch on.

S/C b) Initialise the navigator.

Secondary Functions
Speed made good, course made good, present position and waypoint/route
information. c) Enter the waypoint positions.
In each function the blue # key is first pressed followed by one of the numeric
keys to access the desired function.
d) Organise the route and activate it.
Velocity to destination, time to go also present position and waypoint/route #1
Switching On
information. This is the initialisation function. Enter the approximate position.
Press the PWR key. Use the DIM key to adjust the LCD display and keyboard
R/B #2 brightness to suit.
Range and bearing to destination and present position and waypoint/route Position offset function.
information. Initialisation
XTE #3 If the unit is being powered up for the first time or it is necessary to clear the
Cross track error, with arrow indicators to show direction of offset and Averaging time function applies smoothing to speed and position.
direction to steer to get back onto track also present position and waypoint/
a) Make sure the unit is switched off. Then press both the PWR
route information.
#4 and CLR keys at the same time, continue to hold the CLR key
down until two beeps are heard and then release it. This will
Automatic ASF and Magnetic Variation automatic function can be disabled
clear the internal memory completely.

Note: The above operation will clear ALL stored information including any
#5 waypoints.
Cycle select function.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.2 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.2a Loran C


1 2 8 9 10


3 4
1 2 3
5 6 4 5 6 11

TO #
7 8 9
12 13

Primary mode Primary mode

data read out data entry


1 Press to store a position in the Event Memory. 7 Used to select one of nine modes of operation. Press 10 Press this key simultaneously with the PWR key to switch
the mode key to move the mode indicator arrow above the unit off. This prevents accidental switch off.
2 Used to clear a number from the display or to mute the label for the operating mode required. The read outs
the audible alarm. on the display vary with the mode selected. 11 The keys 0 to 9 are used to enter numeric data. Leading
zeros must be entered or the entry will be rejected.
3 Used to recall stored data from the Event Memory. 8 Adjusts the level of backlighting for the display and keyboard.
There are four levels of intensity, each press of the DIM 12 Referred to as the general purpose key. It is used to change
4 Used to select on which line of the display the data key cycles through the settings. N/S, E/W or to change default values for many modes and
cursor will be located. functions as well as turning many functions on or off.
9 Press this key to activate the unit. After several seconds
5 Used to activate routes. the display becomes active. 13 Used to confirm data entry or activate a function.

6 Press this key followed by a number (1-9) to access

one of nine secondary functions.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.2 - Page 3 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
b) The cursor will now flash on the first line ready for the latitude Route entry is carried out in three stages: d) Enter the range required (e.g. press 0 1 ENT for a range of
co-ordinates. After entering the latitude the flashing cursor will 0.1nm).
move to the second line for longitude co-ordinates. If necessary 1) Enter all waypoints for the route in consecutive numbers (this is
use the rotating arrow key to set the N/S or E/W value (the important). To enter off-course alarm data:
default setting for latitude is N and for longitude is W). This
position must be within 1° of actual position. 2) Set an arrival alarm zone distance so the Auto Sequence will a) Use the down arrow key to move the cursor to the fourth line.
become active when reaching each waypoint location.
c) The cursor will now move to the third line and ‘A’ will be b) Press CLR.
flashing. This indicates automatic selection of GRI and two 3) Enter the route sequence string start and end points into the
slave stations. Left in this mode, the unit will initialise in memory. c) Confirm that OUT is displayed next to XTE. If not press the
approximately one minute. rotating arrow key to display OUT.
d) Press the blue left or right arrow key to select the S/C mode. d) Enter the range required.
Then press the rotating arrow key to watch the TD’s change a) Using the Mode Arrow key select the RTE screen. The cursor
while the unit locks onto the Loran signals. The acquisition will be flashing at the route number. To enter border alarm data:
process will take up to five minutes depending on the strength
of signals locally. b) Enter the new route number and press the ENT key. The flashing a) Use the down arrow key to move the cursor to the fourth line.
cursor now moves to the first waypoint entry position.
b) Press CLR.
Waypoint Entry c) Enter the waypoint number then press the ENT key.
c) Press the rotating arrow key if OUT is showing to display IN.
The equipment has 100 memory locations for storing waypoints numbered from d) Repeat the above step until either all the waypoints have been
00 to 99. The first memory location is reserved to store own ship’s position for entered or the maximum of ten has been reached. d) Enter the range required.
cross track and route planning calculations. To enter a new waypoint position
data or recall old data for display, the waypoint memory location number has e) Return to the S/C display or other screen as required. To enter anchor watch alarm data:
to be entered first so the unit can place or retrieve the correct information. Note
that the waypoints being used by an active route cannot be changed until the To follow a route which has been previously programmed into the navigator. a) Use the down arrow key to move the cursor to the third line and
route is made inactive. set the audible alarm to ON.
a) Press the FR/TO key.
The simplest method of entry by the seafarer is to enter the latitude and b) Use the down arrow key to move to the bottom line.
longitude of each waypoint, this is done in the Waypoint mode. Select the b) Press the CLR key and then type in the two digit number of the
waypoint mode by pressing the right arrow key until the Waypoint Entry route to be followed. c) Press CLR.
screen is displayed.
Note: The first position shown to the left of the arrow when the route is d) Confirm that OUT is displayed next to the WCH indication. If
The waypoint number will be flashing to indicate that the cursor is at this not press the rotating arrow key to display OUT.
first activated is always the ship’s actual position. The figure to the right
position. Enter a waypoint number using a leading zero if necessary then press
of the arrow is the first waypoint. When the arrival alarm is activated, the
the ENT key. The cursor will automatically advance to the latitude entry, enter e) Enter the range required.
waypoints will change sequentially.
this and press the ENT key. Now enter the longitude followed by pressing the
ENT key. Continue entering as many waypoints as required by selecting a new f) Now store your present position into a free waypoint address
number for each one. Alarms
(e.g. 99). To do this Press SAV 9 9 ENT. If you now select 99
Use the mode arrow key to display the ALM mode screen. as a ‘TO’ waypoint an alarm will sound if the ship drifts out of
Routes the anchor watch zone.
To enter arrival alarm data:
A series of waypoints are combined in such a manner that the navigator will
display a constant read out of course, speed, waypoint number, distance and
a) Use the down arrow key to move the cursor to the bottom line.
bearing to the next waypoint. The ship’s position and cross track error are
displayed in the form of a bar graph. Ten routes can be stored with a maximum
b) Press CLR.
of ten waypoints in each route.
c) Press the rotating arrow key if OUT is showing to display IN.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.2 - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.3a DGPS Navigator

Display Function Keys


MX 420 Navigation System

Navigation System Mark Position

1 2 3
SNR 42 39 48 50 44 47 N
21 4 5 6
12 Goto
26 3
30 14
PRN 12 14 1 23 21 26
1 7 8 9
17 5 Light
Used sats : 6
Visible sats : 11
Available sats : 24 23
Elevation mask : 7.5° S
E CFG C Power On/Off

Man Overboard

Soft Keys Cursor Key

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.3 - Page 1 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.3 DIFFERENTIAL GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM Description of Controls GPS Mode Traffic Light Operation
Traffic Light System Red flashing
Global Positioning System (GPS) Not tracking satellites. This will occur during the first two minutes after switch
on or if the memory is reset or lost. If this happens, allow the unit to run for at
The MX420 GPS has a series of indicator lights (red, yellow and green) on
least 30 minutes. If the red light does not change to solid in this time, refer to
Maker: Leica the left hand side of the panel. These lights represent the signal status of the
the troubleshooting section of the manufacturer’s manual.
Model: MX420/DGPS Receiver system. Great care must be taken when reading these lights as the indications
can have different meanings in the DGPS or GPS mode.
Red/Yellow solid
Dead reckoning. Indicates equipment is in dead reckoning mode. This is the
GPS Navigation Overview DGPS Mode Traffic Light Operation case when the normal GPS or DGPS operation is not available.

GPS was developed by and is operated by the U.S. Department of Defence. Red flashing
Not tracking satellites. This will occur during the first two minutes after switch Red solid
Comprising of a constellation of 24 operational satellites (four in each of Tracking one or more satellites (no position update). This is normal for two
six operational planes) at altitudes of approximately 20,000 km the system on or if the memory is reset or lost. If this happens, allow the unit to run for at
least 30 minutes. If the red light does not change to solid in this time, refer to minutes after switch on. Allow the unit to run for at least 20 minutes after red
provides two dimensional fixes (latitude and longitude) for marine users. A solid to allow the unit to receive a satellite almanac. This also indicates that the
position fix with an accuracy of approximately ten metres can be achieved the troubleshooting section of the manufacturer’s manual.
HDOP is greater than 10, look in GPS function screens for the value.
using a GPS receiver.
Red/Yellow solid
Dead reckoning. This indicates that the equipment is in dead reckoning mode. Yellow solid
Basically a GPS position is achieved by measuring the range from a number GPS position update with a poor HDOP value. This may be seen from time to
This is the case when the normal DGPS or GPS operation is not available.
of selected satellites to the receiver. Range is determined by measuring the time in normal operation if tracking 3, 4 or 5 satellites with poor geometry with
propagation time of received signals and a fixed clock error. By the use of respect to the ship’s position.
Red solid
microprocessor technology this clock error can be resolved providing that at
Tracking one or more satellites. This will occur during the first two minutes
least three satellites are in view for a two dimensional fix. Green solid
after switch on. Allow the unit to run for at least 20 minutes after red solid
to allow the unit to receive a satellite almanac. This also indicates that the GPS position update with an HDOP value less than 4. This is the normal
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP) is greater than 10 or if too few operating condition with position accuracy of 40-75 metres.

The accuracy of basic GPS signals (especially in areas such as harbours satellites are being tracked. Use the GPS or DGPS function screens for further
and their approaches) can be improved by the reception of correction data Operating Key Functions
transmitted from a shore-based station. DGPS works on the principle of a
Yellow/Green solid Function keys
fixed receiving station knowing its exact location (latitude and longitude)
derived from a survey. This station is equipped with a GPS receiver to obtain GPS position update, DGPS corrections are not being received. This may be There are the 18 press button keys to the right hand side of the display panel.
its position from the satellite system. The received position is compared with seen from time to time in normal operation. This will occur when the beacon There are also 5 soft keys under the display which activate the function
the surveyed position of the station. If an error exists between these two signal is not available or out of range, or if tracking 3, 4 or 5 satellites with indicated on the screen above them.
positions then correction data is calculated and transmitted by M/F radio, in poor geometry with respect to the ship’s position.
the frequency band 285-325 kHz, with a range of approximately 40-60 nautical MAN OVERBOARD
miles. Yellow solid Located at the bottom right hand corner of the panel. When depressed for at
DGPS position update, but with poor HDOP. This may be seen during normal least two seconds it activates the MOB1 screen.
operation. This will occur if tracking 3, 4 or 5 satellites with poor geometry
A Note of Caution When Using GPS with respect to the ship’s position. POWER ON/OFF
Attention is drawn to the fact that the U.S. Department of Defence control the A momentary press will switch the power on - Do not hold down for more than
transmission of GPS signals. They can, if they wish, introduce errors or even Green solid one second at switch on or the unit will be switched off again. There are two
stop transmission without warning. With this in mind GPS should be used with DGPS position update with an HDOP value less than 4. This is the normal options for switching the unit off:
caution. An alternative independent means of position fixing should always be operating condition with position accuracy of less than 5 metres.
• Software control - a momentary key press will display the soft
used in conjunction with the GPS.
key option boxes YES or NO. Press the YES soft key.
• Hardware control - press the key for more than 3 seconds and
the power will be switched off. The unit cannot be turned on
again for 10 seconds when this method is used.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.3 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.3a DGPS Navigator

Display Function Keys


MX 420 Navigation System

Navigation System Mark Position

1 2 3
SNR 42 39 48 50 44 47 N
21 4 5 6
12 Goto
26 3
30 14
PRN 12 14 1 23 21 26
1 7 8 9
17 5 Light
Used sats : 6
Visible sats : 11
Available sats : 24 23
Elevation mask : 7.5° S
E CFG C Power On/Off

Man Overboard

Soft Keys Cursor Key

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.3 - Page 3 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
LIGHT NAV1- The Panorama Screen A vertical line in the centre represents the vessel’s course line. The checkered
Allows instant switching between two pre-programmed panel light settings. This screen is designed to give a 3 dimensional ‘runway view’ of the route area to the port and starboard of this line indicates the area beyond the cross
being followed. In this view navigation markers, course line, cross track error track error limits. The number displayed next to the course line is the calculated
GOTO lines and waypoint flags are displayed. The following information will also be cross track error. Whenever the vessel steers to port or starboard of its course
Allows the operator to quickly create a route from the present position to one displayed: Course and speed over ground (COG, SOG) as calculated by the line the checkered area turns to solid black indicating which side of the course
other waypoint. GPS. The range (RNG) and bearing (BRG) of the waypoint from your present line the vessel is on.
position. Time to go (TTG), the calculated time to reach the waypoint.
MARK POSITION As with the NAV1 display the course can be reset if the vessel drifts outside
Stores the present position, date and time at the next available waypoint In the top right hand corner the symbol RL or GC will be displayed this present parameter settings by pressing the E key followed by Reset XTE. Press
location in the waypoint bank. indicates whether you are navigating under Rhumb Line or Great Circle. the E key again to return to the normal display status.

By pressing the E key the Panorama Display Option screen is activated The next waypoint can be skipped by selecting the E key followed by the Skip
allowing the display information to be customised. Waypoint soft key. Press the E key again to return to normal display status.
There are two tide screens. Tide1 screen displays graphic and digital
information about the vessels present position, based on tide table constants
that have been entered via Tide2 screen. View NAV3- Expanded Navigation Information
Allows the operator to zoom in or out of the representation of the route
NAV3 screen has four windows. The upper left window is a smaller version of
Tide2 is where the constants for various ports can be entered, up to 100 displayed.
NAV2 screen. The two windows below this display the present date and time
tide tables can be stored. The constants can be derived from Part 111 of the
and the ETA to the end of the route. The right hand window provides a graphic
Admiralty Tide Tables and Tidal Stream Tables published by the Hydrographer Show Waypoints
display of the waypoint being approached as well as the waypoint at the end
of the Navy. Allows waypoints, not part of the actual route, to be turned on or off.
of the next leg.
EDIT Show Active Route
Reset XTE and Skip Waypoint is also available on the NAV3 display.
Activates and deactivates the soft keys and edit fields within any screen where Allows the option for the course line to be shown, as long as a symbol has been
editing is appropriate. The E key must be pressed to save the information as entered as the first character for the waypoint name.
edited. NAV4- Sensor Input Navigation
Show Off Track Limit The NAV4 screen displays data from external equipment: anemometer, speed
CLEAR Allows the cross track error lines to be displayed or hidden. log, compass and echo sounder when connected (using NMEA protocol) to the
This key allows the operator to erase one character at a time. If it is held down GPS. The sources can be set up in the CFG1 screen, refer to the installation and
for longer than one quick key press, it will erase the entire line of characters Show Data Window service manual for further information on set up and compatibility. The NAV4
that the cursor is on. Allows the selection of two display types: screen is divided into four window segments.
• Data displayed in various parts of the graphic screen or
CURSOR The top left window shows details relating to the True Wind Angle (TWA),
Used to move between edit fields and also to move between function screen • Data displayed in a separate window left of the graphic screen.
True Wind Speed (TWS), True Wind Direction (TWD) and Velocity Made
pages. Good (VMG).
If the vessel drifts outside of the cross track error limit and it is decided not to
FUNCTION return to the original course line, the course line can be reset from the present
The window below the wind data provides information relating to the ship’s
Above and below each primary function key are numbers and letters. These position to the waypoint by selecting Reset XTE from the display.
course and speed and displays the Course Over Ground (COG), Speed Over
numbers and letters are used in the edit mode most often in RTE, WPT and Ground (SOG), Heading (HDG), Heading To Steer (HTS) to next waypoint,
CFG screens. Skip Waypoint Soft Key
Speed log (LOG), Waypoint Closure Velocity (WCV) and the calculated set
Allows the operator to skip the waypoint currently being headed to and to
and drift.
advance to the next one.
Navigation Screens
The window in the top right hand corner displays depth information.
The MX420 has four basic NAV screen displays. The RTE 1 screen provides NAV2- Basic Steering Information
the active route for the NAV screens. The up and down arrow soft keys control This view gives the range and bearing to the next waypoint. Below this the Below the depth data there is a graph displaying the next route leg vector the
which waypoints are skipped or restored for the current route. ETA information course and speed over ground is displayed as calculated and the lower part of Range (RNG) and Time To Go (TTG) to the next waypoint as well as an arrow
is also configured in the RTE 1 screen. Reference should be made to the route the display shows the cross track error, displayed as follows: indicating the calculated set and drift.
section of the manufacturer’s manual for a full description.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.3 - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.4a Anemometer
Maker: DEIF A/S
Model: Malling type 879
Anemometer Sensor
The bridge is equipped with a wind speed and direction indicator capable of
recording wind speeds in the range of 0 to 60 m/s through 360°.

Junction Box
The Deif Malling wind measuring system consists of a wind sensor type 879.3
and an instrument display panel.

The wind sensor is installed on the top of the ship’s mast and consists of the
following: Above Deck
• A three-armed cup anemometer using optical scanning Wheelhouse
measures the wind velocity and pulse modulation transmits the Display Unit
information to the display panel.

• A wind-vane using an optoelectronically scanned code disk

determines the wind direction and the information is transmitted Data 270


to the display panel using a digital pulse-modulated code 180

transmitter. DEIF

230 V AC
The display panel is installed in the wheelhouse. A digital display indicates the
wind speed and the wind direction is indicated using a circle of light emitting
diodes (LEDs).
Cargo Control

The display panel has a membrane type keypad with the following keys: 360

• Up/down arrow keys. Press the up arrow to increase the 270


panel illumination or the down arrow to decrease the panel kts MODE

Dimmer Panel

• Mode selection key. Press this key to show the wind speed in Display Unit
knots (kts) or metres per second (m/s). A red LED indicates
which unit is in use.

2 4V DC Ship's Supply

To ECDIS No.2 To Conning Display System

To Voyage Data Recorder 230 V AC Ship's Supply

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.4 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.5a Weather Facsimile Receiver


12 10 8 5
14 2 3 MODE

RECEIVER 16 100N JMH 36225

13 11 9 7 6 4


FURUNO DFAX 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

0 10 20 30 40



1 Power on/off switch. 7 Used to call up station and frequency data. 13 Paper feed control.
19 Illuminates when the alarm mode is activated.
2 Equalises the picture synchronisation to align 8 Used to control operation of the printer. 14 Used to adjust the contrast of the LCD display.
with the paper feed direction. 20 Illuminates when receiving a NAVTEX search
9 Selects paper speed and IOC setting. 15 Internal or external receiver selection switch. and rescue (SAR) message.
3 Monitor speaker volume control.
10 Used for memory recall or to program data. 16 Tuning indication. The tuning bar runs up or down 21 Illuminated when the recording paper supply is exhausted.
4 Used to scroll a number or message upward to indicate a difference between the programmed
or downward. 11 Used for phase alignment. frequency and the received frequency. 22 Illuminates when the signal is too weak to print a map.

5 Used to move the cursor or data sideways. 12 Used to adjust the backlighting intensity of the 17 Illuminated when the timer mode is active. 23 Illuminates when the scanning speed is incorrectly set.
LCD display and indicator LEDs.
6 Used to enter data or activate a function. 18 Illuminated during printing. 24 Illuminates when the picture is out of phase.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.5 - Page 1 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.5 WEATHER FACSIMILE RECEIVER Note: Do not turn the power off during recording as the printing head remains f) Repeat steps a) to e) to enter more scheduled programs.
in contact with the recording paper (roller), applying harmful pressure to the
Maker: Furuno printing head. Procedure to Activate the Timer Function
Model: FAX-214
Procedure for Setting the Program Schedule a) Press the SPD/IOC key and select the correct IOC (288 or 576)
Overview For the following procedure it is necessary to refer to the necessary of the transmitting station, as indicated in the publication in
publications, such as the Admiralty List of Radio Signals, for station use.
The weather facsimile machine provides a weather map picture of the weather transmission schedules.
forecast for a given area. Due to the speed of transmission and the detail b) Press the MODE key and use the up or down arrow keys to
involved some maps may take several minutes to receive. a) Press the RCL/PRG key twice then press the up or down arrow select ‘TIMER ON’ in the display.
keys until ‘Set Schedule’ is displayed.
The basic facsimile receiver consists of: c) Press the ENT key. The programmed schedule closest to
• A panel containing control keys, LCD display annunciator and b) Press the ENT key and the data entry display for the program the present time will be displayed. If there are no schedules
LEDs which display the status of the system timer will be shown. The data columns are indicated below. Use programmed ‘No Schedule!’ will be displayed.
the right arrow key scroll across the display screen. If the timer
• A printer In accordance with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) most
program is full the message ‘Schedule Full’ will be displayed
and the unit reverts to normal mode. stations transmitting weather facsimiles transmit a remote control signal (start
and stop signal). With this in mind it is suggested that the equipment is set to
Operational Procedure of Facsimile Receiver
Zone Number the remote start mode.
The FAX-214 receiver uses a timer, which enables automatic recording of Station Number
Channel Number (select '*' to activate the scan function)
facsimile signals and up to 16 programmes can be scheduled. In most cases Procedure for Manual Tuning of Receiver
Picture Mode: N(Normal) or R(Reverse)
this may be the only operating mode used. However, if a program is already
in progress, or if the transmitting station does not use start and stop signals, 000N PRV * xx:xx xx:xx
a) Press the CH key, the station and frequency data are displayed.
manual reception will have to be selected. Data such as time and programmed
frequencies are stored in the memory which is powered by a back-up battery. Program End Time: (Hour:Minute)
b) Use the left arrow keys to move the cursor to the zone number
Program Start Time: (Hour:Minute)
Start Trigger: * Remote Start then use the up or down arrow keys to select the required zone
Power On/Off s Timer Start (IOC is 576) number.
f Timer Start (IOC is 288)
Press the power switch to the ON position to switch the unit on and to the
c) Use the right arrow key to move the cursor to the station number
OFF position to switch it off. When the power is switched on the time will be
column and use the up and down arrow keys to select the station
displayed for a few seconds followed by the channel data.
In the following example set the machine to receive a facsimile broadcast from number.
station NAM in Norfolk, Virginia, USA using the remote start mode.
Procedure for Setting the Clock d) Use the right arrow key to move the cursor to the channel
It is important to set the clock to the correct time, as the timer function uses Zone: 5, Station: 3, Frequency: Scan mode, Start trigger: *, number column, select the scan mode by using the up and down
the clock for starting and stopping the equipment. It is advisable to set the Receive time: 13:20 to 13:45 arrow keys to select the *. If a frequency is known to be reliable
clock to Universal Co-ordinated Time (UTC) as most publications indicate in a given area enter the channel number instead of the *.
transmission times in UTC. c) Use the left arrow key to move the cursor to the bottom of the
zone column then use the up or down arrow keys to select ‘5’ e) When the above data has been entered correctly press the
a) Press the RCL/PRG key. The current time setting is displayed. for the zone. ENT key. ‘..*...SCAN’ will be displayed while the receiver is
b) Press the RCL/PRG key again and ‘Set Clock?’ is displayed. d) Use the left or right arrow keys to move to the next input field,
station, frequency etc. and then use the up or down arrow keys f) When the receiver has locked onto a frequency the details of
c) Press the ENT key and ‘Set Clock xx:xx’ is displayed (xx:xx is to make the required selection. frequency and station ID will be displayed.
the current setting).
e) After the program end time has been entered correctly press the g) In some instances it may be necessary to fine tune the receiver.
d) Referring to a time signal use the arrow keys to adjust the time. ENT key. ‘SET’ appears in the display for approximately two The tune indicator LEDs will flow up or down indicating
When the set time coincides with the time signal press the ENT seconds and this indicates that the program has been accepted. the correction required. Press the up or the down arrow key
key. The new time is set and displayed. following the flow of the LEDs until the centre LED is solid.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.5 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.5a Weather Facsimile Receiver


12 10 8 5
14 2 3 MODE

RECEIVER 16 100N JMH 36225

13 11 9 7 6 4


FURUNO DFAX 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

0 10 20 30 40



1 Power on/off switch. 7 Used to call up station and frequency data. 13 Paper feed control.
19 Illuminates when the alarm mode is activated.
2 Equalises the picture synchronisation to align 8 Used to control operation of the printer. 14 Used to adjust the contrast of the LCD display.
with the paper feed direction. 20 Illuminates when receiving a NAVTEX search
9 Selects paper speed and IOC setting. 15 Internal or external receiver selection switch. and rescue (SAR) message.
3 Monitor speaker volume control.
10 Used for memory recall or to program data. 16 Tuning indication. The tuning bar runs up or down 21 Illuminated when the recording paper supply is exhausted.
4 Used to scroll a number or message upward to indicate a difference between the programmed
or downward. 11 Used for phase alignment. frequency and the received frequency. 22 Illuminates when the signal is too weak to print a map.

5 Used to move the cursor or data sideways. 12 Used to adjust the backlighting intensity of the 17 Illuminated when the timer mode is active. 23 Illuminates when the scanning speed is incorrectly set.
LCD display and indicator LEDs.
6 Used to enter data or activate a function. 18 Illuminated during printing. 24 Illuminates when the picture is out of phase.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.5 - Page 3 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Procedure for Setting the Scanning Speed and Index of Co-operation Procedure for Signal Synchronisation To program the unit to receive NAVTEX messages from selected stations
This is the fine tune control for phase matching. If the dead sector is being proceed as follows:
a) Press the MODE key. ‘Manual Start ?’ is displayed. printed askew, even when phase is properly selected, turn the SYNC control
knob clockwise or anticlockwise to correct it accordingly. a) Press the RCL/PRG key twice and then use the up or down
b) Press the ENT key, the display now reads ‘SPD/IOC xxx/xxx’. arrow keys to scroll through the menu until ‘Set NAVTEX ?’ is
The cursor will be blinking under the SPD setting. displayed.
Procedure to Stop Picture Recording
c) Press the up or down arrow keys to select the correct speed for In the manual recording mode the printer will continue running after the b) Press the ENT key and ‘Station;ABCDEFGH’ will be
the transmitting station. weather map has been received as the stop signal is not recognised in this displayed.
mode. To stop the printer proceed as follows:
d) Use the right arrow key to move the cursor to the IOC setting c) Use the right arrow key to scroll across to station identification
and use the up or down arrow keys to change the setting to that a) Press the MODE key ‘Manual STOP ?’ is displayed. (ID) Z.
of the transmitting station.
b) Press the ENT key. The printer stops recording and the unit is d) A station identification letter must be in upper case to be
e) Press the ENT key. The new settings are printed and the weather returned to the normal mode indicating channel data. selected. Use the left or right arrow key to move the cursor
map follows. across to the desired station ID.

Procedure to Activate Sleep Mode e) Use the up or down arrow key to change a lower case letter to an
If it is necessary to change the above settings while the unit is printing proceed
as follows: This provides an automatic stop facility when recording in the manual mode. upper case letter and vice versa. Continue until all the required
To activate this mode proceed as follows: station IDs are indicated by upper case letters.
a) Press the SPD/IOC key. ‘SPD/IOC xxx/xxx’ is displayed.
a) Press the MODE key and use the up or down arrow keys to f) Press the ENT key; ‘SET’ is displayed for a short time followed
b) Continue as in b) to e) above. Press the SPD/IOC key to return scroll the menu until ‘SLEEP ON ?’ is displayed. by ‘Message;ABcDefgh’. Reception of message types A B and
to the normal display. D are mandatory, these message types remain as upper case
b) Press the ENT key and ‘OFF at _ : ’ is displayed. If the ENT letters and cannot be changed by use of the up or down arrow
key is pressed while the display remains blank the printer will keys.
Note: The speed LED will be illuminated if the incorrect speed setting is
switch off and enter sleep mode immediately.
selected. g) Select the message types to be received by making the letter
c) Use the arrow keys to enter the time in the required fields to upper case as for the station IDs above.
Procedure for Phase Matching enter the timer sleep function. eg OFF at _ 12:45.
h) When all the message settings are complete press the ENT key,
If the printer starts printing after the phase signal has been transmitted or the
Alternatively: ‘SET’ is displayed for approximately two seconds.
signal is too weak to detect a phasing signal the recording may be split into two
parts with a thick white (or black) gap called a dead sector. The phase LED will
Use the up and down arrow keys to insert an * immediately after i) The audio alarm can be set in the alarm mode. Enter the alarm
be illuminated and ‘Phase NG’ will be printed on the recording. If this happens
the word at to enter the remote sleep function. eg OFF at * : . mode and then use the up or down arrow keys to select the
proceed as follows:
display ‘Audio alarm ON?’ or ‘Audio alarm OFF’
a) Press the PHASE key. ‘Set PHASE 00’ is displayed. d) Press the ENT key. The unit is now set to sleep mode.
j) Press the ENT key to confirm the selected state for the audio
Note: In this mode the unit display reads ’OFF Facsimile’ and is alarm.
b) Read the scale number corresponding to the centre of the dead
sector. This value will range between 0 and 40. inoperative.

c) Use the up or down arrow keys to enter this figure. Procedure for Operation of the Internal NAVTEX Receiver

d) Press the ENT key and the dead sector will be shifted to the left If a standard NAVTEX message is received during the printing of a facsimile
edge of the recording paper. recording the message will be stored to memory and printed on completion of
the facsimile message. If a priority NAVTEX message is received during the
printing of a facsimile recording, the recording is interrupted and the priority
Note: This key is only functional when the printer is operating.
NAVTEX message is printed out, followed by the remainder of the facsimile

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.5 - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.6a Echo Sounder System

Digital Depth
Remote Dimmer Unit

24 V DC 147.2m
- +

Remote Printer

230 V AC

Echo Sounder Main Unit

SKIPPER To DGPS Changeover Switch
0m N59013.00' E010057.00' 12kts 1230


To Voyage Data Recorder To SeaMap 10 Number 2 ECDIS

230 V AC To Conning System

500m PICT.SPEED 5:00/div Screen 1

20% 25% line off 0m 160m


1 2 3 4 5 6
To Bridge Watch Alarm System
GDS 101


Junction Box . Junction Box

Engine Room 3rd Deck Bow Thruster Room


Electrical Signal

Aft Forward
Transducer Transducer
200 kHz 50 kHz
FR70+400 FR164+400

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.6 - Page 1 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.6 ECHO SOUNDER a) Pressing a fixed function button or soft key once advances the Contrast and Backlighting
fixed state or value to the next fixed state or value. Contrast and backlight may be continuously controlled by means of the
Maker: Skipper appropriate buttons and the encoder. Press either button and rotate the encoder
Model: GDS101 b) Keeping a fixed function button or soft key pressed and rotating until a satisfactory setting is obtained then release the button.
the encoder knob in either direction to increases or decreases
the value. Observe the screen for the desired result and when The settings are maintained in the non-volatile memory, and the last settings
Overview it is obtained stop rotating the encoder knob and release the are restored on power up. Press the brightness button repeatedly to select one
function button. of four standard backlight/picture settings. The settings are as follows:
The GDS101 echo sounder has a large, high resolution graphic Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD). The display graphics are continuously shown on the LCD with 1) Full backlight, normal screen picture
Screen Selection
complete navigation details. Depth, time and all available navigation data are 2) Half backlight, normal screen picture
stored continuously and the information for the previous twenty-four hours Each of the operation screens contains a graphic picture and a selection of up
to six soft key buttons. The various screens are selected by keeping the menu 3) Full backlight, inverted screen picture
is available. This information can be printed out onto the attached printer, a
Hewlett Packard deskjet 840C. button pressed and rotating the encoder in either direction. Turning the encoder 4) Half backlight, inverted screen picture
clockwise cycles the screens in the sequence 1 to 10, and counter clockwise
The GDS101 employs a bottom detection algorithm that extracts the bottom rotation cycles the screens in the sequence 10 to 1. Screens 1 to 3 (primary
signal from any noise or secondary echoes. If the software algorithm loses functions) may also be cycled by repeatedly pressing the menu button. Soft Keys
track of the bottom altogether then a warning beep is sounded and the message Gain
‘Lost Bottom’ is displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. As Power ON/OFF The gain can be adjusted from 0% - 100% to allow for optimum echo levels.
can be seen from the system diagram there are two transducers. The forward
During normal daily operation, the system may be switched off from screen This setting affects signals from all depths.
transducer is a 50 kHz type and the after transducer is a 200 kHz type. The
2. This puts the GDS101 into standby mode. The system may be switched on
signal from each transducer can be displayed simultaneously.
again by pressing any button. Do not run the sounder for a long time without Time Variable Gain (TVG)
a submerged transducer connected.
The operator panel includes a keyboard with fixed keys, soft keys and a TVG may be adjusted from 0% - 100% to allow detailed echo control from the
rotating encoder. The function of each soft key button depends on the active 0-50 m depth range. A low setting reduces the gain in the area near the surface
screen, and the buttons are labelled on the lower rim of the LCD display. The Alarm Acknowledgement to suppress noise and unwanted signals in this area.
display is backlit, the intensity and contrast are adjustable. The printer can be When the depth alarm is activated, the alarm may be acknowledged by
set to start automatically, when the depth alarm is violated, or remotely from pressing any button.
the voyage data recorder. Digital Indication
Small or large digits may be selected in screen 2.
Data Entry Fixed Keys
Several screens may be selected to enter various settings and calibration Depth Range Frequency
parameters. The displayed menus are activated using the corresponding soft The depth range button can be used to set the depth limit between 0 and 1600 This key toggles between 38, 50 and 200 kHz. Dual may be selected to display
keys. Screens 1 through 3 are primary operation screens with appropriate metres. The standard values available by repeatedly pressing the button are 50, the echoes from both transducers simultaneously.
operator controls. Screens 4 through 10 are calibration set up and system 100, 500 and 1000 m.
supervision screens.
Output Power
Picture Speed
This can be adjusted from 10% - 100% in case of difficult shallow water
History Memory
Picture speed may be referred to either time or ship’s speed. As the speed log is conditions. When a range of 10 m is selected the output power is automatically
The GDS101 has a twenty-four hour history memory. Depth, time and all not connected the picture speed will always be referred to time (mm:ss/div). limited to 10%.
available navigation data are stored continuously so that the previous twenty
four hours of information is always available.
Menu Draught
The menu button allows the selection of one of the 10 screens and soft key This key allows draught compensation to be activated. This is indicated by a
Operation layouts. The 3 primary operation screens may be cycled by repeatedly pressing flashing number on the display.
Parameter Entry the menu button. Access to the other screens is through encoder operation.
Turning the encoder with no button pressed will activate screen 1.
The fixed function buttons and the soft key buttons in conjunction with the
rotating encoder allows for the entry of parameters, set points and other data
in the following manner.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.6 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.6b Echo Sounder Front Panel

0m N59013.00' E010057.00' 12kts 1230 Screens

Screen 1, Screen 2 and Screen 3 - Operation Screens

These screens show the main graphic echogram.
23.3 Each screen has different soft key functions.

Dual frequency is activated from screen 2.

Screen 4
The calendar and clock setting,
plus the main graphic display.

Screen 5
The language and units of measure set-up,
plus the main graphic display.

160 Screen 6
The Interface Setup screen,
500m PICT.SPEED 5:00/div 50KHz DEMO Screen 1 plus the main graphic display.
20% 25% line off 0m 160m
Screen 7
The History Memory Control Screen,
plus the main graphic display.
Key 7 Screen 8
1 Depth Range Setting. The NMEA Control screen.
This screen show a list of NMEA data received
2 Display Speed Setting. as well as a half screen echogram.

3 Menu Select Button Screen 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 The System Status Screen.
Press the Menu Select Button
Repeatedly to Cycle Through the This screen shows a comprehensive
Primary Soft Key Screens. list of system parameters.
GDS 101
4 Screen Contrast. Screen 10
The Oscilloscope Screen.
5 Screen Backlight. This screen shows the oscillogram of the receiver
output versus time as well as a half screen echogram.
6 Encoder Knob
Rotate Encoder while Keeping
a Key Pressed to Change
Setting or Menu.

7 Soft Keys.

8 Soft Key Screens

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.6 - Page 3 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
External Printer Operation Status Screen
The print buttons are used to switch continuous printing on and off. The mark Screen 9, the status screen shows a list of system parameters and can be very
button will cause a line to be drawn on the paper if it is pressed when the useful if it is necessary to contact the manufacturer for assistance.
printer is printing. If the mark button is pressed when the printer is off it will
initiate a screen dump of its present contents.
Oscilloscope Screen
Screen 10, the oscilloscope screen, is used by service personnel to monitor the
Alarm Settings
performance of the transducer.
Depth alarm settings are performed from screen 1. Alarm limits are referred
to the indicated depth. The local alarm buzzer may be disabled from screen 9,
Non-Volatile Parameter Memory
but the external alarm relay will always operate. The only way to disable the
alarms completely is to reduce the shallow alarm to zero depth and to increase The non-volatile memory maintain the user and installation parameters such
the deep alarm to maximum range. An active shallow alarm must be less than as language and unit of measurement selection etc. These parameters are kept
an active deep alarm limit. Automatic start of the printer in the event of a depth in the EEPROM memory and automatically restored on power up. Default
alarm is enabled on screen 4. settings are used in the absence of user defined parameters.

Clock and Calendar Settings

A UTC input from the DGPS navigator (MX420) automatically updates the
clock and calendar settings, therefore no manual adjustment is required.

History Memory
The history memory is controlled from screen 7, the normal history modes are
on and recording. New depth information is continuously updated with the
oldest samples being discarded. Bottom information is stored along with time
and any other navigational information available in the GDS101. If the history
is switched off the stored twenty four hours will be kept in memory and no
new samples will be written. To remind the operator that the history function is
switched off, ‘History Off’ will flash at the bottom of the screen. If the history
modes On and Playback are selected the contents of the history memory will
be displayed on the screen and printed on the printer if it is switched on. As a
warning to the operator that the displayed bottom contour is from the memory
and not real time history will be flashing at the bottom of the screen. The
history hours and History minutes buttons in conjunction with the encoder will
allow positioning within the twenty-four hour memory to observe the desired
part of the time frame during playback. The history is kept in a Random Access
Memory (RAM) with battery back-up. The batteries should last the lifetime
of the equipment unless the equipment has been kept in store for a number of
years with no mains supply switched on.

There is a built in simulator which can be activated from screen 9. The simulator
exercises the screen and various interface signals. When the simulator is active
‘Demo’ will flash at the bottom of the screen.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.6 - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.7a Watch Call Panels






Dead Man
System Bridge AUX. Bridge AUX.


Officers Watch Watch

Officers Watch Watch



Bridge Watch Call Panel Cabin Watch Call Panel

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.7 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.7 UMS ALARM SYSTEM • Call buttons for calling on duty or off duty officers cargo or Flow Chart for Dead Man System
engine. They have a green LED located next to the top right
corner of the button label that flashes to indicate that a call has Machinery alarm ON.
Introduction been made. When the call is accepted the flashing LED changes
System ON
Bridge watch ON
to a steady light.
The watch call system is an IAS application that monitors the cargo and
engine room during Unmanned Machinery Space (UMS) operations. The • Watch buttons that transfer watch responsibility between the
system comprises eighteen of self-contained, wall mounted watch call panels bridge and the engine control room. They have a yellow LED
that are installed at selected locations in the bridge, engineer cabins and day located next to the top right corner of the button label that
rooms. The panels are controlled from operator stations and are used to warn flashes to indicate a responsibility transfer request has been Start/reset timer
the bridge and on-duty officers of alarm conditions. The system has two main made. When the transfer request is accepted, by pressing the
functions: BRIDGE WATCH or ECR WATCH button, the transfer is made
and the flashing LED changes to a steady light.
1. Alarm extension. This is a group alarm status and on-duty Yes Reset
officer indication facility with a built-in on-duty acceptance, • An LCD screen with a 40 character by 4 line display, which is button activated?
fault indication and test facilities. used to show the date and time or an alarm summary. No

2. Officer call. This is an individual and general calling facility • A LAMP TEST button which is used to check the serviceability No
for officers that can be activated from selected vessel control of the indicator, button LEDs and the buzzer. It is also used,
locations. in conjunction with the up and down and SELECT buttons, to
adjust the light intensity of the LCD screen, indicator and button
LEDs and the background lighting. Timer >
The reset interval period is 30 minutes, with a prewarning alarm activated 5 25 minutes?
minutes before the dead man alarm is set. • When an alarm summary is displayed, the up and down buttons
are used to scroll the list shown on lines two to four on the LCD Yes
Watch Call Panels screen.
There are two types of watch call panels: • The SELECT button is used to choose the type of information
SET warning light
shown on the LCD screen. Pressing the button for the first time in machinery area
• Watch bridge unit (WBU) - for use on the bridge displays the Alarm Summary. Repeated pressing of the button
• Watch cabin unit (WCU) - for use in cabins and public places cyclically displays the Alarm Summary and the date and time.
• When the Alarm Summary is displayed on the LCD screen, the
Operation control and configuration of the watch call system can be performed TAG DETAILS button is pressed to show (on lines three and
using the WATCH CALL command on the OPERATION menu on the operator RESET
four) the details of the alarm shown on line two. button
station. activated No
• The SOUND OFF button is pressed to stop the buzzer from
Clicking on this command displays the WATCH CALL dialog box which has sounding and acknowledging group alarms and officer calls. No

The operation page mimic contains the following: Dead Man System
Timer >
• Eight ON DUTY indicators with buttons that show and select This system is part of the alarm system and consists of two types of panels: 30 minutes?
on-duty officers. When the green LED in the top right-hand • One start panel - situated at the entrance to the engine room
corner is lit it indicates that the officer on the label is on-duty. Yes
• Two reset panels - situated in the engine room
• Eight ALARM indicators that show in which process area there
are active alarms. The system can be manually activated from the start panel at the entrance to Activate
the engine room or automatically by the watch call system. The reset interval patrol man
• A REPEATER ALARM indicator that shows if there is a repeat alarm system
of a previous alarm. period is 30 minutes and a prewarning alarm will be activated 5 minutes before
the dead man alarm sounds.
• An indicator that shows if the Dead Man System is active. It has
a green LED in the top right corner that lights when the system The count down timer is reset by pressing the RESET button on one of the Activate
is active. reset panels in the engine room or on the Alarm Extension mimic. extension alarm system
and patrol man alarm
The system is switched off by pressing the OFF button on the start panel.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.7 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.8a Automatic Identification System

VHF Antenna GPS Antenna

Wheelhouse Top

Central Bridge Console No.2


1 - Press once to display the View page

AIS Transponder
(Seatex AIS100)
2 - Press once to display the Alarm page
1 10
3 - Press more than once to display the Long Range page

2 3 ALR 4 - Press to display the SMS Menu page

5 - Press to display the Main Menu page


6 - Press to display the previous page

7 - Up arrow key

Seatex AIS 100 6 BACK ENTER 8 - Press when highlighted text is displayed to select that choice

Connection Box 7 8 9
9 - Down arrow key
24V DC for AIS
10 - When highlighted text is displayed rotate to highlight another line of text

Minimum Keyboard and Display

(AIS 100 MKD)

Electronics Room Central Bridge Console No.8

Gyro Switch Over Unit Seamap 10 ECDIS No.1

Central Bridge Console No.1 Central Bridge Console No.4

DGPS Change Over Switch Seamap 10 ECDIS No.2

Central Bridge Console No.1

Bridge Alarm System

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.8 - Page 1 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.8 AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (AIS) Information Provided by the AIS System Configuration
Static Data The system comprises:
Maker: Kongsberg Norcontrol
The following data is programmed into the non-volatile memory of the AIS • Minimum keyboard and display (MKD)
Model: Seatex AIS 100
unit. It does not have to be re-entered following a power failure: • GPS ‘Bullet II’ type antenna and a VHF antenna type AV6K
• Ship name • AIS transponder (Seatex AIS 100)
General Description
• IMO number • Connection box
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a transponder system which • Call sign
continuously transmits short bursts of data containing the ship’s ID, position, Operating Procedures
• MMSI number
course, speed and other navigational information for reception by nearby ships
and shore stations. This AIS unit has a radio module which has a transmitter • Length and beam Refer to illustration 2.5.8a for the function of the keys on the MKD control
which can be tuned to any of the required frequencies as well as three VHF panel.
• Type of ship
receivers tuned to the following frequencies:
• Location of GPS antenna After switch on the liquid crystal display (LCD) of the MKD will display the
• AIS1 - channel 87B (161.975 MHz) default view. This view displays the following:
• Height over keel (at the Master’s discretion and following a
• AIS2 - channel 88B (162.025 MHz) request from a competent authority only) • Own ship’s data: position, COG and SOG
• DSC receiver (156.252 MHz) • Summary data of the other ships within VHF range that have
Dynamic Data provided AIS data within the last 30 minutes in ascending order.
When under the control of a national Vessel Traffic System (VTS) the system This data includes range, bearing and the name or the Maritime
can be retuned remotely by the AIS shore station to other suitable channels. This data shows the current status of the vessel and is derived from sensors
such as GPS/DGPS, gyrocompass, speed log etc. and includes: Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number for each vessel.
It is used for the following: • Position • Indication of incoming SMS (Short Message System) text
• Collision avoidance, in the autonomous and continuous mode • UTC time
• Vessel monitoring, in the assigned mode • Course over ground (COG) Main Menu
• Traffic management in the polled or controlled mode • Speed over ground (SOG) Press the MENU key at any time to display the main menu. The main menu
• Heading displays the list of pages and menus available to the operator as listed below:
Autonomous and continuous mode requires no operator intervention and
the navigating officer can view details of the other ship’s information on the • Rate of turn 1. Nav.Status
LCD screen of the Minimum keyboard and display (MKD) unit. Pilots can 2. Long Range history
• Status (at anchor, not under command etc - this information
build up a view of the other vessel’s movements in the immediate area and
must be input manually)) 3. Voyage Data
shore authorities can monitor ship movements and can poll passing ships
for information such as ID, destination, ETA, type of cargo, etc. Important 4. Static Data
information such as tidal data and meteorological information can be broadcast. Voyage Related Data
5. Dynamic Data
The system is also useful during search and rescue (SAR) operations as it This data is entered manually by the ship’s personnel and includes:
allows shore authorities to monitor the movement of rescue craft. 6. Chn.Management
• Draught
7. VHF Link
The GPS/DGPS receiver is used to constantly update the ship’s position and • Destination and ETA (at the Master’s discretion)
provide accurate UTC time information which is vital for system operation. 8. Down periods
• Route plan (at the Master’s discretion and following a request
from a competent authority only) 9. Network & Ports

• Number of persons (at the Master’s discretion and following a a. Answer Mode
request from a competent authority only) b. System
c. Security
Safety Data

• Short safety related messages can be transmitted or received as

defined in the AIS standard.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.8 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.8a Automatic Identification System

VHF Antenna GPS Antenna

Wheelhouse Top

Central Bridge Console No.2


1 - Press once to display the View page

AIS Transponder
(Seatex AIS100)
2 - Press once to display the Alarm page
1 10
3 - Press more than once to display the Long Range page

2 3 ALR 4 - Press to display the SMS Menu page

5 - Press to display the Main Menu page


6 - Press to display the previous page

7 - Up arrow key

Seatex AIS 100 6 BACK ENTER 8 - Press when highlighted text is displayed to select that choice

Connection Box 7 8 9
9 - Down arrow key
24V DC for AIS
10 - When highlighted text is displayed rotate to highlight another line of text

Minimum Keyboard and Display

(AIS 100 MKD)

Electronics Room Central Bridge Console No.8

Gyro Switch Over Unit Seamap 10 ECDIS No.1

Central Bridge Console No.1 Central Bridge Console No.4

DGPS Change Over Switch Seamap 10 ECDIS No.2

Central Bridge Console No.1

Bridge Alarm System

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.8 - Page 3 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
To access any of the above pages/menus proceed as follows: c) Turn the rotary selection knob to highlight the first number a) Turn the rotary selection knob to highlight the alarm to be
required e.g. 0 then press the ENTER key. acknowledged. A list is displayed in the lower part of the screen
a) Turn the rotary selection knob to highlight the required page/ to allow the operator to acknowledge the individual alarm or to
menu. d) Turn the rotary selection knob to highlight the next number e.g. acknowledge ALL alarms.
3 then press the ENTER key.
b) Press the ENTER key to display the required page/menu. If b) Turn the rotary selection knob to highlight ‘Acknowledge’ or
there are any sub-pages available a down arrow symbol will e) Continue with this process until the data is complete then turn ‘Acknowledge ALL’ and then press the ENTER key.
appear in the bottom right hand corner of the display. the rotary selection knob to highlight the next line of data to be
Adjusting the Brightness and Contrast
c) Press the MENU key to return to the main menu page at any
time. Press the VIEW key to return to the default display page f) Once all the data has been updated press the MENU key to
at any time. return to the main menu page or press the VIEW key to return a) Press the BACK and ENTER keys simultaneously. A service
to the default display page. menu will be displayed.
The more commonly used pages are described below. For use of other pages
refer to the operation section of the manufacturer’s manual. b) The following keys give these functions
Static Data
The static data provides information such as the vessel’s call sign, MMSI SMS Brightness
Navigational Status
number, IMO number etc. This information is normally set during installation MENU Contrast
Proceed as described above to open the Nav.Status page from the main menu. and commissioning and will be password protected. It will not require altering BACK Exit
The current selection will be highlighted in the top half of the screen with a under normal circumstances. ENTER : Main menu - YES or NO
list of other navigational status options listed below. To change the current Down arrow key: Bebug - ON or OFF
selection proceed as follows:
Dynamic Data
c) Press the BACK key to save the changes and exit.
a) Turn the rotary selection knob to highlight the current The dynamic data displays the current status of the vessel, the information is
navigational status. updated by external sensors connected to the AIS equipment. The dynamic
data does not require manual data entry.
b) Press the ENTER key to confirm the selection.
View Page
c) Press the MENU key to return to the main menu page or press
the VIEW key to return to the default display page. Press the VIEW key to display this page. A list of AIS equipped vessels within
range will be displayed in the upper part of the screen and own ship details will
be displayed in the lower part of the screen. If more information is required for
Long Range History a particular vessel proceed as follows:
The installation on board is not configured with an input from a long range
system, e.g. Inmarsat. a) Turn the rotary selection knob to highlight the vessel required.

b) Press the ENTER key. The display will now show the details of
Voyage Data
the selected vessel in the upper part of the screen and own ship
This page allows the operator to update voyage specific data such as the details will be displayed in the lower part of the screen.
vessel’s destination, estimated time of arrival (ETA) in month, day, hour,
minute format, the vessel’s draught and the total number of people on board. c) Press the VIEW key to return to the default display page.
To update or change any of the information proceed as follows:
a) Turn the rotary selection knob to highlight the information to be
changed, e.g. ETA. Press the ALR key to display the alarms page. Alarms that are active and have
not been acknowledged are displayed in capital letters. Acknowledged alarms
b) Press the ENTER key an alphanumeric list will be displayed in are displayed in lower case. The alarm is removed from the list when it has
the lower section of the screen. ceased to exist. To acknowledge one or all of the current alarms proceed as

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.8 - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.9a Voyage Data Recorder System Electrical Equipment Room

No.2 Central Bridge Console

Protected Storage Unit
LAN to KMSS Network Hub No.1
Hardened Voyage Recorder Junction
(PSU-10) Box

Speed Log
Wheelhouse Top

Microphone - A Echo Sounder

Microphone - B

Microphone - C

Microphone - D

Hull Stress Monitoring Interface Hull Stress Monitoring

Microphone - E
Central Bridge Console No.6
Microphone - F Course Made Good

Wheelhouse Central Bridge Console No.6

Helm and Rudder Position

Data Collection Unit
Microphone - G (DCU-12)
Main Turbine RPM
Cargo Control Room

Main Turbine Order

Microphone - H

Engine Control Room

Central Bridge Console No.1

To Bridge
Central Bridge Console No.6
Alarm Panel Local Operator
Station Bow Thruster

No.1 VHF No.1 VHF I/F Unit

Electrical Equipment Room, A-Deck

No.2 VHF No.2 VHF I/F Unit Alarm Status from IAS System

Rudder Command NFU

Rudder Order for No.1 Pump
Rudder Order for No.2 Pump 220 V AC
Navigation - Deck

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.9 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.9 VOYAGE DATA RECORDER Both an audio and visual alarm will be activated to indicate an alarm. The d) Press the ACK button to acknowledge the alarm. If the alarm
panel and button functions are indicated in illustration 2.5.9b. condition remains the operator should investigate the cause of
Maker: Kongsberg Norcontrol the failure and repair it at the earliest opportunity.
Model: Maritime Black Box (MBB) e) To view more details of the selected alarm press the Enter
Procedure to Acknowledge an Alarm
button or the Details button.
When an alarm is detected by the MBB an alarm signal is generated. The LOS
Overview display will read ‘Alarm!’ accompanied by an audible alarm and the top left The image below, shows a typical alarm history display.
hand indicator will flash.
The Maritime Black Box (MBB) is a Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) designed TUES SEPT 07 07:30:00 2004 ALARM HISTORY
to record and store, selected data from a number of ship’s systems, securely a) Press the buzzer button to silence the audible alarm. > * 06 07:20:58 Microphones Alm Fail
for the previous twelve hour period from a given time. The systems connected * 06 07:19:21 CIS_HEART RET Fail
are shown in illustration 2.5.9a and include; radar, voice, DGPS, engine orders, b) Press the F4 button to ignore the new alarm and return to the * 06 07:19:09 CIS_HEART Alm Fail
weather information and other data that would be useful in analysing the events previous display.
leading up to a casualty or near miss situation on board the ship.
c) Press the F1 button to display the alarm history list. The most
In addition to recording the data onto the PSU for safe storage the information
The system comprises of two main units which are: recently activated alarm will be the selected item. This is
can be saved to the DCU local disk. The procedure for extracting information
indicated by the > symbol in the left-hand column.
• Data Collection Unit (DCU) from the PSU and preserving the information to the DCU disk should only
be carried out with the authority of the Master. The procedure for the above
• Protected Storage Unit (PSU) operations can be found in the manufacturer’s operation manual.
The DCU collects data from a number of sources as shown in illustration Illustration 2.5.9b Local Operator Station Panel
2.5.9a, processes it, time stamps it and sends it to the PSU via a local area
network (LAN) for secure storage. The system is supplied with power from
the emergency 220 V distribution board 6ED breaker number PNAC-042. In
the event of the loss of this supply the MBB will continue to operate from its NORCONTROL LOCAL OPERATOR STATION
self-contained reserve power source for two hours. When powered from its
reserve power supply the MBB will only record audio from microphones on ON LINE - Display Line # 1 : Menu Name Line ----------------------------
the bridge. - Display Line # 2 : Top Menu Item / Selection Line
- Display Line # 3 :
- Display Line # 4 : Prompt Texts for F1, F2, F3, F4
The PSU is designed to survive a major incident and is secured to the
wheelhouse top and can be retrieved if necessary. Power is supplied to the
unit via the DCU. It is configured to store the latest twenty four hours of
Disconnect F1 F2 F3 F4

The MBB is a fully automatic system and under normal operating conditions ALARMS
does not require any operator interaction. This would only be necessary in the
event of an alarm being activated. Alarms are indicated on the local operator ACK
station (LOS) situated on the central bridge console No.4. All operator
interaction is carried out via this panel. The following alarm conditions will be
detected by the MBB alarm system and reported to the LOS:
• Failure on any of the MBB logging processes TEST

• UPS failure
• Microphone failure
• Controller Area Network (CAN) bus communication failure

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.9 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.5.10a Master Clock Control Panel Chart and Safety Console
Master Clock Overhead Instrument Panel

1112 1
10 2
9 3 Clock 220 V AC 1Ø 60 Hz
8 4 Seconds
7 6 5 Adjust

GPS Changeover Switch

To Telegraph Logger To Bridge Alarm System

To CTS 220 V AC 1Ø 60 Hz

To SMS 24 V DC

To IAS To Clocks in Accommodation Areas

+ 1+ 2 3
Engine Control Room 9 Cargo Control Room
- -



1112 1 NOR OFF 11 1112 1
10 2 10 2
9 3
4 5
8 4 8 10 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5


3 Press to accept a parameter and move to the next parameter. 8 Stops output to the slave clocks.
1 Digital push selection switches to input values between 00 and 99.
4 Press to reset the seconds hand to 00. This resets the master 9 Use with SLAVE ADJ position to advance the time on all the
2 Used in conjunction with the LED display on the master clock
clock and any slave clock with a seconds hand. slave clocks.
panel. A flickering dot on the display indicates which parameter
will be adjusted. Each push of the switch scrolls through the range
5 Press to stop the seconds hand of the master clock 10 Use with SLAVE ADJ position to reverse the time on all the
as follows:
slave clocks.
UTC Hour > UTC Minute > UTC Year >
6 Allows forward or reverse adjustment of the slave clocks.
UTC Month > UTC Day > Local Zone Mark (+/-) >
11 Front panel LEDs to maximum illumination, off or minimum
Local Zone Hour > Local Zone Minute > Exit adjustment mode.
7 Normal operating position. illumination.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.10 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.10 MASTER CLOCK SYSTEM Procedure for Automatic Operation h) Use the digital SELECT buttons to select (+ or -) 00 represents
- and 99 represents +. Press the ENTER button to accept the
Maker: Han II Display Company Limited a) Before switching the power on open the control panel and adjust mark and the Local Zone hour unit will start to flash.
Model: Marine Master Clock MQ4 the master and slave clock to 12:00 hours using the adjustment
lever of each clock. i) Use the digital SELECT buttons to select the hour between 00
and 23. Press the ENTER button to accept the hour and the LED
Overview b) Open the control panel and confirm that the SLAVE switches Local Zone minute unit will start to flash.
are set to the NOR position.
The quartz master clock system comprises: j) Use the digital SELECT buttons to select the minutes between
c) Confirm that the input from the DGPS is connected. 00 and 59. Press the ENTER button to accept the minutes the
• A master clock panel incorporating the master clock, a slave
system exits the adjustment mode and the slave time display
clock, an LED display and the control switches is situated on
d) Switch the power on. The clock will now be adjusted clock hands move quickly to match the digital time display.
the chart/safety console in the wheelhouse
automatically from the DGPS. This process takes some time
• An input from the DGPS provides automatic time adjustment before the clocks are correctly adjusted, it takes approximately k) If it is necessary to adjust the exact seconds press the MASTER
• Twenty three slave clocks sited around the ship in carefully 24 minutes to adjust the clock time by 12 hours. RESET button.
selected locations
e) The master clock seconds hand is adjusted manually and can be Note: Local zone = time difference from UTC eg Korea is - 09:00.
The system provides time signal outputs for time stamps etc to the following stopped by pressing the MASTER SEC/STOP switch.
pieces of equipment: For a difference in the slave clock displayed time and the digital time during
• The engine telegraph logger - UTC time signal Procedure for Manual Operation normal operations use the SLAVE ADJ, ADV and REV buttons to correct.

• The custody transfer system (CTS) - local time signal

a) Before switching the power on open the control panel and adjust
• The shipboard management system (SMS) - local time signal the master and slave clock to 12:00 hours using the adjustment
• The integrated automation system (IAS) - local time signal lever of each clock.

The master clock will normally display Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) b) Press the DIGIT button and the LED UTC hour unit dot will
while the pilot clock and slave clocks display local time. The pilot clock controls flicker. Use the digital SELECT buttons to select the hour
the slave clocks with the transmission of DC voltages between ± 24 V. There are between 00 and 23.
two types of slave clocks on board, one model has a seconds hand and the other
model doesn’t. c) Press the ENTER button to accept the hour and now the LED
UTC minute unit dot will start to flash.

Operation d) Use the digital SELECT buttons to select the minutes between
00 and 59. Press the ENTER button to accept the minutes and
The main control panel is situated on the chart/safety console and is supplied the LED UTC year unit will start to flash.
with 220 V AC from the wheelhouse distribution board 6ED with a back-up
24 V DC supply fed from the wheelhouse DC 24 V distribution board. In the e) Use the digital SELECT buttons to select the year between 00
event of a power failure the system automatically switches over to the DC and 99. Press the ENTER button to accept the year and the LED
battery supply. Once the system has been set up the master clock is adjusted UTC month unit will start to flash.
automatically from the DGPS using the NMEA 0183 (National Marine
Electronics Association) protocol. f) Use the digital SELECT buttons to select the month between 01
and 12. Press the ENTER button to accept the month and the
LED UTC day unit will start to flash.

g) Use the digital SELECT buttons to select the day between 01

and 31. Press the ENTER button to accept the day and the LED
Local Zone Mark (+/-) unit will start to flash.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.10 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.5.11 HULL STRESS MONITORING SYSTEM ACCELERATION: The bow slamming accelerometer is a strain gauged beam • Controls the ADC, setting the sampling rate and accepting the
type, which meets the IS safety regulations as simple apparatus. It is mounted signals for all channels
The vessel is fitted with a Strainstall StressAlert Mark II hull monitoring in an Ex ‘e’ approved box with an approved IS line amplifier that supplies a
• Calculates the mean, maximum peak, maximum trough,
system in order to obtain advance warning of structural deterioration in 4-20 mA signal to a buffer amplifier in the safe area whose output is ±5 volts maximum peak-to-peak, standard deviation and average mean
service and to load the ship accurately for maximum safe efficiency, according to the computer ADC (scaled for ±2 g with an offset of 1 g). up-crossing period for all channels
to expected conditions.
BOW PRESSURE: The bow pressure transducer and amplifier form an • Compares the strain signal levels over the set calculation period,
The system monitors the stress at four locations using deck mounted long- intrinsically safe unit that also supplies a 4-20 mA signal to a buffer amplifier and passes the highest level to the Trend display routine
base strain gauges. These gauges, together with a bow slam accelerometer and in the safe area. The unit has a range of 15 bar, zero representing atmospheric • Counts the number of acceleration peaks exceeding the set level
bow pressure sensor, are monitored by a PC computer system whose outputs pressure (i.e. out of the water). in each hour
are displayed graphically on a colour screen and are logged on disc. Output is
continuously relayed to the VDR, with 12 hour rolling data storage. • Records the statistical values on disk
• Updates the graphical displays
Alarm output relay contacts are provided to the Norcontrol alarm monitoring The computer is a Hewlett-Packard (HP) Vectra ‘Mariner’ ruggedized desktop
PC with a SVGA colour display monitor mounted on the starboard side of • Operates the alarm facilities
system. The alarm thresholds represent pre-defined stress limits, according to
the operational mode of the ship, a separate user configurable alarm is also the bridge main control console. Control is via the standard keyboard and • Operates the Shiplog facility
provided. The alarm indicator is combined with an acknowledgement button. trackball. The 3½˝ diskette is used for archiving logged data and must be
changed monthly using a 1.44 Mb pre-formatted disk. All screens and alarms are scaled in bending moments. In addition to the help
item on the menu bar, a ‘help balloon’ will appear describing the choices or
System Description The analogue inputs from the transducers are digitised by an ADC card in the limits affecting the entry. This disappears as soon as the cursor moves.
computer. The programs and results are stored on the computer’s hard disk
The layout of the StressAlert system is shown above. and may be archived via the floppy disk (diskette) drive. The computer is Strain: Positive = extension (hog) Negative = compression (sag)
• Strain gauge designed to start and load the StressAlert software automatically when power
is applied. Acceleration: Positive = bow going down Negative = bow coming up
• Bow accelerometer
• Bow pressure transducer Mains power is fed to the system via UPS supply that allows continuous When the program first runs, the following display appears (shown above in
operation if power is temporarily removed (up to 3 hours). It also protects Harbour mode):
The four strain gauge transducers are interfaced via signal conditioning unit against the effects of voltage drops and electrical noise. A relay output is also
amplifiers and Zener barriers in the hydraulic power unit room. The amplifiers provided - this operates when the software detects an alarm condition. The bar graphs show the current mean sensor values, expressed as % of
convert the signals from the transducers to voltage levels that can be read by maximum, with horizontal lines to indicate the alarm limits for each input,
the analogue to digital converter (ADC) in the computer. according to the intended mode of operation,
• Harbour Used only when berthed
The bow accelerometer output and supply are also fed via Zener barriers, but
it is interfaced locally by a Strainstall 1506A intrinsically safe (IS) amplifier Day-to-day operation of the system will mostly involve checking that it is set • Short Sea Permissible for sheltered
which is built into the accelerometer enclosure. The bow pressure transducer to the correct mode and that the variable alarm level is set appropriately. At water/harbour movement
is also intrinsically safe and has an internal amplifier. least one of the displays should be checked regularly to ensure that the inputs
are present and as expected, and the Shiplog data should be entered on each • Sea Normal

The system displays these outputs as both bar and line graphs. Numerical watch. Local preferences will dictate which display is normally used - the
values are shown on a separate screen and the statistical values of each mimic diagram is the system default.
transducer output are recorded on floppy disk.
The stress levels displayed in both the seagoing modes represent the maximum
and minimum levels experienced during the preceding 5 minutes. If either of
Transducers these exceeds the fixed alarm limits, an audible alarm (and relay closure) will
STRAIN: The four strain gauges are extensometers measuring over a 2 m be triggered to indicate that the safe operating limit for that mode has been
baseline. The electrical transducer is a marine grade LVDT (linear variable exceeded. The seriousness of such an event will depend on its frequency - the
differential transformer), IS classified with a full scale range of ± 4 mm. overall pattern will be clearer from the Engineering and Trend displays.
This is fed with a low frequency alternating supply and returns a modified
amplitude signal, according to its displacement, that is fed via Zener barriers The software operates under Windows NT4 and performs the following tasks:
to its respective amplifier.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.11 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
In other modes, the graphs are shown as two bars, representing maximum and Trending of Data Profile
minimum values over the preceding 5 minutes, as % of maximum allowable The Engineering display allows trending of sensor values against time for This shows the strain gauge data (only) in the same format as in the main
stress. the most recent 5 minute data. The Trend display allows trending of sensor (mimic) display, but against a cross-section and side elevation of the ship. This
values against time for the most recent 5 hour data. Individual channels can be indicates the stress distribution across and along the vessel.
Statistics for each input are displayed simply by moving the cursor to a bar selected via the Gauge menu.
graph and clicking the trackball button. These appear in the following format.
Strainstall - StressAlert - [Trend] Shiplog
Note: The Tz (zero up-crossing period) is always displayed in seconds, The Shiplog screen provides for manual entry of details from the ship’s log,
irrespective of other settings. All Gauges
In Harbour - SWBM (Mean Values)
as follows:

5 Minute Statistics (% max) 80

70 Log Speed knots
Mid Port Strain - Frame 80
50 Ship's Heading 126 " [true]
Max 2.388 Min -1.172 30 Engine RPM 80 rpm

% Max SWBM
Mean 3.300 Peak-to-Peak 3.300 10 Forward Draught 12.50 metres
09:45 00:45 15:55 07:25 22:25 13:25 04:25 19:25
-10 Aft Draught 13.50 metres
SD 0.521 Tz 3.377 -20
-30 Wave Height 1st Swell 2.5 metres
-50 Wave Direction 1st Swell 256 " [true]
-70 Wave Height 2st Swell 4.5 metres
Close % kNm N/mm Eng Trend -90
Wave Direction 2nd Swell 125 " [true]
Wave Direction 2nd Swell 25.0 knots
TIME " [true]
Wind Direction 256
Aft Stbd Strain Mid Port Strain Mid Stbd Strain Fwd Stbd Strain Bow Acceleration Bow Pressure
Alarm Levels Barometric Pressure 1012 mb

The fixed alarm levels, when exceeded, trigger ‘high alarm’ relay contacts OK Cancel Close

and sound an audible alarm. A separate variable alarm level can also be set by Statistics
choosing a % value from a menu list, as shown below. This triggers ‘low alarm’ The statistics from the last 5 minutes’ data are displayed in the following
relay contacts only. The variable alarm setting is shown as a red line in all the format: When ENTER is pressed, or OK selected, the revised data are written both
graphical data displays and is independent of mode. to the hard disk and to a floppy disk. The new data will not be accepted if a
Mid Port Strain (% max) formatted floppy disk is not present. The log should be updated during each
The fixed alarms are set via bending moment values entered in the Setup watch.
display and are not normally adjusted. The accelerometer has a % threshold Max 3.473
used to generate a ‘slamming’ alarm.
Min 2.562

Peak-to-Peak 0.608

Mean 2.996

SD 0.130

Tz 9.231

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.5.11 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.1a GMDSS

Inmarsat Cospas Sarsat

Local User Terminal/

Relay Ship
Coast Earth Station Mission Control Centre

Rescue Co-ordination Rescue Co-ordination

Centre Centre

National/International National/International
Network Network

Ship in Distress SAR Service

Coast Radio Station Coast Radio Station



Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.1 - Page 1 of 8

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS • Routine: Normal alerts to attract the attention of coast stations b) Expect an acknowledgement from a shore station either by DSC
or other ship stations or telephony.
2.6.1 GMDSS
It is in the interest of safety that the watchkeepers are aware of which sea c) Send a distress call and message on the Radio Telephony (RT)
area the ship is in at any time. There are four sea areas within GMDSS. The distress frequency in the same band as the distress alert and
Overview Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 5 provides comprehensive details. follow the instructions given by the MRCC/controlling station.

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is an international

A1 Area GMDSS Distress, Urgency and Safety Frequencies in Terrestrial Radio Bands
system relating to all vessels over 300 gross tonnes and all passenger vessels
engaged on international voyages, irrespective of tonnage. It provides This is an area within radiotelephone range of at least one VHF coast station Sea Area Band DSC Alerting Frequency RT Communications
comprehensive communications for distress, urgency and safety operations in at which continuous DSC alerting is available, as defined by a contracting
A1 VHF Channel 70 Channel 16
the terrestrial and satellite services. It specifies methods to be used to enable government.
vessels requiring assistance to transmit specific alerting signals to indicate they A2 MF 2187.5 2182
require help.
A2 Area A3/A4 HF* 4207.5 4125
There are nine vital communication functions which all vessels complying This area excludes area A1 and is within radiotelephone range of at least one A3/A4 HF* 6312 6215
with SOLAS regulations must be able to fulfil, namely: MF coast station at which continuous DSC alerting is available, as defined by A3/A4 HF* 8414.5 8291
a contracting government.
• Transmitting ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least two A3/A4 HF* 12,577 12,290
separate and independent means, each using a different radio
communication service A3 Area A3/A4 HF* 16,804.5 16,420

• Transmitting and receiving ship-to-ship distress alerts This area excludes areas A1 and A2, but is within the coverage range of the (Frequencies are quoted in kHz)
Inmarsat satellite system, between latitudes 70º North and 70º South.
• Receiving shore-to-ship distress alerts * Select an HF frequency band according to the distance from the nearest HF
• Transmitting and receiving search and rescue co-ordinating shore station and the time of day. Generally speaking, the higher the band
A4 Area the greater the range. At night, a lower band will achieve greater distances. If
This area covers any sea areas not covered by areas A1, A2 and A3, ie, the unsure, use 8 MHz. (Inmarsat distress procedures are described later.)
• Transmitting and receiving on-scene communications
polar regions.
• Transmission and reception of location signals 1. Send Distress Alert Via VHF Channel 70

• Reception of maritime safety information Distress Alerting

• Transmitting and receiving general radio communications to 2. Receive Distress Acknowledgment
The primary function of a distress alert is to inform a coast station and/or a Ship in Coast
and from shore-based radio systems or networks Distress in
on VHF Channel 70
Radio MRCC
Marine Rescue and Co-ordination Centre (MRCC) of the ship’s situation. On Sea Area Station
• Transmitting and receiving bridge-to-bridge communications A1
receipt of a distress alert, an MRCC will co-ordinate the rescue and will relay
details to other ships in the area. If the ship is in distress, the main objective 3. Continue RT Distress Communication
One of the features of GMDSS enables watchkeeping duties to be performed on VHF Channel 16
should always be to send the distress alert ashore by any appropriate means.
by automatic means both ashore and on ships. It is unlikely that a manual radio
However, personnel may also consider alerting vessels in the vicinity by
watch will be carried out on the RT distress frequencies in any particular band,
sending a distress alert using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) equipment
therefore it is important to precede any communications with an appropriate
on VHF Channel 70 (for vessels within approximately 20 miles) or MF on Example of Distress Transmission Procedure in Area A1
alert. There are four levels of priority given to such alerts:
2187.5 kHz (for vessels within approximately 150 to 200 miles).
• Distress: When the vessel or person(s) on board are in grave and Sea Area VHF DSC MF DSC HF DSC Inmarsat-C Inmarsat-B
imminent danger and require immediate assistance The distress communication procedure should always be as follows: Ch.70 2187.5 kHz 4/6/8/12/16 MHz

• Urgency: When the safety of the vessel or person(s) is A1 Yes No No Yes Yes
a) Send a distress alert on an appropriate band according to the sea
threatened and they require assistance. Examples include; not A2 No Yes No Yes Yes
area as listed below. This is a very important action as it attracts
under command and require a tow; vessel overdue; person(s)
the attention of radio personnel enabling them to listen to your A3 No No Yes Yes Yes
require medical assistance
distress message. A4 No No Yes No No
• Safety: These are reserved for meteorological and navigational
warnings Systems To Use For Distress Alerting

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.1b GMDSS Distress Reactions

Procedure on Receiving a DSC Distress Alert

VHF Ch. 70 MF 2187.5 kHz Any HF band

Area A1 1 5 3
VESSEL Area A2 4 2 3
Area A3/A4 4 5 3

a) Tune to RT Channel 16 and listen for distress communications. a) Tune to RT VHF Channel 16 and listen for distress communications.
1 4
b) Acknowledge receipt of the alert using RT on Channel 16 and carry out b) Acknowledge receipt of the alert using RT on Channel 16 and carry out
distress communications. distress communications.

c) If the alert is not responded to by a shore station, acknowledge by DSC on c) If the alert continues, relay ashore using any appropriate means.
Channel 70 and relay the alert ashore by any appropriate means.
d) Acknowledge the alert by DSC on Channel 70.

a) Tune to 2182 kHz and listen for distress communications. a) Tune to RT 2182 kHz and listen for distress communications.
2 5 b) Acknowledge receipt of the alert using RT on 2182 kHz and carry out
b) Acknowledge receipt of the alert using RT on 2182 kHz and carry out distress
communications. distress communications.
c) If the alert continues, relay ashore using any appropriate means.
c) If the alert is not responded to by a shore station, acknowledge by DSC on
2187.5 kHz and relay the alert ashore by any appropriate means. d) Acknowledge the alert by DSC on 2187.5 kHz.

a) Tune to the RT distress frequency in the band on which the distress alert
3 was received.
b) Do NOT acknowledge either by RT or DSC.
c) Wait at least 3 minutes for a shore station to send DSC acknowledgement.
d) If no shore station acknowledgement or RT distress communications is heard,
relay the alert ashore using any appropriate means.
e) If within VHF or MF range of the distress position try to establish RT contact
on Channel 16 or on 2182 kHz.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Example of distress call and message by RT: Safety Alerts Inmarsat-C Distress Transmission Procedure:
If it is necessary to send a meteorological or navigational warning use a) Send a distress alert (either designated or undesignated).
MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, the following procedure on any appropriate radio band according to the
This is Methane Kari Elin, Methane Kari Elin, Methane Kari circumstances: b) Expect a response from an MRCC within 2/3 minutes.
MAYDAY, a) Send a DSC safety alert. c) Compose a distress message on the Inmarsat-C editor using the
Methane Kari Elin/MMSI No.235???000 following format:
21 degrees 34 minutes North, 68 degrees 15 minutes West b) Send safety call and message.
On Fire MAYDAY (or SOS)
Require immediate assistance Example procedure of how to advise vessels in the vicinity of a danger to Methane Kari Elin/Inmarsat-C number 423?????? (???)
Over navigation and at the same time inform shore stations in Area A1: 18 degrees 35 minutes North 77 degrees 58 minutes West
On fire
Urgency Alerts a) DSC safety alert on VHF channel 70, indicating intended RT Require immediate assistance
transmission channel in the call. Do NOT expect to receive an xx persons on board
For messages concerning the safety of the vessel or person(s) on the vessel,
use the following procedure on any appropriate radio band according to the acknowledgement.
d) Using distress priority and ideally selecting the nearest land earth
sea area: station (LES) to the ship’s position, send the distress message.
b) Transmit safety call and message on VHF channel 16 (or 13).
If an LES is not selected here it will default to the last used LES.
a) Send a DSC urgency alert. Stand by for further communications from the MRCC.
b) Send an urgency call and message. All stations, all stations, all stations,
This is Methane Kari Elin, Methane Kari Elin, Methane Kari Urgency or Safety Alerts via Inmarsat-C
Example procedure of how to request medical assistance from Area A3: Elin, If required to send urgency or safety priority messages via Inmarsat-C,
Large floating container sighted in position 30 degrees 20 compose the message using the edit facilities. Leave the message on the screen
a) Send a DSC urgency alert on 8414.5 kHz, indicating intended minutes North, 64 degrees 55 minutes West, as text, then:
RT transmission frequency (8291 kHz) in the call. Do NOT Danger to navigation keep sharp lookout,
expect to receive an acknowledgement. OVER. a) Go to ‘TRANSMIT’ mode.

b) Transmit an urgency call and message on 8291 kHz as Procedure on the Receipt of a DSC Distress Alert b) Select routine priority.
See illustration 2.6.1b. c) Select the appropriate LES.
All stations, all stations, all stations, d) Select the special code from the following:
This is Methane Kari Elin, Methane Kari Elin, Methane Kari Procedure on the Receipt of a DSC Urgency or Safety Alert
32 to request medical advice
I have crew with severe injuries and require medical assistance, On receipt of a DSC urgency or safety alert, tune the RT to the frequency 38 to request medical assistance
My position is 22 degrees 30 minutes North, 79 degrees 27 indicated in the received alert and await reception of the call and message. Do
39 to request maritime assistance
minutes West, NOT attempt to acknowledge the urgency or safety alert.
OVER. 42 to provide weather danger and navigational warnings

Procedures for Sending Alerts via Inmarsat e) Send the message as text.
Inmarsat-C Distress Alerts
Inmarsat-C is an ideal system for distress alerting and messaging. It can be Sending Alerts via Inmarsat-B
used from sea areas A1/A2 and A3, but NOT area A4. Inmarsat-C does NOT Inmarsat-B supports voice and text messaging. The operator must decide
support voice communications, so all messages appear as text. Inmarsat-C is a which to use. Text helps overcome language difficulties and provides a hard
store and forward system. There are no live links between the ship and shore copy of both sides of the distress communications.
authorities, therefore expect a short delay before any response from ashore.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Inmarsat-B Distress Transmission Procedure 2. Avoid Interference 5. Testing of GMDSS Radio Equipment
Refer to the manufacturer’s operating manual and follow the telephone or All stations are forbidden to carry out the following: Daily tests:
telex distress transmission procedures. When the connection with the MRCC
• The transmission of superfluous signals and correspondence • The proper function of the DSC facilities shall be tested at least
is established, send the following:
once per day without radiation of signals, by use of the means
• The transmission of false or misleading signals
provided by the equipment
Methane Kari Elin/Inmarsat-B number 323?????? All stations shall radiate the minimum power necessary to ensure satisfactory • Battery voltage should be checked once per day and where
18 degrees 35 minutes North 77 degrees 58 minutes West service. necessary brought up to fully charged condition
On fire
Require immediate assistance Weekly tests:
3. Secrecy of Communications
OVER • Proper operation of the MF DSC facilities shall be tested weekly
All administrations bind themselves to take the necessary measures to prohibit
by means of a test call with a coast station. When out of range
Be prepared to indicate the ocean region satellite being used. Follow the and prevent the following:
of an MF coast station for longer than one week the ship should
instructions given by the MRCC operator and if instructed to disconnect • The unauthorised interception of radio communications not make a test call on the first opportunity when the ship comes
the line, keep the Inmarsat-B clear so that the MRCC can call back when intended for the general use of the public into range of such a coast station
• The divulgence of the contents, simple disclosure of the
existence, publication or any use whatsoever, without Note: Live tests should NOT be made on VHF DSC equipment.
GMDSS Radio Watchkeeping authorisation, of information of any nature obtained by the
At sea, the vessel shall maintain a continuous radio watch on the following: interception of radio communications Monthly tests:
• Each EPIRB shall be examined monthly by operating its test
Frequency/Ch Purpose of Watch 4. Radio Log Keeping facility and ensuring that it is able to float free. It should be
VHF Ch. 16 * RT distress/urgency/safety and route call/reply All vessels are required to keep a radio log on the navigating bridge convenient inspected for security and any signs of damage
VHF Ch. 13 International bridge-to-bridge safety of navigation to the radio installation. It should be available for inspection by any authorised • Each SART should be tested by means provided and by
VHF Ch. 70 Short range DSC distress/urgency/safety and routine alerts representative of any administration. observing rings on nearby 3 cm radar
MF 2187.5 kHz Medium range DSC distress/urgency and safety alerts
The log contains details of the ship’s name, call sign, MMSI number, etc, • Each survival craft VHF shall be tested on a channel other than
HF 8414.5 kHz ** Long range DSC distress/urgency and safety alerts channel 16
details of persons qualified to operate the radio equipment and the daily diary
518 kz Reception of NAVTEX MSI
of operation of the radio equipment. Entries in this latter part should contain • The radio battery compartment should be inspected and the
Inmarsat-C Reception of EGC MSI including shore-to-ship distress alerts
the following: security and condition of all batteries providing a source of
Inmarsat-B Reception of shore-to-ship distress alerts energy for any part of the radio installation should be checked
• Details of communications relating to distress, urgency and
* Vessels are required to monitor VHF channel 16 until 1st February 2005. safety including times and details of ships involved and their • Printers should be checked daily to ensure an adequate supply
** Plus at least one other HF frequency from 4207.5, 6312, 12,577 and 16,804 positions of paper
kHz. • A record of important incidents such as breakdown or malfunction • The condition of all aerials and insulators should be checked
of equipment, adverse propagation and interference monthly
As the vessel has Inmarsat-C, there is no requirement to monitor HF DSC
• Serious breaches of radio procedures by other stations
frequencies for A3 distress alerts. MF/HF DSC equipment can be configured
to watch the 2187.5 kHz frequency only. • The position of the ship at least once per day
• Details of the tests carried out on radio equipment as in
General Rules for Communications paragraph 5 below
1. All Stations are Forbidden to Carry Out
Note: Any messages received as hard copies, such as NAVTEX, EGC, etc,
• Unnecessary communications can be appended in date order at the rear of the logbook and an indication of
the time and frequency received can be noted in the log.
• The transmission of profane language
• The transmission of signals without identification

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Brief Description of GMDSS Equipment Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Reception of Maritime Safety Information (MSI)
Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) DSC is an automated watchkeeping and alerting system operating in the VHF, GMDSS provides facilities for the reception of meteorological warnings,
MF and HF bands. It permits unmanned watchkeeping for distress/urgency/ navigational warnings and shore-to-ship distress alerts. SOLAS regulations
The purpose of a SART is to indicate the position of survival craft or survivors
safety and routine calls in the terrestrial radio service by having dedicated require ships to monitor the appropriate frequencies in order to receive MSI
during search and rescue operations. It operates in the 3 cm radar band only.
watchkeeping receivers listening out continuously. in their area.
When activated, a SART sweeps the 3 cm radar band and on receipt of radar
pulses from a search and rescue craft it transmits coded signals. This results in
a series of dashes appearing on the rescue craft radar display; similar to those Band Frequency/Channel Use Short Range MSI
of a RACON. The echo nearest to the rescue craft’s own position represents VHF Channel 70 Distress/urgency/safety and routine alerts
NAVTEX – operating on;
the position of the SART. The minimum range of a SART is 5 nautical miles. MF 2187.5 kHz Distress/urgency/safety alerts
• 518 kHz for English language broadcasts
In order to achieve this, the SART should be mounted at least 1 metre above MF 2177.0 kHz Routine shore-to-ship alerts
sea level in a vertical aspect. If lying in the sea, the range may be limited to MF 2177.0 Hz Routine ship-to-ship alerts • 490 kHz for second language (or supplementary broadcasts)
approximately 1 mile. MF 2189.5 kHz Routine ship-to-shore alerts • 4209.5 kHz in tropical zones to overcome the effects of MF static
HF 4207.5; 6312; 8414.5; Distress/urgency and safety alerts
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) 12,577; 16,804.5 kHz 518 kHz has to be included in a NAVTEX receiver. The other frequencies may
HF 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 18, 22 and Paired DSC frequencies are available for or may not be fitted according to vessel requirements.
An EPIRB is a secondary means of transmitting a distress alert ashore – usually
25 MHz bands routine alerts. Details in ALRS Volume 1
from a survival craft. It can be activated manually, but may also be released
automatically by a hydrostatic release mechanism if the vessel sinks. Three Long Range MSI
types of EPIRB can be used within GMDSS: Note: Frequencies shown in red should be monitored continuously by DSC
watchkeeping receivers whilst at sea. To receive routine DSC alerts in MF • Enhanced Group Call (EGC): Operating via Inmarsat-C
• COSPAS/SARSAT satellite EPIRB giving coverage of all sea and HF bands an additional scanning receiver must be fitted.
areas • HF NAVTEX: Operating in areas where MF NAVTEX and
EGC are not available
• Inmarsat-E EPIRB giving coverage in sea areas A1/A2 and A3 Maritime Mobile Station Identity (MMSI) System
Details of these systems providing worldwide coverage are to be found in
• VHF DSC EPIRB giving coverage in sea area A1 only Each mobile station (ship) and shore station having DSC equipment is issued Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volumes 3 and 5.
with a unique MMSI number. This number is programmed into all DSC
All EPIRBs must be capable of indicating the vessel’s ID and position. Vessel equipment on installation. Self-identification is always automatically included Facilities on NAVTEX and EGC receivers allow operators to programme
ID information is encoded into the EPIRB by the equipment manufacturer. in any DSC transmission. The MMSI system also permits individual stations reception of messages from different areas. EGC receivers automatically
Positional information can be determined automatically by the COSPAS/ or groups of stations to be called. The allocation of MMSI numbers is as restrict the reception of messages to the NAVAREA that the vessel is in by
SARSAT satellites from measuring the Doppler effect; by having an in-built follows: awareness of the vessel’s position via GPS input. The world is divided up
GPS receiver or by manually inserting the position via a keypad on the EPIRB. into 16 ‘NAVAREAS’, each having its own provision. Additionally, choice
For COSPAS/SARSAT EPIRBs, there may be a maximum of 90 minutes can be made over the type of warning available for reception. In order not to
before the alert is received ashore. Ship’s Stations
receive unwanted information, navigators should programme MSI equipment
9 digits, the first three being the country MID: eg, 232123456. accordingly.
Inmarsat E EPIRBs provide almost instantaneous alerting.
Shore Stations Types of message which can be programmed:
VHF EPIRBs work on VHF channel 70 and send a designated DSC alert to
coast stations and vessels within an A1 area. They have an in-built SART for 9 digits, the first two being 00, then country MID: eg, 002321234. A: Navigational warning*
determining position. B: Meteorological warning*
Group of Stations C: Ice report
9 digits, the first being a single 0, then country MID: eg, 023212345. D: SAR information (distress alerts relays etc)*
E: Meteorological forecasts
F: Pilotage messages
G: Decca warnings
H: Loran-C warnings
I: Omega warnings

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.1 - Page 6 of 8

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.1c GMDSS Equipment
Antenna Antenna Active INMARSAT-C INMARSAT-C Antenna Antenna Antenna
AR72 AT72 Antenna Antenna No.1 Antenna No.2 AV7 AV7 AV7

Above Deck


Antenna Norcontrol System 4000 GDMSS Console
Coupler VHF Radio No.2 VHF Radio No.1
H1252B H1252B RT4822 RT4822
1 2 3 1 2 3

4 5 6 4 5 6


0 16
To 0 16
R/T Voyage Voyage
Power Data Data
Supply Recorder Recorder
SAM Electronics DEBEG 3220C INM-C SAM Electronics DEBEG 3220C INM-C


N163S Power Supply Power Supply Connection Box

Sat C MF/HF Sat C

N163S N163S
N420 N420

To Bridge Ship's Supply

Alarm System 24 V DC
To Bridge
To Position System
Alarm System
Ship's Supply
Electrical Equipment Room Ship's Emergency
230 V AC to
Supply 230 V AC
Ship's Emergency
From DGPS Supply 230 V AC

HT4550 Remote Remote

PS4650 No.1 PCH4652
Transceiver 24 V DC Handset Handset
Power AC Power Supply
Supply Battery Charger
Ship's Emergency
Supply 230 V AC

Horn Speaker W.T W.T Horn Speaker

VML-1508 C4901 C4901 VML-1508
Alarm Panel
Port Starboard
To Bridge Alarm System Bridge Wing Bridge Wing

Ship's Emergency Ship's Emergency

Supply 230 V AC Supply 230 V AC

Battery Room
To Weather Facsimile Mute
Radio Battery
To Communal Antenna System Mute (2 Batteries) 3 x GMDSS Portable 406 Mhz SART's (2 Sets)
VHF Transceivers EPIRB
To Bridge Alarm System For Survival Craft
Fuse Box 2 x 80 A

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.1 - Page 7 of 8

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
J: Satnav warnings Inmarsat-E Note: An MES may also be referred to as a Ship Earth Station - SES.
K: Other navaid warnings Utilising the L-band (1.6 GHz) EPIRB system offering almost instantaneous
distress alerting via Inmarsat satellites. It can be used instead of a COSPAS/
L: Navigational warnings additional to letter A*
SARSAT EPIRB for vessels trading in sea areas A1, A2 or A3 only.
V, W, X, Y: Special services - trial allocation
Z: No messages on hand Inmarsat-M and Mini M
A digital communications system for voice, low-speed data and facsimile
Note: Messages marked * cannot be disabled. services. These systems do not conform to GMDSS.

Satcom Systems Network Co-ordination Station (NCS)

Inmarsat; the International Mobile Satellite organisation provides high Each ocean region has its own Network Co-ordination Station (NCS) which
quality voice, telex, data and facsimile circuits to suitably equipped vessels. controls the allocation of channels to MESs and LESs within its region. When
The system comprises of four geostationary satellites in orbit approximately a call is initiated, the NCS connects the MES to the LES.
36,000 kms above the equator. Each satellite provides coverage for a
particular ocean region, as below. Communication, via these satellites, at
Land Earth Station (LES)
latitudes greater than approximately 70° are unreliable due to the satellites
being out of line-of-sight when so far north or south. Within each of the satellite ocean regions there are a number of Land Earth
Stations (LES). The function of the LES is to provide a connection between the
The four satellites cover the main ocean regions and are named accordingly: - Inmarsat system and national and international telecommunications systems
worldwide. An LES may also be referred to as a Coast Earth Station (CES).
• AOR-W Atlantic Ocean Region West
• POR Pacific Ocean Region Mobile Earth Stations (MES)
• IOR Indian Ocean Region Each vessel equipped with suitable Inmarsat equipment is known as a Mobile
• AOR-E Atlantic Ocean Region East Earth Station (MES). Each MES is issued with a unique Inmarsat Mobile
Number (IMN). If a user has more than one MES, each will have its own
There are five marine Inmarsat systems in operation: Inmarsat Mobile Number (IMN).

Inmarsat-A Each system can be recognised by its IMN as follows:

Using mainly analogue techniques, this system provides telephone, telex,

facsimile and data communications between suitably equipped MESs and
subscribers ashore via their national and international telephone and data A seven digit code beginning with the number 1 followed by a further six
networks. digits, eg, 1238763.

Inmarsat-B Inmarsat-B
Using digital techniques exclusively, this system features all of the facilities A nine digit code beginning with the number 3 followed by the country MID
available in Inmarsat A. However it makes better use of the satellite power and and a further five digits, eg, 342200162.
bandwidth thus increasing the number of available channels and is more cost
efficient. Inmarsat-B will eventually replace Inmarsat A. Inmarsat-C
A nine digit code beginning with the number 4 followed by the country MID
and a further five digits, eg, 442200262.
A digital satellite communications messaging system. This system does not
support voice communications. Enhanced group call (EGC) equipment, based Inmarsat-M
on this system, is used for receiving maritime safety information (MSI) and is
an integral part of all marine Inmarsat-C equipment. A nine digit code beginning with the number 6 followed by the country MID
and a further five digits, eg, 642200362.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.1 - Page 8 of 8

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.2a VHF DSC Systems VHF DSC VHF VHF DSC
Aerial Aerial Aerial
Press to start
creating a DSC call

Display Keys Open

The function of each Open the Rx log of the ADDR BOOK
key is described in its received calls in in DSC mode
respective line on the DSC mode Above Deck Above Deck
right side of the display

Handset Handset



4 5 6









Tx Tx

4 5 6 4 5 6





. 0 16

. 0 # 16
. 0 # 16
* *




To GMDSS 220 V AC 24 V DC To 220 V AC 24 V DC

VDR Console From Ship's From VDR GMDSS From Ship's From
Emergency Supply Radio Batteries Console Emergency Supply Radio Batteries

Shift Key
(Press and hold for VHF DSC System No.1 VHF DSC System No.2
Squelch Control yellow functions)
DISTRESS button Located on the Bridge Located on the Bridge
(Adjust to silent when no Remote Remote
station is received) (Protected by shield) Handset Handset
TEL/DSC function switch To use, lift the shield
In TEL mode radiotelephone parameters and press for 5 seconds,
are shown and selected guided by the text
In DSC mode DSC parameters are shown and selected displayed
Indicator Lamps. Condition when lit:
Tx: Transmitting Horn Speaker W.T W.T Horn Speaker
1W: 1 watt transmission mode VML-1508 C4901 C4901 VML-1508
US: US channel system activated
CALL: DSC call for you received Port Starboard
ALARM: Alarm call received Bridge Wing Bridge Wing

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.2 - Page 1 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.2 VHF TRANSCEIVER SYSTEMS Address Book Procedure for Cancelling a False Distress Alert
Press ADDR BOOK to open the address book menu in the DSC mode.
a) Stop the transmission immediately.
VHF DSC RadioTelephone
DSC TERMINAL b) Switch to channel 16.
Model: RT4822 Quick Distress Call (Undesignated) c) Make an ‘all stations’ broadcast giving the vessel’s name, call-
sign and DSC number and then cancel the false distress alert
a) If the equipment is switched off or in standby mode press the
transmitted at (quote) date and time (UTC).
Description ON/OFF key.
The Norcontrol RT4822 system consists of a main transceiver unit and two b) Lift the plastic lid covering the DISTRESS button. ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS ALL STATIONS
antennae. The transceiver unit contains a VHF transmitter, receiver, and channel
70 watch receiver module. The performance and operation are controlled from c) Press the DISTRESS button until RELEASE is displayed THIS IS
the front panel. The first antenna is utilised for transmitting and receiving and (approximately 5 seconds). Methane Kari Elin/call sign ????? MMSI No.235??????
the second antenna for DSC watch keeping.
d) Wait for acknowledgement. MY POSITION 56 DEGREES 20 MINUTES NORTH, 010
Basic Functions e) When a distress acknowledgement has been received transfer to 271225UTC TRANSMITTED ON CHANNEL 70 VHF
ON/OFF Ch 16 VHF to the transmit the distress message. MASTER Methane Kari Elin/call sign ????? MMSI No.235??????
The unit can be switched on or off by pressing the ON/OFF key.
Sending a Distress Alert
TEL/DSC Calling a Ship or Shore Station
Use this key to switch between Telephony and DSC modes. To make a distress call:
a) Press the TX CALL key.
a) Press the TEL/DSC key to select DSC mode.
Note: DSC mode is automatically selected when the DISTRESS button is b) Press the SHIP (or SHORE) soft key.
b) Press the soft key to select DISTRESS.
c) Key in the nine digit MMSI number, or select ship information
Switching Loudspeaker ON/OFF c) Press the soft key to scroll up or down to select type of distress from MEMORY, of desired ship. Press the ACCEPT soft key.

Press the soft key to switch the loudspeaker on or off. The display indicates (e.g. Flooding, Abandoning etc.).
d) Key in the desired RT working channel. Press the ACCEPT soft
condition of speaker. The speaker is automatically muted when the PTT (press- key.
to-talk) key, on the handset, is pressed. d) Check that the position/time is correct if there is a GPS input,
otherwise manually input position/time information.
e) Press the SEND soft key. The following message will then
Volume Control e) Lift the DISTRESS button cover and press the DISTRESS button flash on the display ‘Call in Progress’ and ‘Waiting for
until RELEASE is indicated on the display (approximately 5 Acknowledgement’.
Turn VOL knob clockwise to increase and anticlockwise to decrease volume.
f) When the message ‘Individual Acknowledgment Received’ is
Dimmer Control f) On receipt of a distress acknowledgement an audible alarm displayed, lift the handset to work on the desired telephony
will sound and ‘Distress Acknowledgement Received’ will be channel or press the VIEW soft key. Then press the MORE
Use the soft key to select the backlight level (between 0-3).
displayed. Press the 16 key and lift the handset. Press the PTT soft key followed by the CONNECT soft key to change to the
(press-to-talk) switch and transmit distress message by RT. telephony mode on the desired channel.
Setting the Transmitter Power Level
Each press of the soft key next to the 1 W/25 W display selects the power Note: The distress alert will be repeated every 3.5 - 4.5 minutes until a
output. Some channels are programmed to operate on 1 W level only. Low distress acknowledge message has been received.
power is indicated by the 1 W indicator lamp on the display.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.2 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Radiotelephone Operation Private Channels VHF RadioTelephone Remote Controller
Setting the Transmitter Power Level How to select private channels if the equipment is programmed with any:
Each press of the soft key next to the 1 W/25 W display selects the power Type: C4901
a) Press the SHIFT key.
output. Some channels are programmed to operate on 1 W level only. Low
power is indicated by the 1 W indicator lamp on the display.
b) Press the 16 key followed by channel number (e.g. 23).
Setting the Squelch Level c) Press the 2 key.
Two VHF radiotelephone remote handsets fitted with water resistant horn
Select a free channel (no station transmitting). Turn the rotary squelch knob speakers are supplied and one is installed on each bridge wing. They allow
until background noise just disappears. d) Press the 3 key.
remote control of the Norcontrol RT4822.
P23 will now be displayed on the screen.
Making a Telephony Call Handset Basic Functions
Dual Watch
a) Turn the power on by pressing the ON/OFF key. ON/OFF: Turns the power on and off.
This function allows a priority watch to be kept on channel 16 while monitoring
a second selected channel. TEL/DSC: Toggles handset between Telephony and DSC modes.
b) Activate the VHF functions by pressing the TEL/DSC key or
the 16 key. RX LOG: Enters DSC menu to read received DSC messages.
To start dual watch, select the channel number required then press the SHIFT
c) Select the VHF channel required by pressing the channel key and the DW (No.6) key. The DW channel number will be displayed on
screen with the priority channel in the lower right corner of the display. TX CALL: Enters DSC menu to set up DSC calls for transmission.
number on the keyboard.
SEND CALL: Starts transmission of set up DSC call.
d) Adjust volume as required. To stop the dual watch either:
1) Press the SHIFT key and the DW (No.6) key. CANCEL: If a DSC call is in progress, it cancels transmission of the
e) To transmit lift the handset and press the PTT (press-to-talk) call. If the handset is in the DISTRESS REPEAT mode, it
switch and speak into the microphone. Release the PTT switch cancels the distress call.
to listen for a response. 2) Press the PTT (press-to-talk) switch on the handset.
16: Selects TELEPHONY mode and channel 16.
Note: Before transmitting, think about the subject which has to be
3) Press the channel 16 key. PTT: Press key to transmit a message and release to hear a
communicated and, if necessary, prepare written notes to read from, to ensure
that no valuable time is wasted on a busy channel. Listen to confirm that the
channel is free before starting your transmission. This will avoid interrupting Channel Mode SHIFT+FUNC: Enters the function menu to set up the handset and system.
the transmission of others. To select International or United States channel mode use the soft key. If If the function menu is active it enters VHF telephony
the US mode is selected this will be indicated by the illumination of the US mode.
Channel 16 indication lamp on the display.
To select channel 16 press the quick select key 16 (bottom right hand corner of
DSC Operation
keypad). If necessary now proceed with a distress message on this channel.
Note: Avoid calling on channel 16 for purposes other than distress, urgency a) If the unit is switched off or in standby mode press the ON/OFF
and very brief safety messages when another calling channel is available. key.
So that distress calls and distress traffic have priority all transmissions on
channel 16 VHF should be kept to a minimum and should not exceed 1 b) Lift the handset from cradle.
c) On the handset cradle lift the lid covering the DISTRESS button,
press the DISTRESS button until RELEASE is displayed
(approximately 5 seconds). Wait for an acknowledgement.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.2 - Page 3 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Sending a Distress Alert Telephone Operational Sequence

a) Press the TX CALL key. a) Turn the power on by pressing the ON/OFF key for one
b) Press the down arrow key 4 times until DSC DISTRESS is
displayed. b) To activate the telephony functions press the TEL/DSC or the
16 key.
c) Press the right arrow SELECT key to enter the distress menu.
c) Set the squelch level until the background noise just disappears
d) Use the UP/DOWN arrows keys to select the nature of distress. using the SQ and the UP/DOWN arrow.
When the nature of distress is highlighted, press the right arrow
SELECT key. d) Select the VHF channel required by pressing the channel
number on the keyboard.
e) If there is a GPS input confirm that the position given is correct;
if not connected input the information manually and press the e) Adjust the volume as required.
right arrow SELECT key.
f) Lift the handset and press the PTT key to transmit a message.
f) Lift the handset from the cradle, lift plastic cover covering the Release the PTT key and wait for a reply.
distress button and press the DISTRESS button until RELEASE
is displayed (approximately 5 seconds). Output Power
g) Wait for an acknowledgement. Each press of the SHIFT and PWR key selects the power output 1 W/25 W.

h) When a distress acknowledgement is received press the 16 key Note: The transmitter power is automatically set for 1 W on some channels.
for telephony Ch 16 and transmit the distress message.
Turning the Loudspeaker On/Off
Calling a Ship Station To turn the loudspeaker on/off, press the SHIFT and SPK key on the pad. A
display indication shows that the loudspeaker is off.
a) Press the TX CALL key.

b) Press the right arrow SELECT key. Dual Watch

To start dual watch, select the required channel number then press the SHIFT
c) Key in the nine digit MMSI number and press the right arrow and DW keys. DW will then appear on the display screen.
For example - channel 13 is selected with channel 16 priority
d) Press the SEND CALL key.
a) Press keys 1 and 3 or use the UP/DOWN arrows to select
e) When the call has been transmitted the display will show ‘DSC channel 13.
b) Press the SHIFT and DW keys simultaneously. The display will
now indicate DW 13 with priority channel 16.

To stop the dual watch press the SHIFT and DW keys, or press 16 on the

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.2 - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.3a MF/HF Control Unit System
Aerial Aerial
Press to start
creating a DSC call

Soft Keys Open

The function of each Open the Rx log of the ADDR BOOK
key is described in its received calls in in DSC mode
respective line on the DSC mode
right side of the display



Tx Above Deck

ALARM Handset



ABC 1 DEF 2 GHI 3 JKL 4 MNO 5 #

6 STU 7 VWX 8 YZ 9 . 0





(Protected by shield) ABC 1 DEF 2 GHI 3 JKL 4 MNO 5 #


To use, lift the shield Volume





YZ 9


and press for 3 seconds, Control
guided by the text
Indicator Lamps. Condition when lit: displayed
Tx: Transmitting
MF/HF Control System
Tuning Control TEL/DSC function switch
CALL: DSC call for you received Shift Key
In TEL mode radiotelephone parameters
Located on the GMDSS Console
ALARM: Alarm call received (Press and hold for
are shown and selected
yellow functions)
In DSC mode DSC parameters are shown and selected

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.3 - Page 1 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.3 MF/HF TRANSCEIVER SYSTEM Setting the Transmitter Power Level c) Press the 2182 kHz key and stand by for transmission of the
Three power setting levels are available; HIGH, MED or LOW. The power DISTRESS message which should follow. Acknowledge the
MF/HF GMDSS TERMINAL levels can be adjusted by pressing the SHIFT key followed by the PWR key message by RT on 2182 kHz.
until the desired power level is reached.
Types of Call (Can be selected by pressing the appropriate soft key)
Model: HC4500 Note: An on-screen indication is displayed when an action is selected.
Designed for the maritime environment the equipment is a 500 W MF/HF
transceiver capable of DSC, voice and telex operation. The equipment offers Mode of Emission Select to transmit a routine or test call to an individual coast station.
simplex and semi-duplex SSB telephony in the frequency range 1.6 to 30 MHz Ship
as well as DSC capabilities. Three modes of emission can be selected on the unit: SSB TELEPHONY, AM
TELEPHONY and TELEX (See note). To select MODE function press the Select to transmit a routine message to another ship.
Basic Functions SHIFT key followed by the FUNC key until MODE is highlighted next to a
soft key. Extended
The unit can be switched on or off by pressing the ON/OFF key. To switch Distress: select to send Alert, Relay or Acknowledge.
off, hold the key down and release it when instructed to from the screen
DSC Terminal
All Ships: normally used for coast station all ships call.
(approximately 5 seconds). Sending an Undesignated Distress Call
Individual: select for individual routine call.

TEL/DSC a) Use the ON/OFF key to switch the equipment on.

Use this button to switch between Telephony and DSC modes. b) Remove the cover from the DISTRESS key and press the
DISTRESS key until RELEASE is displayed (approximately 3 Procedure for Sending a Distress Message
Note: DSC mode is automatically selected when the DISTRESS button is seconds).
pressed. a) Press the CALL button. There menu is displayed to the left of the
c) Wait for an acknowledgement to the distress call. When soft keys.
an acknowledgement is received, ‘Distress acknowledgement
Setting Backlighting b) Select EXTENDED.
received’ is displayed.
The backlight level can be adjusted, in four steps, by pressing the SHIFT key
followed by the DIM key on the keyboard until the desired setting is reached. d) Press the 2182 key to select the distress voice channel. c) Select DISTRESS.

e) Lift the handset from its housing and press the PTT (press-to- d) Select ALERT.
Switching the Loudspeaker ON/OFF
talk) button to transmit the distress message.
Press the SHIFT key followed by the SPK key to switch the speaker on or e) Confirm that the position information is correct then press OK.
Note: The undesignated distress will be transmitted on 2187.5 kHz. The f) Select FREQUENCY, then press OK.
distress call is automatically repeated every five minutes. When a DSC
Volume Control DISTRESS acknowledge is received the DSC DISTRESS alert transmission g) Select the nature of the distress by scrolling up/down until the
Turn the VOL knob clockwise to increase and anticlockwise to decrease will be terminated automatically. particular nature of distress is highlighted.
Receiving a Distress Call h) Lift the cover and press the red DISTRESS button for 3 seconds.
Squelch Control ‘Distress Transmission in Progress’ and the transmission
When a distress call is received ‘Distress Call Received’ is displayed on the frequency will be indicated on the screen.
Press the SHIFT key followed by the SQ key to turn the squelch on or off.
display screen.

a) Press VIEW to read the contents of the call.

b) Press MORE to continue reading the call.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.3 - Page 2 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
SSB Radiotelephone

Model: HC4500

2182 kHz
Press the 2182 key to select the distress channel for distress traffic and safety
message announcements only.

MF/HF Channel Selection

Press the TEL/DSC key to select telephony mode then use the menu and soft
keys to select a pre-programmed coast station channel or select an ITU channel
number. Alternatively by pressing the RX or TX key it is possible to select
your own RX (receive) or TX (transmit) frequency by using the number keys
on the keyboard.

Distress Message Transmission

Press the 2182 button and the TUNE button.

Using the attached handset press and hold the PTT (press to talk) switch and
broadcast the following message in a calm clear voice:

For example:
MMSI No. 310440000 Methane Kari Elin

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.3 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.4a Inmarsat-B System Active Antenna
Housed in Radome

Tracking and

Above Decks

Below Decks Main Control Unit

Facsimile Displayed when applicable
220 V AC 220 V AC
-at hook OFF.
Ship's Supply Ship's Supply
Power Supply Unit -when additional info/help
is available.
-when the loudspeaker is ON.
SHIFT -when pressing SHIFT to use
220 V AC secondary functions.
ALPHA -when pressing ALPHA to
NERA Handsfree microphone select keypad letters.
Changeover SHIFT BAT
-during data calls
Switch ON -when in contact with LES or NCS.
-when receiving a call, lights
Inmarsat B
TLX steadily during communication.
PC -flashes when receiving important
Distress Alarm ON -when power is turned ON.
Auxiliary Keys:
Unit No.1 Alarm Test LED -1to3 signal quality indicators
Acknowledge Allows entering of PTT

Button N ER A Saturn B Interface Unit short numbers,

ALARM Data Switch Unit
changing Ocean
Region, selecting
Selects functions and displays HELP
page if any.
Land Earth Station

Distress Alert Selects alphabetic key function.

Activated LED etc.
220 V AC
Distress Alarm Distress Button Moves to the next choice, or enters
Recieved (under flap) selected one. Access to Active
LED From Gyro Number Keys: Alarms list (SHIFT function).
Only the number keys

Message Indicator
220 V AC Selects secondary functions.

are required to call HT

Ship's Supply
the end subscriber. Displays additional information/help.
To Automatic
Message Indicator
Telephone Direct access to Default LES
No.1 PTT
Exchange selection, and Ocean Region
Wheelhouse selection (SHIFT FUNCTION).
Push-to-talk (PTT) when loudspeaker
is operative.
From GPS
NERA Sa tu rn B
Turns internal loudspeaker ON/OFF.
ASD Switches between handsfree w/PTT
To Ship's and normal use.

TLX Distress Alarm PC Network

Printer Not in use.
Unit No.2

Handsfree Loudspeaker Toggles hook switch, or reverts

General Office NERA SATURN B
to previous position.
Message Indicator


Deletes last character entry, or
complete entry.
Message Indicator
No.2 Captain's Office Steps down/up through function
Cargo Control Console HSD LIST scrolls through choices
To Ship's (SHIFT function)
PC Network

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.4 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.4 INMARSAT-B SYSTEM Telephone Making a Standard Call
A dedicated telephone handset is provided in the Master’s cabin and the radio Calls can be made through the default LES or through a selected LES see
Maker: Nera console in the wheelhouse. below:
Type: Saturn Bm Marine MKII
Asynchronous Data (ASD) and High Speed Data Function (HSD) Making a Call Through the Default LES
Overview The Data Switch Unit (DSU) provides for both ASD and HSD data transfer
00441244535787# (routes the call via the default LES for the Ocean
between the ship’s computer network and the Saturn-Bm terminal.
The installation comprises the following: Region in which the ship is operating)

• Above Decks Equipment (ADE) - stabilised antenna with RF- Initial Switch On Making a Call Through a Selected LES
units and pedestal control unit (PCU) radome.
If the power to the unit is interrupted, the equipment will initiate a self-test and 2*00441244535787# (routes the call via the LES Goonhilly (2) in
• Below Decks Equipment (BDE) - main control unit (MCU), an automatic satellite search when power is restored. The following will appear the United Kingdom)
display handset, 2 x distress alarm units, 2 x message indicator on the handset display when the unit is available for operation: ‘00+INTL
units, power supply, telex computer, telex changeover switch, TEL.NO.+#’ and the signal strength will be indicated by the number of * signs, To end a call press the ESC key on the handset.
2 x telex printers, fax machine and data switching unit providing *** indicates the best quality signal and * indicates the worst quality signal.
both asynchronous and high speed data connections to the ship’s
PC network. Making a Standard Call via the Automatic Telephone System
Distress Calling To access the Inmarsat B system from an authorised ships’s telephone the user
Main Control Unit must first dial the access code (available from the Master), then the required
a) Lift the telephone handset from its base. subscriber’s number.
This unit is the major part of the terminal performing all the signal processing
and message handling functions. b) Lift the flap covering the DISTRESS button and press and hold
the DISTRESS button for 6 seconds.
c) When the dial tone is heard press the # key to initiate call.
The GMDSS version of the telex terminal runs on a dedicated PC.
d) When the call is answered by the Rescue Coordination Centre
Display Handset (RCC). Transmit the distress message using the format below:
A handset keypad with a built-in display allows control of communications and • MAYDAY
system functions. • THIS IS (ship’s name/callsign) CALLING VIA INMARSAT B
FROM POSITION (latitude/longitude, or relative to a named
Distress Alarm Unit point of land).
The distress alarm unit provides activation and indication of an alert • MY INMARSAT MOBILE NUMBER IS (IMN for this channel
transmission and reception, situated in the wheelhouse and the administration of your MES - e.g. 310200162) USING THE (Ocean Region)
office. SATELLITE.
• MY COURSE AND SPEED ARE (course and speed).
Message Indicator Unit • State the NATURE OF DISTRESS eg: fire/explosion, sinking,
The message indicator is activated on reception of telex, telefax and data calls. flooding, disabled and adrift, collision, abandoning ship,
It provides a visual and audible indication that a particular type of message is grounding, attack by pirates or listing.
being received, situated in the wheelhouse and the cargo control room. • ANY ASSISTANCE REQUIRED.
• ANY OTHER INFORMATION (to assist SAR units).
A facsimile machine is linked to the system to allow for automatic transmission e) DO NOT clear the call until instructed to do so by the RCC.
and reception of telefax messages sent at up to 9600 bits per second (bps). Keep the MES clear of traffic so that the RCC can contact the
vessel as required.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.4 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.5 INMARSAT-C SYSTEM Equipment Description Alarm Indicator
When a distress alert has been sent, the alarm LED will flash until an
Maker: Kongsberg Norcontrol/Sailor/Thrane & Thrane The communication unit consists of a PC installed with the Capsat Message
acknowledgement is received from the LES and then it will remain on. The
Type: SA1605M Maritime antenna Handling program and a Capsat transceiver with built in GPS receiver unit.
alarm indicator can now be switched off by pressing the STOP button.
H2095C Capsat transceiver
DT4646E Message terminal Capsat Transceiver
Sending a Distress Alert
TT-10202 Message handling software The front panel of the transceiver houses the following indicator lamps and
No. of sets 2 of each control buttons: Press the STOP button and the ALARM buttons simultaneously for at least
5 seconds until the alarm LED starts flashing. The distress alert, with current
Power Indicator position of the ship, will normally be sent to the land station used for the last
A remote alarm is fitted on the navigation console.
Illuminates when power is present.
Overview Sending a Distress Message
Stop Button
INMARSAT C is a digital satellite communications messaging system which
Used to set the serial port to the default values (if pressed at power-on). The After transmitting a distress alert a detailed distress message can be sent using
does not support voice communications. The system operates on a store and
stop button can also be used for switching off the alarm indicator. Pressed the message terminal as follows:
forward basis. A message sent from an MES is transmitted in data packages, via
simultaneously with the alarm button for five seconds it will transmit a distress
satellite, to an LES where it is then reassembled and forwarded to its ultimate
alert. a) Type the distress message in the text field of the editor.
destination by national and international telecommunications networks. From
shore based equipment messages may be sent, via an LES, to a single MES or
Log In Indicator b) Select TRANSMIT (Alt T).
to a group of MESs.
Illuminates when the transceiver is logged into an ocean area. If the transceiver c) Press the tab key to move the cursor to the priority field ‘(*)
Enhanced Group Call (EGC) is in synchronisation, but has not been logged into an ocean area the indicator Routine’.
will flash. If the transceiver is unable to obtain synchronisation the indicator
There are two main types of EGC as follows: will be off.
Note: The address book may pop up when doing this. If the address field
is empty just select the first destination as the address is not used in this
Safety-NET Send Indicator instance.
Authorities can send Maritime Safety Information (MSI) messages to vessels Flashes when the transceiver enters the transmit protocol. When the transceiver
within selected geographical areas. is transmitting the indicator will be on. When the transmission is complete the d) Press the arrow key down twice to move to ‘( ) Distress’ and
indicator will flash until an acknowledgement is received from the LES. press the space bar to select. This causes the address field to
Mail Indicator
Commercial organisations can send information to a virtually unlimited e) Press the ENTER key to move the cursor to SEND and press the
number of predesignated mobile terminals simultaneously. Useful for Flashes when the transceiver is receiving a non-EGC message. When the ENTER key again to transmit.
subscription services distributing information such as news, weather, stock message is received the indicator will be on. The indicator will remain on until
exchange reports and road/port information. the message has been read. If the Capsat program is used the message will be
Note: If the LES field is empty, the cursor will be positioned there instead.
read immediately. Because of this the user will see the mail indicator flash
Press the space bar to view the LES list and select a station. Press ENTER
As well as providing the above facilities INMARSAT C terminals can also when a message is being received and then turns off when fully received.
to move to SEND.
generate and send a priority distress message. It can also allow data reporting
and polling, position reporting and some LESs now offer internet e-mail via Alarm Button f) Press the ENTER key to confirm the distress priority
this service.
Pressed simultaneously with the stop button for five seconds it will transmit a transmission.
distress alert.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.5 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.6a UHF Radio Base Stations

No.1 Antenna Base Station Antenna Base/Repeater Station

No.2 Antenna Base Station

Cargo Machinery Room No.2 Main Deck Antenna
Port and Starboard Passageway
Cargo Control Room

Engine Control Room

Bosun's Store

Steering Gear

Engine Room No.4 Cargo Tank No.3 Cargo Tank No.2 Cargo Tank No.1 Cargo Tank

Wheelhouse Top Portable UHF Transceivers (12 Sets)


CBC No.9

No.1 Base Station

Portable UHF Radio - 12 Sets

Hand Free Handset - 3 Sets



Charger Charger Charger Fore Mast

DC 24 V

Cargo Control Room Engine Control Room Ex Barrier Niros Antenna Niros Antenna Niros Antenna Niros Antenna

Cargo Control Room Engine Control Room Air Handling Cargo Motor Passageway Passageway Bosun's
Unit Room Room (Starboard) (Port) Store
No.2 Base Station Repeater / Base Station

MOTOROLA MOTOROLA Signal Splitter Niros Antenna Niros Antenna Niros Antenna

Engine Room Engine Room Steering Gear

2nd Deck 3rd Deck Room

DC 24 V AC 220 V Niros Antenna Niros Antenna

Engine Room Engine Room

Floor 4th Deck

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.6 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.6 UHF RADIOTELEPHONE A replacement battery can be inserted by placing the two tabs at the bottom of Transmissions from the hand held units are received by one of the base units
the replacement battery into the corresponding holes of the radio and pressing then retransmitted, relaying the signal round the vessel.
Maker: Motorola the battery into place against the radio handset.
Type: GP900 The engine room repeater unit is linked to a series of aerials located round the
Base Stations engine room, air handling unit, cargo motor room, bosun’s store and the deck
passage where signal reception in not normally very good due to background
The vessel is supplied with a number of UHF hand held radios facilitating The vessel is fitted with two MCS200 base stations and a repeater base station. noise and structural interference.
communication on board during both routine and critical operations. The base stations are located in the wheelhouse and cargo control room whilst
the repeater station is in the engine room control room. Transmissions are picked up from one or more of the aerials, sent to the
Operation repeater unit, retransmitted and received on the handsets.
Each base station has its own receiving aerial located on the wheelhouse top
Radio ON/OFF and acts as a relay stations to the signals from hand held UHF radios. Each unit For normal operations the two deck base units are on channel 1 and the
Turn the radio on by turning the on/off switch clockwise until a click is heard. also has a microphone and can be used as a UHF radio. engine room unit on channel 2. Similarly the hand held units are set to the
The radio operates a self test terminating with an audible beep if successful. corresponding channel, depending on where they are being operated.
The volume can be adjusted by turning the on/off switch to a suitable setting,
clockwise for maximum volume and counter clockwise for minimum volume.
The radio can be turned off by turning the on/off switch counter clockwise
Illustration 2.6.6b UHF Hand Held Radiotelephone
until a click is heard.

Channel Selection Selector
Three colour indicator
The channel selector switch located next to the on/off switch is used to select Radio On / Off Red, continuous: radio transmits
the desired channel by turning the switch clockwise or counter clockwise as and Volume Control Red, flashing when transmitting: low battery
Red, flashing, when receiving: channel busy
required. Prior to transmission always ensure that the channel selected is free. If Yellow, fast flashing: Individual call reminder
the channel is in use the indicator lamp flashes red on the top of the radio unit. Yellow, slow flashing: Group call reminder
Green, flashing: Scanning on.
Alternatively to check if the selected channel is free press the monitor button. Red, Yellow, Green alternating: Hardware error
3 - position switch

Making a Call Call button 1

Emergency button
Monitor button
Once the channel has been selected and confirmed as free proceed as follows:

a) Press the call button 1 the alert tone will be transmitted. Universal connector for remote
Programmable speaker / microphone and other
b) Following a verbal response press the Press To Talk (PTT) Should be fitted with the supplied
cover when not in use.
key to transmit a message the indicator light will illuminate Transmit Key (PTT)
red during transmission. Release the PTT key to listen for a Push to talk,
response. release to listen

c) The call will terminate automatically when communications Battery

have ended. latches

Receiving a Call
When a call is received the alert tone for individual or group call is heard and
the yellow indicator flashes. Press the PTT key to send a verbal response.

Changing the Battery

The battery may be changed (in a safe gas free environment) by pressing down
on the two battery latches on the top of the battery pack and pulling the battery
away from the radio handset.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.6 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.7a VHF Hand Held Emergency Radios


Lamp HI

+ -
Keyboard Tone Function
PTT Keyboard Lock Key
On/Off Switch
Speaker Mode Selection
Call Volume Level Function
Power Level Setting PWR VOL
Adjustment Key For Volume,
Channel Selection CH SQ Squelch, Channel and Power Level

Squelch Level Function

Quick Channel
Selection Keys
Selects Channel 16

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.7 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.7 VHF HAND HELD EMERGENCY RADIOS Keyboard Beep Tone Function Control Programming of the Channel Soft Keys A and B
When pressed for more than one second, the audible keyboard feedback can The user may change the channels, which can be selected by means of the
Maker: Kongsberg be switched on or off. quick channel keys A and B.
Type: SP3110
UP/DOWN Keys a) Select the channel required to have as a quick selection by
The Kongsberg SP3110 is a multifunction hand held VHF, which conforms to the These keys allow the user to select any one of four functions by stepping up means of the CH key and the UP/DOWN arrow keys.
international GMDSS requirements, to provide portable VHF communications or down. The UP/DOWN keys default to the audio volume control, indicated
in the event of an emergency situation arising on board the vessel. by the VOL sign. b) When the required channel is displayed press the lock key
followed by a long-push (more than 1 second) on the soft key A
The vessel is equipped with three such units located in the wheelhouse. Each or B.
1. Power Level Function
unit consists of a transceiver, rechargeable battery (NiCd type) and a mains
operated battery charger. An emergency battery (lithium type) is supplied for When the PWR key has been activated, the actual RF power level sign will
Battery Charger
each unit and is only to be used in an emergency situation. blink for 2.5 seconds, in which time the arrow keys may be used to change the
power level setting (2 W high/0.25 W low). The 14 hours NiCd battery charger is used to charge the 7.2 V secondary
The radio has all the maritime simplex channels with a quick selection of ch 16 rechargeable battery which is intended for the daily use of the VHF.
as well as two user programmable channels (A and B). Set up controls are on 2. Channel Selection Function
the front of the main unit. Battery warning, transmission power and channel The charger has two charger positions. A VHF transceiver assembled with
selection indicators are provided on the display. If the CH key is activated, the CH sign will blink for 2.5 seconds, in which a rechargeable (NiCd) battery can be charged in the front position. The rear
time the arrow keys may be used to change the channel number, either step by charging position is not normally connected and is employed as storage for the
Housed in a watertight case the radio is designed for use in lifesaving craft. The step or by continuous activation. primary emergency (lithium) battery.
primary function is to provide voice communications in a distress situation, but
can also be used for routine shipboard communications. If the CH key is pressed for more than one second, the receiving frequency for
the actual selected channel will be shown in the display as long as the key is
activated. a) Connect the charger to a 230 V AC source. Press the ON/OFF
Description of Controls switch down to switch the charger on.

ON/OFF Switch 3. Squelch Level Function

b) Switch the VHF off and place it (including NiCd battery) in the
Press this key for at least one second to turn the transceiver on or off. A read If the SQ key is activated, the squelch level will be displayed above the front charging position.
out, of channel number etc., on the LCD display indicates that the transceiver blinking SQ sign for 2.5 seconds, during which time the setting may be
is on. changed by means of the arrow keys. c) Press the CHAR switch down to start the 14 hour charging
cycle. The left-hand charging indicator will indicate charging
Keyboard Lock Key If the SQ key is pressed for more than one second, the automatic squelch with a solid red light. The charger automatically checks the
facility will be activated, where the lowest level on which the receiver will be battery type, which can be either 700 mAh or 1200 mAh.
To prevent any unintentional change of channel the keyboard can be locked
muted is selected.
(or unlocked) by pressing this key for more than one second. The key-sign will
show up in the display when the numeric keyboard is locked. d) After 14 hours, the battery charger changes to trickle charge
4. Volume Level Function mode and the indicator light flashes green. The charge cycle is
Note: When the keyboard is locked quick selection of channel 16 is still If the VOL key is activated, the selected volume level will be shown below the complete and the transceiver is ready for use.
possible by a long push on the 16 key. blinking VOL sign for 2.5 seconds.
Note: It is important that the battery is fully discharged before being
Speaker Mode Selection The setting of the volume level can be changed by means of the UP/DOWN recharged. If the battery is repeatedly recharged, when not fully discharged
The AF output level range may be selected for the intended mode of operation. arrow keys whenever no other signs are blinking in the display. it will develop a memory effect. This prevents a full charge being made and
When the speaker sign is shown in the display, the audio output level is in the the battery will not give optimum performance.
high range fitted for traditional use, with the transceiver held in front of the Other Keyboard Functions
user. By pressing the DIM switch, the charging indicator can dimmed for night time
Quick selection of call and distress channel 16 is carried out by pressing 16.
operation in a bridge location.
When there is no speaker sign shown, the audio output level will be in the low
range setting the transceiver for convenient use as a normal radio telephone Quick selection of user programmable channel is carried out by pressing A.
Quick selection of user programmable channel is carried out by pressing B.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.7 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.8 EPIRB AND SART instructions, by an authorised JOTRON agent. Every four years the battery Every four years the SART battery should be renewed.
should also be changed during the service.
Electronic Position Indicating Radio Beacon - EPIRB
Search and Rescue Transponder - SART
Maker: Jotron
Model: Tron 40S MkII Maker: Jotron
Model: Tron SART

The function of the EPIRB is to help locate survivors in the event of a search
and rescue operation. The EPIRB will also act as an automatic means of Within GMDSS The purpose of a SART is to locate the vessel in distress
distress transmission if no other means is available. The EPIRB is housed in or people in a survival craft from the vessel in distress. An easily portable
a casing with a hydrostatic release. The EPIRB is positioned on the starboard device which should be taken to the survival craft if it is necessary to abandon
bridge wing. ship. The unit is a passive device, it will only transmit when interrogated by
a transmission from an X-band (9 GHz) radar. Once triggered it produces
a distinctive dotted line on the radar screen representing approximately
Monthly Testing Procedure 10 nautical miles. Once activated the beacon itself provides confidence to
survivors by giving an audible and visual indication that a rescue vessel is in
The internal test of the battery and transmitter should be carried out once a the vicinity.
month, as follows:
A SART is installed near each bridge wing door.
a) Remove the EPIRB from its bracket, holding the unit upright.

b) Wipe clean the EPIRB and check that the two earthing screws Monthly Testing Procedure
for the mercury tilt switch are clean. The screws are close to
the join of the two EPIRB sections. If the unit is inverted after The SARTs should be checked once a month by activation and subsequent
removal and the screws earthed, the EPIRB will activate and set checking of the ship’s 3 cm (X-Band) radar display for the correct signal
off a false alert. indication. The procedure is as follows:

c) Push the test switch to the test position. Within 15 seconds the a) Remove the SARTs from their cabinets.
strobe and red light will flash several times. After one minute
the EPIRB will automatically reset. b) When in open waters with no other ships nearby, take the
SARTs to one of the ship’s bridge wings and activate it using
d) Check the expiry date of the battery unit. the self-test button. The red LED will illuminate to show the
unit has activated.
e) Carefully replace the EPIRB in the correct position within its
bracket. c) The radar beam will interrogate the SART and the internal
loudspeaker will produce an audible signal. The signal is
Note: The unit’s normal stowage position is inverted i.e. the battery unit is continuous when close to the radar source but will become
uppermost. intermittent at a distance.

f) Enter the results of the test in the GMDSS logbook. d) Check the 3 cm radar display. The display should show 12 to 20
dots radiating out from the position of the SART in concentric
circles, similar to a racon indication.
Regular Tests
Every three months a visual inspection of the holding bracket should be carried e) Check the battery expiry date.
out. Every two years the unit should be serviced, as per the manufacturer’s
f) Enter the results of the test in the GMDSS logbook.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.8 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.9a NAVTEX Receiver








Buttons located under front cover

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.9 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.9 NAVTEX RECEIVER ENT (Enter) Control g) The display indicates 22 different types of message category.
Accepts any changes to the receiver status. Certain types of important message category cannot be disabled
Maker: JRC and are listed below:
Model: NCR-330 CLR (Clear) Control
• A & L - Navigational warnings
Deselects any settings.
• B - Meteorological warnings
Overview STATE Control • D - Search and Rescue warnings
Prints out the current receiver settings.
The NAVTEX receiver is located on the left-hand side of the chart table. The
receiving whip antenna and associated coupler NAW-330 are located on the h) Press the up/down arrow keys to select the type of message to
port side of the compass deck. The receiver is fix-tuned to 518 kHz thereby
Operating Procedures be programmed.
receiving English language NAVTEX broadcasts typically at a range of up Turning the Power On/Off
to 400 miles as required by the GMDSS. 12 V DC is supplied to the receiver i) Press the ENT key to enable a type of message. Press the CLR
a) Press and hold the power control for at least 2 seconds. key to disable a type of message.
from a separate power supply unit type, which is fed by 220 V AC supply. In
the event of a mains failure the system is automatically fed from the 24 V DC b) The green power indicator lamp will illuminate.
emergency battery supply. j) Press the MENU key to end programming.

c) Use the same power control to turn the receiver off. k) The printer will give a print out of the type of messages which
Main Operating Controls and Indicators have been disabled.
Message Reception
POWER Control l) Press the MENU key and the printer will print ‘SET STATE?’
Turns the receiver on or off. Messages are automatically received and printed out. Messages retransmitted
with the same identification code will be withheld automatically for up to 72 m) Press the ENT key to select the receiver status and a print out
POWER Indicator hours to avoid duplication. The receive indicator flashes during reception. of the current settings. If changes to the receiver status are not
The green lamp indicates power is on. required press the CLR key.
Receiver Programming
RECEIVER Indicator n) ‘ALARM BUZZER ON/OFF’ is printed.
This allows the operator to select the required NAVTEX station(s), and the
Blinks when receiving a message.
type of received message.
o) Press the ENT key to enable the alarm. Press the CLR key to
DIMMER Control disable the alarm. Alarms for type D (SAR) messages cannot be
Each time the dimmer control is pressed it selects another level of brightness Programming NAVTEX Station, Type of Message and Receiver Status disabled.
of the status lamps. It does not affect the brightness of paper and alarm a) Lift the paper roll cover.
indicators. p) ‘CHARACTER SIZE CHANGE’ is printed. Press the ENT key
b) Press the MENU key. The printer will print ‘SET COAST to select large print. Press the CLR key to select normal print.
PAPER Indicator STATION?’.
The orange lamp flashes to indicate that the paper is running low. q) Press the MENU key to quit the settings programme.
c) Press the ENT key and the unit indicates 26 coast stations
ALARM Indicator (A to Z). Use the up/down controls to select the station to r) ‘STATE END’ will be printed.
The red lamp flashes to indicate the reception of an important alert. programme.
Status Printing
ALARM OFF Control d) Use the ENT key to enable a station. Press the CLR key to
Mutes the alarm. To receive a print out of the receiver settings at any time press the STATE
disable a station.
FEED Control e) Press the MENU key to end the programming of stations.
Feeds the paper through each time the control is pressed. The printer will give a list of disabled areas followed by ‘SET Self-Diagnosis Test
TEST Control Press the TEST key to receive a print out including a ‘Quick brown fox’ printer
Starts the self-test function. check, main processor check and receiver check. During this time the alarm
f) Press the ENT key to programme the message types. Press the
buzzer will sound. Press the ALARM OFF key to silence the buzzer.
CLR key if this is not required.
MENU Control
Starts the receiver status setting mode.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.9 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.6.10a World Phone Telephone Unit

Above Deck

SIM Card
Battery Power
NIMS/ (DC Replaces Net Service Function Keys,
Mail Symbol when Signal Provider which Vary
Alert Adapter/Power) Strength Instruction and Satellite Functions Functions

20 Sep 2004 15:20

Telenor in AOR-E
Dial 00 + country code + subscriber no
470 SIM Book Last Menu Seek


1!/? 2abc 3def Help

4ghi 5jkl 6mno

Shows that SIM Power 7pqr 8stu 9vwx

Card is Inserted On/Off

* 0yz #

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.10 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.6.10 INMARSAT M SYSTEM f) The equipment is ready for use when the main window display Making a Call from the Public Worldphone
appears. The Worldphone located in the phone booth on deck C is for the use of the
Maker: Nera ship’s staff and crew for calls though the Prepaid Calling Service. The required
Type: Worldphone Marine Making a Standard Call from the Main Unit prepaid pin numbers are purchased from the Master.
Overview a) Dial 00 then the country code, area code followed by the
a) Lift the handset.
subscriber’s number, maximum of 22 digits.
The installation comprises the following: b) When the dial tone is heard dial 75# to access the Stratos
• Above Decks Equipment (ADE) - stabilised antenna with RF- Prepaid Calling Service.
transceiver. b) Press DEL key to delete the digit on the left of the cursor if a
c) Enter the 9 digit pin number followed by #.
• Below Decks Equipment (BDE) - main control unit (MCU) mistake is made.
consisting of a keypad, display panel, handset and a power
d) Dial the country code, area code followed by the subscriber’s
supply. Located on the navigation bridge, this unit needs a PIN c) Once the number has been correctly entered, press the CALL
card to allow outgoing calls. There are handsets in the Captain’s key to send the dialled number. Pressing the # key will achieve
cabin and general office. One pay phone handset, for general the same function.
44 -124-4535787#
use, is located in the C deck telephone booth, this requires a
pin number, available on pre-paid cards from the master, to d) The duration of the call is displayed when connected.
e) The call should then be connected.
e) To end a call replace the handset.
Note: If the number dialled is engaged or not answered the call will not be
Main Control Unit charged for.
In addition to the normal operation there are the following facilities available:
This unit is the major part of the terminal performing all the signal processing
• Hands free mode - select to use the built-in loudspeaker or the The public Worldphone is assigned a separate incoming call number.
functions. The keypad with a built-in display allows control of communications
and system functions.
• Phone Book. The phone book function allows the operator to Facsimile
The main Worldphone is assigned a separate incoming call number. enter frequently used numbers into the phone book memory.
Once the numbers are entered, the operator can press the BOOK A facsimile machine can be linked to the system. The telefax facility supports
function key which displays the listings on the screen, then Group 3 fax transmissions at a rate of 2.4 kbps.
Initial Switch On
scroll down the list, select the number and press the CALL key
a) Switch on the power supply. to connect. The telefax is assigned a separate incoming call number.

b) Press and hold the telephone ON/OFF key for 2 seconds. Data Service
Making a Call to another Worldphone
c) Enter the phone PIN at the prompt and press OK. a) Dial 00 then the 87 plus the access code for the ocean area The built in data transmission service is capable of transferring data at 2.4
followed by the subscriber’s IMN number. kbps. It allows the worldphone to interface with a PC without the aid of a
d) A shaded signal strength bar will appear in the display. The modem or data card.
longer the signal bar or the higher the signal strength indicator 00871762420510
value, the better the signal quality. The bar will become solid The Asynchronous Data (ASD) system provides data transfer between two
when the signal strength value reaches 400. b) The codes for the different areas are as follows: Worldphones, or between a Worldphone and the fixed international networks.
• 871 AOR-E (Atlantic Ocean Area East) The data facility is assigned a separate incoming call number.
e) Press OK to accept the displayed satellite.
• 872 POR (Pacific Ocean Area)
The operator can seek a different satellite by pressing the SEEK function key Full operating and maintenance instructions are to be found in the Nera
• 873 IOR (Indian Ocean Area)
and scrolling down the displayed list. Pressing the SELECT key will initiate Worldphone Users Manual supplied with the unit.
a search for the chosen satellite. This operation is usually only carried out in • 874 AOR-W (Atlantic Ocean Area West)
special circumstances.
Note: Some Net service providers support the common Ocean Region access
Normal operational mode is for the unit to search for any satellite (default). number 870 which connects the call to the Worldphone regardless of the
Ocean region the user is currently communicating through.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.6.10 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.7 INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Conference Call Illustration 2.7.1a Accommodation Handset
a) Make an internal call as described earlier. When contact has
2.7.1 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM been made with the called party (party No.1) ask them to hold
the line.
Maker: CMR Korea Co. Ltd
Type: SDX-Compact b) Press the HOOK FLASH button and listen for a dial tone. Party
No.1 will hear music while on hold.

Overview c) Dial the extension number required (party No.2).

The SDX Compact automatic telephone system allows internal ship d) When party No.2 answers a three party conference is established
telecommunications. The exchange is powered from the ship’s mains and has and the music is cancelled from the phone of party No.1.
a back-up battery supply in the case of a power failure. The system offers the 1 2 3
following features: e) To add extra parties (up to a maximum of five) follow the above
4 5 6
• Automatic dialling to other extensions
7 8 9
• Paging facility (PA system and group paging) f) When the conference call is completed replace the handsets.
• External calls via Inmarsat or a shore telephone connection Magnet * 0 #
• Conference call facility Priority Interruption

• Automatic ring back (A higher priority extension can interrupt the call of a lower priority extension.)
• Priority call a) If the called extension is busy press the HOOK FLASH button
and listen for the dial tone.
Hook Flash
Automatic Dialling
b) Press the HOOK FLASH button. The called party hears
a) Lift the handset and check for a dial tone. an interruption tone for 2 seconds and then the parties are
connected. Coil Cord
b) Dial the extension number required.
c) Speak to the called party.
c) When the ringing tone is heard wait for the called party to
answer. d) Replace the handset when the call is complete.
d) On completion of the call replace the handset. There is a system programming telephone unit on the Radio and Safety console
in the wheelhouse. Refer to the manufacturer’s manual for operation of this
Paging Call unit.
a) Lift the handset and check for a dial tone.

b) Press the ‘0’ button.

c) Listen for the chime sound in the ear piece and on the public
address system.

d) Make the required announcement via the telephone handset.

e) When the announcement is complete replace the handset.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.7.1 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.7.2a Intrinsically Safe Sound Powered Telephone System

Supply Junction Box 1
Upper Deck
Air Conditioning

7 kg/cm2
AC 220 V Air Supply

Main Cargo Focsle Engine Cargo

Switchboard Switchboard for Bow Control Control Steering
Room Room Lookout Console Console Stand

IS 1

Relay 7
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6
7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9
10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12


Rotating Light

Explosion Proof Flashlight

Bell Bell Bell
Electrical Signal
Main Engine Fire Emergency Instrumentation
Cargo Machinery Room Emergency Steering Control Generator
Room Air
Manoeuvring Gear Room Station

Junction Box 2

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.7.2 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Maker: CMR Korea Co Ltd
a) Lift the handset of the telephone and use the keypad to dial the
required extension.
b) Wait for the call to be answered and proceed with
The intrinsically safe sound powered telephone system is installed on board to communications.
fulfil the demands of emergency communication between vital positions on the
vessel during times of power failure or failure of the primary telecommunication c) On completion of communications replace the handset.
Receiving a Call
The system has units at the following positions:
a) When the telephone bell rings and the lamp lights lift the
• Steering stand telephone handset. Proceed with communications.
• Cargo control console
b) On completion of communications replace the handset.
• Engine control room console
• Cargo switchboard room
• Main switchboard room
• Emergency generator room
• Fire control station
• Steering gear room
• Main engine emergency manoeuvring
• Focsle for bow lookout
• Cargo machinery room

Headsets with a noise cancelling microphone can be connected to the phones

at the following locations:
• Emergency generator room
• Steering gear room
• Main engine emergency manoeuvring

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.7.2 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.7.3a Public Address and General Alarm System

CD Player in

Electronics Workshop D Deck




PM - 2 7 1 M I C R O PH O N E C O N T R O L U N I T P G - 2 7 1 A L A R M G E N E R ATOR

OFF ???? ???? ???? ???? EM'CY

P0 - 2 7 1 M A IN C O N T R O L U N I T Central Bridge Cargo Control


Console No.2 Console

8 8
7 7
6 6
3 P/A G/A 3 P/A G/A
2 2
1 1
0 0


Entertainment Rack CALL CALL




OFF ???? ???? ???? ???? OFF ???? ???? ???? ????
PA - 281 P O WE R A M P LI FI E R



PA - 2 8 1 PO W ER A M PL I F I ER






PA - 281 P O WE R A M P LI FI E R
Automatic Telephone Exchange

PA - 2 8 1 PO W ER A M PL I F I ER





General Emergency Alarm Pushbutton (Cargo Control Room Console)

PA - 281 P O WE R A M P LI FI E R


PA - 2 8 1 PO W ER A M PL I F I ER


AUTO MANUAL General Emergency Alarm Pushbutton (Fire Control Station)
PA - 281 P O WE R A M P LI FI E R



General Emergency Alarm Pushbutton (Engine Control Room Console)


PA - 2 8 1 PO W ER A M PL I F I ER


Wheelhouse Central Bridge Console No.3











220 V AC from Main Feeder Panel (2L-020)
PP - 2 7 1 PO W ER S U PPLY U N IT
Battery Bank 24 V DC/
Automatic 220 V AC from Emergency Feeder Panel (EL-019)
Battery Charger
To Bridge Alarm System Central Bridge Console No.1

From Fire Alarm Main Panel

General Emergency Alarm Signal to Whistle System


Electrical Equipment Room (A Deck)

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.7.3 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.7.3 PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM Power Amplifier Paging
There are eight power amplifier units. Four are classed as the main amplifiers Announcements can be made from designated automatic phones on the ship.
Maker: Marine Radio Company Ltd (No.1 system) and the remaining four are the back-up amplifiers (No.2 system). Refer to section 2.7.1 for further details.
Type: MPA-71600DA1 This provides 100% redundancy. If a main amplifier fails the associated back-
up amplifier would become active automatically. Each main/back-up amplifier
Entertainment Rack
provides an output to different sections of speakers connected to the public
Overview address system. Each amplifier is individually fused. Located in the electronics workshop on D deck and allows the operator to
broadcast pre-recorded CDs over the PA system for entertainment purposes.
The Public Address (PA) system has been produced for the marine industry.
Public Address Power Supply Unit
The main amplifier rack is situated in the electrical equipment room on A Priority Hierarchy
deck. The system allows for the broadcast of emergency announcements as Power is supplied to the amplifier rack via the battery bank/battery charging
well as general announcements. There are inputs from the fire alarm panel, unit, which in turn is supplied with 220 V AC from both the main and There is a priority hierarchy for alarms and announcements as follows:
automatic telephone exchange, entertainment rack and four general emergency emergency power sources.
pushbuttons. There is an output to the ship’s whistle system. Priority Description
Alarm Control and Power Supply No.1 Emergency speech selected at the wheelhouse remote panel will
Main System override any other selection.
This unit provides the power to the alarm generator unit and sounds an alarm
No.2 General emergency alarm selected from any of the pushbuttons
if a fault exists.
The main amplifier racks are situated in the electrical equipment room on A will override any lower priority selection.
deck and comprise the following: No.3 Fire alarm signal will override any lower priority selection.
Alarm Generator Panel
• 8 x power amplifiers (400 W each) No.4 Wheelhouse remote panel speaker selection will override any
This unit produces the alarm signal if it is activated. The signal can be activated lower priority selection.
• Monitor panel locally or from one of the four remote general alarm pushbuttons. There are No.5 Cargo Control Room remote panel speaker selection will override
• Alarm generator two alarm generators in the panel providing 100% redundancy. The active any lower priority selection.
generator is indicated by the illumination of an ‘IN USE’ lamp. From this
• Alarm control unit No.6 Paging via the automatic telephone system will override any
panel the alarm can be activated automatically or manually and the fire alarm
lower priority selection.
• Power amplifier power supply unit can be activated automatically.
No.7 Main unit speaker selection - this is the lowest priority.
• Microphone control unit
Microphone Panel
The entertainment rack is located in the electronics workshop on D deck and Operation of Microphone Panels
It is possible to make an announcement from this panel using the attached
consists of a CD player. microphone. To make an announcement proceed as follows: Before making an announcement check that the system is not already in use.

There are two microphone panels, one is located on the central bridge console a) Confirm that the busy lamp is not illuminated. a) Press the speaker selection buttons to select the broadcast
and the other in the cargo control room. There are four general emergency areas.
pushbuttons situated in the following locations: b) Press the speaker selection buttons to select the broadcast areas.
• Wheelhouse central bridge console No.3 The LEDs on the buttons will illuminate to confirm selection. b) Press the pre-select switch on the microphone and proceed with
the announcement.
• Cargo control room console
c) Press the microphone pre-select switch and proceed with the
• Engine control room console announcement. c) On completion of the announcement release the pre-select
switch and press the selected speaker buttons to cancel the
• Fire control station selection.
d) On completion of the announcement release the pre-select
If it is necessary to sound the general emergency alarm signal it can be done switch and press the selected speaker buttons to cancel the
by pressing any of the General Emergency pushbuttons. Press the appropriate selection.
pushbutton for manual or automatic alarm activation.
Monitor Speaker Unit
This panel allows the operator to monitor the output signal, such as music,
from the entertainment equipment rack. A monitor volume control knob is
situated next to the speaker.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.7.3 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.7.4a Deck Talkback System

Wheelhouse Cargo Control Engine Control

Steering Stand Console Console














Bridge Wing Bridge Wing Forward Mooring Aft Mooring

Port Starboard Station Station



Manifold Area Manifold Area

MAIN POWER (Port) (Starboard)





Steering Gear Em'cy Generator Fire Control

Buffer Room Room Station




220 V AC 24 V DC Unit

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.7.4 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.7.4 DECK AND MACHINERY TALKBACK SYSTEMS c) Press the pre-select switch on the microphone and proceed with
communications. Release the pre-select switch and listen for
Maker: Marine Radio Company Ltd response. On completion press the POWER button to switch
Type: MTB-1100 the system off, the button lamp is extinguished.

Illustration 2.7.4b Machinery Talkback System

Cargo Control Engine Control
Two talkback systems are installed on board, the deck talkback and the Console Console
machinery talkback system. The deck talkback system is shown in illustration
2.7.4a and the machinery talkback system in 2.7.4b. The main unit is located

in the electrical equipment room on A-deck. The system is normally supplied TA L K B A C K S Y S T E M


with 220 V AC, there is also a 24 V DC supply which would be used in the VU VU

event of a ship’s mains failure. The power switch situated on the front panel MONI VOL DIMMER MIC VOL MONI VOL DIMMER MIC VOL

should always be left in the ON position.

Operation of Remote Control Panels - Type MPC-1021 BOILER


The same type of control panel is for both systems. The panels are located as PURIFIER

indicated in illustrations 2.7.4a and 2.7.4b. To operate a control panel proceed OFF ALL OFF ALL

as follows:

a) Press the POWER button, the button illuminates to indicate that

power is present.

b) Turn the rotary selection knob to the desired location. MIC VOL ALARM BUSY



Purifier Engine Boiler Firing

c) Press the CALL button. This activates an attention tone to be PC - 2 1 8 MA IN C O N TR O L U N IT

Room Workshop Platform

sounded through the speaker at the chosen location. POWER POWER POWER




d) Press the pre-select switch on the microphone and proceed with INUSE FAIL


communications. Release the pre-select switch and listen for

response. On completion press the POWER button to switch
the system off, the button lamp is extinguished.

Operation of the Station Control Panels

Station control panels are provided at the deck and machinery spaces.
Microphones or headsets with noise cancelling microphones will be used MAIN POWER Em'cy Manoeuvring MSB Room MSB Room
Station (Port) (Starboard)
where the station dictates.



a) Plug the microphone/headset into the MIC socket. Press the MO N ITOR & PO W ER SU PPLY U N IT

POWER button, the button illuminates to indicate that power is


b) Press the CALL button. This activates an attention tone to be

sounded through the speaker in the associated remote control
panels. 220 V AC 24 V DC

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.7.4 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.8.1a Navigation and Signal Light Control Panels











ON ON OFF (Use when mast lowered) UPPER


ON ON (Use when mast lowered)








Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.1 - Page 1 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.8 LIGHTING AND WARNING SYSTEMS Test Procedure for Navigation Lights In Japanese waters the signal for a huge vessel is a flashing green light and for
a vessel carrying dangerous cargo, a flashing red light. These lights are to be
2.8.1 NAVIGATION LIGHTS a) Operate the toggle switch for each navigation light, first in the displayed as high as possible and to be visible through 360°.
upper position and then in the lower position. In each position
Maker: Hyun Jin Co. Ltd confirm that the indicator LEDs are illuminated steadily and Vessels transiting the Suez Canal are required to display a red light at the
that the buzzer does not sound. The outside lights should be stern.
The control panel for the navigation lights is situated on the bridge console. visually checked.

The officer of the watch must ensure that navigation lights are properly shown Other functions are available on the panel:
during his watch, in accordance with the applicable COLREGS. • Press the LAMP/BUZZ TEST pushbutton to perform a test of
the indicator LEDs and alarm buzzer
Spare light bulbs must be kept accessible and ready for use. The navigation
• Use the rotary control knob DIMMER switch to adjust the
light system must be tested periodically.
illumination of the indicator LEDs
The navigation light control panel is supplied from the main 220 V AC switchboard
and has a back-up supply from the emergency 220 V AC switchboard. Signalling Lights

Operation Procedure for Navigation Lights Morse/Manoeuvring Light

A morse/manoeuvring light is fitted on the main mast. The light is controlled
a) Operate the MAINS switch to the ON position. If the power from the whistle system. Push buttons are located on each bridge wing and the
supply is abnormal, the buzzer will sound and a flashing main navigational console.
LED will indicate if the main or emergency power supply
has failed. If both the main and emergency supply have failed The signal light panel is supplied from the 220 V emergency switchboard.
the panel buzzer will not sound and both indicator LEDs will
be extinguished. In any of the above cases the central bridge
Anchor Lights
system will indicate a failure.
The anchor lights are operated from the signal light panel, they are double
b) Turn the appropriate navigation lights on by pushing the toggle lights but only have a single position toggle switch.
switch to the upper position. The outside light and corresponding
LEDs are illuminated. Signal Mast Lighting
In addition to the main navigation light panel there is a control panel for the
The outside lights are constantly monitored. If a light failure occurs the buzzer signal mast lights situated on the chart console.
will sound and the indicator LEDs for the failed light will flash. The bridge
alarm system will also indicate the failure. The coloured signal lights are arranged on the control panel in the same
formation as they are fitted on the signal mast. Each light and its respective
c) Press the BUZZER STOP pushbutton to mute the buzzer. colour is identified by a small name plate, a toggle switch located beneath the
name plate is used to operate the light.
d) Push the toggle switch of the faulty light to the lower position.
The indicator LEDs should stop flashing and be illuminated The purpose of the signal mast lights are to show that the vessel is carrying
steadily. The buzzer output and the output to the bridge alarm out specific operational tasks as defined in the IMO International Regulations
system is cancelled. for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). During these operations a
combination of these lights are displayed in addition to the required navigation
The defective navigation light should be changed at the earliest possible lights.
Certain countries have local regulations that require vessels to show additional
lights signals to those required by the COLREGS and three of the more
common are incorporated on the signal mast panel.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.1 - Page 2 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.8.1b Arrangement of Navigation and Signal Lights
Side Light (Port)

Stern Light

Aft Mast 225° Fore Mast

135° Head Light
225° Head Light

Side Light (Starboard) 112.5°

Main Mast
Side Light Fore Mast

Stern Mast

Side Light (Starboard) Suez Canal Immarsat - C Antenna Steering Light (Blue)
Signal Lights Fore Anchor Light Fore Anchor Light
Side Light (Port)
Mast Head Lights (Aft) Mast Head Lights (Aft)
Stern Lights

Aft Anchor Light NUC/Deep Fore Mast

NUC/Restricted Light Head
Draught Light
Suez Canal Suez Canal Manoeuvering Light
Signal Lights Signal Lights
Deep Draught Light Deep Draught Light
Suez Canal Suez Canal
Signal Lights Signal Lights

NUC/Deep NUC/Restricted
Draught Light Light
Mast Head Lights (Aft)

Suez Canal Dangerous Huge

Cargo Light Vessel Light This main mast head light is to
Stern Light
(Flashing) (Flashing) be used only when the mast is
in the tilted position.

Stern Mast (Looking Port) Side Light (Looking Centre) Main Mast (Looking Aft) Main Mast (Looking Port) Fore Mast (Looking Port) Fore Mast (Looking Aft)

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.1 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.8.2a Outdoor Lighting Control Panel
A deck and accommodation outdoor lighting control panel is situated next to
the signal light panel on the port forward side of the chart and safety console

Bridge Wing Searchlights

A 1 kW swivelling searchlight is situated on each bridge wing. Switches
are adjacent to the lights and these lights can be directed to give additional ON ON
illumination of the accommodation ladders.

Light Distribution Board-Breaker ON


Port bridge wing LD2-003 OFF

Starboard bridge wing LD2-004


Boat Preparation Lights and Launching Lights
Each lifeboat station is provided with a single 500 W metal halide lamp. The ON
lamps are located at B deck level, whilst their respective switches are on A FORWARD FACING FORWARD FACING
deck, located outside the watertight doors to the cross alleyway. These lamps
are supplied from the emergency AC 220 V system. ON ON
Port lifeboat LE3-8A1 OFF

Starboard lifeboat LE3-8B1 SIDE DECK PORT


Lifeboat Embarkation Lights
Each lifeboat station has a single 500 W metal halide lamp, the respective MAIN DECK GENERAL (EMERGENCY)

switches being adjacent to each lamp. These lights are fed from the AC 220 V ON OFF OFF ON
emergency supply system. LADDER PORT LADDER STBD
Starboard lifeboat embarkation LE4-2A1 (MAIN) (EMERGENCY)


Port lifeboat embarkation LE4-2B1
Forward Liferaft Preparation and Launching Lights OFF

A 100 W, explosion-proof cased incandescent lamp is fitted at the forward

liferaft storage space. The switch is adjacent to liferaft LE1-3D1. FUNNEL MARK

At the port and starboard shoulders 100 W incandescent explosion-proof
lights are provided, with local switches to facilitate the launching of the ON

forward liferaft. AFT MOORING DECK

Port LE1-2A1
Starboard LE1-2B1

All three of these lamps are supplied from the emergency AC 220 V system.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.2 - Page 1 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Floodlights Port Forward Lighting Post (Fr 117) Manifold Area
The trunk deck area illumination is provided mainly by 400 W sodium lights,
Light-Direction Distribution Board-Breaker Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker
both singly and in pairs, located across the accommodation front, from three
lighting posts on the trunk deck and from lights mounted on the foremast Single 400 W sodium forward and outboard LD8-1A1 Single 400 W sodium explosion proof aft of starboard
shining aft and outboard. Lights on the same light post are switched so that Single 400 W sodium aft and outboard LD8-1A2 manifold area directed forward LD8-12A
only the forward facing or aft facing lights can be turned on as necessary, to Pair 400 W sodium forward LD8-2A1 Single 400 W sodium explosion proof aft of port
save ‘blinding’ the bridge view. Pair 400 W sodium forward and inboard LD8-3A1 manifold area directed forward LD8-13A
Single 400 W sodium inboard LD8-3B1
A number of the trunk deck area lights are directed to cover the upper deck Pair 400 W sodium aft and inboard LD8-4A1
Windlass Area
walkways. Pair 400 W sodium aft LD8-5A1
Three pairs of 400 W sodium and two single 400 W sodium lamps are directed
towards the windlass area from the foremast.
Trunk Deck Area Illumination Foremast
4 pairs of 400 W sodium, directed aft from the foremast. Three pairs of 400 W sodium directed forward from the foremast towards the
windlass area
From the Accommodation Front at Navigation Deck Level Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker
Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker
4 pairs of 400 W sodium lights directed forward. Pair 400 W sodium upper top port LD1-3A1 Aft
Pair 400 W sodium upper top starboard LD1-3B1 Aft Pair 400 W sodium forward and above camera LD1-2A1
Light Distribution Board-Breaker
Pair 400 W sodium lower top port LD1-4A1 Aft Pair 400 W sodium forward and port of camera LD1-1A1
Port outer LD2-4A1 Pair 400 W sodium lower top starboard LD1-4B1 Aft Pair 400 W sodium forward and starboard of camera LD1-1B1
Port inner LD2-5A1
On each side of the foremast one single and one double 400 W sodium lamps Two single 400 W sodium directed forward from the foremast towards the
Starboard inner LD2-6A1
are directed outboard to illuminate the trunk deck. windlass area.
Starboard outer LD2-7A1
Pair 400 W sodium port LD1-14A1 Outboard Single 400 W sodium forward and below camera port LD1-2B1
2 single 400 W sodium lights directed forward. Pair 400 W sodium starboard LD1-14B1 Outboard Single 400 W sodium forward and below camera starboard LD1-2B2
Port LE2-9A1 Single 400 W sodium port LE1-1A1 Outboard
Starboard LE2-9A2 Single 400 W sodium starboard LE1-2A1 Outboard
Illuminating Upper Deck Walkways
In addition to coverage provided by lights directed at the upper deck walkways,
Port Aft Lighting Post (Fr 92) On Top of the Mid Deck Store
lighting is also provided from single 400 W sodium lights directed fore and
aft from the side light posts, located forward at upper deck level and from the
Light-Direction Distribution Board-Breaker Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker
front of the accommodation at B deck level. Additionally three double 20 W
Single 400 W sodium outboard LD8-11A1 Single 400 W sodium directed inboard LD8-13B1 explosion-proof fluorescent fitting, supplied from the emergency switchboard,
Single 400 W sodium aft and outboard LD8-11A2 Single 400 W sodium directed forward LD8-13B2 are provided under each manifold platform to illuminate the upper deck
Single 400 W sodium forward and inboard LD8-12B1 Single 400 W sodium directed outboard forward LD8-14A1 walkway and the shore connection box.
Single 400 W sodium inboard LD8-17A1 Single 400 W sodium directed outboard aft LD8-14B2
Single 400 W sodium aft LD8-17A2 Handrails at B Deck Level at Front of Accommodation
On Top of the Cargo Machinery Room Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker
Starboard Lighting Post (Fr 107) Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker Single 400 W sodium port side forward LD8-11B1
Single 400 W sodium starboard side forward LD8-14B1
Light-Direction Distribution Board-Breaker Single 400 W sodium explosion proof directed inboard LD7-22F
Single 400 W sodium explosion proof directed aft LD8-13C1
Single 400 W sodium forward and outboard LD8-6A1 Port Side Light Post – Main Deck
Single 400 W sodium aft and outboard LD8-6A2
Pair 400 W sodium forward LD8-7A1 Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker
Pair 400 W sodium forward and inboard LD8-8A1
Single 400 W sodium forward LD1-5A1
Pair 400 W sodium aft and outboard LD8-9A1
Single 400 W sodium aft LD1-5A2
Pair 400 W sodium aft and inboard LD8-10A1

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.2 - Page 2 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Starboard Side Light Post – Main Deck Poop Deck Area
Four pairs of 400 W sodium lamps are provided to illuminate the aft mooring
Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker
Single 400 W sodium forward LD1-6A1
Single 400 W sodium aft LD1-6A2
Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker
Pair 400 W sodium aft funnel D deck port LD7-20A1
Funnel Deck
Pair 400 W sodium aft funnel D deck starboard LD7-20B1
Three 500 W metal halide lamps are located on the funnel deck, two directed Pair 400 W sodium aft funnel C deck port LD7-21A1
to illuminate the funnel and one to illuminate the handling space area. Pair 400 W sodium aft funnel C deck starboard LD7-21B1

Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker

500 W metal halide port side directed inboard towards funnel LD2-9A
500 W metal halide starboard side directed inboard towards funnel LD2-9
500 W metal halide forward pivotable above handling space area LD4-17A

A further single 500 W metal halide light is provided on the aft end of the
accommodation at C deck level to illuminate the swimming pool.

500 W metal halide lamp above swimming pool LD4-18A

Ship’s Name Board Light

A single 500 W metal halide lamp is provided to illuminate the ship’s name
board on each side of the monkey island.

Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker

500 W metal halide lamp port LD2-8
500 W metal halide lamp starboard LD2-8A

Accommodation/Pilot Ladder Light

A single 500 W flame-proof metal halide light is provided on the upper deck
on each side to illuminate accommodation ladders.

The bridge wing searchlights can be used for accommodation ladder


Light-Position Distribution Board-Breaker

500 W explosion-proof metal halide lamp port LD7-015
500 W explosion-proof metal halide lamp starboard LD7-016

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.2 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 2.8.3a Whistle System


Manoeuvring Light Air Horn WHEELHOUSE PORT WHEELHOUSE STB'D Electric Horn

Pushbutton Pushbutton
N.P. N.P.


Whistle System Control Panel

Junction Box 1BLOW
2BLOW 5 2 5 48 SEC HC - 7122

AC 220 V. 60 Hz 1 Ø.



Relay Box


AC 440V
Sound Reception System
AC 440 V. 60 Hz 3 Ø.

General Emergency Alarm Signal



Watertight Whistle Pushbutton Watertight Whistle Pushbutton





N Saracom

N Saracom


Co Co
N ., L N
td. PUSA td. PUSA
., L

Watertight Morse Key Watertight Morse Key


P.A. Main Amplifier

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.3 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.8.3 WHISTLE SYSTEM Illustration 2.8.3b Whistle System Control Panel

Maker: Saracom
Model: HC-7122


Two whistles are fitted on the vessel. An electrically operated whistle is

mounted on the foremast and an air operated whistle is mounted on the
starboard radar mast. A manoeuvring light is fitted on the main mast.
Automatic fog signal AUTO. FOG SIGNAL
The whistle control panel unit is mounted on the central bridge console sequences.
starboard side. The general alarm signal is also fed to this unit. Should the 1BLOW
general alarm be activated the alarm signal would be sounded through the 2BLOW HC - 7122
selected whistle, alerting personnel on deck as well as other vessels in the 3BLOW HORN CONTROL UNIT
immediate vicinity. The 3 phase power
supply is available to the
electric horn when
Two whistle pushbuttons are located in the wheelhouse one on the middle illuminated. Press for manual
forward bulkhead and the other on the main navigation console. There is a activation of the horn.
watertight manual whistle pushbutton and a watertight morse switch situated Control unit light switch. The MAN switch and
ELECTRIC HORN STAND-BY either the fore or aft horn
on each bridge wing. switch must be selected.

Operation Used to adjust LED

illumination up or down.
Once the unit has been powered up the operator can use the membrane type
switches to make the required selection. To make a selection, the switch for HORN SELECTOR DIMMER
the required function must be pressed and the switch LED will be illuminated.
To cancel the selection simply press the switch again and the LED will be
Selects light only
extinguished. An illuminated LED on a switch indicates that the switch operation.
selection is active.
Used to select the
Refer to the illustration opposite for a functional description of each switch. Selects simultaneous electric horn on the
light and horn operation forward mast.
(the after horn must be
selected). Used to select the air
horn on the starboard
radar mast.

Press to supply power to

Used to select manual the control unit. When
operation of the fog horn. the LED is extinguished,
the unit is in standby
Automatic signal
selection. Initiates the
Press to switch horn
signal sequence as
heaters on.
indicated on the Auto Fog
Signal plate.

An illuminated switch LED indicates that the selection is active.

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.3 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.8.4 FOG BELL AND GONG SYSTEM The signal comprises of a 6.6 second bell signal transmitted from the forward The unit has a number of LEDs which, when illuminated, indicate the system
re-entrant type horn speakers followed, after a 3.3 second silence period, by a status. The LEDs indicate the following:
6.6 second gong signal transmitted from the aft re-entrant type horn speakers.
Fog Bell and Gong System The sequence repeats after a further 16.5 second silence period. LED Indication
Maker: Saracom On Illuminated when the main AC voltage is powering to the unit
Both the bell and gong system can be operated manually using the manual bell
Hailer Illuminated when the hailer microphone is active, if fitted
Type: Amplidan 21500 signal and manual gong signal switches on the control panel.
Output Indicates that the amplifier is active when illuminated
The Fog Bell and Gong system is an audio system for the automatic sounding Emergency Illuminated when the back up DC voltage is powering to the unit.
of bell and gong signals while at anchor in reduced visibility. Remote Illuminated when a remote unit is active, if fitted

The system is designed for centralised operation from the main control unit
which is mounted on the central bridge console No.10.

Illustration 2.8.4a Fog Bell and Gong System



4x Re-entrant Horn Gong Signal 4x Re-entrant Horn Bell Signal

On Emergency
Output Fog Bell Gong

Junction Junction
Box Box

Bell Signal

Gong Signal
System 21500

220 V AC 1 ph 60 Hz

24 V DC

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.4 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
2.8.5 SOUND RECEPTION SYSTEM Illustration 2.8.5a Sound Reception Control Panel

Maker: Phontech
Model: SR8200


The sound reception system is an electronic audible aid to navigation. It allows

the officer of the watch to hear outside sound signals inside the enclosed
wheelhouse. The system as installed on board comprises the following: CENTRAL BRIDGE CONSOLE No.2

• An SR8200 master station (control unit) Sound Reception Control Panel

• Two SR8201 microphones - both microphones are mounted on

top of the wheelhouse, one on the starboard side and one on the
port side.
The SR8201 microphones pick up audible signals in the range 70 Hz to
820 Hz which are then reproduced in the speaker of the master station. The Junction Junction
microphones are designed to withstand the elements and their sighting is very Box Box


The system parameters will be set by a commissioning engineer. This system

configuration is not compliant with the IMO regulation MSC 70/23/Add.2.

The power to the master station unit is always on and the speaker volume can Port Bridge Sound Reception Starboard Bridge Sound Reception
be adjusted by rotating the volume control knob clockwise or anti-clockwise. Microphone Unit VOLUME Microphone Unit

When a sound signal from another vessel is detected, the red indicator lamp
on the panel on the side from which the signal origninates is illuminated. The
sound signal is also audible from the speaker unit.

The ship’s own fog signal system is linked into the sound reception system, so
that when the own ship sounds a fog signal the reception system input from SR 8200
the microphone unit is suppressed preventing a false indication and damage
to the reception unit.

24 V DC

Issue: Final Draft Section 2.8.5 - Page 1 of 1

LIST OF CONTENTS 2.5 Bridge Equipment and Instrumentation Part: 3: Deck Equipment Part 4: Routine Procedures
2.5.1 Speed Log System 3.1 Mooring Arrangement
Part 1: Ship Performance 2.5.2 Loran C 4.1 Passage Planning
3.1.1 Mooring Winches and Capstans
2.5.3 Differential Global Positioning
1.1 Principal Data 3.1.2 Anchoring Arrangement 4.1.1 Passage Planning - Appraisal
3.1.3 Emergency Towing Equipment 4.1.2 Passage Planning - Planning
1.1.1 Dimensions 2.5.4 Anemometer
3.1.4 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing 4.1.3 Passage Planning - Executing the
1.1.2 Tank Capacity Tables 2.5.5 Weather Facsimile Receiver
Procedures Plan
2.5.6 Echo Sounder
4.1.4 Passage Planning - Monitoring
2.5.7 UMS Alarm System
1.2 Ship Handling
2.5.8 Automatic Identification System 3.2 Lifting Equipment
1.2.1 General Information (AIS) 4.2 Operational Procedures
3.2.1 Deck Cranes
1.2.2 Turning Circles 2.5.9 Voyage Event Recorder 3.2.2 Accommodation and Pilot Ladder 4.2.1 Bridge Teamwork
1.2.3 Manoeuvring 2.5.10 Master Clock System Reels 4.2.2 Taking Over the Watch
1.2.4 Visibility 2.5.11 Hull Stress Monitoring System 4.2.3 Watchkeeping
4.2.4 Pilot Procedures
3.3 Lifesaving Equipment
1.3 Performance Data 2.6 Communications Systems 4.2.5 Weather Reporting
3.3.1 List of Lifesaving Equipment
1.3.1 Fuel/Power Data 2.6.1 GMDSS 3.3.2 Lifeboats and Davits
1.3.2 Propulsion and Squat Particulars 2.6.2 VHF Transceiver Systems 4.3 Helicopter Operations
3.3.3 Rescue Boat
2.6.3 MF/HF Transceiver System 3.3.4 Liferafts 4.3.1 Helicopter Operations
Part 2: Bridge Equipment and Operation 2.6.4 Inmarsat B System 3.3.5 SCABA Systems and Equipment 4.3.2 Winching
2.6.5 Inmarsat C System 3.3.7 Lifeboat/Liferaft Survival Guide 4.3.2a Helicopter Winching
2.6.6 UHF Radio Telephone 3.3.8 Lifesaving Equipment
2.1 Bridge Layout and Equipment
2.6.7 VHF Hand Held Emergency Radios
2.2 Radars and ECDIS 2.6.8 EPIRB and SART Part 5: Emergency Procedures
2.6.9 NAVTEX Receiver 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems
5.1 Steering Gear Failure
2.2.1 Conning Display 2.6.10 Inmarsat M System 3.4.1 Engine Room Fire Main System
2.2.2 Radars 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire Main
2.2.3 Electronic Chart Display and System
2.7 Internal Communications 5.2 Collision and Grounding
Information System 3.4.3 Water Spray System
2.7.1 Automatic Telephone System 3.4.4 Dry Powder System
2.3 Autopilot System 2.7.2 Intrinsically Safe Sound Powered 3.4.5 CO2 System 5.3 Search and Rescue
Telephone System 3.4.6 Fire Detection System
2.3.1 Steering Stand 5.3.1 Missing Persons
2.7.3 Public Address System 3.4.8 Fire Fighting Equipment 5.3.2 Man Overboard
2.3.2 Gyrocompass 2.7.4 Deck and Machinery Talkback Systems 5.3.3 Search Patterns
3.4.9 Fixed Gas Sampling System
2.3.3 Autopilot 5.3.4 Bomb Search
3.4.10 Quick-Closing Valves and Fire
2.3.4 Steering Procedures
2.8 Lighting and Warning Systems Dampers System
2.3.5 Magnetic Compass
3.4.11 Water Mist System 5.4 Emergency Towing and Being Towed
2.3.6 Rudder Angle Indicators 2.8.1 Navigation Lights
3.4.12 First Aid Fire Fighting System
2.8.2 Deck Lighting
2.4 Engine Controls 2.8.3 Whistle System
2.8.4 Fog Bell and Gong System 5.5 Oil Spill and Pollution Prevention
2.4.1 Main Engine Manoeuvring Control 2.8.5 Sound Reception System
2.4.2 Main Engine Control Procedures
2.4.3 Bow Thruster 5.6 Emergency Reporting
5.6.1 AMVER
5.6.2 AUSREP


Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.1.1a Mooring Arrangement

No. 4 Cargo Tank No. 3 Cargo Tank No. 2 Cargo Tank No. 1 Cargo Tank


No. 5 Cofferdam No. 4 Cofferdam No. 3 Cofferdam No. 2 Cofferdam No. 1 Cofferdam


Issue: Final Draft Section

3.1.1 - Page x
1 of x
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.1 MOORING ARRANGEMENT The winch is protected from any overload condition by a safety valve on the Winch Controls
hydraulic circuit.
Each winch unit has a multi-disc brake located on the shaft of the first A local control block is mounted on each winch and is activated by a three
Maker: Friedrich Kocks Gmbh intermediate gear. In the event of a power failure or hydraulic failure, the disc position lever which, on release, is spring centred to the stop position. The
brake will close, locking the winch in its current position. The disc brake is in other two positions are heave and lower. The speed is variable, according to
Model: CEH 5530
operation at all times except when the winch controls are being used. the amount the lever is deflected towards the heave or lower positions, within
the range of the electro-hydraulic unit. Speed is steplessly controlled by the
Mooring Winch Each winch has its own self-contained electrical control panel. This panel relative position of the control lever.
fulfils all electrical starting and control functions for the winch unit. It provides
Nine mooring winches are provided: controls and alarm functions as follows (for each motor, where applicable): Remote
• Two on the port and starboard sides of the upper deck forward • Start/stop pushbutton Each winch unit has at least one remote stand positioned at each ship's side
with two rope drums each, combined with the two anchor • Power available in a position with a clear view of the mooring operations. Most of the winch
windlasses units have two remote control positions on both sides of the vessel. The remote
• Running
• One with two rope drums on the centreline of the upper deck control stands have, in many cases, controls for two of the mooring winches.
forward, aligned fore and aft • High motor temperature
• High oil temperature The basic controls are identical to the local control levers. Additionally, each
• One with three rope drums on the centreline of upper deck remote control stand has the following items:
forward, aligned athwartships • Filter service required
• Pushbutton and indicator light for TAKE OVER, indicating
• Two winches with two rope drums adjacent to the machinery which position has control of the winch
casing on the upper deck aft, one port, one starboard side. Rope Drum
• Emergency stop button
• One with two rope drums on the starboard side of the poop deck Each winch has two or three declutchable split drums (as indicated previously)
aft each with a spindle band brake: • Ammeter for each individual motor

• One with three rope drums on the port side of the poop deck The remote stands are fitted with protective covers to protect against weather
aft Drive source: Electro-hydraulic
Rope capacity: 200 m, 44 mm diameter rope and corrosion.
• One with two rope drums on centerline of the poop deck aft, Clutch control: Manual
aligned fore and aft Brake control: Manual WARNING
Winding load: 300 kN On no account must more than one operating position be in use at the
Driving Unit Winding speed: 15 m/min same time. The local control position will always override the remote
Slack rope speed: 45 m/min position commands.
All of the winches on the vessel are self-contained units, requiring only an Brake capacity: 997 kN
electrical supply to operate. Each drive unit has a constant speed electrical
motor (the three drum winches and the windlasses have two drive units)
driving a hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump drives a hydraulic motor which Warping Drum
can be varied from no load to full load. The hydraulic motor drives the pinion Each winch has one fixed warping drum keyed on the main shaft which is of
shaft through a three step reduction gearbox. The individual drums are then a non-whelp construction:
manually clutched to the pinion shaft.
Winding load: 300 kN
Note: The warping drum is keyed to the pinion shaft and cannot be Winding speed: 15 m/min
disconnected. Slack rope speed: 45 m/min

All hydraulic components, including the gears, are contained in a single main CAUTION
gear casing. There are separate sumps for the hydraulic components and the The mooring winch motors are only continuously rated for 60 minutes
gear casing both contained within the main gear casing. The hydraulic oil use. It is therefore important that the winches are not started until they
components are permanently submerged in the hydraulic sump, while the gears are needed.
are splash lubricated in the gear sump. Pinion bearings are grease lubricated
through grease nipples.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.1.1 - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.1.1b Three Drum, Two Motor Mooring Winch

Motor 2

Motor 1

Cable Inlets Air Flap

Storing Capacity of Rope per Drum

Rope Diameter: 44 mm
Capacity: 300 kN x 15 m/min

Split Type Mooring Drum:

Working Part: 1 Layer/10 Turns
Stowing Part: 12 Layers/6 Turns
BL = 127 Ta = 1.246 kN
Brake Holding Force: 997 kN
Working Part 1 x 10 = 24 m, Storing Part 12 x 6 = 275 m
1 x 4 = 11 m Tailrope

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Conventional Mooring h) Pay out or haul in the rope as required. Note: The direction of turn of the capstan is indicated by a large arrow on
Mooring Complement the top of the warping drum. The operator should ensure that any ropework
i) Stop the winch by ensuring that the control lever is in the is applied in the correct direction with the correct number of turns for the
No. Type NEUTRAL position, then press the STOP button. task in hand. Refer to the Oil Companies International Marine Forum booklet
22 Mooring ropes, 200 m x44 mm Marlow STEELITE XTRA Effective Mooring.
j) Engage the drum brake and disengage the clutch lever.
22 11 m x 88 mm Marlow HERCULES 8 strand multiplait Note: If the units are operating in cold conditions (ambient temperature
polyester rope tails, BS 159 tonne. Each with a leather below +3°C), the winches should be rotated slowly on the low speed setting
protected 2 m eye for where port regulations require their use until the component parts are warm, thereafter use the system as normal.
2 Towing springs, MEGAFlEX, 8 strand plaited (PP danline
60% polyester 40% mixed) BS110 tonne

A typical minimum arrangement for mooring would be using the 2/2/2 Maker: Shin Myung Tech.Co.Ltd.
configuration, twelve would be in use. Forward on the focsle, the head line Winding Load: 1000 kg
winch has two drums and would have two head lines deployed in front of the Winding speed: 25 m/min
vessel. Each anchor windlass has two rope drums and the windlass nearest the
Diameter of drum: 250 mm
berth would have its two lines deployed as breast lines. The athwartships winch
aft of the anchor windlasses would have two lines deployed as spring lines.
Air Motor
Adjacent to the machinery casing are two further winches, each with two Type: SMP-7P-600SR
drums. These would normally be used for springs. The poop deck winch Capacity: 7.3 PS x 660 rpm
nearest the berth would have two lines deployed as breast lines and the stern
Air pressure: 9 kg/cm2
line winch would have its two lines deployed as stern lines behind the vessel.
Total weight: 450 kg/set
The above could be considered as an absolute minimum with further lines to No.of capstans: 4
be used as local conditions and berthing arrangements require.
Four air driven capstans are provided to assist with the handling of moorings
from tugs etc. They are located at the forward and aft end of the main deck
Operation of the Winches
adjacent to the bitts used by the tugs etc.
a) Remove the covers from the winch.
Operation of the Capstan
b) Check the oil level in both the hydraulic oil sump and the
gearbox sump. Open the oil cooler air flap. a) Remove the covers from the winch.

c) Ensure that the control lever is in the NEUTRAL position and b) Check the filters to ensure they are clear.
that all clutches are disengaged.
c) Blow through the deck air connection to remove any moisture
d) Turn on the power at the control panel by pressing the START in the air supply.
button. Check that the indicating panel shows no irregularities.
Ensure that the winch is free to turn in both directions. d) Connect the flexible air hose from the deck connection to the
e) Engage and lock the required clutch
e) Test the capstan by depressing the foot control pedal.
f) Release the appropriate band brake.

g) Move control to the required control stand.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.1.2 ANCHORING ARRANGEMENT Hydraulic Brake Unit Combined Mooring Winch
Each windlass is fitted with two separate braking systems. There is a manual/
Combined Anchor Windlass/Mooring Winches hydraulic band brake and a hydraulically operated disc brake. These brakes A mooring winch is combined with the anchor windlass and is equipped with
allow safer anchor drops through easier and more precise control of the anchor two split rope drums and one warping end. This unit has two motors and is
Maker: Friedrich Kocks Gmbh identical to all the other winch units on the vessel. For a full description of the
chain. Both brakes are operated from a remote control stand positioned at the
Model: CEH 1908 side of the vessel with a clear view of the anchoring operation. The remote mooring winch, see section 3.1.1.
control stand incorporates a braking system ON/OFF switch, which activates
both systems. CAUTION
The anchor windlass motors are only continuously rated for 60 minutes
Band Brake use. It is therefore important that the windlasses are not started until
The windlass consists of one declutchable cast steel cable lifter with a braking
they are needed.
unit. There is a chain stopper included for each cable lifter. The band brake is the static brake used to secure the anchor when in position.
The tension on the band brake can be adjusted using the handwheel. This,
Performance of Cable Lifter in turn, can be used to adjust the final speed of the anchor, thus the band
brake acts as a speed limiter. The band brake is disengaged hydraulically and
Maximum static load: 950 kN
engaged by spring force. The hydraulic tacho-generator measures the chain
Lifting load: 475 kN speed and regulates the pressure in the brake cylinder accordingly. If the chain
Lifting speed: 9 m/min speed is too high, the oil pressure in the brake cylinder is reduced and the brake
Chain diameter: 100 mm engaged by the spring force. Normally, the hydraulic pressure is off the band
Brake capacity: 3177 kN brake making the anchor secure in its current position.

The band brake can be released hydraulically from the remote operating stand
Details of the Ship’s Anchors positioned with a view over the side of the vessel. The band brake is released
by moving a control lever away from its locked closed position to the locked
No. of anchors: Two fitted
open position.. The lever is spring centred and if the lock is released, when the
Weight of anchor: 12,675 kg (high holding power) lever is in the open position, will return to the closed position, applying the
Diameter of chain: 100 mm brake. Thus the band brake also acts as a failsafe brake.
Length of chains: 14 shackles port and starboard
The band brake has a pretension indicator, which shows the current setting of
the brake. This can be used to adjust the final speed of the descent by using the
Cable Lifter handwheel to align the arrow on the plate at the brake cylinder with the groove
Each cable lifter is of five whelp construction and is equipped with a chain on the brake spindle. It also allows the brake to be reset to its previous position
stopper unit. The chain stopper unit is of welded steel construction with a bar when it has been released.
type compressor and a locking bolt (with toggle pin). Additionally, there is a
turnbuckle/wire type chain stopper integral to each chain stopper unit. Disc Brake

Two high holding power anchors of cast steel construction are fitted along The cable lifter is also fitted with a disc brake. The disc brake consists of a
with an anchor chain of extra high strength steel. The chain is connected to the calliper, brake shoes and hydraulic cylinders. It is also operated by a remote
anchor with a swivel and Kenter joining shackle. A further joining shackle is lever located on the same remote control stand as the band brake lever. This
fitted every shackle i.e. 1st shackle, 2nd shackle etc. The end of each anchor allows one man to operate both brakes, facilitating easier and more precise
cable is secured at the upper part of the chain locker with a release system anchor handling.
which can be operated from outside the locker.
The disc brake is purely a dynamic brake, used to control the descent of the
anchor. It is capable of holding the weight of the anchor but should only be
used to do so for a short time, the band brake should be applied as soon as all
operations are completed. The brake is disengaged when the lever is in the
neutral position, therefore this brake will not fail safe.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.1.2 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.1.3a Aft Emergency Towing Arrangement


Motor Connection

Storage Box
Pick-up Gear

Storage Drum

Marker Buoy

Plastic Float C - type Socket Towing Pennant Fairlead Strong Point Stopper Socket

Deck Level

Pick-up Rope Messenger Rope

Ship's Side Retrieval Rope
Pick-up Gear

Aft Emergency Towing Arrangement

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.1.3 EMERGENCY TOWING EQUIPMENT Operating Procedure Regular Checks
• Check that the towing pennant is rust free and lubricated.
Aft Emergency Towing Arrangement a) Check that the messenger is connected to the towing pennant,
this is the normal condition. • Check that the messenger, pick up line and retrieval rope are all
in good condition.
Maker: Tateno - Kashiwa b) Go to the pick-up gear stowage container.
Model: TK40A (Aft) • Check that the towing pennant and messenger line are correctly
c) Remove the pins to release the securing clamps, open the hinged
The Tateno - Kashiwa emergency towing system is designed so that a tug flap. • Check the operation of the light buoy. The dry battery, R20P/
can easily pick up the towing wire from the ship, if a main engine failure or SUM-1, should be changed every year.
other emergency situation should occur and no power is available to the ship’s d) Where the stowage container is mounted on the aft ship’s side
staff. rail the light float, pickup line and messenger would drop into Test Procedure
the sea astern of the vessel.
a) Follow the emergency procedure above, checking the condition
The system is designed to meet the requirements of IMOs resolution MSC. 35
of all component parts.
(63), Guidelines for Emergency Towing Arrangements on Tankers, May 20, CAUTION
1994 and Chapter 11-1 regulations 3-4 of the International Convention for the Before the tug starts to pull the towing pennant clear of the vessel, b) Have the tug practice hooking up to the towing connection and
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974 as amended, and consists of the following ensure that all personnel are clear of the area as the pennant may move pulling the towing pennant wire out if required.
main items: suddenly and violently.
• Towing Pennant, TK40A-TP, 79 mm x 85 m (SWL 2000 kN) c) Follow the retrieval procedure above.
e) The tug should collect the messenger and pull the towing
• Storage drum for towing pennant, TK40A-SD pennant wire clear of its stowage until it is clear of the vessel
• Stopper ring, TK40A-SR (SWL 2000 kN) and the weight taken by the stopper ring and fairlead.
• ETS fairlead, TK40A-FS (SWL 2000 kN)
Note: The brake on the stowage drum is designed to limit the rate at which
• Storage box for pick up gear, TK40A-SB the towing pennant can be run off the drum and is set during installation. It
• Pick up gear: should not be adjusted during run off operations.
Pick up rope, TK40A-PG, 10 mm x 30 m with floats 2
metres from each end Retrieval Procedure
Self igniting light float, Novel SL-5, attached to the outboard a) Connect the Air Motor and check system is clear of water etc..
end of the pick up rope for easy identification.
b) Release the brake on the stowage drum by turning the handwheel
Messenger line, TK40A-PG-R, floating type, 35 mm x 80 m

The strong point and fairlead, TK40A-FS, are of welded steel construction, c) Have the tug release the towing pennant.
designed for a rated working strength of 200 tonnes for ships over 50,000
DWT, at a side angle of + 90° and 30° downward. The stowage drum and d) Operate the air motor to retieve the towing pennant back onto
fairlead are mounted close to the centre line of the ship. The storage box is then the reel.
mounted as near as possible to reduce the possibility of any obstruction.
e) Once the towing pennant is back onboard and stowed, engage
the brake, turn the handwheel clockwise until the spring stopper
hits the storage pipe.

f) Retrieve the messenger, pick up line and light buoy.

g) Repack the pick-up gear in the storage bin.

h) Reconnect the messenger to the towing pennant and check that

the system is ready for use.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Forward Emergency Towing Arrangement
Illustration 3.1.3b Forward Emergency Towing Arrangement
The forward towing gear is supplied by the builder and consists of:
• Chafing chain 76 mm x 8 m (SWL 2000 kN)
• Towing bracket (SWL 2000 kN)
• Bow fairlead

The chafing chain is designed to extend at least 3 m beyond the bow chock
when connected to the towing bracket. The links at each end are pear shaped
to facilitate connection, both to the towing bracket and the bow shackle for
connection to the tug’s line.

Operating Procedures

The chafing chain is normally connected to the pawl type chain stopper and the
pear shape outward link situated close to the fairlead.

a) Bring the messenger with the tow line from the tug up through
the bow fairlead and stopper it off with a long line, sufficient to
allow the tow line and chain to be controlled when passing back
through the fairlead.

b) Attach the tow line to the outboard end of the chain by means
of the bow shackle.

c) Slack back on the stopper and allow the eye of the tow line and
chain to pass through the fairlead.

d) Release the stopper and allow the chain to take up its natural

e) The tug can now take up the strain on the line and start

If the ship is without power, it would be necessary to bring the tug messenger
on board by manual means, leading the messenger around a roller fairlead and
returning it to the tug, so that the tug can heave its towing line onto the ship’s
deck for connection to the chain. Once the tow line is onboard carry out the
procedures described in sections b) to e) above.

Before the tug starts to pull the towing chain clear of the vessel, ensure
that all personnel are clear of the area.

Regular Checks
• Check that the chafing chain and towing bracket are rust free
and lubricated. and the chain is correctly connected.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.1.3 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.1.4 ANCHORING, MOORING AND TOWING PROCEDURES j) Lower the anchor to the bottom controlling the speed of descent Ensure the windlass operator and others in the vicinity wear goggles, hard hats,
with the control lever on the remote control stand. safety shoes and a good pair of overalls.
General k) Secure the anchor and disengage the clutch on completion. Ensure adequate communication is established and maintained between the
bridge and focsle.
When anchoring, mooring or towing, the main priority at all times shall be l) Shut down the windlass as required.
the safety of personnel, the vessel and its cargo and the prevention of damage Anchors housed and not required should be secured against accidental
to the terminal or berth. This includes other ships, floating hoses, mooring release.
boats, tugs or any other object in the vicinity. Remember a safe operation is an Procedure for Lowering the Anchor by the Brake
efficient operation. When the vessel has completed anchoring and the brake applied, ensure that
The procedure for lowering the anchor by the braking system is the same as the the cable stopper is lowered and correctly positioned with lashings to prevent
Safe mooring should also include the use of proper clothing, teamwork, procedure for lowering the anchor by motor up to and including i). Then: jumping. Cable stoppers form an integral part of cable restraint equipment
communications, use of a mooring plan, team selection and briefing prior to and are designed to take the loads exerted on the cable whilst the vessel is at
arrival. j) Switch on the brake hydraulic unit using the switch at the brake anchor.
unit remote control stand.
All operations should comply with the Code of Safe Working Practices for
Merchant Seamen and the terminal and port requirements. k) Slowly lower the anchor to sea level using the windlass Weighing Anchor
The procedure for hauling in the anchor is the same as the procedure for
Anchoring Procedures l) Re-engage the band brake at its previous setting for lowering lowering the anchor by motor up to and including i). Then:
(using the HOLDING POWER scale as a reference).
Prior to use, the windlass brakes should be checked for lining thickness and j) Raise the anchor slowly, controlling the speed of ascent with
adjustment. m) Disengage the cable lifter claw clutch. the control lever on the remote control stand. Watch the load on
the windlass (using the remote control stand ammeter) to ensure
Procedure for Lowering the Anchor by the Motor n) Engage the disc brake by moving the control lever to its that the anchor is not snagged.
maximum position.
a) Remove the covers from the windlass. In the event of there being excessive strain in the cable, it may be necessary to
o) Disengage the band brake by moving the band brake control use the vessel’s main engine to relieve it.
b) Check the oil level in both the hydraulic oil sump and the lever to its maximum position.
gearbox sump. Open the oil cooler air flap. k) Haul in the anchor until in the stowed position.
p) Slowly release the disc brake by easing off the pressure on the
c) Ensure that the windlass control lever is in the NEUTRAL disc brake lever. Control the speed of descent by adjusting the l) Engage the brake band and compressor stopper.
position and that all clutches are disengaged. position of the disc brake lever.
m) Disengage the claw clutch lever.
d) Turn on the power at the windlass control panel by pressing q) Once the anchor is at the required position/depth, release both
the START button. Check that the indicating panel shows no levers and secure the anchor by engaging the chain stopper and n) Shut down the windlass as required.
irregularities. Ensure that the winch is free to turn in both tightening the band brake.
directions. Before entering open seas, ensure that the anchor is not twisted in the hawse
r) Shut down the windlass as required. pipe and that the flukes are gently heaved hard up against the hull. Cable
e) Engage the cable lifter claw clutch. stoppers must also be in position, together with securing chains. To prevent
Note: A careful note should be kept of the settings of the band brake to allow flooding of the chain locker at sea, ensure the spurling pipes are properly
f) Disengage the compressor stopper. adjustment and resetting of the band brake as required. covered and the chain lashed.

g) Release the cable lifter band brake. When anchoring, it is preferable to have a slight astern movement over the It is obviously good seamanship for all deck officers to become acquainted
ground. As a guide, this should not be in excess of half a knot in water of with the method used to secure the cables within the lockers, since the need
h) Check over the side to ensure that it is clear. depths up to 20 m. Where the water depth is in excess of 20 m, it is preferable to slip a cable may be both unexpected and urgent. A prolonged search for the
to have zero speed over the ground, until it is confirmed that the anchor is on bitter end release mechanism, only to find it seized, is not in keeping with good
i) Move control of the windlass to the remote control stand at the the bottom. Slight stern way can then be allowed to build up, with the anchor seamanship. Always keep the mechanism lubricated and free of obstructions.
ship's side. cable developing a lead and the cable being paid out under control, usually in
sections of one shackle or shot, which is 27.5 m (emergencies excepted).

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.1.4 - Page 1 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Tug Operations Handling Moorings DO wear a safety hat.

Tug operations lead to large loads being applied to ropes, fairleads, bitts and All personnel involved in mooring operations shall make themselves familiar DO wear gloves when handling wires.
connections. A sudden failure of any part of the tug arrangement can have with the following OCIMF publications, as appropriate to their duties and
serious consequences, which should be considered, and appropriate safety responsibilities: DO ensure adequate communications are established before starting
precautions taken. operations.
• Mooring Equipment Guidelines
The tug lines and associated equipment must be inspected prior to use. Any • Effective Mooring DO use split drums correctly, with at least four turns of mooring line on the
line found with defects, and/or excessive wear, must be rejected for use as a tug power section of the drum at all times.
line. The vessel is supplied with Supermix lines for ad hoc tug use, but normal When handling moorings the following guidelines should be followed.
port operations will be carried out using tugs mooring lines. DO ensure that only experienced persons are permitted to operate winches.
DO NOT surge synthetic ropes on drum ends.
Particular attention is drawn to the need to ensure that fairleads, bollards etc. DO use all split spool drums correctly, with the last two or three turns changed
are: DO NOT stand too close to the winch drum or bitts when holding a line under to the narrow part of the split drum.
tension. If the line surges you could be drawn into the drum or bitts. Stand back
• Suitably sited to avoid obstructions
and hold the line at a point about 1m away from the drum or bitts. DO ensure all spool drums are reeved in the correct direction, so that the load
• Effectively secured to the ship’s structure is transferred to the fixed part of the brake band.
DO NOT apply too many turns; generally 4 turns are sufficient.
• Not unacceptably weakened by corrosion or age
DO ensure all winch controls are clearly marked.
• Of suitable design, with a SWL for the intended use DO NOT bend the rope excessively.
DO have an axe and sharp knife always available and a flashlight for night
Suitable communications should be established between the bridge and DO NOT stand in the bight of a rope. operations.
mooring station prior to the commencement of operations.
DO NOT leave loose objects in the line handling area. If a line breaks it may
Persons involved in tug operations should be briefed in their duties and the throw such objects around as it snaps back. Fire Wire
necessary safety precautions.
DO NOT have more people than necessary in the vicinity of a line. These wires must hang over the opposite side of the vessel to the berth and
Care shall be taken to keep clear of rope bights. Similarly, whiplash areas are required so that tugs may pull the ship away from a berth, without the
should be evaluated, with personnel warned of the consequences of parting DO NOT hold a line in position by standing on it. assistance of crew members in the event of an emergency. Two fire wires are
lines and associated danger zones. fitted, one on the centre line starboard side forward and one the portside aft,
DO NOT lead wires through excessive angles. and stowed on pnuematic driven reels when not in use. Each fire wire is then
When letting go of tow lines, ensure all personnel are clear of the end eye. rigged in port to comply with terminal requirements and secured on deck with
Preferably, the eye should be lowered under control of a slip line, thus avoiding DO NOT use leads out of alignment with the spool or drum end (warping a minimum of six full turns on the bitts.
danger of injury and line snagging. drum).

The surfaces of fairleads, bollards, bitts and drum ends should be kept clean DO NOT leave winches and windlasses running unattended.
and maintained in good condition. Rollers and fairleads should turn freely and
be in a sound condition. DO NOT attempt to handle a wire or rope on the drum end, unless a second
person is available to assist in removing the build up of slack.
The decks of mooring areas are coated with non-slip paint. This can easily
be accomplished by spreading fine salt free sand on top of wet paint or using DO NOT allow a rope or wire being paid out to run out of control. Always
dedicated anti-slip paint. ensure a line has one turn on the bitts before being paid out. Wires on dedicated
stowage reels (not mooring winches) must never be paid out directly.
Always ensure there are sufficient personnel available at each mooring station
to accomplish their assigned tasks safely. DO NOT use dangerously worn lines.

DO take care when letting go lines, as the end of a line can whiplash and cause
injury or snag. To avoid this, it may be necessary to rig a slip line to assist in
controlled slacking.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.1.4 - Page 2 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
General Mooring Procedure
Mooring to the Berth
a) Select and brief the mooring party of the known situation prior
to the pilot boarding.

b) Consult with the pilot for mooring requirements at the berth and
construct the final plan.

c) Brief the officers in charge of the mooring stations regarding the

mooring plan, ensure they understand all requirements and that
the plan meets with their approval.

d) Prepare mooring stations forward and aft. Lines should be run

to the fairleads in accordance with the plan.
e) Have messengers of rope and heaving lines of appropriate size
ready in advance.

f) Nobody should attend mooring stations unless they are wearing

safety shoes, a safety helmet, a boiler suit, suitable gloves
and any other items of safety clothing that may be deemed

g) Fire wires, fore and aft on the seaward side, must be rigged
according to terminal requirements, or with the eye maintained
1m above water level at all times, along with 6 full turns on a
pair of bitts.

Requirement for Tug Handling

Only use properly placed closed fairleads and associated bollards, which have
a direct lead from fairlead to bollard for the securing of the tug's line.

A means for heaving the tug’s line aboard with the ship’s heaving line or
messenger must be provided, i.e., use of suitable fairleads, bollards, etc., to
lead the messenger line on to the warping head of a mooring winch or capstan.
The person operating the winch must have line of sight to the person at the
ship’s side directing the operation.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.1.4 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.2.1a Deck Cranes
24,695 mm
9 Handrail
4770 mm

2700 mm A
8. Jib Bearing Assembly
377 mm
1. Platform 15. Pennant
2. Control Platform 9. Winch Mounting 16. Pump Drive Arrangement SWL 10 T 5-25 m
8 10
3. Service Platform 10. Jibtop Mounting 17. Hydraulic Inst House Jib
11 12
4. Handrails, Jib 11. Lubrication Jib Cylinder 18. Electric Central/Starter A
12. Lubrication Jibtop 193 mm
5. Service Platform 19. Remote Start/Stop Box
2663 mm
6. Slewing Assembly 13. Load Wire Rope with Thimble 14
7. Cylinder Assembly 14. Hook Block SWL 10 Ton
1100 mm
Crane 7
House 5300 mm
6 10800 mm (Jib)
21,700 mm to Jib Support
2000 1500 mm
mm Max. Outreach 25,000 mm
3840 mm
Min. Outreach 5000 mm
6500 mm

M Max.
16 17 18 19
Q Max.

Max. Outreach over Ship's Side Radius ?????mm 1816 mm

Drain Plug
Radius12,500 mm
Radius13,500 mm


Max. Outreach over Ship's Side Radius ?????mm

Hatch Opening
Electric Motor
Connection Box

22,100 mm
Grease Point

250 mm

Vertical Ladder
Hinged Opening

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.2 LIFTING EQUIPMENT Limit Switches Provision and Engine Room Cranes
The cranes are fitted with the following limit switches for safety:
3.2.1 DECK CRANES Maker: MacGregor-Hägglunds Cranes AB
• Hook travel upper stop
No. of sets: 2
• Luffing up/down
Hose Handling Cranes Type (port/starboard): GP 160-0518/GP 250-1018
• Combined slewing-luffing limits SWL (port/starboard): 5 / 10 tonnes
Maker: MacGregor-Hägglunds Cranes AB • Slewing limits (not operational) Radius maximum: 18 m
No. of sets: 2 Radius minimum: 3.6 m
Type: HH400-1025 Electro-Hydraulic Power Pack Average hoisting speed (port/starboard): 20/12 m/min
SWL: 10 tonnes The cranes are provided with a built-in power pack. The electric pump/motor Slewing sector: 265°
Radius maximum: 25 m is located in the centre of the pedestal with the output shaft pointing upwards Slewing speed (port/starboard): 0 to 1.6/0 to 1.0 rpm
Radius minimum: 5.0 m and driving the hydraulic pump through a flexible coupling and shaft. The Luffing (port/starboard): 40/75 seconds
Hoisting speed No Load: 0 to 25 m/min reservoir for the hydraulic oil is located in the slewing column steel structure. Hook lift: 46 m
Hoisting speed at SWL: 0 to 12 m/min The hydraulic oil circuit has a full flow suction filter with a changeable filter
List/trim: 5° list / 2° trim
insert. The tank is provided with an oil level indicator, a temperature gauge and
Slewing sector: 360° unlimited Weight of crane (port/starboard): 10.9/15.1 tonnes approximately
an air breather. Start/stop controls are located in the starter box on the pedestal
Slewing speed: 0 to 0.7 rpm base and on the remote start/stop box on the control platform, the main power
Luffing: 115 seconds isolation switches are in the cable trunking on B deck. Additionally, the in-built Description
Hook travel: 55 m safety valves and hydraulically operated fail safe brakes will ensure that in the
List/trim: 5° list / 2° trim case of a loss of operating pressure the cranes will not lower the load until Situated at C deck aft, two electro-hydraulically driven deck cranes are provided
positive action is taken. for handling the engine room stores and general provision requirements for the
Weight of crane: 25 tonnes approximately
vessel. These cranes, although similar in design, are of differing capacities.
Hoisting Machinery Care must be taken not to confuse the two, resulting in an inadvertent overload
Description of the smaller crane (port). A quick reference can be gained by noting the SWL
The winch unit consists of:
notice on the crane jib.
Two electro hydraulically driven deck cranes of equal size and capacity are • Drum, the connection and stop/start box being on the main deck
provided for handling ship’s equipment, stores, bunker fuel hoses and Suez with bearing and brackets Note: The port engine room crane (SWL 5 tonne) is designed to allow loads
mooring boats and are located at the midships manifold area.
• Winch gear with hydraulically operated fail safe brake to be lowered to keel level when the vessel is in dry dock.

Crane Control • Hydraulic motor with safety valve to freeze movement in the
event of a pressure drop Crane Control
The cranes are controlled from an open platform above the slewing ring.
The cranes are normally controlled by use of a portable control box, which is
Entrance to the platform is by ladder. All motions are lever operated and have The wire ropes are of the non-rotating, galvanised type. The wire ropes should fitted with a 25 metre flexible cable, the connection box being on the aft main
stepless speed control from 0 to maximum. Two motions can be operated at the be lubricated regularly with an appropriate lubricant. deck level close to the crane operating area. The cranes can also be controlled
same time with full capacity, but with reduced speed.
from an open platform above the slewing ring. Entrance to the platform is
The wire sheaves are provided with sealed roller bearings on steel axles. All by ladder. All motions have stepless speed control from 0 to maximum. Two
Load Limiting System bearings have grease nipple lubrication. motions can be operated at the same time with full capacity, but with reduced
Each hydraulic circuit is provided with equipment for limiting hydraulic speed.
At maximum outrun (hook in its lowest position), there are three locking turns
pressure to preset values corresponding to the crane capacity. These do not of wire remaining on the drum.
stop the electric motor but divert the oil supply back to the holding tank. Load Limiting System
The jib cylinders have spherical bronze bearings on steel axles. The part of Each hydraulic circuit is provided with equipment for limiting hydraulic
the piston rod which is exposed whilst the crane is parked is made of stainless pressure to preset values corresponding to the crane capacity. These do not
steel to prevent rust. stop the electric motor but divert the oil supply back to the holding tank.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.2.1b Provisions and Engine Room Stores Cranes

17,762 mm
3740 mm 17,695 mm
Handrail Handrail
4445 mm
2300 mm 11 A
11 2500 mm
366 mm 1523 mm
5 8 5
SWL 5 T 3.6-18 m
10 SWL 10 T 3.6-18 m 10 8
6 6
9 9
165 mm A
2063 mm A
158 mm 2443 mm 373 mm
1 1
1800 mm 2000 mm
Jib Support 12 5 12
800 mm 5 1100 mm
House 4
7400 mm (Jib) 7400 mm
13300 mm 13300 mm
1300 mm Max. Outreach 18,000 mm
1300 mm 13 14 Max. Outreach 1800 mm
Min. Outreach
15 3600 mm
3500 mm 3500 mm 3500 mm 13 14 Radius 12,000 mm
23 15°
Electric Motor Radius 15,500mm Vertical 15 45°
Connection Box 15° 90° Ladder Electric Motor
M Max. Connection Box 30°
Vertical Max. Outreach
Ladder Q Max.
Radius 18000mm
M Max. 1625mm
Q Max. Radius 15,500 mm
Base Column Hatch Opening
1410 mm Hatch Opening 700 mm x 800 mm Drain Plug
550mm x 650mm Max. Outreach
10° Radius 18,000 mm
Drain Plug
R1700 mm
2 R1800 mm
500 mm 3 605 mm
250 mm 13,700 mm 250 mm
Grease Point

3 13,700 mm 2
Grease Point

Hinged Opening

Hinged Opening


1. Control Platform 7. Winch Mounting 13. Pump Drive Arrangement

2. Service Platform 8. Jibtop Mounting 14. Hydraulic Inst House Jib
3. Service Platform 9. Lubrication Jib Cylinder 15. Electric Central/Starter
4. Slewing Assembly 10. Lubrication Jibtop 23. Remote Start/Stop Box
5. Cylinder Assembly 11. Load Wire Rope with Thimble
6. Jib Bearing Assembly 12. Hook Block SWL 5 Ton

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Limit Switches Cargo Machinery Handling Crane Electro-Hydraulic Power Pack
The cranes are fitted with the following limit switches for safety: The crane is provided with a built-in power pack. The electric pump/motor
Maker: MacGregor-Hägglunds Cranes AB is located in the centre of the pedestal with the output shaft pointing upwards
• Hook travel upper stop
No. of sets: 1 and driving the hydraulic pump through a flexible coupling and shaft. The
• Luffing up/down reservoir for the hydraulic oil is located in the slewing column steel structure.
Type: GP 100-0609
• Slewing limits (not operational) The hydraulic oil circuit has a full flow suction filter with a changeable filter
SWL: 6.0 tonnes
insert. The tank is provided with an oil level indicator, a temperature gauge
• Combined slewing-luffing limits Radius maximum: 9m and an air breather. Start/stop controls are located on the starter panel on the
Radius minimum: 2m pedestal and on the control platform. Additionally, the in-built safety valves
Electro-Hydraulic Power Pack Average hoisting speed: 16 m/min and hydraulically operated fail safe brakes will ensure that the crane will not
Slewing sector: 360°, unlimited lower the load until positive action is taken.
The cranes are provided with a built-in power pack. The electric pump/motor
is located in the centre of the pedestal with the output shaft pointing upwards Slewing speed: 0 to 1.5 rpm
and driving the hydraulic pump through a flexible coupling and shaft. The Luffing: 30 seconds Hoisting Machinery
reservoir for the hydraulic oil is located in the slewing column steel structure. The winch unit consists of:
Hook travel: 38 m
The hydraulic oil circuit has a full flow suction filter with a changeable filter
insert. The tank is provided with an oil level indicator, a temperature gauge and List/trim: 5° list / 2° trim • Drum with bearing and brackets
an air breather. Start/stop controls are located on the starter panel (located on Weight of crane: 7.3 tons approximately • Winch gear with hydraulically operated fail-safe brake
the deck housing aft main deck), on the remote control box and on the control
• Hydraulic motor with safety valve to freeze movement in the
platform. Additionally, the in-built safety valves and hydraulically operated
Description event of a of pressure drop
fail safe brakes will ensure that the cranes will not lower the load until positive
action is taken.
Situated on top of the deck cargo machinery house, an electro-hydraulically The wire rope is of 16 mm nominal diameter and is of the non-rotating,
driven deck crane is provided for handling large items into or out of the deck galvanised type. The wire rope should be lubricated regularly with an
Hoisting Machinery cargo machinery house. appropriate lubricant.
The winch unit consists of:
The wire sheaves are provided with sealed roller bearings on steel axles. All
• Drum with bearing and brackets Crane Control bearings have grease nipple lubrication.
• Winch gear with hydraulically operated fail safe brake The crane is controlled from an open platform above the slewing ring. Entrance
to the platform is by ladder. All motions are lever operated and have stepless At maximum outrun (hook in its lowest position), there are three locking turns
• Hydraulic motor with safety valve to freeze movement in the
speed control from 0 to maximum. Two motions can be operated at the same of wire remaining on the drum.
event of a of pressure drop
time with full capacity, but with reduced speed.
The jib cylinder has spherical bronze bearings on steel axles. The part of the
The wire ropes are of 18 mm and 13 mm nominal diameter respectively for the
piston rod which is exposed whilst the crane is parked is made of stainless steel
starboard and port cranes and are of the non-rotating, galvanised type. The wire Load Limiting System
to prevent rust.
ropes should be lubricated regularly with an appropriate lubricant. Each hydraulic circuit is provided with equipment for limiting hydraulic
pressure to preset values corresponding to the crane capacity. These do not
The wire sheaves are provided with sealed roller bearings on steel axles. All stop the electric motor but divert the oil supply back to the holding tank.
bearings have grease nipple lubrication.

The jib cylinders have spherical bronze bearings on steel axles. The part of Limit Switches
the piston rod which is exposed whilst the crane is parked is made of stainless The crane is fitted with the following limit switches for safety:
steel to prevent rust.
• Hook travel upper stop
• Luffing up/down

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.2.1c Cargo Machinery Handling Crane 8695 mm

3474 mm

1600 mm 11

1016 mm
6 9 SWL 6 T 2-9 m 10
1. Control Platform
2. Service Platform
3. Service Platform 1 A 366 mm
4. Slewing Assembly
5. Cylinder Assembly
1973 mm Jib Support
6. Jib Bearing Assembly
(Crane House) 5
7. Winch Mounting 2300 mm 12
8. Jibtop Mounting
9. Lubrication Jib Cylinder 700 mm
10. Lubrication Jibtop
11. Load Wire Rope with Thimble 13 14
12. Hook Block SWL 8 Ton Mim. Outreach 2000 mm
13. Pump Drive Arrangement
14. Hydraulic Inst House Jib 4200 mm (Jib)
15. Electric Central/Starter 7700 mm
16. Remote Start/Stop Box Cargo Machinery Deck
Maximum. Outreach 9000mm

3000 mm
Electric Motor Connection Box

Drain Plug Max. Outreach

M Max.
over Ships' Side
Radius 2400 mm
Q Max.
Gate 990 mm
Remote Start/Stop Box with Protection Max. Outreach 9000 mm
Radius 1500 mm
Rungs Base Column Hatch Opening

3 8100 mm
Vertical Ladder Grease Point

390 mm 250 mm

Electric Motor
Connection Box 2

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Starting Procedure for Hydraulic Deck Cranes MISCELLANEOUS DAVITS Bosun’s Store Davit

a) Check that the control levers are in the NEUTRAL position. These fixed jib davits are positioned at various locations around the vessel in Maker: Shin Myung Technical Co. Ltd.
order to facilitate easy handling of large items. As these cranes are rarely used, No. of sets: 1
b) Check that the wire is run correctly in the sheaves and that the they are all basic in nature, employing an air motor or chain block for lifting/
SWL: 0.9 Tonne
wire rope ends are securely clamped. lowering, with all other functions being carried out manually.
Working radius: 1.58 m
c) Check the oil level and condition of the hoses and connections. All of these davits use air supplied by the deck air system at 9 kg/cm2. Hoisting speed at SWL: 0 to 10 m/min
Winch: Air motor
d) Start up the electric motor/hydraulic pump. Type: SMP-4P-600
Injured Person Handling Davit
Maximum lift height: 10 m
e) If the ambient temperature is less than 10ºC, let the crane run
Maker: Shin Myung Technical Co. Ltd.
until the oil temperature is a minimum of 10ºC.
No. of sets: 1
f) Check that all movements (hoist-luffing-slewing) are operational SWL: 200 kg
without load. Working radius: 0.6 m Positioned on the forward end of the upper deck, the bosun’s store davit is the
Hoisting speed at SWL: 0 to 25 m/min after unit of the two davits located in this area. This davit is used to facilitate
g) The crane is ready for use. easy handling of larger objects in to and out of the bosun’s store, The hoist has
Winch: Air motor
an air driven motor which drives a rope winch up to a maximum lift height of
Type: SMP-2.5P-60
Parking the Hydraulic Deck Cranes 10 m. Should the air motor fail, a manual lifting handle is available to complete
Maximum lift height: 30 m the lift. The unit has a 20 m air supply hose and works from the 9 kg/cm2 air
a) Park the crane with the jib in a horizontal position and resting system.
on the jib support cradle. Description
Bow Thruster Handling Davit
b) Stop the pump/motor. The injured person handling davit is a self-contained portable unit. With wheels
permanently mounted on the chassis, it can be quickly and easily transported to Maker: Shin Myung Technical Co. Ltd.
c) Fit the jib securing bracket. any location on the ship. The unit is located using the manhole studs as a guide No. of sets: 1
and is manually slewed. SWL: 900 kg
Possible Hazards whilst using Deck Cranes Working radius: 2.0 m
The hoist has an air driven motor which drives a rope winch up to a maximum
lift height of 30 m. Should the air motor fail, a manual lifting handle is Hoisting speed at SWL: 0 to 10 m/min
During the operation of any crane, the controls must be operated slowly and
available to complete the lift. The unit has a 20 m air supply hose and works Winch: Air motor
smoothly in order not to induce a swinging motion in the hanging load.
from the 9 kg/cm2 air system. Type: SMP-4P-600D/DR
Extreme care must also be taken when operating the cranes in the winch up Maximum lift height: 25 m
or jib up motion, where the jib angle is nearing its maximum value and the It should be noted that the SWL is only 200 kg and care should be taken not
hook is close to the hook stop, as the load may hit the underside of the jib. The to overload the unit.
The bow thruster handling davit is the forward unit of the two davits located
operator must always be able to see the landing area for the load, or be in direct in this area. This davit is used to facilitate easy handling of equipment and
contact with somebody who can see the landing area. machinery in to and out of the bow thruster compartment.

Cranes should only be operated by personnel who have received formal The hoists each have an air driven motor which drives a rope winch up to a
onboard training, have achieved the necessary level of competency and have maximum lift height of 25 m. Should the air motor fail, a manual lifting handle
been issued with the appropriate certificate for the equipment they are required is available to complete the lift. This davit is also manually slewed, using a
to operate. bar.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.2.2a Required Boarding Arrangements For Pilot

There must not

be any shackles,
knots or splices
The steps must
be equally spaced

The steps must

be horizontal
Spreaders must not be
lashed between steps

Pilot Reel

The side ropes must

be equally spaced The loops are a tripping
hazard for the pilot and
Pilot ladder must can become fouled on
extend at least the pilot launch

Officer In Contact With The Bridge 2 metres above

lower platform

Accommodation ladder should rest firmly against

ship's side and should lead aft.
Maximum 50° slope.
Lower platform horizontal.

Ladders to rest
firmly against
ship's side
3 to 7 metres depending on
size of pilot launch and swell
At night pilot ladder and ship's deck lit
by forward shining overside light

PILOT Very Dangerous

Ladder too long

A Pilot Ladder Combined With An Accommodation Ladder Is Usually The Safer Method
Of Embarking Or Disembarking A Pilot On Ships With A Freeboard Of More Than 9 Metres


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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.2.2 ACCOMMODATION AND PILOT LADDER REELS Procedure for Lowering the Accommodation Ladder with the Securing
Pilot Ladder Reel a) Hoist the pilot ladder reel until the pilot ladder is clear of the
Maker: Samgong Co. Ltd side of the vessel. Once clear, the reel may be secured.
Length: 21.38 m The accommodation ladder and the pilot ladder reel on the port or starboard
Breadth: 600 mm side are controlled from the remote control stand. The controls are simple b) Hoist the accommodation ladder until the handrails are just
raise/lower levers for both the accommodation ladder and the pilot ladder reel. below the davit.
Ladder weight: 1205 kg Compressed air motors are used to actuate the movements of both ladders.
Winch motors: Air operated c) One man wearing a harness and an inflatable lifejacket unlashes
Accommodation ladder winch motor type: 7.0PE-600SR Rigging the platform and ladder ropes.
Pilot ladder reel winch motor type: 2.5PE-300DR
a) From the stowed position, un-ship all of the wire lashings on d) Swivel and remove the stanchions from the upper and lower
Hoisting speed: 25.1 m/min both the accommodation ladder and the pilot ladder reel (if it is platforms of the ladder.
Air pressure: 9 kg/cm2 to be used).
e) The second man wearing a harness and an inflatable life jacket
One aluminium alloy accommodation ladder is provided on each side of the b) Ensure the air supply valve is open, blow the air supply line free removes the pins securing the ladder handrails, one at a time.
main deck. The accommodation ladder units each include a fixed integral pilot of water, check there is sufficient oil in the oiler unit and drain He then lowers each handrail in turn, so that the handrails rest
ladder reel. Both the accommodation ladder and pilot ladder reel are operated the water filter. flat on the ladder.
by means of compressed air motors controlled from a control stand situated at
the ship’s side, aft of the accommodation ladder units. c) Adjust the lower platform angle to a suitable position for the f) When the men are clear, hoist the ladder until it is vertical.
intended use. Lower the accommodation ladder to clear it
Both the accommodation ladder and pilot ladder reel are designed to reach from its stowed position and continue lowering until there is g) Secure the accommodation ladder with all the lashings.
the lowest ballast water line, the accommodation ladder with an angle of sufficient space underneath the davit to erect the handrails.
inclination of not more than 50°. However, the pilot ladder reel cannot be used h) Close the main air supply valve. Apply the covers to both
in conjunction with the accommodation ladder at this waterline level, being d) Two men are required to don safety harnesses and inflatable life winches and air motors. Remove the hoses from the air motors
positioned primarily for use in the loaded condition. jackets and then rig the stanchions on the upper platform. and stow them to ensure that the deck is kept clear.
For use in pilot embarkation and disembarkation in cases where the pilot e) One man is to go down the accommodation ladder until he is
ladder reel will not reach the lowered position of the accommodation ladder just below the davit, and raise each handrail in turn. The man
(lightest ballasted condition), or where the accommodation ladder cannot be at the ladder top secures the handrails with the pins. In order to
used due to sea conditions. move up and down the accommodation ladder safely, the safety
harness can be attached to the wire lashings.
The pilot ladders are removed from their stowage reels and moved to the
designated pilot ladder area situated adjacent to the accommodation ladder f) The two lower lightweight platform stanchions are then fitted.
davit where there are eye plates to secure the pilot rope ladder. Roping of the lower platform is then carried out and when
complete, the ropes are led up each side of the ladder forming
Once the pilot ladder has been secured, it can be lowered slowly over the ship’s the middle rail.
side and manoeuvred until it is in a suitable position, as indicated in illustration
3.2.2a. g) Fit the upper platform ropes. The ladder is now rigged and can
be lowered when required, keeping an eye on the tightness of
Note: Always leave at least 2 layers of wire on the lowering drum of the the ropes.
accommodation ladder. Always check it is safe to lower or raise the ladders.
h) Once the accommodation ladder is in position, place the pilot
WARNING ladder in a safe position to lower. Once clear, lower the pilot
ladder until it reaches the desired position.
This procedure requires work to take place outside of the ship’s rails.
Appropriate personal protective equipment should be donned including
i) Check there is a lifebuoy with light available, that the deck is
lifelines attached to a suitable strong point. At night there must be
clear of obstructions and a heaving line with quoit is ready.
adequate illumination to safely complete the task.
If using the ladder in port as a gangway, a safety net is to be

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.1a Lifeboats and Davits

30 9 23
Air Supply

19 3

21 16
6 20 20
7 13 15 14 1

5 Engine Exhaust Pipe 9 Steering Console 13 Fuel Tank 17 Drain Valve 21 Hook Bracket
1 Emergency Air Bottle
6 Engine SABB Lister L3 10 Helmsman Seat 14 Water Tank 18 Seat Belts 22 Rowlock
2 Air Regulator
7 Sprinkler Intake Valve 11 Hydrostatic Valve 15 Equipment Tank 19 Fresh Air Ventilation 23 Mills Titan Hook Forward
3 Central Wall
8 Engine Casing 12 Hook Release Level 16 Provision Tank 20 Hull Buoyancy 24 Mills Titan Hook Aft
4 Fire Extinguisher


13 14
10 1 9 1

12 7 4

11 12


5 Remote Control Complete 9 Electrical Diagram 13 Locking Bolt

1 Winch W 120L (Lefthanded)
6 End Link 10 Bowsing Winch Arrangement 14 Safety Pin
2 Assembly Drawing
7 Adjustable Sheave House 11 Davit Foundation
3 Hook with Wedge
8 Winch Foundation 12 Foundation for Bowsing Winch
4 Lashing/Limit Switch Arrangement

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.3 LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT Natural ventilation is achieved via automatic valves located on the aft end of Lifeboat Lowering Procedure
the steering position canopy. These valves prevent the cabin from becoming
3.3.1 LIFEBOATS AND DAVITS dangerously underpressurised when the engine is running. An overpressure a) Rig the lifeboat painter to the designated strong point forward
relief valve is mounted aft, on the rear door inside the canopy. This valve of the davit.
prevents the cabin from becoming dangerously overpressurised when the
Lifeboats General emergency air system is in operation. b) Remove the electric charging cable.
Maker: Schat-Harding
The three emergency air system cylinders are pressurised to 200 bar and should c) Release the gripe lashings slip hook, the lashings will now be
No. of sets: 2 be topped up if the pressure drops to less than 190 bar. released.
Model: MCB24
Dimensions (L x B x H): 7.46 m x 2.9 m x 2.96 m A fuel shut off valve is situated on top of the fuel tank. d) Slide open the entrance door at the side end of the boat. The
Number of persons: 45 helmsman should enter first and fit the drain plug then prepare
The centre section of the boat contains the water tank, fuel tank and equipment to start the engine.
Weight: Light load (including loose equipment) tanks, with access available to the drain plug. A manual bilge pump is
3850 kg provided. e) Ensure all personnel are wearing their life jackets. Embark all
Total davit load for lowering 7600 kg personnel through the side hatch, ensure an even distribution of
Engine maker: Sabb The hydraulic steering system is fitted with an emergency tiller arm. weight and that they are strapped in. The seating positions and
Model: L3.139LB seatbelts are clearly marked. The seat belts are colour coded to
External water spray systems are installed on the canopies of the boats, which ensure that the personnel choose the correct matching straps.
Engine type: Diesel, fresh water cooled will provide the outside of the boat with a protective layer of water, should fire Close the hatch and secure.
Rating: 29 hp be encountered on the surface of the sea.
Starting system: Electric motor f) Check the fuel tank cock is open.
Speed: 6 knots Lifeboat Davit
Fuel tank capacity: 210 litres, 24 hours duration at 6 knots g) To start the engine, turn either of the battery supply switches
through 90° to the ON position. Check that the engine control
Maker: Schat-Harding
The lifeboat is moulded from fire retardant polyester resins and fibreglass, lever is in the NEUTRAL position, press the button on the side
No. of sets: 2 of the lever to disengage the gearbox and then move the lever
with the space between the seats and hull, canopy and canopy liner filled with Type: VIP 8/W 120 L
polyurethane buoyancy foam, which provides the craft with enough buoyancy forward to the MAXIMUM position.
SWL: 7848 kg
to remain afloat and upright, even if holed below the waterline. The lifeboat is
totally self-righting when fully loaded and flooded. Hoisting speed: 0 to 5.9 m/min On the main console turn the starter switch to the IGNITION
Lifting height: 47 m position, continue to turn the switch to the HEATING position,
The craft is fitted with two lifting hooks, which are designed to be released Weight of davit and winch: 5140 kg hold at this position for 10 to 20 seconds. After the preheating
simultaneously from inside the craft when the lifeboat becomes fully water- phase turn the switch to START. Return the switch back to the
Bowsing: Tandweil Wandlier winch
borne. IGNITION position when the engine has started.
The lifeboat davit is a wire operated davit with a fully inboard recovery
The steering position is arranged so that there is an adequate view forward, aft Note: If the engine has not started within 10 seconds, return the switch to the
position. The jib swivels around hinges at the base, with movement restricted
and both sides for safe launching and manoeuvring. IGNITION position and wait 60 seconds to allow the starter motor to cool
by inductive type limit switches.
down before attempting to restart the engine.
The main engine starting battery and the emergency starting battery are
The electric winch is operated from a position with a clear view of the winching
contained in watertight boxes. There is a sprinkler pump which is driven CAUTION
operation at the ship’s side. The motor is fitted with a heater and is fitted at a
directly from the main engine and is used to protect the lifeboat to give an
position aft of the davit with the winch unit. The 22 mm galvanised wire ropes The lifeboat engine may be run for a maximum of five minutes whilst
external water spray on the canopy of the boat, providing the outside of
are led around steel sheaves to the falls. not water-borne. During this period the propeller clutch must not be
the boat with a protective layer of water should fire be encountered on the
engaged, otherwise the propeller gland seal will be damaged.
surface of the sea. The self-priming water spray pump is driven from the main
The winch unit consists of twin drums which can hold up to 47 metres of
propulsion engine via clutch-in belt drive. The spray water is delivered to the
wire each in two layers, with two brakes. The hydraulic brake, which must be h) Once the engine is started, pull back the engine control lever to
spray rail via an isolating valve inside the lifeboat.
pumped up before use, controls the speed of lowering which is adjustable up to the NEUTRAL position, the button is released and the gearbox
90 metres per minute, while the multiple disc brake is the holding brake. The engaged.
Three internal 40 litre air cylinders are installed which, when operated, will
brake can be controlled by a remote control wire, operated by the coxswain on
provide the passengers and engine with air at a controlled rate for at least 10
the lifeboat, from the ship side rail or by a direct control using a brake arm on
the winch unit.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
i) Pull continuously on the brake remote control wire until the Lifeboat Recovery Procedure m) Return the davit arm stoppers units to the CLOSED position.
lifeboat reaches the water, or lift the brake lever manually on
the boat deck. a) Ensure the brake lever on the winch is in the fully closed n) Connect the slip hooks on the gripes and secure with the
position. turnbuckle.
j) When the lifeboat reaches the waterline, release the brake remote
control wire and operate the falls hook quick release lever as b) Reset the lifting hook quick release mechanism inside the o) Turn the starter main switch OFF.
follows. lifeboat before coming back alongside below the falls.
p) Reconnect the charging cable.
k) Ensure that the hydrostatic indicator is pointing to the OK c) Check that the starter main switch, located on the air handling
position. Remove the safety pin on the release handle then pull room switchboard, is ON. q) Remove the safety pins.
the release handle full back. The lifting hooks will now open.
d) Ensure the emergency stop button in the shipside control box is Note: The safety pins (docking pins) should only be in position when work is
l) Check that the falls have released from the hooks and are reset. being carried out on the lifeboat. They are there to prevent accidental release
clear. of the boat and are normally removed to ensure the lifeboat is always ready
e) Hook on the fall suspension chains to the forward and aft hooks for immediate use.
m) When ready, release the toggle painter, move ahead on the on the lifeboat and reset the hydrostatic release mechanism. To
engine and steer away from the vessel. reset the hydrostatic release mechanism, ensure that the fall
suspension chains are secure in the hooks and that the hooks
forward and aft are closed.
Operation of the Sprinkler System
f) At the hydrostatic release control stand, pull out the position
The sprinkler pump is directly driven from the front of the lifeboat engine by pin locking the release lever in the open position and move the
a belt drive and runs continuously. A series of four loops on the canopy ensure release lever to the LOCKED position, release the position pin
that the canopy and helm position are adequately covered by a water spray and insert the safety pin. Visually check that the amplifying arm
when the system is in operation. and cam release are in their correct position.
To operate the water spray, pull the control lever back at the helm console g) Signal the deck party to begin hoisting the lifeboat.
position, the discharge valve will now open supplying water to the canopy.
There is a connection on a loop above the helm position for connecting a fresh h) Push the UP button on the winch motor remote control unit
water hose to flush through the system after use. to start raising the lifeboat. When the lifeboat is just clear of
the water stop hoisting and check that the hydrostatic release
Note: The sprinkler system is most efficient when the engine is at full speed. indicator has moved to the NO position. Visually check the
If in a fire situation the external air supply to the engine must be closed and amplifying arms and cam release are still in their correct
the emergency air supply to the lifeboat opened. position. If all is correct continue to hoist the boat. The engine
should now be turned off and the battery power selection switch
turned to the OFF position.
Operation of the Emergency Air Supply System

Ensure that the air cylinder isolating valves are open, in normal operation Note: The winch motor will lift the lifeboat with a weight of 4700 kgs,
these valves are left open. Open the shut-off valve which is located next to the weight of boat, equipment and approximately six persons.
regulating valve on the left hand side of the steering console. Air will now be
supplied to the lifeboat interior for a period of approximately 10 minutes. i) Check that limit switch operates and stops the motor just short
of the fully raised position.

Operation of the Emergency Steering j) Engage the winch handle and manually wind in the lifeboat the
remainder of the way then remove the winding handle.
Under the rear seat port aft, operate the manual bypass valve by turning it
through 90° to an inline position. It is now possible to connect the emergency k Fit the safety pins.
tiller arm to the rudder stock and control the rudder movement directly.
l) Disembark the lifeboat crew members.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.3.1 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.2a Rescue Boat and Davit

Hole for hanging off

4169 mm

1020 mm 1020 mm Deck Maximum 40 m 343

Approximately 2730 mm Approximately 2730 mm mm
1821 mm
4105 mm 3200 mm

1561 mm


1. Equiment Locker

2. Fire Extinguisher

3. Fuel Tank/Drain

4. Control Console
Engine Cut Off Switch
42 volt Power Supply
3 1
5. Bilge Pump

4 5

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3.3.2 - Page x
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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.3.2 RESCUE BOAT The space between the hull and the inner liner is filled with 2,000 litres of Rescue Boat Davit
buoyancy material which will allow the boat to float safely in the fully flooded
Maker: Norsafe AS and fully loaded condition should the hull be damaged below the waterline. Maker: Schat-Harding
Type: Diesel jet fast rescue boat The fenders add another 500 litres of buoyancy to assist this flotation safety No. of sets: 1
Model: Merlin 6.15 m feature. Type: SA3.5/W 50 RS
Length overall: 6.25 m SWL: 3433.5 kg
Beam: 2.4 m The hull has two longitudinal bulkheads, transverse bulkheads and sprayrails to Overside reach maximum 1.561 m
Depth: 1m provide structural strength. It is a full planing deep V type with a transom dead Hoisting speed: 0 to 20 m/min
Capacity: 6 persons rise of 21°, giving excellent sea keeping characteristics. Lifting height: 40 m
(up to 15 persons in an emergency) Weight of davit and winch: 3000 kg
Boat weight with equipment: 1450 kg Lifting is facilitated by a single point arrangement, consisting of an approved
Full weight with 3 persons: 1725 kg off load release hook with a connection ring for a davit hook installed on top of The rescue boat davit is a wire operated davit with a fully inboard recovery
Lifting arrangement: Off-load rescue boat hook the reinforced engine compartment. position. The fixed length jib swivels around hinges at the base, with movement
Maker: Norsaf AS restricted by inductive type limit switches.
Type: Offload K4-FM 47 A permanently inflated self-righting bag is fitted to the top of the rear frame
Propulsion: 144 hp inboard diesel engine with which self-rights the boat in the event of a capsize. The electric winch is operated from a position with a clear view of the winching
waterjet operation at the ship's side. The motor is fitted with a heater and is fitted at a
Engine maker: Steyr Other features of the hull construction include: position aft of the davit with the winch unit. The 18 mm galvanised wire rope
Speed with 3 (15) persons: 29 knots (8 knots) • Self-bailing from two drainage outlets at the stern is led around steel sheaves to the falls.
Range with 3 persons: 110 nautical miles (4 hours)
• Watertight console including instrument panel, engine start/stop
The winch unit consists of a drum which can hold up to 44 metres of wire in
controls, steering/engine controls and hook release
Description two layers, with two brakes. The hydraulic brake controls the speed of lowering
• Seating for three people above the transmission compartment which is adjustable up to 90 metres per minute, while the multiple disc brake
The fast rescue boat is supplied for use specifically as a search and rescue • Electric bilge pump located in the transmission compartment (a is the holding brake. The brake is controlled by a remote control wire, operated
craft or as a liferaft towing and marshalling craft. However, the layout and manual bilge pump is also provided) by the coxswain on the rescue boat.
performance of the craft allow it to be used as an all purpose workboat when
• Towing attachments at each aft corner
necessary. The fast rescue boat must be kept in a state of constant readiness at
all times, to deal with any emergencies such as man overboard, etc that might • Secure grab handles throughout the boat
Propulsion System
The handling and control of a fast rescue boat is a highly specialised task with
command of the boat only being delegated to authorised personnel who have The rescue boat is fitted with a 144 hp SOLAS approved inboard diesel engine
attended the specialist company approved training course. driving an Alamarin waterjet with the following features:
• Electric starter with two batteries
For information in relation to recognised search patterns, refer to section
5.3.3. • Fresh water cooling through a sea water cooled heat exchanger
• Waterjet with a dry run capability, allowing the boat to be run in
The fast rescue boat can be launched whilst the vessel is underway using the the davit for a maximum of thirty minutes
painter, at the Master’s discretion. At least once a month, the fast rescue boat
• Waterjet protection in the form of a protection frame fixed to the
should be launched and the engine run in the ahead and astern positions.
• Twin engine and fuel shut off system in case of capsize or
coxswain loss, consisting of a mercury switch and a dead man
The fenders are made of polyethylene foam with a reinforced PVC cover. switch
These provide the hull with protection from impacts. The hull and deck are
• Exhaust system designed to prevent water ingress in the event of
made from glass reinforced polyester (GRP) with fittings made from stainless
a capsize
steel, aluminium or galvanised steel, as appropriate. Surfaces are prepared
with a non-slip coating. The buoyancy material where fitted is made from
polyurethane foam.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Procedure for Lowering the Rescue Boat l) Reset the quick release hook mechanism and replace the safety Rescue Boat Equipment
a) Remove all covers and lashings from the rescue boat and davit. The crew should at all times whilst in the rescue boat be wearing the recognised
Ensure that the electric charging plug is removed. safety gear i.e. thermal protective suits, safety helmets, inflatable life jackets
Procedure for Recovering the Rescue Boat and be carrying the waterproof VHF communication equipment held on the
b) Ensure that the safety bolt has been removed from the davit. bridge for this purpose.
a) Ensure that the lifting hook quick release mechanism inside the
rescue boat has been reset before coming back alongside below
c) Turn the main power ON (in case immediate recovery is Additionally, the rescue boat has the following equipment on board;
the falls and that the safety pin is in its correct position.
required). Main power switch located in the Air Handling
• Buoyant paddles (2 sets)
b) Once alongside, retrieve the painter line and attach it to the • Boathook
painter release hook.
d) Check that the painter is correctly fastened to the rescue boat • Buoyant bailer
and to the designated secure point forward of the davit. The
c) The lifting hook can then be attached to the falls, ensuring that • Bucket, with line
painter length should be appropriate to the vessel’s freeboard
the housing unit is correctly positioned.
and should be adjusted as necessary. • Compass
d) Once correctly attached and all crew and passengers are safely • Sea anchor with tripping line
e) The rescue party can now board the rescue boat, wearing the
positioned, signal the deck party to begin hoisting the rescue
appropriate survival gear. • Painter
• Buoyant towing line
f) Open the fuel solenoid valve The engine should now be started
e) The boat can then be hoisted until it is fully recovered. • Waterproof signalling torch (with spare batteries and bulb)
and its correct operation checked.
• Whistle
Note: The winch motor will lift the rescue boat with a maximum of six
Note: The emergency cut off switch lanyard should be connected to the
persons on board. • Waterproof first aid kit
coxswains clothing, when the button is released the engine will stop.
• Buoyant rescue quoit and line
f) Once the boat is fully recovered, stop the engine.
g) Release the gripes. Once the coxswain is satisfied with the • Engine tool set
engine, they should check that the crew is ready to lower, then
g) Disembark all passengers and crew. • Portable fire extinguisher
lower the boat in a safe and controlled fashion.
h) Secure the rescue boat, then prepare it for an immediate • Searchlight
h) On approach to the water surface, the coxswain should assess
relaunch. • Knife on a lanyard
the approach and set the boat controls to suit the conditions, i.e.
set the engine running slowly ahead if the vessel is under way • Radar reflector
and ensure that the painter is not slack.
• Rope ladder
i) Once the boat is fully water-borne, the designated crew member • Thermal protective aids
should remove the safety pin from the hook and stand clear. He • Lantern
should then inform the coxswain that the hook is active.

j) The coxswain should then pull the hook release handle aftwards
until the hook is clear of the falls.

k) The boat controls can then be adjusted to assume control of the

rescue boat. Once fully under control, the designated crewman
can pull the painter release handle and the boat can immediately
be steered away from the vessel.

Note: Whilst adjusting the rescue boat controls alongside the vessel, the crew
should keep clear of the falls.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.3.2 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.3a Liferafts




Liferaft Retaining Straps

18 Painter

Slip Hook
Attachment Line Hammar Hydrostatic
Release Unit
Weak Link
4 (Red) Expiry Date
5 23
6 Cradle

Hydrostatic Release
8 11

1 - Rain Water Catchment and Collecting Unit. 9 - Floor in Middle 18 - Outer Canopy

Rainwater Collecting Bags and Operational Instructions Inside 10 - Floor at Bottom 19 - Retro-Reflective Tape
2 - Internal Grab Line 11 - Boarding Ladder 20 - Viewing Port

3 - Suspension Strap 12 - CO2 Cylinder 21 - Double Door

4 - Patch for Lifting Arrangement 13 - Arch Tube 22 - Bilge Arrangement

5 - Upper Buoyancy Tube 14 - External, Automatically Active Light 23 - Drain

6 - Lower Bouyancy Tube 15 - Internal, Automatically Active Light 24 - Double Zip Closure
7 - External Grab Line 16 - Arch Tube 25 - Emergency Pack

8 - Stabilising Pockets 17 - Inner Canopy

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3.3.4 Liferafts - Page 1 of 2
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.3.3 LIFERAFTS Operation When the wind is very strong, the lifeline can be tied around the waist to
prevent the raft being blown away.
Maker: Viking Lifesaving Equipment Ltd a) After launching the liferaft, the painter must be cut with the
Type: 4 x 25 person manual launch knife provided to avoid the raft being pulled under. A non-swimmer should keep hold of the righting strap and allow the raft to fall
1 x 6 person manual launch back on him (the rubber raft will not injure him). He can then work his way
b) Paddle away from the danger zone using the paddles placed in back to the raft entrance under water, holding onto the strap of the lifeline.
Total weight: 183 kg each (25 person manual launch) a bag close to the entrance of the raft.
77 kg each (6 person manual launch) If automatic inflation does not work:
General c) Alternatively one of the lifeboats or the rescue boat could be
used to tow the raft clear. d) Swim up to the container, tear off the black rubber bands
between the brass rings on the two nylon bands and release the
There are four 25 person liferafts in total, two stowed close by each lifeboat on
When the raft is full of survivors, others can hold onto the lifeline around it. raft by pulling the release wire or use the bellows placed inside
A deck and one 6 person liferaft stowed on the forward focsle deck.
The raft is capable of supporting double the number of persons it is certified the raft.
to carry.
All four 25 person liferafts are of the manual launch variety, with hydrostatic
The valves for inflation by means of the bellows are inside the raft and are
release. The forward 6 person liferaft is not fitted with a hydrostatic release
d) When clear of the danger zone, stream the sea anchor or coloured yellow.
All the liferafts are constructed with twin buoyancy chambers, one above the
The sea anchor stabilises the raft and helps to minimise drift.
other. The bottom and the canopy of the rafts are of double construction and
may be inflated by bellows.
e) Inflate the canopy and the bottom of the raft as this gives
excellent insulation against the cold. To do this connect the
The rafts are provided with boarding ladders, inside and outside gripping
bellows to each topping up valve in turn, which are placed in the
lines, capsize stabilisers and a salt water activated battery for both internal and
raft floor and inner canopy.
external lighting.
The bellows are located in a bag at the entrance.
Accessories supplied are a rescue line with rubber quoit, repair outfit, hand
bellows, floating knife, operational instructions, sea anchor (drogue) and an
After a long stay in the raft it may be necessary to top up the two buoyancy
emergency pack to SOLAS standards.

Release of Rafts f) Connect the bellow’s plastic tube to the yellow topping up
Hydrostatic Release Units (HRU) are fitted to each of the large rafts. These
will activate when submerged to a depth of two to four metres, releasing the
rafts to float towards the surface.
Righting a Capsized Liferaft

If an empty raft should capsize, the following procedure should be adopted.

After activation of the HRU, the raft is still secured to the vessel by a weak
link. After inflation, sufficient drag is applied to break the weak link and allow
it to float free. Note: The side of the raft where the CO2 cylinder is attached lies deepest in
the water. The place is marked ‘RIGHT HERE’.
To release the rafts manually ensure the ring on the end of the painter is still
attached to the HRU, or a strong point on the ship’s deck.The rafts may then a) Stand with the feet on the cylinder, hold onto the righting strap
be released manually by removing the ship side rail chains and unfastening (placed across the bottom of the raft).
the slip hook securing the lashing round the container. The raft will then slide
down the launch ramp over the ship’s side. When the raft is launched, the b) Manoeuvre the raft so that the opposite side is facing into the
painter is pulled out until the CO2 cylinder is activated and the raft inflates. wind.

c) Throw the body backwards while holding onto the righting

strap and keeping the feet on the cylinder.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.3.3 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

3.3.4 SCABA SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT tapered reflex edge seal. Check Face Mask Leakage
Close the cylinder valve and continue to breathe normally, until air in the
The vessel is supplied with ten sets of positive pressure self-contained air When not in use a neck strap enables the mask to be carried on the chest. A apparatus is exhausted and the face mask is pulled gently on to the face. When
breathing apparatus (SCABA). Four sets are kept in the safety equipment fully adjustable five-point head harness holds the face mask to the face when the pressure gauge shows zero, hold breath for 10 seconds; any leakage will
room on port side of the upper deck accommodation and four sets in the safety required. An integral speech diaphragm is moulded into the front of the face either be heard or shown by the mask moving away from the face. If a leak is
equipment locker on A deck starboard side and two in the engine room. The mask which requires no maintenance. detected, turn on the cylinder valve, readjust the mask and head harness, then
following equipment is kept beside each set, ready for immediate use: retest.
Spare cylinders: 3
Pre-Use Checklist
Safety line and harness: 3 Switch Off the Demand Valve Check the Actual Cylinder Pressure
Protective fire jacket: 3 Turn off the black positive pressure knob on the demand valve. Turn the cylinder valve fully ON and check the reading on the pressure
UHF radio: 2 gauge.
Protective fire trousers: 3 Check the Cylinder is Full
Rechargable Wolflamp: 1 Check the Supplementary Air Supply
Open the cylinder valve slowly and check the gauge against the pressure stated
Protective fire gloves (pair): 3 on the cylinder. To operate the supplementary air supply (demand valve override) depress
Flash hood: 3 the purge button on the demand valve cover. This action causes the tilt valve
mechanism to be displaced and releases air into the face mask.
Protective safety boots: 3 Leak Test of Apparatus
Small hatchet: 3 Open the cylinder valve slowly and close again, the gauge reading should not CAUTION
Torch: 3 fall by more than 10 bar per minute. In toxic atmospheres where the contamination has exceeded certain
levels, reference should be made to BS 4275 for guidance.
The apparatus has an estimated working duration of 20 minutes with a 1200 Check the Whistle Setting
litre cylinder, plus approximately 10 minutes duration once the whistle is In the event of the wearer using spectacles, or having facial hair, it is likely that
activated. It consists of a high-pressure air cylinder mounted on a lightweight Gradually reduce the pressure in the system by partially turning the ON/OFF
the face seal fit will be impaired.
frame. The padded synthetic harness, developed from the Bergen rucksack demand valve switch. Let the pressure reading fall slowly, the whistle should
principle, is fully adjustable to fit all sizes of wearer. A special lifting harness blow at 68 bar for the 1200 litre cylinder.
At very high work rates the pressure in the face mask of positive pressure
is fitted to all sets required for marine use, a lifeline is connected to this to give breathing apparatus may become negative at peak inhalations.
the wearer added security when entering enclosed spaces. Donning the Apparatus
With the shoulder straps and waist belt slackened, put on the apparatus and After Use Procedure
The cylinder air is reduced by a single stage pressure reduction system. The air
adjust the shoulder straps until the cylinder is held snugly on the back. Fit the
leaves the cylinder and passes through a sintered bronze filter, located in the a) Turn off the positive pressure demand valve switch.
waist belt and adjust as required. Hang the face mask strap around the neck.
cylinder connector manifold, then via a stainless steel reinforced PTFE supply
Secure the lifeline to D ring. Now fit the leg straps of the lifting harness and
hose to the positive pressure demand valve, where it is reduced to a breathable b) Slacken off the head harness and remove the face mask.
secure through the D rings. Check the demand valve is in the OFF position,
turn on the cylinder air valve slowly. With the thumbs inside the head harness
c) Turn off the cylinder valve.
straps, put the chin into the mask first and pull the straps over head. Position
The tilt operated demand valve has a spring-loaded neoprene diaphragm to
the mask so that the chin fits snugly into the chin cup and then gently tighten
give long reliable service. The simplicity of the valve eliminates the need for d) Slacken off shoulder straps, undo the waist belt and leg
the head harness, lower straps first. Do not over tighten.
adjustment. The demand valve switch enables the wearer to apply positive harness.
pressure to the mask by releasing the spring on the diaphragm. This ensures
that the air pressure in the face mask is always above the external atmospheric Check for Positive Pressure e) Take off the apparatus. Release air trapped in the system by
pressure. Any leakage of air from the face mask, due to poor sealing, will be Turn the black knob on the demand valve to the ON position, gently lift the turning the demand valve to the ON then the OFF position.
forced out to the atmosphere. mask seal off the cheek and ensure that air flows out of the mask, proving that
the air pressure in the mask is positive. Allow the mask to re-seal and hold f) Remove cylinder from apparatus and mark it MT (empty) for
A pressure gauge is attached, via a fire resistant stainless steel reinforced tube, breath. There should be no leakage from the exhale valve, as denoted by the refilling.
which indicates cylinder pressure, and a whistle unit warns the user when sound of a constant flow of air from the demand valve.
approximately 10 minutes of air remains. g) Place a fully charged cylinder in the apparatus so that it is ready
for instant use.
The face mask is moulded in black non-dermatitic neoprene with a deep

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
h) Fully slacken off the head harness straps. e) Start the air compressor.

i) Clean the face mask by removing the demand valve and washing When the cylinders have been recharged, shut down the compressor and log
the mask in soapy water (do not use detergent). After drying, the running hours. The purifier/filter should be changed according to the
lightly dust the face mask with French chalk. The interior of manufacturer’s operating instructions
the visor may be wiped with a demisting agent and the whole
polished with a clean lint free cloth.

The apparatus should be subjected to the test as stated in the Pre-Use and
Positive Pressure checks.

The demand valve diaphragm and all seals should be replaced annually, or
more frequently as a result of the monthly inspection.


Model: Premiair 350

No. of sets: 1

The SCABA air compressor is specially designed for recharging SCABA

cylinders with clean dry high pressure air up to 300 bar. The unit is mounted
on a skid located in safety equipment room on port side of the upper deck
accommodation. Additionally the compressor is used to recharge the lifeboat
air cylinders up to a pressure of 200 bar.

There are two discharge pressure hoses, the pressure line (with associated
pressure gauge) with the red locking nut is used on the SCABA cylinders and
the pressure line with the black locking nut (with associated pressure gauge) is
used for the lifeboat air cylinders.

The unit is supplied from the emergency switchboard 440 V feeder panel,
isolation breaker EP-013.

Procedure for Operation

a) Check the compressor sump level and top up if required.

b) Open the purifier/filter drain valves and blow through.

c) Open the water separator drain valve and blow through.

d) Connect up the air cylinder to be recharged to the correct

pressure line, see above.

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.3.4 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.3.5 LIFEBOAT/LIFERAFT SURVIVAL GUIDE Additional Duties Allocated on the Lifeboat Muster List • Radar reflector and radar transponder
• SARTS (Radar Transponders) to the lifeboats • Thermal protective aids for 10% of the number of persons
In the event that the vessel has to be abandoned, it is necessary to make some
• GMDSS portable radios to the lifeboats permitted in the liferaft, but at least for 2 persons
very important decisions and carry out certain actions quickly. These are
summarised as follows: • EPIRB to lifeboat
Lifeboat Equipment
• Blankets and provisions
Prior to Abandonment • One set of oars
If time and circumstances permits: Equipment Found in Liferafts and Lifeboats • One set of crutches
• Put on extra clothing Liferaft Equipment • Two boat hooks
• Put on a life jacket • One bailer
• Operational instructions
• Take extra clothing or blankets • Two buckets, with lanyards
• Two sea anchors and cord
• Drink water • One survival manual
• Two paddles
• Take water in sealed containers • One compass in binnacle
• Rescue quoit with line
In addition to the SART, EPIRB and GMDSS radios the following items will • Bellows • One sea-anchor
be of use : • Two painters
• Repair kit
• Extra life jackets • Two hatchets
• One buoyant safety knife - two in rafts for more than twelve
• Extra survival bags persons • Three litres of fresh water per person
• Small plastic bags • Four rocket parachute flares • One rustproof dipper with lanyard
• Extra medical supplies • Six hand flares • One rustproof, graduated cup
• Extra electric torches and batteries • Two buoyant smoke signals • One ration of provision with at feast 10,000 kJ for each person
• Paper and pencil • Electric torch with spare bulb and batteries • Four parachute flares
• Portable radio receivers, books, playing cards etc • Whistle • Six hand flares
• Navigational instruments, books, chart and chronometer • Signalling mirror • Two smoke signals
• Ship Captain’s Medical Guide • Scissors • One flashlight (Morse) with spare batteries and bulb
• Instructions for survival • One signal mirror
Abandoning Vessel
• Illustrated table of lifesaving signals • One copy of rescue signals
All personnel should, if possible, board the lifeboat without getting wet.
• One bailer, two in rafts for more than twelve persons • One whistle
If for some reason this is not possible and a jump into the water has to be made, • Two sponges • One medicine chest
the follow procedure should be adopted.
• Emergency ration, 10,000 kJ per person • Six doses of anti-seasickness medicine for each person
• Make sure it is clear to jump
• Drinking water, 1.5 litres per person • One seasickness bag for each person
• Hold your nose
• One drinking vessel • One pocket knife with lanyard
• Hold down your life jacket
• Three tin openers • Three can openers
• Put your feet together
• Fishing tackle • Two rescue quoits with line
• Look ahead when you jump
• Medicine box • One manual pump
• Anti-seasickness medicine, 6 doses per person • One set of fishing tackle
• Seasickness bag, 1 per person • One fire extinguisher

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.3.5 - Page 1 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
• One searchlight position. Should the EPIRB not be in the survival craft when the vessel sinks Settling Down to a Period before Rescue
the hydrostatic release unit will automatically release it, and it will then Having made an assessment of how long it will be before rescue is likely it is
• Thermal protection suits
automatically start its transmissions. Where possible it is therefore beneficial now necessary to decide how the available food and water will be divided and
• One efficient radar reflector for all the survival craft to stay together, if possible by tying the survival craft issued. The following are a few guidelines.
• One set of tools for minor adjustments of the engine together.

• One female plug The minimum daily water ration should be around 450 ml to 500 ml given
The SARTS should be positioned on the extension pole, switched on and in three separate issues at sunrise, noon and sunset. This quantity will be
• One set of first aid instructions mounted as high as possible The batteries will last for 96 hours on stand-by and sufficient to avoid severe dehydration. The daily food ration should consist of
about 8 hours continuous operation if vessels are in the area and accessing it. 800 kJ to 850 kJ of the emergency rations given in three equal amounts as for
Aboard the Survival Craft the water. (This equates to around 500 g.)
To minimise drift, rig the sea anchor, issue anti-seasickness tablets, ensure
First Actions that any persons in the water are accommodated in the lifeboat or liferaft, if To make the decision as to how much should be issued take the total available,
possible. separate one third as emergency stock should rescue not be forthcoming when
• Move away from immediate danger.
expected, then apportion the remainder where possible on the above basis as
Listen for whistles and look for survivors, signalling lights and lights of other
• Elect a leader, this may be the most senior officer or the person a minimum.
rafts, ships or aircraft. The lookouts should be properly briefed in their duties
appointed on the muster list.
with regard to the collection of useful debris, how to keep a lookout, sector
In each lifeboat there will be 3 litres of water and 10,000 kJ of food for each
• Give an anti-seasickness tablet to all personnel. searches and the use of pyrotechnics.
person that the boat is certified to carry. It should be noted that the emergency
• Activate the EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio rations consist mainly of carbohydrates, some fat and minimal protein. These
Beacon). Proceed Towards the Nearest Land rations do not require the consumption of water or body fluid so that they can
• Take a muster of persons on board. In some circumstances this will be the most obvious choice. Factors to take be digested, which is of great importance.

• Search the area for other survivors or survival craft. into consideration are:-
Food and water should be issued in such a way that all can see that it is fair.
• Liaise with any other survival craft to ensure that all persons are • Was a distress alert sent? Everyone will become thirsty and as time passes human nature will make
accounted for. • If no EPIRB is in the boat, search the area of the sinking to see the ration distribution a very difficult and harrowing experience and also the
if it has surfaced. highlight of the day.
• Assess the situation. Is rescue likely and how long will it take?
• Do you stay close to the position of the sinking or proceed • How far to the nearest land, is the nearest land within the fuel If a desalination plant is available, this should be put into operation immediately
towards the nearest land? range of your craft? and its output used in preference to the internal water.
• Put the food and water under the control of one person who will Indications of the proximity of land are changes in the wind direction around
be responsible for distribution of the rations. sunset and sunrise. The land and sea breeze effect can be quite distinct in Passing the Time
• Collect in all additional food, clothing and sharp objects or some areas. A single cumulus cloud, or occasionally several, appears to be The leader has to face and resolve the following problems:
weapons that may have been brought into the survival craft. stationary close to the horizon whilst others are moving, is a good indication of
land beneath. Also if a single cloud, with no others around, remains stationary Maintain morale, this is best approached by giving duties to each person which
• No food or water should be issued for the first 24 hours. close to the horizon. There are many other indications such as a green and are meaningful, and ensuring that they are carried out.
• The leader should nominate different people to the following blue reflection on the underside of the clouds in low latitudes, the direction
positions, first aid, signalman, hull repairs, engine repairs, that birds fly in either early in the morning or in the evening also the change in Duties such as lookout, helmsman and baler should be rotated at intervals of
recorder of voyage log, navigator, helmsman and lookouts. colour of the sea from green or blue to a lighter colour. not more than one hour, as this will prevent boredom and lack of vigilance
from setting in.
Do not approach land at night unless you know exactly where you are and that
Stay Close to Position of Abandonment the landing area or harbour entrance can be safely transited. During the hours Continually show confidence that rescue will take place. Do not allow
With the improvements brought about by the GMDSS system in maritime of darkness lookouts should keep a good watch for the sound of surf and report individuals to lapse into melancholy. Try to make everyone think of factors
search and rescue this is the most likely decision that will be made. Prior to the watch leader any visual or audible occurrences. other than the present situation by introducing games of various forms. If a
to taking to the lifeboat a DSC Distress Alert should be sent out. This can portable radio is available tune it in and listen to the various programmes.
be done at the touch of a single button. In addition there are the EPIRB and Playing card games is useful, as considerable concentration is required.
SARTS which should be taken to the lifeboats when abandoning ship. The
EPIRB when activated allows the marine rescue co-ordination centre (MRCC)
to locate the position of survivors and guide vessels and aircraft to the rescue

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.3.5 - Page 2 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Maintain the health of all on board, both mental and physical. Routines can life jackets as extra insulation. Use a thermal protective aid (plastic survival
be counter productive. Where possible restrict movement to a minimum as all bag) if available. Persons particularly at risk from hypothermia should be
movement consumes body fluid. Body fluid is probably the most significant positioned nearer the engine, which will run for 24 hours at full power and
single factor to control whether or not you survive. much longer if kept at reduced speed.

The initial withholding of food and water for 24 hours puts the body into a The engine can be a very valuable source of warmth in cold weather, but fuel
slightly dehydrated state, which is the ideal situation for a prolonged period in should be conserved as much as possible, dependant upon sea conditions, by
a survival craft, during this period all persons should be encouraged to urinate, running at reduced speed or using the engine for certain periods only.
this will assist in reducing urinary retention problems later.

Do not consume food high in protein as this causes defecating which in turn Dehydration
causes you to use up your body fluids which you will be unable to replace.
This is a fact of life in a survival craft. All you can endeavour to do is minimise
If possible keep a good flow of fresh air through the boat as this will help to the rate at which your body looses fluid. Drinking either sea water or urine
reduce seasickness. Ensure that all persons take the anti-seasickness tablets for increases the rate at which precious body fluids are used up and in turn makes
the first two days. After this, most people will be acclimatised to the motion the person even thirstier, eventually the person will lapse into unconsciousness
of the craft. and die. Avoid eating proteins, minimise exercise and try to stay dry and
Towards the evening try to hang out any damp clothing and make sure it is dry
for the evening chill in the tropics. This avoids the loss of body fluid as body Emergency Repair of Lifesaving Appliances
heat dries the clothing and reduces the internal body temperature.
A repair kit should be included in the liferaft onboard equipment pack. Small
As thirst grows, the temptation increases to drink sea water. This temptation leakages can be stopped using the leakstoppers found in the repair kit. As a
must be resisted at all costs. last resort wet rags may be inserted into a hole or bound over using tape or
whatever means can be found.
All parts of the body should be shaded from the sun and the elements. This will
reduce the loss of body fluid and also reduce the risk sunburn or frostbite. Damage below the waterline can be repaired by moving the weight within the
raft to the opposite side so that the damaged part is lifted clear of the water
If your water ration is at least one litre per person daily then fishing can be a permitting the repair to be made.
worthwhile exercise. However, remember that fish are high in protein which
brings its own problems as previously mentioned. Repairs can be made to dry surfaces using the adhesive tape supplied in the
repair kit.
The blood of sea birds is quite nutritious. To catch sea birds, try putting some
of the fish guts on a piece of wood with a hook in the middle and allow it to These are only temporary repairs and should be replaced by making a
float a little way from the craft. permanent repair using the special glue and patches provided.

Do not encourage swimming as a form of exercise, this will use up energy and
can put the individuals at risk from sharks.

Exposure Hypothermia

There is a risk of hypothermia in water below about 25°C. Extra clothing

will delay the onset of hypothermia even if immersed, and of course will
provide extra warmth for the survivor in the lifeboat even though immersion
takes place. Totally enclosed or partially enclosed lifeboats provide far better
protection from the elements than the older open type, but extra clothing is still
essential for warmth in nearly all climates. If a survivor has been immersed
in water and has hypothermia, strip off the wet clothing and replace with dry
garments, if available. Warm the patient with extra layers of clothing and use

Issue: Final Draft Section 3.3.5 - Page 3 of 3

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

Illustration 3.3.6a (1) Lifesaving Equipment on the Main Deck


Main Deck


Life Jacket Box with 6EA

Life Jackets

Storage Position for

Embarkation Ladder

Embarkation Ladder

6 Liferaft (6 Person)

Light for Lifeboat

& Liferaft

Lifebuoy with
Self Igniting Light


Aft Deck

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.6a (2) Lifesaving Equipment on Navigation Bridge Deck and Escape Routes



Lift Shaft
Direction Emergency Exit

Up Radar Transponder SART


Satellite EPIRB

Two Way Radio Telephone


Life Jacket

Lifebuoy with
Self Igniting Light &
Smoke Signal

Rocket Parachute Flare

Line Throwing Appliance


Navigation Bridge Deck

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.6a (3) Lifesaving Equipment on C and D Decks and Escape Routes

C Deck D Deck
dn dn

Owner 2nd Engineer ETO Electrician (B) Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer's
Day Room Day Room Day Room
3rd Engineer 'B' dn Second Bedroom
Junior Junior
Junior General Office Engineer's
dn Officer
Officer 6 Officer 7
Officer & Engine Office Day Room
Junior General Bed Room
Office Bedroom
Bed Room
Junior Officer 4
C.G.L Drawing
Linen WC Elevator Store Workshop
Locker Bedroom
Store CG

Junior Officer 3
TV Room Superintendent Training
Officers TV & x4 Electrical
Junior Video Room Equipment Room
Officer 3rd Engineer (A)
Pipe and Work Shop Engineer
Cargo Control Room Key
Junior Officer 2 Trunk & Deck Office Pilots dn
Officer Cargo
Control Direction Emergency Exit
Room Officers Laundry
Ships Laundry
2nd Officer (A)

2nd Officer (B) Life Jacket

Junior Officer 1
Drying Second
Room Officer
dn Library dn

Junior Officer's
Laundry Third Emergency Escape
Officer Officer
Electric Breathing Device
Beer Conference C.G.L Officers WC Trunk
Linen Store WC Electric
Electric Room Officer's Night Pantry Trunk Bedroom
Store Trunk
Bed Room

Bed Room
Conference Bedroom
Officers Room
Officer's Room
Recreation Lounge Captain's
CCR Day Room
dn Store Pantry
Cargo Engineer's
Cargo Engineers
Chief Officer's Chief Officers Captains
Owner CCR Day Room Day Room Day Room Day Room
Day Room Bedroom
Pantry Bed Room
dn dn

C Deck D Deck

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.6a (4) Lifesaving Equipment on A and B Decks and Escape Routes

A Deck 45P B Deck


dn dn dn dn dn
dn dn

Store Hospital Crew 1 Crew 2 Crew 3 Crew 4 Bosun
Crews Mess Room
Room WC
Crew 5
Dry Provisions
Store SMS Room
Crews Duty C.G.L Store WC Elevator
Store Mess Room Elevator
Cable Trunk
Crew 12

Crews TV & Chief Cook

Video Room
Pipe /
Galley Galley Pipe
Fan Coil WC Duct
Trunk Electric
Unit Rm Trunk
Room Crew 6
Crews Laundry
Duty Dry.
Handling Area Room
Mess Room dn Crews Reception dn Life Jacket
Petty Officer
Trunk Lifeboat (45 People)
Vegetable Dairy Room Store Cable Trunk 45P
Bev. Store
Room Lobby Store Electric
Trunk Medicine Locker

Crew 7
Room Stretcher
Officers Mess Room Gymnasium
Meat Locker
Room Muster Point
Crew 11 Crew 10 Crew 9 Crew 8 Pump Man
dn dn Immersion/
dn dn dn Exposure Suits

dn Direction Emergency Exit


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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.6a (5) Lifesaving Equipment on Upper Deck, Bosun's Store and Bow Thruster Room and Escape Routes



Bonded Safety
Store Equipment

Hydraulic Power Room

Worker Worker
Vent Vent x4 Station
No.1 Cargo

D oo
Officers Changing Switchboard
ry m
Store WC R Room Elevator Room

Air Handling Unit Room

Dry Rope
Deck Storage
Workshop Area Key
D oo
ry m

Life Jacket

x 6 (Inflatable) No.2 Cargo



x 4 (Exposure
Crew's Changing Room Lifeboat
Deck Store 2
Vent Vent Bosun's Store
Store (None Fitted)
Oxy x6 Life Rescue Boat
Oil and Deck Store 1 Games Room
Grease Chem. Acet
CO2 Lifebuoy with
CO2 Self Igniting Light

Direction Emergency Exit


25 Liferaft
(25 Person)
Air Compressor For
Immersion/ Breathing Apparatus
Exposure Suits
Main Deck Light For Lifeboat & Liferaft

Muster Point Emergency Escape

Bow Thruster Room Breathing Device
(None Fitted)

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.6a (6) Lifesaving Equipment on Engine Room 2nd Deck and Escape Routes








UP 4x



Direction Emergency Exit

Life Jacket

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3.3.6 - Page x
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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.6a (7) Lifesaving Equipment on Engine Room 3rd Deck and Escape Routes



Direction Emergency

Emergency Escape
Breathing Device

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.6a (8) Lifesaving Equipment on Engine Room 4th Deck and Escape Routes



Direction Emergency

Emergency Escape
Breathing Device


Engine Room 4th Deck

Issue: Final Draft Section

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.3.6a (9) Lifesaving Equipment on Engine Room Floor and Escape Routes

Main Condenser

Exit Key

Direction Emergency

Emergency Escape
Breathing Device

Scoop Inlet

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3.3.6 - Page x
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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4a Emergency Stop List

Stop Load
Group Group Circuit Description

ES1B Engine 2GP-001 No.2 Stern Tube Lubricating Oil Pump

Fuel Oil
and LO 2GP-010 Aft Seal Tank Lubricating Oil Supplement Pump
2GP-017 No.2 Lubricating Oil Purifier

2GP-018 No.2 Lubricating Oil Purifier Supply Pump

2GP-027 No.2 Boiler HFO Supply Pump

Stop Load Stop Load
Group Group Circuit Description 2GP-030 Engine Room HFO Transfer Pump Circuit Description
Group Group

ES1A Engine 1P-008 MGO Supply Pump for Inert Gas Generator EP-011 No.2 Turbine Generator Auxiliary LO Pump ES2A Engine 1P-006 No.1 Blower for Inert Gas Generator
Room Room
Fuel Oil Vent
EP-015 No.2 Main FW Pump Auxiliary LO Pump
and LO 1GP-001 No.1 Stern Tube Lubricating Oil Pump Fans 1P-013 Port Main Switchboard Packaged AC Unit
1GP-004 No.1 Auxiliary LO Pump for Main Turbine EGP-007 No.2 Auxiliary LO Pump for Main Turbine 1P-018 No.1 Packaged AC Unit for Engine Control Room

2P-013 Starboard Main Switchboard Packaged AC Unit

1GP-017 No.1 Lubricating Oil Purifier 1P-020 Incinerator

15LD-004 Lubricating Oil Filter

1GP-018 No.1 Lubricating Oil Purifier Supply Pump 1P-010 Dryer Unit for Inert Gas Generator

1GP-020 Lubricating Oil TransferPump 1GP-011 No.2 Engine Room Supply Fan

Stop Load
1GP-027 No.1 Boiler HFO Supply Pump Circuit Description 1GP-014 No.1 BOG Extraction Fan
Group Group

1GP-029 Sludge Pump ES2B Engine 1GP-015 No.1 Boiler Forced Draught Fan
2P-006 No.2 Blower for Inert Gas Generator
1GP-030 Marine Gas Oil Transfer Pump Vent 1GP-016 No.1 Boiler Seal Air Fan
Fans 2P-009 Sootblower Control Panel

1GP-033 Diesel Oil Transfer Pump 1GP-019 Toilet Extraction Fan

2P-018 No.2 Packaged AC Unit for Engine Control Room
EP-009 Diesel Generator Pre-lubrication Oil Pump 1GP-025 Gland Steam Condenser Extraction Fan
2GP-011 No.4 Engine Room Supply Fan
EP-010 No.1 Turbine Generator Auxiliary LO Pump EGP-003 No.3 Engine Room Supply Fan
2GP-012 No.2 Engine Room Exhaust Fan
EP-014 No.1 Main Feed Water Pump Auxiliary LO Pump EGP-004 No.1 Engine Room Supply Fan
2GP-014 No.2 BOG Extraction Fan
3PD-004 Marine Diesel Oil CJC Filter 2PD-001 No.1 Engine Room Workshop Packaged AC Unit
2GP-015 No.2 Boiler Forced Draught Fan

3PD-006 Oily Water Separator 2PD-002 No.2 Engine Room Workshop Packaged AC Unit
2GP-016 No.2 Boiler Seal Air Fan

EGP-002 No.1 Engine Room Supply Fan

2GP-019 Welding Space Exhaust Fan

2GP-020 Boiler Test Space Exhaust Fan

2GP-025 Purifier Room Exhaust Fan

15LD-006 Dehumidifier for the Main Turbine

Issue: Final Draft 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4 FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS Dangers in Use The suction and discharge valves of the fire pump, one bilge, fire and GS pump
and the emergency fire pump are locked in the open position and the pumps
The vessel’s fire fighting capacity is enhanced by the inclusion of systems that • Do not use on fires where there is live electricity in the can be started locally, at the fire control station, cargo control room, at No.2
can detect and fight the types of fires which might occur due to the ignition vicinity. group starter panel or at the bridge emergency console.
of fuel oil, lubricating oil and cargo. The choice of fire fighting system to use
will depend on the location and nature of the fire. Initially any fire is attacked 3. Dry Powder The pipelines and fittings are painted red and fire hoses and hydrants are
using portable extinguishers and if that method fails the following systems are strategically positioned in the engine room, accommodation and on deck.
considered. • Suitable for use on fires involving liquids and liquified solids.
• Suitable for use, with the correct technique, on extinguishing a CO2 Flooding System for the Engine Room (see section 3.4.5)
Portable Fire Extinguishers high pressure gas flame (Class C Fires). A central bank of 563 cylinders each containing 45 kg of CO2 located in the
• Suitable for use against carbonaceous fires (Class A fires). CO2 room, is situated on the starboard side of the engine casing on A deck.
There are three types on board: The system protects the engine room, No.1 and No.2 main switchboard rooms,
• Dry powder gives a fast flame knock-down and may be used on
purifier room, diesel generator room and the inert gas generator room.
fires involving live electrical equipment.
1. Carbon Dioxide - CO2
Outlets for CO2 are located in the protected spaces so as to give an even spread
• Suitable for class A and B fires (although others are more Identification Colour Code of CO2 quickly throughout the compartment when the gas is released.
effective) and for class C fires when in a liquid state, such as The system can be operated from the following positions:
The extinguisher is red and has instructions written in blue bold lettering.
liquid gas leak. • Engine room - fire control station or the CO2 room
• Particularly good when fighting electrical fires. Dangers in Use
• All other spaces - fire control station or a local release station
• Not very effective when used outside, especially in a breeze. • May not be effective against a deep seated fire. directly outside the space
• Avoid inhalation of the powder.
Identification Colour Code CO2 Flooding System for the Cargo Area (see section 5.4)
The extinguisher is red and has instructions written in black bold lettering. Operating Procedure for all Extinguishers A central bank of 22 cylinders each containing 45 kg of CO2 located in the
CO2 room, is situated on the starboard side of the engine casing on A deck. The
Dangers in Use a) Remove the safety pin. system protects the port and starboard cargo switchboard, cargo machinery
room, electric motor room, emergency generator room and the emergency
• Hold only the insulated parts of the discharge hose and horn. b) Point the discharge nozzle at the base of the fire. switchboard room. These systems are all released from the fire control station
With the expansion and evaporation of the CO2 there are or the CO2 room.
cooling processes and a danger of frost burn if the discharge c) Squeeze the handle trigger.
horn comes into contact with the skin.
d) Point the discharge at the base of the fire. For CO2 and dry CO2 Flooding System for the Deck Stores
• Do not use in an enclosed area as CO2 is asphyxiating. powder extinguishers, a sweeping motion is best against Each store has a cylinder containing 45 kg of CO2 located outside the store
• Not suitable for deep seated fires due to limited penetration. widespread fires. room. The system protects the paint store, chemical store and the oil/grease
store. These systems are all released locally at the storage cylinder.
2. Foam Fire Main System (see section 3.4.1 and 3.4.2)
Oil Mist Detection System
• Suitable for use on liquid spills and contained liquid fire of oils, This system is continually pressurised by a sea water hydrophore tank and
paints, cleaning fluids and fires involving liquified solids such This system continuously samples the atmosphere at a number of points in the
fire jockey pump. The jockey pump only supplies a limited number of machinery spaces. It gives warning of any explosive oil mist or vapours which
as fats and waxes (Class B fires). accommodation hoses so the fire pump is started at the earliest opportunity may be present in quantities which might present a fire hazard in the engine
to ensure that a sufficient amount of sea water is available. The system can room. The oil mist detector is able to detect levels of oil mist concentration far
Identification Colour Code also be supplied by the bilge, fire and GS pumps, the water spray pump in the below the lower explosion limit of the oil mist, thus giving warning before the
engine room and the emergency fire pump located in the steering gear room. oil mist reaches the point where an explosion could occur.
The extinguisher is red and has instructions written in cream bold lettering.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems - Page 2 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4b Emergency Stop List

Location of Pushbuttons: Fire Control Station and Wheelhouse Emergency Panel

Stop Load Stop Load Stop Load

Circuit Description Circuit Description Group Group Circuit Description
Group Group Group Group

ES3 Accomm 3GP-001 No.1 Main AC Plant (AHU) ES4A Other 1GP-024 No.1 Forward HFO Transfer Pump ES4B Other 2GP-024 No.2 Forward HFO Transfer Pump
Vent Deck Deck
3GP-002 Refrigeration Provision Plant (Unit Cooler Panel) Pumps 1CGP-003 No.1 HD Compressor Auxiliary LO Pump Pumps 2CGP-003 No.2 HD Compressor Auxiliary LO Pump
and and
Vent 1CGP-004 No.1 LD Compressor Auxiliary LO Pump Vent 2CGP-004 No.2 LD Compressor Auxiliary LO Pump
3GP-011 No.1 Sanitary Exhaust Fan
Fans Fans

3GP-012 Galley Supply Fan 1CGP-006 No.1 Air Lock Supply fan 2CGP-006 No.2 Air Lock Supply Fan

3GP-015 Paint Store Exhaust Fan 1CGP-007 No.1 Cargo Machinery Room Exhaust Fan 2CGP-007 No.2 Cargo Machinery Room Exhaust Fan

3GP-021 No.2 Main AC Plant (AHU) 1CGP-008 No.1 Electric Motor Room Supply Fan 2CGP-008 No.2 Electric Motor Room Supply Fan

3GP-027 H/H Defogging System 1CGP-009 No.1 Passageway Exhaust Fan 2CGP-009 No.1 Passageway Exhaust Fan

3GP-031 No.2 Sanitary Exhaust Fan 1CGP-010 Mid Deck Store Exhaust Fan 2CGP-010 Duct Keel Exhaust Fan

3GP-032 Galley Exhaust Fan 1CGP-022 No.1 Hydraulic Pump Starter for Cargo Valves EP-005 No.2 Hydraulic Pump Starter for Cargo Valves

3GP-033 Wheelhouse Fan Coil Unit 2CGP-022 No.1 Hydraulic Pump Starter for Ballast Valves EP-006 No.1 Hydraulic Pump Starter for Ballast Valves

3GP-036 Battery Room Exhaust Fan EGP-005 CO2 Room Exhaust Fan

3GP-037 24V DC Battery Store Exhaust Fan EGP-006 Emergency Generator Room Supply Fan

1L-007 Accomm 220V Distribution Board (14LD) EGP-008 Steering Gear Room Exhaust Fan

1PD-002 Bow Thruster Room Supply Fan

EP-016 Forward Pump Room Exhaust Fan

1PD-006 Bosun's Store Exhaust Fan

1PD-007 Hydraulic Oil Pump for Bow Thruster

3GP-034 Hydraulic Power Pack Room Exhaust Fan

3GP-013 Oil and Grease Store Exhaust Fan

3GP-014 Chemical Store Exhaust Fan

1CGP-023 Hydraulic Power Pack Brake

Issue: Final Draft 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Water Mist System (see section 3.4.11) The digital outputs of the system are used to stop the ventilation fans, release
This system consists of fresh water at high pressure injected into the protected the fire doors and operate the water mist system. The system is looped to
machinery space through special spray heads which break down the water the gas sampling and alarm system and to the IAS cabinet in the electrical
stream into very fine mist-like particles. equipment room on A deck.

The system protects the incinerator room, hydraulic power pack room, port and Galley Deep Fat Fryer Wet Chemical System (see section xxx)
starboard boiler burner platforms, inert gas generator room, the steering gear
This system is installed to protect the vessel from any potential fire in the
room, diesel generator room and the purifier room.
galley deep fat fryer. These units are identified as a recurrent cause of vessel
fires and are singled out for special protection as a result.
The system is self-contained and consists of a pump driven by an air motor,
supplied by the control air system, which takes suction from the fresh water
The system on this vessel comprises a fully automatic wet chemical foam
tanks and maintains the system pressure at 24.5 bar up to the control valves.
system combined with a local application CO2 duct system to fight any spread
of the fire in to the galley exhaust ducting.
From the control valves a set of piston type pumps driven by pressurised N2
cylinders, supply the fresh water at a rate of 11 litres/minute through each of
the spray heads. Emergency Life Saving Apparatus (ELSA)
The ELSA breathing devices are provided so that, in the event of a fire or other
The system control valves can be activated automatically by the fire detection emergency, they are readily available, near the escape routes, to aid escape.
system, manually at the system control panel in the fire control station, locally
at the section valves or by pressing the operating pushbutton at each location. They consist of a compressed air breathing set with a limited time of
approximately 5 or 10 minutes. The breathing apparatus is in a carrying bag
The N2 cylinders are sent ashore for recharging. that can be slung over the shoulder and includes a high visibility hood which
incorporates an nasal mask and neck seal.
Quick-Closing Valves and Fire Dampers System (see section 3.4.10)
The relative positions of these items are shown later in this section, on the
This system is used, in the event of a major fire in the machinery spaces, to
lifesaving equipment and escape route plans, section 5.10.
close the ventilation dampers and the outlet valves on the tanks containing
fuel oil and lubricating oil. The system is operated from the fire control station
where valves are positioned to direct the air, contained in a pressurised tank, Emergency Light Sticks
to the quick-closing valves and to vent the damper cylinders. The pressurised There are emergency light sticks positioned in all the accommodation and
tank is maintained at 9 bar by the control air system. work areas. These are activated by bending the stick, which snaps the glass
phial and allows the two liquids to react and create a light source, which will
The emergency generator room fuel oil tank outlet valve is operated by wire last long enough to allow an escape from the lowest regions of the vessel.
rope and handle from outside the rooms.

A similar arrangement for the incinerator room DO tank and waste oil tank
outlet valves is installed as a local back-up to the pneumatic system.

Fire Detection System (see section 3.4.6)

This system will raise an alarm to alert the ship’s staff and has a direct input
into the IAS for recording any alarms, faults and disconnections. The operating
panel, control unit and power supply are contained in a central cabinet in the
fire control station on the port side of the accommodation on the upper deck.
The system uses 8 detector loops, connected to a 7.2 Ah battery system back-
up in the event of a power failure and detects any source of smoke, heat or
flames in the protected spaces.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems - Page 4 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.1a Engine Room Fire Main System To Accommodation and Deck To Deck Fire To Casing
Water Spray System Main Line Top
B Deck

Upper Deck HB
From Main Sea Water Inert Gas
Crossover Line Generator
FD051F FD053F FD054F
Water Spray Pump
(170 0m3/h x 9.0 bar) HB HB HB
FD055F FD056F
ZI ZI 2nd Deck
MM104 MC MM105
PP037 FD017F FD023F FD027F
From Main Sea Water 3rd Deck
Crossover Line
FD041F FD043F
Fire Pump To Boiler Soot FD018F FD024F FD028F
(180 m3/h x 12.0 bar) Drain Eductor HB HB HB
4th Deck
PP035 PT FD019F FD029F

Sea Water For Fire

Hydrophore Tank Pump This valve should be FD025F
(2.0 m3) Automatic closed after use of HB HB HB
Fire Jockey Pump Start Ballast Eductors Floor
(2 m3/h x 12.0 bar)
driving water
From Main Sea Water FD020F FD026F FD030F
Crossover Line Aft Centre Port Starboard
FD015F FD016F
PP035 MM103


From Main Sea Water ZS

Crossover Line Key
CF019 FD012F FD031F
Control Air
Fire Main

Direct Bilge Suction Fresh Water

FD007F FD003F FD008F
PI No.1 PI
Sea Water
FD006F FD005F FD010F
From Clean Drain Tank Bilge, Fire and
General Service Pumps Air
(245/150 m3/h x 3.5/12.0 bar)
From Fresh Water Tank MM141
ZI Electrical Signal
Control Air To Bilge Well
From Engine Room Bilge ZS Instrumentation
Main Line CF022
FD004F FD013F HB Fire Hose with Nozzle
From Main Sea Water (50 mm Coupling)
To Ballast Stripping Eductor
Crossover Line Hand Operated (Locked Open)
FD002F FD009F
PI No.2 PI
To Ballast Eductor Overboard Line Hand Operated (Locked Shut)

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.1 Engine Room Fire MainHeading

System - Page 1
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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.1 ENGINE ROOM FIRE MAIN SYSTEM Introduction the deck fire ring main are kept in the open position at all times except when
there is a need to isolate a section of the fire main for any reason. There is a
The engine room fire main system can supply sea water to: isolating valve from the engine room service line to the deck wash system,
Fire Pump
FD570F located in the aft cofferdam and is operated via an extended spindle on
• The fire hydrants in the engine room
Maker: Shinko Industries Ltd deck. Additionally, there are remotely operated isolating valves located in the
No. of sets: 1 • The fire hydrants on deck respective underdeck passageways port and starboard, FD571F and FD572F,
Type: Centrifugal self-priming • The fire hydrants in the accommodation block these valves are operated from the IAS Fire Deck & Wash Down screen display
or from the water spray system valve panel in the fire control station. In order
Model: RVS200-2MS • Hawse pipes to operate these valves or fire pumps from the IAS operator stations command
Capacity: 180 m3/h at 12 bar • Forward bilge eductors control has to be in place at that station. Under normal sea going conditions the
bridge IAS station has command of the functions.
• Passageway bilge eductors
Water Spray Pump
• Hold bilge eductors As the deck fire main is a ring main, all hydrants can be supplied with water
Maker: Shinko Industries Ltd except those located between any pair of closed isolating valves.
• The accommodation and cargo manifold water curtain spray
No. of sets: 1 system
Type: Centrifugal The fire main is automatically pressurised at all times by means of a sea water
• Boiler soot drain eductor hydrophore unit which is maintained under pressure by the fire jockey pump.
Model: KV350K
• Swimming pool The sea water hydrophore unit has a pump cut-in pressure of 8 bar and a cut
Capacity: 1700 m3/h at 9 bar out pressure of 11.8 bar. The sea water hydrophore unit operates in the same
The fire pump, water spray pump and the bilge, fire and general service pumps way as the fresh water hydrophore units with air pressure providing the loading
Bilge, Fire and General Service Pump are located in the engine room and are all driven by electric motors. The fire in the hydrophore tanks. The connection from the sea water hydrophore unit
pump, emergency fire pump and the fire, bilge and general service pumps to the fire main is at the outlet manifold from the fire pump and the fire, bilge
Maker: Shinko Industries Ltd and GS pumps.
supply water to the fire and deck wash main.
No. of sets: 2
Type: Centrifugal self-priming The water spray pump can also supply the fire and deck wash main, but is Tag Description Low
Model: RVS200-2MS normally used to supply water to either the ballast water eductor or, in an PP035 Fire jockey pump pressure control 11 bar
Capacity: 245/150 m3/h at 3.5/12 bar emergency, the water spray system.
The fire pump may be started and stopped locally or from the following
The fire main system is maintained under pressure by the hydrophore tank locations, provided that the local selector switch is set to remote:
Fire Jockey Pump system with its associated jockey pump. The fire main supplies hydrants in
the engine room and on deck. If one of the fire hydrant valves is opened the • Fire control station
Maker: Shinko Industries Ltd pressure in the fire main falls because the fire jockey pump has insufficient • Wheelhouse
No. of sets: 1 capacity to maintain the pressure. The main fire pump is normally in manual
• Cargo control room
Type: Centrifugal mode, but can be set to automatic operation and will start automatically when
Model: SQH50MM its pressure switch detects the fall in fire main pressure. By this means the fire • IAS operator stations
main is automatically maintained under pressure in order to supply water to • No.2 group starter panel
Capacity: 2 m3/h at 12 bar
any of the hydrants.
The fire pump, the fire jockey pump, water spray pumps and the fire, bilge and
Emergency Fire Pump It is not good practice to have the main fire pump cutting in at low pressure for GS pumps all take suction from the sea water main. Either the high or low sea
routine wash deck requirements. For such usage the main fire pump should be chest must be open to this suction main at all times.
Maker: Shinko Industries Ltd started manually with the fire main being bled with a reduced opening through
No. of sets: 1 one or more hydrants under pressure. Once the main fire pump is running, one
Type: Centrifugal or more hydrants must remain fully open at all times.
Model: RVP160-2MS
The deck fire main system comprises the fire hydrants at the accommodation
Capacity: 72 m3/h at 12 bar block and the fire hydrants on the ring fire main which runs around the main
deck. Fire hydrants in the after deck area, steering gear and the funnel uptake
casing are supplied directly from the fire main system in the engine room via
branch pipes.
Hydrant valves are normally kept closed but isolating valves on sections of

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.1 Engine Room Fire Main System - Page 2 of 4
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.1a Engine Room Fire Main System To Accommodation and Deck To Deck Fire To Casing
Water Spray System Main Line Top
B Deck

Upper Deck HB
From Main Sea Water Inert Gas
Crossover Line Generator
FD051F FD053F FD054F
Water Spray Pump
(170 0m3/h x 9.0 bar) HB HB HB
FD055F FD056F
ZI ZI 2nd Deck
MM104 MC MM105
PP037 FD017F FD023F FD027F
From Main Sea Water 3rd Deck
Crossover Line
FD041F FD043F FD018F FD024F FD028F
Fire Pump To Boiler Soot
(180 m3/h x 12.0 bar) Drain Eductor HB HB HB
4th Deck
PP035 PT FD019F FD029F

Sea Water For Fire

Hydrophore Tank Pump This valve should be FD025F
(2.0 m3) Automatic closed after use of HB HB HB
Fire Jockey Pump Start Ballast Eductors Floor
(2 m3/h x 12.0 bar)
driving water
From Main Sea Water FD020F FD026F FD030F
Crossover Line Aft Centre Port Starboard
FD015F FD016F
PP035 MM103


From Main Sea Water ZS

Crossover Line Key
CF019 FD012F FD031F
Control Air
Fire Main

Direct Bilge Suction Fresh Water

FD007F FD003F FD008F
PI No.1 PI
Sea Water
FD006F FD005F FD010F
From Clean Drain Tank Bilge, Fire and
General Service Pumps Air
(245/150 m3/h x 3.5/12.0 bar)
From Fresh Water Tank MM141
ZI Electrical Signal
Control Air To Bilge Well
From Engine Room Bilge ZS Instrumentation
Main Line CF022
FD004F FD013F HB Fire Hose with Nozzle
From Main Sea Water (50 mm Coupling)
To Ballast Stripping Eductor
Crossover Line Hand Operated (Locked Open)
FD002F FD009F
PI No.2 PI
To Ballast Eductor Overboard Line Hand Operated (Locked Shut)

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Preparation for the Operation of the Fire Hydrant System b) Open the remotely operated deck isolating valves, FD571F and g) Open the desired hydrant valves on the fire main after connecting
FD572F from an the remote panel in the fire control station. the fire hose.
The fire main must be kept under pressure at all times by the sea water
hydrophore unit. It is assumed that the fire main is already flooded before c) Open the engine room isolating valve to deck, FD570F and Note: In order to avoid cavitation and overheating of the pump at least one
starting the sea water hydrophore unit. the main manual isolating valves to the port and starboard outlet on the system should be opened to allow some flow through the pump.
sides, FD568F and FD569F. Each of these valves are operated This would usually be an anchor washer.
via extended spindles and are located at the front of the
Procedure to Operate the Sea Water Hydrophore Unit accommodation block. Fire mains run along the port and starboard sides of the ship in the under deck
a) Ensure that the sea water suction main is flooded with either passage. Hydrant connectors are provided at strategic positions so that all parts
d) All hydrant outlet valves must be closed. of the deck may be reached by water spray from the appropriate hoses. The
the high or low sea suction valve open. Check all hydrants are
closed. Ensure that the hydrophore tank gauge valves are open. cargo manifold side shell water curtain is supplied with water from the fire and
e) Set up the valves as shown in the table below: deck wash main.
b) Open the jockey pump suction valve FD014F from the sea
water main and the pump discharge valve FD015F. Open the Fire Pump Water from the fire and deck wash main is used for driving the forward bilge
tank outlet valve FD016F. Using the jockey pump, fill the tank and under passageway bilge eductors.
Position Description Valve
until the water level gauge glass is ¾ full, then stop the pump.
Open SW main suction valve FD041F Emergency Fire Pump
c) Connect a GS air flexible hose to the air inlet valve AR044F (locked)
Open Fire pump discharge valve FD043F The emergency fire pump is located in the steering gear room and has a
and pressurise the hydrophore tank from the general service air
(locked) dedicated sea suction chest. The suction and discharge valves are locked in
supply until the level in the tank reaches the bottom of the glass,
the open position and the pump can be started remotely from the following
or full air pressure is reached. Closed Cross-connection valve to water spray system FD055F locations:
d) Repeat items b) and c) until the tank reaches full pressure with • Fire control station
the level at approximately half way up the gauge glass. Water/ • Wheelhouse
Bilge, Fire and GS Pumps
air may be drained/vented to establish the correct level.
Position Description Valve • Cargo control room
e) The sea water hydrophore tank is now operational and it is Open No.1 bilge, fire and GS pump SW main FD001F • Emergency switchboard group starter panel
possible to select the AUTOMATIC operation for the fire (locked) suction valve
jockey pump.
Open No.1 bilge, fire and GS pump discharge to FD012F Water Spray System
f) Each hydrant may now be opened in turn to vent the air from (locked) fire main
the system. Closed No.1 bilge, fire and GS pump discharge valve FD010F The water spray pump supplies the water spray system, however the pump may
to overboard also be used for operating the ballast stripping eductor. This will require the
Once vented, the fire main system is ready for operation. The fire jockey pump Closed No.1 bilge, fire and GS pump discharge valve FD018F normally locked closed cross-connection valve FD055F to be opened and with
should maintain the pressure in the fire main system. to ballast eductor this valve open the fire pump and bilge, fire and GS pumps may also serve the
Open No.2 bilge, fire and GS pump SW main FD002F water spray system.

Procedure for Supplying Sea Water to the Fire and Deck Wash suction valve
The water spray pump may be controlled locally by setting its selector switch
System Open No.2 bilge, fire and GS pump discharge to FD013F to LOCAL but it is normally operated from the central control room mimic
fire main panel and to allow for this the selector switch must be turned to the REMOTE
The fire and deck wash system may be supplied with water by the fire pump, Closed No.2 bilge, fire and GS pump discharge valve FD011F position.
located in the engine room, and by either of the two fire, bilge and GS pumps, to overboard
also located in the engine room. These pumps take suction from the sea water Closed No.2 bilge, fire and GS pump discharge valve FD009F This system is described in detail in section 3.4.3 of this manual.
main and so this must be open and operating. to ballast eductor
Closed Fire hydrant system drain valve FD031F
It is assumed that the fire main is operational and fully pressurised by the fire
jockey pump: f) Start the selected bilge, fire and GS pump on high speed, or the
main fire pump. These pumps must be selected as ON and IAS
a) All the manual intermediate isolating valves along the fire main at the respective switchboard group starter panels in order to
on the main deck must be open. allow them to be started from the remote locations.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.1 Engine Room Fire Main System - Page 4 of 4
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.2a Fire and Deck Wash System Windlass Disc Brake
Sea Water) Cooling Line


FD643F Key FD510F FD507F

Self Priming Vertical Centrifugal Fire Main

Emergency Fire Pump
(72 m3/h x 12 bar) Sea Water 513F HB
Hydraulic Oil HB
FD508F FD506F
To No.1
Air FD511F Bilge Eductor
To No.4
FD505F for Bosun Store
Fire Hose with Nozzle Bilge Eductor
FD642F FD512F
HB (50 mm Coupling) for Bosun Store Bosun Store
Hand Operated
HB Steering (Locked Open) Hawse
FD647F Gear Room To To No.2 Pipe
Sea Water Cooling Line for No.3
AR600F Bilge Eductor Fore
Windlass Break Disc Bilge Eductor
For Blowing Engine Room for Bow Peak Tank
PI PI No.1 Heavy Fuel Oil Tank Thruster Room
Air Eliminator (Centre)
Forward Bow
FD648F FD649F Thruster
FD652F Pump
Room Room
Aft Peak Tank Thruster

Sea Chest
Water Tank

To Bilge Eductor for To Bilge Eductor for To Bilge Eductor for

FD546F FD545F
HB To Accommodation Passageway FD583F Passageway Passageway FD581F
FD599F FD555F FD539F FD527F
Fresh FD642F HB
Water FD571F FD595F
FD601F FD568F FD597F
Tank FD549F FD FD
FD564F FD557F 535F 521F
(P) FD593F
Aft Peak 501F
Tank Distilled From Engine
Water Room
(P) Tank FD566F FD559F FD553F FD551F FD543F FD541F FD537F FD533F FD531F FD525F FD523F
(P) 502F
Engine FD562F
Room FD570F
Mooring Engine
Deck FD644F Electric FD519F
Accommodation FD563F Motor Room
HB FD Area FD520F
Water FD567F
FD561F FD560F FD554F FD552F FD544F FD542F FD538F FD534F FD532F FD526F FD524F
Aft Peak Tank FD604F FD
Tank (S) FD569F HB HB HB HB HB
(S) FD530F
Fresh FD594F
FD565F Machinery FD558F FD550F FD536F FD
Water 522F FD
Tank Room
To Accommodation
FD572F FD556F FD540F FD596F FD528F
Hydrants FD598F
HB FD588F FD582F
HB To Bilge Eductor for FD547F To Bilge Eductor for To Bilge Eductor for
FD641F FD548F
FD602F Passageway FD584F Passageway Passageway
Cargo Manifold

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire MainHeading

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.2 DECK AND ACCOMMODATION FIRE MAIN SYSTEM Position Description Valve The Bow Fire Main System
Open Starboard remotely operated fire safe isolating FD572F
Water supplied by the fire main is also used as flushing water at the hawse
Introduction valve
pipes and as cooling water for the windlass disc brakes. Supply valves to the
Open Starboard isolating valve aft of cargo FD556F windlass disc brake cooling system, FD501F for the port windlass and FD504F
The fire main system is maintained under pressure by the hydrophore tank manifold for the starboard windlass, are opened as required, as are the port hawse pipe
system with its associated jockey pump as described in section 3.4.1. The Open Starboard isolating valve forward of cargo FD540F valve FD502F and starboard hawse pipe valve FD503F.
fire main supplies hydrants in the engine room and on deck. If one of the fire manifold
hydrant valves is opened the pressure in the fire main falls because the fire Open Starboard isolating valve at forward cargo FD528F Valves FD505F and FD573F supply operating water for the bosun's store bilge
jockey pump has insufficient capacity to maintain the pressure. The fire pump tank eductors, valve FD506F supplies operating water for the bow thruster bilge
is normally in manual mode, but can be set to automatic operation and will start Open Forward ring main isolating valve FD520F eductor and valve FD574F supplies operating water for the forward pump
automatically when its pressure switch detects the fall in fire main pressure. By room bilges.
this means the fire main is automatically maintained under pressure in order to Open Bow fire main isolating valve FD519F
supply water to any of the hydrants.
c) Start the main fire pump, or the duty bilge, fire and GS pump.
The deck fire main system comprises the fire hydrants at the accommodation
block and the fire hydrants on the ring fire main which runs around the main d) The deck fire main is now pressurised and the fire main pump
deck. Fire hydrants in the after deck areas and the funnel uptake block are can now be stopped. Confirm that the jockey pump is holding
supplied directly from the fire main system in the engine room via branch the pressure in the fire main and then place the main fire pump
pipes. in Manual mode.

Hydrant valves are normally kept closed but isolating valves on sections of Note: During routine deck washing procedures one of the two bilge, fire
the deck fire ring main are kept in the open position at all times except when and general service pumps may be used for supplying water to the fire main
there is a need to isolate a section of the fire main for any reason. As the deck in order to prevent constant use of the fire pump for such duties. Normally
fire main is a ring main all hydrants can be supplied with water except those No.1 bilge, fire and general service pump is set to supply the fire main
located between any pair of closed isolating valves. with its sea suction and fire main discharge valves open. If a bilge, fire and
general service pump is used to supply sea water to the fire main for deck
Procedure for Operating the Deck Fire Main washing duties the fire pump must be set to MANUAL operation so that it
will not operate automatically when the fire main pressure falls. After deck
a) Ensure that the fire main is pressurised using the hydrophore washing is finished it is essential that the fire pump is restored to automatic
tank and fire jockey pump. Ensure that the fire pump is set for operation.
automatic operation and that the emergency fire pump is set for
operation once fully pressurised.

b) Open the fire main isolating valves as in the following table.

Position Description Valve

Open Isolating valve from engine room FD570F
Open Port main line isolating valve FD568F
Open Starboard main line isolating valve FD569F
Open Port remotely operated fire safe isolating FD571F
Open Port isolating valve aft of cargo manifold FD555F
Open Port isolating valve forward of cargo FD539F
Open Port isolating valve at forward cargo tank FD527F

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire Main System - Page 2 of 4
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.2b Accommodation Fire Main System
Electrical Switchboard Room B DECK FD611F C DECK
FD607F FD587F
Incinerator FD605F From
Room Fire and
Wash Deck
Swimming System


To Swimming Pool Room

HB Fire and
FD617F Wash Deck
CO2 Room System
FD606F CO2 Room
FD610F FD619F




FD628F From Fire and Key

FD622F FD633F FD632F Wash Deck System
HB Fire Main

FD623F Bilge

Air Eliminator
Swimming Pool
and Chart Space HB Fire Hose with Nozzle
(50 mm Coupling)

FD625F FD624F BC506F

HB To Scupper Pipe

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire MainHeading

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
The Aft Deck System Hose Boxes

Fire hydrants in the steering gear room and on the aft mooring deck are Hose boxes are located close to each fire hydrant. The hose box contains a fire
supplied from the deck fire main. hose with nozzle and standard fixture to the fire hydrant. Hoses and nozzles
must be stored correctly after use.
The Accommodation Block The water spray pump may be controlled locally be setting its selector switch
to LOCAL but it is normally operated from the central control room mimic
Fire hydrants on the port and starboard sides of the accommodation block panel and to allow for this the selector switch must be turned to the REMOTE
are supplied with water from the fire main and are used as required. The position.
swimming pool is filled from the fire main. Air eliminator valves are fitted at
the uppermost parts of the fire main at the accommodation block.

Note: All hydrant valves should be opened at frequent intervals in order to

ensure that they will be free should they be required in an emergency. Use of
all deck valves should take place at least once every two months and this can
be achieved during fire drills and normal deck washing procedures.

Within the accommodation 20 mm diameter hose reels with attached spray/

jet nozzles are strategically placed and can be served by the jockey pump
hydrophore system in the first instance of an accommodation fire.

Cargo Manifold Water Curtains

The port and starboard cargo manifold side shell water curtains are supplied
with water from the fire main, which is pressurised by the fire and GS pump
running on low speed. Each water curtain is supplied by means of two valves,
one at each end of each water curtain. The valves are manually operated and
the water curtains may also be supplied with fresh water.

Port Water Curtain Valves

FD546F and FD545F

Starboard Water Curtain Valves

FD548F and FD547F

The water curtain valves from the fire main are operated as required but the
fire main must be pressurised as described above.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire Main System - Page 4 of 4
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.3a Water Spray System
Navigation and
Bridge Deck SP571F SP605F
No.3 Group SP602F SP601F
D - Deck SP575F SP606F No.4 Group
C - Deck SP572F

B - Deck PI FD053F FD054F

Water No.4
A - Deck Spray Pump Cargo Tank For
SP531F SP502F CS075F SP521F
(1,700m3/h x SP542F SP541F SP512F
SP532F SP522F
9 bar)
Upper Deck
FD055F No.3 No.2
No.2 Group Cargo Tank Cargo Tank
No.1 Group FD056F
For No.1
CS700F Cargo Tank
Engine Room and
SP576F SP551F CS701F
SP574F Electric Cargo Machinery
SP611F Motor Room
SP610F 552F
SP604F SP603F

From Main
Crossover Line

PORT SIDE From Fire Pump

From Bilge, Fire

and General
Service Pump

Cargo Machinery

Nozzles for
Cargo Domes
Cargo Manifold
(Port and Starboard) Spray Line
Drain Hole
Passageway Air
No.2 Group
From No.3 Group For Cargo Hand Operated (Locked Shut)
To No.3 & 4 Group
Engine Room For Cargo Manifold Machinery Room
No.4 Group Hand Operated (Locked Open)
No.4 Cargo Tank For Cargo Domes
Engine Room
Area protected by rundown from
No.3 Group higher spray areas.
For Cargo Manifold


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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.3 WATER SPRAY SYSTEM The engine room water spray pump and fire pump are located on the starboard Procedure for Supplying Sea Water to the Water Spray
forward side of the engine room floor and the bilge, fire and general service System
pumps are located on the port forward side of the engine room floor.
It is assumed that the sea water main suction valves at the sea water valve
All take suction from the main sea water crossover pipe and either the high or chest(s) are open to provide sea water suction.
The system can be supplied by the following pumps: low sea chest must be open to this suction main at all times.
a) All intermediate isolating valves along the water spray system
Water Spray The water spray system can also be supplied by the fire pump and the port on the deck must be open.
and starboard bilge, fire and general service pump, via cross-connecting valve
Maker: Shinko Industries FD055F. b) Set up the group valves as shown in the table below:
No. of sets: 1
Type: KV 350K The engine room water spray pump may also be used for operating the ballast
Position Description Valve
Capacity: 1700 m3/h at 9 bar stripping eductors, via cross-connecting valve FD056F and the fire main
system, via cross-connecting valve FD055F if necessary. Open Supply to group 1 water spray system SP574F
Motor: 630 kW Open Supply to group 2 water spray system SP573F
CAUTION Open Supply to group 3 water spray system SP571F
Bilge, Fire and General Service Pump Valve FD055F should normally be locked closed and after operating the Open Supply to group 4 water spray system SP572F
Maker: Shinko Ind. ballast eductors, valve FD056F should be closed. Open Supply to lifeboat water spray systems SP575F
No. of sets: 2
To maintain the water spray system in the standby condition, the suction and
Type: RVP200-2MS self-priming discharge valves of the water spray pump and the manually operated isolating c) Start the engine room pump either from the IAS screen or
Capacity: 245 m3/h and 150 m3/h at 3.5 bar and 12 bar valves on the groups are normally in the open position. from the emergency panel and supply water to the water spray
Motor: 45 kW and 150 kW system. This pump must be selected as REMOTE at the local
The pump may be controlled locally by setting the selector switch to LOCAL, selector switch in order to allow them to be started from the IAS
but it is normally operated from the IAS graphic screen and to allow for this the screen.
Fire Pump selector switch must be turned to the REMOTE position. At the IAS graphic
Maker: Shinko Industries screen the pump is started and stopped from the faceplate which is called up The water spray system is now in use and delivering water to all the selected
by clicking on the pump icon. spray nozzles on deck.
No. of sets: 1
Type: RVP200-2MS The water spray pump can be started from the IAS graphic screen at the After use, flush through the system with fresh water taken from the port
Capacity: 180 m3/h at 12 bar following locations: domestic fresh water tank via the connection to No.1 bilge, fire and GS pump,
Motor: 132 kW • Cargo control room tank valves WG404F and WG406F. Flushing water can be taken from the
starboard domestic fresh water tank or the distilled fresh water tanks, but this
• Engine control room will mean changing over a set of spectacle blanks at the tank suction isolating
The pumps supply sea water to the spray nozzles at the following group valve.
locations: • Wheelhouse

• Group 1 - accommodation exterior bulkheads and lifeboat In an emergency the water spray pump can be started using the pushbutton on
stations the emergency panel in the fire control station.
• Group 2 - cargo machinery and electric motor room exterior
• Group 3 - cargo manifold area
• Group 4 - cargo tank liquid and gas domes
• Lifeboat and MOB areas via two remote operated valves

Each group of spray nozzles has a remotely operated hydraulic isolating valve
controlled from the fire control station.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.3 Water Spray System - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.4a Deck Dry Powder System

Dry Powder Room

No.4 No.1

8 Dry Powder Room 7 6 5 4 3 Dry Powder Room 2 1

Hose Hose Hose Hose Hose Hose Hose Hose

Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet

Dry Powder Room


Monitor Release Cabinet 1. Open valves 3 - 2 and 10 - 2 . 1. Set No.3 control valve to "close" position. 8. Set the agitation valve to "CLOSE" position.
1. Open this door. Main valve is closed. 9. Set cleaning valve to "CLEANING" position.
2. Open one cylinder valve. 2. Set No.1 control valve to "N2 STOP" position. 10. Set No.2 control valve "N2 RELEASE" position.
3. Open ball valve. Stop pressurising dry powder tank. 11. Set exhaust valve to "OPEN" position.
4. Now System is operated. 3. Set exhaust valve to "OPEN" position. 12. Return all valves to the normal positions after all Key
5. If dry powder did not discharge Dissipate remaining gas in dry powder nitrogen gas has been dissipated.
go to the dry powder unit tank. 13. Recharge N2 cylinders. Dry Powder
and follow the emergency operation 4. Set exhaust valve to "CLOSE" position. 14. Refill dry chemical agents to dry chemical
on the chart. 5. Set agitation valve to "OPEN" position. container.
6. Set No.2 control valve to "N2 RELEASE" position.
(for about 5 seconds.)
7. Set No.2 control valve "NORMAL" position.
(slowly changeover)

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.4 Dry PowderHeading

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.4 DECK DRY POWDER SYSTEM Hand Hose System 1. Opening the appropriate second starting CO2 cylinder valve.
This system comprises two tanks containing the dry powder feeding four 2. Open the corresponding valve P~S in either the fire control
Dry Powder Equipment hose reels each. Operation is the same as for the monitors; on opening the station, cargo control room or at the port dry powder tank unit.
CO2 cylinders and ball valves the N2 cylinders are opened and fire fighting
Maker: NK Co Ltd begins.
No. of sets: 4 consisting of: Procedure for Operating of the Dry Powder Fire Extinguishing
2 tank units supplying 2 monitors port and System using the Hand Hoses
Procedure for Operating the System
a) Open the dry powder hand hose cabinet door.
2 tank units supplying a total of 8 hand hose nozzles, a) The monitor should have been pre-aligned with the cargo
forward and aft discharge manifold and the dry powder supply valve left in the b) Remove the securing device on the CO2 bottle.
Type: Sodium bicarbonate with anti-caking agent open position. This area is the most susceptable to gas leaks and
Tank capacities: Monitor units - 1,600 litres fires. c) Open the CO2 cylinder valve by turning it fully anti-clockwise.
Hand hose units - 1,000 litres
b) Open the CO2 cabinet door. d) Open the ball valve by turning the handle downwards.
N2 cylinders: Monitor stations - 8 sets each station
Hand units 5 sets each station c) Remove the securing device from one CO2 cylinder. e) Pull out a complete length of hose from the drum, about 33
Location of sets: Monitors - port and starboard of cargo manifold metres.
Hand hoses - to port of centreline each hose being d) Open the CO2 cylinder valve by turning valve handle anti-
33m in length clockwise fully. f) Aim the nozzle at the side of the fire scene and pull the fire
Minimum nozzle trigger.
e) Open the ball valve to allow CO2 gas to open the N2 battery
discharge time: 60 seconds with 1 monitor and 4 hoses in operation
by moving handle downwards. this activates the pressurising of g) Sweep the dry powder jet across the fire scene from side to
at their specified discharge rates, this is for each dry
the dry powder charge and opens the selection valve and main side.
powder tank
Capacities: Monitor - 25kg/sec
Hand hoses - 3.5kg/sec Dry powder discharge begins. Precautions
Monitor angular sweep horizontal - 360° • Always wear full fireproof clothing and personal protection
Vertical - + 80° to - 40° Procedure for Operating Port (No.1) Tank with the Starboard equipment
Monitor release Manifold Monitor and Vice Versa • After opening th cabinet door the operation must begin quickly
positions: 6 to prevent the powder caking
a) Crossover valves P32 and S32, together with the monitor
isolating valves PM1 and SM1 must remain FULL OPEN when • Be aware of the reaction of the nozzle gun on commencing
Introduction the systems are at STANDBY READY FOR USE condition. discharging
Monitor System • Prevent kinking of the hose and twists in the line
b) Should the starboard manifold monitor be in use, resulting in
The system comprises two tanks containing the sodium bicarbarbonate
the total consumption of No.2 tank dry powder charge and
connected to a battery of N2 cylinders which are operated by CO2 cylinders
further fire fighting capability be required, the No.1 tank dry
from either the cargo control room, the fire control station or locally.
powder charge can be discharged via the starboard monitor as
The monitors are situated just aft of the cargo discharge manifold and aligned
to face and cover the liquid and vapour lines and valves at either the port or 1. Opening the appropriate second starting CO2 cylinder valve.
starboard manifold. 2. Open the corresponding valve P~S in either the fire control
station, cargo control room or at the port dry powder tank unit.
The N2 cylinders can be opened either manually or remotely from six
positions, they can also be cross-connected. Activation of any CO2 bottle and c) Similarly should the port manifold monitor be in use, resulting
operation of the ball valve will open the N2 battery bank and start the fire in the total consumption of No.1 tank dry powder charge and
fighting operation. further fire fighting capability be required, the No.2 tank dry
powder charge can be discharged via the port monitor as

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.4 Dry Powder System - Page 2 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.4b Dry Powder Tank Units
Fire Control Station
Dry Powder Tank Unit - Forward Dry Powder Tank Unit - Port Manifold
No.3 Control
S P Valve
No.3 Control P S
PI Valve Hose Units Located PI
Exhaust in the Vicinity of the 4-Way
Valve Vapour Domes Valve
Cleaning Line Cleaning Line

Pilot CO2 Unit No.7

To Hose Unit No.7
No.1 Pilot CO2 Unit No.5 No.1
Control PI Control No.2 PI
Valve To Hose Unit No.5 Valve TANK PM1
Cargo Control Room
Pilot CO2 Unit No.3
No.2 Control No.1 No.2 Control
Valve Agitation To Hose Unit No.3 Valve Agitation
Valve Valve
Cleaning Line S P P S Cleaning Line P32

Hand Hose (1)

Dry Powder Tank Unit - Starboard Manifold No.3 Control
P= Port to Port Monitor
Dry Powder Tank Unit - Aft PI
S= Starboard to Starboard Monitor 4-Way
No.3 Control Valve
P32 Port Crossover Valve Cleaning Line
PI Valve Hose Units Located
Exhaust in the Vicinity of the S32 Starboard Crossover Valve
Valve Liquid Domes
Cleaning Line Starboard
PM1 Port Monitor Isolating Valve
Pilot CO2 Unit No.2 No.3
SM1 Starboard Monitor Isolating Valve Control PI
Valve TANK S32 SM1
To Hose Unit No.2
No.1 Pilot CO2 Unit No.4
Control No.2 Control
PI Key Valve Agitation
Valve To Hose Unit No.4
Pilot CO2 Unit No.6 Nitrogen PI
No.2 Control No.4 Cleaning Line
Valve Agitation To Hose Unit No.6
TANK Nitrogen and Sodium PI
PI Bicarbonate
Cleaning Line

Electrical Signal

Hand Hose (8)

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.4 Dry PowderHeading

System - Page 3
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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Procedure for Cleaning the Dry Powder System after Use Procedure for Exhausting N2 and CO2 from the Control Lines, Procedure to Recharge the N2 Cylinders
Valves and Main Tanks
After any operation of the dry powder system it is essential the system is This recharging process is achieved by changing the exhausted N2 bottles for
cleaned at once with N2. This is to prevent any residue powder remaining in a) Exhaust the N2 in the dry powder tank by releasing the securing full ones. This is done as follows
the lines thereby causing a blockage to subsequent useage. There is usually bolts on the dry powder filling connection on top of the dry
enough N2 remaining in the bottle bank to do this. powder tank. a) Remove the actuating cylinder from the cylinder valve.

a) No.3 control valve is set to CLOSE. The main valve is closed. CAUTION b) Unscrew the union nut of the connecting link line at the cylinder
valve, remove the connecting line being careful of the seal on
During this operation care should be taken during the release of the
b) No.1 control valve to the N2 STOP position. This stops the ends of the line and valve.
residual gases. To minimise the risk of injury the flange should be
pressurising the dry powder tank.
released gradually.
c) Screw the protecting cap onto the discharged N2 cylinder.
c) Set the exhaust valve to the OPEN position. This exhausts the
remaining gas in the powder tank. b) To completely exhaust the CO2 in the control lines one of the d) Unscrew the clamping device(s) from the discharged gas
d) Set the exhaust valve to the CLOSE position. connections on the N2 cylinders should be released, again care cylinder.
being taken when doing this.
e) Set the agitation valve to the OPEN position. e) Remove the discharged cylinder.
Closing the Main and Selection Valves
f) Set No.2 control valve to the N2 RELEASE position, for about f) Replace the full N2 cylinder.
5 seconds.
c) As these valves are operated by N2 and CO2 respectively to
g) Replace the clamping device(s) and leave slack until the bottle
close the valves the manual operating handle is used.
g) Set No.2 control valve to the NORMAL position. is lined up with the piping.

h) Set the agitation valve to the CLOSE position. Note: The valve seat and ball of the MAIN and SELECTION valves should h) Remove the protection from the valve on the new cylinder and
be cleaned in accordance with the maker’s instructions before returning them align the bottle with the connecting piping.
i) Set the cleaning valve to the CLEAN position. to service.
i) Reconnect the cylinder with the connecting piping on both the
j) Set No.2 control valve to the N2 RELEASE position. Recharging the Dry Powder Tank CO2 and the N2 lines.

k) Set the exhaust valve to the OPEN position. j) Tighten all connections.
d) After release of the N2 in the dry powder tank, the tank will
need to be refilled with the correct quantity of the dry powder.
l) Restore all the valves to their normal positions after the N2 gas k) Replace the actuating cylinder.
This should be of the sodium bicarbonate type. No other type of
has been exhausted.
of agent should be used.
m) Recharge the N2 cylinders.
e) After refilling the tank through the manhole the tank should be
resecured by securing the blind flange to the tank flange. All
n) Refill the dry powder tank.
bolts should be tightened correctly.

d) After recharging the dry powder, carry out the routine for
agitating the charge using the ship’s N2 supply via the portable

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.4 Dry Powder System - Page 4 of 4

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.5a CO2 System in Engine Room Spare Parts Trolley Level Indicator Beam Scale Cap Storage Box
To CO2 Alarm Relay Box
(For CO2 Alarm and Vent Stop)
Engine Room Area

To Alarm No.1 Main No.2 Main Diesel Inert Gas
Relay Box Engine Room
Purifier Switchboard Switchboard Generator Generator
Room Room Room Room Room

196 Bottles 23 Bottles 11 Bottles 10 Bottles 9 Bottles 6 Bottles PI PS

Engine Room


322 Bottles

To CO2 Alarm
Relay Box


To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm
Valve Control Cabinets
Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box
Power Supply AC 220V
No.1 Main No.2 Main Diesel Inert Gas
(Main and Emergency)
Purifier Room Switchboard Room Switchboard Room Generator Room Generator Room
To CO2 Alarm
Relay Box M M M M M M M M M M

To CO2 Alarm Main CO2

Relay Box
Pilot CO2

Electrical Signal

Key Box

Warning Notice

To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm
Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Instruction Chart

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.5 CO2Heading

System - Page 1
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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.5 CO2 SYSTEM Central Bank Machinery Space CO2 System Alarms and Trips

The machinery space CO2 system consists of 563 cylinders each containing When the door of the CO2 system control position is opened, whether it is the
Machinery Space System
45 kg of CO2 located in the CO2 room, which is situated on the starboard side valve cabinet in the CO2 room or a local panel, microswitches are fitted to the
Maker: NK Co. Ltd of the engine casing on A deck. A further 22 cylinders for the cargo spaces door of the cabinet which sound the audible and visual alarms and also operate
Type: High pressure system are contained in the same place. electrical trips which isolate electrical equipment in the protected area.
Capacity: 563 cylinders each containing 45 kg
These cylinders are connected to discharge nozzles within the protected space The alarms are fitted to the protected spaces and consist of visual and audible
via cylinder manifolds, distribution pipework and isolating valves. A pressure signals. Personnel should familiarise themselves with these signals. The
Introduction gauge and pressure switch are fitted to the main CO2 manifold. electrical trips activated vary with the system activated. The full list of trips is
as follows:
Dependent upon the application, CO2 is employed at levels of between 35% The system is designed to discharge the required number of cylinders into
and 50% by volume to produce an oxygen deficiency and thus extinguish a the protected space at the same time. Each protected space requires a certain
Engine Room System
fire. This level of oxygen reduction is also capable of causing asphyxiation. number of cylinders to give a 40% concentration of CO2. The total number of
Fixed systems are therefore designed to include safeguards which prevent the cylinders is determined by the largest protected compartment.When the release Circuit Description
automatic release of the CO2 whilst the protected area is occupied. CO2 is system is activated for a particular protected space, only the required number 1P-018 No.1 packaged air conditioning unit for the ECR
not generally regarded as having a high intrinsic toxicity and is not normally of cylinders for that space are released.
2P-018 No.2 packaged air conditioning unit for the ECR
considered to produce decomposition products in a fire situation.
2P-009 Sootblower control panel
Protected Space Number of
The CO2 cylinders are fitted with safety devices to relieve excess pressure Cylinders Required EGP-002 No.1 engine room supply fan
caused by high temperatures. To avoid these operating, it is recommended Main engine room, including casing: 556 1GP-011 No.2 engine room supply fan
that cylinders are located in areas where the ambient temperature will not EGP-003 No.3 engine room supply fan
Diesel generator room 11
exceed 46°C. Cylinders must not be stored in direct sunlight. Certain gaseous 2GP-011 No.4 engine room supply fan
extinguishing agents may cause low temperature burns when in contact with Inert gas generator room 23
Purifier room 6 1GP-014 No.1 boil-off gas extraction fan
the skin. In such cases the affected area should be thoroughly irrigated with
No. 1 main switchboard room 9 2GP-014 No.2 boil-off gas extraction fan
clean water and afterwards dressed by a trained person.
No. 2 main switchboard room 10 EGP-004 No.1 engine room exhaust fan
WARNING 2GP-012 No.2 engine room exhaust fan
DANGER OF ASPHYXIATION The engine room requires 556 CO2 cylinders; the requirements for all other 1GP-015 No.1 boiler forced draught fan
Re-entry to a CO2 flooded area should not be made until the area has cargo protected spaces are satisfied by the same bank of 563 cylinders. 2GP-015 No.2 boiler forced draught fan
been thoroughly ventilated. Therefore it has to be appreciated that if any of the cylinders are released to 1GP-016 No.1 boiler seal air fan
protect a machinery space other than the purifier room, then there is no longer 2GP-016 No.2 boiler seal air fan
sufficient capacity to provide protection for the engine room and every effort
System Description 1GP-019 Toilet exhaust fan
must be made to have the CO2 cylinders replenished at the next port. The alarm
Areas Protected is raised via the IAS when CO2 is released into the protected spaces. 2GP-019 Welding space exhaust fan
1GP-025 Gland steam condenser exhaust fan
The central bank CO2 system installed in the ship protects the engine room,
WARNING 1P-010 Dryer unit for inert gas generator
No.1 and No.2 main switchboard rooms, purifier room, diesel generator room
and the inert gas generator room. Outlets for CO2 are located in the protected If the system is used a second time prior to refilling, it is essential that a 2GP-020 Boiler water test space (workshop) exhaust fan
spaces so as to give an even spread of CO2 quickly throughout the compartment manual count of the number of cylinders fired is taken to ensure that the 2GP-025 Purifier room exhaust fan
when the gas is released. correct number of cylinders has been released. 1P-006 No.1 blower for the inert gas generator
2P-006 No.2 blower for the inert gas generator
Also within the CO2 room is a central bank CO2 system which is installed Control Cabinet 1P-013 No.1 main switchboard packaged air conditioning unit
to protect the cargo area, which includes the cargo machinery room, cargo
motor room, No.1 and No.2 cargo switchboard rooms, emergency generator Discharge of the CO2 is manually accomplished from a control cabinet located 2P-013 No.2 main switchboard packaged air conditioning unit
room and emergency switchboard room. This system is described later in this in the fire control station for all central bank systems and sub-systems. The
section. Single cylinder individual systems are provided to protect the paint engine room system can also be activated from a panel in the CO2 room. The Purifier Room System
store, chemical store and the oil/grease store. remaining systems have a local release cabinet directly outside the protected Circuit Description
space. Operation of the release system opens the cylinder release valves and 2GP-025 Purifier room exhaust fan
the main line discharge valve(s) to the protected spaces.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.5 CO2 System - Page 2 of 8

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.5a CO2 System in Engine Room Spare Parts Trolley Level Indicator Beam Scale Cap Storage Box
To CO2 Alarm Relay Box
(For CO2 Alarm and Vent Stop)
Engine Room Area

To Alarm No.1 Main No.2 Main Diesel Inert Gas
Relay Box Engine Room
Purifier Switchboard Switchboard Generator Generator
Room Room Room Room Room

196 Bottles 23 Bottles 11 Bottles 10 Bottles 9 Bottles 6 Bottles PI PS

Engine Room


322 Bottles

To CO2 Alarm
Relay Box


To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm
Valve Control Cabinets
Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box
Power Supply AC 220V
No.1 Main No.2 Main Diesel Inert Gas
(Main and Emergency)
Purifier Room Switchboard Room Switchboard Room Generator Room Generator Room
To CO2 Alarm
Relay Box M M M M M M M M M M

To CO2 Alarm Main CO2

Relay Box
Pilot CO2

Electrical Signal

Key Box

Warning Notice

To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm To CO2 Alarm
Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Relay Box Instruction Chart

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.5 CO2Heading

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Inert Gas Generator System A time delay unit is located in the pilot CO2 pipeline to the main storage bottles. Note: Allow time for structural cooling before opening the protected space
This unit allows for a time delay of about 30 seconds between actuation of the and ventilating the CO2 gas.
Circuit Description main cylinder release isolating valve and the actual operation of the cylinder
1P-006 No.1 blower for the inert gas generator release valves. This delay offers time for personnel in the protected spaces to
2P-006 No.2 blower for the inert gas generator evacuate them after the CO2 release alarm has sounded. WARNING
Do not enter the space for at least 24 hours. Ensure all reasonable
A pressure gauge is fitted to the pilot CO2 pipeline to indicate pilot CO2 precautions have been taken, such as maintaining boundary inspections,
Diesel Generator Room System noting cooling down rates and/or any hot spots which may have been
Circuit Description found. After this period an assessment party, wearing breathing
apparatus, can enter the space quickly through a door which they shut
EGP-006 Emergency generator room supply fan Operating Procedure behind them. Check that the fire is extinguished and that all surfaces
have cooled prior to ventilating the space. Premature opening can cause
Inert Gas Generator System a) On discovering a fire in a protected space, shut down the re-ignition if oxygen contacts hot combustible material.
machinery in that space together with fuel supplies, if any,
Circuit Description and ventilating systems. Close all doors, ventilators and other
1P-006 No.1 blower for the inert gas generator openings having first ensured that all personnel have been Procedure to Release CO2 Manually
2P-006 No.2 blower for the inert gas generator evacuated.
In the unlikely event of pilot gas initiation failure, the CO2 system may be
b) Conduct a muster of all personnel ensuring that everyone is operated from the CO2 room. As there are a large number of cylinders to be
No.1 Main Switchboard Room System accounted for. The gas must not be released until any missing operated when the main engine room system is fired, attention needs to be
persons are accounted for and are known not to be in the paid to regulations which require the gas to be delivered to the protected space
Circuit Description
protected space where CO2 is to be released. within two minutes.
1P-013 No.1 main switchboard packaged air conditioning unit
c) Go to the CO2 system control cabinet in the fire control station a) Open the control box door so that the alarms will still be
No.2 Main Switchboard Room System and break the glass key cabinet and obtain the key. activated.

Circuit Description b) Ensure that all personnel have left the space and ensure that all
d) Use the key to open the control cylinder cabinet door.
2P-013 No.2 main switchboard packaged air conditioning unit vents and doors are closed.
e) Open one of the cylinder valves in the control cylinder
cabinet. c) Remove the safety pins on the valve actuator mounted on
Control Cylinder Cabinet the CO2 cylinders to be released. A check must be made to
f) Go to the control valve cabinet for the protected space where the determine how many cylinders are needed for the space in
The system is operated by a supply of CO2 separate from the main fire which the fire has occurred.
extinguishing CO2. It is stored in small pilot cylinders installed within the fire has occurred and open the cabinet door which activates an
control cylinder cabinet. The pilot cylinders are connected to the main pilot alarm and operates the electrical trips.
d) Pull down the operating lever on the valve actuator of the
system pipework via two isolation valves installed within the control cabinet. cylinders to be released. CO2 will now be discharged in to the
The main engine room system has two pilot cylinders in each of the release g) Open the No.1 and No.2 ball valves to release the pilot CO2 to
the cylinder isolating valves (for cylinder banks) and protected manifold.
cabinets, as do the individual local release cabinets. However, the five
remaining cabinets in the CO2 room are fed from a common cabinet with only space isolating valve for releasing of the main CO2 supply.
The gas is released to the protected space after the time delay e) Once the correct amount of cylinders has been released,
two cylinders. manually open the relevant main valve for the protected space
into which CO2 is to be released, by turning the cylinder valve
One isolation valve is connected via small bore pilot gas pipework to the handle anticlockwise and pulling down the lever on the valve.
cylinder bank to open the cylinders, the other is connected via a separate pilot Note: Local control cabinets are provided close to the protected spaces of the
gas line to open the line valve to the protected spaces. The isolation valves are purifier room, No.1 and 2 switchboard rooms, diesel generator room and the
positioned so that the control cabinet door cannot be closed with the valves in inert gas generator room. The CO2 may be released into a particular space by
the open position. It is also arranged that the control cabinet door will operate undertaking steps f) and g) above at the local control cabinet, after opening
the switches when in the open position, to initiate audible and visual alarms the selected pilot cylinder valve.
and to trip the relevant equipment as previously listed.
h) After 10 minutes, close the pilot cylinder hand wheel valve.

i) When the pilot pressure gauge within the control box is zero,
close both pilot isolation valves.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.5 CO2 System - Page 4 of 8

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.5b CO2 System
To CO2 Alarm Relay Box
CO2 ROOM To Alarm (For CO2 Alarm and Vent Stop)
Relay Box
Emergency Emergency No.1 Cargo No.2 Cargo Cargo
Generator Switchboard Switchboard Switchboard Electric Machinery
Room Room Room (P) Room (S) Motor Room Room

11 Bottles 5 Bottles 5 Bottles 4 Bottles 2 Bottles

FIRE To CO2 Alarm Relay Box

CONTROL STATION (For CO2 Alarm and Vent Stop) Key

Emergency Emergency No.1 Cargo No.2 Cargo Cargo

Generator Switchboard Switchboard Switchboard Electric Machinery Main CO2
Room Room Room (P) Room (S) Motor Room Room

Pilot CO2


Electrical Signal


Key Box

Warning Notice

Instruction Chart
(P) (S)


To CO2 Alarm
Relay Box

Air Supply (9kg/cm2)

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.5 CO2Heading

System - Page 5
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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
CARGO AND DECK AREA CO2 SYSTEM Control Cabinet Control Cylinder Cabinet
CO2 Equipment Discharge of the CO2 is manually accomplished from a control cabinet for The system control cabinets are identical to the engine room control cabinets,
each sub-system located in the fire control station and CO2 room. There are no save that the cabinets in both locations (CO2 room and fire control station) share
Maker: NK Co. Ltd.
local panels. Operation of the release system opens the cylinder release valves two pilot bottles in one control cylinder cabinet. There are no independent pilot
Type: High Pressure and the main line discharge valve(s) to the protected spaces. cylinder cabinets in this system.
Capacity: 22 cylinders each containing 45 kg
Alarms and Trips Operating Procedure
System Description When the door of the CO2 system control position is opened, whether it is
the valve cabinet in the CO2 room or a fire control station, microswitches are a) On discovering a fire in a protected space, shut down the
fitted to the door of the cabinet which sound the audible and visual alarms and machinery in that space together with fuel supplies, if any,
Areas Protected and ventilating systems. Close all doors, ventilators and other
also operate electrical trips which isolate electrical equipment in the protected
The central bank cargo space CO2 system installed in the ship protects the port area. openings having first ensured that all personnel have been
and starboard cargo switchboard rooms, cargo machinery room, electric motor evacuated.
room, emergency switchboard room and emergency generator room. Outlets The alarms are fitted to the protected spaces and consist of visual and audible
for CO2 are located in the protected spaces so as to give an even spread of CO2 signals. Personnel should familiarise themselves with these signals. The b) Conduct a muster of all personnel ensuring that everyone is
quickly throughout the compartment when the gas is released. electrical trips activated vary with the system activated. The full list of trips is accounted for. The gas must not be released until any missing
as follows: persons are accounted for and are known not to be in the
Central Bank CO2 System for Cargo Machinery protected space where CO2 is to be released.

Cargo Machinery Room System c) Go to the CO2 system control cabinet in the fire control station
The central bank CO2 system consists of 22 cylinders each containing 45 kg
of CO2 located in the CO2 room, which is situated on the starboard side of the Circuit Description and break the glass key cabinet and obtain the key.
engine casing on A deck. The construction of the system is identical to the 1CGP-007 No.1 cargo machinery room exhaust fan
machinery space system. d) Use the key to open the control cylinder cabinet door.
2CGP-007 No.2 cargo machinery room exhaust fan
When the release system is activated for a particular protected space, only the e) Open one of the cylinder valves in the control cylinder
required number of cylinders for that space are released. Emergency Generator Room/Emergency Switchboard Room Systems cabinet.

Circuit Description f) Go to the control valve cabinet for the protected space where the
Protected Space Number of Cylinders Required
EGP-006 Emergency generator supply fan fire has occurred and open the cabinet door which activates an
Cargo switchboard room (port) 5 alarm.
Cargo switchboard room (starboard) 5
No.1 Cargo Switchboard Room
Cargo machinery room 22 g) Open the No.1 and No.2 ball valves to release the pilot CO2 to
Electric motor room 11 Circuit Description the cylinders isolating valves (for cylinder banks) and protected
Emergency generator room 4 3GP-001 No.1 air handling unit space isolating valve for release of main CO cylinders. The gas
is released to the protected space after the time delay period.
Emergency switchboard room 3
No.2 Cargo Switchboard Room h) After 10 minutes, close the pilot cylinder hand wheel valve.
The alarm is raised via the IAS when CO2 is released into the protected spaces.
Air horns also operate in the following spaces - cargo machinery room, engine Circuit Description
i) When the pilot pressure gauge within the control box is zero,
control room and No.1 and 2 cargo switchboard rooms. 3GP-021 No.2 air handling unit
close both pilot isolation valves.

It has to be appreciated that if any of the cylinders are released to protect a Electric Motor Room This procedure can also be performed from the CO2 room.
space then there is no longer sufficient capacity to provide total protection
for the cargo compressor room and the efforts must be made to have the CO2 Circuit Description
Note: Allow time for structural cooling before opening the protected space
cylinders replenished at the next port. 1CGP-008 No.1 electric motor room supply fan and ventilating the CO2 gas.
2CGP-008 No.2 electric motor room supply fan

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.5 CO2 System - Page 6 of 8

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.5c Cargo Area CO2 System


Emergency Generator
Room PI
Switchboard Room
To Junction

No.1 Cargo Switchboard Room

1 Bottles To Junction
Box (AC 220V)


Engine Accommodation
Casing Area

Fire Control Electric Motor Cargo Machinery

Station Room Room To Junction

1 Bottles To Junction
Box (AC 220V)


CO2 Room

For Cargo Machinery Room P PS

For Electric Motor Room

To Junction
For Cargo Switchboard Room Box

1 Bottles To Junction
Box (AC 220V)

Engine Casing Accommodation Area

B Deck Key
CO2 Room

A Deck CO2
Engine Room (1 Set)
Electrical Signal

Fire Control Station

For Cargo Area (6 Sets) Instrumentation

Warning Notice

Release Cabinet Release Cabinet A Alarm Bell

for Engine Room for Cargo Area
(6 Sets) (6 Sets)

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.5 CO2Heading

System - Page 7
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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
The alarm is raised via the IAS when CO2 is released into the protected spaces.
Opening the cabinet door to each relevant space will trip the following:
Do not enter the space for at least 24 hours. Ensure all reasonable
precautions have been taken, such as maintaining boundary inspections,
Circuit Description
noting cooling down rates and/or any hot spots which may have been
found. After this period an assessment party, wearing breathing 3GP-015 Paint store exhaust fan
apparatus, can enter the space quickly through a door which they shut 3GP-014 Chemical store exhaust fan
behind them. Check that the fire is extinguished and that all surfaces 3GP-013 Oil and grease store exhaust fan
have cooled prior to ventilating the space. Premature opening can cause
re-ignition if oxygen contacts hot combustible material.
Operating Procedure
Procedure to Release CO2 Manually a) Go to the CO2 cylinder local cabinet outside the protected space
containing the fire.
In the unlikely event of pilot gas initiation failure, the CO2 system may be
operated from the CO2 room. b) Open the ball valve cabinet.
a) Open the control box door so that the alarms will still be c) The CO2 alarm bell will sound in the space.
d) The ventilation fan will stop.
b) Ensure that all personnel have left the space and ensure that all
vents and doors are closed. e) Ensure all personnel have evacuated the space and that all
personnel are accounted for.
c) Remove the safety pins on the valve actuator mounted on
the CO2 cylinders to be released. A check must be made to f) Close and check that all appropriate doors, hatches and fire
determine how many cylinders are needed for the space in flaps are shut.
which the fire has occurred.
g) Remove the safety pin on the valve actuator on the CO2 cylinder
d) Pull down the operating lever on the valve actuator of the and pull down the operating lever.
cylinders to be released. CO2 will now be discharged in to the
manifold. h) Open the ball valve in the ball valve cabinet.
e) Once the correct amount of cylinders has been released, i) The cylinder will now discharge into the space.
manually open the relevant main valve for the protected space
into which CO2 is to be released, by turning the cylinder valve
handle anticlockwise and pulling down the lever on the valve.
Do not enter the space for at least 24 hours. Ensure all reasonable
precautions have been taken, such as maintaining boundary inspections,
In the Event of a Fire in the Deck Store Rooms noting cooling down rates and/or any hot spots which may have been
found. After this period an assessment party, wearing breathing
The local area CO2 system for the store rooms consists of a single cylinder apparatus, can enter the space quickly through a door which they shut
containing 45 kg of CO2 at each location. The cylinders are located in dedicated behind them. Check that the fire is extinguished and that all surfaces
cabinets outside the store rooms. have cooled prior to ventilating the space. Premature opening can cause
re-ignition if oxygen contacts hot combustible material.
The local area CO2 system protects the following spaces:
Should the cylinder discharge accidentally, it will pressurise the line up to the
Protected Space Number of Cylinders Required ball valve. This line is monitored by a pressure switch which will activate CO2
Paint store 1 leakage alarms in the protected space.
Chemical store 1
Overpressure of the CO2 line is prevented by a safety valve, which will vent
Oil and grease store 1
the gas to atmosphere.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.5 CO2 System - Page 8 of 8

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6a Fire Detection Panel

Central Unit Panel

Salwico CS3000

FIRE 6 13 CREW CABIN 754 TEST......






Fire Alarm Panel Operating Panel

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.6 Fire Detection System

Heading - - Page
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.6 FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM Fire Alarm Panel S, D, SD, EA, AD: Command keys used to choose the
The fire alarm panel is activated when a fire alarm is detected on the system. unit (section/detector no. etc) to
FireDetection Equipment
The FIRE indicator flashes and the section number and detector address in
Maker: Consilium Marine alarm are displayed on the numeric display. MUTE: Fault handling key used to
Type: CS 3000 Salwico Fire Detection System acknowledge faults and to mute the
Keys Operation buzzers.
ALARM MUTE: This key is used to acknowledge
Introduction the fire alarm and mute the buzzers. RESET: Fault handling key used to reset the
The CS3000 Fire Detection system is a computerised, fully addressable ALARM RESET: This key is used to reset the fire
analogue fire alarm system with analogue detectors. The operating panel, alarm. ON, OFF, TIMER: Operation keys used to choose the
control unit and power supply are contained in a central cabinet in the fire operation to perform.
control station on the upper deck port side of the accommodation. There are 8 ALARMS IN QUEUE: LEDs indicate multiple alarms
detector loops connected to the system with a 7.2Ah battery system back-up which can be scrolled through using LIST: List handling keys, the LIST key is
in the event of a power failure. The fire detection system has a direct input this key. Each alarm is listed in the used to open the list function.
into the IAS for recording any alarms, faults and disconnections. The digital alphanumeric display. The arrow keys are used to scroll
outputs of the system are used to stop the ventilation fans, release the fire doors through the lists.
and operate the water mist system see section 5.6. The system operates the Indicators Description
water spray system when two detectors are activated in a protected area. The EXT. CONTROL LED indicating that an external Indicators Description
system is looped to the gas sampling and alarm system and to the IAS cabinet ACTIVATED: control output is active. POWER ON: Illuminated when the power is on.
in the electrical equipment room on A deck.
SECTION/DETECTOR LED indicating that an alarm reset DISCONNECTION: General disconnection of detectors
The Salwico CS3000 comprises a wide range of detectors and sensors to NOT RESET: has been attempted but failed. indicator.
suit different needs and conditions. It includes detectors for different alarm (Detector still in alarm)
parameters, for example, smoke, heat and flames. Manual call points, short TEST: Is lit when the central unit is in test
circuit isolators and a timer are connected to the loop where required. A fault mode.
in the system or a false alarm is detected immediately since the function of Operating Panel
the detectors and other installed loop units are automatically and continuously ALARM TRANSFER: Is lit when the dedicated fire output
tested. The operating panel is used for controlling the system and to display extra is activated (steady light) and is
information in case of a fire alarm. The alphanumeric display is used as a flashing when the door is open, the
The fire alarm repeater alarm unit, type MN3000 is fitted in the wheelhouse complement to the numeric display on the fire alarm panel, as a communication fire output is deactivated.
safety console. The repeater panel allows the ship’s staff to monitor alarms and medium when operating the system and to display guiding texts for the function
scroll through alarms in the queue list but not to accept any alarms or perform keys. Under normal conditions, when the central unit is in normal status, the EXTERNAL ALARM: Is lit when an external alarm output
any disconnections or reconnections. The system can also identify defective text ‘Salwico CS3000’ is displayed together with the date and time. is disconnected or faulty.
detectors in each loop. DELAY OFF: Is lit when the time delay is
Keys Operation deactivated.
The system can be monitored via the IAS and a typical screen display is shown F1, F2, F3, F4: Function keys, used for choosing
here. functions from the menus in the SYSTEM FAULT: Is lit when a fault occurs in the
display and for entering certain system.
characters with no keys of their
Central Unit Panel
own. ABNORMAL COND: Is lit when an abnormal condition
The central unit panel is divided into two parts, the fire alarm panel and the has occurred.
operating panel. The fire alarm panel is activated when there is a fire alarm 0-9: Numeric keys.
in the system. The operator verifies and supervises the system by using the
different keys and the display on the operating panel. Correction key: The last key stroke is erased.

Return key: The system returns to normal status,

‘Salwico CS30000’ is displayed.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
System Operation after pressing ALARMS IN QUEUE, the first fire alarm is If no key is depressed for about 60 seconds the display returns to the first non-
displayed again. resettable fire alarm. If the fire alarm is reset it disappears from the display
Detection of a Fire Alarm
and from the fire alarm list. The display then returns to the next fire alarm or
The FIRE lamp is flashing: A fire alarm is detected in the system. g) If ALARMS IN QUEUE is pressed when the last fire alarm if there are no more fire alarms it returns to normal status, ‘Salwico CS3004’
is displayed, the first fire alarm is displayed again and the is displayed. If the alarm does not reset, the reason is displayed on line three.
a) Press the ALARM MUTE pushbutton, to mute and acknowledge ALARMS IN QUEUE indicator goes out for 5 seconds. The problem should be investigated. The non-resettable fire alarm is displayed
the fire alarm. again.

b) The FIRE indicator stops blinking and becomes steady red. The Reset Fire Alarm The LIST key can always be used regardless of system status. Pressing LIST
audible fire alarm, including the internal buzzer is permanently shows the fire alarms one by one on the first line of the alphanumerical display.
silenced when the ALARM MUTE is pressed. Only one fire alarm can be reset at a time, i.e. the displayed fire alarm. They can then be reset in the normal way one by one. If the alarm does not
reset, the reason is displayed on line three. The problem should be investigated.
c) The section number and detector address in alarm are displayed a) Press the ALARMS IN QUEUE button repeatedly to select the The not resettable fire alarm is displayed again.
on the fire alarm panel and on the alphanumerical display on the appropriate fire alarm.
operating panel.
b) Press ALARM RESET to reset the fire alarm. The system tries Fault Indication
d) The section number and the detector address are displayed on to reset the fire alarm.
the first line and additional information about the location is The FAULT indicator is flashing and the internal buzzer is sounding. One or
displayed on the second line, if provided. c) When a fire alarm is reset it disappears from the display and the more faults are detected in the system and the latest fault is displayed on the
fire alarm is moved to the fire alarm history list. The next fire alphanumeric display. The first line displays the word FAULT, a fault code
ALARMS IN QUEUE lamp is flashing. There is more than one fire alarm in alarm is then displayed or if there are no more fire alarms the followed by the section number, the detector address, and a fault message.
the system. system returns to normal status, ‘Salwico CS3004’ is displayed Additional text is displayed on line two, if provided The fault codes are listed
with date and time. in the manufacturer's manual. Only one fault can be acknowledged at a time.
a) Press ALARM MUTE repeatedly, to mute and acknowledge all Press M in the FAULT field to acknowledge the fault and mute the buzzer.
the fire alarms. d) If the fire alarm does not reset, the reason is displayed on line
three. The indicator SECTION/DET NOT RESET is displayed. The FAULT indication stops flashing and becomes steady yellow. The internal
b) The FIRE and ALARMS IN QUEUE indicators stop flashing This could be because the detector still detects high levels of buzzer is permanently silenced. The fault is placed in a fault list and the
and become steady red when all the fire alarms are muted. The smoke, fumes and/or ionisation etc. The actual detector may alphanumeric display is erased. The next fault is displayed if there are more
audible fire alarm is permanently silenced when the ALARM also be faulty and should be investigated. faults. Otherwise the display is erased and it returns to its previous status. The
MUTE is pressed. number of faults in the system and the order they occurred is displayed on line
three. The fault list can be scrolled through by using the up and down arrow
Fire Alarms That Do Not Reset keys.
c) The section number and detector address in alarm are displayed
on the fire alarm panel and on the alphanumerical display on the A detector that cannot be reset can be listed in two ways. Press the LIST or
operating panel. ALARMS IN QUEUE key. To Reset Faults
d) The address of the first fire alarm is displayed on the first line The ALARMS IN QUEUE key can only list the non-resettable fire alarms if all a) Press LIST to open the list function. Faults can only be reset
and additional information about the alarming unit is displayed fire alarms are acknowledged and reset (ie the ALARMS IN QUEUE LEDs are from the fault list.
on the second line, if provided. The address of the latest fire not lit) and if all faults are acknowledged. If this is not the case, the ALARMS
alarm is displayed on the third line and additional information IN QUEUE key will only list the fire alarms that are not reset. b) Press F2 to select the fault list. The latest fault is always
about this unit is displayed on the fourth line. The total number displayed first. The fault list can be scrolled through using the
of fire alarms is shown to the right on line one. a) Press ALARMS IN QUEUE repeatedly to select the appropriate list key. The LED on the arrow key is lit if there are more faults
fire alarm. The fire alarm address is displayed on the fire alarm to be listed.
e) Press the ALARMS IN QUEUE button to display the next fire panel and the operating panel alphanumerical display.
alarm. c) Press the arrow keys until the appropriate fault is displayed.
b) Press ALARM RESET. The system tries to reset the fire
f) The second fire alarm address is displayed both on the fire alarm. d) Press R in the FAULT field to reset the fault. The system
alarm panel and on the alphanumerical display. The fire alarm attempts to reset the fault.
is presented on the two first lines on the display. Five seconds

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
e) The fault is reset if it disappears from the list. The next fault is
displayed after about 5 seconds. If the fault list is empty, the text
LIST EMPTY is displayed, and the system returns to normal
status, ‘Salwico CS3000’ is displayed. If the fault is not reset,
the reason is displayed on line three. Investigation is required.


Different parts of the fire alarm system can be disconnected for instance,
sections, detectors, manual call points, section units, alarm devices, external
control devices and loops. This can be useful when there is welding in a
particular section or removal of detectors is required due to structural shipboard
work etc. A whole section can be disconnected permanently or for a defined
time interval using the timer function. The disconnected section can only be
reconnected from the ‘Disconnections’ list.

When operating the system a mistake can be corrected using the BACK key to
erase one step at a time backwards. To interrupt the disconnection function and
return to normal status, press the RETURN key . The system returns to normal
status and ‘Salwico CS3000’ is indicated.

Disconnection Process

a) Press S to select the section.

b) Enter a section number and the section menu is displayed.

c) Press OFF to disconnect the section.

d) When the section is disconnected the text on line three is

changed to ORDER DONE.

e) The DISCONNECTION LED is lit if this is the first active

disconnection in the system.

f) A message is displayed on line three, for about five seconds,

if the system cannot disconnect the section. The system then
returns to the previous menu.

g) Continue to define the next disconnection or, if finished, return

to normal by pressing RETURN.

Further in-depth operations are available from the manufacturer’s manual.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (1) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on Main Deck, Electric Motor Room and Cargo Machinery Rooms






Main Deck

Air Lock GF


Deck Under Electrical

Motor Room Smoke Detector
Cargo Machine
Deck Under GF Room
Cargo Machinery Room GF
GF For Fire Alarm
High Fire and General
Maintenence Alarm Speaker
Electric Motor
Room Gas Alarm Detector
(catalytic type)

Thermal Detector
Electric Motor Room Cargo Machinery Room
Extension Alarm Panel

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (2) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on Navigation Bridge Deck and Wheelhouse Top


Lift Shaft

F Fire Repeater Panel

Dn Gas Alarm Detector
(catalytic type)

Smoke Detector

For Fire Alarm
For General Alarm
Fire and General
Alarm PA Speaker


Navigation Bridge Deck

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (3) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on C and D Decks

dn dn

Owner 2nd Engineer ETO Electrician (B) Chief Engineer

Day Room Day Room
3rd Engineer 'B' dn Second Bedroom
Junior Junior
Junior General Office Engineer's
dn Officer
Officer 6 Officer 7
Officer & Engine Office Day Room
Junior General Bed Room
Office Bedroom
Officer B
Bed Room
Junior Officer 4 Key
C.G.L Drawing
Linen WC Elevator Store Workshop
Locker Bedroom
Store CG
Locker Pushbutton
For General Alarm
Junior Officer 3
TV Room Superintendant Training
Officers TV & x4 Smoke Detector
Junior Video Room
Officer 3rd Engineer (A)
Pipe Engineer
Pipe/ Cargo Control Room
Junior Officer 2 Trunk & Deck Office Pilots dn Thermal Detector
Officer Cargo
Room Officers Laundry
Ships Laundry Pushbutton
2nd Officer (A)
For Fire Alarm
2nd Officer (B)
Junior Officer 1
Drying Second
Room Officer Gas Alarm Detector
dn Library dn
(catalytic type)
Junior Officer's
Laundry Third
Officer Officer
Electric B
Extension Buzzer
Beer Conference C.G.L Officers WC Trunk
Linen Store WC Electric
Electric Room Officer's Night Pantry Trunk Bedroom
Store Trunk
Trunk Bed Room Extension Alarm Panel

Bed Room B
Conference Bedroom Fire and General
Officer's Room
Lounge Room Alarm PA Speaker
CCR Captain's
Store Pantry
dn Day Room
dn Cargo Engineer's
Cargo Engineers Chief Officers Captains
Day Room Day Room Chief Officer's
Owner CCR Day Room Day Room
Day Room Bedroom
Pantry Bed Room
dn dn

C Deck D Deck

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (4) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on A and B Decks

A Deck B Deck


dn dn dn dn dn
dn dn

Store Hospital Crew 1 Crew 2 Crew 3 Crew 4 Bosun
Crews Mess Room
Room WC

Crew 5
Dry Provisions
Store SMS Room
Crews Duty C.G.L Store WC Elevator
Store Mess Room Elevator
Cable Trunk
Crew 12
Smoke Detector

Crews TV & Chief Cook For Fire Alarm
Video Room
Pipe /
Galley Pipe
Duct Fire and General
WC Duct
Trunk Electric Alarm PA Speaker
Room Crew 6
Crews Laundry
dn Gas Alarm Panel

Duty Dry. Gas Alarm Detector
Handling Area Room (catalytic type)
Mess Room dn Crews Reception dn
Petty Officer
Electric Thermal Detector
Vegetable Dairy Room Store Cable Trunk
Bev. Store Extension Alarm Panel
Room Lobby Store Electric
G Gas Alarm Panel
Crew 7
Officers Mess Room Gymnasium
Meat Locker
Crew 11 Crew 10 Crew 9 Crew 8 Pump Man

dn dn
dn dn dn



Issue: Final Draft 3.4.6 Fire Detection System

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (5) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on Upper Deck, Bosun's Store and Bow Thruster Room

Hydraulic Power Room

Worker Worker
Worker Fire
Vent Vent
No.1 Cargo Chain
Switchboard Locker
Officers Changing Room
Store WC Elevator


Air Handling Unit Room

Dry Rope
Deck Storage
Workshop Area

No.2 Cargo Key

WC Switchboard
Trunk Room Smoke Detector
Deck Store 2
Crew's Changing Room
Bosun's Store Pushbutton
Vent Vent For Fire Alarm
Oil and Oxy Store Fire and General
Grease Deck Store 1 Alarm PA Speaker
Games Room
Chem. Acet
CO2 Gas Alarm Panel
Light Signal
Column Alarm

Gas Alarm Detector

(catalytic type)

(None Fitted) Thermal Detector

Extension Alarm Panel

Upper Deck
Flame Detector
Bow Thruster Room
For General Alarm

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.6 Fire Detection System

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (6) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on Engine Room 2nd Deck




UP Pushbutton
For Fire Alarm
Light Signal
Column Alarm
UP Fire and General
GF Alarm Speaker

GF Thermal Detector

Smoke Detector

For General Alarm

GF Gas Alarm Detector

DN (catalytic type)

Flame Detector






Issue: Final Draft 3.4.6 Fire Detection System

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- Page
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (7) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on Engine Room 3rd Deck


GF Dn Key

Smoke Detector

Thermal Detector

For Fire Alarm

Flame Detector
Light Signal
Column Alarm

Fire and General

GF Alarm Speaker

C02 CO2 Air Horn






Issue: Final Draft 3.4.6 Fire Detection System

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- Page
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (8) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on Engine Room 4th Deck



Up Key

Smoke Detector

GF Pushbutton
For Fire Alarm

GF Flame Detector

Light Signal
Column Alarm

Fire and General

GF Alarm Speaker

C02 CO2 Air Horn




Engine Room 4th Deck

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.6 Fire Detection System

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- Page
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.6b (9) Fire Detection Equipment and Alarms on Engine Room Floor


Fire and General

GF Alarm Speaker
C02 CO2 Air Horn

Smoke Detector

C02 Pushbutton
For General Alarm

For Fire Alarm
Light Signal
Column Alarm


Issue: Final Draft 3.4.6 Fire Detection System

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- Page
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

Illustration 3.4.8a (1) Fire Fighting Equipment on Main Deck, Electric Motor Room and Cargo Machinery Rooms
















Main Deck

P Dry Powder Unit

Sea Water Nozzle


Closing Appliance for

Exterior Vent Inlet/Outlet

Dry Powder Monitor
Air Lock P

Fire Hydrant With Hose


Fire Hose Box With Hose

Deck Under Electrical
Motor Room Deck Under Cargo Machine Hose Reel
Cargo Machinery Room Room

Dry Powder Hose Cabinet

High Dry Powder Release Station
Maintenence P

Electric Motor P Portable Fire Extinguishers

Room 6kg
(6kg Powder)

Emergency Stop Button For

Electric Motor Room Cargo Machinery Room CP Cargo Pump

Emergency Stop Button For

T.S.P Tank Spray Pump

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.8a (2) Fire Fighting Equipment on Navigation Bridge Deck and Wheelhouse Top







Fire Hose Box With Hose

Lift Shaft
Fire Main With Valves

Portable Fire Extinguishers
P 5kg
(5kg CO2)
Up 6kg
Remote Control for
SEA E.F.P Emergengy Fire Pump

Fire Pump Start/Stop


Muster and Emergency

SEA Instructions
Portable Fire Extinguishers
6kg (6kg Powder)

Emergency Stop Button For

LO Pumps, Vent Fans, and
Accommodation Fans

5kg Sea Water Nozzle

Closing Appliance for
Exterior Vent Inlet/Outlet

Fire Damper

'A' Class Fire Door Self-Closing




Navigation Bridge Deck

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.8 Fire Fighting Equipment

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.8a (3) Fire Fighting Equipment on C and D Decks




3rd Engineer 'B'

2nd Engineer
Day Room
ETO Electrician (B) Chief Engineer
Day Room
Junior Junior General Office SEA SEA
dn Officer 6 Officer 7 & Engine Office dn Bedroom


Bed Room Fire Hose Box With Hose

Junior Officer 4
Bed Room Fire Main With Valves
C.G.L Drawing WC Elevator Electronics SEA
SEA Elevator
Store Workshop Portable Fire Extinguishers
Locker P
(5kg CO2)

Junior Officer 3 Emergency Fire Pump Start/Stop



Officers TV & Superintendent Fire Pump Start/Stop
Video Room SEA
Room SEA F.P

Pipe/ 3rd Engineer (A) Portable Fire Extinguishers

Cargo Control Room P


Junior Officer 2 & Deck Office SEA SEA 12kg (12kg Powder)
Trunk dn
Pilots Portable Foam Fire
SEA 9L Extinguisher

Ships Laundry E.F.P Officers Laundry
2nd Officer (A)
P Portable Fire Extinguishers
Junior Officer 1 2nd Officer (B) (6kg Powder)
Drying P
dn dn High-Fog Spray Head


Electric Fire Damper

C.G.L Officers WC Trunk SEA
Linen Store WC Electric
SEA 12kg
Trunk Bedroom
MDHA Magnetic Door Holder
Bed Room
Hose Reel
MDHA Conference Bed Room MDHA SEA
Officers Room

Recreation Room Store Sea Water Nozzle

dn Store dn SEA
Closing Appliance for
Owner CCR Cargo Engineers Chief Officers Captains
Day Room Day Room Day Room SEA N Exterior Vent Inlet/Outlet
Pantry (Natural)
SEA Bed Room
Booth 12kg



C Deck D Deck

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.8a (4) Fire Fighting Equipment on A and B Decks


A Deck B Deck

dn dn dn dn dn

Beer P 12kg

Hospital Crew 1 Crew 2 Crew 3 Crew 4 Bosun Key
Crews Mess Room
Treatment Fire Hose Box With Hose
Room WC

Crew 5 Fire Main With Valves

Dry Provisions MDHA
Store SMS Room CO2
Portable Fire Extinguishers

Crews Duty
5kg (5kg CO2)
Store Elevator C.G.L Store WC Elevator
Mess Room Cable Trunk P Portable Fire Extinguishers
Crew 12 12kg (12kg Powder)
5kg 12kg
Fat Fryer Wet Chemical



12kg Crews TV & Chief Cook CO2 Uptake Extinguisher
CHE Store
Video Room CO2
Pipe /
Galley Pipe
WC Duct Fire Damper
Trunk Electric
Room Crew 6
MDHA Crews Laundry MDHA MDHA Magnetic Door Holder

Officers Hose Reel

Duty Dry.
Handling Area Room
Mess Room dn Crews Reception dn Sea Water Nozzle
12kg Petty Officer SEA

Trunk CO2 Nozzle
Vegetable Dairy Room Store Cable Trunk
Bev. Store
Room Lobby Store Electric
Chemical Nozzle
Trunk CHE
Closing Appliance for
MDHA Crew 7 Exterior Vent Inlet/Outlet
Fish (Natural/Mechanical)
Room Fireman's Outfitting
Officers Mess Room Gymnasium Locker
Meat Locker
FE Crew 11 Crew 10 Crew 9 Crew 8 Pump Man
Fire Blanket
x4 P
dn dn
dn dn dn



Rescue Boat SEA SEA SEA

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.8a (5) Fire Fighting Equipment on Upper Deck, Bosun's Store and Bow Thruster Room







Hydraulic Power Room P

Store 6kg
Worker Worker Control
Station P
Vent Vent P
Locker P

No.1 Cargo
Female Officers Changing Switchboard
WC Room Room
Room Lobby P
P 12kg

F 24V 12kg

9L Battery CO2
Store 5kg Locker




Air Handling Unit Room

Dry Rope
Deck CO2 Key

F Fireman's Outfitting
9L CO2 FE Locker
WC No.2 Cargo Emergency Stop Switch
Room For Engine Room Oil
Deck Store 2 Key Pumps and Vent Fans
Crew's Changing Room P
Bosun's Store Portable Fire Extinguishers
Vent Paint 6kg
Fire Control Plan
(6kg Powder) PLAN
Oxy Portable Fire Extinguishers
Oil and CO2 CO2
Deck Store 1 6kg
Games Room 12kg
(12kg Powder) Hose Reel
Grease Chem. Acet 6kg
6kg P
CO2 A 'A' Class Fire Door
6kg CO2 Self-Closing Fire Hose Box With Hose

B.S.P SEA B.S.P Fire Damper Fixed CO2 System


PLAN P Closing Appliance for Fire Main With Valves

6kg Exterior Vent Inlet/Outlet
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Sea Water Nozzle 5kg
(5kg CO2)
Remote Control for
CO2 Nozzle Emergency Fire Pump
Main Deck E/R Bilge,Sludge, HFO
Fire Pump Start/Stop
Transfer, P/R HFO Transfer, F.P
LO Transfer, Pumps,
Bow Thruster Room B.S.P Vacuum Toilet, Sewage Emergency Fire Pump
System Start/Stop

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.8a (6) Fire Fighting Equipment on Engine Room 2nd Deck

Fixed Foam Fire Extinguisher

Portable Foam Applicator (20L)

UP Fire Hose Box With Hose
20L 9L

UP BI.F.P Fire Main With Valves


Bilge and GS Fire Pump

UP BI.F.P Start/Stop
H/F H/F CO2 Portable Fire Extinguishers
(5kg CO2)

Water Spray Pump Start/Stop
F 5kg
12kg 5kg
Fire Pump Start/Stop
135L 12kg

Muster and Emergency

H/F H/F Instructions

DN P Portable Fire Extinguishers

12kg (12kg Powder)
Emergency Stop Button For
LO Pumps, Vent Fans, and
UP Accommodation Fans
UP F UP F F Portable Foam Fire
9L 9L 9L Extinguisher
P Portable Fire Extinguishers
UP 12kg (12kg Powder)
12kg F.P

High-Fog Spray Head

Fire Damper

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.8a (7) Fire Fighting Equipment on Engine Room 3rd Deck


45L 12kg


Hose Reel

Fire Hose Box With Hose


P Fire Main With Valves

6Kg F Portable Foam Fire
9L Extinguisher

Portable Fire Extinguishers
12kg 6Kg (6kg Powder)
P Portable Fire Extinguishers
12kg (12kg Powder)
H/F H/F Transportable Foam Fire
45L Extinguisher

P High-Fog Spray Head
P 12kg H/F
25kg F

Fire Damper
P Transportable Fire
P H/F H/F H/F 25kg Extinguishers (25kg Powder)
P 12kg


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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.8a (8) Fire Fighting Equipment on Engine Room 4th Deck

12kg 9L
Up Key

Fire Hose Box With Hose

Fire Main With Valves

F Portable Foam Fire
12kg Extinguisher

P Portable Fire Extinguishers

(12kg Powder)
F Transportable Foam Fire
9L 45L Extinguisher
Closing Appliance for
P Exterior Vent Inlet/Outlet

High-Fog Spray Head


Up F
45L 12kg



Engine Room 4th Deck

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.8a (9) Fire Fighting Equipment on Engine Room Floor


Portable Foam Fire
12kg F
P 9L Extinguisher
45L 12kg

F Transportable Foam Fire

45L Extinguisher

Portable Fire Extinguishers
12kg (12kg Powder)
P Fire Hose Box With Hose

Fire Main With Valves


45L Bilge, Fire and G/S Pump

(245/150m³/h x 5/120kg/cm2)
Engine Room Bilge Pump
(10m³/h x 4kg/cm2)

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.8 Fire Fighting Equipment

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.9a Fixed Gas Sampling System
Unit in Electric Equipment
Weather Deck Room
B - Deck Hazardous Area (3m)
Gas Detection Point Drain Separator Box Deck House Front Wall
To Analysing Unit
A - Deck Vent outlet to
Stop Valves to be be Located
located at Safety Area at Safety Area
Steam, Condensate Lines Lines Flame Screen
and Bilge Discharge Line Mesh

Blind Flange
Passageway Passageway

Vent Mast Gas Detection Lines

Gasthrough Trunk)
Drain Separator Lines
Cargo Tank
Cargo Machinery
Room Air Lock
Electric Motor Room
For Air Lock

Gas Vent Drain Tank

Passageway Passageway

Cone Gas Detection

Liquid/Gas Dome


Passageway Passageway

Gas Detection
Gas Detection
Cargo Tank

Water Ballast Tank Pipe Duct Water Ballast Tank

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.9 Fixed Gas SamplingHeading

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.9 FIXED GAS SAMPLING SYSTEM The SW2020 system draws samples from the following locations: If the methane concentration of any sample point reaches 30% LEL, an audible
alarm is sounded and the corresponding indicator lamp is lit on the panel.
• No.1 cargo tank IBS gas dome
Maker: Consilium Marine AB Additionally, a gas sampling alarm is activated on the IAS on the extension
System: Salwico • No.1 cargo tank IBS liquid dome alarm panel in the fire control station.
Gas sampling SW2020 • No.1 cargo tank IBS
A 60% LEL reading at any of the following locations activates a shut down of
Gas alarm GS3000 • No.2 cargo tank IBS gas dome the compressors, vaporisers etc within the machinery room.
Fire alarm CS3000 • No.2 cargo tank IBS liquid dome • Cargo machinery room forward
Sampler: GD10
• No.2 cargo tank IBS • Cargo machinery room aft
Sampling range: 0-100%LEL (0-5% vol.) methane
• No.3 cargo tank IBS gas dome • Cargo motor room air lock
Start-up time: <60 seconds
Self test: Continuous • No.3 cargo tank IBS liquid dome
The system also contains an internal gas sensor to detect the flammable gas
• No.3 cargo tank IBS
level inside the panel. The unit will shut off the power supply if an internal gas
• No.4 cargo tank IBS gas dome leak is detected and provide failure alarms, which are transmitted to the IAS
and the extension alarm panel situated in the fire control station.
• No.4 cargo tank IBS liquid dome
The GD10 gas sampler is based on the measurement of infrared radiation • No.4 cargo tank IBS The IAS will record the last sample value of each point as it is transmitted by
passing through a volume of gas. The GD10 employs a dual beam, dual
• No.1 cofferdam the gas sampling system. This recorded value will continue to be displayed on
wavelength measuring principle with separate optical samplers.
the graphic screen until it is next updated in rotation.
• No.2 cofferdam
Different types of gas have unique absorption spectra and can be easily
identified by proper selection of the infrared wavelength at which absorption is • No.3 cofferdam
Fixed Gas Sampling System
measured. Radiation at another wavelength measures the overall transmission • No.4 cofferdam
through the optical system and in the air volume. The gas sampling system is an automatic scanning, permanently installed
• No.5 cofferdam
gas sampling system, with one common sampler for all sampling points.
By comparing the transmission of the two wavelengths, the gas concentration • Duct keel forward The automatic scanning function ensures that the sampler is connected to the
in the air is determined. Selecting a wavelength with the unique characteristic • Duct keel aft different sampling points in a predetermined sequence.
of a particular gas prevents other types of gas present in the sample activating An actual test sample from the sampling point connection is obtained through
the sampler and giving false alarms • Gas vent drain tank for condensate the sampling pipe being pre-evacuated before the sampler is connected. Pre-
• Cargo machinery room forward evacuation takes place only in the sampling pipe which is next to be connected
Radiation from two infrared sources passes through two narrow banded filters for sampling. This avoids unnecessary quantities of dust, dirt, salt and moisture
selecting a measuring wavelength and a reference wavelength. Radiation is • Cargo machinery room aft
being sucked into the filters, which are fitted to every individual pipe in the
divided by a beamsplitter into an external and internal path. The external • Cargo motor room air lock system.
path is viewed by the measuring (main) sampler which detects if the selected
• Bosun’s store
gas is present. The internal path is viewed by the compensation sampler, this The entire internal pipe system in the analysing unit is purged automatically
monitors and compensates for any drift in the infrared source or samplers. • Forward pump room with clean air between the pre-suction and sampling phase.
• Passageway port forward
The four signals, two from each of the samplers, are amplified, digitised and In order to avoid water or any other liquid being sucked into the pipe system
fed into a microprocessor. The microprocessor calculates the gas concentration • Passageway port aft and reaching the sampler, an automatic pump stop function is included.
and the results are presented as either a voltage, a current or a digital output • Passageway starboard forward
signal. Internal signals are compared with test limits to monitor the electronics A gas cylinder, with a gas mixture of known composition, is connected to the
and optical parts, if values outside the test limits are detected specific error • Passageway starboard aft
system for regular calibration of the gas alarm instrument, as well as checks
messages are displayed. • No.1 cargo tank vent mast on the operation of the system.
• No.2 cargo tank vent mast
The system is situated in the electrical equipment room on A deck and the The gas sampling system consists of four primary units:
sampling sequence is automatically controlled by solenoid selection valves, • No.3 cargo tank vent mast
with the sampled gas being drawn into the panel by pumps, before passing over
• No.4 cargo tank vent mast 1. Control Unit
the infrared gas analyser.
• Gas vent drain tank from bilge The control unit contains all control and checking functions of the system and

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.9 Fixed Gas Sampling System - Page 2 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.9b Fixed Gas Sampling System

Cargo Manifold (P)

Valve Box (To be

Located at Safety

Main Panel
at Electric
No.4 Liquid No.4 Gas No.3 Liquid No.3 Gas No.2 Liquid No.2 Gas No.1 Liquid No.1 Gas
Dome Dome Dome Dome Dome Dome Dome Dome

Analysing Unit

Electric Motor Room Cargo Machinery Room Cargo Manifold (S)

Repeater Unit
No.4 Vent Mast No.3 Vent Mast No.2 Vent Mast No.1 Vent Mast

Drain Separator Box

Air Lock

Valve Box

CD Trunk Deck
Main Panel
at Electric
Room Cofferdam

Analysing Unit

Bosun Store

No.4 Cargo Tank No.3 Cargo Tank No.2 Cargo Tank No.1 Cargo Tank BW
Engine Room Heavy Fuel
Oil Tank (C)

Forward Water Ballast

Tanks (P & S)
Fore Peak Tank

Cofferdam Cofferdam Cofferdam Cofferdam Pump Room Bow Thruster Room

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.9 Fixed Gas SamplingHeading

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
is located in the cargo control room.
The standby menu displays the system status. The standby mode can be Purge - Clean the pipe for that particular sampling point for 30 seconds. Before
2. Analysing Unit
identified by the clock in the upper right corner and can be reached by pressing connection to the analysing flow an automatic decompression is made through
The analysing unit contains all functions for gas sampling and transportation of the HOME key. The control unit will automatically return to standby mode 30 the internal sampling point for 10 seconds in order to protect the pressure
the test samples. A measuring point for internal monitoring of leakage is also minutes after the last keyboard entry. switch and pump membrane.
installed in the analysing unit.
3. Repeater Unit Actions such as ‘purge’ and ‘manual measure’ cannot be performed on
Lists disconnected sampling points. The only allowed action on a disconnected
The function of this panel is to indicate alarms/faults visually and audibly to the All manipulations required by the average user can be performed from the four sampling point is Reconnect.
duty watch on the bridge. lists in the system.
4. Pipe System After a measure or purge manoeuvre, the normal measurement sequence starts
Alarm List at the sampling point that was interrupted.
The pipe system transports the test samples from sampling points to the
analysing unit. The pipe system includes filters, shut off valves and flame The left hand side of the control unit always displays the sampling point in
traps. alarm and the alarm level (high or low). Disconnection List
Press LIST DISCONNECTION to open the disconnection list.
Mute any gas alarms by pressing ALARM MUTE and reset gas alarms by
Procedure for the Operation of the Gas Sampling System pressing ALARM RESET. Press ALARM IN QUEUE to display the next gas Disconnected sampling points are displayed one by one by using the arrow
Control Unit alarm (if any). keys. Reconnect a sampling point by pressing Fl (Reconnect).
The control unit of the GS3000 Gas Sampling System is divided into two When more detailed information about an alarm is required, press LIST
separate parts. ALARMS on the right hand side of the control unit. This list is opened
automatically when a new gas alarm is detected. Use the arrow keys to display
The left-hand side consists of only three keys: ALARM MUTE, ALARM the next and previous alarms.
find a gas alarm in the gas alarm list and the two other keys to either mute or
to reset an alarm. The gas level is measured again to see if the alarm condition Fault List
has disappeared. Press LIST FAULTS, on the right hand side of the control unit, to display the
The right-hand side is used for operation of the system. Press one of the six faults in the system. This list is automatically opened when the system detects
LIST and SET UP keys to operate and monitor the system. All six keys will a fault.
open a list of items (sampling points, alarms etc.).
Mute faults by pressing the FAULT MUTE key and reset faults by pressing the
Use the four arrow keys to find the item required and use the function keys to FAULT RESET key.
select an action to perform.
Sampling Point List
For example, it is possible to make a manual measurement on sampling point
Press LIST SAMPLING POINTS to enter the sampling point list.
number 5 (SP5) by first pressing LIST SAMPLING POINTS, then choose SP5
with the arrow keys and finally press F3 (Measure) to start measuring on SP5.
Select a sampling point with the arrow keys and use the function keys to
The sampling point details will be shown on the display.
perform an action.
Some menus require a numerical input; manual measurement is one of them.
The following actions can be performed on a sampling point:
Enter a new value with the numerical keyboard. Press ENTER to change the
new value into the current value and press F1 to start measuring.
Value - Display the value of the last gas measurement.
Press F1 to start measuring using the default value (5 per minute).
Measure - Start measuring the gas concentration. With this function it is
possible to make a prompt check of the actual gas concentration of the selected
Standby sampling point. The sampling time can be set in minutes though never below
The control unit is in standby mode most of the time. The display shows that the set up time. The gas value is updated and continuously shown in the
the measurement sequence is running. The system always displays the last display. The possible alarm (low or high) will be decided when the gas reading
measurement. is stable. The remaining measurement time is continuously shown.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Set Up - General Settings 3) Internal leakage in the analysing unit is indicated when the Sensor Locations
The system changes the access level and enters Configuration Mode when the automatic leakage control fails. This control is automatically
correct access code for level 2, 3 or 4 is entered. The system will not start until initiated every 24 hours by closing all the sampling valves, Electronic semsor units are located in the following areas and if a gas reading
the user chooses to start the system again (the access level is automatically running the analysing pump and checking that the vacuum is detected in any of these spaces it activates a gas alarm on the IAS system.
changed back to 1) or the user time-out expires after 30 minutes. switch is activated. If the vacuum switch is not activated the The location is shown on the IAS screen under Fire Group.
cause is a leakage at the vacuum side of the pump from pipes,
Choose a menu with the arrow keys. The menu numbers in this document are solenoid valves, pipe coupling or the vacuum switch itself. Location No. of Sensors
shown between brackets in each header.
4) Calibration: This fault indicates that zero or span calibration is 1. Cargo motor room 3
not completed due to a value that is out of range, either due to a 2. Engine room 9
Actions in the Event of an Alarms gas sampler fault or a test gas fault. The bottle might be empty
or the test gas mixture is not corresponding to the value that is 3. Accommodation 21
Gas Alarm
set for span calibration. 4. BOG pipe/duct 5
1) When the ALARM MUTE button is pressed, the audible
5. IGS room 1
alarm stops and all alarm outputs with mute functionality are 5-8) Gas Sampler 1-4. Indicates a fault depending on which type of
deactivated. The scanning cycle continues and will give new sampler that is in use. There might be a loss of power, a dirty
alarms for each sampling point exceeding the alarm level. The mirror in an internal radiation sampler or a sensor failure etc.
alarms are stored in the alarm list and the sampling point of the
last occurred alarm is shown as well as the alarm level low or 9) Moisture fault (Option). Indicates that water is sucked into the
high. pipe system of the analysing unit.
2) Activation of the ALARM RESET button starts a revaluation
10) High temperature in the analysing unit (Option).
of the sampling point in alarm. An alarm reset request will
stop the sampling sequence and make a new measurement.
11) Power fault (Option). As indicated if there are two independent
This re-evaluation is to be able to accept an alarm reset on the
power supplies and one fails.
sampling point if the level is now below the alarm level. If the
ALARM IN QUEUE button is pushed and a RESET is made of
12) Flow fault on sample point #. Indicates a flow fault on the sample
all sampling points in alarm, the system will start re-evaluating
point listed. Before indication of a flow fault the automatic pipe
these sampling points one by one. It may therefore take a while
cleaning function first attempts to remove the cause of the flow
to complete alarm reset for several sampling points.
fault by flushing the sampling pipe for 15 seconds and then
tries to obtain a new sample. If the flow fault still remains the
The re-evaluation sequence can be interrupted by manual measurement or
sampling point is automatically disconnected and a flow fault
purge. (See the Sampling Point List).
alarm is generated and listed in the fault list. The scanning cycle
continues to the next sampling point. As long as the flow fault
Fault Alarm for a certain sampling point is listed in the fault list the fault
1) An analysing pump fault is caused by a pressure switch and remains.
stops the pump and scanning sequence if the system does
not have the pump redundancy option. The pressure switch Other fault alarms monitor the internal condition of the gas sampling system.
is detecting that the pump pressure is too low. The cause is
probably a membrane leakage of the pump or a fault of the Repeater Unit
pressure switch itself. Service is needed if the fault cannot be
reset. Gas alarms are shown on the Mini Repeater.
2) A bypass pump fault is caused by a pressure switch. The The previous and next alarms (if any) can be listed with the arrow keys. Faults
scanning cycle continues. The bypass pump stops. The cause are shown when there are no non-muted gas alarms in the system.
for this fault is the same as described for the analysing pump.
The previous and next faults (if any) can be listed with the arrow keys.

The clock is shown when there are no alarms or faults in the system.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.9 Fixed Gas Sampling System - Page 5 of 5

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 5.7a Quick-Closing Valves and Fire Dampers System
Fire Control Station Set at
Emergency Generator Incinerator Room
PAL 970kPa
ZS PI Engine Room
Engine Room, Fire Control Station PIA95
No.1 Supply Emergency
Valve Control Locker
Fan Shut Open Generator
Speed Controller SD01 Air Engine MGO Incinerator Incinerator
Receiver Service Tank Waste Oil Diesel
Engine Room, No.2 Supply Fan SD02 PI
OD380F Service Oil Service
Manual Tank Tank
Pilot Valve
A Deck
Engine Room, No.3 Supply Fan SD03 with Lever OF OF365F
364F OF
Engine Room, No.4 Supply Fan SD04 AC015F
Filter and No.3 No.2 No.1
Engine Room, Manual Regulator
No.1 Exhaust Valve
Fan Shut Open Upper Deck
Speed Controller ED01
Engine Room, No.2 Exhaust Fan ED02 Box
Turbine Turbine Generator Generator
Engine Room Exhaust Air ED03 Generator Generator Engine Engine Diesel Main
Gas Oil
Storage Oil LO
Engine Room Exhaust Air ED04 Settling Storage Settling Storage
Tank Service Gravity
Tank Tank Tank Tank
Tank Tank 2nd Deck
Incinerator Fire Control Station
Room Supply OL OL OL
OD351F OL002F 001F 003F 004F OD006F OL215F
Shut Open
Speed Controller SD05 PI

Inert Gas Generator Room Supply Duct SD06 AC016F

Filter and Key
Regulator Low
Inert Gas Generator Room Exhaust Air ED06 Sulphur No.1 No.2
Heavy Fuel Heavy Fuel Diesel Oil Air
From Control Heavy
Air System Oil Oil Storage
Diesel Generator Engine Room Supply Duct SD07 Fuel Oil
Settling Settling Tank Lubricating Oil
Storage OF
Tank Tank Tank 3rd Deck
201F Marine Diesel Oil
Diesel Generator Engine Room Supply Duct SD11
OF002F OF OF OF204F OD001F
No.1 Diesel Generator Engine Room Exhaust Air ED07 202F 203F Heavy Fuel Oil

Electrical Signal
No.2 Diesel Generator Engine Room Exhaust Air ED12

No.2 No.2 Instrumentation

Purifier Room Supply Duct SD08 Heavy Heavy Main Main
Fuel Oil LO LO
Fuel Fuel
Overflow Settling Storage
Purifier Room Exhaust Air ED08 Oil Oil
Manual Tank Tank Tank
Storage Storage
Valve Tank (P) Tank (S) 4th Deck
MSB Room Supply Duct (P) SD09 PI
OF OF LO Purifier OL OL Speed Emergency Generator Room
003F 001F Sludge Tank 008F 007F Controller No.1 Exhaust
MSB Room Exhaust Air (P) ED09
Open Shut ED13
Manual AC017F OL419F
Valve Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED14
MSB Room Supply Duct (S) SD10 Filter and
Regulator Fire Control Station Manual Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED15
MSB Room Exhaust Air (S) ED10 PI Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED16
Terminal Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED17
Speed Emergency Generator Room
AC018F Controller No.6 Exhaust
Filter and Open Shut ED18
Regulator Outside Emergency
Fire Control Station Switchboard Room Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED19

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.10 Quick-Closing Valves and Fire DampersHeading

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.10 QUICK-CLOSING VALVES AND FIRE DAMPERS Oil Tank Quick-Closing Valves Procedure for Operating the Quick-Closing Valve System
WARNING To operate the quick closing valves on board the vessel, proceed as follows:
Some tanks such as lubricating oil tanks do not have quick-closing valves
Introduction a) At the emergency shut off control locker check the quick-
fitted. This is because they are normally closed and only opened for short
periods of time when required. It is therefore important to ensure that closing valve group in which the valve(s) to be closed is/are
All the outlet valves from the fuel oil and lubricating oil tanks, from which oil located.
these tank outlet valves are always closed when not in use.
could flow to feed a fire, are equipped with air operated quick-closing valves,
which are controlled from the fire control station. They are supplied from b) Operate lever of the shut-off pilot valve for the valve group
the quick-closing valve air reservoir situated in the fire control station. The Group 1 concerned in order to supply air to the quick-closing valves.
reservoir is supplied, at a pressure of 10.40 bar, from the control air system.
The air supply is direct from the No.1 control air manifold after the dryer and Tank Valve
The quick-closing valves in the selected group will be closed when the air
oil filters but there is an inlet valve on the quick-closing valve air reservoir. DO service tank OD006F pressure acts on the valve piston. When it is necessary to open the valve again
This valve is locked open. A branch pipe on the supply line to the reservoir Main LO gravity tank OL215F the pilot valve lever should be released so that the air supply line to the valves
supplies air directly to the engine room ventilation fire dampers which are No.2 HFO settling tank OF203F is vented. The tripped valves must then be closed by turning the valve handle
open when under pressure. OF204F and then opened again in order to reset the trip mechanism.

The quick-closing valve air reservoir is fitted with a low pressure alarm Group 2
transmitter which registers on the IAS Machinery Miscellaneous Alarms Fire Dampers
Tank Valve
screen. The oil tank quick-closing valves’ actuator lines are grouped into
MGO storage tank OD351F The engine room fire dampers operate to close the ventilation openings in the
three systems, each with a manual pilot valve and operating lever. In normal
operation the supply line to each group of tank valves is vented to atmosphere, Low sulphur HFO storage tank OF002F event of a fire. The dampers are kept open against a closing force (gravity
but when the pilot valve is actuated air is supplied to pistons which collapse the FO overflow tank OF004F acting on a counterweight) by means of air pressure acting on the damper
bridge of each valve in that group, thus causing the valve to close. Operation No.2 HFO storage tank port OF003F cylinder piston. When the air pressure is vented the damper or dampers will
of a pilot valve will close all valves in that part of the system. close. The fire damper pipework is supplied directly from the working air
system main pipe and air pressure is constantly applied to the system.
Group 3
The valves are reset by venting the air supply and operating the valve hand
wheel in a closed direction to reset the bridge mechanism and then opening the Tank Valve Activation of the pilot control valve at the fire control station control panel
valve in the normal way. will vent the damper air line and cause fire dampers associated with the pilot
Incinerator waste oil service tank OF364F
valve to close. The operation of individual local damper valves will vent each
The emergency generator marine gas oil tank quick-closing valve OD380F is individual damper as required and allow that damper to close.
operated by a directly connected wire from outside the emergency generator Incinerator DO service tank OD362F
room. The incinerator waste oil service tank and incinerator DO service tank No.2 HFO storage tank starboard OF001F Fire dampers in group 1 are for the engine room supply and exhaust fans.
quick-closing outlet valves OF364F, OF365F and OF362F may be operated by No.1 HFO settling tank OF201F These do not normally have local control pilot valves but do have solenoid
directly connected wires from outside of the incinerator room or from the fire OF202F valves associated with the fan starters. When the fan is started the solenoid
control station via pilot valve No.3. DO storage tank OD001F valve allows air to the damper in order to open it and when the fan is stopped
the solenoid valve vents the damper air line causing the damper to close.
Turbine generator LO settling tank OL002F
Engine room fire dampers are arranged in four groups, each with an air supply
from an air line supplying the quick-closing valve air reservoir. Air is normally Turbine generator LO storage tank OL001F Fire dampers are fitted as follows:
supplied to the damper air cylinder and that keeps the damper open against the Diesel generator LO settling tank OL003F
action of a counterweight or spring. When the damper cylinder is vented the Diesel generator LO storage tank OL004F Group 1: Air supply valve AC015F Panel Label
damper is closed by means of a gravity acting on the counterweight. Damper Main LO settling tank OL008F No.1 engine room supply fan SD01
cylinders may be vented by means of the pilot valve located in the fire control Main LO storage tank OL007F
station in the accommodation or by means of a pilot valve located close to each No.2 engine room supply fan SD02
damper. Some damper pilot valves operate a single damper and others operate LO purifier sludge tank OL419F No.3 engine room supply fan SD03
two or more dampers. No.4 engine room supply fan SD04

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.10 Quick-Closing Valves and Fire Dampers System - Page 2 of 3
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 5.7a Quick-Closing Valves and Fire Dampers System
Fire Control Station Set at
Emergency Generator Incinerator Room
PAL 970kPa
ZS PI Engine Room
Engine Room, Fire Control Station PIA95
No.1 Supply Emergency
Valve Control Locker
Fan Shut Open Generator
Speed Controller SD01 Air Engine MGO Incinerator Incinerator
Receiver Service Tank Waste Oil Diesel
Engine Room, No.2 Supply Fan SD02 PI
OD380F Service Oil Service
Manual Tank Tank
Pilot Valve
A Deck
Engine Room, No.3 Supply Fan SD03 with Lever OF OF365F
364F OF
Engine Room, No.4 Supply Fan SD04 AC015F
Filter and No.3 No.2 No.1
Engine Room, Manual Regulator
No.1 Exhaust Valve
Fan Shut Open Upper Deck
Speed Controller ED01
Engine Room, No.2 Exhaust Fan ED02 Box
Turbine Turbine Generator Generator
Engine Room Exhaust Air ED03 Generator Generator Engine Engine
Gas Oil Diesel Main
Storage Oil LO
Engine Room Exhaust Air ED04 Settling Storage Settling Storage
Tank Service Gravity
Tank Tank Tank Tank Tank Tank 2nd Deck
Incinerator Fire Control Station
Room Supply OL OL OL
OD351F OL002F 001F 003F 004F OD006F OL215F
Shut Open
Speed Controller SD05 PI

Inert Gas Generator Room Supply Duct SD06 AC016F

Filter and Key
Regulator Low
Inert Gas Generator Room Exhaust Air ED06 Sulphur No.1 No.2
Heavy Fuel Heavy Fuel Diesel Oil Air
From Control Heavy
Air System Oil Oil Storage
Diesel Generator Engine Room Supply Duct SD07 Fuel Oil
Settling Settling Tank Lubricating Oil
Storage OF
Tank Tank Tank 3rd Deck
201F Marine Diesel Oil
Diesel Generator Engine Room Supply Duct SD11
OF002F OF OF OF204F OD001F
No.1 Diesel Generator Engine Room Exhaust Air ED07 202F 203F Heavy Fuel Oil

Electrical Signal
No.2 Diesel Generator Engine Room Exhaust Air ED12

No.2 No.2 Instrumentation

Purifier Room Supply Duct SD08 Heavy Heavy Main Main
Fuel Oil LO LO
Fuel Fuel
Overflow Settling Storage
Purifier Room Exhaust Air ED08 Oil Oil
Manual Tank Tank Tank
Storage Storage
Valve Tank (P) Tank (S) 4th Deck
MSB Room Supply Duct (P) SD09 PI
OF OF LO Purifier OL OL Speed Emergency Generator Room
003F 001F Sludge Tank 008F 007F Controller No.1 Exhaust
MSB Room Exhaust Air (P) ED09
Open Shut ED13
Manual AC017F OL419F
Valve Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED14
MSB Room Supply Duct (S) SD10 Filter and
Regulator Fire Control Station Manual Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED15
MSB Room Exhaust Air (S) ED10 PI Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED16
Terminal Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED17
Speed Emergency Generator Room
AC018F Controller No.6 Exhaust
Filter and Open Shut ED18
Regulator Outside Emergency
Fire Control Station Switchboard Room Emergency Generator Room No.2 Exhaust ED19

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

Group 2: Air supply valve AC016F Panel Label

No.1 engine room exhaust fan ED01
No.2 engine room exhaust fan ED02
No.3 engine room exhaust fan ED03
No.4 engine room exhaust fan ED04
Incinerator room supply duct SD05
Incinerator room exhaust air ED05
IGG room supply duct SD06
IGG room exhaust air ED06
Generator room supply duct SD07
Generator No.1 and 2 rooms exhaust air ED07
Purifier room supply duct SD08
Purifier room exhaust air ED08

Group 3: Air supply valve AC017F Panel Label

MSB room port supply duct SD09
MSB room port exhaust air ED09
MSB room starboard supply duct SD10
MSB room starboard exhaust air ED10
No.1 MSB room cross line SD11
No.2 MSB room cross line ED11

Group 4: Air supply valve AC018F Panel Label

Emergency generator room ED13, 14,
15 and 16

Procedure for Operating the Fire Control Dampers

a) To actuate the fire control dampers the main fire damper

pilot valve located at the emergency shut off cabinet must
be operated. This is located in the fire control station and is
operated by pressing the valve lever to vent the air line.

b) The dampers will close under the action of their counterweights

when air is vented from their cylinders. Operation of the local
pilot valves has the same effect.

c) To open the fire dampers the pilot valve lever must be returned
to the open position and the dampers will open under the action
of compressed air on the cylinder pistons.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.10 Quick-Closing Valves and Fire Dampers System - Page 3 of 3
Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 3.4.11a Water Mist System

Deck (Port) Casing A - Deck (Port)

Fresh Water


Electrical Signal


2nd Deck (Port Rear) 2nd Deck (Starboard Rear)

M4 M3 M2 M1 M5

Nitrogen Motor
Manual and Remote
Operated Valves
Pump Manual and Remote
Operated Valves
Fresh Water Tank 3rd Deck (Port) 3rd Deck (Aft) 3rd Deck (Starboard)
(Machinery 2.14.2a)

Pneumatic Motor M6 M7

Pneumatic Drain
(24.5 bar)
From Control Air
Service System
(Machinery 2.9.1a) Nitrogen Cylinder
2.94 - 3.92 bar (50L x 196 bar)

6.86 bar

4th Deck (Starboard)

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.11 Water MistHeading

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
3.4.11 WATER MIST SYSTEM • Fresh water pump driven by an air motor, supplied by the
control air system, which takes suction from the fresh water
tanks and maintains the system pressure at 24.5 bar up to the
Water Mist Equipment control valves.
Maker: Marioff Hi-fog • A set of piston type pumps driven by pressurised N2 cylinders,
Type: GPU pump unit which supply fresh water at a rate of 11 litres/minute through
No. of sets: 1 each of the spray heads.
• Two sets of N2 cylinders pressurised to 200kg/cm2, 196 bar
each set containing three cylinders.
No electric power is required to operate the discharge pumps and the control
The water mist system provides fire protection in a number of machinery space
valves can be activated locally. The control valve can be closed by operating
areas. The basic principle of the water mist system is that the very fine droplets
the pushbutton a second time.
of water tend to exclude oxygen from the area of the fire thereby starving the
burning material of oxygen. When the fine water droplets come into contact
When a remote release pushbutton is pressed, a lamp under the pushbutton will
with the flames they are rapidly evaporated because of their large surface area
illuminate to indicate a fresh water flow through the control valve.
for a small mass and this has a rapid cooling effect on the fire. The steam
produced by the evaporation acts to further reduce the space available for
The remote panel also contains LAMP TEST and audible alarm RESET
oxygen. Because the water is in mist form the system is effective for oil fires.
Water at high pressure is injected into the protected space through special spray
heads which break down the water stream into very fine mist like particles. Procedure for Operating the Water Mist System
The positioning of the spray heads is such that the desired area is protected by
the spray. a) When a fire is detected in a protected area the control valve for
that area is activated and pressurised water is allowed to flow to
the spray heads covered by that control valve.
Engine Room System
b) Fresh water is delivered to the spray head by the air motor
Water mist protection is provided for the following engine room areas:
driven pump at an initial pressure of 24.5 bar.

Deck Area No. of Spray c) When a drop in the system pressure is detected because of the
Heads water flow, the N2 cylinder primary valve opens and releases the
A Incinerator room 4 gas from 3 cylinders which drives the piston type pumps to raise
Upper Hydraulic power pack room 4 the fresh water discharge rate to 11 litres/minute per spray head,
2nd Port boiler burner platform 4 ie. steering gear total is 66 litres/minute.
2nd Starboard boiler burner platform 4
d) The first three N2 cylinders’ discharge pressure will gradually
3rd Inert gas generator burner 3 drop to approximately 78.4 bar when the primary valve will
3rd Steering gear room 6 open on the second set of N2 cylinders.
3rd Diesel generator room 6
4th Purifier room 3 The system has the capacity to discharge fresh water for approximately 20
Each area is covered by a control valve which connects the spray heads to the
pressurised water spray main. Local Operation
There are local pushbuttons at each protected area and the section valves for
The water mist pump unit, situated on the engine room 4th deck starboard, near each protected area can also be operated locally by turning the valve lever, with
the fresh water hydrophore system, contains the following: finger power only, in the anticlockwise direction.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.11 Water Mist System - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual


The first aid fire fighting system consists of a 19mm diameter by 20m long hose
reel and nozzle sets connected to the domestic fresh water and situated within
the accommodation. This allows fresh water to be quickly made available to
extinguish any fires before they can develop.

The hose reel and nozzle sets are located at the following locations:

• Accommodation A deck alleyway port side

• Accommodation A deck alleyway starboard side
• Accommodation B deck alleyway port side
• Accommodation B deck alleyway starboard side
• Accommodation B deck aft alleyway port side
• Accommodation C deck alleyway port side Photographs of local fire fighting appliances to insert here.
• Accommodation C deck alleyway starboard side
• Accommodation D deck alleyway port side
• Accommodation D deck alleyway starboard side


In the event of a fire proceed as follows:

a) Raise the alarm and proceed to the nearest hose and reel set.

b) Open the fresh water valve and run out the hose reel towards the

c) Open the nozzle valve and direct the fresh water spray towards
the base of the fire.

Issue: Final Draft 3.4.12 Local Fire Fighting System - Page 1 of 1

LIST OF CONTENTS 2.5 Bridge Equipment and Instrumentation Part: 3: Deck Equipment Part 4: Routine Procedures
2.5.1 Speed Log System 3.1 Mooring Arrangement
Part 1: Ship Performance 2.5.2 Loran C 4.1 Passage Planning
3.1.1 Mooring Winches and Capstans
2.5.3 Differential Global Positioning
1.1 Principal Data 3.1.2 Anchoring Arrangement 4.1.1 Passage Planning - Appraisal
3.1.3 Emergency Towing Equipment 4.1.2 Passage Planning - Planning
1.1.1 Dimensions 2.5.4 Anemometer
3.1.4 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing 4.1.3 Passage Planning - Executing the
1.1.2 Tank Capacity Tables 2.5.5 Weather Facsimile Receiver
Procedures Plan
2.5.6 Echo Sounder
4.1.4 Passage Planning - Monitoring
2.5.7 UMS Alarm System
1.2 Ship Handling
2.5.8 Automatic Identification System 3.2 Lifting Equipment
1.2.1 General Information (AIS) 4.2 Operational Procedures
3.2.1 Deck Cranes
1.2.2 Turning Circles 2.5.9 Voyage Event Recorder 3.2.2 Accommodation and Pilot Ladder 4.2.1 Bridge Teamwork
1.2.3 Manoeuvring 2.5.10 Master Clock System Reels 4.2.2 Taking Over the Watch
1.2.4 Visibility 2.5.11 Hull Stress Monitoring System 4.2.3 Watchkeeping
4.2.4 Pilot Procedures
3.3 Lifesaving Equipment
1.3 Performance Data 2.6 Communications Systems 4.2.5 Weather Reporting
3.3.1 List of Lifesaving Equipment
1.3.1 Fuel/Power Data 2.6.1 GMDSS 3.3.2 Lifeboats and Davits
1.3.2 Propulsion and Squat Particulars 2.6.2 VHF Transceiver Systems 4.3 Helicopter Operations
3.3.3 Rescue Boat
2.6.3 MF/HF Transceiver System 3.3.4 Liferafts 4.3.1 Helicopter Operations
Part 2: Bridge Equipment and Operation 2.6.4 Inmarsat B System 3.3.5 SCABA Systems and Equipment 4.3.2 Winching
2.6.5 Inmarsat C System 3.3.7 Lifeboat/Liferaft Survival Guide 4.3.2a Helicopter Winching
2.6.6 UHF Radio Telephone 3.3.8 Lifesaving Equipment
2.1 Bridge Layout and Equipment
2.6.7 VHF Hand Held Emergency Radios
2.2 Radars and ECDIS 2.6.8 EPIRB and SART Part 5: Emergency Procedures
2.6.9 NAVTEX Receiver 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems
5.1 Steering Gear Failure
2.2.1 Conning Display 2.6.10 Inmarsat M System 3.4.1 Engine Room Fire Main System
2.2.2 Radars 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire Main
2.2.3 Electronic Chart Display and System
2.7 Internal Communications 5.2 Collision and Grounding
Information System 3.4.3 Water Spray System
2.7.1 Automatic Telephone System 3.4.4 Dry Powder System
2.3 Autopilot System 2.7.2 Intrinsically Safe Sound Powered 3.4.5 CO2 System 5.3 Search and Rescue
Telephone System 3.4.6 Fire Detection System
2.3.1 Steering Stand 5.3.1 Missing Persons
2.7.3 Public Address System 3.4.8 Fire Fighting Equipment 5.3.2 Man Overboard
2.3.2 Gyrocompass 2.7.4 Deck and Machinery Talkback Systems 5.3.3 Search Patterns
3.4.9 Fixed Gas Sampling System
2.3.3 Autopilot 5.3.4 Bomb Search
3.4.10 Quick-Closing Valves and Fire
2.3.4 Steering Procedures
2.8 Lighting and Warning Systems Dampers System
2.3.5 Magnetic Compass
3.4.11 Water Mist System 5.4 Emergency Towing and Being Towed
2.3.6 Rudder Angle Indicators 2.8.1 Navigation Lights
3.4.12 First Aid Fire Fighting System
2.8.2 Deck Lighting
2.4 Engine Controls 2.8.3 Whistle System
2.8.4 Fog Bell and Gong System 5.5 Oil Spill and Pollution Prevention
2.4.1 Main Engine Manoeuvring Control 2.8.5 Sound Reception System
2.4.2 Main Engine Control Procedures
2.4.3 Bow Thruster 5.6 Emergency Reporting
5.6.1 AMVER
5.6.2 AUSREP


Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.1 PASSAGE PLANNING 4.1.1 PASSAGE PLANNING - APPRAISAL Having collected together all the relevant information, the Master, in
consultation with his officers, will be able to make an overall appraisal of the
Before any voyage can be embarked upon or indeed, any project undertaken, passage, which may be one of, or a combination of, the following:
General those controlling the venture must have an understanding of the risks
involved. Ocean Passage
A plan for the intended passage is to be prepared prior to sailing.
The appraisal stage of passage planning examines these risks. If alternatives The passage may be a trans-ocean route, in which case the first consideration
Procedure are available, these risks are evaluated and a compromise solution is reached, will need to be the distance between ports, followed by the bunker and stores
whereby the level of risk is balanced against commercial expediency. The requirements and availability en route, in case of emergency and at the load
a) It is customary for the Master to delegate the initial responsibility discharge ports. A great circle is the shortest distance, but other considerations
appraisal should be considered as the most important part of passage planning,
for preparation of a passage to a designated officer, who is will need to be taken into account.
as it is at this stage that all pertinent information is gathered and a firm
responsible for navigational equipment and publications.
foundation for the plan is laid.
Meteorological conditions will need to be considered, even if the recommended
b) The designated officer has the task of preparing the detailed route is longer in distance, as it may well prove shorter in time and the ship less
passage plan to the Master’s requirements. The plan is to be Information Sources liable to suffer damage.
approved by the Master prior to the vessel sailing.
The Master’s decision on the overall conduct of the passage will be based Ocean currents may be used to advantage and weather systems also need to be
c) All bridge team members should carefully study, understand upon an appraisal of the available information. This appraisal will be made by considered, i.e. tropical revolving storm.
and finally sign at the bottom of the last page of the prepared considering the information from sources including:
passage plan.
• Chart catalogue Coastal Passage
d) The junior team members should not hesitate to question any • Navigational charts The courses should be laid off, staying well clear of coastlines and dangers,
decision, if in doubt. and whilst in soundings, due attention must be given to the vessel’s draught
• Ocean Passage for the World
and minimum under-keel clearance.
Voyages, of whatever length, can be broken down into four major stages: • Routing charts or pilot charts
• Sailing directions and pilot books When the ship is passing through areas where IMO adopted traffic separation
Preparation which consists of: and routing schemes are in operation, such routing is to be complied with.
• Light lists
i) Appraisal • Tide tables
Appraisal completed
ii) Planning • Tidal stream atlases
Having made an appraisal of the intended voyage, the Master will determine
iii) Execution • Notices to Mariners his strategy and then delegate to the second officer the planning of the voyage.
iv) Monitoring • Routing information Irrespective of who actually does the planning, it is to be based on the Master’s
requirements, as it is the Master who carries the final responsibility for the
• Radio signal information (including vts and pilot service) plan.
• Climatic information
• Load line charts
• Distance tables
• Electronic navigational systems information
• Radio and local warnings
• Owner’s and other unpublished sources
• Draught of vessel
• Personal experience
• Mariner’s hand book

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.1/1.1 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.1.2 PASSAGE PLANNING - PLANNING Tracks should be drawn on the small scale charts, according to the decisions Parallel Indexing
made at the appraisal stage, regarding the route to be taken. The parallel index is a useful method of monitoring cross-track tendency
Passage Planning in both poor and good visibility, and is a simple and effective method of
Chart changeover points should be quite clearly shown on all charts. continuously monitoring a ship’s progress.
Passage plans should be made from berth to berth, not from pilot station to
Track considerations: The ship at all times must be in safe water and remain ARPA mapping may be used in addition, to but not to the exclusion of, other
pilot station. This requirement is justified by referring to the IMO resolution,
sufficiently far off a danger to minimise the possibility of grounding in the systems.
which states that despite the duties and obligations of a pilot, his presence
event of machinery breakdown or navigational error.
on board does not relieve the officer in charge of the watch from his duties
and obligations for the safety of the ship. This makes it quite clear that it is Waypoints
Distance from navigational hazards or grounding line will depend on
necessary to plan from berth to berth, even though it is anticipated that there
following: A waypoint is a position, shown on the chart, where a planned change of status
will be a pilot conducting the vessel at certain stages of the voyage. The plan
also needs to include all eventualities and contingencies. • The draught of the ship relative to the depth of water will occur. It will often be a change of course but may also be an event such
• The weather conditions
Planning may be considered in two stages though, at times, they will merge • End or beginning of sea passage
and overlap. • The direction and rate of the tidal streams or current
• Change of speed
1. Ocean and open waters • The volume of traffic
• Pilot embarkation point
2. Coastal and estuarial • The age and reliability of the survey
• Anchor station etc.
• The availability of safe water
Planning Sequence Aborts and Contingencies
Regulations, both company and national, regarding off shore distances must
Charts also be observed. No matter how well planned and conducted a passage may be, there may come
Collect together all the charts for the intended voyage, putting them into the time when, due to a change in circumstances, the planned passage will have
the correct order. Ensure that all charts, ECDIS and publications have been Deviation from the planned track may be necessary, e.g. having to alter for to be abandoned.
corrected to the latest Notices to Mariners available. another ship. However, such deviation from track should be limited, so that
the ship does not enter areas where it may be at risk or closely approach the
margins of safety. Aborts
No Go Areas When approaching constrained waters, the ship may be in a position beyond
Coastal and estuarial charts should be examined, and all areas where the ship Under-keel clearance: It is important that the reduced under-keel clearance which it will not be possible to do anything other than proceed. This is termed
cannot go, carefully shown by highlighting or cross-hatching. has been planned for and clearly shown, taking into account squat and dock the point of no return, and is the position where the ship enters water so narrow
water/fresh water allowance if applicable. that there is no room to turn, or where it is not possible to retrace the track, due
to a falling tide and insufficient under keel clearance.
Margins of Safety In tidal areas, adequate under-keel clearance may only be attainable during the
Before tracks are marked on the chart, the clearing distance from any no period that the tide has achieved a given height. Outside that period, the area A position needs to be drawn on the chart showing the last point at which
go area needs to be considered. Among the factors which will be taken into must be considered no go. Such a safe period is called the tidal window, and the passage can be aborted. The position of the abort point will vary with the
account when deciding the size of the margin of safety are: must be clearly shown, so that the OOW is in no doubt as to whether or not it circumstances prevailing, eg., water availability, speed, turning circle, etc., but it
is safe for the ship to proceed. must be clearly shown, as must a subsequent planned track to safe water.
• The dimensions of the ship
• The accuracy of the navigational systems to be used Stream and current information is often available on the chart, though more The reasons for not proceeding and deciding to abort will vary according to the
• Tidal stream detailed information is given in Ocean Passage for the World, routing charts, circumstances but may include:
and pilot books. Tidal information is available from charts, tide tables, with
• The manoeuvring characteristics of the ship • Deviation from approach line
further local information being available in pilot books.
• The draught and under-keel clearance • Machinery failure or malfunction
In confined waters, when navigating on large scale charts, the margins of safety
• Instrument failure or malfunction
Margins of safety will show how far the ship can deviate from track, yet still may require the ship to commence altering course at the wheel over position,
remain in safe water. some distance before the track intersection in order to achieve the new planned • Non-availability of tugs or berth
track. These points are to be marked on the chart along with information on the • Dangerous situation ashore or in harbour
Safe water can be defined as areas where the ship may safely deviate. planned rate of turn and speed that it is calculated for.
• Any situation where it is deemed unsafe to proceed

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.1.2 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Contingencies • Landfall lights
• Extreme range
Having passed the abort position and point of no return, one still needs to be
aware that events may not go as planned and that the ship may have to take • Echo sounder
emergency action. Contingency planning will include: • Port information
• Alternative routes • Pilot information
• Safe anchorage/emergency anchorages • Tide heights and tidal streams
• Waiting areas • Course and distance information for passage
• Emergency berth
Planning Book
Contingency plans will have been made at the planning stage and clearly
shown on the chart. In addition to the information on the charts, the whole of the passage plan
should be written into a planning book for reference.
The following should be clearly stated and included in the passage planning:
• Various methods of position fixing Depending upon the length and complexity of the passage, or certain parts of
it, it is good practice for an abbreviated edition of the plan to be copied into a
• Primary and secondary position fixing
note book. This allows the person having the con, other than a pilot, to update
• Radar conspicuous objects, visual and navaids himself as and when required, without having to leave the conning position to
look at the chart.
• Landfall lights
• Radar targets
Master’s Approval
• Buoyage
• Fix frequency On completion, the plan must be submitted to the Master for his approval.
• Fix regularity
Plan Change
Additional information including:
All members of the bridge will be aware that even the most thorough plan may
• Reporting points
be subject to change during the passage. It is the responsibility of the person in
• Pilot boarding area charge to ensure that changes are made with the agreement of the Master, and
• Tug management that all other members of the bridge team are advised of such change.

• Traffic areas
• Transits
• Compass error
• Leading lines
• Clearing marks
• Head mark
• Clearing bearing
• Range of lights
• Geographical range
• Luminous range
• Normal range

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.1.2 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.1.3 PASSAGE PLANNING - EXECUTING THE PLAN • To change from unattended to manned machinery space. c) Checking that chart table equipment is in order and to hand,
eg., pens, pencils, parallel rules, compasses, dividers, note pads
• To call an extra certificated officer to the bridge.
Executing the Plan • To make personnel, in addition to the watch keeper, available
Organisation for bridge duties such as manning the wheel, keeping lookout, d) Checking that ancillary watch keeping equipment is in order
etc. and to hand, eg., binoculars, azimuth rings, aldis lamps etc.
The plan having been made, discussed and approved, now requires its method
of execution to be organised. This includes the methods used to carry out • To make personnel, in addition to the watch keeper, available
the plan and the best use of available resources. Final details will have to be for deck duties such as preparing pilot ladders, clearing and e) Confirming that monitoring and recording equipment, eg.,
confirmed when the actual timing of the passage can be ascertained. standing by anchors, preparing berthing equipment, engaging course recorder, engine movement recorder, is operational and
tugs, etc. recording paper replaced if necessary.
The methods to be used to accomplish the plan can then be agreed and should
include: Before commencing the voyage there is considerable advantage to be gained f) Confirming that the master gyrocompass is fully operational and
by briefing all concerned. This may take place over a considerable period of follow-ups aligned. The magnetic compass should be checked.
• ETA at critical points to take advantage of favourable tidal
time. As the actual commencement of the voyage approaches, certain specific
streams. g) Check that all instrument illumination lamps are operational.
personnel will have to be briefed so that work schedules and requirements can
• ETA at critical points; where it may be preferable to make a be planned. In particular, any variation from the routine running of the ship
daylight passage. e.g. doubling of watches, anchor party requirements, etc. must be specifically h) Check navigation and signal lights.
advised to involved personnel, either by the Master or the navigator. Such
• Traffic conditions. i) Switch on any electronic navigational equipment that has been
briefings will require frequent updating, and at different stages of the voyage
• ETA at destination, particularly where there may be no there will have to be re-briefing. Briefing will make individuals aware of their shut down and ensure operating mode and position confirmed.
advantage gained by early arrival. own part in the overall plan and contribute to their work satisfaction.
j) Switch on and confirm the read outs of echo sounders and logs,
Tidal stream information, obtained from the chart or tidal stream atlases, should Prior to the commencement of the passage, and in certain cases during the and confirm associated recording equipment is operational with
be included in the planned passage when the time of transit of the relevant area passage, it may be necessary for the Master to ensure that rested personnel are adequate paper.
is known. Ideally, the course to steer should be calculated prior to making available. This could include such times as leaving port, entering very heavy
the transit, though in fact, strict adherence to the planned track will actually traffic areas, bad weather conditions or high risk situations such as transiting a k) After ensuring that the scanners are clear, switch on and tune
compensate for tidal streams. Current information can also be obtained and narrow strait, etc. This can be achieved, within the limits of the total number of radars and set appropriate ranges and modes.
shown on the chart. persons available, by ensuring that watch keepers of all description are relieved
of their duties well in advance of being required on watch, in order that they l) Switch on and test control equipment, ie., telegraphs, steering
It must always be borne in mind that safe execution of the passage may may be rested prior to taking up their duties. gear as appropriate. Switch on and test communications
only be achieved by modifying the plan, in cases of navigational equipment equipment both internal and external (VHF and MF radios,
becoming unreliable, inaccurate or time changes having to be made or delayed NAVTEX, Inmarsat and GMDSS system as appropriate).
Voyage Preparation
This will normally be the task of a junior officer who will prepare the bridge m) Test both whistles.
The officer of the watch shall have full knowledge of all safety and for sea. Such routine tasks are best achieved by the use of a checklist, but care
navigational equipment on board the ship, and shall be aware and take account has to be taken to ensure that this does not just mean that the checklist is ticked n) Ensure that clear view screens and wipers are operational also
of the operating limitations of such equipment. The Master is to ensure that without the actual task being done. that the windows are clean.
all bridge team personnel, including newly joined navigating officers, are
familiar with all navigational equipment and they are capable of undertaking o) Confirm that all clocks and recording equipment are
Bridge Preparation
the navigational watch. If found necessary, a newly joined officer should be synchronised.
accompanied by a competent navigating officer. As and when directed by the Master, the officer responsible should prepare the
bridge by: p) After ensuring that there is no relevant new information on
In order to achieve safe execution of the plan, it may be necessary to manage the telex, fax or NAVTEX, advise the Master that the bridge is
the risks by utilising additional deck or engine personnel. This will include an a) Ensuring that the passage plan and supporting information is ready for sea.
awareness of positions at which it will be necessary, such as: available and to hand.
• To call the Master to the bridge for routine situations such as
b) Charts should be in order in the chart drawer, and the current
approaching the coast, passing through constrained waters,
chart available on the chart table.
approaching the pilot station, etc.

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.1.3 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.1.4 PASSAGE PLANNING - MONITORING Estimated Position Non-Navigational Emergencies
Regular fixing also allows a fix to be additionally checked. Each time a The planning should have allowed for contingencies, but even the best plan
Monitoring the Ship’s Progress position has been fixed, it is good practice to estimate the position that the cannot allow for every conceivable situation. Situation awareness and careful
ship should have reached at the next fix. assessment of the situation, coupled with the principles of bridge team
Monitoring is ensuring that the ship is following the pre-determined passage management, will help to prevent a bad situation becoming worse.
plan, and is a primary function of the officer of the watch. The OOW may be It is a good practice to observe the echo sounder reading at the same time when
alone, assisted by other ship’s personnel, or acting as back-up and information taking a fix, and writing this reading on the chart beside the fix. The echo
Time Management
source to another officer having the con. sounder recording should also be marked with the time and date of the fix,
when tested and when switched on/off. If the observed reading is not the same In the event that the ship is ahead of or behind the planned ETA at the next
Monitoring consists of following a series of functions, analysing the results as indicated on the chart then the OOW should realise that something is wrong. waypoint, the OOW must use his judgement as to whether the speed is adjusted
and taking action based upon such analysis. It may be that the chart is wrong and that the ship is heading into danger. or not. In some instances, as for example when it is imperative that the ship’s
ETA is critical to make a tide, then ETAs have to be adhered to.

Fixing Method Cross Track Error

The first requirement of monitoring is to establish the position of the ship. This Having fixed the position, the OOW will be aware of whether or not the ship
may be done by a variety of methods, ranging from the very basic three bearing is following the planned track, and whether or not the ship will be at the next Rule 5 of the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea states
lines, through a more technical use of radar ranges / bearings, to instant read waypoint at the expected time. If the ship is deviating from the planned track, every vessel shall, at all times, maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing,
out of one of the electronic position fixing systems, eg., Decca, Loran or GPS. the OOW must determine whether or not such deviation will cause the ship as well as by all available means appropriate, in the prevailing circumstances
However the fix has been derived, the end result is no more than a position. It to sail in to danger and what action should be taken to remedy the situation. and conditions, so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk
is how this information is used that is important. Apart from deviating from the track to avoid an unplanned hazard such as an of collision.
approaching ship, there is no justification not to correct the deviation and get
the ship back on to the planned track. The keeping of an efficient lookout needs to be interpreted in its fullest sense,
Visual Bearings with the OOW being aware that lookout includes the following items.
As stated above, fixing methods vary. Basic fixing consists of more than The OOW must use his judgement as to how much he needs to alter course to
one position line obtained from taking bearings using an azimuth ring on a return to track, bearing in mind that even when he has returned to the planned A constant and continuous all-round visual lookout enabling a full
compass. track, he will need to leave some of the course correction on, in order to understanding of the current situation and the proximity of dangers, other
compensate the cause of earlier deviation. ships and navigation marks.
Gyrocompass or magnetic compass, the bearings are corrected to true, drawn
on the chart and the position shown. Three position lines are the minimum Visual observation will also give an instant update of environmental changes,
To Observe the International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at
required to ensure accuracy. particularly visibility and wind.
Poor visibility or lack of definable visual objects, may prevent a three-bearing Irrespective of the planned passage, no ship can avoid conforming to the Visual observation of the compass bearing of an approaching ship will
fix being made. In this case radar driven ranges may be included in the fix and requirements of the ‘rule of the road’ as these rules are quite clear and are quickly show whether or not a risk of collision exits and if avoiding action is
under some circumstances make up the whole of the fix. internationally accepted and understood by all OOWs. required.

In any case, a mixture of visual or radar bearing and radar ranges is acceptable. Rule 16 States: Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of Visual observation of characteristics of lights is the only way of positively
Electronic position fixing may also be used, particularly where there are no another vessel shall, so far as possible, take early and substantial action to identifying them, and this increases the OOW situational awareness.
shore-based objects to be observed and the radar coastline is not distinct. keep well clear.
The lookout will also include the routine monitoring of ship control and alarm
Despite the requirement to maintain track, rule 8 makes it quite clear that the systems, eg., regularly comparing standard and gyrocompasses and that the
Frequency give-way ship must keep clear, either by altering course or if this is impossible, correct course is being steered.
Fix frequency may have been determined at the planning stage. Even so this then by reducing speed, or a combination of both these factors. Proper planning
may have to be revised, always bearing in mind the minimum frequency is will ensure that the ship will never be in a situation where such action cannot
such that the ship cannot be allowed to get into danger between fixes. be taken.
In areas of heavy traffic and proximity of dangers, the person having the con
will have to hold a delicate balance of other ship avoidance and planned track
maintenance. The priority will be to avoid collision, but not at the expense of

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.1.4 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Electronic aids should not be overlooked or ignored under any circumstances,
but it should be remembered that echo sounders, radars, etc., are aids to
navigation, not merely single means of navigation.

Also included in the concept of lookout should be the advantageous use of the
VHF on the appropriate channels, which allows the ship to become aware of
situations arising long before it is actually in the affected area.

Under Keel Clearance

Routine observation of the echo sounder should become one of the watch

Waypoints are good indicators of whether the ship is on time or not. If not, then
something has occurred or is occurring which has affected the passage and the
OOW will take steps to correct this occurrence.

Transits can be used as a wheel-over point, also to confirm that the ship is on

Leading Lights
The transit of two readily identifiable land-based marks on the extension of the
required ground track, usually shown on the chart, are used to ensure that the
ship is safely on the required track.

Natural Leading Lines

Sometimes the OOW may be able to pick up a navigation mark in line with an
end of land, thus confirming that the vessel is on track.

Clearing Marks and Bearings

Clearing marks and clearing bearings, whilst not being considered to be a
definitive fix, will indicate to the OOW that the ship is remaining in safe

Light Sectors
The changing colours of sectored lights can also be used to advantage by the
OOW who, being very aware of it, will realise that the ship is sailing into

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.1.4 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 4.2.1a Bridge Teamwork

Bridge Teamwork

Approaching Port At Sea

Pilotage Confined Waters Routine Situations
Low Visibility

Officer of the Watch

Master Provides the historical navigational data.
Cons vessel giving both helm and Maintains his own radar maps and indexing.
engine orders. Uses his radar maps
and indexing to cross-check the Advises the Master of the position of the
navigational information vessel relative to the agreed track,
Pilot Officer of the Watch provided by the OOW. Officer of the Watch
speed and course made good.

Cons vessel along track Responsible for navigation. Advises OOW of his intentions Progresses the routine
Endeavours to resolve any difference between
agreed with the Master. Liaises with pilot advising in good time, so that the safe progress navigation and control
the information on the two radars and chart.
him of the ship's position of the passage plan can be verified, of traffic in accordance
Liaises with OOW on relative to the agreed track. or any amendments be properly checked. with the Master's orders
Monitors the traffic and advises of any
navigation / traffic. and the passage plan.
close quarter situations.

Master High Risk Area

Initially agrees track to follow with pilot. An additional officer may be required Master
to assist the Master. This officer will
Maintains an overview of all take control of the communications, Formulates and approves plan.
commands / orders given. give back-up information to the OOW
for the chart, provide the Master Monitors that the OOW is
Monitors navigation of the vessel with radar indexing and anti-collision progressing the plan correctly.
by cross-checking information advice as a cross-check to
provided by the OOW. the safe passage plan.

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.2.1/2 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.2 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The OOW will continue to be responsible for the conduct of the watch, despite 4.2.2 TAKING OVER THE WATCH
the presence of the Master on the bridge, until informed specifically that the
4.2.1 BRIDGE TEAMWORK Master has assumed responsibility for the watch. The Master’s decision to take The officer of the watch should not hand over responsibility for the watch if
over the watch must be clear and unambiguous and the fact recorded in the there is any doubt whatsoever, as to the ability or fitness of the relieving officer
Safe navigation is the most fundamental attribute of good seamanship. Deck Log Book. to carry out their duties effectively. When in any doubt, the Master should be
Sophisticated navigational aids can complement the basic skills of the informed.
navigator, but sophistication can bring its own dangers and there is a need for It is important for a ship’s complement to co-ordinate their activities,
precautionary measures against undue reliance on technology. Experience has communicate effectively and work effectively as a team. During emergency Before accepting responsibility for the watch the relieving officer must be
shown that bridge teamwork and properly formulated procedures are critical in situations this is vital. satisfied with:
maintaining a safe navigational watch. • The contents of any standing and night orders or special
A bridge team that has a plan that is understood and is well briefed, with all
instructions relating to the safe navigation of the vessel.
In determining the composition of the bridge team the Master should take into members working together as a team, will have good situation awareness and
consideration: will be able to anticipate potentially dangerous situations. They will recognise • The position, course, speed and draught of the vessel.
the development of a chain of errors and will be able to take early and positive • The operational status of all navigational and safety equipment
• The state of visibility. action to break the sequence and avoid a possible disaster. that is in use or may be required to be used during the course of
• The anticipated traffic density. the watch.
• The proximity of navigational dangers or other routing measures • Prevailing environmental conditions, including the state of
such as traffic separation schemes. visibility, wind, sea and current and the effect of these factors
• The additional workload that may be caused by nature of the on the course and speed of the vessel.
vessel’s immediate operating requirements and anticipated • The procedures for use of the main engines their status and the
manoeuvres. watchkeeping arrangements for the engine room.
• The professional competence of the bridge personnel and their • The errors of the gyro and magnetic compasses.
familiarity with the vessel’s equipment and characteristics.
• The presence and movements of any vessel in sight or known to
• The operational status of the bridge equipment and controls. be in the vicinity.
• The fitness of the members of the bridge team and the need to • Any conditions or hazards that are likely to be encountered
ensure that all members of the bridge team have had the rest during the course of the watch.
periods as required by the STCW Code.
• The effect of trim list, water density or squat on under-keel
• The need to ensure that the bridge is at no time left clearance.
• Any other circumstance that may be of concern during the
All members of the ship’s complement that have bridge navigational duties watch.
will be part of the bridge team. The OOW is in charge of the bridge team for
that watch until such time as they are relieved.

It is most important that the bridge team work together closely, both within and
across the watches, as decisions made during one watch can, and will, have
an impact on another watch. All non-essential activity on the bridge should be

The members of the bridge team should have a clear and unambiguous
understanding of the information that should be routinely reported to the
Master of the vessel, and the circumstances under which the Master should
be called.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.2.3 WATCHKEEPING Sufficient information should be recorded in the bridge log book, for the actual
track that the vessel followed to be reconstructed at a later date, including the
The officer of the watch (OOW) is the Master’s representative and is in charge vessel’s position course and speed, the times of passing significant navigational
of the bridge team. marks and any other information that may be considered relevant. All positions
marked on navigational charts should be retained at least for the duration of
The watchkeeping duties of the OOW include, but are not restricted to: the voyage. Paper records from course recorders, echo sounders and any other
relevant recording device should be suitably marked and retained. It is better
to record too much information rather than too little.
• The maintenance of a proper all round lookout
• Collision avoidance and compliance with the collision The OOW should be aware of the effects of operational and accidental
regulations pollution on the marine environment, and should be familiar with MARPOL
• The plotting of the vessel’s position at regular intervals and and the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP).
monitoring the vessel’s progress
When any cargo venting is taking place or is likely to take place, the OOW
• Periodic checks on the navigational equipment in use, including should take careful note of the prevailing weather conditions. Vented cargo
the gyro and magnetic compasses must not endanger either the ship or any other installation with the danger of
• The keeping of records appertaining to the safe navigation of explosion. Prevailing winds must not be allowed to blow vented cargo towards
the vessel any other vessel or shore installation. Also, the danger of ignition from lighting
must be considered.
The OOW needs to maintain a high general awareness about the vessel and
its day to day operation including a general watch over the vessel’s decks to
monitor people working on deck.

Routine tests of the bridge equipment should be undertaken to ensure that it

is functioning correctly and communicating with other systems to which it
may be connected. Care should be exercised when using electronic means for
plotting the position of the vessel and these should be cross referenced with
visual means at every opportunity.

Manual steering should be tested at least once a watch when the automatic pilot
is in operation.

The gyro and magnetic compass errors should be checked and the magnetic
deviation obtained at least once a watch and after every major course alteration.
The errors and deviations obtained should be recorded in the Compass Error
book and in the bridge log book.

It is most important that the OOW keeps to the passage plan as prepared, and
monitors the progress of the vessel in relation to that plan. Should a deviation
from the plan be required for any reason, the OOW should return to the plan
as soon as it is safe to do so.

Radar parallel indexing techniques are invaluable in monitoring the vessel’s

progress in relation to the prepared passage plan. However, when using radar
for position fixing or monitoring, the OOW should check the accuracy of the
Variable Range Marker and Electronic Bearing Lines, as well as the overall
performance of the radar.

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.2.3 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.2.4 PILOT PROCEDURES The pilot will need to be acquainted with the bridge and to agree how his Monitoring
instructions are to be executed. Some pilots prefer to operate the controls
Pilots are engaged to provide local knowledge of a port or area through which themselves, while others will leave that to the ship’s staff. On large vessels, The vessel’s position must be plotted and progress monitored in exactly the
the vessel is passing. such as this, it is usual for the ship’s staff to operate the controls, so that the same manner when the pilot has the con, as it is under normal conditions.
pilot remains free to move about the bridge. He will need to know where the Such monitoring must be carried out by the OOW, and any deviations from the
When they have embarked and arrived on the bridge, the pilot becomes a VHF is situated and how to change channels. He may also require a radar to be planned track or speed observed and communicated to the Master. From such
member of the bridge team. The Master may either delegate the conduct of the made available for his use. Care must be taken to alter the mode of operation information the Master will be in a position to question the pilot's decisions
vessel to the pilot, in close co-operation with the Master and OOW, or he may and range of the radar from that set by the pilot. with confidence, should the need arise.
keep the con himself with the pilot giving advice. Either way, it is important
that the Master/pilot relationship is agreed and clearly understood. The time available for the Master/Pilot exchange depends upon several factors,
including : Pilot Embarkation/Disembarkation Procedure
The presence of a pilot does not relieve the Master or OOW of their duties and
obligations with regard to the safety of the vessel. Should the Master, or OOW, • The position of the pilot boarding area. Often this is such that a) Give the required ETAs to the pilot station and agree a time
in the absence of the Master, be in any doubt as to the pilot’s competence or there will be little time between the pilot actually entering the and position for the embarkation or disembarkation of the pilot.
actions then they must not hesitate in informing the pilot accordingly and take bridge and taking over the con of the vessel. Also establish on which side the pilot ladder is required.
over the con of the vessel.
• The speed of the ship at the pilot boarding area. b) Give the engine room the required notice.
The Master will, under normal circumstances, remain on the bridge during the
pilotage. However, in the event of a long pilotage, it may not be practical for • Environmental conditions such as poor visibility, strong c) The pilot ladder or the accommodation ladder should be suitably
the Master to remain on the bridge throughout. In such cases he must delegate winds, rough seas, strong tides or heavy traffic may inhibit the rigged, with a lifebuoy and heaving line ready for immediate
his authority to a responsible officer, probably the OOW, exactly as he would handover of the con to the pilot. use.
do at sea.
• Where circumstances do not permit a full Master/pilot exchange d) An officer and assistant are assigned to ensure that the pilot is
to take place then the bare essentials should be covered safely embarked or disembarked.
Master/Pilot Information Exchange immediately and the rest of the discussion held as soon as is
safe and practicable. e) A suitable communication link should be established between
It is often the case that the Master of the vessel is not familiar with the pilotage the bridge and the deck party.
area and that the pilot is not familiar with the handling characteristics of the
Many ports use helicopters for the embarkation and disembarkation of pilots.
vessel. f) Ensure that the embarkation area is clear of oil or grease and
This can usually be achieved away from areas of heavy traffic or constrained
waters and without the need to reduce speed. See section 4.3.1 for advice on any unnecessary objects.
When the pilot arrives on the bridge it is normal practice for the Master to
helicopter operations.
make time for a brief discussion with him. This will include such items as the g) Provide adequate illumination, if dark.
pilot’s planned route, his anticipated speeds and ETAs, both en route and at the
destination and also what assistance he expects from the shore, such as tugs Planning h) The engines should be on standby and the steering in manual.
and VTS information.
A properly planned passage does not stop at the pilot boarding area. i) The time and place of pilot embarkation and disembarkation
The Master should advise the pilot of the: should be recorded in the Bridge Movement Book and Deck
• Ship’s particulars The passage plan continues from sea to berth, or vice versa, the boarding of the Log Book.
pilot, and the areas where a pilot has the con, being part of the passage plan.
• Speeds at various engine rpm This enables the Master and OOW to compare the progress of the ship with the
• State of readiness of relevant equipment planned track and also familiarises them with the constraints and other details
of the pilotage. Abort and contingency planning will assist, should the ship
• Manoeuvring characteristics experience navigational or other problems.
• Mode of propulsion and direction of rotation of propeller
The Master and the bridge team should, as far as is possible, be aware of
• Any other information that he feels is relevant
the pilot’s intentions and be in a position to query his actions at any stage of
the passage. This can only be effectively brought about by the members of
Much of this information can be made readily available on the Pilot Information
the bridge team consulting all the available sources of information prior to
Card, a copy of which should be handed to the pilot as he arrives on the bridge
entering the pilotage area and being aware of its difficulties and constraints.
of the vessel.

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.2.4 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.2.5 WEATHER REPORTING 7wwW1W2 Present weather, past weather.

Weather reports from voluntary observing ships are sent via the Inmarsat 222Dsvs True course and speed of the ship
system using the two digit (41) abbreviated dialling codes or by using the HF over the last three hours.
radio telex service. Reports should be sent to the nearest coast radio station
as shown on the diagram in the Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 1. In 6IsEsEsRs Thickness and rate of ice accretion.
certain areas of the world the number of meteorological reports (OBS) from ICE
ships is inadequate. ALRS Volume 1 shows these areas on a diagram. When in
these areas all ships are requested to send in OBS reports. These reports will be ciSibiDizi Various ice reports.
free of charge to the vessel. The synoptic hours of 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800
UTC (GMT) are where possible used for recording the OBS. Transmission Code pages are provided in the ALRS for all the above sections with a full
is to be as soon after the designated time as possible to a suitable coast earth description. Should it be impractical to send the OBS in coded format it should
station (CES) within the WMO zone as depicted in the ALRS. In the event be sent in plain language.
of there being no CES within the zone, then transmit the OBS to the nearest
available CES or coast station. In addition to the above, the International Convention on the Safety of Life at
Sea also requires vessels to send weather reports where dangers to navigation
The weather reporting code FM13 X should be used to encode the reports. exist, such as icebergs, sea ice and abnormal weather systems such as tropical
Precise details of the code can be found in the ALRS. Auxiliary ships and ships revolving storms, or when the wind force is in excess of force 10 and no
which are making non-instrumental observations should use the following warning has been received. In addition to the preceding situations this OBS
format of the code: is to be sent to all ships in the vicinity and to the nearest coast station or
competent authority. Messages sent are to be prefixed with the Safety Signal
BBXX Identifier for ship report from a sea ‘SECURITE’.

D.....D Ship’s call sign consisting of three or

more alphanumeric characters.

YYGGiw YY = day of month, GG = the

nearest whole hour GMT, iw= wind

99LaLaLa Latitude in degrees and tenths of a


QcLoLoLo Quadrant of the globe and longitude

in degrees and tenths of a degree.

iRix/VV Precipitation data, wind indicator

and horizontal visibility.

Nddff Cloud cover, wind direction and

wind speed.

1snTT/ Sign of temperature and the

temperature in whole degrees.

4PPPP Pressure in hectopascal at mean sea


Issue: Final Draft Section 4.2.5 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 4.3.1a Helicopter Operations - Procedure


Hoist windsock.
Check helicopter landing
area and surrounding
decks are clear of loose
Prepare rescue boat.
Fixed foam system ready ROUTINE
to activate.
Rig two fire hoses - must
not be pointed at the
helicopter. Arrange helicopter
Portable foam, fire axe, rendezvous via agent.
crow bar, wire cutters, Discuss and agree
red emergency torch all requirements for
ready close to winching operation. Give Lat. MRCC
area. Long. speed / course. Investigate with the
Four men in proximity MRCC, the nearest
suits standing by, two to available rescue
act as foam equipment helicopter
operators. and discuss how
Hook handlers to have Change to working and who to contact.
thick rubber gloves, channel, either VHF or
rubber soled shoes and airband radio.
helmets with chin straps. Advise pilot of relative
wind/speed, ship s
course and speed,
pitch and roll.
Confirm winching HELICOPTER
Parties to advise bridge operation only and
when standing by. , Helicopter calls on VHF
details of ship s channel 16 and agrees
Officer in charge of deck helicopter area.
to complete check list channel for working on.
Confirm ETA.
and advise bridge of Agree with pilot the
readiness. heading for the
Engine room on standby operation.
fire pump running. Agree with pilot whether
or not winchman will be
lowered to ship to help
patient during winching
process and into
Place passport, crew list,
discharge book, payoff
slips, MPO in bag and put Winching operation
with stretcher. carried out.

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.3.1 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.3 HELICOPTER OPERATIONS • Carbon dioxide (CO2) extinguishers with an aggregate capacity
of not less than 18 kg.
4.3.1 HELICOPTER OPERATIONS • Deck water system, under pressure, capable of delivering at
least two jets of water to any part of the helicopter.
The IMO publication ‘Guide to Helicopter Operations’ gives comprehensive
• At least two fire hose nozzles of the dual purpose type (jet/
instructions and requirements for helicopter operations.
Helicopter operations are carried out in many areas for the transport of • Fire resistant blanket and gloves.
personnel, stores and increasingly embarkation of pilots. • Sufficient fire proximity suits.

Depending on the size, structure and type of the vessel, helicopter operations
Note: In many cases the above requirements will be covered by regulations
are carried out either by the helicopter landing on the vessel’s deck or
issued by the flag state.
hovering and a winching transfer being used. On this vessel, helicopters are
not permitted to land.
As well as the fire fighting equipment the following should be at hand:
Twin engined helicopters are always preferred for marine operations. Single
engined helicopters may be used under certain conditions but only if landing Equipment
on deck.
• Large axe
CAUTION • Crowbar
Single engine helicopters must not be used for hovering operations.
• Wire cutters
• Red emergency signal/torch
Winching Area
• Marshalling battons (at night)
The winching area shall be situated so that it enables the helicopter pilot, • First aid equipment
hovering over the clear zone, to have an unobstructed view of the ship and be
in a position which will minimise the effect of air turbulence and flue gases.
The winching height should be kept to a minimum and operations where the The deck party shall consist of one leader carrying a portable radio transceiver
height is greater than 12 m should be avoided. (walkie talkie) for communicating with the bridge, and four more persons
wearing fire protective suits. Normally two will be the fire party and two the
A clear zone (minimum 5 m diameter) should be clear of all obstructions rescue party. If there are remote controlled foam monitors the number may
and clearly marked. This area shall be marked WINCH ONLY in large white be reduced to three provided an equivalent level of protection can be safely
letters. assured.

In the manoeuvring zone there should be no obstructions more than 3 m high in A vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuvre is required, by the regulations for
an area 1.5 times the diameter of the clear zone, or 6 m high in an area 2 times preventing collisions at sea, to display the following signals:
the diameter of the clear zone. • At night three all round lights in a vertical line, where they can
best be seen. The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red,
The following minimum equipment shall be in place and ready for use prior to and the middle light shall be white.
any helicopter operations:
• By day, three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be
• Wind pennant flown to indicate relative wind direction across seen. The highest and lowest of these shapes shall be balls and
the ship's deck (To be illuminated at night). the middle one a diamond. All these shapes shall be black in
• At least two dry powder fire extinguishers with aggregate colour.
capacity of not less than 45 kg.
• A suitable foam application system (fixed or portable) capable of
supplying foam solution at a rate of not less than 6 litres/minute
for each square metre of clear zone for at least 5 minutes.

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.3.1 - Page 2 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
4.3.2 WINCHING f) At the helicopter doorway the winchman will turn you to face
outboard and will assist you into the helicopter. Do not try to
Only the hook handler may touch the winch line hook, as he is protected from help him, he has a set routine to follow. Illustration 4.3 2a Helicopter Winching
static electricity by the rubber gloves and rubber soled shoes that he is wearing.
Where possible the helicopter will dip the hook before hovering, to release g) Do not remove the strop until instructed to do so.
any static electricity, but this cannot always be carried out. Do not under any
circumstances tie the winch line to the ship. h) Sit where the winchman directs you, fasten your seat belt and
study the in flight safety regulation.
Preparations are basically the same as for landing on board and the helicopter
procedure checklist must be completed. Disembarking - Guidance To Passengers
The hook handler on deck and the winchman in the helicopter play the most a) Do not leave your seat until instructed to do so.
important part in these operations. When passengers are ascending, the hook
handler should ensure that the strop is being worn correctly and should steady b) The winchman will check that the strop is correctly fitted.
them as they are lifted off the deck.
c) Sit in the doorway when the winchman orders you to do so and
When winching nets of stores or freight the hook handler should steady each give the thumbs up signal when ready.
load as it lands on the deck and then disengage it from the hook. Members of
the deck party do not need to assist in this. The hook handler should ensure d) When you reach the deck, let the strop fall to your feet and step
that freight being returned to the helicopter is properly stowed and that the load clear of it.
is properly hooked on and the safety hook shut. Only the hook handler should
unhook or hook on loads. A thumbs up sign indicates that the hook has been e) Leave the operating area briskly, keeping your head down.
secured or released from the load, and the hook should be hand held until it is
hoisted clear of the deck. If more than one load has been delivered the empty
winch nets should be placed inside one net to make up the final hoist from the Rescue by Helicopter
Rescue by helicopter is used both when rescuing badly injured personnel and 1. Single Lift.
Embarking - Guidance To Passengers when rescuing a whole crew from a ship or survival craft. Single lift is a typical rescue sling.
Approach the sling in a way so that it
This will only be carried out in an emergency, providing the helicopter is twin is always between you and the hoist.
The helicopter can use several types of lift as follows:
engined. The sling is to be put under the armpits
and the straps to be tightened.
a) Personnel to be embarked should be dressed in tight fitting Single Lift
clothes and wearing a safety helmet with the chin strap Single lift refers to using a single sling and being winched up into the
fastened. helicopter.

b) Place yourself vertically under the helicopter winch and fit the a) Place yourself vertically under the helicopter winch and fit the
lifting strop around your body ensuring that it is well under the lifting strop around your body ensuring that it is well under the
armpits. armpits.

c) Pull the toggle on the lifting strop as close to the chest as 2. Double Lift.
b) Pull the toggle on the lifting strop as close to the chest as
possible. When using a double lift the helicopter
possible. sends a rescuer down to put the sling
around the person to be rescued.
d) Grip the lifting strop at face level with both hands and keep the c) Grip the lifting strop at face level with both hands and keep the
elbows firmly against the body. elbows firmly against the body.

e) Give the thumbs up signal when you are ready. d) Give the thumbs up signal when you are ready.

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.3.2 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
e) At the helicopter doorway the winchman will turn you to face
outboard and will assist you into the helicopter. Do not try to
help him, he has a set routine to follow.

f) Do not remove the strop until instructed to do so.

g) Sit where the winchman directs you, fasten your seat belt and
study the in flight safety regulation.

Double Lift
When a double lift is used the helicopter sends down a rescuer to assist and put
the sling onto the person to be rescued.

As with the single lift place the sling as directed, both the rescuer and person
being rescued will be winched up to the helicopter.

Basket Lift
When using a basket the person being rescued has to sit down with arms and
legs inside the basket. The head is to be bent towards the knees and the hands
placed around the knees.

The basket will be hoisted up and the rescued person assisted by the winchman
to enter the helicopter.

Stretcher Lift
When rescuing badly injured persons a stretcher is used. The person to be lifted
is strapped into the stretcher and winched up to the helicopter. This may be
carried out from the deck of a large vessel.

If from a liferaft the roof of the liferaft must be deflated and all other persons
seated on the deflated roof.

Issue: Final Draft Section 4.3.2 - Page 2 of 2

LIST OF CONTENTS 2.5 Bridge Equipment and Instrumentation Part: 3: Deck Equipment Part 4: Routine Procedures
2.5.1 Speed Log System 3.1 Mooring Arrangement
Part 1: Ship Performance 2.5.2 Loran C 4.1 Passage Planning
3.1.1 Mooring Winches and Capstans
2.5.3 Differential Global Positioning
1.1 Principal Data 3.1.2 Anchoring Arrangement 4.1.1 Passage Planning - Appraisal
3.1.3 Emergency Towing Equipment 4.1.2 Passage Planning - Planning
1.1.1 Dimensions 2.5.4 Anemometer
3.1.4 Anchoring, Mooring and Towing 4.1.3 Passage Planning - Executing the
1.1.2 Tank Capacity Tables 2.5.5 Weather Facsimile Receiver
Procedures Plan
2.5.6 Echo Sounder
4.1.4 Passage Planning - Monitoring
2.5.7 UMS Alarm System
1.2 Ship Handling
2.5.8 Automatic Identification System 3.2 Lifting Equipment
1.2.1 General Information (AIS) 4.2 Operational Procedures
3.2.1 Deck Cranes
1.2.2 Turning Circles 2.5.9 Voyage Event Recorder 3.2.2 Accommodation and Pilot Ladder 4.2.1 Bridge Teamwork
1.2.3 Manoeuvring 2.5.10 Master Clock System Reels 4.2.2 Taking Over the Watch
1.2.4 Visibility 2.5.11 Hull Stress Monitoring System 4.2.3 Watchkeeping
4.2.4 Pilot Procedures
3.3 Lifesaving Equipment
1.3 Performance Data 2.6 Communications Systems 4.2.5 Weather Reporting
3.3.1 List of Lifesaving Equipment
1.3.1 Fuel/Power Data 2.6.1 GMDSS 3.3.2 Lifeboats and Davits
1.3.2 Propulsion and Squat Particulars 2.6.2 VHF Transceiver Systems 4.3 Helicopter Operations
3.3.3 Rescue Boat
2.6.3 MF/HF Transceiver System 3.3.4 Liferafts 4.3.1 Helicopter Operations
Part 2: Bridge Equipment and Operation 2.6.4 Inmarsat B System 3.3.5 SCABA Systems and Equipment 4.3.2 Winching
2.6.5 Inmarsat C System 3.3.7 Lifeboat/Liferaft Survival Guide 4.3.2a Helicopter Winching
2.6.6 UHF Radio Telephone 3.3.8 Lifesaving Equipment
2.1 Bridge Layout and Equipment
2.6.7 VHF Hand Held Emergency Radios
2.2 Radars and ECDIS 2.6.8 EPIRB and SART Part 5: Emergency Procedures
2.6.9 NAVTEX Receiver 3.4 Fire Fighting Systems
5.1 Steering Gear Failure
2.2.1 Conning Display 2.6.10 Inmarsat M System 3.4.1 Engine Room Fire Main System
2.2.2 Radars 3.4.2 Deck and Accommodation Fire Main
2.2.3 Electronic Chart Display and System
2.7 Internal Communications 5.2 Collision and Grounding
Information System 3.4.3 Water Spray System
2.7.1 Automatic Telephone System 3.4.4 Dry Powder System
2.3 Autopilot System 2.7.2 Intrinsically Safe Sound Powered 3.4.5 CO2 System 5.3 Search and Rescue
Telephone System 3.4.6 Fire Detection System
2.3.1 Steering Stand 5.3.1 Missing Persons
2.7.3 Public Address System 3.4.8 Fire Fighting Equipment 5.3.2 Man Overboard
2.3.2 Gyrocompass 2.7.4 Deck and Machinery Talkback Systems 5.3.3 Search Patterns
3.4.9 Fixed Gas Sampling System
2.3.3 Autopilot 5.3.4 Bomb Search
3.4.10 Quick-Closing Valves and Fire
2.3.4 Steering Procedures
2.8 Lighting and Warning Systems Dampers System
2.3.5 Magnetic Compass
3.4.11 Water Mist System 5.4 Emergency Towing and Being Towed
2.3.6 Rudder Angle Indicators 2.8.1 Navigation Lights
3.4.12 First Aid Fire Fighting System
2.8.2 Deck Lighting
2.4 Engine Controls 2.8.3 Whistle System
2.8.4 Fog Bell and Gong System 5.5 Oil Spill and Pollution Prevention
2.4.1 Main Engine Manoeuvring Control 2.8.5 Sound Reception System
2.4.2 Main Engine Control Procedures
2.4.3 Bow Thruster 5.6 Emergency Reporting
5.6.1 AMVER
5.6.2 AUSREP


Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 5.1a Steering Gear-Emergency Operation Valve Positioning Plan

Mode of Operation Positioning of Valves

Automatic 'Safematic'
Pump units Automatic
Hand operation of Actuating system
pump isolating system
system isolation valves (V)
Description in operation
valves isolation valves and bypass valves (B)

No.1 No.2 No.3 P1 P2 P3 Y1 Y2 V1 V2 B1 B2 Actuator

Normal Actuator
operation 1 and 2

Emergency Actuator 1
isolation Actuator 2

Actuator 1
manual Actuator 2
Actuator 2
on energised closed
off not energised open

Issue: Final Draft Section 5.1 - Page 1 of 2

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
5.1 STEERING GEAR FAILURE In accordance with IMO regulations the pumps, hydraulic power circuits and SAFEMATIC Alarm
vanes can operate as two isolated systems. Two separate hydraulic systems
are available to allow for operation of the steering gear in the event of a vane WARNING
The following actions to be carried out following a failure of the steering
gear: failure or a stopper failure. This reduces the capacity of the steering gear by THE SHIP HAS LOST ITS STEERING CAPABILITY
50% and so the speed at which the rudder can turn is also reduced. The speed
a) Inform the Master. of the ship must be reduced to 70% under such conditions in order to maintain • Immediately reduce the ship’s speed to at most 70% of
manoeuvrability. maximum speed
b) Inform the engine room.
In accordance with IMO regulations, the hydraulic pumps used in the steering • After 45 seconds steering capability will be restored
c) Attempt to engage the emergency steering. This procedure is gear are supplied with power from two independent sources. In the event of • Use the steering gear carefully as only 50% of the torque is
posted in the steering gear room. power failure from the main switchboard, one pump can be supplied from the available
emergency switchboard.
• Change the steering gear to manual emergency steering as per
d) If steering cannot be re-established, ‘Not Under Command’
the outlines on the mode of operation/valve positioning plan
shapes or lights are to be exhibited. A third pump unit is provided so that, should a pump unit fail, there will
available in the steering flat (see illustration 5.1a)
still be two pumps available for use. The third pump is not connected to the
e) Commence sound signalling. SAFEMATIC system and should only be used in an emergency situation. • Switch off the SAFEMATIC controls

The third pump unit should, however, be tested on a regular basis. • Repair the fault
f) Prepare engines for manoeuvring.
• Switch the SAFEMATIC controls back on
g) Take the way off the ship. Automatic Isolation System
h) Prepare for anchoring if in shallow waters.
Operation of Steering Gear on Loss of Bridge Control
The automatic isolation system or SAFEMATIC system is a design which
covers the Single Failure Criteria Steering System required by law for tankers Steering must be controlled from the steering compartment with signals
i) Evaluate the need for tug escort / assistance. and passenger ships. The system consists of automatic actuator isolation valves transmitted to the steering compartment by means of the telephone system.
on pump No.1 and 2 only which are operated by the level switches fitted in
j) Evaluate the need for salvage. the expansion tank. These level switches activate the alarm and implement the The steering gear pump must be set to local operation by means of the switch
division of the system should a loss of hydraulic fluid occur by energising the for that pump in the steering compartment. Only one pump unit may be
k) Broadcast an URGENCY message to ships in the vicinity. automatic isolation valves and so isolating the defective system. operated when on local emergency control. The steering gear is controlled
locally using the emergency manual controls on the solenoid valves. The
Emergency Steering Actions on Receipt of Steering Gear Alarms on the Bridge
emergency controls are actuated by direct operation of the emergency solenoid
The Samsung-Hatlapa steering gear is a Rapson Slide type and consists of 2 Pump Unit Alarm
rams, 4 cylinders, 3 pump units driven by electric motors and 1 expansion tank An emergency steering drill should be carried out at least once every three
fitted with level switches. The expansion tank has a division plate, which will • Stop the pump unit in alarm months when traffic and navigational restrictions permit.
effectively separate the tank into two and thus operate as two totally isolated • Start the standby pump unit
steering systems. Pump No.1 takes its supply from one side of the division The drill is to consist of the direct operation of the main steering gear by using
• Establish and rectify the cause of the alarm the manual control within the steering flat. This operation is to be directed from
plate whilst No.2 and 3 are from the other side. Each pump unit is capable of
generating a rudder laying speed of 56 seconds. Two pump units running will the navigation bridge. After each drill, details and the date it was carried out are
take 28 seconds and with all three running the rudder will travel through 70° to be entered in the Official Log Book and Particulars and Records Book.
in 21 seconds.

Eight electrical switches, four fitted at an angle of 35° and four more at 45°,
limit the rudder angle. Should these fail, mechanical stoppers are fitted at

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
5.2 COLLISION AND GROUNDING Stranding or Grounding n) Reduce the draught of the ship by the transfer of cargo, ballast
or fuel internally, after considering the effects of transfer on
a) Stop the engine. stability.
Minimising Damage
b) Sound the General Emergency Alarm. o) Make the ship’s position available to the radio room, satellite
If a collision is inevitable, damage can be minimised by striking a glancing terminal and other automatic distress transmitters. Update as
blow. necessary.
c) Close all watertight doors and non-essential air intakes.
Collision amidships of either ship must be avoided whenever possible and a p) Evaluate the need for salvage assistance.
d) Maintain VHF watch on channel 16 and if appropriate on
bow to bow, quarter to quarter or bow to quarter situation is preferable.
channel 13.
q) Make ready for lightering or towing.
Imminent Collision/Collision e) Switch on deck lighting at night.
r) Communicate with the Casualty Committee and owners/
a) Sound the General Emergency Alarm. f) Exhibit light/shapes and make appropriate sound signals. operators.

b) Manoeuvre the ship so as to minimise the effects of collision. g) Check the hull for damage and check for oil pollution. s) Broadcast a distress alert and message if the ship is in grave
and imminent danger and immediate assistance is required,
c) Close all watertight doors. h) Sound the bilges and tanks and compare the results against otherwise broadcast an urgency message to ships in the
departure soundings. vicinity.
d) Switch on deck lighting at night.
i) Visually inspect compartments such as the forward store, pump
e) Switch VHF to channel 16 and if appropriate to channel 13. room and engine room if possible.

f) Make the ship’s position available to the radio room, satellite j) Sound around the ship and determine which way deep water lies
terminal and other automatic distress transmitters. Update as and the nature of the seabed.
k) Consider the following:
g) Sound bilges and tanks after collision. • Reducing IG pressure

h) Check for fire/damage. • Isolating damaged tanks

• Advantages/risks in case of refloating
i) Prepare the lifeboats and fire fighting equipment.
• Potential effect of the sea
j) Check stability/damage stability and manoeuvring capability of • Potential for pollution
the vessel.
• Risk of ignition to escaping gas cloud
k) Offer assistance to the other vessel as appropriate. • Potential drift to a perilous location
• Setting of anchors or taking ballast in empty tanks to
l) Broadcast a distress alert and message if the ship is in grave stabilise the vessel pending assistance
and imminent danger and immediate assistance is required,
otherwise broadcast an urgency message. • Potential for further damage to the hull or machinery

m) Evaluate if any unignited cargo gas is escaping. Assess the l) Obtain information on local currents and tides, particularly
danger of ignition and issue warnings as appropriate. Minimise details of the rise and fall of the tide and the weather forecast.
the danger by manoeuvring the vessel, if practical.
m) Isolate damaged tanks to ensure an intact hydrostatic head and

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual


In the event of a person being suspected missing, the officer of the watch
should be informed and steps put in place to determine if they are actually
missing or just not readily available.
• Determine where and when the person was last seen.
• Organise a search of the vessel including decks, engine room
and all accessible spaces.
• Prepare to turn the vessel round and retrace the track to where
and when there was a last sighting of the person.
• Post additional lookouts.
• Prepare the rescue boat for immediate use and have the crew
standing by.

Should the on board search not find the person, then use the VHF to call to
other vessels in the area asking them to keep a good lookout as they transit
the area.

Other vessels may join in the search.

On arrival at the last known position, a search of the area will be required.
This may involve only your own vessel or possibly others who have come to

There are several search patterns that can be used and these are set out in
Section 5.3.3

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

In the event of a man overboard the following steps should be implemented. Illustration 5.3.2a Man Overboard

• Shout ‘man overboard’ - indicating port or starboard.

• Throw the nearest lifebuoy overboard - try and maintain visual
contact. 1. If Man Overboard.
• Raise the alarm and inform the bridge. If you observe a man overboard,
shout as loud as possible
• The officer of the watch will instigate man overboard procedures 'Man Overboard! Starboard/Port side!'
including releasing a combined light and smoke lifebuoy to Throw out a lifebuoy at once and give the
alarm to the bridge. There is hope that the
assist in marking the area and sound the general alarm. man overboard will get hold of the lifebuoy
• Activate MOB on the GPS and radar if fitted. and at the same time the man
overboard-place has been marked
• Turn the vessel away from the side that the person went and this facilitates the search.
overboard and carry out either a Williamson Turn or some other Throw several lifebuoys, if necessary.
manoeuvre that brings the vessel back on its reciprocal track,
heading back towards the target.
• Post additional lookouts.
• Prepare the engine room for manoeuvring.
• Advise any other vessels in the area. 2. At Quay or at Anchor.
A lifebuoy with a line must always
• Prepare the rescue boat for immediate use and have the crew be ready near the gangway.
standing by.
• Manoeuvre the vessel as close as possible to the target.
• Launch the rescue boat.
• Effect a rescue and retrieve the rescue boat.
• Administer first aid and, if necessary, obtain medical

3. When Embarking or
Disembarking the Pilot.
A lifebuoy with a line must always
be ready near the pilot's ladder.

Be always aware of the location

of lifebuoys and the various
attachments - and how they work.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
Illustration 5.3.3a Search Patterns
Williamson Turn

Ease the helm

Sector Search Pattern Square Search Pattern
and steady on
Reciprocal Course

5S miles
2nd Crossleg

S miles
3S miles

Datum 1st Leg

S miles

2nd Leg
3rd Crossleg 3rd Leg 5S miles 3S miles S miles

60° - 70°
2S miles 4S miles

First Search
When the ship's head is 60°
off original course, Second Search
put helm Hard to Port
2S miles

Note !
The leg length is dependent upon visibility
and the size of the object. Each leg is 120°
to starboard. The second search is 4S miles
commenced 30° to starboard of the original

Note !
The individual leg length 'S' is dependent
upon visibility and the size of the object,
increasing by a factor of one every third leg.

Man Overboard to Starboard-

put helm to Starboard

Original Course

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
5.3.3 SEARCH PATTERNS Illustration 5.3.3b Turning Data

Summer Load Condition

Search patterns are based on the principle that the vessel works outwards from Full Sea Speed (90 rpm) Harbour Full Speed (53 rpm)
a starting point, this can be in the form of squares circles or triangles. One or
more vessels can be involved and the search area can be expanded if aircraft 0.195 0.200 0.172 0.177
are involved. N. Miles N. Miles N. Miles N. Miles
Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer

13.2 kts 13.2 kts 5.5 kts 6.0 kts

1'52" 2'05" 3'35" 3'21"
8.0 kts 8.5 kts 3.2 kts 3.6 kts
Advance 3'30" 3'40" Advance Advance 6'58" 7'05" Advance
0.463 0.472 0.418 0.426
N. Miles N. Miles N. Miles N. Miles

6.8 kts 7.2 kts 2.8 kts 3.1 kts

5'40" 5'37" 11'30" 11'42"

P 20.7 kts S 20.7 kts P 10.2 kts S 10.2 kts

Note: Maximum Rudder angle (35°)/constant angle order Note: At slow speed transfer and advance about the
same as harbour full speed but speeds
proportionally less and times proportionally

Deep Ballast Condition

Full Sea Speed (90 rpm) Harbour Full Speed (53 rpm)

0.128 0.153 0.128 0.144

N. Miles N. Miles N. Miles N. Miles
Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer

14.4 kts 14.3 kts 8.0 kts 7.2 kts

1'31" 1'47" 2'23" 2'40"
8.7 kts 7.4 kts 5.8 kts 5.6 kts
Advance 3'13" 3'32" Advance Advance 5'10" 5'15" Advance
0.402 0.431 0.380 0.394
N. Miles N. Miles N. Miles N. Miles

7.9 kts 7.6 kts 5.1 kts 4.7 kts

5'19" 5'25" 8'12" 8'30"

P 21.0 kts S 21.2 kts P 12.1 kts S 12.5 kts

Note: At slow speed transfer and advance about the

Note: Maximum Rudder angle (35°)/constant angle order
same as harbour full speed but speeds
proportionally less and times proportionally

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual

If it is suspected that a bomb has been placed on board, the local port authority
is to be informed so that they can organise a bomb disposal team.

If the vessel is at sea then the ship’s personnel will have to attempt to locate
the device.

The ship’s crew should be divided up into small teams of two or three men and
in such a way that those familiar with certain areas search that area.

The most likely area for placing bombs is where they can cause the most
damage i.e engine rooms or control rooms, but other areas will also have to
be checked.

With modern technical advances it is possible the bomb could be activated by

remote control. With this in mind the use of ship’s portable radios should be

During any search great care should be taken to avoid disturbing any device as
again movement may be the trigger for detonation.

In the event of a device being found, all personnel should be moved away to an
area of safety and the immediate area sealed off as far as practicable.

Fire fighting gear should be made ready so that in the event of detonation
damage control can be activated very quickly.

Advice and assistance should be requested from the owners/local port

authorities on how to deal with the situation and where the vessel can go to
get this help.

Survival craft should be made ready in case the situation demands the
abandonment of the vessel.

Individual Responsibilities when Conducting a Bomb Search

The following muster list shows the areas to be searched by each crew member
in the event of a bomb search.

Each vessel will organise and produce its own plan of action for stowaway and
bomb searches. The attached check list is a possible plan consult the vessels
Contingency Plans and Ship Security Plan for specific details.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
5.4 EMERGENCY TOWING AND BEING TOWED The initial information required: Steering Problems
• Urgency of the situation, time available before grounding If towing by the stern and the rudder is not locked, the rudder may assume the
The vessel is fitted with a specially designed Emergency Towing Apparatus hardover position.
(ETA). Forward there is a custom built Panama fairlead, a section of towing • Size of the other vessel
chain and a towing bracket. On the poop is situated the automated equipment • Type of towing equipment available If towing by the bow and the disabled vessel’s engines are used, the propeller
which allows the towing wire to be released and deployed by one man. race can cause the rudder to assume a hardover position.
• Is power available for deck equipment?
• Available manpower The disabled vessel’s trim if possible should be as follows:
Being Towed
Stern System • Towed by the bow trim should be one in one hundred by the
Connecting the Tow stern
To deploy this, open the flap on the box containing the orange float and
messenger lines. The orange float is dropped to the waterline through the • Decision made by Master as to equipment usage • Towed by the stern trim should be one in eighty by the head
fairlead, pulling out the messenger line. The messenger line is now ready • Use towing vessel’s emergency towing arrangement (preferred • Steer directly into wind to minimise yaw
for the towing vessel to pick up and secure. Once the tug has secured the due to poop configuration) • Some larger vessels yaw the least on a heading 20° to 30° off
messenger line, it can haul on it, which in turn pulls out the towing pennant
• Use towed vessel’s emergency towing arrangement the wind
from the storage box. This system can be used when the vessel has lost all
power and is dead in the water. (See Section 3.1.3) • Establish continuous radio communication between the vessels
Passing Tow Line Alternatives
• Pass a light line between the vessels
Bow System Use line throwing apparatus to pass an initial light line followed by heavier
• Connect to emergency towing arrangement buoy line and deploy lines.
when other vessel ready
Using the bow system will require considerable manpower, time to rig and the
availability of the deck machinery. • Tow wire connected to other vessel A helicopter with a lift capacity of two to three tons could be used to facilitate
the connection.
It is most likely to be used in conjunction with a salvage tug and for a pre- If picking up other the vessel’s tow wire, rig a bridle between two of the
planned tow with the vessel in no immediate danger. To rig the system it poop winches using their wires and connect to the tow wire using a suitable It should be remembered that speed and yaw have a considerable effect on the
will be necessary first to place the section of towing chain in the towing shackle. forces acting against a tow. In the case of speed, the forces vary directly as the
bracket, then using light lines and messengers, finally heaving on board the speed squared.
tug’s towing wire which is then secured to the vessel’s towing chain with the Note: The designed brake load on each winch is 80% of the wire breaking
purpose designed shackle. Ensure that the towing chain, when slackened back, strain but this could vary depending on the brake linings.
passes through the Panama fairlead. This will prevent the towing wire from
unnecessary chafing. Where the ship is totally without power but towage from
Commencing Tow
the bow is still necessary, a messenger can be led from the ocean going tug
through the vessel’s towing fairlead and returned to the tug. The tug’s winch is a) The towing vessel to make way very gradually, using her
then used to heave round the towing wire for connection to the ship’s chain. engines in short bursts of minimum revolutions.

b) Increase speed in stages of five revolutions per minute. Do not

Towing Another Ship
alter course until both vessels are moving steadily.
There are many factors which determine the most suitable method of taking
another vessel in tow. Type and size of the ship to be towed, the urgency of the c) When altering course do so in stages of 5°.
situation, the duration of the tow and route to be taken. Taking into account
the size of the vessel, and the equipment fitted, it is extremely unlikely that d) The towing vessel should use its steering gear in conjunction
the towing of another vessel will be undertaken except in the case of extreme with the towed vessel.
emergency. For example, preventing a vessel from grounding when neither a
tug nor more suitable vessel is available, the following should be considered: e) If the towed vessel’s steering is not available her rudder should
be placed amidships and locked.

f) The towed vessel should not use her engines unless requested to
do so.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
5.5 OIL SPILL AND POLLUTION PREVENTION Do not forget to plug the scuppers by the accommodation sides and in the areas involved in bunkering must be fully aware of the contents
adjacent to the oil tanks (poop deck, focsle). There are many fuel oil ventilator of the plan and understand the entire operational procedure.
Refer to the Ship’s Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP), Vessel Response pipes in these areas, all of which are potential sources of oil pollution. Company rules regarding the taking of bunkers and transfer of
Plan (VRP). fuel oil within the ship must be understood by all involved in
Where ships are fitted with spill containers around bunker tank vents and the bunkering or fuel oil transfer procedure.
The avoidance of pollution is of paramount importance. The company save-alls around bunker and cargo manifold connections, the plugs should be
regulations must be consulted and the procedures and response plans contained suitably secured to the save-all and fitted when in any port. b) As far as possible new bunkers should be segregated from
must be well known to all officers. existing bunkers on board. This should be noted in the bunkering
The sea water alongside the vessel must be inspected for traces of oil a plan and precautions taken as appropriate.
Note: Where action is taken to prevent or minimise oil spillage, no action few minutes after operations have begun and periodically while operations
must be undertaken that could jeopardise the safety of personnel on board continue. c) No internal transferring of bunkers should take place during
and on shore. bunker loading operations, unless permission has been obtained
A supply of absorbent granules should be kept near the hose connections from the Chief Engineer.
when in port. Sawdust should not be used to soak up oil as this presents a fire
Checklists hazard. d) The Chief Engineer should calculate the estimated finishing
ullages/dips, prior to the starting of loading.
Company and terminal checklists must be completed prior to commencement If, despite the adherence to proper procedures, an oil spill does occur, all
of any operation that may involve a risk of pollution. It is the responsibility of bunker operations should be stopped by the quickest means possible and should e) Bunker tanks should not exceed 95% full.
the Chief Engineer to ensure that these checklists are properly completed, with not be restarted until the source of the leak has been identified and cured and
shore representatives in attendance, as appropriate. hazards from the released oil have been eliminated. In most cases, the cause f) Any bunker barges attending the vessel are to be safely moored
of the leak will be obvious but, in some instances, such as spillages resulting alongside before any part of the bunker loading operation begins.
Prior to loading or discharging, a terminal representative will contact the Chief from a slight hull leakage, the source may be difficult to locate, requiring the Frequent checks must be made of the mooring arrangements as
Engineer to discuss safety procedures and complete the ship/shore safety services of a diver. the bunker barge draught will change during bunkering.
checklist. If it is not possible to comply with all the provisions of the ship/shore
checklist a reason should be given and agreement reached upon appropriate g) Level alarms fitted to bunker tanks should be tested prior to any
precautions to be taken between the vessel and the terminal. Where a question Tank Overflow bunker loading operations.
is considered to be not applicable, then a note to that effect should be inserted
in the remarks column. Tank overflows should be avoided at all times. Correct use of the ship’s h) The soundness of all lines should be verified by visual
ullaging equipment and testing of the high level alarms prior to commencing inspection.
The Chief Engineer should take personal charge of all bunkering operations to oil transfer operations, will help prevent this. Remember that when topping-off
ensure that frequent ullage/sounding checks are made and that bunker loading oil tanks, the loading rate must be reduced. If an oil tank overflows, the level i) The pre-bunkering checklist should be completed.
rates are reduced when topping off oil tanks. Similarly, when transferring fuel within the tank must be lowered by dropping back to an empty, or partially
oil from main tanks to settling/ready use tanks, the ullages/soundings must be empty tank. It must not be allowed to fill the overflow tank. If all of the other j) The Chief Engineer is responsible for bunker loading operations,
frequently checked. Do not rely on high level alarms and automatic pump cut- oil tanks are full, then the operation should be stopped immediately. assisted at all times by a sufficient number of officers and
offs as these can malfunction. ratings to ensure that the operation is carried out safely.
Precautions to be Observed Prior to and During the Loading
k) A watch should be kept at the manifold during loading.
Scupper Plugs of Oil Bunkers
l) All personnel involved in the bunkering operation should be in
Many pollution incidents in ports are due to improperly sealed scuppers. Note: Tanks must only be filled to 95% of capacity, permission must be radio contact.
For this reason, it is most important that the Chief Engineer and responsible obtained from British Gas to fill to a maximum of 98%.
watchkeeping officers check all scupper plugs routinely during oil transfer m) The maximum pressure in the bunker line should be below 5.0
operations. Where scuppers are plugged using wooden blocks, these must be Before and during bunkering, the following steps should be complied with: kg/cm2. The relief valve discharges oil to No.2 port HFO tank.
cemented into place.
a) All engineers and other personnel involved in the bunkering
n) Safe means of access to barges/shore shall be used at all times.
CAUTION process should know exactly what role they are to play and
what their duties are to be. Personnel involved should know
Scupper plugs are not to be removed during bunkering operations. o) Scuppers and save-alls, including those around bunker tank
the location of all valves and gauges and be able to operate
vents, should be effectively plugged.
the valves both remotely and locally if required. A bunker
p) Drip trays are to be provided at bunker hose connections and
plan should be drawn up prior to bunkering and all personnel
means of containing any oil spills must be in place.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
q) The initial loading rate must be agreed with the barge or shore Actions to be Taken Recommended Pollution Equipment
station and bunkering commenced at an agreed signal. Only Consider floating a mooring rope to contain the spill within the confines of the • Scupper plugs
upon confirmation of there being no leakage and fuel only going ship and jetty.
into the nominated tank, should the loading rate be increased to • Wilden air-driven portable pump
the agreed maximum. Check that all personnel are present and accounted for, check and confirm who • Squeegees - rubber blade deck wiper
is ashore. Designate one person to look for persons not immediately accounted • Scoops, buckets and brushes
r) When the tank being filled reaches 90% full, the filling rate for on board. Record all events.
should be reduced by diverting some of the flow to another • 2 x 200 litre empty drums
bunker tank; if the final tank is being filled the pumping rate Use all possible means to prevent oil going over the side with the vessel’s anti-
must be reduced. Filling of the tank must be stopped when • Absorbent granules
pollution teams and equipment.
the tank reaches 95% full. When topping off the final tank the • Oil dispersant in portable drums
filling rate must be reduced at the barge or shore station and not Treat any casualties - further assistance can be requested via the terminal, • Oil dispersant portable sprayer
by throttling the filling valve. agents or VHF.
• Cotton waste/rags
CAUTION Restrict movement in the polluted area to necessary staff only. Depending on • Oil absorbent materials
At least one bunker tank filling valve must be fully open at all times the nature of the occurrence, and the type/position of berth, consider readying • Protective clothing - rubber gloves, sea boots
during the bunkering operation. a lifeboat for possible evacuation if fire should break out.
• Sausage booms
HFO bunker tanks are fitted with high level alarms. Send a casualty telex (initial short version). • Patay, hand driven pump

All relevant information regarding the bunkering operation is to be entered in On VHF channel 16, inform the port captain or authority of the spillage or use In the event of a considerable amount of clean up equipment being used,
the Oil Record Book on completion of loading. The information required to an alternative channel for the particular port. careful consideration must be given to the disposal of oil soaked materials if
be entered includes date, time, quantity transferred, tanks used and personnel these are to be disposed of by incineration.
involved. If in the USA, inform the USCG. Details are in the SOPEP and Emergency
Response Plan.

Pollution Responses If in California, see additional notes on Californian Oil Spill Contingency
Emergency Plans Plans and Vessel Response Plan.
The MARPOL 73/78 Regulations require that oil tankers of 150 GRT and Inform the agent and get him to contact the local P + I club representative.
above must be provided with a Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan,
(SOPEP). Breath test all watch keepers and key personnel on duty if the incident appears
to have been caused by some on board factor involving them.
Alongside during Cargo Operations
Sound the fire alarm. Make a PA announcement ‘Pollution incident, all parties Other Action to Consider
muster and report in’ and ‘No smoking on board until further notice.’ Is a local contractor required to assist in the clean up? If so, liaise with agents
and head office to arrange this.
Stop the cause of pollution as quickly as possible if it is within the ship’s
power to do so. Utilise all available manpower to commence an immediate Make the engines ready as soon as possible in case it is necessary to move.
containment operation. Will it be necessary to disconnect the cargo hoses?
If necessary, vacate the berth. However, this may spread the pollution. If it is
CAUTION safe to stay (not floating in too much oil) then do not vacate.
In some ports when loading it is forbidden to close ship valves until
shore/barge pumps have stopped. CHECK CAREFULLY, as doing that Oil dispersant - permission must be obtained and approval gained from the
could worsen the situation by rupturing a line if flow is continuing at local port authority before introducing any chemicals or oil dispersant into the
pressure. This detail should have been advised to the vessel as part of water. Permission will probably not be given.
the pre-bunkering meeting.

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Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
5.6 EMERGENCY REPORTING Deviation Report 5.6.2 AUSREP

The Company requirements with regard to what and when to report are clearly This report is used to notify AMVER of any changes to the original sailing plan A similar system is in existence on the Australian coast under the name
laid down in the Company Quality Assurance Policy and Procedures. that take place in the course of a voyage. Should the vessel receive a change AUSREP. Participation in this scheme is compulsory for all vessels navigating
of orders the sailing plan should be reviewed and any changes that may apply between Australian ports. The scheme follows a similar reporting format to
5.6.1 AMVER advised in the form of a deviation report. AMVER, and full details are listed in the Admiralty List of Radio Signals.

The principle of any ship reporting system is to tap the resources of the Pro-forma messages are printed in the Admiralty List of Radio Signals. Note: This reporting system is active, i.e. Once initiated if no report is sent
numerous merchant vessels that are at sea at the time of a marine incident. then search procedures will be set in place.
One or more vessels may offer the earliest possible response if located near the Vessels participating in the scheme also receive a comprehensive guide in the
casualty. The purpose of AMVER is to maximise the effectiveness of response form of the AMVER users manual.
to a marine emergency by co-ordinating and controlling the assisting ships.
Full details of the scheme can be obtained from:
AMVER (Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue) is operated by the
United States Coastguard for all merchant vessels of more than 1000 grt, on
The Commander Atlantic Area,
voyages in excess of 24 hours, regardless of nationality. AMVER centres located
in New York and San Francisco are capable of processing data automatically U.S. Coastguard
and in the event of a marine incident co-ordinate the vessels most suitable to Governors Island
respond. The data is received through a vessel reporting system, these reports
may be made free of charge through participating stations. New York
NY 1004 - 5099
The reports are made in the following format:

Sailing Plan
This report may be made well in advance of departure from a port. The report
includes the ship’s name and call sign, the ports of departure and destination,
and the navigational route to be followed between them, along with estimated The Commander Pacific Coast Area,
departure and arrival times. Any special resources such as advanced US. Coastguard
communication systems should also be included in the report.
Government Island
Position Report
This report is transmitted within 24 hours of departure and continues to be 94501 - 5100.
transmitted within 48 hour intervals during the course of the voyage. It should
include the ship’s name, time and position, together with the destination and
latest ETA.

Arrival Report

This report takes the form of a simple statement that the vessel has reached
her intended destination. It should be transmitted as soon as practicable upon

Issue: Final Draft Section 5.6.1 - Page 1 of 1

Methane Kari Elin Bridge Operating Manual
ISSUE AND UPDATES This manual was produced by:

This manual is provided with a system of issue and update control. Controlling WORLDWIDE MARINE TECHNOLOGY LTD.
documents ensure that:
For any new issue or update contact:
• Documents conform to a standard format;
The Technical Director
• Amendments are carried out by relevant personnel. WMT Technical Office
The Court House
• Each document or update to a document is approved before 15 Glynne Way
issue. Hawarden
Deeside, Flintshire
• A history of updates is maintained. CH5 3NS, UK

• Updates are issued to all registered holders of documents. E-Mail:

• Sections are removed from circulation when obsolete.

Document control is achieved by the use of the footer provided on every page
and the issue and update table below.

In the right hand corner of each footer are details of the pages, section number
and page number of the section. In the left hand corner of each footer is the
issue number.

Details of each section are given in the first column of the issue and update
control table. The table thus forms a matrix into which the dates of issue of the
original document and any subsequent updated sections are located.

The information and guidance contained herein is produced for the assistance
of certificated officers who, by virtue of such certification, are deemed
competent to operate the vessel to which such information and guidance refers.
Any conflict arising between the information and guidance provided herein and
the professional judgement of such competent officers must be immediately
resolved by reference to British Gas Shipping Technical Operations Office.

Issue: Final Draft Heading - Page x of x

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