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A Simplified Broadband Design Methodology For Linearized High-Efficiency Continuous Class-F Power Amplifiers

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6, JUNE 2012

A Simplified Broadband Design Methodology

for Linearized High-Efficiency Continuous
Class-F Power Amplifiers
Neal Tuffy, Student Member, IEEE, Lei Guan, Student Member, IEEE,
Anding Zhu, Member, IEEE, and Thomas J Brazil, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper describes the design approach employed However, both architectures possess intrinsic bandwidth limi-
for achieving approximated continuous Class-F power amplifier tations that have been only moderately overcome [7], [8].
(PA) modes over wide bandwidths. The importance of the non- PAs operating in the switch-mode domain exploit the non-
linear device capacitance for wave-shaping the continuous Class-F
voltage and current waveforms is highlighted, thus reducing the linear region of the device to impose a highly efficient set of
device sensitivity to second and third harmonic impedance termi- nonoverlapping current and voltage drain waveforms. For ex-
nations. By identifying the high-efficiency regions on the reactance ample, Class-F operation [9] describes an infinite set of fun-
plane for harmonic band placement, the design can be reduced damental and harmonic impedances to present to the device,
to a fundamental matching problem. The distributed simplified which produce nonoverlapping square-wave voltage and half-
real frequency technique synthesis algorithm can then be utilized
to achieve wideband operation. Using a 10-W Cree GaN HEMT sinusoidal current drain waveforms. From practical consider-
device, greater than 70% efficiency has been measured over a ations, only a small number of harmonics can be controlled,
51% bandwidth from 1.45 to 2.45 GHz, with output powers of resulting in a reduction of the maximum obtainable efficiency
11–16.8 W. The nonlinear PA was then linearized using digital from 100%. At RF, the parasitics of the device become signif-
predistortion with 20-MHz long-term evolution and 40-MHz icant and they must therefore be resonated out to present the
eight-carrier W-CDMA excitation signals, to attain adjacent
channel power ratios below 53 and 49 dBc, respectively. To required impedances at the internal current generator plane. Re-
the best of the authors’ knowledge, the measured results represent alization typically involves the use of transmission lines
the best performance obtained from a broadband switch-mode for presenting the precise harmonic impedances. The inclusion
PA, and the best linearized switch-mode performance using 20- of sensitive harmonic resonators then results in an increase of
and 40-MHz modulated signals. the network factor, corresponding to narrowband operation.
Index Terms—Broadband, Class-F, digital predistortion (DPD), The inherent narrowband performance of the Class-F amplifier
high efficiency, power amplifier (PA). restricts its potential for integration within wideband or multi-
band transceivers.
The Class-J amplifier has recently been proposed [10] to alle-
I. INTRODUCTION viate the precise harmonic shorting requirements of the Class-B
(or Class-AB) amplifier. The Class-J principle was then ex-

H IGH-EFFICIENCY power amplifiers (PAs) have re-

ceived widespread interest recently due to the drive
towards lower operational costs in basestation transceivers.
tended to the Class-F amplifier for circumventing its innate nar-
rowband behavior, and termed the continuous Class-F [11] am-
plifier. The continuous Class-F amplifier offers a wide range of
Fourth-generation (4G) wireless systems, such as long-term voltage waveforms (which all deliver Class-F performance) that
evolution (LTE)-advanced, require high data rates, which utilize can be dynamically exploited across a desired bandwidth. The
large bandwidths of up to 100 MHz. These demands impose need for harmonic shorting is then eliminated, thus obviating
great difficulty on designing PAs to meet stringent bandwidth the necessity for narrowband harmonic resonators. The device
and efficiency specifications, while simultaneously conforming parasitics then become an integral part of the matching network
to spectral mask and in-band distortion requirements. Recently, and collaborate with the external matching network to manipu-
elaborate solutions using envelope tracking and Doherty PAs late the waveforms over the band of interest, to deliver broad-
have been explored [1]–[3], while incorporating digital pre- band and highly efficient PA performance.
distortion (DPD) for highly linear efficient operation [4]–[6]. The main purpose of this paper is to present a design ap-
proach for simplifying the matching procedure in broadband
Manuscript received September 09, 2011; revised December 02, 2011; ac- continuous Class-F amplifier design. Continuous Class-F
cepted December 14, 2011. Date of publication March 07, 2012; date of current studies to date have focused on lower frequencies [11]–[13],
version May 25, 2012. This work was supported by the Science Foundation Ire-
whereas this design extends the operation to incorporate com-
land under the Principal Investigator Award scheme.
The authors are with the School of Electrical, Electronic and Communica- mercial third-generation (3G) and 4G bands. By employing
tions Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland (e-mail: neal. suitable output power back off (OPBO), aided with a robust;;;
linearization methodology such as DPD, the designed PA
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at delivers high linearity with modulated signals. Furthermore,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2012.2187534 it will be shown for the first time that linearized switch-mode

0018-9480/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


PA performance can exceed modern Doherty PA results with generalized voltage drain waveform composed of all frequen-
wideband excitation signals at 2.14 GHz. cies up to the fourth harmonic, while ensuring no power is dis-
In this paper, Section II derives the ideal continuous Class-F sipated at the harmonics
amplifier waveforms and impedance conditions. Section III
elaborates on previous work [14] to establish the criteria for ap-
proximated continuous Class-F operation, and the importance (3)
of the nonlinear drain–source device capacitance in waveform
shaping. The high-efficiency regions on the harmonic reactance Noting that the even function given by (2) has two zeros at
plane are identified and the simplified real frequency technique in the range , the Rhodes singularity condition [16] can
(SRFT) [15] synthesis algorithm is employed to design over be exploited to determine the optimum coefficients that satisfy
a wide bandwidth in Section IV. In Section V, measurements (3). This gives rise to a system of linear-dependent equations,
on the fabricated PA reveal greater than 70% efficiency with which can be expressed as follows:
at least 11 W of output power over the 1.45–2.45-GHz band-
width. When the obtained peak efficiency is appropriately
high, Section VI demonstrates the efficient operation of the
switch-mode PA with modulated excitations. Conclusions are
presented in Section VII.


A. Class-F Amplifier
The Class-F amplifier achieves highly efficient power ampli-
fication by saturating the device and manipulating the gener-
ated harmonics in such a manner as to produce nonoverlapping
drain waveforms. Class-F operation requires open-circuit termi- By computing the row reduced echelon form of (4), system (5)
nations at odd harmonics, with short-circuit terminations at the is found as follows:
even harmonics. By choosing a Class-B bias point, a half-sinu-
soidal drain current waveform is formed, given by (1) as follows
with a resulting square-wave drain voltage waveform:

The ideal Class-F waveforms give 100% efficiency in conver- The above under-determined system can then be used
sion of dc to fundamental frequency power, as no harmonic to extract the coefficient values by employing the parame-
power can be generated. In practice, control of up to the third terization . This results in and
harmonic is customary, as the benefit of further harmonic con- . The drain voltage waveform can then be
trol typically produces negligible efficiency improvements. To expressed as a function of the parameter
analyze the Class-F performance, the normalized drain voltage
waveform can be expressed as follows [10]:

(2) (6)

The above equation represents a voltage waveform that Class-F performance is maintained up to , at which point
uniquely delivers maximum power with 90.7% efficiency. the voltage waveform drops below zero, which requires the dc
Imposing this exact waveform at the current generator plane of component to be increased, therefore compromising efficiency.
the device requires precise tuning to compensate for the device This waveform provides a degree of freedom , which can be
parasitics at RF. This sole set of current and voltage waveforms used over a bandwidth to maintain maximum power and effi-
for maximum power and efficiency can usually only be realized ciency. A factorization can be performed to arrive at the form
at a single frequency, resulting in performance degradation presented in [11]
over a broad bandwidth.
B. Continuous Class-F Amplifier
Continuous Class-F operation describes a range of solutions The tradeoff, in comparison to Class-F, is seen as an increase in
that all deliver the same power and efficiency as in the Class-F the magnitude of the drain voltage waveform (from normalized
case. This family of solutions can be found by starting with a amplitude of 2 to a maximum of 3.37), which is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Continuous Class-F waveforms for . Fig. 2. Efficiency as a function of without fourth harmonic voltage compo-

Although, by utilizing high breakdown voltage device technolo-

gies such as GaN, such large voltage waveform excursions can A. Neglecting the Fourth Harmonic Impedance Requirement
be sustained. The first approach is to analyze the consequence of ne-
To exploit these modes over a desired bandwidth, it then be- glecting the fourth harmonic band impedances. By disregarding
comes necessary to determine the required frequency-domain the fourth harmonic component in the continuous Class-F drain
impedances as varies. The load impedance to be presented at voltage waveform, the efficiency can be calculated as the
each harmonic can be expressed as parameter varies. The result is shown in Fig. 2 where the
efficiency is seen to be maximum for Class-F and
(8) reduces with increasing , as expected from (10). The loss in
efficiency is 4.5% in the worst case, which justifies omitting the
where denotes the th frequency component. Defining fourth harmonic band impedance condition. When exploiting
as the Class-B optimum fundamental load impedance, it is given the nonlinear , it will be shown that it can dominate the
by (9) as follows: harmonic band response, thus the need for precise fourth
harmonic terminations becomes redundant.
B. Analysis of Nonlinear Device Output Capacitance
It was shown in [17] that for obtaining high efficiency in the
The harmonic impedances are then found by substituting (1) and Class-J case, the nonlinear device output capacitance can cir-
(6) into (8) as follows: cumvent the need for a highly precise second harmonic termi-
nation. It was therefore necessary to test the continuous Class-F
case with nonlinear device output capacitance to predict if the
demanding third harmonic band open-circuit requirement could
be relaxed, and if the overall high sensitivity to harmonic termi-
nations could be alleviated.
The nonlinear capacitance profile given in [17] was used in
accordance with the parasitic model extracted in [18] and is
(10) shown in Fig. 3. is then given by

It is seen from (10) that the fundamental, second, and fourth har-
monic impedances are dependent on the parameter , whereas
the third harmonic remains at a constant open circuit. These [pF]
demanding impedance conditions for continuous Class-F oper-
ation requires further investigation to understand how perfor-
mance degradation can be minimized with imprecise harmonic
This model offers an approximated large-signal model for the
10-W Cree CGH40010FE GaN HEMT device, and assists in un-
derstanding the design tradeoffs for continuous Class-F broad-
III. APPROXIMATED CONTINUOUS CLASS-F MODES band operation. The model also permits convenient access to the
The requirement, given by (10), to present the exact internal drain terminal, which provides the time-domain voltage
impedance terminations over four frequency bands becomes and current waveforms.
unfeasible in practice. It is therefore necessary to devise a By comparing the nonlinear with its linear small-signal
strategy to approximate the continuous Class-F modes over the counterpart, an insight can be obtained into its importance in
band of interest. shaping the drain waveforms, thus reducing the dependency on

Fig. 3. Approximated large-signal device model [17], [18].

precise package plane terminations. Using Agilent’s ADS 2009,

harmonic load–pull was performed on the device to determine
continuous Class-F operation with nonlinear and linear .
The 3-D reactance plane plots shown in Figs. 4 and 5 were gen-
erated by sweeping the harmonic reactances while maintaining
the optimum fundamental impedance of at
2.45 GHz. It is evident that when considering both power and
efficiency, the linear exhibits far greater sensitivity to inac-
curacies in harmonic terminations. By imposing the information
from both sets of 3-D plots, a contour plot was created, which il-
lustrates the contours for 80% efficiency and 10-W power. The
choice of 10 W as the minimum output power ensures a high
power utilization factor (PUF) [10] from the 10-W device. The
shaded region represents the areas on the reactance plane where
the desired design criteria of greater than 10 W of output power
and 80% drain efficiency (DE) are satisfied. For the nonlinear
, about 65% of the shown reactance plane delivers the re-
quired performance, whereas only about 20% of the linear
reactance plane meets the desired specifications.
To understand how the nonlinear provides superior
results with harmonic reactance variation, it is necessary to
look at the voltage and current drain waveforms and their
corresponding frequency components. Referring to Fig. 6(a),
the current generator plane waveforms are seen in continuous
Class-F operation for both linear and nonlinear . Firstly, it
is observed that the magnitude of the drain voltage waveform
with nonlinear exceeds the linear case by about 15 V.
The current waveform with nonlinear also appears to
exhibit a “squared” type appearance in comparison to the linear
current waveform.
Fig. 6(b) presents the frequency-domain impedances up to the
third harmonics of the waveforms. With a linear , an open
circuit is presented at the third harmonic, which generates min-
imal third harmonic component in the current waveform. As the Fig. 4. Variation of DE and output power over the second and third harmonic
reactance plane with linear .
appropriate reactive termination is presented at the second har-
monic, the resulting waveforms appear strongly correlated with
the ideal waveforms of Fig. 1. Considering the waveforms with voltage causes an enlargement in the overall magnitude of the
nonlinear , it is seen that the open-circuited third harmonic drain voltage waveform. Fig. 6(b) also demonstrates that the
requirement is not met. Also, it is observed that the nonlinear nonlinear acts to reduce the phase difference between the
gives a negative resistance at the harmonics, which arises fundamental current and voltage. This implies a decrease in re-
due to the frequency generating property of the nonlinear ca- active power and an increase in the output power extracted from
pacitance. This ensures a prominent third harmonic component the device.
of current that shapes the current toward a square wave, thus re- By exploiting the innate nonlinear of the device, approx-
ducing waveform overlap and improving efficiency. The second imated continuous Class-F modes can be utilized that are far
harmonic impedance also has a large magnitude in comparison less sensitive to harmonic terminations, as the nonlinear
to the linear waveform due to a significant reduction in the supplies a high degree of favorable waveform shaping. This
second harmonic current component and an increase in second principle has important implications for the design of high-effi-
harmonic voltage component. This increase in second harmonic ciency broadband amplifiers. By restricting the harmonic band

Fig. 6. (a) Simulated time-domain waveforms and (b) harmonic impedances

for continuous Class-F operation with linear and nonlinear .

1.45 to 2.45 GHz. Fig. 7 shows a set of contours, which re-

sult from merging the power and efficiency contours, and give
the optimum fundamental impedances to present to the device
package plane across the bandwidth. The contours were pro-
duced by adhering to the design criteria of 41 dBm of output
power and 80% DE. This offers a design margin of 10% effi-
ciency and 1 dB of output power. The contours are seen to di-
Fig. 5. Variation of DE and output power over the second and third harmonic minish in area as frequency increases, indicating the need for
reactance plane with nonlinear . greater precision at the higher end of the band. To supply the
required precise fundamental impedances and controlled har-
monic band reactance roll-off, the distributed SRFT algorithm
reactance roll-off to the high-efficiency regions of the reactance can then be employed for the design of the matching networks.
plane, the design complexity is reduced to that of a fundamental
band matching problem. A. Distributed Network Synthesis via SRFT
The SRFT synthesis algorithm was first proposed by Yarman
IV. BROADBAND CONTINUOUS CLASS-F and Carlin [15], which established a computationally efficient
SYNTHESIS AND DESIGN solution to the earlier work by Carlin and Komiak [19]. Initial
To realize the approximated continuous Class-F modes, the forms of the SRFT focused on lumped LC network synthesis
performance degradation with varying fundamental impedance that were then subsequently modified for distributed synthesis
terminations must be analyzed across the band. The sensitivity involving commensurate transmission lines [20]. The core prin-
of the fundamental impedance terminations with predefined har- ciple of the SRFT involves formulating the synthesis problem
monic band reactance roll-offs were initially investigated by in such a manner as to produce an objective function that is
producing the load–pull, power, and efficiency contours from quadratic in its unknowns, and is therefore convergent under

harmonic band reactances to lie within the designated high-ef-

ficiency regions of the reactance plane.
The -parameters for a lossless two-port matching network
constructed with commensurate transmission lines can then be
established as a function of . Ensuring the network is free from
finite transmission zeros, the -parameters are given by


where is the total number of zeros at dc and is the total

number of cascaded sections. The TPG can then be reformu-
lated in terms of by using (12) and (15), with the substitution

Fig. 7. Merged output power and efficiency contours representing 80% effi-
The coefficients of the polynomial are initialized and
ciency and 41dBm of output power over the 1.45–2.45-GHz bandwidth. is chosen. The polynomial is then found using (17), which
was determined via the lossless condition [21]


Careful numerical construction of the strictly Hurwitz polyno-

mial is required, which is formed by the left-half plane
(LHP) roots of . The TPG is then uniquely defined
and can then be maximized across the band by nonlinear opti-
mization of the coefficients of , which are quadratic in its
unknowns. When the optimum coefficients are identified,
Fig. 8. Matching network to maximize TPG from device to a 50- load.
the relationship can be used to determine
of the optimum matching network. Synthesis of the network can
then be performed using normalization change and Richard ex-
nonlinear optimization. The distributed form of the SRFT of-
tractions [21]. This determines the characteristic impedances of
fers accurate fundamental band impedance realization and di-
the commensurate lines in a sequential manner for the optimum
rect control of harmonic band reactance roll-off. In comparison,
output match. A similar procedure can also be followed to pro-
lumped synthesis usually requires conversion to a distributed
vide the optimum input match for maximizing the performance
network for fabrication at RF, which presents great difficulty in
across the band of interest. By identifying the power and effi-
simultaneously obtaining the desired harmonic band responses.
ciency contours that adhere to the design goals, the SRFT algo-
To quantify the quality of the match between the device-
rithm can then be used to provide the optimum matching net-
under-test (DUT) and the 50- load over the band, we can in-
troduce the transducer power gain (TPG). Referring to Fig. 8,
the TPG can be expressed as follows: B. Transmission Line Continuous Class-F PA Realization

(12) To obtain maximum benefits from using the SRFT algo-

rithm, the optimum impedances must be carefully selected.
The complex Richard variable can be defined as follows: Choosing the desired impedances close to the center of the
contours in Fig. 7 permits maximum variation in impedance
(13) terminations. Although care must be taken to chose the Smith
Chart impedance trajectory such that clockwise phase rotation
where the constant delay is set as occurs with increasing frequency. This condition arises due
to passive distributed networks always producing clockwise
(14) phase rotation on the Smith chart [22]. By selecting the desired
impedances comfortably inside the contours while simultane-
In the above equation, represents the highest frequency ously presenting a smooth clockwise impedance trajectory, the
for optimization and the variable can be set by the designer SRFT algorithm can produce optimum results. Fig. 9 shows
for controlling the electrical length of the commensurate trans- the resulting circuit from utilizing the SRFT algorithm. A fre-
mission lines. This parameter can then be chosen to restrict the quency of 2 GHz was used to specify the shown characteristic

Fig. 9. Distributed amplifier designed via distributed SRFT synthesis algorithm.

Fig. 11. Simulated results obtained from the designed distributed amplifier.
Fig. 10. Input and output matching network impedances at the package plane.

impedances and electrical lengths. It is seen that the first line the fundamental band impedance and harmonic band reactance
on the input match is not commensurate, and was incorpo- roll-off occurred. Stability networks were also integrated into
rated to minimize the discontinuity between the device tab the layout to prevent low-frequency oscillations. The layout of
and the circuit. This allows for greater precision in predicting the final amplifier is shown in Fig. 12. Figs. 13 and 14 display
the impedance presented to the device when converted to the measured impedances presented by the input and output mi-
microstrip. The parameter was chosen at 0.38 to produce an crostrip matching networks. The losses over the higher third har-
output harmonic band reactance roll-off, which remains within monic band frequencies in the output match are greater than ex-
the high-efficiency regions. The input harmonic band termina- pected, due to large resonances occurring from the wide lines.
tions were found to have minimal effect on the efficiency so the However, the presented third harmonic terminations lie in the
primary concern was given to accuracy in fundamental input high-efficiency region of the reactance plane while providing
matching. It was also necessary to ensure the characteristic sufficiently high impedance to allow the nonlinearity to
impedance of the lines do not exceed the chosen bounds of shape the waveforms advantageously and maintain high perfor-
. This gave practical dimensions for mi- mance.
crostrip fabrication, based on the RF35 board parameters and The commercially available 10-W Cree CGH40010FE GaN
frequency of operation. Fig. 10 shows the matching network HEMT packaged device was used for implementation. A gate
impedance trajectories on the Smith chart, where the output bias of 3.2 V was chosen, giving a quiescent current of 10 mA
match lies inside the contours across the fundamental band with with the drain bias set at 28 V. A Taconic RF35 board was se-
the harmonic band trajectory remaining in the high-efficiency lected with a board thickness of 1.52 mm, a copper thickness of
region. Thus, the design goals are obtained across the 50% 35 m, and an . The PA was tested with continuous
bandwidth, as shown in Fig. 11. wave (CW) excitation from 1.45–2.45 GHz and the results are
illustrated in Fig. 15. It can be seen that greater than 70% effi-
V. FABRICATION AND EXPERIMENTAL TESTS ciency is obtained from 1.45–2.45 GHz giving a bandwidth of
Firstly, the distributed circuit shown in Fig. 9 was converted 51%. The maximum efficiency measured across the band is 81%
to microstrip for fabrication and testing. Upon transformation at 1.7 GHz with a maximum power-added efficiency (PAE) of
to microstrip, it was necessary to tune the length of the lines 74.6% at 1.6 GHz. Across the band at least 11 W of power is
to compensate for large discontinuities between high and low delivered with a maximum power of 16.8 W, corresponding to
characteristic impedances. Careful monitoring of the second and 40.4–42.2 dBm. Gain between 10–12.6 dB was also measured.
third harmonic band reactance roll-off when tuning ensured they Fig. 16 shows a picture of the final PA. A comparison with sim-
did not enter the low-efficiency regions. Bias networks were in- ilar contemporary state-of-the-art broadband PA results is out-
corporated into the circuit at points where minimal impact on lined in Table I, and it is evident this work surpasses the others

Fig. 12. Final amplifier layout.


To validate the potential of the switch-mode PA for use with
modulated excitations, it was then necessary to explore its
capability for linearization by applying DPD. Fig. 17(a) shows
the load lines of the amplifier at 2.14 GHz under different
levels of output power back-off (OPBO). It is seen that the
PA exits the nonlinear switching region after approximately 3
dB of OPBO, corresponding to a linearity improvement while
maintaining high efficiency at 66%, as shown in Fig. 17(b).
This demonstrates the potential for switch-mode PAs to deliver
excellent performance with amplitude modulated signals due
to the high peak efficiency. For accommodating the 6.5-dB
peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the proposed excitation
signals, approximately 6.5 dB of OPBO is required, which
corresponds to a DE of 42% with a CW drive signal, as shown
Fig. 13. Measured input matching network impedances of the final amplifier.
in Fig. 17(b).
Due to its moderate implementation complexity and excel-
lent linearization performance, DPD has been largely used for
improving the linearity of PAs. In order to linearize the de-
signed continuous Class-F PA, in this paper, we use the simpli-
fied second-order dynamic deviation reduction-based Volterra
series model proposed in [23]. The predistortion testbench was
set up as shown in Fig. 18. Initially, a baseband in-phase/quadra-
ture (I/Q) complex signal was created in MATLAB, and fed to the
baseband and RF boards to modulate and up-convert to the RF
frequency. The modulated RF signal was finally then sent to the
PA. At the output, the RF signal was down-converted and de-
modulated to baseband for DPD coefficient extraction [24]. The
baseband I/Q data sampling rate was set at 368.64 Msamples/s.

A. DPD With 20-MHz Single-Carrier LTE Signal

In the first test, a 20-MHz single-carrier LTE signal was used
to excite the designed continuous Class-F PA. The memory
length parameter and the order of the nonlinearity for
DPD were set as and (48 coefficients in total).
The linearization performance can be evaluated in both the
Fig. 14. Measured output matching network impedances of the final amplifier. time and frequency domains. The time-domain AM/AM and
AM/PM characterization plots are shown in Fig. 19, where
it can be seen that both the static nonlinearities and memory
in terms of frequency of operation, output power, and DE across effects are almost completely removed after linearization. In the
the band. frequency domain, the continuous Class-F PA output spectra

Fig. 15. Measured results of the final amplifier from 1.45 to 2.45 GHz.

Fig. 16. Photograph of final continuous Class-F PA.


with and without predistortion are shown in Fig. 20, where

we can see the spectral regrowth has been significantly re-
duced. Furthermore, the adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR),
Fig. 17. (a) Continuous Class-F loadlines at 2.14 GHz with OPBO. (b) PA
normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) [25], output efficiency variation with OPBO at 2.14 GHz.
power, and DE before and after DPD are listed in Table II.
From Table II, we can see that after application of the DPD,
the ACPR at 20-MHz offset is reduced from 30.1 and ACPR below 53 and 55 dBc at 20 and 40-MHz offset,
29.1 dBc to 53.7 and 53.1 dBc, whereas at 40-MHz respectively.
offset the reduction in ACPR is from 53.4 and 53.8 dBc to
55.7 and 55.5 dBc. The NRMSE is substantially improved B. DPD With 40-MHz Multicarrier W-CDMA Signal
from 8.44% to 1.05%. Though the output power and DE Utilizing excitation signals with wider bandwidths implies
suffer minor loss (around 0.3% loss), the linearity has been a further degradation in ACPR, which significantly increases
significantly improved (around 25-dB improvement at first the difficulty in meeting the demanding linearity requirements.
adjacent ACPR) by the DPD. As a result, the designed PA can To further evaluate the performance of the designed contin-
supply 35.77 dBm of output power with 46.2% DE, resulting in uous Class-F PA with linearization, a 40-MHz eight-carrier


Fig. 18. Predistortion testbench setup.

Fig. 19. AM/AM and AM/PM plots for 20-MHz signal carrier LTE signal with
and without DPD.

Fig. 21. AM/AM and AM/PM plots for 40-MHz eight-carrier WCDMA signal
with and without DPD.

can be achieved with ACPR down to 49.7 and 49.4 dBc

at 5-MHz offset, with 52.1 and 52.3 dBc at 10-MHz
offset. The NRMSE is reduced from 10.77% to 1.44%. Though
the bandwidth of eight-carrier W-CDMA is double that of
LTE signal used in the first test, the designed PA can supply
35.41 dBm of output power and 46% DE with ACPR below
49 and 52 dBc at 5- and 10-MHz offset, respectively.

C. Continuous Class-F and Doherty PA Comparison

Fig. 20. PA output spectra for 20-MHz LTE signal with and without DPD.
Although the continuous Class-F PA operates in the highly
nonlinear switch-mode region with peak drive, it has been
W-CDMA signal was used as excitation to the PA. The non- shown to be linearizable and surpass the spectral mask re-
linear order and memory length was set as and quirements under modulated excitation. The linearized results
(73 coefficients in total). By similarly illustrating the lineariza- with 20-MHz LTE and 40-MHz eight-carrier W-CDMA
tion performance in the time domain, the AM/AM and AM/PM signals merits a comparison with a selection of comparable
plots are shown in Fig. 21, where we can see that the PA suffers state-of-the-art linearized PAs, as shown in Table IV. This
from stronger nonlinearities and longer memory effects as indicates similar results in terms of linearity and efficiency
expected. After employing the DPD, the nonlinearity has been between the Doherty and continuous Class-F PAs under modu-
largely alleviated. In the frequency domain, the spectra of the lated signal drive. The designed PA was also the only amplifier
PA output are shown in Fig. 22 with ACPR, NRMSE, output reported in Table IV that was completely linearized over a
power, and DE listed in Table III. As expected, the ACPR per- 40-MHz bandwidth, while still delivering excellent efficiency
formance without linearization is considerably worse with the performance. The superior bandwidth performance of the con-
40-MHz drive signal, only 25.6 and 24.9 dBc at 5-MHz tinuous Class-F provides a major advantage over the Doherty
offset, whereas 26.1 and 26.7 dBc at 10-MHz offset were architecture as it is not limited by narrowband quarter-wave
obtained. After employing DPD, an improvement of 25 dB transformers. Also, the reduction in circuit complexity and ease

harmonic band reactances. This reduced the complexity of the

design to that of a fundamental matching problem. The SRFT
distributed synthesis algorithm provides a powerful tool for then
accurately realizing desired fundamental impedances across a
band while simultaneously providing optimum harmonic band
reactance roll-off. Measurements of the fabricated amplifier re-
veal greater than 70% DE with at least 11 W of output power
from 1.45 to 2.45 GHz, representing a 51% bandwidth.
Linearization was accomplished with a 20-MHz LTE signal
and a 40-MHz eight-carrier W-CDMA signal at 2.14 GHz,
which both exceeded the spectral emissions mask and in-band
distortion requirements. Drain efficiencies of 46%, with greater
than 35 dBm of output power were obtained in both cases,
which were shown to outperform similar contemporary Doherty
PA results. The vastly superior bandwidth performance of this
Fig. 22. PA output spectra for 40-MHz eight-carrier WCDMA signal with and amplifier and its relatively simple circuit design demonstrates
without DPD. a robust PA for modern high-efficiency linear transceiver
architectures in wideband or multiband operation.
[1] D. F. Kimball et al., “High-efficiency envelope tracking W-CDMA
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[9] H. L. Krauss, C. W. Bostain, and F. H. Raab, Solid State Radio Engi-
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of design makes the continuous Class-F PA more attractive [13] V. Carrubba et al., “On the extension of the continuous class-F mode
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[14] N. Tuffy, A. Zhu, and T. J Brazil, “Novel realisation of a broadband
high-efficiency continuous class-F power amplifier,” in IEEE Eur. Mi-
VII. CONCLUSION crow. Conf., Oct. 2011, pp. 120–123.
The continuous Class-F amplifier has been analyzed to de- [15] B. S. Yarman and H. J. Carlin, “A simplified “real frequency” technique
applied to broadband multistage microwave amplifiers,” IEEE Trans.
velop a strategy for alleviating the demanding impedance re- Microw. Theory Tech, vol. MTT-30, no. 12, pp. 2216–2222, Dec. 1982.
quirements, and to provide approximated continuous Class-F [16] J. D. Rhodes, “Output universality in maximum efficiency power am-
operation over wide bandwidths. The nonlinear was seen to plifiers,” Int. J. Theoretical Appl., vol. 31, pp. 385–405, 2003.
[17] J. Moon, J. Kim, and B. Kim, “Investigation of a class-J power ampli-
be critical in shaping the waveforms and reducing the sensitivity fier with a nonlinear for optimized operation,” IEEE Trans. Mi-
of the amplifier performance to variations in second and third crow. Theory Tech., vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 2800–2811, Nov. 2010.

[18] P. J. Tasker and J. Benedikt, “Waveform inspired models and the Lei Guan (S’09) received the B.E. and M.E. degrees
harmonic balance emulator,” IEEE Microw. Mag., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. in electronic engineering from the Harbin Institute
38–54, Apr. 2011. of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2006 and 2008, re-
[19] H. J. Carlin and J. J. Komiak, “A new method of broadband equaliza- spectively, and is currently working toward the Ph.D.
tion applied to microwave amplifiers,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory degree at University College Dublin.
Tech., vol. MTT-27, no. 2, pp. 93–99, Feb. 1979. He is currently with the RF and Microwave
[20] B. S. Yarman and A. Aksen, “An integrated design tool to construct Research Group, University College Dublin.
lossless matching networks with mixed lumped and distributed ele- His research interests include linearization and
ments,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Fundam. Theory Appl., vol. 39, system-level modeling of RF/microwave PAs with
no. 9, pp. 713–723, Sep. 1992. an emphasis on DPD based on Volterra series and
[21] B. S. Yarman, Design of Ultra Wideband Power Transfer Networks. its field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) hardware
New York: Wiley, 2010. implementation. He also has interests in nonlinear system identification algo-
[22] D. Y.-T. Wu et al., “Design of a broadband and highly efficient 45 W rithms, digital signal processing (DSP), and wireless communication system
GaN power amplifier via simplified real frequency technique,” in IEEE design.
MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Jun. 2010, pp. 1090–1093.
[23] L. Guan and A. Zhu, “Simplified dynamic deviation reduction-based
Volterra model for Doherty power amplifiers,” in IEEE Int. Integr.
Nonlinear Microw. Millimeter-Wave Circuits Workshop, Vienna, Aus- Anding Zhu (S’00–M’04) received the B.E. degree
tria, Apr. 2011, pp. 1–4. in telecommunication engineering from North China
[24] L. Guan and A. Zhu, “Dual-loop model extraction for digital predis- Electric Power University, Baoding, China, in 1997,
tortion of wideband RF power amplifiers,” IEEE Microw. Wireless the M.E. degree in computer applications from the
Compon. Lett., vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 501–503, Sep. 2011. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
[25] A. Zhu, P. J. Draxler, J. J. Yan, T. J. Brazil, D. F. Kimball, and P. Beijing, China, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree in elec-
M. Asbeck, “Open-loop digital predistorter for RF power amplifiers tronic engineering from University College Dublin
using dynamic deviation reduction-based Volterra series,” IEEE Trans. (UCD), Dublin, Ireland, in 2004.
Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 1524–1534, Jul. 2008. He is currently a Lecturer with the School of Elec-
[26] H. Xu et al., “A high-efficiency class-E GaN HEMT power amplifier trical, Electronic and Communications Engineering,
at 1.9 GHz,” in IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., Jan. 2006, vol. UCD. His research interests include high-frequency
16, no. 1, pp. 22–24. nonlinear system modeling and device characterization techniques with a par-
[27] P. Wright, J. Lees, J. Benedikt, P. J. Tasker, and S. C. Cripps, “A ticular emphasis on Volterra-series-based behavioral modeling and linearization
methodology for realizing high efficiency class-J in a linear broad- for RF PAs. He is also interested in wireless and RF system design, digital signal
band PA,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 57, no. 12, pp. processing, and nonlinear system identification algorithms.
3196–3204, Dec. 2009.
[28] M. P. van der Heijden, M. Acar, and J. S. Vromans, “A compact 12-watt
high-efficiency 2.1–2.7 GHz class-E GaN HEMT power amplifier for
base stations,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Jun. 2009, pp.
657–660. Thomas J. Brazil (M’86–SM’02–F’04) received the
[29] J. Wang, Y. Xu, and X. Zhu, “Digital predistorted inverse class-F GaN B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Univer-
PA with novel PAPR reduction technique,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Mi- sity College Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland, in 1973,
crow. Symp. Dig., Jun. 5–10, 2011, pp. 1–1. and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from
the National University of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, in
He was subsequently involved with microwave
subsystem development with Plessey Research,
Caswell, U.K., prior to rejoining UCD in 1980. He
is currently a Professor of electronic engineering
and Head of the School of Electrical, Electronic and
Communications Engineering, UCD. His research interests are in the fields
Neal Tuffy (S’12) received the B.E. degree in elec- of nonlinear modeling and characterization techniques at the device, circuit,
tronic engineering from University College Dublin, and system levels. He also has interests in nonlinear simulation algorithms
Dublin, Ireland, in 2006, and is currently working to- and several areas of microwave subsystem design and applications. He has
ward the Ph.D. degree at University College Dublin. authored or coauthored numerous publications appearing in international
He is currently with the RF and Microwave scientific literature.
Research Group, University College Dublin. His Prof. Brazil is a Fellow of Engineer Ireland. He is a member of the Royal Irish
research interests include waveform engineering Academy. From 1998 to 2001, he was an IEEE Microwave Theory and Tech-
techniques, particularly for the design and fabrica- niques Society (MTT-S) Worldwide Distinguished Lecturer in high-frequency
tion of high-efficiency broadband PAs. computer-aided design (CAD) applied to wireless systems. He is currently a
member of the IEEE MTT-1 Technical Committee on CAD.

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